February 14, 2006
6:30 p.m.
City Center — Main Conference Room
Members present: Chuck Brill, Doug McGraw, Joel Schwarze
Members absent: Dave Skaar, Dick Freeman
Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson
Meeting was called to order at 6:34 p.m. There was a quorum of members present
1. ADD rove Minutes of January 19, 2006 meetin
The minutes of the January 19, 2006 meeting were not available for review. They will be approved at an upcoming
Airport Commission meeting.
2. Skvdive Hutchinson Property
Olson reported that there will be a closed session of the City Council to address the Airport Commission request
from January 19 recommending the City Council order another appraisal of the property and/or make a decision
whether an offer on the property will be made, with the option on the building site, and/or the remaining acreage.
Commission members attended the closed meeting. Council directed staff to order the appraisal, to include separate
amounts for the building site and open land. The Commission was ordered by the City Council to return to an
upcoming City Council meeting with the results of the appraisal, an estimate of the cash outlay necessary for
purchasing both the building site and open land separately, as well as an estimate of the cash outlay necessary to
construct an appropriate facility on existing airport property.
3. Conditional Use Permit Application —190' Monopole at 540 — 3rd Ave NW
Commissioners reviewed the location of the proposed 190' monopole tower. Discussions were held regarding its
potential interference with air traffic, at both the proposed seaplane base as well as the existing runway. In neither
case did there seem to be any notable interference. A motion was made by Brill, second by Schwarze directing
Olson to draft a memorandum to the Planning Commission informing them there is no perceived interference to air
traffic relative to the proposed monopole tower proposed in the application dated January 18, 2006. Unanimous
At 8:00, a motion to adjourn was made by Schwarze, second by Brill. Unanimous approval.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday March 16, 2006 5:30 p.m. (Airport conference room)