05-18-2005 CSMMINUTES CREEKSIDE COMPOST FACILITY ADVISORY BOARD May 18, 2005 — 4:15 p.m. Hutchinson City Center Call to Order: 4:25 p.m. Members Present: Brandon Fraser, Duane Hoversten, Doug Johnson, Bill Arndt, Gary Plotz, Randy DeVries, Steve Madson and Casey Stotts. Member Absent: Marion Filk Others Present: Ken Merrill and Mayor Steve Cook 1. Consideration of Previous Meeting Minutes Motion by Arndt, second by Hoversten, to approve meeting minutes from April 16, 2005. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Selection of a Chairperson Motion by Hoversten, second by Fraser nominating Bill Arndt as the Chair of the Compost Advisory Board. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Overview of Financial Picture — 2005 year -to -Date Ken Merrill, Finance Director, presented before the group. Mr. Merrill presented a statement of revenues and expenditures through April 2005. Mr. Merrill noted that all expenses may not be portrayed due to year -end bills not coming in until January - February, however all revenues are illustrated. All inventory has been accounted for. Total revenues year -to -date are at $932,347.74. Total expenditures year -to -date are reported at $912,305.74. Net income year -to -date reports in at $20,042.00. It was noted that a separate column should be designated for the Minneapolis hauling contract. All of the money generated from the Minneapolis contract pays for the costs associated with the contract. Duane Hoversten noted that the cost of goods figure needs to be at 20% in order for the facility to make a profit each month. (a) Outside Accounting Expertise (Kara Colberg) Gary Plotz noted that staff is struggling with production financial reporting and thus are looking for further expertise in this accounting area. 4. Overview of Product Price Increases for 2006 Gary Plotz stated that staff has met with the City's auditor and a recommendation has been made to increase prices on an average of 7.5 %. These price increases are based on 2006 projections. Fuel adjustments will be made on outgoing loads. 5. Updates on Targeted Issues a. Odor Measurement — The device has been received, staff has been trained and the equipment has begun to be used. b. Noise Measurement — A beeper has been placed on a unit that changes volume based on the rpm of the machine. Mayor Cook noted that the neighbors have the most concern with the noise of the beeper on the skidsteer particularly. c. Debagging and Demonstration/Equipment — The facility received the equipmen, however the company had some trouble initially getting it to nun correctly. This afternoon it was operating it as it should and the company will supply a price quote tomorrow morning for renting it. The company will also propose building a new machine that does exactly what the compost facility needs it to do. d. Bio- Filter for Tip -Floor Building — completely operational e. Plantings /Berm — a meeting has been held with the neighbors and they have requested that spruce trees be planted in the road ditch instead of the berm being extended f Cenex Property — The EDA has been working with Cenex on the various properties it has in the City. Cenex is considering consolidating its three sites and may have a decision in six weeks. One of the sites is currently next to the compost facility. 6. Miscellaneous Duane Hoversten noted quality concerns in the mulch. Debris such as two -by- fours and nails were in the finished product. Doug Johnson noted that some product was coming from Saumtec and this product will no longer be accepted. This issue will be resolved with product intake and processing. General discussion was held about processing. No further business to discuss — meeting adjourned at 530 p.m.