09-18-2008 APM+HUTCHINSON AIRPORT COMMISSION September 18, 2008 5:30 p.m. Airport Arrival/Departure Building Minutes Members present: Dave Skaar, Chuck Brill, Doug McGraw, Dick Freeman, Mayor Steve Cook Members absent: Joel Schwarze Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson; Tom Parker, Hutchinson Aviation; Karl Heisel, Ross Peterson, Andy Nissen, Juli Neuharth, Joe Dooley — Hangar tenants Meeting called to order at 5:31 p.m. There was a quorum of members present. 1. Approve Minutes of August 21, 2008 meeting Motion made by Brill, second by Mayor Cook to approve minutes. Unanimous approval. 2. Review Updated Hangar Assignments Updated map Updated priority list There were four parties that indicated interest in the available enclosed hangar: 1. Explorers Flying Club (02/01/05) 2. Jay Heil (02/01/07) 3. Fuzzy Flyer (Karl Heisel) (02/02/07) 4. Tim Cox (02/09/07) A motion was made by Mayor Cook, second by Brill to assign the available hangar to the Explorers Flying Club. Unanimous approval. 3. Operational Issues (Open Proiects) 2007 Airport Layout Plan (ALP) Update —Olson reported that the most recent update from TKDA indicates they are waiting for the most recent wind rose information. This information will be critical for determining whether the proposed crosswind runway will be a federally eligible project. 2008 Runway Safety Improvements — Work under the contract has been completed. Final payment will not be made until product stored at the north end of the property is removed. Brill provided meeting attendees with information about pavement maintenance project costs at another airport. The costs indicated that the airport had done a slurry seal and crack routing and filling. Olson explained that the product used was not comparable to the material used on the Hutchinson runway. Costs were also for construction, and did not include pre- design, design, or inspection costs. 4. Future Proiects Commercial Hanzar — All application work was completed for FAA to consider funding an additional commercial hangar at the airport. Initial indications are that the project will be funded. Current balance in AIP account is around $191,000. Therefore, once the federal Congress approves airport funding, the project could begin. The Mayor, City Administrator, Airport Commission chair, and the Public Works Manager met with the CEO of Life Link III Wednesday morning September 17. The meeting was very productive and Life Link III will be presenting information discussed at the meeting to their Executive Board and their Board of Directors in the coming weeks. The construction of a commercial hangar represents phase 1 of the plan. Phase 2 of the plan adds apron to the north of the newest T- hangar and private hangars to allow for future phase 3 construction of an additional T- hangar and private hangars. Commission members indicated the appropriate place for a concrete pad for helicopter operations would still be the southwest corner of the large apron. Commission members also agreed that the concrete apron for the building should extend approximately 15 feet beyond the door. Electrical and other utilities should be compatible with maintenance operations, and all doors should be located or constructed in a manner that ensures proper protection from snow and rain. Motion by Brill, second by Mayor Cook, to proceed with engineering and architectural services to allow the City to be ready to implement phase 1 of the project immediately upon receiving notice of grant approval. Roll call vote: Skaar — Aye, Brill — Aye, McGraw — Nay, Freeman — Aye, Mayor Cook — Aye. Motion passed. 4. Other Discussions/ New Business Fairgrounds Property Swap A meeting with County officials was held on September 4. Olson presented an updated map of what the airport swap would entail in order to accommodate the necessary storm water detention for the fairgrounds parking lot. City staff will be presenting a request to approve the concept of the land swap along with an easement to allow the county to construct a storm water pond at the September 23 City Council meeting. Airport Budget & Fee Structure An increase of approximately 5% across the board is planned for fees. Of particular note are challenges in the budget related to significant fuel and utility cost increases. A discussion was held relative to additional rental fees for non - residents. Because the City's General Fund supports airport activities, it was deemed appropriate to keep non - resident fees in place. Motion by McGraw to increase fees on Hangar 44 by 20% from 2008 rates, or approximately 15% over proposed 2009 rates. Second by Mayor Cook. Motion failed. Hangar Policy The Commission discussed three options related to addressing hangar trades. One option would be to disallow all trades. The second would be to allow all trades between parties that agree and present their trade to the Airport Commission. The third option would be to have the Airport Commission consider situations surrounding the trade and approve or disapprove of trades based on the best interest of the Airport and City. Motion made by Skaar, second by McGraw to have language added to the hangar policy that requires the Airport Commission to allow or deny hangar trades, based on the Commission's consideration of issues surrounding the trade. Unanimous approval. Other Business Juli Neuharth's application for service on the Airport Commission will be addressed by the City Council at their September 23 meeting. Thank you to Dave Skaar for his many years of service to the Airport Commission and his many years of serving as its Chair. Dave has played a significant role in the development that has taken place at the airport over the last 20 years. Happy Birthday to Chuck Brill, and thanks for the cupcakes! At 7:20, a motion to adjourn was made by Brill, second by Mayor Cook. Unanimous approval. NEXT MEETING: regularly scheduled for October 16, 2008