02-15-2006 CSMCREEK SIDE SOILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Febwary 15, 2006, 4:15 p.m. Call to Order Members Present: Bill Arndt, Doug Johnson, Robert Anderson, Randy DeVries, Casey Stotts and Marion Filk Members Absent: Brandon Fraser and Gary Plotz Approval of Minutes from January 18, 2006 A typographical error needs to be corrected in item 3. Other than that, the minutes were approved as presented. 2. Financials — Ken Merrill Ken Merrill stated that the numbers are still being configured in the general budget. In addition, numbers are being adjusted with the Minneapolis contract. Complete financial reports will be ready for review at the next board meeting. The reports are considered final after the auditors complete their field work. Mr. Merrill provided further clarification as to how the numbers were being adjusted with the Minneapolis contract, which include reconfiguring of trucking costs. 3. Review of USCG Conference — Doug Johnson Doug Johnson explained that he attended the US Composting Council held in Albuqurque, NM. Mr. Johnson explained that, among others, he attended an excellent presentation on public relations. One tool he learned to be of good value is a fact sheet for the facility that can be distributed to customers and other members of the public. In addition, he learned of a new product on the market which is an additive that can be mixed with materials to control odors. He also learned from a research doctor that odors from compost facilities will not cause illness. 4. Spruce Ridge Site Update — Doug Johnson Doug Johnson asked if any members were interested in a tour of Spruce Ridge to review how the operations are nun, he could coordinate that. 5. Sales Comparisons from 2005 to 2006 — Doug Johnson Doug Johnson noted that sales are up 20,000 bags as of this date as compared to last year at this time. It is projected that sales will be up from 13 million in 2005 to 1.5 million bags in 2006. 6. Dirty Product on Site from Minneapolis Doug Johnson stated there is some product on site from last Spring /Summer of black plastic bags filled with logs, brush, plastic, etc. Mr. Johnson has located a facility that will accept this material at a low cost, including bringing back finished product, and he and Gary Plotz will make a decision on how to rid of the product by next week. 7. Miscellaneous Robert Anderson asked for an update regarding the public sales discussion that was held at the last meeting. Doug Johnson explained that he has spoken with one landscaper who is very favorable to having a "Creekside Customer Appreciation Day ". However, he has not heard back from the other landscapers as of yet. Robert Anderson stated that he has concerns about safety issues if the public sales are conducted on site. Doug Johnson clarified that the one day sale promotion would be held at the landscaper's site. Bill Arndt suggested that Creekside have a booth at the Home & Garden Show to promote the facility and the products. Ken Merrill reported that a flash report will be generated on a weekly basis for staff which will show each week's activity. In addition, a new manufacturing financial software is being implemented and is planned to be live in March. Samples of the flash report may be available for the board members to review at the next meeting. Bill Arndt noted that the fire department uses peat moss to clean up oil spills and such. The next Compost Advisory Board meeting is set for March 15th Motion by Anderson, seconded by DeVries to adjourn at 5:00 p.m.