01-18-2006 CSMCREEK SIDE SOILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Januaiy 18, 2006, 4:15 p.m. Call to Order Members Present: Bill Arndt, Doug Johnson, Robert Anderson, Randy DeVries, Brandon Fraser and Marion Filk Members Absent: Casey Stotts and Gary Plotz Others present: Cam Rucks, Consultant and Mayor Cook Approval of Minutes from December 21, 2005 Motion by DeVries, second by Fraser to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Financials Cam Rucks stated that outstanding issues need to be addressed with the manufacturing software before the numbers can be analyzed. The year end for 2005 remains open for several months into 2006 as Accounts Receivable continue to come in. The facility is acquiring a new financial progam called PeachTree which will allow for better manufacturing and inventory accounting. This new program should be up and ruining by March 1, 2006. A full financial report will be given at the next Committee meeting in February. 3. 20065 Budget and Rates Doug Johnson stated that the 2006 budget and rates will be considered for adoption at the City Council meeting on January 24, 2006. Some price adjustments were made mid- season due to rising fuel costs, etc. 4. Spruce Ridge Update Doug Johnson stated that all debagging was completed at Spruce Ridge on December 29, 2005. Currently the colorizing and "harvesting" of the plastic is being conducted. This product will be screened at the site in April or May. Various options are being considered to rid of the "dirty" product from the site. 5. MNLA Show Report Creekside had a booth at the Minnesota Nursery and Landscape Show that was held earlier this month. It was a good time to network with vendors and customers. Approximately five or six other competitors were in attendance. No comments were received from customers regarding the price increases. 6. Public Sales Mayor Cook suggested a survey or poll be taken of the community to provide input on thoughts surrounding public sales of Creekside product. Comments had been received last season that some public was disappointed that no product was sold on site and that sales could only be made through landscape outlets at an additional cost. Brandon Fraser commented that it may be a good public relations pitch to have public sales again at wholesale costs. Doug Johnson mentioned that sales can be made at the site yet with a 12 yard minimum purchase. Marion Filk commented that, coming from a gardener's perspective, location and price isn't as much of a hindrance, as long as the product is available. Currently, Creekside product is sold through outlets such as Prieve Landscaping, Crow River Landscaping, Carr Flowers, SuperAmerica, Little Dukes, etc. Marion Filk suggested holding a Spring /Fall one -day promotional sale at the site. Doug Johnson also considered holding the one day special at the landscaping outlets. Johnson will discuss this option with the local landscapers when he meets with them in early February. 7. Plans When Minneapolis Contract is Complete Doug Johnson stated he is researching whether or not the Minneapolis contract will need to be renewed. There may be another option for a material source. The product he is looking at would be received screened and ready for Creekside to bag. 8. Miscellaneous Robert Anderson brought up the issue of re- permitting. Doug Johnson explained that the renewal has been submitted to the MPCA and the facility can operate under its current license until the renewal is approved. Robert Anderson also commented that some trees have died at the site and he requested that they be replanted. 9. Adjourn With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Filk to adjourn at 5:10 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.