12-20-1999 APM+HUTCHINSON AIRPORT COMMISSION December 20, 1999 5:30 p.m. Civil Air Patrol Building Minutes Members present: Steve Crow, Joe Dooley, Jim Faber, and Dave Skaar Members absent: Robert Hantge Others Present: Jerry Peterson, TKDA Engineers /Architechts; Tom Parker, Hutchinson Aviation; John Olson, City of Hutchinson There was a quorum of members present. The minutes of November 22, 1999 were approved. OLD BUSINESS Address will remain at 16713 Hwy 15 until an address is assigned by City of Hutchinson. PHASE II PROJECT Jerry Peterson, TKDA, updated the Commission regarding Phase II project progress, including both the civil and building portions of the project. PHASE II (CIVIL PROJECT) 1. Drain tile will be installed in spring 2000. 2. Final grading will be deferred until spring 2000. 3. The engineers have prepared a punch list for the civil contractor and will re- inspect in spring 2000. PHASE II (BUILDING PROJECT) 1. Peterson indicated that the Commission and staff should identify damages caused by occupancy of the building, which has been delayed for about three weeks. 2. The building will be considered substantially complete when the City of Hutchinson issues an occupancy permit for the building. 3. Final inspection of the project originally scheduled for tomorrow, 12/21/99, has been postponed until sometime during the week of 12/27/99. 4. Commission members and staff expressed concern over the fit and adjustment of the doors. Peterson had talked to the superintendent and he informed Peterson that doors were not completely adjusted, but would be before final inspection. 5. Peterson indicated some concern regarding insulation near the entrance. Peterson said he had felt a draft near the entryway. 6. Concerns were expressed over the quality of work being done in the building. The final inspection should address these concerns. NEW BUSINESS Commission members have met with success in securing sponsors for furnishing various rooms in the building. To date, Lynn Card Co. will furnish the pilots' lounge, Hutchinson Telephone Co. will furnish the conference /training room, and Hometown Realty Co. will donate significant resources for a lighted sign at the airport entrance. Commission members also recognized the financial contributions of Hutchinson Technology, Inc. Airport Commission Minutes December 20, 1999 Page 2 Olson reported on various maintenance items: L Mn/DOT conducted their annual night lighting inspection. The only system not functioning was one of the REIL (Runway End Identifier Light) strobe lights. The fixture was damaged during the week of 12/13/99, was reported to Mn /DOT as being damaged, and repair parts are on order. Much appreciation to Mn/DOT Aeronautics for helping secure repair parts. 2. The existing fuel pump card reader will be obsolete by September 2000. It will be necessary to replace the card reader system. Staff is gathering information about options. Chairman Skaar indicated that he would be gone during the months of January, February, and March. He will leave an address, telephone number, and e -mail address with the HATS secretary. A motion was made by Steve Crow and seconded by Jim Faber to adjourn. Next Meeting: 01/31/00 (5:30 p.m.) Location: Arrival/Departure Building Attachments include a Progress Report from TKDA dated November 22, 1999.