07-21-2010 CSMCREEKSIDE RENEWABLES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES Creekside Compost Facility July 21, 2010, 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Bill Arndt, Brandon Fraser, Bob Peterson, Bob Anderson, Marian Filk, Nathan Winters Absent: Juli Neubarth Others Present: Doug Johnson, Andy Kosek, Dave Blumberg, Jeremy Carter, Gary Plotz 1. Approval of April 21, 2010 minutes. Brandon Fraser asked that the April 21, 2010, minutes include reference to the recycling credit being used as a reinvestment to Creekside if it is not returned to the users. Motion by Anderson, second by Fraser to approve the minutes with the addition noted above. 2. Welcome New Members Doug Johnson, Creekside Manager, introduced Assistant Finance Director, Dave Blumberg. He also introduced new members to the Board. They include Bob Peterson, Juli Neubarth, and Nathan Winters. 3. Discussion of Board Purpose Gary Plotz, City Administrator, shared that after discussion with the City Council about having a combination board with a Tree Board and Environmental Board, it was decided to keep the Compost Advisory Board focused on Creekside. As part of this, the name of the enterprise and board has been renamed "Creekside Renewables." This is mainly due to the facility being involved in activities that expand beyond soils (i.e., bagging, concrete, other renewable energy projects). Gary Plotz reviewed the ordinance establishing the Creekside Renewables Advisory Board. The number of citizen members needs to be changed from five to six. Doug Johnson, compost facility manager, expressed that he would like to use the Board as a supporting background to take recommendations to the Council. Gary Plotz then made introductions of those in attendance. 4. Update of Season Sales Andy Kosek, compost site lead, provided an overview on bag sales, which are down approximately 70,000 compared to last year. Part of this is due to losing a color - mulch customer in Iowa. Bulk colored -mulch sales are down drastically mainly due to the customer over - pricing on materials. The decrease in sales has not necessarily affected the bottom line. Staff is currently working on screening since the bagging season is done. Manure is being hauled in today. Jeremy Carter, Finance Director, noted that activities include building inventory and screening. 5. Financials Jeremy Carter reviewed the balance sheet cash on hand, accounts receivable, and inventory. Total retained earnings as of June 30, 2010 were $3,710,351. Jeremy Carter then reviewed income statements as of June 30, 2010. These numbers include reducing bag prices in order to potentially gain new customers. Rental equipment is down to reduce costs. The bottom line profit shows $320,000. 6. Garlic Festival Update Doug Johnson explained that festival organizers wish to have a zero waste program at the festival. Creekside will provide a dumpster and container at no cost. If material is less than 5 %, no tip fee will be charged. All products used must be recycled or composted. The hope is that the Arts and Crafts Festival and County Fair will use the program as a model. 7. Waste to Concrete Demo Doug Johnson explained that concrete and residuals from source - separated waste can create a concrete material. A demo area is going to be established on -site. Brandon Fraser expressed some concern with freezing - thawing process and the reaction with organics. He also mentioned controls to use during testing of the material. 8. Miscellaneous Brandon Fraser raised the issue of elimination of recycling credit and inquired about any change in the amount of recycling activity. Jeremy Carter noted that no drop off of customers has been seen with Waste Management or with Solid Waste. Brandon Fraser also inquired about the wet season, specifically whether consideration has been given regarding water going to waste treatment and whether those costs are burdened by the sewer department. John Paulson's, City environmental specialist's, research showed that cost and testing was approximately $6,000 - $8,000. Brandon Fraser asked if it was fair to not charge sewer to Creekside. The point was made that at present there is no good measurement on volume to bill appropriately. The matter will continue to be researched. Bob Anderson discussed a strong odor coming from the site. Mr. Anderson asked that the site work on controlling the odors. Doug Johnson said that they will be addressed as best as possible. Brandon Fraser expressed that he would like to get a ballpark figure of what dollar amount of flow goes to the sanitaiy sewer. Jeremy Carter thought, based on past figures, it was $15,000 - $20,000 worth. More information will come. Motion by Bob Anderson, second by Brandon Fraser, to adjourn at 5:45 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.