cp05-10-1988 cHUTCH iNSON CITY CALENDAR WEEK OF my3. R TO Mays 14 1988 WEDNESDAY -1.1- 10:00 A.M. - Directors Meeting at City Hall SUNDAY MONDAY -$- -9- MOTHER'S DAY THURSDAY -12- FRIDAY -13- 2:00 P.M. - Open Bids at City Hall for Letting No. 3 TUE!VY -10- 10:00 A.M. - WWTP Meeting at Plant Site 7:30 P.M. - City Council Meeting at City Hall SATURDAY -14- CONFERENCES & VACATION: SANDY DE VRIES - Training 4ERLE MEECE - Seminar May 9-12 ',ARY PLOTZ - Conference May 11-13 CEN MERRILL - Vacation May 13-16 BONNIE BAUMETZ - Vacation May 9-13 RE"YJi,AR MEETING' - tUTCn Nr_')DDN CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1988 1. Call to Order - 7:30 P.M. 2. Invocation - Rev. Jon Lindekugel, Christ the King Lutheran Church 3. Consideration of Minutes - Special Meeting of April 6, 1988; Regular Meeting of April 26, 1988 and Bid Opening of April 29, 1988 Action - Approve as distributed - Approve as amended 4. Routine Items (a) Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions 1. Building Official's Report - April 1988 2. Nursing Home Board Minutes of March 29 and March 31, 1988 3. Police Civil Service Commission Minutes of April 26, 1988 4. Hospital Board Minutes of March 15 and March 29, 1988 Action - Motion to order report and minutes filed 5. Public Hearing - 8:00 P.M. (a) Set -Up License for Bradley Larson At Little Crow Bowling Lanes (Continued from April 26, 1988) Action - Motion to close hearing - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue license 6. Communications, Requests and Petitions (a) Report from Burns Manor Nursing Home Action - (b) Consideration of Request for Parade Permit By American Legion Post #96 for Memorial Day Parade On May 30, 1988 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve permit 7. Resolutions and Ordinances (a) Ordinance No. 8/88 - An Ordinance Regulating The Issuance Of Setup Licenses For The Consumption Of' Intoxicating Liquor Within The City Of Hutchinson Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive first reading and set second reading May 24, 1988 1 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - MAY 10, 1988 (b) Ordinance No. 9/88 - Ordinance Amending Sections 235:05, 235:15 And 235:20 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson Entitled Hospital Board, And Adding Section 235:30 To the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive first reading and set second reading May 24, 1988 (c) Ordinance No. 10/88 - An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 464 Concerning Zoning Regulations In the City of Hutchinson And the Official Zoning Map Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive second reading and adopt (d) Resolution No. 8785 - Resolution For Purchase Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt 8. Unfinished Business (a) Consideration of Changing Length of Term On Library Board from Three Years to Five Years (DEFERRED MARCH 8, 1988) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and order preparation of Ordinance (b) Consideration of Report On Letting No, 3, Project No. 88-17 (Third Avenue Northwest Improvement) (DEFERRED APRIL 26, 1988) Action - (c) Consideration of Amendment to Subdivision Ordinance No. 466, Section 5:10, Requested By Park Board with Favorable Recommendation of Planning Commission (DEFERRED APRIL 26, 1988) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive first reading and set second reading May 24, 1988 (d) Consideration of Golf Course Private Ingress/Egress Road (DEFERRED MARCH 22, 1988) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and authorize inclusion of project in construction contract and bond issue 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) Consideration of Electro Watchman Monitoring Agreement for Campbell Lane Lift Station Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and enter into contract 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - KAY 10, 1988 (h) Consideration of Receiving Report And Calling Hearing On Improvement Project No. 88-31, Waller Drive Action - Lotion to reject - Motion to approve and set hearing May 24, 1988 at 8:00 P.M. - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8786 (c) Consideration of MN/DOT Preliminary Layout for T.H. 22 Project Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve layout - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8787 (d) Consideration of Change Order No. 1 for Letting No. 10, Project No. 88-20 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve change order (e) Consideration of Receiving Report And Calling Hearing for McClure's Second Addition Improvements, Project No. 88-32 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and set hearing May 24, 1988 at 8:00 P.M. - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolutions No. 8788 and No. 8789 10. Miscellaneous (a) Communications from City Administrator 11. Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments (a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds 12. Adjournment 11-` 3 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1988 Mayor Ackland called the special meeting_ to order at 4:30 P,M. Present were: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Aldermen Mike Carls, John Mlinar, Marlin Torgerson and Pat Mikulecky. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz and Director of Engineering Eugene Anderson. S.A.R.A. MEETING The City Council met with other officials to review the S.A.R.A. program. CONSIDERATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS FOR LETTINGS 10. 2, 10, 8, 10. 0 AND 10. 10 AND CALLING HEARING FOR APRIL 26, 1088 AT 8;00 P.X. __- City Engineer Anderson reported on the proposed projects and pointed out that an error was made in bidding for Project No. 88-20, Letting No. 10, Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to order preparation of the assessment roll, set the public hearing(s) for April 26, 1988 at 8:00 P.M., and to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 8746, No. 8747, No. 8748, No. 8749, No. 8750, No. 8751, No. 8752 and No. 8753. Motion seconded by Alderman Miku- • Lecky and unanimously carried. PRESENTATION BY CITY ADMINISTRATOR 1. REVIEW LISTING OF 1987 OEJECTiVES City Administrator Plotz reviewed the status of the 1987 objectives. The majority were 100 percent completed. 2. REVIEW OF COUNCIL BARKING OF TOP 1988 OB' U, IVES The top 10 rankings from the list of priorities for 1988 was reviewed. 3, REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON ASSESSMENT SEARCHES The City Administrator reported he had surveyed several communities and ob- tained information on assessneat searches. From this material, he had pre- pared a recommendation on how the City of Hutchinson should process its assessment searches in the future. 4. REVIEW OF PROPOSAL TO ESTABLISH STANDARDS FOR DISCIPLINE Administrator Plotz presented a proposal of discipline standards for City employees. he meeting adjourned at 6:50 P.M. to reconvene in the Fire Station at 7:00 P.M. W CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 6, 1988 JOINT IIEETIIIG VITA COMMITTEE FROM SCHOOL BOARD REGARDITO PROPOSED SCHOOL LOCATIOIi AND FUTURE STREET SYSTEM The City Council and School Board Committee addressed the proposed sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main, and streets to the site of the anticipated new seventh and eighth grade school. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. LJ 0 REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINS) CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1988 i. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ackland at 7:30 P.M. The follow- ing were present: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Aldermen John Mlinar, Marlin Tor- gerson and Pat Mikulecky, Absent: Alderman Mike Carls. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Director of Engineering Eugene Anderson, and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend Lavern Johnson. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of April 12, 1988 were approved as dis- tributed. 4. ROUTINE ITEMS (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. FINANCIAL STATEMENT - MARCH 1988 • 2 SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF MARCH ib, 1988 1' AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUITES OF MARCH 28, 1988 4. PLANNUNG COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 15, 1988 (b) CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS: 1. ARA - PAT MIKULECKY 2. PLANNING COMMISSiOii - ROLAND EBENT 3. LIBRARY BOARD - LINDA WILLMSEN (c) RErWAL OF NDN-INTOXiCATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSES) ON -SALE LICENSE CROW RIVER COUNTRY CLUB J'S PIZZA GODFATHER'S PIZZA GOLD COIN iZZA iIUT SODBUS ER'S SALOOIr' LITTLE C"n0J BOWLING LAi4ES OFF -SALE LICENSE CASH WISE, FOODS ERICKSON FREEDOM STATION - F1*'Y. 7 & HW i'. 15 GEORGE'S FOOD 'N FUEL ONE-STOP GAS & GROCERY SOUTHTOWN MOBIL TOM THUMB FOOD MARKET SUPER AMERICA SODBUSTER'S SALOON the motion was made by Aluerman Tor^erson, seconded by Alderman Mlinar. to order the report and minutes filed, ratify the appointments and is- sue the licenses, ,lotion unanimously carried. i CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - APRIL 26, 1988 N01 PRESENTATION OF PLAQUE OF RECOGNITION Mayor Ackland presented Mildred Nelson and Phyllis Hegrenes with plaques of recognition for their service on the HRA Board. 5. PUBLIC HEARING - 8:00 P.M. (a) SET-UP LICENSE FOR BRADLEY LARSON AT LITTLE CROW BOWLING LANES Mayor Ackland called the hearing to order at 8:00 P.M. and read Publi- cation No. 3845. Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to continue the hearing to May 10, 1988. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (b) ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 238 - LETTING NO. 2, PROJECT NO. 88-02 Mayor Ackland called the hearing to order at 8:14 P.M. and read Publi- cation No. 3840, No one was present to be heard, Alderman Torgerson moved to close the hearing at 8:17 P.m. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried • unanimously. Alderman Torgerson moved to approve and adopt Assessment Roll No. 233, to award the contract to Wm. Mueller & Sons, Inc. for $54,171, and to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 8763 and No. 8767. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. (c) ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 239 - LETTING NO. 9 Mayor Ackland called the hearing to order at 8:20 P.M. and read Publi- cation No. 3841. No one was present to be heard on Projects No. 88-18, 88-22 and 88-23. The following all opposed Project No. 88-24: LeRoy Hiavka, 925 Ludtke Lane; Mike Woods, 910 Golf Course Road; George Gewerth, 955 Ludtke Lane; Gene & Audrey Cox, 920 Golf Course Road; and Richard Krueger, 935 Ludtke Lane. Alderman Torgerson moved to close the hearing at 8:25 P.M. Motion sec- onded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. Alderman Torgerson moved to adopt AssessmenL Roil No. 239, with the de- letion of Project No, 88-24, to award the contract to Juul Contracting Co, for $128,215.20, and to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 8764 and No. 8769. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and unani- mously carried. 0 00 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - APRIL 26, 1988 Y (d) ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 240 - LETTING 10. 10 Mayor Ackland called the hearing to order at 8:25 P.M. and read Publi- cation No. 3842. No one was present to be heard regarding Projects No. 88-20 and No. 88-21. Alderman Torgerson moved to close the hearing at 8:27 P.M. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. Alderman Torgerson moved to approve and adopt Assessment Roll No. 240, to award the contract to Juul Contracting Co. for 8308,420.55, and to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 8765 and No. 8770. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. (e) ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 241 - LETTING NO. 8 Mayor Ackland called the hearing to order at 8:28 P.M. and read Publi- cation No. 3843. No one was present to be heard. Alderman Torgerson moved to close the hearing at 8:29 P.M. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and unani- mously carried. • Alderman Torgerson moved to approve and adopt Assessment Roll No. 241, to award the contract to Juul Contracting Co. for 563,396.85, and to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 8766 and No. 8768. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. 6. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY BASEBALL ASSOCIATION FOR GRANDSTAND PROPOSAL AT VETERANS MEMORIAL FIELD Mr. Lee Cox represented the Hutchinson Baseball Association and re- quested approval of plans for a three -section grandstand to be erected at Veterans Memorial baseball field at a cost of $20,644 and a roof at $6,000. It was also requested that City employees assist with the erection of the grandstand to reduce the Association's costs. Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to approve the proposal and to authorize the Park & Recreation Director to make the arrangements for help of employees to install the grandstand. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY BROWN'S GREENHOUSE FOR TWO TEMPORARY SIGNS Following discussion, Alderman. Mikulecky moved to approve the signs. . Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - APRIL 2C, 1988 (c) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY CITY ENGINEER FOR SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON MAY 5, 1988 FOR SETTING ASSESSMENT HEARINGS FOR THREE PROJECT LETTINGS The motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Mikulecky, to approve a special City Council meeting for May 5, 1988 at 5:30 P.M. Motion unanimously carried. (d) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO SET UP FOOD CONCESSION TRAILER ON JUNE 21 FOR WATER CARNIVAL Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the request. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. (e) DISCUSSION OF BITUMINOUS SURFACING ON WALLER DRIVE REQUESTED BY FLOYD HOEL Mr. Floyd Hoel expressed concern that the Waller Drive surfacing proj- ect was not going to be done in 1988. In 1986 he purchased property on this street, and he was told by the City Engineer that the base work would be done in 1986 and the hard surface road would be done in 1987. There was an error in the construction of the street in 1986 and only two foot of gravel, curb and gutter was done so it would not run down onto Bluff Street. At this point the project work stopped, and nothing • else was done. The property owners hired Jim Hanson to put in curb and gutter. Mr. Hoel commented on the petition submitted April 4, 1988 and questioned if there was a misunderstanding regarding the poor condition of the street. He stated that the apartment units he manages cannot be competitive with other units in the area when Waller Drive is not kept up. Mr. Hoel requested that the blacktop project not be delayed. He asked if a layer could be put on to eliminate the mud and dust. Mayor Ackland stated the concern was digging up a paved street to put in a storm sewer in the near future. Additional engineering fees would be involved. Engineer Anderson suggested putting on an initial layer of blacktop and the final layer next year. The north third of Waller Drive would be affected by the proposed storm sewer. Mr. Mark Guggemos, 626 Waller Drive, commented that he built his house in 1981, and he was the only one on the road who cared if there was a permanent surface. He was told that in two or three years a road would be put in, but the project always seems to be put on the back burner. Mr. Sidney Grams, 56 Selchow Avenue, reported he owned the unit on the north end. He asked if the City could put a dust coat on for a year to control the dust. Xr. Grams inquired how close the street would come to his property line. . 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - APRIL 26, 1988 Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to direct the Engineer- ing Department to set a public hearing for May 10, 1988 at 8:00 P.M., to prepare a report on improvement project No. 88-31 for two-thirds of Waller Drive, and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8778. Mo- tion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. 7. RESOLUTIONS AND (a) RESOLUTION NO. 8762 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE Alderman Torgerson moved to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8762. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (b) ORDINANCE NO. 8/83 - AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SET-UP LICENSE Alderman Torgerson moved to defer to next meeting. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF PROJECT NO. 88-30 - FLORIDA STREET IMPROVEMENT (DEFERRED APRIL 12, 1988) It was reported that a public hearing was held at the last Council 40 meeting, and the majority of the property owners were opposed to the project. The suggestion was made to widen the road to 60 feet, and an alternative would be to gravel the road. Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson directed the City Engineer and City Attorney to obtain easements for the improved street. Motion sec- onded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REPORT ON LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 88-17 (THIRD AVENUE NORTHWEST IMPROVEMENT) (DEFERRED APRIL 12, 1988) The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Miku- lecky, to defer to May 10, 1988. Motion unanimously carried. (c) DISCUSSION OF ASSESSING PREVIOUS STORM SEWER COSTS TO TWIN OAKS SUBDIVISION (DEFERRED APRIL 12, 1988) Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to set a public hearing for May 24, 1988 at 8:00 P.M. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (d) CONSIDERATION OF PURCHASING NEW RADIO FOR REFURBISHED WARD -LA FRANCE PUMPER (DEFERRED APRIL 12, 1988) • The motion was made by Alderman Mikulecky, seconded by Alderman Torger- son, to approve the purchase. Motion unanimously carried. 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - APRIL 26, 1988 0 (e) CONSIDERATION OF CUSTODIAL SERVICES AT NEW POLICE STATION (DEFERRED APRIL 12, 1988) Following discussion, Alderman Mikulecky moved to reject as proposed. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Miku- lecky, to readvertise to fill a part-time position for City Hall. Mo- tion unanimously carried. (f) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY JEFF MUNSELL FOR CAR WASH WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION (DEFERRED MARCH 22, 1988) Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson recommended approval of the conditional use permit and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8729. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS Alderman Torgerson moved to discontinue service at noon on May 2 unless other arrangements had been made. Motion seconded by Alderman Miku- lecky and unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF CALCIUM CHLORIDE TREATMENT ON LES KOUBA PARKWAY FOR DUST CONTROL (REQUESTED BY ALDERMAN PAT MIKULECKY) Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to approve. Motion sec- onded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF COMPENSATION TO ALLIED MECHANICAL SYSTEMS FOR ERROR IN POLICE STATION BID AND CHANGE ORDER FOR DUCTWORK IN GARAGE Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve payment of 53,775 to Allied Mechanical due to the error in bidding. Notion sec- onded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. Mr. Clint Knorr of Allied Mechanical Systems reviewed the ductwork problems in the police station garage. Alderman Mlinar moved to approve the $1,248 for ductwork in the garage. Notion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. Alderman Mlinar moved to approve the $3,696 for attic ductwork changes. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. Alderman Mlinar moved to approve the 51,324 for fire protection. Mo- . tion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. 6 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - APRIL 26, 1988 Mr. Knorr made an offer that Allied Mechanical would accept 80% of the approved payment to show appreciation. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Council and Mr. Knorr that the change order ductwork in the garage would be done for gratis by Allied Mechanical. (d) REVIEW OF BOND ISSUE COSTS Alderman Mlinar moved to defer to May 10, 1988 meeting. Motion sec- onded by Alderman Mikulecky and carried three to one, with Aldermen Mlinar, Mikulecky and Mayor Ackland voting aye and Alderman Torgerson voting nay. (e) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID FOR RENTAL OF CITY -OWNED FARM LAND It was reported that no bids were received. Also, the County had in- formed the City they would be taxed $20 per acre if the land was rented out. Mr. Bob Billiet, a representative of Pheasants Forever, requested their organization be allowed to use the land for a wildlife habitat. It was the consensus of the Council to work with the organization. RECESS: The City Council adjourned at 11:50 P.M. for a 10 -minute recess. • (f) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF TREATING DRINKING WATER FOR CORROSION PROBLEM Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to approve. Motion sec- onded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. (g) CONSIDERATION OF PURCHASE OF ELECTION VOTING EQUIPMENT Finance Director Merrill reviewed the voting machine recommendations. He stated the City would advertise for bids on the new equipment. Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the purchase of five optical scan voting machines. Motion seconded by Alderman Mik- ulecky and unanimously carried. (h) CONSIDERATION OF INSPECTION OF NORTHWEST WATER TOWER DURING PAINTING Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve. Motion sec- onded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (i) CONSIDERATION OF LIFESPAN AFFILIATION Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to approve the affiliation. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. • (j) CONSIDERATION OF PURCHASE OF DASSEL MEDICAL CLINIC ASSETS BY HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - APRIL 26, 1988 Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to approve the purchase. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (k) CONSIDERATION OF LAND RATHER THAN FEES FOR PARK CONTRIBUTION ALONG SCHOOL ROAD (REQUESTED BY MAYOR PAUL L. ACKLAND) Mayor Ackland reported the Park Board wished to have a neighborhood park in the area of School Road and California Street since there were no parks between Glen and Connecticut Street. Also, no park contribu- tion had been made for this parcel of property when it was platted. Atty. John Lubitz was oppoed to the parkland contribution and felt it should have been done at the time of development. He stated he had not received Atty. Anderson's letter dated April 22, 1988 regarding this issue; therefore, he was unaware the matter would be addressed. He further pointed out there were no conditions placed on the zoning for this land. Atty. Anderson expressed some concerns about the timing of this re- quest and stated that parkland dedication should be done at the time of the subdivision. He thought it would be difficult at this point to require a 10% land contribution, and there could be some legal ramifi- cations for unconstitutional taking of park land. However, he was not • in a position to give an opinion at this time. The former developer did not follow through on his proposed F.U.D. Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the project to comply with the development next to R -i, including all park and playground requirements which apply. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar. The motion was amended by Alderman Mikulecky to take 10% of the land on the west end of the property. Amended motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. The main motion carried unanimously. (1) CONSIDERATION OF RELEASE OF GENERAL FUND CAPITAL EXPENDITURE FOR 1988 Alderman Mikulecky moved to defer to the next meeting for a breakdown report from the Finance Director showing how the excess funds were received. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (m) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY SCOTT HOGREFE WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PPLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Mikulecky moved to approve the condi- tional use permit and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8771. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (n) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE SUBMITTED BY SCOTT HOGREFE WITH UNFAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION • Following discussion, Alderman Mikulecky moved to reject the variance 0 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - APRIL 26, 1988 based on the Planning Commission's recommendation that there was no hardship. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (o) CONSIDERATION OF REZONING FROM R-2 TO R-3 SUBMITTED BY CITY STAFF WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the rezoning and to waive first reading of Ordinance No. 10/88 and set second read- ing for May 10, 1988. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously. (p) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE SUBMITTED BY JERRY EGGERT WITH UNFAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved that the variance be denied on the basis of lack of hardship. Motion seconded by Alderman Torger- son and unanimously carried. (q) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE 4466 REQUESTED BY PARR BOARD WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Alderman Mlinar moved to defer until May 10, 1988 meeting. Motion sec- onded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (r) CONSIDERATION OF REZONING REQUEST FROM R-2 TO R-3 SUBMITTED BY DEFOREST WAGNER WITH UNFAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Alderman Mlinar moved to reject the rezoning based on the unfavorable recommendation of the Planning Commission to comply with the Comprehen- sive Plan. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously car- ried. (s) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE SUBMITTED BY EVERETT HANTGE WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Mikulecky moved to approve the variance and waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8772. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (t) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY EVERETT HANTGE WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Mikulecky moved to approve the condi- tional use permit and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8773. Motion unanimously carried. (u) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE SUBMITTED BY JAMES GAGNON WITH UNFAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSSION • Mr, James Gagnon presented a proposal of a garage addition on his prop- erty and submitted a petition signed by six neighbors who supported his X CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - APRIL 26, 1988 plan. It was pointed out that the Planning Commission rejected the variance based on a lack of hardship. Following discussion, Alderman Mikulecky moved to approve the variance and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8776. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously car- ried. (v) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY JAMES GAGNON WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Mikulecky moved to approve the condi- tional use permit and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8774. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (w) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDING SITE PLAN AT SCHOOL ROAD AND GOLF COURSE ROAD SUBMITTED BY TERRY MICR WITH UNFAVORABLE RECOl'MENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Ackland stated the question was whether the developer was meeting all the requirements for R-3 zoning. The City was looking at long-term interests of the residents in the area since increased density was in- volved. Mr. Frank Fay, 970 Rolling Green Lane, stated he represented the Home- • owners' Association which was concerned about the increased density in the area and the safety of the neighborhood children. He had been told by Larry Bethke that the development from the corner on would be town- houses. The Association was opposed to the proposed development. Atty. Lubitz asked if the developer would be issued a building permit if he net the zoning requirements. No definite answer was given. No action was taken on the site plan. (See agenda item 9-k) (x) CONSIDERATION OF RESUBMITTAL OF SITE PLAN FOR MUNSELL CAR WASH WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion regarding an easement, Alderman Mikulecky moved to approve the site plan subject to staff recommendations No. 1-7 in the April 7, 1988 memorandum addressed to the Planning Commission. Notion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (y) CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT ON BLUFF STREET SUBMITTED BY GENE BROWN WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Mikulecky moved to approve the lot split, contingent upon removal of the non -conforming house. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. • 10 t� CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - APRIL 26, 1988 (z) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT OF WOODVIEW ACRES SECOND ADDITION SUBMITTED BY JOEL VINKEMEIER (TWO MILE RADIUS) WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Mikulecky moved to refer the preliminary plat to the County with no objection provided the 40' drainage easement was platted utility as well as drainage. Notion seconded by Alderman Nlinar and unanimously carried. (aa) CONSIDERATION OF SKETCH PLAN SUBMITTED BY BOB BILLIET (TWO MILE RADIUS) WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Mikulecky moved to refer to the County with no objection. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (bb) CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT SUBMITTED BY JIM HANSON ON LOT 3 BETKER'S ADDITION WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Mikulecky moved to approve the lot split. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (cc) CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT OF SIEMSON ESTATES SUBMITTED BY ROGER • SIEMSON (TWO MILE RADIUS) WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Mikulecky moved to refer to the County with no objection. Notion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (dd) CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT OF MCCLURE'S SECOND ADDITION WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Engineer Anderson reviewed the background information pertaining to the issue of a 35' easement inside Lot l of McClure's Second Addition, There was no record of a signed easement or a recorded document for the storm sewer installed in 1978 on the McClure property. Mr. Jim McClure stated the property owner(s) were requesting $3,000 as monetary reimbursement by the City for the 35' easement. Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the final plat of McClure's Second Addition and to waive reading and adopt Reso- lution No. 8777. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (ee) CONSIDERATION TO BEGIN ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS SUBMITTED BY GOEBEL FIXTURE WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Nikulecky moved to approve referral to the Minnesota Municipal Board and to waive reading and adopt Resolu- 11 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - APRIL 26, 1988 0 tion No. 8775. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (ff) CONSIDERATION OF SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT FOR RCCLURE'S SECOND ADDITION Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to compensate the McClure's $3,000 for an easement on their property. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. Alderman Torgerson moved to direct the Engineering Department to take care of the storm sewer and appurtenances. Motion seconded by Alder- man Mlinar and unanimously carried. Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the subdivision agreement for McClure's Second Addition. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. Alderman Torgerson moved to maintain the present policy on interest which the City has adopted. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR 40 City Administrator Plotz reported there would be a joint meeting of the Central Prairie Railway Association and McLeod Regional Rail Authority on May 3 at 11:30 A.M. to discuss buy-out of the Dakota Rail. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR PAUL L. ACKLAND Mayor Ackland reported that Representative Steve Dille had informed him the City of Hutchinson had received additional funding for the new wastewater treatment plant. The Council members and affected staff were reminded of the simulated disaster program scheduled for Thursday night, April 27. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ATTORNEY Attorney Anderson requested the Council to go on record in support of the action the County Board took at their April 10 meeting to withhold payment of $19,000 for the Judicial District. Alderman Mlinar moved to go on record supporting the County Board and their action taken. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and carried unanimously. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS 12 • 0 CITY COU&CIL MINUTES - APRIL 26, 1988 The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Miinar, to approve and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. Motion unanimously carried. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:17 A.M. 13 is 0 MINUTES BID OPENING FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1988 City Administrator Gary D. Plotz called the bid opening to order at 2:00 P.M. Also present was Administrative Secretary Marilyn Swanson. The reading of Publication No. 3826, invitation for Bids, Letting No. 5, was dispensed with. The following bids were opened and read: Wm. Mueller & Sons, Inc. Hamburg, MN $149,718.10 Duininck Bros., Inc. Prinsburg, MN 128,625.05 The reading of Publication No. 3827, Invitation for Bids, Letting No. 6, was dispensed with. The following bids were opened and read: +'m. Mueller & Sons, Inc. Hamburg, MN 5141,352.25 Duininck Bros., Inc. Prinsburg, MN 129,187.50 The reading of Publication No. 3828, Invitation for Bids, Letting No. 7 was dispensed with. The following bids were opened and read: Wm. Mueller & Sons, Inc. Hamburg, MN $344,160.30 Duininck Bros., Inc. Prinsburg, MN 330,280.80 Frogressive Contractors, inc. Osseo, MN 389,079.35 The bids were referred to the Engineering Department for review and a recommen- dation. The meeting adjourned at 2:12 P.M. 0 • thaw. 11912% h11e1ere1hwa rw_ "nvunnod. saws wru eeaaaco Alas u.a °u ipf rine eww Pull M wbbh potwdbs Mad t all IONA OYan eeaaer awry anera b wrr ave aewees /W rek,E il► CaNI REPORT OF BUILDING OR Ss3 ZONING PERMITS ISSUED AND LOCAL PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION 103500 27 a 9999 Gas 1 0 26 9999 02730 JAMES PARKA OLB6 OFFICIAL Rloant (XI INNpfe"bobobwanwipewaisbab eompa sshs CITY NALL 37 WASHINGTON AVE WEST ❑ Discontinued Imposing Prompt, MUTCHINSON MN 55350 El Merged with anawar ay,em Cl Soft into two or mare aversions p Annoaed lend arse PLEASE COMPLETE AND MAK ❑ Had other chen9n THIS FOAM ON OR BEFORE I gal A- IONA[ Nm permits opus Issued dwNg Suneu of dw Comes Instructions we InckWed. For OW Period, mark 1x1 b the Input —. p uo1 E..a T«al11 tbees lurNar es.l,ertca, eN ealect aed return this Form ' Jetfareonv9b, IN 47132 (301) 763-7244. NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED HOUSEKEEPING Numw of VaWtlon of NumMrolVeWtlonMBYILDINGB 7,., OWskge Housing construction tAowings Housing con traction units OmN teed ite Orns cwIIll Icl Idl Fal It) 1 1 Singlo-ferndy houses. detelyd 66 485,754 Exch de mobile nomas. le -family hmm. anschod -Separated by ground to roof we#, -No wilts above orbeinw. and -Satsrots Mating system and utility m rsa. (Count each unit As a asoerata buildingi 102 Two-family buildings 103 1 2 127,458 Tare► and four -family buildings 104 Fha-or.mors family buikggs - 1n 1 36 896,896 TOTAL - Sun, of 101-105 109 8 44 1,510,108 NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUNLICLYOWNED NONHOUSEKEEPING and Number of Vduodon of Number of Vekwtlan of No.� BUILDINGS construction Rooms BWMNge Roams Oppok calm In) Ibl lel Idl lel 111 141 Rotas, motes, and tourist cabins (transient accommodations aHyl 213 Other noniousekesping tinter 214 NEW PRIVATELY OWNED PUSLICLYOWNED NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS hom Number Valuation of Number Valuation of No. of construction of construction buildings Orrdt co m buildings Orm term 1al MO (cl (d) lop Amusement, social. and recreational 318 Churches and othar r " opus 319 ' industrial 320 Parking garages 1buildings and open decked) 321 Service stations and repak garage 322 Hosortsla and kutnuw" 323 Office. banks, and Professional 224 Public works and utilities 325 Schools and other Nucational 326 Stores end custom, services 327 _ - Other nomrosidenual bulldogs 328 [ructwes other than bu' - e 329 ADDITIONS, PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED Number Valuation of Number Valuation of ALTERATIONS, AND CONVERSIONS term No. of commuction of cpnstruction Nillanpe -. _ _Omit cans buildkgi - _... Dina timis.. _. Fal 1 161 (c) lot lei AaeWantW - CIOMN additions of and carports b Horn 438. 434 21 150,203 Norvesidomial ani noNwrsakwpi g 437 1 36,000 Additions o/ mident4l garages and carpal (attached and detached) 438 4 40,360 1- (Mobile Howe 41- Permits - $1,736,671 Total Valuati,ori L NGUNnMUNUMNIVERBele,e �+ 6- Signs 0 0 11 DWIN7170Nt AND 0O Ik. f flonhew el BUILDINGS Na. Ohiellga � MiAkps units fig lel 101 Isl Isl fsrrhAy Iharreee IatlaeMe snd Mteclwal 441 we and faun!wAdings 4147 -mare / t1eA eMw brl whe•ttuchim INDIVIDUAL PERMITS AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION VALUED AT 1011OOA00 OR MORE Plesn provide the toftwing infamwtlon for each Wmk aNtwt lno consauco n vsRwa at 1600.000 or mwe erkwoe in eao0o vi l 0wough N. Im Owner - Nhanew of 14.u" Ne. hwn Daulptlan NwnewWa�rusof MNP Valastianol eea. owner or etlster Mark fXlconsbuction Omkcwm untie suaeNnse 1—N we lel lel IG lel lel Itl 1 1 KIM at tvlskq -------------------------------- ___ ❑gym __—__________________ llts aewen ____— ------ —_— --------------- — ❑pry t KM a sulekq ----- — ------------------------—_ ❑mvm ------------------------------------ t Kind of W"q . — ---------- —_— ------------------ ❑mrm —___ t knew Oh W — ----------------------- —--- Op, w t KM of WNW —______—___________—_ ❑mune ❑PUbk 1 Rice of bWWq ----------- — ----- — -------- ---_ oft, alta e00reo--------- — ------- -- ----------- —--- ❑^om � t KM of bAwq -- — ---- --------- -- OF Orhae lane ofeullaq -------------- ---- ❑mew. ------------------- aa.ew.r • OW of WkW4 ------- ------- alr«rw --------------- Onrk • An y" eof my f aw No - ❑ Yn — Plesae g)"addhoo" infwntat on n conwgrts. of Fereon to contact mgw*V this report James G. Marks Teleph- /+ee coee Nwaeer tm.m Itle Building Official 612 S67-5151 310 0 0 11 BURNS MANOR MUNICIPAL NURSING HOME Minutes - March - 1988 The Board of Directors for Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home met Tuesday, March 29, 1988 at 5:30 P.M. in the Basement Meeting Area. President Larry Graf presiding. Members present: Larry Graf Mavis Geier Ancher Nelsen David Jensen Gloria Dansereau Jim Mills Marge Putney Kay Peterson Members absent: Pat Mikuleckey Guest: Jane Hodgins - Hutchinson Leader Burns Manor board meeting was called to order by President Larry Graf. MINUTES OF PAST MEETING A motion was made by Gloria Dansereau to approve minutes and seconded by Jim Mills. All in favor. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF BILLS Motion by Ancher Nelsen to approve bills in the amount of $52,298.65 and seconded by Gloria Dansereau. All in favor. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT Financial Report by David Jensen, financial advisor. OLD BUSINESS A. Memorial Committee: Ancher Nelsen reported on the meeting of the Foundation Committee. B. Case #1345: Property was to have been sold. Burns Manor will not receive payment until May or later. C. Case #1390: He has made partial payment of his bill. D. Job Descriptions: Job descriptions of the Administrator and the Director of Social and Administrative Services were given to the board by Larry Graf, president of the board. These were read and discussed. Motion by Kay Peterson that additional information be requested from the -State of Minnesota Department of Social Services and an area nursing service department. Salary range will also be requested. Seconded by Jim Mills. All in favor. Motion carried E. State of Minnesota Inspection: State of Minnesota Department of Health inspection team were at Burns Manor to check productive nursing hours for case-mix__ class weight. A letter from the state was received later in the month that Burns Manor was in compliance. F. Reimbursement: Letters were written by the administrator to key House members of the legislature concerning inadequate reimbursement to nursing homes and the problems it was creating for Burns Manor. I/ -a(.4 March Minutes Page 2 NEW BUSINESS A. Election of Officers: Motion by Jim Mills to nominate -Larry Graf for President. Seconded by Ancher Nelsen. All in favor. Motion carried. B. Motion by Jim Mills to nominate Gloria Dansereau for Vice President. Seconded by Ancher Nelsen. All in favor. Motion carried. C. Board Members: Burns Manor board members from outside the Hutchinson city limits was discussed. Motion by Ancher Nelsen to expand board members to include people from out of the city limits. Motion died for lack of a second. D. Lawsuit - Tom Hinde: President Larry Graf closed the meeting to the press to read a letter from the attorney representing Burns Manor regarding the Tom Hinde lawsuit of 1985. Larry Graf cited the attorney-client privilege for closing the meeting. The letter from the attorney was--read.-- President Larry Graf adjourned the meeting. The Burns Manor Board of Directors will meet Tuesday, April 26, 1988 at 5:30 P.M. in the Annex Day Room. Respectfully submitted: avi's J.eiet/, secretary ATTEST: Larry brat, Preside -AT BURNS MANOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING Minutes - March - 1988 The Board of Directors for Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home met Thursday, March 31, 1988 at 5:10 P.M. in the Annex Day Room. President Larry Graf presiding. Members present: Larry Graf Mavis Geier Ancher Nelsen David Jensen Gloria Dansereau Jim Mills Pat Miluleckey Marge Putney Kay Peterson Members absent: None Guests: Jane Hodgins - Hutchinson Leader Jim Monk - KDUZ Barry Anderson - Attorney Burns Manor board meeting was called -to order by President Larry Graf. FINANCES Discussion of possible steps to reduce expenditures. A. Close a wing B. Reduction of employee hours CMotion by Ancher Nelsen and seconded by Gloria Dansereau to request a loan from the City of Hutchinson. All in favor. Motion carried. City attorney Barry Anderson discussed closed meetings. He advised the board to have an attorney present or participating by means of a telephone conference call. Board members may discuss an issue if a quorum of board members do not meet. INSURANCE Barry Anderson discussed insurance coverage during the Tom Hinde lawsuit. The Minneapolis Insurance Guarantee Company will cover claims in the lawsuit. EMPLOYEE An employee will repay the money she has taken from employees and residents. The police department has worked with Burns Manor personnel to apprehend the theft. Motion by Jim Mills to adjourn was seconded by Kay Peterson. All in favor. Motion carried. The Burns Manor Board of Directors will meet Tuesday, April 26, 1988 at 5:30 P.M. in the Annex Day Room. ( Re Pettfully submittw.l ATTEST: Mav s J. be,"etre ary ) Larry Graf, President ��/ INC, OPEI 91124 NET 0TH INT NET 0 BURNS MANOR MUNICIPAL NURSING HOME REPORT OF EARNINGS AND EXPENSES MEMO Bond Payment Due by December 31st Accounts Receivable 100,000.00 122,125.48 -0- 154,960.85 March 1987 March 1988 1987 thru Mar. 31st 1988 thru Mar. 31st )ME FROM RESIDENTS (NET)........... RATING EXPENSES: 4dministration & General........... Maintenance & Operations........... )ietary ............................ _aundry & Linen .................... iousekeeping ....................... cursing Services ................... )ther Services ..................... TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES......... RATING INCOME BEFORE DEPRECIATION.. )epreciation ....................... OPERATING INCOME .................. ER INCOME .......................... Sub -Total .......................... EREST & BOND EXPENSES .............. GAIN or (LOSS) .................... 163,619.06 159,940.28 510,506.89 489,980.35 36,840.91 36,938.24 96,722.40 108,169.49 13,726.85 16,628.58 48,179.15 55,795.83 21,414.54 24,602.07 70,995.89 77112-8,17 8,358.74 7,641.26 23,863.08 23,102.65 10,722.53 10,614.19 31,102.23 31,953. 78,460.86 84,015.25 232,070.25 253,230.16 3,841.19 5,078.23 12,447.26 15 830.70 173,365.62 185,517.82 515,380.26 565,210.65 (9,746.56) (25,577.54) (4,873.37) (75 230.30 4,503.00 4,413.00 13,509.00 13,239.00 (14,249.56) (29,990.54) (18,382.37) 88 469.30 1,452.92 3,358.77 4,985.94 5,779.07 (12,796.64) (26,631.77) 13,396.43 82 690.23 391.67 1 -0- 1 1,175.01. -0- (13,188.31) (26,631.77 14 571.44 82 690.23 MEMO Bond Payment Due by December 31st Accounts Receivable 100,000.00 122,125.48 -0- 154,960.85 HUTCHINSON POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING _ AGENDA: 1. Reviewing the Eligibility Roster. 2. Discuss the possibility of updating the Police Civil Service Commission rules 8 regulations. The Police Commission met at 12:15 p.m. on 4-26-88 in the Conference Room of the New Police Building. Members present were Dr. Robert Prochnow_and Jeff Haag. Steve Madson was also in attendance. A discussion took place on the purpose of the Eligibility Roster and what it does for the Police Commission. Reasons for updating (patrolmen, dispatch, secretarial, custodial etc.). Tests and development of same (POST). What tests does the Commission have at the present time and the validity of same. The Commission directed Steve Madson to check into what tests are available, set a testing date and establish a roster. Also establish appointment policy on non -licensed personnel. Discussed the procedure in hiring of personnel (non -patrol personnel are not covered in the eligibility roster), the city's involvement and consistency of operation. Steve Madson informed the Commission that he will be working on Policy Development. Namely, classification of employees, changes in job descriptions, development of a disciplinary policy and guidelines, physical fitness program, etc. Also discussed was SARA Title III and its affect regarding the Police Department. The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m. % Jeff bliv Secretary HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - March 15, 1988 Large Conference Room - 5:42 PM Present: Mike Carls, President; Bob Durfee, Vice President; Diane Gilmer, Secretary; Rev. Thor Skeie, Trustee; Rich Myers, Trustee; Dr. Robert Hegrenes, Chief of Medical Staff Absent: Dori Johnson, Trustee (excused) Others Present: Philip G. Graves, Administrator; Jane Lien, Director of Nursing Services; Frank Seivert, Director of Finance; Jane Hodgins, Hutchinson Leader; La Mae Maiers, Recording Secretary The meeting was called to order at 5:42 PM by President Mike Carls. Minutes of Past Meetings. The minutes of the February 16, 1988, meetings were presented. Following discussion: Motion was made by Skeie, seconded by Gilmer, to approve the minutes of both the McLeod County Commissioners' and the regular board of directors' meeting of February 16, 1988, as presented. Medical Staff Meeting Minutes. Dr. Hegrenes presented the medical staff meeting minutes for March, 1988. No unusual comments were made regarding the minutes. New Business A. Personal Computer Purchases. Seivert presented a capital expenditure request to purchase three (3) IBM PS -2 Model 30 Personal Computers (PC's) for outpatient scheduling, rehab and the operating room for a total cost of $9,790. With the purchase of the computer, it would allow HCH to have an automated, centralized scheduling area facilitating a smoother process for patients needing services at the hospital. The system would interface to the main hospital computer system and possibly to the HMC system. The system would permit the new Rehab secretary to perform word processing for the Rehab Department, charting the progress and assessment reports on Rehab patients and permit back-up to the new outpatient scheduling process. The word processing capabilities._would-.also be -used. for various --- functions in the Operating Room, Anesthesia,infection Control and other departments by making the system mobile for this area. 4--d-• (4) Regular Board Meeting - 3/15/88 Page Two (A) Following discussion: Motion was made by Myers, seconded by Durfee, to approve the procurement of three (3) IBM PS -2 Model 30 Personal Computers - for Hutchinson Community Hospital. All were in favor. Motion carried. B. Depreciation Fund Designation. Seivert addressed the issue of Medicare reimbursement as it effects the depreciation fund. He proposed a resolution directing HCH to create a "paper transfer" of $750,000 to the hospital's funded depreciation account. Because Medicare is still reimbursing for capital costs on a pass through basis, it benefits the hospital to shelter as much interest income as is permitted. Medicare further permits deposits in the funded depreciation account to be at the -accumulated --depreciation level before the interest earnings have to be offset. These deposits must remain in the funded depreciation account for at -least six months to consider the transaction valid. The hospital -can also borrow working capital from this account. Following discussion: Motion was made by Durfee, seconded by Myers, to accept the resolution that general operating funds in the amount of $750,000 be invested in the Hospital's funded depreciation account. All were in favor. Motion carried. C. Section 125 Plan. Seivert presented for approval the necessary documents in order to implement a "cafeteria benefits plan", allowing employees to take advantage of pre-tax dollars under Section 125. Following discussion: Motion was made by Myers, seconded by Gilmer, to accept the resolution establishing the Hutchinson Community Hospital Flexible Benefit Plan, the Hutchinson Community Hospital Healthcare, Reimbursement Plan, and the Hutchinson Community Hospital Dependent Care Reimbursement Plan effective April 1, 1988. All were in favor. Motion carried. Questions were posed to Graves and discussion held on the current status of the following items: 1. LifeSpan. Graves stated that Lifespan representatives are still meeting with the attorneys, but nothing has been finalized to date; however, it is expected that--the-off-l.iation.agreemenS_wi.11 be completed in the near future. UZ 0 i • Regular Board Meeting - 3/15/88 Page Three 2. The Acquisition of the Buffalo Lake 3 Oassel Clinics. Graves stated that there are currently two options being considered regarding the purchasing and management of these two clinics. The first option would be to have the clinics operated with the management assistance of LifeSpan thereby becoming LSI Clinics (with LSI employing Dr. Dan Huebert and his employee at the Buffalo Lake Clinic). LifeSpan would charge a management fee based on the clinics' revenue. The second option would be to set up a private, non-profit, taxable entity becoming a subcorporation of the City of Hutchinson. It is anticipated that the agreement with Buffalo Lake and Dr. Huebert can be finalized by April 1, 1988. Also, discussions have taken place with Dr. Joseph Houts for the purchase of the Dassel Clinic. A three year proforma is currently -being- done - on -the --- Dassel practice. Graves informed the Board that it may be necessary to call an ad hoc committee meeting regarding the Dassel Clinic within the next two weeks. 3. OB/GYN. Hegrenes informed the Board that an OB/GYN will be joining the Medical Center staff by June 1, 1988. The doctor that has been asked to join the staff at the Medical Center has been highly recommended and is well respected in his field. 4. HMO/PPO Contract Negotiations. Graves requested authority to negotiate and sign new HMO/PPO contracts. Graves stated that until the Principles of Affiliation are signed with LifeSpan, these contracts cannot be negotiated with their assistance. Following discussion: Motion was made by Skeie, seconded by Myers, to grant the Administrator, Philip G. Graves, the authority to negotiate and sign all HMO/PPO contracts on behalf of the hospital. All were in favor. Motion carried. S. Laser Eauioment. Graves informed the Board that next month information on the Yag and CO2 Lasers would be presented. The process of reviewing policy and procedures is -currently being— done. Dr. Remucal was recently certified in laser surgery to select and use equipment. Graves suggested that Dr. Remucal be invited to attend next month's meeting to present the technique and answer any questions the Board may have. 6. Budget. Following a brief discussion on the budget year-to-date, Frank Seivert, Director of Finance; -informed the'Board that -lie would make a ratio presentation at the, April meeting on the status of the budget through the first quarter of 1988. C '� Regular Board Meeting - 3/15/88 Page Four Statistical Report. The statistical report for February, 1988, was presented. Admissions were up slightly from the previous month along with average length of stay. Graves stated that we are trending towards budget, but it is still too early to tell. OB and Surgery are doing well. Accounts Pavable. Accounts payable for the month of February, 1988, were presented. Following discussion: Motion was made by Gilmer, seconded by Myers, to approve payment of the attached listing of accounts payable in the amount of $552,863.10. All were in favor. Motion carried. Financial Statements. Operating income in February was approximately $125,300 before funding for price level and working capital requirements. Gross patient revenue increased about $78,000 over January. The month overall was more positive and in line with our original 1988 budget projections. Auxiliary Meeting Minutes. The minutes of the February, 1988, meeting of the HCH Auxiliary were presented. No unusual comments were made. Patient Satisfaction Surveys. Surveys received since the last meeting were reviewed by those present. No unusual comments were made. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned by President Carls at 6:49 PM. Respectfully submitted, La Mae J. Maiers Diane Gilmer Recording Secretary Secretary LJM 11 0 0 ��l 0 6 HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DASSEL & BUFFALO LAKE CLINIC AD HOC COMMITTEE MEETING March 29, 1988 Small Conference Room - 7:05 AM Committee Members Present: Bob Durfee, Diane Gilmer, Rev. Thor Skeie Others Present: Philip G. Graves, Administrator; Frank Seivert, Director of Finance; Dr. Carl Bretzke and Dr. Chris Remucal, Hutchinson Medical Center; Kathy Whatley, Management Practice Specialist for Lifespan; La Mae Maiers, Recording Secretary The Ad Hoc Committee meeting war called to order -by Chairman Bob Ourfee at 7:05 AM to discuss the purchase of the Dassel Clinic from Dr. Joseph Houts and to review the current status of the Buffalo Lake Clinic Purchase. Dassel Clinic. Graves informed the Committee that Belcourt wishes to practice at the Dassel Clinic effective July 1, 1988, independent of the Hutchinson Medical Center, with plans to purchase the Dassel practice in the future. However, he does have concerns as to how he will finance the purchase and has approached the Hutchinson Hospital for assistance. Three proposals were presented to the committee by Frank Seivert, Director of Finance, using the following costs: Building - $60,000; Equipment - $7,000; Practice (charts) - $20,000; remodeling the present building - $25,000; additional new equipment - $25,000. The total projected cost would be $127,000. Whatley presented a Revenue Assumption she had done on the Dassel Clinic with input based on information from Dr. Belcourt. He plans to have office hours five days per week, seven hours per day, and seeing up to 35 patients per day within 24 months after taking over the practice. The average revenue per patient would be approximately $34.00 (allowing for a 8% to 10% discount for third party payors); hospital/nursing home revenue would be about 8% of the net charges. Operating expenses would include salary of at least one fulltime employee, payroll taxes, medical and office supplies, utilities, marketing, accounting and legal fees, maintenance and cleaning, malpractice insurance and medical association/related dues. In the scenario that Whatley presented she stated that the first three to six months are traditionally slow months due to the transition period that the practice would be going through even though Belcourt would have Houts' patient base and support. Ad Hoc Committee Meeting - 3/29/88 Page Two Some concerned was expressed by members of the committee as to why a young physician wishes to go "solo" at this point considering the high costs of operating independently, medical insurance, and especially lower revenue per patient due to third party payors. Bretzke indicated that the Hutchinson Medical Center is very supportive of Belcourt's decision and he is an aggressive individual, determined to make it on his own. Graves echoed the comments of Dr. Bretzke; Graves and the Doctors feel that he would do an excellent job in this family practice. Graves stated that he told Belcourt that if HCH were to assist him at this time by buying the practice and the assets and he were to staff the clinic as an employee of LSI with management assistance from them, he would have to agree to purchase the practice within three years from HCH at its appraised value, not to exceed $127,000. Belcourt indicated that he did not foresee this as a problem. -- - -.-.. - Another proposal discussed was the probability of Dr. Belcourt purchasing the clinic now as a sole practitioner and managing the clinic himself with HCH loaning him the funds necessary to purchase the assets at this time. Graves informed the committee that he has avoided talking to Belcourt further about the various proposals until he had received definite direction from them. Discussion was held regarding Belcourt's personal living expenses during the first year(s) while he is establishing his practice. Graves informed the committee that should Belcourt choose to become an employee of tSI during the first three years prior to purchasing the clinic, he would be salaried earning $50,000 the first year, $55,000 the second year and $60,000 the third year. Or. Belcourt's wife also plans to work at the clinic handling the bookkeeping and appointments and, therefore, she would also be a LSI employee. Strategically, the Dassel Clinic is very important to HCH and it would be to the benefit of the hospital to assist Dr. Belcourt in his goal to purchase it at this time. Bretzke informed the committee that he felt that hospital could do more to assist Belcourt then just purchasing the assets and practice at this time and then having Belcourt buy it in three years. He felt that this was -not - enough in return for a physician who would be sending new patients to Hutchinson when they are in need of hospitalization (Dr. Houts referred his patients to Litchfield). Bretzke proposed that the hospital buy the assets and lease it back to Belcourt to help him out. He felt that the building would probably be worth about half of its current value in 20 years and he suggested that HCH lease the clinic back to Belcourt with a 20 year lease (1/20th of its value annually) and then in 20 years have -him purchase it at half the current value; or lease it back to him on a 30 year lease and then the hospital would still own the building. C�j Ad Hoc Committee Meeting - 3/29/88 Page Three Graves suggested that perhaps HCH could buy the building in five years and finance it over a 15 year period. He feels that Houts would carry Belcourt for the $20,000 for the practice as they have established a very good rapport. The main concern is the first three to six months while Belcourt is establishing himself and patient income is low. Plans are to meet with Belcourt on Thursday, March 31, to discuss the various proposals. Discussion continued on ways in which to assist in the practice acquisition. Remucal asked whether the community of Dassel would be able to assist Belcourt in order to maintain a clinic in their town. Durfee stated that we would have had to pay $20,000 to recruit a new doctor for the clinic at Dassel. Since we already have a doctor who is willing to practice there, could some compensation be offered to him -{possibly half -- of the recruitment fee) or could an offer of graduated rent payments be made to him, especially in the first year. It was the consensus of the group to acquire the Dassel practice and assist Dr. Belcourt in this transitional phase. Buffalo Lake Clinic. Graves informed the committee of an accounts receivable management problem that has resulted by acquiring the Buffalo Lake Clinic practice. Two sets of books would need to be maintained if we did not buy Huebert's receivables. Consensus of the group was to purchase the receivables at a discounted rate and manage one bookkeeping system. Respectfully submitted, La Mae J. Maiers Recording Secretary LM 0 c�� 0 PUBLICATION NO. 3845 PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER: Thursday, April 14, 1988 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday, April 26, 1988 at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chamber of City Hall for the purpose of: issuing a set-up license to Bradley Larson, owner of the Little Crow Bowling Lanes. This hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson. At such hearing, all persons interested may be heard. April 12, 1988 Dated `7 Ci4 Admi strator - MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY LIQUOR CONTROL DIVISION 333 SIBLEY if ST. PAUL, MN 55101 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ALLOW ONLY CONSUMPTION AND DISPLAY OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR PHONE 612-296-6159 PERMIT FEE S151.50 AcmKant Name (Business. PartnersnlP, Corporation) DBA or Trade Name Brad Larson Larry Stenmark Little Crow Bowling Lanes Inc. Street Address Business Address 8 Boulder Ciccle Rt. 2 Dassel Hwy #7 Nest P.O. Boz 203 City County z1aie 110 t.004 uuness one Hutchinson McLeod Minnesota 1 55350 ( 612)587-2352 PERMIT TYPE Type of Business (Nestaurant. Dance Had, etc.) ❑Private Club ®Public Business Bowling Center Name of Business or Cluo Manager Address of Manager Hutch Bowl Brad Larson Hutchinson Name of Building Owner Address of Owner Thomas Dolder Golf Course Road Hutchinson ARE THE CLUB OR BUSINESS PREMISES�f-� SEPARATE FROM ANY' HAS OR WILL A NON -INTOXICATING MAL LIQUOR LICENSE BEEN iSSuEO OTHER BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENT? Yes ❑NO 1J TO THIS BUSINESS FOR THIS LOCATION? ®yes ONO u IS APPLICATION IF TRANSFER, FORMER LICENSEES NAME AND BUSINESS TRADE NAME ORIGINAL ® RENEWAL ❑ TRANSFER ❑ FOR A PUBLIC BUSINESS: If a Partnership, State the Name and Address of Each Panner: If a Corporation, State the Name and Address of Each Officer. Business Partner/Officer Address Bradle A. Larson 8 Boulder Circle Hutchinson Mn. 0 Business Partner/Officer Address Larry L. Stenmark Rt. 2 Dassel Mn. 55325 Business Partner/Officer Address FOR A PRIVATE CLUB Date Club Organized Number of Members Amount of Dues Members Requirements Length o {melub Is Club Building Does Club Maintain Lockers At Present Location: Owned or Rented? For Members To Store Liquor? ❑yes El red, Club Ker/ tract Or Nana Address Club Officer/Director Name Address Club Officer/Director Name Address Has applicant; if partnership, any partner; if corporation, any officer or director; if club, any club officer or director, ever had a license under the Minnesota Liquor Control Act revoked or suspended or been convicted for any violation of State Laws or local ordinances; if so, give date and details No I hereby terrify that the answers are true of my own knowledge and understand that the giving of false information or the f ure to give pertinent information constitutes cause for revocation of this permit. ANY PERMIT ISSUED HEREUNDER DOES NOT ALLOW THE SALE 07 J/NTOXICATING LIQUOR, NO CONSIDERATION WILL BE GIVEN TO THIS APPLICATION UNLESS APPROVED AS PROVIDED BELOW:fl/!/-;e•^� 3 a� �l IF THE BUSINESS IS LOCATED IN A COUNTY. Signature - Aut ",zffij A ticant Date IF A CLUB ATTACH A COPY OF THE CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS OF THE CLUB AND A CURRENT LIST OF Approved — Chairperson County Board or Representative Date MEMBERS. IF THE BUSINESS IS LOCATED IN A MUNICIPALITY CASH_ -,Pwov,!o - Courca P. estdent or Representative. Date CHECK _ BURNS MANOR Q' MUNICIPAL NURSING HOME North High Drive Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Phone (612) 567.4919 May 3, 1988 Mayor Paul Ackland and Members of the City Council, City of Hutchinson. LONG TERM CARE CONSULTING SERVICES: The Burns Manor Board of Directors and the Administrator agreed unanimously to hire a nursing home consultant to evaluate the operation of the nursing home. Nursing home consulting services that will be evaluated at the board meeting in May are: Charles Bailly & Company Mpls., MN Health Planning & Management Resources, Inc. Edina, MN Health Resources Maplewood, MN King Associates Mpls., MN Learnex Corporation St. Cloud, MN Quality Decisions, Inc. Minnetonka, MN 0 Long Term Care Consulting Services. M. K. & Associates St. Paul, MN Health Central Corporation Mpls., MN ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS: Patch Erickson Madson Watten, Inc. Mpls., MN BURNS MANOR MUNICIPAL NURSING HOME North High Drive Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Phone (4612) 587-4919 Korsunsky Krank Erickson Architects, Inc. Mpls., MN • Arvid Elness Architects, 1-nc. Mpls., MN Ellerbe, Inc. Mpls., MN Mavis�J. Geie Administrator Long Term Care Consulting Services MN Association of Health Care .Facilities Service Corporation E 0 HUTCHINSON WINSTED CASE MIX CASE MIX A. $31.42 A. $41.76 B. $33.96 B. $45.00 C. $36.84 C . $48.68 D.. $39.47 D. $52.03 E. $42.18 E. $55.49 F $42.35 F. $55.70 G. $44.64 G. $58.62 H. $48.96 H. $64.14 I. $50.49 I. $66.08 J. $52.86 J. $69.11 K. $57.86 K. $75.49 BURNS MANOR MUNICIPAL NURSING HOME North High Drive Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Phone (612) 587-4919 GLENCOE VIIJL 1"I1 /1 A. $55.97 B. $59.35 C. $63.19 D. $66.68 E. $70.28 F. $70.51 G. $73.55 H. $79.30 I. $81.33 J. $84.48 K. $91.13 • i BURNS MANOR MUNICIPAL NURSING HOME Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 BUDGET YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1988 OPERATING EXPENSES 1,997,300. 2,059,478. 2,170,372. 2,288,512. 1985 1986 1987 1988 12-31 12-31 12-31 BUDGET 303 INCOME FROM RESIDENTS $ 2,060,263. 1 2,193,526, f 2,129,316. $ 2,150,592. SALARIES: 410 minis ration 34,132. 35,160. 36,812. 37,460. 420 Office & Receptionist 43,150. 53,359. 61,684. 60,878. 510 Plant 61,097. 62,211. 70,494. 77,800. 520 Dietary 154,812. 167,575. 165,186. 174,100. 530 Laundry 40,528. 42,304. 44,759. 43,700. 540 Housekeeping 92,488. 101,852. 115,052. 118,256. 600 Registered Nurses 191,355. 200,638. 208,816. 202,047. 610 L. P. N. 's 84,383. 87,292. 100,172. 114,624. 620 Nursing Assistants 526,204. 531,079. 550,310. 601,049. 760 Rehabilitation 44,770. T 2714 + - 46,755. T -13291-22T.- 39,624. 1-; 3TT; 409: 40,800. TT 7 ' - 436 PERA & Payroll Taxes - - 145,993. 153,369. 156,253. 169,132. 443 Health Insurance 5,753. 11,146. 12,000. 522 Foods 135,968. 117,844. 113,447. 120,000. UTILITIES: 512uF er=i 7,027. 3,205. -0- -0- 513 Natural Gas 36,085. 34,876. 22,675. 40,000. 514 Electricity 23,175. 23,179. 23,308. 24,000. 516 Water and Sewer 13,216. 74 30T 15,433. 76T4 21,144. bT �2T. 22,000. B6 ifOlf- OTHER EXPENSES: 425 Mice u -S p ies 6,086. 6,134. 8,642. 9,000. 426 Communications 3,991. 7,077. 6,967. 7,200. 427 Travel 2,672. 3,144. 2,691. 3,600. 430 Advertising 3,756. 4,877. 5,680. 6,000. 431 Licenses and Dues 5,945. 6,402. 6,750. 6,800. 432 Education & Training - Administration 643. 326. 325. 900. 435 Professional Services 17,526. 21,462. 24,552. 24,900. 449 Miscellaneous and Medicare Discounts 16,103. 7,051. 4,171. 5,000. 511 Repairs 4,147. 6,905. 17,030. 10,000. 515 Education & Training - Plant 20. -0- 85. 100. 518 Purchased Services - Plant 18,762. 17,527. 17,732. 18,000. 519 Supplies - Plant 7,637. 8,821. 6,951. 7,200. 527 Education 8 Training - Dietary 85. 312. -0- 60. 529 Supplies - Dietary 21,557. 21,720. 21,117. 22,000. 532 Education & Training - Laundry 30. 20. -0- 60. 538 Purchased Services - Laundry - 48,987. 48,723. 49,031. 50,000. 539 Supplies - Laundry 7,693. 8,195. 5,965. 7,500. 542 Education & Training - Housekeeping -0- 20. -0- 30. 549 Supplies - Housekeeping 7,969. 9,173. 11,973. 10,000. 625 Medical Records Technician 1,598. 1,421. 1,822. 1,800. 627 Pharmacist 577, 830. 1,577. 1,500. 628 Medical Director 157. 315. 249. 360. 629 Supplies - Nursing 76,750. 76,982. 92,324. 92,500. 630 Education & Training - Nursing 1,096. - 1,227. 1,933. 2,000. 631 Screening 2,784. 6,072. 6,600. 723 Medicare Drugs 7,340. 5,604. 5,156. 5,200. 765 Education & Training - Rehabilation 91. 212. 130. 100. 769 Supplies - Rehabilation 5,309. 266-1=. 6,610. 27T.9747. 8,494. M7-, T4- 8,500. M17W. 442 Insurance 31,500. 42,103. 64,327. 70,800. 455 Depreciation 51,840. 52,560. 52,914. 52,956. 452 interest & Fees - Bonds 13,050. 9,057. 4,830. -0- OPERATING EXPENSES 1,997,300. 2,059,478. 2,170,372. 2,288,512. 1985 1986 1987 1988 12-31 12-31 12-31 BUDGET 303 INCOME FROM RESIDENTS - - _$-2,060 63. $ 2,293,526. $ 2,129,316. $ 2,150, 40. OPERATING EXPENSES 1,997,300. 2,059,478. 2,170,372. 2,288, OPERATING GAIN (LOSS) 62,963. 134,048. (41,056.) (137,920.) 403 OTHER INCOME 51,964. 33,519. 30,600. 12,000. NET GAIN (LOSS) 114,927. 167,567. (10,456.) (125,920.) BOND PAYMENTS 85,000. 90,000.100,000. -0- 1988 RESIDENT INCOME ESTIMATE (96.00 % OCCUPANCY) EST. 100% CASE MIX 12-31-87 96.00 % 7-1-87/7-1-88 INCOME FROM CLASS RESIDENTS RESIDENTS DAYS AY. RATE EST. RESIDENTS A 19 18.24 6,676 32.78 218,839. B 4 3.84 1,406 35.44 49,829. C 0 -0- -0- 38.44 -O- D 9 8.64 3,162 41.19 130,242. E 3 2.88 1,054 44.02 46,397. F 2 1.92 703 44.19 31,066. G 31 29.76 10,892 46.58 507,349. H 17 16.32 5,973 51.09 305,161. I 15 14.40 5,270 52.69 277,676. J 17 16.32 5,973 55.16 329,471. K 12 11.52 4,216 60.38 254,562. TOTALS 129 123.84 45,325 2,150,592. 100.00 % = 47,214 Bed Days (366 day year) 1980 Occupancy = 99.39 % 1981 Occupancy = 99.66 % 1982 Occupancy = 99.77 % 1983 Occupancy = 99.65 % 1984 Occupancy = 97.57 % 1985 Occupancy = 96.02 % 1986 Occupancy = 97.78 % - - - 1987 Occupancy = 96.57 % 1988 Occupancy = 96.00 % ESTIMATED 0 0 0 AMERICAN LEGION HUTCHINSON POST NO. 96 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 0 City Council Members Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Gentlemen: M6 April 25, 1988 The American Legion Members of Hutchinson Post 96 would like to request a parade permit for a Memorial Day Parade on May 30, 1988 at 9:30 A.M. Thank You 904�— John Tapio Adjutant Post 96 3. Authorized Officer's Name C1 //V) Z-12 U 4:< Officer's Address 6 3 'S G 4E&)7 _ 5oo,& Phone.:5-d' 7- 30 5. Parade Chairman 7/9P/O 6. Parade Chairman's Address 6 3S GLf-At s%eirlf-SC!;%/7/Phone Sd77- 383`/ 7. Date of Parade r'J%q 1/ 3 O / Q jy Assembly Time 8. Location and Description of Assembly Area C I / /Z rrV S S4A-),04� C -CZ4UL;C' 9. Starting Time of Parade 9i 30 �AEstimated Time of Termination -1O '0 O /y /4/, 10. Starting Point of Parade Cl T/ Z 6/Z) L /9N /C C D,e/LW-k ��77 11. Route of Parade Travel C i / ! Z ENS L� f%/1� c�,o'/)z /C , �d /h% s Z�e" T s v v T-'/ T v 7'h'C-' L /a &?&& 12. Termination Point of Parade. Z t- G /D iV P1,9 c /ice 13. Approximate Number of Units, Animals and Vehicles which will constitute Parade with Type and Description of Animals and Vehicles PL L,CE- D� P7 F-1 qvd� A" C- GvA,�� 6�7ySc�UTs 6! L �Cov%S. D/�vc��s L& 14. Maximum Interval of Space to be Maintained Between Units 15. Maximum Length of Parade 3/i M/ / 16. Minimum and Maximum Speed of Parade 5; MPH 17. Portion of Street Width Traversed /�� /L -;7/q / /LJ —---------------------------------------------- Approved this -:?AX--day of 19 ,?Y upon compliance with the following terms and conditions Chlied of Police FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received: ✓r-?i-�f/ APPLICATION FOR PERMIT Approved: 1. Name of Organization /PARADE 2. Address of Organization Phone 3. Authorized Officer's Name C1 //V) Z-12 U 4:< Officer's Address 6 3 'S G 4E&)7 _ 5oo,& Phone.:5-d' 7- 30 5. Parade Chairman 7/9P/O 6. Parade Chairman's Address 6 3S GLf-At s%eirlf-SC!;%/7/Phone Sd77- 383`/ 7. Date of Parade r'J%q 1/ 3 O / Q jy Assembly Time 8. Location and Description of Assembly Area C I / /Z rrV S S4A-),04� C -CZ4UL;C' 9. Starting Time of Parade 9i 30 �AEstimated Time of Termination -1O '0 O /y /4/, 10. Starting Point of Parade Cl T/ Z 6/Z) L /9N /C C D,e/LW-k ��77 11. Route of Parade Travel C i / ! Z ENS L� f%/1� c�,o'/)z /C , �d /h% s Z�e" T s v v T-'/ T v 7'h'C-' L /a &?&& 12. Termination Point of Parade. Z t- G /D iV P1,9 c /ice 13. Approximate Number of Units, Animals and Vehicles which will constitute Parade with Type and Description of Animals and Vehicles PL L,CE- D� P7 F-1 qvd� A" C- GvA,�� 6�7ySc�UTs 6! L �Cov%S. D/�vc��s L& 14. Maximum Interval of Space to be Maintained Between Units 15. Maximum Length of Parade 3/i M/ / 16. Minimum and Maximum Speed of Parade 5; MPH 17. Portion of Street Width Traversed /�� /L -;7/q / /LJ —---------------------------------------------- Approved this -:?AX--day of 19 ,?Y upon compliance with the following terms and conditions Chlied of Police 0 DAVID B. ARHOLD CHARLESR. CARMICHAEL MICHAEL B. L[BARON GARY D. MCDOWELL FAYE ENOWLES STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. HOGE CHARLES L. NAIL. JR. LURA R. FRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEOOEMANN JOSEPH M. PAIEMENI JAMES UTLEY May 5, 1988 ARNOLD & MGDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARE PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 Mr. Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 (612)587.7575 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSON Re: Setup License Ordinance Our File No. 3188-87-0062 Dear Gary: 5881 CEDAR GRE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55418 (612)545.9000 MN TOLL FREE 800-343-4545 SOI SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON. MINNESOTA 55371 (812)389-2214 /q.5 6 789 v, FA ^Y 1988 p` RECEIVED m As you know, the City Council asked the City Attorney to prepare an appropriate ordinance governing the issuance of licenses for the sale of setups or for the operation of bottle clubs. I discussed this matter with the Chief of Police and with Ron Rirchoff, both of whom, as previously noted, were helpful in the preparation of the ordinance, a copy of which is enclosed. Neither has seen the draft before you, but it incorporates in general most of the issues that we discussed. A couple of comments are in order. First, the City's policy has been to charge the sum of $150 for setup licenses when the City has chosen to issue them. That fee is permissible if the license is being issued on an annual basis. However, a review of state law and additional legal research reveals that the maximum the City may charge for a "bottle club" license, if the license is being issued on a daily basis, is $25. The license may not be issued for a period of longer than one day and hence, the ordinance now before you provides for only a one day period. Second, I have provided in the proposed ordinance language that would allow the Chief to make the appropriate investigation and to reject the application if he deems it inappropriate. Mr. Gary D. Plotz May 5, 1988 Page 2 Third, there is some question as to how to treat a violation of this provision, particularly in a situation where a group or organization might attempt to regularly provide setups and simply not bother to come in to the Administrator's office and apply for the license. On the other hand, it is difficult to invoke the criminal law and at least the possibility of jail time, when in many cases it might be difficult, if not impossible to distinguish between the sale of a beverage for consumption as a beverage and the sale of a beverage for the purpose of providing setups. I attempted to address this problem by making it a violation of this ordinance to sell a beverage for use as a setup, but the violation, will only be a petty misdemeanor. The reason for the distinction is that a petty misdemeanor, because it does not carry the possibility of jail time, is not subject to many of the stringent constitutional requirements that attach to other criminal ordinances and it may give the department needed flexibility in enforcing this ordinance. Although I have not made an exhaustive search, I am not aware of any other community that has adopted a similar ordinance, but I believe this to be a worthwhile effort. I would appreciate any comment that anyone might have with respect to the content of this ordinance. Thank you. Best personal regards. Very truly yours, �RN04D & Mc OWELL G. Barry Anderfn GBA:lm CC Steve Madson • PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 8/88 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ISSUANCE OF SETUP LICENSES FOR THE CONSUMPTION OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR WITHIN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON DOES ORDAIN: Section One: No setup license or bottle club license shall be issued to any group, organization or individual, other than as set forth in Section Two of this Ordinance. Section Two: The City of Hutchinson may, in its discretion issue a one day permit for the consumption and display of intoxi- cating liquor pursuant to Minn. Stat. Section 314A.414 to a nonprofit organization in conjunction with a social activity. 9 Section Three: Every application for a permit as required herein shall be made at least ten days in advance of the effective date for said permit in writing using a form prescribed by the City Administrator. The City Administrator shall refer the application to the Chief of Police who will make an investigation to determine whether issuance of the permit would cause a nuisance to any adjoining property owners, or if the license should be denied for any other reason. Application for the permit shall be accompanied by a permit fee in the amount of $25. Section Four: No group, organization or individual shall operate a bottle club unless and until said group, organization or individual has complied with the terms and conditions of this ordi- I* nance. Section Five: Whoever shall violate the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor. Adopted by the City Council this _ day of May, 1988. CITY OF HUTCHINSON Paul Ackland, Mayor Attest: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 9 i F A E G R E & B E N S O N SUITE 1190, 8.00 TONER 10 CA9TCNCAP 8400 NORMANDALC LANC 90ULCVAPO LONDON CC3M ICT, ENGLAND CLOOMMOTOM, MINNESOTA 50.37-1070 01/923-0103 91C/9C1-2200 TCLCCOPIER .23-3217 Tn ECO.M. 921-22« 'CL" 801100. April 22, 1988 Richard J. Kramer Executive Vice President LifeSpan Inc. 800 East 28th Street at Chicago Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55407 Philip Graves Administrator Hutchinson Community Hospital 1095 Highway 15 South Hutchinson, MN 55350 G. Barry Anderson Arnold & McDowell 5881 Cedar Lake Road Minneapolis, MN 55416 Gentlemen: 2000 NCPy9LIC PLAZA 370 9CVCNTCCNTN STREET DCMVCR.COLORADO 90102-4004 303/391-5090 Tu[COPIER 592-se93 I was pleased to hear that the Hospital Board approved the Affiliation Agreement and its attached exhibits. However, I understand from my conversations with Dick and Barry that it would be helpful to revise Exhibit C (the Ordinance) to clarify in certain instances whether reference is being made to the Hospital Board or the LifeSpan Board. I have made those corrections as indicated by the enclosed blacklined copy of Exhibit C. Barry also pointed out to me the fact that in drafting the amendment to Section 235:05 of the Ordinance, I omitted reference to the right of the City Council to remove the members of the Hospital Board. I have reinserted that provision in the Ordinance as indicated by the enclosed blacklined copy. This is in conformity with the Principles of Affiliation which contemplate that the right of removal of Is members of the Hospital Board would be retained by the City 2300 MULTIFOODS TOWER 33 SOUTH SIXTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 95402.3694 91[/3115300 T[LCCOPI[R 3)1 -]ISS 11LC% .25131 SUITE 1190, 8.00 TONER 10 CA9TCNCAP 8400 NORMANDALC LANC 90ULCVAPO LONDON CC3M ICT, ENGLAND CLOOMMOTOM, MINNESOTA 50.37-1070 01/923-0103 91C/9C1-2200 TCLCCOPIER .23-3217 Tn ECO.M. 921-22« 'CL" 801100. April 22, 1988 Richard J. Kramer Executive Vice President LifeSpan Inc. 800 East 28th Street at Chicago Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55407 Philip Graves Administrator Hutchinson Community Hospital 1095 Highway 15 South Hutchinson, MN 55350 G. Barry Anderson Arnold & McDowell 5881 Cedar Lake Road Minneapolis, MN 55416 Gentlemen: 2000 NCPy9LIC PLAZA 370 9CVCNTCCNTN STREET DCMVCR.COLORADO 90102-4004 303/391-5090 Tu[COPIER 592-se93 I was pleased to hear that the Hospital Board approved the Affiliation Agreement and its attached exhibits. However, I understand from my conversations with Dick and Barry that it would be helpful to revise Exhibit C (the Ordinance) to clarify in certain instances whether reference is being made to the Hospital Board or the LifeSpan Board. I have made those corrections as indicated by the enclosed blacklined copy of Exhibit C. Barry also pointed out to me the fact that in drafting the amendment to Section 235:05 of the Ordinance, I omitted reference to the right of the City Council to remove the members of the Hospital Board. I have reinserted that provision in the Ordinance as indicated by the enclosed blacklined copy. This is in conformity with the Principles of Affiliation which contemplate that the right of removal of Is members of the Hospital Board would be retained by the City April 22, 1988 ------ - Page 2 Council. However, I have not included the clause which formerly would have allowed the City to remove a member of the Hospital Board if he or she is no longer a resident of the City of Hutchinson. Inasmuch as residency is not required for all directors, this appears to me to be inappropriate. Finally, I have revised page 12 of the Affiliation Agreement to correct the reference from section 234 of the 1974 Ordinance Code to section 235 of the 1974 Ordinance Code. Phil and Dick are receiving with this letter a blacklined copy of Exhibit C (the Ordinance). I am supplying Barry with a blacklined copy of Exhibit C, together with four clean copies of the Agreement of Affiliation, including all of the exhibits. Assuming that the City Council approves the - transaction and the documents in the form presented, I would appreciate it if Barry would see to it that each of the four copies of the Affiliation Agreement (but not the attached exhibits) are signed by the appropriate representatives of the Hospital and the City and returned to me as soon as possible following the City Council's meeting on Tuesday night. I need to have the documents in hand and have them executed by the appropriate Lifespan representatives in advance of the annual meeting of the LifeSpan members late Thursday afternoon. I will keep one executed copy and supply each of you with another. Thanks for your cooperation, and please contact me if there are any questions or problems. JDC/rlj Enclosures 2972p 11 • PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 235:05, 235:15 and 235:20 OF THE 1974 ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ENTITLED HOSPITAL BOARD, AND ADDING SECTION 235:30 TO THE 1974 ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON DOES ORDAIN: WHEREAS, the primary purpose and mission of Hutchinson Community Hospital (the "Hospital") is to provide quality health care to all who are admitted to or treated at the Hospital, to is make available facilities and equipment to facilitate the work of physicians and trained personnel in the restoration and main- tenance of the health of the patients of the Hospital, and to participate in activities designed to promote the general health and well-being of the citizens of the City of Hutchinson; WHEREAS, the complexity and cost of operating the Hospital in the current competitive health care environment make it desirable for the Hospital to affiliate with an existing health care system; WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, section 144.581, autho- rizes municipalities that own and operate municipal hospitals to enter into cooperative ventures, join organizations intended to IE benefit the hospital, and have members of its governing body serve as directors of such ventures or corporations; WHEREAS, LifeSpan Inc. ("LifeSpan") is the controlling institution of a quality health care system whose mission, objectives and purposes are compatible with those of the Hospital; WHEREAS, the City finds that an affiliation with Life - Span would provide the Hospita3,-with- management arrd-financial benefits which would enhance the ability of the Hospital to accomplish its purpose and mission; THEREFORE, SECTION 1. Section 235:05 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson, entitled Appointments and Terms, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 235:05. Appointments and Terms. The Hospital Board shall consist of seven members. One of said members of the Hospital Board shall be the Chief of the Medical Staff of the Hospital. One of said members of the liospital Board shall be an alderman of the City of Hutchinson appointed annually by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council. The remaining five members of the _Hospital Board (the "Elected Direc- tors") shall each serve for a term of five years with the term of one such Elected Director to expire each year on the last day of March. No Elected Director of the Hospital Boardshall serve for a period to exceed two con- secutive five-year terms. At all times, three of the Elected Directors -2- 0 11 0 0 0 L-1 shall be residents and qualified voters of the City of Hutchinson. Prior to the expiration of the term of an Elected Director, his or her successor shall be nominated by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council. The nomination shall be submitted to the Board of Directors of LifeSpan (the - "LifeSpan. Board") for election. If the LifeSpan Board fails to elect such nominee, then the Mayor, with the con- sent of the City Council, shall promptly submit new nominations to the LifeSpan Board, as necessary, until the LifeSpan Board has elected a successor to the Elected Director whose term is then expiring; provided, however, that if the LifeSpan Board fails to elect a successor from among the first, second and third nominees, then the Mayor, with the consent of the City Council, may elect Director wt provided t ation with pursuant to Ordinance Hutchinson. the successor to the Elected ose term is the hat the Hospital' LifeSpan is then section 235:30 of Code of the n expiring s affili- terminated the 1974 City of ine _.iry council may, by a four -fifth, 14/5) maiority vote, remove any member of the Hospital Board rom o iced reason or_maireasance or misfeasance ,f Hospital Board has become incapacitated to hold office. A majority of the members of the Hospital Board shall not consist of persons who are simultaneously direc- tors of any one of the following corpo- rations: (a) LifeSpan; (b) Any other tors of indirectly -3- or corporation, the direc- which are directly or elected by LifeSpan; or (c). Any other tors of indirectly Hospital." corporation, the direc- which are directly or elected by the SECTION 2. Section 235:15 of the 1974 ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson, entitled Powers and Duties, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 235:15. Powers and Duties. Subject to the provisions of section 235:30, the Hospital Board shall have full and exclusive control and manage- ment of -any hospital owned by this municipality, and all hospital grounds and appurtenances thereto and all apparatus, equipment and material of every nature used in the operation of said hospital. The Hospital. Board shall adopt all necessary rules and regulations for their own guidance and for the proper management and operation of said hospital and for the admission of patients thereto. The Hospital Board shall fix the fees and charges for all hospital services, all of which shall be certified to the Council as soon as. they are adopted. It shall be the duty of the Hospital Board to see that all fees and charges becoming due to said hospital are properly col- lected. The Hospital Board may con- tract and purchase all necessary equip- ment, apparatus and supplies; provided, however, that any single capital item of purchase of $10,000.00 or more shall first be approved by this Council." SECTION 3. Section 235:20 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson, entitled Superintendent and Other Employees, is hereby amended to read as follows: -4- 0 is 1] 0 "Section 235:20. Chief Executive Officer and Of -her Emnloyees. Subject to the approval of the Lifespan Board, the Hospital Board shall annually select and appoint an experi- enced Hospital Administrator to serve as the Chief Executive Officer and to be its direct executive representative in the management of the Hospital. The Chief Executive Officer shall be an employee of LifeSpan. The Hospital Board shall have the power to remove the Chief Executive Officer and, in such event, the LifeSpan Board shall have the right of approval of -the indi- vidual appointed by the Hospital Board to fill said vacancy. Zf at any time the LifeSpan Board fails to approve the individual appointed to fill said vacancy or the annual appointment of the Chief Executive Officer, then the Hospital Board shall promptly submit new appointments, as necessary, for approval by the LifeSpan Board until the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer has been approved; provided, however, that if the LifeSpan Board fails to approve the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer from among the first, second and third individuals submitted to the LifeSpan Board for approval, then the Hospital Board may appoint the Chief Executive Officer without the approval of the LifeSpan Board (in which case the Chief Execu- tive Officer shall not be an employee of LifeSpan), provided that the Hospital's affiliation with LifeSpan is then terminated pursuant to section 235:30 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson." SECTION 4. The following is hereby added as sub- division 3 of section 235.25 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson: -5- "Subd. 3. The City shall incur no indebtedness (including without limita- tion any general obligation bonds or revenue bonds or notes) to which Hospital revenues or Hospital property is pledged without the consent of Life - Span, and no revenues or fund balances of the Hospital shall be transferred to the City's general fund or appropriated for payment of any city obligation except as set forth in an operating budget or capital budget approved by Lifespan or as may otherwise be approved by Lifespan in writing." SECTION 5. The following is hereby added as section 235:30 to the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson: "Section 235:30 The Hospital is an affiliate of Life - Span which, acting through the Lifespan Board, shall have the following rights and only the following rights (in addi- tion to the right to elect members of the Hospital Board as provided in sec- tion 235:05): (a) Approval in the aggregate of an annual consolidated operating budget and an annual consolidated capital budget of the Hospital and all corporations, partnerships and other legal entities directly or indirectly controlled by the Hospital, as proposed by the Hospital Board; (b) Approval of any new long term indebtedness by the Hospital or any corporation, partnership and other legal entities directly or indirectly controlled by the Hospital which new long term indebtedness was not included in the approved annual consolidated capital budget; 0 11 0 0 (c) Approval of a consolidated stra- tegic and long range plan of the Hospital and all corporations, partnerships and other legal enti- ties directly or indirectly con- trolled by the Hospital; (d) Approval of the sale, lease or other disposition of all or sub- stantially all of the property of the Hospital; (e) Approval of the voluntary dissolu- tion of the Hospital; (f) Approval. of the merger or consoli- dation of the Hospital with any domestic or foreign organization; (g) Except as otherwise set forth in this section 235:30, approval of changes in section 235 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson or the Hutchinson Community Hospital Governing Board Bylaws; (h) To the extent provided in the Hutchinson Community Hospital Governing Board Bylaws, approval of. any individual to serve as Chief Executive Officer of the Hospital to fill any vacancy in said office, and the approval of the annual appointment of the Chief Executive Officer of the Hospital, as proposed by the Hospital Board (the right to remove an existing Chief Executive Officer being specifically retained by the Hospital Board); and (i) Approval of any corporate action of the type set forth in -subpara- graphs (a). through (h) above of any corporation, partnership or other legal entities directly or -7- 0 indirectly controlled by the Hospital as a member, shareholder or otherwise. Except as otherwise provided in that certain Agreement of Affiliation by and between Lifespan, the Hospital and the City of Hutchinson, or any Contribution Agree- ments between Lifespan and the Hospital or between Lifespan and any corporation, part- nership or other legal entity directly or indirectly controlled by the Hospital, Life - Span shall not commit or pledge the operat- ing revenues or assets of the Hospital for LifeSpan's debts or the _debts _of LifeSpan's --- subsidiaries, or for any other purpose with- out the approval of the Hospital Board, nor shall Lifespan commit or pledge the operat- ing revenues or assets of any corporation, partnership or other legal entity directly or indirectly controlled by the Hospital for LifeSpan's debts or the debts of LifeSpan's subsidiaries, or for any other purpose, without the consent of such corporation, partnership or other legal entity directly or indirectly controlled by the Hospital. Section 235 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson and the Hutchinson Community Hospital Governing Board Bylaws may be altered, amended or restated as pro- vided by law; subject, however, to the final approval of such alteration, amendment or restatement by the LifeSpan Board. Notwith- standing the foregoing or any other provi- sion in section 235 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson and the Hutchinson Community Hospital Governing Board Bylaws to the contrary: (a) The rights of LifeSpan with respect to the Hospital may be terminated without the approval of the LifeSpan Board by adoption and publication of an amend- ment to section 235 of the 1974 Ordi- nance Code of ,the City of Hutchinson after advance notice of the proposed amendment to LifeSpan and a hearing at 9 ME 0 0 0 which LifeSpan had the opportunity to be heard; provided that such amendment may be effective no sooner than six (6) months after adoption and that a certified amendment as adopted shall promptly be given and to the President registered or certified and publication copy of such and published to the Chairman of LifeSpan by mail; and pro- vided further, that such amendment may be adopted and published only after April 30, 1993 and before August 1, 1993; and (b) The rights of LifeSpan with respect to the Hospital may be terminated without the approval of the LifeSpan Board by adoption and publication of an amend- ment to section 235 of the 1974 Ordi- nance Code of the City of Hutchinson after advance notice of the proposed amendment to LifeSpan and a hearing at which LifeSpan had the opportunity to be heard; provided that such amendment may be effective no sooner than six (6) months after adoption and publication and that a certified copy of such amendment as adopted and published shall promptly be given to the Chairman and to the President of Lifespan by registered or certified mail; and pro- vided further, that such amendment may be adopted and published only in accor- dance with section 235:05 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchin- son if the LifeSpan Board fails to elect a successor director to an Elected Director (as defined in sec- tion 235:05 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson) whose term is then expiring from among the first, second and third nominees submitted by the Hospital Board to the LifeSpan Board; and (c) The rights of LifeSpan with respect to the Hospital may be terminated without the approval of the LifeSpan Board by Mn adoption and publication of an amend- ment to section 235 of the 1974 Ordi- nance Code of the City of Hutchinson after advance notice of the proposed amendment to LifeSpan and a hearing at which LifeSpan had the opportunity to be heard; provided that such amendment may be effective no sooner than six (6) months after adoption and publication and that a certified copy of such amendment as adopted and published shall promptly be given to the Chairman and to the President of LifeSpan by registered or certified mail; and pro- vided further, that such amendment may be adopted and published only under the circumstances specified in sec- tion 235:20 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson; and (d) The rights of LifeSpan with respect to the Hospital may be terminated without the approval of the LifeSpan Board by adoption and publication of an amend- ment to section 235 of the 1974 Ordi- nance Code of the City of Hutchinson after advance notice of the proposed amendment to LifeSpan and a hearing at which LifeSpan had the opportunity to be heard; provided that a certified copy of. such amendment as adopted and published shall promptly be given to the Chairman and to the President of LifeSpan by registered or certified mail; and provided further, that such amendment may be adopted and published only upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (1) Any change occurs in LifeSpan's corporate structure or operations which results in LifeSpan not having ultimate corporate control of the LifeSpan-affiliated group, or in LifeSpan failing to qualify as an organization (i) described in section 501(c)(3) of the Inter- nal Revenue Code of 1954, as 0 -10- 0 amended (or any successor provi- sion of the Code); (ii) exempt from income taxes under sec- tion 501(a) of the Code; (iii) contributions to which are deduc- tible under sections 170, 2055 and 2522 of the Code; and (iv) which is not a private foundation des- cribed in section 509(a) of the Code; or (2) Lifespan files a petition in voluntary bankruptcy, or for the composition of its affairs or for corporate reorganization under any state or federal bankruptcy or insolvency law, or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or consents in writing to the appointment of a trustee or receiver for itself or for the whole or any substantial part of • its property; or (3) If a court of competent jurisdic- tion shall enter an order, judg- ment or decree against Lifespan in-- any n-any insolvency, bankruptcy or reorganization proceeding, or appointing a trustee or receiver of .LifeSpan 'or of the whole or any substantial part of the property of LifeSpan and such order, judg- ment or decree is not vacated or set aside or stayed within sixty days from the date of the entry thereof. LifeSpan shall have the right to resign its rights and duties with respect to the Hospital upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all of the members of the LifeSpan Board then in office by giving six (6) months written notice by registered or certified mail of such resignation to the Mayor and the President of .the Hospital; provided that such notice may only be given after April 30, 1993 and before August 1, 1993. -11- 0603n Upon the termination of the rights and duties of LifeSpan with respect to the Hospital, the rights theretofore held by LifeSpan shall be vested in the City Council and the Hospital Board. The LifeSpan Board shall take no action to prevent the City Council and the Hospital Board from exercising their authority to act under this section. Any action of the City Council and the Hospital Board under this section shall not relieve the City of Hutchinson and the Hospital of any contractual obligations pre- viously assumed." -12- 0 r 1 u 0 0 0 ORDINANCE NO. 10/88 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 464 CONCERNING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDAINS: The following described real property is hereby rezoned from R-2 Multiple Family Residence to R-3 Multiple Family -Residence. Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, Block 31 - South 1/2 Townsite of Hutchinson Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of May, 1988. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Paul L. Ackland Mayor 0 RESOLUTION NO. 8785 CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR 14 Doz. Softballs 1,301.20 Summer Recreation Progran Rec. Yes Kokesh Athletic T Shirts 2,926.36 Summer Program Rec. Yes Quade's Hose (150') & Nozzles 1,018.!0 Replacement Fire * Clarey's Safety *Equipment lost at E1 ator f re - money reimbursement from salva a compan . Th e following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Date Approved: tion made by: Seconded by: MAY 10 198R Resolution submitted for Council action by: 7 M I N U T E S LIBRARY BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, FEB.16, 1988 ' The Library Board met at 5:00 pm in the library meeting room with the following members present: Chairman, Ralph Bergstrom, Kathleen McGraw, Dolores Brunner, Larry Ladd, Bill Scherer, Teri Eilertson, Roxanne Wigen, Linda Wilmsen and Mary Henke. Absent: Albert Linde, Mike Carls (conflict - Hospital Board meeting). ' Librarian, Mary Henke, gave a report on the Arts Festival (Sno-Break Weekend / February 5 -6 -7th): The display boards made by Bill Scherer at a cost )f $211.00 (Expenditure was not to exceed $250.00) worked well with all the artwork fitting easily on the boards, rather than scattered all over the Library. The Art Guild and Library co -hosted the Art Show with shared 2 -hour work shifts by members. I Mary -commented that approximately 200 visited the show on Saturday, with approximately 65-70 people on Sunday. Comments and suggestions were then made by board members. Linda Wiilmsen suggested that the Library continue in the effort to improve and expand with more displays next year. It was also suggested that advertising be pursued more next year through the Leader ("Reader") and Shopper, KDUZ, Chamber, Cable TV, and the schools. Mary thanked,all board members for their help. ' Linda Willmsen and Mary Henke informed board members of the availability and application deadline for a grant through the Southwest Arts and Human- ities Council which could help purchase displays and help fund publicity costs. Linda and Mary will be meeting with Mary Beth Rupp regarding the grant next week. They will follow up with the application and meet the deadline. ' Ralph Bergstrom informed the board that the present 3 -year term of office of Library Board members is the only city board without the new S -year term of office. In order to keep uniformity among all boards, the motion was made by Roxanne Wigen and seconded by Dolores Brunner to extend the Library Board term of office to the S -rear term (Members are limited to two con - new rule Mio vears). of office of Albert Linde (board member since 1962) anT Kathlsen McGraw (1973) will end in April of this year with their replacements filling the new S -year term. ' Motion was made at 5:35 p.m. by Linda Wiilmsen to adjourn. Dolores Brunner seconded the motion. Submitted by, Kathleen M. McGraw i Secretary /kmm W 1k 0 DAVID B. ARNOLD CHARLES R. CARMICHAEL MICHAEL R. LCBARON GARY D. MCDOWELL FAYE KNOWLES STEVEN A. ANDERSON O. BARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. HOGE CHARLES L NAIL, JR. LURA E. FRETLAND DAVID A. RRUEOOEMANN JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY April 28, 1988 ARNOLD & MCDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAw 101 PARR PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 Mr, Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 (812)587-7575 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. HARRY ANDERSON Re: Third Avenue Project Our File No. 3188-87-0001 Dear Gary: 5861 CEDAR LASE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA S5418 (612)545-6000 MN TOLL FREE 800-343-4545 SOI SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (612) 389- 2214 FOR YOUR INFORMATION �r T�A,py 1988 �� BY......._..__........ 8;7 I have received a request for a written opinion on the issue of whether or not a railroad may be assessed for improvements and whether or not property north of Highway 7 may be assessed for storm sewer. As to the railroad issue, it is clear from reviewing Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes that railroad property may be assessed for any benefit received by the property. The enforcement of the assessment mechanism is a little different with railroad property than with other types of property. The assessment is still a tax and still has the priority that goes with tax enforcement; as a general rule, the law prefers that railroad assessments be collected against per- sonal property, rolling stock and other nonfixed assets. The reason for this is that railroad property is generally sold as a unit and there is a preference in the eyes of the law to keeping the railroad together as a public utility as opposed to parceling it off by piece in an effort to collect tax revenue. To the extent the inquiry concerns whether or not an assessment against a railroad is definitely collectible, I cannot adequately respond to that question. The current bankruptcy proceeding with respect to Dakota Rail, Inc. is unique in Minnesota history and I have not been able to find any instances in Minnesota law, going all Mr. Gary D. Plotz April 29, 1988 Page 2 the way back to land grant railroads in the early days of Minnesota statehood, in which the question of assessment collection was raised with respect to any railroads. My educated guess is that an assessment would be collectible, but given the length of time over which it will be paid and the uncertain future of the existing rail company, any prediction is questionable. On the subject of the storm sewer improvements, I believe it is time for the City of Hutchinson to consider creating a storm sewer district pursuant to Chapter 444 of Minnesota Statutes, to include within the district the entire City of Hutchinson, and to levy taxes pursuant to the storm sewer district enabling statute across the whole community. I say this because the improvement at issue in the instant controversy is a classic example of the problem created by attempting to pay for storm sewer improvements by using special assessments. At least to a limited extent, property north of Highway 7 contribu- tes to storm sewer run off problems in other parts of the community. However, that is not an acceptable reason to assess property north of Highway 7 for the expense of installing the storm sewer. The statute in case law is crystal clear that storm sewer assessments, like any other assessment, must be measured by the benefit to the property as a result of the improvement and that benefit is deter- mined, ultimately, by the increased market value of the property before and after the improvement. The fact is, at least according to the information I have been able to glean from the City Engineer, property north of Highway 7 has never had a problem of disposing of its run off, and will not have a problem regardless of whether or not the Third Avenue improvements are constructed. Note that there is a tremendous height difference, or "fall" to use engineering terms, between the property immediately north of Highway 7 and immediately south of Highway 7. My comments are generally restricted to this extreme example. In situations where "the fall" is more reasonable, a benefit argument can be made much more persuasively. In short, I think it is unlikely that the City will prevail in an effort to assess the costs of the storm sewer improvement under current law to the property north of Highway 7. Please note this is is Mr. Gary D. Plotz April 29, 1988 Page 3 a separate question from whether or not assessing the property owners north of Highway 7 is fair and equitable and whether or not the City should go ahead and assess those properties anyway on the theory that they do contribute to the problem and in some measure they ought to bear part of the burden of constructing the improve- ment. It is possible that some theory could be constructed to sup- port a benefit argument and while I am not optimistic about its chances, it certainly would seem to me to be worthwhile to hold the improvement hearing and see who, if anyone, objects to the assessment. I believe all concerned share -the -frustration -that storm sewer assessments create and it may be time to look at a different approach. Before the City Council adopts a specific plan, I believe Ren Merrill, Eugene Anderson, Gary Plotz and myself will need to consider the appropriateness of the use of a storm sewer district. In that regard, I am enclosing a copy of my correspondence to Stan Peskar which will hopefully produce some information that will be of assistance in this regard. Thank you. Best personal regards. Very truly yours, ARNO & cD0 LL r � k " �� nG. dn GB.;: lm 0 DAVID B. ARNOLD HARLES R. CARMICHAEL tGXAE1 B. LSBARON OARY D. MCDOMELL PAYE KNOWLES STEVEN A. ANDERSON O. BARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. HOOK CHARLES L NAIL JR. LURA R. FRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEOOEMANM JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY April 29, 1988 Ll ARwOLD & MGDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAw 101 PARK PLACE HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350 (812)587-7575 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSON Mr. Stan Peskar League of Minnesota Cities 183 University Avenue East St. Paul, Mn. 55101 - Re: Storm Sewer Districts Our File No. 3188-87-0065 Dear Stan: seat CEDAR LARK ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55410 (519)545.9000 MN TOLL FREE BOO.343.4545 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (512) 359-2914 FOR YOUR INFORMATION It appears that the City of Hutchinson is going to be engaged in another round of disputes regarding storm sewer assessments. We are finding it increasingly difficult to prove benefit to an affected property owner, particularly in situations where there is an extreme height difference between adjoining parcels (the dominant parcel having no difficulty getting rid of its water into the servient par- cel under any circumstances and therefore receiving no benefit from any storm sewer). It appears that perhaps it is time to discuss the possibility of creating a storm sewer district which would eliminate these dispu- tes. My research has revealed that the City of Hutchinson could probably adopt a single district encompassing the entire City. However, I am wondering if you are familiar with other communities of approxima- tely the size of Hutchinson which have set up storm sewer districts and I would be particularly interested in what problems or conflicts they have had with regard to those districts. Obviously, we would also be interested in whatever paperwork went with the establishment of those particular districts. - If the City does elect to create such a district, I think all con- cerned would like to have it in-place for the 1989 construction season. Mr. Stan Peskar April 29, 1988 Page 2 Please refer our request to you for the outstanding help many other questions. Best Very truly yours, ARNOLD & McDOWELL G. Barry Anderson GBA:lm the appropriate League employee. Thank you and your staff provide on this and personal regards. 0 0 r1 U (612) 587-5151 JWCHUTCHINSON, ITY OF HUTCHINSON WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST MINN. 55350 MEMORANDUM DATE: May 4, 1988 TO: _ Ma;= & _ ry Lnnnr_ j — _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: — Gary_D_ P1 z_,_Lit3c Administrator- — — — — — — — — — — — — SUBJECT: — Assisting jijomenwnexs nt ong Tbird_Aveuue. an -1988_ Improvements The improvements along Third Avenue under consideration include storm sewer, curb, street surfacing and replacement of water line(s) to the property line. 0 PRESENT METHOD OF DETERMINING COSTS Currently the project cost(s) were determined on the basis of commercial zoning; IC -I zoning. This means that some residential homes would be assessed at a commercial street rate. ALTERNATIVE METHODS TO FINANCE After discussing the situation with Gene, Ken and Barry, we have the follow- ing alternatives or combination thereof: A. Assess residential home at only a residential street rate. B. Assess as originally proposed - commercial rate. C. Reduce the assessment to any dollar amount deemed acceptable to the City Council. D. Do not assess residential property whatsoever; only assess commercial property(s). If the City was not to assess the residential parcels (option D), the City would have the following choices: 1. Use more state aid dollars on this project by having aid dollars pay part or all of the residential areas. 2. Use City-wide ad valorem property tax dollars to assist in defraying the residential expense. Lastly, if there remains a portion assessable to the residential property owners, those owners could apply under state statute for a "deferred assess- ment - senior citizens" status. However, the owner must be 65 years or more and come within the attached asset and income limit, unless revised. Attachment /ms RESOLUTION NO. 8373 RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 7854 ESTABLISHING INCOME GUIDELINES AND ASSET LIMITATIONS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS WHEREAS, the Minnesota Statutes provide tax deferral for senior citizens, 65 years of age and older, for whom it would be a hardship to make payments, and WHEREAS, the home owner can make application for deferred payment of special assessments on forms which can be obtained from the City Clerk's office. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council has established the following income guidelines and asset limitations for applications of deferred assessments: 1. Deferred assessments be granted to person(s) with a low income of $7,560.00 per year for one person and $9,180.00 per year for a married couple; and 2. Deferred assessments be granted to person(s) with an asset limita- tion of not to exceed $27,000.00, excluding the homestead. Adopted by the City Council this 9th day of September, 1986. Paul L. Ackland Mayor ATTEST: • r, Gary 0. Plotz City Clerk (612) 587.5151 Hurry' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHfNSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: April 20, 1988 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission - ------------------- -- — — — — — — — — — SUBJECT:— Amendment to Subdivision Ordinance #466 Section 5.10 — — — Pursuant to Section 6.06, C1, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recom- mendation with respect to the aforementioned request for an amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance. HISTORY After months of review of Subdivision Ordinance #466, Section 5.102 the Planning Commission set a public hearing for April 19, 1988, at which time an updated version of the Ordinance, Section 5,10 thru 5.105 was considered. At the public hearing, there was no one present who objected to the proposed amendment. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. All procedural requirements for amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance have been complied with. 2. Notice was published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, April 7, 1988. 3. The proposal was deemed to be appropriate and in the best interest of the City, RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the afore- mentioned request for amendments to Subdivision Ordinacne #466 be approved according to the attached memo from the Park Board dated March 3, 1988. t lly s tted, as Lyke, airman Hutchinson P nning Commission ��� Y PARKS • RECREATION • FORESTRY 900 Harrington Street Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 (612) 587-2975 �►�,. SENIOR CENTER CIVIC AREN chin 587-6564 587-427 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Parks b Recreation Board DATE: March 4,1988 SUBJECT: Park Dedication The following recommendations are for your consideration in revising the policy on park dedication. We realize that the complete ordinance needs to be rewritten, and feel several points need to be considered to include: a 1. The park dedication should be based on the a ? following formula which allows for different types of housing and densities Single Family - $250/unit or 10% of the undeveloped site (or its fair market value) whichever is greater. Duplex - $200/unit or - 16% of the undeveloped site (or its fair market value) whichever is greater. Multi -Family - $150/unit or 20% of the undeveloped site (or its fair market value) whichever is greater. 2. The cash dedication fee should be paid at the time the building permit is issued. 3. The cash dedication fee for commercial/industrial 1 land use should be 5% of the fair market value of the undeveloped property. 4. The determination whether land or the cash equivalent is accepted is the option of the City Council: 5. The cash values used should be'reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Board each year. y klm cc: Eugene Anderson �X Parks 6 Recreation Board G t/J1 � 11 11 F (612)587.5151 ITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 March 18, 1988 To: Mayor and City Council Planning Commission Park Board M E M O From: James Marka, Building Official Eugene Anderson, City Engineer RE: Administrative Responsibilities _-for _Collection of Park Land Contribution Fee Please keep in mind the administrative responsibilities while finalizing your decision regarding the Park Land Contribution subject. At present, both engineering and building are overloaded with workload and would appreciate your cooperation in simplifying administrative duties for efficiency. We feel the following suggested procedures are the most practical: All fees are to be collected at the time of platting as part of the sub -division agreement according to the following densities: 1) R-1 and R-2 Single Family $ or _% of Land Value 2) R-3 Multi -family Full Density - 2200 )S D.V. $ or _8 of Land Value 3) Commercial 6 Industrial $ or 8 of Land Value To collect the fees at the time of issuance of the Building Permit would be an administrative nightmare for the following reasons: 1) How do new homes in existing developments contribute? 2) How does major remodeling affect contribution and what constitutes major remodeling? 3) Whose responsibility is it to remember which plats are under the old schedule versus the new? 9) How are lot splits handled? 5) How are incorporated lots handled (two become one)? ff_ / " , U page 2 we presently have seven forms to be filled out for Building Permit Application for a new home. In an effort to reduce bureaucracy, we are requesting Council's cooperation on this matter. Please - keep it simple. Respectfully, 1 ^ „James G. Marka Building official CC: Gary Plotz Yen Merrill Bonnie Baumetz JM/pk &0 aaaa1111'""" •vim. i . L{ /Euge Anderson \ City Engineer (Attach with Agenda) 0 EXISTING PARK CONTRIBUTION SCHEDULE Lot Area In Lot Area In 1000 Sq. Ft. 1000 So. Ft. Increments Cost Increments Cost 0- 8 5 84.70 92-100 $372.68 B-12 101.64 100-120 389.62 12-16 123.20 120-140 406.56 16-20 135.52 140-160 423.50-- 23.5020- 20-24 152.46 160-180 440.44 24-28 169.40 180 -200 457.38 _ 28-32 186.34 200-240 474.32 32- 36 203.28 240- 280 491.26 36- 40 40-44 220.22 280- 320 508.20 237.16 320 -360 525.14 44-48 254.10 360 -400 542.08 48-,,%2 271.04 400 -450 559.02 52-60 287.98 450- 500 S75.96 60-68 304.70 500- 550 592.90 68-76 321.86 550-600 609.84 76-84 338.60 Over 600 677.60 84- 92 355.74 Plus an additional $27.50 per dwelling unit over one (1) unit per lot - 0 August 11, 1981 9! � ' t John Miller tCJ® 336 South Main Street Hutchinson, Minnnesota 553�0.i awgA 612-587.6500 April 14, 1968 z FOR YOUR INFORMATION Mr. Gary Plotz City Administrator City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mr. Plotz: n�. Regarding the proposed amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance #466 and the hearing on April 19, 1988,l would like to respond in writing because I will be unable to attend the meeting on April 19, 1988. I have no objection to the increased fees as long as the money is set aside in a special fund for playgrounds and not co -mingled in the general fund. The suggestion I have is the same message I have been preaching for 20 years and that is not to eliminate the neighborhood playgrounds by taking cash in lieu of land from the developer. Example: There are no playgrounds north of Highway 7 and east of Connecticut until you get to Glen Street North. There must be 1,000 kids in that area and no playground. We have an over -abundance of parks in Hutchinson but a real shortage of neighborhood playgrounds and skating rinks. I think the Park Board should monitor the Planning Commission and make sure they don't allow large developmetns to be platted without making provisions for playgrounds. Please read this at the April 19 hearing.- Thank you. Sincerely, John E. Miller 0 40 0 JM: c s ✓—� 0 r (612) 587.5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 APRIL 21. 1988 TOe MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL ------------------------ FROM# KEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR ----------------------------------- SUBJECTi CITY PARKS ------------------------------------------------------- As requested by Mayor Ackland and from the sketchy past the following information is offered. PARK NAME ------------ Roberts Park "Millers Woods" Park Land South - Wastetreat Plant (new site) West River (Optimist) Tartan Park West River Park (Firemens) West River (W. of sanctuary) West River (E. of sanctuary) West River (across from Tartan) HOW ACQUIRED Contract for deed was being paid from Public Trust fund Donated with conditions Water/Sewer Purchased UNKNOWN UNKNOWN orginal unknown additional land LAWCON Grant Land unknown LAWCON development funds used UNKNOWN Land & Bass Pond acquired LAWCON GRANT Funds for LAWCON Grant were matched with a local tax levy. l�7,7 r' r"C (612) 587-5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: April 20th, 1988 TO: Mayor and City Council FRDM: Director of Engineering RE: Collection of Park Contribution Fees During consideration of a revised Park Contribution Fee Schedule, it is requested that the Council also consider the attached memorandum that discusses problems associated with collecting the fees at the time a building permit application is made. Such a policy would be time consuming to implement and enforce on a day-to-day basis. Furthermore, a policy of collecting fees at the time of the permit would be subject to error. On the other hand, collecting the fee at the time of signing the Final Plat minimizes errors and potential misunderstandings at later stages of development. Respectfully submitted, 4ne�rso en Directo of Engineering EA/PV attachment March 18, 1988 (612) $87.5151 FC/TY Of HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST Ht;'CrihSJN. MINN 55350 To: Mayor and City Council planninq Commission Park Board M E M O From: James MArka, Building official Eugene Anderson, City Engineer RE: Administrative Responsibilities for Collection of Park Land Contribution Fee Please keep in mind the administrative responsibilities while finalizing your decision regarding the park Land Contribution subject. At present, both engineering and building are overloaded with workload dand would appreciate your cooperation in simplifying administrativefor efficiency. We feel the following suggested procedures are the most practical. All fees are to be collected at the time of platting as part of the sub -division agreement according to the following densities: 2) R-1 and R-2 Single Family $ - or t of Land Value 2) R-3 Multi -family or % of Land Value Full Density - 2200 a D.V. S 3) commercial G Industrial $ or 1 of Land Value To be an lllect the fees at the time for issuance of reasons - 1) "Mit -would____ following 1) Hov do new homes in existing developments contribute? 2) How does major remodeling affect contribution and what constitutes major remodeling? 3) whose responsibility is it to remember which plats are under the old schedule versus the new? 1) NOW are lot splits handled? S1 now are incorporated lots handled (two become one)? page 2 We presently have sewn forms to be filled out for Building Permit Application for a now home. In an effort to reduce bureaucracy, we are requesting Council's cooperation on this matter. Please - keep It simple. Respectfully, l 1 /. James G. Mark& Building Official cc: Gary Plots Ken marrill Bonnie Baumets JM/Pk 1ALL d'. tiN;- t' 'Eugene Anderson City Engineer (Attach with Agenda) LM • 9FOVR CROW RIVER COUNTRY CLUB 90.0 2.52% DIST 423 ECOLOGY SITE 15.0 0.42% MCLEOD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 30.0 0.84% TREE DUMP (FUTURE PARK/REC AREA) 93.0 2.61% TOTAL OTHER AREAS 228.0 6.39% TOTAL PARKS, PLAYGROUND & OTHER 526 14.75% NOTE: OTHER SCHOOL PROPERTY, CHURCH PROPERTY AND PRIVATE ACREAGE NOT INCLUDED IN ABOVE NUMBERS. 19 -Apr -88 PARK & RECREATION ACREAGE IN CITY OF HUTCHINSON CITY OF HUTCHINSON TOTAL ACREAGE: 3567 ACRES % OF PARKS &PLAYGROUNDS ACREAGE TOTAL M BASS POND 12.0 0.34% BRIDGE PARK EAST 8.0 0.22% BRIDGE PARK WEST 8.0 0.22% BURNS MANOR 8.0 0.22% COLLEGE HILL 4.0 0.11% FILTER PLANT NORTH 6.0 0.17% LIBRARY SQUARE 4.0 0.11% LINDEN PARK 16.0 0.45% LUCE LINE TRAIL 35.0 0.98% MILLERS WOODS 24.0 0.67% MINING PARK 5.0 0.14% NORTH JAYCEE PARK 8.0 0.22% NORTH PARK - 6.0 0.17% OPTIMISTS PARK 8.0 0.22% ORCHARD PARK 6.0 0.17% ROADSIDE PARKS (3) 5.0 0.14% ROBERTS PARK 35.0 0.98% SAAR PARK 6.0 0.17% SOUTH PARK 10.0 0.28% TARTAN PARK 12.0 0.34% VFW PARK 4.0 0.11% WEST RIVER PARK 23.0 0.64% GOPHER CAMPFIRE SANCTUARY 25.0 0.70% OTHER PARKS LESS THAN 4 ACRES EACH ��20.0 -0.56% TOTAL PARKS 298.0 8.35% • 9FOVR CROW RIVER COUNTRY CLUB 90.0 2.52% DIST 423 ECOLOGY SITE 15.0 0.42% MCLEOD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 30.0 0.84% TREE DUMP (FUTURE PARK/REC AREA) 93.0 2.61% TOTAL OTHER AREAS 228.0 6.39% TOTAL PARKS, PLAYGROUND & OTHER 526 14.75% NOTE: OTHER SCHOOL PROPERTY, CHURCH PROPERTY AND PRIVATE ACREAGE NOT INCLUDED IN ABOVE NUMBERS. 19 -Apr -88 0 (612)587-515e ITY OF HUTCHINSON VASHINGTON AVENUE WEST :HINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: May 4th, 1988 TO: vMayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Golf Course Entrance Road Pursuant to instructions by the -Council at its March 22nd meeting, we have reviewed the surfacing improvements of the roadway, as requested by the Country Club, as to financial feasibility and presedence. The property owner has asked the City to contract for the project and to levy assessments to the property to defray the cost. Bond advisors have indicated that funds from a bond issue could be used to pay for the improvement cost, provided that the property owner grants and easement 10City's provides a waiver of tresspass or similar document which would allow the City's contractor to legally enter upon the property to perform the work. Another prerequisite to using bond fundsisthat the Council determines that the project is in the public interest and purpose, such as by facilitating access for police, ambulance, and fire protection. A resolution to that effect is included herewith for the Council's consideration. Bids were received for the project on April 29th. It should be recognized that, since the quantities included in the bid were rough estimates made without obtaining on-site conditions, assessments for the project should be levied after the work is completed, or is substantially complete, so that the final cost is either known or can be closely estimated. To do otherwise would undoubtedly result in some City cost. The property owner could be required to sign a waiver of appeal of the assessment if assessments are indeed levied following completion of the work. As for the concern about precedence, staff cannot recall, and no documentation can be found, where a previous situation similar to the golf course entrance road, was improved through a City project and the cost assessed to the property owner. Direction of the Council in this regard is requested. Eugene Anderson j( — Director of Engineering u EA/pv RESOLUTION DECLARING PUBLIC INTEREST AND PURPOSE AND ORDERING IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 5 PROJECT NO. 88-01A Resolution No. WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve the Crow River Country Club Roadway from Colorado Street to approximately 400 Feet Northwesterly of Colorado Street by the construction of Grading, Aggregate Base, Curb and Gutter, Bituminous Surfacing, and Appurtenances, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSCN, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is in the public interest and purpose. 2. The improvement is hereby ordered. 3. Plans and specifications prepared by Eugene Anderson, engineer for such improvement pursuant to Council resolution, a copy of which plans and specifications is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved and shall be filed with the City Administrator. Adopted by the Council this 10th day of May, 1988. Mayor City Administrator 11 0 0 Cl 0 (612) 587-5151 F CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: May 3. 1988 T0: —GARY PLOTZ —------———————————————— — — — — —— FROM: —RANDY DEVRIES —--------—————————————— — — — — —— SUBJECT: — — Campbell Lane _ — — — — _ — _ — — — ------------- The service contract for Campbell Lane lift station with Electro Watchman is a two year contract. This contract is a renewal of the original taken out by the City in May, 1986. I recommend that we renew this service contract. RD/pI l �I L 1 WEST WATER STREET - SUITE 110 • (612) 227 -8461ST. PW5555107SURBLAR ALARM $VgffW FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS M. E. BERTRAM L L. EOWES R. F. BERTRAM MONITORING AGREEMENT ThN AWnt is meds this 1st city of May , 10_L8 , by and ter w n Electro Watchman. Inc., hereinafter ailed "E.W.. Ina.," and Campbell Lane Lift Station hereinafter called "Subscriber," with respect to Subscriber's promises at Hutchinson.MN 55350 (612)587-5151 a.Addraw M.Etw, Z wF 1. THE SYSTEM. E.W., Inc. agrees to provide or effuse to be provided at the address Indicated above (hereinafter called "the prevWm"I the wWm and/or connections (sometimes starred to drain BE "the System") specified below. 2. PAYMENT. Subacrlb it agrees to pay E.W., Inc., its agents or aNloe the connection charge of ---------------------------------------------DbTEa1S-------T7srvwa u the monthly Marge of Thirf.nn and nn/Inn -'-----------------'---'-------------------- Dollar lEi3-Rn ). plus my taxa Including ben tan, feat ser Merges that are imposed by any governmental body related to the semim provided under this Agreement, The Connection Chugs is payable upon completion of the installation. The Monthly Charges "Payable r ro I-II$ In edvan for the period of this Agreement. $156.00 Annually L TERM. This Agreement shall memein In full fora and affect for a period ofia yae(s) from the date urvia is operative hereunder, abs Mall continuo automatically thereafter for additional annual periods until terminated by either tarty. Should Subscriber vacate the premises this Agreement may also be terminated by either party. In cue of such terndetkm. thirty 1301 days' writtan notice Mall be doliverW by eider parry to the other. E. SCHEDULE OF MAINTENANCE AND/OR MONITORING SERVICE_--- - -- ------- Type of Protective Signaling System: ..Signal Trmsmbsim Equipment: Matntanena Service Number signals to be nonrestricted L i E. W., Inc. Emergency Servia Response Ray Sepia _,r-_ •Corr ctim to E. W„ 1nc.'s Central Station ( Hutchinson Police Dept. ) Automatic Oialor Traemitting Unit to be used for notification wet Subscriber's telephone lines of Law Enforcement Agency having jurisdiction. (Agency Name: 1 Digital Communkmor no be used for notification of E.W., Inc.'s Central Statim war Subscriber's telephone lines. v •Liver Meed from m MFWlona company will W I..W IW by Mam In wmr with mFtl ir fndtreasurer. e asurer. •IMPORTANT: Signal transmission Sentiment and me mpioe receiving pWpment at me monirwMti Vernon, Mand Mall remin, fed rya property, of E.W., Inc. Upon ermirerXln of mal Apmmm. fpr ata anon whomoevir. E.W., Inc, mall moa M ret to Inst Mt Sub tri tes', oremiM abs rarMya its ipripmmt m omirwo wimaut IMdllty for damp neeewliV dare S. ENTIRE UNDERSTANDING. Ssasnio r aokno tuipee of of a sow of mal Austrians. This Aremant creirs eel anti. rrndanmdine of ma Poster and tsprrdeo any omen oral or rittsn assessment. or nptaantlsiou. e. E. W. INC. M NOT AN INSURER -L WITATION OF LIABILITY. It is undonfood sod stud W and Winston mss porter horaw mat S.W. Int. a not an inwm nos is mea Agrewmnt Intanmd to W an Inlurapt owl rtv, or a suWnwtt for an nouranca policy. Imun ors. if any, "I W mitered W Subrlber. Pw b Provided for herein a. Wed solely upon this now of the sarvicn orwidee for, and ata unMated to M Wlw of SumroaF. yroYerro, w me Property pf ittMn w $ubnibr's woman. The amount. payable W Superlbaf want sunken, to werern E.W.. Inc, ser M any risk of comeouantial or, outer drmpel w Subcriber der as E.W., Inc.'s resignw or failure to prof". Subosnbsr dor mo dei. this AmMmvm to wwida for de Iimility of E.W., Inc., and Ssrbecribar area. mat E.W., Ian. mall not W UMW for Ips or ftN dui i irrdy or So irscw to any, occunrKe or amvX wcn mrafrorn whish the System is detwed on pant or avert. 11 E. W., Ian. Should W found foot. for loss or domar out to • fall. on me Pat d E. W. Ian. or one Syreln, in Any ne sL Its Is it mel W nimtld M tle Surd m SubcriM of an amount purl to six ISI times the loco monthly Chugs ahOwn Wrsin, w to me wan of Two Hundred Fifty 13250.001 OPllrs, whichmr wan mall be Its, and this IieWity melt W axslwM. This rpei.ion. of Into praprWNr Shot eery in dve wont hoe or bnrpa, inrySstM of cps or origin, In ministry or indirnSN to person or wVperN from ON penormarp p rlw9MarrraKe A M ebliaallarrs rt frm w tht tlsrre W mob Apeerem, r from ntgyrKA, and a pmwwist, of E. W., Ise., is opine. r anWww. T. E. W., INCA LIABILITY. E. W., tpe. das not repnwnt a ernan< mor ma Seem may res W comramlwd or cirrrmantM: that the Snvn da mwNnt son IW W Wrpa.. heli fins or oderws: or Mat Me Sveltsrr vin in of pet wovide me oni ecdw for, Mid it is iSNWlid a wendd. Superiber acknordadp. ant E. W., IM. is not an Irburer, mss Subrrlber seams 61 mak for Ioe or dwnspa to BYWriM't pm.es or In in twwnr, mon E. W., Ian. he nNb M .owe W,l r wenansie, nor her SubriWr ivied on on, rtpwntlsiwN or Sansinw, Soviets or wptMd,.xc.yt w or form Main, abs SuberiWr rkp ocbn met M he reed abs uMantanp Mia Aaoarenf. W IiCaleny PraaNsh B.bop Mich wts from E. W.. Inc -'i obligation sod rnaaarnrm liability, in me sant of On, Ips at thereof to SubNribr. E.W., INC. MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES. EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES Of MERCHANT ABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PURPOSE. EXCEPT FOR PERSONAL INJURY, E.W., INC. SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, CONSEOUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES. YOU, THE SUBSCRIBER,MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. SEE THE ATTACHED NOTICE OF Arend: St. Purl klcy 1 , 19_118. ' ELECT, DyyATNMAS N,INC.✓ N �/1!.»1 i L IyF • Y/,(.7�_L.-G(/-yQsa' Its Vice-president SbtrumedW Marjorie E. Bertram Fal`ralxld t�<dJf �R 13Li /iifii!� 9Y AumIXwd RerrassntnM THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED ON REVERSE SDE OF THIS AGREEMENT ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN AND EY REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. 0 • 0 MITI: OFFICE CANARY: $UN high //{n/n / tel. 0 0 O (612) 587.5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: May 2nd, 1988 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Project No. 88-31, Waller Drive Improvements Accompanying for the Council's consideration are the Engineer's Report and pertinent resolution initiating proceedings for the project. For reasons of notification, the earliest possible date for the improvement hearing is May 24th, as stated on the resolution calling a hearing. EA/pv attachmen Re etfully witted, Eugene Anderson Director of Engineering ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF HUTCHINSON DATE: May 29 1988 T0: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering SUBJECT: Project No. 88-31 I have studied the following areas and find that the proposed project is feasible and recommend it be constructed. If acceptable, I recommend a hearing be held on the 24th day of May, 1988. Project No. 88-31 - Waller Drive from 6th Avenue N.E. to Approximately 430' North of 6th Avenue N.E. by the Construction of Bituminous Surfacing and Appurtenances. Construction Cost Engineering Fiscal and Miscellaneous Land Acquisition Capitalized Interest 8.400.00 588.00 588.00 0.00 672.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL------------------------------; 10.248.00 Assessable Cost ; 10.248.00 Deferred Assessable Cost 0.00 City Cost 0.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL ------------------------------5 10.248.00 R spectfully ubm� Eugene nderson Director of Engineering 0 0 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 88-31 Resolution No. I= WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution of the Council adopted April 26th, 1988, a report has been prepared by Eugene Anderson with reference to the improvement of Waller Drive from 6th Avenue N.E. to Approximately 430, North of 6th Avenue N.E. by the Construction of Bituminous Surfacing and Appurtenances, and said report was received by the Council on May 10th, 1988. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvements of such streets in accordance with the reports and the assessment of benefitted property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 4290 at an estimated total cost of the improvement of - =10,248.00. 2. A Public Hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on the 24th day of May, 19889 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 8:00 P.M., and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvements as required by law. IaAdopted by the Council this 10th day of May, 1988. City Administrator 0 Mayor r ,fetal �'ronts9e 4'!%S' s W= u N y .. .. • K 1: UU hm M K W N SOC. 31, 1b1 N. AisW' Fri -.'•.'f (OF W V2 SEC. 32, 1 T Ii7. R 29 0 a 0 (612) 587.5151 f/UllH' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: May 2nd, 1988 TO: Aayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Layout Approval for T.H. 22 The Minnesota Department of Transportation has submitted a preliminary layout for the proposed 1989 reconstruction and restoration of T.H. 229 a portion of the project being between the south corporate limits and Fair Avenue -.------ Included in the proposed improvements is widening the roadway to a width of 52 feet with curb and gutter on both sides of the street and surfaced shoulders. The design will provide for two lanes of through traffic with right turn lanes at Fair Avenue, Oakland Avenue, and at commercial and industrial driveways accessing the highway. A copy of the layout will be available at the Council Meeting should further details be needed. . A preliminary estimate of the City's share of the project cost, as provided by Mn/DOT, is $90,0009 all of which is eligible for federal aid urban funding. Attached is a resolution for layout approval that Mn/DOT has requested, and that I recommend be adopted by roll call vote so that the status of the project can be advanced. EA/pv attachmen 0 Respectfully submitted, LU EuEu en rson g Director of Engineering RESOLUTION FOR LAYOUT APPROVAL FOR T.H. 22 Resolution No. 8787 At a meeting of the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, held on the day of 1988, the following Resolution was offered by , seconded by , to wit: WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation has prepared a preliminary layout for the improvement of part of Trunk Highway Number 22, renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 22, within the corporate limits of the City of Hutchinson, from the south corporate limits. to Fair Avenue; and seeks the approval thereof, and WHEREAS said preliminary latyouts are on file in the Office of the Department of Transportation, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as Layout No. 1 S.P. 4307-25 (22=22) from Bridge 4913 to Fair Avenue. NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED, that said preliminary layouts for the improvement of said Trunk Highway within the corporate limits be and hereby are approved. Upon the call of the roll, the following Council Members voted in favor of the Resolution: The following Council Members voted against its adoption: whereupon the Mayor and/or presiding officer declared the Resolution adopted. Adopted this _ day of , 1988. City Administrator Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF MCLEOD ) CITY OF HUTCHINSON } I do hereby certify that at said meeting (o€ which due .and legal notice was given) of the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, on the _ day of , 1988, at which a majority of the members of said Council were present, the foregoing resolution was adopted. Given under my hand and seal this _ day of 1988. City Administrator &?',off'(612) 587-5151 !/LITCHI CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: May 2nd, 1988 TO: ,-Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Change Order No. 1, Letting No. 10, Project No. 88-20 Attached for the Council's consideration and approval is the referenced Change Order pertaining to the pending improvements in Lakewood Terrace Fifth Addition for which a Contract was awarded on April 26th, 1988. The change is necessitated due to an error in bid quantities for the project. Certain items had quantities that exceed the actual estimated quantities obtained upon recomputation. The result is a reduction in the contract amount, which reduction was reflected in the assessment roll that was adopted on April 26th. LJ EA/pv attachment 0 R peetPull7, bmitted Eugene Anderson Director of Engineering J 0 CITY OF HUfCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE HEST HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 CHANGE ORDER 40. 1 DATE: April 26, 1988 PROJECT TITLE: Letting No. 10 Project No. 88-20 CONTRACTOR: Juul Contracting Company 1060 Hwy. 22 So., P. 0. Box 189 Hutchinson MN 55350 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Due to a computational error by the Engineer in determining bid quantities for the Proposal the hereinafter described estimated contract quantity changes shall apply. The unit of measure for each effected item shall remain unchanged. Neither the City nor the Contractor will request a change in unit price as a result of the revisions specified herein. The Contractor will not make claim of any kind or character whatsoever, for any other costs or expenses which he may have incurred or which may be hereafter incurred in performing the work or furnishing the materials as a result of the �n accordance with the Contract and Specifications, the contract amount shall be adjusted in the amount x;NM (DEDUCT) _ $27,268.25 An extension of N.A. days shall be allowed for completion. The original completion date was N.A. and now has been adjusted to N.A. Amount of Original Contract Total .additions Total Deductions Amount of Adjusted Contract $308,420.55 $28,2.38.15 555,506.40 $281,152.30 Approved:Date: / /1988 Director of Engineering Approved: Approved: Approved: Mayor City Administrator Date: /,27/1988 Date: / /1988 Date: / /1988 9-2)0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHANGE ORDER NO. i PAGE 2 PROJECT TITLE: Letting No. 10, Project No. 88-20 WORKSHEET ESTIMATED CHANGE IN COST ITEM NO. ITEM NAME UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE CONTRA AMOUNT DECREASE ITEMS: S S 32 12" RC Pipe Storm Sewer CL2 L.F. 529 14.50 7,670.5 33 12" RC Pipe Perf. Storm Sewer CL2 L.F. 290 19.90 5,771.0 4S Common Excavation (EV) C.Y. 3782 0.95 3,592.9 46 Aggregate Base Placed, CLS (CV) C.Y. 4580 8.40 38,472.0 TOTAL DECREASE ITEMS=------------ =----- ---- -------- ------------ $55,506.5 INCREASE ITEMS: 32 12" RC Pipe Storm Sewer CL2 L.F. 594 14.50 $ 8,613. 33 4S 46 12" RC Pipe Perf. Storm Sewer CL2 Common Excavation (EV) Aggregate Base Placed, CL5 (CV) L.F. C.Y. C.Y. 240 3013 1427 19.90 0.95 8.40 4,776.0 2,862.3 11,986.8 TOTAL INCREASE ITEMS----------------------------------------------- $28,238.1 NET *K)Be68B(M DECREASE $27,268.2 0 r (612)587.5151 ITY OF `HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON. MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: May 2nd, 1988 TO: `Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Project No. 88-32, McClure's Second Addition The accompanying Engineer's Report and associated resolutions initiate proceedings for utility and grading improvements on McClure's Second Addition. If the resolutions are adopted, an improvement hearing would be scheduled for the May 24th Council meeting. Approval by the Council is requested. EA/pv attachments spectfulub fitted, IA� 4M Eugene Anderson Director of Engineering 9-E RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 88-32 Resolution No. 8788 WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve Campbell Court in McClure's Second Addition by the Construction of Sanitary Sewer, Water Main, Sewer and Water Services to the Property Line of all Buildings or Buildable Sites, Storm Sewer, Grading, Aggregate Base, and Appurtenances; and WHEREAS, it is proposed to assess the benefitted property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That the proposed improvement be referred to Eugene Anderson for study and that he is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Adopted by the Council this 10th day of May, 1988. City Administrator Mayor 0 i 9-� is 0 ENGINEER'S REPORT CITY OF HUTCHINSON DATE: May 2, 1988 T0: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering SUBJECT: Project No. 88-32 I have studied the following areas and find that the proposed project is feasible and recommend it be constructed. If acceptable, I recommend a hearing be held on the 24th day of May, 1988. Project No. 88-32 - Campbell Court in McClure's Second Addition by the Construction of Sanitary Sewer, Water Main, Sewer and Water Services to the Property Line of all Buildings or Buildable Sites, Storm Sewer, Grading, Aggregate Base, and Appurtenances. Construction Cost i 45.500.00 Engineering 3.185.00 Fiscal and Miscellaneous 3.185.00 Land Acquisition 0.00 Capitalized Interest 3,640.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL ------------------------------3 55,510.00 Assessable Cost Deferred Assessable Cost $ 55,510.00 0.00 City Cost 0.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL ------------------------------i 55,510.00 R pectfully u\� Eugene Anderson Director of Engineering 9-JEI RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 88-32 Resolution No. 8789 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution of the Council adopted May 10th, 19889 a report has been prepared by Eugene Anderson with reference to the improvement of Campbell Court in McClure's Second Addition by the Construction of Sanitary Sewer, Water Main, Sewer and Water Services to the Property Line of all Buildings or Buildable Sites, Storm Sewer, Grading, Aggregate Base, and Appurtenances, and said report was received by the Council on May 10th, 1988. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvements of such streets in accordance with the reports and the assessment of benefitted property for all or a portion of the cost of -the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429, at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $55,510.00. 2. A Public Hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on the 24th day of May, 19889 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 8:00 P.M., and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvements as required by law. Adopted by the Council this 10th day of May, 1988. Mayor City Administrator �J� L_� $331,329.75 CENTRAL GARAGE FUND REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING May 10, 1988 employer contribution & SEWER FUND *PERA employer contribution .WATER *Withholding Tax Account employer contribution $548.85 Standard Spring Co. *PERA employer contribution 310.59 repairs *American National Bank principal,interest,fees 65,633.00 9.41 *American National Bank interest & fees 11,657.50 Carquest Auto Parts *U.S. Postmaster meter postage 59.62 parts Pam Lindahl working parent seminar 11.40 1186.07 Willard Pellinen survey & sewer line location 800.00 Flexible Pipe Tool Co. parts 195.98 Farm Plan(Schramm Implement) grease 18.00 Scott Hansen VHS tapes 12.50 Henry Heinecke computer class fee 25.00 Gerald Lanz computer class fee 25.00 Richmar Construction high service pump #4 2958.15 American National Bank interest 201,506.25 Abbott Electronics parts 52.50 Ag Systems Inc. parts 10.95 Allen Office Products supplies 12.93 Cash Drawer #4 misc. supplies 3.82 Coast to Coast supplies 63.62 Commissioner of REvenue April sales tax 798.62 County Market distilled water 22.68 Electric Motor Co. motor and motor repairs 100.90 Electro Watchman Inc. annual charges 354.00 Erickson More 4 band aids 2.75 Farm & Home Feed Rite Controls Inc. supplies supplies 1.02 735.44 G & K Services uniform rental 105.00 Hutch Utilities electricity and gas 10,196.96 Hutch Wholesale supplies 1.66 Junker Sanitation refuse charges 32,927.40 Juul Contracting Co. repair water leak 355.55 Mn. Mutual Ins. Co. May life ins. 39.68 McLeod Landfill Inc. april dumping charges 26.50 Mn. Valley Testing Inc. testing 152.00 Power Process Equipment prof. services 345.75 Rutz Plbg. & Htg. parts 3.40 Sears supplies 11.28 Waldor Pump supplies 59.74 Water Products meter & parts 1183.76 $331,329.75 CENTRAL GARAGE FUND *Withholding Tax Account employer contribution $ 85.18 *PERA employer contribution 48.20 M -R Sign Co. Inc. responder 102.47 Standard Spring Co. parts 386.20 Brandon Tire repairs 97.00 to Coast parts 9.41 •Coast Farm & Home supplies 13.34 Carquest Auto Parts supplies 754.78 Hutch Wholesale Supply parts 363.42 MTI Dist. Co. parts 1186.07 Mn. Mutual Ins. Co. May life ins. 6.82 -2 - Northern State Supply supplies 22.96 Schmeling Oil Co. oil 49.30 Swanke Motors Inc. parts 227.20 Wignen Chev. Co. parts 30.25 $3382.52 GENERAL FUND *Dept. of Natural REsources registration fees $ 68.00 *Good Music Agency Inc. retainer fee 450.00 *Withhold Tax Account employer contribution 3736.18 *Ordway Music Theatre balance on 46 tickets 110.00 *McLeod Co. Treasurer calcium chloride treatment 1848.00 *U.S. Postmaster sr. citizens May newsletter 133.99 *ICMA Retirement Corp. employer contribution 156.20 *PERA employer contribution 4360.57 *Dept. of Natural Resources registration fees 129.00 *Dept. of Natural Resources registration fees 131.00 *Dept. of Natural Resources registration fees 150.00 *Dept. of Natural Resources DNR registration fees 258.00 *U.S. Postmaster postage for meter 648.00 *Ramada Inn room reservation 150.00 *Dept. of Natural REsources DNR registration fees 148.00 *U.S. postmaster postage for water bills 159.97 Lindahl working parent seminar 36.22 •Pam Katherine Stouvenel meeting milage & expenses 107.42 James Reid variance refund 45.00 Earl Alsleben %safety shoes 30.00 Russell Johnson %safety glasses 40.00 David Franzen 12 firemen 2 nites seminar 829.94 Am. Planning Assn. dues 141.00 Carrot Top Industries supplies 76.00 Dept. of Natural REsources permit fee 50.00 Dept. of Natural Resources permit fee 50.00 Foreman & Clark supplies 168.00 Greenbriar Floral secretary day flowers 79.84 Hutch Bowl 23 games 23.00 Intl Conf. of Bldg. Officials 2 bldg. code books 87.70 Ice Skating Inst. of America skating badges 206.50 Marks TV Service repair PA system 59.50 McLeod Co. Historial Society 31 pledge for '88 maintenance 2500.00 Metropolitan Fire Equipment parts 238.41 Motor Vehical Mfrs.Assn. vehicle identification manuel 7.00 Mn. City Management Assn. dues 35.00 Natl Auto Dealers used car guide 35.00 Peters meeting expense 35.00 Preston Corp. equipment 175.11 Rod Portele Electric repairs 7.83 Radission Hotel Duluth 22 rooms duluth tour 1172.16 •R..E. Mooney & Assoc. S. S Arts & Crafts supplies supplies 345.00 381.30 Tech Institute of Hutchinson 2 training drills 300.00 Thunderbird Motel hotel -Robert Ringstrom 195.36 UP & Away Balloons 25 balloons 13.00 Worum Chemical Co. chemicals 62.90 -3- A & B Electric repairs $ 136.09 Allen Office Products office supplies 682.56 Amoco Oil Co. monthly service charge 5.00 Automation Supply Co. office supplies 16.36 Brandon Tire repairs 4.75 John Bernhagen May compensation 1738.14 Carquest Auto Parts supplies 29.21 Carr Flowers plants & flowers -employees 63.00 Cash Drawer #4 mist supplies 83.94 Chapin Pub. Co. 1988 street proj.ads 640.90 Crow River vet Clinic boarding fees dogs 24.00 Coast to Coast supplies 388.45 Coca Cola Bottling Co. supplies 618.00 Commissioner of Revenue Apr. sales tax 1042.98 Copy Equipment Inc. repairs & supplies 326.59 Co. Treasurer 'jF real estate taxes 710.65 Co. Treasurer dl fees 112.00 County Market supplies 90.87 Charles Bailly & Co. audit fees 6700.00 Culligan Water Cond. May service 14.00 Communication Auditors battery 95.56 Crow River Press Inc. letterhead & envelopes 168.86 Don Streicher Equipment. equipment 62.90 Doug Jost April comp. & mileage 1251.71 Co. Recorder cont. abst. & recording fees 51.00 Davis Bus. Machines supplies 50.77 •Ed Family Rexall Drug supplies 161.50 Farm & Home Inc. supplies & parts 89.94 Farmers Elevator supplies 65.50 Forestry Suppliers supplies 368.89 Floor Care Supply supplies 1914.31 Fitzloff Hardware supplies 255.85 G F Nemitz &Sons paint et c. 153.70 Guardian Pest Control pest control 39.85 G & K Servicse uniform rental 414.78 Hager Jewelry UPS charges 3.10 Henrys Candy Co. supplies 371.30 Home Bakery apr. charges 16.50 Hutch Drug film 9.28 Hutch Leader circus ads & other notices 1669.99 Hutch Police Dept. informant info 50.00 Hutch Plbg. & Htg. parts 9.50 Hutch Utililities electricity & gas 7414.83 Hutch Wholesale Supply supplies 38.80 Hutch Fire & Safety service extingushers 72.20 HCVN channel 110. . franchise payment 750.00 Ind. School Dist. 423 work study student 168.00 Ink Spots supplies 248.60 Ideal Shop Shop sewing repairs 5.00 K Mart supplies 60.56 Sport Shop trophies 68.00 •Joes L & P Supply supplies 21.05 Law Enforcment Equipment supplies 1411.68 League of Mn. Cities registration fees 780.00 Marco Business Products repairs 145.21 Mn. Mutual Ins. Co. May life ins. 496.62 Mankato Mobile Radio repairs $ 145.89 Mankato Bus. Products repairs 45.00 Mn. U. C. Fund unemployment benefits 485.90 Midcontinent Theatre May rent 350.00 McGarvey Coffee Co. coffee -police 88.80 National Fire Prot. Assn. subscription 17.50 Quades Sport Shope shirts 529.36 Nothern State Supply parts 93.37 Gary Plotz railroad meeting 7.38 Rite Way Auto Wash bus washings 7.50 Rockite Div. of Bremix supplies 6.00 Rutz PLbg. & Htg. repairs 55.24 Sewing Basket repairs 16.96 Shopko cassettetapes 14.94 Standard Printing trip receipt & summer calendar 1367.00 Tri Co. Water Cond. salt and rental 60.50 Uniforms Unlimited police supplies 95.18 Viking Signs repairs 55.00 UnitedBldg. Centers supplies 138.67 Xerox Corporation maintenance & contract payments 697.17 Wigen Chev. parts 20.00 Wm. Mueller & Sons street materials 1496.98 $ 58,346.97 • BOND FUNDS Police Const. Fund Floor Care Supply equipment $2702.50 Bonds of 1988 Helen G. McClure storm sewer easement 3000.00 Bonds of 1987 Wm.Mueller & Sons est. til 57,300.25 Juul Contracting disconnect water service 575.50 Am. National Bank interest 37,300.00 1984 Parking Bonds First Trust Bank of Mpls. paying agent fees 544.25 Bonds of 1984 First Trust Bank of Mpls paying agent fees 536.75 Bonds of 1979 Norwest Bank Mn. interest & agent fees 8514.45 Bonds of 1977 . Norwest Bank Mn. prin cipal,interest,fees 83,968.80 Library Const.Fund Gaylord Bros. book displayer 505.50 Grolier Educational Corp. educational books 47.00 Library Bond Debt Service Fund First Trust Bank paying agent fees 563.75 9- 5 Bonds of 1984 1st Bank of Minneapolis wire transfer funds bond principal & interest 1.10,625.00 Library Debt Service Fund 1st Bank of Minneapolis wire transfer funds bond principal & interest 56,175.00 Parking Bonds of 1984 1st Bank of Minneapolis wire transfer funds bond principal & interest 77,993.75 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE Johnson Bros Wholesale Quality Wine &Spirits •Griggs Cooper & Co. Ed Phillips &Sons wine & liquor $1549.43 wine & liquor 2107.83 wine & liquor 1463.64 wine & liquor 1895.27 AI3NOLD & McDOWELL DAVID H. ARNOLD ATTORNEYS AT LAw CHARLES R. CARMICHAEL 101 PARK PLACE MICHAEL R. LCHARON 5881 CEDAR LAKE ROAD GARY D. WDOWELL HVTCRINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 M1NN OLIS. MINNESOTA 55415 PAYE ENOWLES (812) 587-7575 (812)545-8000 STEVEN A. ANDERSON L FREE 800-343-4545 O. HARRY ANDERSON RESIDENT ATTORNEY STEVEN S. HOGE G. HARRY ANDERSON 01 SOUTH FOURTH STREET CHARLES L. NAIL. JR. t RINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 LAURA E. FRETLAND �I (512) 388-2214 DAVID A. SRURGGEMANN/(b �627' 2 JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT z ^ r)� 8 9] JAMES UTLEY April 26, 1988 7 ru- n, '1988 N � Mr. Gary D. Plotz �+ City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 - - - -FOR YOUR INFORMATION Re: Request for Anti Pornography O inance Dear Gary: On March 24, 1988, Reba Radtke, a resident of the City of Hutchinson, addressed to Marlin Torgerson a request for an anti pornography ordinance. Councilman Torgerson properly referred the request to my attention for study and appropriate response, since ultimately this office would be responsible for enforcing any such ordinance. It is my recommendation at this time that the City of Hutchinson draft no such ordinance, but not because the City wishes to encourage pornographic literature. There are several reasons why it is not appropriate at this time for the City to draft such an ordinance. First, the request is a result of legitimate concern over the cablecasting powers of a television cable franchisee. However, by federal statute, muni- cipal authority in this area has largely been preempted. With severely limited exceptions, municipalities have few statutory and constitutional rights that do not derive from either state government or the federal government. As such, when Congress chooses to exercise its legitimate right to regulate this area, it is questionable that a community can step in and enact such regulation. Second, I have significant First Amendment concerns as to whether or not the City of Hutchinson can draft such an ordinance and -- 0 Mr. Gary D. Plotz April 26, 1988 Page 2 0 make it stick. Some of these First Amendment concerns relate to the point I just mentioned with regard to the authority of the federal government, but also with regard to the broader question of whether or not the City at this point has the desire to spend the time and money necessary to prepare such an ordinance. As you are no doubt aware, almost upon enactment, ordinances which seek to restrict the dissemination of information and beliefs are challenged by a variety of groups. It is frankly almost a knee jerk reaction, but the fact that such a reaction is likely to occur provides ample reason for the City to be very careful in drafting such legislation. I would be hesitant to put together appropriate language without spending many weeks and perhaps months studying other ordinances and spending a great deal of time attempting to insulate any -municipal ordinance from -consti- tutional attack. In view of the absence of any current problem, I'm not certain this is a wise use of municipal resources. Third, I might point out that under the Retainer Agreement bet- ween this office and the City of Hutchinson, all appellant work is properly excluded and thus any defense of the ordinance would be an unbudgeted item that the City would have to cover. Since I don't know what the issues would be at this time, I cannot pro- ject the extent of the charges, but my prior experience indicates that litigation over constitutional issues is not cheap. Finally, the northern metropolitan suburbs, all part of one cable group, recently retained an attorney -for the -purpose --o€ - investi-- gating whether or not they had the authority to enact such regu- lation and the final conclusion was that it was 'uncertain," and probably not worth the effort. At this point, I concur in that assessment. I recognize these are sensitive concerns and I have not reached the opinion outlined here lightly. on balance, I believe the City of Hutchinson need not and should not enact an anti por- nography ordinance for the regulation of the content of programming allowed over local cable channels. I hope I have adequately addressed the issues raised by this request. If you have any questions with regard to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. very truly yours, ARNOL c LL AA n �--- G. Ba A erson GBA:lm (612) 587-5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 April 27, 1988 Mr. Ed Ide McLeod County Auditor McLeod County Courthouse 830 -11th St. E. Glencoe, MN 55336 RE: Calcium Chloride Treatment on Les Kouba Parkway Hutchinson, MN Dear Mr. Ide: i FOR YOUR INFORMATION In accordance with the recent advertisement in the local newspaper and conversations with County Highway Engineering Department Staff, the City of Hutchinson requests that the County furnish and apply calcium chloride on Les Kouba Parkway from approximately James Street to the Frontage Road along Hwy. 7. The roadway is located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 117 North, Range 29 West, and in the Southeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 117 North, Range 30 West. Its length is 5,280 feet, and at the quoted price of $35 per 100 feet, the cost would be $1,848.00. A check in that amount is encloded herewith. It is my understanding that the chloride will be applied twenty feet in width, and that there will be two applications, one about Memorial Day and on about Labor Day. The roadway has a history of soil instability and this spring has been no exception. Therefore, at least a week before the work is to be done, Mr. Doug Meier, City Maintenance Operations Supervisor (612-587-5151, Extension 218), should be contacted to determine the feasibility of the first application. Likewise, if there are any questions or if additional information is needed regarding this project, please call Mr. Meier. Thank you. Sincerely, CI TY OF ,HUTCHINSON Eugene Anderson Director of Engineering is . enc enc. cc: Mayor and City Council Doug Meier/Larry Karg (612) 587.5151 71U7CN' CITY Off` HUTCHINSON 37 WASHING [ON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSOA(MINN. 55350 FOR YOUR INFORMATION M E M 0 DATE: April 27, 1988 TO: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator FROM: James Marks, Building Official RE: Verification of Adoption of Local Ordinance Prohibiting Septic Systems Without a Variance As we have discussed, attached is a letter from the Pollution Control Agency directing us on the procedural requirements necessary to permit installation of a Septic System. Please verify that the ordinance is in place so Mr. Jim Reid's Variance and proposed development located at Hwy. 7 West can be acted on at the May 1988 Planning Commission Meeting. Respectfully submitted, games Marka Building Official JM/pv attac t cc:' yor & City Councll-�, Randy DeVri-- e' s, biMxrof W/WW Operations Ren Merrill, Finance Director Eugene Anderson, Dir. of Engineering Planning Commission Packet Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Comm. Secretary Barry Anderson, City Attorney E Minnesota Pollution Control Agency VOU April 25, 1988 Mr. James G. Marka City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue, W. Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Dear Mr. Marka: RE: Request to Add One Septic System I am responding to your letter dated April 12, 1988, requesting information on the situation with Mr. James Reid's septic system. When the City of Hutchinson accepted a federal/state grant to construct a new wastewater treatment facility, one of the requirements was the City needed to pass a local ordinance to prohibit the installation of septic systems within the Zityrs sewer service area. Once the ordinance is passed, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's position is any single home variance to the ordinance is a local issue between the City and homeowner. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at (612) 296-7204. Sincerely, Patrick C. Hanson Regulatory Compliance Section Division of Water Quality PCH/jms Phone: 520 Lafayette Road. St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 Regional Offices • Duluth/Brainerd/Detroit Lakes/Marshall/Rochester Equal Opportunity Employer 11 0 0 0 Steve Dine District 21 A Meeker -McLeod -Stearns Counties Committees: Governmental Operations Agriculture Economic Development and Housing Labor -Management Relations April 29, 1988 Paul Acklund, Mayor City Council Members Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Paul and Council Members: Minnesota House of Representatives FOR YOUR INFORMATION I would like to acknowledge receipt of your transportation resolution which was dated March 22, 1988. I have followed through with the recommendations you make in the resolution. I did vote for the highway funding package which was put together by the Transportion Finance Study Commission. The proposal calls for a 3 -cent increase in the gas tax and a 30 percent transfer of the motor vehicle excise tax to the highway fund. The chief author of this legislation was Rep. Henry Kalis (DFL), Walters, Minnesota. I am enclosing for your review a copy of his letter to me following the vote on this very important bill. His letter outlined some of the highway projects that will be funded in the Hutchinson area because of my support for this legislation. Again, I want to thank you for communicating with me on this important issue. It is helpful for me to hear from people such as you who are directly involved in some of these important issues. In the future, please do not hesitate to contact me again. Sincerely, ,J - Steve Dille State Representative to: ❑ 227 State Office Building, St. Paul. Minnesota 55155 El Rt. 2, Box 73, Dassel, Minnesota 55325 Office: (612) 296-4344 Home: (612) 275-2974 Henry I Kalia District 29B Blue Earth-Fariboult-Freebom- Martin-Waseca Counties Committees: Transportation, Chair Appropriations Agriculture, Transportation and Semi -State Division Agriculture Agriculture Finance Division Judiciary TO: Rep. Steve Dille FROM: Rep. Henry Y:.alis DATE: April 25, 1988 RE.: Highwav F undi.nq Bill Minnesota House of Representatives Fred C. Norton, Speaker I thOUCIr,t you would be interested to know that the highway fundinq we. recently passed included some projects and funds that will be going back: to your district. State Trunk Hi.ahway Projects: Hwy 2' -- 6686,OtJU for 2 bridge replacement projects south of Hutchinson, let Jan '90 Hwy :% -- 4S t . ? ma -)or reconstruction in Hutchinson, let July '8P Hwv IS -- 41.4 Million major reconstruction project in Hutchinson with traffic signals, plus additional 4i.1 Million to resurface to Hwy 212, let Mar. '88. (:r,. Sreg te. Hid: Meeker- County 4256,000 P'I.:i_ead County 296 72 'ILMI- _pal State Aid: H_ttchineon 4 '7.486 Litchfield 31.914 Thank: .,.o,. for yOLrF 5trnpert of the funding bill. If VOL( have any additional questions on projects in your district, feel free to call me, my aide or Pat Hughes, the District Engineer- from District B. Reply to: ❑ 543 State Office Building, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 Office: (612) 296.4240 Route 1, Box 55, Walters, Minnesota 56092 Home: (507) 294-3147 0 0 r -:;m • 0 0 I7MIN EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FOR YOUR INFORMATION DATE April 28, 1988 ADDRESS • Richard Thompson 8 R 2, Hutchinson JOB TITLE Street Maintenance Helper SUPERVISED BY Larry Karg EMPLOYMENT STATUS XNEW EMPLOYEE FULL TIME PAY RATE IN COMMEN OTHER: % PART TIME OR SEASONAL Summer THE ABOVE PERSONNEL ACTION CONFORMS TO ADOPTED PERSONNEL POLICY AND TO THE COUNCIL APPROVED SELECTION PROCESS. h4tid Wela,,67_ DEPARTME AD �,Jt PERSONNEL COORDINATOR =HGL140- 4/21;88 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA BALANCE SHEET MARCH 31, 1988 PAGE i FOR YOUR INFORMATION I w w w w w w w w ..' w w w w w w w w* IUTAL R w w w I. 1. r 1MP11 S "I LUO 1 LAND b LAND RIGHTS 126,300.30 12,628.10 138,928.40 DEPRECIABLE UTILITY PLANT 22,153,454.99 2,292,526.75 24,445,981.74 AL UTILITY PLANT 22,279,733.29 2,305,154.85 24.584,910.14 10,935,247.67CR _930 807.66CR _ __1_i_,8.8.6,055.33CR__ _ l0,935,247.67CR 950,801.66CR 11,886,055.33CR CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS98,475.66 TOTAL UTILITY PLANT DEPREC RESTRICTED FUNDS 6 ACCOUNTS CONTRIBUTION - CITY OF HUTCHINSON FUTURE EXPANSION 8 DEVELOPMENT R1l.IGD - nmvAORL 1NOVKRNLI6 - OPERATING b MAINT RESERVE l 983.28 1,354,347.19 12,797,330.47 - 1,368.13 1,365.13 582, 158.40 ---------_---- 582, 158.44 1,776,060.00 597,000.00 2,373,060.00, 507,940.00 2,017,502..20 507,940.00 60,000.00 40,000.00 100,000.00 200,000.00 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 200,000.00 208,695.78 1,167,356.16 20R.6"_7A INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE 30 ,000.00 300,000.00 CONTRIBUTION - CITY OF HUTCHINSON 4,676.56 4,676.56 1986 BOND RESERVE 392,000.00 392,000.0U Al: RESTRICTED FURNS 6 ACCOUNTS 3,449,372.34 1,220,526.57 4,669,898. CURRENT 6 ACCRUED ASSETS SASH IN8AN1(-—�— :• -- - 132,075.67---- bb 53362 INVESTMENTS AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 970,493.21 2,017,502..20 2,987,995.41 CONTRACTS RECEIVABLE 51,900.84 51 900.84 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE _ 7221-1-461-.92 443 894 24 1,167,356.16 INVENTORIES 615.579 86 69 137 10 684 716.96 CURR_6 ACCRUED ASSETS -PREPAID INS _45,027.69 12,836.49 57 864.18 ACCRUED INTEREST RECEIVABLE 961811.54 10.-si 169,009.35 OTHER CURRENT b ACCRUED ASSETS 75.26 75.26 TOTAL CURRENT 8 ACCRUED ASSETS 2,583 452.89_ _ _ 2,-734,-077.-56-,-------5,317,530-.45 DEFERRED CHARGE __ BOND_ DISCOUNT 1986 97,673.99__ 97.675.99 TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGE 97,675.99 97,675.99 AL ASSETS - 17,573,484.50 51308,951.32 22,882,435.82 -HGL14� 4/21 /8B HUTCHINSON LITES COMMTSSION HUTCHINS INNESOTA BALANCE SHEET MARCH 31, 1988 PAGE 9 w w w ELECTRIC w w w w w w r« GAS « w w w w ---- — w w w w TOTAL w w w w Tl le. MUNICIPAL EQUITY 6 LIABILITIES Is —__—_—_---__..— MUNICIPAL EQUITY 1 is BALANCE YEAR END 12,818,533.79 4,634,637.48 17,453,171 27 le CURRENT PERIOD NET INCOME 185,447.70 24762._00 4331209 70 CONTRIBUTION TO CITY 73,000.00CR 75,000 OOCR ' �s TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUITY 12,928,981.49 4,882,399.48 17,811,380.97 9 o LONG TERM LIABILITIES—NET OF `1 CURRENT MATURITIES BODS --- 3,920,000.001986 3,^0 ,000.00 1r6� TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES , , . 3,920,000.00 CONSTR CONTRACTS 6 ACCTS PAY RE RETAIN TOCONSTRUCTION be IR CRENTAC_CRUEDD LIABILITIESY ______ P*' ACCOUNTS PAYABLE __—. ______— 476,^59 17 400 858.41 877,117.58 INTEREST ACCRUED 65,624 52 65,624.52 VII ACCT PAYABLE TO ASSOCIATED CO 20,727.27CR 1 653.28CR____ 22, 380.55CR L ACCRUED PAYABLE -PAYROLL 31,3.,2.07 11 293.03- 62,845.10 c ACCRUED VACATION PAYABLE 80,960.51 16,048.68 CUSTOMER DEPOSITS _ 70_,_783.95 _ _ 9009.19 70 783.95 _ 55.061,151 ns TOT CURRENT 6TACCRUED- LDIABIAPILITIEB 426,551.84 - 054.85- t ° --- — —X724,503.01 — a es TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUITY 6 LIAR 17,573,484.50 5.308,951.32 22,882,435.82 f a oz u' G„ a P I) K b b s a k p HGLl10— 4/21/88 ELECTRIC DIVISION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA STATEMENT OF INCOME 6 EXPENSES MARCH 31, 1988 PAGE f CI i ri J( w w CURRENT MONTH •+ w w YEAR-10—DATE w x u� INCOME STATEMENT —OPERATING REVENUE SALES — ELECTRIC ENERGY 652,Si3.66CR 2,022,990.48CR NET INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES --- 2,260.43CR 6,056 81CR SECURITY LIGHTS ----- 1, 079.00CR ----- -- --- 3,130 ..,OCR POLE RENTAL- 11916 25CR TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 655,453.09CR ______2_, 034, 094.04CR OPERATING EXPENSES ++: GENERATION OPERATION 28,587.44 80,178.94 no GElERATIDN MAIMTFIJAMCE 15, 92!.83 39,087.00 • � TRANSMISSION OPERATION 407,846.09 1,239,417.29 ;s TRANSMISSION MAINTENANCE 8,431.76 19,800 58 +s DISTRIBUTION OPERATION 15,759.71 50,366.22 ++ DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE 10,107.91 33,989 79 +•� CUSTOMER ACCTING 6 COLLECTION 6,316.37 r CUSTOMER SERVICE A INFORMATIONAL 936.64 2,955.70 q ADMINISTRATIVE 6 GENERAL EXPENSES 55,543.76 158,401.34 r.. DEPRECIATION _80,000_.-00,_Z10,000.00- _ ❑: TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 629 453.53 S, BB2, 926.65 m e OPERATING INCOME 26 001.56CR — 151, 167.39CR _--. � OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS +i OTHER NET 1,.59.61CR 1,863.67CR ep; INTEREST INCOME 2B,f44.26CR 79, 804.61CR MISC INCOME 558.88CR 612.03CR INTEREST EXPENSE__-_ _ 16,000.00 ��' e: TOTALOTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS 13,962.75CR _48_,000.00 34, 280.3lCR n' i�NET INCOME 39, 964.31CR 185, 447.70CR , ne P� A rj .I ri J( HGL11 4:21/88 HUTCHINSMI UT ES COMMISSION HUTCHIN MINNESOTA GAS DIVISION STATEMENT OF INCOME 6 EXPENSES MARCH 31, 1988 PAGE 2 0 ' r r CURRENT MONTH r r r r YEAR—TO—DATE r r r r INCONE STATEMENT Ir OPERATING REVENUES '= SALES 441,701.22CR 1,653, 499.61CR �c FORFEITED DISCOUNTS _ _ _ 11259.28CR . _ 351.53rR_ I` TOTAL. OPERATING REVENUE 442,920.50CR _3, 1,656,851.14CR r OPERATING EXPENSE .p _ ______ OTHER FOYER FROD EXPENSE _ - _— 215.69 - -__ -__.—_...—_ 915 2011, __....__ r PURCHASED GAS EXPENSE 353,101.14 1,317,520.07 , pr DISTRIBUTION_ OPERATION -- 17,170.31 45,682 37 DISTRIPVTION MAINTENANCE 1,679.63 -- 11,142.68 I, CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSE 3,549.14 10,892.58 -, n OUST SERVICE 6 INFORMATIONAL EXP 624.43 1,990.47 .e ADMINISTRATION b GENERAL 19,844.11 61,051.59 _1 '^ DEPRECIATION 6,400.00 19,200.00 � TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 405,584.47 1,468,394.96 OPET2ATING INCOME 37,336.03CR 188,456.18CR .z OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS --- -- "-- OTHER — NET 94.10CR 212.71CR H INTEREST INCOME --- - —... --- 20,051.91CR --340.91CR --- 57,947.74CR s NISC INCOME 1,145.37CR TOTAL OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS 20,486.92CR 59,305.82CR F- -----------` f'. NET INCOME 57,822.95CR------- 247.762.00CR GG7 n li. r n— — -- -- I's h Is p, �a I- P I,� y• I-' FOR YOUR INFORMATION HUTCHINSON SAFETY COUNCIL isThe Hutchinson Safety Council met on March 28, 1988 at the Fire Hall at 12:00 noon. There were 16 members present. Prior to the business meeting George Field showed a video he took of the explosion at the Farmer's Elevator in January. The meeting was then called to order by President Warren Kempfert. We observed a moment of silent prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting and also the treasurer's report were approved as presented. Election was held for a Member -at -large. Les Linder was unanimously elected as our member -at -large. For old business Dennis Asay informed the council of the presentation that will be made to the City Council on April 6 at 4:30 p.m. regarding the planned simulation to be held this spring in Hutchinson. The simulated disaster will be aimed at industry, but include police, fire, Civil Defense, hospital and many other areas. There has been no word received to date regarding the Hwy. 7 and Bluff Street intersection. Marlin Torgerson reported that bids may be let soon for the Hwy 15 project. Les Smith reported we received confirmation on the crash car exhibit for August 19-22. Discussion was held regarding picking up thetrailer andtaking it back. Volunteers were found. Motion was made, seconded and carried that we get this trailer for the 1988 McLeod County Fair. The site where it will be parked will be worked out with Fair personnel. Randy Exsted reported that a new sign is being made at the TIH for the Park Elementary crossing on Grove Street. John Renyolds will purchase a life vest for the Senior Party. For new business George Field presented a proposal to extend Linden out to School Road. It would be extended to improve traffic control and safety should the new school addition be built between the High School and West. A question was raised whether this would limit expansion of the schools. A motion was made, seconded and carried that -the -Safety Council send a letter to the City Council expressing our approval of this project. Randy Exsted reported that the school is considering sending some representatives to the Youth Safety Conference at the U of M. Warren Kempfert offered to find a program for April. The meeting was adjourned. Next meeting, April 25, 1988 at 12:00 noon at the Fire Hall. Submitted by Patty Stallman, Secretary/Treasurer FOR YOUR INFORMATION 1] MINUTES CENTRAL PRAIRIE RAILWAY ASSOCIATION MAY 3, 1988 Members Present: Les Forman, Chairman E1Roy Dobratz, Vice -Chair Gary Plotz, Secretary Buzz Burich, Treasurer Roger Stearns D R A F T Others Present: Ron McGraw, Attorney Jerry Ross, Dakota Rail Michael Ross, Dakota Rail Paul Ackland, City of Hutchinson Cathy Nevanen, Leader McLeod Regional Rail Authority Members The Association met jointly with McLeod Regional Rail Authority at 11:40 a.m. at Peter's Restaurant, Hutchinson. Report of the current status of Dakota Rail was received, as detailed in the minutes of the Rail Authority (attached.) Chairman Les Forman called the annual meeting of the Central Prairie Railway Association to order at 12:20 p.m. Officers of the Association were re- elected for another term on a motion by E1Roy Dobrat; seconded by Roger Stearns, carried unanimously. It was reported that the Association will be asked after buyout of Dakota Rail for matching rehabilitation funds of -approximately $1209000 (10% of $1.2 - - - --- million), with payback to be made on a per -car basis. Officers were authorized to negotiate the fee and payback after the buyout on a motion by Roger Stearns, seconded by E1Roy Dobratz, carried unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m. Hazel Sitz, Recorder 0 is 0 FOR YOUR INFORMAT103 MINUTES D R A F T MCLEOD REGIONAL RAIL AUTHORITY MAY 3,1988 Members Present: Sheldon Nies, Chairman Leslie Forman, Vice -Chair Anchor Nelsen Dean Oleson Larry Graf Members Absent: Milo Rubasch Howard Christensen John Bernhagen, Secy-Treas. Others Present: Ron McGraw, Attorney Jerry Ross, Dakota Rail Michael Ross, Dakota Rail Paul Ackland, City of Hutchinson Hazel Sitz, City of Hutchinson Cathy Nevanen, Leader Central Prairie Railway Members Chairman Sheldon Nies called the meeting to order at 11:40 a.m. at Peter's Restaurant, Hutchinson. Members of the Central Prairie Railway Association were also present to receive information. The minutes of the December 299 1987, meeting were read and approved on a motion by Anchor Nelsen, seconded by Les Forman, carried unanimously. Chairman Nies called for a status report from Attorney Ron McGraw. Mr. McGraw, who represents Dakota Rail, reviewed the Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. Attorneys are negotiating with Burlington Northern for a purchase price settlement. The State of MN has been working with Dakota Rail and would put up acquisition funds (approx. $1 million). Shippers would also contribute $400,000 to reimburse Dakota Rail for rehab improvements. The State would require transfer of fee title to the Rail Authority, from whom fee title would then pass to Dakota Rail. Some selected right of way properties will be sold to pay bills, remainder will be required to remain with rail property. Land values of rail property far exceed debts. Today Dakota Rail seeks direction from the Rail Authority regarding the fee ownership question. It was discussed that the State will not require a payback of acquisition funds unless there is a default in payment by Dakota Rail. Shippers' contribution (400,000) would be in the form of a short term (3 to 9 months) non-interest bearing loan secured by specifically named non -right of way properties. The State would secure its interest with assets only and there would be no liability on the Rail Authority. There was discussion of the need for the Rail Authority to have funds available to pay for an attorney who would review documents for the Rail Authority and to pay other costs incurred. Shippers would be a source of funds. Anchor Nelsen reported that he has obtained letters of support from Harley Staggers (retired) and other elected representatives in -the -effort to keep -- Dakota Rail in operation. Officers of the Rail Authority were re-elected for another term on a motion by Les Forman, seconded by Larry Graf, carried unanimously. Ron McGraw presented a Resolution to accomplish tranfer of ownership of Dakota Rail (attached). Resolution was approved on a motion by Les Forman, seconded by Larry Graf, approved unanimously. MINUTES - MCLEOD REGIONAL RAIL AUTHORITY - Page 2 Rail Authority officers were authorized to pursue hiring an attorney on a motion by Anther Nelsen, seconded by Larry Graf, carried unanimously. The meeting of the Rail Authority was adjourned at 12:20 p.m. on a motion by Les Forman, seconded by Dean Oleson, approved unanimously. Hazel Sitz, Recorder RESOLUTION - MCLEOD REGIONAL RAIL AUTHORITY - APPROVED MAY 3, 1988 McLeod Regional Rail Authority agrees to accept a loan from MN DOT and shippers for the following use and purpose: a Finance acquisition of fee title for all BN property - right of way and non -right of way b Reimburse Dakota Rail for capital improvements and expense incured in acquiring fee title from BN As a condition precedent to accepting funds the Rail Authority shall satisfy itself that a The total terms of financial settlement with BN, DOT and shippers are acceptable. b That there are sufficient funds available through loan, grants or sale of specified non -rail property to enable Dakota Rail to be discharged from bankruptcy. e Enter into a C/D with Dakota Rail for transfer of all property on terms the same or similar to the loan agreement between the State DOT, shippers and Authority. Further authorize officers Sheldon Nies, Les Forman and John Bernhagen to negotiate final terms re all agreements and authority to execute on behalf of the authority all documents. 0 0 FOR YOUR INFORMATION PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM EXECUTIVE COMM&& MEETM • April 11, 1988 Present: Steve Boehlke, Montevideo Lilah Buhr, Stewart Howard Turck, Litchfield Lorna Carlson, Murdock Gladys Nelson, Ortonville Linda Ulrich, Renville Carol Conradi, Willmar Burton Sundberg, Director Kathy Matson, Associate Director Absent: Lionel Barker, Glencoe* *Excused absence Representing: a a a a a a Chippewa County McLeod County Meeker County Swift County Ortonville Renville Willmar Representing: Glencoe Chairman Boehlke called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. Turck/Ulrich moved approval of the minutes of the March 3.4 Board meeting. Carried. Financial report: 1. Nelson/Buhr moved to approve the treasurer's report for March. Carried. 2. The first quarter summary shows that 25.19% of the 1988 budget has been spent. 3. Mr. Sundberg reviewed the auditor's report for 1987. b. At present the amortisation fund for new vehicles has a balance of $5,0002 $1+9000 from 1987 and $1,000 for the first quarter of 1988. Since $1,000 has been budgeted or each of the three remaini:g quarters of 1988, the fund will have a balance of 8,000 at the end of 1988. Nelson/`Purck moved to transfer the $5,000 to a CD now, and purchase $1,000 certificates at the end of each of the three remaining quarters. Carried. Director's report: 1. The statistics for March show a decrease in circulation. 2. Newspaper clippings Were passed around. 3. The Raymond Library has received a grant from the Minnesota Library Foundation to purchase a video recorder camera. It will be used to tape centennial events this summer. l:. PLS is sponsoring a workshop May 13 in Willmar on time management add services to the blind and handicapped. 5. The long-range plan for PLS is being revised. Nelson/Ulrich moved approval of bills. Carried. Committee and project reports: 1. Extension of access - Mr. Sundberg and David Lauritsen met with the Yellow Redibine County commissioners. Librarians and council members from the libraries in Canby, Clarkfield, and Granite Falls were also present at the meeting. A meeting has been scheduled with Granite Falls on April 19. Meeting dates with Canby and Clarkfield have not been set. 2. The SAMMIS advisory board will be meeting April Ili. The governing board meeting is scheduled for May 19 at 5:30 p.m. There is no organized opposition to the extension of access law at present. A move increase appropriations for automation in public libraries is being supported by the metropolitan area. Since Eandiyohi County needs the present library apace for county offices$ the county commissioners have discussed plans for new library quarters with Nr. Sundberg. New business: i 1. Nelson/Buhr moved to authorise a meeting of the personnel committee prior to the June 13 meeting. Carried. The tentative date is Tuesday, June 7, 2. Nalson/lurck moved to authorize a meeting of the finance oommittee prior to the July 11 meeting. Carried. 3. A survey of Minnesota bookmobile services was handed out. The 3zecutive Committee will meet May 9. The meeting was adjourned at 9:08 p.m. Lilah Buhr Secretary 0 DAVID B. ARNOLD isCHARLESR. CARMICHAEL MICHAEL B. L.BARON GARY D. WDOWELL FAYE ENOWLES STEVEN A. ANDERSON O. BARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. HOGE CHARLES L. NAIL. J8. LAURA E. FRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEGGEMANN JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY April 25, 1988 0 0 Ai?NOLD & MGDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARR PLACE HVTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 (612)587-7575 Mr. Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSON Re: Parking Assessment Appeals Our File No. 3188-87-0028 Dear Gary: FOR YOUR INFORMATION 5881 CEDAR LASE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 53418 (612)345-0000 MN TOLL FREE 800-343-4545 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (612)380-2214 All activity on the above referenced file has now been completed, at least to the best of my knowledge and accordingly, we have closed our file. Thank you for the opportunity to work with the City of Hutchinson on this matter. If you have'any questions with regard to this matter, please do`` not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Very truly 1�4G. B r Ander� �_ ' GB . m DAVID H. ARNOLD .CHARLES R. CARMICHAEL MICHAEL R. L.BARON OAR[ D. M�DONELL FAYE KNOWLES STEVEN A. ANDERSON O. HARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. HOGE CHARLES L. NAIL, JR. LURA E. PENTLAND DAVID A. RRDEOOEMANN JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES VTLEY April 25, 1988 ARNOLD & MGDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARK PLACE HuTc HIN50)P, MINNE50TA 55358 (8(2)587-7575 j RESIDENT ATTORNEY 0. ]BARRY ANDERSON. Mr. Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350, Re: Police Station Construction Our File No. 3188;87-0029 FOR YOUR INFORMATION 991 CEDAR LASE ROAD M t}IT 6APOLIS. MINNESOTA 55416 (elz)545-eoao MN �rOLL FREE 600.340-4545 SOI SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON. MINNESOTA 55371 (912) 369- 2214 Dear Gary: I am writing to you regardin4y Vergnl Florhaug's letter of April 2U, 19818. As you know, he forwarded to you, as well`as this office, a copy of a letter dated April 18, 1988 from David Koziel, a bond claims represen- tative with Transamerica Insurance Group.; The principal issue raised by Koziel is payments dueunder the existing electricalicontract with McNerney Industries. ` ! ti Much as the,City mightwish to avoid making any addiconal payments in view of the cost overruns, from my brief review of tte facts, it appears that the bonding company stepped into the shoes of McNerney Industries in completing McNerney's responsibilities under the contract and thus, the City, as the owner of the project, would be responsible for payment of the balance of the contract to the bonding company, subject to certain minor exceptions. The City would be entitled to any offset for addi- tional expense incurred as a result of the failure of McNerney torperform as specified to the extent those amounts have not previously been paid by the bond holder, and the City should make certain that any negotiations with Transamerica to pay the remaining balance that the City is ade- quately protected by appropriate warranties and guarantees that work on. the project was properly performed. This is frequently a negotiating point between the bonding company and the owner of the project and as such, usually there is an agreement that a certain number of hours would be creditedto the City for such warranty or guarantee work and the Mr. Gary D. Plotz April 25, 1988 Page 2 is payment reduced accordingly. In exchange, the City would release the bonding company from any further liability. In view of all the problems with this project, not all of which are over if I am to judge correctly from my mail, the City might be better off in making the payment due under the contract and making it clear to the bonding company that they, as well as the substitute contractor, are responsible for nonperformance or misperformance. I haven't finalized my position on this issue yet, but since the buildin•_ is now occupied and a final punch list has been circulated, it might be appropriate to go through the history of this entire transaction from beginning to end with an eye toward our next step. I have in mind that perhaps around the middle of the first week in May you and I.could discuss this matter at great length. Please let me know your position on these matters. Thank you. Best personal regards. Very trul yo s, A M & DO LL G r Anderson GBA: 0 DAVID B. ARNOLD CHARLES R. CARMICHAEL MICHAEL E. L.BARON GARY D. MIDO-ELL PAYE KNOWLES STEVEN A. ANDERSON O. BARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. HOOK CHARLES L NAIL. JR. LURA R. FRETLAND DAVID A. BRUROORMANN JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY April 25, 1988 ARNOLD & MCDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAw 101 PARK PLACE HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350 (612)567-7575 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSON Mr. David Koziel Transamerica Insurance Group 7575 Golden Valley Road P.O. Box 108 Minneapolis, Mn. 55440 Re: Hutchinson Police Station Your Claim No. 97,002,265 Our File No. 3188-87-0029 FOR YOUR INFORMATION SARI CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55410 (912)545-9000 MN TOLL FREE 500.343.4545 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55311 (519)359-2214 Dear Mr. Koziel: is Your letter of April 18, 1988 has wound through the pipeline and landed on my desk. It is my jAnderstanding that a final punch list is now being cirbulated to' the varin�,s_parties involved in the construction of 'the HutChinbon Police` Station and that the items noted on that punch list are in thelprocess of correction. At your convenience, I would appreciate knowing the remaining balance that you feel is owed to Transamerica at this time assuming that all of your responsibilities have been completed. Further, it is my understanding that upon completion of the duties of the substitute contractor, the City has the benefit of a warranty or guarantee as to the work performed. If I am not correct in my assumption on that point, you should immediately notify me. Thank you for your kind attention to these details. Best personal regards. Very truly yours, ARNOLD & McDOWELL G. Barry Anderson GBA:lm CC Vergil Florhaug Gary D. Plotz DAVID B. ARNOLD AARLES R. CARMICHAEL ICHAEL B. LSEAROM GARY D. M�DOWELL PAYE KNOWLES STEVEN A. ANDERSON O. BARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. HOGE CHARLES L NAIL JR. LURA K. FRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEOOEMANN JOSEPH N. PAIEMRNT JAMES UTLEY April 25, 1988 ARNOLD & MCDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAw 101 PARE PLACE H UTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 33330 Mr. Steven L. Ward McGraw & Ward, P.A. Attorneys at Law Citizens Bank Bldg. P.O. Box 98 Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 (612) 367-7373 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSON Re: Assembly of God Church Assessment Our File No. 3188-87-0050 FOR YOUR INFORMATION 4891 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 (612)514.0000 MN To" FREE Roo -003-4444 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (a12)360.2214 Dear Mr. Ward: • I have reviewed your latest missive in connection with the above referenced dispute and find, despite the extensive polemic contained in same, a noticeable lack of assistance in resolving the problem. The only communication I.hav,lbad,lfrom your office is regarding the facts of the Assembly of God claim,are as -outlined in your December 18, 1987 letter. That letter was devoted almost exclusively to the unique problems experienced by your client William Holmquist in connection with the deferred assessment. Further, your most recent correspondence on this matter seems to indicate that John Miller has some sort of a claim against the City and I have no facts in my possession which would indi- cate the nature of his claim. In any event, there appears to be a continuing misunderstanding about the nature of deferred assessments and improvements installed on property for the benefit of not only the current property owner, but future property owners. You make reference in your letter that property owners and prospective property owners do not operate in a vacuum and need a defini- tive answer to questions concerning deferred assessments. No such defi- nitive answer is possible. Deferred assessments are activated at the discretion of the City Council. Typically, deferred assessments will be Mr. Steve Ward April 25, 1988 is Page 2 activated at the time a developer seeks to subdivide the property or install other improvements, but that time frame is chosen merely because it is more convenient to all concerned; the City could just as easily chose to activate the deferred assessment at the time the property comes into the City, assuming the original reason for deferral was that the property was outside the City limits at the time of installation. Alternatively, the City may choose to charge a connection fee in lieu of the deferred assessment. If you clients believe that the elimination of the deferred assessment will now and forever remove any possibility they will pay for improve- ments that will benefit them, they are suffering under a misconception of facts. The City may very well elect to recover the costs by using one of the methods I have described above even if ultimately the City chooses not to attempt to collect on the deferred assessment. In response to the other allegations of your letter, specifically that I promised some sort of an answer on the Assembly of God problem within 30 days, I must regrettfully disagree with that statement because my recollection of our conversation is at least somewhat different. Our discussions were directed solely to the problem that your client, Mr. Holmquist, had with respect to the deferred assessment. After much discussion, an agreement was reached that the City would not enforce the specifir:,deferred assessment disclosed in the subdivision agreement pre- pared-fW the signature of all parties. I recall no discussion on the AssemblyFof God problem except your statement that you felt the Assembly of God was also entitled to similar treatment which the City vigorously disputes. Nonetheless, I do recall that I extended a promise to you to study the problem and to bring the matter to the attention of the Council for appropriate treatment. I don't rule out the possibility that 30 days got mentioned somewhere along the way, but I at no time made any commit- ments, and in fact I cannot make any commitments, as to the date by which the Council will take action of some sort. In that regards, your correspondence of December 18, alleges that three separate searches were conducted in 1983 at the request of your office, John Miller or the Assembly of God. The City has record of only one such search. I,would appreciate receiving copies of any documents that you may have in your possession which substantiate your claim that multiple searches were conducted, and I would also appreciate receiving a copy of the deed by which the Assembly of God took title to the property. 0 Mr. Steve Ward April 25, 1988 Page 3 Believe it or not, I am not intending to be unhelpful and I understand your need to resolve this matter as soon as possible. If you will pro- vide me with the information requested, I will make the appropriate recommendation to the City Council and hopefully this dispute can be settled in a timely and cooperative matter. Rest personal regards. Very truly yours, ARNOLD & MCDOWELL G. Barry Anderson GBA:lm CC Gary D. Plotz 0 0 0 May 5, 1988 AANOLD & MGDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 5881 CEDAR LASE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 (612) 545-9000 MN TOLL FREE 800-343-4545 GABLE MCLAW MINNEAPOLIS TELECOPIER (612)546-1793 Mr. Gary D. Plotz Hutchinson City Administrator )37.Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Reese v. City of Hutchinson Sturges v. City of Hutchinson Dear Gary: 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (a 12) 389. 2614 101 PARE PLACE HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350 (612)667-7695 1234 S Yr��B .0 FOR YOUR INFORMATION As you may recall, both of the above -referenced files involve claims against the City of Hutchinson in which there was an initial denial of coverage by LMCIT. Arriving under separate cover is a letter dated May 3, 1988 from Doug Gronli reaffirming the denial of coverage with respect to the Reese matter. As noted in previous correspondence, we have interposed an Answer and begun discovery on this litigation. No further comment is necessary at this time. The question with respect to the Sturges litigation is less clear. I have been promised a response by GA2 nusiness Services, Inc. this week and as soon as I hear something further, I will let you know. Thank you. Very truly yours, .parry Anderson B /llh Enclosure DAVID B. ARNOLD CHARLES R. CARMICHAEL MICHAEL B. "BARON GARY D. M�DOWELL FAYE KNOWLES STEVEN A. ANDERSON O. BARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. HOOF CHARLES L. NAIL, JR. LURA E. PRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEGOEMANN JOSEPH M. PAIRMENT JAMES UTLEY 0 May 5, 1988 AANOLD & MGDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 5881 CEDAR LASE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 (612) 545-9000 MN TOLL FREE 800-343-4545 GABLE MCLAW MINNEAPOLIS TELECOPIER (612)546-1793 Mr. Gary D. Plotz Hutchinson City Administrator )37.Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Reese v. City of Hutchinson Sturges v. City of Hutchinson Dear Gary: 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (a 12) 389. 2614 101 PARE PLACE HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350 (612)667-7695 1234 S Yr��B .0 FOR YOUR INFORMATION As you may recall, both of the above -referenced files involve claims against the City of Hutchinson in which there was an initial denial of coverage by LMCIT. Arriving under separate cover is a letter dated May 3, 1988 from Doug Gronli reaffirming the denial of coverage with respect to the Reese matter. As noted in previous correspondence, we have interposed an Answer and begun discovery on this litigation. No further comment is necessary at this time. The question with respect to the Sturges litigation is less clear. I have been promised a response by GA2 nusiness Services, Inc. this week and as soon as I hear something further, I will let you know. Thank you. Very truly yours, .parry Anderson B /llh Enclosure • 0 40 `Y GAS Susinm Services Inc ' 380 Lafayette Freeway Road Suite 118 P 0 Box 7007 St. Paul Minnesota 55107 Telephone 812-292-1234 aranoh OOIp May 3, 1988 Arnold and McDowell 5881 Cedar Lake Road Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 Attn: G. Barry Anderson Dear Mr. Anderson: GAB FILE NO.: 56527-11308 TRUST MEMBER: CITY OF HUTCHINSON CLAIMANT: CRAIG AND PEGGY REESE YOUR_FILE_NO___3244_87_Q01Q------------- FOR YOUR INFORMATION I have your correspondence of January 27, 1988, as weLL as your most recent of April 27, 1988, and I thank you. As you have requested, I have reviewed the Summons and Complaint and applied the LMCIT's coverage document. I have also reviewed this matter with the appropriate officials within the LMCIT. At this time we see nothing that will change our position of denial of coverage. That disclaimer does remain in effect. In general, we believe that this is a condemnation claim and is specifically excluded as was previously stated in our Letter to the city of Hutchinson on November 25, 1987. For your information the LMCIT, through its Board of Directors, has approved the offering of a non -automatic broadening form of Language for zoning issues which give rise to claim or Litigation. Specifically, they have extended their coverage in zoning related suits and also clarified the policy coverage Language to provide a consistent defense posture for member cities. The coverage should be and is Limited to regulatory takings. Once again, this is not automatic but it is something that effective April 27, 1988 was approved by the LMCIT Board and you should possibly pass that information along to your city officials and they could contact the appropriate parties at North Star Risk Services, Inc. .4 Once again we thank you for your inquiries and we respectfully submit to you and the city representatives that we wiCC not be able to afford them a defense nor indemnification with respect to the Reese versus Hutchinson case. Sincerely, 649-7 Doug GronCi Branch Casualty Supervisor DG/dmb cc: GAB Mpls, MN. Carol Stender cc: City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue Hutchinson, MN. 55350 Attn: Ken Merrill cc: Insurance Planners 135 Third Avenue SE Hutchinson, MN. 55350 Attn: Dennis Potter