cp03-13-2012 cNo Workshop AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION — Riverside Assembly of God 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS 6. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 28, 2012 Action — Motion to approve as presented 7. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: onlyfor items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise, ave een a egate tot a City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 13974 — RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUTCION UNCLAIMED PROPERTY (BICYCLES) 2. RESOLUTION NO. 13975 — RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION SURPLUS POLICE DEPARTMENT PROPERTY (METAL EXTENDO BED FOR PICKUP TRUCK) 3. RESOLUTION NO. 13976 — RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION FORFEITED AND ABANDONED VEHICLES 4. RESOLUTION NO. 13979 - RESOLUTION RESTRICTING PARKING ON SOUTH SIDE OF FIFTH AVENUE NW — LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT NO. 12 -01 (b) REAPPOINTMENT OF STACEY NASS AND ROGER VACEK TO HUTCHINSON LIBRARY BOARD TO APRIL 2015 (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ITEMS FOR TRUNK HWY 15 RETAINING WALL RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT — LETTING NO. 5, PROJECT NO. 12 -06 (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2012 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING ANNUAL CATERER'S PERMIT TO NATHAN BUSKA OF ONE EYED WILL'S LLC (f) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA — MARCH 13, 2012 Action — Motion to approve consent agenda 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDING ON -SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE FOR ZELLAS LLC TO INCLUDE AN OUTDOOR PATIO LOCATED AT 14 MAIN STREET SOUTH Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE NO. 12 -0686 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, REESTABLISHING THE BOUNDARIES OF ELECTION PRECINCTS Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 9. COMMUNICATIONS RE UESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to cra t wise po icy. Always looking toward t e uture, not monitoring past) (a) UPDATE ON 800 MHZ PROJECT Action — (b) DISCUSSION OF CITY 2011 ENERGY CONSUMPTION DATA AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY EFFORTS Action - 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN HISTORIC HUTCHINSON AND CITY OF HUTCHINSON Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 11. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CREEKSIDE ORGANIC PROCESSING AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ST. CLOUD Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 12. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: to assess past organizational performance, develop policy thatguides the organization and ounci an manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) (a) FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2012 (b) HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION MINUTES FROM JANUARY 25, 2012 (c) HUTCHINSON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES FROM JANUARY 23, 2012 (d) REPORT ON PIONEERLAND LIBRARY STEM BOARD MEETING OF JANUARY 19, 2012 (e) PLANNING, ZONING, BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FROM FEBRUARY 2012 13. MISCELLANEOUS 14. ADJOURN 2 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Steve Cook called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Bill Arndt, Chad Czmowski, and Eric Yost. Others present were Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, Kent Exner, City Engineer, and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. 2. INVOCATION — Pastor Todd Harris, Oak Heights Covenant Church, delivered the invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY The Council recognized the Girls Hockey Team that made it to the State Tournament for the fourth year. Council Member Christensen thanked Paul Nordin for his service to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS 6. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 14, 2012 Motion by Arndt, second by Czmowski, to approve minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSENLA GENDA (Purpose: only for items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise ave een gate to t e City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES - NONE (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ITEMS FOR 2012 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PHASE I PROJECT — LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 12 -04 (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE TO BETTY JODZIO TO OPERATE HOT DOG AND BEVERAGE CART THROUGHOUT THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING SHORT -TERM GAMBLING LICENSE TO ADULT TRAINING AND HABILITATION CENTER ON JUNE 15, 2012, AT CROW RIVER GOLF CLUB (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING SHORT -TERM GAMBLING LICENSE TO 3M CLUB ON MARCH 30, 2012 (f) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Motion by Christensen, second by Yost, to approve consent agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. (a) SOUTH PARK WATER TOWER REHABILITION PROJECT — LETTING NO. 6, PROJECT NO. 12 -07 v j � l !' G`' CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — FEBRUARY 28, 2012 L13 Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained that the rehabilitation project of the South Park water tower will include exterior and interior coating removal /replacement, structural improvements, restoration and appurtenances. The project will be funded by City bonding and City water funds. Bids are proposed to be opened on April 11, 2012, with the bids being considered at the April 24, 2012, City Council meeting. The estimated project cost is $536,000. Council Member Christensen asked about the structure of the tower. Mr. Exner noted that the structure needs minor improvements, such as doors, manholes, etc. Mr. Exner noted that the project will take approximately nine weeks. Motion by Arndt, second by Yost, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Yost, second by Cook, to approve water tower rehabilitation project, approving Resolution Nos. 13968 and 13969. Motion carried unanimously. necessary to (Purpose: to provide Council with information not monitoring past) (a) UPDATE ON REDISTRICTING Marc Sebora, City Attorney, presented before the Council. Mr. Sebora provided a background on redistricting. In Hutchinson's case, the Minnesota legislative districts have been revised with Hutchinson being split between Legislative District 18A and Legislative District 18B. According to state law, no voting precinct can be in two different legislative districts. Mr. Sebora provided a proposed revised voting precinct map which will move the boundary lines so that all of Precinct 1 will now be east of Hwy 15 which is;the legislative district line. Precinct 2 and Precinct 3 are then being proposed to be revised to better equal out the population in each precinct. Mr. Sebora explained that the process staff intends to follow is to adopt the new precinct boundaries by ordinance and is proposing to hold a public hearing to address the new precinct lines. McLeodCounty, if necessary, will adjust their commissioner districts based on the City's new precinct boundaries. Bill Arndt suggested holding a meeting with the County Commissioners to review the new precinct lines. The mayor noted that a commissioner proposed to him that he, the commissioner, Marc Sebora and Mike Junge meet to review the lines. Motion by Arndt, second by Yost, to set public hearing for March 13, 2012, to review proposed precinct line adjustments. Motion carried unanimously. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 11. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SUPPORT FOR THE RIVERSONG FESTIVAL AND CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING TEMPORARY LIQUOR LICENSE TO HUTCHINSON CENTER FOR THE ARTS ON JULY 21 & 22, 2012, AT MASONIC WEST RIVER PARK John Rodeberg, Riversong Festival Steering Committee, presented before the Council. Mr. Rodeberg noted that this is the Festival's fourth year in holding the event. The request of the steering committe'e`is essentially the same as last year. The support the committee is requesting of the City is dust control on Les Kouba Parkway and mosquito spraying, striping the parking area, two portable light towers after dark, preparation and cleaning up of the site, and use of gators or other equipment such as tables or chairs.' Mr. Rodeberg also provided an overview of the artists scheduled and improvements that the committee is making to the permanent stage. Mr. Rodeberg noted that the committee is seeking a temporary intoxicating liquor license in place of a 3.2% malt liquor license like in years past. The main reasons for the change are due to lack of 3.2 /o product and b 6—/ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES— FEBRUARY 28, 2012 the desire to bring in wines from local venues. More mosquito control would be good. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve support for RiverSong Festival and issuing temporary liquor license. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING BOARD OF EQUALIZATION HEARING FOR APRIL 18, 2012, AT 4:30 P.M. AT HUTCHINSON CITY CENTER Mayor Cook noted that this hearing is held in conjunction with the County Assessor's Office and allows residents an opportunity to appeal their assessed values. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve setting board of equalization hearing for April 18, 2012, at 4:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 12. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: to assess past organizational performance, develop policy that guides the organization and Council and manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items) (a) CITY OF HUTCHINSON ANNUAL NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL REPORT FOR 2011 (b) PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM BOARD MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 15, 2011 (c) HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 20, 2011, AND JANUARY 17, 2012 (d) CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JANUARY 2012 (e) CITY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR JANUARY 2012 (f) HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JANUARY 2012 13. MISCELLANEOUS Bill Arndt — Council Member Arndt noted that the Council should be provided regular updates from the various boards /commissions or subcommittees that are workingg on specific projects. These updates could be provided by the Council Member(s) that serve on the board/commission/sub- committee. Kent Exner — Mr. Exner noted that neighborhood meetings will be held March 1, 2012, beginning at 5:30 p.m. for improvement projects. Mr. Exner also noted that on March 21, 2012, a public meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. to review the Transportation Plan as it relates to the comprehensive plan. A survey will be mailed out to residents in the March water bill along with a notice of the public meeting. Mr. Exner also reviewed the Hwy 7 box culvert project that is being spearheaded by Mn/DOT. The project is proposed to have an overlay of four inches of black top in 2013. Staff is having discussions with Mn/DOT and is looking for the same clearance height as the Luce Line Trail bridge. The road will need to be grade raised approximately three feet. Staff is requestian incorporation of this improvement into Mn/DOT's project. The cost share between the City and MN OT will need to be determined. Mr. Exner asked for authorization to send this request to Mn/DOT's District 8 engineer. Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to approve authorization to send letter to Mn/DOT. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Cook — Mayor Cook noted that Rep. Urdahl, who will now be representing Hutchinson due to the legislative district changes, is able to come and meet with the Council Members on a Tuesday evening Bb-) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —FEBRUARY 28, 2012 following a Council meeting. City Administrator Carter will arrange this. Mayor Cook also noted that a proposed tax system reform is being considered at the legislature. Commissioner Frank is holding town hall meetings on this topic. From these town hall meetings, proposed changes would be considered for 2013. A town hall meeting may held in Hutchinson April on this topic. 14. ADJOURN Motion by Arndt, second by Cook, to adjourn at 6:45 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 4 } �J RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION UNCLAIMED PROPERTY Resolution No. 13974 WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Police Department has accumulated various unclaimed items. AND WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Code provides pursuant to Section 91, Subdivision 3, Paragraph C for the sale at auction of unclaimed property. AND WHEREAS, the unclaimed property, at the time of auction, will have been in the possession of the police services for more than thirty (30) days. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA. That the Hutchinson City Council hereby approves the sale at auction of unclaimed items identified on "Attachment A." Items to be sold at Hotovec Auction Center on April 11, 2012 Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of March, 2012. Mayor City Administrator 9 L, 1 Resolution 13974 Attachment A Page 1 Case Number Item Description 11 -1293 26" Women's Maroon Huffy Thunder Bicycle 11 -1293 24" Women's Murray Mountain Climber Bicycle 11 -1294 26" Men's Blue Magna Great Divide Bicycle 11 -1394 26" Men's Black Next Bicycle 11 -1412 26" Men's Huffy Aftershock Bicycle 11 -1441 Men's Green Huffy Mojave Bicycle 11 -1445 26" Men's Black Schwinn Ranger Bicycle 11 -1453 Gray/Black Magna Bicycle 11 -1497 Men's Chrome Mongoose Outer Limit Bicycle 11 -1509 16" Boy's Magna Bicycle 11 -1537 Men's Red /Black Magna Mountain Bicycle 11 -1539 Women's Green Roadmaster Bicycle 11 -1539 Men's White Fuji DelRey Mountain Bicycle 11 -1638 17" Boy's Blue Magna Bicycle 11 -1663 24" Men's Yellow Magna Bicycle 11 -1692 26" Men's Multi Colored Bicycle 11 -1701 Men's BlackNVhite Shimano Tourney Bicycle 11 -1729 20" Boy's Trek Jet 20 Blue Bicycle 11 -1805 26" Men's Silver Rhino Bicycle 11 -1850 Men's Blue/Gray Schwinn Bicycle 11 -1890 26" Men's 21 Speed Red/Yellow Magna Bicycle 12 -0016 20" Girl's Blue /Black Bicycle 12 -0040 26" Men's Black Roadmaster Mountain Fury Bicycle 12 -0228 26" Men's Black Roadmaster Keystone Bicycle 12 -0336 26" Men's Blue Free Spirit Tourney Bicycle I L4)) RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION SURPLUS POLICE DEPARTMENT PROPERTY Resolution No. 13975 WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Police Department has accumulated surplus property. AND WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Code provides pursuant to Section 91, Subdivision 3, Paragraph C for the sale at auction of surplus property. AND WHEREAS, the police department has determined that it is in possession of surplus property. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA. That the Hutchinson City Council hereby approves the sale at auction — Metal Extendo Bed for Pickup Truck. Item to be sold at Hotovec Auction Center on April 11, 2012. Adopted by the City Council this 13 day of March, 2012. Mayor City Administrator r) 40 RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION FORFEITED AND ABANDONDED VEHICLES Resolution No. 13976 WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Police Department has accumulated various forfeited and abandoned vehicles. AND WHEREAS, Minnesota State Statute provides pursuant to Section 169A.63 for the disposition of vehicles forfeited in connection with driving while intoxicated arrests. AND WHEREAS, Minnesota State Statute provides pursuant to Section 609.5315 for the disposition of vehicles forfeited in connection with a controlled substance crime. AND WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Code provides pursuant to Section 91, Subdivision 3, Paragraph C for the sale at auction of unclaimed property. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA. That the Hutchinson City Council hereby approves the sale at auction on April 11, 2012 at Hotovec Auction Center the vehicles listed on Attachment A: Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of March, 2012. Mayor City Administrator 9 6. Resolution 13976 Attachment A Page 1 Abandoned Vehicles 1996 Red Chevrolet Cavalier VIN/1G1JC1243T7191273 1998 Green Chevrolet Malibu VIN/1G1ND52MOW6144766 Forfeited Vehicles 2001 Red Dodge Intrepid VIN /2B3HD46RX1H573569 1997 Maroon Dodge Intrepid VIN/2B3HD46T1VH654803 1998 Gold Dodge Neon VIN/l B3ES47Y4WD746067 to-- RESOLUTION NO. 13979 RESOLUTION RELATING TO PARKING RESTRICTIONS S.P. 133- 128 -002 FROM STATION 53 +45 TO STATION 75+65 (Fifth Avenue NW) IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON MINNESOTA WHEREAS, this resolution was passed this 1Pday of March, 2012 by the City of Hutchinson in McLeod County, Minnesota. The Municipal Corporation shall hereinafter be called the "City". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the "City", has planned the improvement of Fifth Avenue NW, State Aid Route No. 128 from Kouwe Street NW to TH 15 (Main Street) in the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the "City" will be expending Municipal State Aid Funds on the improvements of this street; and WHEREAS, this improvement does not provide adequate width for parking on both sides of the street; and approval of the proposed construction as a Municipal State Aid Street project must therefore be conditioned upon certain parking restrictions. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the "City" shall ban the parking of motor vehicles on the south side of Fifth Avenue NW (STATION 53 +45 TO STATION 75 +65) at all times. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 13 day of March, 2012. Steven W. Cook, Mayor Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator 9 LO) RESOLUTION NO. 13977 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO.51PROJECT NO. 12 -06 WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve: Retaining wall structure along the westerly side of TH 15 (Main St) from 4th Ave S to 5th Ave S; structure reconstruction, traffic control revisions, and accessibility improvements by construction of grading, modular block, metal railing, concrete walk, curb and gutter, street lighting, bituminous surfacing, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances; and WHEREAS, it is proposed to assess the benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the proposed improvement, called Letting No. 5 /Project No. 12 -06, be referred to the Engineer for study and that that person is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost - effective, and feasible; whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement; the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended; and a description of the methodology used to calculate individual assessments for affected parcels. Adopted by the Council this 13th day of March 2012. Mayor: Steven W. Cook City Administrator: Jeremy J. Carter I tc) HUTCHINSON PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Hutchinson City Center /111 Hassan St SE/Hutchinson MN 55350 - 2522/320. 234- 4209/FAX 320 - 234 -4240 ENGINEERING REPORT & FEASIBILITY STUDY TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Kent Exner, DPW /City Engineer DATE: March 13, 2012 SUBJECT: Letting No. 5 /Project No. 12 -06 I have studied the following proposed improvements and find that the proposed project is feasible and recommend it be constructed: 1-51P12 -06 Retaining wall structure along the westerly side of TH 15 (Main St) from 4th Ave S to 5th Ave S; structure reconstruction, traffic control revisions, and accessibility improvements by construction of grading, modular block, metal railing, concrete walk, curb and gutter, street lighting, bituminous surfacing, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances. q &G-) RESOLUTION NO. 13978 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO.5 /PROJECT NO. 12 -06 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Council adopted December 27th, 2011, a report has been prepared by Kent Exner, Public Works Director /City Engineer with reference to the following proposed improvements: Retaining wall structure along the westerly side of TH 15 (Main St) from 4th Ave S to 5th Ave S; structure reconstruction, traffic control revisions, and accessibility improvements by construction of grading, modular block, metal railing, concrete walk, curb and gutter, street lighting, bituminous surfacing, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances; and said report was received by the Council on December 27th, 2011. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such street(s)s in accordance with the report and the assessment of benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $264,000.00. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on the 10th day of April, 2012, in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center at 6:00 P.M., and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvements as required by law. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 13th day of March 2012. Mayor: Steven W. Cook City Administrator: Jeremy J. Carter 'I LG) To: Mayor and City Council From: Stephanie Nelson, Legal Technician Date: March 7, 2012 Subject: License Renewals for 2012 -2013 The following establishments have applied for 2012 liquor license renewals. The appropriate paperwork has been submitted. Please approve the following licenses: On -Sale Intoxicatin¢ Applebee's Buffalo Wild Wings El Loro II Fraternal Order of Eagles Gold Coin Lamplighter Lounge II, Inc Little Crow Bowling Lanes Wine /Strong Beer License Jake's Pizza S(tma.r Ct\smt �Cnw�+ry11 ite k� �) Club On -Sale Intoxicating Crow River Golf Club V.F.W. Post 906 Hutchinson Elks Lodge #2427 Sunday Liquor License Applebee's Buffalo Wild Wings Crow River Golf Club El Loro II Fraternal Order of Eagles Gold Coin Hutchinson Elks Lodge 42427 Jake's Pizza Little Crow Bowling Lanes V.F. W. Post 906 V ) lJ ) To: Mayor and City Council From: Stephanie Nelson, Legal Technician Date: March 7, 2012 Subject: License Renewals for 2012 -2013 The following establishments have applied for 2012 3.2 Malt Liquor License Renewals. The appropriate paperwork has been submitted. Please approve the following licenses: Off -Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor Erickson's Diversified Corporation (Econo Foods) Erickson Oil Products, Inc (Freedom Valu Center) Wal -Mart SuperCenter Northern Tier Retail LLC (Super America) Kwik Trip, Inc On -Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor Hutchinson Huskies Baseball CITY OF HUTCHINSON CATERER'S PERMIT APPLICATION PERMIT FEE $100 To obtain a Caterer's Permit, applicant must currently hold a valid retail on -sale intoxicating liquor license at a restaurant. All liquor laws and rules apply to both the on -sale license as well as this caterer's permit. Liquor liability and workers compensation insurance are mandatory and a certificate showing off premises coverage must accompany this application for a caterer's permit. Cancellation or suspension of the on -sale license invalidates the caterer's permit also. Only the licensee holding the caterer's permit shall provide food and liquor at catered events. tJn-l-iwa n _6u SKa 8 -7, 9 1 -- Applicant Name (Individual, Partnership, Corporation (If Corporation state full corporate name) DOB Social Security # Oneutd i.tltl_1srs PLC Trade Name or DBA of Restaurant LADD Cer AJ- (__) Address of Restaurant Telephone t_esaer Ptc)L v'te, Mt� City or county where on -sale license issued /I 4��Ch :nso� E've1, Center 3 -3E IL �Ynu_a -t Location of Event mC{2cia Coun1,i to _a3, la Date of Event I certify that the above information provided by the applicant is true, complete, correct and made in good faith and agree to comply with the above paragraph's requirements and all other applicable law in the use of the caterer's permit. Signature — Authorized Applicant Date Print Full Name of Person Signing Please attach the following documents to this form: 1) A copy of the applicant's caterer's permit issued by the State of Minnesota 2) A copy of the applicant's valid on -sale intoxicating liquor license 3) A copy of the applicant's valid restaurant license issued by the Health Department 4) A certificate of liquor liability insurance that states "off premises coverage included" (No applications, binders or declarations). 5) $100 check or money order payable to the City of Hutchinson Pj_ a% n9J..at1A kr PS 9022 (9 -96) N®. Depar hurtit of Puts it �&IfMli Atrllhat & (6amb inn --Em lrrraitriix Ditti!iwu CATERER'S PERMIT One Eyed Willy "s LLC One Eyed Willy's 400 Central Ave Lester PR, MN 55354 HAS BEEN ISSUED THIS LICENSE/PERMIT BY THE STATE OF MINNESOTA PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES CHAPTER 340A AND RELATED REGULATIONS EXPIRES 5/13/2012 1 „ T pu Alcohol & Gambling Enjorcemew Director THIS LICENSEJPERNIIT MUST BE CONSPICUOUSLY DISPLAYED \r F W1111 P No. 264—Liquor License "On Sale." $ wate of Aftwesaft COUNTY OF .... l 4 ii ................ MUNICIPALITY OF ...... ..... 9-,44-1-4L2.., .................. A.We � 641A Uquar . PURSUANT TO APPLICATION THEREFOR, payment of a fee of ..... and upon investigation and satisfactory evidence of the qualification of the licensee herein named to receive the same and that the place of sale hereinafter described Is a proper and legal place therefor, Eaaiiw� sysro�. . sae e,e 1-�0�25 No. LICENSE IS HEREBY GRANTED TO C- ............................ N .................................................... ...... . . ...... ......... Year' L. ,-TO SELL INTOXICATING LIQUORS ................................................................................... - for the term of ...... P - AA . .................. from the ... ....... ........ V of . .. ... A.4 Z_- as defined by law AT RETAIL ONLY FOR CONSUMPTION "ON THE PREMISES" described as ........................................................................................ IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF ..... L�2 .. VdlP-i ... .. QIA-L�k in said County / .. and State, of which promises said licensee ...... confrol.--a-and operate... ... a .................... ............................ ................. - ..... ..................... ....... ko). .. .............................................. ................................................... as defined by law, subject, however, to the laws of the United States, the laws of the State of Minnesota, the regulations and ordinances of said munic- ipality, and the rules and regulations of the LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONER, relating to the sale and distribution of intoxicating liquors, hereby made a part hereof, and subject to revocation according to law for violation thereof. This license n-transferable except by consent of the authority hisuin WiTNESSA is GOVERNING BODY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF.... .... .. . . . L ..and the seal thereof this ...... day of e.3.�.. ...... ........ .......... �uz no q� .. . . . ............ . .............. .......... .. Yeap The ............. . .... OzdAned ............ L�L�G . .......... ...... of the. Attest: ........... ... ..... .. ... . .. ...... (- V ... . .............. ......................................................... .......... it. - . ... llv..,A..� ....... ........ MINNESOTA n9:0Al2TAAf:K1T of HFAI TH rOQ CONSPICUOUSLY 625 Robert Street North, P.O. Box 64975 Environmental Health Division St, Paul, Minnesota 55164-0975 (651) 201-4605 LICENSE NO. FBL-4735-30995 FOR THE OPERATION OF: License Categories: Alcohol Bar Service, Base Fee, Hospitality Fee, Medium Establishment LICENSE PERIOD: January 1, 2012 THRU December 31, 2012 ISSUED 1 Orip. ryed Willy's, LLC 400 Central Avenue P.O. Box 156 Lester Prairie, Minnesota 55354 ESTABLISHMENT NAME: One Eyed Willys, LI-C 400 Central Avenue P.O. Box 156 Lester Prairie, Minnesota 55354 County: Mc! ood License Types: Restaurant/Place of Refreshment CITY OF HUTCHINSON R55CKREG LOG22001VO Council Check Register 2/29/12- 3/13/12 3/8/2012 Check # Ck Date Amount Vendor/ Explanation Account Description 169623 3/13/2012 39.54 A -Z RESTAURANT EQUIP CO REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 169625 3/13/2012 549.55 ACE HARDWARE OPERATING SUPPLIES 169626 3/13/2012 5,963.63 ALDEN POOL & MUNICIPAL SUPPLY EQUIPMENT PARTS 169627 3/13/2012 53.44 ALPHA WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 169628 3/13/2012 4,570.00 ALSARA PROPERTIES LLC LOAN 169629 3/13/2012 145.60 AMERICAN BOTTLING CO COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 169630 3/13/2012 134.17 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. ACCRUED LIFE INSURANCE 169631 3/13/2012 78.50 AMERICAN LEGION OPERATING SUPPLIES 169632 3/13/2012 13.10 AMERICAN MESSAGING COMMUNICATIONS 169633 3/13/2012 253.00 AMERICAN WATERWORKS ASSOC. DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 169634 3/13/2012 65.34 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 169635 3/13/2012 41.29 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE CLEANING SUPPLIES 169636 3/13/2012 125.46 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE INC COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 169637 3/13/2012 557.00 ARNESON DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF SALES -BEER 169638 3/13/2012 543.15 ASHWILL INDUSTRIES INC OPERATING SUPPLIES 169639 3/13/2012 203.06 ATHLETIC METRO SUPPLY OPERATING SUPPLIES 169640 3/13/2012 195.00 ATOM TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 169641 3/13/2012 3,042.50 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO OTHER CONTRACTUAL 169642 3/13/2012 216.96 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS OPERATING SUPPLIES 169643 3/13/2012 1,966.00 BELLBOY CORP COST OF SALES -WINE 169644 3/13/2012 155.58 BERNICK'S COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 169645 3/13/2012 320.63 BIG TIME TOWING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 169646 3/13/2012 479.04 BRANDON TIRE CO CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 169647 3/13/2012 101.24 BROUCEK, DANIEL UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP 169648 3/13/2012 79.32 BUFFALO CREEK ENTERPRISES COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 169649 3/13/2012 485.29 BUSHMAN, RAQUEL FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION 169650 3/13/2012 1,867.62 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 169651 3/13/2012 28,587.16 C & L DISTRIBUTING COST OF SALES -BEER r 1 169652 3/13/2012 2,242.65 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 169653 3/13/2012 694.40 CENTRAL MCGOWAN RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 169654 3/13/2012 5,541.49 CHEMISOLV CORP CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS 169655 3/13/2012 218.40 COMDATA CORPORATION OPERATING SUPPLIES 169656 3/13/2012 41.00 CORBID, BETTE OTHER REVENUES 169657 3/13/2012 369.00 CORPORATE MECHANICAL CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 169658 3/13/2012 1,191.17 CROW RIVER AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 169659 3/13/2012 57.18 CROW RIVER FLORAL & GIFTS MISCELLANEOUS 169660 3/13/2012 212.50 CROW RIVER PRESS INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 169661 3/13/2012 1,870.70 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF SALES -BEER 169662 3/13/2012 6.75 DVS RENEWAL OPERATING SUPPLIES 169663 3/13/2012 1,346.13 E2 ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 169664 3/13/2012 30.00 EAST SIDE OIL COMPANIES RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 169665 3/13/2012 11.90 EBERT, PAT TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 169666 3/13/2012 131.46 ECOLAB PEST ELIM RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 169667 3/13/2012 79.67 ECONO FOODS MEETINGS 169668 3/13/2012 136.77 ECONOMY INN REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 169669 3/13/2012 727.02 ELECTRO WATCHMAN OTHER CONTRACTUAL 169670 3/13/2012 139.37 EPIC PRODUCTS INC COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 169671 3/13/2012 1,780.48 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 169672 3/13/2012 254.54 FASTENAL COMPANY REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 169673 3/13/2012 229.00 FINANCE & COMMERCE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 169674 3/13/2012 514.20 FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE S OPERATING SUPPLIES 169675 3/13/2012 2,240.00 FOSTER'S INC. ADVERTISING 169676 3/13/2012 83.63 G & K SERVICES OPERATING SUPPLIES 169677 3/13/2012 20,267.20 GARICK CORPORATION RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 169678 3/13/2012 1,493.30 GARTNER REFRIGERATION & MFG, I CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 169679 3/13/2012 251.40 GLACIAL RIDGE WINERY COST OF SALES -WINE 169680 3/13/2012 535.88 H.A.R.T. ACCRUED DEFERRED COMP 169681 3/13/2012 917.71 HACH COMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES 169682 3/13/2012 7.50 HAGER JEWELRY INC. BUILDING REPAIRS 169683 3/13/2012 169.85 HANNEMAN, MARK TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 169684 3/13/2012 1,125.00 HANSEN GRAVEL SNOW REMOVAL 169685 3/13/2012 562.50 HANSEN & VASEK CONSTRUCTION SNOW REMOVAL 169686 3/13/2012 1,150.00 HENKE COMPANIES CONTRACT REPAIR &MAINTENANCE 169687 3/13/2012 400.77 HILLYARD / HUTCHINSON OPERATING SUPPLIES 169688 3/13/2012 562.50 HJERPE CONTRACTING SNOW REMOVAL 169689 3/13/2012 48.21 HOLT MOTORS INC CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 169690 3/13/2012 525.00 HOLT TOUR & CHARTER OPERATING SUPPLIES 169691 3/13/2012 39.99 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 169692 3/13/2012 3,280.53 HUTCH AUTO BODY AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR 169693 3/13/2012 6,486.00 HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE 169694 3/13/2012 267.70 HUTCHINSON CO -OP MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 169695 3/13/2012 4,414.35 HUTCHINSON CONVENTION & VISITC LODGING TAX REIMBURSEMENT 169696 3/13/2012 4,871.36 HUTCHINSON LEADER ADVERTISING 169697 3/13/2012 87.00 HUTCHINSON MEDICAL CENTER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 169698 3/13/2012 704.66 HUTCHINSON SENIOR ADVISORY BOA OPERATING SUPPLIES 169699 3/13/2012 111,555.05 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES UTILITIES 169700 3/13/2012 1,484.50 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE EQUIPMENT PARTS 169701 3/13/2012 437.50 HUTCHINSON YOUTH BASKETBALL A! RECREATION ACTIVITY FEES 169702 3/13/2012 4,000.00 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF MISCELLANEOUS 169703 3/13/2012 475.00 INDEPENDENT EMERGENCY SERVICE! COMMUNICATION MAINTENANCE 169704 3/13/2012 3,440.00 INFRATECH CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 169705 3/13/2012 343.96 J & R RADIATOR AC & EXHAUST CO CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 169706 3/13/2012 2,415.72 JACK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT SAFETY SUPPLIES 169707 3/13/2012 418.84 JEFF MEEHAN SALES INC. ACCRUED COMMISSIONS PAYABLE 169708 3/13/2012 2,362.18 JEFF'S ELECTRIC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 169709 3/13/2012 220.20 JJ TAYLOR DIST OF MN COST OF SALES -BEER 169710 3/13/2012 280.55 JOANIE'S CATERING OPERATING SUPPLIES 169711 3/13/2012 38.85 JOCHUM, DANIEL TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 169712 3/13/2012 11,434.99 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. COST OF SALES -WINE 169713 3/13/2012 2,525.00 JUUL CONTRACTING CO SNOW REMOVAL 169714 3/13/2012 33,785.04 KANSAS STATE BANK MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 169715 3/13/2012 453.30 KLOSS, TOM SMALLTOOLS 169716 3/13/2012 25,579.61 KNIFE RIVER IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDGS 169717 3/13/2012 209.10 KOBOW, BECKY TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 169718 3/13/2012 562.50 KOSEK, JEFF SNOW REMOVAL f� 169719 3/13/2012 153.97 KTEE SAFETY GEAR, INC OPERATING SUPPLIES 169720 3/13/2012 73.04 L & P SUPPLY CO EQUIPMENT PARTS 169721 3/13/2012 13:68 LARSON, QUENTIN TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 169722 3/13/2012 1,924.96 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES -INS TRUST INSURANCE - DEDUCTIBLE COST 169723 3/13/2012 100.00 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES -INS TRUST INSURANCE - DEDUCTIBLE COST 169724 3/13/2012 449.18 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES -INS TRUST INSURANCE- DEDUCTIBLE COST 169725 3/13/2012 52,214.75 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES -INS TRUST ACCRUED WORKERS COMP 169726 3/13/2012 45,622.50 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES -INS TRUST GENL LIAB.- INSURANCE 169727 3/13/2012 282.00 LITIN PAPER COMPANY RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 169728 3/13/2012 18,060.63 LOCHER BROTHERS INC COST OF SALES -BEER 169729 3/13/2012 75.00 LOFFLER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 169730 3/13/2012 59,763.62 LOGIS DUE FROM UTILITIES 169731 3/13/2012 94.91 M -R SIGN SIGNS & STRIPPING MATERIALS 169732 3/13/2012 80.00 MAGNUSSON, BRIAN UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP 169733 3/13/2012 7,769.50 MARLIN LEASING RENTALS 169734 3/13/2012 35.00 MCLEOD COUNTY FAIR ADVERTISING 169735 3/13/2012 45.00 MCPA DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 169736 3/13/2012 1,302.05 MEEKER COUNTY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 169737 3/13/2012 892.85 MENARDSHUTCHINSON SMALL TOOLS 169738 3/13/2012 197.88 MES - MIDAM SMALL TOOLS 169739 3/13/2012 30.00 MESSAGE MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS 169740 3/13/2012 332.00 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH LICENSES & TAXES 169741 3/13/2012 120.00 MINNESOTA FIRE SERVICE CERTIF TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 169742 3/13/2012 387.60 MINNESOTA GREEN EXPO ADVERTISING 169743 3/13/2012 1,500.00 MINNESOTA SPORTS FEDERATION MISCELLANEOUS 169744 3/13/2012 1,049.00 MINNESOTA STATE HORTICULTURAL RECEIVED NOTVOUCHERED 169745 3/13/2012 325.00 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB OTHER CONTRACTUAL 169746 3/13/2012 674.79 MOTION INDUSTRIES INC RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 169747 3/13/2012 23.00 MPCA LICENSES & TAXES 169748 3/13/2012 40.00 MURPHY, AMY OTHER REVENUES 169749 3/13/2012 880.89 NAGY, RICHARD TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 169750 3/13/2012 448.00 NCPERS LIFE INS. ACCRUED LIFE INSURANCE 169751 3/13/2012 54.23 NEWMANN, BRAD ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL 169752 3/13/2012 239.64 NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS OPERATING SUPPLIES 169753 3/13/2012 150.38 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 169754 3/13/2012 4,528.75 NU- TELECOM COMMUNICATIONS 169755 3/13/2012 19.92 NUSS TRUCK& EQUIPMENT CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 169756 3/13/2012 69.28 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 169757 3/13/2012 97.88 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 169758 3/13/2012 4,155.47 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO COST OF SALES -WINE 169759 3/13/2012 5,823.51 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF SALES- LIQUOR 169760 3/13/2012 15.00 PLATH, STEVEN OTHER REVENUES 169761 3/13/2012 60.00 PLEAA DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 169762 3/13/2012 1,500.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 169763 3/13/2012 1,713.47 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 169764 3/13/2012 2,934.78 PRO CARE SERVICES INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 169765 3/13/2012 573.19 PRO -BUILD REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 169766 3/13/2012 17.29 PROMAXX TRUCK PARTS EQUIPMENT PARTS 169767 3/13/2012 138.93 QUADE ELECTRIC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 169768 3/13/2012 7,218.83 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. COST OF SALES - LIQUOR 169769 3/13/2012 40.74 QUILL CORP OPERATING SUPPLIES 169770 3/13/2012 38,192.45 R & R EXCAVATING IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDGS 169771 3/13/2012 75.50 R & R SPECIALTIES INC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 169772 3/13/2012 1,740.40 R.J.L. TRANSFER FREIGHT 169773 3/13/2012 159.30 RBSCOTT EQUIPMENT RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 169774 3/13/2012 169.66 REFLECTIVE APPAREL FACTORY INC SAFETY SUPPLIES 169775 3/13/2012 1,463.85 RUNNING'S SUPPLY UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP 169776 3/13/2012 506.13 S & S PARTS LLC RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 169777 3/13/2012 2,234.89 5 & T OFFICE PRODUCTS OPERATING SUPPLIES 169778 3/13/2012 1,048.87 SAM'S CLUB FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION 169779 3/13/2012 8,511.84 SCHMELING OIL CO MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 169780 3/13/2012 8,169.62 SCHOOL DIST # 423 OTHER REVENUES 169781 3/13/2012 64.13 SCOTT'S WINDOW CLEANING SERVIC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 169782 3/13/2012 1,066.22 SEH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 169783 3/13/2012 48.00 SENSIBLE PRODUCTS INC. TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 169784 3/13/2012 239.80 SEPPELT, MILES CARALLOWANCE - TRAVEL 169785 3/13/2012 55.00 SEVEN COUNTY PROCESS SERVERS L OTHER CONTRACTUAL 169786 3/13/2012 174.87 SHARE CORP REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 169787 3/13/2012 77.63 SHOPKO OPERATING SUPPLIES U 169788 3/13/2012 33.00 SHRED -IT USA INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 169789 3/13/2012 269.00 SKILLPATH SEMINARS TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 169790 3/13/2012 1,303.23 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MN COST OF SALES -WINE 169791 3/13/2012 311.88 SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS 169792 3/13/2012 156.50 SPS COMMERCE RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 169793 3/13/2012 16.03 STANDARD PRINTING OPERATING SUPPLIES 169794 3/13/2012 1,019.44 STAPLES ADVANTAGE OPERATING SUPPLIES 169795 3/13/2012 155.88 STEWARD ENTERPRISE INC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 169796 3/13/2012 32.06 SUNSHINE FLORAL & GIFTS MISCELLANEOUS 169797 3/13/2012 562.50 TONY FORCIER TRUCKING SNOW REMOVAL 169798 3113/2012 26,876.76 TREBELHORN & ASSOC MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 169799 3/13/2012 419.84 TWO WAY COMMUNICATIONS INC RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 169800 3/13/2012 1,000.00 US COMPOSTING COUNCIL DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 169801 3/13/2012 1,122.58 USPS - HASLER POSTAGE 169802 3/13/2012 69.95 VERTECH SOLUTIONS & SERVICES CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 169803 3/13/2012 11,663.91 VIKING BEER COST OF SALES -BEER 169804 3/13/2012 285.50 VIKING COCA COLA COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 169805 3/13/2012 1,599.53 VIKING SIGN & GRAPHICS INC LOAN 169806 3/13/2012 994.65 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN REFUSE - RECYCLING 169807 3/13/2012 46,108.42 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN REFUSE - HAULING 169808 3/13/2012 1,393.65 WENDLANDT TREE SERVICE INC. CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 169809 3/13/2012 80.54 WEST PUBLISHING PAYMENT CTR OPERATING SUPPLIES 169810 3/13/2012 99.37 WESTMOR INDUSTRIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 169811 3/13/2012 233.00 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 169812 3/13/2012 19,967.60 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 169813 3/13/2012 20.00 WOODLING, CASANDRA OTHER REVENUES 169814 3/13/2012 810.46 XEROX CORP COPY MACHINE 726,087.41 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 726,087.41 Total Payments 726,087.41 PAYROLL ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS PAYROLL DATE: 03/09/2012 Period Ending Date: 03/03/2012 $49,825.04 IRS - Withholding Tax Account Federal Withholding Employee /Employer FICA Employee /Employer Medicare $10,247.81 MN Department of Revenue State Withholding Tax $38,052.34 Public Employee Retirement Association Employee /Employer PERA/DCP Contributions $1,808.47 TASC Employee Flex Spending Deductions $6,220.49 TASC Employee Contributions to Heath Savings Account Employer Contributions to Health Savings Account $475.00 MNDCP Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $1,365.00 ING Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $1,230.00 ICMA Retirement Trust Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $701.88 MN Child Support System Employee Deductions $0.00 MSRS - Health Savings Plan Employee Deductions to Health Savings Plan $109,926.03 Total Electronic Funds Transfer 9 o�) Ordinance No. 12 -0686 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, REESTABLISHING THE BOUNDARIES OF ELECTION PRECINCTS. THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDAINS: Section 1. In accordance with Minnesota Statute 204B.14, the City of Hutchinson does hereby adopt new election precincts, identified as Precincts 1, 2 and 3, specifically described as: Subd. 1. Precinct 1 of the City of Hutchinson shall include all that territory of the City of Hutchinson lying east of the centerline of Highway 15 with all lands hereafter annexed lying east of the above designated ward boundary shall be included in Precinct 1; Subd. 2. The Second Precinct shall include all that territory of the City of Hutchinson lying West of Highway 15 (Main Street) and north of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of Main Street and Milwaukee Ave SW and continuing along the centerline of Milwaukee Ave SW in a westerly direction to the intersection of Milwaukee Ave SW and Lynn RD SW and continuing in a northerly direction along the centerline of Lynn RD SW to the intersection of Lynn RD SW and Juul RD SW, thence West along the centerline of Juul RD SW to the intersection of Juul RD SW and Dale ST SW, thence Northeasterly along the centerline of Dale ST SW to the intersection of Dale ST SW and Second AVE SW thence proceeding North to the south bank of the Crow River and thence along the south bank of the Crow River to a point intersecting with the westerly boundary of the City of Hutchinson; lands hereinafter annexed lying north and west of the above described precinct boundary shall be included in Precinct 2; Subd. 3. The Third Precinct shall include all that territory of the City of Hutchinson lying West of Highway 15 (Main Street) and South of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of Main Street and Milwaukee Ave SW and continuing along the centerline of Milwaukee Ave SW in a westerly direction to the intersection of Milwaukee Ave SW and Lynn RD SW and continuing in a northerly direction along the centerline of Lynn RD SW to the intersection of Lynn RD SW and Juul RD SW, thence West along the centerline of Juul RD SW to the intersection of Juul RD SW and Dale ST SW, thence Northeasterly along the centerline of Dale ST SW to the intersection of Dale St SW and Second AVE SW thence proceeding North to the south bank of the Crow River and thence along the south bank of the Crow River to a point intersecting with the westerly boundary of the City of Hutchinson; lands hereinafter annexed lying south and west of the above described precinct boundary shall be included in Precinct 3; and as also shown on the attached map, marked as "Exhibit A" and incorporated as if fully set out herein. 8CN) Section 2. The polling place for Precinct 1, Precinct 2 and Precinct 3 in the City of Hutchinson is the Recreation Center located at 900 Harrington Street SW, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication and as provided in Minnesota Statute 204B.14. Adopted by the City Council this 27 day of March, 2012. Steve Cook, Mayor ATTEST: Jeremy Carter, City Administrator • f Hutchinson cinct Map •uary, 2012 1 =71 i user 0 this mWm agree$ "thq$a ddk§ end m ap sets -;wir nr-r~ om infoFmam pr mled by uarims gpvernment and pnr aft sources at 'malts Ifk k" "Cl WNF 1101% 61 ur y. P' 1=g :TELL anly ;1 PpresentAun end shoes not be o i red as aposi oralty aw jralr. i-s pro %%ded - ar. ia' wi& A aairft. F-Ade astoAs ax-Uracy L) r im jtmrs -g 10 its inkenOO v�r or the c it is ibo r Ran!s.Wrtyr qA thR en lawme of irt data s G mom and to Miles Me data in afl apDromate rid the erd user u•Avt*t is two Yore Ca!ty or KAthemjm kwu es Itr wng aua as his gechangm opt infprr Lp ipr;. Thwefgrc undww no r -oa:& shall the Git o(Avtohinum be halm f monsAA@ dcr any oom. dam es of injunn. rolu(r g apeaal or,n,,ldental or mme Li any parsmi$) 6r property that arl%ta .irnrr th* u se. & ft--u!&k W Inform aon pmvidip:d. �/J C Hutchinson City Center ill Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 320 - 587- 5151lFax 320 -234 -4240 TO: Mayor and City Council Members FROM: John Paulson, Environmental Specialist RE: Municipal Operations Energy Conservation DATE: 3/6/2012 City staff has continued to track the energy usage of City facilities. Positive progress has been made on behalf of tracking and facility improvements that have been completed. The City Facilities energy usage baselines have been set using a full year of operational data. The City consumption baseline for all facilities has been established using primarily 2006 consumption information. The exceptions are data from: 2007 City HATS storage building, 2007 HATS Facility due to the new addition, and the 2008 WTP and 2009 WWTP. Progress has been made on many fronts. When compared to baseline usages: electric usage has went down in most city facilities and is down 10.82% City wide. Natural gas usage has gone down 2.72% as compared to the baseline established for all City meters. There are many different variables affecting the usage in our facilities. As part of the Facilities Master Plan process we will continue to develop a means of tracking many of these variables. The energy usage for each facility will be part of our review with facility staff as we begin the facility assessment process. The awareness gained from tracking our energy usage and determining where the most beneficial changes can be made has been very economical while providing for obvious environmental benefits. By trying to achieve the goal, monitoring the progress, and creating awareness, staff can make informed decisions on what works and what still needs to be done. Attached is a summary of the energy usage comparisons to the baseline year of data. The data seen for each department includes the usage data from every known meter that is operated and managed by that department. City staff welcomes your comments and suggestions and will assist the council in any way we can. Printed on recycled paper - I %) City Energy Consumption City Council Meeting March 13th, 2012 Past Data Compilation 2006 -2011 Usages Annual usage comparisons Usage Baseline Baseline is established for all facilities 2006 baseline except for WTP, W WTF, and HATS City Goal Percent reduction from baseline values 7% by 2015 Electric - 10.82% from baseline Natural Gas -2.72% from baseline Project Prioritization Facilities Master Plan Determining which projects should be done and when • CIP planning Identifying project list Funding . HUC rebates available B3 Benchmarking . Improving tools Additional Topics of Discussion Questions? 9 u2) Energy Usage Comparisons " Wastewater I Baseline 2011 1 Baseline -2011 OWCity Dept -City Electric Usage(kWh) 1 4393609 1 4057723 -7.64% 44.02% -3.25% Gas Usage(ft 7339099 1 6761038 -7.88% 26.21% -2.18% Water I Baseline 1 2011 1 Baseline -2011 %City Dept -City Electric Usage(kWh) 25993391 2153409 - 17.16% 23.36% -4.31% Gas usage(W)j 22675091 1254220 - 44.69% 4.86% - 3.82% Public Works I Baseline 2011 1 Baseline- 2011 %City Dept -City Electric Usage(kWh) 6818001 624233 -8.44% 6.77% -0.56% Gas Usage(ft) 34367901 38617531 12.37% 14.97% 1.60% Emerg Services Baseline06 1 2011 1 Baseline -2011 %City Dept -City Electric Usage(kWh)l 2837731 243222 - 14.29% 2.64 -0.39% Gas Usage(ft 15889001 15977001 0.55% 6.19% 0.03 Parks Baseline06 2011 Baseline- 2011 %City Dept -City Electric Usage(kWh)l 12887741 12922521 0.27% 14.02% 0.03% Gas Usage(ft 62372241 74284771 19.10% 28.79% 4.49% Building Baseline06 1 2011 1 Baseline -2011 %City Dept -City Electric Usage(kWh) 5268831 375023 - 28.82% 4.07% -1.47% Gas Usage(ft 19922341 1617337 - 18.82% 6.27% -1.41% Compost Base line66 2011 1 Baseline -2011 %City Dept -City Electric Usage(kWh)j 2528901 208160 - 17.69% 2.26% -0.43% Gas Usage(W)j 31645641 2591788 - 18.10% 10.05% - 2.16% Liquor Hutch 1 Baseline06 1 2011 1 Baseline -2011 %City Dept-Ci Electric Usage(kWh) 309818 264502 - 14.63% 2.87 -0.44% Gas Usage(ft) 491940 685503 39.35% 2.66% 0.73% Total Dept. Usage Baseline 1 2011 1 Baseline-2011 Electric Usage(kWh)l 103368861 9218524 - 10.82% Gas Usage(ft 265182601 25797816 -2.72% Example: -5.90% is a reduction in 2007 from 2006 Baseline years are calculated using primarily 2006 data with the exception of WW, Water, and Public Works Wastewater Baseline: 2006 data for all meters except the main plant which is using 2009 as the first full year of operation Water Baseline: 2006 data for all meters except main plant which is using 2008 data as the first full year of operation PW Baseline: 2006 data for all meters except for HATS and the Cold Storage Building which are using 2007 data for the first full year of operation 1 (�) Agreement Between the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, and Historic Hutchinson Concerning City-Owned Historic Properties This agreement between the City of Hutchinson Minnesota, a Minnesota municipal corporation, ( "the City ") and Historic Hutchinson, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation ( "Historic Hutchinson ") is for the purpose of setting out the use, maintenance and funding for two historic properties in the City of Hutchinson, namely the Harrington - Merrill House and the Episcopal Church Property. The Harrington - Merrill House and the Episcopal Church property, (together "the Properties ") are historic properties which are owned by the City. Historic Hutchinson is a community nonprofit organization made up of individuals interested in preserving and maintaining historic properties within the city of Hutchinson. Historic Hutchinson desires to assist the City in the maintenance and preservation of the Properties. Because of their historic significance to the citizens of Hutchinson, it is the desire of both of the parties that the Properties be preserved, maintained, and made available to be used for historic tours and study, and be available for lease for social events from individuals and groups. In order to accomplish these things, the parties agree to the following: Access Access to the Properties will be coordinated through the City of Hutchinson Parks and Recreation Department. Should Historic Hutchinson personnel or third parties wish to access the Properties, the City of Hutchinson Parks and Recreation Department shall be contacted, hopefully, at least one day in advance of the scheduled access or event. Scheduline and Rates The scheduling of the use of the Properties by Historic Hutchinson or third parties shall be administered by the City of Hutchinson Parks and Recreation Department. Rates to be charged to third parties for events shall be determined by the City and shall be placed on the City's annual fee schedule. There shall be no charge to Historic Hutchinson for that group's use of the Properties. Insurance The City shall maintain insurance coverage for the Properties in accordance with coverages it currently has in place for other city-owned facilities. Utilities Historic Hutchinson shall be responsible for all electric, gas, water and wastewater expenses for the Properties. The amount of payment and schedule for Historic Hutchinson's contribution for utilities shall be determined by the City of Hutchinson Finance Department. Maintenance The City of Hutchinson shall be responsible for all maintenance of the grounds and snow removal. Historic Hutchinson shall be responsible for all building maintenance costs according to a payment schedule determined by the City of Hutchinson Finance Department. J°b) Offset of Charges The City of Hutchinson may offset the charges imposed to Historic Hutchinson for utilities and maintenance in consideration of contributed materials to the Properties by Historic Hutchinson. The City of Hutchinson's Finance Department, after meeting annually with a representative from Historic Hutchinson, shall make the final determination as to the amounts owed by historic Hutchinson for its share of the cost of utilities and maintenance for these properties taking into account the value of donated materials and other factors that the finance department deems necessary in making this determination. The determination of the Finance Department shall be final. The determination shall be made within 30 days of the end of this agreement. Grants and Historic Designations From time to time the City, with the recommendation and advice of Historic Hutchinson, may choose to apply for grants or other monies from outside sources and may wish to have the Properties designated as historically significant by various governmental agencies. All applications for grants and outside funding sources and historic designations shall be made either by the City or with the City's prior written approval. Collaboration Representatives of the parties shall periodically meet to discuss ideas and suggestions for: • Maintenance priorities for the Properties • Funding opportunities • Volunteer support for property projects • Marketing opportunities and other items of significance to the Properties, bearing in mind that the City owns and controls the Properties. Term. This agreement shall be effective for one year beginning with the latest date subscribed below. CITY OF HUTCHINSON s TC r' G H�`�`Lh 11, Jeremy J. Carter City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor Date Date )DLL CITY OF HUTCHINSON MEMO Administration Department March 9, 2012 �IAi11:I'[IJ�_���`L�1111►CRi11 FROM: JEREMY CARTER, CITY ADMINISTRATOR SUBJECT: CREEKSIDE PROCESSING AGREEMENT WITH ST. CLOUD Back in 2007, Creekside & City staff looked at three different business models that focused on the ability to optimize revenues & profits while minimizing the costs of the raw materials needed to bag and market Creekside's three product lines. From that analysis, three different cost methods were identified: 1) Allow raw materials to be delivered to Creekside free of charge, which would then be processed into finish materials to be bagged and marketed, 2) Purchase finished materials that could be bagged and marketed or 3) Find a way to charge /collect a tip fee upfront on the raw materials to cover all or a majority of the costs of manufacturing the raw materials into finished materials to be bagged and marketed. From the business model analysis, the most advantageous cost model proved to be method #3. It has taken awhile to find opportunities to blend cost model #3 into the other two cost methods for addressing raw materials. However, by starting to engage in these types of agreements Creekside will start to see the costs of finished materials dramatically decrease providing the opportunity to grow margins on the product lines and products while at the same time allowing the flexibility to reduce the sale price of the product to move towards growth in sales. The City of St. Cloud authorized on February 27` Creekside to process their organic materials delivered to the compost site within the City of St. Cloud. St. Cloud has agreed to pay a $19 per ton tipping fee to Creekside for the raw leaves & grass delivered to the site. Creekside will process the raw materials into finished product and freight back all but a 1,000 yards to Creekside. When reviewing several financial proforma's on the St. Cloud agreement staff is confident the $19 per ton tipping fee will cover all the costs associated with manufacturing and hauling the finished product back to Creekside at no cost. If there are any questions from council please feel free to contact me. I would recommend council approve this agreement with the City of St. Cloud. Sincerely, Jeremy Carter City Administrator I I L Organics Processing Agreement The City of St. Cloud, a Minnesota municipal corporation (St. Cloud) and the City of Hutchinson, a Minnesota municipal corporation (Hutchinson) have entered into this agreement to enable St. Cloud to have Hutchinson, for valuable consideration, process organics that are located at 522 33` Street in the city of St. Cloud ( "the site "). The site currently contains 3000 tons of grass and leaves that have not yet been processed into materials that would be suitable as finished compost. It is the desire of St. Cloud that these materials, consisting of primarily grass and leaves, be processed into finished compost. Hutchinson has the experience, personnel, and expertise to process the aforementioned materials into compost. The parties agree to the following terms of this agreement: Term. The term of this agreement shall be from the last date signed below through July 31, 2012 Materials Hutchinson will process the materials currently on -site. The materials brought into the site after the commencement of this agreement will be measured and agreed upon by both parties at the agreed tip fee and processed through the end of the agreement term. Equipment Hutchinson shall use its own equipment in fulfilling its responsibilities in this agreement to the greatest extent possible and shall be responsible for all maintenance of its equipment and the cost thereof. Hutchinson will contract with a private company to provide the turning of raw materials. The private contractor will be responsible for insuring the turning equipment and provide certificate of insurance. All Hutchinson equipment shall be properly insured. In the event Hutchinson needs the help of St. Cloud in processing some of the materials the City of Hutchinson will reimbursement St. Cloud $85 per hour for loader time. Personnel Hutchinson shall use all of its own personnel to operate its equipment in fulfilling this agreement. All Hutchinson personnel will be properly insured. Hold Harmless. Hutchinson shall indemnify and hold St. Cloud harmless from all claims of third parties, employees of Hutchinson, and contractors under Hutchinson's control for claims arising out of Hutchinson's performance of this contract. Site Security. St. Cloud shall be responsible for keeping the site secure and for ensuring that its employees and members of the general public are kept away from the area in which Hutchinson )L) is processing the materials. St. Cloud shall be responsible for damages to Hutchinson's equipment at times that Hutchinson personnel are not on -site. Invoicing and Payment Hutchinson shall invoice St. Cloud for the costs of performing services under this agreement as follows: March 1 st, 2012 for the amount that Hutchinson, in consultation with St. Cloud estimates to be the costs for processing one half of the material on -site at the beginning of this agreement. The second and final invoice shall be submitted to St. Cloud by August 15, 2012 representing the costs for processing the remainder of the organic material subject to this agreement. Cost. St. Cloud shall pay a tipping fee of $19 to Hutchinson for each ton of raw leaves and grass that will be processed into compost. St. Cloud and Hutchinson together shall determine the tonnage of compost that needs to be processed. Entitlement to Organic materials. St. Cloud shall be entitled to 1000 yards of finished compost processed by Hutchinson at the site at no cost to St. Cloud with the remaining balance becoming property of the City of Hutchinson. Hutchinson shall be entitled to take possession of and process brush branches and logs located on the site, keeping in the resulting processed material for its own use. Grinding. Grinding under this agreement will consist of annual normal volumes of St. Cloud logs and brush to be ground at no charge. Grinding of the materials will commence between the dates of June 1 — June 30` Any excess materials generated from severe storm events will not be commensurate under this agreement. City of St. Cloud B �� y Its i � r � � I r c 7YlCireh Date City of Hutchinson By Its_ By Its Date OL9� The Kral Me District Water System for Freliightitg T« Fire District Citizens, Council Members, Web -Site Visitors, and Our Face Book Friends From: Brad Emans, Fire Chief Date: 03101/2012 Re: Monthly Update on the Activities of the Hutchinson Fire Department for February 2012 Fire Department Response: The Fire Department responded to 32 calls for service in the month of February. Fire Officer Only Response: A "fire officer only" responded to 12 calls in February saving the Hutchinson Fire District the cost of a "general" alarm estimated at $2,184.00 for the month. Response Time (First Emergency Vehicle Out of the Door): February — 4 minutes 21 seconds. Example of a Few of the Calls: • The FD responded twice in twenty four hours to one of the assisted living facilities when a person pulled the fire alarm and left the scene. Through investigation it was determined that the person pulling the fire alarm was a resident; • The FD assisted the County Death Investigator with a DOA in the city since EMS can no longer be on scene; • A FD Officer responded to a call of smoke detector activation in a house that was unoccupied. The neighbor heard the smoke detectors sounding and notified the FD, no fire or smoke was found; • The FD responded with the Aerial Ladder truck to a working commercial down /residential up structure Main Street fire in the City of Stewart; • The FD responded to a fire alarm at one of the churches in the southwest part of the city. Upon arrival the incident commander found the fire alarm panel on fire from an obvious short in the system. The fire was extinguished when the power was shut off to the panel; • The FD responded to a possible residential fire, upon arrival the FD found the refrigerator smoking from a possible burned out electrical motor. No smoke or fire damage was done to the home; • In 2008, the state law required all apartment buildings to install carbon monoxide detectors. Hutchinson vigorously enforced that law through the rental inspection program; it paid off as the FD was called to a carbon monoxide detector activation during regular sleeping hours and ultimately found heavy concentrations of CO in the building mechanical room. The FD ventilated the building and had management contact mechanical repair; Imo-) • The FD assisted the Stewart FD with firefighters and additional water supply to a rural 'converted barn to a commercial business" in their northern fire area. The cause of the fire appears to be a wood burning stove with the building being a total loss. Breakdown of the Calls for the Month: City Type of Call Number for the Month Residential 4 Commercial/Industrial 5 Mufti-Family 8 School 0 Grass 0 Medical 4 CO 4 Rescue 0 Haz -Mat Leak/Spill 1 Vehicle 1 Sky-Warn 0 Mutual Aid 1 Stewart FD Total 28 Structure Fires 1 Arson 0 Rural: Type of Call Number for the Month Residential 0 Commercial / Industrial 0 School 0 Farm Building 0 Grass 0 Medical 3 CO 0 Rescue 0 Haz -Mat Leak/Spill 0 Vehicle 0 Mutual Aid 1 Stewart FD Total 4 Structure Fires t Arson 0 • Page 2 1 e)L�) Training: Firefighters Trained on the Following Topics /Equipment: • Firefighters completed their monthly equipment check including the SCBA check, small engine test, small tool condition check, electrical equipment check, lights and siren check, and turn -out gear inspection; • Firefighters completed a class on communication and incident command (riding the officer seat); • Firefighters conducted a search and rescue class at the training site including a section on self rescue and RIT (Rapid Intervention Team) rescue. Fire Prevention / Public Relations I Other Information: • The FD and the Rural Fire District conducted their annual meeting to discuss the annual report, FD goals and objectives, long range planning issues, the 2011 actual budget, and finally establish a 2012 budget; • The FD participated in the escort of the girls' hockey team on their way to the state tournament. Measurements: 1. Number of calls that required more than one engine, and four firefighters in February: 2 2. Number of Calls that required more than "required by law investigation" in February: 1 3. Estimated dollars " saved" in property (building and contents) by the fire department response for the month of February: $0 4. Estimated dollars "lost" in property (building and contents) to fire in February: $0 The FD will be testing for "paid -on -call" firefighters. If interested, plan to attend the FD orientation on Thursday, May 24, 2012, 6:00 pm, at the Hutchinson Fire Station or contact Chief Brad Emans at (320) 234 -4211. • Page 3 Q-La-) Regular Meeting January 25, 2012 Members present: Vice President Paul Nordin; Secretary Dwight Bordson; Commissioner Craig Lenz; Attorney Marc Sebora; General Manager Michael Kumm Members absent: President Robert Hantge Vice President Nordin called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Attorney, Marc Sebora, swore in the newly elected commissioners, Leon Johnson and Monty Morrow. Vice President Nordin called for the Commission reorganization. A motion was made by Commissioner Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Johnson to elect Dwight Bordson to the position of president. Motion was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Secretary Bordson, seconded by Commissioner Morrow to elect Craig Lenz to the position of vice president. Motion was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Secretary Bordson, seconded by Commissioner Lenz to appoint Leon Johnson as secretary. Motion was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Secretary Bordson, seconded by Commissioner Lenz to appoint Marc Sebora as legal counsel. Motion was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Lenz, seconded by Secretary Bordson to appoint Kim Koski as recording secretary. A motion was made by Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Morrow designating Citizens Bank & Trust, Wells Fargo and Home State Bank as depository for utility funds. The minutes of the December 28, 2011 regular meeting were reviewed. The Board recommended striking Vice President Nordin's name from the 'Members Present' list as he was absent. A motion was made by Commissioner Lenz, seconded by Secretary Bordson to approve the minutes subject to making the recommended correction. Motion was unanimously carried. The December 2011 payables were discussed. A motion was made by Secretary Bordson, seconded by Commissioner Lenz to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of $3,394,402.41 (detailed listing in payables book). Motion was unanimously carried. GM Kumm presented the December 2011 financial statements/budget year -to -date. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Lenz to approve the financial statements/budget year -to -date. Motion was unanimously carried. GM Kumm presented the energy conservation rebate to 3M for $44,040.00. Commissioner Johnson abstained from voting because of a conflict of interest. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Morrow to approve the energy conservation rebate to 3M for $44,040.00. Motion was unanimously carried. (Rebate attached.) GM Kumm presented the HUC strategic plan mission, values and vision statements for review. A formal review of the strategic plan is done every five years. The vision statement is broken up into nine sections which will be reviewed at upcoming commission meetings. After discussion, GM Kumm requested the Board submit any comments or changes to formally adopt at the February commission meeting. GM Kumm presented the Service Beyond City Limits of Hutchinson policy. This is part of our yearly policy review. The Board recommended a correction be made changing the word 'form' to 'from' on page 2, under 3 (B), third paragraph. A motion was made by Commissioner Lenz, seconded by Secretary Bordson to approve Service Beyond City Limits of Hutchinson policy with the recommended correction. (Changes attached.) GM Kumm presented the CIP Rebate Level of Authority policy. This is also a part of our yearly policy review and no changes are requested at this time. GM Kumm presented policies and requirements booklet, sections: MN Government Data Practices Act & Public Records Request; electric service requirements & charges; and temporary service — electric. This is part of our policy review and no changes are requested at this time. GM Kumm presented changes to exempt and non - exempt handbooks, sections: unpaid extended leave of absence; family death; emergency leave; and military leave. No changes recommended for sections family death and emergency leave. Changes to verbiage of sections unpaid leave of absence and military leave were made for consistency. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Morrow to approve changes to exempt and non - exempt handbooks, sections: unpaid extended leave of absence and military leave. Motion was unanimously carried. (Changes attached.) Steve Lancaster presented the advertisement for bids for plant 1 cooling tower repair. Steve explained the wood structure inside the cooling tower needs repair and it is a budgeted item. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Lenz, seconded by Secretary Bordson to approve the advertisement for bids for plant 1 cooling tower repair. Motion was unanimously carried. (Advertisement for bids attached.) I�LQ Division Reports Electric — Steve Lancaster • Working on ad to fill a system controller position. Gas — John Webster • Natural gas purchases for July 2012 at $2.87 and for November 2012 through October 2015 at $4.075. • Working with United Farmers Cooperative to transport natural gas off HUC pipeline to fuel their new plant in Brownton. • Plant 1 design work and specifications complete for new engine fuel line. • Working with 3M's St. Paul office on natural gas transport contract which expired January 1, 2012. Business — Jan Sifferath • Nothing to report Finance — Jared Martig • Auditors at HUC next week. • Rough estimate of refinancing bonds — approximate savings of $90,000 per year. Legal Update Attorney Sebora reported City of Hutchinson is considering incorporating a mortgage foreclosure system to track foreclosed houses in an effort to help prevent damage to houses from burst pipes as a result of utility disconnection for non - payment in the winter. Also, the property taxes could be assessed for unpaid bills. At this time, HUC does not assess unpaid electric and gas bills to property taxes. After discussion, the Board agreed to Attorney Sebora researching the opportunity for a bill to be introduced at the current legislation session to allow assessment of unpaid natural gas and electric bills to property taxes. Unfinished Business Common Cup — GM Kumm gave an update on options discussed with Bev Bonte in response to her request at last commission meeting to offset the disconnect and reconnect fees to customers who seek financial assistance at Common Cup. GM Kumm will bring options back to the Board at next commission meeting. New Business GM Kumm presented a hand -out explaining the generation marketing analysis. On behalf of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, the Board presented Vice President Nordin with a plaque and meter lamp in appreciation for his years of service to the Commission. jam) There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Morrow to adjourn the meeting at 5:05 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried. Leon Johnson, Secretary ATTEST: Dwight Bordson, President Hutchinson Public Library Board Minutes Monday January 23, 2012 Present: Roger Vacek, Dianne Wanzek, Abby Dahlquist, Stacey Nass, and Mary Henke, Ex- Officio. Not present: Mary Christensen, Jon Ross, and Guy Stone Roger Vacek called the meeting to order. The minutes from the last meeting were reviewed. Abby Dahlquist made a motion that the minutes be approved and Stacey Nass seconded the motion. Motion passed. The board reviewed and discussed the notes taken by Roger Vacek of the PLS Board meeting held on January 19, 2012. Old Business: Mary told us that 195 people have signed up for the Winter Reading Program which is down some from last year. She also tells us that some people are already done reading their 12 books. Everything is set for our author visit of Doug Ohman on Monday, April 9` We are not able to use Legacy Funds to pay for it since it is a program that we have yearly. The Friends of the library will be paying for it. Plans are still in the works for the MN History Center music program "Happy Days Are Here Again ". Hopefully we will be able to have it in the lineup for Monday Music in the Park. If not, we could do it before the Music in the Park series starts or after it is over. Another idea thrown out there is to have the Friends of the Library sell pie or ice cream floats during the music program. There will be no charge to have this program as it is paid for by the Legacy Funds of the MN History Center, not our Legacy funding. We discussed Mary Christiansen's idea of doing a fundraiser at Country Kitchen . We would be able to make 20% of sales from 5 -9pm on a Monday or Wednesday night. We would like to do this during or near National Library Week. We decided to try for Monday, April 16. Mary will speak to Matt at Country Kitchen. If this date works out we will be able to promote it the night of our author visit on April 9. Mary threw out the suggestion that maybe we could use the money we make and pool it with PLS funds to be earmarked for a -books as others have done. The consensus is that PLS does not have enough a -books for library customers. It will be discussed again. New Business: Mary shared with us a copy of The Friends Of the Library annual meeting 2012 funding requests. We were also told that the FOL have about 55 members. 14 -15 were present at the recent meeting. They have a group of the 10 -15 core members. Update on our Legacy Fund upcoming programs: Lori Stengal from the McLeod County Museum is working on programs for spring & summer. There is an author visit planned for a children's program. Saturday, July 7 buses will be taking people to the Wilder Pageant in Walnut Grove, MN. We have a request in for a bus trip to Fort Snelling in April or May for Mcleod County residents. Stacey Nass made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Dianne Wanzek seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned. Submitted by Abby Dahlquist, Secretary. a(!�) Report on the Pioneerland Library System Board Meeting January 19,2012 by Roger Vacek 1. Recognition meeting at 6:30 PM to honor retirements and years of service for PLS staff, board members and librarians. Among the seven retirements were John Houlahan PLS director, Sharon Noerenberg Winsted Head Librarian, Jeanette Stottrup Litchfield /Dassel'Grove City Head Librarian, Brenda Zins Head Librarian Dawson, Anne Ellefson Dawson Staff and Rose Kiecker Cosmos Staff. Also honored were retired Board Members Paul Setzepfandt (Renville), Diane Beck (Kandiyohi), Pam Dille (Litchfield), Pat Brown (Olivia), Barb Nelson (Benson). Also 10,20, 40 years staff service awards — See attached page for names and library location. 2. PIS meeting (7 PM to 8:15 PM). The Agenda and Oct 20 Board Minutes were approved. A. Officers: PIS Executive Officers and Finance Committee members were elected for 2012. See list attached. The Finance Committee members come from each county in PLS for representation of each County. B. Financial: The Financial Revenue and Expenditure report of 2011 was approved. PLS expenses were 8 % below budget of $ 4.358 million. Large savings due to 10 to 13 % lower automation services and telecommunication expenses. Also lower PLS director costs helps after retirement of John Houlahan. The current PLS director /consultant Mark Ranum is paid approx. $40,000 less than the former director. Mark R is also director /consultant of Plum Creek Library System in addition to Pioneerland; so he works half time in each of the two systems. Detailed budgets are available. PLS Budget for 2011 and 2012 (approved) Revenues: Expenses: Grants and Legacy: Working Capital (3 mo.): 2011 $4.22 million $4.36 million $263,000 $ 1.09 million 2012 $4.12 million $4.19 million $211,000 $ 1.05 million Hutchinson Budget for 2011 and 2012 (approved): Revenues: Expenses: Working Capital Funds Working Capital (3 mo.): 2011 $250,243 $268,639 $140,604 $67,160 2012 $251,343 $280,025 $111,922 $70,006 New hires approved: Ortonville: Amy Anderson and Vickie Gulley Benson: Sherry Peterson, Katrina Ebert and Kristi Wetzel C. The Six month contract extension was approved to hire Mark Ranum as Interim Executive Director. Salary of $4500 will be paid monthly and no more than $27,000 in the six months. D. Committee appointments: All board members submitted forms to rank the committees they wish to serve. choose 4 committees: 1. Finance Council 2. Technical committee 3. Long range plan 4. Policy E. Directors Report: Mark Ranum reported on the State Auditors Meeting and his desire to upgrade the IT infrastructure so that PLS can increase speeds and service on web servers and e-mail hosting. He proposed that PLS could provide the service at a lower cost than outsourcing the hosting services. F. Future Full Board Meeting Dates for the next six months: April 19 and June 21, 2012 Planning, Zoning, and Building Dept. Monthly Report February 2012 Ruildina Department Permit Activities Plannina. Zonina, and Building Department — Other Activities Facilities Management/Maintenance Activities: Everareen Meals served in February. 2012 Park Silver Week Of Hutchinson Towers Lake Glencoe Brownton Stewart 212011 2i2012 2011 Year to Date 2012 Year to Date Total Number Inspections 58 67 154 115 Building Permits Issued by Type Number of Permits & Valuation Number of Permits & Valuation Year to Date Number Permits & Valuation Year to Date Number Permits & Valuation Commercial new 0 0 0-$0 0 Commercial Additions/ Remodels 6-$20,800 6 - $144,700 12-$75,000 0-$612,700 Industrial new 0 0 0 0 Industrial Additions /Remodels 0 0 0 0 Fire Sprinkling 1 -$134,800 1-$1,600 1 - $134,800 2-$1,600 Total New Residential Units (Single Family, twins, townhomes) 0 0 0 0 Residential misc. additions, repairs, remodels, etc 4-$6,500 5 - $33,500 14-$73,500 5-$109,500 Set fee permits reside, reroof, window replacement, misc. * 9 17 19 24 HRA Permits 1 2-$18,000 1 4-$40,000 Subtotal Building Permits: $162,100 $197,800 $283,300 $763,800 Mechanical 23 - $36,000 8-$60,000 33 - $60,531 20-$92,500 Plumbing* 4 5 7 7 Signs* 10 10 16 30 Total Permits issued and valuation 58- $198,100 54 - $257,800 103 - $343,831 103 - $858,300 * Set fees not included in valuation Plannina. Zonina, and Building Department — Other Activities Facilities Management/Maintenance Activities: Everareen Meals served in February. 2012 Park Silver Week Of Hutchinson Towers Lake Glencoe Brownton Stewart 2/1-2/4 149 98 46 84 35 34 2/5-2/11 241 174 88 124 66 58 2112-2/18 257 176 71 139 67 71 2/19-2/25 238 171 68 148 67 44 2/26-2/29 103 62 27 54 24 24 Total 988 681 300 549 2591 231 Total Meals served in December - 3,008 All sites were closed February 29 for snow day Other Building - Inspection Activities: February P h and 8 ICC Code Review in Chaska Planning, Zoning, and Building Dept. Monthly Report for February, 2012 Page 2 Planning and Zoning Monthly Activities Month/Year: February, 2012 Activity Number Additional Info. Number of Planning Applications Reviewed and Processed 3 Preliminary and Final Plat — Depot Marketplace, Vacation of Alle Number of Joint Planning Board Applications Reviewed and 0 Processed Number of Planning Commission Meetings 0 Number of Joint Planning Meetings 0 Number of Zoning Reviews for Building Permits 12 Number of Land Use Permits Issued 1 Number of Zoning Review for Sign Permits 10 Number of Predevelopment/Pre Application Meetings 2 Outdoor patio discussions with Zella's and Main Street Pizza Number of Misc. Planning Meetings 18 Facilities plan presentation, Church Asbestos removal, Management team (4), Resource Allocation, Budget meeting, Transportation Update Plan, Land Use Focus Group, Discussion on foreclosure properties, City Council meeting, Wellness Committee meeting, Public Arts meeting, Met with Glencoe representatives regarding inspections, Harrington Merrill meeting, City Center Vehicle needs, Land Use Continuing Education Number of Zoning Enforcement Cases 2 Nuisance property meetings Number of Walk -In Customers Served 200 Site Visits 13 31 Hassan St, 406 Main St, 25 Hassan St, 116 Washington Ave, 126 Washington Ave, 136 Hassan St, 148 Hassan St, 149 Main St, 137 Main St, 405 Main St, 125 Michigan Ave NE, Zella's and Main Street Sports