cp03-25-2003 c. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HiITCAINSON CIT'X COUNCIL TUESDAX, MARCII 25, 2003 1. CALL T4 ORDER - 5:30 P.ly1, 2. INVOCAT~01Y -Rev. Kevin Osten, Our Saviors Lutheran Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE a. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 11, 2003 (b) SPECIAL MEETING OF MARCH 21, 2003 Action -Motion to approve as prasanted 5. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMLSSTONS 1. HUTCHIN50N PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 22, 2002, 7ANUARY 27, 2003 AND I'EBRLJARY 14, 2003 2. PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM BOARD MINUTES FROM JANUARY 16, 2003 3. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 18, 2003 4. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE BOARD MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 18,2003 5. HUTCHIN50N HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORI'I'7' BOARD MIIdLTTE5 FROM FEBRUARY 18, 2003 6. C1TY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2003 5. CITY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2003 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE NO. 03-340 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY ORDINANCE SECTION 6.22, "PEDDLERS SOLICI'T'ORS, AND TRANSIENT MERCHANTS" TO INCLUDE ADDING I,ANG[JAGE TO S~UBD. 3 "EXEMPTIONS" (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 2. RESOLUTION NO. 12139 -RESOLUTION APPROVING 2003 FDQ,D PERMIT FEES, PLUMBING PERMIT FEES AND PLANNING PRINITNC3 FEE SCHEDULE 3. SOLUTION NO. 12141- RE50LUTION FOR PURCHASE (c) CON5IDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF TOBACCO LICENSES FOR MURPHY USA AND CATTOOR OIL COMPANY (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE FOR HUMMINGBIRD HABITAT FROM APRIL THRU AUGUST, 2003, AT THE HUTCHINSON MALL CITY COUNCIL AGENDA -MARCH 25, 2003 (e) CONSTJaERATION FOR APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY RECYCLING PERMTI' FOR THE CAN MAN 2 AT THE WALMART PARKING LOT (fl CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS FOR THE MEDICAL SERVICES EXPANSION PROJECT AT THE HUTCHINSON HOSPITAL (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF PURCHASING OLYMPUS LAPAROSCOPIC VIDEO SYSTEM FOR HUTCHINSON HOSPITAL Action -Motion to approve consent agenda 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS (a) DOWNTOWN REVITALLZATION PLAN Action - (h) RECETViNG PUBLIC COMMENT AND SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THE PROPOSED $1.4 REDUCTION IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID Action - 7. COMMUNICATIONS. REOUESTS,ArJp,pET1TIQJ!IS (a) UPDATE OF JEFFERSON STREET PROJECT Action - . (b) UPDATE ON CDMMUNITY WATER PROBLEMS DUE TO EARLY THAW Action - 8. (a) L ~ ENINSE OR EOUO NE~'IFTER~ OF ON-SALE INTOXICATING AND 5UNDAY LIQUOR (FT.YER'S NITE CLUB) Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CELL PHONE TOWER LEASE Action - Motion to rejoct - Motion to approvc (b) ORDINANCE N0.03-336 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 12.4D, ADDING SUED. 5, OF 7'HE HUTCHTNSON CITY CODE TO ADD LANGUAGE RE UIRING BOULEVARD TREE PLANTING IN NEW SUBDIVISIONS (SECOND READING ADOPTION) Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve (c) CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE N0.03-334 -AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 3 AND 10.14 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE TO ADD LANGUAGE REGULATING SANDWICH BOARA SIGNS IN THE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR APRIL B, 2003) • Action -Motion to rejxt -Motion to approve CITX COUNCIL AGENDA -MARCH 25, 2003 • (d) CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 03-338 -- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 10.14 REGULATING PORTABLE SIGNS IN ALL ZONING DLSTRICTS (WAPJE F1RST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR APRIL 8, 2003) Action -Motion to roject - Motion to approve (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF WATER METER POLICY Action -Motion to reject -- Mvtivn to sppmve pp (~ LE ISLA OR OPPOSIT ON TOO GOVERNOR PAWLENTY S PROP03E13 REDUCTION TO THE LOCAL GOVERNIvIENT AID TO THE CTI'Y OF HUTCHINSON Action -Motion to roject -Motion to approve (g) CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION NO. 12136 -RESOLUTION REpUEST1NG A "NO PENALTY CLAUSE" IN THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID FORMUAL FOIL CITIES ACTING AS THE "FISCAL AGENT" IN JOINT JURISDICTION MODEL PROGRAMS Action -Motion to reject -- Motion to approve (h) CONSIDERATIO NOF RESOLUTION NO. 12137 -RESOLUTION OPPOSING SENATE FILE NQ 330 AND HOUSE FILE NO. 751 Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SEVERANCE POLICY FOR CITY EMPLOYEES Action -Motion to rojoct -Motion to approvo (j) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RETIREMENT INCENTIVE FOR CITY EMPLOYEES Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve 10. I,AN>~ (a) COMMUNICATIONS 1 ] , PRI O (s) VERIFIED CLAIMS A & B Action -Motion to approve and authorize payment of Ven&od Clsima A firm appropriate fhnds 12. T~ O~ r~ ~~ 3 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - FIUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2003 1. CALL TO ORDER- 5:30 P Mayor Marlin Torgerson called tba meeting to order. Members present were Bill Arndt, Jim Haugcn and Kay Peterson. Absent: Duane Hoverstan Others present were Gary Platz, City Administrator, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and John Rodcbcrg, Director of Enginccring/Public Works 2. iNVQCATiON - Rcv. Kevin Oster, Our Saviors Lutheran Church 3. PLEDGE OF AI.I.EGiANCE 4. ]VHNUTF.,S (a) REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 2003 Minutes were approvod as prosonted. 5. CONSENT AG (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMi55IONS 1. FIItE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2003 2. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 7ANUARY 2003 3. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JANUARY 2003 4. PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY EDUCATION BOARD MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 3, 2003 5. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2003 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE NO. 02-333 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFTCiAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF HiTfCHINSON FO A PROPERTY TO BE REZONED FROM Rl TO R2 (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 2. ORDINANCE NO. 03-335 ~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8.18.2, SUBD. 2 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE TO CHANGE LANGUAGE REGARDING THE FLOOD PLAIN MAPS (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 3. RESOLUTION NO. 12130 --RESOLUTION RELEASING PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM WELLS EARGO BANK (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF Oi JT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR MARION GRAHAM TO ATTEND THE WASTEWATER LABORATORY EXAM WORKSHOP IN KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, FROM MARCH 28 - 31, 2003 (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ON-SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR AND CLUB . LICENSES FOR 2003 (e) CON5117ERATION FOR APPROVAL OFSHORT-TERM GAMBLING LICENSE FOR 3M CLUB y ~~~) CTTY COUNCIL MINUTES -MARCH 11, 2003 . ON APRIL 26, 2003, AT THE 3M CLUB BUILDING Motion by Paterson, seconded by Amdt, to approve the consent agenda. Tho motion carried unanimously. 6. PUHI,JC H)EAJZJNGS - b:00 n.m. (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ON-SALE INTOXICATING AND SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSE FOR EUGENE STIFTER (FLYER'S NITE CLUB) Mayor Torgorson requested to ta61e tlris item to the March 25d' meeting in order for Councilman Hoversten to be present. Motion by Arndt, seconded by Haugen to continue the hearing to the March 25, 2003 mooting. Tho motion carried unanimously. (b) LETTING N0.3, PROJECT NO.03-OS THROUGH 03-11 & 03-22 (PAVING IMPROVEMENTS) CONSIDERATION OF ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS ANA $PECIFICAT1ON5, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT' FOR BIDS Johza Rodoborg commented on the request and the neighborhood meetingg regarding the improvements. He stated input from the nei~}tborhood would bo to do a minimum level of improvements to the atrcete. Mr. Rodcbcrg explained minimum improvements would be grading and paving orily. He explained assessments would be made on a per unit basis due to the irregularity of the lots in all the areas. Mr. Rodoborg explained the process and commented on the payment options. Mr. Rodcbcrg commented on the projects byy street beginning with Delaware Strcct N W. There were no property owners from that area present. Ho commented vn Arch Street SE and explained the unit costa. Deane Dietel, 845 - 2nd Avc. SE, questioned if a storm sewer would be part of the improvomont on Arch 5treot. Mr. Rodoborg stated there would be some storm sewer which would end at the North side ofMr. Diotol's property. He explained on Lutdke LN NW some properties may have essesements on Golf Course Rd. There are also small storm sewer problems in this area. LeRoy Hlavka, 925 Ludtko LN NW, asked about the life oxpoctancy of the street at minimum improvement. Mr. Rodcbcrg stated it is hard to tell. He stated with good maintenance sireets can last up to 40 years without major impprovements. He commented these improvements could have a life exppectancyof20 - 40 years. Mr. Amdt asked what the tonnage is on those improvements. Mr. Rodoborg stated al] streets are a standard 5 tone. Mr. Hlavka asked the timing of the construction. Mr. Rodoborg explained each project should take a few days and they would begin construction in July or August. Florida Street NW also irregular lute or unite. There were no property owners present from Florida Street. Mr. Rodoborg explained the costs on Illinois Street N W due to Grade issues. John Reynolds, 140 Illinois St. NW, asked if the street would be straightened and if the unprovements would line up with the driveways. Mr. Rodoborg stated there are draanage issues in this area and the street should lint up with the driveways. Thera rs only one property owner on Ranch Avenue SE. That owner was not present. Mr. Rodcbcrg explained the City wrll pay 50% on this property since the property owner has provided storiuwater Pori rng on his property. Mr. Rodcbcrg commented on the sidewalk projects for the safety of the residents in the area. Motion by Haugen, seconded 6y Peterson to close the hearing. Carried unanimously. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Haugen to approve Resolution # 12128 Ordering lmprovement and • Preparation ofPlans and Specifications for Letting No. 3, Project No. 03-OS through 03-11 and 0322 (Pavtng Improvements). The motion carried unanunously. ~--1 ~0.~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -MARCH 1 1, 2003 Motion h Pctcreon, seconded by Haugen to a rove Resolution #12129 approvin Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisements for Bids Letting No. 3, Project No. 03-OS through 03-11 and 0322 (Paving Improvements). The motion carried unammously. 7. CQ.MMUNiCATION5, REQUESTS AND PETITIQNS None 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 9. NEW BU5INE5$ (a) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDING CITY ORDINANCE SECTION 6.22, 'PEDDLER&, SOLICITORS, AND TRANSIENT MERCHANTS" TO INCLUDF, ADDING LANGUAGE TO SUED. 3 "EXEMPTIONS" (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADpPTIDNFORMARCII25, 2003) (b) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDING FEE SCHEDULE FOR PEDDLER, SOLICITOR, TRANSIENT MERCHANT PERMITS City Atty. Sebora commented on his discussion with Chamber representatives regarding transient Bales to businesses. He stated items 9(a) and 9(b) could be discussed at the same time. Atty. Sebora explained requests for licenses have been decreasing which could mean peddlers are not applying for licenses but are still selling merchandise in Hutchinson. Licensing would different~ato which merchants should operate their transient business in the Cityty. The ordinance would exempt multl- vendor events held at the Hutchinson Event Center and/or IvlcLcod County Fairgrounds and events sponsored by the Chamber or the Hutchinson Mall. Discussion followed on encouraging residents and business owners to ask peddlers for their license Atty. Sebora stated charitable and religious organizations or established route peddlers era also exempt. The public will be the best enforcement. Asking for a license it will raise awareness for peddlers to obtain licenses. Tho Chamber of Commerce will provide window stickers tv businesses. The stickers will state Transient Merchant Licenses are required. Discussion followed on recycling liconsure. Atty. Sebora commented on the fee amount and stated raising the fees would discourage undesirable merchants. He reported discussions with john Rodeberg to add signage at the entrances of the City which would state Transient Merchant Licensee Required. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Arndt, to waive the first reading and sot the second reading and adoption Fox March 25, 2003. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Arndt, to amend fee schedule. Motion carried mranimously (c) CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION NO. 12131 AUTHORIZING THE SUBMTI"fAL OF PROPOSAL FOR YARD WASTE PROCESSING FOR THF, CITY OF MTNNEAPOLiS AND TO ESTABLISH A COUNCIL SUB-COMMITTEE REVIEW OF THE PROPOSAL Gary Plotz commented on the request and the present contracts the Ciiy of Hutchinson has with other metro cities. He stated the proposal includes leaves, organics and brus . Another agency is interested y~a~ CITY COUNCII, MINUTES --MARCH 11, 2003 in the hmsh which ie approximately'/4 of the contract. The remainder of the contract would be the • portion Hutchinson is interested m securing. He commented on the present committee and the need for two council members to participate on the committee. Mr. Plotz stated Hutchinson is one of two bidders for the contract. Mr. Arndt stated he would be interesting in serving on the committee and Ms-Peterson will also be on the committee which will meet on Thursday, March 13, at 9:00 a.m. in iha City Center. Motion by Haugen, seconded by Peterson , to approve resolution authorizing the submittal ofproposal for yard waste processing far the City of Minneapolis. Motion carried tmanimously. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS Resolution No. 12132 to Cancel Advertisement for Bids, Letting No. 1 /Project No. U3-01 And Resolution No. 12133 for State of MN Agency Agreement between Dcpt. of Transportation and City of Hutchinson, Letting No. 1/Project Nn- 03-O1 John Rodvberg commented on the request to cancel the advertisement for bide due to wording in the agreement for federal funding- He stated the City may be able to advertise as early as next week however must wait to comply with the agreement. Motion by Haugen, seconded by Arndt to approve Resolution # ]2132 end 12133. Motion carried unanimously. Bill Arndt reported on the leadership training he attended. He also congratulated the High School swimmers and girls basketball teams. Gary Plotz commented on the vm~loyee meetings held to explain the budget cuts. He stated there may be Resolutions at the next City Council meeting regarding some of the cuts. John Rodeberg explained the need to authorize the purchase of software for permittingg stonnwater items. He stated funds are available for the ptrchase. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Haugen to approve the purchase of software. Motion carried unanimously. 11. CLAI; S. APPRQPRIATIONS AND CQNTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS A Motion by Haugen, seconded by Amdl to approve and authorize payment of Verified Glaims A from appropriate funds. Motion earned unanimously. (b) VERIITEA CLAIMS B Motion by Peterson, seconded by Haugen to approve and authorize payment of Verified Claims B from appropriate funds. Motion carried unanimously. 12- ADJOURN With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at b:30 p.m. ~ ~a) MINUTES HUTCHINSON CTTY COUNCIL • SPECIAL MEETING FRIDAY, MARCH Zl, 2003, 8:30 A.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER - 8:30 A.M. ayor arm orgereon ca the meeting to ardor, Members present were Bill Arndt, Jim Hau$en and Kay Peterson. Member absent was Duane Hovorston. John Rodeberg, Director of Engmaertng/Public Works, was also in attendance. 2. NPW I3USINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERINC3 ADV~RTLSEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING, NO. l PROJECT NO. 03-O1 (DALE STREET & 2N AVENUE) -ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 11134 7vhn Rodoborg, Director of Engineering/Public Works, ox~lained that this resolution needed to be appmv due to a process glitch. Tha advertisemen for bide had been placed prior to the federal government approvmg the plans and specifications. Tho advertisement cannot be placed until theyy have approved the plans and specifications when federal aid is part of the project. Therefore, the Engineering department returned all bids and checks that were received back to the bidders and need to start the process anew, as if the original advertisement had never boon placed. Tho federal govemment fins now approved the plans and specifications and Council action is needed to approve the plane and specifications and order advertisement For bids, A public hearing will bo hold altar the bide are received. Motion by Arndt, second by Peterson tv appprove pplans and specifications and order advertisement for bids on Letting No. 1, Project No. 03-O1, approving Resolution No. 12134, • Motion carried unanimously. 3. ADJOURN With no further business to discuss, the meeting a~joumed at 8:35 a.m. ~J ~.~ ~h~ • 1Vlinutcs Hutchinson Public LibrAry Board November 25, 2002 Present: Larry Ladd, Connie Lambert, Mary Menke, Kay Peterson, Newton Potter, and John Hassinger Absent: Kay Johnson and Julie Jensen 'fhe meeting was called to order by President Connie Lambert. The mittutes of the October 28, 2002 were approved as written. PL5 report: Mary reported no tnajor issues to report on. Negotiations with head librarians continues. Contract with Canby Public Library is in final stages. Old Buslneae I . Priority listing from focus groups Mary compiled board members' prioritized list of suggestions from the focus group. Those items that emerged as high priorities were Internet expansion, services for the underserved, and reading lists for students. Discussion followed about how to connect knowledgeable students in computer usage with adults interested in learning about computers and Internet. High school or . Ridgewater students? Mary and Connie will look at list and develop goals and objectives For the board to examine. 2. Developmentoftechnologyplan Pioneerland Library System would like each library to have a technology plan and is in the initial stages of developing a format for such a plan. 'Phis dovetails with what we are doing. Ooals from the focus group will feed into the technology plan. 3. Community forum The turnout was lighter that our last forum on the Muslim religion. Pete Hoeger gave a good presentation and there was a good discussion. We discussed possible future presenters; an author and a Black History month program. Q. City and county budget requests for 2003 Kay Peterson reported the city has our request ut place. Connie wasn't able to reach Bcv Wangerin for report from county. 5. Minnesota Historical Society grant We received the official letter warming the 516, 000 snatching gran[. Julie Wischnack from the Hutchinson Building and Planning 17ept. along with a representative from the Parks and Recreation Dept. will be at our January 2003 meeting to give us tm overview on the projects planned for the library. 5(~)~ C~ 6. l;nergy conservation grant Grant money will be used to add insulation to the old roof with wiring in be checked first and to upgrade lighting to a more efficient system- Next year, we will receive $45,000 to replace the healing, ventilation and air-conditioning system. 7. Proclamation A proclamation will be read recognizing the dedicated work of the library staff at the City Council meeting at 5:30 p.m. nn November 26 in the Council Chambers. New Business 1. Pastor Greg Nelson of Bethlehem United Methodist asked if they could use the upper room of the library es part of their Passion Week service. Mary will check on city and PLS policy for guidance. t>[C[LUSG OF ~0.Gk pf ,p('[~;'1l~p +-~i SIn PSS Meeting adjourned. hol~da..t yr~ps , Z1re. a~ mee~tin~ CJas nq,nce(!ca( an[~ heard rn[~r~Grs c`pne on John Iiassinger, Acting Secretary. _5 C~~ the Li Board Meeting Present: Connie Lambert, Julie Jensen, John Hassinger, Kay Johnson, Newt Potter and Archie Kucera, Hutchinson Public Library custodian. President Connie Lambert called the meeting to order. Due to special circumstances, the agenda was bypassed, so Julie Wischnack, pirector Planning and Zoning for the city of Hutchinson, could talk to the board. Joining her at the meeting was city of Hutchinson employees Lee Wright, • city center maintenance, and Barry Grieve, building official. When the auditors reviewed the city's finances, It was noted that the Library's bond fund from 1985 had a balance of $189,000. The auditors Bald the bond fund was too high and the money should be spent down. As a result, Wischnack went before the Hutchinson City Council Jan. 14, requesting permission to use the money for necessary library repairs and maintenance. Her request was approved. She, Wright and Grieve came to the Library Board Meeting on Jan. 27 to discuss options to spend the money. Attached is the workplan Wischnack presented. It was approved by the Library Board. A special meeting was scheduled for Friday, Feb. 14, to discuss the and lighting options for the library. The next board meeting will take place at 4:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24. At that time, the board will address regular agenda Items. ,~ ~~~~~ ~ 141 CITY OF HIITCHINSON PLANNING STAFF REPORT To: Clty Council Prepared 13y: Julie Wlschnack, AICP, Director of Planning/ZoninpfBuilding Date: December 31, 2002 -Meeting Date January 14, 2D03 Rc: Library improvements for 20113 and use of bond tWnda. Staff has bean preparing a 2003 work plan for the library. The 100"' anniversary of the construction of the original Carnegie Library will occur in 20D4. The following is a list of improvements that will be accomplished with associated costs. Staff is proposing to utilize remaining bond funds, the historical society grant and utility energy grant to complete the projects. Pro'ect Month Cost Baseboard restoration u r level Janua $ 500 Ceilin rile remove and restore Febru 5 G 000 install new monitorin s stem Morclt $ 3 000 Re air soffit and make new arts March $ 3 D00 Plaster walls and cailin if necessa March $ 1 800 Tnial 11VAC re lacement Ma $50 000 Tile re air - lohb and front en Ma $ 3 000 Ware roof foundation Ma $ 3117 Paint exterior of buildin June $13000 Refinish Front Doors June $ 3 000 C et re lacement-entirebuildin Jul $50,000 Christmas li ht re lacement Se tember $ 1 500 I..andsca in entire ark area Se tember $60 000 Total Pro'ects $197 917 I-Iistorical Socie Grant -$]b 004 Utilities Ener CJrattt -$45 000 Total llollars Necessa from Hond Fund $13(i 000 If the above expenditures are approved, staff would be presenting the detailed work plan to lha Library Board on January 27, 2003. sc~~i Library Work Plan r January 1, luu:~ • C~ Mogth ProJectll'o Do L1at Coat Check when cotptplete - nota January Finish Lighting project -- decide on upper love] lighting and whetltea it should be r aced ' Grant 7anuary Baseboard restoration upper level' Check to see what month the dipping person can do it. 320-693-6004 (Bemis Peterson S 500 Jan Gat second bid for the HVAC January Contact Viuge 95231-1000 and Noga Tito 320.234-7900 about fixing tilo in lobb and makin new file iecee* January Pull couple of ceiling tiles down to sae what is undomeath Febru Ceilin file remove and restore • $ 6000 Febru Plaster walls and oeilin ifnec * S 1 800 Feb Obtain multi to c a toe Fobruary Roviow treatments for cemont plllars in tho downstairs Feb Resoarch Monitorin S tem/Install S 3000 March Make new parts for soffit dotails (talk to Hu at Hutch Plumbin 5 3,000 March Arran a for sinters at more bids " April Secure schedule for water proofing foundation" ril Install and r air soffit iocas* Ma Total HVAC r lacemont $50 000 Ma Tiler air- ]obb and fiant en $ 3000 Ma Wate rooffoundaton $ 3117 Ma Find Hardware for en doors June Paint extorior ofbuildi $13 000 Tune Ordor Carpeting for installaton in July - schedule install June Refinjah Front boors" $ 3 000 Jul C et lacemont -entire buildin $50000 August Check wiring for placemeat of new Christmas li fs Au Obtain Tuc ointin bids S tember Christmas ]i t r lacemont $ 1 S00 September Landscaping entire park area (after arts and crafts $60,OOD Total Pro'ects $197 917 Historical Socie Grant -$16 OOD Utlities Bne 'Grant -$45 000 Total I)ollsra Necessa ik'om Boad Fund 5136 000 "Notes prafecfs that are related to the Historical Qrant, Must be monitored and photographed to ensure compliance with the grant. Checlr before doing work to see what we promised in the grant agreement. 5(G~~ A special meeting of the Hutchinson Library Board was called for 2 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14. Attending the meeting were Julie Jensen, Kay Peterson, Newt Potter, Connie Lambert and Archie Kucera, Hutchinson Public Library custodian. Julie Wischnack, Lee Wright, city center maintenance, and Barry Grieve, building official, attended the meeting. Lee presented the samples and a decision was made regarding the the selection. A decision regarding the border of the Gelling will be determined as the ceiling Is built. Lee also presented information on lighting fixtures. The board requested there be no loss of light due to new fixtures. As a result, Lee presented information on four different lighting options. After much discussion, a decision was made to pursue a hanging white and brass fixture with decorative chains. A decision was also made to strip two Gelling beams that are currently painted. The first step In the library restoration protect will begin within the next two weeks with the removal of the wooden baseboard for stripping. Lee indicated volunteers would be welcome when it came time to varnish the trim. (~~ 1 .T N. . PIONRF.RI.AND LIBRARY 6Y6"CRhI OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS • MINUTES OF THIC BOARD BIBIL'I>ING THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 21103 AT 7t30 P11L Pursuant to due cell and notice thaeo$ a reguler meeting of the Pianealand Library System Hoard vves called to order at 7:30 p.m. 6y Chair Iohn Heker on Thursday,lmuary 16, 2003 at 7:30 p.m. m the Wllhnar Pu611c Library $uildmg Multipurpose Room. RoD caH way taken and a quorum wee announced. Chou Baker welcomed gucsis and reviewed annamccmenta One was a request that all members presmtt SIl out the "Committee" assignments request Ilst for 2003 and turn them into the board Sarxdary before leaving the maaing. Chair Haker recoyptized Lowell Ueland's absence due to illness end noted that anyone desiring hie address to see the Director err Assistant Diredor before the meeting was over- Bake recognlred the new mamben Nema ICamrath, Canby, Sarah t3rovea- Spt~cca, Hector; end Pam Dille ofLitchfteld. Chefr Baker requested approval of the agenda subjad to additiortsideldlons: Board members requested the fallowing additions: V. Committee Reports, B. Finenoe Committee: 7. Courier Delivery Contract ro add Canby; 8. inetsance Broker Change "Ag~tt of Record" and; 9. S.A.M.M.I.E. Grant Application Approval. Hale motioned approval ofthe agenda as presented with amended additions, seconded by Reigstad. Motion tarried. Herg-Perry made a motion for the approval of the December 19, 2002 mlaoter, seconded by Rotunda Motion carried, Chair Baker moved to "Election of Officers" for 2003. Heker informed the Beard that the "NootlnatlnQ Committw" had submitted a slate of candldattu for the board officer positions of Chair, Vice hair,'IYeeatuer, Saoretery and Finance Chefr (handed out az the meeting) which would also save as the "Executive Commiltee" far 2003. Chefr Hekar called For nominations. Clouse motioned nom Ination of John Baker representutg Swift Cpunty ro servo u the board Chou. T'hae ware no theater names submitted for election. Rcigstad moved to east a unanimous ballot for Bekar as Clair, seconded by Derg-Petry, Motion carried- Newly ro-elected Chair Jahn Haker took the "Gavel" end continued with the election of offieera Clouse motioned nomination of Ramona Berg-Perry represrnting the City of W(llmer to serve as the board Vice Chair. There were no {urtha names submitted for eledion_ Vonderhaa moved to wst a tmenFmous ballot far Barg-Perry es V1ce Chair, seconded by Wilde. Motion tamed. Weiberg motioned nominetlun of AI Clouse rcpresrnting the City of Ollvla to serve as the board Treasurer. 7ttae were no fiuther natttes submitted for election. Hale moved to cast a unanimous ballot fa Clouse ae 1}eastra, seconded by Bretlle. Motion carried. Clouse motiancd nomination of Oerrison Hale represrnting the City of Madlsest ro servo es the board Secretary. These warn no further names submitted for election. Vonderherr moved to cast s unanimous ballot far Hale u Secretary, secanded,by Clouse. Motion carried. Clouse mdivned nomination of Erlc Weiberg representing the City of Willmar to save ea the Finance Chair. There were no fttrth~r names submitted for election. Hoosa moved to cast a unanimous ballot for Weiberg at Finance Chair, seconded by Raigstad. Motiun carried. Chev Bakct issued "Congratuladone" to the newly sleeted board mmnbera far 2003, Chair 13alta thrn moved onto the regular board business. board Member Al Clouse presented for the "Flaagce Committee". Clouse matlaned to accept the December 2002 Financial Report, seconded by Weiberg. Motion carried. A motion was made by Clouse ro acceQt the Bllla and Check Register as presented, seconded 6y Harg-Pony. Motion carried. Clause motioned to establish the 2003 Mileage . Reimbursunent Rate et 50.36 cents per mile based on the lntanal Revenue Service retes (Nate, this is a dectease from 2002), seconded by Rcigstad. Motion carried. Clouse moved to approve "Fund 7Ymtsfero" for 2002, sernrtdad by Hooser. Motion carried. ~~) c1. Clouse motioned approval of the "Heritage Searchers" cattrtux and to authwiu the chair to sign, seconded by Berg-Pony. Motion carried, Clouse moved approval of an amendmrnt to the"Can-itr Delivery" contract adding the Clty ofCmtby and . w authorize the chair to sign, seconded by Schuette. Motion carried. Chair Baker cal led on Asst. Dir. Matson to explain the need for filing a change of "Agent of Record" fix the P.L.S. Health Insurances. Wilde motioned approval for 51ing en "Agent of Rat:ord" dtenge and authwizirtg the necessary signature(s), seconded by Maas. Motion carried. Asst. Dlr. Matson explained the S.A.M.M.I.E, Grant application that would raquast funds to provide staff training on Bates software th the computer lab at Benson, Minnesota Motion was made 6y Vonderharr to seek a S.A.M.M.1.E. Brant in an amount estimated to be $3,000 with authwiTedan for the necessary signature(s), secatded by Retgatad. Matlott carried. Board Mcmb~ ivay Vonderharr presented far the "Personnel Committee", Vonderharc motioned to approve the hiring of Elizabeth Deviney at Litchfteld, seconded by Clouse. Motion trerrled. Due to the illness of Lowell Deland who has been serving as the Lead Negotiator a replacement is requirt:d. Vonderherr motioned to appoint Den Relgsted to the position of Lead Negotiator, seconded by Rotunda. Motion carried. Vmderherr reviewed board member attendance end discussed that the committee was satisfied with the prest+<tt status ofboerd maobera. Board Metnber Baker presented for the "Polley Commfttee". Baker presented the "Roles of Authority and Responsibility." He explained they were based on the "Publle Library Truatae Handbook". Purtha, that the Policy Cammlrtae chase not to make any significant changes to the information gleaned fFom the handbook. Chau Baker requested catntnents from the board. Hale moved to adopt the "Roles of Authority and Responsibility" based on the recammandativn of the Policy Committee's mcroting held an December 19, 2002, seconded by Meas. No vote- Comments were than forth coming. Concerns presented: 1) Do the roles and responsibilities conwr with present activities ofthe board; 2) Do the curcent board's and director's job description requvemcn[s [particularly the executive duactw's] match up with the roles end responsibilities; 3) Concerns are present on the role of the Library Board when looking at item NS Know the programs-.- and library trends, along with item NS Knvw local and state library laws [do library board members have to know ell library and related laws] and actively support state and national ]tbrary legislation [whet if the board/membera don't agree]; 4) Attending meetings and how broad a responsibility dace a library system board member have [individual commrmity library knowledge va. trial system all libraries knowledge] considering accountability; S) Concerns were shared on should the roles be divided into dtrae arems equaling the library board, individual board member and director. Doerd mombar Vonderherr made a motion to amend the previous motion made by Hale to 'clarify' the "Kolas of Authority end Responeibillties" with the findings being refereed back to the ful I board from the Policy Committee at a future date with the results reflecting The commrnts presented at the January 16, 2003 Board meeting (note, w sorted above and incorporated herein by reference), seconded by ]. Johnson. Motlan tarried. Chair Baka requested that board members give the anbjeca ofrales and responsibllhiea more coneidaativn and forward any related thoughts to the Director by February 13, 2003. The Policy Cvmmittae will review thorn at their next meeting to be held at 6:30 p.m. February I3, 2003 at the Willmar Public Library Building Multipurpose Room. pld Buslnmf_ Chair Baker reviewed with the Board the need for an Ad Hoc committee on financial futures and raninded board tnembera to sign up. New Hwlneae. Asst. 1]Q. Matson gave an update an the Lr'gislative Day to be held et the State Capital in St. Paul, MinnesrNa. Chair Baker moved to the "Report of Director" and turned the maetmg over to Director Houlahan. Tha duedvr reviewed a handout on the proposed establishment of an independrnt Minncaeta State i.ibrary Board. He explained the pros and rnns to such an approach. The duectw went on to mention the State's pwsibla political views on such a move of independence. It appears the Smte Departmrnt of Children, Families & Learning may be a lower profiled lacvtim far Minnmom Libraries during our present budget challenges. Chair Baker requested if there was any "other" business items to come before the board. None was reported. ,~~a~~. ' Chair Baker moved to request a motion for a closed Hessian on ''Union Negotiating Strategies." Board member Vonderharr moved to close the session at 8:43 p.m. for the ptn-poses of considerittg 'anion negotiating strategies," saaondeti by Reigetad_ Motion carried. Chair Baktr reopened the meeting at 9:20 p.m. and raparted that the Board had considered the next Issue far the proposed ''Heed librarian" union contract a~aement Chnu Baker moved lv a request for ett "Executive Committee" meeting far the purposes of establishing the board committees for 2003. Consensus ofthe executive board members was to meat on Wednesdag February 5, 2003 at 6:00 p.m. in the Willmar Public Library Building Roam 213. 'There bcinyl no huTlter business, Chair Baker declared the meeting ad(oumad at 922 pm. Garrison Hale Secretary C~ 5(«~a MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, February 1 B, 20D3 Hutchlnaon Clty Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER 6,30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Vlce Chalrman Dean Klrchoff at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Brandon Fraser, Jlm Haugen, Lynn Otteaon, Mike Flaata, Farld Currimbhoy, Robert Hantge and Vice Chalrman Klrchoff. Absent: None Also present: Julie Wlschnack, AICP, Planning Director, Marc Sebora, Clty Attorney and Bannle Baumetz, Planning Coordinator 2. ELECTION A) ELECTION OF OFFICERS Mr. Hantge nominated Mr. KirchoN as Chalrman and Mr. Fraser as Vice Chairman. Mr. Haugen moved nominatlons cease. Seconded by Ma. Otteson nominatlons ceased and Mr. Klrchoff was elected Chalrman and Mr. Fraser was elected Vice Chalrman by a unanimous vote. 3. APPRQVAL OF MINUTES A) Consideration of Minutes dated January 21, 2003 Mr. Haugen moved to approve the minutes of January 21, 2003 ae submitted. Seconded 6y Mr. Currimbhoy. The minutes were approved unanimously. 4. PUBLIC HEARIN(38 A. CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT AND RFZQNINQ SUBMITTED BY HUTCHINSON LAND HOLDINGS (SHIMEK PROPERTY) Chairman Klrchoff opened the hearing at 5:3b p.m. with the reading of publication #7002 as published In the Hutchinson Leader on February B, 2003. Ms. Wlachnack commented on the request for a Preliminary Plat and rezoning the entire plat to R2. The developers have decided not to request a PDD. The zoning will be straight R2 zoning. Ms. Wlschnack stated there will be 95 single and two family lots In the plat. She stated a plat name will is required on the Final Plat. She explained Edmonton Ave. Is not presently constructed. Ma. Wischneck explained no driveway may access onto Edmonton Ave. or Jefferson St. She stated a turn lane la ~~ti~3 Mlnut~~ Planning Commleslon February 1B, 2l)03 Page z . suggested on Jefferson St. Issues discussed were the wetland arse and stormwater ponding, grading and turf establishment (maintaining Outlot A) weed control with one contact person the Clty may call and the fee schedule. Ma. Wlschnack commented on the staff recommendations as follows: 1 The plat must be named. 2 Staff will work with the developer to establish Street names. 3 The wetland mitigation document and approval from Roger Berggren must be aubmltted. 4 A phasing plan, by year, must be submitted. 5 A maintenance company must be IdentlFled to take care of the property prior to homes being constructed In the area. t3 A band or letter of credit must be aubmltted at the time of subdivision agreement execution. 7 The escrow must be aubmltted prior to conatructlon. 8 Other fees will be collected at the time of building permit 9 The plat must reflect 8 foot side yard easement areas. 10 A south bound, dght tum lane should be added to the grading plan. 11 The Final Plat will not be conaldered until the Clty Councl has approved proceeding with the Edmonton Avenue praJect. Mr. Paul Betker, property owner, questioned the 7% cash escrow required by the Clty. Ms. Wlschnack explained 1% may be excluded If the developer would apply and receive affordable housing status with the HRA. Ma. Wlschnack stated a twelfth condition should be adding regarding the file Ilne agreement being signed by the owners prior to final plat approval. Mr.Hantge made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the hearing Goaed et 5:50 p.m. Mr_ Haugen made a mptlon to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations adding #12 regarding the file line agreement. Seconded by Mr. Fraser, the motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wiachnack stated this Item will be placed on the Clty Gouncll consent agenda at their meeting held February 25, 2003 In the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. B. CONSIDERATION OF LDT SPLrr AND VARIANCE REQUESTED BY DAVID BROLL ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 218 LINDEN AVE. SW. This Item was withdrawn by Mr. l3roll. Ms. Wlschnack stated there was previous communlcatlon from Mr. l3roll stating he would plant trees along the north property Ilne when his development was completed. C~ ~~~~3 M In utes Plannlnp Cammistlon Fe6ruery te, 2003 Paye 3 C. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY MENARDS TO CONSTRUCT A FENCE 14 FEET IN HEIGHT AND OUTDOOR STORAGE AND DISPLAY AREA LOCATED AT 1525 MONTREAL STREET 5E Chairman Klrchoff opened the hearing at 5:53 p.m. with the reading of publication #7DD0 as publlahed In the H r on February 6, 2003 Ms. Wlechnack commented on the request and stated this Is an amendment to the original Condltlonal Uae Permit. She stated the plan Indicates a cold storage warehouse to be located on the north end of the present bullding. She commented on the detail design plans and the emergency access concerns, She reported on the Clty Forester's recammandatlona regarding specles of trees to be planted. Ms. Wlachnack commented on the following staff recommendations: 1. The alto plan dated 12/05/02 shall ba followed. Any deviations to the site plan, must be approved by the City, prior to construction. 2. The Clty Forester's raqueat for change In one of the specles shall ba followed. 3. The condltlonal use permit la valid far a pedod of alx months, from the date of approval. 4. The applicant must provide detailed bullding drawings far the bullding department to review. 5. The Clty has cutstanding issues relating to the road Improvements for the protect and drainage to the south of the existing fence. These problama must be resolved and the Clty reserves the right to withhold permitting or certificate of occupancy for the construction. Ms. Wischnadc stated the applicant requested #3 should be changed to one year from six months. Dlacuasion followed on the drainage Issues on the south side of the property. There was also discussion on the traffic flow from the north end of the alto. Mr_ Prochaska, Manards, explelned the raqueat to Include a garden center on the south end of the bullding. He stated they would sell Ilve plants in the Spring and Christmas trees In the winter. He commented on the roof Ilne and fence changes. Ms. Wlschnack explelned the warehouse Is taller than the fence. Mr. Prochaska stated access to the garden canter Is walk through Discusalon followed on fire department access to the warehouse and . proposed parking on the north side of the bullding for customers or employees. 51 c~~3 Minutes Plannlnp Commla~lon Fobruery 10, 2003 Pape a Mr. Haugen made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Currimbhoy, the hearing closed at 8.05 p.m. Ma. Otteson made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations changing #3 to Indicate one year. Seconded by Mr. Haugen, the motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this Item will be placed on the City Councl consent agenda at their meeting held February 25, 20D3 in the Council Chambers et 5:30 p.m. D. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF POWER LINE LOCATED IN THE 11 DISTRICT ALONG CITY LIMITS IN SECTION 6 (LUCE LINE TRAIL) Chairman Klrchoff opened the hearing at 8:07 p.m. with the reading of publication #7001 as published In the Hu chlnson Leader on February 8, 2003 Ma. Wlschnack explained the placement of the power Ilne within the City limits. She explained Oreat River Energy will apply for the Conditional Usa Permit for the portion of Ilne In the Joint Planning Area. Don Nelsvn, Hutchinson Utilities, explained the need to change the routing of the line from the request In January. He stated the previous route crossed more private properties. Now they will be using more public right of way. Mr. Haugon made a matlvn to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr, Hantge, the hearing closed at 8.15 p.m. Mr. Haugen made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Flaata, the motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this Item will be placed on the Clty Council consent agenda at their maeting held February 25, 2003 In the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. At this time, Ms. Wlschnack asked Chairman Klrchoff to proceed to the new business Items since there were persona In attendance to discuss their requests. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. GONSIDERATIDN OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT VIOLATION LOCATED AT 115D-13TH AVE. NW Ma. Wischnadc commented on the discussicn from last month and asked the Planning Cammissloners for their decision to proceed with enforcement of this matter. Chairman KirchoN commented on the 4 options given by Clty Atty. Marc Sabers at the January maeting. He questioned the draft proposed by the Plowman's and submitted at this maeting. 5(~~ Minut~~ Planning Commlaelon February t8, 2003 Page S . Atty. Sebora stated the Plowman draft would accomplish the same purpose. He stated he would change the recording In #3 to state the Clty would record the covenant. Ms. Otteson commented on the use of a covenant or quit claim deed and stated that #2 of the covenant addresses the third parry heirs. Atty. Sebora explained the covenant maintains there would be no residence until one year after the property Is conveyed to another party. Mr. Fraser made a motion to approve granting ono year to construct a house on the property. The motion felled for lack of a second. Mr. Flaate made a motion to approve Atty. Sabora's deed restriction, seconded by Mr. Haugen. The motion carried with Mr. Fraser voting nay. The vote was B ayes to 1 nay. Ms. Wlschnack stated this Item will placed on the Clty Council regular agenda from their decision on February 25, 2003. B. CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT TO l3E KNOWN AS STEARNS WOODS LOCATED WEST OF HONEY TREE ROAD Ms. Baumeta commented on the request for a Final Plat end reminded the Planning Commissloners of the background leading to the plat. She . commented on the proposal for Park Island Drive and the bonding for street Improvements with asaeasment costs against the property Involved. She commented on the following staff recommendations: 1. A subdlvlslon agreement must 6e executed prior to commencement of construction. 2. The outlota will never be deemed buildable parcels of property. 3. Further subdlvlslon of the property will require a replotting process. 4. Further subdlvlslon must coincide with Park Island Drive connecting to the east. Mr. Fraser abstained from voting. Ms. Otteson made a motion to approve the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the motion carried. Ms. Wiachnadc stated this Item will be placed on the Olty Council consent agenda at their meeting held February 25, 2003 In the Ccuncll Chambers at 3:30 p.m. C. PRESENTATION OF CONCEPTUAL PLAN OF NAUSTDAL/SORENSEN DEVELOPMENT EAST OF ROLLINt3 MEADOWS PLAT Ms. Wlschnack commented on the plan and the hlatory of the property. She stated the development Is approximately 25 acres. She stated the Greater Minnesota Housing fund is helping to design the development and are requiring the alley concept on a portion of the development. This will create a few narrow lots at 55 feet. The property will be rezoned to R3 which requires 80 foot wide lots. Tha developers will request the property be placed In a Planned Development Dlstdct to allow for the 5(a~3 Mlnutee Plannlnp Comml~~lon February 16, 2003 Peg• 6 • narrow Iota. Ma. Wischnack reported there will be twin homes on the south edge of the development. Discussion followed regarding walking paths along Golf Gourse Rd. Diane Sorensen, Naustdal/Sorensen, stated the garages will access from the back onto the alley. She stated Greater MN Is trying to obtain a front porch type neighborhood in the middle portion of the development. Sidewalks will lead to the one acre park area. Ms. Sorensen explained the Greater MN Housing funding will help keep houses affordable. She stated there will be a housing mixture throughout the development. Twin homes will buffer the commercial district to the south. Consensus of the Planning Commission is to move forward with the project. PUBLIC H RINGS -CONTINUED E. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO SIQN ORDINANCE REGARDING SANDWICH BOARD SIGNS Chairman Klrchaff opened the hearing at B: 55 p.m. with the reading of publication #7003 as published In the H ad r on February B, 2003. Ms. Wischnack commented on the proposal atating there are presently sandwich board signs in use In the City. She reported the Downtown Association began dlacusslona on the need for regulation of the boards and regulation should include all areas of the City. Discussion followed on the use of some proto-type signs. She then reviewed the proposed ordinance with the Commissloners atating the permit costs may range between $1 D - $15. Atry. Sebora commented an the claims to the City by citizens tripping on the sidewalks. He suggested adding a statement naming the Clty of Hutchinson on the Insurance yearly with the permit. The business must supply a copy of the declar®tlon to the City. Ma. Wischnack commented on the survey sent to businesses regarding sandwich board sign usage. There was a high return of the surveys. Consensus of the Planning Commission was not to use proto-type signs but allow businesses to Indlvldualize their boards. Mr. Hantge moved to table this Item to next month. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wlschnack stated temporary and portable signs will be researched for a future meeting. . Mr. Hantge left the meeting at 7:20 p.m. 5(~~~ Mlnutaa Planning Commleelon February 18, 2003 Page 7 • F. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO THE FLOOD PLAIN ORDINANCE REGARDING THE OFFICIAL MAPS Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 7:20 p. m. with the reading of publication #7004 as published In the Hutchinson Leadflr on February e, 20D3. Ma. Baumetz commented on the ordinance change required by the State. Mr. Haugen made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Currimbhoy, the hearing closed at 7:22 p.m. Mr. Haugen made a motion to recommend approval of the request. Seconded by Ms. Otteson, the motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnadc stated thla Item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held February 25, 20D3 In the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. G. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO THE SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENTS SECTION 12.4 ADDING SUBD. 5.6 (TREE REQUIREMENTS IN NEW SUBDIVISIONS) Chairman Klrchoff opened the hearing at 728 p.m. with the reading of publication #70D5 as published In the J~utchlnson Leader on February 8, 2003. City Forester Mario Schnobrlch commented on the request. He stated previously the Clty provided the boulevard trees and the maintenance of the trees. He reported research of other communities la very diverse In boulevard tree planting. Ha reviewed the proposed ordinance with the Commissioners stating as developments are completed the city will plant and maintain the treas. Developers would now be responalble to escrow monies tc purchase the trees. He stated this ordinance would securo funding for future boulevard trees. placusslan followed on the posalblllty of creating a Clty nursery. Mr. Schnobrlch stated that type of a protect would not be cast effective for the City. There was dlacusslon on the previously proposed soil amendment ordinance. A consensus followed to incorporate some Boll adjustment tc the boulevards along with the tree planting if needed. Ms. Otteson made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Currimbhoy, the hearing closed at 7:59 p.m. Mr. Fraser made a motion to recommend approval of the request incorporating varbage regarding sail adjustment. Seconded by Ms. Otteson, the motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wlschnack stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent • agenda et their meeting held February 25, 2D03 In the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. 5(~~3 M Inutee Planning Commlealon F~bruery 18, 2003 Papo 8 C, J 5. COMMUNICATIQN FROM STAFF a) Year end report - Ms. Wlschnack stated staff will mall the Commlasloners the Year end Planning, Zoning and Building Report. 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further the meeting adjourned et 8:05 p.m. C~ ~~~~~ • BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING -February 18, 2003 Hospital --Conference Room A/E The meeting was called to order at 4:1 S P.M. in Conference Room C of the Hospital. Members present were: Chairperson, Steve Snapp; Vice Chairperson, Wayne Fortuna Secretary; john Houle, Trustee; Pastor Randy Chrissis, Trustee; Sherry Ristau, Trustee; Duane Hoversten, Trustee; Dr, Cete McGinnis, Chief of Staff, was absent. Others present were Philip Graves, President, Tom Schroeder, Attorney, Faegre and Benson; Dr. Steven Mulder, Director Medical Affairs; and Laurie Hulkonon, Medical Staff Administrative Assistant. Chairperson Snapp explained to members of the board they will be receiving a report from the Medical Executive Committee on a Medical Staff peer review matter. Because of the confidential nature of the subject, Snapp requested a motion to close the meeting. Additionally he advised the members the proceedings from this portion of the meeting will bo tape-recorded and will be kept on £le at the hospital. . Houle made a motion, seconded by Fortun to close the mooting. All wore in favor. Motion carried Following discussion and decision of the peer review matter by the board, Chairperson Snapp entertained a motion to reopen the mooting. • Chrissis made a motion, seconded by Hoversten to reopen the meeting. All were in favor. Motion carried. The mooting was reopened at 5:00 P.M. Chairperson Snapp recessed the meeting for thirty minutes while board members had dinner and could reconvene in Conference Room A/B. Others present in Conference Room A/B were: Robyn Erickson, Care and Program Support Services Division Director, Pam Larson, Finance, Information and Material Services Division Director, Jane Lien, Acute Care Programs and Services Division Director, Pat Halverson, Community Care Programs and Services; Lori Wightman, President, New Ulm Medical Center; Doug Hanneman, Editor, Hutchinson Loader; Elaine Schermann, Quality Representative; Julie Thompson, Data Analyst; Steven Spilman, Board Chairman of New Ulm Medical Center; Kon Seim, Past Hospital Board Member from the New Ulm Medical Center; Mila Quiring, Iospital Board Member, New Ulm Medical Center; Connie Peterson, RN, Director of Patient Care, New Ulm Medical Center; loan Krikava, MD, Director of Medical Affairs, New Ulm Medical Center; Diane Rasmussen, Director of Human Resources and Marketing, New Ulm Medical Center; Patty McCullough, Health Planning and Management Resources; and Corrirute Schlueter, Recorder. • S~Q)t ~ Board of Directors February 18,2003 Pogo two Chairperson Snapp reconvened the meeting at 5:30 P.M. He welcomed the guests from New Ulm Medical Center who were present to observe the HAHC board meeting as a Teaming experience. enior Patty McCullough, Health Planning and Management Resources, was introduced to provide a presentation on Proposals For Partnership for the Senior Care project. She provided, for the group, a comparison of throe senior care system providers based on interviews with these companies as well as their response to a request for proposal regarding Senior Care campus development. The companies are Presbyterian Homes, Board of Social Ministry, and St. Francis Ilealth 5orvices, Both Presbyterian Homes and Board of Social Ministry share the same vision, which is a new campus development. St. Francis favors the renovation of the existing Bums Manor Nursing Home. Board members asked questions regarding the process to determine the numbers and typos of Sonior care living arrangements that should be provided in Hutchinson. McCullough recommended the next step is to proceed with a market study. The study will be done in two segments. The first segment will be the demographic and numbers analysis for the • market area. Tho second segment will be the direct consumer research. A random sample consumer survey of households with head of household 65 and older is proposed. It would take four hundred surveys to achieve a desired level of confidence in the survey results. After the survey results era completed, six focus groups will be conducted in the area. Fees for the first segment of the study will be ~ 10,800; fees for the second phase will be $10,400 for the survey assuming that it is under 10 minutes in length. The coat for the focus groups will be $4,800 for six groups. Total fees for all of the market research will be $26,000. It was proposed by the board that McCullough seek input from the throe potential partners so that the study will address their questions in order to accurately establish the Senior Care program for Hutchinson. Additionally the board requested the final survey instrument be provided to the HAHC board for review at the March meeting. Following discussion, Foriun made a motion, seconded by Chriasis, to accept the market research Senior Care study proposal from Health Planning and Management Recourses Inc., as amended, taking into consideration input from the throe potential partners. All were in favor. Motion carried. I. in tin The minutes of the January 20, 2003, meeting were presented and discussed. • ~c~~ ~~ • Board ofDirectore February 18, 2003 Page three • Following discussion, Chriasis made a motion, seconded by Fottun, to approve the minutes of the January 20, 2003, meeting. All were in favor. Motion carried II. Medical Staff Mootlnr Minutes and Credentialing, Dr. Mulder provided a report on the recent Medical Executive Committee Meeting. The following practitioners were recommendcd for membership to the Medical Staff: Jnltlal Appointment, Gerald Bcrberick,Ortho Tech Todd Christianson, Cart. 5urg. Richard Harrison, Ortho Tech Richard Lowry, Ortho Tech Transfer lt~om Provisional. Brenda Erickson, MA, LP Roanpototmonta. • Stephen Fry, MD Bruce Idalkope, MD Randy Jurgenson, DC Steven Miller, MD Geoffrey Railo, MD Jahn Steely, MD Steven Stein, MD Resienatlona. Richard Cervenka, DPM Michelle Finks, PA William Goodmanson, CRNA Richard Graham, DPM Mark Montgomery, MD Samuel Leon, MD Orthopedics Tech Orthopedics Orthopedics Allied Health Ind. Allied Health Dep. Allied Health Dap, Orthopedics Allicd Health Dep. Psychology Allied Health Ind. Radiology Courtesy Neurology Courtesy Chiropractic Allied Health Ind. Radiology Courtesy Radiology Courtesy Radiology Courtesy Neurology Courtesy Podiatry Gastroenterology Anesthesia Podiatry Otolaryngology Gastroenterology Revision of Radiology Privlle¢e )vial. David Larson, MD Fallowing discussion, Chrissis made a motion, seconded by Hovereten, to grant membership and privilege to the above listed practitioners es recommended by the Medical Executive Committee. All were in favor. Motion carried ~f~~) ~.~ ':. . Board of Directors February 18, 2003 Page four III. A. Magic Service Desk Enterprise (help dcsk)_54$wgiI'4. Pam Larson oxplained the need for the help desk software for information services. Tkre proposod software would track both information technology projects and help desk requosts so staff time could be more efficiently allocated and managed, The software wlll also provide trending information that will identify educational needs within HAhIC and ultimately reduco rho number of help desk calls, Customer service will also be enhanced, as them will be online access regarding the status of requests and also the ability to exchange messagos between the support staff and the customer. Larson reported $40,000 was budgeted and the cost ie $38,323. • Following discussion, Rietau made a motion, seconded by Houle, to approve the purchase of the Magic Service Desk Entorprlse Software in the amount of $38,323. All wero in favor. Motion carried. B. Li h i ' lin Larson explained the request for approval to purchase 25 additional liconses for our LSS • software. Our original purchase included 25 licenses and the number of providers utilizing the system has exceeded this capacity. Licensos can only be purchased in increments of 25. The cost is $25,780. • Following discussion, Forlun made a motion, seconded by Chrisais, to approvo the purchase of an edditiona125 LSS softwaro licenses in the amount of $25,78D. Al] wore in favor. Motion carried. N, Or¢anizati4ilal_R4p9~ A. President, Graves reported construction is starting in the Plaza. Discount 70 is in the process of moving. Bids on the hospital project will be received in March. B. ~ Lien reported we have three new eurgoons: Dr. Simno, General Surgeon, Dr. Rick Nissen, ENT and Dr. Hobson, ENT. Also beginning the first of April we will expand Orthopedic services to throe days a week with the addition of Dr. Springer and Dr, C~rrtie from the Orthopedic and Fracture Clinic in Mankato, Eighteon Orl7topedic casos wero performed in the hospital in 7anuary and thus far in February we have had eleven. C. Care and Program SuDpo~ Erickson reported Human Resources has is . advertising for specialty nurso positions and four manager positions. The next Airway will be dedicated entirely to Orthopedics. 5ZG)'~ • Board of Directors February 18, 2003 Page five D. ~'y~mmunity Care. Halverson reported on the recruitment of Psychiatrists. Recently we have had three candidate interviews. E. FJItitACG. Information, and Material Services. The suditors_are currently here to perform the organizational audit. F. Redden[ Caro Romrt. Krantz roported the homo recently received another deficiency free state survey from a team of seven surveyors. G. Mulder reported on the telephone triage initiative that involves representatives fYom the Medical Center ea well as Emorgcncy Services. John Houle and Tom Pohlen from 3M Co are facilitating the process. Patent Saf~y_gp Imorovc~,cnt Commixes Graves frnmed the report by explaining the link between the vision of the organization, the strategic plan, and the use of the balanced acorocard to monitor progress, He explained the scorecard is in the process of being implemented at HAHC. Schermann was introduced to provide an overview of the • scorecard and explained the drill down capability within the software. Currently we have fifty-two scorecards. constraint Management, Representatives from New Ulm provided a program on the use of Constraint Management technique to solve a problem with the scheduling of Mammography procedures at their hospital. The plan was as follows: • Identify the systems constraint • Decide how to exploit the system's constraint • Subordinate everything else to decision made in previous step • Elevate the systems constraint • Identify new constraint Allina Management Rogort. Wightman said Rickie Rcsslcr will be joining ua next month, She also reported Allina has choson an sutomatod medical record syatam end the regional hospitals are included in this project. Acco The accounts payable and cash disbursements for January 2003, were presented for payment. • Following discussion, Houle made a motion, seconded by Fortun, to approve the accounts payable and cash disbursements as listed in the amount of $3,588,500.93. Six wero in favor. Hoversten abstained. Statistical 1z~pF~ Graves presented the statistical report for the month of January 2003. 5(~~u . Board of Directors February 18, 2003 Page six ' is Larson provided the fmancials for the month of January 2003, which showed a net income of $168,759 compared to a budget of 5217,671. Following discussion, Chrissis made a motion, seconded by Ristau, to approve the financial report as presented. All were in favor. Motion carried. Auxiliary Meeting~lIlllSQ@. The Hospital Auxiliary Meeting Minutes were presented. No unusual comments were made. B me iii i utes. Graves handed these out at the end of the meeting. The intent will be to have them available each quarter. Lcttcr from Raz Ewald. Graves provided to members, a copy of a letter that was sent by Roz );weld, from Cedar Crest regarding the use of Bums Manor for senior taro services. Adiournmentr Hoversten made a motion, secondcd by Houle, to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 P.M. • Respectfully submitted, Corrinne Schlueter Recording Secretary C~ John Houle Secretary Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Regular Board Meeting -February 18, 2003 Minutes CALL TO ORDER: Chairmen Joel Kraft called the meetuag to order at the new time 7:30 a.m. Members Present: Duane Hoversten, and john Houle. Staff Present: Jean Ward, and Judy Flem_ming.. 2. MIlViJTES OF HRA BOARD MEETING ON JANUARY 21, 2003 ]ohn Houle moved to approve. Duane Hoverston seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 3. FINANCIAL REPORTS Duane Hoversten movad to appmve the financials. John Houle seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 4, PARK TOWERS UPDATE Duane Hoveraten moved to approve the RESOLUTION 03-02, Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) Management Operation Certification. John Houle seconded and the motion carried unanimously. John Houle moved to approve the RESOLUTION 03-03 -Calculation of 2003 Performance System Operating Subsidy. Duane Hoversten seconded and the motion carried unanirously. lean Ward roviowod the FYE 2002 Adjustments to Calculation of Oparating Subsidy and the Letter from HUD about the 2003 operating subsidies that will bo fbnded at or near 90% of each housing authority's eligible operating subsidy. The estimate is 90% of $146,097 or $131,487, lean Ward also updated the Board on the pmgross of the renovations at Park Towers. The renovations are scheduled to be finished tha end of Febtiraty. The contract stated the apartments wore to be done the beginning of February, so the architect is calculating the liquidated damages for not meeting contract date. Apartments available in March will be marketed throughout the year end are estimated to be filled 6y the end of the year. 5. HUTCHINSON SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM UPDAT)~ 7udy Flrmming updated the Board on the budget and the Board approved to include a $1200 appliance allowance in the budget. Jean Ward updated the Board on the lot on Harmony Lane. The asking price is $31,900. Jean proposed that the HRA offer $25,000 cash and the rest would be a donation (tax break). Duane Hovereten moved to make an offer of $25,000 on the Harmony Lana lot, contingent on the sale of the current school wnshucUvn home. john Houle seconded and the motion carried unanimously. • 6. FYI • Existing CASA funded by MHFA J(~~S Application to NII-IFA CRV Program and GMHF SBN Frograru submitted. Notifications in April. Final draft of downtown master plan • HRA Web Pago information - HRA and the EDA will be listed under Community Development on City of Hutchinson's Web Page .us ADJOURNMENT Thera being no other business, Chairman Jael Kraft declared the meeting adjourned, by Jean Ward, HRA Executive Director Houle, • ~J 5~~ I 1 L J r~ 003 C C HINA CIAL REP 2D03 ~~ ~_ 2002 200 2DD3 2003 2DD3 Prbrur REVENU REPORT-OENB Fr rur Prbrur _ YEAR TO ADOPTCD BALANCC ERCCNTA M NTH MDNTH TE ACTUAL BUDGET REMAINING U8 b - TAXES ~ - ~~ ~~ ~- 2 873 032.00 2,973 D32.00 _ 0.00%. -~ ~ LICEN9E9 B 603.00 3 636.00 4 BB4.01 38,700.00 34 006.89 12.13°•6 PERMITS A ND FEE9 7 227.08 _ 13,B9B.9d 20 917.30 101 000.00 170 OB2.70 10.96% INTERGOVERNMENTA L REVENUE , 11 017.6D 4580.00 3D,774.75 3,082 376.00 3,022 800.26 1.30°,6 CHARGES FOR 6ERVICE3 42 388.01 67 791.27 113,876.98 1 352,90B.OD 1 230 033.04 8.43°k FINES & FORFEITS 10 742.17 __ 80,000.00 88 000.00 0.00°° INTEREST _ 3127 88 9 164.77 9422.40 32000.OD 22577.90 29.45% REIMBUR6EMENTS ~ . 2,231.50 , 808.17 41 201.00 316 138.00 273 830.04 13.07% TRANSFERS ~ _ 1 816.00 3 799.00 1 405 000.00 1 401 233.00 0.27°~ LDDPERMITS BURCHAR~3ES-B 173.iD , B23.SD 771.00 0. 1.00 ,___„ 0.00% ~ T TAL _ ~ ~ 08 022.02 BO 841.21 234 922.30 8,437 864.00 B 20 3,331.82 2.48% O _ ~ YODY CITY OF HUTC HINB FINAN CIAL REPORT 2002 _ ~ 2002 4003 7003 2D03 7003 Fabrur FXPEN9C RCPORT ~- OENCRAL fr6rur Pr6rury ~O ADOPT D 6~Ea RCENTAOE _ MONTH M H ATC A AL euo86T RCMAI O UBCO ~ 001 MA G ~ NCIL 3 E4Y B2 3 767.73 7943.28 S7 68B.OD 49 948.74 05.92% _ . _ ~~0 002 GfTYADMINISTRATOR 15 421.62 19,279.80 37 ,797.88 245,109.00 207,320.11 .03% 003 ELECTIONS ~ _ , 33.30 _ ~ 67.34 11 123.00 11 037.99 462.28% - 004 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 38 8DD.70 21 878.40 60,318.29 480,668.00 410 241.71 8.72% 006 MOTOR VEHICLE _ 12 499.03 12 632.11 30834.41 102,628.00 161,693.6D 0.00% AS~ _ , , 41,p00.00 41 000.00 _ 48.32% 000 007 LEQAL 9 794.81 9 793.43 10,991.03 112 BB4.D0 B3 B72.B7 21:16% _ B PLANNINQ , 138 42 13 , 11174.13 23,887.94 148043.00 124,175.09_ 0.85°k DO 009 INFORMATIONBERVIGEB . , 7022.68 0716.83 14291.21 198,680.00 154288.78 222.80% 110 POLICE DEPARTMENT 160,885.07 180,887.55 376,680.11 2,423,242.D0- 2047 832.89 MRE I 116 EMERGENCY MAIJAOEMENT 740.33 _ 8.62 _ _ 2 287.48 18 OOO.DO 16 712.64 12.71°h 120 FIRE DEPARTMENT 11 707 78 22 049.94 48 329.28 309,276.00 317,949.74 13.19% PECTIgNB 30 PROTECTIVE IN8 , . 14847 47 , 13 878.07 20 080.61 178 87B.OD 148 817:48 18.25% _ 7 ENOINEERIND . 00 30 875 ®2 32 888 72,823.13 470,6DB.00 408 BBS.B7 16.16% 150 162 STREETB S ALLEYS , . 93 641.02 . 69 286.48 126 140.88 892 D43.00 _796 802.35 ~ _ 14.03% 190 CITY HALL OUILDINO B 095 60 7547.44 20 709.94 151,939.00 130,848.38 ~ 13.71 % 201 PARK/RECREATIONADMINISTR . A 12418.08 10831.09 28430.28 181,909.D0 102,470.72 _ ._ 16.34% 202 RECREATION 11 096.&1 13,016.04 ~ 33,493.98 248,262.D0 216 788.02 13.43% 203 SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER , B 832.94 8 021.78 13357.07 77 549.00 84,189.83 17.22% 204 CMG ARENA J 31 786.80 27 882.43 48 183.57 272 361.00 228,187.43 _ 18.96% 03 PARK DEPARTMENT 700 42 43 408.78 42 107,137.61 &38398.00 731428.48 12.79% 2 208 RECREATION BUILDING & POD . , 17 6 670 , 9 BB0.40 10 812.80 120 043.00 108 130.40 8.09% 207 EVENTSGENTER _ . 34.84 B B00.94 15,219.92 __ 1 54,924.00 1399D6.10 8.93°k ~ 200 EVERGREEN BUI LDING 20 25478 ~ ~~ 54.09 629.43 . 30,899.OD 29,868.67 2.08°.6 50 LIBRARY . D0524 6 1408.89 31,080.93 139409.00 100348.37 2228% 2 EMETERY _ , 41 3 738 8 829.08 14,784.77 133,843.00 110,87823 11.06% 301 C 310 DEBT 6ERVICE __ . _ 191,049.00 _ 101 048.00 _ 0.00°k b 18 32% 2 AIRPORT 277 03 8 023.20 30,35329 241 086.00 2 1 744.72 . 3 0 360 UNALLOCATED G TOTA~,___ ENERAL EXP ~.. _ . 29 268.68 66 252.86 7,194.01 7 148.39 42 460.26 1 2474.32 880 6DD.00 0 437 034.00 848,048.75 195 879.88 ____ 4.77% 13.19°h 5 (G) ~ • ypp DF HUTC HIN>!ON FINAN W Febrtury 2002 2003 1097 2003 I~EVENUEREPORT-G ENERAL F4brue February YEART ADOPTGD BALANCE ERCENTAOE MONT MONTH ATE ACTUAL B bQ'GT REMAINING USED TAl(E3 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,973 032.00 2 073 032.00 0.00 k LICEN8E9 _ 8603.00 3 335.00 4 894.01 30 700.00 _ 34,006.89 _ ' _ 12.13% PERMITS AND FEE9 _ 7227.00 13989.84 20 917.3 0 191 000.00 170 OB2.7D 10.83°k INTERGQVERNMENTALREUENUE _ _ 11 917.50 __ 4 680.00 _ 30 774.75 X092,376.00 3 022 800.26 _ 1.30% CHAR4EB FOR SERVICE8 42 390.01 37,791.27 113 976.98 1 332 808.00 1,239,933.04 _ 8.43°k FINER & FORFEITS 10 742.17 0.00 0.00 8B 000.00 _ 80 000.00 O.DO% INTEREST 3127.88 9,194.77 _ 9422.40 32000.00 _22977.80 29.46% REIMBURSEMENTS 2,231.90 BOB.17 41 201.99 316 138.00 273 938.04 13.07% TRANSFERS 0.00 1 915.00 3 786.00 1 405 000.00 1,401 239.00 0.27% SU CHAROE3 - BLDG PERMITS 179.10 823.60 771.00 0.00 771. O.DO% J___-__. TOTAL BB 022.82 90,941.21 234 622.38 9 437 854.00 9 203 331.82 2.48% General govt 100 282.90 94 149.38 217 8&3.35 1 ®79947.00 1 468 903.86 12.90% Publlc S~f~ 20B~SS5.71 249 801.30 527 988.47 3 486 004.00 2 038 013.53 16.23°.5 -- - _ - 3Veete & Alle 84 026.81 7J493.B9 176 367.67 1 235 599.00 1 080 230.43 14,18% Perks b Recree8on ,_.__ ~ ~ ~ 129,946.00 102 447.60 __ 239 441.40 1 828 117.00 1 99Bi97190 12.42° Mlwsllsnsous 28 543.93 13 197.21 B1 803.53 1 131 698.00 1049 704.47 7.23°.6 _ TOTAL 666,262.85 37 49.68 1,242,174.32 8,437 954.00 8,196,870.88 13.~e ° 5~a) b C~ C~ City of Hutchlnaon 20-Mar-03 February 28, 2003 _ Bank _ CD # # Da Rate Date Due Add US Benk FHLB 4.125% 11/05/02 11/06/07 375,OOD.00 _ Smith Bame FHLM 5.000°~ 07/30/02 07/30/09 300,000.00 Smith Bame FHLB 4.180°k 10/18%01 04/19/05 270 000.00 Smith Bame 4.850%° 11/21/01 05/21/07 300,375.00 Prudentlal FHLB 6.00D% 11/05/02 11/06/09 200,000.00 Prudentlal FHLB 3.06D°~ 11/12/02 05/12/06 200,D00.00 Prudential Mone Market 02/14/03 201780.OD Prudentlal 3.000% 11/21 11/21/05 2 ~0~00 Prudentlal Mone Market 02/27/03 200 D00.00 Flrat Mlnn®s 200706 98 1.700% D1/02/D3 04/10/03 760 OOD.DO Flrst MN 200708 133 1.75D°/o D1/02/03 05/15/03 750,D00.00 Wells Faro 182 1.650% 02/13/03 DB/14/03 750,000.00 Cltlaens 387 1.BOD°~ 02/14/03 02/18/04 200,D00.00 Cltlaens 217 1.40D% D3/13/03 10/18/03 750,000.00 Prudentall pool 338399 4.1 ra 7.270°~ 12 31 98 _ 25 808.99 _ Prudentlal pool 338914 8.2 rs 7.228°k 12 31 98 21 828.b1 Prudential FHLM smed ste u 5.250% 11/29/01 11/28/18 199,000.00 Smith Bame FHLB 4.376% 10/11/01 04/11/06 750,ODO.OD Mar uette 1231'3D6 386 4.88D% 05 31 0 08/02/03 4DO,DOO.OD Citizens Ban4 29897 3.160% 06/27/02 OB/3D/03 SDO,D00.00 Marquette ~ 126 2.850% 08/01/02 08/01/03 400 OD0.00 Smith Bame FHLB 4.OD0% 1D/10/02 10/10/07 300 D00.00 Sm t erne ycTney Caplta 1.040° 103 Cltlzena 29887 3 7 .500"h 02/14/03 02/1 4 200 000.00 .~ Cam) ~ ORDINANCE NO. 03-340 AN ORDINANCE AMSNDINO 98CTIDN 6.22, 9UBD. 3 OF T88 HDTCHIN60N CITY CODE TO ADD LANOIIAOE 888EQPTINO CERTAIN ORQAAIZATION9 FROM OSTAININtl A TRANBISNT MERCHANT, P8DDL8R, 80LICITOR LIC8N88 aBC. 6.93. PEDDL8R9, 60LICITORB AND TRAN9I8NT MERCHANTS. Subd. 1. D~fiaitionr. The following terms, ae used in this Section, shall have the meanings stated A. "Peddler" means any person, whether a resident of the City or not, who goes from houee to house, from place ko place, or from street to street, conveying or transporting goods, wares or merchandise or offering or exposing the same for sale or making sales and delivering articles to purahasere. It does; not include vendors who distribute products to regular customers on regular established routes. B. "3olicitor" means any person, whether a resident of the City or not, who goes from house to hours, from place to place, or from street to street, in person or by telephone, soliciting or taking or attempting to take order^ for sale of goods, wares or merchandise, including magazines, hooka, periodicals, or personal property of any nature whatsoever for future delivery, or for eervica to be performed in the future, r/hether • or not euch individual has, carries or exposes for sale a sample of the subject of euch order or whether or not he ie collecting advance payments on euch orders. Such definition includes any person who, far himself, or for another person, firm, or corporation, hires, lessee, uses or occupies any building, motor vehicle, trailer, structure, tent, railroad box car, boat, hotel room, lodging houee, apartment, shop, or other place within the City for the primary purpose of exhibiting samples and taking order for future delivery. It does not include vendors who distribute products to or take' orders from regular customers on regular established routes or display products or take orders at inviCed in-home demonstrations. C. "Transient Merchant" includes any person, firm or corporation, whether as owner, agent, consignee, or employee whether a resident of the City or not, ~ engages in a temporary business of selling and delivering goods, wares and merchandise within the City, and who, in furtherance of euch purpose, hires, lessee, uses or occupies any building, structure, motor vehicle, lodging houee, apartments, shops, or any street, alley or other place within the City, for the exhibition and Bale of such goods, wares and merchandise, either privately or at public auction. Such definition does not include any person who, while occupying such temporary location, does not sell fran stock, but exhibits samples for the purpose of securing orders for future delivery C~ S(~~) only. The Sala of farm or garden pxndicte, whether or not told by the perron producing the same, shall be included within the definition set forth about provided, however, that the City Council may exempt such fang and garden products fran the nrrlinwnce ar are sold at a duly organized and authorized farmer's market. e 6ubd. Z. Lia~nr• R~quir~d. It is unlawful for any peddler, solicitor or transient merchant to engage in any business within the city without first obtaining a license therefor from the City. Subs. 3. Exrmptionr. This Section does not include the acts of persons selling personal property at wholesale to dealers in such articles, nor to newsboys, nor to the acts of merchants or their employees in delivery goods in the regular course of bueinees. Nor rhall the provisions of this Section be applied to the acts of persona selling or displaying personal property, goods or waree to merchants or their employees for use in said merchant's business or sale upon consignment by said merchant. Additional) multi-vendor events that are held at the Hutchinson Event Center an or McLeo Count Fairgroun s an are a onrored by t e C amber o Commerce an or the Hutch noon Mal are exam t. Not ng conta ne t e Sect on prohibitr ar{y da a requ red by statute or by order of any court, or preventr any person conducting a bona fide auction Bale pursuant to law. subs- 4. Appllcntion. Applicants for a license under this Section shall file with the City Administrator a sworn application in writing on a form to be furnished by the city Adminirtrator. The application shall give the following information: . A. Name and physical description of applicant; B. Complete perrcianent home and local address of the applicant and, in the caee of transient merchants, the 1oaa1 addreee from which proposed Bales will be made; C. A brief description of the nature of the bueinesr snd the goods to be sold; D. The name and address of the employer, principal or supplier of the applicant, together with credentials therefrom establishing the exact relationship; E. The length of time fox which the right to do business ie desired; F. The source of supply of the goods ar property proposed to be sold, or orders taken for the sale thereof, where such goods cs prpducts are located at the time said application is filed, a~ the proposed method of delivery; 4. A recent photograph of the applicant which picture shall be approximately 2" by 2" ahpwing the head and shoulders of the applicant in a clear and distinguishing manner; ~(b~ 1 H. The names of at least two property owners of McLeod County, Minnesota, who will certify ae to the applicant's good character and business respectability, or, in lieu of the names of references, such other available evidence ar to the good character and business responsibility of the applicant ae will enable an investigator to properly evaluate such character and business responsibility; 2. A statement as to whether or not the applicant has been convicted of any crime, misdemeanor, or violation of any City Code provision, other than traffic violatipns, the nature of the offense and the punishment or penalty assessed thereiare; J. The last municipalities, not to exceed three, where applicant carried an business immediately preceding date of application and the addresses from which such business was conducted in those municipalities; K. At the time of filing the application, a license/investigation fee adopted by resolution of the Council shall be paid to the City Administrator to cover the coat of investigation of the facts stated therein. 6ubd. S. Rollgiou^ and Chxritabl• Organisstiaa.e, 8xemption. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to any • organization, society, association or corporation desiring to solicit or have solicited in its name money, donations of money or property, or financial assistance of any kind ar deeixing to sell or distribute any item of literature or merchandise for which a fee it charged or solicited from persons other than members of such organizations upon the streets, in office or business buildings, by house to house canvass, or 'in public places for a charitable, religious, patriotic or philanthropic purpose. eubd. 6. Imertigation and Ieruana~. A. Upon receipt of each application, it shall be referred to the Chief of Police, who shall immediately institute such investigation of the applicant's business and moral character as he deems necessary for the protection of the public good and shall endorse the application in the manner prescribed in this Section within seven (7). days after it has been filed by the applicant with the City Administrator. H. As a result of such investigation this Chief of Poliae shall endox'se hie approval or disapproval on such application and hie reasons for the same, and return the application to the City Administrator who shall place the license before the Council for its consideration for rejection or issuance within thirty (30) days from the date of the application. 5(.b)1 . C. If the Council shall reject ouch application, the City Administrator shall notify the applicant that hie application is disapproved and that no license will he issued. If the Council shall approve such application, the City Administrator shall deliver to the applicant his license. Such license shall contain the signature of the issuing officer and shall show the name and address of said licensee, the class of license issued and the kinds of goods to ba sold thereunder, the date of issuance and the length of time, not to exceed one year from the date of issuance that the same shall be operative, ae well as the license number. Each peddler, solicitor, or-transient merchant must secure a personal license. No license shall be used at any time by any person other than the one to whom it ie ieeued. The City Administrator shall keep a permanent record of all licenses ieeued. eubd. 7. Loud Npiaa^ and Bpaakiny Davia~r-. No licenses, nor any person in his behalf, shall shout, cry out, blow a horn, ring a bell, or use any sound amplifying device upon any of the streets, alleys, parks or other public places of the City or upon private premises where sound of sufficient volume is emitted or produced therefrom to be capable of being plainly heard upon the streets, avenues, alleys, parka, or other public places, for the purpose of attracting attention to any goods, wares or merchandise which suoh licensee proposes to sell. 9ubd_ 8. Use of Streets. No licensee shall have nay exclusive right to any location in the public streets, nor shall • any be permitted a stationary location in the public streets or public right-of-way, nor shall any be permitted to operate in a ccmgested area where such operation might impede or inconvenience the public use of such streets. For the purpose of this 3cction, the judgment of a police officer, exercised in good faith, shall be deemed conclusive ae to whether the area ie congested and the public impeded or incpnvenienced. Bubd. 9. 8xhibition of Liaans~. Licensees are required to exhibit their license at the request of any citizen. 8ubd. 10. Duty of Polia• to Snfora~. It shall be the duty of the police to require any parson seen peddling, soliciting or canvassing and who is not krxwnl nY such officer to have obtained a license hereunder to produce hie license and to enforce the provisions of this Section against any person found to be violating the same. 9ubd. 11. Racorda. The Chief of Police shall report to the city Administrator all convictions for violation of this Section and the City Administrator shall maintain a record for each license ieeued and record the reports of violation therein. eubd. 17. Ravoaation of Lia~ns~. J~ h~ ~ A, Licensee issued under the provisions of this Section may be revoked by the Council after notice and hearing, for any of • the following causes: 1. Fraud, mi~repreaentation, ar incorrect statement contained in the application for liaen~ei 2. Fraud, misrepresentation or incorrect statement made in the course of carrying on his business as solicitor, canvasser, peddler, transient merchant, itinerant merchant cr itinerant vendor; 3. Any violation of this Section; 4. Conviction of any crime or misdemeanor; 5. Conducting the business of peddler, canvasser, solicitor, transient merchant, itinerant merchant, or itinerant vendor, as the case may be, 9.n an unlawful manner or in such a manner as to constitute a breach of peace or to constitute a menace to health, safety or general welfare of the public. H. Notice of the hearing for revocation of a license shall be given by the City Administrator in writing, setting forth specifically the grounds of complaint and the time and place of hearing. Such notice shall be mailed, postage prepaid, to the licensee at hie last known address at least five (5) Jaye prior to the date set for hearing, or shall be delivered by a police officer in the same manner as a swmions at least three (3) days prior to . the date set for hearing. Subs. 13. Raappliaatipn. No licensee whose license has been revoked shall miles further application until at least six (6) months have elapred since the last previous rewcation. subs. li. >3xpiration of Liaende. All annual licensed issued under the provisions of this Section shall expire at midnight the 31st day of December In the year when Issued. Other than anrn~rl licensed shall expire at midnight on this date specified . in the license. Adopted by the City Council this 25`h day of March, 2003. Marlin Torgcreon Gary D. Plotz Mayor City Administrator r~ ~c5~1 po13-49a,wp (2.22) 2.22(h)(1) LICENSE AND PERMIT F[[8 Updat• 1-2001 • TY~-. L1rFEC77T'E Ar~77i FEE Anlmal Impound Fee 25.00 Anlmal Maintenance Fee Per Day 10.00 Anlmal Llcenae Tag (Dvg/Cet) 7,00 " Late Fee 7.00 Alarm MonRaring Fee (per mo) Realdentlel 12.00 Commercial 12.00 Industrial 12.00 Camlval -deposit re(undeble 5D0.00 Dance Permit Short-term 60.00 Drivers License Verlticatlon Fee 3.00 Gambling License Bingo License January 1 100.00 Gambling pevicea January 1 100.00 Gambling Short Term 25.00 Gambling License Investlpatlon 1D0.00 Garbage and Refuse Haulers January 1 Commercial 100.00 Realdentlel 100.00 • Recycling 50.OD Massage Services Annual 160.00 Motor VahlGe Llcenae Verthhcatlon 3.00 Motorized l3oK Cert Penult Annual 5.D0 Nvtery Fee 1.00 Parade Permit Short-term 25.00 Peddled5ollcltodTrenelent Merchant Penult 2th99 ~QQ day; 200.DB ,'~QQ yr. Police Reports - copies 10.00 Police 3ervlce of Papere 26.00 Popcorn Stand Permit 60.00 Public Auction Permit 25.00 Recycling Permtt Short-term 25.00 day; 200.00 yr. Second Hand Goode Dealers & Pawn Shops January 1 100.OD yr. Tattoo License January 1 160.00 Taxi Cab License (per cab) Annual 3.00 Tobacco Livense January 1 160.00 Uae of Public Property No Alcohol Use 5DD.00 Alcohol Uae 1,000.00 Vehicle Storage Fee (per day) 10.00 ~~~ 1 RESOLUTION NO. 12139 RESOLUTION APPROVING 2003 FIXED PERMIT FEES, PLUMBING PERMIT FEES AND PLANNING PRINTING FEE SCHEDULE WHEREAS, the Building/Planning/Zoning Department of the City of Hutchinson has preparod and submitted the attached 2003 Fixod Permit Fees, Plumbing Permit Fees and Planning Printing Fee 5chedulo for consideration by the City Council; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA; 1. That the City Council has reviewed said 2003 Fixed Permit Foos, Plumbing Permit Fees and Planning Printing Foe Schodule and finds it to be feasible. 2. That the attached 2003 Fixed Permit Fees, Plumbing Permit Fees and Planning Printing Fee Schedulo is horaby approved in its entirety. • Adoptcd this 25`" day of March, by the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnceota ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin Torgerson Mayor ~(~)a FEE PERMIT SCIIti,llLiLE 1 8 2 FAMILY RESIDENTIAL RERDOFINq $30.00 plus Surcharge Fee 2 FAMILY RESIDENTIAL RESIDING $30.00 plus Surcharge Fee 2 FAMILY RES. WINDOW REPLACEMENT $30.00 plus Surcharge Fee MANUFACTURED (MOBILE) HOME INSTALL $10D.OD plus Surcharge Fee and $30.00 Excavation (Includes Gee Inspection) DECK PERMIT $30.00 plus Surcharge Fee UTILITY SHEDS $30.00 plus Surcharge Fee EXCAVATIDN/TEMPORARYPERMlT $30.00 plus Surcharge Fee SIGN PERMIT 30 cents per square foot with a minlmum fee o1 $30.00, plus Surcharge Fee and Excavation Permit Fee If a ground sign. SANDWICH BOARD SIGN PERMIT 819.00 Per year P4RTABLE/1'EMPORARY sIGN PERMCC 529.00 nor g~rmlt, 3 permits per celendQr yerr tallow~d afar urowrty de alt to 6 In v n de oarmlt drafts. MDVINq PERMIT $700.00 Tor any structure plus Surcharge Fee end Excavation Permit Fee If applicable. DEMOLITION PERMIT $60.00 plus Excavation Permit Fae end Surcharge Fee. Alec a separate deposit check of $50/day Tor the first 10 days and $100/day thereafter up to a maximum of 30 days. OAS TANK REMOVAL IS INCLUDED UNDER DEMOLITION PERMITS. CURB CUT, DRIVEWAY APRON & HARD SURFACING DRIVEWAY PERMIT $30.00 plus Surcharge Permlt Fee. FENCE PERMIT $30.00 plus Surcharge Permlt Fee. FINISH BASEMENT $80.00 plus Surcharge Perrnlt Fee. MISCF.I.i,ANEOC9 FEE 9C1iE;ll(ii.R RENTAL COMPLAINT INSPECTION N/C -provided upon receipt of written and signed complaint letter to the City Fire Chief CONSTRUCTION WATER Sea Water Department construction water pallcy for Feee EXISTING HOME INSPECTION (FMHA) $50.00 ASSESSMENTS Require assessment search -confirm with Engineerlnp Dapt. ELECTRICAL SERVICE FEE Sea Agreement between MCPA, Clty of Hutchinson & Hutchinson Utilities PARKLAND DEDICATION Sea Subdivision Agreement & Municipal Coda OTHER INSPECTIONS AND FEES' $46.00 per hour 1. Inapectlona outside of Hormel buelneea hours (minlmum cherpe -two hours) Relnapection fees assessed under pravlslone of Soctlon 1 Dt3.a Inepactlane for which no Tee Is apecmcally Indicated (minlmum charge -one-half hour) Addltlonal plan review required by changes, additions or revlelona to approvdd plans (minlmum cherpe -one-half hour) "Or fhd t0tnl hourly cost oT the Jurladlctlon, whichever le the greatdet. This coal shall InGude aupervlelon, overhead, equipment, h0udy wages, end fdnpe beneflte of the employees Involved. O:~-LRLDMa~FORMS~FEESCHE.doc Ryvlwd 3/2003 5(-.h)~ STATE SURCHARGE FER 9CHEDULL~ rmlts with Fixed Feea .............................................................................(surcharge) $ .50 bile home, Demolltlvn, Fence, Slgn, Movlnp, Excavation, Curb Cut, Resldentlal Reroof, esldentlal Realde, Realdential Window Replacement, Decks, Driveway end Shade) Valuatlon up to $1,000,000 $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 $3,DOD,000 to $4,000,000 $4,000,000 to $6,000,000 $6,OOO,DOD end over 2 MIII (.ODOS) x Valuatlon Valuatlon - 1,000,000 x .0004 + $600 Valuatlon - 2,000,000 x .0003 + $900 Valuatlon - 3,000,000 x .0002 + $1,200 Valuatlon - 4,OOO,ODO x .0001 + $1,400 Valuatlon - B,D00,000 x .DD005 + $1,500 PICItM1T NIiE SCHEDULE WATER and/or SEWER and/or t3AS CONNECTION FEE (for Inspection) WASTE 8 VENT UNDERGROUND, ROUGH IN AIR B MANOMETER TEST CONSTRUCTION WATER SIDE ALL OTHER CONSTRUCTION ~MMERGIAL PLUMBINC3 WATER METER FEES OAS CONVERSION CONNECTION (Switch from fuel oil to natural gas) OAS APPLIANCE REPLACEMENT MECHANICAL FEE SAG (Sewer Access Charges) and WAC (water Access Charges) SEW ER/WATER HOOKUP & ACCESS FEE $10D-00 each or maximum oT $200.00, plus Surcharge Fee $50.00 each or maximum $100.00 530.00 1; OQ.00 Valuatlon $ x 1 % =fee As per coat set by Wetar Department plus Surcharge Fee. $10D.D0 plus Surcharge Fee $15.OD Insp. + $15.00 Admin. ~ $30-00 plus Surcherge Fee 515.00 Insp- + $16.00 Admin. _ $3D.00 ar Valuatlon $ x 1 % whichever la preater- Applicable to parcels annexed after 1-1-1993 -Confirm amount with Clty Enplneering Dept- Applicable to parcels not previously assessed -Confirm with Clty Engineering Dept. FIRE SPRIlVICLER SYS'1'N:M YIi:IiMIT FEE SCIIEDULE NEW OR ADDITIONAL FIRE SPRINKLER Fee Is equal tc 1 % (-01) of the total fire eprlnkler contract amount, plus a state SYSTEMS eurcharga of $.60 R~NyYd 3/2003 d:~BUII.~IIJQ~FORMS\FHF15[;F#~'-dn° J ~ ~])~ CJ ENC31NEERING AND HIIILDING~PLANNING~ZONINa PRINTINC3 AND OTHER SERVICE FEES nevleep march 1uu~ • ASSESS N'C SEARCHES $20.00/each • MANUALSBOOK Comprehensive Land Use Plaq ~ Volumes $7~.OOlvolnme (Volume I - Cpmprehenlave Plan) (VOl ulIIG II - AUAR) (volume III - Houeing Study) (Volume IV - Downtown SCUdy) All Volumes oil CD 1$ S.OQ SubdIvlslon Ordinance Manual $20.00/each Zoning Manual $20.00/each (Zoning Manual including zoning ordinance,shoreland ordinance & subdivision regulations $40.00) Joint Planning Area Zoning Ordinance $35.00/each Subdivision Agreement $ 1.00/paEt • PRINTING CHARGES B&W Color 8%" x 11" $ .23/each S 1.50/each 11" x 17" 1.00/each 3.00/each 1$" x 24" 1.50/each 4.50/each 24" x 36" (includes small city zoning map) 3.00/each 9.00/each 36" x 48" 6.00/each 18.OD/each 36" x 60" (Includes large city maps) 9.00/each 27.00/each Roll Paper Printing .50/SF 1.50/SP' • SP CIALTY MAC PREPARATION $20.00 par hour, 1 hour minimum, 1/4 hour incramente thereafter. Map printing at charges noted above. N~OTE~ • All charges include Soler Tax • Fees far Printing and/or Specialty Map Preparation may be waived by Council uction far other governmental and non profit public service argattizations. Specially Map Preparation must be approved by the -irector of Enb~ineenng/Public Works, based on available time and other resources, and community bcmeJlt. . • Commercial-type enpyingnfprivate, non-city materials (buildingplans, site drawings)forpr{vute usels not pcrniitted. a~\au[x]~T\Yrintcharg.. doe 5(. ~)a REfiOLUTION NO. 12141 CITY OF HUTCHIN60N RESOLDTION FOR PURCNABE The Hutchinson City Council authorixa~ the purchase of the following: ITEM COST kURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Carpet 7.230. Ramova & Install Library Yee Hillery Flooring onetruct on and • The following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM pate Approved: Motion made by: Seconded by: COST ~PURPD9E I DEPT. BUDGET I VENDOR Resoluticn submitted for Council action by: R¢n Morrill, FiAazlce DirectQ~______ 5(_.5~ 3 ~tatc at ~iruies~ita, Corsr#y of___.1~ic.Levd_..-._.._._..__._..~ _„_CITY_,-,_.._.__af_._F{[ITCHIHSOH „_._. dFpiieatian Na_..-.---. Agplicatian for License to Sell x o a e c c o at Retail 2'he nod ruido+.t.._ of tke...__._.._Cj.LY _..~.._.of-_Hutchinson _,___ -._., in tke ooueeip af_._...~ttia,p.~..-__.__.~-.~ Stale of afiaaraolay HSRBBY ~ifd%E, dPPLICd- TIC, FOR LICEJYSE to be issued lo_.._ 4' _ ~~' ._~i~$.$.._-_...~..~-.-•--- to self eiQardlu an/d d¢wette papers axd al rrta.ei a!_1~y~_...~.~'~'-~_._.-._~.-.- L'~7_~..~r:~.?.~ ~~~.-~v TC~,inCn-, f^+Il/ JS.JSU in the_-._. ~i Ly ~ Hutchinson ~ ~ ~d ~'~ ~ ~ ---•-, o-na ey-ar .-----+ ~Lfa~s~g ~cd$- t7+s_-lst e - Janus -day f ~_~ .~ -.._..~ +rayjeet to tip Iasos of gee Stale of X~-~~'-`- aead f$e ~~-..-.... aped ~~•~.~ ~ raid --~ City „±~ Hutchinson _,~ „~;z< , msd k~fh. ._ ;.]S~l.L[I._._____~a pay~l of ike fees der, Li ysle,d. ~ - i G - r~ 3 A- RG_.~'~ L~cr~;~}on - L ~ [ try c~+'*7.~~x 1 r Mar 19 03 174:19p Cattoor 011 Cd Ino 6ENT Bv: CTrv OF HUTCNINBON; 32tl a9a aaa0. 5177 632 9286 IIAR-17-09 10:1tAi1 p.4 pApE 26/37 ~tatc of ~fnne~ata~ CITY Af_,.,,.XU7,CHIHd0~1._....m..___..,.._ Cercaly e/.....,.~&.~ClStA...._.._._............_,......_._,-_._.. ~ppileoilow JYa_.._.__._....:_...___....__.. Applicatia>n for Licence to 5e11 T o e s c c o 'at Retail The nn&nlf+wd rwidetie.__. aJ elw....._.....,......~1..GY...._...,........_.___..._,_,..._..af._.....Hutabia~eun._...,......_~...........~ in tha nowiy ef._......,....._.NF,~~,6.d_.........,.__ ................._..., BtaM aJ .Ylxrlpfa. /fa'RddY d!,(X3_... ,IlPLIC.I- rfn.r rox ~roaxsa e, n. wti.d w....._.....~.~..-4:.~s~.r_~..A_;J_.l..R..,w;llllznc.w...._....____............~._J___.~_._/ !v cell eifareelee awd etfaw/4 poprre aad wrappery a rYlpij s1._......_.f7.1d..~L.~:1.1_!1,F~.'],....,_P~!~.I..LIF.k__~!~Y ~.~. o_,_...tk.~~f.~a,.~,.__7..__...F.~x~_.m....__,._ .....................__. Iw fM_..........C1,ty.....__.__..,._......_._...Of_.,._......Hu,Ct1t3AWa.___.......,._.....iw eaW~ ooMafy awd dole /ar ilr krm o/ ..................RT]~...Y.A.IAF......._.~._........_._._...., Wl{Rwlw~ wlfh U4........~il~i.~..........~.dsy oJ..........~?P71MMF)!.. ~J ..., ., wb/cal to IAe iaw of Nle 9hM aJ dfiw~ueoea awd .uM m~dlwawaw and n/.~3aafoiu of ratai .........._.......Cr1L,1f.....,__._._...,_o/._.....__..,.1•AI.C~Ata.~nA.........,.._,__...___...peralpdwy MerWa, and IY1rwYtM depwlL ., (. ISQ.110 ...................._......iw payrnewl of llte Je. Upefer. . , AaNd.._..._.._~..~ ~ ~..~~~_,,,...._,....___., X...~__~ t.~- ._..__._~,~ _._.__...... ~~~~ 9ENT BV; CITY OF HUTCHINSON; 320 23a 4240; FEB-27.03 12:47PIJ; PAGE 215 ., qTT Of IIOFClpIRON aIYaNTu u>I M~usA-t an~T st A7PLICATION ~~~ ~ ~ FOR p~I~ 320-234-i2M0 PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS, AND TRANSIENT MERCHANTS Z" x 2" Pittura r, gulr~d NAME end DRIVER'S LICENSE INFORMATION NAME: PERMA~'IENT ADDRE55: I M ~53a.S" PERMANENT TELEPHONE: ~.~,0 2~S- TEMPORARY LOCAL ADDRESS: S 1~1 AMi $J355 TEMPORARY TELEPHONE ACCE55:,~a~~7~595~~- DRIVER'S LICENSE HUMBER {STATE) MN !, (~I~-~a.4-~87~G~-7C(. HEIOHTsS /b~~ IfEIGNT :135' EYE COLOR (~rawrn ~,~CA`~1o~ Ct~ SaJ~'~ I-lu~c4~ rrl~ll Puckr'~~- FEES ~ LENGTH DF PER?IIT REQUESTED Hpw many deye? MonthsT Or yaar?~~ LICENSE FEES ARE AS FDLL0115:~ ©'~ ~ '' 0.~ ~~ Application Fae of f25 applied towards the 7'011pw1np parmlt faa(s) Solicitors, par day .. ....................................... f 25.00 Solicitors, Dar year ... ................................... 5200.00 Transient Marchante, Par day ............................... S 2+. Trentlant Marthenti, par yaer ............................. DO PaddlorG, par day .......................................... Paddlare. Per year ........................ .............. 3200.00 BACKGROUND STATEMENT HAVE YOU eEEn CONVitiEO OF ANY CRIME, M15DEMEANOR, OR V10LATi0N OF ANY MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE, OTHER THAN TRAFFIC Y]OLATlON57 YES H0~_ IF YES, STATE NATURE OF OFFENSE AND PUNISHMENT OR PENALTY ASSESSED THEREFORE: ~~ 1 6EHT BY; CITY OF HUTCHIN96N; 320 234 4240; EEB•27.03 12;47PN; PA3E 3f5 DESCRIBE NATURE OF BUS1NE55 AND DESGRIIE ITEM OFFERED: IZ,~If.--~! ri/rr~ y DESCRIBE MfTROD OF DELIVERY; ~ ~i ~~ .xj~CS ~ _ _ _ DESCRIBE YOUR SOG'RGE OF SUPPLY - NAME d pDDRE55 OF SUPPLIER: - - kY Rd 5~3. ~~1 M~ ssii~ ~~~;c,,,,.1 ~r~tz~~cs_ 79bQ ~{7_~ti 5~. 5. Cb~g-t[att~e M~;~'Sbl~, C~ PROVIDE T]10 {~) MCLEDD COUNTY PROPCRTY OWNERS FOR GMARpCTER R[FERENCES; NAME 6 ADDRESS: S ~,~. w~, __ uL7~ti,,.~: MCI ~s PHONE NUMBER: y,87•" ~3! NAME IR ADDRESS:_~v~ R~i~~Il _ ~~.L~~~~S~~~ PHONE NUMBER: ~G~- r~~``I-7Yy~ STAY[ LAST C1TY YOU CARRIE6 DN SAME ACT]VITY- CITY/STATE RAMS: ~~~ Inj nti,_,v~ i'1h~ Y. _,~ _. DATE OF ACTIV]TT: FROM: •Ialh^`, 1 CSC-~ T0: quS~ ('7 _ _ .2. 5 ~d~ s"ENT BV; CI"V OF HLITCHINBDN; 320 234 4240; FEB•27.03 12:4BPN; PARE d/p ! hereby Cfrtify [ have [onpletely 1111fd Out the entire lboYf appllCa- tivn and that the applieation is true. Correct, and a[CUratf.* i fully underftand that any pfrsan who viot~tfs any provision of tha Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Merchant Ordinance No. 673 is guilty of a m~sdameanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fina not ex- cfedinq ~5DD or by imprisonment Fora pfrivd not exceeding 90 days or bath, plus, in either case, the costs of prvseoution. 5 yna ure o pp can + No application will be for+rarded tv the City Council unless received one week prior to th• regular Council meeting cvmpletfly filled out with required picture. OFFICE DSE POLICE LNIEF RECOMMENDATION: L -3- r~ ~J 5c~~) MRR-1B-200d 04 :E3 rM .TORN R OLeON EZ0 963 191E 68NT 0Y; CfTY OF Hl1TC1i1NAtkJ; 370 734 0.740; 4AA 1A•03 ~O:ADAM; PAA! 7!9 AlPLICATI411 lD1tN r0A TnMPDAART R/CYCLAdLn 11ASSRIAL COLE^C'CxOR NAN& AMD ADDRZbA Or OwHER ~ s a r-~ f _5.3~ oHxvxH•a LxczN~R r. ~' - ~~a -a ~~~ -'~a~ If, on-cite operator Se difCnx'ent then orner lieG naeeei e ~ ~'a.s~„ r srrr-~ Svn- LDCATIOY PROPDln4 CDR TnHlORAHY 11~CYCLIM6 alTnr SOMIMd CLA/~SrICATIDY Or ANDVE /ITQ~ MHICY DAY O.{T_THn rnnK AYD HOUR/ DO YOU AMTICIDATn DY~RATIYD7 .~~` ~ I DAY Or -IYCR HDUR/ e/ncIrv HYR~ Q$ MORHi ~v~i P_01 /CHCDULi Dr DATA/ rDA A DNL YMAR /nATOP ~ LIOT MDUSiHDLO ITnHO YOU MEAN TD eOLICIT OR ACCII~Tr 1'I S ~(e~ MAR-1B-200i 04:36 -M GENT BY; CIt1' OK Hl1TCHINBON; • JOHN R OLiDN 320 •~i 191Y r.p2 320 :3a 4140; LIAR-iA 03 10:31Atl; PADS 310 SUN11A11Y Pr K66ULATId>Ab LINI'[INO rHI6 ACTIVITS~ tl0 aNR~DDINd DR BTOCKlII~Itlt3 Or HASCNIAL DN axrL (ORDINANCE 90-241 eCPARATORt AND COHPACTDRLZ ALLOwCD ONLY I[ NITHIN vFxICLIt Q$ MOT ACCl1tl-IIltLE TO PUELIC (ORDItlAHC6 10-14) MO COLLiCTION MLTMItl 200 PT, D[ COMHGACIAL tlUILDINU Q$ 300 [T. 0[ ppglppNCD IORUINANCE f0-Z41 fro ei0NAG6 ALLDMCD, a1CCSrT ATTACHED TO COLLCC?ION VlpICLC (ORDINANCR lD-741 11O CDLLCCTION (OR eI01TA0~) OW CITY EOUL6VAADE OR eTREETe (CHABT6N T 1(UNICIrAL CODA} ONLY HDU®pHOLD RLCYCLABLas (QIAHPLD Ai11idlAP>9Ra, rLAETIC~ DLAatl, NATAL CAN8) (OADIMANCJd 9q-14) M>9IGHY dCAL>D8 eHALL HE C-PTITIItl^ (9TATW R170ULATIDLtl) I hereby syre• tv abide by ordinance nu~ber 90-24 end ^11 v6her eppllaeble Ctate ehd airy of Hutahineon Hunicipel Cvdee end pequl~tions. //r~ 619naturire4uired ovnar~opetetor - copies of ardinencr(KI +vrileble upon re~u~rt. Application Approved Cepiaa Iorwerded 11~ City Adrinletrator Pvlia~ Chief Zoning Official C7.ty Attorney • ( I -~~~ J Hutchinson Area Health Care Hutchinson Cnmmunlty Hospital Burns Mnnor Nursing Hnmc • Daa~~~r! Medlca7 Center 1095 Mighwuy IS Sou7h Nurrhlmm~. MN 33330 (320J 234-3000 March 18, 2003 The Honorable Mayor Marlin Torgerson and Members of the City Council Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mayor Torgerson and City Council Members: The Board of Directors of the Hutchinson Area Health Care (HAHC), as part of their regular meeting on March 18, 2003, considered two items, which need your authority for us to proceed. The first is consideration of acceptance of the bids for tho Medics] Services Expansion Project at the Hospital. The following is an excerpt from the minutes of the meeting. Medical Servicos Expansion PrRisst. The Board reviewed the bid analysis (see attached) for the Modica] Services Expansion Project for Hutchinson Community Hospital. It was noted that bid pack #14 (Specialties Material) were submitted under Bid Package #5 Carpentry; and for #15 (Signage) there wero no bide received however an estimate for the cost of aignage is within the budget. The total design and construction cost for this project is $14,037,407 (soo atrnched budget). Construction will start in April. • Following discussion, McGinnis made a motion, seconded by Houle, to recommend to the City Council the lowest qualified bidders be selected in all categories and to authorize the Medical Services Expansion project to proceed as plamred. All wore in favor. Motion csrriod. The second itom for your consideration was a roquest for en additional Olympus Laparoscopic Video System. The following is sn excerpt from the minutes: "Olvmnus Lanaroscogic Video Sy~tcin, A request was made to purchase a Laparoscopic Video system with scope, camera, insufflator, printer, light source, monitor and cart. The system will sorve as a back up for the current equipment and will also accommodate the increased demand with the addition of surgeons to the community. The instrumentation will be purchased through the hospitals group purchasing organization, VHA. The cost of this purchase is $57,895.00. s ~~) The Honorable Mayor Marlin Torgerson and Members of the City Council Page two March 18, 2003 Following discussion, Chrissis made a motion, seconded by Houle, to request authority from the City Council to purchaso the Laparoscvpic Video system at a cast of $57,895.OD. All were in favor. Motion carried. Thank you in advance, for consideration of these requosts. T will be present for your regular meeting on Tuesday and will answer questions you may have regarding these items, President /cs u .SCE) ~~ ~~~~~ '; ~"swe +~~rr~ea rxf~~arrs Bua~d"irr "orefde~rxce Prayed ~Wdg~et ~R~v ~~ 3J1 ~1a3 F~RC~J'~IGT 3UI~~ET au~ttttty t.lttl~ T~atals CasVSF _ Totals t CDN5TRL1GTIDN CDS~S~, ~ 1z ~`-~'La~._._..®.. C3ivrect Costs [Qi~ 1-16) ~_~ ....e.... Medical Servicos EY~~rosirart.~__.._.__.... ~~ ~....~.__ _ ~...._.~.i0r.~1 $8,+~00,~1~34 +t l~eaith F~la~a f~etlnv'aticrn'__~__..._._.._._.._ ._~m..~..._ ._ _._._...~~.... ..~.~.. "N2' ~g'T 'S.~~~ ~ Mist, Ct~nstruction ltartas ... ~ Me~ic~! S~rwices Exp3nSTC7rt _......_.~._..mm._. - _----~ O.T9 5465,,,$41 - health Plaza Renovation Q.42 ...._.w.._ _ __ $33,.692 rust Cf~e S~rt~ a Mcrdificat~crrt~ __~~_.~. _. t~ ~~.__~ ,{f~1 p~ ' A _ . _.. _~ i Yr .~..~ ~~tr trra /~;A Ld `(~r~h~~'.~ 1h~V~C~! t~~£r nt ~aplrai ~114~'W}t~ MPI'~uiltitbutANl+~warrax~ .._._._.~~..__~..__~___~ _.._.~__......_.....__. _~__...._m__ (y rry~ 0.~.,'. ~X. ~~~.__._._~_.3,11 y{ py.._/_yy~~'y ~ 9'47 ppM~F/A~~~My ',. $250, t t IN_..._.._..~___. NS Mod Slung t~~~:h ~ ~l~~r.,~ m I __ lVA _.~..~___._._ wrrwts ~~~~ tit ~_.. t2 - NlS Meta Sur iF~~~sn~~ nrar ~~~ s~s~ i~ g ~ -- 1.'37 $1 i0,mm~ 000' 13 _.. _ Plaza 15 Lot Lighting Contryj..~...~~~.IT_..._~__ Allt~wwance __ m._ __ ~mm _. ~._____._~._._ __~._~.~_ _ ~'•.C``1 .a~ $7;,000 i~, Acce t Alternate t`3 -Fire Alarm':: ~ ('.~.~~"~ 38~pt1~l ~~ t5 "fChange Fire A3arm trs Et;SI/Mr~Rifier 5'yst~mr I (?.(7(7 _~.,_ as Subtotal 80,416 a~ X127.73 ~l0„271,x17 17 C7ftSt>"q~ctit7rfd Ddnr<Nngt:ttay 18 Medl~al '~rvi~ces x a~sierN 7.x'2 $636,9~s4 t~ l-iealth Plaza.. l~enrttvatitrrr 1,10 ', $92,G48 z~ +C~tastructian. Msrtager flee .. m 2t 2 Medical Services E'xpansi,~n Fea IHealth Plaza Fionr~yatia~n Fox 2".1,2 0.24 ~..M.._._.-- 517D,380 $19,227 2~ Post b[7 5co e Fee 0..07 ' 55.947 z4 Tatal Construction Coss SQ,416 SF S139i,23 ~~1,195,673 5 DE_SiGi+I5El3V(C~~b" ~.~~~ ,' . ~ , 2B .,_~ Architectural & Enclineer<<~ f ~4:, _..~ ... .~..- -__ ~ -_ _.. B.Od~~/~ F?~~' .. _ 11.i'~ __- _ .~__ $$90„"T34 2:~ . . l7esi n Reimt~ursabie p.Fa~ m._~ $00,000 Subtotal Qesign & Construction 80,416 SF $1.54.99 $"k2',1'42,4(a7' __.._..._~~W._. 3a _.. Dwn~~l~cclsr - .,m~.. Future Pmer r~nc Parkinr? h,iipwaneB I 0.5p ~40,4a00 3t ~ Site Sun1e arrd! Scil Bori; ~~~~ _ sa - AsbestasrNaz lwlatl's Abaternunt Allawart+ce I 1.24 $1 gO,rpDO ' ~ E3uilders Risk lrtsratrarrce & 17edu~ttN~p'e,a 0.00 .~.~._. 40,CRpa &E artc~"I"u'ledilcal Fyui rr~ent 1'....4.92 ~1,~~,1100 Mr~bile #t}r~~~._. ~P~ I wvlanstr. Budget as Teroa~rrarat'y 1=ueP ctr bncrgy .~«n~urn tipn ~' R 0,26 $20,~1tt0 s~ ..._......~~ Tcle hone, Cxata Datt4iri ~ equipment .. .~. ._.~w~ . ....._W. 1.24 $100,i000 sB grlteClDr & fnacterrCrr° a'i rYa, e ~nr~ Directories _ NA w<n~tr. Brr~d9et' 39. ~ubt~Fal t~t7,4116 SF ~ $768.83 ~ 813,657,407 ae ... {3wro~r Cantinge~°1i Glad l^'itt~ln~e .. _..._m.._..~_ I {]AD ,~,r„~...~..~..~_.. __.__ rtt Ftnancin~ & Misc. ~r.62 X50,000 4~ SUBTOTAL 8u~,41~i Sl* $170.46 $13,7Cd7,407 -t3 20U$ HC7SP_CTAI~ GAPIT4R:.BUDG~~ ~I .~..IT.....~.. !~.d~yp ey.t 4s ~t~ ~l .., il„.' i=:UmerS Fli ,.,ir:r;r~ I„~~ l r1~ :gin A~DL' y p. ,,.~. er,~;e Slru~:turai i~vrrectpttt°ts eAllu~vtzr7Ca - i~taz+"~ 15... 0.31 a,D6 ~ 1.5a 525,000 SS,QOp 5125,{~t~0 ...~..~~ a~ a~ ~ .~~..___.._~.._.__...._...~....m~.._._ Water 5ofteners~ _ ~.. ~ec;urity and Gard ~,cce~s ll.._ rad!ea_..._..~...__._.~.._... ` ... .~.~. ; .._ ... ~~~~~ ..~._._ _. 0,31 _ ...~.. .1.07 ~~..... 525,000 _._.~....,~._ $150,(]00 a~ - Tt~TAL PRC3JPGT C(1ST _.. 80,4'16 SF , X174.56 514,t)3`~„4Q7 .._.._ rJ~"~67 ~.~.~ ~~ ~ ~~ k~~~rr~z. 165''t ~ 6~~8'-~~ X737" ~~aiC~ri~mr bra ~ . i ti, ~. t ~"„~'11 I "~ Resolution No. A Resolution Acccptln~ Blda far iho Medical Services Rxpansion Protect of Hutchinson Area Health Cgre WHEREAS, Hutchinson Area Health Care (I-IA_HC) has called for, and received bids, for the medical service expansion project of HAHC which is currently underway, and; WHEREAS, said bids worn duly received and opened at a public bid opening on March 13, 2003, at 2;00 p.m., and; WHEREAS, said bids have now been tabulated and verified for completeness, u C~ accuracy and responsiveness, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of Hutchinson Area Health Care; To award bids to the contractors listed in Exhibit A attached heroto, they having boon deemed the lowest responsible bidders for the completion of I-IAfIC's medical services expansion project _ tldopted by the Board of Directors of Hutchinson Area Health Care thte ~~_ day of~,MA, 2003. By: tev Snapp ohn Hon e Its President Its Secretary 5c~) •~Y i •~a. vl 1 YYY McGou~h Five Cenetalians Buildi~~ Canlldence C~ BID RECAP AND APPARTNT LOW RESPONSII~LE BIDDEYi.S for Medical Servit:es Expansion Project Hutchinson Area Health Car@ Hutchinson, Minnesota C~ 8idt Received end Publicly Opened Match 13, 2D03 N01Ti: Cun[rac[ amavn4 wAJ be adJ[usted when accepted elternatea prr determined. Hld Packer o 1~1- Slte Wgrr Reiner Conttartinj $389.000.00 Apparent Low Responaibla Bldder Reiner Contracting $349,000.pO Bid Packs c #2 - Leadace in ~ Irrl atlon R.elner Can[nc[in~ $35,000.00 Apparent Law Raepanaibla Bldd~r Rdner Cantractlup $36,000.04 Bld Pecks #3 - (3ulcral Consttucilon ~~ ~T.~iSi ~~~~d~2 Magnet' Cpnsnucrion $140,000.00 $1,036,200.D0 $1.176,200.00 Deming Consrrucpon $183,316.00 $ b13.286.00 ~ 805,G0D_p0 Apparen[ Law Reeponslble Hklder -Tax Racempt $lde Detn[aR Constructiga $183,316.04 (M), 6613.286-AQ (I-1 2777 rAptvlCw nv11NU~ NORTH 9'(' PwIIL 1HQ1N83(7P~ 97117-1772 PyOryR~ (6.71)677-saSu P'.7G (651) 637v`679 ~~~ McGaugh Fivt GerltrWops 6»ilding Cortlidmct L.J Bld Packs to #4' $-ructltral di Mlscrllautous Matals 170 Mar'1s Bid I~pgj Hid Sin~e~ wlTatc Anderson Iron Wor]p, Ins. 544,869.00 $36,000.00 $83,785.00 $rtgh Fahrirarions 547,000.00 $43,000.00 585,700.00 Apporsnt Law Rasponslbla Blddar -Tax Ea-empt Bids Anderson Iron Works, It1r. 944,d69.pQ (M), $3b,000.0p (L) Bkl Pecks a #15 -Car T~'lg @id ~~ s~1Sle Hj~ w/fax Krllington Conatluction $504,000.00 $539,000,DO X1,071,000.00 AAprtxnt Low Rrsponsibla Bidder » Tax lixetnpt Bids KrWnataa Construction $Sa4,pOq.00 (M), $539,Opp.pp (L) Bid Patka a #6 -- Raatln & Flashin TE Mar']s l Schwicker's, Inc. $85,44D.Oa Caraway Rooting $65,300.00 Rnig9[ad Bros. Roaling ;57,428.00 Apparent Low Raspansik Reigstad Brame RaotSng _ $1d 5~i gle Bid w/Ti S 83,560.00 $172,S20.p0 S1o0,650.00 $17aaoo.oo $ 92.221.Op $139,492.ga da Bkldar -- Tax lxatnpt Bida ;57,428.Qp (M), $92,211.OQ (I.) Bid Packs a lf7 -- Sea]anra Carcio$ni Caulking Ihiedzic Caulking, Inc. 522,200.DD 519,400.00 Apparent Low Reapvuslble Bidder Ihiedzk Caulklap, Ipe. T19,40Q.OD r~ L 2737 PMRv18W nV1iTnIH NORTH 9T.PALiC. MINNP~10'1'.~ ]Sll]-1?77 PHONY. (6St) 077.5050 Pn7C•1611)67y-]p7] 5~~~ ~ McGough ' Fire Gmeiatiodt BaIldiAg Confidence TE Mat'la B: l=rnpi[~nou~o, Inc. Flos,747.00 H1CLCladding ;129,12S.OD Harmon, Inc. ;105,673.00 Appaii-ent Low Raponsibl Ilarmnn, Inc. TB Mai J} l31d I~>2pL$j~ 5inplc Bid w ax Regal Contraciars ;120,SS3.O0 5307,641.00 ;436,030.00 RTL Construcuan 5112,732.00 ;3b3,996.Op $467,560.00 Apparent Low Responuible Bidder -Tax Exettlp[ Bida Reprl Contmctara ;]Z0,553.Qp (M), 307,6g1.p0 (I,) Bld Parka t110 - TAe Tl~ Mai'1>< Ijid MCI, inc. 536.449.00 GrazZini Brothers No Bid Twin Ciry "lyle and Marble 521,000.00 Spec[raCon4nctFloaring ;24,780.00 Apparen[ Law RarpansIbla ] Spectra Cnnrrac[ Flaarlne $idpeclcq e118-AcouArica1Ce11 TIIe Aid Packa a ~9 - H.1.F.S. & D waA $id Parka X11- Acouetic~l Tile Cellln li Labor Btd ~1118~4 a1511YlT'~ ;57,464.00 ;1b8.771.00 ;48,345.00 5184,300,00 ;37,938.00 5143,611.00 e Bidder -Tax Exampt $1dt ;105,673.00 (M),;37,938.00 (L) ~i.$id [:ombincd: ;35,499.00 ('74.004.00 No Hid ;79,240.D0 ;51,201.OQ ;72,Sbb.QO §gp,280.DD ;66,340,00 3ldder -Tax Txempt Bich ;2q,780.00 (M),;40,280.00 (L) ~l~n~ld l~~ Combin¢d Bid 9t, Cloud Acou~lice ;41,750.00 $79,700,00 X123,900.00 Twin Ciry Acoyedca, Inc, ;32.000.00 563,450.00 ;115,450.00 Apparent Low Responsible Bidder-Tax $xcmpt Bids Twlq Ciry Acoustics, Inc. ;32,000,00 (M1,;63,450-DD (L) • r137 P+431V JeW AV6NUII No1tTH ST PnUI.. M1NN1iSOR'w !7717.1777 rHONiI.16J 11 a77-SU7o Pn7C ~OJ1 ~ 677-1077 5~~~ McGough r Fiver G~Rratians Bulidin~ Confidence i Bld Parks c 4112 - Fluorin ~9Is1 l.nbor Sid 5in¢lc~}id w/'Cax MCI, Inc. 5228,S30.OD 5103,994.00 5349,37$.00 Apparent Low Rcapansiblc $idder -Teat Tixempt Hids MCI, Ina- 5228~30_QO (M), 510S,99ti.00 (1.) Bid Packer a 4i13 - Palntln and WaA Cavetin singly,Bid w(1'ax FYensen Decorating No laid No Bid $337,471.00 S~cinbrncherPainting 5152,871.00 ;156,424.00 5313.495.OD Swanson & Youngdala 5151,271,p0 ;137,579.00 5298593.00 CiEQ'a Painting Na>31d No Bid 5461,553.00 Apparent I.v1c Rrsponsibla Blddet -Tex Excmp[ Blds 3wancpn & Yvuncdalc Sisl-271-00 (M), 5137,579-pq (I.) Bid Pecker a 4114 _ 3 claltles Materials Bids were submitted under Bid Packngc+ 4F5, Carpentry Hid Parks t: 4f15 - SI 8 a No bids were recdvad for this bid package. Bid Packs a 4i16 -Mobile Stars TE Mst'ls Bid T~4T.~1$ S~llp,]G Bid w/Tex Haidemnn-Haunmc, lnc. 520,089.00 575,099.00 ;95,188.00 Mid America BUPinctS Sys. 571,810.00 $14.730.00 591,208.00 TAB 574.436.00 S1~t,071.00 593,343.00 Oflisattrce 573,440.00 513,930.00 5$7,390.00 Apparcut Law Respontiblc Hidden -Tux Exempt B1ds pRlsaurce* 573,44D_OI1 lMl, 913,93Q.D0 (L) ` Srbj.ct ru final prndHCr revtmv and approval by grrh)rerr r~ 1. 1737 PAAtv®W nvEMllE Nal[r}I 9T.~ALt, M1NNY~' aTA 55)13.1772 FHoNe1(M19l) 6719050 pAx~ (69t) (33.9673 5~~) EXHIBIT' A McGough Five Gens[a6ons Building Confidatce r ~ LJ Hid Par]ca a M17 -Water Features No bids were race(ved for [hie bid prckgge. Bid Pocks (i18 ->ilevetar Minaeso[a Eleva[or, Inc. ;57,423,00 npparent T,vw Responsible Bidder Miannota Elev(ttgr, Iqc. $57,g23.OD ~ J Hid l+eeka a N19 - I/lvlsion 1S M,echagical IT Mat'la Bid L~4t.l}i!i Sin¢le Bid wlTax Allied Mxhanicq] 51,149,300.00 $2,147,500.00 Holm Bros. Plumbing k II[g No Bid No Hid $2,644,000.DD Schwlckar['s, Inc. 51.180,000.00 51,694,000.00 $2,836,000.Op Apparent Low Respvtul6le Hldder -- Single Hld wfTax+' Allied Mcchaglcal Contractors 52,147,500.00 * Thux way a rrunrcrlprinn error M Allldd Mrclwnica!'r "T6 JIJ4rerkrl did " H1d Packs a (i20 - Alvislon 16 ElectHcpl TF3 Mat']s Aid Lobar Bid T 417,61A.00 S 412,786.00 660,730.00 663,130.00 51,086,980.00 $ ~.~-~ $1,133,500.00 C~Ilttll](7J~~_d 51,710,120.OD 51,632,60p.00 ~1,696,2pD.gp $1,625.000.Op 51,996.460.Op $1,610,000.00 ;1,996,900.00 AuBus[a 131ecMc, inc. $1,237,110.00 ParsPnA E1RCt[iC 11.C $1,142,SS9.00 Gephart131actric $ 974,150,00 Willmaz }il~tric $ 908.000.00 Honda F_lectric $ 850,000.00 T.~S Blcctric, Inc. $1,100,000.00 Quada's, Inc. $ Bla,oao.oo Apparent I.aw Responsible Hldder -Tax Exempt)ildsw* Parson9 Tlectrle, Inc. 51,142,359.00 (M), 5412,78b.00 (L.) •+ Purfanr £(ecrr(C (Ordwcr 538,000) and Crphrrrt Elrerrk (Ardwct 510.000) Hr1Y du only ehrnlca! c~~rracrord W btd a9 Alrarnarr ~3, FireAktrm Aorrpmns'r of rl)1f 53$000 drdwrr ahrrnare wkh rhr Tax Exrmpr mgreHali bfd and rlu IRbor btd mats Parron 6lrrfrk /hr vPpannrlo)vrYr rsxponrlblr blddrr. C~ 9797 Pn1AVlEW wVBNUS NORTH eT.pA[)t, MMN&~O'C~ ii119-1973 PHOrv0. (63!) 693.Sp3p PA]C (GSl) E717E79 ~(~~) McCough Five Grneratians Building Conpdeau • )31d FaFka a #17 -- Hourl Servtera Alternates Alt,ltl ~ Plumbing Piat4rc Replacement at Med/Surg Beds (~15,12b.~U) Rejected Alt. 412: Temperature Conltnl No Bids Alt. M3: Firc Alarm (S3B,D00.00) Accepted 2'I37 MA(V~p'nV &NVI'NOR77i PHOt+P=(651)673-Sas9 BT.FwUI, ASIWI'1lSD7'A (3117-I?72 Pti7L (63)) 6774477 5c~~ Medical_Scryices Expansion Project. The Board reviewed the bid analysis (see attached) for the Medical Services Expansion Project for Hutchinson Community Hospital. It was noted that bid pack #14 (Specialties Material) were submitted under Bid Package #5 Carpentry; and for #15 (Signago) thorn worn no bids received however an estimate for the cost of sigaage is within the budgot. The total design and construction coat for this project is $14,037,407 (seo attachod budget). Constmction will start in April. • Following discussion; McGinnis made a motion, seconded by Houle, to recommend to the City Council the lowest qualified bidders be selected in all categories and to authorize the Medical Services Expansion project to proceed as planned. All wore in favor. Motion carried. ~J Hutchinson Area Health Care Hutchinson C'ommunlty Hospital Burns Munar Nursing Hamr • Uasaa! Mrdreal Cenfrr 1093 !lrghwuy IS Suurh !lufrlrinran, MN 33330 (320) 234-,5000 March 18, 2003 The Honorable Mayor Marlin Torgerson and Members of the City Council Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mayor Torgerson and City Council Members: The Board of Directors of the Hutchinson Area IIealth Caro (HAHC), as part of their regular meeting on March 18, 2003, considered two items, which Wend your authority for ue to proceed. The fast ie consideration of acceptance of the bids for the Medical Services Expansion Project at the Hospital. The following is an excerpt from tho minutes of tho mooting, Tho second item for your consideration was a request for an additional Olympus Laparoscopic Video System. The following is an excerpt from the minutes: C~,"dlymt2 ~SL99o i9 Video ystem• A request was made to purchaso a Laparoscopic Video system with scope, camera, insufflator, printer, light sourw, mottitor and cart. The systom will serve as a back up for the current equipment and will also accommodate the increased demand with the addition of surgeons to the community. The instrumentation will be purchased through the hospitals group purchasing organization, VHA. The cost of this purchase is $57,895.00. ~~~ The Honorable Mayor Marlin Torgerson and Members of the City Council Page two March 18, 2003 • Following discussion, Chrissis made a motion, seconded by Houle, to request authority from the City Council to purchase the Laparoscopia Video system at a cost of $57,895.00. All were in favor. Motion carried. Thank you in advance, for consideration of these requests. I will bo present for your regular meeting on Tuesday and will answer questions you may have regarding these items. President /cs J ~~ RESOLUTION NO. 1 z 138 RE90LUTION ADOPTING TIIF, REVTTALIZATION MASTER PLAN FOR DOWNTOWN HUTCHINSON WHEREAS, a strong downtown is essential for a healthy community, and; WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson desires to promote the cgntinued development and redevelopment of the city's downtown, and; WHERICAS, the City seeks to preserve, promote and enhance the character of downtown, and; u WHF.RF.AS, the best way to accomplish those goals is through the establishment and implementation of a Master Plan, and; WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Downtown Association has endorsed the "Revitalization Maxtor Plan for Downtown Hutchinson; 'and recommended it's adoption 6y the Hutchinson City Council, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THT CTI'Y COUNCIL OF THE CTCX OF HUTCHllVSON, MINNESOTA, Hereby adopts the "Revitalization Master Plan for Downtown Hutchinson" as a guide for the redevelopment of the city's downtown aroa. Adopted by the City Council this 25'~ day of March 2003. ATTEST: Clary 17. Plotz Marlin Torgerson City Administrator Mayor ~' ~ `~~ ~~ o~ MEMORANDUM POLICE /EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Chief Madson FROM: Sgt. Dobratz (,~ DATE: February 27, 2003 RE: On-Sale Intoxicating and Sunday Liquor Llcense Aa of today's date, I have completed the background investigation on Mr. Eugene Stifter. Mr. Stifter has applied with the Clty of Hutchinson fvr an On-sale Intoxicating and Sunday Liquor Llcense for the Flyer's Nlte Club In Hutchinson, MN. During the course of this Investigation, ~ did not discover anything in Mr. Stifter's background that would disqualify him from obtaining this license: • If you need any further'Informaflon regarding this rri~fter, please ~gntagt me at youreadiest convenience. J ~;~r.~ AL'P LI L'ATI UN kOfl ON -SALR LNTn%I CATi NC LIQl10R LICCNSE Thin Corm wan prop arcd by the City of Hutchlnn on and chq Minnnuora Ilurnau nt CrAminul Apprehenelun, Unpartment of Publl r. hate cy, lw rnu and In Ninnuuo to Stututu , 1976, 6acr.l on 360.13, Cor par pau cry nl bnuk- ytuund lnveu tl~3 atlan. IC ftonn nn r. nupnrrode any lawn, ruL~u or rnguL ti nnn of T.hp n.Svlaion of LSgUOr Con[.xal rcyurdiny the laupancu nC L.iqunr l.i conuuu- Fad lure to pru vide lnCarm¢rlon rnq uentnd m¢y re uult In denl vl of thn appl.i ca r.i nn. 1- Thu SLlf t.er Groyp }rll~ ~ -~~ ~-a' Trn~lu Name Pa Le nP ASry+li nation z• 200.=1449 ___ Llcvn uiny Perlad 3. 1~'pe of Appli r.sri nq: L~ New ~ Renewal ® Tranufex 4- liuaan~_~Stiiter 137n)dflS_3Sdn Nnme of App lioant phone 5. 320 lHt._.St_ So. winot~d, MN 55395 Hume Addrue 6. CIS I~i c¢nuhipi ^ s ~• Wineted, MN V1¢ce of i{Srth l0 .T ono 14RG D¢te uC Girth R• 1150 flwv 7 W Hutchlnenn. MN nrldrnon of Puui none Lucutiun T 9. Leynl Du uYlp tiUn .D- Ll4t ownuYU of build inq ar prnmine to he licnna M: Tom_U^1 ~,-„_•g~60 CammanwQelth Dr. Edon Prnlria, MN 55344 11. LSet nil p¢rcnen , officnn or dl rncl;orn, if rorporat ion: Namri Addru e Dd6o oP 61 r1.h .._...~, ._ Fnocnra Sti Ctor ~17n ~Ft sr ^., on n.,,. 991 ~n n,.,o vne~ ... Sue 9tiftnr .17n 1.• cr Cr. nn n.,v 991 » Nr.v 1pFS GerarA. S.t1SYL'r. ~~SA -.`~ =d~~~-'.d 11ax 66R 1a nrh_ 1961 RDeCmSry SLlf Lnr ..3fi2 90. 3harc nr. Po Hax 64L14_..Iuly-144L 11. 1•r for nxperle ncn Sn Ch1n Lypu of buelr+a nn~ ~rt_,51mA .k7A.FY gT]d1p9..1n. xeoa liar and Blua No[x Her Evth in Wineted. Menag4m4nt ut M~nxrdp, 13. pronom. nwnornh ll'i in nny nthur liquax oe t.abllnhment 16. preu lint nwneruh ip in nny oT.her Yutaur ant or Pnrxi Gila ineuel 15. 'thrnn Buninena Pefnrnncnn: uavid 3hormann Midland In.e ura.¢cc .. _Winat~r~-- . ..._. Mike Autx Cakat^ Town and CnUn try Cluh Marvin Ehnnxl~ger 1{nly Trinity_FL11]h Crhnp]___Hlinmte[] _. ., -.. 1G. ~---.kr~ialdaul-~----~---~~---• - Corpornte or Purtnerahip Title ~~~~) 17. 109 2nd SL. South Yo box 40 WlnrL.d, MN corporaLU nr Partn+9n~hfk, Addruuu ~18. iC rlriu L. n Lrnnufor nPpllar r.inn yl~u nn:~~a, ~d,l.'a uD, nC parsons, port nuruhlp nr unrparnt lan huldlny lrcana• Yar the pour ya¢r. 19. Who owns the bnr/tpvoxn flxturao7 T~A_ Pi~~f~F~r Gr^u^ LLC,__,~ ,-., ___,_ 2U. Ar• you ¢ Ml nnnaot¢ real dpntl If not. whnr• rnnid an re Gu Laa of Ruulduncy ~.1. ftulduitl ¢1 nddrann duri nq Pau r. hl.vu (6) Yearn, 320 tat 9t. So Winatrafl._Sypl_- f rem Jan 2000 to prrx~S.~ 3F1R~~Cgraae 362 ae52.uth..Sllfls E--LlI~ winatad 22. Three vornonal Rcf ur p¢cuui ~w0_Q1.,~1.gr.,yllilp ted Phone (3201 495-3987 _. -$~Lpn~pganfald winyl-4{7 (370) 485-4299 _.._.._... P.tar _15_ghnmme~-. -phone )612) 210-6y7~-__, ,,, _.,. . 23. p:mp lnympnt for r.he van r. M1 vrr yanru+ J_ _, ___ _ Hnly Trinity Hi Qh 5chnnl w7nntad _ 24. Any Convl otlona Uthar 'Chan Minor TraifSr. 25. Thl¢ appllCdti on moot bo saaampnnl!a by rip talxaA nt¢temant of oat wuYth Nut lout yn nr'n tux return and atntammt uY method of pnymant Ear hunt noon, fix turrin and Snvan Cory. 26. Applic an c, and htn au ocl¢ten in Chin ¢pplluutian, will otTlat ly [:amply wt rh ¢11 tUn i.awo of r.hp At.aro of MLnnOpn to gn~arninq the t¢x ¢tion ¢nd th• aal• uY in LO%Icn ti nq liquor; rulnn and rnqu l¢tlonn promo lgated Uy the LSquoY Cun c.rul Cmm~~i uylanar; ¢nd ell orr7l nnncuo of the mural cipalltyl anA i. hereby certSfy that 1 h¢vn r•¢d th• Put'r qui nq qu aatlon• and th¢t th• ¢nnwnrn to quid quaationa or• trUO D( my awn know led qn. 1 fur Char mrdarp tend that •n Snvnpt.l gallon foe not to •xo ud $300.00 ahe 11 be char yuA an ¢pplic¢n [. by chn city or munl.y if the Lnvu tiqution Sn conducted wl thin the u~.a to, or th• roe r. nor to nxcud SlG,Op0.1)0 if the Snventlq¢tion Sa requlr ed auto ale thu ntatr~, i fu rtlrur unS cro Ln nA tho ardJ.¢n nLep nP rho City of qutchinaon reyard ley r. ht, Opoxatlan aY on-unl• 11gUor lio nnau and ¢qru to e61do by them. -- ~ ~~ ~ i gn uPe o '1 c L . AUbuo rihud clod sworn to hdor• ma rhL ~ ..r...w~..w~.w~r.r....... . QaY of ~~' Y°-! ~ 9GAAN M. MORRIAEITE :IY~~L~~~~Fr/L[.,LC~c{Ci ~ uoinry a+,cnr:-Mlnn•wl. INatnry Puhli o) My :omm [vplrn Jm.3r. 2p06 w.ww.wa.+n......w.~.........w. My Conuni poi nil Ekpiren: / ~~~.,7 GJ `i. C~ von ~ W^ 30 June 1969 Yrcep~t Yrom TU g(~~ M W W Form p 1.1-MN 81te lt: MWC274 Site Nora: Hutchlnoao Wt south . WATER TOWER EQUIPMENT LOCATION LEASE FROM: City of Hutchinson, a Minnesota municipal corpor>itlon TO: MIAWEST WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS L.L.C. THLS LEASE ("Lease") is made as of the Effective Date specified below by MIDWEST WIltELESS COMMiJNICATION5 L.L.C., as tenant, and the Owner described below, ae landlord, on the following terms and conditions: Deflnitipns. 1.1. "Site": The real property legally described in Exhlblt A, which has the following street address: Century Avenue, Hutchinson, MN 1.2. "Water Tower^: The water storage structure owned, operated and maintained by Owner on the Site and generally depicted on Exhibits E and C hereto. 1.3. "Owner": The City of Hutchinson, a Minnesota municipal corporation Address: 111 Hassan Street Southeast, Hutchinson, MN 55330 1.4. "Midwest": Midwest Wireless Communications L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company, 2000 Technology Drive, P.O. Box 4069, Mankato, MN 55002-4069, Attn: Vice-President - Engineering & Technology. 1.5. "Equipment" means all the telecommunications equipment now or hereafter owned or operated by Midwest and located on Owner's Site. A site plan of the Site is attached as Exhlblt B. The initial Equipment locations on the Site are diagrazmned in Ezhiblt C. The initial items of Equipment are described in Ezhlblt A. "Equipment" also includes all upgrades and replacements and additional equipment owned or operated by Midwest at the Site, whether listed on Exhibit D or not; but this does not give Midwest the right to occupy any locations at the Site other than the leased locations diagrammed on Exhibit C. "Equipment" also includes brackets, braces, foundations and other trade fixtures installed by Midwest, 1.6. "Effective Date" of this Lease: , 2001. 1.7. "Initial Term": The Five (5) year period beginning on the Effective Aate and ending 200 . 1.8. "Renewal Terms^: Three (3) additional five (5) year renewal periods, each commencing on the day following the termination date of the prior term. Each Renewal Term shall commence automatically without further action on the part of Owner or Midwest, unless Midwest gives Owner a notice of nonrenewal at least 60 days before the end of the current term, whereupon this Lease shall terminate at the and of the current term. 1.9, "Rent": ] .9.1. Rent for the first year of the Initial Term shall be at the rate of $650.00 per month, commencing in the month in which Midwest begins physical installation of its Equipment at the Sito. Tho Rent for the period in which tsaveeo~7 ~ tom) installation of the Equipment commences shall bo prorated on a dal ly basis. The performance of Site investigations by Midwest shall not be deemed to be physical installation of Equipment. 1.9.2. The rent for each Renewal Term shall be the Rent in effect on the last day of the immediately preceding Term ("Prior Rent"), increased by the percentage increase in the CPI between the date that Prior Rent Bret became effective and the date the then applicable Renewal Tenn commences. For purposes of this Subsection, "CPI" means the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, all items, for the Midwest Urban, Size D - Non-metropolitan (less than 50,000) region, or any successor index thereto. 1.10. Special Provisions: Midwest to construct OSHA compliant mounting ring to top of water tower. 2. Lease; Term. Owner hereby leases to Iviidwest the above-described locations at the Site for the above-described Equipment for the above-described Initial Term and any Renewal Tcrme. 3. Equipment Rnles. 3.1. Midwest shall comply with all present and future rules and regulations imposed by any local, state, or federal authority having jurisdiction over transmissions and operations involving telocommunicationa systems and equipment. • 3.2. Midwest shall install its Equipment on the Site {n the locations diagrammed in Exhibit C. Any changes to the Equipment locations diagrammed in Exhibit C, shall be submitted for Owner's written approval and amendment of'Exhibit C. Owner shall not unreasonably withhold its consent. 3.3. A11 Equipment shall be anchored and installed following good engineering practices and standards and in a manner reasonably acceptable to Owner or its agent so &s not to interfere with the operation of the Water Tower. 3.4. Midwest shall maintain its Equipment as required by 5oction 9.2 below, 4. Access. Owner also grants Midwest pedestrian and veh{cular access to rho Equipment and Site seven days a week, 24 hours a day, throughout the term of this Lease for the purpose o£ installing, operating, ma{staining, and repairing the Equipment. Owner will provide Midwest with any necessary keys required for accuse. Notice of any Midwest activities involving access to the Water Tower (such as a climber for antenna maintenance) must be given to the Owner 24 hours prior to the activity, provided that Owner shall make reasonable efforts to accommodate Midwest's access to the Water Tower on shorter notice where emergency repairs are necessary in order to correct a service interruption. Prior notice is not required for Midwest's access to its facihties on those portions of the Site other than the Water Tower. 5. Ilse of Slte. The Site shall be used by Midwest for telecotnmunicatigne purposes, including but not limited to cellular telephone, radio, or other narrow band and broad band audiowavc transmission and reception. Subject to Suction 8, Midwest's use of the Site shall be concurrent with Owner and other licensees or tenants using the Sito. isavsaov~ 2 ~(~t~ 6. Rent Payments. Midwest shall pay Rent to Owner at Owner's address for the giving of • notices. Rent shall be payable in advance of the period For which it ie paid and there shall be a 30-day grace period For late payments. 7. Tertninatlan. This Lease end the executory rights and obligations of Owner and Midwest under this Lease are subject to termination a9 Follows: 7.1. Upon termination or expiration of this Lease, Midwest shall have 60 days to remove all Equipment ftom the Site. Midwest shall surrender possession of the Site to the Owner, in good condition and repair, ordinary wear end tear excepted. 7.2. After six calendar months of the Initial Term have elapsed, Midwest may tomrinato this Lease at the and of any calendar month by giving written notice to Owner before the final month begins, 7.3. Owner shall havo the right tv terminate this Lease after six calendar months of the Initial Tenn have elapsed if the Initial Term Ront has not yet commenced and Midwest does not agree to commence paying Initial Term Rent beginning in the seventh calendar month of the Initial Tartu. 7.4. Owner shall have the right to terminate flue Leese, if Midwest defaults in the performance of any of the material provisions of this Lease (including but not limited to nonpayment of Rent, damage to the Site, or interference of Owner's use of the Site) and such default is not cured within 30 days after written notice of default is delivered tb Midwest. If the default cannot reasonably be cured within 30 days, Owner may not tanninato this Lease if Midwest commences to cure the default within the 30 day . period and thereafter diligently prosecutes the cure to wmpletion, 7.5. Midwest shall havo the right to terminate this Lease, if Owner defaults in the performance of any of the material provisions of this Lease (including but not limited to failure to maintain the Water Tower on which Midwest's Equipment is mounted, or interference with Midwest' right of access to or use of the Site) and such default is not cured within 3D days after written notice of default is delivered to Owner, If the default cannot reasonably be cured within 30 days, Midwest may not terminate this Leese if Owner commences to curd the default within the 30 day period and thereafter diligently prosecutes the cure to completion. 8. Interference. 8.1. Midwest shall not do or permit any activity upon the Site which causes or permits physical, electronic, or other interference with the existing telecommunications facilities, equipment, signal or operations of other users of the 5ito (including other tenants and Owner). Ivlidwest shall engineer its equipment and signals so as to not cause interference with the existing facilities, equipment, signals or operations of the existing users of the Site. If Midwest causes, permits or allows ouch interference to continue, Owner shall have the right to (a) pursue any remedy it may havo at law or in equity against Midwest, including but not limited to enjoining such interference, or(b) terminate this Lasso. This Section applies only to uses by other users of the Site on the Effective Date of this Lease and not to changes in usage by current users during the . Term of this Lease and not to new users of the Sito. 13~9B6Uv7 3 9 ~c`~ 8.2. Owner shall not conduct any new operations upon the Site which cause or result in . physical, electronic, or other interference with the telecommunications facilities, equipment, signal or operations of Midwest. Owner agrees that after Owner's execution of this Lease any leases or other arrangements between Owner and other tenanUs or users shall require the tenant or other user to engineer its new yr changed equipment and signal so as to not cause interference with the facilities, equipment, signal and operations of Midwest, and Midwest shall be a third party beneficiary of such noninterference provisions. If Owner or another tenant or user causes such interference to continue, Midwest shall have the right to (a) pursue any remedy it may have at law or in equity against Owner or the other tenant and/or interfering other user, including but not limited to egjoirilng such interference, or (b) terminate this Lasso. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties agrees that if the interference ie caused by another tenant or user and not by Owner's operations, then (i) Owner will cooperate with Midwest in the enforcement of the noninterference provisions against the other tenant or user, at no cost to Owner, and (ii) Midwest's sole remedy against Owner under those circumstances shall be termination of this Leese. This Section applies only to new yr changed uses by Owner and other users of the Site during the Term of this Lease end not to the existing uses as of the Effective Date of this Lasso. 9. Malntepance. 9.l . By Owner. Owner shall inspect, maintain, repair azrd replace the Water Tower on which Midwest's Equipment ie mounted so that the Water Tower is safe, tlutctional and in compliance with all governmental rules and ordinances. Owner shall maintain the painting of the Water Tower, and the lights thereon, and file any required notit3catione and reports concerning the Water Tower in accordance with the requirements of the FAA and FCC. Owner shall keep the access mad and parking area open and free of any debris, ice and snow that could prevent access to the Water Tower or Equipment building. Midwest shall have the right (but not the obligation) to perform any of Owner's obligations under this Section in an emergency and in other situations in which Owner has not performed within a commercially reasonable time after notice from Midwest. In either case, Owner shall promptly reimburse Midwest for such work. if any such reimbursement ie not paid by Owner within 30 days altar receipt of Midwest's invoice (i) the unpaid amount shall bear interest at 6% per annum (or such other maximum nonusurious interest rate then in effect) from the date of invoice, and (ii) Midwest may offset the unreimburaed amounts and accrued interest against Ront or any other sum duo Owner under this Lease. 9.2. By Midwest. Midwest shall inspect, maintain, repair and replace all of its Equipment at the Site so that the Equipment is safe, functional and in compliance with all govammental rules and ordinances, 10. Insurance. 10.1. Midwest's Coverages. Throughout the Term of this Lease, Midwest shall maintain statutory worker's compensation insurance on all employees entering the Site, "all risk" hazard insurance on its Equipment, and commercial general liability Insunmce • coverage of at least $1,000,000.00. Owner shall bo named as an additional insured on such liability insurance coverage. Midwest shall famish Owner with a certificate of ~s~9ecorr 4 `~ 1 ~Q~ insurance evidencing coverage hereunder. Midwest may satisfy its insurance • obligations hereunder by appmpriato coverage endorsements to its blanket policy or policies. 10,2. Owner's Coverages. Throughout the Term of this Lease, Owner shall maintain "all risk" hazard insurance on the Water Tower and Owner's other insurable improvements on the Site and comprehensive general liability insurance coverage of at least $1,000,OOO.DD. Midwest shall be named as an additional insured on ouch liability insurance coverage. Owner shall famish Midwest with a certificate of insurance evidencing coverage herounder 10.3. Waiver o[ Subrogatlou. Notwithatandingsny other provision of this Isase, including, without limitation, Section 11 below, to the extent allowable under the laws and regulations govoming the writing of insurance within the state in which the Site is located, Owner and Midwest each release the other and their respective agents and employees from all liability to oath other, or anyone claiming through or under them, byway of subrogation or otherwise, for any loss or damage to property insured under insurance policies carried by the partite which are in force at the time of the loos or damage; provided however, that such roleasea of liability and waiver of the right of subrogation shall not be operative in any case where the effxt thereof is to invalidate such insurance coverage. Owner and Midwest will oath request its insurance carrier to include in policies provided pursuant to flue Lease an endorsement recognizing this waiver of subrogation. The waivers hereunder shall remain in force so long as the parties' insurers shall consent thereto, and if additional premium is charged, the parties • shall pay their respective additional premium, The forogoing mutual waivers are given in consideration of oath other, and the temunation or suspension of one shall wikh like effect terminate or suspend the other. The provisions of this Subsection shall survive termination of this Lease. 11. Indemnifleatlon. Subject to Section 10.3 above (i) Midwest shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Owner for any lose or damage resulting from the intentional act or negligence of Midwest, and (ii) Owner shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Midwest for any loss or damage resulting from the intentional act or negligence of Owner. 12. Damage or Destruction, If the building housing Midwest's Equipment is damaged or destroyed by fire, wind, flood or other natural or manmade cause, the party that owns the building, at its own expense, shall repair or replace it within 30 days of the damage or destruction. Tf the Water Tower is damaged or destroyed by fue, wind, flood or other natural or manmade cause, Owner shall have the vptian to repair or replace the Water Tower at Owner's sole expense, or to terminate this Lease effective on the date of such damage or destruction. Tf Owner elects to terminate this Lease, Midwest shall have no ftuther obligations hereunder. In the event of damage or destruction, Rent under flue Lease shall abate until the repairs and replacements that are Owner's responsibility have been completed. if Owner has not completed such repair yr replacement within 30 days after the damage occurred, then Midwest may terminate this Lease upon 30 days notice and have no further obligations hereunder. . 13. Notlees. Any notice required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given on the day (a) petgonally delivered, (b) which is the third i ~aueco~r 5 q C~~) business day after the date of mailing by certiffed or registered first class mail, postage prepaid, rotum mccipt requested, or (c) which is one business day after accepted by a national commercial messenger service such as Federal Express or UPS for next business day delivery, and (d) in the case of notices to Owner of access to the Water Tower pursuant to Section 4 above, on the day tranamined by telephone facsimile. Notices shall be addressed to the parties at the addrossea and facsimile number set forth in Suction 1 above or ouch other address or facsimile number designated by written notice. Whenever a notice is given to Midwest, a copy of the notice shall be mailed to Midwest's attorney: Steven D. DeRuyter, Esq., Leonard, Street and Deinard, 150 South Fifth Street, Minneapolis, MN 55402. 14. Condemnation. if a condemning authority takes all of the Site, or a portion sufficient to render the Sito unusable by Midwest (in Midwest's deternunation), then this Leese shall terminate as of the date title yr possession vests in the cond~+n+ng authority. 15. Taxes. Owner shall pay all real estate taxes and special assessments assessed against the Site. if any of Midwest's Equipment is subject to real estate taxes as a fixture to the Site, Midwest shell reimburse Owner for the roal property taxes attributable to the Equipment. Midwest shall pay and bo responsible for all personal property taxes on its Equipment. 16. Utilities. 16.1. Owner shall cooperate with Midwest in reasonable requests to extend and/or increase the capacity of tolocommnnications and utility services (e.g. additional telephone cable or power lines) to the Site, including granting public utility service line easements over the Site and Owner's adjacent properties, es reasonably required to service Midwest's • Equipment. 16.2. Midwest is roaponaiblo for the cost of all utilities servicing Midwest's Equipment, including coat of extending or incroasing the capacity of service lines and all consumption and service charges, Midwest will arrange for separate metering of all utilities servicing its Equipment and pay all meter installation costs. 17. Title. Owner warrants to Midwest quiet use and enjoyment of the Site during the term of this Lease, subject to the terms and condition of this Lease. Owner warrants and covenants to Midwest as follows: 17, ] . Owner has fhll right, power, and authority to execute this Leese. 17.2. Owner either (i) has marketable foe simple title tv the Sitc, or (ii) Owner holds a ground lease or easement from the foe owner of the Situ with a term expiring on or after the expiration of the Term of thin Lease (including all Ronowal Terms), which ground lease or easement includes the tight to enter into this Lease to Midwest. 17.3. The Site includes legal vehicular access to the public street orright-of--way shown and described on the site plan attached es Exhibit B. Vehicular access to such public street is either (i) by direct contiguous access from the Site, or (ii) by way of a private road or driveway shown on the site plan attached as Exhibit $ which is owned by Owner or over which Owner holds an easement to use the private road, which easement includes the right to allow Owner's tenants to use the private road, 18. Personal Property of Midwest. Owner acknowledges and agrees that all of the Pquipment placed on the Site by Midwest is personal property, not real property or fixtures, and shall 1549B60~7 6 q ~~) continue to be Midwest's personal and exclusive property, and neither Owner nor any person, mortgagee or other creditor claiming by, through or under Owner shall have any right, title or interest (including without limitation a security interest) in the Equipment. Owner shall not have and hereby waives any lion it may have or right to obtain or enforce any lien (statutory or otherwise) on any of Midwest's Equipment. Midwest has the right to remove the Equipment at any limo during or following expiration of the Torm of this Lease. 19. Environmental Conditions. Owner watxattis and represents to Midwest that Owner has no notice or knowledge of any: 19.1. planned or commenced public improvements which may result in special aseoesments or otherwise materially at'Fxt the Site; 19.2. government agency or court order requiring repair, alteration, or correction of any existing condition on the Sito; 19.3. underground storage tanks or any structural, mechanical, or other defects of material significance affecting the Water Tower or those portions of the Site used by Midwest, including but not limited to inadequacy for normal use of structural and mechanical systems, and the presence of any dangerous or toxic materials or conditions affecting the Sita; or 19.4. wetland and shoreline regulations affecting the Sito. 20. Estoppel Certificates. Owner and Midwest agree that from limo to time upon not less than 10 days' prior request each shall deliver to the other a statement certifying (a) that this Lease ie unmodified and in full force and effect (or if there have boon modifications that the Lease as • modified is in Hill force and effect); (b) the dates to which the Rent and other charges have been paid; (c) that neither Midwest nor Owner is in default under any provision of this Lease, or, if in default, the naturo thereof in detail; and (d) such other matters pertaining to this Lease as may be reasonably requested by Owner or Midwest. 21. Miscellaneans Provisions. 21.1. Contingency. Midwest's obligations hereunder are contingent upon (i) Midwest's receipt of all necessary pomtits, zoning approvals, and regulatory approvals for its telecommunications operations at the Site, and (ii) satisfactory engineering tests, including cellular coverage, transmission, interference and capacity teats and other Site or environmental testing to determine Site suitability for Midwest's proposed operations. Midwest and its contractors shall have access to the Site prior to the Effxtive Date for the purpose of conducting such tests and feasibility studies. 21.2. Entire Agreement, This Lease contains the entire agreement of the parties with respect to any matter mentioned herein and supersedes any prior oral or written agraements. 21.3. Amendments. This Lease maybe amended in writing only, signed by the partial in interest at the time of such amendment. 21.4. Assignment. This Lease maybe assigned by Midwest without written consent of the Owner, provided that the assignee is identified by the name and address to the Owner . and the assignee continues carrying on Midwest's communications business as contemplated hereunder and assumes in writing the obligations of Midwest hereunder. i savRCa~~ 7 q Cam) This Lease maybe assigned by the Owner without consent of Midwest, prvvldod that • the assignee shall take the Site subject to this Lease. 21.5, fllegallty. If any term of this Lease is hold to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Lease will not be affected, and in lieu of each provision that is found to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, a provision will be added as a part of this Lease that is as einrilar to the illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision as may be possible and bo legal, valid and enforceable. 21.6. Itemediea. The parties agree that if Owner fails to perform any of its obligations or duties under this lease, or breaches or threateva to breach this Lease, Midwest may suffer irreparable harm, the extent of which cannot be readily calculated or dotorrninod, and that in such event Midwest may seek and obtain an order of specific performance and/or a temporary or permanent injunction. 21.7, Choice of Law. This Lease shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State in which the Site is located. 21.8. Expense of Enforcement. If either party brings an action at law or in equity to enforce or interpret this Lease, the prevailing party in such action shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees and court coats for all stages of litigation, including, but not limited to, appellate proceedings, in addition to any other remedy granted. The "prevailing party" is the party which by law is entitled to recover its costs of suit, provided, however, where the first party institutes and dismisses suit against the second party, without the concurrence of the second party, the second party ie the • "prevailing party." 21.9, Counterparts. This Lease and any amendment thereto maybe executed in counterparts, all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. The signature and acknowledgement of a party to any counterpart may be removed and attached to any other counterpart. Any counterpart containing the signatures of all partite shall constitute an original of this Lease. 21.10. Time. Except as otherwise expressly provided, references to intervals of time shall mean consecutive calendar days, months or years, as applicable. If the date for giving notice or taking action under this Lease falls on a weekend or Federal or State holiday, rho date for the giving of such notice or taking such action shall bo extended to rho next business day. 21.11. Conetructlon. Any legal principle providing for construction of a document against the drafter shall not apply to this Lease. The fact that a party has agreed to a deletion from, addition to or other change in rho form of this Lease during its negotiation shall not be used as any evidence of the intent of that party, or for any other purpose, in the interpretation of this Lease. • 1549tl60d7 ~ C~~) n LJ NAMH (Pl.ense PRINT) Tl'nE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Lease ae of the Effective Date set forth in Section 1 above. OWNER: EY Its: MANDATORY EXHIBITS Its: VICE-PRESIDENT- ENQINEERING AND TECI-u~rol.oGr Exhibit A: Legal description ofthe Site. Exhibit B: Site Plan. Exhibit C: Diagram of Midwest's Equipment Locations on the Site Exblbit D: Description of Midwest's Equipment STATE OF MINNESOTA ) as COUNTY OF MCLEOD ) . The foregoing Lease wee acknowledged beforo the this day of , 200,, by ,the of the City of Hutchinson, a Minnesota municipal corporation, vn behalf of the corporation, Notary Public J STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) 86 COUNTY OF The foregoing Lease was acknowledged before me this day of , 200_, by Brian Flnsarson, rho Vico-Prosidont of Enginoonng and Technology of Midwest Wiroloss Communications L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company, on behalf of the company. Notary Public is~9eco~ MIDWEST: By: BRUN Fn~rGaRSON 9 ~ ~Q~ r~ MW W Farm M I.1-MN She #: M WC274 Site Name: Hutchinson WT South EX~IIDIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF NIIDWEST WIRELESS COri1MIINICATIONS L.L.C. SITE # 274 r~ L ~~e~~ ~(~~) C~ M W W Form # 1.1-MN EXIIIBIT B Sita #: MWC274 Site Name: Hutchlneon WT South SITE PLAN AND ACCESS TO MIDWEST WIRELE55 SITE # 274 Name of public street le~slly accea®161e itom the Site: Century Avonua 5outhea&t Century Avenue Southeast ~J Midwest' EqulpmE Building • NOT TO SCALE 13a9B60v7 B ~ (~~ M W W Form k1.1-MN EXIiIBTT C Sitc N: MWC274 Site Nemc: Hulnhurean WC South AIAGRAM OF EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS MIDWTST WIRELESS SITE # 274 s Antenna's `J MldweaPa Bulldlnp 1sa~ecov~ NOT TO SCALE ~~ q ~~~ MWW Form #1.1-[rIN Sity #: MWC274 91ta Nwna: Hutchinson wT Scuth E7~IT D EQUIPMENT OWNED BY MIDWEST WIRELESS AT SITE # 274 C~ Equipment Mountln@ Height/Locatlon of Antenna an Water Tower Dlrectlon Antenna Faces ~~1[• NW) He1Qht of Antenns i~om Bottom to Top Type of Antenna: Purpose of Antenna ]e.g. cellular phone, microwave] Channels or Frequency: Diameter, Location & Length of Feed-line and Bridge from Equipment BulldlnQ to Water Tower: Deecrlptlan ofBulldinQ I3ousinQ TX, IiX and Auxiliary Equipment: Size of Equ[pment Locations in Owner's Building: ATTACH ADDI'T'IONAL SI3EET9 AS NECESSARY ~ 1 L J is49eamn e>~,D q (~ PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE N0.03-336 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 12.40, ADDING SUED. 5.3 OF THE HUTCIIiNSON CITY CODE, TO ADD LANGiIAGE REQUIRING BOiTLEVARb TREE PLANTING IN NEW Sl1BDPYISIONS 12.40 MINIMUM IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRZ~D 6n 1n Ne v h su la v nts v wi t e r~ppptgnt. The Hutchinson C1ty Connell may decldc. bwsed on flue~nclal canQldcrotlom. ha 1t ma ra9t of the 1 t wale f the s Bair w all e r nimum r 1 nl es Th 11 th it ad' b lan b nt rtia i . EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORpINANCE. This ordinance shall take effect upon is adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 8'" day of April, 2003 Attest: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Marlin Torgcrson, Mayor r L ~ ~h) PiTBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE N0.03-334 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 3 AND 10.14 OF THE HUTCHINSON CCI'Y CODE, TO ADD LANGUAGE REGULATING SANDWICH BOARD SIGNS IN THE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS Sectlan 3: Definitions S CNS: A r p1pJg~g s r Il shine ll¢hte. no larger than seven square feet total sim size (po taller than 6 )fit fmm~): diavlaytd outside a businx+~,q, durin¢ bueinoss hours. to adytrtise the buainoss. hours pf operation, an event, a promotion. etc., (excludlnQ real e.tate mi¢no¢el. It is not intended as nern,anent business ciao ~ct~e. Sectlan I t1.14 Slgna Slgn StAndards by Zoning Dlstrlct (4) 51gns Permitted In Commercial and Indnstrlal Dlstrlcta: The following signs shall be allowed by special permit in the C-1, C-2, C-3, C~4, C-5, I-1, 1-2 and UC Districts. (~ Sandwich Aoard Sigh . 1. ~ iii f t ado e make note of the foUowjn¢: a. Y 7_ ni Hutchinson to apply far a pcmtit. b. The sandwich board must meet tht definitioti]istQtLin 5oction 3. 2. Sandwich Board Display Information a. a en e promotion taking_plaae. b. A sandwich bgari is not intended to replace ncrlttanent buildin¢ si~a¢e. c. available 3. n tai ng Sandwich Board Permit Applications a. Permits may be obtaiacdfrom tho Ylannin¢ and ZoninQ~partrttQmt_at thr. City of Hutchinson. b. The form must be q leted and s'y and by the business ownflr. c. A11 necessary paperwork must be turned in to and si¢ntzdhy the Plarutim~ w k rior to d. it a licatio until resolution- e. A sketch of the sandwich board dimensions. content and lgratign of the sandwich board must be attached to the application. £ ;~.he a~lication must be approved end sijmad_bv t a Planning f r the sap . g. Each business owner is reyyonsible for attaohinR a cop, o~f~,,Ftilytezed permit tp the~sandyvich board. Sandwich boards without nortnits will be dispo~d of at owner's expense. Only one sand5vic}t_bparSi9iY3L19 allowed per business and is not transferahlRs gCc) OrdinAnca N03-331 Scctlon 10.14 -Sandwich Board Slgnr Pagc 2 . h. w and i arm' bcuinning an 1,_nnd endin¢ December 31. or txa ]c. if the nernut is acuuircd in July 2002 it would expire Dr~cmbs~r 31.20021. i. The sandwlch board ordlnanca will take effect on .Tune 1.24(13. All sandwich boards must comely with the regulations at that timc. Na ~¢randfathcrir~' is ncumitt4d. j, wears t way which indomnifias the ¢ovarnment of any liability. if the sign is to ba locatod in the rip t-of-way. k. The 6nslncss ow er must nrovlde yearly certificate of inluranC~ which ovcrs llabllltles for the sl¢na¢e placement area. TJto_C1ty at 13utchlnson most be a named_Insnred ou the oollcv. 4. Snccifications of the Sand~ch_BonrtJ a. The sand 'ch board bo un to 7 sauars fat in siu pcr sick. b. The sandwich board mays take uo 3 feet of sidcwalk._and Bhp1Ln4S 1 e c. Tho sandwich board may 9111V~playcd durin¢ rog~lar buainass h~ d. Sandwich boards must ba weighted dawn or rerarovcd if~pd9_¢~sif~14 m.1z.h. 5. Disolavin¢ Atrorovcd Sandwich Boards a. A couv of the sandwich board ncrmit must be anachadSt7_tha_bfi~ b. v v ndwich . (i.e. snow removal. traffic issues. maint~nanca. otc,~ c. The gandwlch hoard must ba removed over ni¢ht to nrevont thef~i e remove Accumulation (the hoard may not be reolaced until the snow tx removad,l EFF'1CCTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE. This ordinance shall take effect upon is adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 8~ day of April, 2003 Attest: Gary D. Plotz Marlin Torgerson, Mayor ~ (~~ Hutchinson C1ty Center • 111 H.seao d1reM 96 nutchhgop, hnY dddd0.272.7 J20.7I17-0171/Faa J20.Z144I40 DATE: March 19, 2003 TOt Hutchinson City Council FROMt Hutchinson Planning Commiwian SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO ZONINOORDINANCE SECI-ION 10.14, pF THE HUTCH]NSpN ZONINd CODE TO CHANGE LANGUAGE REOARDINO SANDWICH BOARD SIGNS Pursuant to Sections 6.D5 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Communion is heroby submitting lta findings of fact and recommendadon with reepcct tv the aforamendoned inquest for an amen~llent [o dte Zoning ordimnce. HISTORY Thera has bean increased use of portable sandwich board signs capecially in the downtown districK. The Slgn Ordinance is . confusing. Section 10.14, Sign Standards by Zoniltg District (2d) probibiU use vfportable signs exceptby condidoml use if placed an collector etrccTe. The Prvhtbited Signs (7) scctioo prohtbita portable signs altogether. Of cot>ne, the more reatrlcdve necdon applies par Secdon 2.01. On 7anuary 21" the Downtown Physical Appearance Comrrrinee met to discuss the proposed ordinance. They agreed that en ordinance should be in place fox sandwich boards to curate guidelines for the business owners. In the furore, we will eddreas portable signs in other cormncrcisl districts. 9ectlon 3: Detlnl[lone d n v t v (9IaSrJYQ(ptt real ertate NQna¢el. It (ry .nvi Jnt endcd m oc rmaoent business sian nec_ Secdon 10.14 91Qns Sign Standards by Zonhtg Dgtrlct (4) 91gns Permitted In Commercial end Industrial Districts: The following signs shall be allowed by special permit In the C-1, C-2, G3, Cam, C-S, I-1, I-2 end UC Districts. 1 • L'liglhility for Sandwich Board Ady{~ina Aefore regllL~9I111g_Ftrmisaioa to, advertise uaitl¢ a sandwich board. plp~' the fa winr: e. You Nava contacted thy P~pina end Zoning~pp t the City of Hu1G1;ii41ffiSp~uRly for a oorlnit• RInkA an iecyelcd paps \L • Findingo(Fact Miendment to Ordinance Section 10.14 Sandwich board 91Rua kAge 2 b- Tha sandwich bond must mret defytition listed ytt~ect;nn 3_ 2 s_ v iai, hours or promotion ~p~¢ place. b. c• ~BUtlyviCh~hvnrda aro ¢~¢ileble foT i c dwinRS~4t7'11~nth,gflbG 4. a• The_olandwich board tra y be tip to 7 eau¢ro feet in eix~, pyLllEa2 b- Tha sandwich boatd m _ ty, o un 3 foot of aidewaik. and shall not be aet in c. d. v a ~~~ . Finding of Fact Atnevdment to Ordinance Section 10.14 Snndwlch board Sl~ns Page 3 1. Notice was published in the Hutchinson seder on March 6~ and March 1 I'", 2003 2. Planning $4ff would recommend approval of the new ordinance reguletin~ Sandwich Hoard eiQns in ell Cvnwxrcial end Industrial Dlstricm. There was discussion regarding the snow removnl process and signs nvt being removed at night especially dttntt~ a el~aiticent snowfall. The Planning Com~seivn votad to reconmiend approval of the amendment. R~espepctfu~ll~y su tted, Dean Kirchvff, Chairmen Hutchinson Plennin~ Cammisa{on CJ (c~ ~~.._ CITY«OF HL7TCHINSONWPLANNING STAFF REPORT~~ To: ITntchlnson Planning Commlaslon Prepared By: Planniu~ Staff: Brad Emans, bolt Moon, Don Nelson, Miles Seppelt, Amanda Alfson, Jean Ward, John Rodeherg, P,E., Johp Wtbster, Johp Olson, Lenny RutltdQe, Barry Greive, Mark Schnobrich, Marc 5ebora, Gary Plotz, 1{en Merrill, Jim Popp, Steve Madson, hick Nagy, Julle Wischnack, AICP, and Bonnit Baumetz Date: March 11, 2003 -Meeting Date: March 18, 2003 RE: Sagdwich Board Slgas Update Staff has revised the ordinance, based on tho discussions at the lest Planning Commission meeting. chore is some added language about movable parts and other standards. The languago about insurance has also been added. n LJ ~ <<~ PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE N0.03-338 . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SICCTION 10.14 REGULATING PORTABLE SIGNS IN ALL ZONING DISTRICTS SECTION 3: DEFINTITONS SIGN, PORTABLE/I'EMPQBA$y; Asign designed to be moved from place to place end not 10.14 SIGNS SIGN STANDARDS BY ZONING DISTRICT (2)(d) Portable Slgns: n...._~.i.... _ ,...._.._.:»_a ,... ~.:..t..... ~..._.,. ~ _ ~.~~: ~•Wt::t µa r~~ si s hle/I' i ed for more than raven t71 davs and mast be removed imm4~ly after the event adsc~~.4~A ~ps~t_( t to be dotoraiined by City Council res auired and will be rsharned i v o e i t dccuosit wh n tht s tpl is removed- Jf thc_ ~L~m romaina aflcr seven davs, the City will utilize the daooait to remoye_th®_si~. EFFECTIVE DATE OP ORDINANCE. This ordinance shall take effect upon ie adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 81h day of April, 2003 Atuet: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Marlin Torgereon, Mayor 9 ~d~ Hutchia9on City Ce C~ DATE: March 19. 2003 111 H.wn 8trart 96 Hotchlmoa, MN 9333U]9S2 73Q387-3131/Fu 32p-1344240 TOt Hutchinson Clry Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commiuion SUBJECT: CDNSIDERATION DF AMENDMENT TO ZONINp ORDINANCE SECTION 10.14, OF THE HUTCHINSON ZONING CODE TO CHANGE LANOUAOE REGARDINp PORTABI.FlI'EMPORARY SIGNS Puu-eunnt to Sections 6.05 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Futchinson Planning Commission ie hereby submitting its fiudinQe of f1<ct end recomtnendeNon with respect to the aforementioned request for an amendment to the zoning ordinancc. HISTORY The sandwich board discussion hoe also brought to the City's ettcntion, the abuse of temporary, portable, changeable lettersigm. There are two pvrtiom of the ordhrancc that discttse the issue, one allowing it by conditional use permit only (amertded in 1994) end ono portion of Nis code, entirely prohibiting the use of these type of signs (1996). 71ie more restrictive ordinance is prescrabed to be used, per 2.01 Intazpretation. SECTION 3: DEFIIVTfION9 .SIGN, PORTAHLE/I'EMPORARY: A sign designed to be moved 6romplace to place 10.14 SIGN5 SIGN 9TANDAIIDS BY ZONING DLSTRICT (2)(d) Portable5lgm: P~~ w ~ v v v - v PROHIBIT&D SIGNS (a) • Flnding of Fact Amendment to OrdinAnce Section 10.14 1'ortablelTemparary $IQnI PA~e 2 =INDINt35 OF FACT 1. Nodce wee published in tha Hutchinson Leader on Memh 6'A end March 11~, 2003 2. Staff would recommend approval of the amended portabldtatnporary sign ordinance. The ordinance would allow the signs on private pmpcrty by a permit with a dapoelt to Assure the sign would be displayed ecvcn days end then removed. The deposit will promote the si~na~a removal. Staff does rteliza there army 6e anforcemeut issues with the ordinance. However, the applicant will be rleponafbla to reclaim the deposit if the permit data is more than seven days, the Ciry will claim the deposit and remove the sign. Additiomlly, the ordinance pxovidw adpulndona of whit the eignngc would not allow (flaahin~ li~ltta, moving part, etc.) A pxopmty would not be Able to have the temporary aigna~e more than 3 tunas par year (total of 21 dAys). i'he Planning Cormniaeion voted to recommend Approval of the Amendment. a ectflilly sub tt~ een Kirchaff, Chairmen Hutchinson Planing Commission • • ~ Cd~ ~:....,w,.,,.~,.~.,~.~..__,..,...,,.,~..a.....~r~...~.~_,~_~...~..~~,.,,..~..... ... ~. ,~.1, r.. CITY OFWHUTCHINSON PLANNING^ STAFF REPORT w~ • To. Hutchinson Planning Commissio~a Prepared By: Planning Staff: T3rad Emans, Dol[ Moon, Don Nelson, Miles Seppelt, Amanda Alfson, Jean Ward, John Tiodeberg, P.E., John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Barry Grcive, Mark Scbnobricb, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Ken Merrill, Jlm Popp, Stave Madson, Dick Nngy, Julie Wischnack, AICP, and Bonnic Baumetz Date: March 12, 2003 - Meeting Date: March 18, 2003 Re: 'T'emporary/Portable Signs The sandwich board discussion has alga brought to the City's attention, the abuse of temporary, portable, changr_able letter signs. There are twa portions of the ordinance that discuss the issue, one allowing it by conditional use permit only (amended in 1994) and one portion of the code, entirely prohibiting the use of these types of signs (1996). The more restrictive ordinance is prescribed to be used, per 2.01 Interpretation. Staff would recommend approval of the amended portablcJtemporary sign ordinance. The ordinance would allow the signs on private property by a perntit with a deposit to assure the sign would be displayed seven days and then removed. The deposit will promote the eignage removal. . Staff does realize there may be enforcement issues with the ordinance. However, the applicant will be responsible to reclaim the dapusit. if the permit date is more than seven days, the Cjty will claim the deposit and remove the sign. Additionally, the ordinance provides stipulations of what the signage would not allow (flaahin~ lights, moving parts, etc.) A property would not be a61e to have the tempomry signage more than 3 times per year (total of 21 days). ~~~~ HUTCHINSON WATER DEPARTMEly~ z.zz(a)(1> CONSTRUCTION WATER POLICY . DECEMBER 1995 /UPDATED 1998, 20U1,2003 SINGLE /TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE CONSTRUCTION 1. Charge for Conetruotion water shall be as follows' $50.00 (collected as part of the water meter fee with the plumbing peritrit). 2. Thu construction water maybe tamed on and off by and at the discretion of the contractor/property owner. The contractor/plumber is responsible to acquire wire far the remote sensor from the Water Department. The contractor will then install wire from the meter to the remote sensor at an approved location i.e. near the gas and electric meters, between 36" and 48" above grade, leaving 12" of wire exposed On or just before, date of final plumbing inspection, contractor/plumber will call Water Department to request a meter. The Water Department will deliver said mater and plumber will install meter. A Water Deparment representative will install remote sensor and verify proper operation, correct standpipe height, valve operation, and meter installation. If all is installed in compliance with City requirements, water will be fumed on and contractor can call for final Certificate of Occupancy. 4. Final water service will not be fumed on, until installation of the water meter and associated hardware is completed, shutoff is operable, and standpipe height is verified and correct. 3. Tha contractor shall provide all plumbing, wire, hoses, fittings, etc. Wire attached to plumbing and conduit with commercial plastic wire ties and/or electrical tape. 4. Contractor shall install proper backflow preventors on all connections made on to City potable water supply lines. . Reference Minnesota Plumbing Cade Section 4715.1900. The City must shut water off if no backflow protection is installed. 5. Contact the Hutchinson Water Department at 234222 regarding any of the above items. ALL OTAER CONSTRUCTION 1. Charge for oonstruetion water shall be as follows: $100.00 (collected ss pail of the water meter fat with the plumbing permit). 2. No water meter shall be installed at the properly until the building has had a final inspection by the City $ullding Inspections dcptutment, unless a large meter must be plumbed in by the contractor, or by prior approval of the Building Inspections personnel. 3. If water is not available to the property when a request for service is made, connection to the closest fire hydrant will be allowed until water service is put into the property. After that time, it will be expected that the connection will be made to the water service line to the property. 1t will be at the discretion of the City staffto determine that shook-up to a fire hydrant will be prncbcal or appropriate. Factors to consider chat] be distance, safety, traffic, etc. 4. All plumbing, hoses, fittings, etc., shall be provided by the contractor. S. Contractor shall install proper hackflow preventars on all connections made on to City potable water supply lines. Reference Minnesota Plumbing Code Section 4715.19(1(1. The City must shut water off if no bacldlow protection is installed. ~6. No person, except an authorized municipal employee, shall tam on any water supply at the stop box. 7. Contact the Hutchinson Water Department at 234-4222 for any of the above items. ~ (e) CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 12135 RESOLUTION REQUESTING STATE LEGISLATOR OPPOSITION TO GOVERNOR PAWLENTY'S PROPOSED REDUCTION TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT AIA TO THE CITY OF FIUTCHINSON WHEREAS, Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty's budget proposal places a "disproportionate" amount of Financial burden on Minnesota cities, statewide; and, WHEREAS, taking a 3 ] % cut in Local Govemmont Aid to cities ($375.5 million - soo attached) to nddress 14% of the state general fluid budget crisis is diapropottionate and unfair; and, WHEREAS, the state budget continues to grow by 7% ($1 billion) and cities are to operate on drastically loss revenue; and, WHEREAS, the cut to the City of Hutchinson is $623,414 the first yoaz of the two year state budget biennium and $1,411,072 the second year, nod, WHEREAS, the $1.4 million cut ie equal to 13.95% of the City of Hutchinson entire general flmd revenues ($9.2 million/year); and, . WIIEREAS, to place this in perspective, this would be equal to reducing 25.5 of the 85 full time employees of the City of Hutchinson general fund; and, WHEREAS, the $1.4 million reduction for the City of Hutchinson is the second highest cut per capita ($119/person) for all cities within the population range of 10,000 to 25,000 (see attached); and, WHEREAS, the scope of the reduction will require all departments to share an unfair burden including the emergency services of police, fire, and public inspections; NOW THEREFORE HB ]T RESOLVED, that the City of Hutchinson raqueet that our State Senator and State Representative oppose Governor Pawlenty's budget bill until "substantial" structural changes are made that ere more fair and equitable for the residents of the City of Hutchinson Adopted this 25s' day of March, 2003. Marlin Torgorson, Mayor ATTEST: Gary A, Plotz, City Administrator qc~~ (, / f • • i Gov. Pawlenty's Proposed Cuts to City Property Tax Relief February 19, 2003 CY 2003 CY 2004 Total Cut aver twn --ears Loco! Go~ennment ; 120.7 M ; 255.0 M ~ 375 7 M Aid . Home Marke# Value Credit ; 20.0 M ; 39.0 M S 59.0 M Total cuts during ; 140.7 M ; 294.0 M ~ 434 7 M biennium . S~ U Next biennium ICY 2003-04} LGA total budget: ~ 1.2 billion Goo's proposed total cut to LGA: ~ 375.7 million This equals a 31 °/o cut in LGA during the next biennium CY 2003 LGA would have been: ;586.8 million Gov.'s proposed LGA: X466.7 million This equals a cut of X120.7 million, or a 2D.6% loss in LGA for CY 2003 cY 2004 LGA would have been: ;fi07.0 million Gov.'s proposed LGA: ;352.0 million This equals a $255.0 million cut, or a 42% loss in LGA for CY 2004 * INarket Value Credit cuts are restored in 2005, LGA cuts are permanent F ~,__ , -- ~ p ~ 003 Cut ~ 2004 Cut Finaf `~Dl]TSTATE Po ulation 2003 LGA+ 2003 Cut 2004 Cut ___.__- _ -~ ---- -- ~ - ---~ _ _ _LGAICa , 2. _ -___, . ---- ---.I__ ~fi11u.18.~il ~,uste~~ ~... p~ ,.,g l3rn~dli ~rein~rd Br,ff~l~ J A ~ yr bJ~~,.u Llp eJv ' _._m 2:~, 376 ~ ~ 7,~ ;~ ". -.. q..... ~j pry __ 02e0~wA $ ~rtil+JLaL~A.J -_-13,421 $ 4,240,922 10„844 ' 1,433,844 .. ~ ~ ~ ~s : ~ ,,.~ ', , ~. ~ 93aD'„8'8 I W~ '1 , / ~.7e~~ $ ~'VG„JL~} ~p7 I IU$~~~'IP~ a0f1, a $ 061 „~ 1 ~ ~ ~w~~286,601 760,71'4 -. r~ ~~J_ I ,~, "'~^V ,g r~ rjl 3J~ ~ wP "tL mm_ 31 r,~ ~ 37 '_ 132 $ 26 _...,.. _ ~'. ~ ~ A g~ ,~..~, ~y ~crY ~ S? $ 71 70 __ -- ~ ~jJ .!Ulu r~ f.,, _. $ L3V $ 246 $ ~~ __ e~ .... .. 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V $ _ 117 119.... ____._.~_. l'ars0~aail ~.__~~ °~ 2 ~~~ ~ ~~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 _ ~ ~ 1 $ 1 h1w LJI 13,641'' ' $ ~, ~ ~a, ~°~~ s ~~~,~ ~ „1 ~ ~ ~ _ _ 82 $ 271 l~lorth I~nk1c~ 12,x}54 $ 2,a89,96~ $ 46x,231 $ 683,.93'9 + _ 21 a ~~_ 5 , 39 ' 73 '', $ 14~ OVrartl~rfilri ~~ 17,09 $ 3.73.573 $ 635,723 ,,,,_. ~ 1 „308,0511 2..64 $ $ 36 75 $ 12.9 C7r,~t~nn 22,788. 5,750„753 91....2,.991 $ $1,734„.683 252 $ 40 .....~_. $ 76 _~ $ 178 ' ~ ___ ~;d 'Willing ~_ _ ~ 6 p2'01 $ 1.199,076 $ 1,185,048 ......_1,199, 076 __ 74 '73 $ T4 _ ~. ~rt'01' ~ 10,333 $ E3Ct6,~73 231,320 $ 381,233 ' ~+ 59 22 ~ $ 37 22 _ G~uk Rapids~~ 10 $26 ~ $ 2 212„SJ41 356 B 19 , - - ~ 7'31 „$ a[1 $ ~~m2G~4 33 $ 68 °i 37 st. Mic,! i~tel . _ .,204 $ 395,170 10 IT~mm mm 2134.31 ~ $ .. .395,171 $ 39 $ 2i:3 39 d rr° t 1 ~I m, ~ ,~}'~ ~ S -1.7'0,768 18 - - - $ h00,312 ~ _ 1,438,3? 2+Q ~m~._ 33 ', __ i'8 $ 182 ._._._v_ ®_._.__. - - - _ __ _ ._w_.m~.._ ~v:~.,. , ,~,~, 1,1.2 f:• `.~ -,.r;_~. ~?~,? 0 ~ 3F3~,74CJ `~ T4[~,L ~i; ~ '~ ~`~~ Average..... i ;<t'~f",~„ ~~~,,,*~-~>., ,~, ~ ~~ ,- $ 261 ~ ~.~ as 36, $__ 39~ 86 $ _,.._ 79 ~' ~t _,5 182<": ~IWIETRQ : Papulat,vn~ ~ 2pp3 LGA~* ~ ..2003 Cut' _ ~ .....,2044 Cut -LGA1Capi 2003 C~t_~2aD4_C~C~_TFir~al r; 1 =~-~,`{i;'' wA~ r~k:t ~', 1`; ~ .. 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I ,`~ -1 i ,, l ~~ 69$ 29'$ 4fi;$ 24 ~~~°~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 12136 RESOLUTION REQUESTING A "NO PENALTY CLAUSE" IN THE LOCAL GOVERNMEN'T' ATD FORMULA FOR CITIES ACTING AS THE "FISCAL AGENT" IN JOINT JURISDICTION MODEL PROGRAMS WHEREAS, Governor Pawlenty and prior governors have advocated for combinhtg governmental functions tv ancourage prudent expenditures of capital and operating costs; and, WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson has been a model for joint powers arrangements in the areas of: Joint City /County /State DOT /State Patrol maintenance facility ($284,437/yoar) Joint City and School J)istrict management of recreation and community education ($39,566/year) Joint City and Township fire protection services ($60,000/year) Municipal State Aid ($860,676/year); and, WHEREAS, Governor Pawlenty's proposed city aid reduction is based on "total OSA 2000 revenue" of $14,853,391 for the City of Hutchinson (see attached); and, • WHEREAS, theca model programs whore the City of Hutchinson is the fiscal agent total $860,676.08 of the $14,853,391 in the current base formula for Hutchinson; and, WHEREAS, utilizing the Governor's proposed formula of 9.5% of the grand total of $14,853,391 causes a reduction in local government aid and local government revenues of $81,764.23; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Governor, State Senate, and House of Roprosentativea propose revising any proposed local government aid formula as not to penalize the City of Hutchinson or any entity for being the "fiscal agent" and handling the accounting function (total expenditures) of multiple jurisdictional projects that exhibit the prudent values of efficiency and effectiveness. Adopted by the City of Hutchinson this 25s' day of March, 2003. Marlin Torgerson, Mayor ATTEST: Gary Il. Plotz, City Administrator ~ c~ r~ LJ - zooo tool GENERAL FUND _7,317 104.8D _8347,984.00 SPECIAL REVENUE _ 1,244,977.88 1,199,439.00 HATS ewnmoic loan; downtown Ican rural flr e; _ _ hra loan; houain rehab loan; tax Increment as s thrU DEBT SERVICE 4,891 278.83 4 221 880.00 _ CONSTRUCTION FUNDS 3,765,160.47 6,454,732.OD FIbUGIARY FUNDS 38,676.36 38,391.OD _ HRA 172,930.00 273,969.00 _ _ EDA 187,4D3.00 167,978.OD REDUCTIONS _ _ _ BONG PROCEEDS ~_ 2,4D3,667.00 2 866,168.00 TRANSFERS NOT FROM ENTERPRISE FDS 285,4D3.00) LOGAL GRANTS SCHOOL' (88 014.D0 66,743.00 _ LOCAL GRANTS OTHER ~5,D6B.20 ___ f ~ ~~ 14, 883 ~ 3B 1.00 ~~~ 16, 789, 66D.00 1,ODO,DOD.00 JOINT VENTURES _ _ 8.5 0% ~_.__ ^ ~ ~ . 96.000 00 CommunityEdlRecr eabon 38,588.08 _ _ nue Funds __ _ _ _ _ __ HA75 x __ 264 437.00 _451268 ___ _ Rural Flra _ 60,000.00 193026 cts _ MSA 476 853.D0 500000 TOTAL JOINT VENTURES 880 676.08 1,144 294.D0 0.5% of Jolnt ventures _ 81,784.23 _ 108 70 .83 G (~ cs "r}~.F °i~, E". ~"Kti ,` :. i k ai r. ~~.r ~~tl ~~ T ~ ~,.~; r ~ ~ Iz ' ,r ~r^a oe$ ~ 0.a m~' ~4' v svi ~' vmm ..,. ~ ~' nm7 v) , . ~ ,. a a ~ . ., ; .Y "^+ ~ . ~ ~.. uy ~ u'y Mara in r~ an w7 ua ~~x u~ u~ rrr +a••r cs rs nrr u7~ Hwy ~- . ` ~ ~7a ~ , a cn +~ ~, ~ W, e>s , [[ _ I .. ._ i ~ ' ~ III vl ~s °~ ~ a _ db .a 4A7 ~~ ~i YV w¢ tl'1 ti~ ~ w ~ q°y ..~. Cib b"~ Irv ,. 1 wW~ W- fC4 k~S 481 ~'~ ~w~}}P^^ ~d~ ~ 4°~l *a 4~ ~ rh ~ N 1 ab ,IT J .r' Mlh~-- % ~~ CFl 9] t.? rm M.d ~ ~ ~ M19Y r { 1 ''+$ IM • w l~ I -. p•., ~Y Wit' dtl] h - '+Vqf~ LfY !~ (p w- Gqe~7^ 0.T! .7 - i ~' •qr~ wN'~ Ertl t+! ~ t+i a"Y d'V U'a ~ ~ .1 -~ ~ . ,.- ..~ ~,,, i iv a I.tl l N'a 4 ,J ~a ~} ~~ ..J 6dT U:Y ~ i+tl ici', mw i -_- ~.-. „ Otis ~*: _ iv~. ~~ ~ wig ra ~ ~ r ~ ~, r,•j ~ .~ Aw v t~ .~ i o ~ c °1 •Ar ~ ~ CV. ~ 'J ri , .'P' W+ 0.~ N7' N^ ('11 t47~ 1J„7 4"9n t('1 ~ I~w. e u7 L r-- r. am r a71 ~, ,x1 wx aID r ~, ~. T:~ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rte. av c7 ,~ sv .r i~a r'~ cvl a.. s~ , r'- ~~ - U qn~ .y ~ } y ~[+"A V CW ~aa J 1 ~ «1 7 V"-, l"4 tCtl CW Cb f ~ra ;r . 5 c"7 •7' fi! z!? 471 tali 4i7 •- W a^T °Ci ~ P7M ~• 7 ~ i ~ L ~ ~ ~ A h ~ m ~ c ~ ~ a r ! 5 7 LLY J M~'a C'V 1 erX C7 'V y'+Y {+y c"7 ~eR dV w47 "'~'fi'T ^^ d`W ~"P r~u ~ e2 f,7 ~ y~ r_ W. 3 ~' ,.r E W7~ 9%M a @7 4'W uTr Wq 4XY '° r»V1~ 4,TD fp ~ ~ i- C9 W. 47 1-, e^ (,:'p 'y" A S49 Mw f'1~ M1t" ] "iI P rd'S ,~, 4~b X^d dy L9 'wd n,T- ~ ` ,i. ua r, rv ~ r~ v - ~ _ ~ Imo-: ~ ~ as r>w ca5 iw as Ir ce ~ cw ~ r v~r ~ ~" } ~ ~. ~ FU dr- .. Pr I~•.. CU Ytt.Y r ... i~WM r. per iar rn u~, ., n 1~, ~m r~ sw ira u7 7 447 C~S ~~ i/7 I Y"R ~ ¢M5 t%? w „~' ~T P~ S~ ~ ~ T i l dp VU ~ ~ r . ~ - -. ~ fiL ~ .r ~- _ I-. -- - y I-. __ i:V 1'~1 C ~~,. S"t ~ - - ~j NC...' ~ - - ~~ +r ev - - Mk v ~ h'WO m ~+ 4. w ~ .d ~'~ • CITY OF FIUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 12].37 OPPOSING SENATE FII.E N0.330 AND HOUSE FILE N0.751 WHEREAS, Senate Fila No. 330 and House File No. 751 have been introduced for Legislative consideration, and; WHEREAS, these bills would impair the City of Hutchinson's ability to provide funding essential to maintenance and improvement of our community's infrastructure, and; WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson has improvement projects For 2003 which hearings have boon yr will be hold and are essential to specific maintonarrce and improvement projects requiring this funding source, and; WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson has set a goal of fiscal responsibility to control the total amount that will be paid by local tex payers as established by city guidelines focused on not increasing total tax levies, end; WHT$EAS, deferral of necessary improvements and capital investments will increase the cost tv operate and maintain our community, and; WFIERTtiAS, deferral of necessary improvements and capital investments may increase risk tv the safety of our residents, and WHEREAS, local elected oicials are anttveted to protect the community investments, and WHEREAS, local elected officials should retain the right to allocate the resources necessary to protect community resources, end WHEREAS, decisions regarding invesnxtents for our community are beet made at the local level, ~~~~~ CITY OF HUTCHIIVSON RESOLUTION NO. 1213Z- OPPOSING SENATE FILE N0.330 AND HOUSE FILE N0.75I Page 2 NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson urging our State of Minnesota Senators and Representatives to oppose Senate File No. 330 and House File No. 751. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of March 2003. Marlin Tvrgerson, Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator r~ 9C~~) ~ Memorandum Tb: Mayor and Council FRbM: Brenda Ewingector of Human Resources RE: Severance Package Consideration DATE: March 20, 2003 The City Administrator and City Directors are proposing for consideration by the City Council a severance package for those omployeea who will experience a layoff due to the proposed budget reductions. The basic formula for the severance package would be as follows: 1. Ono week of pay for each year of employment with the City (prorated for part time employees based on the current average number of hours worked per week) up to a maximum of $20,000. 2. pne week of insurance coverage (City portion of premium) for oath year of cmploymont with the City (thll time only). This severance formula ie similar to those implemented with the previous layoffs associated with the eliminations of the police communications and the transit functions. A sample calculation of severance is enclosed for your reference. The total severance amount to be offered to employees subject to a layoff would be eons-time expenditure. This figure will not include the payment of accrued vacation and compensatory time to the layoff employees. It is requested that you review this information and consider adopting this general severance model at the March 23, 2003, council meeting. Specific severance amounts will bo brought back before the Council for separate approval. As in the past, severance agraomant documents will be drafted, presented to the affected omployeea, and required to bo executed prior to any payment(s) made. Lf you have any questions regarding this information, please contact me at.City Center. Encl. cc: Gary Plotz, City Administrator Marc Sebora, City Attorney ~~~~,~ s ~ ~~~~ ~,~.~ Trial DOiI Yeah Weeka Saverarce Ibfe 3eyerrce ~ Sev. Tobf IVin. at X20,000 ' 6i Ins. Pres. Yorkhs d kta Sev. Insusce Sey Arnart Se+eranae Tobl 3ewranca write A 111f1995 8.22 !2 16.00 640.00 ~d,248.00 ~5,24b00; 58451 205 ~1,131.Z5 58,417525 56,405.25 B 8f V'19&5 17.$7 17.7 14.00 960.00 x,912.00 ~,l12..O0 i 239.1 4.425 51,055.02 510,970.02 518970.02 C 12!1!1975 27.04 27 20 D0 800.00 521,600.00 520.000-00' 58+1.51 6.75 53,610.44 525,410.44 526,610.44 584.51 = ~ 239.1 = . r~la~allons ae emrt~pies and do nat rdsr to r~ ~~ T-+~, ~ ~~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON SUMMARY OF THE IMPACT OF THE PROPOSED GENERAL FUND BUDGET REDUCTION ON STAFFING AND SERVICE LEVELS March 25, 2003 Due to the proposed $1.4 million local gvvamment aid general fund budget reduction for the 2003-2004 stale of Minnesota biennium, the City management team (City Administrator and diroctvre) has been directed to identify a propose] to address the budget Shortfall. After significant consideration and discussion, the management team, under the guidance of the City Administrator, has formulated a plan to reduce stafling levels and service levels to address approximately $715,000 of the total budget reduction for the two-yoar period. The total position reductions proposed are just under fourteen (14) full time equivalents, nvi including the seasonal employment. Included in the full time equivalent figure are non-layoff position reductions including the announced retirements of two full time positions, the reduction of one full time position to a part time position, the transfer of portions of two full time positions to non-general fund rvvonuv sources, foregoing the filling of three fulltime and one part time position vacancies, and the reduction of seasonal employment hours and positions. Tho anticipated service level vffocts that are to by expected include the following: • Reduced public hours and services at various Gity locations, including City Center, Motor Vehicle, and PRCE • Less flexibility in the EDA's pursuit of economic development • Elirnination and/or reduction of PRCE programs • Reduced availability of park buildings/shelters • Reduction in the maintenance of City parka, cemetery, airport and other City buildings/facilities + Reduction in the City's participation of community based events or implementing charges for service • Prioritization of policing services, reduction of oxisting non-vmorgvncy polico services, and the possibility of increased response times • Reduced levels of the maintenance of City infrastructure, and potential rvlatod increased degeneration in street and utility conditions and increased future reconstruction needs • Tncrvased time frame for snow removal The management team ie proposing to implement the etaffmg reductions over the next two to three week period. The actions taken will be communicated in detail to the City Council at the upcoming meetings. In addition, as required, various non-personnel related budget reduction proposals would be brought before the Council for consideration as we move forward with the budget reduction process. Memorandum C, TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Brenda Ewingrector of Human Resources RE: Resolution for Retirement Incentive BATE: March 21, 2003 The City Administrator and City Directors are proposing for consideration by the City Council a resolution to offer a retirement incentive to eligible City employees, The basic promise is that the retirement incentive will save the City moray in the long run by reducing salary costa and provide monetary assistance to employees in regards to retirement medical insurance concerns. Tho proposed resolution is attached for your referents. To be eligibinSor_the retixenteut~xiccntivc, employees trust bo able tv satisfy thG..fPI]owing criteria: 1. Meet age and service requirements necessary to collect a pension benefit from PERA. 2. Have at ]east twenty (20) years of continuous service to the City. 3. Rotiro between the dates of May 1, 2003 and January 1, 2004. . 4. Begin receiving a PERA pension benefit immediately upon retirement. Tho retirement incentive formula proposed ie as follows: 1. Ono week of pay for each year of employment with the City (prorated for part time employees based on the current average number of hours worked per week) up to a maximum of $20,000. 2. Pay representing one week of insurance coverage (City portion of premium) for oath year of employment with the City (full time only). 3. Two-thirds of any accumulated sick leave over 240 hours. The City Personnel Policy currently allows for the paymaut of one-third of any accrued sick time over 240 hours. The temporary retirement incentive option includes increasing this amount to two-thirds. From our calculations, there are approximately sixteen employees who meet the required criteria outlined previously, If the resolution ie approved, these individuals will be contacted and advised of the retirement incentive option. It is our proposal tv give these employees until Friday, Apri] 1 ] , 2003, to notify us if they will be accepting the incentive and, if so, to provide a written notice of retirement to the City Administrator. If you have any questions, please contact C3ary Plotz, City Administrator, or me at City Canter. • Encl. cc: C3ary Plotz, City Administrator Marc Sobora, City Attorney ~C ~~ CITY OF RUTCAINSON RESOLUTION NO. 12142 RESOLUTION TO OFFER RETIREMENT 1NCENTIYE TO ELIGIBLE CITY EMPLOYEES APRIL 1, 2003 -JANUARY 1, 2004 WHEREAS, this rofiromont incentive will assist eligible employees who want to retire but cannot do so because of medical insurance concerns; and, WHEREAS, this retirement incentive will save the City money by reducing salary costs; NOW, THEItEPORE BE TI' RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson: 1. The amount of the retirement incentive shall be the sum of the following: a. Ono weok of pay for each year of continuous service to the City up to a maximum of $20,000. b. Pay represarting one weok of medical and dental insurance premium payments made by the City for each year of service to the City. c. Two-thirds of any accrued nick leave over 240 hours. 2. To qualify for this early retirement incentive, an employee must a) have met age and service requirements necessary to collect a pension benefit from PERA; b) have at least 20 years of continuous service with the City; c) retire between May 1, 2003, and January 1, 2004, and d) begin receiving a PBRA pension benefit immediately upon retirement. 3. The qualifying employee's written notice of retirement must be received by the Clty Administrator no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, April 11, 2003. 4. The payment of the retirement incentive will be made within thirty (30) days of the effective date of retirement. 5. The provisions ofthis resolution shall expire on January 1, 2004. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, this 25a' day of March, 2003. Marlin Torgerson, Mayor C~ ATTEST: Gary D. Plvtz, City Administrator 4 (~