cp01-28-2003 c AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCi3INSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, dANUARX 28, 2(103 1. CALL TQ QRAI1aIt - 3:30 P.M. 2. iNVQCATIQIY -Father Bill Sprigler, St. Anastasia Catholic Church 3. IrI.EDGE OF ALLEGLANCE 4. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 14, 2002 Action _ Motion to approve es presented 5. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMLSSIONS 1. PIONEERLANO LIBRARY SYSTEM FINANCIAL REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2002 2. HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING MINVIES FROM OCTOBER 15, 2002 3. HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 17, 2002 4. HUTCHINSON HOUSING, INC. ANNUAL BOARD MEETING MINiTTES FROM JANUARY 15, 2003 5. PLANNING COMMISSION M1NU'1'ES FROM DECEMBER 17, 2002 6. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE BOARD MINiITES FROM DECEMBER 17, 2002 7. CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2002 8. CTI'1' OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2002 (h) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (c) PLANNING COMMISSION TI'EMS CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND VACATION OF EASEMENTS REQUESTED BY HANTGE FUNERAL CHAPEL AND CREMATORY FOR CON5TR CTION OF ADDTITON AND EXPANSION OF PARKING LOT LOCATED IN THE C4 DISTRICT AT 899 HIGHWAY 15 50UTH WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12109) 2. CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL U5E PERMIT RE UESTED BY DAN HUEBERT TO OPERA' A CONSTRUCTION OFFICE IN T CS DISTRICT LOCATED AT 225 - 3 AVENUE NW WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12110) CITY COUNCIL AGENDA -JANUARY 28, 2003 (d) CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER N0.4, LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT NO. 02- 02 (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE PURCHASING CHEMLSTRY ANALYZER (t) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF POLICY WAIVING FEES AT HUTCHINSON EVENT CENTER Action -Motion to approvo consent agenda fi. PUBLIG HEARINGS - 6:00 P.1VI. (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE N0.03-332 -AN ORDINANCE (}RANTING FRANCHISE TO CITIZENS SANK FOR THE USE OF PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY ((W.9IYEFIRST READINGAND SETSECOND READINGANDADOPTIONFOR FEBRUAI~Y11, 2003) Action - Motion to roject -Motion to approve (U) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF DALE STREET AND 2N° AVENUE SW IMPROVEMENTS (LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT NO. 03-01), ORDERING IMPROVEMENT ANb PREPARATION OF PLANS Action -Motion to reject - Motion to approve • 7. C4MMUNTC~T1 NS. REOLI>iSTS AND P~jTIONS (a) REQUEST BY STEVE COOK TO HAVE CITY EMPLOYEE(S) VIDEOTAPE LE ERSHIP MEETINGS AND WORKSHOPS FOR PUBLIC VIEWING Action - 8. (a) DISCUSSION OF ENTITIES IlviPACTED BY OPEN MEETING LAW RELATING TO EXPANDED INSURANCE COVERAGE Action - 9. NE W B„9~y~ (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2002 PAY EQUITY REPORT Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approvo (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RECLASSIFICATION REQUESTS Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approvo (c) CONSIDERATION OF SETTING DATE FOR CLOSED MEETING FOR CITY ADMINISTRATOR PERFORMANCE REVIEW Action - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - 7ANUARY 28, 2003 (d) CONSIDERATION OF SETTING DATE FOR MEETING WITH CITY DIltECTORS TO DISCUSS DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORTS Action - 10. MI5CELLAI~iEOiJB (a) COMMUNICATIONS 11. CLAYM . APPROPRIATIQNS AND CONTRACT PA},'j~F,~,~ (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS A Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment of Vorified Claims A from appropriate funds 12. Apd4TJRN MINU'T'ES REGULAR MEETING - AiT'I'CHINSON CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 14, 2003 1. CALL TO ORDER - 5:30 P.M. ayor arm orgerson ca a the meeting to ordor. Council Mombors prosent were Jots M3~aarr,Tim Haugen, Kay Peterson and Duane Hoversten. Also present were Gary Plotz, City Administrator and John Olson, Assistant Public Works Director 2. INVOCA -Sister Mary, St. Anastasia Catholic Church, delivered the invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. ~~ (a) REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 23, 2002 (b) ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF JANUARY 2, 2003 Minutos wore approved as presented 5. CO,~ENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMLSSIONS 1. FIItE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2002 2. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEDMBER 2D02 3. HU'TCHINSONUTILITIESCOMMISSIONFINANCIALREPORTFORNOVEMBER 2002 4. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE FINANCIAL REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2002 5. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE BOARD MEETING MIlVUTES FROM NOVEMBER 15, 2002 6. PIONEERLAND LIBRARY BOARD MEETINO MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 21, 2002 7. PARKS RECREATION & CONIMUNITY EDUCATION BOARD MINUTES FROM DECEIv~BER 2, 2002 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 02-327 -AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 12.20, SUED. 1 TO CHANGE LANGUAGE REGULATING SUBDIVISION PLATTING T~QUiREMENTS WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 2. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE N0.02-329 - A PRELIIvIINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS STEARNS WOODS REZONING FROM Rl TO R2 WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 3. RESOLUTION ND. 12105 -RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM WELLS FARGO y i0. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 7ANUARY 14, 2003 4. RESOLUTION NO. 12106 -RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PLEI]GED SECURITIES • FROM FIRST MINNESOTA BANK (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF STATE PREMLSE PERMIT RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR HUTCHINSON WRESTLING CLUB (d) CONSIDERATION FOR REAPPOINTMENT OF TIM ULRICH TO THE HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (EDA) FOR FIVE-YEAR TERM (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPOINTMENT OF SHERRY RISTAU TO HOSPITAL BOARD FOR FNE-YEAR TERM (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION FOR COUNTY FAIIt MARKETPLACE (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF REVLSED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY POLICY (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2003 LIBRARY IMPROVEMENTS USING BOND FUNDS (i) CONSIDERATION FO);t APPRDVAL OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH AUGUSTANA LUTHERAN HOMES AT EVERGREEN APARTMENTS (j) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2003 HOUSING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN (k) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF DALE STREET AND 2"o AVENUE SW . IMPROVEMENTS, LETTING NO. 1 PROTECT NO. 03-01 (ORDERING REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT AND RECENIN'G REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT) (l) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ENTERING INTO AGREEMENT WITH THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION F~~ FEDERAL PARTICIPATION IN CONSTRUCTION FOR DALE STREET AND 2 AVENUE 5W PROTECT Itoms 5(h), 5(i) and 5(k) were pulled for further discussion. Motion by Haugan, socond by Peterson, to approve consent agenda excluding Itome 5(h), 5(i) and 5(k). Motion carried unanimously. Itom 5(h). Duane Hoversten questioned whoro tho funds for the library improvements funds ere originating from. Ken Memll, Finance Director, explained that these funds are coming from the cash balancc remaining from the closing of 1 91Library Rouunding Bonds. This cash balance will than bo transferred into the library conetructron fund. Resolution No. 12108 illustrates this transaction. Motion by Peterson, socond by Hoversten, to approve library improvements and transfer cash balance from tho closing of library refunding bonds to library construction fund. Motion carried unanimously. Item 5(i). Duane Hoversten quesfionod whethor or not thorn would be other avenues to gain cash flow from this facility, as it sits ompty tho majority of the time. ICen Merrill, Finance Director, spoke on bohalf of Dolf Moon, Director of Parks/Recreation/Community . Education.. Mr, Merrill explained that Augustana provides the cafeteria sorvices at Evergreen Apartments for senuor dining activities. Mr. Moon ties suggested looking for additional lessors of the building to encapture additional revenue and attompt to help offset the 2 ~IC~) CITY COUNCIL MIIVL]T>~S - 7ANUARY 14, 2003 payments the City makes on the building. Mr. Hoversten requested and encouraged that city staff market this facilityy to obtain cash funds and drive down the balance, Motion by Hoversten, second by Hau~en, to approve the lease agreement with Augustana Lutheran Homes with the understanding that staffwill be marketing the facility for additional leasoes. Item 5(k). 7ohn Olson, Assistant Public Works Director, explained that the action item for toniKht on this project is receiving report and calling for hearing, and setting the hearing date for Tanuary 28, 2 3. Mr. Olson explained that at the public hearing more details null be given regarding the project, and also will allow time for residents to voice an contains or issues regarding the projcct. Mr. Olson went on to explain a aumrvary of the project, outlining the iin rovements that should be made and the reason for them. Motion b Poterso secondpbyy Hauggggn to receive ro ort and call hearing for 7anuary 28, 2003, regarding the Dale Street 2'" Avenue SW project. Motion carried unanimously. 6. PUBLIC HEARING - 6:DD P.M. (a) CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 02-330 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDllVANCE NO. 02-322 "ORAN'f1N0 FRANCHISE TO JOE DOOLEY" TO INCLUDE PRIVATE HANGAR LEASE AS PART OF ORDINANCE (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) Mayor Torgereon questioned the wording under Section 8 (D) in the lease agreement. 'I1iis wording states, "should the leased groperrttyy be declared condemned, either becaue the airport if closed to the public, or the property is needs dfor another municipal purpose, the City shall reimburse the tenant far all lease payments received from time the lease was signed until the property is vacated..." Mayor Torgerson questioned the necessity of this wording and what should happen if tfie airport would expand. Jahn Olson explained that the City would still own the land and this L o of action would only come into play if the property was labeled as condemned by the federal government. • Motion by Peterson, second by Arndt, to close public hearing, Mofion carried unanimously. Motion by llaugen, second by Hoversten, to approve ordinance No. 02-330. Motion carried unanimously. 7. ~QI~IUNICATTONS. RE(~UESTS AND PETITIONS 8. UNk'INISIIED BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION OF ENTITIES IMPACTED BY OPEN MEETING} LAW RELATING TO EXPANDED INSURANCE COVERAGE Ken Morrill requested that this item be deferred to a later mooting. Motion by Arndt, second by Hoversten, to defer this item until 7anuary 28, 2003. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Ni~W BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF THE SALE OF PUBLIC UTILITY REVENUE BONDS Steve Apfelbacher, Ehlers & Associates, presented before the Council. Mr. Apfelbachor explained that the purpose of this sale is due to the construction of a natural gas ipeline being built by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Mr. Apfelbacher e~plaincd the benefits of this debt service. The City oFNew Ulm will be haying a third of the total bill as the pipeline will bo r~m~ng through this community. This debt service is a roplacoment of an operating coat, not an additional debt service and will aid in the freezing ofnatural gas costa. ~~t~-) CITY COUNCI, MINTTTES -JANUARY 14, 2003 This bond sale will be slightly under $30 million. Mr. Apfelbacher itemized the schedule of events that will occur should the Gouncil approve this bond sale. Motion by Hovereten, second by Peterson, to approve the Salo of public utility revenue bonds, adopting Resolution No. 12107. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING A NATURAL GAS PIPELINE Mayor Torgerson questioned whether or not the City ie acquiring propertyor ~A~ents only. John Wobstor, Hutchinson Utilities Commission, explained that the City is acquiring easements only and not property. Kay Peterson suggested that the wording should be changed to read, "acquisition of easements" on the resolution. Motion by Peterson, second by Haugen, to approve Resolution No. 12101, with the amended wording changing properties to easements. Motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2003 VEHICLE REPLACEMENTS john Olson, Assistant Public Works Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Olson explained the review of vehicle replacements projected by staff. Cittyy staff ie more than aware of the budget deficit and the impacts it will mean to the City's fleet: Thertfore, Mr. Olson presented the vehicle replacement plan for 2003 and the pnorities that the replacements were based on. The top prionty was given to emergency and essential mamtenancc vehicles. The vehicles identified for replacement are two police squad cars, one snowplow/pavement maintenance trot end one catch basin cleaner/sweeper. After giving an m depth presentation on the apaci ca of the vehicles, Mr. Olson requested that the Council approve those replacement vahiclos and allow the Finance Diroctor to finance the vehicles y using a Capital Equipment Note and defer any other vehicle replacement • purchases until the revenue impacts are known. Mr. Olson explained that the Capital Equipment Note allows the City to purchase thaaa vehicles now and pa for them later. Mr. Arndt asked if the squad cars are purchased locally. Mr. Olson explained that bids are sent out statewide and are ttyyppically tough to beat by local companies. However, most warranty work is completed locally. Motion by Peterson, second by Arndt, to approve the four vehicle replacements for 2003 and to allow the Finance Director to prepare a Declaration of Intent. Motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIbERATION OF SETTING COUNCIL WORKSHDP FOR JANUARY 28, 2003, AT 4.00 P.M. Gary Plvtz City Administrator, explained that this workshop is intended to review the Tax Incrament'Finance Districts. Mr. Merrill elaborated by stating that this workshop would allow the opportunity for a status report on each district and provide a history of oath of them. Motion by Hoversten, second by Peterson, to set Council workshop for 7anuary 26, 2003, at 4:00 p.m. to discuss Tax Increment Finance Districts. Motion carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION OF SETTING DATES FOR JOINT MEETINGS WITH HUTCHINSON UTILTITES CDMMISSION AND HUTCHINSON HOSPTTAL BOARD Gary Plotz commented that typically the City Council meets annually with the Hospital Board and Hutchinson Utilities Commission to update oath entity on current and future projects. Motion by Peterson, second by Haugen, to sot workshops at 4:00 p.m on February 11, 2003, ~~~~~~ CITY COUNCIL MINiTTES -JANUARY 14, 2003 and at 4:00 p.m. on Febmary 25 2003, with.the Hospital Board and Hutchinson Utilities . Commission. F,ach meeting will ~e on a separate date and will be determined by the boards' availability. Motion carried unanimously. 9. MISC>~LT.ANEOLIS (a) COMMUNICATIONS Jim Hangers - Mr. Haugen officially welcomed Bill Arndt to the City Council, Gary Plotz - Mr. Plotz reviewed the items discussed at the Team Leadership Meeting held earlier that day. 'These items included: 1. Tho Event Center developing a policy addressing foes charged to non-profit organizations. 2. An update was given on a fhture site for the liquor store. Two sites have been considered; one an Main Street and the other along Washington Avenue, 3. Tho horizontal grinder, which was paid for by McLeod County, was delivered to the compost site. 4. An update was given an the biosvlids facility and the progress of the opening of the facility. 5. An update was given to the Council on the statue ofthe compost site manure composting project. The compost site is conducting this pilot project at a local famti, which has raised a concern by one neighbor to the farm, Information was given to the Hassan Valley Township Hoard. Mr. Plotz explained that Mr. Amdt has Bono through an orientation process, meeting with each department head. . John Olson - Mr. Olson informed the public of an oppen house being held January 16's at the Event Canter from 5:00 - 8:00 pp m. regarding the Ilwy 7 constmcnon project. This open house is being spansorod by MnDOT_ 11~arlln Targersan -Mayor Torgersvn noted that at the organizational meeting, Kay Paterson was inadvertently neglected to be appointed to the Solid Waste Advisory Commission. Motion by Hau~en, second by Hovereten to appoint Kay Peterson to the Solid Waste Advisory Commission. Motion carnied unanimously. Mayor Torgerson recited a letter received by Senator Steve Dille thanking staff and other officials for the joint meeting held on January 2, 2003. 10. C~,.AJ.I~S. APP1tOPRlATCUNS A1VD CON~iACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS A Motion by Hauen, second by Peterson, with Hovereten abstaining, to approve and authorize payment of Verified Claims A from appropriate fimds. Motion carried unanimously. (b) VERIFLED CLA1M5 H Motion by Hovereten, second by Peterson, to approve and authorize payment of Verified Claims B from appropriate funds. Motion carried unanimously. Steve Cook, 728 Juul Road presented before t1~e Council. Mr. Cook asked that the TIF workshop scheduled for 4:Oa p.m. on 7anuary 28t be part of the City Council meeting. The Council cammentod that the workshops are under consideration to be televised live, which will allow the public even more of an opporhxnity to view these sessions. Mayor Torgorson 5 ~~ ~~~~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -JANUARY 14, 2003 noted that if workshops wore part of the Council meeting, the meetinggs could lest 3-4 hours • and may cause unnecessary overtimo and overpay for city staff. Mr. Cook oncouraged televising the workshops to mako tho public more aware of city issues. Mr. Cook stated that he had read in the newspaper that a repaveg project at Plaza 15 was part of the City of Hutchinson's Capital Improvement Program and asked how and why these funds are part of the City's program. John Olson explained that this item was part of the Capital Improvement Program and the engineering services would be provided by the City, with the costs of the actual improvements patd by the hospital. Generally, the coats come out of the City's Capital Improvement Program with a transfer of funds covering the project coming from the hospital to the City's capital improvement fund. ,~, ADJOURN With no furthor business tv discuss, the meoting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. • 6 ~11<L~ PIONEERLAND LIERARY SYBTCM REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT NOVEMDER 3B, 2002 HUTCHIN80N M-T-D Y-T-D % OF % OF AMOUNT AMOUNT BUDGET BUDGET YEAR CITY OPERATING 0.00 99,854.00 96,854.00 100.00% 92% COUNTY OPERATING 0.00 62,717.00 62,717.00 100.00% 9296 GIFTS 746.00 3,164.72 787.00 996.82% 6296 CHARGES, FINES 417.90 5,472.99 6,465.00 100.33% 92% COPY MACHINE 184.40 2,864.75 2,461.00 119.47% 82% EQUIPMENT RENTALS 3,00 20,00 8.00 260,00% B2% BOOK SALES 0.00 O.W 0.00 0.00% 9296 OTHER 17.00 1,226.76 390.00 314.2096 9296 TOTAL REVENUES 1,307.30 162,289.18 156,A7200 10229% B2% RESERVE 0.00 10D,247.70 100,248.D0 100.00% 92% GRAND TOTAL 1,387.30 282,548.88 268,020.00 101.40% 8296 EXPENDfTURE9; SALARIES -B,BD1.70 -86,68D.71 -112,348.00 88.08% 9396 HEALTH INSURANCE _220 -2320 -64,00 42.86% 8296 HEALTH INSURANCE- DEDUCTIBLE 0.00 O.DO -0.00 O.DO% 92% PAYROLL TAXES -1,194.10 -11,074.31 -14,807.OD 74.79% B2% BOOKS -1,184.30 -21,89205 -27,000.00 80.97% 82% PERIODICALS D.00 -3,989.47 -4,180.00 86.80% 92% VIDEOS 0.00 -98.08 X34.00 22.eD% B2% 61NDINGS O.OD O.DO -1D0.00 0.0096 8296 TELEPHONE -22.60 -2B3.b9 32D.00 81.70% 92% POSTAGE & SHIPPING 0.00 -04.00 -300.00 26.00% B2% NEW EQUIPMENT -83.05 -0D1.73 -1,OD0.00 90.17% 92% MAINTENANCE CONTRAGTS 0.00 O.DO -1,298.00 0.00% 92% SUPPLIES -111.97 _1,260.id -2,000.00 82.51% 92% PROMOTIONAL 8 PROGRAMS -6D.00 -638.74 -600.DD 107.33% B2% INSURANCE 0.00 -1,264.13 -1,264.00 100.01% i B2% ADS b LEGAL NOTICES 0.00 0.00 -112.00 O.p096 9296 AUDf1lN0 O.pO -98.82 -97.00 DD.81% 92% BOOKKEEPIN~lOVERDUES -318.18 -3,049.44 -2,837.00 1D8.74% 92% GONTINUING EDUGATION O.OD ,12.23 -427.00 7.66% B2% SALE6TAX 0.00 0,00- -0.Op 0.00% 92% TOTALEXPENDITURES -12,538.04 -140,996.28 188,088.00 83.3896 B2% RESERVE -11,170.74 121,611.60 88,662.00 92% 5~c-~~ Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Regular Board Meeting -October ].5th, 2002 ivmvLlT~Es CALL TO ORDER: Chnirpereon Joel Kraft, called the meeting to order. Members Present: Duane Hoversten, 11ior Skeie and Ian McDonald. Staff Present: Jean Ward, and Judy Flemming. Absent: John ]Icule. II. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF BOARD MT~ETINO ON September l7th, 2002. John Houle moved to approve. Duane Hoversten seoonded and the motion carried unanimously. III. FINANCIAL RTPORT Duane Hoversten moved to approve. Thor Skeie seoonded and the motion carried unanimously. rv. PARK TOWERS a. The Board received copies of the RASS Results. Due to the good scoring level, a follow up plan is not required. b. A memo from HUD was reviewed regarding the issue of allowing tenants possession of firearms. There was general consensus that this is an issue for the Tenant Council. c. Resolution D2-14 Adopting a Risk Control Policy Statement was presented for approval. Ian McDonald moved to approve. Duane Hoversten seconded and the motion carried . unanimously. d. Approval of Change Drder #1 was presented for approval. Duane Hoversten moved to approve. Ian McDonald seconded end the motion carried unanunouely. c. The Board was informed that the I" phew of construction is to be completed by Friday, Oct. 25s'" Tenant moving day is scheduled for Wednesday, October 30"'. f. lean Ward that the tenant who gave false income information has entered into a Retro-Active Rent and Re-payment agreement of $50/month. g. 7can Ward reported on the October 11'" court date of the Unlawful Detainer issue. V. SGl-IOOL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Discussion was held on setting the Purchase Prico of the house, being built under the School Constmction Program, at $118,500. Duane Hoveraten moved to approve. Ian MoDonald seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Vl. CONSIDERATION OF AUATf PROPOSALS The Board reviewed the two proposals that were submitted for auditing of the HRA. Thar Skeie made a motion to award the audit to Babcock, Langbein & Co. for a total cost of $1200. Duane Hoversten seconded and the motion carried unanimously. VII. CASA APPLICATION -RESOLUTION 02-17 A Consideration of Approving a CASA Application far mortgage financing of existing units in Hutchinson was presented. Ian McDonald moved to approve. Duane Hoversten seconded and the motion carried unanimously. C' J VllI. HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAMS a. Mary Chelin reported on the HOME Rental Rehabilitation Projects being administrated by • the HRA. • The 565 Jefferson Street Project loan closing and pre-construction meeting is scheduled for October 24, 2002. • The Tenant Verifications for the Willow Run Project in Wilhnar, MN are completed, with 64 out of a total of 77 units qualifying. As soon as all Soft Costs for the project are fmaliud the Project Costs will be established and the Loan Closing date will be set. b. Judy Flemming reported on the Franklin-Grove Street Program. 25 applications have been received out of which 1 fi have been reviewed. Two units have been inspected and work epeaifications arc being written. Once the write-ups are received they will be forwarded to DTED for approval of the way the work write-ups are to be written for the Program. DC. CONSIDERATION OF PURCHASE OF LAND FROM HHI Proposal of purchasing the East 22 feet of Lot Ten (10), Block Twenty-Nine (29), South Half of Hutchinson form Hutchinson Housing inc., was presented for approval. After discussion T1tor Skeie moved that the HRA purchase the land for $1.00, thereby all land associated with Park Towers will be owned by the HRA. Ian MoI)onald seconded and the motion carried unanimously. X. FYI • The Board received copies of the Housing Initiative Oolf Fund Raiser Revenues/Expenses Report. Net Proceeds amounted to $5,821.02. • The Board was informed that the Maxfield Housing Study is now available on CD at the Cost of $ I5. • The Board received information on a request for City Annexation and City Services for a proposed 15a-200 tote. XI. ADJOURNMENT As there was no other business, Chairman Joel Kraft declared the meeting adjourned. Recorded by Jean Ward, HRA Executive Director John Houle, SecretaryPT'reasurer r~ 5(~t)a Hutchinson Housing & RedevelopmentAuthority Regular Board Meeting -December 17~' 2002 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson 7001 Kraft, called the meeting to order. Members Present: lan McDonald, Duane Hoversten, Thor Skeie and John Houle. Staff Present: Jean Ward, and Judy Flemming. MINUTES OF HRA BOARD MEETING ON NOVEMBER 19`h 2002 John Houle moved to approve. Duane Floverstcn seconded and the motion carried una:umously. 3. FINANCIAL REPORTS Duane Hovereten moved to approve the financials. Ian McDonald exonded and the motion carried unanimously. 4. PARK TOWERS UPDATE a. Jean Ward told the board about the Construction Monitoring Vieit. She also reviewed the report from the monitoring visit. There were no findings. . b. lean Ward went to the meeting on December 16'~ regarding street improvements planned to Second Avenue. Jean reported t'o the board: • Tho street will be narrowing by Park Towers • There will bo limos when the water at Park Towers will be shut off. It will be difficult to access the back parking lot during construction. Joan plans on preparing the residents about the road construction. 5. ROLLING MEADOWS EXTENSION UPDATE John Rodeberg presented to the board a draft of his calculations of the City Participation for the Rolling Meadows Extension. He estimates a total participation of $213,200 coming ftom reduced assoesmonts and land payment for the road. 6. HUTCHINSON SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM UPDATE a. Joan informed the board that MHFA would give the Hutchinson School Construction Program an extension on the financing so another house can be built. Thor Skeie moved to accept the extension. Ian McDonald seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 7. 2003 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN loan proscntcd the 2003 Community Development Plan to the board- She pointed out the changes from last year's plan. She also said that a public hearing was needed before the plan could be presented to the City Council on January 14`h. Duane Hoversten moved to sot the Public Hearing date for January B`h and also moved to approve Resolution 02-20 approving • the 2003 plan. John Houle seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 5(~~~3 DOWNTOWN MASTER PLAN DRAFT REVIEW/COMMENTS Duane Hovorsten informed the board about the process the Downtown Association has gone through for the master plan. . The board recommended that lean submit commeuts stating that the HRA does not want to lose its redevelopment powers. Duane also would like to have a HRA Board, planning session about the downtown housing after the final draft of the plan is done. SUBORDINATION REQUEST- Adams Street Rehab Loan & City Revolving Loan After reviewing the subordination request forme John Houle moved to approve the two subordinations. Ian Mcbonald socondad and the motion carried unanimously, 10. PROGRAM UPDATES Judy Flemming updated the board on the CASA applications and the progress of the Franklin Grove Neighborhood Rehab Prvlgam. Jean Ward presented to the board the new contract for the Willow Run project in Wilhnar. The HRA will be paid the stated contract amounts. 'The board's consensus was to enter into the new contract and approve the execution of the new contract. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business, Chairman Joel Kraft declared the meeting adjourned. • Recorded by Jean Ward, HRA Executive Director John Houle, Secretary/T'roasurer L J ~~~`~ HUTCHINSON HOUSING, INC. ANNUAL BOARD MEETING JANUARY 15, 2002 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson, Joel Kraft called the meeting to order. Members Present: Thor Skcie, Debbie Goranowski, Duane Hovereten and John Houle. Members Absent: None. StafT'Present: Jean Ward, Judy Flemming and Mary Cholin. II. CONSIDERATIQN OF MINUTES OF ANNUAL BOARD MEETING ON JANUARY 16, 2001 Debbie Goranowski moved approve. Thor Skeie seconded and the motion carried unanimously. III. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Duane Hoversten moved to retain currant Officers. Thor Skeie seconded end the motion carried unanimously. . N. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business Chairperson Joel Kraft declared the meeting adjourned. Recorded by Jean Ward, HRA Executive I}ircctor ~(~~~ MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, Decambgr 17, 2002 Hutchlnson City Council Chambers 1. trAL TO ORDER 5:30 per. The meeting was called to order by Chairman BIII Amdt at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present Mlka Flaata, Brandon Fraser, Jlm Haugen, Lynn Otteaon, Dean Klrchoff, Robert Hantge and Chairmen Amdt. Absent: None Also present: Julie Wlachnack, AICP, Planning Director, Marc Sabora, Clty Attorney and Bonnla Baumetr, Planning Coordinator 2, F a) Consideration of Minutes dated November 19, 2002 Ma. Otteaon moved to approve the minutes of November 19, 2002 es submitted. Seconded by Mr. Kirchoff. The minutes were approved unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONSIDER,4TION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS STEARNS WDDDS, REZONING FROM R1 TO R2 AND CONDITIONAL U$E PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 8 BED HOSPIGE HOUSE LOCATED ON PARK ISLAND DRIVE Chairman Arndt reopened the hearing at 5:35 p.m. with the reading of publication #67g5 as published In the Hutchlnson Leaciet on November 7, 2002. He stated he would Ilke to act on each Item separately beginning with the Preliminary Plat, then Rezoning and last the Condltlonal Use Pemtit. Ms. Wlachnack commented on the previous meeting and discussions at that meeting. Chairman Arndt asked the 3 abstaining vpters to at®p down. Tho commisslonera abstaining are: Jlm Haugen, Brandon Fraser and Robert Hantge. Ms. Wlschnadc reviewed the most recent site plan and explained the proposed parking. She commented on the Attorney's opinion dated December 5, 2002 regarding the ConnoctCare business located In the house and GonnectCare's response dated December 13, 2002. She also commented on the Attorney's opinion dated December 18, 2002 regarding the placement of a hospice house In an R2 district. J 5~~~ Mlnutoa Plannlnp Commlaalon - Daaamber 17, 2DD2 Papa 2 Atty. Sabora explained hla response to the office Tor the hoaplce house and to ConnectCare business offices. He elated his opinion of the omce use in the house as It relates to the hoaplce use. Atty. Sabora stated the ConnectCare 6uslness In his opinion should not ba allowed In the hospice house. Ms. Wlschnack continued with the staff report explaining the nine recommendations by Planning Staff. Chairman Amdt stated only new Information end discussion from the audience must be presented at this continued hearing. Cheryl Dooley, hospice houee committee member, commented on the ConnectCare service provided by the Hutchinson and Glencoe hospitals. She stated there are other businesses in reaidentlal dlatrlcts such as the funeral home. Ma. Dooley commented on the number of employees coming to the house which would be a few. Linda Remucal, Hospice Volunteer Ccordlnator, presented at petition with 2&i slgnaturea In support of the hospice fatality. She commented on the need for staff to be housed In the Taclllty and the efFlclent use of staff time and travel ff housed at the facility. Discusalon followed on the number of staff needed and the receptlonlat . duties. DeeAnn Dicke, Director of ConnectCare, stated Query ConnectCare employee will have duties within the hoaplce Tacllity. Ms. Otteaon asked If the building was secured. Ms. Dicke stated It la lacked at night with a door bell Just Ilke a residential home. Jeff Rennin, 7D5 Tyler St. SW, stated there la an agreement In his development where fences are not allowed In the backyards. He asked how they could change the agreement In the event he would need a shield from lighting at the hoaplce houee. Atty. Sabora asked K the document was a covenant or subdivision agreement. Me. Dooley stated there are restrictive covenants on the development on Tyler Street. Atty. Sabora stated a maJodty of the land owners must agree to change the covenant. • Scott Haag, hoaplce house committee member, stated the committee and the Clty Forester will work with the neighbors to try to alleviate a lighting prpblem for the neighbors- GJ~C~~ Mlnut~a Pl~nnlnp Cammlailon - Wc~mber 17, 20p2 P~p~ 3 Ms. Wlschnadc explained the staff requirement to change the parking lot was to protect the neighboring yards. Mr. Kirchoff commented on the Intent of the Zoning Ordinance to glue flexibility to property owners. Ms. Wlachnadc commented on the staff recommendation oT Ilmlflng the number of staff. Mr. Kirchoff moved to close the hearing. Seconded by Ma. Dttesan the hearing dosed at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Klrchoff moved to approve the request for Preliminary Plat with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Flaata the motion carried with a 4-D vote. Mr. Haugen, Mr. Fraser and Mr. Hantge abstained from voting. Ma. Otteson moved to approve the request for Rezoning from R1 to R2. Seconded by Mr. Fiesta the motion carded with a 4-0 vote. Mr. Haugen, Mr. Fraser and Mr. Hantge abstained from voting. n • Chairman Arndt moved to approve the request Tor a Conditional Use Permit to allow a hospice house In an R2 district with the following recommendatlona: 1. Park dedication fees at a rate of $175 per unit for fhe R2 area, which would equal $1,400 Tor the hospice home. The R1 area would ba at a rate of $215 per unit. 2. Sewer and Water Access fees at a current rate of $1950 per unit The rata la one SAC and WAC unit par 3 beds. This would equal $5,199 In 2D02. 3. The hoaplce home CUP la only for that use. IT any use changes or expends, the Planning Commission and Clty Council must review the proposal through an additional CUP process. In the event the Hosplve use diacontlnues, the house can not 6e used as a multiple family dwelling. The use must be kept hospice or a type of care facility. 4. No large meetings (beyond 10 persons) relating to personnel, shall be held at the home. (This shall exclude Items such as open houses, regular use of the home for hoaplce purposes, etc.) 5. Connect Care must submit their proposal for how they will comply with the Attorney's oplnien. 8. The landscaping plan and parking lot must be completed prior to the building obtaining a cerflflcate of occupancy. 7. Tho applicants are required to ccordlnate with the Clty Forester during construction of the protect to ensure the trees to the rear of the hospice home Iocatlon are not damaged. 8. The appllcanta are reaponslble for obtaining all building, plumbing and mechanical permitting required for the home, prior to commenting construction. SC~~ Mlnut~~ Plrannina Comml~slon - b~c~mb~r 17, 2002 Pape 4 . 9. The applicants are responsible for disconneding the Steam's property septic system and connecting to the new sanitary sewer system. 10. A maximum of 3.5 FTEs, 3 R.N.s and occasional home he®Ith care personnel (2 per day) Is allowed. This kind of standard would ensure that any expanalon of the arganlzatlon would not occur at the property. 11. Retell sales or leasing of goods from the facility Is not permitted. 12. ConnectGare will be allowed as a part of the hospice house. Seconded by Mr. Kirchoff the motion carried with a 4-0 vote. Mr. Haugan, Mr, Fraser and Mr. Hantge abstained from votlng. b) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT 70 ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 12.20, SUBD. 1 (K) TD CHANGE LANGUAGE REGULATING SUBDIVISION PLATTING REQUIREMENTS Ghalrman Amdt opened the hearing at B.D5 p.m. with the reading of publication #8992 as publlahed in the Hutchinson Leader on December 5, 2002 and December 10, 2002. Ms. Wiachnack explained the need to amend the ordinance to clarify how the process works in platting. She stated Issues Ilke weed control would be more controllable with a letter of creditor bonding. • Dlacuaslon followed an the differences between bonding and letters of credit. Ma. Wischnack stated the amendment will glue the Clty more control over protects. Mr. Hantge moved to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Haugan the hoaxing closed at 8:13 p.m. Mr. Hantge approve the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Ms. Otteson the motion carried unanimously. 4. NF_W BUSINE33 a) PRESENTATION BY HUTCHINSON LAND HOLDINQS OF CONCEPTUAL PLANS FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LOCATED IN THE SHIMEK ANNEXATION Ms. Wlachnack explained the presentation to share Ideas and concerns with the developer. She stated the preliminary plat will be brought before the Planning Commission in February. The revised drawln9 shows ponding on the weal side of the property. She commented on the number of Iota and units and the additional access tc Edmonton Ave. Ms. Wlachnadc stated one access only will be allowed on Jefferson 5t. . because of the high traffic volume on Jefferson 5t. She commented on the staff recommendations for the project. SC~~ Mlnutff Plennlnp Commlfflon - Dfcfmbfr 17, 2002 Pfpf 5 • Marty Camplon, Dtto and Associates, commented on the revised plan submittal duo to requests by staff. He commented on the two revisions. #1 the ponding was to occur with the wetland and they are still looking at that option. #2 would take out two Iota to place the pond In the development. Mr. Camplon stated they have addressed the the line locations. He explained the placement of single family and duplex Iota. He stated a solution to sanitary sewer off of Edmonton Ave. Is to place right of way on the north edge of the plat. Dlacusalon followed on the lots adJacent to ponds. Mr. Camplon explained they are looking at mitigating wetland off-site. There has been dlscuaslon of a regional ppnd In the area. Ms. Wlachnack commented on drainage concerns by the neighboring property owners the Sltz and Telgland families. Mr. Camplon stated the outlata would be awned 6y the assoclatlon. Dlacusalon followed on the maintenance of the pond and the outlota. Ma. Wlschnadc stated the Clty monitors the pond maintenance. Ms. Wischnack explained the park dedication or park contribution requirement. Dlacusalon followed on partcs In the area. Mr. Kirchoff stated he Ilkea the revised plan with the pond. Dlacusalon followed on access for bus traffic. b) APPOINTMENT TO JOINT PLANNING BOARD Mr. Klrchoff moved to recommend BIII Arndt to the Clty Council to be appointed to the Jofnt Planning board by the Ccunty Board. Seconded by Mr. Heugen the motion carried unanimously. 6. OLD BI~SINE8t3 0. COMMUM CATION FROM STAFF /:1~~L~1~1:~-1~11~i~ There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p. m. S~G.~ B0:4RD OF DIRECTORS MEETING -December 17, 2002 Hospital -Conference Room A/B Present: Chairperson, Bob Peterson; Vice Chairperson, Steven Snapp; Secretary; Duane FIoversten, Trustee; Pastor Randy Chriesis, Trustee; John Houle, Trustee; Dr. Jim Allen, Chief of Staff/ Trustee; Wayne Fortun, Trustee (telephone). Q~erBPresent: Phil Graves, President; Robyn Erickson, Gare and Program Support Services Division Director; Pam Larson, Finance, Information and Material Services Division Director; Jane Lien, Acute Care Programs and Services Division Director; Pat Halvorson, Community Care Programs and Services; Linda Krantz, Senior Care; Dr. Steven Mulder, Director of Medical Affairs; Lori Wightman, Vice President of Operations, Allina Health System; Rickie Ressler, Executive Vice President, Allina Hospital and Speciality Operations; Doug Hannemen, Editor, Hutchinson Leader; Elaine 5chermann, Quality Representative; Betry 5tras, Foundation Director; Andey Rasmussen, McGough Construction; David Schwebel, Colliers and Towlt Realty; and Corrinne Schlueter, Recorder Chairperson Peterson called the meeting to order at 5:35 PM. Mulder presented an educational program on the current patient safety initiatives for the hospital. Tht fast part of the presentation was about a national organization named "Leap Frog". The organization was developed by a consortium of large U.S. corporations for the purpose of improving patient safety. The Loap Frog group focuses on the quality of certain aspects of patient care relevant to hospitals. All Minnesota hospitals have been asked by the hospital association, to endorse the principals of the group, which are as follows: • Inform and educate employees of the principals of Leap Frog • Use comparative ratings • Use substantial incentives to improve safety • Focus on discrete forward ]caps in patient safety • Hold health plans accountable for Leapfrog implementation Mulder then reported on the "Near Miss" initiative. The categoriaa and number of reports received are as follows: • Medications - 47S • Documentation -Communication - 302 • Physical Environment - 166 • Technological Equipment - 84 • Miscellaneous - 75 • Staffmg - 17 Roth Mulder and Elaine Schermann, along with three staff members from the Hutchinson • Medical Center are members of ]CSI (lnsitute for Clinical Systems Improvement). Mulder reported on the initiatives they have chosen to improve. ~~~~)~ • Following discussion, Houle made a motion, seconded by Hovereten to approve the minutes of the November 19, 2002, meeting. All wero in favor. Motion carried. Board of Directors December 17, 2002 Page two I. Minutes of Last Mcetin¢. The minutes of the November 19, 2002, meeting were presented and discussed. Il. Medical 5[~j'~r,~j~¢ Minutes and Ciedentialing. Mulder gave a report to the board on the hospital's involvement for distribution of the 5ma11 Pox Vaccine in anticipation of a national crisis. He explained the State of Minnesota's program and our intent to develop a local plan. Dr. Allen provided a report on the recent Medics] Executive Committee Meeting. The following pmctitioncrs were recommended for membership to the Medical Staff: Tnitlel ApDOintment. Laurie Kcrsten-Ulmen, CRNA Provialonal. Yammers Paulson, MD Anesthesia Allied Health Oeneral5urgery Courtesy Reappointment Peter Smyth, MD John Utcker, MD Michelle Finkc, PA Timothy Kemple, MD Hoo Yin Wong, MD Reaitingtlgns Michael Wipf, MD Additional Prlvtleeea. Christopher Wallyn, DO Relnatatement. Denis Rooney, CRNA Internal Medicine Courtesy Pathology Active Orthopedics Allied Health Family Practice Active Urology Active Urology Active Endoscopic Cyclophotocogulation Anesthesia Allied Health 5C«~~ Board of Directors December 17, 2002 Pegethree Following discussion, 5nepp made a motion, seconded by Chriasia, to grant membership and privilege to the above listed practitioners as recommended by the Medical Executive Committee. All were in favor. Motion carried. lIl A. Mental HaaltlLUtttpaticnt ~, The Board reviewed the bid analysis far the Mental Health Outpatient remodeling project located in the space presently occupied by Discount 70 in the Plaza 15 shopping center. It was noted that bid pack #4 and #11 were for supplies only and the bidders did not meet the requirements as outlined in the specifications. The total design and construction cost for this project is $1,112,599. Construction will start the end of January and anticipate date of completion is Tune 2003. ^ Following discussion, Houle made a motion, seconded by Snapp, to recommend to the City Council to reject the bids from MidCentral Door Co and ICendell Doors &t Hardware, Inc (bid pack #4) and Construction Supply (bid pack # 11) for bidding materiels only; and to select the lowest qualified bidders in all categories. All were in favor. • Motion carried- B. Allina Contract. Wightman presented a summary of the analysis of the Hutchinson/ Al]ina relationship that was discussed at the November meeting. Additionally, she provided detail of the services and support that Hutchinson Area Health Care will receive through a renewed affiliation. The proposed Allina Management Contract would be for two years (2003 - 2004). The fees would be $130,000 in 2003 and then $140,000 in 2004 inclusive of the Emergency Services agreement. The 2003 proposal represents a S% increase over the 2002 fee structure. Wightman explained the Emergency Services agreement and Administrative and Professional Services Agreement have not changed, but will become o part of the Management Contract. Following discussion, Houle made a motion, seconded by Fortun, to renew the Management Contract with Allina Health System for atwo- year period. All were in favor. Motion carried. IV. Nc}~~usincss. A. Plaza 15 Budge. bavid Schwebel, Plaza I S Mal] Manager, wee at the meeting to present the 2003 budget for the Plaza. He reported the shopping center had income of $520,000 in 2002, and $318,000 in expenses. The income budget for 2003 will demonstrnte a positive cash flow position. Slc,~(a Board of Directors December 17, 20D2 Page four In 2003, the improvements For the center will be fvr en estimated $5,000 in parking lot repairs, and $10,000 in sidewalk repairs, Schwebel also reported that occupancy is assumed to be 100% by October 2003. Following discussion, Houle made a motion, seconded by Foriun, to approve the Plaza 15 Budget as presented. All were in Favor, Motion carried. B. Personnel Committee Repgrt- Fomut reported the Personnel Committee had recently met tv consider certain salary and benefit changes for HAHC. The board members of the committee are: Fortun, Steve Snspp, and Bob Peterson. He reported on the IRS changes in the "PTO Cash in policy" that would require employees to select by December 31, 2002, the amount of PTO they wish to cash in for 2003 cash-in requests. Fortun also reported on the salary and Compensation Plan/Program for 2003. HAHC patterns compensation for nursing-related positions after . metro contracts using the step system. For other position, salary ranges ere comparable with the "Allina itmer ring" and increases are based on performance. The employees' annual performance rating drives their salary changes. HAHC provided two insurance plan choices For the coming year provided however, a minimum number of amployces would enroll for sn alternative plan. The fast plan keeps the coverage as is and has the employee share in the increased cost. All coverage and deductibles remain the same. Tho second option allows the employee to take on a greater share of the risk in increased deductibles and co-pay. The committee approved a 21 per cent increase in the primary health plan, with 60 per cent of the increase covered by Hutchinson Aroa Health Care and 4D per cent paid by employees. Hoversten noted that the same insurance company covers city employees, but the city's premium increase hasn't been anywhero near as high. Hospital officials responded that the hospital plan is separate from the city's and the utilization is significantly higher. Tho proposal this year i5 to change the dental plan to make the benefits the same for both employee and their family members. S <<~)~ Board of Directors December 17, 2002 Page five This plan decreases the covcrage for the employee by $SOD and increases the family coverage from $750 per family member to $2,000 per family member. Following discussion, Snapp made a motion, seconded by Houle, to accept the report of the Personnel Committee as presented. All were in favor. Motion carried. C. 2003 - 2004 Strategic Plan. Graves presented the Strategic Plan for approval. A summary was presented of tho results of the board and leadorahip planning retreats that were held during the fall of 2002. The four goals are: • Gval #1 -Improve access to comprehensive health care services throughout the community. • Goal #2 -Enhance patient care and patient safety through technology, end information management. • Goa] #3 -Recruit, develop, and retain a talented workforce. • Goal #4 -Enhance the reputation of HAHC through service experiences that exceed customer expectations. • Following discussion, Hoversten made a motion, seconded by Chriseis, to approve the 2003 - 2004 Strategic Plan as presented. All were in favor. Motion carried. D. - Graves discussed the anticipated 2003 projected physician growth and how this will affect HAHC. A committee of Houle and Snapp meet with Administration to analyze the budget in greater detail. Pam Larson provided a handout and presented the income statement, balance sheet, three-year capital budget and other financial comparisons. Following discussion, Fortun made a motion, seconded by Chrissis to accept the 2003 Operating and Capital Budget as presented. All were in favor. Motion carried. E. McLeod County Mental Health Contracts. Halverson provided a review of the contracts that are up for renewal. These are: Day Treatment Services, Detoxification Servicas, outpatient Manta] Health Services, Outpatient Chemical Dependency Treatment, and Adult Day Care. r~ L ~~~~~~ Board of Directors • December 17, 2002 Page six • Following discussion, Chrissie made a motion, seconded by Snapp, to approve the McLeod Co Mental Health contracts as presented. All were in favor. Motion carried. F. Coulter HmX Hematology Attsl~ The hematology analyzer (MAXM) is approximately nine years old and in need of replacement. We have had excellent service from the present MAXM unit but are recommending an upgrade to the system. This unit will provide a float screen for ease of viewing, less maintenance, and an enhanced quality control program. Automated reticulocyte counting will also be added to the test menu to eliminate this labor extensive tech procedwe. The proposed purchase price is $65,000/equipment, plus 60-month reagent agreement at $9695.00 annually, minus $3145.00 credit towards reagents for the laboratory information interface. This item is available through our group-purchasing program (VI-IA). • Following discussion, Allen made a motion, seconded by Snapp, to request authority from the City Council to purchase the Coulter HmX Hematology Analyzer through our VI-lA contractual relationship. All were in favor. Motion carried. G. Connect Care Ce ig S~1_Ge]l. Graves explained that Connect Care is in need of a capital infusion because of billing processing problems and a computer conversion. Both Glencoe Regional Health Services and HAHC need to infuse $45,000 each into the company to finance operations. $30,000 will be a capital contribution and $15,000 will be a loan to be repaid to each organization. • Following discussion, Snapp made a motion, seconded by Houle, to authorize payment to Connect Care in the amount of $45,OD0 of which, $1 S,OOD will be a loan. All wore in favor. Motion carried H. Safari Committee Ranott. Halverson presented the third quarter 2002 Safery Committee report. Following discussion, Chrissis made a motion, seconded by Iioversten, to receive this report from the Safery Committee and concur with the recommendations of the committee. All were in favor. Motion carried. 5l~)~ Board of Directors December 17, 2002 Page seven I. Charge Description Mastor (CAA '1] Reviow. Larson reported on the process that HAHC uses to amend, on a periodic basis, the pricing of our goods and services. A CDM review provides the foundation for proper reirbursement. All payers reimburse based on the charged submitted; however, our largest payers use the codes assigned to the charge to determine our reimbursement. Our last CIIM review was performed three years ago. Anew review is required due to coding and regulation changes, which have a major impact on reimbursement. The anticipated cost will not exceed $45,000. Following discussion, Fortun made a motion, seconded by Snapp, to authorize the President to enter into an agreement with a CDM provider at a cost not to exceed $45,000 for tho charge master review. All were in favor. Motion carried. Board Term and new Board Mvmbvr. Hoversten, Chrissie, and Graves meet with Marc Sebora to discuss the recent changes in the City Charter that affect board member terms. The committee made a recommendation for a new board member. The individual, after careful consideration, turned down the position. 1'he board discussed the need to slot current members into their new five-year terms and also the need to have a new membcr on the board by the January meeting. Following discussion, Fortun made a motion, seconded by I•Ioule, to authorize a committee of Hoversten and Chriesis to "slot" current members into tcrms consistent with the new charter changes and to interview qualified candidates For the vacant board position, and make a recommendation of a new member to the Mayor. All were in favor. Motion carried. K. F,jvction of Officers. Peterson called for the nomination of President. • Following discussion, Chrissis made a motion, seconded by Hoversten to advance the current Vice Chair (Steve Snapp) to the Chair position; the current Secretary (Wayne Fortun) to the Vice Chair position; and nominate John Houle for the position of Secretary. All were in favor. Motion carried, ~~a) (P ' I Board of Directors • December 17, 2002 Page eight L. Chance in Capitalization P9licY. Graves reported the current capitalization policy for HAHC is set at $500 per individual item. Medicare regulations now allow for that limit to be set as high as $5,000. Larson explained the various options and limits that could 6e sot. Following discussion, Hovereten made a motion, seconded by Chrissis to raise the limit to $S,OOD.00 as the organizational threshold for capitalization. All ware in favor. Motion carried. IV. Qr>za nizational Reports. A. President. Nothing ftttther to report. B. Acute Caro- Lien reported an record was set in the Emergency Room, in with 58 patients- The last week we have been busy with seven moms and seven babies. We hired back the CRNA that left in June. C, rt. Erickson reported that in December we received a grant from Hutchinson Utilities for $14,280. Also Merrilea Kyllo has just completed her test and is a Certified Diabetes Educator. D, unify Care. Nothing further to report. E. Finance Lnfornl lion. and Material Services, Nothing further to report. • F. Resident faro RepcZrt. Grevea reported that the Fa112002 proposal for a project requiring an exception to the nursing facility moratorium has been approved. He expressed a vote of thanks to Linda Krantz for working so hard and getting this approved. G. Director of Nothing further to report. p~gQty Performance rovement CotnmilxCF. Schermann reported wo are working aggressively for getting the balanced score card cotnplete by February 2003. The indicators will be aligned with the Strategic Plan. Wightman reported that Allina is working on an sutomatod medical record strategy. At the present time two vendors are being considered with a decision anticipated shortly after the Frst of the year. Wightman mentioned the board self-evaluation and also Graves' evaluation are due by January 7'". ~hya6le. The accounts payable and cash disbursements were presented For payment. o Following discussion, Furtun made a motion, seconded by Houle, to approve the accounts payable and cash disbursements as listed in the • amount of 53,635,458-45. Five were in favor. Hoversten abstained. ~~~ tP ~'~ Board of Directors Aecember 17, 2002 Page nine Statistical Report, Graves presented the statistical report for the month of November 2002. Fin,auciale. Larson provided the financials for the month of November 2002, which showai an actual net income of $200,160 compared to a budget of $164,764. Following discussion, Chrissie made a motion, seconded by Houle, to approve the financial report as presented. All wore in favor. Motion carried. l A The Hospital Auxiliary Meeting Minutes were presented. No unusual comments were made. Prasenfationlg~2z~~hlsn. Our Board Vice Chairman, Steve Snapp, presented Dr. Allen a gift for hie three years of service as Chief of Staff, on the Governing Board of Hutchinson Area Health Care. The board congratulated and thanked Dr. Allen for hie years of service. Presentation to Bob Peterson. Our Board Vicv Chairman, Steve Snapp, presented Bob • Peterson a gift for his years of service on the Govemutg Board of Hutchinson Area Health Care. His years of service were from 7anuary 1998 to December 2002. The board congratulated and thanked Bob for his years of services to the board. Houle made a motion, seconded by Chrissis, to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M. R/e~spectfltlly submitted, p Corrinne Schlueter Recording Secretary john Houle Secretary StQ)~ 20 2 __ _C_ITY Of HUTCHIHEON FINANCIAL RCPORT ~ 2002 _____ _ __ _ 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 er rellmine RCVCNUC REPORT -O EdERA~cam h~r prellminery .r rellmlm YCAR TO ADOPTCD EALANCE CRCfiNTAOC ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MONTH MONTH ATCACTUAL CUDOCT RCMAININO UBCD TAX~B _ _ BC3 420.82 1 386 098.84 2 806 007.40 3 034 108.00 229100.80 92.46% LICENSER ~ 3 302.00 1,883.00 _ 43 242.88 3B 700.00 4 642.EB 111.74% PERMITS AND FEES 26 287.78 34 772.41 284 B36.OB 200 500.00 B4 438.08 142.11 % INTER VERNMENTAL REVENUE 1 102,443.15 19 049.94 2 788 004.81 2 834 460.00 4D 446.39 98.28% GHAROE9 FOR SERVICES 103 608.79 394 003.40 1 201 53329 1_i274~B7B.D0 73340.72 9423% FINES 8 FORFEITS 3 737.13 4534.89 71,31 0 .67 ,80 000.00 11 310.67 118.86 B~NO PROCEEDS _ 74 044.41 __ . _ INTEREST 50 009.04 9,683.09 62 833.42 32 000.00 20 833.42 194.10% EIMBUR8EMENT 8 100 812.63 B3 728.28 293 503.75 130,976:0_0 __5134,629:74 _ ___202.8776 ~ _ TRANSFER6 357,072.00 , _481 281.68 1 100 871.80 1339 700.00 233 028.12 92.81 dh SURCHARGES - BLOO PERMIT5 1948,62 1 425.82 264.1_1 1000.00 749.88 26.41 - - TOTAL _ 2,62~72D.B7 2 383 820.43 B 818 200.08 B Bab 208.00 329 900.02 ' " 98.31 % 2002 CITY OF HUTCHIN_S_O_ N_FINAH ~ CUU_ RC RT 2 2 __ 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 erprollmine CXPCNaC RCPORT-OCNERAI~c~m ~rpnllmine ... ar nllmine YCART AbOPTGD - _ 6ALANC6 6RCGNTAOE - ~-~ ~ ~ -._._ .... . .... MONTH MONTH ATC ACTUAL UDCiGT ~ RGMAININO UBfiD DD1 MAYOR ~ CITY COUNCIL 12 417.11 3 782.21 63465.61 02 644.00 801.61 101.28% 002 CfTYADMINISTRATOR 12907.37 22816.03 21421120 2 35,467.00 21266.74 90.07% _ OD3 ELECTIONS 1,612.38 0023 8 664.28 _ . 18371.00 7 81974 ~ 52.26% 004 FINANCE DEPARTMENT ~ 81 957.78 30,344.18 3&1 BD9.62 397 404.00 32 504.48 87.02% DOS MOTOR VEHICLE 21 344.94 21 229.03 178,871.80 172 899.00 8 072.80 103.31% 009 A39E991N0 37 330.08 3B OOO.DO 468.82 BB.78% 007 LEGAL 26 010A9 10 017.10 114,790.07 121 000.00 8 230.03 _ _ 04.44°~ OOB PLANNING _ _ __ 121,32 14109.38 146888.92 134870.00 11008.92 108.18 009 INFORMATION SERVICES 8,928.3 6 13943.84 _ 9B 201.88 175,694.00 77 402.12 66.946/0 110 POLICE DEPARTMENT _ 298 038.78 _ _ 300,323.25 2 6DB 411.38 2 278 070.00 ~232,33S.3B) __110:21% 111 6GHOdL LIAISON OFFICER 33.81 115 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 50 128.23 1341.83 _ 3B 304.40 27,000.00 9 304.40 134.48d/o 120 FIRE DEPARTMENT 842.34 28,481.70 394897.71 __ _ 341884.00 (3,033.71) _ 100.99% 130 PROTEG7IVE INSPECTIONS 37 870.61 18 910.27 178,383.97 188 171.00 12 222.87 107.36% 160 ENQINEERINO 36,814.93 41 833.11 448 332.97 461 487.00 3 164.03 99.30% 152 STREETS 6 ALLEYS 227 082.90 74,714.43 804 021,67 071 X020.00 97 DD4.43 92.31 °h 163 MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT 160 CITY HALL BUIL ING 15 151.92 27 OB1.37 183 103.12 164,788.00 B 336.12 105.39% 201 PARK/RECREATION AD MINI9T 18 373.01 17 810.21 17C BBO.B7 188 803.00 7&12.13 _ 96.74% _ 202 RECREATION 10,660.96 13334.10 _ 253 654.94 228 708.00 23 948.84 110.43% 203 SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER _ 7 770.88 6~BSB_51 90 093.78 109 896.00 _ 18,874.22 81.93ah 204 CIVIC ARENA ~ 46,985.91 34 448.14 232 BS9.32 271 803.00 30 038.80 85.63% 205 PARK DEP TMENT 87 019.64 76,942.89 824 468.22 833,622.00 29 183.78 98.68°h 208 RECREATIDN BUILDIN O & POO 7 977.61 __ 8 812.12 92 388.03 114 048.00 21~97B:B7 _ 90.90% _ __ 207 EVENTS CENTER 1B 499.42 D 128.28 10B 154.31 77 002.00 32 082.31 141.59% _ 230 LIBRARY __ ~ 3 BB2.44 2698.03 124 180.50 129,377.00 6 207.41 96.90a~ 301 CEMETERY 10080.74 ~~ 22482.41 130148.88 124825.00 (4,523:86 103.40% 310 ^E6T SERVIG`E 20 000.00 152 D48.B4 1 63,990.13 178 360.00 12 358.67 B2.99°/. 3 20 AIRPORT _ _ _ _ 5,790.30 6800.24 . 82287.19 236388.00 178098.81 28.13% _ 330 UNALLOCATED G ENERAL EXPE 112 136.15 ___ 9 245.&1 871 018.48 781,001.00 109 862.62 B6.D2°o TOTAL 1 138 210.21 964 873.89 B 832 666.34 B 948 209.00 293 642.88 00.72% 5 ~~:~~ l J 2002 W N ULL RGPOR7 Dacambar prrllminary 2(101 2002 707.17 Nlf_G_R~_P_25RT-OENCRAWo~mb~r nllmine ~r rrllmine v[ARTQ ~ __[RC[NTAp4 ~ ~ ~ _ MONTH A A BUDGET REMAINING ~f ~~ TAXE9 953 420.92 1,3e6 O9e.e4 2 806 007.40 3 034 108.00 22~! 100.80 02.43% LICEN$E8 3382.00 1083.00 43242.66 3e,700.OD ~4,a42.BB 111.74% PERMITS AND FEES _ _ _ 25 287.78 3S 772.41 264,938.08 200 600.0D 84 438.08 _ 142.11 °.6 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 1 102443.15 __ 19048.94 2 786004.81 2834 430.00 40 443.39 GB.28% CHAR4E$ FOR SERVICES _ _ 103 608.7D 304 G03.40 1201 535.20 1~274~e7e.ao __ 73 340.72 94.26% FINES & FORFEffS 5 737.15 4,634.6e _ 71 310.67 80 000.00 11 310.87 118.86% INTEREST 6B 009.04 B BB6.08 32 833.42 32,000.00 520 E33.4~ 1eS.1D% REIMBURSEMENTS 1D0 812.53 93 72e.2a 286 603.76 _ 130 B7b.00 134 828.73 _ 202.B7d/o TRANSFERS 367072.00 481201.88 11DSa71.BB 1,339,700.00 233,02e.12 e2.a1% SURCHAR~E6 - B~Dp _ _ PERMITS 1,94e.62 -'~- --- 1 426.D2 264.11 1~000.DD _ 745.99 ~ 26.41% TOTAL 2 825720.97 2,393 920.43 a e19 2DG.GB B 048 20D.00 3R0 BOG.02 G8.31 Oerlerel Govt. 134 000.82 130~214_e7 1,490 197.74 1 t309 110.00 119489.78 98.06% _ Publlc bah 423 627.OD 388 000.34 3 328 34D.13 2 621 111.00 268 898.18 126.OD,b Streets & Alh 291 498.73 119 41 e.01 1 146 786.68 1 322 513.00 _ 701 Sa.4e _ _ 99.94% Parka G Raaaatlon 181 810.32 311 408,28 1 797 037.24 1,842 730.00 81 8Bb.83 76.BG% MI_eaelleneoua ___ TOTAL 717923.45 1,139,210.21 14 e4e.19 ~73.eB 73 306.87 6 e62,6B8.34 1 450 739.OD 8,948,209. D 289 124.76 23,542._ SD.Se°,b ._ a __' ~(~)`7 CITY OP HUTCHIN90N CCRTIPICATC9 OP DCP091T 23Jrn-03 DrumMr 71, a9oa . Datr Patr Inhreet 0! Of Instlhrtlan Deem tlon Rete Puroheee Metu Am n U6 BAN Moray rrkrt 1.43 10/31/02 11! 2 380,449.70 Smlth Bamry FHLB C 6.00% 7l1t3A2 7r90/D9 3DO,OD0.00 9mlth Brmry FHLB C 4.376% D/19/01 4/11/06 760,000.00 9mllh eemey FHLB C 4.100°k 828/01 4/19/06 27D,000,00 PnxMntlrl pool 338914 7.228% 12 31 96 02 01 2028 28,781.32 Expected Iffe E.2 yrrn Smith Homey FHLM L 4.980% 1721/07 821/07 300,375.00 Prudentell pool 330388 7.27D°~ 12 31 9E 02 01 2028 31,717.20 E~q»clyd Ilfr 4.1 yerre Prudrntld FHLM-M 5.00°.6 1729Po7 112911E 200,000.00 Ibdp Up) SmRh Brmey FHLB C 4.07% 1029/02 1029/07 286,000.00 Smtlh Homey Money Market Verlee 1220102 320!03 7B9,2E7.E0 Plvdentlel Manry Mrrkrt varlrr 12!02 Oprn 26,281.00 SmllhBemry MonryMarkrt Vrr1n 12/27/02 2f3/03 1,034,000.00 Prwntlrl FHLB 5.000% 17!3/02 11!18!09 200,000.00 . Pruentlel FHLB 3.080°~ 11/12/02 SA2lOS 200,000.00 Pruentlel FHLB 3.620% 11(14/02 11/14/05 200,000.00 PrurnBal FHLB 3.000% 70/31/02 1121/08 200,000.00 Prwntlal FHLB 6.000% 112E/D2 1128110 200,000.00 Mrrqurttr 1231'303 3.110% Sl31l02 08/02/03 400,000.00 Ctllxens Hrnk 3.160% OE27/02 08/90/03 600,000.00 Cltlxrnr Bank 2.500°.L .02174/02 2114/03 200,000.00 Cklxene Benk 2.860% 0929!02 a7l31lD3 700,Op0.OD Flat Mlnnrrntr 2.050% 00!02102 OBlD1l03 400,000.00 Flat Mlnrlrwtr 200703 1.030% 01/02/03 02/13/03 760,000.00 Flat Mlnnrwb 200704 1700°k 01/02!03 03!13/03 78D,000.00 Flat MlnnrraG 2p07p5 1.700% 01/02N3 04/10/03 760,000.00 Flat Mlnrrrwir 200700 1.750°,6 01/02!03 06/18/03 760,000.00 y10,687,86D.08 • ~~<<~~ g RESOLUTION NO. 12109 C~ RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RTQUESTED BY IIANTGE FUNERAir CAAPEL AND CREMATORX FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ADDTI'ION TO EXISTNG BUILDING LOCATED AT 899 HWY 1~ SOUTH IN THE C4 DISTRICT l3E IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINp1NCG n LJ 1. Robert and Richard Han[ge, Hantge Funeral Chapel and Crematory, have applied for a conditional use permit to oonstmct an addition onto their present building located at 899 Hwy 1 S South. LEDAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 and 2, Olson's Addition 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Pletming Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and antretpated traffic conditions, and the effect on values ofpropvrties to the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Thv Council hes determined that the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehanstve Plan, if the conditions, as outlined below ere met. The C{ty Council hereby ^pproves the conditional use permit with the following conditions: 1. The entrance from Echo Drive must be acne-way [o the wart and must be marked as such. 2. Any utility relocation would be conducted at the owner's expense. 3. Contact utilities on elecbic loads. 4. If the building is sprinkled, contact the water departnxnt far water etrvica needs. S. Maintenance of the stormceptor must be addressed. 6. Final engineering calculations and review must be conducted prior to City Council approval. 7. No boulevard trees are required to be removed for this construction. 8. The construction of the caretaker's urdt is limited to a single unit. The unit may not be remodeled ht the ft[twe to provide additional residential units in the structure. 9. The parking lot must be surfaced and striped prior to receiving a oertifieate of occupancy on the building. Adopted by the City Council this 28m day of.lanuary, 2003. ATTEST: Gary A. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor SL~~ I C~ PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO.03-331 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HU1'CH1N80N, MINNESOTA VACATING UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT5 I.UCATED BETWEEN LOT I AND LOT 2, BLOCK ~, OL90N'S ADDITION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section I. Notice of hearing wee duly given and publication of said hearin¢ was duly made end was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be 1n the best interests of the City to vacate utility and drainage eaeenxnta located between Lot 1 wad Lot 2, Block 2, Oleoa'e Addition for the purpose of constructin¢ a parkin¢ lot across the property lino. 2, That the utility and drainage easements to be vacated ere described ae follows: The easements lying northerly of and adjoining the southerly line of Lot 1, Block 2, Olson's Addition accordin¢ to the recorded plat thereof; except the west 6 feet thereef. And The easements lying southerly of and adjoining the northerly line of Lvt 2, Block 2, of said Olson'e Addition; except the went 6 feet thereof. • Sxtion 3. this ordinance shell take effect from and aRer passage and publication. Adopted by the City Councll this 28th day of 7anuary, 2W3. Marlin Tor¢arson Mayor ATTBST: Oary D. Plotx City Admhdstrotar Gj(c~ 1 Hutchinson Cit~~Ce DATE: TOt FROM: Hutchinson City Council IH Hauo 9treel BS Hauilm~oo, h1N 7f-V0.73S3 324Sa7d17]/Faa ]1tF234121e Hutchinson PLuming Cormxtiasion SUH7ECT: CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMTT AND VACATION OFEASEMENTS REQUES'T'ED BY HANTOE FUNERAL. CT-IAPT;I, ANp CREMATORY FOR CDNSTRUCTION OF ADDIT'IDN AND EXPANSION OF PARICINO LOT LOCATED AT 899 HWY 15 SOUTH IN THE C4 DISTRCIT Pursuant to Section 8.12 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchineoa Plartaitty Comnuaaion ie hereby aubmittinQ its iiading7 of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request For a candidoaal use patmit and vacation of easements. The applicants arc requeadng a conditional use permit to construct an addition onto the present buildlnQ located at 899 Hwy 13 South. The expansion will aLo include a perking lot. A vacation of drainage and utility easements is required to construct n parking lot over the property line between l04 1 end 2. The request will include n caretaker apartment in the lower level of the building. A conditional use permit was approved for Plutee I in February, 2001. 1. The squired applictition was submitted and fan were submitted ~2. Notices ware mailed to file surrounding property owaera u well as publlahed in the Hutchinson Leador on 7enuery 9, 2003 3. There was no neighboring property owners present objecting to the request Staff xocammends npprovel of the conditional use permit and vacation of the utility eaeeatenW, based on review of the survey, topographic and parking information. The approval rccotnmettdntlon is with the following conditions: 1. 'The entrance from Echo Drive must be n one-way to the west and moat be marked es such. 2. Any utility xalocativn would be conducted nt the owner's expeme_ 3. Contact utilities on electric loads. 4. If the building ie sprinkled, contact the water depet~cnt for water service Heads. 5. Maintenance of the atormceptvr must be addssscd. 6. Final engineerlnQ calculations anal raviaw must be conducted prior to City Council approval. 7. No boalevaId trOe9 aIe sm~irad to ba xamaved for this conetmction. 8. The canatrucUon of the caretaker's unit is lirrutad to a airtgle unit. The unit may eat be remodeled in the future to provide additional reeldentlal unite Ia the structure. 9. The parking lot moat be surfaced and striped prior to rccaiving a carti5cate of occupancy on the building. ~au tte Doan K.ixcboff, Vice Chairmen Hutchinson Planning Commission cc: Robert and Richard Hantge, 400 Olen St. SW Marty Campion, Otto Assocletea -~~~~~- SC~~ ~ January 22, 2003 CITY OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING STAFF REPORT . Tv: Flutchinaoa PlanninE Commission Prepared By: Planning Ststi: Brad Tmans, Doll Moou, Don Ntlson, Liss McClure, Miles Seppelt, Jean Ward, John Rodeberg, P.E., John Webettr, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Barry Greive, Mark Schnobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Ktn Mtrrill, Jim Popp, Steve Madson, D1ck NsQy, Julie Wlechnack, AICP, and Bonnie Baumetz Date: January 7, 2003 - iVleetlng Date: January 21, 2003 Applicant: Robtrt and Richard Hant~ey Hant~e Funeral Chapel and Crematory CONDITIQNAL US>i: PI~RMIT Brief Descrlptlon The applicants are roquesting a conditional use permit to construct an nddiion onto the prssant building located et 899 Hwy 1 S South. The expansion will oleo include a perking ]ot. A vacation of draimae snd utility easements is roqulred to comtruct a perking lot over the property line between lots 1 and 2. The request will include a caretaker epaztment in the lower Icvel of the building, 'The rust addition to the building wet approved is February o£2Q01. GENERAL INFORMATION Erdstlng Zoning: C4 (Fringe Comnteroial) Property Location: 899 Hwy 15 South Lot Size: 1.8 acres (1.2 and .6 acres) Tht property is situated as two parcels of lend. Existing Land Use: Funeral Chapel AdJacent Laad Use And Zoning: C4 (Fringe Commtrcial) with commtrcial to the south, apartments to the west end east and highway to the north. Cvmprehenslve Land Use Plan: Commercial Zening History: A conditional use permit was approved for Phase I on February 27, 2001. Some of the conccros regarding Phase II at that titate wire drainage issues, removal of mature trees on the property and exiting/tG'affic control issues. Applicable Re~ulatlons: Section B_ 12, Hutchinson Zoning Qrdiance ~CJI Conditional Use Permit Y-Iantge Funeral Chapel Planning Commlgdon- January 21, 2003 Page 2 SPEf7ai, INFORMATION C7 Transportation: Transportation issues were address in the staff report of February 20, 2001 as follows: There aro three entrances to the property. The most northerly entrance from Echo Drive must be acne-way to alleviate problems with stacking end accessing the frontage road. Echo Drive ' serves as s major Emergency Service route, which complicates the traffic considerations for this area. The Phase II expansion will have a greater effect on the tra~a volumes. Phase II construction would require the right tom lane to ba rebuilt on the frontage road: The turn lane exists, . but there has been no marking or striping provided. Parking: The node requires one space per five seats. There appears to be 212 seats which would require 43 spaces. The site plan indicates approximately 80 spaces. Analysis and Recommendation: The drainage issues for the area have bean the moat complex from a site design standpoint. The new plane have provided for pnrlcing lot storage of the run-0ff created by the development- Additionally, a etormoeptor would be placed undtr the parking lot for control and treatment of sediment. Staff is awaiting the final calculations from the applicant's engineer regarding this issue. The enginetr will also suggest on-going maintenance ideas for the stornreeptor system. The plan indicates traea on the west and eastern portions of the lot. The plan indicates that these trees will remain. However, the largo evergreen trees on the south side of the building will be removed. The caretaker's quarters would be incidental to the principal use of the building. The building should never be remodeled to provide more than one dwelling unit in the building. The crematoria use dots not require any special permitting from state agencies (l.e. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency). The tlmeral home currontly operates the arematota at their present location. To etatl'e knowledge, the City hoe not mceived any complaints regarding this use. Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit and vocation of the utility easements, based on review of the survey, topographic and parking information. The approval recommendation is with the following conditions: 1. The entrance from Echo Drive must be none-way to the west and moat be marked as such. 2. Any utility relocation would be conducted at the owner's expense. 3. Contact utilities on electric loads. 4. if the building is sprinkled, contact the water department for water service needs. S. Maintenance of the stormccptor must be addressed. 5~~~~ Condldonal Use Permit Ffantge Funeral Chapel Planning Cvmmbsivo- January 21, 2003 Page 3 6. Final engineering caloulations and renew must be conducted priar to City Counci] approval. 7. No boulevard trees are required to be removed for this construction. 8. The construction of the caretaker's unit is limited to a single unit T'he unit may not be remodeled in the fltturc to provide additional residential units in the structure. 9. The parking ]ot moat be aurfaeed and striped prior to receiving a eertSf oats of occupancy on the building. Cc: Robert end 12 ickurd I-Iantge, 400 Glen St S. Marty Campion, Otto and Aeexietce r1 LJ 5L~~1 ~~~~~E~ aG,~~~, ~ ~~1 r' w.~r : arar~.uep, p W "+, w oprT ~ - ~, r +~j C acarV a~ w 1i77~g13tl 1 ~., ~ f ya a .~NN~ w apAp TS i a ~ ..' ~ -.~ ~ ~~ ~ ter,, i w7df~D. S3 'p ~` ~ ~ ., aRP.t ra w i IIa1Yt ~ `. ~, x 1.7.119 +~ k'. WCrriW„9„Y ax 1p7ytitl~' ~ '. ~ m !" ~ d M4 ~ f ~ ~~ w' Wriq,,rd~7 ii ~ ~\ 11 y~ aFdFpl !Y~ aMw~A~ w, MA~734ti f M pV ~+a. P 5c N07T.i3 '~,~ Y 7.R..A! ~ ,~~" 7 ~/d le ~ ~" ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ i 1" appA ba ~ r~ ~ ^ 1p'N$8~ ~ te. 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"~I'~'tm, "r(hn ~~~ mask, ~~ ,i; }r1~N+I,INam"~'aN1~i~lw ~N:~°~~r> e~~i~.~~ ,. :ia{y~ ,~i>,~N"m Iam~ aNN°rr~4~ ~ai~~ 4:~mw• ~raCr; ~ I+ . ltj f'Sri t:al f,,,it1WYn'4H.~~C k" ~'~W9tl'Y~; ~'A~'. d"~'m"~~i irra u }A i;Ixx i! _ , rir:~~ 1Sw.'" ~?C".d~1'kNq,",i~, llitr ~t~airl i 4,,' .il,:. ar111 ii;6t r1t".r 141it.r, di~4b- ~,fu_li:-at it ~lFY' irn fir:,+~r ',f1S'!a'1~ rr':, mm'N f a,~ 1,1„K ~"C7aNr}~E„ ,.~, f, ~, c €,itt~ ~ ~~ emnr trr ~ t I N i„ "',!C it.i rt )E ~ ~:,_ 1(I kWI~~ ~ , Pf'`•f[1+^idC~ i ~i[. !, fl'~r .1ljilir'. ~ .. .. cut,la"tfl f,rrri '-ar ~r~. €;;r; i€' II?;1rf.d F i E~ i ~ k~ tiM~,. ~lrlrt t l,.tsiC+ ~..,,ti ~iir f".r,,i€ic.. ~r, ~ .+ fl icxi i''-€rIL1~1~: Lt..'i t}-i= i rbd w~,~_ r,:,rk~iaftrrt~ar~,~,ill~rt~6 a'sis,~€rr+,,1~~, ta,rs~~ 1 l11 1 _1~, ~51If?~. G+~, k'-; .. stC>te, f it Y:,tl i€ififtr~~~--, ;~~ ._i~ , :~r ~~ rrt];:!ram~ 11ll ~+~~il,i`s Ir+ #,yrfi I!i'r€t f3 rCYINW~E I1:;~<7EC¢1 9 r i.,; E ~~7r , V.J?~5, Y~,7~P~ ~p.ni~~.~ 11111 , ftf ra ,~4,"4:~5. _.2+- "n:4i Y}sr' `4rrl;mfir,r ~caA~dp ~:11~ ~t~r ~ ,zh~l , ,,~+= . ,~ luf+ ~'"~ ~ 'm9k'f°w Ini ,,. ~ '+t-. ,.ti ~ ~.~il ~ r imp^P,, ~Cl~rau:aaar;~ltmwN- rml,u, i+im,,pCie'uiN tPrilp wwiiPN 1 11~.. 1.~[) ~;,:°t'r1I~ €„ f ~^ :agpnmNtN~ 1'+~Itc~I~uN"oCt' 1,Cm tiCWww'x P°~1 I:brti~l'l~ ~ ~1' NI'R R' r r uiA l'l Y.1'",' { ~lI~~'sTYcM4~9 ~~r'I~t~^~^r~~, mr~~tNrr~aoNw mrl d ,NI~.Er..N.Nm~~ tiYi7rr1t1r'~~C°k" TIm811-aR~a°~ImI,~~NlB guw ~'Dq, a°rrNa° r,1' t11-~- t~fvatl.rlrti rar+r~p rr~N~wrI~IdvI~•tl ~.rii[f 1,11~.~, ..11x ,ll,yse.r~l;i,;r;~h,'ir~e..+ ae° f,_,°iEIJ~, Iru~:N- `~rttrlN] if'q ter~rn+ r~+ir C +r i,N ^,~ ., I„Npy~ Ciirtr~, m^ut ~'c^ ~}+ ~,,nt.rn,r tea ~'~~ ~~Na itrtm9lN_ e~iill' rc~ktlrf ~~~.rfrE;, }t,~..mlt~i Er~aE9~l~~dL~~m^~ Ifarma'd'~ ~'mm ~'rval4ir !`^.,r rti'~fr alts f'n,mRt1'd'S." Vti'tBNC~PG~~T4drr1. !€ ~ r~rl+n IIIri € +•a1~Inri•m^ D.~I~~) Nrpr(Ya:rarw mrN°~ro (ttll.i .i.d+. !'+~e~eamP N'm'^~¢9meN~•a•e~:~ dr, ~mr~~a'r. dc~a,'9m amid,fr rr~ rlroc~ ~t'c°aIG i ~N6:x'~~ m°~°~icutr, @Pmur Ipaa~°ito-~~: ~I)N~l{..~e~~~,6~, aatrad CpN~r~ q"~INtr~mp.. ~rl~•~,NA~,^ ~-0o4a, Irm tlor° "~<,r~Im~~'I^~t. 19}m• ~~it~~ a.I~ ,.... .. , ~.a~.r ~"~ .I l~~~a9' ,. ._ , @'9 , r+ pp P d ~~ 7 i II ^ ~ r P -,.. ... , ~'m.,.. ~«.tee ,.... .-~ , RESDLUTION NO. 121 I ~ • RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY DAN IIUEBERT TO OPF,RATE A CONSTRUCTION OFFICE IN THE C5 DISTRICT LOCATEA A 225-3 AYE. NW (FORD ROLFE PROPERTY) BE IT RESOLVER BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCI3INSON, MN: Dan Huebert, DJM Builders, has applied for a conditional use pemtit to operate a constmction office in the CS district. Na outdoor storage will be necessary however there will be employee and company vehicle parking on the premises. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 8, Block 23, North Half of Hutchinson 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission end the affect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and antici ted ttatTic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the latttprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the pr nsed use is in harmony with the genenil purpose tend intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Ylan, If the conditions, as outlined below ere met. CQNCLiJSIDN The City Council hereby wpprovea the conditional use permit with the following conditions: 1. Nn parking is permitted on the right-0f--way or in the alley area. 2. All perking areas including employee parking must be hardsurfaccd no later than June 15, 2003. The access to the parking area must he approved prior to construction, (Avoiding congestion issues with Subway is crucial,) 3. No outside storage is allowed on the property or on adjoining properties. 4. Signage must be approved stparately through a sign permit process. 5. Additional items, required by tho Building Official are to be completed prior to occupancy of the building For this use. F. Failure to follow the conditions of the permit or any city ordinances could result in the revocation of the conditional use peraut. 7. 'Trash dumpsters should be screamed or out of public view. Adopted by the City Council this 28s' day of January, 2003. ATTEST Oary D. Plotz City Administrator • Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor (C~ Hutehinson City Center .~,~~ C~ DATH: 7munry 22, 2003 TO: Hutchinson City Council m rts,e.n stswt s[; n.tsnmsoa, nn~ ss3so-~au aia~r-atsve~ ]so-sla-rxto FROM: Hutchinson Plemting Commission SUHd~CT: CONSIDERATION OF COND7TIONAL USA I'$RMTf REQUESTER HY AAN HU>~ERT, D7M BUILDERS, TO ALLOW A CONSTRUCTION OFFICE IN THE C5 DISTRICT LOCATED AT 225-3 AVE NW. Purattant to Ordinance it96-166 in Section B of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission fa hereby submitting its fmdinga of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned rcqutat for n conditional use permit. HISTORX The applicant ie requesting a conditional use pernrit to allow hie constmction office in tlu CS district located on property owned by Ford Rolfe. Thcrc was m approved applieadon in Scptcmber, 2002 for a construction office on the samc property. Thera will be employee and compmy vehicle and equipment parking on the property. F1NDfNGS OF FACT 1. The roquired application was submitted end fec wcrt aubrrritted. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property ownena ae well ae published in the Hutchinson Leader on Jmunry 9, 2003. 3. There ware no neighboring property owners pmeent objecting to the request. The Planning Commission voted to recomtueud eppmvel of the conditional use permit with the following conditions: 1. No parking is permitted an the right-0f--way or ]n the allay area. 2. All parking erase including employee perking must be hnrdsurfnccd no later then June 13, 2003. The access to the parking area must be approved prior to construction. (Avoiding congation issues with Subway le crucial,) 3. No outside atonge is allowed on the property or on eQ~oining properties. 4. Sigmge rmut be approved scpemtcly through a sign permit proceaa- 5. Additional items, required by the Building Official are to be cotaplated prior to oacuparx:y of the building far this use. 6. Failure [o fallow the conditions of the ptrudt or my city ordinencea could result in the revocation of the conditional use permit. 7. Trash dumpetere should be ecieened or out of public view. .. tted, Dean Kirchof>y Vice Chairman Hutchinson Ple~ing Commission cc: Dm Huebert, b7M Bulldara, 126 Franklin St NW Ford Rolfe, 203 Hambuty ST_ SE, Litchfield MN 33333 ednaa ~ nryotea p.per - S~L~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING STAFF REPORT . To: Hutchinson Planning Commission Prepared 13y: Planning Staff: Brad Emana, Dolf Moon, Don Nelson, Lisa McClure, Milts Seppelt, Jean Ward, John Rodebtrg, P.E., John Wtbater, Jahn Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Barry Grelve, Mark Schnobrich, Marc Stbora, Gery Plots, Ken Merrill, Jlm Popp, Steve Madaon, Dick Nagy, Jullt Wischnack, AICP, aad Bonnie Baumttz ]date: January 10, 2003 -Meeting Date: January 21, 2003 Applicant: Dan Hulbert, bJM Builders, applleant Ford Rolfe, owner CONpITIONAL USE PERMIT Brief Aescrtprion The applicant is requesting a conditional use pcratit to operate a construction office in the CS district (formerly Yamaha dealership). No outside storage wlll be needed. There will be employee and company vehicle end equipment parking on the property. • GENETtAi, INFORMATION Ezisring Zoning: CS (Conditional Commercial) Property Locarion: 225-3'a Ave. NW Lot Slze: 66' x 132' Exisriag Land Use: Commercial AdJacent Laad Uae And Zoning: CS and I/C Comprehensive Lartd Uac Plan: Gonditional Commercial Zoning History: There was an application in Septamlxr, 2002 for a construction office an the property which was approved by Planning Commission and City Council. Applicable Regulations: Ordinance #96-1b8, Section 8, Hutohinson Zoning Ordinance SPECLAI. INFORMATION Transportation: Access to the property is from 3rd Ave. Parking: Offtces require 5 spaces ptr 1,000 square feat. Warehouse requires 1 per 2,000 square feel. 5(~~, Copditlonal Use Permit Dan Hulbert-DJM Construction PlanninE CommisdotF Japuary 21, 20113 Page 2 Flardsurfaced parlariY is required for the employee parking on the lot to the east. The applicant stated he has 2 employees on site and 25 employees that leave from the site daily. These employees will be using the parking lot. At the present time, approximately 10 employees need parlring. Any area that parking is occurring moat be paved. There is hardsurfaced parlanQ for five covered tool trailers on the west side of the building which maybe used for employee parking. The rear of the building is also paved. Analycls and Recomroendarion: Staff recommends approval of the request with the following conditions: 1. No parking is permitted on the right-0f--way or in the alley area. 2. All parking auras including employee parking must be hardsurfaced no later then June 15, 2003. The accees to the • parking area moat be approved prior to construction. (Avoiding congestion issues with Subway is crucial,) 3. No outside storage is allowed on the property or on adjoining properties. 4. SiQttaQe must be approved stptuxtely tltrouQ}t a sign permit process 5. Additional items, required by tho Building Official are to be completed prior to oooupancy of the building for tlria use. 6. Failure to follow the conditlona of the permit or any vity ordinances could result in the revoeatiori of the conditional use ptrmit. Cc: ban Huebert, DJ1bI Svilden, 126 Franklin 3t NW Ford Rolfe, 203 Hamb~ug ST_ SI3, Litchfield MIV 35333 MNDot SC~~~ Y..~ p y L74~V'w l6'~ ~.'"R'y ~'M f'4 I ~~' 1 kIF^y~#~ °ti«»~'N ~AMrJ a 4«rP 1~., ~V Y'Y~,d~ i a3.x ~7'entrrea ~xd3'fiztg aR~9r~tG~an ~44,~~ ~~ecrare7 pr~p'a3e~ elbvaat'I',on ,i 49..9 m4a..4 e.49.4* eN9.1 ~, ~~, fib. (}l~ „~,.~. „. ~ .~,.. ,~~ .~ .. ~ ... ~~. ... ..._~ a i ~i4a.1 i. N~4. Yk 44.d1 a~ ~,»„ ~~ ~yMS.p'rNd~FX~" ~~~.., .w ai 4.a. ~~ .... '~rC~'1~C~~'~ b ~r ~.,r 1B~''I.~A"'~ {45. N 4 S~ ~.V..A a' T _ ~C~ ~ ~" ~~w'~ t4~.~~ ~fO~f7~~.r,~ ~arh`4~ts~ r ,w..rrda.rr~t ~, .. Ctr~twea! «~aad~Fraakr~-s ~" ~' ~ ~ ~ N~Nv3 '~alraigii #Nnttr @Aqj{ t'N~. ~ CO ~ Y ,.. M.46.3 G3 ^~ Cx'f3TIIMa 9'R#YA~94~ ~ It43..r v . , ~I r~nnn a 43.4 ?I ~pW'Y~ N4 .T _ 4S. 11' ~~ ~,, 7. ~F 143.9 ~~ 43.9^ ~ ~ .. ~~.~Q, ,. ~r~1~~rN ~curm~ i R43 2SY 9~4'~.'~BY Ir4'~.'9KY~,4P"~" oo»In r^~lr~C.k1 W6'i#P'Yk vp a11' bacw, d~',.~.~4x,7~~i~'" , aW%~MP i14w. iNPa' fN3 Y~Yti..+ 39.7. Cd3N 4P' D11 y~N~~Js ,.a. ..~.. ....... _... ~... ~ .~.~. 4~7~` .~....W... w~,i......., ,~, .~ ~m..~ .._ .. - A 53.7 ...... ...... F•~3. g`1... _.....~.. 0.43.?.~Y~._„Jly,. ~ ~ ,,,,,,,, t~!2.95} ,,.,~i~~ ~L,e1 ~'...~..,~~.,~...~ .~..~_ 'A 44. r'#.., '~a4~a 9z ~°k ra.4N..~a~ ~'Y k. ~ a...Y9 1~'~ ~~: 510 t~aemeh Marr~k , ~"r,~ of ~ryd'n"aas'r srt 'Nl~~ltrtr ~t 'a'nd' M rh' Avg. ~~ v. - I q S~. ~ ~amrch WA~mr9as ~aek ~~ etch hr7slh Haar S carnew a t.a't +, ~R,aer: a1~742.3 V' C'xr~r~nr~"~E ~~ `~+~Fi^~^r r~, F!~~tCY ~~F l 4 IM4PMCY 'S4f Cp M'y' amaN ~"9u4y~ ~iWMMN1"tl wman atl f4G4MR Nw~ad j: YR,¢5aM'Nd G+p' MIwY' ~aN w1A~05'1f" rrrvg dn~rlrtK 11hIPM'r7i~ad1 and ~6w9r R ~om a d~wely I.w.~lpmx'id r~a~nd $m,rrk'y~f` ~ua~w~r tbAP IAkwi 9M' ~F~tl1,.R 39d I'N a!' #wV lYdli ~: a.. ~.~ ~~ ~~.~.~ ~~ .~ ".:_~: r : ~.__. ~~.,. ,.~ ..~.._. KY~a~ Fi YG~C1 6 F'a~k 'S k~~n~e~a ~ta~~p I°~Cwr~e ~9s~r~ ~~p. Mvanu S~rrexv~'s-~'anawrrirrgPem~;n+e~ra^'';~&e~rP6~anrwPt9u WI!ii"C;H1N~pf~i„~II~V, T'el„ '~'fi°47`5 sue av ~ w ~~ 204 Highway 7 West Hutchinson 320-587-3074 131011ighway 15 South Hutchinson 320-2349700 Steven & Nancy Fangmeier, Owners OtTlcc PhpndF~u 3Z0-587-2894 C~ 1-13-03 Hutchison Planning Commission 1~: Public Hearing on proposed conditional use permit for Dan Huebert Construction Office to be located at 225- 3rd Av N.W. I own the property directly to the north of the property mentioned above. I feel the proposed use would be an acceptable fit for the area, but I would hke to see a couple conditions place on the permit, should it be approved. As a business.owner my goal is to provide a clean & attractive atmosphere to my customers and this would include outdoor areas. I am surc.Dan Huebert would also like to present such an image of any property that ha would occupy. 1. If any building materials are on the lot they should be kept neat & orderly ar out of public view. 2. Tzash dutnpsters should be screened or out of public view. 3. Refrain from tracking thud from the unpaved lot onto adjoining paved parking lot & alley. Thankyou in advance for considering my input- h Steven Fangm er 5C~~ ~. CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON - EN(31NEERING DEPARTMENT 111 HA33AN 3T 3E, HUTCHINSON MN '333b0 612) 234208 el».t+ o++ ONTRACTOR: LaTour Construction Inc Lettln No. 1 Pro act No. 02-02 2134 Co Rd 8 NW Me la Laka MN S33s6 Pro act Location: 2nd Ave 8E DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Raplaa 12" Cast Iron Watermeln on 2nd Ava 8E from 2nd Ava Bridge to Mlchlpan St 8E. Existing watermslns end flttlnpa ware found to be ve corroded Dated: 1 0/0 8120 02 Item No. 8 .Ref. Item Nama Unlt Quantl Unlt Prlca Amount INCREASE ITEMS Expose and relocate telep one conduit end fiber optic Ilnes at FE9 #200 1 09/17/02 & 09/23/D2 Lum Sum 1 51,240.00 $1,240.00 emave and replace 8" Gate Velva Box, 44' Cast Iron Plpe et Arch St 8 2nd 2 Ave - InGudea Matedal Lum Sum 1.00 $5 424.60 $5,424.80 Cut In 12" Oate Valve on Michigan St North of 2nd Ave. Work wa done tc accommodate contlnuoue water serve to Huth UtIlltiea generetinp units during 2nd Ave watermeln replacement. Crew 3 time only. Materiel aid In CO #3 Lum Sum 1 $777.00 $777.00 ore drill Manhole No. 10 for ex st ng 10" sewer runnlg south on Industrial 4 Blvd. InGudea labor and materiels Lum Bum 1 $1 405.00 $1 406.00 Add equipment and labor to extend bike troll from proposed and 200' north of 5th Ave to existlnp trail under 5th Ave B Bridge. Lum Sum 1 5704.D0 $7D4.D0 Two addKlonel catch basins at NE corner of 2nd Ave & Arch St. Includes labor d material. Plpa was paid under g 12" RCP Each 2 5980.00 51 880.00 7 Restocking char a for Manhole No. 5A. Lum Sum 1 $80.00 $t]0.00 DECRFA9EITEM3 8 Reduction for deleted Manhole No. BA. Lum Sum 1 $1 839.00 $1 838.00 NET INCREASE ------_-...._--_--_-----_-~--........---_--- 7;9,871.60 In accordance with the Contract and 8paclficatlons, the contract amount shell ba adJueted In the amount of ;37,931.20 (add)1(ded++ctk An extanalon of -0-days shall be allowed for completion, The orlplnal completion data shell not ba than ed. ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PREVIDUB ADDITION6/DEDUCTIONB THIS ADDITION/DEDUCTIDN TOTAL 3e7D,e13.42 $32.7DO.a6 SB,a71.60 ><H42 1 eD.DD PROVED: APPROVED= Contractor Mayor ATED: DATED: APPROVED: APPROVED: Director of Engineering Clty Administrator DATED: . DATED: r 5 ~~~ Hutchinson Area Health Care Hutchfnsvn Community AYnsp~ta[ B~~nesMallorNllrslr{q!lome DmsalMediccdCcn[er ~- 7(195 Highway ]S South Flwchlnson. MN 5535(1 (320) 234-5(H1U January 21, 2003 The Honorable Mayor Marlin Torgerson and Members of the City Council Hutchinson City Center 111 IIassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 5535D Dear Mayor Torgoreon and City Council Members: The board of directors of the Hutchinson Area Hoalth Care (HAIIC), as part of their regular mceting on January 21, 2003, considered a capita] expenditure request for the purchase of a replacement Chemistry Analyzer for our Laboratory. The following is an execrpt from the minutes of the meeting. "Chemistry Ana er. Gravos presented a requcst from staff for tho replacement of the laboratory chomistry analyzer which ie tight years old and in Head of an estimated $7,000 in repairs. Tho equipment waa planned for replacemont in 2003. The new technology uses small sample volumes, allowing many teats to be run from one spectmon. Patients will bcncfit from "redraws" that sometime occur because an additional volume of blood maybe required. This is especially important for our pediatric and geriatric clients. Currently 59,OD0 tests are performed each yoar nn this machine. $125,000 has been budgeted however with our purchasing power through out hospital buying group (VITA) the selling price is $57,900. Following discussion, Hoversten made a motion, Seconded by Chriesis, to requcst authority from the City Council to purchase the Chemistry Analyzer through our VHA contractual relationship in tho amount of $57,000. All were in favor. Motion carried. Thank you in advance, for consideration of these requests. Duane Hoversten will be able to answer any questions you may have regarding this item at your meeting on Tuesday. rely, Phtip G. raves President ~C9 J ~c~~ To: Mayor and Council From: Dolf Moon Director PRCE Date: 1 /24/03 Re; Waiving of fees As part of the Council packet there is a policy for your consideration. The waiving of fete is almost always fraught with discomfort and questions of fairness. The policy before you is patterned after existing policy previously adoptod. The Event Center was constructed to serve, as a gathering point far community events and activities and to that end use has bean strong. Additionally the facility was constructed with the intent of meeting fiscal obligations. The Department of Trade and Economic Development required the City to submit afive-year operations plan. I believe our current fee schodule is within a reasonable range given that we are trying to offset operational costs. I would recommend the Council approve the proposed policy. ~ PRCE ~~~ CITY OF HU7CHINSON PDLICY -CITY SERVICES- WAVING OF FEES DATE: January 24, 2003 No. There are many occasbns when other City Departments or entitles require use of the Hutchinson Event Center for a particular adJvlty. The Clty Coundl will automatically waive, room rental fees, this axdudea food, beverage and direct staffing costa for the following departments. Adminlstretlon, Flnence, Flre, Police, Bul(dlnp/Planning/Zonlny, Englnaertng/Publlc Works, Perlrs, Recreation, CommunJty Education, Economic Development Authority, Housing and Redevelopment Authority, . WateNWastewater/Compost, Uquor Store, Hutchinson UtI1R1es Commission end Hutchinson Area Health Cara. . Additionally, the Clty will not consider waiving of fees for other non-profit agendas or governmental agendas. • ~~~~ CITY OF HIITCHINSON PLANNING STAFF REPORT To: Hutchinson City Council From: Julie Wlschnack, ATCP, Director of Planning/Zoning/Building Date: January 23, 2003 - Meeting Date January 28, 2003 Re: Franchise Agreement for Citizen's Bank Background In the past, the City has received several franchise agreement requests for use of the public rights of way. Chapter 1Q.01 of the City Charter sots forth lha procedure far allowing private entities to use the public rights of way. The main requirement is to provide the franchise in an ordinance form. The ordinance consideration has been published in the nowapapor. Citizens Bank, Downtown, is considering major remodeling at their bank. Part of lho remodeling would involve creation of a new vestibule and canopy feature on the narihem side of the building (1°` Avenue). The existing building is between 4 and 6 inches from the City right of way. The proposed vestibule would encroach on the right of way approximately 4.5 to 5 feet. The overhang or canopy would be placed approximately 10 feet into the right of way. Staff has reviewed the issue with engineering and there does not seem to be any utility issues in the area, which would prohibit the construction. Franchise Agreements The City Charter states "no exclusive or perpetual frenchiec shall ever be granted. No franchise for a term exceeding twenty years shall be effective until approved by a majority of electors voting thereon". The City has i~sued franchises in the past. Some examples are the popcorn wagon, the restaurant on 2" Avonuo, and the Coffee Company. These uses are not permanently affixed to the right of way. Amore permanent structure was inadvertently placed in right of way for the Hometown Realty building. Approximately 1 foot of building is located in the right of way of Jefferson Street. Staff has researched other properties in and around downtown to determine whether there have been similar agreements and has not found any agreements for more permanent &trilCtnreB. Action Requested Staff is requesting Council action on the matter. Staff has prepared a draft ordinance for the Council's consideration, if they choose to approve lho franchise. 5omo considerations are length of time, payment for the franchise agreement, liability insurance, and uniqueness of the application. Staff would request that there be some findings that this use of right of way can not be easily applied to other properties in and around downtown. Encroachment into City right of way is a very important issue, which can cause possible problems in the future. Cc: Buzz Burich, Citizens Bank • Jeffrey Pflipsen, HTG Architects Hutchinson Utilities coc;;.~ Ordinance Ne. Publication No. AN ORDINANCE OF THF. CT'I'Y OF H[TfCIIINSON, MINNF..SOTA, GRANTING C7TI%ENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY THF. RIGHT 1'U L'NCILOAC.'H IN PLIALIC RIGIIT OF WAY ON 1'r AVENUE SW, WEST OF MAIN STREET THF. CITY Uh IfLTTGTITNSON ORDAINS: Secdeu 1. Tha City of Hulchinsott, in the County of Mci.end, Stale of Muutesnta, hercaIler referred to as Grantor, hereby grants thc Cilzcns Bank and Ttust Company, hereafter referred to us Orauree, a franchise to place and cnnstmct ¢ canopy/overhang 10 feat into thc right of way and a ventihulc 5 feet mto the right of way of 1" Avenue SW, ev drown in fixhibit A, nu ecrtnin pruperry owned by the City of Ilutchinsnn, described us' follows: The snulhem portion nfright of way un 1° Avenue SW, npprnximatcly 59 feet west ofMain Slreel eiglll of way, adjacem to the Citizen Bank and'I'mst buildutg, for a lensth of approximately 22 feet. Section 2. The franchicc is granted fur a form of ye¢m commencmg nn the date of the ¢cceptnnec of the 1'ranclilse. 4rnntee shell file a written acceptance of thc lranchlaa veldt the City Administrator of thc City of IIutchineon within ten (10) days after the effective date of this ordinance. The txmlchiac shall become effective only when the acceptance has been filed and evidence of gcneml comprehensive end liability insurance provided for in this grant of franchicc has been filed and approved. L7 addition, a filing fcc of mwn he paid. Section 3. Grantor reserves thc right to enforce reasonable regrrl¢tiuns concerning cnnstmclion, uprratiou and maintenance of facilities located along, over sort uuder the public premises before nxntinned end dre placemcnL of such facilities. Section 4. Grnnlcc shall mdetmtify and defend Grantor, its boards, cnmmisnions, officers, agents end umployees, in any and ell other public agencies, end (heir members, officers, ¢gcnts end employees, against qtly and ell liabilities for injury to nr death of any person or any d¢magc to any prupelty caused by Grantee, its officers, ageuls or ernpleyaes in thc cnnswctiun, operation or maintcnunce of its property, nr arising out of thc excacise of any right or privilege under the franchise. Section 5. At all limes during the term of thc franchicc, Grantee will, at itA own expense, mauttatu in titme geuernl comprehensive liability ittsurauce, with an inaurancc company npprovcd 6y the City of Hutcherson, with limits nppruved by the policies being ti>r the protection of Orantnr and its oIt"icers, agents and employees, ¢gainyl liability fur loss nr damage for bodily injury, death or property damage occasioned by the activities ul'thc Grantee wide[ the franchise. Section 6. Grantee shall not have the right to assign the franchise otherwise transfer it ill any manner whatnncvcr ur sell, lease, license, mortgage, or pcmill others to nse trnnsfcr in any manner whatsoever any interest m all or any part of ifA facilities that ere installed or operated under this grant, except on prior written approval by ordinance of thc Cily Cuuucll of the City of Hutchinson. Section 7. in the event shat the Citizens Bank end TruaL (:umpany should coast to exist ur should fail to use the frnnchise for one c¢lendar year, [his franchise shell be deemed null and void and shall revcrL to thc Cily of IIutchinsnn without any nctiou on tlae pert of thc City of llmchiusou wh¢tsncvcr. Section g. The City nuty at thc point of expiration of this franchicc ur for public purposes request that the eucrn¢chments be removed from thc rights of way at the Grantees expense. Suction 9. Thin ordinance shell take effect from and after passage and publication, subject to the provision above requiring written acceptance by thc Citizen's Bank and Ttvst Company. ~f;~(>t~ Adopted by the City Council, this soy of , 2003. AtccsC Ciry Adtninis trator Published in the Hutchinson Leader on First Reeding: Second Mayor c~C~~ ~~-_ 13 ]anuary 2003 ~' ~ Mr. Merlin ]orgeraon ARCHITECTS City of Hutchiwon 111 Hassan Skeet Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350-2522 Re: Cidaow Hsnk & Trust, Remodeling Fnmchise Agreement Requdt Deer Mayor Ivrgaraon end Members of the City CounclL• A meeting was held on 09 January 2003 with Ma. 7ulie Wiachnack, City Director of Plaruting/Zoning/Building, and Mr. Buzz Burich of Cltizans Dank & Trust, regarding a remodeling project that the Hanle ie planning for their Main Feclllty. Bacawe a new Entry Vestibule/Hulldhrg Canopy ie being proposed, extending over the sidewalk vn the Fleet Avenue, Ms. Wlaehnack requested that we provide you and the members of the Council with a letter raquwdng a Frttnchiea Agreement. the proposed entry veadbule/building canopy is designed to emphasize the Bank's Main entrance slang with wing [Wore brick and brick detailing, that will blend with the surrounding buildings. The Bank is also currently looking at the possibility of reworking the Basle's Main Street entrance to create a better tnnaition between the adjoining brick buildings and the Bank's more modem glass and bnek f¢riade. Please see the aceloeed drnwinge far your reference. Functionally, the Bank's rttain parlang B on the west aide of the building end on First Avenue so the majority of the pedestrian traffic on the sidewalk is Hank customers. In a previous romvdeling, the Hank created a plan that doubled the width of the sidewalk from 10'-0" to 20'-0" in front of the current entrance. . The face of the existing building ie approximately 6" behind the Property Line. The proposed building canopy will have two brick cvlwtma that extend beyond the property Ilse approximately 9'-10" and should not obstruct the pedaeklan flow of the sidewalk, becawe of the extra width of the sidewalk. The furthest point of the proposed triangular shaped vestibule will extend across the property line approximately 4'-l U." We have been informed that there should not be any utilities In the sidewalk that would be disturbed. The Hank ie asking for the a Franchise Agreement to be for a term for 100 years. Please feel free to cell if you have any quesdons or comments. Thank you in advance for yoga consideration in this matter. Siaceroly, ~~ Jeffrey 7. Pflipaen Exec. Vice President HTQ Architects Encloeures cc. Me. ]ulia Wischnack, City Director of Planning, Zoning and Huildlug T.A. "Buzz"Hunch, Citizens Bank & Trust Co. HTG Architects 9;?0p Hnnrrapin Tow+t Ron A, Mills. MN 55347 (952) 27R-H~00 www,htp-archilects.corn ~ ~~ ?~, '; .. ~;. P' ;~:`:~ u r t:~ I~. _, II ,, ,:~., ~,. .~ ~. ~.. .,:, ', ; ; ~~ ~w ii ~ ; tl ,'- ~:~ y I l I ~' y it 4 _. ~~ i '^f ~ i~ P m,w _, _~I~17FNS 13Ah1~" ~ ~~'~!~?' ~ wr~w ' `' n ^~~ ,,~. r, ~ ~~,, ~.~5 , ~~... MAIN ~CIANCf~ I ,, , ,., ~ ~ T r,~,rr~; ~.:_~r, . A~~ R _. _ IN~ERI~ R ~'EI,4 i ~ ~:, ~~~Ji~l~kNa~~l Mlh~ill ~~~ ~~fA ~ _ ... _, . _~ RE80LlJT10N NO. 1Y111 • RE80LUTION DRDERINO IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONB LETTING NO. 1/PROJECT NO. 03-01 MN ProJ~ct No. 3TP4303 (030) WHEREAS, a resolution of the Clty Council adopted the 14th day of January, 2D03, fixed a date Tor e Ccuncll Heerinq on the Improvement of dale Street SW from Roberta Rcad to 2nd Avenue SW (S.P. 133-126- 01)end 2nd Avenue SW from ~ele Street to Meln St (S.P. 133-1D8-0B) by conetructlon of trunk and lateral sanitary sewer and services, storm sewer lateral end treatment Improvements, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk, landscaping, street lights and appurtenances; NOW THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED 0Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such Improvement le hereby ordered ea proposed In the resolution adopted the 14th day of January 2003. 2. John P. Rodeberg la hereby deelgnated as the Engineer for this Improvement. He shell prepare plans and apeciflcetiona for the making of ouch Improvement. Adopted by the CounGl this 29th day of January 2003. Mayor City Administrator C' J c~c~~ Office oP the Cit A,ttorne 11Y Yi~mn Cl~l E~ AAutshln.vn, MN 5535U-7622 320-9S7.9A31/N'~x 320.234420 ro: Mayor & city Cotutcil FROM: Marc A. Sebora, City Attorney DA'L'E: January 9, 2003 SUBJECT: Open Meeting Law At the last City Council meeting you asked me to provide you with additional information with regard to which groups are bound by the Opcn Meeting Law. Rather than reinvent the wheel, 1 a2n enclosing a page from a research memo from the League of Minnesota Cities from August 2000, entitled "Mettings of City Councils". As you can see, the Open Meeting Law appears to apply to any level of a governing body, including its committees and subcommittees. Should you have fluther questions concerning this, please contact me. Rioted on raycled pnper - a ~~~ • Ta atiotd the public an oppommity w present iu views m the public ~Y• ~~~-p-'x~ The open nwedng law also contains some specific notloe snd recotd- .,,r.®~-t..a 1MV_a - • ~~ requirements, which are dlsctteaed in detail in hoer secticme of R~tM nw~• this dvct~etat. A. Grotipe to which the law applies s~ aw.! nt.~a,.wa t The p~ mO0[lag law applies tq all goverttittg bodies of ~lY school disWct, ttoorgamired tarrltory, county, airy, towp or other public body, end aqy mmmdttee, sub-commiaea, borax depart, or commission thereof. Thus, the law would appear to apply m meethrga of all city councils, plmning oommiss{one. advisory boards, fintightter relief atuoviations, economic davelopment authorities, wd b~ouaing redovelopment au~cattles, mnong arbors B. What is a meeting? Thera ie no statutory definition of the term '~nootipg" for tha pttrpoee of the open meeth~ law. t3enezally, a meetSng is a gathering of ofActials m discuss, decide, or teCGive irdrn'mntion on matters over which they have suthtarity. ,~, ~..r.., m - o,~...w Brxanse the ueam "meeting" has not been clearly defmod, the issue of ~"" ~tadr whether or not a "ncectoog" bps beerr bald noaret be decided on ~~~~~-by- caae bnais. Same exampieB of cases are discussed in further detail iq a lour tbcdan of this mnu». G Gatherings to which the law applies "~•~ •• f"t•~"~^' a°""t Thu open meethrg law applies to any getlteaing of a quorum or more of °>."'"N.. oars. aarxw•>+ata c offir:ials whens thn members dis[1us, deride, or receive a+ra. um p~ information as a group on issues relating m the official business of the pubho body. ~. stir s nr.vt, ww. t: ,~ •q" ~ a majority of rile nlember6 of a atetumry city coundl. A arr~ car s uaa (rt majority of the qualified members of any board or commission deo constitutes a quorum Home rule charter cities tngy have additional texlniaemennr for achieving a yuotum i~a their clt>aters. M..tmpHClgCouadL is e~~~ • Thus the open mewing law would apply to any of the followit~ types of gntbe~ge: • R~rtlar and sp~crul merttngs. ~ Aiblfc hearrn~a. `a. o f ssn~r,1.~. >~+, vnl • gxec~tlva sesatoru. The etoorney gene~el found that en exacudve ~eo..1 tn.7re,wra t ~~ of a ci coundl that ty prohiMted aumdana6 of ttte public >mtil ~w.r.nm-o- •O~.w„ attar the diecnnsivn and drliberatioue of the oaunuil.vu a vloladw t'"0by"O1 w w~""``'"• Of tha npon moorlnR law. ~ j9ork a~sstans. t Raragb. CJ • itlia~~ r°~~9NPr: I I,~ I 1 ~I~~ ~: I~ , Ala ~I- , g(-c>r~ C~ Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Brcnda Ewinirector of Ilumau Resources RE: 2002 Psy Equity Report DATE: January 23, 2003 The required Pay Equity Report far 2002 has been prepared for submission to the Minnesota Department of Employee Relations (DOER). The attached report must bo approved by the City Council and submitted to DAOER by January 31, 2003. The information to be submitted indicates that the City continues to be in compliance in regards to the pay equity requirements. It is requested that you approve the enclosed report at your meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, 2003. If yvu have any questions, please contact mo. Encl. C~ q ~~~) Pey [qufty Implamar~tlon Report Send completed report ta: Pay Equity Coordinator Department of Employee Relations 200 Centennial Building 658 Ceder Street St. Paul, MN 65155-18D3 (661) 286.2653 (Volta) (651) 297-2003 (FTI~ • For Department Uaa Only Postmark bete of Report JurlsdlcUon Ip Number Name oFJurlsdlctlon City of Hutchinson City ^ County ^ School ^ Other: Address City State Zlp 111 >lrsaan St. SE Hutchinson Ts1H SS350 Contact Person Phone Fax Srenda 320 294-4213 320 234-4240 0 Tne}ob eveluetlon system ~usad meewred skill, effort, 0 No salary rergas/parfwmertce dlfrerencea responal6111ty and vvorklrg Cpndklans end the same system was used Tar all classes of employees. Check die system ^ Check here If both of the following apply; otherwise, used: leave b4nk. a. Jurladktian does net have a salary range far enyJo4 ^ Ste[e Ja4 Match clear 1Q Designed Crvvn (spaclry) b. upon rerquest, Judedktlon will supply dvcumsntetldn d Onsult~nt Plaa l showing that Inequltlea betvtien male end Temele ' a erxices. classes ere due to perfomranca dlfl ^ Cvnsultent's System (apetl(y) Nota' Do not Include any documantadon regarding performance wan this form. ^ Orher (specify) ~ An afflGel nddce has 6aM posted et . -ir+{etrativa Offices Cit Canter - . ~ ~ Health Insurance benefhs for male and female classes of (p~.rrMrk locadonJ comparable value have bean eveluetetl and: Informing emplayoas that the Pey Equity Implementedon Report hea been Ned and Is evelleble to amployeea upon ^ There Is rq difference and f~mele classes are rrot at a request. A copy of trw npdce has been sent to each dleadventege exclusive represontadw. K any, end also to the public library. ~ The report was approved hY: Y IR TFIera Is a dl((erance entl the maximum selerles roparted L Include [he monthly amount paid by [he empbyar FOr g r _rhinwon City Cormcil ~n i11fl~Q3_ d haelrhlnsuronce. D ee is based on if far a n - fp~arwrrlaphodyl ~ ~~ 1 7 ~ 6~n~orfine~Ton~n dil°fea com~eld er~ecc~e~dar 14arlin Targerson (creNrasNcted vlrrur.{ P'1'W ~ The sport IrtCludPS ell cleaeea df emplvyus war which the Judsdlctlan hea Mel budgetary approval authority. (crMaretecnd Wlsc4r4 >•Ipvnarl 1[avor 1/zs/o3 Rewn htam Seery 17enge Ww/rSHeer y~ F ~ 1D0 % Is the resuR of average years to selery range maximum for male classes divided by the average years to selery range maximum for female classes. y Resurcs hum Exceptlonel SerWce Pey Worksheet , ~~ 70 20% or less of male classes receive ESP. ddd ~ ~ j % Is the result of the percentage of female classes receiving ESP divided by the percentage of male c see sac Ivan ESP. t ~ W ~ C S 5.506.170.9k [he annual payroll Por the calendar yeerJust ended becember 31. (Part F on Back) 9 ~0.~ Compllence Report JurlWlctlon: Brondta Ewlnp Dtatta• 1/22/2003 Clty of Hutchlnwn Contact: B. Cwlnp Phonr. (310) 134113 Inauronce Added? y Job Cval uatlon System U~ad: Contaultant The atatlstical enelysls, salary ran0e end excapUonal service pay teat results are shown below. Part I la general Infonntatlon from your Pay Equlty Report date. Parts II, III, and IV glue you the feet results. For more d~tell on Brach teat, refer to the guidebook. I. GENERAL JOB CLABH INFORMATION Male Female Balanced All Job Cleseera Classes Claeeee Cleeese # Job Classes 80 34 3 07 #Emplvyeee 99 4t] 8 ilia Avg. Max Monthly Pay per Employee 3,687.18 3,519.70, 3,344.44 II. STATIBTICAL ANALY8IS TEBT Male Fsmele Classes Claseae A. UNDERPAYMCNT RATIO ~ 13D.1 a. # at or above Predicted Pay 33 23 b. # Below Predicted Pay 27 11 c. TOTAL 80 34 d. °,6 Below Predicted Pey 46.00 32.33 • (b divided by c a d) " 6 f f l d b l ' dk t d eme ~ ~aaea e ow pro : e pay) y 9 0 o (Result Is % of male dosses below predicted pay dMdad B. T-TEST RESULTS Depress of Freedom (DF) ~ 143 Vnlue of T F -1.824 a. Avg. dHf. In pay from predicted pay Tor male Joba = S32 b. Avg. dlTf. In pay from predicted pay fur female Jabe ~ S1 B1 III. SALARY RANGE TEBT ~ 100.OD Y° (Result Is A divided by B) A. Av0. # of years to max salary for male Jobe ~ 5.00 B. Avg. # of yenre to max salary for female Jobs ~ B.OD IV. tJ(CCPTION,4L eCRVICE PAY TEBT .00 Y. A. °,6 of male dessea receiving ESP 20.DD' B. °,6 of Fsmele dosses receNing E8P B.t30 ' (If 209'° or less, feet result will be D.00) ~ ~~~ ~ Memorandum TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Gary Plotz, City Administrator Brenda Ewing,lIuman Resources Coordvnator RE: 2003 Reclassification Requests DATE: January 23, 2003 It is customary that the City of ldutchinson consider the current reclassification requests in January. Generally, reclassifications are presented when a position has experienced a change in duties and responsibilities that initiate a review and, if warranted, a recommendation for reclassification consideration by the City Council. For 2003, staff is presenting the following positions for consideration for reclassification as follows: 1. r ive Se In February 2002, the position of full time City Attorney was established by the City . of llutchinson. At that time, it was determined that administrative/clerical support For the City Attorney would be provided by the Administrative Secretary and a C5O/Records Maintenance Technician. 1t was determined that the position would be monitored during the remainder of calendar year 2002 and considered for reclassification at the presort time, if warranted. Tha Administrative Secretary volunteered to assume this support function including the following duties: drafting civil forms (deeds, affidavits, and easements), drafting criminal complaints (plea petitions, writs ofhabeus corpus, epriegel notices, etc.), drafting and editing resolutions, ordinances, contracts and agreements, preparing correspondenco, transcribing conrespondcnce from dictation, conducting legal research as dtrxted by the City Attorney, scheduling and conducting interviews with witnesses and victims for jury trials, maintaining legal department records and schedules. It is the recommendation of staff to reclassify this position from Grade 3 to Grade 4 on the City Position Classification Table. It is also proposed that the position will report to both the City Administrator and the City Attorney. The position is currently held by Melissa Starke. 2. todlan Com a ces This thl] time position was created in 1998 to meet the needs of Police Services in regards to building custodial needs and general Community Services including animal . control, parking enforcement, traffic control, ate. Since that time, the position, in q c~~ . regards to the CSO duties have increased to include the following: provide support end serve as a back-up to the CSO/Security positions at the hospital, addross zoning complaints (junk vehicles, rubbish, etc.) in conjunction with the Planning/Zoning department, fill a broader role in addressing animal control issues including promulgation of complaints, and responding to general public customer service issues and complaints that are not roquized to be addressed by licensed personnel, Tho incumbent employee has taken the initiative to acquire the additional knowledge (legislation, city ordinances, procedural law) required to deal with the various issues. The position of CSO/Custodian ie a Grade 2 position. Per the changes noted above and to align the position with the other CSO positions in the department, it is proposed to abolish the position of CSO/Custodian and to reclassify the position to Grade 3 CSO/Security Guard. The position is currently hold by Robert Loehror. 3. Water S stem So In 2002, it was determined that the full time Water Department positions would be suhmittod to our compensation consultant, Stanton Group, as part of a review of the Water Department personnel. It was determined that the position had assumed more responsibility for the daily operations of the water plant and should be reviewed. The review by Stanton Group was completed in October 2002, and the results included an increase in points to more accurately reflect working conditions. The position is currently a Grade 6 position. It ie proposed that the position bt . reclassified per the consultant's recommendation to Grade 7. The position is currently held by Dick Nagy. Tho proposed descriptions far each of the above positions are herein attached for your review. if you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Gary Plots or Brenda Ewing at your convenience. Encl. r1 U 11~~ TITLE ADMINLSTRATIVE SECRETARY jobdea09 1-2003 • DEPARTMENT A17M1N1STRATION /LEGAL -21- SUPERVISED BY CITY ADMINISTRATOR AND CITY ATTORNEY SUMMARY THiS 1S RESPONSIBLE SECRETARIAiICLERICAL WORK IN THE CITY ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEC}AL OFFICES DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Servos as city council secretary. Provides assistance to the mayor, city council and city administrator in carrying out official city business. a Attends regttlar and special meetings of the city council and takes minutes of these meetings. Attends bid openipgs and takes minutes. b Follows up as ncceseary on actions taken by the city council. Prepares correspondence, informs appropriate parsons of actions taken, and completes other required detail work. c 'transcribes council minutes. Coordinates materials for the agenda. Prepares and distributes equncil packets prior to each mooting. Prepares the permanent copy of city council minutes. d Prepares resolutions and ordinances as nxvssary. Publishes ordinances in newspaper as pcr legal requirements. • e Maintains files on all records, contracts and materials relating to city council business. Prepares and updates offtcia] documents. f Maintains and updates clerk's indexing system on computer. Maintains and updates the City Coda book as required. Contacts committees and boards as necessary regarding meetings. Prepares weekly and annual calendar of meetings and events. h Maintains orderly file of audio and/or videotapes of city council and planning commission meetings. Checks out and maintains record of any tapes removed for review. Maintains and updates records of terms of office of boards and commiesiona. NotiFee Mayor of expiration of terms. Notifies board members of appointments and reappointments. 2 Performs secretarial duties for the city administrator. Meets daily with the city administrator to coordinate and update work schedules. Takes direction to prepare ]otters and memos. Composes routine cotrospondence for signature. Receives instructions from mayor or city administrator on council matters. 3 Provides secretarial services to the City Attorney. . a DmRs civil forme including but not limited to deeds, affidavits, and vasemvnte. b Drafts criminal complaints and criminal including plea petitions, write of habeua corpus, spriegel notices, etc. c Drafts and edits reaolutiona, ordinances, contracts and agreements. ~C~~ d Prepares internal and external correspondence. Transcribes correspondence from dictation. e Conducts loge] research as directed by the City Attorney. f Schedules and conducts interviews with witnesses and victims far jury trials. • g Maintains the legal department records system. h Maintains the City Attorney's weekly calendar and schedule. 4 Periodically curries nut various duties related to city business. a Publishes public hearing notices; notarizes contracts, leases, agreements, etc., prepares mooting schedules; assists other dopartrnont heads with correspondence on request; researches city ordinances and city council minutes. b Processes applications for licenses and renews licenses for gambling, bingo, intoxicating liquor/wino, 3.2 beer, cigarettes, refuse hauling, recycling, transient merchant, snow plowing, tattoo establishments, bed & breakfast, massage establishment and others as required. c Assists in coordinating notification of public bids. d Serves as recording secretary to various boards or committees appointed periodically by the mayor/City Council or other standing committees that meet on a limited basis, i.o. Charter Committee. 5 Serves ae Election Official for the City of Hutchinson. Contacts, selects and trains election judges. Publicizes elections (from filing of okFico to election day voting activities). Prepares voting machines, orders ballots, and completes accuracy tnsfing of voting machines. Coordinates election day activities at the polling place and is available forjudges' questions and machine breakdowns on election day. Responsible for all follow-up to the County after the eleotion. 6 Performs related duties as required. EQLIII'MENT Personal Computer, lap top computer, and software, printer, copier, fax machine, typewriter, and telephone. DESIIL4BLE QUALIFICATIONS 'Iwo year post-secondary degree in office/secretarial program. Excellent clerical skills with considerable work experience. Working knowledge of ward processing, spreadsheet, database and presentarion software. Knowledge of city ordinances and of general city fttnctions. Knowledge of legal proceedings related to City government and prosecutorial activities. Familiarity with related legs] forms. Knowledgeable in Minnesota Election Laws. Accuracy and attention to detail. Ability to schedule and complete work without direct supervision. Ability to handle all administrative and legal duties with total confidentiality and impartiality. Ability to dual effectively and courteously with the public, office staff'and administration. Initiative and leadership ability to coordinate council-administrative schedule. WORKING CONDITIONS . Office hours and conditions. Some variable hours or overtime required far evening meetings. 9Cb~ TITLE DEPARTMENT SUPERVISED BY SUMMARY CSO/SECURITY GUARD POLICE jobdes133 6-2002 POLICE SERGEANT; OPERATIONAL OVERSIGHT EY HOSPITAL RESPRESENTATTVE THIS IS GENERAL SECURITY WORK FOR THE HLITCHINSON IIOSPITAL AND OTHER CITY FACTI.ITIES AND GENERAL COMMLTNfTY SERVICE WORK DEITIES MAY INCLUI]E A COMBINATION OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: Hospital security. ~J a. Monitors the hospital buildings and grounds to detect any violations of hospital security or law. b. Observes facility and grounds for fire and safety hazards and safety of the populace. c. Assists with maintaining an orderly emergency room during heavy patient traffic. d. Assists ambulance personnel when delivering patients to the emergency room, e. Provides escort services to hospital employees during shift changes. Provides oscArt service to visitors upon request. f. Responds to emergency situations occurring outside the normal work assignmonUs or tasks of hospital employees, i.e. medical emergencies in parking lots; persons falling in hallways or stairs; unruly patients or visitors; foes; unknown situations, etc, g. Provides coordination with police officers and/or fire department personnel responding to emergencies located on hospital grounds. h. Assists with receiving and departure of helicopter anrbulances. i. Records property damage to environmental services for repairs. j. Provides information to visitors and requested and required. Provides socunity services at other City facilities, i.e. Event Center, as required. Provides CSO related duties including, but not limited to: a. Deals with animal control issues. b. Work with the planning and zoning department to address junk vehicle/rubbish/etc. complaints. c. Performs parking enforcement ae required. d. Directs traffic as needed. o. Provides operational support to licensed officers as required. f Addresses other customer service related issues as required. 4 Performs custodial duties daily, weekly, or as per maintenance schedule for the police facility and emergency operations center. Performs maintenance on police and emergency operations center building and grounds as needed. Works with outside contractors to resolve maintenance/mechanical problems as necessary. • Assists the street department in the tagging of parked vehicles during snow plowing events as needed. Participates in required trainings as directed. q ~~) CSO Description - 7anuary 2003 Performs related duties as required. C~ EQUIPMENT Radio, pager, baton and other ancillary equipment. Personal computer, software and printers, Copiers and telephone. City/hospital vehicles on an as needed basis. Cleaning equipment and supplies for custodial and maintenance functions. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS High school diploma or C,ED. Associates Degree in police/criminal justice or related field or S years relevant experience maybe substituted. General knowledge of the principles/practicea of security work. Valid Minnesota driver's license. DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS Ability to deal courteously, tactfully and diplomatically with persons at all levels. Adaptability and the ability to deal with people in difficult emergency or medical situations. Demonstrated knowledge of and the ability to adhere to federal and elate requirements govaming patient confidentiality issues. Computer proficiency and specific experience with word proceesing, spreadsheet end database software. Knowledge of cleaning materials, equipment and methods. • WORICINC3 CONDITIONS Weekly schedule included throe, 12 hour shifts at the Iiutcbineon Hospital (6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Monday through Friday, G a.m. to 6 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Saturday and Sunday), and four hours additional work for the City of Hutchinson at various locations. Flexible scheduling for CSO and custodial duties. Considerable public contact. Element ofpereonal danger in performance of some duties. Inside and outside work in all weathoz conditions. J 9 «~ TTTT~E WATER SYSTEMS SUPERVISOR jobdea48 2003 DEPARTMENT WATER -67- • SUPERVISED BY DIRECTOR OF WATER/WASTEWATER/RESOURCE RECOVERY OPERATIONS SUMMARY THIS IS WORK OPERATING AND CONTROLLING THE WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM FOR THE CITY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBII.ITIES 1 Meets regularly with Director of Water/V/astewater/Resource Recovery Operations to [Hake sure director is informed of operating needs and concums. 2 Operates and maintains city wells end water plant facilities and equipment. Monitors end operates system controls. 3 Plans and caordlnutce repair and maintenance of water mains, valves, hydrants, and water treatment plan[. 4 Backwashes water plant end adds fluoride daily. 5 Records all readings of water pumped daily. 6 Observes condition of water entering the filter plant and uses chemicals and other treatments as required. Performs water purification tests. 7 Prepares motttltly report9 of water pumped and of all well and chart readings. Keeps records of water . fumed off and on. Keeps rocords of Haw meters installed. Keeps records of plant maintenance and subtnits and lilts reports to State and Federal Agencies as required. 8 Checks all hydrants once a year. 'l'akes yearly inventory of maters. 9 Repairs faulty water mctc~s or assigns repair. Checks water meters end plumbing for leakage on request of the public or assigns dress duties to utility worker. May road some meters at cutoff and to begin service. 10 Supervises [he work of other Water Plan[ personnel. 11 Works with contractors on construction of water Ilnee to coordinate water service as needed. 12 Assist9 Director of Water/Wastewater/Resource Recovery Operations in preparation of water depertmeut atmual budget request. 13 Performs related duties as required. F.Qi]TPMENT: City water supply system sod all related equipment. Personal computer end related software. Printor, copier, fax machine and telephones. City radio system. City vehicles. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS Water technician training plus several years responsible work experience in a water plant Basic knowledge of electricity, hydraulics end electronics. Some supervisory experience. Ability to communicate well with fellow employees and dte public. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Stu[c of MN certification as Class C water oparntor. Val#d driver's I#cense. WORKING CONDIT1ON5 Inside and outsidu work. Temperature extremes. Work with and exposure to chemicals and electricity, [braes and noise. ~ ~~~