08-06-2001 CHCMHutchinson Charter Commission Meeting Minutes Monday, August 6, 2001 Members Present: Chuck Carlson - Chair, Linda Remucal, Mike Cannon, Roger Petersen, Jean Peterson, Walt Clay, Steve Auger Members Absent: Ron McGraw, Virgil Voigt, Don Glas, Carl Bretzke and Phil Graves Others Present: Dick Schieffer, City Attorney, Ken Merrill, Finance Director and Melissa Starke, Recorder Chair Carlson called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. Motion by Clay, second by J. Peterson to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously. Chair Carlson clarified the language used in Chapter 2 Section 2.09. The group decided to keep the wording as proposed in the draft by Richard Schieffer. There was also discussion in regards to other enterprise funds such as the liquor store and the compost facility and their relationship to the Charter. Dick Schieffer stated that typically these two enterprises are not included in Charters because they are directed by City Staff, whereas enterprises such as the Hospital and the Utilities are directed by governing boards. There was follow -up discussion from the July 30 meeting in regards to Section 6.02, Subd. 3. Mike Cannon re- capped the information his sub - committee had received from Jean Ward, HRA Director and Christie Rock, HCDC/EDA Director in regards to their feelings on their organization's structure as it relates to the City. The group decided to remove the word "agencies" from this subdivision. Mr. Merrill also gave input in regards to Section 6.03 as far as how new positions /departments are created or reorganized. He explained that typically a department head will either put a new position in the budget, which is approved by the Council, or will work with City staff regarding reorganizations and then present it to the Council for approval. The group continued on with Chapter 7. Section 7.06 — the specific dates will be removed Section 7.07 — Ken Merrill, Finance Director, explained how funds can be transferred. Monies in a department's fund may be transferred from one line item to another (i.e. from supplies to equipment). There is usually not an issue if all the monies are in the general fund — they can be moved within the general fund. In the past, situations have occurred where monies from one department to another have been transferred (i.e. from Park & Rec Dept. to Police Dept.). Mr. Merrill summarized by stating that within a fund, the City has allowed moving of budged dollars within a department (focus has been on the bottom department line) and on occasion has been extended to moving budgeted dollars between departments if affected departments are all under one director. Other changes require City Council approval. Section 7.08 — Increases in budget have been allowed if additional monies are received. Examples given were of donation by an organization for park equipment, or a vehicle is damaged and insurance covers repair costs. Section 7.09 — Mr. Merrill will be obtaining further information if this can be done and what is authorized. Section 7.11 — Mr. Merrill suggested this section should address the use of equipment certificates and will be providing additional information. Chapter 8 — no changes Chapter 9 — no changes Chapter 10 Section 10.01 — There was discussion in regards to the fact that franchises should not be needed for short-term uses such as sidewalk cafes. Dick Schieffer will create language to be added to this chapter to convey that information. The next meeting of the Charter Commission will be Monday August 27, 2001 at 4:00pm. Additional meetings have been tentatively scheduled for Monday, September 10 and Monday, September 24. Motion by Cannon, second by R. Petersen to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:25pm.