01-18-2007 APM+H UTCH I NSON Al RPORT COM M I SSI ON January 18, 2007 5:30 p.m. Airport Arrival /Departure Building M inutes M embers present: Chuck Brill, Doug McGraw, Dick Freeman, Joel Schwarze M embers absent: Dave Skaar, Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson; Several hangar tenants and pilots also attended the meeting. M eeti ng cal I ed to order at 5:30 p. m. There was a quorum of members present. 1. 2006 Airport Improvements —T- Hangar construction 1) Olson updated Commissioners on project progress to date. An inspection will beheld in early February. The contractor has submitted a proposed schedule for completion of approximately mid -to- I ate February. 2. Establish List of Tenant Longevity 1) Commissioners and those present assisted in preparing the list of tenants, by longevity. Dateswere assigned to the tenants, as indicated on the attached memorandum prepared using meeting notes. 3. Assigned Hangar Space when New T- Hangar Becomes Available 1) Commissioners and those present assisted in preparing the assigned hangar spaces, in accordance with the existing Hangar Policy, as indicated on the attached map. At approximately 6:45, a motion to adjourn was made by McGraw, second by Freeman. Unanimous approval. NEXT MEETING: Scheduled for Thursday February 15, 2007 I January 19, 2007 City of Hutchinson H utchi nson M uni ci pal Ai rport — Butl er Fi el d Operati ons & M ai ntenance 1400 Adams St SE H utchi nson, M N 55350 Phone (320) 234 -4219 Fax (320) 234 -6971 To: Airport Commission members From: John Olson, Public Works Manager Subject: Priority order for Hangar Tenants (established at the January 18, 2007 meeting) The priority listing of current hangar tenants established at the last Airport Commission meeting is as fol I ows: 1. Joe Dooley 07/01/83 2. Bernie Knutson 07/01/84 3. Tri pl e D Avi ati on 07/01/85 4. M' Cloud Aviation 07/01/86 5. Cliff K i eper 12/01/86 6. Tom Parker 07/01/87 7. Tim Miller 07/01/89 8. Kathy Bishman 07/01/91 9. James Mona 10/01/93 10. Henry Reiner 07/01/95 11. Tri -Pacer Flying Club (1) 07/01/99 12. Skyvi env Dairy (L uthens) 07/01/00 13. Charles Bri11 07/01/01 14. George Lhotka 07/01/02 15. D i ck Freeman 09/01/03 16. Todd Walters 07/01/04 17. Boy Scout Explorers Flying Club 02/01/05 18. Jeffrey Lux 05/01/05 19. Robert Hantge 10/01/05 20. Brent Reiner 05/01/06 21. Craig Reiner 10/01/06 Waiting list: 1. Jay Hei I 2. Karl Heisel 3. Tim Huiras 4. Julie Neubarth 5. Randy Bryant 6. Donald Abner 7. Tri -Pacer Flying Club (11) 8. Tim Cox 9. Skyvi env D ai ry 02/01/07 02/02/07 02/04 /07(passed over once) 02/05/07 02/06 /07(passed over once) 02/07 /07(passed over once) 02/08/07 02/09/07 02/10/07 Upoll e0opipferion 17 Hartgar Build ing# 2 1'(.,(Id flxanur finiltlinT; q mp ancl N'Wr9cmiam jlut4ic Wmks i# I„ Repan, Dclilt.) Sofflk6,,P, PILblic Works ILMICIUMOTU 1010JAK ........................ ......................... `roil] Boy .............. Parke] .............. .............. Nfillu➢ Ce +jjj, Av8dable Jay Heil FI.; 0 Avlahon Exphm Ors ()2,'()IIL07 CWII Q7/QI/8( 0510JA6 Aft tw1osed . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.] ........................... 42, 3, 4,6,7, it Pavol #1 & $100.00 Rc,td-[ HanRar Kathy Ka11. 41,X30' ........................ Rishman IT 6yel AvAjkvblc 071O1,'91 (02,(2107 Henry 07jY)'9.5 Fri-Pacei jillie Flying' NCt➢b,,rjjj Mflable t" lub (I) To iple 0 07,01,,99 Aviation......................... ......................... "I'll .................... 07,01,85 Chuck l) i- Pace r Brill Flying lUadalfle 07471101 f, „11,117 (11) Cliff 02'01607 Kieper ............. )2f171/86 Sim= Avalh[de EnCIONed 0211V'07 $(k.00 )i,"Merlt ---------------- - ------------------------- 70. 00 Nm -j mitm 0, Open 4 o, X32, $35.011 Residuil S,1 0-00 N *,uknl WPUBUC M Harigirs/Afil),ort Nomp lhingar Building# 3 Lyllol Craig 1'(.,(Id 01rd (,(.). Reno m WaRtis 071,0141 1010JAK 07(01AN `roil] Tim .............. Parke] .............. .............. Nfillu➢ 07)V5'7 Nl'(' ' 1011d BMW Jay Heil 417,,W-59 Avlahon R nr:r ()2,'()IIL07 Q7/QI/8( 0510JA6 .......................... 11, ....................... ........................... tw1osed . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.] ........................... 42, 3, 4,6,7, it #1 & $100.00 Rc,td-[ $175.00 RoW.0 SI I SIS-1.00 Nori-mickut 41,X30' 54'X52.. Ilangpi, Building 0 4 T m Paoker Uet)rge Vick RkAxII Ltwtka Freeman k9an4le 07/M,P,,I 119,M)AP3 VVI,,bP3 -F S I k"Anew J➢jows, Mow jelbey LILX JOL DOOIL)l (IMP aJ r 1,115 OMIM Endo) eel Kesulcid So 10.fX) - Noti-rewinio Storage Spaces A & H $4 OAX) 1.0 i,ol x rat M: .Ca ), 18, 2007 AiTII-I No-6119 0