cp03-11-2003 cREVISED = March 7, 2003 Item 9(c) added AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCII. TUESDAY, MARCH J I, 2003 1. O O - 5:3 2. INVOCAI•IQN -• Rev. T{evin Ostar, Our Saviors Lutheran Church 3. :E OF G 4. MINiJ'I'F.5 (a) REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 2003 Action -Motion to approve as presented ,5. CONSE E (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. FIIZE DEPARTMENT MONI'HI_Y REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2003 2. HTJTCT-IINSON AREA HEALTH CARE FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JANUARY 2003 3. FIUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JANUARY 2003 • 4. PARKS, RECREA"IION & COMMUNITY EDUCATION BOARD M-IIdI7TES FROM FEBRUARY 3, 2003 5. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MON'T'HLY REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2003 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE N0.02-333 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL, ZONING MAP OF THE CITY DF HUTCT~IN50N FO A PROPERTY TO BE REZONED FROM Rl TO R2 (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 2. ORDINANCE NO. 03-335 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8.182, SUBD. 2 OF TIIF: HUTCHTNSON CITY CODE TO CHANGE LANGUAGE REGARDING 'T'HE FLOOD PLAIN MAPS (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 3. RESOLUTION NO. 12130 -RESOLUTION RELEASING PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM WELLS FARGD BANK (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL DF OITT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR MARION GRAHAM TO ATTEND THE WASTEWATER LABORATORY EXAM WORKSHOP IN KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, FROM MARCH 28 - 31, 2003 (d) L~ ENSESRFOR 20030R APPROVAL OF ON-SALF. IN'T'OXICATING LIQUOR AND CLUB (e) ON APRIL 2GT2003~OAT THE M LUB BUTLIJING RM GAMBLING LICENSE FOR 3M GLUE • Action -Motion to approvo consent aganda CITY COiJNCTI, AGENDA -MARCH 11, 2003 G. PUB~,IC HEARINGS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ON-SALE INTOXICATING AND SUNDAY LIQUOR LICiJNSE FOR EUGENE STIFTF..R (FI.YF.R'S NITS CLUB) Action - Motion to reject -Motion to approve (b) LETTING N0.3, PROIEC'1' N0.03-OS THROUGH 03-11 & 03-22 (PAVING IMPROV.F.M.F,NTS) CONSIDERATION OF ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PRE ARATIUN OF PLANS AN SPECIFICATIONS, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR RIDS 7. COMMUNICATIONS. REOi.1E5T5 AND PETIT.~ONS 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDING CITY ORDINANCE SECTION 6.22, "PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS, AND TRANSIEN'T' MERCHANTS" TO INCLUDE A17DINCr I.ANG[JAGE TO SUBD. 3 "EXEMPTIONS" (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTIDNFOR1bIARCH25, 2003) Action - Motion to reject -Motion to approve (b) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDING FEE SCHEDULE FOR PEDDLER, SOLICITOR, . TRANSIENT MERCHANT PERMITS Action -- Motion to reject - Mntivn to approve (c) CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION NO. 12131 AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF PROPOSAL FOR YARD WASTE PROCESSING FOR THE CTIY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND TO ESTABLISH A COUNCIL SUB-COMMITTEE REVIEW DF THE PROPOSAL Action -Motion tp reject - Motion to approve 1 n. MISCIiI.x~ANEOUs (a) COMMUNICATIONS 11. CLAIMS APP D CONTRACT P (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS A Action -Motion to approvc and authorize payment of Verificd Claims A from appropriate funds (b) VERIFIED CLAIMS B Action -Motion to approve and authorize payment of Verified Claims B from appropriate funds 12. AA~LQC7R1~ L J AGENpA REGULAR MEETING - HiJTCHINSON CITY CQUNCIL TUESbAY, MARCH I I, 2003 1. CALL TQ QRDid~ - ~;,}0 p•M• 2. TNVQCATIQL~I - Rov. Kevin Oster, Our Saviors Lutharan Church 3. E OF a. ~~ (a) REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 2003 Action -Motion to approve as prosented 5, NSENT (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. FIltE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2003 2. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JANUARY 2003 3. HUTCHINSON UTILII'IE5 COMMISSION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JANUARY 2003 . 4. PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY EDUCATION BOARD MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 3, 2003 5. HUII DING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2003 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE NO. 02-333 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON FO A PROPERTY TO HE REZONED FROM Rl TO R2 (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 2. ORDINANCE NO. 03-335 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8.18.2, SUED. 2 OF THE HUTCHINSON CTI'Y CODE TO CHANGE LANGUAGE REGARDING THE FLOOD PLAIN MAPS (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 3. RESOLUTION NO. 12130 -RESOLUTION RELEASING PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM WELLS FARGO BANK (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR MARION GRAHAM TO ATTEND THE WASTEWATER LABORATORY EXAM WORKSHOP IN KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, FROM MARCH 28 - 31, 2003 (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ON-SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR AND CLUB LICENSES FQR 2003 (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SHORT-TERM GAMBLING LICENSE FOR 3M CLUB ON APRIL 26, 2003, AT THE 3M CLUB BUIIDING Action -Motion to approve consent agenda CITY COUNCIL AGENDA -MARCH 11.2003 G. LIC HEARINGS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ON-SALE INTOXTCATING AND SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSE FOR EUGENE S1'Th°I'ER (FLYER'S NITE CLUB) Action -Motion to rcjcct -Motion to approvc (b) LETTTNG N0.3, PR07ECT N0.03-OS THROUGH 03-11 & 03-22 PAVING TMPROVF,MENTS) CONSTDERATTON OF ORDERTNG TMPROVF,MENT AND PRE ARATTON OF PLANS A SPECIFICAT10N5, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 7. COMMTINICA'I'IONS. REOOES'T'S AND PETITIONS 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDING CITY ORDINANCE SF..CTTON 622, "PF,DDLF,RS, SOT,TCITORS, AND TRANSIENT MERCHANTS" TO INCLUDE ADDING LANGLIAGE '1'O SUBD. 3 "EXEMPTIONS" (WAIVE !'IR.4T READING AND S'ET SECOND READING ANT) ADOYTYON r'~X M.4TZC1125, 2003) Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approvc (b) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDING FEE SCHEDUT.E FOR PEDDLER, SOLTCITOR, • TRANSIENT MERCHANT PERMTTS Action -Motion to reject --Motion to approve 10. ~(a.~LL~IVE(~US (a) COMMUNICATIONS l 1. CLAIMS, APPItQPRTATxQNS AND CONTRACT PAYMEN'T'S (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS A Action - Motion to approvc and authorize payment of Vorifiod Claims A from appropriate fiords (h) VERTFTED CLAIMS B Action -Motion to approve and authorize payment of Vcrificd Claims B from appropriate funds 12. ADJOURN MINUTIrs REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCII. TUESDAY, kTBRUARY 25, 2003 1. CALL TO ORL]EI~ - S:aQ p,M~ ayor ar to orggereon ca t e meeting to order. Members presort were Bill Arndt, Tim Haugon, Duane Hoversten and Kay Potorson. Others prosent were Gary Plotz, City Administrator, Marc Sebora, CityAttorney and John Rodeborg, Dtrector ofEnginoertng/Public Works. 2. Due to the absence of Rev. Gmg Nolson, Bethlehem United Mothodiat urc a invocation was disponsed. 3. PLEDGE QF ALLEGIAN~ 4. TF (a) REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 11, 20D3 Minutes were approved as prosonted. 5. CONSENT AGENI2A (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. PIONEERLAND LLBRARY 5YSTEM BOARD MTNLiTES FROM DECEMBER 19, 2002 . 2. FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR JANUARY 2003 3. HT7TCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE BOARD MINUTES FROM JANUARY 21, 2003 4. HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM JANUARY 21, 2003 5. CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 7ANUARY 2003 6. CITY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR JANUARY 2003 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 12125 -RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE 2. RESOLUTION NO. 12126 -RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM CITIZENS BANK & TRUST (c) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 1. CONSIDERATION OP PRELINIINARY PLAT AND REZONING SUBMITTED BY HUTCHIN50N LAND HOLDINGS (SHIMEK PROPERTl~ ~NDATION ADOPT STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMIv1E RESOLUTION NO. 12121 AND WAIVE FIILST READING AND SETS COND READING AND ADOPTIDN OF ORDINANCE N0.02-333 FOR MARCH 11, 2003) 2. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REOLTESTED BY MENARDS TO CONSTRUCT A FENCE 14 FEET IN HEIGHT AND LOW FOR OUTDOOR STORAGE AND DISPLY AREA LOCATED AT 1525 MONTREAL STREET SE L~ Cct } CTI'Y COUNCIL AGENDA -FEBRUARY 25, 2003 WITH STAFF RECOMIv1ENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12122) 3. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION TO CONSTRU A 115kv POWER LINE STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADO RESOLUTION NO. 12123) 4. CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS STEARNS WOODS LOCATED WEST OF HONEY TREE ROAD SUBMITTED BY ROGER AND RACHEL STEARNS WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12 ] 24) 5. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE N0.03-333 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8.18.2, SUBD. 2 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE TO CHANGE LANGUAGE REGARDING THE FLOOD PLAIN MAPS (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR MARCH 11, 2003) 6 SECTION 1~2.400ADDING SUBD. 5.5 OFOTHE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE TO ADD LANGUAGE 'RE UHiING BOULEVARD TREE PLANTING IN NEW SUBDIVISIONS (WAIVE FIltST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR MARCH 11, 2003) (d) UPDATES/AMENDMENTS APPROVAL OF VARIOUS CITY POLICY . (c) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIO>~~ AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS (DALE STREET AND 2 AVENUE SW IMPROVEMENTS, LETTING NO. 1, PROTECT NO.03-O1) (f) CONSIDERATION OF ORDERING PREPARATION OP REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT AND CALLILNG HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT (2003 PAVING IMPROVEMENTS, LETTING N0.4, PROTECT NO. 03-05 THROUGH 03-11) Item S(d) was deferred to March 11, 2003, meeting. Item 5(b)1 was pulled for further clarification. Item S(c) were pulled for fluthor clarification. Item 5(e) and 5(f) were pulled for ll~rther clariftcation Motion by Peterson, second by Hoveraten, to approve consent agenda with the exception of the pulled items, Motion carried tmauimously. Item S(b)1 waa pulled for further clarification. Gaty Plotz explained that this purchase resolution is being considered because of the amount of the purchase which requires Council approval. Mr. Plotz explained that ho will need to obtain more information from the Wastewater Plant Director regarding the purpose and uea of bioxide. Concrete and asphalt are big sellers at the compost site and in order to sell it, it needs to be ground first. The trucking is required to ship out product that the compost site is selling. Motion by 2 ~~ ~ ~~~ CITY COUNCIL AGENDA -FEBRUARY 25, 2003 Peterson, second by Haugen to approve Resolution for Purchase. Motion carried N unanimously, Item 5(c)6 was pulled for further clarification, Julie Wischnack explained that the intent of this ordinance is to require developers to purchase trees, with the money being escrowed into the developers plat fees. Tha trees will continuo to be maintained by the forestry department. The trees will bo planted after the houses aro built. Duane Hoversten sited concerns with legislating the requirement for developers to purchase the trees and also, due to budget issues, the City should not be acquiring any unneeded expenses. Mark Schnobtich, City Forester, explained how the City budgets for trees and tree plantings. Mr. Schnobrich explained that Hutchinson has historically planted trees on boulevards in new subdivisions. Hutchinson Utilities has provided some fttrtding for tree plantings, however this is not a very large contribution and ultimately the forestry department is approximately 3-4 years behind in boulevard tree plantings because of the lack of tlutde. In order to keep up with tree plantings in the new developments, staff is identifying the need to pees on the material coats of trees to the developers. Julio Wiechnack noted that some language changes could be made to the ordinance tv address the concern of long-term commitments to tree planting. Ma. Wischnack also noted that several cities already are in the practice of having developers purchase now trees for their developments. Motion by Peterson, second by Hovereten, to defer this item to the March 11, 2003, meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Item S(e) wee pulled for fhrther clarification. John Rodeberg noted that the wording of Jteme S(e) and S(~ on the agenda were transposed. Mr. Rodoborg noted that the resolutions were worded correctly, however the wording on the agenda was noted incorrectly. Motion by Haugen, second by Arndt to approve Resolutions 12118, 12119 and 12120 as noted in the council packet. Motion carried unanimously, 6. P LICII)EAIt~~-NUNS 7. c'O CJNICATIO S. REOLIPSTS AND PE1~TIO1~[,S (a) CONSIDERATION OF SUPPQRTINO GREEN LEAF STATE PARK APPLICATION Jade Templin, DNR, presented before the Council. Mr. Templin oxpplamed that a citizens group has put together an effort to establish a state park at the current Clrroon Leaf Lake. Mr. Tomplm explained that the citizens group and the DNR has presented this proposal to the Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce for the support as well. Milford Smith, (3roen Leaf State Park Advocate, presented before the Cvuncll, Mr. Smith explained that the Litchfield Chamber of Commerce, county commissioners and townehi~ supervisors are nt anpport of this pproject. Mr. Smith is part of the citizens group that rs willing to sell some oftheir land to be rncorporatod into the proposed Green Leaf State Park. The cttizons group feels that this project would benefit both the City of Hutchinson and the City of Litchfield as it may bring addtnonal traffic to the area. Jade Templin explained that the citizens group would be requesting that the Council draft a y (n~ CITY COUNCIL AGENDA -FEBRUARY 25, 2003 resolution showing support of this project. . Motion by Amdt, second by Peterson, tv approve supporting the Groan Leaf State Park application and authorizing Gary Plotz to draft supporting resolution. Motion carried unanimously. s. uNi~sa~p nusa~ss (a) SUMMARY OF CLOSED MEETING PROCEEDING5 FOR CITY ADMINLSTRATOR PERFORMANCE APPRALSAL Marc Sobora, City Attorney, explained that the written summary surmises Mr. Plotz's performance appraisal. Motion by Hoversten, second by Aradt, to approve the summary of the City Administrator's performance appraisal. Motion carried unanmiously. (b) CONSIDERATION YEARLY FRANCHISE FILING FEE FOR CITIZENS BANK Marc Sobora explained that at the last meeting the Council approved the franchise for Citizens Bank, however the franchise filing amount was uvt discussed and needed to be determined by the Council. Motion by Haugen, second by Amdt, to charge Citizens Bank an annual filing fee of $50.00 for the franchise. Motion corned unanimously. 9. NEW BUSINES5 . (a) COI~~IDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT VIOLATION LOCATED AT 1150 - 14 AVENUE NW, SCOTT AND JUDY PLOWMAN ACCESSORY BUILDING Julie Wischnack, Director of Planning/Zoning/Building, presented before the Council. Ms. Wischnack explained that in 2001, the Plowman were approved a conditional use permit to split their lot. As ppart of the conditional use permit, there was a requirement that a permanent structure be built on the lot. The Plowmane constructed a tompentry structure and claimed that they misunderstood the requirements of the conditional use pet7mt. The Planning Comrmssion is recommending that a requirement of a restriction on the deed requiring that a home be constructed on the premises should the parcel ever be conveyed and they approved a quit claim deed as drafted by City Attorney, Marc Sobora. Motion bx Peterson, second by JToversten to approve the recommendation of the Planning Commission which is to requve that a ~iomo ho constructed should the parcel over be convoyed. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION SUPPORTING COUNTY MATERIAL RECOVERY FACILITY PURSUANT TO MCLEOD COUNTY SOLID WASTE PLAN Ed Homan, McLeod County Solid Waste Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Homan explained that McLeod County Solid Waste intends to expand their current solid waste faciltty Mr. I-Inman further explained the description of the prv~ect, the fltnding of the pro act and the rationale for the project. Mr. Homan described the costs related to the project an~whom the customers are of the Sold Waste facility. Mr. Plotz noted that language needed to be changed in the first sentence to read, "Whereas, the McI_sod County Solid Waato Advisory Committee will ba considering on March 17, . 2003, to expand the existing material recovery facility". Li ~n) CITY COUNCIL A(}ENDA -FEBRUARY 25, 2003 Motion by Floverston, socond by Arndt, to approve the resolution supporting the county material recovery facility as amonded. Motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTlNC3DOWNTOWNIZEVTTALIZATION PLAN REVIEW FOR MARCH 4, 2003, AT 4:00 P.M. Julie Wischnack, Director ofPlanning/Zoning/Building, noted that the Revitalization Plan is posted on the City's web site and the plans ere also at the City Center for anyone that would like to review them. Motion by Peterson, second by I-laugen, to set Downtown Revitalization Plan Review for March 4, 2003, at 4:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. (d) CDNSIDERATION OF SETTING BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING FOR MAYS, 2003 AT 4:30 P.M. Gary Plotz City Administrator, noted that this mooting ie set for concerned residents to moot with the Ivi=cLood County Assessor and City Council to review proposed property taxes. Motion by Haugon, second by Arndt, to set Board of Equalization Mooting for May 8, 2003, at 4:30 p.m. Kay Peterson will be unavailable. Motion carried unanimously. 10. MISCEI,I,ANEOIIS (a) COMMUNICATIONS John Rodeberg - Mr. Rodeberg explained that some time ago, a request was made to review safety improvements to trunk highway 15. In order to proceed with those improvement prospects, an engmoor needs to be brought into the picture. Other projects will also be part of this engineering contract. Motion by Peterson, second by Hovereten, to approve entering Into consulting agreement with SE Consulting Group, Inc. Motion cam unanimously. Gary Plofz - Mr. Plotz ex lained that city staff' and council members met this morning for the annual visioningg workshop. City directors presented their annual t~eports and the Finance Director covered the proposed budget coats presented by the C3avemor. The budget adjustments by the State will ba announced byy July 1, 2003. Mr. Plotz also noted that the Crty Council also held a workshop with the Ilutchtnson Araa Health Care Board in which each group presented accomplishments of the peat year and goals for the upcoming yearn. Mayor Torgereon noted that the Council will be looking for public input as to the budget reductions. Steve Cook presented before the Council. Mr. Cook asked of Gary P1otz tha proposed amount being cut to the City's budget, Mr. Plotz explained that it is approximately $1.4 million. Mr. Cook asked if the Council could possibly hold offon moving ahead with the liquor afore project at this time and possibly hold s public hearing at one of the upcoming meetings. Mayor Tvrgarson did state that the Council is considering this location and will be taking into consideration the opuuons that have been presented m the Letters to the Editor of the Hutchinson Leader. John Rodeberg also noted that public hearings ware held with the Downtown Plan meetings, in which this location was chosen as part of the plan. Mayor Torgerson did state that there may be more public hearings held regarding this issue. . 11. (~IIAIMS, APPRpPRIATI4NS AND CONTRa(;~' PAYMEl~l7'8 `~~ ~~~ CITY COUNCB. AGENDA -FEBRUARY 25, 2003 . (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS A Motion by Hau$en, second by Potorson to approve and authorize payment of Verifiod Claims A from appropriate fbnds. Motion carried unanimously. With nv further businoas to discuss, tho mooting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. ~~<<a~ Memo 7br Mayor & City Counall Members Frtna Brad Emans, Flre Ghhf Oa6w 3/3x1(103 Ru Monthly Coundl Update The Are department responded to 20 general alemu h the mardh of Febniary. Of the 20 calla two were waichp strLrr~re fires cauehp an ealtne~d 538000.00 h damage. We oleo had one arson fte at the Hutdtimai Mlddla Sr~nol. Thle la the txeskdown of the calla Tor the month: Clty: Reeldentlal 3 CommerdeVlndustrial 2 MultEfemlly 1 9chocl 1 Cerhon Mona~dde 3 Flezarcloue Mntaial 1 Rescue 2 Medk~l 1 Rural: Rescue 4 Medhel 2 prllls I Maednps /Other Infomutlon • Conducted a tactics ! Inddent commend class Held the McLeod County ChleTe Aesoolatbn meetlnp Canducted a CPR and petlent refresher daee • Held the annual town board meetlnp to set the 2003 budpat Held the annual rettred flreflphtera meeting to dMcuee penslan i9aues C~ 1 ,<<~~ ~ ~J t nrn~ dD3 P7A Fid L ^~. L 1 N l1TCHN56N AAEA FfALT1i f1J~ Cartgarabi+e LkaFarlco s3i~81 As of Jarbay 31, 2W3 c~~ 1 Cash and fw'e5lrner~ - Q~(ahpfK 2 Cash and kxeshnats ~ aelt-Irrwed 3 5>r6falal~ a t:.aslmal~ 4 PatleraResidera mmir465as { 5 ~,~ e. cad eanm fi Adrancss erd -'~'.~ ~~ 7 Mel pa/asCkasidenl and Fkd-pity a ~-~_,._ 8 10 C4hu rersirahles ' nat 11 kwsi'rres 12 e> fA1 [a] {w1~1 Y = ~ cro JAN I}AFiY C7sxr-~ 2~3 20@ 20152 CY K PY 75,847,632 510.314,753 56,556,446 3285,5afi 461002 971,302 297,042 5639W 516,30x934 s10,7B8,057 SfiB57,oee 53,455,546 16,409,070 15254, Tai '18,945.478 (541,409] {4.,811,8®} {4,357.882} (3.517,628] (1.093,784) (4 7325527 14,23$,5x25 {5280 8711 526 719 57,060,208 S6,Hi1,339 54196,686 (51,106 !il) 250,872 279,ffi 134,3x6 116,4x8 613225 681,105 878960 iE~6]5) 322,561 323234 217057 105,47! ~,, n-F~,+ro ~u+o Bnu++cEs Cixres+t maGlrilies d Loop larv deb[ .~- pa59ebie -ride Estlr~ed mnla>zd>~ seBMrr~~ Amswd 4eq~~ea saiarles vra se:-: ...n prcgarc C4her Dda'nd 1ia6i5~as C~rred rcvuwe 615 501 518 SiB 711 65E 516,0`A141 S2,Ys5.400 Ta41 Clrrerd Lia6t3~ 73 Trial Curenl A.se~ . 1~uadad Deo~edaBo^ 1'"'esl w~ ~° ~ " ^~ 515779 959 512,794 6x3 SS 633456 59148003 l4 ..- ~t VerASr~ 6 d I 5228,505 51x8013 564571 5185,334 15 7 n Y1KStrne+ Ftad Pseic 788 019 51 21,958,768 51,019,708 50 16 Lard , , 7x4 28 025 26,021,764 25,980,977 41907 17 Buidr~ 7rn d , , [11 5iT 5961 {11 426,7061 114474 6711 h 042,475] Lono-bum C~e6[ [ks7_ 56 19 epreaa Aca+mla~d files depe®BOn 514,504,538 514,597 k76 515,505,806 {51.D01,168} u SNl 100291 15 15,688,853 13,9&9,726 1,111,OGi ~ E ~Sm d , {11 479 536] (11 955,7131 110407 639} 6.072 506] 2t ~ epre Am+nr~ted ~, 53,fi20,755 53,6s3,l DO 57.582198 53x,557 727 062 707 154 293 463 d 33,539 24 CarsUUrbon n 7xogass , 1 a3 519 612 519,953,118 526 401 y55 {5529.672) Fvd hatanC4 ~ Trial 7'1x4 A~ , . 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AFEA TIEALTH C1f~ Stalanenl of Rarer arW ExperrWa Oath aA Perod Ended Js++r'131. 2703 ti paGatraen~ Outp~eri ra-+erk.e Aesidert Rermre Totn1 paGerM14esderrt reverrua Go+arRertal S Po1q Di,mult Free Care 74x1 d4il ucton iae rerer.~ lief pa6er35esdxd ratiarrue Qtcr cPare4r9 +eaQbws Het opa'afrg re+ertue i Saiartas Evrpb7ee BeKGis Prdassard and hied-rte Feae t ~:.c FIY.~ r.~w.-w 3 Fmd, Drugs E Su4¢es Oter e~avte - _r~ ead dau YVerest z9 4epreti~n T~ E~xess o! ref operating re+e nrn 22 mar L~1 ~4r'9 e ryOrp06rjaq 73 4npsirerq kLarp 4 other narnpc~g rerenue I~1 25 f~ 15 Fr~xre! 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U; i i.: i ia.:i. u" ! }- ~ 3f? u. t" _. _" ." U CE ~ !' ' ~ t~: O ' H uJ l !- ul 2 ~"' i= !^^ ~~ r r- ~. G ~.._T r . _.~. ay £"• ~ ,g ,. ~., ` i ,: 'J C. i lr' -t ~ ~ r, ~~~+ ~ i ~ r~ ~. i -;~ ~ ,-; r, ,~ i tC~ i '-1 ti ; ~L~ C^~ ff; C~ J T"~ G' .w -. l'~r ...~ r. w~a C ~' t ~:: ~ C'Y a}" .. ~" "' ~ '" ~ ]7" ik J - ~ J ` rR ~ ~ ~ I I_E~'. ~I ~ [~ ,~, `_1 _ ~i"f .~ r ~ h^ Cv C° ~ ~' Q' it. C. r M rA ~L f: ~ C t: u fY: u (~ } E- E.~ [- D C F- iI "1 '~ '~° ~I tk kLi `_~ .~.. ~ J ~' Lri ~ ~ ? ` F- G ~_ ~ ~ 1w1 _ C 1 J.1 '- ~ ~ - L'~I 4. L,1 L1 ~' ~ SS-~ ti .- . ~„{ ~ r-S LL. fl{ ii i~ ~I ~ .z: F^ h .f F- tG ~ r: ~ L~i 1-t i fj1 i' 1. L~^~ I.k ~~ ~i ~ '^^ i ~.~ ~ ~ F- - F }- 7 l fy. Q Z N ~; ~ ~ .~.~~ MINUTTS Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board February 3,2003 Members Present: Kirk Koeel, Mike 5chival and Bill Arndt. Also present wero representatives from the Sr. Advisory Board and the Programming Committee. Staffpresent wero Bark Haugen, john McRaith, Chuck Wodin, Dolf Moon and Karen McKay. Tha meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm. The Minutes dated January 6, 2003 were approved by a motion made by Kirk Koael and seconded by Mike Schiesl. Tho Board unanimously agroed. -I ~ ~ ~]1-1 ~F.Y~~ Community Edueatlon Funding Cut -The State preliminary budget cute includo Community Education Program Funding, It could be a cut of up to $97,000 annually. Thin is tho first phase of moro budget cuts to coma The Governor's budget is expected out Fobruaxy 10-18. Event Center/Senior Programmlag -Barb Haugen, Community Service Coordinator of the Event Center/Sonior Programming gave a presentation to the Board reviewing 2002. The upon house was well attended. Tho community responded well to the opening of the Event Center last year, there were 25 woddinge booked, and businesses reeervod the rooms for workshops and seaunera. The Event • Center ie staf'f'ed with pert-time help and ie opon from 8 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday. The Senior Advisory Board donated $70,000 through fund Hoeing efforts such as greeting card recycling and etafffng tho Rec Centar concession stand during tho summer months. The Target Corporation has been a large contributor through grant programs. The 5onior Newalotter subaerlption went from 504 to 647 mailings a month, participants aro anxious to see what is going on at the Event Center. Recreation Report -John McRaith, Recreation Services Coordinator, gave a proaentation to the Board outlining the year 2002 in Recreation. John began working fltll-time January 1"which allowod involvemont of city staff as board mombera in youth associations in town such ee tho Hutchinson 7r. League Basoball Association. He merged the womens softball league in Hutchinson with Litchfield, to provide a bettor variety of competition Softball umplros were hirod for the adult games which provided a moro pleasant experience for players. Thera are half tho numbar of mans teams playing sports today then 10 years ago. Staff d1d coaching of youth softball and baseball programs and participant numbors increased. Tho sponsorship program now asks for a throe year commitment flrom businesses. Businesses will also be sponsoring the courts in the Roc Center at $500 each. 'This will provide money for improvements to tho facility. One goal not yet reached is phone in arodit card end on-line registrations. Chuck Wedin, Youth Progremrner, gave a elide show presentation comparing participant numbers today with those of the peat three years. T-Ball participants have increased, and skating has remained steady. Soccer participants have increased and track and field numbers have doubled. C3ymnastica ie down slightly along with football. The tacklo football program rolies on parent volunteers to coach, but hires high school players if them aren't enough parents. Adult coaches seam to be able to connect • with the kids better. There are several communities such as Buffalo Lake/Hector, Silver Lake and Costar Prairie bringing their teams to Hutchinson to play tacklo football, ~~~c~~ MnvirTEs PRCT Advisory Board • February 3, 2003 Page Two BO MEMBER ITEMS -Bill Arndt feels the Luca Lina Trail needs some energy. Referring to the 1997 brochure, the goals have not been mot. DolFhaa bean in contact with Greg Soupir evaluating what the greatest needs of the trail ara. ADdOURNMEN'I' -The maeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm by a motion mach by Mike Schierl and seconded by Kirk Kesel. The Board agreed unanimously. klm CJ ~~~~-\ ~I lr"[Yi" 1,~I1? 11Fr1flf]I r1~,f~{*, ,~1`Y/LI"J i"- t~`~)II_~ I;l ~ T)LSC ~'C~FfdT" 1~':~LIJATIDiJ iY1:~ RE5IDENT'IAL FtESHlf~lrah..C I ~t)i"iij I7N~ ~ SIGEPJ7"?AL r F~IC~ ~ +}. ~~i,"7~i ._._._- _ _ ~.,_..-- --- ...~. , ..~,.w._...__~ .... CJ~ ~KC',IUFhJ~fI~~L'a'~IfaUi~'d4'F~f~V.A~h,:1Ff~T t $(J,f~~l 1~D~ P+~~A9W~'F~A~i~I~F:z..C~ I,-Ei~~,`[_ IJtJT~,tl~L.,~7igC~~LV .. ...,~... Fl~~j'. ..... ........ ~- I~H [3ASE'h,.AE~JT ~I~•JGI. ~ Fk,i~J61.Y' V~T.+a,~,Ht~.~7 ~~~F,~~ ~, r,tJ„ I ~.!f~Ji~l~ "~"E~ ~..,...,_..__ ~~~ ~ Ihp(ylr6~~F,l~'F'vTiA~ ~4;~#„ .~0~5'1~3E~YTIAL hi~3Fv1idY~C?~?111~~6~ka - - .. _ _ .. ~,~~ _ IPdC.~~f~i~~~~N~tlEb"~T9AL ~. iP~i ~fJ H'-JLJ r-K~~'91W ,4~C~ITI~'~i . 4"~~~ 'F~F~IL;I=NI~~tlAL ~e~lfd,~~l F~F~fT~ ;ihJ;~~ ;. i t i1'_ I i i. f;' Iw!~drrYJ~er'er~~'lFS,p~*~ar~rra ~~~ G~rr~ r~Y~aea'lrY ~~ ~! ~~ ~~rr'rrbar pJ' ~"ttrrrz~ti°~rg ~~rrrrFd"s ~~sr ~~r~: rrr~r~r~~Y ~ "~ :~ ~wQ.4~J 2 $~7.4~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ U~~U.Ctl~ ~.. ~:.~ ~~Gr~r.wp ~; fG J rJ~7;e?.i~~- ~ iiCYS~....e_~.--- ..%G .f1~J J i ~~ l~.i~4~ J4,1~4J. V"U' PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 42-33~ AN ORDINANCE AII~IENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF FIUTCHINSON FOR A PROPERTY TO BE REZONED FROM Rl TO R2 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAIlVS: WHEREAS, the following described real property is hereby rezoned from Rl (L,ow Density Residential) to R2 (Low Density Residential -Single and Two family) as requested by property owner: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Beginning at a point marked by an iron pipe 778.6 feet North of the South lint of Section 7, Township 1 ] 6 Range 29 and 13762 East of the West lino of the East halfof the Southwest Quarter of said Section 7; thence North 920.7 feet to a point marked by an iron pipe, which is 137fi.2 feet Eeat of a stone monumcnt on the West line of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 7; thence, Bast parallel to the South line of said Section 7 and on a line with the aforesaid monumont and a atone monument on the Bast line of said Section 7, 1948 feet to eenter of the Hutchinson end Glencoe road, which point is 568.5 feet west of the atone monumont aforesaid on the East line of said Section 7; thence, Southeasterly along the center line of Hutchinson and Glencoe road to a point on the center line of the aforesaid road, which is 776.6 Feet North of the South line of said Section 7; thence, West parallel to the South line of said Section 7, 2377.1 feet to point of beginning all lying in the Southeast Quarter of Section 7 Township 11 fi Range 29, McLeod County, Minnesota. EXCEPTING THEREFROM, Parcel 2 ofCfTY OF HUTCHINSON STREET RIGHT OF WAY PLAT N0.7 in Lot ] 3, AUDITORS PLAT OF SECTION 7, Township 116 North Range 29 West, according to the map on file end of record in the office of the County Recorder, McLeod County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission and City Council have considered the effects of rezoning this piece of property; WHEREAS, there are certain parameters that will make this rezoning appropriate for this area; THEREFORE; the City hereby officially rezones this property to R2 and it shall take effect upon publication of this ordinance; Adopted by the City Council this 11 w day of March, 2D03. ATTEST: Gary D, Plotz City Administrator Marlin D_ Torgerson Mayor SC4~ PiTBLiCATION NO. ORDINANCE N0.03-333 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8.1 A.2, SUBD. 2 OF TFIE HUTCIJINSON CITY CODE, TO CHANGE LANGIIAGE REGARDING THlf NLOOD PLAIN MAPS 8.18.2 GENERAL PROVISIONS. Snbd. 2. Establlsbment of Offlclstl Zoning Map. The Official Zoning Map together with all materials attached thereto is hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this Chapter. The attached material shall inolude the Flood Insurance Studyj~ for the City of Flutchinson and for McLeod County prepared by the Faders] E e dated August 18, 1992, and the rn__~_.__. ..__ a_._.i .......,,« iu inn ww Flood Insurance Rate Map Hutc}tinsuitdated August 18, 1992, 2. The Official Zoning Map shall be on felt in the office of the Zoning Admiriietrator and the Clak. EFFECTTVE DATE OF ORDINANCE. This ordinance shall take effect upon is adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of March, 2003 • Attest: Gary D. Plotz • Marlin Torgereon, Mayor ~ ~ 1~)~. REBDLUTIDN ND. 12130 • RELEABIND PLEDDED BECCiRITIEB FROM PPELLB FAROD MN (HDTCHINBDN OFFICE) WHEREAS, Wells Fargo Bank MN (Hutchinson Office)a city depository, has requested the fallowing securities be released under the collateral agreement with the City of Hutchinson: FNCL 535822 $ 002631 $1,DD0,000.00 04-01-31 g28F 2671 cu~ip 36202a6g3 $4,000,000.00 11-28-28 FERRIB TX cueip 3153B7ER7 $300,000.00 08-15-03 Franklla 6 Adamr cueip 352413EZ7 $350,000.00 12-O1-OS HAYFIELD NrI au~ip420848EA 7 $305,DD0.00 02-01-10, HE IT RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHIN9ON, MINNFBOTA: • THAT the City Finance Director be authorized to release the aecuritie® effective February 27, 2003. Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of March 2003. Marlin Torgerean Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator ~~ L r~ ~~-~ i Memorandum TO: Honorable Mayor end City Council From: Randy DeVriee pate: 2/28/03 Re: Out of State'IYavel far Marlon (itraherrt ~~~ ~~ Water/Wastewate[ Department 1300 Aclarna 3t. SE Hutchinnnn, MN 55350 Phnnc:320-234233 Fax:320-234-7485 I am requesting out-of--state Travel for Marion Graham tv Kansas City, Missouri from March 28-31, 2003. The purposo of this travel will bo to participate in the Wastewater Laboratory Exam Workshop for tho National Association of Boards of Certification. They era developing new standardized exams at the workshop, They will also be reviewing the addition of a new class N exam which will focus on laboratory management. This is an ABC funded workshop, so they will pay for the flight, hotel and meals. I recommend approval. 5~~~ Hutchinson City Center 111 nr>wn SfrMt 9N HulcLlmon, MN ~~3l0.171Z 3311%1.5151/Pu ]10.1]44110 To: Mayor and Council Prom: Melissa Starke Date: March 6, 2p03 Subject: On-Salo Liquor Licenses/Club Liquor Licenses The following establishments have applied for 2003 liquor licensee. The appropriate paperwork has boon submitted and investigations of the premises have been conducted by the Fire Department. Please approve the following licenses: On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor Liconso Gold Coin Main Street Sports Sar Flyera/Hi Tope Bar & Grill Lamplighter Lounge 1T Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar Beet Western Victorian Inn Sonora's Mexican Restaurant Club On-sale Intoxicating Liquor Liconsa American Legion Poet 96 Crow River Golf Club Elks Lodge VFW Post 906 Wine Lic_~se Bavarian Haus Set-up L~C,-ii.4 Little Crow Bowling Lanes Hinrxl nn ryrycld ~npcr - ` Sc~~\1 v ~vr r i ray-n-~ • City of Hutchinson FEE:., 25.D0 APPLICATION FDR GAMHLTNC DEVICES LICENSE Approved by: Building _ Fire Application shall be submitted at Police ~ (~ least ___. days prior to the G/ambling oc8aaio/n ,~ -" I, ',~~daLJ o`~ ~Q~~ ~l Ge~~E/~ AND I, .~L._o r a l~ii/s~~6r!t~_/_../9 ha a of Autho ized Officer off` Name of Designated Gam~l~ig Organization Manager Hereby submit in duplicate this application for a license to conduct the game of gamblingin accordance with the provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance N0. 6j5 an M nneaota 5tatutea Chapter g49 for the license year ending / / D . Si¢ltetutea: A horized ~~`}~4cer~rganization e~gnated''~am in onager o organization A. The following is to be completed by the duly authorized officer of the organization: 1. True Name: ~~ 6~/t last) h``~~/ 2. Residence Address; ~1`6~.1 ~.n~. first) r"SdL (middle) Y~'~" .rS~ S'l7 r {street) (city) (state) (zip) 3. Date of Birth: / ' ~ 3-/ `/ 4. Place of Birth /-~v~S.~:,J^~, y1~i.1 (mo/day/year) (city/state) 5. Have you ever bean convj.gted of any crime other than a traffic offenae7 Yea Ho ~~ if Xea, explain B. The following ie to be completed by the designated gambling manager of organizatioxi: / 1. True Name : ~~, h /nE ~ N4 ~ Lo r w/~i./ ~/z ~ ,/ (last) ~ ~ (first} r(midale) 2. Residence Address: /D S _S'jOf~v~. ~S~"oS ~~ .,5"'G,T_2.,~ (street) (city) (state) (zip) 3. Date of Birth: ,~-~~~ .> O 4. Place of Birth: L~.,~~/h/ (mo/day/year) (city/state) 5(~) 5. Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than n traffic offense? Yes No ~,. Tf yea, explain 6. How long have you been a member of the organization? 7. Attach a copy of the officlel resolution or official act on designating you gambling manager. C. Game Information: 1, Place where gambling devices will be used A7C~~f~ Q~d 2. -ate or dates gambling devices will be used (data and/or day(s) 3, flours of the day garbling devices will be used: of weak) From $^A.M. To A.M. P.M. s~ P.M. 4. Maximum number of players ~~7`l~ 5• Will prizes be paid in money or mere andlea7 ` 6, Will refreshments be served during th time the gambling devices will be uaed7 Yes No ~,. If e will a charge be made for such refreshments Yes NO ~. -. Organization Information: ~d II 1. Address s* where regulnr meetings are held 9Q.~/~p as 57?L,.Sn 2. -ay and time of meetinga ~,•/S ft•m ~.,d ~''r~~ - . 3. Ie the a pplicant organlzati n organized under the laws of the State of Min~caota? Yes ~ No 4. How long has the organization been in exiatence7 ~ y -s 4e. Now many members Sn the organizatianY 5. What is the purpose of the organization? f 'ate 6. Officers of the Drganization: Name Address Title Q ~./ s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~iP.S. 4 os-P / ol o ~ l ~~s - Lv,r,/ S'a !•J 1 9f~K-'6£,+-- .f:./con . 171,[ rt. S 7. Give names of officers or any other paravne paid for services to the organization: Name D~ ~ C~ Address Title ~~t~~ • D. Organization Information: (Continued) • 8. In whose custody will organization records be kept? Name ~Q;~ Q~a ~[~ Addreee 9/S /~r,.,~y _~.~e~~ 9. If the organization carries sufficient insurance to compensate the players in the event any injury is sustained by players while gambling devices are used, or chile on the licensed premises, please state the Ida me of Insurer '~f'yf G'p, and Policy No. ~ 10. Have you (19anager & Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions oT all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices? ~~5 11. Attach a list of all active members of the organization. E. The follorting information is provided concerning a fidelity bond given the gamblln onager in favor of the organization. 1. Name of b nding a any 2. Addreee of on ng company 3. Amount and / ation of bond 4. Applicatiph is ereby made for waiver of the bonding requireu~nta. Y No • I declare that lthe infvrmat n I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I }rave received frop~ the City of Autchinsan a copy of the City Ordinance No. 655 relating to gambling, and I will familiarize myself yT.}t17,_the,~on~nts„thereof. gubacribed and sworn 19 Subscribed and sworn 19 3igrYature of authorized officer of organization Date: _.~~~~- d~ to before me a notary public on this day of ignature of Notary u is Commission expires on e Commis~io Sociel Security Number; MN Business ID Number; a notary public on this otary Publio ires on day of `~~~~ c~ey e/ • MEMORANDUM POLICE /EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Chief Madson FROM: Sgt. Dobratz (,~ DATE: February 27, 203 RE: On-Sale Intoxicating and Sunday Liquor License As of today's date, I have completed the background investigation on Mr. Eugene Stiffer. Mr. Stiffer has applied with the Clty of Hutchinson for an On-Sale Intoxicating and Sunday Liquor License for the Flyar's Nlta Club In Hutchinson, MN. During the course of this investigation, J, did not dlacover anything in Mr. 5tifter's background that wotjld~dlsquallfy him frq~~'r;~~#ainirig this license, , If you need anyfurth~ir.jrtformatlonregerdfrl~t~i5n'iHttpl','pleaseccarttactmeatyourearllest convenience. `''"''"` '" ' ,,. ~;p ~, ~. . ~~,'.r;,,. , r,~,,, .~°;F, ~;; `;I~„iy ..~` <I,I ' pr;, -, i.'.° - C~ ~, <<:1 APPLICATY ON fOR ON-BALE TNTO YCATINC LI l1Dri LICS 6 ~~ Thip Loam wes prepared by tha Clty of Nu tchinaon And the Ninnaac to nur oaU of Criminal Appzahanalon, hapar CmanG oC Puhlia 8afaty~ puxauant to NS nnaaota Ststutas, 1976, Saotion 740.13, for p4rpaaa• of paCk- ground invap tlgatlon. It doge noY eup¢roada any Lwa~ rules or raqulations of tha Division of LSgUOx Control ragardi nq th• Lauana• of liquor li Canaep. Fa11uY• to provide information raquaegd m¢y r¢ault Sn dsnC nl of the appli cation. 1- The 61,iftur Gratlp,J,j~ Trod. Nem• 2. Licenplnq Pari Addreu 3. Typo of AppllCeti^ni ~ Naw ~ Renewal ® Trnnsfar 9. Namo oC Applioant P one S. 320 lot SL. 80. Winatad. MN 55795 Rome Addrae• 6. CCti aenehipi ~• WSneted, MN ___ _ 30...7unw t 969 _ Pleas of~ ~•• ^ate of Birth 0. 1 Addrepp of Buainas• Loo atlon 9- La9a1 10. List wnars of hui ldinq ^r prunip• t^ ha licana ads 11. List all p+renorp~ ofCi car^ or dir¢c Cora, Sf Corporation. N ante ~ -/,~-a3 Ds is of Appll cation Data of Birth ~2n ter cr c.. on ¢.... 991 "+n ?...~t¢c¢¢co Fluty At]_}tor 720 fah {{t. 9n, Pn Rnr .991 ~~ v.... t¢6S Gerard stifte r x 6aA to nci_.tod1 Roaamnry Stif tar 362 8^_ 9h^r. nr_ PD Bo x 6i8 taet 1d.IWy _ r , 12- Prior experianc^ in thip typo of hus inaaa~ Part-time barto ndina i n Kua^ Bar end Blue Note )!ar both in Winat~d. an m n t n r 17. Px9eant ¢wnaxahip in any otlur liquor utabliahmant~ 14. Prcaant owner.hip in any othox restaurant ox food hu pinpaa~ 15. Thru HusSn•a^ Referencea~ 16- Corporet• ox per tnnrahip TS tl• (/ 1 `~ J 17. 109 2nd t. Sou PO 6 x ~0 st.d 5 Corpor ata 0r Partnazahip Addzua . 1B. if thin 1^ a trenafar applivation g1Va name, addraaa, 0f parevna, partna ship or CDrparativn h01d1 nq 1l vanee for tha pact yalY. 19. Who awn^ tha her/tavaxn fixtuxaa7 20. Ara you • Mlnnuvp ra^idantT If not, uhaxa reaident7 D¢tae 0f Raa idancy 21. aeBldanti¢1 Addxua dur; ng Part rive (SJ Yaara~ ~~~~ p}_ pn w{n•rlld-r-~+ from San 200 o r r t.d 22. Throe Paraonal Referanoa.~ Pot chammur one 612 1 - 23. Employment for tho Past Five Yearei 2d. Any COnvlctiona Othax Than Mi noY Traf fiv: 25. ThiY eppll oaticn must ba acoompani od by detail ad ^Catemant of net worth and 1¢at yaar'a tax r. turn and etatamant of mathoA of peymant for bu.inaYa, fixtuxaa and Snyantary. 26. applicant, and hie aaaocfatea in thi. applicetion, will strictly comply wSth ell tha Lewa of tha etata pf Minneaq to g0varninq the tax¢tian end tha aela of Sntoxicetinq liquors Tula. and requlaticna pro~m4lgatad by tha Liquor ContzDl CDmnlasiDnar~ and ell ardlnenoa^ 01 the municipalityi and I harahy certify that I hnva reed the iore- golnq quaatlon^ and that tha enawara tc ^nid quaatlon^ are true of my Own knowladga. I further under. land that an invutigetion lac not tp axaead 650 o. OD .hall ba ohergaA en app liaent by the city or rounty ii tha invaatigation fa conducted within tha acct O, 0r the vOat net to ex ca ad 910,000.00 if tha inVaatlgaLlDn is required vu laid. tha Y let.. I (urthar under .land tha ordinnnaaa of Ch. Ciiy of Xutohinavn Yaq nxd Snq tha opera tion of on-cal. liquor llcanaaa and agree to chid. by them. qn ura v 1 v t 8uba crib ad and .worn to before ma thla • ~~ ~ ao_3 day of Ste" 9U8M1 M MORMiBfRi e.J ~q "' ~F Nary fu6Yo-AHnnawla C~X•V 1 M Oamm. [ u Jan. ]1, Y~]Oe (Notary Puhlic) V ~ ww.w~.wrw.yr.a~ My Commi .clan axpiree~ / ~~-.,~t1O~ ~ c~~ © Yee ^ Nv 30 Junw 19fi9 Prww.nt Frpm Ib RESOLUTION NO. 12126 . RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANE AND BPECIFICATION$ LETTING NO. 3 PROJECT NO. D3-0t>, 03-08, D3-07, 03-08, 03-09, 03-11 8 03-22 WHEREAS, a resolution of the Clty Councll adopted the 26th dayof February, 2003, fixed a date for a Councll Hearing on the Improvement of: PraJect No. D3-06: Delaware St NW In Its entlrety by construction of bltuminoue eurfeclnq and Appurtenances, Protect No. 03-08: Arch 8t.SE from 2nd Ave SW to Luce Llne Trell by conetructbn of storm sewer, bltuminoue eurfeGnq and appurtenances, Protect No. 03-07: Ludtke Ln NW in Its entlrety by conetructbn of bituminous eurfeclnq and Appurtenances, Protect No. 03-08: Florida St NW in Its entlrety by conetructlon of blttiminous surfacing and Appurtenances, Protect Nq. 03-09: Illlnols St NW In It a entlrety by canatructlon of grading, gravel base, bituminous aurfacing end appurtenances, PraJect No. D3-11: Ranch Ave 8E from 3th Ave 3E to Railroad Tracks by coneVuctbn of hydrants, bituminoue eurfeclnq and appurtenances, Protect No. 03-22: Sidewalk Improvements on School Rd NW at Caltfomla St by construction of concrete sidewalk and appurtenances, • NOW THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such Improvement la hereby ordered as proposed In tho reaolutlon adopted the 26th day of February 2D03. 2. John P. Rodeberq le hereby deelgnated ee the Engineer Tor this Improvement. He shell prepare plane and epeciTlcetlone for the making of ouch Improvement. Adopted by the Councll this 11th day of March 2003. Mayor City Adminlatretar ~L~b) RE8OLUTION NO. 12128 • RE8OLUTION APPROVING P111N$ AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING NO. 3 PROJECT NO.03-0y, 03-0B, 03-07, 03-08, 03.08, 03-11 & 03-22 W HEREA3, the Director of Engineering has prepared plane end speclflcatlone for the Improvement of PraJect No. 03-06: Delaware St NW In I[a entirety by conatructlvn of bituminous aurfecing and Appurtenances, Protect No. 03-08: Arch 9t 9E from 2nd Ave SW to Luce Line Troll by conatructlon of storm sewer, bltuminoua aurfecing end appurtenances, Protect No. D3-07: Ludtke Ln NW In its entirety by conatrudlon oT bltuminoua surfeGnq and Appurtenances, Protect No. 03-08: Florida St NW In its entirety by conatructlon of bltuminoua aurfecing and Appurtenances, Protect No. 03-09: Illlnvls St NW In It a entirety by coneVuctlon of grading, gravel base, bltuminoua aurfecing and appurtenances, Protect No. 03-11: Ranch Ave SE from 6th Ave SE to Railroad Tracks by conetructlvn of hydrants, bituminous surfacing and eppurtanancea, Protect No. 03-22: Sidewalk Improvements on School Rd NW at Gallfvmla St by constructbn of concrete aldewalk and appurtenances, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED l3Y THE CfTY COUNCIL OF THE Cf1Y OF HUTCHINSON, • MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and speclflcetlone, a copy of whk:h le attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The Director of Englneering shell prepare end cause to be Inserted In the offk:lal newspaper, an advertisement For bide upon the making of such Improvements under such approved plane end apeclflcatlvna. The advertlaement shell be publlehed far three weeks, shall apacify the work to be done, shell elate that tilde will be received by the Clty Adminlatrator until 10:OOam on Tuesday, April 15th, 2003, at wh~h time they will be publlGy opened in the Council Chambers of the Hutchlneon City Center by the City Administrator and/or Director of Englneering, will then be tabulated, and will be considered by the Council et 8:i)0 pm on Tuesday, May 13th, 2003, in the Council Chembere of the Hutchlneon Clty Center, Hutchinson, Mlnnesvta. Any bidder whose reaponalblllty Is queetlaned during cvnalderetlon of the bk1 will be given en opportunity to addreee the Council on the Issue of reeponslblllty. Na bids will be considered unleee sealed and filed with the Director of Engineering end eccompenled by cash deposit, cashier's check, bid band or certified check payable tv the City of Hutchlneon for 5 percent of the amount of such bid. Adapted by the Hutchlneon Clty Ccuncll this 11th day of March 2003. Mayor City Adminlatrator ~A ` ~~) OlYlce of the City Attorney CJ • ur nmwn sYroet se eo«.oo, MN aaaaasau 3747tl7-S1aY/1~~x 32¢2.Wdr10 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Marc A. Sebora, City Attorney DATE: March 6, 2003 SUBJECT: Peddlers/SolicitorsrTransient Merchant Proposal I wanted to provide you with some background information with regard to the fee schedule change for peddlers/solicitvrs/traneient merchants and the proposed ordinance change involving peddlers/solicitors/transient merchant licenses in Section 9 of the Council Agenda far March 11, 2003. I havo had an opportunity to meet a few limos with Vi Mayor and Bill Corby of the Chamber of Commerce to discuss problems they have had with solicitors who have not obtained a poddlere/eolicitors/transiant merchants license prior to selling items within the city limits of Hutchinson. In short, our ordinance requires persons who are selling goods or services in the City of Hutchinson to do so from an eatablishod location within the city. Persona who are selling items door to door, or who set up in a temporary location to sell items, must obtain the appropriate license from the City, which must bo approved at a City Council meeting. Mr. Mayer and Mr. Corby report that they have noticed an increase in the number of people who are going door to door selling items, especially in the downtown district, who do not have a peddlers/eolicitors/trattsient merchant license and, apparently, have the attitude of not caring to get one. Tn addition, these gentlemen report, and I have noticed myself; an increase in the number of advertised salve of items out of hotel rooms and at the National Guard Armory. Those instances would also require a peddlors/solicitors/transient merchant license from the City. One of the main purposes behind requiring a peddlers/solicitors transient merchant license is to obtain information as to the seller of items so that they can be better located after the fact should the merchandise they sell prove to bo defective or dangerous, and so that valid, accurate complaints could be made to the Better Business Bureau or Attorney Oenera]'s Of6co. If a person does not have a license, thoro is simply no way, in many instances, to track that person down later on. In order to havo an initial screening of those transient merchants which may bo more reputable than others, one of the items you will be asked to consider ie an increase of the transient merchant license foe from $25 to $200 for a daily license and $200 to $500 for a yearly license. This will go a long way in discouraging marginal solicitors from operating in the City of Hutchinson. Prln~ed on reoyolad piper - ~C~i) With regard to the ordinance change you will bo asked to consider, the repreaontativos . from the Chamber and I thought it would be appropriate to clear up soma confusion with regard to evonts that would require paddler/solicitor/transient merchant licenses. Multi- vendor events that have been held at the Fairgrounds, our now Event Center, the Ilutchinaon Mall and sponsored by the Chamber generally already go through some type of screoning registration process whon those types of events at thoso facilities are put together. It was thought that requiring peddler/solicitor/transient merchant licenses from Query vendor at every one of those events at those facilities would ba too cost-prohibitive. 'I'herofore, the proposed change would exempt events eponaorod at tho Event Center, T-Iutchinsvn Mall, Fairgrounds and through the Chamber fmm obtaining peddlor/solicitor/transient merchant licenses. Itt addition, to these changes, the City ie planning on orecting some type of signs at the city limits warning people that theso typos of licenses ere requirod in this city. I have spoken to 7vhn Rodeberg and he did not soo a problem with erecting this type of sign. It would be, in all likelihood, a small rectangular sign perhaps attached to the Hutchinson population sign, which would read "Transient Merchant License Required". Permission would bo obtained from the State of Minnesota to include that sign in its highway right- of-way. Along with all of thoso proposed changes, the City will be increasing its enforcomont of this ordinance to ensure that pooplo are obtaining licensee. . Should you have questions concerning this, please contact rpe or direct them to ma at the City Council mooting. CJ `~(~~ 5 6.20 c. Any performance or event in, or sponsored by, the McLeod County Agriaultuml Aaecciation, bona fide local church and non-profit organixatione, provided that rush organization shall be incorporated. D. Any performance or event in, or sponsored by, the City and the City Recreation Department. H$C. 6.21. TOEACCO 9ubd. 1. nefinition. As used in this section, the term "tobacco" meal'u and includes tobacco in any form, including but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, bagged, canned or paakmged product. aubd. 2. Liaans• Rrquirad. It is unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, to keep far retail sale, sell at retail, or otherwise dispose of any tobacco in any form unlee^ a license therefor shall first ba obtained iron the City. 9ubd. 3. Restrictions. A. 9aparate licanra^ ^hall b• issued for the role of tobacco at each fixed place of business, and no license ^hall be issued for a movable place of business. H. It is unlawful for any person to sell or give away any tobacco in any form to any person under the age of eighteen (1B) years, aubd. 4. Prohibition of aal• of Tabacao Products by . Vending Machines or other Mecheniaal Means. A. No license shall be irrued for a tobacco products vending machine located in a business, accommodation, refrarkvnent, entertairanent, recreation or transportation facility of any kind, whether licensed or not, whose goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages or accommodations ere extended, atf Bred, sold or otherwise made available to the public. This prohibition shall not extend to lunchroom facilities available only to employras of a business and cJhere said lunchroom facilitie^ are not noxma_ily available to persons under the age of 1B years. e. For purpora^ of this section, the term tobacco product^ shall mean cigarettes, cigars, other ^moking tobacoo, snuff, chewing tobacco or any other kind of tobacco prepared in such manner eo as to be suitable for cYuwing or smoking. 9ouraa: Ordinance No, 89-14 Effective: 6-1-90 9'C. 6.A2. PBDDL$R9, 8OLICITOR9 AHD TRAN9IRHT MSRCHAHT9. 9ubd. 1. Definitions. The following terms, a^ used in this section, shall have t2ia meanings etated~ 131 (7-1fi-90) ~ ~Cz~ 6. 2 2 . A. "Peddler" means any person, whether a resident of the City or not, who goes from house to house, from place to place, or from strut tq street, conveying or transporting goods, wares or merchandise or offering oz exposing the same for sale or making sales and delivering articles to purchasers. It does; not include vendors who distribute products to regular customers on regular established routes. S. "Solicitor" means any person, whether a resident of the City or not, who goes from house to house, from place ko place, or from street to street, in person or by telephone, soliciting or taking or attempting to take .orders for sale of goods, wares or merchandise, including magazines, books, periodicals, or personal property of any nature whatsoever for future delivery, or for service to be performed in the future, whether or not such individual hoe, carries or exposes for sale a sample of the subject of ouch order or whether or not he ie collecting advance payments on such orders. Such definition includes any person who, for himself, ar far another person, firm, or corporation, hires, leases, uses or occupies any building, motor vehicle, trailer, structure, tent, railroad box car, boat, hotel room, lodging house, apartment, shpp, or other place within the City for the primary purpose of exhibiting samples and taking order for future delivery. It does not include vendors who distribute products to or take orders from regular customers on regular established routes or display products or take orders at invited in- home demonstrations. . C. "Transient Merchant" includes any person, firm or corporation, whether ae owner, agent, consignee, or employee whether a resident of the City qr not, who engages in a temporary business of selling and delivering goods, wares and merchandise within the City, and who, in furtherance of such purpose, hires, lessee, uses or occupies any building, structure, motor vehicle, lodging house, apartments, shops, qr any street, alley or other place within the City, for C11e exhibition apd sale of such goods, wares and merchandise, either privately or at public auction. Such definition does not include any person who, while occupying ouch temporary location, dose not sell from stock, but exhibits samples for the purpose of securing orders for future delivery only. The sale of farm or garden prt+dticta, whether or not Bold by the person producing the same, shall be included within the definition set forth above provided, however, that the City Council may exempt such farm and garden products from the ordinauice as am sold at a duly organized and authorized farmer's market. e Source: Ordinange No. 92-52 Effective Date: February 25, 1992 9ubd. ~. Liceae• Required. It is unlawful far any peddler, solicitor or transient merchant to engage in any business within the city without first obtaining a license therefor horn the City. Bubd. 3. 8xemptioae. This Section does not include the acts of persons selling personal property at wholesale to dealers in ouch articles, nor to newsboys, nor to the acts of merchants or their employees in delivery goods in the regular course of business. Nor shall <<~~ the provisions of this Section be applied to the acts of persona eelling or displaying personal property, goods or water to merchants or their employees for use in said merchant's bueinerr or sale upon consignment by said merchant. Additionall multi-vendor events that are held at the Hutchinson Event Center an or McLao Count Fair noun s an are sponsors the Chamber o Commerce an or the Hutc nron Ma are exempt. Not ing conta ned t s Sect on pro b to any ease r~~y statute or by order of any court, or prevents any parson conducting a bona fide auction sale pursuant to law. 9ubd. 4. Application. Applicants for a license under this Section shall file with the City Adminirtrator a sworn application in writing on a form to be furnished by the city Administrator. The application shall give the following information: A. Name and physical description of applicant; B. Complete permanent home and local address of the applicant and, in the case of transient merchants, khe local address from which proposed Baler will be made; c. A brief description of the nature of the burincrr and the goads to be Bold; D. The name and address of the employer, principal or supplier of the applicant, together with credentials therefrom eetabliehing the exact relationship; . E. The length of time for which the right to do burinerr is desired? F. The source of supply of the goods or property proposed to be told, or orders taken for the tale thereof, where ouch goody ar productr are located at the time said application ie filed, and the proposed method of delivery; G, A recent photograph of the applicant which picture shall be approximately 2" by 2" showing the head and shoulders of the applicant in a clear and distinguishing manner! H. The names of at leant twp property ownerr of McLeod County, Minneeota, who will certify as to the applicant's good character and business respectability, or, in lieu of the names of references, euch other available evidence ae to the good character and bueineee responsibility of the applicant as will enable an investigator to properly evaluate euch character and business responsibility; I. A statement ae to whether ar not the applicant has been convicted of any crime, misdemeanor, or violation of arty City Code provision, other thaul traffic violations, the nature of the olfanse and the punishment ar penalty assessed therefor; 11 ~~l 9 6.22 • S. The last municipalities, not to exceed three, where applicant carried a1 business immediately preceding date of application and the addresses lrom which ouch business was conducted in those municipalities; K. At the time of filing the application, a license/investigation fee adopted by resolution of ,the Council shall be paid ~o the City Administrator to cpvar the coat of investigation of the facto stated therein. 6ubd. 5. Rsligiour and Charitable Drganizationa, Exemption. The provisions of thin Section shall not apply to any organization, society, association or corporation desiring to solicit or have solicited in its name money, donatipns of money or property, or financial assistance of any kind ar desiring to sell or distribute any item of literature or merchandise fpr which a fee is charged or solicited from persons other than members of ouch organizations upon the streets, in office or business buildings, by house to house canvass, or 'in public places for a charitable, religious, patriotic ar philanthropic purpeee. 8ubd. 6. Imeatigation and Iaru~ae. A. Upon receipt of each application, it shall be referred to the Chief of Police, who shall immediately institute such investigation of the applicant's business and moral character ae he deems necerrary for the • protection of the public good and shall endorse the application in the manner prescribed in thin Section within seven (7). days after it has been filed by the applicant with the City Administrator. B. Ar a result of such investigation the Chief of Poli o shall endorse his approval or disapproval on such application and his reasons for the same, and return the application to the City Administrator who shall place the license kxfore the Council for its consideration for rejection or issuance within thirty (3D) days from the date of the application. C. If the Council shall reject such application, thm City Administrator shall notify the applicant that his application is disapproved and that no license will be issued. If the Council shall appzvva such application, the City Administrator shall deliver to the applicant his license. Such license shall contain the signature of the irauing officer and shall show the name and address of said licensee, the class of license issued azx9 the kinds of goods to be told thereunder, the date of issuance and the length of time, not to exceed one year from the date of issuance that the same shall be operative, ae well ae the license C~ t~/ 5 6.22 number. Each peddler, solicitor, or-transient merchant rtust secure a personal license. No license shall be used at any time by any parson other khan the one to whom it is issued. The City Administrator shall keep a pexmanent record of all licenses issued. Bubd. 7. Loud Noieeo and Bp~akinq Devices.. No licensee, nor any person in his behalf, shall shout, cry out, blow a horn, ring a bell, or use any sound amplifying device upon any of the streets, allays, parka or other public placae of the City or upon private premises where sound of sufficient volume ie emitted or produced therefrom to be capable of being plainly heard upon the streets, avenues, alleys, parka, or other public placae, for the purpose of attracting attention to any goods, wares or merchandise which such licensee proposes to sell. 9ubd. 8. use of Streets. No licensee shall have nay exclusive right to any location in the public streets, nor shall any be permitted a stationary location in the public streets or public right-of-way, nor shall any be permitted to operate in a congested area where such operation might impede or inconvenience the public use of such streets. For the purpose of this Section, the judgment of a police officer, exercised in good faith, shall be deemed conclusive as to whether the area is congested and the public impeded or inconvenienced. source: Ordinance No. 92-52 Effective Date: February 25, 1992 • eubd. 9. Exhibition of License. Licensees are required to nxhi hit their license at the request of any citizen. 9ubd. 10. Duty of Polio• to 8nfores. It shall be the duty of the police to require any parson eenn peddling, soliciting or carnraeeing and who is not known by such officer to have obtained a license hereunder to produce his license and to enforce the provisions of this section against any person found to be violating the same. 9ubd. 11. Records. The Chief of Police shall report to the city Administrator all convictipne for violation of this 9CCtion and the City Administrator shall maintain a record for each license issued and record the reports of violation therein. dubd. 11. Aevooation of Liasnss. A. Licenses issued under the provisions of this Section may be revoked by the Council after notice and hearing, for any of the following causes 1. FXaud, misrepresentation, or incorrect statement contained in the application for license; 135 r~ ~~ (2-1-94) ~a~ 5 6.22 • 2. Fraud, mirrepreeentation or incorrect statement made in the course of carrying on hie business as solicitor, canvasser, peddler, transient merchant, itinerant merchant or itinerant vendor; 3. Any violation of this Section; 4. Conviction of any crime or misdemeanor 5. Conducting the business of peddler, carivaeeer, solicitor, transient merchant, itinerant merchant, or itinerant vendor, ae the case may be, in an unlawful manner or in such a manner ae to constitute a breach pf peace or to constitute a menace to health, .safety or general welfare of the public. H. Notice of the hearing for revocation of a license shall be given by the City Administrator in writing, eetting iprth specifically the grounds of complaint and the time and place of hearing. Such notice shall be mailed, postage prepaid, to the liceneee at his last known address at leasC five (5) days prior to the date sat for hearirx3, or shall be delivered by a police officer in t11e eeme ~*'TM+r ar a sUMfC~I19 at least three (3) days prior to the date sat for hearing. eubd. 13. Rrappliaation. No licensee whose license has been . rcwked shall make further application until at least six (6) months have elapsed since the last previous revocation. 9ubd. 14. Expiration of Licenee. All annual liceneee issued under the provisions of this a~ection shall expire at midnight the 31st day of December in the year when issued. Other than a,,,,,,Ai licenses sha].1 expire at midnight on the data specified . in the license. BEC. 6.73. pAItBAQ$. AND RSFLTBE HADLBR6 SIIM. 1. Dsfinitianr. The following terms, ar used in this section, shall have the meanings stated: a. "Garbage" means all putrescine wastes, including animal oLial and carcasses but excluding ]nnnan excreta, eewage and other water carried wastes. "Gaxbage" includes organic refuse resulting from the storage or preparation of food or decay or spoiled ipod from any source. b. "Other Refuee" means ashes, crockery, boxes and rage and similar non-putrescible waste including glass, cane, paper and other recyclable materials, sand, earth, brick, stone, concrete, trees, tree branches and wood and construction materials. 136 (10-20-92) C~ -\ (t~1 • u pol3~9a,wp (2.22) LICENSE AND PERMIT FEES Upd~t~ 1-2001 TYPE _ EFPh'CI7VEXJATB' Anlmal Impound Fee Anlmal Malntenence Fee Anlmal Llcense Teg (Dog/Cat) " Late Fee Alarm Monltodng Fee (per mo) Raaldentlal Commomiel InduaVlal Camlval -cieposlf refundable Dance Permit ^rlvers License Veriflcatlon Fee Gambling Llcense Bingo Llcense Gambling Devlcea Gambling Short Term Gambling Llcense Inveatlgatlon Garbage and Refuse Haulero Commerclel Realdentlel Recydlnp Massage Servlcea Motor Vehlde Llcense Verlflcatlon Motorized Gok Cart Permit Notary Fee Parade Pernik Peddler/5o11cltorfTrenslent Mendiant Pennik Pollce Reports - coplea Police 5enrlce of Papero Popcorn Stand Pernik Publlc Auction Penult Recycling Penult Second Hend Oooda Dealere & Pewn Shops Tattoo License Taxl Cab Llcense (per cab) Tobacco Llcense Use of Publlc Property No Alcohol Uae Alcohol Use Vehicle Storage Fee (per day) Per Day Short-term January 1 January 1 January 1 Annual Annuel Short-term Short-term January 1 January 1 Annuel January 1 2.22(h)(1) 'FEE 26.00 10.00 7.00 7.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 600.00 60.D0 3,00 100.D0 100.00 25.00 100,D0 100.00 i D0.D0 60.D0 150.00 3.00 6.D0 1.00 26.00 76,AG ,$~QQ day; ~00.OD ,$§QQ yr. 10.00 26.00 50.00 26.00 26.00 day; 200.00 yr. 100.Op yr. 130.00 3.00 160.00 500.00 1,000.00 10.D0 ~~ ~~~~ REBOLUTION NO. 12132 RESOLUTION CANCELING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING NO. 11PROJECT NO. 03-01 S.A.P. 133-108-08 & 133-128-01 MN Protect No. STP4303 (030) WHEREAS, the Dlrector of Engineering has prepared plans and speclFlcatlana far the Improvement of: Dale Street SW from Roberta Road to 2nd Avenue SW (S.P. 133-128-01) and 2nd Avenue SW Pram Dale Street to Maln St ($.P. 133-108-08) by construction of trunk and lateral sanitary sewer and services, storm sewer lateral and treatment Improvements, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bltuminous base, bltuminous surfacing, sidewalk, landscaping, street lights and appurtenances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plena and specifications, a copy of which Is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The Dlrector of Englneedng shall cancel the advertisement for bids Tor the making of such improvements scheduled far 10:OD am an Tuesday, March 25th, 20D3 Adopted 6y the Hutchinson City Council this 11th day of March 20D3. Mayor City Administrator I cC~~~ • RESOLUTION NO. 12133 RESOLUTION FOR STATE OF MINNESOTA AGENCY AGREEMENT BETWEEN DEPT OF TRANSPDRTATIDN AND CITY OF HUTCHINSON LETTING NO. 11PROJECT NO. D3-01 S.A.P. 133-108-08 & 133-146-01 MN Protect No. STP4303 (D30) BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to Minnesota Statute, Section 181.38, the Commissioner of Transportation be appointed as ADent of the Clty of Hutchlnson to accept as Its agent, federal aid funds which may be made avalleble for eligible transportation related protects. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Mayor and CltyAdminlstratorare hereby authorized and directed for an on behalf of the Clty of Hutchlnson, to execute and enter into an agreement with the Commissioner of Trensporfatlon prescribing the terms and conditions of said federal aid partlclpatlon as set faith and cantalned in "Minnesota Department of Transportation Agency Agreement No. 84382", a copy of which sold agreement wee before the City Council and which is made a part hereof by reference. Adopted 6y the Hutchlnson Clty Council this 11th day of March 2003. L Mayor City Adminlstratar ,zi~~~ '_John Rodebeg- Reminder of March 14 Deadllna to rder Aalet Software _ ~ Pape 1' From: "Peterson, Lynn" ~Ipeteraont~LMNC.OR(3~ To: "Reml Stone (E-mall)" ireml®batc.orp~ Date: 2/27/D3 4:4®PM 8ubJoct: Reminder of March 14 Deadllna to Order Aslat Software Just a "heads up" remindar that there era only about 2 weeks left to order the P,slst Software from dbep et the group price of $3,495. As a remindar, here's the deal: If et least 15 cltiea purchase the software, the forme ere: price of $3,495 per license customlxatlon of the software to the LMC pulde Plan 1-year of technical support and maintenance FREE trelnlnp et LMC ofRcas or other central location FREE upgrade to the new Profeealanel Aslat version when It comae out In March - (adds fertilizer, peatlclde, buelnesa Inapectlon, and complaint trecklnp) free software to the PCA to support alectronlc reporting C~ The tralnlne le tentetlvely scheduled for the weak of March 24 et LMC offices In St. Paul. THE ABSOLUTE DEADLINE FOR ORDERING UNDER THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS 13 FRIDAY. MARCH 141 The fax back order form le attached: Thla small has been scanned for ell viruses by the MessageLabs Sky3can aervlce. Far mare Information on a proactive anti-vlrua service working around the Gock, around the globe, visit http://www.meeeapelaba.com IGG, LMC ASIST Software Order Form BIII To: End t1Mr End Uaer; Important Please fill aut one form for each purcha*sr ~~ Name: Address: ST Zlp: Qum Ihm UnR rrlw Tohl 1 A813T M84 9ulte $3,4Bti.00 $3,48b.00 t3uhtotal $3,488.00 Tu 0 Bhlppinq D Mlsa~llan~ouri 0 Stalranee lain $3,486.00 REMITTANCE Date: Purchase Order N: Fex completed order form to (817) 824-1411 C~ bB&P, Inc. Phpne: 617-821-030D PD BO% 114EB Fex: 877-824-1471 . Fort Werth, TX 70710 smell: ealee~YSl4Lnpt Webelte: ht~lMnvw.Yelet.net R55APPYRV CITY OF HUT HIN ON B Check Number AP Pa ment Re later wRh Volda Check Dat 3/5/20D3 - Ck Date T e heck # Vendor Name Amount 3/5/2003 PK 115503 ' 104489 CZECH, RANDY 100.00 3/5/2003 PK 1155D4 104022 EVEN-TEMP CONSTRUCTION 7,174.00 3/5/2003 PK 115505 104022 EVEN-TEMP CONSTRU TION 5 428.00 3/5/2003 PK 116508 110728 FIRE MARSHALS ASSOCIATION OF M 1 DODO 3/6/2003 PK 1155D7 1D7869 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 1 531.50 3/5/2003 PK 1155DB 101889 HUTCHINSON CITY F 662.80 3/5/2003 PK 116509 102573 MCLEOD COOP POWER 1,914,43 3/6/2003 PK 115510 1 D3121 MINNESOTA CHIEFS OF POLI E 280.00 3/5/20D3 PK 115511 102849 MPCA 240.00 3/5/2003 PK 115512 102649 MPCA 240.00 3/5!2003 PK 115513 102649 MP A 32,00 3/5/2003 PK 115514 102052 QUALITY W INE & SPIRITS CO. 5 813.83 3/5/2003 PK 115515 103832 RCH INC B 721.34 3/5/2003 PK 115518 102811 THUNDERBIRD HOTEL 179.34 32 105.D4 Account N N# 32,105.04 IIVIMEDIATE PAYS R55APPYRV CITY F HUTCHINSON B Check Number AP Pe ant Re Ister wRh Volds Check Dat 3/7/2003 - Ck Date T e Check # Vendor Name Amvunt 3!7/2003 PK 115517 ' 101876 AETNA VARIABLE LIFE ASS. CO. 866.00 3/7/2003 PK 115516 101819 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. 165.03 3/7/2003 PK 115519 101875 GREAT W ES7 LIFE IN . C 3D0.00 3/7/2003 PK 115520 101872 H.R.L.A.P.R. 245.08 3/7/20D3 PK 115521 102833 HUTCHINSON CITY OF 5,509.98 3!7/2003 PK 115522 102635 HUTCHINSON CITY OF 561.74 3/7/2003 PK 115523 101873 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 3848.94 3(!/2003 PK 115524 102448 MINNESOTA CHILD SUPPORT PAYMEN 408.42 3/7/20D3 PK 115525 102649 MPCA 240.00 3/7/20D3 PK 115526 101914 NCPERS LIFE INS. 538.00 3/7/2003 PK 115527 101877 PRUDENTIAL 75.00 3!7/2003 PK 116628 102096 PRUDENTIAL MUTUAL FUNDS 30.OD 3/7/2003 PK 116529 117006 RI7CHIE EROS AU TIONEERS 12 100.00 24 681.19 Account N 24 881.19 71VIMED~ATE PAYS • R55APPYRV CITY OF HUTCHINSON ey Check Numbar AP Payment Register with Volde Check Pat. 3/1D/2003 - Ck Date Type Check # Vendor Name Amoun[ 3/10/20p3 PK 115530 ' 102649 MPCA 240.00 240.00 Acoount Ni x 240.00 IMMEDIATE PAYS • PAYROLL ACCOUNT - PAYROLL OF MARCH 7, 2D03 Pedvd Endlnp: MerCh 1, 2DD3 FOR COUNCIL LIST ONLY -ELECTRONIC TRANSFER TO STATE AND IR8 DO NOT ISSUE CHECKS FOR THIS PAC3E AMOUNT PEID ACCT# NAME $10,331.24 9006.2D34 WITH. TAX ACCOUNT $0,728.34 0005.204D S2,B11.28 9995.2242 $31,870.87 Sub-TVtnl -Employee CanWbutlon $0,728.34 9995.2240 $2 81~ ~~ 9986.2242 $12,530.83 Sub-Total -Employer Conlributlon 544,41D,B0 Grand Total - Wlthholdlnp Tax Account DESCRIPTION Employee Contllbutlon - Fadaral Tax Employee Contributlon -Soc. Sacurtty Employes Cantrlbutlan - Medlcnro Employs Cantrlbutlan - 9odal 3ecurfty Employer Contrl6utlon - Medicare 759,344.12 D99t1.203b MN pEPT OF REVCNUC ~10,i9B.B2 102816 9996.2241 PERA Employee Contrlbutlon - Panelon Plen $12,212.69 102816 9905.2241 Employs Contrlbutlon - Penelan Plen $22,411.41 Sub-Total - PERA $68.38 ~ 10281 B 9895.2243 PERA-DCP Employee Contributlon - Penelon Plan $80.38 102818 8995.2241 Employer Cdntrlbudan - Panalan Plen =712.72 Sub - Total -DCP E22,e24.13 BRAND TOTAL - PERA C~ J r~ LJ Finance Olreatar Approval • G • R66APPYRV CITY F HUTCHINSON B heck Number AP Pa ent R later with Vplde Checks k Date T heck ~ Vendor Nsme Amount 3/11/2003 P 116632 ' 101916 A.H, ERM L MPANY .17 3/11/2003 PK 115533 102128 ACE HARDWARE 1 114,22 3/11/2003 PK 116634 102217 AEM MEC N ERVI 70.76 3/11/2003 PK 115535 118997 ALFSON AMANDA 83.80 3 11 2003 115538 101847 A YM EN 78.00 11 2003 P 116637 101887 AMERI AN WATER W RK A N 181.00 3/11/2003 PK 115638 102430 AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPAREL 244.36 3/11/2003 PK 116630 101007 ANDER N' DE RATIN ENTER 777.87 3/11/2003 PK 115540 117021 APPLIED CONCEPTS INC 3088,55 3/11/2003 PK 115541 102444 B T & COMPANY 71.78 3/11!2003 PK 116642 107928 BARR EN INEERIN 080.00 3/11/2003 PK 115543 101925 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS 58,45 3/11/2003 P 116644 106478 BEILKE H R L 28.00 3/11/2003 PK 116646 102030 BENNETT FFIGETECHNQLCGII= 1b.B8 3/11/2003 PK 116648 10226fi BERKLEY RISK SERVICES 800.00 3/11/2003 PK 116647 1p1918 BERNICKCOMPANIES THE 133.60 3/11/2003 PK 115548 118992 BIRKHOLZ PHYLLIS 24,00 3/11/2003 PK 115549 101987 BRANDON TIRE CO 881.37 3/11/2003 P 115560 103349 B NDT I 497.00 3/11/2003 PK 1166&1 102468 & L DI TRIBUTIN 22 029.32 3/11/2003 PK 115552 104887 CARLSON CARRIE 29.00 3/11/2003 PK 115563 102082 CARR FLOWERS 25.80 3/11/2003 PK 116554 103014 CDI FFI E PR DUCTS LTD BB2.29 3/11/2003 PK 116555 104391 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS 437.02 3/t 1/2003 PK 115558 104183 CHIEF SUPPLY CORP 28.98 3/11/2003 PK 115557 105423 CINDY'S HOUSE OF FLORAL DESIQN 24.80 311 2003 115558 102741 COBORN'91NCORPO A E 17.16 3/11/2003 PK 116668 106080 LD PRIN RANITE 3638.DQ 3/11/2003 PK 115580 102790 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS 87.18 3/11/2003 PK 115581 102484 CORPORATE EXPRESS 101.08 3/11/2003 PK 115582 102892 CROW RIVER ARTS 188.00 3/11/2003 PK 115683 102060 CROW RIVER AUTO 221.81 3/11/2003 PK 116684 102289 ROW RIVER LA 1 373.84 3/11/2003 PK 115686 102220 R W RIVER PRE IN 244.62 3/11/2003 PK 115588 102121 CROW RIVER VET CLINI 63.60 3/11/2003 PK 115687 104884 CULLIQAN 286.70 3/11/2003 PK 115588 116898 DAG ET T M 15.00 3/11/2003 PK 115569 103017 DANIELSON CONSTRUCTION 125.00 311/2003 P 115670 117001 DASCHER KIMBERLY 15.00 3/11/2003 PK 116&71 102480 DA DISTRIBUTIN 2 860,80 3/11/2003 PK 115572 102898 DEVRIES RANDY 1 270.16 3/11/2003 PK 116673 106687 DI TAPHONE R 3 340.85 3/11/2003 PK 116574 117012 DITGH WIT H pF MINNESOTA INC 142,51 3/11/2003 PK 115575 104084 pON HUE & ASSOC 1 857.24 3/11/2003 PK 115576 102450 DOSTAL ELECTRONIC'S CENTER 37.28 3/11/2003 PK 116677 117003 DRAZKOW KI LUANN 15.00 3/11/2003 PK 115578 113181 DROP-N-QO SHIPPINQ INC 18.00 3/11/2003 PK 116&79 102847 DYNA SYSTEM 441.98 ~~ f• ~ CJ 3/11/2003 PK 115580 102728 LA PE SLIM 51.89 3/11/2003 116681 102354 ECONOFOODS 334,43 3/11/2003 PK 115582 102358 ELE TR WATCHMAN 2382.47 311/2003 116683 104211 ERICK80N PEQQ 20.00 3/11/2003 PK 116684 102792 EWERTJR. DI K 186,00 3/11/2003 PK 115585 117014 EXPRE P LI E UPPLY IN 157.98 3/11/2003 PK 115588 102223 FARM-RITE E UIPMENT 133.13 3/11/2003 116687 104137 FASTENAL COMPANY 476.81 11 2003 116608 102738 FIRE INSTRUCTORS A9 63.26 11/2003 116688 104713 FIRBT CHOICE REPAIR 44.69 3/11/2003 PK 115590 102094 FI HER IENTIFI 382.44 3 11/2003 116691 103583 FIX-IT PLUB LLP 530.48 3/11/2003 PK 116592 107529 L P IN INTERNATIDNAL 500. 3/11/2003 PK 115593 102838 FORTI BENEFITS 3 046.61 311/2003 PK 115594 102443 F N LI FIRE & RE UE 501. 3/11/2003 PK 115585 102623 F NEMITZ SDNS 69.00 3/11/2003 PK 115588 102983 GENERAL REPAIR SERVICE 6 867.80 3/11/2003 PK 115587 118998 GLENCOE AUTO PARTS INC 229.86 3/11/2003 P 115588 114929 GRAHAM TIRE FAIRMONT B 272.60 3 11 2003 116699 101874 GRIQQS & COOPER & C 22 537.54 3/11/2003 PK 115800 110031 ARA 8. 3/11/2003 PK 115801 104448 ULF TATS DI TReUTORS 789.46 3/11/2003 PK 115802 102025 H&L ME ABI 223.54 3 11 2003 PK 115803 117022 H.D.F INBTALLA I 1 815.00 3/11/2003 PK 115604 102628 HA ER JEWELRY INC. 61.93 3/11/2003 PK 115806 102730 HALI-BRITS INC 132.39 3/11 2003 K 116808 102451 HANSEN DIST OF 9L Y 1 728,70 3/11 2003 PK 116807 109799 HARRIB COMPANI 4 219.87 3/11/2003 PK 115808 102707 HENR & A IATE 382.38 3/11/2003 PK 115808 102631 HENRY FORDS INC 328,00 311/2003 PK 116810 116868 HEWLETT-PAC 4284.50 3/11/2003 PK 116811 102518 I YA R ARE/HUT HINSON 121 7.37 3/11/2003 PK 115812 102084 H E HEN DUANE 42.80 3/11/2003 PK 116813 102118 HOLT MOTDR INC 666.88 3/11/2003 PK 115814 114928 HOLT TOURS 892.00 3/11/2003 PK 115816 118094 HRS INC 886.76 3/11/2003 PK 115818 102286 HUIRA TIM 227.46 3/11/2003 PK 115817 102319 HUTCHINSDN AREA HEALTH CARE 490,00 3/11/2003 PK 116818 108369 HUTCHINSDN AUTO CENTER 70.10 3/11/2003 PK 116819 102530 HUTCHIN8DN CO-O 232.10 3/11/2003 PK 115620 102633 HUT MIN N NVENTIDN & VISITO 3 704.87 3/11/2003 PK 115821 102645 HUTCHIN DN FIRE & SAFETY 25.99 3/11/2003 PK 115822 102080 HUTCHINSDN FIRE DEPT ENERAL A 28.00 3/11/2003 PK 115623 111309 H UT HIN N HIGH SCHOOL 100.00 3/11/2003 PK 116824 102637 H UTCHINSDN LEADER 1889,17 3/11/2003 P K 116825 102538 H UTCHINSDN MEDICAL CENTER 232.00 3/11/2003 P K 115628 102640 H UTCHINSDN PLUMBIN & HEATINQ 888.60 3/11/2003 P K 116827 102541 H UTCHINSDN TELEPHONE CO 9 236.94 3/11/2003 P K 115828 102643 H UT HINS N WHDLE ALE 874.68 3/11/2003 P K 116829 101889 H UTCHINSDN CITY OF 875.50 3/11/2003 P K 116830 101869 H UTCHINSDN CITYD 828.00 3/11/2003 P K 115831 102833 H UTCHINS N CITY OF 51 248,30 ~~ • 3/11/2003 PK 116832 10283fi HUT HIN N 5080,63 3/11/2003 PK 115833 103099 HUTCHINSON CITY 1 109.82 3/11/2pp3 PK 115834 103248 HUTCHINSON CITY OF a 188.86 3/11/2003 PK 116835 10518D HUT HIN OF 20929,08 3 1112003 P 115838 101930 ICBO 195.00 3/11/2003 PK 115837 103079 I E KATIN INSTITUTE OF AMERI 25.00 3/11/2003 PK 116838 102778 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST. N423 83.13 11/2003 PK 115839 102779 INDEPENDENTS H L . #423 8 309.98 3/11/2003 PK 115840 102778 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DI T. N423 8 778.88 3/11/2pD3 PK 116841 117018 INT NATIONAL CODE COUNCIL 888.44 3/11/2003 PK 116842 102082 JACK' UNIF RM & EQUIPMENT 985.80 3/11/2003 PK 115843 104115 JAME KEVIN 20.00 3/11/2003 P 115844 113171 JAMES LINDA 13.00 3/11!2003 PK 115846 102208 JEFF'S ELECTRIC 100.32 3/11/2003 PK 116848 102b64 JERA EK MACHINE SERV 186.83 3/11/2003 PK 115847 102852 JERRYS TRANSMI I N 32.82 3/11/2003 PK 116848 102658 J PORT SHOP 126.14 3/11/2003 PK 116848 101936 J HN N BOTHERS LIQUOR CO. 24 7b4.17 3/11/2003 PK 116860 117016 J HN N AI 29.00 11/2003 PK 115861 102555 JUUL NTRA TIN 38.00 3/11/2003 PK 115852 102555 JUUL CONTRACTIN 1775.50 3/11/2003 PK 115853 105897 KOIC-0102 387.60 3/11/2003 PK 116884 103091 K UEQER RITA 16.00 3/11/2003 PK 116866 118880 KU E A E 18.99 3/11/2003 P 115858 102581 L & P SUPPLY 20.08 3/1 1 12 0 0 3 PK 116867 101948 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC 80.76 3/11/2003 PK 116868 101081 LAKE A 1 108.39 3 11/2D03 PK 115859 114899 LAT UR N TR TON 14827.04 3/11 2003 115880 101974 LENNEMAN BEVERA 1083.10 3/11/2D03 PK 115881 116442 LEVINE ERIC 40.00 3/11/2003 PK 116882 102228 LO INK SPECIALITIES 138.86 3/11/2003 PK 116883 101984 L HER BROTHERS INC 21 188.78 311/2003 PK 115884 102145 M-R I N 245.30 3/11/2p03 PK 115885 104938 MACA 30.00 3/11/2003 PK 116888 117000 MARIPOSA PUBLISHING 6D.7B 3/11/2003 PK 116867 104082 MBPTA 46,00 3/11 /2003 PK 116880 1 D2787 M L OUNTY TREASURER 8.50 3/11/20D3 PK 116889 113807 M LEOD COUNTY TREASURER 204.84 3/11/2003 PK 116870 102D84 M RAITH JOHN 28b.32 3/11/2003 PK 118871 103834 MELLIES ROSE ANN 15.00 3/11/2003 PK 115872 112400 MENARD - HUTCHINSON 21.59 3/11l2D03 PK 116873 108403 MILAN R INDUSTRIES 285.00 3/11/2003 PK 115874 118999 MINNESOTA B TMA 200.00 3111/2D03 PK 116876 114438 MINNESOTA COUNTY ATTORNEY ASSN 35.15 3/11/2D03 PK 115878 101992 MINNES TA DEPT OF HEALTH 220.00 3/11/2003 PK 116877 101992 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH b3.60 3/11/2003 PK 116678 102 2 MINNESOTA ELEVATOR INC 81,18 3/11/2003 PK 115879 112280 MINNESOTA C3REEN EXPO 375.00 3/11/2003 PK 115880 1D2589 MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE 988,37 3/11/2003 PK 115881 105157 MINNE OTA3HREDDINQ 129.80 3/11/2003 P 115882 102570 MINNESOTA SPORT FEDERAT 130.00 3/11/2003 PK 116883 102683 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB 1 991.75 L~ • • 3/11/2003 K 116884 101886 NA Y I 1 0 1.83 3/11/2003 PK 116886 118399 NATIONAL WATERW RK 304.3D 3/11/2003 PK 115886 102650 NCL 883.78 311 2003 115887 118993 NEWMAN H D 25.00 3 11/2003 116888 110188 NIEL EN RA 15,00 3/11/2003 PK 115889 117018 NIBTLER SHARON 28.00 311 003 118880 102681 N RTHER A E L 218.27 3/11/2003 PK 116891 103773 OLSON JOHN 22,59 3/11/2003 PK 115892 102134 OUTDOOR MOTION 754.80 3/11/2003 PK 115883 102187 U 8 ON8 WINE CO 687.00 3 11 2003 116884 117023 PEL TRI PITAL 3 860.00 3/11/20D3 PK 116886 117004 PETERSEN VICKY 15.00 3/11/2003 PK 115696 102586 PETERSON BU3 SERVICE 876.00 311 2003 116897 117002 PETER N ARA 20.00 3/11/2003 PK 115898 101653 PHILLIPB W INE & 9PIRIT8 4152. 3/17/200 115888 103209 PHILLIP P 28.38 311 2003 115700 101803 P PP JIM 24.81 11/2003 P 1167D7 102446 P STMA TER 880.00 3/11/2003 PK 116702 104378 PRIMROSE OIL CO 1 171.81 3/11/2pD3 PK 115703 117D19 PUCKETT SUPPLY COMPANY INC 203.39 3/11/2003 PK 115704 102588 OUADE ELECTRIC 23.32 3 11/2003 PK 115705 102062 UALI I 6 331.28 3 11!2003 P 116708 118995 QUAST GEOR E & B B AHL REN EL 4049.18 3/11/2003 PK 115707 102388 R & R EXCAVATINQ 23 868.83 3!11/2003 PK 115708 102424 RADI 17.02 3 11 2003 118708 106288 RE ERVE A UNT 1 710.00 3/11/20D3 PK 116710 117D13 RICE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 13.00 3/11/20D3 PK 115711 118991 RIGHT WAY BUILDERS 141.87 3/11/2003 PK 115712 102226 BUPPL 848.08 3 11 2003 PK 116713 102821 ALTMAN T 498.82 3/11/2D03 116714 1 D2438 SARA LEE C FFEE & TEA 349.58 3/11/2DD3 PK 115715 102608 SCHMELING OIL CO 837.76 3/11/20D3 716718 104182 HMELIN WENDY 20.00 3/11/20D3 P 116717 101B4D SCHNOBRI H MARK 80.00 3/11/2D03 PK 11b71B 117006 SCHUMAGI LAURIE 44.00 3/11/2003 PK 116718 10B8D1 SCOTT' WIN W 42.BD 3/11/2003 PK 116720 101882 SEH 3 272,97 3/11/2003 PK 116721 102749 SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY BOARD iB5.D0 3/11/2D03 PK 116722 115821 SEPPELT MILE 89.18 3/11/2D03 PK 116723 1D2837 SEVEN WEST WASH & DRY 244.42 3/11/2003 PK 115724 110262 BHAKOPEE CITY OF B 400.00 3/11/2003 PK 116726 116473 HAR TR M JUDY 80.OD 3/11/20D3 PK 116728 102719 SHAW KAREN 88.00 3/11/2003 PK 115727 102808 8HOPKO 74.88 3/11/2003 PK 175728 102810 IM N NL M R 2489.28 3/11/2003 PK 11fi728 103987 PE IAL PERATI N TRAIN N A 75.00 3/11/2D03 PK 115730 107530 SPIRIT MOUNTAIN 780.00 3/11/2D03 PK 116731 103383 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUPPLY 237.92 3/11/2003 PK 115732 102747 8T. JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT INC 886.14 311/2003 PK 116733 117017 T. MARY' H 85,00 3/11/2003 PK 115734 1D2465 STACEY BTUCCO & RYWALL 1 800.00 3/11/2003 PK 115735 104284 TARKE EMI 88.D8 C` • C` r~ • 3/11/2003 PK 115738 105881 STORAGE CENTER 138.00 311/2003 115737 103978 RQES JASON 38.40 3/11/2003 PK 118738 117020 SUN HINE IL F PIN 213.94 3/11/2003 PK 115739 103222 TAB PRODUCT 6131.00 3/11/2003 PK 11674p 102859 TEK ME HAN 13.09 3/11/2003 PK 11b741 103088 T TAL RESISTER 3YBTE 11 714.93 3/11/2003 PK 115742 102618 TOWN & COUNTRY TIRE 871.64 3/11/2003 PK 118743 102820 TRI O WATE 252.18 3/11/2003 PK 116744 102464 TRI- UNTY BEVERA E & UPPLY 187.10 3/11/2003 PK 115745 102819 TWO WAY COMM INC 142.71 11/2003 115748 102441 U S BANK 344 603,75 3/11/2003 PK 116747 102201 U L CO. 541.&5 3/11/2003 PK 116748 102827 UNIVER Y 3/11/2003 PK 116749 102827 UNIVER ITY F MINNE 50.00 11/2003 PK 115760 102827 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 60,00 3/11/2003 PK 116751 102827 UNIVER ITY F MINNE 50.00 3/11/2003 PK 115752 102627 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 60.00 17/2003 K 115753 102827 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 60.00 311 2003 115754 102132 VIKING COCA COLA 303.95 3/11/2003 PK 115768 1D3342 WAHL REBUILD & REPAIR INC 548.00 3/11/2003 PK 116768 106122 WA T A A E 42 213. 3/11!2003 PK 116767 102310 WEBS & TR I 87.16 3/11/2003 PK 116758 102929 WEI MARK 300.00 3/11/2003 PK 115759 102638 WEST CENTRAL IND. 1 275,88 3/11/2003 PK 116780 110738 WESTM R INDU TRIE LL 812.78 3/11/2003 PK 115781 116899 WHITING, LYNN 1b.OD 3/11/2003 PK 116782 102384 I LMAR OVERHEAD DOOR SALES 7 973.00 3/11/2003 PK 116783 101983 WI SANITATION 155.40 3/11/2D03 PK 116784 102832 XER X RP 1 064.60 3/11/2003 PK 115785 103980 ZARN TH BRU H W RK 823.03 803 021.48 AaovuntN ## 803 D21.4B r1 L..~