cp10-11-1988 cHUTCHINSON CITY CALENDAR WEEK OF ='AMENEENEWAM04 L6: WEDNESDAY -12- 10:00 A.M. - Directors Meet- ing at City Hall SUNDAY THURSDAY -13- MONDAY -10- COLUMBUS DAY City Offices Open FIX Q44 � FRIDAY -14- TUEFWY -11- 10:00 A.M. - WWTP Meeting at Plant Site 7:30 P.m. - City Council Meeting at City Hall SATURDAY -15- AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1988 1. Call to Order - 7130 P.M. X,; 2. Invocation - Rev. Harry Kelm, Bethany Baptist Church 3. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Meeting of September 27, 1988; pec$ fa`- Ree£Tngs oAugust 29 and September 30, 1988 Action - Approve as distributed - Approve as amended 4. Routine Items (a) Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions 1. Building Official's Report - September 1988 2. Park & Recreation Board Minutes - July 27, 1988 3. Airport Commission Minutes of September 26, 1988 4. Library Board Minutes of September 27, 1988 Action - Motion to order report and minutes filed (b) Gambling License for V.F.W. Cooties Action - Motion to order report and minutes filed and issue license 5. Public Hearing - 8:00 P.M. (a) 1989 City Budget Action - Motion to close hearing - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and adopt budget - Motion to waive readings and adopt Resolutions 6. Communications, Requests and Petitions (a) Consideration of Request for Hassan Valley Legal Services Reimbursement Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (b) Consideration of Request By Hutchinson Lions Club to Waive Recreation Center User Fee for Hutchinson Halloween Party Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve waiving fee 7. Resolutions and Ordinances (a) Ordinance No. 22/88 - Sewer Service Charge Ordinance Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt 1 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - OCTOBER 11, 1988 t REKOVED FROM AGENDA (c) Ordinance No. 25/88 - An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 464 Concerning Zoning Regulations In The City Of Hutchinson And The Official Zoning Map Action - Notion to reject - Motion to waive second reading and adopt (d) Resolution No. 8872 - Resolution Accepting $75,000 From Hutchinson Utilities Commission Action - Notion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (e) Ordinance No. 26/88 - Ordinance Amending Section 710:10 of The 1974 Ordinance Code Of The City Of Hutchinson, Entitled "Stop Streets" By Adding Subdivisions No, 27 -31 Thereto, Relative To "Traffic, Local Regulations" s Action - Notion to reject - Motion to waive first reading and set second reading October 25, 1988 is (f) Resolution No. 8873 - Resolution For-Purchase Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt 8. Unfinished Business (a) Consideration of Awarding Bids On Dental Insurance (DEFERRED SEPTEMBER 27, 1988) Action - Motion to reject - Notion to approve and award contract (b) Consideration of Request By School District To Reconsider Joint Agreement For Tennis Courts And Civic Arena Action - (c) Consideration of Revised Subdivision Agreement for Santelman's Addition Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) Consideration of Special Vehicle Use On Roadway 0 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive first reading of Ordinance and set second reading October 25, 1988 2 • CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - OCTOBER 11, 1988 (b) Consideration of Lease with State of Minnesota for Motorcycle Skills Test Examining Area At Fire Station _ Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and enter into contract - { Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution (c) Consideration of Amending Assessment Roll No. 245, Letting No. 3, Project No. 88 -17 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve amendment - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8871 (d) Consideration of Two Resolutions for Affirmative Action Plan Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 8874 & No. 8875 (e) GeBsidefatien of - Ufide.o .euRd 8p k a System r n t v l i Field WITHDRAWN FROM AGENDA Attie$- — Metiers ke reje -t- Xation to rrnvp (f) Consideration of Waddell & Reed As 457 Salary Reduction Carrier for City Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (g) Consideration of Plans And Specifications And Advertising for Bids On Letting No. 19, project No. 88 -35 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8876 10. Miscellaneous (a) Communications from City Administrator 11. Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments (a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds 12. Adjournment • 3 MINUTES REGULAR xBHTING - HUTCHI TCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1988 1. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ackland at 7:30 p.m. The follow- ing were present: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Aldermen Mike Carle, John Xlinar, Marlin Torgerson and Pat Xikulecky. Also present: Finance Director Ken Merrill, Director of Engineering Eugene Anderson and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend Gary Brooks. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of September 13, 1988, bid openings of September 9, 1988 and September 21, 1988 were approved as distributed. 4. ROUTINE ITEMS (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. FINANCIAL REPORT - AUGUST 1988 2. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - AUGUST 16 A SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 3. AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 6, 1988 4. ERA MINUTES OF AUGUST 16, 1988 5. NURSING HOME BOARD MINUTES OF AUGUST 25 AND SEPTEMBER 1, 1988 6. HOSPITAL BOARD MINUTES OF AUGUST 16, 1988 The minutes and report were approved as distributed. 5. PUBLIC HEARING - 8:00 P.M. (a) XN/DOT PRELIMINARY LAYOUT FOR T.H. 15 NORTH IMPROVEMENT XX/DOT representative Gene Setrum presented the proposed layout which is projected for 1990 construction. He discussed options for curb and gutter on a service drive and assessments to property owners. There were no comments from the audience. Following discussion, Alder- man Torgerson moved to close the hearing at 8:30 p.m. Notion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously. Notion was made by Alder- man Carle to approve the layout, with the addition of curb and gutter, and adopt Resolution No. 8862, contingent on an assessment public hear- ing. Motion was seconded by Alderman Torgerson and carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 6. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) PRESENTATION OF BUDGET UPDATE ON POLICE STATION BY VBRGIL FLORHAUG OF CONSTRUCTION ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT, INC. 1 C� ' CITY COUNCIL NINUTES - SEPTENBER 27, 1988 • Nr. Florhaug reviewed items in the report that are being completed or corrected. It was noted the water problem is being worked on. He asked the status of the balance owed CAI[ by the City. City Attorney Anderson reported this should be resolved shortly as all items are completed. The report of Nr. Florhaug was accepted as presented. 7. RESOLUTIONS AHD ORDINANCES (a) ORDINANCE 110. 23/88 - ORDINANCE MENDING SECTION 715:20 OF THE 1974 ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, ENTITLED "NO PARKING AREAS" BY ADDING SUBDIVISION NO. 19 THERETO, RELATIVE TO "PARKING, LOCAL REGULATIONS" Notion was made by Alderman Carla to waive second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 789. Seconded by Alderman Nlinar, it carried unanimous- ly. (b) ORDINANCE NO. 22/88 - SEWER SERVICE CHARGE ORDINANCE Notion was made by Alderman Carla to waive first reading and set second reading for October 11, 1988. Seconded by Alderman Nikulecky, it carried unanimously. (c) RESOLUTION NO. 8863 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE Notion was made by Alderman Niinar to waive reading and adopt Resolu- tion. Seconded by Alderman Torgerson, it carried unanimously. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS The City Attorney was asked to research whether one account could be placed on the billing at the current residence of the individual responsible for the account. Notion was made by Alderman Carla to authorize discontinuation of service. Seconded by Alderman Nlinar, carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID FOR HWY. 15 SOUTH STREET LIGHTING Finance Director Nerrili reported that the total cost for the decora- tive lighting for Hwy. 15 South, Campbell Lane, and Country Club Es- tates would be about $156,000. Of this amount, $45,000 is available this year from improvement bonds and the contingency fund, and $20,000 can be included in an 1989 bond issue. Installation can be completed this fall. E 11 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 27, 1988 Motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Torgerson to approve using 1988 bond funds, with the balance financed from 1989 im- provement bonds, and award contract to Quade's, Inc. for $121,222. Motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURE TO PURCHASE COMPUTER SYSTEM FOR PHARMACY AT HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL After discussion, motion was made by Alderman Carls to approve pur- chase. Seconded by Alderman Torgerson, carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND MCLEOD COUNTY After discussion, motion was made by Alderman Carls to approve and enter into agreement. Motion was seconded by Alderman Torgerson and carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BIDS ON DENTAL INSURANCE Consultant Mark Flaten reviewed the bids received. He noted the cost is higher than present coverage. He stated the increased cost could be passed on to employees, but the City could not impose a deductible on coverage without an approving vote by employees. Specifications did not call for bids with a deductible; however, some bidders added that option of coverage. Upon questioning, Mr. Flaten stated he is an advocate of self - funding, which can keep premium costs down. After discussion, it was decided to retain present coverage for another month while a decision is being made. Motion was made by Alderman Mlinar to give all bidders the opportunity to requote on dental insurance policy with a deductible. Motion was seconded by Alderman Torgerson and carried unanimously. (f) CONSIDERATION OF RENEWAL OF ELECTRO WATCHMAN CONTRACT FOR OUR SAVIOR'S LIFT STATION AND LIQUOR STORE After discussion, motion was made by Alderman Torgerson to approve and enter into contract. Motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar and car- ried unanimously. (g) CONSIDERATION OF CERTIFICATION OF DELINQUENT WATER /SEVER /REFUSE AND MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS After discussion, motion was made by Alderman Mlinar to approve and certify to taxes and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8864. Motion was seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously. (h) CONSIDERATION OF CERTIFICATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS COLLECTIBLE IN 1988 -89 After discussion, motion was made by Alderman Mlinar to approve and 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 27, 1988 certify to taxes and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8864. Notion was seconded by Alderman Carla and carried unanimously. (i) CONSIDERATION OF SALE OF EQUIPMENT AT OLD WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLAIT There was discussion that an advertisement should be placed in the League of Cities magazine and that other communities should be notified of the sale of used wastewater treatment plant equipment. Other items from the City and school could also be sold at an auction at the same time. Notion to approve sale was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Carla and carried unanimously. (j) CONSIDERATION OF MAIN STREET TREE PLANTING FOR HWY, 15 SOUTH PROJECT City Forester Mark Schnobrich requested that as many trees as possible be planted this year, replacing those lost during construction. No- tion was made by Alderman Torgerson to use the 84,000 from MN /DOT this year to purchase as many three inch trees as can be bought, and start at the north end of the construction on Main Street, planting toward the south. Motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar, carried unanimous- ly. It was recommended that additional trees to the south, which may be smaller, be planted in future years, perhaps with the help of civic organizations. (k) CONSIDERATION OF VACATION OF PORTION OF MONROE STREET WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION After discussion, motion was made by Alderman Carla to approve, waive first reading of Ordinance No. 24/88 and set second reading for Octo- ber 11, 1988, with the City Attorney adding an indemnity clause and other data. Notion was seconded by Alderman Torgerson and carried unanimously. (1) CONSIDERATION OF REZONING FROM R -3 TO IC -1 REQUESTED BY CARLIE KARG WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION After discussion, motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously to approve, waive first reading of Ordinance No. 24/88 and set second reading for October 11, 1988. (m> CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY LORI DAHLMAN, LORI'S SCHOOL OF DANCE, WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION After discussion, motion was made by Alderman Mlinar to approve, waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8865. Notion was seconded by Alderman Carla and carried unanimously. (n) CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT OF "OTTER ACRES" SUBMITTED BY JOHN MYLLYKAIGAS (TWO MILE RADIUS) WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION 4 E CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 27, 1988 After discussion, motion was made by Alderman Xlinar to refer to the County with no objection. Seconded by Alderman Torgerson, carried unanimously. (o) CONSIDERATION OF SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT FOR OTTER ACRES SUBDIVISION After discussion, motion to approve was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Xikulecky, carried unanimously. (p) CONSIDERATION OF BID ON AIRPORT APRON City Engineer Anderson distributed information showing a reduced bid that has been negotiated with the only bidder on the airport apron, pre- viously rejected. The contractor now bids 5104,000, or $51,000 less than the first'bid, and the Airport Commission would like to proceed. City Attorney Anderson gave the opinion that it would be legal to ac- cept the bid, since there is only one bidder and no one is barmed. Council can rescind their previous action and use the same specifica- tions. It was noted this project is funded 2/3 by the State and 1/3 by the City, with the City paying its share by borrowing from the Water/ Sewer fund. City cost will be repaid by hangar rentals. Notion was made by Alderman Nlinar to approve the bid by Xueller's, and adopt Resolutions No. 8866, 8867 and 8868. Notion was seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and carried unanimously. (q) CONSIDERATION OF QUESTIONS ON HIGHWAY 15 SOUTH CONSTRUCTION Mayor Ackland requested information from MX/DOT representative Gene Setrum concerning access to Lynn Road from northbound Highway 15. Lynn Road has been substantially narrowed at South Grade Road as part of the new construction, causing access problems at Pizza Hut, Fitzloff Hard- ware and Farm & Home Store especially. During lengthy discussion, Mr. Setrum explained XX/DOT's reasons for the changes. Earl Fitzloff, Fitzloff Hardware, presented a letter of concern from his business and read a letter from the Farm & Home Store owner Bill Backen. Mr. Setrum recommended these letters be forwarded to District Engineer Pat Hughes along with a Resolution from the City requesting changes, as well as any other letters from the hospital, police department, other business- es, etc. Notion was made by Alderman Xikulecky that Resolution No. 8869 be sent to XX /DOT requesting a left turn at the intersection. Seconded by Alderman Torgerson, carried unanimously. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM FINANCE DIRECTOR Finance Director Ken Merrill reported that the open houses at the new 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 27, 1988 0 Wastewater Facility and Police Station had been well received on Sep- tember 24, with several hundred people attending each one. Finance Director Merrill distributed the proposed 1989 budget and re- viewed it briefly. The budget is balanced, with an estimated revenue surplus of $39,000. Revenues must be estimated at this time, since the State has changed its method of computations for real estate tax. De- partment requests for additional staff have been deleted from the docu- ment and department heads have been informed they may respond to the cuts before final adoption. Motion was made by Alderman Nlinar to review the budget at a special meeting on October 6, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and carried unanimously. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN MLINAR Alderman Mlinar requested that the police department be informed of parking space available for police vehicles in the old fire barn. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN TORGERSON Alderman Torgerson noted that the Council minutes of September 9, 1988 . do not reflect adoption of a Resolution that was intended to be passed on that date. Accordingly, Alderman Torgerson made a motion to approve the request for a license and issue setup license for the bowling alley by adoption of Resolution No. 8870. Motion was seconded by Alderman Nikulecky and carried unanimously. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ATTORNEY ANDERSON Attorney Anderson requested that the council consider a liquor license request for Spanky's at the special meeting to be held on October 6, 1988. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Carls, to approve and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. Motion unanimously carried. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. • 0 IXDTBS SPECIAL CITTY COUNCIL MHBTIIG FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 Mayor Ackland called the special meeting to order at 5:15 P.X. Present were: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Aldermen Mike Carla, Marlin Torgerson, and Pat Xiku- lecky. Absent: Alderman John Xlinar. Also present: City Attorney G. Barry Anderson. Mayor Ackland explained the purpose of the meeting was to issue an intoxicating liquor license to Tom Dolder for Spanky's. Following discussion, Alderman Carla moved to approve the license on a 30 -day basis and advertise and hold a public hearing on October 25, 1988 at 8:00 P.M. Motion seconded by Alderman Xikulecky and unanimously carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:20 P.m. 0 0 e�, MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1988 Mayor Ackland called the special meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. Present were: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Aldermen Mike Carls, John Mlinar and Pat Mikulecky. Ab- sent: Alderman Marlin Torgerson. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Insurance Consultant Mark Flaten and Insurance Agent Dennis Potter. LONG -TERM DISABILITY Following discussion of the increased benefits to City employees under the pro- posed program, the motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to change the carrier on long -term disability to Mutual Benefit. GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE It was recommended that the City go to a self - insured program with CC Systems acting as the claims administrator and Select Care as the Preferred Provider Organization (PPO). Following discussion, the motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to accept the Select -Care Plan, LIFE INSURANCE It was recommended that the City retain Minnesota Mutual as the carrier for life insurance. Following discussion, the motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried, to continue with Minnesota Mutual. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. r 0 0 ,o.ur -404 YA. DIIMTMFMT Or COMMFIIp r.ser - exewar tea caww ►sAW 91 e.NaA PasRdts MstaN i SEPTEMBER 1963 PLaN same, any amen b rrnw rnd.aar.0 iro46aq ZIP Coda) SS3 REPORT OF BUILDING OR ZONING PERMITS ISSUED AND LOCAL PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION 103500 27 8 9999 035 1 0 26 9999 02730 JANES RARKA 91.96 OFFICIAL It vow building permit system has changed, mark (X) appropriate box below and explain CITY HALL 37 WASHINGTON AVE BEST In somrnenle. HUTCHINSON NN 55350 ❑ Discontinued Issuing permits ❑ Merged with another system ❑ Spin Into two ot more systems ❑ Amuxed land areas PLEASE COMPLETE O MAIL ❑ Mad other changes THIS FORM ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER < 19 If no permits were issued doing Bu�eeu of the Carew Instructions are Included. For this period, mark !X) in the Mx —e ❑ 1201 Ent Tenth f4n1 further easinmcs, call collect end return this form JeffenoneRe, IN 47132 (301)763-7244. NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED Number of Valuation of Numbs of Valuation of HOUSEKEEPING Item BUILDINGS No. Housing construction Housing construction BlAwi gs wilts Omit Canty Buildings n0 units Omit cane 1.) lot let gel lei 111 fill Single - family houses, detached Exclude mobile Mmes. 101 4 4 549,776 Single- family Muses, attached - Separated by ground to roof wag, -No units above or blow, and - Separate heating systems and utility meters. (Count each unit as a separate building) 102 Two - family buildings 103 Three. and four -family, buildings 104 1 4 131,475 Fwe-ar -more family buildings 106 TOTAL - Sum of 101 -101 —> 101 5 S 68 NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELYOWNED PUBLICLYOWNED Number of Valuation of Number of Valuation of NONHOUSEKEEPING Item No. BWNkga Rooms Buildings Rooms BUILDINGS construction Omlt cans comtruction Omit cents gel (b) (c) Idl gel 111 191 Hotels, motels, and tourist cabins (transient accommodations only) 213 Other nonhousekeeping shelter 214 NEW PRIVATELYOWNED PUBLICLYOWNED Number Valuation of Number Valuation of NONRESIDENTIAL Item BUILDINGS No. of construction of construction buildings Omit cane buildings Omit cants 1.1 IN Ic) Idl bl Amusement, social, end recreational 311 Churches and other reli Icus 319 ' Industrial 320 Parking garages lbuildings and open deckedl 321 Service stations and repair garages 322 Hospitals and institutional 323 Offices, banks, and professional 324 Public works and utilities 325 Schools and other educational 326 Stores and customer services 327 1 20.00n Other nonresidential buildings 328 2 Structures other than buildings 329 ADDITIONS, PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLYOWNED Number Valuation of Number Valuation of ALTERATIONS, AND hem CONVERSIONS No. of construction of Construction buildings Omit cents buildings Omit care le) let (c) Id) id Residential - Clessity additions of garages and carports in item 438. 431 23,065 Nonresidential and nonMusekeeping 437 3 396,000 Additions o1 residential garages eW carports larachad and detached) 438 6 MiI -31 SIGN -1 31 PERMITS - $1,167,045 TOTAL VALUATION PLEASE CONTINUE ON REVERSE SIDE � �_-1' r l +Y DEMOLITIONS AND PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED Nuniar d fharr►ar d ' RAZING OF BUILDINGS No. Bwklnpa = s IN 1 ►1 Id WI Id a4:a how.* l.ttachod and d.tardrdl NE WO- y rw raa -ard four•farM eridl 647 aormon fanny buiWl s 6410 . n otfrr twlW .and .tnwturaa 1649 ' ;...... • . ,, � '.' .: INDIVIDUAL PERMITS AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION VALUED AT $500,000 OR MORI Phase prw Wo the folbwkq Information for owh pirmit sutlwrfaIng cornbuction vsk ad d 11600.000 «maa snared In section I through N. Itwn Owner - Num►w of Naalna su ad.ra. from Daacrlptbn Nam owrrr address of MN w aonat�� a.e. ores On* car" urdr I -N (a) 1 ►1 top id) 1.1 In 1 1 Kkd at Aidhil --- ----- -- ---- -- -- ---- ---- ❑nirm --------------------------- tpr.db.w --- ---- -- ----- -- - - -- 13Pu►1. 1 Kkd Of Inidkq --- ----- -- ---- -- ❑pdvm -------------------- SM1..dba. ----------- ` -'' -- ❑Pwft Kkd of bub&V -- ---- ----- ------ - - -- - -- ❑nlvm ---------------------------- { KM of aoamrq ❑prlvm Slr .dare.. -- --- -------- — ___ - -__ ❑Pabst { Kind of hddkq _____________- _________ ttn..ea... — ----- — OF . t KInd of t.idkq -- ----- - -__ —_- ❑nhm ❑na4 KInd d W4dIn{ __ ----- ___ -_- ❑pdvm ❑Potae Klnd of hA&V ❑P&M — __ - -___— _ -- ❑ir 1 ommants A» you aware of any nata paemMaswYy (5 No ❑ Y" - Plsaaa pfw additional Infomution In CwwwrN. ImNalc ? Name of frr.on N oomact rayardIng"ropm Tal.phorr James G. Mark& Ar.. wd. Nrmr.r E.rntlan TKIa Building Official 612 587 -5151 210 ON MINUTES Parks & Recreation Board Wednesday, July 27, 1988 Civic Arena 5:00 PM Members Present: Lyle Block, Linda Martin, Roger Haggenmiller, Roy Johnsen. Also Present were Bruce Ericson, Mary Haugen, and Sue Larson. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM when a quorum was reached. The Minutes dated June 29, 1988 were approved by a motion made by Roger Haggenmiller and seconded by Roy Johnsen. CIVIC ARENA IMPROVEMENTS Two new doors, and the replacement of the end mats at the arena will be requests on the 1989 budget. LEASE AGREEMENT WITH HIGH SCHOOL FOR 1988 -89 SCHOOL YEAR The lease agreement was approved except for the tennis courts. That portion will be considered after a report is submitted by the task committee. The committee consists of Bruce Ericson, Gary Plotz, John Mlinar, Glen Matejka, Dr. George Gordon and Jenny Jones. 1988 WOMEN'S MODIFIED NATIONAL TOURNAMENT The board received a report on preparations for the tournament. MISCELLANEOUS Lyle Block informed the board that Peggy Shaffer has resigned from the board. The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 PM by a motion made by Roy Johnsen and seconded by Linda Martin, the board unanimously agreed. The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Board will be Wednesday, August 31, 1988 at 5:00 PM at the Senior Center. HUTCHINSON AIRPORT COMMISSION Monday, September 26, 1988 0 Members Present: Doug McGraw, Dennis Kahl, Mayor Paul Ackland, Don Pankake, Dave Skaar. Members Absent: John Miller Guest: Bernie Knutson, Greg Kokesh Meeting called to order 8:30 p.m. Motion made by Dave Skaar, seconded by Don Pankake to move ahead with airport apron project at the price of $105,000.00 provided the City Attorney approves awarding the bid. Passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:53 p.m. Submitted by Doug Meier 9 • 0 September 27, 1988 The library board met on September 27, 1988, at 5:00 P.M. in the library meeting room with the following members present: Ralph Bergstrom, Debra Barr, Bill Scherer, Terry Eilertson, Joyce Beytien, and Mary Henke. Mary Henke reported on the expenses incurred for the pieces of art work for over the fireplace. The expenses for the watercolor by Sally Cone were S 8 136.93. The expenses for the quilt by the Crow River Quilters were 8 76.69. In both cases, most of the labor was donated. A discussion followed centering on other possibilities for additional art work to be commissioned such as an oil painting by Sandy McCormick and a mural by the Hutchinson Elementary School students. Jay Beytien made a presentation outlining a plan for permanent Christmas lighting for Library Square. The proposal accompanies these minutes. The expected cost of the project would be a maximum of $ 2,500. Bill Scherer moved to accept the lighting installation plan as outlined by Jay. Berry seconded the motion. The motion passed by a 5 - 0 vote. Terry asked for board approval to display art work in the library by an ar- tist-in- residence at the public elementary school. Approval was given. The motion was made and seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. ~f) Iaiz� e Mary Henke Secretary Pro-Tem REQUEST FROM THE HUTCHINSON COUNCIL FOR INSTALLATION OF PERMANENT ELECTRICAL LINES AND PLUG -IN BOXES IN LIBRARY SQUARE.... TO BE USED FOR LIGHTING LIBRARY SQUARE DURING THE CHRISTMAS SEASON. The request included: 1. Buried electrical cables and plug -in boxes along the 18 flowering crab trees from Main street to the LIbrary with feeder lines to the two blue spruce trees that are also lighted. 2. Permanent lighting boxes and timers on the library itself for outlining the original library with lights during the season. 2. Underground cable for future installation of light poles at the hub of the sidewalks in front of the old library entrance. (Our request was for two poles, but since that time we have been told that the area would look better with a pole at the four intersections, and we understand there are four poles available. Of course, when they will be put in place might necessitate another wait. The poles are like those you now have in front of the new entrance). The Downtown Business Associationcan pay for the cost of the bee lights for the 18 crab trees -- hopefully in pink to set off the white lights outlining the original library roof. The tree lights that have been strung from the elm trees along Main Street the past two holidays are strung temporarily from tree to tree. These trees will be taken down before the 1989 planting of the Redmond Linden trees along Main Street. If the new lighting on the crab trees can be installed this fall, the forestry department would like to remove the elm trees before Christmas so the new trees can be planted early next spring. Presenters of the request were: Bruce Ericson, Hutchinson Parks S Recreation Department Lyle Block, Chairman, Hutchinson Park Board Gary Moen, President, Hutchinson Downtown Business Association Dolores Brunner, Member, Hutchinson Downtown Business Association Jay Beytien, member, Hutchinson Downtown Business Association September 7, 1988 The City Council okayed this positive improvement for the city upon approval from the Hutchinson Library Board. 0 �0 a'o, i City of Hutchinson p �►�' y FEE: as. o0 APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LIC �az�$ � oved b uflding , Fire , Application shall be submitted at Police least _ days prior to the Gambling occasion I. (doh k'% .2 r AND I. L-(1 (Ed tCNw- A P Name of Authorized Officer of Name of Designated 'Gambling Organization Manager Hereby submit in duplicate this application for a license to conduct the game of bingo in accordance with the provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance NO. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 for the license year ending \ '� 2 R . Signatures: Authorized Officer of Organization Desig ed Gambli Manager of organization A. The following is to be completed by the duly authorized officer of the organization: 1. True Name: V , -2 e '(fob (last) (first) (middle) 2. Residence Address: L C) ' MR. (street) (city) (state) (zip) 3. Date of Birth: 4. Place of Birth le.W,.Ntinia 'q y1�A, (mo /day /year) (city /state) 5. Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? Yes No _)L_. If Yes, explain B. The following is to be completed by the designated gambling manager of organization: 1. True Name: l c c (last (first) (middle) 2. Residence Address: qo, Ve 3 \-S.J sbc\ -Mn (street) (city) (state) (zip) 3. Date of Birth: 1,4 S / y 1 4. Place of Birth: (mo /day /year) (city /state) 4 --14- r - 5. Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? Yea No --%—. If yes, explain 6. How long have you been a member of the organization? 7. Attach a copy of the official resolution or official act on designating you gambling manager. C. Game Information: 1. Place where gambling devices will be used V r-ks -, APO tT 9oln 2. Date or dates gambling devices will be used 1111:11RE (date and /or day(s) 3. Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: of week) From To .M. 4. Maximum number of players •5 O 5. Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? 6. Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? Yes ✓ No . If' so, will a charge be made for such refreshments? Yes ✓NO D. Organization Information: 1. Address where regular meetings are held 2. Day and time of meetings 1''k VC). . n� Qcs, - y oc� ?4) 3. Is the applicant organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? Yes ✓ No 4. How long has the organization been in existence? 4a. How many members in the organization? 'I O 5. What-is the purpose of the organization? 6. Officers of the Organization: Name Address Title 7. Give4names of officers or any other persons paid for services to the organization: Name Address Title 0 D. Organization Information: (Continued) S. In whose custody will organization records be kept? . Name 1-r%c�tCo,o o Address 9. If the organization carries sufficient insurance to compensate the players in the event any injury is sustained by players while gambling devices are used, or while on the licensed .premises, please state the Name of Insurer C and Policy No.�rnP- Pf� -sJSb� 8 64 10. Have you (Manager & Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws. ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices? u's 11. Attach a list of all active members of the organization. • E. The following information is provided concerning a fidelity bond given by the gambling manager in favor of the organization. 1. Name of bonding company 2. Address of bonding company 3. Amount and duration of bond !,. Application is hereby made for waiver of the bonding requirements. Yes No I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorise the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 655 relating to gambling, and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. bignature or a Date: q /ern car Subscribed and sworn to before me a notary public on this 19 Signature of Notary Public Commission expires on Subscribed and sworn to before me a notary public on this 19 Signature of Notary Public Commission expires on Social Security Number: 0 MN Business ID Number: EF day of day of PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1988 0 PUBLICATION NO. 3933 C I T Y O F H U T C H I N S 0 N P U B L I C N O T I C E 198 9 BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 11, 1988 The City Council of the City of Hutchinson will meet to hold a public hearing on the 1989 Budget at this time. If you have input to assist the Council you are welcome to speak or submit written suggestions including: • New program you wish the City to undertake • Existing programs you wish the City to reduce or drop • Suggestions for potential savings • Suggestions for new revenue sources 0 ✓ _Lq tit (612) 587 -5151 ti HL/TCH' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST - - -- HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 OCTOBER 10, 1988 TO: MAYOR k "CITY COUNCIL ----------------------------------- FROM: KEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: GENERAL FUND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Adjustments have been completed to the General Fund budget for 1989 as the city council reviewed last Thursday evening. Ajustments made are summarized below: Addition (Deletion) CITY ATTORNEY Contract adjustment $1,500 Codification 5,000 CITY HALL • Roof Repair (Cap.Proj) (17,500) Sound System 1,500 POLICE School Liaison 31,427 Vehicle Rent (3,500) Multi— Jurst. Task Force 3,045 + ** * * *+ (Added after Thursday's Meeting) ENGINEER STREET PARK CEMETERY Trade of $1,000 for typewritter Trade of $5000 to Overtime from Motor Fuels Trees 2,500 Building (10,000) Road Improvements (2,300) UNALLOCATED Liab Insurance 6,000 Historical Society 5,000 Water Carnival 1,000 Chamber of Commerce 2.000 0/ LEVY LIMIT SPECIAL LEVIES BONDED INDEBTNESS FIRE HALL LIBRARY RECREATION S.A. BOND S.A. BOND S.A. BOND S.A. BOND S.A. BOND S.R. BOND S.A. BOND S.A. BOND S.A. BOND S.A. BOND S.A. BOND S.A. BOND CITY OF HUTCHINSON SPECIAL & GENERAL TAX LEVY 1988 & 1969 BLDG. 1976 1977 197E 1979 1980 1981 1982 19B3 1984 1985 1986 1987 CERTIFICATES OF IN DEBTNESS RECORDING POLICE DEPT TRUCK REFURBISH ARMORY BONDS UNFUNDED LIABILITY - PENSION TOTAL LEVY REDUCTION DEBT SERVICE GENERAL FUND TOTAL TAXES LEVY 1988 1989 ------------------------------------- 1,324,237 $1,296,242 111,300 69,900 67,500 0 60,000 90,000 40,000 80,000 50,000 50,000 40,000 49,000 72,000 72,000 106,300 87,900 65,400 0 60,000 130,Otd 40, Or 65, Oft 50,000 50,000 80,000 49,000 60,000 72,000 104,500 871,700 1,0000 12,000 20,000 0 32,000 150 2,196,087 871,700 1,324,387 2,196,087 7,000 9,500 " $2,364,842 - 94,796 2,270,046 1,020,100 1,249,946 2,270,046 0 vs • • BEGINNING FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS TRANSFERS POLICE FACILITY n U ENDING FUND BALANCE CITY OF HUTCHINSON GENERAL FUND FUND BALANCE SUMMARY 1988 1989 1986 1987 BUDGET BUDGET --------------------------------------------------------- $ 828,614 $ 992,624 $ 1,090,437 $ 912,418 4,140,873 3,708,876 3,609,793 4,063,507 (3,416,863) (3,611,063) (3,667,812) (4,063,507) (560,000) (120,000) ------------------------------------------------ $ 992,624 $ 1,090,437 $ 912,418 $ 912,418 CITY OF HUTCHINSON GENERAL FUND DETAIL OF REVENUE BY SOURCE SOURCE TAXES GENERAL LEVY BOND & INTEREST LEVY DELIGUENT TAXES PENALTIES & INTEREST TOTAL TAXES 4191:12t:l*, INTOXICATING BEVERAGES NON- INTOXICATING BEVERAGES CIGARETTE DOG OTHER LICENSES TOTAL LICENSES a::77iu. BUILDING PLUMBING VARIANCES & CONDITIONAL USE OTHER PERMITS TOTAL PERMITS FEES FINANCIAL FEES PLANNING FEES FRANCHISE FEES TOTAL FEES INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID HOMESTEAD CREDIT ENERGY GRANT TRANSPORTATION GRANT AIRPORT MAINTENANCE REIMBURSEMENT POLICE PENSION - AUTO TAX FIRE RELIEF - INSURANCE CONTRIBUTION MINN. STATE AID STREET MAINTENANCE BUILDING PERMIT REFUND STATE POLICE TRAINING FUND TOTAL INTERGOVERMENTAL REVENUE FINES & FORFEITS --------------------------- COURT FINES PARKING FINES TOTAL FINES & FORFEITS 1986 ACTUAL 1987 1988 ACTUAL ADOPTED 1969 BUDGET S 913,030 f 941,395 $ 11324,387 $ 1,249,946 25,224 2,742 2,700 2,700 46,166 31,906 20,000 20,000 1,718 371 900 900 986,138 973,672 11345,287 1,270,846 169774 16,050 13,300 16,000 3,396 2,742 2,700 2,700 554 519 550 525 154 146 75 150 415 470 350 450 21,293 19,927 16,975 19,825 79,386 112,069 51,000 70,000 4,128 3,612 4,000 419 0 680 190 700 14,000 933 1,675 1,000 1, 0 65,127 117,546 56,700 759200 10,000 1,198 943 600 BOO 11,705 12,754 11,000 14,000 22,903 13,697 11,600 14,800 861,002 909,716 909,704 1,320,718 328,682 308,107 1,000 14,351 12,000 30,000 57,418 97,435 59,000 91,000 6,500 10,957 6,500 6,500 45,583 49,428 42,000 46,000 29,174 30,600 28,000 32,000 14,235 14,385 14,500 14,500 5,595 6,000 2,142 2.512 4,400 2,500 1,345,736 1,443,086 1,076,104 1,549,218 35,111 39,495 35,000 35,000 1,715 822 1,800 500 36,826 40,317 36,800 35,500 : f CITY OF HUTCHINSON GENERAL FUND DETAIL OF REVENUE BY SOURCE 1986 1987 1988 1989 SOURCE ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED BUDGET CHARGES FOR SERVICES --------------------------- CEMETERY 21,810 21,419 22,000 20,000 DEPUTY REGISTRAR 70,385 79,049 739000 79,000 RECREATION FEES 114,893 119,119 104,307 107,737 RECREATION BLDG - CONCESSION 17,318 6,866 12,000 6,900 RECREATION BLDG -RENT 27,668 25,555 26,000 POLICE DEPT REVENUE 528 1,282 3,314 3,500 PARK CONCESSION REVENUE - ROBERTS 12,521 17,125 18,000 18,000 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION FEES 48,662 37,346 40,000 24,000 ENGINEERING FEES 113,545 87,138 70,000 108,000 ASSESSMENT SEARCH FEES 1,248 2,485 1,000 10,000 ALARM FEES 3,275 3,360 3,200 3,400 CIVIC ARENA 729650 79,462 83,511 83,825 CAMPGROUNDS 2,426 4,688 5,000 5,000 TRANSIT COLLECTIONS 13,589 13,790 14,000 14,000 OTHER 8,817 4,259 6,000 6,000 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 501,667 505,056 480,887 515,362 COLLECTIONS FOR OTHER AGENCIES ------------------------------------ 0UILDING PERMIT SURCHARGE 2,088 286 200 200 MISCELLANEOUS INTEREST EARNINGS 31,944 44,016 34,000 34,000 RENTS - MISC 3,530 RENTS - BUILDINGS 4,198 7,685 9,000 7,600 RENTS - HANGARS 8,725 9,940 0 0 GAS SALES 21,200 19,897 30,000 30,000 SENIOR CTR. RENTS 4,199 3,789 41500 4,756 SENIOR CTR. FUND RAISER 19,238 38,145 45,440 42,600 PARK FEES 2,134 4,083 3,000 4,000 FORESTRY SALES 1,660 1,304 2,500 1,300 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 29,797 9,198 6,000 7,500 WATER /SEWER REMIBURGEMENT 21,749 22,134 22,000 22,000 FIRE DEPARTMENT REIMBURSEMENT 840 1,462 800 800 CONTIBUTIONS & DONATIONS 1,502 4,958 1,500 1,500 OTHER REVENUES 2,031 1,871 500 500 GENERAL FUND BALANCE 178,019 0 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 152,747 168,462 337,259 156,556 130,696 TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS --------------------------- 37,786 LIQUOR STORE 110,000 110,000 110,000 1.10,000 UTILITIES COMMISSION 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 IRE DEPARTMENT - COUNTRY ACCOUNT 16,867 14,660 16,000 16,000 EVENUE SHARING 555,930 TOTAL TRANSFER 982,797 424,660 426,000 426,000 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 5 4,137,322 $ 3,706,729 $ 31787,812 $ 4,063,507 CITY OF HUTCHINSON GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT 0 1986 1987 1988 1989 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL E 27,664 31,793 $ 33,172 3 32,940 =r CITY ADMINISTRATOR /CITY CLERK 129,274 134,374 137,563 141,512 ELECTIONS 5,069 71124 3,401 2,768 FINANCE 194,231 2049583 203,971 225,914 MOTOR VEHICLE 67,963 78,089 55,441 64,074 ASSESSING 21,922 20,300 19,700 20,700 CITY ATTORNEY 36,213 52,973 34,700 41,000 PLANNING & ZONING 18,766 12,051 11,620 12,475 LIBRARY 61,253 .59,800 65,255 68,791 POLICE DEPARTMENT 735,232 791,786 776,508 841,767 FIRE DEPARTMENT 84,556 95,408 97,674 104,0 COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICIER 31,944 34,146 38,214 30,482 SCHOOL LIAISON 22,039 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 235 862 775 13,238 BUILDING INSPECTOR 78,325 71,164 59,841 61,908 SAFETY COUNCIL 150 150 150 150 FIRE MARSHAL 42,279 41,228 46,471 50,840 ENGINEERING $ 173,259 $ 193,145 S 194,124 $ 224,454 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT PAGE 2 --------------------------------- STREETS & ALLEYS r• MAINTENANCE ACCOUNTS CEMETERY CITY HALL PARKS & RECREATION ADMINISTRATION RECREATION DEPARTMENT SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER CIVIC ARENA PARK DEPARTMENT RECREATION BUILDING •IRPORT TRANSIT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ENERGY COUNCIL DEBT SERVICE UNALLOCATED FUND TOTAL U PAGE 2 1986 1987 1988 1989 ACTUAL ---------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 356,212 355,117 350,567 366,040 64,087 60,003 85,100 89,900 41,040 44,482 44,170 49,132 39,629 36,279 40,998 41,856 81,706 87,315 69,781 95,151 117,876 145,316 142,755 153,472 44,878 70,109 75,605 78,815 121,045 129,443 112,083 112,411 349,669 370,970 365,709 414,116 56,773 40,286 60,634 57,366 47,075 50,265 50,325 55,075 78,742 114,366 63,219 129,016 31,151 30,099 33,150 33,150 0 16,066 12,000 30,000 59,796 45,000 57,000 776,746 ---------------------------------------------------- 181,591 434,420 341,040 E 3,976,760 3,560,685 S 3,824,096 $ 4,063,507 RESOLUTION NO. 8878 RESOLUTION APPROVING 1989 TAX LEVY, COLLECTIBLE IN 1989 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA: THAT the following sums of money be levied for the current year, collec- tible in 1989, upon the taxable property in said City of Hutchinson for the following purposes: General Fund - General Revenue $1,184,691.00 Library 65,255.00 Debt Service G.O. Bonds - Special Assessment 760,500.00 1977 - $ 60,000.00 1978 - 130,000.00 1979 - 40,000.00 1980 - 65,000.00 1981 - 50,000.00 1982 - 50,000.00 1983 - 80,000.00 1984 - 49,000.00 1985 - 60,000.00 1986 - 72,000.00 1987 - 104,500.00 Debt Service G.O. Bonds - Fire Hall 106,300.00 G.O. Bonds - Library 87,900.00 G.O. Bonds - Pool & Gymnasium 65,400.00 $2,270,046.00 Provision has been made for payment of the City's share of Public Employee Retirement Association's contributions for the ensuing year. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: THAT there is a sufficient sum of monies in the Debt Service Funds of the City, together with the above Debt Service Fund tax levy, to pay principal and interest in 1989 on all outstanding bond issues, and the deferred annual tax levies previously certified to the County Auditor are hereby canceled, and replaced by above debt service tax levy. The City Clerk is hereby instructed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the County Auditor of McLeod County, Minnesota as required by law. Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of October, 1988. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Paul L. Ackland, Mayor 11 • • S (� 0 • RESOLUTION 10. 8879 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE GENERAL FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: THAT the Annual Budget of the City of Hutchinson for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1989, which has been submitted by the City Administrator and modified and approved by the City Council is hereby adopted; the totals of said budget and the major divisions thereof being as follows: GRnRAL FUND REVENUES AVAILABLE CURRENT REVENUE Taxes $1,270,846.00 Licenses 19,825.00 Permits 75,200.00 Fees 14,800.00 Inter - Governmental Revenue 1,549,218.00 Fines 35,500.00 Charges for Services 515,362.00 Collections for Other Agencies 200.00 Miscellaneous 156,556.00 Transfers from Other Funds 426.000.00 TOTAL AVAILABLE $4,063,507.00 REQUIREMENT APPROPRIATIONS Personal Services $2,458,689.00 Supplies 303,699.00 Other Services & Charges 922,744.00 Miscellaneous 25,325.00 Capital Outlay 147,050.00 Principal and Interest 57,000.00 Other Expenses 149.000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $4,063,507.00 Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of October, 1988. • ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Paul L. Ackland, Mayor 180 EAST 3fd STREET PO N CCCKABOX TQ MINNESOTA 55321 (612) 286 -2173 September 26, 1988 City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 RADUALL & OLSEN - ATPDRMEYS AT LAW - WILLIAM S RADZWILL BRIAN M. OLSEN ANDREW -L MacARTHUR Cokato REPLY TO Re: Town of Hassan Valley Gentlemen: EDGENKCOD PROFESSIONAL BLDG 705 CENTRAL AVENUE EAST PO BOX 369 MICHAEL, MINNESOTA 55376 METRO: (612�G71930/c��sliie� A V v A�4 ti MOW �► In 1986, our office represented the Town of Hassan Valley in negotiation for a forced main for your wastewater treatment facility. I had various correspondence and discussions with your City Attorney Jim Schaefer. At the termination of our discussion in November of 1986, I reached an agreement with Mr. Schaefer wherein the Township was very amicable to let the City of Hutchinson place their forced main over the town road east of the Crow River and north of the existing plant. Also, part of our arrangement was that the City would reimburse the Township for my services in exchange for the easement. After reaching this agreement with Mr. Schaefer, shortly thereafter Mr. Schaefer was disbarred and the City of Hutchinson proceeded in a separate direction and also hired separate counsel. However, the Town of Hassan Valley has gone to a great deal of expense in trying to meet the needs of the City of Hutchinson. On behalf of the Town Board of the Town of Hassan Valley, I am requestin that the City follow through on the original agreement with r. Schaefer an prior city council for reimbursement for my services. Therefore, please submit to the Town of Hassan Valley a voucher in the amount of $945.00. If you have any questions concerning this matter, do not hesitate to contact our office. sincerely, William S. Radzwill RADZWILL & OLSEN WSR;dt enc. i 180 FAST 3rd STREET PO BOX N COKATO. MINNESOTA 55321 (612) 286 -2173 August 10, 1988 RADZWILL & OLSEN - ATTORNEYS AT LAW - WILLIAM S. RADZWILL BRIAN M. OLSEN ANDREW J. MocARTHUR Cokato REPLY TO: Township of Hassan Valley c/o Wayne E. Oliva RR 2, Box 139 Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Billing for William S. Radzwill time only EDGEWOOD PROFESSIONAL BLDG 705 CENTRAL AVENUE EAST PO BOX 369 ST MICHAEL, MINNESOTA 55376 METRO (612) 497 -1930 10 -06 -86 Conference with Bob Fratzke regarding 45 min easment from City of Hutchinson- - Electric - Sewer Lines -- Gas Lines 10 -13 -86 Review file and easement 30 min 10 -14 -86 Conference with Bob Fratzke; review 1 hour 45 min M.P.C.A; regarding study, Phase I, Wastewater Treatment Plan 10 -20 -86 Review file -- Prepare for meeting 15 min 10 -22 -86 Call from Wayne Oliva meeting date 15 min 11 -10 -86 Attend special meeting at Town Hall 3 hours City of Hutchinson - -force main counts 11 -12 -86 Call to Jim Schaefer 15 min 11 -13 -86 Call from Jim Schaefer 15 min 11 -14 -86 Call to Wayne Oliva Construction 15 min 11 -18 -86 Call from Jim Schaefer 15 min 11 -21 -86 Conference with Jim Schaefer; view 3 hours property regarding road easement at Iutchinson TOTAL TIME OF WILLIAM RAD7WILL = 10 HOURS 30 MINUTES 1.0 HOURS 30 MINUTES @ $90 /HOUR =_ $945.00 • i declare under penalty of law that this account, claim and demand is just and correct and that n0 nart has been paid. William S. Radzwill 91 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - MAY 12, 1987 .I The motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mikulecky, to approve the adjustment. Motion carried unanimously. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF BRIAN JAMES BROWN TO HUTCHINSON POLICE DEPARTMENT RESERVE FORCE Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the appointment of Brian James N Brown to the Police Department Reserve Force. Motion seconded by (o Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. _ (b) CONSIDERATION OF RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING FOR PLANS AND m SPECIFICATIONS ON PROJECT NO. 87 -35, WOODRIDGE ADDITION Q Attorney Anderson commented that an assessment hearing was required for projects; however, the Council could proceed with the assumption that there would be no objection to the 100 percent petition. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, sec- onded by Alderman Carls, to approve the engineer's report, order plans and specifications, and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8512. Motion carried three to zero, with Alderman Mikulecky abstain- ing from voting. (c) CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION FOR LIQUOR STORE TO PURCHASE THREE DOOR WINE COOLER Alderman Carls moved to approve the purchase. Motion seconded by Ald- erman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (d) CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF 1987 MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE The motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Torgerson, to approve and adopt the 1987 Minnesota State Building Code and to waive first reading of Ordinance No. 3/87 and set second reading for May 26, 1987. Motion carried unanimously. (e) ONSIDERATION OF HASSAN VALLEY TOWNSHIP EASEMENT FOR FORCE14AIN INCLUDING ITEMIZED REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST Mr. Wayne Oliva, Clerk of Hassan Valley Township, presented the Council with an itemized listing of their reimbursement request for attorney fees and attendance at meetings regarding the easement for the waste- water treatment plant forcemain. Administrator Plotz stated the City had two options: 1) proceed with the existing 40 -foot 3M easement and use the county road for vehicles to drive onto the project site; and 2) urge the township to grant the additional easement on their roadway, which would require the City as- sisting with the costs incurred by the township. M-O 92 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - MAY 12, 1987 Mr. George MacDonald, Resident Engineer for Donohue & Associates, as- sured the Council the 3M easement would be adequate for the project. Attorney Anderson gave the legal opinion that the City had no obliga- tion to pay another governmental body for attending meetings. It would be a matter of choice whether the Council wished to assist with the township legal fees. Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to Ro with the easement e Lity already a on 3M property. motion seconded y Alderman ar s (f) CONSIDERATION OF 100% PETITION FOR PROJECT NO. 87 -33, SUNSET RIDGE ADDITION The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Carls, to approve the engineer's report and improvement project No. 87 -33 by petition, to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 8513 and No. 8514. Motion carried unanimously. (g) CONSIDERATION OF RETIREMENT OF RALPH NEUMANN, DIRECTOR OF MAINTENANCE SERVICES Alderman Carls moved to accept the retirement of Ralph Neumann with regrets and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8531, Resolution of Appreciation, and have some other type of recognition for services. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and'unanimously carried. (h) CONSIDERATION OF COUNTY MUTUAL AID PACT AGREEMENT WITH HUTCHINSON POLICE DEPARTMENT The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Miku- lecky, to approve and enter into the agreement, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8511. Motion carried unanimously. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR Administrator Plotz reminded the Council of the police station ground- breaking scheduled for May 13 at 4:00 P.M. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING Engineer Anderson requested approval for Change Order No. 1 on project No. 87 -08, Letting No. 3, in the amount of $1,316.20 for a design change in sanitary sewer construction. Alderman Torgerson moved to approve Change Order No. 1. Motion sec- onded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously. 0 0 Mr. Gary Plotz City Manager City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Dear Mr. Plotz: HUTCHINSON LIONS CLUB HUT�C- S, M 55e3� /gl 1�3t'k b �GOON04� 194 345 yo o 2 � 6 j8\ �o ry� ]%r� T f988 N_ S 13 I am writing this letter as a member of the Hutchinson Lions Club. We are again sponsoring the Hutchinson Halloween Party, and we are submitting this letter before the City Council to discuss use of the Recreation Center facilities. Specifically, we are asking the City Council to waive the $150.00 user fee and provide minimal cleaning services the day following the party. We presented this proposal to the Park Board on September 28, 1988 and they declined with regard to the user fee. We strongly believe that we have justified reasons for approaching the Council on this request: i.The Lions Halloween Party is an event which provides good, safe fun for kids ages 0 -12. 2.It is free of charge and open to the entire Hutchinson community. For younger families and townpeople in general, this party provides a sensible alternative to door -to -door "trick or treating." 3.0ver 1200 kids came to the party last year. 4.The party is truly a community event - expenses are paid for by Hutchinson businesses and organizations. Primary expenses are candy, trinkets, and prizes. 5.The Technical Institute of Hutchinson is involved too. They organize and run all the games. 6.Finally, the Lions goal is to break even on this event. Last year, expenses exceeded donations by hundreds of dollars and the Lions covered this with monies from other fund raisers. Although we respect the Park Board's position on the matter of user fee, we hope that the City Council will consider this request and vote in our favor. Waiving the $150.00 user fee will certainly help our outlook on the Halloween Party finances. Thank you. Sincerely, James A. Lippitt Hutchinson Lions Club k f ORDINANCE 10. 22/88 . SEVER SERVICE CHARGE ORDINANCE • An ordinance for levying and collection of sewer service charges, in the City of Hutchinson, County of McLeod, State of Minnesota. Be it ordained and enacted by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, State of Minnesota as follows: ARTICLE I - DEFINITIONS Section 101 - Refer to the definitions in the Sewer Use and Sewer Service Charge Ordinance (Ordinance No. 781). ARTICLE II - AMOUNT OF SEVER SERVICE CHARGES Section 201 - CATEGORY A SEVER SERVICE CHARGE. The sewer service charge for Category A sewer users is as follows: Fixed Charge - 52.00 /month Volume Charge - $2.30/1,000 gallons Section 202 - CATEGORY B SEVER SERVICE CHARGE. The sewer service charge for Category E sewer users is as follows: Fixed Charge - 52.00 /month Volume Charge - $2.30/1,000 gallons Surcharge BOD greater than 200 mg /1 - $0.33/lb. Suspended Solids greater than 300 ng /1 - $0.24/lb. TKN greater than 45 mg /i - $0.89/lb. Section 203 - DISPOSAL OF SEPTIC TANK SLUDGE AND HOLDING TANK SEWAGE. The sewer service charge for septic tank and holding tank users are as follows: Septic tank sludge - $49.46/1,000 gallons Holding tank sewage - 5 6.44/1,000 gallons ARTICLE III --VALIDITY Section 301 - SUPERSEDING PREVIOUS ORDINANCES. This Ordinance governing sewer use, industrial wastewater discharges, sewer service charges, and sewer connections and construction shall supersede all previous ordinances of the Municipality. Section 302 - INVALIDATION CLAUSE. Invalidity of any section, clause, sentence, or provision in the Oridnance shall not affect the validity of any other section, clause, sentence, or provision of this Ordinance which can be given effect without such invalid part or parts. Section 303 - AXEBDXEAT. The Xunicipality, through its duly authorized officers, reserves the right to amend this Ordinance in part or in whole whenever it may deem necessary. ARTICLE IV - EFFECTIVE DATE Section 401 - DATE OF EFFECT, This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after January 1989. Section 402 - DATE OF ENACTMENT (APPROVAL). Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson in the County of XcLeod, in the State of Xinnesota on the day of 198_. Xayor ATTEST; City Administrator 0 DAVID IL ARNOLD ARLES R. CARNICNALL WRY O. WDOMRLl STEVEN A. ANDERSON O. RARRV ANDERSON STEVEN E. HUGE CHARLES L. NAIL. JR. LAURA E. FRETLAMD DAVID A. DKUEOOEMANN JOSEPH M. rAIEMaNT JAMES UTLEY JULIA A. CHRISTIANS 0 0 October 6, 1988 ARNOLD & MO OWELL ATTonNE7s AT LAw 101 PARK PLACE Mr. P. Joseph O'Neill Nicklaus Law Firm 103 West 2nd Street P.O. Box 116 Chaska, Mn. 55318 HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 66350 (618) 587 -7575 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSON Re: SBYA /Agri -Tech, Inc. Street Vacation Your File No. 88 -210 Our File No. 3188 -88 -0085 Dear Joe: 5881 CEDAR LANE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA ROHR (GIs)S4S -9000 NN TOLL FAKE 000.040 -A SOI SOUTR FOURTH STREET PRINCETON. MINNESOTA 00071 (618) aae- 5814 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Your letter of September 22, 1988 addressed to City Engineer Gene Anderson has been referred to my office for further action. In general, your vacation of the City of Hutchinson with the City reserving the possibility of a reverter is acceptable. However, we would request the following language be used in the "therefore," clause so that that portion of the vacation would read as follows: "NOW, THEREFORE, the State Bank of Young America requests that the following tract of land constituting a portion of Monroe Street in the City of Hutchinson be vacated: The two foot wide strip of land of Monroe Street imme- diately west of and abutting all along the west side of Lot 9, Block 4, South Half of Hutchinson, according to the recorded plat thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, the State Bank of Young America also requests that the following possibility of reverter be contained within the Deed of Conveyance: 7_j/- Mr. P. Joseph O'Neill October 6, 1988 Page 2 The City of Hutchinson, as Grantor, vacates and grants all of the above described real property to Grantee and its heirs so long as the building presently constructed in part upon this vacated parcel remains in existence. If the building is damaged, demolished, torn down or moved, or in any way intentionally or unintentionally modified so that any part of the building on the vacated parcel cannot be used without remodeling or reconstruction, the above described real property shall automatically revert to Grantor without any need for Grantor and its heirs to take any affirmative action to effectuate this reverter. It is expressly understood that this grant shall not be construed as a right of reentry for condition broken, which would require Grantor or its heirs to take legal action to regain title to the above described property. This reverter shall be effective by operation of law and shall not require Grantor to take any affirmative steps whatsoever. It is also expressly understood and agreed that the City of Hutchinson reserves unto itself a perpetual easement and the right to enter upon said premises for the purpose of construction or maintenance of public utilities. It is also expressly understood and agreed that in the event a dispute arises between the parties concerning whether or not the City is entitled to the automatic right of reverter, said dispute shall be arbitrated in accor- dance with rules and regulations established by the American Arbitration Association." I am still somewhat concerned about the vague definition of "reconstruction," but I think it is important that we not spend more time on this problem than it deserves and it would seem to me that a provision for arbitration in the event a dispute does occur, would be appropriate. Thank you. Very truly yours,' G. Barry Anderson GBA:lm 0 E ORDINANCE NO. 25/88 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 464 CONCERNING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHISON AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDAINS: The following described real property is hereby rezoned from R -3 Multiple Family Residence to IC -1 Industrial /Commercial District. Lots 4 and 5, Block 18, South 1/2 City City of Hutchinson Adopted by the City Council this day of , 1988. 0 ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 0 Paul L. Ackland Mayor 0 RESOLUTION NO. 8872 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING $75,000 FROM THE HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: THAT a $75,000.00 transfer from the Hutchinson Utilities Commission to the City of Hutchinson's General Fund is hereby accepted. Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of October, 1988. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 9 Paul L. Ackland Mayor 7—d. (612) 587.5151 f/U1CH' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: October 3rd, 1988 TO: Mayor and City Council ✓ FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Ordinance Establishing Stop Streets An ordinance has been prepared that, if enacted, would establish Darrell Drive, Arizona Street, Carolina Avenue, Texas Avenue, and Hilltop Drive as °stop streets" where they intersect with other streets. Stop signs at the designated intersections are warranted for one or more of the following reasons: 1. Traffic volumes on the cross street are such that vehicles on the intersecting street should be required to stop; is2. Accident potential dictates that an approach to an intersection should be a stop condition; 3. To enhance the City's transportation system by establishing certain streets as being through in nature, which implies that cross traffic should be required to stop rather than interfere with the through movement of traffic. By copy of this memorandum and proposed ordinance amendment, the City Attorney and Police Chief have been asked for comments. Approval of this ordinance is suggested and requested. EA/pv attachment CC: City Attorney Police Chief • Respectfully submitted, Eu 9 e,e Ylnderson Director of Engineering 7—r-, PUBLICATION NO. PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST, 1988. ORDINANCE NO. 26/88 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 710:10 OF THE 1974 ORDINANCE • CODE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, ENTITLED "STOP STREETS" BY ADDING SUBDIVISION NO.'S 27 THRU 3 1 THERETO, RELATIVE TO "TRAFFIC, LOCAL REGULATIONS ". THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 710:10 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson, entitled "Stop Street" is hereby amended by adding thereto Subdivision No.'s 27 thru 30, which shall be as follows: Subd. 27. That the following named street be and the same is hereby declared, established, and made a stop street, to -wit: Darrell Drive at the intersection of McDonald Drive. Subd. 28. That the following named street be and the same is hereby declared, established, and made a stop street, to -wit: Arizona Street at the intersection of School Road. Subd. 29. That the following named street be and the same is hereby declared, established, and made a stop street, to -wit: Carolina Avenue at the intersection of School Road. Subd. 30. That the following named street be and the same is hereby • declared, established, and made a stop street, to -wit: Hilltop Drive at the intersection of Michigan Street. Subd. 31. That the following named street be and the same is hereby declared, established, and made a stop street, to -wit: Texas Avenue at the intersection of California Street. Section 2. Penalty. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a penal offense and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not to exceed ninety days, or both. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its publication. Adopted by the City Council on the 25th day of October, 1988. Paul L. Ackland, Mayor ATTEST: • Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator 7—E, RESOLUTION NO. 8873 CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: _ ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Toro #15 $ 1,521.0 Repair Transmission Park Yes MTI Distributing Co. Street Sweeper 1,078.0 Engine Repair Street Yes Lake State Eqmt. Co. Holding Tank 1,150.0 Repair Air- Yes Juul Contracting port Tires 1,691.6i Replacement Streel Yes Brandon Tire The following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Date Approved: October 11. 1988 Wotion made by: Seconded by: Resolution submitted for Council action by: 7-F 0 (612) 587 -5151 F CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O Date: October 7, 1988 To: Mayor and City Council Members From: Director of Engineering Re: Ordinance Establishing Stop Streets In conjunction with the Trunk Highway 15 project, an access was constructed to the highway at the intersection of Echo Drive and Oakland Avenue. Given the movements of traffic that the access allows, traffic on Oakland Avenue should be required to stop at the intersection of Echo Drive. The accompanying ordinance will accomplish that and your approval is requested. Respectfully submitted, i�n gte% An ersen Director of Engineering EA /pk PUBLICATION NO. . PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST2 1988. ORDINANCE NO. 27/88 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 710:10 OF THE 1974 ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, ENTITLED "STOP STREETS" BY ADDING SUBDIVISION NO. 32 THERETO, RELATIVE TO "TRAFFIC, LOCAL REGULATIONS ". THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 710:10 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson, entitled "Stop Street" is hereby amended by adding thereto Subdivision No. 32, which shall be as follows: Subd. 32 That the following named street be and the same is hereby declared, established, and made a stop street, to -wit: Oakland Avenue at the intersection of Echo Drive. Section 2. Penalty. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a penal offense and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not to exceed ninety days, or both. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its publication. Adopted by the City Council on the 25th day of October, 1988. Paul L. Ackland, Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator r• Page 1 City of Hutchins& on Dental Proposals AS PER EXPIRING - 0 DEDUCTIBLE Inventory 88 -10 -06 Single: 11 Family: 71 Subject of Incutbant Bob Martin 6 Assoc Bob Martin t Assoc Bob Martin B Assoc Uesttund Assocates Insurance Planners Insurance Plarsters Coverage Sv1 Life of Canada Sun life of Canada Mutust of Omaha Delta Dental of )at Delta Dentat of MN Blue Cross /Shield Blur Cross /Shield Type of Funding. Indean ity Indemnity ITdellfli ty Indmmity IrKkw ity Self Funded Plus ISMR Rate per Month ' Single: 11.33 15.52 14.75 14.75 12.65 11.17 Family: 24.26 33.24 38.50 38.50 35.52 31.28 Annual Cost Single: 1,496 2,049 1,947 1,947 1,670 1,474 Family: 20,670 28,320 32,802 32,802 30,263 26,651 Total: 22,165 30,369 34,749 34,749 31,933 28,125 Benefit Schedule Maximum per Year: 750 750 750 750 750 750 Type A (Preventative) Coinsurance: 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100X Deductible: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type B (Restorative) Coinsurance: 80% 80% am an 80% 80X Deductible: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type C (Major Restore) Coinsurance: 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Deductible: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 2 ORTHODONTIA OPTION - D DEDUCTIBLE: Single: 11 Family: 71 City of Hutchinson - Dental Proposals 88.10.1 Subject of Incumbent Bob Martin i Assoc Bob Martin S Assoc Bob Martin i ASSOC Westlund ASSOCates Insurance Planners Insurance Planners Coverale Sun Life of Canada Sun Life of Canada Mutual of Onlis Delta baslitol pf MM Delta Dental of Ill Blue Cross /Shield Blue Cross /Shiet Type of Funding: Indies Ity Indom ity Irdamity Self Funded Plus IBMR Rate per Month Single: 14.75 14.75 12.65 11.17 Family: 45.60 45.60 42.69 39.59 Amual Cost Single: 1,947 1,947 1,670 1,474 Family: 38,851 38,851 36,372 33,751 Total: 40,798 40,798 38,042 35,205 Benefit Schedule Maximus per Tear: 750 750 750 750 Type A (Preventative) Coinsurance: 100% 100% 100% 10071 Deductible: 0 0 0 0 Type B (Restorative) Coinsurance: 80% 80% 80% 801 Deductible: 0 0 0 0 Type C (Major Restore) Coinsurance: 50% 50% 50% 501 Deductible: 0 0 Type D (Orthodontia) Coinsurance: 50% 501 50% 507 Deductible: 0 0 0 0 lifetime Maximum: 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 � s � Page 3 0 AS PER EXPIRING - S25 DEDUCTIBLE Single: 11 Family: 71 City of Mutchik - Dental Proposals 0 88-10-06 Subject of Incumbent Bob Martin d Assoc Bob Martin a Assoc Bob Martin t ASSOC Westtud Assoeates Insurance Planners Insurance Planners Coverage Life of Canads Sum Life of Canada Mutual Sf Omaha Delta Dental of M Delta Dental of MN Blue Bross /Shietd Bleu Cross /Shietd Type of Funding: Indemnity Indemnity Indemity 1. de ity Indemnity Self Funded Plus IBNR Rate per Month Single: 14.82 11.68 13.05 13.05 11.57 10.20 Family: 31.60 28.57 33.25 33.25 29.67 26.15 Annual Cost Single: 1,956 1,542 1,723 1,723 1,527 1,346 Family: 26,923 24,342 28,329 28,329 25,279 22,280 Total: 28,879 25,883 30,052 30,052 26,806 23,626 Benefit Schedule Maxim per Tear: 750 750 750 750 750 750 Type A (Preventative) Coinsurance: 100% 100E 100% 100% 100% 100% Deductible: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type B (Restorative) Coinsurance: 80% an 80% 80% 80% a0% Deductible: 25 25 25 25 25 25 Type C (Major Restore) Coinsurance: 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Deductible: 25 25 25 25 25 25 It age 4 City of Hutchinson - Dental Proposals 88-10.06 ORTHODONTIA OPTION - $25 DEOWTIBLE: Single: 11 Family: 71 Subject of Incumbent Bob Martin ♦; Assoc Bob Martin i Assoc Bob Martin 4 Assoc Nestllnd Assocates Insurance Planners Inna•ance Planners Covers ae sun Life of Canada SSn life of Canada Mutual of 4ahs Delta Dental of MN Delta Dental of FU Blue Cross /Shield Blue Crass /Shield Type of Funding: Indenity Indemnity Indemnity Self Funded Rate per Month Single: 13.05 13.05 11.57 10.20 Family. 40.60 40.60 36.49 32.13 Annual Cost Single: 1,723 1,723 1,527 1,346 Family: 34,591 34,591 31,089 27,375 Total: 36,314 36,314 32,617 28,721 Benefit Schedule - Maximum per Year: 750 750 750 750 Type A (Preventative) Coinsurance: 100% 100% 100% l00% Deductible: - 0 0 0 0 Type B (Restorative) Coinsurance: 80% 80% 80% an Deductible: 25 25 25 25 type C (Major Restore) Coinsurance: 5D% 50% 5D% 50% Deductible: 25 25 25 25 Type D (Orthodontia) Coinsurance: 50% 50% 50% 50% Deductible: D 0 0 0 Lifetime Maximum: 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 h City of Hutchinson - Dental Proposal • I. CLAIMS HISTORY 8 -1 -83/84 8 -1 -84/85 8- 1- 85/5 -31 -86 8 -1 -86/87 8 -1 -87/88 Total II. RATE HISTORY Rate Effective 8 -1 -83 Rate Effective 8 -1 -84 Rate Effective 8 -1 -85 Rate Effective 8 -1 -86 Rate Effective 8 -1 -87 0 Premiums Claims Paid Loss Ratio 17,098 13,330 77.96% 23,068 16,887 73.21% 23,341 16,998 72.82% 20,121 13,702 68.1096 22,165 21,333 96.25% 105,793 82,250 77.75% Single Family 6.70 19.03 8.38 23.79 9.97 28.31 10.59 22.67 11.33 24.26 City of Hutchinson - Dental Proposal 88 -10 -06 SLWART Inventory Single: 11 Fami lyc 71 Mutual of Carrier Sun Life Sun Life Sin Life Omaha Delta Delta BC /BS Was BC /BS BC /BS Expiring Indemnity indexnity Indemnity Indemnity Indemnity Indemnity Irdemnity Self Funded Self Funded Deductible 0 0 25 25 0 25 0 25 0 25 Type B L C Rate per No Single 11.33 15.52 14.82 11.68 14.75 13.05 12.65 11.57 11.17 1020 Family 24.26 33.24 31.60 28.57 38.50 33.25 35.52 29.67 31.28 26.15 Annual Cost single 1,496 2,049 1,956 1,542 1,947 1,723 1,670 1,527 1,474 1,346 Family 20,670 28,320 26,923 24,342 32,802 28,329 30,263 25,279 26,651 22,280 Total 22,165 30,369 28,879 25,883 34,749 30,052 31,933 26,806 28,125 23,626 0 0 0 n H U T C H I N S O N P U B L I C S C H O O L S GEORGE GORDON, CHAIRMAN JERRY JONES, VICE CHAIRMAN DONALD POPP. CLERK /jj /--D� DOUGLAS KENNING, DIRECTOR LUCILLE ARLT, TREASURER ff// a ROGER STEARNS, DIRECTOR September 26, 1988 �qCpu&-s% 7-0, 1�'EC'0llfl0� v Mr. Gary Plotz, Administrator Pa City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Ave. W r/� Hutchinson, MN 55350 e RE: Your Letter of 9/20/88 - Joint Agreement For Tennis Courts and Civic Arena Dear Mr. Plotz: As you are aware, when the joint committee was formed it was to discuss the senior high tennis court problem. During our meeting the city added the discussion of other facilities, including the ice arena. The "borrowing of funds" clause was added due to the delay in the replacement of the tennis courts caused by separation of school district /city responsibilities (i.e. city -ice arena and school district - tennis courts). It was the intent of the "borrowing" clause to allow the tennis courts to be replaced on the same schedule as though the city and school district had done it jointly. It was also intended that the maximum terms of the borrowing would be one year and without interest. With the above information in mind, we would like you to reconsider. However, we would like to maintain the clause so we can respond to the tennis court needs in a timely manner. In reference to the issue of parking, 40 spaces is very accep- table to the school district. Thank you for your consideration. sin rely, Glenn Matejka, Superintendent for the Board Committee INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 423 HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 f_-4- DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 30 GLEN STREET NORTH 16121 587 -286C TEC"NICA', INSTITUTE OF HUTCHINSON 2W CENTURY AVENUE 16121 582 -3636 4 E 0 'J A L �. E 7 U N T M P L _. E R E 0 0 0 A T 3 R (612) 587.5151 f1!/TCH' CITY OF HUTCH/NSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN, 55350 M E M O DATE: September 20th, 1988 TO: ✓Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator FROM: Eugene Anderson, Director of Engineering RE: Parking at the High School Tennis Courts Vg /en% 0,o AeJ M M *y, ,,6CYWi1)0 -AV-_ V As instructed by the Council during its meeting on September 13th, and in conjunction with the joint agreement being negotiated for the High School Tennis Courts (agenda item 9.m.), we have studied the area east of the tennis courts to determine parking feasibility. Your attention is called to the attached drawing that summarizes the findings. The drawing uses the department's topographic maps as a base and the background information is from the maps. Homes on the west side of Kay Street are therefore accurately • shown in their distance from the present tennis courts. The distance from the estimated location of the School District property line to the inplace tennis courts is 78 feet, more or less. Sufficient distance will be available adjacent to the tennis courts and north of Goebel Street to allow 49 or more parking spaces. More parking area would be available north and south of the tennis courts should the need arise. A cul -de -sac 50 feet in radius is recommended to facilitate snow plowing on Goebel Street west of Kay Street. Z hope this information is helpful in the negotiation process. EA/pv attachment is Eugene Anderson Director of Engineering . � O O OO O a Oa I . /064. / {8o %40 Ise 1 ± a oe �x x � /066.3 x 0 "" TM S Pa c�c S4�0 wYt x� x /063.0 {od q'ry?- i E9 Goa bo.l S+v ew " t 1,. d 0 FACILITY AGREEMENT ADDENDUM BETWEEN CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND HUTCHINSON SCHOOL DISTRICT RE: Tennis Courts RE: Civic Arena High School Tennis Courts and City Ice Arena The city and school district shall each set aside $150,000 over the next five years with a minimum of $30,000 per year, beginning with calendar year 1989 for the city and school year 1989 -90 for the school district. With approval of both parties, the setting aside of $30,000 can be moved one year earlier. The city funds shall be used to repair and maintain the city ice arena. The city will participate in advancing funds to the school district for the early develop- ment of the tennis courts. The school district funds shall be used to repair /replace tennis courts located on the high school site. The school district will reimburse the city any advanced funds for the early development of the tennis courts. Other Facilities and Stipulations (1) With the adoption of this agreement, the city shall assume full respon- sibility for the ice arena. (2) The school district shall assume full responsibility for the tennis courts located at the high school site, except that the city shall assume electrical costs. (3) The city and school district shall continue to share the cost on a 50 -50 basis for the tennis courts located in the South Park except that the city shall assume full responsibility for all electrical items. (4) The school district lease for the ice arena shall continue to be negotiated and established as per previous and current lease arrangement, including normal inflationary costs - no built in costs for long -range maintenance. (5) Other facility leases, rentals, and uses shall continue as per current arrangement except that leases and rentals in the future will include normal inflationary costs. (6) Any remaining funds from the $150,000 set aside by each governing body will be expended on maintenance costs (not operating costs) of the respective facilities in this agreement over the next 10 years. (7) The city and school district shall have access to these facilities for use by school district and recreation programs. (8) The city council and school board should meet annually to review and discuss mutually used facilities. (9) In the event that the current road to the high school tennis court area is severed and /or parking is desired at the east side of the tennis courts, the city and school district will share equally the costs of developing a parking area not to exceed _ parking spaces. (10) This agreement should be reviewed in its entirty during or after the year 2000. Agreed to by the Hutchinson City Council and the School Board of Independent School District No. 423. Mayor, City of Hutchinson Chairman, Board of Education Date Date 0 0 DAVID B. ARNOLD CHARLES R. CARMICHAEL GARY D. MIDOWELL STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. HOOE CHARLES L. NAIL. JR. LAURA K. FRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEOOEMANN JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY JULIA A. CHRISTIANS October 5, 1988 ARNOLD & MCDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARK PLACE HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350 (012) 587 -7575 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSON Mr. Gary D. Plotz Hutchinson City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Santelman's Addition Our File No.: 3188 -88 -0069 Dear Gary: Seal CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 (612) 545 -9000 MN TOLL FREE 800-343 -4545 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (012) 389 -2214 yI ' ¢ -d 0(nrig, I am enclosing herewith for inclusion in the packet next week a copy of the Amended Subdivision Agreement which this office has drafted with input from both the City Engineer and opposing counsel. As you may recall, there is an interpretation dispute as to whether or not the City is entitled to activate all of the pending assessments against Santelman's Addition now that some of the lots are under deve- lopment. Santelman has insisted that at the time the 1980 subdivision agreement was executed, he and the City had an agreement that he would pay all assessments on a lot -by -lot basis as a lot was developed or subdivided. Following several conferences with Santelman and his attorney, I asked Gene Anderson to check the City's records to deter- mine whether or not the City had activated any assessments in the past in this area, and if so on what basis. Data maintained by the City appears to support Santelman. Assessments were activated in areas where houses were built and those assessments have been paid as promised, according to the terms of the original Subdivision Agreement. f-C Mr. Gary D. Plotz October 5, 1988 Page 2 A review of the files in this matter also reveals that there was an exchange of correspondence between then City Engineer Priebe and the attorney for Santelman in which everyone had apparently agreed that assessments would be activated and paid as lots were developed. All of this activity is prompted, of course, by the construction of Hilltop Drive, the assessments for which currently hold an active sta- tus. This road is of no utility to Santelman, and according to the 1980 Subdivision Agreement, the assessment against his property should probably hold a deferred status. In evaluating all of the information available to me, I thought the most appropriate way to proceed is to negotiate a new Subdivision Agreement that would lay to rest the interpretation question and would also make clear that while Santelman is entitled to a deferred assessment, he will be obligated to pay interest according to current City policy. Santelman and his attorney have reviewed and approved the Subdivision Agreement which I now forward to the City Council for approval. I would make the following points regarding this Agreemen� 1. The Subdivision Agreement sets out the status of all assessments against Santelman's Addition and at least with respect to all improvements up to the current year, eliminates any dispute regarding assessability or collection of those assessments. 2. The proposed agreement eliminates any argument on Santelman's part that he had no knowledge of the City's interest policy, or that he was not obligated to pay interest for some other, unknown reason. 3. The Council asked that we keep in mind in negotiating this new agreement the revised city policy of setting an ending date for deferred assessments. We did discuss that possibility with counsel for Santelman, but Santelman was unwilling to make a commitment on the deferred assessments because he has no current plans to develop the property. In view of the fact that this is an amendment of an existing subdivision agreement, it will be difficult for the City to insist on inclusion of a termination date for the deferred 0 Ll • 0 Mr. Gary D. Plotz October 5, 1988 Page 3 assessments. If the agreement is rejected, litigation will result over the issue of the deferral of the road way assessment and activation of other deferred assessments. 4. The developer is in the process of registering at least part of the land and has agreed to memorialize the subdivision agreement on the certificate so there will be no question as to the applicability of the subdivision agreement to each individual lot covered by the agreement. On balance, I believe the agreement is in the best interests of the City and I would recommend its approval. If you have any questions in connection with the any of the foregoing, you should certainly feel free to contact me. Thank you. Very truly yours, ARNOLD & McDOWE,pLLL G. Barry Anderson GBA /lls Enc. 4 AMENDED SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered the day and year set forth hereinafter by and between KENNETH E. SANTELMAN and MARCELLA C. SANTELMAN, "Subdivider" and the CITY OF HUTCHINSON, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, "City." WHEREAS, the Subdivider is the owner and developer of a certain subdivision known as Santelman's Addition, located in the City of Hutchinson, and WHEREAS, Ordinance Nos. 464 and 466 requires the Subdivider to make certain improvements, and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to amend that certain Subdivision Agreement executed in 1980, a copy of which is attached hereto and marked as Exhibit "A" and incorporated as if fully set out, and WHEREAS, a question of interpretation regarding said agreement has arisen. The City contends that it is entitled, under the Subdivision Agreement marked and incorporated as Exhibit "A" to activate assessments for 1988 construction as is more fully set out below in Assessment Roll No. 239, which assessments represent in part the expense of installing a storm sewer and constructing a roadway. The Subdivider denies that the City is entitled to acti- vate these assessments under the Subdivision Agreement marked as Exhibit "A" and incorporated as if fully set out herein. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Amended Subdivision Agreement covers all property located in Santelman's Addition, which property is specifically described as follows: Lot 1, Block 1, Santelman's Addition; Lot 3, Block 2, Santelman's Addition. 2. It is understood and agreed that the following constitute assessments currently active or deferred against the above described property: Roll Description of Year No. Lot & Block Improvement 1975 58 Lot 1, Block 2 Grading & Base on Michigan St. Lot 3, Ex. E130' Grading & Base Block 2 on Michigan St. 1 Principal Amount of Assessment $ 812.32 Deferred 829.85 Deferred 0 LJ r] 1975 59 1978 1980 73 M 1981 92 s 1988 239 0 Lot 1, Block 1 Water Main, San. Sew. & St. Sew. Lot 3, Ex. E130' Water Main, San. Block 2 Sew. & St. Sew. Lot 1, Blockl Curb & Gutter & Bit. Surf. on Michigan St. Lot 3, Ex. E130' Curb & Gutter & Bit. Surf. on Michigan St. Lot 1, Block 1 San. Sew. & Water Main on Hilltop Drive Lot 3, Ex. E130' San. Sew. & Water Main on Hilltop Drive Lot 1, Block 1 Lot 1, Block 1 Lot 3, Ex. E130' Lateral St. Sew. Clifton Heights Storm Sew., Grading & Agg. Base on Hilltop Drive Storm Sew. Grading, Agg. Base on Hilltop Drive 1,800.00 Deferred 1,800.00 Deferred 3,599.87 Deferred 3,677.53 Deferred 19,994.55 Deferred 16,538.30 Deferred 1,418.82 Deferred 26,492.40 Active 21,912.94 Active 3. It is understood and agreed that the assessments identified as "active" as and for consideration for this agreement, will be deferred by the City subject to the terms and conditions of this Amended Subdivision Agreement. 4. It is understood and agreed that as and for consideration of this agreement, the Subdivider waives all rights to public hearings and appeal for the cost of the improvements and the waiving of all such rights shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives assigns, and successors of the Subdivider. 5. It is understood and agreed that the assessments described herein shall bear, or have borne, interest at the rate established 2 for the municipal bonds which finance the project or projects and that upon payment and retirement of said bonds, the interest rate for any deferred assessments under this agreement is five percent (5%). 6. As and for additional consideration, it is understood and agreed that assessments deferred under this Amended Subdivision Agreement may be activated by the City at such time as Lot 1, Block 1 or Lot 3, Block 2 is subdivided, or at such time as property located in Santelman's Addition is developed and requires service from said improvements. The right to activate the assessment shall extend to only the improved or subdivided property. 7. It is understood and agreed that the Parks and Playground contribution required by City ordinance shall be made based on the schedule in effect at the time that further subdivision or improve- ment of the property located in Santelman's Addition occurs. 8. This Agreement shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and successors of the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seals the day of October, 1988. CITY OF HUTCHINSON SUBDIVIDER By Gary D. Plotz Kenneth E. Santelman City Administrator By Paul L. Ackland Marcella C. Santelman Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF MCLEOD ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of October, 1988 by Kenneth E. Santelman and Marcella C. Santelman, husband and wife as Subdividers. Notary Public 3 0 0 STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF McLEOD ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of October, 1988, by Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator and Paul L. Ackland Mayor of the City of Hutchinson. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: G. Barry Anderosn Arnold & McDowell 101 Park Place Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Telephone No. (612) 587 -7575 Attorney I.D. No. 196X 0 4 CITY OF HUTCHIKSON,`MIh%ESOT --1 This agreement, made and entered into the day and year set forth hereinafter by and between Kenneth E. and Marcella C. Santelman, hereinafter called the "Subdivider" and the City of Hutchinson, a Municipal Corporation in the County o6 McLeod, State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the "City'. W17NESSM: WHEREAS, the Subdivider is the owner and developer of a certain subdivision known as Santelman's Addition, which is located in the City of Hutchinson, and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 464 and 466 requires Subdividers to make certain improvements, . NOW THEREFQ$E, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is understood and agreed that the City will constrict the sanitary sewer, waternwain and trunk storm sewer impruvcnn:nts on 11illtop Drive and Paul's Road in 1980. 2. It is understood and agreed that the City will defer assessment costs for the improvements listed in paragraph 1, until such time as Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 3, Block 2 is subdivided, or said land is developed and requires service from said improvements. 3. It is understood and agreed that or development of Lot 1, Block 1 Hilltop Drive by base, surfacing constructed by the City. subsequent to further subdivision and Lot 3, Block 2, improvements of and curb and gutter will be 4. It is understood and agreed that base, surfacing and curb and gutter may be installed on Paul's Road prior to further subdivision or development of Lot 3, Block 2. In that event, assessments for same will be deferred until subdivision or development of said Lot 3. S. It is understood and agreed that the•P,arks and Playground Contribution required by City Ordinance shall be considered at the time that further subdivision of this land is made. 6. This agreement shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, rcpresent.st ivc.. a, .il_nr. and successors of the hart ies. IN WITNESS T11i:R1i0F, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day of , 1980. CITY OF HttrClITNSON by: LS Cit q ClL.k by: - - -its bi:,yor SUBDIt'I by Kenneth E. Sa:..c by.-/7 ' /l �'�liti' L �L %L7�2st�t� Marcella C. Santelman • 19 _. _ I.- 1 HUTCHINSON POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM ancUC° 4 ? SEP�TS,?$�g DATE: September 23, 1988 �0ig, TO: Gary Plotz s�'`�i?iuot6$tio FROM: Steven C. Madson, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Special Vehicle Use on Roadway I have been provided a letter from Mr. Donald M. Peterson dated August 31, 1988. The purpose of Mr. Peterson's letter is to request the City Council to enact an ordinance which would allow the useage of a motorized golf cart upon the public roadway. I would like to direct your attention to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 169.045, enumerated as Special Vehicle Use on Roadway. This particular code section a_ll_o�s�fo�r cities operating under home rule charter to adopt an ordinance w 1'chFiT woula-a=z- motori zed -goTf cart or -f our--whW-AfiT- Tefraiff-vefificle to operate upon designated-rZWdways- wittrin the corporation limits. The roadways would be designated in the ordinance and the person operating the golf cart would have to obtain a permit pursuant to MSA 169.045, sub. 2 on an annual basis. In order to obtain a permit it would be necessary for the applicant to provide evidence of insurance and be able to continually demonstrate that the person is capable of operating the golf cart or four wheel drive All- Terrain vehicle. I have attached a copy of Minnesota Statute 169.045 so that you may review the statute in its entirety. In regards to the possibility of enacting an ordinance which would allow this type of usage let me point out that currently members of the Crow River Country Club are driving their golf carts on the public roadway. I do not believe that at this time the police department has taken any aggresive enforcement efforts to preclude this activity, however, it is certainly a situation that may need to be addressed in the future. The passage of an ordinance of this type would then require the operator of a golf cart to obtain a permit and would also require a slow moving vehicle emblem to be placed upon the motorized golf cart and would designate the roadways in which the golf carts could be operated upon. I would also point out that at any time that a slow moving vehicle is allowed to utilize a public roadway there is a hazard which is created by that vehicle being utilized upon the roadway when other vehicles which have greater speed capabilities can overtake a smaller and slower moving vehicle. The chances of rear end collisions as well as broadside collisions will be increased because of the slow moving vehicle not being seen as easily as a larger vehicle. •If I can be of any further assistance regarding this request please do not hesitate to contact me. SM:nb 9 -Q � V ! t y e , •V'1 O(v��,Il �! .GGI�'�"t,dLs. -ir ��-jg{ " ` _ � p. c1;T�J� A 169.045 SPECIAL VEHICLE USE ON ROADWAY. Subdivision 1. Designation of roadways, permit. The governing body of any home rule charter or statutory city or town may by ordinance authorize the operation of motorized golf carts, or four -wheel all- terrain vehicles, on designated roadways or portions thereof under its jurisdiction. Authorization to operate a motorized golf cart or four -wheel all- terrain vehicle is by permit only. For purposes of this section, a four -wheel all- terrain vehicle is a motorized flotation -tired vehicle with four low- pressure tires that is limited in engine displacement of less than 800 cubic centimeters and total dry weight less than 600 pounds. Subd. 2. Ordinance. The ordinance shall designate 212 0 169.04 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. The provisions of this chapter shall not be deemed to prevent local authorities, with respect to streets and highways under their jurisdiction, and with the consent of the commissioner, with respect to state trunk highways, within the corporate limits of a municipality, or within the limits of a town in a county in this state now having or which may hereafter have, a population of 500,000 or more, and a land area of not more than 600 square miles, and within the reasonable exercise of the police power from: (1) Regulating the standing or parking of vehicles; (2) Regulating traffic by means of police officers or traffic - control signals; (3) Regulating or prohibiting processions or assemblages on the highways; (4) Designating particular highways as one -way roadways and requiring that all vehicles, except emergency vehicles, when on an emergency run, thereon be moved in one specific direction; (5) Designating any highway as a through highway and requiring that all vehicles stop before entering or crossing the same, or designating any intersection as a stop intersection, and requiring all vehicles to stop at one or more entrances to such intersections; (6) Restricting the use of highways as authorized in sections 169.80 to 169.88. No ordinance or regulation enacted under clause (4), (5), or (6) shall be effective until signs giving notice of such local traffic regulations are posted upon and kept posted upon or at the entrance to the highway or part thereof affected as may be most appropriate. No ordinance or regulation enacted ` under clause (3) or any other provision of law shall prohibit the use of motorcycles utilizing flashing red lights for the purpose of escorting funeral processions, oversize buildings, heavy equipment, parades or similar processions or assemblages on the highways. HIST:(2720 -158) 1937 c 464 s 8; 1939 c 359; 1957 c 130 s 2; 1969 c 429 s 1 169.045 SPECIAL VEHICLE USE ON ROADWAY. Subdivision 1. Designation of roadways, permit. The governing body of any home rule charter or statutory city or town may by ordinance authorize the operation of motorized golf carts, or four -wheel all- terrain vehicles, on designated roadways or portions thereof under its jurisdiction. Authorization to operate a motorized golf cart or four -wheel all- terrain vehicle is by permit only. For purposes of this section, a four -wheel all- terrain vehicle is a motorized flotation -tired vehicle with four low- pressure tires that is limited in engine displacement of less than 800 cubic centimeters and total dry weight less than 600 pounds. Subd. 2. Ordinance. The ordinance shall designate 212 0 the roadways, prescribe the form of the application for the permit, require evidence of insurance complying with the provisions of section 65B.48, subdivision 5 and may prescribe conditions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this section, under which a permit may be granted. Permits may be granted for a period of not to exceed one year, and may be annually renewed. A permit may be revoked at any time if there Is evidence that the permittee cannot safely operate the motorized golf cart or four -wheel all - terrain vehicle on the designated roadways. The ordinance may require, as a condition to obtaining a permit, that the applicant submit a certificate signed by a physician that the applicant is able to safely operate a motorized golf cart or four -wheel all- terrain vehicle on the roadways designated. Subd. 3. Tines of operation. Motorized golf carts and four -wheel all- terrain vehicles may only be operated on designated roadways from sunrise to sunset. They shall not be operated in inclement weather or when visibility is impaired by weather, smoke, fog or other conditions, or at any time when there is insufficient light to clearly see persons and vehicles on the roadway at a distance of 500 feet. Subd. 4. Slow- moving vehicle emblem. Motorized golf carts shall display the slow - moving vehicle emblem provided for in section 169.522, when operated on designated roadways. Subd. 5. Crossing intersecting highways. The operator, under permit, of a motorized golf cart or four -wheel all- terrain vehicle may cross any street or highway intersecting a designated roadway. Subd. 6. Application of traffic laws. Every person operating a motorized golf cart or four -wheel all-terrain vehicle under permit on designated roadways has all the rights and duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle under the provisions of this chapter, except when those provisions cannot reasonably be applied to motorized golf carts or four -wheel all- terrain vehicles and except as otherwise specifically provided in subdivision 7. Subd. 7. Bonapplication of certain laws. The provisions of chapter 171, are not applicable to persons operating motorized golf carts or four -wheel all - terrain vehicles under permit on designated roadways pursuant to this section. Except for the requirements of section 169.70, the provisions of this chapter relating to equipment on vehicles is not applicable to motorized golf carts or four -wheel all- terrain vehicles operating, under permit, on designated roadways. Subd. S. Insurance. In the event persons operating a motorized golf cart or four - wheel, all- terrain vehicle under this section cannot obtain liability insurance in the private market, that person may purchase automobile insurance, including no -fault coverage, from the Minnesota Automobile Assigned Risk Plan at a rate to be determined by the commissioner of commerce. HIST:1982 c 549 s 2; 1986 c 452 s 19; 1Spl986 c 3 art 2 s 12; 213 0 0 11 LEASE tPtmditure Authorization I Original (A4o & 441 ❑ Increase (A41 644) AmOYn, To be Completed by Depwmwlt Prior Year Encumbrance or ❑ Decrease (A45) ❑ Encumbrance Increase (A48) SEND fFE OF TRANSACTION I I _ Enured w� M1 Div HwnO� ❑ Enured by W AIf W 0. MwnM TOTALAMOUNT see Clause 2 LEASE NO. 908S lanmall T is made by and between Volunteer Fire Department, City of Ave. W., Hutchinson, Minnesota 553w 6 _ n'Jn";. wr .c. .aa. •.. ... ..___.. _.._ __ _ -I ___ _. _ _ Administration, hereinafter referred to as "LESSEE ", actng for the benefit of the Department of Public Safety• Driver and Vehicle Services Division 1. The Lessor grants and the Lessee accepts a Lease of the following described premises in the City of Hutchinson County Or Flc Leod ; Fiinnesota 5 , to-wit: _ An area of land approximately 2,250 square feet (30' X ]5') comprising a portion of the parking lot adjoining Fire Station at Adams and Third Street for the term of Five (5) Years from August 1, 1988 through July 31, 1993 to be used as: motorcycle skills test examining area 2. The consideration for this Lease shall be the mutual benefits to both parties of this Agreement. 3. This Lease may be terminated by the Lessee or Lessor upon giving thirty (30) days written notice of such termination to the other party. 4. The Lessor shall, furnish and provide for the use of the. Lessee: access to the leased area. - -2- 5. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Lessee shall furnish all materials and services required for its use of the premises, and shall maintain the premises In a reasonably good condition and state of repair during the continuance of its tenancy, and shall surrender tha premises to the Lessor at the termination of such tenancy in such condition as the some are in at the commencement of such tenancy, reasonable wear and damage by the elements excepted. 6. It is agreed that Lessor shall not be responsible for loss of or damage to Lessee's property, or injury to persons which may arise or be incident to the use and occupation of said premises except as may be attributed to Lessor's negligence by a court of law. '. The hours of use of the leased area shall be scheduled between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on Thursdays of each week. , 8. Lessee shall construct a motorcycle skill test course. 9. All personal property in or about the leased premises belonging to or placed therein by Lessee or its occupants or visitors, shall be there at the sole risk of the Lessee or such other person Only, and the Lessor shall not be liable for theft or misappropriation thereof. 10. This Lease may be extended for an additional term of Five (5) Years by mutual agreement in the form of a written Amendment to this Lease. 11. Lessee agrees to vacate parking lot in case of a fire. 12. Lessee further agrees that painting of the course in the parking lot shall be at its sole expense. i 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands on the date(s) indicated below intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: LESSOR: CITY OF HUTCHINSON STATE OF MINNESOTA VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY By By Title Title Date Date By As to form and execution this day of 19 HUBERT H. HUMPHREY III, ATTORNEY GENERAL LEGAL ASSISTANT E DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE: Date 0 Date Above signatures) attested to by: LESSEE: STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION SANDRA J. HALE, COMMISSIONER REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT M HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M 205 Third Avenue South East HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350 Chief: Orlin "Butch" Henke DATE: October 10, 1488 TO: Mayor and City—Council — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: Fire—Chief — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SUBJECT: Lease Agreement with—State—of Minnesota — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I have reviewed the memo from the Admin. Secretary and have talked • to the examiners that are going to use the parking lot everything seems to be in order for you to go ahead and issue a resolution in regards to their request. I'm in-total agreement with their request. 0 9-If-, L� aRESOLUTION NO. 8877 RESOLUTION TO ENTER INTO LEASE AGREEMENT WITH STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, FOR MOTORCYCLE SKILLS TEST EXAMINING AREA WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota Department of Administration, acting on behalf of the Department of Public Safety, Driver and Vehicle Services Division, has requested authorization to use an area of land approximately 2,250 square feet (30' X 75') comprising a portion of the parking lot adjoin- ing the Fire Station at Adams and Third Street to conduct motorcycle skills test examining, and WHEREAS, the Volunteer Fire Department has no objection to use of said area for the purpose stated above, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: THAT the City of Hutchinson enter into Lease No. 9088 with the State of • Minnesota in accordance with the terms given in said lease, and for a period of five years, commencing August 1, 1988 and terminating July 31, 1993. Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of October, 1988. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator L-1 Paul L. Ackland Mayor ����% (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 U Wiz.' DATE: October 3rd, 1988 TD: mayor and City Council ✓ FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Amendments to Assessment Roll No. 245 Letting No. 3 - Project No. 88 -17 Improvements on 3rd Avenue Northwest to which the referenced assessment roll pertains, include street surfacing, curb and gutter, concrete driveway approaches, storm sewer, and sewer and water services. There are two occurrences where planned water services did not need to be installed and therefore were not installed. Similarly, there are four situations in which the driveway area that has been or will be installed will be less than the area that was anticipated at the time of design. The planned water services and driveway areas were assessed to the appropriate parcels of property and, since no cost has been or will be incurred by the City because of the reduced quantities of construction, the assessments to those parcels should be reduced. An amended assessment roll accompanies this memorandum. on it are circled the relevant changes all of which will reduce assessments to the parcels of concern. Favorable consideration of the resolution amending Assessment Roll No. 245 is requested. EA/pv attachment 40 R spectfully submitted Eugene Anderson Director of Engineering 9 �-)l RESOLUTION NO. AR71 RESOLUTION ADOPTING AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 245 LETTING NO. 3 PROJECT NO. 88 -17 WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the final assessable cost of the improvement of 3rd Avenue Northwest from Main Street to T.A. 7 West- bg.-..- the construction of storm sewer, sewer and water services to the property line of all buildings or buildable sites, grading, aggregate base, curb and gutter, concrete driveway approaehea, bituminous surfacing and appurtenances, has been reduced and the assessments for said improvement have been adjusted accordingly. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted, and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included in hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 1989, and shall bear interest at the rate of 6.71 percent per annum as set down by the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from October 13t, 1988, until the 31st day of December, 1989. To each subsequent installment when due, shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by the 1st day of October, 1988; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to the 31st day of December, of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15th, or interest will be charged through December 319t, of the next succeeding year. 4. The Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County,. and such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Council this 11th day of October, 1988. City Administrator Mayor 0 9 -e ASSESSMENT ROLL 40. 245 COMPILED BY: Eugene Anderson COMPUTED BY: Eugene Anderson CHECKED IT: Cal Rice ACCT. CITY PIC NUMBER NO. COUNTY PIC NUMBER NAME A ADDRESS OF OWNER LETTING NO. 3, PROJECCT NO. 08-17 COST PER L.F. - STREET V /CURB: { 97.7S COST PER L.F. - STREET W/O CURB: { 52.71 STORM SEWER. SEVER A WATER SERVICES, GRADING, AGGREGATE BASE, COST PER WATER SERVICE: 1 619.36 CURB A GUTTER, CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APPROACHES. COST PER SEVER SERVICE: 3 46S.00 BITUMINOUS SURFACING, AND APPURTENANCES COST PER S.F. - 6' 01I0WAY: { 2.62 ON COST PER S.F. - A' DRIVEWAY: 1 3.02 IND AVENUE NORTHWEST FROM MAIN STREET TO T.M. 7 VEST COST PER S.F. - STORM SEWER: 1 0.05 AMENDED OCTOBER IITH, 1966 NUMBER OF TEARS SPREAD: 10 STREET STREET 6' DRIVEWAY B' DRIVEWAY STORM E87.5' of Lot 6 1 Pt. Lot S. LOT BLOCK V /CURT W/O CURB 1' WATER SEVER APPROACH APPROACH SEVER TOTAL ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION NO. N0. (L.F.) (L.F.) SERVICE SERVICE (S.F.) (S.F.) (S.F.) ASSESSMENT IS 11- 117 -29 -12 -0690 Stearesuood. Ina. 230 -3rd Ave. M.Y. S i/2 056.2500 Hutchinson, MN 55350 N 1/2 City 3 25 66 0 1 0 16 31- 117 - 29-12-0720 Mary, Willis 6 Dean Lorauay . Huy. IA W.. Box 72 E87.5' of Lot 6 1 Pt. Lot S. 056.5530 New Ulm, MN 56077 N 1/2 City 2S 177 0 1 0 ' 17 31-1174992-0770 Donald i Barbara Nantpa 325-3rd Ave. N.Y. Lot 7 A W61' of Let 6, 036.2540 Hutchinson, HN $5350 N I/2 City 25 137.73 0 0 0 IB 71- 117 -29 -13-0010 Stearnsuoad, Inc. Lots 1-2-7 A Pt. 4 -5 -6,N or RD 729 -3rd Ave, N,W, B/W i Y 1/2 Vac Greenleaf St. 056.2SSO Hutchinson, HN SS350 A Vac Alley, N 1/2 City 26 ITS. GO 0 0 0 19 31- 117 - 29-17-0020 Stearnsuood, Inc. Lots I- 2 -7 -4 -5 1 Pt 6 thru 10 O 320 -3rd Ave. N.Y. N of RR R/W A E1 /2 Yet Green - OSG.2560 Hutchinson, MN 55350 leaf St. A Alley, N I/2 City 26 371.25 0 0 0 20 71-117 -29 -13 -0030 Hutchinson Farmers Union Coop 1110 Hwy. 7 West Part 056.2570 Hutchinson, ON SS350 N 1/2 City I 26 66 0 0 0 21 31-11749 - 13.0040 Hutchinson Farmers Union Coop 1110 Huy. 7 Vest 066.2680 Nutchlnson, HN 55750 N 1/2 City 2A3 25 172 0 1 0 �I \V 0 179 0 { 6.971.66 Z/99 9 97/ 4-,F- 0 601 0 s 9,760.25 0 470 0 9 9.IS2.St s 1 p 0 279 • f 11,057.07 .87 ,� 8ra9 0 194 0 { 27.tea.97 0 275 0 S 4,642.09 .riy y 9 !S=G9" 0 3:: o s 9.r14.ae ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 245 LETTING NO. J. PROJECCT NO. 80.17 COST PER L.F. - STREET Y /CURD: S 57.75 COMPILED BT: Eugene Andersen COST PER L.F. - STREET W/O CURD: 6 52.31 COMPUTED 81'1 Eugene Anderson STORK SEWER, SEWER A WATER SERVICES, WADING, AGGREGATE BASE, COST PER RATER SERVICE: { 619.36 CHECKED BY: G1 Rioe CURB A SUTTER. CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APPROACHES, COST PER SEWER SERVICE: { 405.00 BITUMINOUS SURFACING. AND APPURTENANCES COST PER S.F. - 6- DRIVEWAY: { 2.62 ON COST PER S.F. - 8- DRIVEWAY: 6 3.02 3RD AVENUE NORTHWEST FROM MIN STREET TO T.N. 7 WEST COST PER S.F. - STORM SEWER: { Ms MENDED OCTOBER IITN. I9W NUMBER OF YEARS SPREAD: 10 STREET STREET P DRIVEWAY M DRIVEWAY STORM j ACCT. CITY ►ID NUMBER LOT BLOCK W /CURS v70 CURB I' WATER SEWER APPROACN APPROACH SEWER TOTAL N. COUNTY DID NUMBER MAIZE A ADDRESS OF OWNER ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION NO. NO. (L.F.) (L.F.) SERVICE SERVICE (S.F.) (S.F.) IS.F.1 ASSESSMENT 22 31- 117 -29 -13 -0050 Hutchinson Forgers Union Coop 1110 Key. 7 vest HS7' of Lots 4 i S. _ 056.2600 HUtch MMSOn. MM 65350 N 112 City 28. 67 0 0 0 0 299 0 { 6,194.73 23 31- 117 -29 -53 -0060 R. Dostal A R. Olesoo ' 201 Lind St. S75- of Lots 4 A S. 056.2590 Hutchinson, MN 65360 N 1/2 City 26 0 0 1 0 0 0 9.900 1 1,114.36 24 36- 117 -30- 11.0080 Ford A. Rolfe. Jr. 844 -2nd Me. S.Y. 1.1 AC SE I/4 SE IA 036.4000 Hutchinson. M S53SO Set. 36- 117 -30 120 0 1 0 0 0 0 6 7,599.36 25 36- 117 -30 -16 -0100 New Dimension Plating, Inc. Tracts 132' A 132' A 72' • N' Q - aim 426 -3rd Ave. N.Y. of SE 114 SE 1/4 036.3200 Hutchinson. IW 55350 Sec. 36- 117 -30 246 0 U 0 0 417 D { IS,4iS.N 26 36- 117 -30 -16 -0141 Romrsten A Cornell. Ind. NE 1/4 SE 1/4 S of T.N. 07 SSS -3rd Ace. M.Y. E2 E167.6' 036.3000 Hutchinson, MN SS350 Sec. 36- 117-30 0 338.04 1 0 0 0 0 { 10,302.23 27 36- 117-30- 16-0150 Robert Stearns 375 -Ist Ave. N.Y. E-ly 142' of NE 1/4 SE 114 036.0700 Hutchinson, M $5350 Sec. 36-117 -30 142 0 1 0 0 SIS 8 28 36- 111- 30-16 -0151 Robert Steams Y25.6' of E167.6' SE I14 NEI /4 375 -Ist Ave. N.R. SE 114 S of T.N. 7 036.2900 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Sec. 36- 117-30 25.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 { 1.479.40 .o 4 (612) 587.5151 f/UTCH" CITY OF HUTCHINSON . 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 October 11, 1988 M E M O R A N D U M TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: HAZEL SITZ, PERSONNEL COORDINATOR RE: RESOLUTIONS FOR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN Attached are two resolutions which the City should adopt as part of our Affirmative Action Plan. The State of Minnesota - Department of Human Rights is requiring all cities with 20 or more employees to have an Affirmative Action Plan in place and approved by December 1, 1988, on pain of suspension of all State funding. We are presently working on this document and expect to have it approved within the next month. (It will be about 40 pages long.) Ll q-,e- - 0 0 To From M%IfIf2sOtA Counts, City and Schgpl District Heads Stephen W. Cooper Commissioner ` I Date' September 7, 1988 Hmalt Phone: 296 -5665 SFP Subject: POTENTIAL CUT OFF OF STATE FUNDS BY During the past several months you have been made aware throum various state agencies and associations of the amendment to stat law N.S. 363.073 passed in the 1988 legislative session. This law now requires all state political subdivisions who receive more than $50,000 from the state, and who employ more than 20 full -time employees, to obtain a certificate of compliance from the Department of Human Rights. The certificate is issued upon the Department's receipt and approval of your affirmativ cti �. )y Sit- 11 As of this date, phone or letter, Since August 1, you are already funds withheld. the Department has not been contacted, either of your intention to comp y w1 t 7is law. 1988 is the date when the law went into effect, in violation and may be subject to having state Therefore, in accordance with the extension that was previously granted until 'December 1, 1988 for the submission of your affirmative action plan, please contact this agency by calling (612)297 -1690 and by sending a letter, within ten days of receip of this notice, indicating your knowledge of this requirement an that you will be complying by submitting your affirmative action 9 3b plan by December 1, 1988. If we have not been contacted within this time period all state contract funds that you receive may b withheld. In order to continue the flow of funds we will need to notify state agencies of your contacts with this Department and intentions of complying with the law. Should your total full -time workforce not exceed more than 20 employees you are exempt from this requirement. You must, however, send a notarized statement to this Department attesting to this fact in order for your exemption to be allowed. Please :contact the Contract Compliance Cnit at (6121237 -1690 should you have any questions. AN EQUA•_ OPMORTUNITY EMPLOYER AnA— q-d- I 500 Bremer Tower. 7M Place and Minnesota Street. St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612)296.5663 or (600)652.9747 ATTEST: , Paul Ackland, Mayor Gary Plotz, City Administrator This replaces Resolution No. 5605 dated December 9, 1975 /J Resolution No. 8874 II. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY STATEMENT This is to affirm the City of Hutchinson's policy of providing Equal Opportunity to all employees and applicants for employment in accordance with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity /Affirmative Action laws, directives and regulations of Federal, State and Local governing bodies or agencies thereof, specifically Minnesota Statutes 363. The City of Hutchinson will not discriminate against or harass any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status, or status with regard to public assistance. The City of Hutchinson will take Affirmative Action to ensure that all employment practices are free of such discrimination. Such employment practices include, but are not limited to, the following: hiring, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, selection, layoff, disciplinary action, termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The City of Hutchinson will use its best efforts to afford minority and female business enterprises with the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts for construction projects that the City engages in. The City of Hutchinson will commit the necessary time and resources, both financial and human, to achieve the goals of Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action. The City of Hutchinson fully supports incorporation of non - discrimination and Affirmative Action rules and regulations into contracts. The City of Hutchinson will evaluate the performance of its management and supervisory personnel on the basis of their involvement in achieving these Affirmative Action objectives as well as other established criteria. Any employee of the City, or contractor to the City, who does not comply with the Equal Employment Opportunity Policiies and Procedures as set'forth in this Statement and Plan will be subject to disciplinary action. Any contractor not complying with all applicable Equal Emploment Opportunity /Affirmative Action laws, directives and regulations of the Federal, State and Local governing a bodies or agencies thereof, specifically Minnesota Statutes 363 will be subject to appropriate legal sanctions. The City of Hutchinson has appointed Hazel Sitz, Personnel Coordinator, to manage the Equal Employment Opportunity Program. Her responsibilities will include monitoring all Equal Employment Opportunity activities and reporting the effectiveness of this Affirmative Action Program, as required by Federal, State and Local agencies. The City Administrator of the City of Hutchinson will receive and review reports on the progress of the program. If any employee or applicant for employment believes he /she has been discriminated against, please contact Hazel Sitz, Personnel Coordinator, City Hall, Hutchinson, MN. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this day of , 1988 ATTEST: , Paul Ackland, Mayor Gary Plotz, City Administrator This replaces Resolution No. 5605 dated December 9, 1975 /J Resolution No. 8875 XI. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN FOR DISABLED INDIVIDUALS I. DISABLED INDIVIDUALS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CLAUSE The City of Hutchinson shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of physical or mental disability in regard to any position for which the employee or applicant for employment is qualified. The City of Hutchinson agrees to take affirmative action to employ, advance in employment, and otherwise treat qualified disabled individuals without discrimination based upon their physical or mental disability in all employment practices such as the following; employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The City of Hutchinson agrees to comply with the rules and relevant orders of the Minnesota Department of Human Rights issued pursuant to the Minnesota Human Rights Act. The City of Hutchinson agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices in a form to be prescribed by the commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Human Rights. Such notices shall state the City's obligation under the law to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified disabled employees and applicants for employment, and the rights of applicants and employees. The City of Hutchinson shall notify each labor union or representative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract understanding, that the contractor is bound by the terms of Minnesota Statutes, section 363. 073 of the Minnesota Human Rights Act and is committed to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment physically and mentally disabled individuals. II. SCHEDULE FOR REVIEW The City of Hutchinson will review all physical and mental job requirements to the extent that these requirements tend to screen out qualified disabled individuals. It will be determined whether these requirements are job related, and consistent with business necessity and the safe performance of the job. The review will be ongoing. Job descriptions /specifications will be updated as positions open up and are filled. III. PRE - EMPLOYMENT MEDICAL EXAMS The City of Hutchinson may require a comprehensive medical exam prior to employment. The results of such an examination will not be used to screen out qualified disabled individuals. Information obtained in response to such inquiries or examination shall be kept confidential except that (a) supervisors and managers may be informed regarding restrictions on the work or duties of disabled individuals and regarding accommodations, (b) first aid and safety personnel may be informed, where and to the extent appropriate, if the condition might require emergency treatment, and (c) officials, employees, representatives, or agents of the MN Department of Human Rights or local human rights agencies investigating compliance with the act or local human rights M ordinances shall be informed if they request such information. IV. ACCOMMODATIONS TO PHYSICAL AND MENTAL LIMITATIONS OF EMPLOYEES The City of Hutchinson shall make a reasonable accommodation to the physical and mental limitations of an employee or applicant unless such an accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the conduct of the business. V. COMPENSATION In offering employment or promotions to disabled individuals, the City of Hutchinson shall not reduce the amount of compensation offered because of any disability income, pension, or other benefit the applicant or employee receives from another source. VI. OUTREACH, POSITIVE RECRUITMENT, AND EXTERNAL DISSEMINATION OF POLICY The City of Hutchinson shall review employment practices to determine whether the personnel programs provide the required affirmative action for employment and advancement of qualified disabled individuals. Based upon the findings of such review, the City shall undertake appropriate outreach and positive recruitment activities, such as those listed below. A. Develop internal communication of obligation to engage in affirmative action efforts to employ qualified disabled individuals in such a manner as to . foster understanding, acceptance, and support among executive, management, supervisory, and all other employees and to encourage such persons to take the necessary action to aid the City in meeting this obligation. B. Develop reasonable internal procedures to ensure that the obligation to engage in affirmative action to employ and promote qualified disabled individuals is being fully implemented. C. Periodically inform all employees and prospective employees of the commitment to engage in affirmative action to increase employment opportunities for qualified disabled individuals. D. Enlist the assistance and support of recruiting sources (including state employment security agencies, state vocational rehabilitation agencies or facilities, sheltered workshops, college placement officers, state education agencies, labor organizations and organizations of or for disabled individuals of the City's commitment to provide meaningful employment opportunities to qualified disabled individuals. E. Engage in recruitment activities at educational institutions which participate in training of the disabled, such as schools for the blind, deaf, or retarded. F. Establish meaningful contacts with appropriate social service agencies, organizations of and for disabled individuals, vocational rehabilitation agencies or facilities, for such purposes as advice, technical assistance, and Is referral to potential employees. G. Review employment records to determine the availability of promotable and transferable qualified known disabled individuals presently employed, and to determine whether their present and potential skills are being fully utilized or developed. H. Include disabled workers when employees are pictured in consumer, promotional, or help wanted advertising. I. Send written notification of company policy to all contractors, vendors and suppliers, requesting that they act in a manner consistent with the City's policy on affirmative action. J. Take positive steps to attract qualified disabled persons not currently in the workforce who have requisite skills and can be recruited through affirmative action measures. VII. INTERNAL DISSEMINATION OF POLICY Realizing that an outreach program is ineffective without adequate internal support from supervisory and management personnel and other employees, who may have had limited contact with disabled persons in the past, and in order to assure greater employee cooperation and participation, the City of Hutchinson shall disseminate this policy internally as follows: A. Include it in the policy manual. B. Publicise it in the company newsletter and other media. C. Conduct special meetings with executive, management, and supervisory personnel to explain the intent of the policy and individual responsibility for effective implementation, making clear the City's position. D. Schedule meetings with all employees to discuss policy and explain individual employee responsibilities. E. Discuss the policy thoroughly in both employee orientation and management training programs. F. Include nondiscrimination clauses in union agreements, if any, and review all contractual provisions to ensure they are nondiscriminatory. G. Include articles on accomplishments of disabled workers in City publications. H. Post the policy in City bulletin boards, including a statement that employees and applicants are protected from coercion, intimidation, interference, or discrimination for filing a complaint or assisting in an investigation under the Minnesota Human Rights Act. I. When employees are featured in employee handbooks or similar publications for employees, include disabled employees. VIII. RESPONSIBILITY FOR IMPLEMENTATION Hazel Sitz, Personnel Coordinator, has been designated director of the City of Hutchinson's affirmative action activities. Her identity shall appear on all internal and external communications regarding the City's affirmative action programs. The Personnel Coordinator has been given necessary support to manage the implementation of this program, including the following activities: A. Develop policy statements, affirmative action programs, and internal and external communication techniques, including regular discussions with directors, supervisors and employees to be certain the City's policies are being followed. In addition, supervisors shall be advised that: (1) their work performance is being evaluated on the basis of their affirmative action efforts and results, as well as other criteria; and (2) the City is obligated to prevent harassment of employees placed through affirmative action efforts. B. Identify problem areas in conjunction with line management and known disabled employees, in the implementation of the affirmative action plan, and develop solutions. C. Design and implement audit and reporting systems that will: (1) measure effectiveness of the City's plan; (2) indicate need for remedial action; (3) determine the degree to which objectives have been attained; (4) determine whether known disabled employees have had the opportunity to participate in all company sponsored educational, training, recreational, and social activities; and (5) ensure that each location is in compliance with the Minnesota Human Rights Act. D. Serve as liaison between the City of Hutchinson and the Minnesota Department of Human Rights. E. Serve as liaison between the City of Hutchinson and organizations of and for disabled persons, and arrange for the active involvement by company representatives in the community service programs of local organizations of and for the disabled. F. Beep management informed of the latest developments in the entire affirmative action area. G. Arrange for career counseling for known disabled employees. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council , 1988 Attest: Gary Plotz, City Administrator Paul Ackland, Mayor 9 0 M ��ell FINANCIAL SERVICES To: Mr. G. Plotz - City Administrator From: R. E. Carney - Waddell & Reed Registered Representative 3033 CAMPUS DRIVE SUITE 155 PLYMOUTH. MN 55441 612'557 -0818 (Personal Office) 25 2ND AVE SW HUTCHINSON. MN 55350 612/587 4 774 I have a client who is interested in changing her 457 Salary Reduction investment from her present carrier to Waddel & Reed. Waddell & Reed has an IRS approved 457 plan, but is not an approved carrier with the City of Hutchinson. This letter is to request that Waddell & Reed be approved as a 457 Salary Reduction carrier for the City of Hutchinson. Thank you for your attention to this request. I am looking forward to being of service to the employees of the City of Hutchinson. Sincerely, Bob Carney A TMK/United 11 Company 9 -F 9 (612) 587.5151 1TY OF HUTCHINSON ✓ASHINGTON AVENUE WEST 'HINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: October Sth, 1988 T0: (mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Plan Approval for Tee Hangar Project The attached resolution pertains to the proposed construction of an eight unit tee hangar at the airport. Bids for the bituminous apron on which the hangar will rest were opened on September 2nd, and a contract was awarded on September 27th. Grading work in preparation for surfacing has begun. Approval of the resolution is requested so that the status of the project can be advanced. Respectfully submitted, LuvAjvtam n Eugene Yn erso g d o Director of Engineering EA/pv attachment 9 -G RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS RESOLUTION NO. 8876 LETTING NO. 19 PROJECT NO. 88 -35 T.H. NO. T6 WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of a pre - engineered tee hangar at the Municipal Airport, and has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The City Administrator shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be opened and considered by the Council at the time specified in the Contract Documents, in the Council Chambers of the City Rall, Hutchinson, Minnesota. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bidd will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Administrator and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Hutchinson for 10 per cent of the amount of such bid. 3. Said approval of plans and specifications, and authorization to advertise for bids, are contingent upon approval of plans and specifications by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Adopted by the Council this 11th day of October, 1988. Mayor City Administrator • ��LT 0 cc U) 7 ins w oe ors �n /o -C'. bg8910711� v' On f V i i xo -�?, 0 E October 10th, 1988 TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: /67891p��2 ay As parents and concerned neighbors, we are concerned for the safety of the children in our neighborhood. The alley located off of 6th Avenue S.E. between Hassan Street and Jefferson Street serves as access to garages for many of the homes on the block. Many tines the speed exceeds 10 miles per hour. With the garages at or close to the alley, it is hard to see small children at play. There have been a few close calls. As parents and concerned neighbors, we ask that a sign be installed to warn the driver to watch for children. ge - /�' /0� /Z) -�?, (612)587-51 1 f1U1lH' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 OCTOBER 11, 1989 TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: KEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR -------------------------------------- ---- ---- -- -------- - -- - -- SUBJECT: COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF PAYMENTS -------------------------------------------------------------- Not part of tonights agenda but I would request consideration of two items. 1. Authorization to pay for the refurbished fire truck AND authorization to enter into a lease puchase arrangement. The City's Fire Truck is completed at Pierce Manufactring. Several members of the Fire Department are going to pick up the truck this week. We planned on financing the truck through Pierce and have received the paper work. In order to get release of the truck, however, the paper work on the lease must be completed or full payment must be made. I would ask ask council authorization for temporaty payment of the fire truck to Pierce Manuyfacturing Inc. for $97,009. Also council authorization to enter into a lease purchase arrangement. Once the the paper work is completed we will receive back the money (other than down payment) and begin annual payments. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Randy DeVries and George McDonald have agreed the waste treatment plant has progressed to the point where the retainage on Carr Construction can be reduced. It would be asked to reduce the retainage from $511,563 with a payment of $255,698 to the Robert L. Carr Co.. Retainage would become $255,875. CJ /0—jr- REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING October 11, 1988 • WATER $ SEWER FUND *PERA employer contribution $294.11 *Withholding Tax Acct. employer contribution 519.72 *U.S. Postmaster postage for water bills 126.70 Merle Meece %safety boots 30.00 Richard Nagy AWWA No. Cent. conf. 204.03 Henry Putzier table- desk -stand etc. 665.00 Consolidated Elec. CO. repairs 73.13 Dixie Petro Chemical chemicals 370.00 First Trust interest and agent fees 63,679.38 Am. National Bank interest and agent fees 4025.00 Am. National Bank principal,interest 4 agent fees 141,606.50 Abbott Electronics Inc. supplies 20.00 Ag Systems supplies 7.18 Allen Office Products office supplies 78.76 Crow Chemical chemicals 45.00 Commissioner of Revenue Sept. sales tax 899.36 County Market distilled water 45.36 Ed Davis Bus. Machines 2 flags 2.58 Farm $ Home supplies 128.21 Feed Rite Controls acid 690.28 Floor Care Supply cleaning supplies 605.18 Carquest Auto Parts parts 100.21 Fitzloff Hardware supplies 39.97 G K Services uniform rental 223.83 •G Hutch Coop gasoline 637.20 Hutch Leader open house ad 36.78 Hutch Utilities electricity $ gas 11,615.61 Hometown Music parts 43.93 Junker Sanitation refuse chgs. 33,947.10 Juul Contracting extend storm sewer line 3739.00 L $ P Supply Co, blades 30.60 Kenneth Merrill Logis meeting 11.02 Plaza Hardware supplies 66.97 Pikal Music Store sound system rental 65.00 Quade Sport Goods tent rental 60.00 Sorensen Farm Supply funnel 3.59 Sun Life Ins. Co. Oct, dental ins. 536.38 Town $ Country Tire repairs 6.00 U.S. Postmaster meter postage 119.59 Water Products meter 187.99 $ 265,576.25 CENTRAL GARAGE FUND *PERA employer contribution $ 37.16 *Withhold Tax Account employer contribution 65.06 Determan Welding repairs 52.50 Harpel Bros. parts 238.70 Bros. Tractor parts 98.75 •Sweeney Wacker Implement Inc. parts 24.67 Minar Ford Inc. parts 174.99 Brandon Tire repairs 165.16 Crow River Glass Co. repairs 25.68 Farm & Home supplies / 1.43 Carquest Auto Parts parts // 'Yf 537.22 -2- Coop 011 tires $ 132.90 .Hutch Hutch Wholesale supplies 150.29 Ink Spots Inc. printing 126.20 MTI Dist. Co. repairs 1608.43 MacQueen Equipment parts 70.90 MacQueen Equipment parts 246.00 Plaza Hardware parts 21.67 Schmeling Oil oil & filter 65.99 Sorenson Farm Supply parts 11.00 Sun Life of Canada Oct. dental ins. 33.24 Town $ Country repairs 78.04 U.S. Postmaster meter postage 3.75 Ziegler parts 83.44 Wigen Chev. Co. repairs & parts 744.64 W.D. Cooling Clinic repairs 70.30 GENERAL FUND *Hutchinson Telephone Co. phone service $4194.65 *WIthhold Tax Account employer contribution 3795.77 *PERA employer contribution 4149.05 *AARP driving course fees 252.00 *U.S. Postmaster Oct. mailing newsletter 147.45 •*Dept. of Natural REsources DNR reg. fees 108.00 *Day Tours Step On GUide 110.00 *Dept. of Natural Resources DNR reg..fees 183.00 Steven Madson clothing allowance 175.00 RIchard Waage clothing allowance 175.00 Ronald Kirchoff clothing allowance 175.00 Robert Ringstrom clothing allowance 175.00 Robert Ringstrom Court in Glencoe 3.17 John Gregor clothing allowance 175.00 Scott Schwartz clothing allowance 175.00 Michael Kirchoff clothing allowance 175.00 William Wegner clothing allowance 175.00 William Mattsfield clothing allowance 175.00 Charles Jones clothing allowance 175.00 James Haasl clothing allowance 175.00 Michael Hogan clothing allowance 175.00 David Erlandson clothing allowance 175.00 Scott Webb clothing allowance 175.00 Roger Bakken clothing allowance 175.00 Nancy Buss clothing allowance 100.00 Marguerite Bentz clothing allowance 100.00 Jean Gray clothing allowance 100.00 Marie Thurn clothing allowance 100.00 Lori Adamietz clothing allowance 100.00 Harland Emans custodian fees 52.50 Eggert refund volleyball 88.00 •Jerry GregZiemer refund volleyball 10.00 Don Schaffer refund gymnastics 17.00 William Klugow refund shelter 5.00 Lucille Arlt pumpkins 15.00 Margaret Jorgensen refund Mature driving 7.00 Lila Westphal refund Adv. in Eating 10.00 -3- Shelia Griebe refund gymnastics $ 26.00 •Linell Loncorich refund gymnastics 13.00 Wayne Schuster refund gymnastics 13.00 Susan Larson seminar Mpls. 31.76 Senior Advisory Board concession workers at arena 250.00 Clareys Safety Equipment rope & bag 156.50 Crystaplex Plastics supplies 408.30 Curtis Industries supplies 165.50 c% Dant Corporation bleachers 1032.00 Eagle Fire Protection repairs 138.80 Farris Incentives Inc. supplies 111.90 Fitzharries Athletic Supply supplies 151.59 Gopher StateOne Call Inc. membership fee 25.00 Hertz Furn. Systems mats 136.00 Highsmith Co. Inc. supplies 10.09 Holmsten Ice Rinks supplies 31.53 Int'l Narcotic Enfo. Assn member dues 25.00 Ice Skating Inst. of Am. supplies 10.15 Mn. Orchestra Assoc. 46 tickets 717.60 McLeod Co. Historical Soc. 'z main. pledge for 1988 2500.00 MRPA Annual Conf. registration fees 135.00 MSABC rental 70.00 Neotronics repairs 251.82 Nicollet Co. Hist. Society 46 tickets 69.00 0 $ M Cabinets leg pedestals 69.49 Pioneerland Library 4th qtr payment 13,276.25 annual com.dev.meeting 315.78 •Peters Police Dept. cash change fund 50.00 Rickeman Seed Center chemicals 45.00 Search $ Seizure Bulletin monthly publication 45.97 Supt. of Documents 2 publications 14.00 Scranton Gillette Comm. 2 yr. subscription 30.00 Transportation Tech Transfer Center 2 registration fees 60.00 Trautman's Lawn Service mowing weeds 60.00 Witte Sod 150 yds sod 112.50 A $ B Electric repairs 28.00 Albrecht Oil Co. gasoline for buses 252.00 Allen Office Products supplies 191.92 Allied Mech. Systems repairs 1300.00 Am. Welding Supplies tank rental 6.50 Arnold $ McDowell legal fees 467.00 Automation Supply Co. office supplies 131.50 Bremis Concerete supplies 67.95 Brinkman Studio posters 25.00 Bennett Office Supplies maint. agreement 51.75 John Bernhagen Oct. compensation 1800.00 Crow River Vet Clinic boarding fees etc. 334.50 Chamber of Commerce lease,copier,secretary 379.51 Carneys supplies 10.30 Copy Equipment repairs 402.90 Country Kitchen prisoner meal 5.67 Treasurer real estate taxes 710.65 •Co. Co. Treasurer property book 138.25 Co. Treasurer DL fees 101.50 County Market supplies 11.00 Culligan Water salt $ service 49.40 Dons Foods supplies 18.61 -4- Co. Recorder Earl F. Anderson 8 Assoc •Ericksons More 4 Ed Davis Bus. Machines Family Rexall Drugg Farm $ Home Fitzloff Hardware Floor Care Supply Carquest Auto Parts +' Gopher Sign Co. George Field G & K Services Hager Jewelry Hutch Coop Henrys Candy Co. Hutch Drug Hutch Landscaping Hutch Leader Hutch Plbg $ Htg. Hutch Utilities Hutch Wholesale Hutch Fire F, Safety HCVH Channel 10 Ink Spots Inc. Juul Contracting Joes Sport Shop K Mart •Kokesh Mankato Bus. Products Mid Central Inc. Kenneth Merrill Midland Products Co. McGarvey Coffee Plaza Hardware Popp Electrical Pan 0 Gold Pikal Music Store Quade Electric Quade Sport Goods Quade Sport Shop Rite Way Auto Wash Rutz Plbg $ Htg. Rockmount Research R $ R Specialties Schmeling Oil Co. Shopko Simonson Lbr. Co. State Treasurer Sun Life of Canada Star Cablevision Town $ Country Tire Tri Co. Water Cond. •U.S. Postmaster U. S. Postmaster Xerox Wm. Mueller $ Sons Inc. Pierce Mfg. Co. recording fees $ 50.00 signs $ posts 385.65 supplies 38.69 supplies 39.70 supplies 120.49 supplies 136.00 supplies 201.27 cleaning supplies etc. 1541.11 parts $ supplies 5.06 signs 157.33 clothing allowance 150.00 uniform rental 971.14 repairs 6.31 gasoline 2622.64 supplies 424.85 supplies 1.19 rock,shrubs €, tree 448.00 publications etc. 636.32 parts 21.75 gas $ electricity 11,587.13 supplies 17.95 repairs 12.50 cable franchise 750.00 supplies $ printing 185.75 tree dump $ storm sewer materials 185.00 supplies 9.00 batteries 27.18 supplies 934.12 copier meter 50.00 equipment & parts 263.48 mileage & logis meeting 32.19 supplies 53.82 coffee 161.12 supplies 10.24 repairs 109.44 supplies 19.35 equipment & supplies 4.76 parts 69.50 supplies 3.00 supplies 1387.76 bus wash 3.75 supplies 26.19 supplies 107.40 supplies 124.20 oil 12.00 supplies & equipment 373.48 supplies 20.94 surcharge 1070.48 Oct. dental ins. 2187.24 Oct. cable 4.05 repairs 7.00 softener salt 72.00 100 stamps 25.00 meter postage 681.66 contract payments 270.92 street materials 690.10 Ward LaFrance Pumper 97,009.00 $169,831.23 J -s- BOND FUNDS Police Const. Fund Hutchinson Landscaping shrubs,rock,edging $198.00 Korngiebel Arch station furnishings 480.00 680.00 Bonds of 1987 Debt Service s s Keefe $ Kasal double payment assessment refund $113.62 Bonds of 1987 Wm. Mueller & Sons construction costs $2879.57 Bonds of 1984 First Trust interest $32,925.00 Bonds of 1982 First Trust interest $ agent fees $12,391.88 Library Debt Service Fund First Trust interest $30,275.04 Parking Bonds of 1984 First Trust interest $26,193.75 • Bonds of 1988 American NationalBank original issuance fee $ 593.98 Gopher Sign Co. signs 759.70 Neenah Foundry Co. grates 98.00 Insituform Central Inc. construction costs 9492.64 Duininck Bros. construction costs 17,119.85 Juul Contracting construction costs 44,011.60 Wm.Mueller $ Sons Inc. construction costs 84.822.03 $ 156,897.80 Bonds of 1988 Debt Service L €, G Enterprises refund double payment $174.32 McLeod Title Services refund double payment 174.43 348.75 J u • • 16900 Cedar Avenue, S. Rosemount, MN 55068 October 7, 1988 Mayor Paul L. Ackland City Hall 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 Honorable Mayor Ackland: Telephone (612) 432 -2610 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Star Cablevision Bngh' • Cie., E.vnw Star Cablevision will immediately take the steps necessary to bring cable television service to the downtown area apartments. v 41- V'Ri N CCii588 7 RECEIVED We are proud to be a part of the community and will do whatever it takes to continue delivering outstanding service. Yours truly, Richard Penkert Regional Manager Star Cablevision 8Y (612) 587.5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 September 29th, 1988 Mr. Patrick C. Hughes District Engineer Minnesota Dept. of Transportation 2505 Transportation Road P. 0. Box 768 Willmar, MN 56201 RE: S.P. 4304 -31 F.P. F -HES 015 -2(45) Trunk Highway 15 South Hutchinson, MN Dear Mr. Hughes: FOR YOUR INFORMATION The City has a genuine concern for the loss of northbound access to Lynn Road as a result of the reconstruction of Trunk Highway 15 South. As planned and presently constructed, Lynn Road at its intersection with South Grade Road, which is in proximity to the T.H. 15 - South Grade Road intersection, has been changed geometrically so as to prohibit northbound access onto Lynn Road. While we share concerns for improving safety at and adjacent to the intersection of South Grade Road and T.H. 15, the City cannot condone the loss of access for northbound traffic on Lynn Road. Your attention is called to the accompanying resolution adopted by the City Council requesting a revised design and correspondence from concerned citizens, business owners, and ambulance and protection agencies in the area. Please note that, as stated in the resolution, Lynn Road is a major element in the City's transportation system, functioning as a minor arterial serving north -south trips. By eliminating the northbound access from T.H. 15 and from South Grade Road, both of which are likewise principal elements in our transportation system, an important link in the system will be eliminated and traffic that would otherwise use that link will be redistributed to residential areas where safety concerns will be augmented. The City respectfully requests that the design and construction be revised to allow for northbound access to Lynn Road, and that the revisions be made in 1988. A suggested change is the construction of a left turn lane between South Grade Road and Grove Street that would allow northbound traffic on T.H. 15 to access Lynn Road directly via the connection ramp that has been constructed between Lynn Road and T.H. 15. Thank you for your careful and considerate attention to this matter. Sincerely, TY OF HUT NS� Eugen Anderson Director of Engineering EA /pv enc. cc: Mayor and City Council RESOLUTION NO. 8869 RESOLUTION REQUESTING REVISED DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION IN THE AREA OF TRUNK HIGHWAY 15 SOUTH AND LYNN ROAD IN HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA STATE PROJECT NO. 4304 -31 FEDERAL PROJECT NO. F -HES 015 -2(45) WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation is presently reconstructing Trunk Highway 15 South in Hutchinson, Minnesota in the area of Lynn Road; and WHEREAS, the City Council for the City of Hutchinson is concerned about the mobility of vehicular traffic in the City's transportation system; and WHEREAS, the City Council is concerned about accessibility of vehicular traffic to properties abutting Lynn Road in the vicinity of Trunk Highway 15 South; and WHEREAS, Lynn Road is a municipal state aid street, functioning as a minor arterial, and as such is a major thoroughfare in the City's transportation system; and WHEREAS, the present design and construction of the Trunk Highway 15 South improvements will eliminate northbound access to Lynn Road from both South Grade Road and from Trunk Highway 15 South; and WHEREAS, said elimination of northbound access to Lynn Road will be detrimental to mobility and accessibility of vehicular traffic and will impair the functional character of Lynn Road; and WHEREAS, said elimination of northbound access to Lynn Road will increase traffic volumes on adjacent local streets in residential neighborhoods, thereby compromising safety. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA; 1. That the Minnesota Department of Transportation be and is hereby requested to provide direct northbound access from Trunk Highway 15 to Lynn Road by constructing a left turn lane on northbound Trunk Highway 15 South between South Grade Road and Grove Street from approximately project station 1231 +60 to approximately project station 1234 +60, with associated revisions to the median in the access ramp between Trunk Highway 15 and Lynn Road at approximately project station 1234 +10, or a similar revised design that will provide direct northbound access to Lynn Road from South Grade Road and /or Trunk Highway 15. 2. That the revised design and construction of northbound access to Lynn Road be completed in 1988. Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of September, 1988. / Paul L. Ackland, Mayor ATTEST: 6j1JOAJ Kenneth Mere, Assistant City Administrator 10 FRANKLIN STREET SOUTH September 29, 1988 Patrick Hughes District Engineer Minnesota Department P.O. Box 768 2505 Transportation Willmar, MN 56201 CITY OF HUTCHINSON POLICE DEPARTMENT HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350 of Transportation Avenue RE: Highway 15 Improvements Dear Mr. Hughes: PHONE(612)587.2242 I am writing this letter to express my concern regarding the Highway 15 improvements which are currently being completed by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Specifically, the improvements to Trunk Highway 15 at the intersection of South Grade Road in the City of Hutchinson has created a situation whereby the access to Lynn Road, for north bound traffi has been eliminated. The improvements to the intersection of Tru way 15 and South Grade Road will, I believe, improve the overall y r motorists operating at that intersection. However, in the int providing safety at that particular intersection, another safety fa has, en overlooked. The safety factor that I am speaking of is that em cy vehicles not being able to access Lynn Road as they are proceedin a northerly direction. This is of extreme concern to emergency services personnel because Lynn Road is a main north - south street in Hutchinson for the purpose of emergency vehicular traffic movement. I would like to take this opportunity to urge you to re- evalute the current plan and attempt to develop some means by which to access Lynn Road so that emergency vehicular traffic can proceed north from the intersection of South Grade Road and Trunk Highway 15. I, as wel l appreciate yas � Res6ectfu CE St very . Ma son Chief of Police SCM:neb emergency services personnel for the City of Hutchinson, 'ention and cooperation in this matter. PARTMEWT cc: Gene Anderson, Director of Engineering hutchinson 9D community hospital 1095 Highway 15 South, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 • Telephone 6121587 -2148 September 29, 1988 The Honorable Mayor Paul Ackland and Members of the City Council City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Ave. W. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mayor and City Council: This letter is to express our concern regarding access to Lynn Road from Highway 15 with the reconstruction of this highway. Our ambulance service uses Lynn Road frequently when responding to calls in the southwest part of Hutchinson. The redesign of the highway and Lynn Road prohibits access from Highway 15 to Lynn Road when traveling from the south. We are going to have to take other routes such as South Grade Road to Merrill Street, over to Linden Avenue, and then back to Lynn Road. This is a great inconvenience to us. We prefer to use the major roads throughout town (those with long stetches without stop signs) rather than using side streets. This is a safety factor and a response time factor. We realize the problem with traffic congestion in this area, but we feel that some type of access to Lynn Road directly from Highway 15 is necessary for the emergency services of this community to efficiently respond to the needs of our citizens. We urge you to contact some type of corrective is an urgent matter. Sincerely, /IYa� mes MCKay v Ambulance Supervisor the Minnesota Highway Department to see if action could be taken. We feel this 10 15 South September 27, 1988 Gentleman: FITZLOFF HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 — Phone 612.587 -2658 I thank you for the opportunity to share some thoughts with you. 1. What route can the ambulance use to reach my store or nearby Farm & Home, Hamer Pittman, Warren Systma homes? 2. What route can a semi coming from south take to get to Pizza Hut, Hardware Hank or Farm & Home? West to Merrill? Residential & 5 ton streets. Parking on both sides. 3. Where was I,2 years ago at hearing time? I plead guilty, I was not here, but it is difficult is understand how these conditions could escape the attention of lay or professionals that were present. is not the time to point fingers & attempt to isolate faults, let us :put efforts toward correcting. Please consider using the change order clause with existing contractor and open a left hand escape for north bound 15 traffic at Clinton Ave. This would give quick relief at minimun time consumed. Some years ago Lynn Road was established as a thru street and trees were removed, Parking banned on one side. 9 ton Construction. Today we find only 16 feet wide on south end. INTERESTING? I am concerned with the traffic coming off 15 wanting to turn on Lynn road, will stop in confusion or waiting for an opening to enter safely. No provision given for people coming from the south to get to the three established business or the residences on south end of Lynn road and vicinity. a Hut lot used for thru traffic must change flower conflict with window. �J Lrr- V..-. is �— /, i' ✓��. owYiu _rrvrrcau�ii� ro4... tx4c. HIGHWAY 15 SOUTH HUTCHINSON. MN 55350 Septomber 27, 1988 Gentlemen: Unfortunately, we are unable to attend the City Council meeting tonight to voice our opinions and concerns, so we have to do it with a letter. We are very concerned regarding the final outcome of the Highway 15 construction project. Unfortunately, when it was proposed two years ago we misunderstood the plans and thought there was going to be a left turn lane on Highway 15 for people coming from the south. Our main concern is our customers. Every day, people are complaining e:oaut how hard it is to get to our store because of the construction. Little do they know that it will be just as hard later. We have many customers, like FitzloffIs and Pizza Hut, that come from the south on E?i-ghway 15. In order for customers to get to any of us they will have to turn . on South Grade Road, go to Merrill Street, and go around the block Just to get to the stores. Now, what about the congestion on Merrill Street? With the apartments there, cars are parked on both.sides of the street, you can't meet another car, there is not enough room. Our next concern is our truck drivers. When they have to come from the south and turn on Merrill-Streets how are they supposed to maneuver their • sends by all of those cars? They will have to hope another car is not coming from the other direction. There is going to be a serious traffic problem on that street in the near future. If there would be an emergency at one of the businesses or even at a residence on Lynn Road, how is the ambulance going to get to.them? By going around the block? Couldn't that extra couple of blocks be crucial? We realize there was a problem at the corner by pizza Hut; but we feel what is being done now, will be just a3 bad, if not worse. We feel the best solution to the problem would be to make a left turn lane on Highway 159 adjacent to the exit onthe west side. This would take all of the excess trcXfic uff the residential street and put it back on the highwaye ke hope you will take our concerns and suggestions seriously. Concerned, ac A Ri11 and Jackie Backen, Farm and Home A. - 0 DAVID R. R. CAR CHARLES R.CARMIOHAtL GARY D. M�DOw'!ti STEVEN A. ANDERSON O. BARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. HOG! CHARLES L. VAIL JR. LAURA E. FRITLA.VD DAVID A. BRUEOOENANN JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES CTLEY JULIA A. CHRISTIASS October 5, 1988 ARNOLD & MCDOwELL FOR YOUR INFORMATION ATTORNEYS AT LAw 5881 CEDAR LsRP. ROAD MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55410 (812) 545 -9000 MN TOLL FREE 800- 343.4545 GABLE MCL,W MINNEAPOus TELECOPItR (812)545 -1703 W. R. Newell United States Fidelity Guarantee Insurance Company Suite 1101 800 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 RE: City of Hutchinson Police Station Construction Bid Bond issued by USF& G Principal: Gopher State Contractors, Inc. Obligee: City of Hutchinson Our File No.: 3188 -87 -0029 Dear Mr. Newell: 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRIM C ETON. MINNESOTA 33371 (612) 380- 2214 101 PARR PLACE HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350 (812) 557 -7575 3�345�8` I have now had a chance to visit with the construction manager for the Hutchinson Police Station. As you know, the manager is Construction Analysis and Management, Inc. (CAM). I do not agree that Gopher State can escape its obligations under its bid bond and the bid package submitted in this case. I am enclosing for your review a copy of the bid form for the City of Hutchinson Police Station and I direct your attention to page 2 of the form where the following language appears: "The bidder agrees that this bid may not be withdrawn for a period of 30 calendar days immediately following the date of receipt of bids." I am also enclosing a copy of the letter submitted by Everett C. Sobania dated April 9, 1988 which amends the Gopher State bid. Under the circumstances, it is clear that the April 23, 1988 Notice of Intent was timely, In order for Gopher State to prevail, they will have to convince a jury that the Notice is in fact not timely. W. R. Newell October 5, 1988 Page 2 in evaluating your exposure on this matter, you should keep in mind that your insured's behavior is consistent with the City's position; throughout the entire time Gopher State Contractors, Inc. had the bid package, they were in constant communication with CAM regarding the details of the construction process. In short, the were constantly behaving as if they intended to complete their duties under the contract. In fact, their Notice of Intent to Withdraw may have delayed the project and caused the City additional damages. 11 It is my understanding that your bid bond in this case is 5% of $24,015. I can recommend to the City acceptance of a settlement pro- posal of $1100 and a waiver of attorneys fees, costs and disbursements that the City would otherwise be entitled to in a litigation setting. Please respond prior to October 15, 1988. Thank you. very truly yours, r � ARNOL cDOWEL G. Barry Anderson GBA /lls Enclosures E Y,Y PARKS • RECREATION • FORESTRY 900 Harrington Street Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 (612) 587 -2975 SENIOR CENTER CIVIC ARENA w L: _ 587 -6564 587 -4279 FOR YOUR INFORMATION To: Mayor & City Council -From: Senior Advisory Board Arnold Rotzien, Chairman Date: October 3, 1986 Please accept th1`3 $2500,013 from the Senior Advisory Board into the Senior Building Fund. A variety of fund - raising projects were completed this year, and the Senior Advisory Board will continue to raise money for this Building Fund Project.. Thank you for your attention regarding this matter. cc: Bruce Ericson Parks & Recreation Advisory Board OUENTIN N BUROICK, NORTH DAKOTA. CHANEMAN DANIEL PATRICK MOYNIHAN NEW YORK ROBERT T STAFFORD VERMONT GEORGE MTCHELL MAINE JOHN N CHAIJE RHODE ISLAND MAX BAUCUS MONTANA ALAN R SIMPSON W10MING FRANK R LAUTENBERG NEW JERSEY STEVE STRIVE . IDAHO JOHN B BREAUT LOUISIANA DAYE DURENBERGER MINNESOTA BAR BAMAA MIRULSKI MARYLAND JOHN W WARHEA VIRGINIA NNRa1 ME 10 NEVADA LARRY PRESSLER, SOUTH DAKOTA BOB GRAHAM FLORIDA PETER D PROWITT. STAFF DIRECTOR BAILEY GUARD MINORITY STAFF DIRECTOR September 21, 1988 'United �5tatels *mate (N 101r�r,' MI COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS WASHINGTON. DC 20510-6175 J u-' /�, J The Honorable Paul Ackland City of Hutchinson P.O. Box 623 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Dear Paul and friends: FOR YOUR INFORMATION Congratulations on the this terrific municipal accomplishment. It's not often that a community can pool resources and planning efforts to have 2 major projects completed at the same time. The people of Hutchinson can be proud of the planning and insight that went into these projects, though, for they will make life in a growing community that much more exciting and easy. Your wastewater concerns have been addressed and the area may indeed outgrow the system someday, but I've been assured that's not for a long time to come. And, I am sure the city employees will appreciate the elbow room which has been generated by the construction of this new, efficient police station. Law enforcement has changed a great deal over the past few years, and your investment in this new station will be returned to you in efficiency, service and protection. I regret that I cannot be with you all this weekend to take part in these long - awaited dedications. However, I look forward to seeing these sites, and hearing of their operation on my next trip into Hutchinson. lb best wishes for this special community -wide ator ©E LJ Ir 0 NAME EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FOR YOUR INFORMATION DATE September, 1988 ADDRESS Gary Hiler 325 Hassan Street, Hutchinson Danette Nelson 541 Brawn Street, Hutchinson JOB TITLE Part Time Liquor Store Clerks SUPERVISED BY Chick Nelson EMPLOYMENT STATUS X NEW EMPLOYEE OTHER: FULL TIME X PART TIME OR SEASONAL PAY RATE I COMMENTS Replacing clerks who have resigned THE ABOVE PERSONNEL ACTION CONFORMS TO ADOPTED PERSONNEL POLICY AND TO THE COUNCIL APPROVED SELECTION PROCESS. DEPARTMENT -HEAD PERSONNEL COORDINATOR CITY ADM NIS TOR CITY OF HUTOMSOM EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 0 NAME Gerald Strac ],. Robert Plannie FOR YOUR INFORMATION DATESePtanber, 1988 ADDRESS 625 Brown Street, Hutchinson 194 - 5th Ave NE, Hutchinson JOB TITLE Engineering Aides SUPERVISED BY Eugene Anderson EMPLOYMENT STATUS X NEW EMPLOYEE OTHER: FULL TIME 1. X PART TIME OR SEASONAL I* PAY RATE T2 COMMENTS Replacing other seasonal employees who have left, until end of construction season THE ABOVE PERSONNEL ACTION CONFORMS TO ADOPTED PERSONNEL POLICY AND TO THE COUNCIL APPROVED SELECTION PROCESS, DEPARTNENT HEAD PERSONNEL COORDINATOR 0 CITY ADMINISTRATOR. HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICER MEETING Monday, September 19, 1988 The meeting was called to order at 9:15 p.m. Fuel and Gas - Fill after every run. Chief officer will advise. Regional Meeting - Pork chops and cote slaw cooked by Pork Producers. Motion made and seconded recommend purchase of a Roscoe Smoke machine from the General Fund. Chief Henke will meet with Chief Madson and Jim McKay of the hospital on First Responder on September 20th. Motion made and seconded to purchase from City Rescue Budget - 2 blood pressure cuffs and stethescopes. Motion passed. Rookie School - Nov. 28, Monday night 6:30 - 10:30. List will be published who needs to attend. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Jamie Emans Secretary 11 MEMBERS PRESENT: Paul Ackland Don Erickson Marie Klinghagen Jan Kreitlow Arlen Solie Troy Wrucke Rev. Tim Maland MINUTES DOWNTOW14 WN TASK FORCE FOR YOUR INFORMATION SEPTEMBER 28, 1988 MEMBERS ABSENTS Dave Larson Steve Madson Steve Barton Cheri Swanson OTHERS PRESENT: Bruce Ericson, Kathy Stouvenel, Hazel Sitz, Jane Hodgins Chairman Paul Ackland called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m. in the Library Conference Room. The minutes of the September 8, 1988 meeting were approved. Chairman Ackland reported on information he has from the chief of police concerning loitering ordinances. In summary, loitering ordinances are unconstitutional and closing parks doesn't work. Arlen Solis reported he has given petition forms to the senior high activities council and a number of them have been signed and returned. The junior high is just starting to distribute forms. • Mr. Ackland reported the chief of police has sent a community survey re teen centers to 10 cities and responses are being received. The police department is also working on a street survey to determine addresses of those using the park area. The teen survey is still pending, with a meeting of 3 members needed to work on it (P. Ackland, C. Swanson, T. Wrucke). Bruce Ericson and Kathy Stouvenel reported on possible activities in a teen center. They stated successful centers are for junior high age students. After that age, interest decreases. At present, our city recreation program participation drops off after 6th grade. The arena and recreation center are available in summer. In winter, both are fully booked except for Saturday from noon on at the recreation center. Storage space for teen center equipment would be lacking in the recreation center or arena. A dance planned at the recreation center this spring was advertised to attract senior high students; instead, junior high age attended. It can be difficult to predict attendance at planned events. A successful junior high teen center program could lead into group participation of senior high age students after a period of time. Mr. Ackland reported on youth development plans that other cities (Alexandria, etc.) have begun. These could be used as resource in Hutchinson. There was further extensive discussion on possible use of church facilities, what age groups should be targeted, and the mission of this task force. It .was the consensus that a teen center would need much wider involvement of civic organizations, community education, other groups. This task force is to work on the Main Street problem and offer a recommendation. Minutes - page 2 There was discussion on leasing a building for a year or longer to establish a teen center. Mr. Ackland would be in favor of the city assisting with lease payments, but all other financial help would have to come from other sources. He will discuss this with the city council to get their feelings. The teen survey should be ready to send out shortly. Results of surveys and council discussion will be brought to the task force. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Recorded by Hazel 31tz 0 0 0 Presents 0 PIONSSRLAND LIBRARI SYSTEM BOARD MSSTING September 12, 1988 James Phalan, Graceville Steve Boehlke, Montevideo Stan Jacobson, Granite Falls Dorothy Tebben, Clara City Laoerna Birkland, Willmar Orlynn Mankell, New London Richard Post, Prinsburg Lilah Buhr, Stewart Kathleen Kubasch, Winsted Shirley Nowak, Silver Lake Robert Arens, Kimball Marian Miller, Grove City Howard Turck, Litchfield Curtis Johnson, Appleton Jeff France, Benson Lionel Harker, Glencoe Linda Wilimsen, Hutchinson Shirley Schutt, Kerkhoven Nancy Alsop, Litchfield Judy Oestreich, Litchfield Gladys Nelson, Ortonville Linda Ulrich, Renville Jeanette Buchanan, Willmar Carol Conradi, Willmar Richard Emery, Willmar Burton Sundberg, Director Kathy Matson, Associate Director Dave Lauritsen, Chippewa County Librarian Absent: Peg Mpsaberg, Spicer* Lorna Carlson, Murdock* John Langan, Danvers* Linda Beath, Bird Island John Nevins, Dawson* Sandy Casper, Gracaville* Joe Sc*efer, Hector William Scherer, Hutchinson* Anne Maguire, Madison* * Excused absence FOR YOUR INFORMATION Representing: R p n R n n a a R a R n n a r R n a n n Representing: a n R a ■ n Big Stone County Chippewa County Chippewa County Chippewa County Kandiyohi County Kandiyohi County Kandiyohi County McLeod County McLeod County McLeod County Meeker County Meeker County Meeker County Appleton Benson Glencoe Hutchinson Kerkhoven Litchfield Litchfield Ortonville Renville Willmar Willmar Willmar Kandiyohi County Swift County Swift County Bird Island Dawson Graceville Hector Hutchinson Madison Chairman Boehlke called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Roll call Was read. Mankell/Ulrich moved to approve the minutes of the August 8 &xecutive Committee meeting. Carried. Barker/Miller moved approval of the treasurer's report for August. Carried. Director's report: 1. July and August statistical reports show increases over July and August of 1987. 2. Newspaper clippings and the LDS newsletter Were passed around. 3. Facilities: a. Library facilities at Lake Lillian need to be upgraded. b. The New London Library may expand its quarters. 4. Books written at reading levels of grades 1 through 4 for adult readers have been placed in member libraries. 5. Will Weaver is a featured speaker at the annual SAMMIE meeting in Marshall on September 29. 6. The MIA convention will be held in Rochester October 5 -7. Friday, October 7, is Trustees' Day. Nelson/Kubasch moved to approve the bills. Carried. Cos®unicatione: 1. PLS has received checks of $39,222 and $60,000 from the LDS office. 2. Governing units have received letters listing minimum support payments for qualifying for state aid. 3. A letter from the Wadena Library Board urges support of a proposal to double the financial grants for the regional library systems. Nancy Alsop gave a report on LAS initiatives which include funding for a children's specialist, and increased funding for library buildings and regional systems. There is also ongoing discussion on the formation of public library districts with the power to levy taxes for library support. New Busineses 1. Governing boards have 45 days to consider the 1989 Budget sent them in August. The bylaws provide for revision of the budget if governing units representing 33% or more of the PLS population were to reject the initial budget request. 2. Reports of Results Accomplished with State and Federal Funds during State FY88 were presented by Mr. Sundberg (Federal) and Kathy Matson (State). a. Federal Funds of $44,596 and local funds of $370048 were used for additions to the database, distribution of CON catalogs to 29 locations, and weekly updates to the COM catalogs. Post /Conradi moved to accept the report and to direst the chairman and the director to sign the report. Carried. b. State funds of $214170 were spent on materials, publicity and PR, continuing eda- cation, and the bookmobile. Buhr/Ulrich moved to accept the report and to direct the chairman and the director to sign the report. Carried. 3. The State IRS requires libraries to charge sales taxes on copies made on copy machines, rentals, and book sales. PLS has kept the charges the same, and has posted signs showing that these charges include sales tax. The sales tax for August was about $161. The question of charges for copying needs to be discussed since these charges are not uniform throughout the system. 4. The board discussed a suggested legislative proposal to combine operational and automation needs for public library systems for the next biennium at a level of $10,0009000 a year, an increase of 100$ over current funding. Opposition was expressed by several board members. The next meeting will be October 10. Board members will be advised whether the full board or the executive committee will meet. The meeting was adjourned at 8:57 p.m. Lilah Buhr Secretary