04-21-2010 CSMCREEK SIDE SOILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Creekside Compost Facility April 21, 2010, 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Brandon Fraser, Bob Anderson, Marion Filk, Bill Arndt, Doug Johnson Others Present: Steve Heintz, Gary Plotz 1. Approval of January 20, 2010 minutes. Motion by Bob Anderson, second by Marion Filk, to approve minutes from January 20, 2010. Motion carried unanimously. 2. 1't Quarter Financials Steve Heintz reviewed the Creekside balance sheet through March 31, 2010. The sheet showed total retained earnings equal to $3,200,000. Doug Johnson, Creekside Manager, reviewed the activity to date at the facility. Steve Heintz reviewed Creekside's income statement for the first quarter. Gross profit showed $137,358 with a total income statement presentation of $71,472. Expenses are from the first couple of months of the year when no revenue was generated. Brandon Fraser asked if the excess monies could be reinvested or if it was feasible to lower the cost of refuse charges, instead of transferring it to the general field. It was explained that this transfer helps the City as a whole by assisting with the general fiend. Mr. Fraser expressed that he felt the Creekside enterprise field should work independently and that if there are excess monies, he felt it should be used to diminish costs to residents. The refuse balance sheet showed retained earnings totaling $2,500,000 and the income statement showed a total of $9,201. Explanation was given regarding cash balances. 3. BioCycle Conference Overview Gary Plotz explained that he and Doug Johnson presented at the BioCycle Conference in San Diego last week. They gave presentations on "Crash Course on How to Compost." Part of Mr. Johnson's presentation was coupled with a presentation on odor control_ Mr. Plotz and Mr. Johnson presented on Creekside as a project: Collecting 4 Marketing 4 Profit. They were the only entity at the conference that presented a whole package. Mr. Plotz and Mr. Johnson were able to visit three other facilities while in California. The state of California has enacted laws against city entities making profits from these types of facilities. Mr. Plotz and Mr. Johnson also presented with Garick (Home Depot) on how to collaborate in partnerships. The conference organization paid for a portion of Mr. Plotz's and Mr. Johnson's hotel bill because they felt their presentations were outstanding. Mr. Johnson was able to network to potentially sell some equipment. A one page report on the conference will be provided to the City Council. It was discussed that Filtrek socks may be a new product for Creekside. Also discussed was the issue of a current customer looking at a new provider. 4. Advisory Board Structure Update Gary Plotz noted that the mayor wants to meet with a few people to see if enacting a more comprehensive board would be of value, such as a Tree Board /Compost /Environmental Board. Mr. Fraser commented that perhaps it may be best to keep them separate, since some board functions would be for enterprise fields and others would be in an advisory capacity for general field operations. It was expressed that perhaps Doug Johnson should attend Tree Board meetings and Dolf Moon, PRCE Director, should attend Compost Board meetings. 5. Miscellaneous Bob Anderson inquired about grinding. Doug Johnson responded that some logs and brush have been done. Gary Plotz noted that this is the busiest time of year for Creekside, particularly the next 90 days. Because of that, Bonnie Baumetz, who currently works as the Planning Coordinator 32 hours a week, will help with Creekside billing, bringing her up to a 40 -hour work week. The Building Inspector is also assisting 20 hours per week at Creekside to maximize efficiency. Motion by Bob Anderson, second by Brandon Fraser, to adjourn at 5:40 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.