03-21-2007 CSMCREEKSIDE SOILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES March 21, 2007, 4:21 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: 4:21 p.m. Members Present: Doug Johnson, Bill Arndt, Robert Anderson, Marian Filk, Sarah Young, Sara Witte, Nathan Winter, Jeremy Carter, Sharon Artmann Member Absent: Others: 1. Recycling and Composting at various activities —Sara Witte, Sarah Young Sara Witte was contacted by Sarah Young to get composting and recycling throughout the community, and at the fairgrounds. Sarah commented that it would be good for educational and promotional purposes. They would do metal cans, plastic bottles and there would be large cardboard boxes for vendors to use. Bill Arndt approved about large ones. Sarah commented about collapsible boxes, they would be able to loan boxes free of charge as long as they would bring in the recyclables. Sarah commented that the fairgrounds would be a good start, along with music in the park, and the craft sale. The Fairgrounds would be the kickoff to the recycling. Sarah and Sara asked if Creekside would take the material and help. Bill Arndt commented that Nathan Winters is in charge of Daily Days and that would also be a good way to promote the recycling. Sarah commented that she did not lalow the quantity they would get out of the recycling. Doug Johnson asked how far they wanted to go into the compost? And if it was just food waste there would be no problem at the compost. That would entail milk cartons, paper, etc., but they may run into a problem of capacity. Hindering permit amounts. Bill Arndt commented that with school being out that should make a difference. Doug Johnson commented that it would not make a difference because they do not get anything from the schools. Marian Filk commented about limiting the food waste to 4H and Country Diner, then limit what is put in. Sarah commented on how to educate. Marian Filk commented that there is not a lot of cans and cardboard. Also, those buildings would have milk cartons to go into food waste. Doug Johnson commented that the milk cartons would be an issue because they are surrounded in plastic. He said they could do it but in the end it would end up in the land fill. Food waste / napkins smaller quantity of waste are separate. Doug Johnson asked about how they would do the pick -up. They could pick it up before residential in 90 gallon drums, and mix it with the residential waste. Sarah Young, and Sara Witte commented that they would not laiow the tonnage if they mixed the waste with residential. Doug Johnson commented they could keep track of containers they picked up from the 4H and Country Diner. Sarah Young commented that there might be an issue with the weekends because Creekside is not open. Sarah said they could keep the material in her facility. Doug Johnson said he would make arrangements if the City Council would support it. Sarah Young, Sara Witte and Doug Johnson will be putting something together to go to the City Council on May 22, 2007. Sarah Young and Sara Witte will bet Doub the information by May 15, 2007. 2. Strategic Planning updates Doug Johnson Doug Johnson commented that they talked about the Creekside Mission Statement, and the good /bad and what needs to be improved. They put timelines together. Doug Johnson commented that the public relations will come to the committee. The committee will be in charge of making sure that Doub Johnson stays on top of the goals. Doug Johnson commented that he got a print out from Duane Hoversten. Robert Anderson asked what types of subjects were on the sheet. Doub Johnson commented that they included becoming customer focused, brainstorming, big box markets, and customer feedback. Jeremy Carter commented that it could take over a year and then they will continue to refine. Duane Hoversten has done a good job with soil analysis, and what their strengths, wealalesses and threats are. Who are there competitors? What is Creekside lacking? Creekside's product is superior, is there a way to produce a less quality product? Are we capturing all costs to cover the price of our product? Marketing our product to other areas, and are we doing it in the right manner? Upside to increase sales into new areas. PR- educate locally and out further to capture other markets. Customer focus -are we providing too hood of a product, and customers are not willing to pay that much. Doug Johnson commented on Jeff Meeham & Associates. They feel our wealaiess is one -on -one. Have sales people do not make contact. Doug has direct feedback wants to lalow when the shows are. On Mother's Day Doug will be getting direct feedback from the end users. Between now and June Doug will be attending shows to bet feedback from the end users and then hive that feedback to the board Jeremy Carter commented about focusing on certain strategies, eveiything focus' back on the Mission Statement. Does it fit with the Mission Statement? That decides whether you take those opportunities. Stream line manufacturing to reduce cost and increase sales. Doug Johnson commented about getting together in June to have initial blast of information. The Committee will end up in one meeting. Robert Anderson commented about what goals and purpose differ from this committee. Doug Johnson commented that the goals are the same. Robert Anderson commented, last fall he thought painted a tough picture for sales, how to cut costs. Minneapolis up drastically. Doug Johnson commented, the contract would be on our terms not Minneapolis terms. Bill Arndt commented, last time negotiated by Marlin Torgerson, former Mayor. Jeremy Carter commented what is it costing? Bob Anderson commented, frill sales, labor costs. Doug Johnson commented, five years, no way out of the contract, attorney tried to redo it but the contract was iron -clad, it was written for Minneapolis. If fuel cost would have stayed the same it would have been profitable. Doug Johnson commented on re- bidding on Minneapolis but on our terms. Bill Arndt- Need flexibility Doug Johnson commented that it would be a team agreement, learned a lot. Bill Arndt asked about the cost increase to bag. Doug Johnson commented, September 1- December all debagged January 10111 cost $245,000 just to get rid of the bags, will not take it anymore. Would have to spend money to get a washer and dryer but it does not pay at $0.10 a pound. Bob Anderson commented about how are bagging cost working out? Dough Johnson commented that the cost in moving around, and training is what expected, coming in line. Bill Arndt commented. too good a quality - sampling from other woodchips. Doug Johnson commented four pounds of colorant /woodchips, Veteran's Park has held since the first time it was done. The customer knows that it is good, look at what can do. Bob Anderson asked about Sales? Comparable? Doug Johnson commented, behind 20,000 - change made purchase orders, custom bagging for them, only have a certain product bag. Next quarter what to sell? Pottage soil, manure, numbers served. Spring- fantastic, May comes to re- order, it got dry and decreased, Boclanan's 50% because of that reclaimed 99.9% customers in 2006 Limited Hardware, Linder's, Bocl�Allan's came at cheaper price and quality and service retained them. Jeremy Carter commented that the product if it is superior, pay a little more, but not much more. Doug Johnson commented that salesman will probe about prices, where does he pull out? Country Store -large rock company- bagged decorative rock, soil product, mulch, we have twice as much. Bill Arndt commented about local people having a demonstration about what it is, what we are doing with their money. Doub Johnson commented that this committee is trying to come up with ways to bet city residence and McLeod County to see what we can do. Marian Filk commented about putting Doug down for a booth at the McLeod County Fair. Doug Johnson commented about not selling, for exposure, what to do to get the point across. People ask why don't we sell the product on site? He would love to, but can't afford liability. Marian Filk commented about an off -site store. Jeremy Carter commented about companies selling it on their sites, what is holding them back from selling a local product at their store? Doug Johnson commented that one store had a financial burden, and could not continue. Bill Arndt- Cenex? Doub Johnson commented that they tried to, but they brought half back, not worth their time, and people ripped it off. Bob Anderson commented about selling it at City Hall. 3. Creating local Public Relations Plan Bill Arndt commented about the Garden Show, should have had a display to emphasize what is going on. Doug Johnson commented that Tom not there. Robert Anderson commented that the Fire department gets a booth. Doug Johnson commented that Tom did not go. 4. Miscellaneous Nathan Winters - McLeod /Meeker, works with farmers /horticulture, party master gardens in two counties. Compost soils main component to good products. He came to learn about compost, he has a passion for growing things, enjoy teaching about it, and the importance of soil, anything he can bring to the group he will, wants to talk about what is good compost? What is a high product? How is it broken down? Dough Johnson commented about going out in County Fair, take planting, immature, dead tree, six months good, 10 months 6ft high. Doug Johnson asked Nathan Winters to give him an idea of what he wanted for test product, prepared to help anyway he can, hear what compost does for farmland, got pictures. Nathan Winter asked if Doug Johnson pulled samples. Bill Arndt commented that it was dust soils. Doug Johnson commented that it was sand. Nathan Winters asked if there were pictures, or numbers. Bill Arndt commented about giving samples to Nathan Winters. Nathan Winters commented that people don't have a good grasp on it, if you can make more money with a lower quality, good, but if superior quality is still making money isn't that good? Marian Filk commented about Questionnaires, what looking for and baseline numbers. Doug Johnson commented that he has 300 pages of tests, and what is in it, 503 regulations iron /metals /salts. Bill Arndt asked if Nathan Winters would be willing to be on committee. Winter commented, Yes, but that he is also on a lot of committees. Doug Johnson told Nathan Winters to do it. Nathan Winters commented about lawns, put compost across lawn instead of fertilizer. Doug Johnson commented about the Golf Course, and how it cut herbicides by 1 /2. Robert Anderson, commended Creekside on operations. Odor went down, noise went down, and to keep up the good work, grinding in house operations? Doug Johnson commented, contracting coloring, 8 -6 then out of there, winds blowing stop. Dough Johnson commented about the trees he ordered. The cost is $110.00 to order 50 trees hypid popil sticks. Orange fence will be gone if you give him time. Bill Arndt asked it Creekside was losing any more wood. Robert Anderson - motion to adjourn. Marian Filk- second. Adjourn at 5:30 p.m.