cp02-22-1988 cHUTCHINSON CITY CALENDAR WEEK OF February 21 To February 27 >t 1988 WEDNESDAY -24- 10 :00 A.M. - Directors Meet at City Hall 10:00 A.M. - Sr. Advisory Board Meeting at Sr. Center 5:30 P.M. - Joint Meeting of City Council/ County Board at Fire Station --------- - - - - -- --------------- 7:00 P.M. - Review of Annual Reports by City Council THURSDAY -25- Noon - Nursing Home Board Meeting at Burns Manor MONDAY -22- 9 :00 A.M.) - B.R.W. Tnterviews 9:00 P.M.) at City Hall 6:00 P.M. - Special Dinner Meeting of Utilities Commiss 6:45 P.M. - City Council Interviews by B.R.ti at City Hall 7:30 P.M. - City Council Meeting at City Hall FRIDAY -26- VACATION & CONFERENCE: RANDY DEVRIES - Feb. 22 - HOMER PITTMAN - Feb. 22 - GEORGE FIELD - Conference Feb. 26 - TULS isy -23- 10:00 A.M. - WW'I'I' hlr, 1. ing at FJaril Site -- PRECINCT CAU''U`IF'S -- SATURDAY -27- AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1988 1, Call to Order - 7:30 P.M. 2. Invocation - Rev. Thor Skeie, Faith Lutheran Church 3. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Meeting of February 9, 1988, Special ee ing o e ruary 3'2, 1988 and Bid Opening of February 12, 1988 Action - Approve as distributed - Approve as amended 4. Routine Items (a) Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions 1. Financial Report - January 1988 2. Planning Commission Minutes of January 19, 1988 3. Nursing Home Board Minutes of January 21, 1988 4. Library Board Minutes of February 16, 1888 (b) Renewal of Club Intoxicating Liquor License . 1. American Legion 2. Country Club 3. Elks 4. V.F.W. (c) Appointments Nursing Home Board - Gloria Dansereau (One Year) 2. HRA Board - Richard 1. Peterson Action - Motion to order report and minutes filed, renew licenses and ratify appointments 5. Public Hearing - 8:00 P.M. None 6. Communications, Requests and Petitions (a) Update Report from Robert Lambert of Thorbeck & Lambert, Inc. (Architectural Firm for Police Station Project) Action - (b) Discussion of Sherwood Street Surfacing South of Century Avenue . Requested By Mike Becker (Project No. 88 -07, Schmidtbauer Second Addition) Action - 1 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - FEBRUARY 22, 1988 i 7. Resolutions and Ordinances (a) Ordinance No. 4/88 — Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 735 of the 1974 Ordinance Code Of The City Of Hutchinson Entitled, "Rules And Regulations Oakland Cemetery" Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive second reading and adopt (b) Resolution Mo. 8709 - Resolution For Purchase Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (c) Resolution No. 8412 - Resolution Accepting Pledged Securities From First Bank Of Minnesota, Hutchinson, Minnesota Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (d) Resolution No. 8718 - Resolution Authorizing Release And Substitution Of Securities To First Rational Bank, Hutchinson, Minnesota Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt 8. Unfinished Business (a) Consideration of Establishing Salary for Hutchinson Utilities Commission Members (DEFERRED JANUARY 26, 1988) Action - (b) Discussion of Assessing Previous Sturm Sewer Cots to Twin Oaks Subdivision Action - 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) Consideration of Delinquent Water And Sewer Accounts Action - Motion to authorize extension of payment period - Motion to authorize discontinuation of service (b) Discussion of Parking Lot On Corner of Second Avenue And Glen Street Action - (c) Consideration of Establishing Date of May 180 1988 (4:30 P.M.) for Board of Review Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve date 10 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - FEBRUARY 22, 1988 (d) Consideration of Preliminary And Final Plat of Casa Addition Submitted By John Miller with Unfavorable Recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (e) Consideration of Amendment to Zoning Ordinance #464, Section 9 (3b) Setback Requested By City Staff with Favorable Recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive first reading of Ordinance and set second reading March 8, 1988 (f) Consideration of Revised Preliminary Plat of Brecht Riverside Requested By Lowell Brecht (Within Two Mile Radius) with Favorable Recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to refer to County with no objection (g) Consideration of Leasing Council Chambers to Minnesota Department of Public Safety for Use As Driver Exam Office On Thursdays Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve 0 (h) Consideration of Purchase of Uniform Items for Police Department Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (i: Consideration of Reinstatement of Capital Improvement Tree Funds Action - (j) Consideration of Approving Plans And Specifications for Purchase of Storm Water Grates for Project No, 88-29 And Advertising for Bids Action - Motion to reject — Motion to approve plans and specifications and advertise for bids on March 18, 1988 at 2:00 P.M. - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8711 (k) Discussion of Deferred Storm Sewer Assessment to Twin Oaks Addition Action - (1) Consideration of Approving Plans And Specifications for Project No. 88 -25 And Ordering Advertisement for Bids . Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve plans and specifications and advertise for bids on March 18, 1988 at 2:00 P.M. - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8710 3 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - FEBRUARY 22, 1988 (m) Consideration of Amended Subdivision Agreement for Fifth Addition to Lakewood Terrace Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve amended subdivision agreement (n) Consideration of Authorization to Purchase An Arterial Blood Gas Analyzer for Hutchinson Community Hospital Action- Motion to reject - Motion to approve purchase 10. Miscellaneous (a) Communications from City Administrator 11. Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments (a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds 12. Adjournment 4 MINUTES REGULAR xEfiTLNG - AUTCHI UTCHIMSON' "CITY COiTACIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1988 1. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ackland at 7:30 P.M. The follow- ing were present: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Aldermen Mike Carls, John Xlianr, Marlin Torgerson and Pat xikulecky. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Director of Engineering Eugene Anderson and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend Thor Skeie. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of January 26, 1988 and bid opening of February 1, 1988 were approved as distributed., 4. ROUTINE ITEMS (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT - JANUARY 1988 • 2. AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF JANUARY 25, 1988 3. NURSING HOME BOARD MINUTES OF DECEMBER 22, 1987 4. PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MINUTES OF JANUARY 13, 1988 5. TREE BOARD MINUTES OF JANUARY 13, 1988 (b) APPLICATION FOR SNOW REMOVAL PERMIT 1. GREG JENSEN 2. DOUGLAS PETERSON The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman xiku- lecky, to order the report and minutes filed and issue the permits. Notion unanimously carried. 5. PUBLIC HEARING - 8:00 P.M. (a) 1988 IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Mayor Ackland called the public hearing to order at 8:00 P.M. 1. PROJECT 88 -03 Mayor Ackland read Publication No. 3787 for Project No. 88 -03. . Engineer Anderson reported that an error was made when the notice • of public hearing was prepared. The property abutting Connecticut Street would not be assessed for proposed surfacing on Campbell Lane. The Connecticut Street property owners paid the entire costs for the project on Connecticut Street, but the property owners on 1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 9, 1988 Campbell Lane paid nothing. Mr. Mike Ribich, 1350 Campbell Lane, asked if there was a date for the bids. He commented about development and wondered If the de- veloper would be assessed. Also, he inquired if the three McClure lots on the edge of Campbell Lane would be included in the assess - ment and wondered how the portion of the assessment would be di- vided. Engineer Anderson stated the McClure property would be assessed an equitable portion for the project; however, that portion would be deferred at this time since the lots are not platted. They would be assessed on a frontage basis for raw land. An unidentified lady on Campbell Lane asked when the project would take place. Mr. Paul Vestern, 479 Campbell Lane, inquired if the cost included street lights. A petition was submitted by property owners in Clark's Second Addi- tion opposing Project No. 88 -03 since the improvement did not abut and benefit their property. 2. PROJECT 88 -04 Mayor Ackland read Publication No. 3788 for Project Mo. 88 -04.. Mr. Daniel Noga, 635 Tyler Street, requested the project be delayed for awbile. He asked what the plan was for the area to the south. The City Engineer stated the property was presently outside the city limits; therefore, he had no information from the developer. Mr. Steve Straumann, 595 Roberts Road, commented be lived closea4o the storm sewer. He inquired when it would be joined up. W Mr. Raymond Otto, 620 Tyler Street, requested the City to wait an- other year before any more assessments were added. He was still paying on previous assessments. Mr. Vayne Plombon, 615 Tyler Street, stated he had the same feel- ings as the other neighbors. Director Anderson reported that sand and dirt washes into the sewer. There will be 13 to 14 property owners assessed for the cost of the project. 3. PROJECT 88 -05 . Mayor Ackland read Publication No. 3789 for Project No. 88 -05. F CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 9, 1988 Mr. Lyle Mullins, 1275 Lakeview Lane, inquired if the cost would be divided among all the property owners. -He asked if the corner,:lots on School Road and Roberts Road would share in the 'cost of the Im- provement. Engineer Anderson answered in the affirmative. Mr. Jack Alfredson, 1235 Roberts Road, commented that his property did not abut Lakeview Lane but was being assessed. He didn't un- derstand why since his was the second lot in on Roberts Road. Mr. Alfredson inquired if the property owners were informed of the subdivision agreements. Engineer Anderson reported that a subdivision agreement for XcDon- ald's Second Addition determined the assessments, and all costs would be shared equally within the subdivision. Mayor Ackland read a letter received from Citizens Bank & Trust Co. regarding the project and their opposition to the assessment. 4. PROJECT 88 -06 Mayor Ackland read Publication No. 3790 for Project No. 88 -06: A representative of the Hutchinson Baptist Church, 705 Fifth Avenue S.V., spoke for the project. They church had purchased two lots to be used for church property, but 'they are now up for sale. He com- mented that lot two did not have sewer and water on it since it would have been used for a parking lot. Hs. Jody Lerdol, 833 Hilltop Drive, asked how much of the cost was for water and sewer services and how much of the $36,000 was in- volved in water and sewer. She inquired how many lots in the sub- division were affected by the project, how each lot would be as- sessed, and bow much her assessment would be. Ms. Lerdol asked how the City determined who got the contract for the work. The City Engineer responded that 18 lots would be affected by the project, and the cost would be $2,000 per lot. The assessment would not be figured on a per square foot basis. 5. PROJECT 88 -07 Mayor Ackland read Publication No. 3791 for Project No. 88 -07. Xr'. Gerald Zimmerman, 16 Century Avenue, said his main question was how and why he would pay for a street 600 feet from his lot. He had learned there was a subdivision agreement, of which he was not aware. He didn't feel it was right that he be assessed when some other property owners did not get assessed. He had contacted 10 neighbors, and nine had signed a petition opposing the project. 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 9, 1988 0 The property owners in Schmidtbauer Second Addition were opposed to a project for finishing a street going nowhere and of no use. Mr. Dick Waage, 1210 Bradford Street, agreed with Mr. Zimmerman's comments that the street went nowhere. Since it is a dead end street, he suggested putting off the project until there was de- velopment in the area. Mr. Waage stated he did not sign the peti- tition because he was exempt due to a special agreement with Rich- ard Schmidtbauer, the developer, regarding assessments. A copy of the agreement was submitted to the City Council. Mr. Mike Becker, 56 Century Avenue, stated be owned lot one on the corner. He inquired if the park in the area would be finished in the near future. The proposed street would be the only access to it. Last spring the park was tiled, and he wondered if the tiling system was hooked up to the main system. Mr. Becker said he was the only one who would benefit from the street; how -ever, he was assessed for Bradford Street. Engineer Anderson stated the tile was hooked up to the system and drained into the main system. There would be no assessment for the park. Mr. Ed Wegscheid, 14 Century Avenue, reported he had moved in next • door to Mr. Zimmerman the first of the year. He was not aware of the subdivision agreement. He was opposed to the project. Mr. Tim Halvorson, 44 Century Avenue, asked about Schmidtbauer's Second Addition. He had not received a letter from the City re- garding the hearing although he had owned his property for two years. Mr. Halvorson inquired if the property owners would pay for the improvement of road, curb and gutter when the development was done around the park. It did not seem correct to him that other property owners are paying for Schmidtbauer's street improve- ments. 6. PROJECT 88 -13 Mayor Ackland read Publication No. 3792 for Project No. 88 -13. Mr. Martin Prieve, 55 Fifth Avenue A.E., asked why it was necessary to do the proposed project. There had never been a problem so why did the storm sewer on Grove Street need to be replaced. The City Engineer stated the present surface was only temporary and not permanent. The City was trying to eliminate this type of street and make it a permanent surface. Mayor Ackland read a letter received from Mabel Kreft, 345 Glen Street South, who was opposed to the project. 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 9, 1988 7. PROJECT 88 -14 Mayor Ackland read Publication No. 3793 for Project No. 88 -14. Mr. Ken Cain, 204 Grove Street South, asked about the estimate of the project for City cost. He also inquired about the water main service on Main Street from Fourth Avenue. He commented the street was torn up a couple summers. Mr. Cain stated he would welcome a paved street since the dust had been bad. He wondered about the three separate projects and if dropping the storm sewer project would change the assessment cost. 8. PROJECT 88 -16 Mayor Ackland read Publication No. 3794 for Project No. 88 -16 Mr. Art J. Benjamin, 108 Grove Street'South, commented that it was his understanding from previous discussion that the street on the long side was paid for by the owner and the street on the short side was paid for by the other taxpayers. His property is on a corner. He inquired if the City had any plans for angle parking for the east and west side to the existing sidewalk. • Mr. Vayne Kasich, 45 Fourth Avenue H.V., represented the Ink Spots and the Hutchinson Leader buildings. He asked about parking lot approaches. He stated there has been a problem with water seepage for the past two years. Mr. Kasich thought there was a line under the parking lot that was draining into their property. He wonder- ed if the property owner had a choice -to eliminate one line and hook up to the one in front of the building. He inquired about subdivision agreements and bow they were filed with the City. 9. PROJECT 88 -23 mayor Ackland read Publication No. 3795 for Project No, 88 -23. No one was present to be beard regarding the project. 10. PROJECT 88 -24 Mayor Ackland read Publication No. 3796 for Project No. 88 -24, Mr. LeRoy Llavka, 925 Ludtke Lane, asked what portion of the 158,000 amount he would have to pay. He inquired how many prop- erties would be assessed. The City Engineer responded that eight properties would be assessed about $7,200 each. Ms. Carol Vanort, 930 Ludt.ke Lane, inquired how .he City would assts the project coSt if the property owner did not hook up to CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 9, 1988 0 the line. She asked if there were plans for in the circle. Mr. Mike Vanort, 930 Ludtke Lane, asked for a breakdown for the water and sewer and why the project was so expensive. Mr. Vanort was in favor of the project, but he felt the cost was high. He inquired if other property owners would also be assessed. He fur- ther commented about water drainage on to his property since de- velopment took place on California Street. He wondered if the developer had a responsibility for changing the water flow. An unidentified man questioned if it would be cheaper to wait to do the project until the property to the south was developed. He felt the Woods and Cox properties on Golf Course Road were bringing the cost up and asked if they could be taken out of the project. 11. PROJECT 88 -26 Mayor Ackland read Publication No. 3797 for Project Ho. 88 -26. No one was present to be heard regarding the project. 12. PROJECT 88 -27 Mayor Ackland read Publication No. 3798 for Project No. 88 -27. No one was present to be heard regarding the project. Alderman Torgerson moved to close the hearing at 10:00 P.M. seconded by Alderman Carls and unanimously carried Motion The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Carls, to approve Projects 88 -03, with the deletion of Connecticut Street, 88- 05, 88-06, 88-13, 88 -14, 88 -16, 88 -23, 88 -24, 88 -26 and 88 -27 and to omit Projects 88 -04 and 88 -07. Motion unanimously carried. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO USE LIBRARY SQUARE BY ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Alderman Mlinar moved to approve the request. Motion seconded by Ald- erman Mikulecky and carried unanimously. (b) UPDATE REPORT ON STATUS OF POLICE STATION PROJECT BY VERGIL FLORHAUG OF C.A.M. Mr. Vergil Florhaug reported on the status of the electrical work at the police station and the McNerney situation. He had been contacted by the consultant of the bonding company, and a contract with a new electrical company will be forthcoming. Nuessmeier Electric, Inc, will finish the work on a time and material basis, not to exceed $17,200. L CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 9, 1988 Alderman Torgerson moved to authorize C.A.M. to enter into a contract with the City and Nuessmeier Electric,, Inc. to finish the electrical work for $17,200. `Motion seconded by Alderman'Mlinar"'and unanimously`'" carried. Mr. Florhaug reviewed some of the changes in the budget for the police station. He stated less than half of the general conditions had been spent in the total period of construction,.end there should be some dollars left. The motion was made by Alderman Xlinar, seconded by Alderman Torgerson, for C.A.M. to prepare a budget update report for the next City Council meeting. Motion unanimously carried. 7. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) RESOLUTION NO. 8705 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The motion was made by Alderman 7likulecky, seconded by Alderman Torger- son, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8705.for water meters. Motion unanimously carried. • 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID FOR 1988 POLICE PATROL CAR (DEFERRED FEBRUARY i, 1988) City Attorney Anderson reported the state law required the lowest re- sponsible bid to be accepted if it met the- specifications. Further, any purchase under $15,000 did not require the public bid process. Instead, the City could take sealed proposals. Following lengthy discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to reject all bids. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and carried three to two, with Aldermen Mlinar, Torgerson and Mikulecky voting aye and Alderman Carla and Mayor Ackland voting nay. The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, to direct the City Administrator and City Attorney to take care of the proposal process for bids on Friday, February 12, 1988 at 11:30 A.M. Motion unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF TWIN OAKS /HOLMQUIST ASSESSMENT ISSUE (DEFERRED JANUARY 26, 1988) The City Attorney recommended settlement of the Twin Oaks/Holmquist and Assembly of God Church matter with the following terms and conditions, as stated in his February 4, 1983 letter: (1) The City will not seek to collect assessment and interest on Assessment Roll No. 33 as it relates to the Assembly of God 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 9, 1988 property and the Holmquist property. (2) The City will accept the sum of 85,000 from National Casualty Company in exchange for a full, final and complete release as to this particular transaction. s (3) Settlement of these two claims will not effect the Assembly of God obligation to pay deferred assessments in excess of 58,000 which were agreed to for Assessment Roll No. 176 (Project 83 -02). Attorney Anderson made reference to correspondence received from the former City engineer and his comments regarding the Assembly of God property. The recommendation made by the City Attorney still stood; however, he recommended deleting the church property from any action The issue now related only to the Holmquist property. They were two separate issues for two different properties. Hollowing discussion, Alderman Mikulecky moved to accept the City At- torney's recommendation in his letter of February 4, 1988 of item Bo. 1 and item No. 2 as it related to the insurance area, but it would be re- stricted solely to the Holmquist issue. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and unanimously carried.' 9. NEW BUSINESS , (a) CONSIDERATION OF 1988 POSITION CLASSIFICATION /PAY PLAN The notion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mikulecky, to approve and waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8703. Motion unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAINTING NORTHWEST WATER TOWER Following discussion, Alderman Carls moved to approve the plans and" specifications, order advertisement for bids on March 4, 1988 at 2:0& P.M. and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8704. Motion sec - onded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF MULTI - JURISDICTIONAL DRUG TASK FORCE Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, to approve payment of $3,435.28 to McLeod County. Motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF CHANGING DATE FOR FEBRUARY 23, 1988 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Alderman Carls moved to change the City Council date to Monday, Feb- ruary 22, 1988. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. P CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 9, 1988 (e) CONSIDERATION OF PURCHASING CABINETS/EQUIPMENT FOR NEV POLICE FACILITY Sgt.'John`Gregor presented a list of cabinets'end equipment needed for the new police facility and requested authorization to purchase them. The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Miku -" lecky, to approve the low bid for cabinets from Clyde Gregor for $2,875.00, the Sears bid of $1,393.99 for three refrigerators and a microwave, 'and the Allen Office Supply price quote of $576.00 for a credenza, $327.00 for bookshelves, and $415.00 for eight chair mats. Motion unanimously carried. Sgt. Gregor presented a list of miscellaneous items at an estimated cost of $2,600.90 which were also needed in the mew facility. Following discussion, Alderman Carls moved to take the $2,600.90 out of the fund balance rather than out of the 1988 contingency fund or out of possible surplus of 1987. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (f) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 735 FOR CHANGES IN RULES AND REGULATIONS AT OAKLAND CEMETERY Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to approve the changes and to waive first reading of Ordinance No. 4/88 and set the second reading for February 22, 1988. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and car - ried unanimously. (g) CONSIDERATION OF INSTALLING POLICE COMPUTER COMMUNICATION AND CABLING IN NEW POLICE FACILITY Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Carls, to approve the purchase and installation out of the general conditions fund. Motion unanimously carried. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR The City Administrator reported two dates were suggested for the Coun- cil to meet with the County Board, namely February 22 and February 24. It was the consensus of the Council to meet at 5:30 P.M. on February 24 in the fire station. Then the Council would review the directors' an- nual reports at 7 :00 P.M. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Anderson commented on the closing of the Hutchinson di- vision of district court. He suggested that the City adopt a Resolu- tion requesting justification of the $19,000 figure for the cost of court in Hutchinson and that the County Board be asked to adopt a 0 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 9, 1988 similar Resolution. After discussion, Alderman Carla moved to adopt Resolution If6.'8708 for a response with clarification of the $19,000 figure for Butchinson's district court. Motion seconded by Alderman %liner and unanimously carried. ; Attorney Anderson reported that the Sam Ulland case would be heard in court on February 12, 1988 at 9:30 A.M. 11. CLAIMS. APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS The motion was made by Alderman Kinar, seconded by Alderman Nikulet:ky, to approve and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. Motion unanimously carried. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11 :42 P.M. • 10 0 9 0 MINUTES BID OPENING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1988 The bid opening was called to order by City Administrator Plotz at 11:30 A.M. Present were: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Finance Director Kenneth B, Merrill, Supervisor Doug Meier, and Administrative Secretary Marilyn Swanson. The Request for Quotation, Purchase of One New 1988 Police Patrol Car With Trade -In, was read. The following bid was then opened and read: Glencoe Ford Glencoe, MN $13,444.44 Ford 1,004.00 Trade -In $12,440.44 A statement was submitted that Glencoe Ford would pick -up and deliver the vehicle for warranty work and maintenance during the warranty period. Also, they would be happy to do the same even after the warranty was expired. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:35 A.M. i • MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1988 • Mayor Ackland called the special meeting to order at 12:30 P.M. The following were present: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Alderman Marlin Torgerson and Alderman Pat Mikulecky, Absent: Alderman Mike Carls and Alderman John Mlinar. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Finance Director Kenneth B. Merrill, Super- visor Doug Meier, and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson. Administrator Plotz reported one bid was received at 11:30 A.M. today for a 1988 police patrol car in the amount of $12,440.44 from Glencoe Ford. They submitted an attachment with the bid regarding pick -up and delivery for service of the car. Following discussion, Alderman Mikulecky moved to accept the offer that was bid from Glencoe Ford for $12,440.44, which included the pick -up and delivery serv- ice. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. City Attorney Anderson commented about the electrician for the police station project and stated arrangements were being made for the work to be done. Administrator Plotz reported that an extension had been given to leave the Ice Palace up a little longer. There being no further business, Alderman Torgerson moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:38 P.M. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. 10 JANUARY CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT - 1988 JANUARY REVENUE REPORT - GENERAL FUND JANUARY YEAR TO ADOPTED BALANCE PERCENTAGE 15977.54 MONTH DATE ACTUAL BUDGET REMAINING USED TAXES 9510.85 9510.85 1345287.00 1335776.15 0.01 LICENSES 37.00 37.00 16975.00 16938.00 0.00 PERMITS AND FEES 2578.80 2578.80 `68300.00 65721.20 0.04 INTER - GOVERNMENT REVENUE 15866.28 15866.28 1076104.00 1060237.72 0.01 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 16662.37 16662.37 480887.00 464224.63 0.03 FINES & FORFEITS 4657.78 4657.78 36800.00 32142.22 0.13 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 14292.73 14292.73 337259.00 322966.27 0.04 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OTHER FUNDS* 5694.00 5694.00 426000.00 420306.00 0.01 REVENUE FOR OTHER AGENCIES 129.29 129.29 200.00 70.71 0.65 TOTAL EXPENSE REPORT GENERAL FUND MAYOR & COUNCIL CITY ADM. /CITY CLERK ELECTIONS FINANCE MOTOR VEHICLE ASSESSING LEGAL •PLANNING CITY HALL RECREATION BUILDING POLICE DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER BUILDING INSPECTION CIVIL DEFENSE SAFETY COUNCIL FIRE MARSHALL ENGINEERING STREETS & ALLEYS STREET MAINTENANCE A/C LIBRARY SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER PARK /REC. ADMIN. RECREATION CIVIC ARENA PARK DEPARTMENT CEMETERY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEBT SERVICE AIRPORT TRANSIT ENERGY COUNCIL • UNALLOCATED TOTAL 69429.10 69429.10 3787812.00 3718362.90 0.02 6661.84 6661.84 33172.00 26510.16 0.20 15977.54 15977.54 133235.00 117257.46 0.12 0.00 0.00 3401.00 3401.00 0.00 21939.75 21939.75 201915.00 179975.25 0.11 7218.32 7218.32 53475.00 46256.66 0.13 0.00 0.00 19700.00 19700.00 0.00 2528.63 2528.63 34700.00 32171.37 0.07 133.99 133.99 11620.00 11486.01 0.01 4264.01 4264.01 40628.00 36363.99 0.10 2250.47 2250.47 60391.00 58140.53 0.04 85258.73 85258.73 753271.00 668012.27 0.11 8787.93 8787.93 90300.00 81512.07 0.10 3551.36 3551.34 37813.00 34261.64 0.09 6426.47 6426.47 55651.00 49224.53 0.12 30.75 30.75 775.00 744.25 0.04 0.00 0.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 4622.99 4622.99 455B7.00 40964.01 0.10 21155.15 21155.15 167119.00 165963.85 0.11 29280.24 29280.24 346944.00 317663.76 0.08 5154.21 5154.21 85100.00 79945.79 0.06 14482.20 14482.20 65255.00 50772.80 0.22 5548.58 5548.58 75066.00 69517.42 0.07 10412.81 10412.81 88421.00 76008.19 0.12 8667.25 8667.25 139087.00 130419.75 0.06 16612.63 16612.63 110936.00 94323.37 0.15 29646.25 29646.25 361917.00 332270.75 0.08 3292.55 3292.55 39681.00 36588.45 0.08 3983.51 3983.51 33150.00 29166.49 0.12 1500.00 1500.00 45000.00 43500.00 0.03 929.89 929.89 50325.00 49395.11 0.02 9426.76 9426.76 82088.00 72661.24 0.11 1634.98 1634.98 12000.00 10365.02 0.14 21923.99 21923.99 489739.00 467815.01 0.04 353303.78 353303.78 3787812.00 3434508.22 0.09 4 - Lq- r-l-) JANUARY CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT - 1988 JANUARY ENTERPRISE FUNDS FEDERAL GRANTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WATER SALES 36581.13 36581.13 REVENUE REPORT - LIQUOR FUND CURRENT YEAR TO ADOPTED BALANCE PERCENTAGE 350.00 JANUARY DATE ACTUAL BUDGET REMAINING USED LIQUOR SALES 34059.07 34059.07 390000.00 355940.93 0.09 WINE SALES 9061.55 9061.55 140000.00 130938.45 0.06 BEER SALES 43865.09 43865.09 596000.00 552134.91 0.07, BEER DEPOSITS 5.28 5.28 0.00 -5.28 INTEREST EARNED MISC. SALES 2495.76 2495.76 36000.00 33504.24 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS INTEREST 240.50 240.50 5600.00 5359.50 0.04 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL CASH DISCOUNTS - 159.84 - 159.84 - 2400.00 - 2240.16 EXPENSE REPORT - WATER TOTAL 89567.41 89567.41 1165200.00 1075632.59 0.08 EXPENSE REPORT LIQUOR FUND 32927.40 393586.00 360660.60 0.08 •REFUSE WATER PERSONEL SERVICES 16281.94 16281.94 140906.00 124624.06 0.12 SUPPLIES. REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 16.96 16.96 4700.00 4683.04 0.00 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1040.87 1040.87 36800.00 35759.13 0.03 MISCELLANEOUS 328.88 328.88 7200.00 6871.12 0.05 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 13000.00 13000.00 0.00 TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 110000.00 110000.00 0.00 •COST OF SALES 71341.50 71341.50 872300.00 800958.50 0.08 OTHER 0.00 0.00 10000.00 10000.00 0.00 TOTAL 89010.15 89010.15 1194906.00 1105895.85 0.07 REVENUE REPORT - WATER SEWER /FUND FEDERAL GRANTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WATER SALES 36581.13 36581.13 470000.00 433418.87 0.08 WATER METER SALES 350.00 350.00 7000.00 6650.00 0.05 REFUSE SERVICES 27627.77 27627.77 397560.00 369932.23 0.07 SEWER SERVICES 45278.24 45278.24 547000.00 501721.76 0.08 EPA SALES 37810.34 37810.34 466000.00 PENALTY CHARGES 2237.39 2237.39 9000.00 6762.61 0.00 INTEREST EARNED 0.00 0.00 84000.00 84000.00 0.00 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 0.00 0.00 2000.00 2000.00 0.00 OTHER 668.29 668.29 2150.00 1481.71 0.31 TOTAL 150553.16 150553.16 1984710.00 1834156.84 0.08 EXPENSE REPORT - WATER SEWER /FUND 32927.40 32927.40 393586.00 360660.60 0.08 •REFUSE WATER 52804.07 52004.07 1069162.00 1016357.93 0.05 SEWER 93949.45 93949.45 1192935.00 1098985.55 0.08 WASTE TREATMENT PLANT CONSTRUCT. 689236.93 689236.933 0.00 - 689236.93 TOTAL 868917.85 668917.85 2655605.00 1786767.15 0.33 MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, January 19, 1988 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Thomas Lyke at 7:30 p.m, with the following members present: Marlin Torgerson, Bruce Orahos, Roland Ebent, Bill Craig, Larry Romo, Clinton Gruett and Chairman Lyke. Also present:. Building Official Jim Marka and Director of Engineering Gene Anderson. 2. MINUTES Mr. Romo made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting dated Tuesday, December 15, 1987. Seconded by Mr. Craig the motion carried unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS (a) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY GRANT HATTEN FOR A WHOLESALE /RETAIL MEAT MARKET Chairman Lyke opened the hearing at 8:20 p.m. with the reading of publication 13769 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, January 7, 1988. The request is for a con i iona7 use permit to allow operation of a wholesale /retail meat market on property located at 22 -1st Ave. N.E. Mr. Torgerson stated that he had talked with Mr. Dale Ewald of the Brownton Meat Market as to the operation of the meat market. He commented that there is little or no odor but that the blood was not to be permitted in the sewer system. Building Official Marka explained the comments by the City Attorney on obtaining a conditional use permit. There was favorable discussion by the planning commission on the proposal. Mr. Ebent moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Torgerson the hearing closed at 8:30 p.m. Mr. Ebent made a motion to recommend approval to City Council subject to conditions being met of odor, noise and removal of animal waste including blood (not into the sewer). Seconded by Mr. Torgerson the motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY GERALD WOLSKE TO MOVE A MOBILE HOME Chairman Lyke opened the hearing at 7:35 p.m. with the reading of publication #3770 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, Jaunary 7, 1988. The request is for a con i ionaruse permit to I �Z/ —e?, (z') PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 1/19/88 allow the owner to move a mobile home on property located at 504 California St. Building Official Marka explained that the mobile home is a 1983 and meets the requirements for that area. Mr. Romo moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Ebent the hearing closed at 7:37 p.m. Mr. Romo made a motion to recommend approval to City Council. Seconded by Mr. Ebent, the motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY LARRY BETHKE AND KOOSMAN & RICE TO CHANGE A PUD Chairman Lyke opened the hearing at 7:37 p.m. with the reading of publication #3771 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday January 7, 1988. The request is for a condition at use — permit to allow the owner to construct nine 4- plex's on a PUD located at School Rd. and adjacent to the Golf Course. Mr. Larry Rice, Koosman & Rice Co., commented on the proposal stating that there would be 30% more off- street parking than is required by ordinance. He explained the need for 6 accesses on to School Rd. and that there would be turn arounds in the driveway accesses. Building Official Marka stated that they are working with the Fire Marshal on the cul -de -sac issue. At that point Mr. Rice presented is another proposal with a larger cul -de -sac. He stated hydrants would be located where the Fire Marshal would suggest them. Director of Engineering Anderson explained the water and sewer system proposal with the Country Club Estates subdivision. It would be advised to obtain an easement for the sewer service. Discussion followed. Mr. Anderson also stated concerns with the number of accesses on to School Rd. and suggested limiting that number to 4 instead of 6. Discussion followed. Mr. Torgerson made favorable comment on the off - street parking provisions and the accesses with turn arounds. Mr. Ebent asked about the covenants and restrictions as listed with the previous proposal and if they would change with the area. Discussion followed on the covenants for this proposal. The Planning Commission would like a copy in the file for reviewal. Mr. Torgerson moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Romo the hearing closed at 8:10 p.m. Mr. Torgerson made a motion to recommend approval to City Council subject to the recommendation of City Staff regarding hydrant location, building and utility setbacks, the sewer issue, cul -de sac width and covenants.- Also that the curb opening is to remain the same, meeting with City Engineer approval as long as there are turn arounds. Seconded by Mr. Romo the motion carried unanimously. 2 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 1/19/88 ` 4. OLD BUSINESS NONE 5. NEW BUSINESS 0 (a) DISCUSSION OF REQUEST BY IVAN LARSON TO REVISE SETBACK ORDINANCE AND SUBDIVISION EASEMENT REQUIREMENT TO 8' Building Official Marka stated that Ivan Larson of Hutchinson Utilities has requested that the setback in an R -2 zone be increased from 6' to 8' as in R -1 zone. Mr. Torgerson moved to direct city staff to revise the setback ordinance to 8' in an R -2 zone. Seconded by Mr. Craig the motion carried unanimously. (b) DISCUSSION OF PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS CONTRIBUTION SURVEY Director of Engineering Anderson commented on the need to update the contribution schedule for parks and playgrounds. Discussion followed as to preferably making increases according to land value assessment and possibly updating the schedule every 2 -3 years. Mr. Torgerson suggested that city staff including Director of Parks and Recreation Bruce Ericson and Finance Director Ken Merrill, bring recommendations to the February planning commission meeting. (c) CONSIDERATION OF SKETCH PLAN SUBMITTED BY JOEL VINKEMEIER (2 mile radius) Mr. Torgerson moved to recommend approval with no objection to City Council. Seconded by Mr. Roma the motion carried unanimously. 6. OTHER BUSINESS (a) PRENSENTATION BY BILL WEBER OF BRW The presentation by Mr. Weber, BRW, was postponed until Monday, January 25, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. 7. ADJOURMENT There being no futher business the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. 3 BURNS MANOR MUNICIPAL NURSING HOME Minutes - January - 1988 The Board of Directors for Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home met Thursday, January 21, 1988 at S:30 p.m. in the Annex Day Room. President Larry Graf presiding. Members present: Larry Graf Pat Mikuleckey Ancher Nelsen Kay Peterson Marge Putney Mavis Geier Gloria Dansereau David Jensen Guests: Jane Hodgins - The Leader Kim Carson - KDUZ Absent - Jim Mills Burns Manor board meeting was called to order by President Larry Graf. MINUTES OF PAST MEETING A motion was made by Marge Putney to approve minutes and seconded by Kay Peterson to approve minutes. All in favor. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF BILLS Motion by Gloria to approve bills in the amount of $58,392.89 and seconded by Marge Putney. All in favor. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT Financial report was given by David Jensen, financial advisor, • reflects a loss for the year. The lower daily rate paid for each Case Mix Classification, the state assigning a less expensive case mix classification to residents and a lower percent of occupancy are responsible for the loss. Most non - profit nursing homes in the state are experiencing fin- ancial difficulties. OLD BUSINESS A. Memorial Committee: Bob Stearns gave a gift to the Memorial Fund that will pay the first costs of the project. Ancher Nelsen who is the liasion member reported on the January 19, 1988 meeting of the Foundation. The Foundation is making great progress. B. Patch Erickson Madson Waldon, Inc: Motion by Kay Peterson, seconded by Gloria Dansereau to table the signing of the contract with the architectural firm of Patch Erickson Madson Waldon, Inc. All in favor. C. Case #1142: The R.N. wrote a letter of apology. D. Sexual Harassment Policy: Motion by Gloria, seconded by Pat Mikuleckey to adopt the sexual harassment policy. All in favor. '0//- Q• /31 January Minutes Page 2 OLD BUSINESS CONT. 46 The policy is similar to the City of Hutchinson policy. E. 1988 board Meeting: The dates of the 1988 meetings were mailed to the board members. F. AIDS - The AIDS policy is written as voted on in the December meeting. If the Minnesota law concerning AIDS is changed the Burns Manor policy will be rewritten. NEW BUSINESS A. Case #1345: Non - payment of nursing home bill. Motion by Kay Peterson, seconded by Gloria Dansereau that Burns Manors procedures for Collection of bills be followed. Letter will be sent to the responsible party and request that he meet with the administrator. If a satisfact- ory financial agreement is not reached the,services of the city atttorney will be requested. All in favor. B. Death and Funeral Leave: Burns Manor 1983 and 1986, City of Hutchinson and Hutchinson Community hospital death and funeral leave policies were reviewed. Discussion: Motion by Marge Putney, seconded by Pat Mikuleckey to grant 'k of 1986 Burns Manor policy to part -time employees that have been employed at Burns Manor ten years. Jim Mills voted by proxy. All in favor, carried. Policy for part -time employees funeral leave - 21h days paid time in the event of death in immediate family (spouse, children), provided request is made by the employee to the department supervisor. One day paid time in the event of a relative (mother, father, sister, brother), provided request is made. Half day (day of death or funeral) paid time, in the event of death of grandmother, grandfather,-mother-in-law, father -in -law, sister -in -law, brother -in -law, daughter -in -law, son -in -law, stepmother, stepfather, stepchildren, provided request is made by the employee to the department supervisor. An employee will not be eligible to receive paid time off benefits when scheduled off or absent from work because of vacations, designated holiday, or sickness (paid or unpaid). C. Assistant Administrator: An assis.tant administrator is not required to meet any state requirements. If not licensed by the State of Minnesota must be responsible to a Minnesota licensed nursing home . administrator. Discussion. An assistant that is licensed in the state would be a consideration in hiring. The federal law will require a degreed social worker in all homes over 100 -120 beds. The question was raised January Minutes Page 3 NEW BUSINESS CONT. if the two positions could be combined. D. The board agreed that the storm policy will remain as it was in the past years. ,kn employee who works a snow storm is paid from the time he /she punches the time card, until they punch out. Hours worked over eight hours in a two week period will be paid as overtime hours. E. The administrator was requested to ask the board if they were interested in assuming resident's contract of deed. All members agreed that we are not interested. F. Admission Policy: Admission policy was included in mailing. G. Rehab. Assistant Workshop: Motion by Gloria Dansereau, seconded by Marge Putney. Rehabilitation assistants may attend a workshop, Hip Fractures, $12.00 per person, at Litchfield, MN. All in favor. There being no further business, President Larry Graf adjourned the meeting. The Burns Manor Board of Directors will meet Thursday, February 25, 1988 at 5:30 p.m. in the Annex Day Room. ATTEST: Larry Graf, President 9 Respectfully submitted: Mav's J. Geie , 1,ecretary M I N U T E S LIBRARY BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, FEB.16, 1988 The Library Board met at 5:00 pm in the library meeting room with the following members present: Chairman, Ralph Bergstrom, Kathleen McGraw, Dolores Brunner, Larry Ladd, Bill Scherer, Teri Eilertson, Roxanne Wigen, Linda Wilmsen and Mary Henke. Absent: Albert Linde, Mike Carls (conflict - Hospital Board meeting). • Librarian, Hary Henke, gave a report on the Arts Festival (Sno -freak Weekend / February 5 -6 -7th): The display boards made by Bill Scherer at a cost of $211.00 (Expenditure was not to exceed $250.00) worked well with all the artwork fitting easily on the boards, rather than scattered all over the Library. The Art Guild and Library co- hosted the Art Show with shared 2 -hour work shifts by members. / Mary commented that approximately 200 visited the show on Saturday, with approximately 65 -70 people on Sunday. Comments and suggestions were then made by board members. Linda Willmsen suggested that the Library continue in the effort to improve and expand with more displays next year. It was also suggested that advertising be pursued more next year through the Leader ( "Reader ") and Shopper, KDUZ, Chamber, Cable TV, and the schools. Mary thanked-,all board members for their help. • * Linda Willmsen and Mary Henke informed board members of the availability and application deadline for a grant through the Southwest Arts and Human - ities Council which could help purchase displays and help fund publicity costs. Linda and Mary will be meeting with Mary Beth Rupp regarding the grant next week. They will follow up with the application and meet the deadline. Ralph Bergstrom informed the board that the present 3 -year term of office of Library Board members is the only city board without the new 5 -year term of office. In order to keep uniformity among all boards, the motion was made by Roxanne Wigen and seconded by Dolores Brunner to extend the Library Board term of office to the 5 -year term (Members are limited to two con- secutive terms of office under the new rule (10 years). The present terms of office of Albert Linde (board member since 1962) and Kathleen McGraw (1973) will end in April of this year with their replacements filling the new 5 -year term. * Motion was made at 5:35 p.m. by Linda Willmsen to adjourn. Dolores Brunner seconded the motion. Submitted by, Kathleen M. McGraw Secretary /kmm l W/ (672)587-5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 22, 1988 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Bonnie Baumetz, License Secretary ------------------------ - - - - -- SUBJECT Club Intoxicating Liquor License Chief of Police, Steve Madsen, has reviewed and approved the • Club Licenses for: V,F.W. Crow River Country Club El ks American Legion u (612) 587 -5151 • f% CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST -- - HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 February 12, 1988 Mr. Michael Becker 56 Century Avenue Hutchinson, MN 55350 SUBJECT: Request to Complete Improvements In Schmidtbauer's Second Addition Dear Mr. Becker: This letter is to confirm your request to be placed on the City Council . agenda of Monday, February 22, 1988. This regards project No. 88-07 that was deleted at the February 9 Council meeting. Specifically, you have asked me to research whether you have paid for Bradford Street, south of Century Avenue, at the other end of the sub - div9_sion. The answer is yes. The documentation you requested is at- tached. Sincerely, CITY OF HUTCHINSON Z Gary D. Plotz City Administrator GDP:ms Enc1. cc: Mayor & Council Richard Schmidtbauer Gene Anderson, City Eng. Ken Merrill, Finance Dir. �_Ir (612) 587.5151 C/TY OF HUTCHINS0N 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 Michael J. Becker 56 Century Ave. Hutchinson MV 55350 April 24, 1987 PRELIMINARY NOTICE 1987 IMPROVEMENTS ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 229 A C� COUNTY PARCEL NO. 229 -0020 CITY PARCEL NO. 07- 116 -29 -06 -0010 ACCOUNT NO. 15 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot 1 - Blk. 1 - Schmidtbauer'a 2nd Add. Total Assessment $433.20 Letting No. 4 - Project No. 87 -10, 87 -11 & 87 -21 - South Roberts Road and Sibley Avenue in Third Addition to Lakewood Terrace; Bradford Street in Schmidtbauer's 2nd Addition and Orchard Park tat Addition; High Street from Fourth Avenue N.E. to T.H. 7 East by construction of Grading, Gravel Base, Curb and Gutter, Bituminous Surfacing and Appurtenances The above assessment figures are not payable until after the adoption of the Assessment Roll by the City Council. (F.F. Front Feet) 0 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 229 Resolution No. 8519 I* WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the improvement of South Roberts Road and Sibley Ave. in Third Addition to Lakewood Terrace; Bradford St. in Schmidtbauer'a 2nd Add. and Orchard Park 13t Add.; High St. from Fourth Ave. K.E. to T.H. 7 East by construction of Grading, Gravel Base, Curb and Gutter, Bituminous Surfacing and Appurtenances, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included in hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 19889 and shall bear interest at the rate of 6_63 percent per annum as set down by the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from October 1, 1987, until the 31st day of December, 1988. To each subsequent installment when due, shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by the 1st day of October, 1987; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to the 31st day of December, of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before October 10, or interest will be charged through December 31, of the next succeeding year. 4. The Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the proper tax lists of the County, and such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Council this 12th day of May, 1987. �L-' 00, • Mayor City Cler (O —'/'r amm"ted Checked SURFACING AND APPURTENANCES BRADFORD STREET SOUTH OF CENTURY Michael J. Becker \ __ _ _ _. S6 Century Ave. 1 ' Curtis 6 Julie Lee 52 Century Ave. Hutchinsa- MN 55350 Schnidtbauer's 2nd Add, Clarence A. 6 Myrtle M, Bach SO Century Ave. Hutchinson- NN SS3SO SchYidtbauer's 2nd Add, Richard 6.B. Schnidtbauer 102 Century Ave. Eugene 6 Jeanette S. Denning 36 Century Ave. Hutchinson, HN 550 chn'dt ue 's 2nd Ti"thy N. 6 Sharon R. Opatz 32 Century Ave. - Ilutchinson MN SS350 Schnidtbauer's 2nd Add. Melvin 6 Elizabeth Rothstein 26 Century Ave. li 1/2 i N 1/2 SERVICE LEAD I NO. YRS. SPREAD f UNIT USED local rr l.M apu ... Total IM.erest .... Grand Total+...... .1s i. Z0 PUB14CATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 4/88 ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE HO. 735 OF THE 1974 ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ENTITLED, "RULES AND REGULATIONS OAKLAND CEMETERY" THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON DOES ORDAIN: Ordinance No. 735 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson, entitled, "Rules and Regulations Oakland Cemtery", is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 3 -C INTERMENTS AND DISINTERMENTS GENERALLY _ NOTICE The right is reserved by the City to insist upon at least twenty -four hours notice before any interment April 15 through November 15, and forty -eight hours notice November 16 through April 14, and to at least one week's notice prior to any disinterment or removal. The City may refuse to make an interment until a more expedient time if the remains arrive at the cemetery entrance after 4 p.m., or if too many funerals arrive at the same hour. The City reserves the right to require additional time in the event of inclement weather. SECTION 3 -L INTERMENT OF MORE THAN ONE BODY Not more than one body, or the remains of more than one body, shall be interred in one grave, unless such grave has been purchased with the written agreement that more than one body, or the remains of more than one body, may be interred. However, two cremains per grave will be allowed. A second right of interment may be available to the original lot owner, or heirs, for the interment of an infant or eremains, in between two blood relatives. If such right of interment is available, an additional charge may be required. SECTION 4 -D REMOVAL Disinterment or removal of a bo§Z during the time period of November 16 through April 14, will not be allowed. SECTION 17-G FLUSH MARKERS Only one flush marker per single grave lot will be allowed. Such markers shall not exceed thirty (30) inches in width and 30 by 16 inches maximum. Only flush markers will be allowed in the baby sections. Such markers shall not exceed eighteen (18) inches by twenty -eight Finches, including wash. SECTION 17 -K PERMIT REQUIRED A ep rmit will be required to install markers and /or monuments. Permits will be required for each stone and must be purchased rp for to installation. The City will Ordinance No. 4/88 Page 2 fix, and from time to time revise, the permit fee. Any marker or monument installed without first obtaining a 49 permit may be removed until such permit is obtained. An additional charge for equipment, labor and storage may be assessed in such easea. SECTION 17_L MONUMENT AND MARKER AREAS OF THE CEMETERY Certain sections of the cemetery or portions thereof, are reserved strictly for flush markers. Likewise, monuments will only be allowed in certain sections, or portions thereof. Lot owners or memorial dealers must check with cemetery officials to be sure a particular memorial will be allowed. A delineation of sections will be available from the cemetery management. SECTION 18 -1 Memorial designs and inscriptions must be approved cemetery officialprior to placement. Cemetery officials shall have the authority to reject any plan or design for any memorial which, on account of size, design, inscription, kind or quality of stone is, in the opinion of the City, unsuited to the lot on which it is to be placed. SECTION 18 -M Should any memorial become unsightly, dilapidated, or a menace to visitors, the cemetery shall have the right either to correct the condition or to remove the same, at the expense of the lot owner. No monument or marker shall be 1p aced on an lot or orp tion of lot not Emily paid for. SECTION 21 -A GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Cut flowers may be deposited on the graves only in approved vases or holders. Only one flower holder Per lot will be allowed. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication. Adopted by the City Council this _ day of February, 1988. Paul L. Ackland Mayor ATTESTS 0 Gary D. Plotz City Administrator RESOLUTION NO. 8709 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 0 RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: LJ The following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM ITEM PURPOSE COST PURPU$E DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR 4 - 2" Water Meters 3,668.0 Resale Water Yes Water Products Co. 12 - 55 gal. Drums 8,481.6 Sludge Treatment Sewer Yes Nalco Chemical Co. Nalco 7139 LJ The following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR j� 1 4 Date Approved: February 22, 1988 060 tion made by: Seconded by: Resolution submitted for Council action by: 7-,go- . RESOLUTION NO. 8712 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM FIRST BANK OF MINNESOTA, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the First Bank of Minnesota, Hutchinson, Minnesota, a duly designated depository of the City, has pledged the following security: FNMA 8.375% Due 1/10/91 $100,000.00 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to accept said pledged security being held at First Bank of Minnesota. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of February, 1988. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator r Paul L. Ackland Mayor 7 -C RESOLUTION NO. 8713 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING RELEASE AND SUBSTITUTION OF SECURITIES TO FIRST NATIONAL BANK, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, First National Bank of Hutchinson, a duly designated depository of the City, has requested the release of the following securities: PLEDGE NO. DESCRIPTION DUE AMOUNT 460617 U.S. Treasury Notes 1 -15-93 $600,000.00 450138 FHLB 1 -25 -90 400,000.00 467960 U.S. Treasury Notes 5 -15 -90 500,000.00 402946 U.S. Treasury Notes 8 -15 -88 500,000.00 which have heretofore been pledged as collateral security for the account of the City with such depository are hereby substituted for: PLEDGE NO. DESCRIPTION DUE AMOUNT 479894 FHLB 11 -25 -88 $500,000.00 476677 FNMA 09 -27 -88 200,000.00 479561 FNMA 10 -25 -88 800,000.00 401249 FNMA 08 -10 -88 500,000.00 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to release and return to said depository the securities requested and accept said pledged security being held at First National Bank. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of February, 1988. Paul L. Ackland Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 7 0 Hutchinson Utilities Commission Hutchinson. Minnesota 225 nO,gan street 55350 NIS. 11 Mr. Gary Plotz City Administrator City of Hutchinson Hutchinson, MN. 55350 Dear Mr. Plotz, February 13, 1988 In answer to your letter of Jan. 29 I am forwarding some of my views and thoughts relative to pay of commissioners. For the past 50 years commissioners have been paid the same as councilmen. Their decisions have resulted in cash contributions of approximately 52 million dollars to the City of Hutchinson. Today the commission makes decisions and plans to continue reliable service at lowest possible cost to our customers overseeing an operation doing approximately 15 million /year in business. At the present time I feel Hutchinson Utilities is being served by a very capable and dedicated group of men whose duties in addition to regular and special meetings will use their special expertise as follows: Mr. Ted Beatty - U.P. of Commission - Comparable worth. Mr. Bud Richards - Financial Investments Mr. Jerry Cornell - Computers and programming Dr. Lyke - Sec. of Commission - Labor negotiations and Pres. of Planning Commission. To give you a recap of hours spent per month I wish to write down the average hours spent by myself. Attend monthly meeting 3 hours Special meetings - average 1 hour E. "Bud" Daggett President Theodore Beatty Vice President Thomas B. Lyke Secretary Ruth akel Interim Manager Tel. 612/587.4746 Y �"Ci - 2 - Preparation for meetings ( study financial reports, feasibility studies, etc) Reading information relative to utilities laws, rates, operations, safety Trips to utility office sign checks, discuss checks and other items relative to operations 2 - 3 times /week x 2 hours Meetings with attorney, engineers, U.P.A., insurance agents, union business agent, management consultants & computer experts Approx 2 hours 5 hours /month minimum 20 hours /month 7 hours /month average 38 hours /month I am sure the four members of the commission spend comparable time. It is my recommendation that compensations should not be reduced. Res ctfully, E.D. Daggett Pres. Hutchinson Utilities Commission ED /bjs cc: Paul Ackland, Mayor Ruth Hackel, Utilities Mgr. Jerry Cornell Ted Beatty Dr. Tom Lyke W.T. Richards 0 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Theodore Beatty 931-123.0 700 Shady Ridge Road Hutchinson, MN. 55350 rE'1988 'February 1, 1988 � a N BY Mr. Gary Plotz �N�2�2oasta►LV9 °�`� City Administrator City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue west r iut ;i-, nsrn NIN Lt i rath r difficult to L n slot ! il,tioq _ s - e. „ put a va...e o ..the p0' ..cn of ..,t COmm;55i^rer, Out if a ool ±ar flglure must De attached here is how l would figure it. A Pharmacist's average hourly wage is about $15-$22 per hour, at least that is what I must pay for one to attend a Utilities Meeting or other Utilities function. The Commission meets regularly once monthly for anywhere from 2 -5 hours. The Commissioner's responsibWtites do not and there, however. Much of my advice& course' has been doled out over the telephone or early morr.inn- meetings at the Otilities office with the rlanager. Tn.ere are ci.ecvs to De signed, and 1 e'tner "ve to co that at the ioffice or have +hem Drougnt ro my place of business Since vt get away On ShCr, n,tice wlth0ur naving a Pharmacist to taKe my Duce The on'v way " could let the L-ourr'I Know what amount of t'Ma is inv•� ;ve`i ,Ie c a' , r"`„5Sioner is tc r - -udn Then liputes of rne,rneer,rias nel ,,:r ti±p i- t rnroc years n ri«�:ro i[ flit --1, v, IJG'nP_- m:,c- Ja.•.. r, llw J. �_. 3 t 0 _� a e' Pr,armac,si: $ 100 for each rro -ont ^ivy - eetim, j attend. nave cnesen 10 gwe:. of MV r`mo anC to :ee,,, r..,. me ?v :.�n'M a "i'_c nry:: n�c •., _entOn n :Uf me .!C rnJ irr+ yay tilt it - In a DrivaWy held utility, a Derson in my position would be paid $50,000 to • y '' t,$ Der yemr anr�!n n er'e mre . t3Jfl a an _ i•1 w \�eyGPn nr. 'rater t _.i,: n ril l ,,11.�r�r,yM nr aul d o a pce. .: vv e S month or whatever the City Council decides is Dai:d to it's rnembers The -..' r.�,n•` r _ Na,.. an r n i c rnrq n to remain .�. nn. ,., f Dart r,rn r ants �OU cL has J_e.. V'. 0, .,a: .. e Se J __. wcutd serve r_re _-- -rrls5!on no matter wnat amount of money Was involved. Historically, the Commission members have been honored with the same compensation, .as the C,ty Council members. Let it begs Since ly, Theodore Beatty 4 • 11 THOMAS B. LYKE 328 CIRCLE DRIVE HUTCHINSON, MN. 55350 February 221 1988 Mr. Gary Plotz City Administrator City of Hutchinson Hutchinson, MN. 55350 Dear Mr. Plotz, I wish to respond to your letter dated 1- 29 -88. As you are aware, I agree that our institutions and their operational practices should be scrutinized from time to time to ensure that they continue to meet the needs of the people whom they are intended to serve. It is in this spirit that I approach the review of the salary paid to the commissioners of the Hutchinson Utilities. Affixing a value to an individual's contribution to society is a difficult task. Often the selection of meaningful criteria upon which to base the assessment of an individual's value is arbitrary and controversial. Many government bodies, including our own, had this experience in the recent mandate which required review of Pay Equity issues. With these factors in mind I would like to propose a set of standards by which the contributions of the commissioners of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission might be judged. Fc8 � 038 REC�j� 8y`• The first standard I would like to suggest is time. This standard, in my vier, is frequently abused. This is not surprising because time is easy to measure, everyone understands the concept of time and as part of an evaluation, it requires very little effort on the part of the individual or body making the evaluation. This criterion has been given considerable importance in our culture. However, it is clear that some individuals spend significant time contributing little to the society, while others make more efficient use of their time. The second of the standards might include the professional expertise which an individual brings to an organization. This is a better measure of value than "time spent" because it measures ability, intuition and commitment. Q, r. (z) However, judging professional expertise is difficult • because it is a subjective evaluation and it is incumbent upon those making the evaluation, to properly prepare themselves to judge. A third standard is the amount of responsibility a position imposes upon an individual or body. Certainly this is an incomplete list of standards by which to measure the just compensation of the commissioners of the Hutchinson Utilities. Additionally, I know that you understand that we are placing a value on the position, not on individuals who have been, are now or will be commissioners. Relative to the standard of time, you will find that it is variable from time to time and from commissioner to commissioner at any given time. In my opinion, all of the commissioners are committed to give what ever time is required,of them when it is required. In the past 5'd years I personally have never missed a regularly scheduled or special meeting.- I have not made a personal accounting of the hours spent at regularly scheduled meetings, special meetings or continuing education. I have, however, attended every meeting and have spent the time outside of the meeting necessary to be well �. prepared for the meeting . I feel that meeting preparation time and continuing education is invaluable in the maintenance of the acumen of the commission. In my opinion the standard of professional expertise is most important. It is by this quality that a commission member makes the most significant contribution to the decision making process. During my tenure on the commission there have been many decisions which affected the course of the utility. Among these have been, resistance to heavy pressure to join a power -pool, successful conclusion of a lawsuit involving Unit #9 and institution of an Integrated Transmission Agreement with UPA. These actions have resulted in literally 100's of thousands of dollars of benefit to our rate payers, both now and continuing into the future. Preparations required to successfully conclude these actions included considerable study, understanding and a commitment of time. Finally, the standard of responsibility takes on special meaning in the environment of our litigious society. The commission is expected and rightfully so, to run a successful utility when the difference between success and failare in the utility industry is measured in 10ths of a percent. Wise management of the utilities assets carries the expectation that the assets are never put at risk. And finally, our employees should expect to (3) • be protected by just policies. Every commissioner of the Hutchinson Utilities that I have had the good fortune to know has accepted the challenges enthusiastically and responsibly. I feel that the time, talent and responsibility expected of the utility commissioners justifiably requires compensation. Considering that it has been many years since there has been an increase in compensation, it would seem reasonable to adjust the compensation of the commissioners upward at this time. Sin ely, 44s B Lyk • �J (612) 587-5151 lTY OF HUTCHINSON VASHINGTON AVENUE WEST ;HINS0N, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: February 18, 1988 TO: yMayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Discussion of Assessing Previous Storm Sewer Costs to Twin Oaks subdivision The Council did, at its meeting on February 9th, 1988, instruct this department to investigate the feasibility of assessing the downstream storm sewer cost incurred to serve, among other areas, the Twin Oaks Subdivision. Such costs from the 1970 project can be assessed in conjunction with improvement costs that will be incurred in 1988, in accordance with Statute 429.051. Interest can be included in the downstream cost since it is a cost that the City has incurred, particularly in the case of Twin Oaks, which is located near (one -half block away) the trunk storm sewer system and where it has been the owner's decision to forego developing the property until the present, while interest expenses have continued to accrue. On the other hand, at the time the property was annexed into the City, the assessments could have been levied and probably previously collected in their entirety. The area in Twin Oaks Addition affected by impending development and public improvements, is Lot 1, Block 1, which is about 265,716 square feet; the rate of cost from Assessment Roll No. 33 for the 1970 storm sewer improvement is $0.038 per square foot. The total City Cost, based on the original 1970 cost,is then $10,097.21. Interest on the 1970 improvement bond was 6 percent. If interest on the City Cost is computed at 6 percent for the 10 year life of the bond, and 5 percent thereafter to the present, interest cost would be $ 9,718.54 , and the total City Cost $ 19,815.75. Since the 1988 improvements on Texas Avenue adjacent to the subdivision have been ordered, if the Council wishes to assess the City Cost and part or all of the interest cost, the proceedings for the 1988 improvements on Texas Avenue must be initiated by once again adopting a Resolution Calling for the Hearing on Improvement, which resolution would include the previous City Cost; sending a revised Notice of Hearing to affected owners; and holding a second improvement hearing. ^ � lC .t vim_. �Eugen Anderson FJVPV Director of Engineering 0 0 42LOU LOCAL. »MOVEMENTS. 8P cult. A88lRMENTS 508 employment of day labor or In any other manner the council considers proper. Th council may have the work supervised by the city engineer or other qualified per son but shall have the work supervised by a registered engineer If dote b day labor and it appears to the council that the entire cast of all work and me Serials for the improvement will be more than $2,000. in case of improper cor struction or unreasonable delay In the prosecution of the work by the contractoi the council may order and cause the suspension of the work at any time and rele the contract, or order a reconstruction of any portion of the work ImProperly done and ::'here the cost of completion or reconstruction necessary will be less that. $10A09. the council may do it by the employment Subd. 3 flay abhor; detailed report When the council has performed construe lion work by day labor. It shall cause a detailed report to to filed with the clerk an, certified by the registered engineer or other person In charge, If there Is no regi= tered engineer. The report shall show: (a) the complete cost of the construction; ib) final quantities of the various units Of work done; (c) materials furnished for the project and the cost of each Stem thereof; (d) cost of labor, cost of equipment hired, and supervisory cost& pereson�chaar'ggee that the work was doe atccording to the p� aengineer rid specificatiom or, if there were any deviations from them, an Itemized statement of those deviatiom Subd. 4 Alternate procedure onsisting of gradt�ng, graveling. or ituminoususurfacing o meat or improvements streets and alleys, the council may Proceed in the manner provided in this chapter except that It may (1) order the work done by day labor, regardless of the estimated coat of sue] improvement or improvements, and (2) use municipal equipment or hire equipment and purchase materials for al such Improvements to be done by day labor in any 12-month period by advertisint once therefor, such advertisement to call for bids for the furnishing of equipment, I the municipality does not use its own equipment, and for materials at unit price! based on the quantities which the council estimates will be requLred. (3) contract at one time on a unit price basis for part or all of the strew improvements to be constructed by the municipality during the current year, in eluding improvements which may thereafter be ordered constructed. Subd. 5. Cooperation with state or local government When an improvemen 1s made under a cooperative agreement with the state or another political sub contract to constructs the improvement it shall not bsubdivision ecessary to comply will subdivisions 1 and 2. Subd. 6. Percentage payment on engineer's estimate. In case the contracto: properly performs the work, the council may, from month to month before comple tion of the work, pay him not to exceed 90 percent of the amount already cornet under the contract, upon the estimate of the engineer or other competent Person selected by the council, and the contract may so Provide Subd. T. illodifitation of contracts. After work has been commenced on at improvement undertaken pursuant to a contract awarded on a unit price stasis tie council may, without advertising for bids, authorize changes in the contract so as tc include additional units of work at the same unit price if the cost of the additions work does not exceed 25 percent of the original contract price. Original contra$ price means that figure determined by multiplying the estimated number of unit: required by the unit price. 11953c7988 4; 1957c430s9,3; 1961c5f58 3,4; 1973cit, art Ss71 Nate: are teet0e I7L.3115. 529.95 (Repealed, 1933 c 398 s 13 subd 11 429.951 APPORTION,IIENT OF COST. The cost of any improvement, or an> part thereof, may be assessed upon property benefited by the improvement, base: upon the benefits received, whether or not the property abuts on the Improvemen' and whether or not any part of the cost of the improvement is paid from the counts state -aid highway fund, the municipal state-aid street fund, or the trunk highwal fund. The area assessed may be less than but may not exceed the area proposet to be assessed as stated In the notice of such nportlon of the cost of the except a pro vided below. The municipality may pay as the council may determine from general ad valorem tax levies or from other o revenues or funds of the municipality available for the purpose. The municipality may aubMwattly reimburse itself for all or any of the portion of the cost of a wares, storm sewer, or aanhtery sewer improvenact so paid by levYmg additional Monuments upon any iropatbp abutting on but not pswicuslY aasarsed far he Improvement. om notice and hearing as provided for the assessmmts Initially mods. 1b the extent that such an improvement benefits nonabutting properties which may be served by the improvement when one or more later extensions or improves ments are me& but which are not initially assessed therefor, the munidpalltY MY also reimburse itself by adding all or any of the portion of the cost so paid to the assessments levied for any of such later extensions or improvements, provided that notice that such additional amount will be assessed is included In the 'notice of hearing on the making of such extensions or improvements. The additional assessments herein authorized may be made whether or not the properties &&sassed wets included in the aces described in the notice of hearing on the making of the original Improvement. In any city of the fourth Asa electing to proceed under a home rule charter as provided in this chapter, which charter Provides for a board of water commissiaoers and aut arlaes such board to assess a water frontage tax to defray the cost of construction of water mains, such board may aasesa the tax based upon the benefit received and without regard to any charter limitation on the amount that May be assessed for each final foot of property abutting on the wad maftr � the wain ftoutsge tax shall be Imposed according to the procedure provided subject to the Umitatloms of the charter of the city. 11951 a 148 a b; 1l55 c 842 a 1; 1957 a 40 a 1; 1959 c {90 s 1; 1961 c !88 a it 42M (Repealed, 1953 c 39g a 13 subd 11 429M, ASST NT PROCEDT; M Subdivision L dhwLtlw, nodes. At any time after a contract Is let or the work ordered by day labor, the expense In- curred or to be Incurred in its making shall be calculated under the direction of the council. The council shall then determine by resolution the amount of the total ex- penes the municipality will pay, other than the amount, if any, which it will pay' as a property owner, and the amount to be assessed. Thereupon the clerk, with the assistance of the engineer or other qualified person selected by the coundl, shall calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for the Improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land, without regard to cash valuation, In accordance with the provisions of section 429.05L The proposed shall tat roll shall be Sled with the clerk and be open to public Inspection. under the council's direction, publish notice that the council will meet once to proposed assessment. Such notice shall be published in the newspaper at lade and shalt be mailed to the owner of each parcel described In the assessment roll. For the purpose of giving mailed notice under this subdiviskm, owners shall be those shown to be such on the records of the county auditor or, in any county when tax statmunts are mailed by the County treasurer, on the records of the aonntY tear- unit: but other appropriate muds may be wed for this h meow. Ad Publication and calling shall be eo leas than two weeks prior taxes on a gross saw as to the owners of tax exempt property prop" on the scorn of the Ing basis, every property owner whose name does not appear county auditor or the county treasurer shall be deemed to have waived such mailed has thee unless he case may be, In�dudee his nameeoon the records for auditor or ew=W such purpose. Such notice shall state the date, time, and place of such meeting, the general nature of t r ion. prcvement, the area proposed to be astesse9, that the ^roposed assessment h is on the file %,�dt1t the clerk, and that written or oral objection, trwreto by any plum:, ty owner will be considered. The meek: shall also state that an owner may appeal an assessment to district court pursuant to section 429.081 by serving notice of the cep peal upon the mayor or clerk of the municipality within :0 days after the adoption of the asswmsht and filing such notice with the district court win ter days after service upon the maw or cleric. 3hdxi. " han beat, and Interest. s up such meeting or to t the adjournment posed asaas the then presented n bar and peso upon . e coulosns whether s toa orally � b�thhlu� may armend the proposed as• sseaofent as to any Lsuccl the same as the apacpl sues► want &Cabot the Lnde named in the assessment roll Notice of ashy adjourn neat of the basing shall be adequate if the minute of 6111 meeting 80 adjourrad show the 11 (612) 587 -5151 VSSPhVGTON AVE: JUE WEST I-NrNSCN, P✓l/NN. 5535C MEMORANDUM DATE: February 22, 1988 TO: — — — — Mayor $ City Council FROM: — — — — Water Billing Department SUBJECT: — — — — Delinquent Water $ Sewer Accounts for Februa y - — Attached is a listing of the delinquent water and sewer accounts for the month of February. Recommend water service be discontinued on Monday, February 29th, 1988 at Noon. •Vince Jahner 712 Hilltop D Hutchinson MN 712 Hilltop Or 3- 530 - 0712 -021 454.54 cc: James Schlagel Buffalo Lake MN 55314 Scott Paulsen Or 446 Huron St S 55350 Hutchinson MN 446 Huron St S 3- 535 -0446 -003 84.34 Jan Schmidt 823 Lindy Ln Hutchinson Mn 823 Lindy Ln 3- 655 -0823 -071 102.71 Paul Lussier 626 Oak St Hutchinson MN •626 Oak St 3- 765 - 0626 -031 133.71 Leo Hammer 99 McLeod Av 55350 Hutchinson MN 99 McLeod Av 3 -705- 0099 -042 63.00 James Janie 485 Kouwe St 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 485 Kouwe St 3- 600 - 0485 -021 101.51 Susan Lies 106 Monroe St 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 106 Monroe St 3- 735 -0106 -093 50.93 cc: Jay Freedland 304 1st Ave SE Hutchinson MN 55350 Promises 2/26 Sharon Ebaugh 1205 Main Prairie Rd 55350 St Cloud MN 56301 725 Goebel St 2- 430 - 0725 -002 220 S HUD 271 - 212667 220 South 2nd St Minneapolis MN 55401 q—a 0 Wade Serfling Ron Willhite Vance Haugen 630 Second Av SE 227 Third Av NW 250 Fifth Av NW Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55356 630 Second Av SE 227 Third Av NW 250 Fifth Av NW 3- 030 - 0630 -068 3- 040 - 0227 -032 3- 080 -0250 -041 115.37 70.58 85.51 cc: Vicky Klabunde Rt 1 Box 218 Brownton MN 55312 Mark Betker - Miles Willhite Percy Hanson - -- 1220 Eighth Av NW 136 11th Av NE 405 Adams St S Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MW- -5535G 1220 Eighth Av NW 136 11th Av NE 405 Adams Sf' °S 3- 115 -1220 -081 3 -130- 0136 -041 3- 210- 0405 -014 164.70 140.57 102.71 Howard Riggle Dave Papke Interiors Unlimite 415 Adams St S 570 Adams St S 640 Adams St S Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 415 Adams St S 570 Adams St S 640 Adams St S 3- 210- 0415 -091 3- 210 - 0570 -003 3- 210 -0640 -061 133.79 23.24 49.28 cc: Bernard Rappa 16274 Kismit Stillwater Mn 55082 Jonathan's Diner Vance Woller James Reileitr 642 Adams St S 486 California St 481 Clark St -' Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 642 Adams St S 486 California St 481 Clark St 3- 210- 0642 -042 3- 275 - 0486 -053 3 -320 -0481 -052 343.61 100.53 111.93 Pamela Schultz Leonard Rieman Papa Verns 536 Erie St S 620 Hwy 7 E 1150 Hwy 7 W Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55356 536 Erie St 620 Hwy 7 E 1150 Hwy 7 W 3- 380 - 0536 -072 3- 500 - 0620 -094 3- 505 -1150 -184 62.04 55.77 740.57 Promises 2/26 cc: Tom Dolder 1204 Fairway Av Hutchinson MN 55350 Council Minutes - December 27, 1983 225 Mr. Pat Mikulecky remarked that in 1980 or 1981 the parking lot was probably needed. However, the City now had a large off- street parkiing program wth adequate parking space downtwon. If the elementary school had need for the parking lot, they could enter into an agreement with the owner. He felt the City should discontinue using the property. Following discussion, Alderman Gruenhagen moved to defer this item to the next Council meeting. Motion seconded by Alderman Beatty. Upon roll call, Aldermen Gruenhagen, and Beatty voted aye and Alderman Carts and Mayor DeMeyer voted nay. The motion failed. Alderman Carls moved that the City Attorney be authorized to obtain a $1.00_a year lease from the property owner. Alderman Beatty seconded the motion. Alderman Carls amended his motion to include the City maintain the public parking lot by snow removai and grading once a fir. �110er 'Mdn- DedLLy- SECOr'dEd —tTe 56f MEMBER. anno t e amenueo motion carried unanimously. The motion carried with Aldermen Gruenhagen, Beatty and Carts voting aye and Mayor DeMeyer voting nay. 9- A 7. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND'COMMISSIONS " (a) MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT - NOVEMBER 1983 There being no discussion, the report was ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. (b) MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION DATED NOVEMBER 15, 1983 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. (c) MINUTES OF SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD DATED AUGUST 24, 1983 0 There being no discussion the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be ED received for filing. Q 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF SNOW REMOVAL OF PARKING,LOT ON NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECOND AVENUE AND (GLEN STREET (DEFERRED DECEMBER 13, 1983) City Attorney Schaefer reported that the City Council minutes dated November 25, 1983 reflected that the property in question had been rezoned to C -3 to be utilitized as a public.parking lot, with the owner's permission. Although the City had ceased to maintain private parking lots, it still maintained this particular lot for municipal parking. Attorney Schaefer_ stated that no charge was involved for use of the lot, but he recommended a written agreement between the City and property owner for use of the property as a public parking lot, with a lease of $1.00 per year. , Mr. Pat Mikulecky remarked that in 1980 or 1981 the parking lot was probably needed. However, the City now had a large off- street parkiing program wth adequate parking space downtwon. If the elementary school had need for the parking lot, they could enter into an agreement with the owner. He felt the City should discontinue using the property. Following discussion, Alderman Gruenhagen moved to defer this item to the next Council meeting. Motion seconded by Alderman Beatty. Upon roll call, Aldermen Gruenhagen, and Beatty voted aye and Alderman Carts and Mayor DeMeyer voted nay. The motion failed. Alderman Carls moved that the City Attorney be authorized to obtain a $1.00_a year lease from the property owner. Alderman Beatty seconded the motion. Alderman Carls amended his motion to include the City maintain the public parking lot by snow removai and grading once a fir. �110er 'Mdn- DedLLy- SECOr'dEd —tTe 56f MEMBER. anno t e amenueo motion carried unanimously. The motion carried with Aldermen Gruenhagen, Beatty and Carts voting aye and Mayor DeMeyer voting nay. 9- A Office of MCLEOD COUNTY ASSESSOR A. O. (Tony) Victorian TELEPHONE •COUNTY ASSESSOR Court House 864 -5551 830 11 th Street East Glencoe. Minnesota 55336 February 12, 1988 0 i Clerk of City or Township: Enclosed is the notice of time set for the meeting of your Local Board of Review and also the necessary assess- ment notice blanks which must be posted and published at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting. If this meeting date and time set for your jurisdiction conflicts in some way, please let this office know at once so that a new date may be set. This if important because all "Notices of Assessment and Equalization" forms that are mailed to the taxpayers will include the meeting date and time on them. A review date change cannot be made after the notices are mailed out. Your cooperation in this matter will be appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, A. O. Victorian County Assessor AOV /ar - McLeod County Equal Opportunity Employer 0 Form No. AF 4— Notice to Clerk of Meeting of Board of OFFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSOR i TOTHECLERKOFTHE CITY OF HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the 1 R TH day of MAY at 4 : 3 0 o'clock P M., has been fixed as the date for the meeting of the Board of Review- . (attike Wt Ow) *Ak%Xb=)J0 F-in your CITY for said year. This meeting should be held in your office as provided by law. Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 274.1, you are required to give notice of said meeting ' by publication and posting, not later than ten days prior to the date of said meeting. Given under my hand this 12TH day of FEBRUARY 1988 . i County Assessor .fh;_ MCLEOD County, Minnesota Applies only to cities whose charter provides for a Board of Equalization instead of a Board of Review. i I Jff(612) 587 -5151 C 37 /TY OF HUTCH/NSON ON WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST CHINSON, MINN. 55350 MEMORANDUM DATE: February 16, 1988 TO: Hutchinson City. Council FROM:. Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: Preliminary Plat of "Casa Addition" as submitted by John Miller Pursuant to Section 3.20 of Subdivision Ordinance No. 466, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recom- mendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a preliminary plat. HISTORY On January 29, 1988, John Miller submitted an application for a preliminary plat to be known as "Casa Addition ". A public hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, February 16 1988, at which time there was no one present who objected to the request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application and plat maps were submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, February 4, 1988. 3. Director of Engineering, Eugene Anderson submitted certification that the proposed plat meets all the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance as per Preliminary and Final Plat Data. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the aforementioned preliminary plat be denied. Respectfully submitted, Thomas Lyke, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commisson q -d, F(612) 587 -5151 ITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: February 3, 1988 TO: Planning Commission WLAty Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Preliminary Plat of Casa Addition I hereby certify that the referenced Preliminary Plat submitted by Mr. John Miller, complies with all the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance as to Preliminary Plat data. We recommend that the Subdivider be required to plat one -half of a public right -of -way (a strip 30 feet in width) along the east line of the plat. The intent is to obtain the balance of the right -of -way from the property east of the plat, thereby assuring access to property within this plat and to property east of the plat. No Parks and Playground Contribution is required because the park dedicated in the Rolling Oaks Third Addition exceeds ten percent of that plat area, of subsequent plat areas, and of the area of Casa Addition. A Subdivision Agreement addressing improvement schedule, cost and assessments will be required. Respectfully submitted, r3on - 4o.irecr of Engineering EA/Pv cc: Subd. File 0 I� U 1 (612) 587 -5151 ITY OF HUTCHINSON VASHINGTON AVENUE WEST WhNSON, MINN. 55350 MEMORANDUM DATE: February 16, 1988 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance No. 464 - _Section 9 - 3b Pursuant to Section 6.06 C1, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request. HISTORY Building Official Jim Marka asked the Planning Commission to consider an amendment to Zoning Ordinance 5464, Section 9, Subsection 3b ZONING DIMENSION REQUIREMENTS - setbacks. The public hearing was held on February 16, 1988 to consider amending Ordinance 5464, Section 9, as follows: Parcels 1p atted after February 23, 1988, zoned R -2 (b) will have the following setYacks: 2Lbj Zon��in Dimensional Requirements will remain the same as R -2 as with excep ion oside yard set ac s whic�ilT6e 8' from ro ert line to building ine. — — — — FINDINGS OF FACT 1. All procedural requirements for amendments to the zoning ordinance have been complied with. Notice was published in the Hutchinson 1988. 3. The proposal was deemed to be appropriate and in the best interest of the community. 2. Leader on Thursday, February 4, RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the revision of Ordinance 5464 Section 9 as listed above be approved. Respectfully submitted, Thomas Lyke, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission -)E7, (612) 587 -5151 %CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 17, 1988 T0: —Hutchinson City Council — ------------ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: —Hutchinson Planning Commission — ---------------- — — — — — — — — — — — — SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF REVISED PRELIMINARY PLAT OF "BRECHT RIVERSIDE" nqusTErn - CORECL BRECHT qrm 1 e raai usT — — — — — — — — The Planning Commission recommends approval based on basement elevation at 1046.3'. 0 9F 612)587-5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: February 5, 1988 TO: Planning Commission City Council t/ FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Preliminary Plat of Brecht Riverside As Submitted by Lowell Brecht (2 mile radius) I have reviewed the revised Preliminary Plat and hereby certify that it complies with the Subdivision Ordinance requirements pertaining to "Preliminary Plat" data. Since part of the tract is within the 100 - year flood plain, the Subdivider is cautioned to develops in accordance with pertinent flood regulations. The flood study done for the City in 1980 does not include areas located as far west of School Road as this parcel. However, the study done for the City shows a 100 - year flood elevation of between 1045.0 and 1048.5. The City's Zoning Ordinance prohibits building a basement in the floodway that is below one foot above the 100 - year flood elevation. I am certain the township and/or county have similar regulations. A Subdivision Agreement providing for future improvements and Parks and Playground Contributions will be prepared prior to Final Plat. submitted,,a} on of Engineering EA/pv cc: Lowell Brecht Subd. File q' ' • 0 DRIVER AND VEHICLE SERVICES DIVISION DRIVER LICENSE OFFICE AYJJ: iiroa�xxalxxxxWnir �7mIK'J�[ 4k Walnut Street aska, MN 55318 r 12-448-3740 STATE OR MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY y+tp SAINT PAUL 55155M �,rn February 2, 1988 Pa 11�r City council City Hall 37 Washington Ave W. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Sirs; I am the Regional Supervisor in your area for the Driver and Vehicle Services Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Our department is presently seeking a more suitable loc- ation for the Hutchinson Driver License Examining Office, As you may know, we are currently located in the National Guard Armory on the south edge of town, however the distance to there impacts on our efficiency in conducting Road Tests. Therefore, I am requesting that our department be permitted to lease the Council Chambers in the City Hall for use as the Driver Exam Office on Thursdays from 9:00 to 4:00. On the average, the Driver License Exam Office attracts approx- imately 50 applicants per day for Written Tests, Road Tests, and MOPED and Motorcycle Skill Tests, Each applicant normally brings with them from 1 to 4 other persons, thus bringing between 150 and 250 persons into the downtown area each day we are open. When we moved the Driver License Exam Office into downtown Hastings a few years ago, business increased in the downtown area there by about 15 %. The office in Hastings is open 3 days a week, but by pro- rating, business in your downtown area should probably increase by approximately _5 %. I only mention this to show that it would be beneficial to both the City of Hutchinsdn and our department if this move takes place. E If you desire any additional information from me, I can speak wi� you at one of your City Council meetings, or at your convenience. Richard A. L(Kso Regional Supervisor AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER DPS 7218(4.75) REQUEST FOR LEASE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Name of Lessor City of Hutchinson Minnesota Address of Lessor 37 Washington Ave W., Hutchinson, MN 55350 McLeod Street W City or Village County Description of Space: (Building, No. of Roomst Nose of Room or Room No., Dimensions, Location, Floor, etc.) City Council Chambers, first floor of City Hall. For use as the Driver Examining Station on Thursdays, from 9 :00 AM to 4 :00 PM. Handicapped accessable, and including use of Rest Rooms, and a small lockable storage area for equipment and supplies, Utilities and snow removal to be furnished by lessor, Starting Date of Lease July 1, 1988 Term of Leases ( ) one year (X) two years Option to Renew Lease When Term Expiress ( ) none Other ( ) one year (%) two years Day(s) to be Used Each Week for Daily Rentals Thursdays (excluding Holidays) Rental Rate $ 20.00 Per da _ day month / year Check Utilities, Services and Equipment to be Provided by Lessor: (X) Beat " Toilet Facilities (X) Chairs ss Required (y) Lights & Electricity fh Janitorial Services ( ) Desk (X) Water (k) Tables as Required ( ) Telephone- Local Service Other Other Conditions of Lease Person to be Contacted Concerning Lease Gary Plots, City Administrator Telephonet Area Code612 Number 587 -5151 Divisitver and Vehicle Services on Requested By Richard A, Larson, Chaska Dap Feb 2, 1988 Approved By Date Division Director NOTE: FACILITIES AND ACCESS RAMPS MUST BE PROVIDED FOR HANDICAPPED PERSONS. �LC7-- • HUTCHINSON POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: February 17, 1988 TO: Gary Plotz, City Administrate FROM: Steve Madson, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Purchase Request From Contingency Fund This memorandum will serve as a request to purchase certain items of equipment from the Contingency Fund for the Police Department. The purpose of the purchases will be to improve the general appearance of the police department and establish uniformity so as to enhance a team approach to community policing. The police department currently utilizes several different types and styles of badges. The badges have undergone a change in style over the years which, I believe, if % been because of a lack of administrative policy as it pertains to the departmental uniform. In addition, officers have been allowed to purchase badges on their own and then utilized these badges upon their uniform. The different style of badges has a tendency to detract from the overall uniform appearance and does not display any uniformity within the police ranks. It is anticipated that 64 badges would be purchased for the police department. The badges would be for an officer's coat, shirt, and cap. Dispatchers would only require one badge. The anticipated cost of the 64 badges is $1,472.00. The anticipated delivery date would be six weeks after submission of the order. During calendar year 1987 the department undertook an effort to upgrade its general appearance by purchasing basketweave leather. Basketweave leather is a particular type of uniform equipment belt, holster and other miscellaneous equipment items which gives an appearance of weaved leather in lieu of the older antiquated smooth leather. Another reason for the change over to basketweave was the difficulty encountered in obtaining smooth leather. The general movement in law enforcement today is toward basketweave, thereby making the smooth leather very difficult to obtain. As previously stated, during 1987 the department purchased basketweave belts and holsters for several members of the department. This was done from the departmental budget and was not a requirement of the individual officers to purchase from their uniform allowance. Because of the practice begun in 1987 I feel compelled to continue to purchase the basketweave equipment for the officers in order to have everyone brought up to a uniform standard. I believe it has been a general practice in the past that whenever a new item of issue has been required that the City has funded those items. I would like to point out that I am requiring a new style of uniform shirt which the officers will be required to purchase with the uniform allowance provided in April, 9u Gary Plotz February 17,1988 Page 2 1988. Therefore the strain upon the uniform allowance wi11 be severe and in order to bring the uniformity of the department together as soon as possible I believe that this purchase is necessary at this time and this purchase should be funded by the City. The approximate cost for the basketweave leather items would be $2000.00. Another item of uniformity which I uniform standpoint, but also from the fi extremely debilitated condition. The e emergency lighting equipment utilized of effort has been made over the last few the squad cars and to update, generally, vehicles. Currently the squad cars are (emergency lighting equipment) which is outdated. Much of the equipment that aF to the bar lights in order to try to ke( and current police trends. The need to not only from a standardization of equip potential for civil liability in the ut may or may not operate at the scene of lights was submitted in the capital exp and was placed on hold until such time i believe is necessary, not only from a ct that the current equipment is in a luipment that I speak of relates to the the squad cars. I believe that an (ears to standardize the appearance of the overall appearance of these utilizing a type of bar light extremely old and to a certain extent pears on the bar light has been added p current with the department needs purchase new emergency lighting comes nent perspective but also from the 1lization of outdated equipment which n emergency. The request for new bar anditures area of the current budget s a determination as to whether monies were available for this purchase. The approximate cost of new bar lights for the police squad vehicles would be approximately $2,100.00. The older bar lights that area utilized currently could be removed, cannibalized, and one bar light could be then affixed to the department pickup truck or another City vehicle as the need may dictate. If it is an impossibilty to find the necessary monies to fund these projects from the Contingency Fund I believe that part of the expense as shown could be found within the department budget and I would be willing to utilize part of the department budget in an effort to satisfy these needs. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this information please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. r 1 u u LJ PARKS a RECREATION a FORESTRY 900 Harrington Street Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 (612) 587 -2975 SENIOR CENTER CIVIC ARENA 587 -6564 587 -4279 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Mark Schnobrich, City Forester Bruce Ericson, Parks & Recreation Director DATE: February 17, 1988 SUBJECT: Reinstatement of Capital Improvement Tree Funds In an effort to continue Hutchinson's ongoing reforestation program, we would like to request for the reinstatement of $2,500 for the 1988 scheduled tree planting. For the past two years, the city's replanting program has been able to exceed it's removal program. Even at that rate, the city has been able to replant only half the number of trees it has had to remove since 1978. The $2,500 is needed now in order to place our 1988 spring tree order with our nursery. Consider tree planting an important part of the 1988 City Budget. (See the Parks & Recreation 1987 -88 Annual Report.) q---Tt (612) 587 -5151 11UllN' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON .AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: February 18, 1988 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Plan Approval for Project No. 88 -29 Purchase of Stormwater Grates Specifications have been prepared for purchasing bicycle safe stormwater grates. The contract calls for 305 grates of various sizes. An informal quotation for the grates was near the $15,000 included in the 1988 Street Department Budget. Since the cost is estimated at the statutory limit for obtaining quotations, and since there are few suppliers of the materials, we recommend that bids be requested and that the attached resolution be adopted. About 175 additional grates will remain to be replaced, for which funds were not budgeted. if the Council wishes to replace them in 1988, the purchase would be an estimated $10,000. EA/PV attachment cc: Larry Barg, Street Superintendent r � �J Respectfully submitted, � �vv- Eug4fie Anderson /G- Director of Engineering / 9 -S RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIAS RESOLUTION NO. 8711 LETTING 110. 13 PROJECT NO. 88 -29 WHEREAS, the City Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the Purchase of Bicycle Safe Stormwater Inlet Orates, and has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and Specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The City Administrator shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for two weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be opened and considered by the Council at 2:00 P.M. on March 18th, 1988, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Butchinson, Minnesota, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the clerk for 10 per cent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Council this 23rd day of February, 1988. Mayor City Administrator V� r1 a`J L (612) 587 -5151 %fUTCN' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHlNSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: February 18, 1988 TO: eMayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Plan Approval for Project No. 88 -25 Attached is a Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications for the Main Street South sewer and water replacement project. Bids for the project mould be opened on March 1Bth. We request that the resolution be adopted. L� EA /pv attachment �J Respectfully submitted, il�kVV Z ,l.(r_ y 1cY1 Eugene(Anderson Director of Engineering RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS RESOLUTION NO. N9L10 LETTING NO. 1 PROJECT NO. 88 -25 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Council on January 26th, 1988, the Director of Engineering has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of Main Street South (T.H. 15) from 4th Avenue South to Oakland Avenue by the construction of Sanitary Sewer, Water Main, Sewer and Water Services to the Property Line of all Buildings or Buildable Sitea, Restoration and Appurtenances, and has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1., Sudl Ians and speoifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made apart hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The City Administrator shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper, an advertisement for bide upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be opened and considered by the Council at 2:00 P.M. on March 18th, 1988, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Hutchinson, Minnesota, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Administrator and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Hutchinson for 10 per cent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Council this 23rd day of February, 1988. Mayor City Administrator 0 ►ri ►J (612) 587 -5151 HUTCN' CITY OF HUTCHINSON . 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: February 17th, 1988 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Amended Subdivision Agreement Fifth Addition to Lakewood Terrace The accompanying revised Subdivision Agreement was prepared at the request of the Subdivider. It changes the scope and schedule of improvements from that contained in the agreement that was previously approved. A motion approving the amended agreement is hereby requested. EA/pv attachment i Respectfully submitted, EugenAnderson Director of Engineering 9-1121- FIRST AMENDED SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT FIFTH ADDITION TO LAKEWOOD TERRACE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into the day and year act forth hereinafter, by and between Loretta McDonald, ,hereinafter called the "Subdivider ", and the City of Hutchinson, a Municipal corporation in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the "City "; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Subdivider is the owner and developer of a certain subdivision known as FIFTH ADDITION TO LAKEWOOD TERRACE, which is located in the City of Hutchinson, McLeod County, Minnesota, and; WHEREAS, City Ordinance 464 and 466 requires subdividers to make certain improvements in the subdivision; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That a certain document entitled "Subdivision Agreement, Fifth Addition to Lakewood Terrace, City of Hutchinson, Minnesota "; signed by Loretta McDonald on the 23rd day of July, 1987; approved by the Council of the City of Hutchinson on'the 28th day of July, 1987; and signed by the Mayor and Clerk of said City on the 29th day of July, 1987; be and is hereby declared null and void; and the provisions and covenants hereinafter contained as they pertain to the aforedescribed subdivision shall be binding. 2. The Subdivider hereby petitions the City of Hutchinson to construct, during the 1988 construction seasons grading, gravel sub -base, sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer and sewer and water service leads on McDonald Drive from the West line of the plat to the extended East line of Lot 29 Block 1t and on Park Island Drive from McDonald Drive to the South line of the plat. It is understood and agreed that the total cost of these improvements will be assessed on a per lot basis in an equal amount to the following lots in the subdivision: Lots 1 A 2, Block 1; Lots 1 through 51 Block 2; and Lots 1 through 59 block 3. 3. The Subdivider hereby petitions the City of Hutchinson to construct, during the 1988 construction season, grading, gravel sub -base and storm sewer on Darrel Drive from McDonald Drive to the North line of the plat. It is understood and agreed that the total cost of these improvements will be assessed on a per lot basis in an equal amount to the following lots in the subdivision: Lots 1 6 2, Block 1; Lots 1 through 59 Block 2; and Lots 1 through 5, Block 3. 4. The Subdivider hereby petitions the City of Hutchinson to construct, at a time deemed feasible by the Subdivider and the City, grading, gravel sub -base, storm sewer, and appurtenances, on Loretta Lane from McDonald Drive to the North line of the plat. It is understood and agreed that the total cost of these improvements will be assessed on a per lot basis in an equal amount to Lots 6, 7 and 89 Block 3. 1 The Council for the City of Hutchinson may exercise its authority in 61, �1 LJ FIRST AMENDED SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT FIFTH ADD. TO LAKEWOOD TERRACE • PAGE 2 assessing a portion or the entire cost of these improvements on Loretta Lane from McDonald Drive to the North line of the plat to a portion or all of that property affected east of and abutting the plat. 5. The Subdivider hereby petitions the City of Hutchinson to construct on McDonald Drive from the extended East line of Lot 2, Block 1, to Honey Tree Road, and on Honey Tree Road from McDonald Drive to the South line of the plat, at a time deemed feasible to the Subdivider and the City, grading, gravel sub -base, sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer, and sewer and water service leads to each lot on the West side of Honey Tree Road. It is understood and agreed that the total cost of these improvements will be assessed on a per lot basis in an equal amount to Lots 69 7 and 8. Block 3. The Council for the City of Hutchinson may exercise its authority in assessing a portion or the entire cost of these improvements on Honey Tree Raod, and on McDonald Drive from the extended East line of Lot 2, Block 1, to Honey Tree Road, to a portion or all of that property affected East of and abutting the plat. 6. The Subdivider hereby petitions the City of Hutchinson to construct, . during the 1989 construction season or later as deemed feasible by the Subdivider and the City, gravel base, curb and gutter and appurtenances on McDonald Drive from the West line of the plat to the extended East line of Lot 2, block 1, and on Park Island Drive from McDonald Drive to the South line of the plat; and on Darrel Drive from McDonald Drive to the North line of the plat. It is understood and agreed that the total cost of these improvements will be assessed on a per lot basis in an equal amount to the following lots in the subdivision: Lots 1 & 2, Block 1; Lots 1 through 59 Block 2; and Lots 1 through 5, Block 3. 7. The Subdivider hereby petitions the City of Hutchinson to construct, at a time deemed feasible by the Subdivider and the City, gravel base, curb and gutter on both sides of the street, and appurtenanoes, on Loretta Lane from McDonald Drive to the North line of the plat, and on McDonald Drive from the extended East line of Lot 2, Block 19 to Honey Tree Road, and on Honey Tree Road from McDonald Drive to the South line of the plat. It is understood and agreed that the total cost of the improvements will be assessed on a per lot basis in an equal amount to Lots 69 7 and 8, Block 3. The Council for the City of Hutchinson may exercise its authority in assessing a portion or the entire cost of these improvements on Honey Tree Road, Loretta Lane, and on McDonald Drive from the extended East line of Lot 2, Block 1, to Honey Tree Road, to a portion or all of that property affected east of and abutting the plat. 8. The Subdivider hereby petitions the City of Hutchinson to construct, during the 1990 construction season or later as deemed feasible by the Subdivider and the City, street surfacing and appurtenances on FIRST AMENDED SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT FIFTH ADD. TO LAKEWOOD TERRACE PAOB 3 r � U McDonald Drive from the Best line of the plat to the extended East line of Lot 29 Block 1, on Park Island Drive from McDonald Drive to the South line of the plat, on Darrel Drive from McDonald Drive to the North line of the plat. It is understood and agreed that the total cost of these improvements will be assessed on a per lot basis in an equal amount to the following lots in the subdivisions Lots 1 A 2, Block 1; Lots 1 through 5, Block 2; and Lots 1 through 59 Block 3. 9. The Subdivider hereby petitions the City of Hutchinson to construct at a time deemed feasible to the Subdivider and the City, street surfacing and appurtenances on Loretta Lane from McDonald Drive to the North line of the plat, on McDonald Drive from the extended East line of Lot 2, Block 1, to Honey Treat Road, and on Honey Tree Road from McDonald Drive to the South line of the plat. It is understood and agreed that the total cost of these improvements will be assessed on a per lot basis in an equal amount to Lots 6, T and 8, Block 3. The Council for the City of Hutchinson may exercise its authority in assessing a portion or the entire cost of these improvements on Honey Tree Road, Loretta Lane, and on McDonald Drive from the extended East line of Lot 29 Block 19 to Honey Tree: to a portion or all of that property affected East of and abutting the plat. • 10. The Subdivider hereby waives all rights to a public hearing and appeal for the cost of all improvements petitioned for in Paragraphs 19 2, 3, 49 59 69 7 and 8. The waiving of all such rights shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and Successors of the Subdivision. 11. It is understood and agreed that the 'Subdivider will make a cash contribution to the City of Hutchinson Parks and Playground for FIFTH ADDITION TO LAKEWOOD TERRACE in the amount of $19737.129 which contribution is for one dwelling unit per lot. Charges for additional dwelling units per lot will be due at the time a Building Permit is issued and the cost will be according to the City Parks and Playground Contribution Schedule for additional units at the time said permit is issued. 12. It is understood and agreed that, prior to the installation of electrical and gas utilities and appurtenances in the platted easements, the Subdivider will clear any trees and /or debris and grade the easements to within 6" of finish grade. 13. It is understood and agreed that all 'electrical and gas lines in easements that may have to be moved by request of the property owner, will be relocated at said property owners expense. 14. It is understood and agreed that to fulfill City Policy, two trees will be provided in the margin (boulevard) of each lot. The Subdivider or property owner shall purchase from the City and pay one FIRST AMENDED SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT FIFTH ADDITION TO LAKEWOOD TERRACE PAGE 4 half the cost of said trees and the City's portion of the payment for the trees shall not exceed $10.00 per tree. Said trees shall be planted by the property owner. The Subdivider hereby petitions the City to install two trees per lot and assess the properties in the subdivision, the cost less allowed City's portion of said cost. Said installation to be included in the last assessable improvement to be installed for the subdivision. All trees installed at the time of said last assessable improvement will be credited to the properties where the trees are located. Species selection will be determined by the Tree Board. Should the Subdivider or property owner wish to plant a tree which deviates from the selected specie list, he /she must present his /her request to the Tree Board. The City will, at no charge to the property owner, replace any tree which dies within one year of the time of planting. 15. This agreement shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and successors of the parties. 16. It is understood and agreed that it is the responsibility of the Subdivider to record this agreement at the County Recorder's Office and that no Building Permits will be issued until said Agreement is recorded. IN WITNESS THEREOF, said Loretta McDonald, has hereunto set her hand this day of , 19_. Loretta McDonald STATE OF MINNESOTA The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me COUNTY OF this day of , 19_, by Loretta McDonald, a widow. Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires Approved by the City Council on the _ day of , 19_. CITY OF BUTCHINSON 0 Its Mayor FIRST AMENDED SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT FIFTH ADDITION TO LAKEWOOD TERRACE PAGE 5 Its City Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me COUNTY OF day of , 19_9 by Paul L. Acklan, Mayor and Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator. Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: 0. Barry Anderson ARNOLD A HaDOWELL 101 Park Place 101 Main St. So. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Telephone No. (612) 587 -7575 Attorney I.D. #196 hutchinson community hospital 1095 Highway 15 South, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 • Telephone 6121587 -2148 "An Equal Opportunity Employer" February 17, 1988 The Honorable Mayor Paul Ackland and Members of the City Council City Hall 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mayor Ackland and City Council Members: During their regular meeting on February 16, the Hutchinson Community Hospital Board of Directors received and considered a request for purchase of an arterial blood gas analyzer for use in the Respiratory Therapy department. The following is an excerpt from the minutes of that meeting. "Arterial Blood Gas Analyzer. A capital expenditure request was received from Respiratory Therapy to purchase a replacement blood gas analyzer. Rationale for the request was to replace an aging system which cannot be maintained by the manufacturer after July, 1988. The model being requested will also provide better service at a lower operational cost. Following discussion: Motion was made by Durfee, seconded by Gilmer, to recommend to the City Council purchase of the Radiometer ABL 30 Blood Gas Analyzer at a cost of $13,400. All were in favor. Motion carried." Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, HUT INSON COMMUN TY PITAL 1 Philip G... raves Administra r PGG:Ih �J 1988 9 9 /l✓ t REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING GARAGE FUND *Withhold Tax Account February 22, 1988 & SEWER FUND •WATER *Withholding TAx Acct. employer contribution $505.62 Lakes GAs Co LP gas 170.70 Totushek Trucking freight charges 18.00 Amex Life Assurance Co. March LTD ins. 53.72 County Market food coloring 7.60 Hutch Utilities elec. $ gas 43.85 Hutch Wholesale supplies 7,57 Mn. Mutual Ins. CO. March Life ins. 51.15 Power Process Equipment repairs $ supplies 499.25 Physicians Health Plan March medical ins. 1196.30 PERA employer contribution 286.13 Sun Life of Canada March dental ins. 168.22 VWR Scientific supplies 684.67 Water Products Co. supplies $ meter parts. 4053.06 Robert L. Carr Co. construction costs 231,686.00 Donohue $ Associates Inc. prof. services 80.SS7.72 $ 319.988.96 •CENTRAL GARAGE FUND *Withhold Tax Account employer contribution $75.09 Amex Life Assurance Co. March LTD ins. 7.25 Carquest Auto Parts balance 300.00 Hutch Wholesale supplies 382.83 Mn. Mutual Ins. Co. March Life ins. 6.82 Physicians Health Plan March medical ins. 169.71 PERA employer contribution 42.49 Schmeling Oil Co. oil 219.50 Sun Life of Canada March dental ins. 24.26 Primrose Oil Co. supplies 86.11 Southwestern Battery In. supplies 167.85 $ 1,481.91 GENERAL FUND Randy Exsted basketball official $90.00 Paul Linder basketball official 90.00 Brian Giersdorf supplies 12.10 Larry Karg safety glasses 80.00 Quentin Larson bridge seminar 52.35 Alexander Mfg. Co. parts 92.86 Butterworths law book 34.50 Fran Dwyer supplies 64.75 Holmsten Ice Rinks supplies 56.36 McLeod Co. Historial Sec. relocation expenses 4434.00 . Mn.State Fire Chiefs Assn. 1988 dues 90.00 R $ R Specialties Ins. parts 73.20 TEK Mechanical Services repairs 110.00 Ulrich P1anFiling Equipment flat file folders 97.64 11-a -2- E GENERAL FUND *Hutchinson Telephone Co. phone service $3336.73 *Dept. of Natural Resource snowmobile reg. fees 200.00 *Withhold TAx Acct. employer contribution 3563.21 *Dept. of Natural REsources snowmobile reg. fees 124.00 *Dept. of Natural Resources boat reg. fees 27.00 Amex Life Assurance Co. March LTD Ins. 596.30 American Risk Services March services 800.00 Amoco Oil Co. gasoline 19.40 Bennett Office Supplies supplies 18.00 Ben Franklin Crafts supplies 6.31 Coca Cola Bottling supplies 344.06 Coast toCoast supplies 12.56 Communication Auditors repairs 138.06 Copy Equipment Inc. supplies 107.90 County Market suppies 47.51 Co. Treasurer state deed tax 24.75 Co. Treasurer dl fees 95.50 Don Streicher Guns equipment 5976.80 Douglas Jost compensation $ mileage 686.30 ERicksons More 4 supplies 20.92 Erickson Oil Products supplies 25.54 Eileen Goeders contract payment 1500.00 Family RExall Drug 2 tapes 4.30 Gopher Sign Co. signs 157.39 •Great Plains HCVN Ch. #10 supplies feb. payment 39.26 750.00 Hutch Cafe dinners 21.10 Hutch Wholesale supplies 400.18 Ind. SchoolDist. 423 work study student 350.00 ICMA employer contribution 156.20 JOes Sport Shop supplies 73.00 K Mart supplies 19.97 Mn. Mutual Ins. Co. March life ins. 491.66 National Police Supply equipment 47.38 Northern STates Supply supplies 139.35 PERA employer contribution 3936.21 Physicians Health Plan March medical ins. 11,064.50 Plaza OK Hardware supplies 21.63 Pitney BowesCredit Corp. mail mach /scale 102.00 Olsons Locksmith repairs 132.00 Sharstrom Plbg. repairs 56.82 Star Tribune 26 weeks subscription 40.30 Sun Life of Canada March dental ins. 1596.36 Uniforms Unlimited equipment 415.45 United Labs supplies 115.66 West Pub.Co. law book 37.25 $ 43,216.58 E e -3 -- BOND FUNDS • Police Construction Fund West Side Plbg $ Htg. R.E.Stanton MetPar Steel Schatz Construction Inc. R $ H Painting Inc. Barils Paint P, Carpet Allied Mechanical Systems CAM Inc. construction costs Products construction costs construction costs construction costs construction costs construction costs professional services MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE Johnson Brothers Wholesale Quality Wine $ Spirits Griggs Cooper 8 Co. Ed Phillips & Sons City of Hutchinson PERA Commissioner of REvenue • Coast to Coast is wine & liquor wine & liquor wine 8 liquor wine $ liquor payroll employer contribution Jan. sales tax filters $6558.00 886.76 9995.40 5400.00 3726.00 4823.30. 12,483.18 $ 43,872.64 $1106.96 717.47 809.72 5144.25 4292.13 182.42 7530.39 3.96 $19,787.30 isDAVID D. ARNOLD csasl.as A. cAexmasaL MICHAEL E. LxZARON DART D. MCDOMELL PAYE ENOVILEs STEVEN A. ANDESSON O. BARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. RCCE CHARLES L NAIL- Ja. IAUHA E. PRETLAND DAVID v SRUEOOEMANN JOSEPH M. PAIRMENT JAMES UTLET 0 r, LJ February 11, 1988 ApmOLD & MGDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 5881 CEDAR LAxz ROAD MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55418 (812) 545 -9000 MN TOLL FREE 800- 343 -4545 CABLE MGLAW MINNEAPOLIS Mr. Dan K. Prochnow BRADFORD & PROCHNOW Attoreys at Law 126 North Franklin Street Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Maplewood Academy Dear Dan: TELECOPIER (612) M .1793 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON. MINNESOTA 55011 (010) 080.2214 101 PARK PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 50050 (5/2)501 -15]5 FE91986 N, REM, FOR YOUR INFORMATION I have your letter of February 8, 1988 in which you allege that you are 11not certain" that the council realizes the seriousness of Maple- wood situation. Regardless of whether or not that statement is true and correct, please be advised that the City of Hutchinson has never been served with the Summons and Complaint referred to in your correspondence. You were kind enough to mail me a copy, which from a professional courtesy standpoint I appreciate, but because of the unique nature of municipal law I do not normally accept service in lieu of appropriate service under the rules of civil procedure of the State of Minnesota. Accordingly, I understand that a meeting has been set for February 24 and if you feel following that meeing that action on behalf of Maple- wood Academy is appropriate, I would appreciate it if you would make arrangements for service of your Summons and Complaint. Thank you for your kind attention to these details. Best personal regards. Ver117e ours, ARNOWEL G. erson GBA /l� cc: Gary D. Plotz AHNOLD & MGDOWELL January 27, 1988 Ms. Carol Stender Adjuster GAB Business Services 9531 West 78th Street Suite 220 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 RE: GAB File No.: 56527 -11308 Claimant: Craig and Peggy Reese Date of Claim Made: October 20, 1987 Covenant No.: MCM- 8542 -8 Our File No.: 3244 -87 -0010 Dear Carol: FOR YOUR INFORMATION 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON. MINNESOTA 66371 (612)OSC -2214 101 PARR PLACE HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 66360 (612)681.1616 ZD BY This letter is a follow -up to your correspondence of November 25, 1987 regarding the above - referenced matter. We've now had a chance to review your letter of denial of coverage and we have some concerns and questions that I believe we should discuss. I would like to address specifically the comments in your letter dealing with coverage applicable under sub.section D, entitled Errors and Omissions Liability. while it is true that the Errors and Omissions sections contain an exclusion for damages arising out of condemnation, inverse condemnation and related doctrines, nowhere in the exclusion as far as I can tell are claims arising out of zoning disputes specifically excluded. Further, and this is a point that you may have missed upon review of the Plaintiff's Complaint, please note that the Plaintiffs are seeking damages as a result of an alleged 0 ATTORNEYS AT LAW DAVID E. ARNOLD 3881 GEDAR LASE ROAD CHARLES R CARMICHAEL MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 33418 MICHAEL S. IAAARON \ (612) 345 -9000 GARY D. M.DOH'ELL FAYE KNOWLES MN TOLL FREE B00- 343 -4545 STEVEN A. ANDERSON GABLE MGLAW MINNEAPOLIS O. HARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. HOOF 11 J TELECOPIER (612) 606.1123 CHARLES L. MAIL. JR. �1-/N� t.•ll {AAA LURA E. FRETLAND DAVID A. RRUEOOEMANN 4 JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY January 27, 1988 Ms. Carol Stender Adjuster GAB Business Services 9531 West 78th Street Suite 220 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 RE: GAB File No.: 56527 -11308 Claimant: Craig and Peggy Reese Date of Claim Made: October 20, 1987 Covenant No.: MCM- 8542 -8 Our File No.: 3244 -87 -0010 Dear Carol: FOR YOUR INFORMATION 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON. MINNESOTA 66371 (612)OSC -2214 101 PARR PLACE HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 66360 (612)681.1616 ZD BY This letter is a follow -up to your correspondence of November 25, 1987 regarding the above - referenced matter. We've now had a chance to review your letter of denial of coverage and we have some concerns and questions that I believe we should discuss. I would like to address specifically the comments in your letter dealing with coverage applicable under sub.section D, entitled Errors and Omissions Liability. while it is true that the Errors and Omissions sections contain an exclusion for damages arising out of condemnation, inverse condemnation and related doctrines, nowhere in the exclusion as far as I can tell are claims arising out of zoning disputes specifically excluded. Further, and this is a point that you may have missed upon review of the Plaintiff's Complaint, please note that the Plaintiffs are seeking damages as a result of an alleged 0 Carol Stender January 27, 1988 Page 2 violation of 42 U.S.C. Section 1983. Under the circumstances, it would appear to me that while perhaps some of Plaintiff's claims at least arguably fall within the category of inverse condemnation, a point which I do not concede now but am willing to admit for argument purposes, the section 1983 claim is covered under the terms of the policy. I have not been able to determine that any exclusion applys to that claim. Further, I note in reviewing the types of damages for which coverage exists that the money damages described in the Prayer for Relief of Plaintiffs' Complaint are not specifically excluded. In your letter you mention that the money damages sought are "ancillary" to the main action. I respectfully submit there is absolutely no way to tell at this point whether or not they are in fact "ancillary" to the main action and in fact, since the Plaintiffs in this case have not agressively sought a temporary injuction by filing the appropriate bond and preventing the construction of the facility in question, it is more probable than not that money damages are exactly what the Plaintiffs seek. I believe the carrier in this question has a duty to defend the City of Hutchinson with respect to this particular dispute. Crum vs. Anchor Casualty Company, 119 N.W. 2d 703 (1963). The baseline rule is that any doubt as to whether or not coverage exists, or as a corollary, whether or not a duty to defend exists, will in the end be resolved against the insurer. Bituminous Casualty Corporation vs. Bartlett, 307 Minn. 72, 240 N.W. 2d (1976). It would appear to me that a duty to defend exists and that at least arguably, coverage also exists for the City of Hutchinson in light of the allegations of the Plaintiffs. I write to you now because we are rapidly reaching the point where technical decisions are going to need to be made. I am perfectly willing and able to undertake a defense on behalf of the City of Hutchinson but in so doing, I will commit the City to a specific course of conduct in the handling of this matter. Should the League Trust undertake a defense, it is possible they might prefer some other approach. Obviously, if the City prevails in its handling of the matter, we would ultimately look to the Trust only for defense costs. In the event the results are unsatisfactory, the city does not waive its claims against the carrier and the trust may prefer to defend the matter and protect its interests. u Carol Stender January 27, 1988 Page 3 Therefore, based upon all of the foregoing, I respectfully suggest that it is appropriate for the carrier in question to reconsider its previous denial of liability and to undertake a defense of the City of Hutchinson. May I please hear from you at your earliest possible convenience? Thank you. Very truly yours, ARNOLD & McDOWELL S0►"- G. Barry Anderson GBA/lky cc: Gary D. Plotz LJ DAVID E. ARNOLD CaAaLE9 Z. CAaMICKAEL MICKARL E. LXXARON OAST D. 190DOWELL PATE ENONLSS 9TEV9N A. ANDX"ON O. BARRY ANDERSON STEVEN G. 2100E CRAELEE L. NAIL, JR. LAURA E. PaETLND DAVID A. ERIIEOOENANE JOSZPX M. PAIEMENT JAMES OTLET January 27, 1988 AxxOLD & MGDOWELL ATTOSxazs aT LAw 5881 CEDAR LA21E ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55419 (912) 548 -9000 MN 'TOLL FREE 900- 343 -4545 GABLE MGL&W MINNEAPOLIs TELECOnaa tel2�au -1Tea Mr. Pete Kasal KEEFE & KASAL LAW OFFICES 246 Main Street South Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Reese vs. City of Hutchinson Dear Pete: FOR YOUR INFORMATION "I 80=5 POU=Z STREET PSIXOETON. MINNESOTA OW71 (612) see -2914 102 PARE Plus SIIT021INSON. MINNESOTA 55350 (012) ee7-75� �7 /wry ,%��] N ui i ��i. L:L�° .-- v �`�� «9l gt 9t61%o This letter is a follow -up to prior communication regarding the above subject. I have been in touch with the League Trust which is the insurance carrier responsible for indemnifying the City with respect to claims and have asked them to reconsider their previous denial of a duty to defend your action. If they do reconsider their position,'I do anticipate that any defense will be conducted under a reservation of rights. I hope to hear from the adjuster sometime early next week and as soon as I have something more to report, I will be in touch with you. Thank you. Very truly yours, ARNOLD & McDOWELL G. Barry Anderson GBA /lh cc: Gary D. Plotz 0 FOR YOUR INFORMATION '-� HUTCHINSON -- On Thursday, Dakota Rail filed a Petition in Federal Bankruptcy Court in Minneapolis seeking relief under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Dakota Rail operates a railroad running between Hutchinson and Wayzata. It also runs a luxury dinner car service. Dakota Rail intends to continue its operation under protection of Chapter 11. Dakota Rail said its filing became necessary because of a dispute with its major creditor over the purchase of its road bed and other property. Dakota Rail President, Jerry Ross, said that the value of the real estate not necessary for the operation of the railroad was far in excess of the claims of all of the creditors of the railroad, and that he took this action to protect its creditors, employees, and their work place, its shipper's, their suppliers, and to preserve the railway between Hutchinson and Wayzata. Ross further stated that this action did not affect the on -going business of Dakota Rail or its financial viability. HGL140- 12/31/87 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA BALANCE: SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1987 ■ * * ELECTRIC • • * Y * w i w GAS * M. M • K PAGE i C1iy _ FOR YOUR INFORMATION r r w w TOTAL M• w w DEFERRED CHARGE -___ BOND _ DISCOUNT 4AB6- - -_.___ TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGE 103,845.00 TOTAL ASSETS 17,530,945.49- 5,039,194.28 - _...:. - .---iQ3.845..00 103,845.00 22,570,139.77 _ - -- ' UTILITY PLANT - AT COST LAND 6 LAND RIGHTS 126,300.30 12,628.10 138,928.40 - t.- .__'_._AEERECiAPJ.E_UIILILF'I -ANT_ TOTAL .UTILITY PLANT 22,248,293.85 2, 279, 129.92. . . _._ _ . ESS_.ACCUMULATED_DEP�tECIATT.AN _�O..b35, 324.30CF -_ 427.507.91CR - -- _-11..562.8 ..?24,527,423,77 -- ; '! TOTAL. ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION 10,635,324.30CR 927,507.91CR 11,562,832.21CR l � _� CONSTRUCTION IN PROD- RES.$_.___ 27.4 -55.45 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 27,455.45 27 .i� RESTRICTED FUNDS & ACCOUNTS _.__._CONTRIPiljON =SILY OF HUTCHINSON. _.____ _ 1,3:'2.16 FEDERAL INTERPRETATION 582,107.17 582,107.17 Y., FUTURE EXPANSION 8 DEVELOPMENT 1,776,060.00 597,000.00 2,373,060.00 = -- _ _--- __RESERVE_EQR_E- UELJUL PURCHASES _— so7 449.00 _- - -- - - -- -- - - --_ .__ - - -- _ -- - -_ - - -- _._ - - -- - -- BQ2.v44,- oR - - - -- -. RESTRICTED - MEDICAL INSURANCE 60,000.00 40,000.00 100,000.00 - !' - ITA - OPERATING 6 MAINT RESERVE 200,000.00 200,000.00 ___�__PONDINTEST�gTryT- S4e6.- _— -55,429.83- ____.. -.___. INSURANCE LOSS 300,000.00 380,000.00 CONTRIBUTION - CITY OF HUTCHINSON 29,676.56 29,676.56 TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS b ACCOUNTS 3,321,106.39 1.220,459.33 4,541,565.72 _._.CURRENT . -AJ ACCRUED- _ASSEIS-__-- -- -_ -_-- .. ._. ... CASH IN BANK 292,802.76 48,477.15 34t, 4279.91 - ' INVESTMENTS AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 896,318.08 1,863,165.81 2,759,483.59 - _ -. .. -- -C ONTRACIS1iECEIVABLE _____. -_ _ 52.356,73 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 616,795.12 404,523.52 1,021,318.64 INVENTORIES 568,378.45 58,374.54 626,752.99 -__ -. — CURR_3_ACCRUED _ASSETS- ,PREPAID_INS_ 70474.69._ - -_ -. ._ _._. .... _.._ 21.839.93 - __-_. ____-- _....._92..314.62_- ____ -- ACCRUED INTEREST RECEIVABLE 20.800.00 18.300.00 39,100.00 ' OTHER CURRENT 6 ACCRUFD ASSETS 75.26 75.26 TOTAL CURRENT _& ACCRUED _ASSETS___ —_____ _. __.._- _____2465.569.10._ __. 2, 467._112.94___ .__.4,932.682_04____ - DEFERRED CHARGE -___ BOND _ DISCOUNT 4AB6- - -_.___ TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGE 103,845.00 TOTAL ASSETS 17,530,945.49- 5,039,194.28 - _...:. - .---iQ3.845..00 103,845.00 22,570,139.77 _ - -- 1 -HGL140 12/31/87 HUTCHINSON U IE'S COMMISSION HUTCHINS MINNESOT,) .� BALANCE SHEET • DECEMBER 31, 1997. •• r ELECTRIC w• w u w r w w CAS w•• w• PACE 2 . • r r• TOTAL w• r w -'-_- M�NISzIFAL _ EQUITY E,_I,FAD_L2_TIE §.___.__ :.---- •- __. MUNICIPAL EQUITY BALANCE YEAR END 11,742,930.91 4,165,772.47 iS,908,703.38 , ,_ CURRENT_ PERIOD _ NET INCOME CONTRIBUTION TO CITY 225,000.00CR 75,800.0OCR 300,000.00CR TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUITY 12,915,i50.95 4,640,193.89 f7, 355, 344.84 -� LONG TERM LIABILITIE8-NET OF CURRENT MATURITIES 1986 BONDS _. x.320 _ TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES 31920,000.00 3,920,000.00 CONSTR CONTRACTS 6 ACCTS PAY RETAIN____ -_ TOTAL CONSTRUCTION A ACCTS PAY _- __CURRENT 6_ACCRUED IIAB ;CITIES_____ _• ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 527,548.19 379,693.99 907, 242. SS - �;_ INTEREST ACCRUED 14,100.20 _ 14,100.20 - -`.___ ACCT PAYADLE TO ASSOCIATED CO _ 19.5L0.22CFj_ __.. 1.Q14.,93CR 211.325.4§ -- ACCRUED PAYABLE - PAYROLL 35,840.01 7,036.38 42,876.39 -- 1�. =' ACCRUED VACATION PAYABLE 76,912.41 14,082.95 90,995.36 CUSTOMER DEPOSITS _- --- -__.__ 60 S83_95___ �_.__. 19 893.95 ' OTHER OIF.'FENT 6 ACCRUED LIABILITIES 20.00 2.00 22.00 - �`' TOTAL CURRENT 8 ACCRUED LIAR 695,794.54 399,000.39 1,094,794.93 ` TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUITY 8 LIAR 17,530,945.49 5,039,194.28 22,570,139.77 - y J — HGL110— 12!31/87 HUTCHINSON UI ILITIES COMMISSION HUTCHINCON, MINNESOTA ELECTRIC DIVISION STA'IFMENT OF INCOME A EXPENSES DECE.MBER 31, 1987 w * CURRENT MONTH r r PAGE i POI? YOt "R INFORMATION w w YEAk -TO -DATE w r a l INCOME 3TALEMENT- ____._ _ OPERATING REVENUE SALES - ELECTRIC ENERGY 639,836.93CR 8,842,583.02CR _ __NET INCOME FROM _9 HER_Sr URCES__. SECURITY LIGHTS 1, 060.50Ck 12,642.00CR�i POLE RENTAL 3, 832.50CR ( _ ' _.__ —TOTAL OPER0.TING--REVENUF — :.. _.._._- ..___ '.� Ci OPERATING EXPENSES _-GENERATION _OPERATION.- - -— " "------------ - - - - GENERATION MAINTENANCE 46,109.94CR 194,454.08 -� "., TRANSMISSION OPERATION 419,537.14 5,479,396.79 DISTRIBUTION OPERATION 16,034 65 173,757 07+ DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE 20,017 69 120,332.B7 -- ----- QU$T-OMER AC X_TINq___f% OS1 L,lFCT70N.---- ------ -y5'031.24 -- __- _- -- _..?4,81 .57 " CUSTOMER SERVICE 8 INFORMATIONAL 1,086.70 12,171.62 F -� ADMINISTRATIVE b GENERAL EXPENSES 38,020.91 581,987.11 [3i _— _— __.— __— _ -4£..€ BOO ..,QO_-- _.._...____.__.- _______ ___________ —_. 81.2�88T 71 - -___. TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 563,411.04 8,018,111.30 _ --_ -- -- OPERATING_ INCOME - - - -. - -_ - - -- — --- _- ... ?9_. 093 �92C:R _- - -.. _- ..-_- _._ __._.._. __ - - --_ -874, 711.26CR------_—.-- OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONSj( .- 9THER_c_NET— INTEREST INCOME 12,051.27CR 371,300.65CR F z -_ MISC INCOME 209.73CR 347,476.45CR rtl 589.29_ -. TOTAL OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS 3.331.80 522,508:7BCR - J( ' 76.562.12CR 1,397,220.04CR =� r1L NET INCOME :. --- - - - - -- - - - -- ----------------- E, +c r_ [ll f!,L a l fi E. l IC l Iw- _ Md t - HGL110 12/31!87 HUTCHINSON U1I0'.S COMMISSION PAGE HUTCHINSON, MIHNE80TA GAS DIVISION STATEMENT OF INCOME h EXPENSES DECEMBER 31, 1987 . i _ x x CURRENT MUNTH x x - - -- - -_ -- w rr YEAR -TO -DATE INCOME _STATEMENT ' OPERATING REVENUES SALES 403,773.c6CR 3 206,073 05CR y C TOTAL_ OPERAT ---- _ _ _..__ ..__ OPERATING EXPENSE i{ OTHER POWER PROD EXPENSE 220.28 ._ _ .. _ 11868.90 -- .: PURCHASED GAS EXPENSE 357,949l.21 _ .......------- .__ - ^' -- L� _. DISTRIBUTION OPERATION .15,382.97 164.693.65 i:l( DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE 4 - _.'.. CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSE 3,521.61 - - - 39,336.43 -- COST SERVICE 4 INFORMATIONAL EXP 724.47 8,.114.42 r't '! ADMINISTRATION 6 GENERAL _. 19.252.82._:..._.. 206,_991.30 MAINTENANCE OF PROD EQUIP 1,082.62 1,191.62 r,( ' DEPRECIATION 51800.00 75,179.22 TOTAL _ OPERATING EXPENSES 408,494.77_ s OPERATING INCOME. 4,721.11 137,983.69CR Li( -_ OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS - - - - -- -- - _ •�( -_ OTHER - NET 17i.53CR 1,574.02CR it NTEREST INCOME _ MISC INCOME 104,432.93CR 171,539.61CR _ TOTAL OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS 137,572.17CR 411,437.73CR -s NET INCOME - 132.C51.06CR 549.,421.42CR r fi E. l IC l Iw- _ Md t FOR YOUR INFORMATION December 1987 PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM Treasurer's Report Curtis Johnson, Treasurer BUDGET INCOME BUDGET INCOME MTD YTD BUDGET leance $163,234.75 $ 70,273.99 Receipts: Basic State /Federal Aid 217,321.00 205,000.00 Big Stone County 21,937.00 21,937.00 *Chippewa County 73,845.00 *73,845.00 Kandiyohi County 98,168.00 98,168.00 McLeod County 62,994.25 62,995.00 Meeker County 62,227.00 62,227.00 Swift County 34,560.00 34,560.00 Appleton 9,305.00 9,305.00 Benson 18,609.00 18,609.00 Glencoe 23,044.00 23,044.00 Graceville 3,568.00 3,568.00 Hutchinson 50,314.00 50,314.00 Kerkhoven 3,988.00 3,988.00 Litchfield 38,139.00 38,139.00 Ortonville 11,773.00 11,773.00 Willmar 80,320.00 80,320.00 Bird Island 6,659.00 6,659.00 *Dawson 9,227.00 * 9,227.00 Hector 6,077.00 6,077.00 *Madison 10,736.00 *10,736.00 Renville 7,246.00 7,246.00 Cash Receipts 2,896.05 41,806.95 48,000.00 Gifts 3,175.80 2,000.00 Interest 556.81 6,345.22 8,000.00 Reimbursements (local govt) *Chippewa County 32,028.00 *32,028.00 *Dawson 5,472.00 * 5,472.00 *Madison 3,500.00 * 3,500.00 Benson (materials only) 50.00 1,731.16 1,731.16 Chippewa Co. (materials only) 5,000.00 5,000.00 Other Reimbursements 663.22 6,926.53 5,401.00 Other Total Receipts 4,166.08 956,042.91 948,869.16 Other funds Glencoe Fund 3,742.00 KCWL 1,786.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS b BALANCE: $167,400.83 $1,026,316.90 $954,397.16 Page 1 (OVER) December 1987 PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM TREASURER'S REPORT (Continued) EXPENDITURESI li,°VV•VV 3.20J•00' 69000.00 09 x.00 7 3.00 69000.00 690OJ90O 19004.00 300.00 .00 1 651.16 S900L.00 3,901.00 49800.00 i 10U.00 250.00 4Ja- _ - -- - - -- - - - - - -- _- _. ,n11T0 MTO R OF EXP 950.00 e w Y A M S TO tST ACCT ORWOos , 000 900 000% [0�99Ur.ILA T T 0h Y�LG AC00791fw. L4ARt955 :►ERSOAAL SERVtCBS 89970.19 49.839 189COJ.09 i SALARIES A40 •AGES 49.727.94 40b9717.74 9e.bT4 -- XeALTh- CEL9340.39 ACCT GROUP SS1 67 4.B ra MCALTM 145MMCE DEJUCTI9LE 899.01 39354.19 1040694 RETIXEMENT 14SURA:ICh 4.660.43 56.223.49 103.974 - - -- _ - - -'- _ -- -ACCT .0 •.. 96 . 6 49cF09.. b• NATEPIALS 179900.00 - +BOORS -= AOVL'1 59933.43 b 9413.73 111s,61% 454,12E = LMIL9REh - 1.74 3.4 69 6. 6 10. i GEWRAL REFeRiNCE 29212.31 99433916 157.174 Pe910JIGALS $86.59 219655951 1009264 - ►*I1�FTf' - .00 LSS.O 1.684 SwIFT,CCU.01 MATEPUALS .00 403.26 ; 9001 8eN >On LIAITARY MATERIALS 253.95 1.724974 102.354 CnIP'EN "3V4TV L19IRe -AV MATcQ ALS 3 •1 3.032. 6 64496;4 BM0 C 16PM FILMS .00 20600.00 66.674 VlO:0 DISCS 6 TA °ES 494.71 39634.35 79.684 AUDIO 01SCS Ado TADtS 26.60 247.65 247.6S% SLILES 'AND FILM STRIPS 21.95_ 320.50 126.20% .- PICROFORMS 9.51 164.01 164.01% li,°VV•VV 3.20J•00' 69000.00 09 x.00 7 3.00 69000.00 690OJ90O 19004.00 300.00 .00 1 651.16 S900L.00 3,901.00 49800.00 i 10U.00 250.00 4Ja- _ - -- - - -- - - - - - -- _- 243.51 19045.86 110.094 950.00 ACCT GR7U9.•. 11996L•26 1239961964 105.584 1179414.16 CATqA�IOGiNG 209504. [0�99Ur.ILA T T 0h Y�LG AC00791fw. L4ARt955 .00 89970.19 49.839 189COJ.09 i COY VENDOR CMAR..ES 551.07 209663.46 193.64% 139671.00 ACCT GROUP SS1 67 299633 65 103.36% 22,071.00 VGNICLES 654.07 89250.37 103.132 OPERATIOr; AhO MAIiIENANCE 19102.51 1398C3.84 92.034 150000.00 9°.471 179900.00 ELU1PMEhT AMORT 12 AT I0.4 .VV .w •vv4 •,9VV ACCT GROUP... 19104.51 149TOT.88 7L•TSi 209504. [0�99Ur.ILA T T 0h TEIEFt hf- A.& LANZ CHAOL-Es 785.37 89744.62 102.904 895CJ.00 , TLOW." L MAINTENA4CE .00 272.50 19.464 19400.00 , PuSTAGF AND SAIPPI%, 654.07 89250.37 103.132 8.000.00 - - -_ -- -. - ACCT GA00 ... 1.439.44 17.467.39 9°.471 179900.00 ELU1PMEhT NEVI E !PMEhT 16.00 197230b0 80.294 2900J.30 A /V -..Frs P.•SKfi __ - -- 7:i.JC 1x135.43 i62.2C4 700.90 M„TwTENE'ICE A.4 CJNTRAC7S 776.50 169916.44 144.971 1293Cu.0C ACCT COMO ... '049.00 19,776.17 134.SS: 14970•J.00 OT -4zR C�STCOTAL SjPrILI5S AW, iQkIW'L NT 139.72 . 19092.2C 109.224 11JO.J.00 UPAL&F$ AM) PP1N'IrG 19023.41 169472.3S 92.364 20970::.00_' Pw9.40TTIF:AL A.IO PAOU °.At•,a." 4J.21. 960.25 192.054 50.00 MIL2AV. AMO 4EETIn35 - STArF 356.x1 4,959.21 90.174 5950..00 MILeA;g AhO RcETT,GS - TRUSTE=S 80.10 29593.29 84.234 39200.00 PROF. MEI48EASrU PS ITRUSTEcS1 .00 587.0^ 234.804 250.00 I#.SU;AVCF - - tt f s 70L��0 .. 9*505.10 120.329 79900.00 _= '.. ADS 'A.iO tEGAI`9i0TiCES . _.. �'" •�0 454.05 504.504$ 90.00 AUDITING - - 00 1.400.00 IL6 674 19200.00 9J7K(E_PInG 222.00 49700.00 90.004 3000.00 CCiNTIffJVlG EOUCATIOw 000 1.22y.39 612.20. 200.00 ACCT Gk9UP... 2.795.35 44.043.84 102.824 42,940.0 SPECIAL 1. GLEACOE FRIMSt 1943 a;,..3g�• -•;. 400 .00 .NOS - 3.742.00 X N 7 AJ 17MA IOM FU -40 1LOCALI 000 • .00 .00i 97.90% .00 ; 4549347.16 CBG. TOTAL*... 75,3S7•S9 934.273.66 ENDING CASH BALANCE $ 92,043.24 S 92,043.24 Page 2 January 1988 Bence Receipts: Basic State /Federal Aid Big Stone County *Chippewa County Kandiyohi County McLeod County Meeker County Swift County Appleton Benson Glencoe Graceville Hutchinson Kerkhoven Litchfield Ortonville Willmar Bird Island *Dawson Hector r dison enville PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM FOR YOUR INFORMATION Treasurer's Report Curtis Johnson, Treasurer BUDGET INCOME BUDGET INCOME MTD YTD BUDGET $ 92,043.24 $ 92,043.24 88,134.00 5,522.25 18,461.25 25.,625.00 15,756.00 8,640.00 2,326.25 6,080.50 968.75 13,276.25 997.00 9,567.00 3,197.00 20,972.00 1,720.75 2,384.00 2,774.25 1,872.50 88,134.00 5,522.25 18,461.25 25,625.00 15,756.00 8,640.00 2,326.25 6,080.50 968.75 13,276.25 997.00 9,567.00 3,197.00 20,972.00 1,720.75 2,384.00 2,774.25 1,872.50 Cash Receipts 3,979.28 3,979.28 Gifts 227.34 227.34 Interest 474.87 474.87 Reimbursements (local govt) *Chippewa County 8,007.00 8,007.00 *Dawson 1,368.00 1,368.00 *Madison 875.00 875.00 Benson (materials only) Chippewa Co. (materials only) 7,500.00 7,500.00 Other Reimbursements 977.51 977.51 Other Total Receipts 251,683.75 251,683.75 Other funds Glencoe Fund KCwL TOTAL RECEIPTS & BALANCE: $343,726.99 $343,726.99 Page 1 (OVER) 235,000.00 22;089.00 *73,845.00 102,529.00 66,489.00 63,024.00 34,560.00 9,305.00 18,609.00 24,322.00 3,875.00 53,105.00 3,988.00 38,268.00 12,788.00 83,888.00 6,883.00 * 9,536.00 6,281.00 *11,097.00 7,490.00 48,000.00 2,000.00 8,000.00 *32,028.00 * 5,472.00 * 3,500.00 1,813.47 9,467.64 5,401.00 1,003,012.11 3,742.00 1,786.00 $1,008,540.11 January 1988 EXPENDITURES: PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM TREASURER'S REPORT (continued) 0 e Page 2 IITD .- -_TTD _. _. i Of EX►_- „_._S9RNENT . _. - EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES TO EST BUDGET ACCT_ GROUP... .40 �.- -- --- :00. _. .00% -C3:RJ�Rr - - - -- -- _ -.- - -- PERSONAL SERVICES S1LAX S. AND PAGE S :4 �SA231,O1 9251.07 __._. 8,301. _ 653.820.00..._.. __. MEiLTM INSURANCE 1144!.02 1,443.02 6.87% 219000.00 HEALTH INSURANCE - DEDUCTIBLE 365.16 365.16 120174 39000.00 3,024962 .8.63% _... 58,240.00 ACCT GROUP... 61,084007 619084.07 8.30% 7369060.00 MATERIALS OOW4 - ADULT. _1a354967- 2a459,6T -__ 3.17% _.70,000.00 - BOOKS - CHILDREN 19651.37 1,651.37 9.17% 189000.00 GENERAL REFERENCE 49912.75 49912.75 49.13% 109000.00 344.91_.. -, 344,91. 1.647 _- _.21,000.00 _►f,"OUICALS PAMPHLETS 30.62 30.82 10.27% 300.00 SWIFT COUNTY MATERIALS .00 .00 .00% .00 .BENSON LIBRARY HATERIALS 35e73 ._33973__- __1,971- _- 1,fl13.41- CHIPPENA COUNTY LIBRARY MATERIALS 176.63 176.63 .8.98% 19967.64 OHM 6 160M FILMS 19800.00 19800.00 46.15% 39900.00 Y #OF•D Ot�S1 C TN €S __iOS!00 ..- _.__ -_.. ._685.08 ..- 12.141 - _...- .._5,000.00 AUDIO DI S +WO TAPES •00 .00 .00% 200.00 SLIDES AND FILM STRI PS 000 .00 .00% 250.00 MICNOFOAMS _.- _. }.90 _._ .'3.00 ___ -.. 5.004.._. _ 100.001 BINDING 31.30 31.30 3.294 940.00 ACCT GROW... 119934.26 119933.26 8.954 1339281.11 CATALOGING ---- - --- -- --.. - ._. _ _ _- - -_.. . _..- - --- .- - -- I OCLC AID CHARGES $9629.00 59629.00 $2.75% 109671.00 CON VENDOR CHARGES 791.44 791.44 4.40% 180000.00 f 0.44. _4t 520.44 -. _Z4.39% ---- - -- 289421.00_ N1 LEA -- - -- .AC4T.¢AOUPo -X AND MAINTENANCE 29508.55 29506.55 16.724 159000. INSURANCE 000 .00 000% _OPERATION T- ._ -__ 0_ 0_0 0_.. -.- - -._ , -_. - - -. 000 0_0 _ _ .00 . 0001 -- ,-1,400.00 49000.00 ACCT GROUP..* 29508055 2,508.55 12.244 209500.00 COMMUNICATION - fEEP-WR 4N6-LtME CHARGES - -.__.. -- --. -..: --- _ - 609.63- - -- - -- ....699.63 _ 8.234 89500.00 TERMINAL MAINTENANCE .00 .00 .00% 19400.00 POSTAGE AND SHIPPING 668.44 666.44 6.364 89000.00 -- - -' -- ACCT- 6AOUV.•. - - -- 1 - 19368.07 - --- - -- - - -. 19366.07 .. _ 7.644 _.. 179900.00 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT 48.95 48.95 2.454 29000.00 --NEW _,___ -_- A%V EOUI ►NEXT _ _ 54.50 __- _ 54.SO. 7.794 700.00 MAINTENENCE AND CONTRACTS 19591.45 19591.45 13.26% 19000.00 ACCT GROW... 19694.90 19694.90 11.53% 149700.00 _ -OTHER .. ..- _. CUSTODIAL SUPPLIEa AMC EQUIPMENT 55.15 55.15 5.52% 19000.00 SWPLIL3 AN PRINTING. },422.50 1,622.30 8.114 209000.00 PROM-6TIONAL AND PROGRAMMING - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - .00 __ - -_ .00 •00% 500.00 MILdAGE AND MEETINGS - STAFF 65.53 65.43 1.19% 59500.00 NILEAG! AND MEETINGS __TRUSTEES _- _ - _- -_ _ __. _ .__ 128.37. - _ :- .128.33 .- 4.01% 39200.00 PROF. MEMBERSMT ►S 17RYSTEESi _ -.00 - too .0004 _- _400,00_ INSURANCE 49052.00 49052.00 450024 99000.00 ADS AND LEGAL NOTICES ...DO .00 .009 100.00 !UIDiT3.Mfi _..00_ - .-.00 -.._. 0001. __. -- 1.200.00.._ BODKREEPIMG 225.00 225.00 1.501 39000.00 CONTINUING EDUCATION .00 •00 .00% $00.00 __�- __ -____- -. ACCT 6ROSIF_._•_-- .lel40ai -_ _ _ 62144951. 13.85% 54.400.00 _ SPfCiA'L GLENCOE FRIENDS, 1983 .00 .00 .004 39742.00 RCNL. 21fl.7s - _ -. _218075 _ .. 12.254 1,786.00 _ AUTOMATION FUND [LOCALS .00 .00 .00X .00 ACCT GROUP... 214,79 218075 3.96% $9528.00 ORG. TOT Le,, 91.376.44 91.3769339a13i_. 1sQQLs 4IIa1L ENDING CASH BALANCE $252,350.44 $252,350.44 e Page 2 E • CJ CRY OF HUTCNMU NAME EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Charles Haukos JOB TITLE park Maintenance Worker FOR YOUR INFORMATION DATE February 18, 1988 ADDRESS I R R 2, Hutchinson SUPERVISED BY Bruce Ems' EMPLOYMENT STATUS -L—NEW EMPLOYEE OTHER: X FULL TIME 2 -22 -88 PART TIME OR SEASONAL PAY RATE Grade VII COMMENTS New position Per budget. Individual has wide variety of experience in plumbing, landscaping, fencing, concrete work, ca3pentry, equipment ooeration, heavy construction, etc. Was a seasonal park eaplcyee in 1985. THE ABOVE PERSONNEL ACTION CONFORMS TO ADOPTED PERSONNEL POLICY AND TO THE COUNCIL APPROVED SELECTION PROCESS, DE,1 P RTMENT HEAD t ` PERSONNEL COORDINATOR CITY AD NIS R OR