10-21-2009 CSMCREEK SIDE SOILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Creekside Compost Facility October 21, 2009, 4:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Bill Arndt. Members Present: Marian Filk, Bob Anderson, Bill Arndt and Brandon Fraser Others Present: Gary Plotz, Doug Johnson, Jeremy Carter and Steve Heintz 1. Approval of minutes from April 8, 2009, and July 15, 2009 Motion by Anderson, second Filk to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Brief update of open house Doug Johnson reported that over 800 people attended the open house. Great comments were received by those who attended and many noted attending the open house was a great educational opportunity. The Master Gardeners group attended as a vendor. 3. 3' quarter financials Steve Heintz, Assistant Finance Director, presented the third quarter financials. Mr. Heintz reviewed the balance sheet as of 9/30/09 that holds a total retained earning of $3,210,976. Heintz then reviewed the income statement which showed a $70,000 gain from Q3 of 2008. Heintz reviewed the Refuse balance sheet as of 9/30/09 which holds a total retained earnings of $2,614,005. The Refuse income statement is about $100,000 lower than Q3 2008, yet has a total revenue of $107,831. Gary Plotz spoke briefly about the contract renewal for refuse services. He also spoke about alternatives to collection of organics, such as vacuuming of leaves from boulevards. Projections are very close to the actual budget. 4. Miscellaneous Doug Johnson reported that bag sales are currently projected at 1.9 million for the year. Brandon Fraser asked about a methane capture that is being put in place at the McLeod County landfill. Johnson clarified that no methane is being manufactured at Creekside because of the aerobic process. Gary Plotz noted that carbon credits should be coming. Plotz also noted that leaves are not to be brought to the landfill. Plotz further noted that Mayor Cook hosted a meeting with Daryl Luthens to look into methane. The capital costs were so great that it will not be feasible for Mr. Luthens at this time. General discussion was held regarding carbon credits. Doug Johnson asked for ideas of the advisory board and ways to enhance the board. Term limits and such still have to be formally set. Gary Plotz spoke about the benefits of the advisory board. The formal structure is hope to be reviewed at a future meeting. Motion by Anderson, second by Arndt to adjourn at 5:10 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.