cp12-10-2003 cAGENDA - REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHiNSON CITY C0IUNCII, WF,DNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2003 I. CALL TO ORDER--5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION -Rev. Sam Grozdanov, Shalom Baptist 3. PLEDGE OF' ALLEGIANCE 4. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 25, 2003 Action -Motion to approve as presented 5. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. HIJTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISION MEETING M1NU'I'ES FROM OCTOBER 21, 2003 2. CITY OF HUTCHINSON TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 2, 2003 3. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE COMPARATIVE BALANCE SliEET AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2003 4. HLJTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE S"fA'1"EMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES MONTH AND PERIOD ENllE17 OCTOBER 3l. 2003 5. HUTCHIN50N LJTTLTTTES FINAN('IAL REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2003 6. FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2003 7. PARKS, RECREATION 8c COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 3, 2003 R. PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM BY T.,AW AMENDMENT (b) RESOL[JTIONS AND ORDINANCES l . ORDINANCE N0.03-359 -AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING REVISIONS TO SECTIONS 4.015, 4.02 AND 11.02 OF HUTCHINSON CITY CHARTER (SgCUND READING AND ADOPTION) 2. ORDINANCE NO. 03-3C2 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA VACATING UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS LOCATED IN ISLAND CITY CO UNC:IL AGENDA - DECEMBERl 10, 2003 VIEW I-lE1GHT5 4~" ADDITION (.SECOND RF,ADINC AND ADOPTION) 3. ORDINANCE NO. 03-3G3 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HLJTCHTNSON, MTNNRSOTA VACATING RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENTS KNOWN AS PARCEL N0.2 OF CITY OF H[JTCHINSON STREET RIGI'IT OI' WAY PLATNO. 5 (SECOND READIN(r AND ADOPTION) 4. RESOLUTION N0.12301 - RESOLUTION DESIGNATING LOCATION OF POLT,ING PLACE, POR ALL CITY AND PRECINCTS AND APPOINTING .IUDGES FOR THE DECEMBER 2003 SPECTAT., ELECTION TO FTLI, AVACANCY TN THE OFFICE OF STATE REPRESENTATIVE OF HOUSE D15TRICT 18A. S. RESOLUTION NO. 12310 -RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE (c) 2002 LTCF,NSE RENEWALS 1. B1NG0 LICENSES 2. GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSES 3. COMMERCIAL/RECYCLING HAULERS 4. PAWN SHOP LICENSE 5. TAXI CAB LICENSE 6. TDBACCD LICENSES 7. MASSAGE. LICENSES (d) CONSIDERATION OF CONSULTING CONTRACT WITH SRF CONSULTING FOR GOT.F COURSE ROAD EXTENSION (LETTING NO. 1/PRDJF,CT NO. 04-01) (e) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDED CONSUL'1'LNG CONTRACT WITH EARR ENGINEERING COMPANYFOR CROW RNER BANK STARIT.,T7.ATTON (LETTING NO. 13/PROJECT NO. 02-22) (f) CONSIDERATION OF CONSULTING CONTRACT W11'H SHE CONSULITING FOR INDUST'R1AL PARK (LE1'1"LNG N0.4/PROJECT NO. 04-04) (g) LE'1'T1NC NOS. 4 & 5, PRDJEC'L NO. 02-11 (APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 5) (h) LETTING NO. 7, PROJECT NO U2-16 (APPROVAL OF CIIANGE ORDER N0.2) (i) LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NOS. 03-05, 03-06, 03-D7, 03-08, 03-09, U3-11, AND U3-22 (APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 2) (j) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAT, OF RECREATION CENTER IMPROVEMENT EXPENDITURE. (k) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF TWO-YEAR APPOINTMENT OF JTM POPP, TOM GLAF,SER, AND WESTON SCOTT AS FIRE DEPARTMF,NT OFFICF,RS 2 CITY CCJUNCIL AGENDA • DECEMBER 10, 2003 (I) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING FOR 7ANUARY 2, 2DU3 Action -Motion to approve consent agenda 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 6:00 P.M. (a) ORDINANCE NO- 03-3fi4 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY DF HLTTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, GRANTING BTRCHWOOD/CONNECT CARE THE RIGHT TO PLACE AN OUTDOOR THERMOMF.TF..R SIGN OVER ANI7 ABOVE CERTAIN PROPERTY LDCATED IN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY AT LEGION PARK. Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve 7. COMMUNICA_TI.ONS~ REQiJi!;_STS AND PETITIONS (a) REQUEST FOR .TOINT MEETING WITH THE CITY COTJNCIL AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION 1~OR WEDNESDAY, JANUAKY 28, 2004 (3:30 - G:OD P.M.) Action - 8. . (a) AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 03-353 -ESTABLISHING SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO. 1 Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve ~). NEW BTJSTNF,SS (a) APPROVAL OF REQIJEST TO ACCEPT PROPOSALS 1~OR CITY PROSECUTION SERVICES (b) RESOLUTION NO. 12303 -RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2004 TAX LEVY FOR CITY OF T3U'fCHINSON, MINNESOTA (c) RESOT,UTTON NO. 12304 - RF,SOT,UTTON FOR SETTING 2004 TAX LEVY FOR SPEICAL TAXING D15CTRICT HUTCHINSON AEDELVELOPMEN'1' AU'1'110RITY (d) RESOLUTION NO. 12305 -RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 200A (e) RESOLUTION NO. 123UG - RESOLU'1'lON ADOY'1'ING 2004 I IQUOR FUND BUDGET (t) RESOLCTION NO. 12307 -RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2UU4 STORM WATER UTILITY BUDGET (g) RESOLCJTTON NO. 12308 -RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2004 CF,NTRAL GARAGF. FUND 3 CITY C'OUNCTL AGENDA - DF,CF.MBER 10, 2003 BUDGETS (h) RESOLUTION ND. 12309 -RESOLUTION ADOY'1'ING THE CAPITAL PROJEC'T'S 1"UNI) BUDGET FUR FISCAL YEAR 2004 (i) RESOLUTION NO. 12302 - RESOLUTION ADOPTING POSITION CLASSTFTCATIUN ASSIGNMENT TABLE EFFECTIVE .TANUARY 1, 2004 (j) CONSTDF,RATION FDR APPROVAT,~ OF TONG TERM DTSABLTTY COVERAGE RECOMMENDATION Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve lU. COMMTJNiCATTONS 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS 12. ADJOURN r1 ~J 4 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHIN50N CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2003 C~ ] . CALL TO ORDER - 5:3D P.M. ice res~ ent Kay eterson ca ed the meeting to order. Members present were Jim Haugen, Bill Arndt, and Dixane Hoversten. Member absent was Mayor Marlin Torgerson. Others present were Gary Plotz, City Administrator, John Rodeberg, Director of Engineering/Public Works and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. 2. INVOCATION -Rev. Gerard $ode, Peace Lutheran Church, delivered the invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCF. PROCLAMATION DECLARING NOVEMBER 30, 2003, AS "DARVIN ZIEMAN DAY" 4. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 12, 2003 Motion by Amdt, second by Hoverslen to approve the minuses from November 12, 2003. Minutes were approved as presented. 5. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM EXPENSE REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 2003 2. PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM BOARD MINUTES FROM SEPTEMBER 18, 2003 3. PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY EDUCATION BOARD MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 8, 2003 4. T-TUTCHINSON PUBLIC LTBRARY BOARD MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 27, 2003 5. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE BOARD MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 21, 2003 6. HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT All'fHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM SEPTEMBER 16 AND OCTOBER 21, 2003 7. CTTY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FDR OCTOBER 2003 $. CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT (GENERAL FUND) FOR OCTOBER 2003 9. CITY OFHUTCHINSONFINANCLALREPORT(WATER,WASTEWATER,SEWERFUNDS) FOR OCTOBER 2003 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE N0.03-359 - AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING REVTSTON5 TO SECTIONS 4.015, 4.02, 4.03 ANT) 11.02 OF HUTCHINSON CITY CHARTER (SEC.OND READING AND ADOPTION) ~ cad CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -NOVEMBER 25, 2003 2. RESOLUTION NO. 12295 -RESOLUTION CERTIFYING ASSESSMENTS 3. RESOLUTION NO. 12296 -RESOLUTION APPROVING DEFERRED ASSESSMENT 4. RESOLUTION NO. 12297 -RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING $155,000 FROM SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND TO CENTRAL GARAGE FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003 5. RESOLUTION NO. 12298 - RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM THE GENERAL FUND, ECONOMIC LOAN, ENERGY LOAN, TO HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT(EDA)FUND 6. RESOLUTION NO.12299-RESOLUTIONTRANSFERRLNG $291,000 FROM LIQUOR FUND TO GENERAL FUND 7. R.ESf)LUTION NO. 12300 -RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING $110,000 FROM WATER SEWER & REFUSE FUND TO 2002C REFUNDING IMPROVEMENT BONDS & GENERAL FUND (c) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS CONSIDERATION OF VACATION OF EASEMENTS IN IS)ir4.ND VIEW HEIGHTS 4T~i ADDITION AND FINAL PLAT OF ISLAND VIEW HEIGHTS 6 ~ ADDITION REQUESTED BY BILL GILD, SCENIC HOMES, PROEERTY OWNER WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTIONNO. 12290 AND WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO.03- 362 FOR DECEMBER 9, 2003) 2. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED I3Y CINEMA 1, LLP, PROPERTY OWNER, TO EXPAND THE EXISTING FACILITY BY TWO SCREENS LOCATED IN THE UC DISTRICT AT 766 CENTURY AVENUE SW WITH STAFF RECOMMENI]ATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12291) 3. CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USF, PERMIT REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSON CO-OP, PROPERTY OWNER, TO CONSTRUCT AN OVERHEAD FERTIL]ZE~BIN WITH FLOOD PLAIN ALTERATIONS IN THE T/C DISTRICT LOCATED AT 200 - 3 AVENUE N W WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. ] 2292) 4. CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT AND VARIANCE REQUESTED BY ROBERT HEELER, PROPERTY OWNER, OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 903 HWY 15 SOUTH WITH UNFAVOA.AHLE STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND UNFAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 5. CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT AND FINAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS FIRST ADDITION TO THE MEADOWS SUBMITTED BY MCLEOD COUNTY, PROPERTY OWNER, WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12294) 6. CONSIDERATION OP ADOPTING TT3E HIGHWAY 7 ACCESS MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE WT'I'II STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (WAIVE FIItST READING AND SET SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 03-361 FOR DECEMBER 9, 2003) (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF GAMBLLNG LICENSE FOR HUTCH WRESTLING CLUB AT FLYER'S NITS CLUB (SECOND LOCATION) 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -NOVEMBER 25, 2003 (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ENTERING INTO GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AIRPORT MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION (1) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL BY DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERJNG/PUI3LIC WORKS Item S(b)1 was pulled for further discussion. Motion by Haugen, second by hloversten, to appmve consent agenda with the exception of Item S(b)1. Motion carried unanimously. Item S(b)1. Marc Sebora, City Attorney, explained that this ordinance requires an affirmative vote of all city council members. Due to the absence of the Mayor, Mr. Sebora requested that the adoption of this ordinance be tabled until the December 9`" Council meeting. Motion by Hoverstcn, second by Arndt, to table the adoption of this ordinance to December 9, 2003. Motion carried unanimously. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 6:00 P.M. (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF VACATION/REDEDICATION OF RIGHT OF WAY ANA FINAL PLAT FOR ROLLING MEADOWS EAST Julie Wischnack,Planning/Zoning/Building Director, presented before the Council. Ms. Wischnack - explained that the right-of--way has changed since the preliminary plat was submitted. Duc to the redesrgn of the road, the final plat has changed and requires Council approval. Motion by Haugen, second by Arndt, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Hovcrsten, second by Haugen, to approve vacation/rededication ofright of way and final plat for Rollang Meadows East. Motion carved unanimously. 7. COMMUNICATIONS RE VESTS AND PETITIONS 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9. NEVV BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2003/2004 DENTAL INSURANCE CONTRACT Rich Westland, Westland & Associates, presented before the Council. Mr. Westland explained that he had conducted an in depth study of the coverages that the City currently has. Mr. Westland further explained that there have been several complaints with the current dental insurance provider, Delta Dental. After researching other providers, Mr. Westland recommended switching to services being provided by Midwest Dental. The plan is very similar to the plan being provided by Delta Dental and the rates will remain very close to what they are now. Gary Plotx, City Administrator, also informed the Council that the wage cornrniitee had reviewed the agreement with Midwest Dental, and they recommend switching to their plan as well. Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to approve 2003/2004 dental insurance contract with Midwest . Dental. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATTON FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING WALMART LIQUOR LTCENSE VIOLATTON CiTX COUNCIL MINUTES -NOVEMBER 25, 2003 HEARING Marc Sebora, City Attorney, reminded the Council that Wa1Nlart had violated their liquor license. The liquor ordinance requires that tb~s hearing not be held any sooner than 15 days from this Council meeting. Kay Peterson and Tim Haugen will be attending this heanng. Motion by Hoversten, second by Arndt, to approve setting Wa1Mart liquor license violation hearing for December 11, 2003, at 12:00 p.m.. Motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING INFORMATIONAL MEETING FOR DECEMBER 9.2003. AT 4:00 P.M. Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to approve setting informational meeting far December 9, 2003, at 4:00 p.m. to discuss the 2004 City budget. Motion tamed unanimously. 10. COMMUNICATIONS Marc Sebora -- Mr. Sebora informed the Council that the City had received information that a special election will be held to fill the vacancyiof Representative Tony Kielkucki. The tentative datet~ for the election are scheduled for December 16 for a pnmary election, if necessary, and December 30 for the special election. Paper ballots will be used as opposed to the electronic ballots. Bill Arndt - Mr. Arndt congratulated the Hutch ggirls swim team on wiruning the state swimming title and congratulated the football team on making it to the state tournament. Gary Plotz - Mr. Plotz explained that the management stmcture at the Creekside Compost facility is being proposed to change. It~scurrentlybeingrunbythc Water/Wastewater/ResourceRecoveryDirector and, due to other major projects coming u~ m the near future that will require his oversight, staff is proposing that a contractual employee be htred to oversee the compost facility. Staff envisions that the current contractual employee, Steve Madson, continue to provide management services through March 2004 since it is a slower time of year far the compost site, and the City would then advertise to £11 a General Manager position in March with the hopes of having it filled by Apri12004. Duane Hoversten also stated that the compost facility would be tracked budget-wise completely separate from the Wastewater Department. Mr. Plotz also explained that staff is proposing that an advisory committee of the compost site be established. Motion by Hoversten, second by Arndt, to approve the new management structure for the compost facility. Motion carried unanimously. Gary Plotz also mentioned that the current Adminislrativc Secretary, Melissa Starke, will be leaving on maternity leave very shortly and he introduced her temporary replacement, Sandy Fleischman. John Rodeberg - Mr. Rodeberg informed the Council that, as per our request and that of Mn/DOT District 8, the previous pavement determination noting a bituminous surface has been preliminarily revised to concrete. We expect final confirmation soon. Mr. Rodeberg also informed the Council that a consultant has been chosen for the Hwy 7 project. General discussion was held regarding the project. 11. CLAIMS APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAXMENTS (a) VER]FIED CLAIMS A Motion by Haugen, second by Arndt, to approve and authorize payment of Verified Claims A from appropriate funds. Motion carried unanimously. 12. ADJOURN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -NOVEMBER 25, 2003 With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m. • • MINUTES HUTCHINSDN PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 21, 2003 Hutchinson City Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Kirchoff at 530 p.m. with the following members present: Brandon Fraser, Jim Haugen, Lynn Otteson, Mike Flaata, Farid Currimbhoy, Robert Hantge and Chairman Kirchoff. Absent: Also present: Julie Wischnack, AICP, Planning Director and Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Consideration of Minutes dated September 16, 2003 Mr. Haugen moved to approve the minutes of September 16, 2003 as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Currimbhoy. The minutes were approved unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS • a) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY STEPHANIE GUGGISBERG, APPLICANT, FOR DRIVE THRU STAGKING AT A 10' X 18' COFFEE KIOSK LOCATED IN THE MENARDS PARKING LOT AT 1525 MONTREAL STREET SE Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 5:32 p.m. with the reading of publication #7107 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on October 9, 2003. Ms. Wischnack commented on the request and the type of building to be constructed on the site. She explained there are no city zoning laws regulating this type of building or use. She explained the location of the building on the parking lot and the need for electric, water and sewer. Natural gas and telephone will not be needed. Ms. Wischnack commented on the staff concerns with the flew of traffic and requirement to stripe the area for direction. She commented on the staff recommendations as follows: 1. No stacking would be allowed on the street. 2. A step down transformer is necessary for the amount of power needed in the kiosk. 3. Sewer, water and electric must be addressed prior to obtaining a building permit. (separate billing would be . required for this use.) rJ (~~~ Minutes Planning Commission -October 21, 2003 Page 2 4. Location of curbing, striping, signage, etc. need to be determined prior to building permit application. 5. Building code standards must be met by the proposal. 6. Landscaping requirements have been met by the Menard's site development. Discussion followed on disposing of garbage. Ms. Wischnack stated the garbage will be kept inside the building and taken out once a day. Mr. Fraser made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Ms. Otteson the hearing closed at 5:50 p.m. Mr. Haugen made a motion tc recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Flaata. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be placed on the City Council agenda at their meeting held October 28, 2003 in the Council Ghambers at 5:30 p.m. b) CONSIDERATION OF A PETITION TO ANNEX CITY OWNED PROPERTY (WETHERALL PROPERTY - 21.66 ACRES) FOR INDUSTRIAL USE LOCATED IN HA55AN VALLEY TOWNSHIP REQUESTED BY THE HUTCHINSON EDA Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 5:53 p.m. with the reading of publication #7108 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on October 9, 2003. • Ms. Wischnack explained the request and the location as it relates to the City limits. She stated the property is owned by the City of Hutchinson and the Economic Development Authority has petitioned for the annexation. This property is to be developed for industrial use. Ms. Otteson made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the hearing closed at 5:58 p.m. Mr. Haugen made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr_ Flaata. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be placed on the City Council agenda at their meeting held October 28, 2003 in the Gauncil Chambers at 5:30 p. m. c) GONSIDERATION TO VACATE DRAINGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS REQUESTED BY MIKE MGNELIS, PROPERTY OWNER, 1344 HERITAGE AVE. NW Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 5:59 p.m. with the reading of publication #7109 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on October 9, 2003. Ms. Wischnack explained the request and the fact there is a large • telephone line in the easement. Discussion followed on the type of cable and where it is Ipcated. Minutes Planning Commission -October 21, 2003 Page 3 Mr. Hantge made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the hearing closed at 6:05 p.m. Mr. Currimbhoy made a motion to recommend denial as recommended by staff. Seconded by Mr. Hantge. Discussion followed regarding the possibility of relocating the cable. If the cable is relocated, the vacation could again be acted on. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be placed on the City Council regular agenda at their meeting held October 28, 2003 in the Council Ghambers at 5:30 p.m. 4. NEW BUSINESS a) CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS ROLLING MEAQOWS EAST SUBMITTED BY BRUCE NAUSTDAL Ms. Wischnack commented on the following issues: 1. Resolution of access to on going maintenance required for the ponding areas. Staff has discussed this with the project engineer and there will be provisions in the specifications that indicate a natural, non- maintenance kind of seeding for the ponding areas that are not accessible from the lot. . 2. Plans must indicate the trail and sidewalk locations. This still needs to be completed, no utility or street construction may begin prior to the final approval of the Gity Engineer. 3. If single family homes are built on the south side of the project, additional drainage and utility easements are necessary. The developer understands this provision and will provide separate drainage and utility documents, if necessary. 4. Acknowledgement of the park issues must be submitted 6y the applicant. The City has received a written acknowledgement. 5. A subdividers agreement will be considered prior to the final plat and then executed at the time of final plat. A grading agreement has already been provided. An additional subdividers agreement will need to be provided prior to the City CounciPs consideration of the final plat. 6. An updated title opinion must be provided. Ms. Wischnack stated items 1 and 4 have been addressed. Mr. Haugen made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations 2, 3, 5 and 6. Seconded by Ms. Otteson. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be placed on the Gity Council agenda at their meeting held October 28, 2003 in the Council Ghambers at 5:30 p.m. • Minutes Planning Commission -- October 21, 2003 Page 4 b) CONSIDERATION Tp DETACH PROPERTY FROM CITY LIMITS REQUESTED BY DIANE AND KON 50RENSEN (5 ACRES) Ms. Baumetz explained the request and staff discussion on the precedence that could be set by approving the detachment. Ms. Sorensen, property owner, commented on the process she and her husband encountered when they constructed their home on the property outside the city limits. She stated the County Environmentalist suggested the driveway be constructed from the city street. She explained they would like to keep all the property in the township since their property is treated like rural property. Mr. Fraser made a motion to allow for the detachment. Seconded by Mr. Hantge. The motion carried 6 ayes and 1 nay. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be placed on the City Council regular agenda at their meeting held October 28, 20D3 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. 5. OLD BUSINESS a) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY TOM DAGGETT, HUTCHINSON MANUFACTURING, REFERRED BAOK TO PLANNING COMMISSIDN BY CITY COUNCIL FOR FURTHER CLARIFICATION • Ms. Wischnack commented on the request and correspondence with Mr. Daggett. She explained the process and her discussions with Mr. Daggett. She stated the Planning Commission must act on the request since no formal withdrawal of the request has been made. There is a 60 day time limit when items must be acted on or they are automatically apprpved. ^iscussion followed on the screening requirements and the properties. Mr. Flaata made a motion to deny the request based on the letter from Mr. Daggett of 9/18/2003 in which there were concerns with compliance to the previous staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Hantge. The motion carried with Mr. Haugen abstaining. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be placed on the City Council agenda at their meeting held October 28, 2003 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. b) DISCUSSION OF HWY 7 ACCESS MANANGEMENT Ms. Wischnack commented on the ongoing Hwy 7 access management process. She stated the access management ordinance could be presented to the Planning Commission in November for action. Discussion followed on concerns with commercial accesses. Minutes Planning Commission -October 21, 2003 Paga 5 6. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF Ms. Wischnack stated the nuisance ordinance will be presented next month. Ms. Wischnack commented on her discussion with Dolf Moon regarding development of parks in the City. Dolf will be asked to give a presentation in November. There was discussion on the upcoming addition to the Century Cinema Theater. 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjcurned at 7:00 p.m. CITY OF HUTCHINSON TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2003 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER - 5:30 P.M. Mayor Marlin Torgerson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members present were Jim Haugen, Bill Arndt, Kay Feterson, and Duane Hoversten Others present were Gary Plotz, City Administrator; Ken Merril, Finance Director; and Hal Kirchoff, McLeod County Assessor. 2. PUSLiC HEARING - TRUTFI iN TAXATION (a) Truth in Taxation Hearing Ken Merrill had a PowerFoint presentation. Mr. Merrill started by comparing the Assessors Market Value, Tax Capacity, City of Hutchinson Tax Levy, and Tax Rate from 2002, 2003, and 2004 (proposed). The tax rate for 2004 will be 61.55% (which is lower than 2002 (67.474%). He then continued by comparing the tax levy from 2002, 2003, and 2004 (proposed). The lax levy is broken down into G O Bonds, S A Bonds, and General Fund. Then therc was a breakdown of why there is a 2004 tax increase: $237,513 bond levy, $374,047 LGA loss, and $24,701 other. In 2003 the Local Government Aid ("LGA") was reduced by over $623,412 from what was expected. This caused an adjustment in the 2D03 city's general fund expenditure reductions of $774,196. Mr. Merrill discussed the Special Assessment Bonds that will be coming due in 2004 and a large payment coming due in 2005. Itt 2004 tax levy will cover about 64% of the budget versus 61 % (adjusted) in 2003 and 55% in 2002. The total general fund expenditure for 2004 is $9,224,051 ($8,758,769 for 2003 revised, $9,437,854 for 2003, and $8,946,209 for 2002). Next, Mr. Merrill explained the homestead property and commercial property comparison between 2003 and 2004 (proposed). There was a breakdown of market value, tax capacity, and tax rate. He gave the city tax amount for three different priced houses. The average increase for the homestead property will be about 16% and for commercial property will be about 10%. There are three tax refund program for people, of homestead property, who have trouble paying property tax: 1) based on their income, household size, and amount of real estate tax paid "Regular Property Tax Refund"; 2) no limit on ~c~~ a household income, tax must have increased 12% or mare and be over $ ] 00, and maximum refund is $1,000 "Special Property Tax Refund" and; 3) income of $60,ODD or less, must be 65 years of age or older, limits the amount you pay to 3% of income, slate pays tax and is considered a low interest loan; interest added each year at rate determined by state will never be higher than 5%, and payable at time property is sold "Senior Citizens Deferral". Forms are available at any accounting ofhce, online, or public library. The tax levy cannot be adopted now. There will be a resolution at the next city council meeting that will set the tax levy. 3. MISCELLEOUNOUS There is a troop send-off ceremony scheduled during the next City Council meeting (December 9). The Mayor has been asked to be at the ceremony. There was discussion about moving the City Council meeting to Wednesday, December 10, 2003. There is also a workshop scheduled before the City Council meeting that would need to be moved as well. Motion by Bill Arndt, second by Kay Peterson, to move the City Council meeting and the workshop to Wednesday, December 10, 2003. Motion carried unanimously. 4. AT),IOURN Motion by Kay Peterson, second by Bill Amdt to adjourn the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Marlin Torgerson Mayor Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 91M412003 8:47 RM Final tIUTCHINSON RREA FEEALTN GARE Conyara8ve Ba4arice Sheol As of LMOLer 31.2093 ASSETS Cunenl Assets 1 cash and investrrierits-OperaSms 2 Cash end'vwesVr~rds-Sef-]rrtared 3 SubEdal rash 8 hrvestr8enls 4 Pa6en0Resident receivables 5 A7lowanoBS far bad dPbb 6 Advances and ombaqual alovNnces 7 Net pa5mlrres9dnrt and Surd-pant e payor reoeivaples 9 10 Other reoeivabbs-net 71 lMefl6xlea' 12 Prepaid 13 Trial Clarenl Assets ocT sEp ' ocT cnanpe 2003 Zoos zo92 cr,•spr 510,498,620 59,316,7F1B 59,727,553 771,067 _ 7,288,422 1,238162 512865 773557 511,785,042 110,554,870 SS0240.418 1,544,624 18,382,717 18,069,675 34,838,433 3,544,284 [4.881,471) [4.826.9291 [<,267,277] {594,134} {5,072,011) (4969,418} (3982871] [10893901 18.429,295 56,271,334 58,588,485 1,880,810 329,481 306,145 240,619 88,882 710,006 701,023 887,200 22,808 290,491 259,796 317.698 (21,205) 127,644,315 120.082.186 5180464t8 3,495897 14 ~pard Elmreaahsn Inves6sprr>s 517.130.738 513 851.878 18 368,054 4784 882 15 fmresenbL in r.a yam, 5345.777 iH8.118 184177 261 806 Rant Assers 78 Lard 17 Buldiry]s 18 Aoartpuated depreda5on 18 Buildigs less deprer3a8on ~ E9wPr~ - 21 Rmlrre4aYd depreda8bn 22 Equipmerd less depredalan 24 Canstrlietl9ns~~prOR 25 ioW Bard ASSefa Ollri Aa..r. 26 Ckkrred BnanCig male 11,019,788 51,019,788 11,079,786 p ocr sEr ocr cban9e 2663 2903 2aoz cr.s w Lwal~mES ANO FuNO 1 a C+mant Li li5 b a r es Current rreh+i8es of L~9 term debt 51,095,992 11,102984 5809,897 286,095 ~ payabla-trade 2010247 12768,009 7,771,497 236,750 EsBmaled mnhachal sdllemenis-+rel Aoaued expenses - 1,974,754 2,376,821 ~ 2,147,275 [768,527} Salanes 683.046 883,533 735,775 147 279 - gTO 1,365,Oq 4,339,709 7,235,640 , 133,407 Inl~l 235,550 281.977 145.808 89,744 ~"~~ pr~~s 542581 582,581 523.658 58.003 ~~ 0~ 92,123 184.438 136.329 [44,208) eParretl ~ 755.777 15t,811 767,787 [6,010] O Heued ~~ 11292 0 10983 329 Total Current LhalXiSes _ 58.358,391 SB 831.733 ~ i7 868 627 ~7 764 27,237.588 27,196,445 26,178,465 1,081,121 _ {72342,7883 {1225 2 3 631 [11289806} it 072986! Lono-term Orbr 114,884,798 114,946,142 114,968,857 11, [ 659} mah,.a:ecl 15,680247 15,778,412 75,050,943 609,304 [71.642.922] {11,882755} [11287889] (575063] 13,817,325 53,916,657 13,783.074 3425t 0 B 0 0. _ 4,879735 3175,768 156821 4723114 124.811,648 123.058 355 119 888 110 4 745508 Fr: J 4ala^~ 1103 778 5104.833 572324 31 454 157.736,252 157,625,252 144,417107 13 359145 Talal Funds 122253 639 522272 543 513 455 760 B 797 878 _127.796222 528520978 523292720 3823.502 557.736.262 157.825.252 SM 417 107 13 319 745 -_, f'~1 v ~~ 27 7otel Farris 1 Revue h pa9erd navenue 2 Out paBeM n;venlle 3 ResWerR Revenue 4 Total paBanVn:siderrt reveraie ~~ 5 Governmental R Pg6cy Oiscgffi B Flee Care 7 Trial deducBOn Yarn revenue B ~ Net patlenYrager4 n:venue 8 Other ope1s8n9 revmuea 10 Net openBng revenue 11y14l2003 8:51 RM FIrn4 HUTCHWSON AREA }{E4LTH CRRE Sta9emenl of Revues aM E~erees Monts and Period l-Metl Ocppy¢r 31.2003 11 Salaries 12 F.mp9ayee BeneNb 13 Profeasorrel arW Mural Fees 14 11Bi8es, MNce Coritrac~ S Repair 15 Food, Ckegs d SuppBes 18 08ter e~eree 17 Mlanaota Care 18 Bad dept Se ii0ereat 20 Depreaa8on 21 Total e~errses Excess o1 net opera0n9 reverwe 22 over [uMrrj operatrq e~enses 23 irvesplmra ktrtvne 5 Plea 1 S itrorrre tI (Less) 28 T0Fa1 nonopera4lp revenue 27 Net Inapue 28 Paeerd days - 29 Resitlerd Jaya . ~ ~IO~PanLY-8lldpei bads-FtOSpital ~a ~~ Letls - Nursing Homo 32 33 Rdlltaaiarls [adlpyad] - qyy 34 Et~enees {neq per atlrrriamiDO [stljuBledj - Hospital oM1 35 Revenue per admisslm {adJupdj _ HospBal ony 38 Het Ravrale per adiNSalon {adjialed} • HOSpea1 any 97 Oisminla es s pQOerq gf reveneeg SB 3° FT£s per 100 a3nlsslana [edNe~d1- Hoapay aryy ~In NetRayynia ReWva6k I CURRENT MONTH Orr1 [Under} Bu dget Attwl Budge[ Da6ara Percent 53,094,223 13,049,033 145,190 1.5% 5.809.]87 4.180,293 (570.506} -8.9% 831,574 498,843 592,931 28.7% 57.535,584 57,727,969 {it92385} -25X 3,561,353 3,515,118 46,435 1.3% 650 4,187 {3517) -04.4% 13,562203 53,559,285 - 142,918 1.2% 13.873,381 14208.684 [1235.903) 5.6% 79,872 48,786 31104 638% 14A53 253 14257 452 [5204 1991 ~ B% 51,832,561 51,827,529 15.032 0.3% 389,437 NT,5T0 (58,133] -13.0% 493.905 521,731 (27,628) 5.3% 167,909 143,9{9 23,960 18.8% 567.350 524,267 43.083 82% 583,837 193,528 50,108 37.5% 27.302 37,302 {50,000) -26.6% 5BA8/ 98,689 {40,205] ~U.7% 38,205 ~ 47,191 [6,988] -19.0% _ 149.013 168094 (17 OB1} -703% 13.907.807 53.947 850 640 049} -1 099 5145,452 5909602` 6564150} 530% 117,426 122,500 [55.074] •228% 7,640 7.589 51 0.7% 2 486 ~ 8.059 i5 5731 A92% 527552 596.148 {5105961 -27b% 1173,004 1947,750 (1174,746] 503% 929 7,080 3,610 9,345 49.9% 57,0% 94-7% 87.7% 486.5 453.8 542 885 5,910 4,880 12,081 10,476 8,327 5,365 Q.3% 45.5% 5.3 4.0 YERR-TO•DATE YEAR-TO•DATE Over fU[ber] Bud get VRRUINCE % Aceml BOdget 009a1a Pnoent Oeaper 2002 2003 vs 2002 525,416,375 527,202,731 {1788,361} -2.9% 525,771,579 21.3% 31,937,912 38,066,101 {3,116.189] -82% 33,695,360 3.99. 5.806.995 4,980,639 826356 16.6% S,t40.3B9 53.0% 567,161,280 170239,474 [13,076,194] -4.4% 560,543,348 50.991 30,466,574 3204,621 {1,736,047) 5.4% 26,561,026 16.7% 1227 41687 (404101 A71% 5470 .77,6% 130,467,801 532,246266 (117784671 55% 128,566,498 14.7% 536,fi93,479 137,993,186 [51,299,707) 3.4% 533,978,852 8,0% 722,223 420402 301.821 718% 228•,795 218.4% 137,415,702 138413568 (1997666] _26% 534203,647 9.4% 518,881,521 1}8,814,765 y16,758 0.396 9.652.368 4,287,641 [845,473) -i 5.0% 4.701.008 4,889,686 11,320 D.2% 1,603,769 1,524,198 79,571 5.2X 4,686,561 4,684,900 23,634 0.5% 1,380,909 1,299283 81,620 4.7% 961,842 373,023 {11,181] 3.D% 518,620 988.895 [479.275] -17.7% 391.840 422.083 [30~43J -7.2% _ 1.488 966 1568 381 199415] 4t 3% 535,807491 138841 OB7 610336861 28% 11,808,301 11.772501 1318[10 20% 1188,757 1225,000 (156.243} -25.0% 89,940 71,800 10.140 25.3% 58,112 80509 12148lS 287% 5317.809 1377 303 584} 15 B% 12,128,110 12149,8&1 623,7841 1 S% 115,578,192 3,744,372 3,944,777 5,449,881 4„054,460 1,701,052 350,188 650,409 994,n5 1,556,531 133,025,571 8.2% -25% 19.2% 10.896 15.6% 23.8% 3.396 39.3% -0.7X -5.8% ].6% 11,178,1178 53,5% ' 1224.342 7,984 _. 155,378 1387,882 51585,756 [131) 265 -12.4% T 9% 8,598 9,181 {589] 41,4% 8 020 -T.0% . -12.4% 34,556 47.1% 33.771 50 3% 785 23% . 34.957 69% 7.9X 92.4% . 3~ 21% -0'49' 44.0% 127 28% 450.3 ~8 a 5 23% -0 8% 91.9X [143] -20.9% 5409 . [61~ , -10.2% 435.3 1.030 21.1% 5.410 5, 112 2~ 5~ 5.8&1 2.203 21.0% t1,289 1 - 524 ' 4 9% 4.802 943 S 7X 17.5% 5,788 5,459 399 . ~ 6.2% 9.886 5 08 5 . 1.9 3.6% 31.7% 45.4% 5 0 45.9% -0.514 -f 1% . , IS.87i . 67.7 4.8 55 5 0.4 9'~ 4.8 . 522 220X 56.1 ~,••••r• •~••,~ •~_ ~,p aaliernNq adlusBner4.181 BWe Crow (1422.242]. Tide is not relkeled 4l Ore cxarerrt rag191 aetlNy. u zm 9.8% 7.2% 0.B% 3a% ~.8% 127% 18.4% 14.1 % 3.4% 65% 18.9% -24b% 1029.3% 520% -18.0% ~~ J ~~ BALANCE SHEET ~CT9HER 3i, 2003 ~~~c C ~- ~ -- - - ~ -- - ~t _r_x~ r_ TOTAL ~r * ~ ~w --- - F/~ ` `I - - _ {_ - -- . 6 ---- ~ - 3 A55ET8 ~ ;J UTILITY PLAKT - AT COST _ _ _ _ .__--_--..-.__-_- -__.._ --. - ___ ___- _ ___ _ __ LAND & LAND RIGHTS 609,411.54 DEPRECIABLE L3TILITY PLANT 70,602, 924.43 -~-~ TOT_AL_ UTILITY PLRNT __ _._~- - __ -- - -_.__ - _ _71~4i2i33d a_7 __.___ _ LE55 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION f27, SSi, 484.14) ~~~ ATED DEPRECIRTION! TOTAL ACCLRII L .__--_L27, ii1 486.16) __ _ ___ __-.__ .____ __ ____ __ . . -____ CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS X5.271, 170.27 . , ___ _ _ _TOTAL CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRE __ _ --- --25~2.?i~-S70'?°7 - T07AL LfTILITY PLANT DEPREC VALUE 69,572,1120.28 ___ ;,, _ _ __...-_ __. RESTRICTED FUNDS d. ACCOUNTS _ --__--___ .- --_- w:.i FUTURE E%PANSFON ,k DEVELOPMENT d, 012, 327.23 20A3 REFUNDING FUND _ _ _ ._ _ --_ - - _. __ _. _ _ 5, 1°,2_.243.78 _ ._ . _ _ _ - ., - _. ___. -- .-- - ~~ RI~ERVE 2003 B3S, 533.43 a. TOTAL RESTRICTED FUPID.a L4 ACCOUNTS ~ - --- 11,496,104.44 _ - -~~~~-- - - -~ -CURRENT S ACCW]ED ASSETS ~ } :~ CASH IN RAi~lK 3,0.:,3,273.42 . ~ ACEAUNTS RECEIVAI~E ._ __ - _ __ - _ .._ _ 2, 792~20.a..33 __. - _ - - __.._-- - - - - - ___ _ ----ACCOUNTS REGEiVASLE -CYCLE BILLING 580,816.57 . ~~;' INVENTORIES i, 159, 550.82 .~ PREPAID INSURANCE ._ _ _ d3, 218.35 - - . - _ _.. - - _ _ CLEARING ACCOUNT .-. -- [240,00) ~ SALES TA% RECEIVABLE 714,281.25 TOTAL CURRENT d ACCRUED ftSSETS -_--8~3d~SCi7,34 .-- -- -- ., --- _-- __ -_ _-__--- - -- o ~: ~ :i DEFERRED CHARGE BOND DI5C.OUNT 2003 __ - ...._.__ __662, 770.h5 . _--__ TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGE ' 1.' 1• ' TOTAL A85ET5 _-_ ___90,594,002,75 _._ _.. _- I: e - - ---- ------ 1 d 1 -- -- - ---- - - --- -- BALANCE SHEET 1 OCfi1SBER 3i, 2003 MUNICIPAL EQUITY 5 LIR$ILITIES ~~ tM7kICIPAL EQUITY _ - -_ - --- ~-- - ---- -- MLRJICIPAL EQUITY ~ CDN'TRIBUTED ECdUITY UNAPPROPRIATED RETAINED EAktJINGS __ _ _ ~~ - --- ~ - - TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUITY LOkG TERM LIABILITI65-NET OF _ _--_ - - --.__. - __- fQ.iRRENT MATiRITIE5 ~ LEASE PAYAHLES .. 200L E 80kp5 _ _ 2Si03 80-lD5 ~ TOTAL LONG TERM LIA$iLITIES -~~~~-- -~-~~- -Cffi~iSTR CONTRACT8 & ACCTS PAY RETAIN ~ ACCRUED EXPEl+t8E5 - RETAIiJAI;E ~ TOTAL COhISTRLICTIOk__6 ACCT5 PAY --- _ ~ -~~-~~ ~~~ CURREkT 6 ACCRUED LiA$ILITIE5 ACC[HAJ7S PAYABLE -__ ^, - ___-IkTER£57 ACCRUED 1 ~ ACCT5 PAYABLE T>? CITY OF 1-IUTCHINSgN ACCf74lED VACATIOT! PAYABLE ._ __-_ .'- - _ - -____-__ -ACCRUED MEDICAL FiJND ).~i ACCRUED REC PAYMENT CU8T0lER DEP0.4IT5 __ -_. __ _-_ ---_. OTHER CURRENT 8 ACCRUED LIABILITiE5 y ~ TOTAL CURREtlT !4 ACCRUED LIAP ~~~~~ TQTAL3~lkICIPAL EQUITY & LIAR 1 Z 1 1 1 0 1 1 M ~ M ar TOTAL ^ rr~ ar r 41,025,634.47 ~ _ ~_-~_--~ 5,861,667.29 _ 2, H83 z5i7.31 __ -_ _ _. _ __ ___ 49,769,559.67 5,286.?.3 . 4,610,000.00 --_____. - 37,725,900.66 .... _ - _ 35,741,286.23 976.560.10 _-_ - _ _ -- 976,_356.10 _ _. __ -__.___ _ _ 3.535,523.56 _- -._ _-_ - - . 133,259.48 73,50fl.00 S9_6, 976.28 - _ --- 5147, 143.44 )~~ --- -- 41,897.33 80, 470.60 - - _ _ - 89,004.51 - ~--____.-._-_.___- 4,105,597.31 96,59A, 662.71 I s STATEMENT flF INCOME & EXPENSES OCTOBER 3i, 2603 PREVIOUS CkIRRENT_________ gUDGETED.___ -- -- ~ _----~~ YEAR 70 DATE YEAk TO DATE YERR TO DATE HUDGE7 RNNLIAL DEVIATIOF! -~~- - RUDGET INCOME STATEMENT _ OP_ERHTiPIG REVENUE _ _ _ ______ _ 5ALE5 - ELECTRIC E'4ERGY _ __ 12,979,985.90 16,788,093.82 ----- -- --~ 13,923,222.82 --- - 2,864,H7S.00 - -- --- --- 55.470,247..:,8 ~ SALES FOR RESALE ~ 716,612.4q SH2, 933.00 562,900.00 33.OD 750,600.00 ~ FROM OTHER 8l3tIRCE5 ___ _ _ COME N NET I . _ ____- 90 _434_.70 ___ . _S iU, 790_98 _ _ - ._ 90,_600.00___ _ _ _ _2U, 796.96 _ 0 _____90.,DD0.00_ 000 00 13 _ _ _ _ _ B£CURITY LIGHTS 9,671.00 1 901 00 8,940.50 0O dR9 L 8,940.10 3,333.20 .4 [1,684.20) . , 4,000.00 POLE RENTAL , . 822.34 6 220 _ , 7,970,713.77 7,006,48?.OL__.__. __ 964,2.26."7d __ __'715333857.06 _ 5A_LE5_ - GAS _ TOTAL OFERATING REVENUE _ __ , , 19.919,427.38 _ 25,463, L21.07 21,614,683.13 3,846,237.94 23,865,104.58 OPERATING EXPENSES PRODlIC7I(NJ OFERATIDN 8d 1,787.97 2,745,804.43 .... - - 2,52D, 691.?i (225,713.42) - __._._ 3,146,012. PRODUCTION MAIN7ENAi~lCE 377,222.20 291,130.48 330,403.45 39,272.47 396,560.00 ~ PURCHASED POWER 5,389,603.53 8,514,937.16 _ __6,207,888.00__ __ C2, 307,TB2..16)_ __6~ 2071155.00 9 __ TRANSMISSION OPERATI~f ~ --- - -_ ~ - -- -~~~_- -154.61 33 1.TSL.SO 653 80 209 416.65 9 592.95 [1,284.45) (200,030.85) 50 .06 1L,SR0.00 ~ TRANBMISSION MAINTEHAHCE , DISTRI$13T ION OPERATIOP! LECTRIC B 547,184. 327,719.63___ . , _ 364.660.0^__ , _._37-0, 495.57___ 10,.035.55_ ___439 313.93 0 _.__ _ _ . ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE ___ __ 147,171.09 157,274.33 141,580.45 (15,693.88) 156, 00.00 I PURCHASED GAS E%PENSE 6,858,249.06 d, 914,484.07 6,663.527.18 f856,456.89) 6,063,527.18 GFlS TkANSM ISSION OPERATIfJN _aQ _ _ _ _..•00 .. - __31333.20 __ _. _ _ 3,333.20_ _ _ _ .. __ 4,000.00 _ - __ GAS TRANSMISSION MAINTENANCE ______ __ _.____ _ .00 .00 3,749.85 3,749.85 4,560.00 I ~ GA5 DISTRI$UT ION CpERATION 325,545.01 3?0,543.30 359,397.71 38,854.41 429,732.15 -• GAS DI57RI$UTION MRINTENANCE 77,942.42 _ _ 43,243.80_ _ __._ 85,038.27 __ ______(8,205.53)_. _ SO^,(•N50.00_ CU5T0~1ER ACCOUNTFNG 3 COLLECTIONS _ _ _ _ 305,903.96 _ 282. 469_43 283, 826.08 1,356.45 311.105.93 t RDMiNISTRATIVE L4 GENERAL EXPENSES 1,468,739.42 1, L76, 453.92 1,325,876.62 149,422.70 1,831,501.00 ~ DEPRECIATION 1,541,666.68 2,6:+6,000.02___ __2.049,918_00____ _ ____(82.02) __2,4dD,000_00_ ___ . i ~ TOTAL aPERATING E%FENSE5 _ _____ 17,86H,990.15 ___ 23,122,326.76 19,756,592.19 (3,363,734.57) 21,563,397.92 I OPERATING INCOME _ __..2,050,43T.23_ _ _ 2,340,794.3L __.. _ 1,H5d,290.94_ ____484, SD3.37 _ ____2, 297,706.44 __}___ _ I OTHER INCOME 07HER - NET 58.949.33 102,862.62_ _ _ _ __.._49,998.00 _82,664.62 ___40,000.00 0 _ ___ FNT£kEBT INCOME ___ _._. 504,823.00 176,315.07 83,330.60 94,985.07 100,069.0 I ifiISC INCOME 47,408,91 547,288.84 29, L65.50 SSH,S20.36 35,000.00 GRIN ON DISPOSAL - ELECTRIC .UU L,034, 065.66 _ _____ ___ __._-00 _ _5,039,065.66 _ _.O6 -~-- -- -GAIN Oh! DISPOSAL - GAS---~ - - -~-- - --DO - -~--- 136,557.58 156,000.00 413,442.42) 150,006.60 ~ M28C INCOME - GAS LOLLS 818,311.41 .06 .00 .Od .06 TOTAL OTHER INCOME __ ._ ___ ... _ .. _ 349, 492.65__ __ _1 , 599, 086.85___ __._ 312, 493.50 _ __. _ _1 , 26_6_,593.35 _ _ _ _ 34.a~ 600.00 OTHE12 EXPENSES MIBC EXPENSEB 156,873.29 113,671.09 _ _ _ ___._ .00 _ _(513,671.09) _ ____.___ .00 -I NTL--REST EXPENSE- -~ -- - --~~-346,041.28- - -- 207,292_76 199,085.92 (8,206.84) 247,550.40 i TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES 464,964.57 326,953.85 L99,085.92 (821,877.93) 247,530.00 L'ONTRIBUTION TO CITY 700,400.00 735,400.00 735,414.H0 1.9.80 982,000.00 I TOTAL CONTRIPUTFON TO CITY 70D,400.Ofl 735,400.00 735,419.80 19.80 982,900.00 NON-9pERATIHG IHCOHE f8L5,67i.92) 542,723.00 (622.012_22] L,164,735_22 (864,550_00 NET INCOME _ i _ __ _.._5,234,565.31_ _ 2,983,517.31 _ __1,234,276.72__ _ _1,649,238.59_ _1,413,.155._56 i Memo Ta: Mayor and Ciry Council Members Froro: Brad Emans, Fire Chief pate: 12(01 /t)3 Re: Monthly Update on Activities of the Fire Department The fire department responded to 42 general alarms in the month of November. Example of a few of the calls: 1. We responded to 10 auto extrication (rescue calls in November. One of the calls was ahead-on collisicn on Thanksgiving morning that resulted in a fahality. 2. We responded to our area public schools on 5 different occasions in November far false alarms. This is an area we will need to pay attention to in the future. 3. We responded to a house fire on Skyview Circle that resulted in considerable damage tc the second floor bedroom, plus smoke and heat damage throughout the house. 4. We responded to a commercial structure fire located on Hwy 7East. Askid-loader started on fire and did some heat and smoke damage. 5. We responded to a stove fire at an apartment building on 4"' Avenue NE. The apartment unit suffered some minor smoke damage. 6. We assisted the McLeod County Sheriffs Department on a possible hazardous material incident. This is the breakdown of the calls for the month: City: Residential 2 Gommercial/Industrial 5 Multi-Family 3 School 5 Carbon Monoxide 3 Hazardous Material 5 Rescue 2 Medical 1 Rural: Rescue 8 Medical 1 Residential 2 Hazardcus Material 1 Carbon Monoxide 1 Vehicle 2 Commercial /Industrial 1 ~ ~U~~ Drills !Meetings! Other Information • SCeA Monthly maintenance Hazardous material decontamination tactics training by the Hopkins G.A.T. team Locate new addresses and pump water from the hydrant • Live bum training at the training site wfth the Silver Lake FD McLeod County Chiefs meeting in Lester Prairie Fire Prevention 1. Put on a Gass for the health class at the high school on the fre departments role in public health and safety. 2. Gave a fire prevention /safety class for a Cub Scout group. • Other • The sub-station wmmittee spent a day visiting multiply station fire departments to discuss operations. • We assisted with the fund-raiser for retired firefighter Dar Zieman. • Page 2 MINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board November 3, 2003 Members Present: Mike Schiesl, Jay Beylien, Bill Amdt, Mary Inglis, Mikc Cannon, and Bernie Miner. Also present were Dolf Moon and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5:18 pm A motion made by Bill Arndt and seconded by Jay Beytien approved the minutes daied Qctobcr 6, 2003. The motion passed unanimously. LLD BUSINESS Library Square - A front page article about the Library Square renovation will be printed in the Hutchinson Leader soon. The project is scheduled to begin in June, 2004 and be done by fall of 2005. There will be a water fountain in the center of the park. There will also be three life-size statues of the Hutchinson Brothers with adonor-sponsored paver walkway up to the statues. The cost of each paver is $5,000, which will go toward the Hutchinson Community );ndvwment Fund. Several trees will be planted, short and tall; the flowerbeds will also be renovated. The park will resemble a 1925-'2$ plan for Library Square. 2D04 Park & Recreation Budget -There have been two staff meetings to set the 2004 budget. An additiona15,000 dollars will be allocated to the contractual maintenance line. Dolf told the board that professional sign painters will redo the signs identifying the parks next year. The signs will sit on a patio of pavers with flower buckets. Jay asked Dolf if more garbage cans would he set out next year. Dolf told the board that there will be the same in 2004 as there were in 2003. Mary asked Dolf how often the flowerpots on Main Street are watered. Dolf told the board that there is a crew of five to care for the flowerbeds and pots and they water the pots three times a week. Capital Pwojects 2004 -The backstop on VMF baseball field will be replaced in 2004. The floor in the Rec Center Gym will be replaced in 2004. The funds were budgeted fox half the cost, $47,500 in 2003 and the second half $47,500 in 2UU4. The new floor will be installed in August, 2004 and will he 1/8 inch thick installed over the current floor. It will be a smoother surface to accommodate volleyball and basketball. Tennis rentals will be eliminated at the Rec Center; rentals have taken place at the fairgrounds in recent years. The new divider net is scheduled for installation in a couple weeks. It will roll up with a key operation. The new Pepsi sponsored scoreboards will be installed next week. The gym also needs new lighting, if it can't be worked out with Hutchinson Utilities, part of the $SO,OOD Pepsi sponsorship money will be used to fund that project. Pepsi is the primary vendor in the Rec Center and in Roberts Park. Coca-Cola is the sponsor in the Event Center, Civic Arena and VMF Ball Park. ~~ SC~~~ MLNUTES PRCE Advisory Board November 3, 2003 Page two Grant Updates - There are several grants in progress at this time. It is a goal to get them completed in 2004. Bluff Street -The National Cruard will be resculpturing the river bend to provide a "hook" downstream to create a sand bar. The Veterans will provide rocks, and 3M is providing a financial donation. Riverside Park -Prairie grasses will be replanted birch, ash and cottonwood trees will be planted Rotary Park - $45,000 is available. The High School constniction class may build the restroom and shelter in the spring. They built the garage at Roberts Park in the spring of 2003. Miller's Wonds -Prairie grasses are growing, there are lots of flowers. The woods should be mowed or burned to kill areas of undesirable growth. Roberts Park prairie grass is burned every other year. City /School Projects --Darin Nelson, Alternative Learning instructor at the High School will work with his students to assemble and varnish picnic tables as a community service project. The city cut, routered and drilled the wood for the tables. The biology and ecology classes have also worked with. Lawrence Winter, Park Resource Coordinator and Mark Schnobrich, City Forester with projects on school and park property. Outdoor Yce -Because of budget cuts, there will be no outdoor ice at Park Elementary this year. It was a $2,500 budget item that doesn't include a staff person fnr ice maintenance (flooding, snow removal), heat, and rest room supplies. Bil] Arndt asked if volunteers would be able to help out with flooding and snow removal. The hill at Kiwanis Park will be available for sledding, but the warming house will not be open. With a financial donation to staff the warming house, it could be opened. The Middle School outdoor ice rink was eliminated. The top priority for staff is snow removal on the sidewalks on school, city and utility properties. TaeKwanDo -When the TaeKwonDo began through PRCE it was meeting in West Elementary School and the Rec Center. 25% of every dollar came to the school; it was a $6,000 per year program. The instructor, Todd Malenke opened his own building last summer, and we continued to advertise the classes in the brochure. Now the school is receiving 5% of the registration fee. Dolf recommended that the school sever its relationship with Midwest TaeKwon now that it is a.private business. Mike Cannon made a motion; Bernie Miner seconded the motion and the Board unanimously agreed. AAJOUltNMENT The meeting was adjourned ai 6: I S pm by a motion made by Bernie Miner and seconded by Mike Cannon. The Board unanimously agreed. khn Adrxz.inistratir•e CIf~E'ice ~~~ 410 Fifth Street SW ~1 loneerland P.o. Box 327 \~ LIBRArRY SYSTEM Willmar, Minnesota 56201-0327 "'~""'~~"""'~"'I~ Phone: (320) 235-6106 Fax' (320) 214-0187 J~ ~ _ ~~GJ~ ~2 November 26, 2003 J Gary Plod ~`~ City Adnunistrator `~ 11 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson MN 55350 Un November 20, 2003 the Pioneerland Library System Board approved the following amendment to their bylaws: Section 1. Membership '1'hc Boazd shall consist of one person appointed by the member. In addition each tnember shall appoint one additional person for each 9,000 persons residing within the member. Board members arc appointed by their governmental units for up to three consecutive three- ear terms in accordance with the agreement. After a one-year absence, Board members may reappomtc . l;ff ctive January 1, 2004, Hutc on's representation on the Pioneerland Library Syst~ ase t'rom three members to two members. Rev. l~~rman Hannemann and Jack Sandberg may continue to represent Hutchinson. Plea contact the Pioneerland Library System otTice if you have any questions. ~~~ ~~U~ Ordinance No. 03-359 Publication No. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING REVISIONS TO SECTIONS 4.QI5, 4.02, 4.03 AND 11.02 OF I3UTCHINSON CITY CIIARTER WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Charter was amended by the voters of the City of Hutchinson on November 5, 2002, to add provisions for a primary election and to designate City Council seats by letter or number; and, WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Charter Commission has reviewed the effects of these amendments on the cntirc Charter; and, WHEREAS, in an effort to improve the consistency and clarity of the Charter, the Charter Commission does recommend changing sections 4.015, 4.02 and 4.03 respectively; and, WHF,REAS, in an effort to improve communication between the Hutchinson Utilities Commission and the Hutchinson City Council, the Chartcr Commission does recommend the Hutchinson City Charter, specit7cally Section 11.02, he amended to allow a council member to serve on the Utilities Commission; and, WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 4] 0.12, Suhd. 7, allows Charter changes to he made by ordinance, NOW, TIIF,REFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, THAT Sections 4.015, A.02, 4.03 and 11.02 (see attached) of the Hutchinson City Charter are hereby revised and the entire City Charter will take effect 90 days from adoption of this ordinance. Adopted by the City Council this 9~h day of December, 2003. Attest: Gary D. Plotz„ City Administrator ~ J Marlin Torgerson, Nlayor ~'~`~ 1 Section 4.91-3 4.011 PRIMARY MUNICIPAI. ELECTION. The city shall establish a primary election to coincide with state primary elections, generally the first Tuesday following the second Monday in September. No later than the next city council meeting after the adoption of this charter change, the council shall designate each council seat, whether occupied or not, by a separate numerical number or letter of the alphabet and assign each council member to one of the seats, with the mayor assigned as mayor. Each council seat and the office of mayor so designated, shall be a separate office for each subsequent election. Any incumbent member of the council filing for re-election shall be a candidate only for the office of which he/she is the incumbent, except in the case where an incumbent council member files for the office of mayor. Each person filing for the office of council member shall state in his/her affidavit of candidacy, the designated council seat that he/she is a candidate for. If less than three candidates file for any one seat, the candidates or candidate shall proceed to the general or special election. Incumbency shall not be designated on the ballot. Section 4.02. SPECIAL ELECTIONS. The council may by resolution order a special election and provide all means for holding it. Except as provided in Section 2,09, the city administrator shall give at least weeks' published notice of a special election. The procedure at such election shall conform as nearly as possible to that prescribed for other city elections, includine a primary municipal election if an elective office is to be filled at the special. election.. Section 4.03. FILING FOR OFFICE. No earlier than 6D days or later than 45 days before the municipal np mart/ election, or such other time periods mandated by law, any registered voter of the city qualified under the state constitution for elective office may, by filing an affidavit of candidacy for a designated elective_office and paying . a filing fee of $20 to the city administrator, have such voter's name placed on the municipal np ~mary election ballot. Absentee ballots shall be available 30 days prior to the primary or regular municipal election. Each such candidate who is not eliminated in the munici al rim election becomes a candidate for the designated elective office for which such candidate has fled, and shall be placed yn the regular municip_a1_electionbollot. Section 11.02. APPOINTMENT AND TERMS. The commission shall consist of five (5) persons, registered voters of Hutchinson, who shall be appointed by the council. One of the members ma he a member of the cit council a ointed annuall b the ma or with the consent of the city council, at the first meeting of thecity council in Januar~of each year. After initial appointments for such terms as are set by the council, a member shall be appointed every year for a term of 5 years, to fill the place of the member whose term has expired, except for any city council, member appointed to serve on the Utilities Commission, and in such case, that person shall serve a one year term subject to reappointment. The commissioners in office at the time of adoption of this charter shall continue to serve the term to which they were previously appointed. Commissioners shall qualify for their office by taking and subscribing to the oath of oflce required of members of the council and filing the same with city administrator. They shall hold office until their successors are appointed and qualified and vacancies in office for any cause shall be filled for the balance of the term in which the vacancy occurs in the same manner as the original appointment is made. No member shall serve more than two consecutive five-year terms, exclusive of the fulfillment of an unexpired term, but shall be again eligible for such service following a break in service vfnot less than one year. The members of the commission, excluding the city council member, may receive compensation far their services as determined by the council. PURI~iCATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. D3-362 AN ORDINANCE OF'1'HE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA VACATING UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS LOCATED iN ISLAND VIEW HEIGHTS 4TH ADDITIDN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Cl'fY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Nnticc of hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made and was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the best interests of the City to vacate the utility and drainage easements located in Island View Heights 4"' Addition for the pntposes of replatting. Section 2. T1tat the utility and drainage easements to be vacated are described as follows: All easements For drainage and utility purposes over, under and across that part of Lot 51, I31ock 1, ISLANn VIEW HEIGHTS YOURTH ADDiTiON, according to the recorded plat thereof, McLeod County, Minnesota, lying southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 51; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes DS seconds West, assumed bearing along the east line of said Lot 51, a distance of 534.80 feet to a corner of said Lot 51 on said east line; thence South 20 degrees OD nunutes 00 seconds West, along said east line, a distance of 9.04 feet, to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 27 degrees 33 minutes 08 seconds West, a distance of 151.G7 feet; thence North 89 degrees 48 minutes 52 seconds West, a distance of 155,29 feet; thence South G,5 degrees 41 minutes 21 seconds West, a distance of 122.37 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 195.82 feet, thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds Wcst, a distance of 76.81 feet; thence North 76 degrees ] 1 minutes D9 seconds West, a distance of 1(12.47 feet, to the west lute of said Lot 51, and line there terminating. Section 3. 'this ordinance shall take effect from and after passage and publication. Adapted by the City Council this 9'" day of 1Jecember, 2003. Marliu Tnrgerson Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plvtz City Administrator ~ (~~a PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 03-363 AN OKll1NANCE DF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA VACATING K1C;H1' OA' WAY EASEMENTS KNOWN AS PARCEL N0.2 OF CITY OF HUTCIIINSON S'1'KEET RIGHT OF WAY FLAT N0.5 'I'Hl; CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Notice of hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made and was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the best interests of the City to vacate right-of-way easements known as Parcel No. 2 of City of Hutchinson street Right of Way Plat No. 5. Section 2. 'T'hat the right-of--way easements tv be vacated are described as Follows: Kea] property in McLeod County, Minnesota, shown as Parcel No. 2 of City of Hutchinson Street Right-of--Way Plat Nn. 5 according to the recorded plat thereof. That pamcl being part of [he following described property on the NE %, of"the SE'/, uF Section 36, Township 117 North, Range 29 Wzst, noted as: That part of the Sl Quarter oC the NE Quarter and of the NE Quartzr of the SE Quarter of Section 36, Township 117 North, Range 30 West of the 5~" Prhrcipal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a point on a line parallel with and 423.2 feet easterly ot; as measured at a right angle to, the west liue of said NF. Quarter of the SE Quarter, said point being 240.7ft feet north of the northerly right of way line of State Highway Nu. 7, as meastued along said parallel lint, thence easterly, parallel with said right of way line, 3DD.OU feet; thence southerly, parallel with said west line; 240.7$ feet to said right of way line; thence easterly, along said right of way ling to the intersection with a line parallel with and 77734 feet easterly of, as measured at a right angle to, said west line; thence northerly, parallel with said west line, to a point 376.4$ feet northerly of, as • measured along said parallel line, from the centerline of said FIighway No. 7; thence easterly, deflecting to the right 9U degrees DO minutes 00 seconds, 200.00 feet; thence northerly, parallel with said west lint, to a point 352.44 feet northerly of said centerline; thence easterly, deflecting to the right $6 degrees 15 minutes 44 seconds, to the west line of MUIVSELL ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof; thence northerly, westerly and northerly, along said west line of MLTNSF..LL ADllI'I'ION, and its northerly prolongation, to the intersection with the centerline of Mcleod County Highway Nu. 12; thence northwesterly, along said centerline of Highway No. 12, to the intersection with the Wcst line of said SE Quarter of the NF. Quarter; thence southerly, along the last said west line and along said west line of the NIr Quarter of the SE Quarter, from the point of beginning; thence easterly, along the last and parallel line, to the point of beginning. Except that part of said NL; Quarter of the SE Quarter, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Golf Course, Road (formerly County Highway No. 12) with flit northerly prolongation of said west line of MLINSELL Alllll'1'lON; thence northwesterly, along said centerline to flit intersection with line parallel with and distant 2D.U0 fee[ westerly of, as measured perpendicular tu, said west line of MLTNSF.i.I. ADDITION; thence southerly, parallel with said west lint of MIINSELL ADDITION 129.65 feet; thence southeasterly, deflecting to the left 11 degrees 30 minutes 25 seconds 100.26 feet to said west line of MLINEL.i. AUUI'1'I(7N; thence northerly, along said west line of MUNSELL ADDITION and its northerly prolongation, to the point of beginning. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after passage and publication. Adopted by flit City Council this 9'" day of December, 2003. Marlin forgersvn Mayor ATTEST: Clary ll. Ylotz City Adntinisnator ~C~~.3 RESOLUTION NO. 12301 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING LOCATION OF POLLING PLACE FOR ALL CITY AND PRECINCTS AND APPOINTTNC; JUDGES FOR "1'I3E DECEMBER 2003 SPECIAL ELECTipN TO FILL A VACANCY IN THE OFI~ICF, OF STATE REPRESENTATNE OF HOUSE DISTRICT 18A WHEREAS, Chapter 204B, Section 204B.16, Subd. 1 and Section 204821, Subd. 2 of the Laws of Minnesota states thai the governing body of any municipality, by resolution adopted prior to the giving of notice of the election, may <lesignatc the location of polling place of all precincts (one, two, and three and naming of judges for the Special Election . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That the polling place to be used during the December 2003 Election for all precincts will he in the Recreation Center located at 900 Harrington Street S. W., Hutchinson, Minnesota. That the Election Judges are hereby appointed in accordance with the attached list. C~ Adopted by the City Council this 10`}' day of December 2003. Marlin Torgerson, Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator ~(b~y i SPECIAL ELECTION DECEMBER 2003 PRECINCT 1 *HARRIET SCHMIDT 587-5466 45 SHERWOOD CIRCLE PATSY WRIGHT 587-4903 1300 SHERWOOD ST SE DALE MCLAIN 587-6069 755 SPRUCE STREET ANN SCHUMANN 587-6773 129 MORNINGSIDE DR NE PRECINCT 2 HARRIET BURICH 587-SOlU 583 CARLISLE ST NE *DEETTA MCLAIN 587-6069 755 SPRUCE ST ROMAN HAAS 587-3193 113 MARK DRIVE NE UAIL FRANSEN 587-6720 45 11T" AVENiTE NE PRECINCT 3 PHYLLIS WF.SBLOH 587-6318 1109 LEW15 AVENUE PEARL SEALS 587-3083 569 MILLER AVENUE ANNE HAAS 587-3193 113 MARK DRIVE NE *MORiS BJURLIN 587-2753 527 TUiTL ROAD REGISTRATION TABLl; JUNE W1CK 587-6248 535 MAIN ST S DOLORES BRUNNF.R 234-7666 968 HAYDEN AVE SW RESOLUTION NO. 12310 CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCILA5E The Hutchinson Cily Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET _ VENDOR _ _ Rehab Naturetech Bins - (4) $28,000 Retrofit to Green Mt. System Compost Yes Hutchinson Manufacturing The following items were authorized due to an emergency need: _I'T'EM Date Approved: • Motion Made By: Seconded By: COST' YURPOSF. ~ DEPT. Bi1DGET Resolution suhmittcd for Council action by VENDOR 5(,~~5 C~ ~~ TO: Mayor and City Council 1+ROM: Sandra Fleischman, Administrative Secretary DATE: December 10, 2003 SUBJECT: License Renewals for 2004 The following business/organisations have submitted applicati<ms and payment for 2004 licenses: 2004 LICENSE RENEWAL Bingo Licenses 1. American Legion Post 9G 2. Elks Lodge 3. VFW Post 906 Gambling Licenses 1. American Legion Post 96 2. Crow River Sno Pros 3. Elks Lodge 4, Hutch Wrestling Club (Flyers Lacalion) 5. hutch Wrestling Club (Victoria Inn Location) G. Iutchinson Hockey Association 7. Military Order of Cooties 8. McLeod Co. Voitttre 414 (8 & 4U) 9. VFW Post JOG Commercial/Recycling Haulers 1. McKimm Milk Tratrsit, lrtc. 2. Waste Management 3. Witte Sanitation, hrc. Pawn Shop 1. Security Coin & Pawn Shop Tobacco Licenses 1. American Legion Post 9G 2. Amoco Qttik Shop 3. Casey's Gcncral Store 4. Cash Wise (Coborn's) 5. Crow River Country Club 6. Econo Foods #333 7. Elks Lodge #2427 8. Exxon 9. Flyers Hi Tops Bar & Crill 10. Food-n-Fuel 11. Freedom Valu Center # 13 12. Freedom Valu Center #48 13. Hutchinson Qutpost, Inc. 14. T~amplighter Lounge II 15. Little Duke's (Coburn) 1 G. Liquor Hutch 17. Murphy USA 18. Phillips 66 19. Speedway Super America #4315 20. Tom Thumb Food Markets #196) (dha: Bunkers) 21. VFW Post 906 22. Wahn~trt Taxi Cahs 1. Quality Trattsportation lnc. Massage Licenses 1. ADARA Salon & Spa 2. Hutchinson Therapeutic Massage Center 3. .lust Breathe A. Red Clover Massage & Wellness SC~~ Hutchinson City Center • 111 nasaan Street ST. Hutchinrun, MN 55_i5U-2522 320.,58r.SA5A/k'ax 32U•2.i4.424U TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering/Public Works RE: Consideration of Consulting Contracts 1. SRF Consulting for Golf Course Road Extenslon (Letting No. 1/Project Ne. 04-01) 2. Barr Engineering for Crow River Bank Stabilization (Letting No. 13/Project No. 02-22) 3. 5EH Consulting for Industrial Park (Letting No. 4lProject No. 04-04J DATE: December 5, 2003 We recommend that the City of Hutchinson approve the following three contracts with our consulting engineering firms: 1. SRF Consultin for Golf Course Road Extension Lettin No. 1/Project No. 04-01 SRF Consulting will be completing work related to constructing the new, realigned Golf Course Road design and property acquisition services. There will he a future contract for construction related services. The contract is .for $78,800. 2. Barr En ineerin for Crow River Bank Stabilization Lettin No. 13/Project No. 02-22 This work relates to the third phase of the river relocation by the old city dump near the Armory. This covers all remaining work during construction. The contract is for $18,210 SEH Consultin for Industrial Park Lettin No. 4IPro'ect No. 04-(W We do not have an official contract yet, but do have a general services contract with SEH for consulting services. We are working with HCAC on accelerating municipal service access to the former Wetherell property, currently owned by the City of Hutchinson. in order to begin construction first thing in the spring and have municipally serviced property available for development by potential industrial companies, we need tv start on the project immediately. I will be meeting with S1I-I early next week and will be asking them tv start working prior to having their official contract in place. I aln asking the City Council to approve an interim contract, not to exceed $] S,ODU, until the official contract is available at the second meeting in December. vnmed nn rccychd paper - i Ban Engineering Company a70p West 77th $treel Minneapolis, MN 55435~SD3 Phone' 952-832-2600 Fax: 952.832-2601 www.ban.com i • BARR Qctober 29. 20D3 Minneapolis, MN Hibbing, MN Duluth, MN Ann Arbor, MI Jefferson Clty, MO Mr. John Rodeberg Director of Engineering/ Public Works City of Hutchinson 111 I-lessen Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350-2522 Re: Agreement for Clty of Hutchinson -South Fork Crow River Bank Stablllzatlon Dear Mr. Rodeberg: Thank you for retaining us. We will do our best to justify your expression of con£dence in us. This letter, together with our Standard Terms (attached) sets forth the Agreement between City of Hutchinson and Ban Engineering Company regarding river bank stabilization for the South Fork Crow River on the southeast edge of the City. The scope of professional consulting services we will provide for this project include are as described in the attached spreadsheet, dated October 29, 2003, including Phase 3 work. This Agreement will be effective for the duration of the services or until December 37, 2004, whichever comes first, unless earlier terminated by either you or us. We will commence work upon receipt of a copy of this letter signed by you. The estimated schedule for the services is to complete the Phase 3 work by December 31, 2D03. We will inform you of our progress by correspondence, phone calls, and e-[nails. For the services provided) you will pay us according to the attached Standard Tetras. We will bill you monthly based on percentage ofthe.work scope completed to date. The lump sum cost for Phase 3 work is $18,210. We understand you have.the authority to direct us. We will direct communications to you at the address on this letter. Direction should be provided to me at the letterhead address. During the tern[ of this Ap'eenteut, we will utaintain the Following insurance coverages: Worker Compensation Stalu[ory f;mployer Liability $111Dk per clailn/$5DOk aggregate Cotnprehcnsive (3encral Liability $lm per clain>/S?m aggregate, combined single limit Automobile $SDDk cambi~ned single lintit Prvf'essional Liability $4m per cluini/$Sm annual uggregatc ' $ t D,DDD,DDD aggregate Llmbrel la If this Agreement is satisfactory, please sign the enclosed copy of this letter in the space provided, and return it to us. This Agreement will he open fvr acceptance until November 30, 2gD3, unless earlier withdrawn by us. Sincerely, 13ARR ENGINEERING CAMP Y By W "'v"" ~ . its Vice Pres ent ,~ ~ • ' Accepted this~~ay of , 2003 Attachments Staudard TernLS-Professional Services Fee Schedule Phase 3 Cost Spreadsheet • ::ODMA~PCDOCS~DOCSUa~262\ 1 City of Iutchinson sy Its March A4, 2aaa Version Estimated Cost for Phase 3 -Construction Assistance South Fork Crow River Bank Stabilization City of Hutchinson r~ L ltem team member --> role --> ~p ._> W. Forsmark Principal 5120 Project Team T. MacDonald G. Alelson Civil Engineer Engineer"eig tech E105 $80 CP,~Wfach Sly Routs Staff Cyst EXpense5 Tol&I 1 Pre-Construction Surrey [Initial} 12 24 36 $3,060 5200 $3,2fi0 2 Pre-Construction Surrey{Supplemental] 70 10 20 $1,850 $200 $2,059 3 Prepare Plans and Specs for Re-Bid 2 8 8 18 51,720 550 $1,770 4 Attend Pre-Const. Meeting 6 6 12 $t,110 5100 $1,214 5 Construction Management Communication withContrador 6 6 12 S1,t10 $1,1t0 On-Site Representation 16 40 56 54,880 5200 $5,080 6 Post-Construction Survey 16 30 46 $3,530 $200 $3,730 sunrorar Pro'ectTotal 2 58 86 54 200 $17,260 $950 af8,2f0 t0129r2003 ~~ STANDARD TERMS-PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Our Agreement with you consists of the accompanying letter or other authorization and these Standard Terms. Section 1: Our Responsibilltles meaning of the Resource Conservation Recovery Act, es other law of an i y ng amended, or within the mean 1.1 We will provide the prvfesslonal services described in governing the handling, treabnent, storage, or disposal our written agreement with you. In performing our of hazardous materials. You agree to hold us harmless services, we will use that degree of care and skill and Indemnify us from any such claim or loss. ordinarily exercised under similar ciroumstances by utable members of our profession practicing in the re 2.5 Site remedlation services may Involve risk of cross- ll d i p , an r, sti contamination of previously uncontaminated a same bcality. water. If you are requesting that we provide services that 2 We will select means, methods, techniques, sequences, 1 include this Yisk, you agree to hold us harmless and . or procedures used in providing our services. If you indemnify us from cross-contamination claims and direct us to deviate from our chosen protocols, you damages, unless the loss Is caused 6y our negligence. agree to hold us harmless from all claims, damages, and ree to make disclosures required by law. If we are 6 You a 2 expanses arising out of your direction. g . required 6y law or legal process to make such 1.3 We will acquire all licenses applicable to our professional disclosures, you agree to hold us harmless and services and we will damply with applicable law. indemnify us from all related claims and costs. We will 1.4 Our duties do not include supervising your contractors or give such advance notice of legal compulsion as Is practical so that you may take steps to protect your commenting on, supervising, or providing the means and interests methods of their work unless we accept those duties In . writing. We will not tie responsible for the failure of your Section 3: Reports and Records Contractors to perform in accordance with their and the providing of our services will not undertakings 3.1 We will retain analytical data for seven years and s i , others of their responsiblllties to you or to others. reliev ce financial data for three years relating to the serv e performed. . 1.5 We will provide a health and safety program for our but we will not tie responsible for contractor, l 3.2 Monitoring wells are your property and you are oyees, emp or site health or safety unless we accept that duty In job responsible for their permitting, maintenance and All rltin t d t i , g. u y n w abandonment unless we accept tha wrlting. samples remaining after tests are conducted and field 8 Our estimates of construction or other costs will be t and laboratory equipment that cannot be adequately . based on the Information available to us and on our cleansed of contaminants are your property. They will be experience and knowledge. Such estimates are an discarded or returned to you, at our discretion, unless exercise of our professional judgement and are not within 15 days of the report date ycu glue written guaranteed or warranted. dlredion tp store or transfer the materials, at your 7 Your confidential documents and information provided to 1 expense. . us by you will be maintained in confidence except as 3.3 Our reports, notes, calculations, and other written or required 6y law. electronic documents are Instruments of cur service ro you. Our reports may be used only for the purposes Section 2: Your Reaponslbllltles disclosed to us. You may not use or transfer our reports 1 You will provide access ld the project site, and will 2 to others for a purpose for which they were not prepared . arrange for access to other property as required for us to wlthcut our written approval, which will not be provide our services. unreasonably withheld. You agree to indemnify us from loss caused by any other use of the documents. lens 2.2 You agree to provide us with all your information, p and changes in plans, and new Information that may 3.4 If you do not pay for our services as agreed, we may materially affect the delivery of our services. You agree retain all reports and work not yet delivered to you and to hold us harmless from all claims, damages, losses, you agree to return tc us all our reports and other work and related expenses involving Informaton of which you in your possession or under your control. had knowledge but did net timely call to our attention or Section 4: Compensation correctly show on plans furnished to us. prpcedure r enc ith 4.1 You will pay for services as agreed upon or according to g y eme 2.3 You agree to provide us w our then current fee schedules If there is no other written information and to provide information on hazardous rocesses we may encounter in the work. tances/ b agreement as to price. An estimated cost is not a firm h p su s . figure unless stated as suc 2.4 This Agreement and the services we provide will not 2 You agree to notify us of billing disputes within 15 days 4 cause us to tie an owner, operator, generator, . and to pay all undisputed portions of invoices within 30 transporter, treater, Storer, or a disposal facility within the Page 1 Documen}2 June 28, ypOt VarslOn days of invoice date. Far balances not paid under these Section B: General Indemnlflcation • terms, you agree ro pay interest on unpaid balances g•1 yye will indemnify and hold you harmless from and beginning 10 days after invoice date al the rate of 1.5% against demands, damages, and expenses caused by per month, but not ro exceed the maximum rate allowed our negligent acts and omissions, and breach of contract by law. omissions, and breaches of persons for and those acts . 4.3 If you direct us to Invoice another, we will do so, but you , whom we are legally responsible. You will indemnify and agree to be responsible for our compensation unless you hDld us harmless from and against demands, damages, provide us with that person's written acceptance of all and expenses caused by your negligent acts and terms of our agreement and we agree to extend credit to omissions, or breach of contract and those acts, that person. omissions, and breaches of persons for whom you are legally responsible. 4.4 You agree to compensate us for our reasonable f®es and expenses 'rf we are required to respond to legal 6.2 To the extent that may ba necessary to Indemnify either process arising out of a proceeding to which we are not of us under Section 6.1, you and we expressly waive, in a party. favor of the other only, any immunity or exemption from liability that exists under any worker compensation law. 4.5 If we are delayed by factors beyond our control, or If the project wnditions or the scope or amount of work Section 7: Miscellaneous Provisions change, or •d the standards or methods change, we will ~ q yve will provide a certificate Of insurance to you upon glue you timely notice and we will receive an equitable request. adjustment of our compensation. ~•2 This Agreement Is our entire agreement, and It Section 5: Disputes, Damage, and Rlsk Allocation supersedes all prior agreements. Only a writing signed 5.1 Disputes other than collection matters will be submitted by both of us making specific reference to the provision to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) as a condition modified may modify It. precedent to litigation. Each of us will exercise good faith ~,3 Neither of us will assign this Agreement without the efforts to resolve disputes through a mutually acceptable written approval of the other. ADR procedure. The law of the state in which the project site is located will govern all disputes. 7.4 A writing may terminate this Agreement. We will receive • d our work an equitable adjustment of our compensation 5.2 We will not be Ilable for special, incidental, ig terminated prior to completion as well as our fees and consequential, or punitive damages, Including but not expenses on the basis agreed upon through the effective limited tD those arising from delay, loss of use, loss of date of termination. profits or revenue, loss of financing commitments or or the cost of capital. None of our employees shall fees 7.5 We will not discriminate against any employee or , be personally Ilable ro ycu. applicant fnr employment because of race, color, creed, 5.3 We will not be liable for damages unless suit is ~ ancestry, national odgln, sex, religion, age, marital affectional preference, disability, status with status commenced within two years of the date of injury or loss , . regard to public assistance, membership or activity in a or within two years of the date of the completion of our local human-rights commission, or status as a specially services, whichever is earlier. We will not be Ilable disabled, Vietnam-era, or other eligible veteran, WB will unless you have notlFied us of the discovery of the take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are claimed breach of contract, negligent act or omission considered, and employees are treated during their within 30 days of the date of discovery and unless you employment, without regard to those factors. Our actions have given us an opportunity to investigate and to will include, but are not limited to notifications, hiring, recommend ways of mitigating damages. promotion or employment upgrading, demotion, transfer, 5.4 If you fail ro pay us within 60 days following invoice date, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoffs or we may consider iha default a total breach of our terminatlons, rates of pay and other forms of Agreement and, at our option, we may terminate all of compensation, and selection for training or our duties without liability to you or to others. apprenticeship. 5.5 If we are Involved In legal action to collect our compensation, you agree to pay our collection expanses, Including reasonable attorney fees. ~ , Documant2 Page 2 June 28, 2001 VerslDn l J Fee Schedule-20D3 Description Principal EngineerlScientist Senior Consultantst ........... Senior Engineer/Scientist\.. Engineer/Scientists ............. Computer Specialist ....................................... Senior Technlcian2 ......................................... Tech nician2 ................................................... Information Specialist ..................................... Technical Writer ............................................. Support Service3 ............................................ Rates for litigation support services will include a 30°•U surcharge. Rev. 01107103 Rate° ......................... $9D-160 ................. $90-175 ..... ......... $80-115 ................... $55-90 .................. $55-115 .................. $60-100 .................... $aa7s ............. .....$355 .................... $55.9D .................... $35-65 A tan percent (t0%) markup will be added to subcontracts for professional support and construction services to cover overhead and Insurance surcharge expenses. Invoices are payable within 30 days of the' data of the invoice- Any amount not paid within 30 days shall bear interest from the date 1 D days after the date of the invoice at a rate equal to the lesser of 18 percent per annum or the highest rate allowed by applicable law. Reimbursable expenses including, but not limited to, the actual and reasonable costs of transportation, meals, lodging, long-distance telephone charges, parking costs, postage, and shipping charges will be billed at actual cost. Materials and supplies charges, printing charges, and equipment rental charges will ba billed in accordance with Barr's standard rate schedules. Mileage will be billed at the IRS- allowable rate. Includes engineers, biologists, chemists, hydrogeologists, geologists, Industrial hygienists, loll scientists, meteorologists, environmental scientists, information technology consultants, and landscape architects. 2 Includes surveyors, drafters, CADD operators, designers, cast estimators, construction observers, water, air and waste samplers, safety technicians, Interns, and data management technicians. s Includes ward processing, report production, project accounting, and other protect clerical. ° Rates do not include sales tax on services that may ba required in same states. C:1D°CUments and 5°tlingaltil.eARR_ENQDeaktop\wDIN_(ue\Intra\N27~e6° vt - Sch°dWe Adw "~ ~ Barr Engineering Company 4700 West 77th Street Minneapolis, MN 55435-48D3 Phone; 952-832-2600 Fax: 952-832-2601 www.garr.COm BARR ® Minneapolis, MN Hibbing, MN l]uluth, MN Ann Arbor, MI Jefferson City, MO November 1, 2002 ~®~ Mr. john Rodeberg ~r ~~~ ~` Director of Bngineering/Public Works vvs City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 5.5350-2522 Re: Addltlonal Work for South Fork Crow River Bank Stabilization Dear Mr. Rodeberg: Thank you for the opportunity to submit a cost estimate far additional tasks that are necessary for completion of the South Fork Crow River Sank Stabilization Project. We discussed the proposed tasks with ybu during apre-constmction meeting held on Detober 23. During that meeting, we discussed additional survey of the old oxbow portion of the channel, survey of two soil piles, an increased responsibility for communication with the contractor. Also, the MnDNR public ware permit specifies that Barr staff be nn site during construction of the in-channel measures, and th Barr staff meet with the contractor and DNR prior to the start of work. This will require more o time than the lb-hours [hat we estimated previously. Additional Tasks d rs at n-site Pre-construction Survey --Barr staff will survey the old oxbow channel and tie the survey information into the survey data that was collected last year by Barr. This data will eventually be used to determine the sail volume excavated from the channel. Tn addition, we will survey the two soil piles located near the site for calculation of volume, The estimated cost for these tasks is $3,200. Construction Services -Barr will provide additional honstruction assistance in order to be on-site during construction of the in-stream channel measures. We will attend a meeting with DNR staff and the contractor prior to constmction. Additional time will be necessary for Barr to maintain close communication with the contractor during constmction. It is assumed that city staff will provide assistance during construction of the excavation and grading portions of the project that aze not deemed critical to the stabilization of Che channel. We are assuming 60 hours of time for these tasks, k237110 vl -Additional Fhnding Rcqucst -john Radebers, Hutchinson Mr. John Radcberg November 1, 2002 in addition to the 16 hours that were previously estimated. The estimated cost fox these tasks is $6,250. Post-con traction Surve -Ban staff will survey the old oxbow chanuel as well as the stabilized bank in order to determine the volume of material excavated from the old channel and the amount of material used for the bank stabilization. Tn addition, we will survey the two soil piles located near the site if they are used for additional fill. The estimated cost for these tasks is $4,DSD Estimated Total Cost We propose to perform the described additional services for an estimated total cost of $13,500. We will perform this work on a time and expenses basis. ff the level of effort is expected to exceed that described above we will notify you and request additional budget. Schedule We anticipate completing the survey work prior [o November 15, pending notification tp proceed. The construction assistance is anticipated to be provided as-needed until the project is completed in spring 2003. We appreciate the opportunity to propose on these services. Please contact either of us after you have reviewed this letter to ensure that the scope addresses your needs. Sincerely, SA~RjR ENG•I/^N7~~EtERING Cb. / tTV~.~n / " l-~~`'~fW Tom MacDonald, P.E. Civil Engineer, Project Manager 952~8Q32~-~2~7,,2~9 William J. Foxsmark, P.E. Vice President 952 832-2843 TEM #2371 ] 0 vl -Additional Funding Requcs[ -john Rodeberg, Hutchinaoa ,, Estimated Cost for ___ South Fork Crow River Bank Stabiiization Cit of Hutchinson _ Project T eam item team member -> W. Forsmark F. Fioztemalski T. MacDonald Cast role -> Principal Landscape Ecobgist Flwrial Engineer CAO6Irerh Hours SEaH Expenses Total , ~lhr -> 5120 E110 5100 S75 1 i Pre-Construction Surve 12 24 36 $3,000 $200 $3,200 _ Construction Mana emenf Initial meetin wf contractor and 6NR 5 1 5 $500 $50 $550 Communication with Contractor 15 t5 $1,500 __ $1,500 _ Addi4onal Ort-Sde Re resenhtion 40 d0 $4,000 $200 _ $4,200 Post•Constnrctian Surve 16 30 46 $3,850 3200 $4,050 Subtotal Pra'ecY Total 0 0 88 54 142 $'k2,850 $650 $13,500 Estimated Cost for Construction Assistance South Fark Crow Ri~t=r Bank Stabilization City of Hutchinson Item team member-> role -> $Ihr -> W. Forsmark Principe! sazo Project Team T. hAacDonald G. Nelson Fluviek Engineer Engineering 7ach EF05 Sao CA~Olrech Ers Hoes Staff Cos! E.[penses Total 1 Pre-Construction Survey 2002 i 2 0 24 36 $3,060 $200 $3,260 2 Additional Survey Fall 2003 10 10 20 $1,850 5200 $2,050 3 Prepare Pions and Specs for Reid 2 8 8 18 $1,720 $50 $1,770 4 Attend 2nd Pre-Const. Meeting 6 6 12 $x,110 $'100 $t,210 5 Construction Management Communication with Contractor 6 6 12 $1,110 $1,110 Additional OnSite Representatron 16 40 56 $4,880 $200 $5,080 6 Pont-Construction Survey }~ 16 30 62 $5,210 $200 55,410 Subtotal Pro'ectTotal 2 74 88 54 216 $18,940 5950 519,890 1 012 9129 0 3 • C ONSUtTING GROUP, INC. Transportation • Civil + Structural • Environmental • Planning • Traffic • Landscape Architecture • Parking Proposal No. P03480 November 26, 2003 Mr. John P. Rodeberg, P.E. Director of Engineering/Public Works CTTY OF HUTCHINSON 111 Hassan Street S.E. Iutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Dear john: SUBJECT: PROPOSAL/PADFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES GOLF COURSE ROAD FROM TH 7 TD FIl%rII A VEN[IE NORTHEAST IMPROVEMENT NO. 052 Based on your request, we are pleased to submit this proposal for professional engineering services in connection with the extension of the Golf Course Road in Hutchinson, Minnesota. This project will connect Golf Course Road from Tli 7 to Fifth Avenue Northeast and construct a roundabout (traffic circle) at the new intersection. SCQPE OF SERVICES Based on our understanding of the project, we have developed the following list of tasks and estimated hours to complete the work: TASK HOURS 1. Project Management and Coordination 20 2. Design Surveys 40 3. Feasibility Study 40 4. Prepare Final Plans, Specifications and Estimate 800 5. Prepare Easement Descriptions and Property Sketches 8 6. Negotiate with Property Owners and obtain )~asements 40 7. Permits, Bidding and Award 24 Total 972 We will also be available to assist the City with in-construction services. We have not included these tasks in this proposal but would be happy to provide these services to the City if so desired. One Carlson Parkway North, Suite 150, Minneapolis, MN 55447-4443 Telephone (763) 475-0010 ~ Fax (763) 475-2429 ~ http://www.srfconsulting.com An Equal Opportunity Empluycr 141r. John P. Rodeberg, P.E. - 2 - November 26, 2003 BUDGET AND SCHEDULE Based on the scope of services, we estimate our cost to perform this work to be $78,800. We will not exceed this figure without your approval. We are prepared [o start work immediately so that this project can be constructed in 2004. One of the first tasks will be to complete the field surveys, which will be dependent on the weather, and may need to wait until the snow cover is gone. BASIS OF PAYMENT We propose to be reimbursed for our services on an hourly basis for actual time expended. Other direct project expenses, such as printing, supplies, reproduction, etc. would be reimbursed at cost, and mileage would be reimbursed at the current allowable IRS-rate for business miles. Invoices are submitted on a monthly basis for work performed during the previous month. Payment is due within 30 days. CHANGES IN SCOPE OF SERVICES It is understood that if the scope or extent of work changes, the cost will be adjusted accordingly. Before any out-vf-scope work is initiated, however, we will submit a budge[ request for the new work and will not begin work until we receive authorization from you. NOTICE TU PROCEED A signed copy of this proposal, either mailed or faxed to our office, will serve as our notice to proceed. Our fax number is 763-475-2429. We sincerely appreciate your consideration of this proposal and look forward to working with you on this project. Please feel free to contact us if additional information regarding this proposal is required. Sincerely, APPROVED: SRF CONSIILTING GRO[IP, INC. ~~~~~ J mes R. Ilvorak, P.E. ice President (signature) Name Title Date This cast propasaI is valid far a period of 90 days. SAP reserves the right to adjust its cast estimate after 90 days from the date of this proposal. • CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Transportation • Civi] • Structural • Environmental • Planning • Traffic • Landscape ArehiteGture • Parking Proposal No. P03480 November 26, 2003 Mr. john P. Rodeberg, P.E. Director of Engineering/Public Works CITY of HlrrcxtNSON 111 Hassan Street S.E. Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 pear john: SUBJECT: PROPOSAL/PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERINGSI?RVICES GOLF COURSE ROAD FROM TI'I ~ 'r0 FIFTH A VENUE NORTHEAST IIvIPROVEMENT No. 052 Based on your request, we are pleased to submit [his proposal for professional engineering services in connection with the extension of the Golf Course Road in Hutchinson, Minnesota. This project will connect Golf Course Road from TH 7 to Fifth Avenue Northeast and construct . a roundabout (traffic circle) at the new intersection. SCOPE OF SERVICES Based on our understanding of the project, we have developed the following list of tasks and estimated hours [o complete [he work: TASx HOURS 1. Project Management and Coordination 20 2. Design Surveys 40 3. Feasibility Study 40 4. Prepare Final Plans, Specifications and Estimate 800 5. Prepare Easement Descriptions and Property Sketches 8 6. Negotiate with Property Owners and obtain Easements 40 7. Permits, Bidding and Award 24 Total 972 We will also be available to assist [he City with in-constnaction services. We have no[ included these tasks in this proposal but would be happy to provide these services to the City if so desired. One Carlson Parkway North, Suite 150, Minneapolis, MN 55447-4443 Telephone (763) 475-0010 ~ Fax (763) 475-2429 ~ http://www.srfconsulting.com An Equal Opportunity Employer I J Mr. john P. Rodeberg, P.E. - 2 - November 26, 2003 BUDGET AND SCI~DULE Based on the scope of services, we estimate our cost to perform this work to be $78,800. We will not exceed this figure without your approval. We are prepared to start work immediately so that this project can be constructed in 2004: One of the first tasks will be [v complete the field surveys, which will be dependent on the weather, and may need [o wait until the snow cover is gone. BASI5 OF PAYMENT We propose to be reimbursed for our services on an hourly basis for actual time expended. Other direct project expenses, such as printing, supplies, reproduction, etc. would be reimbursed at cost, and mileage would be reimbursed at the current allowable 1RS-rate for business miles. Invoices are submitted on a monthly basis for work performed during the previous month. Payment is due within 30 days. CHANGES IN SCOPE OF SERVICES It is understood that if the scope or extant of work changes, the cost will be adjusted accordingly. Before any out-of-scope work is initiated, however, we will submit a budget request for the new work and will not begin work until we receive authorization from you. NOTICE TO PROCEED A signed copy of this proposal, either mailed or faxed to our office, will serve as our notice to proceed. Our fax number is 753-475-2429. We sincerely appreciate your consideration of this proposal and look forward to working with you on this project. Please feel free to contact us if additional information regarding this proposal is required. Sincerely, APPROVED: SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. ~~~ I es R. Dvorak, P.E. ice President (signature) Name _ Title Date . This cost proposal is valid for a period of 90 days. SRF reserves the right to at~just its cost estimate after 90 days from the date of this proposal. CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 CITY OF HUTCHINSON -ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 111 HASSAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON MN 55350 (612) 234-4209 5heetl ofi ONTRACTOR: Schoep & Sons Contracting, LLC Letting No. 4 & 5 Project Np. D2.11 345 Wilkins St, Montevideo MN 56265 Project Location: Oak Street NE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Adjust manholes on Oak 8 9th Ave Dated: 12/10120D3 Item No. Spec. Ref. Item Name Unit Quantlt Unlt Price Amount INCREASE ITEMS 2506 Adjust Manhole Lump Sum 50% $2,760.00 $1,390.00 (Steel ad'ustin rin & glue 17 @ $100 = $1700 ) (Pickup w/Man 14 hours @ $fi0 = $840) (Additional Manhours 4 @ $35.170 = $14D (Use of Tools -lump sum $100) NET DECREASE ---'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $1,390.00 In accordance with the Contract and Specifications, the contract amount shall be adjusted in the amount of $1,390.011 (add)!(~edastj. An extension of -0• days shall be allowed for completion. The original completion date shall not be changed. ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PREVIDUS ADDITIONS/DEDUCTIONS THIS ADDITION/DEDUCTION TDTAL $482,398.9D ($7,443.79) $1,390.OD $470,343.11 APPROVED: Contractor DATED: APPROVED: Mayor DATED: PPROVED: f Director of Engineering DATED: APPROVED: City Administrator DATED: r 5 <~~ CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 CITY O~ WUTCHINSON -ENGINEERING bEPARTMENT 111 WASSAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON MN 55350 (612) 234-4209 sn~t1 oft ONTRACTOR: R & R Excavating Inc Letting No. 7 Project No. 02-1fi 8D5 Hw 7 West, Hutchinson MN 55350 Blackbird Dr SW & Bluejay Project Location: Dr SW DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Remove & replace sanitary sewer due to conflict in elevation with storm sewer. Dated: 12/10/2D03 Item No. Spec. Ref. Item Name Unit Quantlt Unit Price Amount INCREASE ITEMS: 2503 Remove & Re lace 8" Sanitary Sewer Lump Sum 1 $1,820.00 $1,820.D0 NET INCREASE --------------'--^-----------------------------__.-----------------------.^_------------------ $1,820.D0 In accordance with the Contract and Specifications, the contract amount shall 6e adjusted in the amount of $1,820.00 (add)1(dedust} An extension of -D-days shall be allowed for completion. The original completion date shall not be than ed. ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PREVIpUS ADDITIONSIDEDUGTIONS TNI5 ADDITION/DEDUGTION TpTAL $310,389.40 $3,07 5.00 $1,620.00 $315,224.40 APPROVED: Contractor DATED: APPROVED: Mayor DATED: APPROVED: Director of Engineering DATED: APPROVED: City Administrator DATED: r 5 L~~ CHANGE ORDER NO^ 2 CITY OF HUTCHINSON -ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 111 HASSAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON MN 55350 (612) 234-4209 sn~t7 ot7 CONTRACTOR: Duininck Bros Inc Letting No. 3 Project Nos. 03-05103-06/03- 07/03-08103-09!03-11!03-22 408 6th St, P O Box 208 Prinsburg MN 56281-02D8 Delaware st NW/Arch St Project Location: SE/Ludtke Ln NW1FIorida St NW/Illinois St NW/Ranch Ave SE1Sidewalks DESCRIPTIDN OF CHANGE: Raising manhole on Illinois St. Replacement of irrigation on School Rd. Dated: 12/1012D03 Item Na. Spec. Ref. Item Name Unit Quantlt Unit Price Amount INCREASE ITEMS: 25D6 Adjust Manhole Lum Sum 1 $250.OD $250.00 2504 Replace Irrigation System Lump Sum 1 $1,576.44 $1,576.44 P & O 10% $1,576.44 $157.64 TOTAL $1,984.D8 NET INCREASE -------------•--•--------------------------'--•---------------------------^'------------------ 51,9$4.08 In accordance with the Contract and Specifications, the contract amount shall be adjusted in the amount of $ 1,984.0$ (add)1(deductj. An extension of -0-days shall be allowed for completion. The original completion date shall not be changed. bRIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PREVIOUS AODITION5IDEDUCTIONS THIS ADDITIONFD€DUCTIOPt TOTAL $132,580.98 $729.84 $7,984.08 5135,294.58 APPROVED: Gontractor ATED: APPROVED: Mayor DATED: APPROVED: Director of Engineering DATED: APPROVED: City Administrator DATED: r s~~t~ 4 ~ memorandum To: Mayor and Council From: Dolf Moon Director PRCE Date: 12/4/2003 Re: Pepsi Sponsorship Funds I/arlier this year the PRCE Department received $50,000 from 13ernicks Pepsi for concession rights at the Recreation Center. The funds were deposited into the Public Sites Trust Fund. The intended use of the funds is for Recreation Center improvements. At this time we are requesting the City Council authorize the expenditure of up to $SS00. The funds will be used to replace the 18 year old volleyball standards. 1 will be in attendance at the next Council should you need further information. ~~ Memo T« Mayor and City Council Members From: Brad Emans, Fire Chief Date: 12/2/2003 Re: Appointment of Fire Qepartment Officers The Hutchinson Fire Department would like to recommend the following individuals for a lwo-year term. Battalion Chief Jim Popp Tom Glaeser • Weston Scott If you have any questions regarding the appointments, feel free to contact me at 234-0211. Thankycul 5 ~~ publication No. 7127 PURLISHL•D 1N THE I-ll7TCHINSON LPADER November 27, 2003 PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF HUTCHINSON COUNTY OF MCLEOD S'1'A'1'h: Uh' MlNN1J5U'1'A 111 Hassan Street, Hutchinson MN 5535D phone (320) 587-5151, ext. 203 fax (320) 234-4240 L. J l J No[Ice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on Derember 9, 2DD3, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Center Council Chambers to discuss granting a Franchise agreement to Birchwood/Connect Care for the purpose of placing an ou~oor thermometer sign over and above Certain property Ipcated in public right of way at Legion Park. This hearing will 6e held by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson. At Such hearing, all interested parties may be heard. 6 Julie wlschnack, AICP Director of Planning/Zoning/Building l~~a~ Ordinance No. 03-364 • Publication No. 7127.._ . _ AN ORDINANCE OF TH13 CITY OF HLJTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, GRANTING BIRCHWOODlCONN F.CT CARE THE RIUH'I' "I'O YLAC.E AN OUTDOOR "I'FIERMOMETER SIGN OVER AND ABOVE CERTAIN PRUYHR"1'Y LOCATED IN FLISLIC 1tIGIIT OF WAY AT LEGION PARK THF. Cl'fY OF HLITCHINSON ORDAINS: Suction 1. The City of Hutchinson, in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, hereafter referred to as Grantor, hereby grants w Brichwood/CotmectCare hereafter referred to as Grantee, a franchise to erect a sign on certain property owned by the City of Hutchinson ,specifically Legion Park. Section 2. The franchise is granted far a term of . Inc year commencing nn the date of the acceptance of the franchise. Grantee shall file a written acceptance of the franchise with the Ciry Adminishator of the City of Hutchinson within ten (10) days after the effective date of this ordinance. The franchise shalt become effective only when the acceptance has been tiled and evidence of general comprehensive and liability insurance provided for in this grant of franchise has been filed and approved. In addition, a filing fee of $ (to he determined by City Council) must be paid. Section 3. Grantor reserves the right w enforce reasonable regulations concerning construction, uperatiotz and maintenance of facilities located along, over and under the public premises before mentioned and the placement of such facilities. Section 4. Grantee shall indemnify and defend Grantor, its boards, commissions, officers, agents and employees, in any and all other public agencies, and their members, officers, agents and employees, against any and all liabilities far injury to or death of any person or any damage to any property caused by . C}rantee, its officers, agents or employees in the cnnstmctiun, operation or maintenance of its property, or arising out of the exercise of any right or privilege under the franchise. Section 5. At all times during the term of the franchise, Grantee will, at its own expense, mamtatn in force general comprehensive liability insurance, with an insurance company approved by the City of Hulchinsota, with limits approved by the politics being fur [he protection of Gran[ur and its officers, agents and etployees, against liability for Ions nr damage for bodily injury, death ur property damage occxsiuned by the activities of the Grantee under the franchise. Section G. Grantee shall not have the right to assign the franchise otherwise transfer it in any manner whatsoever or sell, lease, license, mortgage, nr pemrit others to use transfer in any manner whatsoever any interest in all or any part of its facilities that are hrstalled or operated under this grant, except on prior written approval by ordinance of the City Cowrcil of the City of Hutchinson. Section 7, In the event that BirchwuodlConnectCare should cease to exist or should fail to use the franchise for nnc calendar year, this franchise shall be deemed null and void and shall revert to the City of IIutcbinson without any action on the part of the City of Hutchinson whatsoever. Section K. 'T'his ordinance shall take effect from and after passage xnd publication, subject to the provision above rcyuiring written acceptance by eirchwuod/CotmectCare. Adopted by the City Council, this 23rd day of December, 20D3. Mayor Attest: • _ City Administrator Published in the Hutchinson Leader on November 27 _2003. First Reading: December y,_20U3 Second Reading: IJccember 23, 2003 r~ CITY OF HIITCHiNSON PLANNING STAFF REPORT TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: .iulie Wischnack, AiCP DATE: December ] 0, 2U03 9UBdF.CT: joint Meeting with the City Council The Planning Commission and Staff has, in the past, loured the City where project decisions have been made by the City. The theory is to discuss and evaluate project outcomes. "1'he Plamring Commission would also like to have a joint meeting with the City Council. Staff would propose bus ride around the City visiting sites on W edncsday, January 28, 2UU4 with ajoint meeting a11cr the tour (from 3:3U until 6:UU p.m.). J '~C~R~ Ordinance No. 03-358 • Publication No. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE N0.03-353 -ESTABLISHING SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO. 1 WHEREAS, on August 26, 2003, the Hutchinson City Council, after receiving a petition from 25% of the effected parcel owners, authorized establishing Special Service District No. 1 by adopting Ordinance No. 03-353, under the laws of Minnesota Statute 428A.98; and, WHEREAS, under Minnesota Statute 428A.09, 35% of the effected parcel owners may submit a petition objecting to the establishment of the district; and, WHEREAS, the Cily Administrator of the City of Hutchinson has received and verified petitions representing 44% of the Special Service District, opposed to the establishment of such District and, therefore, the Special Service District cannot be established in the year 2003, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, THAT Ordinance No. 03-353 is hereby repealed and Special Service District No. 1 is hereby . abolished. Adopted by the City Council this 28`" day of October, 2003. Attest: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator ~ 1 LJ Marlin Torgerson, Mayor ~, L°~ 'I'O: Mayor and Hutchinson City Council FROM: Marc A. Sehora, City Attorney DATE: December 10, 2003 SUBJF,CT: Hutchinson Criminal Prosecution Matters As you may recall in my report to the City Council at its budget workshop nn October 28, 2003, I suggested the possibility of the city looking into additional personnel to assist with the prosecution of criminal offences in the City of Hutchinson. It is my responsibility to prosecute violations of all city ordnanccs, misdemeanor violations of state law, and some gross misdemeanor slate law violations that occur within the city limits of Hutchinson. As part of this, i must be available to attend court hearings, conduct bench and jury trials, and meet with witnesses and victims. With the growth of the City of Hutchinson, and unfortunately the increase in number of criminal offenses which happen here, more and more of my time is spent attending criminal court proceedings. This at times leads to delays at accomplishing tasks foi• Hutchinson Area Health Care, Hutchinson i7tilitics Commission, and the various departments of the city. I Fcel that this may he an appropriate time to consider contracting with another individual or entity to assist with criminal prosecution for the city. There is money in the proposed city budget for the funds of this position. I would envision a system whereby 1 would review police reports generated by Hutchinson police services and would produce the initial criminal complaint acid review the citations given by the police. Ideally then the person with whom the city would contract with would handle the bulk of the court hearings that follow to the prosecution of a criminal case with me being available to handle any overflow or conflict of interest cases that might arise. As you may recall, there was an individual who assisted Barry Anderson in the early 1990's named Gina Brandt who was a Hutchinson City employee and whose job was solely to conduct criminal prosecutions. Therefore I am asking your approval to go out for request 1'or proposals for someone to assist me in criminal prosecution work for the city. r 1 ~~ ~G~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 12303 2004 TAX LEVY FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT a tax levy far the City of Hutchinson for 2003 is hereby set in the amount of amount of $4,780,880 That the detail of the tax levy shall be as fellows: Amount Total General Fund 3,359,280 General Obligation Bond H.A.T.S. Facility 153,200 Total Gen. Obligation Bond 153,200 Improvement Bonds 1993 5D, DDO 1996 11 D,100 1 gg7 184,900 . 1998 lggg 16D,800 171,700 2000 83,600 2001 29,000 2002 90,000 2002 Refunding 388,300 Total Improvement Bond 1,268,400 TOTAL TAX LEVY 4,780,880 Adapted by the City Council this 10th day of December 2003 Marlin 7orgerson Mayor ATTESTED: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator n U ~~~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 12304 CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SETTING 20D4 TAX LEVY FOR SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HUTCHINSON REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT the City of Wutchinson has established a special taxing district for the purpose of Hutchinson Housing Redevelopment Authority (Hutchinson HRA) and the tax levy of said district as authorized under Minn. Stat. 469.033 shall be: Tptal Tax Levy Adopted by the City Cpuncil this10th day of December 2003 $87,720 Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTESTED: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator C~ ~ C~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 12305 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT the annual General Fund budget of the City of Hutchinson for the fiscal year 2004, which has been submitted by the Gity Administrator and approved by the City Gouncil is hereby Adapted; the total of said budgets and the major division thereof being as follows: GENERAL FUND REVENUES AVAILABLE CURRENT REVENUE $3,371,280 Taxes 43,7D0 License 220,OD0 Permits 2,345,373 Inter-Governmental Revenue 1,391,898 Charges for Services fi8,000 Fines 0 Interest 0 Collections for Qther Agencies 32,OD0 Transfers from Other Funds 247,338 Refunds & Reimbursements 1,478,5D0 TOTAL AVAILABLE $9,198,D89.D0 REQUIREMENT APPROPRIATIONS Personal Services $5,797,827.OD Supplies 439575 Consulting 269614 Other Services & Charges 1582466 Principal and Interest 219741 Transfers 529795 Miscellaneous 226921 Capital Outlay 132150 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $9,198,089 Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of December 2DD3 Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator ~,C~~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON C~ RESOLUTION NQ. 12306 ADOPTING 2004 LIQUOR FUND BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT the annual Liquor Fund Budget for the City of Hutchinson for the fiscal year 2004, which has been submitted by the City Administrator and approved by the City Council is hereby adopted. The total of said budget and major division thereof being as fellows: REVENUES AVAILABLE CURRENT REVENUE Liquor Wine Beer Miscellaneous Discounts Interest Refunds & Reimbursements TOTAL AVAILABLE REQUIREMENT EXPENDITURES Personal Services Supplies Consulting Other Services & charges Depreciation Debt Service Transfers Cost of Sales Miscellaneous Capital Outlay LIQUOR FUND TOTAL Adopted by the City Council this 10d day of December 2003 1,200,000 470,000 2,268, 000 115,000 (70,000) 3,000 0 $3,986,000 412,678 13, 850 s,ooD 101, 550 zs,DDo 306, ODO 3, 083, 300 2,650 1 DODO $3,962,028 Marlin Torgerson Mayer ATTESTED, . Gary D. Plotz City Administrator q ~~-~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 12307 ADOPTING 2004 STORM WATER UTILITY BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT the annual Storm Water Utility Budget for the City of Hutchinson for the fiscal year 2004, which has been submitted by the City Administrator and approved by the City Council is hereby adopted. The total of said budget and major division thereof being as follows: REVENUES AVAILABLE CURRENT REVENUE Storm Water Revenues 391,000 Refunds & Reimbursements p TOTAL AVAILABLE $391,000 REQUIREMENT EXPENDITURES Personal Services ~ 16,x76 Supplies 7,ssD Consulting 20,ODD Other Services & charges a5,s22 Depreciation D Miscellaneous p Capital Outlay D TOTAL EXPENDITURES $189,748 Adopted by the City Council this 10d day of December 2003 Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTESTED: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator -. J ~C~') CITY OF HUTCHINSON RE5OLUTION NO. 12308 ADOPTING 2004 CENTRAL GARAGE FUND BUDGETS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT the annual Central Garage Budget far the City of Hutchinson for the fiscal year 2004, which has been submitted by the Gity Administrator and approved by the City Council is hereby adopted. The total of said budget and major division thereof being as follows: REVENUES AVAILABLE CURRENT REVENUE Labor 128,625 Parts 170, 000 Vehicle Rent 314,652 Interest 1, 000 Reimbursements 29,000 Transfers 155,D00 Gain on Sale of Equip. 5,000 TOTAL AVAILABLE $803,277 EXPENDITURES REQUIREMENT Personal Services 123,122 Supplies 130,625 Consulting 1,050 Other Services & charges 72,900 Depreciation 162,000 Miscellaneous 1,141 Capital Outlay 430,000 CENTRAL GARAGE FUND TOTAL $920,838 Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of December 2003 Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTESTED; Gary D. Plotz Gity Administrator ~ ~~~ GITY OF HUTGHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 123D9 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON. MINNESQTA: THAT the annual Capital Projects fund budget of the City of Hutchinson for the fiscal year 2004 which has been submitted by the City Administrator and approved by the City Council is hereby Adopted' the total of said budgets and major division thereof being as follows; REVENUES AVAILABLE CURRENT REVENUE Transfers In $358,300 Interest 3,000 TOTAL AVAILABLE REQUIREMENTS APPRQPRIATIONS Capital Outlays Land $65,000 Building $237,500 Improvement Other than Bldg. $25,OOD Machinery & Equipment $97,000 Total Appropriations Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of December 2003 Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTESTED; Gary D. Plotz City Administrator $361,30D $424,50D q ~~~ u ' CITY OF HUTCHINSON -......_ ...._.._..-.,µ,,...._.._ ..._..........,...,_.,.__. ..-- • ........ ...... ...... -- I 2004 BUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 9301) --„' ~,- _ 2001 2002 2003 2004; `REVENUE+~ ACTUAL - ~ -'"' ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET --~-~--- r--- . PERMANENT.TRANSF F T ER E=LECTR IC%GAS U71 308,500 m 325,D00 "~"` "" w~ 341250 ~ _ 358 300 1 General und ransfer ~~~~~~ '~ ~" '" -~- 0 ~INTEREST 12808 8,438 3,DOD 3000 ~~ --~ ~ ..~_. State Grent 19,714 BOND PROCEEDS-FI RE EgUIPM EN7 875 217 SALE GF EQUIPMENT -FIRM APP ARATUS 717 445 DONATIONS - 76 1 000 STATE GRANT - ODDFELLOWS Reimbursame 36~OOD , COUNCIL CHAMBERS-UPGRADE 1040D 14,800 ~' F~MA REIMBURSEMENT 13,gpp TDTAL REVENUE ----------- $1 174,144 ------------ $388,95D ------------ $344,250 ----------- $381 3DD EXPENDITURE --_- Y C P AL OUT Air ort Construction _. 170 000 FEMA-FLOOD GRANT _ ---- --_ .,. ~ 2 i..... .__ , roces D_ eta P __ •µ ~ ... ,909 83,228 PARKS -Pie round E uI ment _-_.._ ~~-.-~..9 .~.__.__ ,858 S23 ~.~_w Civic Arena Heating s stem ..... -- -_. $5D 883 -_._... -..~., .- Police. Radios ~ ~ _ _.,_ 81,937 5,993 ~_9~ Public Works Parks Radlo u rade - -, _ . 14 749 PublicSafety-_training,buildin~ _ _ -~x, _ ~-, $972 - ~' CR ,Center Co Machines . ,X ....--.....___.P.Y,..-~~-_~.~_ ._._-.._... u 7,598 ___.,._.$_--- POLICE - E B11 UPGRADP ... ._, __ ~65,298 _ __ EVENTSCENTER - RED ESIGN _- ....................... _ ~ ~_ .~ $1 01 0 _ ~ TM ~ __. 1 . - recant Counters µ__ . ._.---___ .....m.-.-------'-_°-,• ...,. ........-- --- __ ______7543 .,_. -:,,..,m.. _ _- ..~ g Ci Center - Filin S stem 13 803 .^ . ___ .......... _ Fire De art P P ment -truck re lacem ent INCLUDE $912 584 ,. g~ ~ ra N .... ,......._---- - .-.._...._-_ ..._...,.,__ ---- 28079 .. m. orh_ woods --- ., ... .,..~ _. _..-- -_ ...._~_-__ ... ...__._~_ .._.... 41.945 _ Skat e Park ..._.._.._._._,.,..~ ~ . 9 2 688 Recreation CenterPakr~Lot,___ _ ~ '•"-~-~"- _ --"'""""23,216- Arena - Tem ered Glass __..._....__...,,mP........ _~.-,_-...__..___.._.,....`~_,.._ _m..-°------ """""'" ~..~..._ $12000 City Center -Seal Coat Parking Lot _.- _-_--~ ..,.._._,. ~....~ _ ...w _- _.__ _ $3~200 _.- .__....~.._. Security, System UB radg a ~~ - _ w . _ ~ ~ $3 OOD " - ..-....-.....---- IT -con uter - technpl0 u rade _- -...._. -.._..._.. ---~,.P9.__. _..~..._. ..-- -- ~ ~ ---~---• -- 5101 ,451 ------ --_____. $89 OOD Park -Roberts Park ~arkin~ lot _ ...,....... _. - - - ,...._..... --- ^ -_.._ $40 DDO , .-_.- . .. ennis Court --- ....................._.-------_....,...._ ..-..~....... _ _------ $41 700 o ice a artme _ ,,,.,. p. nt,- stpra a bld w -..~.....,,~_. . ..,.._.w.... . ...-----...,...,.,....~_ -, _.~ .- $7p 000 --_....., .. _._._..__.. 70,000 $ p ecreation Build n Floor 1%2 tu_n_din _for 2004 _ Wall -- --__.. ---_~_ ~ _.--- _ µ .... _ mmM ---- w._..._.._~_ -"_ ""..___ 47,500 _. .... _....$11 500 .---.. 47,500 _...m.,..... Fleor 5crubb ..-...._-__---- ~..~. Fire De artment-App_ _- ~_~ ..T~. tea R~novation n I y ..~ : .., ~ ~_-._._m_,... __-----..._. _ _ ~- _ $10.000_ , ,,-_ _ .. _~--...._............ 0 _ 25 0 e rh P pe c s ^ ~~ mm -- _ _ a .... .,.. mX e a e r tty, g A tlon .-... vry^ -- ~ ~ W ~ ^ r X5,0 Po4ce - mobile con- -`.........._P~.,.^.9..._..._fieldre orting_._...,... _ . ..-----•..... . - m ^ - - - $8 000 ro erty Acquistion -rail .,.....--- -- .......... A Bu . . . ........_,..,....._... ......__ .M...-- ---- $ , 3D,00p µ~.--.... rena -Contract Out . $10D 000 ITOTALEXPEND ITURES $1,18644D $400918 $340351 $424,500 REVtmNUES OVER (UNDER EXPENDITURES ~~ 12 29t3 ~ 31 988 3 899 83 200 , , FUND BALANCE ).__~~~ --...~._ ..,-- -...m,....., ...,.. --- $254,839 ~__ _._.5222873 ~ Memorandum '1'O: Mayor and Coulxcil FROM: Brenda Ewin l ctor of Human Resources RF.: 2004 Atmual Wa e Adjustment Policy DA"1'L: December 5, 2003 Attached is Resolution No. 12302, the proposed 2004 Annual Wage Adjustment Policy for the City nfJlutchinson. Please note that this policy, proposed to be effective on January 1, 2004, will repiacc the 2003 Amxual Wage Ac~justmeut Policy adopted last December. The pay g-id included in the policy reflects the 2.5% annual market adjustment that has been recommended 6y the Wage Committee and incorporated as part of the Gcncral Fund Budget also presented for your consideration at the December 10 Council meeting. Tf you have any questions, please contact me at City Center. Encl. q C~~ City of Hutchinson Annual Wage Adjustment Policy i January 2004 RESOLUTION NO. 12302 RESOLUTION ADOPTING POSITION CLASSIFICATION ASSIGNMENT TABLE EFFECTIVI; JANUARY 1, 2004 WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the existing classification of positions for the City of Hutchinson and the current economic conditions, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Position Classification Plan is hereby adopted. All positions covered by this Resolution shall be grouped in grades having a definite range of difficulty and responsibility. Fvr each position there shall be a title; and there shall be shown examples of work which are illustrative of duties of positions, as well as requirements as to knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for performance of the work; and a statement of experience and training desirable for recruitment into a position. A. ALLOCATION OF NEW POSITIONS. When a new position is created for which no appropriate description exists or when the duties of an existing position are sufficiently changed so that no appropriate description exists, the City Council , after recommendation of the Director of Human Resoturces, shall cause an appropriate job description- . specification to be written for said position. B. REVIF'W OF PLAN. As often as necessary to assure continued correct classification, the Position Classification Plan shall be reviewed by the Director of Human Resources and necessary adjustments recommended to the City Council. C. FLC,ING OF PLAN. Upon adoption of the Resolution, a copy of the Position Classification Plan approved by the City Council shall be placed on file with the City Administrator. The plan so filed and subsequently adjusted by the Council shall be the Position Classification Plan of the City. Elements of the Plan. The Compensation Plan shall consist of: a. A Basic Table of Numbered Pa Grades for All Em to ees. Each numbered pay grade in the basic table consists of a minimum (Step 1 - 80%) rate and a market rate (Step 6 - 100"/0), in addition to intermediate levels, shown on page 6. Steps 1 - 6 are administered in a traditional step system. Steps 7 and 8 arc established as a merit element (exceptional service pay) to reward employees who are already at Step 6 and whose job . performance is outstanding. Steps 7 and 8 are defined as 105% and 110% of the market rates, respectively. A Position Classification Assiy~ment Table for Emplovees. The assignment table shall assign all of the various positions in the Position Glassificativn Plan to the appropriate pay grade, shown on page S. 2. Modiftcation of Plan. The City Council reserves the right to modify any or all of the pay grades or position classification assignments as set forth in said plan at any time. 3. Pav Grades. a. Non-Administrative (Hourly) Employees. Each position is assigned a pay grade. The normal beginning rate for a new employee will be the minimum rate. After satisfactory completion of twelve months probation, an increase to the next step, up to Step 6 on the plan, will normally be granted. Thereafter, consideration for step increases or exceptional service pay will be given annually each individual anniversary date. The City Administrator reserves the discretion to adjust individual rates within the assigned pay grades based as required. Consideration for market adjustment for all pay grades will be made each January 1. h. Administrative (Salaried) Employees. ~' Each position is assigned a pay grade. The normal beginning rate 1'or a new employee will he the minimum rate. After satisfactory completion of twelve months probation, an increase to the next step, up to Step 6 on the plan, will normally be granted. Thereafter, consideration for step increases or exceptional service pay will he given annually each individual anniversary date. The City Administrator reserves the discretion to adjust individual rates within the assigned pay grades as required. The Council will determine any pay increase for the City Administrator. Consideration for market adjustment for all pay grades will be made each ,Tanuary 1. c, Police Patrol Positions. The position of full time police patrol officer is assigned to Grade 5 on the pay plan. Temporary assignments will be made from these positions as needed for the investigative function for the department. With said assignment, there will be an additional $200.00 per month premium on top of the employee's patrol officer grade and step assignment. Part-Time Liquor Store Clerk. Part-Time Custodial and Part-Time Compost. Site Monitor Positions The part-time positions of liquor store clerk, custodian, and compost site monitor have been placed in separate pay plans that recognize the specific industry labor markets in which they work, L. e. Market Adjustments. Any market adjustment on 7anuary 1 of any year shall be separate and apart from the individual anniversary increases. In determining a recommendation for an annual market adjustment, the wage committee shall consider, at least the following information: 1. U.S. and Minneapolis/St. Paul consumer priced index changes (CPIU & CPIW) 2. Social Security calculation of cost of living increase 3. Unemployment rate 4. Employee turnover rate 5. Area wage survey fi. Legislative growth factor constraints 4. Other Provisions. a. Personnel Evaluations Reasonable efforts will be made to conduct personnel evaluations prior to the employee's anniversary date. An evaluation made by the employee's supervisor shall be submitted in writing to the employee and to the City Administrator. All evaluations will be forwarded io Human Resources far filing in the employee files. Evaluations shall be based upon the performance of the individual in the position measured against established job performance criteria. Such criteria may include level ofknowledge, skills, ability, quality of work, personal work traits, compliance with established City or departmental rules and regulations or any other criteria that is indicative of performance. The performance appraisal process is the application of perfomrance standards to past performance. In appraising an employee, these are the basic levels ofperformance: 5 -Outstanding -Performance is exceptional in all areas and is recognizable as being tar superior to others. 4 -Exceeds Jvb Requirements -Results clearly exceed most positions requirements. Performance is of high quality and is achieved on a consistent basis. 3 --Meets Job Requirements -Competent and dependable level of performance. Meets performance standards of the job. 2 -Needs Improvement - Performance is deficient in certain area(s). Improvement is necessary. 1 -Unsatisfactory -Results are generally unacceptable and require immediate improvement. Results. The results of the employee's evaluation will normally have the following effect on his/her salary. 5 - An overall rating of 5 will normally make the employee eligible for an increase to the uext Pay Grade Step up to Step 6. 4 - An overall rating of 4 will normally make the employee eligible for an increase to the next . Pay Grade Step up to Step 6. 3 - An overall rating of 3 will normally make the employee eligible For an incrcase to the next Pay Crrade Step up to Step 6. 2 - An overall rating of 2 will normally make the employee ineligible for any scheduled wage adjustment. 1 - An overall rating of 1 will normally make the employee ineligible for any scheduled wage adjustment. b. Exceptional Service Pay Adjustments There shall be a maximum of a five percent (5"/") exceptional service pay incrcase/ payment that maybe granted le an employee achieving an cligible performancc rating. Exceptional Service Pay may in no circumstances exceed the Step 8 pay rate on the pay plan. Increases shall be recommended by the supervisor and must be approved by the City Administrator in adherence to City Policy No. 3.26, Exceptional Service Pay. c. Disci lip Action For employees in any class, an additional consequence of disciplinary action more severe than level a, oral reprimand, as defined in the city personnel policy, will be the permanent loss of the January 1 market adjustment in the calendar year following such disciplinary action. This will occur unless the director in charge and the city administrator decide otherwise. d. Market Conditions Notwithstanding any language to the contrary, the City Council retains the right to deviate from the pay plan when, in the sole judgnent of the City Council, market conditions or other circumstances dictate such a decision, e. Determination of Exce tional Service Pa k'unds The City Administrator and dircctors, when determining exccptional service pay funds, shall adhere to City Policy No. 3.26, Exceptional Service Pay. Exceptional service pay shall be based on a quantifiable measurement of employee performance, the standards of which shall he recommended by the directors, reviewed by the wage committee, endorsed by the City Council, implemented by the directors, and administered by Iluman Resources. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP HUTCHINSON Thai the following table is hereby adopted as the City Position Classification Assignment Table, to be reviewed from time to time, assigning the various positions in the Position Classification Plan to the appropriate pay grades in the table. Pay grades for regular part time (PT) positions are assigned according to job responsibilities at the discretion of the City Administrator and Director of Human Resources. i 4 POSITION CLASSII'ICATION TABLE Grade Position Title 1 PT Receptionist PRCE/Event Center YT Custodian -Fire Station, Library, Street AT Compost Site Monitor PT Water Plant Maintenance Worker Building/Planning Secretary PRCE Secretary Water Account Technician PT Accounting/Data Tntry Technician P1' Motor Vehicle Clerk P1' Wastewater Maintenance PT Liquor Store Clerk C Public Works Technician Grade Position Title PersonneUlnsurance Technician Fire Administrative Officer Park Maintenance Lead Senior Wastewater Maintenance Technician Laboratory Technician Maintenance Operations Lead 5 Engineering Technician III Police Patrol Officer 3 CSO/Records Technician CSO/Security Guard Custodian/Maintenance Operator Engineering Secretary Lab AssistanUGroundskeeper Liquor Store Clerk A Park/Arena Maintenance Operator Planning Coordinator Police Administrative Secretary Street Tquipment Operator Water Plant Operator Wastewater Plant Operator P1' Senior Program Supervisor Motor Vehicle Technician Computer/Network Technician PT Accounting Specialist Sanitary/Storm Sewer Maintenance i''f Police Patrol Officer Resource Recovery Coordinator G Assistant Liquor Store Manager Compost Site Coordinator Forester Recreation Services Coordinator 7 Building Official Police Sergeant Motor Vehicle Deputy Registrar Parks Resource Coordinator Water Systems Supervisor 8 Assistant Public Works Duector Assistant to the City Engineer Recreation Facilities/Operations Manager 10 Director of Human Resources Information Technology Director Technician Water/Wastewater Maintenance Technician Compost Site Equipment Operator 12 Planl Equipment Mechanic Facility Maintenance Technician 4 Administrative Secretary Building inspector Cemetery Supervisor 14 Communications Specialist PT Communications Specialist Engineering Technician II Equipment Mechanic Finance Technician 15 GIS Technician Investigative Support Assistant Park Maintenance Supervisor 19 Police Lieutenant Director of Planning/ZoningBuilding Enforcement Director ofWater/Wastewater Operations Executive Director - EDA Liquor Store Manager Fire Chief Director of PRCE Finance Director Director of Police/Emergency Management Director of Engineering/Puhlic Works City Attorney City Administrator City of Hutchinson 21104 Compensation Plan -Pay Grid -6xeptiorel Service Par- Step 7 Step T Slap 8 Step 8 Shorting Star[ Step Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 8 {lump- n.yno cm~ !vr iAv Clan ~ hnc uEv CMn 3 hrn mlv Sfan d Murly Sten fi hnluly Shsn 8 hrauM {t]ase) hourly ~ ml hourly 19 S6,S39 $35.475 $6,445 $37.186 $6,752 $38.957 57,059 540.728 57,366 542.498 $7,673 $44.269 56,057 546.482 $6,446 $48.696 38 55,975 $34.124 $6,210 $35.830 $6,506 $37.536 56,602 539.242 57,098 540.948 $7,393 $42.655 $7,763 544.787 $8,933 546.920 17 55,692 $32.837 $5,976 $34.479 $6,261 536.]21 56,545 537.762 $6,830 539.404 $7,115 547.046 57,470 543.098 57,826 S45.t51 1fi 55,467 $37.541 $5,740 $33.118 $6,014 534.695 56,287 536272 56,560 537.849 $6,834 $39.426 57,775 547.397 57,517 543.366 15 55,243 530.249 55,505 $31.782 $5,767 533.274 S6,0.30 534.786 $6,292 536.299 $6,554 $37.811 56,882 539.702 $7,2{19 $41.593 14 55,019 528.958 55,270 $30.405 $5,521 537.853 S5,772 $33.301 $6,023 534.749 $6,274 $36.197 56,588 538.007 56,901 $39.837 13 54,795 527.666 55,035 529.049 55,275 $30.433 $5,515 $3].836 $5,754 533.199 $5,994 $34.583 56,294 536.312 $8,594 $38.04} 12 54,572 526.375 54,800 527.693 55,029 $29.072 $5,257 $30.331 $5,486 $31.649 $5,714 $32.968 58,000 $34.617 $6,286 $36265 79 54,347 525.078 54,564 526.332 54,782 $27.586 $4,999 $28.840 55,216 $30.094 55,434 $31.348 55,705 $32.915 $5,977 $34.483 10 $4,123 523.787 54,329 524.976 54,535 $26.186 $4,741 527.355 54,948 $28.544 55,154 $29.733 $5,471 $31.220 $5,669 $32.707 9 $3,899 $22.495 $4,094 523.620 54,269 $24.745 54,484 525.870 54,$79 $26.994 54,874 528.119 $5,178 $29.525 $5,361 530.931 8 $3,675 $24.204 $3,859 $22.264 $4,043 523.324 54,227 524.384 54,410 525.444 54,594 526.505 $4,824 $27.830 $5,053 529.155 7 53,451 $19.972 $3,824 $20.908 $3,797 521.903 53,969 522.899 54,142 523.895 54,314 524.890 $4,530 528.135 54,748 527.379 6 53,228 $18.621 $3,389 $19.552 $3,550 520.483 53,712 521.474 53,873 522.345 54,034 523276 $4,236 524.440 54,438 525.603 5 53,003 $17.324 $3,753 $18.191 $3,303 519.057 53,453 579.923 $3,603 520.789 $3,754 $21.656 $3,941 522.738 54,129 523.821 4 52,780 S16.D3a 52,919 516.839 53,056 S17.641 $3,197 $38.443 $3,336 519.245 $3,475 $20.047 53,648 521.049 53,822 522.052 3 52,555 574.741 52,683 515.478 52,817 $16.215 $2,938 $16.953 $3,066 $17.690 $3,194 $18.427 53,354 $19.348 53,513 526.289 2 52,337 $13.450 52,448 514.322 52,564 $74.795 $2,68] $15.467 $2,798 $16.340 $2,974 $76.612 53,060 577.653 53,205 518.494 1 $2,107 532.158 52,213 512766 $2,318 $13.374 $2,424 $13.982 52,529 $14.590 52,634 $15.198 52,766 575.956 52,898 $36.718 PT Custodian 10.61 11.74 $71.67 $12.20 512.73 513.26 513.92 514.59 PT Li uw Store Clerk 8.05 8.45 $8.85 59.26 59.06 570.08 570.56 571.07 PT Com sf Monitor 7.55 7.93 $8.31 58.68 59.06 $9.44 $9.91 510.38 This Resolution authorizes staff to change 2004 budget appropriations to reflect rate changes. Adopted by the City Council this day of , 2043. {This Replaces Resolution No. }2083 ) ATTEST: Marlin Torgerson, Mayor Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator 6 ~ Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: $renda K. Ewing,ector of Human Resources RE: Long Term Disability Coverage Proposals RATE: December 5, 2003 As was required, the City of Hutchinson advertised for bids for the employer provided long-term disability coverage for eligible City and Hutchinson Utilities Commission employees. The bids were received prior to the deadline on December 3. Two proposals have been received and are currently being reviewed by our risk managers. It is anticipated that this review of the proposals will be completed prior to the Council meeting, and a staff recommendation regarding the proposals will be presented al the mceting. The request for proposal guidelines are enclosed far your review. Please contact me if you have any questions. Encl. 1~~ CITY OF HUTCHIN5ON & HUTCHINSON UTILITIES GROUP LONG TERM DISABILITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL GUIDELINES PLAN DESIGN BENEFIT PERCENTAGE 60°/u MAXIMUM MONTHLY BENEFIT $5,000 ELIMINATION PERIOD 180 DAYS CITY / 90 DAYS UTILITIES MAXIMUM BENEFIT PERIOD SSNRA (SOCIAL SECURITY NORMAL RETIREMENT AGE) OWN OCCUPATION AGE 65 - ADMIN EARNING $3D,ODD ANNUALLY OR MORE, 36 MONTHS -ALL OTHERS DRUG & ALCOHOL MINIMUM OF 2 YEARS OF BENEFIT COLA 3% DEFINITION OF DISABILITY CITY AND UTILITIES -ADMINISTRATION EARNING $30,000+ANNUALLY. _ REGULAR OCCUPATION TO THE END OF THE BENEFIT DURATION. _ CITY-ALL OTHER EMPLOYEES 3 YEAR REGULAR OCCUPATION CITY & UTILITIE • - ZERO DAY RESIDUAL _ ACCELERATED ELIMINATION PERIOD WORK INCENTIVE BENEFIT DURING FIRST 12 MONTHS OF DISABILITY PAYMENTS. RATE GUARANTEE MINIMUM OF 2 YEARS ELIMINATION PERIOD ACCUMULATION FEATURE 30 DAYS MINIMUM MONTHLY BENEFIT GREATER OF $100 OR 10% OF GROSS DISABILITY PAYMENT. SOCIAL SECURITY INTEGRATION PRIMARY AND FAMILY OTHER BENEFITS NECESSARY - WAIVER OF PREMIUM - GUARANTEED INSURABILITY _ ^EPENDENT CARE BENEFIT _ FULL MATERNITY BENEFITS _ RETURN TO WORK BENEFIT _ 3 MONTH LUMP SUM SURVIVOR BENEFIT - CONVERSION COST OF COVERAGE PAID BY - EMPLOYER 100% PARTICIPATION PRE-EXISTING CONDITION 3112 MENTAL ILLNESS 24 MONTHS IT IS PREFERRED BY THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON THAT THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA BE MET: 1. LOCAL AGENT 2. OFFICE IN HUTCHINSON 3. PRIMARY BUSINESS FOCUS IS IN GROUP EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. WITH THE PROPOSAL YOU MUST SUBMIT THREE REFERENCE CONTACTS FROM LOCAL COMPANIES /ORGANIZATIONS FOR WHICH YOU SERVICE THE GROUP EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. LIST ANY CITY, GOUNTY, STATE OR GOVERNMENTAL GROUPS THAT YOU WORK WITH FOR GROUP EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. GARRIER 1. MUST MATCH REQUESTED PLAN DESIGN. ANY VARIATIONS TO THE PLAN pESIGN MUST BE CLEARLY INDICATED IN 7HE PROPOSAL. 2. CARRIER MUST FOCUS ON DISABILITY COVERAGES AS THEIR PRIMARY . BUSINESS FOGUS. 3. PLEASE INDICATE CARRIER LTD MARKETSHARE, BOTH INFORCE BY PREMIUM AND NUMBER OF CASES. 4. DOES THE CARRIER HAVE AN EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM TIED TO THE LTD PLAN. 5. DOES THE CARRIER HAVE AN EMERGENCY TRAVEL ACCIDENT PROGRAM TIED TO THE LTD PLAN. B. CARRIER MUST HAVE RETURN TO WORK INCENTIVES, UP TO 1D0% INCOME REPLACEMENT DURING THE INITIAL RETURN TO WORK PERIOD. 7. PLEASE OUTLINE THE RETURN TD WORK AND REHABILITATION PROVISIONS IN THE LTD POLICY. THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESERVES THE RIGHT 70 REJECT ANY AND ALL PROPOSALS THEREOF. NOTHING HEREIN SHALL BE CONSTRUED TO ANY WAY LIMIT THE ABILITY OF THE CITY TO NEGOTIATE WITH ANYONE REGARDING A PROPOSAL. BECAUSE OF DIFFICULTY IN COMPARING PROPOSALS, THE CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO NEGOTIATE WITH, DR ACCEPT A PROPOSAL FROM, PARTIES WHO ARE NOT NECESSARILY THE APPARENT LOW BIDDER. THE CITY WILL RECEIVE PROPOSALS UNTIL 4:00 P.M. ON WEDNESDAY, DECEBMER 3, 20D3, AT THE HUTCHINSON CITY CENTER, 111 HASSAN STREET SE, HUTCHINSON, MN 55350. l .~ i October 10, 2003 City Clerk 111 Hassan St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350-2522 RF: Draft 5DS Permit No. MN P055352 New Dimension Plating Iiutchinsan, Minnesota Dear City Clerk: 6r (~, ~~`,u ir`,~ THIS IS AN OFFICIAL REQUEST OF THE MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY THAT YOU POST THE ENCLOSED PUBLIC NOTICE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING: The Minn. R. 7001.0100, subp. 5(C) requires that: "The Director shall circulate permit public notices in one or more of the following ways: (1) by posting the notice in the post office, public library, or other buildings used by the general public in the designated geographical areas; and/or (2) by posting the notice at or near the entrance of the applicant's premises, if located near the facility or activity that is the subject of the permit application." Accordingly, we submit the enclosed public notice for posting in the city, town, or village hall. We request that the notice be posted on the date referenced in the notice and that it remain pasted for thirty (30) days. Any questions regarding this notice, please call the staff member listed within the notice. Sincre'rely~, ~j~ Linda Grant Office Administrative Specialist Majors Water and Land Section Majors and Remediation Division Enclosure i=aR YOUR iNFORMA`fIQ~~ Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 520 Lafayette Rd. N.; Saint Paul, MN 551fi5-4194; (612) 29&8300 (Voice); (612) 282-5332 (TTY); www.pcastata.mn.us 5t. Paul • Brainerd • Detroit Lakes • Duluth • Manketc • Marshall • Rochester • Willmar Evual Opportunity Employer • Printed on recycled pep®r con}aining at least 20 percent 116ers from paper recycled ey consumers. rt~lrlir~=.P"~~~°~~~rt~ ~,~~ ~`j~~~c TTEIVq i~E=SC' I;, f F f-:= ICr~PJTI'L F ~°J~3~.lr __... r ~[~ ... r _ _. i~E-~;I,~~-f1 I~~.L'~~,Iu.Uu'W^JN~~I~.A~~P.+,~~~kT ~ r-a ~ ~ ~ ~'a'~. ~ I u f~ CD44~ ih`~fa!.J-ra+~..l'IyF~~C~ d-VCDG'~L Id~~ ~PiVmIL/~~"V~D~^J ~~!~~D L7dvhrl~l~&TVM1d ri55 __._ u..~,,. .. ~I~~ ~~rip~ C FCK CJ7~ ,d=1 ~~ :-,C'f~I~I~CLR d~'~~~~-SIT m- i rte - I" daud;,p~li ~Ab~~11~IMTl 1~_iti _ 1M~.Er•Fr~liw91L"~'C7',"~1~,#~EC~ .>~ ~Ph~'~F ,J ih4~tiL-~dGrh9TY~Atr. _. .~~ ~,:_,4 ,,, - w,,,~.... 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I am interested in serving on the following City Board or Commission: ^ Airport Commission (S yr. tcrm) ~C Charter Commission ~ 4 yr. term 0 2 yr. term ^ City Tree Board (3 yr. term) Hutchinson Axes Health Care Board (4 yr. Term) HRA Board (S yr. term) a Library Board (3 yr. term) ^ Light Traffic Advisory Board (3 yr, term) ^ Park/Rec/Comet Ed Board (3 yr. terns) [1 Plauning Commission (S yr. term) ^ Police Civil Service Commission (3 yr. term) ^ Senior Advisory Board (3 yr. term) ^ Teleconununications Comrniasion (S yr. term) ^ Utilities Commission (S yr. term) -OYER- Explain why you are interested in this board/COmrniSSion: ~ ~ u^'~Cn.(~Ad.A ,/(! O p n, nV~ti~M d p ~T.p' .~'yoWFM~7 wrr'F(.:.r~3 f~uTu.+J ~a.aGNEn aY vati Fue~fOAY Cc~,Yh~IrSY~~4 OElch~Ta rl n~U A 9~9 „reJ- ~ P ~~u (.f GF GAP Y~-~PF~ -~"l 9'r~ C "'y~ t.e:.l J e A nJna F.+... u~ f1 .4- [a 0 & 3'M lA.~ ~ HL+t. Uk1 a.J 7'IE~J~ /,{g14A.DJ Please describe any prior/current experience that may relate to serving on this board/commission: SFtiUFA aa_ _Co~~ cri__@. ~k~7H c.k ~Ken.Mr M•rD f6~EA^G c,'w~;_~;,,EE! +Icf~ 1/~.~.tNYPF+~ CwV.r ar•r [NIA Y~ E d~F N /"~ /vl~ ~y . or..v rLl G~ ?e,. •JF ~~ Enf ~ N 'h rF( - ~ ~' d(~ A •'TA.•+uFd( yti.~ Qv N ~f A c~~ti f~Cnlv~ Yd ~vh^'AGE~-r FC .a" J d.J d C(dr~rav o ' 17n,.r6 OAC(LLnCNNI ~ (fib kf„~ti J unn.r ranuc .l /laMra~a ,i.kTr.,v 5~A a~6 rA,~ Please return completed form to Melissa Starke at City Centex, l l l Hassan St. SE, if you are interested in serving on any of the above committees. We thank you for your interest. This foam will be placed on file and we will refer to the file as openings occur. CITY OF HUTCHINSON INTEREST FORM FOR SERVING ON BOARDS/COMMISSION T am interested in serving on ttxe following City Board or Corntnission: a Aixport Commission (5 yr. term) © Charter Commission 0 4 yr. term 0 2 yr. term City Tree Beard (3 yr. term) w Hutchinson Area Health Care Board (4 yr. Term) o HR.A Board (5 yr. term) a Library Board (3 yr. term) © Light Tra fEic Advisory Board (3 yr. term) a Parlr/Rec/Comtn Ed Board (3 yF. term) o Planning Commission (5 yr. term) © Police Civil Service Commission (3 yr. term) o Senior Advisory Board (3 yr. term) p Telecommunications Commission (5 yt. term) ^ Utilities Comntissioa (5 yr. term) \_ J liutcbinsan City Center, 111 Hassan St. 3B, Hubebinson MN (32q) 587131 Name: Maureen 13uecha Address: 17327 - 702nd Avaaue Daesel, MW 55325 Home Phone #: 587-7560 y`Tp~ phOIIe ~. (320) 693-2466 Ext. 1! Occupation: Pr oduction Control_Manap ar_@ Minnaeat:a Rubber Com pany -Litchfield -OVER L J Explain why you are interested in this to Ifedlcal Center. from time to time we also use the services of the hospital, its im- ti nrr snr rn m. to h.v. a na~in an inati r.~~{yn mhlnh T ral~ iin-nTn fnr m~ famil6~c nnra_ Please describe any p~vr/current experience that may relate to serviutg vn this board/COmznission: During, 111Qh echaol & college ~ ~pg~~e¢,,, £or 6 vests in a_ hospital ~p Moorhead. I had duties cleaain~ laboratory equipment, data entrq for the patholo~iat and cleaning the morgue after postmortems. In my current position ae a m:nu£aatux t level of cuxxent hu®iness. Participate in Please return completed form to Melissa Starke at City Center, 111 Hassan St. SE, if you are interested in serving on any of the above committees. We thank you for your interest. 1"his foam will be placed on file and we will refer to the file as openings occur.