cp07-14-1987 cHUTCH INSON CITY CALENDAR WEEK OF July 12 TO July 18 � 199 G WEDNESDAY -15- 10:00 A.M. - Directors Meet- ing at City Hall 3:00 P.M. - HRA Meeting at Park Towers SUNDAY -.12- MONDAY -13- THURSDAY -16- FRIDAY -17- CONFERENCE: GEORGE FIELD - July 17 TUE4AY -L4- 10:00 A.M. - WWTP Staff Meetiig at Project Site Office 7:30 P.M. - City Council Meet- ing at City Hall SATURDAY -18- AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1987 1. Call to Order - 7:30 P.M. 2. Invocation - Rev. Gerrit Molenaar Jr., Vineyard United Methodist Church 3. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Meeting of June 23, 1987 and Bid Opening of June 22, 1987 Action - Approve as distributed - Approve as amended 4. Routine Items (a) Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions 1. Building Official's Report - June 1987 2. Parks & Recreation Board Minutes of June 3, 1987 3. Nursing Home Board Minutes of April 23, 1987 4. Hospital Board Minutes of May 19, 1987 (b) Non- Intoxicating Malt Liquor Licenses: • 1. Hutchinson Jaycees - Tournaments July 25 -26, 1987 2. McLeod County Agriculture Assn. - County Fair August 21 -25, 1987 (c) Licenses for St. Anastasia Parish Fall Festival On September 20, 1987 1. Bingo License 2. Gambling License 3. Non- Intoxicating Malt Liquor License Action - Motion to order report and minutes filed and issue licenses 5. Public Hearin - 8:00 P.M. (a) Assessment Roll No. 234 - Letting No. 15 Action - Motion to close hearing - Motion to reject - Notion to approve and adopt roll and award contract for improvement - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolutions No. 8574 & No. 8575 6. Communications, Requests and Petitions (a) Presentation By President Eric Smith and Treasurer Gary Henke On Updating /Revising Benefit Level of Fire Relief Association is Action - 1 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - JULY 14, 1987 (b) Consideration of Request for Street Lights Along School Road Near Vest Elementary School Action - Notion to reject - Notion to approve and refer to Utilities (c) Petition to Re -Open Huron Street At Railroad Crossing for Through Traffic Action - (d) Presentation By Bob Elliot of Proposed Use for Rear Overhead Door At Town & Country Tires Located At 31 First Avenue Northeast Action - (e) Presentation By John Bernhagen And Doug Jost Regarding Energy Loan from Revolving Loan Fund for Eliott's Eatery Action - Notion to reject - Notion to approve energy loan {f) Presentation By Charles Bailly & Company On 1986 City Audit Report Action - • 7. Resolutions and Ordinances (a) Ordinance No. 4/87 - An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 464 Concerning Zoning Regulations In The City Of Hutchinson And The Official Zoning Nap Action - Notion to reject - Notion to waive second reading and adopt (b) Ordinance No. 5/87 - An Ordinance Amending Section 10.05(C), Subd. (d) of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 City of Hutchinson, Entitled Portable Signs Action - Notion to reject - Notion to waive second reading and adopt (c) Resolution No. 8567 - Resolution Accepting $75,000 From Hutchinson Utilities Commission Action - Notion to reject - Notion to waive reading and adopt (d) Resolution No. 8569 - Resolution For Purchase Action - Notion to reject - Notion to waive reading and adopt (e) Resolution No. 8571 - Designation Of Additional Depositories Of City Funds For 1987 is Action - Notion to reject - Notion to waive reading and adopt E 11 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - JULY 14, 1987 8. Unfinished Business (a) Consideration of Second Quarter Merit Adjustment And Pay Grade Classification Change (DEFERRED JUNE 23, 1987) Action - (b) Consideration of Beverages Served At Annual City Appreciation Picnic Action - (a) Consideration of Plans And Specifications for High Service Booster Pump No. 4 At Water Treatment Plant And Advertise for Bids Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve plans and specifications and open bids August 6, 1987 at 2:00 P.M. - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8566 (b) Consideration of Proposed Supplemental Agreement for Plaza Heights Project • Action - Notion to reject - Motion to approve and enter into supplemental agreement • (c) Consideration of Work Study Agreement with HVTI for 1987 -88 School Year Action - Notion to reject - Motion to approve and enter into work agreement (d) Consideration of Prohibiting Truck Traffic On Sixth Avenue Southeast Action - Notion to reject - Motion to approve and waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8568 (e) Consideration of Supplemental Agreement to Repair Damaged Curb And Pavement At National Guard Armory Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and enter into supplemental agreement (f) Consideration of Supplemental Agreement for Letting No. 5, Project No. 87 -17 (West Elementary School Sanitary Sewer Lift Station) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and enter into supplemental agreement 3 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - JULY 14, 1987 (g) Consideration of Establishing Assessment Hearing for Letting No. 16, Project No. 87 -36, Assessment Roll No. 235 Action - Notion to reject - Motion to approve roll and set hearing for August 11, 1987 at 8;00 P.X. - Notion to waive reading and adopt Resolutions go. 8572 & No. 8573 (b) Consideration of PAP Insurance Renewal Action - Motion to reject - Notion to approve renewal and enter into contract (i) Consideration of Proposal for Lund Basement to Facilitate Hwy. 15 South Project Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and authorize preparation and execution of easement (j) Consideration of Rescheduling July 22, 1987 Special City Council Meeting to July 23, 1987 Action - Motion to approve new date (k) Consideration of Setting Date for City Council Vorksbop In September 18 Action - (1) Consideration of Annual Agreement with MR /DOT for 1988 Transit Operation Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and enter into agreement and adopt Resolution No. 8570 10. Miscellaneous (a) Communications from City Administrator 11. Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments (a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds 12. Ad.iournment 4 F- 1 LJ MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1987 i. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ackland at 7:30 P.M. The follow- ing were present: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Aldermen Marlin Torgerson and Pat Xikulecky. Absent: Aldermen Mike Carls and John Xlinar. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Piotz, Director of Engineering Eugene Anderson and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson. 2. INVOCATION In the absence of a pastor, there was no invocation. ON PEq The minutes of the bid opening of May 26, 1987 and June 8, 1987, regular meeting of June 8, 1987 and special meeting of June 15, 1987 were approved as distributed. 4. ROUTINE ITEMS (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. FINANCIAL REPORT - MAY 1987 • 2. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MAY 19, 1987 3. NURSING HOME BOARD MINUTES OF MAY 21, 1987 The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson to order the report and min- utes filed. Motion seconded by Alderman Xikulecky and unanimously car- ried. 5. PUBLIC HEARING - 8:00 P.M. (a) ROLL 110. 226 - PROJECT 90. 87 -01, LETTING 10. 1 (HEARING CONTINUED FROM JUNE 8, 1987) Mayor Ackland reopened the continued hearing at 8:05 P.X. Mr. Deforest Wagner reported he was making vacant land, but he still needed more time thing definite. He also stated he was not cause it would be of no value for his land Der questioned if he had the right to tear be in his way during development. gain on development of his before be would know any - in favor of the berm be- development. Mr. Wag - the berm out since it would Engineer Anderson commented that Mr. Wagner could either remove the berm or landscape into it for flow out to the street. City Attorney Anderson stated the public hearing could be within a six . month period after the initial date of the hearing by a 4/5 vote of the City Council. 1 •-� CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JUNE 23, 1987 MATED COPY An unidentified man commented there had not been enough rain this year to cause a problem, and the water had soaked into the ground. He in- quired if Larson Street would go through and commented that the drainage put in to the east of the addition had been helpful. Alderman Torgerson moved to table until the City Council bears from the developer of the land. Motion seconded by Alderman Xikulecky and car- ried unanimously. (b) ASSES57(ENT ROLL NO. 233 - PROJECT NO. 87 -35 (SUPPLEMENTAL AGREERENT TO LETTING NO. 2, PROJECT NO. 87 -09) Mayor Ackland called the hearing to order at 8:24 P.X. There was no one present to be heard. Alderman Torgerson moved to close the hearing at 8:25 P.M. Motion sec- onded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Miku- lecky, to approve the supplemental agreement, adopt Roll Ho. 233, and waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 8554 and No. 8559. Motion carried unanimously. (c) IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 87 -36, LETTING NO. 16 • Mayor Ackland called the hearing to order at 8:26 P.M. Realtor June Redman stated she had called City Hall regarding the sewer line. She was told the line only went to the end of the street, was not connected to City system, and it was assessed 100% to proper- ties on Oakwood Lane; however, there would be no future assessments since there were no benefits. She reported her buyer had sewer problems and there could be potential problems with the sewer, especially during heavy rains. Engineer Anderson stated the assessment was $600 per lot, which was the benefit of the line to install it to the Oakwood Lane area. Yr. Vard Haugen, 1212 Oakwood Lane, stated Harold Juul had run a line to the street for connection to a future line. He stated sanitary sever was put in the street, and two houses are hooked up to it. He thought he had been assessed for the project. Alderman Torgerson moved to close the hearing at 8:45 P.M. Alderman Mikulecky seconded the motion and unanimously carried. Th,i motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Xiku- lecky, to approve project No. 87 -36 and the plans and specifications, to set a bid date of July 7, 1987 at 2:00 P.M., and to waive readings • and adopt Resolutions No. 8555 and No. 8556. Motion carried unani- mously. 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JUNE 23, 1987 6. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION OF INSURANCE RENEVALS VITA PRESENTATION BY AXERICAN RISK SERVICES AND INSURANCE PLANNERS REPRESENTATIVES Representatives Mark Flaten and Dennis Potter presented the proposed insurance renewals and reviewed the changes in coverage. It was re- ported that workers compensation represented the largest increase in rates. Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to accept the proposal as presented, with special emphasis on the airport, umbrella and work- ers compensation to be taken care of as best it could be done. Motion seconded by Alderman Xikulecky. The motion was amended by Alderman Torgerson to exclude workers compensation until the figures are avail- able. Motion seconded by Alderman Xikulecky and amended motion carried unanimously. Main motion unanimously carried. It was moved by Alderman Torgerson to set a special City Council meet- ing at 4:30 P.M. on Friday, June 26, 1987. Alderman Xikulecky seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. (b) UPDATE REPORT ON STATUS OF POLICE STATION • Mr. Vergil Florhaug presented an update report on the status of the contracts for the police station. The constructional pre -cast and car- pentry contracts were not in at this time. A change order was being issued for the four -hour wall separation. It was reported the part-time project supervisor would be Tom Chris- tianson. He will work an average of four hours per day at $18 an hour, effective July 1, 1987. The notion was made by Alderman Torgerson for authorization to sign the contracts by the Mayor and City Administrator. Motion seconded by Alderman Xikulecky. The motion and second were withdrawn upon notifi- cation that said authority had already been granted. Alderman Torgerson moved to approve Tom Christianson as Superintendent of the project. Motion seconded by Alderman Xikulecky and unanimously carried. (c) PRESENTATION OF PLAQUE OF RECOGNITION TO ELSA YOUNG Mayor Ackland presented Elsa Young with a plaque in appreciation of her service on the Planning Commission. 7. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 40 (a) RESOLUTION NO. 8560 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JUNE 23, 1987 UPDATED COPY Alderman Mikulecky moved to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8560. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONTINUATION OF BOARD OF REVIEW FROM JUNE 17, 1987 Mayor Ackland called the Board of Review back to order. McLeod County Assessors Brad Emans and Hal Kirchoff reported the following property owners requested a review of their assessments: 1. BRAD & STEVE WICK - 500 Fischer - Claim homestead for 1986. Action - Grant 1987 homestead unless granted otherwise by County Assessor. M/Torgerson, S/Mikulecky, Unanimous.- 1 2.i CRAIG D. & P. REESE - 434 Main H. - Assessor reviewed property and recommended changing assessment to 1 -1/2 story at 161,500. No action needed to revert back. ONEIL J. JENSEN - 145 1st Ave. S.Y. - Assessor reviewed property and recommended lowering renovated house to 120,000, the sale price. Action - Reduce value to 120,000, sale price. M/Torgerson, S/Mik- ulecky, Unanimous. 4. LARRY BETHKE (VICTORIAN INN) - Valuation too high. Action - Refer Bethke's request to County Board. M/Torgerson, S/Mikulecky, Unanimous. 5. JAMES A. & P. SWANKE - 1220 Oakwood Lane - Value went up 11,100. Action - No change. M/Torgerson, S/Mikulecky, Unanimous. 6. DONALD & M. RASMUSSEN - 534 Clark Street - Value went up 11,700. Action - Assessor stated it was a 5% increase and recommended no change. M/Torgerson, S/Mikulecky, Unanimous. 7. GERALD G. HINTZ - 15 11th Ave. N.E. (7 -Unit Apt.) - Evaluation too high based on income. Action - Reduce evaluation to 1119,500. M/Torgerson, S/Mikulecky, Unanimous. 8. FERGUS ENTERPRISES /CHARLES PETERSON - 18-Unit apt. bldg. with 9 garages - Market value less than evaluation. Action - Reduce to 1321,400. M/Mikalecky, E /Torgerson, Unanimous. CF.A.RLES PETERSON - 12 -Unit apt, bldg. with 6 garages - Evaluation too high. Action - Reduce to 1218,400. M/Mikulecky, S /Torgerson, Unanimous. 9. RONALD MCGRA7 - 10 -Unit Apt. on Jefferson Street - Value too high. Action - Reduce value to 1165,400. M/Torgerson, S/Xikulecky,•' . Unanimous. 4 0 L • CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JUNE 23, 1987 RONALD MCGRAW - House - Value too high. Action - Reduce value to $28,100. M/Torgerson, S/Mikulecky, Unanimous. 10. BEVERLY WANGERIN - Valued too high. Action - Assessor reviewed the property and recommended a reduced total value of $12,100. M/Torgerson, S/Mikulecky, Unanimous. 11. JOSEPH G. PRIBYL - Assessment too high. Action - Leave property assessment as presented. M/Torgerson, S/Mikulecky, Unanimous. 12. JOHN E. TAPIO - 7 -Unit Apt. Bldg. on California Street - One apt. unit was omitted and not included in income. Action - Valuation back to original 3115,600. M/Mikulecky, S/Tor- gerson, Unanimous. Alderman Torgerson moved to close the Board of Equalization at 8:05 P.X. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS Alderman Torgerson moved to authorize discontinuation of service un- less other arrangements bad been made. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT OF PORTABLE SIGN ORDINANCE WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve and waive first reading of Ordinance No. 5/87 and set second reading July 14, 1987. Notion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF REZONING FROM R -5 TO R -2 IN FIFTH ADDITION TO LAKEWOOD TERRACE SUBMITTED BY STAFF WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mikulecky to approve the rezoning and waive first reading of Ordinance No. 4/87 and set sec- ond reading July 14, 1987. Motion unanimously carried. (d) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE SUBMITTED BY WILLIAM BACKER OF FARM & HOME DISTRIBUTING WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Mikulecky, seconded by Alderman Torgerson, to approve the variance and waive reading and adopt Resolution No, 8563. Motion carried unanimously. 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JUNE 23, 1987 0 (e) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY ANDREW ROSS WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION After discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the conditional use permit and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8562. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. (f) CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT OF FIFTH ADDITION TO LAKEWOOD TERRACE SUBMITTED BY LORETTA MCDONALD AND STREET NAME CHANGE WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, the notion was made by Alderman Mikulecky to ap- prove the final plat and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8564. Alderman Torgerson seconded the notion and unanimously carried. (g) CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT OF LOTS 5 AND 6, BLOCK 1, ROLLING OAKS FIFTH ADDITION REQUESTED BY JOHN MILLER WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION After discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the lot split. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and carried unanimously. (h) CONSIDERATION OF REVISED SKETCH PLAN SUBMITTED BY ROGER SIHXSER WITHIN TWO MILE RADIUS Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Torgerson to refer the sketch plan to the County with no objection. Notion seconded by Ald- ernan Mikulecky and unanimously carried. (i) CONSIDERATION OF PURCHASING %EROY PRINTING MACHINE FOR ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Miku- lecky, to approve the purchase, Motion carried unanimously. (j) CONSIDERATION TO CONFINE CITY UTILITY EASEMENT Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve and vacate the excess easement. Motion seconded by Alderman Nikulecky and car- ried unanimously. (k) CONSIDERATION OF ESCROW AGREEMENT WITH ROBERT L. CARR CO. City Attorney Anderson explained the escrow agreement to the Council. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Mikulecky, to approve and enter into an agreement with the Robert L. Carr Company, subject to the Finance Director being able to handle the details and accounts. Motion unanimously carried. • 11 11 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JUNE 23, 1987 (1) CONSIDERATION OF SECOND QUARTER MERIT ADJUSTMENT AND PAY GRADE CLASSIFICATION CHANGE Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to grant a two percent increase for Roger Bakken. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and carried unanimously. After further discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Torgerson to approve the recommendations as presented by the Directors. The Mayor seconded the notion, and it unanimously failed with four nay votes. Alderman Torgerson moved to defer to the next City Council meeting. Motion seconded by Alderman Xikulecky and unanimously carried. (m) CONSIDERATION OF SETTING INTEREST RATE FOR 1987 ASSESSMENT ROLLS After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Xikulecky to approve the interest rate at 6.63% and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8561. Alderman Torgerson seconded the motion and carried unani- mously. (n) CONSIDERATION OF ESTABLISHING ASSESSMENT HEARING FOR LETTING 10. 15, ASSESSMENT ROLL 110. 234 • Following discussion, Alderman Mikulecky moved to approve Assessment Roll No. 234, to set hearing for July 14, 1987 at 8:00 P.M., and to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 8557 and No. 8558. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (o) CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZING HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL TO EXPAND OFFICES ON LOWER LEVEL After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Xikulecky, seconded by Alderman Torgerson, to approve the expansion. Notion carried unani- mously. (p) CONSIDERATION OF PURCHASING FIVE CRITICAL CARE BEDS FOR HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL It was moved by Alderman Xikulecky, seconded by Alderman Torgerson, to approve the purchase. Motion unanimously carried. (q) CONSIDERATION OF REPLACING INCINERATOR FOR HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Alderman Torgerson made the motion to approve the replacement. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and carried unanimously. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JUNE 23, 1987 I� L City Administrator Plotz reported the Board of Directors of Hutchinson Community Development Corporation wished to meet with the City Council to discuss several items. It was the consensus of the Council members to establish a meeting date of July 22, 1987 at 5:30 P.X. Also, on the sane date to meet with the Charter Commission at 6:30 P.X. Xr. Piotz commented on the update report of the 1987 objectives. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERXAN MARLIN TORGERSON Alderman Torgerson inquired about the charges for towing services in the City's towing contract, and if the contract included towing at the scene of an accident. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROX ALDERMAN PAT XI%ULEC%Y Alderman Xikulecky made reference to the Second Avenue project. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROX DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING Engineer Anderson updated the Council on the Lund easement for the Hwy. 15 South project. A revised easement was returned to the City, which included the no parking along the south side of South Grade Road • to Xerrill. Also, the easement requested that assessments be waived for the Hwy. 15 project. Following discussion, it was determined that City Attorney Anderson would meet with the Lund attorney, Engineer And- erson and the City Administrator to resolve the easement issue. A report was presented on the traffic sign inventory and replacement program under XN /DOT. By submitting a Resolution to XN/DOT, the City would be eligible to receive funding and participate in the program. After discussion, Alderman Xikulecky moved to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8565 authorizing participation in the traffic sign re- placement project. Xotion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and carried unanimously. (e) COMMUNICATIONS FROX XAYOR PAUL L. AC %LAND Xayor Ackland inquired about the status of the 6lockmann property. The City Attorney reported the Judge who heard the case issued an order for compliance by an October 1 date. 11. CLAIMS. APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYXENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS The notion was made by Alderman Xikulecky, seconded by Alderman Torger- son, to approve and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. Xo- tion unanimously carried. E .1 6 I] n U CITY COUNCIL NINUTES - JUNE 23, 1987 12. ADJOURMIT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.I. 0 0 is • MINUTES BID OPENING MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1987 The bid opening was called to order at 2:00 P.M. Present were Fire Marshal George Field and Administrative Secretary Marilyn Swanson. The reading of Publication No. 3708, Advertisement for Bids, Demolition And Removal of Structures Located On Lot 8, Block 36, South Half City, was dis- pensed with. The following bids were opened: Juul Contracting Co. Hutchinson, MN $2,440.00 No Date Diamond 5 Wrecking Hutchinson, MN 4,000.00 5 Days after Awarded Bid Rickert Excavating Brownton, MN 1,950.00 10 Days after Awarded Bid The bids were referred to staff for review and a recommendation. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:02 P.M. 1 c, E • • V.S. ptaear AW W CODUtxCf CIO! rue�V M casn Period YlPaeW M la•. JUNE lPNIN corracr anY arton M MRM YM edOraas nckrWg ZIP CoWI REPORT OF BUILDING OR ZONING PERMITS ISSUED AND LOCAL PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION 103500 27 a 9999 085 1 0 26 9999 0273D HONER PITTMAN BLDG OFF If your building parmis system has charged. mark fX7 appropriate box below and aAPlaNr CITY HALL 37 WASHIN67ON AVE WEST b1 COmmeeb' HUTCHINSON RN 55350 ❑ Discontinued issuing permits ❑ Merged with another system ❑ Split into two or more systems ❑ Annexed land erase PLEASE COMPLETE AND MAIL ❑ Had other changes THIS FORM ON OR BEFORE JULYY A 1957 If rlo permits were issued during sure kit of the Ca ak, Instructions are included. For this period, mark IX) d the box —r. ❑ 1201 East Tenth Steeat further assistance, call collect and return this form JeffenonNUS, IN 47132 13071 783 -7244. NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLYOWNED Number of HOUSEKEEPING Item Valuation of Numbs of Valuation of Buildings Housing BUILDINGS No. Housing Building' construction construction unite Omit cents units Omit cents lal al (I) Idl Iel 111 III) Single-family houses, detached 458,041 m Exclude mobile hoes. 101 5 5 Single - family houses, attached - Separated by ground to roof well, -No units above on below, and - Separate testing systems and utility maters. (Count each unit as a separate building) 102 Two-family buildings 103 Three - and four - family buildings 104 Fwa-or -more family buildings 105 TOTAL — Sum of 101 -106 109 5 5 458,041 NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLVOWNED Number of Valuation of Number of Valuation Of NONHOUSEKEEPING [tam No. �(b) ooms Buildings Rooms BUILDINGS constnrction Omit cents construction Obet ants lal !cl (dl Ie1 it) (g) Hotels, motels, and tourist cabins [transient accommodations only) 213 01", nonhousekeeping shaker 214 EMMAHEW PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLYOWNED Number Valuation of Number Valuation of NONRESIDENTIAL Item BUILDINGS No of construction of construction buildings I Omit cents I buildings Omit cents (a) III (c) (d) ICI Amusement, social, and recreational 3181 1 Churches and other religious 319 Industrial 320 Parking garages (buildings and open deckedl 321 Service stations antl repair garages 322 Hospitals and institutions! 323 Offices, banks. and professional 324 Public works and utilities 325 I 10 00U 95V Schools and other educational 326 Stores and customer services 327 Other nonresidential buildings 323 3 2 09Z Structures other than buildings 329 Ml ADDITIONS, PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLYOWNED Number Valuation of Number Valuation of ALTERATIONS. AND Item CONVERSIONS No, of construction of construction buildings Omit cents buildings Omit cents lal ICI (c) 101 lei Residential — Classify additions of garages and carports in item 438. 434 26 49,405 Nonresidential and nonnousekea0ing 437 4 31,200 ? 18 450 Additions Of residential garages and carpone )smacked and tletecnad) 438 3 I 34,78S -ko" - 6 rsawac wrenre ✓C ✓re RarCnac ar✓C SIGN - 3 65 Permits - $10,597,483.00 Total Valuation DEMOLITIONS AND PRIVATELY OWNED PUSLICLYOWNED Number of Number of RAZING OF Inm BUILDINGS No. a.drisigs Housing Buildings Hwsing unns units W W let (dl W Single - family houses IattscMd and detecMdl S66 Two -family buildings I" Three- and fain- family buildings 047 Five -or -more family buildings 666 All other builtlln a and structures 646 INDIVIDUAL PERMITS AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION VALUED AT 6800,00008 MORE Plea" provide tM following information la fact permit authoraing construction valued at 1500,000 Or more entered in sections l through IV. Item Number of No. Name and address of Owner- ship Valuation of from Ofacrion owners Wilder MoneXl construction Omit Housing Sec. unrest I -IV Itl Ibl lel Itll lal (11 Kind of Writing City Hutchinson Wastewater Treatment Plant -' -- - "- '---------------- - - - - -" -- Opdvsn __ ______ Site .ddnae 37_Wa @jl�ng- ton_t1v_e._ Nest_ ___ _ _ ®wblk 325 1300 Hirrv. 22 South Hutchinson MN 5535s 110 000,950 1 Kira of bugling ____ ____________ ___________________ ❑yinvere __ Site sddreu ___________________________ ❑PUbGc KiM of buading ____ _______________________-------- opd81. ___ ___________________________ Site .ddreu ----------------------- ____________ ❑Pudic 1 Kind of Wilding ------------------------------------ ❑Rivet. Site .ddress - El public Kind al building ❑pdv.t. She addrau - ❑PUb11C $ Kind of building ❑Privet. Site address If Kind .f building ❑phv.t. Sits addreu - ❑public $ Kind of b.nd.ng ❑prints site addres. ------------------------------------ ❑Public 5 Kind of Ini ding ❑Privet. Site address - ❑ Pubic $ Comments Are you aware of any now perivit-Issuing 3 No ❑ Yes — Please give additional information in comments. Jurisdiction.? Name of person to contact regarding this report Telephone X31.25 bla rka Aree -1 code Number 'Enenvon Title Building Official 672 SR' -5751 210 • L • MINUTES • Parks & Recreation Department June 3, 1987 The meeting was called to order at 5:45 p.m. at Roberts Park shelter. Members present were Lyle Block; chairman, Roy Johnsen, Barry Anderson and Kathy McGraw. Also present were Bruce Ericson, John McRaith, Tracy Flucke and Karen McKay. Members absent were Lee Cox, Roger Haggenmiller and Pat Mikulecky. The minutes dated May 6, 1987 were approved by a motion made by Barry Anderson and seconded by Roy Johnsen, and the board unanimously agreed. North Park Tennis Court Lights At the May meeting of the Parks and Recreation board Pat Mikulecky felt that the lights on the tennis courts in North Park should not be funded by park dedication money, and perhaps the Tennis Association should consider financing the project. In response, the Tennis Association felt the city should finance the lighting, in past years the association has funded resurfacing of the courts. Roy Johnsen made a motion to fund the lights out of the park dedication fund. Barry Anderson seconded the motion and the board agreed unanimously. • Park Project Update r 1 LJ Things are being completed at Veteran's Memorial Field, the concessions building has been set in place. There is a large hole in the outfield for the new lift station. For liability reasons, the contractor should be contacted about purchasing a net to be installed to prevent baseballs from landing in the construction area. Quade's donated pine trees that were transplanted at Tartan Park. Trees were also donated from Rich Martin for Tartan Park and west of the Recreation Center. Trees were also transplanted north and west of the pool, donated from Jim Swanke some years ago that were moved from the archery range area. Richard Schmidtbauer donated trees from his property for Orchard Park. Bruce will be contacting Richard regarding grass cutting at the Park. Representatives will be coming to look at the Tartan Park LAWCON project, it has been approved at the reginal level. Notification will come in August. 1987 Summer Program Review The number of teams registered for recreation softball is up and the number of sanctioned teams is down. Participant registration for youth sports has also been up. Citizen Building Fund Barry will be receiving a report that will be forwarded from a court decision in regard to the Emma Lake property. Liam Furniture for the Pool Deck and Expansion of Grass Area Bruce presented a diagram to the board including an extension of the fence area and an expanded grass area. After a brief discussion, Barry Anderson made a motion to purchase the additional poles to expand the grass area at the pool. Kathy McGraw seconded the motion, and the board unanimously agreed.. Lawn furniture is being considered for the pool deck in the southeast corner. Chairs cost between $125 to 140 each. It is not known just exactly how much money is left in the building construction, but chairs will be purchased using this money. Roy Johnsen made a motion to purchase six chairs at this time, Barry Anderson seconded the motion. The board unanimously agreed. Banners in the Park Nan & Dad's Dance Studio requested to have a banner placed in the park advertising there dance recital. The policy has been non - profit banners are placed in the park, yet the banner was put up in 1986. The banner was hung in the park this year on the requested dates, and a letter is to be sent to Mr. Hallahan regarding the policy before next year. Miscellaneous • Brett Rasmussen has contacted Kathy McGraw regarding James Henke, there have been problems with his conduct at softball, however nothing serious. He is being allowed to play softball this year after a hearing with the Minnesota Sports Federation, where it is believed he misrepresented himself in order to be reinstated to participate in sanctioned softball. Barry Anderson is going to attempt to get a copy of the transcript of the hearing and also the investigation of the incident between Brett Rasmussen and James Henke, and perhaps invite Mr. Henke to a meeting and explain his actions. Meeting Time and Day After a brief discussion, with changing the meeting time and possibly the day, it was agreed that the next board meeting will take place at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesdays rather than 5:30 p.m. Adjournment Roy Johnsen made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m., Barry Anderson seconded the motion, and the board unanimously agreed. klm • BURNS MANOR MUNICIPAL NURSING HOME Minutes - April " - 1987 • The board of Directors for Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home met Thursday, April 23, 1987 at 5:30 p.m. in the Annex Day Room. President Larry Graf presiding. Members present: Larry Graf Jim Mills Ancher Nelsen David Jensen John Mlinar Marge Putney Mavis Geier Members absent: Esther Kuehl Gloria Dansereau Guests: Bonnie Nelson - Student - present MINUTES OF PAST MEETING: A motion was made by Marge Putney and seconded by John Mlinar to approve the minutes. All in favor. Motion carried. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: A motion was made by Ancher Nelsen and seconded by Marge Putney to approve for payment the attached listing of accounts in the amount of $38,494.67. All in favor. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT: • The only financial information available this month was a list of accounts payable due to computer problems at the main office. OLD BUSINESS A. Moratorium: Ancher Nelsen reported on his visit at the Capital with Ms. Gardebring concerning the nursing home moratorium which does not allow for remodeling of existing facilities. The Burns Manor Board of Directors had requested that Mr. Nelsen meet with Ms. Gardebring. Improvements are necessary for patient comfort and better working conditions for the staff. The moratori- um is very restrictive. Mr. Nelsen reported on his visit with Ms. Garderbring but he felt he should report that he discussed with Ms. Ashley legislation and Mental Health problems in the state of Minnesota. He also cautioned the board not to become involved in any way with the postion -he has taken. The board agreed with Mr. Nelsen that he is doing this as a private citizen.. B. Tom Hinde Lawsuit: The administrator has not been inform- ed of new developments in the lawsuit. April Minutes Page 2 OLD BUSINESS CONTINUED: • C. Air Conditioners: The air conditioners have increased $300 per unit since the others were purchased. A motion was made by Jim Mills and seconded by John Mlinar to approve the $300 increase per unit for a total of a $1200 increase. All in favor. Motion carried. Mrs. Geier will consult with Gary Plotz concerning procedure for approval from the City Council. NEW BUSINESS A. Building Self- Esteem Class: A motion was made by John Mlinar and seconded by Jim Mills to approve the class "Building Self- Esteem for Health Care Providers" for 6 - 10 Certified Nursing Assistants. The cost is $15 per person. It will be held May 20, 1987, at the Holiday Inn in Willmar, Mn. All in favor. Motion carried. B. Mother's Day Tea: A Mother's Day Tea will be held as in past years. C. Elevator: The elevator did not pass the annual hydrau- lic safety test. The failure is possibly due to obsolete EECO • Valves on the hydraulic machine. Two repair contracts, quoting two different prices have been signed with Montgomery Elevator Company. PATIENT SATISFACTION forms were available. There being no further business President Larry Graf adjourned the meeting. The Burns Manor Board of Directors will meet Thursday, May 21, 1987 at 5:30 p.m. in the Annex Day Room. Respectfully submitted: vis J. ffe),Or, Secretary ATTEST: • Larry Graf, President HUTCHINSON Ca44JNITV HOSPTIAL Large Conference Roan - 5:15 FM PRESENT: Mike Carls, President; Bob Durfee, Vice President; Rev. Thor Skeie, Trustee; Diane Gilmer, Trustee; Ricci Myers, Trustee; Dr. C.O. Bnetzke, Chief of Medical Staff ABSENT: Dori Johnson, Secretary (excused) CIHERS PRESENT: Philip G. Graves, Administrator; Jane Lien, Director of Nursing Services; Francis P. Seivert, Director of Finance; Jane Hodgins, Hutchinson leader; Laurie Hulkonen, Recording Secretary Prior to the meeting, Phil Graves gave the board a recap of the hospital's negotiations with BWIs. The hospital has signed a contract with Health Partners and is currently talking with PHP regarding a provider contract for their three new programs for senior citizens. • Graves informed the board that PHP wants a signed contract with our hospital for these new programs by May 29, 1987. The group expressed concern at the short length of time they were given to review and consider the contract. Medical center physicians have also indicated their displeasure with PHP. Consensus was to receive the update as information at this time. Graves also told the board that senator Dave Durenberger would be at HCH on Thursday, May 28, at 9:30 AM for a meeting with area citizens interested in healthcare. The board was invited to attend the session. The meeting was then called to order by President. Carls at 6:10 PM. He reminded the board that the meeting must adjourn prior to 8:00 FM because of the school board elections that day. Minutes of Past Meetings. The minutes of the April board meetings were presented. Following discussion: Notion was made by Durfee, seconded by Skeie, to approve the minutes of the April 10, 1987, special meeting and the April 20, 1987, regular meeting of the Hutchinson C7cr¢mmity Hospital board of directors as presented. All were in favor. Motion carried. � - .6�) Regular Board Meeting - 5/10/87 Page I!wo • Medical Staff Meeting Minrutes. Dr. Bxetzke presented the minutes of the May, 1987, medical staff meetings. No unusual comments were made. Old Business A. Lay Care Facility. The board received information regarding alternative facilities for day care services. Pat Halverson, Marilyn Buboltz and other staff have looked at a variety of buildings and found a suitable location to house the day care program. The building is the former Crow River Cable building on Main street, which has sufficient space for expansion. A diagram of the building and suggested improvements was shown. Rent for the building is $350 /month, plus utilities. The building has the potential for 18 clients, but Graves estimated 11 people to be served. He speculated the hospital would want a minimum of a five -year lease. Cost of reeling the building to suit the program's requirements was estimated at an additional $10,000 (over oast of rent). Following discussion: • Motion was made by Durfee, seoorded by Myers, to authorize the Administrator to rent the former Crow River Cable building to house the HQi adult day care program at a cost of $350 per month, and to approve remodeling costs of a=rrrocimately $10,000 for improvenents. All were in favor. Motion carried. New Business A. Oximeter. A capital expenditure request for purchase of an oximeter for the anesthesia department and surgical area was presented. This purchase would be in addition to the request for purchase of an oximeter for respiratory therapy approved at an earlier meeting this year. Following discussion: Motion was made by Skeie, seconded by Gilmer, to approve purchase of an oximeter for use in the Anesthesia and Surgery departments. All were in favor. Motion carried. B. Office Fool Remodeling. Graves led the group through an area adjacent to the Medical Center, in the Medical Office Building that is being considered for remodeling into office • space needed for hospital employees. Frans for remodeling this area had been budgeted for when the area was previously Regular Board Meeting - 5/19/87 Page Three (B.) considered for expansion of the Radiology department; however, due to the undesirable distance from the present Radiology area, the funds will now being used for needed office space. Following discussion: Motion was made by Bretzke, seconded by Durfee, to request approval from the City Council to remodel the office pool area at an approximate cost of $25,000. All were in favor. Motion carried. C. Salary /Benefit Consultatut. The board discussed hiring of a salary/benefit consultant to review and update the hospital's current salary structure. Salary systems are in place for all employees, Graves noted, with the exception of management staff. He explained the unrest in the Nursing department over discrepancies between Twin City salaries /benefits and HCH salaries /benefits. The cost of such a study and updated system was estimated to be approximately $8,000- 10,000. Following discussion • Motion was made by Myers, seconded by Durfee, to hire a salary consultant, at a cost not to exceed $10,000, for the purpose of examination and updating of the hospital's salary/benefit system. All were in favor. Motion carried. D. Medical Staff Anoointmerht. The board received the recommendation of the Executive Committee of the medical staff to approve appointment of Dr. David Swanson, a radiologist. Following discussion: Notion was made by Bretzke, seconded by Durfee, to appoint Dr. David Swanson to the consulting staff of Hutchinson Cmm dty Hospital with privileges in diagnostic radiology. All were in favor. Motion carried. E. Psychiatrist. Graves informed the boars that Dr. Kokkila and his wife, Colleen, had visited Hutchinson, toured the hospital and met with Bretzke, Durfee and Graves. The general impression of him thus far was favorable. He seems very interested in signing with HCH, if his needs (salary, etc.) are met. President Carls reminded the Physician Recruitment Committee that they were empowered to hire the • psychiatrist, if terms could be worked cut. The board will be updated on progress toward signing Kokkila to an employment contract with HCH as it occurs. Regular Board Meeting - 5/19/87 Page Four • F. HMO attracts. Graves gave a brief recap of HtD negotiations prior to the meeting. (See above.) G. Incinerator Renlaoement. A capital expenditure request for purchase and installation of a new incinerator for the hospital was presented. A second burner was installed in our present incinerator several years ago; however, the incinerator is in need of replacement because it is disintegrating. Cost of a replacement incinerator was estimated at $10,000 - 15,000. Following discussion: Motion was made by Skei.e, seconded by Bretzke, to request approval fr m the City Council for pturhase and installation of a new incinerator for the hospital. All were in favor. Motion carried. H. Other 1. Reamers. Graves presented a capital expenditure request for a 19 -piece set of orthopedic surgical instruments (*earem), with a total cost of $3,500, for use in total hip replacement surgeries. These • instruments had previously been borrowed for use during these procedures. Following discussion: Motion was made by Gilmer, seconded by Durfee, to approve purchase of a set of reamers for the Operating Roam at a cost of $3,500. All were in favor. Motion carried. Statistical Renort. The statistical report for April, 1987, was presented. Admissions for the mouth were approximately what they were for the previous month. A record was set in OR with 144 surgical visits. An increase in lab tests was noted, primarily due to the recent acquisition of additional chemistry equipment. Accounts Pavable. The accounts payable for the month of April, 1987, was presented. Following discussion: Motion was made by Durfee, seconded by Gilmer, to approve for payment the attached listing of accents payable and cash disbursements in the amount of $994,537.15. All were in favor. Motion carried. • Regular Board Meeting - 5/19/87 Page Five Financial statements. The hospital had a total of $628,000 in operating revenue for the month; after funding price level depreciation and working capital requirements, a total gain of $58,000 for the month was realized. Revenue for the year, to date, is $2.5 million; expenses for the same period are $2 million, giving HCH roughly a $400,000 gain thus far. There is a favorable variance of $369,000 for the year when compared to budget- Other A. OB GYN. The Medical Center physicians have expressed interest in working with the hospital to hire a recruitment firm to bring and OB /GYN to practice in Hutchinson. The board indicated their willingness to work in partnership with these physicians in what would be an effort in the best interests of both parties. Dr. Bretzke will bring this item to the next Medical Center meeting before it is placed on the agenda for further discussion at the next (June) hospital board meeting. . B. Twin City Trustee Conference. The trustee conference held on May 1, 1987, was next discussed. One topic of discussion in this conference was that of ethics committees in hospitals. Graves noted that policies and guidelines are c v.nntly being developed at the State level regarding ethics. Another area was continued joint ventures with physicians and trying to establish mutual goals and objectives. It was the consensus of the board that the planning retreat for this summer should include a session with both the doctors and the board, to discuss building trust, balancing interests, and the setting of goals between the medical staff and the hospital board. The board meW)ers present stated their preference to stay in town for the planning retreat in order to have as many board ors and physicians attend as possible. Further discussion of the planning retreat will take place at next month's meeting. C. JCAH. Graves briefly noted that the JCAH survey team will be making a site visit this suimner, possibly in August. One area that may cause concern is quality assurance. The hospital is currently reviewing its quality assurance program to assure compliance with JCAH standards. He reminded the board that they are requested to attend the • summation conference at the end of the survey day to receive the comments and/or recommendations for improvement from the survey team. Regular Hoard Meeting - 5/19/87 Page Six Adi . Motion was made by Durfee to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was then adjourned at 7:45 PM by President Carle. Respectfully sutmitted, Rp Wfl 0 • For Five Months Ended May 31, 1987 •CURRENT PERIOD YERR- 70 -DATE ACTUAL BUDGET VARIANCE PATIFS7f REVIEI E ACTUAL BUDGET VARIAN( Daily Hospital Service $162,955 $150,450 $ 12,505 Medical Nursing Units 64,010 33,109 30,901 Mental Health Unit 464,389 348,618 115,771 Ancillary $691,354 $532,177 $159,177 Gross Patient Revenue $ 787,335 $ 740,595 $ 46,740 321,745 197,016 124,729 2,211,086 1,669,909 541,177 $3,320,166 $2,607,520 $712,646 ( 35,715) (30,697) ( 53018) Less: Discounts & Allowances ( 234,516) ( 153,485) (811031) $655,639 $501,480 $154,159 Net Patient Revenue 15,321 17,119 ( 1,798) Other Operating Revenue $670,960 $518,599 $152,361 Total Operating Revenue $282,305 $278,706 $ 3,599 _ 49,525 48,627 898 30,639 23,148 7,491 51,360 9,000 1,847 #847 184 14,175 8,009 244 42,848 26,396 13,569 16,092 ( 2,523) 9,680 7,022 2,658 4,108 3,664 444 8,519 8,652 ( 133) 1,992 2,242 ( 250) 21,971 24,077 ( 2,106) 13,554 12,134 1,420 Salaries Employee Benefits Medical & Other Fees Raw Food Drugs Medical & Other Supplies Utilities Building & Equipment Repairs Rental Egense Insurance Interest Depreciation Other Expenses $3,085,650. $2,454,035 $631,615 81,732 85,595 (3,863) $3,167,382 $2,539,630 $627,752 $1,379,647 $1,374,994 $ 4,653 242,906 237,653 5,253 186,423 121,198 65,225 51,360 44,893 6,467 88,436 67,512 20,924 318,598 240,924 77,674 73,058 86,260 (13,202) 47,669 36,523 11,146 18,209 18,456 ( 247) 43,713 43,260 453 10,673 10,432 241 107,090 1'10,385 (13,295) 66,048 77,339 (11,291) $538,137 $490,387 $47,750 Total Operating E>Tense $2,633,830 $2,479,829 $154,001 $132,823 $ 28,212 $104,611 Operating Inane $ 533,552 $ 59,801 $473,751 Acid (Deduct) Non-operating Revenue (Expense) Price -Level Depreciation ( 26,214) ( 26,214) - -- And Working Capital (131,070) (131,070) - -- $106,609 $ 1,998 $104,611 Excess Revenues over Expenses $ 402,482 $ ( 71,269) $473,751 0 E Farm KM. 1:13 ,ma ..- u•. u.,.a e....... 1,__ a\ 1•nn.nu Nn 11'r4. WI., IM­I RETAIL "ON SALMI (short Term) state of InililloON, Z COC.YTI' OF _._Tic Leod .. city ......................... Hutchinson To !lie City Council: .. _ of the City Ilutchinspn ................ State of Minnesota: The Hutchinson Jaycees __, hereby I two days Y PP .... for u lirrrtse for the !seen of. ._.._ _.... .._ ........_.. _..._.. ...... _ _ ._. .._.. from the .._... Q5th ... _.._. _day of 19 F7, 1r# sell At Retail Only, Non- Intoxicating ffialt Liquors, as the same .ve defined by law, for consumption "O.N" those certain loemi.vs in the ._...._ ..... CitY..... ....__... ... ...... 1 11 ..... of ._ ......... .Hutchinson................. _.._..._._......... _ dcscrited as follows, to- uit;..... .... ...Roberts Park . .... ...... ......_ _._ _... ... ._. __ ....... .. .. s tournaments at +eh u•h Mare said applicant _uµ'rate the business of__ ........._ _.... ._.... _. _._. .._... and to that rnd represent... and staff as Jollmrs That said applicant is a.. ..__...... oili zen of flu ("nifrd Sfa tea; of Qrwd moral eha rne'er and repute -, and ha attained the a fe of 21 years; that..__._. . _.._.. ____... proprietor of the c,tul.ii,hmnd /or which flit license will be issued if thisapplieation is 2ranf"1. Thu.' na manufacturer of such non- intos'ieuting malt liquor# Has any ownership, in u'hols or in port, in said buainets of Paid applicant or any interest therein; That Paid applicant make this application purmant and subject to all the tar's of the ShVe of Jlinneeofa and the ordinance, and regrulafions of said _ ............. _..._._....__ ..__....... .... _......_.......... ... _._._.__ .._ applicable thereto, whioh art hereby made a part hereof, and hereby agree... to obsen•e and obey the same; III I mbr M I LL If .or. ! 1eu+M9WMY1 Recommend approval with restrictions and requirements as in past. Beer to be sold in cups only. No beer allowed to be brought into bleacher or ball park area from outside. Drivers license I.D. to be required for purchase. Beer not to be consumed off ball park area. ,t F.arh apphenal further states that _Ji is nut note the holder u , nor has _—he nod.• apple ut+nn fur, nor der,+ —he n+tend to make uphdirati.nt fur a Frde•ral Retail Dealer's Special tax stamp for the sal -of urtnlieulul6 liquor. Doted June_ 30 _..., ILI 87.. Michael Scha .h! p!i,,nt T. O, U • 0 /corm no. [ua Ve.w..nea.....r bares A, T ].II \.ro.nu.uxn,..x 4.1, Wx.w 'n.\ A.n.rn do \H.b RETAIL "ON SALE" t?. atatc of j�lilutcSotA, l hort t C0r.VT F Of McLeod ._........................_. _._..__.) ........... Slty .............._........_._... Of. To the .city council ..........._. ... of the. .tier..... ... _,,.of ... uucclJoann....... .... ..... _...._. ....... .............._..__...... Slate of Minnesota: McLeod County Agriculture Assn. __...._. .._ ..... .... . ... ....._._..._..... __ ..._.. . .... _ .. ._._....._. _... __...._. __ ... hereby ar:pl ies for a liren,e for (be term of.. -. _5_days _...._ _.__ .. from the ... 21st.... _... day of _..August_...__.. _._ _..._... .., b8,87_., to fall At Retail Only, Ton- Intoxicating Plait Liquors, as the rime ore drfl reed by loss, for consumption "0.1 "' those eertoin premise, in the ___.. ...... City ...._ _. _..__ Of Hutchinson describer) of folluu•s, to.uit:. .. _.... .... ....._ ..... ... ............ __ _._ __..._.:... ...._._.. _ Beer Tent McLeod County fairgrounds at which place said applicant__. ojormle ... the bntsinese of .. ..._ ........ . ... _......... _._ ._. .... _ __.. ._......__ _. _.._._. ..__ ..... .... .. ...__......... .. .. ..... . ..._...__... . and to that end represent .. and state as follows: That raid applicant .. .... ...__..__ _.oilmen of the Cnifed States; of rsod moral eharaCer and repute, and ha ...attained fhe aQe of l7 ymn; flue! ..... ... __ _.._.. proprietor of (he estal,tishnlr sit for uhich the liernsr trill be issued if this applieatiars if granted. That no manufacturer of such non- intosii sling malt liquors has any menerehip, in whole or in part, in said business of mid applicant. _or any interest therein; That raid applimnf make this al;nlir•ltion pursuant and suhjerf to all the latrs of the S(ate of dfinnenofa and the ordinances and "gulations of said ......_.. .... _. .... ..._ .... _.__ ..__............_.._ ... _....... ..... ... ...... - .... . applfmb7e then M, uhich are. hereby mar, a part hereof, and hereby arree _. to oberrs•e and obey the mme; leox ,wr Me,r rMUmmenta If ur ! cues Reserve officers and posse members must be present during hours of operation.- Enc must be satisfactory to police dept. before beer to be sold. Manager most contact acting police chief prior to opening to recieve further instructions. To be consumed in enc/YJsure or gran tand qn),y. Recommend approval. e Each applirani further siulrs that ._J1r is not nor the holds•r of. nor has _J1r mod, upplirn ti.vl Jur. nor due.. _Je intend to make application for a fedrral Retail Dealers Stop riot fox stamp for the nalr of 11111IAirafilIA! liquor. t . Doled _ _July ._8...___.........._._.__, 1987._. _.dKf!'�✓ �C21�re!<n�'{'(,..__ G. . _...._... ... _. .... ..... . _... ... ...___._ ............._._ _. :: rrlirant P. n..1.1j"f. MINNESOTA LIQUOR L1ABILYI -Y ASSIGNED RISK PLAN LI VI UIf LLVgI.I'il' f U \l'fUl'I' n nnaau na:..,m EMPI.OI'EE BENEFIT ADNIINISTRATION CO. 8441 Wayzata Blvd Suite 200 Minneapolis Minnesota 55426 -1392 Phone (612, 544-0311 INFORMATION PAGE • 1. The Contract Holder Contract No. 88 -263 McLeod County Agricultural Association _individual _Partnership P.O. Box Hutchinson, MN 55350 _Corporation _Municipal X Non - Profit A. Scheduled Premises: 4dequ8 teA °0W 'n ALIT McLeod County fairgrounds, Hutchinson, MN d� r '&4uired 2. The contract period is from 12:01 A.M. 8 -21 -87 to 12:01 A.M. 8 -26 -87 at the contract holder's scheduled premises. 3. A. Liquor Liability Coverage: Applicable to scheduled premises. The limits of our liability are: Bodily Injury Property Damage $ 50,000 Each Person $100,000 Each Occurrence ,000 Each Occurrence Loss of Means of Suppott $ 50,000 Each Person • $100,000 Each Occurrence B. The coverage afforded by this contract applies only to those businesses located in Minnesota. C. This contract includes these endorsements and schedules: 4. The premium for this contract will be determined by our :Manuals of Riles, Classifications, Rates and Rating Plans. All information required below is subject to verification and change by audit. Premium Basis - 'estimated I Rate Per 5100 Description of Estimated Annual Premium Total Annual Liquor Receipts I Liquor Receipts Operations $9,600.00 $4.00 1 Special Event Lepcsit P.vni am Due on E_'fective Date Balance of Prem.ixn Due 8i* -nin 45 Days of Ef.°ecti4re Date scn- Receipt of premium in the office of the contract ad.nin.str3tor ty _he due date will result in cancellation. ;aen -y Name and Address Citizens Insurance Agency c/o Helmer Otto 102 Main Street Hutchinson, MN 55350 Minimua Pr"iva $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 Paid to Date u gat° 3 -31 -87 i!� ✓G�Z'+��/ Authorized Representative :City of Fee $10.0o APPLICATIOI: FOR BINGO LIC =::SE Firm — Application shall be submitted at least Police _ days prior to the bingo occasion - j- /}KASTRStI� I R1SA�(�FLL I'E5Tlao+L AND I, C7 //!� wy - Name of Authorized Officer Name'of 1;_ signaled a_ngo Manager Hereby submit in duplicate this application for a license to ccnduct the game of bingo in accordance with the provisions of City of Hutchinson Ordinance No. 655 and ISinnesota Statutes Chapter 340, for the license year ending Signal A. �Z oriz d Of icer Organization-' a gn ea i.ngo :onager A. The following is to be completed by the duly authorized officer of the organization: 1. True Name: u- ' (last firs=) middle 2. Residence Address: �- Ii✓ G i . street city state code 3. Date of Birth: c�!ro_ -_� 4- —day Place of Birth V, hvi47 (mo.) () &(year) city & state 5. Have you ever been con,vyicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? Yes _ NO X . If yes, explain B. The following is to be completed by the designated b of organization : ,, 7 1. True Name: 1( L 6� R-V N 3. 5. t tasz J Residence Address: % /t� manager 55 miadle) 553 S6 (street ) (city) city) {state) ( i Date of Birth: - 4. Place of Birth: (Mo., day & y ar) city Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a offense? Yes NO If yes, explain e) state) traffic 6. Hot long have you been a member of the organization? 12 y 7. Attach a copy of the official resoluticn or official action designating you bingo manager. c. D. G_ce infor—=ation: 1. PI-ace where bingo ga._s w ill be sf AuAsf�rsa �i�; is ed 2. Date or dates bingo will be played ) (date and /or day(s) of :: 3. Hours of the day bingo will played: From A— A.N. to —A. . P. M. P.M. 4. ' {ar.i sum number of players Soo 5. Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? 6. Will refreshments be served during the t_e the ga_es are being eonductea Yes X No If se, will a charge be made for such refreshments? Yes )_ NO Organization Information: +, L 1. Address where regular meetings are held 1 �� 2. Day and time of meetings d 3. Is the apnlicant organization organized under the laws of the state of Minnesota? Yes -1— No 4. How long has the organization been in existence? /_ 4a. How many members in the organization? liDD/ 5. 'krhat is the purpose of the organization? CAVAC 4 6. Officers of the Organization: Name I ., i, n Address n Title 7. Give names of officers to the organization: Name Social Security Number: MN Business ID Number: or any other persons paid for services Address AS - & 990 Title 40 D. 0.-gar.icatior Ir..c- aatior.: (Ocr.tir.ued) E. In whoK cu/stt ill organization recc-ds fiaee - �=' Address - &L. L � 9. If the organization carries sufficient `insurance to coc;en.sat the players in the event any injury is sustained by players w participating in the bingo gage, or while on the licensed premises, please state the flame of Insurer and Policy No. A o U/, a l.. ►'Men ;c /1- 10. Have you (,'•,anager & Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation of bingo games? 11. Attach a list of all active members of the organization. E. The following information is provided concerning a fidelity bond given by the bingo manager in favor of the organization: 1. Name of bonding company _ Ok %G 141) OVA 2. Address of bonding company SfIrV < 3. Amount and duration of bond fD��rb 4. Application is hereby made for waiver of the bonding requirements. Yes No I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City �O�r,%'�"nanc N0. 55 relating to bingo, and I will familiarize myself h th qnt is thereof. oignaLurte of autnor,zea oiiicer of organ Date: (p -a`/' Subscribed and sworn to before me a notary public on this Day of , 19_. Signature of Notary Public Commission expires on Subscribed and sworn to before me 'a notary public on this Day of 19_. Signature of Notary Public Commission expires on I City of Hutchinson FEE: o x.00 APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE Approved by: • Building Cl/ti Fire Application shall be submitted at Police least days prior to the Gambling occasion Ft5 f/ VAL I , /� t7y1Z(/ti rC AND I, e )vam of Authorized Officer of Name of Designated Gambling Organization Manager Hereby submit in duplicate this application for a license to conduct the game of bingo in accordance with the provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance NO. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 for the license year ending Zqtz.---. Signapj"s: Authori e Of i er o Organization Designs ed Gam ling ager of organization A. The following is to be completed by the duly authored officer of the organizatiop:1 • 0 1. True Name: i4J (last) / n( irs ) / (m' dle) 2. Residence Address: 1 (0(D �� ' ,T e L SS3 Sb (street) (city) (state) (�� ip) 3. Date of Birth: �— 7f - `{y 4- Place of Birth :�» �l7j (mo /day /year) (city /state) 5. Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? Yes No If Yes, explain The following is to be completed by the designated of organization: / 1. True Name: 14 Ze 40a (last) 2. Residence Address: ing manager (middle) (street) (city) (state) (z p) 3. Date of Birth: 4. Place of Birth :� (mo /day /year) (city /state) 5. Have you ever been convicted of ny crime other than a traffic offense? Yes No X. If yes, explain 6. How long have you been a member of the organization? 7. Attach a copy of the official resolution or official action designating you gambling manager. C. Game Information: 1. Place where gambling devices will be usect' ALI.1d 2. Date or dates gambling devices will be used 7 (date and /or day(s) 3. Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: of week) From f( A.M. To (s�,,_A.M. P.M. P.M. 4. Maximum number of players 2,4122 5. Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? 6. Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? Yes )< No If so, will a charge be made for such refreshments? Yes �_ NO D. Organization Information: 1. Address where regular meetings / are held 2. Day and time of meetings 3. Is the applicant organization organized under the laws State of Minnesota? Yes 'Y,_ No 4. How long has the organization been in existence? ko fcqC5 4a. How many members in the organization? 1 "100 5. What is the purpose of the organization? 6. Officers of the Organization: Name Address Title �1/l Uco LaK� 5f �Al f GIBQv✓;PnnQ LGI.Er �nin�' Lc4Ka�r�.>n (�r /,C t,5 e 7. Give names of officers or any other persons paid for services to the organization: Name Address Title 0 D. Organization Information: (Continued) S. In vhos cust, rill organization records be kept? Name �� Address 1:�t 9. If the organization carries sufficient insurance to compensate the players in the event any injury is sustained by players while gambling devices are used, or while on the licensed premises, please to a the) j p(1/'/ Name of Insure ' i' /•�� ei'e.i' "'and Policy No./�Ge S- S 10. Have you (Manager & Officer) read. and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices? 7 -4y-5 11. Attach a list of all active members of the organization. E. The following information is provided concerning a fidelity bond given by the gambling manager in favor of the organization. 1. Name of bonding company 2. Address of bonding compa 3. Amount and duration of bond 144,90 $ &/E2245 4. Application is hereby made for waiver of the bonding requirements. Yes No "'y-- I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also. I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City 0 dinZa 1.) o -A55 relating to gambling, and I will familiarize myself ith a on nts thereof. oignaLUre joi a Date: /. car or or Subscribed and sworn to before me a notary public on this day of 19 Signature of Notary Public Commission expires on Subscribed and sworn to before me a notary public on this day of 19 Signature of Notary Public Commission expires on Social Security Number: �• M Business ID Number: • El ru ,..�. ......._...... N.0 �....._.'.r•N" �i__._...u., 5 �u.Y M.I I..IY.L �.. RETAIL "ON SALE" (SHORT TERM) btate of 41illuelsota, COUXTI' OF .._ ........._ ............... .....� ....... _.__ ..... L -_! It 're the d., 4 'Jvgre,J—.._..........._of tile... � .................. of ... t1..v. fK:k,!Yvw........ ` .;.. ...... . State of Minnesota: . .. .... ......... ............................ _ ... _ ..... ....... ............... hereby appl t/ ._. ff�o1rra�a,, ylii�rnml or ! , /fQCrm of...._Uf/.E_ f%fQ .. ....... ..._ ... .... ........ from the __......./ 8.7uf ,4. ..... day of _,.. ..r¢10X.-t -ze- ......._. _ .., IV.-Y- to yell At Retail Only, Non - Intoxicating Malt Liquors, a the some are de/inrl bylaw, for rnneu fnpliow "UX" 6hwe !a' premises to the.. ......................... .....Af ........ (I GI/tss . ............._........... .__ ... daoribedas follows, to• wit :............._..........._........__..__..........._.............._......_......._......-..........................._........._ ........._._................... % NnIUd6 =X1 F.5 r1&1k4 at which place said applicant_... operate -the busi ness of. .... ._. CbV AL. N ...... ..... ..................... .......__.__....._.._.__._..._. ................................ ...._. ... ...__ ..... ............. ..._.._...... and to that end represent .... and state._.. as follows That said applicant ... jl,- .......... ...............aitlsea. _ of the United Stales; of good moral eharac•er aml repatr; and ha ... attained the ape of fl years; that......_.._ _..__.....__. - .. ........ ........... propriefor .... .. of the establishment for which the license will be issued if this application is oranted. That no mane fueturer of ouch non,inlari rating Ynalt liquors has any o¢weerehip, in whole or in part, in said bueimms of said applicant—or any interest Uurein; That said applicant.... make.. this application, pursuant and subject to all the laws of the Sfate of dlinnesotn and the ordinances and rrpulafione of s aid .............. ...._......... ............... __ .............................. .._ ........_ ............ .. ... _.... applicable thereto, which are hereby mado a part herrof, and hereby aQra..... to observe and obey the same; ............. _........_ ........ _..... .......... .... .... _. -.........................._..._._._....._._ ............ _......... ........ _._..........._ ...... _._................... ......... . .......... _............ ..........'6... pal. acre nepnm.p.. a w. .t t ..sasam.) Recommend approval with restrictions and requirements as in past. Beer to be sold in cups only. Drivers license I.D. to be required for purchase. Beer not to bee consumed �off area. Each applicant further states that - he is not nntc the holder of. nor has _he madeapplirnfum for• nor does --he intend to make application for a Federal Retail Dealer's Special tax stamp for the sale of intusicafing liquor. Dated...... ... __ ...... _..._., 19.4f / _ /,Z-- .. __ ... ....... _....._.........._. a.ft,t ... drnG.•ant P. U. Rddrers (612) 587 -5151 /1�/1t// CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: July 8th, 1987 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Assessment Hearing Letting No. 15 Project No. 87 -33 $ 87 -34 Shady Ridge Road and Sunset Ridge Addition The Assessment Hearing for the above - referenced improvement project is scheduled for the July 14th Council Meeting. Attached for consideration • following the hearing is Resolution Adopting Assessment and Resolution Accepting Bid and Awarding Contract. EA /pv lJ Respectfully submitted, ti ; Eugen6�.4nderson Director of Engineering �. ,�i RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 234 Letting No. 15, Project No. 87 -33 & 87 -34 Resolution No. 8574 • WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the improvement of Shady Ridge Road from T.H. 7 to the South Line of Hilltop Addition and Connecticut Street and Westwood Road in Sunset Ridge Addition by the construction of Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, Storm Sewer, Sewer and Water Services, Grading, Aggregate Base, and Appurtenances, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included in hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 1988, and shall bear interest at the rate of 7 percent per annum as set down by the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from October 1, 1987, until the 31st day of December, • 1988. To each subsequent installment when due, shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by the 1st day of October, 1987; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to the 31st day of December, of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before October 10, or interest will be charged through December 31, of the next succeeding year. 4. The Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County, and such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of July, 1987. Mayor City Administrator • RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT • LETTING NO. 15 PROJECT NO. 87 -33 A 87 -34 Resolution No. 8575 WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the improvement of Shady Ridge Road from T.H. 7 to the South Line of Hilltop Addition and Connecticut Street and Westwood Road in Sunset Ridge Addition by the construction of Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, Storm Sewer, Sewer and Water Services, Grading, Aggregate Base and Appurtenances, bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Juul Contracting Company $89,894.75 AND WHEREAS, it appears that Juul Contracting Company of Hutchinson, Minnesota, is the lowest responsible bidder; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHNSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Mayor and City Administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into the attached contract with Juul Contracting Company of • Hutchinson, Minnesota, in the name of the City of Hutchinson, contingent upon the Subdivider of Sunset Ridge Addition complying with the Final Plat procedure requirement of the Subdivision Ordinance, for the improvement of Shady Ridge Road from T.H. 7 to the South Line of Hilltop Addition and Connecticut Street and Westwood Road in Sunset Ridge Addition by the construction of Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, Storm Sewer, Sewer and Water Services, Grading, Aggregate Base and Appurtenances, according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the City Council and on file in the Office of the City Administrator. 2. The City Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of July, 1987. Mayor • City Administrator i u • HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT RELIEF ASSOCIATION BENEFIT INCREASE PROPOSAL INTRODUCTION The Relief Association is the retirement organization of the volunteer fire- men. Its purpose is to (1) provide a retirement pension to retired firemen who have served 10 years or more of active duty and who have attained the age of 50; (2) provide a disability benefit to permanently injured or disabled firemen; and (3) provide a death benefit to the surviving widow or children upon a fireman's death. ACTUARIAL STUDY Relief Associations are required, by state statute, to conduct an actuarial study at least every four years. Typically, proposals for benefit increases are included in the actuarial study to provide data and analysis of the practicality of the proposals. An actuarial study of the Hutchinson Fire Department Relief Association has been completed as of December 31, 1986. A copy is on file at City Hall for the Council's review as deemed necessary. The actuarial study as of December 31, 1983, four years prior, supported a benefit increase of $1.00, from $4.00 per year of service per month to $5.00 per year of service per month. The following table provides a comparison of the two actuarial studies: 1. Accrued Liability 1983 Actuarial 1987 Actuarial Current Plan Proposal Current- Plan Proposal No. 1 Proposal No. 2 389,600 486,706 524,693 1 623,633 668,626 (% Funded) 69.7% 55.8% 77.2% I 65.0% l 60.6% 2. Special Fund Assets 271,473 271,473 405,215 405,215 405,215 3. Unfunded Act. Liab. 118,127 J 215,233 119,478 218,418 263,411 4. Normal Cost 11,699 14,471 11,656 L 13,950 14,198 Amount per yr. of Service 4.00' 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 Death Benefit 11,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 5,000 MEMBERSHIP VOTE A special meeting was held on July 6, 1987 at the Fire Station. The mem- • bers present and voting unanimously voted in favor of proposal No. 2, effective with the August 1, 1987 pension distribution. COUNCIL ACTION The Association respectfully requests the Council's approval on the pension increase of $1.00, from $5.00 per year of service to $6.00 per year of service, along with the death benefit increase from $2,000.00 to $5,000.00. Association President, Eric Smith, and Treasurer, Gary Henke, will be avail- able at the meeting to review the request. /ms J u 1987 ACTUARIAL REPORT AND EXPERIENCE STUDY for HUTCHINSON FIVE DEPARTMENT RELIEF ASSOCIATION Hewitt Associates �J ,11 1-1 --l- , "' m,, -,-- - �,- .", - - - - "' - -, - -, I -, M -1209 H 5/87 CONTENTS SECTION page 1 A BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE CENSUS DATA 1 2 THE ACTUARIAL VALUATION 2 3 CONTRIBUTIONS 4 4 INCOME OF FUND DURING 1986 5 5 EXPERIENCE OF THE PLAN 6 6 THE PREPARATION OF THE REPORT 7 APPENDIX A ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS 8 B SUMMARY OF PLAN PROVISIONS 9 C CENSUS DATA 10 01 M -1209 H 5/87 SECTION 1. A BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE CENSUS DATA The data on which this actuarial valuation is based is summarized below. Members Not Yet Receiving Benefits s -1- Prospective Retirement Annuities Number $5.00 Rate $6.00 Rate Active Members 40 $61,200 $73,440 Deferred Annuitant Members 11 $ 7,982 $ 9,579 Members Currently Receiving Benefits Annual Annuity Payments Number $5.00 Rate $6.00 Rate Retired Members 20 $27,994 $33,592 Disabled Members 0 - _ Widows of Deceased Members 0 - - Children of Deceased Members 0 - - s -1- M -1209 H 5/87 SECTION 2. THE ACTUARIAL VALUATION The results of the valuation on December 31, 1986, are shown below. These results reflect the current plan benefit rate of $5.00 per month per year of service. Also shown below are results of Proposal 1 and Proposal 2. Current Proposal Proposal Plan 1 2 I. Accrued Liability $524,693 $623,633 $668,626 2. Special Fund Assets 405,215 405,215 405,215 3. Unfunded Actuarial Liability (Prior Service Deficit) $119,478 $218,418 $263,411 4. Normal Cost $ 11,656 $ 13,950 $ 14,190 Proposal 1: Benefit rate of $6.00 per month per year of service; $2,000 lump sum death benefit. Proposal 2: Benefit rate of $6.00 per month per year of service; $5,000 lump sum death benefit. The actuarial assumptions used in determining these results will be found in Appendix A. Explanation of Actuarial Terminology • Accrued Liability: The present value of benefits earned for service prior to the valuation date under the actuarial method used. The actuarial method used spreads the cost of total expected benefits equally over each member's anticipated period of active membership. The dollar amount shown as the Accrued Liability represents the number of dollars that should be in the Special Fund to provide for benefits already earned. IAJ -2- i I* M -1209 H 5/87 SECTION 2. THE ACTUARIAL VALUATION (Continued) Explanation of Actuarial Terminology (Continued) • Unfunded Accrued Liability (Prior Service Deficit): This amount is the difference between the Accrued Liability (the amount that should be in the Special Fund to fully provide for benefits already earned) and the actual amount of Special Fund assets. • Normal Cost: The amount necessary, according to the actuarial method used, to pay for benefits earned in 1987 (and each future year until another actuarial valuation is completed). -3- M -1209 H 5/87 SECTION 3. CONTRIBUTIONS The Volunteer Firefighter's Relief Association Financing Guidelines Act of 1971 Chapter 261, as amended by Chapter 574 of Minnesota Statutes 1984 specifies minimum support rates required on an annual basis. The minimum support rates from the municipality and state aid are determined as the amount required to meet the normal cost plus the amortization of any current unfunded actuarial liability by the established date for full funding. This total contribution is shown below. The contribution required by the municipality for any year is determined by taking Item 4 below, and subtracting one year's estimated state aid expected from the state pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 69. Contribution to Amortize Unfunded Accrued Liability Prior Service Deficit) -4- r� 0 •I Current Proposal Proposal Plan 1 2 1. Normal Cost $11,656 $13,950 $r3199 -g- 2. Amortization Payment on Unfunded Accrued Liability (Prior Service Deficit) 11,495 19,056 21,735 / 3. Total Contribution Required (including State Aid) $23,151 $33,006 $35;725 4. Full Funding Date 12/31/00 12/31/02 12/31/04 -4- r� 0 •I M -1209 H 5/87 SECTION 4. INCOME OF FUND DURING 1986 Members' Contributions $ 0 Contributions by Municipality State Aid Other (Contributions by Rural Townships) Total Contributions Investment Income C] -5- 6,500 29,174 1,705 $37,379 $35,635 M -1209 H 5/87 " SECTION 5. EXPERIENCE OF THE PLAN Since the previous valuation of the Plan, the Unfunded Accrued Liability has changed as follows: Unfunded Accrued Liability, 1/1/83 $ 215,233 Normal Cost, 1/1/83 - 12/31/86 57,884 Interest at 5% on the above 53,990 Contributions plus Interest (135,176) Expected Unfunded Accrued Liability before Benefit Rate Increase $ 191,931 Actual Unfunded Accrued Liability before Benefit Rate Increase 119,478 Actuarial Gain since the Previous Valuation $ 72,453 The major cause of the actuarial gain was an asset gain of • approximately $73,000. This was partially offset by a turnover loss. The proposed change in the benefit rate from $5.00 to $6.00 per month per year of service would increase the unfunded accrued liability by $98,940. The proposed change in the benefit rate from $5.00 to $6.00 per month per year of service and an increase in the lump sum death benefit to $5,000 would increase the unfunded accrued liability by $143,933. 0 M -1209 H 5/87 9 SECTION 6. THE PREPARATION OF THE REPORT • This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles and practices. This actuarial survey was made in accordance with our understanding of the requirements of the Volunteer Firefighter's Relief Association Financing Guidelines Act of 1971 Chapter 261, as amended by Chapter 574 of Minnesota Statutes 1984. The usual care has been exercised in making the calculations and presenting the results. The contents of this report are, therefore, believed to be a correct appraisal of the state of affairs of the Plan. -7- Respectfully submitted, HEWITT ASSOCIATES Julie S. Gordon Fellow, Society of Actuaries M -1209 H 5/87 APPENDIX A. ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS Mortality Rates The mortality rates used are based on the United States Life Table, 1959 -61, White Males and White Females. These tables were used for active members, retired members and for survivors. Withdrawal Rates The rate of withdrawal of .060 at age 20 decreasing uniformly to zero at age 45 with no withdrawal after that age. Disability Rates The expected Normal Cost of any disability benefit has been deter- mined using claim statistics based on rates developed by the New York State Employees' Retirement System, and the resulting cost has been included in the Normal Cost shown on page 2. Retirement Age Members are assumed to retire after attaining age 53 and 20 years of service. Interest Rate Five percent compounded annually. Actuarial Method The Entry Age has been used determined as year from the Department to retirement ag Normal Cost Method with the Normal Cost a level amount each date of joining the the assumed 0 0 � 1 U M -1209 H 5/87 APPENDIX B. SUMMARY OF PLAN PROVISIONS Full Retirement Benefit Requirements Twenty years of service and 50 years of age. Amount Benefit When Minimum Requirements are met: $5.00 per month per year of service to a maximum benefit of $150.00 per month. Proposed Benefit: $6.00 per month Per year of service to a maximum benefit of $180.00 per month. Vesting Benefit Requirements Amount Disability Benefit Requirements Amount Lump Sum Death Benefit Requirements Amount 60% vested after 10 years of service plus 48 per year to 1008 after 20 years of service. Benefit when minimum requirements are met reduced by vesting schedule. No eligibility requirements. Lump sum: $50 times years of service. No eligibility requirements. $2,000. Proposed Amount under Proposal 2: $5,000. am i M -1209 H 5/87 APPENDIX C. CENSUS DATA Active Members 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 44 43 42 41 41 41 40 40 40 40 39 39 38 38 37 36 35 34 34 33 33 33 30 30 29 Completed Years of Service 19 20 25 23 7 14 15 10 16 15 3 16 12 5 19 13 9 8 2 14 0 6 4 1 11 i 31 Age Code Nearest Number Birthday 1 49 2 48 3 47 4 47 5 46 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 44 43 42 41 41 41 40 40 40 40 39 39 38 38 37 36 35 34 34 33 33 33 30 30 29 Completed Years of Service 19 20 25 23 7 14 15 10 16 15 3 16 12 5 19 13 9 8 2 14 0 6 4 1 11 i 31 28 7 32 28 3 33 28 2 34 28 1 35 26 0 -10- Projected Annual Annuity at the Benefit Rate $5.00 month $6.00 month $ 1,380 $ 1,656 1,500 1,800 1,800 2,160 1,740 2,088 1,200 1,440 1,380 1,656 1,500 1,800 1,260 1,512 1,680 2,016 1,620 1,944 1,200 1,440 1,740 2,088 1,500 1,800 1,200 1,440 1,800 2,160 1,620 1,944 1,380 1,656 1,380 1,656 1,200 1,440 11800 2,160 1,200 1,440 1,440 1,728 1,380 1,656 1,200 1,440 11800 2,160 1,680 2,016 1,320 1,584 1,380 1,656 1,380 1,656 1,440 1,728 1,800 2,160 1,680 2,016 1,620 1,944 1,560 1,872 1,620 1,944 � 1 L_J i lei - • l_J ,M -1209 H 5/87 ENDI% C. Active Members (Continued) Total -11- ed Projected Age Completed Code Nearest Years of Number Birthday Service 36 25 3 37 24 0 38 24 0 39 24 0 40 23 1 Total -11- ed Projected Annual Annuit at the Benefit Rate 5.00 month $6.00 month $ 1,800 $ 2,160 1,740 2,088 1,740 2,088 1,740 2,088 1,800 2,160 $61,200 $73,440 M -1209 H 5/87 APPENDIX C. CENSUS DATA (Continued) Retired Members Code Age Nearest Number Birthday 1 88 2 87 3 81 4 78 5 77 6 64 7 62 8 62 9 61 10 58 11 57 12 57 13 57 14 56 15 54 16 53 17 52 18 52 19 50 20 50 Total -12- Annual Benefit at 5.00 month 6.00 month $ 1,800 $ 2,160 11800 2,160 1,200 1,440 1,500 1,800 1,680 2,016 1,440 1,728 1,800 2,160 1,440 1,728 1,620 1,944 1,260 1,512 1,200 1,440 1,200 1,440 1,200 1,440 1,620 1,944 1,200 1,440 1,200 1,440 1,320 1,584 994 1,193 1,320 1,584 1,200 1,440 $27,994 $33,593 r � LJ LJ 0 I* M -1209 H 5/87 APPENDIX C. CENSUS DATA (Continued) Deferred Vested Members Code Age Nearest Number Birthday 1 49 2 49 3 49 4 48 5 45 6 45 7 44 8 43 9 39 10 37 11 36 Total -13- Annual Benefit at $5.00 month $6.00 month $ 898 $1,077 806 968 360 432 1,260 1,512 1,260 1,512 994 1,192 422 507 422 507 638 766 562 674 360 432 $7,982 $9,579 An international firm of coma iltants and actuaries apecfsNxMp In the design. tin sndrq, co nammloatim, and administration of employee benefit and compensation programs United Stales Professional Centers 2100 RlverEdge Parkway 3 Hutton Centro Drive Atlanta, Georgia 30328 Santa Ana, California 92707 (404) 956 -7777 (714) 751 -1400 100 Hatt Day Road 25231 Groganh Mill Road Lincolnshire, Illinois 60015 The Woodlands, Texas 77380 (312) 295 -6000 (713)963 -0/58' . 40 H Asnd Avenue Roweyton, Connecticut 08853 (203) 852 -1100 United State Regional Consulting Offices Atlanta Dayton Milwaukee SL Louis Boston Denver Chicago Detroit Minneapolis San Frangsoo Cleveland Houston New York Seattle Philadelphia Tampa Dallas Los Angeles Phoenix International Centers and Offices Amsterdam Mexico CRY Rotterdam Wiesbaden Brussels Neuchatel Toronto Zurich London Paris Management Compensation Services 8687 East Via de Ventura Scottsdaie, Arizona 85258 (602) 994 -1373 (A wholly - awned. indspen(landy omrsted d vWm of Hewitt Associates) Copyright c 1986, Hewitt Associates i • r U HUTCHINSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 423 HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 June 30, 1987 Mr. Gary Plotz City Administrator City Hall Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mr. Plotz: n 1N -1234 J it 1967 �. BY -- -.. The Hutchinson School District, throu - bboard action at a regular board meeting on Tuesday, June 30� Y387, hereby requests that the City of Hutchinson install a minimum of two street lights along School Road near the West Elementary School with one street light being near the driveway entrance to the school. Because of the continuing increase of traffic on School Road, the City may wish to consider lighting School Road from Roberts Road to South Grade Road. If you need or desire additional information concerning this request, please contact me. Thank you for your assistance. pSincerely, Glenn Matejka Superintendent • DISTRICT OFFICES 30 Glen Street North Phone 161215872860 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Robert. Road Phone (612) 5872151 of Schools AREA VOCATIONAL - TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 200 Century Avenue Phone(612)587 -3636 HIGH SCHOOL VOCATIONAL CENTER 980 2nd Avenue Southeou Phone (612) 5874910 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Robert. Ro.d Phone (612) 587.2854 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 100 Glen Street Ph.— (612)587.2 7 (612) 587 -5151 9 -J /1!/1l CITY OF HUTCH /NSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: July 9th, 1987 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Railroad Crossing at Huron Street A petition has been presented requesting that the railroad crossing on Huron Street at 3rd Avenue Southwest be opened to vehicular traffic. The crossing was open to traffic prior to about four years ago, at which time the street surfacing at the crossing was removed and the crossing was barricaded. Owners of forty parcels of property throughout the City signed • the petition. Thirty of those are located in the proximity of the crossing and are shaded on the accompanying drawing. The other ten signers are at least nine blocks from the crossing location. Dakota Rail Inc. has no objections to opening the crossing and provided a verbal approximate cost for work that would need to be done on the rails, ties and bedding of $3,000. The construction cost for the City's paving the crossing would be about $2,000. Due to stability and maintenance concerns, the crossing should have a paved surface, even though Huron Street is presently a gravel street. The total construction cost to the City is therefore estimated to be $5,000. Also, shown on the accompanying drawing are railroad crossings that are presently open for vehicular traffic. A resolution calling for opening the Huron Street crossing is attached for the Council's consideration. Respectfully submitted, y� tugene An erson Director of Engineering • EA /pv attachments xan I LE it 06% ILA • T� w • - -w • r T 1 ■ O 1 � ,• 1 • r 1 a1/C s • i 1 • � 1 • s • H i ' r 1r �N�YI• u • • l 1 • • tip •. L•_LJ_LJ_L - � i .St� ✓Ktes • Ill le - -i 1 • ` l • M • . • , • t » �� s N 1 s • ;� � � s r • . r • s j (1••aT90 o4wr•w 'Y ' -J a 1•`_ _• _ 1 . R - . ;: r •; r • s PI 1 • • • ' t • • 1 / N N �• / L r • • x � ^I i � ♦ N • �� • � � � � • 1 N ----- • --�1�� r^•� • —�IN • .,µJ a ___ •,TM L e 9 end • w MENO I t s • r-,• � t►� sue avc •---- ------ ------ ---- -- ---- -- r m • u RESOLUTION ORDERING OPENING OF RAILROAD CROSSING TO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC WHEREAS, a petition has been nresented requesting that the railroad crossing on Huron Street be opened to through vehicular traffic, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. That Huron Street be opened to through vehicular traffic at the railroad crossing adjacent to Third Avenue Southeast. 2. That the Director of Engineering is authorized to request of Dakota Rail Inc., the performance of work necessary for the opening of said crossing. 3. That the Director of Engineering is authorized to employ the Public Works Department for the performance of work necessary for the opening of said crossing. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of July, 1987. • City Administrator • Mayor � — f1p , 0 i 0 80 Signatures June 26, 1987 TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: We, the undersigned, wish to petition the City Council to re -open Huron Street at the railroad crossing for through traffic. This street was JUL ►987 REMM closed off about four years ago by the Burlington Northern Railroad for no known reason. NAME I ADDRESS /So/41��e4zo '24/- /-2 1Z O' y, ' Gyp 'S . 4W 4,4E z) .4 cue SE . 202 • 1 f Mp �lo /Y r cat Us— J z, S g' ✓s/ � ^_tl, f J L4 _ Juno 26, 1987 TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: We, the undersigned, wish to petition the City Council to re —open Huron Street at the railroad crossing for through traffic. This street was closed off about four years ago by the Burlington Northern Railroad for no known reason. NAME ADDRESS a 'Vil 5•� 4��� D S fYK '1'3 G 5_ q 5- 1 'v ' (v --7 z S� C n U E • June 26, 1987 TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: We, the undersigned, wish to petition the City Council to re -open Huron Street at the railroad crossing for through traffic. This street was closed off about four years ago by the Burlington - Northern Railroad for no known reason. ADDRESS 50� �-�-7 ¢a% 1�lUrnU, 5� �a OR- pool W, ADDRESS 50� �-�-7 ¢a% 1�lUrnU, 5� June 26. 1987 TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: We, the undersigned, wish to petition the City Council to re -open Huron Street at the railroad crossing for through traffic. This street was closed off about four years ago by the Burlington Northern Railroad for no known reason. ADDRESS ,3 7/60' 111J &a wi YT V4 (o B1u�F 3 J 2 s c Kid a�- e6Ajj; �,W. ki Arff (612) 587 -5151 N�nrH' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: June 24, 1987 TO: ,/Mayor and City Council FROM: Building /Planning /Zoning Department RE: Approve /Disapprove Use of Existing Over -head Door at Rear of Property Located at 31 -1st Ave. N.E. Please be advised that Town & Country Tires is relocating from 22 -1st Ave. N.E. to 31 -1st Ave. N.E. The concern is that there is the potential for trucks and tractors being serviced at the existing rear over -head door, thereby blocking parking stalls and traffic of the Municipal Parking Lot. Mr. Robert Elliot, owner of Town & Country Tires, has verbally informed me . that the rear over -head door is to be used for ACCESS ONLY, and at no time will block traffic. j"e4 ftt(L� James Marka Building Official JM /pv cc: Gary Plotz, City Administrator Ralph Neumann, Maintenance Director Eugene Anderson, Director of Engineering George F. Field, Fire Marshal Lloyd Allen, Owner of Property Bob Elliot, Owner of Business Homer Pittman, Building Official Chuck Nelson, Hutchinson Liquor Store (612) 58 -5151 - — y�rcyl`JC/TY OF HUTCHINSON '-7N4SHIN""N A VENUE WEST Is H/NS ^ k ,1,11 NN 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: June 29, 1987 TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: RALPH NEUMANN — --------------------- — — — — — — — — SUBJECT: LIQUOR STORE PARKING LOT — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — The past several years we have had numerous complaints regarding "Town and Country Tires" owned by Bob Elliott. These complaints consisted of parking large trucks in one alley for long periods of time blocking entrances to this alley, used tires in alley right�of -way, waste oil • in outside drums and used tires on part of the city owned Bretzke parking lot. He has now moved across the street to the former GTC Auto parts location. without a permit he made a curb cut on the city owned Liquor Store parking lot and was told by building inspector Marka to hold off on pouring the cement apron, however, this morning the apron was put in. It appears to me he plans on operating a business from the Liquor Store parking lot. The City Council had denied permission to a potential buyer of part of the Bretzke building because he would have had to access from the city owned parking lot. If this is allowed a future owner of the Nemitz building could make a curb cut on the East or North side of this building in violation of the city ordinances. The problems I can foresee are large trucks parked on the city parking lot for tire repair, congesting the movement of beer trucks, automobiles with boats or motor homes making purchases at the Liquor Store. Also, vehicles entering or exiting from "Town and Country Tires" onto a parking lot could create a safety hazzard. The above problems could be compounded in the winter months hindering our snow removal. My recommendation would be to have Mr. Elliott restore the curb cut to the original height and not operate a business from a city parking lot. 0 RN /pl '672) 587 5151 'CITY OF HUTCHINSON v4 -Hl' ^ -:n AVENUE WEST A^NN 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: July 8, 1987 TO: Mayor & City Council------ -------- - - - - -- FROM: Chuck Nelson, Liquor Store Manager ------------------------ - - - - -- SUBJECT: Use of—Municipal—Parking Lot by Town &— Counter Tires— — — — • I have some concern regarding Town & Country Tires using the municipal parking lot to park their vehicles (trucks). Several trucks have sat there for a period of time. /ms • (� -D I HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FINANCE COMMITTEE • JULY 2,1987 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DuWayne Paterson Chad Piehl Dick Burgart Gregg Sainsbury Mark Eru* m Pat Staliman eery Plotz John Bernhegen, HDCD Exec. Dir. Doug", Community Energy Council Coordinator Ken Merrill - City finance Dir. DuWayne Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:30 AM. ' Motion by Erickson, seconded by Burgart to approve minutes of June 12, 1987. Carried Bernhagen gave a review of the Energy Loan Program and introduced Doug Joet, Coordinator of the Community Energy Council. Jost presented the application of Geraldine Elliot doing business as (dba) Elliots Eatery for an energy loan. Jost went through the energy audit of Elliots Eatery and the Phase I I Energy Audit Report showing the Justification far the pay beck in energy savings. First National Bank provided a statement showing confWmce at this time of Eiliota ability to repay the loan. Piehl moved, seoonded by Burgort to give a favorable recommendation to the City Coxrcil on approval of the energy loan in the amount of $3 ,031.00 Bernhegen then presented a "Procedure for Energy Conservation Loans'. He also presented the documents to be used by the various parties in closing and servicing the loans. (See 'Procedure for Energy Conservation Loins' affixed to these minues) Bernhegan was asked to see whether the Hutchinson Utilities world service the loans. Citizens Bank ✓S< Trust Co. indicated they would be willing to do it as a service to the community if the Utilities Co. would not. One check will be remitted from the city to the institution doing the servicing of the loom The committee then discussed the item of interest rata reduction for Now Dimension Plating, Inc. (NDP) Bernhegen and Erickson reported on their visits with Dick Desens of NDP and the response to the questions asked from the last meeting. Burgart moved, seconded by Piehl that a rate reduction was not warranted. Motion unanimously carried Peterson requested Bernhegen to gel an updated Tax Increment Report from the city for the next meeting. Meeting adjourned C. Procedure for Energy Conservatioa Lease • 1. Application submitted by Community Energy Council Coordineor (CM) to finenco Committee of Hutchinson Community Development Corporation (MM). 2. If approved by Finance Committee a'Commitment Latter' is signed by reprossode ive of HCDC and forwarded to City Council. A report on application tabu by Ftaeaco comotbe is presented to FCDC Bard of Directors. 3. The applicant's share of the loon ( minimum of 15%) and all loon closing cats are it be deposited with the City of Hutchi neon before submitti ng loon request to City Council. Non- refundable clool nq cats are as follows: Origination Fa (so (1) percent of loon) Filing Fees 2 �, Lan Service (=2.00 Per Payment - Max $72.00) 71, m Credit Check when Appropriate Total of Closing Costa (Non- Refundable) Applicant's Share of Loon LID TOTAL DEPOSITED WITH CITY ; 6 71, 3i 4. If approved by City Council (miga ou 2nd & 4th Tuesday of month) the 'Commitmest Lotter' is signed by Mayor and City Admi mstrator. • S. Upon receipt of signed Tommitment Letter' applicant may begin work. 6. State of Minnesota Uniform Commercial Code Standard Form UDC -2 will be filed. 7. Upon completion of work a signed Tortificate of Completion and Satisfaction ' will be returned to HCDC offia. 8. Tortificale of Completion & Satisfaction' statement is forwarded to City till for payment of work completed. 9. An 'Installment Promisory ""end ^Security Agreemento (if a corporation a mGueraaty' in addition) are signed by the borrawer /applicant. 10. Loon proceeds and applicant's deposit with city (see 3 above) ere disbursed to appropriate parties upon receipt of lion waiver. Disbursement is on Thursday following council meeting. 11. Payments are made by borrower according to the terms of the promisory note. n LJ C )e. 1CDC - FORM EE, 1987 0 0 0 COMMITMENT LETTER The Finance Committee of The Hutchinson Community Development Corporation advises the City of Hutchinson of favorable action of a Comunity Energy Council Loan to e r- a- jd 1`n e Ob (name of person /business) in the amount of S -3x Q .3 [ - Loan proceeds are remitted upon receipt of properly signed 'Certificate of Completion bnd Satisfaction' HCDC Representative Date The City of Hutchinson does hereby authorize the above stated loan. Mayor of Hutchinson City Administrator HCDC - FORM E0, 1987 Date Date �—E' fl U II • City of Hutchinson - Energy Ioprowsent Loan Proaras APPLICANT INFORMATION APPLICANT'S NAME: NAME OF BUSINESS: BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS PHONE: il.r O,C: L W / - /11 1.:2- ffy-� - 6 gly% TYPE OF BUSINESS: _9Y206/ OWNER TENANT NUM R OF YEARS OPERATING AT PRESENT BUSINESS ADDRESS: --2L—YEARS BANK REFERENC HOME ADDRESS: PROPERTY INFORMATION - PHONE: LANDLORD (NAME): 0007?E2 PHONE: ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE IMPROVED (VERIFIED BY REAL ESTATE TAX STATEMENT): IF LANDLORD OF PROPERTY IS DIFFERENT FROM APPLICANT, DOES THE LEASE EXTEND FOR THREE OR MORE YEARS OR FOR THE TERM OF THE LOAN? YES NO DOES THE BUSINESS OCCUPY THE TOTAL BUILDING? YES NO IF YOU ANSWERED "NO" TO THE ABOVE, WHAT PERCENTAGE DOES IT OCCUPY? __PERCENT. WHAT OCCUPIES THE BALANCE OF SPACE? III DESCHIPT10S OF IMPROVEMENTS Ek"TERIOR: Replace existing rooftop HVAC' unit with a 5 Ton 100,000 BTU HVAC unit. INTERIOR: Replace existing thermostat with an automatic set back thermostat IV. COST OF IMPROVEMENTS BID /QUOTE NUMBER 1. NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Schlueters Refrigeration BID: $ 3,456.00 2. NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Allied Mechanical BID: $ 4,814.00 • 3. NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Krasen Plumbing b Heating BID: $ 4,200.00 (w /out thermostat) CONTRACTORS" BIDS ARE TO BE ENCLOSED.* V. BANK INFORMATION (IF ADDITIONAL LOAN:: WILL BE USED TO COMPLETE PROJECT) NAME OF BANK: First National Bank ADDRESS: Ina Main Srrppr Snnth, Hrntrhincnn PHONE: 587 -4959 HVAC PROJECT'S TOTAL COST: $ 3,456.00 BANK'S PARTICIPATION: $ COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER'S SIGNATURE • • 11 Elliot's Eatery III. DISC@IPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS sl(TERIOR: INTERIOR: Replace 16 - 4 ft. 40 Watt Flourescent bulbs with 34 Watt bulbs. Replace 8 - 8 ft. - 75 Watt Flourescent bulbs with 60 Watt bulbs. IV. COST OF IMPROVEMENTS BID /QUOTE NUMBER 1. NAME OF CONTRACTOR: BID: 2. NAME OF CONTRACTOR: BID: 3. NAME OF CONTRACTOR: BID: A 6 B Electric $ 110.00 $ CONTRACTORS' BIDS ARE TO BE ENCLOSED. V. BANK INFORMATION (IF ADDITIONAL LOANS WILL BE USED TO COMPLETE PROJECT) NAME OF BANK: First National Bank ADDRESS: 308 Main Street South, Hutchinson PHONE: _587 -4959 Lighting PROJECT'S TOTAL COST: $ 110.00 BANK'S PARTICIPATION: $ COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER'S SIGNATURE Combined Projects Total Cost: $3,566.00 40'dnt - bank-'s Participation: $3,031.00 Elliott's Eatery Phase II Energy Audit Report Submitted: June 18, 1987 By: Douglas Jost Hutchinson Energy Coordinator Heating /Cooling - Replace inefficient roof top HVAC unit with high efficiency unit. Increase supply and return duct sizes. Cost: #3,375.00 First Year Savings: $1,277 Payback: 2.6 years Add automatic setback thermostat: Cost: $81.00 First Year Savings: $136.00 Payback: .6 years u Combinted total Cost: $3,456 • Combined First Year Savings: $1,413.00 Payback: 2.4 years Replace 16 - 4 ft. 40 Watt flourescent bulbs with 34 Watt bulbs. Replace 8 - 8 ft. 75 Watt flourescent bulbs with 60 Watt bulbs. Total Cost: $ 35.36 Total First Year Savings $ 62.20 Payback: .6 years C-] E • (612) 587 -5151 JWJHU7CHINSON, ITY OF HUTCHINSON WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST MINN. 55350 JULY 7, 1987 T0: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL --------------------------------------- --- - - - - -- FROM: KEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR ------------------------------------- - - - - - -- SUBJECT: 1986 AUDIT REPORT -------------------------------------- - - - - -- Larry Jacobsen from the audit firm of Charles Bailly Inc will be present Tuesday evening to review the 1986 audit report. Larry will highlight the year end results and answer any questions which the council may have. n U ORDINANCE NO. 4/87 AN ORDINANCE AMEET.DING ORDINANCE NO. 464 CONCERNING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDAINS: The following described real property is hereby rezoned from R -5 Mobile Home Park to R -2 Multiple Family Residence. Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Fifth Addition to Lakewood Terrace, City of Hutchinson Adopted by the City Council this day of , 1987. • ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz Citv Clerk • Paul L. Ackland Mayor `t 0 ORDINANCE NO. 5/87 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 10.05(C), SUBDIVISION (d) OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464, CITY OF HUTCHINSON, ENTITLED PORTABLE SIGNS THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. Section 10.05(C), Subdivision (d) of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson, entitled Portable Signs, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 10.05 (C). Portable Signs. d) Portable Signs: May net be €4ash4ng; tome 44m4t net exeeed4ng th4rty 43Bj days; having sixty 46gj days tome span between perm4ts: App44eat4en most be s4gned by owner of reeord to app4y to one er mere ad�aeent paree4s: may not be flashing. Sign ma not be 1p ac d or extend over the front five (5) t of required set accTin district. Cannot 6estened to any —jy onj or Tig t po e . Time limit not to exceed ninety (90) days, having a sixty 60 j.�y time span between erp mitts. SECTION 2. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication. Adopted by the City Council this day of , 1987. ATTEST: • Gary D. Plotz City Clerk Paul L. Ackland Mayor i • is RESOLUTION NO. 8567 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING $75,000 FROM THE HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: THAT a $75,000.00 transfer from the Hutchinson Utilities Commission to the City of Hutchinson's General Fund is hereby accepted. Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of July, 1987. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk Paul L. Ackland Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 8569 CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE • The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: Dies Engi Sun *Mon and Ak qW The following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM -- —COST - PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR el Fuel 2,271.5 Operation Street Yes Schmeling Oil Co. ne Overhaul 5,700.0 Repair Terex Engine Street Yes Car Quest Auto Parts Lounge Chairs 2,439.0 Pool Area Seating Const. * GameTime ey from the Park & Recreat "on construction fund is available would be used for this pu pose. ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Date Approved: Wotion made by: Seconded by: July 14, 1987 Resolution submitted for Council action by: RESOLUTION NO. 8571 DESIGNATION OF ADDITIONAL DEPOSITORIES • OF CITY FUNDS FOR 1987 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT the following named institutions, which are authorized to act as depositories in Minnesota, be and they hereby are designated depositories of the Public Funds of the City of Hutchinson in the County of McLeod, State of Minne- sota, by the City Council of said City, for July 14, 1987 until December 31, 1987: FIRST BANK ST. PAUL AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF ST. PAUL NATIONAL CITY BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS FIDELITY BANK AND TRUST COMPANY MARQUETTE NATIONAL BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS MERRILL LYNCH, DAIN BOSWORTH, INC. PIPER JAFFRAY 8 HOPWOOD, INC. • upon terms and conditions following, to -wit: THAT this designation is subject to the right of said City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, to modify, vacate, or revoke the same according to law, and also subject to any depository agreement executed pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 118.01 and Section 475.66, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: THAT the City Clerk of the City of Hutchinson is hereby authorized and directed to deposit in said institutions in special funds to be known as "City of Hutchinson" all monies that may come into his hands. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: THAT a copy of this resolution be filed with the City Clerk and each of the institutions so designated. Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of July, 1987. ATTEST: • Gary D. Plotz City Clerk Paul L. Ackland Mayor r- IL (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3? WASHINGTON AVENLT WEST HUTCHINSON. MINN. 55350 June 19, 1987 M E M O R A N D U M y V. A71 . 2I• -• I 124 M RE. MERIT RECOK4E4DATICNS - SECCM QIAI;1'ER �` NoTE iD61 moNS 1. Department heads have made recommendations for merit adjustments for the second three mrnths of 1987, as listed below. FII9ANM by Ken Merrill ADMIIQISTRATIal by Gary Plotz Diane SwWLSM, Receptionist 48 Ralph N =Iann 28 (see memo attaci d) TRANSIT by Hazel Sitz Harriet Schmidt, Dispatcher 4% GARY by Mayor 28 pOLICN by Ron Kischoff PARK 6 RECRFATICN Bruce Ericson Lori Adaoietz, Dispatcher 2% ash packet due to vacations) Earl Haarstad 48 MAIRIE WCE by Ralph Neumann Joe Vostinar 48 Eldon Barkeim, Street Maint. 18 Gene Iverson 18 Earl Alsleben, Street Maint. 1% John McRaith 38 Phial Fortier, Custodian 28 Mark Sdunobrich 18 Haug Heinecke, Wastewater op. 48 Merle Meece. Wastewater 'Tech. 28 2. In addition, the review committee recommends that a grade change be made at this time for Larry Karg (anniversary in June) because of the additional responsibilities he will assume in the street department on the retirement of Ralph Neumann. It is recommended his position of street supervisor be changed from Grade X to Grade XI, with a 57t/hr Pay adjusUment (about 4.88). This would be the same grade and rate as the other supervisory position in that department (motor Pool supervisor.) 3. in addition, Police Chief Ron Kirchoff has requested that police department employee Roder Bakken be granted a 28 merit adjustment at this time, rather than later inn the ye — when his anniversary occurs. As per meets from the police deparbresnt (attached) Roger has been Providing assistance to the licensed officers to a great extent, in addition to his CSO duties. (The chief is not requesting a grade change at this time.) P'(612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 DATE: June 18, 1987 TO: City Council Members FROM: Mayor SUBJE' ',T: Merit Increase for City Admin. Councilman Mike Carls and I have completed a performance review of City • Administrator Gary ?lotz. At this time I would like to recommend a 2% merit increase effective his anniversary date with the City of Hutchinson. is (612) 587 -5151 HUTCH' CITY OF HUTCHINSON • 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON. MINN. 55350 June 18, 1987 E M O R A N D U M TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: GARY PLCTZ The anniversary date for consideration on Ralph Neumann's performance/ merit review is 4 -1 -87. I recommend a 28 adjustment. Although this would amount to a relatively small amount of money (4 -1 -87 to 7 -1 -87) the adjustment would be helpful in calculating his PERA; plus provide a favorable gesture of appreciation for past performance. • (b 12 ) 587 -5151 H ITZ-V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 7 �NG; oN ,a vFNUE wES; F 11 — M!Ni% 9535C July 6, 1987 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL EYM: PERSCMEL COORDIWWDR RE: CITY PICNIC Attached is a letter from City Attorney Barry Anderson concerning the question of alcoholic beverages at the Annual City Appreciation Picnic. The Council's decision regarding the sexving of such beverages was deferred pending receipt of this letter. Arrangements for the picnic will be finalized based on your decision. n U DAVID B. ARNOLD 'RTES R. CARNDCBAEL HAEL B. LeBARON GARY D. McDCWELL FAYE KNOWLES STEVEN A. ANDERSON O. HARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. HOOK CHARLES L.NAIL.JR. DANIEL J. BERENS LAURA R. FBETLAND DAVID A. BRUEOOEMANN JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT June 26, 1987 ARNOLD & MCDo ELL ATTORNEYS AT LAw 5881 CEDAR LASE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55410 (612) 545-9000 MN TOLL FREE 800- 343 -454: CABLE �{G L[�N' MI�tNEAPOLiS (�E C PIEH16121645 -1783 111 } 1•� L Mr. Gary D. Plotz City Administrator City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 ICS 1 t 7 V /y,�M1V U 601 SODTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 65071 (612) 368- 2214 714 TENTH STREET EAST OLENCOE, MINNESOTA 55330 (0121 604-001 2 2829930,3j, cI T � ll;a;1987 HY...._.......-•--• 101 PARE PLACE NSON, MINNESOTA 55350 (612) 507-7575 Re: Consumption of Liquor at Annual Appreciation Picnic Our File No. 3188 -87 -0001 • Dear Mr. Plotz: • At a recent City Council meeting, this office was asked to address the question of whether or not the City of Hutchinson may provide alcoholic beverages to those persons in attendance at the Annual City Appreciation Picnic. For purposes of answering this inquiry, it is assumed that no charge is made for those present at the pic- nic since the sale of liquor falls under a different category of rules. The Minnesota Supreme Court has within the last few years addressed the issue of whether an employer of a person who becomes intoxi- cated at a Christmas party could thereafter be held liable for injuries to a third party resulting from an automobile accident. In the decision of Meany v. Newell, 367 N.W.2d 472, 474 -475 (Minn. 1985), the Minnesota Supreme Court held that the employer was not a commercial vendor in the business of selling alcohol and therefore the Civil Damages Act, which is the exclusive remedy for a cause of action involving the negligent serving of alcoholic beverages, does not apply. Since the City in the facts posed to this office would also not be a commercial vendor, it would follow that the Civil Damages Act does not include the municipality among the persons or organizations protected by the Act. The Supreme Court previously rejected "common law" liability for the negligent serving of alco- 04-1 Mr. Plotz June 26, 1987 Page 2 holic beverages holding that the Civil Damages Act is the exclusive remedy. Holmquist v. Miller, 367 N.W.2d 468, 471 (Minn. 1985). A conversation with Mark Flaten on this issue revealed that the City's general liability policy would include coverage for the dispensing of alcoholic beverages under the circumstances outlined above so even if there is expansion of liability over and above that currently contemplated by the Holmquist and Hoffman decisions, liability proceeds would be available to compensate the injured party in the event of municipal negligence. In summary, as a social host, it does not appear that the municipa- lity has common law or statutory liability for the negligent serving of alcoholic beverages. If such liability is attached, through caselaw or otherwise, the City's insurance consultant has advised that coverage under the policy to be purchased for the term beginning July 1, 1987 will extend to the facts outlined above. If you have any questions or problems in connection with the foregoing, you certainly should feel free to contact me. • Thank you. Best personal regards. • Very truly yours, ARNOLD & McDOWELL Barry Anderson GBA /jhn CC: Mark Flaten r1 U (612) 587 -5151 • H CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: July 1, 1987 TO: -Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Plan Approval for Pump Installation at the Water Treatment Plant The consulting engineering firm of Rieke Carroll Muller Associates, Inc., has prepared plans and specifications for a project that would provide for furnishing and installing a booster pump, with associated electrical controls and connection piping at the Water Treatment Plant, The equipment would pump • treated water from the storage facility at the Treatment Plant into the distribution system. It will act to temporarily replace existing pumps should they be out of service for maintenance reasons, to supplement existing pumps during periods of high water usage, and to maintain pressure and capacity in the distribution system as the system continues to develop. The Water Department Budget includes $50,000.00, for this project, while the estimated construction cost is $42,500,00. We request that the accompanying resolution approving plans and specifications be adopted. EA /pv attachment • Respectfully submitted, e An derson 4'en Director of Engineering q-, RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Resolution No. 8566 WHEREAS, The City Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the furnishing and installing of a high service booster pump and appurtenances at the Municipal Water Treatment Facility, and has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The City Administrator shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be opened and considered by the City at 2:00 P.M. on August 6th, 1987, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Hutchinson, Minnesota, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the clerk for 10 per cent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of July, 1987. Mayor City Administrator • • • (612) 587 -5151 • y�y CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: July 1, 1987 T0: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Proposed Supplemental Agreement for Plaza Heights Project Unstable soils high in organic content were encountered during construction on the Plaza Heights project and in particular, on Sunset Street. The accompanying proposed Supplemental Agreement to the Contract provides for additional work required to assure a long lasting street, when permanent street improvements are ultimately constructed, • Approval of the proposed Supplemental Agreement is hereby requested. EA /pv • Respectfully submitted, �l j ,t,tZ2,ti� �, •,� (fib I I ugen Anderson Director of Engineering ! —J CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT Wss P.O. Box 189, Hutchinson, MN 553 This contract is amended as follows: ed. Project NfA ocation Plaza Heiehts Supp. to Contract No. LettinS 3 No. 87 -08 Sheet i OT 2 ty Hutchinson, MN WHEREAS, this contract provides, among other things, for the construction of sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer, grading and aggregate base, with pertinent pay items therefore; and WHEREAS, soil high in organic content and unstable soil was encountered within the right -of -way; and WHEREAS, the Engineer has determined that such soil is not suitable as subgrade material for future permanent street improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD: 1. That the Contractor shall provide all labor, materials and equipment required to excavate unsuitable soil and backfill the excavation with clay material from right -of -way on the project, and to place geotextile construction fabric in areas of unstable soil. 2. That the construction shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of the contract specifications, with MN /DOT Specification 2105, and as directed by We Engineer. Geotextile construction fabric shall have a minimum grab tensile Strength of 200 pounds. 3. That the unit of measure for the extra labor, materials and equipment, all as provided by the contractor, shall be by the cubic yard (EV) for excavation, by the cubic yard (EV) for backfill, and by the square yard for geotextile construction fabric. 4. That the negotiated unit price for the extra work specified herein is $1.2C per cubic yard (EV) for common excavation; $1.25 per cubic yard (EV) for borrow material for backfill; and $1.00 per square yard for geotextile construction fabric. 5. Contract time will not be revised except as may be provided under the provisions of MN /DOT Specification 1806. 6. The Contractor will not make claim of any kind or character whatsoever, for any other costs or expenses which he may have incurred or which may be hereafter incurred in performing the work or furnishing the materials required by this agreement. Original Contract Amount $95,916.30 Dated: 19_ Director of Engineering Original Contract Date May 12, 1987 Dated: 19_ Contractor • Dated: 19 Mayor Dated: 19 City Administrator CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT Fe . Project This contract is amended as follows: ESTIMATE OF COST Increase Items Supp. to Contract No.Letting 3 No. 87 -08 Sheet 2 of Project City Project Ufa R7_0A Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount MgiX Common Excavation (EV) 400 C.Y. $ 1.20 $ 480.00 Common Borrow (EV) 400 C.Y. $ 1.25 $ 500.00 Geotextile (Construction Fabric) 1680 S.Y. $ 1.00 $ 1,680.00 Increase this Agreement----------------------------- - - - - -- $ 2,660.00 Original Contract Previous Additions Additions This Agreement Total Percentage Increase $ 95,916.30 1,316.20 2,660.00 $ 99,892.50 • 4.10 Original $95,916.30 Contract Amount Dated: , 19_ Director of Engineering Original Contract Date MgiX 12 1987 Dated: , 19_ Contractor Dated: 19 Mayor Dated: 19 City Administrator r612) 587 -5151 HurcH' ! CITY OF HUTCHINSON AVENUE WES7 ^ VIINN 55350 June 30, 1987 M E M O R A N D U M TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL RE: WORK STUDY AGRE& E NT The Work -Study agreement for the 1987 -88 school year between the Vocational - Technical Institute and the City is attached for your approval. We have used work -study students under similar aaremients for many years. The City's obligation is for 20% of the wages paid, . at minimiun wage or slightly higher. (The 1988 minimum wage will be $3.55.) E q--(� I OFF - CAMPUS WORKSTUDY • Work Agreement This agreement is entered into between Hutchinson Area Vocational Technical Institute, hereinafter known as the "institution ", and City of Hutchinson (a public organization), ( ), (strike one), within the meaning of that term as defined in Section 175.2 of the College Work -Study Regulations, for the purpose of providing work to students eligible to particiapate in the College Work -Study Program. The Institution agrees to the following: 1. To make available to the organization during the period of this agreement eligible students selected and employed by the institution to perform a specified work assignment under the direct supervision of qualified personnel of the organization. 2. As the employer, to pay compensation for services of all students under the College Work -Study Program. 3. Students made available under this agreement will be limited to working an average of 20 hours per week during the school year and 40 hours per week during the summer or full week of holiday periods. No student will be permitted to earn more than is is indicated by his /her financial need analysis. • The Organization agrees: 1. That work performed under the terms of this agreement will be in the public interest and that it would not otherwise be provided. That the student employment will not result in the displacement of employed workers or impair existing contracts for services. 2. To reimburse the institution 20% of the total salary paid to the student while he /she is performing services under this agreement. Reimbursement to be made quarterly. Compensation of students for work performed on a project under agreement will be disbursed and all payments due as an employer's contribution under State and Local Workmen;s Compenstaion Laws or under other applicable laws will be made by the Institution It is further agreed that schedules to be attached to this agreement from time to time will set forth brief descriptions of the work to be performed by students under this agreement, the total number of students to be employed, and the hourly rate of pay for this employment. It is further agreed by the parties that at no time will a student who performs work for the organization under this agreement be deemed an employee of the organization. However, the agency has the right to control and direct • the service of the student. i N 0 This agreement is effective from the day of , 19 , through the day of 19_, agreement may be extended beyond the original expiration by mutual agreement. For the Institution For the Organization (City of Hutchinson) by (title) (date) by Gary D. Plotz City Administrator (title) (date) by Paul Ackland Mayor • �m • (612) 587 -5151 • iHlrmY C/TY OF HtlUE H SON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON. MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: June 29, 1987 TO: (Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Truck Traffic on Sixth Avenue S.E. Prompted by requests from adjacent residents, this department reviewed truck traffic on 6th Avenue S.E. between Main Street and Jefferson Street. The area is zoned R -2 and has a residential use. There are a number of trucks that presently use the street, presumably as a shortcut for trips • originating south of 6th Avenue on Main Street bound for Jefferson Street. Fifth Avenue S.E. is presently a designated truck route and since the Sixth Avenue S.E. pavement was not designed to carry a significant number of trucks, we recommend that truck traffic on Sixth Avenue S.E. be prohibited. A resolution for that purpose is attached. EA /pv attachment • Respectfully submitted, I. ic. Euge Anderson Director of Engineering RESOLUTION NO. 8568 RESOLUTION PROHIBITING TRUCK TRAFFIC ON SIXTH AVENUE SOUTHEAST BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON; MINNESOTA: 1. That truck traffic be and is hereby prohibited from traveling on Sixth Avenue Southeast from Main Street to Jefferson Street. 2. That the City Engineer is directed to erect and maintain appropriate traffic control signs. Adopted by the City Council this City Administrator day of July, 1987. • • . 9-d. (612) 587 -5151 f/ CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: June 25, 1987 TO: -Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Repairing Damaged Curb and Pavement at the Armory At the request of the Department of Military Affairs, this Department inspected curb and paving at the National Guard Armory for damage due to settlement and recommended areas for possible reconstruction. • The Department of Military Affairs has authorized the City to proceed with construction, and will reimburse the City for costs incurred. Correspondence is attached. The accompanying proposed Supplemental Agreement would add this extra work to a current City Project. Council approval of the agreement is hereby requested. EA /pv attachment • Respectfully submitted, Eugene Anderson Director of Engineering q-'r # 12) 7 -5151 r %r/U�ui' C: % Ci Ui CY,INSON y' 7 . 37 W. -Save TCN A VEPVUE !'VEST ML- ,VC -i;NSCN.,'✓,tPL1V 65350 June 5th, 1987 LTC Thomas Bong Office of the Architect $ Engineer P. 0. Box 348 Camp Ripley Little Falls, MN 56345 -0348 RE: Curb and Bituminous Reconstruction National Guard Site Hutchinson, Minnesota Dear LTC Bong: This department has inspected curb and gutter and bituminous pavement damaged due to settlement, and has prepared the enclosed estimate of cost for reconstruction. The estimated construction cost is $3,924. If you wish to retain the City for construction supervision and inspection, the estimated cost for such services is $589. The estimated total cost is then $4,513. • This work could be accomplished as an addition to other contracts to which • the City is currently a party. If you wish to revise the estimated quantities, please call me (612- 587 - 5151). Otherwise, if you desire to have the City perform the reconstruction and to supervise and inspect same, please inform mein writing. Please accept my apology for previous delays in this matter. Sincerely, CITY OF HUTCHIYSGX Eugene Anderson Director of Engineering EAR!? v enc. cc: Cal Rice • ST4Te or M.4weson LTC Bong /meh/ W'ARTMMWT Of MILITARY A"AIRS (612) 632 -6631, Ext. 341 /Aumes M OP049NW► omCe P.O. box 349 CN4► x1Mir torte Fitts MP**SOTA 56x5 -0348 June 12, 1987 SUBJECT: Curb and Bituminous Reconstruction at the Hutchinson National Guard Armory Mr. Eugene Anderson Director of Engineering City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Dear Mr. Anderson: This correspondence is your authorization to proceed with the work at the Hutchinson National Guard Armory described in your letter dated June 5, 1987. • The amount budgeted for this project is the $3,924.00 estimated by your depart- ment. The construction supervision and inspection will be provided by the Facilities Management Office at Camp Ripley, Minnesota. The point of contact at this office will be LTC Thomas Bong (612) 632 -6631, Extension 341. Your cooperation and assistance in the project are deeply appreciated. Sincerely, n \ � 6•.-� -+--ate , ` 'f' �---o-- Wayne A. Johnson Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, MNARNG Facilities Management Officer is q- E I CITY OF HUCCHINSON, MINNESOTA SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT 1987 Supp. to Contract No. LETTING No. Shoot 1 of 2 rx- �ntnctor e o ect fate Project [City Project Atkinson Blacktop Service Inc. NY - 87-11-87-71 ress105 E. Depot St., Box 538, Location out Roberts Road, Sibley Avenue, Li chf Bradford St. 5 High St. Hutchinson MN This contract is aaended as follows: WHEREAS, this contract provides, among other things, for the construction of grading, aggregate base, curb and gutter, bituminous surfacing and appurtenances, with pertinent pay items therefore; and WHEREAS, areas of bituminous pavement and curb and gutter at the National Guard Armory site in Hutchinson, MN, have deteriorated due to settlement; and WHEREAS, the Engineer has determined that the deteriorated areas must be removed and replaced; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD: 1. That the Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment and materials required to remove curb and gutter and bituminous surfacing, perform common excavation, place geotextile construction fabric, and construct aggregate base and bituminous surfacing. 2. That the construction shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions •of the Contract Specifications, including a 12" thickness of aggregate base, a 3" thickness of bituminous material, geotextile construction fabric of 200 pounds minimum grab tensile strength, and as directed by the Engineer. 3. That the unit of measure for the extra work, all as provided by the Contractor, shall be by the linear foot for removing and replacing curb and gutter, by the square yard for removing bituminous surfacing, by the cubic yard for common excavation, by the cubic yard for aggregate base, by the ton for bituminous mixture, and by the square yard for geotextile construction fabric. 4. That the negotiated unit price for the extra work specified herein is $12.00 per linear foot for removing and replacing curb and gutter; $2.00 per square yard for removing bituminous surfacing; $3.00 per cubic yard for common excavation, $8.00 Per cubic yard for aggregate base, $40.00 per ton for bituminous material; and $1.25 per square yard for geotextile construction fabric. 5. Contract time will not be revised except as may be provided under the provisions of MN /DOT Specification 1806. na $105,695.00 Dated: 19_ ginal Contract Date Director o. May 12 1987 Dated: 19_ Contractor Dated: 19 Mayor Dated: 19_ Citv Administrator This contract is ascended as follows: 6. The Contractor will not make claim of any kind or character whatsoever, for any other costs or expenses which he may have incurred or which may be hereafter incurred in performing the work or furnishing the materials required by this agreement. ESTIMATE OF COST INCREASE ITEMS Item Quantity Unit 1987 CITY OF WF- CHINSON, MINNESOTA Amount Supp. to Contract No. LETTING 4 Remove & Replace B618 Curb $ Gutter 30 L.F. No. 12.00 $ SUPPLEMMAL AGREEMENT Shoot 2 �ntractor S.Y. $ Fed. Project tate Project City Pro ect Common Excavation Atkinson Blackto Service, Inc. N/A N/A 187-10,87-11,&1 Class 5 Aggregate Base ress105 E. Depot St., Box 538 $ Location South Roberts Road, Siblev Avenue, $ Litchfield, MN 55355 42 Bradford St. F High St. Hutchinson MN 40.00 This contract is ascended as follows: 6. The Contractor will not make claim of any kind or character whatsoever, for any other costs or expenses which he may have incurred or which may be hereafter incurred in performing the work or furnishing the materials required by this agreement. ESTIMATE OF COST INCREASE ITEMS Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Original Contract Date Amount 12 1987 Remove & Replace B618 Curb $ Gutter 30 L.F. $ 12.00 $ 360.00 Remove Bituminous Surfacing 232 S.Y. $ 2.00 $ 464.00 Common Excavation 96 C.Y. $ 3.00 $ 288.00 Class 5 Aggregate Base 104 C.Y. $ 8.00 $ 83246 Bituminous Material 2331 Base 42 TON $ 40.00 $ 1,680.00 Geotextile Construction Fabric 240 S.Y. $ 1.25 $ 300.00 TOTAL INCREASE---------------------------------- --- ------------ ------ - - - - -- $ 3,924.00 ORIGINAL CONTRACT $ 105,695.00 PREVIOUS ADDITIONS 0.00 ADDITION THIS AGREEMENT 3,924.00 TOTAL------ --------- -- --- --- ---- -- - - - - -- $ 109,619.00 PERCENTAGE INCREASE 3.7% Original $105,695.00 Contract Amount Dated: 19_ Director of Engineering Original Contract Date May 12 1987 Dated: 19_ Contractor Dated: 19 Mayor Dated: 19 City Administrator (612) 587 -5151 H�rtH' CITY OF HUTCHINSON • 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON. MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: June 24, 1987 TO: v Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Proposed Supplemental Agreement for Letting No. 5, Project 87 -17 The attached Supplemental Agreement pertains to the sanitary sewer and storm sewer project that will serve the new school. In particular, the agreement provides for two changes to the sanitary sewer lift station. The first change would increase the diameter of the lift station, thereby reducing the frequency with which the pumps must run, the running time and improve maintenance characteristics. There would then be a savings in • operation and maintenance costs. The cost for the enlarged lift station is $1,170.00. Second, it is not feasible to provide the type of electric power to the site that was assumed at the time of design. Attached is a letter from Hutchinson Utilities stating thus. Electrical equipment must, therefore, be modified to provide compatibility with the power that will be provided. The additional cost for such modifications is $1,804.00. Approval of the Supplemental Agreement is requested, so that the status of the changes may be advanced. EA /pv attachments • Respectfully submitted, Euge Anderson Director of Engineering %-F Hutchinson Utilities Commission Hutchinson. Minnesota 2 ?5 micmgan street 55350 E. 'Bud" Daggett President 'ne do e Beaty 'Vice President Thomas B. Lyke Secretary Ruth Hakel rene,ai Manager 'c 1587 -4746 0 June 10, 1987 Eugene Anderson City Engineer City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 Re: Lift Station West Elementary School Dear Gene: From the best predictions we have, the area where the lift station will be constructed is residential. We have no problem serving single phase lift stations from the same transformers which serve private homes. I cannot antici- pate the need for any three phase power, other than the lift station proposed. It is not cost effective to build a three phase installa- • tion for a 20 Ampere three phase load. Due to the fact that this area is undeveloped, we will serve the station with an overhead power line and convert to underground distribution as the property is developed. We will have to set one (1) pole within the twenty -five foot (259) area designated for the lift station. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. is cc: Ruth Hakel Sincerely, HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 4 M. D. "Butch" Wentworth Electric Superintendent u CITY OF HITTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 1987 Supp. to Contract No. LETTING No. 87 -17 Sheet 1 0 tractor red. Project tate Project Elf iinrV t5 UAM CONSTRUCTION COMPANY N.A. N.A. A7-1- d Tess Location Dale to School Rd. & on School Rd. BOX 42, WILLMAR, MN 56201 by New School Bldg. Site, Hutchinson, MN This contract is uwnded as follows: WHEREAS, this contract provides, among other things, for furnishing and installing a sanitary sewer lift station and appurtenances, pay item number 17; and WHEREAS, the specified 60" diameter lift station wet well and three phase electrical service are undesirable for economic and maintenance reasons; and WHEREAS, the Engineer has determined that a 72" diameter wet well be installed and single phase electrical service be provided; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD. 1. That the Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment and materials required to install a 72" diameter sewage lift station wet well with pumps and appurtenant equipment that are compatible with single phase electrical power. 2. That the construction shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of the contract specifications and as directed by the Engineer. 3. That the unit of measure for the extra labor, equipment and material, all as • provided by the Contractor, shall be by the lump sum. 4. That the negotiable lump sum price for the extra work specified herein is Two Thousand, Nine Hundred Seventy -Four Dollars and No /100 ($2,974.00). S. Contract time will not be revised except as may be provided under the provisions of MN /DOT Specification 1806. 6. The Contractor will not make claim of any kind or character whatsoever, for any other costs or expenses which he may have incurred or which may be hereafter incurred in performing the work or furnishing the materials required by this agreement. Dated: , 19 to 1987 1 Dated: , 19_ Contractor Dated: , 19 Dated: , 19 strator [0 CITY OF HLITCHINSON, MINNESOTA SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT QUAM CONSTRUCTION COMPANY jAd dress BOX 42, WILLMAR, MN 56201 This contract is aaended as follows: INCREASE ITEMS on Dale ESTIMATE OF COST 1987 Supp. to Contract No. LETTING 5 No. -r= Sheet 2 LOW ITEM Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Lump Sum Increase for Lift Station 1 LUMP $ 2,974.00 $ 2,974.00 NetIncrease-------------------------- -- -- --- --- --- ----------- --- - -- $ 2,974.00 Original Contract Previous Addition Additions This Agreement TOTAL Percentage Increase $183,701.60 0.00 2,974.00 $186,675.60 1.6% .60 Dated: 19_ ract Date Director o 1987 Dated: 19_ Contractor Dated: 19 Dated: 19 City Administrator C-1 J (612) 587 -5151 // CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: July 8th, 1987 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Assessment Roll No. 235 Letting No. 16, Project No, 87 -36 Bids for the above - referenced project that would provide sanitary sewer to, among other areas, Oakwood Lane, were opened on July 7th, 1987. Two bids were received, the low bid being submitted by Rickert Excavating of Brownton, • Minnesota, An assessment roll has been prepared based on that bid. The accompanying resolutions order the assessment roll and an assessment hearing for the August 11, 1987, Council Meeting. EA /pv attachments • Respectfully submitted, Eugene Anderson Director of Engineering 9- G RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 235 • Letting No. 16, Project No. 87 -36 Resolution No. 8572 WHEREAS, cost has been determined for the improvement of Easterly Side of Golf Course Road (C.S.A.H. 12) from 300' South of County Road 76 to Oakwood Lane by the construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances, and the bid price for such improvement is $38,652.50, and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $8,503.55, so that the total cost of the improvement will be $47,156.05. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $0.13, and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $47,155.92. 2. The City Administrator, with the assistance of the City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 3. The City Administrator shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of July, 1987. City Administrator y- • RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT • ASS NT ROLL NO. 235 Letting No. 16, Project No. 87 -36 Resolution No. 8573 WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on the 14th day of July, 1987, the City Administrator was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of improving Easterly Side of Golf Course Road (C.S.A.H. 12) from 300' South of County Road 76 to Oakwood Lane by the construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances; AND WHEREAS, the City Administrator, has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 11th day of August, 1987, in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 8:00 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such assessment. • 2. The City Administrator is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of July, 1987. Mayor City Administrator n LJ 9 -� 0 Computed By$ Fi GENF ANn Cheowed Bys CAI, RICE 0 SANITARY SEWER 4 APPURTENANCES OAKWOOD.ADDITION AREA SERVICE LEAD I No._YRS. SPREAD I 10 UNIT USED PER UNIT I ACCT. �• PARCEL •NANB A ADDREM ADDITION OR UNIT SERVICE TOTAL N0. NO. OF OWNER 3USDIVISION LOT ORMA25 LINE COST LEAD COST CREDITS 25- 117 -30 -14 -0010 Dale 6 Kathleen Strain 1207 Oakwood Lane 326-001( Hutth nson. MN 55350 Oakwood Addition I 1 1 S 561.38 25- 117 -30 -14 -0020 Robert 6 Kathryn Beeler 1205 Oakwood Lane 2 326-0020 Hutchinson !N 55350 Oakwood Addition 2 1 1 561.38 '5-5- (x-14- 0 John B Ruth Bergerson 1203 Oakwood Lane 3 326 -003 Hutchinson HN 55350 Oakwood Addition 3 1 1 561.38 5- 17-30-14-0040 Timothy 8 Janet Krasen 1200 Oakwood Lane 4 326 -0040 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Oakwood Addition 4 1 1 561.38 -00 0 Lyndon { Donna Gernand 1200 Oakwood Lane 5 326 -0050 Hutchinson MN 553511 Oakwood Addition S 14- 6 J. Scott h Judith Plowman - 1204 Oakwood Lane 6 .326 -0060 Hutchinson, MN S5350 Oakwood Addition 6 1 1 Robb 8 Mary Totushek 1 1208 - Oakwood Lane - 7 326 -0070 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Oakwood Addition 7 1 1 Total Interest.... Grand Totals...... -1 Compiled Syt EUGENE ANDFRSON LETTING NO. 16, PROJECT NO. 87 -36 COST PER UNIT f 3boi.3a Computed Sys EUGENE ANDERSON SANITARY SEWER 8 APPURTENANCES SERVICE LEAD t Checked !yt CAL RICE OAKWOOD ADDITION AREA NO. IRS. SPREAD t UNIT USED s PER UNIT ACCT. PARCML NAME A ADDRESS ADDITION OR SERVICE TOTAL 00. NO. or NE COST LEAD COST CREDITS ASSESSMENT Howard L. Jr. B K. Haugen 1212 Oakwood Lane B 326 -008 Hutchinson MN S5350 Oakwood Addition 8 1 1 561.38. 25 -1 7- - 4 -0 Daniel L.8 Pamela A. Holy 1216 Oakwood Lane 9 326-009C Hutchinson MN 55350 Oakwood Addition 9 1 1 S61.38 2S -117- 0 -14 -0100 James 8 Peggy Swanke 1220 Oakwood Lane 10 325-OIOC Hutchinson MN SS350 Oakwood Addition 10 1 1 $61.38 Federal Land Bank of St. Paul NOT IN CITY c/o Farm Credit Services 212 W. Main, P.O. Box 178 DEFERRED 11 Waconia MN SS387 Tract in SW 114 Sec. 2S- 117 -30 32 17 4,16 2S- 117 -30 -14 -0001 NOT IN CITY Gary 8 Sharon Daniels Rt. 3 DEFERRED 2 Hutchinson. MN SS3S0 Krsican Acres 25- 117 -30 -14 -0003 NOT IN CITY Myron Daniels Rt. 3 DEFERRED 13 Hutchinson MN SS3S0 Krs' _ _ 1 Crow River Country Club 42 Acres in SW 1/4 S of Road DEFERRED Hutchinson MI 55350 Sec. 25- 117 -30 Total Interest.... Grand Totals...... 0 is . Compiled Byt EHCrvE. ANDERSON LETTING NO, 16, PROJECT NO, 87 -36 eosT PER UNIT : $561.38 Computed Byt PtN]PN NI AEI °.Ii50N SANITARY SEWER 6 APPURTENANCES SERVICE LEAD i Checked By$ CAL RICE OAKWOOD ADDITION AREA NO. IRS. SPREAD : 10 UNIT USED t PER UNIT AcsR.¢.cu mr anu_ an CSC ACCT. PARCEL NAME A ADDRESS ADDITION OR WITS SERVICE TOTAL A0. NO. OF OWNER SUBDIVISION LOT 1=111M INE COST LEAD COST CREDITS ASSESSMENT NOT IN CITY Anna Krsiean Rt. 3 DEFERRED S S61,38 NOT IN CITY Robert Baseman Rt. 3 DEFERRED 16 Hutchinson, MN S53SO Krsiean Acres 2 2 2 1,122.76 NOT IN CITY Courtney Eck Rt. 3 ..,t. DEFT: BRED 17 Hutchinson, MI SS350 Krsiean Acres 3 2 2 -- 1 122.76 NOT IN CITY Lila Hormann etal Rt. 3 S 1/2 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 .. DEFERRED 18 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Sec. 2S- 117 -30 8 4,491.04 NOT IN CITY Edward 6 Emmet McCormick N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 8 S 512 Kay St. 440.340 of NW 1/4 SE 1/4 -DEFERRED 9 Hutchinson, MI 55350 Sec. 25-117-30 NOT IN CITY Charles Bullert Rt. 3 WE 1/4 NW 1/4 E of McLeod Count DEFERRED 20 Hutchinson, M7 SS3SO #12 Frank 6 Norman Johnson NOT IN CITY L.E. Elsie Johnson Rt. 3 NW 1/4 NE 1/4 See. DEFERRED 21 Hutchinson, MN SS3SO 36-117-30 1,684.14 Total Interest.... Grand Totals...... 0 ��BY' CaDUted By, cheolced Byr, 23 PR0.IECT NO• R7 CES I;TT ING YO SEWD ER AD AND API'IIRTENAN SANITAR DITION AREA OAKWOO U_fr NE 1/4 of NN llq of part of Ron Horswell - Rt- 3. c -i y of Huich v5. MN [ viest 37 Washington S3 g, 503.55 COST 47 156.05 CONSTR KPENSC (22 %) _ CITY E' .I.OTN, COST • I I A 01__ 1 i COST T PER UNIT SERVICE LEAD 10 N0. YRs. SPREAD s ER IINI'T [ TOTAL UNIT USED _ Tra ASSE1 Total Principal "� Total Interest.. DEFf.RRED • (612) 587 -5151 %/UTCH' CITY OF HUTCHINSON • 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 • • JULY 7, 1987 TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL ------------------------ ----- ---------- - - - --- FROM: KEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR ---------------- ---- ------------------- - - - - -- SUBJECT: 1987 HEALTH INSURANCE RENEWAL -------------------- ------------- ---- - -- - -- Jim Breitbach from the PHP Co. will be present to review the proposal for renewing of the 1987/88 contract. The proposed changes are outlined the letter to Gary which is attached. This coverage is for the health insurance which the city currently has under contract. )- H June 17, 1987 Mr. Gary Plotz City Administrator City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Dear Mr. Plotz: f� Physicians of Minnesota August 1, 1987 marks the renewal of the Contract between Physicians Insurance Company of Minnesota (PIC) and City of Hutchinson. Attached is the experience related to your group during the past year. We trust that you will find this data informative. For the period August 1, 1986 through March 31, 1987, PHP had premium revenues of $91,620 and claim and administration expenses of $149,800 applicable to your group. This develops a claim "loss ratio" of approximately 164 %. Please note the Experience Accounting Summary which explains how this result was derived. Effective with renewal the PIC Combination Plan will be offered. Please see the brochure enclosed for benefit specifics. We would also like to point out the changes in your "Master Group Contract" related to your renewal: RLqqast- 1. Effective jawXary 1, 1987 the $4.50 copayment per Prescription Order or refill with a limit of a 34 days supply of medical will increase to $5.50. 2. Emergency Services provided on an outpatient basis by a Participating Hospital copayment of $25 will increase to $30. 3. For off -cycle enrollments which deal with a "Hardship" situation, you may elect to add our Hardship Clause to your Master Group Contract. This allows for eligibility in "Hardship" situations in the case of involuntary termination or layoff from employment of a spouse, death or permanent disability of the spouse or divorce without having to go through the 90 day waiting period. This Hardship Clause allows for coverage of an Eligible Enrollee and /or their Eligible Dependents within 31 days in which the hardship situation occurred. 4. Due to the new Federal law (COBRA) which was passed in July, 1986, continuation coverage has also changed. Employees and their dependents may be eligible to continue their coverage for up to 18 -36 months if they are ineligible under the group plan due to termination of employment, divorce or loss of status as a dependent. 5601 Smetana Drive P.O. Box 1587 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 -7001 (612) 936 -1200 rI L L� • 5. Coordination of Benefits Rules have also changed effective January 1, 1987. Gender shall no longer determine which parent's Plan has • Primary Responsibility when family members have coverage under one or more health plans other than PIC. Primary Responsibility shall now be based on the parents' birthday. The parent whose birthday occurs earlier in the calendar year shall have Primary Responsibility for the dependent's Eligible Expenses. 6. Effective March 1, 1987 a second opinion will be required for the following surgeries; hysterectomy, cataract extraction, joint replacement and coronary bypass. The purpose of the second opinion program is to enhance the quality of care and reduce surgical costs by informing the member of possible alternative methods of treatment. If the member does not seek a second opinion, coverage for the hospitalization will be reduced. 7. Reconstructive Surgery and all other associated Health Services received during a Participating PIC Hospital Confinement has been modified. A copayment to the member will be assessed of 20% for eligible expenses up to a maximum of $1500 per confinement. This copayment will not apply to PIC Physician office services. 8. The PIC Combination Plan Chiropractor benefit has also been revised. For use of Preferred Providers coverage will be 80% of usual and customary charges after deductible has been met. For use of Non - Preferred Providers, coverage will be ,",ObO% after deductible. The maximum allowable visits between use of Preferred and Non - Preferred • Providers is limited to 24 visits per member per calendar year. 9. Premium payments from the Enrolling Unit will have a grace period of 10 days from the date any premium charges are due. In the event all or a portion of the premium charges remain unpaid at the end of the Grace period, a 1% Finance Charge will be assessed on the unpaid balance. Your renewal rates for Option I (same benefits as previously) are as follows: Present Rates Class I (Employee only) $ 55.61 Class IV (Employee and Eligible Dependents) $157.14 Renewal Rates $ 60.06 $169.71 Rates are contingent upon review of any base plan changes in rates or benefits and employer contribution toward premium. • Option II "s benefits and rates are as follows: o Master Group Contract 865 (a $10 copayment will apply for each non - preventive office visit) is being offered. Renewal rates are as follows: Present Rates Renewal Rates Class I (Individual) $ 55.61 $ 58.95 Class IV (Family) $157.14 $166.57 All new enrollees in PIC will receive new identification cards and member packets. We trust you will find these renewal rates to be acceptable. Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jim Breitbach Regional Representative PHYSICIANS OF MINNESOTA JB:sll cc: Jim Mandel is • DAVID B. ARNOLD •CHARLES R. CARMICHAEL MICHAEL B- L.BARON GARY D. MIDOWMLL PAYE KNOY:LES STEVEN A. ANDERSON O. HARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. RODE CHARLES L, NAIL, JR. DANIEL J. BERENS LAURA E. PRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEGGEMANN JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT July 6, 1987 ARNO1.D & MCDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 5881 CEDAR LANE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55418 (012) 545 -9000 MN ToLI, FREE CABLE+ MC1.A1 LN P�7 Mr. Gary Plotz City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue East Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Re: Lund Easement Dear Mr. Plotz: 1�- �v �` R� REPLY TO: 501 SODTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (91£1 388- 2214 714 TENTH STREET EAST GLENCOE, MINNESOTA 55338 19121 804 -9m 301 PARE PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 (912) 587 - 7575 Hutchinson Office JUL 1981 J� r;Y.. This letter is to advise you that on Wednesday evening, June 1, 1987, I met with Roger Lund and Mrs. Lund and James DeMeyer along with the City's Director of Engineering, Eugene Anderson. The topic of • discussion was the easement necessary to complete work along South Grade Road. As you may recall, the position of Mr. DeMeyer, who is apparently negotiating for the Lunds, was that the Lunds wanted a commitment that there would be no assessments of any sort at any time against their property in exchange for the easement, no parking anywhere along the South side of South Grade Road and some minor adjustments in the construction easement. These demands were unacceptable to the City. After some discussion, a concensus emerged concerning a possible settlement which would look something like the following: 1. The City would receive the permanent easement along South Grade Road as proposed; 2. The City would make a commitment for no assessments for improvements along South Grade Road to the Lunds for a period not to exceed 10 years. The "no assessment clause" would expire upon the sale of the property or its develop- ment if those events occurred prior to the end of the 10 -year period. The Director of Engineering advises me that ZZ q_1_T I Mr. Gary Plotz July 6, 1987 • Page 2 significant improvements to South Grade Road upon completion of the planned project are not contemplated so it would not appear that a limited no assessment commitment would involve much if any sacrifice on the part of the City. The Lunds advise me that they have paid very significant assessments in the past including at least one assessment in excess of $6,000.00 and as the property is currently laid out, they have only limited development opportunities. 3. As you may recall, one of the issues that also has been discussed is the question of a no parking zone. Because of MN DOT requirements, there will be no parking from the intersection of South Grade Road to approximately the dri- veway of the DeMeyer Realty Office. After some discussion, the no parking extension request was limited to approxima- tely 75 feet West of the end of the driveway. The intent would be to have no parking running to the westerly edge of the fitness center driveway on the opposite side of the street but parking would be permitted West of that point all the way to the intersection. Obviously, the police depart- ment will need to take a look at that request, but it would • not appear to be, at first glance, unreasonable. The no parking commitment would not be part of the easement but the informal understanding that the parties reached was that these matters would be resolved at the same time. 4. There would be a reduction in the construction easement from 15 feet to 10 feet which, according to the Director of Engineering, is not a problem for the City or MN DOT insofar as the reconstruction of South Grade Road and Highway 15 is concerned. Gene and I will be working on some language for the easement. If you have any questions or problems in connection with any of the foregoing, you certainly should feel free to contact me. Thank you. Very truly yours,/ ARNOLD & McDOWELL G. Barry Anderson GBA:rf (6172) 587.5751 H�rrH" CITY OF HUTCHINSON aStiINC- 'OrJAv V WES- SON VINN 55350 July 8, 1987 MEMORANDUM '.• 1• 71 '71' •. 1 171 �••'• 1 /• •' I' I `..tl'171• 171 i • • •' •' 71' • •� We are in the process of submitting the grant application for continued funding for the Hutcbmobile transit service for calendar year 1988. • The application will be similar to previous years. The attached Resolution to enter into the Contract needs to be submitted with the application. • RESOLUTION NO. 8570 Resolved that CITY CF HUTCHINSON enter (recipient) into Contract # with the State of Minnesota, Department (1988) of Transportation, to provide a public transportation service in CITY OF HUTCHINSON service area) Further resolved that CITY OF HUTCHINSON agrees recipient to provide 40 percent of the total operating cost and 20 percent of the total capital cost of the transit project from local funds. Further resolved that authorization to execute the aforementioned Contract and any amendments thereto is hereby given to the CITY ADMINISTRATOR or the MAYOR title title Further resolved that the CITY ADMINISTRATOR or title the FINANCE DIRECTOR is hereby authorized to title execute requests for reimbursement from the Minnesota Department of Transportation. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and correct copy of the resolution presented to and adopted by HUTK3LINSCN CITY COUNCIL, at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the 14thday of July , 19 87as shown by the minutes of said meeting in my possession. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator name Paul L. Ackland MAYOR • title -33- REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JULY 14, 1987 • CENTRAL GARAGE FUND Carlson Equipment Co. parts $ 20.80 Flexible Pipe Tool Co. parts 4774.65 Kortuems Sales Inc. parts 4.48 Precision Lab Inc. chemicals 132.81 Prismo Safety Corp. parts 33.15 Ric Mar Industries chemicals 48.72 Sweeney Bros Tractor parts 170.12 Ag Systems Inc. parts - 6.40 Brandon Tire Center repairs 119.57 Coast to Coast supplies 2.00 Farm & Home supplies 9.13 Carquest Auto Parts supplies & parts 1124.01 Hutch wholesale Supply parts and supplies 277.10 L & P Supply Co. parts & repairs 47.60 MTI Dist. Co. parts 465.62 Old Dominion Brush parts 408.00 Plaza Hardware parts & tools 15.89 Plowmans Inc. repairs 61.95 Ouades Electric parts 9.64 Schmeling Oil Co. oil 42.14 Schramm Implement repairs 93.54 Simonson Lbr. Co. supplies 30.80 Swanke Motors parts 2.50 Town & Country Tire repairs - 46.46 • Wigen Chev. Co. parts 2.40 $7949.48 WATER & SEWER FUND Richard Nagy water operator conference $162.74 Albrecht Oil Co. gasoline 255.42 Davies Water Equipment equipment 2650.00 Donahue & Associates prof. services 29,191.25 General Repair Service repairs 425.00 Lakeland Eng. Equipment parts 122.79 Power Process Equipment equipment 1585.00 U.S. Dept. of HUD refund of closed account 71.50 Allen OfficeProducts 3 hole punch 7.15 Central Ain. Comm. & 1st Natl Bank repairs 139.75 Coast to Coast supplies 97.57 Commissioner of REvenue June sales tax 746.24 County Market supplies 20.94 Co. REcorder filing fees 20.00 Family RExall Drug name tags .40 Farm & Home supplies and parts 40.1: Feed Rite Controls chemicals 1081.16 Au-,o Parts parts 15.03 •Carauest Fitzloff Hardware supplies 1.37 G s K Services uniform rental 253.85 Hutch Coop gasoline 424.98 Hutch Utilities gas & electricity 13,178.68 Hutch Wholesale Supply tools 88.59 i/- Q -2- • Junker Sanitation Juul Contracting L & P Supply Lefever, Lefler et.al. McLeod Co. Sanitary Landfill Mn. Valley Testing Lab Plaza Hardware Power Process Inc. Quades Electric RCM Schmeling Oil Co. Schramm Implement Simonson Lbr. Co. Sorensen Farm United Bldg. Center Robert L. Carr Co. GENERAL FUND Allied Mechanical Systems AMI Roto Rooter Bakers Plays Carlson Equipment Co. •Carlsons Lake Slate Equipment Central Contractos Supply Christensen Piano Service Com. of Transportation Corporate Report Mn. City Bus. Twin Cities Chucks Floral Crowley Co. Inc. Fitzharris Athletic Game Time GLencoe Com. Education F.oliday Inn. Hansen Gravel Inc. Hiawatha Club Hanson, Noel & Lulie Kables Linder Bus Co. Little Crow Shooting Sports Mn. Landscape Arboretum Mn. Assn.of Cem. Officials Mn. Planning Assn. Mn. Soc. of Prof. Eng. Mn. Dept. of Economic Security .Mr. Movies National Police Supply • NK Sales Prof. Civil Eng. Book Club Precision Lab. Inc. Popp Bros. Lbr. Pioneeriand Lib. Systems Quast Transfer refuse pickup 27,521.65 raise & construct manholes 1,447.20 repairs 55.45 legal fees 679.00 june dumping charges 23.80 testing 88.00 parts .89 supplies 85.13 repairs 172.00 professional fees 2,183.57 fuel oil 133.35 parts 2.11 parts 4.28 rental & supplies 36.80 supplies 13.99 construction costs 145,386.20 $ 228,412,94 repair bathroom $139.15 opening line 38.00 play books 48.80 tools & supplies 131.37 repairs 225.00 parts 43.80 repairs 41.50 forms & supplies 15.19 june advertising 185.00 june advertising 50.00 johnson funeral arrangement 17.90 fence materials 390.00 supplies 144.62 supplies 216.98 league fees 15.00 balance on lodging fees 152.29 5 hrs. cat work 340.00 play tickets 46.00 legal services 371.75 air conditioner 299.99 2 buses & parking 281.50 supplies 315.80 46 tickets 92.00 dues 50.00 assn. dues 140.00 specification books 25.00 additional charges 88.51 movies 4.20 replacement leather & brush 52.76 stump removal 343.70 3 publications 53.7I equipment cleaner 60.91 sawing logs 20.00 3rd qtr payment 12,578.50 trucking 57.60. -3- Sterner Inc. • St. Croix Rec. CO. Inc. Spanky's State Farm Mutual Ins. Co. Traf O Teria System Terra Care Inc. TEK Mech. Serv. John Decker Brandon Bol2ingmo Sue Hoikka David Hansen Brian Hansen Mark Wetterling Beverly Wangerin Kathy Tupa Patty Pearce Nancie Waage JU1i.e Kearkling Lori Galles Steve Beach Bernie Miner James Muetzel Bryan Butler Jeff Lehn Bob Beeler Rory Meisner •Rob Walters Citizens Bank Erlene Erickson Lee Clark Ruth Kenning Alice Jorgenson Bruce Ericson Marlin Torgerson Fannie Mae The Kohler Hotel Albinson Allen Office Products Am. WElding Supplies Am. Risk Services Inc. Big Bear Brunner Sales Brinkman STudio Browns Greenhouse Bennett Office Supplies John Bernhagen Ben Franklin Crow River Vet Clinic Coast to Coast Co. Treasurer Chas Bailley & Co. isDon Streicher Guns DOug Jost Carr Flowers Cash Drawer #4 Central Mn. Com. & lst National Bk parts 60.00 supplies 193.94 license refund 25.00 refund for copy 3.00 2000 envelopes 131.83 parts 159.42 repairs 314.00 shelter refund 5.00 safety boots 29.97 safety boots 23.97 safety boots 29.97 safety boots 30.00 swim suits 117.93 refund for swimming 12.00 refund for swimming 12.00 refund for swimming 10.00 refund for swimming 12.00 refund for swimming 4.00 reimbursement 2.11 deposit refund 80.00 deposit refund 80.00 deposit refund 80.00 deposit refund 80.00 deposit refund 80.00 deposit refund 80.00 deposit refund 80.00 deposit refund 80.00 deposit refund 80.00 trip refund 20.00 trip refund 270.00 trip refund 270.00 trip refund 270.00 seminars 29.46 league conference 76.76 land purchase 1.00 bat. of league conv.hotel 1058.43 supplies 47.08 supplies 140.36 chemicals 36.36 july services 800.00 supplies 93.29 solar salt 44.20 film & pictures 24.20 plants 212.98 service contract 30.39 july comp and other expenses 1791.60 supplies 30.20 boarding dogs 298.00 supplies 145.99 dl fees for county 274.00 audit fees 18,000.00 gun & rain coat & jacket 300:20 fees & mileage 1055.90 flowers- Eileen 10.00 cash expenses 71.78 repairs 127.68 ZZ Cola Bottling supplies 518.56 •Coca Hutch Chamber of Commerce rental etc. 438.42 Copy Equipment: office supplies 42.20 County Market April & june supplies 209.38 Culligan Water Cond. softener salt & service 37.60 Com. Auditors repairs 43.94 Crow River Press Inc. oversize paper 17.36 Co. REcorder conditional use permit filed 10.00 Family RExall Drug supplies 382.97 Farm & Home supplies 239.30 Farmers Elevator Assn. lawn mix & roundup 90.00 Feed Rite Controls chemicals 339.80 Floor Care Supply supplies 1310.45 Forbes Auto Store parts 5.00 Great Plains supplies 328.16 Carquest Auto Parts supplies 63.50 Fitzloff Hardware supplies 349.14 Gopher Sign Co. signs 418.08 G & K Services uniform rental 830.51 Home Bakery supplies 15.80 Hager Jewelry mediallions etc. 799.42 Henrys Candy Co. supplies 1234.05 Hutch Com. Hospital laundry & blood test 33.00 Hutch Drug supplies 7.83 Hutch Leader publications & advertising 497.17 •Hutch Medical Clinic Hutch Utilities physicals gas & electricity 397.50 9886.72 Hutch Wholesale Supply rl supplies 39.81 Hutch Cafe police com. lunch 20.00 Hutch Fire & Safety repairs & service 135.45 HCVN Ch. #10 june franchise paytment 750.00 ICMA dues 344.45 Ink Spots printing 72.30 Insurance Planners insurance 10,344.00 Jahnkes Red Owl supplies 3.36 Jerabek Machine Shop part 4.17 K Mart supplies 101.21 Kokesh Inc. supplies 1184.83 League of Mn. Cities Ins. Trust prop, damage 195.00 L & P Supply repairs 72.33 Lamberts Hi -Way washing vehicles 10.00 League of Mn. Cities dues 4195.00 Lefever, Lefler etal legal fees 218.98 MARCO Bus. Products repairs 63.02 Mn. Sports Fed. entry fees 225.00 Mn. Sports Fed. entry fees 1250.00 Mn. Playground Inc.. chemicals 26.36 MTI Dist. Co. part 27.46 Mankato Mobile Radio repairs 564.48 Mankato Business Products copies maintenance 80.00 •Mini Biff McLeod Coop Power Assn. rental units electricity 700.00 192.53 Meeker Washed Sane shale & street materials 1106.08 Midland Products Co. supplies 62.80 Midcontinent Theatre july office rental 350.00 McGarvey CoffeeCo. supplies 112.00 -5- 0 Bell leased phone line $326.50 •Northwestern New Ulm Wholesale cups 74.85 Northern State Supply supplies 17.18 No.Am. Cable basic cable 5.46 Plaza Hardware supplies 143.81 Popps Electrical repairs 53.28 Mn.Elevator Inc. 2 months elev. service 106.00 Quade Electric repairs 1316.65 Quade Sporting Goods supplies 13.76 Rockite Silo Inc. supplies 12.49 Rutz P1bg & Htg. repairs 41.93 Quade Sport Shop swimwear 130.69 Schmeling Oil Co. grease & fuel oil 2310.65 Shopkc supplies 42.30 Simonson Lbr. Co. supplies 2.65 Sorensen Farm supplies 37.38 State Treasurer 2nd qtr surcharge 3793.61 Tri Co. Water salt 68.40 United B1dg.Center supplies 81.48 Xerox Corporation supplies & maintenance 2391.64 Uniforms Unlimited clothing 120.65 Wigen Chev. Co. part 6.08 Wm. Mueller &Sons street materials 2313.50 Wesleys Pharmacy batteries 1.98 HutchCoop gasoline 3569.85 • $ 102,381.78 0 • BOND FUNDS Bonds of 1987 Co. Recorder Willard Pellinen 1987 Bond Debt Service Fund J. W. Hanson Construction Gopher Sign Co. Juu1 Contracting Police Construction Bonds Cash Drawer #4 Thorbeck & Lambert Inc. City of Hutchinson Construction Analysis Pool & Rec. Const. Fund Aqua Therm Inc. Bonds of 1983 Norwest Bank Mpls. Bonds of 1981 • 1st National Bank of Chicago Bonds of 1978 1st Bank of Mpls Bonds of 1973 Bernard Roepke 1981 Parking Impr. Bonds 1st National Bank of Chicago Hospital Bonds of 1968 1st Trust Bank 1980 Tax Inc. Debt Service 1st Bank- Mpls. Fire Hall Const. Debt. Service 1st National Bank Chicago • filing fee survey transfer of funds estimate #1 arena parking lot est. #1 & 2 10.00 150.00 93,166.11 35,289.84 507.60 110,739.75 239,863.30 change vending machine 2.00 june services 4451.11 surcharge on permit 337.50 prof. fees 8345.64 13,136.25 windscreen fence 878.90 interest & service fee 27,588.75 interest & service fee 36,245.00 bond principal,interest & fee 145,798.75 refund of double payment of deferred assessment 2389.68 service charge 100.00 interest & service fee 2693.75 interest & service fee interest & service fee 20,650.00 30,368.75 • -7- MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE PERA employer contribution $174.00 City of Hutchinson payroll 4553.57 Withholding Tax employer share 297.28 PERA employer contribution 170.86 City of Hutchinson payroll 4736.61 Withholding Tax social security 293.54 Quades Electric repairs 218.29 Fronteer Directory directory advertising 229.00 - Junker Sanitation refuse pickup 102.00' KDUZ advertising 92.80 HAVTI work study student 93.46 Electro Watchman quarterly charges 352.00 Mn. Jaycees advertising 37.50 Nationwide Papers bags 174.53 VFWPost 612 jr. baseball tournament 35.00 G.R.DAniels Trucking trucking 100.00 Tombstone Pizza supplies 16.00 Hutchinson Plbg. & Htg. service call 50.20 Hutchinson Telephone Co. - phone service 88.31 Northland Beverage Inc. supplies 411.30 Am. Linen Supply towel service 54.65 Coca Cola Bottling Co. supplies 866.70 Hutch Sewing Supply vaccum bag 6.98 Andy Lundholm supplies 262.25 Pepsi Cola supplies 96.00 •Bernicks Superior Products cooler 1968.39 City of Hutchinson insurance & 1986 payables 12,501.70 Sprengler Trucking freight charges 538.23 Lenneman Beverages Inc. supplies 29,721.35 Locher Bros. - beer - 11,251.25 Triple G beer 15,471.25 Friendly Beverage beer 1,211.70 Griggs Cooper Co. liquor 109.19 Quality Wine & Spirits liquor 1218.84 Johnson Brothers Wholesale liquor 2302.13 Griggs Cooper liquor 1090.51 EdPhillips & Sons liquor 2821.65 Ed Phillips & Sons liquor 1736.00 Qyality Wine & Spirits liquor 1389.04 Johnson Bros. Wholesale liquor 947.46 Griggs Cooper & Co. liquor 2119.77 Quality Wine & Spirits liquor 1136.21 Johnson Brothers liquor 1320.23 Griggs Cooper & Co. liquor 1766.12 Ed Phillips & Sons liquor 2703.06 • (612) 587 -5151 yvrcy' -CITY Of HUTCHINSON • s,''` "s "'N�IONAV``"`'EWEST FOR YOUR INf_ORMATION NL- -C±-4INSON. MINN 5535C July 6, 1987 P L E A S E P O S T MEMORANDUM • •ray r. �- n a . ya• •,�...� is a i• • aa. SUBJECT: ORCMIIZATICN Cif FFFBCrIVE JULY 1, 1987 As a result of the retirement of the Director of Maintenance Operations, the City has chosen not to fill the position and, instead, reorganize ourselves according to the following chart (attached). As seen in the chart, the Maintenance Operations Supervisor (Doug) and the Street Supervisor (Larxy) report directly to our new City Engineer, Gene Anderson, and the two positions are considered equal with one exception - SNOW R043M. Doug will provide all necessary direction and scheduling to accomplish this task. •Both Doug and Larry will have weekly staff meetings with the City Engineer. Please follow the chain of command, going to your immediate supervisor first, thereafter the Director, thereafter the City Administrator. In addition to Gene Anderson meeting with Doug and Larry weekly, be will meet with all employees ( street, cemetery, city hall custodian, etc.) twice a year am -:mre often as time permits. Secondly, Rarely DeVries has been appointed Director of Water/Wastewater Operations. I an requesting Randy to meet weekly with employees of both water and wastewater. Special problems (examples: Midwest Trailer, outside reading device monitoring, etc.) should be discussed with Randy as Rarely is ultimately responsible! Please follow the chain of command by going to your supervisor first, thereafter, the director of Water/Wastewater (Randy) , thereafter the City Administrator. Randy will be attending the regular scheduled Wednesday 10:00 a.m. directors' meeting to pass information along. The Director of water/Wastewater has the authority to direct any training, scheduling, or cross training and scheduling between water and wastewater. As a few new employees begin with the startup of the new wastewater plant, the scheduling may change significantly with existing employees, plus we will be reviewing the "weekend and arm -call" pay policies in view of the additional arrow »per on board. Most importantly, we need and expect your full cooperation to make the • above organizational changes happen smoothly. cc: Mayor & Council Bruce Ericson (note snow removal direction) I• ; •� y► ASSISTANT TO ENGINEER Call Rice LeMALS « u �• • 1 u n• y M � 11 *Airport Ca mission Staff *Safety Council Representative PARTIAL ORGANIZATICKAL CHART JULY 1987 in I• r. DK I• •'71'' •' ^� •01• -01 * /}ms 0 u L (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 Mr. John Quam Quam Construction Company Box 42 Willmar, MN 56201 RE: Hutchinson Letting No. 5 Project No. 87 -17 Dear Mr. Quam: July 6, 1987 FOR YOUR INFORMATION We are in receipt of your letter dated May 26th, 1987, requesting an extension of completion to August 15th, 1987, due to late award of the contract. The chronology of this project to date is as follows: March 24, 1987 - Opened bids. The proposal specifies a potentially 90 days until award of a contract. May 12, 1987 - Contract Awarded. May 28, 1987 - Notice to proceed issued. Note that the contract was awarded within the specified 90 days after the opening of bids. Be advised that School District No. 423 of Hutchinson, has completed a new elementary school facility on School Road and will occupy the building in July, 1987. The sanitary sewer and storm sewer specified under this contract will serve that facility, and must, therefore be completed in a timely manner. In a spirit of cooperation, the City will grant an extension of completion time to August 1, 1981 , for the sanitary sewer and to August 15, 1987, for the storm sewer. Thereafter, liquidated damages will be assessed in accordance with the terms of the contract. EA /pv cc: Mavor & City Council Glenn Matejka Respectfully, CITY OF HUTCHINSON 7 ("1 Eugene. Anderson Director of Engineering Gary D,41otz City Administrator (612) 587 -5151 %� "Ai CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 June 26, 1987 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Mr. Russell Meade Meade's 66 Station 100 Washington Avenue East Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 SUBJECT: Portable Signs Dear Russ: I am writing this letter to you in a very friendly way to see if we can obtain your cooperation in removing the portable sign that presently sits on the boulevard (Washington Avenue). You may or may not be aware that the City Planning Commission and, subse- quently, the City Council recently adopted a new portable sign ordinance which limits such sign(s). The signs are prohibited on city boulevard but are, however, allowed with "time" limits on private property. A better solution is to work with the Building Official, Jim Marks, whereby you may be able to have "changeable letters" on your sign that is also of a permanently mounted nature and on your property. I will call you to set up a meeting between you and the Building Official the week of July 6 -14. We are hoping to be able to work something out. Sincerely, CITY OF HUTCHINSON J � � n, Gary D...flotz City Administrator GDP:ms cc: Jim Marks, Bldg. Official ,/Mayor S City Council 0 (812) 587 -5151 • Henry' " CITY OF HUTCHINSCIV 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST .+ HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 June 26, 1987 Mr. Robert Elliot Town & Country Tires 31 First Avenue N.E. Hutchinson, MN 55350 SUBJECT: Use of Alley And /Or North Edge of Municipal Parking Lot Dear Mr. Elliot: FOR YOUR INFORMATION We would appreciate the removal of tires and the stored miscellaneous materials along the alley on the west side of the building and along • the area between the parking for curb and the lot line on north edge of the parking lot. If you are unaware of the lot line on the south side of your building, our engineering department could assist you. Please give me a call on this matter. We believe at this time that your voluntary removal of the tires and other stored materials is a such better route to proceed than to cite existing municipal ordinances. We want to work with you on an amicable and mutually cooperative basis regarding this request. Please remove the items by July 15. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation. Sincerely, CITY OF HUTCHINSON z Gary D.'Z lotz City Administrator GDP:ms . cc: Jim Marks, Bldg. Official 4,-Mayor & Council 2 4 HUTCHINSON COMPOSITE SQUADRON 21121 July 8, 1987 Airport Commission City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Ave. W. Hutchinson, MN 55350 0 HUTCHINSON MINNESOTA 55350 FOR YOUR INFORMATION The Minnesota Wing of the Civil Air Patrol has just assigned an aircraft to the Hutchinson Squadron. One of the stipu- lations required by regulation is that the aircraft be secured in an enclosed hangar. The CAP is an auxiliary of the United States Air Force who provide funding and insurance coverage for all our operations. The primary mission of the civil air patrol is Search and • Rescue. The CAP works with local law enforcement agencies such as the police department, the fire department, the sheriff's department, etc. The aircraft is made available to these agencies at no cost in times of emergencies such as searching for lost individuals, tornado damage assessment, chemical spill evaluation, fire surveillance and aerial surveillance to assist in emergency evacuation situations. Request priority consideration to the Civil Air Patrol in assigning the next available enclosed hangar. If an enclosed hangar cannot be provided, the Minnesota Wing will have to pull the aircraft from this location. I feel it is in the best interest of the community that this aircraft be available for immediate dispatch in emergency situations. Bernie Knutson, Maj. Flight Operations Officer cc: Sheriff's Dept. Police Dept. Fire Dept. • � City Council .DAVID B. ARNOLD CHARLES R. CARNICHAEL MICHAEL B. L.BARON GARY D. M�DOWELL TAYE RNOWL£S STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON DANIEL J. BERENS STEVEN S. HUGE LAURA R. PRETLAND CHARLES L. NAIL.JR. DAVID A. BRUEOOEMANN JOSEPH N. PAIEMENT June 29, 1987 ARNOLD & MCDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 5881 CEDAR "MR RDAD MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 5841E 101 PARR PLACE (612)545.9000 HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350 MN TOLL THEE BOO -3b -45N (019) 587 -7573 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET RESIDENT ATTORNEY j PRINCETON. MINNESOTA 55371 O. BARRY ANDERSON (612) 389.2214 �O 1 714 TENTH STREET EAST U ,1 GM NVI GLENCOE. MINNESOTA 55336 (618) a" -Gill Ms. Barb Haugen Center Coordinator 900 Harrington Street Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: Emma Lake Matter Our File No. 3188 -87 -0025 Dear Barb: � FOR YOUR INFORMATION • This letter is a follow up to my correspondence of approximately three weeks ago to Ron McGraw. My last conversation with Ron left me with the impression that we are probably going to have to take this matter to the Court for further interpretation of the Will since there does not appear to be agreement as to the length of time the Senior Citizens Center should have pos- session of the funds in question. One possible interpretation is that if a building fund is in existence, the Senior Citizens Center is entitled to the funds in perpetuity; however, that is far from clear insofar as the language of the Will is concerned and it may be that some form of compromise will be in order. Has the Board given any thought to a longer period of time? For example, perhaps it would be possible to go to a ten year period during which time significant progress towards construction of a facility should be made with completion of the facility no later than 15 years from 1987. I offer this only as a suggestion as I don't have any real knowledge of what plans may or may not be contemplated and I don't know exactly what the purpose was in the language which awards these funds to Gopher Campfire in the event the funds do not go to the Senior Citizens Center. • Ms. Barb Haugen • June 29, 1987 Page #2 Please give this matter some thought and get back to me at your earliest convenience. I do anticipate that Ron and I will be visiting about it further in the course of the next week or two. Thank you. Very truly yours, ARNOLD & McDOWELL G. Barry Anderson GBA:lm CC Gary Plot2 Bruce Ericson • E (612) 587 -5151 H�r�cH' CITY OF HUTCHINSON • 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST FOR YOUR INFORMATION HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 June 22, 1987 Mr. Newell Weed, Jr. Retirement Living Communities, Inc. 1009 Twelve Oaks Center P. 0. Box 129 Wayzata, MN 55391 RE: Proposed Removal of Fire Hydrant Southeast of Greencastle Condominiums Hutchinson, Minnesota Dear Mr. Weed: I have been informed by Mr. Darrold Ziegler, President of Juul Contracting Company, that he is going to take the top of the hydrant off, thus taking that hydrant out of service. His intent then is to totally remove the hydrant. • He indicates to me in his letter, the reason for this removal, is that his Company has not been paid for this hydrant. Inasmuch as, the hydrant is on your property, it was required as a condition for fire protection of your property at that site, and you ordered it to be installed by Juul Contracting Company, the intent of this letter is to inform you that if the hydrant is taken out of service, for reasons stated above, this office will pursue misdemeanor charges for violation of Section 10.202 of the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code "Tampering with Fire Hydrant of Fire Appliance ". The charges will be issued to the owners of the property or properties in this case. I do hope this can be resolved by you and Mr. Ziegler, as I would not enjoy sending citations to you and the other owners of Greencastle. If you have any questions, please contact me. Respectfully, CITY F HUTCHI�� ' � George F. Field Fire Marshal • GFF /pv cc: Bary Anderson, City Attorney Orlin Henke, Fire Chief * DAILY POOL ATTENDANCE * FOR YOUR INFORMATION DAY /DATE JUNE, 1986 TOTALS a 7:00- 8:00am ADULT LAP SWIM: PASSES 67 CASH 50 117 9:00- 10:00am SENIOR CITIZENS: PASSES 30 CASH 9 39 1:00- 5:00Pm OPEN SWIMMING: PASSES 3,481 CASH 3,240 6,721 5 :00- 6:00pm ADULT /FAMILY HOUR: PASSES 508 CASH 183 691 6:00- 7:00pm ADULT LAP SWIM: PASSES 61 CASH 66 127 7:00- 9:00pm OPEN SWIMMING: Family -304 PASSES 1,139 CASH 869 2,008 PASSES SOLD DAILY ATTENDANCE TOTAL 11,673 Seniors - 6 Family -246 Individual -82 DAILY ATTENDANCE TOTAL 9,703 Seniors -31 DAY /DATE JUNE, 1987 TOTALS 7:00- 9:00am ADULT LAP SWIM: PASSES 125 CASH 55 180 1:00- 5:00Pm OPEN SWIMMING: PASSES 5,260 CASH 3,123 8,383 5:00- 6:00pm ADULT /FAMILY HOUR: PASSES 695 CASH 194 889 6:00- 7:00pm ADULT LAP SWIM: PASSES 93 CASH 24 117 7:00- 9:00pm OPEN SWIMMING: PASSES 1,362 CASH 742 2,104 PASSES SOLD Family -304 Individual -96 DAILY ATTENDANCE TOTAL 11,673 Seniors - 6 0 • (612) 587 -5151 lf/!/1l CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: July 6, 1987 FOR YOUR INFORMATION TO: Barry Anderson, City Attorney FROM: James Marka, Building Official RE: Request to Begin Prosecution Proceedings on Mr. John Thompson Please review the enclosed correspondence and begin prosecution against Mr. John Thompson for violation of Ordinance 753, Section 1025:20 "Junked Motor Vehicles ". i James Marka Building Official JM/pv enc. cc: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Ron Kirchoff, Acting Police Chief Mayor and City Council • (612) 567.5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 June 2, 1987 Mr. John Thompson 226 Erie St. Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Certified Notification to Remove "Junked Motor Vehicles" Dear Mr. Thompson: This letter is to notify you that you are in violation of Ordinance No. 753, Section 1025:20 "Junked Motor Vehicles ". Please review the enclosed correspondence and pictures regarding this matter. This matter will be turned over to the City Attorney for prosecution on July 2nd, 1987, should this matter not be corrected. Your cooperation is appreciated. Respectfully, CITY OF HUfCHINSON qtle~ fttm4k wo� James Marka Bldg. /Planning/Zoning Dept. JM /pV enc. cc: Ron Kirchoff, Acting Police Chief Mayor and City Council Barry Anderson, City Attorney Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator n Oe L E t �ALKCq J/ ok �tl�- weed . 0 n U 0 OF (612) 587.5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON. MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: April 16, 1987 T0: Barzy Anderson, City Attorney FROM: James Marka, Bldg. /Planning /Zoning Dept. RE: 226 Erie St. I set with Mr. John Thompson on Wednesday, April 15th, 1987, regarding the 4 junked semi - tractor at the above - referenced address. Mr. Thompson verbally agreed to move these vehicles to a location outside of City Limits within 30 days. Should the junked tractors not be moved by June 1, 1987, I will contact you by phone to request legal proceedings, as required by Section 1025 of the "Ordinance Code ". • cc: Homer Pittman George Field Ron Kirchoff Gary Plotz Mayor $ Council 1] James Marka ( I l��I Bldg. /Planning /Zoning Dept. r 12) "7 -5151 TY Of HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN 55350 M E M 0 DATE: March 5, 1987 TO: Mayor and City Council FOR YOUR INFORMATION FROM: Jim Marka, Building Department RE: 226 Erie St. /Lot 3, Block 23, S 1/2 City On March 4, 1987, the Building Dept. had a discussion with Paula Thompson and John Thompson, regarding the three junked semi - tractors located on the above - referenced property. Items of fact and discussion included: 1) Issuance of a Building Permit in August 1969, for private vehicle repair use. Issued to Robert G. Thompson. 2) Property Use - private trucking business. Has been in existence for approximately 20 years or longer. 3) Paula Thompson and son, John Thompson, own Lots 1- 2 -3 -4, Block 23, S 1/2 • City. Lots 1 -2 are Zoned IC -1 and Lots 3 -4 are Zoned R -2. Both Paula Thompson and John Thompson, were very cooperative in discussing the following options: 1) Submit Conditional Use Application for Land Use Zone Change from R -2 to IC -1 for Lots 3 -4, Block 23, S 1/2 City. 2) Remove semi- tractors to private property outside City Limits. 3) Remove semi - tractors from Lot 3 (Zoned R -2) to Lot 2 (Zoned IC -1). NOTES: Neither the existing use nor any proposed use, will be 400' from a Residential District. Existing uses backing or near property of discussion, are of equal or greater storage /stockpiling. (Example - Metal Salvage Yard) Mr. John Thompson assured me, that he would review his options and correct the matter of discussion within a reasonable time - spring thaw - trucks are frozen to ground. cc: Dean O'Borsky • Gary Plot". Homer Pittman Paula 5 John Thompson • 0 0 HUTCHINSON POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO Building Official FROM Chief of Police Dean M. O'Borsky SUBJECT Property 226 Erie Street DATE March 3, 1987 Based on the attached photos and on -site observation it appears that this is a prima facia violation of the ordinance regarding junked vehicles. I have been told that there may be a variance involved, therefore it appears that you should proceed as provided by the ordinance. DMO: ne b fB7— cp;� �3Jf t VF (612) 587.5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON. MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 25. 1987 TO: Dean 01Borsky jtollu Chief_ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: Marilyn Swanson, Administrative Secretary -------- ------ -------- -- - - - - -- SUBJECT: Residence at 226 Erie — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Attached are the pictures taken of the property at 226 Erie Street. • Alderman Marlin Torgerson received a complaint regarding this property. The Council directed the Police Department to enforce the City Ordinance. Please have someone check into the situation and report back to the Council. Thanks. Attachment • 0 n u EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FOR YOUR INFORMATION CITY OF WOW= DATE July 6, 1987 NAME ADDRESS ' Martin Dreyer 735 Lynn Road SUPERVISED BY Doug Meier Floyd Groehler EMPLOYMENT STATUS NEW EMPLOYEE X OTHER: Retiree FULL TIME X PART TIME OR SEASONAL Finish summer season PAY RATE T4 COMMENTS Replacing a temporary who has resigned THE ABOVE PERSONNEL ACTION CONFORMS TO ADOPTED PERSONNEL POLICY AND TO THE COUNCIL APPROVED SELECTION PROCESS, DEP MENT HEAD PERSONNEL 'COORDINATOR CITY4DMIN STRATOR EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FOR YOUR INFORMATION CITY OF NUTCHIMN DATE July 1, 1987 NAME ADDRESS Finley Mix 600 Dale St., Hutchinson 0 JOB TITLE Engineering Aide SUPERVISED BY Gene Anderson EMPLOYMENT STATUS NEW EMPLOYEE FULL TIME PAY RATE T4 COMMENTS placing a ter porary who has resigned X OTHER: Retiree X PART TIME OR SEASONAL • Finish Sumner season THE ABOVE PERSONNEL ACTION CONFORMS TO ADOPTED PERSONNEL POLICY AND TO THE COUNCIL APPROVED SELECTION PROCESS, 'DEPAR MENT HEAD PERSONNEL fbORDINATOR • CITY ADMI IISTRAT0R NAME EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Michelle Wright, Park Mtc. Patrick Beatty, Swim Jay Fischer, Swim Anthony Ruppert , Park Mtc. Diane Gilmer, aerobics JOB TITLE As listed SUPERVISED BY EMPLOYMENT STATUS PAY RATE as listed [0 • Bruce Ericson FOR YOUR INFORMATION DATE June 24, 1987 ADDRESS ' R R 2, Hutchinson T1 700 Shady Ridge T3 734 Southview Court T2 412 Stoney Point Road T1 315 - 1st Ave NW $6/hr _X _NEW EMPLOYEE OTHER: FULL TIME _xPART TIME OR SEASONAL REPINING TEMPORARIES WHO HAVE LEFT THE ABOVE PERSONNEL ACTION CONFORMS TO ADOPTED PERSONNEL POLICY AND TO THE COUNCIL APPROVED SELECTION PROCESS. D TMENKHEAD PERSONNEL OORDINATOR CITY ADM4NI�TRIATOR EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FOR YOUR INFORMATION CITY OF NUTCI OWN DATE June 23, 1987 NAME ADDRESS Christopher Driscoll 1116 Sherwood, Hutchinson JOB TITLE Street Labor , SUPERVISED BY RalPh Ne'zmm EMPLOYMENT STATUS x NEW EMPLOYEE OTHER: PAY RATE T2 COMME FULL TIME X PART TIME OR SEASONAL REPLACING AMI.'HER SEASONAL WHO HAS LEFT THE ABOVE PERSONNEL ACTION CONFORMS TO ADOPTED PERSONNEL POLICY AND TO THE COUNCIL APPROVED SELECTION PROCESS, DEPARTMENT HEAD A PERSONNEL CO- RDINATOR /, CITY ADM- PNISTRATOR FOR YOUR INFORMATION • MINUTES HUTCHINSON CHARTER COMMISSION Tuesday, June 23, 1987 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Chuck Carlson called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. with the following members present: Dick Popp, Walt Clay, Dale McLain, Jeff Haag, Jean Peterson, Phil Graves, Kay Peterson, Chairman Carlson and Delores Saar(8:10). Members absent: Tom Dolder, Harold Juul and June Wick. 2. MINUTES The minutes of February 18, 1987 and June 10, 1987 were approved. 3. NEW BUSINESS After some discussion of the revised charter Walt Clay made a motion to accept the Charter as revised. Seconded by Kay Peterson the motion carried unanimously. Following the action all members signed the Charter Certificate to be presented to the City Administrator. 4. ADJOURMENT • There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. • 1 • • • HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MAY 6, 1987 - 7:00 AM HCDC OFFICE Buzz Burtch Don Gies Glen Matejka r ?5 � r MINUTES FOR YOUR INFORMA71014, John Bernhagen, Exec, Dir. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 AM by Vice Chairman Burtch. Motion by Gies, seconded by Malejka, to approve the minutes of April 1, 1987. Carried Treasurer's report was not available from the city as of this data. Olas reported on the activities with the Public Information Advertising Program. Olas offered the services of his staff to do the targeted mailing letter for approximately 200 businesses. On a motion by Matejka, seconded by Olas, the ad program expenditures not to exceed $3,000.00 as budgeted were approved Carried The new VCR Tape was reviewed with approval of a job well done by all individuals involved A letter of approval will be sent to HAYTI. Burtch reported that the Greater Hutchinson Retail Committee has been having several meetings, especially reviewing downtown renewal at this time. Discussion of a board retreat was held over to the next meeting. Nod meeting will be the evening of June 3, 1987, 7:00 PM at the Tam Daggett home. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 AM HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING JUNE 3, 1987 - 7:00 PM TOM DAGGETT HOME s . 1. .. Buzz Burich - Vice President Don Gies Olen Matejka Tom Daggett F4# YOUR �o MINUTES OTHERS PRESENT: John Bernhagen, Exec. Dir. Gary Blythe - Chamber E.V.P. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Yice President Burtch. Motion by Gies, seceded by Matejka, to approve the minutes of April 1, 1987, and May 6, 1987. Carried. The Treasurer's report dated for March and April were approved as read Matejka moved to accept the resignation of Art Cooper as President and as member of the Board of Directors, and to thank him for his years of service , and for all of his efforts to the Hutchinson Community Development Corp. Carried. Matejka moved to nominate TA ( Buzz) Burich as President. Seconded by Doggett Thee being no other nominations Burich was unanimously elected as President. On a motion by Daggett, seceded by Glas, to authorize the President to set up a committee to recommend to the Board which group in the community should be represented on the bard to bring as brad a representative as possible. The recommendations are to be oompleted in time for elections at the annual meeting. No additional officers or directors position will be filled at this time. Carried It was suggested to have each of the various committee chairs give reports of committee activities during the past year at the annual meeting. The Board authorized Bernhagen to set up the annual meeting planning retreat for two days at a facility in a new by community, for Sept. i Oth and 11th, 1987 (Thurs & Friday). The HCDC membership will be polled at the annual meeting as to whether they would like to have a semi- annual meeting ( possibly in spring) to review activities and give suggestions. Motion by Gies, seconded by Daggett to recommend approval to the City Council of an application from Community Energy Council Grant. Carried The recommendation was lased an the work plan as proposed and the funds to be used for low interest loans from the Revolving Loan Fund as previously authorized by the City Council in the amount of $100,000. $50,000 is available under the existing program and $60,000 would be made available under this proposal the first year, and up to $25,000 for the 2nd year of the proposal from funds repaid to the Revolving Loan Fund Bernhagen reported there is a matching grant of up to $5,000 from the state is available to train and staff and economic development professional. He also reported the city may want to seek a MN Small Cities Dev. Program grant to better the communities economic infrastructure. INFORMATION �q There will be three people in Hutchinson on Thursday, June 1 1, to explain their first hand experience in three different MN cities with the 'Main Street Program.' After twig the city, they will have a meeting at 5:30 p.m. at Peter's Restaurant. The meeting to exchange ideas and • dinner. The Greater Hutchinson Retail Committee will be attending. All Board members are asked to attend If possible. It was announced that the annual meeting wil be Monday evening, Sept. 14, 1987. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. • • • • • MUMUS MCLEOD REGIONAL RAIL ►DTHORITT M►I itr 1907 V""'" m* am 7 �. LY 5' Members ?"sent: Others Frasent= r Sheldon Nies, Cbsir•an Mal Loomeh, 1'//DOT Leslie Forman FOR Y R INFORMATION Larry Graf woo MsGromr, Attorney Anchor Nelsen Jerry Ross, Dakota Rail Howard Christensen Cathy Nevemsn, Leader Milo Kubasch Razol Sitar City Dean Olaeon I / Chairman Sheldon Nies called the meeting to or at 7 :30 at Country Kitchen, Hutchinson. Minutes of the Annual Meeting of December 10, 19069 were approved err a motion by Larry Graf, seconded by Howard Christensen and carried nnanimsaslp. Anchor Nelson and Ron McGraw discussed the status of a grant application being prepared by MN/DOT for State and Federal assistance for the railroad. At this time, the Rail Authority should reaffirm its previous position stating it wants the first option to control the railroad in the event of failure of the present operator. The State must affirm this in the grant application. McLeod County Commissioners have taken a position confirming county support; Hutchinson City Council will be providing a letter of support. EN would cease rail operations if railroad were returned to them. Jerry Ross reported the rail line is in better shape than for 30+ years. Ties, rail and rook have been added this winter and rehabilitation is about a year ahead of schedule due to the mild winter. Shipper participation is good and tonnage picking up. The line should be up to 25 mph later this year. The grant would provide cash needed for continued upgrade which will take about 2 years more to complete. Ross onoouragsa the support of communities on the line to develop commuter line in the future. MOTION was made by Anchor Nelsen, seconded by Les Forman and carried unanimously to authorize a letter of confirmation to MN/DOT of the Rail Authority's support of the railroad and its request for first option to control the railroad if financial problems should occur with the present operator. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 a.m. /hms HUTCHINSONIFIRESDEPARTMENT FOR YOUR INFORMATION REGULAR MEETING Monday, May 4, 1987 The meeting was called to order at 8:20 p.m. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. Fire Prevention Committee will be meeting this month. The following bills and runs were allowed paid from their proper accounts: General Account Rural Account Crow River Country Club 1,450.79 Cosmos Fire Dept. 12.00 Underwater Schools 1,252.80 Hutch Wholesale 25.05 Smoke -Eater 208.00 Red Owl 16.73 Anoka VTI 700.00 Orlin Henke 17.00 Ben Franklin 11.96 Brad Emans 27.75 L &P Supply 250.00 Randy Redman 23.00 L &P Supply 495.00 Dick Popp 51.75 Metro Fire Equip. 309.90 Dan Zieman 24.00 Metro Fire Equip. 242.73 John Reynolds 3.00 City of Hutchinson 183.33 City of Hutchinson 2,460.00 Hutchinson Agency 18.00 Amway Products 85.10 Dassel Fire Dept. 42.00 Total $2,745.38 Total $5,164.51 City Accounts • Olson Locksmith 31.30 Floor Care Supply 8.40 Hutch Wholesale 5.87 Elvin Safety Supply 85.49 Meister Publishing Co 44.00 ISD #423 26.00 Hager Jewelry 2.47 Process Systems Corp. 1,395.00 Coast -to -Coast 1.49 115.00 Coast -to -Coast .99 11.09 Hutch Wholesale .44 Hutch Snyder Drug 63.52 Hutch Wholesale 21.95 Red Owl 4.72 " 12.54 Hutch Wholesale 8.21 " 44.18 Hutch Wholesale 54.28 " 7.40 Fire Command 16.50 Clarey's 60.00 Brinkman's 21.10 Coast -to -Coast 5.29 Communication Auditors 28.54 Hager Jewelry 2.74 Hutch Fire & Safety 3.40 Central MN Communication 114.00 Popp Electric 19.16 Total $2,220.34 FIRE RUNS 4/2 Micka 4/5 Helget 4/7 Evergreen 4/3 Goebel's 4/5 Heidecker 417 Fredrickson 4113 Siemsen 4/5 Elliott 4/7 Karstens 4/4 Lang 4/5 Duesterhoeft 417 Mackedanz 4/4 Schmitbauer 4/6 Drill 4/8 Smutka • 4/4 Lang 4/7 Evergreen 4/8 Rahn 4/4 Martin 4/7 Mutual Aid /Glencoe 4/9 Schlueter 4/5 Riener 4/7 Victorian Inn 4/12 Anderson Fire Department Minutes 514187 • CDNT. 4/19 Drill Markgraf FIRE RUNS 4120 Drill 4/12 Adamek provencher 4/24 Burns Manor 4/12 Kenning 4j24 Victorian Inn 4/12 Drill 4/26 Burns Manor 4113 Evergreen 4114 Adamek 4/26 Lien 4/18 3 M 4/28 Shlueter 4129 Nelson 4/18 Kosek accepted with 4119 It was resignation was read from Mark Christensen. for membership. Craig Reiner A letter of regrets. voted on reserve. beck and Craig Reiner s voted onto the accepted to full Chuck Ling Chuck Lin his was He was was accepted' probationary year. Powell has completed his P n up. Craig on the department. in June. Please sign membership Use it when You feel your The FD Camp-out will be the second weeken battery re- conditioner. Department has a only. Two-way radio's on the The Police need Also there is a batteries need it• used by certified divers • They can be Almquist. in. If interested, sign up' The dry suits are check them out with Craig Sign UP as Please a diving class. room, department• of having in the control possibility for new FD jackets There is a sign up sheet rural or c�tY soon as possible. arately billed items, be sure your items are sep s box for approval. radios two -way When charging Chief Henke different and put slips in urchasing the Assistant Chiefs check into P discussion regarding suggested we There was a lengthy at the June It �s discussed further lots of kids out for their vehicles. be There are alternatives. calls. please be careful driving when answering now. 32 p.m. Meet ng i was adjourned at 9: Respectfully, Mark Christensen Secretary 2 FOR YOUR INFORMATION i MINUTES HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICERS MEETING Monday, May 11, 1987 Gary Hotovec brought literature on air purification unit for cleaning air of smoke and pollen etc. New hose needed for high pressure lines on #238. Check to see if hose lines reels on #238 can be adapted for electric rewind. Discussion on performance of #233 - engine, pump, tank. Thanks to Dave Franzen for helping test #231 ladder. Discussion of truck refurbishment for #237 with committee to report to Fire Department at next meeting. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. • n LJ MINUTES FOR YOUR INFORMATION HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT • REGULAR MEETING ( Monday, June 1, 1987 The meeting was called to order at 8:05 p.m. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Craig Almquist reported on the truck committee's tour of the Pierce and 3 -0 Companies(for refurbishing X1237). There was lengthy discussion on the options and costs. The committee will be meeting this week to decide on the recommendation and bring it to the next regular meeting. Mike Schmidt reported about the upcoming picnic the weekend of June 13. After some discussion about food and beverage, a motion was made and seconded to purchase 1 keg of beer and some pop. Motion passed. John Reynolds reported that the safety council will be giving away some life vests at the Senior Party. Jim Brodd reported that there were 3 new applicants; David Greeley, Troy Riggle, and Kim Meyer. John Reynolds will be investigating the applicants this month. The following bills and runs were allowed paid from their proper account: General Account Rural Account • Orlin Henke 500.00 Mark Christensen 33.00 Mark Christensen 33.00 Sears 144.99 Hager Jewelry 3,592.00 Bruce Precht 13.00 U.S. Postmaster 22.00 Hager Jewelry 4.75 Total $4,30 City Account Standard Printing 64.95 Mid - Central, Inc. 106.03 Orlin Henke 2.63 Dr. Kenneth Peterson 95.00 Clarey's 165.55 Joe Drahos 45.00 Hutch Hospital 38.00 Ideal Shoe Shop 15.00 Rob Carlson 45.00 Coast -to -Coast .55 Red Owl 9.28 Dick Kuttner 45.00 " 4.18 Hager Jewelry 5.47 Gary Forcier 45.00 " 3.39 Hutch Fire & Safety 239.00 Dave Franzen 45.00 " 9.18 Hutch Wholesale 3.75 Ed Homan 77.80 HAVTI 300.00 Anoka - Hennepin <60.00> Craig Powell 77.80 " 145.00 Swanke Motors 193.10 Mike Schmidt 77.80 Elvin Safety Supply .45 Metro RAD Consult. 18.10 Jim Brodd 571.14 Crow River Glass 17.50 Hutch Fire & Safety 34.30 Brinkman Studio 10.55 Hager Jewelry 2.74 " " " 110.40 Hager Jewelry 5.00 • 3.45 HFD Gen'] Acct. 500.00 Total $3,071.82 MINUTES - HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT 6/1/87 FIRE RUNS 5/1 High School 5/14 Goebel's • 5/1 Utilities 5/14 Stoser 5/3 Westlund 5/15 K -Mart 5/4 Drill 5/18 Peterson 5/5 Piker 5/18 Drill 5/6 Ag Systems 5/20 Albrecht 5/9 Buss 5/23 Almquist 5/9 Buss 5/27 3M 5/11 Burch 5/27 Falconer 5/11 Drill 5/29 Skywarn 5/12 Mutual Aid /Glencoe 5/31 Cummings 5/13 Park Towers 5/31 Victorian Inn Butch read a letter that was compiled be the McLeod County Fire Chiefs at their last meeting stating: Firefighters will not be dispatched for skywarn after dark as they are ineffective in the dark and it is dangerous. Fire departments and ambulance services will not be paged for watches between the hours of 11:00 p.m, and 7:00 a.m., but will be paged for all warnings in the county. Butch also read a letter from Mike Monge, regarding a search and rescue seminar to be held June 24 starting at 7:00 p.m. The Minnesota Search and • Rescue Dog Association will give the seminar on search and rescue techniques utilizing dogs and rescue personnel. The class will be held in Glencoe and will last about 2 1/2 to 3 hours. On Tuesday, August 18, McLeod County Ambulance Services and Butch will be hosting a seminar with Dr. Rick Kingston, Director of the Minnesota Poison Control Center as guest speaker. More inrformation later. The Minnesota State Fire Department Association will hold its 112th Annual Conference in Duluth on June 25 -27. Glencoe Days will be held June 12 - 14. There will be a water ball fight June 14 at 3:30 p.m. Trophies will be awarded. Gary Forcier will try to get a team lined up. Bluff Street from Jighway 7 to 5th Ave. N.E. will be closed the week of June 1st. Think about where to drive if we have a call in that area. A letter of resignation was read from George Field. He will be retiring as of his June anniversary date which is June 3. A motion was made and seconded to accept his resignation with regrets. Motion passed. Butch has a contribution request form from the Pillsbury comanty for a grant. If interested, see Butch. • Bruce Precht reported only 1 nomination for secretary, there were no other N MINUTES - HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT 6/1/87 nominations. A motion was made and seconded that the acting secretary cast a unanimous ballot electing Jeff Dobratz secretary. Motion passed. iThe refrigerator that was purchased for 8235 will not fit without moving fire fighting equipment. A motion was made and seconded to return the refrigerator. Motion passed. There was a lengthy discussion on the mobile radios that were proposed at the May meeting. There was a motion to purchase 2 radios that was later withdrawn. A motion was made and seconded to drop the radio proposal. Motion passed. After some discussion on antennas for the portable radios used for skywarn, a motion was make and seconded to buy 2 antennas for portable radios to mount on tops of cars. Motion failed. Brad to get prices. The committee setting up the Senior Class Party is asking for our help with the party this year. They need help cleaning up from 4:00 a.m. Monday until 6:00. See Brad if you can help. Please check your P.O. boxes. Gary Henke read a letter from the Fire Department Relief Association regarding the meeting schedule for the review of the actuarial study, voting schedules and times. There will be a sign -up sheet in the control room for personal equipment. . Brad has checked prices on high pressure hose. We need 150' on each reel for 8238, electric rewind for reels is not possible. Jim Brodd reported on 8233. It will be costly to repair it. There is a possibility of selling it and getting a different truck to replace it. A motion was made and seconded to give a presentation to the townboards on the possibility of selling 8233 and replacing it with a different truck. Motion passed. The following 9 firemen went to State Fire School and reported on the classes they took: Dave Franzen: Multi Level Tactics Gary Forcier: Urban Tactics Craig Powell: Urban Tactics Joe Drahos: Urban Tactics Ed Homan: Building Construction I Dick Kuttner: Rural Tactics Mike Schmidt: Basic Fire Cause Determination Rob Carlson: Fire Apparatus I Jim Brodd: Fire Service Supervision It was the general feeling of the people who went that the school could have been better organized. • Mike Schmidt brought up the possibility of raising the price of pop. A motion was made and seconded to leave the price as is. Motion passed 3 MINUTES - HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT 6/1/87 It was the feeling of the department that a letter should be written regarding the State Fire School. Butch is to draft a letter to send to A. Prescera. Butch will be gone June 12 - 28 for annual training at Camp Ripley. • The meeting was adjourned at 9:57 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jeff Dobratz Secretary Cl • 1 • FOR YOUR INFORMATION - PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM • Executive Board Meeting June 8, 1987 Present: Steve Boehlke, Montevideo Representing: Chippewa County Curtis Johnson, Appleton Appleton Gladys Nelson, Ortonville Ortonville Linda Ulrich, Renville Renville Jeanette Buchanan, Willmar Willmar Burton Sundberg, Director David Lauritsen, Chippewa County Librarian Absent: Lilah Buhr, Stewart* Representing: McLeod County Howard Turck, Litchfield* If Meeker County Carol Conradi, Willmar* " Willmar Kathy Matson, Associate Director* *Excused absence The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Chairman Boehlke. Jeanette Buchanan was appointed acting secretary. Motion by Buchanan /Ulrich that the minutes of the May 11, 1987 meeting be accepted as distributed. Carried. Johnson/ Buchanan moved approval of financial report. Carried. Mr. Sundberg reviewed circulation statistics. Newspaper clippings were also passed around. •elson /Buchanan moved that bills be paid. Carried. Committee reports: a. Personnel -- the attached report of the May 26 meeting of the Personnel Committee was reviewed. Mr. Sundberg has now received word from the Technical Services Coordinator candidate who was offered the job in PLS that he has accepted another job offer and will not be joining our system. Mr. Sundberg will be resubmitting ads for this position later this summer. It was felt it was necessary to obtain someone with working experience in cataloging, etc. Buchanan /Ulrich moved acceptance of the May 26 Personnel Committee report. Carried. The Personnel Committee will meet at 7 p.m. prior to the Board meeting in July regarding the proposed ad for Technical Services Coordinator. b. Finance -- the attached report of the June 1, 1987 meeting of the Finance Committee was reviewed. The proposed 1988 budget was reviewed with note that governing bodies would need to be asked for approximately a 3% increase over the 1987 operational budget. Nelson /Johnson moved acceptance of the above report. c. Legislative update -- see attached. The "Extension of Access" program begins 1 /l /90. This will affect PLS as counties of Renville, Yellow Medicine, and LacQuiParle will be mandated to participate in our regional library system as of that date. A June 17 reception will be held at Elk River for legislators and anyone interested in the library legislation. 03. Public Library newsletter was distributed and reviewed. Communicationsc a. $34,890 federal (LSCA)- payment should be received. by June 15: I b. Hector is the only governing unit not signing Agreement to date. Lette &s; been sent to them on this. New Business: a. 1988 Budget, review of procedure and dates for developing and approving budget: July -- Budget to full Board August -- Full Board acts on Budget September -- Budget sent to all governing units for approval. b. Application to participate in regional library Basic System Support Grant Programs for 1988 (Federal and State Funds) were reviewed. Nelson /Johnson moved to have Director and Chairman sign both applications. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Jeanette Buchanan Acting Secretary E June 1987 •glance Receipts: Basic State /Federal Aid Big Stone County *Chippewa County Kandiyohi County McLeod County Meeker County Swift County PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM Treasurer's Report Curtis Johnson, Treasurer BUDGET INCOME BUDGET INCOME MTD YTD BUDGET $110,649.44 $ 70,282.39 34,890.00 100,537.00 10,968.50 36,922.50 49,084.00 31,496.75 31,113.50 17,280.00 205,000.00 21,937.00 *73,845.00 98,168.00 62,995.00 62,227.00 34,560.00 Appleton 4,652.50 9,305.00 Benson 9,304.50 18,609.00 Glencoe 11,522.00 23,044.00 Graceville 1,784.00 3,568.00 Hutchinson 25,157.00 50,314.00 Kerkhoven 1,994.00 3,988.00 Litchfield 19,069.50 38,139.00 Ortonville 5,886.50 11,773.00 Willmar 40,160.00 80,320.00 Bird Island 3,329.50 6,659.00 *Dawson 4,613.50 • 9,227.00 Hector 3,038.50 6,077.00 •*Madison 5,368.00 *10,736.00 Renville 3,623.00 7,246.00 Cash Receipts 2,832.20 20,617.00 48,000.00 Gifts 155.00 2,990.80 2,000.00 Interest 420.63 3,063.05 8,000.00 Reimbursements (local govt) *Chippewa County 16,014.00 *32,028.00 *Dawson 2,736.00 * 5,472.00 *Madison 1,750.00 * 3,500.00 Benson (materials only)_ 1,500.00 1,500.00 Chippewa Co. (materials only) 3,000.00 3,000.00 Other Reimbursements 67.00 1,592.96 5,401.00 Other Total Receipts 38,364.83 470,168.56 946,638.00 Other funds Glencoe Fund 3,742.00 KCWL 1,786.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS & BALANCE: $149,014.27 $540,450.95 $952,166.00 E Page 1 (OVER) June 1987 PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM EXPENDITURES: L18RAAY PLRSC \AL SEkVICL-S SALARIES AND NAGES McALTH INSURA':Cc HcALTrf 1NdUAANCE - DECULTIO_LE PLT1PEMENT INSURANCE ACCT SR^_UO ... ACLT GR)VP... MATERIALS - PuJKS - ADULT ?U')KS - CHILDREN SeIERAL REF�REf,CE PERICUICALS P -%PMLE TS SWIFT COUNTY MATERIALS BENSON LIBRARY MATERIALS ChIPPLWA COUNTY LI °.RARY 'IATERIALS PMM L 16MH FIU +S VIDLO DISCS 6 TAPES AUDIO DISCS AND TAPES SLIDES AND FILM STR,PS MICkCFORMS BINGI%G CAT ALOC.I NG GCLC A`!D OTHER CHARGES CGM VENDOR CHARGES VEHICLES OPERATION AND MAUiTENANCE INSURANCE . AMORTIZATION . CUMMUNICATION TELCPHINE AND LINE C.fARGES TERMINAL MAI14TF14ANCE POSTAGE AIAD SMIPPING ELUIPMENT NEW FWUAPMEKT A/V FJUIPMEf1T PAiI.TENENLE A�4D CONTRACTS ACCT -GR ^UP... ACCT GkDUP... TREASURER'S REPORT (Continued) o94.36 417.56 .GO ACCT GACUP... 1,111.92 ACCT GRCUP... ACLT Gk3UP... OTHER CUSTCJIAL SGPPLI -; A'10 EIUIPM @NT SuOPLIcS A90 P ?1sTIr.G. PRCMCTIGNAL A,.D PkCGPA`WING MILEAGE AND MEETI4G; - STAFF 41L "CA(PE AND MLETLvGS - TRGSTEES_ PRGF. f•Ev ,LERShIPS (TRUSTELS) I.vSUPAVCE ACS AND L.-GAL N,;TLCES AUDITIKG - 7G3KKEEPInG C uVTI:vJ Ut„ c ')UCATiOV ACLT GROLP.. SPECIAL GLENCJE FRIENDS, L063 KLAL AUTOMATION FU•.D fLOLALI ENDING CASH BALANCE CPG. TOTAL... Page 2 79531.82 50.21% 535.44... _ 35.704... MTO YTU f OF EKP CT EXPCNDITURFS EAPENCITURES TO EST o .00 .00 .0c% .30 5U9559.42 303.391.72. 48.442 626.294.00 1,489.43 8.595.40 40.07% 21.30(:.30 74.40 1.070.77 33.46% - 3,100.00 4971L.70 271798.85 49.62% 56.400.00 -. 56,d44.95 34C,786.74 46.224 706.194.00 3.806.+3 339260.42 58.01% 57x333.00 987.69 8.237.79 51.49% 169000.00 1,035.40 7. Le J. 35 L19.6B% 69500.00 - 362.66 19932.52 9.202 219000.00 • 35.60 35.60 11.87% 300.00 .00 387.26 vOC% .00 44.28 517.10 31.25% _ 1.655.00_ 80.19 90.19 2.64% 3000.00 .00 2,60C.00 66.674 3.900.00 39.95 3,227.99. 67.25% 49300.00 56.36 83.16 83.16% 100.07. .UO .00 .00% 250.00 142.50 142.50 142.50% _. _ .100.00... .00 680.22 71.60% 950.00 6,074.16 569363.09 50.59% 1159388.00 .00 39301.00 18.34% 189003.30 969.69 8,776.01 82.243 10r671.00 - __969.o9 _12,077.01 - -. _. 42.12%.._ 269671.00__ o94.36 417.56 .GO ACCT GACUP... 1,111.92 ACCT GRCUP... ACLT Gk3UP... OTHER CUSTCJIAL SGPPLI -; A'10 EIUIPM @NT SuOPLIcS A90 P ?1sTIr.G. PRCMCTIGNAL A,.D PkCGPA`WING MILEAGE AND MEETI4G; - STAFF 41L "CA(PE AND MLETLvGS - TRGSTEES_ PRGF. f•Ev ,LERShIPS (TRUSTELS) I.vSUPAVCE ACS AND L.-GAL N,;TLCES AUDITIKG - 7G3KKEEPInG C uVTI:vJ Ut„ c ')UCATiOV ACLT GROLP.. SPECIAL GLENCJE FRIENDS, L063 KLAL AUTOMATION FU•.D fLOLALI ENDING CASH BALANCE CPG. TOTAL... Page 2 79531.82 50.21% 535.44... _ 35.704... .00 - .00% 69667.26 39.35% 745.06 _ - - -_- 49448.06 -_ -- 52.334 .00 272.50 19.46% 702.01 4,031.66. 50.40% 1,447.67 8,752.22 48.90% 15 00 1r OD _ 49000.00 20,500.00 -- - a,300.GO 1.400.00 dr+:00.00_ 17.900.00 675.00 1,076.70 53.844 29000.00 .00 719.65 102.841 700.00 1,139.04 9.149.31 76.24% 129000.00 1.814.04 109945.66 74.46% 14*7OC.00 . 93.37 456.43 48.64% 1,J0O.U0 . 1.117.62 E, 820.07. 44.104 209000.00 73.53 431.73 86.352 500.00 482.54 1044.65 31.722 59500.00 531.if9 _ 19448.05 45.k5i 3,200.00 .0' 378.00 01.20% 150.4,0 .00 9,405.10 119.354 79310..00 .00 374.01 410.234 9u. J0 19403.03 1,4CO.UO 116.67% 1,200.00 1 ?5.07 19350.00 45.00% 39013.00 `0.0n 50.00 25.004 20U.v0 49584.10 25,6ed.64 60.434 42,340.00 .JO - .00 .JOY 3.742.00 .00 .07 .004 19796.uO .00 .JO .30% .07 73944o.73 4S4r013.41 48.82.4 952, 300 $75,567.54 $75,567.54 183 UitrrerslriY Ave. E., St. Paul, NIV 55101 -2526 MEMORANDUM July 7, 1987 TO: Mayors, Managers, Clerks FROM: Ann Higgins, Federal Liaison/ Program Development (612) 277 -5600 n JUL i957 iUCELVED \"O' St... 32 SUBJECT: PROPOSED TAX INCREASES FOR CITIES UNDER CONSIDERATION FOR FY'88 FEDERAL BUDGET Members of the House Ways and Means Committee, including Rep. William Frenzel (3CD -MN), are currently considering a "menu" of tax options presented by committee chairman Dan Rostenkowski, who has announced that, beginning this week, the House Ways and Means Committee will draft tax proposals to comply with the recently approved FY'88 Budget •Resolution. A number of the tax increase options to be impact on cities in Minnesota. The League officials review the following proposed to Cono:essman and Senators know that serious arise if additional costs are passed on to considered would have direct recommends that city K increase options and let your difficulties for cities will local government. Please make every effort to communicate directly with both members of the U.S. House and Senate from Minnesota to emphasize your objections to any or all of the following options under consideration. It is impor :a „t to stress the fact that nearly all these proposed tax chan.;_s raise the cost of local services and force cities to bear a disc:- Lortionate tax burden at a time when federal and state aid to cities has substantially declined while mandated costs for federal and state regulations have not. Further, many of these proposals strike at the remaining elements of the federal -local partnership by imposing federal taxes on city services and carations established to meet local needs. In this way, the federal government is simply increasing the cost of local services and placing an unfair tax burden on city residents. The only good piece of news is the information that Representative Bruce Vento (4CD -MN) has signed one of several letter=_ being circulated in Congress opposing extension of mandatory Medicare coverage to all is remaining state and local employees. Cities in the 4th Congressional District should thank Rep. Vento for his support and indicate their concerns over the prospects for this additional cost to city services. PROPOSED FEDERAL TAX INCREASES WITH IMPACT ON CITIES 1. Mandatory Medicare Coverage: This mandate was included in the . President's proposed federal budget submitted to Congress in January. It would require that all city and state employees (including part -time) be liable for federal Medicare payroll taxes. Cities would pay 1.458 and withhold the equivalent amount of the first $43,800 of employee wages, effective January 1, 1988. The League estimated last year that such a new mandate would cost Minnesota cities $14 million, based on 1985 employment figures. Cities with paid police and fire personnel would be disproportionately affected by this tax change. It also would eliminate the phase -in for medicare coverage agreed to by the 1986 Congress which required that all newly hired city employees (after March 31, 1986) would be required to be covered. 2. Gas, excise, and use taxes: This proposed tax increase was also proposed in the President's Budget. It would require all cities to pay federeal gasoline, diesel and other fuel taxes as well as federal excise taxes on heavy vehicles and tires and an annual use tax on heavy equipment. It would be effective October 1, 1987. A number of Minnesota Congressmen and Senators indicated opposition to this proposal last March during meetings held with Minnesota city officials attending the NLC Congressional -City Conference. It is very important to remind members of the Minnesota Congressional Delegation of the opposition among cities to proposed federal tax increases imposed on local government operations. 3. Increased federal taxes on the interest earnings on traditional municipal revenue bonds: These proposals include federal tax liability for both "private activity" (IDB) and general obligation bonds. a. Increasing the individual alternative minimum tax (AMT) from 21 to 26 percent. The tax hike would affect bond interest earnings for those investing in tax - exempt bonds used by cities for economic development activities. b. Increasing the alternative corporate alternative minimum tax (AMT). This would apply to all municipal bonds - including general obligation bonds. Repealing the exemption from the individual AMT for general obligation bonds. d. Reducing state per capita volume limits on "private activity" (read: economic development, housing, etc.) bonds by 10 percent and a 20 percent cut in other individual tax credits including the low - income housing tax credit, the targeted jobs tax credit and the historic rehabilitation tax credit. e. Ending interest deductions on installment sales (leases) of property to cities. New limits would be imposed on the opportunity for corporations to sell personal property to a city on an installment • basis. f. Applying a .5 percent excise tax on the value of transfers of securities, including the sale of municipal bonds and securities. This •proposal would affect the purchase and sale of securities in municipal pension funds. g. Increasing trust fund excise taxes (highway, airport and Superfund) by 33 percent, including several proposals to increase federal gas taxes. The rationale offered for this proposed tax hike is to replace federal revenues "lost" from tax - exempt (municipal) bonds used to finance activities for which cities are reimbursed (with federal trust fund revenues - which, by the way, are dedicated solely to such purposes). It is also interesting to note what congressional sources have estimated for increased federal revenues that will result from the tax increase options listed above: • Mandatory Medicare: $1.3 billion in 1988; $5.2 billion over the next 3 years; • Gas, excise, and use taxes on city (and state) vehicles: $200 million in 1988; $800 million over the next 3 years; . Increasing individual AMT on "private activity" bonds: $800 million in 1988; $7.1 billion over the next 3 years; •. Increasing corporate AMT: $300 million in 1988; $1.3 billion over the next 3 years; Repealing the exemption for G.O. bonds and municipal revenue bonds from the individual AMT: $100 million in 1988; $900 million over the next 3 years; Reducing state per capita volume limits: $1.2 billion in 1988; $24.4 billion over the next 3 years; Eliminating interest deductions on installment sales to cities: less than $50 million in 1988; $200 million over the next 3 years; Securities transfer excise tax (STET): $5 billion in 1988; $22.5 billion over the next 3 years; Increasing highway, airport, superfund excise taxes: $9.2 billion in 1988; $29 billion over the next 3 years. Those tax changes resulting in the largest federal revenue gains next year (reducing state per capita volume caps on private activity bonds; imposing a securities transfer excise tax; increasing trust fund excise taxes; and imposing mandatory Medicare coverage) will be especially attractive to federal lawmakers looking for revenues to fund $19 billion in expenditures for FY'88 for which current federal tax sources will not • be adequate. 0 AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1987 1. Call to Order at 4:30 P.M. 2. Presentation By Dennis Potter On Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve proposal 3. Appointment of Four Member Committee to Set Standards for Police Chief Selection Action - Motion to ratify appointments 4. Consideration of Job Description for Police Office Clerk And Authorization to Advertise Position isAction - Motion to reject - Motion to approve job description and advertise 5. Consideration of Awarding Bid for Demolition And Removal of Structures At 325 Adams Street Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and award bid 6. Adjournment 1] I RETRO PROGRAM - CITY OF HUTCHINSON $334,324 X 35$ _ $117,013 + Anticipated Losses x 1.10 ($61,472 x 1.10) $67,619 = FINAL NET COST OF - $184,632. Deposit premium - $46,158 Quarterly premiums - $46,158 Quarterly premiums by entity - Last Year CITY OF HUTCHINSON $13,126.25 HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL $ 8,154.25 BURNS MANOR NURSING HOME $ 8,459.75 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES $ 7,507.25 Total Annual Premiums $148,990.00 • This Year $15,601.50 $10,477.75 $11,955.00 $ 8,123.75 $184,632.00 RETRO PROGRAM PREMIUMS Minimum Premium - $117.013 Maximum Premium $451,463 Example of Retro Formula applied to past 5 years; based on actual losses. Losses Retro Premium 1982 -83 $ 73,251 $197,589 1983 -84 $142,318 $273,562 1984 -85 $ 73,251 $197,589 1985 -86 $ 30,281 $153,653 1986 -87 *$ 80,885 $205,987 "Losses valued as of 6/1/87 A loss limitation provision is included which limits the expos- ure on any one claim to $170,000. 11 i o� F (gi#u of guidlinsutt P"licc Commiss &m 1 ■uhlagten A" "U, W. �iufrhinsnn, e4Vinnesafu 55350 COMMISSIONERS: WRUAM MiSKOFF PHONE 612- 587.2242 ROBERT PROCHNOW JOSEPH DANSEREAU June 19, 1987 TO- Mayor and City Council FROM- Hutchinson Police Commission We would formally like to request a four member committee be appointed by the Mayor and City Council to set the standards for the Chief of Police appointment. We recommend that the committee consist of one member of the Police Commission, one member of the Police Department, one City Council member and the City Personnel Director. Your prompt response would be appreciated. • • • TITLE POLICE OFFICE CLERK DEPARTMENT POLICE SUPERVISED BY CHIEF OF POLICE D R A F T Tcg 0C— ScKteT%oN jobdes49 6-87 -34- SUMMARY THIS IS OFFICE WORK IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT G DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 79 1 Operates the Word processing system for the department to maintain i a records and reports, produce correspondence, etc. i� 2 Operates the computerized filing system (POSSE) to make the majority of 1 the department entry work into the system. Z T 3 Uses typewriter to produce certain reports and records. 0 4 Uses manual filing system to maintain certain records. 3 a 5 Assists police secretary with the non - sufficient funds check program. 7- 6 May use radio console communication system on a limited basis. 7 Performs related duties as required. EQUIPMENT: Typewriter, telephone, dictaphone, teletypewriter, copy machine, computer system, radio communication system. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS Post - secondary training and related experience in computerized office procedures. Respect for confidential information. WORKING CONDITIONS Twenty hour week, subject to some rescheduling as needed. i Job Description —Office Clerical Personnel Duties: 1. Enter into Department filing system. 2. Assist Police Secretary with the non-sufficient funds 3. Able to type reports. 4. Operate the word processing system for the Department. 5. Operate computerized filing system, POSSE. 6. Perform related duties of a clerk /typist. 7. Able to do filing and do posting work. 'Dfl'C f4' J�oK Sot bc-sc check program. Equipment: Computer system, typewriter, telephone, dictaphone, copy machine, teletypewriter, familiar with radio console communication system. Mental Applications Under the general supervision of the CHief of Police or Senior Peace Officer on duty, and within the guildelines of the Police Department Policy. Work to be reviewed through reports, personal inspection and discussion. Responsibility: This position responsible for the majority of the Department entry work into Posse. Also it requires a sense of confidentiality. Education, Training, Skill: • High School education and college level training in clerical skills is recommended. Must be able to operate computerized equipment. Rxperience: Six months experience in office and clerical skills necessarry for effective performance. Working conditions: Twenty hour week, subject to some rescheduling as needed. : CJ POLICE COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 19, 1987 The Police Commission meeting was called to order by President Robert Prochnow at 12:00 noon on June 19, 1987 in the City Hall Council Chambers. Members Jeff Haag and Donn Hoffman were also present. Dr. Prochnow stated that the main purpose of this meeting was an informa- tive meeting to acquaint newly appointed member Donn Hoffman with the rules and procedures of the Police Commission. Dr. Prochnow thanked him for accep- ting the position and welcomed him. Dr. Prochnow also publicly thanked Dr. William Miskoff for his many years of service. A discussion followed regarding how often commission meetings should be held. Dr. Prochnow explained that most of the meetings in the past have been for the purpose of hiring; setting up exams to establish eligibility rosters, etc; and they have not met on a regular basis. Most meetings were called by members of the police department for a specific reason. Sergeant John Gregor advised that Statute requires that at least one meeting a year be held. Donn • Hoffman felt that we may forget the purpose of the Commission if we don't meet often enough. Jeff Haag stated that he feels the Commission need not be involved in management but should be involved in hirings, promotions, and seeing to it that procedures and policies are followed. Ron Kirchoff felt they would be better able to keep abreast of ongoing problems and activities within the police department by attending the staff meetings, and requested that one member be present at the meetings. A motion was made by Donn Hoffman to meet at least once every quarter and have one Commission member attend the Department Staff meetings. Jeff Haag seconded the motion and it was approved. Ron Kirchoff requested that a committee be appointed to set the standards for hiring the Chief of Police. Mayor Ackland said he felt there were two issues that needed to be acted on. One was to set up the standards for the position and the other was the process the Commission would take for the testing and interviewing of applicants. Ackland suggested that the Commission get a request to the Council to set up that committee. Jeff Haag made a motion to request that the Council appoint a committee by July 1, 1987, instructing them to set the requirements for hiring criteria. The committee should consist of one Polio Commission member, one City Council member, one Police Department employee and the City Personnel Director. Donn Hoffman seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. A copy of the request will be forwarded to the Council for action at their June 23, 1987 • meeting. A discussion followed regarding the timetable. The Council had said that they were looking at January 1, 1988 as the date to hire a new chief. Bob Ringstrom expressed concern that it should be expediated so that the new Chief might get in on the budget planning. Ron Kirchoff felt that it would probably take three months and hoped that the names of three applicants could be submitted to the Council by early fall. Personnel Director Hazel Sitz said that the job description and salary range should be available before adverti- sing for the position, but felt that the testing procedures could be worked out while applications were being taken. Ron Kirchoff submitted a job description to the Commission for approval for the new part -time data entry position recently approved by the City Coun- cil. Hazel Sitz had written up a job description based on recommendations from Ron Kirchoff. Donn Hoffman asked whose responsibility it was to draft job descriptions -the commission's, the police department's or the personnel director? John Gregor said that the Police Commission must approve the des- cription and should work closely with Hazel to get a job description. It is feasible that there could be two job descriptions; one set up by the personnel office and one by the Commissioners. He stated that in larger communities the Commission does it all. Hazel questioned how the Council would then know how to set a pay range. John Gregor suggested that they work closely together. Ron Kirchoff said that he was comfortable working with Hazel on this. Ackland said that the Council has authorized the position and Hazel can determine what the pay grade should be. Jeff Haag then made a motion to approve the job description. Donn Hoffman seconded the motion and it was approved. There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned. • L W (612) 587.5151 ITY OF HUTCHINSON WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST CHINSON. MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: June 23, 1987 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: George F. Field, Fire Marshal RE: Bid Opening - 6/22/1987 Lot 8, Block 36, South Half City 325 Adams Street Bids for Demolition and Removal of Structures on the above - referenced property, were received as follows: Juul Contracting $2,440.00 Diamond Five Wrecking $4,000.00 Rickert Excavating $1,950.00 It would be my recommendation to accept the bid from Rickert Excavating in the amount of $1,950.00, with ten day work schedule, contingent upon the City obtaining possession of said property. GFr,'bv George F. Field Fire Marshal i