02-17-2005 PLIBMThe February 17, 2005 meeting of the Pioneedand Library System Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Garrison Hale. New members introduced were Joe Fagnano, Raye McKim, Todd Patzer and Jeff Olson. Guests were Sheila Bosch, New London/ Spicer Head Librarian and Cindy Hendrickx, Appleton Head Librarian. A quorum was announced. Director Houlahan passed around a draft of the Mardag Foundation Report for members to see. Changes to the agenda by Hale were V1.A4 to Info, add V1A7 Furniture Purchase, change V1132 to Info, and add 1X.4. Beason Library Meeting. Weiberg motioned to approve the agenda as amended. Second by Reigstad. Carried. Wilde motioned to approve the 112012005 minutes.. Second by Reigstad. Carried. Wilde motioned to authorize Dir. Houlahan and Beth Lunn to begin negotiations with III to replace the PALS system. Second by Sandberg. Carried. Amy Wilde presented for the Finance Committee. Wilde motioned to accept the Jan. `fly Finance report. Second by Antony. Carried. Wilde motioned to approve the Bills & Check Registers. Second by ReckdahL Carried. We have some fund tranfers resulting from a refund of overpaid PERA monies. These dollars are being transferred back to the local libraries as well as interest earned on vacafionlsick leave and Mardag funds. Wilde motioned to do the fund transfers from PLS back to the local libraries. Second by Setzepilandt. Mardag report info will be presented with the Director's report. There is a grant available for PLS to participate in wherein a library kiosk would be placed in a public location within Pioneedand. Wilde motioned to not participate in the grant and to suggest to the offerers that the dollars would be better used to upgrade current technology. Second by Weiberg. Carded. PLS can apply for a $15,000 grant to help offset cost of delivery. This is federal dollars. Approval of grant application will be requested at the March meeting. The PLS central office needs replacement of very old (13 -15 years) desk chairs. There was $2500 in the budget for this but new Cost will be around $3000. W!� rn -toned to aiMorize the purchase of new furniture for the central office for up to $3000. Second by Reigstad. Carried. Dan Reigstad presented for the Personnel Committee. There were no new employees in the past month. Board members should review the new policies in the packet for discussion and approval at next months meeting. Reigstad motioned to approve the Administrative Specialist position description with the addition of #8- Other dudes as assigned. Second by Hennemann. Carried. Garrison Hale presented for the Executive Committee. Committee list is in the packet. There area number of new policies that will be distributed to the appropriate committees to work on. There is anew Ad Hoc committee to look into finances that will be two groups headed by Wilde and Weiberg. Let director know if interested in these committees. We need 7 board members. This is a short term committee that will dissolve when a plan is in place. Hale also presented a talk on the State of the Library and what its going to look like in the 21s, century. This talk will be presented around the state. The State Library board will also be looking at redoing MN Statute 134 to be more current. Old Business. The awards banquet will be held on the April meeting date at Ridgewater College. There will be a 5:30 reception with dinner from 6 -7 and a board meeting at 7:00 followed by the awards. At 7:45 there will be a speaker. Please get nominations for Hall of Fame in by the March Board meeting. Cost is $19.00 for guests. Board members' dinners will be paid by PLS. New Trustees let Dir. Houlahan know if it will work to have orientation prior to that meeting. There is no New Business. Director Houlahan presented his report. Legislative Day is coming soon and the House is working on a bonding bill that could mean $2 million for library capital improvements. There was a library meeting at Benson to discuss Head Librarian Pat Cina's retirement and how to proceed. She will refire in late May. Present were John Baker, Garrison Hale, Barb Nelson, Dir. Houlahan and members of the city council and Friends of the Library. Discussion included combining the Benson position with another head librarian position as others in PLS have already done. Dir. Houlahan also presented information on the Mardag Grant and what we are doing with A. We have spent about'/ of the dollars and would like an extension to use knowledge gained to develop use for remaining dollars. For the July Trustee training meeting, we will try and get so that we can meet together with SAMMIE and Plum Creek as well as PLS. The August meeting will be changed to a non - meeting date. Other: Dir. Houlahan requested that the board also send Chair Hale to the ALA conference in Chicago in June. Setzepfandt motioned to send Hale. Second by Hennemann. Carried. Reckdahl motioned to adjoum. Second by Reigstad. Meeting adjourned at 8:40. Stacey Schuette Secretary 5 (G-�3