09-29-2003 CHCMClarkr CAUUWSM011 WnuWs Sqilemher 29, 2003 h4cm1mrs Presm ChAr NEW Canruml Roger Peterson, (.1-nick Ron NleGraw. Linda Ranucal. Widt Clay,.[c)hn N'liller, Don Gkl-�5,and Vi�rgd Voigl. NIC1111.)ers: SILve 'Auger am"I 1111il Gravcs (Thers Present: Mare SuRni, City -Amorney and Nlefissa Starke, Recorder NU ke C lmnori cal led the triocti ng to order at 4 05 p-in, Motion by sceondl)%, Flacrsen, to approVe lllirlateS li'(MYL AIU,gUst 26t 2tJ02, Charter Comilaission \4060.11 Cal-17i'Cd HJU1,11i,11100AY, N i l Q C>,,,, A,d 171'at%L.re SIC1.)Q, -2 irt]W is laflgffilge fi-om ffie Nw,,ctnber 2002 haa] b"'ell ilworpora,ted into to rmhed 0, Clanen TOn Schma. exlildned Run as of Ways dale 11 has na Nk AN= ejaked CIA W 17cvWus ad0awy auomuy w t1w Charter ('commission, Dick Schieffiq had revised.Alie Chowim, to s�ritl'wsize v%'Imt was, vowd an at the elecdam Nk. Schora stated Chat ffic Chartur Corrunissiott tauds t.o dccidc " vhedjer or ricit I.o accept MCI Syrahosizecl ,,ersiotri oflh(� vomd nrai quii stirm or to r aify liw,, qUAtiOn aS WAS On. V�'l r. Sehonfs recontmendadon is to ratif�, the (1111"Stioll 4IS VotCd 011 at Me Thwember 20Q2 election. NO Sebmm stated dot SWOB's hngwge basicQ wJIM "as voWd on at We cleakm fie did not mcessudy change thc mment of the language jum Ke way it was Nyorde& I& SWI& inade revkhons to sewhins 2.041, m401 1 and 4.031- N'to6o.11 by Ron. "Ac(ham second Q Clitick C.',arlso% to aaxpt. & %awding tWWoll 4115 as med on at thr,'N(wemhQ-r 2()02 election. However, Me innnher of the secdon m!H be Khanged to U I I so w w keep the nunicrical seqLW1JCiLQ'7., C"11-Hed unanimously, Section 4-03 wa�; dincussud, Dick SchiclTur added tanguag,e to reftc;ct the Language voted 011 11r C01-ding to '1110 petitio'll. MmOon by 00sm; namnd by Clay to approve Sediott 4,03 rc,%,kQd by 1. k 7k SchiQffi.n, Molion cm-ried Section 2,04l "ras dRumed. Nit ScHeRr Rdud [Iris sce6on to the CUrter to explain the voted on wiwndmerA. NO. Schora expl-cssed that he RIh this scolon was s(1111-1clVil'a repelhLive ',:aid i4, all-cady, 4.Xj)lL1h1Cd1 in Sabon 4k] L My, Whom suggawled tat sedim, 2A),41 1101 hC ill'ClUdcd i'l tj,JC chwur% N40ti011 I)Y C!Jay,. Second by N'liller, lo not accept die sug of'Secfioti 2.041, Nlcotioli Carried 1,111a.11iniously, Section 102 was dis;cussed" N:11. ScNeffer rcconniwndcd. addJngo a clarific"I'tion to flik; SwiOn' Motion by Pewoon, second hy Qd_�ou, boo 1!1(11 ii�&hgde dl addtional languag 0 �e hy Dick SAW& Wes in f1vorand in opositiorl' Opposoion N104ion by Raniucod, secatid by 54cGra, in incWde Me mddidon:al languagg to Sclt,ejycr. NNition carried- We AuRon ronAnded the group that Bob Stvarn.-i has p'a.ssod vvily arid ffic of die Fivt Judicial Di-,,trict needs to appoint IS ryplacement. IN Sebora inInned die chartcr C"(117,111.1 i soon Hatt NY may put togedwr a St ofiocomanendations to subUit to 1heJudge. INscusion was he[d on how to subrnh the narnes to the judge, Sugges%is hwinle subuditing RAyer Stearns as a cambdaw as he had slhc %vn inwri�!si ff�ic last J1,31C ILIC judge inade appointrims, Whon by Clay, acaind by it) contad Rogui� Stearns icp „sec it'lic is sQ1 interested in sciving oii Me Charter QnnWsQj�� arc] 8eil(l ill; the recaiinvendMian to tO Odef Judgvn4odun car0ed warihnousor, [Nscussic)n , vas held regattling appokOng Chy C"OLUICil FIIC-Rlbel'S tO (he Flo. tcljillsuti Lhilitiles (.'olvallission. Mayor TorgcFson stated dim it in heiry .g rcqueslucd that flie Ch�-irtei- al[o)A' for a council 11'ieni.beror Mayor to sei7•�: on the %whiusan LIONS C%WsAon. It does not need to he a rquhurnent, howevs, bey would like the abdity. It. wza,,; tjote(l Taal there is as c1uncil representative on the Hutchinsmi Area AAA (Twv BoavL It was chvil!led WA Hie Council will not be a paid 1.1tilifies (oninfission NVia” or Toilerson slated that he does not ti el them would he a conllict cli"fittCre'st %'vhQn H, coniu,s w the LJtdhies Onsminshn transKing money to the C"hy (011tachinson. Marc Sebora hd'orrne(l the group that state statute does aulhudw allovving a (7ity ("ouncil, tneriibet Lo serve an a LRUilks Annnission. NVAt Clay requeond dwt W-c Sehw%a subndc as incurin and as copy of dw swune w Me Claw Unuosgipi, mantes, JNmi Nfiller,stated Hiatt he has weivrd saivic couc(,rns and suggocsted possibly hifi °",rniinv Hie public dwt A is allowaWe by state swune, Virgil N"AgA suggemed lundng the Wyor and&r Chy (Ouncil mernbu'� set-ve as� an ex-officio ttienil� r. It was Suggested that It: latluage be mirrored as to the 11AW language appoining as City C(ILHICil RIQIIII)Q]'� A. chtrter change vill hesubtinncd w the C�ity Oiu.ncil,, Modon by (1, second by NUN, to allLhodze Marc Sebora tck dr,'Lli huigguag�' aulohzhig the Aflity to appoWn a noriTakl Clty-CouncH manber to the 10hhe's (TOMmisvion and Anvir the language w in the rulawd to the WpOl appoinmiciv, %TMAC-111 CJI-FiUd LHIW`14110 ,,ISJY Nfike ('"annonalso stated 1hat21, reqnstod dmi dAmnion be held ryuhhng the ImAnay WcUmi am] mat Me Imignpe be renic vcd Froni 111C chartcr. This amendmenno the ( Tarr tur was w)ted on in Cavor at the hi, t cleclioll. It ,va , 111c co.nsengus orlhe Own (Ammuission to leave Ihe Inguage as %,otcd on anr d pcissfl.,d), revic)y it fiivc� k" Ini years koni now to see if the pd nial, dec6on is nvor-thy. Motion y Qrlsr-,ni, second by Poeson ki aljoui-n at 5' 15 p.m. Nlotiur carriect