cp05-24-1983 cHUTCHINSON CITY CALENDAR WEEK OF May 22 TO May 28 t 1933' WEDNESDAY -25- 7:00 P.M. - Public Buildings Sub - Committee of Task Force at City Hall 8 :00 P.M. - Public Hearing for Airport Zoning at City Hall (Council Chambers) SUNDAY -22- THURSDAY -26- 1 MONDAY -23- 8 :00 P.M. - Recreation Sub - Committee of Task Force at City Hall FRIDAY -27- VACATION: FINLEY MIX - May 27 - June 3 lip TUESDAY N i -2q- t 0 Noon - Nursing Home Board Meet -II ing at Burns Manor 7:30 P.M. - City Council Meet- ing at City Hall. aE a SATURDAY A -28- 0 0 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1983 A. Call to Order - 7:30 P.M. ,/2. Invocation - Reverend Gary Brooks �3. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Meeting of May 10, 1983; Bid Openings of May 4, 1983 and May 12, 1983 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to approve as amended ✓. Public Hearing - 8:00 P.M. (a) Assessment Hearing 1. Letting No. 2 2. Project 83 -01 -15 Action - Motion to close hearing - Motion to reject - Motion to approve Assessment Rolls 5. Communications Requests and Petitions /(a) Consideration of Appointment of Joseph C. Dansereau, Jr. to Police Civil Service Commission Action - Motion to ratify appointment ,/(b) Consideration of Request for Street Lights On Boulder Street and Parkers Point, Cul De Sac Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject %(c) Discussion of one -Way Alleys In Downtown Area (Requested by Alderman Beatty) Action - Y(d) Consideration of Request for Parade Permit for Annual Memorial Day Parade Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue permit - Motion to waive permit fee ,/(e) Consideration of Application for Dance Permit by T. L. Scalawags Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue permit COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 24, 1983 6. Resolutions and Ordinances V(a) Resolution No. 7396 - Resolution for Purchase Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt 7. Reports of Officers Boards and Commissions ✓(a) Monthly Financial Statement - April 1983 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing ,(b) Minutes of Planning Commission dated April 19, 1983 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing 8. Unfinished Business ,/(a) Consideration of Surface Improvement, Storm Sewer and Sanitary Sewer for Oakwood Lane In Oakwood Addition (DEFERRED MAY 10, 1983) Action - ,/(b) Consideration of Awarding Bid for 1983 Street Department Maintenance Materials (DEFERRED MAY 12, 1983) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and award bid /(c) Consideration of Request by Larry Sorenson to Move Security Fence Action - 9. New Business ✓(a) Consideration of Delinquent Water and Sewer Accounts Action - Motion to authorize extension of payment period - Motion to authorize discontinuation of service V/(b) Consideration of Recommendations of Risk Control, Inc. On Bidding Group Dental and Group Life Insurances Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and authorize preparation of specifications and establish bid opening date ,/(c) Consideration of Request for Conditional Use Permit submitted by Crow River Glass with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission, with Contingencies Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7397 i 2 0 COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 24, 1983 ,,/(d) Consideration of Request for Variance(s) Submitted by Ancher Nelson and Cliff Popp with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion-to approve - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7398 ✓(e) Consideration of Request for Variance Submitted by Hutch S & L Rehab, Limited Partnership with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7399 ✓(f) Consideration of Request for Rezoning Submitted by Kenneth Gruenhagen with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive first reading of Ordinance No. 9/83 and set second reading for June 14, 1983 ,/(g) Consideration of Request for Conditional Use Permit Submitted by Kenneth Gruenhagen with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission with Contingencies Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7400 ,�h) Consideration of Request for Variance Submitted by Kenneth Gruenhagen with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7401 ✓(i) Consideration of Request for Conditional Use Permit Submitted by Hutch Agri -Tech with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission, with Contingencies Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7402 ,/(j) Consideration of Request for Variance Submitted by Douglas and Sharon Wulkan with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7403 vi k) Consideration of Request for Conditional Use Permit Submitted by Swanke Motors with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7404 -3- COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 24, 1983 p/(1) Consideration of Final Plat for Wood View Acres Submitted by Dennis Albertson with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject ,/(m) Review of Sketch Plan for Wally Teich with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject 10. Miscellaneous f(a) Communications from City Administrator 11. Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments (a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds 12. Adjournment -4- 6 0 r r • MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1983 1. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., with the following present: Alderman Mike Carls, Alderman Kenneth Gruenhagen, and Alderman Ted Beatty, and Mayor James G. DeMeyer. Absent: Alderman John Mlinar. Also present: City Ad- ministrator Gary D. Plotz, City Engineer Marlow V. Priebe, and City Attorney James Schaefer. 2. INVOCATION In the absence of a pastor, there was a time of silent prayer. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the bid openings of April 25, 1983 and regular meeting of April 26, 1983 were approved as presented upon motion by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously carried. 4. PUBLIC HEARING - 8:00 P.M. (a) SURFACE IMPROVEMENT OF OAKWOOD LANE IN OAKWOOD ADDITION (CONTINUED FROM APRIL 26, 1983) The public hearing reconvened at 8:10 P.M. to continue discussion of im- provements for0akwood Lane. City Engineer Priebe presented a cost report for sanitary sewer, storm sewer and street construction. He further re- ported the projects would be spread over a three year period. Mr. Ward Haugen stated the property owners were favorable of the proposed work, and they wanted the project to move ahead. The only solution for the water problem would be a new storm sewer in the area. Mr. HaugEn, pointed out the property had been annexed into the City limits at the time of de- velopment, but up until now the City had not provided any services. Following discussion, Alderman Gruenhagen moved to close the hearing at 8:40 P.M. Motion seconded by Alderman Beatty and approved unanimously. The motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to defer action until the next Council meeting. The motion carried, with Ald- ermen Gruenhagen and Carls and Mayor DeMeyer voting aye and Alderman Beatty voting nay. (b) CORRECTION OF ERROR ON PARKING ASSESSMENT FOR CAROLINE ANDERSON, DBA CAROLINE'S BEAUTY SHOP o<i COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 10, 1983 It was moved by Alderman Beatty to close the hearing at 8:42 P.M. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and unanimously carried. The Mayor explained that prior to adoption of the assessment roll, the homestead information was not known by the City. Therefore, it will be necessary to correct the error in the parking assessment for Caroline's Beauty Shop. He then instructed the City Attorney to research whether a majority vote was required on this issue. Caroline Anderson commented the Assessor's Office had on record that 55% of her property was homesteaded. Alderman Gruenhagen moved to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7395 entitled Resolution Revising Parking Assessment for Caroline's Beauty Shop. The motion was seconded by Alderman Beatty and carried, subject to the City Attorney's review, with Aldermen Gruenhagen, Beatty and Carls voting aye and Mayor DeMeyer voting nay. 5. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT OF SHU -MEI HWANG TO PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor DeMeyer reported that Jim Johnson had resigned from the Planning Com- mission, and it was his recommendation to appoint Shu -Mei Hwang to the Plan- ning Commission. It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls, to ratify the appointment. Motion carried unanimously. (b) DISCUSSION OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD ABANDONMENT OF SERVICES TO HUTCHINSON (REQUESTED BY ALDERMAN KENNETH GRUENHAGEN) Alderman Gruenhagen stated it had been brought to his attention the Burling- ton Northern Railroad had placed Hutchinson on a classification list for abandonment of services. Messrs. Ray Zimmerman and Julius Rainwater appeared before the Council to report on meetings and events with the Burlington Northern during the past two to three years. The users of the rail line are located between Hutchin- son and Spring Lake Park, with Tonka Toys formerly one of the users. The users recently developed a five -year plan to justify the need for a connec- tor track, but the railroad abandoned the bridge over the Crow River. It was pointed out that the loss of a railroad could affect the economy of the community and future development of industry. Mr. Zimmerman and Rainwater expressed interest in forming an association of users, and it was requested that the Council give support to this task force in its effort to save the railroad line. -2- 4 0 • _.. 0 • COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 10, 1983 Following extensive discussion, it was moved by Alderman Beatty that a Council member and /or City staff participate with the association in their venture with the Burlington Northern. Motion seconded by Alderman Gruen - hagen and unanimously carried. Alderman Carls moved to form a joint venture with the Chamber of Commerce and shippers in Hutchinson to implement a meeting advising the Burlington Northern representatives that a task force is being formed and request they not make a decision until this matter has been reviewed with the task force. Motion seconded by Alderman Beatty and approved unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR REDUCED TRASH AND REFUSE CHARGE BY ARTHUR MILLER After discussion, Alderman Beatty moved to approve the reduced rate. Mo- tion seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously. (d) PETITION OF COMPLAINT AGAINST FOUL AIR Mayor DeMeyer reported he had received a petition of complaint about the foul air hovering over Hutchinson. Several of the petitioners were present and verbally reiterated their com- plaint regarding the foul air. It was their opinion that the odor was com- ing from the Pure Culture Products plant. Following discussion, City Engineer Priebe was instructed to research the matter with the State P.C.A. and Health Department and report back to the Council any findings. 6. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) ORDINANCE NO. 6/83 - AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE It was moved by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Beatty, to waive the second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 662. Motion unanimously approved. (b) ORDINANCE NO. 7/83 - ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 520 OF THE 1974 ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, ENTITLED BUILDING PERMIT FEES The motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen to waive second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 663. The motion was seconded by Alderman Beatty and carried unanimously. (c) ORDINANCE NO. 8/83 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 464 CONCERNING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP -3- COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 10, 1983 Alderman Beatty made the motion to waive the second reading and adopt Ordi- nance No. 664. Motion seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously car- ried. (d) RESOLUTION NO. 7389 - RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION FOR WENDELL MATHEWS Mayor DeMeyer read Resolution No. 7389. It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen,to adopt Resolution No. 7389. Motion ap- proved unanimously. 7. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (a) BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT - APRIL 1983 There being no discussion, the report was ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (b) MINUTES OF LIBRARY BOARD DATED MAY 2, 1983 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (c) MINUTES OF HOSPITAL BOARD DATED MARCH 15, 1983 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (d) MINUTES OF NURSING HOME BOARD DATED MARCH 24, 1983 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF SALE OF CITY -OWNED GARAGE OF BRETZKE PROPERTY (REQUESTED BY ALDERMAN MIKE CARLS) Alderman Carls reviewed the fact that three bids had been received for the Bretzke garage and were rejected. It was his opiniom that this property should be sold and suggested putting it up for re -bid. Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Carla to advertise for bids to sell the City -owned garage at the Bretzke site. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion carried, with Aldermen Gruenhagen,Carls and Mayor DeMeyer voting aye and Alderman Beatty voting nay. -4- • • COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 10, 1983 The City Engineer pointed out that any prospective bidder should be aware of and know any restrictions on the building. It was suggested that the proposed use of the building by the bidder and the City requirements by the Building Official should be in writing prior to the bidding process. (b) CONSIDERATION OF SETTLEMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT APPEAL BY WALT KELLEY City Attorney Schaefer stated that at the City Council Workshop held the previous evening he had presented the general procedure regarding negotia- tions for settlements of lawsuits and the open meeting law. It was his recommendation that the negotiations on assessment appeals be handled in closed session. The procedure for a closed hearing would be to either schedule discussions before or after a regular Council meeting or to hold a special Council meeting. A taped recording would be made of the discus- sion. After discussion, it was the general consensus of the Council that it would be improper to hold a "closed meeting." Alderman Carls moved to defer con- sideration of this item at this time until the next Council meeting. Motion seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen. Upon roll call the motion failed, with Alder- men Gruenhagen and Carls voting aye and Alderman Beatty and Mayor DeMeyer vot- ing nay. Alderman Beatty moved to reject the 60% settlement offer by Walt Kelley and re -state the City's offer of 66% settlement of his assessment. The motion was seconded by Alderman Carls, with the roll call vote of Aldermen Beatty and Carls voting aye and Alderman Gruenhagen and Mayor DeMeyer voting nay. The motion failed. (c) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BIDS FOR: 1. LETTING NO. 1 City Engineer Priebe reported two bids were received for Letting No. 1; however, Channel Construction Co., the low bidder, did not submit the re- quired 10% bid bond. The second bid was in the amount of $37,997.50. It was the consensus of the Council that the low bidder had not met the re- quirements, and his bid was unacceptable. Following discussion, Alderman Gruenhagen moved to award the bid for Letting No. 1 to Juul Contracting Co. The motion was seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously carried. RECESS: The motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to adjourn for recess at 9:45 P.M. The motion carried: The meeting reconvened at 9:55 P.M. 2. PROJECT 83 -01 -19 -5- w COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 10, 1983 The City Engineer reported on the project and the bids received. It was his recommendation to award the bid to Burress Construction Co., Inc., the low bidder. Alderman Beatty moved to award the bid for Project 83 -01 -19 to Burress Con- struction Co., Inc. in the amount of $44,936.00. Motion seconded by Alder- man Gruenhagen and unanimously approved. It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 7391 and No. 7392 entitled Resolution Accepting Bid and Awarding Contract. Motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF ENGINEER'S REPORT ON STREET MAINTENANCE A report was presented by the City Engineer regarding maintenance improve- ments for City streets. Mr. Priebe recommended changing the public hearing date from June 7, 1983,as stated in the Resolution. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty to approve the En- gineer's report. Alderman Carls seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved. Alderman Beatty moved to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7388, en- titled Resolution Receiving Report And Calling Hearing On Improvement, with the date of the public hearing on June 27, 1983 at a location to be desig- nated. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls. The motion was amended by Ald- erman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls, to set the time for 7:30 P.M. The motion carried unanimously to amend the motion. The motion unanimously car- ried. (e) CONSIDERATION OF ENGINEER'S REPORT ON STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT City Engineer Priebe reported on the roadway conditions and the maintenance repairs that need to be done. He further recommended a watermain be con- structed on Linden Avenue, Miller Avenue, and Milwaukee Avenue between Grove Street and Franklin Street, at an estimated cost of $30,000.00. The total estimated project cost would be $758,000.00. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Beatty, to approve the Engineer's report as amended to include construction of a watermain. Motion approved unanimously. It was moved by Alderman Carla to waive reading and adopt amended Resolu- tion No. 7387 entitled Resolution Receiving Report And Calling Hearing On Improvement, with the public hearing scheduled for May 31, 1983 at 7:30 P.M. Motion seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously. i • COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 10, 1983 (f) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BRETZKE PARKING LOT (DEFERRED MAY 4, 1983) The City Engineer stated two bids were received for the improvement of the north 66 feet of the Bretzke property for off - street parking. It was his recommendation to award the bid to J. W. Hanson Construction Co. in the amount of $7,358.00 for Proposal B. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls, to approve and award the contract to J. W. Hanson Construc- tion Co. Motion carried with Aldermen Gruenhagen, Beatty and Carls voting aye and Mayor DeMeyer voting nay. It was moved by Alderman Beatty to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7393 entitled Resolution Accepting Bid and Awarding Contract. Motion sec- onded by Alderman Carls and carried, with Aldermen Gruenhagen, Beatty and Carls voting aye and Mayor DeMeyer voting nay. (g) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID FOR MAINTE14ANCE OF SOUTH PARK WATER TOWER Engineer Priebe reported on the bids received for maintenance work on the South Park Water Tower. He recommended awarding the bid to Mid- America Pipe Cleaning in the amount of $10,760.00. Following discussion, Alderman Carla moved to approve and award the contract to Mid- America Pipe Cleaning. Motion seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and approved unanimously. The motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7394 entitled Resolution Accepting Bid and Awarding Contract. Motion unanimously carried. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTING CONVEYANCE OF HUTCHINSON BASS POND FROM DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES City Administrator Plotz commented that about two years ago the City began the process of securing the bass pond from the Department of Natural Re- sources. The transfer of ownership went through the State Legislature for approval, and now the State is requesting a Resolution from the City to ac- cept the conveyance. After discussion, Alderman Carls moved to approve the conveyance from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Motion seconded by Alderman Beatty and approved unanimously. It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls, to waive read- ing and adopt Resolution No. 7390 entitled Resolution Accepting Conveyance dG COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 10, 1983 of Land from the Department of Natural Resources to the City of Hutchinson. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF "LIMITED TIME," PARKING SIGN FOR MEAT 'N CHEESE SHOPPE Pat and Roger Sondergaard, operators of the Meat 'N Cheese Shoppe, appeared before the Council to address a parking problem in front of their business establishment. At present they have a temporary, unauthorized sign request- ing limited parking. During discussion, it was pointed out that a 15- minute parking sign in an undesignated area could not be enforced; however, the area could be made a 15- minute parking zone. The business is located in the central business district that is currently unregulated for restricted parking. The motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen that the City Attorney be in- structed to draft an ordinance for a six -month trial period for 15- minute parking for the Meat 'N Cheese Shoppe. Motion seconded by Alderman Carla and carried, with Aldermen Gruenhagen and Carla and Mayor DeMeyer voting aye and Alderman Beatty voting nay. Mr. Mike Jaster, operator of Washington Avenue Wash, informed the Council he had a similar parking problem with his laundromat. There are five stalls on the west side of the laundromat designated for customer parking from 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.; however, they are used by Elks patrons. City Attorney Schaefer stated the City cannot designate parking for a cer- tain business only, but it can designate specific parking time limit at a certain location. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman rruenhagen for the City Attorney to draft an ordinance to designate five stalls on Jefferson Street as two hour parking from 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. for a six -month trial period, not patroled by the City. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and carried, with Aldermen Gruenhagen and Carls and Mayor DeMeyer voting aye and Alderman Beatty voting nay. (c) CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED AGREEMENT MERGING OPERATION OF CROW RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY AND WESTERN PLAINS LIBRARY SYSTEM The proposed agreement would merge the operation of the Crow River Regional Library and the Western Plains Library System into one library system, ef- fective July 1, 1983. Following discussion, Alderman Beatty moved to approve the merger and auth- orize signing the Agreement for Regional Library Service. Motion seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously carried. COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 10, 1983 (d) CONSIDERATION OF LOCATION OF TRANSFORMER PAD ON TEMPLE LODGE PROPERTY City Engineer Priebe reported that he had met with the Utilities regard- ing a transformer in the Masonic Temple parking lot. It was his recommen- dation to approve the location of the transformer pad in the southwest cor- ner of the property. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Ald- erman Carls, to approve the location of the transformer pad. Motion unani- mously approved. Alderman Carls inquired if it would be possible to save some of the trees when the parking lot is made at the Temple Lodge site. City Engineer Priebe stated he would review the layout and report back to the Council in July. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM FIRE MARSHAL Fire Marshal Field read a letter from Senator John Bernhagen which addressed the Good Samaritan Law under consideration by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives. The Fire Department had concerns regarding the proposed changes of the law and felt the Legislators should be contacted. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM FIRE CHIEF Fire Chief Henke reported on the need for additional emergency lighting at the Fire Station. Three bids had been received, and it was his recommenda- tion to award the work to Dave Fosland in the amount of $1,263.37. The motion was made by Alderman Beatty to award the work to the low bidder, Dave Fosland. Motion seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM BUILDING OFFICIAL Building Official Pittman stated the Pizza Hut manager had requested to extend the allowed time for a temporary sign from 30 days to 60 days, from May 11 to July 11, 1983. It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls, to approve the request. Motion approved unanimously. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN BEATTY Alderman Beatty commented he had received complaints about the television satellite dish located in a front yard on Main Street South. (e) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN GRUENHAGEN I= COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 10, 1983 Alderman Gruenhagen requested the Council members to continue to encourage and support the Burlington Northern Railroad issue referred to earlier in the meeting. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS The verified claims were approved for payment from the appropriate funds upon motion by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty, and unani- mously carried. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. upon motion by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls, and unanimously approved.- _ -10- MINUTES BID OPENING WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1983 The bid opening was called to order by City Administrator Plotz at 2:00 P.M. Present were: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, City Engineer Marlow V. Priebe, and Administrative Secretary Marilyn Swanson. Publication No. 3051, Advertisement for Bids, Maintenance of South Park Water Tower, was read by City Administrator Plotz. The bids were opened and read. Aegis Ltd., Inc. $19,400.00 Little Canada, MN Ford Tank &Painting Co. 26,200.00 Cedar, MN Maguire Iron Inc. 12,250.00 Sioux Falls, S. D. Mid- America Pipe Cleaning 10,760.00 Pipestone, MN Tenyer Coatings, Inc. 13,200.00 Badger, MN Odland Protective Coatings 21,495.00 Minneapolis, MN Watertower Paint & Repair 23,994.00 Clear Lake, Iowa City Administrator Plotz read Publication No. 3050, Advertisement for Bids, Bretzke Parking Lot. The following bids were then opened and read: Buffalo Bituminous (A) $ 8,710.00 Buffalo, MN (B) 7,775.00 J. W. Hanson Construction Co. (A) 8,358.25 Hutchinson, MN (B) 7,358.00 The bids were referred to City staff for review and a recommendation. There be- ing no further business, the bid opening closed. 0 0 MINUTES BID OPENING MAY 12, 1983 i The bid opening was called to order by City Engineer Marlow V. Priebe at 2:00 P.M. Present were: City Engineer Marlow V. Priebe and Administrative Secretary Marilyn Swanson. The reading of Publication No. 3056, Invitation for Bids, 1983 Street Department Maintenance Materials, was dispensed with. The one bid received was opened and read. Koch Asphalt Company St. Paul, MN $30,870.00 The bid was referred to City staff for review. The meeting adjourned at 2:02 P.M. C; 0 0- • NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT PUBLICATION N0. 3054 Hutchinson, Minnesota April 27th- , 1983 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Council will meet at 8:00 P.M. on the 24th day of May, 1983, in the Council Chambers at City Hall at Hutchinson, Minnesota, to pass upon the proposed assessment for the improvement of: Letting No. 1 8" Watermain & Appurtenances 8" Watermain & Appurtenances 6" Watermain & Appurtenances Letting No. 2 Grading & Appurtenances Curb & Gutter, Gravel Base & Appurtenances Curb & Gutter, Gravel Base 6 Appurtenances Curb & Gutter, Gravel Base 8 Appurtenances Curb & Gutter, Gravel Base 6 Appurtenances Curb 8 Gutter, Gravel Base & Appurtenances Grading, Bituminous Base, Bituminous Wearing & Appurtenances Project 83 -01 -15 Grading, Gravel Base, Bitumi- nous Base, Bituminous Wear- ing, Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter 8 Appurtenances Fair Ave. from Monroe St. to T.A. 22 T.H. 22 from Fair Ave. to Oakland Ave. Waller Drive from Bluff St. to 400' S.E. Lindy Lane & Hilltop Drive in Kimberly's Country Estates Boston St. from Atlanta Ave. to Baltimore Ave. in Padens 1st Add. Baltimore Ave. from Boston St. to T.H. 15 in Padens 1st Add. Bradford St. in Schmidtbauer's 2nd Add. Sherwood St. in Schmidtbauer's 1st and 2nd Add. Lindy Lane from Garden Drive to 550' East in Kimberly's Country Estates Jackson St. from McDonald Drive to Roberts Road First Ave. S.W. from Main St. to Franklin St. The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection at my office. Written or oral objections will be considered at the meeting, but the Council may consider any objection to the amount of the proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting upon further notice to the affected property owners as it deems advisable. An owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk; however, no appeal may be taken as to the amount of any Individual assessment unless a written objection, signed by the affected property owner, is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. 0- 0 Publication No. 3054 Page 2 Under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 435.193 to 435.195, the Council may, in its discretion, defer the payment of this special assessment for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. When deferment of the special assessment has been granted and is terminated for any reason provided in that law, all amounts accumulated, plus applicable interest, become due. Any assessed property owner meeting the requirements of this law and the resolution adopted under it may, within 30 days of the confirmation of the assessment, apply to the City Clerk, for the prescribed form for such deferral or payment of this special assessment on his property. The total cost of the improvement is $ 333,790.02 Gary D. lotz�Administrator Dated: April 27, 1983 Hutchinson, Minnesota PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ON MAY 5TH, 1983. '13,,,,�, W INC. OF HUTCHINSON MINNESOTA 55350 50 MAIN STREET SOUTH May 19, 1983 City Clerk City of Fitchinson 11utchinson, Minnesota 55350 Gentlemen: I wish to place the City council on notice that I am opposed to the assessment placed on Braun's Inc., 45 -50 Main St. S., Hitchinson, 111. regarding publication No. 3054, project 83 -01 -15 listing major improvements on First Ave. S.W., from Main Street to Franklin Street. Cur property is a corner location and we have paid the assessment for improvements on Main Street, plus up- dating our sidewalk on First Avenue S. W.. Under sections A -B & C you are proposing total assessments of $9,359.78 which poses a threat to our mere existence and I ask that you re- evaluate this burden which you are placing on Braun's Inc.. I understand an ordinance has been established whereas properties can not be assessed on two sides. It is my hope that this ordinance would apply to our property as well. Please reconsider and advise. Very truly yours, Amanda Braun BRAUN'S, INC. � —9, - (c2) r Compiled By: Marlow V. Priebe PROJECT N0. 3 -01 -5 COST PER UNIT $451.42 r, Computed By: Marlow V. Priebe GRADING AND APPURTENANCES SERVICE LEAD Checked By: Cal Rice LINDY LANE & HILLTOP DRIVE NO. YRS. SPREAD 10 UNIT USED Per Lot IRAVSSM£NT AATT NA. 1GA ACCT. PARCEL NAME & ADDRESS ADDITION OR SERVICE TOTAL NO. NO. OF OWNER SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK FRONTAGE LINE COST LEAD COST CREDITS ASSESSMENT 32- 117 -19 -15 -0130 Richard A. Larson Hwy. 7 East 1 4800.050 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Kimberly's Country Estates 6 1 451.42 451.42 32- 117 -29 -15 -0140 Richard A. Larson Hwy. 7 East 2 4800.060 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Kimberly's Country Estates 7 1 451.42 451.42 32- 117 -29 -15 -0150 Richard A. Larson Hwy. 7 East 3 4800.070 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Kimberly's Country Estates 8 1 451.42 451.42 32- 117 -29 -15 -0160 Richard A. Larson Hwy. 7 East 4 4800.080 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Kimberly's Country Estates 9 1 451.42 451.42 32- 117 -29 -15 -0180 Richard A. Larson Hwy. 7 East •5 4800.090 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Kimberly's Country Estates 10 1 451.42 451.42 32- 117 -29 -15 -0200 Richard A. Larson Hwy. 7 East 6 4800.120 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Kimberly's Country Estates 3 2 451.42 451.42 32- 117 -29 -15 -0210 Richard A. Larson Hwy. 7 East Hutchinson. MN 5 1.42 Interest.... Grand Totals...... 42 • Compiled By: Marlow V. Priebe PROJECT N0. 83 -01 -5 COST PER UNIT s $451.42 Computed By: Marlow V. Priebe GRADING AND APPURTENANCES SERVICE LEAD Checked By: Cal Rice LINDY LANE & HILLTOP DRIVE NO. YRS. SPREAD 10 UNIT USED Per Lot ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 158 ACCT. PARCEL NAME & ADDRESS ADDITION OR SERVICE TOTAL hN1A 32- 117- 29 -15- 32 -117 Richard A. Larson Hwy. 7 East Richard A. Larson Hwy. 7 East 9 4800.150 Hutchinson, MN 5 32- 117 -29 -15 -0240 Richard A. Larson Hwy. 7 East 10 4800.160 2- 117 -29 -15 -0260 BLOCK Is 1.42 451 's Country Estates 2 3 451.42 Richard A. Larson Hwy. 7 East 11 4800 180 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Kimberly's Country Estates 1 4 451.42 451.42 $4,965.62 Total Principal... Total Interest.... Grand Totals...... 0 Compiled By: Marlow V. Priebe PROJECT NO. 83 -01 -6 COST PER UNIT $3,704-37 Computed By: Marlow V. Priebe CURB & GUTTER, BASE AND APPURTENANCES SERVICE LEAD Checked By: Cal Rice BOSTON STREET NO. YRS. SPREAD 10 UNIT USED Per Lot ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 159 ACCT. PARCEL NAME & ADDRESS ADDITION OR SERVICE TOTAL NO. NO. OF OWNER SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK FRONTAGE LINE COST LEAD COST CREDITS ASSESSMENT 12- 116 -30 -08 -0100 Dennis K & Patricia Albertson Rt. 2 E 100' of Lot 1 EX N 173.15' 1 2968 Brownton, MN 55312 Paden's First Addition 3 7,408.74 7,408.74 12- 116 -30 -08 -0060 Dennis K & Patricia Albertson Rt. 2 2 2964 Brownton, MN 55312 Dennis K & Patricia Albertson 04. Rt. 2 3 2965 Brownton, MN 55312 Paden's First Addition 4 2 3,704.37 3,704.37 $14,817.48 Total Principal... Total Interest.... Grand Compiled By: Marlow V. Priebe PROJECT N0. 3 -01 -7 COST PER UNIT $4,952.08 Computed By: Marlow V. Priebe CURB & GUTTER, BASE AND APPURTENANCES SERVICE LEAD Checked By: Cal Rice BALTIMORE AVENUE NO. YRS. SPREAD 10 UNIT USED Per Lot ASSESSMENT ROLL N0. 160 ACCT. PARCEL NAME & ADDRESS ADDITION OR SERVICE TOTAL NO. NO. OF OWNER SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK FRONTAGE LINE COST LEAD COST CREDITS ASSESSMENT 12- 116 -30 -o8 -0040 Michael J & L Wilhelmson x35Al2adcxAvmx)tkax 635 Lakewood Dr. 1_ 2962 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Paden's First Addition 6 2 49952.08 4,952.08 12- 116 -30 -08 -0070 Dennis K & Patricia Albertson Rt. 2 2 2965 Brownton, MN 55312 Paden's First Addition 4 2 41952.08 4,952.08 12- 116 -30 -08 -0080 Dennis K & Patricia Albertson Rt. 2 3 2966 Brownton, MN 55312 Paden's First Addition 5 2 4,952.08 4,952.08 12- 116 -3o -o8 -oloo Dennis K & Patricia Albertson Rt. 2 E 100' EX N 173.15' Lot 1, 4 2968 Brownton, MN 55312 Paden's First Addition 3 14 856.24 14 856.24 $29 712.48 Total Principal... Total Interest.... • Richard & B. Schmidtbauer Compiled By: Marlow V. Priebe PROJECT NO. 83-01-8 COST PER UNIT $1,206.25 Hutchinson, Computed By: Marlow V. Priebe CURB & GUTTER, BASE AND APPURTENANCES SERVICE LEAD Checked By: Cal Rice BRADFORD STREET NO. YRS. SPREAD 10 �. 120 Century UNIT USED Per Lot ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 161 Hutchinson MN 55350 Schmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 3 1 1,206.25 1,206.25 07- 116 -29 -06 -0040 ACCT. PARCEL NAME & ADDRESS ADDITION OR SERVICE TOTAL NO. NO. OF OWNER SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK FRONTAGE LINE COST LEAD COST CREDITS ASSESSMENT 07- 116 -29 -06 -0010 4 4873 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Schmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 4 1 1,206.25 Richard & B. Schmidtbauer 120 Century Ave. 1 4870 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Schmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 1 1 1,206.25 1,206.25 07- 116 -29 -06 -0020 • 07- 116 -29 -06 -0050 . 07 -11 Richard McCormick Rt. 3 's 2nd Add. 5 1 1,206. Richard & B. Schmidtbauer 120 Century Ave. Hutchinson. MN 55350 Schmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 6 1 1 1.206. Ronald J. McGraw Box 98 7 4876 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Schmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 7 1 1,206.25 1,206.25 Total Principal... Total Interest.... Richard & B. Schmidtbauer 120 Century Ave. 2 4871 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Schmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 2 1 1,206.25 1,206.25 07- 116 -29 -06 -0030 Richard & B. Schmidtbauer 120 Century Ave. 3 4872 Hutchinson MN 55350 Schmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 3 1 1,206.25 1,206.25 07- 116 -29 -06 -0040 Richard & B. Schmidtbauer 120 Century Ave. 4 4873 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Schmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 4 1 1,206.25 1,206.25 07- 116 -29 -06 -0050 . 07 -11 Richard McCormick Rt. 3 's 2nd Add. 5 1 1,206. Richard & B. Schmidtbauer 120 Century Ave. Hutchinson. MN 55350 Schmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 6 1 1 1.206. Ronald J. McGraw Box 98 7 4876 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Schmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 7 1 1,206.25 1,206.25 Total Principal... Total Interest.... 0, Compiled By: Marlow V. Priebe PROJECT NO. 83 -01 -8 COST PER UNIT $1,206.25 Computed By: Marlow V. Priebe CURB & GUTTER, BASE AND APPURTENANCES SERVICE LEAD Checked By: Cal Rice BRADFORD STREET NO. YRS. SPREAD 10 UNIT USED Per Lot ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 161 ACCT. PARCEL NAME & ADDRESS ADDITION OR SERVICE TOTAL NO. NO. OF OWNER SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK FRONTAGE LINE COST LEAD COST CREDITS ASSESSMENT 07- 116 -29 -06 -0080 Richard & B. Schmidtbauer 120 Century Ave. 8 4877 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Schmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 8 1 1,2o6.25 1,206 25 07- 116 -29 -06 -0090 Richard & B. Schmidtbauer 120 Century Ave. 9 4878 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Schmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 9 1 1,206.25 1,206 25 Total Principal... Total Interest.... Grand Totals...... Cc RECEIVED BY__� c\c�5c� mc� . S53SG � I ��92S2g2 SZZ2 \2o� \� AA 0 9 -� t i\5-� ����`vi �c�\.i�S`l• �C��L OAS vn lLCN vs�SL \L Mtnr�A icy C1 BSc ; c) _�1� 1�19.ti1 "��� n c- x� M<-`'n`�AL r. i 0 June 8, 1983 Mayor Jim De Meyer City Council Citm of Hutchinson Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Manor Jim De Meyer and Councilmen: • � 8 9107>>\ JUG+ ?993 RECEIVED BY.. Mc Lead Ave./6th. Ave.M.E. is a residental street which is used by trucks hauling gravel and bm loaded cement mixer trucks. Although this is residental street, it is used as if were a thoroughfare. Davidson's Northside Grocery, which is located at the corner of Prospect and Mc Leod, has video games as well as bulk candor and ice cream. This attracts a lot of children. Them ride their bikes and because them are young, them don't Pam much attention to traffic. Although it is difficult to Judge the speed of these loaded trucks, it seems that the drivers would have a hard time stopping, if a child were in in the way. You could help avoid a tragedy if you would take some action on this matter. Si erely, Li A///7%1 Jim Corner 95 McLeod Ave. Hutchinson,Mn. cc: Rockite Silo Inc. q -G Wl-(612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON. MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: June 8, 1983 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Street Improvement on Street Parking Improvement Projects 83 -03, 83 -04 and 83 -05 The Plans and Specifications are completed for the above- referenced work on Franklin Street between 2nd Ave. S.W. and Fourth Ave. S.W. I recommend we advertise for bids on July 7, 1983 at 2:00 P.M. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv 1] $ 169,057.39 / / -a_ REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING June 14, 1983 WATER $ SEWER FUND $ 111.48 *State Treasurer PERA *State Treasurer Social Security 536.38 *U.S. Postmaster postage for meter 500.00 Norwest Bank Minneapolis principal,interest,fee 88,811.90 Koch Asphalt Co. patching materials 3704.40 State Treasurer PERA 317.47 Abbott Electronics supplies 2.30 American Payment Center 3 months rental 47.00 Ag Systems Inc. freight charges 11.40 Central Garage repair jobs by garage 3165.50 Central Mn. Com. equipment 600.00 Coast to Coast supplies 106.23 Commissioner of Revenue sales tax 272.25 Crown Life Ins. june dental ins. 114.00 Curtin Scientific chemicals 158.82 Electric Motor Co. compressor repairs 25.75 Equitable Life Ass. Sec. JUNE LTD ins. 63.46 Schramm Implement (1st Bank Mn.) supplies ..75 Farm F, Home supplies 2.77 Feed Rite Controls chemicals 242.57 Fire Extinguisher Sales repairs 11.20 GTC supplies 5.35 Fitzloff Hardware supplies 23.59 G $ K uniform rental 103.50 Hutch Iron F, Metal flat iron 9.10 Hutch Leader publication hearings 13.44 Hutch Plbg. & Htg. supplies 11.31 Hutch Utilities electricity $ gas 9934.71 Hutch Wholesale supplies 21.09 Ind. School #423 gasoline 471.35 Junker Sanitation refuse hauling 18,058.95 Juul Contracting repair water service 226.00 Krasen Plbg. supplies 82.01 State Treasurer Class C certification 15.00 McLeod Co. Sanitary Landfill dumping charges for May 5.50 Mn. Valley Testing Lab. testing testing & fees 68.00 1155.88 RCM prof. Rockite Silo dry mix 9.00 37.20 Rutz Plbg. $ Htg. supplies 480.00 Van Waters $ Rogers chemicals 76.00 Zep Mfg Co. chemicals Water Products parts 154.54 29.00 Merle Meece safety glasses Apollo Piping Supply repairs 204.63 215.96 Braun Eng. Testing testing 250.00 Central Auto Sales sand blast coolers Gridor Construction est. # #11 38,028.50 Hydraulic Specialty supplies 247.98 Van Bergen $ Markson freight charges 65.19 Hutchinson Telephone Co. phone service 248.98 $ 169,057.39 / / -a_ 0 GENERAL FUND 0 *Mn. STate Treasurer boat registration fees $ 127.00 PMn. State Treasurer boat registration fees 121.00 *League of Mn. Cities registration fees 85.00 *NENA registration fees 15.00 *State Treasurer PERA 4049.67 *State Treasurer Soc. Security 5346.85 *U.S. Postmaster postage for meter 500.00 *Mn. State Treasurer boat registration fees 129.00 Orlin Henke June intown mileage 30.00 Harvey Kemper repair on pager cases 8.00 Loren Larson meeting 296.75 Wayne Peterson refund on variance 5.00 JAMES Weckman %airport gasoline 29.25 Ted Beatty shelter refund 9.00 Barbara Field swimming refund 9.00 Audrey Harper swimming refund 9.00 Dan Hoefs league fees 10.00 Randy Hoff softball refund 35.00 Eugene Olsen baseball refund 20.00 Armon Ross tiny tots refund 10.00 Maureen Rubischko baseball refund 15.00 Scott Totushek softball refund 35.00 Roberta Yukel swimming refund 9.00 Linda Waasdrorp swimming refund 9.00 Automation Supply supplies 101.00 Busse Garden Center plants 441.98 Chamber of Commerce fee for tour of New Ulm 30.00 Communication Auditors repairs 126.00 Dasco Inc. supplies 3.72 Dictaphone repairs 228.01 Figgie Acceptance Corp. fire truck payment $ interest 25,396.10 Glencoe Enterprise publication costs 26.14 International Hough parts 429.39 Mn.Ice Arena Mgr. Assn. dues 50.00 Midwest Bus. Products supplies 302.76 Perpetual Care Fund transfer of funds 100.00 Public Sites Trust Fund transfer of funds 55.00 Risk Control Inc. insurance info 562.50 Stewart Sandwiches supplies -arena 33.00 20th Century Products supplies 81.50 Wesley Daak repairs to air cond. 15.00 Mrs. Dale Schlueter tiny tots refund 10.00 Persians calculator ribbons 31.29 City of Hutchinson bldg. permit 15.00 Acme Wash Inc. car washings 30.50 Koch Asphalt Co. street materials 8523.21 State Treasurer PERA 3722.76 Floor Care Supply supplies 80.09 Fitzloff Hardware supplies 149.62 Pamida supplies 23.07 Ind. School Dist. 423 work study students 88.78 Mn. Toro Inc. equipment & parts 1874.07 MacQueen Equipment parts 80.22 Motorola Inc. maintenance contract 727.75 Mason Publishing Co. law books 29.50 Plaza Ok Hardware supplies 52.95 Plowmans Inc. parts 10.00 Marlow Priebe APWA conf. 192.73 Burns Manor insurance refund 1338.00 Man. Liquor Store insurance refund 43.00 Hutch. Com. Hospital insurance refund 1077.00 Hutch Utilities insurance refund 1168.00 AB Dick Products supplies 21.15 Abbott Electronics Inc. parts 7.45 Allen Office Products office supplies 40.94 Am. Welding Supplies supplies 23.52 Anderson Chemical Co. chemicals 372.50 Brandon Tire repairs 297.50 Central Garage repair job 2890.81 Carr Flowers flowers 32.10 Crown River Vet Clinic boarding dogs 106.50 Coast to Coast supplies 110.41 Coca Cola Bottling moving voting machines 66.00 Co. Treasurer dl fees for county 171.00 Crown Life ins. co. dental ins. for June 1443.02 Culligan Water Cond. salt and monthly service 31.30 Disptach Pioneer Press subscription 74.88 Co. Recorder recording fees 40.00 Earl F. Anderson $ Assoc. paint 2149.75 Equitable Life Ass. Soc. JUNE LTD ins. 666.87 Family Rexall Drug 3 tapes 127.58 Swanke Motors (1st Bk of Mn.) repairs $ supplies 283.09 Farm $ Home supplies 93.74 Farmers Elev. Assn. supplies 92.10 Floor Care Supply cleaning supplies 35.00 Forbes Auto Store oil 20.10 Fire Ext. Sales chemicals 91.00 GTC supplies 895.18 Gopher Sign Co. signs 512.65 G $ K uniform rental 526.46 Hager Jewelry sign 4.50 Home Bakery supplies 6.21 Hutch Com. Hospital laundry 8.10 Hutch Drug supplies 26.81 Hutch Iron & Metal pipe 2.60 Hutch Leader bids 746.87 Hutch Medical Center exam 29.00 Hutch Police Dept. cash expenses 173.36 Hutch Utilities elec. & gas 7561.70 School Dist. 423 gasoline 4037.93 Ink Spots printing 194.50 Jahnkes Red Owl sr.s pot luck supplies 13.65 Jerabek Machine repairs & metal 97.11 James De Meyer june office expense 300.00 Lamberts Service car maintenance 12.00 Logis computer charges 2134.39 Hutch Wholesale supplies 282.72 Mankato Mobile Radio repairs 231.64 McLeod Coop Power electricity 487.93 Meeker Washed Sand sand 117.42 i • Marilyn Swanson coffee 5.99 McGarvey Coffee coffee 97.60 Gary Plotz June intown mileage 150.00 Rannow Electric repairs 72.30 Rockite Silo Inc. tile mix 3.00 State Theatre office rental 325.00 St. Paul Book $ Stationery supplies 167.48 Schmeling Oil Co. oil F, grease 495.15 Sorensen FArm Supply supplies 3.85 James Schaefer 1/2 month services 846.37 Texgas Corp. salt 24.00 Tri Co. Water Cond. salt 25.20 Thorsen & Campbell audit fees 3500.00 United Bldg. Center supplies 116.37 Xerox supplies,maintenance agreement 604.29 Wigen Chev. Co. repairs 4 supplies 37.71 Wesley Pharmacy supplies 7.34 Commissioner of Revenue sales taxes -arena 28.60 Hutchinson Telephone Co. phone service 2347.03 1980 Tax Increment Fund due to 378.75 $ 95,089.23 CENTRAL GARAGE FUND General Fund due to 11,168.20 Water $ Sewer Fund due to 533.47 $ 11,701.67 BOND FUNDS 1982 Bond Fund due to 1981 Bond Fund 45,259.38 1982 Bond Fund due to 1981 Parking Bd Fund 15,000.00 1981 Parking Bond Fund 1981 Parking Fund due to General Fund 869.30 1981 Bond Fund 1981 Bond Fund due to General Fund 14,722.76 Fire Hall Const. Fund due to General Fund 1042.53 1980 Tax Inc. DebtService due to 1980 Tax Inc. Bonds 26,025.75 Fire Hall Debt Service due to Fire Hall Const. Fund 35,893.75 1973 Bond Fund due to Bonds of 1975 962.02 1973 Bond Fund due to Bonds of 1976 4846.21 1973 Bond Fund due to 1977 Bond fund 2434.50 1973 Bond Fund due to 1978 Bond Fund 4358.55 1973 Bond Fund due to 1979 Bond Fund 2414.87 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE BOND FUNDS Griggs Cooper $ Co. 1981 Parking Bonds P, liquor J.W. Hanson Const. Co. Bretzke parking lot 752.40 Sorensen Farm Supply porta pump rental 15.00 Hutch Utilities electricity 40.66 Coast to Coast supplies 40.10 Hutch Leader hearing notices 25.04 1447.95 Griggs Cooper & Co. 873.20 1983 Bond Fund liquor 3432.65 Juul Contracting construction costs 32,203.72 1980 Bond Fund 2525.03 Twin CityWine Co. 1st National Bank of Mpls. principal,interest,fee 113,563.80 1976 Bond Fund Ed Phillips F, Sons wine Norwest Bank Mpls. principal,interest,fee 181,703.85 Nursing Home Bonds wine F, American National Bank interest $ service fees 9,855.00 Hospital Bond Fund $ liquor 1st National Bank of St. Paul principal,interest & fee 63,714.85 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE Griggs Cooper $ Co. wine P, liquor 3643.98 Ed Phillips & Sons wine F, liquor 2888.63 Twin City Wine Co. wine g liquor 2333.01 Old Peoria Co. wine & liquor 1447.95 Griggs Cooper & Co. wine $ liquor 3432.65 Old Peoria Co. wine $ liquor 2525.03 Twin CityWine Co. wine 2160.53 Ed Phillips F, Sons wine $ liquor 2434.81 Ed Phillips & Sons wine F, liquor 3966.66 Griggs Cooper $ Co. wine $ liquor 3258.42 Twin City Wine Co. wine 460.93 Ed Phillips $ Sons wine & liquor 1044.48 i i 12) 587 -5151 rY OF HUTCHINSON aSHING TON AVENUE WEST 9NSON, MINN. 55350 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Bruce Ericson, Parks &'Recreation Director DATE: June 13, 1983 FOR YOUR INFORMATION SUBJECT: Garbage Pick -up and Dumpsites After reviewing a letter sent to Jim Junker by City Administrator Gary Plotz, dated June 8, 1983, I would like to comment on the current situation regarding garbage pick -up in the parks. Throughout last year, Junker Sanitation converted our 55 gallon barrels to approximately 38 gallon barrels to decrease the weight and make it easier for their people to handle. This worked well, however, this year we have had a problem with getting the barrels dumped on a regular basis. In the past we have always emptied the barrels every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If the barrels would be full prior to one of the pick -up days, we would then empty the barrels into a near -by dumpster to eliminate the problem. This results in another problem this year, since we have no dumpsters in the parks. It is my understanding we would have to purchase the dumpsters. In conclusion, we have two problems which we would like to have solved. 1. Have the garbage picked up on a regular basis; Monday, Wednesday:and Friday is acceptable. 2. We need dumpsters in the following parks: a) Robert's Park b) South Park c) West River Park d) Optimist /Riverside Park e) A larger dumpster at the Park Garage f) North Jaycee Park The dumpsters need to be dumped once per week. NOTE: Due to the Water Carnival, these items need to be addressed immediately. nap r- 9 9 American V°Iater Works Association 1 6666 %vest Ouinrp Den:,--r. Colo. 8023 j 303 79-7711, May 1983 Richard Nagy Chief Plant Operator Hutchinson Water Department 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Congratulations on your utility's outstanding safety record for 1982. By completing the vear without a single disabling accident, you have provided a great benefit not only to your utility but to the industry as a whole. I know I speak for the officers and directors of AWWA as well as for the section officers and safety chairmen who have worked so hard to achieve an industry -wide safety performance improvement. The Association's Accident Prevention Committee, supported by section safety chairmen, is expanding its program to provide better opportunities for everyone to reduce accidents. Your continued emphasis on all of the aspects of safety and support of AWWA will be of individual and industry -wide benefit. Congratulations again, and keep up the good work. JHS /kl i John H. Stacha President President JOHN H. STACHA. Dallas Texas Presidsnf Elect. WILLIAM O. LYNCH, Cazenowa, New York Lice- Presroen!. WILLIAM! H. RICHARDSON. Chicano. Illinois lmmeduafo Past- Presiden! KENNETH J. MILLER. Denver, Colo•aoc Treasurer. THOMAS J BLAIR. II!. Ccarleston. Wes! Vrc -ia E,ecutrve Director. DAVID B PRESTON. Denver. Colo;aC CITIZENS BANK b s & TRUST COO Honorable James DeMeyer, Mayor City of Hutchinson City Hall 37 Washington Avenue W. Hutchinson, Mo., 55350 Dear Mayor DeMeyer: June 6, 19E FOR YOUR INFORMATION Currently, we are in a planning stage to upgrade Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Block Twelve, which is the property upon which our present Drive -in facilities are located and also the property acquired recently from the City of Hutchinson. We are in the planning stage and several items relating to decisions to be made by the City Council are involved in our planning for a complete new Drive -in Facility which we estimate will involve the expenditure in excess of $300,000.00. In the planning process, it will be important to us that the Council consider whether traffic now flowing through the alley in block 12 should be in its present form, which means that traffic is moving in a north direction and also in a south direction and, obviously, this does disrupt the traffic pattern in this particular alley. I suspect somewhat the same situation exists in the other alleys located downtown. It is my recollection, that at various times, consideration has been given to designating the traffic flow in the alley in the block adjacent to Main Street in one direction and in the alleys on the other side of Main Street to be di- rected in an opposite direction. In view of our planning procedure, we would very much appreciate a decision from the Council as to any changes that might be under consideration or to be implemented with respect to this type of traffic. While we do not have a top preference as to the direction of traffic in the alley located in Block 12 in which the bank is located, it would seem that a flow from the south to north would be more desirable. There is one reason for this tentative opinion on our part and that is that traffic through the alley as it is moving from north to south is encountering substantially difficulty in making entry onto Second Avenue South because of the building site lines and the parking on Second Avenue at that point. We also have other matters that has to be considered before we initiate any any construction. However, we would appreciate some positive action on the part of the Council with respect to the traffic in the alleys downtown which OFFICES: 102 MAIN ST. SO. • HIGHWAY 15 SO. *HUTCH IN SON, MINNESOTA 55350 • PHONE: 812/587 -2233 Hon. James DeMeyer, Mayor Page 2 - Continued we suggest should be such that movement is only in one direction as it does not seem that the alleys are wide enough to accomodate 2 -way traffic, a situation which has been undesirable for quite sometime. IB /lm Very truly yours, Irvin Burich President 41 . DR. D. S. CHERNAUSEK 3�G fKPN KLAN STREET aoYTN HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 TuKwNONE .zv -aws 6-6 -83 Gary Plotz City of Hutchinson Hutchinson., MN 55350 FOR YOUR 11 Dear Mr, Plotz: We protest the assessing procedures for the street improvement at our dental office on Franklin Street. It is unfair because sae don't need a nine ton street. If we needed a nine ton street then all properties should be assessed equally. The properties now classified as residential will pay mudj� less and gain a nine ton street. When their property is commercialized it will be impossible to re- assess it so all properties would have been treated fairly. S /inncerely,/ '90 D. S. Chernausek, D.D.S 0) -r. 73 By R. W. Prochnow. D. D. S i 1QN 0 12) 587 -5151 F CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: June 8, 1983 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Project 83 -03 I have read the letter from Dr. Chernausek and Dr. Prochnow and want to clarify our- assessment policy. The residential used property in the commercial zone will be assessed for a nine (9) ton street in the following manner in accordance with City Policy and Chapter 429: The assessment payable now will be for a regular residential street and the balance of cost for a nine (9) ton street will be deferred on the property until its use is changed and will be payable at that time plus interest. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv cc: Dr. Chernausek Dr. Prochnow May 31, 1983 �ryry, � p dcl Y' �V���.� $293031-123 � a league of minnesota cities �N,a� , FOR YOUR INFORMATION TO: City Officials and Insurance Agents FROM: Peter Tritz /(ai/ RE: RESTRUCTURING OF THE LMCIT PROPERTY /LIABILITY INSURANCE PROGRAM Effective June 1, 1983, the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust Property /Casualty program has been restructured. In the past this program, which is a partial joint self- insurance program, has been operated through a standard insurance company, National Union. For coverage with an effective date of June 1 or later, LMCIT will no longer be using National Union's services in issuing policies to cities. Instead, the city will receive a policy issued directly from LMCIT. In this respect, the restructured program will resemble LMCIT's highly successful joint self- insured workers compensation program, which has now been in operation for over three years. Cities currently insured under National Union policies issued through LMCIT will continue to be covered by those policies until their expiration date. Upon expiration of the existing National Union policies, renewal coverage will be provided directly by LMCIT under the revised structure. By making this change, LMCIT will reduce its overhead costs by over 7 percent without affecting the program's stability or security. This reduction in LMCIT's costs will result in comparable savings for the participating cities. From the city's standpoint, the only change that will be noticed is that the coverage documents will bear LMCIT's name rather than National Union's. The program will continue to operate through local insurance agents whose role in the program will be exactly the same as in the past. Underwriting and program administration will continue to be handled by American Business Risk Services (formerly Nordstrom Risk Management), and claims will continue to be handled through your local GAB office. A natural question concerning the revised structure is whether the city can be assured that I.MCIT will have the funds needed to pay the claims that will arise. The program's reinsurance is structured to assure that LMCIT will have adequate funds to meet its obligations even if the number and magnitude of claims were more than ten times worse than what the program has experienced to date. (OVER) 80 university avenue east, st. paul. minnesota 55101 (612)227-5600 The reinsurance is provided by a consortium of seven Bermuda -based reinsurance companies, having combined assets of over $913 million. For the most part, these are the same companies which served as National Union's reinsurers for-. this program for the past three years. These are very conse tiveI run companies, holding more _ than - twice -as c surplus funds per dollar of pre ium written as does tKe typical U.S. insurer. In addition, each reinsurer is required to provide LMCIT with a letter of credit in a U.S. bank, covering the full extent of the company's potential liability to LMCIT. In short, there should be little cause for concern about LMCIT's ability to pay claims in ligh of the levels of reinsurance purchased and the financial strength of the reinsurers. LNGIT'�s Be ees eels that the change represents another step forward toward meeting LMCIT's goal of pFoviding cities with the coverage they need at the lowest possible cost. Pleas feel free to give me a call at the League office if you have any question or comments. PT:ara 0 iJ6 A -2456 (OA) -18 Hutchirep 1- a 61 11U :4•'s OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Robert J. Ferderer Robert W. Johnson Kenneth F. Sette County Commissioner County Commissioner 40 Chairman Vice Chairman Member Ex -Officio Member Ex- Officio Member 1234 -, JUtN)983 °, RECF.jjtEp w OZ6�a� -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT RESOLUTION ) FOR YOUR INFORMATION OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE TOWN ) AMENDED OF HUTCHINSON FOR THE ORDERLY ANNEXATION ) NOTICE OF HEARING OF CERTAIN LAND TO THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ) PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES 414 ) ----------------------------------- - - - - -- Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 414, as mended, before the Minnesota Municipal Board in the above - entitled matter. 30th The hearing will be held on the RM day of June, 1983 in the Hutchinson City Hall, Hutchinson, Minnesota commencing at 10:00 a.m. All persons shall be given an opportunity to be heard orally and to submit written data, statements or argu- ments concerning the above - entitled matter. The right to testify and the admission of testimony and other evidence shall be governed by the Rules of the Minnesota Municipal Board. (The rules of the Minnesota Municipal Board may be purchased from the Documents Section, 117 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155.) The property proposed for annexation is described as follows: Beginning ten (10) rods North and thirty (30) rods East of the Southwest corner of the East half of the Northeast Quarter of Section Thirty -one (31) Township One Hundred Seventeen (117) North of Range Twenty -nine (29) West; thence North Seventy -five (75) rods; thence East Fourteen and two- thirds (14 -2/3) rods; thence North Seventy -five (75) rods to Section line; thence East Thirty -five and one -third (35 -1/3) rods to the Northeast corner of said Section Thirty -one (31); thence South One Hundred Fifty (150) rods to a point Ten (10) rods North of the Southeast corner of said East half of Northeast Quarter of said Section Thirty -one (31); thence West Fifty (50) rods to point of beginning; now known as Lot Seven (7) of Auditor's Plat of the South half of Section 30 and the North half of Section 31, Township 117 North, Range 29 West, -2- according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of McLeod County, Minnesota; and that part of Lot 9 of Auditor's Plat of South.hal£ of Section 30 and North half of Section 31, Township 117 North, Range 29 West. After all testimony is canplete and the record is closed, the Board will meet from time to time to deliberate, approve and issue its findings and order. Persons desiring to be present at such meetings or conference call meetings should contact the Board office. Dated this 2nd day of June, 1983. MINNESOTA ML)NICIPAL BOARD 165 Metro Square Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Patricia D. Lundy Assistant Director 0 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ N O T I C E + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + ++ 614 101j�1 v� m Go FOR YOUR INFORMATION Although we have maintained our Class 5 status for 1983, we remain in danger of losing our status on the Burlington Northern line running to Hutchinson in the future unless certain circumstances change. Action is needed immediately!!! WHAT: Meeting of all Burlington Northern Users on the line to Hutchinson WHERE: Hutchinson, Central District Service Building, 30 Glen North, (two blocks West of Main Street. Turn at Dairy (2ueen) WHEN: Wednesday, June 15, 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. WHO: All Burlington Northern Users, Shippers, and interested People WHY: For the purpose of investigating all our options and deciding a course of action to keep our Rail Road. It is important that all those who will benefit from keeping a viable line running, be present to share their views and become part of-the solution. Meeting Called by: Burlington Northern Task Force Hutchinson Area Chamber of Commerce For additional information call - 587 -5252 0 0 THE HUTCHINSON SAFETY COUNCIL FOR YOUR INFORMATION The Hutchinson Safety Council met May 23, 1983, at 12 noon at the Firo Hall in Hutchinson, MN. There were 8 members and 1 guest present. President Myron Johnson opened the meeting with a silent prayer. The April minutes were approved as read. No bills were presented. Old Business: Loretta Pishney displayed certificates of appreciation and the motion was made and seconded we purchase 12 of these to be used through out the year. Threshing Day was discussed and it will be held at a different farm this year. More on this at a later date. New Business: President Johnson introduced our guest, Rise Beckman, 3N. Company nurse, who spoke on how to poison proff your home. Minnesota has a Poison Control System with a toll free number and they have slides, brochures and information available, free of charge. A question and answer discussion followed. Rise was invited to become a safety council member. Awards: Warren Kempfert stated 3M Company is getting a safety award and he will be attending some of the meetings. President Johnson will also attend the meetings and will report at the next meeting. s The school year is over so there will not be any more track runners on Roberts Road. The executive board minutes were discussed. May be it could be worked out that the sheriffs department, fire department and county displays could be held in one area and we could have a table for safety information and brochures. More discussion at later meetings. It was generally agreed that lots of information is available thru the media. The next meeting will be June 27th, at the Fire Hall. The meeting was adjourned by motion. Submitted by: Myron Johnson, President Loretta F. Pishney, Seer Treasurers' Report: Balance on hand May Deposits: Disbursements: Balance on hand May Treas. 1, 1983 269.06 none none 31, 1983 269.06 'r • CROW RIVER REGIOI4AL LIBRARY BOARD May 9, 1983 1✓J. FOR YOUR INFORMATION Present: Dorothy Hinseth, Sunburg Representing: Kandiyohi County Kandiyohi County Orlynn Mankell, New London McLeod County Kathleen Kubasch, Wirsted Meeker County Ellen Moench, Eden Valley " Meeker County Steven George, Darwin - Meeker County Jeanne Lundstrom, Cosmos Hutchinson John Horrocks, Hutchinson Albert Linde, Hutchinson Hutchinson Linda Ulrich, Renville Renville Jeanette Buchanan, Willmar Willmar LeP.oy Sanders, Willmar Willmar Sam Malone, Willmar Willmar Jody Cronk, Litchfield Litchfield Burton Sundberg, Director, CRRL Kathy Matson, Assistant Director, CRRL Absent: Jean Stranberg, Atwater* Representing: Kandiyohi County Wayne Hebrink, Renville* Kandiyohi County Lilah Buhr, Stewart* " McLeod County Lionel Barker, Glencoe* Glencoe Delores Condon, Litchfield* Litchfield 1 to be appointed from Bird Island 1 to be appointed from McLeod County *Excused absence The Crow River Regional Library Board met at the Crow River Regional Library Head- demonstration of quarters in Willmar on Monday, May 9, 1983. Prior to the meeting a the OCLC terminal was given by Kathy Matson. Chairman Mankell called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Two visitors were introduced - -Mr. Lawrence Wendorff, Count McLeod Commissioner from of McLeod County, and Mr. Gene Redenan, Executive Secretary, Y Commissioners. Announcement was made that Mr. Earl Mathews, County Commissioner from McLeod County, and Regional Library Board member had passed away this past month- Malone/George moved to approve the minutes for April. Carried. Mr. Sanders pointed out that the interest was now included on the Treasurer's report as a separate entry. Sanders /Kubasch moved to approve the report for April. Carried. Director's Report: a. Statistical report for. April was presented. b. The librarian from Raymond, Mrs. Day, has completed approximately half of her videotaping on the oral History project in Kandiyohi County. Funding for this project is from a SMAHC grant. c. Clippings were passed around. d. CRRL has received a grant from SMAHC in the amount of $960.00 to fund a series of summer programs. Ten performances will be given by the Montevideo Children's Theater Company. The play will be an adaptation of a children's book (title to be announced at a later date). Ulrich /Moench moved that the bills be paid. Carried. Committee Reports: a. SAMMIE Governing Board will meet on Tuesday, May 10, at Marshall. The Board meets +j r quarterly and an alternate delegate is to be appointed at a later date. Mrs. Buhr will attend the meeting and another Board member was encouraged to attend with her. b. WPLS /CRRL Merger Committee -- Library Director Burton Sundberg, LeRoy Sanders, and Linda Ulrich discussed the Merger Agreement with the Board. A copy of the letter sent to the governing boards was presented and made a part of these minutes. Big Stone County has approved the Agreement along with Bird Island. Members of the CRRL Board and Director Sundberg will be available to attend City Council and County Commissioner meetings to answer questions, etc. The Merger Committee recommended that the combined June Board meeting be held in Willmar on Tuesday, June 7. Each Board would meet separately at 7:00 p.m. and the combined board at 8 p.m. The Merger Committee also felt that the proposed agreement, etc., should be sent to any eligible non - participants in the WPLS /CARL. Mileage for the OPLIC members attending this meeting on June 7 should be paid for by the CRRL. Financial changes and changes in Personnel Policies would not go into effect until January 1, 1984. Suggestions for a name for the new system should be brought to the next Board meeting. Also noted was that the new system could get an Establishment Grant of $24,000 the first year and $12,000 the following year. The Senate has approved this to date. Discussion was also held regarding the proposed budget for the Crow River Western Plains Library for 1984. Motion by George /Sanders that the attached budget be approved. Carried. Motion by Malone/ Kubasch that the June meeting for the two boards be held on Tuesday, June 7, in Willmar. Carried. Motion by Malone /Sanders that the Board pay mileage for OPLIC members to attend this meeting..Carried. Discussion was held regarding sending a letter to the eligible non - participating governing boards informing them of what has taken place. Sanders /Horrocks moved that a letter be sent to the above informing them of the merger. Carried. c. System Directors Council and OPLIC Advisory Countil update -- At the last meeting it was announced that through a Federal Jobs Bill, money will be available in Minnesota to build new or renovate, or add on, to old library buildings. This would be a matchinc fund grant. Letters were sent to all libraries in the CRRL system that would be eligible for this. Applications for this are to be made by October 1, 1983, and projects must be started by May, 1984. Local library boards and Regional Development Commissions will be asked to send written comments along with the application. Matching monies could come from revenue sharing. To be eligible, the building project must be a minimum of 2500 square feet. There may be LSCA monies to hire a consultant in the areas of automation and related technical fields. This consultant would be working with each of the 12 regional public library systems in the state. Some money would also be available for necessary hardware. The balance of the Federal money will be for obtaining highway directional signs for libraries in regional systems. Each library will receive two free signs, which are white on blue. The State Board of Education has yet to approve this. Malone/ Ulrich moved that CRRL order two free signs for each library in the system. Carried. Communications: a. Public Library Newsletter was passed around. b. MLA will be held in St. Paul on May 12 -13. Five staff members will be attending. c. Notification had been received from Mr. Bill Asp, OPLIC Director, that the Senate Finance committee has reduced the library aids from 58 to 48. Federal aid will be the same as in the preceding year. New Business: a. Painting the van -- Bids had been received from the following for painting and repairing the van: Swenson Olds -- $500.40; Body Shop in Willmar -- $550.00; West Central Body -- $675.00; Don and Vern's -- $714.80. Discussion also followed .4 regarding painting and repairing the Bookmobile (fixing rust spots, etc.). Swenson • Olds is one of the only places in Willmar that has a large enough garage to do the work on the Bookmobile. The van would be repaired during the early part of the I summer and the Bookmobile could be repaired anytime from May 27 through June 6. The funds for the Bookmobile repairs could come from the Bookmobile Amortization Account. Motion by Linde /George that Swenson Motor Company of Willmar be awarded the bid for the repair of the van and Bookmobile for the above prices. Carried. b. Kubasch /Linde moved that the Library Board purchase a book with a memorial plaque on it in the amount of up to $50.00 in memory of Mr. Earl Mathews, Board Member who recented passed away. Carried. Adjournment at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jeanette Buchanan Secretary pro tem Banking Division (612) 2% -2135 Securities and Real Estate Division (612) 296 -2594 *TATE OF MINNESOI1 Insurance Division (612) 296 -2488 Administrative Services Division (612) 296.2283 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FOR YOUR INFORNNIATION 500 Metro Square Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Q�o3, 1234SC ;fin May 31, 1983 The Honorable James G. De Meyer Mayor of the City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 JUN1923 RECEP c; a 6� Re: $185,000 Commercial Development Revenue Bonds of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (Cornell /Hoversten Project) Dear Mayor DeMeyer: The Department of Commerce has examined the application and exhibits submit- ted by you relating to the proposal to offer revenue bonds as authorized by the Municipal Industrial Development Act, M. S. Chapter 474. Based upon the information you submitted, approval of the project is hereby granted by the Department of Commerce. Such approval shall not be deemed to be an approval by the Commissioner or the State of Minnesota regarding the feasibility of the project or the terms of the revenue agreement to be executed or the bonds to be issued therefore, nor whether the project falls within regulations of Federal Law. Included with this letter is a Project Closing Sheet. The sheet must be completed and returned to our office at the time of closing for filing and informa- tional purposes. This request is in conformance with Chapter 474, Subdivision 8. Your cooperation will be sincerely appreciated. Very truly yours Michael A. Hatch Commissioner Department of Commerce MAH:gah Enclosure cc: Trudy J. Halla, Briggs and Morgan (bond counsel), St. Paul, MN office AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CM -VU4 L4 -Ul This Appli� ion must be submitted to the issioner in duplicate STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS SERVICES Application For Approval of Municipal Industrial Revenue Bond Project Date January 12, 1983 To: Minnesota Department of Energy, Planning and Development Business Services 480 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55101 The governing body of Hutchinson County of McLeod Minnesota, hereby applies to the Commissioner of the State of Minnesota, Department of Energy, Planning and Development, for approval of this community's proposed municipal Industrial Revenue Bond Issue, as required by Section 1, Subdivision 7, Chapter 474, Minnesota Statutes. We have entered into preliminary discussions with: Firm Gerald P. Cornell 5 Duane E. Hoversten Address 1115 Hiehwav 7 West City Hutchinson State Minnesota 55350 State of Incorporation a Minnesota General Partn_e_r_s_hi_p Briggs and Morgan. National ` Bank Bldg. Attorney Bond Counsel Address St Paul, MN 55101_ Name of Project Cornell / Hoversten Project This firm is engaged primarily in (nature of business): computer sales service and The funds received from the sale of the Industrial Revenue Bonds will be used to (general nature of project): acquisition and construction of an approximately 5,000 square foot retail, office and warehouse building It will be located in Hutchinson, Minnesota The total bond issue will be approximately $ 185,000 to be applied toward payment of costs now estimated as follows: Cost Item Amount Land Acquisition and Site Development $ 24,000 Construction Contracts 198,900 Equipment Acquisition and Installation Architectural and Engineering Fees Legal Fees S Soft Costs 15,000 Interest during Constructton Initial Bond Reserve Contingencies Bond Discount Other It is presently estimated that construciton will begin on or about March 15 19 83, and will be completed on or about May 5 , 19 83 . When complete there will be approximately 2 new jobs created by the project at an annual payroll of approximately $ 352000.00 based upon prevailing wages. The tentative term of the financing is 15 years, commencing March 15 19 83 . The.following exhibits are furnished with this application and are incorporated herein by reference: 1. An opinion of bond counsel that the proposal constitutes a project under Minnesota Stat., Chapter 474.02, 2. A copy of the city council resolution giving preliminary approval for the issuance of its revenue bonds. 3. A comprehensive statement by the municipality indicating how the project satisfies the public purpose of Minnesota Stat., Chapter 474.01. 4. A letter of intent to purchase the bond issue of a letter confirming the feasibility of the project from a financial standpoint. 5. A statement, signed by the principal representative of the issuing authority, to the effect that upon entering into the revenue agreement, the information required by Minn. Stat., Ch. 474.01 Subd. 8 will be submitted to the Department of Energy, Planning and Development. 6. A statement, signed by the principal representative of the issuing authority, that the project does not include any property to be sold or affixed to or consumed in the production of property for sale, and does not include any housing facility to be rented or used as a permanent residence. 7. A statement, signed by the principal representative of the issuing authority, that a public hearing was conducted pursuant to Minn. Stat. 474.01 Subd. 7b. The statement shall include the date, time and place of the meeting and that all interested parties were afforded an opportunity to express their views. 8. A copy of the notice of publication of the public hearing. We, he undersigned, are duly elected representatives of Hutchinson Minn sota, and solicit your approval of this project at your earliest convenience so that/ we may carry it to a final conclusion. by: P- ncip 1 icers or Representatives of Isss /uiingg Authority) 4 City Ad nistrath'r This approval shall not be deemed to be an approval by the Commissioner or the State of the feasibility of the project or the terms of the lease to be executed or the bonds to be issued therefor. Date of Approval • 'g� Commissioner Minnesota Department of Energy, PlanninVd Development `J EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL NAME Michael O'Borsky Dave Mooney Nansi Pellinen ' Dawn Baumgarten Craig Ogren Renee Baumgarten Tu Tong JOB TI SUPERVISED BY_. ion EMPLOYMENT STATUS Bruce Ericson PAY RATE $3.50 to •$4,50 FOR YOUR INFORMATION DATE May 31, 1983 ADDRESS R 2, Hutch 930 Goebel Circle, Hutchinson 450 Glen Street N. Hutchinson R R 1, Box 28, Hutchinson (CETA) Hwy. 7 East, Hutchinson (CETA) 541 Brown Street, Hutchinson (CETA) 300 Lynn Road (CETA) ,7luergen Ro ,,d _ 600 Lakewoo� Drive, Hutchinson NEW EMPLOYEE FULL TIME OTHER: X PART TIME OR SEASONAL Summer Programs COMMENTS Four positions will be 50% reimbursed by CETA THE ABOVE PERSONNEL ACTION CONFORMS TO ADOPTED PERSONNEL POLICY AND TO THE COUNCIL APPROVED SELECTION PROCESS, ART HEAD r PERSO NEL COORDINATOR w t B7�r'+r�I. L� CITY .r► ' •y . FOR YOUR �0F�DNl8T|AN U\/u[\�U}�!�muum//���`/�' �--__.---__--_-_---_'-- �_�--_ --�--- HJ -Tr 44 �s J.J SOT FARTMENT OF TRAN'.PORTATION 05/83 09123 Q L;NNE CE U tANj1 T: COST /REVENUE REPORT AGE ONTH FER1 JD BEGIIJN ING JAN 1.1982 Q N TRANSIT SYSTEM COSTS REVENUE'-. DEFICIT PASSENGERS HOURS MILES 020 ALEERT LEA 31580 7520 24059 30060 0 030 ANOKA COUNTY 33810 2864 35945 31769 12839 104435 -4"� 040 APPLETON 15028 2709 12318 7519 1212 8957 0� 050 ARROWHEAD:AEOA 1056234 272507 777777 249619 43415 651246 Q 070 BEMIDJI 119977 32008 87969 69396 7218 81250 O 080 BENSON 20165 2789 17376 7536 2183 14278. G 090 BIG STONE COUNTY 23176 1753 21422 4230 1858 7164 a 100 BLUE L WHITE CAB 155250 28189 130060 37334" - - 110 BRAINERD 96967 96967 42080 3760 60428 120 CARVER COUNTY - 154746 9446 145300 50876 16573 295649' O 8 140 CHISAGO COUNTY 26492 5654 20837 4065 6475 36406 150 CITY WIVE CAB 56248 8459 47789 13534 160 CLEARWATER COUNTY 16521 5033 11437 3698 ,1065 21712 9� CLOOLIET 88331 17826 70485 26561 5620 90291 _ 180 _ COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 29291 _- 6018 23273 11996 Q 190 COTTO::WCOD COUNTY 11013 1553 9460 3770 1788 25884. ® 200 DAKOTA COUNTY: DARTS 241215 13782 227432 38721 8714 131806 _205 DIAMOND CAB 8843 1270 7572 1950 230 DULUTH:REGJLAR ROUTE 5946465 2916516 3029649 5336688 163266 2134836 m 220 DULUTH: D. A. R. 44231 44231 2622 1596 19123 t..-7 230-FAIRMONT_ -_ - __._.__ 89337 34078 55259 32609 10000 88746 `•" °F 240 FARIBAULT 102930 21273 81657 64639 6472 88786. ® 260 HASTINGS 89346 28992 60354 29346 6189 62639 270 HIBBING 73044 19467 53577 25675 3796 48551= - 280 HOPKINS___. _ _._ 63467 - 10831 52635 25442 __ =' 7 ® 290 SUBURBAN PARATRANSIT 422298 19527 402770 30385 20312 256921' 00 HUTCHINSON 73073 4614 58459 23495 3888 42493 320 LAKE OF THE WOODS CO 43011 2858 40152 742 315 1316 340 LEECH LAKE 72109 14760 57348 13440 4848 135323 350 LE SUEUR 67535_ 11263 56271 32235 = 3TS $ 41346 " . 360 LINCOLN COUNTY 65627 8199 57427 14312 3351 48853 a 370 LITTLE FALLS 13200 3621 9578 6508 426 7502 ._380 MAHUBE 112010 12483 99526 "25509 8363 86562 390 MANKATO 466923 237258 229665 677334 23202 265708 ® .400 MARSHALL 41062 15530 25532 11355 3084 41615 410 MEDICINE LAKE LINES 936807 409817 526990 501872 27909 497829 ' 420 METRO M08ILITY CENTR 827037 54520 772517 0 430 Y.ONTEVIGEO 110866 25329 85037 61435 5325 60539' 440 MOORHEAD: REGULAR RT 402974 79932 323041 238215 21567 347442 450 MOORHEAD. D.A. R. 54464 3831 50632 13202 2728 27277 ' a 455 MORLEY BUS CO. 30048 2121 27927 3370 1892 20836 . 460 MORRIS 97850 25823 72026 40831 8101 66042 - 470 MTC:REGULAR ROUTE 87013701 41595057 45416644 81763484 2170945 29739034 Zy 480 MTC:SOCIAL FARES 4942561 4942561 490 NORTH SUBURBAN LINES 635567 218936 416631 307128 17300 392577 510 NORTHFIELD 89470 19456 70014 28310 5302 42569 " Q 520 PELICAN RAPIDS 1879 659 1220 1643 3332 530 PINE RIVER 20187 6116 14070 8697 18663 13846" 540 PIPESTONE 17782 6771 11011 1672 554 3893 Q 560 PROJECT MOBILITY 2267797 103000 2166797 161219 75032 933037' 570 RED L WHITE CAB 107089 14497 92592 24233 580 RED WING __64O?2____9432__ 54680 22390 5354 73333 _ Q 600 ROCHESTER : REGULAR RT 737774 395079 392695 779074 24124 370926 . 610 ROCHESTER:D.A.R. 106311 28977 77834 33329 6092 73203 620 ST.CLOUD:REGULAR RT 1216343 430429 785,914 1041225 43871 711579 Q 630 ST.CLOUD:D.A.R. 138466 33615 104850 32489 9114 101395 650 ST.LOUIS PARK :STEP 10975 10975 3305 2474 24902' 660 SCENIC MINN.LINES 111848 43842 68005 13553 7544 90316 a 670 SCOTT COUNTY 111738 5244 _ 106494 27937 10938 141926 680 SHERBURNE COUNTY 27936 4124 23812 6695 20612 700 TRI -CAP 78444 16820 61624 14360 3531 57649 a 710 TRI- VALLEY 156802 19903 136898 25231 7416 99701 720 UPSALA 11443 2158 9285 2813 729 12283 730 VIRGINIA 141295 54761 86534 59997 .9019 93726 O 740 WASHINGTON COUNTY 156735 5343 - 151391 23150 6709 123558 750 WHI_TE SEAR -LAKE_ ._.124173 27949 -_.- _4622425536 6-,li_119630_ 760 WILLMAR 93175 20845 72330 49673 4263 53159 0 770 WINONA 196290 77677 118613 232114 13413 165140 700 YELLOWDIRD TAXI 5122224 7282 43941 11651' 790 YELLOW CAB:MPLS 354,043 52268 303779 85484 ......... ......... TOTALS 111476304 47597118 63879186 92634369 2895323 39393159 --- ..... ..o..s.�.....�a a��r..... .. -- .... ...._ -�� .a - ........ ���� :ate_. ....... .. - I1GL140- 3131/93 J IU11C11114S09 UT I LIT IF`. CIIMMI SSION PAGE l HUICHINSOH, MIN'IESOTA MALANCE SHFET FOR YOUR INFORMATION O • C 0 MARCH 31, 1993 I - • • • ELECTRIC • • • • • ♦ • • GAS • ♦ • • • • • • • TOTAL • ♦ • C_. ASSETS._ _... _... UTILITY PLANT - AT COST 'C LANG C LAND NIGHTS 126.300.30 12.628,10 133.928.40 DEPRECIABLE UTILITY PLANT 14.777.138.34, -_. _ -__._ _ 1,939.477.71 16.716.616.05. _. TOTAL UTILITY PLANT 14.903,438.64 1.952,105.81 16.855,544.45 LESS ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION 7.555.270.56CR _..____.___. 6515058.65CR _. TOTAL ACCUMULATED UEPMECIATIUN 7,555.270.56f,R 656.95R.65CR C CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS ... 78.097.10 ._ _ _ -__ ... _ .._ - _ _78.097.10 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 111 PROGRESS 78.097.10 78.097.10 I +�C TUTAL UTILITY OEPREC VALUE -. ._. - 7,426,265.18 .._ .._..____ 1.295, N7.16_ _._B,7Z1,412.34 . - _ .PLANT L ACCOUNTS O - 10 ..- , RESTRICTED FUNDS -_CITY OF.HUTCHINSON ___... .. _ _._ _. -__.._ 2,680.94._..________ - 21600.94__. __.__CONTRIBUTION FEDERAL INTERPRETATION 3B9,692.D3 389.692.03 0 FUTURE ERPANSIDN L DEVELOPMENT 597.000.00 1,873,060.00 O FOR.. FUEL_ OIL PURCHASES_.__ - __.507.940.00 ____ -- - - - - =- 5021340.00 I ___RESERVE_ BOND L INTEREST PAYMENT 1976 228.738.06 228.738.06 BOND RESERVE 1976 668.496.09 668.496.09 r I• -. CONTRIBUTION._- CITY. OF_ HUTCHINSON__.. -.___ _ 11577. 33._� __ _ 1.577.33.......__ _ TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS L ACCOUNTS 2.682,811.48 989.372.97 3.672.184.4' M I_ CURRENT_L ACCRUE➢. ------- CAS14 IN BANK 167,371.09 39,897.85 207,268.94 INVESTMENTS AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 194.334.17 447.758.40 678.092.57 M RECEIVABLE -__ - -- .._._.__- .- 59.494.97. _._. -- 59.494.97___ .CONTRACTS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 861.367.13 501,394.T6 1.362..761.89 INVENTORIES 682.227.39 41.456.39 723,663.70 CURB. L. ACCRUEU ASSETS -PREP AIO_INS _.- _. ...39.197.00____ _4,798.75.. - -_ -- _43.995.75 - -- -- - _. _.._._ ACCRUED INTEREST RECEIVABLE 31.595.66 2,903.00 34,578.66 I OTHER CURRENT L ACCRUED ASSETS 75.26 T5.26 _ -_TOT AL. CURRENT -L ACCRUED ASSETS_______..__._.__ _.__. .. 1.972.092.44 -_ -__ _.._._1.091.859.38 - 33.069.951.82_ 1 DEFERRED CHARGE - s J]15LWNL ..._ 17.614.46. __BONG- CLEARING ACCOUNT 132.42 132.42 1. TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGE 17.746.88 17,746.08 • .1 .TOTAL ASSETS _ 12.098.915.98 3.302.379 S1 15.481.295.49 C I�Q l O • C 0 .� -HGLI AO- 3/31/83 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA BALANCE SHEET MARCH 31. 1983 -------- -�� -__ • • • ELECTRIC • • • •• t tt • ♦ GAS • • ♦ a O — .MUNICIPAL EQULTY.. &-.LIABILITIES_.__.____- ...___.. MUNICIPAL EQUITY 7 RALA.VCE YEAR END 8.312.975.09 2.803.496.11 CURREAl _ PERIOD-NET LNCOME_ -. _._.._ _____.._ 277 .716.51.______ --- ._.175.022.77 CONTRIBUTION TO CITY 21.000.00CR 41.500.0008 i; TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUITY 81569.691.60 2.940.018.88 LONG TERM LIABILITIES -NET OF CURRENT MATURITIES ALNLS._14TERM CIAi5.DnD�2. TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES 2.875.000.00 ._...__CONSix_LONTRACTS_LACCTS PAY RETAIN._.__- ..._.__— _.�._ —_ -. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION C ACCTS PAY l - - CU RRE Vi._G ALC0.UEIl LIABILITIES -__. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 523.49L.L5 428.398.18 INTEREST ACCRUED 47.659.69 62.08 PAYABLE. TO ASSOCIATED CO _ -_... __._ 15.972.02Cx ACCRUED PAYABLE - OAYAOLL 27.766.69 6.939.21 ACCRUED VACATION PAYABLE 54.156.90 12.692.46 CUSTOMEx. DEPOSITS_ _ ....._...__..__17.069.94.._ _._. _.____.___._- __130.00___ OTHER CURRENT C ACCRUED LIABILITIES 52.00 10.00 l TOTAL CURRENT C ACCRUED LIAR 6S4.224.38 442.3bO.63 1 TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUITY C LIAR 12.098.915.98 3.382.379.51 0 0 PAGE 2 0 TOTAL ll.LL6.471.20 U 62.500.00CR 111., 509.710.48 O i J.A78.DDf6n - 2.875.000.00 ... ... ... i 951.A89.36 _ - -- 47.721.77 34.705.91 66.849.76 __17.199.99 62.00 1.096.585.01 � � 15.481.295.49 I � d' r L 3 i A 15.481.295.49 I � d' r L 3 i A i A `J U 4 -H5L 112- f /11/43 IIJTUU dSa.l UTIl111E. CTIMnl �.:1 u,. —__ ••.o . Nu 7C t l NC On. MINVF5014 FLLCTAIC 01V16ION S747Fnid4T OF 1NCI,MF L FXPLLASES F MA.(,. 311 I9R3 •• CUAMFNI MONTH •• YFAA -TO -DATE •• •• PnEV YE4P- 111-UATE •• f INCOME 5TAIEPENT OPFRATINL REVFNUE C S41.E5 - ELECTRIC ENFRGY - SALES FOR kESALE- DEMAND NET INCOMF FRUM OTHER SONRCES 1 n SCCURIIY LIGHTS PULE RENTAL 1 i TOTAL OPERAIING ACVF.IUE JPERAII'1G EXPENSES Gt,,IERATION OPERATION { GENEkAIION MAINTENANCE _._ IRANSHISSIUN OPERATION . TRANSMISSION hAINTENANCE O OISTRIDUTION UPERATION DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE_ CUSTOMER ACCTING L COLLECTION O CUSTOMER SERVICE L INFORMATIONAL LUNI.NISTR4TIVE._L GENERAL. EXPENSES___ OEPRECIATIUN i TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES ❑PER4TING INCOME C' , x _. OTHER INCOME_ AND DEDUCTIONS OTHER - NET - INTEREST INCOME M1SC INCOME_ INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OTHER INCOME A140 DEDUCTIONS NET INCOME In �C �a 673.247,97[0. 2,007,461.70CR 1,05b,648.25CR 16,666.10CR 50.000.IOCR . 55.060.I1CR 21366.16[0. T.5I5.36CR 8,731.IRCR 1.029.SOCR 3,065.50CR 2,038.90CP F _- 5.598.25CR 693.910.33CR 2,06P,045.66CR 1,930r016.09CR 45,340.32 11,395.69 433.154.60 16.400.96 8.505.89—______ 5,404.92 780.51 56.567.89_- 51,400.00 628.990.78 64.919.55[0. 69.43 21.342.18CR 22.517.000F, _ -_.- 11,739.00 - 32,050.75CR 46,970.30CR 150.523.63 361,008.32 46.280.18 125.558.66 1.255.304.01_. 305.62 41,790.49 37.136.98 _._25.296.87__—_. _25.663.91_____..__ 14,574.83 13.303.69 1.909.01 11811.69 .__137.803.91 154.200.00 148,500.00 11827.988.56 1.859,922.16 2401057.1UCR 10,[94.73[0. Ir 350.69LP 5.751.59LR 43.911.57CR. 59,543.65CR _. 27.614.15CR_ — 24.966.85CR 35.217.00 40,890.00 37.659.41CR 49.372.09CR 2771716.51CR 119,466.82CR • C i t. .g 1/11/113 Hill C111 I;ON III II IT ICE CUMMI iSIWI PAU 2 HJ ILHINSUN, MI Wit Sill A .,AS D VI 111114 5141(04041 OF 1NCOMf L kXPEN.FS MARCH 311 19113 04 CHRRENT MOATH •♦ •♦ YFAR- T0-0AIE •• AAA PkEV YEAR- TU -IJA7F u INCOME STATEMENT _ UPERATING REVENUES SALES 497,445.41CR TOTAL OPERATING MEVENUE 497,445.41CR 1 OPERATING EXPENSE L P GAS EXPENSE -. 1,822r167.06CR 1r954.715.42CR 1.822.167.06Cn ____. _. 1.954.7I5.42CR O ' DPERA TI NG-1 NC ONE..___.___.._- ___.�___ ..___.._.. ___.___.__._.___. --50. 157. Ur0 I ! OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS OTHER -- NE1 _. _....__.- __ -_ -. _.____- _________. .__ 3.23CR.- INTEREST INCOME 11400.45CR 1 MISC INCOME 240.31CN MISC INCOME._- INCREMENTAL PRICING... TOTAL OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS _ 1r643.99CR l ' NET INCOME 51.80I.21CR .21LR i l I, 758.66 L,636r .11.57 _ 36.430.53 11.151.27 6.147.74 1 -- .2.005.34.___ 39,196.91 339.96 34.700.00 1,755.509.43 O .__._ 199.205.99 7 86.70CR. 271993.67[0. 29.197.37CR 821.25CR 59.386.23CA- _--. 14[11 281732.35CR 99.018.40CR 178,022.77CR 287,224.49CR l C . L � L � OTHER MOWER PROD I,XPFNSF 80.57 539.95 C PJRCHASkD GAS EXPANSE 404,141.42 1.556.759.46 " DISIRIBUT1UN DYEkATILIA 13.453.3L _ .. 39,826.51 DISTRI0Ul1ON MAINTENANCF 1,710.36 5,612.37 ( CJSTJMER ACCOUNT; EXPE45E 3,455.59 9,318.31 _ CAST SERVICE L INFJRMATIO.7AL EXP 1.106.52 _ ...__._._. _. ._._.. _ _2.994.39 ADMIRISTRAIION L GENERAL 19,323.09 43.221.09- U MAINTENANCE OF PROD EOJIP 17.28 306.56 DLPALC14TION- __. 4.800.0[- —.. ._._— _. .141400.00____ . I" TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 447.288.19 1.672,976.64 O ' DPERA TI NG-1 NC ONE..___.___.._- ___.�___ ..___.._.. ___.___.__._.___. --50. 157. Ur0 I ! OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS OTHER -- NE1 _. _....__.- __ -_ -. _.____- _________. .__ 3.23CR.- INTEREST INCOME 11400.45CR 1 MISC INCOME 240.31CN MISC INCOME._- INCREMENTAL PRICING... TOTAL OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS _ 1r643.99CR l ' NET INCOME 51.80I.21CR .21LR i l I, 758.66 L,636r .11.57 _ 36.430.53 11.151.27 6.147.74 1 -- .2.005.34.___ 39,196.91 339.96 34.700.00 1,755.509.43 O .__._ 199.205.99 7 86.70CR. 271993.67[0. 29.197.37CR 821.25CR 59.386.23CA- _--. 14[11 281732.35CR 99.018.40CR 178,022.77CR 287,224.49CR l C . L � L �