cp09-28-1993 cNUTCNINSON C/ TY CALENDAR Wook of Sept. 26 to Oct. 2 1 9 9 3 WEDNESDAY -29- 10:00 A.M. - Directors Meet at City Halle SUNDAY -26- MONDAY -27- Noon - Safety Council Meeting at Heritage Center 1:00 P.M. - Utilities Commis Meeting at Utilities TUESDAO -28- 7:00 P.M. - Airport Commission 7:30 P.M. - City Council Meeting at Airport Meeting at City Hall Lobby THURSDAY (, FRIDAY SATURDAY -30- 1- -2- VACATION /CONFERENCE: DIANE OLSEN - Sept. 27 -28 DOLF MOON - Sept. 29- Oct. 1 RANDY DEVRIES - Sept. 29 - Oct. 1 • AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1993 1. CALL TO ORDER - 7:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION - Rev. Thor Skeie, Faith Lutheran Church 3. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of September 14, 1993 and Special Meeting of September 22, 1993 Action - Approve as distributed - Approve as amended 4. ROUTINE ITEMS (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. FINANCIAL REPORT - AUGUST 1993 2. PARKS, RECREATION, COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY • COUNCIL MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1993 3. HUTCHINSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF AUGUST 17, 1993 AND SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 4. HUTCHINSON HOUSING, INC. MINUTES OF AUGUST 17, 1993 (b) REPORT OF CITY INVESTMENTS Action - Motion to order report and minutes filed 5. PUBLIC HEARING None 6. COMMUNICATIONS. REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY HUTCHINSON JAYCEES FOR CITY ASSISTANCE REGARDING MAIN STREET CHRISTMAS LIGHTING Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve 1 J CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - SEPTEMBER 28, 1993 • 7. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) ORDINANCE NO. 93 -91 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, COUNTY OF MCLEOD, STATE OF MINNESOTA, INCORPORATING AND ANNEXING CERTAIN TRACTS AND PARCELS OF LAND INTO THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AS MORE PARTICULARLY SET OUT IN SAID ORDINANCE (MCKIMM PROPERTY) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive second reading and adopt (b) RESOLUTION NO. 10054 - RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCATIONS FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (c) RESOLUTION NO. 10055 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS • (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR HCVN -TV TO LOCATE IN NEW CITY HALL (DEFERRED SEPTEMBER 14, 1993) Action - (b) DISCUSSION OF COSTS FOR PARTNERS IN FRIENDSHIP SPACE IN NEW CITY HALL (DEFERRED SEPTEMBER 14, 1993) Action - (c) DISCUSSION OF SETTLEMENT WITH STRUCTURAL SPECIALTIES (DEFERRED SEPTEMBER 14, 1993) Action - (d) CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTING 1988 MINNESOTA STATE FIRE CODES (DEFERRED AUGUST 24, 1993) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve • 2 • CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - SEPTEMBER 28, 1993 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS Action - Motion to authorize extension of payment period - Motion to authorize discontinuation of service (b) DISCUSSION OF DENTAL AND HEALTH INSURANCE RENEWAL Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (c) CONSIDERATION OF WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE Action - (d) CONSIDERATION OF WATER HEATER REPLACEMENT AT CIVIC ARENA Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (e) CONSIDERATION OF CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR PHASE II AIRPORT EXPANSION • Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve • (f) DISCUSSION OF AIRPORT FUEL TANK CLEANUP INVESTIGATION Action - (g) DISCUSSION OF RELOCATION FUNDING FOR FLOOD ZONES Action - (h) DISCUSSION OF WATER TOWER NO. 3 CONSTRUCTION Action - (i) CONSIDERATION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH RUST ENVIRONMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE FOR BIOSOLIDS MANAGEMENT FACILITIES PLAN AMENDMENT (SLUDGE) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and enter into contract (j) CONSIDERATION OF POLICY UPDATES FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve 3 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - SEPTEMBER 28, 1993 • (k) CONSIDERATION OF LEASING PAGERS FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (1) CONSIDERATION OF COMPUTER PURCHASE FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (m) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF ISLAND VIEW HEIGHTS FIRST ADDITION SUBMITTED BY WDH LAND INC. WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution (n) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSON TECHNOLOGY INC. WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution (o) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO MOVE A 1976 • MOBILE HOME ONTO LOT IN COUNTRY CLUB TERRACE REQUESTED BY ANN ROGERS WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution (p) CONSIDERATION OF VACATION OF EASEMENTS IN WALNUT RIDGE ESTATES REQUESTED BY RALPH SCHMITZ, BSK OF HUTCHINSON, WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive first reading of Ordinance No. 93 -92 and set second reading for October 12, 1993 (q) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY COMPTON -ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION CO. FOR LOT SPLIT LOCATED ON DALE STREET WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve 4 0 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - SEPTEMBER 28, 1993 (r) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY COMPTON -ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION CO. TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED ON DALE STREET FROM R -2 TO R -3 WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive first reading of Ordinance No. 93 -93 and set second reading for October 12, 1993 (s) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY COMPTON -ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION CO. FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT FOUR -PLEX ON DALE STREET WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution (t) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SUNNYSIDE FIRST ADDITION WITHIN TWO MILE RADIUS (HUTCHINSON TOWNSHIP) SUBMITTED BY LEROY CHRISTENSON WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION 0 Action - Motion to refer to County with no objection 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS 12. r1 (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds 5 • MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Ackland. The following were present: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Councilmen John Mlinar, Marlin Torgerson, and Don Erickson. Absent: Councilman Craig Lenz. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Finance Director Kenneth B. Merrill, Director of Engineering John Rodeberg, and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson. 2. INVOCATION In the absence of a pastor, there was no invocation. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of August 24, 1993 were approved as distributed. 4. ROUTINE ITEMS (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT - AUGUST 1993 2. HUTCHINSON POLICE COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 25, 1993 AND SEPTEMBER 1, 1993 3. AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 23, 1993 4. LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES OF AUGUST 18, 1993 5. HOSPITAL /NURSING HOME BOARD MINUTES OF JUNE 15, 1993 AND JULY 20, 1993 (b) APPOINTMENT TO HOSPITAL /NURSING HOME BOARD- -TOM DAGGETT The motion to order the report and minutes filed and to ratify the appointment was made by Councilman Erickson, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unanimously carried. 5. PUBLIC HEARING None. 6. COMMUNICATIONS. REQUESTS AND PETITIONS . (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY AMERICAN LEGION TO USE LIBRARY SQUARE FOR FLAG DESTRUCTION CEREMONY 4�, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 0 7 The motion to approve the request was made by Councilman Torgerson, seconded by Councilman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO USE LIBRARY SQUARE AS STARTING POINT FOR "TAKE BACK THE NIGHT" MARCH ON SEPTEMBER 27, 1993 The motion to approve the request was made by Councilman Erickson, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unani- mously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR STREET LIGHTING ON CONNECTICUT STREET The motion to approve the request was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unanimously carried. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) ORDINANCE NO. 93 -91 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, COUNTY OF MCLEOD, STATE OF MINNESOTA, INCORPORATING AND ANNEXING CERTAIN TRACTS AND PARCELS OF Is LAND INTO THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AS MORE PARTICULARLY SET OUT IN SAID ORDINANCE (MCKIMM PROPERTY) The motion to waive first reading and set second reading for September 28, 1993 was made by Councilman Torgerson, seconded by Councilman Erickson and unanimously carried. (b) RESOLUTION NO. 10047 - PRELIMINARY 1994 TAX LEVY FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON Finance Director Merrill reviewed the tax increases for a preliminary 1994 tax levy. Following discussion, the motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 10047 setting the preliminary tax levy at 15% was made by Councilman Erickson, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and carried three to one, with roll call vote of Mayor Ackland, Councilmen Torgerson and Erickson voting aye, and Councilman Mlinar voting nay. (c) RESOLUTION NO. 10048 - RESOLUTION REJECTING BID, LETTING NO. 4, PROJECT NO. 93 -05 The motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 2 • CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 10048 was made by Councilman Torgerson, seconded by Coun- cilman Mlinar and unanimously carried. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR HCVN -TV TO LOCATE IN NEW CITY HALL (DEFERRED AUGUST 24, 1993) Following discussion, the motion to defer to the September 28, 1993 meeting was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (b) DISCUSSION OF COSTS FOR PARTNERS IN FRIENDSHIP SPACE IN NEW CITY HALL Following discussion, no action was taken. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION OF HEALTH INSURANCE RENEWAL • Withdrawn from agenda. (b) CONSIDERATION OF WORKERS COMPENSATION MANAGER CARE SERVICES Withdrawn from agenda. (c) DISCUSSION OF SETTLEMENT WITH STRUCTURAL SPECIALTIES Following discussion, the motion to direct the City Attorney to contact the attorney for Structural Specialties and to defer to the September 28, 1993 City Council meeting was made by Councilman Torgerson, seconded by Councilman Erickson and unanimously carried. (d) DISCUSSION OF WATER RATES Following discussion of a preliminary meeting with 3M officials and City staff regarding water rate increases, no action was taken. (e) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID FOR 1994 ONE -HALF TON PICKUP FOR WATER DEPARTMENT Following discussion, the motion to approve and to award the bid to Myron Wigen Motor Co. for $11,400 was made by • Councilman Erickson, seconded by Councilman Mlinar and 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 • unanimously carried. (f) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT FOR WALNUT RIDGE ESTATES Following discussion, the motion to approve the sub- division agreement with original wordage and deletion of paragraph 10 was made by Councilman Torgerson, seconded by Councilman Erickson and unanimously carried. (g) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT FOR SANTELMAN'S THIRD ADDITION The motion to defer to the September 28, 1993 City Council meeting was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (h) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING ADDENDUM TO SCHMIDTBAUER'S FOURTH ADDITION SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT FOR VILLAGE COOPERATIVE The motion to defer to the September 28, 1993 City • Council meeting was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (i) CONSIDERATION OF G.I.S. COORDINATOR POSITION Following discussion, the motion to approve the position, effective September 27, 1993, was made by Councilman Torgerson, seconded by Councilman Erickson and unanimous- ly carried. (j) DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED 1994 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Engineer Rodeberg reported on the proposed 1994 improve- ment projects. No action was taken. (k) CONSIDERATION OF CONTRACT WITH RUST ENGINEERING FOR SOUTHWEST AREA OTTER LAKE UTILITY CROSSING Following the engineer's explanation of the project, the motion to approve and enter into a contract with RUST Engineering was made by Councilman Torgerson, seconded by Councilman Mlinar and unanimously carried. • 4 • CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 (1) CONSIDERATION OF ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 287, WAIVING HEARING AND ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL, AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR LETTING NO. 9, PROJECT NO. 93 -16, 93 -18, 93 -19, AND 93 -21 Following discussion, the motion to approve assessment roll No. 287, to waive a public hearing, to award the contract to Juul Contracting Company for $147,055.10, and to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 10049, 10050, and 10051 was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Councilman Erickson and unanimously carried. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS 1. ELECTRICAL SERVICE CONDEMNATION Attorney Anderson requested an amendment to Resolu- tion No. 10000 adopted August 24, 1993, to show that all of the subject property is within the 1974 bound- aries. Following discussion, the motion to adopt the amended Resolution No. 10000 was made by Councilman Torger- son, seconded by Councilman Mlinar and unanimously carried. 2. WIRING CONTRACT FOR NEW CITY HALL It was reported vendor bid proposals were received for doing the voice, radio, network and LOGIS cabling in the new City Hall. LOGIS evaluated the bids and recommended the firm of Jurgens /Ebright Communica- tions at a cost of $15,536.12. Following discussion, the motion to approve and award the contract to Jurgens /Ebright was made by Council- man Torgerson, seconded by Councilman Erickson and unanimously carried. 3. CHANGE ORDER FOR NEW CITY HALL It was reported the existing PVC rain leaders needed to be replaced with 6" cast iron piping to comply with code requirements of plenum space at a cost of $3,394.00. I.". CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 • Following discussion, the motion to approve the replacement item was made by Councilman Torgerson, seconded by Councilman Erickson and unanimously carried. 4. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE LETTER REGARDING ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL The Chamber letter outlining the arrangements for the arts and crafts festival was reviewed. Engineer Rodeberg will check with the Chamber regarding addi- tional parking. 5. NOTICE TO REPAIR OR REMOVE The City Attorney reported the property located at 167 Third Avenue NW was in need of repair or should be razed. Following discussion, the motion to approve the Notice to Repair or Remove as prepared by the City Attorney was made by Councilman Torgerson, seconded • by Councilman Mlinar and unanimously carried. 6. REHABILITATION OF SHEPPARD HOUSE AT 15 FRANKLIN STREET NORTH Administrator Plotz reported the Housing & Community Development Coordinator had estimated the cost of rehabilitation of the Sheppard House to be $20,300. He also stated the advertisement and specifications for the purchase, removal and relocation, and /or repair of the house had been prepared. 7. COMMUNICATION FROM DON TODNEM Don Todnem inquired about enforcement of handicap codes. He noted the bathrooms at the Underground restaurant were not handicap accessible. S. COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR The City Administrator stated Junker's deposition was today. Attorney Morgan Godfrey has reviewed the City's records regarding the litigation. It was reported the delay in the brick order has changed the occupancy date for the new City Hall to . 6 • CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 the end of December. The HCDC meeting was held last night. The HCDC Board has narrowed down the list of candidates for the HCDC Director position. Mr. Plotz stated the Crow River Quality Council would hold a breakfast meeting tomorrow. It was noted the County Commissioners discussed a household hazardous waste building to be located in Hutchinson. Some of the property owners in the area had been contacted, and about 70 citizens attended the meeting. The County's conditional use permit to construct the facility will expire September 23, 1993, and an extension of the permit will require Planning Commission action. 9. COMMUNICATIONS FROM COUNCILMAN JOHN MLINAR Councilman Mlinar inquired about the status of the • retaining wall on Tom Carrigan's property. He also commented on the future use of the old City Hall building. The motion to put the City Hall building up for sale and /or demolition was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Councilman Erickson and unanimously carried. 10. COMMUNICATIONS FROM COUNCILMAN MARLIN TORGERSON Councilman Torgerson asked about the status of the City /County /State joint facility. He was informed the County was looking at estimates, and the City site was a potential location. 11. COMMUNICATIONS FROM COUNCILMAN DON ERICKSON Councilman Erickson commented on cars parked over night on a City street. He requested that the Police Department review the matter. 12. COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Anderson reported the Court had issued the order on the Klockmann property. Perhaps at the rh CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 • next meeting the City Council can award the bid for demolition. 13. COMMUNICATIONS FROM DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING Engineer Rodeberg requested approval of the plans and specifications and advertising for bids on Letting No. 1, Project No. 94 -01. The motion to approve the plans and specifications, to advertise for bids, and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 10052 was made by Councilman Mlinar, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unanimously carried. The City Engineer briefed the Council on the upcoming "Bicycle and Pedestrian Friendly Development" seminar to be held in Hutchinson on October 18 -19, 1993. A delegation will come from Finland, Washington, D.C., and Sister Cities of Kerava and Oulu, Finland. Approximately 150 -200 participants are expected. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS • (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS The motion to approve the claims and authorize payment from the appropriate funds was made by Councilman Torger- son, seconded by Councilman Mlinar and unanimously carried. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. 0 91 MINUTES • SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1993 The special meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Ackland. Present were: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Councilmen Craig Lenz, Marlin Torgerson, and Don Erickson. Absent: Councilman John Mlinar. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz and Building Official James Marka. 1. CONSIDERATION OF EXTENSION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY MCLEOD COUNTY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY Following discussion, the motion to approve the recommendation of the Planning Commission for extension of the conditional use permit was made by Councilman Torgerson, seconded by Councilman Erickson and unanimously carried. 2. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION SUPPORTING A PERMANENT COLLECTION LOCATION FOR HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE • Administrator Plotz asked the Council to consider adoption of Resolution No. 10053 to be presented at the next County meeting which would support the concept of the facility. Following discussion, the motion to approve and adopt Resolution No. 10053 was made by Councilman Lenz, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unanimously carried. 3. CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER FOR WATER TOWER PROJECT Administrator Plotz reported there were two deletions and one add -on to the change order for the water tower project. The deletions would be well No. 1 (credit of $6,980.00) and exterior tower flood lighting (credit of $2,600.00). The engineering firm RCM and the City staff approve the utilities change order recommendation to consolidate electrical service at the park and provide new transformers at a total cost of $9,931.40. With the credit deductions, the total net increase would be $351.40. Following discussion, the motion to approve the change orders was made by Councilman Erickson, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unanimously carried. • N CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 22, 1993 PAGE 2 • 4. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY CROW RIVER ARTS FOR ASSISTANCE TO MOVE SIGN TO NEW LOCATION Administrator Plotz stated the Crow River Arts Director had requested assistance from the City to take down and to put up the building sign at their new location. Following discussion, the motion to approve the request was made by Councilman Lenz, seconded by Councilman Torgerson and unanimously carried. 5. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:55 P.M. 0 • • AUGUST 1993 EVENUE REPORT - LIQUOR FUND LIQUOR SALES WINE SALES BEER SALES BEER DEPOSIT MISC. SALES LOTTERY SALES INTEREST REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS BOND SALES CASH DISCOUNTS 1141flim EXPENSE REPORT LIQUOR FUND CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT - 1993 ENTERPRISE FUNDS AUGUST YEAR TO ACTUAL DATE ACTUAL 42,246.88 320,018.90 12,535.39 92,428.01 80,421.66 556,411.66 (32.13) (416.00) 6,745.41 42,230.88 38.00 1,945.43 5,045.05 11,540.72 0.00 699.69 0.00 (590.39) (7,057.53) ADOPTED BUDGET 530,000.00 156,000.00 860,000.00 0.00 54,000.00 4,000.00 1,500.00 0.00 350,000.00 (2,100.00) AUGUST 19 BALANCE PERCENTAG REMAINING USED 209,981.10 60.4% 63,571.99 59.2% 303,588.34 64.7% 416.00 ERR 11,769.12 78.2% 2,054.57 48.6% (10,040.72) 769.4% (699.69) ERR 350,000.00 0.0% 4,957.53 336.1% 146,409.87 1,017,801.76 1,953,400.00 935,598.24 52.1% PER30NEL SERVICES 10,550.33 105,290.85 140,708.00 35,417.15 74.8% EPAR & MAINTENANCE 988.80 3,370.73 2,300.00 (1,070.73) 146.6% OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 5,500.29 39,299.35 42,250.00 2,950.65 93.0% MISCELLANEOUS 144.9% 698.82 17,600.00 16,901.18 4.0% DEBT SERVICE 4,702.50 0.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 0.0% TRANSFERS 1,067.00 0.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 0.0% OST OF SALES 59,143.41 829,641.07 1,223,100.00 393,458.93 - 67.8% HER 0.00 100.00 4,500.00 4,400.00 2.2% CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,616.97 314,701.28 438,000.00 123,298.72 0.0% TOTAL REVENUE REPORT - WATER SEWER /FUND RECYCLE BAGS WATER SALES WATER TREATMENT SURCHARGE WATER METER REFUSE SERVICES REFUSE SURCHARGE REFUSE STICKER SALES COMPOST CREDIT SEWER SERVICES PENALTY CHARGES INTEREST EARNED S C O R E REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS PROCEEDS FROM BOND SALE OTHER TOTAL aPENSE REPORT - WATER SEWER /FUND REFUSE WATER SEWER TOTAI 77,799.80 1,293,102.10 2,005,458.00 712,355.90 64.5% (45.00) 810.45 0.00 (810.45) 0.0% 42,378.70 321,835.07 540,000.00 218,164.93 59.6$ 1,644.30 (3,960.50) 790.00 11,594.00 8,000.00 (3,594.00) 144.9% 40,881.20 276,098.24 418,000.00 141,901.76 66.1% 4,702.50 31,742.51 50,000.00 18,257.49 63.5$ 215.00 1,067.00 (687.10) (1,202.11) 146,774.40 1,203,250.25 1,590,000.00 386,749.75 75.7% 1,198.10 11,962.03 15,000.00 3,037.97 79.7% 2,801.90 21,184.13 120,000.00 98,815.87 17.7% 0.00 77,843.35 113,040.00 35,196.65 68.9% 62.50 6,755.94 3,000.00 (3,755.94) 225.2% 64.50 64.50 700,000.00 699,935.50 0.0% 45.00 3,340.62 2,000.00 (1,340.62) 167.0% 240,826.00 1,962,385.48 3,559,040.00 1,596,654.52 - 55.1% 33,233.78 498,535.09 413,040.00 (85,495.09) 130,259.38 684,343.84 1,556,053.00 871,709.16 77,622.57 857,553.21 1,953,220.00 1,095,666.79 0.00 2.040.432,14 3.922.313.00 1.881.880.86 120.7% 44.0% 43.9% S?-O% AUGUST 1993 ROUE REPORT - GENERAL TAXES LICENSES PERMITS AND FEES INTERGOVERNMENT REVENUE CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES & FORFEITS MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OTHER FUNDS REVENUE FOR OTHER AGENCIES TOTAL EXPENSE REPORT GENERAL FUND CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1993 AUGUST YEAR TO ADOPTED ACTUAL DATE ACTUAL BUDGET AUGUST 1993 BALANCE PERCENTAGE REMAINING USED 0.00 606,521.37 1,897,032.00 1,290,510.63 370.00 14,005.00 22,650.00 8,645.00 15,848.39 177,652.59 127,400.00 (50,252.59) 28,672.86 1,077,261.70 1,258,800.00 181,538.30 54,614.69 401,993.14 783,575.00 381,581.86 5,687.60 36,536.11 50,800.00 14,263.89 22,162.53 128,735.52 140,301.00 11,565.48 3,095.00 178,196.34 517,000.00 338,803.66 1,250.24 1,722.60 250.00 (1,472.60) 131,701.31 2,622,624.37 4,797,808.00 2,175,183.63 32.0% 61.8% 139.4% 85.6% 51.3% 71.9% 91.8% 34.5% 689.0% 54.7% MAYOR & COUNCIL 10,135.60 35,337.10 44,800.00 9,462.90 78.9% CITY ADMINISTRATOR 14,184.40 128,031.00 184,722.00 56,691.00 69.3% ELECTIONS 31.90 1,331.90 5,980.00 4,648.10 22.3% FINANCE 19,589.60 188,644.40 262,239.00 73,594.60 71.9% MOTOR VEHICE 6,628.40 57,994.50 67,056.00 9,061.50 86.5% ASSESSING 0.00 0.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 0.0% LW3,278.00 37,331.70 53,800.00 16,468.30 69.4% P ING 681.40 5,042.30 6,950.00 1,907.70 72.6% POLICE DEPARTMENT 98,863.90 839,511.10 1,151,811.00 312,299.90 72.9% SCHOOL LIAISON OFFICER 2,853.50 25,459.30 36,130.00 10,670.70 70.5% EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 0.00 35.50 1,750.00 1,714.50 2.0% SAFETY COUNCIL 0.00 0.00 250.00 250.00 0.0% FIRE DEPARTMENT 39,165.10 108,904.10 160,139.00 51,234.90 68.0% FIRE MARSHAL 1,666.20 12,458.40 29,969.00 17,510.60 41.6% BUILDING INSPECTION 7,947.20 71,765.00 104,208.00 32,443.00 68.9% ENGINEERING 21,823.40 184,358.80 306,651.00 122,292.20 60.1% STREETS & ALLEYS 36,492.30 271,189.30 459,801.00 188,611.70 59.0% STREET MAINTENANCE A/C 6,121.50 44,387.30 80,000.00 35,612.70 55.5% CITY HALL 3,184.10 29,470.40 49,203.00 19,732.60 59.9% PARK /REC ADMIN. 11,935.20 83,588.70 111,859.00 28,270.30 74.7% RECREATION 21,362.00 139,532.10 181,008.00 41,475.90 77.1% SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 6,432.30 57,866.20 92,572.00 34,705.80 62.5% CIVIC ARENA 6,188.10 93,828.10 130,304.00 36,475.90 72.0% PARK DEPARTMENT 49,863.60 390,344.90 489,603.00 99,258.10 79.7% RECREATION BUILDING 10,963.80 60,074.70 71,871.00 11,796.30 83.6% STREAMBANK PROGRAM GRANT 0.00 5,378.30 0.00 (5,378.30) 0.0% LIBRARY 2,161.90 62,206.90 85,204.00 22,997.10 73.0% CEMETERY 6,714.10 39,874.50 66,976.00 27,101.50 59.5% DEBT SERVICE• 700.00 12,600.00 43,235.00 30,635.00 29.1% AIRPORT 10,739.10 110,924.50 51,750.00 (59,174.50) 214.3% TRANSIT 11,885.70 77,510.60 114,640.00 37,129.40 67.6% CWNITY DEVELOPMENT 2,003.70 41,976.50 32,570.00 (9,406.50) 128.9% S P. COORDINATOR LOAN 14,475.10 70,410.50 0.00 (70,410.50) ERR UNALLOCATED 51,320.50 262,090.30 406,932.00 144,841.70 64.4% TOTAL 479,391.60 3,549,458.90 4,906,983.00 1,357,524.10 72.3% L AUGUST 1993 • REVENUE REPORT MEMBERSHIPS ADMISSIONS VIDEO GAMES POP CANDY CHIPS, ETC. INTEREST BLDG RENTS FUND RAISERS /GRANT CONTRIBUTIONS TOTAL EXPENSE REPORT PERSONNEL SERVICES OPERATING SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES MISCELLANEOUS •CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL YOUTHCTR 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORTS AUGUST 1993 YOUTH CENTER - "DRY DOCK" 8,378.75 66.4% AUGUST YEAR TO 4,300.00 BALANCE PERCENTAGE ACTUAL DATE ACTUAL BUDGET REMAINING USED 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ERR 0.00 1,084.50 1,000.00 (84.50) 108.5% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ERR 0.00 351.20 1,700.00 1,348.80 20.7% 0.00 381.49 1,200.00 818.51 31.8% 0.00 335.09 3,900.00 3,564.91 8.6% 0.00 186.56 0.00 (186.56) ERR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.00 25,448.34 34,000.00 8,551.66 74.8% 27.00 27,787.18 41,800.00 14,012.82 66.5% 1,976.36 16,546.25 24,925.00 8,378.75 66.4% 12.50 986.80 4,300.00 3,313.20 22.9% 198.27 6,104.16 10,500.00 4,395.84 58.1% 0.00 51.39 825.00 773.61 6.2% 0.00 825.00 1,250.00 425.00 2,187.13 24,513.60 41,800.00 17,286.40 58.6; ATTENDANCE ATTENDANCE CURRENT Y.T.D DATES 1250 The City has shut down operations of the Youth Center building. Special events will continue to be operated from this budget for the balance of 1993. n U MINUTES • Parks Recreation Community Education Advisory Council September 1, 1993 Member present: Lee Cox, Mike Schall, John Mlinar, Bruce Rosenow, Doug Brown, J.P. Auer and Linda Martin. Also present were Dolf Moon and Karen McKay. Not present: Loretta Pishney, Mary Ann Kasich, Rev. Brian Brosz, Mike Cannon and Robert Hantge. The meeting was called to order at 5:23 p.m. Members of the Council introduced themselves, and identified their special interest if any for participating on the Council. The Board reviewed options for meeting dates and times. The Council agreed on the first Thursday of the month, at 5:15 p.m. the location being the Library Conference . Room, an alternate site will be the Central Office. Term Accignmentc There are ten positions from the community at large, one representative from the School Board and one representative from the City Council and two youth representatives. The term assignments varied this first time, four (4) three year, three (3) two year and three (3) one year positions were filled. Term assignments were established as follows three year terms: Lee Cox, Bruce Rosenow, Loretta Pishney and Robert Hantge. Two year terms: J.P. Auer, Mike Schall and Mike Cannon. One year terms: Linda Martin, Mary Ann Kasich and Rev. Brian Brosz. This item was deferred until the council is in full attendance. Positions to consider include Chair, Vice Chair and possibly a Second Vice Chair. is .11_4, (zr MINUTES • Parks Recreation Community Education Commission September 1, 1993 As of July 1st Dolf has been dividing his day half time in the Parks and Recreation Office and half time in the Community Education Office. Communications are working out well. Some City personnel have new responsibilities. The Fall /Winter brochures have been distributed for each organization, further meetings will determine if the brochures will be combined in the future. The Council raised questions regarding future facilities for the Community Education Office. They felt that the Rec Center was a more accessible site or perhaps there was room in the new City Hall facility. The Council would also like the opportunity to meet with and see a brief biography of the staff of both organizations. Advisory Council Member It ms 0 Dolf presented the Council with information regarding the formation of two committees one to study /develop programming and the other to study facility usage, scheduling and fee structure. The Council received copy of correspondence regarding the FinnRa Grant. The program is giving Hutchinson National and International recognition. Budget information will be distributed to the Council as soon as it is available. The Civic Arena updates will be addressed by the Council in conjunction with the Facility Committee. V.M.F. field has been reseeded, the grass is coming along; the dike project has been approved. Thursday, October 7th 5:15 p.m. in the Library Conference Room Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:18 p.m. E HUTCHINSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REGULAR BOARD MEETING AUGUST 17, 1993 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER: 2:00 P.M. BOARD ROOM CHAMBER BUILDING Chairman John Paulsen called the meeting to order. Members present -Don Erickson, Tammy Wendlandt, Lyle Van Hale and Shirley Wass. Members absent -none. II. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR BOARD MEETING JULY 20, 1993 There being no .additions or corrections, Don Erickson moved the minutes be approved as submitted. Lyle Van Hale seconded and the motion carried unanimously. III. CONSIDERATION OF STATUS OF ACCOUNTS FOR PARK TOWERS PROJECT AND GENERAL FUND Budget status and monthly disbursements were reviewed. Lyle Van Hale moved that the financial statements be approved as submitted. Shirley Wass seconded and the motion carried unanimously. IV. SECTION 23 PARK TOWERS 1. There are no vacancies or rent receivables at Park Towers. 2. The Director reported that the CLAP window replacement project has been delayed due to unacceptable window caulking joints. New window headers have to be ordered from the factory and there will be at least a two week delay. 3. The Director submitted for Board review a copy of the application to the Minnesota Board on Aging for an on -site coordinator grant for Park Towers with funding availability October 1, 1993. 4. The 1994 draft Budget for Park Towers was presented for discussion. Salary increases in the draft budget for Park Towers employees were set at 3.0% cost of living and lI merit; please note justification by documentation from Hazel Sitz, City of Hutchinson Personnel Director. V. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 1. Rental Rehab Report - The wage determination has been ,11-A (1ii 0 Page Two Hutchinson Hra Regular Board Meeting 8/17/93 received and is effective until the end of January, 1994. The Valley Vista Project can now proceed with owner authorization. The 1065 Jefferson rehab project is waiting for a structural engineering report because the retaining walls are pulling away and need to be secured. 2. The Small Cities Grant Application will be put on hold until 1994 to allow for close -out of the current project. 3. The Computer system has been ordered; the software to track rehab loans and projects will be installed in September. VI. OTHER BUSINESS 1. A tax levy of .0131 S of taxable market value has been requested of the City Council for HRA operations. Ed Ide, McLeod County Auditor has clarified that he will not show the HRA levy as a separate line item; the HRA levy will be contained within the City Levy. Willmar handles their HRA levy in this manner; however, New Ulm Hra levy is shown as a separate line item. 2. The application for the Farmers Home Site Loan program is proceeding; however, some of the McDonald property is in the flood plain. Fill can be added, however, Farmers Home will be contacted about potential flood plain restrictions for their program. Other sites will also be investigated. 3. The Publicly Owned Neighborhood Land Trust Application has been submitted but there has been no word from MHFA about our application. 4. There were two responses from developers concerning our letter requesting acknowledgement of interest in developing the luxury rental townhouses or apartment project as recommended in the Maxfield Research Rental Market analysis. One response stated using essential function bonds as the financing mechanism with the HRA as owner; the other response indicated interest in TIF gap financing for the project. These developers will be invited to our next Board meeting; in addition, a meeting will be scheduled with the HCDC housing committee to elicit their input regarding the study. 5. The Director is serving on a Senior Services Task force which has been formed to develop a vision and implementation plan for HCH /BMNH in the delivery of services to seniors in the Hutchinson area; conclusions should be formulated and Page 3 Hutchinson HRA Regular Board Meeting, August 17, 1993 presented by November. The feasibility of offering some assisted living units at Park Towers will be looked at by Patty McCullough, the consultant hired from Health Planners, Inc. VI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, John Paulsen declared the meeting adjourned. Recorded by Jean Ward, Executive Director • Tammy Wendlandt, Secretary Treasurer 0 HUTCHINSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REGULAR BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER: 1:00 P.M. BOARD ROOM CHAMBER BUILDING II. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR BOARD MEETING AUGUST 17, 1993 III. CONSIDERATION OF STATUS OF ACCOUNTS FOR PARK TOWERS PROJECT AND GENERAL FUND IV. SECTION 23 /PARK TOWERS PROJECT 1. Park Towers Monthly Report 2. 1992 Ciap Window Project update 3. 1993 Ciap Request Status 4. 1994 Park Towers Budget V. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR REPORT 1. Rental Rehab update 2. Computer System update 3. Small Cities Close- out status 4. MURL Program Application VI. OTHER BUSINESS 1. HRA Tax Levy Request update 2. Publicly Owned Neighborhood Land Trust Award by MHFA and letter from Conworth, Inc. regarding relocation. 3. Farmers Home Site Loan Program Application 4. Commencement of Minnesota City Participation Program on September 16, 1993. 5. Presentation by Dunbar Development Corportation, Frank Dunbar and Carole Kron. 6. Presentation by Brad Johnson, Lotus Realty. VII. ADJOURNMENT 9 .0 • HUTCHINSON HOUSING, INC. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AUGUST 17, 1993 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER: CHAMBER BOARD ROOM President Don Erickson called the meeting to order. Members present -John Paulsen, Tammy Wendlandt, Lyle Van Hale and Shirley Wass. Members absent -none. II. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF JULY 20, 1993 There being no additions or corrections, Shirley Wass moved that the financial report be approved as submitted. Lyle Van Hale seconded and the motion carried unanimously. III. FINANCIAL REPORT The financial report was reviewed. John Paulsen moved that the financial report be approved as submitted. Shirley Wass seconded and the motion carried unanimously. IV. OTHER BUSINESS . 1. The computer has been ordered for the HRA Chamber office but has not yet arrived. = V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business; Don Erickson declared the meeting adjourned. Recorded by Jean Ward, Executive Director Tammy Wend an t, Secretary Treasurer 0 • CITY OF HUTCHINSON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT • September 20, 1993 Date Date Interest Of Of Institution Description Rate Purchase Maturity Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TREAS BONDS 644136 7.18% 12/12/91 2/15/2001 373,500.00 TREAS BONDS 644137 7.13% 12/12/91 10/15/98 307,312.50 Firstate 41- 1214999 -8 3.70% 12/30/92 12/30/93 500,000.00 Smith Barney CMO 80AP9 7.380% 2/15/93 5/1/2018 188,173.75 Smith Barney GNMA 865M7 7.363% 2/15/93 8/10/2002 195,000.00 ** Marquette 22644 3.65% 05/27/93 10/14/93 300,000.00 Firstate 41- 1211694 4 3.60% 6/10/93 9/30/93 500,000.00 Firstate 41 121829 6 3.50% 7/14/93 10/14/93 300,000.00 Firstate 42- 117375 -6 3.55% 8/12/93 11/24/93 400,000.00 • Marquette 30017743 3.75% 8/26/93 12/16/93 100,000.00 Marquette 30017735 3.75% 8/26/93 11/10/93 400,000.00 Firstate 41 121821 3 3.75% 08/12/93 12/16/93 200,000.00 Firstate 41 121820 5 3.65% 09/19/93 10/28/93 100,000.00 Firstate 42- 120527 -7 3.65% 09/16/93 10/28/93 300,000.00 Firstate 41 121749 6 3.65% 09/16/93 11/10/93 100,000.00 Firstate 41 121814 8 3.65% 09/16/93 11/10/93 200,000.00 ----------------- ;4,463,986.25 *CMO purchase anticapted payback is 4.332 years with a yield of 7.328% This instrument receives payments monthly and depending on speed of payment of mortgagages the yield could increase or decrease ** A GNMA with fixed maturity but has a call date of 8/12/97 I[] //l 0 u DEAR CA � THE CHrNM�1- of CcmM,-ty-C*- AND �v nH /NSOnI 3c'S ATk 60fi0IN)N c �p;��-c5 ,/,j A ,.T-cy--T Tu HIGNUG>}T 1 41- -jZcoFToes Ctf mA/NS,92;-�T - t-JITH 04MSTI-MS L(-tfTS. G44gnip,�jL FFrrS TRt kt T ALC. _. _.BL)ILDiNG cwNr;Ls A"z> Tiff SCS HpiT_2 /-r, AS or_ - Tim C 1 T Y - IS __tm 10 _ DwAT TH E EL EuTTRIG T}�_ USF-D —i H ti _ C H7Z1577r k3 _ S�eASO� • _ - _TL'ijo-L -,i 7'_ THi S CnJ '>uR t'-� CAD A Fez T H L 9-M'-73 - ... CtuAKI L mcj;-T,NC- AND ?- 1,1rLL C.xPL(} /n1 - ►n; _Mo�`L ��Tf+IL _ - f'ti THrtT -Ft 1N �. KICM �' A l E ORDINANCE NO. 93 -91 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, COUNTY OF MCLEOD, STATE OF MINNESOTA, INCORPORATING AND ANNEXING CERTAIN TRACTS AND PARCELS OF LAND INTO THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AS MORE PARTICULARLY SET OUT IN SAID ORDINANCE WHEREAS, certain parcels of land as more particularly described abut or adjoin the City of Hutchinson; WHEREAS, the Minnesota Municipal Board pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 414 has approved the following annexation; WHEREAS, it would be in the public interest to annex and incorporate said lands into the City of Hutchinson; NOW THEREFORE, the City of Hutchinson does ordain: SECTION 1. That the lands hereafter described shall be, and the same hereby are, annexed to the City of Hutchinson, a Minnesota • municipal corporation, located in the County of McLeod and State of Minnesota and from and after passage and publication of this ordinance, said lands shall be annexed to and become a part of and included in the corporate limits of the City of Hutchinson: Auditor's Plat, Section 7- 116 -29, Lot 1, Except East 378.2' (3.00 acres) Auditor's Plat, Section 7- 116 -29, East 378.2' of Lot 1 (6.81 acres). Total of 9.81 acres of land. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after publication. Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of September, 1993. ATTEST: • Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Paul L. Ackland Mayor 7- AI • RESOLUTION NO. 10051 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering and the Police Chief agree that the following areas have traffic control concerns which warrant traffic control devices, and; WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Council has the authority to establish locations as points where traffic control devices shall be erected, pursuant to Section 7.04, Subdivision 1 of the Hutchinson City Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: A. That the Council hereby establishes that a traffic control device known as a 'No Parking Here To Corner' sign shall be erected at the following location: • 1. On the east side of Lynn Road, 45 feet south of 5th Avenue SW. 2. On the south side of 5th Avenue SW, 45 feet east of Lynn Road. B. That the Council hereby establishes that a traffic control device known as a "Stop" sign shall be erected at the following locations: 1. On 3rd Avenue SE at Huron Street (1 sign) 2. On 3rd Avenue SE at Ontario Street (1) 3. On High Street at 4th Avenue NE (1) 4. On Water Treatment Facility Entrance at 5th Ave NE (1) 5. On Peterson Circle at 6th Avenue NE (1) 6. On Waller Drive at 6th Avenue NE (1) 7. On Delaware Street at TH 7W (1) 8. On Gauger Street at TH 7 E (1) 9. On Sherwood Street SE at Jorgenson Street SE (2) 10. On Darrel Drive at McDonald Drive SW (1) 11. On Loretta Lane SW at McDonald Drive SW (1) 12. On Earl Road SW at McDonald Drive SW (1) 13. On Glenda Lane SW at McDonald Drive SW (1) 14. On Goebel Street SW at Milwaukee Avenue SW (1) • 15. On Milwaukee Avenue SW at Graham Street SW (1) -7cb) Resolution No. Page 2 of 2 • 16. On Keith Street at Neal Avenue SW (1) 17. On Spruce Street at Northwoods Avenue NE (1) 18. On Maple Street at Northwoods Avenue NE (1) 19. On Oak Street at Northwoods Avenue NE (2) 20. On Oak Street at 9th Avenue NE (1) 21. On Oak Lane SE at Jorgenson Street SE (1) 22. On Selchow Street SE at Jorgenson Street SE (1) 23. On the TH 7 East Service Road at the entrance to HTI (aka Avenue SW (1) • West Highland Park Drive) (1) C. That the Council hereby establishes that a traffic control device known as a "Yield" sign shall be erected at the following locations: 1. On 10th Avenue NE at Maple Street (1) 2. On 10th Avenue NE at 11th Avenue NE (1) 3. On 11th Avenue NE at Maple Street (1) 4. On Griffin Avenue at Ash Street (2) 5. On Ash Street at Northwoods Avenue (1) 6. On Highland Park Drive at TH 7 E Frontage Road (1) 7. On Kay Street at Lea Avenue SW (1) • D. That the Council hereby establishes that a traffic control device known as a "l Hour Parking, 7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., School Days)" sign shall be erected at the following location: On the south side of Roberts Road, from a point 140 feet west of Kay Street to the easternmost entrance to the Senior High School. Adopted this 13th day of July, 1993 by the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota. Mayor - Paul L. Ackland City Administrator - Gary D. Plotz • -A) • RESOLUTION NO. 10055 CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Install 6 Compact Blacktop 7,900.0 Road Surface Cemeter, Yes Mid -MN Hot Mix Inc. The- =following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM COST Date Approved: September 28, 1993 +Motion made by: Seconded by: PURPOSE DEPT. ]BUDGET I VENDOR Resolution submitted for Council action by: 7-2. September 27, 1993 AR \OLD & rICDO-%vELL ATTORNEYS AT L.AW 101 PARK PLACE H UTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350-2563 Mr. John Rodeberg Director of Engineering 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 (612) 587-7575 FAX (612) 567 -4096 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSON Re: Structural Specialties, Inc. vs. City of Hutchinson Our File No. 3188 -93251 Dear John: OP COUNSEL xMI IAM W. CAMERON RAYMOND C. TALLIER 5881 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 (612) 545-9000 MN TOLL FREE 800- 343 -4545 FAX (612) 545-1793 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (612) 389- 2214 PAX (612) 389-5506 FOR YOUR MEQRMATION k � t SEPIS93 RECEIVED oy- • Enclosed please find a revised Notice of Hearing indicating that this matter will be head at the Hutchinson Community Hospital on =November 15, 1993 if it is not otherwise settled or disposed of. Please mark your calendar accordingly. • Thank you. Best regards. Very truly yours, ARNOLD & McDOWELL emb G. Barry Anderson GBA:lm Enclosure Gary Plotz CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION "CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MDPN£SOT'A STATE BAR ASSOCIATION DAVID B. ARNOLD GARY D.WDOWELL •STEVEN A. "DER SON G.BARRY ANDERSON' STEVEN S. HOGE LAURA K. FRET'LAND DAVID A. BRUEGGEMANN PAUL D. DOVE" JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY RICHARD 0. X<GEE CATHRYN D. REBER GINA M. BRANDT September 27, 1993 AR \OLD & rICDO-%vELL ATTORNEYS AT L.AW 101 PARK PLACE H UTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350-2563 Mr. John Rodeberg Director of Engineering 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 (612) 587-7575 FAX (612) 567 -4096 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSON Re: Structural Specialties, Inc. vs. City of Hutchinson Our File No. 3188 -93251 Dear John: OP COUNSEL xMI IAM W. CAMERON RAYMOND C. TALLIER 5881 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 (612) 545-9000 MN TOLL FREE 800- 343 -4545 FAX (612) 545-1793 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (612) 389- 2214 PAX (612) 389-5506 FOR YOUR MEQRMATION k � t SEPIS93 RECEIVED oy- • Enclosed please find a revised Notice of Hearing indicating that this matter will be head at the Hutchinson Community Hospital on =November 15, 1993 if it is not otherwise settled or disposed of. Please mark your calendar accordingly. • Thank you. Best regards. Very truly yours, ARNOLD & McDOWELL emb G. Barry Anderson GBA:lm Enclosure Gary Plotz CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION "CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MDPN£SOT'A STATE BAR ASSOCIATION In the Matter of the Arbitration between STRUCTURAL SPECIALTIES, INC. -and - CTTY OF HUPIENSON • CASE NLZMER: 56E 110 00348 93 Ali=STRATOR: Susan B. Harrow REVISED NOTICE OP SEARING Keith E. Simons Attorney at law Suite 401 Norwest Bank Building 1011'First Street South Hopkins, MN 55343 G. Barry Anderson Arnold & McDowell 101 Park Place Hutchinson, MN 55350 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Hearing in the above - entitled Arbitration will be held as follows: At: Hutchinson C=Imriity Hospital 1095 Highway 15 South Lower Level, Conference Roan E Hutchinson, MN 55350 Date: November 15, 1993 Time: 9:30 A.M. Before George E. Hulstrand, Esq. Please attend praptly with your witnesses and be prepared to present your proofs. , DATE OF NOTICE: September 22, 1993 NOTICE: The arbitrator(s) have arraeed their srhedrle and reserved the above date(s) based on the advice of the Parties. Therefore, every effort should be made to appear an the date(s) sthediled. In the event that mfcreseen cirmnstanees make it inpossible to attend the hearing as scheAiled, a party req.estirg a postp�ent should obtain the agreement of the other Party. If there is no mAial agreeient, the arbitrator(s) will aske a determination. Alt reaests for postponerents a st be commnicated to the case adninistrator (rot the arbitrator). There should be no crnmnication between the Parties and the reutral Arbitrator other than at oral hearings. Postponanarts are subject to an AAA fee assessment, as set forth in the Rules. In sane instances, postporaments are subject to cancellation fees by the arbitrator. Any Party wishing a stenographic record a st sake arrangements directly with a stenographer and notify the other Parties of such arrangements in advance of the hearing. cc: George E. Hulstrand, Esq. • L J • City of 771z , M E M O R A N D U M DATE: TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Water Billing Department September 28, 1993 SUBJECT: Delinquent water & sewer accounts for the month of September Attached is a listing of the delinquent water and sewer accounts for the month of September. Recommend service be discontinued on Monday, October 4th, 1993, at Noon. 0 • City Hall Parks &Recreation 37 Washington Avenue West 900 Harrington Street (612) 587 -5151 (612) 587 -2975 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 - printed on recycled paper - Police Department 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -2242 v� 1- 270 - 0835 -023 Gary J Miller 835 Brown St Hutchinson MN 55350 035 Brown St 131.23 Promises 10 /10 1- 360 - 0215 -034 Darol Wylie 215 Division Av Hutchinson MN 55350 225 Division Av 117.20 1- 395 - 0316 -003 Heather Clouse 316 Franklin St S Hutchinson MN 55350 316 Franklin St S 141.83 Promises 10 /1 1- 395- 0505 -015 Martin Garcia 505 Franklin St S Hutchinson MN 55350 505 Franklin St S =205.54 1- 395- 0565 -086 Judy Kopesky Box 606 . Hutchinson MN 55350 565 Franklin St S 166.30 1- 395 - 0645 -022 Andrew Ross 645 Franklin St S Hutchinson MN 55350 645 Franklin St S 215.70 Promises 10/8 1- 455- 0316 -071 Gary Piehl 316 Grove St S Hutchinson MN 55350 316 Grove St S 113.23 PROMISES 10/8/93 3- 560 - 0452 -093 Todd Schneider Rt 2 Box 142 Stewart MN 55385 452 James St 77.13 PROMISES 10/1/93 1- 455- 0336 -033 Daryl Cacka 336 Grove St S Hutchinson MN 55350 336 Grove St S 142.99 1- 570- 0016 -004 Sam Poshek 16 Jefferson St S Hutchinson MN 55350 16 Jefferson St S 89.54 Promises 10/7 1 -570- 0546 -097 Penny Lieder 546 Jefferson St S Hutchinson MN 55350 546 Jefferson St S 153.80 1- 570- 1315 -062 Dawn Heyer 1315 Jefferson St S Hutchinson MN 55350 1315 Jefferson St S 115.03 1- 685 - 0556 -082 Judy Kopesky Box 606 Hutchinson MN 55350 556 Main St S 112.33 1 -685- 0725 -041 Pearl Westlund 725 Main St S Hutchinson MN 55350 725 Main St S 8.99 Promises 10/3 3- 490 - 0485 -053 Joseph Kopitski 19781 612th Av Litchfield MN 55355 485 High St 20.10 CC: Cory Billet 485 High St Hutchinson MN 55350 • • C September 24, 1993 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: KEN MERRILL FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: DENTAL k HEALTH INSURANCE RENEWAL Our self funding programs for both dental and health insurance have been in place for several years. As the attached letter from Mark Flaten, American Risk Services President, indicates the programs are working well and 1992 -93 was a very good year for the program. Mark's recommendation for funding is there NOT be an increase in funding for either the dental or health insurance program. Dental • rates would be $16.42 for single, $45.98 for family. Health insurance rates would be $172.53 single and $386.11 for family. 0 The City currently has been funding 100% of the above coverage plus a life insurance and long term disability policies for each employee over 30 hour per week of employment. It might be a good time for the city to consider capping the contribution. By taking action at this time their would not be any affect on employees but would give them notice of future adjustments in health and dental would require contributions from the employee. To help in this contribution the city has put in place a flex benefit program which allows the person to pay for health and child care cost with pre -tax dollars. The program can also include contributions for health and dental insurance premiums. Mark will be at the city council meeting as will Dennis Potter to discuss the insurance renewals program City Hall Parks & Recreation Police Department 37 Washington Avenue West 900 Harrington Street 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -5151 (612) 587 -2975 (612) 587 -2242 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 / - Printed on recycled paper - American Risk Services, Inc. TO: The Hutchinson City Council FROM: Mark T. Flaten DATE: September 23, 1993 RE: 09101/93 -94 Medical and Dental Rates The City has been Self - Insured for their medical and dental group utilizes the Select Care PPO Network, Blue Cross & insurance and CC Systems as its Third Party Administrator. The current provisions are: Speck stop loss: Aggregate attachment: Contract type: $25,000 per family 125% of expected Incurred Major organ transplant coverage: Yes Conversion privilege: Yes Northwest Business Campus 3033 Campus Drive, Suite A418 Minneapolis, MN 55441.2667 Tel: (612) 559 Fax: (612)559 -,. v exposure since 09/01/88. The Blue Shield for stop loss /aggregate On 01/01/93 benefit plan changes were made, primarily in the area of increased deductibles from $100 to $150 per person and family deductibles from $200 to $300. Currently, the health insurance premium for the employee and their family is paid for 100% by the City. In virtually all the private sector and the majority of public sector organizations, the employee pays a portion of the single or family coverage. As an alternative the City continuing to fund 100% of the cost of benefits, you may want to consider capping the City's contribution to the current level and any subsequent increase be passed on to the employee. For the Plan Year 09/01/93 -94, we are recommending a 0% rate increase for medical and dental rates. For the expiring Plan Year 09/01/92 -93, the medical plan has a surplus of $116,867 and the dental plan a surplus of $4,616 to date. At the same time, medical trend is projected at 12%. • Risk Managemem . Employee lienerits . Consultants Medics/ 911/92 -93 9/1/93 -94 Single 172.53 172.53 0.00% Fancily 386.11 386.11 0.00% Subsequent Year Policy Period Budgeted Claims Actual Claims Surolus(Deficit) Rate Increase • 911188 -89 183,949 205,981 (22,032) 36.81% 9/1/89 -90 222,119 126,033 96,086 6.41% 9/1/90 -91 246,153 162,800 83,353 4.34% 9/1/91 -92 252,879 253,637 (758) 11.70% 911/92-93 282.42 6 61 5,559 116,867 0.00% Total 1,187,527 914,010 273,517 Proposed Rates 911/92 -93 9/1/93 -94 Single 172.53 172.53 0.00% Fancily 386.11 386.11 0.00% Total Annual Costs 353,317 353,317 DenW /1/92 -93 911/_ 93 -94 Single 16.42 • Family 45.98 45.98 0.00% Subsequent Year Policy Period Budgeted Claims Actual Claims SurplustDeficit) Rate Increase 9/1/88 -89 37,432 26,644 10,788 0.00% 9/1/89 -90 33,895 24,520 9,375 0.00% 9/1/90 -91 34,549 25,564 8,985 0.00% 911191 -92 34,317 24,855 9,462 5.00% 9/1/92- 7/1/92 28.592 x,976 4,.616 0.00% Total 168,785 125,559 43,226 • Proposed Rates /1/92 -93 911/_ 93 -94 Single 16.42 16.42 0.00% Family 45.98 45.98 0.00% Total Annual Costa 41,382 41,382 Prepared By: American Risk Services, Inc.' 0 C September 24, 1993 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: HEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: WORKER'S COMPENSATION MANAGED CARE OPTION The LMCIT has implemented a manage care option for Cities. This was discussed at the LMC conference and has been followed up with a memo from Peter Tritz which is attached. The program offers a 5% savings in premium plus has the potential for savings by better management of claims by improved follow up with a provider network. We have been holding meetings with Select Care personnel who are offering this managed care service. They are in a position to offer the program to the City. They are in negotiations with the Hutchinson Medical Center and Hutchinson Community Hospital to be part of the managed care network. Negotiations of a possible contract with Select Care and the City of Hutchinson have been held with Mark Flaten, Dennis Potter and myself. Mark and Dennis would like to update the Mayor and City Council regarding the program and its potential savings. City Hall Parks & Recreation Police Department 37 Washington Avenue West 900 Harrington Street 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -5151 (612) 587 -2975 (612) 587 -2242 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 - Printed on recycled paper - ' League of Minnesota Cities August 2, 1993 ���gl fl4 1172��'r ps-CEIVED 3490 Lexington Avenue North kel-9 St Paul, MN 55126 SZVZ�Z22`ti (612) 490 -5600 To: LMCIT member cities From: Peter Tritz Re: Workers compensation managed care This memo will update cities on developments in managed care for workers compensation, and answer some specific questions which have arisen on how LMCIT member cities can implement managed care plans. What is managed care? The 1992 workers compensation reform bill gave cities and other employers the option to designate a state - certified managed care plan, and to require that employees receive medical treatment for job - related injuries through that designated plan. Managed' care offers an opportunity to reduce workers compensation costs by using a team of medical care providers who have experience and expertise in treating work comp injuries, and whose treatment procedures are designed to rehabilitate the injured employee and get him or her back to work as quickly and efficiently as possible. How is LMCIT implementing managed care? The LMCIT Board's approach has been to give member cities as much flexibility as possible in implementing managed care. Each city can decide whether or not to implement managed care, and the city is free to select any of several managed care plans. Cities that adopt an approved and state - certified managed care plan will receive a 5% credit on their LMCIT workers compensation premiums. If you implement managed care mid -term, the credit ie pro- rated. What costs are involved? There has been quite a bit of variation among the different managed care plans as to the types and amounts of charges that will be involved. Some plans use a monthly per - employee fee; some make specific charges for specific types of case management services; some have one -time implementation charges; and so on. - OVER Most plans now seem to be moving more toward charging for specific services rather than using flat monthly or per- capita fee systems. It's pretty common for managed care plans to charge an initial implementation fee to cover the cost of enrolling employers, explaining the concept and the procedures to employees, etc. Of course, the hope is that carefully care provided for an injured employee and indemnity claim costs by more than of the plan. Who pays the managed care costs? managing and planning the will help reduce medical enough to offset the cost Under LMCIT's approach, any managed care plan charges which relate to a specific claim are treated as part of the claim. These costs are paid by LMCIT, just as other claim costs are. Any fees which the managed plan charges which are not related to a particular claim are the city's responsibility. This would include any initial implementation charges, as well as any per- capita fees for plans that use that approach. of course, the 5% premium credit LMCIT offers would offset part or all of these costs to the city. Where can we get more information about managed care? Kermine Bender at Berkley Administrators has been following the managed care issue closely. She can provide a great deal of information on managed care in general, the certified managed care plans that are now available, and on the factors the city should look at in evaluating and selecting a managed care plan. You can reach her at 612- 591 -7408. City officials are also invited to attend one of a series of seminars on managed care which Berkley Administrators is sponsoring in cooperation with United Health Care /Medica's WorkerCare plan. A flier showing the dates and locations of these seminars is enclosed. WorkerCare is one of the managed care plan options which LMCIT cities can use, and this is a good opportunity for cities to learn more about manged care in general and the WorkerCare plan specifically. Even if you're more interested in one of the other managed care plans, these seminars will still be a good source of information about managed care in general. 0 • • • TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Dolf Moon, P.R.C.E. Director Mary Haugen, Facilities and Operations Manager/ /L DATE: September 16, 1993 RE: Water Heater Replacement at Civic Arena The Civic Arena uses two separate water heaters to meet its hot water needs. One of the heaters is used to supply hot water for the bathrooms and the showers in the team rooms. This heater is original equipment and was installed in 1977. The other water heater is used for supplying heated water for the ice resurfacer (Zamboni) and for general ice maintenance. This unit replaced the original heater and is approximately five years old. The standard warranty on this type of equipment is only one year. Early failure of this heater is due in part to its high usage and the large volume of hot water required in the ice making process. This past summer both water heaters have failed and are beyond repair. The tanks in each of them are worn out and leaking. Estimates have been obtained for two commercial grade water heaters, sized for each application and are included with this memo. The low bid is from Hutchinson Plumbing and Heating with a total for materials and installation quoted at $4264. No dollars had been budgeted for replacement of these heaters, consequently we are asking for approval to purchase these items from 1993 contingency funds. City Hall 37 Washington Avenue West (612) 587 -5151 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street (612) 587 -2975 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 - Printed on recycled paper - Police Department 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -2242 9-;D Proposal 1 Hutchinson Plumbing & Heating • Plumbing & Heating Contractors 518 HiWay 7 East Hutchinson, Minn. 55350 Phone 6121587.8439 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: DATE: j 2/3/93 NAME: City of Hutchinson Civic Arena STREET, CITY, STATE: Hutchinson MN 55350 We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: Commercial Gas Water Heater _ 1 —State Model SBT- 100 -260 NES 3 Year tank warrant 1 Year parts warranty_ _ $2294.00 Complete i 1- A.O.Smith Model BT -197 3 Year tank warrant 1 Year Darts warranty 2355.00 Complete i 1 -Rheem Model RF300 -91 3 Year tank warrant 1 Year parts warrant $2496.00 Complete i �i We hereby propose to furnish labor ate materials — complete in accordance with the above specifications, for the run al: dollar (S ) with payment to be me& as fellows: All material is eueronleed to be as specified. All work to be completed In a workmanlike manner according to standard practice& Any allocation ar devialiun from above specifications involving eetm cash. will be e[ecuted Only upon written Aden, and will became an extra charge over and above the climate. All agreements contingent upon strikes. accidents or delays beyond our central. Owner to carry ere, tornado and other necusrvy insurance. Our workers are fully covered by Workman's Compensation Insurance. Authorized Signature shL�!ncs� TE: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if net occepted within 30 days. Arrvoplanrs of 11rnpowl The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. AttrP2PD: Signature Proposal Hutchinson Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Plumbing & Heating Contractors 518 HiWay 7 East Hutchinson, Minn. 55350 . Phone 612!587.8439 FAX 612 -587 -1029 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: DATE: - 9 NAME: _ �: L�v_E� tir 'HS.sr� — C i'E/�_t�,f' ✓erlst STREET: /I1arV- - CI- TN. r STATE: We hereby submit specifications and estimates for; er _ ed oO _S-A- .� vo - — I i We hereby propose N furnish lobar and material — complete in accordance with the above spcctecottmns, for the sum of: "Ion (S ) with payment to be male as 1J0 ws: t All malarial is guaront la be as specified. All work to be completed m a workmoolike manner according to standard proaices. Any aMeratian or deviation from above specifications involving estro casts, will be e.ecuted only upon written orders, and will become an smim charge over end above the aslimab. All agroements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry get, !entries mad other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation lnsaronce. ti Authorized Signature�4 - -st: NOTE: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if net accepted within Arrrplatlrr of f rapaeal The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. /� j Atrtpl[L: Signature V C, September 28, 1993 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering RE: Airport Expansion - Phase II Engineering Services At the Airport Commission meeting in August, the Airport Commission unanimously recommended that the City proceed with the work necessary for Phase II of the proposed airport expansion. Attached for your review is a copy of the estimated project costs and the Consultant's (TKDA) estimate of costs for a Project Work Scope Formulation. • The Phase II expansion generally includes the addition of the following: Terminal Building FBO Hanger T- Hanger Maintenance Equipment and Storage Parking Lot /Entrance Aircraft Apron The Estimated cost is $ 2,100,000 with an estimated City share of $ 450,000. The Airport Commission would like to complete the Project Work Scope Formulation so that the project can be programmed for funding. At this point, funding may not be available for several years, but the sooner this work is completed, the higher on the priority list the project would be. This is being presented for your review prior to approving the 1994 budget. Formal approval of the contract would be proposed after your review of the facts, figures and budget. • City Hall Parks & Recreation Police Department 37 Washington Avenue West 900 Harrington Street 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -5151 (612) 587 -2975 (612) 587 -2242 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 n - Printed on recycled paper - "I e RING, DUVALL, ANDERSON SOCIATZS, INCORPORATED SNEERS- ARCHITECTS- PLANNERS • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 COMMISSION NO. 9946 DZ,YZ Q MRMT TTFM ITEM COST FEDERAL SHARE STATE SHARE LOCAL SHARE 1. Aircraft Apron $ 525,000 $472,500 $ $ 52,500 2. Apron Floodlighting 35,000 31,500 3,500 3. Entrance Road Grading s Paving 33,000 29,700 3,300 4. Parking Lot Grading 6 Paving 105,000 70,000 35,000 5. Parking Lot Lighting 30,000 20,000 10,000 6. ORALS 80,000 72,000 8,000 7. Security Fencing 20,000 18,000 2,000 8. Maintenance Equipment 150,000 100,000 50,000 9. Snow Removal Equipment Bldg. 80,000 53,300 26,700 10. Well 15,000 10,000 5,000 • 11. Septic System 15,000 10,000 5,000 12. FBO Hangar 225,000 180,000* 45,000* 13. T- Hangar Site Preparation 50,000 33,300 16,700 14. T- Hangar (8 -Unit) 165,000 132,000* 33,000* 15. Terminal Building 125,000 83,300 41,700 16. Relocate Fuel System 15,000 10,000 5,000 Sub -Total $1,668,000 $623,700 $701,900 $342,400 Engineering 6 Testing 312,000 116,600 131,400 64,000 Legal s Administration 20,000 9,700 6,700 3,600 Contingency 100.000 30.000 30.000 40.000 TOTAL COST - PHASE xi $2,100,000 $780,000 $870,000 $450,000 • * STATE SHARE IS A NO INTEREST LOAN FROM ITS HANGAR LOAN FUND. THE SPONSOR REPAYS THE LOAN OVER A 10 YEAR PERIOD. ATTB -1 ATTACHMENT A - SCOPE OF WORK FOR HUTCHINSON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT EXPANSION PHASE lI PROJECT WORK SCOPE FORMULATION The Project consists of reviewing the Hutchinson Municipal Airport Study followed by defining current priorities, construction phasing, estimated costs, funding criteria, procedural steps and subsequent agreements all related to obtaining Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grants and Minnesota Department of Transportation - Office of Aeronautics (MnDOT) state -aid needed to complete the expansion of the Hutchinson Municipal Airport. I • ':• D � y.l y 1. :�M • The CONSULTANT shall: A. Provide coordination, input and recommendations to assist the OWNER in defining a development program sequence for Phase II of the Airport Expansion. B. Refine the Order of Magnitude Cost Estimate, Attachment B, for each of the 16 potential development items and others as they are identified. C. Identify time constraints and establish a tentative schedule leading to the start of construction. • D. Meet with the OWNER, FAA and MnDOT in a project formulation conference. E. Identify related funding criteria and potential sources of financial participation and amounts. F. Prepare a Preliminary Engineer's Report, Cost Estimate and Program Sketch. G. Assist the City in its preparation of public relations materials prior to an election seeking approval of bonding authority to finance airport construction. ATTA -1 Since the services provided by the CONSULTANT under this Agreement are generally of an overview nature, the items listed below are outside of the scope of this Agreement, but, if determined necessary, could be included in subsequent agreements. A. Master Plan, Airport Layout Plan and airport zoning revisions. B. Environmental assessments. C. More than four (4) trips to Hutchinson during the period of this Agreement. D. Preparation of construction plans and specifications. E. Construction administration services. F. Assistance in preparation of public relations materials in excess of $8,000. Sul' g• Payment to the CONSULTANT for services described in this ATTACHMENT A shall be on a "Cost Reimbursement Plus Fixed Fee" basis as described in Agreement Article 3.A.2, subject to the • following additional conditions: A. The Overhead Rate to be applied to this Agreement shall be 1.38 times Direct Salary Costs. E B. The Fixed Fee for this Agreement shall be $3,215. C. The maximum payment under this Agreement shall not exceed the amount listed hereinafter without amendment as may be necessary to cover any increases in the scope of work and/or level of effort required to complete the scope of work described. Total Reimbursable Costs $21,635 Fixed Fee $ 3.215 Total Contract Ceiling Amount $24,850 ATTA -2 • C • MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: RANDY DEVRIES, DIRECTCR OF WATER AND WASTEWATER OPERATIONS SUBJECT: WATER TOWER # 3 CONSTRUCTION UPDATE I. Update on Water Tower # 3 is as follows: A. The physical construction of the tower- is complete. B. The painting contractor is on site, and the interior is being painted now. C. Quades Electric, and Hutchinson Utilities will be coordinating power to the site 9/23/93. D. Grading and site work should be finished within the next two weeks. E. At the present time, the project is about 2 weeks behind schedule, but if the weather cooperates, the contractor should finish by the October 29th completion date. cc: Gary Plotz Ken Merrill John Rodeberg Dick Nagy City Hall 37 Washington Avenue West (612) 587 -5151 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street (612) 587 -2975 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 - Printed on recycled paper- Police Department 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -2242 N/4 . C • M E M O R A N D U M DATE. TO: Mayor and City Council September 22, 1993 FROM: Randy DeVries, Director of Water and Wastewater Operations SUBJECT: Professional Services Agreement with Rust Environment and Infrastructure for Biosolids Management Facilities Plan Amendment In February 1993 the U.S. E.P.A. Published Rule 503 for the disposal of biosolids (sludge) in all wastewater treatment facilities of the United States. Our facility does fall under the 503 rule and must be in compliance one year after the February 1993 date. The scope of services for this project is broad and will address our current situation and will address long term sludge storage needs, with cost effective alternatives. At the finish of the project a final report will be furnished to the City of Hutchinson and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. I recommend approval of this agreement. cc: Gary Plotz John Rodeberg Ken Merrill City Hall 37 Washington Avenue West (612) 587 -5151 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street (612) 587 -2975 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 - Printed on recycled paper - Police Department 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -2242 9 -z 9 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT PROJECT NAME: Biosolids Management Facilities Plan Amendment [The Project is more fully described in Attachment P hereto.] This Agreement is by and between Client City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55358 RUST Environment & Infrastructure Inc. ( "RUST E&I ") . 4738 North 40th Street Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53083 Who agree as follows: Client hereby engages RUST E&I to perform the services described in Part I ( "Services ") and RUST E&I agrees to perform the Services for the compensation set forth in Part M. RUST E&I shall be authorized to commence the Services upon execution of this Agreement and receipt of authorization to proceed from Client. Client and RUST E&I agree that this signature page, together with Parts I -IV and attachments referred to therein, constitute the entire agreement between them relating to the Project ( "Agreement"). APPROVED FOR CLIENT By: Title: . Date: AGAixvrct Ns.ssA APPROVED FOR RUST E&I By: Title: Vice President Date: "/ — Z `"� 9 -z PART I • RUST ENVIRONMENT & UgFRASTRUCTURE'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. SCOPE Services to be provided for the Project are as follows: 1. Review WWTF records for the past five years to determine raw sewage flows and loadings and to determine the characteristics and quantities of biosolids. 2. Review fecal coliform, SOUR, and metals monitoring insults to determine the quality of existing biosolids. 3. Review WWTF records to correlate sludge age with the above- mentioned parameters. 4. Compare fecal coliform, SOUR, and metals monitoring results to the requirements of the new 503 regulations which govern biosolids disposal programs. Tack II - Evaluation of Alternatives_ • 1. Develop list of alternatives which would upgrade sludge quality to comply with new 503 regulations for Class B pathogen density, if existing sludge quality is deficient. This list is anticipated to include, but not be limited to: a. Sludge age changes b. Lime stabilization c. Extended cake sludge storage prior to disposal d. Extended liquid sludge storage prior to disposal 2. Develop list of alternatives which would upgrade sludge quality to comply with new 503 regulations for Class A pathogen density. This list is anticipated to include, but not be limited to: a. Lime pasteurization b. Heat drying c. Composting 3. Recommend additional investigations as may be required to complete evaluation of the feasible alternatives. The purpose of these investigations would be to obtain additional data to complete the needs documentation or the cost-effectiveness evaluation of the alternatives or both. These additional studies may include, but are not necessarily • limited to, additional biosolids quality testing, and pilot testing. 1 • 4. Field review existing biosolids handling procedures and techniques. Review potential alterative options with owner. Expand list of potential alternatives based upon field review and "brainstorm" session with owners representative. Screen list of potential options to determine the four most feasible options. 5. Prepare a cost - effectiveness analysis of the four most feasible options. The cost effectiveness analysis will compare capital, replacement, O&M, and present worth costs as well as non- cost/considerations associated with alteratives analyzed. Part III - Facilities Plan Amendrn 1. Prepare a report which summarizes the analyses completed and provides a recommendation for the City's future solids handling program. 2. Review the draft report with the City. 3. Submit the report to NIPCA for review and approval. 4. Incorporate City and WCA comments into final report. 5. Provide five (5) copies of final report to the City. . B. ASSUNIPTIONS /CONDITIONS 0 This Agreement is subject to the following assumptions/conditions: 1. Additional investigations such as biosolids quality testing and pilot testing as described above are not included in this proposal. 2. Design solids production rate will be based on the current treatment plant design capacity as developed in the 1985 Facilities Plan. C. PROJECT TEAM The initial Project team shall be as follows. If any of these persons become unavailable, RUST E&I will substitute persons with similar qualifications. 2 PART 17 CI: UM'S RESPONSIBUXIIE.S Client, at its expense, shall do the following in a timely manner so as not to delay the Services. A. INFORMATION /REPORTS Furnish RUST E&I the following information, all of which RUST E&I may rely upon without independent verification in performing the Services. 1. Copies of all available reports, drawings, specifications, design and operational data pertinent to the biosolids handling systems, including results of Part 503 Compliance Monitoring. B. REPRESENTATIVE Designate a representative for the Project who shall have the authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define Client's policies and make decisions with respect to the Services. C. DECISIONS Provide y. _ and full information as to Client requirements for the 1' _ obtain (with E&rs assists 1Y applicable) necessary approvals 11 permits, .Ite1.1 Project- related 11 Ln1 1 'J. provide interim on an agreed-upon maim decisions on Project and generally participate in the • .Y II the 1._Y ss 1• allow perform RUST E&I to 11Services. PART III COMPENSATION, BUMING, AND PAYMENT Client shall pay RUST E&I far the Services in accordance with the following. Compensation for the Services set forth in Part I shall be per diem not to exceed $14 ,600. In the event authorization to proceed is not received by January 1, 1994, this price shall be renegotiated. RUST E&I will bill the Client no less frequently than monthly, with a maximum of $7,300 billed in 1993. Net payment is due in 30 days. Past due invoices will be subject to a service charge at the rate of 1 -1/2 per=t per month. The bill will consist of a calculation of the amount of lump sum due based on Percentage of Project completed during the billing period. Unless Client provides RUST EdtI with a written statement of any objections to the bill within 15 days of receipt, Client shall be deemed to accept the bill as submitted. 9 waeoratm+s.san • E L� ATTACHMENT P The City of Hutchinson owns and operates a wastewater treatment plant (W WTP) which utilizes an oxidation ditch type activated sludge process. Recent new federal 503 biosolid regulations may impact the operation of the facilities. The City has been monitoring fecal coliform concentrations and the specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR) of the sludge. The results of this monitoring program will define the quality of the biosolids currently being generated. The quality of the biosolids will dictate final sludge disposal procedures. :..._K • .�. �.. Biosolids management in anticipation of new 503 regulations impacts will be addressed in three tasks. Task I will assess the current situation. Operational records will be summarized to define current flows, loadings and sludge production. The results of the City's monitoring program for fecal coliform, SOUR, and metals will also be compared with the requirements of the new 503 regulations. Task II will include an evaluation of alternative biosolids handling options, if necessary, due to noncompliance with the biosolids quality requirements of the new 503 regulations. Capital as well as operation and maintenance (O&M) costs for alternatives will be compared. A cost - effective analysis will identify the best biosolids handling option for the City. Task III will include preparation of a Facilities Plan Amendment report. The report will provide the City with recommendations and cost data upon which informed decisions may be made by the City regarding future biosolids handling procedures. nvaxarct M.sae 4 RUSUENVIRONMENT & NFRASTRUCTURE 1. STANDARD OF CARE. Services shall be performed in accordance with the standard of professional practice ordinarily exercised by the applicable profession at the time and within the locality where the Services an performed. Professional services are not subject to, and RUST E&I can not provide, any warranty or guarantee, express or implied, including warranties or guarantees contained in any uniform commensal code. Any such warranties or guarantees contained in say purchase orders, requisitions or notices to proceed issued by Client are specifically objected w- 2. CHANGE OF SCOPE. The scope of Services act forth in this Agreement is based on facts known at the time of execution of this Agreement, including, if applicable,informationsuppliedby Client. For acme projects involving conceptual or proem development services, scope may not be fully definable during initial phases. As the Project progressea, facts discovered may indicate that scope must be redefined. RUST E&I will promptly provide Client with an amendment to this Agreement to recognize mob change, which shall be deemed approved if not objected to within 15 days of receipt by Client. 3. SAFETY. RUST E&I bar established and maintains corporate programs and procedures for the safety of its employes. Unless specifically included as a service to be provided under this Agreement, RUST E &I specifically disclaims any authority or responsibility for generaljob site safety and safety of persons other than RUST E&1 employees, d. DELAYS. If events beyond the control of Client or RUST E&I, including, but not limited to, fire, flood, explosion, riot, strike, war, proem shutdown, act of God or the public enemy, and act or regulation of any government agency, result in delay to any schedule established in this Agreement, such wbeduleshall be amended to the extent accessary to compensate for such delay. In the event such delay exceeds 90 days, RUST B&I shall be entitled to an equitable adjustment in compensation. In the event RUST E&I is delayed by Client and mob delay exceeds 30 days, RUST E&I shall be entitled to an extension of time equal to the delay and an equitable adjustment in compensation. S. TERMINATION /SUSPENSION. Either panty may terminate this Agreement upon 30 days written notice to the other party. Client shall pay RUST E&I for all Services, including profit relating thereto, tendered prior to termination, plus say expenses of termination. In the event either party defaults in its obligations under this Agreement (including Client's obligation to make the payments required hereunder), the non-defaulting party may, after 7 days written notice stating its intention to cusped performance under the Agreement if cure of such default is not commenced and diligently continued, and failure of the defaulting party to commence cure within such time limit and diligently continue, suspend performance under this Agreement. 6. OPINIONS OF CONSTRUCTION COST. Any opinionof conslnctioncoats prepared by RUST E&T is supplied for the general guidance of the Client only. Since RUST E&I has no control over competitive bidding or market conditions, RUST E&I cannot guarantee the accuracy of such opinions as compared to contract bids or actual costs to Client. 7. RELATIONSHIP WITH CONTRACTORS. RUST E&I shall serve as Client's professional representative for the Services, and may make recommendntions to Client concerning actioas relating to Client's contractors, but RUST E &I specifically disclaims my authority to dire[ or supervise the means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of constmction selected by Client's contractors. S. CONSTRUCTION REVIEW. For projoets involving construction, Client acknowledges that under generally accepted professional practice, interpnntionsof constructiondocuments in the field sm normally required, ad that performance of construction- mlaredserviom by the design profmiond for the projectpermin errors or omissions to be identified and corrected at comparatively low cost. Client agrees to hold RUST E&I harmless from any claims resulting from performance of construction- relaledservices by person other than RUST E&L 9. INSURANCE. RUST E&I will maintain insurance coverage for Professional, Comprehensive General, Automobile, Worker's Compensation, and Employer's Liability in amounts in accordance with legal, and RUST E&1's business, requirements. Certificates evidencingmch coverage will be provided w Client upon request . For projects involving construction, Client agrees to require its construction contractor, if any, to include RUST E&I as an additional insured on its policies relating to the Project. RUST E&1's coverages referenced drove shall, in such cue, be excess over contractor's primary coverage. PART IV STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS r1 LJ 10. INDEMN('fIFS. To the fullest extent permitted by law, RUST E&I shall indemnify and save harmlm Client from and against loss, liability, and damages sustained by Client, its agents, employes, and representatives by reason of injury or death to persons or damage to tangible property to the extent caused directly by the willful misconduct or failure to adhere to the standard of cue described in Paragraph 1 above of RUST E&I, its agents or employees. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Client shall defend, indemnify, and save harmless RUST E4.L, its agents, employees, and representatives from and against loss, liability, and damages (including reasonable litigation coats) arising from or relating to claims for injury or death to persons, damages to tangible property, or other losses, alleged to be caused by any of the following: (a) any substance, condition, element, or material or any combination of the foregoing (i) produced, emitted or released from the Project (ii) tested by RUST E&I under this Agreement, or (iii) used or incorporated by RUST E&I in the Services; or (b) operation or management of the Project. Client also agrees to require its constnctioncomractor, if any, to include RUST E&I as an indemnitee under any indemnification obligation to Client. 11. LIOHTATIONS OF LIABILITY. No employee or agent of RUST E&I shall have individual liability to Client. Client agrees that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, RUST E&I's total liability W Client for say and all injuries, claims, losses, expenses or damages whatsoever strong out of or in say way related to the Project or this Agreement from any causes including, but act limited to, RUST E&J's negligence, emn, omissions, strict liability, or breach of contract aball not exceed the total compemmionreceived by RUST E&I under this Agreement. If Client desires a limit of liability greater than that provided above, Client and RUST E&I shall include in Part M of this Agreement the amount of mob limit and the additional connpeonation to be paid to RUST E&/ for assumption of mob additional risk. IN NO EVENT AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL RUST E&I BE LIABLE TO CLIENT FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES. 12. ACCESS. Client shell provide RUST E&I safe access to any premises necessary for RUST E&I to provide the Services. 13. REUSE OF PROJECT DELIVERABLES. Reuse of any documents of deliverables, including electronic media, pertaining to the Project by Client for purpose other than that for which mob documents or deliverables were originally prepared, or alteration of mob documents or deliverables without written verification or adaptation by RUST E&I for the specific purpose intended, shall be at the Client's risk. Client agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless; RUST B&I from all claims, damages, and expenses, (including reasonable litigation costs), arising out of such reuse or alteration by Client or others acting through Client. 16. AMENDMENT. This Agreement, upon executioaby both parties hereto, can be amended only by a written instrument signed by both parties. 15. ASSIGNMENT. Except for assignments (a) to entities which control, or are controlled by, the parties hereto or (b) faulting from operation of law, the rights and obligationsof this Agreement carrot be aligned by either party without written permission of the other party. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of any permitted assigns. 16. STATUTES OF LIOTATION. To the fullest extent permitted by law, parties agree that, except for claims for indemnification, the time period for bringingelaim under this Agreement shall expimoneyeu after Project completion. 17. PREVAILING PARTY LITIGATION COSTS. In the event any actions an brought to enforce this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to outdoes its litigation roan from the other party. 10. NO WAIVER. No waiver by either party of any default by the other party in the performance of any particularsection of this Agreement shall invalidate any other section of this Agreement or operate as a waiver of any loner default, whether like or different in character. - 19. NO THIRD -PARTY BENEFICIARY. Nothing contained in this Agreement, nor the performance of the parties hereunder, is intended to benefit, nor shall inure to the benefit of, any third party, including ClieWs contractors, if say. 20. SEVERABDdTY. The various terms, provisions and covenants herein contained shall be deemed to be separate and severable, aced the invalidity or unenforceabilit y of any of them shall nor affect or impair the validity or enforceability of the remainder. 21. AUTHORITY. The persons signing this Agreement warrant that they the authority to sign as, or on behalf of, the party for whom they are signing. amuxrrvma,mERv.tr Quality through teamwork 0 May 18, 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: Gary Plotz, City Administrat FROM: Steve Madson, Chief of Polic Wn DATE: September 22, 1993 RE: Lease of Pagers ------------------------------------------------------ ----- - - - - -- For quite sometime the police department has tried to determine a means whereby we can recall employees from off -duty status to duty status quickly when an emergency situation develops. Many times employees are not at home when we attempt telephone calls, however, are within the city or within response range if they could be contacted. We have tried experimenting with pagers which are activated and controlled by local radio frequency. The result is a cost in excess of $400 each and limited range (10 - 14 miles). Recently, we explored the idea of leasing telephone activated pages through MinnComm paging. Attached is a map showing the paging area • which basically includes the Twin Cities, St. Cloud, as well as our local area (essentially 60 - 65 mile coverage). This method appears to be an answer to the need to be able to contact department personnel. It is important to be able to recall supervisory, investigative and special response team personnel quickly when an emergency develops. I believe this idea will assist us in satisfying this need. The cost if $5.95 per month per pager to rent. This includes the rental, maintenance of pager and 500 calls per pager per month. I would recommend initially obtaining eighteen (18) pagers at a cost of $107.10 per month If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. /lkg 93 -02 -0018 • 9- K, MOKKIbun BENTON STEARNS ISANTI • Rush BAR PO SHERBURNE • CHISAGO ANOKA Anoka WASH TON MEEKER WRIGHT ST. CROIX DUN ENNEPIN *Stillwater Brooklyn Park . Paul Ri i n US * U S Hutc insson Bloomin t ottage Grove MdEOO Val fey ApI Eagan`• PIERCE PEP SIBLEY SCOTT DAKOTA RICE GOODHUE �� NICOLLET LE SUEUR Northfield In HA O e Fabautt w Ulm rl r. 0 R �y S TEEL S DODGE When You're In Touch ... You're In Control! ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS BLOOMINGTO,1", 6S6 Transfer Rd 610 Ottawa Ave N 8140 26th Ave S 64S -2084 S22 -3344 8S4 -4444 9 -K When You're In Touch ... You're In Control! ST. PAUL 656 Transfer Rd 645 -2084 The Largest Paging Coverage From Minnesotan #1 Paging Company MINNEAPOLIS 610 Ottawa Ave N 522 -3344 BLOOMINGTON 8140 26th Ave S , 854 -4444 Albertville East Union Maple Lake St. Joseph Afton Elk River Maple Grave St. Michael Andover Elko Maple Plain St. Paul Annandale Excelsior Marine on St. Croix St. Paul Park Anoka Fairhaven Mayer St. Thomas Arlington Farmington Medina Santiago Bayport le Foley Minneapolis Sartell Be Plains Forest Lake Montgomery Sauk Rapids Biscay French Lake Montrose Savage Blaine Gaylord Mound Scandia Blooming�ton Glencoe New Auburn Shafer Bonggards Grandy New Germany Shakopee Bradford Green Isle New Market Silver Creek Branch Hamburg New Prague Silver Lake Brownton Hampton New Richmond Somerset Buffalo Harris New Trier Stacy Cambridge Hastings North Branch Stanton Cannon City Hay Creek Northfield Stewart Cannon Falls Heidelberg Norwood Stillwater Carver Howard Lake Plato Taylors Falls Castle Rock Hudson Point Douglas Vermillion Cedar Hutchinson Prescott Victoria Center City Independence Princeton Waconia Chaska Isanti Ram Waite Park Chisago City Jordan Rando ph Watertown Cokato Lake Elmo Red Wind Waverly Colonge Lakeland River Falls Webster Coon Rapids Lester Praire Roberts West Albion Corcoran Lindstrom Rockford White Bear Lake Cottage Grove Lino Lakes Rockville Winsted Dalbo Long Lake Rogers Wyoming Delano Long Siding St. Augusta Young America Dennison Lonsdale St. Bonifacius Zimmerman Dundas Luxemburg St. Cloud � �* East Bethel Lydia St. Francis - +�- '- ^^�" -� Camp a ao"jM im. When You're In Touch ... You're In Control! ST. PAUL 656 Transfer Rd 645 -2084 The Largest Paging Coverage From Minnesotan #1 Paging Company MINNEAPOLIS 610 Ottawa Ave N 522 -3344 BLOOMINGTON 8140 26th Ave S , 854 -4444 r.r4TN..\1 r • TO: Gary Plotz, City Administra r FROM: Steve Madson, Chief of Poli DATE: September 22, 1993 RE: Computer Purchase This memorandum will serve as a request to purchase two (2) HP 486 Vectra VL computers for the police department. These units will be equipped with VGA monitors, hard disk drives, 3 1/2" as well as 5 1/4 disk drives and 8 mg RAM. The cost is $2-7� per unit and will be funded from the forfeiture fund. 8 a1sa-7 If you have any questions or concerns regarding this memorandum, please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience. /lkg 93 -02 -0019 0 9 -t, • • C. M E M O R A N D U M DATE: September 23, 1993 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT AND FINAL PLAT OF "ISLAND VIEW HEIGHTS FIRST ADDITION" SUBMITTED BY WDH LAND INC. Pursuant to Section 3.20 of Subdivision Ordinance No. 466, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a preliminary plat and final plat. HISTORY On August 20, 1993, Rich Westlund, WDH Land Inc., submitted a preliminary and final plat of ISLAND VIEW HEIGHTS FIRST ADDITION. A public hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, September 21, 1993, at which time there was no one present objecting to the request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application and plat maps were submitted the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 9, 1993. 3. Director of Engineering, John Rodeberg, will submit certification that the proposed preliminary and final plat meets all the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance as per Final Plat Data. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the aforementioned preliminary and final plat be approved as submitted. City Hall 37 Washington Avenue West (612) 587 -5151 Respectfully submitted, Clint Gruett, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission Parks &Recreation 900 Harrington Street (612) 587 -2975 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 - Printed on recycled paper - Police Department 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -2242 9- All Ss land View KC cant PRELIMINARY PLAT Al F, ------------- A V E N'U 1 pr b2 2 OWNER- WON 14E 15 7 Z4 23 - 26 T 0 3 41 F� J4 4 4 40 Sj- OUTLOT 8 - PROPOSED 37 IT 5.17 ACRES 3t '21 ssIs 2 14 Ell I ED] 3f It 7 / .4 11110CWL 14 13- 7 — _ - - - -- — — — - — — — — w IN. r)TTC'Q IFF 71 lip 17 35 2 En Eno; CAI En-. EnI En. n''I OWNER- WON 14E 15 7 Z4 23 - 26 T 0 3 41 F� J4 4 4 40 Sj- OUTLOT 8 - PROPOSED 37 IT 5.17 ACRES 3t '21 ssIs 2 14 Ell I ED] 3f It 7 / .4 11110CWL 14 13- 7 — _ - - - -- — — — - — — — — w IN. r)TTC'Q IFF 71 / � xNxr ux( ar fR la � •i »caw» W t(a ii i� �� Illl 1» I' WY[WY[d110x K[ 1 WSCfIM•t Wi M .Yi N I I - -- rec; o -- -1, ---- i- -----'7��--- --- wwo_c w--- --- . _I - - -uau• _/ - � � R NCUiOD I 8 R - -le..N ROAD �2 COUNTY T/ s',R » - R - -- -- "- -1 i N° s 8 � 8 -H- .N -_ si l ig __ __ I Nd--- ____ _______ f io ROAo »..l ez R � ---� - . is 1- • ea 3 : R 2 6 In.ie - -lu II of ' I, o ;'i 3 i is r �. p ♦AiG J I R I ^- S•� •3 4 �s x (2E�_R1 uin, �R-��- '. Iw w '� ad• - iri6 bo t W„ R q-qt s wN' Rt, I>,.p81 Ir M q • 1 , 1 Y w r sk 5 Is b 4 7 " +i OUTLOT C 54' i I ;i•'1 1 \- G u I 1 rT» � : -- -' I N , y � .ips'• ', '`(' gar- -� - = -- q r. .. `_- -- ._ _ 1 •`,�° ._AYL__�" ,1'.� � r 0 •�,,.- _ �.N: fY ( I 9fiY -T» »i. .,t4 t� g' 2 & I Nrra ✓.. - -- 10 y } __,(.IN..T 8 wr( ,•eY , p.lri t) JN _M NI !B -� ,•. __1144LL - -. (gw•gt grlr_;, I 8 0 T T E R LAKE tj •'R in..w ! Ikd .A' -; io» ;-w d-uSr-� a.n..':iz, n �.- 11 tm.w i sk;° 3 i :a �A i (�i} I8 0 y A I s s =8 OUTLOT A B i All 7 8�� ----- • I 1W _ Al ; r IRr 3 I „ ♦ xv« .r _ E _= n..w f ' %• .` rc Fc d „ R „ � V '8 IRxl81 N s r MATCH ) SHE ET 3 - ,\ •s & O IY r E a 14 8 10 I ! RI at KNCM saElt (ILY »..w . 15 $ g I •� ' R 11 I SRI - -- t � ir:: w,r I,Na11 xgwl .ai. [LLYOWN . ra,..N �-: — _ ' tOY W F[SOr. p I1 1YfNi p Y,rw4 • Nwtt( i F I 1 _}}l -. IF - _I R 12 181 Iwo ' »!f' i- -J 1 -- -- --- •'� , » » I<_.... {� , 0� [i, Ill' \ Nq u'fYr ` -raw � "?� x w n' ar ( — MATCH I INc A 0 RESOLUTION NO. 10056 RESOLUTION GIVING APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT KNOWN AS ISLAND VIEW HEIGHTS FIRST ADDITION WHEREAS, WDH Land Inc, has submitted an application for approval of a preliminary and final plat to be known as ISLAND VIEW HEIGHTS FIRST ADDITION of said subdivision in the manner required for platting of land under the Hutchinson Ordinance Code, and all proceedings have been duly had thereunder, and WHEREAS, said plat is in all respects consistent with the City Plan and the regulations and requirements of the laws of the State of Minnesota and the ordinance of the City of Hutchinson and WHEREAS, said plat is situated upon the following described land in McLeod county, to -wit; Legal Description: The East half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 116 North, Range 30 West, McLeod County, Minnesota, and the West Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 11, Township 116 North, Range 30 West, McLeod County, Minnesota. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. That said preliminary and final plat of ISLAND VIEW HEIGHTS FIRST ADDITION is hereby approved and accepted by the City as being in accord and conformity with all ordinances, City plans and regulations of the City of Hutchinson and the laws of the State of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT such certification upon said plat by Mayor and Cit required, shall be conclusive showing of therewith by the subdivider and City officials above described and shall entitle such plat to forthwith without further formality. execution of the y Administrator, as proper compliance charged with duties be placed on record Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of September, 1993. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Paul L. Ackland Mayor / M% • C DATE: September 23, 1993 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE TO REDUCE SIDE YARD SETBACK LOCATED AT HUTCHINSON TECHNOLOGY INC Pursuant to Section 6.05, B3, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a variance. HISTORY On August 30, 1993, Hutchinson Technology Inc., submitted an application for a variance to reduce sideyard setback from 20' to 9'6" for construction of concrete bases for manufacturing equipment located a Hutchinson Technology Inc., 40 W. Highland Park. A hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, September 21, 1993, at which time there was no one .present objecting to the request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 9, 1993. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the variance be approved based on the findings set forth above. If it is necessary to move gas lines Hutchinson Technology will move at their expense. Respectfully submitted, Clint Gruett, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission City Hall Parks &Recreation 37 Washington Avenue West 900 Harrington Street (612) 587 -5151 (612) 587 -2975 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 - Printed on mcycicd paper - Police Department 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -2242 17' cif b„ W Z J F K W a CL CL RESOLUTION NO. 10057 RESOLUTION GRANTING VARIANCE FROM SECTION 6.05 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 TO ALLOW A VARIANCE FROM THE SIDE YARD SETBACK LOCATED AT HUTCHINSON TECHNOLOGY INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE BASES FOR MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: FINDINGS 1. Hutchinson Technology Inc. has applied for a variance from Section 7 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 for side yard from 20, to 9' 6" located at Hutchinson Technology Inc., 40 W. Highland Park, with the following legal description: Legal Description: Lot 1, Block 1, Hutch Industrial Plat 2. The Planning Commission has reviewed the application for a variance and has recommended to the City Council that the application be approved as set forth above. 3. The Council has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, and the values of property in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance upon the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Because of conditions on the subject property and on the . surrounding property, it is possible to use the subject property in such a way that the proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals, or in any other aspect be contrary to the intent of the ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. 5. The special conditions applying to the structure or land in question are peculiar to such property or immediately adjoining property and do not apply generally to other land or structures in the district in which such land is located. 6. The granting of the application is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. It will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant, but is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship or difficulty. CONCLUSION The application for variance be granted based on the findings set forth above. Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of September, 1993. ATTEST: • Gary D. Plotz, City Adm. Paul L. Ackland, Mayor ?-/4/1 r DATE: September 23, 1993 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REOUESTED BY ANN ROGERS TO MOVE A 1976 MOBILE HOME INTO LOT IN COUNTRY CLUB TERRACE Pursuant to Section 6.07, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit. HISTORY On August 31, 1993, Ms Ann Rogers, submitted an application for a conditional use permit to move a 1976 Rosewood mobile home unto lot in Country Club Terrace. A public hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, September 21, 1993, at which time there was no one present who objected to the request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 9, 1993. 3. The proposal is in conformance with the requirements of a conditional use permit. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit be granted based on the findings set forth above subject to meeting life safety requirements as follows: Egress windows in all bedrooms, Interconnected smoke detectors, Verify all appliances, plumbing, electrical, etc. to be brought to present day code and Verify double glaze windows. Respectfully submitted, Clint Gruett, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission City Hall Parks & Recreation Police Department 37 Washington Avenue West 900 Harrington Street 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -5151 (611) 587 -2975 (612) 587 -2242 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 - Printed on recycled paper- RESOLUTION NO. 10058 RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER SECTION 6.07 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 TO MOVE A 1976 MOBILE HOME ONTO LOT IN COUNTRY CLUB TERRACE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: 0 FINDINGS 1. Ann Rogers has made application to the City Council for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 6.07 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to allow her to move a 1976 Rosewood mobile home onto lot in Country Club Terrace. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the community nor will it cause serious traffic congestion nor hazards, nor will it seriously depreciate surrounding property values, and the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. CONCLUSION The application for Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above subject to meeting the Life Safety requirements. Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of September, 1993. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Paul L. Ackland Mayor 40 /'—A 0 RESOLUTION NO. 10058 RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER SECTION 6.07 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 TO MOVE A 1976 MOBILE HOME ONTO LOT IN COUNTRY CLUB TERRACE iBE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS 1. Ann Rogers has made application to the City Council for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 6.07 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to allow her to move a 1976 Rosewood mobile home onto lot in Country Club Terrace. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the community nor will it cause serious traffic congestion nor hazards, nor will it seriously depreciate surrounding property values, and the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. CONCLUSION iThe application for Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above subject to meeting the Life Safety requirements. Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of September, 1993. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator i Paul L. Ackland Mayor r AIL _ a ' s R a ref., Z i a. ;• g x r_7 • ,-�-. - ..- .-... - .t f r. at v �7 k :f :�s �$ 'pt, i I'i� F � • : t r � iE r DATE: September 23, 1993 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF VACATION OF EASEMENT LOCATED IN "WALNUT RIDGE ESTATES" PLAT Pursuant to Section 5.972 of Subdivision Ordinance No. 466, the Hutchinson Planing commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for vacation of utility easements located in WALNUT RIDGE ESTATES. HISTORY On August 31, 1993, Ralph Schmitz, BSK of Hutchinson, submitted a petition for the vacation of utility easements located in WALNUT RIDGE ESTATES. The public hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, September 21, 1993, at which time there were no neighboring property objecting to the request. FINDINGS OF FACT Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 9, 1993 and Tuesday, September 14, 1993. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation vacation be granted based City Hall 37 Washington Avenue West (612) 587 -5151 of the Planning Commission that the on the findings set forth above. Respectfully Submitted, Clint Gruett, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission Parks &Recreation 900 Harrington Street (612) 587 -2975 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 - Printed on recycled paper - Police Department 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -2242 C M E M O R A N D U M DATES September 3, 1993 TOs Hutchinson Planning Commission FROM, Planning Staff - G. Plotz, J. Marks, L. Huhn, H. Palm, M. Hensen, C. Mangan, S. Madson and J. Rodeberg SUBJECTS CONSIDERATION OF VACATION OF EASEMENTS IN WALNUT RIDGE ESTATES REQUESTED BY RALPH SCHMITZ The planning staff recommends approval of the request, however further changes in that area will require a replat. cc, Ralph Schmitz, BSK of Hutchinson June Redman, Redman Real Estate City Hall Parks &Recreation Police Department 37 Washington Avenue West 900 Harrington Street 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -5151 (612) 587 -2975 (612) 587 -2242 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 - Printed on recycled paper- E 0 9-P' i 47" E 203.51 1 S 90.00' 00" E - - - . 70.06 W 70.05 4I I r6nci"i -7o -o0 =1T Too. —oo- 1 1DO i o I� of IN 1 OIIIY 0 II ,. •� -°o i o IN' 2 ° I' 3 °ol IN 4 0 5 ^I '00' 00'� E o I o I' o °l I °ol I^ of , W.00 i 70.00 _ _? 1 70.00 21 — 70 00 Z t _ _ 1 m1 I 1 Z9 -24 _ 100_00— , - 5390 00' 00" e°��QRTHW00D AWENUE 30.00 n — I I o I 12U,00 30 2c cl m 1 CK) I 120 S 90 °00' 00" E 0 o LO N • �- 45G.00 .00 ° EASEMENTS TO BE 1 10 120.00 - I VACATED I to of 0 UTLOT I o� o O p O p n n 30 130 90 ul N - 1N rn 30 1 30 I 1 I� 1 1 I o�0 of n I I(A 1W �Cif U J 591.3 .180.17 1 lZ 174.4 O l0 1 i 10- Im _ S 90_00_00" E r -- -- -91 Ito 195.52 I 11 �£ 0 I6 2 ul 1 90.00'00" E - _mli= _ _ 0 j r - - - 205- - - - - 0 � IS g' 'mow° 10 .3 NI INN a cc L -_S 90.00_00.. r--- 211.65 23.171 i 0 Io � I° 4 4 rc s 30.00. 00" E - 14000 5 I -S 90.00_00_' E 140.00 I to I o° °o I I 0 Im 6 ml I S 90.00' 00" E 140.00 I I to Im 7I I� ` S 90400' 00" r - 140.060 57 I e J � I I I O I Io 2 G °pl - L - 120.00 _ I LS 90.00' 00_' EI 300.00 j -1- - - I 0 0 14 o °I O 0 3 m ml co IS 90.00' 00_E1 .r 12o.ao — I to °pl 0 Im ml S 90.00' OD'_ E1 720.00 - I i oo° I J S 0' 00" E� 9 A °I S o 0 6 IQ m1 S 90-00-00" Ej 1 - 720 -00 - I o 7 gl ° Im ml W S 9000' 00'_ Ei o I 120.00 - t of lo° o °_ I o� o O p O p n n 30 130 90 ul N - 1N rn 30 1 30 I 1 I� 1 1 I o�0 of n I I(A 1W �Cif U J 591.3 .180.17 1 lZ 174.4 O l0 1 i 10- Im _ S 90_00_00" E r -- -- -91 Ito 195.52 I 11 �£ 0 I6 2 ul 1 90.00'00" E - _mli= _ _ 0 j r - - - 205- - - - - 0 � IS g' 'mow° 10 .3 NI INN a cc L -_S 90.00_00.. r--- 211.65 23.171 i 0 Io � I° 4 4 rc s 30.00. 00" E - 14000 5 I -S 90.00_00_' E 140.00 I to I o° °o I I 0 Im 6 ml I S 90.00' 00" E 140.00 I I to Im 7I I� ` S 90400' 00" r - 140.060 57 I e J � I I I • C TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission �ptember 23, 1993 SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT ON DALE ST SUBMITTED BY DENNIS KAHL, COMPTON ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION CO. The Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed lot split. City Hall 37 Washington At,enue West (612) 587 -5151 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street (612) 587 -2975 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 - -Printed on mcucfed Prtper - -� Police Department 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -2242 Certificate of Survey for Compton Anderson Construction Co. That part of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest . Quarter of Section 1, Township 116 North, Range 30 West, McLeod County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence west along the south line of said Southwest Quarter, 691.80 feet; thence northerly, deflecting to the right 89 degrees 57 minutes 00 seconds, 391,80 feet; thence easterly, parallel with the north line of said South Half, 167.53 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing easterly, parallel with said north line, to the north- westerly line of Dale Street; thence southwesterly, along said north- westerly line of Dale Street, 163.28 feet; thence northwesterly, de- flecting to the right 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, 154.96 feet to the intersection with a line drawn southwesterly from the point of be- ginning parallel with said northwesterly line of Dale Street; thence northeasterly, parallel with said northwesterly line of Dale Street, 72.54 feet to the point of beginning. Subject to an easement for a retaining wall. Said easement is described as beginning at a point on the north line of the above described parcel a distance of 50.64 feet west of the northeast corner of said parcel; thence easterly, along said north line, 50.64 feet to said northeast corner; thence southwesterly, along the northwesterly line of Dale Street; 21.50 feet; thence northwesterly to the point of beginning. Parallel with north line of S1 /2 of SEIi4 of SW 1/4 J —.179-58— ­ 1 i 90000 N 18272 S0. FT. / 4 / 40 o m / o 9 / C / QJ / - - - - -- 179_58 - - - -- / r P � �O 4 P, 0J P� Q $o i' 4 .0 `6 �C 4 V U F I I I ANA Pv O v! ! Z 9• • r 1 LJ C M E M O R A N D U M DATE: September 23, 1993 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF REZONING FROM R -2 to R -3 PROPERTY ON DALE ST. SUBMITTED BY_ DENNIS KAHL. COMPTON- ANDERSON Pursuant to Section 6.06, C4, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for rezoning. HISTORY On September 2, 1993, Dennis Kahl, submitted a request to rezone property from R -2 (Multiple Family Residence District) to R -3 (Multiple Family Residence District). A hearing was held at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, September 21, 1993, there was no one present objecting to the request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 9, 1993. 3. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that the request be approved. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the aforementioned request to rezone be approved base on the findings set forth above. City Hall 37 Washington Avenue West (612) 587 -5151 Respectfully submitted, Clint Gruett, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street (612) 587 -2975 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 - Printed on mcuded parer - Police Department 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -2242 ZL r •n �j �� S� C�9 . ! ] r • i e • l j 1 ,. r "1 1` l: 1 � r Sec • A r W ' • • \ 1 • ' • GOEIIEL 4 tN • I '•i]..x . 1 • a • L N: w :I " �i a _ WILIVI- f' p 4 J sOUTN VIEW • •• ' ] IM . A JO T � rY 1 Lw � • J .. ` i en.., 3 f f �• J N • — •- LINDEN •vnor EIGHTH i • ..' .. •'•/7• y 1.1 • LI ; ] �n �'sY.ni r r �•\ �/�; f--� LAUD. AVENUE J _ '•"- 1 4q ,y NAY STREET ✓ _ • ! • , .. r• X10 , -�-� .� ! 4`: AVENUE u ., AREA TO BE R� .'' •1ENUE REZONED FROM R -2 TO R -3 JE \I P z i M!1 ,r1L IMIf � !�— • SL Luna•.. CIVIp = It Y l 141. K R CNICS30 �YENYE J I '4 x CLEVEL"NO Y •V / J . V • • C DATE: September 23, 1993 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: _CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY DENNIS KAHL COMPTON- ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION TO CONSTRUCT A 4 PLEX ON DALE ST Pursuant to Section 6.07, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit. HISTORY On September 2, 1993, Dennis Kahl, submitted an application for a conditional use permit to construct a 4 plex located on Dale St. A public hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, September 21, 1993, at which time there was no one present who objected to the request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 9, 1993. 3. The proposal is in conformance with the requirements of a conditional use permit. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit be granted based on the findings set forth above. City Hall 37 Washington Avenue West (612) 587 -5151 Respectfully submitted, Clint Gruett, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street (612) 587 -2975 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 - P,in ted o+! remcfed r•o+ +e.- Police Department 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -2242 9- 5, glnnln el wl En saga norcnwes Ee[ly line of vale btreet; thence north y, parallel with said northwester #y liYte`"'of Dale Street, 72.54 feet.,4 o the point of beginning. Subject to an- easement for a retaining wall. Said easement is described as beginning at a point on the north line of the above described parcel a distance of 50.64 feet west of the northeast corner of said parcel; then easterly, along said north line, 50.64 feet to said northeast corner; thence southwesterly, along the northwesterly line of Dale Street; 21.50 feet; thence northwesterly to the point of beginning. Parallel with north line of S 1/2 of SEI /4 of SW 1/4 167. 53--- i /,a 0 / .-.179.58— htj� AnL 18272 SO. FT. v Q� 900p0, ^p e Q 4D a�y� 0J` 30 - QP s m $g 4v m 2p M + fob / V 179_58_ e / c A. C* � SE cor. of SW I /4� s� ..... 691.80-- -- -- •• -- r South line of SW 1/4 of Sec. 1, T. 116 N., R. 30 W O 25 50 100 I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or under my direct super scale In f!!i and that I am a duly Licensed Lend Surveyor under the Tars of the State of Minn 5:6 • Denotes Iron monument found O Denotes Iron monument set Willard Pelltnen, License No. 9626. Date a/30/9:5 PELLINEN LAIR SURVEYING HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA im No. HU 933592 Boar P1v 15 PAGE 77 J � , • • RESOLUTION NO. 10059 RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER SECTION 6.07 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A FOUR PLEX LOCATED ON DALE ST. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS 1. Dennis Kahl, Compton - Anderson Construction, has made application to the City Council for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 6.07 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to allow the owner to construct a 4 -plex on property located on Dale Street with the following legal description. Legal Description: That part of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 1, Township 116 North, Range 30 West, McLeod County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence west along the south line of said Southwest Quarter, 691.80 feet; thence northerly, deflecting to the right 89 degrees 57 minutes 00 seconds, 391.80 feet; thence easterly, parallel with the north line of said South Half, 167.53 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing easterly, parallel with said north line, to the northwesterly line of Dale Street; thence southwesterly, along said northwesterly line of Dale Street, 163.28 feet; thence northwesterly, deflecting to the right 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, 154.96 feet to the intersection with a line drawn southwesterly from the point of beginning parallel with said northwesterly line of Dale Street; thence northeasterly, parallel with said northwesterly line of Dale Street, 72.54 feet to the point of beginning. Subject to an easement for a retaining wall. Said easement is described as beginning at a point on the north line of the above described parcel a distance of 50.64 feet west of the northeast corner of said parcel; thence easterly, along said north line, 50.64 feet to said northeast corner; thence southwesterly, along the northwesterly line of Dale Street; 21.50 feet; thence northwesterly to the point of beginning. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the community nor will it cause serious traffic congestion nor hazards, nor will it seriously depreciate surrounding property values, and the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent • of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. CONCLUSION The application for Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above. Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of September, 1993. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Paul L. Ackland Mayor E • �J 0 C M E H 0 R A N D U H DATE, September 22, 1993 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT OF "SUNNYSIDE FIRST ADDITION" SUBMITTED BY LEROY CHRISTENSON, HUTCHINSON TWP., 2 MILE RADIUS The Planning Commission recommends approval of the plat with no objection. City Hall 37 Washington Avenue West (612) 587 -5151 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street (612) 587 -2975 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 -Printed on recycled paper . Police Department 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -2242 9- T TOWNSHP 37 NCRTH YQFEO HUTCHINSON CCDE -2 RANGE 29 WEST ¢NMA 4 IYA a. . 16 u, J SYr sn ei rr �. wLLtv SMALL rRACT OWNf3S a i RANGE 29 WEST ¢NMA 4 IYA a. . 16 u, J SYr sn ei rr �. a1 COwwp1 Of LOTS. w ..1 ' N90.0000'W- 25000• - q �-N90.00fWw -- 316JS -- / _.. .._ S at ARM- TSTeM 1513ASED UPON u W GL.ANZFR FIRST ADDITION HAVING ..dNG Of N9O.00'00'W t NCH ; WO FEET 1 s .A00 ' -a- 099 for wo O L •l0_0944_r_io4�o._ OUTLOT Is 1NO L•TIL' • L. SEMENTS ARE '..5 ALONG STREET AND LOT LINES I Boa «ioioo'oo r- ¢so.0o —� 0- 2 IF I�O,taixsc[_ s L «f4'974o r[- 21053_• -� 1 � It -ia L•[x a U .v O IFS \ 1 I_ O O I 'A i 1I Ip1 - o O «f0'000°'-W- 2!0.0_0 i I • ' 0 ( • Q 'L Y.o _ 0- 1 ,o N I V \ 1 1 ' U O O_— 3 L use 00'00 w- 2x0.00 ca � In ..._ wl _ � 1 590.00'00 "E - 250.00 4 CTION COURT -,OeR — �MOa G: ka. ° O 1 • L GRADE [,F'Li:$ 1 o «a`«•0[ „`_, _ �p'1,. _ n e�� L • �•� a Ow w:1 -- \OGb ` , +' a y'• +- Imo. -� yTL,TY l�flrlwta � i O. V s44•[1AT2 east • J� 05 3 I_ 10 -e .�•T =-r., v g90.00'OOrE-250 J0 IN p �lOOTN LINE Of NORTH OO «C. Of W 1/2 OF )NO 1A6 0 R FOR YOUR INFORMATION % MINUTES • HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, September 21, 1993 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Clint Gruett at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Bill Craig, April Brandt, Roger Gilmer, Craig Lenz and Chairman Gruett Members Absent: Dean Wood and EIRoy Dobratz Also Present: City Administrator Gary Plotz, Director of Engineering John Rodeberg, Building Official Jim Marka, Fire Marshal Mike Palm, Engineering Technician Larry Huhn and Asst. City Attorney Gina Brandt. 2. MINUTES Mr. Lenz made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting dated Tuesday, August 17, 1993. Seconded by Mr. Craig the motion carried unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS • (a) CONSIDERATION OF CONTINUATION OF REZONING FROM C -3 TO R -2 LOCATED ON FRANKLIN ST REQUESTED BY CITY STAFF City Administrator Gary Plotz stated staff recommends to continue the hearing to the October meeting. Ms. Audrey Field, 46 Franklin St N, asked Mr. Plotz to explain the Tax Increment District and if the rezoning would affect her taxes. Mr. Plotz explained Ms. Field's property would not be impacted as long as her property remained residential. Mr. Craig moved to continue the hearing to the October meeting, seconded by Mr. Gilmer the motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF "ISLAND VIEW HEIGHTS FIRST ADDITION" SUBMITTED BY WDH LAND INC. Chairman Gruett opened the hearing at 5:31 p.m. with the reading of publication #4566 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, 0 1 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 9/21/93 September 9, 1993. The request is for the purpose of considering a request by WDH Land Inc. for a preliminary and final plat to be known as "Island View Heights First Addition ". City Administrator Plotz commented on the location of the newly annexed property in Lynn Twp. He read the staff recommendations of September 3, 1993, and explained all items are in compliance. Director of Engineering John Rodeberg commented services to the property should be in early Spring. Mr. Craig moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Lenz the hearing closed at 5:41 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to approve the preliminary and final plat. Seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSON TECHNOLOGY INC. �J Chairman Gruett opened the hearing at 5:42 p.m. with the reading of publication #4567 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, • September 9, 1993. The request is for the purpose of considering a request by Hutchinson Technology Inc. for a variance on side yard setback from 20' to 9'6" for construction of concrete bases for manufacturing equipment. Mr. Craig excused himself from the table to represent Hutchinson Technology. City Administrator Gary Plotz explained the request and commented on the hardship. Mr. Craig commented on the neighboring property and he stated in the event the gas main is to be moved Hutchinson Technology will move at their expense. Mr. Lenz moved to close the hearing, seconded by Ms. Brandt the hearing closed at 5:46 p.m. Mr. Lenz made a motion to recommend approval of the request noting the gas main removal at Hutchinson Technology expense. Seconded by Mr. Gilmer the motion carried unanimously with Mr. Craig abstaining. 2 • • HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 9/21/93 (d) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO MOVE A 1976 MOBILE HOME ONTO LOT IN COUNTRY CLUB TERRACE REQUESTED BY ANN ROGERS Chairman Gruett opened the hearing at 5:47 p.m. with the reading of publication #4568 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 9, 1993. The request is for the purpose of considering a request for a conditional use permit to move a 1976 Rosewood mobile home unto a lot in Country Club Terrace. Mr. Plotz commented on the zoning regulation of older mobile homes and the staff recommendation of meeting Life Safety requirements. Ms. Rogers stated her home is in compliance. Mr. Lenz moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Craig the hearing closed at 5:48 p.m. Mr. Lenz moved to recommend approval of the request subject to meeting Life Safety issues. Seconded by Mr. Gilmer the motion carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION OF VACATION OF EASEMENTS IN WALNUT RIDGE ESTATES REQUESTED BY RALPH SCHMITZ, BSK OF HUTCHINSON Chairman Gruett opened the hearing at 5:49 p.m. with the reading of publication #4569 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 9, 1993, and Tuesday, September 14, 1993. The request is for the purpose of considering a petition to vacate a utility easement in Walnut Ridge Estates plat. City Administrator Plotz stated one vacation of easement is acceptable any further development would require a replat of the property. There was discussion of the platting in the area for single family and the developer would now be building a duplex on the property. Mr. Craig moved to close the hearing, seconded by Ms. Brandt the hearing closed at 5:52 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to recommend approval of the request. Seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. 0 3 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 9/21/93 (f) CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT AND REZONING FROM R -2 TO R -3 LOCATED ON DALE ST REQUESTED BY DENNIS KAHL, COMPTON- ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION CO Chairman Gruen opened the hearing at 5:51 p.m. with the reading of publication #4570 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 9, 1993. The request is for the purpose of considering a rezoning and lot split located on Dale St. submitted by Dennis Kahl, Compton - Anderson Construction. City Administrator Gary Plotz commented on the request and explained the staff recommendation requiring adequate parking. City Engineer John Rodeberg stated service is available for a duplex on the property. Mr. Kahl stated they do comply with the parking requirement. Mr. Gilmer moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Lenz the hearing closed at 5:55 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to approve the lot split and the rezoning from R -2 . to R -3. Seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. (g) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT 4 PLEX ON DALE ST REQUESTED BY DENNIS KAHL, COMPTON- ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION CO Chairman Gruett opened the hearing at 5:56 p.m. with the reading of publication #4571 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 9, 1993. The request is for the purpose of considering a request for a conditional use permit to construct a 4 plex on property located on Dale St. Mr. Plotz commented on the multiple family unit in an R -3 district requiring a conditional use permit. He stated the parking has been addressed. Mr. Craig moved to close the hearing, seconded by Ms. Brandt the hearing closed at 5:58 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to recommend approval of the request. Seconded by Mr. Gilmer the motion carried unanimously. 4 • E HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 9/21/93 4. OLD BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION OF REQUEST BY PAUL BETKER FOR REZONING, LOT SPLIT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT LOCATED ON MICHIGAN ST City Administrator Gary Plotz commented on the history of the request and the fact the Planning Commission denied the request last month. Mr. Betker stated he was confused as to what he could do with the property. Building Official Jim Marka explained the staff recommendation to replat the property. Mr. Betker stated he is unsure of the use at this time. Mr. Plotz explained the ordinance requires a site plan on a rezoning request. Discussion followed on the use of the property and the platting possibility. 5. NEW BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND VARIANCE REQUESTED BY PAUL BETKER FOR PROPERTY ON 849 2ND AVE SW Building Official Jim Marka commented on the history of the request for a variance in May of 1991 requested by Mr. Lyle Falling for the extension of a garage. Mr. Betker would like to add to the north and maintain a 5.8' setback the hardship being a narrow lot. He stated if the foundation is not sound he would rebuild and then try to maintain an 8' setback. Mr. Lenz voiced concern with the present condition of the building and the fact if replacement is necessary the setback of 8' should be maintained. Discussion followed on the R -1 district requirements. 5 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 9/21/93 (b) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SUNNYSIDE FIRST ADDITION SUBMITTED BY LEROY CHRISTENSON, HUTCHINSON TWP, 2 MILE RADIUS City Administrator Plotz explained the three step process and the planning commission considered the sketch plan in March. The planning staff had recommendations at that time and would approve with the same recommendations also noting the proposed street name would be a street already in the city. Ms. Christensen stated they are now aware of the street name problem and will be changing their proposal. Mr. Lenz move to approve the preliminary plat with no objection, seconded by Mr. Craig the motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION OF SKETCH SUBMITTED BY FRANK FAY ON WILLIS MILLER PROPERTY IN HUTCHINSON TWP, 2 MILE RADIUS E Mr. Plotz commented on his conversations with Mr. Fay and stated no action • is needed. (d) DISCUSSION OF AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE SECTION 8.18, SUBDIVISION 2 (B) REGARDING FLOOD FRINGE PERMITTED USE Building Official Jim Marka explained the ordinance of 500 sq. ft. in the flood fringe which is not quite adequate 576 sq. ft. is workable. (e) CONSIDERATION OF EXTENSION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY MCLEOD COUNTY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY City Administrator Gary Plotz explained the history of the conditional use permit request and location of the facility. He explained the notification requirement by the State and the property owners that originally were notified. He commented on notification of property owners within 1000' as a courtesy for this meeting. He also commented on a diagram of the facility and the setbacks from the R -3 district. County Zoning Administrator Ed Homan commented on the proposal applied for in March. He stated there has been a delay in the building and bidding • 19 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 9/21/93 process. Mr. Homan stated the building would be an architectural design and a task force has been in place for 2 years researching the concept of the facility. He presented pictures of the St. Cloud facility. City Administrator Gary Plotz commented on the present zoning of the property and allowable uses conditionally permitted in that zoning district. Mr. Butch Irvin, 400 Northwoods, a member of Word of Life Ministries, commented on the County Commissioners meeting and the concerns of the public. He stated users would not be in favor of the facility. Mr. Irvin asked about the location and the reasons for the choice. Mr. Craig commented on the Planning Commission and their duties establishing land use. Mr. Paul Melchoir, County Environmentalist, commented on the public concerns and research leading to the decision of the type of facility and location. He explained the fair grounds choice was a positive accessibility decision. The area is close to the shopping area for people who come to • Hutchinson from other communities. County Commissioner Eloi Hamre commented on the board of commissioners vote and explained all the commissioners sit on the Solid Waste committee, only one commissioner has a vote. • Mr. Gruett again explained the duties of the Planning Commission as it makes a decision on this request. Building Official Jim Marka commented on the type of products found in the facility and the fact these products are all found in any hardware store. Ms. Esther Christensen, Hutchinson Twp., questioned the use and length of time the products would be in the facility. Fire Marshal Mike Palm explained the use of the facility and that these products will not be in the facility indefinitely but moved for proper disposal. He state he will inspect the facility monthly. Hazardous Household wastes are illegal to dispose of in a landfill. Mr. Ed Homan stated Minnesota presently has 23 facilities and 13 proposed currently. 7 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 9/21/93 Mr. David Broll, 547 Milwaukee, asked why not consider a mobile facility and he again questioned the noticing of property owners. Mr. Plotz again explained the State Statute and City Code governing the requirement of public notices. He also stated the planning commission would be looking at the land use issue. Mr. Ed Homan commented he would be happy to meet with the public on costs and funding of the facility. Ms. Julie Schaffer, Century Ave., commented on the county meeting regarding single county use or regional use. Mr. Melchoir explained the expansion could be in use not the facility. Mr. Plotz stated a physical expansion would have to come back for another conditional use permit. 0 Mr. Barry Schaffer, Century Ave., asked if public opinion would change the Planning Commission's decision. • Mr. Lenz again stated the Planning Commission advises the City Council on land use items and does the research and follows the ordinances regarding land use. Mr. Craig made a motion to recommend approval of the 6 month extension, seconded by Mr. Gilmer. (f) COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF Mr. Plotz commented on a request for rezoning within the 2 mile radius in Hutchinson Twp. from agricultural to industrial. Mr. Rodeberg stated Barr Engineering commented on the park berm having no effect on the 100 year flood. Mr. Marka commented on the budget including seminars for the commission. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. 8 • DAVID B.ARNOLD SOAHY D. MCDOWELL TEVEN A. ANDERSON O. BARRY ANDERSON* STEVEN S. HOOE LAURA $, FRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEOOEMANN PAUL D. DOVE" JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES =LEY RICHARD O. MCOEE CATHRYN D. REBER OINA M. BRANDT September 24, 1993 ARNOLD & MCDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARE PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 -2563 (612) 587 -7575 PAX (612) 587 -4096 Mr. Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O.BARRY ANDERSON Re: Airport Condemnation Matter Our File No. 3244 -93069 Dear Gary: OP COUNSEL WILLIAM W. CAMERON RAYMOND C. TAT LIEN 5861 CEDAR I.ARE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55416 (612) 545 -9000 MN TOLL FREE 800- 343 -4545 PAX (612) 545 -1793 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON. MINNESOTA 55371 (612)389 -2214 PAX (612)389 -5506 ti SEP1993 RECEIVED N �� BY • Enclosed herewith please find a resolution authorizing commencement of the condemnation of airport property. Please have this placed on the agenda for approval by the City Council. 11 Thank you. Very tr ^jyog4s, G. WWIY Anderson GBA : lih Enclosure CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MLNNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION -CERTIFIED AS A HEAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAH ASSOCIATION . Y 11 U • RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF REAL ESTATE FOR AIRPORT EXPANSION PROJECT RESOLUTION NO. iOO60 THIS RESOLUTION is made and entered into this _ day of September, 1993, by the Hutchinson City Council. RECITALS: 1. The City of Hutchinson presently operates a municipal airport. 2. In order to fully comply with safety standards of the State and Federal government and to expand the airport to provide better service to the residents, taxpayers and businesses of the City of Hutchinson, acquisition of additional real estate for airport purposes, as well as other municipal purposes, is required. 3. Certain property consisting of approximately 18.95 acres, is required for expansion purposes, with said property presently owned by the McLeod County Agricultural Association and legally described as follows: Lot 2, Block 2, Fairground's Addition to the City of Hutchinson, McLeod County, Minnesota. 4. Certain property consisting of approximately .479 acres, -is required for expansion purposes, with said property persently owned by Ernest Svanda and Beverly Svanda and legally described as follows: That part of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 116 North, Range 30 West of the 5th Princinal Meridian. described as follows: Beginning at a point of the westerly right of way line of State Highway No. 15, a distance of 630.49 feet southerly of the north line of said Northeast Quarter; thence southerly, along said right of way line, a distance of 100.00 feet; thence westerly, parallel with said north line, a distance of 208.71 feet; thence northerly, parallel with said right of way line, a distance of 100.00 feet; thence easterly, parallel with said north line, a distance of 208.71 feet to the point of beginning. 5. Acquisition by the municipality real estate furthers important public objectives including but not limited to reliability of the municipal airport and municipal airport to the residents of the -1- of the above described policy and municipal increased safety and better service by the City of Hutchinson. r NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council for the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota: that the law firm of Arnold & McDowell, • as counsel for the City of Hutchinson, is hereby authorized to commence and complete eminent domain proceedings pursuant to Chapter 117 of Minnesota Statutes for the purpose of acquiring the above described real estate including authorization to acquire the above described property, by the use of the accelerated acquisition provisions ( "Quick Take ") of Chapter 117 of Minnesota Statutes. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this _ day of September, 1993. Attest: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator CITY OF HUTCHINSON -2- Paul L. Ackland, Mayor • • 9. C� • • OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT Tue Sep 28 1953 09:05:20 -------------------------------------------- ------ ---- - - - -- -- Page 1 1992 IMPRO.BDS DUININCK BROS, INC. EST 10 -LET 2 -92 -02 & 0 $950.00 $950.00 CENTRAL GARAGE BRANDON TIRE CO 3 GRIPPER TIRES $388.32 COAST TO COAST SUPPLIES $11.70 DYSON OIL INC DY -100 $176.40 JERRYS TRANSMISSION GASKETS $30.47 L & P SUPPLY CO AIR FILTER $21.16 MACQUEEN EQUIP INC BREATHER $12.96 MEIER, DOUG SAFETY FRAMES $25.00 NORDIC TRUCK PARTS INC REFLECTIVE TAPE $12.93 SPEC MATERIALS INC CHAIN ASSY, DEFLECTOR $67.51 TWO WAY COMM INC WIRE ANT'S $17.89 CAMERA SHOP DEV PRINT $764.34 GENERAL FUND AAGARD WEST SEPT TRASH $S69.91 ALBINSON RED STAKE CHASER $113.75 AM RISK SERVICES SEPT SERVICES $600.00 AUTOMATION SUPPLY CO INKJET CARTRIDGES $102.93 BENNETT OFFICE SUP. SERVICE CONTRACT $55.63 BERNICK & LIFSON PROF SERVICES $750.00 BRINKMAN STUDIO FILM, PHOTOS $27.87 BROOKS, LOUISE SKATING REFUND $102.00 C.RIVER VET CLINIC K -9 FOOD $417.45 CADD /ENGINEERING SUPPLY BOND PAPER $81.32 CAMERA SHOP DEV PRINT $9.85 CELLULAR 2000 SEPT SERVICE $233.75 CENTRAL GARAGE AUG REPAIRS $9,412.52 CENTURY LABS BOWL CLEANER $164.66 COAST TO COAST SUPPLIES $232.25 COUNTY RECORDER NUSSBAUM - HOECKE ABSTRA $89.50 DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES DNR REG. FEES $808.00 DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY SPEC ENG- C.PAULSON $20.00 EARL ANDERSON ASSOC TRAFFIC PAINT $257.68 ERICKSON OIL PROD FUEL $4.96 FAMILY REXALL DRUG PHOTOS, SCISSORS, ETC $37.81 FRONT LINE PLUS FIRE & RESCUE CHROME ADAPTERS $416.35 GALLES, LORI VOLLEYBALL REFUND $25.00 GIS /LIS '93 REG- L.HUHN $290.00 GOPHER SPORT WOSMARKERS $166.01 GREAT PLAINS SUPPLY DRY WALL $262.84 GUARDIAN PEST CTL SEPT SERVICE $21.57 HAUGEN, MARV CONFERENCE MILEAGE $74.25 HCVN- CH. #10 SETTLEMENT $14,980.98 HED, MARILYN MEETING EXPENSES $61.53 HOVERSTEN, CHRIS VOLLEYBALL REFUND $25.00 HUTCH MFG & SALES GUN RACK $725.00 HUTCH PLBG & HTG CO SEAT $15.98 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES GAS & ELEC $8,057.49 ICMA DUES $457.23 INN, SPOTS 36 ASTROBRIGHT $4.94 JOES SPORT SHOP PLAQUE $26.63 K MART FILM, CAMERA $144.92 KENNEY. BARB VOLLEYBALL REFUND $50.00 • • OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT Tue Sep 28 1993 09:05:20 Page 2 L & P SUPPLY CO REPAIR $157.30 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES 2ND QTR GEN LIAR $46,535.25 MAIERS, CINDY VOLLEYBALL REFUND $25.00 MANKATO MOBILE RADIO SPEAKER MIC $79.55 MARKA, JAMES ICBO CONFERENCE $636.41 MARKHURD AERIAL SURVEY $4,850.00 MCGARVEY COFFEE INC COFFEE $28.20 MCLEOD CTY EMERGENCY SERVICES ADM REIMBURSEMENT FOR $1,824.00 MEEKER SAND & GRAVEL SAND & P.ROCK $826.21 MID CON SYSTEMS INC TARGONE $69.50 MID -MN HOT MIX INC FINE MIX $55.91 MIDWAY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY TIPS $93.92 MINNE- SEW -TA VAC RICCAU 2200 VAC $399.38 MN.ASSN.OF CEM.OFFICIALS REG- F.GROEHLER $105.00 MOGARD, STEVE MILEAGE $29.70 NICKLASSON ATHLETIC CO BASKETBALL NETS $37.13 NISKA, PATSY MILEAGE, LUNCH $64.16 NO STATES SUPPLY INC GAL S -HOD $9.07 OFFICE PRODUCTS CARTRIDGES $201.60 OLSONS LOCKSMITH GRIPSET, RETAP $37.08 PALM, MIKE MEETING EXPENSE $8.00 PLOTZ, GARY D. MEETING EXPENSES $17.44 QUAST, GEORGE GAS KEY REFUND $30.00 RADISSON HOTEL SOUTH LODGING- F.GROEHLER $89.00 REINER, KURT 30 BALES STRAW $45.00 SCHRAMM IMPLEMENT FREIGHT CHARGES $7.91 SCHWARZE, JEFF VOLLEYBALL REFUND $25.00 SHARE CORP CLEANERS $188.72 SHOPKO WHISTLES, BATTERIES $26.52 SHOUTZ, MARK REG FOR USPCA TRACK TR $25.00 SORENSEN FARM SUPPLY MUFFLER, SCREWS $16.97 STANDARD PRINTING LIFT OFF, RIBBONS, PEN $26.80 STATE TREASURER RECERTIFICATION C.E. $20.00 TRI CO WATER COND 20 BAGS SALT $88.18 TURF SUPPLY COMPANY 4 BAGS TURF MIX II $478.60 TWO WAY COMM INC MODIFY PAGERS $1,208.96 U S POSTMASTER POSTAGE FOR NEWSLETTER $225.00 UNITED BLDG CENTERS LUMBER $88.19 UNIVERSITY OF MN 2 REG -MEIER & KARG $100.00 VICTORIAN INN 30 BUFFETS $382.69 VIKING INT PRODUCTS POLY BAGS $309.40 WAL -MART CALCULATOR $34.50 WHITING, LYNN VOLLEYBALL REFUND $25.00 WM MUELLER & SONS A.C.FINE $423.61 ZEE MEDICAL SERV TWEEZER, ZEE STRIPS $17.79 $102.072.21 WATER /SEWER FUND AAGARD WEST SEPT TRASH $276.75 CENTRAL GARAGE AUG REPAIRS $527.94 COAST TO COAST SUPPLIES $22.44 DEMEYER, JAMES REFUND OF DOUBLE PAYME $15.24 EVEREST CONSTRUCTION REFUND OF DOUBLE PAYME $136.45 FITZLOFF HARDWARE 2 MULCH BLADE REFUNDS $10.00 GENERAL REPAIR SERVICE REPAIR GEAR REDUCER $2,516.11 GIS /LIS '93 REG- R.NAGY $190.00 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES GAS & ELEC $164.04 JUUL CONTRACTING CO REPLACE HYD $1,374.00 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES 2NO QTR GEN LIAB $7,880.00 • • • OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT Tue Sep 28 1993 09:05:20 Page 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MCGRAW, MARK REFUND OF DOUBLE PAYME $141.05 NORTHERN WATER WORKS SUPPLY HYDRANT METER GAL $564.39 RICHARD LARSON BUILDERS REFUND OF DOUBLE PAYME $83.45 SANIFILL INC TRASH LOADS AUG 'i3 27 $7,667.93 SERV -O -CAL TROUBLESHOOT INSTRUMEN $115.00 SMITH, KEN REFUND OF DOUBLE PAYME $12.60 TWO WAY COMM INC REPAIR $30.00 U S POSTMASTER POSTAGE FOR WATER BILL $IGS.00 WATERPRO METER $1,548.93 $23,443.32 YOUTH CENTER TODD TEPLEY DJ FOR YOUTH CENTER OC $100.00 $100.00 $127,329.87 r� • • OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT Tue Sep 28 1993 09:03:38 GENERAL FUND DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES DEPT.NATURAL RESOURCES GIS /LIS '93 PAYROLL FUND AETNA VARIABLE LIFE ASS AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. G.T. GROWTH GLOBAL FUNDS INC GREAT WEST LIFE INS. CO H.R.L.A.P.R. ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST MN DEPT OF REVENUE PERA LIFE INS CO. PERA- D.C.P. PRUDENTIAL PUBLIC EMPLOYEES TEMPLETON INC WADELL & REED WITHHOLDING TAX ACCT DNR REG FEES TITLE REG FEES REGISTRATION FEE -J.ROO CO. EMPLOYEE CONT- DEF.COMP EMPLOYEE CONT- CANCER I EMPLOYEE CONT -DEF. COM EMPLOYEE CONT -DEF. COM EMPLOPYEE CONT -DEF. CO EMPLOYEE CONT - PENSIO EMPLOYEE CONT -DEF. COM EMPLOYEE CONTRI.STATE EMPLOYEE CONT - LIFE I EMPLOYER CONT PENSION EMPLOYEE CONT -DEF. COM EMPLOYER CONT - PENSIO EMPLOYEE CONT -DEF. COM EMPLOYEE CONT. -DEF. CO EMPLOYER- SOC. SEC Page 1 r, ryy ri ri r� ri5 $545.00 $139.24 5175.00 $318.46 $110.00 $157.46 $1,514.00 $4,953.86 $123.00 $57.42 $140.00 $11,642.42 $95.00 $150.00 $24,773.18 $44.894.04 $45,365.04 0 • • HANDWRITTEN CHECKS Sep 28 1993 LIQUOR FUND Bernicks Pepsi Bernicks Pepsi City of Hutch City of Hutch City of Hutch City of Hutch Coast to Coast Ed Phillips Friendly Bev Griggs Cooper Hermel Wholesale Hutch Leader Johnson Bros Jordan Bev Junker KDUZ Lenneman Bev Locher Bros Lundholm, Lori L &B Partnership McLeod Cty Recorder MN Dept of Revenue Pro Maintenance Pro Maintenance Quality Wine Sprengler Trucking Tri County Water Triple G Universal Publications Viking Coca Cola Viking Coca Cola Witte Sanitation POP 106.02 POP 148.29 lottery sales 2,118.00 lottery sales 826.00 payroll 9 -17 5,767.21 payroll 9 -3 5,579.92 tie dispenser 2.55 wine & liquor 12,440.12 beer 418.00 wine & liquor 10,890.37 cigarettes 312.94 advertising 18.38 wine & liquor 6,694.93 beer 729.70 refuse charges 166.78 sponsor Huskies 80.00 beer 6,701.25 beer 14,424.22 clean windows 42.67 mugs 236.82 filing fees 19.50 Aug sales tax 12,587.60 clean carpet 188.19 clean carpet 191.70 wine & liquor 6,560.98 freight 512.15 cooler rental 26.76 beer 21,456.65 motel directories 120.00 POP 456.50 POP 163.15 dumpster for old store 177.65 TOTAL $110,165.00 C FOR YOUR INFORMATION TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Dolf Moon, Director PRCE DATE: September 27, 1993 RE: Park Vandalism For your information I have attached pictures of the vandalism that was discovered in the rest rooms Thursday morning, September 23, 1993. Estimates for replacement items are around $2,700. This excludes installation costs. The rest room facilities that sustained damage include both mens and womens rest rooms at Optimist Park and both rest room facilities located at Masonic West River Park. As the final quotations come in I will be working with Ken to address the situation. Also the repairs that will be made will be in compliance with ADA legislation. As a result of this damage, the facilities have closed. Typically the closing dates have been Columbus Day, October 11th. City Hall Parks 6 Recreation 37 Washington Avenue West 900 Harrington Street (612) 587 -5151 (612) 587 -2975 Hutchiltsolt, Millltesota 55350 - Prrn ted on rtryded paper . Police Department 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -2242 c. 1' YOUR 1' + 1 September 28, 1993 I:a 1 TO: MAYOR do CITY COUNCIL FROM: KEN MERRILL FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FEMA REIMBURSEMENT TO CITY The City of Hutchinson has received a grant for damages incurred during the heavy rain and storm of June 1993. The claim submitted was for a total of $62,638. We have no received from the Federal Government a check for 75% (their share) for $45,612. We have paid to McLeod County Emergency Service the administration cost of $1,824. In the future we will be receiving $9,122 from the State of • Minnesota (their share in the grant). This may take some time as the money has yet to be received for the 1992 grant match. Part of the Federal monies are for the purpose of construction of a berm surrounding Veterans Memorial Field. • City Hall Parks & Recreation Police Department 37 Washington Avenue West 900 Harrington Street 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -5151 (612) 587 -2975 (612) 587 -2242 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 - Printed on recycled paper- • FOR YOUR INFORMATION 149;°C' 7. '91 3 Iwo Swum SL _ -w 7 'ZI 6%%- .e SEPIS9,3 �O C July 2, 1993 Mr. Wally Tischer Tischer Construction P.O. Box 816 115 -3rd Avenue W. Alexandria, MN 56308 RE: Drainage at 820 South Grade Road Dear Mr. Tischer: I have again received concern regarding the westerly side yard drainage at 820 South Grade Road. Apparently, after the recent heavy rains, the water was ponding between the homes creating potential for wet basements. In an effort to resolve this matter I am requesting that you provide as -built elevations verifying that storm water does indeed drain within the drainage easement over the curb. I would appreciate this document by July 15, 1993• Best regards, CITY OF HUTCHINSON 1 1 �! e James G. MarW! Building Official JGM/mms cc: Mark Hensen, Building Inspector John Rodeberg, City Engineer Ms. Lucille Dufresne, 1000 Sunset Street G. Barry Anderson, City Attorney Gary Plotz, City Administrator City Hall 37 Washington Avenue West (612) 587 -5151 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street (612) 587 -2975 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 - printrd on mcwde-d parer- Police Deyartment 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -2242 0 0 C M E M O R A N D U M DATE: September 23, 1993 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: James G. Marka, Building Official RE: Brief Summary of I.C.B.O. Conference FOR YOUR INFORMATIOR Please accept my appreciation for your supporting me to attend the 71st I.C.B.O. Annual Business Meeting /Code Change Process in Sacramento, California. The conference was very educational and informative. • The education program consisted of case law history on "Right of Entry ". Also, an enforcement grading system was presented which is being developed by the (3) model codes and the insurance industry as an underwriting tool. This is proposed to be very similar to fire department ratings. The code change process was very complicated and at times tedious. However, it provided excellent insight to the "Intent" of the code and the complexity of changing or amending code language. Industry is very involved with this process. Networking, communication, socialization by code officials is also an enlightening experience. For example, I met the building officials from Los Angeles and San Francisco. Hutchinson's problems seemed very minimal to me after those conversations. I realized how thankful we are to have a proactive and nonviolent community. Again, a special thanks for your support) JGM /mms cc: Marilyn J. Swanson - Council Packet F.Y.I. City Hall Parks fr Recreation Police Department 37 Washington Avenue West 900 Harrington Street 10 Franklin Street South (612) 587 -5151 (612) 587 -2975 (612) 587 -2242 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 - Printed an mcuded paper - International Conference of Building Officials 5360 WORKMAN MILL ROAD • WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 -2298 • (310) 699 -05410 FIRST VICE CHAIRMAN August 27, 1993 BOB CTOR FOWLER. DIRECTOR OF BUILDING K C.B.O. OF BR,RE, AK 4.9.0. BOARD OF DIRECTORS A&LENE. TEXAS SECOND OFFICE OF CHAIRMAN Code Enforcement Grading System (LEGS). The purpose of the PRESIDEW grading system is to reflect the value of effective code enforcement in PAST CHAIRMAN JON S. TRAW, BE C.B.O. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS DIREY.NERRBIARTM DIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF COUNTY OF SPOKANE SPOKANE. WASHINGTON Your participation is needed to make this grading system meaningful. BUILDING NEVADA Dear ICBO class A Member: FOR YOUR INFORMATION FIRST VICE CHAIRMAN The attached sheet contains the four main areas of the CEGS and a BOB CTOR FOWLER. DIRECTOR OF BUILDING K C.B.O. OF BR,RE, AK 4.9.0. The three model code organizations have joined with the National A&LENE. TEXAS SECOND Committee on Property Insurance (NCPI) to pursue development of a VICE - CHAIRMAN JAN P. GASTERLAND, C.B.D. BUILDING Code Enforcement Grading System (LEGS). The purpose of the CODE OFFICER ST PAUL. MINNESOTA grading system is to reflect the value of effective code enforcement in PAST CHAIRMAN the insurance rate structure of speck communities. JAMES W DIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS Please review the various topics and the preliminary percentages given COUNTY OF SPOKANE SPOKANE. WASHINGTON Your participation is needed to make this grading system meaningful. RON BULLOCK, C.B.D. CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL The purpose of the CEGS is to encourage communities ) through SANDY UTAH favorable insurance underwriting considerations, to undertake and TWUL T EDGERTON MANAGER, BUILDING AND CODE reinforce code enforcement activities. ENFORCEMENT Thank you for your help. Should you have any questions, please VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON contact Doug Thornburg Vice- President/Education (ext. 226) or Tom I ROBERT J, EPPSTEINI The attached sheet contains the four main areas of the CEGS and a DIRECTOR. BUILDING AND SAFETY FREMONT, CALIFORNIA brief explanation of what is included in each area. Preliminary . KENNETH G. LARSEN 119.0. DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND HOUSING weighting values have been assigned by the NCPI Building Code CHULA VISTA. CALIFORNIA Subcommittee. L.B.O. OORTM)BUI BUILD FFICP.E.. OFFICIAL BA =7 DANA POINT. CALIFORNIA ALAN P OLSON, RI, C.B.O. Please review the various topics and the preliminary percentages given ASSISTANT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR PHOENIX. ARIZONA to them. Then assign your own evaluation of what these percentages RON KWEREWKZ C.B.O. should be, and return the sheet in the self - addressed envelope. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ` H D PORT ORCHARD. WASHINGTON Thank you for your help. Should you have any questions, please LUM FBUILDDGSASE DIRECTOR OF BUILDING SAFETY contact Doug Thornburg Vice- President/Education (ext. 226) or Tom I GLENDALE. ARIZONA Campbell, Education Programs Manager (ext. 227). THOMAS R. TNOYPSOK C.B.O. 7998 Georgetown Road, Suite 900 • Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 • (317) 879 -1677 BUILDING OFFICIAL MNM SROCMFIELD. COLORADO ZION K. WATTS, C.B.O. Sincerely, CHIEF OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS (51 z) 343 -9111 BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 9300 Jollyville Road, Suite 101 •Austin, Texas 78759 -7455 • (512) 7948700 ROBERT D. WEBER. P.E., C.B.O. f -^ DIRECTOR. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING COUNTY OF CLARK AS VEGAS, NEVADA on S. Traw, P.E. ALLEN D. ZEPNDL C.B.a BUILDING OFFICIAL President STRLWATER, MINNESOTA 7STnb Enclosures FAX NUMBERS OrEW DMo&nNInl (310) 692 -3653 Plan Re 0. (310) 6923425 CBO ES, Inc. M1.idlnmoN (31 O) 695.4694 (310) 6994af1 Regional Offices: 6130 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 120 • Pleasanton, California 94588 • (510) 734 -3080 NPnNWn CaslOrrie (510) 4634295 7998 Georgetown Road, Suite 900 • Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 • (317) 879 -1677 MNM (317) 741.9475 (516) 741,9115 6738 N.W. Tower Drive • Kansas City, issouri 64151 • 816) 741 -2241 tY• TO.Wlri Ta:as (51 z) 343 -9111 9300 Jollyville Road, Suite 101 •Austin, Texas 78759 -7455 • (512) 7948700 wasn,rigi . (206) 637 -6939 2122 -112th Avenue, N.E., Suite B -300 • Bellevue, Washington 98004 • (206) 451 -9541 L A D M I N O 3 F c C % O D E S r� J L A N 2 5 R % E V I N S P 2 E 5 C % T E 1 5 CODE ENFORCEMENT Gf�ADING SYSTEM 1. Adoption of model building codes and modification of codes through local ordinance. 2. Training in code understanding and code enforcement. 3. Certification of code enforcers. 4. Building Official's qualifications /experienceJeducation 5. Number of professionals on staff. 6. Issue date of adopted codes. 7. Zoning provisions that speak to local natural hazards. 8. Contractor/builder licensing and bonding. 9. Building 3epar e.^.t iac=tiv- fo- c^_timuing education, outside treinin0, certification and certification maintenance. 10. Selection procedures for Building Official 11. Public awareness program for natural hazard mitigation. 12. Education (sernmars/classes) of elected officials relating to code enforcement. 13. Participation in code development activities. 14. Presence of administrative policy "and procedures including appeal process. 15. Staffing of plan reviewers relative to workload. 16. Plan reviewer's certifications/ qualifications /experience/education. 17. Level of detail of plan review. 18. Use of plan review checklist. 19. Requirement for plans for one and two family dwellings. 20. Performance evaluations for plan reviewers for quality assurance. 21 . Department policy to report designer licensing violations to appropriate state professional licensing board. 22. Staffing of inspectors relative to workload. 23. Inspector s certincatioavquaiificat )uniewyerienceIcz a cn. 24. Authority to, and history of, issuance of correction notices and stop wont orders. 25. Policy of final inspections performed after the building is complete and prior to occupancy. 26. Use of continuous on -site (special) inspections for specific structural elements. 27. Certification of occupancy issued prior to occupancy. 28. Use of checklist for on -site, multi - discipline inspections. 29. Special inspections for natural hazard mitigation. 30. Performance evaluations for inspectors for quality assurance. 31. Mandatory structural retrofit program to mitigate natural hazards. 32. Existing building inspection program. 33. Presence of separate codes for existing buildings. 4PREF. ..uvnr 10.0°/1 9.00/4 4.0% 3.5% 2.0% 1.00/4 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 10.00% 5.0% 4.5% 2.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.5% 10.0% 5.0% 2.00/4 2.00/4 1.5% 1.5% 10a% 1.0% 1.0"% 10.0% 2.3% 2.5% Total - 100.0°% 4PREF. WEIGHT (PREFERRED WEIGHT) my ben indication of F (for greater), . (for less), black (all right as dated) or a value. Dear Code Official, A Code Enforcement Grading System is under development by the combined efforts of the three model building code organizations (BOCA, ICBO, and SBCCI) and the insurance industry. Once completed, this grading system will tvainwIft community's building code enforcement (especially as it relates to natural hazards subject to the graded area) and may become an underwriting tool for the insurance industry. Your input into this wont is an important link to the evolution of the grading system. The background information requested on this page will help our committee make certain decisions critical to relativity formulas. Knowing the population, size of jurisdiction, total fair market value, number of permits issued and inspections completed helps us to draw relationships in items such as number of personnel on staff versus the number needed. The "SUBJECT WEIGHTING" found on the reverse of this page is a summary of the subject matter found in the Code Enforcement Grading System and the committee's preliminary thoughts on the weight (in percentage) each subject should carry in relationship to the overall grade (100 %). You will see that the grading system is divided into four general topics- Administration of Codes (351K), Plan Review (25 °/9), Inspection (250K), and Existing Buildings (151/9). The far right column is reserved for your input of weights you feel appropriate to the individual subject matters. We appreciate your valuable time taken to complete this aliestimnaim Men- r'nn,. ymn respo2a in the enclo ed envelope by SEPTEMBER 30, 1993 so that we may include it in our next committee meeting. State Number of Supervisors Number of Plan Reviewers Number of Inspectors (/Vote: The summation of the above must equal the total enforcement start) How many positions (Plan Reviewers or Inspectors) or fraction thereof are filled by outside contractors? . Size of jurisdiction in square miles Population served by the building department How many plan reviews were performed for the most recent recorded 12 month period? How many permits that require inspection were issued for the most recent recorded 12 month period? _ How many inspections were conducted (all types) for the most recent recorded 12 month period? What percent of the inspection time Is ran- oonstrudion related (such as zoning, nuisance, eta)? __96 Indicate the percentage of star( time devoted to training activities for the most recent recorded 12 mordh period % Comments: DAVID B. eNxaLD1 GARY D. McDOWELL STEVEN A. ANDERSON O. BARRY ANDERSON• STEVEN S. HOOF LAURA E. FRETLAND DAVIII X. BRUEDOEMAN}I PAUL D. DOVE • - JOSEPH M. PAIEMENTI RICHARD O. XCOEE CATHRYN D. REHER OMA M. BRANDT BRETT D. ARNOLD 1 ALSO ADMITTED IN TL AND NEw TON. I ALSO AD NI7TED IN MSWNSLY September 9, 1993 ARN-OLD & MCDON ELL ATTORNEYS AT LAiv 5881 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MIA'NEA.POLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 -1492 16121 545-9000 MN TOLL TREE BOO -O -4546 PAX 16121 645 -1190 Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Hutchinson City Hall 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Cable Franchise Renewal Prccess Our File No. 3244 -92054 Dear Gary: D CODNSEL WILLIAM W. CAMERON RAYMOND C. LALL[ER 501 SODTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55071 `6121 389-2214 TAIL `6121 059 -6506 101 PARR PLACE RIITCHINSON, MINNESOTA 66050 16121 681 -1676 TAX 16121 587 -4095 FOR YOUR INFORMATION yeti , - <-0 SEP 19'93 RECEIVED 8Y_.� Enclosed herewith please find FCC Form No. 328 entitled "Certification of Franchising Authority to Regulate Basic Cable Service Rates and Initial Finding of Lack of Effective Competition ". At my direction and pursuant to the authority granted by the Hutchinson City Council, this form has been filed by Thomas Creighton who represents the City of Hutchinson with respect to these cable matters. I will be preparing a more formal report on the status of the negotiation process in the course of the next several days. I would appreciate it if you would include this correspondence and the enclosed certificate as "for your information items" for consideration by the council. Thank you. Very truly yours, ARNOLD & McDOWELL - G. Barry Anderson • GBA /pb Enclosure FOUND LOOSE IN THE MAILS AT MINNEAPOLIS MN 55401 'CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION 'CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION reeear Caow-oke". C w aeseasss trw.sr.. a e aessa ea.:. mrauye ' FCC 328 For FCC Use Only CERTIFICATION OF FRANCHISING AUTHORITY TO REGULATE BASIC CABLE SERVICE RATES AND INITIAL FINDING OF LACK OF EFFECTIVE COMPETITION Name of Franchising AuthoritC Cit of Hutchinson Mailing Address ..... __ .. .... __ ... 37 �Idqhingfnn Aypnile west Cliutchinson State Telephone No. (include area code). (612) 587 -5151 Person to contact with respect to this form; G. Barry Anderson, City Attorney 2, a. Name (s) and address(es) of cable system) and associated FCC community unit identifiers within your jurisdiction_ (Attach additional sheen if necessary3 Cab) em'e n erme is company 9%1/a �ie dwest Cablevision Mailing Address 103 East Second Street Gh Redwood Falls J.MN State I ZIP Code 156283 Cable System's FCC Community Unit Identifier. MN 0 0 7 8 Cable System's Name 'ling Address �y State ZIP Code Cable System's FCC Community Unit Ide ntt6er: 2. b. Name (s) of system(s) and associated community unit identifier(s) you claim are subject to regulation and with respect to which you are fir g this certification. (Attach additional sheets if necessary.) NameofSystemCity Of Community UnG HutoevisoonOidwest Ida. fiery Name of System Community Unit Wenbfir L a Have you served a copy of this form on an parties ❑ Ye pNo rated in Zb.r 3. Will your banehesng authority adopt �Yn ❑the (within 120 days of certification) and administer regulation with respect to basic cable service that are consis tent with the regutations adopted by the FCC pursuant to 47 V.S.C. Section S430a1? 4. With respect to the franchising authority's regulations referred to in Question 3, aYn Elmo a. Don your fnnchsirg authority lave the legal authority to adopt them? b. Do yo franchsi g authority have Q Does ur Yn ❑the the personnel to administer them) (Effective compattion meals that W fever than 30 prevrt of the bou mWds in the franchise area subsv3e to the cable service of a Cable system; th) the franchise area is (D served by at least two unaffifiated multichannel video programming distributors each of which offers comparable video programming to at least S0 peenst of the households in the franchise area; and Col the mnbr of households absa3ing to programming services offered by multichannel video programming distributors other than the largest m ll6chan aW video programming distributor exceeds IS percent of the hoselwlds in the franchise are; or (ri a ned6c annel video programming distributor operated by the franchising authority for ?hut franchise area offers video progranuairg to at ken SO, of the households in flat franchise area) Sign Title Legal Counsel D°er 9/2/93 WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS FORM ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND/OR IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE TITLE 14SECTION 1001). • Return the oiginel and one copy of this certification form (s Indicated in Instructional, along with any aCachments, toc Federal Comm miau6no Commission AILS: Cable Frandmisa g Authority Certification P.O. Box 19539 Washington, D. G 20036 FCC Yoe aasue muss �Yn ONO 3. Do the procedural laves and regulatiorm applicable to rate regulation proceedugs by Your franchising authority Provide a reasonable opportunity for consideration of the views of interested partfesi Yn ❑the X 6. The Commission presumes that the cable systems) fated in 2.b. is (are) not subject to effective =npetitton. Based on the definition below, do you have reason to believe that this prewnption is correct? (Effective compattion meals that W fever than 30 prevrt of the bou mWds in the franchise area subsv3e to the cable service of a Cable system; th) the franchise area is (D served by at least two unaffifiated multichannel video programming distributors each of which offers comparable video programming to at least S0 peenst of the households in the franchise area; and Col the mnbr of households absa3ing to programming services offered by multichannel video programming distributors other than the largest m ll6chan aW video programming distributor exceeds IS percent of the hoselwlds in the franchise are; or (ri a ned6c annel video programming distributor operated by the franchising authority for ?hut franchise area offers video progranuairg to at ken SO, of the households in flat franchise area) Sign Title Legal Counsel D°er 9/2/93 WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS FORM ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND/OR IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE TITLE 14SECTION 1001). • Return the oiginel and one copy of this certification form (s Indicated in Instructional, along with any aCachments, toc Federal Comm miau6no Commission AILS: Cable Frandmisa g Authority Certification P.O. Box 19539 Washington, D. G 20036 FCC Yoe aasue muss Meer wwr.p,k O.C. 10l54 Aft9w.er w cis 70500330 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FCC 328 111110iiii'll 0M V% FRANCHISING AUTHORITY CERTIFirATION The Cable Television Consumer Protection and Complti(ion Act, enacted in October x992, changes the manner it Khich able television systems that are not subject to effective competition am regulated. In general, rafts for the bw c service ri.r (rte tie wired as A condition of access to all other video services and containing, among other services, local broadcast station signals ad public, educational, and public access channels) and associated equipment will be subject to regulation by loaf or sax governments ('franchising authorities). Rates for cable programming services and associated equipment (all services except basic and pay channels) will be subject to regulation by the FCC Rams for pay channels (channels for which them is a specific perthannel or perprognm chawi ax not regulated 2. Only cable systems that are not subject to etffemve competition may be regulated Effective competition means that (a) fewer than 30 percent of the households in the franchise area subscribe to the cable service of a able system; (b) the franchise area is (i) served by at least two unaeiiiated muitichannei vhdca programming distributors each of which offers comparable video programming to at least 50 percent of the households in the franchise area; and Gar the number of households subscribing to programming services offered by multichannel video programming distributors other than the largest multichannel video programming distributor exceeds IS percent of the households in the franchise area; or (d a multichannel video programming distributor operated by the franchising authority for that franchise area offers video programming to x least SO percent of the households in that franchise area. 3. in order to regulate basic service tier rates, a franchising a�uiibriry must be cerrified by the FCC In order to be Cod , a franchising authority must complete this form. An original and one copy of the compieted form and aft attachments must be recstned t FCC by re3istered mail, reran receipt requested to the lac the address on the form. 3 a. A copy`of the form must be served on the cable operator by first-class mail on or before the date the form is sent or delivered to the FCC 5. The franchising authority's certification will became effective 30 days after thte dare ...red nn the nesral .m n!eeimt unless otherwise notified by the Commission by that date. The franchising authorry cannot begin to regulate rates, however, until it has aauuly, adopted the required regulations bee below) dad =6I it has notified the able operator that It has been cartified and that it has adopted the required reguladora. .. 6. In order to be certified, franchising authorities must answer -yes- to Questions 3. a, and S. which are explained as kAlows: 7. Question 3: The franchising authority must adopt ram regulations consistent with the Commission's mpWon for basic able sevfoe To fulfill this requirement for certifiadw, the liandnising AUUWM MAY simply adopt a regulation indicamtg the it will follow the reguiaions established by the KC The franchising authority has 120 days to adopt these regulations after the time it is certified. The franchising auhority may nor. however, begin to regulate cable ran until alter it has adopted these regulations and carol it has notified the cable operator that R has been certified and has adopted the required regulations. .. Question a(b): The Gnchising authority must have a sufficient• number of personnel to undertake rate regulation. ' A fmchise authority unable to aitwer yn'to questions aW or a(b) may wish to review the FCCS Heron and Order in nacket 97.76A FCC 93-177 (released may 3, 1993) for futsher information on the daMlsMwtt of alternative federal regulatory procedures 9. Question S: Franchising authorities must have procedural regulations allowing for public participation in rate regulation proeeedngs. g a ftwC hising authority does not have these regulations already in plate, k must adopt them within 120 days of certification and before it may undertake ram regulation, 10. Question 6: Most able systems are Oat subject to effective competition, as defined by the Cable A¢ (The definition is included above and on the form.) The franchising authority rney af7W= that the aaie system in its jurisdiction is not subject to effective competition. For Purposes of applying the definition of effective competftiorh bee kem 2 above), •multidannef video programming distributor( Induce a Cable operator, a multichannel muldpoire dimibuton service, a direa Moadcau sueTite service, a Meviiiion xxive•my satellite Program distributor, a video dialtone service and a satellite master antenna television symlm. A mufticwnneh video programming distributor's senior wiii be deemed - offeted' when they are bah technically and actually available. Sservice is - technically available- when the mmlticwvnel drmibutor is physically able to deliver the service to a household wishing to subscrrbe, with only minimal additional irtvesbnemt by the distributor. A service is 'saualy available' it subscribers in the franchise area are reasonably swam through marketing efforts That the service is available. Subscrlbenhfp Of those multichannel video Programming distributon offering service to at least 50 pereem of the households in a franchise area will be aggregated to determine whether, at keg IS pemant of the households in the franchise area ales served by compeitwL A multichannel video pcognmuning distributor must otter at feast 12 channels of programming, at least one channel of which b nonbraadast, to be found to offer *Comparable' video programming. 11. This cardfiocon form must be signed by a government official with audhoiey to as on behalf of the franchising authority. tee MOT1Q TO ttorwOUAU taautean By raw MVAO' ACT AND "W rATesw ttsaucrtom Aa The Idfineon d ewrrt bdonrs w chi bmt b adrnad br M Cowenoese Act It tl7A, a arwfoL 1ti Corr.�iah r.i r dun i+lereradn orwrdrl w dd1 Me a dolrmw e dw behor aWWW dxxdd tW &*rued to mpr+ able mid In MMO1t dre daermeroar. v tr W Nowarw pwemet It M Mhrnrr rrcm7 b ado gnarl bwronoammYrdIaeirbmnerdhaee .errwrm aenhq. Nirlarmarianpwhdadwdhi ftne we be am4Ma for WON, baparaA yte mgare a OWAMd b cab We Y MW.MW edrF. Nwk mmrwa Merin tr dun comicun of bdahhrN is sbnwd b awes" 30 .6WM bch Mm dr iw, tr m..wa � "d 1e resrn9 data weaa prams and mananra"rm acrd, em rahrene and M-a-M dr arlaarn of inil r scam tarmhmm r<rd:ha wo Munn ernr a+w car aspea of on alwbr a:darhhhetr% hdWMrait Div a 404"Mm Weser.ee0Fed W554,emav o Oaks c�ttamd• aid Bud e. us Mauston , wtnneah. 0. $ 3073x. end e b Ono d Aterpeae aid eWat he.ern saMah weir r3osonssq, waNweaa 0. G 10301. TM FOtW"4 NOTICE 6 tIOURM !T Tut MMACT ACT OF 1974 Tl 93-57% f). Question aW: The franchising authority's'tegal authority- to regulate titDues 31. ISM 5 uaC smNlm ANC TM rA/BWOQ a6X Cr7OM ACT OF near basic service must come from sate law. In Tar+nr. yarea nnH ties PA. 96-511.OfCPAM 11. 19441, M ri a r 3547. Sax. rmvemmenr may rem.lare tiles rates In those soon, the stain - - - • government should file this caetificsoon. Provision in fta d is* - _ agreements That prohibit rue regulation are yajd, and do not prevent A franchising authority from regulating the basic service tier and Associated equipment • 8/30/93 HUTCHINSON UTOES COMMISSION PAGE 1 BALANCE SHEET JULY 31, 1993 (� --- -- - c_ To --__._ _ —_._�. - .--- -- ww r w TOTAL I� ASSETS UTILZTV PLANT AT COST-- ----- '- __._— �. —__�— � �•jr _ LAND 6 LAND RIGHTS 790,112.25 DEPRECIABLE UTILITY PLANT 27,349,239.74 _ TOTAL UTILITY PLANT -.._.. . -._ -. _._ -_.. --- -- -- -- - - ---- - - -- - -. _.__.._....- 28.134.351.94-- ..— _.-- - - - -.. LESS ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION (13,164,333.99) -,1 TOTAL ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION. CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 17,402,266.87 - . ------ -- TOTAL CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESf TOTAL UTILITY PLANT DEPREC VALUE 30,377,082.87 RESTRICTED FUNDS 6 ACCOUNTS FUTURE EXPANSION 6 DEVELOPMENT _.� —_— _...._.INVESTMENT = GAB RESERVES- --__`_��—_-._. _3,102,987.75 1,153,836.31 - --- '— MEDICAL INSURANCE 100,000.00 ESCROW ACCOUNT 1986 BONDS 1,743,879.10 ri - -- -BOND 8 INTEREST PAYMENT 1993— 54,553.28 - -- __ BOND RESERVE - 1993 1,389,320.00 =,{� CATASTROPHIC FAILURE FUND 750,000.00 _ TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS T ACCOUNTS- - - - " -- - - 8,294,576. CURRENT 6 ACCRUED ASSETS - i - CASH- IN BANK �- -- - -- ----- `-- - --- 5,239, 778.08 _ INVESTMENTS 6 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 85,856.54 _ ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 1,475,044.36 _ -- INVENTORIES- -- ---- - -`— -- 545,847.i3 ` -- --_- PREPAID INSURANCE 73,623.32 •[ TREASURY BILL DISCOUNT_ 26,418.93 FERC FILING DEPOSITS 30, 000.00---- ---- _ -' - -� - TOTAL CURRENT 6 ACCRUED ASSETS 7,476,568.36 =:( - . —_ - -. DEFERRED CHARGE _ BOND DISCOUNT 1986 35,985.89 CLEARING ACCOUNT 136.60 - - -._ —TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGE_- __— __— ____. -__ - -- ° -- TOTgL ASSETS ����� 46,184,3541,16 `C r r r- 8/30/93 HUTCHINSON *TIES COMMISSION PAGE 2 • BALANCE SHEET JULY 31, 1993 MUNICIPAL EQUITY & LIABILITIES �_ -- - MUNICIPAL EQUITY MUNICIPAL EQUITY 27,138,781.38 UNAPPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS 1,106,733.66 --- - -' CONTRIBUTION TO - -` -- - (425,006.805 TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUITY 27,820,515.04 LONG TERM LIABILITIES -NET OP CURRENT MATURITIES _ 1986 BONDS 1,670,000.00 1993 BOND 6.0751000.06 TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES 15,745,000.00 CONSTR CONTRACTS 8 ACCTS PAY R TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 6 ACCTS PAY >, I ' CURRENT 6 ACCRUED LIABILITIEW - - O_. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 2.238,184.68 ACCRUED 67,219.84 _INTEREST ACCRUED PAYROLL 34,773.18 0 : ACCRUED VACATION PAYABLE 131,259.30 ACCRUED MEDICAL FUND 28,077.72 __ -- CUSTOMER DEPOSITS _ 87,188.00 _ 0 OTHER CURRENT 8 ACCRUED LIABILITIES - 32,132.32 - a- TOTAL CURRENT 6 ACCRUED LIAR 2,618,835.12 TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUITY b LIAB 46,184,330.16 O r L _- L L L r • B/3U/93 HUTCHINSON UT IES COMMISSION PAGE i HUTCHINSIOMINNESOTA STATEMENT OF INCOME 6 EXPENSES JULY 31, 1993 PREVIOUS -- CURRENT BUDGETED BUDGET ANNUAL'­-- - -� YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE DEVIATION BUDGET !( INCOME STATEMENT +( OPERATING REVENUE ___ ___ SALES = ELECTRIC ENERGY---- -� — 5,523,816.25 5.774,447.66—'-- . - 5,609,830.00 ___ _ _ 164,617.66--9.709,00o.00­1 SALES FOR RESALE 270.00 540.00 1,000.00 (460.00) 2,000.00 ;:i( NET INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES 40,944.31 40,471.57 22,742.00 17,729.57 39000.00 SECURITY LIGHTS -- ----- - -- - -- _- 7,472.00- 7,230.00_.- - - -_.. 8.260.00 - -__ (1,030.00) -_ -- _.14,,000.00 -LI _ POLE RENTAL 1,564.50 1.564.50 1,880.00 (315.50) 4,000.00 SALES - GAS 2,415,066.24 3,207.304.95 2.395,100.00 812.204.95 4,650,000.00 is -- -" _ TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE�� -" __ '- �7, 989,133.30 - 9,031.558.60 _ 8,038,812.00 992,746.68- 14,418,000.00 —"i OPERATING EXPENSES ___ ___ PRODUCTION OPERATION —��� � �� ___ ___ ���.366,O50.U7 _ �417-369.91--­465 . , 025.50_'_____ _ 47,633.59 787, 150.00 PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE 241,158.19 331,888.53 306,953.00 (24,935.53) 391,600.00 a( PURCHASED POWER 2,675,387.60 3,113.755.60 2,733.000.00 (380,755.60) 4,8.66,000.00 ---TRANSMISSION OPERATION——— 487.99-- -� - � 177.0 -C -- -�_ 774.00 - -_ -- --� 596.97 _ - 3,400.00 -. TRANSMISSION MAINTENANCE 36,787.23 24,869.16 21,740.00 (3,129.16) 28,500.00 _ ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION OPERATION ___ 102.093.06 ___ 116.927.02 106.926.20 (_10.000.82) 174,420.00 ELECTRIC- DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE 83,943.571 68,412.31 03,365.00 54,932.69 509, 000.09 _Y_{. MFG GAS PRODUCTION OPERATION 974.01 1,031.69 1,110.00 78.31 2,500.00 { - GAS PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE 59.04_ 2_,871.21 114.00 (2,757.21) 500.00 L') _ _MFG :_ - — PURCHASED - GASEXPENSE - - 2,182,148,51 _ 2,861,130.9'7 -2,!31,600.00 (729,530.97) 4,170, 000.00 GAS DISTRIBUTION OPERATION 111,954.14 - 121,300.88 110,735.60 (10,642.28) 190,980.00 d( GAS DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE 26,309.91 32,542.80 23,141.00 (9,401.80) 29,500.00 _ CUSTOMER EXPENSES 78,536.49 — 83,092.98 - 68,760.06 (14,332.98) _ 116,500.00 _ _' _ CUSTOMER SERVICES 11,776.31 17,373.34 11.890.00 (5,483.34) 20,500.00 ADMINISTRATIVE 8 GENERAL EXPENSES 657,364.85 687,768.44 692.916.00 5,147.56 1,099,050.00 _ `- DEPRECIATION _ - - -- 434,000.00 _ 459,669.00 - 436,080.00 (23,589.00) __- 788, 000.00 1i TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 7,009,030.97 8,340,260.87 7,194,133.30 (1,146,127.57) 12.777,600.00 ;: +( - - ---- - OPERATING INCOME J � 980,102.33 691,297.81 - 844,678.70 (133,380.89)� 1,640,400.00 •_i - OTHER INC_ OME OTHER - NET - 30,333.57 13,731.97 20,740.00 (6,988.03) 55,000.00 ... _ INTEREST INCOME 354,770.63 232,043.42 362,637.50 (130,594.08) 541,250.00 MISC INCOME _ (16,302.16) 15,674.55 _(91.405.00) 107,079.55 50,500.00 _' MISC INCOME - GA8 266,777.83 271,504.04 244.960.25 26,543.79 569,675.00 F1 TOTAL OTHER INCOME 635,579.67 532,973.98 536.932.75 (3,958.77) 1.216,425.00 r:l( OTHER EXPENSES———— - MISC EXPENSES 21.563.78 11,900.49 7.950.00 (3,950.40) 30,000.00 ; -.j( _ INTEREST EXPENSE 63,662.69.­-1-1105,637.73, 49.683.13 (55,954.60) 91,037.50 ___ _ -- TOTAL OTHER"EXPENSES' ___ � -� 85,226.47 117, 338.13 37.633.13 _ (59,905.00) 121,037.50 NON - OPERATING INCOME 550,353.40 415,433.83 479,299.62 (63,563.77) 1.095,387.50 NET INCOME 1,530,455.73 1,106,733.66 1,323,978.32 (217,244.66) 2,735,787.50 -1( r-I (