cp07-08-2003 cAGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 8, 2003 1. CALL TO ORDER - 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION -Rev. Randy Freund, Faith Lutheran Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 24, 2003 Action -Motion to approve as presented 5. CONSENT AC*F,NDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MAY 2003 2. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MAY 2003 3. HUTCHINSON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES FROM APRIL 28, 2003 AND MAY 27, 2003 • 4. PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES FROM APRIL 7.2003 5. HUTCHINSON CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREATJ AUDIT REPORT FOR 2002 6. FIRE D.F,PAR.TM.F,NT MONTHLY REPORT FOR JUNE 2003 (b) ABSOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCB5 1. ORDINANCE N0.03-345 - AN ORDINANCE VACATING EASEMENTS REQUESTED BY BRUCI; NAUS"1'DAL TO VACATE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY BASEMENTS LOCATED ALONG THE SOUTHERLY PROPERTY LINE OF LOT 10, BLOCK 2, FIRST ADDITION TO RAVENWOOD WITII STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (SECOND READTNU AND ADOPTION) 2. ORDINANCE NO. U3-34G - AN ORDINANCE V ACATING EASEMEN"1'S REQUESTED BY JEFF BULAU TO REDUCE A TEN FOOT EASEMENT TO SIX FEET ALONG THE F ASTF.,RLY PROPERTY LINE OF LOT 3, BLOCK 1, hOURTH ADDITION TO LAKEWOOD TERRACE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 3. RESOLUTION NO. 12205 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORJZING ENTERING INTO LEASE AGREEMENT WITH STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, FOR DRIVER EXtIM STATION 1N CITY CBNTBR 4. RESOLUTION NO. 12211-A RESOLUTIONCALLINGFORAPUBLICHEARINGONTHE ADOPTION OF UPDATED CRITERIA FOR THE GRANTING OF BUSINESS SUBSIDIES (c) CONSIDERATION FUR APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 FOR BUILDING 20 AT CITY COUNCIL AGENDA -JULY 8, 2UU3 . WASTEWATER PLANT (d) CONSTpERATTON FOR APPROVAL OFSHORT-TERM GAMBLING LICENSE FORMCLEOD ALLIANCE FOR VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC V10LENCE FOR OCTOBER 21, 2003, AT UCC CHURCH (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ANNUAL EXCAVATOR LICENSES (f) CONSIDI3RATTON FOR APPROVAL OF APPROVING PERA PARTICIPATION FOR THE HUTCHIN50N CITY ADMINISTRATDR (g) ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. SU61, LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT N0.03-O1 (DALE STREET SW/2"° AVENUE SW) -ADOPTING REVISED ASSESSMENT ROLL Action - Moiinn to approve consent agenda 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 6:00 P.M. (a) CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 03-348 - ENTERING INTO FRANCHISE AGRF,F,MT~NT WTTH HUTCHINSON AREA UNITED WAY FOR TEMPORARY STGN (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTINN FUR JULY 22, 2003) Action - Motion to reject -Motion to approvc (b) LETTING NO. 13, PROJECT' NO. 03-IS (ROLLING MEADOWS POND) AND 03-23 (GROVE STREET DRAINAGE) -ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Action -Motion to reject --Motion to approve (c) CONSTERATTON FOR APPROVAL OF ESTABLISHING TAX INCREMENT FINANCE DISTRICT NO.4-13 Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approvc 7. COMMUNiCATiONS RE VESTS AND PE1'I'l"IONS 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS J. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CITY RECOGNITION EVENT Action -Motion to rejcct -Motion to approve (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF REORGANIZATION OF PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CALLING FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDLNANCE'1 O ESTABLISH SPECIAL SERVTCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND ON THE ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO IMPOSE SERVICE CHARGES IN SPECIAL SERVTCE DISTRICT NO. 1 Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve 2 CI"fY COUNCIL AGENDA •-• .NLY 8, 2003 • (d) LETTING N0.2, PROJECT N0.03-02 (PLAZA 15 ACCESS AND SAFETYIMPROVEMENTS) -- ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON 1MPROVEMENT AND APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICAT10N5 AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BLDS Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMi_INICATION5 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND. CONTRACT' PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS A Action - Motien to approve and authorize payment of Veri Ged Claims A from appropriate funds (b) VERIFIED CLAIMS B Action - Mntinn to approve and authorize payment of VeriFed Claims B from appropriate funds 12. ADJOURN ~~ r 1 . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 2003 1. CALL TO OiiDER- 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION -Rev. IIoward Anderson, Bunter's Ridge Community Church, delivered the invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, 4. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF TUNE 10, 2003 Minutes were approved as presented. 5. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF pFFICER5, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS ]. PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM BOARD MINUTES FROM APRIL 24, 2003 2. CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MAY 2003 3. CITY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR MAY 2003 4. WATER/SEWER/COMPOST FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MAY 2003 5. PLANNTNG COMMISSION MINUTES FROM MAY 20, 2003 6. HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MTNCT'PES FROM MAY 20, 2003 7. IIUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE BOARD MINUTES FROM MAY 20, 2003 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE N0.03-343 - AN ORDINANCE QUIT CLAIMING ANY TNTEREST THE CITY OF HUTCIIINSON MAY HAVE IN REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT 964 JEFFERSON STREET SE IN THE CTTY OF HUTCHINSON (SECOND READING AND ADDYTION) (c) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 1. CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY $RIAN PONATH TO CONSTRUCT A TITREE-PLEX DWELLING LOCATED AT 44G PROSPECT STREET NE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. ] 2202) 2. CONSIDERATION OF A VARIANCE REQUESTED SY KERRY KRUEGER TO REDUCE DRIVEWAY SET$ACIZ TO 0 FEET FROM THE LOT LINE LOCATED AT 545 ERIE STREET SE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12203) 3- CONSIDERATION OF A VARIANCE REQUESTED $Y I.ARSON BUII,DERS TO REDUCE SIIORELAND SETBACK FROM 50 FEET TO 40 FEET TO REMOVE EXISTING NON- - CONFORMING DECK AND REPLACE WITH ATHREE-SEASON PORCI-I LOCATED AT ~t~~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -JUNE 24, 2003 . 326 SCHOOL ROAD SW WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12204) 4, CONSIDERATION OF VACATION OF EASEMENTS REQUESTED BY BRUCE NAUSTDAL TO VACATE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS LOCATED ALONG THE SOUTHERLY PROPERTY LINE OF LOT 10, BLOCK 2, FIRST ADDTIiON TO RAVENWOOD WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SF,T SECDND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 03-345 TO JULY 8, 2003) 5. CONSIDERATION OF VACATION OF EASEMENTS REQUESTED BY JEFF EULAU TO REDUCE A TEN FOOT EASEMENT TO 5IX FEET ALONG THE EASTERLY PROPERTY LINE OF LOT 3, BLOCK 1, FOURTH ADDITION TO LAKEWOOD TERRACE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (WAIVEFIRSTREADING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE Np. 03-346 TO JULY 8, 2003) (d) ROAD ~ WENI~Y~OJE APPROVING ~PLANSEAND SPECIE CATIONSE/AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS (c) LETTINGNO. 13, PROJECT NOS. 03-15, 03-23 (ROLLING MEADOWS POND/GROVE STREET DRAINAGE) -ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT AND RECENING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT (~ CHNAMBER OF1pOMMER~ FOR T E 209 r~~ANQNiJAL AR TSOAND CRAFTS FESTNAL 0 BE . HELD ON SEPTEMBER 12 - 13, 2003 (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR WALKING FLOOR TRAILERS FOR COMPOST SITE (h) PORNMSIDE~~I~O~OAPRPAPPR OVONL OF VFW POST 906 STATE GAMBLING PREMISES (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OFSHORT-TERM NON-INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSE FOR RC PROMOTIONS AT MCLEOD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS ON JULY 19, 2003 (j) CONSIDERATION FOA APPROVAL OF OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR FOUR CITY STAFF MEMBERS AND TWO COUNCILMEMBERS TO CHELSEA, NIICHiGAN, TO TOUR WATER TREATMENT FLANTS ON JULY 23, 2003 item 5(g) and 5(j) were pulled for further discussion. Motion by Peterson, second by Hoversten to approve consent agenda with the exception of Items 5(g) and 5(j). Motion carried unanimously. Item 5(g) had further discussion. Mayor Torgerson noted that due to the new hauling contract with the City of Minneapolis, the City of Hutchinson is in need of more hauling equipment. Duane Hoversten requested to see a pro forma on the entire project before additional purchases are made. Randy DeVries presented before the Council and stated that staff is requesting io advertisc for bids to lease or buy three or four walking trailers to aid in the hauling process. Duane Hoversten • stressed that a pro forma be made available prior to a hid being awarded. u ~Q~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES --JUNE 24, 2003 • Motion by Haugen, second by Peterson, with the clarification that a pro forma be received prior to an award, to authorise advertising for bids for walking floor trailers for the compost site. Motion carried unanimously. Item 5(j) was pulled for further discussion. Randy DeVrics stated that he and the Water Systems Supervisor had received information that the water plant in Chelsea, Michigan, is very similar to the type that Hutchinson is desiring to build. Mr. DeVries requested that he, Gary Plotz, Dick Nagy, John Rodeberg and two council members visit the water membrane plant. Duane Hoversten and Mazlin Torgerson will represent the Council on the visit. Motion by Hoversten, second by Haugen, to approve the oul-of--state travel to Chelsea, Michigan on July 23, 2003. Motion carried unanimously. 6. PUBLiC HEARINGS - 6:00 P.M. 7. COMMUNICATIONS, RE4UE5TS AND PETITIONS 8. UNI!INTSHED BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS . (a) REVIEW OP 2002 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT BY ADBO, SICK & MYERS Kyle Myers, Abdo, Eick & Myers, presented before the Council. Mr. Myers rovicwed the 2002 audit report prepared by his firm. The Cit~ of Hutchinson received an award of excellence for financial reporting, which is only awarded to 5 /o of those eligible to apply. Mr. Myers noted the areas the City excelled at, as well as areas to be improved, such as spending dollars on the employee city picnic. Ken Merrill noted that the item related to the city picnic is part of employees' compensation package and was well researched with the League of Minnesota Cites legal counsel. (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF REQUESTS BY I3[JTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE -TWO CAPTI'AL EXPENDITURES - CHANGES TO MEMBER CONTROL AGREEMENT BETWEEN HAHC AND HMC - AUTHORITY TO PROCEED WITH A PARTNERSHIP RELATIONSHIP WITH PRESBYTERIAN I30ME5 FOR SENIOR CARE SERVICES Phil Graves, President of HAHC and Steve Snapp, Chair of the HAHC $oazd, presented before the Council. HAHC is requesting approval of purchasing two ultrasound systems and three cardiac monitor/defibrillators. Iii add~hon, the Board is requesting approval of language changes made to the member control agreement between HAHC and HMC. Lastly, the hospital board has agreed on entering into a partnership with Presbyterian Homes to provide senior care services, and seeks the Council approval on progressing with that protect. Motion by Hoversten, second by Arndt, to approve requests by Hutchinson Area Health Care. Motion carried unanimously. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS ~~~~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -JUNE 24, 2003 • Bill Arudt - Mr. Arndt commented on the al ley behind the post office and the poor condition that it is in. Duane Hoversten noted that he had discussed this with John Rvdeberg, City Engineer, and city staff is expecting the past office to make some improvements. Mr. Arndt also commented that a stop sign needs to be placed at the mtersection of Main Street and Fifth Avenue due to the increased traffic congestion at the 2"d Avenue/Main Street intersection. Ken Merril] noted that he would discuss this with John Rodeberg. Melissa Starke, Administrative Secretary, covered the filing period for the special election to be held in November. Mayor Torgerson noted that he and the rest of the City Council had received a request from Historical Hutchinson to establish a Heritage Preservation Commission. Mayor Torgerson requested that city staff contact Historical Hutchinson to develop this type ol'commissavn. Marc Sebora stated he would be happy to contact them. Mayor Torgerson asked that Ken Merrill research possible dates for the annual appreciation picnic 11. CLAIMS APPROP1tIATTONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CI,ATMS A Motion by Peterson, second by I~augen, to approve and authonre payment of VeriCed Claims A from appropriate funds. Motion tamed unanimously. 12. AD.TOURN With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m. 4 ~la~ 8:13!2003 11 B9 A.'.f FIVAL HUTCHINSGN AREA HEALTH CARE Compara!ive Ba!arxx Sheet As of May 31, 2903 {A1 {B} (A)-[B1 IAi fB1 fAi-IB1 MAY APRIL MAY Change MAY APRIL MAY Change 2003 2903 2002 CY vs PY 2003 2',)03 2002 CY vs PY ASSETS LIABILITIES AYQ FUND BALANCES Curen[ASSe1~ Current Liab'li!ies 1 Casn and mves[mer!s-Ope2lions $11,083,993 510,429,815 $7,657,245 3,236,84$ Cunent ma[ud7ies cf 2 Cash anQinvestmen[s-Sel6lnsured 971,553 850,288 493,869 447-654 Long term deb? 51,}25.591 $' 132 493 5752 ?86 3;3 205 3 Su blolal ws1 8 Investm¢r.15 $12-929,645 (11,280,103 58,345,134 3,664,572 Acmun!s p3yaCre ~tratle 2,389,166 ' , , 1,873,359 , 1,539,687 , 649,279 Es[imaled Wn!rddual 4 PalienVResident receiva5les 15,236,776 16,749,919 16,357,247 {71,071} settlemenlsne! 1,72T,173 1,660,647 2 246 523 {569 350) 5 Allowances for bad debts {d,o"d3,790} (4,513,t~R81 (3,725.5981 (878,192} Awed expenses - , , , 6 AdvanOes anC mrtt[actual allowances 4,772,375} fd,g23,B47) (4,674.618) 107243 Salaries 686,332 692 579 755 494 122 638 7 S Ne[ pa6entlresidentAnd Third-party PTO 1,370,51 T , 1,305,339 , 1,282,692 , 67 625 9 pays receivables ~ $6,910,011 fT,3F2,984 57,752,931 {642,020} Interest 365,061 27fi,96o" 27x,998 , 150,963 30 Other receivables-net 270 520 257 306 167 222 103 298 SeIF-Insured prpgrams Other 613,561 677,561 571,656 41,903 51 Inventories , 671,606 , 670,710 , 670,522 , 1,286 Qeferred liabilities (42.092 134,944 136,356 177,627 133,956 14.7 453 6,048 {5 009} 12 Prepaid expenses 258,055 265,299 177,005 94,959 Deferred revenue 5 646 11 292 , 5481 . 155 , - 13 Total Curen[Assets $29,157,040 314,806,4-04 $17,905914 3,041 125 Thal Curtenl Liabilities 38 761 993 (7 5104 376 57 703 *26 1 058 667 , , , , , , , , 14 Board Wso a[edtF nded fYOrerlat'on f es7 me 1 315,x49,795 515,434,288 f6,C~93,D57 8,756,736 15 lnveslmen['n Jo nl Verh res 3379,575 5399,575 564,171 335,494 Plan! Asse15 1fi Land 31,019,788 51,919,786 (1,019,788 0 17 fiurtdings 26,]13,600 26,-079,881 26,116,255 {2.4551 76 Acumutated depreualipn [11,894,190) (17672696} (10 H28661} (1070524) Longterm DeW [less current 19 Buildings less depreda!ion 514,2'4,670 514,266,947 315,287,594 (1,072,5841 matudliesl $22,419,759 322438,556 513-381,263 4,038,476 20 Equipment 15,468,292 15,796,686 14,439,927 1,028,371 27 Accumulated depreriafion {1 L788,342} {11,693,230) {10,765,266) {1,003,076} 22 Equipment less depreda[ien 53,679,950 33.503,456 33,654,655 25,295 23 Cashccnstrts[ion 8 equipment 0 B 0 0 24 Con5lfLdipn in progr¢55 1,634-542 1,175,435 44,544 1,589,998 25 Iota! Planl Assets 320,548,890 L19,966,668 (20,006,581 542,309 Furl balance $25 473 182 374 703 525 322 661 756 611 345 2 , , , , , , , Other gsse7s 2fi Delerretl fnanung costs 5109,554 SF10,710 576,442 33,312 r s Tolal FuhCS S~,fi54,0.54 $55,717,535 (43,948,165 12,]08,669 Trial Funtls 556,554,656 5`x5,717,635 (43,946,165 12,708,&89 V ` /~ V F !NSTMNT 74a1alie Polacm s s • s~~.a•zona 1 + <: •.M r INRL HUTCHI.'iSCN AREA HEALTH CARE Slalemeat pF Revemles and Expenses h1or.1D antl Fedod En: ed hlay 31.2D03 CURRENT l4ONTH YEAR~TO-DATE YEAR-T0.IlATE Oxr Nnderl6 W get Over (Under} Butlge[ L'0.RIANCE % Rg enyQ Acfiul Budge[ Dollars Percent Actual Burge[ ;)oilers Pecen[ May. 2002 2003 vs 2[102 1 Npaficrd revenue f2,523,Ta2 52,669,D;9 [5'65.253] d.t% 552316,056 f13,322,D/1 {5937,986] -T.3% f1L2IOS65 35% T ~[pa6eM revenue 3576.911 7926,645 (319,731] 45.9% 15,912,876 18,688,30] [1,775,431] A5% 15.7 J8960 1.0% 3 Resident Revenue 559545 510957 59589 11.5% 2,363,035 2!85,978 281 p57 113% 2,515.506 100% a Tpbl yaeenihesitlerl .revenue 56.610,202 57.126,611 {S456A05} E.4% 532,W3,96T 534,d96,326 [52,472,359} -7.2% 530,526,031 4.9% `Jisc0unb 5 Gpremrnenra[ 6 Po1.y Dismunt 3,055,355 3?73,568 (2 •8,20.5} 6.7% 16,666,201 55,829,400 51.163,199} -7.3% 13.549,661 T B% 6 Free Care 0 4.166 [! 165] -100.0% 0 20,833 {20,833] 100 0% 0 %0140! ] Total tleduc9pn hom rewnue 53 :5,355 53 p7726 [5222]7!} E.8% 511,666,201 515,850,233 [S 1,1 84,032} -187.3% 513,$99,881 ?e% 8 Net paSenthes:den[revenue 53,644843 53,658,885 {5231.0365 E.1% 517,357,766 518,696993 [51288,327} 4i-9% (16,926,150 2.5% 9 Cher vperz4rq revenues 38522 11,717 [? 1955 -T]% 292 C39 200 A97 91.942 15.9% 98,933 195.6% 16 Ne[ogera4isp revrnua 53,653-369 53,690 E02 [523],233) ri.t% 317,650205 518,616,590 151196.385) 6.3% 517,025,087 ]T% 11 Safades 51 TOT?}i 51,629.416 527,610 1-]% 38,172]65 58,177,4W [f4,<.98) 115% 37,648,167 6.9% 12 Employee eenefib 330,371 124,589 {99,218) -234% 1896 s23 2,12t,Q9] [224970] 108% 1,895,193 00% 13 PrWesan:nal and Metlital Fees 439,637 460,625 {21,188) ~5% 2!53,91 t 2,311.726 11!,181 6.1% 1,754,428 39.9% 1a UOF4ea-NGxe COneac68 Repairs 186,061 146,SSa 39,567 ?7.0% 761,128 363,518 {3 X20) -0a% 664,taT 15.1% 15 Foal, Orups E Supplies 481,551 469,336 ;],185) -1.6% 2.t 32.285 2?T9?45 (fa6,980) 4i-1% 2,071 356 2.9% 16 OAa expense 123,664 132,429 [8,359) -65% 635,558 639,697 P?39) -0.6% 113,646 22.8% 1T Minnespb Gre 33,30: 9,3D3 [1] 0.0% 1&5,332 186,512 [~.16ri] -0.6% N4 X08 6.3% 18 BaO OeDt 95,Btt] 96,666 !2,879] -25% 13(,372 493,61] (316.6)5) x16% 252.5]3 -00]% 19 In[ere.W 38,183 42,596 {4,415] -10.4% 196,133 204,9&5 [6,a46] a.3% 196211 OD% 20 fleprecia5m 148,018 158956 C10,910] d4% 325517 782,908 (33,391] i.9% 7fi1 Jet d]% 21 Total aspenm 53587,85:! 33675655 [L8?3631 3.4% 517338506 517945521 j$6p7,015{ -3.9% f'--5,937 192 8.8% E~oesa of rree ppe2ting revenue 22 over [tptler}OperatinD B=p6r5es 555,477 5214,947 {j 119,470] 419.5% 5311693 5507,066 [5589,369] E5.4% 51 .081895 -713% Ncnooerefino Revenues 23 InvesRnalrt "v¢pma 5'7711 522.500 [55.769} -27.3% $92]92 5112.500 {320,2D6} -18.0% $101,553 -11]% 24 pIDar nmOperatinp revenue [net] 3,139 7,905 [166) ~2.]% 39.182 34,551 a,6]1 53.a% 6,762 479 e% 25 Plata 15 Ylcmie 1 [Loss) 8,068 8.060 ~ 9 0.1% 39-818 40.298 [180} -1.2% BI,TBI -53 4% 26 Total nonoperatinp mremre 532,919 537 855 (51,346) -13.1% 5171.292 5187.349 [S16p5T} 43.6% 519Q099 -12]% 27 Het lncorne 598,396 5252,642 [5151,116) 67.1% 5482.9&9 54,A98,415 [5505,{26] -55.6% f1 ?&3.991 413 a% 28 Patient days 852 855 ;3] -0A% 4,157 476 [149} -5.6% 4,096 l.7% 29 Resident days 3,567 3,645 70 2.0% 16.796 16,981 IteS] -7.1% 17,138 ~24% 50 Portent 0mipaMy-budpel beds ~ Npspibl 0.5.6% 464% -0.2% -0.4% 16-0% 48.7% ~2.7% d.6% a5.2% t7% 31 Porten[occvparlcy-0Wge[]nds~Nursirq Home 93AYi bt-6% i.8% 2.U% 90!% 91-4% -1.0% -7.7% 42.3% ~20% 32 FTEY 142.2 453.8 -11.6 -2.6% 1379 453.8 -75.4 -0.5% 428.8 21% 33 Admissions (aSJlalad]~HOSpiblmfy 549 STO [27) J.7% 2.645 2,911 [301) -00.3% 2.832 -94°6 31 Expanses{net{par adrrissim (adjusted}-HOSpibl0e:ly 5,482 5,109 72 1.9% 5071 5.f77 300 5.8% 1,576 195% 35 Reverare paratlmission[adjusted]-HOSPiW an7Y 11,069 11,515 1172) -4.1% 11,111 50.929 222 2.0% 9,691 15.:% 36 Ne[Revenue pet admrisdon {adjusEed)-HOSy8al only 5,602 5,638 [235) •.0% 5-648 5,532 116 2.1% 5,00] 129% 37 DISpWOb as a portent at tavBnuaa 41.8% 45-6% -0.2% -0.4% 45.8% 45.9% -0.2% -03% 445% 2 A% 38 FTE'a per 100 admissipM {adjusted) -Ha6pe41 ony 43 4.8 0.1 1.9% 5.0 4.7 D.2 4 9% 4-4 13 0% a9 Oays In NelA~mts RecBr9aNe 61.7 55.5 6.2 x1.2% 69-3 -11 0% (~R ,~- FINSTTANT Natalie Polacco 9TRTET7ENT O~~OME2AD03XPEN8E5 . ~ :. ' '. f ~ '!~ ~~ FREY,LQU~ CUFREiVT _8 1~DG_ETED__-- - E!UDGET _ _ ANPIIJAL _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ~~ ~ _ __ _ YEAf: TO DATE YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE DEVIATION HUQGET INCOME STATEMENT OPERAF II?0G._ F:EYENLiE _ __ _ _ 5ALE5 - ELECTRIC ENERGY - _ 6.489,718.88 _~ 7,380,098.23 - T,379. 308.10 _ _- '790.13 i5, 474,247.56 5ALE5 F4R RESALE 104,099.94 58,245.(M} 57,750.00 895.00 76 750,D00.00 OOO OQ 90 _ _ _ i~]ET INCCIC}E_F_ROH_ 07HEL~_5.6S1RCE5_ _ _-_ --. 44 891_.9 - !~_7~~.76_ _._. 60 3D0.00 _ 5 460 00 _ _ 429_, (803.00) . , _ 53,000.00 SECURITY LIGHTS 4.869.00 050.50 8 4,657.00 924.54 , . I, b80.00 5755.50) 4,006.(m POLE RENTAL , R 33 6 Q 52 71 , 94~2~9~~ ST 5 5 492 ~$~.75 _ _ ___. TS'?__i2 __ _._~~533,857.00 _ SALES -_GAS__ ....__- ___ _ __ TOTAL OPERATING REVEttLiF_ . , t _ __ 10,585,682.94 . - k2,997,618.3fi 12,996,679.65 438.5"1 23,861,544.58 OPERATING E.XF'EN5E8 _- ___ F'RODUCTION OPERATION _ - ___ _ 370,OdO.iS __ 988.i41.9b 954,768.34 - - (37.423.62} 3.146,012.73 PRODUCTION MAINTENAiJCE S3A,089.72 159,623.38 16b, 530_00 6.708.62 77) (99 396,500.00 155.40 207 6 SED POSJER _____ _ __.. __. P€JRCNA . _ 2, 7"23~LT(•Z.69 3,66J 528.38 3 668 428.61_ _ _ . ______ 4 , ____ , 60 540 _ _ _ _ TRANSM255ION OPERATION 154.65 04 972 120 63.56 205.237.18 210.06 4,830.00 96.4 (240,40'7.187 . 11,504_00 TRANSMISSION MAINTENANCE T ON , . 70 i 66 579 194.490.39 184t54i.84_ ___ __f~978.55)__ _._ 439,313.93 i_ ___. ELECTRIC DiBTRIHUTIOtd l~?ERA ~- - ---ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION ISAIN7ENANCE _ . _ -~~- 79,071.86 __ 55,690.88 65,524.40 9.824.12 196,040.00 PURCHASED GA8 EXPENSE 4,012 769.4fi 4,613,i8'7.Ca4 4,813,227.89 44.84 00 6 E,Od3,527.16 OU4 90 4 BPERATION Qh! i GAS TRANSMi55 .00 .04 __ i~ 680_.00_ _ _ _ _ 68. _ _ _. _. _ _~ . , _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ ~ 00 00 1 694 1,890.00 4,500_()Ca GAS TRANSMISSEON MAINTENANCE .00 46 524 153 . 160,157.03 , . 484,487.51 20,330.48 429,732.15 GAS DISTRIBUTION OPERATION . , 96 7it 4f ~ 423.55 42.8G1.00 _ C7 1625 )__ _ _ 142, OSO.OQ __ _ __ G_AS_ DI5TRIRUTILNi_MFtIidTEt~I.ANCE _ CLSTO'ISER ACCOUNTING Lk LL%3LLECTIONS . ~ _ __ 138,443.39 _ _ 146.646.55 I30,864.56k (15,376_45) 311,105_43 ADNINISTRATI'7E A GENERAL E%FENSES 745,554.24 601,738.07 655,945.76 00 54,208.69 93 8 199 5,831,SOi.00 66.0 0 464 4 2 DEPRECIATION _______ _ ___ __ _795,833.38 935 60 842 9 _ ___ 1,025,044.07 22P.44 064 12 _ _ 1,033,200. 11,900,755.44 . , (ifi3,463.h0) _ , _ _ , 21, 5fi3,397.42 T07AL OPERATING EXPENSES . , , , , 4,142,797.34 _ 933,398.32_ 1,09_5_,923.41 _ __ f4d2,535.49)___ 2,297,706.5E .. _.. ._ _OPERAT I'VG iNCO1kE .___ l 1 r i OTHER INCOME _ 071iER - NET ____ -___ _ _ -__ - SDlTERE5T INCOME MIS( INCOME _ GAIN_ ON_ DISFOSAL_-._ E~FCTRIC __ __ _ _ GAIN ON DISPOSAL - GR8 ' MIS( INC~fE - GAS L1ELL5 _TOTAI 07F_~R INC~ME_ __ -_ OTHER EXPENSES _t3I5C EXPENSES __ _ __ _ -- - INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES CONTRIBUTION TO CITY TOTAL CONTRIBUTION TO CITY NON-OPERATING INCOME MET _ INCOME - __- - _.- _ V~ r! 7'~ 289.01 2 i 34.696.91 _ 25,200.00_ _ ___ 9,_396.91 ___ ____ 60,000.00 _ , ___ _----- - - 61 19228 __ 92,069.72 42,000.00 50,069.72 SD0,000.00 , 2:,725.54 141,397.41 14,700.00 i26,d47.Oi 35.000.00 .00 5,034.065.66 _ ______ .60_ __ _ _ 1,034,0_65.66 _ __... .. 00 -- - __ _ ----~ -~- - ,00 _ _ 136,557.58 136,540.00 57.58 150,400_00 30,823.48 .____ _ i36,_030.3i_ _ .00 _ 1.438.686.88 - _ .00 258,400_00 _ .O4 _ _ 1.220,=86_86____ -~ __ 345.000,04 8:3,198.80 --~- -- -- ----- --- ;4,223.26 4 ~ _00 _ 543 00 E36 (84,223.26) -- 58,269.40) _ .00 247,550.00 586,879.68 270,477.88 S44,Si2. 0 194,035.66 . , 136,543.00 L62 492.647 247,SJ0.00 - - ~-~- _--- ---- -- -- - - -- - -350,400.00 367,506.00 -~ 367,464.40 035.60) 0] 982,000.00 400 00 9H2 350,400.00 367,500.00 367,464.40 035.6 . , -_-- - --~~ -- - (484.447.577- -872.151.22 (285,667.40) 1,157,758.62 (884,554.40 __ ___ _.458,299.77 _ L 805,549.54 940,316.41 ___ ___ 945,233_53 _ - _ 1,413,156.56 . gALaNCr_ s~ T1AY 3i, 3 4 C , * x~ r r TOTAL r * * ~ ~__- - _--_-__- --___- -_-_- ~ _ RSSE75 -. L]TILITY PLANT - AT ~05T____ _ _ __- LAND E. LAND RIGHTS 504,415.54 DEPRECIAPLE UTILITY PLANT 70,802,924.63 - • Tt7TAL UTILITY FLRiQT _ 7i~4i2, 336.47 ~~ __ -__ -__ -- ---- - LESS ACCIRMJLATED DEPRECIATION {26.085,486.21) .:.~ 'TOTAL ACCUt7ULRTED DEPRECIATION _ - _ (25.6$6,486.21) __._ __.____ _ _ CONSTRiJCTI©N IN PROGRESS 11,631,063.78 .~~ T67AL CONST RUCTIQN IN PROGRESS -_ _ _ __- -_ 111631063 _78 ~~ __._._____.____. - __ __ T[77RL UTILITY PLANT DEPREC VALUE 56.956.913.74 ~~~~ RESTRICTED FUNDS S ACCUUNT5 i FUTURE EXPRNSION & DEVELOPMENT 15.258, 516.43 ~•i ;;i~ __-__ __ -_-__ 2003 REFUNDING FUND ~~---~- ~ 4,463. 256.E _ ~ ~ - -- -- - _- - -- -~ _ ~~ '•~ -- ~-~~ BOND RESERVE 2003 631, 533.43 `;~ TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS A ACCOUNTS 20,563,306.54 '-~ z CURRENT 6 ACCRUED ASSETS . `° CRSH IN BANK 2.914, 138.56 ~ is ~;~ - -__ _ - __ -_-__ ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE _ _ 3.212,095.85 __ - _,~ ACCSk3NT5 RECEIVABLE - OYCLE SICCING 580,815.17 j'~ INVENTl3RFE5 1, SB8,719.83 I-:~ - - .. FREP~FD INSURANEE_ .- - - _~- - -- _ 132, 109.41 - -- _- -- -- ___-_____ '~ -_ CLEARING ACCOUNT 310.00 ,. ' SALES TAX RECEIVABLE 595,434.31 CURRENT & ACCRUED ASSETS TUTAL 723,625.43 8, ___~i ____ --_ _ - - _ - ___ _ -___ _ _ h~ DEFERRED CHARGE I ~:.~ BOND DISC~UN7 E993 __ _ _ ____ 575, 715.40 ___ _ _ _ ~ j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGE ~ 575.755_40 ~' `6 i TOTAL RSSETS __- _ -____.___ __ 85, 919.561 _2i a 'l'.~ . -_ - - _ __ i BALANCE Si+s MAY 31, 2003 s r ~ ~ ~ ___ _ ~ x * r TOTAL ae ae ~w r_ . - -.__ - _ - - _ ` A55ET5 ~ - -- -_.- UTILITY PLANT - A7 COST- _- _ _- _ LAND L LAND RIG!-1TS 609, 441.54 - DEPRECIARLE UTILITY PLANT 70,802.934.63 ~ ~ TOTAL UTILITY PLANT --_- ___ __ _ _ _ T4.412, 336.17 - LESS RCCU1~fULATED DEPRECIATION 426,686,486.217 ~~ '1'07AL ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION __ C26, 086, 486.253 CONSTRUCTION iN PROGRESS 11,631,063.78 ~ IN PROGRESS _ TOTAL CONSTRUCTFON ._ 14.635.063.78 __ ._ __. - _ - TOTAL U7ILI7Y Pi.ANT DEPREC VF~IE 56,956,913.74 i. _ fiESTRICTED FUNDS S ACCOUNTS FUTLIF'E EJCPANSi CTI & DEVEIAPMEAfT 15,268,516.93 f,j ~ 2003 REFi13JDING FUND _ _ 4,463,256.28 -__ __!~-? BLli~7D RESERVE 2003 831,533.43 ~" ~~ TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS L ACCOUNTS 20,563,366.64 - ------ --- CURRENT ~ ACCRUED ASSETB - - 'i CASH IN BANK ~, 914, 138.86 „i~ ACCOUNTS RECEIVASLE 3, 282, U96. SS H ---ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE -CYCLE KILLING 586,846.17 '~ ~ Ii~P1+EN7ORiE5 i, 588, 719.83 i. - PREPAID INSURANCE _ _ 132, 109.41 ~ _ - __ ~^ " -~-_ - - ~- -~ CLEARING ACCOLWJT 350.00 ~ '~ S SALES TAX RECEIVABLE 6.434.31 ! ~~ TOTAL CURRE7~FT S ACCRUED ASSETS _ B 723 625.43 - ___ r, DEFERRED CHARGE ~ RO@~ID D23COUN7 1993 - _ _ __ 675, 715.40 _ _ ~°'II _ _ _______ ___ _ _ _ TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGE 675,715.40 iy i _ TOTAL ASSETS - _ _ _- - - --_ __ __- 86.919,561.21 __ - »~ I~• I :~ -_ _ i:.. is - --- --- i Y= ___ _ _ _J' jnJ _ ! U ____ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ____ ____ _ ____ ... f `r1Y/] i Hutchinson Library Board Meeting Minutes April Z8, Z003 The meeting was called to order by President Connie Lambert. Minutes were reviewed and approved. Reports: PLS Annual Awards Banquet on April 2~4, 2003. Julie Jensen and Linda Goetz were submitted for PLS awards. Both were honored at the banquet. Mary worked with Kay to place information on the award winners in the Hutchinson Leader. There was no Pioneerland report because there was no meeting due to the banquet. Oid Business: 1. 100-year anniversary of library's dedication. A committee was put together to plan this event. Committee members are John Hassinger, Mary Henke and Julie Jensen. Kay will help with publicity. Ideas suggested include: a reenactment of the original dedication and a commemorative booklet. It was also suggested that Joyce Beytien, president of the Friends of the Library, should be contacted to see if she would help. Committee with an invitation extended to Joyce B. will meet in May. Z. Update on building and landscaping projects. Mary provided an update on the building project. At this time, everything is on track. New Business: 1. Ideas for refinishing columns on main level. Mary said to stucco the columns would be $600 each. Suggestions for other treatments for the columns ranged from applying carpeting to using a faux wallpaper look that can be seen in the former L.A. Ritter House Bed & Breakfast. It was suggested that Lynette Jensen be contacted because she might have some ideas on what to do. Mary will follow up. 2. 2004 Budget: Bev Wangerin reported to Mary that at this time there is no news until the legislature does something. It was suggested that she prepare her budget as "business as usual." Mary will follow up. 3. Election of Officers: Connie will continue as president. Julie will serve as vice president and Newt P. and Jahn H. will serve as co-secretaries. Next meeting: Tuesday, May 27. This is a change due to Memorial Day, May 26. ~r ~~3 Subject: Board minutes Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 21:06:47 -0500 From: "Newton Potter" newt@hutchtel,net~ • To: "Mary Henke" ~mary@~rutchinson.lib.mn,us~ Minutes Hutchinson Public Library board May 27, 20(13 Present: Julie Jenson, Larry Ladd, Connie Lambert, Newt Potter, Kay Johnson, Kay Peterson(Counciq Mary Henke(Libradan) Absent: John Messinger The meeting was called to order 6y President Connie lambert. Reports: Pioneerland meeting of May 22. Mary reported that the Librarians are asking fora 3 percent step increase. The proposal is being examined by a lawyer. OLD BUSINESS Building Project: Report by Mary. Qne of the cement pillars has been painted as a trial. It appears that all will be painted. Wood trim is in the refinishing process. Lee Wright is working on the crown molding. Lighting - Quades will be working on lights the first week in June. Carpeting -will be shipped the second week In June. The Library might 6e closed a few days far installation. Budget 2004: Budget amount still up in the air. Mary will plug budget in at a 4 percent Increase. May need to adjust later. . 100 Year Anniversary -The planning is moving forward. One planning meeting has been held. the program will follow the format of one hundred years ago. The program will be June 21 or 22, preferably the 21st. The program will likely be about 30 min. followed by a one hour social gathering with cake and ice cream- A second meeting will 6e held in July. NEW BUSINESS Summer Reading Program - Report by Sherry Lund. The theme is Explore Bright Ideas and Your Library. First State Federal will supply book marks and book bags. It appears Sherry has many good ideas and many sponsors. Next Meeting: Monday, June 23 at 4:30p.m. Meeting adjourned Newt Potter, Secretary • 5/2N/03 2:39 PM loll 5(a~3 MINUTES . Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board Apri17, 2003 Members Present: lay Betytien, Kirk Kosel, Mike Cannon, Ralph 7ohnson, Mike Schiesl, Rev. Todd Ertsgaard, Claire Lenz, Bernie Miner and Bruce Peterson. Also present were Dolf Moon and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5:21 pm. The minutes dated March 3, 2UU3 were approved by a motion made by Mike Cannon and seconded by Bruce Peterson. The Board unanimously agreed. OLD BU3iNE55 Funding IIpdate City/School-Reduction outcomes -The funding perimeters have been set for the school. Dolf will be meeting with school administrators to go over the Community Education budget and from there it will be presented at the Apri121°` School Board meeting. Registration numbers are important as is little or no disruption of services. Community Education picked up the middle level sports four or five years ago. They have had an annual loss of $15,000. Dolf is considering cutting the spring sports of baseball and softball in '04, hoping that the youth associations could incorporate the participants in their programs or that the district could take over the programs again. A fee increase from $50 to $60 will also be assessed to the sports participants. In the School Age Child Care the . program, `°figer Zone", which meets in the afternoon at the Middle School will be cut because of low interest. The late start program, school age non-school day care and the summer progr~un will continue. There will also be youth enrichment classes set up after school. The City of Hutchinson is in the process of reducing their budget by $1.4 million with a 15% staff reduction city-wide. The personnel cuts will total $700,000. The area hardest hit was in the PRCE department which saw a 25% reduction of permanent staff. This is mainly due to the fact that many of the PRCE services are considered non-essential. The PRCE `s net cut is $325,000. Six staff were cut, twn oi' which are transfers. The full-time secretary position was cut back to part-time al 25 hours a week or an option was to transfer to another city department For afull-time position. A shared position in park maintenance/compost will shift to full-time at the compost site. Two park maintenance staff were cut as were two programmers, one in youth recreation and one in senior activities. These cuts total $215,000. Following individual meetings with Dolf, a meeting with the City Administrator, Human Resources Director and Dolf was held. Potential retirees were invited to a meeting to see an early retirement package. There are several employees city-wide that are eligible for retirement. The seasonal staff budget will be cut by 20% or $50,000. Full-time staff may be used to cover evening building activities in the ice rinks, Rec Center and Event Center. Operational costs will be cut by 9°/". Dolf has requested the City Council consider three options and make their recommendation: 1) Close the second arena which would save $50,000 annually. 2) Buy down the loan on the second arena so that ice rental ices from the Hockey Association would he received by the city rather than to pay off the loan. 3) Cut one more staff person. Other considerations include no outdoor ice rinks or sliding hill staff, which amounts to $2,500 and no dandelion control in parks, which would save $1,500. A $3,000 savings for the city is in the employee uniform rentals. llnifornns have been purchased and employees are responsible for laundering them. 5~~~~1 MINiTTES PRCE Advisory Board April 7, 2003 Page Two F-mding Updates City/School-Reduction Outcomes Cont. The budget cuts the city is facing are based on an estimate from the Governor's office. Final figures will be available in May after the Legislature completes their session. If the $2 million figure comes in less than expected, the positions cut will be put on a list of priority for reinstatement. Other departments such as Building/Zoning may be redoing their fee schedule. Raising the fees is not always feasible in the PRCE Department as it could result in loss of participants. Revenue producing areas are important. The PRCE office courtesy window was open 7:30am-S:OOpm Monday-Friday and is now 9:OOam-4:pOpm Monday-Friday. The Event Center courtesy window was open 8:OOam-4:OOpm Monday-Friday and is now open 9:OOam-3:30pm Monday-Friday. In park maintenance, the interval between grass mowing and garbage pick-up will increase. The snow removal process will also be lengthened. Services for community-based activities such as the Water Carnival and Arts in the Park maybe charged or eliminated. Some of the open gym, open swim and open skate times maybe reduced to accept a private reuta1s which may pay a higher fee than would be collected during open time. The outdoor pool will be closing five days earlier than last year and open swim will end at S:OOpm rather than 9:OOpm Monday -Friday. The city will be contracting with Rev Trac a system to process electronic payments for water/sewer, • building permits and PRC.B activities. The fee is $90/month for the whole city. The machine used to swipe the cards costs $4.95/month. Statistics show that Community Education registrations increased 1 U% making credit registrations possible. Participants will be able to register on line or by calling the PRCE office between 9:OOam and 4:DOpm. The City Council sent five resolutions to the state and legislature protesting the proposed cuts. Hutchinson is second highest cut per capita with Albert Lea facing the largest cut per capita at $3.2 million. Bruce Peterson questioned whether volunteers could cover some of the office hour reductions, or Sentence To Serve staff could help out in the parks. F1olf told the Board that Sentence To Scrvc may be facing some financial cats, also. This program is used to help with the Miller's Woods clean-up every year. Library Square Project -The bond fund from the renovation of Library Square has $180,000 left in it. A facelift is planned for the Library and surrounding park for the 1 DO'h year celebration. The plans include a new roof, carpeting, and windows for the Library, and a water fountain and landscaping for the grounds. The water fountain may have a potential anonymous donor. Sculptures of the Hutchinson brothers or busts is also an option. The Hutchinson Community Foundation is planning an endowment program over the next three years commencing in 2003. Claire Lenz is concerned with the City spending money on improvements/renovations with the budget • cuts taking place. Dolf told the Board that private funding has been successful in the past with a good example being Veterans Park. 5la~y MINUTES PRCE Advisory Board Apri17, 2003 Page three River Grants -The City received full funding of $25,OD0 for a river stabilisation project plus $3D,000 from the 3M Foundation and 3M Cares Committee. Master Gardeners is doing planting and the National Guard will rebuild the banks. An environmental studies group at the high school will help plant the river scope. This will he an extension of the previous work along Tartan Park. School Construction Project -The High School uses the city ballfields and pays $6UU annually. The Residential Construction class will be building a garage in Roberts Pazk this spring in lieu of rent. The garage will he used for maintenance supplies and storage. Bernie Miner recommended that an article be submitted to The Hutchinson Leader regarding this proj ect as apro-active example of how we can succeed. The Hutchinson Foundation supplied the tools to the High School for the house that was built this yeaz. Soft Drink Agreement -The Event Center is set up with a preferred drink, it gives a vendor exclusive selling in the Facility. The City Council will be accepting/rejecting abid from Bernick's Pepsi to provide $50,000 plus two cordless scoreboazds, pop, water/juice and snack vending machines in the Rec Center. The percentage of revenue from the vending machines will be higher than it has been in the past. The $50,000 will be used for capital improvements in the Rec Center, specifically lighting and flooring. Ralph Johnson questioned whether the city should be promoting pop and snacks with the increase in health issues for children for example poor diet and lack of exercise. Registration May 6`h _ The annual early registration for Parks, Recreation and Community Education summer activities is scheduled for Tuesday, May 6°' from G:00-S:OOpm at the Rcc Center. The Board was invited to vvlnnteer for the evening. May Meeting -There wall not he PRCE Advisory Board meeting in May. Several hoard members will he at the registration, any issues will be addressed prior to the registration from 5:00-6:UOpm. The June meeting will be a tour of parks. ADdQiIRNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:3Upm by a motion made by Bemie Miner and seconded by Bruce Feterson. The Board unanimously agreed. klm ~~~~y James ~CERTIF Associates, Ltc,~ IED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 101 MAIN STREET SOUTH.k206 HUTCHINSON. MN 55350 r 1 1 1 To the Board of Advisors Hutchinson Area Convention and Visitors Bureau Hutchinson, Minnesota ~~ (320) 587.4747 FAX (320) 587-5048 jya~hutchtel.net We have reviewed the accompanying statement of financial position of Hutchinson Area Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) (a division of the Hutchinson Area Chamb~7 of Commerce (HACC), anon-profit corporation) as of December 31, 2002 and 20U1, and the related statements of activities and cash flows for the years then ended, in accordance with Staeements on Standards for Accountix); and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. All information included in these financial statements is the representation of the management of CVB. A review consists principally of inquiries of CVB personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data. It is substantially less in scope than an audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, the objective of which is the expression of an npimon regarding the financial statements taken as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. Based on our review, we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the accompanying financial statements in order for them to be in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Our review was made for the purpose of expressing limited assurance that there are no material modifications that should be made to the financial statements in order for them to be inconformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. The information included in the accompanying Schedule 1 is presented only fur supplementary analysis purposes. Such information has been subjected to the inquiry and analytical procedures applied in the review of the basic financial statements, and we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to it. James Young & Associates, Ltd. Certified Public Accountants May ]9, 2003 ~ ~ -1- rna cPA NMef ur~anl~la me v~® MEM6Eft5 OF MINNESOTA SOCIETY OF CERTIFIER PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CEt7TIFIED PU6LIC ACCOUNTANTS~~~ ' HOTCHINSON ARIaA CONVENTION ANll VISITOIt5 BUREAU Ex}aihit A STATF.•.MENT OF PINANCiAL POSITION December 31, 2002 and 2001 A_SSET~ 2002 2001 en Cash -checking/savings $ 5,211 $ 24,077 Cash -certificates of deposit 85,105 81,208 Receivables ' Cily lodging tax 10,704 8,986 Accrued interest 852 2,269 ' Total Current Assets $ 101,872 $ 116,540 ' Equipment $ ] 0,721 $ 1 D,952 Less accumulated depreciation (6,631 (6,769) Net Property and Equipment $ 4,090 $ 4,183 TOTAL ASSETS $ 105,962 $ 120,723 1 TARTT iTTR.C AND NET ASSl:~1~~ -~ $ 282 $ 74 Accounts payable Payroll taxes payable 1 122 Total Liabilities $ 283 $ 196 ' Net Assets Unrestricted 105,679 120,527 ' TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 105,962 $ 120,723 1 Sce Accountants' Review Report. See accompanying Notes to the 1:inancial Statements. -2- 5 C~~ HLITCHINSON AREA CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU Exhibit B STA"I'EMENT OF ACTIVITIES -BUDGET AND ACTUAL For The Year Ended December 31, 2002 With Comparative Actual Amounts For The Year Ended December 31, 2D01 1 ve City lodging tax State grant Interest Total Revenues G~ en~et~a and Administrative Management fees Marketing wage Payroll tax expense Simple IRA expense hoard expense Legal and accounting Office expenses Postage Telephone Health insurance Depreciation Sign maintenance Total General and Administrative Conference and Travel Seminars and conferences Association dues Trade shows and fairs Total Conference and Travel Visitor Marketing Media advertising Billboards Internet Brochures Total Visitor Marketing Group Marketing Welcome materials Brochures Bid packets and promotions Total Group Marketing 2002 2001 Bum Actual Actual $ 58,000 $ 56,876 $ 63,952 3,379 2,534 5,640 3,000 2,530 5,128 $ 64,379 $ 61,94p $ 74,720 $ 8,160 $ 8,160 $ 7,920 27,000 27,000 25,200 2,11 G 2,102 2,005 750 81D 720 ]00 69 12D 1,000 1,300 1,150 ],500 2,388 2,174 2,000 784 1,745 1,200 2,524 1,643 1,200 1,5D0 1,200 1,200 1,616 1,224 - 400 $ 4(1,226 $ 48,253 $ 45,501 $ 1,600 $ 1,816 $ 1,428 1,000 495 716 700 - 1,372 $ 3,300 2,311 3,516 $ 16,112 $ 18,017 $ 19,947 - 1,(174 - 2,827 - 400 117 408 $ 16,512 $ 20,961 $ 22,029 $ 600 $ 926 $ 2,462 1,000 839 - 2,500 1,b94 382 4,100 3,459 2,844 ~• Community Development 'total Expenses Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Net Assets at Beginning of Ycar NET ASSIiT'S AT END OF YEAR Sce Accountants' Review Report. Sec accompanying Notes to the Financial Statements. -3- $ 60U $ 1,804 $ - $ 7D,738 $ 76,788 $ 73,890 $ (6,359) $ (14,848) $ 830 120,527 119,697 $ 105,679 $ 120,527 J~~~ ' I3UTCHINSON AREA CONVEN"PION AND VISITORS BUREAU Exhibit C 51'ATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS For The Years Ended December 31, 2002 and 2001 2002 2001 sl ws From Reratin~,Activiti~ Increase (decrease) in net assets $ (14,848) $ 830 Adjustments to reconcile increase in net assets to net cash provided by operating activities: 1,616 1,224 Depreciation (Increase) decrease in: (301) 271 Receivables Increase (decrease)im 87 42 ' Payables Net Cash Provided (iJsed) By Operating Activities $ (13,446) $ 2,367 v .. Purchase of property and equipment $ (1,523) $ (1,011) Net Cash Provided (Used) By Investing Activities $ (1,523) $ (1,011) NE1' INCREASE (DECREASE) fN CASH $ (14,969) $ 1,356 ' Cash At Beginning Of Year 105,285 103,929 CASH AT ENi) OF YEAR $ 90,3 ] 6 $ 105,285 See Accountants' Review Report. ' Sec accompanying Notes to the Financial Statements. / \ ~ 4 5~~~ Memo To: Mayor and Cily Council Members From: brad Emans, Fire Chief Data 7/1/03 Re: Monthly Update on Activities of the Fire Department The fire department responded to 43 general alarms in the month of June. Example of a few of the calls: 1. The framing contractor at Plaza 15 /Hospital remodel project hit a sprinkler pipe with a lift and Flooded the building. This was the second or third time the pipes were hit during this project. 2. A local excavation contractor did not call for utility location and cut a neighborhood service gas line. • We had to evacuate several homes until the utility company was able tc shut the gas off. 3. A truck driver (unauthorized to use a forklift in the building) was unloading groceries at Cash Wise hit a sprinkler pipe and flooded the rear storage room. 4. We went out on sky-warn twice in June. During the storm on June 24`h we responded to two apartment buildings hit by lightning, four houses hit by lightning and the roof blow off in Gedar Mills. We also sent our command trailer along with two of our firefighters to Buffalo Lake to assist them with incident command. 5. We assisted McLeod County Sheriff's office on June 2T" with a possible homicide. This is the breakdown of the calls for the month: City: Residential 3 Commercial/Industrial 9Multi-Family 4 Carhon Monoxide 1 Hazardous Material 9 Vehicle 2 Resaae 1 Sky-Wam 2 Mutual Aid 1 Rural: Rescue 3 Grass Type 2 Medical 1 Residential 4 Commercial/Industrial 1 Drills! Meetings! Other Information • SCBAMonthlymaintenance hose advancement at the training tower 5(~~ (~ Level 1 bums at the training site Vehicle fires at the training site Mass causality /vehicle accident with hazardous material decontamination drill involving 12 victims • basic high angle rescue at the training tower • Advanced high angle rescue at the training tower • Assisted at the Hutchinson Water Carnival with: 1. Provided the hose and nozzles for mud-volleyball 2. Provided first aid at the end of the parade route 3. Provide fire protection for the discharge of the fireworks We conducted firefghter recruit testing. We had eight people show up for the orientation portion, unfortunately only four of the eight came back to test after hearing about the job requirements and work load. We conducted an oral interview, written test and physical agility testing over two nights and ended up offering a job to three of the candidates. I would like to note that Firefighter Mike Craig and his staff did an outstanding Job of finding the best of the best this year. Fire Prevention: 1. General fire safety tips for the kids at Peace Lutheran Bible School 2. Search and rescue training in artificial smoke for 70 of the Aveyron Home employees at the training • site search and rescue house 3. Tour of the fire station and fire safety for the kids at McLeod Gounty Treatment Homes • • Page 2 ~(0.~t~ CJ PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCP NO. 03-345 AN OI2I)INANL'E OF "1'HE CITY OF IIUTCHINSON, MINNE$O'1'A VACATING A PORTION OF THE LPLII,TI'Y AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS LOCATED ON'1'HE SOU'I'HERLY PROPERTY LINE OF i,OT 10, HLOCIC 2, FHLST ADDITION TO RAVENWOOD '1'IIE CITY COlINC1L OP "I'HB CI'T'Y OP IIUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA OKDAINS: Section 1. Notice of hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made and was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Cotmcil that it would he in the hest interests of the City to vacate a portion of the utility and drainage easements located nn Ote southerly property line of Lot 10, Block 2, First Addition to Ravcnwood for the purpose of conshucting a window wi113 feet into the present casement area. Section 2. That the utility and drainage easements to be vacated are described as follows: Vacate that part of the drainage and utility easement over, under and across the North 3.D0 teet of the south G.00 feel of Lot 10, Block 2, FIRST ADDITION "TO KAVBNWOOD, according to the recorded plat thereof, except the east 6.00 feet and the west 10.00 feet of said Lot 10. Section 3. This ordinance shall txkc effect from and after passage and publication. . Adapted by the City Council this 8'~ day of July, 2003. r 1 L J A'1'TL ST: Gary D. Plotz City Adtninistratnr Marlin "I'urgerson Mayor ~~ ~~ FTutchinson Cit Center C m Hassan serest se Hutchinson, MN 55350.2522 320.587.5151/F'ax 320.230.42411 MEMORANDUM DATE: .hmr taz, ~nn~ Tp: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission S[IH.IECT: Consideration of Vacation of Drainage and Utility Easements located along the southerly property line of Lvt 10, B3cek 2, First Addition to Ravenwood, 1187 Blackhawk Dx. SW Pursuant to Subdivision Ordinance No. 466, the Hutchinson Planning Cotmrtission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request. HISTORI': The applicant is requesting a vacation of drainage and utility casements to reduce the 6 foot easement to 3 feet along the southern property line to allow for construction of a window well located at 1187 $lackhawk Dr. SW FINDINGS OF FACT': 1- Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, Tune 5, 2D03 and TLesday, Tune 10, 2003. 2. There were no neighboring property owners present objecting to the request. 3. it was noted the window well has been constructed into the present easement. RECOMMENDATION: Platming Commission recommended approval of the request for the vacapOn of easements. spectfully b Dean Kirchoff, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Cortmtission cc: Bruce Naustdal, 525 Harvest St. SW rn~ka ~~ ~ymra ~~~ - 5ce~~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON _PLANNING STAFF REPORT To: Hutchiuson Planning Commission Prepared 13y: Planning Staff: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Dvn Nelson, Miles Seppelt, Jake Wegner, Jean Ward, Jobn Rodeberg, P.E., John Webster, John Olsen, Lenny Rutledge, Barry Greive, Mark Scbttobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Ken Merrill, Jim Papp, Dave Erlandson, Dick Nagy, Julie Wischnack, AICP, and Bonnie Baumetz Date: June 2, 2003 -Meeting Date: June 17, 2003 Applicant: Bruce Naustdal, property owner VACATxON OF EASEMENTS Brief Description: The applicant is requesting a vacatioq of easements to reduce the b' easement to 3' along the southern property line to allow for construction of a window well located at 1187 Black hawk Dt. SW in First Addition to Ravenwood. GENERAL INFORMATION • Existing Zoning: R3-PDD Property Location: 1187131ackhawk Dr. SW Lot Size: 64.03' 7{ 114.89' Existing Land Use: Single Family Residential AdJacent Land Use And Zoning: Single and Multi -family Residential Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Traditional Residential Neighborhood Zoning Hfstory: The property was zoned to a PDD in May, 2002. The PDD setbacks were approved at 6 feet for the side yards. Applicable Regulations: Section 12, Chapter 12, Hutchinson City Charter SPECIAL INFORMATION Transportation: BlackhawkDr.SW Parking: N/A S~S~ ~ Vacation Bruce Naustdal -1187 Blachawk Dr. SW Planning Commission-June 17, 2003 Page 2 Analysis and Recommendation: Staff was divided on granting the easement. There are no services in the easement presently. Planning Staff recommends approval of the reduction of utility easement to three feet for the constructinn of a window well on the south side of the property. Cc: Burce Naustdal, 525 Harvest St. SW 5C~)1 ~~ U V u BUILDING PERMIT SURVEY FAR BRUCE NAUSTDAL LCT 10, BLOCK 2, FIRST ADDITION TO RAVENWOCD ~ 77.s: f V l SM 78.0 W Y Q Y U Q 3 a 5 ~~ PROPOSEDl TOP OF FOUNDATION ~ 1069.6 PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR 1061.3 PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR 1053.9 Y O d ~7a.a Esls llnq HOma i I 6¢ 4 i ~ 60. 0.4 39.1 60.I~C~~OF R'r1Q•H! I - 26.63~~ M () ~ r`i ~a~ ~m~ ~ W • r'rB ;i 58.5 ~ ra~.r 58. Q d ^ ° ~ _ la ~, 5a.7 • Denotes iron monument found O Denotes iron monument set Denotes existing ekeaatlvn ( ) Denotes proposed elavarton PELLINEN LAND SURVEYING 15.7 58.8 ~ tPlB InIBI Grtl • SB.6 lmr.•33.5 T - - --x - 7 „~.a 58,3 m l -]T 6a7 .. .~ 28 -fL ! -~ O ~ PROPOSED E ~6 59. o HOUSE --~ o {{ r o .-. 78. a - ps, 3 6ao 58. ei ~ ,p ' ~ X 2a c [t Gar¢ge ~ e services o` Z 79.0 The Inle~ - - Grd • 58.a 58, B N D 15 30 60 scaEe in fear BENCHhAAA1C Paint spot on top of curb near ihs northwest sourer of Lot 10, Block 2. Elevation 1058.02 I I 5a.5x x a.a 7s.3~ I hereby certify shat this Survey, Plan ar Report w¢s prep¢rBd by me or under my d[rsc! supervision and that I am ¢ duly ilcensed L¢nd Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. // ~r ~~iUf/o£~ L9c. Na.~~~T DaTe:~~• o~L ~~1.3 HiJTCHINSON MN JOB ND. D3047 BI( P-294 PG 67 DESCRIP'ITUN FOR PROPDSEp EASENf)~7'T VACATION Lot 10, Slock 2, FIRST ADDTTIOId Tp RAVENWppD Vacate that part ofthe drainage and utility easement over, under and across the Notch 3.00 feet ofthe Saudi 6.00 feet of Lot 10, Block 2, FIRST ADDTITON TO RAVENWpO]~, according to the recorded plat thereof; except the east 6.00 feet and the West 10.00 feet of said Lot 10. ~ 1 LJ SLh~I PL)RLICATION NO. DRll1NANCB N0.03-346 AN ORDINANCE ON"1'HE CITY OF HUTCHIrvSON, MINNESOTA VACATING A PORTION OF THN: UTILITY AND DRAINAC;E EASEMENTS i.(1[:A'PED ON THE EAS'1'EKLY PROPERTY LINF. OF' LOT 3, BLOCK 1, FOURTH AUDITION TO LAKEWOOD TF,RRACE THIr CITY COLTN(:IL OI"I'HIr CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNhSOTA ORDAINS: Section L,__Noticc of hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made and was made to appear tv the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be ht the best interests of the City to vacate a portion of the utility and drainage easements located on the easterly property lint of Lot 3, Block 1, Fourth Addition to Lakewood Terrace for the purpose of constructing a detached garage. Section 2. That the utility and drainage easements to be vacated are described as follows: The westerly 4 Feet of the easterly 1 p feet of 4te drahtage and utility casement on Lot 3, Block ], Fourth Addition to Lakewood Terrace; excepting the southerly 10 feet and northerly 6 feet thereof. Section 3. This ordutancc shall take effect From and otter passage and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 8'" day of July, 2D03. Marlin Torgersnn Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plolz City Administrator r~ L ~~S)a Hutchinson City Center • 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350.2522 320587-St SI/Fex 320-2.74.4240 MEMORANllCJM DATE: June llS, 201IS TO: Hutchinson City Cpuncil FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUS.IECT: Considezapon of Vacation pf prainage and Utility Easements located along the Easterly property line located at 595 Roberts Rd SW Pursuant tv Subdivision Ordinance No. 466, the IIutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request. IIISTORX: The applicant is requesting a vacation of drainage and utility easements to reduce the 10 foot easement to 6 feet along the eastern property line to allow for construction of a garage located at 595 Rphcrts Rd SW u FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, Tune 5, 2003 and Tuesday, Tune ] 0, 2003. 2. There were no neighboring property owners present objecting to the request. RECOMMENbATION: Planning Commission recommended approval of the request for the vacation of easements. spectfully su tted, Dean Kirchoff~ airman Hutchinson Planning Commission !'nn[ed on nxl+[lea page, - ~~ h~~ ~~CITY OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING STAFF REPORT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission Prepared By: Planning Staff: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Don Nelson, Miles Seppelt, Jake Wegner, Jean Ward, John Rodeberg, P.E., John Webster, Johla Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Barry Greive, Mark Schnobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, I~eu Merrill, Tim Popp, Dave Erlandson, Dick Nagy, Julie Wischnack, AICP, and Bonnie Baumetz bate: Jttne 2, 2003 -Meeting Date: Jnne 17, 2003 Applicant: Jeff Bulau, property owner VACATION OF EASEMENTS Brief Description: The applicant is requesting a vacation of easements to reduce the 10' easement to 6' along the easterly property line to allow for construction of a garage located at 595 Roberts St. S.W. It is uncertain why there was originally a 10' side yard easement. Most easements in residential districts are 6'. Existing honing: RZ GENERAL INFORMATION Property Location: 595 Roberts Rd SW Lat Size: 120' X 120' Existing band Use: Single Family Residential AdJacent Land Use And 7,oning: Single and Multi -family Residential Comprehensive Land Ilse Plan: Traditional Residential Ncighborheod Zonfng History: N/A Applicable Regnlations: Section 12, Chapter 12, Hutchinson City Charter SPECIAL INFORMATION Transportation: Roberts St. S W and McDonald Drive Parking: N/A ~~ Vacation Jeff Bulau - 595 Roberts St. 5W Planning Commission- June 17, 2003 Page 2 Analysts and Recommendation: Since most side yard utility and drainage easements located in residential plats are six feet, Planning Staff recommends approval of the reduction of utility easemnnk to cix feet fnr thr rnnFirnrtinn of a detached garage on the east side of the property. Cc: Jeff IIulau, 595 Roberts St. SW 5«~- ~. ' ~ .e L I b%•, .e ay -•a 3 ' ~ I ~ 2'r'vsi ' s I ~ ~ s ~-' 38 ~YG.!! ! i , y 'r t4 `, , 1 ~O e ~ [p ~ yro ~ y `VI B ; . N n o r Q t " a r3 •a°.^ne~ a¢: ro ,,.P X14 9 ~ •ra ` o .,~ o .,a. ~ ~ ra. a, 5j I 1: r '• \ \ ', 1 ~, I~IG ! r ra-e. vi Q~ Jr ~ 2 \ r y i I ..e.3 ~' ~ rs! ca '~ 2g O ~~ra4p '' B `yryNe :~ ~ •~a ~ / ~y F c I~ Fy'f~3f °orb Rk: a' 4°' r20 „r°"w` 1 ..~ "'.. r, s~Qan of ~ ~~n~ ~ 00 r b"^e, ~Y,Y .r , +`">e gay LS'%b ~.., ~ o ~., e,., : fey ,h ~z ,~,, ` ' e'== 1 ~ q~ ~''~~~ `~ ` ~ + penord nfsting sDOr ele vasiaa ~ 10anohs Dropssed eievpfiort Ger H}Icafe m Survey Mr SL TER BUILOERS L07 3, BLOCK !, FOl7RTH ROp1TION 70 LAKE WOOD TERRACE . f n[n>1 [ert:h xer A:s wr.sy .m pepanJ et ne w eneer my e'vsr auMr~a:rn ene n,er a a.. a our ~:r<nsea ~aiw S.rrryor •narr xe lea er me Ssotr at x:nnesom. St01e I ~~ _ 30' BGDk P 50 pEtL1NEH LANG SURVEYING tr lll~ ~n n¢Eg._ ~r 5epl. 30, 19&6 F~Ie Na. 86179 pyye 13 xu i[xrxSaH, wrHxE Sa Te w:IlorB Peul ren il[emr •e. 9821. V~ ~~ v . RESOLUTION NO. 122D5 RESOLUTION TO ENTER INTO LEASE AGREEMENT WITH STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTIVIENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, FOR DRIVER EXAM STATiOI~i IN CiTX CENTER LEASE NO. P50009 WHEREAS, the Department of Fiscal and Administrative Services, acting on behalf of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Driver and Vehicle Services Division has requested authorization to use an area approximately one thousand one hundred (1 ] 00) useable square feet ofoffice space located in the Council Chambers of Ciiy Center in the building located at 111 Hassan St. SE„ in the City of Iutchinson, io conduct driver exams; and, WHEREAS, the City Council and the City Administrator have no objection to use of said area for the purpose stated above, NOW, TI3EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHTNSON: THAT the City of Hutchinson enter into Lease No. P50009 with the State of Minnesota in accordance with the terms given in said lease, and for a period of two years, commencing on July 1, 2003, and continuing through June 30, 2005. Adopted by the City Council this $"' day of July, 2003. Marlin Torgcrson, Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator ~c ~~-3 RCSOLUTION NO. 12211 A RESOLiJTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON TIIE ADOPTION OF UPDATED CRITERIA FOR TIIE GRANTING OF BUSINESS SUBSIDIES WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 1167.995 (the "Act"), provides that the City, as a local government agency within the meaning of the Act, may not grant a business subsidy, within the meaning of the Act, until it has adopted criteria, following notice and a public hearing, for awarding business suhsidics; and, WHEREAS, amendments to the Act enacted by the 2000 Minnesota Legislature provided that, effective May 1, 2003, the City must update its criteria tv meet the requirements contained in the 2000 amendments; and, WHEREAS, there has bcen filed with the City Administrator a draft of proposed updated criteria for the granting of husincss subsidies by the City; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Hutchinson, that a public hearing on the adoption of updated criteria for the awarding of business subsidies is hereby called and shall be held on July 22, 2003, at 5:30 p.m., at the City of Hutchinson City Council Chambers in City Hall, 111 Hassan Street SE, IIutchinsvn, Minnesota; and, • NOW ,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Hutclinson, that the City Administrator shall cause notice of the public hearing to he published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of hIutchinsvn ai least once not less than ten (10) days prior to the date fixed for the public hearing; and, NOW, TIEREFORE, BE 1'1' RESOLVED by the City of Hutchinson, that a drat} copy of the proposed updated criteria for the awarding of business suhsidics shall be available for public inspection, following publication of the notice of public hearing at the IIutchinsvn City Offices, between the hours of B:OU a.m. and 4:30 p.m., on normal business days. Adopted by the City Council this 8°i day of July, 2003 (SEAL) ATTF..ST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Marlin Torgerson, Mayor ~~.5~~ 06/20/09 19:96 FA% 7895512498 EARTH 1'EGH ~ cox/vo9 ~u+~5 f-ampus Dci~e Noreh, Sure i75• Minneapolis, Minnesoi~+ 5544+'. Tune Z0, 2003 Ms. Randy DcVries City of Iutchinson 111 Hassan Street SE Iutchinson, MN 55350.2522 Re: Change Order N o. 1 Recommendation Building 20- Raw WasteWatnr Pump Station Electrical and Controls hnpravements Project No. 03-21/Letting No. l2 Dear Mr. De'V'ries: Per our discussions and ynnr approval, ChaLtgC Order No. 1 in the amount of $2,719.00 has been prepared and attached. Three minor modifications are being made to the Contract by this dueciive. J The s0tlware specified is bcmg changed to a newer version of the Allen-Bradley product in order to allow the remote access dial-in requirements you have conveyed to us. The height of the enclosure is being enlarged 6" in order to ancottunodate thchousing of specified circuitry and control systems better. 17te variable speed drive panel displays indicating spced are being deleted and logic will be ptngrammed into the PLC tp indicate the speed on the Operator Interface 17nit- Lastly, discrete login and circuitry is being added to automatically open the pump control valves when in beak-up float control mode. Earth Tech has reviewed and recommends these mina[ modifications. The modifications assist the construction of the coulrol panels and make them more user friendly. Please contact our office if we can be of further assistance in this master. Very truly yours, Earth Tech, Inc. 1J-'"~ George Bender, EIT Contract Administrator cc: Milcc Mies, City of Hutchinson File 6 A R T H T E C H L:\WnR1CVYUk1iVi2802\~acn:s\COI Rc4nmmendaepn.JUC Telephone 763.55 ~-,poi l F ~~.~~.+le; i y 6g•55x~=499 ~, n t<(~L'G INn1SNATlONAL CTp C'~~vANY 06/20/09 14:97 FA% 7805512498 EARTH TECH .~- ~ I®009/000 L l CIiAIVGE ORDER PTO. 1 Owner's Conteacr No. Date ofCvntnct Stmt Dale nc ?5.2003 _•• ....- Owns' C~nf Hu Bann Minncsom Project Ruildin -Raw Wastc~vster Puf 4bon ElecVical and Cpn[IOI,t Ipmrovcments -, - CMpaeEor Aulonratic Cxnj¢r{t: Cn. ,„ You ;re directed tv make the fallowing changes N the Contract Documents. Deacdptipn: I) Exchange the specified 9701 •V W M mnlinte package with Allen-Bradley Remo[d Access Dial-in system. 2) Increase the aim aP Ors enclosure to 90° x 36" x 24". Delete the fonr panel displays fur [he VF77 epeed indicatata- Display thv wpead vn the Operatrrc Ntcrface Uni[. Change the speClflod Simpaos displays io U.L. approved Pnxnipn Digira~dittansrtnlten• When In Buk- 3) Add disen:te logic m control the discharge vatvos listed on the pressure filpnols from the existing pros up mode. Reason for Change Ordcr- 1) Allow Owner the ability r0 remotely crmunuoicate with the PLO- T) -Yhe enclosure needed tv lte ahitlarger to house the sptei5ed equipment 3J Additional circuiu arv rsquired tv aummatically open the pump control vvlvca when in the back-up float control mode. CONTRAC'[ MIMES (Calendar Days) CONTRACT PRIGS To auhslantial To final cvmvletinnT completion ST~I(I(~.0p Origlnd Completion Date; 38 J210 Oriyhnul: _ U Previous C.O-a (ADDlDFDUCT): S .,, 0.00 ^.- PfCNVUS C.Ds (AnD/DEDVCl7= o,~ 2.719.00 Thlx C.Q. (ADD/bF.DUCT): 4--~ U 'This C.O. (AbD): S . •- RF,VLSLO: ~1,~•~ 210 Cdntraer price w;th ail $x1719.04 approved Change Orders: - Acviacd CAmPledon Date= December 3 ]snunN _ _ It is agccd by the Con~ctorlltat this Change Order invludNS any and all costs assaeia[ed with or nsullin6 fl'dm the thangc(9) erdited heroin, includinft all tmpacl, delays, and uuleratlon casts. Odter than the dollar amour[ and time allowanec 1sted above, there shop lx no further time or deltxr compensation ss a n'ault ofthis Change Order- T73IS DOCTIMEM SHALL SECOME AN AMLNDM6NT TO THE CONTRACT ANn ALL S'CIPULATIONS AND COVENANTS OF TILE CONTRACT' SIiALL APPLY HCRETO. RccD NQEn• ay: _- ENG R uthvri Slenamrc) xa d note APPROVEV By- ' OWNER (Aurhprizcd 5ignanrrc) nccEPTeb: Bra ~ Acre CONTRACTOR (Au<horizEd Signature) lwlrur Tcch. Irw, fi2802 / 1 Project Change Numbtr Order No. Con-1 1ii1TCHTNSON, MN-628D2 l:IWOR7[1Nntchi6E8dzlprejmgAChmr~e Order No. l.doc Bf~ 20 E(nctdtal Se Controls Improvements ~(~ FEE ~?5.00 SHOAT TERM City of Hutchinson 1APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING nEVICES LICENSE Approved by_: Building Fire Application shall be submitted at Police least ~ days prior to the Gambling occasion Caly~`~i~ ~f:~ce,~ x AND x , t~ _ Name of A thorized Dfficer of Name of -esignated Gambling Organization Manager Hereby submit Sn duplicate this application for a license to conduct the game ofgambiingin accordance with the provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance N0. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 34~.~ for the license year ending 1/ Si~]atures: Aut prized f ler of Organization Designa d Gambliorganizationf A• The following is to be completed by the duly authorized officer of the organization: 7.. True Name: ~'~~" (l~p 2. Residence Address: 3 5 (first) (street) pate of Birth: /~- I- 4- Place (mo/day/year) Have yov ever been convicted of any offense? 'Yes No ~_• xf Yes, H, The following is of organization: 1- True Name: (middle) (city) (state) (zip)55.3~ o f H i r t h dlr. -flan iYl ~ /~/(~ (city/state) crime other than a traffic explain to be completed by the designated gambling manager (last) ,. _ 705 2. Residence Address: % / ~ 1P' fu(~t~gPt )~ g. Date of Birth: /~_ 4- . - (mo/day/year) first) :#~n.~ (middle) (city) (sta.te) (zip) Place of Birth: ~ ~ ?• (city/state) ~~b~~ f~Ca~ ~ C~~ j ~n~ ._ 5 ~d) ' S. }{ave you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? Yes No ~--~ If yes, explain F~, How long have you been a member of the organizatinn? l.~''~,~~s '7. Attach a copy of the official resolution or official action designating you gambling manager. O, Game Information: 1. Place where gambling devices wiJ.l be used n 2. Date or dates gambling devices will be used 1 l1' ~.~~- JG-hv~r~1, Svtl~ ~ ~~~ (dat and/or day(s_)~ ~ _ ~` o f week ) [.C, l:~-~`^~-^' 3. Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: !A From A.M. Tc A.M. Q P.M. P.M. ~ I ~J~ 4, ;Maximum number of players ~e r-, t~e~-a r~rn~~. ~4 J~ 5. Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? 6. Will refreshments be?served during the ti If so@ willlancghar e' devices will be used. Yes No g be made for such refreshments? Yes Np ~~ Organization Information: ~*,~ ~. 1. Address where regular meetings are held ~1~(? ~~'lfr.vfyl ~ ~~ ~~~ Zf~~r, 2. Day and time of meetings (~L~~ ~ Y~"~' 3. is the applicant organization organized under the laws o the State of h]innesota? Yes No I~C.7r,p~~'-~ y, How long has the organization been in existence? 4a. How many members in the organization? 5, What is the purpose of the organization? iL~l~r.s o' ~e~ratiu.4~i~. oriUlsn~ 6, Officers of the Organization: U N me Address Title _ _ u ~;,~ev5 _ ~, C ,5;ll~v~al +~ 7, Give names of fficers or any other persons paid for services to the organization: Address Title Name .. n ~ s~~~ ~, Organization Tnformation: (Conc.inued) S. Tn whose custody will organization records be kept? ~~~Y~'~ Address r SS' ~~"z ~~ ~ NameUa /t-d o ensa~e g, If the organization carries sufficieis sustained by players the players in the event any injury w},ll~ gambliing devices are used, or while on the licensed premises, please sta. the /f •T/77pCI4~ (1a5(~ ~ (~/. and rolicy No. Idae~e of Tnsurer ],~, Have you (Manager & Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices? 11. Attach a list of all active members of the organization. g, The following information is provided concerning a fidelity bond given by the gambling manager in favor of the organization. 1, Name of bonding company 2. Address of bonding company g, Amount and duration of bond 4, Application is hereby made for waiver of the bonding requirements. Yes V No I declare thaandhI authorizeothe City ofoHutchinsonhto investigate is truthful, the information suofithedCitylDrdinanceeNo8Cb55eaelatminghto0gambli:ng, Hutchinson a copy mySe~ with the con~¢nts thereof. ,p1.L R. REZAO NOTARY PUBLIC -MINNESOTA ~'l,Y. MY~pQ1missi°nExplresi-31.2QU5 ignature _nf'authorize~~ ~3ficer of organi±.zation "s:'m~s ...~.......,.... Date: ublic on this day of Sub-6cribed and 19orn to b ore m too ary p ------~--" Sign urea of N ary Public Comm ssion expires on Subscribed and ~9orn to before me a notary public on this day of ~` Signature of Notary Public Commission expires on • 5cd) ANNUAL EXCAVATOR LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF HUTCHISON i 111 Hassan Street S);, Hntchinson, MN 55350 P6one:320-234-4216 Fax: 320-234-4240 avv3•as Date: J4 ~ License File No.: _ I ~_'- Excavation License Fee: $30. 00 Applicable Surcharge: •~0 Excavation Project Address ~~~0115 ~/'~ IG{T'~ - Intersecting Street: Or Section Township Range Quarter 5ectien The excavation is far the purpose of: C~Raz ~~ MINNESOTA STATUTE, CHAPTER 216D, REQUIRES THAT THE EXCAVATOR MUST CALL GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL, INC. AT 1-800- 252-1166 AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING ANY EXCAVATION . Applicant has checked the excavation site with the following utilities and will cooperate with them to avoid striking any of their lines in excavation work, hand digging is required when excavating within two feet of the markings. Hukhinsou utilities 225 Michigan St SE 320-587746 Flutchinson Telephone Cn. 425 Franklin St SW 320-587-2323 Mediacom ] 130 Hwy 7W 320-587-9387 City of Hutchinsvn/Watcr Dept. 1 I 1 Hassan St SE 320-5871222 INTPORTANT: BY SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT, I AM INDICATING THAT I HAVE RECEIVED THIS NOTICE AND AGREE TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR EITHER CALLING GOPHER STATH ONE-CALL OR NOTIFYING MY EXCAVATOR TO CALL 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATING. I WILL COMPLY WITH ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE EXCAVATOR'S LICENSE AS SET FORTH IN CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDINANCE 02-308. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS LICENSE MAX BE DENIED OR REVOKED IF I DO NOT MEET THE CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE O~jr~INANCE. f Applicant/Excavator Name - Printed J V U ~ `~- N r1Z A C'~~ ~ l7 Address: ~ T'C ~"~ 1 µ~ j 0 N ~ 55 ~7g~p~ Phone: l z V` Sp~ - a 7 CS / Si~ature: Yt' CALL TW ORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG! TOLL FREE 1-800-252-1166 5(e~ ANNUAL EXCAVATOR LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF HUTCHISON 111 Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone:320-234-4216 Fax: 320-234-4240 ~D.~- a / Date: ,~ is vi o?-~ G .~ Excavation License Fee: 30. 00 Applicable Surcharge: .50 Excavation Project Address Intersecting Street: Or Section Township Range Quarter Section The excavation is for the purpose of: MINNESOTA STATUTE, CHAPTER 216D, KEQUIRFS T1°1AT TIDE EXCAVATOR MUST CALL GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL, INC. AT 1-800- 252-1166 AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING ANY EXCAVATION . Applicant has checked the excavation site with the following utilities and will cooperate with them to avoid striking any of their lines in excavation work, hand digging is required when excavating within two feet of the markings. Hutchinson iltilities 225 Michigan et SE 320-587746 Hutchvnson Telephone Co. 425 Franklin St SW 320-587-2323 Mediacom 1130 Hwy 7W 320-587-9387 City of Hutchinson/Water Dept. 111 Hassan St SE 320-587222 IMPORTANT: HY SIGNING TI-115 DOCUMENT, 1 AM INDICATING THAT I HAVE RECF.NED THiS N01'1CE AND AGREE 1'O ACCEYT RESPONSIF3ILITY FOR EITHER CALLING GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL OR NOTIFYING MY EXCAVATOR "f0 CALL 48 IIOURS P1t10R TO EXCAVATING. I WILL COMPLY WITH ALL RULES AND RI/GULA1'IONS PERTAINING TO THE EXCAVATOR'S LICENSE AS SET FOR"I'H IN CITY' OF FTUTCHINSON ORDINANCE 02-308. T ACKNOWLEDGE THAI' THIS LICENSE MAY BE DENIED OR REVOKED IF I DO NOT MEET THE CONAI`fIONS ST:T FORTH IN THE ORDINANCE. Applicant/5xcavator Name-Printed ,-,,, ~~~'~ ~ t ~~' ~ Address: t^ G Signature: ~ ~ ~~? License File No.: ~( hhonc: ~-' CALL TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG! TOLL FREE 1-800-252-1166 5I ~~ ANNUAL EXCAVATOR LICENSE APPLICATYON CITY OF HUTCHISON . 111 Hassan Street 5E, Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone:320-234-4216 Fax: 320-234-4240 Date: ~' -~ License File No.: e2UU ~• oa Excavation License Fee: $30. 00 Applicable Surcharge: .50 Excavation Project Address Intersecting Street: Section Township ~~ ~,~-~ n!~'rg Or Range Quarter Section The excavation is fvr the purpose of: MINNESOTA STATUTE, CHAPTER 216D, REQUIRES THAT THE EXCAVATOR MUST CALL GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL, INC. AT 1-800- 252-1166 AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING ANY EXCAVATION . Applicant has checked the cxcavation site with the following utilities and will cooperate with them to avoid striking any of their lines in excavation work, hand digging is required when excavating within two feet of the markings. 225 Michigan St SE 320-587-474G Hutchinson Utilities 425 Franklin St SW 320.587-2323 ' Hutchinson Telephone Co. Mcdiacom 1130 Hwy 7W 320-587-9387 111 Hassan StSH 320-587-4222 Ciry of IIutchinsotJWater Dept. 1117YORTANT: BY SIGNING T1ITS DOCUMENT, I AM INDICATING TIdAT I HAVE RF:CENED THIS NOTICE. AND AGREE 1'O ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FDR EITHER CALLING GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL OR NOTIFYING MY E7CCAVATOR TO CALL 48 HOiJR5 PRIgR TO EXCAVATING. I WILL COMPLX WITH ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO TI-IE EXCAVATOR'S LICENSE AS SET FORTH IN CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDINANCE 02-308. i ACKNOWLEDGE THAT "PHIS LICENSE MAY BI: DENIED OR REVOKED IF I DD NOT MEET THE CONDITIONS SET FORTH INnTHE ORDINANCE. ' ApplicantlExcavator Namt - Printed --f~' ~~~---~-r~-. _ ~ G' ' Address: ~[% ~ -~~~' Phone: Si~tature: CALL TWO RKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG! TOLL FREE 1-800-25Z-1166 ~~~ CJ a~63~o3 pate: 6/ 2 7/ 0 3 License File No.: Excavation License Fee: $30. 00 Letting #9Applicable Surcharge: .50 ANNUAL EXCAVATOR LICENSE APPLICATLON CITY OF HIITCHISON 111 Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, M1V 5535D Phone:320-234-4216 Fax: 32D-234-4240 Excavationl'rojectAddress Pro'ect 03-17 Stearns W ds- ve SW Intersecting Street: pr • Seciion Township The excavation is for the purpose of: Range MINNESOTA STATUTE, CHAPTER 216D, REQUIRES THAT THE EXCAVATOR MUST CALL GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL, INC. AT 1-800- 252-1166 AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING ANY EXCAVATION . Applicant has checked the excavation site with the following uiilities and will cooperate with them to avoid striking any of their lines in excavation work, hand digging is required when excavating within two feet of the markings. Hutchinson Utilities 225 Michigan St SE 320-587-4746 Hutchin.ROn Telephone Co. 425 Franklin St SW 320-587-2323 Mediacam 1130 Hwy 7W 320-587-9387 City of Hutchinson/Water Dept. 111 Hassan St SE 320-587222 IMPORTANT: BY SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT, i AM 1TiD1CATING THAT I HAVE RECENED THIS NOTICE AND AGREE TO ACCEPT RFSPONSA3ILITY FOR TI1"HER CALLING GpPHER STATE ONE-CALL OR NOTIFYING MY EXCAVATINK TO CALL 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATING. I WILL COMPLY WITH ALL KULES AND REGiJLATIONS PERTAINING TO THE EXCAVATOR'S LICENSE AS S61' FORTH IN CITY OF HUTCHINSON OKDINANCE 02-308. I ACKNOWLEAG)/ THAT THIS LIL'ENSI? MAY I3E DENIED Oit REVpKED IF I DO NOT MEET THE CONDITIONS SET F(7KTH IN'I'HE ORDINANCE. ApplicanUExcavator Name -Printed W m. M u e 11 e r & S O n s I n c R' P ^~ar1d_t P r e s. 837. Park Ave Hambure. as~~v - Address~ _ - . Signature Quarter Section Phone: - 952-467--2720 CALL TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG! TOLL FREE 1-500-252-1166 ~ (e~ Excavation Project Address Intersecting Street: Or ANNUAL EXCAVATOR LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF HUTCHISON 111 Nassau Street SE, Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone:320-234-4216 Fax: 320-234-424D '~ ~ ~ ~ ~"j ~ License File No-: °~ ~ ~ `~ ~ y . Date: ~+~ Section Excavation License Fee: $30. ~0 '-, Applicable Surcharge: -50 Range Quarter Section Township The excavation is for the purpose of MINNESOTA STATUTE, CHAPTER 216D, REQUIRES THAT THE EXCAVATOR MUST CALL GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL, INC. AT ] -800- 252-1 I66 AT LEAST 48 HOURS I3EFORE BEGINNING ANY EXCAVATION . Applicant has checked the excavation site with the following utilities and will cooperate with them to avoid striking any of their lines in excavation work, hand digging is required when excavating within two feet of the markings. Hutchinson Utilities 225 Michigan St SE 320-587-4746 Ilutchinson Telephone Ca. 425 Franklin St SW 320-587-2323 Mediacotn 113D Hwy 7W 320-587-9387 City of Hutchinsvn/Watcr llept. 111 Hassan St SE 320-587-4222 IMPORTANT: BY SIGNING THIS DOCTJIt4ENT, I AM Tt`IDICATING THAT I HAVE RECEIVE'? THIS NDTICE AND AGREE TO ACCEPT RESPONSIETLITY PDR EITHER CALLING GOPI•IER S'1"ATE ONE-CALL OR NOTIFYING MY EXCAVATOR TO CALL 48 HOURS PRIOR. TO EXCAVATING. I WILL COMP1-Y WITH AI•L RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO TIIE EXCAVATOR'S LICENSE AS SET FORTH IN CITY OF I-IUTCHINSON ORDINANCE D2-308. 1 ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS LICENSE MAX BE DENIED OR REVOKED TF 1 DO NOT MEET THE CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE ORDINANCE. ~^ ~ ~ Applicant/Excavatorhame - Printed ., ~ P \ ~ 1 ~7 ©~ t~ a ~- C" - Address: LJ Signature: r` n P~ \ (1„ f~,n^Q ~ _ _~,,, Phone: ~c~~ ` i~ O ~ " ~_S1_(1_LfJ CALL TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG! TOLL FREE 1-800-252-1166 SCe~ r~ L ANNUAL EXCAVATOR LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF HUTCHISON 111 Hassan Street SE, Hutchiusou, MN 55350 Phone: 320-2341t216 1{ ax: 32D-234-4240 Date: ~~_ License File No.: - ~ pb 3 - ~ ~ Excavation License Fee: $30._00 Applicable Surcharge: .50 Excavation Frojcct Address ~_~~~~5 Intersecting Street: Or L.~ C~ Section ~ Township Range Quarter Section The excavation is for the purpose of` MINNIrSOTA STATUTE, CHAPTER 216D, RIsQUIRES THAT THE EXCAVATOR MUST CALL GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL, INC. AT 1-800- 252-1166 AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING ANY EXCAVATION . Applicant has checked the excavation site with the following utilities and will cooperate with them to avoid striking any of their lines in excavation work, hand digging is required when excavating within two feet of the markings- Hutchinson Utilities 225 Michigan St SE 320-587-4746 Hutchinson Telephone Co. 425 Franklin St SW 320-587-2323 Mediacom 1130 II`vy 7 W 320-587-9387 City ofHutchinson/Water Dept. 111 Hassan St SE 320-587222 IMPOR'T'ANT: BY SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT, I AM INDICATING THAT I HAVE RECEIVED THIS NOTICE AND AGRI;T TO ACCEPT RESPONSII3ILITY FOR EITI3ER CALLING GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL OR NOTIFYING MY EXCAVATOR TO CALL 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATING. I WILL COMPLY WITH ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE EXCAVATOR'S LICENSE AS SET FORTH IN CTI'Y OF HUTCHINSON ORDINANCE 02-308. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS LICENSE MAY BE DENIED OR REVOKED IF I DO NOT MEET 1'HE CONDITIONS SET FOR\Tk''I fIN THE ORDINANCEC. , Applicant/ExcavatorName-Printed ~VV ~~ <~~~'~\ ~~ ~~~`~ ~~ `k-1U`-~~~V ~].~1 ' /~~t .. ~°'~1~ ~ 1~,.,, i~~ ~r ~, :~ `. ~t t ~r~ t n~,r:~~ 't1`~ ~~~S~G (x Phone: '~ ELI, TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG! TOLL FREE l -800-252-1 ] 66 ~~~~ ANNUAL EXCAVATOR LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF HUTCHISON 111 Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone:320-234-42.16 Fax:320-234-4240 3 ~ _ ~, ~ License File No.: a oG 3 - ~ ~' pate: ~ ~~ - - Excavation License Fee: 30. 00 Applicable Surcharge: .50 Excavation Aroject Address J~o~1~e ~ ~u ~ `'' ~ + ~ Intersecting Street: ar Section Township Range Quarter Section The excavation is for the purpose of: ~ ~5"~• <<~ w~ ~~ ~- f 5~ u ~ I o 'n MINNESOTA STATUTE, CHAPTER 2]6D, REQUIRES THAT THE EXCAVATOR MUST CALL GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL, INC. AT 1-800- 252-1 ] b6 AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING ANY EXCAVATION . Applicant has checked the excavation site with the following utilities and will cooperate with them to avoid striking any of their lines in excavation work, hand digging is required when excavating within two feet of the markings. 225 Michigan St SE 320-587746 Hutchinson Utilities 425 Franklin St SW 320-587-2323 Hutchinson 1'elephanc Co. 1130 Hwy 7W 320-587-9387 Mediacom 320-587-4222 City oFHutchinson/Water Aept. 111 Hassan St SE IMPORTANT: BX SIGNING THIS DOCi7MENT, I AM INDICA'T'ING 'T'HAT I HAVE RECEIVED THIS NOTICF, AND AGREE TO ACCEPT RESPDNSII3ILITY FOR EITHER CALLING GOPHER STATE ONE-CAT.I. UR NOTIFYING MY EXCAVATOR TQ CALL 48 HOURS PRIOR 1'O EXCAVATING. I WILT. COMPLY WI'T'H ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE EXCAVATOR'S LICENSE AS SET FORTH IN CI'T'Y OF HUTCHINSON ORDINANCE 02-308. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS LICENSE MAY BE DENIED OR REVOKED 1F I DO NOT MEET THE CONDITIONS SET FDRTH IN THE ORDINANCE. e r hcantlEzcavator Name -Printed ~ Y~ 5 t u c ~ --~-~" ~' App Address: "" ' ~ ~ ~ ~ aCI r Phone: ~V_ ~-~7 -33`/`/.. p1gI1 Im e. ' T-~ rq ~ i ~' CALL TW(~ ORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG! r '>a LL FREE 1-800-252-1 ] 66 ~~~~ • ANNUAL EXCAVATOR LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF HUTCHISON 111 Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, MN 5535D Phone:320-234-4216 Fax: 320-234-4240 IJate: /n _~ ~ `~ ~ Excavation License Fee: $30. 00 Applicable Surcharge: .50 Excavation Project Address Intersecting Street: ~~ ~ G f ~ L'urv~~ ~uv'"`~ ~'ab5 ~ i r t R k3~1~ ~ ~vo Q.ra,~ flriv-Qwuy Section Township The excavation is for the purpose of: License file No.: aU ~ ~ -G7 Range Quarter Section d.iQ ~n,~, W ~ ~ k1 v~ w cv, x a~Q ~$ MINNESOTA STATUTE, CHAPTER 2I6D, REQUIRES THA'I' THE EXCAVATOR MUST CALL GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL, INC. AT 1-800- 252-1 ] 66 AT LEA5T 48 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING ANY EXCAVATION . Applicant has checked the excavation site with the following utilities and will cooperate with them to avoid striking any of their lines in excavation work, hand digging is regixired when excavating within two feet of the markings. 225 Michigan St SE 320-587746 Hutchinson i7tilities 32D-587-2323 Hutchinson Telephone Co. 425 Franklin St SW Mediacum 1130 Hvry 7W 320-587-9387 111 Hassan St SE 320-587222 City oFHutchinson/Water Dept. IMPORTANT: HY SIGNING T1IIS DOCUMENT, i AM INDICATING THAT I HAVE RECENED THIS N07'1CB AND AGREE TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR EITHER CALLING GOPHER STATIi ONE-CALL OR NOTIFYING MY EXCAVATOR 1'D CALL 48 HOURS PRIOR 1'O EXCAVATING. I WII.L COMPLY WITH ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE EXCAVATOR'S LICENSE AS SET FORTH IN CI7"Y OF HUTCHINSON ORDINANCE 02-308. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS LICENSE MAY BE AENII3D OR REVOKED IF I DO NOT MEET THE CONDITIONS SET FDRTH IN THE ORDINANCE. ApplicanNExcavator Name -Printed 5533 Address: ~ ~ Signature: ~Y~~11`t ~ Phone:_3~"~~~~ - CALL TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIC! TOLL FREE 1-500-252-1166 5(e~ RESQLI7TION NO. 12210 . Resolution Approving PERA Participation for the Hutchinson City Administrator WHEREAS, Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator For the City of Hutchinson, previously elected to be excluded from membership in the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA),; and WHEREAS, part of the 2003 Omnibus Pension bill passed by the Minnesota Legislature, and suhscquently signed into law by Governor Pawlenty, effective August 1, 2003, City Managers who opted not to join PERA can reverse this decision and enroll in PERA's coordinated fund; and WHEREAS, the law provides that membership in the Coordinated Plan may begin on the First day of the pay period for which contributions are withheld from salary earned after .luly 31, 2003 provided that a signed Electign for Inclusion form is received within 60 days of the receipt of the Coordinate Plan contributions by PERA; and WHERAS, Gary T]. Plotz, has elected to begin membership in the PE1tA Coordinated Plau; and WHEREAS, written election is necessary under Mimnesota Statutes 353.02, subdivision 2, to begin prospective membership in the PERA Coordinated plan for salary eamed by a City Manager defined as follows: ..."city manager" means (1) a person duly appointed tv and holding the position of city manager in a Pan B statutory city or in a home rule city operating under the "council-manager" form of government, or (2) a person appointed to and holding the position of chief administrative officer of a home rule charter city or a statutory city pursuant to a charier provision, ordinance or resolution establishing such a position and prescribing its duties and responsibilities... and WHEREAS, a City Manager who elects to enroll in the Coordinated Pian must remain in the Plan until the end of employment as the City Manager. THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Hutchinson hereby approves the request to allow the above named City Manager to he accepted as a member oFthe Public Employees Retirement Association Coordinated Plan effective after July 31, 2003, and the date of the employee's salary deduction by the City of Hutohinson. Adopted this day of July, 2003, by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson. Marlin Torgerson, Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator 5~f~ Election for Inclusion in PERA by a City Manager Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) 60 Empire Drive, Ste 200, St. Paul, MN 55103-2088 PERA Employer Fax Number: 651 296-2493; Employer Phone Lines: 651 298-3636 or t-888-892-PERA INSTRUCTIONS: If you are a City Manager who wishes to revoke a previous election to be excluded from PERA's Coordinated Retirement Plan, you must complete, sign and return this form along with a resolution from the City Gouncil approving your Coordinated Plan membership. The law provides that membership in the Coordinated Plan may begin on the first day of the pay period far which contributions are withheld from salary earned after July 31, 2003, provided that a signed Election for Inclusion is received within 60 days of the receipt of the Coordinated Plan contributions by PERA. This written election is necessary under Minnesota Statutes 353.028, subdivision 2, to begin prospective membership in the PERA Coordinated Plan for salary earned by a City Manager defined as follows: ..."city manager" means (1) a parson duly appointed to and holding the position of city manager in a Plan B statutory City or in a home rule city operating under the "council-manager" form of government, or (2) a person appointed to and balding the position of chief administrative officer of a home rule charter city or a statutory City pursuant to a charter provision, ordinance or resolution establishing such a position and prescribing its duties and responsibilldes... C~ ELECTION FOR MEMBERSHIP COVERAGE I, the undersigned, revoke my previous election to be excluded from membership in the PERA and hereby elect prospective coverage in the PEf2A Coordinated Plan based on my current status as a City Manager with the governmental subdivision indicated below. As required by law, I hereby state that I will not at any time in the future seek any authorization to purchase service credit for any period of excluded service. I understand that this election is irrevocable. Name of Employing City Emplcyer PERA ID # (if known) Gity of Hutchinson 5392-00 Name (please print) Last f=irst Middle initial Plotz Gary ll. Street address (residence) 500 Lakevaod Drive SW City State Zip wde Hutchinson MN 55350 ignature of iiy a~]ge /V Date -~- The information on this applica ton will be used for identification and documentation purposes. furthermore, except for your address, the Information requested on this form is classified as public data, wh~h can be given to anyene for any purpose. Yeur address, however, is classified as private and is available only to you, the PERA staff who must use it during normal course df processing this application and to entities authorized by law. No private data of yours will be shared with any unauthorized person or agency without your informed written consent. &/2003 ~C~) RESOLUTION NO. 12214 RESOLUTION ADOPTING REVISED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL N0.5061 LETTING N0.1/PROJECT NOS. 03-01 SAP 133.126-01 & 133-109-06 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution and notice of hearing the Council has met and reviewed the proposed assessment for improvement of Dale Street SW from Roberts Road to 2nd Avenue 5W (S.P. 133-126-01) and 2nd Avenue SW from Dale Street to Main St (S.P. 133-1D9-06) by construction of trunk and lateral sanitary sewer and services, storm sewer lateral and treatment improvements, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk, landscaping, street lights and appurtenances. WHEREAS, a reduction in the assessment amount for two properties due to reduction in water and/or sewer services as follows: 1) 750 Harmony Ln SW -deleted one sewer service; 2) 440 Dale St 5W -deleted one sewer service and one water service. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed revised assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a fart hereof, is hereby accepted, and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period often (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the Frst Monday in January, 2004, and shall bear interest at the rate of percent per annum as set down by the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from November 1, 20D3 until the 31st day of December, 2004. To each subsequent installment when due, shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certificatipn of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the Gity Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by the 14th day of November, 2003; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to the 31 st day of December, of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15, or interest will be charged through December 31, of the next succeeding year. 4. The Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of July, 2003_ Mayor City Administrator `~~ COIALELBY: PVAYOERYEEY ASSESSMENT ROLL NG. SDBS SGG.d2 ' SiREFC05'.F0.pliFWT LY kRUrEL eY'JkppE6ERG LETTING NG. 1lPRGJECi NG. 03-0'1 S'I9>4 STPEEi OVERLAY [QSTFRONiFWT CkECKELBY-P. Y4NOERYEEY 1rvp A4ESN FK]NOOLE STSW TO YNNSi 56P V]I-`LN61 STE1.'L(I t'YIRTE0.SERJICECCST.'4Wrt M1'VYBER OF TEARS' 1p L0.',ESiSN'FNCN 9CBFAiS RL SN TO2kp 6YE Sx'~ISP i3Y136Ltj S2,]BT.Gp e'WATE0.3ERYk.E CCSTMIR IMFAEST RATE BYC'JKSiRI1CilOn'FO iRVAK IIATERAL 5rWn4YY 5ENE0.d5ERVA:ES, 3TORlI SEN£9 LITEPPL 6TREATUENi,GRaprvG. GRAVEL Cnee 3]8].68 !'SEMf0.5£RYICE Crmnrlrt gryPiEa. 05'ROS CONCAE:E:VRBdG:T'ER BCLMWOV3845E.NNMNOW SUPFAGNG.50EN'6LK L.lYpSCGPNC, SAEEi LIGxi584rPVRtEVAMCES 51~103.6p 6'SEYYER>£RBK:ECOST~LNR 4EYL51]V ApccrEO aTn6w 1ST NEARING : O1R&3083 2ND HEARING:pS.'062p03 Arf,WrvT ~ NL. CrtY Np xO COVMtt sIp Np NNAE [LOpRE55 pF PRpPERtt C/NYE0. IEGPL pE3CRIPTIOk ~ FRQIIi ACIXIIUN CT SUB[MSIIN1 FEET CREDIT ASSESS FRONT Fd']T STREET ASSESA STREET VIERLAY ASSESS. ~ 9ENER IMRb 6' SEWER IMR6 SEWER ASSESS. 1' W0.TER UHFS 6' WATER UYRS S WATER ASSESS. ~ CREM TOi4[ AGTIYF PSSF54. 1 0E-51E-29-03-0530 •assa ValeyLmge rl?] FT]p¢ ApOR55' 396 M11an $!$ 1<B Man $[3.POBCx t2 $958n LOt 5, BOCk t2 23 OS7.1540 NulUinma un 55353 Sam 4aF CC 96 K 3000 5850.96 0 30.03 4 p 50.00 SO.GD 3850.96 2 0E-116-2903-054: KeCe B Lisa *analn 3ccemAgcress. 15 t~ .:re 5'n' - l•i$aOTrFLJ FiA NW <SxOB'oI LCI E, 9bCa 12 ' 23053.1160 HLa3Ynsan Nrv 55358 So,Rn Han City 4,1 60 5:80 $1]350 1 i 3]83.69 0 $D D3 SD :A 31,55i.2B 0E-1162903-055p Gavi9 8 N:uB¢n Nxem Pmy¢nr ACGFe55 as 2nD Aoe 6lv t 9R52'A'atlen A'.e lplfi Ex a8'x 4R', Bbrk 12, 23 052 ! 150 H~Xltnpr Nv 55368 {Satin HaY GI 66 88 30.09 5' 2T5.<4 t 5]83.68 1 3365 20 $0 CO 32,BV5.32 i 6 °,6-156-29-03-1560 NmF. R=alESlale LLC Fvna AJ9ress 2'.6 Na r.515 Ce25 Yuma LnN LW 5-bY. B1xk 29, 2305022W Pry.,pmn NN Sane eamHWf Cry 132 5]2 30.00 32,552.88 G 30.0: D 5300 30.00 52,553.88 I 5 C6-116-G9-'J3-'.2'JO HNCRi'ISO~Telepapre Cn'wa+. Era R P002u: Y]2V Aae 5'H 235 F^NkFn S[SV! N1<'r[La19 E%E]5'8E9'afWTMi'af Ld 50 23057.2290 HulrAlmm~ MN 5535] Roca 28. SaN6 HattGW 65 56 SD.OO $1216.44 0 4000 0 ~ SDW 5000 S1,2i6A4 6 163-51 F2903-525] Hpk6imm~ ieeFFtre fgmpan Pmpe AIIhess 39tH Ave 5.l' _ 235FmYln S[SY! 1Y66'u1 LN 1C, 3b[k?b •23.050.2aA0 HarcNmm~ MN 55350 Sohn Hatt Cil 66 66 40.00 SF 2TG.d4 P 3C :0 0 30 D3 5000 i S1,2i6.d4 ] D5-' 16-291H-0213 momas 6 s~aror, SCnwarse P~open ACaess t~8 Grote 81 Sw '9C Gr0•e SI $W LC16.81NA 1C. 23.050 :9i0 ~HxAYrniLY'. MN sine 3m.M YaEO 396 39.6 52,630.23 30.00 0 30.00 1 3]85.23 SD.DO $3,415.43 I 6 CF156-29-34-0310 Wm HaukUS c'Reny LxNexn RppeM A16re6s 11a52M Aw 3w' 1V33 Ree3 Ln YynSN, F'u¢knsm YNSR'A AI S, Btrk 11, 230500860 C-~erwe N-v 55336 $0.T_t HaCCm 66 66 P 50.00 9]-0D t 5:10360 3 35,562.48 s fO.DC 52,66fi.Op 9 C6-t16-29De-0320 RsY,aK'xeslEre PmFerf'A[uesx taS Gkr. $l $vl <i0 [am Cek Lr NA' I lol 6. Bbrk '.: 23050.0910 HV#lrsen kN 55350 15puln Hare City 66 % 0 3D.G: $D CO 5 5i 8368 t ~ $18'2!1 5;00 51,566.88 10 ~OF 11 F2906-0390:5e[aPC A.•teFLe FlnpeF,eB IRC FmCery R]]rP55: 585970 Arp SW ' 11~)a uenr~y Cr 'n'S8 N,m1bw55'cf Ni'cfLtt 2. 91ppt 2b 23 CSD 23'5: I+ulcn:+un wl ss>7± Fwn vaC Cc; 5? 56 53.^5236 S30G 1 S]83.6E 1 57P12D SO.D7 35,61].24 '1 ]6-0"629 Y:U Prafesxo+alFina2tie8 of HVLFiniu. ~rpp¢e/F4he55 Y]]2~16 Aye SH' Ss Y:61.?%3^NC. t'+eGE t P='B . mod; ~~ LOwr.EC er: PvDNDER VEEN A58E95NENi ROLL NO. 5061 Sfi6.d2 srREET L0.RiRRpIT Fpor rEpfi• JRpuEeEnc LETTING NO.IIPROJECT N0. 03-01 519.34 STREET p4ER'SrCWT1FR0.Rr FODT : cowu Y-e YeNpER VEEN 3AC AYE SW 3VCM CALE Si SN'i0 WYN5i5f5P 1311¢9-0F] . ST67.20 TWATERSEPHLELOSF.VNG CnECNEOB 10 F YFARS 4ALE STSW FROV ROBET.S RO SW T03NC AYE SW ~[SP 11] :i[Al ~ 32.39T.UC f' M'AiER $EAVICE CCST.VNR W VHER O : FTEAES*taiE: SY LCNSiR44'[CN FO TaV k[BLaiERwL SAMiAflY SPNER 15E0.41CE5.5fORV SENE0. LATERAL1iRElaiMEM.GiAMNG, GRAYE~fiASE, 5763.F6 a'SfnER SERVE COST.V Nrt 9ROVIIg1.66aSE.BIipWWU55YRFACNG.SGEWALK.IAMLGLARNG.SiREEi LpMiSd?-RJRTENUICE$ 9E ~ :OrCREiECVRB[LVRER PiEC OYt] S1,1fi3.69 4'SEWEF SE0.YILELC6TNNrt . ,y,)] , aenslpe AppPr6p:*.aea 153 HEa1RING : 01!282003 2ND HEARING:051062003 ACCOnei NC CITY Frp AO COVNrv PID Iq. 4AI.E6 A.'pRE35 LELAL pESLRFigY CE P0.CPERTT CNNER 4CprtgF CR 5U6pN51CX ~ FRONT FHi LREIX' ASSESS STREET FMIM $'REES pVEiLLAV FOOT A45E35. ASSESS. a 6' SEWER SENF0. UIRS Le1R5 $ENF0. ~ ASSESS 1' WAiE0. LNIiS 6' WA1ER Wrt5 WATE0. 0.45EA5 CREpi -OT.V, , 0.LiNE Ai5ES5. ~YlY.'pf Ei6'CflR14N'3C'M EI6'of N6'N NV52 CC FAK ~ 23:5:2340 3flab La.e NN ss: [e Lua Rc[L 2R, 5ouu•Xaf Gry 3D 30 51,93250 530D 1 ST63.6B 1 $76120 $D.Du 53,5448 R D'a1c6~2904-2'19 ?.xkssau'PmxNes of HN[1'mm~ Fmy_R AOOrBbd ]CG=raaJnffi5'h ! 9eCP<Ca RO'en £ii'SfLU1 &E<'ef Fti p'_T 2, 6e[[n. 23.050.2320 6e0ab LaY, un 553ta Sash HaY CCY <4 44 52322.49 $O.CO 1 Si 5368 t 5]61.20 SO OD $4,461.36 t3 O6-t16-29-04-04?01 HLtU'inm+RCUeg BRtterebamenl P-p rt~Aasess x33 Gwn 6[$w Alir Jear.'A'd~e 1333N A'.e 5'M1' LaIIDEx E2Y.6aL b. 2305il 2<t0 HJCirson NN 5535¢ Spam Hare Gry 66 6fi %383]2 SD.03 t $183 d8 1 5]8120 5700 35,948.60 16 C6-11623-DL-Cd]1 FOJS r5~8 RMereWer AUllwnry of Mmcnrean . PR~eIy R].125s :Cfi 2H A.x 3W 111 Hassa. 515E E2YW Lpl1C. 69u 28. 236562470 Nalcxvca mN 5S1'A $cuNPbfCd 22 22 51,46124 50.00 0 $000 0 SOOD 5000 11,461.26 15 `. 0E-11629-04-D493 Sruron A. Wihroe' Fr]peay M4ress: ato 2~q Av¢ 6'A' ' etC'er9 Are5'N ld1E%ESRp9s. 94rT 3C. 23.0502<23 HVrpinsan NN 5535a Soso Hell Gry ~ 82.5 82.5 $Spi9.65 $G.C9 0 ~ SQW 5 116126 $O.OC 56,266-BS 16 76 '.15¢9!51-060D C1siRd DYt'R Ha4dn4er P:cpem Ammss 2a4 Gro-e S[8W 3rA irvw_SI SIY ESRCES WLaI t, 9YSk 3Y, s 23A56243D HmYSrson NN 55350 Soule HgfG 82.5 82.5 $5-013.65 SOW 0 SO.W 1 5]6120 SR.6G i 56-260-65 i 11 D1n16-aa-Dt-caW damn AVrrkeb c:~nemalLSxe~xs ~ P~Lperty,w]~3 scsa9 nesw F O9ex 110 Nan S: N,+uannsm LN Si15i LG II EX N115'8E%6'.S'pf NfiC'. 23.1128320 '•Yeearia MN 553Ri-0tTa L .n NlCllbn ]2 T2 54,182.24 Sr_70 0 $000 1 5]8520 57.00 55,563.44 18 :L116-30-81-0510 Vera 01.1¢ P~q Pdiress 5`59'9 A~•e 5W 5152nD Ar¢SW R Bld Y.3SN•iI SY Ca•dltt l]Tlre~ 23'120290 rmc+rnar, MN isn N1Z2 ESC':5122"xfi0'b PoOf Rel. yen Ae] 6p 60 53,99520 507D 1 319366 1 ' STP.1.2D SO.Dv 55,550.08 13 :01-116-30-01-0628 dx nn 4 Piaa Itimeal 'ropers A4cress' 525 2e0 eve 5a' 525 hG A.E FM1' _a11.'.^c 23.1'2.D33v" ;HL'Cmna rlN 55350 Lrc. ACe ocr 82.5 82.5 55 <i 9.65 $0 W 1 Si 83.fi6 1 318L20 SO 00 31.D41.Si 20 81=.tE-'JJ-Ce-3530 Kerin4LFa'r: ErcPSm a: xe•u Lxale'S:~ P~gmnY+'Q]N-ss E3'.~,d a.e 5w ' `_St 2nJ eve SIY N e3N. ~u::nmm ~ 35"i LCI 1E 23'120?AO Hdlcnnscr. '.1N C`~M~ Lynn :a]nm P25 ~ 82.5 ji,4]E 65 5'].OG 1 Sib3?8 I 1 5161.2] SC :O ST,Cb4.53 21 01~1:63C-01-0540 =bxrceF 6nrslerssn FmxaY A4Rres. 5;92n]a.e 6%. ' S33'<rc F~•e 3M1 'l:5i cf _11-5. I v 1 'LCr.RLEO 6Y: P L'ANOER YEQ! ASSESSMENT ROLL NG. 5]61 (66.42 $iREEi CGSI+FRONi FppT I [CMR3TEA BY JROpEeERG LETTIKG NO. I~PRCIJELi NO. 03-01 559.34 srREET OVExL.¢YCCar'FRO6rFOOr : CHECNEV 6Y' P VANOER VEEN mOAV£SW 3TCM fx4E $'SN Tp YA'N $i $[SP t]3nE9A6; 3TB1.20 1'n4TER SERNCE COST,LK M6EF CP YE40.5: t0 ]AESi$N'FROY R06ERlS RC SW T0IN~AVE SN-~SPtp.t F6L1] 52,36]AU 6'nATER SERNCE COSTfJNR Nu INTERESr R0.rF: 9YCCN$lkJLiION rO TRUNN&;AiERwe SPrIRARY SEW ER@$ERJgFS.ffiORY 6EWER LAiERAL8 rRE0.TYENr, G11ApNG. GRAVEL 845E 5463.69 C'6EWER SERNCE COSTNHf. AOOFIF-: Ntl L93 CLNCRER_CVRBB GOiiER,eRVYtYWSRdSE.RRLNI4W$SI,RFYiN:,$OEWALH,LAN[6:API14, ST.lEEr LG~i68 AGPI1RiEAWI:ES $1,1 Q1.69 6'$EWER $ERNCE COSTNNR RENSIIXI A-OPrE0.0iuflm 1ST REARING : 0112&200.4 2HU REARING:Ok062003 ALLW6T •q CRY %O MO COVYTF Pl6 rq. NAVE 6AO~RE55 OG PIOPERfY pYYER LEGAL LESLRirNJR AI:UREM OR SV&'YVILON FROM FFEi ~ CRfbi ASSESS FRONT $TREEr FCOT M1SSE55. STREET 4 6' OVERLAY i$EWER~SENE0. AS$E$$ IIMi$ PMTS SEWER ASSESS. t WATER VNTS 6' YIAT FJI NNF$ WAi ER A45ESS. LREOR TOik SCPVE ASSESS. 235+20360 H6an.~scT rnu 55350 Lpm xaln~ 96.3? - 96.91 56,533 x< 56 OG 1 I 5783.68 1 518'20 50.00 56,096.62 2"e 0`-1163°`01-L15FA NanenK Meece Prtperly AJCress. 5e9'erc A'.e SVi I V91rG AOe 3N W63'Of LC118. ~ 31.1522350 Hs3m n MN SS'a6r LysnAmnrn 63 63 54.183.68 $800 E 348358 5 $T91.2(I SO OD 35,TC9.3E 23 01= 16-30.01-0560 'elvy8l'J4elLb]a¢ FRpely idires. EP12'd 0.x56'•1' 5rA 2b 4~re SW E52C'al LOl 26 E%'•1'6E'd ~l NZ'Jd E6V. 23 t t2 G3BC d.nsirvn Mn 153w vmn nse'vs 60 SO 53 965 20 $p N 1 S7°•3.69 1 3781.2: SC 90 $5,550.06 23 G1-156-30-01-05]p 5'zren8 Rtk ~rvpery ADEress B352nE A4e 51Y 6]52M Ape 5K' 1V80'r1 E1ZI 0f lGl'!C, 23'.12.0390 E Nmc+nsor Mrv ss95o L An4ilb+ 60 BO 33,986.20 50.00 1 5]83.66 1 5]81.20 30.62 55,550»6 I 25 05-11638-Ot-0.560 Rretd C~nsara SrAiere PmeaH AYUrns 60]2rc Are5W 6C: 2V Are 5W 63.5"•1'NE~3RdLa N, 33.5 12.0330 Pvcl'ineos uN 55350 L.naruaoR 63.5 63,5 53,25T.fi3 $040 $183 fib 5 5]9520 50.06 56.782.55 I 26 05-516-30-05-0'90 .:a%efine I. Pbfl Pm AGpress: 615 YG nre 5•v 51c2naAx SW 5L'Eaf Wt2YC LVl2$. 23 t t<' 0450 H.nmreon Mn 55357 LmR Aeeem 58 58 53.852 36 SO CO 5 3163.66 7 3761.22 59 00 $9,61 T.23 27 Ot-516-30-01-0600 KNeC KoeMd NavyA rceune~ >'raceR 4liress F~1 x~d Are 61Y 531 2M A.e SN 62Epf PoEC'al Lal28, 23.112.C4M. 4aIC•raon MN sce•n _mn AYeilm 52 62 540 16:4 30.N 1 57&3.68 1 5761.28 53.00 ~ 55.682.92 29 G1-115-,'i.'I-01-[510 Jager 61 Pau: Pre{edr AJOress 6332rC Are S'H E^_?H1]Are SN' 'NEO OfLN 2t. ' '25.1120420 H.rrirsaR Mn ratio Linn near c.' 60 60 53,965.20 5..^.CO 5 3783.59 5 318520 50.0.: 15,550.06 29 01 '16-30.91-0E2C ~R f rNterdlaJa N H']2Ye ~npeM1y Aiaresx 6112,a Are S1' - - a'352n0A•?5'M1 FEU Of LCl21. 23.! 12.[s4G HmcrosCr r!rv 55359 tnr FDeilnl 60 60 53.585 20 SG.N 1 F763.66 1 3761.2] $O.OG ~ 55.550.06 I i 30 94-116-30-J1-0690 ~.MUYe'IO M1kr R"eCern Aneress Tat 2Re hre 6W '601 M hre 50' W62&lbf Lo121. 23512.0430 HLVJaneCN aN 55350 LgnA VSOOn 62.33 62.93 54,539.96 ! EO.Op 1 518366 1 518120 5]00 56.404.64 i1 0'-11''x3]-0'-0690 Wads Fiat PmPerl Aecw_a: 64T 2ra A're Sn' '23 152 36] 647 dV A'.x SY! Hnyrrson MM1 5350 EBT O'LU122. L nn 41etu. A2 82 55.546 34 SG "r0 1 3T93.S9 5 5]81 2p SiA15.3] ss s16••xa]. sc vt=acE 3er ;o - `. ' 1~ COMPILER BY: PYAYBER YEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL NO-5961 568.62 31REET LOSiIFROM FOOT j YIMPViEC 6Y' ROCEBERG ' LETTINCa N0. 1fPR0JECF N0. p3-01 119.31 STREET OYEgLAYLOST,sRONi FCCT . L CNF-6T: P YCfICERYEEN X :YCAVESW FROV 0.eLE5T yW'J YqN STS(SP t]3-%9A6] IT61.lp t'WATE0.3ERNCE h151NXR . C E Y P 10 ORLE Si SW FROM ROBERiS Rp 3W i01NB AY£5M ~ ISP 111±$[dll SL387-pD 6" WAiE0.5ERNCE COSTNXIi .NIIL6ER [IF E R$ 0.ESi PATE T BTCONSiRVC'tLY1 FGT0.'JNX b'AiEPwL 50NR0.9Y5EWEi@SERVICES. SiCRV SEwER:AiE9AL1 iREATVENi.GReOIXG, GRAVEL 60.TE, 5183-58 'SEI6ERSERNLE LOSiNXIi IX : E pp'JPfEO FL1193 Blil]VIMbJS RySE&iVMNpLl55VPFACING.5ILEWAIaf. lDN 0.5CARNu, SiPEEi LGHi58APRIRTENAFCES CONLR£iELVRB@GIJiiER 51,16 S.BI C5ENE0.5ERNCF CGSiNAIi : REYISwNAeIOP'EO':*'wma 1 , ' 15i HEAWNG : 0112&'2905 3N0 MEARING:OiIt76Rp03 ACCCV F^ [ITV -I]1/.] NPME 6POBRE55 ~EGLL OFSC YIPiION IA I CWNrY PI0 N0. ~ CF PROPERTY ONNER I MLY110N OR 5L9VVHON GRpli tEEi CRECf. G55ES8 fRONi fOpT STRFES ASSESS. STREET OVER:AY 45585. 1' SEWER LFII'3 6' 5E'/!ER VNi$ $ENE0. -5SES5. 4' WADER IJIIiS 1~ WATER IINrtS 1Y1TER ASSESS. CREgi TOTAL ACTIVE ASSESS. 32 .Ot-1'6-30-]t-C6S] SCar..-S ArIIa GCra:ke P~mety+V6zsx 6552M Ars S.Y 6552Yi A.e S'M1' 3'"1bl NfiP OI Lol [c I 23.n2 MSC Hu1[~raon Mrv 55350 L nn atl9n~ S 83 B3 35.5'2.06 SD.DO 1 5763.68 1 3781 e0 f0.D9 57.8]]]4 33 .1-11a""-30-C'1-066G i.ortaN Palle h r. Atltlass. 6~9C AVe 5W 5592N AOe SW St ta'dE62.5bRCl Zt. ~ 23.152.0190 Hbleni'IUn NN 5~tio L Ae6tisn 62.5 625 0 3690 SO OD 6 3783.69 1 576L20 59.00 i 31,SW9B I 36 p1--+.1 E-36p1 ~C66p' R n&AIHgb Hen rg I PRXerIy PJCres5: 5CO2mJ A'.e SW 5W hC Rre SW Left A~IRls LIaIWLU!L]. 2311840'0 NIf JYnsuY MM1 5535] L 90.3]tlq' 100 160 ! 56,612.00 $O.DO 1 5763.66 S 378120 30.fA 58,2p6.B6 35 ? 0111630-0'1-fj 90 84rer8R[aafeRremk Proce. OdimsE i193ntl lwe 514 ' 5182M Are 5'N La 2.aW3MSPb[o!LOI CC. 23.118.0023 I+nmrsan MN 5535c L nAetlem 55 35 53,6S3.1C 3D.OG 1 378368 1 378120 50.DC 55,217.98 36 Ot-116-?0-91-0700 creaprv 86m'm Ewrq -ropery PWtlreu 53o 2N nre Sw 933 2ntl Rra S4 m13, Au0~lal; %al of Lx a<r. ' 23 113 OG30 Hulcnn;cr av 59asp L.m A! 9pn 56 55 3'.'.53 t0 50 00 1 5183.68 t 5761 2C SC 30 56,241.38 30.09 PAIN Y. SiETi¢a]-Np.'•PASE I (r-'] WNOILEp 6Y: P VFNpER VEEN ASSESSM ENi ROLL NO. 506'1 f66.<2 5'REEi L1']Si,FRONi FACT COMOpiEp BY J 0.O".ERERG IESFING NG. 1!PRQIECT h0. 03-01 919 $4 SiREEi OYERJav C059FROR' =ppi CHELNEp RY: P YRN^.E 0.'FEN 1NL AYE 6N'GR'.]N.pLESt $W TO M14L I: Si 56R ~~~ :03A61 STd'I.1O •' WATER SERNLE COSi~LW NVY6ER OF YEP95. 1 p4E5i SV ARCM RC9FRi5 Tp SN iC 3x04VE 5N'-ISP 13Y136it 52,36T.DD 6'MATER SERVICP COSiNNR IYCERE5i R0.~F. BYCOHSiRV:Tp4 FO Ti VFN6LA-ERY 6AR1iARY 5E1rEPS5ERYICER STCNMSEWER LA'ERAL 6TREATVENi, pepQNG GRAV EL 9M14 E, STB 3.6H G'SPNER SERNCF C65iNtitF 4^APTED t5rI S93 CONLREIECURil B+U'iER BRJNN00.5 BASE,&iVNNOLB SVR°ACIYG, SIDEn4ii~L4Np6GWNG, 5i11EEi L1.:hT58 APPVRTEYANC"c3 $1,1D,i.6D a'SE'NERSERNCE LY1SiNNT REVSgx a0pPr6o:m~tl4gs 1ST HEARING : 0113&NJ03 2ND HERRING:051662003 ~ I ' ACIAWi NO. C PID Np. CWNtt Pp MO. 1aaMEt AOME53 OF PROPRTV OYMER LEWL pESCRIPTON L-LRi10N LN SVBO'!H?Y FRORT FEET CREdF AS9E95 '•ApM SiREEi iii A93ESA $iREET pVER'AY ASSESS. !' 6' SPMER: SPMER JMI~' VNTS SPNER 45SE55. 1' WATER VNR$ i' WATER IJNFS MATER A4$ES$ CREpf. TOT41 ~ AGirvE 4SSES4. 52 Ot-tt6-30-01-0623 sab RweWL Frox Aa]en: IpD a.f A.e SN Pa arc nre sw a536x s.oc• 23 112.C650 HNVYInm'I MN sc".c+ „nn aaanm 82 5 82.5 55,419.6? SO CD 1 I 5]63.66 1 fT85 20 SO.GD ST,544.53 43 : 0t-116-30-31-083G Reran 6 6 RI L Bxcx Propertt :.fares!. 65i 2M Are SW 1 ' 6532M A'2 c.M1' La136 F.CSILt'. 23512.D31C Hulyinsan MN ss3w Lre'n adtliliy, 42.5 61.5 55.475.65 S6.W 1 518368 1 5181.2] 5890 ST.666.53 I 4L 01-110"-Al-:'1-0SGO i MaX11ew8 Lara MrY.e P.vpeC/FUltlress 55G 2M AVe 5W ! 65e 2N Rve sYi N' G:' d LVI 35 W cf Piihle,. Lae, 0 231 R.0+2D H„IC+rson IAN 5535a ' Ltm nefllDn 46.5 i 88.6 $S,T<5.33 50.00 0 59.00 1 5181.20 SD CG 56,5]6.53 45 61-116350'-0950 PamebJ b'r_ssen lACL&E P¢Terl Mcress 6a6 NC Ara a'I: ~ E4fi lna Are 6R' 'N6T Of A14tbI ;al 35ENRS~ne ~a1e. 23.112.0650 f~rnnsan .\1V 553sc L nPdfocn 61 61 yt,4Ep to I Se 90 t S?&1.66 t 516120 SG.GC' S6,01i02 I :6 ~'1= 1G3G-05-5196] Ca•i]dAVrea'I:oYnan Frox~ty.W'ess' K2 hA Ore 5'r1' 5e::r[Are 3w ![rx132 [fLIX:S 23 t 12 .^. 40 Hwlinrar Mn xsu me ADtlilm 1J TD 54?45 <0 50.63 1 5183 68 1 5]81 ?] 57 00 SG,21438 [1 p1-11 63 89 1-06]C _G:n G HameDar _r d LMSe Pa+l.im Prape .3 atlress 625 era Are Sw 526 dV A'm $'N La136 E%SILC', r 23112 A67 HulYimm~ Mn suW l.rr Nlail4'I 825 8x.5 $5.4]955 F00: 1 514358 1 I 518124 50.00 I #,040.53 I a8 Gt-116-30-01-069G Ss.er b Ja~el HJan P.x e . Atltlress 5ta 2ntl A.e Sw '6152M 0..e $'N ~ NY16'W Lal3i, 235120?Tp ',HUU;, aor MN 55350 L rAeanan 66 66 f4,383.T2 SC JO 1 Si93.68 l $161.20 50.:0 55.968.60 1 6$ r-01-116-3rJ-D1-D990 [:orR.-d NiMiAl1'etlLe Proa+4Y JVl3eu: 61'e hE Are S'N 6123[ F.re 6v1 M of Lo10B E%YJ N ~treeL 23 112 0800 v.rcrinm+ MN ss w n i.Jtlnu1 66 66 SE ~8??2 50.63 1 S'83 iH 1 518' 20 SO.Dv 55,948.60 j 50 :1-:1630-01-09]C Slay K$eESm'-'AaIS~J:a G•axr.d5ress E052ntl Aoe SW !6]52~4.e 5'A' N'31'M Lal 33. 23'12[525 .Ruin raon NN SS359 .Ltrn A?aitln tC]26 10T.25 (?12355 5000 1 9?93.66 1 3181.23 50.00 98,688A3 51 D'-1'6-30-C2-C990 ~JasePS b I CCder ProLCn Aner¢sS 15a Hxmorry L[5'I! P50 Harman ,a SN' $:6' C<afi1'B3 a5 a'c119 OS'o1 Lc124 23.1'2.0520 F~sxLinvn s1N S615o Lynn Aaaccr. 85 a5 4945 0 5:00 3D.C0 0 50.00 1 S'81.2G 5:00 3T61.26 ' 52 l11 :16iC•02-0C5'J Jcn H 8 Lintla L Frtlxl °ropeRl Rff:esm PT52M M'e SN ! Sa-SiEt4C]S ~lC. 1,PnGE SG='] l~ A$SE55N1ENT ROLL N0. 5061 365.62 igrr8:m eosnprger FOOT I LLWRInEG er: J Rg3E6ERG LETTING ND. 1tPRQIECT N0. 93-01 359.36 STREET o'.1=w.r nviiF~N-poor LHELICEG GY' i VAN.^.ER YE6'1 1RG AYE SW FgOM 04iE Si 5W TO W1N ST S SP 1:9'1X-061 $7a1.2D j1' WATER SE 1.E COSTNNR NYMBER OF YEARS. 1: OnLE Si SW F0.QV ~aERTS RG SW Mtlp 4VE SW.SP 1!]-1PF-01 52,397.09 i6' WATER 5ERV6E LOSTNNR IMFERE$'eATE' BYLONSiRLCiION FGT0.UNKSlAiERAL5N111ARY$ENE0.ASEANCFS.,^.ORMSEWER IAiERAL1iREATMEV T, GPPtIING GRAVEL 645£ s1s3.fis II~SEWERSE0.YICECGSiNIM AG~iEG OS'1]T] CQYCPEiECLFB[CViiEq. BIiVVIYWSB45E.B'a'M1WOW SVRFdCING.50EN'ALN,LNlLlSEA%NG. SiREEi LILM5 SAF91JRiE4AACE5 51,193.69 6'SEt5ER5ERVICECOSTNNC REY1sgx AOOPTEO:w,nemr ~fST HEARING: 01126'200] 2N0 HEARlNG:05101J2003 ALCOYN* NG. C~'r N NJ fAIINFT %O NO. nAAIESMn=ac CF PRpPER'Y bVNER LEGAL VESCxIPnCN AOCTON OR 511BGrrt5gk FRprvi fEEi RE[? AssEss EAprvi SiRFfT W'JT F ASSESS. STREET GIERLAY 455E55. r r SFNERk SEIYER SEMFA 1 JNTS '~ lI1RS ASSESS. • WAi£R LL'11T$ r WATE0. WR$ WATER 0.4SfSi RF-li TmA. ALiIVE ASSES. T!i 2'r]A+25N' r1'90'o'.a12C. 23.112.Ca10 rxlrrwn NN 55313 E.rv' Addilbn 9C 99 55'x7] 90 5 00 t r $783.69 1 3761.20 50.00 57,562.56 53 01-116360&M51 Jcsep118 G 1 Cmkry Pipsry Atltlress. !652ntl A.'e 58' !SO Ham]+/Ln 5N Eat' cf Vi131'd iW 2C, ~ ' 23 t12.Wa0 vmmrspn NN ES35$ E1rr. Anm9sn 61 6t 52]2322 $770 579369 1 3761.2G 5000 fA,39B.10 5V :1-116-3602-D36: .cr Y.4_Ma.RWei Pc Pddress' ?452nd Aw_9w' _ ns znd Orem Loisas s, 23.112.0530 yulm nor fm 55358 L FJCNan 9 F 79 55.26]!8 SC:70 C 5090 a sow S6.GG 55,267.16 55 DV 1530-0I-03TC KeV~b Nay 4e'k-n P¢{erly ACCres!. 12] 2nd Fre SN ~232~tl Are Sw E55'NW. 32. 2311267Y3 Relcnnsu~.NN 553se L AM9pr 55 55 53,653.10 $0 CO 1 3793.69 1 37a12G 5700 55,217.98 I 56 ~ 0:-11G3]-:.2-0G90 Buan Laver B L nlna R1s..aae- Pn;erl ANxss xa0 Pr<Are $v :xe02rc Are SW Ltt:2 Ex ES:', ' 21'120610 Rl14Finm'' an 55A50 Lynn a¢~r.m 110 HO Si,36`6.2G 1 50.0] 1 i?6368 f 88120 SC'JO 59,971.06 5? Ot-116.35-G2-7060 El:a]_In 4 Bmaz Rose. ABtlress 2C5 Oae $I $W ab Dae SI $'N' N16Y U La 31, ' 211120610 Hxfinsos HN 5539 L n.Wtlr.Rn TS TS 56,961.5G f0 W 1 5]6368 f 5781 a0 50:0 SG,565.38 ~ SB Ot-t+6-3GD2AtW Rmunp Bbamke Prpp¢Ry.Vp2i5: 215 O.xe 5[SW 215 Jak 3l a"M1' ]6'505 n1PY NIA-31, 23.n2CfiG0 amyerecn NN 55358 y1r. A6eimn ]A T6 Sa,915.06 50.00 1 88368 1 Sxat23 SC :0 56,679.96 59 C-0= 1i-30-02-0'10 GarE_6JanelA9a9ez1a ;PiCperty Adpress 225 pak5Sn• I . 225 Cale 5151Y 'LOl 3'~ E%N1E2, ' ~ 23112.[5T n',anism, s1N 553`A L nPadpcr. 1 825 82.5 $5475.fi5 5[000 t $793.69 1 $]81.20 5000 Li,064.43 I c'O 01-11637-C2-07:7 L~'.itl J 6_2n2!A Sebe.b Pm]ert P9tlress. 22x DAe SI Sw 225Oak $1 $'!. Nttl 0f W 132 0!! ul ~B. 23.112 :020 H1.rirssn NN svSJ Lynn aadnm D I 0 30.00 j 36D] 0 $G.CO 0 SG DO SO.D3 36.00 6' O1-t'.6-3DW-@59 yaxs AF>a1n hap_rty AVreas: ess z-,e A'.efiW ! 5152ntl A•'°5•Y '.YN Pa[of Lci 7..L6'ms P16 oI LCl 2P. 23.1'YW9O apln rrscr Nv Sass wr AddiWn 0 0 5000 fo o: 0 $G.C9 9 SG GO SO OG 30.00 62 C1=~15-]0+12-W6G Cra6632Ge' IPn ryAddress k12,i ae 5':: , 9'J` "ere Fro $VY E' Patl •i _]I', .W.Ci14YS Pal [` _]12x. ~! Co4wLEp 6Y: PYUlpE0.'.EEN CplP.IfEO 6Y J RCUEBERG A$$E$$MENT ROLL NO. Sp61 565.<2 STREET CO3T,FRQNT FOai . LETTING IID, I.PRQIECT N0, P3-G7 $19.E4 STPEET OVER[AY CGSiIFRpM FGOT CMCCNEp6Y. P.Yy1pER VEfN 1NpAYF SW FRGN04cE5i5NiG MAN ST519Ptu-1:9L81 fT6' 2p 1'W0.TE0.$RUICECQSi Nr 4VNRER Or TE0.9g: 10 pNF 5r5W FROM ROSE0.TSRp5W l03NPAVESY~3Pt1]'116-0fi . $(38T 11C N f'n0.TER5FRYICFCW}NNT INTEREST RAiE: 3Y CGNSiR1!CTION FO TRVNN 6lATEFpL BAMTA0.T SEN£0.SSEReICE5.5rOro] SEW ER J.iERAL @T-0EAir.Exi, GF;epwG. GeAYEL B45E . STB3 66 x•SENE0.8ERYMEC~}NNi nLlp°Tm:rElt]N1 . CCNCX£TEC.RB8 GIf1-fER. BIiLIN11pVS HA4E, NiVNN0U5 SLNFiCING.9pEWALN.:ANMCAPING, STREET LIGN[Sl ioplpTG'IpkCES . $1 1 W 50 6'SENHl SE0.1'gE CC$Tillxli Rensc«NpoPTEO osme.ns , . 1ST HEARING : 01/23/2083 2Nff HEARING:p5fON2a09 LCCGYxi G Yp lq. NO [WNn Plp rvp. 23' 1<00.'0 NOME BI,UERE3g pc PRpPERiY dNMER Hnc+nem AIN ES1e IfC~CL pESLR Vr4Y1 ALURg4 CR SVPLfNSICeI L nr acallpa FROMS FEET i5 CREG1} LS5Eg3 FROM fCOF ii STgEEi AggE55. $4,981 $0 girtEET pVFRLAY ASSESS. 5'J.06 r' SEWER VNRS t S• GENF0. llnrtg gEN'ER ASSESS. St53 E9 t Wni fA LNRS 9 i NAT pI HNF$ WAiER ASSESS. A8"~ 20 CREpIf $0 09 TpTpl ALINE ASSESS 36.$06.]8 63 !0'n16Y]-p2A2YJ Geran i GC+xamer Pqp¢ t A]ercss 395 2cC Are 5.v 23.n:.0:9C EC52ntl Fee Sw nnm rem uv 55300 Lm. B. Au9nY5 Pbtd Lal2~. Lynn atlao-, 10 10 5664N EOAC 1 Std3 Ee 1 $18120 SO 63 53,229.C8 60 61= 15-3002-0350 HenY C F'au9e Pr ]e'lY ab]ress ~ pak,' °N 2Cn Oak 5: 5.Y ~L[I E. NiSMre PdINL¢3]. 23.116.N90 NvrJ~irsan NN 55355 S Ly~n Pdinor ]T.26 TL25 55.t?096 30.W 1 5]83.68 1 $T61.2p ! W ~00 56,695.83 35 Ot 1'6-3602-03Tp' 1 JaTes & Ja+a Scrn_ter Pc{M ?cetess~ ale Sap 515. 2:O Oap at [yl Lol] AuF1WS Ral of LIX 3]. 23.116 pt CO Hskl'lnsan NN 55]50 L +m o[r 68 ~ 66 1 5<,5'6.55 $063 1 I 5]6388 1 $761.20 5000 56,061.44 56 01-1'~6-30-02-0380 oaron a eeuy waman PTCerI ?mes. z16 JaE $l5V! 2:.116 91'0 226 Da! $r SVi Hul ),inwn Nn' 5535] Lol 9, Po.Glcfs %al of lLt.iO. Lf.n ae]ncn TC Tp ia,6Cg.00 SO.M 1 5763.86 1 - ST81.2] SO.pC 36,214.28 5T Ot~tt6-3602~p39C Rga'ESnUgarel van~Ner Poly Actress: 2CC Oap 8i6w I 23/150120 2/-] CA¢ 6[ SV! rvmcnwean Nn f.•""" Lal 9..L.9iI:CS ~lal of LIX pp xn aesean T3 T3 ~ 54,808.66 $O.C[I 1 983.68 1 5]8120 50.03 36A13.54 I 66 Ot-aE-39-pT-C1]20 Elk+[r111 N 8.Y.ylB J Hek ~raperlr ADCress 3a' Cak 51 S1' 23 14 1C0p 3]t flak $l Sw i,nc~nsm NN 4050 V93' o! 5155' [!'b tC>2 Cf La x8 ynn ACtlllbn &9 89 35,91 i 38 $C CO 1 5733.66 1 3]8. 20 6C.:0 ST,g6.26 6i 67 ' 78-37-9,'8030 I_by~ErAE B'>t~i Haminsc "raper,: rWtlras' Sat CHe 51 SA' 23.1'2.1010 YJ'CN¢5154'! limai,w, NN ~aY• ,W'N'M1'132 [f La M. rer. ACCi!bn f6 66 34,333]2 $p C0 1 STa$.66 1 ST8:.20 5:90 55,908.66 T'] C1-01o"-30-0]-0040 Jare]$l:al3 ?wbUan] Ripe. Rtltlms' 3'S Cale 515'A' 91 23.1121040 91-1'fi-30037-0Od0 315 paH 51515' l-'~raFrcm L1N ss~s[ Pamela 9 Nra6 Lu. e6 t.2 E% 55 4055 4 E%Ety 1[C L' nAD811n'1 Fmpe t R]tlress 31? pak 5:5ri' 825 82.3 $5,479 d5 SC 90 ] $783.68 1 576120 Sp Op ST,td4.53 tT Jap 5190' Me 35'v 5 5 4~]s Lc: e3 t!2. 231121060 Rsdrrs[T. uN 553EC Lynn tWei!o] 76.35 76.95 $S.p': tT SC 70 1 ;P3369 1 5761.20 $O.Op 56,636.05 .2 Ol-1"5-30-0t-0pi0'Ja5~5:'a!a Properi ptltlrees 325 Cak 5:°Y: 'e5 Ja@ SI S1' S8 to cf LIX <. 123'st m E%cE[' 23' 12'3LYi 'H1frl'irssr v,v 5535c L• nn aDtliloa 76.35 76.95 $6,p': t. 5C 00 ] 3733.69 1 061 2C 36,636-05 ,~p;.'xasL~ ~~PA9f ~ 9P tt i ~ . Ordinance No. 03348 Publication No. 7070 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HU1'CHINSON, MINNESOTA, GRANTING'fHE HUTCHINSDN AREA UNITED WAY THE RIGHT TO ERECTA SIGN ON PUBLIC PROPERTY THE CITY OF HLITCHINSON ORDAINS: .Section 1. The City of Hutchinson, in the County of McLeod, State of Mimresota, hereafrer referred to as Grantor, hezeby grants [he Iutchinson Area United Way, hereafter referred to as Grantee, a franchise to erect a sign on certain property owned by the City of Hutchinson, specifically Girl Scout Park. Section 2. The franchise is granted for a term of one (5) years commencing on the date of the acceptance of the franchise. The Grantee shall have the ability to erect the sign between the darts of September 1 and November 1 each year. Grantee shall file a written acceptance of the franchise with the City Administrator of the City of Ilutchinsvn within ten (10) days after the effective date of this ordinance. The franchise shall become effective only when the acceptance has been filed and evidence of general comprehensive and liability insurance provided for in this grant of franchise has been filed and approved. Section 3. Grantor reserves the right to enforce reasonable regulations concerning constmction, operation and maintenance of facilities located slang, over and under the public premises before mentioned and the placement of such facilities. Section 4. Grantee shall indemnify and defend Grantor, its boards, commissions, officers, agents and employees, in any and all other public agencies, and their members, officers, agents and employees, against any and . all liabilities for injury to or death of any person ox any damage to any property caused by Grantee, its officers, agents or employees in the construction, operation or maintenance of its property, or arising out of the exercise of any right ar privilege under the franchise. Section 5. At all times during the term of the franchise, Grantee will, at its own expense, maintain in force general comprehensive liability insurance, with an insurance company approved by the City of Iutchinson, with limits approved by the policies hcing for the protection of"Grantor and its ofEcers, agents and employees, against liability for loss or damage for bodily injury, death or property damage occasioned 6y the activities of the Grantee under the franchise. Section 6. Grantee shall not have the right to assilm the franchise otherwise transfer it in any manner whatsoever m sell, lease, license, mortgage, or permit others tv use transfer in any manner whatsoever any interest ht all or any part of its facilities that are installed or operated under this grant, except on prior written approval by ordinance of the City Council of the City of Hutchinson. Section 7. In the event that the Hutchinson Arca llnited Way should cease to exist or should fail to use the franchise for one calendar year, this franchise shall be deemed null and void and shall revert to the City of Hutchinson without any action on the part of the Ciry of Hntchinsnn whatsoever. Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect from and after passage and publication, subject to the provision shove requiring written acceptance by the Coffee Company. Section 9. The sign dimensions shall not exceed three (3) feet in width and ten (]0) Feet in height and shall he erected in a spot chosen by the City Engineer. U l~J • Adopted by the City Council, this day of ~ , 2003. Mayor Attest: City Administrator Published in the Hutchinson Leader on _ First Reading: Second ~~ ~~~ Hutchinson City Cenler ., 111 Hannan Slrtet 5E Hutchinson, MN 55]50.2522 320-567.5151lFax 320.230.-420.0 MEMORANDUM PATE: May 22, 2003 TO: City Council FROM: Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator SUBJECT: Temporary Sign Request by United Way Ms. Connie Walters contacted me regarding the possibility of placing a temporary sign in Library Square for approximately 6 weeks. My response to herwas to make a request, in writing, to the City Council asking to use City property for the sign. As you will recall, we now have an ordinance regulating temporary signs in the City. There is a permit application, a fee and a deposit required for this type of signage. She is also requesting to waive the fees and deposit. If you approve the request, I would suggest Ms. Walters be required to contact Dolf Moon, Director of Parks and Recreation, to determine placement of the sign in the park. The sign will be in place during the Arts and Crafts Fair in the Park and it would be in the best interest of the City to have the Park Department involved with determination of placement for this sign and any other requests made for temporary sign placement on City property. I have attached Ms. Walters request and a copy of the present Temporary Sign Ordinance. LJ f•riutcd an ra'yrleA p+pei - /( \ ~`aJ\ ~, ~~ United Wey of Hutchinson Area May 19, 2003 Dear City Gouncil Members, 12 Main Street South, Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phane:320-587-5252 Fax:32D-587-4752 Email: hchamberQhutchtel.net The Hutchinson Area United Way is requesting a temporary sign permit to used during the 2004 campaign drive. This permit is to display a "Thermometer", that will be used to monitor progress in reaching our goal. This project will be completed by a Boy Scout member, Aaron Burkstrand, with the help of his grandparents, Dennis and Barbara Burkstrand. This project for Aaron is part of his goal to become an Eagle Scout. The "Thermometer" has no final plans at this point. We believe the approximate size to be 9 to 1 p feet tall and 2 feet wide. We understand that we will comply to all City of Hutchinson guidelines with the final plans. Hutchinson Area United Way would like to display the "Thermometer" in Library Square for a time period starting September 10, 2003 and to conclude October 31, 2003. Upon approval of this permit, we request that fees and deposits to be waived for our non-profit organization. Sincerely, ~ ~~~~~, Connie Walters Hutchinson Area United Way Board Member/Secretary Hutchinson Area United Way "11' BRINGS OUT THE BEST IN ALL OF US" ~{Q~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 10.14 RE(yULATING PORTABLE SIGNS IN AI.L ZbNING DISTRICTS Sk:CTION 3: llEFIlVITIONS SIGN, PORTABLE/TEMPORARY: Asign designed to be moved from place to place and not intended for permanent business signage. 10.14 SIGNS SIGN S'PANDARDS BY ZONING DISTRICT (2)(d) Portable Sigus: Portable/Temporary signs are allowed by permit. Portable/Temporary signs may not he displayed for more than seven (7) days and must be removed immediately after the event advertised. A deposit (amount to be determined by City Council resolution) is required and will be returned only if the sign is removed within seven days of the permit date. The applicant must reclaim the deposit when the sign is removed. If the sign remains after seven days, the City will utilize the deposit to remove the sign. Portable/Temporary signs may not be placed in the public right-of--way, be flashing, have moving parts or be fastened to any pylon or light pole. Portable(Iemporary sign permits will not he issued tc a property more than 3 times within a calendar year. • ~ (.a~ • RESOLUTION NO. 12206 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIQNS LETTING NO. 13 PROJEGT NOS. D3-15 & 03-23 W HEREAS, a resolution of the City Council adopted the 18th day of June, 2003, fixed a date for a Council Hearing on the improvement of: Project No. D3-15: Rolling Meadows Pond Modifications: Construction of storm sewer, outlet and inlet structure modification, street restoration, landscaping and appurtenances tc increase the capacity of the pond outlet to reduce the potential for pond overtopping; Project No. 03-23: Grove Street Drainage Improvements (5th Ave SW): Construction of storm sewer, landscaping and appurtenances to provide access for rear-yard drainage improvements to be completed by area property owners NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED eY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the resolution adopted the 18th day of June 2003. 2. John P. Rodeberg is hereby designated as the Engineer for this improvement. He shall prepare plans and specifications far the making of such improvement. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of July 2003. Mayor City Administrator c~~:h~ . RESOLUTION NO. 12207 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR e1DS LETTING NO. 13 PROJECT NOS. 03-15 & 03-23 WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of: Project No. 03-15: Rolling Meadows Pond Modifications: Construction of storm sewer, outlet and inlet structure modification, street restoration, landscaping and appurtenances to increase the capacity of the pond outlet to reduce the potential for pond overtopping; Project No. 03-23: Grove Street Drainage Improvements (5th Ave SW): Construction of storm sewer, landscaping and appurtenances to provide access for rear-yard drainage improvements to be completed by area property owners NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, acopy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. . 2. The Director of Engineering shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specificatiens. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to 6e done, shall state that bids will be received by the City Administrator until 10:OOam on Monday, July 21st, 2003, at which time theywill be publicly opened in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center by the City Administrator and/or Director of Engineering, will then be tabulated, and will be considered by the Council at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, July 22nd, 2003, in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center, Hutchinson, Minnesota. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and Filed with the Director of Engineering and accompanied by cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable tq the City of Hutchinson far 5 percent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this t3kh day of July 2003. Mayor City Administrator r~ c~ch~ Publication Noy.{ 7D58 E~Rb~~"~Rta~~d~y~ ~~~~"Z6S0~003 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ADOPTION OF A MODIFICATION TO THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ND. 4, THE ESTABLISIIMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT ND. 4-I3 AND THE APPROVAL OF A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN THEREFOR, AND ON THE GRANTING OF A BUSINESS SUBSll]Y AND APPROVAL DF A BUSINESS SUBSIDY AGREEMENT CITX OF HITTCHINSON COUNTX OF MCLEOD STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE TS HEREBY GTV EN that the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Mcleod County, State of Minnesota (the "City"), will hold a public hearing on July 8, 2003, at approximately 5:3U P.M. at the City of Hutchinson City Council Chambers in City Hall, l l l Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, Minnesota, relating to the proposed adoption of a Modification to the Development Program for Development District No. 4 (the "Development Program Modification") and the proposed establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 4-13 (a redevelopment tax increment financing district) within Development District No. 4, and the proposed adoption of a Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "TiF Plan") therefor (the Development Program Modification and the TIT Plan are referred to collectively herein as the "Modification and Plan"), pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.124 to 469.134, and Sections 469.174 to 469.1799, all inclusive, as amended. Copies of the Modification and flan arc rnt file .md available for public inspection at the office of the City Administrator at City Hall. The property to be included in Tax Increment Financing District No. 4-13 is located within Development District No. 4 and the City of Hutchinson. A map of Tax Increment Financing District No. 4-13 and the Development District No. 4 is set forth below. Subject to certain limitations, tax increment from Tax Increment Financing District No. 4-13 may be spent on eligible uses within the boundaries of Development District No. 4. [INSERT MAP of Development District No. 4 and Tax Increment Financing District No. 4-13] At the public hearing, the City will also consider the granting of a $137,000 business subsidy for certain redevelopment costs within Development District No. 4 and a business subsidy agreement with Miles and Linda MclVlnnagle d/b/a Earthly Delights, Ltd., pursuant to_Minnesota Statutes, Section 1167.993 to 1165.995. 1'he business subsidy agreement includes the terms and conditions for tax increment financing assistance from the proposed TiF district. The proposed purpose of the subsidy is to meet certain redevelopment goals rather than the creation or retention of jobs. A summary of the business subsidy terms is available for inspection at City Hall. All interested persons may appear at the hearing and present their views orally or prior to the meeting in writing. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTC-•IINSON, MINNESOTA /5/ G .. J~ `/ f IAA/k~tJ/ Kenneth B. Merrill, Finance Director ~(c~ ~ ~;~ ~~ ~.~ ~ u~ _1 Y_~,~ I "f I I ! ~; ~ P ~ r 2,. h. ~~. r~ ~.~, ~.., .~ _. .. ..... ~ w... y ~a.. ~ ~ , ~~,, JVIV. IU. LVU] II:)LMIw [nano a naov~. As of June !D, 20D3 Draft for Fiscal lmplicarions MODIFICATION TO THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO.4 and the TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN for the establishment of TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO.4-13 (a redevelopment district) within DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT N0.4 CITY OF J-TUTCIIINSON COUNTY OF MCI.EOD STATE OF MINNESOTA Public Hearing: July 8, 2003 Adopted: Thls daCumen! is in draft form fnr distribu[ion to the County and the School District. The TIF Plan contains the esrimaredfrscal and economic impCiCUlions of thepropased TIFDisrrict. The Crry may make minor changes to this drufl document prior to the public hearing. ~j E H L E R S Prepared 6y: EHLERS 8 ASSOCIATES, INC. 3080 Centre Pointe Otive, Roseville, Minnesota 55113-1105 a• s s o c i~ t c s +n c 851-897.8500 tax: 65187-8555 www.ehlers-int.com ~~~~ ' ~ TABLB OF GONTENTS • (for reference purposes only) SECTION I -MODIFICATION TO THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 4 .................................... 1~ Foreword ............................ ....... ....... •,.... 1-4 SECTION II -TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 4-13 .. . ......... . ........ .. 2-1 Subsection 2-1. Foreword ............................................ .. 2-1 Subsection 2-2. Statutory Authority ................................ . ... . . . 2-1 Subsection 2-3. Statement of Objectives ....................... . ......... .. 2-1 Subsection 2-4. Development Program Overview ........ . ......... . ....... .. 2-1 Subsection 2-5. Description of Property in the District and Property To Be Acquired 2-2 Subsection 2-6. Classification of the District ....................... . ....... . 2.2 Subsection 2-7. Duration of the District .. . ..................... . . . ........ . 2-4 Subsection 2-$. Original Tax Capacity, Tax Rate and Estimated Captured Net Tax Capacity Value/Increment and Notification of Prior Planned Improvements ...... . ....... . 2-4 Subsection 2-g. Sources of Revenue/Bonded Indebtedness .......... . .... . ... . 2-5 Subsection 2-10. Uses of Funds ................................... . ..... . 2-6 Subsection 2-11. State Tax Increment Financing Aid (Local Contribution) .......... . 2-6 Subsection 2-12, Business Subsidies .. . . ................ . ................ . 2-6 Subsection 2-13. County Raad Costs ..... . ............................... . 2-8 Subsection 2-i4. Estimated Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions ................ . 2-7 Subsection 2-15. Supporting Documentation . ............................. . . . 2-8 Subsection 2-16. befinition of Tax Increment Revenues ....................... . 2.8 Subsection 2-17. Modifications to the District .. . .................. . .......... . 2-8 . Subsection 2-18. Administrative Expenses ...................... . ... . ..... . . 2.9 Subsection 2-19. Limitation of Increment .............................. . .... . 7-9 Subsection 2-2D- Use of lax Increment . ............ . ................. . .... 2-10 Subsection 2-21. Excess Tax Increments . .. . ..................... . . . ... . . . 2-11 Subsection 2-22- Requirements for Agreements with the Developer ......... . . . .. 2-11 Subsection 2-23. Assessment Agreements ........... . ................... . . 2-11 Subsection 2-24. Administration of the District ..................... . ......... 2-12 Subsection 2-25. Annual Disclosure Requirements ...................... . . ... 2-12 Subsection 2-26. Reasonable Expectations ................................. 2-12 Subsection 2-27. Other Limitations on the Use of Tax Increment ..... . .......... 2-12 Subsection 2-28. Summary ............................................. 2-13 APPENDIX A PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........ . ............ . ........ . . . . ............. A-1 APPENDIX 8 MAP(S) OF DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO, 4 AND THE DISTRICT ........ . . . ... 8-1 APPENDIX C DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO l3E INCLUDED IN THE DISTRICT ............ . C-1 APPENDIX D ESTIMATED CASH 1=LOW FOR THE DISTRICT ... . . ............ . ..... . ...... D-1 APPENDIX E ~ ~~~ REDEVELOPMENT QUALIFICATIONS FOR 7HE DISTRICT .................... E-1 • APPENDIX F BUT/FOR QUALIFICATIONS ....... . ..................................... F-1 L__J e~~ JUN. lU.1VU; .jLHM to tna a naav~. SECTION I • MpDlFlCATION TO THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT DlSTRlGT NO. 4 Foreword The following text represents a Modification to the Development Program for Development District No. 4. This modification represents a continuation oftlre goals and objectives set forth in the Development Program for Development District No. 4. Generally, the substantive changes. include the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 413. Far further information, a review of [he Development Program for Development District No. G is recommended. ]t is available from the City Administrator at the City of Hutchinson. Other relevant information is contained in the Tax Increment Financing Plans for the Tax Increment Financing Districts located within Derelopment District No. A, • • Ciry of Nwchinson MoJifin~ion to the Ikvelopman~ Pmoram 1'vr Devtlupment Disvic~ No. 4 I ~ ~ (~~ ~~N. o.2oo3 ~:3~aM tFiLtl(J ~ Haab. ~... ,,,.. . SECTION ll -TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCRrMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO.4-13 Subsection 2-1. Foreword The Ci[y of Hutchinson {the "City"), staff and consultants have prepared the following information to eXpedite the establishment of Tax Increment Financing Dis[rictNo. R-13 ("the District"), a redevelopment tax increment financing district, located in Development District No. 4. Subsection 2-2. Statutory Authority Within the City, there exist areas where public involvement is necessary to cause development or redevelopment to occur. To this end, the Ciry has certain statutory powers pursuant to M+nnesora Statures ("M.S'), Sections 469.124 ra 469.134, inclusive, as amended, and MS, Sections 469.174 to 469.1799, inclusive, as amended (the "Tax Increment Financing Act" or "TIF Act"), to assist in financing public costs related to this project. This section contains the Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "TiF P)an") for Tax increment Financing District Nn. 4-13. C><herrelevant information is contained in the Modification to [he Development Program for Development District No. 4. Subsection 2~. Statement of Objectives The District currently consists of one parcel of land and adjacent and internal rillrts-of--way. The District is being created to facilitate the renovation of an existing theater in downtown Hutchinson. Convects for this have not been enieted into at the time of preparation of this TIF Plan, but development is likely to occur in the summer of 20113. This TIF Plan is expected to achieve many of the objectives outlined in the Development Program for Development District No. 4. The activitics contemplated in the Modification to the Development Program and the T1F Plan do not preclude the undertaking of other qualified development or redevelopment activities. These activitics are anticipated to occur over the life of Development District No. 4 and the District- Subsection 2~. Development Program Otrerview 1. Property to be Acquired -Selected property located within the District may be acquired by the Ciry and is further described in this TIF Plan. 2. Relocation -Relocation services, to the extent required by law, are available pursuant to M.S., Chapter 117 and other relevant state and federal laws. 3. Upon approval of a developer's plan relating to the project and completion ofthe necessary legal requirements, the City may sell to a developer selected properties that it may acquire within the District yr may lease land or facilities to a developer. 4. The City may perform or provide for some or all necessary acquisition, construction, relocation, demolition, and required utilities and public streets work within the District. • City of Nutchin5on 'tax IncKmrnt Fnancing Plm far Tax Inercmenl rinancinp District No. 4.17 ~-r ~~~ Subsection 2~. Description of Property in the District and Property To Be Acquired The District encompasses all property and adjacent rights-ofway identified by the parcel listed below. Sec the map in Appendix B for further information on the location of the District. Parcel Numbers 23-056-3400 The-City may acquire any parcel within [he District including interior and adjacent street rights ofway. Any properties identified for acquisition will be acquired by the City only in orderto accomplish One or more of the following: storm sower improvements; provide land for needed public streets, utilities and facilities; carry out land acquisition, site improvements, clearance and/or development to accomplish the uses and objectives set forth in this plan. The City may acquire property 6y gift, dedication, condemnation yr direct purchase from willing sellers in orderto achieve the objectives of this TIF Plan, Such acquisitions will 6e undertaken only when there is assurance of funding to finance [he acquisition and related costs. Subsection 2-ta. Classification of the District The City, in determining The need [o create a tax increment financing district in accordance with M.S., Sections 469.174 ro 469.1799, as amended, inclusive, finds that the pistrict, to be established, is a redevelopment district pursuant to M.S, Secrinn 469.174, Subd. 10(aJ(1) as defined below: (al 'Redevelopmentdistrict"meansatypeof~axinerementfenuncingdissrrictconsis[ingafaprojecr, ar portions of a project, within which the authority jir:ds by resolution char one or more of the following condiriaas, reasonably distributed throughout the dtsrriet, exists: (!) parcefseonsistingof70percenrafrheareainthedisrricrpreoccupiedbybuildings,streets, utilities. paved or gravel parking lots ar other similar structures and more than 50 percent of the buildings. not including outbuildings, are structurally substandard t0 a degree requiring substantial renovation ar clearance; yr (2J The property consists of vacant, unused, underured, lnappropriarely used, or infrequently used roil yards, rail storage facilities or excessive or vacated railroad rights-oj way; or (3f rank facilities, or property whose immediately previous use was' Jar tank facilities, as defined in Section IISC Subd 15, if the rankfacility: (i) have or had a capacity ojmare than one million gallons; (ii) are located adjacent to rail facilities; or (itiJhave been removed, ar are unused, underused, inappropriptely used or infrequently used. (b) Far purposes of this subdivision, "structurally substandard" shall mepn cantainfng defects in structural elements' or a combination ofdeficiencies in essential utilities andfacilit)es. ltghtand ventilanon, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and condition of interiorparrlrions, or similar factors, which defects or deficiencies are of su~cienr total significance to juste substantial renavartan or clearance. (cJ Abuildingisnorstrueturallysubsiandardrfifisincarnpliancewrlhrhebuildingcodeapplicable to aew buildings or could be modified ro sart.Sfy the building code ar a cosl of less than IS . City of Hmdlinson lax Incrcmtn~ Financing Plan tvr Tae Incrcmene financing bfatrict No. 4.13 2Z c~ c~~ JUN. lU.2UUj 11:jjxm tnttna p naav~ . ' percent of the case vjcoturrueting a new -ttrueture of the same square footage and type vn the site. The muniripality may find that a building is not disqual~ed as structurally substandard under the preceding sentence vn the basis of reasonably watlable evidence, such as the size. type, and age of the building, the average cast [tf plumbing, electrieal, yr structural repairs yr other similar reliable evidence. The municipality may trot make such a determination without an interior inspection of the property, but need not have an independent, expert appraisal prepared of the cost vjrepair and rehabilitation of the building- An interior inspection of the property is not required, ifthe rnunteipalityfinds that (IJ the m~nicipaliry or authority is unable tvgain access ro rhr property after using ifs best efforts ro obtain permissivnfrvm the parry that owns or controls theproperty,' and (ZJ the evidence otherwise supports a reasonable canclwsion lhar the building ls.crructurally substandard (dJ A parcel is deemed ro be occupied by a structuraly substandard building for purposes of the jriding under paragraph (aJ if all of the fallowing conditions are met: (1) the parcel was occupied by a substandard building within three years of the frling of the request for certifrcattvn of the parcel as part of the district with [he county auditor; (2J the substandard building was demolished or removed by the authority yr the demvlilivn ar removal was financed by the authority or was dune by a developer ander a development agreement with the authority, (3J the authority found by resolution before the demolition or removal that the parcel was ace opted by u structurally suhstandard building and that after demolition and clearance the authority intended !o include the parcel within a dishier, and . (4J upon filing the reguestfvr certification of the tax cvpaclry of the parcel us pars of a district, the authority notifies the county auditor char the original tax capacity of the parcel must he adjusted as provided by § 469.177, subdivision 1, paragraph (h)- (e) Far purposes of this subdivision, a parcel is not occupied by buildings, sheets, utilities, paved or gravel parking lots yr other similar structures unless I S percent of the area of the parcel contains buildings, streets, utilities, paved yr gravel parking lots or other similar structures. (~ Fur disbicrs consisting of two yr mare noncontiguous areas, each area must qual(fy as a redevelopment district under paragraph (aJ tv be included in the district, and the entire area vj the district must satisfy paragraph (aJ. Tn meeting the statutory criteria the City relies on the following facts and findings: ^ The District is a redevelopment district consisting of one parcel. ^ An inventory shows that more than I S% Df [he parcel is occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, paved or gravel parking lots or other similar structures. ^ An inspection of the building located within the District finds [hat the one building is structurally substandard as defined in the TIF Act. (See Appendix E). Pursuant to M.5.469,176 Subd 7, the pistrict does not contain any parcel or part of a parcel [hat qualified under the provisions Df M.S 273-111 or 273.112 or Chapter 473H for taxes payable in any of the foe calendar years before the f ling of the request for certification of the District- • City °f N~t°hin>°n Tax Incicmrnt Financing flan Ibt Tau lncremdm Financing Uistric~ Na- 413 Z-3 '~~~~ JUIY. IV. LVV] I I.JYnir, ui~uw u ~~~~~~. .. - Subsection 2-7. Duration of the District . Pursuant to M.S, Sectfan 469.175, Subd /, and Section 469.176, Subd. 1, the duration of the District must he indicated within the TIF Plan. Pursuant to M.S„ Sectinn 469.176, Subd. 16, the duration of the District will be ZS years after receipt of the first increment by the City (a total of 26 years oftax increment). The date of receipt by the City of the first tax increment is expected to be 2005. Thus, it is estimated that the District, including any modifications of the TIF Plan for subsequent phases or other changes, would terminate after 2030, or when the TIF Plan is satisfied. The City reserves [he nigh[ tv decertify the District prior to the legally required date. Subsection 2-13. Original Tax Capacity, Tax Rate and Estimated Captured Net Tax Capacity Value/Increment and Notification of Prior Planned Improvements Pursuant t0 M.B, Section 469.174, Subd. 7andMS, Section 469.177, Subd. !,the Original Net Tax Capacity (ONTO) as cercified for the District will be based on the market values placed On the property by the assessor in 2003 for texts payable 2004. Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.177, Subds, 1 and 1, [he County Auditor shall certify in each year (beginning in the payment year 2004) the amount by which the original value has increased or decreased as a result of 1. Change in tax exempt starus Of property; 2. Reduction or enlargement of the geographic boundaries of the district; 3. Change due to adjustments, negotiated or court-ordered abatements; 4. Change in the use of the property and classification; 5. Change in state law governing class rates; or 6. Change in previously issued building permits. In any year in which the current Net Tax Capacity INTO) value of the District declines below the ONTC, no value will be captured and no tax increment will be payable ru the City. The original local tax rate for the District will be the local tax rate for taxes payable 2004, assuming the request for certification is made before June 30, 200a. The ONTO and the priginal Loval Tax Rare for the District appear in the table below. Pursuant to M.5., Seaton 469.174 Subd 4 and M.S., Section 469.177, Subd. 1, 2, and 4, the estimated Captured Net Tax Capacity (CTC) of the District, within Development District No. 4, upon completion of the project, will annually approximate tax increment revenues as shown in the table below. The City requests 100 percent of the available increase in tax capacity for repayment of its obligations and current expenditures, beginning in the tax year payable 2005. The Project Tax Capacity (PTC) listed is an estimate of values ~+'hen the project is completed. • Ciry of Hulchin5on Tnz IneramrnY Financing Plan rot Tax tneremene Finaneing nisYria No, 4.13 2~ c~c~~ JUN. IU. YUUj I I :1'+nm cnttna a now. Project Estimated Tax Capacity upon Completion (PTC) 14,AS0 Qriginat Estimated Net Tax Capacity (ONTC) 2,15D Estimated Captured Tax Capacity (CTC) 12,300 Original Local Tax hate 1.45610 Pay 2003 Estimated Annual Tax Iacrement(CTC x Local Tax Rate) 17,910 Percent Retained by the City 100% Pursuant to MS, Secrion 469.177, Subd. 4, the City shall, after a due and diligent search, accompany its request for Certification to the County Auditor or its notice of the District enlargement pursuant to M.S., Secrion 469.175, Subd. 4, with a listing of all properties within the Aistrict or area of enlargement for which building permits have been issued during the eighteen (18) months immediately preceding approval of the TIF Plan by the municipality pursuant to M.S., Secrion 469.175, Sabd. 3. The County Auditor shall increase the original net tax capacity of the District by the net [ax capacity of improvements for which a building permit was issued. The City of Hutchinson has reviewed the area to be included is the District and has determided that no building permits have been issued during the 18 months immediately preceding appioval ofthe TIF Plan by the City. Subsectign 1-9. Sources of RevenuelBondcd Indebtedness Atquisition, relocation, utilities, parking facilities, streets end sidewalks, and site preparation costs and other costs outlined in the Uses of Funds will be financed primarily through the annual collection of tax increments. The City reserves the right to use other sources of revenue legally appl icable to the City and the T1F Plan; including, but not limited to, special assessments, general property taxes, state aid for road maintenance and construction, proceeds from the sale of land, other contributions from the developer and invcsunent income, to pay for the estimated public costs- The City reserves the right to incur bonded indebtedness or other indebtedness as a result ofthe TIF Plan. As presently proposed, the project may be financed by either an interfund loan or spay-as-you-go note. Additional indebtedness maybe required to finance other au[hori2ed activities. The total principal amount of bonded indebtedness, including a general obligation (GO) TIF bond, or other indebtedness related to the use of tax increment financing will not excetd $450,000 without a modification to the T1F Plan pursuant to applicable statumry requirements. This provision does not obligate the City to incur debt. The City will issue bonds or incur other debt only upon the determination that such action is in the best interest of the City. The City may also finance the ac- tivities t0 be undertaken pursuant to the TIF Plan through 1Dans from funds of the City or to reimburse the developer on a "pay-as•you-go" basis for eligible costs paid for by a developer. The estimated sources of funds for the District are contained on the following table. • Ciey of Nulchinson 7e. Increment Fnancing Plan fur Tax Increment Financing nisviCt Nn. 4-13 2-5 ~~~~ JUN. lU.1VU1 II:74niw CfILLI\J u ~~~~~• SOURCES OF FUNDS TOTAL • Tax Increment ]nterest $463,000 $5,000 PROJECT REVEPIT.lE5 5468,000 Subsection 2-10. Uses of Funds Currently undo consideration for the District is a proposal to facilitate the renova[ion of an existing theater downtown. The City has determined that it will be necassary to provide assistance to the project for certain costs. The City has studied the feasibility of the development or redevelopment of property in and around the District. To facilitare the establishment and development or redevelopment of [he District, this TIF Plan authorizes the use of tax increment financing to pay for the cost of certain eligibly, expenses. The estimate of public casts and uses of funds associated with the District is outlined In the following table. USES OP FUNAS TOTAL Renovation Costs $180,800 lnierest $240,900 Administrative Costs (up to 10%) $46,300 _l?ROJECT COSTS TOTAL ~ 5468,1100 The above budget is organized according to the Office of State Auditor (OSA) reporting forms. . Estimated costs associated with the District are subject to change among categories without a modification [o this TTF Plan. The cost of all activities to be considered Cor tax increment financing will not exceed, without formal modification, the budget above pursuant to the applicable statutory requirements. Pursuant to M.S, Section 464.1763, Subd. 1, no more than 25 percent of the tax increment paid by property within the District will be spent on activities related to development or redevelopment outside ofthe District but within the boundaries of Development District No. 4, (including administrarive costs, which are considered to be spent outside of the District) subject to the limitations as described in this TIF Plan. Subsection 2-11. State Tax Increment Financing Aid (Local Contrlbutian) M.S, Sectron 273.1399 (LGA/HACA penalty) was repealed by the 2001 Legislature and does not apply to the District. Subsection 2-12. Business Subsidies To the extent applicable, the City agrees to comply with M.S, Secrion 116J.993 to IIW.994, which states that a local unit ofgovemment granting financial assistance to a business for economic development or job growth purposes, including tax increment financing, must establish business subsidy criteria and approve a business subsidy agreement with the business receiving the assistance- Subsaction 2-13. County Road Costs Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.175. Subd 1 a, the county board may require the City to pay for all or part of City of Hulchins°n Tex lncmmew tinancing Plan rot T&< Intremenl Fin°ncing D~dVICI Nv. 4-ll 2•b c~~~~ JVIV. IV• IUVJ I I.J~n~ ~ ~~ ~ u ~~~•• ' the cost of county road improvements if the proposed development to be assisted by tax increment will, in the judgement of the county, substantially increase the use of county roads requiring construction of road improvements or other road cosu and iftht road improvements are not scheduled within the next five years under a capital improvement plan Or within five years under another county plan. If the county elects to use increments tp improve county roads, it must notify the City within forty-Five days of receipt Of this T]F plan. In the opinion of the City and consultants, [he proposed development outlined in [his TIF Plan Will have little or no impact upon c0un[y roads, therefore [he TIF Plan was not forwarded to the county 45 days prior to the public hearing. The City is aware that the county could claim that tax increment should be used far county roads, even after the public hearing. Subsection 2-14. Estimated Impart on Other Taxing Jurisdictions The estimated impact on other taxing jurisdictions assumes that the redevelopment contemplated by the TIF plan would occur without the creation of the Disuit[. Hvwpvey [hc City has determined that such development or redevelopment would not occur "but for" tax increment financing and that, therefore, the fiscal impact on other [axing jurisdictions is $D. The estimated fiscal impact of the District would be as follows if the "but for" test was not met: IMPACT ON TAX BASE Estimated Estimated Captured 2D02r20D3 Tax Capacity {CTC) Percent of CTC Total Net Don om le i n to Entity To1a1 Tax Ca~city_ County of McLeod 19,3]6,651 12,300 0.0637% City of Hutchinson 7,317,083 12,300 D.1681 Hutchinson 15D No. 423 10,273,985 12,300 0.1197% IMPACT ON TAX RATES Estimated Percent Potentia 2002/2D03 Total ~ Taxe Extepsion Rate+ County of McLeod 0.623910 42.85°1 12,300 7,674 City of Hutchinson D.569190 39.D9% 12,300 7,001 Hutchinson 15D Nv. 423 0.249120 17.1 I% 12,300 3,064 Other 0.01 80 0.9 % ]2.300 L Total 1.456100 100.00% 17,910 The estimates listed above display the captured tax capacity when all construction is comp)e[ed. The tax rate uscd For calculations is the actual 2002/Pay 2003 rate. The total net Capacity for the entities listed above are based on actual Pay 2D03 £gures, The District wi II be certified under the actual 2003/Pay 2004 rates, which were unavailable at the time this TIF Plan was prepared- City °f Hutchins°n lax ln[remem Financing PVan [°t Tax Incrempll Fin°ncir~ l7isvic[ NC. 4.13 ~-~ ~c~~ Subsection 2-t 5. Supporting Documentation Pursuant to M.S. Secrion 469.175 Subd la, claufe 7 the TIF Plan must contain identification and description of studies and analyses used to make the determination Set forth in MS. Section 469.175 Subd 3, Clouse (l)and the findings are required in the resolution approving [he TIF district. Following is a list of reports and studies on file at the City that support the Authority's findings: A list of applicable studies, if any, will be listed here prior to the public hearing. Subsection 2.16. Definition of Tax Increment Revenues Pursuant to M.S., Secrion 469.174, Subd. Z5, tax increment revenues derived from a tax increment financing district include all afthe following potential revenue sources: 1. Taxes paidbythecapturednettaxcapacity,butexcludinganyexcesstaxes,ascomputedunderM.S, Section 469.777; 2. The proceeds from the sale Or lease of property, tangible or intangible, purchased by the Authority with tax increments; 3. Repayments of loans or other advances made by the Authority with tax increments; and 4. Interest or other investment earnings on or from tax increments. Subsection 2-77. Modifications to the District In accordance with M.S, Secrion 469.175, Subd 4, any: 1. Reduction or enlargement of the geographic area of Development District No. 4 or the District; 2. Increase in amount of bonded indebtedness to be incurred, including a determination [o capitalize interest on debt if that determination was not a part Of the original plan, or to increase or decrease the amount of interest on the debt to be capitalized; 3. Increase in the portion of the captured net tax capacity to 6e retained by the City; 4. ]ncrcase in total estimated tax increment expenditures; or 5. Designation of additional property to be acquired 6y the City, shall be approved upon the notice and after the discussion, public hearing and findings required for approval of the original TIF Plan. Pursuant to M.S. Section 469.175 Subd 4(b), the geographic area of the District may be reduced, but shall not be enlarged after five years following the date of ecrtification of the original net tax capacity by the countyauditor_ Ifaredevelopmentdistrictiscnlarged,thereasonsandsupponingfactsforthedetermination that the addition to the district meets the criteria of M.S, Secrion 469.174, Subd I0, paragraph (a), clauses (I) to (5), must be documented in writing and retained. The requirements of this paragraph do not apply if (1) the only modification is elimination of parcel(s) from Development District No.4 or the District and (2) (A) the current net tax capacity of tht parcel(s) eliminated from the District equals or exceeds the net tax capacity of those parcel(s) in the District's original net tax capacity or (B) the Giry agrees that, norwithstandingM.S, .Secrion 469.177, Subd. I, the original nettax capacity will be reduced by no more than the current net tax capacity of [he parcel(s) eliminated from the District. The City must notify the County Auditor of any modification [hat reduces or enlarges the geographic area of Development District No. 4 yr the District. Modifications to the District in the farm of a budget modification yr an expansion of the boundaries will be recorded in the TIF Plan. City of Hutchinwn Tax Increment Financing Plun Far'rax Incrcmcn~ Financing Disvict No. 413 b8 ~~~~ Subsection 2-16.Administrative Expenses ]n accordance with M.S., Section 469.174, Subd 74, end M.S., Section 469.176, Subd. 3, adminisvative expenses means all expenditures of the City, other Than: 1. Amounts paid for the purchase of land; 2. Amounts paid to Contractors or others providing materials and services, including architectural and engineering services, directly connected with the physical development of the real property in the project 3. Relocation benefits paid to or services provided for persons residing or businesses located in the project; of 4. Amounts used to pay principal or interest on, fund a reserve for, or sell at a discount bonds issued pursuant to MS, Section 469.178; or 5. Amounts used to pay other financial obligations to the extent those obligations were Used to finance costs described in sections 1 to 3. For districts for which the request for certification wets made before August 1, 1979, or after June 30, 1982, administrative expenses also include amounts paid for services provided by bond counsel, fiscal consultants, and planning or economic development consultants- Tax increment may be used to pay any authorized and documented administrative expenses for the District up [o but not to exceed 10 percent of the total tax increment expenditures authorized by [he TIF Plan er the total tax increment expenditures for Development District No. A, whichever is less. Pursuant to MS., Section 969.176, Subd. 4h, tax increments may be used to pay for the County's actual administrative expenses incurred in connection with the District. The county may require payment ofthose expenses by February 15 of the year following the year the expenses were incurred. Pursuant to MS, Srerion 469. 177, .Subd. I1, the County Treasurer shall deduct an amount (currently .36 percent) of any increment distributed to the City and [he County Treasurer shall pay the amount deducted tv the State Treasurer for deposit in the state general fund to bt appropriated to the State Auditor for the cost of financial reporting of tax increment financing information and the cost of examining and auditing authorities' use of tax increment financing. This amount may be adjusted annually by the Commissioner of Revenue. Subsection 2-19. Limitation of Increment Pursuant to MS, Section 469.176, Subd 1 a, no tax increment shat l be paid to the City for the District after three (3) years from the date Of certification of the Driginal Net Tax Capacity value of the taxable property in the District by the County Auditor unless within the three (3) year period: (I) Bonds have been issued in aidvftheprojectcontainingtheDistrictpursuanttoM.S.,Secfion 469.778, or any other law, eXCept revenue bonds issued pursuant to M.S., Secltons 469.131 ro 469.165, or (2) The City has acquired property within the District, or (3) The City has constructed or caused to be constructed public improvements within the District. The Ciry intends to comply with (1) above by entering into a development agreement which includes a note Ciry or Hwchinson Tan Incrcmen[ Financing Plan tar 7:rx Increment finantlnR Pimic[ No. 413 2.9 ~~~~ Vltl. IV• LVV~ ~au ~ ~~ ~ a to be issued by approximately July 2006 and report such actions to the County Auditor. I'1 LJ Pursuant f0 M.S., Section 469.176, Su6d. G: if, after jour years from the dare ofcertification oJrhe wigina7 ne! tux cupuc•ity of the tax increment financing district pursuant to MSS:, Section 469.177, no demolition, rehabilitation or renovation of property or other si[e preparation, including qualified improvemen! of a street adjacent to a parer! but nor installatlan of utility service including sewer or water systems, has been commenced nn a parcel loured within a tax increment financing district by the authority or by the owner aJrhe parcel in accordance with the lax ineremen[ frnancing plan, no additional tax increment may be taken from that parcel and the original net tax capacity of that parcel shall be excluded from the original nee tax Capacity of the tax increment financing ditvricr. lithe authority or the owner pfthe parc•e! subseguenrly commences demolition, rehabilflarlnn or renovalfan or other sire preparation un that parcel including qualifred improvemen( of a street adjacent eo that parcel, in accordance with the !ax increment frnoncing plan, the authority shall cert~ to the county auditor Thar the activity has commenced and the county auditor shat! certify the net tax capacity thereof ar mast recently cert~ed by the commissioner of revenue and add ii to the original net tax capacity Of the tax inerementfrnancing district. The county auditor must enforce the provisions ofthis subd(vlslon. The authority must submtr ra the county auditor evidence that the required acrrviry has taken place for eachparcel in the district. The evidence for a parcel must be submitted by February 1 of the fifth year fallowing the year in which the parcel was certifred as included in the distrlet. For purposes ofthis subdivision, great fed improvements of o s treat art limited to (1) cans/ruction or opening of anew street, (1) relocation ofa serer!, and (3) subsranrfal reconstruction or rebuilding ofan existing street. The City or a property owner must improve parcels within the District by approximately July, 2007 and report such actions to the County Auditor, Subsection 2-20. Use of Tax Increment The City hereby determines that it will use 1 DO percent of the captured net tax capacity of taxable property located in the District for the following purposes: 1. 7o pay the principal of and interest on bonds issued to finance a project; 2. to finance, or otherwise pay the capital end administration costs of the Development District No. 4 pursuant to the MS, Sections 469.114 ro 469-]34; 3. To pay for project costs as identified in the budget set forth in the TIF Plan; 4. To financo, or otherwise pay far other purposes as provided in M.S, Sectfnn 169.176, Subd. 4; 5- To pay principal and interest on any loans, advances or other payments made to or on behalf of the City or far the benefit of Development District No. 4 by a developer; 6. To finance or otherwise pay premiums and other casts for insurance or other security guaranteeing the payment when due of principal of and interest on bonds pursuant to the TIF Plan or pursuant to M.S., Chapter 4GZC. M.S-, Sections 469-I SZ through 469.165, and/or M.S-. Sections 469.178; and 7- To accumulate or maintain a reserve securing the payment when due of the principal and interest on the tax increment bonds or bonds issued pursuant to M.S., Chapter 4GZC, M.S., Sections 469.152 through 469-165, and/orM.S, Sections 469.178. These revenues shall not be used to circumvent any levy limitations applicable to the City nor for other purposes prohibited by M.S., Section 469.176, Subd 4. City of llmchimon Tax Ncrcm2nr financing Plrn for Tax Incrcmenl Tinancing Disvfct No. a-13 za u c~c~) JUN. 10. 2003 11:36AM kHttKS ~ Hsaut. ''- '°'" "' -' Tax increments generated in the District will be paid by County of McLeod to the City for the Tax Increment Fund of said District. The City will pay to the developer(s) annually an amount not to exceed an amount as specified in a developer's agreement to reimburse the costs of land acquisition, public improvements, demolition and relocation, site preparation, and administration. Remaining increment funds will be used for City administration (up to 10 percent) and the costs of public improvement activities outside the District. Subsection 2-21. Excess lax Increments Pursuant to M.S.. Section 469.176, Subd. 1, in any year in which the tax increment extends the amount necessary to pay the costs authorized by the TIF Plan, including the amount necessary t0 cancel anytax levy as provided in N1 S., Secriox 475.61, Subd 3, the City Shall use the excess amount to do any of the following: ]. Prepay any outstanding bonds; 2, Discharge [he pledge of tax increment therefor; 3. Pay into an escrow account dedicated to the payment of such bonds; or 4. Retum the excess [0 the County Auditor for redistribution to the respective taxing jurisdictions in proportion to their local tax rates. In addition, the City may, subject to the limitations set forth herein, choose to modify the T1P Plan in order to finance additional public costs in Development District No. 4 of the District. Subsection 2.22. Requirements for Agreements with the Developer The City will review any proposal for private development to determine its conformance with the Development Program and with applicable municipal ordinances and codes. To facilitate this effort, the following documents may be requested for review and approval: site plan, construction, mechanical, and electrical system drawings. landscaping plan, grading and storm drainage plan, signage system plan, and any other drawings or narrative deemed necessary by the Ciry to demonstrate the conformance of the development with City plans and ordinances. The City may also use the Agreements to address other issues related to the development- Pursuant to MS, Section 469.176, 5ubd. 5, no more than Z5 percent, by acreage, of the property to 6e acquired in the District as set forth in the T1P Plan shall a[ any time be owned by the City as a result of acquisition with [he proceeds ofbonds issued pursuant to M5., Section 469.178 to which tax increments from property acquired is pledged, unless prior to acquisitioq in excess of 25 percent of the acreage, the City concluded an agreement for the development or redevelopment of the property acquired and which provides recourse for the City should the development or redevelopment not be completed. Subsection 2-Z3. Assessment Agreements Pursuant tv M.S., Secllon 469.177, Subd. 8, the City may enter into a written assessment agreement in recordable form with the developer of property with in the District wh ich establishes a minimum market value of the land and completed improvements for the duration of the District. The assessment agreement shall be presented to the County Assessor who shat l review the plans and specifications for the improvements [o be constructed, review the market value previously assigned to the land upon which the improvements are to be constructed and, so long as the minimum market value contained in the assessment agreement appears, in the judgment of the assessor, to 6e a reasonable estimate, [he County Assessor shall also certify the minimum marker value agreement. City of Hutehin9on Tax Incmm~~r rinaneing Plan (or Ta. Indemen~ rinanc~ng Disldu No. 417 j•~ t ~~~ JUIV. IU. CVVJ I l.JUn, ~ i~ ~ u ~ ~~-•~ 5ubsettinn 2-24. Administration of the District Administration of the District will be handled by the City Administrator or his desigrtated representative. Subsection 2~25.Annual Disclosure Requirements Pursuant to MS.. Section 469.173, Subd. 5, 6 and 6a the City must undertake financial reporting for all tax inercment financing districts to the Office of the State Auditor, County Board, County Auditor and School Board on or before August 1 of each year. MS, Section 469.175, Subd 3 also provides that an annual statement shall 6e publishtd in a newspaper of general circulation in the City on or before August 15. If the Ciry fails [o make a disclosure or submit a repott containing the information required by M.S. Section 469.175 Subd 5 and Subd. 6, the OSA will direct the County Auditor to withhold the distribution of [ax increment from the District. Subsection 2-26. Reasonable Expectations As required hythe TIF Act, in establishing the District, the determination has been made that the anticipated development would not reasonably bt expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and that the increased market value of the site that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in the market value estimated to result from the proposed development after subtracting the prosent value Df the projected tax increments for the maximum duration of [he District permitted by the TIF Plan. In making said determinatien, reliance has been placed upon written representation made by [he developer to such effects and upon Ciry staff awareness of the feasibility of developing the project site. A comparative analysis of estimated market values both with and without establishment of the District and the use of tax increments has been performed as described above. Such analysis is included with the cashflow in Appendix D, and indicates that the increase in estimated market value of the proposed development (less the indicated subtractions) exceeds the estimated market value ofthe site absent the establishment of the District and the use oftax increments. Subsection 2-27, Other Limitations on the Use of Tax Increment General .imi ;ions. All revenue derived from tax increment shall 6e used in accordance with the TIF Plan. The revenues shall 6c used to finance, or otherwise paythe capital and administration costs ofthe Development District No. 4 pursuant to the M.S.. Sections 469.124 ro 469.134. Tax increments may not be used to circumvent existing levy limit law. No taX increment may be used for the acquisition, cnnstmction, renovation, apera[ion, or maimenance of a building to be used primarily and regularly far conducting the business of a municipality, county, school district, or any ocher local unit of government or the state or federal government. This provision does not prohibit the use of revenues derived from tax increments for the construction or renovation of a parking structure. 2. Poplin Limit tons. At least 75 percent of tax increments from the District must be expended on activities in the District or to pay bonds, to the extent that the proceeds ofthe bonds were uSCd to £nance activities within said district Or [o pay, or secure payment of, debt service on credit enhanced bonds. Not more then 25 percent ofsaid tax increments may be expended, through a dtvelopment fund or otherwise, on activities outside ofthe District except to pay, or secure payment OF, deb[ service on credit enhanced bonds. For purposes of applying this restriction, all administrative axpenses must be treated as ifthcy wire solely for auivities outside of [he District. Ciry of ]luithinsnn Tax lrtcremcnl Financing Flan for Tut Incrsmene iinuncino Uistriel No. 413 2.12 ~~~~ JUI~. IU. LUUj I ~:Jlnn tn~~ v a nww. 3. Five Year Limitation on Com fitment flax Increment .Tax increments derived fromthe District shall be deemed to have satisfied the 75 percent test set forth in paragraph (2) shove only if the five year rule set forth in M.S., Section 469.1763. Subd. 3, has been satisfied; and beginning with the sixth year following certification of the Aistrict, 75 percent of said tax incremtnts that remain after expenditures permitted under said five year rule must be used only to pay previously committed expenditures or credit enhanced bonds as more fully set forth in M,S., Secrion 469.1763, Subd. S_ 4. R_edeveloument Disr~- At least 90 percent of tht revenues derived from tax increment from a redevelopment district must be used to financt the cost Of correcting conditions that allow designation ofredevelopmentandrenewalandrenova[iondistrictsunderM.S.Secrion469.176Subd.4j. TheseCOS[s include, but are not limittd to, acquiring properties containing structurally substandard buildings or improvemen[5orhazardoussubstances,pollution, orcontaminants,acquiringadjacentparcelsnecessary to provide a site of sufficient size to permit development, demolition and rehabilitation of structures, clearing of the land, the removal of hazardous substances or remediation necessary for development of the land, and installation of utilities, roads, sidewalks, and parking facilities for the site. The allocated administrative expenses ofthe City, including the cost of preparation oftht development action response plan, may be included in the qualifying costs. Subsection 2-28. Summary The City of Hutchinson is establishing the District to preserve and enhance the taz base, redevClOp substandard areas in the Ciry, The'17F Plan fnr the District was prepared by Eh lees & Associates, Inc., 3060 Centre Pointe Drive, Roseville, Minnesota 55113, telephone (651) 697.8500. ~J Ciry of Humhlnson Taz Increment Fnaneing PWn for Tax ]ncremenl FinanCinR ni3vice No. ¢13 2.13 -~~~~ JUIV, IU• LUUJ I I•J7nni ui~~i+v u Div vuv. APPbNDIX A . PROTECT AESCRiPT1ON 77ic theater and associated rental space in downtown Hutchinson is proposed [o be remodeled through tht use of various financing sources, including tax increment financing. The tax increment will 6e used for eligible expenses, including demolition and renovation costs. The present value of the [ax increment is anticipated to support less than $200,000 of the project costs. The form of tax increment is anticipated to bepay-as-you-go if a viable lending source can be found 6y the developer, The City does retain the right to issue interfund loans or G.O. Bonds to fund any of its tax increment projects. Business subsidies criteria may, but is not expected to, apply to this project due to the redevelopment nature of the project. APPENriI'X ,a"i ~P~G~ JUN. 10.2003 11:31AM th~trcs & Haau~. • APPENDIX B . MAP(5) OF DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ND. 4 ANT] THE DISTRICT r#PPEi~"DIX ~-I `~~G~ JUN, lU. lUVj I I:~rnr ~ ~~ ~ a ~~~~~~ City o~Hutchinson Proposed Tax Increment Financing District 4.13 H W Y 1 5 Property to be redeveloped 35 Washington Ave. E, Washington Aver ~~~~ ~'~~~~~~ c~~C~ JUN. ID.2C03 11:38AM 1HLkks ~ aaauu. ~~° -- - aPPENDix c DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TD BE INGLUDFD iN THE DISTRICT The District encompasses all property and adjacent rights-of--way identified by the parcel(s) listed below. Par el umb r A dress OAS 23-056.3400 35 Washington Avenue E Miles and Linda M~ AI'PEiVIlI7~ C-~ ~t~~ JUN. 10.2003 11:38AM th~tnJ a HJJVb. APP1rNDIX A L J ESTIMATED CASH FLOW FOR TH6 DISTRICT • APPENDIJC n-~ ~Lc~ ~,~y~ ~' ,~ ~a~ ~t~i1el' ~~c~:sit~s~ ~s~" ~~a ~GE~~r~'~~a~~" ~a~a~ara~ t aa~~~d ra~a~ ~~ a~~~i~ ~r~. ~.~--,~ I ~a t r sthc~~ati "G Ir~~r°rr~~s~~ ~...~-. :~'~~.~,~.... ~ ...~.._~~~ ..4~17w76;~ i ~ ~ ~'-~ j,~ ,, ~ _t ~~~r }~ • RESOLUTION NO. I2212 RE50LUTION ADOPTING A MODIFICATION TO THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FUR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NU. 4, ESTABLISIIING TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT N0.4-13 THEREIN, AND ADOPTING A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN TIIEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, (the "City") as follows: Section 1. itals. 1.01. The City Council (the "Council") has heretofore established Development District No. 4 and adopted a Development Program therefor. For the purpose of undertaking a redevelopment project, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, Subdivision 14 (the "Redevelopment Project"), it has been proposed that the Couucil adopt a Modification to the Development Program for Development District No. 4 (the "Development Program Modification") and establish Tax Increment Financing District No. 4-13 (the "District") therein and adopt a Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "TIF Plan") therefor (the "Development Program Modification and the TIF Plan are referred to collectively herein as the "Modification and Plan"); all pursuant to and in conformity with applicable law, including Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.124 to 469.134 and Sections 469.174 to 469.1799, all inclusive, as amended, (the "Act") all as reflected in the Modification and Plan, and presented fox the Council's consideration. The Plan was prepared in conjunction with the Modification and is the proposed method for financing the Redevelopment Project. 1.02. The City has investigated the facts relating to the Modification and Plan and has caused the Modification and Plan to be prepared. Members of the Board of County Commissioners of McLeod County and of the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 423 have been given an opportunity to meet with the City and comment on the Financing Plan. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 4fi9.175, Subdivision 3, this Council on July 8, 2D03, conducted a public hearing on the desirability of approving the Modification and Plan. Notice of the public hearing was duly published as required by Iaw in the Hutchinson Leader, the official newspaper of the City, on June 26, 2003. The City has not received written comments on the Plan from the county and the school district after providing the county and the school district boards with information on the fiscal and economic implications of the Plan not less than 30 days before the date of the public hearing. 1.03. In addition to the notice and opportunity described in Section 1.02, as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subdivision 2a, the City, not less than 30 days before the publication of the notice of public hearing referred to in Section 1.02, delivered written notice to the member of the Board of County Commissioners of McLeod County who represents the District. The notice contained a general description of the boundaries of the District, the • proposed redevelopment activities to be undertaken therein, an offer by representatives of the c~~G~ • City to meet and discuss the proposed District with the county commissioner and a solicitation of the commissioner's comments with respect to the District. 1.04. Certain written reports (the'Reports") relating to the Modification and Plan and to the activities contemplated therein have heretofore been prepared by City staff and independent consultants retained by the City and submitted to the Council and/or made a part of the City files and proceedings on the Modification and Plan. The Reports include data, information and/or substantiation constituting or relating to the basis for the other findings and determinations made in this resolution. The Council hereby confirms, ratifies and adopts the Reports, which are hereby incorporated into and made as fully a part of this resolution to the same extent as if set forth in full herein. 1.05 The City is not proposing to modify the boundaries of Development District No. 4 in the Modification. Section 2. Findin forth Ado t n and A royal f the odific lion. On the basis of the proposed Modification and the information elicited at the public hearing referred to in Section 1.02, it is hereby found, determined and declared: 2.01. The Modification proposes that the City undertake certain redeveloprnent activities for the purpose of encouraging redevelopment of pmpexty located within the Redevelopment Project. The Council hereby finds that the Modification will provide an impetus for private redevelopment activities in the public interest, reduce blight, increase employment opportunities . and the enhance the tax base of the City and overlapping taxing jurisdictions. 2.02. This Council hereby finds that the private redevelopment proposed to be encouraged in the Redevelopment Project pursuant to the proposed Modification would not occur without the financial assistance to be provided pursuant to the Plan since it would not be economically feasible for private redevelopers to redevelop the District without the proposed assistance. 2.03. This Council hereby finds that the Modification will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the redevelopment of the District by private enterprise. The Modification will help to provide an impetus far private redevelopment in the public interest, reduce blight, increase in employment opportunities, and enhance the tax base of the City and overlapping taxing jurisdictions. 2.04. This Council hereby finds that the redevelopment activities proposed by the Modification conform to the general plan for the development of the City as a whole. The redevelopment activities are compatible with the City's zoning ordinances and other related regulations and encourage efficient use of existing infrastructure as set forth in the City's Land Use Plan. It is in the hest interests of the City to approve the Modification. 2.05. ilpon review of the Modification, the information elicited at the public hearing, and on the basis of the findings made in Sections 2.01 through 2.04, this Council hereby approves the . Modification. -2- ~~~~ Section 3. Findi s for the o d A oval of the Plan and Establis ent o Tax Increment Financing District No. 4-13. t7n the basis of the Plan, the Reports and the information elicited'at the public hearing referred to in Section 1.03, it is hereby found, determined and declared: 3.01. The Plan provides the means to finance certain public redevelopment costs of the Redevelopment Project. The Plan contains a statement of objectives for the Redevelopment Project, a development plan overview, and a description of property in the District and property to be acquired. The Plan also estimates the public redevelopment costs of the Redevelopment Project, the amount of bonded indebtedness to be incurred, the sources of revenues to finance or otherwise pay public costs of the District, the most recent net tax capacity of taxable real property within the District, the captured net tax capacity of the District at completion and the duration of the District. The Plan also describes and identifies the redevelopment activities to be undertaken or expected to be undertaken in the District. The Plan further contains alternative estimates of the impact of the proposed tax increment finaucing on the net tax capacities of all taxing jurisdictions in which the District is located. All the captured tax capacity is necessary to accomplish the objectives of the Redevelopment Project and the District. 3.02. This Council hereby finds that the District consists of one parcel containing one building, and is a proper tax increment financing district within the meaning of Section 469.174, Subdivision 9. This Council further finds, based on the information in thd Plan, representations of the Redeveloper and the report of the City's building inspector, that the District contains the following conditions, which are reasonably distributed throughout the District: Farcels . comprising at least 7D% of the area of the District are occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, or other improvements, and more than SO% of the buildings (not including outbuildings) are structurally substandard requiring substantial renovation or clearance. The City finds that the foregoing conditions exist in the District as a whole. Therefore, the District qualifies as a "redevelopment district" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10. 3.03. This Council hereby finds that the private redevelopment encouraged in the Redevelopment Project pursuant to the Plan would not, in the opinion of this Council, occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and the increased market value of the site that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in the market value estimated to result from the proposed redevelopment after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration of the District permitted by the Plan. Therefore, the use of tax increment financing is deemed necessary. The studies and analyses supporting this finding are identified in the Plan. 3.04. This Council hereby finds that the Plan conforms to the general plan for the development of the City as a whole. The development is compatible with the City's zoning ordinances and other related regulations and encourages efficient use of existing infiastrueture as set forth in the City's Land Use Plan. 3.05. This Conncil hereby finds that the Flan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the redevelopment of the District by -3- c~ ~~ private enterprise. The redevelopment activities contemplated in the Plan will help to provide an impetus For private redevelopment activities in the public interest, reduce blight, increase employment opportunities, and the enhance the tax base of the City and overlapping taxing jurisdictions. 3.06. Upon review of the Plan, the information elicited at the public hearing and on the basis of the landings in Sections 3.01 through 3AS and the reasons and supporting facts attached hereto as Exhibit A, this Council hereby approves Plan and the establishment of the District as a tax increment financing district in the City, to be denominated "Tax Increment Piuancing District No. 4-13" Section 4. Public Purbv~r. 4.01. The adoption of the Modification and Plan conforms in all respects to the requirements of the Act and will help fulfill a need to develop an area of the City which is ah~ady built up, provide an impetus for private redevelopment activities in the public interest, reduce blight, increase employment opportunities and the enhance the tax base of the City and overlapping taxing jurisdictions and thereby serves a public purpose. Section S. Authorizatio 5.01. The staff of the City, the City's cousultants and legal counsel are authorized and directed to proceed with the implementation of the Modification and Plan and to negotiate, draft, . prepare and present to this Council for its consideration all further plans, resolutions, documents and contracts necessary for this purpose. 5.02. The Auditor of McLeod County is requested to certify the original net tax capacity of the District, as described in the Modification and Plan, and to certify in each year thereafter the amount by which the original net tax capacity has increased or decreased; and the City is authorized and directed to forthwith transmit this request to the County Auditor in such form and content as the Auditor may specify, together with a list of all properties within the District, for which building permits have been issued during the 18 months immediately preceding the adoption of this resolution. 5.03. The City Administrator is further authorized and directed to file a copy of the Modification and Plan with the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Revenue pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 469.175, Subdivision 4a. Adopted by the City Council this 8th day of July, 2003. (SEAL) Attest: • Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Marlin Torgerson, Mayor -4- c~~~~ F,XHIBIT A The reasons and facts supporting the findings for the adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 4-13, as required pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subdivision 3 are as follows: I. Finding that Tax Increment Financing District No. 4-13 is a redevelopment district as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 1D. The District consists of one parcel, consisting of one building, with plans to redevelop the area for commercial purposes. At least 15 percent of the parcel is occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, paved yr gravel parking lots or other similar structures. The District contains the following conditions, which are reasonably distributed throughout the District: Parcels comprising at least 70% of the area of the District are occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, or other improvements, and more than 50% of the buildings (not including outbuildings) are structurally substandard requiring substantial renovation or clearance. The City finds that the foregoing conditions exist in the District as a whole. An inspection of the one building located on the parcel finds that it is structurally substandard as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10. Therefore, the District qualifies as a "redevelopment district" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10. (See Appendix E of the TIF Plan.) • 2. Finding that the proposed redevelopment, in the opinion ol'the City Council, would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and that the increased market value of the site that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use of'tax increment financing would be less than the increase in the market value estimated to result from the proposed redevelopment after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration of Tax Increment Financing District No. 4-13 permitted by the Plan. The proposed redevelopment, in the opinion of the City, would not reasonably be expected io occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future: This finding is supported by the fact that the redevelopment proposed in this plan meets the City's objectives far redevelopment. Due to the high cost of redevelopment on the parcels currently occupied by the suhstandard building, the limited amount of commercial/industrial property f'or expansion adjacent to the existing project, and the cost of financing the proposed improvements, this project is feasible only through assistance, in part, from tax increment financing. The Redeveloper was asked for and provided a pro forma as justification that the Redeveloper would not have gone forward without tax increment assistance (see attachment in Appendix F of the TIF Plan). The increased market value of the site that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in market value estimated to result from the proposed redevelopment after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration of the TIF District permitted by the Plan: This finding is justified on the l,~ounds that the cost of renovation adds to the total redevelopment cost. A-1 Lo ~~~ . Therefore, the City reasonably determines that no other redevelopment of similar scope is anticipated nn this site without substantially similar assistance being provided. A comparative analysis of estimated market values both with and without establishment of the District and the use ol'iax increments has been performed as described above. If all redevelopment which is proposed to be assisted with tax increment were to occur in the District, the total increase in market value would he up to $616,700. The present value of tax increments from the District is estimated to be $198,931, it is the Council's finding that no redevelopment with a market value of greater than $A17,769 would occur without tax increment assistance in this district within 25 years. This finding is based upon evidence from general past experience with the high cost of renovation in the general area of the District (see Cashflow in Appendix D ol'ihe TIF Ylan). 3. Finding that the Tax Increment Financing Plan for "1'ax Increment Financing District No 4-13 conforms to the general plan for the development of the municipality as a whole. 'fhe Planning Commission reviewed the TIF Plan and found that the TIF Plan conforms to the general development plan of tlae City. 4. Finding that the "I'ax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 4-13 will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the development or redevelopment of Development District No. 4 by private enterprise. . The project to be assisted by the District will result in increased employment in the City and the State of Minnesota, the renovation of substandard properties, increased tax base of the Staie and add a high quality development to the City. C~ A-2 ~C~~ ~ Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council FRpM: Brenda K. Ewingr~'ector of human Resources RE; City Recognition Event DATE: July 2, 2003 At the last matting, the Mayor directed staff to present to the Council possible dates Tor the City Recognition Event. As you know, this annual event recognizes the accomplishments of the City employees and those volunteers on the various City boards and committees who so generously give of their time. In 2002, the event date was changed from August to September. In keeping with this same practice, we are proposing the following dates for the event to be held at the Hutchinson Event Center: . Wednesday, September 10 '/< of the Event Center Great Roam is available Thursday, September 18 entire Event Center Great Room is available It is requested that you consider these dates and to advise staff of your preference of these, or other dates, if necessary. Please contact me if you have any questions. n LJ ~CQ~ ~ Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Brenda K. Ewin~ctor of Human Resources RE: Reorganization of Public Works Maintenance Operations DATE: July 2, 2003 With the recent retirement of a long time street department employee and the vacation of positions within the wastewater department, the opportunity has arisen to reorganize the public works maintenance operations positions. These events, along with the discussions among the various City department as part of the recent and on-going budget issues and reductions, have prompted management to propose a reorganize the public works maintenance positions to better Facilitate the maintenance work that is done by the City. Enclosed are two memorandums from John Rodeberg, Director of EngineeringJPublic Works, and John Olson, Assistant Public Works Director, outlining the proposed reorganization within their departments. As you will note, it is proposed to create the positions (2) of Maintenance Operations Lead to provide day-to-day supervision in the areas of street and alley maintenance and ['acility and structure maintenance. The lead positions would be classified as Grade 4 positions on the City's Position Classification Table. This structure is similar to that of the Park Maintenance Department where the position of Park Maintenance Lead was established in 2001. It is further proposed to post these positions intemally as was the Park Lead position. The posting would be open to any current, qualified, regular full time employee. if for some reason suitable candidates were not identified internally, the search would be expanded and publicly advertised. An additional issue that has been discussed by staff and was further discussed with this reorganization proposal, is the reclassification of other public works type maintenance positions. Specifically, those maintenance positions that are currently Grade 2 positions on the City Position Classification table should be considered for a reclassification to Grade 3. The maintenance/public works departments including, streets, water, wastewater and compost have continued to work in a cooperative manner io address the maintenance needs of all of the individual departments. It is commonplace to see employees from these various departments working side-hy-side, as projects require. All ofthe maintenance employees, whether currently a Grade 2 or Grade 3 are operating the same equipment and doing similar work that requires a similar skill set. L .J a~~~ Staff is proposing to bring before the City Council, at the meeting of July 22, 2003, a coordinated reclassification proposal for the above noted departments. Part of the proposal will be to change the position levels, but not to propose any wage increases as a result of a reclassification, given the current budgetary situation. It is requested, however, that the Council ai this time consider and approve the request to establish the position of Maintenance Operations Lead and to post for the new positions internally. if you have any questions, please contact me at City Center. Encl. ~ ~~ l~atchinson Citv Center C' 111 Hassan Street SF. Hutchinwn, MN 55350.2522 320.587.5151/kax 320.2W-4200 TO: Gary Plotz, City Administrator Brenda Ewing, Humans Resources Director FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering/Pu lie Warks~ John Olson, Assistant Public Works Director RE; Reclassification of Public Works' Positions DATE: 4/30/2003 With the retirement of Street Supervisor Larry Karg, we would like to reorganize the department to resemble the layout at the Park Department. The position of Street Supervisor would be eliminated, and we would utilize two Maintenance Operations Lead positions in its place. We assume that these positions would be raised to Grade 4 with no immediate increase in pay. One lead would be related specifically for Street related work, and the other lead would focus on Airport, dam and other miscellaneous projects. We are proposing to fill these positions from within the current department staff. We will be preparing a new job description that will cover both positions under one "Maintenance Operations Lead" position title, and will get a draft to you this week. We would like to keep the period far interest short so we can fill the positions ASAP. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. PrintM vn nxy.=led paper - qc~~ City of •';"'' ~,' To: Gary Plots City Administrator City of Hutchinson Engineering /Public Works Maintenance Operations 1400 Adams St Sk: Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone (320) 234-4219 Fax (320) 234-6971 Juue 16, 2D03 Prom: Jahn Aodeberg, Dir. of Engineering/Public Works John Olson, Asst. Public Works Dir. CC: Brenda Ewing, H.R. Director Ken Merrill, Finance Director Subject: Employee reorganization -Public Works Maintenance Operations Larry Karg's position was recently left vacant after he took early r~irement. Larry served the City for more than 30 years, and his vast experience with the City is missed His absence left the Street Department with some choices regarding day-to-day supervision of staff. Potential reorganization prompted several discussions among us and with other departments. We determined the best solution to filling Larry's open position is to create two lead positions, emulating the Park Department's recent reorganization. One lead would be responsible for street and alley maintenance (paving, patching, concrete repair, etc.) and the other would be responsible for facility and structure maintenance (HATS, Airport, storm sewer system, etc.). Larry's position was classified at Grade 4. The two new lead positicns would also be classified at Grade 4, We planned for this Grade increase in 20D2, when we reduced one position in the department from Grade 3 m Grade 2. We request the two Grade 4 Maimenanee Lead positions for Public Works Maintenance Operations be opened internally to existing full-time, permanent City of Hutchinson Equipment Operators and Maimenance Technicians. Desirable qualities for the Street Maimenance Lead position will include signifcant experience and knowledge of asphalt and concrete repair, grading gravel alleys, snow removal and other maintenance operations related to streets. The ability to organize and supervise employees is also important Desirable qualities for the Maintenance Lead position will include significant experience and knowledge of £acility maintenance, including building and grounds maintenance, electrical controls and heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, repay of drainage and storm sewer conveyance systems and equipment maintenance. The ability to organize and supervise employees is also important Attachments: MainlenanceLeadpvsitiondescriprion Addenda ro Maintenance Lead position descriptions ~~~~ TITLE: MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS LEAD DEPARTMENT. PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE OPERATigN5 ACCOUNTABLE TO: ASSISTANT PUEI.IC WORKS DIRECTOR SUMMp~Ry: THIS IS SUPERVISORY AND HANDS-ON FUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE WORK This position leads and performs work in crews of various sizes and configurations in a variety of activities related to City-owned infrastmeture, pavement, building, equipment, and other miscellaneous maintenance operations, under the direction of the Assistant Public Works Director. Leads and performs work in maintenance activities supporting other City agencies and departments, as directed. llUTTES AND RESPONSIBII.TTIES 1) leads crews of various sizes and configurations in, and conducts, maintenance activities as directed, using a variety of vehicles, equipment, tools, materials, and methods, to maintain infrastructure and properties owned by the City of Hutchinson. a. Includes work in the following areas and departments: ® Streets ®Storm Water System ~ Snow Removal from Streets ®Street Signs and other Signs ® Streetlights d Sidewalks, trails, and walkways ~ Hutchinson Area Transportation Services facility 6D Equipment maintenance ® Cemetery maintenance ®Airport maintenance @) Crow River Dam maintenance ®Miscellaneous facilities ® Wastewater system maintenance ®Water system maintenance ® Resource Recovery/Solid Waste system maintenance b. Performs maintenance functions, including, but not limited to the following: • Road surface patching and repair, including asphalt and concrete pavement and gravel surfaces. • Grounds maintenance, including landscaping, mowing, seeding, sodding, and tree trimming. • Building maintenance, including minor repairs to building systems and janitorial duties. • Equipment maintenance, including servicing equipment, and performing preventive and minor maintenance. • Metal work, including cutting, welding, and selection of appropriate materials. • Operation of radios, telephones, and other communications equipment. • Helps supervisors determine the cause of malfunctions, and the type and scope of repairs necessary. • Assists supervisors in determining personnel, materials, and equipment necessary to complete a given task. • Assists supervisors with personnel matters, including discipline, reviewing performance, and performance counseling. • Performs duties and ensures duties performed by others are in accordance with safety regulations and other City rules related to the task. Trains crew members in safety procedures as necessary. • 2) Leads crews and perforrns a variety of tasks requiring manual labor, lifting of heavy objects, manual dexterity, and other physical movements. ~Le~ 3) Assists other agencies and City departments with maintenance activities, and leads crews of various sires and configurations in maintenance activities, as directed. EQUIPMrNT Equipment includes small and large vehicles, light and heavy construction equipment, and various power equipment. Must be familiar with the use and function al] vehicles and equipment in the Maintenance Operations Department. Communications equipment, small tools, and other small equipment incidental to the position, SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Training in and/or significant experience in Maintenance Operations. Knowledge of basic preventive maintenance techniques. Good public relations skills for dealing with the public and employees of several departments. Valid Commercial Drivers License, minimum of Class B, with tanker endorsement. DESIREABLE QUALIFICATIONS Considerable experience in a variety ofmaintenance-related positions. Demonstrated ability to gather data and advice, make appropriate decisions, derive consensus, and execute plans. Class A Commercial llrivcrs License, with tanker endorsement, is preferred. WORKING CONDITIONS Shop and outside conditions in all weather, occasional travel. Generally works 40 hours per week, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Occasional scheduled on-call time. Unscheduled hours for snow removal. Occasional weekend hours and work after normal working hours responding to emergencies. q~~~ ~' RESOLUTIDNNO. tzzt3 RESOLUTION CALLING FOR PUBLIC BEARINGS ON THE ADOPTION DF AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND ON TILE ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO IMPOSE SERVICE CHARGES IN SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO. 1 IN TIIE CITX OF HiTI'CHINSON, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (the "City") proposes to establish Special Service District No. 1 (the "District") pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 428A.01 through 428A.101 (ihe "Act") in the City's downtown area; and WHEKEAS, the City proposes to impose Service Charges (the "Charges") on eligible properties in the proposed District; and WHEREAS, the City is required to hold a public hearing on the proposed District pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 428A.02, Subdivision 1; and WHEREAS, the City is required to hold a public hearing on the proposed imposition of Charges pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 428A.03, Subdivision 1; and WI3EREA5, the City has received petitions signed by affected property owners • requesting that the City hold Public Hearings on the proposed District and the proposed Cltatges pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 428A.08. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the City Council shall: 1. Hold a public hearing on Tuesday, August 12, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. at the City Hall on the adoption of an ordinance to establish Special Service District No. 1 in the City's downtown area. The City Administrator shall cause a notice o£ the public hearing to be published in two issues of the City's official newspaper. 1'he second publication shall appear two (2) weeks after the Frst publication. The second publication shall appear at least three (3) days prior to the public hcaring. Not less than ten (10) days prior to the public hearing, notice of the public hearing shall also be mailed to the owner of each parcel within the area proposed to be included in Special Service District No. 1; and 2. Hold a public hearing on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 at 5:3U p.m. at the City Hall on the adoption of a resolution to impose Service Charges on eligible properties in Special Service District No. 1 in the City's downtown area. T7te City Administrator shall cause a notice of the public hearing to be published in two issues of the City's official newspaper. The second publication shall appear two (2) weeks after the first publication. The second publication shall appear at least three {3) days prior to the public hearing. Notice of the public hearing shat 1 be mailed to each individual or business organization that would be subject to the proposed Service Charge. ~~~~ Adopted by the City Council on the 8ei day of July, 2003. • ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin '1'orgerson Mayor 9 ~~, . RESOLUTION NO. 12208 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING N0.2 PROJECT N0.03-02 WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve Plaza 15 Parking Lot and Pedestrian Access and Safety Improvements 6y construction of sidewalk, concrete drive, landscaping, lighting an appurtenances. WHEREAS, it is proposed to assess the benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED l3Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the proposed improvement be referred to the Director of Engineering for study and that he is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of July 2003. LJ Mayor City Administrator q c~~ CJ HUTCHINSON ENGINEERING~PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT HurcUuison City Center / 111 Hassan Street SE / Hntctnnsun TvN 55350-2522 / 32(1-234-4209 / Fnx 32U-234-4240 ENGINEERING REPORT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director pf Engineering/Public Works DATE: July 8th, 2003 SUBJECT: Letting No. 2/Project No. 03-02 Plaza 15 Parking Lot Access and Safety Improvements I have studied the following areas based on reports completed by city staff and find that the proposed project is feasible and recommend it be constructed. Project No. 03-02: Plaza 15 Parking Lot and Pedestrian Access and Safety Improvements by construction of sidewalk, concrete drive, landscaping, lighting and appurtenances. LJ ESTIMATEd COST VehlclelPedestrian Pedestrian TOTAL Ganstructlon Cost $79,000.00 $19,000.00 $98,D00.00 Engineering/consulting $12,640.00 $3,040.00 $15,680.00 Administration $4,740.00 $1,140.00 $5,880.00 FiscallLegal/Interest 52,370.00 $570.00 $2,940.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL $98,75D.00 $23,750.00 5122,500.00 ESTIMATED FUNDING TOTAL Assessable Cost $73,125.00 $73,125.D0 Deferred Assessable Cost 0.00 $D.ao City Bonded $49,375.00 $49,375.00 city-Trunk Water $0.00 $0.00 Clty-Trunk Sewer $0.00 50.00 Federal Aid $0.00 $0.00 MSA $0.00 $0.00 Mn/DOT $0.00 $D.DO ESTIMATED TOTAL $122,500.D0 $122,500.00 cc: Gal Rice -Engineering Department file: Letting No 2/Project No. D3-02 ~~ ~~~ . RESOLUTION NO. 12209 RI=SOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING N0.2 PROJECT N0.03-02 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Council adopted July 8th, 2003, the Director of Engineering has prepared a report with reference to the improvement of Plaza 1 S Parking Lot and Pedestrian Access and Safety Improvements by construction of sidewalk, concrete ddve, landscaping, lighting an appurtenances, and said report was received by the Council on July 8th, 2003. NOW, TWEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED eY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvements of such streets in accordance with the reports and the assessment of benefited property far all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $122,500.00. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on the 22nd day of July, 2003, in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center at 6:00 P.M., and the Clerk . shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvements as required by law. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 8th day of July, 2003. Mayor City Administrator ~~~~ SENT BY: • CYTY OF MLITCHINSON; 320 234 4240; JUL 7•C3 2:aAPFA; EXCAVATOR LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF HUTCNISON I11 Hassan Street SE, HutcLinaota, MN 55350 P6one:320-Z34~216 Fa:: 320.234-4240 Building pate: Permit No License File No.: Excavation Liccnse Fee: $~G. 00 Applicable Surcharge: ~___w,SD Excavation Project Address Intersecting Street: Q Section Township The excavation is for the purpose of: MINNESOTA STATUTE, CHAPTBR 21811, R>;QUIRES THAT THE EXCAVATOR MU,'3T CAL1 ADP~1 STATE ONTs•CALL, ~iC. AT 1.800•?,6E•1166 AT LEASE 48 HOURS BIs~'OR.E B>18INNING ANY ©LCAYATION , Appiicant has checked the excavation site with the following utilities and will cooperate with • them to avoid striking any of their lines in excavation work, hand digging is rCquirod when excavating within two feet of the markings. Hvtehinaon Utllitiea 225 MiChlgaa St S>w 32D-3874746 Hutchinson Teleyhon~ Cv. 423 Franklin 9t 9W 320.587.2323 Aleditwom 1t30 Hvry 7W 320-387-93$7 City of ItUtehinattNWater Dept. I 1 t Hassan St SE 32p•387.4212 IMPOR'PANT: BY SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT, 1 AM INDICATING ?HAT' I I-L4VE RECEIVED 7HIS NOTICE AND AGREE TO ACCEPT RkSPONSIBILI7'Y FOR EITHER CALLING GOPHER STATE QNE-CALL OR NDTIFYING MY EXCAVATOR TO CALL 48 HOURS PR10R 70 EXCAVATING. I WILL COMPLY WITH ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS PER7AWING TO THE EXCAVATOR'S LICENSE AS SET FORTH 1N CITY DF HUTCHINSON ORDINANCE OZ-30t3. 1 ACKNOWL[rDGE THAT THIS LICENSE MAY BE DENIED OR REVOKED IF 1 DO NOT MEET 7'HF. CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE ORDINANCE. .. ~ ~ 5 CMG ~ `~-} r ~.t. C ~ ~ ~ r1 ~.~, ApplicanUExavMOr Nano - Prinud ~ vk~' . l'1'1 n s~3% !~ Address' r ' . ~ •.+ - ~~ 4~ ~ ~,d~C~~ ~ ~' 3~?~? EGGS - : ~~~ 8ignnturc~ Ptwne: CALL TWQ WOR1~I1-IG DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG: TOIL FItE1~ 1-500-252-1 I6b YA(it [IK 5 (e~ Range Quaver Section ANTNUAL EXCAVATOR LICENSE APPLICATION • CITY OF HUTCHISON 111 Hassan Street 5E, Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone:320-234-4216 Fax: 320-234-0240 aDV3 -~ ~ Date: ~~" 7'~'~ License FileNo.: Excavation License Fee: $30. 00 / Applicable Surcharge: .50 Excavation Project Address U'~'•~u~"~'`"~ lntersecting Street: Dr Section Township Range Quarter Section The excavation is for the purpose of: MINNESOTA STATUTE, CHAPTER 216D, REQUIRES THAT THE EXCAVATOR MUST CALL GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL, INC. AT 1-$00- 252-] 166 AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING ANY EXCAVATION . Applicant has checked the excavation site with the following utilities and will cooperate with them to avoid striking any of their lines in excavation work, hand digging is required when excavating within two feet of the markings. Hutchinson Utilities 225 Michigan St SE 320-587-4746 Hutchinson Telephone Co. 425 Franklin St S W 320-587-2323 Mediacom 1130 Hwy 7W 320-587-9387 Ciry of llutchinson/VVater Dept. 111 Ilassan St SF. 320-587-4222 IMPORTANT: BY SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT, I AM INDICATING THAT I RAVE RECENED THIS NOTICE AND AGREE 'I'O ACCEPT RESPONSB3ILITY FOR EITHER CALLING GOPHkR STATE ONE-CALL OR NOTIFYING MY EXCAVATOR TO CALI. 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATING. I WILL COMPLY WITH ALI, RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO TIIE EXCAVATOR'S LICENSE AS SET FORTH IN CII"Y OF HUTCHINSON ORDINANCE 02-308. I ACI{NOWLEDGE THAT THIS LICENSE MAY HE DENIED OR Ri VOKF:D IF I DO NOT MEET THE CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE ORDIN(ANC}~E. Applicant/];xcavalor Name -Printed ~ It 1 iV 1 ~ ~ IC u 1' 0 5 =nl yo~~ 6 ~ 5~.~ r~+~s b,~r~ ~.4R..1 S'd Address' Signature: ~ - - Phone: 3~ °~77 CALL TWO WO G AYS BEFORE YOU DJG! TOLL FREE 1-$00-252-11G6 ANN[IAL CAVATOR LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF Hi7TCHISON 111 Ilassan Street SE, Ilutchinson, MN 55350 Phone:320-234-4216 Fax: 320-234-4240 pater ~aaa-o9 Excavation License Fee: X30. 00 ApplirahlP $nrcharge: .50 Excavation Project Address Intersecting Street: Section Township The excavation is for the purpose of: Y (a'Lt~~ Range License File No.: _ Quarter Section 1VIINNESOTA STATUTE, CHAPTER 216D, REQUIRES THAT THE EXCAVATOR MUST CALL GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL, INC. AT 1-800- 252-1166 AT LEAST 4$ HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING ANY EXCAVATION . Applicant has checked the excavation site with the following utilities and will cooperate with them to avoid striking any of their lines in excavation work, hand digging is required when excavating within two Feet of the mazkings. Hutchinson Utilities 225 Michigan St 8E 320-587-4746 Hutchinson Telephone Co. 425 Franklin St SW 320-587-2323 Mediacam 1130 Hwy 7W 320-587-9387 City of Hutchinsan/Water Dept. 111 Hassan St SE 320-5871222 IMPORTANT: BY SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT, I AM INDICATING THAT I HAVE RECEIVED THIS NOTICE AND AGREE TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR EITHER CALLING GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL OR NOTIFS'ING MY EXCAVATGR TO CALL 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATING. I WILL COMELY WIT1I ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE EXCAVATOR'S LICENSE AS SET FORTH IN CTl"Y OF HUTCHINSQN ORDINANCE D2-308. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS LICENSE MAY BE DENIED OR REVOKED IF I DO NOT MEET THE CONDI'1"lONS SET FORTH~IN/~THE/ORIINANC/E'.- /.._• Applicant/ExcavatorName-Printed ~--Ci ~[~c]~~ t-(~[~A 75 i"t:'!C - Address: Oc(J 3? 7 (~ I S c ~3SZ~ Phone: .~ ~C~37~o1. J • CALL TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG! TOLL FREE ]-$00-252-]X66 t. . RESOLUTION NO. 12215 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING CSAH 115 (FORMERLY CR ti2) WHEREAS, the County Board of the County of McLeod did adopt Resolution No 02-RB-33-84 on December 30th, 2D02, locating, establishing, designating and numbering the County State Aid Highway system of McLeod Gounty, and WHEREAS, the County Board of the County of McLeod did adopt Resolution No. 02-RB30-81 revoking certain portions of the County State Aid Highway System of McLeod County, and WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 02-RB-33-84 locates and establishes certain County State Aid Highways within the corporate limits of the Gity of Hutchinson (South Grade Road west of School Road), and said Resolution No. 02-R630-$1 revokes certain portions of the County State Aid Highways within the corporate limits of the City of Hutchinson. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson said Resolution No's. 02-RB-33-84 and 02-RB30-81 adopted by the County Board, copies of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, locating or establishing the County State Aid System within the City limits and revoking certain portions of said system, is in all things approved. ADOPTED July 8th, 2003. Mayor ATTEST: City Administrator 1 ~!..~ JUL-03-03 THU 07 43 RM NCLEODCNTYHWYDEPT FAX N0. 86413D2 P. 0~ County of McLeod 830 11th Street East -Suite 11D Glencoe, Minnesota 55336 • FAX (320) 864-3410 COMMISSIONER RAY BAYERL i st blstrlct Phone (320) 485-2181 20778 Cahle Avenue Lester Prairie, MN 55354 COMMISSIONER MELVIN H, ODSE 2nd plslrict Phone (320) 864-3304 10782 Diamond Ave. Glencoe, MN 55336 COMMISSIONER SNELDDN A. NIES 4th bislrict Phone (320) 587-5117 1118 Joflerson Street South Hutchinson, MN 55350 jasn{e5 rN hutch[el.net COMMISSIONER 9EV WANGERIN 61h Dlstrlct Phone (320} 587.8809 19369 Judson ClrCle Hutchinson, MN 55350 rjtncgraw ®h utchte I. net COMMISSIDNCq GRANT G. KNUT5DN 3rd Dlstrlct Phone (320) 587-9108 14287 CR7 Hutchinson, MN 55350 NAN CRAgY County Administrator Phase (3207 864.1324 Courthouse Glencoe, MN 55338 nan.crary 4y co.mGeod, mn. us RESULUTION U2-IiB30-8I REVOKING COUNTY HIGIIWAY 8Z WHEREAS, it appears to the County Board of McLeod CDUnty that the road hereinafter described is a County Highway under the provisions of Minnesota Law. NOW THEREFORE. BE.,,,17" RESOLVED, by the County Board of McLeod County that the road described as tbllows, tp-wit: Beginning in McLeod County at the southwest corner of Section 3, Township 116 North, Range 3D West; thence east along the south line of Sections 3 and 2 of Township 116 North, Range 30 West, to the southeast corner of Section 2, Township 116 North, Range 30 West, and there terminating. This length being approximately 10,633 feet. 5ha11 be, and hereby is, revoked as a County Highway of said McLebd County. Adopted this 30th day of December, 2002 Bev Wange n, Chair CERTIFICAT.IDN I do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and corcect copy of a resolution presented and adopted by the McLeod County Board of Commissioners at a duly authorized meeting thereof, on the 30th day of December 2002. • Nan Crary, unt Administrator Y MCLEOb COUNTY IS AN EgUAI OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER JUL-US-UJ It1U Ul~43 Hf1 f1ULhUUUNIYIiWYULNI hHX NU, tib41~U2 7 ti t County of McLeod ' 830 11th Street East -Suite 110 ti' Glencoe, Minnesota 55336 - . . FAX {320) 864-3410 __ d6'co ~ . COMMISSIONER RAV eAYER4 COMMISSIONER MELVIN H, pOSE 1st District COMMISSIONER GRANT G. KNUTSON 2nd Dlslrict phone (320) 4B5-2181 Phone (320) 884-330q 20778 Cahle Avenue 3rtl Disnlct phone (320) 587-91 OB 10782 Dlamdnd Aye, Lester Pralrle, MN 55354 Glencpe MN 55336 14287 CR7 , Hutchinson, MN 55350 COMMISSIONER SHELOON A. NIES COMMISSIONER 8EV WANGERIN 4th District NAN CRAgy 51h District Phone (320) 58 %•5117 phone (320) 587-6869 Courtly AdmlNSlrator 111 B Jefferson Street South 19389 Judson Clfcle Hulchlnson MN 55350 Phone (320) 864.1324 Courthouse , Hutchlneon, MN 55350 jasnlose9hutchteLnet rjmcgraW~hutehlel not Glencoe, MN 55336 . nan.crary®eo.meleod.mn.us RE501,U I'1pN 02-RB33-84 E5TA131.1511ING COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY ] 15 N, U3 WHEREAS it appears to the County Board of McLeod County that the road hereinafter described should lx^ designated County State Aid Highway under the provisions of Minnesota I,aw. NOW 'PIIF.REFO,RE, BF.11' RESOLVED, by the County Board of McLeod County drat the road described as follows, to-wit: ]3egimring in McLeod County at the spulheast wrncr of Section 2, Township ] 1G North, Runge 30 West; thence weal along the south line of Sections 2 azrd 3 of Township 116 North, R:Inge 3U West, to the svnthwest comer Lf Section 3, Township 116 North, Range 3U West; thence north on the west lint of said Section 3 a distance of 1745.72 feet; thence defler.King to the left on a 02 degree 30 minute 00 second curve with a delta angle of 06 degces 45 minutes 14.65 sectlnds, a distance of • 27U, IG feet along said curve; thence northwesterly on the tattgent to said curve a distance of 550.00 feet; thence deflecting to the right on a 04 degce 15 minute OU second curve with a delta angle of 13 degrees 03 minutes 34.01 seconds a distance of 307.251'eet along said curve; thence nprtheasterly on the tangent to said ctwe a distance of SSU,00 feet; thence deflecting to the left on a 02 degce 30 minute 00 scepnd curve with a delta angle of O6 degrces 43 minutes 35.77 seconds a distance of 269.06 feet along said curve to a point on the west line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 1 l6 North, ]range 30 West; thence north along the west ling of said Station 3 and the prolongapon of said line a distance of 2459.92 feet; thence deflecting to [he right on a 04 degree 15 minute UO [;ewnd curve with a delta angle of 31 degrees 50 minutes 26.55 seconds a distance of 1219,78 feet along &tid curve; thence northetisterly qn tangent to said curve a distance of 561.75 feet to a point in the centerline of Trtnk Highway 7/22 and there terminating. This length being approximately 18,564,88 fact. shall be, turd hereby is established, located, and desigrated a Cptmty elate Aid Highway of said McLeod County, subject to the approval of [he Commissioner mf Transportation of the State of Minnesota, BE IT FURTHER RESDI,VED, that the McLeod County Adnurdstrator is hereby authorized and directed to forward two certified copies of this resolutipn [p the Commissioner of i'ransponauon far his consideration, and []tat upon iris approval of the designation of said road or portipn thereof, that same be cmns[nrcted, improved and maintained as a Cotmty State Aid Highway of the Comuy of McLeod to he numbered and ]mown as County State Aid Highway 115. Adopted this 311th day of December, 2002 J ev Wangerin, Ch' I do hereby certify drat the foregoing resolution is a tole ndlcolrrect Logy of a resolution presemed and adopted by the McLeod County Doard of Commissioners az a duly authorized mcetittg thereof, on the 30th day of December 2002, r Nan Crary, County Ad nislratot McLEbb COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER • Resolutlon No. 12216 A RESOLUTION AUTHLORIZING THE DISMISSAL OF INDUST1iIAi" PARK CONDEMNATION PRQCEEDINGS WHEREAS, the City Council had authorized commencement of condemnation proceedings against Marvin Hackbarth, et al, to acquire land for Industrial Park expansion in Section 5 of Hassan Valley Township; and, WHEItEA$, during the condemnation proceedings it became cast-prohibitive to acquire and service the parcel for Industrial Park purposes; and, WHEREAS, the parties to this case have agreed to enter into an agreement to dismiss the court action in this case specifically known as McLeod County Court File No. C5-03-194; THEREFOILE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON THAT: The City Attorney is directed to execute any and all documents to effectuate the dismissal of the above-mentioned condemnation action contained in McLeod County Court File No. CS-03-194, Adopted by the City Council this 8s' day of 7uly 2003. Kay Peterson Council Vice President ATTEST: Gary 17. Plotz City Administrator ~ o~~~ Ordinance No. 03-350 Publication No. 7074 AN ORDINANCE QUIT CLAIMING ANY INTEREST THE CITY OF HUTCHIN50N MAX IIAVE IN REAL ESTATE LOCATEA 13Y MARVIN HACKBARTII, ET AL, SECTION 5, HASSAN VALLEY TOWNSHIP THE CITX OF HUTCHINSON DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. That on November 26, 2002, the City of Hutchinson commenced condemnation proceedings bypassing Resolution No. 12072 condemning the following legally described land for industrial park purposes: That part of Lot 7 of the Auditor's Plat of the West One Half of Section 5, Township 116 North, Range 29 West, according to the map on file and of.'record in the office of the County Recorder, McLeod County, Minnesota, lying north of the following described parcel: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 8 of said Auditor's Plat; thence on an assumed bearing of South, along the east line of said Lot 8 a distance of 719.75 feet to the centerline of a township road; thence South 64 degrees 04 minutes East, along said centerline a distance of 1025.39 feet; thence North a distance of 1177.90 feet to a point bearing East from the point of beginning; thence West a distance of 922.13 feet to the point of beginning. . AREA = 19.5 Acres (Mare or less) SECTION 2. That Resolution No. 12072 authorized the City of Hutchinson to take the above-described property through the "Quick Take" statute which gives the City of Hutchinson an ownership in the above-described property. SECTION 3. That because of the costs in acquiring and developing the land exceeded anticipated costs, the Hutchinson Economic Development Authority has decided not tv continue to pursue acquisition of this parcel and a conveyance of a quit claim deed back to the owner of the property is necessary to provide clear title to the parcel. Adopted by the City Council this 22"d day of July, 2003. Marlin Torgerson, Mayor Gary D. I'Iotz, City Administrator \I ~ b~-~~ R55APPYRV CITY QF HUTCHINSQN B Check Number AR Pa ment Re ister with Voids Checks Ck Date T e Check # Vendor Name Amount 7/8/2003 PK 117528 " 102136 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS 1676.77 1676.77 Account N # 1676.77 Void Amou ~. I l J ~~ R55APPYRV CITY OF HUTCHINSDN B Check Numher AP Pa ment Re ister with Voids Checks - Ck Date T e Check # Vendor Name Amount 7/2/2003 PK 117526 ' 11$252 OLSON, NELSON, WOOD & BERRY 55274.88 7/2/2003 PK 117527 117539 STEVE'S PALLET SERVICE 1587.51 56862.37 Account N ## 56862.37 IMMEDIATE PAYS Void Amou J l J J n R55APPYRV CITY OF HUTCHINSON 8 Check Number AP Pa ment Re ister with Voids Check Dat 6/26/2003 - Gk Date 6/26/2003 Type PK Check # 117493 ~ Vendor 101876 Name AETNA VARIABLE LIFE ASS. CO. Amount 855.00 fi/26/2003 PK 117494 101919 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. 137.1D 6/26/2003 PK 117495 101875 GREAT WEST LIFE INS. CO. 300.00 6/26/2003 PK 117496 1D1872 H.R.L.A.P.R. 245.08 6/26/2D03 PK 117497 102633 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 5,298.95 6/26/20p3 PK 117498 102635 HUTGHINSON, CITY OF 537.18 6/26/2003 PK 117499 101873 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 3,fi46.94 6/26/2003 PK 117500 1p2779 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST. tk423 8,189.40 6/26/2003 PK 117501 104957 MIKE CRAVES TRUCKING 11,157.26 6/26/2003 PK 117502 102449 MINNESOTA CHILD SUPPORT PAYMEN 557.33 6/26/2003 PK 117503 101877 PRUDENTIAL 75.00 6/26/2003 PK 117504 102D96 PRUDENTIAL MUTUAL FUNDS 30.00 fi/26/2003 PK 117505 102606 SCHMELING OIL CO 10,094.18 6/26/2D03 PK 117506 102248 SOUTHWEST MINNESOTA FOUNDATION 4,D00.00 45,123.42 Account N 45,123.42 IMMEDIATE PAYS Void Amou R55APPYRV CITY OF HUTCHINSQN B Check Number AP Pa ment Re ister with Voids Check Dat 7/1/2003 - Ck Date T e Check # Vendor Name Amount 7/1/2D03 PK 117507 * 102126 ACE HARDWARE 267.42 7/1/2003 PK 1175D8 102207 BACHMAN'S 5,499.66 7/1/2003 PK 1175D9 102456 C & L DISTRIBUTING 17.D0 7/1/2003 PK 117510 102672 FORCIER, GARY 131.10 7(1/2003 PK 117511 102961 HRA 135.00 7/1/2003 PK 117512 102961 HRA 550.00 7/1/2003 PK 117513 102961 HRA 550.00 7/1/2003 PK 117514 102542 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES 100.00 7/1/2003 PK 117515 101869 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 1,017.00 7/1/2003 PK 117516 101869 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 177.50 7/1/2003 PK 117517 102449 MINNESOTA CHILD SUPPORT PAYMEN 502.35 7/1/2003 PK 117518 103384 MINNESOTA STATE BAR A$SOC 258.00 7/1/2003 PK 117519 118240 MORGANDO, ERIC & CARRIE 9,995.41 7/1/2003 PK 117520 101853 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 1,836.05 7/1/2003 PK 117521 102D52 QUALITY W INE & SPIRITS CO. 2,102.05 7/1/2003 PK 117522 118239 ROBERT J. UHL 35,000.00 7/1/2003 PK 117523 102606 SCHMELING OIL CO 5,720.59 7/1/2003 PK 117524 117539 STEVE'S PALLET SERVICE 1,317.76 7/1/2D03 PK 117525 108598 WAL-MART 18.98 65,195.87 IMMEDIATE PAYS • r1 PAYROLL ACCOUNT - PAYROLL OF June 27, 2003 ~ Period Ending: June 21, 2003 . FOR COUNCIL LIST ONLY -ELECTRONIC TRANSFER TO STATE AND IRS DO NOT ISSUE CHECKS FOR THIS PAGE AMOUNT PEID ACCT# NAME DESCRIPTION $27,369.37 9995.2034 WITH. TAX Employee Contribution -Federal Tex ACCOUNT 2040 Employee Contributicn -Sac. Security 9995 $12,173.09 . 2242 Employee Contribution -Medicare 9995 $3,386.07 . $42,828.53 Sub-Total -Employee Contribution $12,173.09 9995.2240 $3,386.07 9895.2242 ';15,559.16 Sub-Total -Employer Contribution • $58,487.69 Grand Total - Wlthholding Tax AcCOUnt Employer Contribution -Social Security Employer Gontributicn -Medicare $10,540.76 9995.2035 MN DEPT OF REVENUE $9,970.45 102615 8995.2241 PERA Employee Contribution -Pension Plan $11,965.45 102615 9995.22A1 Employer Contribution -Pension Plan $21,935.90 Sub-Total -PERA $86.36 102615 9995.2243 PERA-DGP Employee Contribution -Pension Plan Employer Contribution - Pensicn Plan $813.36 102615 99952241 $172.72 Sub -Total -PCP $22,108.62 GRAND TOTAL -PERA Finance Director Approval L~ ~` R55APPYRV B Check Number CITY OF H AP Pa men UTCHINSON t Re islet with Voids Checks - Ck Date T e Check # Vendor Name Amount 7/8/2003 PK 117529 ' 101915 A.H. HERMEL COMPANY 169.81 7/8/2003 PK 117530 102430 AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPAREL 197.28 7/8/2003 PK 117531 105204 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE 542.40 7/8/2003 PK 117532 101920 ARLT, JOHN 30.00 7/8/2003 PK 117533 103663 BACKEN, JACKIE 33.00 7/$/2003 PK 117534 101916 BERNICK COMPANIES, THE 457.50 7/8/2003 PK 117535 117359 BOICH, JODI 90.00 7/8/2003 PK 117536 101987 BRANDON TIRE CO 617.11 7!8/2003 PK 117537 118395 BROLL, DAVID 328.36 7/8/2003 PK 117538 102470 BUFFALO CREEK ENTERPRISES 29.76 7/8/2003 PK 117539 102456 C & L DISTRIBUTING 70725.40 7/8/2003 PK 117540 110099 CARVER COUNTY COURT ADMIN 200.00 7/8/2003 PK 117541 103014 CDI OFFICE PRODUCTS LTD 290.41 7/8/2003 PK 117542 104391 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS 15.97 7/8/2003 PK 117543 105423 CINDY'S HOUSE OF FLORAL DESIGN 26.63 7/8/2003 PK 117544 102741 GOBORN'S INCORPORATED 27.20 7/8/2003 PK 117545 102484 CORPORATE EXPRESS 113.77 7/8/2003 PK 117546 110370 CROW WING GOUNTY COURT ADMIN 200.00 7/8/2003 PK 117547 118399 DAVID SKAAR STUDIO 58.97 7/8/2pD3 PK 117548 102488 PAY DISTR18U71NG 7441.35 7/8/2003 PK 117549 118247 DECKER, ANDREA 30.00 7/8/2003 PK 117550 102698 DEVRIES, RANDY 2547.28 7/8/2003 PK 117551 113181 DROP-N-GO SHIPPING, INC 39.35 7/8/2003 PK 177552 102236 DUININCK BROS INC. 19104.03 7/8/2003 PK 117553 102236 DUININCK BROS INC. 244294.28 7/8/2003 PK 117554 105467 EAGLE LEGAL SERVIGE 58.00 7/8/2003 PK 117555 110034 EXTREME BEVERAGE 224.00 7/8/2003 PK 117556 118245 FISCHER, JERRY 38.00 7/$/2003 PK 117557 102636 FORTIS BENEFITS 2714.76 7/8/2003 PK 117558 118397 ERASER, LARRY 442.54 7/8/2003 PK 117559 102316 GFNE'STOWING 79.87 7/8/2003 PK 117560 102129 GLAESER, TOM 35.28 7/8/2003 PK 117561 103029 GLENGOE ENTERPRISE 90.00 7/8/2003 PK 1175fi2 102333 GOLDEN TONGUE 60.00 7/8/2003 PK 117563 101$74 GRIGGS & COOPER & CO 8670.48 7/8/2003 PK 117564 102451 HANSEN DIST OF SLEEPY EYE 3527.40 7/8/2003 PK 117565 101957 HANSEN TRUCK SERVICE 37.28 7/8/2003 PK 117566 102412 HAW KINS WATER TREATMENT GROUP 485.64 7/8!2003 PK 117567 105226 HENNEPIN COUNTY COURT ADMIN 300.00 7/8/2003 PK 117568 102531 HENRYS FOODS INC 1569.43 7/8/2003 PK 117569 102518 HILLYARD FLOOR CARE/HU7CHINSON 418.94 7/8/2003 PK 117570 105080 HIRSHFIELD'S DECORATING CENTER 235.25 7/8/2003 PK 117571 102119 HOLT MOTORS INC 156.01 7/8/2003 PK 117572 117921 HOMETOWN SPORTS 64.77 7/8/2003 PK 117573 117983 HUTGHINSON DOWNTOWN ASSOC 2000.00 7/8/2003 PK 117574 102537 HUTCHINSON LEADER 1622.94 7/8/2003 PK 117575 102541 HUTCHINSON TELEPHONE CO 9564.68 7/8/2003 PK 117576 1p2543 HUTGHINSON WHOLESALE 648.24 L ~~ 7/8/2D03 PK 117577 101869 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 1406.43 7/8/2D03 PK 117578 101869 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 117.50 7/8/2003 PK 117579 102633 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 47082.50 7/8/2003 PK 117580 102635 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 4621.64 7/8/2003 PK 117581 103099 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 52.9D 7/8/2003 PK 117582 103246 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 7655.71 7/8/2003 PK 117583 105160 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 11655.26 7/8/2003 PK 117584 103606 INDEPENDENT EMERGENCY SERVICES 100.00 7/8/20D3 PK 117585 102551 INSURANCE PLANNERS 2767,00 7/8/20D3 PK 117586 115855 JEFF MEEHAN SALES INC. 5789.98 7/8/2003 PK 117587 101938 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 11128.64 7/8/2003 PK 117588 117209 JOHNSON, AIMEE 30.00 7/8/2003 PK 117588 104093 JURGENSON, STACY 28,00 7/8/2003 PK 117590 102558 KDUZ 129.20 7/8/2003 PK 117591 118396 KILIAN, JANET 434.68 7/8/2003 PK 117592 1D5697 KOIG-Q102 465.00 7/8/2003 PK 117593 118340 KRAEMER, JOHN 200.00 7/8/2003 PK 117594 102561 L & P SUPPLY GO 102.01 7/8/2003 PK 117595 118341 L.L. BEAN 146.95 7/8/2003 PK 117596 101974 LENNEMAN BEVERAGE DIST. INC 9174.45 7/8/2003 PK 117597 118249 LIFEGUARD STORE, THE 792.50 7/8/20D3 PK 117598 1D7984 LOCHER BROTHERS INC 32853.23 7/8/2003 PK 117599 102564 LOGIS 17517.16 7/8/2003 PK 117600 1D2145 M-R SIGN 68.52 7/8/2003 PK 117801 118339 MAIERS LIZ 165.00 7/8/2003 PK 117602 102755 MCLEOD COUNTY AG ASSN 35A0 7/8/2003 PK 117603 102489 MGLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRA 435.00 7/8/2003 PK 117604 118072 MCLEOD COUNTY TREASURER 8.00 7/8/2003 PK 117605 102575 MINIBIFF 79.88 7/8/2003 PK 117606 108770 MINNESOTA DEPT OF ADMIN 37.00 7/8/2003 PK 117607 102582 MINNESOTA ELEVATOR INC 81.18 7/8/20D3 PK 117608 102569 MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE SB3.10 7/8/2003 PK 117609 105157 MINNESOTA SHREDDING 54.95 7/8/2003 PK 11761D 102583 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB 82.00 7/B/2pD3 PK 117811 118393 O'DONNELL BRIAN 418.95 7/8/2003 PK 117612 118338 OPATZ, MITCW 49.73 7/8/2003 PK 117613 102187 PAUSTIS & SONS W INE CO 1680.11 7/8/2009 PK 117614 112044 PEARCE, GREG 125.00 7/8/2003 PK 117615 101$53 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS fi999.15 7/8/2003 PK 117616 102373 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING 392.47 7/8/2D03 PK 117617 101908 PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM 26204.75 7/8/2003 PK 117618 102593 PLOTZ GARY D, 6.51 7/8/2D03 PK 117619 102445 POSTMASTER 680.00 7/8/2D03 PK 117620 102598 QUADE ELECTRIC 114.53 7/8/2003 PK 117621 102052 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. 7922.67 7/8/2D03 PK 117622 112249 QUAST, GEORGE & BUBBLER & SON 100D0.00 7/8/2003 PK 117623 1026D4 R & R SPECIALTIES INC 39.46 7/8/2003 PK 117624 102395 REINER IRRIGATION & SEPTIC 57.27 7/8/2D03 PK 117625 105266 RESERVE ACCOUNT 125D.pD 7/8/2003 PK 117626 105650 ROBINSON APPRAISAL CO INC 2850.00 7/8/2003 PK 117627 118250 SANDLIE, KAREN 5D.pD 7/8/2003 PK 117628 102436 SARA LEE COFFEE & TEA 209.84 n • 7/8/2003 PK 117629 112410 SCHUMANN, MIKE 292.93 7/8/2D03 PK 117630 109801 SCOTT'S WINDOWS 42.60 7/8/2003 PK 117631 102263 SCOTT, W ES 2.16 7/8/2003 PK 117632 115821 SEPPELt, MILES 101.61 7/8/2003 PK 117633 104058 SHUFELT, JEFF 51.84 7/8/2D03 PK 117634 102106 SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP 252.50 7/8/2003 PK 117635 102762 SMITH, LES & LUCILLE 38.00 7/8!2003 PK 117636 108856 SORENSON, KON 437.85 7/8/2D03 PK 117637 103363 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUPPLY 210.27 7/8/2003 PK 117638 102584 STAR TRIBUNE 95.03 7/B/2DD3 PK 117639 104534 STAYWELL 85.54 7/8/2D03 PK 117640 118343 SW METRO DRUG TASK FORCE 1610.92 7/8/2003 PK 117641 102659 TEK MECHANICAL 366.53 7/8/2003 PK 117642 102620 TRI CO WATER 129.59 7/8/2D03 PK 117643 102454 TRI-COUNTY BEVERAGE & SUPPLY 314.56 7/8/2003 PK 117644 118353 TWIN CITIES MACK & VOLVO TRUCK 68D31.00 7/8/2D03 PK 117645 102819 TWO WAY COMM INC 13.79 7/8/2003 PK 117fi46 102441 U 5 BANK 120476,25 7/8/2003 PK 117647 102441 U 5 BANK 69130.00 7/8/2D03 PK 117648 102058 U.S. CAVALRY 14.58 7/8/2003 PK 117649 118342 VARDA SILENT ALARM 65.77 7/8/2003 PK 117650 102132 VIKING COCA COLA 452.10 7/8/2003 PK 117651 101857 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 86.73 7/8/2003 PK 117652 118248 VOS, RANDY 30.D0 7/8/2003 PK 117653 105122 WASTE MANAGEMENT 40131.82 7/8/2003 PK 117654 iD5034 WATKINS, LAURA 15.OD 7/8/2003 PK 117fi55 103397 WEGNER, SARA 38,00 7/8/2003 PK 117fi56 102632 XEROX CORP 1054,50 7/8/2003 PK 117657 118246 ZIEMAN, SHARI 21,OD 899446.65 Account N # 899446.85