cp09-10-2008 cAGENDA REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2008 • CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION — Rev. Howard Anderson, Hunter's Ridge Community Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS 5. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 26, 2008 Action - Motion to approve as presented 6. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR AUGUST 2008 2. HUTCHINSON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES FROM JULY 28, 2008 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 13471 — RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE (LIGHT REPLACEMENT, FORKLIFT, BIO DIESEL) • 2. RESOLUTION NO. 13476 — RESOLUTION TEMPORARILY SUSPENDING PARKING RESTRICTIONSO N JEFFERSON STREET DURING ARTS AND CRAFTS FESTIVAL 3. ORDINANCE NO. 08 -0509 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING HUTCHINSON CITY ORDINANCE 30.30 CONCERNING PURCHASES BY THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) (c) REAPPOINTMENT OF BECKY FELLING TO HUTCHINSON HRA BOARD TO AUGUST 2013 (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SOLICITOR'S LICENSE FOR THOMAS NEW OF WINDOW CONCEPTS OF MINNESOTA INC. (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ITEMS FOR NORTHEAST TRUNK STORM SEWER PHASE 3 (LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 08 -03) — APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF DANCE PERMIT FOR SUSAN REITER ON BEHALF OF MCLEOD ALLIANCE FOR VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ON OCTOBER 17, 2008, AT THE HUTCHINSON EVENT CETNER (g) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Action — Motion to approve consent agenda 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. •(a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING ON -SALE WINE /STRONG BEER LICENSE TO JEFFREY EHLERT OF JAKE'S PIZZA LOCATED AT THE HUTCHINSON MALL Action — CITY COUNCIL AGENDA —SEPTEMBER 10, 2008 (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING ON -SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE TO JESSE DOHERTY OF ITALIAN CHAR HOUSE LOCATED AT 101 PARK PLACE • Action- 8. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CALLING FOR SALE OF 2008 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS AND 2008 GENERAL OBLIGATION REVENUE BONDS Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (b) UPDATE ON MOSQUITO SPRAYING LEVY LIMIT OPTIONS — KEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR Action - (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING 2009 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FOR SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HUTCHINSON REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13473) Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING 2009 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FOR SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HUTCHINSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (ADOPT •RESOLUTION NO. 13474) Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING 2009 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13475) Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING DATE FOR DECEMBER 2, 2008, AT 5:30 P.M. Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (g) ORDINANCE NO. 08 -0510 — AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING REVISIONS TO SECTIONS 6.02, 6.03 AND CHAPTER 12 OF HUTCHINSON CITY CHARTER (WAIVE FIRSTREADING AND SETSECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR SEPTEMBER �3, 2008) Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ITEMS FOR SOUTH GRADE ROAD TRAIL AND CEMETERY ROADWAYS PROJECTS (LETTING NO. 7, PROJECT NO. 08 -07 & 08 -21) — ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 1. MISCELLANEOUS ADJOURN MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2008 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Cook called the meeting to order. Members present were Bill Arndt, Casey Stotts and Jim Haugen. Others present were Gary Plotz, City Administrator, Kent Exner, City Engineer, and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. 2. INVOCATION — Rev. Rick Stapleton, Shalom Baptist Church, delivered the invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS Rhett Young, 446 Monroe Street, represents the kids at the skate park. Mr. Young commented that he wanted to bring the skate park to the Council's attention and would like them to think about improvement and expansion, such as bathrooms, lighting, ramps, maintenance, bleachers and expansion. Mr. Young estimated the total cost to be about $50,000 over the course of 10 years. Mayor Cook asked Mr. Young to speak with Dolf Moon, PRCE Director, and discuss some of his ideas, and then to follow up with Gary Plotz, City Administrator. 5. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 12, 2008 Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. MOTOR VEHICLE MONTHLY REPORT FOR JULY 2008 2. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM JULY 15, 2008 3. PLANNING, ZONING, BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTLY REPORT FOR JULY 2008 4. CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JULY 2008 5. CITY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR JULY 2008 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 13468 —RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE (UNDERGROUND PIECING, TWO PAYLOADERS, BAG FILM, BIODIESEL) (c) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 1. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY RUNNINGS FARM AND FLEET TO ALLOW OUTDOOR DISPLAY AT 1090 HWY 15 SOUTH IN THE C -4 (FRINGE COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13467) (d) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS • Items 6(c) and 6(b)l were pulled for separate discussion. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA —A UGUST 26, 2008 Motion by Stotts, second by Arndt, to approve consent agenda with the exception of the items noted above. Motion carried unanimously. ; ; • Mayor Cook inquired about item 6(b)l and the reason for having two different amounts. Gary Plotz, City Administrator, explained that the two payloaders are currently utilized at Creekside. Creekside staff is looking to downsize and they believe it is in the best interest to purchase those two payloaders for the remainder of the lease and then sell them. The first amount is to buy out the lease and the other is for the internal purchase. They would be shared by departments and would eliminate some motor vehicle use. Motion by Stotts, second by Haugen, to approve item 6(b)1. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Cook inquired whether there were any comments from the public on items 6(c) 1. Rebecca Bowers, Planning, Building and Zoning Director, noted there were no comments from the public. She commented that the staff aims to make this a much better outdoor area and they are looking to add more trees. Motion by Haugen, second by Stotts, to approve item 6(c)1. Motion carried unanimously. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. (a) REVIEW OF PROPOSED CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2009 BUDGET Gary Plotz, City Administrator, explained that a number of workshops have been held to establish the budget for 2009. The Council previously set parameters for the budget, and since that time directors have submitted their individual budgets. Mr. Plotz explained that the purpose of the public hearing is to determine if there are any public comments, if there are services the public feels that should be added or services dispersed. Mr. • Plotz explained that the City always encourages the public to participate in the workshops. The budgeting continues through November and then there will be a truth in taxation hearing. Mr. Plotz further explained that this public hearing was just an extra option for the public to come forward and comment. Mayor Cook asked for Gary Plotz, City Administrator, to explain levy limits. Gary Plotz explained that the levy is made up of two portions. This year the levy is set at 3.3 %, and what changes is the local government aid. If the city gets more LGA the tighter and less of an increase they allow the local certified levy to go up. The total levy should not be up anymore than 5% from the previous year. Mr. Plotz explained that it has been necessary to cut back on expenditures. There are five fulitime positions and part time wages that are effected in the proposed budget to try and make it balance. Many of those are expenditures that were just not filled in the current year, such as in parks and streets. There is also a vacancy created in the motor vehicle pool, and some vacancies in the police department. Mr. Plotz noted that they are trying to reduce this by not f ling positions. Mr. Plotz also noted that this might mean a longer waiting time in the motor vehicle lines. In addition, the parks department will have to cut garden plots, and the outdoor skating rinks and so forth. At the Police Department there will be some reduction in hours that will affect the animal control. With all of these cuts, the City is trying to minimize the impact. Council Member Arndt added on how much it cost to put the ad in the paper and then no one shows up, and that here was the time for the public to speak and'rio� bne came. Mayor Cook also noted that they did ask if the storm water ponds could be paid for by the storm water and utility funds. Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously • (b) REVIEW OF PROPOSED REVISIONS TO HUTCHINSON CITY CHARTER Marc Sebora, City Attorney, explained that Hutchinson Area Health Care was owned by the City for 40 years 2 5co) CITY COUNCIL AGENDA — AUGUST 26, 2008 and the hospital was governed by a hospital board. Since January 1, 2008 the hospital has been privatized. The hospital now has its own governin board and no longer necessary to have the HAHC Board. The • Charter Commission met and wants to eliminate the language that references the board. Before the change can be made in the ordinance a pubic hearing must be held. The notice was published and there was no public comment. Motion by Arndt, second by Stotts, to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Marc Sebora, City Attorney, commented that his next step is to draft the ordinance for the next meeting. S. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITI6NS 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10. NEW BUSINESS (a) POLICY GOVERNANCE POLICY DISCUSSION Stacy Sjogren, Policy Governance, gave a presentation of where the City Council is standing and that they are awfully close to finishing with writing policies. She would like the Council to look at 4.5, 4.8 and finish those tonight, and wait with 4.6 and 4.7 until after the new Council members are elected. Four at the bottom 4.5 and 4.8 finish tonight, 4.6 and 4.7 for after the new people are elected. Stacy Sjogren, Policy Governance, went over 4.5, Council Member Code of Conduct. Stacy noted that Mayor Cook had a draft that had changes on it. Stacy inquired why number four should be in the Council section; they could take number four and put it into the treatment of staff section. • Mayor Cook commented that they should pull it out and put it in another policy at a later date. General discussion was held. Number four was pulled to be put it another section at a later date. Mayor Cook inquired whether number five -is in Ah &ity Charter. General discussion was held. Marc Sebora, City Attorney, clarified that it is in the City Charter that a Council member can not be employed by the City of Hutchinson for one year after they come off of the Council. General discussion was held. Number 5 is taken out for further discussion. Motion by Haugen, second by Cook, to approve section 4.5 with the exclusions of number 4 and 5. Motion carried unanimously. Stacy Sjogren, Policy Governance, went over section 4.8 Cost of Investments. Stacy explained that it talks about the cost factor. Mayor Cook noted that no one has put a history together. Stacy explained that she would recommend that the Council go ahead and approve everything but the dollar amounts, and then when they have that history the Council go back and look at those numbers, this way they can track it a little bit longer, and they can do a better job of estimating. Gary Plotz, City Administrator, commented that for section 4.8.2, since they adopt the budget in December it should be looked at in October 2008. Stacy Sjogren, Policy Governance, will bring this to the Councils' attention in October 2008. Motion by Stotts, second by Cook, to approve section 4.8 with the exception of section 4.8.2. Motion carried unanimously. Sca�) CITY COUNCIL AGENDA —AUG UST26, 2003 Stacy Sjogren, Policy Governance, went over section 3.4 Council Management Declarations. Stacy asked Gary Plotz, City Administrator, to give his recommendations for when these items should be reviewed. • Performance Review- December, Treatment of Public- December, Financial Condition & Activities - monthly -July, Plannin& & Budgeting - quarterly (March, June, September, December), Emergency City Administrator Succession — March, Asset Protection — January, Compensation and Benefits — internal (April) — external (February), Communication & Support — November, Governance Policies — Direct Inspection — quarterly (two each quarter) - (Stacy Sjogren, Policy Governance, will picks those and balance those out), Global Executive Constraint — November. Motion by Stotts, second by Haugen, to approve section 3.4 with Gary Plotz recommendations. Motion carried unanimously. Stacy Sjogren went over the Environmental Protection policy. Stacy handed out a hard copy of this. Mayor Cook drafted this as a starting point for this policy. General discussion was held. Stacy will be pulling out 11, 1, and 2. Mayor Cook noted that he would add in 3 and 5 the fleet mileage, and change the date to 2016. General discussion was held. Steve Cook suggest adding at the end of the sentence, "unless found to be economically unfeasible ". Council Member Haugen likes number 7 better than 5, and feels it is redundant. Council Member Haugen feels that they are supposed to be setting goals, and wanted to know what would happen if the City was not in compliance. General discussion was held. Stacy Sjogren, Policy Governance, suggested taking number 7 out because it is too broad and put that in the Ends Policy. General discussion was held. The Council will be waiting with number 7. (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR VACANCY IN FINANCE DEPARTMENT Gary Plotz, City Administrator, announced that it is with deep regret that he received a retirement notice • from Ken Merrill, Finance Director. Ken Merrill has been with City for over 30 plus years, and has been very valuable to directors and he will be missed. Ken Merrill's last day is December 31, 2008. Gary noted that what he would like to do is to promote from within and have Jeremy Carter become the Finance Director. He has talked to Jeremy Carter and Ken Merrill about this in depth and both would like to see a new person here for a period of time before Ken leaves. Gary Plotz, noted that there is a 6 -10 week overlap where the assistant, Ken, and Jeremy will all be together. He also noted that the job title maybe revised and that would be done internally. The monies for that overlap would come from some of the positions that have not been filled in next year's budget, based on the projections there should be money to cover the overlap. Gary also noted that it takes Council action because in the City Charter you are not able to hire a position without the approval of the Council. Mayor Cook commented that as long as Gary Plotz feels confident that there will be monies, he feels it is a good idea. Motion by Stotts, second by Cook; to approve promoting Jeremy Carter to Finance Director, and hire an Assistant Finance director to overlap the time before Ken Merrill retires on December 31, 2008. Motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF REVISION TO POLICY NO. 1.11 — PURCHASING - PURCHASE ORDERS AND ORDINANCE NO. 08 -0509 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING HUTCHINSON CITY ORDINANCE 30.30 CONCERNING PURCHASES BY THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 08 -0509 FOR SEPTEMBER 10, 2008) Gary Plotz, City Administrator, noted that none of these numbers have been changed for 20 years. He feels that the Council should raise it to have a director make a decision up to $2,000, and that the City Administrator or Finance Director could approve anything up to $25,000. He also suggested having the City Administrator's purchasing authority raised to $100,000 in two quotations. The most significant change is to • match state law sealed bids for anything over $100,000, and one tear decision making for small amounts. This is ajoint recommendation from Gary Plotz, City Administrator and the Finance Department. s Ca:) CITY COUNCILAGENDA— AUGUST26, 26-08 Mayor Cook noted that in policy povernance they talked about splitting purchases. Gary Plotz, City Administrator, commented that he discourages that; it will be in the policy governance and is also covered • under state statute. Marc Sebora, City Attorney, commented that it is not covered under state statute. General discussion was held. Gary Plotz, City Administrator, explained that currently when they buy fuel they have to get sealed bids, he said when they have to purchase fuel they put it in a resolution for purchase. Motion by Stotts, second by Haugen, to waive first reading and set second reading and adoption for September 10, 2008. Motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF SETTING DATE FOR CANVASSING RESULTS FROM CITY PRIMARY ELECTION TO BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 9, 2008 Marc Sebora, City Attorney, explained that the Council needs to meet the morning following the election to go over the voting machine, make sure it is working properly, this is generally at 8:00 a.m. Council Member Arndt inquired doing it before the Council Meeting on Wednesday. Motion by Haugen, second by Arndt, to set the Canvassing results from the Primary Election for September 10, 2008 at 5:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF DESIGNiATING COUNCIL MEMBERS TO ATTEND LOCAL BOARD OF REVIEW TRAINING HELD BY THE MCLEOD COUNTY ASSESSOR Mayor Cook noted that by law there has to be two Council members that go through this training. Last time . Mayor Cook and Council Member Peterson went, since Council Member Peterson is not running for re- election and neither is Council Member Stotts that leaves Council Member Haugen and Council Member Arndt. Council Member Haugen inquired whether it was half day. It was noted that it is scheduled for September 15, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. for 2'h hours in Glencoe at the North Complex. It was noted that they do not have to decide tonight, they can let Mayor Cook know when they have made a decision. (f) CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE 13D.05, SUBD. 3(C) TO DISCUSS PROPERTY ACQUISITION FOR THE NORTHEAST TRUNK STORM SEWER PHASE 3 PROJECT Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen to convene into closed session at 7:52 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen to reconvene into open session at 8:15 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 11. MISCELLANEOUS (a) RESOLUTIONNO.1 3469— RESOLUTION TLM(SORARILY SUSPENDING PARKING RESTRICTION ON JEFFERSON STREET Council Member Haugen inquired whether they were closing the road on the south side of First Avenue. Dan Hattan, Police Chief, noted that the road will be closed for the Taste of Hutchinson, and that resolution will be on for the September 10' meeting. • Motion by Arndt, second by Stotts, to approve Resolution No. 13469. Motion carried unanimously. Council Member Haugen suggested postponing Gary Plotz's review. General Discussion was held. Council 5�'a� CITY COUNCIL AGENDA --AUGUST 26, 2008 Member Arndt suggested having it scheduled the September 23, 2008 Council meeting, following the meeting. Motion by Arndt, second Stotts, to schedule Gary Plotz, City Administrator's review for September 23, 2008, following the City Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Council Member Arndt, asked that the citizens get out and water the trees in Hutchinson, because the trees are changing colors early, he said that instead of relying on the city crews to do everything, the citizens should get out and water a couple of trees, and it would save tax dollars. Council Member Stotts said he had some citizen§'taTk`to him about making Hutchinson a golf cart friendly town. Council Member Stotts did some checking at towns that allow golf cart use in town and it is a great economical way to get around. Some towns have restrictions such as when they can be out, where, and some towns even have paths for the golf carts. Council Member Stotts thinks this is something the City should look into this winter, so that it would be ready to go in the spring. Kent Exner, City Engineer, commenjed that the Highway 15 roundabout is open now. Open house for the Underpass is Tuesday, September 2" at 5:00 p.m. and Congressman Peterson is not available to be there but Bob Ness is available to attend. It is setup on the south side of the underpass. The Water treatment plant and Wastewater open house is scheduled for Wednesday September 3` from 12:00 — 7:00 p.m., they are also offering tours. Mayor Cook commented that someone brought to his attention about the availability ofrestrooms in library square for the summer months so businesses are not having people come in to just use the restrooms. Mayor Cook also commented on the possibility of putting a bike path on Lewis Avenue, and if Kent Exner, City Engineer, had a chance to look at that. Kent Exner, City Engineer explained that he did look at the road, and it is not possible to have a bike path on the road unless they eliminate parking on both sides of the street, and he does not believe that is very feasible either. General Discussion was held. Council Member Arndt inquired about the construction on College Avenue and if that is going to be open or closed when school starts. He would like Kent Exner, City Engineer; to contact Mr. Linden and Mr. Moore with the construction information for the road thdf,will be closed. Kent Exner, also noted that Tom Surell, of MN DOT will be out to the HATS facility having lunch and then he will be giving a tour. The Council members are welcome to join them for lunch. Motion by Stotts, second by Arndt, to set a public meeting Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 12:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Cook noted that there is a public forum for the council member candidates on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 from 6:30 — 8:30 p.m. it will also be aired on HCVN, questions can be submitted to the Chamber of Commerce. 12. ADJOURN Motion by Arndt, second by Cook, to adjourn at 7:16 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 6 5 C�� r� TO: Mayor and City Council Members Frorm Brad Emans, Fire Chief Dates 09102/08 Re: Monthly Update on Activities of the Fire Department Fire Department Response: The fire department responded to 27 calls for service in the month of August. Fire Officer Only Response: A "fire officer only' responded to 7 calls in August, saving the Hutchinson Fire District the cost of a 'general" alarm estimated at $7,176.00 and more importantly, it kept our firefighters on their full time job or at home with their families an additional 105 hoursl Response Time (First Emergency Vehicle Out of the Door): August— 4 minutes 50 seconds • Example of a few of the calls: • The FD responded to hazard material release at one of our industries when a valve stuck open; • • The FD responded to a residential fire when the property owner put hot coals in a plastic garbage can. The fire was detected early causing little damage; • The FD responded to a wild land fire in one of our NW fire districts that took four hours to extinguish; • The FD responded to an apartment building fire at 3:00 AM, upon arrival the lower fioor was tilled with smoke. The cause of the smoke was a stove fire; • The FD responded to a residential garage fire, the building was involved in flames upon arrival. The cause of the fire was a 500 watt quartz light too close to combustibles; • The FD participated in a decontamination of an airplane crash victim. The victim was covered in hazardous material and needed to be decontaminated before treatment for injuries could begin; • The FD responded to a commercial /residential building in our downtown area when vandals forced entry into a fire extinguisher cabinet and then discharged it in the building; • The FD responded twice mutual aid to the Glencoe FD for fires at the Spruce Ridge Landfill; 1 (0 `c�) 1 Breakdown of the Calls for the Month: City: • Residential 4 Commercial/Industrial 3 Multi- family 4 School 1 Carbon Monoxide 2 Hazardous Material 2 Vehicle 1 Rescue 0 Medical 1 Grass 0 Sky -Warn 0 Good Will 0 Mutual Aid 0 Rural: Structure Fires 1 Arson 0 Rescue 0 Grass Type 3 Medical 2 Residential 1 Farm Building 0 Hazardous Material 0 Carbon Monoxide 0 Vehicle 0 CommerciaUlndustrial 0 Good Will 0 Mutual Aid 3 Structure Fires 0 Arson 0 Training: • The FD conducted an annual equipment operation safety class; • Completed the 1 a stage of the high level rescue class; • Trained on hose streams, water movement at the training site. Fire Prevention I Public Relations: • Participated in only a few "National Night Out" parties due to the fact we were at a 4 hour wild land fire; • Participated in the Hunter Ridge Church carnival with a stationary fire truck for the kids to see; • Gave a fire safety class for the pre - school kids at Bean's Plus; • Participated in the McLeod County Fair, providing fire 1 rescue for the Auto Cross and Demo- Derby. We also provided 1 a Aid for the Fair Grounds on Saturday. Other Information: • Rental Registration Update: We have 255 buildings registered, and over 1500 units inspected as of August 31; • We will be holding our 1251" anniversary kick -off with an open house and demonstration day on Saturday, September 13m. The event starts at 11:00 AM and ends at 3:D0 PM with the drawing for a vacation package anywhere in the continental United States. Demonstrations on Saturday, September 13th will include: Sprinkler Trailer, Car Fire, Auto Extrication, Repelling, Water Ball for the kids. Hourly drawings for smoke detectors. CO detectors, and Fire extinguishers, and free food: • We are still receiving several requests for assistance on events around the area it is hard to explain that we are trying to conserve fuel and our budget when all of these events are worthwhile. We currently are filling the requests prior to the fuel conservation program and are trying to attend events with only a static display/presentation. • • Page 2 (pCC71 Hutchinson Public Library Board Minutes Monday, July, 28, 2008 4:30 pm • Members present: Guy Stone, Abby Dahlquist, Yvonne Johnson, Janet Vocek and Mary Henke Ex -Officio Members absent: Kay Peterson and John Paulsen Vice President Guy Stone called the meeting to order. Janet moved to approve the minutes and was seconded by Abby. Motion passed. There is no full Pioneerland Library System (PLS) board meeting until Sept. 18 so we didn't hove a report from Jack Sandberg. Old Business 1. Replacement for Ann Vance Mary sent the paperwork to the city administration. The appointment will be on the Aug. 12 agenda for city council action to approve the nominee. 2. Library Services for Seniors A. Topic for the first morning gathering in Sept. will be a tour of the library. Details of the program were discussed. Mary will prepare an interest survey to get feedback from seniors for future programming. Snacks will be served. We will work with senior groups in the community in our planning and publicity. B. Transportation through the Trailblazer is available with advanced scheduling. They can hold 17 and have a lift. New Business: 1. City and County 2009 Budget Requests A 4.1% increase is the proposed increase we will ask for. PLS has sent letters to cities and counties proposing the raise. Mary submits a draft budget to PLS who then requests funding from the cities and counties. We will invite Bev Wangerin to update us on county commissioners' actions in the fall. • The city also pays for building expenses such as utilities, repair and cleaning supplies. 2. Community Fall Forum Mary reviewed past topics and brainstorming suggestions as well as Hennepin Co. Lib. Innovative events. She will follow up on the topic of innov- ations and inventions in Minnesota history. The Inventor's Congress in Redwood Falls was suggested as a source of assistance in developing the topic. A tentative date of Tuesday, Oct. 21 was set. 3. Hutchinson Leader Online Mary has purchased a subscription to the local newspaper through America's NewsBank. It covers 2000 to the current issue and is indexed for easy searching. It will be available on all the library's computers and well as fium home by people with PLS library cards. Mary will focus on making it available for two years and will then research its cost /benefit. The next meeting will be on Monday, August 25, 2008 all 4:30 pm. Meeting was adjourned with a motion from Yvonne and a second from Abby. �S{YCF- ii,�ll� submrttcd� 0 to C��a RESOLUTION NO. 13471 CITY OF HUTCHINSON • RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Light Replacement $64,264 Energy conservation Rec Capital See Premier Electric Center & Arena Projects memo Forklift $42,250 Material handling @ water Water See Bennett Material Handling & WWTP & memo WWTP The following items were authorized due to an emergency need: 1TEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR 7,501 gal Bio diesel 526,441 MnDot, County & City HATS YES Cennex vehicle use 8,500 gal Bio diesel $29,426 MnDot, County & City HATS YES Schmeling vchicle use Date Approved: September 10, 2008 Motion Made By: &conded By: Resolution submitted for Council action by: Kenneth B. Merrill Finance Director ��e� 1 :r,,;r . Memorandum To: Mayor and City Council From: Mary Haugen — PRCE Operations Manager Dolf Moon — PRCE Director Date: September 10th, 2008 Re: Recreation Center and Arena Lighting Replacement Money has been set aside in the capital improvement fund for a number of important projects at Burich Arena and the Recreation Center. We believe that these projects can wait for funding in order to complete one that will make an immediate and positive impact on our operating budget. Our indoor sports facilities are currently lit by 1000 watt metal halide fixtures. We have been working with various suppliers and electrical contractors on the benefits of replacing these lamps with more efficient fluorescent, high bay T -5 lamps. These lamps are approximately 52% more efficient than our current system. The lamp life is rated at 32,000 hours, or at our current usage rate, about ten years. Presently, we change our bulbs about ever three years, because the metal halide lamps lose much of their lumens over the 15 half of their life. The T -5 fluorescent bulbs have a lumen retention value of 93% over their life. Premier Lighting Company of St. Paul, together with Hutchinson Utilities have estimated the monetary savings each year at about $14,000. The cost to relight the Recreation Center gym and both indoor ice sheets is $64,260. The payback on this investment is less than five years. Hutchinson Utilities may be in a position to offer rebates, making this project pay for itself even faster. We believe that based on price quotes received, and the experience that Premier lighting has in replacing many indoor arena and gymnasium lighting systems, that the Mayor and City Council authorize using up to $64,260. from the Capital Improvement Fund to replace the lighting systems at Burich Arena and Hutchinson Recreation Center. (.j� C6) 1 • • September 3, 2008 City of Hutchinson Public Works Department Operations & Maintenance 1400 Adams St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone(320)234 -4219 Fax(320)234 -6971 To: Honorable Mayor & City Council members From: John Olson, Public Works Manager CC: Randy DeVries, Water/Wastewater Manager Subject: Forklift for Water and Wastewater Plants Plant improvements are complete and there is an obvious need for a forklift at both plants. A properly equipped forklift will allow otherwise potentially dangerous manual labor to be done using machinery. Considering the increased fuel prices and a desire to consider other environmental factors such as fuel use, maintenance, emissions and waste generated, we looked at both electric and LPG forklifts. We also investigated purchasing used machinery, but were unable to find readily available used machines that meet specific specifications necessary for operations at plants. Forklift specifications were very specific to allow passage to certain areas of both plants. Initial cost for an electric forklift is 545,250 (including battery and charger), versus $25,400 for an LPG forklift. Total ownership costs for the electric forklift, however, are expected to be nearly $14,000 less than those expected for an LPG forklift. For the electric forklift, we could expect annual ownership (capital & operating) costs of around $3,371 per year for 1.5 hour shifts. Depending upon future fuel prices, the LPG forklift would cost about 55,080 per year for the same 1.5 hour shifts. We expect the electric forklift to last about 20 years (15,000 hours), while the LPG forklift would be closer to 12 years (9,000 hours). Considering total lifetime costs, both capital costs and operating costs that will be paid each year in the future, along with environmental considerations the electric forklift is the most beneficial option. Staff recommends purchasing a Linde E25P 5,000 lb. 80 -volt electric four -wheel forklift from Bennett Material Handling, Inc. of Hopkins, MN for $45,250 plus appropriate taxes. Bennett Material Handling, Inc. is the state contract vendor for these forklifts. lit C � r 1 LJ • • Truck Specifications: Truck Type 8 Manufacturer Linde Electric I.C. LPG Truck Model # E25P Generic Capacity lbs. 5,000 5,000 Number of Trucks 1 1 Eauiument Cost: Cost/Hour Down -lime Cost/Operating Hou Down -time Cost per Truck/Year Total Annual Cost per Truck: Difference in annual cost per truck: Difference in initial equipment cost: Payback in years: Estimated life in years: Net years: Total Estimated Lifetime Savings I�$ 3,371.08 $ 5,080.67 $ 1,709.59 $ 19,850.00 12 20 8 $ 14,341.79 '(sustained use up to 3.25 hours /day) Lp000)' Cost of Truck $ 33,400.00 $ 25,400.00 Est. Life In Hours 15,000 9,000 Est. Life in Years (per City schedule 20 12 Truck Cost/Year $ 1,670.00 $ 2,116.67 Battery Cost Per Truck $ 9,050.00 - Battery Life in Years 15 - Battery CostfYear $ 603.33 Charger Cost/Truck $ 2,800.00 - Char er Life in Years 15 - Char erCosVYear $ 186.67 1 - Annualized ment Cost Per Truck $ 21460.00 1 $ 2,116.67 Fuel Cost: Fuel Usage Gallons /Shift 2 Fuel Cost/Gallon $ 4.00 # of Shift/Day 1 Days worked per year 240 240 Battery KWH Usage/Shift 10 Char er Efficiency Factor 1.1 Total KWH Consumption/Shift 11 Cost/KWH $ 0.12 Fuel Cost Shift $ 1.25 I $ 8.00 Fuel Cost/Da $ 1.25 $ 8.00 Fuel Cost per Truck er Year $ 299.08 $ 1,920. 00 Truck Operating Hours: I Truck Hours /Sh'rft 1.5 - 1.5 Truck Hours/Year 360 - 360 Cost/Hour Down -lime Cost/Operating Hou Down -time Cost per Truck/Year Total Annual Cost per Truck: Difference in annual cost per truck: Difference in initial equipment cost: Payback in years: Estimated life in years: Net years: Total Estimated Lifetime Savings I�$ 3,371.08 $ 5,080.67 $ 1,709.59 $ 19,850.00 12 20 8 $ 14,341.79 '(sustained use up to 3.25 hours /day) Lp000)' Resolution No. 13476 • RESOLUTION TEMPORARILY SUSPENDING PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON JEFFERSON STREET WHEREAS, the 34th Annual Arts and Crafts Festival / Taste of Hutchinson will be held on Friday September 12 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, September 13 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; and WHEREAS, there have been difficulties in the past along Jefferson Street regarding parking complaints; and WHEREAS, there have also been traffic congestion problems along Main Street and around Library Square during this weekend; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Parking will be temporarily allowed on the west side of Jefferson Street from Washington Avenue to Fifth Avenue SE. 2. City property "bass pond / snow storage area" near Sorensen's Sales and Rental will be designated for RV, camper and large trailer parking from Thursday, September 11 through Saturday, September 13, 2008. 3. City parking lot B and 106 Franklin St. SW will be designated for RV, • camper and large trailer parking from Thursday, September 11 through Saturday, September 13, 2008. 4. 15t Ave. SE between Main St and Hassan St. will be closed from Thursday, September 11, 2008 through Saturday, September 13th, 2008 to accommodate the Taste of Hutchinson Event in conjunction with the Arts and Crafts Festival. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of September, 2008. Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator 11 Steven W. Cook, Mayor ( \D)D-" • ORDINANCE NO. 08 -0509 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING HUTCHINSON CITY ORDINANCE 30.30 CONCERNING PURCHASES BY THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR The City of Hutchinson hereby ordains that City Ordinance 30.30 is amended as follows: § 30.30 CITY ADMINISTRATOR. (A) Purchases by the City Administrator. The City Administrator is hereby authorized to make purchases and enter into contracts where the amount of the contract is estimated to be $13,500 50.000 or less. The contract may be made either upon quotation or in the open market, in the discretion of the City Administrator in accordance with State law. If the contract is made upon quotation, it shall be based, so far as practicable, on at least two quotations which shall be kept on file for a period of at least one year after their receipt. The City Administrator may delegate authority to enter into contracts to individual directors where the amount of the contract is estimated to be $000 2,000 or less. (B) Duties of the City Clerk. The City Administrator shall perform all statutory duties of the City Clerk. ('89 Code, § 2.07) (Am. Ord. 96 -173, passed 9- 10 -96) 0 Adopted by the City Council this 10 s day of September, 2008. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator • Steven W. Cook Mayor Cp(.b'3 r=ay a''Aa "1 !v • MEMORANDUM POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Sgt. Joseph Nagel FROM: Officer Theresa Lcider /Investigations r w DATE: 8/26/2008 RE: Transient Merchant License Background As of today's date, I have completed a backgroU nd investigation on Thomas New for a Transient Merchant's License. Mr. New is soliciting homeowners to set up estimates for home- improvements for Window Concepts of Minnesota. I did not locate anything in Mr. New's background, criminal or civil, thatwould eliminate him from receiving this license - Mr. New has held a solicitor's license in the City Of Lakeville in 2007. • There were two attached photocopied identifications with this application. The identifications were of an individual with an Arizona driver's license and of an Allen Bates. I am not able to read the name on the Arizona identification. I am not able to check the background of these two individuals being I do not have releases from them. If you have any further questions, or need any further investigation into this matter, please contact me. RUG -14 -2088 01:42 FROM: 70:13202344240 P:2,8 0 )a 1 Ilux m Yff=snwseasl Hula hrtnt,n, MN 55350 (3711 )5X7- 5 1511ran: (320) 734 -4240 I 1 L J • CR3 of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS, AND TRANSIENT MERCHANTS Application Typc (choose one) 'IrSolldtor 512100 Dn to of A pplication ❑ Transient Merchant $125.00 ❑ Peddler 5125,00 Datds)o'.'Sale ❑Parade Peddler $30.0 2' X 2" Picture Required Name:71Of I Sn KIe4— ) Ilcieht: (0'0 Weight__ Eye. Driver's License Numbe): tales Pcmiiaanent Address: 3 0-0_0 Permanent Tclephnne:. Ur-I �1 - -_ Temporary Address' np zy, Temporary Telephone Access: Hove you heen wnvicted of any crime, misdemeanor, orviolsticn of any municipal urdimnce. other than trnfGe violations? ❑ yes Xm If ves, store the nature of offense and punishment ,-,r pe�ialty asscssed there ilorc: (o Cdr RUG -14 -2008 01:42 FROM: C/p� o/lhft*lmre • ApplJmuun fu PeWdlem, S'olicilorr. and Tran.uenr Metchrv,, Pggr. 1,,r4 • :f rr�e464Z • TD: 13202394240 P'3,8 Locca-iinri Information —� xarlion Numc ,. Location Address --- P.`iry Stale /i/ 3nsiness Information Descrlhe relationship bctweeyn�applicant an�dl employm: M a _.L(Gi.!'�1i (1�r�J_S>P(Yil9`fYIE?n1 lIIC1, •�' ___ __ _ Describe nature of businesC and describe item(,— s) offered: ` �� cx n ra Cc C7crj r fc f Tt �}�/ -o 11, on h v,�- arnPmep,rec inn 1•��,_ (j Lj Dcscn c nxthufl of dtliyerv: ! /'/ Describe source of supply; _VAJ�(\C6 C�nePtsF� M N SnC .. __ C Sf- 9G5 -c�ios Su pin, Mow, Supply, fh,��u: 1'i�rdmr .$ulM,lly AJd'eu / - =.r 1TOrr Gp ZIP - ..._.rrJ ' S'rppher h'nn'r SuppinYllonr.�'uniDer Svpp7rer6dr)rav — ____Cci�. _. —jkru 7,p Suppy" Nornr ,crrppkr Pllnne 9 -u o,Aer Cal Reference Tnfonnal ion Provide two (2) property owners (preferably in MCI-cA County) for character references' Prrlxrry (hrnor .Nome Prnprrn I'hr.rrr Yhnnr .�'wnAer A61 �L�1Z�? l 1111.11_ S 'S c,a• zl. Praperp bnnrr ,YarM Prnpern Ih vuer Phone ?'vrnM�r fj Y5or� Xnc) P. -o lyr (h ✓nor AdrlrysJ Cil' .1'rvM D ■ � cd> RUG- 14 -2ooe 01:42 FROM: Clry gJHnN•himm� • Aryvllrotlrmjw fsEdlecr:.Sv/irirnrc rulrl Tmnnem Mc.chanl.r T0:73P02�44240 P:4�B List \{last r(up r1_to three (3)) previous dity(ies) where YOU carried on slime nclivity: �) 9 Ali— Datcle! of Arlwey / Q— j C_,� — t t I SLR! - - -- to �.✓ -252_ nuUs)nrncov�r MAJ o lu _ I— City S ors Oemlpl of Aomiry .— e following items need to he completed and /ur attached in order for the ,pl Application /I nvestigatinn fu paid in full (cheek or money order): ❑ ycs atiou to be pmcesscd: ❑no —To b�Sra�t .n r4r,ISJISIO� I hereby certify 1 have ,,pletely filled out the entire above application and that the npplicetinn I5 true, conect, and accurate: I fully understand that auy person who viulatas any provision of the Peddlers. Solicitors, and Transient Merchants Ordinance No. 67,1 is gnihy of a micdetne;mor and upon convleton therenf sFall be punished by a fine not exceeding 51,000.00 or by impri.wnrn nt for a perind nor execedinS 90 days or both, plus, in either case, the vests of prosecution. • .4pplicnnCS,STgnalure '- _���� Dore Police U approved ❑ denied Notes: City Council D npprnved D denied Notes: H'�Idvry4��ryL,rua Jhmler S.Idq. Toe.ion� M1,. C� C' (d) FROM: TOP-3320234AP40 P-jG.14-2008 01!42 ° - _ 1 t � � ■ III � 7j� +�+ • F + � AN. Mai t512 - "fir ' -A � � 007 rim BL U, D' (D(a) PUG-14-2008 01:43 FWIM: TOE 17 021344240 .1 e , qj.'. � � %bill ■ _ _�._ �eT eeeeeee� even eeeeeeeeeeeeee•e eft :� seeeeeeeea -.. _ ��� �� _ _ PUG-14-2008 01:43 FRO - .e: F • 6,'S . e. n eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea • .. s __.� � � eeeeeeeeeeeeeee� • �1 S er� 1 ei � �iw• aee�� � ' �' � �+�.. i J tr jr Y � • ii � � � � T Crr J - {I a i to +e f Cyva }. op "4Y71��J'+f'VI a AIW,. --r +� �s �!_ eeee• e• • eee�.eeeee• � • 6 u � - � � � e e �r rf�y C TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Kent Exner, City Engineer RE: Consideration of Items NE Trunk Storm Sewer Phase 3 (Letting No. 3/ProjectNo. 08 -03) DATE: September 10, 2008 Following the Public Hearing for the NE Trunk Storm Sewer Phase 3 project at the August 12" City Council, the Council elected to not approve the Resolution Approving Plans & Specifications & Ordering Advertisement for Bids due to the pending property acquisition. At this point, City staff believes that we are close to finalizing the necessary property acquisition for this project and would like to proceed with the bidding process. Due to the month of September having a fifth Tuesday, we would be able to meet the necessary public bidding timeframes for a project award at the October 10 • City Council meeting. The anticipated bid opening date is Tuesday, October 7". This schedule would hopefully optimize the quality of construction site conditions by starting as early as possible this fall. We recommend that the Resolution Approving Plans & Specifications & Ordering Advertisement for Bids be approved for the above referenced project. cc: Gary Plotz, City Administrator F U �P (e) RESOLUTION NO. 13459 • RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING NO. 3 PROJECT NO. 08 -03 WHEREAS, the City Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the following described improvement: NE Trunk Storm Sewer — Phase 3: Construction of storm sewer improvement near the intersection of TH 15 and North High Drive (C.R. 12) by construction of grading, trunk and lateral storm sewer, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. This project has been advertised by the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation and said bid opening will be held at 10:30 am on Tuesday, October 7, 2008, at which time bids will be publicly opened by the Commissioner of Transportation for the State of Minnesota, in the Cafeteria at the office building of the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation, 395 John Ireland Blvd, Construction Office, Mail Stop 650, St Paul MN 55155. Said bids will be considered by • the Council at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, October 14th, 2008 in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center, Hutchinson, Minnesota. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 10th day of September 2008. City Administrator: Gary D Plotz i Mayor: Steven W Cook � L-�7 0 r1 u 0 PUBLICATION NO. 7711 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING NO. 3 PROJECT NO. 08 -03 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Hutchinson, Minnesota Dated: September 10, 2008 The City Council of the City of Hutchinson. Minnesota, will receive bids at the Office of the City Engineer, 111 Hassan St SE, Hutchinson MN, until 10:30 am on Tuesday, October7th, 2008, forthe making of the following described local improvement: NE Trunk Storm Sewer — Phase 3: Construction of storm sewer improvement near the intersection of TH 15 and North High Drive (C. R. 12) by construction of grading, trunk and lateral storm sewer, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances, and all in accordance with the Plans and Specifications on file in the Office of the City Engineer. Immediately following expiration of the time for receiving bids, the City Administrator and City Engineer will publicly open bids, in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center. The Council, will consider said bids at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, October 14th, 2008 in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center. The approximate major quantities of work involved are: ITEM UNIT QUANTITY All bids shall be made on the Proposal Forms of the City and shall be accompanied by a cashier's check, bid bond or certified check, payable to the order of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, for not less than five percent (5 %) of the amount bid. All bids shall also be accompanied by the required Insurance Certificates as noted in the specifications, and Certificate of Compliance with the Minnesota Worker's Compensation Law. Bids shall be directed to the City Engineer, securely sealed and endorsed upon the outside wrapper "LETTING NO. 3 1PROJECT NO. 08 -03 ". The City of Hutchinson reserves the right to accept any bid or to reject any or all bids, or parts of such bids, and waive informalities or irregularities in bidding. Copies of the Plans, Specifications and Proposal Forms are on file and are available from the Office of the City Engineer, 111 Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, MN 55350, and will be furnished on request to any prospective bidder uoon oavment of $53.25 per set (NON- REFUNDA@LE). The successful bidder will be furnished free of charge, additional adequate number of specifications. Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON TUESDAY-SEPTEMBER 16TH 2008 & TUESDAY-SEPTEMBER 23RD 2008. PUBLISH IN THE CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN ON MONDAY-SEPTEMBER 15TH 2008 & MONDAY - SEPTEMBER 22ND 2008. (o CC) RESOLUTION NO. 13459 • RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING NO. 3 PROJECT NO. 08 -03 & 08 -09 WHEREAS, the City Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the following described improvement: 08 -03: NE Trunk Storm Sewer— Phase 3: Construction of storm sewer improvement near the intersection of TH 15 and North High Drive (C.R. 12) by construction of grading, trunk and lateral storm sewer, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances, and 08-09: Stormwater Improvements — 5th Avenue NW Ponding Area by pond excavation, grading, storm sewer installation, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. This project has been advertised by the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation and said bid opening will be held at 10:30 am on Tuesday, October 7, 2008, at which time bids will • be publicly opened by the Commissioner of Transportation for the State of Minnesota, in the Cafeteria at the office building of the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation, 395 John Ireland Blvd, Construction Office, Mail Stop 650, St Paul MN 55155. Said bids will be considered by the Council at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, October 14th, 2008 in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center, Hutchinson, Minnesota. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 10th day of September 2008. City Administrator: Gary D Plotz • Mayor: Steven W Cook �1 APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC DANCE PERMIT FEE 555.00 11 "list be, 4, we prior to dan,"c a. Si,nature of Appl�cant 'to endai owe lb�a tiojft�40 mve' be. 1 _Reas()*�fo'r De, nial' 'bv'C it -'-'C 611 n'CL ACUO h V_ -too" -Wen' : t r b -paid in advance J�i4�f �•. qi 11 h, It police o fficcrslo e ta ihcpollee t it-hen a ewitract is _,�igned ()\(2 rK co-y oa�� • MEMORANDUM POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Lt David Erlandson FROM: Officer Theresa Leider /Investigations 'Fv DATE: 08/12/2008 RE: Intoxicating Liquor License /Jeffrey Ehlert As of today's date, I was able to conduct a background investigaticn on Jeffrey Ehlert in reference to obtaining an intoxicating liquor license. Mr. Ehlert is opening a pizza restaurant in the Hutchinson Mall to be called Jake's Pizza. I did not find anything in Mr. Ehlert's background that would eliminate him from receiving this license. • I spoke with the Fairmont Police Department and learned that they have not any problems with Mr. Ehlert or his business. I was told that Jake's Pizza has been in Fairmont for several years and is an established family run business. r� If you have any questions about this background please contact me. 1 APPLICATION FTJA ON -SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE This form was prepared by the City of Hutchinson and the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, Department of Public Safety, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 1976, Section 340.13, for purposes of back- ground investigation. It does not supercede any laws, rules or regulations of the Division of Liquor Control regarding the issuance of liquor licenses. Failure to provide infcrmation requested may result in denial of the application. 1. Gz Trade Nam Date of Application Nam- � 3% — t�iu.��� 31, �c�j Licensing Period 3. 'Type of Application: New Renewal Transfer 4. Je i��Ag i h 0 _C_ E h 1 F + tiz7 - t7 ame of A licant Phone 5- Ili 1 a Ce � rz rwcr S 1 i, ` r '3n r°= AT lu Home Address 6. Citizenship: 7. F&.j r-.jw --r rm jq.2 57c 03 1 s1- 9 � - _4-6 Place of Birth Date of Birth L n S UYI 1[ I Ck I Address of Business Location 9. 10- List owners of building or premise tc he licensed: r s • 11. List all partners, officers or directors, if corporation: Name L'�\lrr4— �h1e, ; Address 12- Prior experience in this type of business: 13. Present ownership in any other liquor establishment: Date of Birth 9s —I 7 -SZ- oC !C -9 - q-3 i_ 19- Present ownership in any other jrestaurant ror food business: �f 0. ['S ]Y r/� 15- Three Business References: j`Q nyx E� DcQ Ae5 P� ­E� r S Lu ke s T r . Corporate or Partnership .it —1 ca> 17. Corporate or Partnership Address 18. If this is a transfer application give name, address, of persons, partnership or • corporation holding license for the past year. 19. who owns the bar /tavern fixtures? 20. Are you a Minnesota resident? © Yes El No Ci q f Vfe. e , A From To If not, where resident? [Oates of Residency 21. Residential Address during Past Five (5) Years: �� (>,�,ii �� C\ ,`A 22. Three Personal References: /ll `�Tj �,- �3 <�v� - ��• G7�k f�f fl u�� 1� III k2 rn ) 23. Employment for the Past Five Years: �C� h e, f, Z_L v— F -Ql V- '"C -g -- i 24. Any Convictions Other Than Minor Traffic: 25. This application must be accompanied by detailed statement of net worth and last@ year's tax return and statement of method of payment for business, fixtures and inventory. 26. Applicant, and his associates in this application, will strictly comply with all the Laws of the State cf Minnesota ocverning the taxation and the sale of intoxicating liquor: rules and regulaticns prcmulgated by the Liquor Control Commissioner; and all ordinances of the municipality; and I hereby certify that I have read the fore- going questions and that the answers to said questions are true of ay own h=ilsdge. I further understand that an investigation fee not to exceed $500.00 shall be charged an applicant by the city or county if the investigation is conducted within the state, or the cost not to exceed $10,000.00 if the investigation is required outside the state. I further understand the ordinances of the Citv of Hutchinson regarding the operation of on -sale liquor licenses and agree to abide by them. Siq ur4c�•A 15plicant Subscribed and sworn to before me� this }_�/ i c �f day of • ! 4J/N Ma '�_k r MELISSA A STAR N Th9IvGFUO- wNNESOTF (Notary Public) i '�a.w•• b'; Cv-. °9 Jeri. 31. 2011 My Cormission Fxoires: -I Ca� '13 o/ MEMORANDUM POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Lt. David Erlandson FROM: Officer Theresa Lc-der, Investigations DATE: 8/12/2008 RE: Intoxicating Liquor License Investigation /Jesse Doherty I conducted a background check on Mr. Jesse Doherty in reference to him obtaining an Intoxicating Liquor License in the City of Hutchinson. Mr. Doherty is planning on opening a restaurant at 101 Park Place. The restaurant will be name The Italian Char House and will occupy the space in the basement of the building. It would not be my recommendation to grant Mr. Doherty a liquor license based on his past contacts with the law enforcement. Mr. Doherty has not had contact with the Police Department since November of 2004. Most of his contact with law enforcement has • involved alcohol consumption and /or fighting. This is a new business so there has not been any previous contact at it. This space was previous occupied by Mariachi Fiesta Restaurant. This business did not fail any compliance checks. Please feel free to contact me with questions or if further investigation is needed. 11 .APPLICATION FOR CN -SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICFPSE This form was prepared by the City of Hutchinson and the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, Department of Public Safety, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 1976, Section 340.13, for purposes of back- ground investigation. It does not supersede any laws, rules or regulations of the Civi.sion of Liquor Control regarding the issuance of liquor licenses. Failure to provide information requested may result in venial of the application. %A( a, C'{1A2 4,ySc Trade Name Cate of Application 2. Au6 -b4- r 1 u Licensing Period 3. Type of Application: Z/ New F� Renewal XI Transfer Name of Applicant Phone 5. Home Address 6. Citizenship: 7. I'Vl i NN .4poCrf fvl -O y -8/ place of Pu Date of Birth S. Z 0 / i0/s,e/ 9(1-AC r - 1--4 7'Cl�i Sok) /'N ti/ 5 S ?$-b Address of Business Location ' 9. Legal Des 10. List owners of building or premise to be licensed: • 11. List all partners, officers or directors, if corporation: Name Address Date of Birth 12. Prior experience in this type of business: E6 .Q % L+,e �,�' R S 4urskrvs fip2 .r 6,,O"c/ - S-CeCe e Rwa �60S ` le 13. Present ownership in any other liquor establishment: f' Ic 14. Present cwnership in any ether restaurant or food business: ti'O 15. Three Business References: Pi79/4 PrH 2%zj (o jy� S�(�'e/j. /.+CS /'j H.2 -E,C•r CC LG � e QC Nrk% - OC• eU -J S /-J zzr'1 � SP ,e73 h'A /2 8 yrAiPS orporate or Partnership Title -q Cb) 17 Corporate or Partnership Address 18. If this is a transfer application give name, address, of persons, partnership or corporation holding license for the past year. • 19. Who owes the bar /tavern fixtures? 20. Are you a Ninneeota resident? Yes ❑ No From TO If not, where resident? Dates of Residency 21. Residential Address during Past Five (5) Years: S 7 (c,� ST Y/c( 7 F%'. S7 L) AlAt S5'�7C < n 22. Three Personal References: %( xj-A i i P—Li (4e Z y 23. Employment for the Past Five Years: Fe,P(oBSTf - C/roc7 oe P Cou4T eCa13 • S 6k Lo! Ont?" (fPf C 24. Any Convictions Other Than Minor Traffic: A )� 25. This application must be accompanied by detailed statement of net worth and last year's tax return and statement of method of payment for business, fixtures and inventory. 26. Applicant, and his associates in this application, will strictly comply with all the Laws of the State of N_nnescta governing the taxation and the sale of intoxicating liquor; rules and regulations promulgated by the Liquor Control Commissioner; and all ordinances of the municipality; and I hereby certify that I have read the fore- going questions and that the answers to said q�astic.-.s are tree cf my own kna,,:ledge. I further understand that an investigation fee not to exceed $500.00 shall be charged an applicant by the city or county if the investigation is conducted within the state, or the cost not to exceed $10,000.00 if the investigation is required outside the state. I further understand the ordinances of the City of Hutchinson regarding the operation of or, -sale liquor licenses and acres to abide by them. SigratgTe of Applicant Subscribed and sworn to before me this �G-- —day of V- Q r (N (No�ary Public) or� NIELISSa A. STaFKE �I�Y A'?Y1C- MINNES07A 'ay CCmmission Expires: )- �) - 'M') f"0one1 -E!a -lea 3t, pp7� —"—I— NMAMi,NN1yMr� -� ( r f �J MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Kenneth B. Merrill, Finance Director DATE: September 4, 2008 Hutchinson City Center 11111nsmu Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350.2522 320 - 587- 515VFM 320 - 2344240 SUBJECT: Calling for Sale of 2008 General Obligation Improvement Bonds and 2008 General Obligation Revenue Bonds Steve Apfelbacher of Ehlers & Associates will be in attendance at the Council meeting on September 10, 2008. At that time, Mr. Apfelbacher will present the preliminary bond • report for the 2008 issues and will also have for your consideration Resolutions calling for the sale of the 2008 General Obligation Improvement Bonds and 2008 General Obligation Revenue Bonds. • - Privrod ou recycled paper - I b (o • City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Pre -Sale Report September 10, 2008 C Proposed Issue: $2,210,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2008A $1,315,000 General Obligation Stormwater Revenue Bonds, Series 2008B $1,620,000 General Obligation Wastewater Treatment Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008C Purpose: Series 2008A: to fund the City's 2007 pavement management program pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 475 and 429. • Schedule: Series 2008B: to fund stormwater improvements identified in the City's 2008 Capital Improvement Plan pursuant to M.S. Chapters 475 and 444. Series 2008C: to refinance the outstanding balance of the City's 2000B G.O. Wastewater Treatment Revenue Bonds for interest cost savings. Council Authorizes Bond Sale: Conference with Rating Agency: Bond Sale: Estimated Closing Date: September 10, 2008 Week of October 6, 2008 October 14, 2008 Week of November 10, 2008 Structure: 2008A: The total term of the Bonds will be 15 years, with the first principal and interest due on February 1, 2009 and the final principal due on February 1, 2023. The Bonds are structured with a 10 -year assessment repayment and a 15 -year property tax levy of approximately $130,600 per year, in keeping with the City Council's overall "level debt levy" strategy. See the attached 2008A Bond and Debt Plan schedules for further details. • b(c:) • 2008B: The total term of the Bonds will be 10 years, with the first interest payment on August 1, 2009, the first principal due on February 1, 2010 and the final principal payment on February 1, 2019. Annual debt service is estimated at roughly $161,800, which is slightly more than '/2 of the $300,000 that has been estimated to be available annually from the Stormwater Utility. 2008C: The total term of the Refunding Bonds will be 7 years, with the first interest payment on August 1, 2009, the first principal due on February 1, 2010 and the final principal payment on February 1, 2016. This duration is the same as the outstanding maturities of the 2000B bonds to be refunded. Call Feature: 2008A: Due to the potential for prepayments of assessments over time, a slightly shorter call date is recommended, with the Bonds maturing in 2016 and later callable on February 1, 2015 or any date thereafter. 200813: We recommend the same call feature as with Series 2008A: Bonds maturing in 2016 and later callable on February 1, 2015 or any date thereafter. 2008C: Due to the short duration of the proposed Refunding Bonds, no call feature is recommended. Rating: The Bonds are expected to be rated by Moody's Investors Service at an "A2" level or higher, due to Moody's current transition to a "global" rating scale that recognizes the comparative creditworthiness of general obligation debt. • Funding Sources: 2008A: As noted above, the Bonds will be repaid with special assessments and a property tax levy. Special assessments are to be levied in the amount of $801,048 (representing approximately 36% of the project costs). The assessments are assumed to be filed in 2008 for collection over ten years at a rate 1% over the average rate on the Bonds. • 200813: The Bonds will be repaid with stormwater utility revenues over 10 years 2008C: The Refunding Bonds will be repaid with wastewater utility revenues over the same term as the existing bonds, approximateiy 7 years. Bank Qualification: The City will designate the Bonds as "bank qualified" obligations, which will allow banks to buy the Bonds at slightly lower interest rates. Discussion Issues: 20080 The Refunding Bonds are estimated to yield roughly $60,000 in net present value savings, equivalent to 3.5% of the refunded debt service (in today's dollars, net of all costs of issuance). While we believe the actual savings could be higher than projected, we recommend the City not award the winning bid on the Refunding Bonds if it does not yield net present value savings of at least 3% of the refunded debt service. loco • Arbitrage Rebate: With increasing short-term investment rates, IRS rules regarding the amount of interest that the City may cam on bond proceeds is more of a concern. If the City spends the 2008A and 2008B bond proceeds within 24 months according to specific percentages each six months, interest earned on the proceeds above the bond interest rate does not need to be rebated or repaid interest (the excess interest earnings are known as arbitrage). The City will also need to keep its debt service funds within IRS parameters to avoid penalties on carrying too high of a balance during the life of the issue. Attachments: Resolution Providing for the Sale of the 2008A, 2008B and 2008C Bonds Debt Schedule for the 2008A Bonds Updated Financial Management Debt Plan Ehlers Contacts: Financial Advisors: Steve Apfelbacher (651) 697 -8510 Bruce Kimmel (651) 697 -8572 Bond Analysts: Diana Lockard (651) 697 -8534 Debbie Holmes (651) 697 -8536 Bond Sale Coordinator: Connie Kuck (651) 697 -8527 • The Official Statement for this financing will be mailed to the Council Members at their home address for review prior to the sale date. i1 Li oCa) • Resolution No. Council Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution Providing for the Sale of $2,210,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2008A $1,315,000 General Obligation Stormwater Revenue Bonds, Series 2008B $1,620,000 General Obligation Wastewater Treatment Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008C A. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, has heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient to issue the City's $2,210,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2008A, and the City's $1,315,000 General Obligation Stormwater Revenue Bonds, Series 2008B, to fund certain public improvements; and to issue the City's $1,620,000 General Obligation Wastewater Treatment Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008C, to achieve interest cost savings (collectively, the "Bonds"); and B. WHEREAS, the City has retained Ehlers & Associates, Inc., in Roseville, Minnesota ( "Ehlers'), as its independent financial advisor for the Bonds and is therefore authorized to solicit proposals in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Authorization; Findings. The City Council hereby authorizes Ehlers to solicit proposals for the sale • of the Bonds. 2. Meeting; Proposal Opening. The City Council shall meet at City Hall on Tuesday, October 14, 2008, for the purpose of considering resolutions awarding the sale of the Bonds. 3. Official Statement. In connection with said sale, the officers or employees of the City are hereby authorized to cooperate with Ehlers and participate in the preparation of an official statement for the Bonds and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the City upon its completion. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council Member and, after full discussion thereof and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following Council Members voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated this day of , City Clerk • )ocl�) I co> City of ainson, MN • Proposed G.O. improvement Bonds, Series 2008 Level Levy Preliminary - For Discussion Pu0Only © EHLERS Bond Information `. Proposed G.O. Bonds, Serbs 2008 _ Assessment Revenue Dated Date 11112008 Par Amount of Bonds. 'r 2,210,000 - Projed 1 1st Interest Pymt 2/12009 -, Prepaids yew - 1, r Assessment Amount 801,048 1st Principal Pymt 2/2009 Total Sour 2,27000 ' Prepaids pearl - I ` i Total Ass ment Amt 801,048 Average Coupon 4.2301% Total Underwriter's Discount (1.250%) f '27,625;' Tic 4 4958% Costs of issuance - 28,000' °Deposit to Capflellzed Interest Fund Prepalds year 2 Prepaids (CIF) Deposit to Protect CWMUUCUOn Fund 52,161,066' year - = Rounding Amami = - ".' 3,3197 Rate 5.50% - 2.TOW Uses i . 52,210AM,, Stan Yew (Collection) 2009 's M Tenn 10 Calculation Method Equal Pdn Asmnt as % of Par 36.25% - -: Asmnt as % of Pmpa 37,24% Semi- Total Period Levy Collect Period 211' Net = P 81 .tip Total Annual Asmnts • Shortfall city Year Year Ending Principal Rate Interest' P 8 I '``'` +5.00%• Principal Interest Assessml Levy Levy (Surplus) Levy 1 Ill 2008 H» -- 4j 2008 2009 6/12009 %q 180,000 30096':` 22,351,1 �'202351,v�3�"212,4694 (40.0521 (22 029) (62,081) (66,204) (128,285) 84,183 2008 2009 12/12009 ., 42001 '.�, 42001 v'A c41,101;2' [40.052) (22 029) (62,081) (65,204) (128,286) (84,183) i 132,407 2008 2010 6/12010 ,'- 2'10156,000 310%:::, 42,001 ^,.2197001`; 208,851,, (40 051) (19826) (59,878) (64,337) (124,215) 82,636 Y 2009 2010 12/12010 ,:- .'. i -(,,'39.599,r ,'- `39599 r, 61,679E (40,05'21 (19.626) (59,878) (64,337) (724,215) (82,836) 12E,673 2010 2011 2011_12/12011_1 6112011 .- 160,000 335 % -r' 39599 ",199599 1209,579' - '' 36919 = - "36919c- (40052) (17 623) (40.0521 (57,675) (66,496) 496 )___(124,172)___) (124,172) 95,407 2010 -- -2012 -7:T ,�138t765 (17,6231 X57_675) _(66, "T��_132,992 2011 6112012 160,D00 355% 36919 e196919pC,2.06,765pgpg'� (40.052) (15420) (55,473) (65,801) (121,274) 85491 ., 2011 2012 12/12012 n 34079 = "34079'' 76,783fl (10 052) 0542 %0) (55,473) (65,801) (121,274) (85,491) ° 131,602 2012 2013 6112013 "'160,000 370%' 34079 ;s �l94079 �';203,787� (40.052) (13217) (53,270) (64.959) (118,229) 85,551 ` 2012 2013 12/12013 �" ' 4 -;y 31 119 '' =-31 119,x, .' =32,87 `+; ^,205,926. (40 052) (13 217) (53,270) (64,959) (178,229) , (85,554) - 129,918 2013 2014 6/1/2014 n ,"165,000 400% 31119 196119 -' 4 (40.052) (11.014) (51,067) (66,500) (117,567) 88,358 - 1' 2013 2014 12/12014 + ,;,,27819 '27819 29,2101 140_052) (110141 (51,067)_(66_500) -- (117,567)__(88,358 133,001_ -- - 2014 2015 6/12015 _` ','^ ;-165,000-4,25% 1 27819 ;192,6195,, 202,460�g (40.0521 (8612) (48,864) (65,130) (113,99) 88,466 2014 2015 12/12015 sP -' k `.20.313 ,`:24,313 ,'`25,528, (40.052) (8812) (48,864) (65,130) (113,994) (88,466) 130,280 2015 2018 6/12016 170,000 4.35 %,. �, 24,313 - 194313 :204,028 (40.052) (6,603) (46,661) (66,176) (112,837) - 91,191 2015 2016 12J12016 1- - .'- 20615 - ''20615 .,.'21,648`1 (40,052) (6604) (46,661) (66,176) (112,837) = (91;191) 1 132,362 2016 2017 611/2017 n 170000 410% 20.615 190615 200,146 (40.052 (4 401) (4,458) (64,47 (108,932) 91,214 _2016 2017 12/12017 16 875 16875 -- 171719 (40052) (4 40(1 (44,458) (64,474 708,932 -- 4 2017 2018 6112018 17$000 450% 15875 °791875 201,469N (40.052) (2 2(,3) (42,255) (65,271) (107,527) 93,942 2017 2018 12/12018 g 12,938 12938,1 4j'13AUi - =118,5811' (4n 052) (2,201) (42,255) (65,271) (107,527) (93,942) 130,543 2018 2018 2019 2018 W 1201 12/12019 'rt 100,[,0 460% 12938 112.938 '� 10638.10638 - - (64,877) (64.877) (64,877) (84,877) .53,708 119,754 i .11;1694 �i _(53.708) 2019 2020 6!12020 105;009 465% 10638' +115638 i�121,41 - (65,013) (85,073) .58,407' 2019 2020 " Bii96 1F' 81ggt3r -81608 - (65,013)_(86,073) �7) 170026 -2020 2021 _1.2112_020 611202)101000 ". 7 47" a)s 8798 -1 8196 1241 j1 - -_ - - - (64,999) (64,999) - 59,107 2020 2021 12/12021 �r ti7"561� t 5811 1''b59 3'R - (64,999) (54,988) 1111 - (59107) 129,998 2021 2022 6/12022 z 115,000 4 7596..= S 615'' 2(181 I 116 542 - (64,833) (64,833) 61,8D9 2021 2022 12/12022 4<, - 4 421 2880'fx 2: 81 4)p`- 7024 �,122,88U - (64,833) (64,833) (61,809) -, 61,512 r 129,668 2022 2023 6112023 120,000 480%'. 2,BBOV'i 1280 `fit I" � - (64,512) (61,571) i 2022 2023 12/12023 - (54,512) (64,512) (84,512) 129,024 ' -649551 ^'2,859,551 - 3,0028 -- (301,046) (242.317) (1,043,365) (1959 163) (3,002,528) 1,859,163 / ;2,210,000 Debt service payments due 211 6 811 of each year. Payments am due approximately 4 months prior to receiving Special Assessment and Levy revenue, Prepared by Ehlers 8 Associates, Inc. 9142606 © EHLERS loco • • P City of Hutchinson, MN $2,210,000 G.O. Improvement Bonds, Series 2008 Debt Service Schedule Date Pdnclpal Coupon Interest Total P +I Fiscal Total IIMIrW8 - - - - OmInOW 180,000.00 3.000°% 22,35063 202350.63 - Gs!01ROD9 - 42,00115 42,001.25 - 1131r1009 - - - 2",351.88 02/OIR010 155500 3,100% 42,001.25 19]001]5 08/0117010 - - 39,598.75 39,596.75 - 12/31aOlD - - - - 236,600.00 02/01 M I I 16.000.00 3350% 39,59875 19959875 - O8/0117011 - - 36,91875 36,91875 - 1131R011 - - _ - �� _. - ._ -. __ . ��196,918.75 _..._— D6j17.30 OY01/2012 16'000.00 3.550% 36,918.75 - 08/OIR012 - - 34,09875 34,07875 - 113 V2012 - - - - 230,99].50 0101/2013 160,000.00 3.700% 34,078.75 194,08.75 - 08/D1,7013 - - 31,118.75 31,118.75 - 1131000 - - - - 225,197.50 Ob012014 165,000.00 4.000:4 31,11875 196,118.]5 - 08/012014 - - 27,818.75 27,818.75 - 1131W,l - - - - 223,93730 021018015 165, W W -- -.. - 4.250°% - - - - 27,818.75 _ 192,818.75 _ - - os OM15 - 24,312.50 24,3 1]30 121318015 - - - 217,13115 02/0112016 170,000.00 4.3513/. 24,31250 194,31250 - 081 M16 - - 20,61500 20,615.00 - 12/31/2016 214,92730 01018017 170,000.00 4.400% 20,61500 190,615.00 - 0810112017 - - 16,875,00 16,875.00 - 12418017 - - - - 20],490.00 0101.2018 175,000.00 4.300'% 16,875.00 191,8]5.00 - 0810112018 12,937 50 12,93750 124112018 - - - - 204,81250 02101./2019 1 W.".00 4' 0 12,937.50 112,93750 - O8N1/2019 - - 10,637.50 10,63]50 - M1117019 - - - - 127,5]3.00 021018Oi0 _ _ IO5,9" 4650% 10,637.50 11563].50 - 08101/2020 - - 8.19525 8,19615 - =/2020 - - - - ID,833.75 01101/2021 IIO,ODO.W 4.7000 8,196.25 118,19625 - OM 021 - - 5,611.25 5,61125 - ini1 21 - - _ 127,807.50 01062022 115,000.00 4750% 5,611.25 170627 75 - O 01.122722 - - 2880.00 2880100 - 120112021 - - - - 123,491.25 02101. ^On 120,000.00 4.800% 2,880.00 122,880.00 - 111180D _ —� -� _ 122880,W T.1.1 S2,210,0W.00 5649550.0 $2,959 ,550.63 Yield Statistica Baad Yee, not Wa S 14,737.so Average Life 6.669 Years Average Coupon _ _ _ 4.90746810 Net lnmrol Can(NIC) _ _ _ ------ 4_5949152% True Inlem1 Can (TIC 4.6107216% Band Ykld for A6aa Pury -om 4380381414. All Inclmivc Cw1(A1CJ_ 9.8489669Y. IRS Form 8038 Nn lal e. Coal _._ _ _ _.. _ _. 440]4682% __ _ - _. W eipMM Avmpc Mawrily 6.669 Yon �W ISIU EPWP09E I m41 1p]9 AM Associates, Ehlers & Leaders in Public Finance Pape 2 IoCZ> City Of HW,,hln90n, MN Relimnery - Fw 0leaasm Purpoxa Onry Financial Managslronl Debt Plan II Schedule Eldating 6 Propoeetl Ner (1! Yaer) Project Future Debt Levy a2L, 6ro 2> 0co 2,02" t,fN Atl 1,N2,Lw ZJE Mon MIO 1011 .13 AI] 1014 1015 A1a .19 Mlle .1. E6ata, lean Lm Re lu ) =Proposed GP 200 WU =Proposed FW Issues 1013-419 - Target Ley P7epamd by Ehk 5 eaaMelBa, Im, 934/2009 a}w. 101. 240.24 Z..= t vCV� ?2a� SlR¢O Year EM Csh Ba4a- Clged Bpq Fund ® EHLERS Ctlrer Bond Infonnatlon �1 F stlng OvtstandMp Uabt leYim Pnoposad Debt Lerlas - GIP (15 Year) Prapoaad Total Total Total Levy Collect Penod Berlea 9ed. S.H. Son. Sad. Sad. Serf. Banes Ben. Sores Total Series Serloa Sedea Series San. ProPOeed proposed Le" Erielin9 Fu,M Year Year Ending INS 1990 1000 Not 203 2000 1000 2066 1006 NOT Eldetlng 207 3009 1010 N11 N1I CIP FN a Beductlon &Pro.d Balance 12131209 61 ,70,, 2007 209 12]31]2009 160,600 665,300 135,000 301,000 82,5' 25,500 - 98,200 - 1,01,800 - - - - - - - 6 2116 2019 12/312019 168,4' 919,3[0 66010 365,5' 1499' 2],7M 19,100 I ",600 "146,550 35,- 42'7, 1,601,888 13210] - _ - 132,97] - -- - - - -- _ _1,624,900 1,761,195 WOOS 2019 2010 12/311010 181010 601]00 fi8,400 3392' 199501 ]4,4D(3 - - 131,091' - 91,110, 1,669,64' 139,693 20],310 335,993 (110.OW) 116.OM) 1,]09,00 7"425 7" 420 2010 2011 12/312011 156,901 $51'__199,500 151,900_]9, 13],300_152,0&1 2,94_90,193 1,556,190 13]932 20],252 133,543 - - 9]3,]99 (152,00) 1871,94 ],011,1]] 411 2013 ]4312012 ,593000. - - 145,300 ZH1,900�M,M) IN ]9,101 451,600 38],151 - 39191 1,959,94 131,912 200,722 131,105 165,205 - 937,393 (1250 1,061,632 1,979,912 412 2013 12/312013 - - - - 90,500 138,000 41,600 387,859 86,832 " - 38.16.0 1,131,051 129,010 210,105 129,1115 160,251 239669 875,101 (37.00) 1,069,963 1,023.055 2113 2014 12012019 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 141,20() 149,000 110,800 391,886 '811,001 41,290_ 1,36],1]9_ 133,21 210,929 132,232 198 ]20 238,721 003,801 157,011 (13$00) 2,17Z679 1,023,051 2014 2015 12012015 - - - - 163,201 198.800 358,100 385,166. 80.696 _ . 91,031 1,216,024 130,260 211,311 129,805 1]0]85 23.9.0 871,593 311,ON (130,000) 3,284636 2,963,600 2015 2016 12012018 - - - - - - 16],901 - 177,191,' 39,932 '816,319. 132,352 211,22] 131,391 16]328 239.610 471 - 2,169]31 2. 623,086 NP - -' 02999 '36,94 +'_611,923 139,918 129452. 160,042_239491 m,m 628 NO - 2,117,200 3,613,086 201] M17 N10 1M1401]_ 121012017 _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - _ __ - -, - _ - 457,911 - .968,711 13.5{3 _211,194 210.4M 131$89 165,728 237915 661,"1 "I' "i 7B5 Mil - 3,123,313 ;633,086 2010 2019 121014019 - - - - - - - - 409,417 - - 169,410 129,]54 2M,3Al 120,99 165,928 23],915 6]0,999 W,(IM 94 }0M (20000) 3,199,905 1,805,086 2019 _1020 12/31202 _ _ _ _ _ _ - .260,917 206,714 129952 IN 136,511 869,669 10990' (270.) 3,199,04_63,756,008 2020 1021 12/312021 _ _ _ _150,917 10ZW9 _-- 107,01 {' _13.025 129,938 2139,195 133,194 655 160,655 239,799 877,169 1.413013 (M 000) 3,199,3" 2,]53,103 2021 2022 12012021 - - - - - - - - 129,666 2110,623 132,966 162125 23720 871,389 1570.0 (90.111) 3,100,369 2641,203 422 2023 12/312723 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .' _' 128,021 210,201 131,979 101,079 236,629 873.905 1,721,. (273, M) ?199,965 1,149,103 N23 2029 12]312021 '- - - 110,172 130,439 107,916 236.1105 ]94,956 1FUND (29]'1) 2200,956 1,146,103 N2a 2025 I2025 - _, 129,939 160,903 235,853 606,371 1 FUND (2270 220.200 1,926,203 426 I2 12101274 ._. ._ _ - _ _ __.._..___ ,.. _. __._ _ - - -_ 179,178 134187 901,761 (243600) 2300,]64 1,661,N3 2016 M26 NP 111012037 __ _.. -- _ _.. 23I,584 IJT.6" _2,71100 ;198,000 23',101 ( s ) ;3113,661 1,448,300 Project Future Debt Levy a2L, 6ro 2> 0co 2,02" t,fN Atl 1,N2,Lw ZJE Mon MIO 1011 .13 AI] 1014 1015 A1a .19 Mlle .1. E6ata, lean Lm Re lu ) =Proposed GP 200 WU =Proposed FW Issues 1013-419 - Target Ley P7epamd by Ehk 5 eaaMelBa, Im, 934/2009 a}w. 101. 240.24 Z..= t vCV� ?2a� SlR¢O Year EM Csh Ba4a- Clged Bpq Fund ® EHLERS OORSEY OORSEY & WHITNEY LLP • Jerome P. Gilligan 16121340-2962 FAX (612) 340 -2868 &Mgmjarome@domy.com September 9, 2008 Mr. Kenneth Merrill Finance Director City of Hutchinson Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mr. Merrill: The City of Hutchinson has established and operates a storm water utility under Minnesota Statutes, Section 444.075. You have asked whether the costs of treatment of the storm water holding ponds which are part of the storm water system for mosquito abatement are costs that may be paid by the revenues of the storm water utility. In our opinion the treatment of the storm water holding ponds for mosquito abatement is part of the maintenance and operation of the City's storm water system and as such is an expense that may be paid from the revenues of the City's storm water utility. • Should you have any farther questions concerning this matter please let me know. Yours Trul er e P. Gilli JPG /pmh • DORSEY & WHITNEY LLP • WWW,DORSEY.COM • T 612.340 2600 • F 612.340.2868 SUITE 1500 • 50 SOUTH SIXTH STREET • MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 -1498 UHA CANADA EUROPE ASIA 0)(b) OORSEY DORSEY d WHITNEY LLP • Jerome P. Gilligan )612) 340-2962 FAX )612) 340-2868 giLUg".Jaromc@doraey.com Mr. Gary Plotz City Administrator City of Hutchinson Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street Hutchinson, MN 5535C September 9, 2008 Mr. Kenneth Merrill Finance Director City of Hutchinson Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street Hutchinson, MN 55350 Re: Tax Levy for Mosquito Abatement Gentlemen: You have advised me that the City of Hutchinson is considering levying ad valorem for mosquito abatement purposes and have asked whether such a tax levy will be subject to the property tax levy limit contained in Minnesota Statutes, Section 275.71, subd. 5. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 18G.14, subd. 10, the City has the specific • authority to levy an annual tax for mosquito abatement purposes on all taxable property in the City. The tax must be certified, levied and collected in the same manner as other taxes levied by the City. hi addition, the City can engage in mosquito abatement and levy taxes for such purpose under its authority to provide for the general welfare. The Minnesota Legislature at its 2008 session reimposed property tax levy limits on the City. A tax levy for mosquito abatement purposes will not be subject to levy limits if (i) it is one of the "special levies," listed in Minnesota Statutes, Section 275.70, subd. 5, or (ii) is approved by the majority of voters of the City voting on the question at a general or special election in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 275.73, subd. 1. A tax levy for mosquito abatement purposes is not one of the "special levies" listed in Minnesota Statutes, Section 275.70, subd 5, so for such tax levy not to be subject to levy limits it must be approved by the voters pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 275.73, subd. 1. Any levy for mosquito abatement purposes authorized under this section must be levied against the City's net tax capacity. If the City Council resolves to increase the City's tax levy pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 275.73, subd. 1, it shall provide for the submission of the proposition of the additional levy at a general or special election. Notice of the election must be given in the manner required by law and must state the purpose and maximum yearly amount of the levy. In addition to providing for the maximum yearly amount of the levy, the City may provide in the election question for a limit on the number of years such additional levy may be levied • DO RSEY 8 WHITNEY LLP • WWW.DORSEY.COM • T 612.340.2600 • F 612.340.2868 SUITE 1500 • 50 SOUTH SIXTH STREET • MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 -1498 US^ CANADA EUROPE A91A C:))) ooRSEY • Mr. Gary Plotz Mr. Kenneth Merrill September 9, 2008 Page 2 Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 18G.14, subd. 3, the question of whether a city shall engage in mosquito abatement under this statute is required to be submitted to the voters if a city receives a petition meeting the requirements contained therein requesting the city to engage in mosquito abatement, and after holding a hearing on the petition the governing body does not adopt a resolution to undertake mosquito abatement under this statute. If such a proposition is approved by the voters, this voter approval is not by itself an authorization to increase the City's tax levy pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 275.73, subd. 1. Such an additional tax levy would need to be a separate question submitted to the voters. Should you have any additional questions concerning these issues please let me know. Yours Truly 7 ro P. Gilligan • TPG /pmh is DORSEY E WHITNEY LLP • RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION CALLING FOR AN ELECTION TO LEVY AN ADDITIONAL TAX LEVY UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 275.73 FOR MOSQUITO ABATEMENT BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City Council desires to levy an additional levy under Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.73 for mosquito abatement purposes in the levy years in a maximum yearly amount of $ , and determines to provide for the submission of the proposition of such additional levy to the qualified voters of the City at the general election to be held on November 4, 2008. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of ballot question to be given as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 205.16, and Minnesota Statutes, Section 275.73. 3. The ballot question shall be in substantially the following form: QUESTION ON LEVY OF AN ADDITIONAL TAX LEVY FOR MOSQUITO ABATEMENT: • [ ] YES Shall the City of Hutchinson be authorized to levy an additional tax levy under [ ] NO Minnesota Statutes, Section 275.73 for mosquito abatement purposes in the levy years in a maximum yearly amount of $ ? is By voting "Yes" on this ballot question you are voting for a property tax increase. INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: If you wish to vote in favor of the above proposition, mark a cross (X) in the square preceding the word "YES ". If you wish to vote against the above proposition, mark a cross (X) in the square preceding the word "NO" next to the proposition. C)Q CITY Cr- HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 13473 • CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SETTING 2009 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FOR SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HUTCHINSON REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT the City of Hutchinson hereby establishes a special taxing district for the purpose of Hutchinson Housing Redevelopment Authority (Hutchinson HRA) and the financing of such district as authorized under Minn. Stat. 469.033 WHEREAS the Minn Stat 469.033 authorizes a levy to be set for an HRA special tax of .000144 times taxable market value of the city. AND for 2009 the authorization yields: 000144 x $928,981,600 = $133,773; the HRA Board requests for 2009 a levy of $122,000 THAT the City of Hutchinson hereby establishes a preliminary tax levy for the above named special taxing district of: • Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of September 2008 ATTESTED: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator L $122,000 Steve W. Cook Mayor 10 C(�) CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 13474 • CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SETTING PRELIMINARY 2009 TAX LEVY FOR SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HUTCHINSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA WHEREAS the City of Hutchinson hereby establishes a special taxing district for the purpose of Hutchinson Economic Development Authority (Hutchinson EDA) and the financing of such district as authorized under Minn. Stat. 469.107 WHEREAS the Minn Stat 469.107 authorizes a levy to be set for an EDA special tax of .0001813 times taxable market value of the city. AND for 2009 the authorization yields: 0001813 x $928,981,600 = $178,215; the EDA Board requests for 2009 a levy of $153,300 THAT the City of Hutchinson hereby establishes a preliminary tax levy for the above named special taxing district of : r , U Adopted by the City Council this 10h day of September 2008 ATTESTED: Gary D. Plotz C ity Ad m i n istra for r 1 I� $153,300 Steve W. Cook Mayor IDc ) CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 13474 • CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SETTING PRELIMINARY 2009 TAX LEVY FOR SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HUTCHINSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA WHEREAS the City of Hutchinson hereby establishes a special taxing district for the purpose of Hutchinson Economic Development Authority (Hutchinson EDA) and the financing of such district as authorized under Minn. Stat. 469.107 WHEREAS the Minn Stat 469.107 authorizes a levy to be set for an EDA special tax of .0001813 times taxable market value of the city. AND for 2009 the authorization yields: 0001813 x $928,981,600 = $178,215; the EDA Board requests for 2009 a levy of $155,145 THAT the City of Hutchinson hereby establishes a preliminary tax levy for the above named special taxing district of : • Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of September 2008 ATTESTED: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator • $155,145 Steve W. Cook Mayor CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 13475 2009 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA • BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT A PRELIMINARY NET tax levy for the City of Hutchinson for 2009 is hereby set in the amount of $5,890,698 The detail for this levy is as follows: Total General Fund Voter Approved Referendum General Obligation Bond H.A.T.S. Facility Total Gen. Obligation Bond Improvement Bonds 1999 • 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Levy Reduction Total Improvement Bond TOTAL TAX LEVY Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of September 2008 ATTESTED: • Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 4,149,810 35,000 LEVY Amt. 4,184,810 158,400 158,400 619,300 68,900 365,500 119,400 27,000 19,200 146,568 35,523 42,097 157,000 (53,000) 1,547,488 5,890,698 Steve W. Cook Mayor 10& -) CITY OF HUTCHINSON • RESOLUTION NO. 13472 RESOLUTION SETTING TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING DATE FOR TAXES PAYABLE 2009 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT a hearing a prescribed by State Law entitled Truth In Taxation is hereby established as follows: Tuesday, December 2, 2008; 5:30 p.m. And Monday, December 8, 2008; 5:00 p.m. For continuation of the hearing if necessary Said first meeting shall be convened at the Hutchinson Events Center; 111 Hassan Street SE; • Hutchinson, Minnesota. The continuation hearing, if necessary, shall convene at Hutchinson Events Center; 1005 Hwy 15 So; Hutchinson, Minnesota. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of September 2008 ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator LJ Steve W. Cook Mayor Ordinance No. 08 -0510 • Publication No. 7717 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING REVISIONS TO SECTIONS 6.02, 6,03 AND CHAPTER 12 OF HUTCHINSON CITY CHARTER WHEREAS, the city -owned hospital, Hutchinson Area Health Care, became a private, non -profit entity on January 1, 2008; and, WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Charter Commission has recommended that all language pertaining to Hutchinson Area Health Care be deleted from the City Charter; and, WHEREAS, in an effort to improve the consistency and clarity of the Charter, the Charter Commission does recommend revising sections 6.02, 6.03 and Chapter 12 respectively; and, WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 410.12, Subd. 7, allows Charter changes to be made by ordinance, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, THAT • Sections 6.02, 6.03 and Chapter 12 (see attached) of the Hutchinson City Charter are hereby revised and the entire City Charter will take effect 90 days from adoption of this ordinance. Adopted by the City Council this 23 Id day of September, 2008. Attest: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator u Steven W. Cook, Mayor IuC�� The city administrator need not be a resident of the city at the time the council makes the appointment, but may reside outside the city while in office only with the approval of • the council, as described in Minnesota Statute § 415.16, subd. 2. The city administrator shall be appointed for an indefinite term and may be removed at any time by an affirmative vote of a majority of the council; but after one year of service the city administrator may demand written charges and a public hearing on the charges before the council prior to the effective date of final removal. After the hearing, if one is demanded, the council shall have unlimited discretion either to reinstate the administrator or affirm final removal: Pending the hearing and removal, the council may suspend the administrator from office. With the approval of the council, the administrator may designate some properly qualified person to perform the duties of the administrator during any absence or disability of the city administrator or while the office is vacant. Section 6.02. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR. The city administrator shall be responsible to the council for the administration of the City's affairs, and shall have the powers and duties set forth in the following subdivisions: Subd. 1. The enforcement of this Charter and the laws, ordinances, and resolutions of the City. Subd. 2. The appointment, supervision, removal or transfer, upon the basis of merit and fitness and subject to applicable personnel rules, all heads of departments and city employees. Subd. 3 The direction and supervision of all departments and offices of the City, except the Hutchinson Utilities as otherwise provided by law or charter. Subd. 4. The city administrator shall attend all meetings of the council and may take part in discussion but not vote; but may be excluded from any meeting at which the city administrator's removal is considered;,if the council, in its discretion so chooses. Subd. 5. The city administrator shall recommend to the council for adoption such measures as are necessary for the welfare of the people and the efficient administration of the City's affairs. Subd. 6. The city administrator shall keep the council fully advised on the financial condition and needs of the City, and shall prepare and submit to the council the annual budget and capital program. Subd. 7. The city administrator shall submit to the council and make available to the public a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the city at the end of each fiscal year. Subd. 8. The city administrator shall perform such other duties as are prescribed by this Charter or may be required by the council. Section 6.03. ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION. The council may by resolution establish city departments, offices, enterprise funds and agencies and prescribe their functions. No power or duty conferred by this Charter upon a particular department, office, enterprise fund or agency shall be transferred to any other. Department means any city function organized under the direct control of a single department head. Office 9 JDC�) Department means any city function organized under the direct control of a single • department head, and does not include WUtrhiRsen AFea Health Care OF Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Approval by the city administrator of such transfer shall be made by written memorandum setting forth the reasons therefor. No officer or employee of the City shall place any order or make any purchase except for a purpose and to the amount authorized in the budget resolution, or as authorized by the city administrator as described herein. Any obligation incurred by any person in the employ of the City for any purpose not authorized in the budget resolution, or not authorized by the city administrator as described herein, or for any amount in excess of the amount authorized shall be a personal obligation upon the person incurring the obligation. No check shall be issued or transfer made to any account other than one owned by the city until the claim to which it relates has been supported by an itemized bill, payroll, or time -sheet or other document approved and signed by the responsible city officer who vouches for its correctness and reasonableness. Section 7.08. ALTERATIONS IN THE BUDGET. After the budget resolution has been adopted, the council shall not increase the amounts fixed in the resolution beyond the estimated receipts except to the extent that actual receipts exceed the estimate. At any time the council may, by resolution approved by a majority of its members, reduce the sums appropriated for any purpose by the budget resolution or authorize the transfer of sums from unencumbered balances of appropriations in the budget resolution to other purposes. Section 7.09. EMERGENCY DEBT CERTIFICATES. If in any year the receipts from taxes or other sources should from some unforeseen cause become insufficient for the ordinary expenses of the City, or if any palalnity or other public emergency necessitates the making of extraordinary expenditures, the council may by ordinance issue on such terms and in such manner as the council determines emergency debt certificates to run not to exceed three years. A tax sufficient to pay principal and interest on such certificates with the margin required by law shall be levied as required by law. The ordinance authorizing an issue of such emergency debt certificate shall state the nature of the emergency and be approved by at least four members of the council. It may be passed as an emergency ordinance. Section 7.10. FUNDS. There shall be maintained in the city treasury a general fund and such other funds as may be required by statute, ordinance, or resolution. The council may, by ordinance or resolution, make inter -fund loans, except from trust and agency funds, as it may deem necessary and appropriate. Section 7.11. CITY INDEBTEDNESS. Except as provided in Section 7.09, no obligations shall be issued to pay current expenses, but the council may issue and sell obligations for any other municipal purpose in accordance with law and within the limitations prescribed by law. Except in the case of obligations for which an election is not required by this charter or by law, no such obligations shall be issued and sold without the approval of the majority of voters voting on the question at a general or special election. •12 1��5� publish a summarized audited annual statement in the official city newspaper. Such • statement shall be prepared by a certified public accountant. Section 11.08. REMOVAL OF COMMISSIONERS. If a commissioner is guilty of malfeasance or misfeasance in office, has become incapacitated to hold office, or ceases to be a resident of the City of Hutchinson, and such fact is brought to the City Council by council investigation or a petition of ten (10) or more voters of the City of Hutchinson, the commissioner may be removed from office by a four -fifths (415) majority vote of the council. Upon the filing of any such fact, together with a copy of such charges, such commissioner shall be notified of the time and place where the council will meet to consider such charges. Notice shall be given at least ten days before the meeting, at which time such commissioner shall have the right to be present and produce testimony and evidence. No member of the commission shall continue in office after the loss of any qualification required for appointment to that position. Section 11.09. SALE OF PUBLIC UTILITY. The public utility owned by the City shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of by the City unless the full terms of the proposition of sale or other disposition are embodied in an ordinance approved by the city council and by a majority of the voters voting thereon at a general or special municipal election. Approval by the voters as described herein shall not apply to the sale or other disposition of component parts of the public utility which are no longer needed for public utility purposes. 0 Section 11.10. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission shall be the calendar year. n L_J OEM 17 ►Dc�> NOW 11,11 17 ►Dc�> 0 Chapter 13 Public Ownership and Operation of Waste Management Facilities and Related Services Section 13.01. ESTABLISHMENT. The City has established, and is hereby authorized to further establish and continue waste management facilities and ancillary • programs including, without limitation, collection, testing, processing and disposal of mixed municipal solid waste, source separated waste, recyclable materials, and all other soil amendments for the operation of resource recovery facilities, biosolids drying facilities, compost facilities, waste reduction facilities, and similar operations; the mixing, bagging, blending and incorporating of ingredients reasonably related to the reuse and resale of recovered waste, or reasonably related to improving the economic efficiency of waste management facilities and programs and reducing the cost thereof to the City, the State of Minnesota, and other generators of waste within Minnesota. • Section 13.02. CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT. The city council, acting through the city administrator as required by this Charter, shall have control and management of all waste management facilities and ancillary programs. Section 13.03. STATUS OF OPERATIONS. The waste management facilities and programs shall be operated by the City as an enterprise fund in which costs, including capital costs, are recovered through user fees, gate fees, and sale of ancillary products and services. Any surplus in the enterprise fund shall be periodically deposited in the City general fund. 19 r� u TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Kent Exner, City Engineer RE: Consideration of Items for South Grade Road Trail & Cemetery Roadways Projects (Letting No. 7/ Project No. 08 -07 & 08 -21) DATE: September 10, 2008 The City of Hutchinson will receive bids for the South Grade Road Trail and Cemetery Roadways projects letting on Tuesday, September 9h. After the bids are reviewed, the Bid Tabulation and finalized Resolutions (drafts attached) will be handed out at the City Council meeting. City staff will also provide a brief overview of the project prior to consideration of the award of this project. • We recommend approving the Resolution Accepting Bid & Awarding Contract. cc: Gary Plotz —City Administrator r1 L� to Ch> RESOLUTION NO. 13470 • RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT LETTING NO. 7 PROJECT NO. 08 -07 & 08 -21 Whereas, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the furnishing of all labor and material for the improvement of: South Grade Road SW trail from Bridgewater Estates Third Addition (approximately 250' east of Honey Tree Road) to School Rd SW & Cemetery Roadways by construction of grading, aggregate base, storm sewer, bituminous paving, landscaping, restoration, and appurtenances. This work completes the trail alignment from Lakewood Or SW to the existing School Rd facilities, and bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement Bidder and whereas, it appears that of Amount Bid is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The mayor and city administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with • of in the amount of $ in the name of the City of Hutchinson, for the improvement contained herein, according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Engineer. 2. The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed, and the deposit of the successful bidder shall be retained until satisfactory completion of the contract Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 10th day of September, 2008. City Administrator • Mayor loCh� RESOLUTION NO. 13470 • RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT LETTING NO. 7 PROJECT NO. 08 -07 & 08 -21 Whereas, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the furnishing of all labor and material for the improvement of: South Grade Road SW trail from Bridgewater Estates Third Addition (approximately 250' east of Honey Tree Road) to School Rd SW & Cemetery Roadways by construction of grading, aggregate base, storm sewer, bituminous paving, landscaping, restoration, and appurtenances. This work completes the trail alignment from Lakewood Dr SW to the existing School Rd facilities, and bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Bidder Amount Bid Wm Mueller & Sons, Inc of Hamburg MN $198,687.00 Duininck Bros Inc of Prinsburg MN $238,193.00 Knife River Corp of Sauk Rapids MN $247,536.15 Hardrives Inc of St Cloud MN $301,930.00 and whereas, it appears that Wm Mueller & Sons Inc of Hamburg MN is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: • 1. The mayor and city administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Wm Mueller & Sons Inc of Hamburg MN in the amount of $198,687.00 in the name of the City of Hutchinson, for the improvement contained herein, according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Engineer. 2. The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidderand the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed, and the deposit of the successful bidder shall be retained unfit satisfactory completion of the contract. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 10th day of September, 2008. City Administrator • Mayor 0 0 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON, 111 HASSAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON MN 55350 612 - 234 -4209 BID TABULATION - CITY OF HUTCHINSON LETTING NO. 7 1PROJECT NO. 08 -07 & 08 -21 BID OPENING: 09/0912008 AT 10:30 AM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $168.099.25 z � w y LL ITEM DESCRIPTION ~ j z Q p l.Q y Wm Mueller Sons Inc 831 Park k Ave P O Box 247 Hamburg MN 55339 P: 982467.2720 F: 962 -457 -3894 Duinlnck Bros Inc 408 6th St P O Box 208 Pnnsburg MN 56281- 0208 P: 320- 978 -0011 F: 320. 9784978 Knife River Corp 4787 Shadow Wood Dr NE Sauk Rapids MN 56379 P: 763-497 -0170 F: 763 -497 -3214 Hardrlves Inc P O Box 479 St Cloud MN 56302 - 0579 P: 320 -261 -7376 F: 320- 251 -5378 BID PRIG BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL 1 2104 IRELOCATE EXISTING HYDRANT AND VALVE EACH 1 $1,200.DOI $1,200.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 $1,722.88 $1,722.88 2 2104 IREMOVE CULVERT LIN FT 40 $16,00 $640.00 $6.00 $240.00 $6.00 $240.00 $8.00 $320.00 $6.89 $275.60 3 2104 IREMOVE CURB AND GUTTER LIN FT 89 $6.00 $534.00 $5.00 $445.00 $5.00 $445.00 $3.00 $267.00 $6.50 $578.50 4 2105 SUBGRADE CORRECTION (CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE) CU YD 200 $9.00 $1,800.00 $19.15 $3,830.00 $20.00 $4,000,00 $19.00 $3,800.00 $25.95 $5,190.00 5 2501 15 STEEL APRON EACH 2 $275.00 $550.00 $128.00 $256.00 $128.00 $256.00 $150.00 $300.00 $147.02 $294.04 6 2503 ZURRECTTUTUTT N TOR EACH 1 $400.00 $ 400.00 $600.00 $600.00 $600.00 $600.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $689.15 $689.15 7 2503 15' HDPE D LIN FT 40 $26.00 $1,040.00 $21.00 $840.00 $21.00 $840.00 $25.00 $1,000.00 $24.12 $964.80 8 2503 DIRECTIONAL DRILL 8" HOPE PIPE SEWER SDR 11 LIN FT 1013 $18.001 $18,234.00 $35.00 $35,455.00 $44.00 $44,572.00 $59.00 $59,767.00 $113.64 $115,117.32 9 2506 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN DESIGN G LIN FT 9.5 $145.00 $1,377.50 $500.00 $4,750.00 $500.00 $4,750.00 $300.00 $2,850.00 $574.29 $5,455.76 10 2104 CU YD 1510 $15.00 $22,650.00 $10.00 $15,100.00 $12.00 $18,120.00 $13.65 $20,611.50 $12.22 $18,452.20 11 2211 JAGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 (P) CU YD 705 $19.50 $13,747.50 $19.15 $13,500.75 $24.00 $16,920.00 $27.95 $19,704.75 $32.75 $23,088.75 12 2212 ISUBGRADE PREPARATION SQ YD 3000 $1.25 $3,750.00 $1.00 $3,000.00 $2.001 $6,000.00 $1.00 $3,000.00 $1.25 $3,750.00 13 2350 MIXTURE TON 1285 $63.00 $80,955.00 $76.00 $97,660.00 $93.00 $119,505.00 $90.35 $116,099.75 $81.95 $105,305.75 14 2357 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 605 $2.25 $1,361.25 $2.75 $1,663.75 $3.00 $1,815.00 $1.90 $1,149.50 $2.72 $1,645.60 15 2511 GEO=ILE FABRIC TYPE 5 SO YD 3000 $1.50 $4,500.00 $2.00 $6,000.00 $1.75 $5,250.00 $1.10 $3,300.00 $1.85 $5,550.00 16 2531 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN 6618 LIN FT 32 $26.00 $832.00 $34.00 $1,088.00 $30.00 $960.00 $30.00 $960.00 $25.84 $826.88 17 2531 CONCRETE LIN FT 57 $24.00 $1,368.00 $34.00 $1,938.00 $30.00 $1,710.00 $30.00 $1,710.00 $25.84 $1,472.88 18 2531 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP EACH 1 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $861.44 $861.44 19 2564 ZEBRA - EPDXY SO FT 144 $22.00 $3,168.00 $17.00 $2,448.00 $16.50 $2,376.00 $16.50 $2,376.00 $26.74 $3,850.56 20 2573 INLET PROTECTION EACH 4 $85.00 $340.00 $400.00 $1,600.00 $150.00 $600.00 $100.00 $400.00 $82.50 $330.00 21 2575 SEEDING ACRE 0.95 $275.00 $261.25 $250.001 $237.50 $1,100.00 $1,045.00 $545.00 $517.75 $330.00 $313.50 22 2575 SEED MIXTURE 250 POUND 50 $2.60 $130.00 $150.00 $2.95 $147.50 $2.70 $135.00 $3.58 $179.00 23 2575 POUND 38 $2.25 $85.50 $114.00 $3.50 $133.00 $3.80 $144.40 $3.58 $136.04 24 2575 ILIZER ANAL POUND 285 $0.85 $185.25 q$3.00 $171.00 $1.05 $299.25 $1.10 $313.50 $110 $313.50 25 2575 KET, ATEGO SQ YD 4600 $1.65 $7,590.00 $4,600.00 $1.00 $4,600.00 $1.10 $121 $556600 TOTAL - LETTING NO. 7/PROJECT NO. 08-07 8. 08.21 $168,099.25 8,687.00 $238,183.76 $247,636.15 5301,930.76 • • • 2 September 3, 2008 City of Hutchinson Public Works Department Operations & Maintenance 1400 Adams St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone (320) 234 -4219 Fax (320) 234 -6971 To: Honorable Mayor & City Council members From: John Olson, Public Works Manager CC: Floyd Groehler, Cemetery Supervisor Subject: Cemetery Roadway Improvements — Overlay Included in the project being discussed at the City Council meeting is a proposal to overlay approximately half of the Cemetery's roadways that were constructed first. This project represents maintenance of roadways that were installed over time between 10 and 15 years ago. If another trail project is done in the future, we would intend to overlay the other half of the Cemetery roadways at that time. The cost of this project will be paid from Permanent Care and Improvement Fund, which had a balance of just over $200,000 at the end of 2007. A portion of Cemetery fees and payments for cemetery properties is dedicated to Permanent Care and Improvement of the Cemetery, as allowed by State Statute. Improvement to the Cemetery roadways is an allowable expenditure. The only other planned expenditures for this fund include installation of another columbarium expected to cost about $15,000. Columbaria were first installed to provide families with another option and have proven to be successful. k)c"-) - - 1991, Oakland Cemetery 35 $5,060.51 Permanent Care and Improvement Fund History 1992 1991_ _ $7,402.93 $8,205.00 i $2,240.20 $2,092.92 1999 1 $69,444.51 - $79,742.43 - 1994 Year Principal Contribution Earnings Withdrawals Year End Balance $143,331.13 i $92,110.44 " 19951 2000 $9,609.97 1981 1 -- $3,267.00 _ $105,519.01 - $3,267.00 1982 $2,900.00 $11484.62 i $7,651.62 - 1983; _ $3,650.00 $524.19 $11,825.81 J ,----- 1984, $4,450.00 $1,266.06 $17,541.87 1985 _ $3,150.00 $1,401.98 � 1986i $3,050.00 $1,407.30_ — $26,551.15 1987 $2,150.00 $1,453.04 $30,154.19 1988; __ $3,280 _ $1,369.75 _ $34,803.94 1989' $3,830.00 $2,056.08 $40,690.02 1990' 86- 365 00 S9 447 99 Uo a47 aI - - 1991, $7,311.24 $2,992.83 35 $5,060.51 $59801.38 1992 1991_ _ $7,402.93 $8,205.00 i $2,240.20 $2,092.92 1999 1 $69,444.51 - $79,742.43 - 1994 $4,708.69 $10,201.76 $2,166.25 $143,331.13 i $92,110.44 " 19951 2000 $9,609.97 $3,798.60 $5,326.34 _ $105,519.01 - - 19961- $85,440.52 $10,500.03 $4,161.56 - 20011 $12,706.55 1 $107,474.05 - ___19971 - $15,900.00 $4,428.69 $80,558.06 $12,758.46 $115,044.28 199 8 10 92 � � $3,512.19 � - _ - - - • _ $ 9 35 $5,060.51 $8,021.70 $123,012.44 1999 - $15,610.00 $4,708.69 $143,331.13 2000 $13,544.88 $5,326.34 $76,761 -83 $85,440.52 - 20011 - $20,380.00 $4,723.32 $29,985.7_8 $80,558.06 - 2002, - $26,255 $2,975.87 $3,512.19 _ $107,276.74 2003 $28,340.00- $1,652.76 $8,452.76 $127,906.86 - -J. 2004 $38,357.50 $1,518.6 1 �� $4,313.74 $163,469 -23 - 2005 - $29,036.00_ $1,814.04 $164,88158 2006 $59,310.00 — $2,023.31 _ _$29,437.69 $25,669.77 $200,545.12 - 2007 _$29,040.00 $2,404.12 $16,948.50 - $215,040.74 2008' 2009 - --- - - - - -- 2010 —- - 2011 i i -- - - - - -- - 2012: - -- -- 2013 - — - 2014 2015 - - - - - --- - -- �o chi MEMORANDUM POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Mayor & Council FROM: Chief Dan Hatten41 DATE: September 8, 2008 RE: Transient Merchant License Application and Investigation Jay Malone A background check was conducted on Mr. Jay Malone in reference to his obtaining a Transient Merchant License in the City of Hutchinson. Mr. Malone is planning on establishing a temporary sales site in the parking lot of Hutchinson Mall located at 1060 Highway 15 S. It would be my recommendation to,gTar►t, Mr. Mafof*"transient merchant license based is on the information gathered during the investigation. /lkg 2008 -01 -0009 11 110- • • I FU"' lS["'l S"A"i 1s1 Humhlioou, NIN 55350 (;20)234 -4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR PEDDLERS, SOLICFCORS, AND "CRANSIENT MERCHANTS Application Type (choose one) J Solicitor �+ $126(10 Dane of Application I d Transient Merchant 5125.00 f J Peddler $125.06 Dates) of Sale 7 G JParadc Peddler $Y0.00 2" X 2" Picture Required Name: \j I(, r ry Ifeighe yV � � cight: 0, �� Eye Color: C-'� u(-e- Driver's License Numbe State: m,-J 7 Pcnnancnt lAddress: jqq-� } ✓i �bth1 T� 11x1 '5; e',S� C�(r S[olr ZIP Permanent Telephone: o Temporary Address. Cin- SYurr /tp temporary t clepnone Access: I lave you been convicted of any crime, misdemeanor, or violation of any municipal ordinance. other than traffic viobuiau? O yes L]to If yes, state llic nature ofoffensc and piumshmeit or penalty o,,�essed therefore: City of Hutchinson Application for Peddlers, Sol& irons, and transient Merchants Page 2 of • r1 LJ • Location Information " rn ���� Ca I c _ Location Name Location Address City State zip Business Information Describe relationship between applic t and employer: jJ 0 lyf� Describe na re o business and describe it (s) offered: , ✓valor Io C;1 Describe method of delivery: `�Ol l �5 , "LL) I ( (^ ✓S Describe source of supply: - Supplier Name Suppler Phone Number Supplier Address City State Zip Supplier Name Suppler Phone Number Supplier Address Ciry State Zip Supplier Name Suppler Phone Number Supplier Address City State zip Reference. Information Provide two (2) property owners (preferably in McLeod County) for character references: �C r✓s/ Il�i''A -c iAe/ 61 -7- kr !`7 PropertX9waerName Property Owner Phone Number 1I ! 3 1 ci Ate SUJ 4111 10s0"j mfr 5 C, 3Sb Property Owner Address CiN State Zip (�I /Y x( he-7- 6541 roperry Owner Name Property Owner Phone Number Sv2 5 �� ��/ Sfi �c�✓ �n I'Yl � � �� Property Ow )Address Ciro State Zip 110 Reference Information coritltitied - _ - List last (up too thrje�e (3))�previous city(ies) where you caameed(on same actiw/ity: uI City Stain Date(s) of Activity to Cq State Date(s) of Activity to City State Date(s) of Activity The following items need to be completed and /or attached in order for the application to be processed: Application/Investigation fee paid in full (check or money order): 0-yes ❑ no Application completed in full and siened: U-ves ❑ no 1 hereby certify I have completely filled out the entire above application and that the application is true, correct, and accurate. I fully understand that any person who violates any provision of the Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Merchants Ordinance No. 673 is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000.00 or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days or both, plus, in either case, the costs of prosecution. • Applicant's Signature Internal Use Only - Police ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: City Council ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: H /L—Appli tin- ?eldle, Solicimq Tramienedw • q/� Dale U Lam) City offifutchincon Applicarion for Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Merchonis • Page 3 of 4 Reference Information coritltitied - _ - List last (up too thrje�e (3))�previous city(ies) where you caameed(on same actiw/ity: uI City Stain Date(s) of Activity to Cq State Date(s) of Activity to City State Date(s) of Activity The following items need to be completed and /or attached in order for the application to be processed: Application/Investigation fee paid in full (check or money order): 0-yes ❑ no Application completed in full and siened: U-ves ❑ no 1 hereby certify I have completely filled out the entire above application and that the application is true, correct, and accurate. I fully understand that any person who violates any provision of the Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Merchants Ordinance No. 673 is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000.00 or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days or both, plus, in either case, the costs of prosecution. • Applicant's Signature Internal Use Only - Police ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: City Council ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: H /L—Appli tin- ?eldle, Solicimq Tramienedw • q/� Dale U Lam)