02-13-2008 CSMCREEK SIDE SOILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Creekside Compost Facility Febwary 13, 2008, 4:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: 4:35 p.m. Members Present: Bill Arndt, Robert Anderson, Randy DeVries, Marian Filk Others Present: Doug Johnson, Jeremy Carter, Gary Plotz 1. Approval of minutes from October 24, 2007 — Motion by Anderson, second by Arndt, motion carried unanimously to approve the meeting minutes from October 24, 2007. 2. Board Composition — Gary Plotz distributed a draft ordinance which formally organizes the Compost Advisory Board. The group reviewed the purpose and appointment sections of the ordinance. Bill Arndt commented that more than one member should be allowed to reside outside of the city limits. Doug Johnson suggested having it state that "at minimum" one member may reside. Robert Anderson suggested removing the section that refers to residents residing outside the city limits. Motion by Robert Anderson, second by Randy DeVries to remove language, motion carried unanimously. Robert Anderson asked why the name is "Organics Processing Facility ". Doug Johnson noted that that is what is on the permit. Robert Anderson suggested adding "Creekside" before organics processing facility. Motion by Anderson, second by DeVries, to approve adding "Creekside" to the title, (A), (B) and (B)4 motion carried unanimously. This ordinance will be on the February 26, 2008 agenda. Second reading will be on the March 11, 2008 and then it will be published. Motion by Anderson, second by Filk, to approve revised ordinance to City Council, motion carried unanimously. Strategic Plan Update- Doug Johnson noted he attended an audio conference that reviewed much about strategic planning. Doug Johnson provided an update on some of the goals such as working with Master Gardeners, having an open house, educating high schools, and working with local vendors. �. Proposal for Spring Advertising in Local Paper- Doug Johnson contacted the Hutchinson Leader to devise an ad plan to inform residents of Creekside activity. Staff is recommending advertising in the gardening special in color for two weeks and two weeks in black and white. This will cost approximately $1,500- $1,600. The local vendor sales are not subject to commission with Creekside's marketing firm. Motion by Filk, second by DeVries, to move fund with advertising, motion carried unanimously. i. Question on Services for Summer - Such as White Goods and Curbside Leaf Pickup- The question was asked whether Creekside should keep white hard goods pickup and leaf and grass pickup. It was suggested to keep hard good pickup, it is in the contract with Waste Management. The issue is when should the date be? The date should coincide with the County pickup at the fairgrounds. Doug Johnson state he will follow on boulevard pickup to assess how much is being picked up. The cost may be much higher than that which is picked up. 6. Miscellaneous- Randy DeVries asked about the Minneapolis contract. The contract expires in September 2008. Doug Johnson noted that Bids /RFP's will be going out soon if renew, fuel adjustment, cover more costs and will tightly review bid specs. Bill Arndt inquired about the demand for wood chips. Doug Johnson noted his are all gone. With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Filk to adjourn at 5:35 p.m.