10-07-2002 CHCMCharter Commission Minutes Monday, October 7, 2002 Members Present: Steve Auger, Linda Remucal, Virgil Voight, Roger Petersen, Walt Clay, Ron McGraw, Mike Cannon, John Miller, Robert Stearns and Judy Simons Members Absent: Jean Peterson, Phil Graves, Carl Bretzke Vice Chair Mike Cannon called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. Mr. Cannon welcomed the new members to the Commission. Mr. Cannon explained that new officers needed to be elected today. Motion by McGraw to cease nominations and that a unanimous ballot be cast for Mike Cannon as Chair of the Charter Commission. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Miller to cease nominations and that a unanimous ballot be cast for Walt Clay as Vice Chair of Charter Commission. Mike Cannon explained that Steve Cook had made a request that the Charter Commission hold a debate on the public access channel with the petition committee to argue the points of the revised City Charter. Both Mike Cannon and Chuck Carlson suggested that the Charter Commission deny this request. Motion by McGraw, second by Stearns to deny holding a debate with the petition committee. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Auger, second by Peterson to approve the minutes from August 26, 2002. Motion carried unanimously. Mike Cannon explained to the Charter Commission that at the last meeting the Commission decided to draft a letter to be submitted to the Hutchinson Leader as an editorial the week prior to the election regarding the proposed City Charter. This letter will explain the revisions made to the Charter. Mr. Cannon explained that he and Chuck Carlson will draft the letter and circulate it to all members before it is submitted to the Leader. General discussion was held regarding the points to be covered in the letter. After receiving suggestions, Mr. Cannon stated that he will circulate the letter for all members' approval. Motion by McGraw, second by Stearns to adjourn at 4:25 p.m.