03-18-2010 APM+H UTCH I NSON Al RPORT COM M I SSI ON March 18, 2010 5:30 p.m. Airport Arrival /Departure Bui I ding M inutes M embers present: Chuck Brill, Doug McGraw, Dick Freeman, Juli Neubarth, Mayor Cook Membersabsent: Joel Schwarze Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson; Others present: Cheryl Dooley, tenant; Andy Nissen, tenant; Dave Skaar, CAP; Janet Scharmer & Bob Steinbauer, Life Link I I I /Air Methods M eeti ng cal I ed to order at 5:30 p. m. There was a quorum of members present. 1. Approve M inutes of February 18, 2010 meeting Motion made by Neubarth, second by Mayor Cook to approve minutes. Unanimous approval. 2. Airport Commission Joel Schwarze (to 09/10, first full -term) Chuck BriI I (to 09/11, second ful I -term) Dick Freeman (to 09/12, first full -term) Juli Neubarth (to 09/13, first full -term) Doug McGraw (to 09/14, second full -term) Steve Cook (Council representative) 3. Review Updated Hangar Assignments Updated map —see attached Updated priority list Hangar activity: Motion made by Neubarth, second by Freeman for assignment of hangars #3 -8 to Ross Peterson, and #1 -12 to Bill Daniels. Unanimous approval. 4. Operational Issues(Open Projects) a) 2009 Airport Improvements— Hangar a. Substantial completion. Punch list is being worked on. b. Report on Planning Commission activity related to addressing building code issues (fire wall & snow load). b) Naming "Joseph P. Dooley Terminal" a. Resolution language submitted to City Attorney for inclusion in March 23 City Council meeting. c) Fuel System a. Fuel system upgrade Olson reported that the credit card reader upgradewould be around $15,368, less $2,000 softwarecredit= $13,368. The pump upgradewould bearound $14,908. Total project costs ex petted to be approx i matel y $28,276. Olson will submit fuel related i terns to Mn /DOT for potential funding. 5. Future Projects 2010 Airport Improvements— Currently authorized Al P funding for 2010 is less than the full amount of $150,000. Available funding is $81,401 for 2010, until further action is taken by the federal legislature. South Taxi lane Ditch. Engi neeri ng Department's wi I I do topography work soon as the snowmelt has occurred. 6. Other Discussions) New Business At 6:30, a motion to adjourn was made by Freeman, second by McGraw. Unanimous approval. NEXT MEETING: Scheduled April meeting= April 22, 2010