12-17-2008 CSMCREEK SIDE SOILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Creekside Compost Facility December 17, 2008, 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Bill Arndt, Robert Anderson, Brandon Fraser Member Absent: Marion Filk Others Present: Doug Johnson, Jeremy Carter, Gary Plotz, Andy Kosek 1. Approval of minutes from February 13, 2008 Motion by Anderson, second by Arndt, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 2. 2008 Financial Review Jeremy Carter, Finance Director, review the 2008 financial statements for Creekside. Revenues through November 2008 are at $2.4 million. Expenditures are at $22 million, leaving a profit of $143,000. A profit will remain for 2008. The Minneapolis contract is complete. Doug Johnson, Creekside Manager, noted that the custom bagging operations, bulk sales and completion of the Minneapolis contract aided in the profit for 2008. Carter explained that four funds have been broken out: Creekside, Refuse, Water and Wastewater. Carter then reviewed the balance sheet from each fund. In the Refuse fund, the main fees relate to the contract with Waste Management and the landfill for disposal. 2009 Proposed Budget A 20% reduction in sales is built in to the 2009 budget, as well as elimination of the Minneapolis contract. Creekside is forecasting $2.455 million in expenditures and $2.446 in revenues. Line items were reviewed within the 2009 budget. The income statement shows $249,000 profit. Doug Johnson raised concerns about not having the accounting assistance he planned on during 2009 due to the vacancy of the Assistant Finance Director position. The contractual services budget was reduced due to the presumption that the Assistant Finance Director position being filled and providing continued assistance to Creekside. Gary Plotz, City Administrator, informed the group that there is currently a wage freeze and hold on filling positions. Plotz noted that the enterprise funds — Refuse, Liquor Store, Creekside, as well as other operations — could aid in funding this position. There is much financial activity to oversee amongst the enterprise funds. Brandon Fraser congratulated staff on the profitable year in 2008. He noted that the operation has really improved over the years and that Creekside provides a great service to the community and county. Doug Johnson reviewed site improvements that have been made. �. Miscellaneous Bill Arndt mentioned that Burns Manor Nursing Home wants to take part in a recycling program. Doug Johnson spoke about capacity at Creekside and how to incorporate other agencies. Johnson would need more curing pads and containers if Creekside would expand to commercial areas. Johnson asked Anderson and the neighboring residents of Creekside to think about the possibility of a pilot project with sweet corn silage from Green Giant. The pilot program could last approximately two months. This process would aid in the compost processing. Gary Plotz complimented Doug Johnson, Andy Kosek and Jeremy Carter on the great financial results of Creekside for 2008. At the next meeting, the strategic plan will need to be reviewed. Gary Plotz also mentioned that staff is working on the contract renewal with JMSL Staff is trying to negotiate better terms for Hutchinson. Motion by Anderson, second by Arndt, to adjourn at 5:25 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.