11-22-2004 LIBMMinutes Hutchinson Library Board Meeting November 22, 2004 Members present: Kay Peterson, Newt Potter, Connie Lambert, Mary Henke (Librarian), and Larry Ladd Members absent: Julie Jensen, Kay Johnson The meeting was called to order by President Connie Lambert. The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and approved. Report: Jack Sandberg gave a report on the PLS Board meeting of Nov. 18. • PLS has developed a contract with Appleton Correctional Facility • Decrease in book budget from $200, 000 to $158,000 for PLS libraries • PLS has issued a grant to Granite Falls Library so they can maintain acceptable level of service. • PLS has developed procedure for selling books on E -Bay. • Libraries, based on budget, are designated small, medium and large. An adjustment to reflect Midwest Consumer Price Index was made. • PLS did not approve mileage for librarians attending Labor Management Committee meetings. • Willmar Library received a $25,000 anonymous gift. • Committee is working on method of evaluating Director. • Disaster plan being developed to aid local libraries. • Foundation grant from Mardag implemented. Old Business: 1. Jack Sandberg was reappointed to PLS Board. 2. Librarian Portraits —No new portraits have been located. Even though unable to locate portraits of all past librarians, we'll proceed with display. Friends of the library will be consulted about funding the project. 3. New Century Charter School computer instruction grant is proceeding. Student has been appointed to take leadership in program development. 4. Reshingling of old section of library roof completed last month. 5. Entry area light fixtures bid has been received. The two fixtures are uniquely designed for the areas. Motion made by Larry Ladd, seconded by Newt Potter to purchase two fixtures for entry at a cost of $3,390. Passed. 6. Discussion of 2005 city and county budget requests. Both city and county supportive of request for A increase. New business: 1. New employees joining the staff are Mary Ann Price and Sally Menton. Next meeting: Monday, December 27at 4:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned. The following donations Hutchinson Lioness Club Joel Sheggeby Harlan Ackland Barbara Remund Scope Resource Center Total Nere received for Sept. and Oct. 2004: $150 $ 15 $ 50 $ 10 150 $375