cp01-11-1983 cHUTCH INSON CITY CALENDAR WEEK OF JANUARY 9 T O JANUARY 15� WEDNESDAY -12- r� SUNDAY -9- WINTERTIME IS FUNTIME �r�lll{ MONDAY -10- THURSDAY -13- FRIDAY -14- 2:00 P.M. - Senior Advisory Board Meeting (at Senior Center) TUESDAY _11- 4:00 P.M. - Directors Meeting 5:15 P.M. - Council Workshop 7 :30 P.M. - Council Meeting SA-i URDAY -15- VACATIONS Marlow Priebe - Marilyn Swanson- to Jan. 24 • AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1983 1. Call Meeting to Order - 7:30 p.m. 2. Invocation - Rev. Richard H. Coston 3. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Meeting of December 29, 1982 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to approve as amended 4. Public Hearings (a) Industrial Revenue Note Requested by Hutch Computer Industries Action - Motion to close hearing - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and adopt Resolution No. 7307 (b) Proposed Use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds Action - Motion to close hearing 5. Requests (a) Consideration of Appointments to Health Board 1. Dr. George Smith 2. Dr. Robert Hegrenes 3. Dr. Thomas Kleinkauf Action - Motion to ratify appointments (b) Consideration of Request for Fire Marshal to Attend Conference January 18, 1983 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject 6. Resolutions and Ordinances (a) Ordinance No. 17/82 - An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the Conduct of Bingo and Raffles and the Use of Paddlewheels, Tipboards, Pull -Tabs or Ticket Jars and Providing a Penalty for Violation Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive second reading and adopt (b) Ordinance No. 18/82 - An Ordinance Amending Section 715:40 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson, Entitled "Time Limit, Parking Zones: by Adding Subdivision No. 11 Thereto Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive second reading and adopt COUNCIL AGENDA ,JANUARY 11, 1983 (c) Resolution No. 7313 - Designation of Depositories of City Funds in Commercial•Banks Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (d) Resolution No. 7314 - Designation of Depository of City Funds - Federal Savings and Loan Associations Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (d) Resolution No. 7315 - Designating Official Newspaper Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (f) Resolution No. 7316 - Appointing City Officers for 1983 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (g) Resolution No. 7317 - Appointing Legal Counsel Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (h) Resolution No. 7318 - Entering into Agreement with Crow River Regional Library for Calendar Year 1983 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (i) Resolution No. 7325 - Resolution of Appreciation for Milton D. Schantzen Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (j) Resolution No. 7319 - Resolution Approving Securities for Collateral from Citizens Bank and Trust Co. of Hutchinson Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (k) Resolution No. 7320 - Resolution Approving Securities for Collateral from Citizens Bank and Trust Co. of Hutchinson as Sponsoring Agency of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (1) Resolution No. 7321 - Resolution Approving Securities for Collateral from First National Bank of Hutchinson Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (2) n v COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 11, 1983 (m) Resolution No. 7322 - Resolution Approving Securities for Collateral from First National Bank of Hutchinson as Sponsoring Agency of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (n) Resolution No. 7323 - Resolution Approving Securities for Collateral from First State Federal Savings and Loan Association of Hutchinson, MN Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (o) Resolution No. 7324 - Resolution Approving Securities for Collateral from First State Federal Savings & Loan Association of Hutchinson, MN Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (p) Resolution No. 7326 - Resolution Accepting $62,500 from the Hutchinson Utilities Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt 7. Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions (a) Building Official's Monthly Report - December 1982 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing (b) Minutes of Airport Commission dated December 15, 1982 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing (c) Minutes of Nursing Home Board dated November 18, 1982 and November 19, 1982 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing (d) Minutes of Library Board dated December 14, 1982 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing (e) Minutes of Park and Recreation Board dated December 1, 1982 Action- Orderyby Mayor received for filing (f) Minutes of Tree Board dated November 16, 1982 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing (3) r.. COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 11, 1983 8. Unfinished Business (a) Response to Questions Posed to City Attorney by Mayor DeMeyer at Council Meeting of December 29, 1982 Action - (b) Consideration of Request for Additional Parking by Use of Courtesy Parking Ticket (DEFERRED 12- 29 -82) Action - (c) (d) (ITEMS WITHDRAWN) (e) Reports by Ken Merrill and Mayor DeMeyer on Negotiations of Option Contracts for Parking Program Action - (f) Consideration of Offer to Purchase First State Federal Property, Parcels A & B, (Plowman Building) at $175,000 (Requested by Alderman Beatty) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to authorize and direct Mayor and City Administrator to sign necessary documents (g) Consideration of Offer to Purchase Bretzke Property, Including Lots 2 & 3, Excepting South 20 ft. of [Jest 55 ft.; North Half City, Block 49, at $103,800 (Requested by Alderman Beatty) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to authorize and direct, Mayor and City Administrator to sign necessary documents (h) Consideration of Offer to Purchase Masonic Temple Property at $163,000 (Requested by Alderman Beatty) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to authorize and direct Mayor and City Administrator to sign necessary documents 9. New Business (a) Consideration of Purchase of Street Sweeper Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve purchase and advertise for bids (b) Consideration of Application for Cigarette License for 1983 by National Food Store Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and.issue license (4) COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 11, 1983 (c) Consideration of Application for Snow Removal Permits: 1. Don Sitz 2. Florian Thole 3. Tom Dahl Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue permits (d) Consideration of 1983 Travel, Schools & Conferences Action - (e) Consideration of 1983 Liquor Store and Water /Sewer Budgets Action - Motion to reject - Motion to accept (f) Consideration of Request to Purchase Boulevard Trees Action - Motion to reject - motion to approve 10. Miscellaneous (a) Communications from City Administrator 11. Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments (a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and authorize payment 12. Adjournment (5) MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1982 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor DeMeyer at 7:30 P.M.; with the follow- ing present: Alderman John Mlinar, Alderman Kenneth Gruenhagen, Alderman Ted Beatty, and Mayor James G. DeMeyer. Absent: Alderman Mike Carls. Also present: City Attorney James Schaefer and City Accountant Kenneth B. Merrill. 2. INVOCATION In the absence of a pastor, there was a moment of silent prayer. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the Bid Opening of December 13, 1982 and Regular Meeting of December 14, 1982 were approved as presented upon motion by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously carried. 4. PUBLIC HEARING None. 5. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) DISCUSSION BY RCM OF HUTCHINSON SEWER SYSTEM EVALUATION SURVEY REPORT AND UPDATE OF STEP I STUDY OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT Messrs. James Welday and Francis Osborne from Rieke, Carroll, Muller Asso- ciates, Inc. presented a report on Phase II, Step I,Hutchinson sewer system. It was pointed out the City will need to determine how it wants to proceed -on the rehabilitation of the sewer system. They outlined further action. recommended by their firm, which included: 1) adoption of a Resolution to be submitted to the EPA and MPCA for their approval, 2) a letter of auth- orization from the City for RCM to proceed with the plan, and 3) a meet- ing of the Public Participation Committee to review alternative methods. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty to accept the RCM report for staff review and recommendation and to adopt a Resolution at a future date. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar. Alderman Beatty his motion to place this item on the Agenda for the first City Council meeting in February. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously. N COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 29, 1982 (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR PARKING SIGN(S) IN FRONT OF MEAT 'N CHEESE SHOPPE Police Chief O'Borsky recommenddd that the City Council wait for the report on the six -month trial period for the two -hour parking limit before taking any action on this request. He would not, however, have any objection to business owners placing signs in front of their establishments requesting a shorter time limit for parking. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alder- man Beatty, that the request be denied for 15- minute parking in front of the Meat 'N Cheese Shoppe. Motion unanimously approved. (c) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL PARKING BY USE OF COURTESY PARKING TICKET Police Chief O'Borsky stated he had no objection to the concept and felt it merited further review. The motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen to defer this item to the next City Council meeting. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unani- mously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CITY ATTORNEY TO ATTEND "UPDATE FOR CITY ATTORNEYS" SEMINAR JANUARY 21 -22, 1983 Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to approve the request. Motion seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously carried. 6. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) ORDINANCE NO. 16/82 - ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 715:20 OF THE 1974 ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, ENTITLED "NO PARKING AREAS" BY ADDING SUBDIVISION NO. 12 THERETO, RELATIVE TO "PARKING, LOCAL REGULATIONS" After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alder- man Beatty, to waive second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 654 entitled Ordinance Amending Section 715:20 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson, Entitled "No Parking Areas" By Adding Subdivision No. 12 Thereto, Relative to "Parking, Local Regulations." Motion unanimously approved. (b) RESOLT- TiC'': \O. 7310 - TRANSFERP.ING I?;TEREST -_AR'iED FROM WATER /ST',:ER FUND TO GENERAL FUND -2- 1 ♦ 9 A ! • COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 29, 1982 Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7310 entitled Transferring Interest Earned from Water /Sewer Fund to General Fund. The motion was seconded by Alder- man Mlinar and carried, with Aldermen Gruenhagen, Beatty and Mlinar voting aye and Mayor DeMeyer voting nay. (c) ORDINANCE NO. 17/82 - AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGULATING THE CONDUCT OF BINGO AND RAFFLES AND THE USE OF PADDLEWHEELS, TIPBOARDS, PULL -TABS OR TICKET JARS AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION Police Chief O'Borsky stated it is currently illegal in the State of Min- nesota to gamble on a liquor licensed premise. A solution to the problem would be to enact ordinances allowed by State law which provide for the licensing of Bingo, paddle wheels, tip boards, and pull -tabs. City Attorney Schaefer pointed out the proposed ordinance states the regu- lations for the three types of licenses, namely, bingo license, gambling devices license, and combination license. After discussion, Alderman Beatty moved to waive the first reading of Ordi- nance No. 17/82 and set the license fees at $10 for a bingo license, $25 for a gambling devices license, and $20 for a combination license. There was no second and the motion failed. Alderman Gruenhagen moved to waive first reading of Ordinance No. 17/82 and to set the license fees at $10 for a bingo license, $25 for a gambling devices license, and $35 for a combination license, with a December 31 ex- piration date for all three licenses. Motion seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously approved. (d) ORDINANCE NO. 18/82 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 715:40 OF THE 1974 ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, ENTITLED "TIME LIMIT, PARKING ZONES" BY ADDING SUBDIVISIONT NO. 11 THERETO City Attorney Schaefer stated the proposed three -hour time limit for park- ing in municipally owned parking lots would be for a six -month trial per- iod. After review at the end of that time frame, the Ordinance could be repealed if desired. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Beatty to set the second read- ing for Ordinance No. 18/82 for January 11, 1983, with an amendment of the days to Monday through Friday°. alderman Gruenhagen seconded the mo- tion, and it unanimously carried. 7. P.=.PORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS :till CO:�SISSIOSS (a) MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT - N0=1BER 1982 There bein- no discussion, the report was ordered by the Mavor to be re- ceived for filing. -3- e COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 29, 1982 (b) MINUTES OF AIRPORT COMMISSION DATED SEPTEMBER 13, 1982 AND NOVEMBER 8, 1982 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. (c) MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION DATED NOVEMBER 16, 1982 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION OF ALDERMAN MLINAR'S REQUEST OF WHAT CAN BE DONE CONCERNING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE CITY (REQUESTED BY MAYOR DEMEYER) Mayor DeMeyer stated that after the last Council meeting, he had given much thought to Alderman Mlinar's stated questions and concerns regarding the City. Considerable time was then spent reviewing these various areas. The City Administrator and City Accountant were instructed to survey other cities for positive uses of tax increment financing. (b) CONSIDERATION OF OPTION CONTRACTS: 1. PLOWMAN'S BUILDING $175,000 2. BRETZKE PROPERTY 103,800 3. MASONIC TEMPLE 163,000 Alderman Beatty reported that the owners of the Bretzke property had chosen not to sign an addendum to the option contract. It was his recommendation to use the interest money from the bonds to make up the difference on the Bretzke assessment. It was moved by Alderman Beatty to direct the Mayor and City Administrator to execute the options. Alderman Gruenhagen seconded the motion. The mo- tion failed with a tie vote of Aldermen Beatty and Mlinar voting aye and Alderman Gruenhagen and Mayor DeMeyer voting nay. (c) DISCUSSION OF HANDICAPPED CODES AS IT RELATES TO STATE OF MINNESOTA, AS IT PERTAINS TO USE OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND AS IT RELATES TO GOVERNMENT FUNDING PROGRAMS (REQUESTED BY KAYOR DEMEYER) (DEFERRED NOVEMBER 9, 1982) Buildin, Official Pittman presented a report on handicapped codes for the State of Minnesota and their application to the City of Hutchinson. The motion was made by Alderman Beatty, seconded by the Chair, to accept rt. `lo,� -4- COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 29, 1982 (d) REVIEW OF BUILDING OFFICIAL'S LETTER REGARDING HANDICAPPED CODE UPDATES, INCLUDING DISCUSSION OF FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR OF CITY HALL AND LIBRARY (REQUESTED BY MAYOR DEMEYER) (DEFERRED NOVEMBER 9, 1982) Following discussion, Alderman Beatty moved to accept the report of the Building Official. Motion seconded by the Chair and carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION OF ESTABLISHING PUBLIC HEARING DATE TO CORRECT ERROR ON PARKING ASSESSMENT: 1. HOME BAKERY (ALICE LOVALD) 2. J & J FINDINGS (JOAN RUSTOM) City Accountant Merrill explained that in these two cases an error was made in not giving proper credit on the parking assessment roll when it was adopted. In order to correct the errors, it would be necessary to hold a public hearing. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty to set a public hearing for January 25, 1983 at 8:00 P.M. Motion seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried, with Mayor DeMeyer abstaining from voting. (f) CONSIDERATION OF ESTABLISHING PUBLIC HEARING ON JANUARY 11, 1983 FOR INDUSTRIAL REVENUE NOTE REQUESTED BY HUTCH COMPUTER INDUSTRIES It was reported that the law firm of Briggs and Morgan had notified the City that a 15 -day notice prior to a public hearing was required for this item. Since the City did not meet the requirement for the hearing held on December 14, 1982, it would be necessary to schedule another hearing for Hutch Computer Industries. Following discussion, Alderman Beatty moved to set a public hearing date for January 25, 1983 at 8:00 P.M. Motion seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously. The Council was informed that the 15 -dav notice would be met for a January 11, 1983 public hearing. Therefore, Alderman Beatty moved to rescind his previous motion to set the public hearing for January 25, 1983 and set the public hearing for Hutch Computer Industries for January 11, 1983 at 8:00 P.M. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (g) CONSIDERATION OF 1983 IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS (PROJECT 83 -01) (DEFERRED DECEMBER 14, 1982) -5- LM COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 29, 1982 After discussion of the 1983 improvement projects, Alderman Beatty moved to approve Sections 5 through 10 and 18 of Project 83 -01 as recommended by the City Engineer. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously. It was moved by Alderman Beatty to approve Sections 1, 2 and 4 of Project 83 -01. Alderman Gruenhagen seconded the motion, and it unanimously carried. The motion was made by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to approve Section 19 of Project 83 -01. The motion carried, with Alder- men Gruenhagen, Beatty and Mlinar voting aye and Mayor DeMeyer voting nay. It was recommended by the City Engineer for the Council to consider grading, base, permanent surfacing, sidewalk, curb and gutter on Franklin Street from Second Avenue Southeast to Fourth Avenue Southeast. Discussion was given to the matter, but no action was taken at this time. Alderman Gruenhagen made the motion to include Section 16 in the program for Project 83 -01. The motion was seconded by Alderman Beatty and carried, with Aldermen Gruenhagen, Beatty and Mlinar voting aye and Mayor DeMeyer abstaining from voting. The motion was made by Alderman Beatty to include Section 15 in the program for Project 83 -01, contingent upon the future of the Old Armory property. Motion seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried, with Aldermen Gruen- hagen, Beatty and Mlinar voting aye and Mayor DeMeyer abstaining. It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, to ap- prove Section 14 of Project 83 -01 and to set a public hearing for the first Council meeting in February, 1983. The motion failed for lack of a major- ity vote, with Aldermen Gruenhagen and Mlinar voting ave and Alderman Beatty and Mayor DeMever voting nay. The motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7311. entitled Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans and Specifications, Project 83 -01. Motion unanimously carried. (h) CONSIDERATION OF GUIDELINES FOR CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS (DEFERRED DECEMBER 14, 1982) Alderman Mlinar moved to defer this item to the January 25, 1983 Council meeting. Motion seconded by Alderman Beatty and carried unanimously. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND 6E COMMUNITY i•CiiOt� .L,i' Pi7 P- __.�?.' OF STFI IQ:: SITE AT S_`:IOR CJ_' Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alder- man Mlinar, to approve and enter into contract with 6E. Unanimously approved. -6- COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 29, 1982 (b) CONSIDERATION OF RECYCLING REQUESTS: 1. WEST CENTRAL INDUSTRIES, INC. OF WILLMAR 2. RONALD THOMPSON OF HUTCHINSON Messrs. John Walsh and Gary Nielsen, West Central Industries, explained their plans for expanding a recycling plant operation into the four coun- ties of McLeod, Renville, Meeker and Kandiyohi. The materials to be re- cycled would include corrugated materials, aluminum cans, newsprint and office paper, and possibly clear and colored glass. A fee would be paid for these items. City Attorney Schaefer raised a question concerning Junker Sanitation's contract with the City for hauling refuse. It was suggested the City Ad- ministrator or City Attorney in Willmar be contacted regarding any problems, licenses, permits, etc., relating to recycling. Mr. Ronald Thompson from Hutchinson appeared before the Council and re- quested permission to set up containers at certain sites within the City limits for the collection of materials that could be recycled. No fee would be paid for the materials deposited in the containers. Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to direct the City Attorney and City Administrator to investigate the recycling possibility in Hutchinson, for action at a later time. Alderman Gruenhagen seconded the motion, and it unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS No one was present to request an extension of the payment period. It was moved by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Beatty, to accept the staff recommendation to discontinue service at 12:00 Noon on January 5, 1983, unless otherwise indicated, for the following: Account No. 03- 1115 -2 -00, 04- 0095 -1 -00, 04- 0220 -1 -00, 04- 0240 -0 -00, 04- 0290 -0 -00, 04- 0370 -2 -00, 04- 0375-4-00, 04- 0625 -2 -00, 04- 0850 -6 -00, 04- 0855 -9 -00, 11- 0630 -7 -00, 11- 1165-3-00, 11- 1222 -3 -00, 12- 0170 -0 -00, 12- 0415 -0 -00, 12- 0715 -2 -00, 12- 0750-0-00, 12- 0750 -1 -00, 12- 1000 -2 -00, 12- 1165 -0 -00, 12- 1325 -0 -00, 16- 0388-1-00, 16- 0560 -1 -00, 17- 0065 -0 -00, 41- 0052 -2 -00. Motion unanimously approved. (d) CONSIDERATION OF STATEMENTS FOR VARIOUS LEGAL SERVICES FROM DORSEY & WHITNEY LAW FIRM After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty to approve payment to Dorsey & Whitney law firm. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried, with Aldermen Gruenhagen, Beatty, and Mlinar voting aye and -7- COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 29, 1982 (e) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATIONS FOR CIGARETTE LICENSES FOR 1983 Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Mlinar to approve the appli- cations and issue cigarette licenses for 1983. The motion was seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried, with Alderman Beatty abstaining from vot- ing. (f) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR HUD GRANT FOR HUTCH HOTEL BY FRANK FAY Mr. Frank Fay requested assistance from the City to apply for an Urban and Housing Grant for the Hutch Hotel. The firm of Professional and Develop- ing Company in Mankato will be assisting with the grant application. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen to set a pub- lic hearing for January 25, 1983 at 8:00 P.M. Motion seconded by Alderman Beatty and carried unanimously. (g) CONSIDERATION OF FUND REIMBURSEMENT City Accountant Merrill reported on the costs incurred by the City prior to the bond issue and the construction of the new fire station. The total expenditures amounted to $37,117.55. He further reported it would be pos- sible to receive reimbursement from the bond fund to recover some of these expenses. Following discussion, Alderman Beatty moved to approve the fund reimburse- ment. Motion seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously approved. (h) CONSIDERATION OF REVIEW OF FINAL PLAT FOR PRIEVE ESTATES WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION It was reported the Prieve Estates plat is located within the two -mile radius of the City. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to approve the final plat. Motion unanimously carried. (i) CONSIDERATION OF REVIEW OF FINAL PLAT FOR PETERSON ESTATES WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION The Peterson Estates plat is also located within the two -mile radius of the City. Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Mlinar to approve the final plat. Motion seconded by Alderman Beatty and carried unanimously. M 11 • 0 ♦ N COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 29, 1982 (j) CONSIDERATION OF REVIEW OF FINAL PLAT OF PHASE I AND COVENANTS FOR LARRY BETHKE'S, ROLLING GREENS, CONTINGENT UPON REVIEW OF COVENANTS BY CITY ATTORNEY AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION City Attorney Schaefer reported he had examined the covenants and rules and regulations pertaining to Rolling Greens. Everything was in proper order for the type of housing contemplated, and he recommended approval of the PUD. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7312 en- titled Resolution Giving Approval of Final Plat of Phase I, Rolling Greens (PUD). Motion carried unanimously. RECESS: The motion was made by Alderman Mlinar to recess for 10 minutes at 10:00 P.M. Motion seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously approved. The meeting reconvened at 10:10 P.M. (k) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY HUTCH COMPUTER INDUSTRIES WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION A Conditional Use Permit was granted to Hutch Computer Industries in July 1982. They are requesting an extension of the permit time limit. It was the recommendation of the Planning Commission to extend the Conditional Use Permit six months from the expiration date. After discussion, Alderman Gruenhagen moved to approve the extension for six months. Motion seconded by Alderman Beatty and carried unanimously. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ACCOUNTANT City Accountant Merrill reported that he had been informed the local cable television station is going to be sold the first of the year, along with the Minnesota company of Mickelson Media. The City Council was requested to approve a Sludge Truck Rental Agreement between the City of Hutchinson and the City of Glencoe. It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, to ap- prove and enter into an agreement. Motion unanimously approved. (b) COT•aIUNICATIOi\S FRO "S ALD=AN GRi "ENHAGEA Alder -;an Cruenhagen moved that the Mavor and City Accountant be authorized option contracts, With the -9- COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 29, 1982 exception of $75,000 for the Bretzke property, and to report back to the next City Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar. and carried unanimously. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS The verified claims were approved for payment from the appropriate funds upon a motion by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, and carried with the Mayor abstaining from voting. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1.10 A.M. upon motion by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. -10- PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23,1982 PUBLICATION NO. 3008 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED PROJECT AND THE ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE NOTES UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT, MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 474, AS AMENDED CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minne- sota, will meet on January 11, 1983' at 8:00 o'clock P.M., at the City Hall, 37 Wash- ington Avenue West, in Hutchinson, Minnesota, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on a proposal that the City issue revenue notes, under the Municipal Indus- trial Development Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474, as amended, in order to finance the cost of a project. The proposed project will consist of constructing a 5,000 square foot retail, office and warehouse building on Highway 7 West by Hutch Computer Industries. The estimated total amount of the proposed note issue is $185,000. The notes shall be limited obligations of the City, and the notes and interest thereon shall be payable solely from the revenue pledged to the payment thereof, except that such notes may be secured by a mortgage and other encumbrances on the project. No holder of any such notes shall ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the City to pay the notes or the interest thereon, nor to enforce payment against any property of the City, except the project should the City ever acquire title to it. A draft copy of the proposed application to the Minnesota Commissioner of Energy, Planning and Development for approval of the project, together with all attachments and exhibits thereto, is available for public inspection at the office of the City Clerk, weekdays, between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. All persons interested may appear and be heard at the time and place set forth above. - Dated: December 21, 1982 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL _ BY Gary D.' Plotz City Clerk j (612) 587 -5151 C/FY ' OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M FOR YOUR INFORMATION DATE: — NOV_91-_ 1982— — — — — TO; GARY PLOTZ FROM: RALPH NEUMANN T SUBJECT: — MAIN—STREET LIGHTING -- ---------------------- - - - - -- Attached is a copy of Butch Wentworth,s adjusted figures for the proposed Main Street lighting, Since his first survey a year ago, several things have happened, primarily the KWH rate has increased and a new lower Wattage H P S fixture was found to provide ample lighting because of the spacing between standards on Drain Street. I would suggest the City Council and Downtown merchants review the two fixtures now in place by the Post Office so their input can be taken into consideration. Butch also mentioned we could try to sell the old 1000 Watt Mercury fixtures, however, he said we would be lucky to receive $25 each for them. 1,112 watts per 1,000 watt mercury vapor fixture presently used. 1,112 x 58 fixtures = 64,496 watts divided by 1,000 = 64.49 KWH per hour x 3,650 hours (365 days x 10 hours burning time) = 235,388 KWH per year x .054 (! per KWH (cost last month) = $12,710.95 operating cost per year. 300 watts per 250 watt high pressure sodium fixture proposed. - 300 x 58 fixtures = 17,400 watts divided by 1,000 = 17.4 KWH per hour x 3,650 hours = 63,510 KWH per year x _054 per KWH = $3,429.54 operating cost per year. Difference in operating costs between 1,000 watt mercury and 250 high pressure sodium: $12,710.95 - 3,429.54 $ 9,281.41 savings per year 58 HPS fixtures cost $254.75 each x 58 = $14,775.50 Equipment and labor to install new fixtures 4,000.00 cia_')7s sn New fixtures and installation could be paid for in 2.02 years. PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1982 PUBLICATION NO. 3007 HEARING ON PROPOSED USE OF REVENUE SHARING The City of Hutchinson will hold a public hearing at City Hall, 37 Washington Avenue West, on Tuesday, January 11, 1983, at 8:00 p.m. for the purpose of obtaining written and oral comment from the public on the proposed uses of revenue sharing funds in the upcoming budget for Fiscal Year 1983 from Entitlement Period No. 13, October - -1, 1981 through September 30, 1982. All interested citizens' groups, senior citizens and senior citizen organizations are encouraged to attend the hearing. Persons attending the hearing shall have the right to provide written and oral comments and suggestions regarding possible uses of revenue sharing funds. Following is important planning information for the Proposed Use Hearing: Amount of Unappropriated Revenue $179,319 Sharing Funds in the Local Trust Fund . -C ct Gary D. P tz City Cler —mot/, r11612) 587 -5151 TY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: January 5, 1983 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: George F. Field, Fire Marshal RE: Request to Attend Conference on January 18, 1983 The program is on How to Check for Accuracy of Hydraulically Calculated Sprinkler Systems" and "Protection of Underground Flammable /Combustible Liquid Storage Tanks: Cost is $20.00, includes lunch. There is money budgeted for this type of training George F. Field Fire Marshal GFF /pv RESOLUTION NO. 7313 DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITORIES OF CITY FUNDS IN COMMERCIAL BANKS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the following named banks, which are authorized to do a banking business in Minnesota, be and they hereby are designated depositories of the Public Funds of the City of Hutchinson in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, by the City Council of said City, for the term commencing January 3, 1983 for one year: CITIZENS BANK 6 TRUST COMPANY, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HUTCHINSON, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA upon terms and conditions following, to -wit: THAT this designation is subject to the right of said City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, to modify, vacate, or revoke the same according to law, and also subject to any depository agreement executed pursuant to Section 118.01, Minnesota Statutes of 1945 and Section 427.01, Minnesota Statutes of 1957, and that said depositories shall pay on demand all deposits therein subject to payment on demand, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: THAT the City Clerk of the City of Hutchinson is hereby authorized and directed to deposit in said banks in special funds to be known as "City of Hutchinson" all monies that may come into his hands. BE IT FURTHER - RESOLVED: THAT a copy of this resolution be filed with the City Clerk and each of the banks so designated. Adopted by the City Council the 11th day of January, 1983. ATTEST: James G. DeMeyer Mayor Gary D. P1 tz City tier l RESOLUTION NO. 7314 DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITORY OF CITY-FUNDS — FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CQUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT First State Federal Savings and Loan Association, Hutchinson, Minnesota, and Midwest Federal Savings and Loan, Minneapolis, Minnesota, are hereby designated as an official depository of and for funds of the City of Hutchinson up to the maximum designated by law. Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of January, 1983. James G. De'Meyer Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk i� 4 b • RESOLUTION NO. 7315 0 DESIGNATING OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, The Hutchinson Leader be designated the official newspaper during the calendar year of 1983 for the City of Hutchinson. Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of January, 1983, James. G. DeMeyer Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk 6. e. RESOLUTION NO. 7316 APPOINTING CITY OFFICERS FOR 1983 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the following appointments to the indicated executive offices of the City of Hutchinson are made for the period of one year.* Compensation shall be continued as agreed upon by separate Council action: City Clerk /Treasurer /City Administrator Assistant City Clerk /City Accountant Police Chief Fire Chief Assistant Fire Chief Assistant Fire Chief Assessor Health Officer Director of Fire Inspection Director of Engineering Director of Maintenance Operations Director of Parks and Recreation Liquor Store Manager Building Official Chief Water Plant Operator Chief Wastewater Plant Operator Civic Arena Coordinator City Forester Personnel /Transit Coordinator *City Attorney (Six Month Appointment) *Assistant City Attorney (Six Month Appointment) Gary D. Plotz Kenneth B. Merrill Dean O'Borsky Orlin Henke Clinton Gruett Dick Popp Tony Victorian Dr. George Smith George Field Marlow V. Priebe Ralph Neumann Bruce Ericson Charles Nelson Homer Pittman Dick Nagy Finley Mix Marvin Haugen Mark Schnobrich Hazel Sitz James Schaefer John Keefe Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of January, 1983. ( *Requested by Mayor DeMeyer) ATTEST: ry D. Plotz City Clerk ames G. DeMeyer Mayor RESOLUTION N0. 7317 APPOINTING LEGAL COUNSEL BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT James Schaefer be appointed as City Attorney at a retainer fee for a six -month period, with reviewal and determination of an additional six -month ap- pointment. Services to be included within the retainer fee are: prosecution of Police Department cases; attendance at City Council, Planning Commission, and Downtown Development Board meetings; preparation of Resolutions and Ordinances; negotiating property acquisition and counseling property owners on relocation law and benefits; legal services for all bond issues, except legal services for indus- trial revenue and tax increment bond /note issues and other customary legal serv- ices in the normal cause of City business. Matters such as appearance in county, state district, or federal district court will be billed separately, with an annual ceiling for such legal expendi- tures as determined by the City Council. State Supreme Court Appeals will be billed as extra legal services outside of the retainer fee and aforementioned ceiling. Legal action initiated to collect obligations owing the City or its a, ncies may be billed on a contingent fee basis and anv amounts received for such actions shall not be included in anv aforementioned ceiling.* Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of January, 1983. ( *Requested by City Attorney James Schaefer) James G. DeMeyer Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk (�. g RESOLUTION.NO. 7318 ENTERING AGREEMENT WITH CROW RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY FOR CALENDAR YEAR 1983 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the City of Hutchinson will enter into agreement with the Crow River Regional Library for a period of one year beginning January 1, 1983. Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of January, 1983. ATTEST: ary D. Plotz City Clerk James G. DeMeyer Mayor v F4 a In recognifion of fis service to f$e restt,enfs of Hufcfjtnson, Efje Mg of Hufainson is pleaseb to present to f MA f f6is Resolufion of Appreciafion for fjis unselfish ant, oufsfaubinq confribufton to our co=unify as: C I T Y A T T O R N F� JANuARy 1963 - HFCF1lRFR 1982 NOM) THERTFORF, BE IT RESOLVU 8y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Hf1TCHINSON, T1INNE50TA: THAT, beep appreciation is fjereby ¢xpresseb Eo TSilEon U. 5cfjanfzeu for fjis aforemenfioneb services anb f$e grafifube of Hufc6inson anb ffc ciftzens ffjereof is fjereby expresseb. Abopfeb by f §e Ctfy Council f$is 11to bay of January 1983- RESOLUTION NO. 7319 RESOLUTION APPROVING SECURITIES FOR COLLATERAL FROM CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO. OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the Citizens Bank & Trust Co. of Hutchinson, a City Depository, has presented as collateral $5,000,000.00 as follows: PLEDGE DESCRIPTION RATE MATURITY AMOUNT 3762 Illinois State 5.25 03 -01 -86 $ 50,000.00 3762 Fairbanks, Alaska 12.00 02 -01 -86 50,000.00 3989 Federal Home Loan Banks 12.80 07 -25 -85 300,000.00 3989 Federal Home Loan Banks 11.00 05 -25 -84 100,000.00 3989 Federal Farm Credit Banks 10.00 12 -01 -86 200,000.00 5822 Cottag; Grove So. Wash. Co., MN. 5.20 02 -01 -90 50,000.00 5822 Lakeville, MN ISD 5.20 03 -01 -90 50,000.00 5822 Minn. St. Hsg. Fin, Agy. 5.45 02 -01 -90 50,000.00 5822 South Dakota Hsg. Dev. Auth. 6.15 OS -01 -90 50,000.00 7080 Federal Nat'l. Mtg. Assn. 7.9S 07 -10 -86 200,000.00 7080 Moorhead, MN 5.20 01 -01 -91 50,000.00 7080 Mound, MN 5.60 01 -01 -91 50,000.00 7080 Underwood, ND 6.20 02 -01 -91 100,000.00 7080 Federal Home Loan Banks 9.50 11 -2S -83 200,000.00 9512 Federal Nat'l. Mtg. Assn. 17.00 02 -11 -85 1,000,000.00 9512 Federal Nat'l. Mtg. Assn. 14.90 12 -10 -85 500,000.00 9518 Federal Nat'l. Mtg. Assn. 14.45 08 -10 -87 500,000.00 9518 U.S. Treasury Note 16.00 11 -15 -84 500,000.00 9518 U.S. Treasury Note 15.00 01 -31 -84 500,000.00 9518 U.S. Treasury Note 15.125 02 -29 -84 500,000.00 TOTAL $ 5,000,000.00 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the Treasurer be authorised to accept said securities as collateral and that said collateral be deposited with the Ninth Federal Reserve Bank for safekeeping. Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of January, 1983. Gar'; D. i'1ot7 James G. D Citv Clerk Mayor 6d( RESOLUTION NO. 7320 RESOLUTION APPROVING SECURITIES FOR COLLATERAL FROM CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO. OF HUTCHINSON AS SPONSORING AGENCY OF THE HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Citizens Bank and Trust Co. of Hutchinson, a City Depository, has presented as collateral $4,200,000.00 for the City of Hutchinson as sponsoring agency of the Utilities Commission as follows: PLEDGE DESCRIPTION RATE MATURITY PAR VALUE 1413 Federal Home Loan Banks 16.40 09 -25 -84 $ 300,000.00 3371 Federal Home Loan Banks 16.40 08 -27 -84 200,000.00 5892 Federal Home Loan Banks 14.15 09 -25 -85 300,000.00 9477 U.S. Treasury Notes 16.125 11 -15 -86 500,000.00 9553 Federal Home Loan Banks 15.80 01 -25 -84 500,000.00 9553 Federal Home Loan Banks 15.55 07 -25 -84 300,000.00 9564 Federal Farm Credit Bank 9.55 12 -03 -84 200,000.00 9564 Federal Farm Credit Bank 13.20 03 -04 -85 200,000.00 9573 Federal Home Loan Banks 15.40 12 -27 -83 500,000.00 9573 Federal Home Loan Banks 15.40 12 -27 -83 300,000.00 9573 Federal Home Loan Banks 12.25 12 -26 -84 200,000.00 9594 U.S. Treasury Notes 9594 U.S. Treasury Notes 9594 U.S. Treasury Notes TOTAL BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of that the Treasurer be authorized to accept said collateral be deposited with the Nint Adopted by the City Council this 11th Cart D. Plolz Citv Clerk 12.125 09 -30 -84 100,000.00 12.125 09 -30 -84 100,000.00 12.125 09 -30 -84 500,000.00 $4,200;000.00 the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, said securities as collateral and that i Federal Reserve Bank for safekeeping. day of January, 1983. James C. De_ *Se_ver Mayor 4b RESOLUTION NO. 7321 RESOLUTION APPROVING SECURITIES FOR COLLATERAL FROM FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the First Nafional Bank of Hutchinson, a City Depository, has presented as collateral $1,800,000.00 as follows: PLEDGE NUMBER DESCRIPTION RATE MATURITY AMOUNT 9554 U.S. Treasury Note 15.75 05 -15 -84 $500,000.00 6475 U.S. Treasury Note 14.875 06 -30 -86 200,000.00 9554 Federal Farm Credit Bank 17.00 12 -02 -85 200,000.00 6475 Federal Home Loan Bank 14.15 09 -25 -85 500,000.00 9554 U.S. Treasury Note 13.25 08 -15 -84 300,000.00 FDIC Insurance 100,000.00 TOTAL $1,800,000.00 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the Treasurer be authorized to accept said securities as collateral and that said collateral be deposited with the Ninth Federal Reserve Bank for safekeeping. Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of January, 1983. James G. DeMe_ver Mayor A-77- ST: G3ry D. P. of = - - -- ' City Clerk RESOLUTION NO, 7322 RESOLUTION APPROVING SECURITIES FOR COLLATERAL FROM FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HUTCHINSON AS SPONSORING AGENCY OF THE HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION TOTAL $1,700,000.00 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, 11innesota, that the Treasurer be authorized to accept said securities as collateral and that said collateral be deposited with the Ninth Federal Reserve Bank for safekeeping. Adopted by the City Council this llth day of January, 1983. ATTEST: r, r•r n, F7 otz. Cit•. C1 <r.. James G. DeMeyer Mayor C. m. WHEREAS, the First National Bank of Hutchinson, a City Depository, has presented as collateral $1,700,000.00 as follows: DESCRIPTION RATE MATURITY AMOUNT U.S. Treasury Note `9.25 03 -31 -83 $200,000.00 U.S. Treasury Note 14.25 03 -31 -84 200,000.00 U.S. Treasury Note 9.25 08 -15 -83 200,000,00 U.S. Treasury Note 13.00 12 -31 -83 500,000.00 U.S. Treasury Note 14.625 02 -15 -85 500,000.00 FDIC Insurance 100,000.00 TOTAL $1,700,000.00 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, 11innesota, that the Treasurer be authorized to accept said securities as collateral and that said collateral be deposited with the Ninth Federal Reserve Bank for safekeeping. Adopted by the City Council this llth day of January, 1983. ATTEST: r, r•r n, F7 otz. Cit•. C1 <r.. James G. DeMeyer Mayor C. m. 0 r RESOLUTION NO. 7323 RESOLUTION APPROVING SECURITIES FOR COLLATERAL FROM FIRST STATE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the First State Federal Savings and Loan Association of Hutchinson, a City Depository, has presented as collateral $2,316,432.00 as follows: FHLMC - Guaranteed Mtge. Cert. $ 372,500.00 FHLMC - 16.25% 971,427.00 FHLMC - Cert. #160000010052056 77,275.00 11160000010052057 75,241.00 #160000010052060 75,241.00 11160000010052061 75,241.00 11160000010080327 49,391.00 11160000010080328 49,391.00 11160000010080329 49,391.00 11160000010080330 49,391.00 11160000010080331 49,391.00 1!160000010102264 206,691.00 111700000000111298 215,861.00 $2,316,432.00 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the Treasurer be authorized to accept said securities as collateral and that said collateral be deposited with the First State Federal Savings and Loan Association. Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of January, 1983. ATTEST: ry D. Plotz City Clerk James G. DeMeyer Mayor /' v i i► RESOLUTION NO. 7324 RESOLUTION APPROVING SECURITIES FOR COLLATERAL FROM FIRST STATE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA AS SPONSORING AGENCY-OF THE HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION WHEREAS, the First State Federal Savings and Loan Association of Hutchinson, a City Depository, has presented as collateral $491,250.00 for the City of Hutch- inson as sponsoring agency of the Utilities Commission as follows: U.S. Treasury at 8.875% 6 -30 -84 $491,250.00 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the Treasurer be authorized to accept said securities as collateral and that said collateral be deposited with the First State Federal Savings and Loan Association. Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of January, 1983. G. DeMeyer Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk U RESOLUTION NO. 7326 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING $62,500 FROM THE HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: THAT a $62,500.00 transfer from the Hutchinson Utilities Commission to the City of Hutchinson's General Fund is hereby accepted. Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of January, 1983. James G. DeMeyer Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk �61, (612) 587 -5151 y�rcy" CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: January 6, 1983 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Building Official RE: December 1982 Building Report Attached is the December 1982 Report of Building Permits Issued and Local Public Construction. There was 1 Mobile Home Installation Permit, 1 Sign Permit, 1 Wrecking Permit, and 12 Building Permits; for a total of 15 permits issued during the month of December, with a construction evaluation of $191,846.00. Respectfully submitted, i Homer Pittman Building Official HP /pv attachment - i ihn5L3 i 'AD.M.B. No. 0607.0094: Approval Expires June 1964 FORM C -404 Period in which - -a•eri permits issued DEC MBE 1982 PLEASE MAIL ON OR BEFORE THE 4TH DAY OF THE MONTH U.S. DEPARTMENT of ' UREOF CENSUS BUREAU OF THE CENSUe - (PI"" correct any arras in-none or address) REPORT OF BUILDING OR ZONING _ PERMITS ISSUED AND LOCAL PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION 6ID3500 41 9 9999 085 8 81 _ - : -- 26 ... „.. ^.` 0-- .. 2.731) - CENSUS USE ONLY HOMER PITTXAN SLOG OFF . CITY HALL 37 WASHINGTON AVE WEST WUTCHINSON _ -_ ._MM _ :____ ._ 55350.__ Has the geographic coverage of this permit system changed during this period? I] No ❑ Yes - Explain in comments If no permits were issued during this - Bureou of The Census MAIL THIS lease read the instructions before period, enter (X) in box and return for. ❑ 1201 East Tenth Street completing rhelp, COPY TO Jeffersonville, Ind. 47132 call olletf(301) 763-7244. Section I - NEW RESIDENTIAL HOUSE. PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED Number Valuation of Number Valuation Of. KEEPING BUILDINGS AND item MOBILE HOMES No. construction (Omit cents) construction (Omit cents) uitdings Housing u Its Buitdings Housing u fts (a) (b) lc1 (d) (e) 2O (a) One- family houses, detached 101 One- family houses attached, each unit separated from adjoining unit(s) by a wall that extends from ground to roof 102 Two - family buildings 103 Three- and four - family buildings 104 Five -or -more family buildings 105 TOTAL (Sum of 101 -105) 109 Mobile homes 112 1 1 Section II — NEW RESIDENTIAL NON- PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED Number Valuation of Number Valuation of HOUSEKEEPING Item uildings Rooms Buildings Rooms BUILDINGS construction (Omit cents)- construction )Omit cents) - Hotels, motels, and tourist cabins intended for transient accommodations 213 - Other nonhousekeeping shelter 214 Section III — NEW NONRESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED - Number Valuation of Numbs Valuation of BUILDINGS Item No. itaM ils 4!'s'nC- - ufits Builam '� .. :......,... v. -.r:v. ...,.:; ;. - .:e:.. •..— YuftsWn r -,,.. 'Ow f0mit cents) '" (Onill' Cr ) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (t) (81 ' Amusement- andaecreatiaDa4.burld :: _.� >318 � _ �+�*>F•^�..:� _�: .;.- ,•,s,.,,, - .a h :. -: <: Churches and other religious buildings 319 _- uad: r.gs 32u I 1 f arks �gara es (open to eneral public) 321 'Service staxidns'and' repair garages 322 F ?o >pitals and otter institutional 323 Cffice, bank, and professional buildings 324 Public works and utilities buildings 325 Schools and other educational buildings 326 Stores and other mercantile buildings 327 - Other nonresidential buildings 328 1 1 500 (utility shed) Structures other than buildin s 329 1 1 400 drivewa ee ton ALTERATIONS c c An increase in the number of housing M.- _ units (in the housing units column, `o_ N enter only the number of additional units) 433 a No change in the number of m w housing units 434 6 5,859 -Z; Z. A decrease in the number of housing o e units (in the housing units column, enlerr� my the number of decreased 435 Residential garages and carports (attached and detached) 436 1 6,037 Ail other buildings `and structures 37 g' ^ ` . 179 050 PLEASE CONTINUE ON REVERSE SIDE 'fir , M r 1 Adlikk Section V- CONVERSIONS W PRIVATELY OWNED qW PUBLICLY OWNED Number Valuation of Number Valuaju of " Item No. uildings Housing units uildings Housing units construction (Omit cents) constru fOmft cents) (a) (b) (c) (d) le) It) Sgl Nonresidential and nonhousekeeping buildings to housekeeping buildings 540 Housekeeping buildings to nonresidential and nonhousekeeping buildings 541 Section VI — DEMOLITIONS AND ry . w$ RAZING OF BUILDINGS One - family buildings attached; and detached 645 Two - family buildings 646 Three- and four - family buildings 647 Five -or -more family buildings 648 All other buildings and structures 649 1 Section VII — ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR INDIVIDUAL PERMITS OF $500,000 OR MORE Please provide in the space below, additional information for each individual permit valued at $500,000 or more entered in sections 1 through V. Item No. Ownership Valuation of Number of Number from Description Name and address of Mark (x) construction housing of Sec. I owner or builder one (Omit cents) units - buildings I -V (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 10 (g) Kind of building ❑Private -------------------- Siteaddress ----------------- - - - - -- Public i Kind of building - ----------------- - - - - -- ❑i Private --------------- - - - -- Siteaddress _______________________ E3 Public --. Kind of building - -- -- -------- ---- - --- ❑Private -------------------- Siteaddress _______________ ____ ____ ❑Public Kind of building .. .. - .... - ,. . ----- -------- ---- -- - --- ❑Private - te — a- --- -- Siddress _____________________ __ ❑Public -Kind of building ---- --- --------- -- -- ❑Private Site address . - - ---- --- ---- ❑ Public Kindditinidin6 -.�`� - - _..�:� ...... :. .:...._•,- . -� -�-- .mss::- .... -�,... u�*t�ac ".:., - '�eru',;,,,_ �•w.`..,.. ❑Private _ Site acd.ess.. ----------- Private _______- __- _______ Site address _______________________ ❑Public Kind of building - - --- --- -- ---- ---- -- ❑Private -- -- --- --- --- - -- Site address 111,Und9f 10,11 rl!g _______________________ ❑Public =M -- -- -------- ------ --- -- ❑Private ---- ----- -- Siteaddress ----------------- - - - - -- ❑Public Comments Name of person to contact regarding this report Telephone Area code Number Extension Homer Pittman Title Building Official -612 S87 -5151 216 FORM C. 04 t7-6-611 MINUTES AIRPORT COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1982 The meeting was called to order by Chairman McGraw at 7:30 P.M., with the follow- ing present: Chairman Doug McGraw, Don Pankake, Ed Connelly, John Miller, Ted Beatty, Jim Weckman, Ralph Neumann, and Gary D. Plotz. The Airport Commission reviewed the correspondence of December 6, 1982 from the Department of Transportation regarding the waiting list for low interest loans on new airport hangars. The letter reported that cities will be required to file hangar plans and specifications prior to June 1, 1983 to maintain their ranking position for new hangars. The Airport Commission stated that there are four in- dividuals waiting for either open or enclosed hangars at the present time, and several others have expressed interest if hangars are made available. It is noted that the master plan calls for 10 additional hangars between 1981 and 1990. The consensus of the Airport Commission was to request the regional representative to attend the next Airport Commission meeting scheduled for January 5, 1983. The Airport Commission discussed the need for marked parking along the north -south side of the maintenance shop. The motion was made by Ted Beatty and seconded by Don Pankake to designate four parking spaces on the south side of the maintenance hangar. Motion unanimously approved. Several maintenance items were discussed. It was agreed that Ralph Neumann would investigate the following items: 1. Replacement of the ceiling tile in the women's bathroom that is damaged 2. Placement of De -Con in the terminal building 3. Replacement of the beacon light 4. Replacement of some burned out white lights on end of runway 5. Replacement of burned out end marker light on south end of runway 6. Re -check all runway lights 7. Installation of an additional electrical line in conduit to serve the engine heaters on the aircraft as the existing wiring cannot handle the electrical load Test the two ground fault breaker switches 9. Perform a voltage test on the beacon light to determine if there are any power surges or excess voltage running to this fixture V AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 15, 1982 PAGE 2 10. Request to telephone Kermit Greenley in regard to his over -night and several -day parking immediately next to the gas pump There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. I 3 BURNS MANOR MUNICIPAL ARISING HOME b Special Meeting Minutes November 19, 1982 The Board of Directors for Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home met at Burns Manor for a special meeting on Friday, November 19, 1982, 3:30 p.m., President Leslie Linder presiding. All members were present except Larry Graf. Business that was not completed and tabled at the November 18, 1982 meeting was discussed. Items will be purchased that have been reviewed at previous meetings. Salaries: A motion was made by Eldred Miller and seconded by Mike Carls to increase salaries 9 %. The increase in salaries are effective December 20, 1982. 5 Ayes, 1 Nay, 1 absent. Motion carried. A motion was made by Mike Carls and seconded by Keith Duehn that the Administrator's salary be $31,000.00 per year, �. effective December 20, 1982. Motion carried. A motion was made by Esther Kuehl and seconded by Keith Duehn to pay the financial advisor $600.00 per month effective January 1, 1983. Motion carried. A motion was made by Eldred Miller and seconded by Gloria Dansereau to increase Burns Manor's per diem rate to $44.00 for Skilled, and $39.50 for I.C.F., to be effective January 1, 1983. Motion carried. A motion was made by Mike Carls and seconded by Esther Kuehl requesting the Administrator to contact area Nursing Homes for the rate schedule for each home. Motion carried. A motion was made by Gloria Dansereau and seconded by Keith Duehn to direct the Administrator to sign the lease agreement with Marco Business Products for the Sharp 771 Copier. Motion carried. Page 2 Minutes of Special Meeting November 19, 1982 A motion was made by Esther Kuehl and seconded by Keith Duehn to purchase _a van with 125" wheel base for $25,000.00, and to trade in the old van if an acceptable price is received. Motion carried. A motion was made by Mike Carls and seconded by Esther Kuehl, that Mrs. Geier, Administrator is to contact Minn. State Senator John Bernhagen and Minn. State Representative Adolph Kvam of the concern of Burns Manor's Board of Directors in regard to: Per diem paid by the Minn. Department of Public Welfare for Skilled Medicaid Nursing Home patients should be equal for homes in the same area: Receive final welfare rate determination at an earlier date in the fiscal year. Nursing Home rates should be voluntarily controlled by prudent owner management and not by the State and Federal mandates. "There being no further business -,:a motion was made by Keith Duehn and seconded by Esther Kuehl to adjourn the meeting.` Motion carried. The Burns Manor Board of Directors will meet Tuesday, December 21, 1982 at noon, at Burns Manor South Annex -Sun Porch. Respectfully Submitted: ATTEST: WNS MANOR MUNICIPAL NURSI* HOME Minutes - November 1982 The Board of Directors for Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home met Thursday, November 18, at Burns Manor, 12:00 noon, President Leslie Linder presiding. All members were present. A motion was made by Larry Graf and seconded by Eldred Miller to accept the minutes as read. Motion carried. A motion was made by Gloria Dansereau and seconded by Esther Kuehl to pay the bills as presented, a copy of which is attached to the minutes on file and made a part thereof. Motion carried. Old Business: Van - More study is being done on the chassis, handicap lift and make of Van. Sharp 771 Bond Copier: leasing agreement will not be signed until it is known what type of paper is used for copying and the price per copy. $834.00 down payment without Xerox Copier as trade in. $110.85 per month lease agreement. October 12 & 13, 1982: Minn. State Department of Health, Department of Health & Human Services, Medicare Bureau inspect- ed Burns Manor: Skilled - No deficiencies noted; I.C.F. - No deficiencies noted. No action was taken at this time to pay the remaining balance of $200.00 to City Attorney, Jim Schaefer. New Business: Title XIX program agreement signed with the State of Minnesota. Ordinance No. 652: "Any single capital item of purchase of $10,000.00 or more shall first be approved by the City Council. Effective upon passage and publication." A motion was made by Keith Duehn and seconded by Gloria Dansereau, employees working on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Years Day shall receive a free meal. :;otion carried. Page 2 November Minutes 1982 Motion was made by Larry Graf and seconded by Esther Kuehl to pay the City of Hutchinson, $86,227.50 for Bonds issued 1964 and 1968. Motion carried. David Jensen, Financial Advisor gave the financial report. Salaries for 1983 to be effective Dec. 20, 1982 and patient per diem rates were discussed. No action was taken. For the first time in the history of Burns Manor the occupancy rate for October was 1009. There being no further business, a motion was made,Gloria Dansereau and seconded by Esther Kuehl, meeting adjourned. Motion carried The Board of Directors will reconvene, Friday, Nov. 19, 1982 at 3:30 P. M. Respectfully Submitted; ATTEST: Leslie Linder, President December 14, 1982 The library board met on December 14, 1982, with the following members present: Ralph Bergstrom, Paul Ackland, John Horrocks, Kathy McGraw, Albert Linde, Sally Cone. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A motion was made by Kathy McGraw that Sally Cone, Paul Ackland and Ralph Bergstrom be reappointed by the City Council to the library board; seconded by John Horrocks. Motion carried. A motion was made by Albert Linde that Cenex Oil be used to buy oil for 1983, seconded by Paul Ackland. Motion carried. A motion was made by Paul Ackland to hire Hilton Schuette to re- pair the front, south and north back doors at a cost of 5248.60, seconded by Kathy McGraw. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned. Secretary QUOTATION From r' _�,41—pZ4 -7t To L �!�: - L-- {�- /�" � {ice• � // /t�-'r /f�fa' /L�' i�L- tri/2! : ,-mac• i✓ �' �/ /�X We are pleased to quote as follows. Your inquiry Quantity Description r ef TOPS 3448 , 4) Inquiry Date -1 Y/— ! f Prices quoted are F.O. B Price ' Amount MINUTES Parks 6 Recreation Advisory Board Wednesday, December 1, 1982" Members Present: Chairman, Dr. Chernausek, Mike Carls, Roy Johnsen, Rollie Jensen, Kathy McGraw and Ward Haugen. Others present were Bruce Ericson, John McRaith, Mark Schnobrich, Mary Haugen and Karen McKay. The Minutes The minutes were read and approved by a motion made by Rollie Jensen and seconded by Roy Johnsen, the board agreed unanimously. West River Park Bruce told :the board that the governer signed the grant for West River Park for the amount of $197,500. West River Park could then join Tartan Park. Memorial Tree Resolution A copy of the memorial tree resolution was passed out. Rollie Jensen asked where the plaque /plaques would be placed. Roy Johnsen replied that the Tree Board recommended that the plaques be flush along the base of the tree. Having just one large rock to indicate memorial trees was suggested, but it was re- solved that a rock could be too clustered for the proposed memorial grove. Bruce told the board that he would add that individual plaques could be placed near the trees. Roy Johnsen made a motion which Mike Carls seconded and the board agreed to accept the memorial Tree Resolution. Civic Arena Report - Mary hasn't received a written report from the engineer regarding the wall testing. The results will be given and a recommendation will be made for more tests then the engineer will tell us how to resolve the problem. Recreation Program Report- Bruce passed out a breakdown of the adult softball leagues for the past six years. It showed that Men's Slow Pitch stayed about the same while Men's Recreational Softball grew. The Women's Slo Pitch almost doubled and six Cq Rec Softball teams were added. All of the ballfields are lighted now and the parking lot has been widened to expose the future boat landing. The parking lot has also had posts put around it to enclose it. Donation from 3M Bruce told the board that we received a check from 3M and it is to be used for something at Tartan Park. In the past half of the money was used toward spon- sorship for teams and half of the money was used for Tartan Park maintenance. In the past the 3M Softball league didn't pay a user fee at Tartan Park, and when their games got moved to Roberts Park this year the question came up vhe-ther..or not.tlie sh4,uld a 'a.user The board suggested that Bruce write a letter to the 3M Club president explain- _ that the, - `.ould pav the _iser fee for the Men's 3M Slow Pitch Softball. 7 ---_ Minutes }' parks 6 Recreation Advisory Board Wednesday, December.l, 1982 Page two 1982 Weed Control Program Bruce told the board that 2,117 hours were spent cutting grass this year. That would come to eight to ten thousand dollars. We charged $50 minimum per lot to homeowners with tall grass or weeds. We sent 37 notices and Jim Haasl cut five times. Most private contractors had their grass mowing contracted out. Signs for West River Park Bruce told the board that additional signs are needed at West River Park so that the Police Department can enforce some rules to campers in the park. Roy Johnsen suggested that additional rock be placed in the pop up area because cars are driving on the grass and tearing it up. The area east of the nine camper stalls was suggested as the pop up area. Mike Carls also thought that more revenue could be brought in if a person could collect camping fees from tenters in the late afternoon for a few hours. It was suggested by the board that Bruce take a survey of area camping facilities both public and private. One of the questions asked should be the number of campers estimated. Arena Policies Mary passed out some arena guidelines and policies. He explained that the policies were needed as a guide for example when the concession stand will be open and when the heater or the furnace will be used. Summer Program Bruce told the board that the summer recreation program and the Community Educa- tion program may be combined. There would be a mass registration day for both programs. One possiblity might be a playground program scheduled between the summer school classes. He said that we are aiming at next summer for this to begin. Bruce also mentioned that he will be attending the Figure Skating Associations meeting. They are interested in running the figure skating show for a money maker for the group. Other Business Mike Carls presented Bruce With an informational brochure from the President's Council on Physical Fitness from the Wells -Fargo organization. It is a grant that provides $3,500 on a 20 station fitness trail. Bruce will be sending for more information. A=o nt::ent for the board have expired. Dr. Chernausek made a motion that Roy Jo -risen and hard Haugen be recommended for reappointment for the City Council. °- athv•"MeGraW- seconded the - motion.. - The board also agreed that 5:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month be the new meeting time. Adjournment The meeting was ad*ned by a motion made by Roll* ensen and seconded by Rnv _1nhnsrn at 7:35 a.m. MINUTES Tree Board November 16, 1982 Members Present. Mike Carls, Mrs. Axel Jensen, Jerry Brown, Mark Schnobrich. Members absent, Ivan Larson and Roy Johnsen. 1982 Tree Purchase Mark Schnobrich reported that the fall purchase for spring delivery trees was confirmed. Due to a specie shortage at the nursery, the Thornless Honey Locust was substituted for Skyline Honey Locust, which consequently raised the total purchase cost to $3,618.25. Total trees purchased was 274. Fred Roberts Commemrative Tree Mark said the tree designated to be planted for Fred Roberts in Roberts Park was purchaed and planted. Due to weather and lateness of season, the ded- ication will take place in Spring of 1983 coinciding with the annual Arbor Day Ceremonies. Elm Lumber Project The Forestry and Parks Department have taken 27 logs out to Popps sawmill for conversion into lumber to be used by the Parks crew for construction of park shelters in the future. 3,577 board feet were tallied from logs cut in the 1982 DED season. Not only park shelter lumber, but also planks for ramps and sideboards for flat beds will also be cut. Miscellanous Bills for 1982 DED removal will be sent out next week for collection before December 31st. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. klm Submitted by Mark C. Schnobrich me and development will reflect of of �Y with their character. The processes o ,m the accuracy of decisions made, including the - concerns for the welfare of the general public. .n Y y r • , e' A Answer to concerns, regarding Jim Schaefer. ' The comments made in the article of "Mayor Presents Concerns to Council Members ", by Kathy Nevanen in the January 4, 1983 edition of the � 1 Hutchinson Leader, page 3, 1 report the following: The article tas not written by the Mayor and if there were any of interpetation in the article regarding the creditability of expansion o the City Attorney, this was not done by the Mayor. The real Council Meeting ` w was on cable TV and its been reported by citizens of Hutchinson, that there is a large discrepancy in sgme of the Council Meetings, fo r that as reported - by the Hutchinson Leader -vs- the actual Council meetings. To-my knowledge, the concerns as presented by the Mavor, the City -* Attorney, Jim Schaefer has not objected to a State Procedureal and Compliance Audit and has not objected to having all these concerns fully investigated by outside legal- counsel, not associated with previous.: actions. >i The opinions of men and attorneys vary and should not be construed f t4 m of of �Y with their character. The processes o ,m the accuracy of decisions made, including the - concerns for the welfare of the general public. .n Y y r • , i f (612) 879 -2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 TO Hutchinson City Council From Ken Merrill, City Accountant Subject Options on proposed Parking lots The Mayor and myself have attempted to negotiate the extension of the proposed parking lot properties with the following results. 1. First State Federal has agreed to an extension on the option for a period of 30 days. 2. Masonic Temple - In talking with representative, the amount of time trustees and members is such as to In discussions it would seem if th, the terms of the old option it may the lodge. Richard required not have council still be 3eterson, the lodges legal in meeting with the a timely option available. would make an offer under accepted by the members of 3. Bretzke Property - The owners do not want to negotiate an option at the reduced price as the council had requested. They may still be receptive to the offer as stated in the now expired option. , � _Q� 7(6121 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: — JAN. 41 1983 — — — — — — — TO: — — MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ------------------------------ FROM: — — RALPH NEUMANN ------------------------------ SUBJECT: — — EQUIPMENT PURCHASE — --- ----------- - - - - -- Request is being made to prepare specifications, set bid date, and bid opening date for a new Street Sweeper. This is within the replacement schedule established by the Motor Pool. Funds have been budgeted for this purchase. cc: Ken Merrill 9 "t - IMate of �inne5ota, I City ------------ -- -- of -- ------- Hutchinson . .......... ........ ----------- - ,a County Of ----------- PIC�4�051-. - - ----------------- ___ ------------ .4pp7ication No - - --- ---- - Application for License to Sell Cigarettes at Retail The un4lzrsiQned resident— of the ----- ------------------ cit.7 ..... --- ------------ - ..of.... ._.- Hutchinson ........ ... in the count -------- -------- y of ...... ------- -McLeod -___- _------ ._____..1 State of Vinnesota, HEREBY Af.4KE-.- .4PPLIC.4- TIOX FOR LICENSE to be issued to ....... --Michael Stark ------------- ----------- --------- ---------------- - -.- -- ----------- ------- ------- - - -- - ------------- - - -- to sell ci,?arettes and cigarette papers and wrappers at retail at-.---.N-_-__.---...-_-......_...--..-.___----_-------_----...-- ational Food Store 140 First Avenue Southeast .......... ---- ....... ---------------- -------- . ............... ...... ........ ------------ in the .. ... . ..... City Hutchinson ....... ........ .... .... . ....... of ---- --------- ------- --.— - ---------------- ----------- in said county and state for the term of --- --- -, belinninff with OW-.—Ist ..... ... day of.. ---- - -- January ... . ... . . ....... .. __ - --- , 19_83 Subject to the 7�awg of the State of -Ifinnesola and the ordinances and re�ulalions of said City Hutchinson - - -------- ----- - ---------- --- ---- -------- - ----- --- ------- ------- - - - ----------- thereto, and herewith deposit 91 ----- X56;, 0 - . ........ in pay7n-Cra of the fez therefor - ----------------- ---------- 19 - ----------- PAI I-L" .4 r\3 Shaej__Staijc r (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DAZE: _ January 7. 1983 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Ken Merrill, City Accountant SUBJECT: 1983 Travel Schools and Conferences - - — - -- -------------------------— Attached is a detail for the 1983 travel school and con- ferences as proposed in the 1983 Adopted Budget. I have not included some of the departments with smaller allow- ances. If the Council wants to change any of the numbers as pro- posed, the dollars would be adjusted from the particular department to the unallocated contingency account. It is also understood that any conference or school will require Council approval before attendance. Meetings of one day or less, however, do not require prior approval by the Council. we • • CITY OF HUTCHINSON General Fund - 1983 Travel School & Conferences Mayor City Administrator Election Finance Motor Vehicle Legal Planning Senior Center Police Fire CSO Protective Inspection Fire Marshal Engineer Street Cemetery Park & Rec. Adm. Recreation Civic Arena Park Dept. Airport Transit Community Dev. Corp. 1600.00 2600.00 100.00 1200.00 90.00 300.00 200.00 100.00 3500.00 5500.00 50.00 600.00 1200.00 500.00 50.00 1500.00 1000.00 1200.00 300.00 125.00 300.00 500.00 0 (612) 587 -5151 ' C/TY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: January 7, 1983 TO: Mayor and City Council — ---------------- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator — ----------------------- — — — — — --- SUBJECr: City Administrator — ----------------------- — — — — -- — #4320 Travel, Conference & Schools CITY ADMINISTRATOR $1,800.00 In -Town Car Allowance @ $150 per month (no change) 200.00 LMC .200.00 State Managers /Adm. Conference 200.00 Planning Officials Conference 200.00 Misc. Meetings $2,600.00 1] • (612) 587 -5151 f1UTlH" CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: — January 7, 1983 ------ TO: Mayor and City Council — ---------------- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: Kenneth B. Merrill, City Accountant -------------------------------- SUBJECT: Finance Departm_en_t_____________________ #4320 Travel, Conference & Schools $ 300.00 225.00 675.00 1200.00 LMC Convention Finance Officers Convention (State) LOGIS Meetings & Finance Officers Meetings (1/2 Days 0 (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST. HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 October 5, 1982 24 E M 0 R A N D U M To: Mayor & City Council From: Barb haugen, Senior Center Coordinator Re: Travel & Conference Budget Breakdown I am anticipating attending two conferences which relate to my work at the Senior Center during 1983. Both the Minnesota State Board on Aging Conference and the Senior Center Staff Conference have minimal registration fees; both would require approximately 120 miles round —trip mileage. Breakdown: Minnesota State Board on Aging (registration, meals, travel) $50 Senior Center Staff Conference (registration, meals, travel) $50 1983 BUDGET TOTAL $100 October 1, 1982 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Travel - Conferences - Schools Southwest Building Officials Meetings, Olivia, MN 6 Meetings Per Year Mileage: One Way - 50 Miles /Meeting for a total of 300 Miles One Way Round Trip - 100 Miles /Meeting for a total of 600 Miles Round Trip Registration Fees: Approx. $7.00 /Meeting for a Total of $ 42.00 Membership Dues: $10.00 /Year for a Total of $ 10.00 North Star Building Officials Meetings, Minneapolis, MN 3 Meetings Per Year Mileage: One Way - 70 Miles /Meeting for a total of 210 Miles One Way Round Trip - 140 Miles /Meeting for a total of 420 Miles Round Trip Registration Fees: $10.00 /Meeting for a Total of $ 30.00 Membership Dues: $12.00 /Year for a Total of $ 12.00 North Star Building Officials Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN 1 Meeting Per Year Mileage: One Way - 70 Miles for a Total of 70 Miles One Way Round Trip - 140 Miles for a Total of 140 Miles Round Trip Registration Fees: $ 75.00 Meals: $ 50.00 Motel Room: 2 Nights at $50.00 /Night for a Total of $100.00 State Annual Schools, St. Cloud, MN 2 Meetings Per Year Mileage: One Way - 50 Miles /Meeting for a Total of 100 Miles One Way Round Trip - 100 Miles /Meeting for a Total of 200 Miles Round Trip Registration Fees: $10.00 /Meeting for a total of $ 20.00 Meals: $ 15.00 Materials: $ 20.00 9 0 (612) 587 -5151 y , H�rcH CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: January 7, 1983 TO: Ken Merrill FROM: Marlow V. Priebe RE: 1983 Budget Engineering Department #4320 - Travel, School and Conferences WINTER CITY $ COUNTY ENGINEERS CONFERENCE: $230.00 - Sponsored by Continuing Education & Extension of University of Minnesota. SPRING MINNESOTA CHAPTER PUBLIC WORKS CONFERENCE: $230.00 - Sponsored by Continuing Education $ Extension of University of Minnesota. SPRING STATE PLANNING CONFERENCE: $230.00 - Sponsored by Office of Local $ Urban Affairs $ Minnesota State Planning Agency. LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES /SUMMER CITY ENGINEERS CONFERENCE: $150.00 FALL STATE PLANNING CONFERENCE: $130.00 FALL MINNESOTA CHAPTER PUBLIC WORKS CONFERENCE: $230.00 $1,200.00 Requested Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv 0 ^�J� Jai ,C � `� i•�y� 1"`��` �� �i�[�I]C Yf/ � \a��".i�.�y .6 q CJU �� 0 0 (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 TO: Ken Merrill, City Accountant FROM: Bruce Ericson, Parks & Recreation Director DATE: January 7, 1982 SUBJECT: Travel, School and Conferences Following is a break down of item 4320, Travel, School & Conferences in the Parks & Recreation Administration. In town mileage $1,200 (based on an average of 400- 500 miles /month) Annual MRPA or MRSF Conference 200 Miscellaneous conference or meetings 100 $1,500 klm - - - -�— X672) 879 -2371 rrurcu' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST - HUTCHlNSON, MINN . 55350 To: Ken Merrill From: John McRaith Date: October 5, 1982 - Topic: Travel, School, and Conference Allowance Annual Conference MRSF - $200 Monthly Meetings - $100 *Intown Mileage - $700 Total Allowance - $1000 *based on average of 250 miles per month at 23¢ /mile 1983 CIVIC ARENA Travel / School / Conference Budget Minnesota Ice Arena Managers Association Annual Conference R & R Specialties Zamboni Maintenance Program School International Auditorium and Arena Managers Conference Total $200.00 $100.00 $900.00 $1$1 HO. 00 b , FORESTRY AND /OR PARKS SCHOOL 6 CONFERENCES 1983 Amount All Dates Approximate $40.00 Horticultural Conference February 16, 1983 St. Paul $35.00 Pesticide Applicators Seminar March 15, 1983 St. Paul $30.00 Tree inspectors Workshop Tentative- has to be St. Paul approved by leglislature $60.00 Renewable Resources Extention Advisory Committee Jan 23, 1983 St. Paul $35.00 Arboretum Workshop $100.00 Miscellaneous Park Employees Tree Inspectors Workshop Horticulural Conference (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 October 1, 1982 M E M 0 R A N D U TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: PERSONNEL /TRANSIT COORDINATOR HAZEL SITZ RE: TRAVEL - SCHOOLS - CONFERENCES AND INTOWN MILEAGE The 1983 Budget request in the Transit Department for Travel, Schools and Conferences is $300. The Minnesota Public Transit Association and Minnesota Department of Transportation co- sponsor spring and fall transit conferences each year. They are two -day conferences and are held at a variety of locations throughout the state. Recent ones have been at St. Cloud, St. Paul, Alexandria, Duluth and Rochester. In addition, there are usually at least two smaller workshops each year which transit providers are encouraged to attend in order to become informed or produce some impact on legislative proposals and actions. The 1983 Budget request of $300 would allow my attendance at either a) One conference and two workshops -or- b) Two conferences and no workshops Average cost per two -day conference: Registration $ 40 Housing - 1 night 40 Mileage - 150 miles 35 Meals - 3 @ $5 15 $140 I believe someone from the City needs to be present at these meetings in order to keep in touch with funding and operating trends and for effective grant writing. Regarding intown mileage: If the City Council wishes to administer intown mi eal ge allowances fairly, it should consider all employees who regularly use their own vehicles to carry out their responsibilities. Beginning in 1982, when the transit office moved to the Evergreen Building, it has been necessary for me to stop at that office on a daily basis to keep in touch with the department. I request that the Council review this intown travel in order to determine whether or not it is significant compared to travel done by other employees in private vehicles on City business. OS. J 0 (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON. MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: January 7, 1983 TO: Ken Merrill FROM: George F. Field RE: 4320 - Travel, Schools $ Conferences FIRE INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA: * $100.00 - Spring Conference * $100.00 - Fall Conference $ 0.00 - 6 Directors Meetings This includes registration for training Fire Instructors to State qualifications and maintaining my Vocational License #195036. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ARSON INVESTIGATION, MINNESOTA CHAPTER, and FIRE MARSHALS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA: * $100.00 - 4 meetings, includes meals and registration. MINNESOTA STATE FIRE SCHOOL (SPRING): * $180.00 - 3 day meeting at University of Minnesota. Code change update and use of the Fire Code - Instructors from the State Fire Marshals Division. MINNESOTA STATE FIRE CHIEFS ASSOCIATION (FALL): * $120.00 - 3 day meeting. Includes workshop on Fire Department related subjects. FIRE PREVENTION SEMINAR $ 75.00 - 2 day meeting at University of Minnesota. Sponsored by the University FIRE Center. Includes Fire Department P.R. Learn Not to Burn curriculum and new fire safety programs. * Total $600.00 (May ask special funding for Fire Prevention Seminar - $75.00) GeorgerAld Fire Marshal GFF /pv i POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM i DATE January 10, 1983 TO Gary Plotz, City Administrator FROM Chief Dean M. O'Borsky SUBJECT School Chief O'Borsky Chiefs Spring Seminar Minneapolis 4 days, 14 credits $450.OJ FBI National Academy Quantico, VA 11 weeks $1000.00 Investigator Waage FBI National Academy Annual Refresher 3 days, 16 credits $300.00 Juvenile Officer's Institute Rochester 3 days $200.00 Sgt. Kirchoff Criminal Justice Seminar Minneapolis 3 days, 14 credits $200.00 Sgt. Schwartz Criminal Justice Seminar Minneapolis 3 days, 14 credits $200.00 Sgt. Gregor Criminal Justice Seminar Minneapolis 3 days, 14 credits $200.00 This is a synopsis of some of the training activities that the supervisors and I will be attending during the next year, however it is impossible for me to project the needs of the department or which classes will become available as the year transpires. Also keep in mind that effective July 1, 1983 we will be receiving our rebate from the Peace Officers Standards and Training Board, which will be approximately $2000.00. . Vii.. (612) 879 -2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 To - Mayor and Council From - Ken Merrill, City Accountant Subject - Budgets - 1983 Liquor Store, Water and Sewer Funds. I have place on the agenda the reveiw of the aboved named budgets for the new year. If the council needs more time to review the manner we could delay the review to another meeting and /or special workshop. The budgets are rather straight forward and the rates for the water and sewer are already in effect for the year. (25% for the 1983 year with the adjustment beginning with the bills coming out next month.) If there are any questions you may have before the meeting please give a call and I will be sure to have the information ready for your review. The only other budget that is not here that would otherwise be reviewed is the off street parking budget. Due to the changes in effect and the payoff of the bonds outstanding there would be no need to adopt the budget and during the 1983 year we would be taking steps to close out the off street parking fund. CITY OF HUTCHINSON LIQUOR STORE SALES 1980 1981 1982 1983 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED Liquor $ 424,720 $444,054 $476,100 $476,100 Wine 108,586 121,499 121,900 121,900 Beer $ Misc. 493,051 526,911 552,000 552,000 $1,026,357 $1,092,464 $1,150,000 $1,150,000 41 LIQUOR STORE OBJ. NO. DESCRIPTION 4100 Wages -Reg. Employee 4112 0 T Reg. Employee 4120 Wages- Temporary 4121 Overtime Wage -Temp 4131 Vacation Pay 4132 Holiday Pay 4133 Sick Pay 4141 PERA (Coordinated) 4144 FICA -City Portion 4150 Employee Health & Ins. 4154 Workmens Comp. Ins. 4155 Unemployment Ins. TOTAL PERS SERVICES CITY OF HUTCHINSON 1983 BUDGET DEPT. 90 OPERATIONS 1980 ACTUAL $ 62136 1133 10676 39 2288 2736 1258 4330 4827 5955 1440 $ 96818 4200 Office Supplies 4210 Operating Supplies 4213 Clothing & Pers. Equip. 4220 Repair & Maint.Supplies TOTAL SUPPLIES,REP,MAINT $ 4309 Other Contractual 4310 Communications 4312 Telephone & Telegram 4320 Travel School Conf 4330 Advertising 4340 Printing & Publishing - 4351 Genl Liab. -Ins. 4360 Utilities 4370 Contract Repair & 4385 Data Proc. Equip. Rent TOTAL 0TH SERV AND CHARGE 132 2794 156 1981 ACTUAL $ 65092 619 11900 71 2695 2776 228 4481 5418 7113 1240 49 $101682 45 2343 286 385 3368 $ 2773 279 168 425 670 408 541 28 10054 5691 2207 $ 19633 119 650 17 10654 6971 2881 $ 22130 1982 APPROP $ 77539 1000 12688 4963 6045 8605 1800 $ 112640 200 3200 300 400 $ 4100 500 600 250 700 100 10000 7560 1296 Y -T -D 06 -30 -82 $ 36654 202 3875 641 1238 91 2027 2451 3716 $ 50895 54 646 301 237 $ 1238 84 318 226 476 $ 21006 $ 3467 892 5463 1983 DEPT REQUEST $ 77540 1000 12000 4740 5774 10151 1000 $ 112205 200 3200 300 400 $ 4100 500 700 300 1000 150 10000 8500 1800 3600 $ 26550 4401 Dues & Subscriptions 320 362 400 254 500 4405 Depreciation 3185 5400 5950 4409 Miscellaneous 276 5737 200 33 200 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS $ 3781 $ 6099 $ 6000 $ 287 $ 6650 4510 Buildings 4530 Machinery & Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 4610 Interest 5305 5110 5110 160 5110 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $ 5305 $ 5110 $ 5110 $ 160 $ 5110 4700 Permanent Transfer 110000 30000 110000 TOTAL TRANSFER $ $ $ 110000 $ 30000 $ 110000 41 LIQUOR STORE OBJ. NO. DESCRIPTION 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 1983 BUDGET DEPT. 90 OPERATIONS 1983 1980 1981 1982 Y -T -D DEPT ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROP 06 -30 -82 REQUEST 4803 Cash Shortage 76- 22 50 4 50 4806 Salary 4810 Cost of Sales- Liquor 331887 337068 374350 122584 374350 4811 Cost of Sales -Wine 66200 81867 74750 35920 74750 4812 Cost of Sales -Beer 405213 404798- 434300 158799 434300 4813 Cost of Mix & Soft 11832 22890 4349 TOTAL OTHER DISBURSEMENTS $ 815056 $ 846645 $ 883450 $ 321656 $ 883450 4815 Case Deposits 31334- 15114- 9918- 4816 Freight 4442 6077 5500 2580 6200 4995 Contingency 11000 TOTAL OTHER $ 26892- $ 9037- $ 5500 $ 7338- $ 17200 TOTAL AMOUNTS THIS DIV $ 917069 $ 975402 $ 1147806 $ 402361 $1165265 CITY OF HUTCHINS NNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION CCOUNT NUMBER Liquor Store Operations 90 REGULAR PERSONAL SERVICES AND CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES umber of 1982 Classification Employees Salary Grade Revised Budget 1983 1982 198.3 Proposed Regular Employees Manager 1 1 20,860 20,860 Sales Clerk 4 4 II 56,679 56,680 5 77,539 77,540 S • • CITY OF HUTCHINSON WATER /SEWER /TRASH REVENUE 1982 1983 1980 1981 ADOPTED PROPOSED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Water $ 300,370 $ 330,555 $ 332,000 $ 425,800 Sewer 282,773 368,977 372,300 507,500 Refuse 148,397 192,243 202,000 230,000 Meters Sales $ Misc. 5,560 11,939 4,000 5,000 Interest 72,957 60,826 3,000 55,000 Misc. 5,209 13,127 4,000 4,000 $ 815,266 $ 967,667 $ 917,300 $1,227,300 0 • CITY OF HUTCHINSON 1983 BUDGET 42 WATER AND SEWER DEPT. 81 OPERATIONS 1983 OBJ. 1980 1981 1982 Y -T -D DEPT NO. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROP 06 -30 -82 REQUEST 4100 Wages -Reg. Employee $ 70429 $ 90008 $112812 $ 51270 $ 113386 4112 O.T. Reg. Employee 9885 9384 10000 5380 10800 4120 Wages - Temporary Employee 1759 531 5000 308 5000 4131 Vacation Pay 2190 5258 2581 4132 Holiday Pay 2708 4461 2059 4133 Sick Pay 1435 3218 862 4140 PERA (Basic) 2116 2244 2197 1051 2197 4141 PERA (Coordinated) 3522 5194 5054 2517 5085 4144 FICA - City Portion 3974 8200 6157 3043 6195 4150 Employee Health & Ins. 5170 7954 9991 5124 12686 4154 Workmens Comp. Ins. 2673 2720 3500 3700 4155 Unemployment Ins. 345 500 500 TOTAL PERS SERVICES $106206 $139172 $155211 $ 74195 $ 159549 4200 Office Supplies 612 243 650 271 650 4210 Operating Supplies 326 50 100 100 4211 Motor Fuels & Lubr 6094 7504 6000 3422 7500 4212 Cleaning Supplies 100 100 4213 Clothing & Pers. Equip. 1104 1527 1300 601 1300 4216 Safety Supplies 20 62 100 150 4220 Repair & Maint. Supplies 278 16 400 400 4221 Equipment Parts 875 500 500 4228 Meters & Meter Parts 5874 4915 12000 1664 12000 4230 Small Tools 35 100 150 TOTAL SUPPLIES,REP.,MAINT. $ 15183 $ 14352 $ 21250 $ 5958 $ 22850 4300 Professional Services 5354 20133 15000 177 4309 Other Contractual 155640 192544 203100 102514 230000 4310 Communications 847 2873 3000 1228 3000 4311 Postage 2561 2243 4000 2001 4000 4320 Travel School Conf 1070 1301 1500 650 1500 4340 Printing & Publishing 167 63 150 67 150 4351 Genl Liab. - Insurance 10000 10774 10000 9678 10000 4370 Contract Repair & 82 500 500 4380 Rentals 144 126 300 84 300 4385 Data Proc.Equip.Re 5126 5030 6000 2402 6000 TOTAL 0TH SERV AND CHARGE $181108 $235087 $243550 $ 118801 $ 255450 4401 Dues & Subscription 168 69 150 15 150 4405 Depreciation 172346 189316 180140 210000 4409 Miscellaneous 27- 150 139 150 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS $172487 $189385 $180440 $ 154 $ 210300 4600 Principal 145000 120000 155000 4610 Interest 87553 81573 76075 39363 239504 4620 Paying Agent Fees 237 225 250 124 350 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $ 87790 $ 81798 $221325 $ 159487 $ 394854 0 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 1983 BUDGET 42 WATER AND SEWER OBJ. NO. DESCRIPTION 4900 Permanent Transfer 4980 Refunds & Reimburse . 4995 Contingency TOTAL OTHER TOTAL AMOUNTS THIS DIY DEPT. 81 OPERATIONS 1983 1980 1981 1982 Y -T -D DEPT ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROP 06 -30 -82 REQUEST 67928 52298 1534 250 250 11400 $ 67928 $ 53832 $ 250 $ $ 11650 $630702 $713626 $822026 $358595 $1054653 0 9 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 1983 BUDGET 42 WATER AND SEWER DEPT. 82 WATER OBJ. 1983 Y -T -D 1980 NO. DESCRIPTION $ 3177 ACTUAL 4210 Operating Supplies $ 6881 4220 Repair & Maint. Sup. 6479 949 4230 Small Tools 26976 122 4186 TOTAL SUPPLIES,REP.,HAINT. $ 7952 4300 Professional Sery 306 4309 Other Contractual 2153 4360 Utilities 38816 4370 Contract Repair & Maint. 34386 4388 Vehicle & Equip. Rep. TOTAL OTHER SERV AND CHARGE $ 75661 4510 Buildings 4520 Improv. other than 3760 4530 Machinery & Equip. TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 3760 TOTAL AMOUNTS THIS DIV $ 87373 1981 1982 ACTUAL APPROP $ 8878 $ 7000 3716 2000 77 100 $ 12671 $ 9100 24591 800 12189 2000 49347 52000 11943 6000 $ 98070 $ 60800 1200000 35000 925 $ $1235925 $ 110741 $1305825 42000 807 800 $ 807 $ 42800 $ 45923 $ 123206 1983 Y -T -D DEPT 06 -30 -82 REQUEST $ 3177 $ 7000 1514 3000 327 400 $ 5018 $ 10400 6479 1327 4000 26976 55000 4186 10000 1130 1006 $ 40098 $ 70006 42000 807 800 $ 807 $ 42800 $ 45923 $ 123206 0 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 1983 BUDGET 42 WATER AND SEWER DEPT. 83 SEWER 1983 OBJ. 1980 1981 1982 Y -T -D DEPT NO. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROP 06 -30 -82 REQUEST 4210 Operating Supplies $ 28191 $ 21439 $ 25000 $ 8914 $ 30000 4216 Safety Supplies 26 50 100 4220 Repair & Maint. Sup. 15199 21293 20000 7879 24000 4221 Equipment Parts 198 74 149 200 107 200 4230 Small Tools TOTAL SUPPLIES,REP.,MAINT. $ 43588 $ 42981 $ 45250 $ 16900 $ 54300 4300 Professional Sery 1290 13795 5000 9326 10000 4309 Other Contractual 13494 6063 8000 4717 10000 4360 Utilties 48832 65669 60000 40371 80000 4370 Contract Repair & 13140 6459 8000 4468 9000 4388 Vehicle & Equip. Rep. 4363 3018 TOTAL 0TH SERV AND CHARGE $ 76756 $ 91986 $ 81000 $ 63245 $ 112018 4409 Miscellaneous TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS $ $ $ $ $ 4530 Machinery & Equipment 9500 100 1000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ $ $ 9500 $ 100 $ 1000 TOTAL AMOUNTS THIS DIV $120344 $ 134967 $135750 $ 80245 $ 167318 •ANNUAL CITY OF HUTCHIN BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION CCOUNT NUMBER Water /Sewer Operations 81 REGULAR PERSONAL SERVICES AND CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES umber of 1982 Classification Employees Salary Grade Revised Budget 1983 1 82 1 Proposed Regular Employees Dir. of Main. Operations z z 14,018 $ 14,018 Chief Waste Water Operator 1 1 IV 20,925 20,925 Chief Water Plant Operator 1 1 IV 18,081 18,075 Waste Plant Operator 1 1 III 18,989 18,990 Utility Worker 2 2 III 26,384 26,963 Billing Clerk 1 1 III 14,415 14,415 61z 61i $112,386 $113,386 Capital Outlay Water Dept. Machinery F, Equip. 800 Portable Radio Metal Locator 625 Tool Box - Pickup 300 925 800 Water Dept. Improv. other than Bldg. Tower Maintenance 20,000 20,000 Pump Repair 15,000 10,000 Hydrant/Valve/Compressor-Repair 12,000 35,000 42,000 Building Filter Plant Expansion 1,200,00 1,200,00 Continued on next page b CITY OF HUTCHINS INUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION CCOUNT NUMBER Water /Sewer Operations 81 REGULAR PERSONAL SERVICES AND CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES umber of 1982 mployees Salary Revised 1983 Classification Grade Budget 1982 1983 Proposed Sewer Dept. Machinery $ Equip. 600 D/O Meter Pump - Portable 1,500 1,000 Blower 7,000 Lab Equipment 400 9,500 1,000 CITY OF HUTCHINSON WATER /SEWER /REFUSE 1983 PRO - -FORMA WATER SEWER REFUSE TOTAL Sales - Service $ 425,800 $ 507,500 $ 230,000 $1,163,300 Meter Sales 5,000 5,000 Total Sales $ 430,800 $ 507,500 $ 230,000 $1,168,300 Operating Expense Light power 55,000 80,000 135,000 Maintenance 15,506 12,518 28,024 Supplies 22,750 33,850 56,600 Insurance 5,000 5,000 10,000 Communication 1,500 1,500 3,000 Refuse Charge 230,000 230,000 Purchase of material 3,000 24,000 27,000 Rental 150 150 300 Small Tools 400 200 600 Travel 750 750 1,500 Misc. 75 75 150 Depreciation 112,000 98,000 210,000 Other Expenses Salaries 60,537 68,649 129,186 Pensions 6,422 7,055 13,477 Insurance - Employee 7,786 9,100 16,886 Professional Services 20,000 20,000 Printing, office & supplies 12,000 12,800 24,800 Interest 200,924 38,930 239,854 Total Expense $ 503,800 $ 412,577 $ 230,000 $1,146,377 Net Income(Loss) (73,000) 94,923 Other Expense (Income) Interest (55,000) (55,000) Misc. (2,000) (2,000) (4,000) Total other income (57,000) (2,000) (59,000) Net Profit $ (16,000) $ 96,923 $ 80,923 CITY OF HUTCHINSON MUNICIPAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND Year Ended Pro -forma December 31, 1981 1983 Sales and Cost of Sales Sales Liquor Off Sale $ 444,054 $ 476,100 Wine Off Sale 121,499 121,900 Beer and Miscellaneous Off Sale 526,911 552,000 Total Sales 1,092,464 1,150,000 Cost of Sales 837,585 889,650 Gross Profit 254,879 260,350 Operating Expenses Salaries - Selling 83,381 101,540 Employee Benefits 18,302 21,665 Operating Supplies 2,343 7,300 Office Supplies 44 200 Clothing and Personal Equipment 300 Maintenance - Repair and Supplies 3,235 2,200 Depreciation 5,590 5,950 Communications 670 700 Utilities 6,437 8,500 Printing and Publishing 16 150 General Liability Insurance 10,654 10,000 Travel, Conference and School 119 300 Advertising 650 1,000 Dues and Subscriptions 362 500 Miscellaneous 369 200 Total Operating Expenses 132,172 160,505 Operating Income 122,707 99,845 Other Revenue (Expenses) Interest (5,110) (5,110) Quantity Discounts (4,328) Other Revenue (Expenses) - Net (9,438) (5,110) Net Income 113,269 94,735 Transfer to General Fund (100,000) (110,000) Retained Earnings - January 1 148,014 Retained Earnings - December 31 $ 161,283 i (612) 587 -5151 . '' •1 %r{�� r+ > -> '� y^ + q 9 .7 "; win , .. - > -. • , 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST ` NUTCNIN$C ^I r.9lNN. 55350 _ _ • • TO: Mayor S City Council FROM: Mark C. Schnobrich DATE: January 6, 1983 SUBJECT: Purchase of Boulevard Trees In 1982 budget appropriations for tree purchases was set at $2000.00. The following is a break down of additional appropriated for tree purchases. Revenues Expenditures Kiwanis Tree Donation $1050.00 Arbor Day Button sales $ 534.00 J C Tree Donation $ 200.00 Firewood Sales $1459.00 Log Sales $ 193.50 Tree Injection $ 270.00 Total $3706.50 Button Purchases $ 200.00 Hutchinson Landscaping, Arbor Day Trees $ 301.00 Browns Green house, Arbor Day Trees $ 180.43 Hutchinson Leader, Arbor Day Ad $ 44.25 Culligan Soft Water, Injection Water 104.80 Total $ 830.48 Revenues $3706.50 less expenditure 830.48 = 2876.02 Total Balance $2876.02 1982 Budgeted Amount $2000.00 $4876.02 While including the'above mentioned tree project revenues and budgeted funds, the Tree Board recommends that the amount of $4876.02 be used for the purchase of boulevard trees in the year 1983. 9- REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING January 11, 1983 GENERAL FUND $ 33.77 American Welding Supplies gas 58.75 Brandon Tire supplies $ repairs Brinkman Studio repairs 4 pictures 73.63 Carr Flowers arrangements, flowers,plants 89.90 Central Mn. Com. Inc. repairs 325.50 Crow River Vet Clinic dec. boarding fees 126.00 Coca Cola Bottling arena supplies 213.50 Commissioner of Revenue dec. sales tax arena 351.39 Co. Treasurer dl fees for county 80.50 Culligan Water monthly service 37.80 34.23 Condons Supply Co. arena supplies 39.55 Don Streicher Guns repairs 28.75 Floor Care Supply cleaning supplies Fire Extinguisher Sales repairs 14.00 Bruce Ericson 4th quarter mileage 200.00 GTC Auto Parts supplies $ parts PP 1592.22 Family Rexall Drug supplies 103.35 Gambles supplies 174.68 Pamida supplies 136.64 Great Plains Supply supplies 100.12 Guardian Pest Control pest control 32.50 Henrys Candy Co. arena supplies 410.48 Hutch Iron F, Metal iron 23.00 41.43 Home Bakery Inc. supplies 352.18 Hutch Leader publication costs Hutch Utilities elec. & gas 18,142.68 Hutch Wholesale supplies 747.58 Hutch Cafe prisoner board 76.31 Honda of Hutchinson repairs 18.75 Ink Spots Inc. printing chgs 35.50 Jerabek Machine welding 91.00 86.22 Johnson Super Valu supplies arena 83.35 Kokesch equipment 21.50 Krasen Plb.g repairs 3.45 L % P Supply supplies Lambert Service car washings 12.00 189.15 Lano Equipment repairs 222.64 Mn. Toro Inc. parts 30.00 Mankato Mobile Radio repairs 839.78 McLeod Coop Power Assn. electricity 16.43 Montgomery Wards parts 73.20 McGarvey Coffee Inc. supplies 32.70 Mikes Pro Shop tape arena supplies 147.60 Northland Beverages 741.56 Plaza OK Hardware supplies 50.50 Plowmans Inc. repairs 46.20 Printers Service Inc. repairs 21.00 The Patco Co. supplies 12.00 RAnnow Electric repairs 50.26 Road Machinery parts 32.68 Rockite Silo Inc. supplies / _2_ general fund cont. Rutz Plbg 4 Htg. repairs 84.43 R & R Specialties Inc. supplies arena 45.65 Sewing Basket sewing emblems 4.00 Schmeling Oil fuel oil, grease,heating oil 3430.42 Schramm Implement parts 7.84 Sorensen Farm parts 1.70 State Treasurer 4th qtr.surcharge 655.95 Swanke Motors Inc. repairs $ parts 108.95 Tri CO. Water Cond. salt 24.40 Uniforms Unlimited clothing police 124.50 United Bldg. Center supplies 97.68 Wigen Chev. Co. repairs & parts 83.89 Ind. School Dist. 423 gasoline 4697.07 Ind. School Dist. 423 custodian, supervisor 435.10 Gross Industrial uniform rental 484.08 Xerox Corporation contract payment $ paper 293.56 Keefe,SChantzen Y, Schaefer court reporter transcript 57.00 Coast to Coast supplies 164.40 Central Garage repair jobs 3655.89 Farm $ Home s supplies 426.83 Hutch Telephone Co. phone charges 2383.63 Quades Inc. repairs 71.03 Thorsen 4 Campbell audit fees 300.00 Berger Plbg & Htg. cap xeter lines 22.89 Anderson Interiors paint supplies 5.57 Citizens Bank deposit tickets 2.40 Fire Safety Co. fire gloves 855.00 Hutch Civic Arena fall 1982 ice time skating 1325.00 Hutch Sports 4 Equipment supplies 4.00 Imperial Bank payment on radio console 2235.22 Olsons Locksmith repairs 21.75 SOLE Publications reference guide 25.95 Sharstrom Plbg. repairs 98.12 Conrad Helgemo mileage F, fuel 47.20 Mary Cox skating refund 6.00 Randy Schultz skating refund 11.00 John McRaith 4th qtr mileage 100.00 James Weckman dec. gas % 15.64 $ 52,256.86 James Schaefer mileage 55.20 WATER $ SEWER FUND $ 2.88 Ag Systems Inc. UPS charges Big Bear supplies 11.88 Central Garage repair jobs 109.11 Central Mn. Comm. repairs 149.50 Coast to Coast supplies 9.39 Commissioner of Revenue dec. sales tax 512.93 260.00 Crow River Glass Co. repairs Family Rexall Drug supplies 12.49 _3_ Farm & Home supplies 27.25 Great Plains Supply Co. ceiling fan 39.95 Gross Industrial uniform rental 86.25 Hutch Telephone Co. phone service 236.60 Hutch Utilities electricity $ gas 11,131.95 .Hutch Wholesale Supply supplies 12.14 Ind. School Dist. 423 gasoline 505.71 Junker sanitation refuse charges for dec. 17,971.20 Marco Bus. Products repairs 52.88 McLeod Co. Sanitary Landfill dec. dumping charges 7.00 Mn. Valley Testing Lab. dec. testing 192.80 Nalco Chemical chemicals 6919.20 Plaza OK Hardware supplies 1.7S Quades repairs & parts 596.77 RCM Associates prof. fees 13,796.30 Rutz Plbg & Htg. repairs 15.74 Sorensen Farm Supply supplies 84.00 Kris Lindemeier overpayment of water bill 7.07 Braun Eng. prof. fees 258.40 Gridor Construction construction costs 64,999.45 Lillian Michaels mileage 6.90 $ 118,017.49 BOND FUNDS DEBT SERVICE Hospital Bonds 1st National Bk of St. Paul Prin.,interest $ fee $ 109,247.80 Bonds of 1973 1st National Bank of Mpls. interest $ fee 3,685.00 Bonds of 1975 1st National Bank of Mpls. interest & fee 8,217.50 Bonds of 1978 1st National Bank of Mpls. interest $ fee 24,564.60 1980 Tax Increment Debt Service 1st National Bank of Mpls. principal,interest $ fee 51,033.25 Bonds of 1981 Northern Trust Co. principal,interest & fee 335,560.50 Municipal Liquor Store Griggs Cooper $ Co. Wine 4 Liquor 2376.47 7615.67 Griggs Cooper $ Co. Wine & Liquor 3950.69 Ed Phillips $ Sons Wine $ Liquor 3827.21 Ed Phillips $ Sons Wine $ Liquor 3508.81 Twin City Wine Co. Wine & Liquor 1282.81 Twin City Wine Co. Wine $ Liquor 3767.84 Old Peoria Co. Wine $ Liquor 2539.81 Old Peoria Co. Wine $ Liquor' 2529.19 Twin City Wine Co. Wine & Liquor 5736.16 Griggs, Cooper $ Co. Wine & Liquor 4659.15 Ed Phillips & Sons Wine $ LIquor 3286.18 Old Peoria Co. Wine $ Liquor 1876.30 Friendly Beverages Co. Dec. Inv. 12,370.05 Lenneman Beverage Dec. Inv. 10,352.35 Locher Bros Dist Dec. Inv. 12,849.85 Triple G Dist Dec. Inv. 508.89 Sprengeler Trucking Nov. Freight 381.50 Coca Cola Bottling Co. Dec. Inv. 71.40 Hammers Milk Houses Co. Dec. Paper Inv. & Ribbon - Machine 265.50 MN Cash Register $ 83,755.83 EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FOR YOUR INFORMATION CITY OF HUTCHINSON DATE December 29, 1982 NAME ADDRESS Charles Anderson 524 Prospect Street, Hutchinson Jo Anne Kenning R 4, Hutchinson Lee Johnson 558 Juergens Road, Hutchinson David Kreitlow 530 Linden Ave, Hutchinson JOBuT1QPLE Ice Rink Attendants 300 Lynn Road, Hutchinson SUPERVISED BY John MCRaith/ Bruce Ericson .— EMPLOYMENT STATUS NEW EMPLOYEE OTHER: FULL TIME _X PART TIME OR SEASONAL PAY RATE $3.35 (minimum wage) COMMENTS Attendants at outdoor skating rinks Part time employment riming winter skating season (Tartan - North Jaycee - Elementary School) THE ABOVE PERSONNEL ACTION CONFORMS TO ADOPTED PERSONNEL POLICY AND TO THE COUNCIL APPROVED SELECTION PROCESS. EP MENT HEAD PERSONNEL COORDINATOR CITY ADMj_�ISTRA R ca) 0 EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FOR YOUR INFORMATION CITY Of HUiCHINSON NAME William Asp JOB TITLE Arena Attendant DATE January 6, 1983 ADDRESS SUPERVISED BY Mary Haugen / Bruce Eric McDonald's Trailer Court, Hutchinson EMPLOYMENT STATUS NEW EMPLOYEE _FULL TIME PAY RATE $3.35 (minimum wage) COMMENTS A HAVTI student who has worked for the ci A 1983 budgeted item for Civic Arena. OTHER: X PART TIME OR SEASONAL Arena ice season reviouslY under a CETA_program. THE ABOVE PERSONNEL ACTION CONFORMS TO ADOPTED PERSONNEL POLICY AND TO THE COUNCIL APPROVED SELECTION PROCESS. 1` RT HEAD ,1 PER NNEL ORDINATOR S' W 0 RC CITY- A INISTRA R •Old RIVE? REGIONAL LIBRARY BOA# December 13, 1982 FOR YOUR INFORMATION The Crow River Regional Library. Board met at the Meeker County Courthouse Monday, December 13, 1982. Present: Dorothy Hinseth, Sunburg Wayne Hebrink, Renville Harriet Berg, Dassel Earl Mathews, Glencoe George Jepson, Winsted Lilah Buhr, Stewart John Horrocks, Hutchinson Albert Linde, Hutchinson Delores Condon, Litchfield Jodi Cronk, Litchfield Linda Ulrich, Renville John Esbjornson, Willmar LeRoy Sanders, Willmar Burton Sundberg, Director, CRRL Kathy Matson., Asst. Dir., CRRL Absent: Orlynn Mankell, New London"- Jean Stranberg, Atwater Jeanne Lundstrom, Cosmos* Ellen Moench, Eden Valler- Lionel Barker, Glencoe* Jeanette Buchar_an, Willmar To be appointed *Excused absence Representing: Kandiyohi County " Kandiyohi County " Meeker County " McLeod County " McLeod County " McLeod County " Hutchinson " Hutchinson " Litchfield " Litchfield " Renville " Willmar " Willmar Representing: n n n n n n Kandiyohi County Kandiyohi County Meeker County Meeker County Glencoe Willmar Bird Island Vice- President George Jepson called the meeting to order. Jodi Cronk is the new board member representing Litchfield. Mathews/Ulrich moved that the November minutes be approved. Carried. Hebrink/Berg moved that the bills be paid. Carried. Bill Asp and Al Lewis, OPLIC, and Bob Boese, Director of the Western Plains Library System, presented a report on the status of the Western Plains Library System and the options for the future of the system. Lac QuigCounty has resigned from the system, effective January 1, 1983, leaving the counties of Big Stone and Chippewa and seven city libraries in the system. State funding will continue only until July 1, 1983, since state law requires at least three counties in a regional library system. A letter from Curt Johnson, Chairman of the Western Plains Board, expressing interest in having committees from Western Plains and CRRL meet to discuss a possible merger of the two systems was read. Mr. Sundberg suggested the possibility of a federated system, a more expensive alternative. There is a projected cut of 0.9% in library aid- 45 %'o£ funds would be received in 1983, 15% in .1984. -. Horrocks/Buhr moved that CRRL appoint a committee to meet with Western Plains to discuss a verger. Carried. Horrocks/Ulrich moved to appoint three trustees to serve on this committee. Carried. Members of this committee are Linda Ulrich, LeRoy Sanders, and Lilah Buhr. (,* Lac POr1c) 941. Statistical reports and clippings were passed around. Sanders/Linda moved to approve the treasurer's report for November. Carried. Cotmdttee and project reports: a. The legislative breakfast was held November 20 in 'Willmar. LeRoy Sanders served as chairman for the meeting attended by twenty persons, four of whom were legislators. b. The ALTA WILL Trustee Workshop will be held at the Holiday Inn, Willmar, on March 3,. 1983. Two volunteers from the board are needed to help with this workshop. c.- The Grove City Library moved into its nef quarters Deca,nber 9, 1983. Communications: _ _.... a.: The Public Library'Newsletter was passed around. b. The directors of the regional library systems have voted to support a state aid request of $9,500,000 for the next biennium. New business: a. Two C.D.'s are maturing - -$7500 on December 14 and $3700 on January 16, 1983. Mathews/Horrocks moved to authorize the director to transfer these funds to passbook savings for the present. Carried. b. Latham and Parker have audited CR-RL records for the past ten years. Sanders/ Heb "rink moved to appoint the auditing firm of Latham and Parker to audit CRRL financial records. Carried. c. Horrocks / Sanders moved to authorize the director to have a naw motor installed in the bookmobile (when needed) using money from the vehicle amortization fund. Carried. Mileage reports were filed. The meeting was adjourned. Lilah Buhr Secretary December 1982 . CROW RIVER *PMIONAL LIBR4R� (ANNUAL) Treasurer's Report LeRoy Sauders, Treasurer ' INCOME THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE BUDGET Balance $(267216.17) $ (8,340.87) $ Receipts: State /Federal Aid 98,618.00 1139000.01 Kandiyohi County 72,504.00 72,504.01 Meeker County 16,744.34 509223.10 50,233.01 McLeod County 219370.21 53,492.25 55,074.0( McLeod County (1982 Receivable) 51432.08 -0- Willmar 59,321.00 59,321.0! Litchfield 30,788.00 30,788.01 Hutchinson 43,987.00 43,987.01 Glencoe 20,146.00 20,146.01 Bird Island 6,096.00 6,096.01 Renville 6,698.00 6,698.01 Petty Cash 2,564.86 279234.39 22,000.Of Gifts 800.57 -0- Other 540.90 3,070.36 102000.01 SMAHC Grant 752.00 752.01 Total Receipts: $419220.31 $4799162.75 $490,599.01 From 1981 Budget _ 5_t OOO.O1 TOTAL RECEIPTS & BALANCE: 315,004,14 $470,821.88 $495,599 -01 MTD. _- _ __.. _ _ YTD_ .._. _%_OF_EXP__ -__- CURRENT EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES TO EST BUDGET I ACCT GROUP..._ .00 .00 _ .00 % __ ..00 ., LIBRARY � PERSONAL SERVICES I SALARIES __- ___ - - -- - 26. 152.21 ..- 317.674.88___.101.51 % 31.2.951.00 HOSPITAL MEDICAL INSURANCE 1,472.42 16.857.53 129.69% 13.000.00 PERA AND SOCIAL SECURITY 2,393.39 28,666.76 102.38% 26,000.00 ACCT_ GRO.UP... 30,018.02 ._102.61 %353.951.00_ MATERIALS I BOOKS - ADULT 2,588.87 32.788.10 74.41% 44.066.00 BOOKS - CHILDREN 811.25 _.14.000.00 PERIODICALS 293.66" 15,286.37 191.08% 81000.00 PAMPHLETS .00 216.94 108.47% 200.00 VISUAL __. - _ _ .00__.___ 3.534.30..88.36 %.____. 4,000.00 __AUDIO PAINTINGS .00 67.00 67.00% 100.00 BINDING - .00 426.00 71.33% 600.00 _MICROFORMS " __. _. _. __. _. . -_. -_ .00____._ __ ___51.05 -17.02%- ACCT GROUP... 3,693.78 62,438.53 87.61% 71,266.00 MAINTENANCE CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES_ _ 168.10 _.._ 647.79 73.61% _ E80.00 _ TELEPHONE 6 TERMINAL 377.22 4,904.60 104.35% 4,700.00 VEHICLE OPERATION - IN :L INS 1.327.24 10.246.70 93.15% 11,000.00 ACCT_ GROUP... ___.. 15, 799.03 - __.95.29% "_.__16.580.00" OTHER SUPPLIES t PRINTING 256.00 10.079.58 91.63% 11.000.00 PROMOTING AND PROGRAMMING _ _530.47 35.3_6% 1,500.00_ POSTAGE -------.0-0 - 474.50 5,604.11 127.37% 4,400.00 MILEAGE AND MEETINGS 162.66 4,849.89 97.00% 5.000.00 MEMBERSHIPS_ __. .00 95.00% 600.00 _ _ _ _ _ INSURANCE .00 3,582.00- 68.88% 5,200.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1.665.99 11.353.03 103.21% 11.000.00 SERVICES .00 990.00_104.21% _950.00__ _AUDITING BOOKEEPING SERVICES 225.00 2,700.00 100.00% 2.700.00 COM CATALOG .00 .00 .00% 3,000.00 ACCT GROUP... 2,784.15 -- _ 40,259.08 F8.77% 45,350.0 ^. CAPITAL OUTLAY - EQUIPMENT 118.24 1,496.88 37.47% 4,000.00 A40TIZATION FUND ___BRANCH VEHICLE AMORTIZATION FUND -- .00 .00 .00% 3.000.00 SAVIN COPIER .00 4.539.56 .00% .00 _ -- ACCT GROUP ?_ -- - -� 116.21 _ - - -- -� _ - _ _ 6,038.44____78.42% ____7.700.00_ SPECIAL GRANTS SMAMC GRANT. 1982 352.30 380.90 50.65% 752.00 . ACCT GROUP... 352.30 380.90___50.65% _____ 752.00_ ORD. TOTAL... 38.839.05 488.117.21 98.49% 495.599.00 Reversal (voided check) 139 -89 Investments redeemed 51,600.00 433,900.00 Investments purchased 37,366.50 434,333.37 Ending cash balance (9,601.41) (9,601.41) Savings Pass Book: $8,760.74 as of December 31, 1982 11 604.14 Amortization Funds (not including interest but including "9-20,364.88 repayment of $140.00 per month) NOTICE OF APPEAL FOR YOUR INFORMATION TO THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: YOU ARE HEREBY PLACED ON NOTICE pursuant to Minnesota Statute Chapter 429.011 - 429.091, that I am appealing and will file this Notice of Appeal with the District Court, the said appeal being from the Assess- ment levied by the City of Hutchinson in regard to Assessment Roll No. 152 as it affects my property in the City of Hutchinson. Please comply with the Statute quoted above relative to docu- ments required by that Statute to be supplied to me. I am represented by Attorney W. B. Haas, and furnishing of documents required by this Statute to him will suffice. CITIZENS BANK S TRUST CO.. HUTCHINSON• 2fIIaI. Dated: December 30. 1982 , President i NOTICE OF APPEAL To THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: YOU ARE HEREBY PLACED ON NOTICE pursuant to Minnesota Statute / Mid Continent Theater Co. of Minnesota is Chapter 929.011 - 929.091, thatxgxxx appealing and will file this Notice of Appeal with the District Court, the said appeal being from the Assess- ment levied by the City of Hutchinson in regard to Assessment Roll No. 152 as it affects my property in the City of Hutchinson. Please comely with the Statute quoted above relative to docu- ments required by that Statute to be supplied to me. I am represented by Attorney W. B. Haas, and furnishing of documents required by this Statute to him will suffice. Dated: December 29, 1982 MID CONTINENT THEATER CO. OF MINNESOTA By: W. B. Haas, Attorney for Mid Continent Theater Co. of Minnesota a