04-08-2009 CSMCREEK SIDE SOILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Creekside Compost Facility April 8, 2009, 4:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Bill Arndt, Robert Anderson, Brandon Fraser, Marion Filk, Randy DeVries Others Present: Doug Johnson — CreekSide Manager, Jeremy Carter — Finance Director, Gary Plotz — City Administrator, Mayor Steve Cook 1. Approval of minutes from February 23, 2009 Motion by Fraser, second by Anderson, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Update of Strategic Plan. Doug Johnson provided an update on the strategic plan. As suggested at the last Creekside board meeting, community education was added as a separate goal under Strategy 3 — Direct More Waste from Landfill. Robert Anderson asked about the PeachTree software that had been implemented a couple of years ago. It was explained that the manufacturing models used in the PeachTree system were removed, therefore the City's current financial system has been utilized. Jeremy Carter explained how the financial system can provide reporting information. In addition, an additional goal of "Create Local Public Relations" under Goal 2 — Work on Sustainability was included. Johnson explained a Monerva computer program which links policies and procedures to operations. Johnson asked that the board review the plan and it will be discussed again at the next meeting. 3 . Update of Orders Being Shipped for Spring Johnson distributed information showing bag and bulk products shipped from October 2007 — September 2008 and October 2008 — September 2009. Thus far, to date, 40,000 less were shipped this year than last year in bagged product. Contract bagging has yet to be shipped out. Discussion was held regarding Emeral Ashbore getting into Creekside products. It could potentially be burned. Mark Schnbrich, City Forester, is working on a plan at a county level. 4. Discussion of Proposal for a Building Addition to the Bagging Building Johnson has been approached by other businesses to complete custom bagging. Ideally, the bagging operation will become a year -round operation. Johnson is proposing to add on an enclosed portion to the bagging building in order to operate year - round. Expansion could cost $200,000 (hoop structure, natural light, boiler burning own material). A pro forma would be completed before anything would move forward. Brandon Fraser sugg ested instead of making the Creekside transfer allocation to the general fund, the transfer should be made to the expansion of the building or to help adjust water rates. 5. Black top of Bagged Product Storage Area Johnson explained that black topping is essential. Product is stored on dirt and ails shipped product. Fraser asked about billing out for runoff. DeVries noted that the gallons per day can be measured for sanitary sewer charges. Anderson proposed using bit -con product on site. Johnson noted that bit -con settles about an inch which breaks pallets when product is removed. 6. Miscellaneous Anderson noted that a local landscaper had told him there was contamination in CreekSide's potting soil. Johnson explained that he has not received that feedback from any landscaper. Product typically contains less than 1% of weed seed. Arndt suggested that the Creekside board meeting on a quarterly basis on the third Wednesday of each month. The next meeting will be held on July 15, 2009, at 4:30 p.m. at the City Center. Motion by Anderson, second by Arndt, to adjourn at 5:40 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.