cp07-27-2004 cAGENDA • REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON EVENT CENTER TUESDAY, JULY 27, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION -- Rev. Brian Brosz, Congregational UCC 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 13, 2004 (b) BID OPENING MINUTES OF JULY 12, 2004 (c) BID OPENING MINUTES OF JULY 23, 2004 Action - Motion to approve as presented 5. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS L. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM JUNE 15, 2004 . 2. IIUTCIIINSON AREA HEALTHCARE BOARD MINUTES FROM JUNE 15, 2004 3. HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM JUNE 15,2004 4. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JUNE 2004 5. CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR JUNE 2004 6. CITY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR JUNE 2004 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 12484 — RESOLUTION RELEASING PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM BREMER BANK N.A. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 12485 -• RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE 3. ORDINANCE NO. 04 -384 —AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE SECTION 5.02 GOVERNING THE APPLICATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF LIQUOR LICENSES (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR JULY 27, 2004) 4. ORDINANCE NO. 04 -372 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON FOR A PROPERTY TO BE REZONED FROM RI TO R3 PDD RAVENWOOD SOUTH (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) CITY COUNCIL AGENDA —JULY 27, 2004 (c) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 1. CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS WELCOME TO OUR HOME SECOND ADDITION SUBMITTED BY DEAN BLOEMKE AND DALE TAUER WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12481 AND WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 04 -382 FOR AUGUST 10, 2004) 2. CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY MARK AND ANGIE RADKE TO REDUCE FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM 25 FEET TO REMOVE EXISTING NONCOMFORMING PORCH AND REPLACE WITH 16'X 24' ADDITION LOCATED AT 5441 PROSPECT STREET WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12482) 3. CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY LEANN AND LOREN ANDERSON LOCATED AT 105 41' AVENUE NW WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12483) (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF STREET SWEEPING POLICY (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF OUT -OF -STATE TRAVEL FOR RANDY DEVRIES TO . ATTEND THE WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND EXPO IN NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA FROM OCTOBER 2 - 6, 2004 (1) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF OUT -OF -STATE TRAVEL FOR MARION GRAHAM TO ATTEND THE INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT PROGRAM TRAINING IN TAMPA, FLORIDA FROM AUGUST J — 13, 2004 (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF APPOINTING BRIG KNOTT TO HRA BOARD TO AUGUST 2007 (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF APPOINTING DEANE DIETEL AND LORA MUILENBURG TO PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY EDUCATION BOARD TO AUGUST 2007 (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF APPOINTING ROBERT COGLEY TO THE SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD TO JANUARY 2007 0) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF MINNESOTA DNA SAFETY BOUY COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT (k) ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5070, LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 04-03 (JEFFERSTON STREET SE EXTENSION) DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED CITY COUNCIL AGENDA — JULY 27, 2004 . ASSESSMENT SET HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT (1) ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5071, LETTING NO. 11, PROJECT NO. 04 -13 (12T" AVENUE NW) - ACCEPTING BID (DEFER TO AUGUST 10, 2004) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AWARDING BID FOR LETTING NO. 2, PROJECT. NO. 04 -02 (SW AREA TRUNK SANITARY SEWER — PHASE 3) Action — Motion to approve consent agenda 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:30 P.M. (a) VACATION OF PARK ELEMENTARY PROPERTY Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 7. COMMUNICATIONS REQUESTS AND PETITIONS 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING AND AWARDING SALE OF $4,070,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS; $625,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT REFUNDING BONDS; AND $285,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION EQUIOPMENT • CERTIFICATES Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (b) THE ISSUANCE OF COMMERCIAL RDEVELOPM NT 12486 REVENUE RESOLUTION APPROVING UNDER THE MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING MASSAGE LICENSE TO BRAD & KIM COMBS OF THE WHITE FEATHER, INC. AND CONSIDERATION OF REVISING HUTCHINSON CITY ORDINANCE 6.43 SUBD. 6 "RESIDENT MANAGER OR AGENT" Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO CITY POLICY 3.16, MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT OVERTIME POLICY Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING CITY RECOGNITION EVENT FOR SEPTEMBER 23, 2004, AT HUTCHINSON EVENT CENTER Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (f) CONSIDERATION OF SETTING INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS FOR AUGUST 10 AND AUGUST 24, 2004, AT 4:00 P.M. TO DISCUSS 2003 AUDIT AND 2005 BUDGET CITY COUNCIL AGENDA —JULY 27, 2004 Action — Motion to rej ect — Motion to approve 00. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS 11. CLAIMS APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS 12, ADJOURN J E 4 MINUTES . REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 13, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDER— 5:30 P.M. Mayor Marlin Torgerson called the meeting to order. Members present were Kay Peterson, Jim Haugen and Casey Stotts. Others present were Gary Plotz, City Administrator, 'Marc Sebora, City Attorney and John Rodeberg, Director of Engineering/Public Works. 2. INVOCATION — Rev. Guy Stone, Congregational UCC 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ♦ PROCLAMATION DECLARING JULY 19, 2004, AS "VI MAYER DAY" Mayor Torgerson read the proclamation. • INTRODUCTION OF DANIEL HATTEN, DIRECTOR OF POLICE/EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Lt. Dave Erlandson introduced Police Chief Dan Hatten. Mayor Torgerson introduced two items for action requested by Chief Hatten. Chief Hatten explained the resolution to adopt the Safe and Sober grant program to benefit the community. Motion by Stotts, second by Peterson to adopt the Safe and Sober grant program. Motion tamed unammously. Gary Plotz commented on a request by the Police Dept. to sell a surplus squad car to the City of Glencoe. Motion by Stotts, second by Haugen to approve the request. Motion carried unanimously. 4. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE. 22, 2004 The minutes were approved as presented. 5. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. PARKS, RECREATION, COMMUNITY EDUCATION BOARD MINUTES FROM APRIL 5, 2004 2. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR JUNE 2004 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR JUNE 2004 4. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MAY 2004 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 12476 -A RESOLUTION RELEASING PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM CITIZENS BANK & TRUST, CO. 0 2. ORDINANCE NO. 04 -372 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — JULY 13, 2004 THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON FOR A PROPERTY TO BE REZONED FROM Rl TO R3 PDD . RAVENWOOD SOUTH (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR JULY 27, 2004) Pi 1 ORDINANCE NO. 04 -380 — AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON TO INCLUDE CERTAIN LAND OWNED BY THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON SURROUNDED BY THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON (HAJICEK PROPERTY) (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 4. ORDINANCE NO. 04 -381 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON FOR A PROPERTY TO BE REZONED FROM R1 TO R4PDD A4 REQUESTED BY CHUCK CARLSON OF COMMUNITY OF LAKERIDGE (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 5, ORDINANCE NO. 04 -383 -. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON FOR A PROPERTY TO BE REZONED FROM RI TO R2PDD AS REQUESTED BY BRIAN BURGESS OF KOTTKE COURT (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) (c) LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT NO. 00-01 (WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY TO JEFFERSON STREET SE) — CHANGE ORDER NO.6 (d) LETTING NO. 6, PROJECT NO. 01 -19 (ROLLING MEADOWS) — CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 (e) LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT NO. 03-01 (2ND AVENUE SW/DALE STREET SW) — CHANGE ORDER NOS. 2, 3, AND 4 (f) LETTING NO. 5, PROJECT NO. 04 -05 (ROLLING MEADOWS EAST) -- CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 (g) LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 04-03 (JEFFERSON STREET SE EXTENSION) - DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - SET HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT (h) CONSIDERATION OF ENGINEERING SUPPORT SERVICES AGREEMENT (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SHORT -TERM GAMBLING LICENSE FOR DUCKS UNLIMITED ON SEPTEMBER 8, 2004 (j) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SHORT -TERM ON -SALE 3.2 MALT LIQUOR LICENSE FOR MCLEOD COUNTY FAIR BOARD ON AUGUST 20 — 24, 2004 (k) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF BUSINESS OFFICE CONSTRUCTION AT PLAZA 15 FOR HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE uv(�) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — JULY 13, 2004 Motion by Haugen, second by Peterson , to approve the consent agenda excluding item 5 (g). Motion . carried unanimously. Item 5 (g) — John Rodeberg stated he is scheduling a neighborhood meeting and would like to defer declaring cost to be assessed and ordering preparation of proposed assessment to the July 27, 2004 meeting and set the hear for Letting 3 to the first meeting in August. Motion by Peterson, second by Stotts to defer the item to July 27, 2004. Motion carried unanimously. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS — NONE 7. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) PRESENTATION OF BOARDS /COMMISSIONS INFORMATION LOCATED ON CITY WEB SITE Tom Kloss explained the need to revise the website boards and commissions page. He gave a demonstration of the site and explained how to interpret the web page. S. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CALLING FOR SALE OF $4,070,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS; $625,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT REFUNDING BONDS; AND $285,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION EQUIOPMENT CERTIFICATES Steve Apfelbacher, Ehlers and Assoc., commented the request and their recommendation. He explained the City credit rating and the phases of financing. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Stotts to approve Resolution 412477 for the sale of G.O. Improvement Bonds. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Haugen, second by Peterson to approve Resolution #12478 for the sale of Tax Increment Refunding Bonds. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Stotts, second by Haugen to approve Resolution #12479 for the sale of G.O. Equipment Certificates. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 04-384 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE SECTION 5.02 GOVERNING THE APPLICATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF LIQUOR LICENSES (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR JULY 27, 2004) Atty. Sebora explained the revisions to the ordinance. Motion by Peterson, second by Stotts to recommend approval of the ordinance amending the City Code Section 5.02. Motion carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —JULY 13, 2004 (c) LETTING NO, 11, PROJECT NO. 04 -13 (12T" AVENUE NW) • DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - CALLING FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - ACCEPTING BID John Rodeberg explained the request and the location. He explained the costs are very close to the public hearing estimates. He stated the assessment per unit would be approximately $14,000. Mr. Hausladen's assessment would include service since he is developing the property immediately. Mr. Rodeberg explained the assessment of the comer lot and the request by Mr. Baseman to defer the assessment to his property indefinitely. Mr. Rodeberg stated he would recommend consideration for a longer time than 10 years ifn developed. He stated Meadowlinks would like to discuss also. Mr. Rodeberg would recommend to def accepting the bids until July 27, 2004. Motion by Stotts, second by Peterson to approve declaring cost and calling for hearing of proposed assessment of Letting No. 11, Project no. 04 -13 and deferring assessments if there is no development on a property. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Haugen, second by Peterson to defer accepting the bid until the July 27, 2004 meeting. Motion carried unanimously. (d) LETTING NO. 12, PROJECT NO. 04 -14 (CREEKSIDE SOILS PAVING) - ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT - RECEIVING REPORT AND WANING HEARING - ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS - APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS John Rodeberg explained the process with no requirement to hold a public hearing. He stated the City ordinance requires paving commercial and industrial lots. He commented on the operational issues of . Creekside by not having pavement. Mr. Rodeberg stated the City is on the fast track to pave to beat the Fall leaf pickup. Pi Motion by Peterson, second by Stotts to approve specs and advertise for bids. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Haugen, second by Stotts to set a special meeting for hearing on August 13, 2004 at noon. Motion carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION OF PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH MCLEOD COUNTY RAILROAD AUTHORITY John Rodeberg commented on the request with is located primarily on the North side of the Crow River. He stated there are 17 parcels, 18.2 acres involved. He explained the property to be dedicated to Gopher Campfire will be handled separately. There will be a long term lease for the round about at Washington Ave. and Adams Street. There is a proposed crossing between the elevator and the junk yard. He commented on the price of $600,000 over 20 years. He commented on the benefits and values. Mr. Rodeberg stated the tracks have been removed and the rail car rehab building is not included and will be sold and removed. Discussion followed on the McLeod Rail Authority's purpose. Motion by Peterson, second by Stotts to approve the purchase agreement. Motion carried unanimously. (f) EE Y COUNCIL A EVENT CENTER (DUE TO ARKELEMENTARY VACATION PUBLIC RESETTING PUBLIC HEARING TO 6:30 P.M. 4 l`1 laj CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —JULY 13, 2004 Gary Plotz explained the need to move the next meeting to the Events Center and reset the hearing to 6:30 . p.m. Motion by Haugen, second by Stotts to hold meeting July 27`h at the Events Center and change the hearings to 6:30 p.m. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS Gary Plotz commented on the mosquito control in the city. John Rodeberg explained the budgeting for next year to provide mosquito control, He commented on the cost of mosquito control. Dolf Moon stated reviewing options come with a cost. Discussion followed on the calls from residents. 11. CLAIMS APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Motion by Peterson, second by Stotts, to approve claims, appropriations and contract payments excluding check number 123587. Motion carved unanimously. 12. ADJOURN With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. 0 0 L�(C� MINUTES • BID OPENING LETTING NO. I I[PROJECT NO. 04-13 JULY 12, 2004 Present: Gary Plotz, City Administrator, Keith Messner, Engineering Technician, and Patrice Vander Veen, Recorder. Gary Plotz, City Administrator, called the bid opening to order at 10:02 a.m. Mr. Plotz dispensed with the reading of Publication No. 7225, Advertisement for Bids, Letting No. 11, Project No. 04 -13. Mr. Plotz noted that the City Council reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive any informalities and irregularities as signed by Gary D. Plotz. The following bids were opened and read: Juul Contracting Company Prinsburg, Minnesota Bid Amount $45,648.40 Rickert Excavating Brownton, Minnesota Bid Amount $62,570.D0 . The bids were referred to staff for review and a recommendation. They plan to be before the City Council for consideration and awarding on July 27, 2004, The bid opening adjourned at 1010 a.m. Marlin Torgerson, Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator 0 q L�) MINUTES BID OPENING LETTING NO.2 /PRO.IECT NO. 04 -02 JULY 23, 2004 Present: Gary Plotz, City Administrator, John Rodeberg, Public Works Director, and Melissa Starke, Recorder. Gary Plotz, City Administrator, called the bid opening to order at 10:02 a.m. Mr. Plotz dispensed with the reading of Publication No. 7224, Advertisement for Bids, Letting No. 2, Project No. 04 -02. Mr. Plotz noted that the City Council reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive any informalities and irregularities as signed by Gary D. Plotz. The following bids were opened and read: Duininck Bros Inc Prinsburg, Minnesota LaTour Construction Inc. Maple Lake, Minnesota . MidStates Utilities Slayton, Minnesota Northdale Construction Rogers, Minnesota R &R Excavating Hutchinson, Minnesota Ricker Excavating Brownton, Minnesota Bid Amount $224.124.60 Bid Amounl 252 3-3160 Bid Amount $198,796.60 Bid Amount $208,520.48 Bid Amount $209.162.20 Bid Amount 156$ 870.20 The bids were referred to staff for review and a recommendation. They plan to be before the City Council for consideration and awarding on July 27, 2004. The bid opening adjourned at 10:10 a.m. Marlin Torgerson, Mayor ATTEST: . Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator � (G) • MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 15, 2004 Hutchinson City Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Kirchoff at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Jim Haugen, Lynn Otteson, Mike Flaata, Farid Currimbhoy and Chairman Kirchoff. Absent: Robert Hantge and Brandon Fraser Also present:: Julie Wischnack, AICP, Planning Director, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Consideration of Minutes dated May 18, 2004 Ms. Otteson moved to approve the minutes of May 18, 2004 as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Haugen. The minutes were approved unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONSIDERATION OF PETITION TO ANNEX 23.85 ACRES (HAJIECK PROPERTY) SUBMITTED BY FARR DEVELOPMENT Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 5:35 p.m. with the reading of publication #7201 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on June 3, 2004. Ms. Wischnack commented on the request to annex approximately 24 acres, location of the property and the proposed development. She explained the updated version of the development which could include a student housing and senior housing mix. She commented on the location of the public and private streets. The public streets being Denver and Montreal. Charlie Levis, Farr Development, commented on the modification of the plan to include student housing and the private interior streets. He commented on the campus community which will be completed in three phases. Mr. Currimbhoy made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Flaata the hearing closed at 5:47 p.m. Mr. Flaata made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. . Seconded by Mr. Haugen. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent .5 (C�-�� Minutes Planning Commission - June 15, 2004 Page 2 . agenda at their meeting held June 22, 2004 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. b) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY LARRY MURPHY TO PLACE A 20' X 8' STORAGE SHED ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE C -5 DISTRICT AT 281 -3R.. AVE N.W. Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 5:50 p.m. with the reading of publication #7202 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on June 3, 2004. Ms. Wischnack explained the property is in the C5 district which requires a Conditional Use Permit. The lot is a single family residential use in the commercial district. She explained the shed is already in place on the lot and commented on the application process by Mr. Murphy. She reported Mr. Murphy has stated he will use the shed for his business next door. The shed will not be impacted by the Hwy 7 project. Sheds do not require a floating slab in the commercial districts. She commented on the conditions as follows: 1. The matter of violating the City Code shall be handled by the City Attorney's office. 2. The building be used, primarily for commercial purposes. Mr. Haugen made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Ms.Otteson the hearing closed at 5:54 p.m. Mr. Haugen made a motion to . recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Currimbhoy. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held June 22, 2004 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. c) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY JAY PETTIT TO AMEND THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO ALLOW FOR A REDUCTION IN LOT WIDTH FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DUPLEXES ON LOTS 5 AND 6, SANTELMAN'S ADDITION Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 5:55 p.m. with the reading of publication #7203 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on June 3, 2004, Ms. Baumetz. commented on the request and explained the property is zoned for multiple family. The planned development district must be amended to allow for a lesser width of lot for a twinhome. There will be a two car garage attached to the building. She commented on the following staff recommendations: 1. Grading must be completed to 6 inches of final grade for electric and natural gas services. 2. Each unit must have separate water service. 3. Parkland dedication is $135.00 per unit to be collected at the . time of building permit. 4. Garages must be 400 sq. ft. or larger. 5(��� Minutes Planning Commission —June 15, 2004 Page 3 Mr. Pettit stated the homes will be 1800 sq. ft. • Discussion followed on the grading of all the lots as requested by Utilities. Mr. Currimbhoy made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the hearing closed at 6:00 p.m. Mr.Flaata made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations adding to #1 "grading must be approved by the City Engineer before final building permit is issued" and #2 should read separate water and sewer service. Seconded by Mr. Haugen. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Baumetz stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held June 22, 2004 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. d) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY OUR SAVIOR'S LUTHERAN CHURCH TO ALLOW THE CHURCH TO OPERATE A CHILD CARE FACILITY AT 810 BLUFF ST. N.E. Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 6:02 p.m. with the reading of publication #7204 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on June 3, 2004. Ms. Baumetz explained this item was requested in December for the entire building. The building codes will not allow both levels to be used for day care in this building and the new request is for the upper level only for 14 children. She commented on the following staff recommendations: . 1. Compliance with the building and fire code. 2. Additional turning or backing area must be added in the garage/ driveway location. Ms. Otteson made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the hearing closed at 6:05 p.m. Ms. Otteson made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Flaata. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Baumetz stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held June 22, 2004 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. e) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS COMMUNITY OF LAKERIDGE, REZONING FROM R -1 TO R-4 AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 36 UNIT SENIOR HOUSING CONDOMINIUM COMPLEX LOCATED AT 1085 DALE ST SW Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 6:06 p.m. with the reading of publication #17205 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on June 3, 2004. Ms. Wischnack explained the request and the rezoning to multi - family planned development district. She commented on the condominium type of plat stating the final plat is not recorded until the building is is comparing The parcel is approximately 4.5 acres. The developers are comparing this to Green Castle near the hospital. This project is less 5(a)1 Minutes Planning Commission — June 15, 2004 Page 4 dense than Green Castle. She stated the open space requirement is 20% and will meet the required 1.07 acres. Parking requirements for senior living is .5 space per unit and the plan does meet the requirement. She explained the fees required for this development and that the tree escrow has not been determined. She commented on the staff recommendations as follows: 1. Amend the site plan to move the retaining wall to the west; which in turn may require the building to move toward Dale Street, to approximately 30 feet of setback. 2. Revise drive on east side to allow turn around spaces. 3. Parking lot and access drives would be paved no later than June 1, 2005- 4. Plantings and bufferings would be planted no later than June 1, 2005. (Final landscape plans must be approved by the City Forester prior to issuance of a building permit.) 5. The stormwater pond vegetation material should be approved by the Parks and Recreation Department. 6. Homeowners association documents must be filed concurrently with the Common Interest Community Plat. 7. Special attention to the northern property line must be given during construction. Grading near that line may not encroach on the other property. 8. All fees shall be paid at the time of building permit issuance. 9. Garage areas must be enclosed_ Discussion followed regarding emergency vehicle access. Ms. . Wischnack stated the fire hydrant locations are appropriate and the building is fully sprinkled. stormwater management in the court yard has been addressed. Ms. Wischnack commented on the drainage to the east, the retaining wall and proper screening for the property to the east which are single family lots. She stated there are multiple catch basins in the development. Discussion followed on landscaping and vegetation on the east side of the development. There was also discussion on use of the property to the north. Cheryl Dooley, Hometown Realty, stated the floor plan is the same as Green Castle but the architectural design of the outside is different. The discussion was tabled at 6:20 p.m. until the developer arrives. The hearing reopened at 7:08 p.m. Doug Carlson, Carlson Development, stated the building has been moved to allow for development of the retaining wall on the east. He explained they are working with the City Forester on the landscaping plan. Chairman Kirchoff asked about size of the turnaround and dumpster area . being adequate for vehicles to make the turnaround. Doug Goriesky C Minutes Planning Commission — June 15, 2004 Page 5 stated it would be tight but a vehicle can turnaround. He stated the . garage floors are 6 inches from the finished floor elevation. Mr. Carlson stated the garages are in the building similar to Green Castle, Ms. Wischnack stated Villiage Cooperative is also similar. Mr. Carlson stated the common area of the building will be elevated for looks. There will be 36 units plus 2 guest rooms. He explained there will be 8 one bedroom units and the remaining will be two bedroom. All have patios. Ms. Wischnack stated major concerns have been addressed and she asked the developers to explain the CIC concept. Atty. Scott Johnston, explained a condominium is different than townhouses. The condominium concept is buying air space which is everything within the ceiling, walls and floor, The warranty deed reflects that space. Garages are a separate warranty deed. He explained the association is responsible for maintaining the building. There will be a declaration and bylaws and the owners pay assessments. There will also be a capital improvement fund for future repairs. He stated there will be no patios or gardens allowed in the setback areas and the water retention ponds will be maintained by the association. Doug Carlson explained the building will be heated by hot water heat there will be one water and one gas meter on the building and 37 individual electric meters which will be accessible to the City. Jim Pease, 1065 Dale St., commented on his concerns being surrounded by senior living developments and the resale of his property. He asked if the developer would be constructing a privacy fence along the north side of the property and the treatment of ponds for mosquitoes. Mr. Goriesky stated the trees along the north property line are staying as a buffer and the new landscape plan does show screening to the north. He explained the ponds will be dry pond with no standing water. Mr. Flaata made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Currimbhoy the hearing closed at 7:20 p.m. Mr.Flaata made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Haugen. Ms. Otteson stated dry ponds should be added to recommendation #5. Mr. Flaata amended his motion to include dry ponds in #5. Seconded by Mr. Haugen. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held June 22, 2003 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. f) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY JEANNINE GEHLEN TO REDUCE CORNER LOT SETBACK FROM 25' TO 15.2' FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 24'X 24' GARAGE LOCATED AT 555 . GROVE ST. S.W. 5(C�)1 Minutes Planning Commission —June 15, 2004 Page 6 . Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 6:25 p.m. with the reading of publication #7206 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on June 3, 2004. Ms. Baumetz commented on the request noting the hardship of the narrowness of the lot. She commented on the following staff recommendations: 1. The site plan dated March 31, 2004, shall be followed. 2. Finished grading shall not impact neighboring properties or the alley area. 3. The garage shall not exceed 16 feet in height (as measured to the mean of the roof). 4. The building shall not be of pole construction. Discussion followed on the 15 foot driveway to the street. Mr. Haugen stated the garage could go back 4 feet to give more off street parking. Ms. Otteson made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the hearing closed at 6:30 p.m. Ms. Otteson made a motion to recommend approval of the request due to the hardship of the narrow lot with staff recommendations adding a 5" recommendation to move the garage to 6' from the south property line. Seconded by Mr. Haugen The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Baumetz stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held June 22, 2003 . in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. g) CONSIDERATION Of A 3 LOT PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS WELCOME TO OUR HOME SECOND ADDITION, VACATION OF UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS, REZONING FROM R -1 TO R- 4 AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 2 STORY 50 UNIT CATERED LIVING COMMUNITY FOR SENIORS WHICH WILL LINK TO THE OAKS APARTMENTS LOCATED AT THE END OF CLEVELAND AVE S.W. Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 6:33 p.m. with the reading of publication #7207 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on June 3, 2004. Ms. Wischnack commented on the request and the vacation of the platted easement area. She distributed the landscape plan and commented on the link between the buildings. She commented on the previous development and stated the existing utility must be relocated as there are utilities in the area. The development with require rezoning to multiple family and an update of the planned development district. She reported the sewer and water access is from Cleveland Ave. The plan does meet the parking requirements. Stormwater management was intended with The Oaks pond. She stated the concerns of staff is the connectivity of Cleveland Ave. to Dale St. She commented on the fees required and the staff recommendations as follows: 5�C�)1 Minutes Planning Commission — June 15, 2004 Page 7 • 1. A reconfiguration of the building location be designed as to circulate traffic in the area. in the neighborhood by connecting streets 2. Provide a landscaping plan prior to review by the City Council. The plan must also be approved by the City Forester and installed no later than June 1, 2005. (Staff has discussed buffering with the applicant.) 3. The parking lot must be paved no later than June 1, 2005 (this will be a late in year construction; therefore anticipation of weather constraints should be considered). 4. Utility line relocation costs would be paid by the applicant. 5. The connection between the buildings must meet all applicable code requirements (fire code, building code, etc.) 6. Garbage dumpsters must be enclosed. 7. The fees would be collected at the time of building permit. Ms. Wischnack commented on a discussion she had with neighboring property owner Don Kostecka 915 Cleveland Ave SW, regarding weeds on the property. She reported he is not against the apartments. Terry Dean, 905 Cleveland Ave. SW, commented on his concens with drainage when the building is constructed. Steve Eichten, 1100 Keith St., commented on the drainage problems he has presently_ He asked if this could be corrected which the development of the property. • Mr. Dean stated there is already a water problem from the church property and adding more is a concern. He asked if there could be a green space transition from R1 to R4 and stated there is no guarantee this will always be senior housing. Ms. Wischnack explained there would be more parking required for a change in occupancy. Ms. Otteson asked if the wetland area could be a possible spot for ponding. Ms. Wischnack explained water can not be directed to a wetland. It must go to a secondary pond before meeting the wetland. She stated The Oaks pond is designed to capture the extra runoff. Ms. Otteson asked about screening. Mr. Dean asked the City to address water issues and fix the intake. Ms. Wischnack stated the City will work with the neighborhood. Discussion followed on the screening of the parking lot from the single family lots. Mr. Dean requested the entry and exit of construction equipment not be from Cleveland for the safety of the children in the neighborhood. Joyce Krcil, 1120 Keith St. SW, voiced concerns with the water in the area and the issues with more construction. She stated the elevation was raised when The Oaks was constructed She stated she would like to see a buffer from the Minutes Planning Commission —June 15, 2004 Page 8 single family lots. She commented on concerns with car lights on the road into • the single family homes. Mosquitoes are also a concern. Ms. Wischnack stated John Rodeberg is working on some mosquito control for the City. Ms. Krcil stated the weeds have not been mowed and there are thistles ready to bloom. Discussion followed on the drainage issues. Dale Tauer, Welcome to Our Home, stated he will lower the intake and water will run to the South of the building. There are lines running to the pond. He stated they hired a person to mow the lot. Chairman Kirchoff asked if this would be a public street. Mr. Tauer stated they will build the street to specification. Ms. Wischnack stated staff is concerned with the location of the street.proposed. Discussion followed on placement of the building more to the south. Mr. Tauer stated they could build a 3 story building. Ms. Wischnack stated there are multiple options. She explained the road design options to connect one of the two streets. She stated this plan is short sighted. Chairman Kirchoff recommended more meetings with staff. Mr. Tauer stated they are hoping to begin construction this summer. He stated there is another development plan for lot 1. He stated an entrance off Blackhawk Court may work. Ms. Otteson made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Flaata the hearing closed at 7:05, p.m. Mr. Flaata made a motion to table the request until the July 20, 2004 meeting to deal with the drainage, street and buffering issues. Seconded by Ms. Otteson. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated a neighborhood meeting will be scheduled before the July 201h meeting. h) CONSIDERATION OF 7 LOT PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS KOTTKE'S AND REZONING FROM R -1 TO R -2 PDD SUBMITTED BY BRIAN AND SHARON BURGESS LOCATED AT 1381(1383 JEFFERSON ST. S.E. Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 7:30 p.m. with the reading of publication #7208 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on June 3, 2004. Ms. Wischnack commented on the proposal of a seven lot subdivision to be developed as twinhome lots. She explained it is common to plat and then split the lots. The property is off Jefferson Street and a private street . is being planned with a cul -de -sac. They cannot go through because of the topography. The street indicated cannot be platted as an outlot. It 5�.C�) Minutes Planning Commission — June 15, 2004 Page 9 must be a platted street. A planned development district is required because of the unusual lot widths. She commented on the wetlands to the east and the lowest floor elevation. Stormwater pond accessibility is an issue for maintenance. She commented on the fees for each lot and the tree escrow for 28 trees. She commented on the staff recommendations as follows: 1. The setbacks for the development shall be 25 feet from the private street, 6 feet on the side, 25 feet in the rear and 50 feet from the ordinary high water mark. 2. Easement areas need to be expanded. 3. Homeowners association documents must be submitted and must indicate the maintenance responsibilities of the retaining wall, driveways, street, open spaces, etc. 4. Change Outlots to easement areas. 5. Address accessibility to the ponding area for future maintenance. 6. A subdivider's agreement must be executed prior to final plat. 7. All fees are due as prescribed in the report. 8. Future divisions for twin homes will be required through a separate process (lot split application). 9. Wetland delineation report must be submitted. Ms. Otteson commented on the possibility of language in the association documents noting the noise and smell across the river. . Brian Burgess, property owner, stated they have discussed those issues. Ms. Wischnack stated that will be included in the subdivision agreement to alleviate potential problems. Mr. Flaata mentioned the stormwater ponds and the mosquito problems. Ms. Wischnack stated the City Engineer is working on the problem possibility with the use of pellets. Paul Otto, Otto and Assoc., stated the easement notation can be changed. Mr. Burgess stated accessibility to the ponds could be along the southern property line. Mr. Otto stated there could be a 15 foot easement along the southern property line to permit access to the pond. Ms. Wischnack stated there must be documentation in the agreement so home owners do not plant in the easement. Dennis Boncquet, 1355 Jefferson St., stated he has no problem with the development but had a question on the pond. He questioned the need for a pond with wetlands already on the property. Mr. Otto explained stormwater ponds are required by the State and must retain post development rate to predevelopment rate. A pond will slow • down runoff and will contain salt, sand, fertilizer and treat the area. 5(to� F- 1 r� Minutes Planning Commission — June 15, 2004 Page 10 Mr. Boncquet asked if a pond would destroy the wetland. Mr. Otto explained the pond will not impact the wetland. Mr. Flaata made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the hearing closed at 7:50 p.m. Mr. Haugen made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations adding the 15 foot easement along the south property line and verbage in the agreement regarding the compost facility across the river. Seconded by Mr. Currimbhoy. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held June 22, 2004 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. i) CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY PAUL BETKER TO ALLOW FOR AN ACCESSORY USE WITHOUT A PRIMARY STRUCTURE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 849 — 2N° AVE S.W. Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 7:54 p.m. with the reading of publication #7209 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on June 3, 2004. Ms Wischnack commented on the application to repair a dilapidated structure. The potential property owner is requesting to turn the structure to an accessory storage building. She explained the code requires a principal building on a lot or a conditional use permit must be requested. Ms. Wischnack explained the building official has inspected the building and his opinion is the building can be used as an accessory building when repaired. She commented on the following staff recommendations: 1. The shell may be used for a garage structure only. It may not be converted to a home or attached to a home. 2. The applicant must submit specific information about construction, prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. It is anticipated that this conditional use permit would transfer to a new owner. 4. The conditional use permit shall expire 6 months from the date of the resolution, unless an extension is requested. 5. No lakeshore alterations may be made, unless further reviews and approvals are conducted. Ms. Wischnack stated staff has received numerous calls regarding the request from neighboring property owners. Ms. Otteson stated she has received 3 calls on this item. Paul Betker, property owner, explained the existing structure needs a new roof. The building is a hazard and fixing it up will enhance the property. He stated he is not changing the building just fixing it up and the new owner will use it for tool storage. The open foundation will remain as is. 5LO-) Minutes Planning Commission — June 15, 2004 Page 11 • Discussion followed on the issue of the unsafe property. Atty. Sebora stated if allowed to refurbish the issues will go away. He stated the larger issue in the stand alone accessory building needs a time table as to how the primary and accessory structures will affect the neighboring property owners. Mr, Betker stated the structure will remain after the primary building is constructed. Mr. Haugen stated they should be allowed to maintain the structure. Ms. Wischnack stated the hazardous building will be dealt with by the City Attorney. She explained there have not been many calls over the years. Mr. Betker has always responded when called by the City. Mr. Flaata asked if there is usually a timeline with a request like this. Ms. Wischnack stated it is not required in the code to have a timeline. Mr. Christensen, 945 — 2nd Ave. SW., commented on his concerns. He stated the building is 5.5 feet from his property line and 6 feet would be required today. He is overall concerned with drainage issues. He stated he talked to the buyer and they staled it could be 5 years before a home was built. He stated the buyer intends on improving the property not remove the structure. Mr. Christensen stated he is concerned with the . size of structure in the front yard and the drainage. He would like to see the structure removed. There needs to be clarification as to the longevity of the structure. Chairman Kirchoff asked if he were talking for the entire neighborhood. Mr. Christensen stated he is reiterating calls he has received. Jill Smith, 841 — 2nd Ave SW, commented on her concern with the vacant house. She explained the neighbors have taken care of the property. They have removed the debris that others left on the property. She stated their house is 18 inches from the property line and in the winter the snowmobiles are disturbing. She explained she would like a house on the property with neighbors so others would stay off the lot. Ms. Smith commented on storage buildings available for rent and that there is mold in the existing building. Chairman Kirchoff asked how long the building has been owned by Mr. Betker. Mr. Betker stated around 10 years. Tim Smith, 841 -2 "d Ave. SW, stated the property harbors rodents which have moved onto their property. He has called the weed inspector over the years. He explained that he was told, by the previous inspector, where a house could be placed. He has concerns with the timeline to build a home and the accessory use being place in the front yard. He stated a house would improve the property. Mr. Smith commented on the Onarrow driveway up to the property line. sz��� 0 11 11 Minutes Planning Commission -June 15, 2004 Page 12 Mr. Currimbhoy stated it is positive that the building will be improved. Carl Hoeft, 945 — 2nd Ave. SW, explained the lot doesn't affect his property however his main concern is with the foundation which should be inspected for safety. He would also like to see a timeline for the main structure. Mr. Betker stated he would sell the lot to the neighbors. He distributed a house plan that would fit on the lot. He explained nothing would change with the drainage. Randy Redman stated fixing the garage is a positive step in the right direction and it is fair to give a timeline for the primary structure. Mr. Haugen made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Currimbhoy the hearing closed at 8:35 p.m. Mr. Flaata made a motion to table the request until the property owner returns with a timeline. The motion failed for lack of a second. Ms. Otteson made a motion to deny the request. Seconded by Mr. Haugen. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be placed on the City Council regular agenda at their meeting held June 22, 2004 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. 4. NEW BUSINESS a) DISCUSSION OF COMPOST SITE WITH STEVE MAASON Ms. Wischnack explained the reason for the discussion to update the Planning Commission on the future of the compost site. Steve Madson, Creekside Compost, commented on the procedure to remove the approximately 20,000 ton of leaves on the HATS facility property along Adams St. He explained they are using a new debagger to alleviate the problem. They are working 24 hours a day and hope to have the leaves debagged in two weeks. The rain does hamper the progress. He commented on the future for Creekside. They are looking for an alternate location in the County away from main roadways for the storage of the leaves brought in from Minneapolis. The process will be changing as the leaves come in to the City. Mr. Madson stated they have offered an incentive to Minneapolis to use biodegradable bags. He stated the City needs raw materials to expand the operation. He reported 20,000 ton will produce 1.4 million bags. He stated 150,000 bags were sold in 2003 and so far in 2004 a total of 800,000 bags have been sold, He is working for better management of the materials. Debagging is labor intensive. Discussion followed on the odor at the compost site, Mr. Madson stated leaves are not the odor it is the green material that comes in. Ms. Wischnack stated when the Conditional Use Permit was granted to the HATS facility several years ago for outdoor storage. They did not 5��� 1 • Cl Pi Minutes Planning Commission —June 15, 2004 Page 13 envision this use on the property at that time. She explained the Conditional Use Permit could be amended. Mr. Madson stated they do not intend to use this area again. Discussion followed on the disposal of the bags. Mr. Madson stated presently they go to the landfill eventually the bags will go to a company that uses them in yard furniture. 5. OLD BUSINESS None B. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. 5(�_) � • L J BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING — June 15, 2004 Hospital — Conference Room A/B Members present were: Chairperson, Steve Snapp; Vice Chairperson, Wayne Fortun; Sherry Ristau, Secretary; Kay Peterson, Trustee; Bernie Knutson, Trustee; Mike Mueller, Trustee; Dr. Cate McGinnis, Chief of Staff; and others present were: Philip Graves, President; Pam Larson, Finance, Information and Material Services Division Director; Robyn Erickson, Care and Program Support Services Division Director; Jane Lien, Acute Care Programs and Services Division Director; Pat Halverson, Community Care Programs and Services Division Director; Dr. Steve Mulder, Director of Medical Affairs; Cary Linder, Foundation Director; Carol Stark, Foundation President; Doug Hanneman, Hutchinson Leader; and Corrinne Schlueter, Recorder Chairperson Snapp called the meeting to order at 5:34 PM. Consent Agenda Chairperson Snapp reviewed the following consent agenda items and asked if any items needed to be transferred to the regular agenda for further discussion. The agenda was as follows: 1. Past Meeting Minutes (May 18, 2004) 2, Statistical Report (separate attachment) 3. Financial Report (May 2004) 4. Accounts Payable and Cash disbursements (May 2004) 5. Auxiliary Meeting Minutes (May 2004) Fortun requested that item ##3, Financial Report, be moved to the regular agenda. • Following discussion, Ristau made a motion, seconded by Peterson, to approve the consent agenda, with the exception of moving #3, Financial Report, to the regular agenda. All were in favor. Motion carried. Regular Agenda New Business. A. Medical Executive Committee Meeting & Credentialing. Dr. McGinnis provided a report on the recent Medical Executive Committee Meeting. The following practitioners were recommended for membership to the Medical Staff. Initial. William Taylor, CRNA Anesthesia Allied Health �5(a)a 0 r-I L -� 11 Board of Directors Page two June 15, 2004 Advancement from Provisional. Steven Hite, MD Steven Jensen, MD Michael McNelis, MD Joseph Mayland, DO John Nobrega, MD S. Murthy Tadavarthy, MD David Tubman, MD D. Clarke Tungseth, MD Irwin Weisman, MD Reappointments. Noel Collis, MD Daniel Frenning, MD Laurie Kersten- Ulmen, CRNA Kim MacNab, MD James Madison, MD Brian Pollmann, DO Sherry Riemann Kathy Trimbo Resi nations. Ann Welty, CRNA Radiology Courtesy Radiology Courtesy OB /GYN Active General Surgery Active Radiology Courtesy Radiology Courtesy Radiology Courtesy Radiology Courtesy Radiology Courtesy Internal Medicine Active Internal Medicine Active Anesthesia Emergency Medi Cardiology Family Practice Dental Assistant Dental Assistant Allied Health tine Courtesy Courtesy Active Allied Health Allied Health Anesthesia Allied Health Following discussion, McGinnis made a motion, seconded by Peterson, to grant membership and privilege to the above listed practitioners and to accept the resignation as recommended by the Medical Executive Committee. All were in favor. Motion carried. B. McGough Construction Update. Graves presented the report for McGough. The ER Renovation will be completed in two phases and the Recovery Expansion is scheduled for completion in July. Also the West Entry is scheduled for completion in July. The completion of the coffee shop entrance is pending direction on door /entry revisions. The freight elevator delays are due to conduit and piping in elevator equipment room and shaft modifications required. Site concrete and landscaping on north side to start the week of 6/21/04. Courtyard plantings and reconnection of lawn irrigation will follow. C. Human Resource (HR) Report. Fortun reported on a recent meeting of the Personnel Committee. The purpose of the meeting was to receive the annual HR report as required by the JCAHO. Additionally he reported on a recommended 5>`C�)a Board of Directors Page three June 15, 2004 change to the bong Tenn Disability Policy that will provide for expanded coverage for Senior Leadership and employed Physicians. Following discussion, Fortun made a motion, seconded by Knutson to approve the HR Report as presented and to amend the Long Term Disability program for Senior Leadership and employed Physicians. All were in favor. Motion carried. D. "Barrier Isolator Hood. The Board received a Capital Expenditure request for the purchase of two Barrier Isolator Hoods (also called Mobile Isolation Chambers). The Hoods are used for compounding pharmacy related sterile products. The Hoods offer a class 100 environment in a contained system with positive and negative pressure options. The alternative choice would be to construct a clean room in order to meet the new regulatory standards. The hospital currently has two hoods for the mixing of pharmaceuticals however the standards were recently modified which will require a change in order to be compliant with USP 797 Chapter of Standards of Pharmaceutical Compounding of Sterile Preparations. An analysis was prepared considering the two alternatives and the purchase of the two Isolator Hoods would provide a three year payback and allow for more flexibility in use. The purchase price is $61,400 . for two single chamber hoods. • Following discussion, Mueller made a motion, seconded by Knutson, to request approval from the City Council to authorize the purchase of two Barrier Isolator Hoods at a cost of $61,400. All were in favor. Motion carried." E. `Business Office Construction, Plaza 15. Graves explained a need to develop space in the Plaza 15 Mall (north of Mental Health Clinic) in order to relocate the HAHC Business Office and allow expansion space for an existing tenant. The current Business Office space, in the Plaza (approximately three thousand sq ft), would be provided to Allina Health System for their durable medical equipment product line. it is anticipated the cost of the Business Office relocation project would be approximately $200,000 for six thousand square feet. Because of our ability to rent the current business office space to Allina, we anticipate a seven - year pay back on the relocation cost. Following discussion, Knutson made a motion, seconded by McGinnis, to request authority from the City Council to proceed with the Business Office relocation, Plaza 15, at a cost not to exceed $200,000. All were in favor. Motion carried." 11 510 Board of Directors M Page four June 15, 2004 F. Ambulance Purchase. The Board reviewed a Capital Expenditure Request for authorization to bid for a new ambulance. The newest ambulance is a 2000 model and has 79,000 miles on it. The run volume is such that three ambulances are staffed at most times. The fourth ambulance would be used as a "spare" so that if one ambulance is in for repairs for an extended time, the fourth could be put into use. The purchase price is $126,000. • Following discussion, Fortun made a motion, seconded by Ristau to authorize the bid process for a new ambulance. All were in favor. Motion carried. G. Senior Care U_2date. Graves provided a report on the various Senior Care developments that are currently before the Planning Commission of the City. He summarized the events that have taken place over the last few months that have caused us to reexamine our plans and relationship with Presbyterian Homes. He reported that several meetings have taken place with three other developers in order to understand the various plans. He also reported that the developers have expressed an interest in continuing dialogue with HAHC and Presbyterian Homes in order to assess a partnership arrangement. • • A consensus was reached by the board to arrange a meeting with the NewCo Senior Care Board Members in order to assess our current relationship with Presbyterian Homes and to decide future direction. Members also spent time discussing the difficulty in planning and advancing strategy in a public forum. It was sited that planning for senior care development has been made very public over these past couple years. Members believe HAHC was disadvantaged by making these results public and by having to follow a more complex process to achieve results than would a private firm. The 2004 strategy of investigating other Business Models was discussed. Graves said a process to advance this will be discussed at the July board meeting during the Strategic Plan update. II. Reports. A. President. Graves reported on the changes with Echo Drive. A water problem will be addressed at the Plaza by redirecting the roof drains so that they will be tied underground to the city storm sewer system- lie also reported that the city will upgrade the parking lot in 2005 if we make the request. The improvements will be assessed to the tenants over a several year 11 �)ta�a Board of Directors • Page five June 15, 2004 period. Graves also reported on the vacancies in the Carr Flower and On Cue /Sam Goody space. A plan is still being formulated to make structural corrections to the occupied spaces in the mall. The Carr Flowers space is finished and the On Cue/Sam Goody space will begin within the next month . Fortun requested the Master Site Plan be reexamined so that any improvements that are made to the Mall are consistent with our long range thinking. B. Acute Care Programs and Services. Lien reported the move to CCU was quite flawless and also a very positive experience. Part of the Strategic Plan is to increase our census in the unit and we have been at almost full capacity. It is also getting close to the time to move OB. plans are being formulated so this transition will go smoothly. C. Care and Program m Support Services. Nothing further to report. D. Community Care Programs and Services. We have the Annual Connect Care Board Meeting coming up. Bernie Knutson and Dr. Cate McGinnis are our new • board members. A special "thank you" was extended to Steve Snapp and Pastor Randy Chrissis for the time they spent on the board. Halverson reported we have signed two Psychiatrists. Dr. Eric Nelson will be here on August I ", and Dr. Olukayode Awoshika will be here on October 1, 2004. E. Finance, information & Material Services. Larson provided a brief update on the progress of installation and training of the cost accounting system. Our billing statements will be outsourced to "Apex ". It currently costs us about 63 cents per statement to have a "Pool Secretary" perform the process and this company can do it for 55 cents. F. Senior Care Programs and Services. Krentz reported we have no employee openings in the NAR Category, for the first time in many years. Census has been slow this month. G. Director of Medical Affairs, Mulder reported that work continues on core measures, H. Foundation Director. Linder reported on an offer on the land that was donated to the foundation. A luncheon and tour and also a breakfast and tour were held for past board members. Ice cream sundaes were provided for all staff 1 (COD, 11 L_J r 1 LJ Board of Directors Page six June 15, 2004 at all locations on all shifts as a "thank you" for the Payroll Deduction Campaign. New software was purchased and installed and training will continue. The Scholarship Committee will be looking for students going into the Medical Field and will be checking Hutchinson, Ridgewater, Dassel, Cokato, New Century Charter, Buffalo Lake, Hector, and McLeod West. The Scramble for Life Golf Outing is August 9'" and the Share and Care Dinner is November 13th. Patient Safe t &Performance Im rovcment Committee. Schermann reported on an ICSI Committee Meeting last week that was held in Minneapolis. She also said time was spent on the organizational focus of the National Patient Safety Goals. A toolbox was distributed to Leadership to help achieve the patient safety goals. Allina Report. Graves reported the financial performance of Allina looks great. Dan Werner, the President from Owatonna Hospital, has resigned and will be moving to Delaware. Financial Report. Larson reviewed the Balance sheet and Income Statement for the month of May. Chairperson Snapp asked if there was additional business to consider. There being none, Ristau made a motion, seconded by Fortun to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Corrinne Schlueter Recorder Sherry Ristau Secretary Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment-Authority Regular Board Meeting — June 15, 2004 Minutes CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Ian McDonald called the meeting to order. Members Present: Casey Stotts, Thor Skeie, and Becky Felling. Staff Present: Jean Ward, and Judy Flemming. 2, MINUTES OF HRA BOARD MEETING ON MAX 18, 2004 Thor Skeie moved to approve the Minutes as written. Casey Stotts seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 3. FINANCIAL REPORTS Casey Stotts moved to approve the Financials. Becky Felling seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 4. RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR REPLACEMENT OF PATRICK SPETHMAN ON HRA BOARD The Board reviewed the one interest form submitted after the advertisement period. Thor Skeie moved to recommend Brig Knott to the City Council for the HRA Board Commissioner Position. 5. PARK TOWERS The Board agreed to set the date for the required public hearing for the Agency Plan as July 30`x' at Park Towers. 0 Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the Capital Funds table that is part of the Agency Plan. 6. SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Judy Flemming reviewed with the Board the final budget. Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the Proceeds Statement. Becky Felling moved to approve cutting a check to the School District for their portion of the proceeds. Casey Stotts seconded and the motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION BY AUDITOR Marc Babcock reviewed with the Board the HUD REAC Audit and City Requested GASB -34 Audit. The GASB -34 Audit will be submitted to the City Finance Director for review. 8. MAXFIELD STUDY PROPOSAL UPDATE Casey Stotts moved to execute the contract for $10,500 to have Maxfield Research Inc. update the comprehensive housing study for the City of Hutchinson. Becky Felling seconded and the motion carried unanimously. ROILING MEADOWS UPDATE Jean Ward submitted the landscaping grant application to GMHF and expects to be notified by July I". 10, ROILING MEADOWS EAST UPDATE GMHF has approved the request for Rolling Meadows East acquisition cost limit to be $142,000 for a High Cost Area. 11. HOME RENTAL REHAB PROGRAM UPDATE Judv Flemming informed the Board that the one applicant has withdrawn his application, so the HRA will not be doing a HOME Rental Rehab project this year. 12. FRANKLIN -GROVE NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECT UPDATE Becky Felling moved to approve the Franklin -Grove Neighborhood SCDP Loan 48680 -13. Casey Stotts seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 13. FYI The Section 8 Program has had funding reduced; HUD is negotiating with NAHRO and PHADA for changes to the Public Housing operating subsidy system. 14. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business, Chairman Ian McDonald declared the meeting adjourned. Recorded by Jean Ward, HRA Executive Director Becky r-I LJ LJ • r� LJ HUTCH INSON AREA HEALTH CARE Comparative Balance Sheet As of June 30, 2004 (A) (8) (A) -(B) JUNE MAY JUNE Change 2004 2004 2003 CY vs PY ASSETS 51,199,748 51,116,743 75,320 2,016,203 Current Assets 1 Cash and investments - Operations 310,888,521 $10,294,074 $18650,113 238,408 2 Cash and investments - Self- Insured 1,763,756 1,706,721 1,012,936 750,820 3 Subtotal rash B lrweslments 512,652,277 $12,00,795 $11,663,049 989,228 4 Pati"trResident receivables 18,846,900 19,116,813 16,708,163 2,138,737 5 Allowances for bad debls (4,580 414) (4,501,093) (4,647,758) 67,344 6 Advances and contractual allowances (6,605.2901 {6568 311] {4 812 428} (1,792,865) 7 Nei palrenthesidenl and lhird -party 57,661,193 $8,047,409 $7,247,977 413,216 8 payor receivables 4 10 Other receivables- net 231,231 219,502 291,478 (60,267) 11 Inventories 774,513 732,342 686,340 88,173 12 Prepaid expenses 219,162 203357 253,989 (34.827) 13 Total Currenl Assets $21,538,376 $21,194,405 $20,142.833 1,395,543 t4 Board DesianatedlFunded Depreciation Investments $7,121,16`5 $7,409.065 $15.463.210 (8,342,045) -.5 invesimenl in Joint Ventures $821,190 $643,638 $448,435 372,755 Plant Assess 16 Land 17 Buildings 18 Ac mulaled depreciation S9 Buildings less depreciation 20 Equipment 21 Amumulated depreciation 22 Equipment less delxeciatwn 23 Cashcanslrucllon d equipment 24 Consimclion in progress 25 Total Plant Assets Other Assets 26 Deferred financing casts 27 Tolal Funds LA r- FINSTMN7As Pam Larson S1,t119,788 $1,019.788 $1,019,788 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Current Liabilitias Current maturities of Long term debt Accounts payable - bade Estimated contractual settlamertt5-net Accrued expetses - Salaries PTO Interest Self - Insured programs Other Deferred liabilities Deferred revenue Total Current Liabill0e3 29,943,896 27,145,006 26,113,800 3.630,096 (t2997599) (12885.310) (11985442) (1,D12,157) Long-lerm Debt (less d n( $16,946,297 $14,259,696 $14,128,358 2,817,939 maturitiesl 17,230,374 16,374,365 15,689,811 1,740,563 (12,604,124) (12,515,095) (11,881,763) (722,361) $4,626,250 $3.859,270 53.60$046 1,018,202 ❑ 0 0 0 6,353,560 9,200,023 2,119,658 4,242,792 $28 945.895 $28,338,777 $20,867,052 8,078,843 Fund balance $94793 $95.903 5108399 (13,606) $56 ,521,419 $57.681,788 $57,029,929 1.491,490 Total Funds rt i�r�vw 03:24 PM (A) (B) (A) -(B) JUNE MAY JUNE Change 2004 2004 2003 CY vs PY $1,194,963 51,199,748 51,116,743 75,320 2,016,203 1,606,113 2,962,569 (46.366) 1,090,3211 1,140.716 t,816.715 (726.395) 1,317,681 1,124,956 1,947,171 270,510 1,534,586 1,538,283 1,370,860 163,796 411,622 319,714 460,884 (49,282) 358,549 423,673 617,561 (258,912) 158,216 159,554 148,259 9,959 120,575 116,4D8 139,111 (18,536) 2,219 6919 0 22,_1_9 $8.204,t36 $7.636,014 $8 781 893 (577,757) $24258296 $25253663 522422,284 (1,163.988) . S29,058,987 $28,792,111 $25.825,752 3.233,235 $58.521,419 $57,681,788 $57,029,929 t,491490 • �7 3:24 PIM HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE Statement of Revenues and Expenses Month and Period Ended June 30, 2004 CURRENT MONTH YEAR -TO -DATE YEAR- TO-DATE Over (Under) Budget Over (Under) 8Wgel VARIANCE % Revenue Aclual Budget Dollars Percent Actual Budget Dollars Percent June 2003 CY vs PY 1 In patient revenue $3,190,860 $3,228,477 (537,617) -1.2% $18,019,106 519,280,427 ($1,251,321) 46.5% 315,262,965 18.1% 2 Out patient revenue 4,545,770 4,106,783 438,987 10.7% 24,875,165 24,805,257 69,908 0 -3% 20,440,094 217% 3 Resident Revenue 594,799 598,485 {3,686] -0.6% 3,809352 3,618,261 199,091 5 -5% 3,336,116 14.2% 4 Total patierNlresident revenue $8,331,429 $7,933,745 $397,684 5.0% $46,703,623 $47,695,945 ($992,322) -2.1% $39,039,175 r9.6% Discounts 5 Govemmenlal &Policy Discount 4,230,736 3,855.138 375,598 97% 22.974,326 23,170,493 (196,465) -D -B% 11,888,716 284% 6 Free Care 0 4,167 (4,167) - $00.0% 7,097 25,000 (17,903) -71.6% 0 n1a 7 Total deduction from revenue $4,230736 $3,659,305 5371,431 9 -6% $22,981,425 $23,195,493 ($214,068) - 72.5% $17.888,716 28 -5% 8 Net patientlresident revenue $4,100,693 $4,074,440 $26,253 0.6% $23,722,196 $24,500.452 ($778,254) -3.2% $21,150,459 12 -2% 9 Other operating revenues 42,221 76,474 (34,253) -44.6% 403,348 472,223 (68.875) -14.6% 365,799 10.3% 10 Net operating revenue $4142914 $4150,914 (58,000) -02% $24,125,546 $24,972,675 (5847,129) -3.4% $21,516,258 121% Expenses 11 Salaries $1,889,426 51,833,919 $55,507 3.0% $11,041,234 $10,776,162 $265,072 2.5% $9,885,538 11.7% 12 Employee Benefits 338,160 414,811 (76.631) -18.5% 2,389,660 2,458,545 (68,885) -2.8% 2,239,529 6.7% 13 Professional and Medical Fees 493,531 487,224 6,307 1.3% 2,735,401 3,056,137 (320,736) -10.5% 2,862,019 -4.4% 14 Utilities, Mince Contracts& Repairs 191,516 166,619 24,011 14.9% 1,041,522 1,019,987 21,635 2 -1% 903,585 15.3% 15 Food, Drugs & Supplies 636,469 530,738 505,731 19.9% 3,303,584 3,146,230 163,354 5.2% 2,616.351 26.5% 16 Olher expense 144,050 141,662 2,388 1.7% 778,674 854,229 (75,555) .8.6% 765,026 1.8% 17 Minnesota Care 50,314 53,943 (3,629) -6.7% 293,605 323,658 (30,053) -8 -3% 222,636 31.9% 18 gad debt 93,897 102,488 (8,591) -8.4% 381,670 450,952 (69,282) - 15.4% 263,739 44.7% 19 interest 58.802 69,506 (10,704) -15.4% 258,938 353,483 (94,545) -26.7% 237,054 9.2% 20 Depreciation 168,021 181,748 (13,727) -7.6% 971,271 1,042,375 (71,105} -5.8% 871,798 114% 21 Total expenses $4,064.200 $3,982,658 $81,542 2.0% $23,201,659 $23,481,759 ($280.100) -1.2% $20,867,275 112% Excess of net operating revenue 22 rner(under) operating expenses 578,714 $168256 ($89,542} -532% $923,887 $1,490,916 15567,0291 - 36.0% $648,963 42.4% Nonooeratino Revenues 23 1 nvestmen! i� 518,605 $14,000 $4.605 32.9% $99,543 $84000 315.543 16.5% $106,127 .6.2% 24 Other rawperating revenue (net) 157,365 25,383 131,982 520.0% 242,885 150,612 92,273 64,3% 46,270 4249% 25 Plaza t 5 Income ((Loss) 12,$91 8,382 3,809 45.4% 33,434 55,514 (22,080} -39 -8% 40,439 -17 -3% 26 Total nonoperating revenue $188161 $47,765 S440396 293.9% $375,862 $290,$26 585,736 29.6% $192,836 94.9% 27 Nei Income $266,875 5216,021 $50,854 23.5% $1,299,749 $1,781,042 .($481,293) -27.0% $841,819 54A% 28 Patient days 869 1,010 (150) 44.9% 5,200 6,079 (m) -14.5% 4,911 5.9% 29 Resident days 3,395 3,554 (159) -4.5% 20,968 21,434 (466) -2.2% 20,589 1 -6% 30 Percent occupancy - budge) beds - Hospital 47.8% 56.1% -8.3°% -14.9% 41.6% 553% -8.0% .14.5% 45.2% 5.3% 31 Percent o upancy- budget beds - Nursing Home 92.0% 9613% -4.3% -4.5% 93.7% 95.7% -2.1% -2.2% 92.5% 1 -3% 32 FTE's 482.9 479.3 3.5 0.7% 468.7 479.3 -10.6 -2.2% 4317 8.6% 33 Admissions(adjusled) - Hospital only 584 628 (44) -7 -0% 3,295 3.765 (471) -12 -5% 3,429 -3.9% 34 Expenses (net) per admission (adjusted) - Hospital only 5,849 5,307 542 10.2% 5,820 5,190 1330 12.1% 4,612 26.2% 35 Revenue Per admission (adjusted) - Hospital only 13,165 11,813 1,572 13 -5% 12,954 11,636 1,318 11 -3% 9,699 33.6% 36 Net Revenue per admission (atjusled) - Hospital only 6,182 5,626 556 9.9% 6,198 5,637 551 9 -9% 5,010 23.7% 37 Discounts as a percent of revenues 50.8% 48.6% 2.1% 4.4% 49.2% 48 -6% 0 -6% 12% 45.8% 7.4% 38 FTE's per 100 adm¢sions ( adjusted) - Hospital only 4.9 4.5 0.3 6.5% 5.1 4.6 0.5 10.3% 4.5 13.9% 39 Days in Net A=wls Receivable - 57.6 55.0 2 -6 4.7% 69.1 -16 -6% r FINSTMNT,xis Pam Larson 0 CITY OF -fdHINSOj�'�l ANCIALREPORTI 2011i" JU U4r JUNE 20U31 2004, 2004� 2004 200, GE SALANIC&ERCENTA EML JUNLI UNE YEARTO N B T -- - — -------- ... MONTH 0 UsED YT _NX�AETE"ACTUAL U - A ERCEN REVENUE REPORT -GENERAL _)gpi M0 TH DGET REMAININ_ k 7 075� 46.87i�l TAXES 1,379L.021,48 1,5MO46,95 1 1,580.046,I555t.- 3,371,,280 1 7 1.23.3-05 _E2 —7.0 0 25,262.00 1 j 2, Ll —3: 57.81W (,LICENSES ENSES 18 43.700 16.438., 0 FEES _063 :50 �IPERMITS AND F 194 1 7 4 8.58 1 977 �59 220.0001 50022.41 Io _7 — r93 :2 022 (INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENULLi �,g 275,274-17 _,345.3731.2,022.049.75 13.79% 6 NO 66' 323.m.�i5? 43,73%, CHARGES 2 9 7.4 1 (912 H 2 'n — �_H:A�RRGES FOR SERVICE 6 F69 o 60g.688.961 391 89� _—El- 68.000 48,584,77., 28,550h] ES FINES& FOFIF TS 0-67 L 13314 31 ftit vu INTEREST _6 2 M :1318 131., 46.71% (REIMBURSEMENTS 202,280.88 1 32,178 8,355.82 1 11 �20N, AIM 812. 500 �.231 [TRANSFERS 227,081.14 1 6,372._42 1 247,434.03 4�78,500 1.231 06 16.74 %' 0 1 !.? - - aFR-CHARGES - BLDG PERMITS 4.6,51 541 (.654 646.19 0 0.00%1 646 00 6117 ()1394 . 307 TOTAL 2,64776252 2LO54.831.�51 3084,118.0 5 9,198,0B.9.00 6.11ZI,070.15 33.53%! ML __ _ _ . .. I - - -------------- i T0IT_YOF HILI FINANCIAL _=2 0 0 4 � �R]F�. REPORT 2604; - ----- �004 20641 20041 _2004 JUNE! ;JUNE 2003 _._ ____ .__ I — 11 BALANCE ERCENTAGE; EXPENSE REPORT - GENERAL JUNE JUNEI YEAR TO I ADOPTED IC ET� REMAINI YT D� MONTHT)ATF ACTUALI Dd NG usibi I Ip� 67,7749.00 66TWAY-OR & C I TY C 0 U N C I L 1 23794_1_14 50 1 22,730-E _49 00 i53'. 0 �16. 14T 13i 4,195 --- --- 4814%i ------- I 1 )86668 062 CITYADMINISTRAtOR 107990.80 25,044,08 121,474.32 252341 00 13� . 44.35% 003 ELE - C - T-10-N—S - 70,57 1 _T27.51 658 �q 15:134'00 14,4 f �. I I 15 r664 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 191,595.62 31,240.80 1 T53t 44E,756�.002� ---! 80,910.26+ 2 �E_4 �� 194.474.001 100, 08,5 4816%, 005 MOTOF67EH_lCLE .93,.681 9 41,000.001 111.000,89 0.06%i 66K-4sms-swo .-i Lo LW7 LEGAL .... _4�59 634.6-2 18�1146.99 80,236,02 190,3TI9.00 110,082.98 42.16%: ',_008 PLAN N-INTc .08. 218.81 0973 1 161W,00 79,099.27 1 51.02% oOO INFORMATION SERVICES 42265.77 477 09 55,076. 160108.00 105 ,031.23_ 34,40% ff6-OTOLl—CE-t�ff-P�ARTM--FNT—.--- 1�.127,268.36 .- 2 �92JO� 1 145.58 0' 1,323,763.25 46,39% 115 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 22076 -.1 - 8.87,61 189.97 0 7,810-03 34M%, 120 FIRE DEPARTMENT _120.l 97.42 j n: 3 .4 .00 229,925,62 37,599/6 J_ 41 1 _84,0`13. M5 470 25 —41,52%1 130 PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS 19.419,1 94 '660.00 98602.93 48.82.%i 150 ENGINEERING __211,838,94 48,529.89 _ 488,lpl.00 2 - 1 152 ISTREETS& ALLEYS --409,1.1.3,97 1 78�207.55 384,1 778�42 .00 3W.235,54 �1_66 CITY RA-LL—BUILDING 1 64.651.47� 11,391,95 T 3.14 1 134,787.00 81.0030=6L TO7- 201 PARK/REGREA71ON _V5— MINSIH 88,654.52 . 3,08.66, .025.48 48.10%, _90_.804,6fIj_ 9-5-3-3-2 45,92% M2 REC-R-CAl =10-N 112,528.09 37,281.15 i G6-- -- ---- W SENIOR CITIZEN TER 49371 27 521858 29721 96 51 3780 21,SE 49,coiAt 1- 99 M ,204 QIVICA�ENA - 141,217.33 4�, 1 .51 788,293 98,1113-00 52 49,32% ,205 PARK DEPARTMENT 350,274.32 99.575,05 393.600,49.1 — _T 4 1 20,600.65- 64.94sm 1 1225v.G0_j_._57,3s0 77 53.09% i6e__FnfkEAflbN BUIEUR-CCO-0-61 M �9�36 55.21% 207 qb,526.40 20.: 3.4.69 .9020675 163 386,00 73.179-25L 2613 EVERGREEN BUILDING 376789 685.15 13',2 6.580 .7 6-6-9,13 42 ' 12% H 77,677,26 4764 94 433.08 70.670,7.4 148,346.00 2�O 171011KRY 42.34W 361 c_E­wE_T_ERY_ 55433,99 1 14.552,13 61.332,19 121,248.130 69,916.81 9155375 7,603.13 ;�19,7�1 0 21213725 31D DEBT SERVICE 1 7,603.75 1. rol---- 3.46w IMAIOORT 7,33 A6 i2n_ '�; 39.61W 70.53, r. 1 3.Tn 47,892-81 1 120,91, 73:62�7 1350 J�oMLLOCATEDGENERALEXPq_ 203,285.32 1 31 96917 239060.21 812,050.001.. 572.989.79 29.44% 5,206,324.28 1,. _�,_109/6: 3,872,364.61 874924.74. 3,981,761.72 8, 5LCI-)tr) 1— 2004-i �CITY OF HUTCHINSONIFI-NANCIAL REPORT, 1 21604 2603 (JUNE - -- 2003 CITY 2004i _-- . L. ADOPTED, --- - - BALANCE -L... I - : i YEAR -1 ERCENTAGE' ,REVENUEE REPOFif- GENERAL ACTUALI JUNE ET REMAINING USE 1 Year to Date I MONTH PATE ACTUAL ---------- 7 1 — I - --::- :�: -�S— -,-T,--�,233.051 46,87%1 1 TAXES -- -7- 1,379,02-1.46 1,- 3XII 0.06 79 • ILICENSES 2863.18 1 827.00 -- 0T:_275-,-26k2EC0 L 43.700.00 `18,438. .0 57.81 %' 91 � L�RZ �17 ---- jS �220 000 1 1 PERMITS AND FEES 1 91 4.9,038.581 169.97TS. _100 50,022.41 77.26%1 TN—TERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE ---- 3Z3,323.25 2 U5 3113 00 2'049. 75 1 13.79% 6 275,274.1 r --43,73%, 983,20 6C ICHARGES FOR SERVIGi;, 49.2867,44 —..1 8,000.00 8.55%' ;FINES gFORFFITS T 31,641.11 000, 19 C5 0 6 ---- 1 48,584-77 2 0.00%� — o.00T 4212,52J -- (4 ....... --- -mu%'; i 9� 232 000 00 jNTFREST! -1 13314 (5,707. 38 35 -�3 5 985 2�3--.- �H2 -, _ 00 131,812.83 6.71%1 8 2� 8 E-- 5,82 116.525-17 247 8.00 _�4 �R—EIMBVR ---MENTS 202,2 0.-- 24� 16.74% 63 - 17478,WO 00 1.231,065,97 TRANSFERS 227,081.14 7242 24T434.W )00 1 9 19 78.65_ 646.1 5.00 (64 S6Fj-C—HARGFS - BLDG PERWITS 4.651.54 -131 i5 3084 qjg8�60�w§mdl) 8,113,970.15 33,63% P _ 1,647.762,52 2, 1.3 3 084,118.85 T 001 2004� 2004, JUNE� 2003 2604 'JUNE -1- EXPENSE REPORT - GENERAL E YEARTOi ADOPTED MLANCE01TROENTAGIE: JUNEi JUN .--&-U--DD-r,,ET SUMMARIZED MONTH ACTUAL USED� YTD'I__ MONTI 6,179.00 9531-7 638.648.33, 143,117,021 --- 8153 42,45%: c�- -1 1 —;;0.. � 61 eme-ral Govt. j— -�, -04-j. 4 0 5-0 0 Public Safet .331.690 j 3j�,j�1-341 1.�82 303 1 45.43%' '--- 1. -- — --7 46.34%, 124.737.5A� 586,�y,10.211 i,266,616.00 0576 246,953.46] 1,024,994.1 2,080,1 .. 8 . 1 K'-186.96 —1-4-9.27W (Streets & Alleys 1 6-v —2501�6 7�'C); 620,952-911 1-i5arks miecreation -!2-� 25.55% '273-1 --4-3-.2-95.381 --Yg-4�556 77 -jj-5�-,,60 L 858,148.23 i ,Miscellaneous 822.6 - 5� -4--3-.40 %- 1 3,872, 364.61 1 870 924,74' 3,991,761,72 9.166'mwoo 1 5.206.324.28 TOTAL ----7 --- .-I-- . ---- ..... . . .... 7 ---------- L L L 0 0 9 City of Hutchinson Income reports - Water Sewer Compost Recyclin Refuse 06130/04 Prlor Prior: — - Annual Current Year To Budget Percent Y�r Year To Percent _ Budget Month Date Remainin Used Budget Date: Used 404 REFUSE -RECYCLE 4001 REVENUES 4100 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTALREVENUE 160,000.00 12,303.00 77,618.34 237,618.34' _ 4450 TOTAL SALES 743,700.001 903,700.001 74,523.56 425,890.92 86,826.56 504,509.26 1, i 7Q 590.921 1,408,209.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.DD 4001 REVENUES 6001 EXPENDITURES 6195 TOTAL SALARIES & FRINGE BENEFIT 104,983.00 3,861.33 13,484.59 91,498.41 12.84% 6200 TOTAL SUPPLIES, REPAIRS & MAIN 105,000.00 3,363.80 40,680.85 64,319.15 38.749'0 6300 TOTAL CONSULTING 18,500.00 1,086.56 2,567.96 15,932.04 13.88% 6306 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 636.000.00 53,160.46 327,766.05 308,233.95 51.54% 6900 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS O.DD 178,540.00 b 0.00 + 18,179.58 599.00 109,077.51; 599.00 69462.50 61.09% 6905 DEPRECATION TOTAL EXPENOENRE 4,04$023.00, 80,151.73. 494,175 .96 548,847.05 0.47 I NET INCOME (LOSS) 6,674.83 101333.31 Nan income statement budget 7000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS 30.000.001 10 199.00 24,185.00 5,815.00 80.62% V' n CITY OF HUTCHINSON MEMO Finance Department July 23, 2004 TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: KEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: COMPOST FINANCIAL REPORT We will have the compost financial report for June 2004 as a hand out at the Tuesday meeting. H! \ooC \City council memo 4 inform mtg.doc r1 u • S10-�5 Ll 0 City of Hutchinson Income reports - Water Sewer Compost Recycling Refuse 06130104 Prior' Prior! _ Annual. Current Year Bud et Percent Year Year To! Percent - -- - _ Bud et Month Date Remafnfng Used Bud et Date Used 406 WATER _ j 4001 REVENUES 4250 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 0.00 1 1,650.00 9,900.00 9,900.00 _ 11,000.00 6,000.00 45.45 4450 TOTAL SALES 1,255,000.00 1 112,436.19 627,512.67 1,882,512.67 50-00%1 1,227,000.00 586,940.28 38.98 4620 TOTAL INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 0-001 0.001 0.00. 0.00 0.001 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 4700 TOTAL REIMBURSEMENTS 0-M 118.811 746.11. 746.11i 0.00 0.00 1,292.51 0.00 4001 REVENUES 1,255,000.000. 1 114,205.001 638,158.78 - 616,841.22'x. 50.85% 1,278,000.001 594,232.79 37.88 6061 EXPENDITURES 6105 TOTAL SALARIES R FRINGE BENEFIT 318,375.00 33,694.99 136,775.89 181,599.11 42.96%5 320,521.001 I 139,121.451 43.40% 6200 TOTAL SUPPLIES, REPAIRS -& MAIN 94,160.00 8,963.00 33,646.94 60,513.06 35.73%11 92,250.00 26,813.87 29.07% 6300 TOTAL CONSULTING 467,900.00 5,820]4 16,375.66 451,524.34 3.50%il 219,500.00 69,772.19 3 1.79% _ 6306 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES 6 CHARGES 216,775.00 15,651.58 96,454.57 120,320.43 44.50% 203,800.00 75,942 -62 37.26% 6600 TOTAL DEBT SERV;CE 14,745.00 966.46 5,798.75 51,223.52 39.33% 16,705.00 6,348.76 38.01°% 6700 TOTAL TRANSFERS OUT 57,000.00 0.00 0.00 57,000.00 0.00% 55,000.00 0.00 0.00%S _ 6900 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 9,900.00 23.00 1,419.43 8,480.57 14.34% 27,950.00 859.00 3.07% 6905 235,000.00 16,018.39 96,110.32 138,889.68 40.90% 220,000.00 95,248.62 43.29°% 5001 E 1,413,855.00 81,138.16 386,581.56 1,069,550.71 027 1,155,726.00 414,106.51 NET INCOME EEEI 33,066.85 251,577.221 180,125.29 Non incoement bud et 7000 TOTA L CAPITAL OUTLAYS 2,268,000.00 0.00- 400.00 1 2,267,600.001 0.0011 332,250.00 3,718.04 R �J 0 9 City of Hutchinson Income reports - Water Sewer Com ost Rec cling Refuse 06130104 Prior Prior Annual Budget Current Month Year To Date Budget Remaining Percent Used Year Bud et' Year To' Date Percent Used 407 WASTEWATER r 4000 REVENUE & EXPENSES 4001 REVENUES 4250 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 4450 TOTAL SALES 4620 TOTAL INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 0.00, 0.00 2,600,000.00 0.00 0.00. 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,550.00' 1,550.00 212,569.60 1,246,055.53 3,846,055.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00 %I 47.93951 0.00%q 0.00 2,502,000.00 40,000.00 1,170.00 1,181,647.39 0.00 47.23% 4700 TOTAL REIMBURSEMENTS 4001 REVENUES '. 0.00 2,600,000.00 800.00 213,369.60 1,247.00 1,248,852.53 1.247,00 3,848,852.53 48.03% 0.00 2,542,000.00 93325 1,184,774.81 46.61% 6001 EXPENDITURES 6105 TOTAL SALARIES & FRINGE BENEFIT 6200 TOTAL SUPPLIES, REPAIRS & MAIN 6300 TOTAL CONSULTING 6306 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 6600 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 6700 TOTAL TRANSFERS OUT _ 6900 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 6905 DEPRECAT[ON 6001 EXPENDITURES NET INCOME (LOSS) 459,902.00' 181,750.00 349,000.00 444, 040.00 162,772.00 57,000.00 74,000.00 700,000.00' 2,428,464.00' ' 56,113.20 23,747.99 17,644,05 30,423.34 12,224.58 0.00 243.00 63,396 -52 203,792.69 9,576.91 227,075.90 W.552.80 101,245.61 264,941.35 73,347.51 0.00 7,733.59 380,379.13 1.195,275.89 53,576.65 232,826.10 41,197.20 247,754.39 179,096.65 89,424.50" 57,000.00 66,266 -41 319,620.87 1,233,188.12 49.37 %. 77.33 %• 29.01% 59.67% 45.06% 0.00% 10.45% 54.34% 1 493,348.00 173,500.00 362,700.00 425,220.00 209,243.00 55,000.00 23,600.00 700,000.00 2,442,611.00 164,165.09 81,069.54 79,432.90 199,475.43 85,748.40 0.00 7,862 -46 369,540.60 1,007,294.42 177,480.40 37.33% 46.73% 21.90% 46.91% 40.98% 0.00% 33.32% 52.79% 41.24% Non Income statement budget 7000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS f 2,418,500.00 67 416.63 135,459.31 2,283,040.69 5.60 1,618 900.00 31.57D64 1.95 i� Ln C, J CITY OF HUTCHINSON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 22- Jul -04 June 30, 2004 Dale Date . Interest Of Of Institution Description Rate Purchase Maturity Amount US BANK Money Market 1.43% 10/31/2002 11/5/2002 386,446.76 Smith Barney FHLB C 5.00% 7/18/2002 7/30/2009 300,000.00 Smith Barney FHLB C 4.00% 9/27/2002 10110/2007 270,000.00 partial call place in money market a/c 30,000.00 Smith Barney FHLB C 4.375% 9/19/2001 4/11/2005 750,000.00 Smith Barney FHLB C 4.180% 9/252001 4119/2005 270,000.00 Prudential pool 336914 7,226% 1231 96 0201 2026 7,979.03 Expected life 6.2 years Smith Barney FHLM -C 4,650% 11/2112001 5/21/2007 300,375.00 Prudentail pool 336399 7.270% 1231 96 0201 2026 4,873.02 Expected life 4.1 years Prudential FHLB 3.0% stop 7/16/2003 7/16/2013 200,000.00 Prudential FHLB 5.00% 5222003 5/222013 300,000.00 Prudential FHLB 4.00% 611212003 611212013 300,000.00 Prudential FHLB 1.190% 6/26/2003 0686113 400,000.00 Wachovia FHLB 3.000% 12/292003 12/29/2008 125,000.00 step up • Wachovia FHMA 3250% 5/112004 5/11/2009 300,000.00 step up Citizens Bank 1.560% 2/1812004 8/12/2004 200,000.00 First Minnesota 1.650% 08/01103 08/02/04 400,000.00 Wells Fargo 1.350% 08/14/03 08117/04 750,000.00 First Minnesota 1.260% 06M4/04 07/16/04 750,000.00 First Minnesota 1.610% 04/15/04 09/16/04 750,000.00 First Minnesota 1.560% 11114104 11/15104 754,816.50 $7,549,492.31 C, J • RESOLUTION NO. 12484 RELEASING PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM BREMER BANK N.A., HUTCHINSON, MN WHEREAS, Bremer Bank N.A., of Hutchinson, Minnesota, a city depository, has requested release of the following security under the collateral agreement with the City of Hutchinson: Willmar MN Special Assessment 02 -01 -07 cusip 970854x34 $125,000 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the City Finance Director is hereby authorized to release said security. Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of July 2004. L ATTEST: Gary D. P1otz City Administrator • Marlin Torgerson Mayor 5�� 1 RESOLUTION NO. 12� CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Prefab Restroom $28,500 Rotary Park Park * CXT Concrete Products * DNR Grant & Rotary Club are providing funding Ohe following items were authorized due to an emergency need: Date Approved: 7u1 27, 2004 Resolution submitted for Council action Kenneth B. Merrill *Motion Made By: by: Finance Director Seconded By: 50b)a- PUBLICATION NO. • ORDINANCE NO. 04 -0384 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, AMENDING CITY CODE SECTION 5.02 GOVERNING THE APPLICATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF LIQUOR LICENSES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. City Code, Section 5.02, Subd. 4, Paragraph G, shall be amended as follows: G. Revocation or Suspension. The Council shall may revoke or suspend, for a period _et te exeee' s x0j -days of time it deems proper, a license granted under the provisions of this Chapter, or impose a civil fine not to exceed 12;000 0A 5$ .000.0_o for each violation on a finding that the licensee has failed to comply with a statute, regulation or provision of the City Code relating to alcoholic beverages. Upon conviction of any licensee or agent or employee of a licensee for violating any law relating to the sale or possession of beer, wine or liquor upon premises of the licensee, a license granted under the provisions of this chapter shall may be . suspended or revoked su €ate the •h'�nnse. License revocation shall be immediate if mandated by Statute. No suspension or revocation shall take effect until the licensee has been afforded an opportunity for a hearing before the Council, a committee of the Council, or a hearing under the Administrative Procedures Act, as may be determined by the Council in action calling the hearing. Such hearing shall be called by the Council upon written notice to the licensee served in person or by certified mail not less than fifteen nor more than thirty days prior to the hearing date, stating the time, place and purpose thereof. As additional restrictions or regulations 'or licensees under this Chapter, and in addition to grounds for revocation or suspension stated in the City Code or Statute, the following shall also be grounds for such action: (1) that the licensee suffered or permitted illegal acts upon licensed premises unrelated to the sale of beer, wine or liquor; (2) that the licensee had knowledge of such illegal acts upon licensed premises, but failed to report the same to police; (3) that the licensee failed or refused to cooperate fully with police in investigating such alleged illegal acts upon licensed premises; or (4) that the activities of the licensee created a serious danger to public health, safety, or welfare. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication. 0 0 Adopted by the City Council this day of Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER THIS DAY OF • i PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 04 -372 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON FOR A PROPERTY TO BE REZONED FROM RI TO R3 PDD RAVENWOOD SOUTH THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: WHEREAS, the following described real property is hereby rezoned from RI ( Single Family Residential) to R3 PDD (Medium to High Density Residential) as requested by property owner: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2 and Lot 3 Block 2, Ravenwood, according to the recorded plat thereof. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission and City Council have considered the effects of rezoning this piece . of property; WHEREAS, there are certain parameters that will make this rezoning appropriate for this area; THEREFORE; the City hereby officially rezones this property to R3 PDD and it shall take effect upon publication of this ordinance; Adopted by the City Council this day of July, 2004 ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 11 Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor _5 ( )D)L� RESOLUTION NO. 12481 . RESOLUTION APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS WELCOME TO OUR HOME SECOND ADDITION SUBMITTED BY DEAN BLOEMKE AND DALE TAUER BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI lE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS 1. The applicant has submitted a preliminary plat to be known as Welcome to Our Home Second Addition and Planned Development District to allow for the construction of a 50 unit catered living apartment building located on Century Ave. S.W. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10, Block One, Welcome to Our Home Addition, and all of Black Hawk Court to be vacated, City of Hutchinson, McLeod County, Minnesota. 2, The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, if the conditions, as outlined below are met. CONCL_l1SION The City Council hereby approves the preliminary plat and planned development district with the following: . 1. Services for water and sewer shall be abandoned, as described in the report. 2. Utility line abandonment, relocation, or rebuilding costs would be paid by the applicant. 3. Provide a joint landscaping plan prior permit issuance. The plan must also be approved by the City Forester and installed no later than June 1, 2005, 4. Additional drainage and utility easements should be dedicated around the ponding area, along existing street area (to capture sewer and water lines). 5. A drive easement document shall be provided. 6. In the case the existing home is moved off of the site, the CUP is considered and approved. However, the movement of the structure would require route information and a moving permit. 7. The parking lot must be paved no later than June 1, 2005 (this will be a late in year construction; therefore anticipation of weather constraints should be considered). 8. The pond capacity calculations with this site plan should be resubmitted and approved by the City Engineer. 91 The retaining wall on the north end of the property may not be located within an easement area. 10. The setbacks for the building shall be 35 feet on all sides (excluding future link). 11. The connection between the buildings must meet all applicable code requirements (fire code, building code, etc.) and should be further reviewed by staff at the time of actual construction. 12. Garbage dumpsters must be enclosed. 13. The fees would be collected at the time of building permit. Adopted by the City Council this 27`1' day of July, 2004. . ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor -5L') PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 04 -382 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF HIITCIIJ.NSON FOR A PROPERTY TO BE REZONED FROM R -IPDD TO R -4PDD AS REQUESTED BY DEAN BLOENIKE AND DALE TAUF.R (WELCOME TO OUR HOME SECOND ADDITION) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IHUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: WHEREAS, the following described real property is hereby rezoned from RI PDD (Single Family Residential) to R4 PDD (High Density Residential) as requested by property owner: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, Block One, Welcome to Our Home Addition, and all of Black Hawk Court to be vacated, City of Hutchinson WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission and City Council have considered the effects ofrezoning this piece of property; WHEREAS, there are certain parameters that will make this rezoning appropriate for this area; THEREFORE; the City hereby officially rezones this property to R4 PDD and it shall take effect upon publication of this . ordinance; Adopted by the City Council this 10`s day of August, 2004 ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor '5 (c)� ro, 11 J DATE: July 22, 2004 TO: Hutchinson City Council MEMORANDUM FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission Hutchinson City Center 111 Haman Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350.2522 320. 587- Sf5t/Fox 320- 2344240 SUBJECT: HOME CONSIDERATION ECOND ADDITION LAND REZONING FROM R-1 PDD TO R-4 PDD LOCATED OFF CENTURY AVE. S.W. Pursuant to Sections 12.10, 6.05 and 8.17 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for preliminary plat, rezoning and planned development district. HISTORY TORY The developer has proposed a new location for the building on the property. The proposed building would move to the western portion of the property and consume the existing single - family lots (Lots 1 -9). The street would need to be vacated and turned into a private drive. The applicant has resubmitted a preliminary plat to be known as Welcome to Our Home Second Addition, rezoning from R -1 PDD to R4 PDD; vacation of right of way in the previous Welcome to Our Home plat. The 2 -8tory apartment building may be linked to the Oaks Assisted Living apartments to expand a senior complex of independent living and assisted living services. FINDINGS OF FA 1. The required application was submitted and fee was submitted. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the ILutchins_qD Leada on June 3,2004. 3. There were no neighboring property owners present at the public hearing objecting to the request. 4, The previous plat which accommodated "the Oaks" on 1.0t 10 was approved in 1999. The approvals included a plat with single family lots (1 -9), the Oaks lot, and two outlets "A" and `B ". The original sketches of the possible layout are attached. There is an existing home that was built on lot 9 in 2003 (Owned by Leroy Haggart. Mr. Haggart has an agreement to sell his parcel to the developer.) S. The utility easements were dedicated on the lots as perimeter easements. The utility easements would need to be rededicated. The proposed plat indicates 10 feet. The utilities will require that all of the lines be abandoned that were located for the single family homes. The applicant has been informed that the cost to relocate any utilities is at the applicant's expense. If a link is constructed over a utility easement, further review would be required. (However, the setbacks of the PDD anticipate no setback for the link.) 6. The revised PDD would expand the existing campus to include the western parcels. The setbacks for the existing and new structure wouldbe deemed 35 feet for the building from all of the property lines, however, if a link is ever constructed, this would be excluded from the setback requirement. The standard within the R4 zoning district states that 35 feet should be required in the rear and front property lines. 7. if the existing public street wouldbe vacated, the access drive could be the entrance road into the development and connect into the neighboring property to provide good circulation. Driveway easements providing right of entry for both properties should be executed. The easement areas are indicated on the plat drawing. The actual driveway easement agreements should be provided prior to the final plat submission.The future street connection for Cleveland Avenue is still anticipated. Future subdivisions of this property will require this to be completed. During the original review of the entire site development, it was assumed that there would be a street connection from Cleveland Avenue to Dale Street (See Site Plan dated, 4- 5 -99). 8. Stone water improvements were made during the initial phase of development. Verification of the pond calculations need to resubmitted. The pond is located to the south and west of the existing building. Lot 2 should indicate a drainage and utility ciysRXRgq,] Lggb&, ppd area. It seems that the original plat did not provide 5 Lc-) 1 Finding of Fact — duly 20, 2004 . Wekeome to Our }tome Second Addition— Rezone, Planned Development District and Preliminary Plat Page 2 an easement. However, for approximately the last 4 years, the City has realized, in some cases there is a need to access private stormwater holding pond improvements; thus requiring a dedication for the easement. The grading to the west of the building is being coordinated with the developer of that project. The coordination would also provide a joint landscaping plan. The developers must agree to final grades and plantings prior to building permit issuance. (Because the project is not next to existing single - family residential development, the time frame could be adjusted to time of permit.) 9. The proposed parking lot area would be located over the existing cul de sac area. The existing storm sewer line would then be connected into the parking lot drainage system and exit to the pond area. The parking lot is required to have .5 spaces per unit; which would require 25. spaces to be available (8.5 feet by 20 feet is the minimum dimensional requirements.) This has been met with the site plan. 10. Open space requirements within a PDT) is required to be 20 %. The site is approximately 6.42 acres (both new and existing buildings). There is at least 1.5 acres as open space within the development, which meets the requirement. 11. This development is exposed to a number of fees. The SAC and WAC charges are calculated on a determination for elderly housing which would equate to 26 SAC/WAC units or $57,460. The park fees are $135 per unit or $6,750. This area is not subject to the Electric Service Territory Fee. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission unanimously recommends approval of the preliminary plat, rezoing, and planned development district with the following conditions: 1. Services for water and sewer shall be abandoned, as described in the report. 2. Utility line abandonment, relocation, or rebuilding casts would be paid by the applicant. issuance. The plan must also be approved by the City 3. Provide a joint landscaping plan prior permit 4. Forester and installed no later than June 1, 2005. Additional drainage and utility casements should be dedicated around the Pon ding area, along existing street area (to capture sewer and water lines). 5_ 6. A drive easement document shall be provided. In the case the existing home is moved off of the site, the CUP is considered and approved. However, 7. the movement of the structure would require route information and a moving permit. The lot must be paved no later than June 1, 2005 (this will be a late in year construction; parking therefore anticipation of weather constraints should be considered). 8, The pond capacity calculations with this site plan should be resubmitted and approved by the City 9. Engineer. The retaining wall on the north end of the property may not be located within an easement area. building shall be 35 feet on all sides (excluding future link). 10. 11. The setbacks for the The connection between the buildings must meet all applicable code requirements (fire code, building code, etc.) and should be farther reviewed by staff at the time of actual construction - 12. Garbage dumpsters must be enclosed. 13. The fees would be collected at the time of building permit. Respectfully submitted, Dean "choff, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Contrnission • Cc: Dean Bloemke and Dale Tauct, 55235 County Rd 38, Buffalo Lake, MN 55314 Steve Ordahl, Board of Social Ministries, 3530 Lexington Ave N, Shoreview MN 55126 1 & S Engineering, Project Engineer 5l�)1 CITY OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING STAFF REPORT . To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Planning Staff: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Don Nelson, Miles Seppelt, Susan Rolander, Jean Ward, John Rodeberg, P.E., John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Barry Greive, Mark Schnobricb, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Ken Merrill, Jim Popp, Dave Erlandson, Dick Nagy, Julie Wischnock, AICP, and Bonnie Baumetz Date: June 30, 2004 — Meeting Date July 20, 2004 Re: Preliminary Plat, Rezoning and Planned Development District, Vacation of Easement — Welcome to Our Home Second Addition Welcome to Our Home LLC, property owner (Leroy Haggart, co- applicant — existing owner, lot 9) Update The developer has proposed a new location for the building on the property. The proposed building would move to the western portion of the property and consume the existing single - family lots (Lots 1 -9). The street would need to be vacated and turned into a private drive. . brief Description The applicant has resubmitted a preliminary plat to be known as Welcome to Our Home Second Addition, rezoning from R -1 PDD to R4 PDD; vacation of a utility and drainage easement and right of way in the previous Welcome to Our Home plat. The 2 -story apartment building may be linked to the Oaks Assisted Living apartments to expand a senior complex of independent living and assisted living services. There are a number of items that the applicants are requesting of the City and that will be further provided in the analysis section. GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: R1 (Single Family Residential) Property Location: West of The Oaks Lot Size: 2.54 acres (proposed lot 1) Remaining Lot 2 would be 4.41 acres Existing Land Use: Vacant Adjacent Land Use And 'Zoning: Single Family and High Density Residential Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Mixed Use Residential Neighborhood (which guides up to 18 units per acre) Overall density for PAD area 13.24 units per acre Zoning History: The property was platted in 1999 and zoned as mixed use residential. Applicable Regulations: Subdivision Ordinance Section 12.10 .5�c� 1 Preliminary Plat — Welcome to Our Home Second Addition Planning Commission meeting — July 20, 2004 Page 2 0 Analysis: Previous Approvals: The previous plat which accommodated "the Oaks" on Lot 10 was approved in 1999. The approvals included a plat with single family lots (1 -9), the Oaks lot, and two outlots "A" and "B ". The original sketches of the possible layout are attached. There is an existing home that was built on lot 9 in 2003 (Owned by Leroy Haggart. W. Haggart has an agreement to sell his parcel to the developer.) Vacation of Drainage and Utility easements and existing Ciiy right of way: The utility easements were dedicated on the lots as perimeter easements. The utility easements would need to be rededicated. The proposed plat indicates 10 feet. The utilities will require that all of the lines be abandoned that were located for the single family homes. The applicant has been informed that the cost to relocate any utilities is at the applicant's expense_ If a link is constructed over a utility casement, fttrther review would be required. (However, the setbacks of the PDD anticipate no setback for the link.) Planned Development District Rezoning to PAD R4 (Conditional Use Permit) The original Planned Development District for this area allowed for the Oaks to be constructed on 4.5 acres of property. The Oaks contains 42 units of Assisted Living. The new complex would accommodate additional assisted living units. The existing PDD approval for the lot configuration to be what was deemed "Patio Homes" for the R] PDD area and the R4 PDD would be for the assisted living. The revised PDD would expand the existing campus to include the western parcels. The setbacks for the existing and new structure would be deemed 35 feet for the building from all of the property lines, however, if a link is ever constructed, this would be excluded from the setback requirement. The standard within the R4 zoning district states that 35 feet should be required in the rear and front property lines. Site Plan Review Buildings: The building is proposed to be 390 feet long. The existing building is 325 feet long. In the original plans there was a proposed accessory structure 24'x 94' long. At this point, the developers are not proposing a garage structure. if they would build additional spaces, it would be on the eastern parcel near the existing garage structure. Streets: If the existing public street would be vacated, the access drive could be the entrance road into the development and connect into the neighboring property to provide good circulation. Driveway easements providing right of entry for both properties should be executed. The easement areas are indicated on the plat drawing. The actual driveway easement agreements should be provided prior to the final plat submission. The future street connection for Cleveland Avenue is still anticipated. Future subdivisions of this property will require this to be completed. During the original review of the entire site development, it was assumed that there would be a street connection from Cleveland Avenue to Dale Street (See Site Plan dated, 4- 5 -99). Sewer/Water: The sewer and water services were already provided by the original development . process. The existing curb stops for water that are located under the proposed building should totally removed and plugged at the main. In situations where the existing curb stop is located outside of the building area, the curb boxes must be removed. Sewer services, as well, must be moved outside of the building envelope and be sealed and capped. The proposed easement on tlic eastern side of lot one should be widened to provide public access to the existing sanitary sewer 5 co} Preliminary Plat — Welcome to Our Home Second Addition Planning Commission meeting — July 20, 2004 Page 3 and water lateral lines (in case the City needs future access for something. The existing fire . hydrant must stay in is present location, which will end up on the edge of the new parking lot. Storm Sewer: Storm water improvements were made during the initial phase of development. Verification of the pond calculations need to resubmitted. The pond is located to the south and west of the existing building. Lot 2 should indicate a drainage and utility easement for the pond area. It seems that the original plat did not provide an easement. However, for approximately the last 4 years, the City has realized, in some cases there is a need to access private stormwater holding pond improvements; thus requiring a dedication for the easement. The grading to the west of the building is being coordinated with the developer of that project. The coordination would also provide a joint landscaping plan. The developers must agree to final grades and plantings prior to building permit issuance. (Because the project is not next to existing single - family residential development, the time frame could be adjusted to time of permit.) Parking: The proposed parking lot area would be located over the existing cul de sac area. The existing storm sewer line would then be connected into the parking lot drainage system and exit to the pond area. The parking lot is required to have .5 spaces per unit; which would require 25 spaces to be available (8.5 feet by 20 feet is the minimum dimensional requirements.) This has been met with the site plan. open Space: Open space requirements within a PDD is required to be 20%. The site is approximately 6.42 acres (both new and existing buildings). There is at least 1.5 acres as open space within the development, which meets the requirement. Fees This development is exposed to a number of fees. The SAC and WAC charges are calculated on a determination for elderly housing which would equate to 26 SACJWAC units or $57,460. The park fees are $135 per unit or $6,750. This area is not subject to the Electric Service Territory Fee. Recommendation: Staff would recommend approval of the preliminary plat, rezoning to from PDD RI to PDD R4, amendment to the original PDD Conditional Use Permit and vacation of right of way (formal approval of the right of way vacation would be at next month's meeting jointly with the final plat review); with the following conditions: 1. Services for water and sewer shall be abandoned, as described in the report 2. Utility line abandonment, relocation, or rebuilding costs would be paid by the applicant. 3. Provide a joint landscaping plan prior permit issuance. The plan must also be approved by the City Forester and installed no later than June 1, 2005, 4. Additional drainage and utility easements should be dedicated around the ponding area, along existing street area (to capture sewer and water lines). 5. A drive easement document shall be provided. 6. In the case the existing home is moved off of the site, the CUP is considered and approved. However, the movement of the structure would require route information and a moving permit. 7. The parking lot must be paved no later than Ione 1, 2005 (this will be a late in year construction; therefore anticipation of weather constraints should be considered). 8. The pond capacity calculations with this site plan should be resubmitted and approved by the City 9. Engineer. The retaining wall on the north end of the property may not be located within an easement area. 10. The setbacks for the building shall be 35 feet on all sides (excluding future link). 11. The connection between the buildings must meet all applicable code requirements (fire code, • building code, etc.) and should be further reviewed by staff at the time of actual construction. 12. Garbage dumpsters must be enclosed. 13. The fees would be collected at the time of building permit. ,L�)1 Preliminary Plat -- Welcome to Our Home Second Addition Planning Commission meeting —July 20, 2004 Page 4 . cc: Dean Bloemke and Dale Tauer, 55235 County Rd 38, Buffalo Lake, MN 55314 Steve drdahl, Board of Social Ministries, 3530 Lexington Ave N, Shoreview MN 55126 I & S Engineering, Project Engineer is `J 5Lc�)) t F - 10 ` j s —, -11 D.35— s ?fly 279 — = s . 299.14 — -- LINE " —LINE •$ t 192.3€ SO. Ff. a `I '. °Z `, In E t , E; a T 114,432 S. t� E INPLACE BUILDING I 3 E i 79�t6 ,e Ng '57'43' 1 E _ LU 3 , w. t jauttaast Corner 4 �.., ne - t7t. , LINE � t�E_i � � <„� • ° ; , � •, ._ Lit °F� a� � � � � ® �--- t', 2:9t� 1{+ ak ° s_ ... , Terrnsrsatsn€1 pass[ Sid 5'38' x.47 ` Bern — �r�'! .. _ _ ,.traaaed.i- eal._. _.__ —Proposed easerrm 3 , erg, • : ' �°� -. s , r C� RESOLUTION NO. 12482 VARIANCE REQUESTED BY MARK AND ANGIE RADKF TO REDUCE FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM 25 FEET TO 12 FEET TO REMOVE EXISTING NONCONFORMING PORCH AND REPLACE WITH 16'X 24' ADDITION LOCATED AT 544 PROSPECT ST. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS Mark and Angie Radke, property owners, applied for a variance to reduce front setback from 25' to 12' located at 544 Prospect St. The property owners state the hardship as the house being constructed before the coning regulations and the wide boulevard. Legal Description: North 70. 00 feet of Lot 8, Block 5, North lIalf of Hutchinson 2, The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of • the use on the Comprehensive Plan, 3, The Council has determined that the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. CONCLUSION The City Council hereby approves the variance based on the hardship of the age of the house and the boulevard depth, but approves the variance with the following conditions: 1. Relocation of electric and natural gas services (or other utilities) would be at property owners expense. 2. Verify location of the water curb stop. The building must not be placed over the curb stop. 3. The house must not protrude farther than the presented plan (dated June 28, 2002). Adopted by the City Council this 27`h day of July, 2004_ ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor 0 • DATE: July 22, 2004 TO: Hutchinson City Council MEMORAND M PROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission Hutchinson City Center 1]l Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, NN 55350.2522 320. 587.5]5] /Fax 320.234 -4240 SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY MARK AND ANGIE RADKE TO REDUCE FRONT YARD SETBACK. FROM 25 FEET TO 12 FEET TO REMOVE EXISTING NONCONFORMING PORCH AND REPLACE WITH 16'X 24' ADDITION LOCATED AT 544 PROSPECT ST. Pursuant to Section 8.05 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a variance. ISH TORY The applicants are requesting a variance to reduce front yard setback 13 feet. They are removing a 10' x 16' nonconforming porch and replacing with a 16'x 24' addition, which will include a kitchen and dining room. The present porch is in line with the houses on the block. The new addition will project 6 feet farther. The porch is breaking away from the house and the addition will improve the appearance of the building. The entire house will be resided with this construction. The property owner states the hardship as the house was constructed in the 1940's before the zoning laws were in place and the 20 foot boulevard is greater then most in the city. F ING] D S O FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on July 8,2004, 3. At the public hearing held, no neighbors were present to object to the request. OMME TION The Planning Commission voted to unanimously recommend approval of the variance based on the hardship the house was constructed before the zoning laws were in place and the large boulevard: 1. Relocation of electric and natural gas services (or other utilities) would be at property owners expense. 2. Verify location of the water curb stop. The building must not be placed over the curb stop. 3. The house must not protrude farther than the presented plan (dated June 28, 2002). Respectfully submitted, Dean Kirchoff, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission 40 Cc: Mark and Angie Radke, 544 Prospect St. N.E. Primed on r xc ied paper - S Cc) a. CITY OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING STAFF REPORT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission Prepared By: Planning Staff: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon Don Nelson, Miles Seppelt, Susan Rolander, Jean Ward, John Rodeberg, P.E., John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Barry Greive, Mark Schnobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Ken Merrill, Jim Popp, Dave Erlandson, Dick Nagy, Julie Wischnack, AICP, and Bonnie Baumetz Date: June 30, 2004 —Meeting Date: July 20, 2004 Applicant: Mark and Angie Radke, property owners ►9�7fR� Brief Description The applicants are requesting a variance to reduce front yard setback 13 feet. They are removing a 10' x 16' nonconforming porch and replacing with a 16' x 24' addition, which will include a kitchen and dining room. The present porch is in line with the houses on the block. The new addition will project 6 feet farther. The porch is breaking away from the house and the addition will improve the appearance of the building. The entire house will be resided with this construction. The property owner states the hardship as the house was constructed in the 1940's before the zoning laws were in place and the 20 foot boulevard is greater then most in the city. 0 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: R2 (Single and Two Family) Property Location: 544 Prospect St. NE Lot Size: .2 acre Existing Land Use: Single Family Residential Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Single and Two Family Residential Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Traditional Residential Neighborhood Znning History: N/A Applicable Regulations: Section 8.05 of Zoning Ordinance 464 • SPECIAL INFORMATION Transportation: Prospect St NF. Cc�� Variance Radke- 544 Prospect St NE Planning Commission— July 20, 2004 . Page 2 Parking: N/A Analysis and Recommendation: There was a split decision by the staff with the majority of staff voting to approve the request due to the hardship of the age of the home built before the zoning laws were in place and the large boulevard. The discussion centered on the present building is nonconforming however is in line with the homes on the block. This addition will protrude 6 feet beyond the other houses. Some of the staff would approve a variance for removing and remodeling the existing nonconforming structure since it is in line with the other homes on the block. Staff would recommend approval, with the following recommendations: 1. Relocation of electric and natural gas services (or other utilities) would be at property owners expense. 2. Verify location of the water curb stop. The building must not be Placed over the curb stop. 3. The house must not protrude farther than the presented plan (dated June 28, 2002). 0 Cc: Mark and Angie Radke, 544 Prospect St NE n LJ 11 :DLC)d, EAST ELEVATION ],O W. 1=1rst St UJlnt$v' , MN t% Paul A. Mark 4 angle fRadke Qs,, a, rre.e.�er Kitchen/Dormsr Addition Date: N t rhinson MN �53r�-Q___ WEST ELEVATION 1hY plw Y ur p:ep/y A M.r�/ dl� Yens d��MC.. � I pYn Y NIer3 �IY�x W m J+b Pln /� .4" E TirY �nll b.. x�o «J • RESOLUTION NO, 12483 VARIANCE REQUESTED BY LEANN AND LOREN ANDERSON LOCATED AT 105 -4TH AVE. N.W. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS I 1, LeAnn Anderson and Loren Anderson, property owners, applied for a variance to reduce lot area, width and depth to allow for a lot split located at 105 — 4'" Ave NW. Legal Description: That purl of Lot 12 in Block 77 in the Townsite offfutekinson North Flalff, described asfollows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 12, thence Easterly along the south line of said Lot Twelve (12), 727.41 fees; thence northerly 100 feet to u point 130.1$ feet easterly of the west line of said LLor Twelve (12); thence westerly to the said West line of said Lot Twelve (12); thence southerly along the west line of said Lot Twelve (12), 100 feet to the point of beginning. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. 0 CONCLUSION The City Council hereby approves the variance based on the hardship of there are two houses on one lot which were constructed before the zoning regulations and a variance is necessary for the lot split, but approves the variance with the following conditions: I . That if there was reconstruction of any garage or change of driveway location that shared access, from Highway 7, should be considered. If there is a possibility, a road access from Glen Street may also be feasible. 2. The variance that would be issued for this property would only involve the lot side, width, and depth. The variance does not include future additions or expansions to garage areas. 3. The property is within the State Highway 7 project. Notification concerning the project should be provided to any potential buyers of the property should be provided. Adopted by the City Council this 27'" day of July, 2004. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 0 Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor n X413 NO DATE: July 22, 2004 TO: Hutchinson City Council MEMORANDUM Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassnn Street SE Hutchinson, MN sS350 -2522 320. 587.5151 /Fax 320.2344240 FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT AND VARIANCE LOCATED AT 105 -e AVE. N.W. REQUESTED 13Y LEANN AND LOREN ANDERSON, PROPERTY OWNERS Pursuant to section 8.05 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a variance and lot split. HISTORY The homes were constructed many years ago and there were two houses built on one lot. The property owner lived in one house and rented the second house. The property owner has passed away, the estate would like to sell each house separately necessitating a lot split. When the lot is split, the lots will need a variance reducing lot width, depth and lot area for both lots. The applicants state the hardship as the homes existing on the lot, were constructed prior to enactment of current zoning regulations and in order to split the lot to have separation a variance is required EINDINGS PF FA 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Lder on July 9, 2004. 3. At the public hearing held, no neighbors were present to object to the request. REC MMENDATION The Planning Commission voted to unanimously recommend approval of the variance based on the hardship the house was constructed before the zoning laws were in place. 1. That if there was reconstruction of any garage or change of driveway location that shared access, from Highway 7, should be considered. If there is a possibility, a road access from Glen Street may also be feasible. 2. The variance that would be issued for this property would only involve the lot side, width, and depth. The variance does not include future additions or expansions to garage areas. 3. The property is within the State Highway 7 project. Notification concerning the project should be provided to any potential buyers of the property should be provided. Respectfully submitted, Dean Kirchoff, Chairman Hutchinson Planting Commission Cc: LeAnn Anderson, 4562 86' Court, Glencoe MN 55336 Loren Anderson, 904 Merrill St. Printed on -cycled paper - CITY OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING STAFF REPORT To: Ilutchinson Planning Commission Prepared By: Planning Staff: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Don Nelson, Miles Seppelt, Susan Rolander, Jean Ward, John Rodeberg, P.E., John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Barry Greive, Mark Scbnobricb, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Ken Merrill, Jim Popp, Dave Erlandson, Dick Nagy, Julie Wischnack, AICP, and Bonnie Baumetz Date: June 30, 2004 —Meeting Date: July 20, 2004 Applicant: LcAnn Anderson and Loren Anderson, property owners I VARIANCE Brief Description The homes were constructed many years ago and there were two houses built on one lot. The property owner lived in one house and rented the second house. The property owner has passed away, the estate would like to sell each house separately necessitating a lot split. When the lot is split, the lots will need a variance reducing lot width, depth and lot area for both lots. The applicants state the hardship as the homes existing on the lot, were constructed prior to enactment of current zoning regulations and in order to split the lot to have separation a variance is required. SPECIAL INFORMATION . Transportation: 4h Ave NW Parking: N/A 5k_1 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: R2 (Single and Two Family) Property Location: 105/109 4's Ave. NW Lot Size: 1.5 acres Existing Land Use: Single Family Residential Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Single and Two Family Residential and Conditional Commercial Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Traditional Residential Neighborhood Zoning I istory: N/A Applicable Regulations: Section 8.05 of Zoning Ordinance 464 SPECIAL INFORMATION . Transportation: 4h Ave NW Parking: N/A 5k_1 Variance Anderson - 105(109 0' Ave NW Planning Commission— July 20, 2004 . Page 2 Analysis and Recommendation: The staff discussed the possibility of this property being developed as commercial in the future. There was also discussion on the Hwy 7 access. The consensus of staff was to recommend approval of the request with the following recommendations: L That if there was reconstruction of any garage or change of driveway location that shared access, from Highway 7, should be considered. If there is a possibility, a road access from Glen Street may also be feasible. 2. The variance that would be issued for this property would only involve the lot side, width, and depth. The variance does not include future additions or expansions to garage areas. 3. The property is within the State Highway 7 project. Notification concerning the project should be provided to any potential buyers of the property should be provided. Cc: LeAnn Anderson, 4562 861' Court, Glencoe MN 55336 Loren Anderson, 944 Merrill St. 0 s � We5 I power DES LOT 1 1 The l Be 1-- 55.35 LLJ l3C C, ILL) sai( WESTERLY PARCEL a 5387 Square Feet U) line mm n; Ex isting Th, — B- Garage LU so+ O J i7 `o I� c fyl '— m On 0.3 east o} Let line 3 Existing i D 0 0 c E m cone apron 15.0 O ff, LOT 12 130.55 (Meas) r 75.20 `o- `ns tm EASTERLY PARCEL t� 7501 Square Feet 3`0 J e� a° `o m a5 6.a Existing Garoge a` c° I E f I m Southerly Il rre of Lot 12, Black I IN _i concrete walk R =4353.71 cow L= 127.77(Meas) apron ` curb 8 gutter _ _ I 0 power pole flJ`Vi F01 IRTH A\ /F I IF (TR1 My ulr,l JIMIA�•� -- - I Y m 80 J 8' v m a 1e] feet 0 TT SCOT. We5 line DES The Be 1-- sou LLJ l3C ILL) sai( lyin U) line DE Th, Z B- m LU so+ i7 so I� fyl On 0 TT SCOT. City of Hutchinson City of Public Works Department Storm Water Utility July 27, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor & City Council members From: John Olson, Public Works Superintendent Subject: Street Sweeping Policy Attached is the proposed street sweeping policy for the Public Works Department. The League of Minnesota Cities recommends this policy for all Public Works Departments. The primary benefit of this policy is its relationship to new storm water regulations, particularly those relating to protecting water quality and Minfrastructure in areas being developed. Our efforts toward keeping Hutchinson clean and looking good will not change as a result of this policy. • 5 sC6� n u 1. Introduction City of Hutchinson Public Works Street Sweeping Policy The City of Hutchinson believes that it is in the best interest of residents, businesses and industries for the City to assume basic responsibility of sweeping city streets. Reasonable sweeping is necessary for water quality issues, environmental concerns, and vehicle and pedestrian safety. The City will provide sweeping services in a cost - effective manner, in keeping with safety, budget, personnel, equipment and environmental constraints. The City will primarily use City employees and equipment to provide this service. From time to time, private contractors may also be used to provide sweeping services. Provision of sweeping services is dependent upon weather conditions, personnel and equipment availability. The Public Works Superintendent or his/her designee will be responsible for scheduling personnel and equipment to support this policy. 2. Street Sweeping A. Spring sweeping of snow and ice control aggregate will begin when streets are significantly clear of snow and ice, and when temperatures do not pose a threat to equipment operations, usually late March or early April, after the risk of significant later snowfall has passed. Spring sweeping is typically completed by late April or early May. B. Fall sweeping generally commences in raid to late September, once leaves begin falling. Operations generally continue throughout the fall until weather conditions pose a threat to equipment operations. Some areas with extensive foliage may be swept only after most of the leaves have fallen. C. Storm Water Quality areas will be swept on a priority basis throughout the year. • D. Environmental and general sweeping will be performed on an as- needed basis. 5 (�) 2. Street Sweeping (cunt.) E. Seal coating is a surface application of an asphalt emulsion followed by a layer of small rock that protects the pavement from the deteriorating effects of sun and water. Seal - coating also provides increased surface friction. Seal -coat sweeping will commence within forty -eight (48) hours after placement of aggregate. Sweeping operations after seal coating will typically be completed within four days. 'These operations will generally be the responsibility of the contractor performing the work, but in some cases, City personnel and equipment may be used. F. Bituminous milling recovery sweeping will commence within forty -eight (48) hours after milling of the bituminous surface. Sweeping operations after milling will typically be completed within four days. These operations will generally be the responsibility of the contractor performing the work, but in some cases, City personnel and equipment may be used. G. Silt from erosion, dirt, debris and other necessary cleaning resulting from construction projects is the duty of the responsible party for the project, generally the developer, contractor and/or property owner. City staff has the authority to order the responsible party to clean the streets and protect drainage infrastructure. Except in cases of emergency, where water quality or infrastructure is threatened, streets shall be cleaned within 48 hours of notification. if streets are not cleaned within the specified time allowed or in the case of an emergency, the City may clean the streets and protect drainage infrastructure. The projects' responsible party shall reimburse the City for all associated costs. Unpaid billings shall be certified to property taxes. H. In areas where tree removal, trimming and pruning take place during winter months, streets will be swept only if weather conditions permit. At other times of the year, areas where tree removal, trimming and pruning take place shall be swept within four (4) days of those operations. 1. Citizen requests for sweeping shall be evaluated by the Public Works Superintendent or his/her designee and will be provided on a priority basis. Requests for sweeping by private parties or non -City entities will generally be referred to contractors who provide sweeping services. 3. Street Sweeping Operations Sweeping is a slow process. Average gutter line speeds for the first sweeping in the spring can be as slow as 2 to 3 miles per hour. The City will typically sweep with its own equipment and personnel. Sweeping will generally be done during daylight hours. Certain areas that are well lit by streetlights may be swept during hours of darkness. Contractors may be employed for priority sweeping at the discretion of the Public Works Superintendent. Normally centerlines will be swept after gutter lines are cleaned. Equipment may include mechanical, vacuum or regenerative air sweepers. sCa� 4. Priorities • The City from time to time classifies City streets based on the street function, traffic volume, impact on water quality and the environment, and the importance to the welfare of the community. Accordingly, sweeping routes will be designed to provide the most service to water quality sensitive areas and areas with the greatest affect on community welfare. See attached maps and routes. 5. Weather Conditions Sweeping operations will be conducted when weather conditions permit. Factors that may delay sweeping include: temperatures below 32° F, wind, rain, snow, and frozen gutter lines. 6. Work Schedule Sweeping operations are performed in conjunction with and can be affected by other maintenance operations. Sweeping operations are generally conducted weekly during non - winter months. Extended workdays, shift changes and multiple operators may be utilized for spring cleanup, emergency sweeping and fall leaf- sweeping operations to provide maximum efficiency. For safety reasons, no operator shall be scheduled to work more than a twelve -hour shift in any twenty -four hour period. 7. Sidewalks and Trails The City will sweep designated sidewalks and trails once in the spring after the sidewalks and trails are free of snow and ice and after the risk of snow has passed. The Parks Resource Coordinator or Public Works Superintendent shall assign appropriate personnel and equipment for spring sweeping and they shall approve sweeping at any other time of the year on a priority basis. 8. Safety Sand, seal coat rock, or other dirt and debris on streets may create potentially dangerous conditions for vehicles, motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians. It is neither practical nor effective to sign all streets for potentially dangerous conditions. Employees shall follow all work rules, and applicable regulations to ensure safe sweeping operations. sc�� 9. Miscellaneous The Public Works Superintendent and/or his/her designee may enforce other policies, procedures, maps and routes associated with street sweeping operations that are in keeping with this policy at his/her discretion. This policy shall be reviewed periodically. The Public Works Director shall approve policy changes. 10. Map The attached map identifies priority areas, including Storm Water Quality areas and areas of significant importance to the welfare of the community. Unmarked routes are prioritized as general/environmental sweeping routes. L] I El ro 0 July 23, 2004 To- Honorable Mayor and City Council From- Randy DeVries, Director of Water/Wastewater Subject- Out of State Travel Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 320- 587.5151/Fax 320. 234.4240 Per City Council Policy, I am requesting travel to the "Water Environment Federation Annual Conference and Expo" in New Orleans Louisiana. The Conference is October 2 -6 2004. The last WEF Conference that I attended was October 2001. . I plan on attending sessions on Ultraviolet Disinfection, Biosolids, Management, Membrane Bioreactors, TMDL's, Watershed Nutrient Issues, and visit a wetlands treatment facility. This conference was budgeted for 2004, and I recommend approval. Fundy Vater/Wastewater Directo Facility Hutchinson, MN Cc: John Rodeberg 11 Printed on r yded paper - 5 (`) r4 E Hutchinson City Center 111 142mon Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350.2522 320. 587.5151 /Fax 320- 234.4240 N1 L.e 4 V' Jt 0 R i 1. Lp U M. B TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering/Public Works RE: Consideration of Out -Of -State Travel for Regulatory Specialist Marion Graham DATE: July 21, 2004 Under Marion's revised job description as Regulatory Specialist she will be helping to develop and . administer the Industrial Pretreatment Program for the City of Hutchinson. This work includes developing new permits for effluent from the City's major industries (3M, HTI, New Dimension Plating, Provesta, etc.), working with the City's consultant on treatment issues, verifying state and federal regulatory requirements, monitoring and testing their effluent, and coordinating services with the industries. Training for this process is not available in Minnesota, but is being held in Tampa, FL this year. I have looked at our training needs and budget, and recommend that she attend this week -long training session. I recommend that nut -of -state travel for Marion for the Industrial Pretreatment Program training from August 9t" through the 131 ". cc: Randy DeVnes — Director of water/Wastewater operations Marion Graham — Regulatory Specialist Printed on recycled papas - 5 ��� rIL Memo To: Mayor and City Council Frorm Jean Ward, HRA Executive Dlrectorq � Date: 7/2212004 Re: HRA Board recommendation for replacement of Pat Spethman At the July 20, 2004 HRA Board meeting, the names of people interested in serving on the HRA Board were reviewed. The HRA Board recommended that Brig Knott, 3M Plant Manager would be a beneficial addition to the HRA Board. Mr. Knott's business acumen and maintaining a 3M connection to housing issues is important to our Board Thank you for your consideration of this recommendation. 0 C L TO: Mayor and City Council I+ROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering/Public Works Hutchinson City Center 111 Haman Str t 813 HutchlnwL, MN 55350.2522 320.587- 5151lFm 320. 234 -4240 RE: Consideration of MuDNR Safety Bony Cooperative Agreement DATE: July 22, 2004 • Attached is an agreement with the State of Minnesota regarding the purchase, installation and maintenance of a new safety buoy system at the Crow River Dam in Hutchinson. This will be an upgrade to our current system. Notes: • State Will provide all materials and have responsibility for the initial installation • City staffwill provide installation support and provide generally maintenance and upkeep of the system • The state shall assist with major repairs. We recommend approval of the Agreement. . cc: John Olson — Public Works Superintendent Dolt Moon — PRCE Director Printed nn rwyckd paper - SAFETY BUOY COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT /1 (6P a'7 This agreement, between the State of Minnesota, acting by and through the Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources, hereinafter referred to as the "State ", and the City of Hutchinson, hereinafter referred to as the "City". VII Y 0Q1 *M -317.F WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Natural Resources has the authority, duty, and responsibility under Minnesota Statutes Section 96B.101 to promote safety for persons and property in connection with the use of the waters of the state; and WHEREAS, the State and the City are authorized under Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59, to enter into agreements to jointly or cooperatively exercise common power; and I WHEREAS, the State and the City have determined that a cable/buoy barrier system on the South Fork Crow River, hereinafter referred to as the " CableBuoy" is of high priority under the state boat and water safety program; and WHEREAS, the City owns land described as: Sec. 1, T.116N, R.30W, as shown in Exhibit A and on the attached map; and WHEREAS, plans for the Cable/Buoy have been developed and approved by the State and are attached hereto as Exhibit B and shall be referred to as the "Plan"; and WHEREAS, the State and the City desire to cooperate in the installation and maintenance of the Cable/Buoy on the South Fork Crow River; and WHEREAS, a resolution or copy of the City council/board meeting minutes authorizing the City to enter into this agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit C; and . NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefit to be derived by the public bodies hereto and for the benefit of the general public, the parties agree as follows: INSTALLATION Initial installation of the Cable/Buoy system itself shall be the responsibility of the State, however, the City shall provide personnel and equipment to assist with the installation. The City will install two shoreline anchor points or allow for the use of two trees in the locations defined in Exhibit B for the purposes of anchoring the Cable/Buoy to the riverbank. II OPERATION OF THE CABLE /BUOY The City shall operate the CableBuoy in the following manner: a. The City shall comply with all local, state and federal laws, regulations, rules and ordinances which may apply to the management, operation, and maintenance of said premises. b. The City shall obtain any permit or license which maybe required for the CableBuoy. c. The City shall take necessary action no later than May I` of each year to install the CableBuoy in the location identified in Exhibit B and no earlier than October 15 th of each year to remove the Cable/Buoy. This schedule can be modified as the result of high river level conditions with permission of the State. d. The City shall provide all necessary routine maintenance and minor repairs to the Cable/Buoy, including but not limited to the repair or replacement of the system hardware. The State shall assist the City with major repairs, including cable and buoy replacement, subject to the availability of funding . according to the provisions of Article III. e. The State reserves the right to inspect the premises at all times to insure that the City is in compliance with the terms of this Agreement. 50 . f. The State shall retain ownership of the Cable/Buoy and retains the authority to relocate and/or remove the Cable/Buoy if the site (Exhibit B) is determined to be inadequate or if the City fails to comply with the terms of the Agreement. Before such removal or relocation, the State shall consult with the City. III. FUNDING The State shall provide the Cable/Buoy system in accordance with the Plan, Exhibit B. The cost of the Cable/Buoy structure shall be borne by the State. The cost of the required shoreline anchorage shall be borne by the City as provided in Article 1. The total obligation of the State for it's responsibilities under Article I shall be limited to the amount of funds legislatively appropriated and administratively allocated to this project. The obligation of the State for the repairs and improvements beyond the initial installation costs shall also be limited by the amount of funds legislatively appropriated and administratively allocated to this project. No additional funding will be provided, unless agreed upon by all parties and an amendment to this Agreement is completed and executed. IV. LIABILITY Each party agrees that it will be responsible for its own acts and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law and shall not be responsible for the acts of the other party and the results thereof. The State's liability shall be governed by the provisions of the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes Section 3.736, and other applicable law. The City's liability shall be governed by Minnesota Statutes Sections 466.01 - 466.15, and other applicable law. V. TERM This Agreement shall be effective on the date it is approved by the Department of Administration and shall remain in effect for a period of ten (10) years except as otherwise provided herein or agreed to in writing by both parties. This agreement shall renew at the end of the term for an additional five (5) year period unless a party gives three (3) months written notice to the other party to terminate the agreement. This agreement shall continue to automatically renew as the end of each five (5) year period unless the required given notice is given. VI. AUDIT Under Minnesota Statutes Section 16C.05, sub. 5, the books, records, documents and accounting procedures and practices of the City relevant to the agreement shall be subject to examination by the Commissioner of Natural Resources, the Legislative Auditor and the State Auditor for a minimum of six (6) years from the end of this agreement. VII. ANTITRUST The City hereby assigns to the State any and all claims for overcharges as to goods and/or services provided in connection with this Agreement resulting from antitrust violations that arose under the antitrust laws of the United States and the antitrust laws of the State of Minnesota. VIII. CANCELLATION This Agreement may be cancelled by the State at any time with cause or as necessary as provided in Article 111, upon thirty (30) days written notice to the City. This Agreement may also be cancelled by the State if it does not obtain funding from the Minnesota Legislature, or other finding sources, or if funding cannot be continued at a level sufficient to allow for the payment of services covered under this agreement. The State 'Nil] noti fy the City by written or fax notice. The State will not be obligated to pay for services provided after the notice is given and the effective date of cancellation. However, the City shall be entitled to payment, determined on a pro -rated basis, for services satisfactorily performed to the extent that funds are available. The State will not be assessed any penalty if the agreement is cancelled because of a decision of the Minnesota Legislature, or other funding source, not to appropriate the . necessary funds. The State shall provide the City notice of lack of funding within a reasonable time of the State's receiving that notice. Lx. GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES The City and the State must comply with the Minnesota Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, as it applies to all data provided by the State under this agreement, and as it applies to all data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the City under this agreement. The civil remedies of Minn. Stat. 13.08 apply to the release of the data referred to in this clause by either the City or the State. 0 X. PUBLICITY AND ENDORSEMENT Any publicity regarding the subject matter of this agreement must identify the State as the sponsoring agency and must not be released without prior written approval from the State's Authorized Representative. For pwposes of this provision, publicity includes notices, informational pamphlets, press releases, research, reports, signs, and similar public notices prepared by or for the City individually or jointly with others, or any subcontractors, with respect to the program and services provided from this agreement. XI. COMPLETE AGREEMENT This Agreement, and amendments, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. Any amendment to this agreement must be in writing and will not be effective until it has been executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved the original agreement, or their successors in office. XII. OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS NOTICES: Any notice, demand or communication under this Agreement by either party to the other shall be deemed to be sufficiently given or delivered if it is dispatched by registercd or certified mail, postage prepaid to: The State The C i Minnesota Department of Natural Resources City of Hutchinson Trails and Waterways Division Area (4C) Supervisor Director of Engineering/Public Works 261 Highway 15 South 111 Hassan Street SE New Ulm, MN 56073 Hutchinson, MN 55350 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES CITY OF HUTCHINSON By. By. Title: Title: Date: Date: DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION CITY OF HUTCHINSON Delegated to Materials Management Division By: By: Title: Title: Date: Date: STATE ENCUMSERANCE VERIFICATION Individual ccnifies that funds have been encumbered as Mci. by Minn. Stat. 16A.15 and 160.05. Signed: 17 G Date: Contract: A �o r1 u 5C�,� RESOLUTION NO. 12468 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5070 LETTING NO.3 /PROJECT NO. 04-03 WHEREAS, cost has been determined for the improvement of Jefferson Street SE from Jefferson Court SE to Toronto Avenue by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk, trail, street lighting and appurtenances, and the bid price for such improvement is $386,182.01 and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $92,683.69 so that the total cost of the improvement will be $478,865.70. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $237,063.31 and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $241,802.39. 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2005 and shall bear interest at the rate of _ percent per annum from November 1, 2004. 3. The City Administrator, with the assistance of the Director of Engineering, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 4. The City Administrator shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 27th day of July 2004. City Administrator Ir 1 L J Mayor /(0 ............... . ...,...,.. namare e min ASSESSMENT ROLL 10.5070 LETTING NO. OSfPROJECT NO. 04-M SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO -1 TO LETTING NO. SfPROJECT NO. O3 -12 JEFFERSON ST SE - JEFFERSON CT SE TO TORONTO AVE SE BY CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER & SERVICES, WATERMAIN S SERVICES, GRACING, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURB &GUTTER, BITUMINOUS BASE &SURFACING, SIDEWALK, TRAIL, STREET LIGHTING E APPURTENANCES NAME& ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION SANFTARYSEWER OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDITION OR SUBDN6IDN - ASSESSMENT $$01.79 SANITARY SEWER COSTAPNIT • SOUTINAND WATERMMN COSTRINIT - SO. TI.AVIND Y: COMPILED BY: R VEEN 50.00 COMPILE B J ODEBERG $0.00 STORM SEWER COSTMR -SOUTMVmO CHECKED BY: P. VANDER VEEN $G.00 STREET CONSTRUCTION CGSTFUNIT- SOITFHWIND NUMBER OF YEARS: f 0 INTEREST RATE: 1ST HEARING: 04!13!2006 I WATERMA!N STORM SEWER._ AS9ESSMENF ASSESSMENT- B'IIO�HETARiNG.OSrf _RESTORATION .- DEFERRED. -- ASSESSMENT ASSESSNIETT - TOTAL _- ACTIVE ASSESSMENT ADOPTED. ACCT. NO. CITY PO NO. COUNTY FIG NO. NulchlrL m Land Holdings 2455 12th S1 E St Cloud MN 56304 Propmy Address: 325 Ottawa Ave SE Lot 3, Block 2. SoulhwnM tUNFEEy 5507.79 50.00 $0.00 .00 $0,00 07 -11 &2909 -0040 1 23.,151.0120 Hutdnnson Land "Oklings 2455 12th St E S1 abiA MN 56306 ISoVlhwrvi Property Address: 335 Ohara Ave SE Lol 4, Block 2, 1 $.101,79 50.00 50.00 EG.W $0.00 07- 116 - 29-09 -0350 2 23.451.0137 Hutchinson LaM Holdings 2455 12th S! E St Cloud MN 56:(4 Properly Address' 345 Ottawa Ave $E Lot 5. Bock 2, SouthNtnd 1 E501.79 $0 CO $0.00 $0.00 E0.00 --T5 01. 07116- 2909-0060 3 23.451.0140 HOlchinsen Land Holdin 2455 12th Sl E St Claud MN 56304 Property Address: 355 Otlewe Ave SE Lot 6, Bbck 2, SOUlhwlnd 1 5507.78 50.0) 50.OG $0.00 50.00 5501, 07116- 29007070 4 23-451.0150 HNChinson Land HoKngs 2455 12th S[ E Sl Ckwd MN 56304 Property Address: 366 Ottawa Ave SE Lol 7, Bock 2, SoldhwdM 1 $501.79 $0.00 90-06 $000 �'� 5501 - 07- F1fi- 29- 09 -W80 5 23.651.0160 Property Address: 375 Ottawa Ave SE Lot B. Bbd 2, 5ou[ha+nd 1 5501.79 .Da $0.00 50.00 07- 11629-09-0090 Hutchinson Land Holdings 2455 12th S! E St Claud MN 56334 6 23.451.0170 7 07- 11629 -0100 23.451.0180 Hntd:nson Le rd H s 2455 12th B[ E 51 G PMN 56304 Propery Address: ?ffi Ohawe Ave SE Lm 9, E4ack 2, snoyrdrd 1 $501.79 $0 -00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 1' 6 07-116 -29 -03-0110 23.,157.0190 HUlchinsm Land Holdirg5 2455 12th Sl E St Clad MN 56304 Properly Address: 395 Otla" Ave SE Lot 10, Block 2, Soulhwintl 1 5501.79 E0.D0 $0.00 $O.CO 50,00 5501.79 9 07- 11629-09 -0120 23- 451.02110 Hu[rliinsan Land Noidirgs 2455 12th S! E St Cloud MIN 61 5533•t Props Address: 405 Ottawa Ave SE Lot 11, BIad12, Sputhwird 1 5501.79 in nor 50.00 50.00 50 -00 5501. 10 07- 11fi -29 -09 -0130 23.451.0210 HNtcrur LaM H 2655 12th S[ E 51 Clatd MN 56304 Property Address: 415 Ottawa Ave BE l.d 12, Bock 2, SaHhrnnd 1 5501.79 $Z 00 EG.00 50.00 .00 5501.75 11 07.1 t6- 29- 08-0140 245t.0350 3 Hulchlnsan Land Hioldinas 2455 121h St E St Claud MIN 56334 Proroartv Addrew 330 OltaRa Ave BE Lot 1, Stack 4, SauOmN!0 1 550179 $0.00 $0.00 .00 SA O $501.79 07 -1I fi-29 09 -0150 HUtchlr land Holdi ProoerrY Address: 940 Otlaww Ave SE 12 23.457.0360 2455 12th St E GI GI MN 56304 Lot 2, Black 4, S"hWnd 1 5501.79 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 07 -116- 29 -CM160 Hulchlnson Land Hold s Props Address: 350 Ottawa Avs SE 13 23- 451.0370 245512th SAI E St Clout MN 56.'504 Lot 3, 13Wck 4, Sau[hRird 1 5501.79 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 SA.00 5501,79 ............... . ...,...,.. namare e min V COMPRED BY: ER Em ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5070 • LETTING NO. ONFROJECT NO. 0443 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. I TO LETTING NO.51PROJECT N0. 03-12 JEFFERSON ST SE - JEFFERSON CT SE TO TORONTO AVE BE BY CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER b SERVICES, WATERMARJ 8: SERVICES, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURB 6 GUTTER, BITUMINOUS BASE 6 SURFACING, SIDEWALK, TRAIL, STREET LIGHTING II, APPURTENANCES - NAME6 ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION - SANITARY SEWER OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION UN FEET, ASSE551.ENT- $501.79 SANITARY SEWER COSTNNrT- $OUTHWRA 50.00 WATERMAN COSTAIHT -San" WAID STORM SEWER COSTAINIT - SOUTHW*0 fAMPLRED BY. SERG $0.00 CHECKED W. P. WANDER WE" $0.00 STREET CONSTIIIICTION COSWUNfT- SOUTNM9ND HUMBER OF YEARS: in 1WEREST RATE 1ST HEARING: 04! 1312004 - - - - -. 'WATERVAIN STORMSEWER ASSESsmw - ASSESSMENT 2ND HEARING: 0&10!2004 - STREET- ". - TOTAL' RESTORATION DEFERRED: ASSESS LENT " ASSESSMENT TOTAL - - ACTIVE -_' ASSESSMENT ADOPTED: ACCT. NO. CRY RD NO. COUNTY M N0. 14 07- 11629.OM170 23.451.0380 Hulchinson land Hold) 2455 121h S1 E St Cloud MN 56304 Adders: 360 Ottawa Ave SE btl� d, k�Southwind 1 $501.79 50.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 5501 79 07- 11629-09 -0160 Hutchinson Lard H10U s Address: 370 Oftam Ave SE 15 123.451.13090 2455 12th St E St Clout MN 56304 . ock 4, SoAhwlnd 1 4501.79 $0.00 $0 -00 .00 50.00 $501.79 07- 14629-09 -0190 Hutchinson Land H.Id rigs Property Address: 390 Ottawa Are SE F6 23A51.0400 2455 12th St E S1 L'bW MH 56304 Lot 6, Bbck 4, soupwlyd 1 850179 40.00 $0.00 50.00 50.DO 5505,79 07 -116 2910-0250 Hulchlmo Land Hob! Pro Address: 205 Ottawa Ave SE 17 23.451.0010 2455 121h Sl E St Gbud MN 56304 Lot 1, ebtl� 1, Sputhwvnd 1 5501.79 50.00 $0.00 .00 $0.00 5501'78 18 07. 116.2910 -0260 23.451.0020 Hutchinson Lard llok vs 2455 1211n St E 51 Cloud MN 56304 Property Address: 215 Ottawa Ave SE Lot 2, Block 1, SouOWnd 1 5501,79 46.ca 50.00 50.00 $0.W 19 07- 116 - 2&100270 23451.0030 Hutchinson Land Hploings 2455 121h St E SICloud m 56304 Property Adders: 225 011arr4 Are SE Lot 3, Sbck T, Sputhwird 1 5501.79 $0.00 40.00 50.00 50.0 20 07- 116 -29 -10 -0280 23.457.9040 Hulchir cm Land Holdings 2655 12th St € St Cloud MN 56304 Properly Address: 235 One" Ave SE Lo[ 4, Block 1, SoWhwind 1 5501.79 SO.00 50.00 50.00 $0. 21 07- 116 - 2910-0290 23.451.0050 HutcNmmn Land Hodings 2455 12th Sl E 51 Cloud M 56304 Property Address: 245 Ottawa A" SE Lol S. Blxk 1, Srnit -1- 1 4501.79 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 07- 11629 -10 -030 Hulchirtson Land HoPoirgs Properly Address: 255 Ottawa Ave SE 22 23.451.0060 2455 12M W E St Cloud MN 56304 Lot 6, Block 1, S.h..d 1 5501.79 50.00 $0.00 50.00 .00 07- 116231 D-0310 11utcMns n Land Holdings Props rtv Address: 265 ODa re Ave SE 23 23.451.0070 2455 121h 51 E St Cloud MN 56304 L.ot 7, Bbok 1, SauthMnd 1 $501.79 .00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $501,79 07- 11629- 10-0320 Hdlchlnson Land Hold Props Iv Address: 275 Ottawa Ave SE 24 23.451.0080 2455 12th St E SI CbW MN 56304 Lo18, 8lpcic 1, SpUlhwlnd 1 SSOl.79 w.00 $0.00 .DO $000 1.79 25 07- 116.29.10-0330 23.451.0090 Hutdrinmrp Land Flodngs 2455 121h 5t E 51 C551A MIN 56304 Propertv Address: 285 Ottawa Ave SE Lot). Block 1, Souvwnd 1 $501.79 $O.DO 50.00 .00 EO.OQ 1.79 26 07- 116-29101O390 23.451.0100 HLA&Insow and Holdings 2455 121h Si E at Cloud MN 56304 Properly Addr ' 305 OlUm Are SE la[ 1 • Block 2, Soutim 1 $501.79 40.00 $O.CO 50.00 80.00 5501.79 - Cs -"mo] i t it,lrN IY1.'VA144n`PA('F 2 OF 10 N r1 COMPREO BY: RVEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5070 LETTING NO.03"OJECT NO. 0403 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 1 TO LETTING NO. W90JECT NO. 03-72 ,rEFFERSON ST SE - JEFFERSON CT SE TO TORONTO AVE SE BY CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER, SANLTARY SEWER & SERVICES, WATERMAIN 6 SERVICES, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURB 9 GUTTER, BITUMINOUS BASE b SURFACING, SIDEWALK, TRAIL, STREET LIGHTING 0 APPURTENANCES 55OI.79 SANITARY SEWER COSTWIT- SOUTMNND COMPUTED BY: zv;;c SOHO WATERMAIN COST?UNR- SOUTNMND STORM SEWER COSTAIMI - SOUTHWINO CHECKED BY: P. VANDER VEEN $0.00 NUTASER OFYEARS: 10 $0.00 STREET CONSTRUCTION COSTAINR • SOUTTANNO INTEREST RATE ADOPTED: 1ST HEARING: 00 =104 2NO HEARING: 09r1012004 ACCT. NO. CITY PID NO. NAME E ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNER - - LEGAL DESCRIPTION AD7" OR S139"10N UN -FEET SANNARY SEWER ASSESSMENT- WATERNAIN .ASSESSMENT STORM SEWER ASSESSMENT STRi£T ` °= RESTORATIOW - ASSESWIEH7 -- TOTAL DEFERRED - = ASSESSMENT - TOTAL ACTIVE.= - 'ASSESSMENT. - COUNTY PID NO. D7- 176 -29 -16 -0030 Hvlrhinson Lard Hok"s Property Address: 445 Ottawa Ave SE 2,155 f21h St E Lot 15, Block 2, 40 21,151.0240 St Cloud MN 56304 Sou nd 1 $501.73 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $O.00 $501.79 07116 -29-16 -0040 Hutchinson Land Holdings Property Address: 455 Ottawa Ave SE 2455 12th St E Lot 16. Block 2, 4T 23.451.0250 St Clout MN 56306 Southwind 1 $501.79 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5501.79 07- 116 -29 -16 -0050 HubUNnson Land Holdings Properly A"ess: 465 Off 1 Ave SE 2455 12th St E Lot 17, B" 2, 42 23.451.0260 S1 Cloud MN 56354 South.Wd f $50T.79 S0.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 501,79 07 -1 t6- 29- 16-0060 Hutchinson land Holdings Properly Address: 410 011awa Ave SE 2455 121h S1 E Lol 7, Block 4. 43 23.451.0410 St Cloud MN 56304 Swlmmnd 1 $501.79 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $501.79 07- 116 -29 -16 -0070 Hulchinson Land Hold "S Property Address: 420 Ottawa Ave SE 2455 12th S1 E Lot H. Bkxk 4, 44 23.457.0420 St Clold MN 56304 SouthMnd 1 $5111.79 $0.00 $0.00 SOHO 50.00 5501.79 07- 116 -29- 160000 Hrdch:nson Land Hodngs Property Address: 430 Ottawa Ave SE 2455 12th St E Lot 9, Bbck 4, 45 23451.0430 St Clad MN 56364 SohMwind 1 5501.79 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Ml-79 674115-29 -16 -0090 Hutchnson Land Hoi ins Property Address: 440 Ottawa Ave SE 2,155 12th St E Lot 10. Bbrh 4, 46 123.451.0440 SI Cloud MN 56304 Southvdnd 1 5501.79 $0.0D 50.00 $0 -00 $0.00 $501.79 07116-29- I6-0100 Hutchinson Lard Holdirg5 Property Address: 450 Otawa Ave SE 47 23.451.0450 2455 121h St E S1CMpud NMN 5 &104 Lot 11, Bock 4, SaAhwmd 1 5501,79 50.00 AO 50.00 SD.DO $501.79 07- 116- 29-16A110 Hulphlnson LaM Hold' Props Address: 404 Toronto BNd SE 46 23.451.0460 2455 12th St E S[ Cloud MN 56354 Lol 1, Shock S. Sartrrlind 1 $501.79 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $OHO 1.79 07- t16 -29 -16 -0120 Hutcheson Land Holdings Pivpartv Address: 412 Toronto Blvd SE 49 23.451.0470 2455 12th St E 51 Clad MN 56304 Lot 2, Block 5, .SDUMT4rld 1 3501.79 $0 OD .00 $0.00 50.00 5507.79 07- 11 &29- 15.0130 Huk3nnsan Land Hokfings PrO Address: 420 Tamntn BHd SE 50 23.451.0480 2455 121h S1 E St Cloud UN 56304 Lot 3, Block 5 SOUlhwird 1 5501.79 50.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 3501.79 SUB -TOTAL - - 94. 547,1157.94 - _ - MOD $0:00_ _.-� sam -- SO.GD_ SA- 507020O1 LETTING NO- "- OVPAGE 4 OF 10 COMPILED BY: P PEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. $070 4461.15 SANITARY SEWER CO57NNR -SOUTH FORK RIDGE COMPUTED BY: J BERG LETTING N0. 031PR0JECT N0. 04-M SD.00 WATERMAIN COST"rr • SOUTH FORK RIDGE CHECKEOSY: P. VAMIERYEEN SUPPLEMENFTAI- AGREEMENT NO.1 TO LETTING NO. 5lPR0JECT NO. 03-12 SO.00 STORM SEWER COSTAiNIT- SOUTH FORK RIDGE NUMBER OF YEARS: 19 JEFFERSON ST SE- JEFFERSON CT BE TO TORONTO AVE BE BY CONSTRUCTION OF ST0RM SEWER, $0.00 STREET CONSTRUCTION COSTAINR -SOUTH FORK RIDGE INTEREST RATE; SANITARY SEWER A SERVICES, WATERMAIH E SERVICES, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURB ADOPTED: a GUTTER, BITUMINOUS BASE 6 SURFACING, SIDEWALK, TRAIL, STREET LIGHTING 6 APPURTENANCES iST HEARING: 0079!2006 2ND }TEARING: OW1012 044 T _ STREET' ACCT. CITY P1O NO. NAME A ADDRESS LEGAL OESCWPTON - SANITARY SEWER WATERMAIN STORNSEWER : - RESTORATION OEFEffflM - � : ACTIVE " NO. COIIHTY mD ND. OF PROPERTY DWNER - ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION UNIT FEET - ASSESSMENT- ASSESSMENT - :ASSESSMENT - ASSESSMENT ASSESSNTETR ASSESSMENT 2 4 55001 Darrel Farr pevelopmenf P Properly Address: 1 1 1.15 40.00 50.00 . .00 5 50.00 5461.15 51 0 52 0 23.455.0020 Darrel Farr De.•elopmenl P Pmpe Address 1 $ $465.15 $0.00 50.00 5 50.00 E EB -OD 546F.15 53 0 231455.OD30 Darrel Farr Qerelopmem P Property Address: 7 5 5461.15 SO-00 -$U OD 5 50.00 $ $O.OD 5461 15 50.00 E EO.DO E46F.1$ 23.455.0040 Darrel Fart D- Vetpmanl P Property Address: 54 0 176 Hamel Rd L Let d, Block 1. 1 i i461. S5 $O.CO $0.00 5 23.455,0050 Darrel Farr Development P Property Address: .00 i i0'00 $4fi1 -15 55 M 174 Hamel Rd L Lot 5. V4 1, 1 $ $4fi 1.15 $0-00 .00 . $0.00 .00 61.15 23.455AC60 Dertel Fart DeYe>apmeM P Property Address: 56 0 175 Hamel Rd L Lot 6, Block 1 . 1 5 5467'. 40.00 � OD 5461.15 5461.15 50.0❑ SD.00 4 23.455- 0D70 Darrel Farr Development P Property Address: 1 5 175 Hamel Rd L 57 0 07 -116- 29-09 -D270 Hamel MN 55343 E Property Addmss: 1 5 5461.15 S090 40.00 . .00 E Efl.00 1.15 59 0 23.455.0090 Darts Farr Devekrperlem P 59 0 23.455,0090 Darrel Farr Developmerd P Property Address: 1 5 50.00 .OD 1.15 60 0 23.455.0100 Darrel Farr Dsvekrpmeld P Property Address: 1 4 4451.15 EO.00 50.00 5 50.00 5 50.00 5461. 61 0 23755.01 5) Dertel Fart Developmem R R Address: 1 5 5167,16 SO-OD SD.00 . .00 E 61.15 62 0 23.455.0120 Ilerrel Farr Oerelopment P P Address: 1 4 4461.15 .00 50.00 4 40.00 � 1.15 -. ---- _ - -.. nc in V COTWILEO BY: VEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL N0. 5071 LETTING NO. 03NR0JECT N0. 0403 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO, 1 TO LETTING NO. SIPR0JECi H0. D }12 JEFFERSON ST SE • JEFFERSON CT SE TO TORONTO AVE SE 8Y CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER & SERVICES, WATERMAIN & SERVICES, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURB & GtfTTER, &TUMRJOUS BASE & SURFACING, SIDEWALK, TRAIL, STREET LBGHTING & APPURTENANCES - -' -_ - - "AVE 8 ADDRESS LEGAL.OESCRiTION - - - - SANRARYSEWER OF PROPERTY OWNER_ ADDITION-OR SU601VISION - _ UH 'FEET ASSESSMENT 5461.15 SANITARY SEWER COSTNNR -SOUTH FORK 1b WATEPMAIN C057AINR• SOUTH FORK M1GE STORM SEWER COSTNNIT -SOUTH FORK RIDGE E0 -00 COtIPIfTEO aV: J E9ERG $1.01 CHECKED av: P- VANOER vEEN $0.00 STREET CONSTPUCf10N C0STAlN1T -SOUTH FORK RIDGE NUMBER OF YEARS: tv INTEREST RATE 1ST HEARING:0 .V2004 .. -- -<_, -• :'.- . WATERMAIN - STDFWSEW6R. ASSESSMENT= - ASSESSMENL =_ 2ND HEARING: 0&1012009 _- STREET: OTAL- PEST0RA?10R- DEFERRED_ ; _ASSE NBIT -: ASSESSMENT -. _ =TOT _. -' ::ACTIVE ' - -ASSESSMENT - ADOPTED: ACCT. NO. CTTV %D NO. COUNTY P ID NO. 64 23.455.0140 07- 116 -29 -09 -0340 Darrel Fan Deveopment 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Property Address: Lot 14, Block 1, Goulhtark Ri 1 5461 -15 50.00 50.00 .W 50.00 5461.15 23.455 -0150 Darrel Farr Development Property Address: 65 07- 116 - 23-09 -599- 176 Hamel Rd Harrel MN 55346 LM 15, Bock 1, Southfork Ridge 1 5 461.1$ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5461,15 23.4559160 Darrel Fam Development Property Address: 66 07-116-29-09-0360 178 Hamel Rd Hamel I.tN 55346 Lo116. Blotl< 1, SwttilOdl Ridge 1 $461.15 $0.00 $O.CO 50 -00 $0.00 5461 -15 67 23.455.0170 07- 116 -29- 09-0370 Darrel Fa`r Development 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Properly Address: Lot 17, Block 1, Soulhtnrk Ridge 1 5461.15 50.00 $0 -00 $0.00 50.00 Td61 -15 68 23.455 -0180 07116 -29 -030380 Darret Farr DeveopneM 178 Hamer Rd Hamel MR 55346 Property Addr,ass: Lo11. Block 2, SaAhiork Ridge 1 1.15 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $461.15 23455.0190 Camel Fan Oevebpment Property Addrem 69 07- 116 -29- 09-03790 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Lot 2, BIN* 2, Soulhfork Ridge 1 $461.15 .W 50,00 so-Do . so-Do . 5461.15 $0 00 50.00 5461.1$ 70 23.455.0200 07116- 28-09-0400 Darrel Farr Devslopmera 176 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Properly Address: LM 3, Block 2, Soufterk Ridge 1 $ 461.15 50.00 50.00 71 23.455.0210 07416 -29-08 -0410 Darrel Fan Development 178 Hamel Rd Hamef MN 55346 Property Address: Lot 4, Bock 2, Southfork Ridge 7 $461 -15 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 Sd -00 7.15 23.455.0220 Darrel Farr pevebpmenl Properly Address: 72 07- 116-29-09-0420 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Lot 5, Block 2. Saulhlork RI 1 5461.15 50.00 $0 -06 $0,00 $0.00 $461.15 23 6559230 Darrel Fan Develapnerd Props Address: 73 074115el amel Rd MN 55346 Lot 6. Block 2, Sou&ktk e 1 1.15 $0.00 50.00 $0 -00 .OD $461.15 23.455l Farr Deve erH Property Address: 74 07- 11el MOM430 amel Rd MN 55316 Lol 7. Block 2. Saahiotk R' 5461.15 50.00 50.00 75 23.455l 07416 -29.09 -0950 Farr DeveopmerR amel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Property Atldreas: Lot S, BUCk 2, S0u0 fock Ridge 1 5461.15 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 5461.15 76 23.455.0260 07- 116 - 29-09 -0460 Camel Fan Oevebpment 17R Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55345 Property Address : Lo[ 9, Bkai 2, Saulhbrk R' 1 $461 -15 MOO $0.00 50.00 $OHO 1 -15 ca-cmrumvu , rrriw. w qm,nnv, ,F R DF In CONiPILEDBY: ERVEEN COMPUTED BY: EBERG ASSESSMENT ROLL NO -5079 • LETTING NO. CYPROJECT NO. 03-03 SUPPLEM EN"At AGREEMENT NO.1 TO LETTING NO. 5MROJECT NO, 0&12 JEFFERSON ST SE- JEFFERSON CT SE TO TORONTO AVE BE BY CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER S SERVICES, WATFRMAIN 6 SERVICES, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURB 6 GUTTER, BRUMINOUS RASE A SURFACING, SIDEWALK, TRAIL, STREET LIGHTrNG 6 APPURTENANCES W NAME &ADDRESS LEGALDESCPTION SAN ER ITARYSEW OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDRION OR SOBDN1910N FEET ASSESSMENT $451.15 SANTTARY SEWER COSTARIfT- SOUTH FORKPo $O.OU WATERNAfN COSTNNR -SOUTH FOR TADGE STORM SEWER COSTANR - SOVTN FORK RIDGE CHECKED BY: P. VANDER VEEN 90.00 SOA0 STREET CONBTRUCI70N C09TIUMT- SOUTH FORK ROME NUMBER OF YEARS: 10 MrrEREST RATE: 1ST HEARING: 0 4 71 3720 0 4 WATERMAN STORNSEWEII ASSESSMENT - ASSESSMENT -- ZND HEARING: OWTN2004 STREEY _`_: -TOTAL : - NE5TORATgH REFERRED - ASSESSMENT - ASSESSMENT .TOTAL ' ACTIVE ASSESSMENT ADOPTED: ACCT. CrrY PIG NO- ND- LGVMY RD NO 23.455 -9270 G2Frel Farr Gavelopmerrt Property Address: 77 07 -116- 29-09-0470 17B Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Lot 10, Block 2, Soulhfork Ridge I WAS 50.00 SD -00 $0.00 $0.00 5461.15 23.455.0280 Darrel Farr Dereklpment Property Address: 78 07. 116.29-09-0480 176 Hamer Rd Hamel MN 55346 Lot 11, Bhck 2, S"Work Ridge 1 yWTAS $0.00 $0.00 SOHO $D.OD 5461.15 23.455.0290 0.arrel Farr Derebpmen[ Property Address: 79 07 -1 T6 -29-09 -0490 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 LN 12, Block 2, Spolhtork Ridge 1 $461.15 $O.CO 50.00 $0.00 S0-00 5461,15 23- 455.0.300 Darrel Farr Derelopmeni PrOoorrV A[5dress 80 07-1145-29.09.0500 178 'Hamel Hamel MN 55346 Lot 73. Black 2, SoulMOrk Ridge 1 5461.15 $0.00 $0.00 SO -00 $0.00 5461.15 23 455.0.310 Darrel Fan IM7,l pment Property Address: 81 07415 -29- 09-0550 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Lol 14, Rbc � 2, Ga ftyled Ride 1 1.15 $0.00 E0.00 50.00 SO.DO $461.15 23 455.0320 Darrel Fart OevetOpmenl Property Address 82 07- T16 -29- 09,0520 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 W 15, Bbck 2, SoliMrk Ridge 1 $461.15 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 5461 -35 23.455 -0330 Darrel Farr Devebpmwd Property Address: 93 07- 116 -29- 09.0530 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Lot 16, BR 2, SoiAhfork Rkige 1 $461.15 I SOHO SO.00 $0.00 $O.Oo 61.15 23.455.0340 Darrel Fan ceveklpmenl Property Address 84 07- 116 -29- 09.0540 179 Harnel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Lol 17, Bbck 2, Sou!Wr k Ridge 1 $461.15 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 5461 -15 23.455 -0350 Darrel Farr T;,avekpmeDt Property Address: 85 07- 11629- 09-0550 775 Hamel Rd M Hamel N 55346 Lot 18, Bbck 2, S uthfork Ridge 1 $461 -15 $0.00 $0 -00 $0.00 .OD $461.15 96 23.455 -0360 07- 116 - 29-09-0560 Darrel Farr Dave M 176 Hama1 Rd Hamel NN 55346 Pmpa Address: Ld 19, Block 2, SaAMork R' 1 7.15 50.00 50.00 $0.00 5c.00 &161.15 23- 455.0370 Darrel Fart O welopmerK Props Address: 1.15 87 07- 116 - 2911.9-0570 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 LOI 20, Bbc1r 2. So bk*k R 1 5461. F5 50.00 .00 $0.00 $0.00 23.455.0380 carrel Farr Dave end Pro Address: 68 07- 11629 -09-OW 17B Hamel Rtl Hamel MN 55346 LOt 1, ll r 3. SputMOrk Ri 1 5461 -15 E0.00 .00 50.00 50.00 7.15 23.455.0390 Darrel Farr DousbWent Propery Address: 89 07.116.29-08-0590 17B Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Lot 2, BbGk 3 SoWhfork R' 1 346115 50.00 f0 -00 $0.00 .00 $461.15 SA-50741'XXN LETTING NG "-WAGE 7 O 10 VR J COMPILED BY: R VEEN ASSESSMENT ROIL NO. 5070 . LETTING NO. OSIPROJECT NO. 04 -OS � SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 1 TO LETTING No. SlPROJECT NO. 03 -12 .JEFFERSON ST Sr - JEFFERSON CT SE TO TORONTO AVE BE BY CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER 6 SERVICES, WATERMAIN d SERVCES, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, BITUMNJOUS BASE S SURFACING, SIDEWALK, TRAIL, STREET LrGKnNG 8 APPURTENANCES NAME b ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION SANRARYSEWER OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDITION OR SUBONISKIN UNTJ FEET I ASSESSMENT $461.15 SANRARY SEwEFr COSTAJNR- SOUTH FORK RIDG $0.00 WATEPAIAM COSTIUNR- 5011TH PoPN RIDGE STORM SEWER COSTAIIIir -SOUTH FORK RIDGE COMPUTED BY: J OEBERG S11.00 CHECKED BY: R VANDER VEEN $0.00 STREET OONSTRUCTIDN COSTAAOT - SOUTH FORK RIDGE NUMBER OFYEARS: 10 INTEREST RATE: 1ST HEARING: Odfl W2004 - WATERMAN STORMSEWER ASSESSLIENT ASSESSMENT _ 2ND HEARING: 08111 O7009 : STREET . TOTAL - RESTOAATKM DEFERRED -- ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT TDIAL ' - ACTIVE - - - ASSESSMENT ADOPTED: ACCT. no. CRY PRO NO. COUNTY PID NO. 23.455.0400 Darrel Far Devebpinent Property Address: 90 07116- 2909-0600 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Lot 3, Block 3, Bo ulhfork Rldge I E461.15 $0.00 $000 EO.00 50.00 5461 15 23.455.0410 Oerrel Farr Developmerd Properly Address: 91 07-[15- 29- 09-D610 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Lot 4, WoO 3. SmAhlork Ridge 1 $461.15 $0.00 $6.00 $0.00 SO.OU 5461.15 21455.0420 Ua•rel Farr Development Properly Add r;as: 92 07- 116 -29-09 -0620 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Lol 5. Block 3, SoNMOrk Ridge 7 5 461.15 50.00 50.00 30.00 30 -00 5461.15 93 23.455 -0430 07- 116-29 -09 10630 Darrel Fan Devebpmen[ 178 Hamel Rd Hamel -M"553413 Properly Address: Lot 1, Bb& 4, Seuthfork Ridge 1 $461.15 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 SO.00 1 15 23.455.0440 5-a,j Farr Development Property Address: 30.00 $461.15 94 07 -116- 29-09 -0640 176 Hamel Rtl Hamel MN 55346 Lol 2, Block A. SoUlMork Ridge 1 S46t,75 50.00 50.06 SO.00 95 23.455.0450 07- 116 - 29-09 -0650 Darrel Fan Developmen 176 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 goper" Address: Lot 3. Bbck 4, :ipAhfork Ridge 1 $461.15 50.00 .00 $0.00 so OD 546F.15 96 23.455.0460 07116 -29- 09-0660 Darrel Fan UeYehpment 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Property Address: Lot 4, Black 4, Southlork Ridge 1 1.15 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $461.15 97 23- 455.0470 07- 116- 29- 09 -D670 Darrel Farr Devoopmerd Rd 55346 Properly Address: LW 5, Bock A. SWAM -sk Ridge 1 5461.15 so-Do . so-Go . 93.00 so-on . $461.15 96 23.455.0480 07- 716 -29 -09 -068 OevelepRlent l Rd 55146 =RdL(A Prope . Address: tnt 6. Bbdr 4, Sauthfark Ritlge 1 5451.35 $U.OL1 $0.00 0.00 50.00 5461.15 23-45S.0490 r Development Property Address: 99 07- 116-29-09 -0690 r Rd Hamel MN 55346 LW 1, Block 5, Sou"ork ROg& 1 5461.15 50.00 50.00 SU.UD _DO $461.15 SG.W $0.00 50.00 5461.15 100 23.455.0600 07- 116 - 29-09 -0700 Darrel Fan Devabpmem 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Pfopemy Address: Let 2, Block 5. Bouthfork R 1 $461.15 $0.00 23.455.0510 07- 11R -29-M -0710 Oanel Farr DerelopmeM 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Property Address: Lail 3, Block S. SaPhlork Ridge 1 5461.15 EO.00 $O.00 .00 10.00 9451.15 101 23,455.0520 07.116.29-09 -0720 IDameP Fan DeYebpOlen[ 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 PICpa rty Address: Lot 4, -'k5 SouBdOrk Rld9e 1 $467.15 S0.0U $0.00 $0.00 ,00 $461,15 102 cncn'm rc W.•In%".RWkPF R(IF 40 bin iWAWP4CF9 OF 10 ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5070 LETTING NO. 03MROJECT NO. 0403 SUPpLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. TO LETTING NO. SrPRO.IECT NO. 03 -12 JEFFERSON ST BE - JEFFERSON CT SE TO TORONTO AVE BE BY CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER & SERWCES, WATERMAIN S SERVICES, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, BRUNINOUS BASE & SURFACING, SIDEWALI(, TRAIL, STREET LIGHTING & AP1>IIRTENANCES NAME &ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET OF PROPERTY OWNER AODTION OR SDBONSION U FEET ASSESSMENT $28.00 UTILTY& STREET COSTlFF.52543.08 COMPILED BY: ER VEEN COMRJTED BY: J RODEBERG S7,moo SANITARY SEWER COSTAI IT $4,400.00 WATERMAIN COSTfUNT CHECKED BY: P. VANDER VEEN $47.53 EDMONTONAVECOSLFF NUMBER OF YEARS: 10 INTEREST RATE: 7ST HEARING: 0413@004 SANRAR'l SEWER WATERMAIN ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT EDNMONTON ING: Oef7 U ALL - STREET DEFERRED _ ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT- .. TOTAL - = ACTIVE - AS$ESSNEIR- ASSESSMENT- ADOPTED: ACCT. NO. LILY RD NO. COUNTY P� NO. Louis & Ocrolh ZRnatl1 1410 Je7rema SI SE Tfu nson MN 55350 Wade A 8 Tams J RoE 1440 Jefferson S[ SE Hulchiman MN 55350 TngNAr R &Rebecca AAxecM 1450 Jefferson 51 SE Hutrhlnsan MN 55350 Property Address. 14TO Jefferson St SE 2 AC of Ld 24, AU0110s Plat Ld t5. Auditors Plat SWon U7 -1 T6'29 2.00 Acres Property Address: 144DJeNerson SI SE 1 ] AC Tract or Let 241 Audilcrs P., d Lot 15, AUdllors Plat Section 07- S75 -29 Property Address- 1450 Jefferson Si SE Lot 24 E %3.50 Apes, Audilore Pla[ d Lot 15, Auditors Plal Sedan 07116 -29 20.5 Acres 1 1 1 150 250 523.72 56.700.00 53,500.00 S17,164.16 EO -O0 E7,800.00 S7, BOO .DO $4.400.00 .400.00 $4,400.00 $O.00 50.00 Deierred 1193.07 FF $56.711.37 - -_ - -- - -• - $O.OQ == - -: Deferred w1Nr - - ennelned.: = "521,7Oq.00% - oM I a" MAId & developed =- 586:07153 _. Deterred uMD 511,100.00 Sao S0.03 23.224.0240 110 07116 -29- 09-0020 07116-29-09-000.9 111 06.052.0130 112 06.052.0150 07.176 -29- 09-0001 Glen D 8 Pamela N HoeAc 1395 Jefferso0 Rd SE HWChImm MN 55350 Prope.ly Address: 1399 JeNarson Rd SE La! 1, Black 1, Hcumf Addition 1 15257 56,771.96 57,800.00 54.400.00 .00 enmyd $18,971.96 - DBlenvd ump- - SD.00 113 06964.0070 174 07- 116 -29- 09-0002 06.064.0020 Steven 8 Sheila Hendricks 1425 JeNersd+Rd SE Hu[rfiinsan MN 55350 N'operry Address: 1425 Jefferson Rd SE Lot 2.13brk 1, Houk's Addttion 1 I15.n 54,927.88 57,800.00 $4,400.00 50.00 - - en""d. = d,Sl7,'12I.88: °- .00 SUBTOTAL - - - - - - = 545,064.00' - _531,20@06 - - - =$22 - -- - -_ 55&711.37 -.- = StA3.Si5.3T - -- "S7 },700.06 - ='r" TOTAL • ASSESSMENT ROLL NO, SWO - LETTING N0.31PRQI ECT NO. 04-03 -- SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. I TO LETTING NO. S'PROJEGT'N0. 03-12 TOTAL OF ACTIVE AND DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS F - 5131,891.02 - - < -531 200.06 - - DDD-DD - 556,3'1i:3I - = -- S7_ .3T _ E9T92F.02- RESOLUTION NO. 12469 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5070 LETTING NO.3 /PROJECT NO. 04 -03 WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on the 13th day of July, 2004, the Director of Engineering was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost improvement of Jefferson Street SE from Jefferson Court SE to Toronto Avenue by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk, trail, street lighting and appurtenances, and WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 10th day of August 2004, in the Council Chambers at Hutchinson City Center at 6:00 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 2. The City Administrator is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, . and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearing. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Administrator, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by November 15th, 2004. He may at anytime thereafter, pay to the City Administrator, the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. Adopted by the Council this 27th day of July, 2004. City Administrator Mayor 5 `�, RESOLUTION NO. 12490 NRESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT LETTING NO.2 PROJECT NO. 04 -02 SW AREA TRUNK SANITARY SEWER — PHASE 3 Whereas, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the furnishing of all labor and material for the improvement of SW Area Trunk Sanitary Sewer — Phase 3 — Target Area to Ravenwood by construction of trunk sanitary sewer and appurtenances and bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Bidder Amount Bid Rickert Excavating Inc of Brownton MN $156,870.20 Mid States Utilities of Slayton MN $198,796.60 Northdale Construction Co. of Rogers MN $208,520.48 R & R Excavating of Hutchinson MN $209,162.20 Duininck Bros Inc of Prinsburg MN $224,124.60 LaTour Construction of Maple Lake MN $252,331.60 and whereas, it appears that Rickert Excavating of Brownton MN is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: • 1. The mayor and city administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Rickert Excavating of Hutchinson MN, in the amount of $156,870.20 in the name of the City of Hutchinson, for the improvement contained herein, according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the Director of Engineering. 2. The Director of Engineering is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed, and the deposit of the successful bidder shall be retained until satisfactory completion of the contract. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 27th day of July 2004. City Administrator 0 Mayor 0 � � C 0 N S U L T I N G GROUP, INC. • F- r-I .-A Transportation I Civil • Structural • Environmental • t'lanninl, • Traffic • landscape Architecture • Parking • Right of Way SRF No. 0024666 0120 July 23, 2004 Mr. John P. Rodeberg, P.E. Director of Engineering/Public Works CITY OF Hu'rciIINSON I 1 1 Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mr. Rodeberg: SUBJECT: SOUTHWEST AREA TRUNK SANITARY SEWER, PHASE, 3 CITY PROJLc'r No. 04 -02 LE'I -r1NG No. 2 Sealed bids were received 1'or the referenced project on Friday, July 23, 2004, at the Hutchinson City Hall. A total of six (6) bids were received. All bids have been reviewed and checked and are tabulated below: E'NGINEER'S ]ESTIMATE $ 268,013.00 A complete bid tabulation is enclosed with this letter. The low bid is substantially below the Engineer's Estimate and other bidders. The bid was discussed with the Contractor after the bid opening. The Contractor slated that within the next week when they complete the project they 5�n) CONTRACTOR TOTAL BID 1) Rickert Excavating, Inc $ 156,87020 2) MidStates LJtilitics $ 198,796.60 3) Northdale Construction $ 208,520.48 4) R & R Excavating, Inc. $ 209,162.20 5) Duininck Bros. Inc. $ 224,124.60 6) LaTour Construction, Tnc. $ 252,331.60 E'NGINEER'S ]ESTIMATE $ 268,013.00 A complete bid tabulation is enclosed with this letter. The low bid is substantially below the Engineer's Estimate and other bidders. The bid was discussed with the Contractor after the bid opening. The Contractor slated that within the next week when they complete the project they 5�n) • Mr. John P. Rodeberg, P -E- - 2 - July 23, 2004 are working on, they have no other work- They had been second or third lower bidder on other recent proposals. They needed to make sure that they were the low bidder on this project and are satisfied with their bid. They want to start construction as soon as possible. Rickert Excavating, Inc., the apparent low bidder, has constructed similar projects for the City. We recommend the Contract be awarded to the apparent low bidder Rickert Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $156,870.20. Sincerely, SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Fred G. Moore, RE Senior Associate FGM /tit . Enclosure cc: Quentin Larson, City of Hutchinson Jim Dvorak, SRF SRF: Vol3 r11r Civil r047r4666rDOCLeffe, C�lyoj7f,,teltinso jO7- 23- Od.doe JCm) U 11 Martin McLeod County Historical Society McLeod 380 School Road North Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Mcleod Phone: (320) 587 -2109 f8134860 county E -mail: asa @hutchtel.net July 15, 2004 Hutchinson City Council 111 Hassan St. SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 i.e.: Park Elementary Public Hearing Dear Council Members, The McLeod County Historical Society Mission Statement: Dedicated to connecting with the past, understanding the present, and making informed choices about the future by finding, preserving, explaining, and sharing McLeod County History. Therefore, the Board of Directors of the McLeod County Historical Society would like to see historical buildings within the county preserved, including "Park Elementary ". Sincerely, Elizabeth Schwarze President ES /rs cc: Steve Cook 'kLo cf) (a) r L J TO: City Council, City of Niatchinson FROM; Sandra and Archie Kucera, 886 Elm Street DATE; July 17, 2001 SUBJECT: kesponse to Publication No. 7231 Our response to this issue is why don't yom give the entire property to the school district or if that is not legal, sell it to them for one dollar. By keeping the 6 acres, all you will create is more lawyer fees in the future. The city has done very well with parka and the loss of this 6 acres will never be noticcd. Please give the entire package of land to the school district. • Sincerely, JLY4e,� 1l..Le� Sandra 1. K'acera p�D. Kucera UrC� E RECEIVED JUL 2 2 2004 of Hutchinson 7- C� 1 i f Ok a — f° . w sa c� L� c4 c@ AYt cc (a) City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Results of Bond Sale July 27, 2004 $4,070,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2004A Low Bidder Wells Fargo Brokerage Services, LLC Minneapolis, MN 'True Interest state 3.6831% Number of Bids 7 Rating XLCA Insured (Moody' s Aaa ) Range of Bids 3.6831% - 3.8494% Total Debt Service Estimated' Results of 'Sale Principal Amount $4,070,000 $4,070,000 Discount Allowance $48,8401 $43,505 Cost of Issuance $34,000 $29,580 Coupon Interest $1,237,240 $1,008,863 Coupon bates 2.20% - 4.70% 2.00% - 4.00% True Interest Rate 4.50% 3.6831% Council Action Adopt: "Resolution Relating to $4,070,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2004A; Authorizing the Issuance, Awarding the Sale, Fixing the Form and Details, Providing for the Execution and Delivery Thereof and the Security Therefor and Levying Ad Valorem Taxes for the Payment Thereof Attachments ■ Bid 'Tabulation ■ Revised Sources and Uses of Funds With Debt Schedule Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. q (a) "INAL City of Hutchinson, MN Cashflew Schedule E H L E , ATE ERS Prepared by Ehlers & ksociates. Inc. 7/27/2004 Bond Information Proposed G.O. Bands, Series 2004 Assessment Revenue Assessment Revenue Dated Date 812412004 Par Amount of Bonds 4,070,000 2004 projects 2003 Projects 1st Interest Pymt 2f112005 State Aid 528,776 Assessment Amt 1,966,129 AssiessmentAml' 404,670 1st Principal Pymt 2/1/2006 Collected Speclal Assassm ents 57,989 Rate 4.70% Rate 4.33° Sewer 471,161 Start Year (Collection) 2005 Start Year (Collection) 2004 Averave05upan 3.5201% Water 105,387 Tenn 10 Tenn 0 TIC 3.6832% Estimated Interest Earnings - Construction Fund 6,500 Calcuation Method Equal Pnn Calculation Itlethod Equal Prin NIC 3.6719% Total Sources 5,339,813 ' 1st year Assessment of $$7,969 Original Issue Discount (DID) 10,923 already collected and will be used to Total Underwriters Discount (1.2i](Y3e) 32,583 reduce per anourd fcr Series 2004 Costs of Issuance 29,579 Deposit to Project Construction Fund 5.252,486 Rounding Am punt 14,242 Total Uses 5,339,813 Proposed Levy Levy Collect Payment Net P dr t Total Total Total Maw Debt Existing Total Year Year Date Principal Rate Interest P&1 +6.00% principal interest Assessmt Principal Interest Ass"tint Revenue Only Levy Levy 81112003 - - - - - 2303 2004 1213112(104 - - 1,421,600 1,421,600 2304 2005 12+3112006 270,000 2.00% 121,106 391,106 410.661 (196,613) (92,408) {289,021] (40,487) (15,770) (56,237) (345,258) 66,403 1,341,926 1,407,329 2705 2006 12131/2006 175,000 2.00% 125,075 300,075 315,079 (196,613) (83.,167) (279,780) (40,457) (14,018) (54,485) (334,265) (19.186) 1,476,876 1,476,876 20D5 2007 121'3112007 240,000 2.2°% 120,625 360,625 378.656 (196,613) (73,926) (270,539) (40,457) (12,266) (52.733) (323,272) 55,384 1,347,884 1,403,268 2707 2008 1213112008 175,000 2.75% 115,519 290,519 305,045 (196,613) (64,686) (261,299) (40,457) (10,513) (50,980) (312,279) (7,234) 1,411,503 1,411,503 2008 2009 12131/2009 195,000 3.00% 110,168 305,188 320,447 (196,613) (55,445) (252,058) (40,457) (%761) (49,228) (301,286) 19,`61 1;379,152 1,398,313 2009 2010 12/3112010 180.000 3.13% 104,450 284,450 298,672 (196,613) (46,204) (242,817) (40,467) (7,009) (47,476) (290,293) 8,380 1,387,471 1.395,851 2010 2011 1213112011 300,000 3:30% 9[3,686 396,688 416,522 (19Ct613) (36,963) (233,576) (40,457) (5,257) (45,724) (279,300) 137,222 1,040,128 1,177,350 2011 2012 12(3112012 505,000 3.40% 81,453 585,453 720,77'_ (196,613) (27,22) (224,335) (40,457) (3,504) (43,971) (268.307) 452,468 3r4,266 816,734 2012 2013 1213112013 605,000 3.50% 80,580 665,580 698,859 (196,613) (18,482) (215,095) (40,457) (1,752) (42,219) (257,314) 441,545 328,465 770,010 2013 2614 12(3112014 555,000 360% 40.009 595,003 624,753 (196,613) (9.241) (205,854) - - - (205.854) 418,899 327,969 746,868 21714 2015 112f3112011 315,000 3.75% 24.100 339,106 356,062 356,062 332,773 688,835 2015 2016 1213112015 455,000 4.00% 9,100 464,100 487,305 - - - - - - - 487,305 181,900 669,205 4,070,000 1008,691 5,078,69 5.332,835 1,966,.123 '508,244 2,474,373 .364203 78,850 443,053 2,91',426 14783,742 Prepared by Ehlers & ksociates. Inc. 7/27/2004 BID TABULATION $4,070,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2004A CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SALE: July 27, 2004 AWARD: WELLS FARG© BROKERAGE SERVICES, LLG RATING: XLCA Insured Mood 's Investors Service "Aaa" * BBI: 4.84% NET TRUE NAME OF BIDDER MATURITY RATE REOFFERING PRICE INTEREST INTEREST (February 1 ) YIELD COST DATE WELLS FARGO BROKERAGE SERVICES, LiLC Minneapolis, Minnesota PIPER JAFFRAY & CO. Minneapolis, Minnesota 2005 2.000 %Q 1.400 %0 2006 2.000 % 1.900 %m 2007 2.250 %n 2.250% 2008 2.750% 1650% 2009 3.000% 2.900 %0 2010 1125 %a 3.100% 2011 3.300% 3.300% 2012 3,400% 3,450% 2013 3,500% 3.600% 2014 3.600 % 3x700% 2015 3.750 % 3.850% 2016 4,000% 4.000% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 3.000% 3.000% 3.000 % 3.000% 3.400 %0 3.100% 3.300% 3.400% 3,600% 3.700% 3.850% 4.000% " XLCA Insurance purchased by Webs Fargo Brokerage Services, LLC. $4,026,494.55 $1,052,38774 3.6831% $4,046,384.30 $1,055,440.62 3,6851% E H LE RS L E A [7 E 5 I N P 8 L I C E 1 N A N C E 3060 Centre Pointe drive. , Roseville, MN 55113 -1105 8 ASSOCIATES I N C 651.697.8500 fax 651- 597.8555 www.ehlefs -inc -corn Offices in Rosev0e, MN, Brookfield, M and Naperville, 1L $4,070,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2004A Page 2 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota 0 NET TRUE NAME OF BIDDER MATURITY RATE REOFFERING PRICE INTEREST INTEREST (February 1) YIELD COST RATE FIRST TRUST PORTFOLIOS L.P. 2005 2.500% $4,021,294.35 $1,081,161.10 3.7897% Lisle, Illinois 2006 2.500% 2007 2.500% 2008 2.750% 2009 3.000% 2010 3.250% 2011 3.375% 2012 3.500% 2013 3.650% 2014 3.750% 2015 3.875% 2016 3.875% GRIFFIN, KUBIK, STEPHENS 2005 3.250% $4,044,338.10 $1,087,060.94 3.8000% & THOMPSON, INC. 2006 3.250% Chicago, Illinois 2007 3.250% 2008 3.250% 2009 3.375% 2010 3.500% 2011 3.500% 2012 2013 3.500% 3.600% 2014 3.800% 2015 4.000% 2016 4.000% UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. 2005 2.250% $4,054,299.40 $1,093,704.59 3.6108% Chicago, Illinois 2006 2.250% 2007 2.250% 2008 3.000% 2009 3.000% 2010 3.500% 2011 3.500% 2012 3.500% 2013 4.000% 2014 4.000% 2015 4.000% 2016 4.000% • $4,070,000 General Obligation Improvement Bands, Series 2004A City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Page NET TRUE NAME OF BIDDER MATURITY RATE REOFFERING PRICE INTEREST INTEREST (February 1 ) YIELD COST RATE FTN FINANCIAL CAPITAL MARKETS Memphis, Tennessee STERNE, AGEE & LEACH, ING, Nashville, Tennessee 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 20'16 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2415 2016 2,250% 2.500% 2.650% 2.650% 2.900% 3.150% 3.350% 3.500% 3.650% 3.750% 3.950% 4.000% 3.500% 3.500% 3.500% 3.500% 3.500% 3.500% 3.500% 3.500% 3.750% 3,800% 4.0^40°/ 4.000% $4,021,160.00 $1,087,920.54 3,8116% $4 „443,536.09 $1,100,487.71 3.8494% City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Results of Bond Sale July 27, 2004 $285,000 General Obligation Equipment Certificates, Series 2004B Low Bidder United Bankers' Bank Bloomington, MN True Interest Rate 3.0630 % Number of Bids 3 Rating Moody's A3 Range of Bids 3.3554 % - 3.0630% Total Debt Service Estimated* Results of Sale Principal Amount $285,000 $285,000 Discount Allowance $1,840 $1,781 Cost of Issuance $6,200 $6,219 Coupon Interest $22,120 $19,421 Coupon Rates 2.20% - 3.60 % $2.00 % - 3.15% True Interest Rate 3.4547% 3.4630 %o Council Action Adopt; "Resolution Relating to $285,000 General Obligation Equipment Certificates, Series 2004B; Authorizing the Issuance, Awarding the Stile, Fixing the Form and Details, Providing for the Execution and Delivery Thereof and the Security Therefor and Levying Ad Valorem Taxes for the Payment Thereof Attachments ■ Bid Tabulation ■ Revised Sources and Uses of Funds With Debt Schedule Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. q (�,-) City of Hutchinson, MN $285,000 G.O. Equipment Certificates August 24, 20 04 Dated I FINAL Debt Service Schedule Fiscal Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +1 T ©tai 08124/2004 - - - - 02/01/2005 60,000.90 2.000% 3,170.53 63,170.53 - 08/01/2005 - 3,035.00 3,035.00 - 12131/2005 - - - - 66,205.53 02/01/2006 55,000,100 2,250% 3,035.00 58,035.00 - 08/0112000 - 2 416.LS 2,416.25 1213112006 - - - 60,451.25 021U1110U7 55,10100.00 2.500% 2,416.25 57,416.25 - 08/0102007 - - 1,728.75 1,728.75 12/31/2007 - - - - 59,145.00 02/0102008 55,000.00 2.850% 1,728.75 56,728.75 - 08/0112008 - 945.00 945.00 1213I02008 - 57,573.75 02/0102009 60,000.00 3.150% 945.00 60,945.00 - 12/31/2009 - - - 60,945.00 Total $285,000.00 - $19,420.53 $304,420.53 - Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $694.29 Average Life 2.436 Years Average Coupon 2.7971717% Net Interest Cost (NIQ 3,0537281% True Interest: Cost (TIC) 3.0630877% Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 17919932% All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 4.0311323% IRS Farm 8038 Net interest Cost 2.7471717% Weighted Average Maturity 2.436 Years Ser 04 $277K Net Equipmen I SINGLE PURPOSE 1 7!2712004 1 12:04 PM BID TABULATION $285,000 General Obligation Equipment Certificates, Series 2004B CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SALE: July 27, 2004 AWARD: UNITED BANKERS' BANK RATING: Mood 's Investors Service "AT' BB I: 4.84% NET TRUE NAME OF BIDDER MATURITY RATE REOFFERING PRICE INTEREST INTEREST (February 1) YIELD COST RATE UNITED BANKERS' BANK Bloomington, Minnesota CRONIN & COMPANY, INC, Minneapolis, Minnesota N ER JOHNSON STEICHEN KINNARD INVESTMENT SECURITIES, INC. Minneapolis, Minnesota 2005 2 -000 % 2.000 % 2006 2.250 % 2.250% 2007 2.500% 2.500 %© 2008 2.850 % 2.$50% 2009 3.150% 3.150 %Q 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2.000% 2.500 % 3,000% 3.000% 3.500 %a 2.500% 2.250% 3.000% 3.125 % 3.250% $283,218.75 $21,20178 3.0630 %Q $284,992.15 $21,510.84 3.0922 % $283,200.00 $23,202.14 3.3554% E H LE R L E A p E S I P B L I C F I N A N C E 3060 Centre Pointe e Drive, , Roseville, MN 55113-110 5 0 & A S S O C I A T E S I N C 651.697.8500 fax 651 .697.8555 ww+w.ehiers•inc.com Offices in Rosevflfe, MN, Srookfiefd, Nf and Naperville, iL ;v City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Results of Bond Sale July 27, 2004 $625,000 General Obligation Tax Increment refunding Bonds, Series 20;04C Low .Bidder True Interest Rate Number of Bids Rating Range of Bids Cronin & Company, Inc. Minneapolis, Ml's 3.8193% 2 A3 3.8193% - 4.3171 %v Issuance Overview Estimated* Results of Sale Principal Amount $625,000 $615,000 Discount Allowance $10,625 $7,614 Cost of Issuance $15,000 $12,017 Coupon Interest $131,824 $1 20,872 Coupon Rates 2.20 %Q - 4.50% 2.00% - 4.00% True Interest Rate 4.3826 % 3.8193 Savings Present Value $67,440 $87,673 Future Value $93,176 $114,12$ Annual Savings $9,317 per year $11,412 per year Council Action Adopt: "Resolution Relating to $625,000 General Obligation Tax Increment Refunding Bonds, Series 20040; Authorizing the Issuance, Awarding the Sale, Fixing the Form and Details, Providing for the Execution and Delivery Thereof and the Security Therefor and Levying Ad Valorem Taxes for the Payment Thereof Attachments ■ Bid Tabulation ■ Revised Sources and Uses of Funds With Debt Schedule Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. q (6 Hutchinson, MN FINAL - Current Refunding of $723,643.25 G.O. Tax Increment Bonds (CABs) Series 1990 Debt Service Comparison Net New Date Total P +1 DIS Old Net D1S Savi nas 02101/2005 64,147.43 64,147.43 - [64,147.43 02/01/2006 74,875.00 74,575,00 85,000.00 10,125.00 02101x2007 73,500,00 73,500.00 85,000.00 11,500.00 02/01/2008 71,850.00 71,550.00 85,000.00 13,150.00 02/01/2009 75,200,00 75,200.00 85,000.()0 9,800.00 0210 V2010 73,100.00 73,100,00 85,000.00 11,900.00 02/0112011 76,000.00 76,000.00 85,000.00 9,000.00 02/01!2012 73,400.00 73,400.00 85 ^10,U0 11,600,00 02101/2013 75,800.00 75,800.00 85,000,00 9,200.00 U2A) 1!2014 78,000.00 78,C OO,00 85,000.00 7,000.00 02101P2015 85,000.00 85,000.00 Total $735,872.43 $735,872.43 $8550,060.00 $114,127.57 PV Analysis Summa Net to Net Net PV Caslllluw Savings 4.252 °ro AJC 87,672.86 Net Present Value Benefit $87,672.86 Net PV Benettt 1 $600,764 Refunded Princi al 14.594% Net PV Benefit/ $615,000 Refunding Principal 14.256% Refunding Band Information Refunding Dated Date Refunding Delivery Date 04 cur of Ser 90 S723M GO I 'SINGLE PURPOSE 1 7127/2004 1 12:05 PM 8/2412004 812412004 7 Hutchinson, MN FINAL - Current Refunding of $723,643.25 G.O. Tax Increment Bonds (CABs) Series 1990 Debt Service Schedule Fiscal Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+1 Total 08124f2004 - - - 02/01/2005 55,000,00 2,000% 9,147A3 64,147.43 - 08101f2005 - 9,937.50 9,937,510 12/3112005 - - - - 74,084.93 02)01 COO 55,000:00 2.500"10 9,937.50 64,937,50 0810112006 - - 9,250.00 9,250.00 - 12/31/2006 - - - 74,18750 02/01/2007 55,0()000 3.0W/ 9,250.00 64'25mju - 08/01/2007 - 8,425.00 8,425.00 1213112UU-1 - - - - 72,675.00 02/0112008 55,000-00 3.000% 8,425-00 63,425.00 - 08/01/2008 7,600.00 7,60000 - 12/3112008 - - 71,025.00 02/0112009 60,000.00 3-500% 7,600.00 67,60000 - 08/01/2009 - 6,550m 6,550.00 - 12131/2009 - - 74,150,00 02/0112010 60,000.00 3.500% 6,550.00 66,550.00 - 08/01/2010 - - 5,500m 5,500,0() - 1213112010 - - - 72.05000 0210V2011 65,000.00 4,000% 5,500,00 70,500.00 - 08/01/2011 - 4,200.(X) 4700 M) - 1.213112011 - - - - 74,700.00 02/01(2012 65,00000 4-000% 4,200.00 69,200,00 - 08/01/2012 - - 2,900.00 2,90000 121311-)012 - - - 72,100,00 02101!'2013 70,000.00 4000% 2,900.00 72,900.00 08101r2013 1,500.00 12131Q013 - 74.400.00 0210112014 75,000.00 1,500,00 12131t2014 76,500,00 Total $615,000.00 $120,872.43 $735,872.43 Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $3,218-21 Average Life 5.233 Ycars Average Coupon 3.75589200/c Net Interest Cost ff [C) 3,8248431% True Interest Cost (TIC) 3Z193349%_ Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 3.55139070/a All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 4.2524009% IRS Form 8038 Net interest Cost 3,5559650% Weighted Average Maturity 5.234 Years 04 cur of Ser 90 $723K W 1 81 W LE PU R PIOS E 1 712712004 1 12:05 PM Ehlers and Associates, Inc. Leaders in Public Finance BID TABULATION $625,000* General Obligation Tax Increment Refunding Bonds, Series 20040 CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SALE: July 27, 2004 AWARD: CRONIN & COMPANY, INC. RATING: Moody's Investors Service, Inc. "AT' 111313111: 4,84% NET TRUE NAME OF BIDDER MATURITY RATE REOFFERING PRICE INTEREST INTEREST (February 1) YIELD COST RATE CRONIN & COMPANY, INC. 2005 2.000% 1.750% $622,761.85 $125,11322 3.8174% Minneapolis, Minnesota 2006 2.500% 2.100% 2007 3.0000/0 2.500 %e 2008 3.000 % 2.850% 2009 3.500% 3.100% 2010 3.500 % 3.400% 2011 4.000 % 3.650 % 2012 4.000 % 3.750 %0 2013 4.000 % 3.900 %4 2014 4.000% 4.000% IMP r.ER JOHNSON STEICHEN KINNARD 2005 2.000% $617,1$7.50 $141,012.78 43171% I. STMENT SECURITIES, INC. 2006 2.250% Minneapolis, Minnesota 2007 2.500% 2008 3.000% 2009 3.500% 2010 4.0001% 2011 4.000% 2012 4.250% 2013 4.500% 2014 4.750% *Subsequent to bid opening the issue size was decreased to $615,000 with the 2008 maturity decreased $5,000 to $55,000, and the 2012 maturity decreased $5,000 to $65,000 in maturity value. Adjusted Price - $612,781.01 Adjusted Net Interest Cost - $123,091.42 Adjusted TIC - 3.5193% E H LE RS E E 6 D E f2 S N P B L C F N R N{ E 3060 Centre Pointe Drive. rzasevslle, MN 55113 -1105 & A S S O C I A T E S I N C 5 51,69 7,8500 fax 651.697.8555 wvvw.ehlers- inc.com Offices in Rosevafle, MN, Brookfield, Wf and Napervj0e, fL Councilmember introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. __u4&-L_ RESOLUTION RELATING TO $4,070,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2004A; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE, AWARDING THE SALE, FIXING THE FORM AND DETAILS, PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY THEREOF AND THE SECURITY THEREFOR AND LEVYING AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (the City), as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. Authorization. This Council has heretofore ordered various local improvement projects designated as (together, the Improvements), to be constructed within the City under and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. The present estimated total cost of the Improvements is as follows: Project Costs $5,252,486 Contingency 4,487 . Discount 48,840 Cost of Issuance 34,000 TOTALS 3.32$13 This Council has previously determined to issue and sell $4,070,000 principal amount of General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2004A, of the City (the Bonds) to defray a portion of the expense incurred and estimated to be incurred by the City in making the Improvements, including every item of cost of the kinds authorized in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.65, and $48,840 representing interest as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.56. The remaining costs of the Improvements will be paid from City funds and from interest earnings on proceeds of the Bonds. 1.02. Sale of Bonds. The City has retained Ehlers & Associates, Inc., an independent financial advisor, to assist the City in connection with the sale of the Bonds. The Bonds are being sold pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2, paragraph (9), without meeting the requirements for public sale under Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 1. Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions of Sale for the Bonds, sealed bids for the purchase of the Bonds were received at or before the time specified for receipt of bids. The bids have been opened and publicly read and considered, and the purchase price, interest rates and net interest cost under the terms of each bid have been determined. The most favorable proposal received is that of , of , (the Purchaser), to purchase the Bonds at a price of $ the q �a) The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by • Councilmember and upon vote being taken thereon, the following Councilmembers voted in favor thereof: and the following Councilmembers voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, and was signed by the Mayor, which was attested by the City Administrator. • 20 eta) . CERTIFICATION OF MINUTES RELATING TO $625,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2004C Issuer: City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Governing Body: City Council Kind, date, time and place of meeting: A special meeting, held on July 27, 2004 at 5:30 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers at the Hutchinson City Center. Councilmembers present: Councilmembers absent: Documents Attacbed: Minutes of said meeting (pages): 1 through 19 RESOLUTION NO. 12488 RESOLUTION RELATING TO $625,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2004C; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE, AWARDING THE SALE, FIXING THE FORM AND DETAILS, . AND PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY THEREOF AND THE SECURITY THEREFOR I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting recording officer of the public corporation issuing the obligations referred to in the title of this certificate, certify that the documents attached hereto, as described above, have been carefully compared with the original records of said corporation in my legal custody, from which they have been transcribed; that said documents are a correct and complete transcript of the minutes of a meeting of the governing body of said corporation, and correct and complete copies of all resolutions and other actions taken and of all documents approved by the governing body at said meeting, so far as they relate to said obligations; and that said meeting was duly held by the governing body at the time and place and was attended throughout by the members indicated above, pursuant to call and notice of such meeting given as required by law. 2004. (SEAL) • WITNESS my hand officially as such recording officer this day July, Gary D. Plotz City Administrator q (0) 0 issued pursuant to a resolution adopted by the City Council on July 27, 2004 (the "Resolution ") to refund certain of the City's outstanding general obligation tax increment bonds, and is issued pursuant to and in full conformity with the provisions of the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota thereunto enabling, including Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.178 and Chapter 475. The Bonds are payable primarily from tax increments to be derived from a tax increment financing district established by the City (the "District ") which tax increments have been pledged to the payment of the Bonds by the Resolution. In addition, for the full and prompt payment of the principal and interest on the Bonds as the same become due, the full faith, credit and taxing power of the City have not been and are irrevocably pledged. The Bonds are issuable only as fully registered bonds, in denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof, of single maturities. Bonds maturing in the years 2005 through 2011 are payable on their respective stated maturity dates without option of prior payment, but Bonds having stated maturity dates in the years 2012 through 2014 are each subject to redemption and prepayment, at the option of the City and in whole or in part and if in part, in the maturities selected by the City and by lot, assigned in proportion to their principal amount, within any maturity, on February 1, 2011 and on any date thereafter, at a price equal to the principal amount thereof to be redeemed plus interest accrued to the date of redemption. At least thirty days prior to the date set for redemption of any Bond, notice of the call for redemption will be mailed to the Bond Registrar and to the registered owner of each Bond to be redeemed at his address appearing in the Bond Register, but no defect in or failure to give such mailed notice of redemption shall affect the validity of proceedings for the redemption of any Bond, not affected by such defect or failure. Official notice of redemption having been given as aforesaid, the Bonds or portions of Bonds so to be redeemed shall, on the redemption date, become due and payable at the redemption price herein specified and from and after such date (unless the City shall default in the payment of the redemption price) such Bond or portions of Bonds shall cease to bear interest. Upon the partial redemption of any Bond, a new Bond or Bonds will be delivered to the registered owner without charge, representing the remaining principal amount outstanding. The Bonds have been designated by the City as "qualified tax - exempt obligations" pursuant to Section 265(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, a amended. As provided in the Resolution and subject to certain limitations set forth therein, this Bond is transferable upon the books of the City at the principal office of the Bond Registrar, by the registered owner hereof in person or by his attorney duly authorized in writing upon surrender hereof together with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the Bond Registrar, duly executed by the registered owner or his attorney; and may also be surrendered in exchange for Bonds of other authorized denominations. Upon such transfer or exchange, the City will cause a new Bond or Bonds to be issued in the name of the transferee or registered owner, of the same aggregate principal amount, bearing interest at the same rate and maturing on the same date, subject to reimbursement for any tax, fee or governmental charge required to be paid with respect to such transfer or exchange. -3- 0 payment of issuance expenses to Resource Bank & Trust Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota, on the closing date for further distribution as directed by the City's financial advisor, Ehlers & Associates, Inc. Attest: Mayor City Administrator The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember , and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof- and the following voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, and was approved and signed by the Mayor, whose signature was attested by the City Administrator. -19- CERTIFICATION OF MINUTES RELATING TO $285,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004B Issuer: City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Governing body: City Council Kind, date, time and place of meeting: A regular meeting held on July 27, 2004, at 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers at the Hutchinson City Center. Members present: Members absent: Documents attached: Minutes of said meeting including (pages) 1 through 18: RESOLUTION NO. 12489 RESOLUTION RELATING TO $285,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004B; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE, AWARDING THE SALE, FIXING THE FORM AND DETAILS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY THEREOF AND LEVYING AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting recording officer of the public corporation issuing the obligations referred to in the title of this certificate, certify that the documents attached hereto, as described above, have been carefully compared with the original records of the corporation in my legal custody, from which they have been transcribed; that the documents are a correct and complete transcript of the minutes of a meeting of the governing body of the corporation, and correct and complete copies of all resolutions and other actions taken and of all documents approved by the governing body at the meeting, insofar as they relate to the obligations; and that the meeting was duly held by the governing body at the time and place and was attended throughout by the members indicated above, pursuant to call and notice given as required by law. WITNESS my hand officially as such recording officer this day of July, 2004. Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator qc4� This Certificate is one of an issue in the aggregate principal amount of $285,000 (the "Certificates "), issued pursuant to a resolution adopted by the City Council on July 27, 2004 (the "Resolution ") to finance the purchase of various equipment for the City's compost facility and other capital equipment by the City, and is issued pursuant to and in full conformity with the provisions of the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota thereunto enabling, including Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.301 and Chapter 475. For the full and prompt payment of the principal and interest on the Certificates as the same become due, the full faith, credit and taxing power of the City have been and are irrevocably pledged. The Certificates are issuable only as fully registered certificates, in denominations of $5,000 or any multiple thereof, of single maturities. The Certificates are payable on their respective stated maturity dates without option of prior payment. The Certificates have been designated by the City as "qualified tax- exempt obligations" pursuant to Section 265(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. As provided in the Resolution and subject to certain limitations set forth therein, this Certificate is transferable upon the books of the City at the principal office of the Certificate Registrar, by the registered owner hereof in person or by his attorney duly authorized in writing upon surrender hereof together with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the Certificate Registrar, duly executed by the registered owner or his attorney; and may also be surrendered in exchange for Certificates of other authorized denominations. Upon such transfer or exchange, the City will cause a new Certificate or Certificates to be issued in the name of the transferee or registered owner, of the same aggregate principal amount, bearing interest at the same rate and maturing on the same date, subject to reimbursement for any tax, fee or governmental charge required to be paid with respect to such transfer or exchange. The City and the Certificate Registrar may deem and treat the person in whose name this Certificate is registered as the absolute owner hereof, whether this Certificate is overdue or not, for the purpose of receiving payment and for all other purposes, and neither the City nor the Certificate Registrar shall be affected by any notice to the contrary. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED, COVENANTED AND AGREED that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to exist, to happen and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Certificate in order to make it a valid and binding general obligation of the City according to its terms have been done, do exist, have happened and have been performed in regular and due form as so required; that prior to the issuance hereof, the City has levied ad valorem taxes upon all taxable property within the City collectible in the years and amounts required to produce sums not less than five percent in excess of the principal of and interest on the Certificates as such principal and interest respectively become due, and has appropriated the same to the sinking fund in the manner specified in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61; that, in the event of any accumulated or anticipated deficiency in the sinking fund, additional ad valorem taxes are required by law to be levied upon all taxable property in the City without limitation as to rate or amount; and that the issuance of this Certificate does not cause the indebtedness of the City to exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation. -3- q `C) 0 is Attest: Mayor City Administrator The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: and upon vote being taken thereon, the. whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, and was signed by the Mayor, whose signature was attested by the City Administrator. -ls- q (a� CITY OF HUTCHINSON COUNTY OF MCLEOD STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 12486 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS UNDER THE MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT 13Y MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (the "City "), as follows: Section 1. Recitals. The Southwest Minnesota Foundation (the "Corporation "), a Minnesota nonprofit corporation and an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code "), has advised the Board of Commissioners of McLeod County (the "County ") of its desire to finance through the issuance of revenue bonds of the County (the "Bonds ") under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 to 469.165 (the "Act "), all or a portion of the costs of the acquisition of land and the construction and equipping of an approximately 14,000 finished square foot administration building (the "Facility ") thereon by the Corporation (the "Project'). The Facility is proposed to be located at . the corner of Highways 7 and 15 in the City of Hutchinson in the County. Section 2. Authorization and _Approval. For purposes of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.153, Subdivision 3, the City Council hereby approves the issuance of the Bonds by the County to finance the Project. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, the adoption of this resolution shall not be deemed to establish any obligation on the part of the City or this Council to cause the issuance of the Bonds, and the issuance of the Bonds is contingent upon satisfaction of a number of requirements, including the holding of a public hearing in accordance with the Act and the Code, approval of the County and of the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development. The Bonds, if issued, shall not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the City. • R C_h� 0 Adopted on July 27, 2004 by the Hutchinson City Council. Attest: • City Administrator 2 Mayor 96,x) • CFRTIFICATE AS TO RESOLUTION AND ADOPTING VOTE 1, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting City Administrator of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (the "City "), hereby certify that the attached resolution is a true copy of Resolution No. , entitled: "RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS UNDER THE MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT BY MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA" (the "Resolution "), on file in the original records of the City in my legal custody; that the Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City at a meeting on July 27, 2004, and that the meeting was duly held by the City Council and was attended throughout by a quorum; and that the Resolution has not as of the date hereof been amended or repealed. I further certify that upon vote being taken on the Resolution at said meeting, the following Councilmembers voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: and the following abstained from voting thereon or were absent: L WITNESS my hand officially this day of , 2004. City Administrator r-1 L J G (-�) • J M 111 Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55330 (320) 587- 5151/1tax!(320) 234+3240 City of Hutchinson Application for Massage Service License Business Name Ph 1 D /ST 42L NP, Business Address City State License Fee: $150 Operating Year; 4 DO 553 Corporate Information if a licable a 3;�0 - 56V1 [j Corporate Name e hone N mbeer umb 5n* Cor orate Address City State zip Operators (list all individuals involved in giving massage services Owner(s) /Corporate Offiicer(s) (list names and addresses of all persons have a beneficial interest in the business /e oration ) Name: I ti,( amL& re $ ( +t- �l ft% State � � I qTt%- sr_ I e & co State Zip Address City ty State Zip �Cfi F Name: l a l/ IF Address City State Zip 'f necessary, list additional owner (;s /co orate officer(s) ) on a separate sheet ofpaper Lessee (if applicable) Name: Address Cqy State Zi Operators (list all individuals involved in giving massage services Name: Q �a. ress 't) Name: I eneor~ City �l ft% State 5� Zip Address City *If necessary, list additional operators on a separate sheet o a er State Zip C� City of Hutchinson Application for Massage Service Page 2 of 3 Describe Nature of Massage Business and Massage Services Offered Coverage Information (attach public liability insurance policy or certificate of insurance that meets or wits established in Ciry Ordinance 6.43; Subsection 7' Insurance Company Agent's Name RSIT� S RM 0)(w r )qk 5 Address I City State Zip 3-2a -Vg 515 Phone Number Fax Number Have you or any operators been convicted of any crime, misdemeanor, or violation of any municipal ordinance, other than traffic violations? 0 YES NO • If yes, state nature of offense and punishment or penalty therefore: Manager Information (Ordinance 6.43 subsection 6 requires that the manager of the person who is a resident of the City ". please complete the followin confirmin co. Manager Name Manager ecklist (all items must be checked " es" in order for the application to be Eoce The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order for the appL Copy of insurance that meets or exceeds limits established in the ordinance: Application fee paid in full (check or money order): ❑ yes ❑ no Application completed in full and signed: 0 yes 0 no L J ment be "a natural with this ordinance Phone Number ion to be proce, Q yes 0 no Zip CI (� 0 • 11 City of Hutchinson Application for Massage Service Page 3 of 3 I hereby certify that I have completely filled out the entire above application, together and that the application is true, correct, and accurate. I fully understand that any person who violates any provision of the Massage Services Ordinance No. 6.43 is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $500 or by imprisonment for a Pe od not ex ding 90 d s or both, plus, in either case, the costs of prosecution. r' M� �i I Signature afApplicant D e flu L_ ! S_ Own -e 1� Print Name Title NOTE. No application will be forwarded to the City Council unless received one week prior to the regular Council meeting, felled out in completion, and feepayment is attached Building: ❑ approved u Notes: Fire Q approved ❑ denied Notes: Police ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: City Council ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: H:Limme$)AMIiemwtW m5W.dm Hutchinson Fire Department 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson MN 55350 (320) 234 -4211 July 23, 2004 To: Mayor and Council Members From: Brad Emans, HFD Re: Inspection for License to Operate a Massage Center at 10 First Avenue NE The building had just a few relatively minor corrective actions; I have enclosed a copy of the inspection for your review. I am sure the business owner will comply in a timely manor. I recommend approval of the license at this time. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 583 -4483. C, J J �(C) Hutchinson Fire Services 111 Hassan St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 234 -4211 Fire Safety Inspection The White Feather Inc 10 1't Ave NE Hutchinson MN 55350 Property Address: Some Business / Building Name: Same Phone Number: Knox Box: No CODE SUMMARY Date: July 23, 2004 File: #04 -130 . In accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statute 299F.011, Minnesota Uniform Fire Code, Inspection of the above premises was completed and the following violations and/or deficiencies were noted requiring corrective actions: • purchase one five- pound — Type (ABC)fire extinguisher. • Mount fire extinguisher on the wall by the front egress door. • Watch the number items plugged into the power strip. Overloading electrical systems cause f res. • Code requires that all egress doors remain open during regular business hours. The rear door is locked; you may choose to install panic hardware in place of leaving the door unlocked. Your locksmith will be able to assist you with this. Good luck with your new business!! Thank You! This inspcclion has been done to help insure and aid in the safety for you, your employees, and your customers. The fire safety concerns noted above need to be corrected in a timely manner to make sure your building stays as safe as possible. For further assistance, contact the Hutchinson Fire Chief at (320) 134 -4171 Brad Emans, Fire Chief L `vc) • July 12, 2004 We would respectfully like to address the Hutchinson City council, regarding Ordinance 95-162,2 Bd Series subd.6. Resident Manager or Agent. Our names are Kim and Brad Combs, the owners of "The White Feather, Inc." located at Ten 1St Ave. NE. in Hutchinson. We are a new store /center in town which opened July 1, 2004. We have been I residents of Glencoe since May, 2000. The White Feather is a unique shop. One area of our business contains wellness, spiritual and unique Christian, religious retail gifts, tools and products including a room dedicated to self help and spirituality books. There is also another portion o'The White Feather, Inc.' that offers various wellness services. We are specifically addressing the ordinance as it relates to massage therapy with this letter. Due to the uniqueness of `The White leather Inc' and the products and services we offer, we have a very large population of clients from the surrounding communities of Hutchinson and greater Minnesota who have been frequenting our business along with Hutchinson local . residents. We have clients from Litchfield, Eagan, Apple Valley, Eden Prairie and from as far north as Brainerd, and from Northfield to the south. These clients are by default are also spending their money at food establishments in Hutchinson, and the other nearby shops and businesses such as Main Street Antiques and Shopko as well as utilizing the Hutchinson gas stations. In fact, some clients who will be attending weekend classes will also be in need of lodging, therefore the city of Hutchinson and its hotel /motel businesses will also be receiving steady and growing revenue from our clients as our business continues to grow. It would be assumed and appropriate that massage therapy be offered through a center like `The White Feather, Inc.' since our focus is on self -help and based on products and services that promote self -help and wellness. Although we, according to Ordinance No. 95 -162, 2 "d Series, are not eligible to allow any non - resident massage therapist to utilize our facility for such services as it is written today. We feel without massage therapy our clients will seek this service outside of the City of Hutchinson equating to lost revenue not only for us, but also for the other businesses within the City of Hutchinson. Ll 0� (c) Our business was largely set up through the use of the businesses within Hutchinson, such as Menard's, Office Max, Target, to name a few. Additionally we have utilized the services of local contractors. Also now since we are present in Hutchinson a minimum of six days a week, we are frequenting local businesses on a daily basis for our own personal consumption. I know that we are drawing numerous clients to the city that otherwise would not have shopped, eaten or spent time in Hutchinson previously. I have already had clients, attempt to schedule massage therapy, but with whom I have been forced to decline (pending license). My opinion is they will likely seek this service in a community other then Hutchinson or not schedule it at all due to inconvenience. We are not sure why the "Resident Manager or Agent" clause was created in this ordinance other than perhaps ready access to "the designated person" primarily for the steps of "service of process ". If it is due to an accessibility issue to the individual(s) who owns or is responsible for the specified business only for the purpose of `service of process', could then the "Resident Manager/ Agent" or "Independent Operator" requirement be changed or updated to require the owners or managers or massage therapist be a registered McLeod county resident rather then limiting this to a resident of the City of Hutchinson? I feel that this would adequately expand this ordinance to help us fulfill our • business and client needs and yet still achieve the original intent of this clause. Today's Massage Therapists can be fully and independently licensed, therefore the liabilities of the past are now likely very different from 1996 when this ordinance and licensing requirement as a whole was adopted. Any incidents of damages to a client during a massage would fall under the insurance policy of the massage therapist. Any equipment failure or injury sustained within `The White Feather, Inc' not directly related to the massage would be covered under our corporate business insurance, and lastly any injury sustained outside our shop /center would be the liability of building owner Doug Dobratz. We feel there is an adequate industry standard that has been put into place now that has never existed before. We feel that alternative health and wellness is not just an "up and coming fad" but rather the permanent trend as a greater number of people seek to better themselves and their lives. Massage therapy has become one of the key sources in alternative health and it now widely accepted. It is a fact that many major insurers such as Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota underwrites health insurance policies that now cover massage therapy, and it is recognized by the Health Insurance • Industry. There is also a greater public demand for such services and q CCU • we hope you will reconsider this ordinance so we as non - residents may offer this service to our clients. Neither Brad nor myself are massage therapists therefore it is difficult to understand the rationale behind the requirement that we as a corporation must hold a license designed specifically for a Massage Therapist if the therapist is a non- resident. Even if we did reside within Hutchinson, under the title "Manager / Agent" it does not seem quite appropriate since we would not be "managing" the therapists business. With the many layers of liability insurances in place, held by all parties involved, a "manger or agent" does not seem necessary. We strictly view ourselves as providing a facility only and would allow the massage therapists to perform their business as they were professionally trained to do. That being said I would like to point out that we also pride ourselves in having selected a Massage Therapist that we feel will reflect the philosophy and the high standards of `The White Feather, Inc.' and project our business in a positive manner. We have the utmost faith in Sue Goebel and her numerous professional credentials. We at `The White Feather, Inc' feel that our business of promoting spirituality, religion and wellness tools and services will help cast a positive image on the City of Hutchinson. it will blend well with the . cities progressive yet traditional image. Again we would request an immediate review of this ordinance, its validity, and the basis on which it was created. We hope you will update this requirement allowing us to offer massage therapy through `The White Feather, Inc'. Re e {ctfully, The White Feather, Inc. Brad and Kim Combs C, J q(cc F'_1 L J Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Brenda Ewing, Director of Human Resources RE: Consideration of Amendment to Policy No. 3.16 Maintenance Departments Overtime Policy DATE: July 22, 2004 Attached for your consideration is the proposed amended City Policy No. 3.16, the Maintenance Departments Overtime Policy. The primary change in the policy contained in the proposed amendment is in regards to how the City addresses compensated absences (vacation pay) in a workweek when an employee responds to an emergency call -out or completes unscheduled emergency maintenance work. The amendment allows for vacation absences scheduled or taken before being assigned to unscheduled emergency maintenance work not to be forfeited . Under the current policy, if an employee has scheduled or asked to use accrued vacation time in a workweek and they complete unscheduled emergency maintenance work on Monday through Friday at 5:00 p.m., their vacation hours used are decreased so that the total hours they are compensated for in the workweek does not exceed forty. For example, if an employee uses 8 hours of vacation on Monday, works 32 hours Tuesday through Friday, but is called out for 2 hours of emergency unscheduled work on Wednesday evening, per the current policy, the employee will be paid 32 regular hours, 2 hours at the call -out rate of time and one -half the regular rate, and 6 hours (reduced from the original intended 8 hours) of vacation for a total of 40 hours for the week. The amendment to the policy is proposed so that employees who in good faith schedule to use their accrued vacation time according to policy and to which they are entitled, are not restricted from using and being compensated for the vacation hours on the chance that they are also required to respond to or report for emergency unscheduled work. Because the proposed policy addresses only scheduled vacations that have to be pre- approved by a supervisor and that employees will be required to complete paperwork to verify that the unscheduled work was truly related to an emergency, we are confident that there will be no opportunity for abuse of the policy. It should also be noted that the personnel policy and the current and proposed amendment to the Maintenance Departments Overtime Policy already allow for an employee to be compensated for sick time use in a workweek when they respond to emergencies. If you have any questions regarding the proposed policy changes, John Olson, Public Works Superintendent, and 1 will be at the City Council meeting on July 27. This policy amendment . has also been reviewed and recommended for approval by John Rodeberg, Director of Public Works. Encl. C, ��� • MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENTS OVERTIME POLICY Date: 2000; Updated 2004 Source: Administration No. 3.16 The City of Hutcbinson recognizes that many services and infrastructure provided by the City may require maintenance personnel to respond at times other than their standard working schedules. When unscheduled emergency work that cannot be anticipated in advance is performed, maintenance operators shall earn overtime pay as indicated by this policy. To allow for services to be rendered when needed and to ensure consistent treatment of maintenance staff, the following policy is adopted DEFINITIONS: 1) Overtime. Overtime includes worked hours in excess of forty (40) hours per workweek. 2) Unscheduled Emergency Maintenance. Unscheduled emergency maintenance is work performed outside of normal working hours that is necessary to address potential health, safety or mobility concerns. SUPERVISORS' RESPONSIBILITIES • 1) Schedule routine maintenance operations in a manner that minimizes the need for unscheduled emergency maintenance to the extent possible. 2) Approve all non- emergency overtime performed by maintenance operators. 3) May alter work schedules to minimize the affect on departmental responsibilities or budgets of any overtime paid for unscheduled emergency work. 4) Review and approve all reports of unscheduled emergency work performed. 5) Approve maintenance operators' timesheets and alterations thereto. EMPLOYEES' RESPONSIBILITIES I) Employees respond to calls from supervisors, emergency services dispatchers, officers, and automated systems monitoring various infrastructure systems. 2) Employees call others for assistance when safety considerations require more than one responder. 3) Employees receive permission to work non - emergency overtime hours. 4) Employees prepare and submit written reports identifying the time, date and nature of the unscheduled emergency maintenance they performed. 5) Employees clearly mark unscheduled emergency maintenance work they perform on their timesbeet and attach a copy of the accompanying written report. r-1 LJ q (d) • WORK SCHEDULES 1) Work teams may use a variety of work schedules, approved by the appropriate department director, to perform their duties. NON - EMERGENCY OVERTIME 1) A one -week period (Sunday through Saturday) shall be the basis for calculating overtime. 2) Hours worked exceeding forty hours per week shall be paid at overtime rates (1 times current pay rate). 3) Actual hours worked on -the -job, whether at regular pay or overtime pay shall be considered time worked. Employees shall be paid overtime for the greater of time paid at overtime rates for unscheduled emergency maintenance work or for hours worked exceeding 40 hours in a workweek. 4) When possible, emergency maintenance operations are scheduled with at least five (5) hours of notice to maintenance operators. If notification conditions are met, the emergency maintenance work is then considered scheduled work not eligible for overtime, unless it unavoidably results in more than forty hours worked in the workweek. UNSCHEDULED EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE • 1) When called out to perform unscheduled emergency maintenance work, maintenance operators shall receive compensation for a minimum of 2 hours of overtime pay for their first response. 2) Operators shall be compensated for no more than actual time worked beyond the first two -hour response in any calendar day. 3) If five -hour notification conditions are not met, overtime rates shall be paid for a minimum of two hours or from the start of the unscheduled emergency maintenance work until the beginning of the maintenance operator's normal working schedule or 8:00 a.m., whichever is earlier. 4) Unscheduled emergency maintenance work performed between the end of the normal working schedule on Friday and 12:00 a.m. on Monday shall be compensated at overtime rates. If five -hour notification conditions are not met, unscheduled emergency work performed between 12:00 a.m. on Monday and the beginning of the normal working schedule or 8:00 a.m. Monday, whichever is earlier, shall be compensated at overtime rates. OAKLAND CEMETERY 1) Maintenance services performed at Oakland Cemetery on weekends, as defined by Cemetery rules, shall be compensated at overtime rates. 2) Cemetery customers are charged accordingly for these services. 11 90 0 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 1) Pay for any compensated absences shall never be paid at overtime rates. 2) Maintenance operators shall not forfeit sick leave pay. 3) Vacation or holiday absences scheduled or taken before being assigned to unscheduled emergency maintenance work shall not be forfeited. 4) Unscheduled emergency maintenance work that occurs on holidays shall be compensated at overtime rates. REQUIRED ON -CALL DUTY 1) Required on -call duty, scheduled on a rotating basis by a work team for specific duties, shall be considered scheduled work. 2) Work teams may prepare schedules that account for on -site maintenance work performed outside the work team's normal working schedule and for on -call pay of no more than two (2) hours per day on Saturday, Sunday, and holidays. 3) The appropriate department director shall approve on -call schedules. r-1 L-A 0 9 (d) po14 -21.wp CITY OF HUTCHINSON POLICY - PERSONNEL- MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENTS OVERTIME POLICY DATE 1995(3 -15); UPDATE02944 SOURCE ADMINISTRAMN NO. 3.16 Overtime will not be scheduled for routine duties. However, when emergency conditions occur requiring unscheduled work which cannot be anticipated in advance, it will be necessary to incur overtime as prescribed by the Fair Labor Standards Act. Maintenance departments use a variety of work schedules based on the particular duties of each department. Schedules are summarized as follows: SNOW REMOVAL/ EMERGENCIES - MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENTS When possible, early morning work for snow removal or other emergencies is scheduled by 5 p.m. the previous day. The emergency maintenance work is then considered scheduled work not eligible for overtime, unless it unavoidably results in more than 40 hours work in the work week or occurs on a weekend or a holiday. If notification is not made by 5 p.m. the previous day, overtime rates will be paid from the start of the emergency maintenance work until 8 a.m. Unscheduled emergency maintenance work that occurs on weekends or holidays shall be compensated at overtime rates. This applies to all departments and full time employees involved. REQUIRED 44SEK€ND ON -CALL DUTY- STREETS Required on -call duty is scheduled on a rotating basis. The employee scheduled for on -call duty is on call for a one week period beginning 8:00 a.m. on Monday. While on -call, the employee will have in his/her possession a city cellular phone at all times, except during normally scheduled work hours. The employee scheduled for on -call duty will receive 2 hours standby pay on Saturday and 2 hours standby pay on Sunday. If an emergency call out is made, actual time worked will be paid for the emergency duty, with a minimum of 2 hours for the first call out. REQUIRED WEEKEND DUTY - PARKS Required weekend maintenance work is scheduled on a rotating basis. The employee scheduled for weekend duty will have the Friday off after the weekend duty. Weekend duty will consist of 4 hours on- site maintenance work on each of the two weekend days. This results in a 44 hour week followed by a 36 hour week (76 hrs ST + 4 hours OT, or 82 paid /banked hours.) REQUIRED WEEKEND, HOLIDAY AND EMERGENCY DUTY • WATER/WASTEWATER Required weekend maintenance work is scheduled on a rotating basis. The employee scheduled for weekend duty will have the Monday off before the weekend duty and the Friday off after weekend duty. Weekend duty consists of 6 hours on -site maintenance work and 2 hours "on -call' pay for each of the two weekend days. If an emergency call out is made, actual time worked will be paid /banked at overtime rate for the emergency duty. Holiday duty includes 8 hours holiday pay, 6 hours on -site maintenance work and 2 hours "on- call ", with the duty paid /banked at overtime rate. L-1 a(d) i Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Co c.1 FROM: Brenda K. Ewing for of Human Resources RE: City Recognition Event DATE: July 21, 2004 The time has arrived to begin finalizing the plans for the annual City Recognition Event. As you are aware, the event to recognizes the accomplishments of the City employees and those volunteers on the various City boards and committees who so generously give of their time. For the previous two years, the event has been held in September. In keeping with this same practice, we are proposing that the be held on Thursday, September 23, 2004, as this is the only date the entire great room at the Hutchinson Event Center is available. iIt is requested that you consider setting this date for the recognition event. If you have any questions regarding this matter or would propose alternate dates, you can contact me at City Center. R CCU CITY OF HUTCHINSON MEMO Finance Department July 23, 2004 TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: KEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: SCHEDULE INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS Our 2003 audit is nearing completion and we are in the beginning stages of the budget for 2005. It is for those items and wanting time to update the council I would request the Mayor & City Council consider setting information meetings prior to the regular meeting of August 10 and August 24 at 4 p.m. or a starting time that is convenient. H: \➢OC \City council memo 4 ]nform mtg.doc J q('�)