08-08-2002 APM+HUTCHINSON AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION Thursday, August 8, 2002 5:30 p.m. Arrival/Departure Building Minutes Chairman Dave Skaar called the meeting of the Hutchinson Airport Commission to order at 5:30. Members present: Dave Skaar, Chuck Brill, Jim Faber, Robert Hantge, and Doug Kephart Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson; and Tom Parker, Hutchinson Aviation, Fixed Base Operator There was a quorum of members present L. Approve minutes of Mav 16, 2002 A motion was made by Hantge, seconded by Brill, to approve minutes of the May 16, 2002 meeting. Unanimous approval. 2. Status of Proposed Pro iect — Safety /Security Improvements Olson informed Airport Advisory Commission members of the status of the proposed Safety /Security Improvements (NavAid Service Roadway & Apron Taxilane {Hangar Service Road, Fencing, & Gates previously deleted}) project scheduled for 2002. 1. Olson informed members that the low bid was about 26% over the engineers estimate, which would have put project costs above that able to be adequately funded by Federal AIP funding. 2. Olson reviewed options that had been presented to the City Engineer and Airport Manager by TKDA Engineers. These options included: 1) Re -bid for NavAid Service Roadway only; 2) Re -bid entire project for November '02 completion date; 3) Re -bid entire project, with some enhancements for '03. 3. Based on TKDA's options, the City Engineer and Airport Manager are recommending that this project be delayed until 2003. Funding will not be `lost' by delaying. Funding would go to $300,000, since the project stretches over two years. There is a very small risk the Federal AIP program will not be fully funded, which would require us to limit the scope of the project. 4. Comments from Airport Advisory Commission members included the idea that electrical work near the buildings and apron improvements still be done in 2002. Olson will contact TKDA Engineers to see what would have to be done to get that part of the project done in 2002. 5. Discussion related to an enhanced 2003 Safety /Security Improvements project included adding items such as a fuel hose reel, Jet -A fuel, items previously cut from the project, animal control, NDB building repair, and preparation for private hangar development. 3. Hangar Availability 1. Olson reviewed hangar availability and hangar waiting lists. Hangars #02 -06 and #03 -06 are available. The top five on the hangar waiting list are 1) Tim Miller, 2) Michael Lamb, 3) Robert Hantge, 4) Henry Reiner, and 5) Charles Brill. 2. Olson reviewed a memorandum from the City Attorney regarding enforcement of Airport Hangar policy. In the City Attorney's opinion, no person may have more than two hangars, regardless of their relationship to the plane in the hangar, e.g., a person that owns a portion of an airplane may not have their own hangar, the hangar housing a plane they have a minority interest in, and apply for another hangar. 3. Commission members directed Olson to offer both hangars, regardless of their date of availability to all persons on the waiting list. Olson and staff will pursue filling the hangars as soon as possible. Airport Advisory Commission Minutes August 8, 2002 Page 2 4. Prouosed Airport Budget — 2003 Olson presented the Airport Advisory Commission with the 2002 budget request. The budget request meets the goal of proposing no more than a 3% increase, as indicate to Olson by the City's Finance Department. Olson reviewed revenues, expenditures, and capital projects. Olson also explained to Commissioners that the City's 5 -year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) relating to Airport items would depend upon the future of Federal AIP funding. The 5 -year CIP will need to be reviewed each year as information about funding becomes available. A motion was made by Hantge, seconded by Kephart, to approve the 2003 Airport budget request as presented. Unanimous approval. (See attached). Commission members spent some time evaluating the future of the Hutchinson Airport. Some discussion was held regarding what the airport would look like in 10 — 20 years. Some discussion was held about the potential for a larger airport located in the county, close to Hutchinson, perhaps between Hutchinson and Glencoe. If plans for another airport were to develop, those plans would affect the Commission's willingness to invest more money into the existing Hutchinson Airport. 5. Procedures related to Fuel Sampling Chairman Dave Skaar updated Commission members regarding the practice of fuel sampling, as it relates to potential pollution. Olson reviewed the Airport's Storm Water Permit with members. Commission members will be looking at whether the Airport's current efforts toward controlling pollution are as effective as possible, and at ways to remind pilots and other users of the airport of our commitment to control pollution. 6. Private Hangar Lease Olson reviewed information obtained from Willmar & Winsted, related to offering private hangars. Willmar is currently charging $0.10 per square foot of leased property. Winsted is currently charging $0.18 per square foot of leased property. Both airports enforce minimum construction standards. Olson reviewed information from County Assessor regarding taxes paid by private hangars. Two examples were given. The first example was a 50' x 60' private hangar, valued at $17,500 pays taxes of about $400 per year. About $160 or 40% of taxes would benefit the City. Another private hangar, valued at $21,900 pays taxes of slightly over $500 per year, which would be about a $200 benefit to the City. In Hutchinson's case, these taxes would reduce the tax burden of other taxpayers in the City. There would be no direct accounting for these taxes in the Airport's budget. Olson reviewed Winsted's lease agreement with Commissioners. Hantge requested that a condemnation clause be added to Hutchinson's lease, protecting the City in the event the property upon which a private hangar is located would be needed for a municipal purpose, or if the airport were closed prior to the normal expiration of the lease. Commissioners agreed that private hangar development be limited to the area just east of Hangar #3. There are eight pads indicated on the airport layout plan. Commissioners will be limiting development to the four southernmost pads until those pads are fully developed. Airport Advisory Commission Minutes August 8, 2002 Page 3 7. Miscellaneous Olson informed Commission members of the recent addition of helicopter maintenance at Hutchinson. Apparently during some maintenance operations, while the aircraft's engine is running, the helicopter skids may damage apron asphalt. Olson forwarded a request for a 14' x 20' concrete apron, to be built near the maintenance hangar, made by Jeff Brenhaug. Commission members directed Olson to include the apron in future projects, but meanwhile, inform Brenhaug to use plywood or other material under the skids to protect the asphalt apron. Commissioners knew of no special activities taking place at the airport on August 9, 2002. Olson informed members that runway and taxiway painting would be taking place. Commissioners asked Olson to request that painting operations not interfere with skydiving operations, which may be significant if weather is pleasant. Olson reminded Commissioners of their terms of office and that, as of September, there are two openings in the Commission. One open seat, held by Robert Hantge, opens upon Robert's appointment to the Hutchinson Planning Commission. The second open seat, held by Jim Faber, is a natural term completion. The terms of office are as follows (* indicates open seats): Name: Term Expires: Chair Dave Skaar: 09-2003 Doug Kephart: 09-2005 Chuck Brill: 09-2006 * Robert Hantge: 09-2004 * Jim Faber: 09-2002 Robert Hantge requested remaining involved in the Airport Advisory Commission as an ex- officio member, and as a liaison with the Planning Commission. Olson will inform the City's Administrative Secretary of this request. 8. Next Meeting The next meeting date was set for October 17, 2002 at 5:30. The preliminary agenda will include more information related to private hangar development.