02-23-2009 CSMCREEK SIDE SOILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Creekside Compost Facility Febwary 23, 2009, 4:00 p.m. Members Present: Bill Arndt, Robert Anderson, Brandon Fraser, Marion Filk Others Present: Doug Johnson — CreekSide Manager, Jeremy Carter — Finance Director, Gary Plotz — City Administrator, Mayor Steve Cook 1. Approval of minutes from December 27, 2008 Anderson asked for clarification in paragraph 3 related to the profit forecasted for 2009 compared to the 2009 budget. Jeremy Carter explained the differences between a budget presentation and a year -end income statement. Motion by Anderson, second by Fraser, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 2. 2008 & 2009 Financial Review Jeremy Carter, Finance Director, presented the 2008 actuals to budget (unaudited). The revenues over expenses show $101,376.00. Carter then reviewed a 2008 balance sheet for refuse. Total retained earnings total $2,492,914.00. Carter then reviewed CreekSide's income statement for 2008. The income statement showed a $1.5 million in gross profits with $235,000 in revenues over expenses. Discussion was held regarding a large custom- bagging contract that was retained in 2008 and renewed in 2009. Fraser raised the issue on how the City (CreekSide) competes with private industry. It was realized that there typically isn't an industry in the private sector that can provide the exact service that Creekside does. Carter then reviewed the 2008 Creekside balance sheet. The total retained earnings total $3.3 million (total assets minus the total liabilities). Strategic Plan Strategies Johnson explained that four new goals have been identified in CreekSide's strategic plan: 1. Document all policies and procedures 2. Work on sustainability 3. Direct more waste from landfill 4. Look at alternatives for waste and renewables More detail was provided on each of these goals. Plotz went into more detail on Goal 4 and plans CreelcSide has on getting into renewable energy. Perhaps a name change of "CreelcSide Renewables" could be considered at a later date. Fraser commented that this direction should be headed down sooner than later. Arndt commented on burning corn cobs as well as they provide a tremendous amount of heat. Fraser asked if MPCAS controls procedures related to renewable energy production. Johnson mentioned that the MPCA regulates this type of production now. Cook suggested having community education be a goal in and of itself rather than just a tactic under Goal 3. Carter mentioned that community needs to be defined as well. �. 2009 Work Plan Overview Johnson stated that new hours of operation will be put in place at CreelcSide. CreelcSide staff conducted a detailed study that measured customer counts to the half hour. CreelcSide will be adjusting their hours based on this study. Johnson reviewed a business plan that he and his lead employee created. The business plan outlines the number of employees needed to accomplish certain tasks. The plan shows that CreelcSide will need to add three part -time employees in the near future. Additional shifts may need to be added as well to accomplish the large bagging production. This will mean 10 hour days for 2 — 2 '/ months, including a few Saturdays. An extension to the bagging building would curtail extended hours. Fraser suggested putting the work plan into an Excel spreadsheet which will calculate work hours, etc. 5. Miscellaneous Cook asked how local sales were going (i.e. Runnings, etc.). Plotz noted that the local retailers liked having CreelcSide product on hand and no merchants have pulled out of the program. Arndt noted that he has received a request that CreelcSide put soil down on the city -owned garden plot. Johnson will check into it and speak with Sara Witte from the Parks Department. Motion by Anderson, second by Arndt, to adjourn at 5:50 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.