cp04-09-2003 cAGENDA HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESAAY, APRIL 9, 2003 3:00 P.M. 1. CAL1~ TO ORDER - 3:00 P.M. 2. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF PURCHASING CONSOLIDATED F'REIGHTWAYS PROPERTY Action -Motion to rejxt -Motion to approve • PRFS~I~IT'AT'Ial~l '~"C3 HU'~`~~-I~~SC)N CI'T"'~ ~CQ~JNCIL .. ~. ~, ,~ A '~:y,[ _ ~a_ ~ ^ e ~~ ,~ ~,ix~ - r -~•~-•'7P. ~~~ ~LC~11geiI1 ~t ~~ Hutchinson, Minnesota ,April ~}, 2()fl~ • TaF~le of Contents 1) bxecutivc5ummary 2) Site Photos 3) Phase I Enviromnental Sitc Assessment Summary 4) Bidder llocument 5) Bidder Deposit G) Title Insurance l_J r~ LJ ve Summar Purpose: Request approval to hid on property located at 175 Michigan Street SL, Hutchinson, MN. Property is currently owned by Consolidated F'reiglttways and is auctioning the essct due to its bankruptcy status. Property Description: Land - 2.75 acres Building - Built in late 1)60's 5loading docks Dock 3,900 square feat Dock Dimensions 60' X 65' C)ffice Space 480 square feet 2003 Real Estate Taxes: $4,262.f10 Parcel ID: 23.256.0060 Market Value: Land $69,300 As of 4/9/03 Building 75,300 Total $144,600 Appraised Value: $150,000 Contract Price: $141,000 Requested Bid Laval: $165,000 - lU%higherthan Appraised Value - l4% higher than Market Value - 17% higher than umtract Price Advantages: Future expansion ofHUC/City facilities; Secure site far storage of endexl natural gas transmission line pipe and materials; Secure site for HUC./City inventory/shipping/recniving; Potential site for EDA growth. Funding: HUC will purchase the site through internal cash Flow. r1 .~.. f~R -~ ~~ ~~~ '' ~rt . w `r '' ' ~ ~4:s .\ _~:_ "~ I r ~' ~ ;p ~ ~ . , °~ ~v ±~ ~~; o ~~. .. ~_ Y ~i 4i~- ~~;~~; . ~W .~ , ;*~ r ~~~ ~ _, :~ ~_ ~' °,~ a ., .. s,. ~4~r~_ t r~4~E" s .N - _ .T = Y ~. PHASE L ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT . ~~ } ~~ ,9 ~ ~ jyw. Y H 3i ee ~ ... W .. 'i. . .., h~" t ~ ^i, "r. ;ytl - - ~~. ~~ +~ t ............. ~ ..~~ x z ..~ f y ~, s t:i, t. a - st _./;!S a~ ~ d ~. + j ~ ~~ ~~ ~3 -!i ~„ ~~~ttn~ d.~ue ~~lzr~~~ ~~~"~cs~r~ Stc~n~'~rr~'~~ NA~IQI~'~VT'DE EN~IR©9~]1^i'~1'~"Y""t~~ P~C~~iLIST March 18" '~f1C3 l~v ~c~rvld~aUed. 're~l~~a~+ Ca44+~d1 ~ ~~ ~y ~far~c~~v~~r, '~, +87+54 R~: ~'ha~c I. ~avr~ara~;z~4a1 Cs~ }~S„S~~SSII1~'1fi l.cp~rt ~bj~;~t bite l..aca~n. 17 lachagr~ ~tr~ct, H~4cl~urcart, ixzxt~sot~ ~'.~~1.'F ~.' 1[4vC. Pr~j~t 1~Ia. l~car P~lr.~,ava~y 'rlclcrsccl ~~ letter a capes cafe 1?he 1 ~v~r~arur~xcntal ~~ A,sscssrnnt ~~crt ~c~alc:4~. ley ~~~~ (~~''~' ~~w~. r~r ~e site ~ere~ce~ atar~ve. ~ a~ X11 gate e re~acart, o~~.r e~r~cluca~ re~ar~~lm8 ~e nviraneral ccar~dit~cara ~~ the site, are ~marzed ~Cat9t i~ 8ectan 4.4}, Ex~cactr°v~ ~urxamary, arx~1 eetaa~ 7.43, ~ar~ctwstar~,s a~xal ~'i~c~~xa~ra'ctt~r~r~. Please data"t hesitate tea e~ns::t gas shc~r~ld you live y gesti~s re~aa-d,8 tl~e e~rrcar~rrental sssesszraerat, or if eve cap lie cf a~lcfiti~a~l assitataee.. c: lraa~ ara~ard tea ~ar4~an~ ~w~i4:lt y~~a ~a in e fuat. sinc~;rely, 4,,...~ ~-G~-a--c. ~I"1C 1~1f:Se14aaela ~ 1 4...EU~resxdent Z~~ J, ~v:1~~ t ~'° ?%" ~- ~c~csuxe fi843 ''~'sir~ut A~aen~e, Suite B, '1'~astra, ~ X7843 Tel: (8~k0y -887'7 * 'fax: ("714} 669-8~~5 ~tt:lA~rr~.lal~,as~,ct~rn SECTION 7.0 CpNCl.usrpNS AND IZECpMl1~NDATrpNS 7.1 >INVIItpNMZ~NTAL CUNC>3;RNS No major, medium, or mirror environtttrmtul concerns have bean identitlcd a5 a result of rho PK9SE ONE INC. Phase I >;nvironmenuil Site Assessment for the subject site. P1~L9SE ONE INC. cla9sitles a concern as a major, medium, or minor enviromm~ntal concern (as opposed to a potential or possible condition) when it is unn that involves a recognized environmental condition far which, in the opituun of P/.{ASE ONE tNC, hulher investigation and/or remediation is recommended The distinction among major, medium, and minor concerns is based solely un the relative c5timated dollar-cost of cotnplcting the next- 5tnp recommended action. 7.2 PUTENTLAL UR PpSS113LE 13;NVTRQNMEN`1'AL C'ONDl'1'lUNS Nu potential or possible environmcnhil conditions have boon identiticd in the P/EASE ONE INC. Phase I Gnvirunmental Site Assessment for the subject site. PhL9SE ONE tIVC. classifies a concern u5.a potential ur possible cnvirunmental wnditien (as opposed to a major, medium, nr minor concern) when (1) it involvu~s issues that apperu to pose no unmediate or imminent threat to the subject site, but which over time (with the uccurrenco of groundwater movement, demohtiun, disturf~auce, etc.) may come to pose an actual ur present environmental conwm for the suh.ject silo and/or when (2) it involves cures lhtu currently appear to have a nngligihle impact un the subject property and which do not, therefor;, tix]uire additional urvestigation at this time, but of which PK9S~ ONE LAC:. fixil5 the client should be made award. LJ r~mman rradmy, v.~.»m.r Mnmi.i 7-1 rxlslr eve me Iio~.c~ nn +a~ ..:,~ ~ H ; April 10, 2003 ,r' ' b Ar[hur Hnckwordl, Esq. ,. ~ ~ ~ 2' GUYIIUmIL' 1.0$0.1 DeparlmeRL Consolidated Freighnvays Corporation of Delaware 16400 S.li. CF Way Vancouver, WA 98683 - - - RE: REQUEST TO BE DESIGNATED AS A QUALIFIED OVER BIDpER Dc¢r Mr. IIackworth: This letter is n request by Patrick E. Spethmau, Intnrlm Gnncral Manager of IIutchinson Utilities Commission, to he d¢nigrtatnd as ¢ "Qualified Hidder;' as the tens ie defined in rho bidding procedures listed tin your web-Hite at http:;%www.ctt01"mi11a19.COm (the "Bidding Procedures"), fur the Consolidated Prcighlwnyw April 10, 2003 ¢uction of terminal properties. We are interested In submitting an overbid ou one or mum of thn following properties as listed ht Ezhlblt B below. CITY ST ADDRFS9 hSC.RQW N UMSl3:R Hutchinson MN 175 1V11C111 0.n StrCCt 0318-3948 in ¢dditiou, we ngrcc to nhidc by the toms of the Bidding Ytrocedurus and thin letter including the C7eneral Tatme listed tin the attached Fxhlblt A. We fttrLher understand and ogres that: A, NA'PURE OF L1fTTF,R 1. In order to be dndignuted as a OLtallflcd t)vcr Bidder (~Ix letter most be received by Canaolldgtrd FrrlBhtwaYS G'orporatlon o[ Delaware (the "Companv"1 no later thou stun p.m. (PST), AprII 7. 2043. or dellvercd In person at the auctlgp glte by 9:no a,rrt, (P5T) Thuredav. April 7 U 2003• Submit this letter via fausimiln, email, mail or overnight courier ro llan I~¢vaty ae outlined in Section C, item 3 below. 2. The sub~uiseion of this lever duns nut catnblinh us as ¢ Qualified Over Bidder and we understand [hat you may rnquirn uv to submit additional ' ~ infurmntiun, fmancinl nr otherwise, w satisfy in your sots discr0tion the requhemea[s necessary fur dnaign¢tion or a Qualified Over Bidder. 3. Any hide submined flL or prior to ¢uctiou via f¢x, email, mail, telephone ar in person at the [imn of the auction will constitute a binding offer in accordance with the terms of this tenor and the purchase agreement for the specific property (the "Form Agreement"), which in posted on the L'ompany's webairo et • www.cftemtiuAls. t:niu which will only dilTnr in the purchase pricy and the name of the buyer. Submission of any offer by us H nut subject to any contingcncieH oe set forth in ICxhiblt A item 3. 4. If we ore [he sucucnnful bidder, we will be required to execute n new purcheen agroement (the "Winner's Purchase Agreement") in a form identical to the Fotm Agreement but modified only m retlect the correct put•chesn price end name of buyer. H. AiTCI'lON fhc auction will take place at Latham & Watkins, (33 Wcst Fifth Stree[, Suite 600, Los Angclcn, CA 90071, commencing nn Thursduy, April lD, 2003, at 9:00 a.m. (Y51'). The point of contact nr Ln[h¢m 8c Watkins ie Gtrog Lunt at 213-891-8792. C. Bi1lD11VC y g thin box our intent is [o submit n live hid by telephone during the Real Estate numiun. b) All qualified phone biddem will be notified of time and phone uunlber to call far die respective property(s) to bid nn. Telephone biddirt procedures a ~ checkin a. 5huuld changer or tachuicel difficulties occur with the bidding pruccsx the bidders callback phone number is 320/234-0510. 2. Over Hid Rcquesrs may be submitted in any oP the FnllnwlnQ ways: tl. T•'gCalmllC Consolidated l rcightwnyn Dan L¢vaty, Real la[alc Group fax' 360.44A~314 b. li-mtlLL Den l.avuty, Real Estate Group .`µvaty, dnnC~uc fiv~v. c Um c. Ma(1 or uvnrnl~ht caurlcr sorvicn Consolidated Freightwnys Due Lavary, Rcnl Enmtc Croup I64D0 S.E. CF Way, vancnuver, WA 9A6A6 Phone: 3ti0~48-4540 ll. DF,POSIT 1. A deposit of nut lens then the ¢mount shown at h[Ip://www.cftcrminals.com fur a ptuiicular property ([hc "Minimum Deposit"), must he delivered av fellows: (i) a cashier's check in favor of Trausnadun Title insurance Company referencing the escrow number(s) as identified in L;xhlblt H. It must be received by Ttttnenadon Title insurance Company, Attn: Stephauie Keller, 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1910, Seattle, WA 981DI nn lgkcr than S:OQ p.m. (PST), Mondev. ~prll 7.2003, or; (ii) a cashier's check in favor of T['imsuation'fitle insurance Company referencing tha Escrow Numher(s) as ideutlfled in lCxhlblt C delivered at the auction siu po later than 9.Q0 p.m. {p9T1 Thtvsdav. A}u•Il ill, 2003, or; (iii) via wire tranaier ¢aud funds for recelot ng later than 12:U0 u.m, [pSTI. Tuesday. April 8, 2003, to 'frensnadon Title Insurance Company, n LundAmerlca Natioual Commercial Services Compmy. Wiring inetrucdone fur tech specific properly can be found an the httn://mvw,cftetminals,cum/cuaenr.hnul wch nits under the "Dcpasite" column. Fnr wiring ina[rucdons and conflnundon of receipt of deposit(s) cuntaut: Stephanie Kallnr Business: 206-628-2841 Business F:uc: 206-628-0631 E-mail: Stephaniekeller(r~~lan arn.com • 2. when blddhl¢ on more then ane nrouep}y, suhmlk only ane depaelt ]n ap am saual to the lurpett Mt>,irnnna Ucoaelt amon¢ thane Ureoerttea you wish to bid on. 3. The succeantul bidder on more dtau one property will poor an addidonnl deposit by wire rrausfer no later than 9:00 a m. (PST), Friday, April 11, 2003, in an amount equal ro dtn num of Hte Muilrmun Depn9ity applicable m such propertiies less the amount of the deposit pre:viouely submitted. The Winner's Purchavc Agreement will govern the Minimum Depo9i[ once it beuomes effcctivo. E. coNC.t,usl<oly L Any questions about the foregoing should be directed to Dan Lavaty at 36048-4540 or ~avatv.dan(r~cfwy.wm. 2. Raceipt of our request to be designated as a qualified bidder as well ns bidder status will he confirmed by fax or e-mail. Our n-mail address and/or fax number is: E-mail: psnethman(d),ci.hutchinson.mn.us Fax No. 320/5871721 ww~xrrM*arrr~rwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww*r*rr*+~r*~r*w-wwwwwwwwwwwwrwx~**-x,rr* Executed this 10th dey o[ Aprll, 2003 Hutchinann [Itilitie9 G4rI1n119910n Name of drier (Company) >3y: Signnlur Name: Yauick E. 9pnthmen. . Print Title: intcnm Cfenera] Marlil¢el' Print We hereby uurhorua the following individual ae the Deei~nared Representative to submit bide on our behalf r~ L Name: Tire: E-mail: Phone: tax: kr~CHIU['1' A Qoanral T.4rrnH 1. 1)ocumcnts Provided by Consolldnted Frci~htw$yg. We acknowledge that any tax information, enginceting data, feasibility or marketing reports, soil reports, environmental Pbase I reports, or other of imy kind or nature relating io any property, which is a part of yom• March 24th, 2003 auction, which we have received or may rexeive from the Company, the Company's Broker (Trans`portation Property Company, Inc.), or the Company's agents, is, will be, or has been furnished nn the express condition that we shall make our own independent verification of the accuracy of the inti~rmution. We agree that we shall not attempt to as'scri any liability against the Company or its Broker, by ruason of the Company or its Broker having Punished such information nr by reason any such information becoming or proving W have been incorrect or inaccurate in any respect, and wn do hereby covenant and agree to defend, pay, indemnify itttd hold the Company and its Broker or Agents harmless from and against any and all such clauns cf liability by any parson or entity claiming hy, through or under as. 2. T nn 's Remed We agree and acknowledge that the Company may elect as its sole remedy, in the event that we are in material breach of any of our agreements contained herein, one of the following remedies: (i) the Cnrnpany may retain any deposit submitted to us, such deposit couslituting liquidated damages or (ii) the Company may compel sptx;ific performance by us. 3. 111lscellanepug, Wn acknowledge that (i) submission of any offer by us is not subject to any due diligence, financing or olhnr contingency except for acecptancn of ihie offer by you and satisfaction of [hn conditions act forth in Section A of Exhibit B to the Farm Agreement, and (ii) if wn are represented by a broker at the April 10th, 2003 auction, we shxl l pay any commission due and owing such broker pursuant to a separate agrunment betwecu us and our broker. E!CSLT131T B - na of March 27, 2UU3 (Copy/Paetc to campletc tap of letter) CITY 9T ADDRF..SS F,SCROW N(TiyB~R Boston WUhuITl Mn 295 Salem StILCt 0318-3934 Eau Claire w1 4115 Mcln re 0318-3965 El Paso TX 300 North Clark Drive 0218-3881 F.vau3villo IN 2U1 North Con 03s Dr1VC 0218-2979 Hutchinson MN 175 Michi an Street 0318-3948 indinnapahs iNr 3915 West Morris Street 0218.2626 Irwindale LA 13645 Live Oak Lano U3I8-3967 Kannawick WA 900 Fast Bruneau Avenue 03 t 8-3951 Milford CT l30 Woodmont Roud 0218.3870 Rocheatcr NY 15 TYims ort Drive 0318-3903 S acraulanlu CA 918 DCl PtLyU Road 0218-3860 Sl. Louis Mo 850U North Hull Strcet U21e-288v Tucson AC 3350 East A~o Wa 0218-32U7 w;cnita xs 3838 South Oold 0318-3962 r~ L wxaa TAANSr~R INaTAVCTIDNa Wire toy Wclle Fargo Bank, N.A. 155 Fifth Street MAC-A0186-065 San Francisco, CA 94135 Houtingt ABA #121D002a9 Attn: Wire Tranuf®r Department Account, Transnation Title Insurance Company &acrow Funds Account Account ~Fa16S617789 Rrlex~rnca~ Eacrgw # 394a Cr - Hutahiaaon, MN HuyA;s Hutchinson IItilitiea Commission `"• THY INFORIdATION HALDYP I8 R=QIIIR.ID ZN OADIRR TO PAOCY88 YOIIR D'POBIT •"• Plraae aou~lrt• ~ rrtura thi^ ^heat to Landllmorica via tax to 706-678-0631. Contact Nam~~ Patrick Spethman Fhoaa Humbar~ 320/234-0510 mail/rax~pepethman@ci.hutchineon.mn.ue/320-587-4721 amouat o! ttire~~~5.OD0.00 I! you have say queetionr, pl~aa• coaEact 9taphani~ Xa11ar at et• haalakellaralancSam.com or at 706-67B-a8a1 pLYl18$ NOTY~ IF THY JtHOVE IN1ORM#TION IS NOT PRO9Ib7D TO t78 VI71 rnx OA $Dt11IL, wY WILL HE II2~18LE TD PROC.ti98 YOIIR. AEPOSIT. Thank you. Tha Cr ]luction Team 0~/1B/20n~ 11;64 FAS 9t1Z8976~Z7 CUXI[ONAE 2~'r19/2aa3 ?.S~A9 763 29E G4So5 7 9~2B97.TSZ7 ~~111 CpMMOMVA6L'Rl LAND TCtti.E INpIrlAMa C01lPM1Y SC}ACChtIC 1. ]ffhrskw J~tu k~ebritury 21, 2003, ai 8.00 ;LNI. 2. Pallq yr Po11er~ to b~ lwoedi f'1 ®AI.TJ- Ovnr Patios Ptnpo~.a m~+d+ Tv ha datar;rolried ro~ ^.u,r~ ~~ Peucr ~nposea i~~, Nor Requeaoed 3. the elate or IuieiM ~ the V~ deacrlhed ar te(ard fl0 Ip u tbo effete det. hetenf crud ~: Conwlidait:d P1ziYh[wape Corpvraaan of Delaw~fe ~. z'b. l.nd refpcred to m the Commitrnant is eltwRed ~ the c ~.fp~aMei Los TaigGr (8) In Block 'I~vv (2) In EIutchituwn Industc Ind v#' record is the viX9nc of Chc ReglQ4rar of Tlrln, Notr Yor Iafvrnlariorl_ kfopefiy in Tormua Cep No.: 5537 • ALTA 9ol,odub A valid Onb if Schodole H end Cover Are Amahed X802 NO,fiQIS ~ (,~ ~.~~Z' ~y~~ ~~Nfy~, irW aVv. 03026-03 To be determisrd xat A6~. CO1~ and cosQed herdw 4 fee ela>ple ~d ~ of ,McL.e4d, 9me~ of M~es9ptY. god k dergrJr~ed rt, aecordiog to t$o plat thamof oxt file Cvolny, M~rmeaota. lfinra grt ~•Grrad '~He 763.295.6140 oaa >~ lti~a r~rtrul' rln AA1~1 fd~nnv OJ11D/2009 11:04 FAd D629776927 CnMI[ONWEAL' 03~19~2003 11.49 763 29S 6x96 • 952t39753Z'7 ~~ Go1UlONWS,til17i]wtdJ I51'LE 11'dtedNCdCONPAIVi' SChcd[11C B - Thy rbllotrin~ rxe attr x~gnlxMmens tp be neimpll~d ~i i, t>uexum~ae cxrittlpr eha atRp ar dtnerR to hr Lenard m1Ylt Gonv~yaace of iLe estate er irdrrrat In lead as d recited at Item 3 of Schedule A rn the Ptapoced 2. 1'Ky r1u fYW tairWaa~ioa ta, or abr the aaaoupt, or ~ bra a. Pay ru ~a4 ~~ ••••wm~s, Ir~lra Aad aa~w«l .~ '- aawRW.tory ..id~ac. rhaukl M had d~ .ma aoox, aa4to~aor~ Lbox ~d mm4da11ow aye alt p fattest m paled ^.llrn far labor roe Aaaurhy, 5. Ii the a+iaragaa 4 atoNd by Cnaomoarvwlib Iand 17t1r Tr uwmba' ar ~Ilar or Ft+lq'rl IA naul~brY of a~II e4Htlr u doa~oy tin cDdapfy wk4 ttw 1'at[ Itutamf Aut of 19M snd the rAapaa.dan ar a rrr..rnm~ta[ adt. Notes: Gertificate of Real F.atnte Vahte aLtd Aitldavlt Purchaser of RA~anr<ad Land mt48t mccoutpauy the deed for ~, A Well Dlarlasure Cesd m mwt also arco the folio ~ mP+nY the dead #vr tiling or wiry recital trust as the peed: c eeller carlflee rifest thr eaila does not know of any walla on the descrlbod ma] plvpetty. C~ X009 h10.8~fi P003 File No. 03024-03 ta.~ed axI mad rec rocnrd, latwlt in 3chedvlo A $nm ttt~ party or parries rr ~ mat~apa. +ahJrd whf~, ar+ dw and phrbd~ rep.hr or alhraHao~ tlur~ao am ~ld~di abet t a4d qan nl~uad or nand ~ ]ira~ or male aP ^ Gampaq ox l4 ~. du 8aatal ~4 '~'~/ ~~ mqL ba pRO.ldrd of ut p[1nr tp l'oa'm aaN.apd ~ rlprd~ slew t1r 9eUa 1f a 6. Pxcfeacd Title, Inc. bees ]mowledge the tltm fee ~tmmed heroin Les 81ed for bapl~yptcy rilatr.Iore, this eomat~meat i4 eub,~dee w any iauf~a knm TLm name. (Flied u I7ocfyntent Na- 324123 la the o$9oe of the Loud C-ott~p RecanSer.) Preferred Title, Inc, requhra a prpceod]rpY • AI.xA C'.pmDltdacnt 9ch~llr 9 - 5aedon 1 prior to clueing due m b~NRUptcy. Et10~ tf&p 11:50 [1~iRS NO pplel ~L1a3 oaii9~zooa ll:aa F.~x paE897aa~7 cnlao[vae ~19/321L3 11.49 763 295 54x6 + 9327 ~ - Commorrr~l#h C~a-tntoNwseml Lerv7'l~ Iramtdwtcs CpAtPeNIR 5cludule S - 9ohdu,le H aR 4ha potl4 ow pollt3e~ to be hued ~ roetela dlspoeed of W the wtld~,ao of ehs Ce4[pq[ 1. J)a[ecis, llar; m~la6ranawe adrve aLhn~ or dhsl' msbl~l ox' skadting ~llnrt to t6M ~ieetire drie herea! Lat prrlw xmviH the egede or mterwt yr me[tghgs theripp eb.a'e[7 h7 2_ Rl~hu yr vLdmr of pretlee other then Ttr~ed !b e~aL pour 3. L'Mnrnrtud tasemeutp, dlnrepshcpr ar see[Ifah m hewadsr accursea ahd oempMw eunq world iWolws. a. lAstll.d markwdq' or wabrlwhnso•t nw. S. Real rRate tazea for end pyye6lh m ZII02 sari tLa'nlt~. d. ].eHsd sad p~dbpY epsc{el en[etnnstd4 htrteCter lsdad. 7. Rani ostaa txxea foi and payable in tb,a year 2003 ip Notc: First half duo lvLy 13, 2A03, eeoond .half du¢ 8. Auy levied or p~tding ~ aatoamnnta aoa of 9- T]raina~e sari utility easemwt(s) w shown an the t 1Q- Rf~hp of parties to poas~avian. u AT,TA C.~mlTmen[ 9chadals P - ascdva 2 ~aoa rn.596 0004 File Na. 03024-03 2 to tlu io-uwley maters aul.sr the rums sre U ~. crested, fhx ~pprAq m the po4[yc nmi[do 44 Caseuestaa~R. Pn•+d ~ ivr ryne vi rips o(~ ar w0 of the p[vpw'ty. lta+e. ~s hA airs Nad tncceaabdeam whleb sa amount ztot yet available. Whet I5, 2D03- plat of 13n~4dnsnu InduoCial District. 1/lp/200a ifiH6 11[aa [TS/RI NO Yp1Ll ®004 05/10/2tl0~ 11:64 FAd -6$8fl777Z7 CO111IDNWSA7, 03/19/1003 11 ~ 4`J 76S 299 dgY~6 i 9528975'f1'7 4Ww~ ~ONWQAiTfi I+1F1U ~$ Ct~1NC8 COMPAN[ ,SC]1C(~U(C B - s 1. Refere~nve No.: 03026-03 2. 'ibt7 Copobatktamxt dve7 not cover udlitp bills K~uibet Qaaesamant records. 3. Real a~lKta tarn for and payable In the year 2002. in Bus Tax: X4,375.00. Propetry Tax ldeatlflaatt0¢ No.: 23.216.0040. l J For Purth~ ittlfurmrtton ra~prdla.~ thin Cooed p CJ 9chnduVa H - ."iavtiau 3 ~ 006 N0.606 D005 l'1le NO_ 030203 3 7nbjeat ptepetty aot ahowrt on tax or auloa~ of 54,328.D0, Lave berm paid in flil]. contact Ptafer~red ~'ktle ad 763,295.614D. B/2tl07 11HD 11:78 [1T/RZ NO --la] l~tltl6