09-20-2005 APM+HUTCHINSON AIRPORT COMMISSION September 20, 2005 5:30 p.m. Airport Arrival /Departure Building Minutes Members present: Dave Skaar, Chuck Brill, Doug McGraw, Steve Cook, Mayor, City of Hutchinson Members absent: Jeff Lux Open positions: Doug Kephart's seat is vacant, term expiration Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson Meeting called to order at 5:36 p.m. There was a quorum of members present. 1. Approve Minutes of May 17, 2005 meeting Motion made by Brill, second by McGraw to approve May 17, 2005 minutes. 2. Review 2005 Proposed Capital Improvement Program Olson updated Commission members on progress toward construction of 2005 airport improvements. • 2005 Airport Improvements Fueling (Re -bid) Project • Preconstruction meeting is planned, tentative date is Thursday September 22, 2005 at 10:00 a.m. at the airport conference room • It appears that Airport can use the existing card reader system to service the JetA fuel tank. This will result in a deduct change order of approximately $9,500. • City staff is looking at the cost of adding an avgas hose reel and pump. Early costs for the cost increase for the project, net of deduct change order related to the card reader, would be approximately $6,200. 2005 Airport Improvements Electrical (Re -bid) Project • Mark Muckenhirn from Quade Electric, Inc. informed me he was awaiting shop drawings from Hali - Brite, Inc., of Crosby, MN. 3. Review private hangar and commercial operations activity Olson informed the Commission that the private hangars were now all operational. Joe Dooley has fully paid for the tiling and asphalt. RAM Builders and Luthens have paid for the tiling, but have not yet paid for the asphalt. This fall, Pellenin Land Survey will draft legal descriptions for private hangars. Leases will be recorded at County. This is the final `initial' expense for private hangar owners. 5. Operational Issues 2006 Proposed Budget • Olson reviewed the proposed budget submitted to the City Administrator. • Review potential hangar rental increase (none in 2005). A motion was made by Brill, second by McGraw to increase hangar rental fees 3 %, based on square foot cost, rounded to the nearest $1. Unanimous approval. • Olson informed Commission members that JetA fuel flowage fee are to be set at $0.07 per gallon, per the grant application to FAA. Airport Commission Minutes September 20, 2005 Page 2 Updated Hangar List / Waiting List • A motion was made by Brill, second by McGraw to allow Tom Parker to occupy three hangars. Unanimous approval. Discussion included the fact that Parker has had to give up significant space in the maintenance hangar for housing Life Link III helicopters. 6. Other Discussions • Mayor Cook informed others to consider who would be good candidates to serve in place of Mr. Kephart, whose term has expired. Mayor Cook directed Commission members to have any interested party fill out a form at City Center. • Chairman Skaar showed Airport Commission members the collage made for presentation to Ken Butler's wife. Mr. Skaar will be making arrangements with the Hutchinson Leader and others to make presentation to her in the near future. • Brill requested that City staff, and perhaps the Planning Commission, investigate whether additional insulation should be recommended to new houses in the approach pattern, or within a specific distance of the airport. Of the issues discussed, increased air traffic and the fact new developments often do not have mature trees to mitigate aircraft noise. • Commissioners recommended that City staff rotate codes for the use of the courtesy car as an added security measure. Common codes could include the airport designator, the emergency frequency, the Unicom frequency and the NDB frequency. Staff will make proposal to the Commission at their next meeting. At 7:00 p.m., a motion to adjourn was made by McGraw, second by Brill. Unanimous approval. NEXT MEETING— TENTATIVE DATE: Tuesday October 18, 2005 at 5:30 September 20, 2005 To: Airport Commission members From: John Olson, Public Works Supt. City of Hutchinson Hutchinson Municipal Airport — Butler Field Maintenance Operations 1400 Adams St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone (320) 234 -4219 Fax (320) 234 -6971 CC: John Rodeberg, Dir. of Public Works Subject: Proposed 2005 Airport Improvements Gentlemen: In May, two bids were received for improvement projects, totaling $491,324. At that time we rejected the bids, because our AIP entitlement balance was only $366,833. Subsequently, we pared down the electrical project to bare essentials and went with a design -build option for the fueling. In August, we opened bids for the projects. For the fueling project, the low bid was not accepted because the electrical portion of the job was not included in his bid. The second low was not accepted because he did not meet the contractor requirements of having had three aviation fuel installations in the last 5 years, as required by the specifications. Therefore, the low bidder was Westmor Industries for $146,759. For the electrical project, the engineers' estimate did not require a formal bidding process, and quotations were sent out to a number of electrical contractors. Only one, Quade Electric, Inc., responded with a price of $44,900. Later in August we received a grant from FAA and Mn/DOT to proceed with the work. At that time, contractors received a notice to proceed from the City. The grants from FAA and Mn/DOT were based on the second low bid, but should be able to be amended to the cost as follows (please note, the change order values are approximate): $ 1461759 — fuel system, per bid 08/05/05 (Westmor Industries) -$ 91500 — change order: use existing card reader system * +$151600 — change order: add avgas pump /hose reel $ 441900 — electrical, per quotation 08/05/05 ( Quade Electric) $ 431000 — engineering, per contract (TKDA) $ 2401759 — total project $ 2281721 — FAA share $ 121038 — City share 2005 Capital Budget = $251000 2005 Capital Expenditures Airport improvements = $121038 Apron improvements = $101692 Drainage improvement = $ 11492 "Electrical improvements in Arrival /Departure building to Eliminate 18" separation to shop $ 51800 Less: Hutchinson Aviation contribution: ($ 11500) Total Capital Expenditures $281522 Total Excess Expenditures $ 31522 2005 Available FAA AIP Funds $3661833 2005 Use of FAA AIP Funds ($228,721 2005 FAA AIP Funds carried forward $138,112 2006 Anticipated AIP Funds $150,000 2006 Available FAA AIP Funds $2881112 These funds would be available for additional items listed on our 5 -year CIP. * It is our intent to add an avgas pump and hose reel, if possible to the 2005 Airport Improvement Project. However, this change order would need Mn/DOT and FAA approval. "Please note, this project was not budgeted for in 2005, but the project was deemed necessary because of an on -going electrical code issue.