cp05-11-2004 cAGENDA REGULAR MF.F.TTNC - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDER - 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCA'T'ION -Rev. Kevin Oster, Our Savigr5 Lutheran Church 3. PL,F.1)CE OF ALT.F,CTANCE 4. MTNUT.F..S (a) REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 27, 2004 Action -Motion to approve as presented 5. CONSENT" AGENDA (a) REPORTS DF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. FIRL DEPARTMENTI' MONTHLY REPORT FOR APRJL 2004 2. HLJTCHINSON PUBLIC LIBRARY MEETING MINUTES FRDM MARCY 22, 2004 3. CDMPDST SITE ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES FROM APRIL 21, 2004 4. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT 1rOR APRIL 2004 5. IIUTCHINSON UTIf,TTTES COMMISSION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MARCH 2004 6. Hi JTCHINSUN AREA 1TEALTH CARE FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MARCH 2004 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES I . RES(]LUTION NO. 12407 -SENIOR DEFERRAL 2. RESOL[JTION NU. 12408 -RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE (c) CONSIt]F..RATTON FDR APPROVALS AND PF.RMTTS FOR TIIE 62"`~ ANNUAL H[JTCHTNSUN .TAYCEE WATER CARNIVAL FOR .TUNE 14 - 20, 2004 (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL. OF TRANSIENT MERCTIAN"I' LICENSE FOR T.A.P. ENTERPRLSES TO CONDUCT A TODL SALE AT T1iE $EST WRSTERN VICTORLAN 1NN ON MAY 25, 2004 (e) CONSIDERATION FOA APPROVAL, OF JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE SOU'TIiWEST METRO DRUG TASK FORCE (f) CONSIDERATION FDR APROVAL Oh' SHORT-TER.M GAMBLING LICENSE AND SHORT- TERM ON-SALE NON-INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSE FDR ST. ANASTASLA CATHOLIC CHURCH FOR SEPTEMBER 11 & 12, 2004 (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF USING CITY RIGHT'-OF-WAY FOR THE FARMERS MARKET' LOCATED ON FIRST AVENUE (h) CONSIDERATION FUR APPROVAL OF USING CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY POR POPCORN CITY COUNCIL AGENDA -MAY 11, 2004 • WAGON LOCATED 1N LIBRARY SQUARE (i) LETTING NO. 5, PROJECT' NO. 04-OS (ROLLING MEADOWS EAST) - RECENING REPORT AND CALLING FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT (j) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT ON RAVENWOOD WEST (k) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT ON ROLLING MEADOWS EAST Action -Motion to approve consent agenda G. PUBLIC HEAR.LNGS - 6:00 P.M. (a) C.DNSIDERATION OF FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH AMERICAN PAYMENT CENTERS FOR DRNE-LIP PAYMENT ('ABINETS LOCATED AT I11 HASSAN STREET SE Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (h) CONSIDERATION OF DISBURSING PUBLIC PROPF..RTY TO EARTHLY DELIGHTS, LTD (STATE THEATER PROJECT) FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRIJCTING A GARAGE LOCATED AT 35 WASHINGTON AVENUE EAS'T' Action - Motion to reject -Motion to approvc (c) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE GRANTING OF A BUSINESS SUBSIDY TO • HIJTCHINSON PROPERTIES, LLC (HUTCHTNSON HO'T'EL PROJECT) AND APPROVING THE FORMS OF A BUSINESS SUBSIDY AGREEMENT' Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve 7. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF A LOT SPLIT LOCATED AT 1 fi5 ST° AVENUE N W AS REQUESTED BY PAUL BET1S_ER WITH UNFAVORABLE STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND UNFAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12390) Action - Motion to rcject -Motion to approve (b) CUNSIDERATION OF F1NAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS SOUTTIFORK.RIDGE SUBMITTED BY FARR DEVELOPMENT WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12391) Actioxi -Motion io reject -Motion to approve 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF PUBLIC WORKS REORGANIZATION Action - Motion to reject -Motion to approve (h) CONSIDERATION OF POLICE C1V1L SERVICE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION FOR (.'ITY C:DUNC77, AUENDA - MAY l1. 2004 • POLICE CHIEF POSITION Actinn -Motion to reject Motion to approve (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF MEMO OF UNDERSTANDING ON FORMF.,R PROPERTY TRANSFPR TO SOUTHWEST MINNESOTA FOUNDATION Aclion -Motion to rcjcct -Motion to approve 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS 11. CLAIMS APPI20PRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS 12. ADJOURN n LJ 3 MINUTES • REGULAR. MEETING - HUTCHIN50N CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDER - 5:30 P.M. ayor arm orgerson c e t e meeting to order. Members present were Kay Peterson, Jim Haugen, Bill Arndt and Casey Stotts. Others present were Gaarryy Plotz, City Administrator, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and John Rodeberg, Director of Engineering/Public Works. 2. INVOCATION -- Rev. James Rainwater, Seventh Day Adventist Church, delivered the invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 13, 2004 (b) BID OPENING MINUTES OF APRIL 16, 2004 The minutes ware approved as presented. 5. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM MARCH 16, 2004 2. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE BOARD MINUTES FROM MARCH 16, 2004 3. HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINU'T'ES FROM MARCH 16, 2004 4. CITY OF HUTCHINSON GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MARCH 2004 5. CITY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR MARCH 2004 6. WATER,WASTEWATER, GARBAGE FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MARCH 2004 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES I . RESOLUTION NO. 12405 -RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE (c) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 1. CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE RE~UESTED BY MIKE CORCORAN TO PLACE HARDSURFACED PARKING UP TO TH PROPERTY LINE LOCATED AT 934 HWY 15 SOUTH WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12385) 2. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY BRIAN PONATH TO CONSTRUCT ATHREE-FLEX WITH GARAGES LESS THAN 400 SQUARE FEET LOCATED AT 446 PROSPECT STREET NE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION ANA FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12386) 3. CONSLDERATION OF THREE-LOT PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS MEADOW LINKS VIEW SUBMITTED BY BUTCH HAUSI.ADEN, PROPERTY OWNER, WITH ~-~~~~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -APRIL 27, 1004 STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT • RESOLUTION NO. 12387) 4. CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY KERRY KRUEGER TO REDUCE FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM 25 FEET TO 18.5 FEET BY REMOVING A 6' X 8' N~N- CONFORMING PORCH AND CONSTRUCTING AN 8' X 21' THREE-SEASON FORCH ONTO HOUSE LOCATED AT 545 ERIE STREET SE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12388) 5. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BX HUTCHINSON . MANUFACTURING TO CONSTRUCT TWO 40' X 80' POLE TYPE STORAGE BUILDINGS IN THE UC DISTRICT LOCATED AT 720 HWY 7 WEST WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12389) 6. CONSIDERATION OF A LOT SPLIT LOCATED AT 165 ST" AVENUE NW AS REQUESTED BX PAUL BETKER WITH UNFAVORABLE STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND UNFAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12390) 7. CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS 5OlJTHFORK RIDGE SUBMITTED BY FARR DEVELOPMENT WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12391) 8. RECONSIDERATION OFPRELIMINARY PLAT/PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT KNOWN AS RAVENWOOD SOUTH SUBMITTED BY BRUCE NAUSTDAL WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12354) (d) POLICE COMMISSION APPOINTMENT -TOM SCHWARTZ TO 2007 (e) SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD APPOIN'T'MENTS - Phylis Birkholtz to 2007 - June Lyman to 2005 - Tohn Lyman to 2005 - Loraine Zajicek to 2007 (Reappointment) (~ CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL DF AMENDED BYLAWS OF HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT RELIEF ASSOCIATION (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE FOR TNT FIREWORKS TO SELL FIREWORKS IN THE WALMART PARKING LOT (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF PARADE PERMIT FOR AMERICAN T.EG1ON/VFW ON MAY 31, 2004 (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF THE PARKS/RECREATION/COMMUNITY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT SOLICITING BIDS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF NEW FLOORING AT THE RECREATION CENTER (j) LETTING NO. S, PROTECT N0.04-OS (ROLLING MEADOWS EAST - WEST OF NEW GOLF COURSE ROAD NW) - DECLARING ADEQUACY OF PETITION AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT - RECEIVING REPORT AND WANING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT - ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ~a~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -APRIL 27, 20D4 (k) LETACCEPTING BID JAND AWARDINCr CONTRAC & STRIPING PROGRAM) (1) LETTING NO. 8, PROJECT NO. 04-09 (DALE STREET SW & BLLIEIAX DRNE SW IN RAVENWOOD WEST) - DECLARING ADEQUACY OF PETITION AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT - RECEIVING REPORT AND WAIVING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT - ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Item 5(c)6 and 5(c)7 were pulled for further discussion. Motion by Stotts, second by Peterson to approve consent agenda with the exception of Items 5(c)6 and S(c)7. Motion carried unanimously. Item 5(c)6. Casey Stotts stated that the applicant requested that this item be pulled and no action be taken. John Rodeberg stated that staff is fine with this item being deferred, however staff feels that this lot is unbuildable and that decision will probably not change. Motion by Stotts, second by Peterson to defer this item to the May 11, 2004, City Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Item 5(c)7. 7ulie Wischnack stated that the survey maybe inaccurate on this plat and requested that this item be deferred to the next City Council meeting. Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen to defer this item to May 11, 2004. Motion carried unanimously. 6. PUBLIC IIEARINGS - 6:00 P.M. (a) LETTING NO.6, PROJECT N0.04-06 (ECHO DRIVE SE) AND 04-07 ECHO CIltCLE SE) - ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION F PLANS SPECIFICATIONS - APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR a~ros John Rodeberg, Director of Engineeringg,~resented before the Council. Mr. Rodeberg explained the main drivers for this project are that thrs street is high maintenance and deteriorating, has poor drainage and storm protection, has failing water services and a sanitary sewer system with cracks and dips and parking and pedestrian issues. Mr. Rodeberg covered the ratings on the pave management system, storm sewer management system and the water sewer management system, which were very low. The proposed improvements include reconstructing water services and the deteriorating sanitary sewer, replace curb and gutter, lowering the grade for drainage purposes, reconstruct surfacing and construct a pond. In addthon, the street would be either widened to allow parking on both sides or keeping the street at its current width and having parking only on the southern block as suggested by some property owners. Staff's proposal is to construct a sidewalk on both sides of the south black and on the entire west side. Some property owners suggested constructing the sidewalk on the east side, however staff has informed them that it will be more costly due to tree removal and other structures that would need to be moved. The project will also include bituminous surfacing and drain tile. The city will pay for the sanitary sewer and water line replacement, street oversizing, sideyards and intersections and will pay for half the cost of sidewalks and landscaping as well as street lights. A portion of the pondmg costs would be paid by the City as well. Mr. Rodeberg covered the estimated assessments to the property owners. The total protect cost of the project is $720,000. Mr. Rodeberg also covered the payment options for property owners. This is the only reconstruction proj ect in the pl ans for 2004 and the City has had poor problems m this area related to ~ cam) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -APRIL 27, 2004 stomt sewer backups. .. The proposed pond would be considered on the First Federal Qroperty, which is north of Runnings. It is proposed to lower this street as part of the project to aid m excess water. Jim Haugen questioned deferred assessments for the elderly that live in the rental apartments. The property owners bear the assessments and it is up to them on how they are assessed to the renters. Casey Stotts asked Mr. Rodeberg to estimate additional costs if this project was delayed a year. Mr. Rodeberg estimated that the protect could be 10% more. No advantage was guessed at to watt any longer than the City already has. No cost savings will be had to wait longer. Robert Hantge, 899 Highway 15 South, presented before the Council. Mr. Hantge owns the funeral home along Echo Drive. Mr. Hantge stated that the questions that arose at the neighborhood meeting was the placement of the sidewalk along the west side of the road and the widemng of the street for parking purposes. He stated that business owners on this street have alreadypaid forparking in front of their businesses and do not wish for more onstreet parking. John Rodeberg would like direction from the Council on these two issues. The sidewalk can be placed on the east side, with the relocation of some trees and fire hydrants. If the sidewalk is placed on the east side, Mr. Rodeberg suggests leaving the width of the street as is on the north block. Motion by Amdt, second by Haugen, to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Stotts, second by Arndt, to order improvement and pr oration of plans and specifications, approve plans and specnfications and order advertisement for bids, with the revision of constmchng the stdewalk on east stde and widening the street only on the south block. Motion carried unanimously. • (b) LETTING NO. 9, PROJECT NO. 04-10 (ARCH STREET TRAIL) AND 04-11 (BLOCK 7 DOWNTOWN ALLEY) - ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - APFROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS john Rodeberg explained that this is the alley directly north of the city center. This project was instigated by petition of property owners along the alley. The estimated project cost is slightly under $50,000. Mr. Rodeberg stated that it apppeared from the nenghborhood meeting that the property owners are in Favor of moving ahead wtth this project. Bill Amdt asked ifthis propertywas once proposed for the post office. Mr. Rodeberg explained that the building would not have been over thns area and that the alley would be kept in tact tf the post office would relocate to this area. Motion by Arndt, second by Peterson, to close the public hearing. john Rodeberg explained the Arch Street Trail project. The proposal is to pave the trail and connect to 5 Avenue and take care of a drainage issue ad~acent to Dick McClure's property. No assessments to property owners. Motion carried unannmous~y. Motion by Stotts, second by Haugen, to order improvement and pr oration of plans and specifications and approve plans and specifications and order advertisement for btds. Motton carried unanimously. 7. COMMUNICATIONS, RE VESTS AND PETITIONS 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS • 9. NEW BUSINESS 4 ~ ~a~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - AARIL 27, 2004 (a) REQUEST FROM PROPERTY OWNER -- 35 WASHINGTON AVENUE -STATE THEATER Julie Wischnack, Director of Planning, Zoning, Building, presented before the Council. Ms. Wischnack explained that an unusual reqquest has come m from the owner of the State Theatre. The property owner has a need to house mcchanical systems for the building. Initially, the mechanical systems were to be placed on the roof, however due tv inadequate structure ofthe roof, they will not be able to be placed there. Therefore, the property owner would tike to constmct a garage structure to place the mechamcal units on and to provide covered parking for his tenants. The main proposal is to construct a garage on cuaent city parking lot, The options that are apparent are to either grant a franchise or to sell a plece of the parking lot to the property owner. Mayor Torgerson stated that selling a piece of the pproperty is legal and a price would need to be determined of the value of three parking spaces. He also stated that another property owner has interest in purchasing parking spaces as well. John Rodeberg stated that one concern of staff is maintenance of the private property compared to the public property. Those issues will be worked out if this property rs sold. Red McGonagle, property owner, presented before the Council. He stated that no plans have been drawn up of the proposed garage as of yet, but the main purpose is for placement of the eleven mechanical amts. He will pravade a schematic of the garage m a very rimely manner. Motion by Peterson, second by Amdt, to set a public hearing for May 11, 2004, to discuss selling a piece of this public parking lot to property owners. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF REVISIONS TO LIBRARY CUSTODIAN JOB DESCRIPTION Julie Wischnack stated that basically language changes were made io the job description. Motion by Peterson, second by Stotts, to approve revised library custodian job description. Motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIIERATION OF CALLING FOR A PUBLiC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ADOPTION OF THE MODIFICATIONS TO THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING FLANS FOR TIF DISTRICT NUMBERS 5, 6 AND 7 Ken Merrill, Finance Director, explained that there are some financial shortfalls in two of the City's TIF districts and our financial advisors have a plan to modify the districts in order to make up the shortfall. Jessica Cook, Ehlers & Associates, presented before the Council. Ms. Cook explained that TIF District 6 is not collecting enough revenue to pay the bonds that are outstanding in the district. A couple of remedies include to unfreeze the local tax rate and allow TIF revenues m other districts into dtstnct 6 or to allow modifications up to four years. Her request tonight is to set a public hearing to explain in more detail the modification options. Motion by Peterson, second by Arndt, to set public hearing for June 22, 2004, at 6:00 p.m. to hear proposed modifications to TIF Distracts 5, 6, and 7. Motion carried unanimously. (d) SANITARY SEWER PHASE (LE TT ING NO~1PR0 ECT NO.00 O1~H AREA TRUNK john Rodeberg stated that staff recommends approval of this agreement. This project was just . finished recently with some follow-up work being done by the contractor this summer. y la~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -APRIL 27, 2004 Motion by Haugen, second by Amdt, to make final payment for phase I of the south area trunk sanitary sewer project. Motion carried unanimously. (e) TREATMENTTPOLANT CONSTRUCTIONCONTRACT WITH EARTHTECH FOR WATER Scott Young, EarthTech, presented before the Council. Mr. Young explained what is included in the proJ ect, the timeline and future proceedings. These include a new supplywell, new storage reservoir and new water treatment plant. The total project cost is estimated at $14.6 million. The timing would include the design being done in 2004, construction in 2005 and 2006 with the plant operating in late 2006. Mr. Xoung is requesting that the pilot study report, water treatment plant design. report be adopted, as well as authorizing the recommended protect, targeting 2006 for operations and authorizing staff to implement the plan. Jahn Rodeberg explained that what is being proposed is that items are approved task by task. The agreement for consideration now is a master plan agreement, however each step will come before the Council for approval. The approval being sought tomght is for the $300,000 contract. Mr. Rodeberg further reminded the Council that two other engineering fitxns were considered for this project and EarthTech was the most viable. Motion by Peterson, second by Stotts, to approve the first phase of the contract with EarthTech. Motion carried unanimously. (fl CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING INFORMATIONAL MEETING AT 4:15 P.M. ON MAY 11, 2004, TO DISCUSS THE I,iQUOR STORE PROJECT Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to set informational meeting for May 11, 2004, at 4:1 S p.m. to discuss the liquor store protect. Motion carried unanimously. . 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS ]. CONSIDERATION OF COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES FOR HIGHWAY 7 CONSTRUCTION STAGING WORKSHOP (FRIDAY AFRIL 30, 20D4, FROM 8:00 A.M. - 10:30 A.M.) Marlin Torgerson and Bill Arndt volunteered to attend this meeting. 2. CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR STAFF TO VISIT BIO-FILTRATION PLANT IN LAKE HAVASU, ARIZONA john Rodeberg explained that this is the first fully-vperated biofiltration plant in the United States and is just starting up. This is the same type ofplant that Hutchinson will be constructing. Staff attending wtll be John Rodeberg, Dick Nagy and Randy DeVries and was budgeted in the water deeppartment's budget. Council members are mvrted to attend. Scott Young from EarthTech will also be in attendance. Motion by Aeterson, second by I3augen, to approve out-of--state travel for John Rodeberg, Dick Nag~+ and Randy DeVries to nsn the bio-filtration plant in Lake Havasu, Arizona. Motion tamed unanimously. Marc Sebora - Mr. Sebora requested setting an informational meeting to discuss the current liquor ordinance and enforcement issues. . Motion by Peterson, second by Arndt, to set informational meetingg for Ma 4, 2004, at 11:00 a.m. to discuss the liquor ordinance. Jim Haugen stated he would be out of town on that date. 6 ~ ~~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -APRIL 27, 2004 Motion by Haugen, second bx Peterson to set informational meeting for May 3, 2D04, at 11:00 a.m. to discuss the Itquor ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. Kay Peterson - Ms. Peterson informed the public that the hospital is having an open house on Sunday of their critical care unit. Casey Stotts - Mr. Stotts stated that he had been contacted by property owners in the downtown area relating to the downtown lighting project. Property owners would like to meet with some council members to discuss issues related to lighting. Lisa McClure will coordinate the meeting and the council members attending the meeting will be Bill Arndt and Kay Peterson. .lohn Rodeberg stated that staff had met with the Downtown Association and they strongly voiced that the City would not be the driver ofthis project. Mr. Rodeberg feels that an educated decision needs to be made by obtaining all necessary figures. Sill Arndt stated that the downtown residents that contacted him were concerned with h~nng a consultant to review this project. Mr. Rodeberg clarified that it was suggested that a consultant be hired For approximately $8000 to review the $1 million project to determine whether or not alternatives could be made to the plan. Discussion was held on who should be responsible for maintaining and paying for improvements in the downtown area. Gary Plotz - Mr. Plotz mentioned that a Police Commission meeting is being held on Thursday Apri129, 2004, at 7:00 a.m. The Police Commission will be deliberating on the two remaining Fohce Chief candidates. A recommendation will be coming to the Council at the May 11, 2004, City Council meeting. The background investigations have been completed and the City Attorney is reviewing them to determine what information can be shared with the public as related to the Data Privacy Act. John Rodeberg -- Mr. Rodeberg stated that interviews are being scheduled for the City Engineer position. A meeting was held today to attempt tv create a Highway 15 Corridor group. Another meeting will beheld in the near future. Thts group will be involved m preserving Htghway 15 from St. Cloud to New Ulm. Marlin Torgerson - Mayor Torgerson proclaimed Arbor Day to be set as A ril 3D, 20D4. Gary Plotz will find out when the trees will be planted along Highway 15 so that the City Council can attend. 11. CLAIMS. APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to pay claims, appropriations and contract payments. Motion tamed unanimously. 12. ADJOi7RN With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. 7 y ~~~ C~ Memo 7b: Mayor and Cily Council Members From: Brad Emans, Flre Chief Meta: 05/01IOa Re: Monthly Update on Activittes of the Fire Department The fire department responded to 45 general alarms in the month of April. Example of a few of the calls: 1. We assisted the Hutchinson Forestry Department on two controlled riafive prairie grass fires. Miller Woods and the Middle School. 2. We were called to an out of control grass fire that started a wood storage shed on fire in Lynn Township. 3. We responded to a leaking LP tank at Provesta Foods. The on duty employees did a great job in getting the tank valve shut off before it could ignite. 4. We were called to a large storage building fire in Hassan Valley Township, tt had been damaged by a windstorm the previous day, and the cause of the fire was electrical. 5. We responded tc a commercial structure fire in Hutchinson Township; the cause of the fire was a pottery kiln. 6. We responded to the Hutchinson Compost site where a pile of compost spontaneously ignited. 7. We ware called to a silo fire In Lynn Township; the owner had used a cutting torch in the silo and started the contents of the silo an fire. The FD spent five hours extinguishing the fire. 8. We responded to a slough fire in Acoma Township that was ignited by lightning. Thls is the breakdown of the calls for the month: Gity: Residential 3 Commemial/Industrial 8 MuItFFamily 3 School t Carbon Monoxide 1 Hazardous Material 5 Vehicle 1 Rescue 1 Grass 2 Rural: Rescue 4 Grass 7 Medical 3 Farm Building 2 Vehicle 1 Gommeroiai 3 1 5~a~1 Drills /Meetings /Other Information • We conducted the OSHA required driving drill at fhe training site • We started to move non-essential fire department equipment out of the station for the remodel project • We had a locate and operate exercise • We attended the Central Minnesota Regional Firefighters meeting Fire prevention 1. "Save -a-Life" results: 806 batteries and 37 homes that did not have a working smoke detector now have one. We are very pleased with this program. 2. "We Care About Our Kids" at the Hutch Mall. We attended with the Fire Safety Trailer and fire fighting equipment. • Page 2 SC~JI rage 1 of 1 Henke . From: "Newton Potted' ~newt~hutchtel.net~ To: "Mary Henke" ~maryr~hutchinsvn.lib.mn.usa Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:D7 PM Subject: Library minutes Minutes Hutchinson Public Library March 22,2004 Members present: Julie Jensen, Kay Johnson, Kay Peterson, Larry Ladd, Newt Potter, Connie Lambert, librarian Mary Henke Members absent: John Hassinger The meeting was called to order by President Connie Lambert. The minutes of the February 22 were reviewed and approved. Dld Business 1. Building restoration -Mary reporting Work continues Work will begin on landscaping in May 2. Computers All new computers are in place Computers have been funded by the I. J. Burich Family Foundation An article will appear in the Hutchinson Leader to recognize and thank the foundation 3. PLS Banquet The banquet will be Thursday April 15. Viewed and approved the invitations Board members should RSVP to Mary by April 8 Cogley sisters will entertain with medley of music Kay Johnson will speak -Bridging the Information Gap Kay Peterson and Julie Jensen will help with registration table Guides will be available in various areas of the Library to describe the restoration The menu is still unchosen 3M has donated a variety of tapes for door prizes 4. 100th Anniversary Celebration Tuesday, June 22 3M will donate up to $500 to help with costs 1,000 book marks are being printed by the Crow River Press Qverall planning is moving forward. Most big things in place . Invitations still in planning stage. Invitations will be sent out about one month before the event 3/25/2004 5~~~~a. Page 2 of 2 New Business • 1. The names of Julie Jensen and John Hassinger were presented for renomination to the Library Board. Unanimously approved on a motion by Kay Peterson and seconded by Kay Johnson. 2. Quarterly County Commisioners Meeting County librarians will meet with the commissioners pn Thursday, March 25 at 7:OOp.m. at the Brownton Public Library. Next Meeting -April 27, 4:30 Adjourned - 5:30 Newt Potter -Secretary C~ 5 (~:~a. 3/25/ 04 MINUTES • COMPOST ADVISORY BOARD WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 2004 The meeting was called to order at 8:35 a.m. Members present were Steve Madson, Doug Johnson, Marion Filk, Gary Plotz, Marlin Torgerson, and Duane Hoversten. Member absent was Bill Arndt. March O erations Re ort teve a son istrr ute an operations report for the month of March. As this is the first operations report that has been created, Mr. Madson asked for any suggestions of other information to be included on the monthly report. Suggestions including numbers for outgoing raw material, cost per produced bag and product ordered but not yet delivered. Mr. Madson will include this information on the next operations report that is published. Doug 7ohnsvn also informed the group that bulk product is starting to be shipped out and he updated the group on some activities that occurred m March, such as maintenance and repair ofequipment. Debagging is anticipated to begin next week and will take approximately 6-8 weeks. The compost turner will then start to be used at area locations and in Wright County. The sales agreement with Jeff Meehan Sales htcorporated is near completion. A few issues need yet to be ironed out. Discussion was held regarding the bags used. Steve Madson explained the j ust-in-time inventory system for bag film. He has also been approached by their current bag sup tier that they maybe able to obtain hags from Brazil for $.02 less per bag than they arc paying now. Mr. Madson will research the overall cost savings of purchasing these bags. Doug Johnson informed the group that it has been sugggested that the design of the CreekSide Soils bags be redesigned to be more attractive, such as the SplenderGro hags. A suggestion was possibly to use the same flower border of the SplenderGro bags and use that on the CreekSide bags. Discussion was held on the attractiveness of the bags and how they appeal W customers. The SplenderGro product is selling 2 to 1 tv the regular CreekSide product and the board feels it is largely in part to the packaging. Redesign will start to take place in the near future. Another item that will be researched is lab testing. The lab at the Wastewater facility will provide costs and staff will also obtain quotes from other lab facilities. Another item that will be looked into is using a current staff"member that has a lab testing background. 2. Coin uter/Automated S stems Issues r. son r orme t e group at a current vendor for the software system used is TransAct. At this point, this software is not meeting the needs of what the compost facility needs: Mr. Madson stated that an rnventory control and accounting system would be much more viable to better link the production and sales processes. Duane Hoversten stated he knew of a software companx that would be able to provide services rnventory control, accounting and scale use. Different packages vnll be researched. 3. Update on Minneapolis Transfer Station Mr. Madson and Mr. Johnson informed the group that 17 semi-truck loads are coming in each day from Minneapolis. The current compost site is out of room to store this product. Mr. Madson stated that he had been in front of the Hassan Valley Township Board stating a request to use the former Stritesky property for the storage of this product. At this time, the Board did not make a decision and Mr. Madson feels that they will wait the 90 days they are allowed to make a decision. By that time, it will be too late fbr the compost site. Another site owned by the Hutchinson EDA was considered, however a buyer has come forth and may he interested in purchasing the land for industrial use. Suggestion for alternative storage sites included the • NordicTrak parking lot in Glencoe, ViTran in Winsted and some gravel pits located in the area. Compost site staff will research these suggested locations. 5 (Qa3 4. Miscellaneous • Mr. Madson reported that the HATS facility has requested that the back gate to the compost facility not be used. This poses somewhat of a problem as truckers use that entrance when the compost facility is not open to the public, thus the front gate of the compost facility is not open. Mr. Madson requested that a modification be made to the compost facility's front gate by installing a codtng system. This way, each trucker can have their own pass code and open the gate before or after normal business hours to load and unload product. Mr. Madson received support from the board to move ahead with this. With no Further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m. C~ ~ (a~3 ~'~e~el~~c,~ ~P"c~ra~~~ts ~,~' ~~1~'~ i.~r tJne rrllrpPyiif' t':'~d~j~i ~1. ~~~~~ __ _ C 10 FEE 51 C+f f J I I I P I f~~5 _..,.,..... m _... ...... E,~IC?FN 1 iAL RL.~.IL~~ _. ~.i ~ ~2f~ P~SIC~E~NTIAi_ 1^JINUGa~WIf N~~"VC:E1w1FP~I1 _,_ ~ .,.~...,,. ~~• ~ ~C _G Q~5 _......... ., _ _ ~.. ...... _XGAVAZ IG~1~7 f " ~r ~)~~ ' ~...~ .. ~Y _.... _. ..-.. --- ._.m me~ w~ ,F~hIC~ .re~, - -...-- ~D~S ~C:~d1AFNT F`LA~"UII~RK ~, ~p.0[7 U4C~ ~~.. ~ UC~~I ~ ~~ ~h1A~NUA,~GTIJR~C7IHQNN IIhWT~,LLJ~,T......, ~~ - ~. ---- ...~.. ~ ; _ ~~l~.~n~ '. t34 MUVIfV 1 ~0 0~: CAS, . ..._.._- I~EMc~LIT1~~Sp... .....- -._...... -- e ~.. .._.....- - ----- G , _.. $p i)~J Q~~ G7K I d:~ ~C~.(-~J C7 ., ..._. ~ n __..- . _ . , „ ShlFD -......_ ,. 5 Ci.4~3 a7~'~ I~~NNIAI~FN k~~~~hJl~.h#T .. ~~ .,~, m~ ®,m, _ _.,. ~ ....._- $~.6i~. 1Q11 SNhIL-A~Nv~ML'Y C~~T>~~~IC7 _,...~A m ---.- ~. ~. h, 7~~~,O~~o ot~, ism ... SIM~C~`~,Ar'JIILY ATl`A[~HEL w,~~ , ~ .......------ -- ~' $3~,f~GJO,o(G ~~ -- ~~r~~~ rv~r~~.~51nFr~~f~al~ ~ ~z ~a:>,s~~.r~c~ ~3~ ~,, ~ ~ RE~~C3~NTIA,L kipMF ~f.~C~IT1~7N ~ ........_ ~ _~. ___ $74~~~~~C7.~~ ........ IMF __. ~,_...m.. ..... _.... _....._ NC7NR~ICJEMT r, F ,'J H.I.a~,Lk`kE~IVtiI~'a r~CIC)I'.!~: 'J , __..__... 1 ~k"a20,OC10 i~~;~ ; i "~~`'i'.~NTIAL ( ,!;I `I"~L~I ~ I .`1 4 $~B,GOt7 DLL ; "~_; I ~; i I f i._r,1 ; "151 w3,1 ~U,~,~~.~3L~ '; rarer raf , -p~~<iar~s fir th+~ :: r~,:.:,~ = ~,'N ~ crrnber' al ~turntrirr~ ~ea~rra~#s err the rrrc?rptla = ,~ ,~';: .~,„„,,,r °, .. II 1 } 1" S "• 1~~ ~.' r:. ~ ~. 1 1 ' 1 1 , 1- lQ yV` 1 For C~~~ H~CE 531EET H 3i, '24704 __ * a r ~-TOTAL * ~--~ ~ -- -- ..--- . A55ETE UTILITY PLAPFf - A7 SC'3T LAND 6 LAND RIGHTS ~ - - _. . _ _ .... - - 1. d76, 337.49 _--~ -_ .__ DEPRECIABLE UTILITY PLANT 96,759,754.45 TOTAL UTILITI' PLANT -- -. -- - .- 4'8, 63E, 047.45 LESS ACCUrR1LATEA DEPRECIfaTIUN C26, 885.781.48) TOTAL ACCUMkll.ATED D~FPRECIATIVk L.'~.6,89i, 791.93) COTlSTRUCTIOk Ik PROGRESS 1, 37G, 254.47 TL3TAL COdE;TRLlCTIO!! Fk FROGRc'SF; 1,370,254.97 TOTAL UTILITY ALANT DEPREC VALUE T3,124, 570.44 RESTRICTED FLNJDS 6 ACCOUNTS ~ ~ ---- ~- --- - -... .- --- ~---------__-..--------.-.._ FUTURE E%PAkSFON 8 DEVELUPi5E7Q7 ~ 4, 676, 91:.1.48 __ 2003 REFUkDIkG FUkD _ 2,79°,415.85 BCNQD 6 IkT£REST PAYMENT 2003 713,~.OS _-.- - TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS 6 ACCOUkT3 8, 196, 0+R0.AS - ." CUR97Et1T ~ ACCRUED ASSETS CASH IN BANK ~ - 376,364.41 PiCCOIWJTS RE~IVAELE ------~-- 3,446,828.86 ~-- INVEHTORIE8 __ ----_. .._-~ ~.~~7'~S.$7 '. - - -- ~~ ~- .. PREPAID IN9kRtP~A4CE ~ 58; 696._70- ~ ~ - - - .. . ' - - .. -- CLEARING ACCOSR3T {49.~BD) - .. ~ ~ - _ SALES TAk REC6IYA61_E - - ... .. 33.782.71 '------ TOTAL CURREM S ACCRUED ASSETS ~ 8, 033, SS'T.75 .:-AEFERREU C,Fii1RGE -..-' ~--- - ~B~OkD ~DIBCOLPlT' 2003 ~ _ 549,825.90 ~ T TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGE - _ - - _ - .. ... _ - _ -. ---.-- _ _ 6.4+x, p23~.96- -- TOTAL ASSETS 97,0D0,L704.56 i 1 } 1 i 1 ' 1 s- ~ ~: } - 1 1 Q i~ PA E. 5H:fT ~ ~. ;5i, 264 ~ ^ r r * TOTAL +t ~ . ~~ iA1kICIPAL EQUITY b LIABILITIES !!k]NICIPAL EQUITY _ - MUNICIPAL EQIEITY. _ 33.387. i3a.98 - _- - __ -- __ ___.___. _ __ __ CONTRIE~ifTED EQUITY 5,665;648.38 --- !lNpPPRE~PRFRTES RE7AIt~D ~AkNIE:r,S ~~~ 90, L88.L~9 -- ~ ~ TOTAL MUNICIPAL E4ULTY 49.142.9d3.4S LONG TERM LIABILI~f IEB--t+IET OF' CURRENT MATURITIES - - - -. .. _... ..- - - _ ~ - -- ----- -- - ---- --- 26oi $ Bokos a.~zs,oc,<a.eo 2®03 BONDS 36, 705, E?L+f-s_UQ ~ - TOTAI LONG TEFUS LIAPitITIES 33,430,666.66 ~-- -~-~~ -~-- CAkSTR CONTRACTS d. ACCTS PAY RETAL7J -- ~ ~ - - - - - ~"~~U EXPENSES - RETAiNAGE -~ -~-~~ -~~ _ - - ii?, 96_84 TYiTAL COi~3TRUCTIO#F b ACCTS PAY ii2, 965.84 CURRENT,!. ACCRUED LIASFIITIfcS ACCOUkTB PARABLE 3,639,362.82 _. - -- .INTERE6T ,ACCRUED . -.. . _ _ _ -- . _. ~~ -- -.-. 436, 289.52 ACCRUED VACA'f ION PAYABLE ~ 588.858.93 --~---------- -- ACCRUED MEDICAL FUND ~ I43i,845.937 .. ---_-- _ - -.ACC.RUED RE£_PAYNENT.._ .. .. _. - - -~---._. --~ ~ .. .. ._ 12.696.29 - - - - ACCRUED SEVERANCE 23.~Si..li------------------ i~DSTOPlER DFPO8IT5 77,$45:60 .- .- -_-- _.__OTI£R.. CIRiP.EY~IT_6-ACCRl1ED LFABILITTES 63,6Sa.47 . _.. .- _ 'fOTAL~CIRY3ENT & ACCRUE- LIAR _ ______4.314,615...^.1 _ ___._TOT.At MUNICIPAL EQUITY b LIAR -_ 87,666,0@4.56 E'ATF,`1EtaT iiF CC1I•ff. 8 E%PEttlSE5 MA~3!., 2004 i YEAR TO DATE , INCOME 57ATEi$NT OPERATING REYEYUE SALES ~~ f~CT'RIC f.NERC.Y -7,21•-+,$38_._3 ~ SALES FOR REsAL'c 1=,3-?5_iw} SAlE5,- GA5 4, i6S, £,40.31 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE E~.440,a 13.54 I OPERATII,IG EXPENSES PRODUCT IOI~ OPERATION 59A,486.fii 1 PRODUCTION I'pAIMENANEE 8?.:?b0.f.6 F(.A2CHA5ED POWER ,~ :1`::•.`,33. a0 T}2{M!3NISSION L7PERATION 94.?6 ! TRAN5NI85ION NAINT'ENANCE 204,467.48 ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION OPERATIf~1 Lkt,@43.'77 ELEf:TRi£ DIS'i'RIBLITI[Rd MAINTENANCE '~, 53.7.74 1 PURCNA5ED GA5 EXPENSE 3, 70£', :c.:`fi_98 GAS TitAN$NISSIUdi OPERATION. .00 ~~ GAS TRANENISSIOk IIAINTENfViCE :DD 1 ~ GA5 DI$TRIBIITION UPERATICNf 44.077.06 GA5 DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE _ 2G, 895.02 CUSTOMC]2 ACC€)LRATINL 3 COI.LEGTIONS 8=?,474.86 Z ~ ADMINISTRATIVE E, GENEF.'AL EXPENSES 381., 283,!,8 DEPREICIATION - _ ~ ~ ~~~_-~_~-~ _ ..___61°!,@GO.f-79 TQTAL DPERWfING EXPENSES 8,201, Sd2.47 OPEFPIT I?dG INCOME ! OTfiER INCOME oTr>£R nlsc INCfmE SECURITY LiGi-ITS } PL7L,E RENTAL f]T1iER -NET INTERE57 INCOME ! M35C INCOME GAIN O:i DISPOSAL - EtECTRiC GAIN ON DISPOSAL - GAS i TESTAE 0T7£R INLOHE OTFER EXPENSES ~ MIS[ EXPENSES INTERE87 EXPENSE TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES 1 CONTRIBUTION TO CITY 7[ITAL CONTRI9UTION TO CITY I NE]N-~~'FRRTING INf:01'£ NET INCOME I ~r ]~ Y CC1R}'tEN7.._- _ -_ - HCiDGIE:TEL YEAR TD DRTE YF~R TO DATE 5,284,331.43 43,$44_00 3 74b.,_876.22 _. 9: 075, 9dL,35 4: i6d, Y.iB_33 125, FAG@.96 t.0!F6 ,-G~1 .29 d,29B>589.d2 25w, Ste. i4 93,793.32 3. 3DJ.750.50 i08.A4 1,69?.9S 92,065.93 44,8$9.40 3: 247.053. L35 ..._ 2x437.53 ISL.53 109,786.41 . 45,429_77 75,744.98 459,559.:;4 806, W6.00 5,502,867.83 20:?, 511.47 __ . __ ..,72_. SS3.52 a3,s12.a3 _ ....._ 2,797.00 924.50 19,152.58 yu'2.-'•39.21 _ 133,43i.p4 5; 024,4~dS.66 _ Lad, 357.58 1 , 407 , 499, f32 5', , OfT8, a2 5p, 8C37.:r0 12er, $96.02 220,560.00 22f1, `00.00 1 . 06r:, f E~3.96 ..~.~.2,•F8.29 2,749.@6 9G6. 25 a, 489.85 24,302.27 16, ~i2.66 .00 .00 $4,6?0.34 8. 1;,9.96 32ti.787_84 334,947_77 23L,750. 00 231,750.60 c 4B^ , F~,)7.43) 1.2F,G15.27 SG, SU6.04 BUDGET DEYIATI[3i S . i 17, 3"72 , 80 f SL, 156.00) i .74D,'259.93 2, 7 16 , 4? L _'T3 ANNUAL BUDGET id. 667, 8'73.3lJ 56~J,.M.OD 8, 02~, 435.].5 2:,, 794, 358.45 444, 222.15 ~ 384, 445.01 2, 576,$F3$_53 66,625.00 f27, 556.327 266, SDO_OE3 5..753, G+GO.rf6 C i , 556, 780.50) . -. "7 .0(?O, GC~0.06 . 6f7 C S D8.01) , C~70 2,000.@0 102.65 B, ODD, D® 108.746.24 id, 6F3E1, 31 434.984.84 37,750.00 [7,059.461 151,000.00 1,563,711_88 f5., 683, 3,51.971 6,254,847.52 10, 187_25 _. _._... _. _7.755_72 _ _ . .__..__ 4[1.'49.00 57,927.50 17,915.97 71,714.00 112,383.53 2,595.42 444,534. i0 23,b87.50 ._.__ __8, SS7.73_ _ . ___ 94.750_0® 84,298,94 8,5.53.95 337,495.73 4b3, 806.34 - 4,?46.83 1,85?,2~.27 BDD, 4D@.OD L6.00) 3,260,000.00 5,685,346.33 C2, 817,521.501 2'2,741.384.99 613,243.29 _ - (41,_049.777_ 2,452.973.46 F~2. 5070.00 ~ 13,146.29 ~~~ - - -~~ - -~ 90,@66.00 ~ ~ -- _ 3, 25D.00 C4B1 .083 13, DDD.46 7,000.06 [31.753 4,0D0.C>O 15,000.00 _[10,510.45)__. ---_._ 60, OD6.00 I7,50D.00 6,802.27 70:.D0D.00 156,402.50 (S;SY, BE19.827 625, 416.1)0 . U0 .00 . C•70 ' .00 ~ 00 _ ._ _. _.....__.____. B0 215,652,50 (130, 952. ib1 842,610.00 .00 (8,159.96) .~6 247,928_41 (28,8J9.407 1, 194, 7i3_ri2 297,928.41 _ _ ~~(37,039.36] 1, 14i,713_c2 231,756.06 .00 937,000.0@ 235,550,E-10 .F1D ~ ~~_~-_927, Oe3D ~iC !344, 025.9L) [567,981.52) (4,2.`.:6,1133.32. 299,'57,36 0209,@31.29) L, LSG, 82,4.64 4/1612004 2:22 PM Final HUI'CHINSON AREA HEAL7H CARE Statemgit at Revenues and Expenses Manlh and Period Ended Mardi 37, 2004 CURRENT MOMH YEAR-70-GATE YEAR-TO-0ATE Over fUrder} & Ngel Over{UrWer] Budg et VARIANCE % Revenue ACWaf Budget Dollars PeroaM AcWak Budget Dollars Percent March 2003 2004 va 2003 1 Inpatient revenue 52,746,486 53,266,682 [5520,196] -15.9% SS,T51,969 59,532,B7D {5870,901) A.0°,6 17,454,588 17.5% 2 OuE patient revemie 4,493,4D5 4,174,492 318,913 7.6% 12,003,068 12,247,471 {244A03} -2.0% 9,743,968 232% 3 Resident Revenue 643,169 617,949 25,200 4.1% 1,898,922 1,787,372 111,550 82% 1,%7,787 13.9% 4 Tdai patieMlresident revenue 57,[183,040 58,659,123 (5176,083} -22% 522,863,959 523,687,713 [51,003,754] d.2% 516,866,323 20.1% Dis n s 5 Govemrrenfal8 Policy Discount 3,843,219 3,910.585 (67,366] -1.7% 11,062,367 11.198,346 [435,979) 3.8% 8,562,189 292% 6 Free Care 321 6,187 53,846] A2.3% 6,036 72,500 !6,464} -51,7% .0 n1a 7 Total dedu~nlmm avenue 53,843,546 53,914,752 1871,2121 -1.8% ft1,06B,4D3 511,510,846 55442,643} 3.8% 58,562,189 29.3% B Net paBenlfresideM revenue 54,039,500 54,744,371 {5104,871} •25% 511,595,556 512,156,867 [5561,317) A.8% 516,364,134 92.5% 9 OUrer operating revenues 80,282 80,069 193 02% 224,992 235,068 [10A66] d.5% 206,977 85% 16 Nei operating revenue 54,119,782 54,224,440 55104,678] -2.5% 511,820,148 512,391,925 {5575,777) 4.6% 510,581,111 125% 15 Salades 51,851,759 51,825,890 531,869 1.7% 55,423,06'9 E5,342, 134 f8D.935 15~, 54,798,554 13.0% 12 Employee Benefits 476,735 413,759 62,976 75.2% 1,277,161 1,222,549 54,592 4S% 1,220,912 d.6% 13 Professions[ and Rled'ral Fees 474,460 522,839 {48,639} -8.346 1,359,961 1,588,758 {208,807] -132% 1,581,671 -12.9% 7d UIiBBes, MEnca Contrails 8 Repass 189,649 173,013 46,638 9.6°.6 515,983 518,558 (2,593] -0.5% 429,1142 20.3% 15 Food, Dugs 8 Supplies 541,583 817,397 24,188 4.7% 1,542,282 1,537,822 4,440 0.3% 1,221,650 2629. 16 Other expense 128,312 144,124 {14,872) -10.3% 391,752 428,249 {34,497) -8.1% 374,D26 3.4% 47 Mimesola Care 48,756 53,943 {7.187) -13.3% 139,192 761,829 522,037} -13.6% 111,908 24.9% 58 Bad de0t 13,150 47,829 {34,679} -72.5% 110,753 198,146 161,393} 11.1% 71,675 6295x' 19 Enleres7 41,377 56.079 {14,702} -28.2% 523,801 145,8D7 L22,006} -55.1% 119,736 3.495 20 Depredafwn 156286 170,975 I1 6,695] -6.6% 476,401 486724 {9,823] -2.0% 433,845 9.8% 21 Totale~enses 53,927.001 53,925,868 11.153 OA% 511366885 511.606,671 {5239,589] -21% 519,347,971 9.8% Excess of net ope2Bng revenue 22 over (under] operating expereres 5192 781 5298,592 18765,831} -35.4% 5453,263 L785,851 15332,888} X2.39: 5163.146 177.6% Norwoera8ng Revenues Z3 Irrvesimenl3nmrne 815,267 514,000 51,267 9.19E 546,473 542,000 54,473 107% 554,454 -14.7% 26 Other norroperatirlg revenue {net) 58,152 25,684 [1,5321 -29.3% 51,T7B 74722 (22.4441 x62% 24,876 406.1% 25 Piaza751ncomellLOSS} 3,681 t0,301 55,820] E4.3%. 19643 25,424 15,981] -235% 30,833 36.95(+ 28 Fo[af rgrgperating revenue 537,1D0 549,985 1512,885] -25-8% 5717 5194 5141,648 5823,9521 •18.9% 5110,163 6.8% 27 Net Income 5229,867 5348,577 IS11 8,7161 -34.1% 5570,957 (927.498 18356,5411 3BA% 5273.303 108.9% 28 Patient days 872 .1,048 [236) •22.5% 2586 3,098 {512} -16.596 2,526 23% 29 Rasidenldays 3,825 3,668 L~1 -t 29L 10.528 10,610 [821 -0A% 9,914 6.2% 30 PerceMOOwpancy-budget beds-Hospital 43.7% 58.3% -12.7% -225% 47A% 58.7% -0.4% -165% 4fi.B% 12% 31 Percent occupanry-6lydgel6eds • Nurs~+g Horne 95.7% 982% -1.1% -12% 94.1% 94.8X -0.7% -0.8% 89.6% 5.0% 32 F~~s 666.7 479.3 -t2.6 -2B% 463.3 479.3 -16.1 ~ 3.4% 434.8 8.5% 33 Admissfor~{adjusted}-Hosgtaf only 582 650 (67} -16.4% 1,597 1,905 {3D9} -16.2% 1x175 8.2% 34 Expenses Imo} P~ adman I~~1- SlospiGl cefY 5.514 5.066 506 10.1% 5,849 5,065 764 15596 5,743 1.8% 35 Revemre pe+adrrisslan [adjusted] - Hospltai onN 12,372 11,382 989 e7% 12,942 51,413 1,529 13A% 17,593 15.6% 36 Net Revenue per admissbn [adJusred} - Flaspfial only 5,952 5,516 436 7.9% 8,211 5,536 690 12.3!6 5,925 4R% 3T Discourds as a percerd of revenues 48.8% 48.8% 02% 0.4% 48.8% 48.8% 0.2% 6.4% 45.4% 7.8% 8% 0 3B FfEY per SOD admissions {adjusted}- HospBal ordy 4.9 4.5 0.5 50.1% 52 4.6 0.7 14.3% 52 . 13 5% 39 Days in Net AccauMS Receiv'dde {exduding dlnira] 57.8 56.0 2.8 5.1% 68.8 . - If r ~ r .~ FINSTMNT.ds Pam 1.ars6n • ~ ~2' NUTCH3NSON AREA I-~ALTH CARE Comparative Balarga Sheet As of March 31,2684 ASSETS current Assets 1 Cash and invesbnenLS-Operations 2 Casfi and lnrestmenls-Se6-Insured 3 Su6tolal nsh 8 hivasbnents 4 PatienN2esfdenlreceivahles 5 Atlowances Tor bad debts B Advances and contractual abrrances 7 14e1 paBenUresideM and ttiidyarty 8 payor receivables 9 {0 Daher receivables -net 71 Inventories 12 Prepaid expenses 13 Total Current Assets 14 Board DeslonatedlFurrded DeoredaGon Irrvestmenls 15 _InvesVnenl in JoIM Ventures Plana Assets 16 lent F7 Buildings 18 Aca~nwlated depredation 19 Bulltllrgs less depredation 20 Equlpmenl 21 Accumulated depreda8on 22 EquipmenE 3e<s depredation 23 Cashionstruc4an d equipmen! 24 CanstruCion in Qmgess 25 Tall Plan[ Assets O6rer Assets 28 Deferred financing costs 27 Total Funds i ~~ I~ FINSTMNT.xts Pam Larsen LA} IH1 LA}-{Bl MARCH FEBRUARY MARCH Change 2664 2064 201]3 CY vs PY 510,719,162 516,675,821 59,298,682 1,420,480 1,537,790 1,527,434 796,811 747089 512256,862 512,293,255 510,089,293 2,187,589 16,996,993 17,652,258 17,486,037 [469,044) {4,337,637) [4,321,610) [3,789,842) 1587,795] !5.297.958) {5,836,875} {8.923.8457 125.587 57,361,398 57,451,773 57.692.850 {331,252} 260,119 725,529 244,328 248,567 723,312 263.550 287,983 679,792 276,190 [27,864} 45,737 133,8621 520.846.238 520,890,457 519,027,908 5,820,328 58,118,852 58,275,503 515,764,305 [7,847,4531 586.5,898 5625,418 5389,138 276,760 51,019,786 51,019,788 51,019,788 0 G~1 [B7 {A] {B7 MARCH FEBRUARY MARCH Change 2604 2604 2063 CY vs PY LUIBILITlE3AND FUND BALATICFS Current Lab6ltles Current makrtllks of Lon9lerm deW 51,232,373 51,242,966 51,539,179 93,196 Aaants paYahle-bade 1,915,079 1,627,644 k796279 154,800 EsBmaled contractual setl~rre+[s-riet 1,112,607 1,073,835 1,530,705 {418,698} Accnred expenses - Salarles 782,155 804,303 610,268 571,892 PTO 1,454,640 1,428,163 1,260,981 193,869 1Meresl 141,66.1 184,020 780,144 {36pT9] SeH-Irauretl Progrmns 375.073 348.597 808.581 {230,888] Other 150,494 155,245 133,344 17,150 Oefened faWRies 108,475 103,908 173,661 {85,566] Deferred revenue 0 O 0 D Total Current Ltabii8es 57,286,764 56,967,503 57.431,120 {182,3561 27,122,091 27,102,978 28,079,881 1,042,214 {12,684,802] {12,589.8831 {11,728,fiS4] {956.1161 -1.an9.lerm Debt [less arrant 514,437,289 514,513,085 514,353,197 84,092 matud8es5 16,146,036 16,111,782 15,229,324 916,712 f12,32z,ssz) {12,245,208] (14,602,397} (719,786} 53,823,874 53,86Fi,574 53,626,927 196,947 0 0 6 6 7.838,278 7,250,204 841,394 6,996,864 527,119229 526,649,861 519,847,306 7,271,923 Fund balance 598,124 599,234 $101,885 {3,741} 558,848,339 556.564,289 555,130,522 1,717,817 Tolak Funds 521,249,382 521,472,436 522,435,985 f1,1e6,s9s) 528.330.190 528.100,330 525,263,414 3.068.779 556,848,339 556,540,289 555,130,522 1,711,817 ~.J RESOLUTION_N~7 l3E IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THF. CITY OF I-IUTCFITNSDN, MINNESOTA: That, the Following property be certified as deferred for hardship for senior citizen or disabled person as outlined by state statute, city ordinance, and city resolution 11993. Property description Owner Lot 33 Ex 5100' LEO C & Rosalia Lang Lynn Addition 700 2"`~ Ave SW 07 -11 fiN-29 Hutchinson Minnesota That, the following assessment roll shall be deferred under the above guidelines: . City and County Roll #5061 Amount $ 7,044.53 2003 Project and assessment Interest rate of 4.33% This special assessment was adopted by the city council this 5`s day of May 2D03. Resolution 12407 submitted to the council on this 11'h day of May 2D04. Marlin Torgerson Mayor Attest: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator i SC-~~~ S ~ T ,~~, ~~~ a~u , Gee. ~- ~ . ~. ~~~ ~ ~~ 5~b~ 1 ~~.,yt*alii"1 APPLICATION FOR DEFERREL OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ~n, FOR SENIOR CITIZENS AND DISABLED FOR WHOM IT WOULD RE A HARDSHIP TO MAKE PAYMEN7".S To the Mayor and Council, City of Hutchinson, State of Minnesota. I, 1..~ D ~, _ ^" ~_ i e~ (. , am owner-occupant of the following described real estate situated in the City of utchinson. LEGAL OR TAXABLE DESCRIPTION: I am fi5 years or older, or I am on disability as defined by the Social Security Administration. Furthermore, I do own and occupy tlae above-described real estate as my homestead. A special assessment in the amount of $ '~..~3 has been assessed on the above described property. Commencing in the year a7t70'- with interest at the rate of{/.33 for special assessment: ~ _,~ n n U Ct r~ r) l_o ~' 3 ~ ~ X 5 / oo Such special assessment amount causes a hardship forme to make payment thereof The following information will help substantiate my claim for deferral of special assessments. An asset limitation of $30,000 applies. Annual Income from All Sources* $ (Federal Income Tax Form 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, or MN property Tax Refund Fonxa M-1PR must be submitted with dais application) CJ Cash Assets $ 9 D 7. D D Other Assets $ 3, D Y y. U5 Other Rea] or Personal Property$ `f =~ • OLD ' .r r ~ ~ (Other Than Homestead or Auto) I hereby request that above assessment of $ ~'T, D ~/=/. S ~ be deferred as provided under Mimresota Statutes 435.193 to 435.195; and City of Futchinson Resolution No. 11993, dated July 23, 2002. 1 hereby declare that the foregoing statements are true and Uwe make application for deferral of special as outlined herein. pate~~~ *Verified By: Applicant. C. ~d-a._R_ Q_L~~ ~~~,~"~' _...~ U..,r~ >~ _ ~ F~- G:IASSES SME\srdc fapp] icati on. doe 5(~~l 1r 11 u I Maur New' Benefit Amount RENEFICL9RY'S NAME: SOCIAL 6ECURITY CI SIM Ni7MBER (mly nc~ ImE a diy'Ee ere shown tv hel prevent LEOCLANC. iamEily ttetE): ?CXX-XX-0597 OA Your Social SscurtiEy beneflte will increaso by 2.1 percent for 2004, becauav of a rise in the cost 9f living. Yvu mn use this lertar when you need proof of yom benefit amount W receive food stamps, rent subsidies, energy aeeietence, bank bona, or for other business. How Muoh Will I Get And When? • Your new monEhly amount (befars deductions] la $973'611 • The amomt we are deducting for Medirarc iR ~~• (Byvu did naE hpve Medicare as of Nov. 21, 8009, or if someone else pays your premium, we show $0.00.) • The amount we are deducting for volun Wry Federal tax withholding i9 $0.00 (If you did not elect volmtary fadcrnl tax withholding as of Nw- 21, 2009, we show t0.00J • Auer faking o-gv nlher deductiaaa, wo- will deposit 5907.UU into Your }tank account an ]eo. 2.2001. If you disagree with o-gy of these amounts, you shadd w.ite to ua within 00 days Sum the date you ro-crive Ehis letter. What If I Have Questions? We inviEe ynu to visit our wcha+te et www.sociadeecnnly.gou an Ehn Inkrnet to Gnd general infarmatlm shout Social SocuriEy- You also can callus nt 1.800-'778.1219, 24 hours a day. We ran answer specific questions hY phone from 7 a.m, unEi17 p.m. on business days. Our lines are huaieeE early in the weak and early In the month sv, ifyeur bualneaa ran wait, it is hest to call at other times. Pleaea ho-ve your Hill nine-digit $acfel Becvrlty number aveilahlc whon yen call or yialt end include it o¢ any letter you send to the Social Security Adminiatrativn. Ifyon am deaf or bead oYhearing, you muy ca11 our TTY numbcn 1.800.926-0778. Yau also can visiE ynnr local office. I AI 1 CH]CAGU AVS 8UU'IN MINNEnPOLdS MN BNC #: 0383970J(A34R 80C1AL S&CURTfY ADMINISTRA'rIUN WESTERN PACIGAAM 8li12VICF. CENTY.Ii P() RGX 207? RICHMONll CA 94802-1779 Over -Y ~ e PRaBDRiao FIRHr{.~,AaB M11A1L POSTPDa AND FEES Poo SOCIAL 9ECDRIry ppmlNlarRAnorv PER~I.o a ae'eeiene OFFlCIAL eUAINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE DBE, Fa99 $0 6111`® t0 ChCOh ORt On. we6eite: mww.axialaepuritygav L>:U C LANG 700 2ND AVF. SW HUTCHWBUN MN 55350-2305 Id,l~ JJ~ ~.II„hI~II ~~~ ~J,I„11,11„~,641L„II„~„I,II 51~~ 1 a 6 Your New Benefit .Amount •....• $ENEFICIAItY'S NAME; SUCIAi. EECUH.ITY CLAIM NUMHER lonly the leer 4 d1t71x me shown to help pravenr 1.1;O I: LANG Idann;y W+e6L XXX$X-f1~:37 A Your Social Security bane0ts wdl inerrnse Ly 1 4 percent in 200:1. because of n nee m the coat of liv+n¢. Ynu can use this Infer when you need proof of your bencf t amount to receive food atnmpe, rent subsidise, energy pesietence, bank Inena, or for other business. Tiow Much Will i Get And When? • Your new monehly nmwne (hefure deductinna) is .~-5-~. 70 -.---- • T'he nrwwu we're deductin¢ for Mndicnre is -. $5A.70 --- (vy~u did m! have Medmare ee of Nov. 22, 2002, ar if esmepne also pays your premium, we show $OAOJ • '11tc amount we're deducting for voluntary federal tax withholding is ......$.09.0..-- ([f you did nnS elect voluntary Federal tax withholding as of Nw. 2R, 2002, we show $O.OOJ • Akcr tnkin¢ uny other deductions, we will deposit .~'~>n~-- inn+your hunk account on Jn n, 9. 3000 If you disagree with any of thean mm~unls, you ahuuld write to ue withN GO days t}am the dote you receive this letter. What IT X Have 9uestions7 We invite you is visit am wehsi[e et mwuseu.gav on the Internet to fnd general information about Spciel Sncurily. Ynu also can call na nr. 1-Ab(IR42.1219, 24 hmrrx a dny. Wr cnn nnvwer sperife yueetiona by phone from 7 a.m. until 7 p.ni. on baeitreee days. Our lines are bueleat early in the week and early in the mnnlh eu, d your bueinaea cnn wait, irx Mxt [n roll nt n[hnr Nmcx. 19cncc hove your full nine-digit 9ocisl Security number nvniLrhte when you cell or visit end include it on uny letter you send to the Social Security Adminix[rntion. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you may call our TTY number, A-800.92.5.07x$. You also can visit your local office, tAl l CHICAGO AVG SO U'fl[ M1NNhAF'OLIS MN App(paISTRA17oN Q 3EgyZCS CF.NT£R [C4T~DRt .... wumaan,gav s.wo~co~n.envwrurno+, PREfiORTeG FIRyT-CLASS MALL POBTACL ANG FEE6 rN Ip BOCIAL SEWRITY AbMIN18TRgTDN PERMIT ryO. G•11 Leo c I.AVC o•• a-nlcl'r 55s2$ 700 2 A~1E SW HUTCI;INSON MN 66350-39pg I, LLdJ„• II„LI, Ih,,..LL,II,IL,,,hl.ll,,, I L.,,, I,II w.zrM.ZCti-a ^°:).6~17F~~.~.'~"~,wan-i+.+c_yr_.. BNCN: 02R1031F712A3 Over 7 5 CS~~ Your New Benefit Amotixnt ..••~. • BENEFiCIARVS NAME: SOCIAL SECURITY CLAIM NUMBER @(15ALIA LANL: (only tM lest ¢ digits en shown m help prevent Identity theR): XXX.XX•781d A V~~ Your Social Security bencfite will incrcnac by 1.a penent ~D09, 8eceue~of a rise m the roar of living. Yau can use tMa latt.r when you need pmuf of your benefit amount to receive food atampe, rent aubeidiex, energy esxizcence, heidr lueils, or for ocher bueinees. How Much Will. I Get And When? • Your new monthly amount (before deductions) is 5872.70 • The xmnunt we're deducting for Medicare ie S58i 0 (If you did nul have Medicare ee of Nov. 22, 2002, nr if xnmwme else pays ,voar premium, we show $0.00.) • The amount we're deducting far voluntary federal txz withholding is ___'"p.Q.pQ (If you did not elect voluntary federal tax withholding ne of Nov. 22, 2002, we show $O.OOJ • After taking any other deductlana, wn w11 dcpvai! - 3S 14.OD --.- into your bank acwunt on ,1xn. 3, 2009. If you dieagxee with nny rf Neze emrunw, you should write to ue within 60 days from the date you rccnivc this klter. _What IP I Have Questions? We invite you !n visit our wchzite eL mwweeu.guu on the Internet to Snd general information alanL Social Secm•ity. You also can call ue at 1.800.77s•lEl7, as boon n day. We can answer specific queetiona by phone tram 7 n.m. until 9 p.m. un 6uainess days. Oar lines are bueieet early in the week and ccrly in Ehc mnnlh nq if your bueineea can wait it's beet to call at other timae. Ylnnsa hove your full nine-0igit Social Security number avnilable when yon cull or v:nil and inclwle it on any letter you eend to the Sacinl Security Adm{nialrnEinn. If you are deaf or herd of hearing, you may call our TTY number, l.tinn-885.oTIA. Yuu also can visit your local ofCrce. 1811 CHICAGO AVh: Sgl]'1'H MINNEAPULiS MN • 13NC#: 02B302ruF'28FOn Over 7 w+I ~ rRESORTFn FIRfiT-CLASti MAIL SOCIAL 5ECUli1TY AI]ryfINI6T"AATION wSTAGE ANO P6E3 PAID SOCIAL SECURI'ty WESTERN PHOGILAM SF.AVICE CENTER AnMIrvIaTRArwrv YG HOX 30T'3 PERMIT N0. G91 RICHMOND CA t1M1802-1773 OFFIOIAI, a1191NES6 PFNNTY FqR PRIVATE OSe, E:1n0 Be sure to Check out """AUTO*" 6-DIGIT 66338 our wehnitc: wurw.38a.gou IiOSAL1A LANG Ton x nvE sw HUTCHINSON MN 55350.3305 I,LI••hL•,IL,LI.11,,,,,Id,.ll.l l,,..ld,lh,,ll•,..dJl J(.~~1 RESOLUTION NO. 12408 CITY OF HiJTCIIINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. EIJDGET VENDOR RE-ROOFS $27,620.00 Replace office/lab & VJWTF Yes Laraway Roofing main station Lamps $16,314.00 Relamp gym Rec Yes (1) Musco Lighting Center \ The following items were authorized due iv an emergency need: 1TEM I COST I PURPOSE I DEPT. I EUDGET I VENDOR Date Approved: •Motiota Made By: Seconded By: Resolution submitted for Council action by: Ken Merrill, Finance Director 5 «~a L~ Pt'avP~ HurcHrNSv aJ 'r.. 9vm yw+e w-~a. J aao4 Q 9~Q cAa~`J April 21, 2004 Gary Plotz, City Administrator City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Gary, Nutchinsen laYCee Water Carnhral PO Box 624 Nutchilrlson, MM 55350 www.watercarnival.org The 62nd Annual Hutchinson Jaycee Water Carnival will be held from June 14"' - 20"' this year, and the entire committee is working hard to prepare far it. We are requesting that . approvals and permits be issued for the 2004 Water Carnival as follows: 1. Close the appropriate streets and issue a Parade permit for the Grande Day Parade on Sunday, June 20`", from 11'00 AM to 4:00 PM. This year's parade route is very similar to last year, with two minor exceptions. The route begins at the intersection of School and Roberts Road. The parade proceeds east on Roberts Road to Dala Straat, south on Dale to Linden, east on Linden to Sunset, south on Sunset and all the way through the Fairgrounds (last year the parade stopped at the Fairgrounds entrance.) Parade staying will occur exclusively on School Road hetween Roberts Road and South Grade Road. This is also a change from last year. Sorne staging will be done in the parking Ivts of the high school and soma of the churches, provided they allow it. 2. Close or monitor intersections at all necessary points for Parade Route on Sunday, June 20"', from 1p:00 AM tv 4:00 PM. Specific intersections that should be monitored are School & Roberts intersection, School Road and South Grade intersection, and South Grade & Sunset intersection. We have already met with Interim Police Chief Erlandson and he is strongly in favor of the new parade staging location. 3. Issue a permit to operate concession stands at the Grande Day Parade on Sunday, June 20`" at Linden Park. In addition, we will have two inflatable amusements from an outside vendor in Linden Park. Dolf Moon has given us verbal approval for those rides. 4. Issue a permit for the Water Carnival Outdoor Dances on Friday, June t8`" from 8:30 PM - 12:00 midnight, Saturday, June 19°' from 8:30 - 12:00 midnight, and Sunday, June 20`" from 6:3D PM - 10:00 PM. All three dances will be held at the McLeod County Fairgrounds. The Water Carnival committee will be selling beer at these dances (see item 6.) 5. Issue a permit for a fireworks display on Sunday, June 20`" beginning at approximately 10:OD PM at the McLeod County Fairgrounds. Fire Chief Brad Emans will be notified concerning the display of fireworks. The Water Carnival committee will arrange to have Sheriff Department, Fire Depanment and Ambulance supporfon hand. . 6. Issue anon-intoxicating liquor license for liquor sales on the following dates/events: a. Friday, June 18`"-McLeod County Fairgrounds from 8:30 PM - 12:00 midnight ('age 1 v( 2 _~~~_~ C~ Pt'~aP~ HurcHrNSpti ~9 m m Nutchinsep laYcee Water Carnhlal PB Box 824 Hutchinson, MN 55550 W W W.WatBrCarnlYal,OfB b. Saturday, June 19`h -McLeod Gounty Fairgreunds from 8:30 PM - 12:00 midnight c. Sunday, June 201° -McLeod County Fairgrounds from 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM 7. We have contracted with Mini Biff, Inc to provide portable lavatory services for the Grand Day Parade route, Parade staging area, and Carnival Midway area. The Water Carnival is anon-profit event, and the Jaycees would appreciate the waiver of any fees or rentals during the duration of the Water Carnival to help defray expenses. We appreciate the assistance received from the City of Hutchinson and its staff, and we could not have a community celebration without this support. I am in the process of obtaining a certificate of liability insurance coverage. I will make sure you receive a copy. If you should have any questions or concerns, or would like additional information, please contact me at the numbers shown below. Thank you, Joel Millett Commodore, 2004 Hutchinson Jaycee Water Carnival `~ (320) 587-1643 (work) (320) 234-7073 (home) (320) 420-1667 (mobile) jm it lett@ hutchtel. net Page 2 of z Malin Torger5on, Mayor David Eriand5on, Interim Chief, HPD Brad Emans, Fire Chief Dolf Mppn, PRCE Director r.~~~~ T.A.P. Enterprises, Inc. 343 N. Main St. Fremont, NE 68025 800-989-3295 Fax:402-721-2950 April 15, 2004 City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Melissa, Enclosed please find a check for the license we need to hold a Tool Sale in your community, in the amount of $200.00. The Tool Sale will be held at the Best Western Victorian Inn Royalty Room from 11:00 a.m, to 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 25, . 2004. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the number provided above, Monday-Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.rn., and Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. CST. Sincerely, Ellen Sne11 Representative Enc C~ 5 (~~ Rpr Ofi 04 O1:S3p CITY pF HLITCHIFISOM 3202344240 p.2 ' ~~~. ClEy of ~~~~~ ] I 1 Hassan Sheet Southeast Flutthinson, MN 55350 1320) 587-5151IFax: (320) 234240 City of Hutchinson APPL,iCATION FQR PEDDLEI2,S, SOLICTTORS, AND TRANSIENT MERCT-i.ANTS All applications must be received at Least 30 davs before event in order to be considered A' licationT a chon&e one ' i...O._._Solicitors.PerDay .._.._..-----._ .._..---°$200.00._.---Dato(s).----------------._..---------_.._.ta_.._.._.._.._.._~._..-----_.._..- CI Solicitors, Per Year M¢n1h/prry/yersr Mouth/I)ny/Yvnr $Stl0.00 ~ Yeaz: Y Transient Merchants, Per Day_ .._._..---------.._.._.-------.._.._......_...._..------._......_..-----.._.._.._.._..~.._.._.._..,..._.._.._...... $2p0.00 Date(s): to ^ Txunsient Merchants, Per Year nth/6ny/Ye¢r "~M¢xrh/Uny/7 ersr $500.00 Year: 'a Peddlers, Pcr Day-=::=::=::-::_::~--_: :=::~::-$200.00 ~• ~ Date(s),.:=rc::.:: _--_-_:_ ::_::_::~::.c==-==to==:=::.::.::r::.::_..=::c::c::=::; Q Prddlers, Pcr Yeax Monr1/U¢y/Yrrsr Month/pnyyy rrr '~' $500.00 Ycar: A licaltt Itlfbrrnation ~' n~trx ?E. ~ r'C ~ ~~~ - - ~,. ~. 1 r. r~- °- Name: ,D C r `~ '~t~~rY ~~c~it~' ~:.~~.~~',~'`.. ~.rxa~ A Ilri Vrl ~ s.._..~.~_....- ;;;~ ;~, ~~ rs ~ ;ter'". '~'+,~- ~' Hcight ' t I Weight: _~~ Bye Cvlor: - ~~ 3 Driver's License Number. I Q f ~'3 7-~ State y~ ' ~ cmtanent Address: ~':~ n an~~ ~. 1 .'k.<. 'y^h: ~>~ ,5..~v~r~w,. / C}t1' SY¢re Zir I ~'. ::-T}, RHO, i . Permanent Telcphone: ~`~~~! )~ •, ~ mpora Address: Cr4' S1nrr Z/p Temporary Telephone Access: _ • q misdemeanor, or violation of any municipal ordinance, nthcr than tra lc violations'?Oyes ~o if yes, state the nature of offense and punishmetlt or pettalty assessed therefore: ~~ sc~~ Rpr ^fi p4 ^1:53p CITY OF HUTCHIPIS[]Fi Cily uJYfutcle(reson Appliwtinn for-Yeddlerq Solicimrr, rtnd Trnnaienf+4lechnnfs Prsge 2 of j 3202348240 p.3 _ "t r- L H Location Name ~ I (~ 7•~ ~ 7 I" Lu a /-(/~) / r-~~ ~.._.tG.' 1~ ~.~,~AZ_. ~`LL`L _.,~ 3-r-.~iJ Lacation,4drlress Ce Sture Zip Describe relationship between applicant and employer; Describe nature of business and describe item(s) offered: ~J'Ik(xAI -~'e n ~ SfI' I ~ Describe method C~ Describe source of supply; ..,nt.rrv, fvnnee A&fress Sfrrfe 7.Ip Suppler Phnnr Nimrber (2) property, owners (preferably / . /j i property Owner Nnme 5rG~5 C~rau.~• ~f _,_ Property Orvner Address County) for character references: _~G s~• ~a G ~ G~/i Praper'p~ Owner Yhone Nun4n:r Cif `C ~9~a ~ r=y Srn(e Zqr _. ~6~ .~~- may] , /I//j Property Owner phoree Number V L ~ ~~ ~~-1 • Suppler PNnnc Number C/IY Strtte Lip So-pp7er Ppwle Nun+ber c~) Apr ^6 Q4 ~1:54p CITY OF' HUTCHINSON 32p234424^ Ctry ufh'urchinsors Applicntivn for Peddlers, Snl(drors, and T~rsn.clent Merchnrtts ('rrgc 3 of 7 • List last (up to three (3)) previous city(ics) where you ca[/ri~ed~(on/ sa ~.iry ---~-Sr..L.~ ~/ /~k~_.. ~. CtN 3[xt~e T~ me activity: ~8)~ ~r1~ /~ • ~xt~~e~Q~ty ~" n~t~ts] ota~lD` 1~~ p.4 The following items geed [o be attached in order far the application to be processed: ApplicativnlLtvestigation fee paid in full (check or money order); ^ yes C] no Apklicafion completed in full and si ned: ^ s ^ no J I hereby certify T have completely idled out the entire above applicativp and that the application is tme, correct, and aecurrtc 1 hilly understand that any person who violates any provision of the Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Merchants Ordinance No. 673 is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a foie not exceeding $1,000.U(7 nr 6y imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days or both, plus, in either casq the costs vfprosecuuon. Pnlicc ^ approved ^ denied Nutcs; _ City Council ^ approved q denied Notes: x ~l.irmsu/Appifrlriem/PMdlcr, Soliclmr. T•ansientq.. ~~w..~ lJg1e ~(a~ ^~~1 • MEMORANDUM POLICE /EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Lt. Dave Erlandson, Interim Chief~~ DATE: April 29, 2004 RE: Joint Powers Agreement As you are aware, Hutchinson Police Services currently is a member of the Southwest Metro Drug Task Force. Earlierthis year I signed a Joint Powers Agreementfor January 1, 2004 to June 30, 2004, believing it to be par[ of our on going task force responsibilities. I was in error. This agreement has to be ratified each and every time by everyjurisdiction's governing board. The Joint Powers Agreement in your council packet is for July 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004. The content of this agreement is, with the exception of the dates, identical to the first six-month agreement. Your ratification and the proper signatures on both signature pages are required for us to continue through the remainder of 2004. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration on both agreements. zooa-al-coos ~~ ~ ~~~ . SOUTWWEST METRO DRUG TASK FORCE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT January 1, 2004 -June 30, 2004 SIGNATURE PAGE The attached Joint Powers Agreement has been approved/denied by the (City/County) (CounciUBoard) of the (City/County) of Mayor City Administrator City Clerk Chief of Police County Administrator County Clerk Sheriff • oa«~NA~ 5 5 ~~~ Southwest Metro Drug Task Force Joint Powers Agreement July 1, 2004 -December 31, 2004 '1'IIIS AGRREMENT is made by and between Belle Plaine Police Department, Glencoe Police Department, Hutchinson Police Services, Lester Prairie Police Department, Minnetrista Public Safety Department, Shakopee Police Department, South Lake Minnetonka Police Department, Stewart Police Department, Winsted Police Department, Carver County, McLeod County, and Scott County through their respective law enforcement agencies. WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. Sec. 471.59 provides for the joint exeroisc of power by two or mote governmental units and specifically allows for the joint exercise of police power; WHEREAS, The Southwest Metro Drug Task Force has been created by the parties for the interdiction of drug traffickers and street-level dealers in the named jurisdictions; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: • Purpose The purpose of the Southwest Metro Drug Task Force is to provide a comprehensive and multi jurisdictional effort to reduce drug trafficking and eliminate local street-level dealers through the coordination of the law enforcement agencies above. Qnce established, the task force opezations are to be coordinated by the Southwest Metro Drug Task Force Executive Committee, which is comprised of one designated official from each named agency. This joint powers agreement is being established fora 6-month period commencing on July 1, 2004, and ending on December 31, 2004, This is the current time allocated foz funding from the State of Minnesota for this task force. For the year 2004, the task force investigators will be located within their employing agency's oFSce. Investigators will be licensed peace officers paid through the task force funds comprised of pooled federal and local moneys. Investigators will act as gathezers of information and investigators of specific cases. Participating agencies will be responsible for investigating illegal drug offenses within their own jurisdiction. Task force personnel will be available to assist in the investigation(s), provide tccluzical advice and support, and provide needed equipment, if available. Investigators assigned to the task force will have discretionary powers of arrest in all jurisdictions. Offenses taking place in a specific jurisdiction will involve the prosecution of those individuals by that jurisdiction's prosecuting attorney. ORIGINAL s (~~ Pursuant to Minn. Stat. Sec. 471.59, 5ubd.12, agents licensed as Minnesota Peace O£Fcers may cross jurisdictional boundaries for all purposes reasonable and necessary to accomplish the goals of this Agreement. II. Fnnding The task force is to be funded by a combination of Federal money, state money, local contributions, donations, and forfeited money. "fhe Southwest Metro Drug Task Force has applied for and anticipates receiving a federal grant in the amount of $94,564.00. This amount is approximately %: of our annual grant award. We have received notice from the State of Minnesota that funding for the Southwest Metro Drug Task Force will continue for the remainder of 2004 and that the Task Force will receive an additional $79,632.00 in funding For the last six months of 2004. This will give a total of a 24 month award in the amount of $318.528.00 with a minimum match commitment of $106,176.00. The grant amount, plus a cash contribution from each named jurisdiction, shall be transferred to the Southwest Metro Drug Task Force under the auspice of the assigned Task Force Coordinator for the administration of the task force. The cash contribution from each named jurisdiction shall be as follows and shall be Yz of their normal • membership dues; 1) Belle Plaine Police Department $1,050.00; 2) Glencoe Police Department $1,050.00; 3) Hutchinson Police Services $4,200.00; 4) Lester Prairie Police Department $1,050.00; 5) Minnctrista Public Safety Department $2,100.00; 6) Shakopee Police Department $4,200.00; 7) South Lake Minnetonka Police Department $4,200.00; 8) Stewart Police Department; $2,100.00; 9) Winsted Police Department $1,050.00; 1U) Carver County $4,200.00; 11) McLeod County $4,200.00; 12) Scott County $4,200.00. "The Southwest Metro Drug Task Force may disperse funds for purposes including, but not limited to, pension payments, insurance and other costs, according to applicable State Law and with the agreement oFthc parties. The hooks, records and documents relevant to this agreement shall be subject to audit by the parties or the State of Minnesota at reasonable times upon written notice. Strict accountability of all funds, receipts and disbursements shall be provided for. For the term 7uly 1, 2004 -December 31, 2004, the City of Shakopee agrees to be responsible far the keeping of all financial records, preparing and filing all necessary forms and reports in connection wish grant funding, and audits required. III. Term This agreement slrall commence July 1, 2004 and till terminate on December 31, 2004. ORIGINAL 2 ~[e 1V. Liability With respect to civil liability claims, each party to this agreement shall be liable for its own acts and omissions to the extent provided for by law, and hereby agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend other named parties to this agreement, its officers, agents and employees against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages, expenses, claims or actions, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of, or by reason of any act or omission in the execution, performance, or failure to adequately perform its obligations. This provision to indemnify and hold harmless does not constitute a waiver by any named party to limitations on liability provided by Minn. Stat. Sec. 4fi6. Further, all worker's compensation claims shall be handled in the jurisdiction in which the investigator is employed. V. Distribatlon of Property All Forfeitures of property, money and other assets will be divided among participating agencies at the termination of the program. All permitted equipment purchased through the program shall be shared by participating agencies on a need basis during and after . program termination. vI. Termination When the task force is disbanded, after any outstanding financial obligations are met, the Executive Committee will establish a plan for disbursement of operating and forfeiture funds and equipment among participating agencies based on their level of participation. If an agency leaves the task force and it is not disbanded, they relinquish all funds contributed to the task force. VII. General Provisions Phis program is to be administered under the jurisdiction of the Mi`I Department of Public Safety. All activities are to be consistent with and subject to the grant application (attached and incorporated), as well as applicable state and local laws. i ORIGINAL 3 SC.e~ VII. Coordination Qverall governance of the task force operations, including the setting of investigative priorities and general operative procedures, will be vested in the Executive Committee. All persons assigned to the task force shall work under the direct supervision of their employing agency's chain of command. The members of the E,xecuiive Committee will assign the Task Force Coordinator. IX. Addendum For the term of this agreement, the Executive Committee recognizes Belle Plaine Police Department, Glencoe Police Department, Lester Prairie Police Department, and Winsted Police Department as associate members of the Southwest Metro Drug Task Force. An associate membership allows for a contribution less than the amount required of full members, but does not allow for voting powers with the Executive Committee, or the sharing of forfeited funds upon termination. Dated this J day of , 2004 • By: Peter lvy, Assistant Carver County Attorney ~ ORIGINAL 4 ~~~~ 50UTHWEST METRO DRUG TASK FORCE JDINT POWERS AGREEMENT July 1, 2004- December 31, 2004 SIGNATURE PAGE The attached joint Powers Agreement has been approved/denied by the (City/County) (CouncilBoard) ofthe • Mayor City Administrator City Clerk Chief of Police (City/County) of County Administrator County Clerk Sheriff ORIGINAL J~e~ pryof 11 I ilassan Sheet Scurheast Hutchinson, MN 553,50 (32U) SR7-5151/Fax: (320) 234-024U City of Hutchinson APPLICATION b'OR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE in provisions of the City of Jiutchinsnn Ordinance No. 65.5 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications must be received at least 30 da~beforc event in order to be considered Fee: $lOfl.00 Yenr Shart'I'ermDates G' I.p -Ciy - C~ -/~_ Fee: $25.00 ~MonthL!]ay/Year - Munah/Da /Yem° U Full Year January I -17ecembcr 31, ~~ C Nome Phone Number C a ~' ~c /~j~L4TCr/!2'~cr~V jf/~ .S`.s-s ~~ Ar/dreva~ where rcQutm• meeting arc helrl City 5'tate 7.ip Day and time of meetings? _ --- - -•~~ Is this organization organized under the laws of the State of Muutesota? ~ yes ^ no How long has the organization been in existence? ~~ ! '~ How may members in the organizatiori? ~t, f C7c) What is the purpose of the organization? ~~L/~~/! u ~ - :=;C! "O4 - - In whose custody will organization records be kept'? /,' s8"~ ~~~f ~"~ _- UL Phone Number - Nume ~ ~ SLU r~l''vS~/l_ ~~~1~ ~.5 .~ ICJ ~~~~-...~: - I C.'it .Stole Zap _ Addreve --~ ~.. ~. ~ L Cis?U Y' .- ...-~LCt r1 (t .~~ Inrurnnce Company ~') [f,~7U ~ ?, o/u ~ / Agern's Name d ~ a GcQ1~l!'-~ o ~cr t t~ ~ UG .. Q2'~4~J-L~., /~__ Address City State ''J -?xi ~7 -!v~ ~G/G Zip ~~~~~'~ Fux Nnmher Phone Number - •- idclii, I3ondlnfbmi&tibri', The followitag infot-mation is provided concerning a fidelity hontl given by the gambling manager in favor of the organization: -" Nmnc of hnndutg cnmparry meets w' ~i1' r .. - Cily _. N~Q ~ 3C:/G~ ... Address of bonding cnmpnny Amount of bond: ~ c~ ~? r .~L rt 1. lluration of bond: ~y1 Stale Zip Ap}~licatiun is htreby made for waiver of the bundin~ rc tc~mcnts: es ^ no '~r.~U ~~~~~ Clly of HrrtcXinson Appllcnrina fnr Ganrbting Devices license Prlge 2 n f 3 U ~.. ~ ~ n~ ~P~ r~~EK° 5~-i- ~~~ o` - ~, I A _~~ ~ Pharc Number Trlee Name /DJ(~ DoE ~~. mac." ~r-c.~':~r~~~ -_-`_ ~.s~a Resirlente Addrer~.r~ City Stutc. ., Zip Date nl'Birth: ~ZJ / ~' ~' / ~~G~ Place of Birth: ~~-~ C~t.~~~r? ~. -~~ P. Month/drly/year C.'tty Stare lIave you ever been convicted of any crime other tluln a trafl"ic offense? ^ yes 1'i>lno if yes, explain' ~~~ ~- T~ 'Prue Nnrnv .. ~ ~%-,cam ° ~ Phone Number Ciry ~y ,State Zip ,`J- Place of"Birth: ~~~'?'i~G1G- Date of Birth: .~~ ' / (< -.. ~- MorrthkZttylyear Cily State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? U yes Fs(nn llesrdrncc Address lfyes,explahr: _ How long have you been a member of the organization? _ (.~ yR~. l ~ I~ U y(. ~-~ ~~ ~ ~ Phone Number Numc. af~lncntion where game will be rrlnyed l J CI L_ a ~-' y' J t.l.~ /irn ~ r~L'iL-•4:!]/ ~~ -r' u _~> CJ /~~ ~~". -~ ~ StnlE' ZI Addreae~ of~lncutiutl where gunte will he plnycd Ciry P Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will he used: Cis - ~ ~ _ u y through G~ ~) _/~- U `~ ~} AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From ~~; -' oc~ L vL 1 ° ~ ~/ Maximum number of player: y ))~ Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ~moaey U merchandise Will refrcslunents be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? dyes if cy •s, will a charge he made fnr suc11 refreshlnents'! ~$.ycs (~ nn , Q nu --~~ ~--- Title Name / Rcsrdeacc Addr•ees City Sartre Zip r 1 IL J Nume Resirtenc•c Adrircvv Name Reridenee Address' 7Yale City Stutc. Zip City Stutc ~~~~~ Ciry n f Jhrlchinsan Applirntinn fur- Gnrnhling Drvims License f'nt;e 3 of ) C~ ()ff1LeC5 O,r OtheC p~80n8 paid for Servrces InfnTmation 1 tieCP55q ,fill additio nal names on'.se a >•ate shee _,.. Nome Title Residenre Address City Stute Zip Name Title ._ ResidenreAddress C'ily State 7,ip Name Title Rea[denceAddres,~~ .. C'idy Studc. Z~,. The following items need w be completed and/or attached in order for the application to he processed: Copy of the ofticial resolution or official action designating the gambling manager: ^ yes ^ no Copy of insurance that meets or exceeds limits established in the ordinance: ^ yes ^ nn A list of all active members of the urgattization: ^ yes ^ nn Application fee paid in full (check nr money order): Dyes u na Application completed in full and signed by both authorized officer and gatublin~ mina et': _es ^ nu Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutuhittson Ordinance C55 and Minnesota Stahrtea Chapter 349)? []ambling Manager yes ^ no L_.7 Authorized Officer yes ^ nn _ ,~ Al~. Lriliul lnitiud i declare [hat the information 1 have provided un this application is truthful, and I authorize t}te City of Hutchinson to invcatigate the information aubtnitted. Also, 1 have received from the City of fiutchinsnn a copy of the City Ordinance No. C55 relating to bdmpling and I ill fatniliarizc myself with the contents thereof. ///t` / `/~ -,~ IV ~~~Sigt~ ore of ufha'izert n~/crrJ ofar,Gnnfzatinn Date .Signudure nfgumLlittQ tnnnager of ot~anizatinn Date Building: ^ approved Nulus: F''ire ^ approved ^ denied Notes: • Police ^ approved ^ denied Notes: _ City Council ^ approved ^ denied Notes: 5(f~ F-o ~ fVo. 2:IR-~npwe~~~. /~ nwa Ire«W w x~~er~lnr M~II IMawa "Ae" Mew IM a1fF11 ~rAU, sox sAZa~~~ 5lll)NT TERM-110-~ ao.,..x.rer ee a.+...w rMe estate of ~Iitttte~ota, CCUNTI"Ol McLeod ._ ...............~CL[Y_.-...._..~.OF....-..Hutch.~.4.R.°.°._-._......._.._... To the ..............cicx..co~n~ii.....................of the..........c}cs ...................~.xur~n}nssn.................. ........................ - - ......................................................... State of Minnesota: hereby appE.Lec...Jvr a i[oenab for the tans o "n~•"°:,~"d%y~E~~!,'ii:~~":.:."''. from ehd.r..:._:r~C~~.: :...........::.r.....day of/..~~C^S~a~='"'~'y:~G.~.., eo cell At Retell Only, xon-Iato:icating Malt Ligaors, w Ehe cams ore delZMed by Egan. far aoneamption "t7N" Ehase aataEaF premaeee In ihe......-.............--...-....~._-.,.- ....... ........................................................Gl„r.7,.........._........n ...... .. ........... _... ... ..., f .._...1S7AF.G.hLN19QAL,........._..........~.. deeeribed a / ta•wit:....~";~~.~'~'r.'i.t~`i'.i.Y,k'~..~~...:5.•a~...~'.'.~1it~:f:.::...:.:'..',...,.:....___~ - aE whWh plan eald oppEiear.L.._.operou......iha bwtaeu aJ,....... ~. (fLfA:' L'Y~~ .- ~~ ~ J v ~- r 1 L In..a w.x .laM ,...I,....ta IE MM, w b..1 n.awre.) Recommend approval. hriver'a Lieensa LD. required far purchase. Steve liadeon, Police Chiaf Each npplicane fnrthar states that Jle is nvi row the holder aJ, nor has etc made application for, nor daes Jle intend to make application for a Federal Retail Dealer a Special las stamp /ar the eak of Intaxicatirl,lt liyaar. 7 C~ ...... _ and tv thot end ropraeent......and .Eate......ae fo1lwav: Thae mid appEivant ........................is..~..__..........._~itixan..~..~.~ of the aniLed Seate.; aJ load marnb ahacgdar and repate; and ha............oLtained the ode of 1!1 yeorr Ehal .............~.,....,.................._..._...................Proprialan_..-.of tJu utabliehmtnE for which the Zitenee will be ipucd if Lhia appliaaEivn u granted, T1wE na manmJaaturer of euoh nan-inEa+iaatinp ma16 liglwn ha any awnerehip, in whole or i» pars, in cad bueineae of mid appliaant.....,vr any Enterer6 therein; ThaE eaid appdiaant..,..make......thL appEica3Eon purmant Dreg eabjeet b all Eha datae of 6he Stab of Minnavta and the ordinanaee and reaalaliaw of mid.._...._...Gity............_.........._.-_._...._..._.._...........- __ appEieable theroto, which are hereby made a part hereof, and hereby aQrxe_....to vbwrve and obey the gimme; F~' ,,J., ~., .~;' ~ ~. x P. O. r~~~~) ~~ To: Mayor and City Gouncil From: Susan Rolander, EDA Intem GC: Gary Plotz, City Administrator Sgt. David Erlandson, Hutchinson Police Department C~ C~ Hutchin son Down town As so ciation Memo Date: May 5, 2DD4 Re: Request to use city right-of-way for Farmers Market On behalf of the Hutchinson Downtown Association, I am submitting a request to the City Council to use city right-of-way on First Avenue from the intersection of Main Street to Hassan Street SE to host the Farmers Market from June 2 through October 30. The Farmers Market will be open on Wednesdays from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The Farmers Market Manager will begin setting up at approximately 1:30 p.m. on Wednesdays, and 11:00 a.m. on Saturdays to prepare for the market. The Hutchinson Downtown Association provides orange cones, ropes, and sandwich boards to block off the street during setup, and while the Farmers Market is open. This year, in response to ongoing parking issues, windshield reminders will be placed on vehicles parked in the market area reminding the public of the parking restrictions. Vehicles parked on this block of First Avenue during the Farmers Market present a safety hazard to vendors and customers, because they must drive through a concentrated area of people to exit the area. Having the right-of-way for this activity is vital to the success of the Farmers Market by providing a safe place for both venders and customers alike. Thank you far your consideration of this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (320) 234-5652. • Page 1 51g) Memo To: Mayor and City Council From: Susan Rolander, EDA Intem CC: Gary Plotz, City Administrator Dale: May 5, 2004 Re: Request to use city right-of-way for Popcorn Wagon On behalf of the Hutchinson Downtown Association, I am submitting a request to the Gity Council to use city right-of--way at the comer of Main Street and First Avenue to operate the . Popcorn Wagon from June 2 through October 30. The HDA has secured a vender for the popwm wagon, McLeod Treatment Programs. The hours of operation will be as follows: Monday: 11 am - 2 pm, and also during Music in the Parts Tuesday: 12 pm - 6 pm Wednesday: 12 pm - 6 pm (will overlap Farmers Market hours) Thursday: 12 pm-6 pm Friday: 12 pm - 6 pm Saturday: 11 am -- 12 pm or 6 pm (will overlap Farmers Market hours) Sunday: 11 am - 3 pm "'Arts & Crafts weekend and other community festivals as appropriate. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (320) 234-5652. C~ • Page 1 ~cti~ . RESOLUTION NO. 12410 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 5 PROJECT NO. D4-05 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Council adopted April 27th, 2004, a report has been prepared by the Director of Engineering, with reference to the improvement of Rolling Meadows East development west of new Golf Course Road NW hereby petition for improvement by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bitumineus surfacing, sidewalk, trail and appurtenances; and said report was received by the Council on April 27th, 2004. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 8Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvements of such streets in accordance with the reports and the assessment of benefited property for all or a portion of the cast of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $845,000.00. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on the 25th day of May, 2004, in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center at 6:00 P.M., and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvements as required bylaw. . Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 11th day of May, 2004. Mayor Gity Administrator 5~,~ • ~~y ~O SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT Ravenwood West CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA TIIIS AGREEA~IF..NT, made and entered into the day and year set forth hereinafter, between Village Homes of Huichinson, Inc., a Minnesota Corporation, fee owner, and Derrick Investment No. 91, Inc., a Minnesota Corporation, fee owner, hereinafter called the "Subdivider";Russell & Doris Rickeman, husband and wi fe; mortgagee; and the City of Huichinson, a Municipal Corporation in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the "City"; . WITNESSF.TH: WHEREAS, the Subdivider is the owner and developer ofproperty situated in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, which has been surveyed and platted as Ravenwood West, and; WIIFREAS, City Ordinance No. 464 and ab6 requires the Subdivider to make certain improvements in the subdivision; NOW, THEREFORE, iT IS HEREBX AGREED AS FOLLOWS: I. SITE PREPARATION AND GRADING 1. IL is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall be responsible for all work associated wiih site preparation and grading. All areas within the final plat, but outside of the rights-of--way, shall be graded to within 0.5 feet of final grade to allow for proper drainage, and the installation of utilities. The rights-of--way, ditch and ponding area shall be constructed to within 0.2 feet of approved grades. All unsuitable soils shall be removed and the remaining soils shall be compacted to a minimum of 90% Standard Proctor Density. Al] work shall conform to the approved Site Grading Plan, and shall be completed prior to the commencement of building, utility or street construction on the site. The grading maybe completed in stages, however all grading and erosion control/seeding of the ponding area shall he completed prior to any construction on the site. The City is accepting the "Proposed Street" on the south side ofthe plat . in its natural state, and it is understood that no material will be removed or added to the right-of- way area. Any costs related to soil correction Or material removal for this site incurred by the Ravenwood WesHPage 1- CC Approve! OOR7L42003 -~~~~ City shall be the responsibility of the Subdivider. A Registered Land Surveyor shall be utilized to provide survey control and staking for all site preparation and grading work, and complete a "Certificate of Completion" noting compliance with the above referenced requirements after work is completed. 2. The S ubdivider shall provide all turf establishment and erosion control necessary to protect the utilities, pond and ditch areas and street improvements beyond the boulevard areas. 'T'he Subdivider shall complete all required permitting and provide all erosion control during site grading work, prior to infrastructure construction, necessary to meet local and state requirements. The entire site shall be planted with perennial rye grass, or other erosion control plantings, Fallowing completion of site grading. It is understood and agreed that the City reserves the right to cotplete the work necessary to meet local, state and federal regulations and invoice the Subdivider if they arc found to be in violation of these regulations. 3. It is agreed and understood that natural gas or electric distribution mains and services will not be scheduled for installation until all provisions of paragraphs 1 of this section have been met. Staging of this work must be approved, and will only be allowed with the written approval from Hutchinson Utilities and Hutchinson Telephone. 4. It is understood and a},~reed that it shall be the Subdivider's responsibility to provide survey control points for all infrastructure and site construction. • 5. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall be responsible for maintaining the condition of the in frastructure during building construction. The Subdivider shall be required to maintain and clean the roadways and stomp sewers on a regular basis, and shall repair or replace any street, storm sewer, sanitary sewer or watermain infrastructure damaged by operations related to building construction on the site. The City reserves the right to complete this work and invoice the Subdivider after 10 days written notice of work to be completed. II. ASSF.SSMF,NTS/1MPItOVI;MRNTS 1. The Subdivider hereby agrees to construct lateral sanitary sewer mains and appurtenances, lateral watennain and appurtenances, sanitary sewer service leads, water service leads, lateral and trunk storm sewer and appurte~rances, curb and gutter, site grading, ponding, street signs and lighting, restoration and appurtenances to serve the entire plat, except for improvements within I3luejay Drive SW right-or way, and along the "Proposed Street" on the south side of the plat. All work outside ofBluej ay Drive S W, except for future street and storm sewer construction in Dale Street SW shall be completed by forces etnploycd by the Subdivider, and the work shall meet all applicable local, state and federal regulations and construction standards. The City shall approve all construction documents and shall have overview and final approval of all infrastruciurc proposed to be turned over to the City. The City reserves the right to reject work that is not in conformance with its standard specifications. Tt is understood and agreed that the cost ofrepairs, upgrades, maintenance or other improvements required to bring the infrastructure work up to City standards shall be the Subdivider's responsibility. Costs incurred by the Subdivider to . oversize sanitary sewer and watermain (costs to increase sire above standard 8" diameter lines) shall be reimbursed by the City to the Subdivider at an approved upon rate. Ravenwood WeSVRage 2 - CC Approval 00/00/2003 5~~~ 2. All work noted in paragraph 1 above must he designed and constructed under the direction of a registered professional engineer. The Subdivider shall have the pnvatc engineer inspect all work and complete a "Letter of Compliance" stating that, to the hest of his knowledge and expertise, the work was completed in conformance with all applicable city, state and federal specifications and regulations. The engineer shall also provide the City with as-built drawings in AutoCad format. After compliance review by the City Engineering Department, a "Letter of Acceptance" shall then be prepared and signed by the City and the Subdivider. 3. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall pay an engineering and admirvstrative fee to the City io cover expenses related to review, inspection and acceptance of privately installed infrastructure that is proposed to be turned aver to the City of Hutchinson. This rate shall be as noted in the approved City policy at the time of construction. The current rate is 7% of construction cast, which shall only apply to those infrastructure items to become the property of the Ciiy. The Subdivider, or the Subdivider's contractor, shall also provide a bond yr letter of credit in favor of the City, in the amount of 100% of the private project improvements. The bond or letter of credit and engineering/administration fee arc due prior to the commencement of construction. 4. It is understood and agreed that the portion of the plat adj acent to Dale Street 5W (Lots 9 through 21 of the Preliminary Plat) shall be assessed for half of the total cost Cor the construction of complete street and stone sewer construction for that portion of the roadway. This construction may not occur until development is proposed and/or under construction to the west of Dale . Street, which maybe several years. It shall be the Subdivider's responsibility to properly notify all property purchasers of the future project and proposed assessment. 5. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider requests that the City of Hutchinson complete plans and specifications, contract administration and management for the construction of, and shall pay for, improvements to construct lateral sanitary sewer mains and appurtenances, lateral watermain and appurtenances, sanitary sewer service leads, water service leads, lateral and trunk stone sewer and appurtenances, curb and gutter, street grading, street base, street surfacing, street signs and lighting, concrete sidewalk, restoration, and appurtenances within Bluejay Drive S W right-vf--way between the current termini south of Century Avenue and Blackhawk Drive SW. These assessments against the property shall he split rougtily rased on the peroentage of frontage along Bluejay Drive S W. "Phis split shall be 40% to Lots 1 through 8 (1/8 unit each)/Block 1 of Raverwood West, 40% to the remaining portion of Lot 1 Block 1 of Itavenwood Addition, and 20% to Lot 3, Block 2 of Raverwood Addition. Lot 3, Block 2 of Aavenwvod Addition shall pay fnr all storm sewer, watermain and sanitary sewer to serve Lot 3 and the 1$` Addition to Raverwood. 6. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall pay Tnmk Sanitary Sewer and Watermain connection fees. These fees will compensate the City for improvements required to provide Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Watermain access to the plat property boundary. This fee shall be collected at the time of building permit issuance, and shall be at the rate in place at the time of permit issuance. C~ R2venuro°d WesVPage 3 - CC App~ovdl 00/00/2003 5 C. 111. CONS'1'RUC'1'lON & MAINTF.NANCk: OUTSIDE. OF RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND EASEMENTS 1. It is agreed and understood that lateral sanitary sewer and watermain 8" or greater in diameter, and storm sewer lines l2" in diameter or larger (but not including farm tilt lines) located within easement areas shall he considered a portion of the municipal system. 2. It is agreed and understood that the Subdivider shall be responsible for assuring that building construction is completed in conformance with the preliminary plat and grading plan. It is essential that the vertical urd horizontal locations of the structure are verified to avoid conflict with infrastructure and potential flood or drainage damage. Any costs associated with these conflicts and potential relocations of utilities and/or structures shall be the sole responsibility of the Subdivider. 1V. OTHER FEES CHARGES AND DEDICATIONS 1. It is understood and agreed, that a Parks and Playground Contribution will be made to the City at the time ofbuilding permit issuance. Current Citypolicy calls for a contribution of$175/unit (2 units shall be charged for each duplex) for areas with R-2 zoning. Future contributions will he made based on rates in effect at the time of development. 2. IL is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall pay a fee of $800 per unit as a municipal • electric service access charge, as noted by agreements with McLeod Cooperative Power Association (Coop). These fees shall be collected with the building permit for all properties, unless otherwise noted in the agreement with McLeod Cooperative Power Association. The checks shall be made out directly to the McLeod Cooperative Power Association. 3. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall, prior to installation of utilities, pay connection fees for Electric and Gas Service to 1utchinson Utilities for ail units to he served in the final plat. These costs for single-family home units are $150 for 1D0-amp service or $200/unit for 2UU-amp Electric Service, and $150/unit for Gas Service or as in effect with Hutchinson Utilities at the time ofdevelopment. 'These fees include the standard connection to each house, and include required meters. Services larger than the standard residential sizes will be at an additional cost. 4. It is understood and agreed that all costs associated with installing streei lights to serve the Subdivision shall be paid by the Subdivider. Street lights on public right-of--way will be installed by the City at current spacing standards and will be maintained and operated by the City after installation. The cost for this installation shall be invoiced to the Subdivider by the City based on the invoice from Hutchinson Utilities. Street lights serving private streets, outside of public street rigj~t-of--way, shall he installed, operated and maintained by the Subdivider, association or other assignee. The Subdivider may make provisions to purchase the materials tlrrough the Assistant Public Works Airector if it is desired to utilize the same product within the private street areas. • Ravenwood Wesf/Page 4 - CC Approval ON00/1003 • V. iNFOKMATION RE IJIRF.D TO BE PKOVIiIED TO ASSIGNS AND SIJCCRSSORS 1. It is understood and agreed that one or more Homeowner's Association covering all properties within Ravenwood West shall be set up to provide maintenance of Outlot A and other adjoining rights-of--way, casements and commonly held properties. The Cily of Hutchinson shall not be responsible for any maintenance within the plat or adjoining right-of--way except for future expected maintenance work within the dctcntion pond area that may be covered through storm water utility fees, which is expected to only include removal of silt build-up due to normal conditions and expectations. The Subdivider shall complete all necessary work to: develop and record Covenants regarding maintenance; and set up the Homeowner's Association. 2. It is understood that all properties in Ravenwood West arc located within Airport Safely Zones A and/or B. Phis zoning area has several limitations, including, but not limited to, the following: a. All properties are prohibited from having detached accessory buildings, as defined in the Hutchinson City Ordinance. This means that buildings such as storage sheds, barns, detached garages or other simi tar structures will not he allowed to be constricted on these lots. Please see specific Ordinance sections for complete information on these limitations. b. Homeowners shall be aware that they are constructing homes adjacent to an airport and skydiving facility, and will be subjected to associated issues and concerns. These properties are located within the landing and takeoff zone for the airport, and airport related noises and nuisances are to he expected. 3. It is understood that future assessments are expected for the work noted in Section II.4. VI. GENERAL It is understood and agreed that all local, state and federal permits required to be obtained for the development shall be the responsibility of the Subdivider. 2. it is understood that any future phases, if not in conformance with the preliminary plat review must be processed through an additional public hearing, per City Code. This agreement shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and successors of the parties. 4. It is understood and agreed that the City shall record this agreement at the McLeod County Recorder's Office or McLeod County Registrar of Titles Office, and that no Building Permits will be issued until said Agreement is recorded and a certified copy of this agreement is provided to the City. The Subdivider shall pay all costs associated with said recording. Ravenwood West/Page 5 - CC Approval OW00/2003 1~ ~~X • SI113DIVIDER: Vlllagc Homes of IIutchinson, loc. Signature Derrick Investment No. 91, Inc. Signature STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF su•NATtrItEs Rover D. Derrick Nante (Print) Rn~er D. Derrick Name (Print) Title Title The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2003, by of Village Homes Inc. of Hutchinsou . 5TA7'E OF MINNESOTA COi7N1'Y OF Notary Public, ~~ My Commission l;xpires ['cxmty,Mintt~ola The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ~.,., 2003, by of 1Jerrick Investment No. 91, lne. MOR1'GACEE: Russell and Doris Rickeman Signature: Russell Rickeman STATE OE MINNESOTA COUNTY OF Notary Public, My Commission Expires Signature: Doris Rickeman Crnvrty,Mvmesu~ The foregoing instruttlent was acknowledged before me this J,_ day of ~, 2(103, by Russell & Doris Rickeman, husband and wife Notary Public, _ ___ Cotnny,Mimtesoti My Camtnission Expires _ . .,,- L J R2venNnod WesUPege 6-CC App~ovel0glDCV240.7 ~ J~ . APPROVED JIY'1'IIE FLJTCHINSON (:ITY COUNCIL'1'HE 27TH DAX OF MAY, 2003. CITY OF HU'1"CHINSON: MARLIN TOR(;ERSON, MAYOR STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF CA.RY D. I'LOTZ, Cl'TY ADMINI5'1'RATOR The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this clay of 2003, by Marlin Tvrgcrson, Mayor and Gary D. Plotz, Ciry Administrator of the Ciry of Hutchinson. Notary Public, _ My Comtnission Expires THIS INSTIti)MENT WAS DRAFTED BY: John P. Rodchcrg, Director of Engineerang/Puhlic Wvrks • City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan Street SE IJntchinson, MN 55350-2522 320-234-4209 C;auay,Mim>eaota Ravenwnnd Wes Wege %- CC Approval gQ/DO/2g03 5~~ • ~yab 0 SUBDIVTSiON AGREEMENT ROLLING MEADOWS EAST CITY OF )-IUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into the day and year set forth hereinafter by Sorensen & Naustdal Properties, LLC, a limited liability company, Fee Owners, hereinafter called the "Subdivider' ; Greater Minnesota Housing Fund, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, hereinafter called the "Mortgagee; and the City of Hutchinson, a Municipal Corporation in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the "City' ; • WITNESSETH: WIIFREAS, the Subdivider is the owner and developer of property situated in the County of McLeod, State oCMitmesota, which has been surveyed and platted as "Rolling Meadows East". WIiEREA5, City Ordinance No. 464 and 46G requires the Subdivider to make certain improvements in the subdivision; NOW, THEREFOKE, IT iS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: I. SITE PKEPARATION AND GRADING 1. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall be responsible for all work associated with site preparation and grading. All areas within the final plat, but outside of the rights-of--way, shall be graded to within 0.5 feet of final grade to allow for proper drainage and the installation of utilities. The entire right-of--way and the ponding area shall be graded to within 02 feet of final subgrade, as noted in the approved improvement plans for the project. Any and all unstable soil conditions or soils unsuitable for construction in the right-of--way shall be corrected and/or replaced. The Subdivider shall clear trees and/or debris from utility easements and rights-of--way, as per the request of the City or utility, prior to installation of the improvements. All soils shall be compacted to a minimum of 90% Standard Proctor Density. All work shall con Corm to the approved Site Grading Plan, and shall be completed prior to the conm~encement of construction on the site. Raurn~ Meadows Easuor~re rm~ ~ ~~~~~ 2. 1'he Subdivider shall complete all work noted in Paragraph No. 1, and provide a written verification . from a professional engineer or surveyor, prior to installation of utilities and/or issuance ofbuilding pernrits. This work must be approved by City staff and related utilities to allow for extenslon of utilities to serve the site. Any costs associated with these requirements shall be the sole responsibility of the Subdivider, and are not financed through the City. 3. The Subdivider shall provide all nlrf establishment and erosion control necessary to protect the utilities and street improvements on the entire site. The Subdivider shall also provide al] erosion control during site grading work, prior to infrastmcture construction, necessary to meet local and state requirements. The entire site shall be planted with perennial rye grass or other erosion control plantings, ['ollowing completion of site grading. hurthermore, detailed plantings specifications are outlined for the storm water pond areas. Lots 1, Block 7 and Lot 1, Block 8 must be monitored for weed control issues. Any remedies arc at the expense of the subdivider. The City will not be maintaining any of the property surrounding the ponding areas. However, long term monitoring and functioning of the ponds will be the City's responsibility. When there are future improvements to the ponds, those costs could be assessed to benefiting property owners. 4. It is understood and alnreed that it shall be the Subdivider's responsibility to provide survey control points for all infrastructure and site construction. 5. It is agreed and understood that the Subdivider shall be responsible for assuring that building construction is completed in conformance with the preliminary plat and grading plan. It is essential tlaat the vertical and horizontal locations of the structure are verified to avoid conflict with • infrastructure and potential drainage damage. Any costs associated with correcting these conflicts shall be the sole responsibility of the Subdivider. II. ASSESSMENTS The Subdivider hereby petitions the City to construct lateral and trunk sanitary sewer mains and appurtenances, lateral and trunk watermain and appurtenances, sanitary sewer service leads, water service leads, lateral and trunk stona~ sewer and appurtenances, curb and gutter, street grading, street bast, street surfacing, street signs and lighting, and appurtenances to serve the entire plat. It is proposed that Phase 1 will include that portion of the plat west of platted Golf Course Road (Blocks 1 through 6). Phase 2 is proposed for construction in 2005 or later, and is proposed to include that portion of the plat east of Golf Course Road (Blocks 7 and 8). 2. It is understood and agreed that the improvements serving and benefiting the property also include a portion of adjacent trunk utilities and regional transportation routes. Current policy calls for assessing 25% of adjacent trunk/regional costs to the adjoining, benefiting property. The improvements that directly serve and benefit the plat include the extension of Golf Course Road street and storm sewer improvements, and the extension of trunk sanitary sewer and watermain. a. The City of Hutchinson has agreed to route trunk watermain through Fhase 1 of the plat, and pay .for any oversizing of lines over the standard 8" diameter lateral. b. The trunk waternrain proposed for the north side of the plat shall be assessed to the plat based on 25% of the adjacent frontage. This is estimated at 840' far phase 1 and 280' for phase 2. • c. A portion of the cost related to the lateral benefit to extend trunk sanitary sewer access to the property, south of Texas Avenue, shall be assessed to Phase 2. d. 25% of the adjacent street and storm sewer costs shall be assessed to the plat, however the City filling Meadows EasUDraR 1/Page 2 ~ Ck~ will not assess any costs for the roundabout. 3. It is understood and agreed that the City under one or more contracts will install the improvements in Paragraph No. 1 and 2. It is also agreed and understood that, at the City's discretion, bituminous wear course in Phase 1 shall be constructed in 2005. These costs are included in the initial development project, but may need to be adjusted if the project is delayed and the contract is amended to include increased casts to the City. 4. It is understood and agreed that the total cost of said improvements in Paragraphs No. 1, 2 and 3 shall include contracted costs, city administration and engineering costs and capitalized interest cost at the rate in-place at the time the improvement occurs. 5. It is understood and agreed that the total cost of said improvements in Paragraphs No. 1, 2 and 3 shall he assessed on a per unit basis equally to each of the lots in the plat, for each individual phase. The City agrees to defer the assessments, with interest, far Phase 2 (Black 7 and 8) for up to 2 years as part of the first-time homebuyer program7!? 6. It is understood and agreed that Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Watcrmain Connection Fees will be charged at the rate in place at the time of the building permit issuance. These charges will be collected with building permits. Rates for 2004 are $1,255/unit for sanitary sewer and $955/unit for walennain. 7. It is understood and agreed that any agreements regarding the method and procedure for assessments from municipal improvements shall, at the sole option of the City, cease to be effective thirty-six . months following approval of the Subdivision Agreement by the City. The City may exercise the option granted herein by giving written notice at any time, either before or after the expiration of the thirty six month period, of the City's intention io nullify the method and procedure ['or spreading assessments under the terms of the Subdivision. Agreement. In the event the City so elects, all assessments subsequent to the notice shall be spread and imposed pursuant to Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes or other applicable laws. The written notice called for by this paragraph shall be given to the fee owner of the property as disclosed by the records of the McLeod County Recorder or Registrar of Titles. IIT. OTI~F,R I"EF.S, CHARCF.S AND DF.DICATICNS 1. It is understood and agreed that a Parks and Playground Contribution will be made to the City in the fornr of land and financial contribution- Plans call for dedication of a "park". City policy calls for a contribution of $135/unit. This rate is subject to change, based on the rate in-place at the time of payment. The contribution, per emit, shall be remitted with the building permit at the rate in effect at the time of permit issuance. The City will install the initial park equipment and collect fees as building permits are issued. 'T'his requires the City to "upfront" the expenditure. The park equipment would not exceed $10,000 in value. No additional amenities are contemplated to be installed by the City at this time. As part of the development construction, the developer will provide seeding and a sidewalk around the park. (See tree planting section also.) 2. It is understood and agreed that costs associated with restoring the regional pond serving Rolling • Meadows and portions of Rolling Meadows East may be assessed to lots in Rolling Meadows East unless other agreements are approved by the Subdivider and City. Rolling INeadows EasNOralf 1/Page 3 ~ p \ 3. Il is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall, prior to installation of utilities, pay connection . Fees for Electric/Gas Service to llutchinson Utilities for all units to be served in the final plat. These fees include the standard conmection to each house including required meters. Services larger than the standard resiclential sizes will be at a higher cost. 4. The Developer will provide dollars to the City for the planting of boulevard trees at a rate of $180 per tree (2 trees per lot x 46 lots), which equals $16,SG0. The City will keep these dollars in reserve until a majority of the development has buildings then plant the trees within the boulevard areas. The location of trees shall be determined by the City Forester. Tt is specifically contemplated that Lots 1-fi, Block 3; and lots 1-5, Block 4, will have 1 tree per lot, in exchange for the extra 11 trees to be planted in the park. IV. GENERAL 1. It is understood and agreed that all local, state and federal permits required to be obtained for the development shall be the responsibility of the Subdivider. 2. This agreement shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and successors of the parties. 3. Tt is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall record this agreement at the McLeod County Kecorder's Office or McLeod County Registrar of'1'itles Office, and that no Building Permits will be i ssucd until said Agreement is recorded and a certified copy of this agreement is provided to the City. . The Subdivider shall pay all costs associated with said recording. r 1 Rolling Meadows EasND~aff 1/Page 4 5~~~ C~ SIGNATURES SORENSEN & NAUSTAAI. PRUYERTIES, LLC (Subdivider) Diane M. Sorensen President Signature: Diane M. Sorensen Printed Name &'1'itle 6ignature:llruce Naustdal Bruce Naustda-, Vice President Yrinted Name & Title Signature: Aenise L. Naustdal Denise i.. Naustdal Secretar Print Name & Title Kan R. Sorensen, Treasurer _ Signature: Kon R. Sorensen Printed Name & Title STATE OF MINNESOTA The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day CUUNTY OF of , 2004, by Diane M. Sorensen, President, Bruce Naustdal, Vice President, Denise L. Naustdal, Secretary, and Kvn K. Sorensen, Treasurer of Sorensen &Naustdal Properties, i,i.C. Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires Rolling Meadows EasUD~ad 1/Page 5 5~k~ . . GREA'1'EH 1VIINNF.SOTA HOUSING FLiND (Mortgagee) Warren Hanxon. President _ _ Signature Print Name & Title STATE OF MINNESOTA The foregoing instrumtnt was acknowledged before rrte this day COLTIVTY OF __,,,,~ of , 2004, by Warren IIanson, President of Greater IvTirmesota Housing Fund, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation. Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Conurussion Expires APPROVED BV THE IIUTCHINSON (:ITY COUNCIL. TFF. ~ DAY OF , 2004. r~ L RWling Meadows East/Drafl 1/Page 6 ~ / ~\ • cITY of au•rcIllNSON: MARLIrv '1'ORGERSON, MAYOR GARY D. PLOT7., (:11'Y ADMINISTRATOR STATE OF MINNF,SO'1'A The foregoing instmment was acknowledged before me this day COUNTY ON of , 2004, 6y Marlin Torgersnn, Mayor, and Gary D. Plotz, City Adnunistratnr of the City of Hutchinson. Notary Public, My Conmussion Expires THIS INSTR[JMBNT WAS DRAFTED BY: Juhn Y. Rodeberl;, Direcwr of Engineerittg/Puhlic Works J-Iutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street SE . Hutchinson, MN 55350-2522 (320-234-4209) • Rolling Meadows EesVO~ak 1/Page 7 County, Minnesota 5~~~ MEMORANDUM DATE: May 6, 2004 TO: City Council FROM: Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator SUBJECT: Consideration of Franchise Agreement with American Payment Centers Robert Bates, American Payment Centers, is requesting approval of a franchise agreement to place drive-up payment cabinets identified to accept telephone, cable and medical payments adjacent to the existing water and utilities drive-up payment cabinets located on City property at 111 Hassan Street S.E. Examples of their cabinets are attached to the Ordinance as Exhibit A. This payment center would replace the current payment center located across from the Post Office on Main Street South. The City Council must decide the term of the agreement in years and the fee, if any, you would require. (section 2, of Ordinance #04-374) Cc: Robert Bates, American Payment Centers, PO Box 985, 120 Sixth Ave N, St. Claud MN 56303 • c~~a~ Publication No. 7185 PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCFIINSON LEADEg Apri129, 2004 PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF HUTCHINSON L'(~T TN'T'Y nF MC'T .R(1T] STATE OF MINNF,SOTA 111 Hassan Street,Ilutchinson MN 55350 phone (320) 587-5151, ext. 203 fax (320) 234.4240 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will 6e held on Tuesday, May 11, 20(14, at 6:00 p.m. in the Clty Center Council Chambers to discuss granting a Franchise agreement to American Payment Centers for the purpp5e of placing drive-up payment cabinets to be located in public property at 11 L Hassan Street S.E. C~ This hflaring will be held by the CIty Council pf the CIty of Hutchinson. At such hearing, all Interested parties may be heard. tulle Wischnack, AICP birector of Planning/Zoning/Building la (~~~ Ordinance No. 04-374 Publication No. ,___ AN ORDINANCE OP TIIE CITY OF HIl'I'CHINSON, MINNESO"I'A, GRANTING AMERICAN PAYMENT CENTERS THL' RIGHT TO PLACE A PAYMENT CENTER OVER AND ABOVE CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED ON PUBLIC PROPF.R'1'Y AT 111 HASSAN STREET S.E. THE CITY OF i-IU'1'CI-IINSON ORDAINS: Section I . The City of Ilutclainsnn, in the County of McLeod, State of Mhmesota, hercafler referred to as Grantor, hereby gams to American Payment Centers, hereafter referred to as Gxantcc, a franchise to operate and maintain a payment center as described ht the legal description and in Exhibit A, for the purpose of payment receptacle on certain property owned by the City of Hutchinson, described as follows: A portia~ of Lau 1,1,3,8,9,10 an~1 the Na'th 111 ' of vacated aldcy, Block 14, North '/: City Section 2. The franchise is gamed for a texxn of ~ year(s) commencing on the date of the acceptance of the franchise. Grantee shall ftle a written, acceptance of the franchise with the.City Adrnitustratar of the City of Hutchinson within, ten (1 U) days after the effective date of this„ ordinance. The francllMSe shall become effective only when the acceptance has been filed and evidence of general camprehCtWiye and liability insurance provided fqr in this grant of franchise has been filed and approved. In addition,, 8 filing fee of $_ must be paid. Section 3. Grantor reserves the right to enforce reasonable regulations cnnceming cortsrntction, • npcvation and maintenance of facilities located along, over and under the public premises before mentioned and the placement of such facilities. Section 4. Grantee sltall indemnify and defend Grantor, its boards, commissions, officers, agents and employees, in any and all other public agencies, and their members, officers, agents and employees, agavtst any and all liabilities for injury to or death of any person ur any damage to any property caused by (?rantee, its officers, agents or employees in the constntction, operation or maintenance of its property, or arising out of the exercise of any right ox privilege under the franchise. • Section 5. At all times daring the term of the franchise, Gxantcc will, at its own expense, maintain in force general comprehensive liability insurance, with an insurance company approved by the City of Hutchinson, with limits approved by the policies being for the protection of Grantor and its ottu crs, agents and employees, against liability for lass or damage for bodily injury, death or property damage occasioned by the activities of the Csrantee under the franchise. Section 6. Grantee sltall not have the right to assign the franchise otherwise transfer it in any manner whatsoever or sell, lease, license, mortgage, or permit others to use transfer in any manner whatsoever any interest iu all ox any part of its facilities that are installed or operated under this grant, except on prior written approval by ordinance of the City Council of the City of Hutchinson. Section 7. In the event that American Payment Centers should cease to exist nr should fail to use the franchise for one calendar year, this franchise shall be deemed null and void and shall revert to the City of I-Iutchinson without any action on the part of tha City of IIutchinsnn whatsoever. Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect :from and after passage and publication, subject to the provision above rcyuiring written acceptance by American Payment Centers. c~ c~) • • • Adopted by the City Council, this _ , Attest: City Administrator Published in the I-Iutchinson Leader an First Reading: day of 2004. Mayor Second Reading: _„ ~ (~~ ~-.-'fir ~~ z. ~ a' , F' 'rye. ~Z~~.. _ '^,4'wC i':d.4,w i .... _ _ .,_.,._"" r ..Y.,,M ~,, E ! `' ~ ~ f h: ,~ -__ ~,_ . E n# ~ _ , $~c^,~ ~ ~: +~+ ~~ ~` ~37 _ i.~:"t ,r!I~' „n „~~ C,:ra, rrt ~a~~~r~~c`Ir~ -,. l,irier ~tic~ I:~ ~lrtnrcrt~l ~,T~ilities~ ~~h~rrrir~c;~rr~anun~~~~i+~t~,. ;~~atury ~"1, ~ui~a~ra~t~ "~'~&~p~one, City c~C i L~k~ aci ~"kurc~n~7ty~P ~~akrli~~n.. ti rm ~' f;~ ~._ p~ru, ra~.~~?,. _~.. y ~~4-' ~. ~ , $ .~,. ~ _~ . ~- _... P~~~~I"1 t~.<~z~~~~ ~~~"~. rf,. b =rw. _ .~ ~' ~ ~ ~ y ~. ~' ~r.,~ { R R •+ ~_~J~ /:- 1 iiS I ~ }''~I1}IW ~~ ~. 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Bonnie llattmetx, page 1 of 1 C><'i'Y DF iiUTCiiINSQN ~'RANCHi5E AGRE~I4IENT APpL1tiA7IQN Date: April 22nd, 2004 Property Addcsss' 111 Hassan Street S.E. Applicaru: Atoerfican paysrent Centers _ x , Addrt:as: St • Cloud, MN 56303 Filius Fee: 51.00 Toning Distract: 800-538-7898 Work Phone: __ _~ Home Phone: 320-257-0285 PAGE 01 p.2 LegelDescriptionafpropMy: 111 Hassan Street S.E., adjacent to existing _~ Description of rcqueat: ~p~p~ ch' d trQ~tt t_cab:[nets identified eo accept telephone, cable and medical payments as a service to residents. ~ -.~~ Certificate of Liability Insurance: Y ~ will atail 4/22 from Apollo InBUx'ance AgenaY Albany, MN Site drawing ~I'request: see photo ensiled to Bonnie B this day, thtltlk you. • ~. tca-~ lam/~ ~~' 5tgnature of applicant ~~ 7/~~/~/ This is an application only. The request must be arrproral by the 'Hutchinson City Council and an ordin,utce published. r 1 LJ AMrJ2I(',AN PAYMENT CTR Co (~~ ACORV .CERTIFICATE OF LIABILIT Appllo Ina Agenpy ^' A~nY O sox 597 any NN 56307 oae:320^Bd5-7070 Fax:320-259-3890 American,Ppaymenlr Canters pOS8ozx983 Cab>lneta INC dba 8t Cloud ~ 56302 Y INSURANCE DPID ~~' At4aRI-1 04 2 0 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS GERTIFICATE ODES NOT AMEND, EXTEND DR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED 9Y THE POLICIES sF10W. INSURERS AFFORDINq COVERAGE NAIL # INSURER A: Cineilwd i~rnxAnw Ce4. 1D577 INSURER a INSURER C: INSUaeR D: INSURER E COVERAGES 7Ni PDLICKii Di INSURMIG~ L19TGD $EL!TMI HAIL RPCx M1911Pn TD TNF IMF iPn NAMED ARlRIF FIIR THE POI Mr PFRIM INDK:ATi ANY REOUIREMENi, TERM OR CONDRgN OF ANY CONTRACT OR CTNER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WNICN T1118 CERTIFICATE M MAY PERTAIN, T11E INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBeO NEREMI IS 8U$.hC7 TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSpNB MID f POLICIES. gOOREOATE 4MaTS SI101MN MAY HAVE B!!N REDUCED Br PAID CLAMB~ LTR NSR TYPE OP NIBURAN~i POLICr NUMBER OAT GENERAL LIABILRY A X COLMAeRCIALOENERAILIMKR'Y SOP2071720 CLAIMS MADE ®OCCuR OS/25/03~ 05/25/04 GEN'L ADOREDATE LIMIT pI+PLIe6 PERK POLICY je o-7 LDC AUTOMOBILE LIA$R.ITY A x ANY AUTO CAP7715868 05/25/03 05/25/D4 ALL OWNED AIJrOi SCNeDULEO AUTOS X HIRED AUTOS X NON-0YdNEO AVTOB DARABE MABILITY ~ ANrAVrD EKGESanIMBRBLU LN$ILITY A X occuR ~ cLaM$MADE 80772071720 05/25/D3 05/25/04 oEDUCTreLE R@TENTION S WORK@R$GOMPeN$ATION AND eMPLOreR>rLaalLm y~1g1073003 05/25/09 05/25/04 A qNY PROPRIETORIPARTNER/i%ECUTNE OFFICERIMEMBlR E%CLUDED9 n NnTwm+A7ANTANr. AY BE ISSUED ON IONDRIONB OF BUCN UMIT! CACN OCCURRENCE 61000DOO PREMISES Eiaewrslw 6l000O00 MED EXP IAM wx penRn) a5000 _ PERSONALS ADV INJURY iloooooa GENERAL ADDREGAYE i2D000OO PRODUCTS-COMPIOP A00 i lOOOOOO COMBM7E0 SINGLE LIMB 35DODD0 (Ee AxW~nU BODILY INJURY i IPirPK~R) BODILY INJURY i (PK aeeMenll PA~A.GE i IP~r FeeMenQ AUTO ONLY•EA ACCIDENT i OTHER THAN EA'A~ S AurD DNLr: A00 a EACN OCCURRENCE BIDDDDDD AGGREwre s 1000D00 6 i 70 S !R e.LEACHACCnTENr :500000 E.L. DISEASE-EA EMPLOYE i SDDDDD E.~DIBenee•PDUCrL$en• :500000 =KATE HOLDER CANCELLATION GI~HV'P 6NOUL0 ANY OF THE ABOVE Oi9CREleO POLICIES BC CANCELLED BlfORE TNi EXPIRATK% PATE TIEREOF, TH! I$g1AN0 WBURlR VRLL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 1 D DAr$ WIBTTRN ~ ~ NOTICE TO TNi ClR71FICATe NOLDCR NAMED TO 7NE LEFT, BUT FAN.URi TO DO SO $RALL V - P HLTtChinapn IMPOBB NO OBLIDATKIN OR LU1BIlRY OF ANY KIND UPON THE IN$UR4R, R$ AOENT8OR 13pnnie $aumatz RipReaeNTATNe$. 111 Haaa>Rn St SIS A~,,,,R~D Hutahinaoxi IdN 55350 •i:~ ._ ~~ ~ cQ.~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING STAFF REPORT To: City Council Prepared By: Julie Wischnack, AICP, Director of Planning/Zvning/Building Date: April 27, 2004 R.e: Request from Property owner - 35 Washiugtan Avenue State Theater On Apri127, 2004, the Council directed staff to provide an option for selling a portion of property to the owner of the State Theater. Staff has proposed a $12 per square foot calculation for a sales price based on recent sales and appraisals of property in the downtown area. The property owner will let the City know if this is an acceptable price. Additionally, the property will have a prepared schematic of what the structure may look like. A public heating was noticed in the newspaper. Staff also contacted surrounding property owners by mail. Staff has had contact with one property owner who just expressed an interest in that he felt he should also have the opportunity to purchase property. While the City may take an opportunity to transfer property to other owners, it . should be reviewed on a case by case basis. Staff would request that any one interest8d provide a letter requesting the same consideration. If the transfer takes place, the 972 square foot parcel will be transferred to Earthly Delights Ltd. CC: Red McMonigle ~~ Ci o ~ "'' Hutchinson City Center ~f - TD: 111 Flawan Street SE HulrhinROn, MN 55350.2522 320.587-S15A/Fax 320-234-4240 Hearing Notice Recipients FRDM: Hutchinson Planning Staff SiT13.lECT: Public Hearing Notices DATC: May 4, 2004 The Hutchinson City Council will beholding a public hearing regarding the potential sale of publically owned property. As you are ---prebabljF -aware, the State Theater is undergoing renovation and there has been a formal request made to the Cityy Council to sell a portion of property directly behind the theater w accommodate 11 mechanical units and an enclosed garage structure. Below is a ma that identifies the area. The City Council will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers on: Tuesday, May l l at 6:00 p.m. ~y person may appear at the hearing, or can d an agent or attorney to appear before the meeting on their behalf. All interested parties are invited and encouraged to attend. If you are unable to attend the hearing or to send an agent on your behalf, you may submit written comments to the City Council. These comments should be submitted to the City staff prior to the public hearing at the following address, facsimile, or email: Hutchinson Planning Staff City Center 111 Hassan Street SB Hutchinson, MN 55350 Fax (320) 2344240 jwischnack@ci.hutchinson.mn.us Tf you have any questions, please contact the Hutchinson Planning Staff at {320) 587-51 S 1, ext. 258 or 203. I - -..._ ~ - -.. _. - - --- -..TM..-.._.. ~ - a I v., ;no I e' p~c~N~Oppa! I BLOCK u9 z I I ~ ~~ti I O pPA ~r~7~ ne. v I r - ~.. ~ • = T~ ~ I s I I ,~ o I I ',9 I i LL F ~ I 7a x i ~ >i' r o ~ , s I Primed °n recycled paper - 3 ua•ao'•1'w Y>4O. 0 .~'~~-.y-:- ~ 0 ....•.- a ~~na euio~na 5 ~~ i :: L....I PROP r/Er,• PAR(14 I I w ~ -- am N A y I P mp { .-- .= .- SJCF.~i -0V6 ~R~~~ I 'N~ 1 s ' [ v I I y ~ ~ a ~ i w I ro w I 3 ~ ~ c I N ~ 5 I z p I I ... ~ r i ~ ~ ~ i S ~ 1 . ~ m i - a ~ I a o I i CJ 1 I a = , I ~ ~r w . . , <w.... WASHINGTON AVENUE Lo ~ b~ 3111729150540 POWELL DELORES 11 t9 LEWIS AVF. HUTCHINSON MN 5535D 3111729150550 DAVID R SKGOG P O BOX 455 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 3111729150600 E SCOTT DAVID RECH 307 N HOLCOMBE A V E LITCHFIELU MN 55355-2222 3111729150610 JENSEN LYNBTTF. 7 MA[N ST N HUCHTINSON MN SS350 3111'%2915U56U IILiTCI3INSON -PL CITY OP 111 HASSAN ST SE HUTCHRVSON MN. 55350 3111729150570 PIEHL HANSON BECKMAN PARTNERSHIP 12 HASSAN ST NE SUITE 103 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 311]729]50571 HUTCHINSON -PL CITY OF 111 HASSAN ST SE HUT'CHINSON MN 55350 111729150572 1NGLI5 THOMAS H 650 LAKEWOOD DR HUTCHINSON MN. 55350 3111729150573 DAGGETT THOMAS 20732 BEI,LF.. LAKE RD HUTCHINSON MN. 55350 3111729150574 45 LIBRARY SQUARE 45 WASHINGTON AVE E IIUCHTINSON MN 55350 3111729150620 WACKER ROGER ROUTF. 1 BOX 12 S"1~E W ART.MN. 55385 3111729150630 TINC YOUNG ZHENG 875 CLEVELAND AVE SW 3111729150640 WILLIAM & BECKY HAAS 23 MAIN ST N HUCIITINSON MN 55350 3111729150650 HUTCH COMMUNITY HOSP. AUX. 25 MAIN ST N HUCHTiNSON MN 55350 3111729150660 E LEE & SHARON GRUENHAGEN 20014 KOGLIN RD HUTCHINSON MN 55350 31 1729150580 CA IKE C EMAS INC 1301 1 E Poso COI. BUS G 31902-0391 1729150590 FTT A & MARIA. OMAN 6690 705TH AVE UASSEL MN 55325 3111729150670 JANOUSEK HENRY 31 MAIN ST N HUCHTINSON MN 55350 3111729150680 JANET M VALEN INC 35 MAIN ST N HUCH'PINSON MN 55350 311172915090 MILBACH BARBARA E 37 MAIN ST N IiUCH'CINSON MN 55350 3111729150700 GOLD COIN INC P O BOX 635 FIUTHCINSON MN 55350 3111729150710 GAIL MCLAIN 33312 615TH AVE LITCHkIELD MN 55355 3111729150720 DOBRATZ DOUGLAS D 1001 LEWIS AVE HUTCHiNSON MN. 55350 '~n.y LCt-I-u. In /v ( ~53~3) ~ L1~ City °f. TO: Hutchinson City Center 111 Hasson Street ~~ tcLinlo4 MN 5535O-25 ~y 32 aw 320.230.92~p Hearing Notice Recipients ~f VFD FitOM: Hutchinson Planning Staff' 5I7BJECT: Public Hearing Notices llA'1'Lt': .May 4,20f14 The Hutchinson City Council will be holdl' a public Bearing regarding the potential sale off' publically owned property. As you are •~babl-~~ ~~R+SrL~, iBe ,5'tatC TlleBtCi i3 under Ding renovation and there has been a formal request made to the Cittyy Council to sell a portton of. directly behind the theater to aceommp~ll mechanical Units and an enclosed garage structure. Below is a m that identifies the area. The City Council wi~ hold a public hearing in the Counctl Chambers on: I ------j SAY ° 7 z0°a C.gy orku ~pf. of P ~~ ~- -- -_.._.._..-- - - - .~..~ -.._...a Py wp I I j BIOCIL 49 z - ~ ~ ' ~ I ~ 9 Z O ~li q: Z 11~ ~ p,PR ~, Z ts1 °~oEO ~' _I ~ -a. _ I ~~I Tuesday, May ii at 6:0o p.m. s y person may appear at the hearing, or can o d au agent or attorney to appear before the ting on their behalf. All interested ---- parties are invited and encouraged to attend. If you are unable to attend the hearing or to tl send an agent on your behalf, you may subinlt ~ , ~ written comments to the City Council. These = comments should be subtnitted to the City . staff Qrior to the public Bearing at the followuig address, facsimile, or email: Hutchinson Planning Staff' City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Fax (320)234-42.40 jwischnack(a~ci.hutchinson.mn.us if you Bave any questions, please contact the Hutchinson Planning Staffat (320) 587-5151, ext. 258 or 203. . ~a,~~ ~ obi i ~ wae'u•w nm_ 3 "® ncW w,uc~ _~ i .. T.. F- C) ~. 4 6 u v'{ , I a ' , ~ + w w m ~ t 3 _ ~ i ' ! a N E.lar~rq 9uXpr'a ~ Y z Q j J s y ' o ° i ~ U ~1 I i i t 1 ~ ---~:-= WA$NiHr70N AVE;NEI~ ~ `~~tv ~~. j ~~ i ,,~`~~`~ - ~c~~~ ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Public Flearing Notice 1Zecipients k~tOM: Hutchinson Planning Staff SC7B.lEt:T: Public Hearing Notices DATi': May 4, 2004 The Hutchinson City Council will be holding a public hearing regarding the sale of publically owned propel. As you are probably aware, the State Theater is undergoingg renovation and there has been a formal request made to the City Council to sell a portion of property duectly behind the theater to accommodate 11 mechanical units and an enclosed garage structure. Below is a map that identifies the area. The City Council will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers on: Tuesday, May 11 at 6:OD p.m. Any person array appear at the hearing, or can send an agent or attorney to appear before the meeting on their beha f. All interested parties are invited and encouraged to attend. If you arc unable to attend the hearing or to send an agent on your behalf, you may submit written comments to the City Council. Those comments should be submitted to the City staff prior to the public hearing at the following address, facsimile, or email: Hutchinson Planning Staff City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Pax (320) 234-4240 j wischnack@ci.hutchinson.mn.us if you have any questions, please contact the }Iutchinson Planning Statf at (320) 587-5151, ext. 258 or 203. C~ ~ ~h) I --~ I I I ~...____..~.-------------~-~------>---~-~--~----a C~ i • ewe a wu . t G ~~ ~ 9 ~~ a~ ~` ~tioo4~ I BLDCK 4g z ~ PQ~ 2 . VS ~ i a 2 . 8 I ~ aes'so'as•w ~aaa. 3 ~~ ~ ® e `n nw ..nnn ...e. ~ h 9 4°~ ' .I .'~.I tOPOS HEW p,gR~q AREA IP Spuar. hrrr nns.r. rw i r r W~..,rx w+rr ms w ' ~ _ i e : , e . SB8'30'4S' ~ w,M e..w M. w aa.oo ° ' ~xzs,77V6 r 2 r ~ "Y-j~~~'-['L-~ (..L ~ •ffi r ~ ~ LlNet.. ~ I r 'e 7 Q ' ~ ~ tl- m Z ~ ~ ~ ~!' ~~ % ~. s ~Cwienu weA ~` ewe a awn. _ s ~ a ~ ~ i ~ W E% ~ m . W - S ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 A __~. .~___._..--Y.--~_.------ ~ . N $ Eei]Nnq 8updinq ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ J I ~ 5 g a ~ o I ~ U j ,~ ~ # I ] i ,~ ~ ~ rA .~ ~ ~ lwM Mx Nln ]- ~ ~ I ~ Sw ~a Nn.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ` N88.31' 10'E 68.00 Car~snre waw ~ :ur ewe a was WASH1NG70N AVENUE w w 0. H N r. +w S A' I (~ C5~ J Publication No. 7 ] $6 PL'F3LISHED IN T1-IE HUTCHINSON LEADER Apra] 29, 2004 PUBLIC NOTICE clTx o~ HuTCHnvsoN COUNTX Of'' MCLEOD STATE OT MlididESOTA 111 I-Iassan Street, Hutchinson MN 55350 phone (320) 587-5151, ext. 203 fax (320) 234-4240 `I Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday, May 11, 2004, at 6:00 p. m, in the City Center Council Chambers to discuss granting a franchise agreement or disbursing of public property to Miles McMonagle, Earthly Delights LTD., for the purpose of constructing a garage for tenants in apartments located at 35 Washington Ave. E. and relocating the HVAC equipment. The area included in [he franchise agreement or sale is 972 sq. R. located in public right of way at 26 Hassan Sweet S.E. This hearing will be held by the City Councll of the Clty of Hutchinson. At such hearing, all interested parties may be heard. ~~ Julie Wischnack, AICP birector of Planning/Zoning/Bullding ~ ~.~) CITY OF HUTCHINSON .PLANNING STAFFREPORT To: City Council Prepared By: .lulie Wisclanack, ATCP, Director of Planning/Zoning/$uildiug 17ate: Apri127, 2004 Re: Request from Property owner-35 Washington Avenue - 9tate Thealet The City has received a written request to consider selling a portion of city-owned property behind the State Theater parcel. As you are awaze, Earthly Delights, Ltd (Red and Linda McMonigle), have been renovating the building. As they move fiu'ther into their construction, the location of their mechanical systems has become a .challenge. originally, there was a thought that the units would be located on the rooftop. However, after a structural engineer reviewed the roof Toads, the roof cannot structurally handle the added weight of 11 mechanical units. Therefore the property owner has assessed his options and has proposed a possible solution (see attached letter). The letter indicates a request to sell a portiori of the property located behind the apartment area of the building, which is a city owned parking lot. The property owner also has considered the possibility of constructing a garage to accommodate the apartment dwellers above the theater. The mechanical units would then be placed on top of the new garage. . The property was acquired by the City in 1983, to be used for public parking- In 1986, the City actually constructed the public parking lot as an effort to provide convenient parking in the downtown area. The proposed property purchase would be for 972 square feet or 3 parking spaces of the 45 existing spaces. Staff is requesting the Council's direction of the matter. The following options aze available: I 2. 3. • CC: Acd McMonigle Deed the property, as requested. The City would have to establish a fair market value for the property and also provide public notice for a public hearing that the City would be considering the sale of property. The proceeds could be filtered hack into the fund used to maintain the public pazking lots. (Although not required, a notice to adjoining land owners could be provided for the public hearing.) .Provide a franchise to the property owner. A Franchise agreement cannot exceed 20 years. Typically, franchises have been used in more short-term examples. However, the City did issue a franchise to Citizen's bank for encroachment of right of way for a lobby addition. The difference with this application is the permanency of the improvements. (This would also require a public notice process.) 1]o not sell or franchise the property, as requested. ~ ~ ~~ APR Z 1 2004 April 21, 2004 C7y O( Hutcnmson Dept. or P. z. to B. . Request to purchase City of Hutchinson property adjacent to the State Theatre Ipcated at 35 Washington Street East . The sale of this property to Earthly pelights Ltd, the owner and redeveloper of the State Theatre will solve many issues relative to the redevelopment project and the adjacent city property. F'ro osed Use of Land The proposed use of the land is for a garage' building attached to the rear of the east portion of the buildings northerly face. It will be a very substantial structure with apre-stressed concrete roof to accommodate a number pf roof top HVAC units. Background Information Tibbits Engineering has completed a study of the buildings roof structure and determined that it is inadequate to carry the majority of the 11 uhits that are part of the renovation. The building occupies virtually all of the land area, there is not enough land area to accommodate one or two of the units, let alone all 11. The garage would also allow 3 parking spaces for 3 of the 4 apartments currently under construction. The parking ordinances for street and off street parking currently do not allow for any parking for tenants of the apartments. . A possible Franchise agreement has been suggested for a short term (20 years) that would allow usage of the property versus ownership. A garage with only a 2D year life would not be adequate to support the load necessary. The Level of building. needed would be too costly to risk abandoning after such a short life span. There are currently 2 large HVAC units on support frames over the exit sidewalk on the north side of the building. These units were installed prior to the current Franchise policies and project past the property line over some Hutchinson Utilities transformers, junction boxes, and ether utilities. This structure would have to be expanded substantially to accommodate 9 additional units. Three photos are attached for reference, one is the rear view from the North, the second is from the West, a side view. The third is a view from the North of the area where the garage would be located. _S.urvey of Property and proposed Purchase Pellinen Land Survey has completed a survey and drawing describing the property and the surrounding area noting all pf the existing equipment and utilities. This drawing is attached CJ c~C.~) Summation . We believe that the sale of the proposed property is a positive solution to virtually all of the issues facing all parties involved. It is the optimum solution for both Earthly Delights and the city of Hutchinson. Earthly Delights gets three badly needed garage spaces allowing more safety and security for its tenants. In addition we obtain a stable and attractive location fnr a myriad of HVAC equipment with no need to al•,~ ply (ur ;~ franchise to place the units Duel city property. The city receives some compensation for the property, no franchise agreements to keep track of or maintain, and a clear safe access to the utilities RECEflIED r~ u C~ pPR 2 1 2004 City pf Hutchinson ~corp.x.aa. ~ ~e~ . RESOLUTION NO. RESOi.UTiON APPROVING THF.. GRANTING OF A BUSINESS SUBSIDY TO HUTCiIiNSON PROPERTIES, LI,C. (HUTCHINSON HOTEi, PROTECT) AND APPROVING THE FURMS OF A BUSINESS SUBSIDY AGREE1~iENT WITH HUTCIIINSON PROPERTIES, LLC. BE IT RESOLVEll by the City Council of the City of ;=lutchinson, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: Section I. Recitals 1.01. The Hutchinson Economic Development Authority has approved business subsidy request by Hutchinson Properties, LLC; pursuant to and in conformity with applicable law, including Minnesota Statutes, Section 1167.993 to 1167.995. 1.02. It has been proposed that Hutchinson Properties, LLC. (the "Redeveloper") renovate and rehabilitate the IIutch Hotel space (the "Project"). 1.03. It has been proposed that the City provide financial assistance to the Redeveloper consisting of a loan in the amount of $130,000 from the City's downtown revolving loan fund (ihe "Business Subsidy") to enable the Redeveloper to undertake the Project and to finance eligible costs associated therewith. Section 2. h'indin s for the A royal of the Grantin of Business Subsid and the Business Subsidy Agreement 2.01. The City held a public hev-ing on the granting of the Business Subsidy on July 8, 2003 following published notice pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 1167.994, Subdivision 5. 2.02. This Council hereby finds that the public purposes of the Business Subsidy are to redevelop blighted property, increase job opportunities, and enhance the tax base. 2.03. The Business Subsidy Agreement to be entered into by the City and the Redeveloper contains the provisions required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 1167.994, Subdivisions 3 and 4. 2.04. The granting of the Business Subsidy is hereby approved. Section 3. Approval of the Forms of the Redevelopment Agreement and Business Subsidy Agreement and the Execution Thereof 3.01 The City and the Redeveloper will enter into a Business Subsidy Agreement, forms of which are on lilc with the City and have been made available for review by the Council. C~ ~a(~~ . 3.02. The forms of the Business Subsidy Agreement are hereby approved. The Mayor and City Administrator arc hereby authorised to execute and deliver the Business Subsidy Agreement in the form on file with the City with such changes and modifications thereto as may be approved by the officers executing the Business Subsidy Agreement. The execution and delivery of the Business Subsidy Agreement by the Mayor and City Administrator shall be conclusive of any change or modification thereto. Passed by the City Council this 11th day of May, 2004. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin Torgerson Mayor C~ r 1 LJ 2 ~C~ . PORM OP BUSINESS SUBSIDY AGREEMENT This Business Subsidy Agreement (the "Agreement") is made as of this day of _ 2004, between the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (the "Grantor") and Hutchinson Properties, LLC (the "Recipients"). In order to satisfy the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 through 11GJ.995 (the "Act"), the Recipients acknowledge and agree as follows: Description of the Business Subsidy (a) The .Project. The Recipient will be undertaking the following project within the Grantor's area of operation: The renovation and rehabilitation of the Hutch Hotel and associated rental space, including demolition and renovation costs (the "Project"). (b) Type of Business Subsidy. The Business Subsidy consists of: (i) a loan in the amount of $130,000 from the City's downtown revolving loan fund (collectively, the "Business Subsidy"). (c) Amount of the Business Subsidy. The amount of the Business Subsidy granted to the Recipient under this Agreement has a value ol'no more than $130,000. 2. Public Purpose For the Business_Subsidy_. The public purpose of this Business Subsidy is to redevelop blighted property, increase job opportunities, and enhance the tax base. 3. Why the Business Subsidy is Needed. The Business Subsidy is needed because the Grantor is desirous of the Recipient undertaking the Project in order to redevelop blighted property, increase job opportunities, and enhance the tax base in the Grantor's area of operation and the Project is not economically feasible for the Recipient to undertake without the Business Subsidy. 4. Goals for the Business Subsidy, including Job_and Wage Goals. The goals for the project are to facilitate the renovation and rehabilitation of the Hutch Hotel and associated rental space, including demolition and renovation costs, provide an impetus far private redevelopment activities in the public interest, reduce blight, increase employment opportunities and enhance the tax base of the City and overlapping taxing jurisdictions. Such goals arc measurable, specific, and tangible goals. The Job and Wage Goals for the Business Subsidy are: r~ ~~ ~ C~-~ . 1 permanent, full-time or full-time equivalent job with wages as follows: Job Title Number of lobs Average Annual Wage Manager 1 $31,200 5. Continued Operations. The Rccipient agrees to continue its operations in the Cily for at least five (5) years after the Benefit Dale. As used herein "Benefit Date" means the date the Business Subsidy is received. 'T'he Business Subsidy is for improvements to property, therefore the Benefit Date refers to the earliest date of either: (1) when the improvement is finished for the entire Project, or (2) when the Rccipient occupies the property. 6. Financial Obligation of the Recipient if Agreement Not Fulf fled. As required in Section 1167.994, Subdivision 6, if the Recipient fails to meet the goals contained in paragraph 4 herein, the Rccipient will repay all of the Business Subsidy to the Granter phrs interest set at the implicit price deflator defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 275.70, Subdivision 2, accruing from and after the Benefit Date, compounded semiannually. Reporting Requirements. (a) The Recipient agrees to furnish to the Grantor on or before March 1 in each year the report required in Section 1167.994, Subdivision 7 ofthe Act on forms developed by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development. (b) Tf the Grantor does not receive the reports, it will mail the Rccipient a warning within one week of the required tiling date. If within fourteen (14) days of the post marked date of the warning the reports are not made, the Recipient agrees to pay to the Grantor a penalty of $100 for each subsequent day until the report is filed up to a maximum of $1,000. Parent Corpnraiions. The Recipient warrants that it has no parent corporations. 9. Other Grantors. At this time, the Grantor and the Recipient understand that no other financial assistance will be provided by other stale government agencies or local government agencies for the Project. 10. Term of Agreement. This Agreement will be in full force and effect until the earlier otthe Recipient meeting al] of their obligations hereunder or the provisions of the Act no longer apply to the Grantor, the Rccipient or the Project, in which case this Agreement will be temainated. c~ C~~ . The Grantor and the Recipicnt have executed this Agreement as of the date written above. r~ Grantor: CITY OF I3UTCIIINSON, MINNESOTA By Its Mayor Its City Administrator Recipient: HUTCIIINSON PROPERTIES, LLG. Its Hy- Its ~ (c~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING STAFF REPORT • To: City Council Prepared By: Planning Staff: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Don Nelson, Lisa McClure, Susan Rolander, Jesn Ward, John Rodeberg, P.E., John Webater, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Barry Greive, Mark Schnobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plate, Ken Merrill, Jim kopp, Joe Nagel, Dick Nagy, Julie Wischnack, AICP, and Bonnie Baumetz C~ C~ Date: May 11, 2004 Applicant: Paul Betker, property owner LOT Sl'LYT Update There is one piece of new information pertaining to this application. Staff has discovered an old ditch/tile drawing which provides a location of running through this property. The map is from 1915. (Note Second Avenue on the map is now "5`~ Avenue). This provides a little more history on the original drainage patterns far the neighbarhood. Attached are the other, previously submitted materials. Cc: Randy Redman, property representative Paul $etker, property owner ~ ~~~ n ~ .~ .emu ~W r CA r W W C r a W r t J 4 r r u v.v. ie E kCOND . ~... THIRD I ~ j q e.ti. MAO~pNZ A ~ w ....~ KY i W J O ~ '~~~.~ _ STRECT J0~ I 2.p ,yf6pgN~ /f f ci; ~ µ.x I qq, ~ q/ r •x r ~~ I r ~f $c4~ RESOLUTION NO. 12390 RESOLUTION DENYING A LOT SPI.iT SUBMITTED RY PAUL BF.TKER, . PROPERTY OWNER, TO SPLIT A LOT LOCATED AT 165-5~n AVE. N.W. BB IT AESOI.VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IIUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS 1. Paul IIetker, property owner, has applied for a lot split to split the lot located at 165-5th Ave. N.W. into two lots. DESCRIPTCONFOR WESTF,RLYPARCEL: Thatpart ofLot 5, Block 7, North Nalf ofliutchinson , according to the recorded plat thereof, Zying westerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner ofsaid Lot 7; thence easterly, along the south line of ,raid Lot 7 a distance of 73.34 feet to the fie nning of the line to be described,• thence northerly, to a point nn the north line ofsaid Lot 7 distant 76.50~et east ofthe northwest corner ofsaid Lat 7 and said line there terminating. DESCRIPTIONFOR EASTL'RLYPARCEL: That part ofLot S, Black 7, North Ilalf ofHatchinson ,according to the recorded plat thereof, lying easterly of a Zine described as follows: Camn:encing at the southwest corner of said Lat 7; thence easterly, along the south line of said Lot 7 a distance of 73.34 feet to the be inning of the line to he described; thence northerly, to a point on the north line ofsaidL,ot 7 distant 7G. SO feet east of the northwest corner ofsaid T,ot 7 and said line there terminating. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding iands, existing and anttctpated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is not in harmony wish the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. CONCLUSION The City Council hereby denies the lot split based on the Engineer's assessment of the drainage and soil types in the area. Adopted by the City Council this 11`h day of May, 2004 ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor ~c~) RESOLUTION NO. 12390 • RESOLUTION DENYING A LOT SPLIT SUBMITTED I3Y PAUL BETI{ER, PROPERTY OWNER, TO SPLIT A LOT LOCATED AT 165-5TH AVE. N.W. BE IT RESDLVED BY TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF TH); CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS 1. Paul Becker, property owns, has applied for a lot split to split the ]ot located at 165-5~' Ave. N.W. into two lots. DESCRIPTION FOR WESTERLYPA~CEL: Thatpart ofLot 5, .Block 7, North Half ofllutchinsan , according to the recardedplat thereof, lying westerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner ofsaid Lot 7; thence easterly, along the south Zine of said I,ot 7 a distance of 73.34 feet to the beginning of the line to be described; thence northerly, to a paint an the north line ofsaid Lnt 7 distant 76.50 feet east nfthe northwest corner ofsaid Lot 7 and said line there terminating. DESCRIPTION FOR EASTERLYPARCEL: Thutpart afL.at 5, Block 7, North HalfofHutchtnson,according to the recorded plat thereof, lying easterly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said I,ot 7; thence easterly, along the south line of said Lot 7 a distance of 73.34 feet to the he inning of the line to he described; thence northerly, to a point on the north line ofsaid Lot 7 distant 76.50 feet east nfthe northwest corner ofsaid Lnt 7 and said line there terminating. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and antrcrpated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is not in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. CONCLUSION The City Council hereby approves the lot split based on the Engineer's assessment of the drainage and soil types in the area. Adopted by the City Council this 11 m day of May, 20D4 ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor ~(~) • J Citrj of Hutchinson City Center 111 xaasaa street sr; nulchinson, MN 55350.2522 32a•587.5151/Pax 320.234.4240 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: kIutchinsvn Planning Commission 6UDJLCT: CON5IDLRATION Ok LU'1' SPLIT' ltN()UESTED EY PAUI. }3E1'KER, PROPERTY OWNER, LOCATED AT 165 - St" AVE NW Pursuant to Section 12.01, oFSubdivision Ordinance No. 466, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with. respect to the afotemelttioned request for a lot split. H S~ TORY The applicant is requesting a lot split of the property for construction of 2 single family homes on the property. The property is low and approximately '2/3 of the property is undevelopahle Drainage cannot be directed onto the neighboring properties and filling the area would cause drainage problems. FINI]E1GS OF FACT 1. The requited application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. This property has had drainage challenges in the past. The property is approximately 3~ Feet lower than the street area on the eastern portion of the property. This drainage issue causes concern for not only a potential new owner of the lot, but fox the neighboring properties as well. 3. This lot was originally platted with the town plat (late 1800's). This lot was identified as Lot 5. The property owner who owned Lot G (to the west) had tax combined the properties (before 1984) and then split 4. 1'hc 1991 McLeod County Soils survey indicates this property is within a 414 soil which is Namel soil type. Hamel soil types indiciates severe wetness for shallow excavations, dwcllixlgs without basements and dwellings with basements. 5. In august of 2003, the City Engineer requsted Rarr Engineering review the site for drainage issues. Rarr Engineering identified that there are storage and volume issues for this area. 'The sutnmery of the letter indicates that even ifthe entire lot was used for storm water detention, this still would not solve the storm water issue. 6. The subdivision regulations, Section 12.4 Subdivision 3 states that: "Drainge and Flood Flazard Areas. The right is reserved to disapprove and subdivision which is subject to poor drainage. However, ifthe subdivider agrees to makesuch improvements as will make the area safe fnrresidential occupancy, thesubdivisinn maybe approved, subject however, to the approval oftheEngineer and in accordance with MNStatute. Noland shall be subdivided which is held unsuitable by the Council for reasons offlooding, inadequate drainage, water supply ar sewage treatmenrfaciltties. Alllots within the Flood Plain Districts shall contain a building site at nr above the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation. All subdivisions shall have water and sewage disposal facilities that comply with the provisions of this Chapter and have road access both to the subdivision and to the individual building sites no Tower than two feet below the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation. " R1rCOMMENDATION The Planning Comtxiission unanimously voted to recommend denial of the lot split based on the Engineer's assessment of the drainage and soil types in the area . Respectfully submitted, Dean Kirchvff, Chairman IIutchinson Planttirtg Commission Cc: Paul Retker, 37 Monroe St. SE Printed on ~ycted pap« - ~Cc~ DA1~: Apri120, 2004 C~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING STAFF REPORT To: Hutchinson Planning Commissign Prepared By: Planning StaTf: Brad Emans, llolf Moon, Don Nelson, Lisa McClure, Susan Rolander, Jean Ward, John Rodeberg, P.E., John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Barry Greive, Mark Scbnobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plota, Ken Merrill, Jiro Popp, Joe Nagel, Dick Nagy, Julie Wischnack, AICP, and Bonnie Bauroet2 Date: Apri112, 2004 -Meeting Date April 20, 2004 Applicant: Paul Betker, property owner LOT SPLIT Brief Description: The applicant is requesting a lot split of the property for construction of 2 single Family homes on the property. The property is low and approximately 2/3 of the property is undevelopable. Drainage cannot he directed onto the neighboring properties and filling the area would cause drainage problems. GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: R-2 (Single and Two Family Residential) Lot Size: .4 Acres Existing Land Use: Vacant Adjacent Land Use And ,Zoning: Surrounded by Single and Two Family Residential Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Traditional Residcntal Neighborhood Zoning History: Applicable Regulations: Section 12.01 llutchinson Subdivision Ordinance SPECIAL INFORMATION C~ Transportation: 5`" Ave. NW Parking: N/A Analysis: 'T'his property has had drainage challenges in the past. The property is approximately 3 - 4 feet lower than the street area on the eastern portion of the property. This drainage issue causes concern for not only a potential new owner of the lot, but for the neighboring properties as well. ~(~~ _ _ Lot Split Paul Betker - l65 - 5"" Ave NW Planning Commission-April 20, 2004 . Page 2 This lot was originally platted with the town plat (late 1800's). This lot was identified as loi 5. The property owner who owned Lot 6 (to the west) had tax combined the properties (before 1984) and then split off lot 5 some time in 2001. Recommendation: r~ r`J The 1991 McLeod County Soils survey indicates this property is within a 414 soil which is 1-lame] soil type. Hamel soil types indicates severe wetness for shallow excavations, dwellings without basements and dwellings with basements (page 72). In August of 2003, the City Engineer requested Barr Engineering review the site for drainage issues. Barr Engineering (see attached), identified that there are storage and volume issues for this area. The summary of the letter indicates that even if the entire lot was used for storm water detention, this still would not solve the storm water issue. The subdivision regulations, Section 12.4 Subdivision 3 states that: "Drainage and Flood Hazard Areas. The right rs reserved to disapprove and subdlvition which fs subject to poor drainage. However, if rhe,rubdivider agrees to make .rueh improvements as will make the area safe jar residential occupancy, the subdivision may be approved, subject however, to the approval of the Engineer and in accordance with MN.Seatute. Na (and shall be subdivided which it held unsuitable by the Council for reasons of flooding, inadequate drainage, water suppfy or sewage treatment facilities. !Ili lots wlrhfn the flood Plain Districts shall contain a building site at or above the Regulatory Ffand Protection Elevation. Afl subdivisions shall hrsve water acrd sewage dlspasaf facilities that comply with the provisions ojthis Chup[er and have road access both to the subdivision and ro the individual building sires ao lower than two feet below the Regulatory Fiood Protection Elevation. " Staff has reviewed this issue at length and has deternuned based on surveys, aerial photos, drainage history, and soils information that this property would not be best suited for subdivision. Therefore, staff recommends denial of the lot split. g (~> • CJ ~ ~ i August 22, 2003 Barr Engineering Company 4741) West 77th Street Minn:~apolis. MN 55435803 Phone: 952-832-2644 Fax:952.832-2641 www.barr.com Minneapolis. MN Hibbing. MN - puluth, MN Ann Arbor. MI - Jefferson City. MO Mr. john Rodeberg City of Hutchinson Hutchinson City Center 11 I Hessen Street S.E. Flutchinson, MN 5535p Re: Re: Lot Filling - 5th Avenue and James Street Dear Mr. Rodeberg: The Hutchinson Storm Water Management Plan shows that a storm water detention basin that provides 8.7 acre-feet of flood storage is to be located in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of lames Street and 5th Avenue N.W. We have been asked to investigate the possibility of providing this required stora~e in this area and still allow for the construction of a single family home on a vacant lot along 5` Avenue N.W. The total upstream tributary drainage area to this proposed detention area is 130 acres. There are three upstream detention areas, in addition to the proposed basin along 5`h Avenue N.W., to be provided within this watershed. In re-reviewing the hydrology, we have maximized the storage in these three upstream detention areas to downsize the volume, basin size, within the proposed basin along 5°1i Avenue N.W. We have also looked at the improvement, enlarging, of the storm sewer system that provides the outlet from this area. Even xmaximizill>r upstream storage and increasing the out d' ar a from this proposed detentesarea, there still is not sufficient storage available within this vacant even i~a structure is not built and the entire lot is used for storage. The only apparent solution to this problem is to provide the storm water volume necessary on the adjacent property north of this lot. There are numerous combinations of surface area, depth and outflow capacity that can be looked at for making the system work. Once it is determined the surface area the can be available for the construction of a detention basin, this will require additional property upstream of this vacant lot, then the tequired outflow capacity, upgraded pipe size, and basin volume can be determined to provide the management system that meets the requirement of the City's Storm Water Management Plan. Once a decision is made as how the City wishes to proceed, we will be happy to further assist the City in the review of the management options for this area. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 952-832-2857. Sincerely . R C.Obermeyer ~ ~`~~ r _ +~aul ~~~- key - - ------------ ~ 153.00 (Mws.) w _ 76.50 - ~ 76.50 ..~~ ` --- /r t ~ ~ Nonnwast turner ) / I of Lot 5. Bbck 7 ) I ' t North line of Stock 7, NORTH HALF OF HUTCHIHSON faa tnonumemeq) 85. 9 ~CG.9 68.8 65.8 x 66. I LOT x 5 ~`` North lino of +ne S lit of the SW 1~4 of Sec. 3i, T.117 N., R.29 W. ~ -~ Lf7T 6 m s ~ ~ ~ a M s7.z ~ 63.8 x ~ ~ 65 rn a m WE57ERLY PARCEL x EASTERLY PARCEL a AREA 17842 Square Feet AREA 17538 Square Feer ~ 67.g x 75.2 ~ Exlatlnq X House x 86.0 69.3 65.7 x 5.6 6 Southwest corner ~ of Lot S. Block 7 ~ t 1 ~__~-'----- 71.5^ 73.aa PELLINEN LANG SURVEYING ! South line Of Lot 7. Bbck 7. ) NORTH HALF OF HUTCNINSON l~ ~ ~ L-73.34 i ~'~ 7.i 1_ = 73.34 --- .o ss.7 ~ . 146.68 R - 5064.74 (Meas.) 67.2 --' woter~ 68. I 71.1 servrc 68.49 wa?e~ fi9.2 SerNCO 70.70 71 9 curb cut curE tut 6-6 curb 6 queer FIFTH AVENUE NW HUTCHINSON MN U .4.,. ,..~ z,~' _,..~r. ~ ~ . , ~' ~ `. fir, h, ,', ,.,•' ° ~'-~. ~"r .very .~.. "^ S~'~,~ r.: ~ - P ~~'"' N ~I:rA:'x.°., .drc~~.; `::5'•;.~ `~n"u':'~; rJ,°fstN.~i~c;y,,i,~..~ n~ v ~. ..• ,..g ~ nw ., .,F. •, ..1G1;^~ .. ~ ~ 414 .. , .~ , -. . r.~y ...,.:~~: , t r, .~ ". ,~- ` ~.• ~"~~yrsy ~,,, ~.,.• ,4r' ..,. ,4~~^;'.~ r~ do \ 1 ~ ~^~ i~VkT+' .: is r,:~ .: 4$y~ .~., tdt4'°~~prvy !14~`., ".lh~dL'!~:~.k~"'1. ~°' ,.~ j ~\ "i ;n^~T~.~;~,:,~~~ " .e, .~'p ', vj. ~~r~~"'°'~ i«-"',Fig v,,,~ i"~'~ ~~ ,. ~~'~."e., ~ iry ~ ~'~•}. n ,.: ~,;.~'~ d~, .~f` ~I %<_:.. ''.ii''~r:" ~ y "a' r z ,~. ~:~~_._. ~ ~ .st'~' ~ i,;b:t, .. r~rw end ~t"~;.d '„:~: ~s. :r'` \ ..~ • i~i~" iw~ J'~§'.i~.w~.,vw'r~q.,r y~ L 'I`„ ' ' ' S ~ u . ~? r ~ ~6'9~ .w 5th Avenua _ ; . ~ ~ rt +k'r'~.1+i~..'~~ 'wa"~; .,, `., I ~ .,,' j WH I'Sli, r~ty~ r ..Yryyp ~ "~%. _ --- _r_ .~ bi h,~ w'. 4 ~, v 34t tyr .. two cJ ,p fY„~~ .'I 1 ~ ~b~sb~~ 'i1~.:'n5n y:n ~ .~' M'y'N'~Y(' ITV=,=,,*~,.,-~^- L- ,w,.~: ,.. r-. ~.:::;. ,. ,..:.,.N~. ~~ ~~F~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING STAFF REPORT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Planning Staff: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Don Nelson, Lisa McClure, Susan Rolander, Jesn Ward, John Rodeberg, P.E., John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Barry Greive, Mark Schnobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Ken Merrill, Jim Popp, Joe Nagel, Dick Nagy, Julie WISChnack, AICP, and Bonnie Baumetz Date: May 11, 2004 Re: Final Plat - Southfork Ridge Darrel Farr Development, property owners Update Staff is satisfied that the survey has been revised appropriately. TLe drawings have been updated. Ce: Lucinda Gardner, Fan Development, 172 Hamel Rd, Hamel MN 55340 Charlie Levis, Farr Development, 172 Hamel Rd., Hamel MN 55340 Brian 7ohnson, Hakansan Anderson Assoc., 3601 Thurston Avo, Anoka MN 553D3 $ c~~ RESOLUTION NO. 12391 RESOLUTION APPROVING A FINAL PLAT TO )f3E KNOWN AS SOUTHFORK 121DGE . BE IT 1ZESOLVEll BY TTIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS l . The property owner has submitted a 981ot £nal plat to be known as Southfork Ridge. This is an application for a final plat for property along Jefferson Street annexed by Rnd Riewer. The final plat is in anticipation ofbuilding cvnstmction this Summer. The preliminary plat would inwlve 29.55 acres. LEGAL DESCKIPTION: The Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Eight (8) in Township One Hundred Sixteen (11(i) North of Range'1'wenty nine (29) West now known as Lot Seven (7) of Auditor's Plat nfthe South Une Halfof Section 8, township 116 North, Range 29 West of the 5c° P.M. ALSO that part of Section Seven (7) in Township One Hundred Sixteen (116) North of Range 'Twenty-nine (29) West beginning at the southeast corner of HOOK'S SUBDNISION in said Section 7; thence westerly along the southerly line of said HOUIC'S SUBDNISION to the center of the Hutchinson and Glencoe public highway; thence Southeasterly along said centerline to a point, which is 16.72 chains North and 4 chains West of the Southeast corner of said Section 7; thence East 4 chains tv the East tine of said Section 7; thence North along said East line to the point of begginning; now known as Lot Ten (l0) of "Auditor's Plat of Section 7,'I'wp. 116 N., Range 29 W"excepting from said Lot 10 the southerly 182.4 feet thereof. ALSO the North 39 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 116, Range 29 now known as Lot Six (6) of"Auditor's Plat o~the South One Half of Section 8, township 116 North of Range 29 West of the 5 I'.M. EXCEPTING from the tracts the following described tact, to-wit: That part of Lot Ten (10) of "Auditor's flat of Section 7, Twp. 116 N. Range 29 W"AND that PART OF LM Seven (7) of "Auditor's flat sf the South One Half of Section 8, Township 116 North, Range 29 West of the 5 ' Y.M. AND that part of Lnt Six (6) of "Auditor's Plat o~the South One Halfof Section 8 Township 116 North Range 29 West of the 5 P.M." described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the Southeast Corner of said Lot 10; thence North 1 degree 47 minutes 18 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the East line of said Lot 1D, 182.4 feet to the actual point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence North 89 degrees 35 minutes 28 seconds West, parallel with the south line ofthe Southeast Quarter of said Section 7, 365.98 feet to the centerline of County State Aid IIighway No. 25; thence North 25 degrees 09 minutes 53 seconds West, along said centerline, 300.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 35 minutes 28 seconds East, parallel with the south line of the southeast Quarter' of said Section 7, 502.00 feet, to the east line of said Lot 1D; thence South 89 degrees 53 minutes 17 seconds East, parallel to the south line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 8, 48.67 feet; thence South 1 degree 47 minutes 18 seconds West; parallel with the East line of said Lot 10, 272.13 feet to a line drawn 39.OD feet south of and parallel with the South line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 8, thence North 89 degrees 53 minutes 17 seconds West, along said line, 48.67 feet to the East line of said Lvt lU; thence North 1 degree 47 minutes 18 seconds East along said East line 1.44 Feet to the actual point of beginning. 2, The City Cnunci] has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect ofthe proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect vn values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. • 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Loring Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, ifthe conditions, as outlined below are met. ~~~) Resolution No. 12391 Southfork Ridge p'iual Plat April 27, 2004 Page 2 CONCLUSION • The City Council hereby approves the final plat with the following: 1. Homeowners Association documents must be submitted and provide information about shoreland alteration issues to provide for a density increase. The City has received a draft conservation casement which would protect the river space in perpetuity. The easement allows for an observation deck but does not allow other items to be placed in the conservation easement. The document must contain a legal description and a detailed map that would attach for ease of understanding where exactly on the property the easement is located. The homeowners documents that apply to the areas being Canal platted need to be in final recording form in concurrence with the final plat recording. These doctunents must contain language that acknowledges that the areas across the river are operated by the City and used as heavy industrial property. Other items the documents address is long term maintenance of the bermin~ area, the private open space, sigus, etc. that are extranequs to public type maintenance items. 2. Strcct lighting shall be installed as part of the constmction project (in consultation with Hutchinson Utilities). 3. The development phasing is identified as everything until Lot 17,131ock 1, would be developed immediately. The subdividers agreement shall further define the extent of actual construction limits Adopted by the City Council this 11 `h day of May, 2004. ATTEST: C~ Crary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor ~~h) Hutchinson Cat Center MEMORANDUM ur x~aa stmt se ltutchlnxan, MN 5g3g42522 3>Al-ga7.51gt/Fax 37A-234-4xg0 DATE: March 18, 2004 T~: Hutchinson City Council QOM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUEJECT: CONSIDERATION OF x'JNAL PLAT, TO EE KNOWN AS SOUTHFORK RIDGE Pursuant to Section 12.10 of totting Grdinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a fmal plat. IiI_ STORY The applicant has submitted a 981ot fmal plat to be known as Southfork Ridge located on Jefferson Street SE along the Crow River. The property is 29.55 acres and the developer states the gross density is 3.4 units per acre. The plat is a neighborhood consisting of single family, twinhomes and townhouses in a variety of designs, unit types and price ranges. The Planned Development District will closely mirror the R3 zoning regulations. A public right-vf-wayhas been dedicated within the twinhomes m allow future access to the 3 acre parcel located to the south along Jefferson Street. There was a predevelopmeni meeting held on February 3, 2004, to address staff conccros with the development. FINDINGS O~~ Lat Arrangement . In general, the lot arrangement was respectful of the environmental constraints of the property. The lots along the rivcrscape are generally very long to compensate for the shape of the original property. Tlterc are 16, 80 foot wide, single family lots (most of which arc along the river). The northcm portion of the plat accommodates an additional 19 single family lots, which arc 60 feet in width. There are 28 twin home units which provide 35 feet for each unit. The 36 unit town home area provides approximately 23 feet per unit. Staff has discussed the potential for fume requests forthrce season porches, decks or patios in the rear of the homes. The site layout has considered this issue Street Configuration/UtilIty Timing The original idea for the plat only allowed one access to the development. After reviewing it further, stafffelt there was a need to have a secondary access point given the potentially long time before the south-eastern street would be extended. The internal streets are 32 feet wide, excluding the town home area. There is a trail proposed through the development. The nail will connect into the Jefferson Street trail. (The nail width must be adjusted to 10 feet in width for the entire development.) The town home street is proposed to be 28 feet wide and be a private road. The street configuration in this area could be shifted to the east to make an easier transition for emergency vehicles. This would require some of the removal ofunits. The street could then he made an intersection, rather than a cttrvc. There could also bepull-offparking for visitors to the devclvpmrnt Thr Cig, has had exporicnce in othc, develupcrrcnts, where it is cmcral to have off street parking, particularly in very dense circumstances, as is proposed ¢t this area. Iefferson Street will be under construction early this summer to extend the urban section of the street. The Edmonton Avenue project will complete its constuction this year. Tuning of sneer consmtetivn and utility extensions arc very questionable time frames at this point. The Ciry will work to continue communicating schedules for the other projects which effect this canstmctivn. • Shareland District Requirements The shoreland district area applies tv all property 300 feet or less from the ordinary high water mark o£the water. There are standards for the shoreland disnict which address subdivision and densities. There are also setback standards for the later construction ofhomes in this area, The shoreland calculations indicate that there is a 2.4 unit per acre density within the shvreland district area. There is also a requiriq~;,Ip~y~~y~C density within what is termed the "shoreland ner'. ~ (~~ Finding of Fact - Apri120, 20D4 . Southfork Ridge -Final Plat Farr Development Page 2 The tier calculation does not include the wetland areas or bluff areas (which do not apply to this property). The tier area would net 9,72 acres. The proposed density within the tier would be 3.5 [mils per acre or 34 lots. The tier calculation which is 75 feet (required width) multiplied by the tier depth, 300 feet equals - 22,500 square feet. The result density allowance would be 191ats. However, if certain criteria are met, the shoreland code provides for "density bonuses" which would allow an increase ut the number of lots allowed in the titr. ff some of the units were removed fox the above described street reconfiguration and the criteria regarding dced restrictions, shoreland alteration control, etc. were provided, the bonus section could allow more lots in the tiered area. (See 8.6 of the Shoreland Ordinance - 92-56.) Storm Water Treatment There are two storm treatment areas on the plat. There is one near the northwestern corner of the property. The ponding area will have control structures that outlet into the larger storm water pipe to the north. The larger pond is in the very southeastern portion of the plat. This pond approach is very steep and staff' continues to have concerns regarding the house locations with respect to the pond. The pond approach is approximately 12 feet of vertical change within 40 feet or a 30% slope. While the home pad location is 35 feet away (an lot 24) and 25 feet away (on lot 23), safety, emsion, maintenance, etc. are all valid concerns and the design should be reconsidered. There is more accessibility for maintenance equipment provided on the southern lot of 24 (20 feet). There arc concerns about grading in the southern portion of the townhome area. While catch basin locations have been added to the rear of the homes, the final grading after the homes are constructed is a concern, since the grades are very tight. Landscaping, Tree Planting and Park bedication • As part of the new tree planting requirements, the development is required to escrow dollars prior to development in the amount of 2 trees per lot, The payment only covers the tree expense and dots not cover the installation cost. The developer has proposed a potential layout ofthe landscaping plan. Clarification of items that will be planted by the City Ouough the escrow should be marked on the plan and wi116e iwther documented in the subdividers agreement. FTomeowners Dpcuments The homeowners association documents must discuss a number of items. The maintenance of the berm (along Jefferson Street), Outlot A, and the enlarged easement to the river. The items were all part of the requirements to have 20%open space within a PDD. The Easement on the southern portion of the Lot 24 must also discuss the issue that there should be no permanent plantings or items within the easement to ease access in the future. 'I'hcxe should be separate easement documentation allowing the City access over a private street to maintain street, storm, and sanitary sewer. The homeowners documents would then address the long term maintenance and plowing of the private street. Fees The parkland contribution in the R3 district is $135.00 per unit. SAC/WAC charges in 2004 are $2200.00 per unit (note this fee increases evrry year). This detrelvpmont is within the ekct,ic service territory area, as rt was annexed, therefore does have to pay a charge of $8D0.00 per unit. The above costs are collected with the building permit fees. There is an additional escrow required for tree planting, The ordinance requires the eyuivalent of 2 trees per lot be escrowed with the Ciry. When the subdividers agreement is completed, this amount will be calculated. 100% of the project improvement costs must be secured by a bond or letter of credit by the developer. Additionally a 7% engineering fee will be required for the City to monitor the private development constmction. These fees are al] collected prior to the development construction commencing. RECOIvfMENDATiON The Planning Conmtissinn recommends approval of the final plat with the following conditions: C~ ~ ~~ Finding of Fact -- Apri120, 2004 • Southfork Ridge -Final Plat Farr Development Page 3 1. I-homeowners Association documents must be submitted and provide information about shoreland alteration issues to provide for a density increase. The City has received a draft conservation easement which would protect the river space in perpetuity. The casement allows for an observation deck but does not allow other itertts to be placed in the conservation easement. The document must contain a legal description and a detailed map that would attach for ease of understanding where exactly on the property the easement is located. The homeowners documents that apply to the areas being final platted need to be in final recording form in concurrence with the final plat recordiug. These documents must contain language that acknowledges that the areas across the river are operated by the City and used as heavy industrial property. ether items the documents address is long term maintenance of the berming area, the private open space, signs, etc. that are extraneous to public type maintenance items, 2. Street lighting shall be installed as part of the construction project (in consultation with Hutchinson Utilities). 3. The development phasing is identified as everything until Lot 17, Block 1, would be developed immediately, The subdividers agreement shall further define the extent of actual construction limits. • r~ ~J ctfully submitted~~ bean Kirchoft; Cha' irman Hutchinson Planning Cormnission cc: Lucinda Gardner, Fan Development, 172 Hamel Rd, Hamel MN 55340 Charlie Levis, Fatt Devcloptnent, 172 Hamel Rd., I-lamcl MN 55340 Brian Johnson, Hakanson Anderson Assoc., 3601 Thurston Ave, Anoka MN 55303 ~«~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING STAFF REPORT C~ u To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Planning Staff: Brad Emans, Dolt Moon, Dan Nelson, Lisa McClure, Susan Rolander, Jean Ward, John Rodeberg, P.E., John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Barry Greive, Mark Schnobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Ken Merrill, Jim Popp, Joe Nagel, Dick Nagy, Julie Wischnack, A1CP, and Bonnie Baumetz Date: Apri112, 2D04 -Meeting bate Apri120, 2004 Re: Final Plat -Southfork Ridge Darrel )Farr Development, property owners Brief Description The applicant has submitted a fatal plat to 6e known as Southfork Ridge located on Jefferson Street Southeast, along the Crow River. The property is 29.55 acres and the developer states the gross density is 3.4 units per acre. The plat is a neighborhood consisting of single family, twinhomes and townhouses in a variety of designs, unit types and price ranges. The planned unit development, rezoning, and preliminary plat were approved in March. There were a number of items which were outstanding at the preliminary plat stage (Bold indicates the item, underneath indicates the followup): 1. Setbacks for the development shall be as prescribed in the 123 Zoning District, excluding the undeveloped right of way in the central portion of the plat, which would have a reduced setback to 20 feet. This has been documented in the approval resolutions for the PDD and Preliminary Ptat. 2. T~omeowners Association documents must be submitted and provide Information about shoreland alteration issues to provide for a density increase. The City has received a draft conservation easement which would protect the river space in perpetuity. The easement allows for an observation deck, as originally plamted, but does not allow other items to be placed in the conservation easement. The document addresses the reyuircments identified in the Shorcland District code. Once the document it prepared For filing, the document should not only contain a legal description but a detailed map that would attach for east of understanding where exactly on the property the easement is located. The homeowners documents that apply to the areas being final platted need tv be in final recording form in concurrence with the final plat recording. These documents must contain language that acknowledges that the areas across the river arc operated by the City and used as heavy industrial property. (This would be similar language that was added to the Ravenwood documents regarding Airport noise). Other items the documents address is long term maintenance of the berating area, the private open space, signs, etc. that are extraneous to public type maintenance items. 3. The trail width should be expanded. The hail has been expanded. 4. The rownhome area shnuld he reconfigured to allow an area for off-street parking. This detail was covered at the last meeting. The preliminary plat was amended to address the issue of design and parking. S. The ponding area on the southeastern area of the plat must provide more graded area for the slope to the pond. (This could be accomplished by relocating the road slightly to the west, which would allow for more relaxed sloping toward the pond.) This change has been completed. 6. The townhome grading area must be reviewed with the City Engineer. While the design has been revised and is satisfactory, the City reserves the right to review the final grades in the field and recommend more appropriate drainage, if necessary. p~~ Final Plat - 3outhfork Ridge Farr Development Planning Commission meeting - Apri120, 2004 . Page 2 7. Street lighting shall be installed as part of the construction project (in cortsultatioa wlt4 Hutchinson Utilities). This is still a condition of the plat. 8. The development phasing is identified as everything until Lot 17, Slpck 1, would be developed immediately. The subdividers agreement shall further define the extent of actual construction limits. The subdividers agreement must be executed and filed prior to construction PREVIOIIS STAFF REPORT INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION ExistingLOning: R3 PAD Property Location: 1445 Jefferson Street South Lot Size: Approximately 28 acres Existing Land Use: Rural Residential Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Industrial to the east, agricultural surrounding property Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Traditional Residential Neighborhood (which contemplates 3-5 units per acre) • 7,oning $Istory: The Shimek property to the west was annexed and platted within the past year (Southwind) Applicable Regulations: Subdivision Ordinance Section 1220 Analysis: Lot Arrangement In general, the lot arrangement was respectful of the environmental constraints of the property. The lots along the riverscapc are generally very long to compensate for the shape of the original property. There arc 16, 80 foot wide, single family lots (most of which are along the river). The northern portion of the plat accommodates an additional 19 single family lots, which are 60 feet in width. There are 28 twin home units which provide 35 feet for each unit. The 36 unit town home area provides approxirrtately 23 feet per unit. Staff has discussed the potential for future requests for three season porches, decks or patios in the rear of the homes. The site layout has considered this issue. Street Canfiguration/lltllity Timing The original idea for the plat only allowed one access to the development. After reviewing it fitrther, staff felt there was a need to have a secondary access point given the potentially long time before the south-eastern street would be extended. The internal streets are 32 feet wide, excluding the town home area. There is a trail proposed through the development. The trail will connect into the Jefferson Street trail. (The trail width must be adjusted to ]0 feet in width for the entire . development.) The town home street is proposed to be 28 feet wide and he a private road. The skeet configuration in this area could he shifted to the east to make an easier transition for emergency vehicles. 1`his would require some of the removal of units. The street could rhea be made an ~C b~ Final Plat- Southfork Ridge Farr bevelopment Planning Commission meeting -- Apri120, 2004 . Fage 3 intersection, rather than a curve. There could also be pull-off parking for visitors to the development The City has had experience m other developments, where it is crucial to have off street parking, particularly in very dense circumstances, as is proposed in this azea. Iefferson Street will be under constmction early this summer to extend the urban section of the street. The Edmonton Avenue project will complete its construction'this year. Tithing of street construction and utility extensions are very questionable time frames at this point The City will work to continue communicating schedules for the other pzojects which effect this construction. Street names need to have "SE" added. Additionally, staff is reworking the street names and will notify the developer of name proposals prior to the fatal plat. Shoreland District 12equirements The shoreland district area applies to all property 300 feet or less firm the ordinary high water mark of the water. There are standards for the shoreland district which address subdivision and densities. There are also setback standards for the later construction of homes in this area. The shoreland calculations indicate that there is a 2.4 unit per acre density within the shoreland district area. There is also a requirement to review the density within what is termed the "shoreland tier". The tier calculation does not include the wetland areas or 61uff areas (which do not apply to this property). The tier area would net 9.72 acres. The proposed density within the tier would be 3.5 units per acre or 34 lots. The tier calculation which is 75 feet (required width) multiplied by the tier depth, 300 feet equals - 22,500 square feet. The result density allowance would be 19 lots. However, if certain criteria are met, the shoreland code provides for "density bonuses" which would allow an increase in the number of lots allowed in the tier If some of the units were removed for the above described street reconfiguration and the criteria regarding deed restrictions, • shoreland alteragvn control, etc. were provided, the bonus section could allow mare lots in the tiered area. (See 8.6 of the Shoreland Ordinance - 92-56J Flood Plaitt/Wetland Areas The flood elevation for this area is ]032.74. The proposed lowest floors of the homes are na lower than 1040.5. The areas a£ flood plain are not proposed to be altered 6y the grading plan. Catcerted efforts shall be taken to monitor the siltation control on the project because of its sensitive environmental location. A wetland delineation has been conducted and provided to the City. The znap indicates the location of the edge of the wetland areas. The grading plans indicate no impact to those areas. Storm Water Treatment There are two storm treatment areas on the plat. There is one near the northwestern comer of the property. The ponding area will have control stmctures that pullet into the larger storm water pipe to the north. The larger pond is in the very southeastern portion of the plat. This pond approach is very steep and staff continues to have concerns regarding the boost. locations with xeepeet to the pond. The pond approach is approximately 12 feet of vertical change within 40 feet or a 30% slope. While the home pad location is 35 feet away (on lot 24) and 25 feet away (on lot 23), safety, erosion, maintenance, etc. are all valid concerns and the design should be reconsidered. There is more accessibility for maintenance equipment provided on the southern Iqt of 24 (20 Fcct). There are concerns about grading in the southern portion of the townhomc area. While catch basin locations have been added to the rear of the homes, the fmal grading after the homes are constructed is a concern, since the grades are very tight. ~ «~ final Plat - Soutltfork Ttidge Farr Development Planning Commission meeting-Apri120, 2004 . Page 4 Landscaping, Tree Planting and Park Dedication As part of the new tree planting requirements, the development is required to escrow dollars prior to development in the amount of 2 trees pex Ivt. The payment only covers the tree expense and does not cover the installation cost. The developer has proposed a potential layout of the landscaping plan. Clarification of items that will be planted by the City through the escrow should be marked on the plan and will be further documented in the subdividers agreement. Architectural Components (PDD requires) There are draft plans of how the town home area would be constructed. The PDD discusses the review of architectural details, however discusses the fact that it may not be the sole basis for a decision. The code contemplates discussion about overall appearance and compatibility. Ilomeowners Documents The homeowners association documents must discuss a number of items. The maintenance of the berm (along Jefferson Street), Outlot A, and the enlarged easement to the river. T7te items were all part of the requirements to have 20% open space within a pDD. The Easement on the southern portion of the Lot 24 must also discuss the issue that there should be no permanent plantings or items within the easement to ease access in the futwe. There should be separate easement documentation allowing the City access over a private street to maintain street, stomr, and sanitary sewer. The homeowners documents would then address the long term maintenance and plowing of the private street. . Fees The parkland contribution in the R3 district is $135.00 per unit. SAC/WAC charges in 2004 are X2200.00 per unit (note this fee increases every year). This development is within the electric service territory area, as it was annexed, therefore does have to pay a charge of $800.00 per unit. The above costs are collected with the building permit fees. There is an additional escrow required for tree planting. The ordinance requires the equivalent of 2 trees per lot be escrowed with the City. When the subdividers agreement is completed, this amount will be calculated. 100% of the project improvement costs must be secured by a bond or letter of credit 6y the developer. Additionally a 7% engineering fee will be required for the City to monitor the private development conslmctian. These fees are all collected prior to the development construction commencing. Cc: Lucinda Gardner, Farr bcvclopment, 172 Hamel Rd, Hamel MN 55340 Charlie Levis, Farr Development, 172 Hamel Rd., Hamel MN 55340 Brian 7ohnson, Hakanson Anderson Assoc., 3b01 Thwston Ave, Anoka MN 55303 C~ g «~ -- ~~- ;~ Loz 4w-~ -.~~~. L 1 - - - -~----- 1 1.` / ~ - 'GAL Cw ____s_____ ' -1 / .,. ~ rise .a J r~ P~ 1N, w~M9 .~ ~.,., .~„o , ~ ~r ~=~ ~ ~~ ~~ -' `~. F~ 1~ {C ,~ 1m q, r ~ 1 1; `[` ~~ i ~S~i15 q `r, a ~ 1\ 4. r, s b 4n ~- ,~+ .~.. k. i_ .,~... r r~ r r r .~....~i..w~ I L~ ___ .. A ~~ Cam' d~ •i'. '~`wr'ra euwme ~~_.-__. ~SOU~'HFORK RIDGZ` ~, til---.. _.. _.. _.__.. _.~_------ ~-~-~ ,+-4-- C Y • ~Z ~ '~~ h i 1 a I x } a t A ~C, 4 .} f l _ ° ~• `S m1r..f~XS WN i -Ot ~~' 4l8 ~e v.es. xv .~~ ~ s ~!~ ~•!.. cRQI h A ~ ' ~` ~ t ___ __-___ ~m'~__J__ ' _ __ ~ ... ~. _ _.gr__~ v. . t• y,~ i ~~'.n.n .+ I y 0 `•, ~7 snrsr z aF a snasrs b~ _ RPR3Q70_ ~o~ku~'+m Q4 `~~ o/p Z d B .: E~ ~ , 7 ~. i ~ t ~; I ! t i o ~+ t ~g lN587 A ~ ~ ~+~ 566 SHSEf 3 OF 3 SN6E7S~ ~~ i ~.`. r ~: ~ . ~.~_.~ ____ ________ *. . -: . ___1__~ . . ~.i.s . .. . . .. e .. rn... a W~'w~ M~~llwY F p £ J 4 . 3~ r ~ ~ e~ ~ j; I 3. ~ ~~ `' ~~ w •i ~; ~~~ ti ~N c ~w q O ~ `l Q /g ~` ' a { ~ ~2I.~A : MO?IO \ ~ ' ° FI.L .~0 2IOd H.G ~ '~,~ '~ ~~^ ' ~ ' 9 @ k• I i r~ `~MnnM y~~yR nIMN~ ~ •Lq.,•• iy I Y`KNf ~ • ~ •.`} ~ p I I I X17 ~ ` ~ i `1 r O_ . 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'" .. r 7 {S~ ~ ~~ ~ l~ ®o , Fi( ~ ~ ~~, g ~-~ d~~J 1 -, € 1 Si~~ {~ e 9 ~ ~b~ a SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT Southfork Ridge CITY OF HIJTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into the day and year set forth hereinafter, between, Darrell A. Farr Development Corporation, a Minnesota Corporation, hereinafter called the "Subdivider' ;Farmers State Bank of Hamel, "Mortgagee", and the City of Hutchinson, a Municipal Corporation in the County of Mcleod, State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the "City' ; WITNESSETH: • WHEREAS, the Subdivider is the owner and developer of property situated in the County of Mcleod, State of Minnesota, which has been surveyed and platted as Southfork Ridge and; WHEREAS, City Ordinance No. 464 and 466 requires the Subdivider to make certain improvements in the subdivision; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREEA AS FOLLOWS: I. SITE PREPARATION AND GRADING 1. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall be responsible for all work associated with site preparation and grading. All areas within the final plat, but outside of the rights-of--way, shall be graded In within 0.5 feet of final grade to allow for proper drainage, and the installation of utilities. The rights-of--way, ditch and ponding area shall be constructed to within 0.2 feet of approved grades. All unsuitable soils shall be removed and the remaining soils shall be compacted to a minimum of 90°/r, Standard Proctor Density. All work shall conform to the approved Site Grading Plan, and shall be completed prior to the commencement of building, utility or street construction on the site. The grading may he completed in stages, however al] grading and erosion controUseeding of the ponding area is crucial and should follow the recommendations contained in MNDOT 'T'echnical memorandum NO 04-09-ENV-02 dated April 1, 2004. A Registered land Surveyor shall be utilized to provide survey control and staking for all site preparation and grading work, and complete a "C;ertificate of Completion" • noting compliance with the above referenced requirements after work is completed $OUfhfOrk Rldge - SA Draft 1-Page 1 Of B l/ `~~ . 2. The Subdivider shall provide all turf establishment and erosion control necessary to protect the utilities, pond and ditch areas and street improvements beyond the boulevard areas. The Subdivider shall complete all required permitting and provide all erosion control during site grading work, prior to infrastructure construction, necessary to meet local and state requirements. The entire site shall be planted with perennial rye grass, or other erosion control plantings, following completion of site grading. It is understood and agreed that the City reserves the right to complete the work necessary to meet local, state and federal regulations and invoice the Subdivider if they are found to be in violation of these regulations. 3. It is agreed and understood that natural gas or electric distribution mains and services will not be scheduled for installation until all provisions of paragraphs 1 of this section have been met. Staging of this work must be approved, and will only be allowed with the written approval from Hutchinson Utilities and Hutchinson Telephone. 4. It is understood and agreed that it shall be the Subdivider's responsibility to provide survey control points for all infrastructure and site construction. 5. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall be responsible for maintaining the condition of the infrastructure during building construction. The Subdivider shall be required to maintain and clean the roadways and storm sewers on a regular basis, and shall repair or replace any street, storm sewer, sanitary sewer or watermain infrastructure damaged by operations related to building construction on the site. The City reserves the right to complete this work . and invoice the Subdivider after 10 days written notice of work to be completed. 6. It is agreed that the subdivider shall be responsible for providing and filing documents which create a homeowners association which provides maintenance for amenities for the development property (Outlot A, hermed area along JetTerson Street, "lookout" area between lots 14/15, block 1). The maintenance shall include, but not limited to, weed control, turf establishment, erosion control, retaining walls, lawn maintenance, plantings, landscaping, taxes, etc. The homeowners documents must be filed in concurrence with the final plat and subdivider's agreement. It is agreed and understood that the property to the east, across the river is zoned for Industrial purposes. There are a number of current uses which are operated within that context (i.e. fire tower, armory, firing range, compost facility, bio-solids drying facility, public works, etc.). All ofthese uses are permitted 12 Zoning uses. it has been noted in many documents, that this is the existing land use in around the development property and there is no anticipation that this would change. Therefore, the subdivider has been duly notified throughout the development process that these uses have and will continue to take place in the immediate vicinity of this development know as Southfork Ridge and that, in fact, these uses may expand. Subdivider will draft a document of covenants and Gle them in the Recorder's Office of McLeod County. The covenants will disclose to all potential purchasers the existence of all neighboring industrial uses and the noise, odors, unsightliness and particulates that accompany these industrial uses. 8. It is agreed and understood that the hours of operation for construction of the subdivision improvements will be fi a.m. to 10 p.m. The subdivider and their agents must comply with this $ouMllprk RHge- SA Oran 1-Page 2 of 8 ~~~~ . item. ii. ASSF,SSMENTS/IMPROVEMENTS 1. The plat of Southfork Ridge has been platted to include 561ots in the initial phase of the entire preliminary plat which provides for 98 lots total. It is proposed that all assessments to this subdivision are divided on a per lot basis. Based on this assumption, all assessments noted will be divided by 94 units and spread per proposed lots to each lot, parcel and outlot in the subdivision. 2. The Subdivider hereby agrees to construct lateral sanitary sewer mains and appurtenances, lateral watermain and appurtenances, sanitary sewer service leads, water service leads, lateral and trunk storm sewer and appurtenances, curb and gutter, site grading, ponding, street signs and lighting, restoration and appurtenances to serve the entire plat. The City shall approve al] construction documents and shall have overview and final approval of all infrastructure proposed to be fumed over to the City. The City reserves the right to reject work that is not in conformance with its standard specifications. It is understood and agreed that the cost of repairs, upgrades, maintenance or other improvements required to bring the infrastructure work up to City standards shall be the Subdivider's responsibility. All casts to make these repairs shall be the Subdividers responsibility for a period of two (2) years after the project is completed and the City has agreed to accept the improvements. Costs incurred by the Subdivider to oversize sanitary sewer and watermain (costs to increase size above standard 8" diameter lines) shall be • reimbursed by the City to the Subdivider ai an approved upon rate. 3. All work noted in paragraph 1 above must be designed and constructed under the direction of a registered professional engineer (flakanson Anderson Associates Inc.). The Subdivider shall have the private engineer inspect all work and complete a "Letter of Compliance" stating that, to the best of his knowledge and expertise, the work was completed in conformance with all applicable city, state and federal specifications and regulations. The engineer shall also provide the City with as-built drawings in AutoCad format. After compliance review by the City Engineering Department, a "Letter of Acceptance" shall then be prepared and signed by the City and the Subdivider. 4. The Developer will provide dollars to the Ciiy for the planting of boulevard trees at a rate of 2 trees per lot. The landscaping plan indicates areas of plantings. The City will plant as follows: n LJ flow man trees er lot Slock Lots ] 1 1-8 2 1 9-24 1 2 1-20 2 2 6,13 1 3 2,3,4 2 3 1,5 1 ~- 4 2,3,4,5 2 4 -~~ 16 1 5 ~ 2,3,4,6 Southfork Ridge - SA Orefl T -Page 3 of 8 ~~h~ • 2 5 1,8 _ Entrance areas - 7 total ~ _ - _~ The City will keep $20,160.00 in escrgw for the plantings ($180 per tree x 2 per lot x S61ots in the first final plat). These dollars will be held in reserve until a majority of the development has buildings then the City will plant the trees within the houlevard areas. The location of trees has been identified on the site plan dated 1 /21 /04. The City will reimburse the developer for 20 trees $3,600, when their plantings have been approved and accepted by the City Forester. Deviations firm the plan shall be determined and directed by the City Forester. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall pay an engineering and administrative fee to the City to cover expenses related to review, inspection and acceptance of privately installed infrastructure that is proposed to be turned over to the City of Hutchinson. This rate shall be as noted in the approved City policy at the time of construction. The current rata is 7% of construction cost, which shall only apply to those infrastructure items to become the property of the City. The Subdivider, or the Subdivider's contractor, shall also provide a bond or letter of credit in favor of the City, in the amount of 100% of the private project improvements. The bond or letter of credit and engineering/administration fee are due prior to the commencement of construction. 6. It is understood improvements to Jefferson Street adjacent to the plat will be made in 2004, and that current policies call for 25% of the cost of these improvements to be assessed to the adjacent . property. These assessments will be spread to all parcels in the Southfork Ridge Plat on a "per unit basis". The actual assessment is $45,192,90 or $461.16 per lot. III. CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE OUTSIDE OF RIGHTS-OF-WAX/ EASEMENTS ] . It is agreed and understood that lateral sanitary sewer and watennain 8" or greater in diameter, and storm sewer lines 12" in diameter or larger (but not including farm the lines) located within easement areas shall be considered a portion of the municipal system. 2. it is agreed and understood that the Subdivider shall be responsible for assuring that building construction is completed in conformance with the preliminary plat and grading plan. It is essential that the vertical and horizontal locations ofthe structure are verified to avoid conflict with infrastructure and potential flood or drainage damage. Any costs associated with these conflicts and potential relocations of utilities and/or structures shall be the sole responsibility of the Subdivider. 3. Because the development is phased, the subdivider has identified the following company for the maintenance of weeds or lawn within the outlot areas of the development: The City will not be responsible for any maintenance ofthe development. lfthe subdivider fails to provide maintenance, the City will hire a contractor to provide the appropriate service and • invoice the subdivider for the work. SoulhlorR Ridy7e - SA tlraR 1-Page 4 of 8 ~ ~~~ . IV. OTHER )F'EF.S. CHARGES AND DF.DiCATIONS 1. It is understood and agreed, that a Parks and Playground Contribution will be made to the City at the time of building permit issuance. Current City policy calls for a contribution of $175/unit £or areas with R-3 zoning. Future contributions will be made based on rates in effect at the time of building permit. 2. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall pay a fee of $800 per unit as a municipal electric service access cbawge, as noted by agreements with McLeod Cooperative Power Association (Coop). These fees shall be collected with the building permit for all properties, unless otherwise noted in the agreement with McLeod Cooperative Power Association. The checks shall be made out directly to the McLeod Cooperative Power Association. 3. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall, prior to installation of utilities, pay connection fees for Electric and Gas Service to Hutchinson Utilities for all units to be served in the final plat. These Fees include the standard connection to each house, and include required meters. Services larger than the standard residential sizes will be at an additional cost. 4. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall pay Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Availability Charges (SAC and WAC). These fees will compensate the City for improvements required to provide Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Watermain access to the plat property boundary. This fee shall be collected at the time of building permit issuance, and shall be at the rate in place at the time of permit issuance. V. GENERAL It is understood and agreed that all local, state and federal permits required to be obtained for the development shall be the responsibility of the Subdivider. 2. it is understood that any future phases, if not in conformance with the preliminary plat review must be processed through an additional public hearing, per City Code. 3. The City reserves the right to withhold permits and/or certificates of occupancy for lack of progress on the development, failure to complete improvements, failure to follow plans and specifications, failure to provide adequate emergency access, or for other health, safety, or welfare issues. 4. This agreement shall tie binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and successors of the parties. It is understood and agreed that the City shall record this agreement at the McLeod County Recorder's Office or McLeod County Registrar of Titles Office, and that no $uilding Permits will be issued until said Agreement is recorded and a certified copy of this agreement is provided to the City. The Subdivider shall pay all costs associated wilt. said recording. n U Soufhforh Ridge - SA Drag 1-Page 5 of A ~, ~b~ r ~ LJ SIGNATURES SllBDIVIDER: Luanda ar ner, Presr ent Darrell A. Farr Development Corporation STATE OF MINNESOTA couNTx ora The foregoing instrtmtent was acknowledged before me this ~ day of , 2004, by Notary Public, My Cvmttilssion Expires C~ SUgDiVIDEIi: STATF.OF MINNESOTA COllNTY OF Cotady,Mumeada The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~, day of , 2004, by Notary Public, My Cvminission Expires Southfark Ridge- SA Oran 1-Page 6 of 8 Caariy,Mn¢itsda ~~~~ r~ U C~ MORTGAGEE: lgnature Farmers State Bank of T-Iamel STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF Name Ante Tltle The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of , 2004, by Notary Public, My Commission Expires (-a~nilY,Mun~ South/ark Ridga - SA Oran 1- Page l of 8 ~~~) • AFPROVI:D BY THE HUTCHINSON Ci'I'Y COUNCiI. THE _ DAY OF , 2004. L`I'PY OF HUTCHINSON: MARLIN '1'ORGERSON, MAYOR 51'ATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF GARY D. FLQTZ, CITY ADMINISTRATOR The foregoing instruzuent was acknowledged before me this day of 2004, by Marlin Torgerson, Mayor and Gary D. Flvrz, City Admutistratvr of the City of Hutchinson. Notary Publiq Camty,Mimrsoh My Cvmmissicn Expires TIIIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: John P. Rodeberg, P.E., Director of Engiueering/Public Warks . Julie Wischnack, AICP, Director of Planning/Zoning/Building City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350-2522 32D-234-4209 South~Ork Ridge- SA Draft 9 -Page 8 of 8 \~ Hutchinson City Center C~ Memorandum 111 Hessen Street SE Iiutchlnsan,MN 55350-2522 320.587-5191/F'ax 320.234.4240 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Brenda K. Ewin ctor of I~Iuman Resources RE: Public Works Group Reorganization Process -Recommendation for Fina] Phase DATE: May 6, 2004 Over the previous eighteen months, the City of Hutchinson has been systematically moving toward a restructuring of the overall Public Works Group. The functions or departments included within the Public Works Group are Engineering, Streets/HATS/AirportJCemetery, Water, and Wastewater. During this time period, progress has been made to eliminate departmental barriers and to better . coordinate staff and equipment resources. This coordination effort has been headed primarily by John Olson, Assistant Public Works Director, with the endorsement of both Randy DeVries, Director of Water/Wastewater Operations, and John Rodeberg, Director of Engineering/Public Works. The following actions or events have been realized so far in this restructuring process: • October 2002 -Assistant Utility Director Position established as a reclassification of the Senior Wastewater Operator position. Position not able to be filled. • January 2003 - Water System Supervisor position reclassified to Grade 7 • February 2003 -Additional discussions regarding the establishment of Assistant Public Works Director position and Senior Wastewater Operator vacancy • March 2003 -Wastewater Plant Operator vacancy due to employee transfer to Park Maintenance • April 2003 -Staff reductions due to budget cuts - lnfrastmcture Maintenance and PT Cemetery Maintenance positions are eliminated • May 2003 -Street Maintenance Supervisor position vacancy due to retirement • June 2003 -Water/Wastewater Maintenance Technician appointed to Wastewater Plant Operator position • July 2003 -Reclassification of Grade 2 maintenance positions in the watex/wastewater/ compost departments to standard Grade 3 maintenance operations positions • July 2003 -Establishment of the Facility Maintenance and Infrastructure Maintenance Lead positions in lieu of Street Supervisor position • October 2003 -External appointments to Facility Maintenance Technician and Plant Equipment Mechanic positions, respectively. Supervision of positions under Assistant Public Works Director. Printed on recycle) paper - ~} ~ ~~ Public Works Reorganization Memo May b, 2004 . • November 2003 -Management structure at the Creekside Compost Facility is approved by the City Council • December 2003 -Creekside Compost function phased out of Public Works Group • December 2003 -Water Wastewater Maintenance Technician and Lab Assistant/ Groundskeeper position vacancies due to transfer of incumbent employees to Creekside Compost • December 2003 - On-site Peer Review by ASCE completed . December 2003 W Retirement of Assistant to the City Engineer • January 2004 -Public Works peer review report received. Recommendations reviewed. • January 2004 -Positions of City Engineer and Engineering Technician II established for 2004 • March 2003 -Water Operator vacancy occurs with establishment of the Distribution System Maintenance Lead position • May 2003 -Wastewater Operator/Jetter position vacancy with appointment of incumbent employee to Water Operator position • 2003/2004 -Preparation For the Water Plant Construction project Attached is the proposed organizational chart for the Public Works group as recommended by staff to complete the final phase of the reorganization. It is requested that the City Council consider the general recommendations of the final phase that include the following actions to be taken: 1. Appointment of the Director of Engineering/Public Works to the position of Public Works Director. Said appointment would include a reclassification of the existing position, and the position would assume responsibility for all of the public works departments. The position of Director of Water/Wastewater Operations will report directly to the position of Director of Public Works. 2. Appointment of the Assistant Public Works Director to the position of Public Works Superintendent. Said appointment would include a reclassification of the existing position, and the position would be responsible for the day-to-day operationall supervisory responsibilities for all public works group facility maintenance, infrastructure maintenance, internal support services, and Oakland Cemetery. 3. Promote the current Engineering Technician II to the Position oFEngineering Technician III. The position of Engineering Technician II remains in place and is in the process of being filled per the 2004 Engineering Department budget. 4. Redefine the position of Laboratory Technician and rename the position Regulatory Specialist. This position will continue to be involved in the regulatory functions for the Wastewater Facility laboratory and will also assist the Public Works Director with other regulatory issues including stormwater management, industrial flow issues, etc. 5. Reclassify the position of Lab AssistantlGroundskeeper and rename the position Laboratory Technician/Wastewater Plant Operator. The position includes the daily laboratory function previously carried out by the Laboratory Technician and Lab AssistantlGroundskeeperpositions and will assist with operational functions. 6. Reestablish the position of Senior Wastewater Plant Operator to be filled at a later time, possibly 2005, as needed and as recommended by the Public Works Director. . It is the recommendation of staff that the final phase of the Public Works reorganization be completed. It is requested that the Council give a general directive to complete the C ~4` Public Works Reorganization Memo May 6, 2004 reorganization. Actions that require Council approval, specifically the position reclassification recommendations, will be brought before the City Council at the May 2S, 2004, regular meeting. City staff are committed to moving forward with the reorganization so that the City can maintain its infrastructure assets while serving its customers in the most efficient and effective manner possible. Please note that Gary Plotz, City Administrator, John Rodeberg, Director of Engineering/Public Works, and Brenda Ewing, Director of Human Resources, will be at the Council meeting to address any questions you may have. Encl. r ~_ q (2~ $j. ~:, ~ L.: jv. r ~ ~ ~ 'h o u~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `, ~`~~ .1 w n ti '~ ~ ~ ~' ~- ~ `~ a ~. L h ~ w .> ~. ~ ~ ro ' ~ ~ ~: Ln tv ~ cu ]yr ~+,, m N .~ G ~ rti ~,~ t~, ~ 7 ~ r . ~ ~ ~ •x ~ ~ fh ! ~ d O a.. C ~'; W ~ LY_ CT c c ~ ,~ uo x, y ~~ t m ~ ~ , 5 :, ~, .~ ~ r I ~ ~ ~.:~Itl d ~ }' ~ ~' 'Y. OF1 ~~q rY~t rik {n7 <l•~ ~ 4 y ~ F,. •.. iY ( ~' I e ar °~ i~ U C C ~ Q W H .. ~ L r~m ~ ' '. . ~ ~ ~ ~ I 1 U " LL ' J . 5tl E l~' LL~.~ em mrvrr/Marvrv ` hr~ ~~ ~ . ~~ . 4 V ~ i~ . r r . p G ~ q ~ t1 4? at c, ~ ~ .~ 'ate y y ~~ , _ I a ~ z l a h"'. ~ ~ L U7~ JJ ~ ~ b ~ = . c ~ ea _ i ~ O C Q [~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ • ~ ~ C •-~ ~ U yr ~ ~ .. j ~ • .Z 4 ~ ~ 1 41 ~ 4 ~ a , c' . Q L Q ~ . . I ~ + r + ~ I ~ .- ~ 41 ~C C fv ul t 47~ ~, ti _ ~ _ _ V ~ y 4~ ~ OJ ~ d _~ r .„ ~. . ~- r, I V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J Q7 Y ~ ~ 47 ~ ~~ ~ rG a ~ [iS ~ N ~ ~ ~~ ~ ,~' ~ 7 ~ c7. C7 cz~ o'CJ a'o ''I _ ,, N ~ I -~~ ~ .. +~;;I1~" ~, ~ .~ C ~ ~ ~ r ~ w °' a . i y' ~;. _G ~ H 1 ~ NS L = a= q~ .~-C ~ ~ IQ rg~ c , ~ L ~2' ~a~ ~~ ~~ ' ~~~ zs w~~ a ~ w,~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ m ~ ~' `° ~ ~~~ ~ u ~ f0 II] lE ~ ~A • ~~ ~ r : ~ f r ~ Z ~ _ = ro ro ' ' ~ ~ ti. m r~l~ W ~ ~ , F ~ ~ ,~ ~ v ?' ~ w~ 7 ~ ~ r 'W r SZ i ~ r ~ - tr L : C _ y ~ ,. ~ ~ 3A: a ~ 111 c 3iJ /$~ ~ 1'y Ill ~° CI.. cr R. pp e`m ~ ~ ~ ! ,.„, 4 ~~ R55APPYRV CITY OF HUTCHINSON B Check Number AP Pa ment Re ister with Voids Check Dat 05/D4/20D4 - Ck Date T e Check # Vendor Name Amount 05/D4/2004 PK 122530 ' 102652 JERRYS TRANSMISSION 41,819.00 05/04/2004 PK 122531 119799 STEVE'S OK SERVICES 2,821.00 05/04/2004 PK 122532 102652 JERRYS TRANSMISSION 45,997.90 90,637.90 Account N ## 9D,637.90 IMMEDIATE PAYS ~~ R55APPYRV CITY OF HUTCHINSON e Check Number AP Pa ment Re ister with Voids Check Dat 05/05/2004 - Ck Date T e Check # Vendor Name Amount 05/05/2004 PK 122533 " 109203 AWWA-MINNESOTA SECTION 50.00 05/05/2p04 PK 122534 102698 DEVRIES, RANDY 319.50 05/05/2004 PK 122535 120239 DUNGARVIN MINNESOTA 250.45 05/05/2004 PK 122536 104022 EVEN-TEMP CONSTRUCTION 5,500.00 05/05/2004 PK 122537 104022 EVEN-TEMP CONSTRUCTON 4,400.00 05/05/2004 PK 122538 ip2524 GOVERNMENT TRAINING SERVICE 175.00 05/05/2004 PK 122539 120237 HATTEN, DANIEL 458.20 05/05/2004 PK 122540 1p2961 HRA 9,800.00 05/05/2004 PK 122541 102533 .HUTCHINSON CONVENTION & VISITO 5,225.03 05/05/2004 PK 122542 102489 MCLEOD COUNTY GOURT ADMINISTRA 550.00 05/05/2004 PK 122543 102052 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO_ 4,602.32 05/05/2004 PK 122544 120238 RUTTGER'S SUGAR LAKE LODGE 15QDD 05/05/2004 PK 122545 104047 RUTTGERS BAY LAKE LODGE 242.82 05/05/2004 PK 122546 120189 S & S RESTORATION CONSTRUCTION 12,624.86 05/05/2004 PK 122547 102747 ST. JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT INC 41,518.92 05/05/2004 PK 122548 101876 AETNA VARIABLE LIFE ASS. CO. 935.p0 05/05/2004 PK 122549 101919 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. 118.16 05/05/2004 PK 122550 101875 GREAT WEST LIFE INS. CO. 300.00 05/05/2004 PK 122551 ip1872 H.R.L.A.P.R. 265.69 05/05/2004 PK 122552 102633 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 5,635.81 05/05/2004 PK 122553 102635 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 512.40 05/05/2p04 PK 122554 101$73 IGMA RETIREMENT TRUST 3,628.84 05/05/2p04 PK 122555 102449 MINNESOTA CHILD SUPPORT PAYMEN 435.15 05/05/2p04 PK 122556 101$77 PRUDENTIAL 75.00 05/05/2004 PK 122557 102096 PRUDENTIAL MUTUAL FUNDS 30.00 97,703.15 Account N ### 97,703.15 IMMEI~~IATE PAYS L.J r~ ~_ PAYROLL ACCOUNT -April 30, 20D4 Period Ending: April 22, 2004 FOR COUNCIL LIST ONLY -ELECTRONIC TRANSFER TO STATE AND IRS DO NOT ISSUE CHECKS FOR THIS RAGE AMOUNT PEID ACCT# NAME 518,287.21 9995.2034 WITH. TAX ACCOUNT $9,921.16 9996.2240 $2,829.91 9995.2242 531,038.28 Sub-Total -Employee Contribution 59,927.16 52,829.91 512,761.D7 58,072.18 $10,29L34 $1 2, 218.70 $ 22, 510.04 515.86 5 7 5.86 $39.72 $22,541.76 Grand Total -Withholding Tax Account 9995.2240 9995.2242 Sub-Total -Employer Contributicn DESCRIPTIDN Employee Contribution -Federal Tax Employee Contribution -Sac. Security Employee Contribution -Medicare Employer Contribution -Social Security Employer Contribution -Medicare 9995.2035 MN DEPT OF REVENUE 102615 9995.2241 PERA Employee Contribution -Pension Plan 102615 9996.2241 Employer Contribution -Pension Plan Sub-Total -PERA 102615 9995.2243 PERA-bCP 102615 9996.2241 Sub -Total -bCP GRAND TOTAL -PERA FinanCO Dirgotor Approval Employee Contribution -Pension Plan Employer Contribution -Pension Plan R55APPYRV CITY OF HUTGHINSON B Check Number AP Pa ment Re ister with Voids Check Dat 05/11/2004 - Ck Date T e Check # Vendor Name Amount 05/11/2004 PK 122558 ' 102126 ACE HARDWARE 1,170.05 05/11/2004 PK 122559 102217 AEM MECHANICAL SERVICES, INC 151.36 05/11/2004 PK 122560 101827 AG SYSTEMS 153.37 05/11/2004 PK 122561 1137fi3 AIM ELECTRONICS 92.24 05/11/2004 PK 122562 102978 AMERIGAN CEMETERY 39.95 05/11/2004 PK 122563 101867 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSN 125.Otl 05/11/2004 PK 122564 102430 AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPAREL 253.02 05/11/2004 PK 722565 117021 APPLIED CONCEPTS, INC 4,118.00 05/11/2004 PK 122666 102260 ASHBROOK 2,250.00 05/11/2004 PK 1225fi7 102894 AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR & FIREPL 48.55 05/11/2004 PK 122568 119647 B. NELSON TRANSPORT, INC 585.50 05/11/2004 PK 122569 102480 B. W. WELDING 849.87 05/11/2004 PK 122570 102969 BARKEIM, ELDEN 17.15 05/11/2004 PK 122571 102943 BAUERLY COMPANIES 6.13 05/11/2004 PK 122572 102943 BAUERLY COMPANIES 469.03 05/11/2004 PK 122573 101848 BEACON BALLFIELDS 1,790.00 05/11/2004 PK 122574 112572 BECKER UNDERWOOD INC 7,106.25 05/11/2004 PK 122575 105557 BENNETT MATERIAL HANDLING 686.93 05/11/2004 PK 122576 102039 BENNETT OFFICE TECHNOLOGIES 15.98 05/11/2004 PK 122577 102255 BERKLEY RISK SERVICES 800.00 05/11/2004 PK 122578 113316 BERNHAGEN, EDWIN 24,371.05 05/11/2004 PK 122579 113317 BERNHAGEN, HERBERT & DONNA 24,371.05 05/11/2004 PK 122580 113319 BERNHAGEN, JOHN & LORETTA 24,371.05 05/11/2004 PK 122581 101916 BERNICK COMPANIES, 7HE 99.15 05/11/2004 PK 122582 119212 BLOCK FARMS & TRUCKING 18,652.92 05/11/2004 PK 122583 101987 BRANDON TIRE CO 348.31 05/11/2004 PK 122584 102136 eUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS 22.90 05/11/2004 PK 122585 102456 C & L DISTRIBUTING 16,602.15 05/11/2004 PK 722586 102117 CAROUEST AUTO PARTS 167.35 05/11/2004 PK 122587 102498 CARROT-TOP INDUSTRIE5INC. 134.96 05/11/2004 PK 122588 120249 CASWELLINTERNATIONALGORP 11,329.00 05/11/2004 PK 122589 103014 GDI OFFICE PRODUCTS LTD 1,028.98 05/11/2004 PK 122590 104391 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS 651.74 05/11/2004 PK 122591 102253 CENTRAL MCGOWAN 381.13 05/11/2004 PK 122592 109384 CENTURY FENCE 11,536.00 05/11/2004 PK 122593 105423 CINDY'S HOUSE OF FLORAL DESIGN 93.19 05/11/2004 PK 122594 102179 CLAREYS SAFETY EQUIP 197.54 05/11/2004 PK 122595 102741 COBORN'S INCORPORATED 560.07 05/11/2004 PK 122596 120257 COLLIER TURELY MARTIN TUCKER 26,907.76 05/11/2004 PK 122597 117$79 CORNWELLTOOL$ 18.09 05/11/2004 PK 122598 120246 COUNTRYSIDE FLAGPOLE 73.49 05/11/2004 PK 122599 102050 CROW RIVER AUTO 1,437.15 05/11/2004 PK 122fi00 102289 CROW RIVER GLASS 242.55 05/11/2004 PK 122601 102220 CROW RIVER PRESS INC 114.32 05/11/2004 PK 122602 103815 CRYSTEEL TRUCK EQUIP 23,524.36 05/11/2004 PK 122603 102186 CULLIGAN WATER GOND 220.00 05/11/2004 PK 122604 102838 DAIRY QUEEN 301.32 05/17/2004 PK 122605 102488 DAY DISTRIBUTING 4,630.49 • • r~ lJ 05/11/2004 PK 122606 102698 DEVRIES, RANDY 2,395.39 05/11/2004 PK 122607 102710 DOMINO'S PIZZA 296.94 05/11/2004 PK 122608 104084 DONOHUE & ASSOC 1,393.08 05/11/2004 PK 122609 102275 DPC INDUSTRIES INC 785.51 05/11/2004 PK 122610 113181 DROP-N-GO SHIPPING, INC 19.20 05/11/2004 PK 122611 102647 DYNA SYSTEMS 302.25 05/11/2004 PK 122612 102343 E & T CONTRACTING 990.00 05/11/2004 PK 122613 102343 E & T CONTRACTING 868.80 05/71/2004 PK 122614 105467 EAGLE LEGAL SERVICE 79.35 05/11/2004 PK 122615 102354 ECONO FOODS 7.19 05/11/2004 PK 122616 102356 ELECTRO WATCHMAN 274.77 05/11/2004 PK 122617 105535 ELEMENT K JOURNALS 77.00 05/11/2004 PK 122618 104541 EMERGENGY APPARATUS MAINT 433.10 05/11/2004 PK 122619 120213 ENGINEERING CONTACTS/MINNESOTA 26.00 05/11/2004 PK 122620 102223 FARM-RITE EQUIPMENT 958.50 05/11/2004 PK 122621 104137 FASTENAL COMPANY 159.48 05/11/2004 PK 122622 114771 FELLING TRAILERS 58.64 05/11/2004 PK 122623 117085 FREMONT INDUSTRIES, INC 885.87 05/11/2004 PK 122624 102526 G & K SERVICES 1,773.33 05/11/2004 PK 122625 103340 GEe ELECTRICAL ING 118.55 05/11/2004 PK 122626 120222 GEECO 606.59 05/11/2004 PK 122627 105021 GENERAL TRADING CO 82.15 05/11/2004 PK 122628 102999 GOQFATHER'S PIZZA 92.86 05/11/2004 PK 122629 105159 GOODPOINT TECHNOLOGY 5,100.00 0 511 1 /2 0 04 PK 122630 104814 GREEN LIGHTS RECYCLING 54.40 05/11/2004 PK 122fi31 101874 GRIGGS & COOPER & CO 1fi,509.37 05/11/2004 PK 122632 103179 HANSEN DEMOLITION LANDFILL 43.50 05/11/2004 PK 122633 102451 HANSEN DIST OF SLEEPY EYE 902.40 05/11/2004 PK 122634 101958 HANSEN & VASEK CONSTRUCTION 3,127.10 05/11/2004 PK 122635 104409 HARTUNG, COLETTA 8.00 05/11/2004 PK 122636 119483 HAUSER, JENNIFER 25.00 05/11/2004 PK 122637 102546 HCVN-TV 5,948.18 05/11/2004 PK 122638 102531 HENRYS FOODS INC 779.11 05/11/2004 PK 122639 101915 HERMEL WHOLESALE 80.72 05/11/2004 PK 122640 116866 HEWLETT-PACKARD CO 5,831.94 05/11/2004 PK 122641 102518 HILLYARD FLOOR CARE/HUTCHIN$ON 146.28 05/11/2004 PK 122642 105080 HIRSHFIELD'S DECORATING CENTER 182.02 05/11/2004 PK 122643 102119 HOLT MOTORS INC 44.58 05/11/2004 PK 122644 102319 HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE 350.00 05/11/2004 PK 122645 108389 HUTCHINSON AUTO CENTER 689.27 0 5/1 112 00 4 PK 122646 105329 HUTCHINSON BUMPER TO BUMPER 33.16 05!11/2004 PK 122647 102530 HUTCHINSON CD-OP 128.78 05/11/2004 PK 122648 102537 HUTCHIN5ON LEADER 5,828.21 05/11/2004 PK 122649 102539 HUTGHINSON MANUFACTURING 13,986.00 05/11/2004 PK 122fi50 102538 HUTCHINSON MEDICAL CENTER 340.00 05/11/2004 PK 122651 102540 HUTCHINSON PLUMBING & HEATING 29.62 05/11/2004 PK 122652 102541 HUTCHINSON TELEPHONE CO 8,335.21 05/11/2004 PK 122653 105161 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES 47,981.18 05/11/2004 PK 122654 102543 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE 2,495.20 05/11/2004 PK 122655 102038 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 150,000.00 05/11/2004 PK 122656 102633 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 51,901.59 05/11/2004 PK 122657 102635 HUTGHINSON, CITY OF 4,622.19 ~~ J 05/11/2004 PK 122658 103246 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 8,510.71 05/11/2004 PK 122659 105160 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 16,798.35 05/11/2004 PK 122660 102779 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST. #423 19,590.75 05/11/2004 PK 122661 103051 INFRATECH 16,357.50 05/11/2pp4 PK 122662 103520 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 45.74 05/11/2004 PK 122663 120244 ISAACSON, ALICIA 25.00 05/11/2004 PK 122664 102062 JACK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT 384.38 05/11/2004 PK 122665 115855 JEFF MEEHAN SALES INC. 616.86 05/11/2p04 PK 122666 1p22p8 JEFF'S ELECTRIC 6,448.66 05/11/2004 PK 122667 102554 JERABEK MACHINE SERV 54.41 05/11/2004 PK 122668 101938 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 11,996.75 05/11/2004 PK 122669 102045 JOHNSON, DOUGLAS 60.00 05/11/2004 PK 122670 102691 JONES, CHARLES 10.00 05/11/2004 PK 122671 118112 JORDAHL, MICHELLE 20.00 05/11/2004 PK 122672 120245 JORGENSDN, KAKI 13.00 05/11/2004 PK 122673 109660 JULIUS, MICHELLE 90.00 05/11/2004 PK 122674 102555 JUUL CONTRACTING CO 473.00 05/11/2004 PK 122675 102555 JUUL CONTRACTING GQ 1,199.00 05/11/2004 PK 122676 102555 JUUL CONTRACTING CO 1,017.00 05/11/2004 PK 122677 102555 JUUL CONTRACTING CO 2,533.00 05/11/2004 PK 122678 102555 JUUL CONTRACTING CO 233.55 05/11/2p04 PK 122679 102555 JUUL CONTRACTING CO 18,780.00 05/11/2004 PK 12268p 104923 KATOLIGHT CORPORATION 343.51 05/11/2004 PK 122681 102466 KKLN 1,000.00 05/11/2004 PK 122682 104949 KOSEK, RICHARD 60.00 05/11/2004 PK 122683 105697 KQIC-0102 391.25 05/11/2004 PK 122684 102561 L & P SUPPLY CO 28,760.90 p5/11/2004 PK 122685 101974 LENNEMAN BEVERAGE DIST. INC 1,778.05 p5/11/2004 PK 122686 120258 LETTA 1,300.00 05/11/2004 PK 122687 101984 LOCHER BROTHERS INC 15,103.67 05/11/2004 PK 122688 102572 MANKATO MOBILE RADIO 708.86 05/11/2004 PK 122689 120243 MARTIN, MAYONNE 6.ao 05/11/2004 PK 122690 104533 MGCDRMIGK'S FAMILY RESTAURANT 83.87 05/11/2004 PK 122891 119196 MCLEOD COUNTY AUDITOR 9.50 05/11/2004 PK 122692 102489 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRA 300.00 05/11/2004 PK 122693 102158 MCLEOD COUNTY TITLE 108.50 05/11/2004 PK 122694 116868 MDT 4,783.17 05/11/2004 PK 122695 112400 MENARDS - HUTCHINSON 902.24 05/11/2004 PK 122696 107547 MISS, MIKE 369.50 05/11/2004 PK 122697 104957 MIKE CRAVES TRUCKING 2,023.78 05/11/2004 PK 122696 120123 MILLER TRUCKING 382.20 05/11/2004 PK 122699 103044 MINNESOTA BOARD QF AELSLAID 120.00 05/11/2004 PK 122700 179345 MINNESOTA CHAMBER BUSINESS SER 947.88 05/11/2004 PK 122701 119358 MINNESOTA DEPT OFADMINISTRATI 173.40 05/11/2004 PK 122702 101992 MINNESOTA DEPT 4F HEALTH 32.00 05/11/2004 PK 1227p3 102653 MINNESOTA DEPT OF MOTOR VEHIGL 2,497,78 05/11/2004 PK 122704 102581 MINNESOTA U C FUND 5,038.07 05/11/2004 PK 122705 102583 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LA8 4,921.65 05!17/2004 PK 122706 102919 MMBA 213.00 05/11/2004 PK 122707 104583 MOBILE VISION INC 6,684.00 05/11/2004 PK 122708 102650 NCL 37fi.58 05/11/2004 PK 122709 120252 NEW CENTURY CHARTER SCHOOL 12.00 ~~ • ~~ LJ 05/11/2004 PK 122710 117892 NIROM PEAT MOSS ING 5,554.49 05/11/2004 PK 122711 120248 NORTH STAR GARAGE, INC 19,799.00 05/11/2004 PK 122712 112162 NORTHERN SAFETY CO., INC 213.58 05/11/2004 PK 122713 102591 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC 1,611.60 05/11/2004 PK 122714 112503 NORTHLAND PALLET INC 4,788.00 05/11/2004 PK 122715 119366 OAK CREEK RESOURCES 8.265.49 05/11/2004 PK 122716 102155 OLSEN CHAIN & CABLE CO. 401.46 05/11/2004 PK 122717 102592 OLSON'S LOCKSMITH 214.82 05/11/2004 PK 122718 117535 P & K TRUCKING 7,798.33 05/11/2004 PK 122719 115388 PAUL'S CANVAS & UPHOLSTERY REP 25.00 05/11/2004 PK 122720 102187 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO 1,819.19 05/11/2004 PK 122721 120247 PHEASANTS FOREVER 50.00 05/11/2004 PK 122722 101853 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 5,494.84 05/11/2004 PK 122723 102373 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING 329.63 05/11/2004 PK 122724 120230 POMMERER TRUCKING 2,227.20 05/11/2004 PK 122725 102445 POSTMASTER 550.00 05/11/2004 PK 122726 102445 POSTMASTER 550.00 05/11/2004 PK 122727 120259 PRECISION CONTROL TECHNOLOGY, 690.00 05/11/2004 PK 122728 103605 PRECISION LINE BORING 195.00 05/11/2004 PK 122729 102493 PREMIER TECH PACKAGING 3,784.18 05/11/2004 PK 122730 120240 PRICE JR., RALPH 5,748.85 05/11/2004 PK 122731 114391 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR 319.30 05/11/2004 PK 122732 102052 QUALITY W INE & SPIRITS CO. 6,069.78 05/11/2004 PK 122733 103061 QUEEN OF EXELSIOR 500.00 05/17/2004 PK 122734 102604 R & R SPEGIALTIES INC 162.50 05/11/2004 PK 122735 114718 RBSCOTT EQUIPMENT 82.64 05/11/2004 PK 122736 102432 REED BUSINESS INFORMATION 989.38 05/11/2004 PK 122737 105266 RESERVE ACGOUNT 1,853.00 05/11/2004 PK 122738 120250 RDLF, RODGER 50.00 05/11/2004 PK 122739 102225 RUNNING'S SUPPLY 566.61 05/11/2004 PK 122740 102600 RUTZ PLUMBING & HEATING 311.30 05/11/2004 PK 122741 102436 SARA LEE COFFBE & TEA 142.67 05/11/2004 PK 122742 112412 SARGENT, DAN 26.00 05/11!2004 PK 122743 104268 SCHAEFFER MFG CO 619.51 05/11/2004 PK 122744 102606 SCHMELING OIL CO 15,813.04 05/11/2004 PK 122745 113318 SGHWARZE, RUTH & MALGOLM 24,371.04 05/11/2004 PK 122748 109601 SCOTT'S WINDOWS 42.60 05/11/2004 PK 122747 102637 SEVEN WEST WASH & DRY 447.12 05/11/2004 PK 122748 102106 SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP 442.51 05/11/2004 PK 122749 102611 SORENSEN'S SALES & RENTALS 11.19 05/11/2004 PK 122750 105064 SPRUCE RIDGE LANDFILL 10,635.02 05/11/2004 PK 122751 102749 SR. ADVISORY BOARD 138.18 05/11/2004 PK 122752 102747 ST. JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT INC 763.55 05/11/2004 PK 122753 102612 STANDARD PRINTING 191.70 05/11/2004 PK 122754 102584 STAR TRIBUNE 27.95 05/11/2004 PK 122755 102614 STATE TREASURER 15.00 05/11/2004 PK 122756 119799 STEVE'S OK SERVICES 2,151.21 05/11/2004 PK 122757 105681 STORAGE CENTER 138.00 05/11/2004 PK 122758 118862 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT 232,49 05/11/2004 PK 122759 103055 SUPERIOR FORD INC 41,515.00 05/11!2004 PK 122760 120253 SWANSON, JANE 25A0 05/11/2004 PK 122761 102659 TEK MECHANICAL 3,817.25 ~. ~..J 05/11/2004 PK 122762 120231 THORSON TRUCKING 816.40 0 511 1 /2 004 PK 122763 119367 TIGER CORPORATION 533.52 05/11/2004 PK 122764 102618 TOWN & COUNTRYTIRE 99.07 05/11/2004 PK 1227fi5 102620 TRI CO WATER 221.80 05/11/20D4 PK 122766 120242 TRIBUTE CAPITAL, LLC 3,950.00 05/11/2D04 PK 122767 102447 TRICDUNTY ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVI 324.52 05/11/2004 PK 122768 120228 TWIN CITIES NOVELTIES 6Q.06 D5/11/20D4 PK 122769 102619 TWO WAY GOMM INC 63.90 05/11/2004 PK 122770 1D2441 U S BANK 150.00 05/11/2004 PK 122771 118166 UNIQUE TOOL INC 150.00 D5/11/20D4 PK 122772 102624 UNITED BUILDING CENTERS 265.95 05/11/2004 PK 122773 118701 UNUM LIFE INS COMPANY OF AMERI 2,456.50 05/11/2004 PK 122774 102419 VALLEY SALES OF HUTCHINSON 13.23 05/11/2004 PK 122775 115853 VERMEER OF MINNESOTA 777.10 05/11/2004 PK 122776 101912 VICTORIAN INN 2,779.11 05/11/2004 PK 122777 1D2132 VIKING COCA COLA 71.20 05/11/2004 PK 122778 101857 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 216.40 05/11/2004 PK 122779 102642 W. D. COOLING CLINIC 676.08 05/11/2004 PK 122780 105122 WASTE MANAGEMENT 43,903.83 05/11/2004 PK 122781 102165 WELCOME NEIGHBQR 60.00 05/11/2D04 PK 122782 702639 WEST PUBLISHING PAYMENT CTR 809.56 05/11/2004 PK 122783 120146 WICK FORD 17,57p.00 p5/11/2p04 PK 122784 120241 WILLIAM$ EXPRESS, INC 1 Di$.S3 D5/11/2004 PK 122785 103452 WINE COMPANY, THE 7,731.83 05/11/2004 PK 122786 102640 WM MUELLER & SONS 1$2.85 05/11/2D04 PK 122787 1p2fi40 WM MUELLER & SONS 88.6fi 05/11/2004 PK 122788 119211 WORK CONNECTION, THE 14,483.09 05/11/2004 PK 122789 120251 WOZNIAK, SANDY 15.00 D5/11/20D4 PK 122790 1D2D76 X-ERGON 553.36 D5/11/2004 PK 122791 1D3980 ZARNQTH BRUSH WORKS 1,556.66 D5/11/20D4 PK 122792 105571 ZEP MANUFACTURING CO 206.02 1,020,37fi.86 Account N ## 1,D20,376.86 ~~