cp03-28-1989 cHUTCHINSON CITY CALENDAR YYEEK OF March 26 T 0 April 1 '19 a g) VIEDNESDAY -29- 10:00 A.M. - Directors Meeting at City Hall 5:00 P.M. - Park & Recreation Board at Library Conference Room SUNDAY -26- EASTER SUNDAY THURSDAY -30- is Y014 )ied! MONDAY -27- Noon - Safety Council Meeting at Fire Station 1:00 P.M. - Utilities Commiss Meeting at Utilities 7:30 P.M. - Airport Commission Meeting at City Hall FRIDAY -31- HAZEL SITZ - March 27 -28 TUESDAY -210 7:30 P.M. - City Council Meeting at City Hall SATURDAY -1- SSA UPY 6-yt a:i 1 i a 0 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1989 1. Cali to Order - 7:30 P.K. 2. Invocation - Rev. Timothy Maland, Faith Lutheran Church 3. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Meeting of March 14, 1989 and MTMP_en of_KarcT=, 1989 Action - Approve as distributed - Approve as amended 4. Routine Items (a) Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions 1. Financial Report - February 1989 2. Planning Commission Minutes - February 21, 1989 3. Nursing Home Board Minutes - February 23, 1989 (b) Renewal of Intoxicating Liquor Licenses (c) Appointments: 1. Planning Commission - Elroy Dobratz 2. Library Board - Larry Ladd - Sharon Opatz - Ralph Bergstrom (One -Year Term) Action - Motion to order report and minutes filed, renew licenses and ratify appointments 5. Public Hearing - 8:00 P.O. (a) Petition to Block Off Alley Located Vest of Adams Street And North of Food IN Fuel Action - Motion to close hearing 6. Communications, Requests and Petitions (a) Consideration of Request to Award Recognition Certificates to Retiring Firemen Darvin 2ieman and Tim Schloeder 10 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve 1 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - MARCH 28, 1989 . 7. Resolutions and Ordinances (a) Resolution No. 8973 - Resolution For Purchase Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt 8. Unfinished Business (a) Consideration of Demolition Cost On XcLaugblin Building (DEFERRED MARCH 14, 1989) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and confirm collection of costs (b) Consideration of Bond Issue for Burns Manor Nursing Home Improvements (DEFERRED MARCH 14, 1989) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8968 9. New Business (a) Consideration of Delinquent Water And Sewer Accounts Action - Motion to authorize extension of payment period - Motion to authorize discontinuation of service (b) Consideration of Request for Payment From XN/DOT for Highway 22 Right -Of -Way Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (c) Consideration of Requests By June Redman for 1989 Improvement Projects Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (d) Consideration of Renewing Land Rental Lease to Paul Thissen Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and enter into contract (e) Consideration of Retainage Reduction for Robert L. Carr Company Action - Motion to reject - Xotionn to approve (f) Consideration of Approval of Major Equipment Financing Proposal for Hutchinson Community Hospital Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve 2 1� CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - MARCH 28, 1989 (g) Consideration of Capital Expenditure for Central Dictation System at Hutchinson Community Hospital Action - Notion to reject - Notion to approve (h) Consideration of Application for Non- Intoxicating On -Sale Halt Liquor License By Gene Doherty for J's Pizza Garten Action - Notion to reject - Notion to approve and issue license (i) Consideration of Advertisement for Airport Farm Land for 1989 -90 Action - Notion to reject - Notion to approve and advertise (j) Consideration of Conditional Use Permit Requested By Richard Larson with Favorable Recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Notion to reject - Notion to approve - Notion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8971 (k) Consideration of Conditional Use Permit Requested By Rosen's Inc. (Former Hutch Agri Tech Property) with Favorable Recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Notion to reject - Notion to approve - Notion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8972 (1) Consideration of Dakota Rail/Hercules Sale with Favorable Recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Notion to reject - Notion to approve and enter into agreement (m) Discussion of Annexation for Ron Hanson Property And Surrounding Areas Action - (n) Consideration of Approving Plans And Specifications And Advertising for Bids On Letting No. 2, Project No. 89 -02 Action - Notion to reject - Notion to approve plans and specifications and advertise for bids - Notion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8974 (o) Consideration of Approving Plans And Specifications And Advertising for Bids On Letting No. 4, Project No. 89 -05, 89 -06, 89 -07, 89 -12 Action - Notion to reject - Notion to approve plans and specifications is and advertise for bids - Notion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8975 3 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - MARCH 28, 1989 0 (p) Consideration of Review By Charles Bailly h Company of Financial Forecast for Burns Manor Nursing Home Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and enter into contract for services 20. Miscellaneous (a) Communications from City Administrator 11. Claims, Appropriations And Contract Payments (a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds 12. Adjournment 4 r1 U • MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHI UTCHIASOA CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1989 1. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ackland at 7:30 P.X. The follow- ing were present: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Aldermen Nike Carle, John Xlinar, Marlin Torgerson and Pat Nikulecky. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz and Assistant Engineer Cal Rice. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend Timothy xaland. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of February 28, 1989 were approved as distributed. 4. ROUTINE ITEMS (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS I. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT - FEBRUARY 1989 (b) APPOINTMENTS: I. NURSING HOME BOARD - KAY PETERSON & ELAINE BLACK 2. HRA - TAMMY WENDLANDT 3. DOWNTOWN DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE - JAY BEYTIEN The motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to order the report and minutes filed and ratify the appointments. 5. PUBLIC HEARING None. 6. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS None. 7. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) RESOLUTION A0. 8967 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The motion was made by Alderman Carle, seconded by Alderman Torgerson, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8967. Notion unanimously carried. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 °�' CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - IARCH 14, 1989 • (a) CONSIDERATION OF REVISED 1989 NUTRITION PROGRAM CONTRACT The motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried, to approve and enter into the revised contract. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF RECOIIENDATION OF ACTING CITY ENGINEER TO DROP PROJECT NO. 89 -11 (CONSTRUCTION OF CITY PARKING LOT) The motion was made by Alderman Carle to approve deleting Project No. 89 -11. Notion seconded by Alderman Ilinar and unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF NSF CHECKS TO BE WITTEN OFF CITY BOOKS The motion was made by Alderman Mikulecky, seconded by Alderman Torger- son, to approve write -offs. The motion was amended by Alderman Carls to direct the City Attorney to use a collection agency, or a similar means, to collect the amount due on NSF checks. Amended motion sec- onded by Alderman Iikulecky and unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT VITA XEROX FOR 5052 COPY MACHINE The motion was made by Alderman Nlinar, seconded by Alderman Nikulecky, to approve and enter into contract. Notion unanimously carried. (d) CONSIDERATION OF RETAINAGE REDUCTION FOR ROBERT L. CARR COMPANY The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson to approve a reduction from $40,000 to $30,000. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and unanimously carried. (e) CONSIDERATION OF REINBURSEMENT FROM 1988 VATER/SEYER FUND TO GENERAL FUND The motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the reimbursement. (f) CONSIDERATION OF DEMOLITION COST ON MCLAUGHLIN BUILDING The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson to defer and direct the City Attorney to determine if the County has any responsibility for not in- forming the bidders of the outstanding certified assessment on the property. Notion seconded by Alderman Ilinar and unanimously carried. (g) CONSIDERATION OF REVENUE BONDS FOR BURNS MANOR NURSING HONE Since the bond consultant could not be present, this item was deferred to the next Council meeting. 2 0 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - MARCH 14, 1989 (h) CONSIDERATION OF EMPLOYMENT OF MARLOW PRIEBE ON SHORT -TERM CONTRACT BASIS Following discussion, the notion was made and seconded to enter into a contract with Marlow Priebe for $1,100 weekly fee, including attend- ance at regular meetings of City Council and Planning Commission, and excluding any benefits, and to direct the City Attorney to prepare said contract with Priebe Engineering Company. Motion unanimously carried. The City Council discussed the proposed Bluff Street project and the downtown sprinkling project. It was the consensus of the Council to hold a public hearing on May 8 at 7:00 P.X. at a location to be determined by the City Administrator. They agreed to hold the bearing on the down- town sprinkling project at the regular Council meeting of May 9 at 8:00 P.H. The timetable for awarding the bid on the above projects is on or before July 15, 1989. (f) CONSIDERATION OF ASSESSMENT HEARING FOR PROJECT N0. 89 -01, LETTING 1 The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson to approve and hold a public bearing on April 11, 1989 at 8:00 P.M., to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 8969 and No. 8970. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR The City Administrator reported on the request of Alderman Mikulecky regarding a report on the hours of the HCDC Executive Director during the lesiglative session. It was reported that the Chairman of HCDC did con- tact the Mayor and Alderman Torgerson to respond to this request. The March of Dimes requested permission to conduct a ValkAnerica/Team- walk in Hutchinson on April 29. It was the consensus of the Council to approve the request, contingent upon approval of the route by the Police Chief. Following discussion of a letter from the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities regarding a formula for State aid, it was the consensus of the Council to invite the Director of the Coalition to the April it Council meeting. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN JOHN MLINAR Alderman Mlinar requested a written report regarding the water prob- lems at the Civic Arena. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM OTTO RETTIG Mr. Otto Rettig and a representative of the Credit Union were present to 3 CITY COUICIL MINUTES - MARCH 14, 1989 0 hear a resolution on the proposed closing of the alley north of the Credit Union building. The City Attorney was not present, and the City Council advised the residents to attend the upcoming Council meeting regarding this issue. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS The motion was made, seconded and carried to approve and authorize pay- ment from the appropriate funds. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. 4 MINUTES BID OPENING FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1989 Finance Director Kenneth B. Merrill called the bid opening to order at 2:00 P.M. Also present was Administrative Secretary Marilyn Swanson. The reading of Publication No, 3968, Advertisement for Bids, Letting No. 1, Project No. 89 -01, was dispensed with. The following bids were opened and read: Juul Contracting Co., Inc. Hutchinson, MN 975,208.60 Latour Construction Maple Lake, MN 83,880.75 Southern Minnesota Construction Mankato, MN 96,805.00 Kuemper Incorporated Bird Island, MN 70,862.30 Rickert Excavating, Inc. Brownton, NN 69,604.00 The bids were referred to the Engineering Department. A public hearing will be held prior to awarding the bid in April or early May. The bid opening adjourned at 2:10 P.M. 0 I FEBRUARY 40 EVENUE REPORT - GENERAL FUND CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT - 1989 FEBRUARY CURRENT YEAR TO ADOPTED BALANCE PERCENTAGE MONTH -FEB. DATE ACTUAL BUDGET REMAINING USED TAXES 0.00 26378.46 1278791.00 1252412.54 2.1% LICENSES 861.00 910.00 19825.00 18915.00 4.6% PERMITS AND FEES 353.10 3587.95 90000.00 86412.05 4.0% INTER - GOVERNMENT REVENUE 22048.35 108863.69 1549218.00 1440354.31 7.0% CHARGES FOR SERVICES 35062.41 61348.71 515362.00 454013.29 11.9% FINES & FORFEITS 0.00 3220.52 35500.00 32279.48 9.1% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 8491.65 17169.11 156556.00 139386.89 11.0% CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OTHER FUNDS 0.00 0.00 426000.00 426000.00 0.0% REVENUE FOR OTHER AGENCIES 5.66 273.01 200.00 -73.01 136.5% TOTAL 66822.17 221751.45 4071452.00 3849700.55 5.4% EXPENSE REPORT GENERAL FUND MAYOR & COUNCIL 1695.86 4253.20 32940.00 28686.80 12.9% CITY ADM. /CITY CLERK 11139.04 28684.20 141512.00 112827.80 20.3% ELECTIONS 0.00 0.00 2768.00 2768.00 0.0% FINANCE 28278.08 46019.11 225914.00 179894.89 20.4% MOTOR VEHICLE 4897.72 13009.44 64074.00 51064.56 20.3% ASSESSING 0.00 0.00 20700.00 20700.00 0.0% EGAL 2500.00 5061.00 41000.00 35939.00 12.3% ANNING 1665.32 1752.57 12475.00 10722.43 14.0% ITY HALL 2838.08 7258.56 41856.00 34597.44 17.3% RECREATION BUILDING 3855.56 7355.24 57366.00 50010.76 12.8% POLICE DEPARTMENT 77166.63 173930.92 836667.00 662736.08 20.8% FIRE DEPARTMENT 3029.81 16505.23 104915.00 88409.77 15.7% COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER 2096.95 4604.41 30482.00 25877.59 15.1% SCHOOL LIAISON OFFICER 0.00 22039.00 22039.00 0.0% BUILDING INSPECTION 4705.81 12394.24 61908.00 49513.76 20.0% EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 0.00 0.00 13238.00 13238.00 0.0% SAFETY COUNCIL 0.00 0.00 150.00 150.00 0.0% FIRE MARSHALL 3304.09 8680.38 50840.00 42159.62 17.1% ENGINEERING 13490.33 37516.36 224454.00 186937.64 16.7% STREETS & ALLEYS 24846.06 59829.20 366040.00 306210.80 16.3% STREET MAINTENANCE A/C 4216.26 9181.32 89900.00 80718.68 10.2% LIBRARY 1125.75 16413.44 68791.00 52377.56 23.9% SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER 5928.60 10637.52 82860.00 72222.48 12.8% PARK /REC. ADMIN. 3885.48 13442.74 95151.00 81708.26 14.1% RECREATION 7804.71 19451.05 153472.00 134020.95 12.7% CIVIC ARENA 15711.07 34377.91 112411.00 78033.09 30.6% PARK DEPARTMENT 21353.14 54862.65 409116.00 354253.35 13.4% CEMETERY 2863.96 7168.08 49132.00 41963.92 14.6% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2239.75 6654.33 33150.00 26495.67 20.1% DEBT SERVICE 1500.00 3000.00 57000.00 54000.00 5.3% AIRPORT 989.77 2162.39 55075.00 52912.61 3.9% RANSIT 6126.02 16964.43 129016.00 112051.57 13.1% 'ERGY COUNCIL 3882.59 7194.42 30000.00 22805.58 24.0% a.C.D.P. COORDINATRO 2314.58 10041.91 0.00 - 10041.91 0.0% UNALLOCATED 2247.28 29967.99 355040.00 325072.01 8.4% TOTAL 267698.30 668374.24 4071452.00 3403077.76 16.4% 267698.30 ,/ -a (1 ) FEBRUARY I&EVENUE REPORT - LIQUOR FUND CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT.- 1989 FEBRUARY ENTERPRISE FUNDS CURRENT YEAR TO ADOPTED BALANCE PERCENTAGE MONTH -FEB. DATE ACTUAL BUDGET REMAINING USED LIQUOR SALES 30549.78 61414.61 447800.00 386385.39 13.7% WINE SALES 8248.59 16159.84 160300.00 144140.16 10.1% BEER SALES 40108.59 82831.33 700300.00 617468.67 11.8% BEER DEPOSITS 13.01 -59.66 0.00 59.66 0.0% MISC. SALES 2381.80 4711.27 45000.00 40288.73 0.0% INTEREST 371.18 693.47 5600.00 4906.53 12.4% REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.4% CASH DISCOUNTS -33.43 -55.54 - 2800.00 - 2744.46 0.0% TOTAL 81639.52 165695.32 1356200.00 1190504.68 12.2% EXPENSE REPORT LIQUOR FUND PERSONEL SERVICES 13175.51 28547.14 133169.00 104621.86 21.4% SUPPLIES, REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 68.58 114.46 4700.00 4585.54 2.4% OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1874.59 2300.82 39800.00 37499.18 5.8% MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 8900.00 8900.00 0.0% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 29000.00 29000.00 0.0% TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 110000.00 110000.00 0.0% ST OF SALES 67417.70 117302.93 1032600.00 915297.07 11.4% HER � 0.00 - 2300.00 - 2300.00 0.0% TOTAL 82536.38 '148265.35 1355869.00 1207603.65 10.9% REVENUE REPORT - WATER SEWER /FUND FEDERAL GRANTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% WATER SALES 37243.50 73317.49 506000.00 432682.51 14.5% WATER METER SALES 895.00 1195.30 6500.00 5304.70 18.4% REFUSE SERVICES 34618.78 62288.99 412000.00 349711.01 15.1% SEWER SERVICES 104362.48 206501.47 1147000.00 940498.53 18.0% EPA SALES 0.00 0.00 0.00 PENALTY CHARGES 1176.28 2091.59 11000.00 8908.41 0.0% INTEREST EARNED 17040.42 17040.42 60000.00 42959.58 28.4% REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 172.32 279.32 2000.00 1720.68 0.0% OTHER 150.00 481.00 2000.00 1519.00 24.1% TOTAL 195658.78 363195.58 2146500.00 1783304.42 16.9% EXPENSE REPORT - WATER SEWER/FUND FUSE 33877.80 101702.70 411438.00 309735.30 24.7% TER 25439.18 57566.16 853683.00 796116.84 6.7% EWER 33167.30 140011.59 1805816.00 1665804.41 7.8% WASTE TREATMENT PLANT CONSTRUCT. 0.00 7658.00 0.00 - 7658.00 TOTAL 92484.28 306938.45 3070937.00 2763998.55 10.0% MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, February 21, 1989 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tom Lyke at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Roland Ebent, Clint Gruett, Marlin Torgerson, Bruce Drahos, Bill Craig, Larry Romo (8:25 p.m.) and Chairman Lyke. Also present: Building Official Jim Marka. 2. MINUTES Mr. Ebent made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting dated Tuesday, December 20, 1988. Seconded by Mr. Gruett the motion carried unani- mously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS (a) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY TOM DAGGETT, HUTCHINSON MANUFACTURING Chairman Lyke opened the hearing at 7:31 p.m. with the reading of Publication #3967 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, February 9, 1989. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit to allow the owner to construct a 25' x 250' building for painting and sandblasting at Hutchinson Manufacturing located on Hwy 7 West. Building Official Jim Marka stated that the building meets with building codes and setbacks as he has explained to Mr. Daggett. Mr. Tom Daggett commented on the proposal and purchase of the land with a rail track into the building. He then explained the movement of product at Hutch Mfg. Discussion followed on the existing use and frontage property. Mr. Torgerson moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Craig the hearing closed at 7:38 p.m. Mr. Torgerson made a motion to recommend approval to City Council. Seconded by Mr. Craig the motion carried unanimously. 4. NEW BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION OF REZONING FROM R -2 TO C -4 REQUESTED BY COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. Mr. Bud Maynard, reprsenting Coca Cola, commented on their interest to rezone the property to meet with the zoning requirements of the present use. Discussion followed on the reasons for rezoning to C -4. One advantage would be in the value of the property. Chairman Lyke commented on his concerns with "spot" zoning. HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION 2/21/89 Building Official Jim Marka relayed comments by City Attorney Barry Anderson and Comprehensive Plan Consultant Bill Weber suggesting control through a conditional use permit and the question of presenting a site plan or the proposed use of the property. Mr. Maynard commented on the 40 years that Coke has been a good neighbor in the area. Mr. Marka suggested a possible zoning to be C -2 for warehousing. Discussion followed on past requests to rezone the same property and the possibility of an R -3 use. Mr. Ebent commented on discussions with long time neighboring property owners of the proposed plan. Discussion followed on IC -1 use of the property as requiring a conditional use permit to develop the land. This also would be "spot" zoning. Mr. Torgerson voiced concern over "spot" zoning and what would be good for the City of Hutchinson. Mr. Marka stated that the City Attorney commented on the use being as high or less restrictive but recommended residential. Mr. Maynard commented on the building itself and the best use being warehousing, possibly private warehousing. It is the consensus of the Planning Commission that the area should remain residential. (b) CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT ON GAUGER ST. REQUESTED BY JAMES LAUER Mr. Torgerson made a motion to recommend approval to City Council, seconded by Mr. Craig the motion carried unanimously. (c) DISCUSSION OF RECYCLING FACILITY REQUESTED BY LEON MADSEN (2 mile radius) Building Official Jim Marka asked to postpone the proposal until further information is received. (d) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT OF MAC SUBDIVISION SUBMITTED BY RICHARD MCCLURE (2 mile radius) Mr. Ebent made a motion to recommend approval to City Council, seconded by Mr. Torgerson the motion carried unanimously. (e) DISCUSSION OF BEELER /ANDERSON CUL -DE -SAC PROPOSAL BY JUNE REDMAN Ms. June Redman commented on the use of the property for private homes and the need for a private cul -de -sac. Building Official Jim Marka explained staff review being a mixture of concerns. The fire marshal and street department not being in favor of cul -de -sacs in general. Mr. Marka explained the possibilities for Wagner's development to the south should this proposal be approved. 2 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 2/21/89 Ms. Redman explained that the developer is proposing to plat 4 lots with not more than 6 lots. Mr. Torgerson stated that he is in favor of the proposal with 4 lots and suggested a restrictive convenant stating not more than 6 lots could be platted. Mr. Craig commented on the proposal being a favorable use of the property. Mr. Marka explained that control is done by restrictive covenants and the subdivision agreement. It is the consensus of the Planning Commission that the developer go ahead with the platting process with the stipulation of downzoning the property to R -1 and a restrictive covenant be written stating there be no more than 6 lots and a minimum of 4 lots in the plat. This is to be also stated in the Subdivision Agreement. (f) CONSIDERATION OF BEGINNING ANNEXATION PROCEDURE ON MCDONALD PROPERTY REQUESTED BY LORETTA MCDONALD Building Official Marka explained the proposal by staff to annex the roadway of McDonalds Drive with no improvements until platting begins. Mr. Torgerson made a motion to begin annexation proceedings with the following staff recommendations: Include Parcel A and proposed McDonald Dr. roadway and also, North portion of Parcel B of road right of way. Seconded by Mr. Craig the motion carried unanimously. (g) CONSIDERATION OF 6 MONTH EXTENSION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY JOHN MILLER (CARWASH) Mr. Ebent made a motion to recommend approval to City Council. Seconded by Mr. Torgerson the motion carried unanimously. 5. OLD BUSINESS (a) BRW UPDATE Building Official Jim Marka suggested deferring the update until the special meeting on March 2, 1989 at 5:30 p.m. 6. OTHER BUSINESS (a) Mr. Marka commented on the following: 1. Mr. Jay Freedland's request of a staggered fence to be placed on the March agenda. 2. The Flood Plain Ordinance is to be revised in March. 3. He commented on the K Mart expansion. 4. 3M solvent recovery plant 3 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 2/21/89 (b) ELECTION OF OFFICERS Mr. Ebent moved to nominate Mr. Craig for Chairman in 1989, seconded Mr. Romo the nominations ceased. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Gruett moved to nominate Mr. Ebent for Vice Chairman, seconded by Mr. Drahos the nominations ceased. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Craig moved to nominate Mr. Drahos for Secretary, seconded by Mr. Romo the nominations ceased. The motion carried unanimously. 7. ADJOURMENT There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. r � 0 0 10 BURNS MANQR MUNICIPAL NURSING HOME Minute" §. - February - 1989 The Board of Directors for Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home met Thursday, February 23, 1989 at 5 :30 p.m. in the.. small dining room. President Larry Graf presiding. Members present: Larry Graf Pat Mikulecky Gloria Dansereau Jim Mills Marge Putney Mavis Geier Ancher Nelsen Members absent: Kay Peterson Guests: Joan Bangasser - Good Neighbor Merle Sampson - Good Neighbor Human Resources Director Press: —Jane Hodgins - Hutcbinson Leader Bob Walters - KDUZ Burns Manor Employee Benefit Task Force Burns Manor board meeting was called to order by President Larry Graf. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Ancher Nelsen and seconded by Pat Mikulecky to approve the minutes of January 26, 1989. All in favor. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF BILLS A motion was made by Ancher Nelsen and seconded by Marge Putney to approve the bills in the amount of $46,352.36. All in favor. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT $4,263.00 profit for January. 96.3% occupancy. OLD BUSINESS A. Laundry equipment is installed. B. Director of Nursing: Carolyn Christenson RN, has accepted the position of Director of Nursing effective March 27, 1989. C. Zeleny Memorial Fund: Ken Merrill will be consulted concerning the best reinvestment rate for the Zeleny Memorial Fund. D. Benefits: Merle Sampson, Good Neighbor human resource director, answered questions regarding benefits and wages. Employees of the wage and benefit task force questioned reduction of hours of full time employees. Sampson stated that employee benefits are good, but could be allocated in a different manner. E. Dietary Manager: Diane Schweinfurter, dietary manager, will begin her duties March 6, 1989. January Minutes' Page.,2 F. Good Neighbor: Executive s.ummar..y report of Good Neighbor (blue book) which was given to the city council and Burns Manor board, November 14, 1988, will be made part of the minutes. NEW BUSINESS A. Progress report by Joan Bangasser of Good Neighbor. 1989 budget by Good Neighbor projects a deficit of $63,064.00. B. Smoke free: Smoke free by January 1, 1990 will be discussed at the March meeting. C. Computer: Updating current computer. Proposal from Melyx is included with the minutes. A motion was made to adjourn by Jim Mills. All in favor. Motion c1.rried. There being no further business, President Larry Graf adjourned the meeting. The Burns Manor Board of Directors will meet Thursday, March 23, 1989 at 12:00 Noon in the small dining room. ATTEST: Larry Graf, resident Respectfully submitted: MaVIis J. skier, Secretary 9 (612) 587.5151 vzlr z-11, C;TY0FYUTC&'-f1XS0iV • 37 WG,SHING i ON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 • • M E M O R A N D U M DATE: March 27, 1989 TO: Steve Madson, Chief of Police -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: Bonnie Baumetz -- — — — — — — — = — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL FOR INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSES -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Please review the following On -sale Intoxicating Liquor Licenses for the year 1989: Gold Coin Peter's Victorian Inn Spanky's /Papa Vern's The Sheep Shedde O'Tooles These applications will be acted on at the Council meeting on Tuesday, March 28, 1989. Recommend approval for renewal of On -Sale Intoxicating liquor licenses for the above Thank you. named establishments. 4 _j, 5151 (612) 587 - HLIzzll C177 CF HJ,'7C,!r%7NS0PJ �7 ✓✓ASN „7VGTON AVENUE WEST = _ ” NUT CHINSON, MINN. 55550 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: March 28, 1989 TO: —Hutchinson City Council —---------------------- - - - - -- FROM: — — Bonnie Baumetz — ------ --- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SUBJECT: — — ON -SALE — INTOXICATING LIQUOR RENEWALS --------------------- - - - - -- The following restaraunts have requested renewal of their intoxicating liquor licenses for 1989: • The Gold Coin Victorian Inn The Sheep Shedde Peter's Spanky's - pending Certificate of Insurance and Surety Bond provided O'Tooles - pending Surety Bond and Application and fee provided • J✓ �J 0 0 PUBLICATION NO. 3977 PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER: Tuesday,, March 21, 1989 80TICS OF PUBLIC RIIARIRO To Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday, March 28, 1989, at 8:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall for the consideration of a petition to block off the alley that is West of Adams St. and North of Food and Fuel, at the North property line of Minne-Mine Credit Union located at 560 Adams St. separating as much as possible the Commercial traffic from the Residential area. Legal description: Lots 1 - 14, Block 60 South Half of City City of Hutchinson This hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson. At such hearing, all interested persons may be heard. March 17, 1989 Dated �`e t �►� L . ,g .. 12/9/88 /JS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Due to heavy traffic overloading the alley west of Adams St. connecting 5th Ave to Adams St. just north of Food and Fuel, we the undersigned ask that the alley be blocked at the north property line of Minne —Mine Credit Union, seperating as much as possible the Commercial traffic from the F.esidential area. CL I� 7 rA � r 1.3 l� is �f 2� •� l a 110y"QC cwrlc V^ �%yC' Git'Y�r �CFO 1�Ou /yf �J� -'I�Y� `'` .��t.�y't, S���'ti G'�,(• �4"�LL " �5 � J j /_�y��_^�„_`Lt.�c'c' 7 � i Gf' DAVID B. ARNOLD CHARLES R. CARMICHAEL GARY D. MCDOWELL STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. HOG£ CHARLES L. NAIL, JR. LAURA K. FRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEGGEMANN JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY JULIA A. CHRISTIANS March 28, 1989 ARNOLD & MODOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARK PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 (612) 567 -7575 Mr. Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 RESIDENT ATTORNEY G. BARRY ANDERSON ibA r� to� Re: Adams Street Alley Our File No.: 3188 -87 -0001 � 5881 CEDAR LAKE ROAD INNEAPOLIS' MINNESOTA 55410 (012) 545 -9000 \J MN TOLL FREE 800- 343 -4545 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (812) 389- 2214 41A R 1989 R&MViD Dear Gary: This letter is a follow up to our telephone conversation of this past Monday in which you indicated that the Adams Street alley issue would be on the agenda on March 28, 1989. I did have occasion to visit with representatives of 3M and others and it appears that there are two properties immediately north of the credit union (in addition to Food N'Fuel) whose consent would be necessary to work out an arrangement allowing residents to have access to the drive in window for the credit union. One of the properties is owned by an estate and it is my understanding a verbal assurance has been given that the necessary easement could be secured. The other property is unfortunately owned by an individual who is out of the country a great deal and his opinion is not officially known. However, this individual is a 3M employee and corporate counsel for 3M has advised the manager of the local credit union that no problem would be anticipated in that particular instance. There are some other issues that the Council should consider. First, none of the parties are contemplating that the alley would actually be abandoned, but rather blockaded. I don't believe either the estate, 3M or Food N'Fuel are interested in undertaking the expense of snow removal and road maintenance for the access to the 3M credit union drive through window. Second, from a liability • standpoint, I am not enthusiastic about "gates" which would be opened or closed as circumstances dictate because this is one additional mechanical object for the City to maintain and creates -�=O1 Mr. Gary D. Plotz March 28, 1989 Page 2 the need to warn the public about it and to otherwise physically maintain it. If we fail to maintain it or don't appropriately warn the public, there may be exposure in litigation if injuries result. Third, snow removal will remain a problem which will be aggravated by the blocking of the alley. This is, of course, a policy consideration for the Council and not a legal issue. Fourth, alley access to the rear of the credit union and the Food N'Fuel property, both commercial establishments, might be handy in the event of a police emergency. From a legal standpoint, abandonment or blockage of the alley is certainly feasible. However, there are a number of issues that the Council would need to address including whether the alley was to be abandoned or blocked, whether the City should be involved in negotiations with property owners to assure access to those who need it, whether the alley forms a public safety function for the benefit of all residents of the City of Hutchinson and whether essentially the Council should "take sides" in a dispute between • neighbors over the existence or nonexistence of this alley. I hope this correspondence has been helpful. If you have any questions with regard to this matter, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Very truly yours, ii& MCDOWELL G. Barry Anderson GBA:lm • 0 9 HUTCHINSON POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: February 9, 1989 TO: Gary Plotz, City FROM: SUBJECT: Administrator Steven Madson, Chief of Police Proposed Parking Restrictions Y I am in receipt of your request to review certain areas of the community that you have had requests to review the parking conditions in those particular arpac_ iAt your request, I have reviewed the parking restriction request as it pertains to the alley running north and south between Adam Street and Jefferson from 5th Avenue South to Food and Fuel. In reviewing this area I find that I would not recommend the closure of this alley because of the potential public safety concerns that would be raised by such closure. Specifically, a request has been made to close the alley at the north property line of the Minne Mine Credit Union. A closure at this juncture would potentially create a situation whereby a fire service response into the area would be hampered because of the inability to lay hose lines from the north end of the alley to the more southerly end which may be needed to fight a structure fire at Jeff's Garage. The other condition that may exist is the stretching of hose lines from a southerly direction to attempt to attack a structure fire in the garage areas or rear of the apartments located on Jefferson Street. Additionally, two businesses located in the area, Minne Mine and Food and Fuel, would have limited police flexibility in responding to armed robbery reports or situations requiring police officers to use a tactical approach of approaching the location from two different directions. Therefore, I do not recommend the closure of the alley at the north property line of Minne Mine re i nion. In response to the request to limit parking to one hour on the east side of Echo Drive from Dr. Billman's property to the north end of the Schmidtbauer property, I have reviewed this particular area and find no reason from a public safety standpoint to restrict said parking. The parking along the west side of Echo Drive is restricted to no parking which thereby leaves adequate flow access north and south with the current unlimited parking along the east curb. In regards to the request to limit parking to one hour on Bradford Street in front of the Orchard Park Townhouse property, I againsno reason from a public safety standpoint to limit said parking. Additionally, the restriction on the east side of Bradford Street from Orchard Park Townhouse to the south end of Bradford Street also reflects no public safety need to restrict said parking. Also, please be advised that the City Council did restrict the parking along the west side of Bradford Street from approximately the Orchard Park Townhouse area to the south end of Bradford Street last fall. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the aforementioned recommendations please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience. SS: nb cc: File #3902 -0009 C /TS r(6J2)587 -5151 ITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: March 21st, 1989 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Orlin Henke, Fire Chief George F. Field, Fire Marshal RE: Use of Alley from 5th Avenue S.E. to Food -n -Fuel On behalf of the Fire Department, taking into consideration the apartment buildings and automotive shop south of the apartment buildings and the dwellings in the area, access is very important for fire fighting purposes. The consideration for closing such an alley, should be denied on the basis of general safety in regard to fire equipment access. We feel there must be other reasonable alternatives to provide for the safety . of the residents involved. e"" '4 Orlin Henke George F. Field Fire Chief Fire Marshal OH /GF /pv 0 (612) 587.5151 4. - HUTCH l Cal ✓ OF fV U CA,,V1[ Se6 eJ 37 V ASH!NGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSCN, M/NN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: March 23, 1989 TO: —GARD PLOT:,—CITY ADMINISTRATOR ---------------------- - - - - -- FROM: —LARY KARG, STREET SUPERVISOR ---------------- ------- - - - - -- SUBJECT: —ALLEY PROBLEMS REST OF ADAM'S STREET SOUTH OF STH AVENUE — It has been brought to the Street Department's attention that the residents along this alley have submitted a petition for some type of corrective action to be taken in this alley regarding traffic and condition. In discussion of the problem, three different solutions have been proposed: 1) Closing of the alley at bfinne -Mine property line; 2) Surfacing of the alley; 3) Addition of speed bumps. The alley has been a source of problems with this department for the past 15 years. The main problem is with the lack of proper drainage in the alley right -of -way area. At the present time, all water from the west side of the alley where the apartments are, runs across the alley to the east side into the neighborina yards where it just soaks away. This action creates a terrific pothole or maintenance problem any time there is ,rainfall or snow melt. It is my recommendation that the alley not be closed off permanently due to the difficulty in maintenance of dead end alley's. If the Council decides on closing off the alley, I would hope it would be on a temporary basis to allow time for a long term solution to be worked out between affected property owners. I would hope that the council will take some type of corrective action regarding surface condition and water problems in this alley. I am aware of the precedence we would set if this alley were to be surfaced, particularly the financing. I feel with the commercial nature of the alley, the high traffic count, and the maintenance problems • experienced in the past years, some type of action is now necessary. The photo attached was taken January 30th, 1959. As you can see, the condition of the area is terrible. 1�' `,`a�e A �� p � � y" t,�� � iS `�'4 � •. t t ..._t. �3t �� � � � �( �- ,. _ r- , R M, < _- - _ !' �� �y� �, rya„' ,�,,�,.a .:^+fir_ _ +� �.. L:'.� ........, ,.� ��"R!•"�.._. �, x� $ .ems. -t"4�a .�,. =< - 4' .. \� \ \" � yy � , 3 �A �'��� ���' `.__ :`. < -- _ -���. ��- �'� 1 _, � � � .'� ., �. > _ 1!� � >� ,. _� ��. �� ♦ + VY �:. J E N S E N & COMPANY ,,�1�18192,22 o Br �D `s 3/20/89 Mr. Gary Plotz City Administrator City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Ave. West Hutchinson, Minnesota re: Publication no. 3977 Dear Mr. Plotz; I am the personal representative for the estate of my father Merritt L. Jensen, owner of the property at 576 Adams Street, located directly to the north of the alley north of Food 'N Fuel. The purpose of this letter is to express my complete opposition to the blocking off or any other manipulation of the alley to the west and south of our property. I have a number of concerns and serious doubts for this proposal, and can only guess at the negative impact this scheme would have on our property. The following are a few of my concerns if the alley were to be blocked off: 1) Municipal services and emergency vehicles; Fire, ambulance, garbage collection, snow removal, etc. become very difficult if not practically impossible. 2) Cars that are unable to go through would be turn- ing around on our property. 3) All of the comercial traffic would be going to the south past our property. 4) Suddenly there would be an end to the access and eggress to and from our property to the north. All of the above issues have serious and far reaching effects not only in terms of life safety and convenience, but also a considerable loss of value to our property. 21 NORTH THIRD STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 `� r 61 2 ■ 333 ■ 6422 For these reasons I oppose the blocking off of the alley, or any manipulation of the alley traffic. If you have any questions regarding our advise me, or contact our attorney for Mr. Neil Jensen in Hutchinson. Sincerely Steve Jensen cc. Bradford J. Jensen Neil J. Jensen Esq. position please the estate, 0 0 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Fire Chief SUBJECT: Special Recognition HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT 205 Third Avenue South East HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 Chief: Orlin "Butch" Henke DATE: March 22, 1989 Request that the Mayor and Council give special recogniton to firefighters that have recently retired from the Fire Department. is These men have given a large amount of their time to make Hutchinson a really good place to live. Listed below are the Firefighters I'm requesting special recognition for. Darvin Zieman 23 Years of Service Feb 7,66 - Feb 13,89 Tim Schloeder 10 Years of Service Aug 7,78 - Oct 1,88 The Fire Departments annual banquet is scheduled for April 1st at the Crow River C C. That will be the evening I would like to have these men recognized for their service to Hutchinson. 60 RESOLUTION NO. 8973 CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Lath $ 1,107 1989 Staking Eng. Yes West Central Industries 7393 Nalco 1,712 Water Treatment Water Yes Nalco Chemical Co. Brooms 1,694 Replacement Street Yes MacQueen Equip. The following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM COST Date Approved: March 28, 1989 *Motion made by: Seconded by: PURPOSE DEPT. I BUDGET I VENDOR Resolution submitted for Council action by: \_ J (612) 587 -5151 f1UTlN CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 MEMO MARCH 24, 1989 TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL ----------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: KEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR ----------------------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT:McLAUGHLIN PROPERTY INFORMATION UPDATE -------------------------------------------------- --------- - -- - -- Ed Ide, McLeod County Auditor, has provided the following information regarding tax forfeited land. When the land goes tax forfeit, all back taxes are cancelled. A minimum bid is established, hopefully low enough, to bring a bid. This minimum is based upon the County Assessor's estimate. At the time a letter is sent to the city asking if assessments will be reinstated and the amounts and are announced at the time of the auction. We said the assessments would be reinstated. All monies collected from the sale are distributed by the County Auditor, after expenses are deducted, and distributed base upon CURRENT TAX LEVIES. All monies are distributed this way and may not be used to payoff assessments. This according to Ed Ide is per Mn. State Statue. Again in our case the building demolition cost has been carried on our books. It was not recertified to the county. It was our thinking the collection would occur when the property was sold. We cannot however find any documentation to substantial this procedure. I have enclosed the previous memos from the last council meeting and have visited with Barry Anderson about this matter. r(6l2) 587 -5151 ITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 MEMO MARCH 8, 1989 TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL ------------------------------------ ----------------------- - - - - -- FROM: KEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR ------------------------------------------------------------ SUBJECT: DEMOLITION COST ON McLAUGHLIN BUILDING --------------------------------- --------------------- - - - - -- Several years ago the city demolished the building on Lot 5 Block 18 South 1/2 city know as the John W. McLaughlin Property - 136 Huron. At the time of demolition we certified the amount to taxes for collection. The property went tax forfeit and was sold at auction and purchased by the Hutchinson HRA. At the time of the sale we stated, which has been confirmed by the County Auditor, the assessment would be reinstated on the property when it was sold. we placed the amount on our records believing the payment would occur at the time the property was sold by the HRA. This property was sold and now the matter of the $1,544.55 according to our record would be due and payable. The HRA does not believe the amount should be paid. They did not have an assessment search until the property was sold and the $1,544.44 shows on this search. The question being asked if the City Council would forgive the $1,544.44 or is the amount due and payable apparently by the HRA. We can find no action taken on this by the city council in the recorded minutes. 0 y0 E 0 9 March 24, 1989 City of Hutchinson Members of the City Council City Hall Hutchinson, MN 55350 BURNS MANOR MUNICIPAL NURSING HOME North High Drive Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Phone (612) 587.4919 �F u R avw w D C 4` r c� The Burns Manor Board of Directors met, March 23, 1989, at 12:oo noon. Motion by Kay Peterson, seconded by Ancher Nelsen, to recommend that the City of Hutchinson finance the capital improvement of Burns Manor. All in favor. Carried. r- Mavis J. Geier Administrator �r ri Charles Bailly & Company Certified Public Accountants Honorable City Council City of Hutchinson Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 We have applied the procedures enumerated below to the financial forecast of Burns Mm= Municipal Nursing Homy for the years ending in 1989, 1990, 1991, and 1992 as prepared by Good Neighbor Services, Inc. We performed these procedures, agreed to by W. Gary Plotz, City Administrator, solely to help you evaluate certain assertions arcade in the forecast prepared by Good Neighbor Services, Inc. This report is intended solely for your use and is not intended be used by those who did not participate in determining the procedures. A primary objective of the engagement is to determine the extent of relmtxwssment for the renovation project costs which are limited by Rule to buildings, attached fixtures and lard i0provements. To accomplish the Objective we evaluated the cosponents of the proposed expenditures within the context of the applicable definitions contained in the Rule and applied the methods used to establish the building capital allowance. We cagmred the renovation project schedule of expenditures against established criteria for allowable capital expenditures, allowable debt and allowable interest expense to determine the reasonableness of the assunptions about allowable property related expenses for the forecasted years. We conpared the results of our conlmtations to the asserted cash flow before debt service for the forecasted years to evaluate the reasonableness of the assertions about cash flow. We identified, developed or obtained information about these significant facts during our evaluation: 1. The proposed aimiurt of the Revenue Band issue is $soo,0o0. 2. The highest anticipated effective interest rate is 8.50% 3. The contemplated construction period is six months. The period co mences June 1, 1989, the expected date of bond sale, and ends November 30, 1989. 4. The nursing home Board must expend all restricted funds before the date of the band sale to avoid having otherwise allowable debt reduced by the unexpended restricted funds balance, if any, that may exist as of the date of the bond sale. (See page 10, MN Rules 9549.0060 Stiubp. 7.B.) We understand that the entire amount of available restricted funds, as of the date of the bond sale, will be used to finance the purchase of movable equipment. _. I/n -2- 5. Bond issuance costs will not exceed $17,000. Bond premium or discount is unknown as of the date of this report. 7. iM! Rules, Parts 9549.0010 to 9549.0080 existing as of the date of this report, recognize certain project and debt service expenses after July 1, 1990. The Building Capital Allowance section of this report contains the specific provisions of the Rule which establish the criteria for evaluation of the forecasted results. S. Operating margins are assumed to be near zero for purposes of our evaluation of the forecast assertions. The Rule reimburses historical operating costs incurred in the reporting year ending September 30, in the following rate year beginning July 1. The care related and operating cost payment rates for the rate year are adjusted upward or j downward by the combined effect of changing costs, facility occupancy and resident case mix, plus an allowance for the expected change in the rate of inflation. The maximun operating cost margin in any single rate 1 year consists of the adjustment for inflation, if not spent by the facility, plus up to a $2.00 per resident day efficiency incentive. The efficiency incentive is the difference between the geographic group's • other operating cost per resident day rate limit and the particular facility's other operating cost per resident day. Temporary differences, or one -time operating margins, may result from specific cost and occupancy attributes, management actions or operating margins such as those developed from increased utilization of ancillary services. However, these incentives, if within the scope of Statutory or Rule definitions of an expense reduction item, eventually find their way into the total payment rate computation and have a tendency to either tegger revenue increases or reduce resident day revenues in ensuing rate years. 9. Wn nesota Statutes prohibit a facility from charging non- medicaid residents a daily rate granter than the rate paid for similar services received by Medicaid recipients. Health Care Financing Agency interpretations apply the effect of the rate equalization statute to the lower of cost or charges rule of the Medicare program. Reimbursement for services provided to Medicare beneficiaries is limited to the corresponding Medicaid rate for those services because the facility's customary charge for services to residents not eligible for Medicare benefits is the Medicaid rate. • 10 -3- �I The property payment rate is the basic allowance paid to a provider for use of the nursing ham by Mbdicaid recipients. Tenporary rate setting procedures simply increase the current rate property payment rate by 6% every July I. On July 1, 1990, the appraisal method rental payment system takes full effect. Our evaluation includes the full amount of the property payment rate receivable by June 30, 1990 as the sole financial resource available to pay interest on the prospective Revenue Bond issue. Effective July 1, 1990, the building capital allowance component of the property payment rate (calculated at 5.66% of the difference between the allowable appraised value and allowable debt plus interest on allowable debt), becomes the primary financial resource i available for funding debt service obligations. The equipment allowance, uniformly determined for all nursing hares in a geographic group, is an additional resource available for payment of debt service obligations. The building capital and equipment allowances are the only Payments made to a nursing home for acquisition of capital assets and payment of debt service obligations after July 1, 1990. prudent management practices would reserve the equipment allowance to pay for ordinary replacement of capital assets, and accordingly, the equipment allowance was not used to evaluate the reasonableness of the forecast assertions. F'MIMS AND MNI Rules 9549.0060 Subp, S. C. require a nursing here to directly identify the Proceeds of debt associated with specific land and buildings, attached fixtures, and land improvemrants, and keep records that separate such debt proceeds from all other debt. Ne recamerd use of a separate construction account for disbursement of Revenue Bad proceeds. Mbvable equipment should be purchased from a separate account established with restricted funds. The use of separate accounts should provide reasonably adequate camrpliance with the requirements for a separate accounting for the use of restricted funds. However, if the Board fails to conmit all restricted funds to the purchase of equipment before the bard sale, or, if at the conclusion of the project, restricted funds remain unexpended, or, if restricted funds are used for any purpose other than the purchase of capital assets, such amounts will be subject to the restrictions of MN Rules 9549,0060 Subp. 7. B. which could produce materially adverse affects on the results of our evaluation. The proposed list of board proceeds expenditures includes amounts to be paid for items other than for the purchase of capital assets. The presence of nen- capital asset expenditures causes a part of the interest expense for the entire life of the bond issue to be classified as unallowable interest for Purposes of determining the building capital allowance. 03i28�89 16:22 Q 612 339 3000 Moo MPLS ® 06 Other material differences between our evaluation and the schedule of proposed expenditures contained in the forecast are as followsz Evaluation Forecast Balance of Restricted Fluids $ 250,000 $ 200,000 Capitalized interest 33,007 1440000 Totals g 283.907 S 344.000 Difference, representing excess borrowing S 60,093 The interaction of M Rules 9549.0060 Subp. S.A.(i) which limit allowable debt to debt Incurred to purchase or construct nursing home buildings, attached fixtures, land inprovements or capitalized replacements, MN Rules 9549.0060 Subp. 7.B, requiring a nonprofit nursing hams to use its restricted funds to purchase or replace capital assets to the extent of the cost of those capital assets before it borrows funds for the purchase or replacement of capital assets triggers the restrictions of M4 Rules 9549.0060 Subp. S. A.(6) which limit allowable debt to the historical cost of the capital assets acquired. Our evaluation shows unallowable debt to be $164,729 and, consequently, unallowable interest expense to be $445,884 over the projected life of the Revenue Bond issue. A greater amount of allowable debt and allowable interest cost would increase property payment revenues and the debt service coverage ratio. These agreed-upon procedures are substantially less in scope than an examination, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion on the financial forecast of Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home for the years ending in 1989, 1990, 1991, and 1992 as prepared by Good Neighbor Services, Inc. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. Based on the application of the procedures referred to above, nothing came to our attention that caused us to believe that the financial forecast of Burns Manor Kmicipal Nursing Hare for the years ending in 1989, 1990, 1991, and 1992 as prepared by Good Neighbor Services, Inc, is not presented in conformity with established criteria for allowable capital expenditures, allowable debt and allowable interest expense as determined by MV Rules 9549.0010 to 9549.0080 for the forecasted years. Had we performed additional procedures or examined the financial forecast of Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home for the years ending in 1989, 1990, 1991, and 1992 as prepared by Good Neighbor Services, Inc. other matters might have come to our attention that we would have reported to you. Minneapolis, Minnesota MWch 27, 1989 • -5- Bald Proceeds Anticipated Interest Rate 8.500% Anticipated Project Commcement Date 6/ 1/1989 Anticipated Project Cortpletion pate 11/30/1989 Interest During Construction Period 33,907 Bond Issue Costs 17,000 Less: MRnagement Fees - 1989 9549.0060 Subp. S.A.(1) 960000 Mhnagemsnt Fees - 1990 9549,0060 Subp. S.A.(1) 50,000 Bond Proceeds Available for Capital Expenditures Capital Asset Acquisitions Less: Restricted Funds Balance 9549.0060 Subp. 7.B and Movable Equipment 9549.0060 Subp. 5.A.(1) Cost of Musing Home Buildings, Attached Fixtures, Lend Inprovements or Capitalized Replacememts Capitalized Construction Period Interest 9549.0060 Subp. 12.0. Capitalized Bond Issue Costs Historical Cost of Capital Assets Acquired ALIZUTICN OF OM S 800,000 (17,000) S 710,000 (250,000) 460,000 19,496 9.775 5 489.271 ALLOW BU DEBT Building and Attached Fixtures to Extent of Historical Cost S 4890271 INAL[OMBIE DEBT Management Fees 9549.0060 Subp. S.A.(1) $146,000 Movable F.quiprtent 9549.0060 Subp. 5.A.(1) - Debt in Excess of 9549.0060 Subp. 5.A.(6) Historical Cost of capital Assets Acquired 164 .729 310,729 Total Revenue Bore! Issue g ALI)CATICN OF ANN A1L immEsT cosT ALLONABLE WEREST 61.159% LNhU WhBIE IWEREST 38.841'% .6_ HISTORICAL DATA Licensed Capacity Days Wximam Replacement Cost New Per Bed Burns Minor Total Replacement Cost BETS- 129 7/ 1/1987 7/ 1/1988 7/ 1/1987 7/ 1/1988 Percent Change Depreciation 7/ 1/1987 Percent Change 7/ 1/1988 PRWECi4a DATA USING HISTORICAL RATES OF CHANGE Projected Total Replacement Cost New 7/ 1/1990 Facility Additions and Replacerrents 7/ 1/1990 Projected Value to be Supported By Special Reappraisal 9549,0o6D Subp. 3.A Replacement Cost Per Bed (UWer Limit) Lesser of Special Appraisal Value or Replacement Cost Per Bed Limit x Number of Beds �. Adjusted Depreciation Indexed at 7,901% per year 7/ 1/1990 Allowable Appraised Value Allowable Debt DIFrt'EliF.7JCE 9514 AAKA a.►.. e o ANNUAL BUILDING CAPITAL ALLCHANCE Rental Factor 9549.0060 Subp, 8,A. 5.660% Allowable Interest Annual Interest cost $ 680000 lhallowable Interest Cost (26,412) I.' Zbtai Buildirg Capital Allowerwe 95% Capacity Days BLDIw- CAPITAL Auawk%CE PER RESIDENT DAY i�' XTIVB 7/ 1/1990 UI i, 47,085 $ 27,571 32,571 2,993,234 3,179,015 6.207% 335,879 362,417 7.901% 3,585,885 489,271 S T, $ 4,075,157 1460,607) 3,614,SSO (489.271) S 3.125.279 $ 176,891 s41054 54-884 i LJ I; I4 Is I� 03 23i3y 16'24 $ 612 &A 3000 -7- t Bi "O MPLS SU44ARY OF DEBT SERVICE CAPACITY P 95% OCCUPANCY AMIER JLLY 1, 1990 Principal Amount of Revenue Bond Issue S 800,000 Anticipated Interest Rate 8.500% Semi - Annual Building Capital Allowance Revenue 109,239 Initial Principal and Interest Payment Date 1/ 1/1991 Minimum Amortization Term (Semi - Annual Periods) 9 Final Principal and Interest Payment Date 1/ 1/1996 Total Term of Revenue Bond Issue (Years) 6.58 Total Interest Cost 3470974 Total Debt Service Cost for Life of Bond Issue 8 1.147.974 CALOX ATICN OF DEBT SERVICE CAPACITY Banm JLLY 1, 1990 Historical Property Payment Rate 7/ 1/1988 $2.680 Indexed Property Payment Rate 7/ 1/1989 2.841 Property Payment Revenue at 95% Occupancy Month Ending 6/30/1989 $ 9,853 Rate Year Ending 6/30/1990 127.071 Total Property Payment Revenue before Start of Principal and Interest Amortizaticn 136,924 Bond Interest Enm-ae from 6/ 1/1989 to 6/30/1990 73,403 EXCESS OF PROPFRPY PAYM MT REVE NNE OVER BOND IRrERFST EXPENSE CALcuATICN OF DEBT SERVICE CovERAGE RATIO Property Payment Revenue for June, 1989 $ 9,853 Property Payment Revenue for the Rate Year ending Jute 30, 1990 127,071 Projected Building Capital Allowance Revenue for the Rate Years ending June 30, 1995 1,092,394 Projected Building Capital Allowance Revenue for the Six Months ending Decanter 31, 1995 liO.736 Property and Building Capital Allowance Revenue for the Life of the Revenue Bond Issue $1,340,054 Total Debt Service Cost for Life of Band Issue $1,147.974 Ratio of Revenue to Debt Service cost ra sM 9549.0020 Subp. 6. Attached fixtures. Attached fixtures means equipnent used directly for resident care affixed to the building and not easily movable as specified in the fixed equipment table of the depreciation guidelines. 9549.0020 Subp. 7. Buildings. Buildings means the physical plant used directly for resident care and licensed raider Minnesota Statutes, chapter 144A or Minnesota Statutes, sections 144.50 to 144.56, and auxiliary buildings in the nature of sheds, garages, and storage buildings located on the site if used directly for resident care. 9549.0020 Subp. 8. Building capital allowance. Building capital allowance means the conponent of the property payment rate Wiich is denominated as payment for the use of buildings, attached fixtures and land Irprovements. 9549.0020 Subp. 10 Conmenoed construction. E. Financing for the project was secured as evidenced by issuance of a binding letter of co mdtment by the financial institution, sale of bonds, or other similarly binding agreements. 9549.0020 Subp. 16. Depreciated replacement oast method. Depreciated • replacement cost method means the property appraisal Witch determines the value of a capital asset by establishing the replacement cost new reduced by depreciation. A. Replacement cost new means the amo mt required to obtain an asset of equivalent utility to that which exists, but build at current prices, with modern materials and according to current standards, designs and layout. B. Depreciation means a loss of utility and hence value caused by deterioration or physical depreciation such as wear and tear, decay, dry rot, cracks, encrustation, or structural defects; and functional obsolescence such as poor plan, mechanical inadequacy or overadequacy, and functional inadequacy or overadequacy due to size, style or age. 9549.0020 Subp. 28. rand isprovenent. Land improvement means an inQrovenent to the land surrounding the nursing here directly used for resident care as specified in the land inprovemints table of the depreciation guidelines, if replacement of the land inprovement is the responsibility of the nursing hare. 9549.0020 Subp. 40. R+eplexxwkent. Replacement means a renovation or substitution of an existing capital asset to improve its function or extend its useful life. 10 : it 1 1. r, • yv. 0..': ,! 9549.0060 Determination of the Property Payment Rate. Subp.i. Initial Appraised Value. The initial appraised value of each nursing home and any subsequent reappraisal under Subparts 2 (routine updating of appraised value) and 3 (special reappraisals) rust be limited to the value of buildings, attached fixtures, and land improvements used by the nursing home and must be subject to the limits in subpart 4. The property appraisal firm... shall use the depreciated replacement cost method to determine the appraised value of each nursing home participating in the medical assistance program. 9S49.0060 Subp. 2. Routine updmtlnq of appraised value. A. the commissioner shall contract with a property appraisal firm which shall use the depreciated replacement cost method to perform appraisals. Each calendar year, the commissioner shall select a random sample of not less than 15% of the total number of nursing homes participating in the medical assistance program as of July 1 of that year. 13. The commissioner shall compute the average percentage change in appraised values for the nursing hares in the sample. The appraised value of each nursing hone not in the sample, and not reappraised under subpart 3 (special reappraisals), must be increased or decreased by the average percentage change subject to the limits in subpart 4, 9549.0060 Subp. 3. Special reappraisals, A. A nursing home which rmkes an addition to or replacement of buildings, attached fixtures, or land Improvements may request the commissioner to conduct a reappraisal upon project completion. 9549.0060 Subp. 4. Determination of allowable appraised value. A nursing home's appraised value mist be limited by items A to C. B. Each nursing home's maximam allowable replacement cost new is determined annually according to subiteme (i) to (3)m (1) The multiple bedroom replacelmsnt cost new per bed limit in item A mast be multiplied by the number of licensed beds in multiple bedroom. (2) The single bedroom replacement cost new per bad limit in item A must be multiplied by the number of licensed beds in single bedrooms, except as provided in subpart 11, item C, subitem (2). (relating to capacity day adjustments for single bedrooms) -10- i 9549.0060 Subp. 4, Determination of allowable appraised valua. (continued) i (3) the nursing hare's msximJm allowable replacement cost new is the sum of subitems (1) and (2). 9549.0060 Subp, 5. Allowable Debt. A. Debt shall be limited as follows' (1) Debt incurred for the p=j%ase of land directly used to resident care and purchase or construction of nursing home buildings, attached fixtures, or land improvements or capitalized replacement or capitalized repair of existing buildings, attached fixtures, or lard movements, shall be allowed. Debt incurred for any other purpose shall not be allowed. (6) Any portion of a debt of vhich the proceeds exceed the historical cost of the capital asset acquired shall not be allowed. C. For debts incurred after September 30, 1984, the nursing home shall directly identify the proceeds of the debt associated with specific land and buildings, attached fixtures, and land improvenmts, and keep records that separate such debt proceeds from all other debt. Only the debt identified with specific land and buildings, attached fixtures, and lard inprovements shall be allowed. 9549,0060 Sup 7. Allowable intArOSt axpenI - the commissioner shall allow or disallow interest expense including points, finance charges, and amortization of bond premiums or discounts under items A to G. i A. Interest expense is allowed only on the debt vhich is allowed under subpart 5 and within the interest rate limits in subpart 6. I B. A nonprofit nursing here shall use its restricted funds to purchase or replace capital assets to the extent of the cost of those capital assets before it borrows funds for the purchase or replacennt of capital assets. For purposes of this item and 9549.0035 Subpart 2, (interest earned on restricted funds) a restricted fund is a fund for vilch the use is restricted to purchase or replacement of capital assets by the donor or the nonprofit nursing home's board. I] • -11- l.Qan�111i�ed1 9549.0060 Subp 7. Allowable interest expense. (continued) C. Canstxuction period interest oust be capitalized as part of the cost of the building. The period of construction extends to the earlier of the first day a resident is admitted to the nursing home, or the date the nursing hale is certified to receive nedical assistance recipients. 9549.0060 Subp. 12. Capitalization. D. Construction period interest expense, feasibility studies, and other costs related to the construction period mast be capitalized. 22- Nar -89 • 01:57 PH REVENUES CARE OTHER OPERATING PROPERTY A OTHER TOTAL REVERE EXPENSES: NURSING FRINGE BENEFITS DIRECT CARE FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL CARE EXPENSE $900,330 $967,071 $1,062,358 $1,096,226 $1,149,578 $1,205,546 11,264,260 61,325,855 $123,966 $143,049 1166,195 BURNS MANOR $198,392 $205,547 8Z52,9% 1220,628 $171,162 $166,592 $181,096 C,1 $216,866 STRETCH $234,376 $243,671 $7,057 ___________ $6,524 ____________ $7,128 ____________ $11,879 ____________ $12,486 ____________ 112,936 ________ ____ 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 $1,724,995 $1,804,039 ACTUAL ___________ ACTUAL ____________ ACTUAL _________ ___ MJ06ET _____ _______ FORECASTED ____________ FORECASTED ____________ FORECASTED ____________ FORECASTED ____________ ASSUMPTIONS FOR 1990 AND BEYOND _ _______________________________ , w $0 $0 $0 ____________ TOTAL R. E. S LEASES i0 _ _____ ______ 10 c ____________ $0 THE REVENUES FOR CARE AND OTHER OPERATING ____________ $0 $1,250,000 $1,190,000- !1,110,000 $1,400,000 $1,588,414 $1,695,621 11,113,186 $1,854,369 ' ARE CALCULATED ASSUMING CENSI$ OF 97% AND $38,000 $38,000 $38,000 INCOME - OPERATIONS $235,278 $41,673 (ii5,B89) $65,253 ____ $178,801 A CASE NIX SCORE OF 2.65. INFLATION IS ___________ $275,644 $812,000 $813,000 $ 760,000 !842,270 1846;780 1867,741 $894,685 $921,794 ASSUMED TO RUN 4.32. THE PROPERTY RATE IS P') INTEREST ------------ 09,057 $4,830 - ---------- 10 ____________ $37,500 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 INCREASED 7/1/90 TO REFLECT THE OW46E TO NET INCOME zrzaxsrasa $152,648 1152,623 1155,000 $157,000 1191,779 $284,454 $284,454 1284,454. THE RENTAL CONCEPT. ALSO INTEREST EXPENSE $54,042 ___________ ____________ ____________ ____ ________ __ __________ ____________ ____________ ____________ HAS SEEN ADDED BACK INTO PROPERTY REVENUE. $4,830 $2,214,648 $2,155,623 $2, 145, 000 $2 ,399,270 $2,626,972 $2,847,815 $2,952,325 $3,060,617 $900,330 $967,071 $1,062,358 $1,096,226 $1,149,578 $1,205,546 11,264,260 61,325,855 $123,966 $143,049 1166,195 $188,748 $198,392 $205,547 8Z52,9% 1220,628 $171,162 $166,592 $181,096 1208,621 $216,866 8225,446 $234,376 $243,671 $7,057 ___________ $6,524 ____________ $7,128 ____________ $11,879 ____________ $12,486 ____________ 112,936 ________ ____ $13,402 ____________ 813,885 ------- ____. $1,202,515 $1,283,237 61,416,777 111,505,473 $1,577,321 $1,649,476 $1,724,995 $1,804,039 OTHER OPERATING $710,653 $748,561 $699,035 11616,170 $700,778 $738,514 $766,229 $795,142 FRINGE BENEFITS $70,202 $82,152 1185,077 $78,374 182,072 $84,720 $87,457 $90,286 CORPORATE __ $0 __________ $0 ____________ /0 ____________ $96,000 ____________ $50,000 ____________ %0,000 ____________ "0,000 ____________ $60,OOD ____________ TOTAL OTHER RPER EXPENSE $780,855 SM,713 $784,112 $790,544 f832,850 f883,235 $913,686 $945,428 R.E. TAXES w $0 $0 60 w $0 w w PASSTHRU E LEASES $0 $0 W i0 w $0 $0 $0 ____________ TOTAL R. E. S LEASES i0 _ _____ ______ 10 c ____________ $0 ____________ $0 ____________ $0 ____________ $0 ____________ $0 ____________ $0 ANCILLARIES -NET (INCOME) ____________ i0 $0 r__________ $0 ____________ $38,000 ____________ $38,000 ________ $38,000 $38,000 $38,000 INCOME - OPERATIONS $235,278 $41,673 (ii5,B89) $65,253 ____ $178,801 ____________ $277,105 ___________ $275,644 ------------ $273,150 DEPNEC A AMDRT $54,042 $52,914 $52,956 $50,400 190,000 $120,000 $170,000 $120,000 INTEREST ------------ 09,057 $4,830 - ---------- 10 ____________ $37,500 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 NET INCOME zrzaxsrasa $168 179 ($16 071) (11108,845) ___ _________ 1$22,6471 ____________ $13,801 ____________ 182,105 ____ ________ $80,644 ____________ $78,150 PLUG DEPECIATION $54,042 aassosuas 1152,914 seoazaasssz $52,956 mzzazszssaa $50,400 xzxuxssau $90,000 zaasszzauax $120,000 sassaxsaavx 6120,000 asaaxazsssza $120,000 INTEREST $9,057 $4,830 W $;tt,500 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 CORPORATE $96,000 $50,000 CASH FLOW BEFORE DEP. 5 D.S. $231,278 $41,673 (155,889) �' K1,253 $228,801 $277,105 $275,644 1273,150 aaa s acs as aria aaa z xsa __aa rssszxvx asszaaassa aaaavaazaa P EXPENSES ARE PROJECTED TO INCREASE FROM 3 - 5X. SALARY $ NABES ARE INCREASING 5 2 AND THE MAJORITY OF THE OTHER EIRENSES ARE INCREASING 3.5 X. REASONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT IN BURNS NAM' OPERATING RESULTS - CENSUS 19 IMPROVED AND STABILIZED AT 97%. - EXPENSES ARE CONTROLLED, ALLOCATED TO THE CORRECT AREA FOR PAYMENT, AND EFFICIENCY IS IMPROVED. - PROPERTY REVERES ARE INCREASED FON THE STMT OF THE MENTAL SYSTEM. - PROPERTY REVENUE HAS ALSO BEEN INCREASED TO REFLECT PAYMENT FOR THE INTEREST ON THE BOND. IPASSTMBl1 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 1710,000 O.N. FEE YEAR 1 $96,000 6. N. FEE YEAR 2 $50,000 TOTAL 1856,000 CAPITALIZED INTEREST $144,ODD TOTAL COSTS BEFORE BAND COST $1,000,000 LESS - ESTATE HONEY 1200.000 AMOUNT TO BORROW $&70,000 C� O O u J L/ V lV v DRAFT CERTIFICATION OF MINUTES RELATING TO $ NURSING HOME REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1989 Issuer: City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Governing body: City Council Kind, date, time and place of meeting: A regular meeting held on , 1989, at 7:30 o'clock, p.m., at the City Hall in the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota. Members present: Members absent: Documents attached: Minutes of said meeting (pages): 1 through 9 RESOLUTION NO., 1_1_�g RESOLUTION RELATING TO $ NURSING HOME REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1989; CALLING FOR THE PUBLIC SALE THEREOF I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting recording officer of the public corporation issuing the obligations referred to in the title of this certificate, certify that the documents attached hereto, as described above, have been carefully compared with the original records of the corporation in my legal custody, from which they have been transcribed; that the documents are a correct and complete transcript of the minutes of a meeting of the governing body of the corporation, and correct and complete copies of all resolutions and other actions taken and of all documents approved by the governing body at the meeting, insofar as they relate to the obligations; and that the meeting was duly held by the governing body at the time and place and was attended throughout by the members indicated above, pursuant to call and notice of such meeting given as required by law. WITNESS my hand officially as such recording officer and the seal of the City this day of , 1989. Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 0 (SEAL) Member introduced the following resolution 6 and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. g RESOLUTION RELATING TO $ NURSING HOME REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1989; CALLING FOR THE PUBLIC SALE THEREOF BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (the City), as follows: 1. Authorization. It is hereby determined that it is necessary for the City to issue and sell its Nursing Home Revenue Bonds, Series 1989 in the principal amount of $ (the Bonds) to finance improvements to the Burns Manor Nursing Home which is owned and operated by the City. $ of the principal amount of the Bonds represents interest as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.56. It is hereby determined that the City Administrator shall receive and open sealed bids for the purchase of the Bonds on , 1989, at o'clock _.M., and this Council shall meet at 7:30 o'clock P.M. that same date to award the sale. 2. Sale. The City Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said sale to be published at least ten days in advance of the bid opening in a legal newspaper having general circulation in the City, and in a periodical published in Minneapolis, Minnesota, giving financial news and of general circulation throughout the State, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: r -1 L J 0 NOTICE OF BOND SALE $ NURSING HOME REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1989 CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will receive sealed bids for the purchase of $ Nursing Home Revenue Bonds, Series 1989, of the City (the Bonds), at the City Hall in Hutchinson, Minnesota, until _.m. on 1 , 1989, at which time the bids will be opened and tabulated. The City Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. the same day to consider such bids and award the sale of the Bonds. The Bonds will be issued for the purpose of financing improvements to the Burns Manor Nursing Home which is owned and operated by the City. The Bonds will be issuable as fully registered bonds of single maturities, in denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof, will be dated, as originally issued, as of , 1989, and will mature on 1 in the following years and amounts: Year Amount The City will select a bank, financial institution or trust company to act as Bond Registrar, Transfer Agent and Paying Agent. Interest will be payable on each 1 and 1, commencing 1, 1989, to the registered owners of the Bonds appearing of record in the Bond Register as of the 15th day of the immediately preceding month. The rate of interest expressed for a maturity may not exceed the rate specified for Bonds of any subsequent maturity. Bonds having stated maturities in 19 and later years are each subject to redemption, at the option of the City and in whole or in part, and if in part, in inverse order of maturities, and in $5,000 principal amounts selected by lot within a maturity, on 1, 19 , and on any interest payment date thereafter equal to the principal amount thereof to be redeemed plus interest accrued to the date of redemption. A legal opinion will be furnished by Dorsey & Whitney, of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Copies of a statement of Terms and Conditions of -2- Sale and additional information may be obtained from the undersigned or from Ehlers and Associates, Inc., 2950 Norwest Center, 90 South 7th Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402; telephone 612 - 339 -8291, financial consultants to the City. Dated: , 1989. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Gary D. Plotz City Administrator City of Hutchinson, Minnesota 0 -3- 0 I* 3. Terms and Conditions of statement of Terms and Conditions of terms and conditions for the sale an such terms and conditions are hereby incorporated in material distributed the Bonds: M Sale. The following Sale shall constitute the 3 issuance of the Bonds and authorized to be to prospective bidders for TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE $ NURSING HOME REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1989 CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA Sealed bids for the purchase of $ Nursing Home Revenue Bonds, Series 1989 (the Bonds) of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (the City) will be received at the office of the City Administrator, until _.m., on 1989, when they will be opened, read and tabulated. The bids will be presented to the City Council for consideration at a meeting to be held at the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. on the same date. This is a statement of the terms and conditions upon which the bids for the Bonds will be received, the sale thereof awarded and the Bonds issued. PURPOSE The Bonds will be issued for the purpose of financing the cost of improvements to the Burns Manor Nursing Home which is owned and operated by the City. TYPE, DENOMINATION, MATURITIES AND REDEMPTION The Bonds will bear a date of original issue, as of 1989, will be in fully registered form and in denominations of $5,000 or any integral multip_e thereof, of single maturities, and will mature on 1 in the following years and amounts: Year Amount The Bonds maturing on and after 1, 19 shall each be subject to redemption and prepayment, at the option of the City and in whole or in part, and if in part, in inverse order of maturities and in $5,000 principal amounts selected by lot within a maturity, on 1, 19 , and on any interest 0 -5- payment date thereafter, at a price equal to the principal amount thereof to be redeemed plus interest accrued to the date of redemption. INTEREST PAYMENT DATES AND RATES Interest will be payable on 1, 1989 and semiannually thereafter on each 1 and 1, to the registered owners of the Bonds appearing of record in the bond register as of the close of business on the 15th day (whether or not a business day) of the immediately preceding month. All Bonds of the same maturity must bear interest from date of original issue until paid at a single, uniform rate, not exceeding the rate specified for Bonds of any subsequent maturity. Each rate must be expressed in an integral multiple of 5/100 or 1/8 of 1%, not exceeding the rate specified for Bonds of any subsequent maturity. BOND REGISTRAR, TRANSFER AGENT AND PAYING AGENT The City will designate and contract with a bank, financial institution or trust company to act as Bond Registrar, Transfer Agent and Paying Agent (the Registrar). The Bond Register will be kept, principal and interest will be paid to the registered owner of each Bond and transfers of ownership will be effected by the Registrar. The City will pay the reasonable and customary charges of the Registrar for such services. The City reserves the right to remove the Registrar and appoint a successor. DELIVERY Within 40 days after the sale, the City will deliver to the Registrar the printed Bonds ready for completion and authentication. The original purchaser of the Bonds must notify the Registrar, at least five business days before delivery of the Bonds, of the persons in whose names the Bonds will be initially registered and the authorized denominations of the Bonds to be originally issued. If notification is not received by that date, the Bonds will be registered in the name of the original purchaser and will be issued in denominations corresponding to the principal maturities of the Bonds. On the day of closing, the City will furnish to the purchaser the opinion of bond counsel hereinafter described, an arbitrage certification and a certificate verifying that no litigation in any manner questioning the validity of the Bonds is then pending or, to the best knowledge of officers of the City, threatened. Payment for the Bonds must be received by the City at its designated depositary on the date of closing in immediately available funds. LEGAL OPINION An opinion as to the validity of the Bonds and exemption from taxation of the interest thereon will be furnished by Dorsey & Whitney, of Minneapolis, Minnesota will be printed on the Bonds. QUALIFIED TAX - EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS the and The Bonds will be designated by the City as "Qualified Tax - Exempt Obligations" within the meaning of Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. TYPE OF BID AND AWARD Sealed bids must be mailed or delivered to the undersigned and must be received prior to the time established above for the opening of bids. Each bid must be unconditional. A good faith deposit in the amount of $ must be submitted with each bid. The good faith deposit must be in the form of a certified or cashiers check or bank draft or a wire transfer of funds to Resource Bank & Trust Company, ABA #09 -19- 0550 -6 for further credit to Ehlers and Associates, Inc. Bond Issue Escrow Account #850- 788 -1, Attention Nancy Allen. The good faith deposit will be retained by the City as liquidated damages if the bid is accepted and the bidder fails to comply therewith. The good faith deposit will be returned to the purchaser at the closing for the Bonds. The bid authorizing =he lowest net interest cost (total interest from date of Bonds to stated maturities less any cash premium or plus any discount) will be deemed the most favorable. No oral bid and no bid of less than $ plus accrued interest on all of the Bonds will be considered and the City reserve the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in any bid. CUSIP NUMBERS The City will assume no obligation for the assignment or printing of CUSIP numbers on the Bonds or for the correctness of any numbers printed thereon, but will permit such numbers to be assigned and printed at the expense of the purchaser, if the purchaser waives any delay in delivery occasioned thereby. Information for bidders and bidding forms may be obtained from the undersigned or from Ehlers and Associates, Inc., 2950 Norwest Center, 90 South 7th Street, Minneapolis, !WAS r7 r"1 L� 0 0 Minnesota 55902, telephone: 612 - 339 -8291, Financial Consultants to the City. Dated: , 1989. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Gary D. Plotz City Administrator City of Hutchinson, Minnesota 4. Official Statement. The City Administrator and other officers of the City, in cooperation with Ehlers and Associates, Inc., financial consultants to the City, are hereby authorized and directed to prepare on behalf of the City an official statement to be distributed to potential purchasers of the Bonds. Such official statement shall contain the statement of Terms and Conditions of Sale set forth in paragraph 3 hereof and such other information as shall be deemed advisable and necessary to describe accurately the City and the security for, and terms and conditions of, the Bonds. Mayor Attest: City Administrator The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Administrator. 0 ' (612) 587.5151 Rmzw CITY OF HUTCHINSON f" 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: March 28, 1989 TO: Mayor & City Council -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Water Billing Department FROM: ------------------------ - - - - -- SUBJECT• Delinquent water and sewer accounts for Mar -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Attached is a listing of the delinquent water and sewer accounts for the month of March. Recommend water service be discontinued on Monday, April 3rd, 1989 at Noon. 0. 0- ( �I Gary Piehl Kenneth Albrecht Rick Weispfenning 316 Grove St S 732 Grove St S 504 Hassan St S Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 316 Grove St S 732 Grove St S 504 Hassan St S 1 -455- 0316 -071 1- 455 -0732 -031 1- 480 -0504 -082 93.49 104.20 86.35 Promises 4/07/89 Promises 4/05/89 Ray Norton 1313 Jefferson St S Hutchinson MN 55350 1313 Jefferson St S 1- 570- 1313 -082 30.70 Promiese 4/10/89 Sheldon Crouse 817 Main St S Hutchinson MN 55350 817 Main St S 1- 685- 0817 -033 74.69 cc: Ben Menton Route 1 Box 16 Hutchinson MN 55350 Elliots Eatery Al on Wickl d 206 Main St N 60 Main S Hutchinson MN 55350 Hut son MN 55350 206 Main St N 60 in St S 1- 680 - 0206 -071 -685- 605 -091 214.72 161.32 i Jerome Swenson Bruce Daniels Les Stroklund 145 Second Av SE 135 Fourth Av SE 560 Brown St Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 145 Second Av SE 135 Fourth Av SE 560 Brown St 1- 030 - 0145 -081 1 -065- 0135 -083 1 -270- 0560 -034 197.02 179.17 66.38 cc: Richard Larson 640 Adams St Hutchinson MN 55350 Larson request water shut- off 3/29/88 Darol Wylie Jane Mulligan Andrew Ross 215 Division Av 595 Franklin St S 645 Franklin St S Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 215 Division Av 595 Franklin St S 645 Franklin St S 1 -360- 0215 -034 1- 395 - 0595 -023 1- 395 -0645 -022 76.93 150.61 104.20 Promises 4/03/89 Gary Piehl Kenneth Albrecht Rick Weispfenning 316 Grove St S 732 Grove St S 504 Hassan St S Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 316 Grove St S 732 Grove St S 504 Hassan St S 1 -455- 0316 -071 1- 455 -0732 -031 1- 480 -0504 -082 93.49 104.20 86.35 Promises 4/07/89 Promises 4/05/89 Ray Norton 1313 Jefferson St S Hutchinson MN 55350 1313 Jefferson St S 1- 570- 1313 -082 30.70 Promiese 4/10/89 Sheldon Crouse 817 Main St S Hutchinson MN 55350 817 Main St S 1- 685- 0817 -033 74.69 cc: Ben Menton Route 1 Box 16 Hutchinson MN 55350 Elliots Eatery Al on Wickl d 206 Main St N 60 Main S Hutchinson MN 55350 Hut son MN 55350 206 Main St N 60 in St S 1- 680 - 0206 -071 -685- 605 -091 214.72 161.32 tt`�NNE�Tq ,�o yo n a ti rOF TRPa February 22, 1989 Minnesota Department of Transportation Transportation Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 R. J. Dinneen, Director Office of Right of Way and Surveys St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 In reply refer to: 7300 REQUEST FOR PAYMENT S.P. 4307 (22= 22 -26 -3) *80 -944 State vs. Jorgenson, et al; Baumetz, et al County of McLeod Parcel 325C - City of Hutchinson Dear Property Owner: Phone 612 - 296 -3221 Room 511 The State has previously made an offer to you of $2,400.00 which is the fair market value of the above referenced property. That amount is now available to you. By law, the State must either pay $2,400.00 directly to you, or deposit it with the Clerk of District Court in McLeod County before the State can obtain title to the property being acquired. Accepting the $21400.00 does not preclude you fro_ m seeU +nom ��dj tional compensation through the condemnation process. - __�- -- you wish the money be mailed to you, check the first sentence. If you want the money osited with the court, making it necessary for you to ask the Court for the money later, eck the second sentence: ( ) I want payment to be made to me; however, payment will not be made until just before the State's title and possession date of April 28, 1989. ( ) I want payment to be made to the Clerk of District Court; and I acknowledge that it will be necessary for myself or others claiming an interest in this money to petition the court for disbursement of the deposited funds. All parties with a known or implied interest will be named on the check. If the Department determines the title is not sufficiently marketable, the check will be deposited with the Clerk of Court. If you do not request the check be mailed to you, it may be deposited with the Clerk of Court. In the event that the property Mn /DOT is acquiring from you involves any person who is lawfully occupying the real property, and who will be required to move from a dwelling or to move a business or farm, a subsequent "Notice to Vacate" letter will follow. The "Notice to Vacate" letter will be sent at least 30 days prior to the date that the property must be vacated. If the property is occupied, the vacation date will occur no earlier than 30 days following the title and possession date of April 28, 1989. All advertising devices located on the property being acquired must be removed by the title and possession date. Even though we have started the legal process of condemnation in order to meet our c nstruction deadlines, Mn /DOT is still interested in completing the acquisition by direct hase if possible. If you feel there is still a possibility of reaching an agreement, ase contact either myself or your purchasing agent. Signatures of Parties of Interest Please return this form before: March 24, 1989 n An Equal Opportunity Employer i I#�NNESOTq DO ZO February 22, 1989 Minnesota Department of Transportation Transportation Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 R. J. Dinneen, Director Office of Right of Way and Surveys St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 In reply refer to: 7300 REQUEST FOR PAYMENT S.P. 4307 (22= 22 -26 -3) *80 -944 State vs. Jorgenson, et al, Baumetz, et al County of McLeod Parcel 326E - City of Hutchinson Dear Property Owner: M Phonic 612- 296 -3221 Room 511 The State has previously made an offer to you of $2,025.00 which is the fair market value of the above referenced property. That amount is now available to you. By law, the State must either pay $2,025.00 directly to you, or deposit it with the Clerk of District Court in McLeod County before the State can obtain title to the property being acquired. Accepting the $2,025.00 does not preclude you from seeking additional compensation through the condemna on oroce If you wish the money be mailed to you, check the first sentence. If you want the money deposited with the court, making it necessary for you to ask the Court for the money later* check the second sentence: ( ) I want payment to be made to me; however, payment will not be made until just before the State's title and possession date of April 28, 1989. ( ) I want payment to be made to the Clerk of District Court; and I acknowledge that it will be necessary for myself or others claiming an interest in this money to petition the court for disbursement of the deposited funds. All parties with a known or implied interest will be named on the check. If the Department determines the title is not sufficiently marketable, the check will be deposited with the Cleric of Court. If you do not request the check be mailed to you, it may be deposited with the Clerk of Court. In the event that the property Mn /DOT is acquiring from you involves any person who is lawfully occupying the real property, and who will be required to move from a dwelling or to move a business or farm, a subsequent "Notice to Vacate" letter will follow. The "Notice to Vacate" letter will be sent at least 30 days prior to the date that the property must be vacated. If the property is occupied, the vacation date will occur no earlier than 30 days following the title and possession date of April 28, 1989. All advertising devices located on the property being acquired must be removed by the title and possession date. Even though we have started the legal process of condemnation in order to meet our construction deadlines, Mn /DOT is still interested in completing the acquisition by direct purchase if possible. If you feel there is still a possibility of reaching an agreement, please contact either myself or your purchasing agent. Signatures of Parties of Interest Please return this form before: March 24, 1989 n An Equal Opportunity Employer (, j i� E 0 J March 7, 1989 Mr. Gary Plotz City Administrator Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Gary: REDMAN REAL ESTATE Highway 7 East - P.O. Box 424 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Phone (612) 587 -3359 v ¢� JUNE REDMAN �1 Manager Ive May I request service to be put on the calendar for the summer of 1989 foot 1, Block 8, North 1/2 of Hutchinson (Paul Yaeger property). The plot will be furnished at a later date. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, June Redman, Agent JR:jjr r 14(612) 587 -5151 C/T Y OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 MEMORANDUM DATE: March 14, 1989 TO: _Gary D._Plotz� City Administrator FROM: _Cal Rice,_Asst._Engineer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SUBJECT: June Redman's Request _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I don't believe we will have time to study this one until mid - summer, if then. There is no storm sewer at the intersection of Water Street and Fifth Avenue now, and that would dictate we drain this street by one of the following methods: 1. Run the street grades in such a manner that the water would all dump out onto Fifth Avenue N.W. 2. Construct storm sewer from County Ditch 31 on Fifth Avenue N.W. one -half block east of Water Street. It is my opinion that these are two poor options. Sanitary sewer and watermain are available at Fifth Avenue N.W. and service should pose no problem. Assessments on this project could leave the city with a very high share of the cost inasmuch as the entire east half of this street is the long side of a single lot and under separate ownership. We can study this further when the preliminary plat is submitted. /ms g �I 0 0 REDMAN REAL ESTATE Highway 7 East - P.O. Box 424 Hutchinson, Minnesota 5 Phone (612) 587 -3359 9 G'' 1 v Gary Plotz City Administrator February 22, 1989 Dear Gary, JUNE REDMAN Manager 0 �"9ea,c7V% May I request service to be put on the calendar for the summer of 1989 for Anderson /Beeler property on Roberts Road. The plot will be furnished at a later date. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, une Redman, Agent JR /bjr r(612) 587 -5151 ITY OF HUTCHINSON . 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: March 23, 1989 TO: —Mayor & Cites Council — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: — Gard D _ Plotz, City Administrator SUBJECT: —Request for Service _ Beeler /Anderson Prot erty — — — — — — -- - - - - -- - -- -- — No action can be taken on this request until the plat has been approved. Ia /ms PROPOSAL: Cul -de -Sac at Development to Is SPECIFICATIONS: 60' Cul -de -Sac 500' long road road being 37' 0 3eeler /Anderson Site for 4 large private lots. be in accordance with subdivision ordinance #466, right of way paved 53' from back to back of curb, or less with 60' of right of way, with the actual wide from back to back of curb. Park land contribution is proposed to be a cash contribution, paid with the building permit fee. EFFECT ON NEIGHBORHOOD: Cul -de -Sac is typical of Wagner Plat - Kay Ct., Cul -de -Sac. Wagner Plat provided no provisions for a collector street between Dale and South Grade RoaF-or from Roberts Road to South Grade Road, thus only local traffic movement is necessary, Both Kay and Graham Streets are platted and capable of carrying this local traffic. St. Anastasia Church also prevents any collector type traffic from Lewis to Eighth Avenue thus making Beeler /Anderson site an ideal site for executive type homes. The density is minimal (4 homes) and should please the adjoining residential properties. Infrastructure services may be put in privately but we prefer to leave our options open with City of Hutchinson Enginneering services. EFFECT ON WAGNER PLAT:. The effect on Wagner Plat should be positive, The North 60' right of way of Wagner Street can be vacated. The 60' right of way could then be added to the area of the adjoining lots, possibly through a lot split, thus eliminating the improvement costs of the Stub In and providing an added lot for sale and an added lot to divide the assessments into with very little extra work or costs. If the lot split procedes in accordance with 6,20 of Hutchinson's Subdivision Ordinance - replatting would not be necessary, if granted by the City Council. — E14ERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS: All roadways and accesses will comply with Hutchinson's sub - division requirements, • ���) I • � I • ' Q • � S A 1 • w IMir • e �• . O• M • l �[ •• I l a • f f It tutu • � 4 ' �- F.. • w w i• N ,4 - A _. Ir ' 1 AIDE AyCr41E ! 1 t I ♦ s • , • n . i,. w, + w • 11 ° r 57 Ktt �— I l K G``5j M It • It ■ • U f W r.• to Y d, • w • ♦ n R n `- I I 054000 " AVENUE to t w I • st urlru I - l S-n a Do to . i � � • I, . n N n to Y ,. ' �• uxee{ • • r • s • ) NUE l 'S• • I n ��♦ • 1 • '1 THOMAS •VENUE > • + tl �,� 0�O{ aN ... I R • l n J AD IT D 1 1 I I t 1 1 •, �' t I f ! 1RI 1 nl J i 1 • w +IIwM -K•M yl 1n114 E l It it t I W ! F . •- .. -+.i_ La We GOEBEL N WI • • + i f - • • le f �• Z`3 , • l 11 t 1 P f , IC. • I t 1 2 1 t I t yl ) w, ♦ t tf a� GOEMLL STREET t O'r T r ewwa � •�- - 1 •j Own IN •IN AI .. / IVtl[NN I'm y • � n � 5� 1 l .. SLI r. •.f� u 4 • Jo � I f• M It • N� = NIA [ LAURA AVENUE -3 CRAM o AVENUE : h t j t LL- I AVENUE I r 1 � • 1 tW ] • "I 1 em1 W = fl•. W to., K I LO F •~ 1 1 2 01.41%. tt t N • tl % 1 11 • v y A ;• � • N / / T It ■ I q' y y II 1/ ly • •1 KA r D • It T r • Is It ! T 11 -• / • q N y 10 VIII EIGHT" AVENUE W. I i t i I• n N IT E' If L N It • .r KAY STREET IO Q — r ewwa � •�- - 1 •j Own IN •IN AI .. / IVtl[NN I'm y • � n � 5� 1 l .. SLI r. •.f� u 4 • Jo � I f• M It • N� = NIA [ LAURA AVENUE -3 CRAM o AVENUE : h t j t LL- I AVENUE I r 1 � • 1 tW ] • "I 1 em1 W = fl•. W to., K I LO F •~ 1 1 2 P/�?oP0s14L lcoe March 12, 1989 • MRRA9 g9 �' gFjCF1VEa I would like to renew rental contiact,for 1989. 35 acers �� of land located south and southwest of sewage plant along high- ���� way 22, owned by the city of Hutchinson. I will pay 35 dollars per acer in 7 monthly payments. Starting April 15, 1989, and ending October 15, 1989, which is a total of 1,225 dollars. There will be no chemicals applied to the 35 acers during this period. ,5 $»y Signature L /989 eL/ r�z =3s-e i 9 -d- pee IMA—PAnM LEASE. Cuh a&UL IntlAllm.nl4 eeeutllr Inle,es, C,AUal v.1..oe ee., w .wow. dhi-q A-4rUMC1If, Made this ................ 2bt.h ................... Any of ........ Bay . .................. .. by and between ........... City -, of ... Hutchinson,,,_ County,_M __.._79. .8.8..... ._.... ..... Party of the first port, Lector, and- ........ ._ ?aul C... Th>_ssen o/ the Township of ............................. ............................... ... County of...... ... . McLeod...... ......... ..._........----------- and Seats o /........_M }nnoso ta... party of the second part, Lessee. W7TXESSETH, That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the rents and covenants hereinafter mentioned, does hereby Remise, Lease and Let unto the said party of the second part, and the said party of the second part does hereby hire and take from the said party of the fiat part, the following described premises situated in the County Of ....... ROA9.0......... and State of-.......... K17LR .PS.A.td------ ._. ... ........ viz: 35.0 acres more or less SEE ATTACHED MAP OF PROPERTY TO DE LEASED MARKED NO. 1. 0 In Section Number. ...... a._........ Township Xamber. ... .a.SN....... Range Xumber2911 ............ containing .... a5...0- ._ ........... acres be the same more or less, of which described premises the second party hereby agrees to plow and put in crops not less than ....... 35.- 0 ..........................acres each year during the con- tinuance of this Lease. To Have and to Hold, The above rented premises unto the said second party,--hi s._,_ -__,_„ heirs and assigns, subject to the conditions and limitations hereinafter mentioned for and during the full term of. one,.__(1)._.__..years from and after the._lst ................... day of.____March ...... 19_88., the term of this Lease ending the._lst ................................ ........ day of_ --- Marsh ......................... _., 198_9.. .4nd the said second party agree@ to and with the said first party to pay as rent for the above mentioned premises, for and during the foil term of this Lease, the sum of rty. ... i.S 3A.:.0.41... Per._ aCr e. ... x4ta i 1.- in4_.�.1..,_Q54s.0.4-r..-cec-r @.-.-.-.Dollar@. payable at ....... __.._ ............ ... _ ........... _ ............... _ ................ _ ..... _ .... . in. __.five. ............ installments with interest at the rate of..... .... per cent on each installment after due, to -wit: J_.._3.50.,DOon or before._June.._l.a ... 1.98$ ----- J... _ ... _.._ ....... on or before ................._ .... J......200- . -00 „on or before --- JUlY._1.�..198$,..... J...... . ...... ..__on or before .. ........ _. . 20 OU Au ust 11 19 . & ..... ..................... before ................... on before or beore.................. ......'............ J.,,,,_200._00,_on or before ._S eptember,__l,s „_198 • z ......... _0.. on or before ..._.... J ........................on or before ....... _...._....._.............._.._. i.._._.._.._.. _.on or before ................._..._.............. Aed It Y PwtM1V Mreb, 6Y eutl Mtweev W peen a Idbn: 'ITet ,Fwld W qld wewd purr Oil b make an chow meeYoeed gyewe4 u hmie eCaciflM, m N q> oy el We not Jaer�itl wMn due. O, IYI b fui@e eq N IM weanep4 Lase ma Wotl. tkee ud to Nel eM wid hat q,ty me W eetl Yke prwsloe of the Won eqW panda, eed bold eM eyaY W wme w1Nwt weh meo{uiy weekly a Imlatun of the ta4 M he qid py rid rwt pert Iw We lull tmm td We Irw Thu 2 We rld flat qrp rYt rM pnmltr Burly W We el Yeb Irr ud bMera W mop b le Yn pouedi dnbr b WW. Ny 0 0100 (612) 587 -5151 H�rcY' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: March 22, 1989 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ------------------------ - - - - -- FROM: RANDY DEVRIES -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SUBJECT: RENTAL PROPERTY NEXT TO—WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY ----------------------- - - - - -- Mr. Paul Thissen has made an offer of $35.00 /ac for the land next to the Wastewater Treatment Facility. I would recommend that we approve this rental agreement for 1989. With Mr. Thissen farming this land, there would be about 10 acres of marginal land left over and I feel that Pheasants Forever should be given a one year rent free lease to use this land for 1989. RD /pl 0 9- � (612) 587 -5151 JWHUTCHINSON, CITY OF HUTCHINSON WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: March 21, 1989 T0: —Mayor and City Council — ------------ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: —Randy DeVries — -------- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SUBJECT: Retainage Reduction for R.L. Carr ------------------------ - - - - -- Retainage reduction for R.L. Carr is contingent on work to be completed by 3/28/89. Amount of the reduction will be based on the amount of work that is done this week. RD /pl 0 q-Z71 hutchinson community hospital _ 095 Highway 15 South, Hulch nson. Minnesota 55350 • Telephone 6121587 -2148 March 22, 1989 MAR 1989 The Honorable Mayor Paul Ackland and = RECEIVED Members of the City Council BY City Hall �i << 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mayor Ackland and City Council Members: During their regular meeting on March 21, 1989, the Hutchinson Community Hospital Board of Directors considered several requests that require your approval. The following reflects discussion and recommendation on those requests: "Major Equioment Financing Proposal. Director of Finance Frank Seivert presented a proposal in which revenue bonds would be used to finance some of the major capital items needed in 1989, rather than using cash reserves or other types of lease options. Following discussion: Motion was made by Myers, seconded by Carls, to recommend to the City Council to approve the use of revenue bonds in financing major capital items needed in 1989 for Hutchinson Community Hospital. All were in favor. Motion carried." "Central Dictation System. A capital expenditure request was presented for the purchase of a new central dictation system for the Medical Records Department. Two bidders responded to the invitation for bids: MARCO, at a proposed cost of $32,000, and Wahl and Wahl, Inc., at a proposed cost of $19,450. It was noted that the lesser bid did not comply in several areas, one being accessibility via a touch -tone phone without the use of dedicated ports; and the other was the lack of visual display of the identification number and work type number at the dictation station. Following discussion: Motion was made by Carls, seconded by Hegrenes, to request authority from the City Council to purchase a new replacement central dictation system from Marco Business Products of St. Cloud, at a bid price of $32,000 with trade -in, acknowledging that the other bidder, Wahl & Wahl, Inc., with a bid price of $19,450, did not meet bid specifications. All were in favor. Motion carried." The Honorable Mayor Paul Ackland and Members of the City Council March 22, 1989 Page Two We will be present at your meeting to answer any questions you may have regarding these requests. Thank you, in advance, for your consideration. Sincerely, INSON CO UNI HOSPITAL Philip G. Graves Administ ator PGG:lm 0 n- i 10 FRANKLIN STREET SOUTH March 24, 1989 CITY OF HUTCHINSON POLICE DEPARTMENT • HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 • PHONE (612) 587 -2242 Gary Plotz, City Administrator City of Hutchinson 31 Washington Avenue W Hutchinson, MN. 55350 Dear Gary: RE: Background Investigation for On -Sale Non - intoxicating Malt Liquor License • On 3 -23 -89 I completed the background investigation for an On -Sale non - intoxicating Malt Liquor License in the City of Hutchinson. The applicant was Gene Lowell Doherty with an address of 11302 Wildwood Court, Blaine, MN. 55434 The background investigation revealed no criminal activity on record. Based on the background investigation, I would recommend the Council approve the Non - intoxicating Malt Liquor License which Mr. Doherty has applied for. HUTCHINSON POLICE DEPARTMENT /'' L't '6 C4, Le� Sgt. Ron Kirchoff / #202:jg cc: file • q-#, (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: March 27, 1989 TO: Mayor & City Council — ----------------------- - — — — — — FROM: Gary—D. Plotz, City Administrator — —---------------- — — — — — — — — — — — SUBJECT: Rental of Airport Farm Land ------------------------ - - - - -- • As part of the business at the May 18, 1988 Board of Review meeting, the City Council approved renting the airport farm land to Eugene Birk for 1988. According to the contract written by City Attorney Barry Anderson, $500 was due on or before the date of contract; however, this contract has never been signed by Mr. Birk. The required $500 payment was paid to the City on Octo- ber 31, 1988. The $3,000 payment due on or before January 1, 1989 was re- ceived on March 10, 1989, subsequent to several letters mailed to Mr. Birk. Dating back to 1973 when Mr. Birk first began renting the farm land from the City, it has been a continual problem to collect the payments in a timely manner. Perhaps the City Council will want to consider advertising and renting the farm land to someone else in 1990. /ms r � 9 -z 3/4A—FARM LEASE, Cash Rent. Instalments. 9ecurlty Interest Clause .ue .. ..... - reemenf, Afade this ................... .da o June , ,, 19A8 J c ............................ y f. .................-......._.._.. by and between._ .... City ... of_HUtchinsonr .County.of .MCLeod�.State of .Minnesota party of the flrst part, Lessor, and- ... Eugene, B1rk of the Township a /. ......... __......................................................... County of................... _ ..._ McLeod...................._. and State of ......... Minneso ta...................................... party of the second part, Lessee. FITXESSETH, That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the rents and covenants hereinafter mentioned, does hereby Remise, Lease and Let unto the said party of the second part, and the said party of the second part does hereby hire and take from the said party of the first part, the following described premises situated in the County of. ..... _ glcLeod__,_,,,__._,,,,_ „___,__„ and State of ....... Minnesota_ ........... __,. viz., 23.1 acres of which shall be made available to the City of Hutchinson for the purpose of sludge disposal. SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION in Section Xumber_._13... ........ Township Xumber --------- 116N, Range Xumber .... 30W......... containing ............ 93;_1 ....... acres be the same more or leas, of which described premises the second party hereby agrees to plow and put in crops not less than ................. 70_.._ --------------- acres each year during the con- tinuance of this Lease. To H.va and to Held, The above rented premises unto the said second party,._ -_ his ...................... heirs and assigns, subject to the conditions and limitations hereinafter mentioned for and duriv the full term of ------ _ years from and after the..._...__ 31st day of, October , 19 _BT the term of this Lease ending the .._._.......... 31st_ day of .October .........., dnd the said second party agrees to and with the said first party to pay as rent for the above mentioned premises, for and during the full term of this Lease, the sum of Fi£ ty .... SS5000_)_ ... per_._ acre,_ totalling_- ,_$3_s 500- _=- _-- _ - -_ -_- _--- , -. -,- .Dollars, payable at Hutchinson __,___, ._, {n two. {2J tneta!lmerzts with ......... _ ........ _..._............_........ . f ... ............_ interest at the rate of ..._.__._..... per cent on each installment after due, to -wit: ;.._...$.500. ------ on or before ... date ,of__contract {--------- — ------------ on or bef ore ----------------------- _ ---------- _._ i ....... $.3.r.000_on or before ... )iinuar1._1....._1989 d...._.,._._._._ -on or before ------------------------------------ _.._ d------------------------ on or before ...._ _......._.........._._._....... ;.......... _ ......... _.on or before ......... ................. ... :........ ; ........................on or before --- _ --------- .................... _.._. d..._._ ..... ...... - -on or before ..... .... _ ................. .. ........ ._. ..... .................. on or before ....- .._........._--- ------------- _. d...__..._ ......... on or before .......... _ ..... : ................. _.__ ... . ...................on or before ..... ................. _ .... _........ d----- _._..._.- .....on or before .................. ............. ....... _ And It 1. Further A ffewd. By and between the Peron as loilowe: That should the said snood party fail N make the sham mentioned peyments as haiv inmeifiN, n b Pats sov of the rent alarmed when due, or tell to fulfill any of the eoeeu be be ... n eonwnN. Nee and In that cues tied first wrty mayy r tm sod Yb pcnmon at the oboes tested so mars. sod hold and m jcy Ne -me w,Nwt mash 1— tenor w-so s a lodeture of the rents be be paid by N "d seemed putt' Ica the lull [vm hW thu Iww. That if the said fins tote WL mod Premiss durios Ne Us of this leave sod Wore the e.. b is Ne eroued, and seta as des pcseeeoon to the imerhemr. this as veeood unity will forthwith summits Possession of Wit leaved premises arm the Povmmt N him of E_ __ .. or t to him In • pdN weed in, u.. byWd —ad pert' b t d eeeoW carte .I.. rnee —..nd n let he. hem m vmn.. nmmnae et any Yme, aiib.e,slug en toe eunam. noln,or ua o-mu. m mane.... Item emeaa, or m we Im N. —imidlru iron, or I- see whew wrrvn whaeu..e. And Me Wd ant pa mats that the Wd wro—d yvty, on nayih. the met and o.dmmior the co—tile doemaid, shall pneeably sod puiedy he... told .ewe Ne cad emiewl nri-- sad the Wd —.ad trait, .aces m needs sad m m, the boddmp Iwnm Im the term al—id. 1a the .,.as M air sets du. hertaa bdn. eollmtM by .sit. Ne wooed out, IurN- wwro e b qt' all em omen whims ma, be inewred e,.b,. If the party of the first part shall require any of the above 70 tillable acres for any purpose, then the rent payable to party of the second part shall be reduced according to the per acre rental rate payable in that year. Party of the second part shall effectively control weeds on'the premises throughout the term of this lease. With the signing of this lease, party cf the second part waives any claim against the City of Hutchinson for reimbursement for any expense incurred in tiling premises. is • (612) 587.5151 i Harly CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE ' ✓✓EST HUTCHINSON. MINN -o .,5c�SO M E M O R A N D U M DATE: March 22, 1989 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit as requested by Richard Larson Pursuant to Section 6.07, C5, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit. HISTORY On February 15, 1989, Richard Larson, Larson Builders, submitted an application for a conditional use permit to allow him to move a 26'x 22' storage building onto property located at 640 Adams. A public hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, March 21, 1989, at which time there was no one present who objected to the request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, March 9, 1989. 3. The proposal is in conformance with the requirements of a conditional use permit. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit be granted subject to a 25' set back being maintained from the West property line and the loading area and doors should be to the South or East. Respectfully submitted, William Craig, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commisson I _T a i ;X T x R _ E ii S AIN jEFF iNi 9 b 15 .0% 30- D> A Ln a O 1 v i P i Z2 0" 4 P• it -- 11 I 11 ,12 rt °rl 1 _,..,_ i I I pa..lr,.W CO � r c iu.n s• +1 1 st ........ 222.30 - - South, assumed bearing i ADAMS STREE16 (STATE HIGHWAY NO. 22) ..r r N 1 � m m P P N PQ O m = 1 b 4 1� 80 V U IE C 11 ,12 rt °rl 1 _,..,_ i I I pa..lr,.W CO � r c iu.n s• +1 1 st ........ 222.30 - - South, assumed bearing i ADAMS STREE16 (STATE HIGHWAY NO. 22) ..r r N 1 � m m P P N PQ O m RESOLUTION NO. 8971 RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER SECTION 6.07 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 TO is TO ALLOW THE OWNER TO MOVE A BUILDING ONTO PROPERTY LOCATED AT 640 ADAMS is BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: FINDINGS 1. Richard Larson, Larson Builders, has made application to the City Council for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 8.08 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to allow him to move a 22' x 26' storage building onto property located at 640 Adams with the following legal description: Legal description: Lots 2, 3, and 4; and the South 14 feet and 8 inches of Lot 1; also Lot 5 except the South 2 rods thereof, all in Clay's subdivision of Lot 6 Block 1 Mortenson's Addition to Hutchinson, Minnesota. Also, Lot 11 in Park Subdivision, Hutchinson, Minnesota. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the community nor will it cause serious traffic congestion nor hazards, nor will it seriously depreciate surrounding property values, and the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. CONCLUSION The application for Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted subject to a 25' set back being maintained from the West property line and the loading area and doors being placed to the South or East. Approved by the City Council this 28th day of March, 1989. ATTEST: Gary D. P otz City Administrator Paul L. Ack and Mayor `m • y (612) 587 -5151 YAZ 1TG7 CITY OF HUMV1,"ISCill 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: March 22, 1989 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Plannino Commission SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit as requested by Rosen's Inc. Pursuant to Section 6.07, C5, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit. HISTORY On February 28, 1989, Lloyd Stern, Attorney for Rosen's Inc., submitted an application for a conditional use permit to allow them to store agricultural chemicals on property located at 15 Monroe St. formerly known as Hutch Agri Tech. A public hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commis- sion on Tuesday, March 21, 1989, at which time there was no one present who objected to the request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, March 9, 1989. 3. The proposal is in conformance with the requirements of a conditional use permit. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit be granted subject to staff recommendations as follows: 1) Survey showing the flood fringe finished floor elevation being 1041.5' for material storage. 2) Provide a list of actual material to be stored on site to be distributed to and written approval from; ONR, Hutchinson Fire Marshal, PCA, and also CAER (Community Awareness Emergency Response). Respectfully submitted, William Craig, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commisson no!" , \� Roseds, Inc. 1120 Lake Ave.. P.O. Box 933 Fairmont. Minnesota 56031 Phone: 238-4201 March 13, 1989 WATS:'800,7982000 James G. Marka Building Official City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Ave. West Hutchinson, MN. 55350 Dear James: Enclosed is a list of the actual agricultural chemicals which we have stored in the Hutch Agri Tech Building during 1988. I have also enclosed a 1989 price list which includes most of the agricultural chemicals we will be selling this year. Any of the products we carry could potentially be stored at the Hutchinson facility for a short period of time pending resale. As you may be aware, Rosen's Inc. is a wholesale distributor of agricultural chemicals. All of the products we handle are prepackaged by manufacturers. Rosen's purchases prepackaged material for resale to farm chemical dealers such as grain elevators and fertilizer plants. We do not propose to repackage, formulate or custom apply any agricultural chemicals at this facility. Further, since our business is mainly seasonal in nature, the majority of chemical storage occurs from April 1 to June 30 of each year. Usually by mid September we will have little or no inventory on storage at this facility. Material safety data sheets and SARA Title III - Emergency planning and community right -to -know information is available upon request. If you have any questions, please contact me. Yo s very tru y, l. Robert A. Hovde Chief Financial Officer cc: Lloyd Stern RH:mb Enc. • "After the Sale it's the Service that counts." 9� Certificate of Survey for Rosen's, Inc. DESCRIPTION LOTS B AND 9, BLOCK 4, SOUTH HALF OF HUTCHINSON, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. BENCH MARKS: Top nut of hydrant or First Ave. SE and Monroe Street. Elevdtlon : 9043.68 Top of Concrete of center or jog in weft building wall. Elevation r 1036.87. a 37 2 r existing Spot elevation. • denotes iron monument found (property corner) I hereby certify that :his survey was prepared by me ar ender my direct tuperegfon and Mor i am a duty Licensed Land Surveyor under Ab tors of the Store of Metnesoto. 4U-,aa ,: 0,4e... W -11ard Petfinen. License No 9626. March 2, 1969 ri tcdlr n. Ipp\ , �I Jl .see a z t V ..H . J N ' —T irq - � e,...o , N 1 ul Y l I O CiVICiETE -. !loot 111, + 76 93 14- ! i o LOT 8 AOn1. 1903 ? u � O 'J\ ar Jee, ' Io.H�3e sf flle.ne. , � r .- IOel.ae m -. 132.00 - LOT 9 III Worst elev of Crow 91.er on Voo9 ororecr.on e1e.71,nn 1042 p {I 0 n r eGi Sal ..H . J N ' —T irq - 40 T ••, , e,...o , N J ul Y l I CiVICiETE -. LOT 8 O 'J\ ar Jee, ' Io.H�3e sf flle.ne. .- IOel.ae •,� ..'. as -`has l eb - )0 9 0 . r i f a•• I It .,M cans gtamw, rmi a. r.w e •uo L »!' .- 132.00_ n\ •n\ ._ ..__ - ql 25 —�f BU ILOVIG i 19 ., RESOLUTION NO. 8972 RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER SECTION 6.07 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 TO TO ALLOW THE OWNER TO STORE AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 15 MONROE FORMERLY HUTCH AGRI TECH BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: FINDINGS 1. Lloyd Stern, Attorney for Rosen's Inc., has made application to the City Council for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 8.12 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to allow them to store agricultural chemicals on property located at 15 Monroe St. with the following legal description: Legal description: Lots 8 and 9, Block 4, Townsite of Hutchinson, South Half, being in the Northeast Quarter of Section 6 Township 116, Range 29. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the community nor will it cause serious traffic congestion nor hazards, nor will it seriously depreciate surrounding property values, and the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. CONCLUSION The application for Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted subject to staff recommendations as follows: 1) Survey showing the flood fringe finished floor elevation being 1041.5' for material storage. 2) Provide a list of actual material to be stored on site to be distributed to and written approval from; DNR, Hutchinson Fire Marshal, PCA, and also CAER(Community Awareness Emergency Response). Approved by the City Council this 28th day of March, 1989. Paul L. Ackland Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator LJ (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCr' INS©N 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 MEMORANDUM DATE: March 22, 1989 TO: Hutchinson City Council ------------------------ - - - - -- FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission — --------=— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF DAKOTA RAIL - HERCULES SALE -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — The Planning Commission recommends approval subject to City Staff conferring with the City Attorney to draft an agreement that addresses the 8' encroachment of Washington Ave. E Certificate of Survey for Hercules, Inc. WASHINGTON 599'50' 50 -E - - -132.00 -- 76 �r m \I%%-\ Z0 AVENUE 0 z O \ O So I e y 41.4 ' W 39. t I 90 0' J e J %o c �4 i `1 • j l -1 9� Y9 _7 L O 15 30 SCa I! m feel 1 1 I 1 � • denotes iron monument set (1/2 Inch by 14 Inch Iron pipet • denotes iron monument found ((Wy c U. 4 i C C � ry E N � C W O z AREA= 15712 SQUARE FEET That part of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Block 5, SOUTH HALF OF HUTCHINSON, de- scribed as beginning at the northeast corner of said Block 5; thence South, assumed bearing, along the east line of said Block 5 a distance of 215.24 feet; thence North 34 degrees 51 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 149.bO feet; thence North 31 degrees 30 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of 49.00 feet to a point on the west line of said Lot 1, distant 16.94 feet south of the northwest corner of said Lot 1; thence northerly, along said west line, to the northwest corner of said Lot 5; thence easterly, along the north line of said Lot 1, a distance of 132.00 feet to the point of beginning. I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or wxier my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the Stato of Minnesota. Millard Pellinen, License No. 9626. January 20, 1989. 9 -z1 (612) 587 -5151 HUTCH CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHING TON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, M/NN, 55350 M E M 0 FOR YOUR INFORMATION DATE: March 22nd, 1989 TO: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator FROM: James Marka, Building Official RE: March 21, 1989 Planning Commission Update Please inform the City Council of the following information regarding Items 3(b), 4(a), 4(c), 4(f), 4(h), and 5 of Hutchinson's March 21,1989 Planning Commission Meeting. 3(b) Rosen's Inc. - Conditional Use Permit The list of chemicals is to be forwarded to Steve Madson, Chief of Police and all parties involved with S.A.R.A. - Title III. I have forwarded info. to Steve Madson. 4(a) Mr. Jay Freedland was not present at the Planning Commission meeting. I have contacted his office and informed them that this topic is to be continued on April's Planning Commission Agenda and that a sample of the fence is necessary. 4(c) Burger King is again on the drawing board, according to the property owner Robert Hornick. The site plan will be presented to the Planning Commission in April, and construction is planned for this Spring. 4(f) Hillcrest Leisure Home Site. This project apparently fell through. The Planning Commission felt that the C -4 Zone should be down zoned to R -2 on the Comprehensive Plan, with exception of the highway frontage. I will forward this information to Bill Weber of B.R.W. 4(h) The Planning Commission felt the City should proceed with annexation and must notify the affected property owners to attend the April Planning Commission Meeting. I will complete the annexation petition form and wait until after the April Meeting to order the Land Survey. 5 B.R.W. Update. The Planning Commission directed staff to draft up a proposal and request a bid from Bill Weber to revise Hutchinson's Zoning Ordinance, which is to be used as our legal tool in enforcing the • Comprehensive Plan, etc... March 21, 1989 Planning Commission Update March 22nd, 1989 Page 2 Staff will also request an up -to -date expenditure on this Comprehensive Plan project to verify budget funds, and as a forecast of future costs. The Planning Commission requested that B.R.W. and the City Attorney discuss Conditional Land Use Zoning with site plans and incorporate as much control as legally possible in our Zoning Ordinance. The remaining agenda items are not out of the ordinary and need no special explanation other than the recommendations. YbIl�u #1007 mes Marka Building Official JM /pv cc: Steve Madson, Police Chief Bill Weber, B.R.W. Cal Rice, Asst. City Engineer Jay Freedland, Hutch Iron 6 Metal Barry Anderson, City Attorney Marilyn Swanson, Council Packet Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Commission Information 0 MINUTES H'UTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, March 21, 1989 FOR YOUR INFORMATION 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Craig at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Roland Ebent, Clint Gruett, Marlin Torgerson, Bruce Drahos, Larry Romo and Chairman Craig. Members absent: Tom Lyke. Also present: Building Official Jim Marka. MINUTES Mr. Torgerson made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting dated Tuesday, February 21, 1989. Seconded by Mr. Romo the motion carried unani- mously. PUBLIC HEARINGS (a) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY RICHARD LARSON, LARSON BUILDERS Chairman Craig opened the hearing at 7:31 p.m. with the reading of publication #3973 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, March 9, 1989. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit to allow the owner to move a 26' x 22' storage building onto property located at 640 Adams. There was discussion on the appearance of the building. Building Official Jim Marka commented on his discussion with Mr. Larson stating the door would face East. Mr. Ebent moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Torgerson the hearing closed at 7:33 p.m. Mr. Ebent made a motion to recommend approval to City Council subject to a 25' setback being maintained from the West property line and the loading area and door being placed to South or East. Seconded by Mr. Gruett the motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY ROSEN'S INC. (FORMER HUTCH AGRI TECH PROPERTY) Chairman Craig opened the hearing at 7:33 p.m. with the reading of publication #3974 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, March 9, 1989. The request is for the purpose of —storage of agricultural chemicals on property located at 15 Monroe St. Discussion followed on the type of chemicals being stored in the building. Representatives from Rosen's Inc. explained that the existing use was approved by the DNR and the similar use is also approved. They commented that the primary floor would be the upper deck of the present building. Discussion followed on the packaging and how the product is stored qualifies with the DOT for transportation and PCA for storage. There would strictly be agricultural chemicals stored at the site and an inventory list will be provided March 1st every year. HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3/21/89 Building Official Jim Marka commented on the vacated street right -of- way. Mr. Torgerson made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Ebent the hearing closed at 7:37 p.m. Mr. Torgerson made a motion to recommend approval subject to staff recommendations as follows: 1) Survey showing the flood fringe finished floor elevation being 1041.5' for material storage. 2) Provide a list of actual material to be stored on site to be distributed to, and written aooroval from: DNR, Hutchinson Fire Marshal, PCA and also CAER (Community Awareness Emergency Response). Seconded by Mr. Drahos the motion carried unanimously. 4. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF JAY FREEDLAND FENCE PROPOSAL Building Official Jim Marka commented on the history of the proposal and suggests tabling the action since Mr. Freedland was not present. Discussion followed on the use of plastic and costs of fencing. Mr. Torgerson moved to table the issue until the April meeting, seconded by Mr. Gruett the motion carried unanimously. (b) DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED SKETCH PLAN SUBMITTED BY GALEN HOUK (2 MILE RADIUS) Withdrawn. (c) DISCUSSION OF REVIEW OF BURGER KING SITE PLAN AND REMOVAL OF YELLOW HOUSE ON THE PROPERTY Mr. Bob Hornick, owner of the property, commented that the convenienc store /gas station plans will be in within 3 seeks. He anticipates beginning construction this summer. Mr. Hornick also explained that he is negotiating with Burger King and possibly finalizing the contract. Discussion followed on the time table of filling the hole to the north of the property and the removal of the yellow house to the west. Building Official Jim Marka asked for a site plan by the April meeting. The Planning Commission instructed Mr. Hornick to remove the house and fence -in the hole until construction plans are complete. Mr. Hornick agreed to remove the chimney and will work on removal. (d) CONSIDERATION OF DAKOTA RAIL - HERCULES SALE Building Official Jim Marka explained the letter from Attorney McGraw and City Attorney Anderson on the encroachment of the property onto Washington Ave. Discussion followed on the vacation of the street. Mr. Torgerson made a motion to recommend approval subject to city staff conferring with City Attorney to draft an agreement that addresses the 8' encroachment. K HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3/21/89 (e) DISCUSSION OF K MART EXPANSION - PARKING requested by Jim Marka • Building Official Jim Marka commented on the K Mart expansion and plans to fill in the ditches. (f) DISCUSSION REVIEW OF HWY 7 BOARDING AND LODGING FOR ELDERLY requested by Jim Marka Withdrawn. (g) DISCUSSION OF REVIEW OF JR. HIGH SCHOOL SITE PLAN requested by Jim Marka Mr. Marka presented and commented on the Jr. High School site plan stating it was designed for expansion. (h) DISCUSSION OF ANNEXATION FOR RON HANSON PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING AREAS Mr. Ron Hanson commented on the property and the annexation of his house 14 years ago. Discussion followed on the annexation and the property owners involved. Mr. Torgerson made a motion to contact property owners and begin annexation proceedings, seconded by Mr. Romo the motion carried unanimously. 5. OLD BUSINESS 9 (a) BRW UPDATE 9 Building Official Jim Marka commented on his discussion with Mr. Bill Weber on codifying the Zoning Ordinance and the costs involved. 6. ADJOURMENT There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. 3 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS • AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS RESOLUTION N0. 8974 LETTING NO. 2 PROJECT N0. 89 -02 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Council on January 24th, 1989, the Director of Engineering has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of Graham Street from the North Line of the Wagner Development Corporation Plat to 8th Avenue Southwest; Wagner Street, Larson Street, and Kay Street from the North Line of the Wagner Development Corporation Plat to Goebel Street; Goebel Street from the East Line of the Wagner Development Corporation Plat to Kay Street; and 8th Avenue Southwest from Dale Street to the West Line of Lot 18, Block 10, Wagner Development Corporation Plat by the construction of Sanitary Sewer, Water Main, Sewer and Water Services to all Buildings or Buildable Sites, Storm Sewer, Grading, Aggregate Base, Street Lighting, and Appurtenances, and has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: • 1. Such specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 9 2. The City Administrator shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks; shall specify the work to be done; shall state that bids will be publicly opened at 2:00 P.M. on April 24th, 1989, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Hutchinson, Minnesota by the City Administrator and Engineer; will then be tabulated; and will be considered by the Council at the regularly scheduled Council Meeting at 7:30 P.M. on May 9th, 1989, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Hutchinson, Minnesota. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Administrator and accompanied by a cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Hutchinson for 10 per cent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Council this 28th day of March, 1989. City Administrator Mayor v„ RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS . AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS RESOLUTION NO. 8975 LETTING N0. 4 PROJECT NO. 89 -05, 89 -06, 89 -07, 89 -12 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Council on January 24th, 1989, the Director of Engineering has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of Texas Avenue from California Street to 405' East of California Street by Construction of Curb and Gutter, Bituminous Surfacing and Appurtenances; Connecticut Street from Shady Ridge Road to the South Line of Hilltop Addition and on Westwood Road from Connecticut Street to the west Terminus by Construction of Curb and Gutter, Bituminous Surfacing and Appurtenances; Carolina Avenue from 180' East of School Road to Arizona Street and Arizona Street from Carolina Avenue to School Road by Construction of Curb and Gutter, Bituminous Surfacing and Appurtenances; and Keith Street from South Grade Road to Chicago Avenue, Sunset Street from South Grade Road to Chicago Avenue and Chicago Avenue from Sunset Street to Keith Street by Construction of Bituminous Surfacing and Appurtenances, and has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: is part Such specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The City Administrator shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks; shall specify the work to be done; shall state that bids will be publicly opened at 2:00 P.M. on April 24th, 1989, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Hutchinson, Minnesota by the City Administrator and Engineer; will then be tabulated; and will be considered by the Council at the regularly scheduled Council Meeting at 7:30 P.M. on May 9th, 1989, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Hutchinson, Minnesota. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Administrator and accompanied by a cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Hutchinson for 10 per cent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Council this 28th day of March, 1989. City Administrator Mayor 9 -� 0 40 3000 Piper )affray Tower Minneapolis. Minnesota 55402 Telephone (612) 334 -3000 1 -800- 742 -5684 (.MN Only) Facsimile (612) 333 -5463 Offices in Minnosota, Montana. North and South Dakota March 23, 1989 Charles Bailly & Company Certified Public Accountants Mr. Gary Plotz City Administrator City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Dear Mr. Plotz: 0 /A' Associates in principal cities of the United States through The American Group of CPA Firms Offices worldwide through Moore Stephens International 0 98c This letter is to confirm our understanding for applying agreed -upon procedures to the financial forecast of Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home as of September 30, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 and for the periods then ending as prepared by Good Neighbor Services, Inc. A financial forecast presents to the beat of Good Neighbor Services, Inc.'s knowledge and belief, the expected results of operations, and cash flows for the forecast period. It is based on Good Neighbor Services, Inc.'s assumptions reflecting conditions it expects to exist and the course of action it expects to take during the forecast period. Management is responsible for representations about its plans and expectations and for disclosure of significant information that might affect the ultimate realization of the forecasted results. We presently expect to apply the following procedures; however, the engagement will not be commenced until the Hutchinson City Council and Ehlers and Associates, Inc. agrees that the procedures are sufficient for their purposes. Scope: We will provide a written report stating our findings about the significant forecast assumptions made by Good Neighbor Services, Inc. Procedures: We will evaluate the reasonableness of the following assumptions against information obtained from outside sources and information developed from our direct knowledge of the Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home. 1. We will compare 1986, 1987 and 1988 actual data to the respective Rule 50 cost reports and rate notices to establish the accuracy of the historical data which form the basis for the forecasted years. q 2. We will compare 1986, 1987 and 1988 census and case mix score data to historical industry trends to evaluate the reasonableness of the forecasted census and case mix scores. 3. We will compare historical and projected computations of the rental rate per resident day to the current property payment rate to evaluate the reasonableness of the rental concept assumptions for the forecasted years. 4. We will evaluate the impact of allowable interest on the property related payment rate against established criteria for allowable interest expense to determine the reasonableness of the property payment assumptions for the forecasted years. S. We will study the interaction of forecasted care related and other operating costs on the general and administrative cost limit and the other operating cost limit as it applies to the determination of the daily payment rate. This letter is furnished solely for the purpose of indicating the form of report that we would expect to be able to furnish to the Hutchinson City Council and Ehlers and Associates, Inc. in response to its request, the matters expected to be covered in the report, and the nature of the procedures we would expect to carry out with respect to such matters. Based on our discussions it is our understanding that the procedures outlined in this letter are those that the Hutchinson City Council and Ehlers and Associates, Inc. expects us to follow. Unless the Hutchinson City Council and Ehlers and Associates, Inc. informs us otherwise, we shall assume that there are no additional procedures they wish us to follow. The text of the report itself will depend, of course, on the results of the procedures, which we would not expect to complete until shortly before our report is issued. We make no representation as to the adequacy of those procedures for the Hutchinson City Council and Ehlers and Associates, Inc. purposes. There will usually be differences between the forecasted and actual results, because events and circumstances frequently do not occur as expected, and those differences may be material. Our report will contain a statement to that effect. Our report will detail our findings. Should we have any reservations with respect to the forecast, we will discuss them with you before the report is issued. Because the procedures described above do not constitute an examination of prospective financial statements in accordance with standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, we will not express an opinion on whether the prospective financial statements are presented in conformity with AICPA presentation guidelines or on whether the underlying assumptions provide a reasonable basis for the presentation. We have no responsibility to update our report for events and circumstances occurring after the date of our report. The distribution of our report is to be limited to the Hutchinson City Council, Ehlers and Associates, Inc., and Good Neighbor Services, Inc. If information contained in our report, or any portion thereof, is to be published or made available for general distribution, printer's proofs or masters are to be submitted to us for review before printing or other reproduction. At the conclusion of our engagement, management agrees to supply us with a representation letter which, among other things, will confirm management's responsibility for the underlying assumptions and the appropriateness of the financial forecast and its presentation. Our fees for these services will be computed at our standard rates, plus out - of- pocket expenses and will be billed as work progresses. Our fee for this service is estimated to range from $2,550 to $4,000 and will be billed to the City of Hutchinson. Invoices are due upon receipt. A late payment charge of 1 1/2% per month will be charged on all invoices not paid within 30 days from the date of the invoice. You agree to pay reasonable attorney fees and collection costs incurred by Charles Bailly & Company relating to the collection of fees for services performed under the terms of this engagement. The provisions of this paragraph will be effective to the maximum extent provided under applicable law. This letter comprises the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between the parties, superseding all proposals oral or written and all other communications between the parties. If any provision of this letter is determined to be unenforceable, all other provisions shall remain in force. If this letter meets with your approval, please return a signed copy to us in the envelope provided. Please feel free to call me at any time regarding any questions you may have. We appreciate this opportunity to service you. Sincerely, CHARLES BAILLY & Co PANY i FloydLene, CPA i I Accepted by: SIGNATURE TITLE r 19_ DATE Mr. Gary Plotz 555tMcDonaldaDr. 1J Hutchinson, MN. 55350 City Hall ��La2526�272 S Hutchinson, MN. 55350 av h749 19.'tg March 24,1989 Mr. Plotz, I am in the process of annexing and issuing a right of way of McDonal Drive into the city limits. At this time I am requesting help from the city in maintaining this road. We are getting so much traffic on this road from southwest Hutchinson that it has become impossible for us to keep it maintained. I would appreciate any help you can give us with this problem. • Sincgrely, Loretta McDonald • N W REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING employer March 28, 1989 • WATER $ SEWER FUND *PER.4 employer contribution $346.78 "Withhold Tax Account employer contribution 614.94 Edward F. Dulas polish 7.50 Merle W. Meece seminar 17.00 Henry Heinecke %safety boots,glasses $ seminar 136.05 Ericksons Auto Sales 1986 Jeep Commanche 6380.00 Otvis Wahl 100 hydrant flags 150.00 Water Pollution Control Fed. membership dues 27.50 Donohue F, Associates wastewater treatment plant 15,861.76 Am. Water Works Assn. instruction materials 31.25 Crow Chemical chemicals 48.63 Curtin Scientific chemicals 74.34 Dixie Petro Chem. cylinders $ chemicals 1145.40 GRS Incorporated parts 1009.96 HutchCennex gasoline 324.32 Logis computer charges 719.55 Mn. Valley Testing testing 167.75 Star Tribune help wanted ad 82.20 PERA employer contribution 346.83 Tech Sales Co. equipment 1014.01 Withhold Tax Account employer contribution 615.08 $ 29,120.85 • CENTRAL GARAGE FUND *PERA employer contribution $42.84 *Withhold Tax Account employer contribution 75.70 Hutch Cennex tires 72.28 Jerabek Machine Shop parts 14.18 Road Machinery repairs 6936.39 Schmeling Oil Co. chemicals 23.25 PERA employer contribution 36.72 Sweeney Bros Tractor parts 449.76 Ziegler Inc. repairs 303.38 Withhold Tax Acct. employer contribution 64.88 W.D.Cooling Clinic repairs 55.20 $ 8074.58 • //'a I • • GENERAL FUND *Withhold Tax Account *Dept. of Natural REsources *COmmissioner of Revenue *Jerome Renner & Leader Federal Savings $ Loan *Roger Bakken *PERA *Social Security *AARP *PERA *Dept. of Natural REsources Steven C. Madson Nancy Buss Doris Mohler Doris Christensen Christ N. Limberis Anita Crosby Clara Pankake Don Pankake Cindy Christensen Pamela Lindahl James Marka Marilyn Swanson Bonnie Baumetz Donald Johaneson Sue Schwinghammer Scott Powell City of Hutchinson Carlson Equipment Co. Coalition of Greater Mn. Cities Craguns Conf. Center Dakota Co. Tech Inst. D $ B Bus. Ed Services Gopher Stage Lighting Invincile Costume Co. J's Pizza Garten Maintenance Eng. LTD Mn. Leagal Serv. Coalition MATSA Mn. Twins Ordway Theatre PSCS LTD P.J. Foreign Car Schlueters Refrigeration St. Paul Red Cross Ticket Craft Wall Street Journal MN. Conway Fire Allied Mech. Systems Am. Risk Services Inc. Arnold & McDowell BRW Cash Wise Coca Cola Bottling Coca Cola Bottling Copy Equipment Co. Treasurer County Market _2 employer contribution DNR reg. fees arena sales tax airport property supplies from 3M back contributions $ interest back contributions 40 students driving class employer contribution DNR reg. fee police chief seminar Logis training driving class refund driving class refund deposition costs refund ice show refund ice show refund ice show refund ice show 'z day phone clinic seminar seminar seminar seminar gymanastic inst. Ice dive class 8 Mankato school surcharge on bldg. permit equipment 1989 assessment room reservation field training officers i day phone clinic equipment rental costume rental adaptive recreation supplies supplies tenants Rights of Mn. registration fees 46 tickets 46 tickets PDCS report 2 yr. sponsorship refund repairs seminar supplies 1 yr subscription knee patches repairs april services compensation prof. fees supplies re- zoning refund supplies supplies DL fees supplies 53861.23 92.00 234.83 5500.00 41.87 1529.59 1528.98 280.00 4178.28 161.00 343.47 33.24 7.00 7.00 92.25 39.00 13.00 13.00 26.00 17.15 26.83 6.90 32.52 25.24 49.00 75.00 2.50 38.95 3897.60 70.00 150.00 130.00 667.50 90.00 60.92 9.64 2.00 90.00 463.00 1104.00 60.00 15.00 32.50 75.00 154.30 129.00 90.00 107.45 800.00 2500.00 3554.98 124.68 110.00 137.90 184.21 97.00 77.31 -3- Don's Foods supplies $ 30.84 Co. Recorder filing fees 20.00 • Eileen Goeders contract payment 1500.00 Great Plains supplies 23.98 Fitzloff Hardware supplies 57.66 Gopher Sign Co. supplies 429.52 Erickson Oil Products gasoline 161.67 George Field arson conference 140.58 GAB Bus. Services reimbursement re: M. SKelton 891.20 Hutch Iron $ Metal supplies 4.80 Hutch Utilities street lighting $ lite bulbs 805.77 Hutch Public Schools services 132.50 Hutch Cennex gasoline 2631.88 Ink Spots supplies 67.80 Joes Sport Shop award plaques 6.00 K Mart supplies 101.87 Kustom Electronics Inc. repairs 246.55 Law Enforcement Equip. name bars 194.95 Logis computer charges 4177.85 Mankato Mobile Radio repairs 22.93 Star Tribune help wanted ads $ airport 294.55 MRPA membership dues 60.00 McGarveyCof£ee coffee 121.84 Office Products repairs 150.00 Olsons Locksmith repairs 72.00 Pan 0 Gold supplies 40.50 Peterson Bus Service bus rental 360.00 Schmeling Oi1Co. gasoline 2258.35 • Standard Printing printing forms 162.03 PERA employer contribution 4140.78 Starcablevision Apr. service 4.05 Two Way Comm. Inc. repairs 211.83 Templeton Funds employer contribution 164.08 United Bldg. Centers supplies 222.20 West Pub. Co. legal book 49.00 Withhold TAx Account employer contribution 3682.60 $56.881.98 BOND FUNDS Bonds of 1988 COmmissioner of Transportation refund $1131.31 -4- MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE Quality Wine $ Spirits Ed Phillips £, Sons Griggs Cooper $ Co. Johnson Brothers Wholesale City of Hutchinson Withhold Tax Account Commissioner of Revenue PERA WIthhold Tax Account City of Hutchinson PERA PERA Dept. of Employee Relations • 0 wine $ liquor $3261.94 wine $ liquor 7056.33 wine $ liquor 1533.27 wine & liquor 1583.56 payroll 4209.78 soc.sec.- medicare 290.15 Feb. sales tax 6850.27 EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION 160.68 employer contribution 282.67 payroll 4090.31 employer contribution 156.64 back contributions 1742.13 back contributions 1599.49 $ 32,817.22 PARKS 0 RECREATION • FORESTRY 900 Harrington Street Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 (612) 587 -2975 SENIOR CENTER CIVIC ARENA 587 -6564 587 -4279 FOR YOUR INFORMATION TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Mary Haugen, Interim Director of Parks & Recreations DATE: March 21, 1989 RE: Lawsuit against Korngiebel Architects and E. J. Pinske The lawsuit against Korngiebel Architects and E. J. Pinske Builders regarding defects in the Recreation Center has initiated some results. C. Barry Anderson, John Korngiebel, Pete Pinske and myself will be meeting Monday, March 27th to discuss the remaining problems with the building, the biggest concern being leaks in the lobby roof. Some other areas of concern have been; plumbing leaks at each of the stools in the bathrooms and dressing rooms, improper heating and ventilation in the gym, and improper plumbing in the pool equip- ment room. These other concerns are fairly well under control, after hiring other contractors to do the necessary repairs. Efforts will con- tinue to have these incurred expenses reimbursed. The roofing subcontractor, Marty's Roofing has made numerous attempts to repair the lobby roof, without success. The foreman from Pinske Builders inspected the roof in early March, and feels he knows where the problem areas are. He informed me their company is committed to solving the remaining problems, and will do so as soon as the snow and ice is off the roof. Following the meeting on Monday, you will receive an update. klm An Equal Opponwiity Employer Gary D. Plotz Hutchinson City Clerk 37 Washington Avenue, Hutchinson, Minnesota Docket Number A -4548 Dear Mr. Plotz: at t' +tb v ST We a O STATE OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL BOARD West 55350 Suite 165 Metro Square 7th & Robert Streets St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 March 15, 1989 AREA OF WAGNER PLAT Ordinance Number 800 City of Hutchinson Phone (6131 296.2426 , -INC, RECEIVED P> A R 1 9699 BY U FOR YOUR INFORMATION The Minnesota Municipal Board has now processed and approved the above ordinance in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 414, and the Rules of Procedure. According to law, this annexation ordinance must be filed with the Township Clerk, County Auditor, Secretary of State, and the Municipal Board. (Since the ordinance has already been filed with the Municipal Board, no additional copies are required.) We also recommend that you file the ordinance with the County Recorder. The annexation is final upon the date the ordinance Is approved by the Board, which Is the date of this letter. Sincerely, MUNICIPAL BOARD Patricia D. Lundy Assistant Director PDL:sg cc: McLeod County Auditor Lynn Township Clerk Marilyn Swanson, Administrative Secretary Secretary of State (612) 587 -5151 �` yvrcv CITY OF HUTCHINSON S i 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN, 55350 0 11 March 22, 1989 W. R. Block, President Hutch Inc. 369 E. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Mn. 55101 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Dear Mr. Block: Your check has been received by this office and has been applied to your account. We did this to avoid having to place a penalty on the entire amount which was due and payable. The council agreed to a reduced rate at the time of your water problem and per the memo written by City Administrator Gary Plotz. The credit was only extended until your water leak problem had been solved. As you letter indicates the water leak has been solved and we have notice the improvement in your usage. The city ordinance requires the billing of wastewater upon the tual usage during the winter quarter which by you letter you directly acknowledge. Since the tenants are running water during t =se months the water is flowing into the wastewater collection system and treatment plant. By this fact alone the billable amount is correct. As we have said the check as been applied to your account the balance plus appropriate penalty is due and is attached to this letter. If you have any questions please give me a call. Sincerely, Kenneth B. Merrill Finance Director y'�.C. Mayor & City Council Gary Plotz, City Administrator Randy DeVries, WWTP Director Diane Olson, Billing Technician HUTCH, INC. 369 EAST KELLOGG BOULEVARD • ST. PAUL, MN • 55101 March 17. 1989 Ms. Diane Olson Citv of Hutchinson 37 Washington Ave. W. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Ms. Olson: We received the statement for sewer /water /garbage for the three month winter quarter and wish to comment on it. The winter quarter 'water use increased from the fall quarter by 870,000 gallons or an average of 9,667 gallons per day. We believe this is caused by tenants who run water continuously to avoid freezing water lines. They run the water in lieu of operating heat tape for which they pay the electric bill. The only way to correct this problem is to meter aLl mobile homes individually. We located two sources of leakage in December. 1988 which have been repaired. Both were caused by disconnections at the base of "ie frostless riser. e to layoffs at Hutchinson Technology, we have lost several ,iants. Therefore, we are very concerned that our sewer rate be adjusted. We request that the billing method approved by the City Council last fall remain in effect for 1989. We will continue to monitor leakage and make necessary repairs to minimize water use. According to the Council agreement, each mobile home uses 15,000 gallons per quarter. We now have 200 lots occupied plus one apartment for a total of 201 units. The sewer bill should be based on 201 x 15,000 gallons /qtr. or 3,015,000 gallons /qtr. 3,015 x $2.30 + 6.00 = $6,940.50 Water (Actual) = 2,024.03 Garbage (1 Unit) = 31.15 Revised Invoice = $8,995.68 Attached is our check no. 1301 in that amount. Very truly yours, HUTCH, INC. W. R. Block, President W.R. BLOCK, GENERAL MANAGER • 612-228-9564 • FOR YOUR INFORMATION • To: Jim Marka, Members of the Hutchinson Planning Commission, Members of the Hutchinson City Council From: Craig and Peggy Reese As residents of property located at 434 N, Main, we read with interest Jane Hodgin's article in the March 7th Leader recounting the Hutchinson Planning Commission's recent meeting with urban planner Bill Weber. Remembering the residence and residentially zoned Property which once abutted ours, it was most inter- esting for us to read Mr. Weber's advisements with respect to parallel considerations as regards another Piece of Highway 15 property, Quoting from the Leader, "He [Weber] said the commission is on 'firm legal ground' to control the use of the property, 'If You rezoned it, it would really be a slap in the face to the neighbors', he said," My only comment - "Ouch! When asked about the "intersection" of Highways 15 and 7 the Leader reported, "Weber described it as being 'good commercial area,' however, he advised the city to retain the existing zoning of the rest of the block," Considering the fact that Mr. Weber's firm was not secured until after our zoning decision was originally made, we can only say that we appreciate the difference between proactive and retroactive advise. Capsulizing what appears to be Mr. Weber's advise with regard to these very similar situations, he would appear, on the one hand, to be saying, "don't do it," and, on the other hand, to be saying, "having done it, I wouldn't advise carrying it any farther" - proactive /retroactive, It would sure appear that a mistake was made. Craig and Peggy Reese 0 11��3 MAR1989 m RECEIVED �s BY. ....... _.......... Urban planner reviews possible land uses for expanding city W IANE HOOGINS upgrading which may be preswra bYdavelopan... I, -, t ly, aa mabeab an Wzactive Staff Writer necessary. In regard to future anneus site. Weber recommended ion- The Hutchinson Planning Another public workshop on Hon. Weber said the city should ing regulations which would Commission heard the the comprehensive plan will be work with surrounding prohibit outdoor storage and preliminary report on a com- scheduled before the final townships to discourage the 'mandate specified landscaping prehenswe plan compiled by the form of Bennett. Ringfose report, Marka said. In the meeting Thursday, De development ,y( poa)(Louaira atagdyds tn,lh[pgJIM ark, and Wolsfeld lBRWI in a special meeting Thursday ban Planner Bill Weber pro- iected that the city would en tracts which are any ace from city forms, WcauS olhdse luywrespem Por l as issues a secs n the swdy 'gclu C gu tipas regar- 4 r City Building Inspector Jim pe fence moderate growth, of probable ring utility services to those .:ding' IsNyrg�y 1 to city, sanitary sewer lose servmg the Marka said the comprehensive an increase of 2,508 total and reHdence, . northern half of the city Ques, plan gives city officials a basis 125 People a year in the neat 20 The city should encourage tans include ayhen the line to, future decisions about land year. w tonships to stay rural and should be Improved end..ho. use and residential and commet That growth does not cow allow residential budding only much housing development coal development. Marka said stitute a boom, he said, and the neat to city limits, according to should be planned for the area the use of a comprehensive plan existing availability of land for Weber, north of Highway 7. could assist the city in dealing residential and commercial "you really want to protect Weber also raised questions with zoning questions which sur- demands should be enough to your flanks here for longterm about the feasibility of an east - round undeveloped Peninsulas accommodate approximately growth , "he said. all connector load in the of property 4.7% more residents than Hut In the area of commercial and . southeastern portion of the city. The IanGuse analysis gives clunson currently boasts industrial growth, Weber advis, A IacJs of collector streets the city a guider" to follow According to a land use ed the city to continue reslHC "..inhibits residential growth and enforce through new zoning analysis detailed in a report to tong industrial growth to the east somewhat and also harms the ordinances and refining existing the commission, however, side of the city He also recom older neighborhoods by forcing zoning ordinances Weber said that in the area of mended that the commission traffic onto local streets;' he Marka said he expects the residential growth the chY has may need to consider zoning a reported . final comprehensive plan to be an ongoing moblem with incom dedicated business park to com The second major completed this spring. In addle patible land uses factors which element the existing industrial relating to street systems is the lion to relining landuw analysis have contributed to the pro- Park ongoing matter of a ring route . maps displayed m the meeting, bleor have been land use decl- The business park described Although the report states that BRW will also provide a review sonny made decades ago, the by Weber would be designed for several elements of a ring road of Public facilities and a study nature of the existing land use businesses with more office ac- a in place. the project is not of future expansions or plan and zoning ordinances and tivity than manufacturing ac0vi- receiving Priority from either the Minnesota Department of Transportation or McLeod County Although he describes it as a valid concept, Weber said corn plelmrs of the ong road is .. many decades away." The city's ability to plan in an organized manner is further complicated because two significant pieces of property which have not been developed are forcing development around the locations and causing tem- powry inefficiencies in the pat tern of utilities and roads, accoe ding to Weber. Both properties are located north of Highway 7 West. One of the questions directed to Weber by Marka concerned a recent request to the planning commission for rezoning of the Coca -Cola Bottling Plant near Highway 15 South. Currently operating with a conditional use Permit in an area zoned residen tial, the company requested that the city rezone the area to commerical to facilitate selling the property. Weber told z,PmMSionery they were not compelled to rezone of He said the commis- sion is on "firm legal ground' to control the commercial use of the property and. he added, is somewhat obligated to the sut rounding neighbors to maintain control of the use of the prose, ty "It you rezoned it it would really be a slap in the face to the n nghinscu" he card. Weber also advised the oom- mission on a matter relating to another area of the city undergoing something of a zon ing transition phase. Weber descibed the P. tersection of Highway 15 and Highway 7 as being "good com mercial area," however he ad- vised she city to retain the ex ;sting residential zoning of the sell of the block In compiling his report, Weber reviewed uHlpies ser, vices, tiaffsr flows and she city i ping ordlances The com- prehensive plan was contracted by the oy in 1987 at a cost not to exceed 124000. If • i • 0 g 74BA.4BT 144A.447. Common carriers The commissioner easy issue an onaale license to a person certificated by either the uata w the United Stun of Anwrka, or an agency thereof, it • rommen carrier engaged to the buelnn. of tsnaporting perYns for hire in interstate or intrastate commerce W sell intaakatinR or noninWaintin mall liquor in •plan when seeds are Gold. A Ikense Wised under tlda subdivision the We of inoxiatng or mnk.akarin malt Iquu Go • bona fide who actually being tnmporred in intestate or /inW= comment. law• 19&5, e. Its, arc. �� f, 9tl0e "an / gI U.. 1919, c 906. 1 s. SL 1961 l/� Uwe INS. c u2, 1 1, St 1 II. b.. Ina c W. 1 1. Uwe . c. W. 1. 1 Y2. law 1917, e. 219, f 1. 6t{ eM1 a f Y lawe 1911. c. 217, 1 1. n 994. a Mo. 122. laws 1911, a se, 1 ta. .a 1911 e. eon, 1 29 Uwe 1914, e. 58, 1 1. Vv lees. c. 320. 14 1. Y. Uwe 1916. a Y. 1 1. lave 1969. a M. 1 111 eubd 1. lave 1916, e. 6. 1 11. IaY 196, a 2Y,N 22' yw<1916c 915,111.1 Ian 1929. a 1%. 1 92. Uwe 1999. e. 194. 1 I Ewa 1916. a 151. 1 1, U. 1962. a W. f 1. Uwe IV4, !. M, 1 1. U. 1962. r. 6T. 1 1, Uwe 7974, e. n9, 11 . ! U.. IY2 <. W. 1 1, Uwe 1971 r. 750, 1 1. Uwe INS, IMI... W. 1 1, Una 1 %9. e. 126. 1 W. U.. INS. I. Q4. 1 2 lave IN/ e. 461. 1 l Iowa 1992 a 421, 1 124 lawn 1 NT, 11 1, 2 U. 1991, a 961, 1 N. lava 103, 1912 a 119.11. a. Uses 1991 c lik 1 1. laws INS, c Ise, tat 41 9. Uwe 111111, a MI.. 1 1. pwa 1913, !. I29, •ra 1, (f 1, S. Unit 1990.1 501, 1 1. laws INS, a 609.1 12 Cram Reerseorn Iqe l9'1/, a M. 1 1. Baud, see 1 9WA.412. 240A.4W MWI Ike. fen SubdkW. 1. 9larmin YlYtln WI 11ee.er. (a) Tie gene fn for an on-sale and offaale mnin..icating malt liquor license is the fee eel by the county or city wising the beeee. (b) Onehalf of the irons far .enked by a Comity, for a retail increase W sell mnnatoaiwnting It liquor within say town in the county .hall be paid W the to. board when Use bllsiaeY IS Inured. Bubd. L IcenskWn III~. sei4mlw 1.1 The homes. fns for It retail N." inb9iYb og liqueur glees k the (as set by the elty n 4mrnty issuing the license subject W the Ilmitatiots imposed under thin submill iin. (b) The seu it linty fees fse Y anemia intoxicating liquor license blued by a city W It climb meet be Y greaser tlmm 11) 9360 for . club with under 200 members; (2) 2500 fee . club with because. 209 and 560 members; (9) 9650 for . Club with between 561 sad 1.1100 members; I. NI 9600 fee . club with between I, WI ..d 2,000 members; (5) 21.000 for • club with believes 2.001 and 4.600 mentor.; (6) 22.000 for . club with between 4,001 and 6.090 members; t 0) (c) The lirenre fee for the issuance of a w n- bttnre may nu -weed mie hau a I", license fee charged for an on.asle en.xlcutteg lliquor license, or f2,I1W, whichever is lees. Idl The awn board of • i..whe& an amxele ratablieM1rtvm has been licensed by county mans i • dbnd license fee on each nebeftabliehenent in an haunt set b sae penent Of the county license fee /) / ubd. 2. InY.Nalln INaor, ott -Yee. cal TIIQ e11Yru IKPIIK fee for an off sale toxiuting liquor license • 'ly. -lien eolnbinrd with any occupation W posed by the ed not esaaed the following llrlle: ` 0 of vat clu0; ILn�Q{A .' (2) 2200 for r 10,000 er then Pities of the first class; �V I' t /rg �tw LS for cites of a 61(100 and 10,000 populatin¢ am 'r, lf C� (4) 2190 for rite. with Inns use 5.000 i npulatkn. 1! : N) The annul IirenY fee for Y ofbsde into.i usg liquor hoinY county It or W. shall not exceed 9500. Bubd. 4. I�be SafeneW bar ins., nmmon carders. I.) ne ..nud license fee for IKerumg of Uke Superior tour boars order .,We 340A.4p1, subdivision 8, dull be 21,000. (b) The Ynu.I license fn for common carriers Ikensed under auction 340A.467 in (1) 226 for mnialoeintng cosh liquor, and 22 for a duplicate keee; and (2) 2100 for W.."tin` liquor. and 210 for . duplicate license . Subd. S. Wardle. A pre rata share of in annual license fee for a pled license to sell inoxieaing or nonin.xicat et it liquor, either on ask or offeek, may be refueled W the linen or W the increases'. wntata if (1) the busioe is recent W u1 ents because of dratruction or damage; (2) the licensee down; (3) the business <easra W be lawful for a reason other than a license mocatiain; or (4) tha beessee nsses W mm on the licensed business under the license. t.. INS. c. W5, set 6. 19, 9rlar lac laws 190. c. 661. 1 1. 9t less 1 6401012 Uwe 1984 e. W. 1 W. 9L 19e, 1 Guam. Uwe 7979, e. 226, 1 1. SL 19% 4 2YI1, U.. 1919. c 205. I a St 19&, 1 340.112 laws ING, e. 712, 1 1. Una 1991. r. W. are 11 IS la.. 1919 e. W. 1 1. Uwe lens, r. Me art 2, 4 95. lawn 1917, <. 2991 11 laws like. r AGO, 1 Gi Uwe 1911 c 219, 1 1. hers BM. ! 009.1 W. Uwe 1971, c. 11% 1 14 . U. IM. I. M. 11 1. 2. pea 1977. !. W, 1 1, EA. im, r. 222 1 114, nod. 1. law. 1976, a 0. 1 1. Us. IM. a M. 11 2, 3, Uwe 1916, a 5. 1 It 1a.. IM. e. 211 1 Is Uwe I9r5. e. M it 1 Go 4. lase 188, !. 191. 1 1. Uwe Irk 1. 314, 1 11 Ions 1982 !. 632 1 1. ICY 1911 1, M. 1 1. "we 1992 e. at. 1 1. b.. 19711. M. 11 1. 2. Uwe IY2, a Y0. 1 1. iewr 1911 c. 750, 1 1, Uwe 1992 a W.1 1, Uwe 1913. c. 125. 1 W. UY nos, r. W. 1 2. U. 1973, e. 664, 1 1. law. 1992, a 4211 Ise Uwe 1972, a 417, 64 1.2. lass 19@1 e. 961, 191. la.. 1973. e. 179. 1 1. Use. Intl. e. 121. 1 1. la.. 1911, a 129.... 5, 1 7. I.- 1991. < tae. 1 1, Uwe 1972, c. 122 art 4, 11 1, 2. 01 § 340A.413 Note 3 in effect even though the city which was the subject of special legislation consolidated with another city. Id. A restaurant holding an on -sale intoxicating liquor license issued by the ceunty, if the area in Which the license is located is annexed to a city, melntseof subject the city-8 the conditions and require. sale of intoxi eating liquors. relating to the 1, May eating liquors. Op.AttY.Gen., 2188. Y 2, ] 977. A Pre - existing liquor licensee may be able to establish in certain rare circumstances that im- mediaremex b Gance with the terms of a particu. 8 local ordinance result of annexation would be impossible Posed the unreasonably burdensome as to constitute a de facto invalidation of the license annexation itself, but the burden of demonstrating that im- position should be on the licensee. Id. 340A LIQUOR ACT A city ease annexes a parcel and renews the th liquor license for a restaurant located on that Parcel must count the license renewal towards its allotted number of authorized on -sale licens- �• OP.Atty.Gen., 2189-1, July 14, 1976. An On•sale license issued by a county board to restaurant located on land which was annexed to I unicipality, which is renewed, did not consti tute one of that number of licensee which could be issued pursuant to § 340.858 (repealed), and therefore continued renewal of that particular license was not to be counted in determining whether a municipality had to cease engaging in the municipal liquor store business. Op.Atty. Gen., 218g -11, Feb. 22, 1974 An on -sale license i a restau rant ssued by a county board to the in located on land which is annexed to lion and ma ny remains in effect after annexe. Id. Y be renewed by the municipality, .414. Licensing of bottle drubs Subdivision 1. Permit required. No business estab On-sale hold b vision intoxicating liquor license may and display of intoxicating liquor license knowingly m i serve hshmect or club which does not with intoxicating g y sere directly or indirectly allow fire consum g liquor without fast having d Y liquid for the Purpose of m�on Solid. E. Eligibility for g obtained a Permit from the co g secti on only El permit (a) The contmiesioner mmissioner. may issue a Permit under this a felony or Of violatin has not within five years prior to the application, (2) a restaurant g any Provision of this chapter or rule adopted under been convicted of this chapter (3) a hotel; (4) an establishment licensed for the sale of nonintoxicating [Halt liquor, (5) a resort as defined in section 157.01; and (6) a club as defined in section 340A.101, subdivision 7, or an Otherwise meeting that definition (b) The commissioner may unincorporated club liquor license. Y not issue a Permit to a club holding an on sale intoxicating under this s y authorized to permit the consumption and display intoxicating liquor on authorizes the establishment to Permit the consumtion and display in the premises. Permit issued g liquor. The permit does not authorize the sale of intoxicaU Subd 4. Permit expiration. All Permits issued under this section each year. Subd. 5. Local expire on June 80 of located. lapproved b consent required. pethnrt issued under this section is not effective Y the ove city or county where the establishment is Subd. 6. permit fen. The annual fee for issuance of a 5150. The governing body of a city or county where permit impose an addition of fee of the establishmunder this ent is lora�on'a Subd. 7. Inspection. An establishment by the commissioner and holding a Permit under this section is o ma officers, who may enter and inn the commissioner s re Pen for served, or displayed in I' during and by peace I section violation of law g reasonable hours. Intoxicating liquor sold, 297C.12, may be seized and ma y be disposed of under 44 LIQUOR ACT Subd• 8. Locke*c bring and keep a personal All bottles kept on the pre No person under 19 year. Premises. Subd. 9. One -day city lion and display of intoxic, conjunction with a social a. must be approved by the . Permit. The fee for the pe. Permits under this section Laws 1985, c. 305, art. 6, § 14. Prior Law: St-1984, § 340.119. Laws 1982, c. 597, § S. Laws 1981, c. 357, § 85. Laws 1976, c. 137, § 1. Laws 1976, e. 66, § 3 Laws 1976, c. 5, § 11. 340A.415. License revocati The authority issuing or aF either suspend for up to 60 d to exceed $2,000 for each vioi_ to comply with an applicable No suspension or revocation afforded an opportunity Procedure act This s before an employee of� commissioner may impose the knowingly sells alcoholic beve_ on a retail licensee who pumh. Purpose of resale. Laws 1986, C. 305, art. 6, § 15; La Amended by Laws 1985, c. 248, § Laws 1988, e. 534, § 2. Following repeal of § 340.135 . was amended by Laws 19811, c. substituting ­shall" for "may" ac $2,000 fine. The amendatory pr transferred to If 340A.304 and 34c revisor of statutes pursuant to 1a SR, c. 16, art 2, 13. See Hlotoriam § 340.136. 1987 Le8lrlation Laws 1987, C. 310, § 12, added - tence authorizing Penalization of a r who knowingly buys or sells alcoho: from or to another retail licensee for Of resale. 1988 Legislation The 1988 amendment substituted 1114.70" and exempted a political any requirement to conduct lice lio from on or suspension hearing before a Of the office of administrative hearir r� �J 0 L BURNS MANOR MUNICIPAL NURSING HOME Hutchinson, Minnesota 65350 OPERATING STATEMENT DATE: INCOME: Residents - Room, Board, Care Meals Sold Arts & Crafts Miscellaneous C Less: Medicare Drugs Medicare Rate Adjust. N PAYROLL: Administration Office Maintenance Dietary Laundry & Linen Housekeeping Nursing Rehabilitation TOTAL PAYRO FEBRUARY 1988 $ 154.4 H24 FOR YOUR INFORMATION FEBRUARY 1989 OP RA TNG GAIN (LOSS) $ (26,925.51) $ 3,558.15 Accrued Interest on Bonds - 1368 Accrued Depr. - Buildings 1,949.00 1,951.00 Accrued Depr. - Furniture & Fix. 2.284.00 Accrued Depr. Land Improvement 86.00 86.00 TOTAL NON OPERATING EXPENSES: 4,413.00 4.321.00 1f rssr rs rrs: szsrsz rrrsz rz sssrs rrr rrrzr:rszsrzzsssrrrrrssarsrssss Skilled Days ICF -1 Days TOTAL RESIDENTS DAYS Occupancy % Per Diem Operating Income Per Diem Operating Cost TOTAL MEALS Food Cost Per Meal Average Meal Cost Admissions Deaths Discharges ��I:I� 0 0 ►__J THE HUTCHINSON SAFETY COUNCIL The Hutchinson Safety Council met February 27, 1989 at 12 noon at the fire hall. There were 13 members present. The February program chairman was Warren Kempfert of the 3 M company. He talked on the 2 emergency disater drills in January and showed a video on the drills. The drill was inside the plant and was regarding a simulated explosion. The drills lasted 2 hours and they practiced first aid, emergency response, with the rescue squad. The drills were on 2 different shift and different crews. Proposal and evaulation followed and it was deceided they needed more and better radios, fire coats, oxygen units, first aid supplies and first aid system. More room for press coverage and telephone contact from the local telephone company and to the main plant in St. Paul. The 3 M emergency rescue did a very good job as first responders. 34 people will be additional responders and will have training. It was a very informative program. The meeting was called to order by President John Reynolds. The January report was approved as read. There was not a treasurer's report. Senior class party: A donation was requested and a motion was made and seconded we give a life jacket as a prize as we did last year. We have until March 20th to place ads on the marquee if we wish to advertise something. We received a letter from the Minnesota State Safety Council and the motion was made and seconded we paid the 25.00 membership dues. The correspondence was read. Joyce Rix presented a postage bill and a motion was made and seconded we pay it. George Field will be in charge of the March meeting and it will be on liquid burns. Marlin Torgerson, program chairman, asked for program ideas as programs are needed for April, May and June. He also requested ideas for more members in the council. It was deceided to send a list of the members along with the March mailing of the minutes. The meeting was adjourned by motion and seconded. Submitted by: John Reynolds, President Loretta . Pishney, acting secr. TREASURER'S REPORT Balance on hand January 1, 1989 Jan. checks: Joyce Rix - postage Jan. Deposit: City of Hutchinson Feb. Checks: Joyce Rix - postage /tape MN State Safety Council 1989 dues. Balance on hand March 31, 1989 120.26 -7.50 150.00 -26.99 -25.00 210.77 Hutchinson Safety Council Members Joyce Rix 326 Grove St. Hutchinson Les Linder 709 Madson Larry Ladd 965 Osgood Ave Les Smith 346 Monroe Loretta Pishney 380 West Pishney Lane Myron Johnson 907 Lewis Ave Jean Ward 133 3rd Ave. SW Bev Wangerin 105 Judson Rd. W. Orville Kuiken McDonals Trailor Court Warrne Kempfert 615 Lakewood Drive George Field 103 5th AveNE Marlin Torgerson 145 lst. Ave. SE Gale Boelter 531 Grove St. Mark Schnobrich 545 Clinton Ave. John Reynolds 140 Illinois Jim Haas] % Police Dept. Franklin St. Monica Maiers 3 M Hwy. 22 So. Larry Karg R#4 Gary Hoffman R#3 Dennis Asay R#2 Dick Higgins 314 Larson Randy Exstad % Elementary School Glen St. Grant Knutson Rk4 Mike Monge % Sheriffs Office, Glencoe, MN 55336 `--I 11 MINUTES HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT Relief Association Monday, February 6, 1989 The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. with 67 members present. Minutes of the Annual meeting were read and approved. Gary Henke gave the formal treasurer's report. A motion was made and seconded to accept the report. Motion passed. Gary Henke also discussed the possibility of the Fire Department "Dance (General) Account being included with the Relief Association. After discussing the following motion was made by Gary Henke: The Hutchinson Fire Department Relief Association accepts the General Account of the Hutchinson Volunteer Fire Department, effective January 1, 1989. Said General Account shall be combined with the present General Account of the Association and shall have no co- mingling with the Pension Fund of the Association. The newly formed General Account shall contain all the ledger accounts consistent with past reporting of both the Association the the Volunteer Department. The Association directs the Hutchinson Volunteer Fire Department to act as Fiscal Agent in processing and paying General Account bills in a timely manner; said bills shall be reviewed by the trustees at their quarterly meeting and shall become a part of the official minutes of the Association. This motion is subject to release by the Hutchinson Volunteer Fire Department. The motion was seconded by Eric Smith. The motion was called to vote and was passed unanimously. A motion was made and seconded to hire Fawcett, Young, and Associates for the Relief Association Audit Firm. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:23 p.m. Sincerely, Jeff Dobratz Secretary MINUTES HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT Annual Town Board Meeting Thursday, February 16, 1989 The meeting was called to order at 8:05 p.m. Members present were: Melvin Kobow, Girgil Goetz, Donald Dettman, Henry Otto, Bob Theuringer, Willard Reiner, Robert Anderson, Wayne Oliva, Duane Wigen, Glarence Ziemer, Leroy Karg, Darlene Karg, James Fredrech, Tom Urban, Harvey Schlueter, Rod Schmeling, Lloyd Mattson, Frieland Barlow, Harold Reinke, Reuben Krueger, Roger Zummach, Martin Schlueter, Leroy Schlueter, Bill Arndt, Donald Lang, Bernice Baumetz, Dwayne Piehl, David Ondracek, David Popp and Dave Plamann. Minutes of the 1988 Annual meeting were read and approved. The minutes of the November special meeting were read for information. Gary Hende discussed the 1988 statistics and special assessments. Brad Emans explained the costs of #233. There was some discussion on forming a committee to meet quarterly with the Fire Department. This would keep the Town Boards better informed. A motion was made by Roger Zummach and seconded to have each Town Board, the cities of Biscay and Cedar Mills, each appoint one representative for the purpose of meeting quarterly, or if a special meeting is necessary, with the Fire Department. Motion passed. The Truck Committee presented plans and approximate costs of a new tanker. Gary • Henke talked about the finances of the truck. It was decided that the Townships will present the proposal at their annual meetings and decide what to do. A special meeting for the new committee and others will be held on March 21, 1989 at 8:00 p.m. at the Fire Station. Gary Henke and Ken Merrill discussed the 1989 budget. Brad briefly explained "Tax Capacity ". On a motion by Bill Arndt, seconded by Walt Reiner, the 1989 Tax Capacity Assessment was set at .018 %. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p.m. Sincerely, Jeff Dobratz HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT Regular Meeting Monday, March 6, 1989 The meeting opened at 8:00 p.m. A motion was made and setonded to hold the Fireman's Dance on Jarivary 20, 1990'• at Lake Marion with the Albrecht Band. Motion passed. Jim Popp reported the banquet is set fo'r"April 1, 1989. John Reynolds reported that-" has beer' elected President of Safety t_ounc.il.' Jim Popp brought up the idea of having an Open House this summer for Fire Prevention. It will be discussed at a later'meetin el- _1- ' 9. The following bills and runs were approved: City Account MN State Fire Chief's Assn 90.00 TIH 58:00 Randy Redman 9.36 Red Owl 16.38 MN Conway Fire & Safety 283-.50 Hutch Fire & Safety 131.70 MN Conway Fire & Safety 322.50 Brinkman's 29.95 Craig Almquist 30.00 Metro Fire Equip. 60.43 FBrad Emans 30.00 Sewing Basket 12.00 =Jim Brodd 30.00 Jim Popp 39.81 Randy Redman 201.55 Dave Franzen 80.67 TIH 128.00 Craig Almquist 198.39 1752.24 General Account 8 -7 Rural Account American Legion 592.50 Hutch Wholesale .90 Allen Office 319.00 Hutch Wholesale 8.32 ISO #423 14.04 Ink Spots 14.46" Allen Office 31.87 Two -Way Commun 43..60 Hutch Leader 60.40 U.S. Postoffice 25.00 1042.81 Fire Runs 2/1 3M 2/8 TIH 212 Johnson 2/8 Valley Vista 212 10 -52 2/16 Elem Park 2/3 West Elem 2/17 3M 2/3 Erickson 2/21 Kreckow 2/3 Kables 2/23 VoTech 2/3 10 -52 2127 Post 2/3 Dairy Queen 2/28 10 -52 2/3 Evergreen 2/13 Drill 2/4 Goebels 2/20 Drill 214 Goebels 2/8 10 -52 217 10 -52 HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT 3/5/89 Motion made and seconded to approve bills and runs. Motion passed. Silver Lake Fire Department dance will be on April 1, 1989. Gary Henke made a motion and it was seconded to give retired fireman and vested rights fireman keys. Motion failed. Butch gave a report on his Annual Report to the City Council. Butch reported Harvey Kemper is now Fire Police and Ed,Homan as new photographer. Butch reported that he will be appointing a committee to study the fire station addition. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Secretary, Jamie Emans HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICER MEETING Monday, March 13, 1989 The meeting opened at 9:30 p.m. .,Gary reported the American Legion is donating ;500.00 to the Hutchinson Fire ,}Pgpartment. The money from the Legion donation will be used for a new video camera. Jamie, John�and Ed will be on a committee to find one: Randy reported somebody wants to buy the drafting table we'll be asking $50.00 for it. Joe meeting adjourned 9:55 -p.m. Secretary, Jamie Emans 0