11-17-2005 APM+HUTCHINSONAIRPORT COMMISSION November 17, 2005 5:30 p.m. Ai rport Arrival /Departure Bui Idi ng Minutes M embers present: Dave Skaar, Chuck Bri 11, Doug M cGraw M embers absent: Dick Freeman, Open seat Others Present: John OI son, City of H utchi nson; Tom Parker, H utchi nson Avi ati on; Ti m M i I I er, Robert H antge M eeti ng was cal I ed to order at 5:30 p. m. There was a quorum of members present. 1. Approve M i nutes of October 18, 2005 meeting Motion made by Brill, second by M cG raw to approve October 18, 2005 minutes, with corrections. Unanimous approval. 2. Review 2005 Capital Improvement Program OI son revi ewed the 2005 A i rport I mprovements wi th Commi ssi oners. Fueling Project: Anticipate deli very of the f uel tank November 18. At the next City Council meeting, a change order, with a net deduct of $7,444 wi I I be presented for approved. A deduct of $9,500 is for the use of existing Cardtrol system and an addi ti on of $2,056 i s for i nstal I ati on of addi ti onal ti I i ng, rock, backf i I I on prof ect -rel aced to i nstal I ati on of wi ri ng and concrete tank base. El ectri cal Proj ect: Conversati ons wi th Quade El ectri c i ndi cafe that i nstal I ati on of equi pment wi I I take pl ace i n I ate November. Proj ect Fi nances: OI son reported that the Ci ty Fi nance Department has been gi ven copi es of the appropri ate federal and state grant agreements, al ong wi th appropri ate forms for reccei vi ng rei mbursement. 3. Review private and/or commercial operations activity Commi ssi oners revi ewed the resol uti on passed by the Ci ty Counci I rel ati ve to thei r recommendati on to purchase the Skydi ve H utchi nson property. The resol uti on passed by Ci ty Counci I address the desi re to acqui re the property and approved apprai sal. General di scussi on was hel d rel ati ve to other potenti al acti vi ti es at the si to that woul d be acceptabi e 1) Commissioners recommended that City staff consider whether a purchase agreement contingent upon recce vi ng f i nanci al assi stance f rom the Federal Avi ati on Admi ni strati on ( FAA) and State Off i ce of Aeronauti cs (M n /DOT) woul d be appropri ate, and i f so, what amount of earnest money woul d be appropriate. 2) A questi on was red sed whether the property, i ncl udi ng the bui I di ng, coul d be better devel oped i nto a pri vale hangar park, whi ch coul d possi bl y pl ace the property i nto the category of hangar space, whi ch has a potenti al for bei ng f unded at 95 %, rather than onl y havi ng a porti on of the exi sti ng bui I di ng whi ch coul d be consi dered Snow Removal Equi pment storage be f unded by FAA. 3) Commissioners recommended that City staff consider whether a project be developed to remove the taxi I ane accessi ng the current property and have the prof ect assessed to the Skydi ve H utchi nson property so i f a pri vate party were to purchase the property, there woul d be no cost to the ad rport for removi ng the taxi I ane. H utchi nson A i rport Commi ssi on Minutes November 17, 2005 5. Operational I slues OI son i nformed Commi ssi oner regard ng the three responses recei ved rel ati ve to hangar i nspecti ons conducted earl i er thi s year. OI son updated Commi ssi oners rel ati ve to the status of the Condi ti onal Use Permi t appl i cati on to the Joi nt R anni ng Staff for a 199' Tower i nstal I ati on at 20716 Hwy 7 W, H utchi nson. The concern f rom M r. Ji m Lauer, a member of the Joi nt R anni ng Staff, was that preci si on approach /departures be protected. Preci si on approaches/departures are not on the 5-year Cl P, nor are there pl ans to si gni f i cantl y al ter the exi sti ng traff i c patterns at the ad rport, so the proposal for the tower wi I I proceed. There are no obstructi ons to exi sti ng traff i c patterns as a resul t of the i nstal I ati on of the proposed tower at that site. 6. Other Discussions Old Business M ayor Cook has appoi nted M r. Di ck Freeman as an A i rport Commi ssi oner. M r. Jeff L ux has expressed hi s regrets, but must resign. Commissioners are to recommend potential Airport Commission members to Mayor Cook. Presentation of print to Ken Butl er' s wi fe. No action. OI son shared an excerpt f rom the devel opers' agreement f rom Ravenwood, i ndi cati ng that the devel opment was i n the path of the ai rport, and that potenti al ad rport not ses coul d be expected. Thi s has hi stori cal I y been the manner i n whi ch devel opers/property owners are made aware of thei r devel opment i n or near f I i ght paths. New Business Consideration of Airport-sponsored sal ane base (with Roberts Park as base). Robert Hantge and Olson presented rel ati ve to the potential public sponsorship of a seaplane base at Roberts Park. Mr. Hantge had already done much of the groundwork for the I i cense application, which was shared with Commissioners. A motion by Brill, second by M cG raw, to direct staff to pursue appl i cati on for a seapl ane base I i cense, said seaplane base being under the control of the Hutchinson Airport Commission. Unanimous approval. At 6:35, a motion to adjourn wasmade by McGraw, second by Brill. Unanimousapproval. NEXT M EETI N G: Thursday, December 15, 2005 5:45 p.m.