cp08-10-2004 cAGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHiN$ON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDER - S:3D P.M. 2. INVOCATION -Rev. Scott Daniels, Vineyazd United Methodist Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE • INTRODUCTION OF MICHAEL KUMM, HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION GENERAL MANAGER 4. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 27, 2004 (b) BID OPENING MINUTES OF AUGUST 3, 2004 Action -Motion to approve as presented 5. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR JULY 2004 2. HUTCHINSON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES FROM MAY 24, 2004 3. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR .NNE 2004 4. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR JULY 20D4 5. PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY EDUCATION BOARD MINUTES FRAM TUNE 7, 2004 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 12491- RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION UNCLAIMED PROPERTY 2. RESOLUTION NO. 12492 -RESOLUTION TO SELL FORFEITED PROFERTY 3. RESOLUTION NO. 12493 -RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THB LOCATION OF THE POLLING PLACE FOR ALL CITY PRECINCTS AND APPOINTING JUDGES FOR THE 2004 CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND PRIMARY AND GENERAL STATE ELECTIONS 4, RESOLUTION NO. 12499 -RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PLEDGED SECURITTES FROM FIRST MINNESOTA BANK 5. ORDINANCE N0.04-382 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON FOR A PROPERTY TO BE REZONED FROM R-1 PDD TO R-4 PDD AS REQUESTED EY DEAN BLOEMKE AND DALE TAUER OF WELCOME TO OUR HOME SECOND ADDITION (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) CITY COUNCIL AGENDA -AUGUST 10, 2004 (c) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 1. CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS MEADOW L1NK5 VIEW SUBMITTED BY RICHARD HAUSLADEN WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12494) 2. CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS WELCOME TO OUR HOME SECOND ADDITION SUBMITTEA BY A)/AN BLOEMKE AND DALE TAUER WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12495) (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 30~~ ANNUAL ARTS ~'c CRAFTS FESTNAL TO EE HELD SEPTEMBER 17-18, 2004, IN LTBRARY SQUARE AND SURROUNDING STRF,ETS (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AWARDING BID FOR FORD F-750 CAB/CHASSIS Action -Motion to approve consent agenda 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 6:00 P.M. (a) CONSIDERATION OF VACATION OF STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENTS IN THE WELCOME TO OUR HOME ADDITION Action -Motion to close public hearing Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve (b) ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5070, LETTING NO. 3 -PROJECT NO. 04-03 (JEFFERSON STREET SE EXTENSION - ADOPTING ASSESSMENT Action -Motion to close public hearing Action - Motion to reject -Motion to approve (c) ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5071, LETTING NO. 11 -PROJECT N0.04-13 (12~ AVENUE NW) - ADOPTING ASSESSMENT - ACCEPTING BID & AWARDING CONTRACT Action -Motion to close public hearing Action - Motion to reject -Motion to approve 7. COMMUNICATIONS RE UE5T5 AND PETITIQNS 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING MASSAGE LICENSE TO BRAD & KiM COMBS OF THE WHITE FEATHER, INC. AND CONSIDERATION OF REVISING HUTCHINSON CITY ORDINANCE 6.43 SUED. 6 "RESIDENT MANAGER OR AGENT" Action -Motion to reject _ Motion to approve 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA -AUGUST 10, 200q 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF RESETTING SEPTEMBER 14, 2004, CITY COUNCIL MEETING OUP, TO PRIMARY ELECTION Action - 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMiJNICATIONS 11. CLAIMS. APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS 12. ADJOURN 3 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL . HUTCHINSON EVENT CENTER TUESDAY, JULY 27, 20D4 1. CALL TO' ORDER - 5:30 P.M. ayor arm orgerson ca e t e meeting to order. Members present were Kay Peterson, Jim Haugen and Casey Siotts. Others present were Gary Plotz, City Administrator and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. 2. INVpCATION -Rev. Guy Stone, Congregational UCC, delivered the invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 13, 2004 (b) BID OPENING MINUTES OF JULY 12, 2004 (c) BID OPENING MINUTES OF JULY 23, 2004 Minutes were approved as presented. 5. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF QFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. PLANNING COMMISSION MIlVU'TES FROM JUNE 15, 2004 2. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTI3 CARE BOARD MINUTES FROM JUNE ] 5, 2004 3. HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM JUNE 15, 2004 4. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JUNE 2004 5. CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR JUNE 2004 6. CITY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR JUNE 2004 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 12484 -RESOLUTION RELEASING PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM BREMER BANK N.A. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 12485 -- RESQLUTION FOR PURCHASE 3. ORDINANCE N0.04-384 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE SECTION 5.02 GOVERNING THE APPLICATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF LIQUOR LICENSES (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 4. ORDINANCE N0.04-372 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICLAL ZONING MAP OF C~ ~ (<~~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES--JULY 27. 2004 THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON FOR A PROPERTY TO BE REZONED FROM Rl TO R3 PDD RAVENWOOD SOUTH (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) (c) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 1. CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS WELCOME TO OUR HOME SECOND ADDITION SUBMITTED BY DEAN BLOEMKE AND DALE TAUER WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT R.ESOI,UTION NO. 12481 AND WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 04-382 FOR AUGUST 10, 2004) 2. CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY MARK AND ANGIE RADKE TO REDUCE FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM 25 FEET TO REMOVE EXISTING NONCOMFORMING PORCH AND REPLACE WITH 16' X 24' ADDITION LOCATED AT 544 PROSPECT STREET WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION ANb FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12482) 3. CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY LEANN AND LOREN ANDERSON LOCATED AT 105 4~ AVENUE NW WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12483) (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF STREET SWEEPING POLICY (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR RANDY DEVRIES TO ATTEND THE WATER ENVIl2ONMENT FEDERATION ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND EXPO IN NEW ORLEANS, LOUISLANA FROM OCTOBER 2 - 6, 2004 (~ CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR MARION.GRAHAM TO ATTEND THE INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT PROGRAM TRAINING IN TAMPA, FLORII7A FROM AUGUST 9 - 13, 2004 (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF APPOINTING BRIG KNOTT TO HRA BOARD TO AUGUST 2007 (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF APPOINTING DEANS DIETEL AND LORA MUILENBURG TO PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY EDUCATION BOARD TO AUGUST 2007 (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF APPOINTING ROBERT COGLEY TO THE SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD TO JANUARY 2007 (j) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF MINNESOTA DNR SAFETY BODY COOPERATNE AGREEMENT (k) ASSESSMENT ROLL N0.5070, LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 04-03 (JEFFERSTON STREET SE 2 ~-1 L`~~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -JULY 27, 2004 EXTENSION) - DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PRDPDSED ASSESSMENT - SET HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT (1) ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5071, LETTING NO. 11, PROJECT NO.04-13 (12r~ AVENUE NW) - ACCEPTING BID (DEFER Tp AUGUST 10, 2004) (m)CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AWARDING BID FOR LETTING N0.2, PROJECT NO. 04-02 (SW AREA TRUNK SANITARY SEWER-PHASE 3) Motion by Haugen, second by Stotts, to approve consent agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 6:30 P.M. (a) VACATION OF PARK ELEMENTARY PROPERTY Marlin Torgerson opened the public hearing to discuss the request ofthe Hutchinson School District For the City to vacate the property that Park Elementary School currently sits on. Scott Nokes, Hutchinson School Board, presented before the Council. Mr. Nokes presented the historical facts related to Park Elementary and how it came to be where it is today. The facts included that North Park was originally platted as park ]and. In the 1800s, William Harrington deeded one acre of land to the Hutchinson School District. A circuit court judge ruled that the property was only to be used as park land, as originally dedicated. Regardless, again William Harrington deeded another portton of the property to the school d~stnet. A coupple different schools have been built on this property, with Park Elementary the most recent, since 1936. All in all, the property that the school currently sits on was dedicated as park land, of which a school building is not an intended use. Keith Kamrath, Hutchinson School Board, resented before the Council. Dr. Kamrath explained that the request tv vacate this property relates to the failed bond referendum in 2002. Following the referendum vote, public feedback was that the issue of Park Elementary's future needed to be decided. Irt researching title issues of the school, the District's attorney discovered that the property that Park Elementary sits on, as well as the entire surrounding area, was dedicated as park land. Park land rs defined as open space. The request of the School District is for the groperty that the school sits be vacated as a park land and deeded to the District so that it can legally continue to be used as a school. Dr. Kamrath further described the speciGe area that is requested to be vacated, which is only the area that the school building sits on, with the addition of.4p acres to stluare off the property lines. Dr. Kamrath further explained that legally, Park Elementary should not be sitting on this land as tt is dedicated as park land. Therefore, it is in the best interest to have this pr erty become the school district's. Mr. Kamrath further stated that if people are duestioning the future of Park Elementary due to this, a referendum would need to be presented to the public m any type of scenario. Dan Cole, school District's legal representation, presented before the Council. Mr. Cole explained that the proposal of the school district appears to be the most legal and logical proposal. Mr. Cole described use rrghts ofparks and the fact that the Cittyy cannot chapge uses ofparks. Mr. Cole also briefed ttre Council on deeded property and the ways that a City can abandon public use of park land. The main purpose of the request is to clear the title problems of this property, Mayor Torgerson asked if the building could be renovated if the property is not vacated by the City. Dan Cole stated that at some point the fact that a school being located on dedicated park land will become an issue regardless if renovation occurs. A citizen presented before the Council. The citizen asked far clarification on the ownership ofthe property. Marc Sebora, Hutchinson CityAttomey, clarified that if the school district would bring gwet title action to ~~ t~~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES-TCILY27, 2004 the attention of a court, a judge would inierpret who owns the property. Dan Cole expressed that the school district has fee title to the property and if the City vacates the property, the school district would awn the Property. Ron McGraw, 325 Washington Avenue, presented before the Council. Mr. McGraw stated that a school has been on ppark property for over 100 years. Mr. McGraw requested that the Council treat this land as it is. Mr. McC7raw also expressed that he feels the main reason for this request is to aid in the ability to build a new high school in the future. Steve Cook, 728 7uu1 Road, presented before the Council. Mr. Cook clarified some of the history of the Park Elementary school property that was presented by the school district. Mr. Cook asked of Marc Sebora the City Council's role of dedicated park land. Mr. Sebora explained they are considered trustees of the park land. Mr. Sebora also explained the procedure of vacating property. Mr. Cook proposed au alternative to the request, which is a compromise between the City and the School District. Mr. Cook's proposal is for the City to vacate the property and the school district retain rt, however add a stipulation that if/when the school district no longer uses the bu~ldrng as a school or abandons the building, that the property goes back to the City. Mr. Cook raised concerns ofthe school district selling the property to a private company in the future. The biggest issue is how to preserve Park Elementary and it should remain City or public property. Bridget Peller, 26 Grove Street, presented before the Council. Ms. Peller asked if the title issues would still be in question even if the newer additions to the building weren't included. Keith Kamrath affirmed Ms. Peller s 4uestion that even if the school was only located in the angina] dedicated piece, the school district would still be requesting a vacation. Dennis Heckes, 325 Hassan Street, presented before the Council. Mr. Heckes presented on his own personal behalf as well as on behalf of Historical Hutchinson. Mr. Heckes voiced his opinion that his view and the view of Historical Hutchinson is that this buildingg be preserved. Mr. Heckes stated that it makes sense for the property to be vacated and under ownership ofthe school district, however he voiced fears ofthis land or building being sold to a private company when/if it is no longer is used as a school. Sandy McCormick presented before the Council. Ms. McCormick stated there are questions on whether or not the school actually owns the property, as they have indicated. Ms. McCormrck referred io a court judgment on the use of the property. Ms. McCormick referred to a court case, Headley vs. City of Northfield, m which it was ruled that a City cannot by ordinance or any other matter allow for other uses on dedicated park land. Ms. McCormick also referred to an Attorney General's opinion in which it was of the opinion that park land cannot be used for anything other than a park. Ms. McCormick requested that the Council not vacate this property. Nan Crary, 46 Crrove Street, presented before the Council. Ms. Crary spoke in opposition to the proposed resolution to vacate the property of discussion. Ms. Crary spoke of the heart of Hutchinson and haw North Park plays a vita] role in thts. Ms. Crary requested that the Council not vacate this property. John Korngiebel presented before the Council. Mr. Korngiebel clarified that the Park Elementary Task Force voted to use the Park Elementary building in some way, and not necessarily just for park purposes. Mr. Korngiebel also questioned the proposed property lines of the vacated area and if there is enough room for remodeling. Brian Mohr, Hutchinson School District, explained that a temporary easement coixld be acgwired for cvnstruciion equipment during remodeling, however the School District does not have a need to add on to the area closest to the property lane. Tim Fahey, 446 Main Street, presented before the Council. Mr. Fahey reminded the Council on all the activities of the City and Historic Hutchinson on preservation of historical buildings. Mr. Fahey expressed that he does not want this property vacated. Dale Baker, 1373Heritage Avenue, presented before the Council. Mr. Baker expressed that it is his understanding that it only takes one person to challenge the use of a school on park property. Mr. Baker 4 U(~~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES-JULY 27, 2p04 requested that the City vacate the property with no stipulations or addendums attached tv it. Jack Yates presented before the Council. Mr. Yates urged the Council to vacate the property so that the school could continue to be used as such and the future can progress. John Miller presented before the Council. Mr. Miller expressed that he has a sentimental value attached to Park Elementary School, like many citizens and he also served on the Park Elementary Task Force. Mr. Miller asked the Council to make a logical, educated decision and not based on emotional attachments. Dana plson, fairly new resident of Hutchinson, presented before the Council. Ms. Olson explained that she recentlypurchased a 100-year old home in the neighborhood ofPark Elementary. Ms. Olson explained she has no quarrel with the use ofthe property as a school, as another facility or as a park. Ms. Olson asked that the Council make the decision based on historical information. Mike ltibich, 1350 Campbell Lane, presented before the Council. Mr. ltibich stated that all of the property has been used as both a school and a park and used as public use. Mr. Ribich requested that the property , maintained as public use and not vacated. Scott Nokes presented again before the Council. Mr. Nokes voiced that he does not want this to be viewed as the school district against the city. Mr. Nokes further voiced ppart of the school district's responsibility is not only to give the best education to the children in the district, but also provide them with the best facilities that they can. Mr. Nokes voiced that this requested action is a paperwork issue and nothing ditTereirt. Mr. Nokes asked that the City trust the school district with the decisions to be made of the property at question. Andy Larson, 6 Crrove Street SW, presented before the Council. Mr. Larson suggested that the City vacate the parcel that the school currently sits on, but not the additional .40 acres. Lance Albers, 18 Main Street, presented before the Council. Mr. Albers explained that the future of the property should be maintained as it has in the past and the present. Bob Windel, school district superintendent, presented before the Council. Mr. Windel stated that the school district has studied this issue for over two years and they feel that this is a community issue. Mr. Windel expressed that this issue needs to be addressed in order for future progression of the school district. This issue cannot be ignored. Mr. Windel requested the Council to base their decision on what is right for the community and on the specttic issue at hand, which is vacation of the property that the school building sits on. Sandy McCormick presented again before the Council. Mr. McCormick clarified that she would like for the property to be continued to be used as a school and a park. She wishes no more concrete to be placed on the property. Steve Cook presented again before the Council. Mr. Cook reminded the Council that if the City does vacate the property the school district can sell it if they wish. Cook suggested a separate agreement that the property go back to public use if the building is abandoned by the school district. Mr. Cook requested that the public receive assurances and guarantees of the property going back to public use if it is abandoned by the school district. Mr. Cook suggested chat the property be vacated, but only if an agreement is attached claiming that it will become public property after school district is finished wrth it. Dan Cole stated that he feels a separate agreement would be putting on additional restrictions to the issue. The School District feels that the proposal as presented is the best option. Motion by Peterson, second by Haugen, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Kay Peterson stated that she feels this is a huge decision to be made and she would like time to think about the decision and also have the entire Council present for the decision. Mayor Torgerson noted that he feels there is a seed planted that there is a conspiracy that the school district 5 ~-1 L ~~ CTTYCOUNCILMINUTES-,TULYd7, 2004 wants to acc)uire the property with the sale purpose to sell it to a developer. He feels that the City and the school distnct have worked very well together over the past 1 DO years. Mayor Torgerson also noted that he too would prefer the full Council present when action is taken. Motion by Peterson, second by Stotts, to defer this item to the second Counci] meeting in August. Motion carried unanimously. Ma or Torgerson stated that various groups can meet prior to the second Council meeting in August to address underlying issues. 7. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS„AND PETITIONS 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING AND AWARDING SALE OF $4,070,OOD GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS; $625,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT REFUNDING BONDS; AND $285,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES Steve Apfelbacher, Ehlers & Associates, presented before the Council. Mr. Apfelbacher explained that these bonds are to finance 2004 projects. The City has received an "A3" rating from the bond rating companx. This exceptional rating is due to the balanced budget, among other things. The bids were opened tlvs morning for the general abligation bonds. The lowest bid came m at 3.6831% on the GO hnprovement Bonds, 3.0630% on the GO Tax Increment Refunding Bonds, and 3.819% on the GO Equipment Certificates. Money would be saved by the City on the interest rates. Motion by Peterson, second by Haugen, to approve Resolution No. 12487, awarding the sale of of $4,D70,000 general obligation improvement bonds. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Stotts, second by Peterson, to approve Resolution No. 12489, awarding the sale of general obligation equipment certificates. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Haugen, second by Peterson, to appmve Resolution No. 1248$, awazding the sale of general obligation tax tncrement refunding bonds. Motion earned unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 12486 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS UNDER THE MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT Ken Merrill explained that South West Minnesota Foundation is building a new office building and has requested the McLeod County Board of Commissioners to issue commercial development revenue bonds for financing. The City needs to take authorizing this action to occur. The City is under no obligation to cause issuance of the bonds by taking this action. Motion by Stotts, second by Peterson, to approve resolution No. 12486, approving the issuance of commercial development revenue bonds. Motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING MASSAGE LICENSE TO BRAD & KIM COMBS OF THE WHITE FEATHER, INC. AND CONSIDERATION OF REVISING HUTCHINSON CTl'l' ORDINANCE 6.43 SUED. 6 "RESIDENT MANAGER OR AGENT" Marc Sebora, City Attorney, explained that the applicant has requested that the Council consider revising the ordinance to allow nonresidents to be managers/agents of massage facilities. Mr. Sebora stated that alternatives could be explored to address this assue. 6 l,~ ~aJ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - J(ILY 27, 2004 Brad Combs, applicant, presented before the Council. Mr. Combs explained that Doug Dobratz is the owner of his building and could mast likely be contacted after hours and be listed as the agent for the facility. Motion by Stotts, second by Peterson, to defer the approval ofthis license and ordinance considerafion tv the August ] 0, 2D04, City Council meeting, Motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO CITX POLICY 3.16, MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT OVERTIME POLICY Brenda Ewing, Human Resources Director, presented before the Council. Ms. Ewing explained the proposed changes due to employee requests. The proposal is for employees to have the ability to use vacation and emergency call-out time in the same pay penod. John Olson, Assistant Public Works Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Olson explained employees' situations as related to taking vacation and being called out for emergencies. Motion by Stotts, second by Peterson, to approve amendment to City Policy 3.16. Motion carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING CITY RECOGNITION EVENT FOR SEPTEMBER 23, 2004, AT HUTCHINSON EVENT CENTER Motion by Peterson, second by Haugen, to approve setting city recognition event far September 23, 2004, Motion carried unanimously. (f) CONSIDERATION OF SETTING INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS FOR AUGUST 10 ANI7 AUGUST 24, 2004, AT 4:00 P.M, TO DISCUSS 2003 AU17TI' AND 2005 BUDGET Motion by Peterson, second by Haugen, to approve setting informational meetings for August 10 and August 24, 2004, at 4:00 p.m. Motion carned unammously. Ken Merrill, Finance Director, provided clarification on a $1,000,000 draft that was issued. Mr. Merrill explained that ii was a transfer of funds from one account to another. Motion by Peterson, second by Stotts, to approve the issuance of the $I,000,000 draft. Motion carried unanimously. 1D. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Torgerson -Mayor Torgerson stated that a constituent had expressed concern that the City is not allowing the building owner of the State Theatre io replace the marquee on the building. Mayor Torgerson stated that the City is in favor of the marquee being restored and replaced and the building owner intends to do so. 11. CLAIMS APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Motion by Ilaugen, second by Peterson to approve claims, appropriations and contract payments. Motion arried unanimously. 12. AbJOURN With no further business tv discuss, motion by Stoats, second by Peterson to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. u ~~~ MINUTES BH) OPENING FORD F-750 (S) CAB/CHASSIS OR EQUIVALENT CAB/CHASSIS AUGUST 3, 20D4 Present: Ken Merrill, Finance Director and Melissa Starke, Recorder. Ken Merrill, Finance Director, called the bid opening to order at 1:30 p.m{ Mr. Merril] dispensed with the reading of Publication No. 7235, Advertisement for Bids, Ford F-750 (S) Cab/Chassis or Equivalent Cab/Chassis. The following bids were opened and read: Hplt Motor $id Amount Delivery & Sales Tax: $51,300.30 dption w/reaz end axle: $1527.43 River Valley Truck Centers $id Amount Net Sales Price: $53,360.16 (includes rear end axle) The bid was referred to staff for review. The bid intends to be awarded at the August 10`h City Council meeting. The bid opening adjourned at 1:35 p.m. ATTEST: Marlin Torgerson, Mayor Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator C~ yte~ • Memo Ta: Mayor and Gity Council Members Frame Brad Emans, Fire Chief Data: 08/02/04 Re: Monthly Update on Activities of the Fire Department The fire department responded to 23 general alarms in the month of July. Example of a few of the calls: 1. We responded to a fire at Country Club Terrace where the resident unknowingly started the deck and plastic items on fire with a "Pio-Stick" mosquito repellant. 2. We responded to smoke in the house on Grove Street; a pan was left on the stove. We vented the house and allowed the elderly resident to return. 3. An unknown private gas line was struck during excavation at Christ the King, utilltles shut the gas off. This Is the breakdown of the calls for the month: City: Residential 2 GommerciaVlndustrial 6Multi-family 1 Carbon Monoxide 2 Wazardous Material 6 Vehicle 1 Medical 1 Rescue 1 Rural: Rescue 2 Medical 1 Commercial Industrial 1 Drills t Meetings 1 Other Information Fire department members installed all of the new gear lockers • We moved the trucks, etc. back to the station on July 5 after being out of the station around a month. • We assisted Park & Recreation with the "Slip & Slide" program. • We wntinued training on our new pump operation procedure. 1 J~~) 1 • We attended the Central Minnesota Regional meeting in Bmwnton. FIre Prevention . 1. We assisted Cash Wise with the children's day 2. We attended the Hutchinson Medical Centers summer picnic ~~ • Page 2 ~~~~~1 Minutes Hutchinson Public Library Board Meeting May 24, 2004 Present: Larry Ladd, Julie Jensen, John Hassinger, Mary Henke jLibrarianj, Connie Lambert and Kay Peterson Absent; Kay Johnson and Newt Potter The meeting was called to order by President Connie Lambert. The minutes of the April Board meeting were reviewed and approved. Reports: Pioneerland Library System Board Meeting on May 20 was reviewed by Mary Henke from information received by Kathy Matson, Assistant Director. The automation project is moving ahead with a consultant being hired. Grants fvr automation are being applied for to handle cost. PL5 Board continues to explore foundation possibilities. Old Business: 1. Building Restoration A. Heating, air conditioning and cooling system controls continue to be adjusted B. Buying an extractor to clean the carpet at a cost of $2,700 and a life of 10 years B. Fountain on schedule far completion before 100Th anniversary 2. 100'h Anniversary Committee Report A. Invitations are being sent B. Program being worked on C. bisplay case is developed 3. Update on Retirement Party for Archie Kucera-will be held at Library at end of day with date to be determined 4. Librarians' Portraits-Pictures are being located. This project will be developed more fully, following the 100m anniversary celebration. 5. Community Forums-Board members are encouraged to think of possible topics. Mary will explore what other libraries are doing. New Business: 1. Summer Reading Program-Sherry Lund presented plans for the program. The theme will be "Tracking It Down at Your Library". She is planning for up to 300 participants. 2. Donations of $1,439.45 received far April of 2004. Na meeting scheduled for June unless need arises. Next scheduled meeting will be July 26, 2004 at 4:30 p.m. ' Meeting adjourned. John Hassinger, Secretary 5(.~)~ ._.. PALANCE JUNE 3 4 ~;~-~ --------------------- ASSETS UTILITY Pl-ANT -_AT CO5T_ _ __.__ _ ------- - -~ - ~ ---- L.ANU S LAND RIGHTS DEPRECIABLE UTILITY PLANT' __ _ _ TOTAL_UTILITY _P~.AkT _ ____ _-_------- - - ~ - LESS ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION TOTAL ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATIUN _ ____... _-__--._-.-- - CONSTRllCTION IN PROGRESS __ _ _ __ ____ TOTAL CONSTFi1CTFON FN FROGRE55 _._._ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ ---..- TOTAL LiTILITY PLANT DEPREC VALUE -~-~ ~- -~- - RESTRICTED FiJNDS 6 ACCOUNTS --~_ ~- --_----- FUTURE EXPANSION 6 DEVELE~i'SENT 2603 REFUNDING FIAJD ___-------.-- _-_- .__.__.__- POND L INTEREST PAYi4ENT 2003 TOTAL RESTRICTED FllNDB & ACCOUNTS _ ~------ ___ .. -._._..-__ _ CURRENT 6 ACCRUED ASSETS .- - _._. _... CASH IN PANIC ACCWNTS RECEIVABLE _ . _.- _ _.. - --- - --~~ - INVENTORIES _-- -- PREPAID INSURATBCE SALES TAX REGE~IVAHLE _ __ ...--- -- ---------- TOTf4_ CURRENT 6 ACCRUES A55ET~3 DEFERRED CHARGE ------ ---- --~-- - PONSY DISCOUNT 2003 TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGE - -- ~-~-- TOTAL ASSETS ----~--~-~------- V`.+--..._ -__ i `.f ~ r ^ z_T9TAL * *~- ~ -*-- - --- - --- --- ---'-- -- - ---~ ------ 1.876,337.49 - ---- -----~- -- ':i! 96,759,759.96 __ _E@, 635 097.45 --_-~~~- '~ (27,681,779:981 `jl '~'~ C27~ 681,779.981 _ _____ tif 1,888,095.30 i i, $68905.30 __.__- - -.- - -___ __-_. __ _ ...__-._ - "'- ;n ' ~ 73,842,322.77 j :7f !'A! -- 46 572 1F1f I~'I . 2, D87, -______.__ 2~795~415,85 _.__. .__... - _ ._ .-._...-.. _.____-_r~ 660,498.95 ~,.~ f r 5,543,397.27 ;~ _ -_ . bi --~---- - ~ • ` [ 1, 328, 650.63 ,~ - 6Q .. 2z80J.784.26_. ..__ _._._ -_ ._. -- 8 ._- -_ Vl 40,298.06 1, [" ~ f 28 , 335.76 I ~ _ __ _ .443409.26 --- -~----- ----L d 5.845,477.85 { ------- 642, 059.OB .. -- .. - ------- ~I 642,659.05 Iw ~-~--- --- --- --- -.__. .----~ - ~ 64.873.256.94 --- ! - ~-----~~~ 1 - ~~ '--- ------------------ ~.~ ..., a. -- ~i - -- ~i p'i pA __- _, . _~ M .._ _._. _.__- _- - ~'I ''R BALANC ET .3UNE 604 NUNICIPAL EQUITY is LIABILITIES MUNICIPAL EQUITY __._ __- __- - --- ~~ -~~ _-- NUNICIPAL EQUITY CONTRIBLTED E4U1TY __ _ __ i.]NAPPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS _____. ___ TOTAL NUNICIPAL EQUITY _LONG TERM LiRBILITIE5-NET CIF _ _ _ _. _____ -. _ -~-~-- CURRENT MATURITIES 206i B 80NDS _ __ __ _20_03 BC3ND5 _ __ _ -- TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES i ~~ _-_ _-_-.* w r x TOTAL ~ r r x __ -_----.-~ i~l( __ 43,387,136.95 __- -_-_--- --_ _-_ _. 5,665.640.36 -~~ 367700.47.--_ __-____ _.___- ___-_____ ... _- is' - -~--~-- ~-- 49,360,477.83 ' ',' I 2.725, 060.00 ,_i~ -- 3~ 703 U0.0.00---- - -- --~-- ------- Jay - - 33, 430.000.00 ;,~~ jai! C'OP35TR CONTRACTS L ACCTS PAY RETAIN --- _-_-.-- -----------------~ -~I -._-_-___ ACCR4JED E%PENS£5 - RETAINAGE 112.965.84 112,959.84 5 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 4 ACC75 PAY ~~'( CURRENT A ACCRUED LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 1,636,567.07 ~~~~ __ _ ___ INTEREST ~ ACCRUED -_-_-_._--- --__ ___- _ ifi4i 449.68 __ _ - - _ _-__ __-_- -~'~ ACCRUED VACATION PAYABLE 168,818.93 AC,CRl~O MEDIGAI FUhID (213,532.857 ~ 4{ ACGRL~D REC PAYi3ENT___--------_---_----.__-- ------- 24,813_71 ..._-.___--- -- .--- --- AccRVED SEVERANCE az,99o.n7 ~t CUSTCNiER DEPOSITS 80,645.00 OTHER CURRENT 6. ACCRi]ED LIABILITIES -- _--_-__-- -J_061.26 __--._ _-- - ---~-~- - TOTAL CURRENT d ACCRUED LiAB 1,964,813.27 ~ ~~ TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUITY 6 LIAR .___ - - ._ _ ._ _ __. iFil p-1 i5t~ ~!R - -- --- -- STATF_MENT OF IN EX?Et~F6E5 JUNE 04 f ___ ___ ._._ -~_ ~"-------~-- ~ P _EV ioll5 _. _ _ __.-._,_R __ - _ _ _ Ck.IRHE7iT_--__ YEAR TO DATE - __ JS3S?GETEP_ _ ... _ - YEAR To DATE __ . _ BIfDGET - .__ DEVIATION . -._ _ L7AL--_ _ ___ SLID6ET ___ : - --- - --. YEAR TO DATE + COME STATEMENT OPERATING REV£Ni.f.E ___.--_-__~--.-_ -_ _ 8,79G, 252.21 - -_._.____...___- 14,249,294.00 __- 8,333,936.65 1.915,357.35 16,667,873.3 40 ~ 000 500 - f SALES - ELECTRIC ENERGY 167,145.04 519,0"72.20 254.004.00 (530,927.8{0 ` . . 1i`z 9f25 92£~ ~ :. SALES fOR RESALE 51952, `f~U.38 __ _415 ..196.53_.-_ . _4, 9L3, 2R?,S8 .~- _ - 1.4QS-, 9S3.4 -_ .. , ., ..- 358.45 194 25 - __ _ _ SALE5 -- -GAS ___ - - -- -- ~ .. - 855,957.59 L4 15,783,562.73 12,597,179.23 3, 184, 383.50 , , ..f TOTAI l3PERRTING REVENUE , OPEI2617ING EXFEEV5E3^__ ----.--- ____~_-._-____.._ 1, 1-4,774_65 -._-___ 668,954.24 1,288,444.<9 .-____-_.__ _- _ 6L9.490s05 _-Li576, 889.53 00 509 266 ' . f PRODUCTI[NF OPERATION CE 18A,425.63 162,919.05 L33,250.00 (29,669.05) ' . , OOB 404 7 . ~~ PRODUCTION MAINTENAN - ~23, 3~id~3 4 -_. 3.?,iii'L7('~3~3~_ -_3.~`.tCl'9'iQ(Q0~04_ _ B.1a,3113..321_- __-Si, 3 . _.. . .L+4 ~ : _ PURCEiASED_POWEFE_ __.- -- ---__- ---- __. t . -.._- 123.15 136.78 .00 (136.76) D0 000 6 ` ~sf TRA3JSMI35ION OPERATION NCE ~ 20"7,464.75 33,946.24 4,004.00 (29,946.20) ` . , ~'4 ~4 ~ ~` TRANSMISSION MAINTENA IC DI5TRISLI7ION [3PERA7IIIN T __ .222,644.96 __ .____ 167.498.92._ _ ___217.492.4._- i+2-- _ -___-X9,_443= 47 684 3 -- -- ~- = --- L51, OOO.UO --"- :; - _ _FLEC R ELECTRIC SIETRIDLITION MAINTENANCE __ 89,663.35 7L.815.53 60 935 4 429 7:,,500.00 3, 127,423.76 . , (1,342,511.84) 6,254,847.52 ;~[ PURCHASED LRS EXPENSE 5, 227,U62.i7 ~30 . , , 4.77 12 OS -_ _~0.334~.>O __ -. .. _- _-.~„3.`.29..73__.._ _~9~Z92.9S~L__._ _.?', _ _ OPERATIONI- _ . _ _ GHS TRAN5MI5_SIQAf _ . _ ... .- _ -__.__--_ -_ • 00 __ _ .. 391.14 1 35,85x.00 34,443.94 71 , 710.OU 4 I _ GAS TRANSMI36I Oh MAINTENANCE TION . 191,462.90 , 222.251.69 224,747.46 2,555.37 449, 534. L0 7;k0 44 34 F GAS DISTRIBLiT ICIN flPFJiA DISTRI8IJTION HAINI'EtJANCE - -- 641342.94 .- -- -- - -- ___..-_3J 694.84.__ - .___47, 7~7~`-._99.-.._ 97 94 _ __~1.~,~0.?2_- 741.97 12 .__ ._ -_.. __ 337,195.73 ,..: y __- GAS_ CU5TOiiE13 ACCflLRJEING L4 s`^+ f cCTFON5 L73,068.3L. 155,855.93 87 493 626 . 168,5 427, 612.66 , 101, SL6.79 1,855,225_27 i '` ADMINISTRATIVE & GENERAL EXPENSES 718,483.85 009.06 230 1 . , ,644.,00- _ L~~,00 _._1.44.Q,(a¢Q~4 - -_._ --.--.54.043_.. _-3_,2051.,.~5'34.4(~__ 4 __ry DEPRECEATIOI'7 _ --.- -- -... ___ .__- - . -__. _- , . . 681.97 452 13 _ ._ 14, 694,675. $O 11,370,692.61 (3,323.983.193 • 22,741,38 ~f, I o TOTAL EIPE'RATIiJG EXPEN5E8 , , g 903 47$.62 t,9~$-894-3'~- _ -~._?~fx~'#$6~_f+2___ ._ _i137~`~99..4.23. T3 46 -. -2..4,32~4~ _.. . OPERATI_NG_ZFlCOME _-_._ --- .___.. _- _.- ._ __-. _ ._ `E l] l J OTHER INCf3ME , 2 5 7~ 776 68.4-{3.56 _ --~5~ 0000 - _ -..... _~+~~3.~e.=`~+ri . _-_ __39~Q•.4Q--. -~ ~~: _ L]Ti1CR MIS( INCLINE _-._-_ -- . .. .-. _-_ --~-- 5,58'7.00 _ -_._ 5,538_40 - 6,500.40 C962.f347 13,000.09 p00.00 4 ICI f .~ SECURITY LIGHTS 924.50 968.25 2.004.00 (1,031.753 ' , ba 000 UQ y ~' POLE RENTAL 43,753.10 ____ 1682'48 -_30 9.(~0' •_~- --- -~~ ~1-~.~L- - --.- .70 04 004 ;. ___ _ QTHER-- NFT_ _-- ----- --- INTEREST INCOME -- ---- SI3,55S.SB - 35,679.36 77 441 235 35,004.00 3L2, 805.40 679.36 (77.443.231 . . 625,6].4.00 ~i Wei 145, L47.71 . , p MIS( INCOME DISPSSALELECTRIC -- ._ - - GG"AIN L)N -_-- L~Q34,Q65_6G - -----_-a~- 09 - -_-----'~-- .00 •' ..._-----~--- -g~ .00 ----- O p ~ ~-~;° ^ _ _ __ GAIN ON DISPOSAL - GAS 134,557.59 50 648 2 . .00 .00 .00 .00 . ~f I MIS( INIX3ME -GAS WELLS . , i j 354. 961, 88 - - -- 359~~03 _42_ _ ---...431.~3Q5.00- _ .__ _. C 7i, 4(~~58 )__ -- -@42.~10"~--- -~ iM TOTAL []TF~R INCOME . -.__-.- _ -- -'--- - -- . - . OTHER EXPENSES _ MI3C E%PEN5E5_ _.-___ ___ -_. INTEREST EXPENSE TOTAL ETHER E%PEi+t5E5 CONTRISl1TI0N TO CITY TOTAL CONTRi8UTI0N TO CITY tJDN~flPERATING INCOME _ -- O 59 6 ~ , 979.,. -~~~- - 21, 3L6.95 _.- - __ •QU_..._ -- (2~._~31.6.93Z. - ii1 416 (60 ,t ._ -195'L. ~.. - .--- 1,191,7].3.42 ;:~ 158.109.44 --~~ 655,872.43 545,856.82 82 595 856 . . (81,333.061 f 1,191,713.62 219,089.03 577,189.86 . , -~---~ --~-~---~~~--44i,A00.00-_ _- 453,9])0.40 463,544.44 (400.09) 927,004.00 000.00 "~f 927 441,444.04 443,944.00 463,504.44 5440.48) , .. -~---~-~-~---~-~--894,492.85 --~~(781, 164.46)-- -- 0628,051.821 -- CL53, 134.641 CL.256, 103. ~.`. f, INCOME -.1.797,568_47_.- _-- 307_~7QB.4T-"___ 598.,434,84 L~ rR~._-. -__ _- __._.__._________-_ ~r/• W -- ---- --- - (290, 734.337 _ ... 1 , 195, 969.64 ___.- _ __ -~ d~'r~~~'~rz~; 1~'~~ra~xs bar y,,~" 'I''.. ~ .~ ~ _._~. _.. ..m ................ r~95 IRS ~;~..J~"GI!•._ 5{D GAG REvID~.~J~"IAIL INLl[:~V1t f3F0~I..A~`FMFIN'~' ~......_ .._...~-.. __ a~.__ 4 FENS _ 0735 Mft~T' FLAT1lW~i~C 2~5d3 .~~~~ N~Mi~LN"~I~M ~. ~ ..~ .~ a ~s~~r~ U6~J I~L]kCK _~~~ ....._.~_ __ ........~~.--~.rc_,~.... G85 5h1L~ ~7L1 ,.~..... FIRS ~SIVKLER f'~F?P~~11~1 (~~~ IFINIH E3A~M~'~T ..............~ .._..~~... 1C7'~ 51N~aLE-FAMILY'I~'~`A~HE~7' . __.~.._ "VC~2 ...~...~e~~ ... __._....._ SIhJ~aL Y ATI'AC~I~C} 3211 328 ~- . -M.,.~_~_ 329 ~ ~_.~..... lif~(ak~RIAL ..~.... THEN NCaIF1~~91TpAL __ w,~ ._ ... r~F~UGTURLS ~"fHER °fHAN 13UILC~IN ~~_.~ ~3~4 . ....~ N~ILEN~I~4L t~CaM' ~4C~pN"CIC)G~~S .~ . ~ 437 ....M_~......_ NC7N~1 'I°P'IA'L ~ N ~~ ~C~s~O_EKF'Fl-1N~y ~ ~ 4ar~ A~. f~L'IC7E f. ;.~ ~:~ARAE i . '. f4~~k.Pt"r"d~~r.G'.o" a+e fiY~S~j,rG~r~vre~i ~fJ'F~ Ilr~ liir;,rrsti~7 - ~.. f~~rr@~er cif Pls~rrr~ro~~ag Perrrrrp"~ for' tfa~ rrr~a~slfr d11 Ilx~ i177uli~+~!' ~~1.~.~ul'i`~ ~ ~~~ 4 '~4~ LIOO.M1~o 1 $N4,it~CD~C~ti7f~.t5t7 ~~~ .ww .._~.._ .. -_ e'' _..... 17~,Q0~.13Q N' 1,5w~U.4~0 ~,,e. ~_. .. ..... .,... __.~.. 4 _.~~.._ ~ _ ... .~.a $'94 43UG 01} bG71"fl~fJa 2; $1,3;~'S,G(JG OG ~.._.._. ~e~.e_ __ _. :~ ~ ._.~ ._ . MINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Soard June 7, 2004 Members Present: Mike Schiesl, Bill Amdt, Bernie Miner, Mike Cannori and Mary Inglis. Also present were 1]olf Moon, and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 pm A motion made by $ill Amdt and seconded by Mike Cannon approved the minutes dated April S, 2004. The motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS 5unrmer Proiects: *Roberts Park -The canopies are installed over spectator bleachers. Portable outfield fences will be moved to Linden Park after the High School softball season is aver. *Second Avenue Bridge -The riverbank has been tapered from the bridge near the Salt Man's building to downtown, it will now. require less maintenance. *Millers Woods - A grant has been received to eliminate invasive plants by brush cutting and treating suckers. Trees not native to the area will be thinned out. *School Campus -Trees are planted in front of the Middle School. Senior High students paired up with kindergarten students to work on $15,000 software categorizing trees and charting their growth. *Library Square -17 Pallets of grass were rolled out today. The concrete portion of the fountain is complete and maybe started as soon as Tuesday. An anonymous donor funded the water fountain. Many trees will be planted and the flagpole will be replaced. There will be more open space in the park and this should improve the set up for the Arts and Crafts show in September. *Hwy. t 5 South -Trees will be planted from McCormick's to Menards on both the east and west side of the highway keeping the same pattern of the planting further north. *Rotary Park -The shelter is here and Juul Contracting will dig in the water and sewer lines. Work will begin after the Water Carnival. A $45,000 grant was received for flush toilets and landscaping. *Harrington/Merrill House -The property has been mowed and the main structure will be painted. Oak trees dating back 180 years are still standing today. A meeting was held to discuss a list of items to do, a fund raising program, and a timetable for the renovation of this property. *Rec Center -The new lighting will be installed in August with Conservation lncentative Program money from public utilities. The City Council approved the purchase and installation of new flooring. The flooring will be royal blue and charcoal and will be installed in August. "Civic Arena -The arena will host six weeks of ice in the west rink this summer. That rink has a sand floor and is equipped with a dehumidifier. School A ed Childcare -Park Place the school aged childcare program sponsored for three years by PRCE has been losing money. The Ridgewater College childcare program has expressed an interest in using Park Elementary for 47 children Monday through Friday from Gam to 6pm. ~J ~~ci~ MINiTfES PRCE Advisory Board June 7, 2004 Page two 150`h Celebration - In 2005 the city of Hutchinson will celebrate 150 years. A major kick off ceremony will take placein January at the Event Center with a week of activities planned. Activities will be planned throughout the yeaz such as music and a golf tournament. A gala event will be held in November again at the Event Center. A fund raising project benefiting the Hamngton/Merrill House is being considered. It would be selling banners for Main Street to local businesses. July/August Meeting -The first Monday in July is the 4`h, the Board will not meet in July. The August meeting may be a tour of the summer projects. OLD BiJS)(NFSS Mass Re ie stration -The evening went well. To improve the planning process, one consideration for next year would be to offer the camp fees at a lower rate for the evening to encourage participants to sign up early. AI7JOIJRNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:1 S pm by a motion made by Mike Cannon and seconded by Bill Arndt. The Board unanimously agreed. khn ~(~~ RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION UNCLAIMED PROPERTY Resolution No. 12451 WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Police Services has accumulated various unclaimed items. AND WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Code provides pursuant to Sectien 2.70, Subdivision 2, Paragraph C far the appropriation and sale at auction of unclaimed property. AND WHEREAS, the unclaimed property has been in the possession of the police services for more than sixty (60) days; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNE5OTA: 1. That the Hutchinson City Council hereby approves the sale at auction of unclaimed items identified on "Attachment A." U Adopted by the City Council this day of Augustl, 2004. Mayor City Administrator ~~ ~~ ~ Attachment A ~.agh,.~ui~a' br , Tt~ttiT~e~~ri titi'"~~:.;; ,,`''°;1~: ,~:a-~"~,;;'.dr, ,~";~ 04-00358 ' Bic cle Rvadmaster Mountain Storm Men s 04-00506 Roadmaster Mountain Fu Bic le 04-00577 Huff Stalker Men's Bic cle 04-00603 Murra Mountain Climber Women's Bic cle 04-00615 Roadmaster Silver/Black Men's Bic cle 04-00636 Shimano Men's SilverBlack Bic cle 04-00641 Hu Can on Black/Red Women's Bic cle 04-00677 Next Men's 24' Bic cle 04-00690 Huf Mohave Girl's Bic cle 04-00700 Murra Mountain Climber Men's Bic cle 04-00718 Sanwa Men's Bic cle D4-00725 Schwinn Varsit Men's Bic cle 04-00736 Murra Mountain Climber Women's Bic cle 04-00$31 Ma na Men's Black/Silver Bic cle 04-00863 Roadmaster Women's Pu le/Silver Bic cle 04-00888 Huff Illumina Silver Men's Bic cle 04-00964 Ma a Pu le Women's Bic cle 04-01009 Schwinn Sidwinder Bo s Bic cle 04-01012 Huff Ca ri Women's Bic cle 04-01028 Huff Women's Black Bic cle 04-01043 Huff Men's Bic cle 04-01080 Men's Red Mountain Bic cle 04-0] 105 Huff Mountain Echo Women's Bic cle ~t~~ 1 RE5OLUTION TO SELL FQRFEITED PROPERTY Resolution No. „~g, WHEREAS, Hutchinson Police Services has accumulated forfeited firearms; ANb WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Code provides pursuant to Section 2.70 for the liquidation of forfeited property. AND WHEREAS, the forfeited property has been in the possession of Hutchinson Police Services for more than sixty days; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That the Hutchinson City Council hereby approves the sale of the firearms identified on Attachment A.. Adapted by the City Council this day of August, 2004. Mayor City Administrator ~C~~a Attachment A Page 1 ~~;ir 6%r;4;1,t,~,~n'~;yq{i~; .::~^,, .~~~~,~,, ^'~y, ''~~*y~yysStt~~j~~ yyryy n~::';ri ,l~N':ai ~~'S i ...~.e, .~..~,~; '.ii ,, .~u,; ,,d:~1J0, ,'4'* ~,: P.p ..A..~ ~'i :,, .i:l.;i 1 yy~ {~~ry ~ ~ ~~7~J,i~1!'F~~~~l.I1SLL ~ .".9':i~l,~r~„j~a'.n:; •'r.,r~•at;.~x:„ ~'.41,,:~'^:~,9p2ide ;nd m~~,q~ro~; :,^.I„°~, ^. [~,~:~ANi.. .N ... , Ni Point Firearms Mode1995 Sub un A38557 Firestar Plus 9MM Pistol 2160708 ~. s~~~~, RESOLUTION' NO. 12493 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE LOCATION OF POLLING PLACE FOR ALL CITY PRECINCTS AND APPOINTING JUDGES FOR THE 2004 CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND STATE PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTIONS WHEREAS, Chapter 2048, Section 204B.16, 5ubd. 1 and Section 204B.21, Subd. 2 ofthe Laws of Minnesota states that the governing body of any municipality, lay resolution adopted poor to the giving of notice of the election, may designate the location of polling place of all precincts (one, two, and three) and naming of judges for the City and School District Election. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TI' RESOLVED BY THE CTI'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That the polling place to be used during the 2004 Election for all precincts will be in the Recreation Center located at 900 Harrington Street S.W., Hutchinson, Minnesota. 2. That the Election judges are hereby appointed in accordance with the attached list. Adopted by the City Council this 10'" day of August, 2004. 1.J Marlin Torgerson, Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator ~~ U ~C5~3 ELECTION JUDGES CITY OF HUTCHINSON CITY, PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTIONS 2004 *ANN SCHUMANN 587-6773 129 MOKNINGSIDE DR *DARLEEN KNIGGE 587-0961 832 GREENSVIEW CT NW *DEETTA MCLAIN 587-6069 755 SPRUCE ST ANNE HAAS 587-3193 113 MARK DRNE NE ANNETTE KOEHLER 587-6484 55 ORCHARD AVE SE BILL WEGNER 587-9096 125 11TH AVENUE NE CATHY PRELLWITZ 587-2174 640 CALIFORNIA ST NW DATLAF WESELOH 587-0869 1109 LEWIS AVE SW DEBORAH LEMKE 587-1179 685 SOUTHVIEW DRIVE DECOKES GRAVEN 234-7259 745 CENTURY AVE 5W DENNIS SCHROEDER 587-3660 1074 PRAIRIE VIEW DR SE DL4NNE MARQUARDT 587-8199 234 - 4T" AVE NW DOLORES BRUNNER 234-7666 968 HAYDEN AVE SW DgRI JOHNSON 587-2985 1270 ROLLING OAKS LN DgKIS DAGGETT 587-2382 978 ROLLING GREENS LN EILEEN BERWALD 587-2398 86 MCLEOD AVE NE ELAINE BLACK 587-3299 950 2ND AVENUE SW EVELYN gDEGAARD 587-3132 855 HILLCREST RD NE FLOYD KASTENS 587-6848 825 SPRUCE 5T NE GAIL FRANSEN 587-6720 45 11TH AVENUE NE r-TAUUrF:T BURICH 587-5010 583 CARLISLE ST NE HAKKIBT SCHIVIIDT 587-5466 45 SHERWOOD CIRCLE JANET CONNBK 587-6547 95 MCLEOD AVE NE JEAN HASSINGER 587-3150 546 2N° AVENUE SW JgHN HASSINGER 587-3] 50 546 2ND AVENUE SW JUNE WICK 587-6248 535 MAIN ST S MARK LEWANDOWSKI 587-6998 1357 WESTWOOD RD NW MAXIlVE ENGWALL 587-2431 506 JUERGENS RgAD SW MORRIS BJURI.IN 587-2753 527 7U17I, ROAD PATSY WRIGHT 587-4903 1300 SHERWOOD ST 5E PEAKL SEALS 587-3083 569 MILLEK AVE 5W PHYLLIS WESELOH 587-6318 1109 LEWIS AVENUE ROBERT PULS 587-2521 133 3HD AVE SW #616 ROMAN HAAS 587-3193 113 MARK. DRIVE NE ROSELLA STEARNS 587-2325 1004 ROLLIlVG GREEN LN ROXANNE JENSEN 587-8589 1239 BRADFORD ST SEDONA MILLER 587-2205 1235 GOLFVIEW CT NW TIM SEPULVADO 587-8962 715 RIDGE AVE NE *denates head judge All judges are appointed as health care facility judges. ~~ RESOLUTION NO. 12499 ACCEPTING PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM FIRST MINNESOTA BANK WHEREAS, First Minnesota Bank a city depository, has requested the following security be pledged under collateral agreement with the City of Hutchinson: FHLB 3133MYHE0 $1,000,000 04-30-13 BE ZT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the City Finance Director be authorized to accept the securities as of July 7, 2004 Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of August 2D04. Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. P1otz City Administrator ~J ~~:~~~~ PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. D4-382 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON FOR A P1tOPERTY TO BE REZONED FROM It-I PAA TO Ii-4PDD AS REQlTE51'Ell BY DEAN BLOEMKE AND DALE TAUEIi (WELCOME TO OUR HOME SECOND ADDITION) THE CITY COUNCIi. OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: WHEREAS, the following described real property is hereby rezoned from Rl PDD (Single Family Residential) to R4 PDD (Hi$h Density Residential) as requested by property owncr: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,131ock One, Welcome to Our Home Addition, and all of Black Hawk Court to be vacated, City of Hutchinson WIIEREAS, the City Planning Commission and City Council have considered the effects ofrezoning this piece ofproperty; WHEREAS, there are certain paramctcrs that will make this rezoning appropriate for this area; THEREFORE; the City hereby officially rezones this property to R4 PDD and it shall take effect upon publication of this ordinance; Adopted by the City Council this 10~' day of August, 2004 AT'TES"f: Gary A. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgenon Mayor 5~h~5 AIrSOLUTION NO. 12494 RESOLUTION APPROVING A )FINAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS MEADOW LINKS VIEW SUBiVIITTED BY RICHARD HAUSLADEN BE IT It~SOLVI;D BX THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS 1. The property owner has submitted a 31ot preliminary plat t~ be known as Meadow View Links. This is an application far a prelimmary plat for a property located at 1120 - 13 Ave. N.W. The preliminary pplat will combine Lot 3 of Krsiean Acres and Lot 2 of First Addition to The Meadows and split the property into 3 bm'ldable lots. The property is approximately 1.5 acres. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 3, Block 2, Krsiean Acres according to the recorded plat thereof. Also Lot 2, Block 1, First Addition to The Meadows, according to the recorded plat thereof. 2, The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfaze of the occupants ofthe surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding azea and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. The Council has determined that the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, if the conditions, as outlined below aze met. CONCLUSION The City Council hereby approves the preliminary plat with the following 1, The applicant should submit mylars copies ofthe plat as soon as possible to expedite the filing of the plat at the County. 2. The applicant is required to pay taxes for the entire year; prior to filing of the plat. 3. A building pemut (footing and foundation) could be issued after the filing of the final plat. A full permit could be issued when the sewer is tested and approved by the City. 4. Moving of utilities and/or services will be at property owner's expense. Adopted by the City Council this 10's day of August, 20D4. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor ~(~.~ 1 Hutchinson City Center DATE: August 4, 2004 tll ]]gggsn Street SE Ftutchlnaon, MN 553511.2322 320.587-5151/Fax 320.230.4240 MEMORANDUM T(3: Hntrhinnpn City ('.rn~rlrj] FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: CONSBJERATION OF 3-LOT FINAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS MEADOW LINKS VIEW SUBMITTEb HY R1C1-lARf7 HAU$LADfiN, PROPERTY OWNER Pursuant to Sections 12.20 ofZoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a final plat HISTORY The applicant has submitted a 3-lot Final Piat which will combine Lot 3 of Krsiean Acres and Lot 2 of First Addition to The Meadows and split into 3 buildable lots. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. There were no neighboring property owners present objecting to the request. Z. The sewer line has been bid and awarded. The convector should be starting constmedon sometime mid-August. The applicant is wishing to begin constmction of a new home. The City is anticipating issuing a footing and foundation permit only until the sewer line is installed and accepted by the City. 3. The lot configuration is appropriate for the Rl Zoning District and maintains enough buildable area despite many utility lines, which run along the eastern portion of the property. The lot sizes fat exceed the required 10,400 square foot minimum, 4. There are a number of fees that will be charged to the development. The parkland contribution in the Rl district is $215.00 per unit. SAC/WAC charges in 2004 arc $2200.00 pct unit (Holt this fee inCteascS every year). This development is within the electric service territory area therefore does have to pay a charge of$800.00 perunit. The above costs are collected with the building permit fees. There would be additional assessments concurrent with the sanitary sewer line. RE M The Planning Commission unanimously recommends approval of the final plat with the following conditions: 1. The applicant should submit mylar copies of the plat as soon as possible to expedite the filing of the plat at the County. 2. The applicant is required to pay taxes for the entire year; prior to filing of the plat. 3. A building permit (footing and foundation) could be issued after the filing of the final plat. A full permit could be issued when the sewer is tested and approved by the City. 4. Moving of utilities and/or services will be at property owner's expense. Respectfully submitted, . Aeon Kirehoff, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Cormtilssion Cc Butch Hausladen, 1120 - 13'" Ave NW Printed on ~arCbd P„Pe.. .~ /~\ I CITY OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING STAFF REPORT To: Idutchinsan Planning Commission From: Julie Wischnack and Bonnie Baumetz Date: July 28, 2004 --Meeting Date August 3, 2004 Re: Final Plat - Meadowlinks View Butch Hausladeu, properly owner Brief Description The applicant submitted a three lot £mal plat which will combine Lot 3 of Krsiean Acres and Lot 2 of First Addition to The Meadows and split into 3 buildable lots. The preliminary plat was approved by City Council vn April 27, 2004. GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: Rl (Single Family Residential) Property Location: 1120 - 13'" Ave NW Lot Size: Approximately 1.5 acres Existing Land Use: Single Faxnily Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Single Family Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Traditional Residential Neighborhood Zoning History: First Addition to the Meadow was subdivided by the City. Lot 2 has been sold tv the applicant. Applicable Regulations: Subdivision Drdinance Section 12.20 Analysis: The sewer line has been bid and awarded. The contractor should be starting construction sometime mid-August. The applicant is wishing to begin construction of a new home. The Ciry is anticipating issuing a footing and foundation pemtit only until the sewer line is installed and accepted by the City. The lot configuration is appropriate far the Rl Zoning District and maintains enough buildable area despite many utility lines, which run along the eastern portion of the property. The lot sizes far exceed the required 10,400 square Foot minimum. There are a number of fees that will be charged to the development. The parkland contribution in the Rl district is 5215.00 per unit. SAC/WAC charges in 2004 are $220D.00 per unit (note this fee increases every year). This devcloptnent is within the electric service territory area therefore dots have to pay a charge of $800.p0 per unit. The above costs are collected with the building permit fees. There would be additional assessments concurcent with the sanitary sewer line, which has been calculated for the praperry owner. It is anticipated that the tree escrow, would be waived for this ~~t~~~ Fipal Plat - Meadowlipks View Butch Hausladen Planning Commission meeting -August 3, 2004 Page 2 subdivision based on the fact that the development is in an existing area, is small in size, and there are many existing trees planted on the site. Rccommendatian: Staff recommends approval of the final plat with the following conditions: 1. The applicant should submit mylars topics of the plat as soon as possible to expedite the filing of the plat at the County. 2. 77w nppliannt is roquirad to pay taxca for the cntirc ycttr; prior to Filh~g of the plal. 3. A building permit (footing and foundation) could be issued after the Fling of the final plat. A full pemot could be issued when the sewer is tested and approved by the City. cc: Butch Hausladen, 1120 13th Ave. NW Compton Anderson, Builder L 51~~ ~ i i ~`~ _ _____ ___ __ ~_- i __-- -_~i_ ~- ~ N ---;i ACRES KRSIEAN I ~ I ~ m I BLOCK I I I I I v re w r , TWO ~ PLAT j FIRST ,,,,, ,,,, j i 3 a ~ I 2 I I BLOCK i Tq. erlmlalbn or rM a.alnpa •newn en rnM pqr a. Oev.d en rM w.ot am I j I al Lat Y. Broell 1 ~ FIRlT /pp17gN TO TI 1E ne /0~ q L~wa•d le ' 1 ~ • , ~ - - ~ - i .' \ t g • dy a.7 a rID / f I - -.~ .~__~.---~------_-_.- n ~ 5~ 9oo•w ~ ~ ~ 13TM AVENUE NW : ' ' ~J • p.nor•. Nen monwnmr rouvd o" D.ne»a 1/E mcn br 19 Iran keh olp• on maA•d or ~k•m. ta. x+a BLOCK 2 praaap• end uunry wvmmro a• en II II ~I I I -. 'I I rn muv: 2 KRSIEAN o v WqM• al m..evammn w• fMwn o M• map. S80'36'2a•W ` 184.BG 4 r ` lol -,. T ~ ea.e v IDi17 AVENUE ~° ~'• to •a.dlr nenl a4~ `~ I I ~~e 1 e 2 3~ I n I I I ~ ro 1 6 I dl I I I ~ ~' ~.w^^! 2 I I I 1 / ,.~ I I 2 ~ I I ~, ~ ~~ I I I~ ¢ I I I I a / 8 1 B~ocrc I I - ~ ~ ~ _J L L J I ~ _ _ T_~- - ~ ~ r~__ a 3 I ~r I I ACRES 3 I ' I ~ I I w I I a ' I Ilu ~. II ~~ ° Nea•a6'2a•E 1 ey.oo 127H AVENUE NW UNPLATTEb I ~~~I RESOLUTION NO. 12495 RESOLUTION APPROVING A FINAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS WELCOME TO OUR ROME SECOND ADDITION SUBMITTED BY DEAN BLOEMKE AND DALE TAUEIt BE TT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCII.OF THE CTI'Y OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FIND~I S 1. The applicant has submitted a final plat to be known as Welcome to Our Home Second Addition for the construction of a SO unit catered living apartment building located on Century Ave. S.W. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10, Block One, Welcome to Our Hame Addition, and all of Black Hawk Court to be vacated, City of Huuhinson, McLeod I County, Minnesota. 2, The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect ofthe proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic condinons, and the effect on values of properties itt the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, if the conditions, as outlined below are met. CONCLU~N The City Council hereby approves the final plat with the following: 1. Services for water and sewer shall be abandoned, as described in the tr;port. 2. Utility line abandonment, relocation, or rebuilding costs would be paid by the applicant. 3. Provide a joint landscaping plan prior permit issuance. The plan must also be appmved by the City Forester and installed no later than June 1, 2005. 4. A drive easement document shall be provided. 5. In the case the existing home is moved off of the site, the CUP is considered and approved. However, the movement of the structure would require route information and a moving permit. 6. The parking lot must be paved no later than June 1, 2005 (this will be e tau in year constmction; therefore anticipation of weather constraints should be considered). 7. The pond capacity calculations with this site plan should be resubmitted and approved by the City Engineer. 8. The setbacks for the building shall be 35 feet on all sides (excluding future link). 9. The connection between the buildings must meet al] applicable code requirements (fire code, building code, etc.) and should be further reviewed by staff at the time of actual construction. 0. Garbage dumpsters must be enclosed. 11. The Fees would be collected at the time of building permit. 12. Street lights will now be private and removal will be at property owner's expense. 13. A maintenance agreement is required regarding the maintenance of the pond. Adopted by the City Council this ] 0`" day of August, 2004. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor ~Cc~~. Hutchinson City Center L.J MEMORANDU rn nassau st,~t sE nutchineon, MN 55330.2522 3zo-say-sts7,nl'a= a2az3aazov r1ATE: August 4, 2004 TO: Hutchinsve City Council F'ItOM_ Hutchinson Planning Comrttission SUBJECT: CONSHIERATION OF FHVAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS WELCOME TO OUI~ HOME SECOND ADDITION LOCATED OFF CENTURY AVE. S.W. SUBMITTED BY DEAN BLOEMICE AND DALE TAUER Pursuant tv Sections 1220 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for final plat. HISTORY The developer has proposed a new location far the building on the property. The proposed building would move to the western portion of the property and consume the existing single-family lots (Lots 1-9). INE~>: FncT 1. There were no neighboring property owners present objecting to the request. 2. The previous plat which accommodated "the Oaks" vn Lot ] 0 was approved in 1999. The approvals included a plat with single family lots (1-9), the Oaks lot, and two outlots "A" and "B". The original sketches of the possible layout are attached. There is an existing home that was built on lot 9 in 2003 (Owned by Leroy Haggart. Mr. Haggart has an agreement to sell his parcel to the developer.) 3. The utility easements were dedicated on the lots as perimeter easements. The utility easements would need to be rededicated. The proposed plat indicates ] 0 feet. The utilities wiA require that all ofthe lines be abandoned that were located for the single family homes. The applicant has been informed that the cost to relocate any utilities is at the applicant's expense. If a lihk is constructed over a utility easement, further review would pe required. (However, the setbacks of the PDD anticipau no setback for the link.) 4. The revised PDD would expand the existing campus to include the western parcels. The setbacks for the existing and new strucnue would be deemed 35 feet for the building from all of the property lines, however, if a ]ink is ever constructed, this would be excluded from the setback requirement. The standard within the R4 zvnirtg district states that 35 feet should be required in the rear and front property lines. 5. If the existing public street would be vacated, the access drive could be the entrance road into the development and connect into the neighboring property to provide good circulation. Driveway easements providing right of entry for both properties should be executed. The easement areas are indicated on the plat drawing. The actual driveway easement agreements should be provided prior to the final plat submission.The fitture street connection for Cleveland Avenue is still anticipated. Future subdivisions ofthis property will require this lobe completed. During the original review of the entire site development, it was assumed that there would be a street connection from Cleveland Avenue to Dale Street (See Site Plan dated, 4-5-99). 6. Storm water improvements were made during the initial phase of development. Verificative of the pond calculations need to resubmitted. The pond is located to the south and west of the existing building. Lot 2 should indicate a drainage and utility easement for the pond area. It seems that the original plat did not provide an easement. However, for approximately the last 4 years, the Ciry has realized, in some cases there is a need to access private stormwater holding pond improvements; thus requiring a dedication for the easement The grading to the west of the building is being coordinated with the developer of that project. The coordination would also provide a joint landscaping plan. The developers must agree to final grades and plantings prior to building pemut issuanec. (Because the project is not next to existing single-family residential development, the time frame could be adjusted to time of permit.) 7. The proposed parking lot area would be located over the existing cut de sac area. The existingstmm sewer line would then be connected into the parking lot drainage system and exit to the pond area. The parking lot is required to have .5 spaces per unit; which would require 25 spaces to be available (8.5 feet by 20 feet is the minimum dimensional requirements.) T~.4a19,F ~g~tvith the site plan. ~~)a Finding of Fact -August 4, 2004 Wekcome to Our Home Second Addition- Onal plat Page 2 8. Open space requirements wit}liu a PDD is required to be 20%. The site is approximately 6.42 acres (both new and existing buildings). There is at least 1.5 acres as open space within the development, which meets the requirement. 9. This development is exposed to a number of fees. The SAC and WAC charges are calculated on a determination for elderly housing which would equate to 26 SAC/WAC units or $57,460. 1'he park fees are $135 per unit or $6,750. This area is not subject tv the Electric Service Territory Fee. RECOMMENDAT]ON The Planning Comtttission unanimously recommends approval of the preliminary plat, rezoing, and planned development district with the following conditions: 1. Services for water and sewer shall be abandoned, as descn'bed in the repon 2. Utility lint abandonment, relocation, or rebuilding costs would be paid by the applicant. 3. Provide a joint landscaping plan prior pemtit issuance. The plan must also be approved by the Ciry Forester and installed no later than June 1, 2005. 4. A drive easement document shall be provided. 5. In the case the exisAng home is moved off of the site, the CUP is considered and approved. However, the movement of the structure would require route information and a moving permit. 6. The parking lot must be paved no later than lone 1, 2005 (this will be a late in year construction; therefore anticipation of weather constraints should be considered). 7. T7te pond capacity calculations with this site plan should be resubmitted and approved by the City Engineer. 8. The setbacks for the building shall be 35 feet on all sides (excluding future link). 9. The connection between the buildings must meet all applicable code requirements (fire code, building code, etc.) and should be further reviewed by staff at the time of actual construction. 0. Garbage dumpaters must be enclosed. 11. The fees would be collected at the time of building permit. 12. Street lights will now be private and removal will be at property owner's expense. 13. A maintenance agreement is required regarding the maintenance of the pond. Respectfully submitted, Dean Kirchoff, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Cormtrission Cc: Dean Bloemke and bale Tauer, 55235 County Rd 38, Buffalo Lake, MN 55314 Steve Ordahl, Board of Social Ministries, 3530 Lexington Ave N, Shoreview MN 55126 ] & S Engineering, Project Engineer C~ 5C~-~-. CITY OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING STAFF REPORT To: Tiutchinson Flaaning Commission From: Julie Wischnack and Bonnie Baumetz Date: duly 28 , 2004 -Meeting Aate August 3, 2004 Re: Final Plat - Welcome to Our Home Second Addition Welcome to Our T3ome LLC, property owner (Leroy Haggart, co- applicant -existing owner, lot 9) Update The developer has proposed a new location for the building on the property. The proposed building would move to the western portion of the property and consume the existing single-family lots (Lots 1-9). The street would need to be vacated and tamed into a private drive. (The hearing for the vacation of right of way and utilities easements will be held at the Council meeting of August ] 0, 2004) Update nn Recommendations (bold indicates follow-up): Staff would recommend approval of the preliminary plat, rezoning to from PDD Rl to PDD R4, amendment to the original PDD Conditional Use Permit and vacation of right of way (formal approval of the right of way vacation would be at next month's meeting jointly with the final plat review); with the following conditions: . 1. Services for water and sewer shall be abandoned, as described in the report. The applicants are aware of this and should 6e communicating this to their contractor during construction. 2. Utility line abandonment, relocation, or rebuilding costs would be paid by the applicant. Aone-stop-shop should be held prior to construction, to better delineate the time frame. 3. Provide a joint landscaping plan prior permit issuance. The plan must also be approved by the City Forester and installed no later than June 1, 2005. The developers have turned in a plan. The City is awaiting a joint letter signed by the property owners which documents who is responsible for what portion of the grading and planting. 4. Additional drainage and utility easements should be dedicated around the ponding area, along existing sneer area (to capture sewer and water lines). This has been added to the plat. 5. A drive easement document shall be provided. The driveway easement shows up nn the rnal plat; however, Staff would request that the developer discuss with the County whether than can 6e done. The City is not in need of a driveway easement, the two owners are granting each other rights to the access easement. The actual agreemeni between the owners has not been received. 6. In the case the existing home is moved off of the site, the CUP is considered and approved. However, the movement of the structure would requee route information and a moving petmit. The applicant or mover must apply for a moving permit. 7. The parking lot must be paved no later than Tune 1, 2005 (this will be a late in year constrnction; therefore anticipation of weather constraints should be considered). The applicant is aware of this requirement. 8. The pond capacity calculations with this site plan should be resubmitted and approved by the City Engineer. The engineer's review is attached. 9. The retaining wall on the north end of the property may not be located within an easement area. The retaining wall has been removed from the plan. ] 0. The setbacks for the building shall be 35 feet on all sides (excluding future link). ~C ~.,!- Prelimiuary Plat - Weleotne to Our Home Second Addition Planning Commission meeting -August 2, 2004 Page 2 LJ Noted. 11. The connection between the buildings must meet all applicable code requirements (fue code, building code, etc.) and should be further reviewed by staff at the time of actual construction. Noted. 12. Garbage dumpsters must be enclosed. Have provided location on the northern portion of the property. 13. The fees would be collecud at the time of building permit. Noted. Other Conditions of Final Plat: t4. All teats must be paid prior to the filing of the final plat. tS. Mylars should be produced and provided to the City for signature. Previous Staff Report information from July 20, 2004: Srlef Description The applicant has resubmitted a preliminary plat to be known as Welcome to Our Home Second Addition, rezoning from R-1 PDD to R4 PDD; vacation of a utility and drainage easement and right of way in the previous Welcome to Our Home plat. The 2-story apartment building may be linked to the Oaks Assisted Living apartments to expand a senior complex of independent living and assisted living services. There are a number of items that the applicants arc requesting of the City and that will be further provided in the analysis section. GENERAL INFORMATION Existing 7.oning: Property location: Lot Size: Existing Land llse: Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Zoning History: Applicable Regulations: Analysis: R] (Single Family Residential) West of The Oaks 2.54 acres (proposed lot 1) Remaining Lot 2 would be 4.41 acres Vacant Single Family and High Density Residential Mixed Use Residential Neighborhood (which guides up to 18 units per acre) Overall density For PDA area 13.24 units per acre The property was platted in ! 999 and zoned as mixed use residential. Subdivision Ordinance Section 12.10 Areviores Approvals: The previous plat which accommodated "the Oaks" on Lot 1D was approved m 1999. The approvals included a plat with single family lots (1-9), the Oaks lot, and two outlas "A" and "B". The original sketches of the possible layout are attached. There is an existing home that was built --"CJ°~ Preliminary Plat -Welcome to Our Home Second Addition Planning Commission meeting -August 2, 2004 Page 3 on lot 9 in 2003 (Owned by Leroy Haggart. Mr. Haggart has an agreement to sell his parcel to the developer.) - Vacation of Drainage and Uti7iry easements and existing City right of way: The utility easements were dedicated on the lots as perimeter easements. The utility easements would need to be rededicated. The proposed plat indicates 10 feet. The utilities will require that all of the lines be abandoned that were located for the single family homes. The applicant has been informed that the cost to relocate any utilities is at the applicant's expense. If a link is cvnstmcted over a utility easement, fiuiher review would be required. (However, the setbacks of the PDD anticipate no setback for the link.) Planned Development District Rezoning to PDD R4 (Conditional Use PermixJ The original Planned Development District far this area allowed for the Oaks to be constructed on 4.5 acres of property. The Oaks contains 42 units of Assisted Living. The new complex would accommodate additional assisted living units. The existing PDD approval for the lot configuration to be what was deemed "Patio Homes" for the R] PDD area and the R4 PDD would be for the assisted living. The revised PDD would expand the existing campus to include the western parcels. The setbacks far the existing and new strncturc would be deemed 35 feet for the building from all of the property lines, however, if a link is ever constructed, this would be excluded from the setback requirement. The standard within the R4 zoning district states that 35 fact should be required in the rear and front property lines. Site Plan Review Buildings: The building is proposed tc be 390 feet long. The existing building is 325 feet long. In the original plans there was a proposed accessory structure 24' x 94' long. At this point, the developers are not proposing a garage structure. If they would build additional spaces, it would be on the eastern parcel near the existing garage structure. Srreets: If the existing public street would be vacated, the access drive could be the entrance road into the development and connect into the neighboring property to provide good circulation. Driveway easements providing right of entry for bath properties should be execmed. The easement areas are indicated on the plat drawing. 'T"he actual driveway casement agreements should be provided prior to the final plat submission. The future street connection for Cleveland Avenue is still anticipated. Future subdivisions of this property will require this to be completed. During the original review of the entire site development, it was assumed that there would be a street connection from Cleveland Avenue to Dale Sneet (See Site Plan dated, 4-5-99). Sewer/Watcr: The sewer and water services were akcady provided by the original development process. The existing curb stops for water that are located under the proposed building should totally removed and plugged at the main. ]n situations where the existing curb stop is located outside of the building area, the curb boxes must be removed. Sewer services, as well, must be moved outside of the building envelope and be sealed and capped. The proposed easement on the eastern side of lot one should be widened to provide public access to the existing sanitary sewer and water ]aural lines (in case the Ciry needs future access for sorrtething. The existing fire }tydrant must stay in is present location, which will end up on the edge of the new parking lot. Storm Sewer: Storm water improvements were made during the initial phase of development. Verification of the pond calculations need to resubmitted. The pond is located to the south and west of the existing building. Lot 2 should indicate a drainage and utility easement for the pond area. ]t seems that the original plat did not provide an easement. However, for approximately the last 4 years, the City has realized, in some cases there is a need to access private stormwater holding pond improvements; thus requiring a dedication for the easement. SC~~~ Preliminary Plat -Welcome to Our Home Second Addition Planning Commission meeting -August 2, 2004 Page 4 The grading to the west of the building is being coordinated with the developer of that project. The coordination would also provide a joint landscaping plan. The developers must agree to final grades and plantings prior to building permit issuance. (Because the project is not next to existing single-family residential development, the time frame could be adjusted to time of pemrit.) Parking: The proposed parking lot area would be located over the existing cul de sac area. The existing storm sewer line would then be connected into the parking lot drainage system and exit to the pond area. The parking lot is required to have .5 spaces per tutu; which would require 25 spaces to be available (8.5 feet by 20 feet is the minimtun dimensional requirements.) This has been met with the site plan. Open Space: Open space requirements within a PDp is required to be 20°/a. The site is approximately 6.42 acres (both new and existing buildings). There is at least 1.5 saes as open space within the development, which meets the requirement. Fees This development is exposed to a number of fees. The SAC and WAC charges are calculated on a determination far elderly housing which would equate to 26 SAC/R'AC units ar $57,460. The park fees are $135 per unit or $6,750. This area is not subject to the Electric Service Territory Fee. cc: Dean Bloetnke and Dale Tauer, 55235 County Rd 38, Buffalo Lake, MN 55314 Steve Ordahl, Board of Social Ministries, 3530 Lexington Ave N, Shoreview MN 55126 I & S Engineering, Project Engineer ~ 1 LJ ~C~~ ~.. Hutchinson City Center c 111 Hawn Street SE Hutchiasoq MN 55350.2522 320.387-SISt/Fax 320.23gA24a 1~J.. TO: Julie Wischnack, Director oT Planning, Zoning & Building FROM: Kent Exner, PE (S1rH/City Engineer Assistance) RE: Welcome to Our Home Plan Review DATE: July 29, 2004 I have reviewed the prelirninary plans and storm water runoff/ponding calculations for the Welcome to Ow Home development. These plans were prepared by I & S $nginccrs & Architects and received by the Ciry on July 27, 2DD4. Listed below are engineering issues that were discovered during the review: • Site grading -Upon comparing the submitted grading plan to the grading/erosion control plan for the Community of Lakeridge development immediately west of this site, it hasbeen determined that the site grading will adequately match the drive aisle curbing within the adjacent development and a retaining wall along the westerly property line will not be needed. • Pond Inlet and Outlet Piping Configuration-- The inplace pond shows several inlet and ouilet pipes. Also, there appears to be a storm sewer pipe that completely bypasses the pond. The pipe configuration surrounding the pond should be clarified. • Pond Inlet and Outlet Piping Elevations - The normal water level (NWL) of the pond seems to be at an elevation ] 057.OD based on the pond storage volume analysis shown in the provided storm waternutofflpottding calculations. This NWh would partially submerge two of the inlet pipes. There is no elevation provided on the outlet pipe that is shown an the plan. • Storm Water Runoff/Ponding Calculations -The submitted pond calculations show the inplace pond having a high water level (HWL) of 1060.55 fora 100-yr storm event. This elevation is below the original design };W]„ due to the pond being over excavated per the as-built topogrtaphic survey according to I & S. The pond outlet devices described in the calculations should be shown on the plans with their corresponding elevations. The pond dots have sufficient capacity per the calculations. ~ Storm Water Runoff -'fhe lawn area west of the proposed building drains onto the drive aisle within the neighboring Community ofLakeridge development. The building roofdrainage should be comeyedto the east side of the building to minimize the amount of runoff onto the adjacent property. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments regarding any of the issues discussed above. cc: John Rodeberg, Director of Public Works Wlnled on recycled paper - ~j(c~~ M E M -~, ~ '~ ~ ~ I ,g ~ ~ w ~~ ~ ~~x ~ ~ ~ ; 4 ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~~ ~.tl ~ ~ ~ $ a ~~ "Pay ~~ ~ 1 ~ '~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ q~q x ~ ~~1 ~ ~, ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~-., ~~~ i M~~, ~ R ~ , ~..~ ~ ~ ~ Y Iq ~#. A t yaaC ak rh - a~ a,rx axxm as-awwao "~ ~ .: ~ ~~ ~ l 1 5 ®aSW. 1.e8 a~ ran ~'~y ~ ~ & ., ~ ~ ryry T- ~ ~ ~~~~~ f ~ W ~Nd 1 $j h a ~,,, ~ ~~I Y ~ ~ ~ ~f 5yga' ~ a ~. W .. J. ~~y ~ ~ 6.. 4 '~~ ~ y j 3 ~ r CY ~ M ,fir iN ~ j ~ '„ ~ 4 ~ ,n ~ ~~ a 1. q ~1 p ~tl ~ 5. ~ Fe ~y ... ~ la q yj d~ ~ j ~ .F. r "~ q ~ ~ ~ g~~ ~1k q q p VR ~ 1 ~".. V f ` ~ ra ~tlJ ~ ' :.. ~,, ~'~ ~ ~ 'Ji IC~ti tl la [ep t c ~~~ I .. .. a~"2~x, ~"L nr;w« ~ A 'u ~ a a a,a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A,, eY~ y~~"X'I y i ~ ~ # ~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~~± a~~ ~.~ ~ .., .~~.~. ,~~ ~~, ~'~ ~~ ~ ~~ 'i~ i~ ~ ~G~ ~I rw~~~~~ .~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~` ,~ ~ a 4 h q, f~ ... ~~ 9 I' 1 `` .. ~ ~ V .~~ f ~~ a ~ ~~ti u ~i ~ N ~ ti , b 9 6 ~_ ~ ~~ ~ • ~_ ~_ ``` ~.. ., a~ .. •-. ° ~. ~., ~` 11 '~ ,.~. ~ ~;, ,~1C .+~ .. ~~~~,I. ~ ~~1~~ 1 f1df~~1'~~F ~f i'i' V ~ d v l 9 b W L ~ ! fVu ~~~~. `m~ ~.u v ~ ~ ~~ q ~ N 91 V ~,.....- PoIry' _. ~^'~i 11 ~ ee ~ 1 r ~ r MI 6 k k ..I ., 4 tl ~ 1 I I W I i I ~ p Y w g ~ t ~ _ r M m.f M~ ~~.d.w ~~V J *+ n A A M !~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ w 1 w' ~~~~Il~~~~,~ pl li Y I` ~.. ~. w r r Y. U. M W I Y V .:'~ . ~.. ~~~ ~ .. 31 .~ w _. ~~ s! i~ ti ~ W ~~ ~i~~~~~ I ~~~,qq~A~ 4 ~ ~ 11 ~I I I p^ 9 g ~~ ~ w;~Ea~ r ~~ ~. ~~ ~.. '" ~' ~q To: Julie Wischnack, Planning & Zoning From: Mark Schnobrich, City Forester Ae: Welcome to Our Home 2"d Addition Landscape Plan July 29, 2004 In reviewing the landscape design for Welcome to Our Home 2"a Addition T found that their specie selection of trees, shrubs, etc. and locations are satisfactory except in reference to the cooperative agreement with the adjoining property to the east. In specific l .)The incorporation of Blue Spruce into the design of the property to the east of Welcome to Our Home 2"d Addition. We recommend the use of White Spruce or Black Hills Spruce or Norway Spruce. 2.) The need for a buffer between the adjoining properties needs to be discussed further as does the retaining wall along with grade changes, eta. ~.J J~~~ Page 1 of 1 Bonnie Baumetz . Fram: Dougcarlsandev~aol.com Sent: Tuesday, August D3, 2004 3'07 PM To: Bonnie Baumatr Subject: LakeRidge Bonnie, This email is in regards to the Lake Ridge project and Dale Tower's senior apartment complex. I have agreed with Dale Tower that Dale will grade, sod, and irrigate the land between these two properties. The Lake Ridge owners have agreed to plant trees on the mounds between these two properties. Other plantings will be Dale Tower's responsiblibity. Thank you, Doug Carlson 8/3/2004 ~C~a. HUTCHINSON AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE r~ ~_J August 4, 2004 Mr. Gary Plotz 1 ~ MAIN STREET SOUTH, WUTCHINSON, MN 55350 PHONE:32a587-5252 • FAx:82a587-4752 WEBSITE: N/WW.HUTCWINSONCHAMBER.COM EMAIL: HCHAMBERC~HLJTCHTEL.NET City Administrator City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mr, Plotz, The 30th Annual Arts & Crafts Festival of the Hutchinson Area Chamber of Commerce will be held Friday, September 17, 10 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Saturday, September 18, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. We have contacted Mayor Torgerson, the Hutchinson Police Department, the Fark and Recreation Department and the Street Department for their assistance. Tf you have any questions, please call the Chamber at 587-5252. The Hutchinson Ambassadors also wish to reserve al] concession rights in the downtown area as well as the control of any and all food exhibitors for the Taste of Hutchinson. The Ambassadors have an agreement with Hutchinson Downtown Association regarding the operation of the Popcorn Wagon during the event. Thank you for your cooperation and for all the help you've provided in the past. Sincerely, y-~ Tina Vorlicek President . ~ /J1~liWlal~/ r.. ~f-llTiltlliP,ftt f4 ~AI/U1U4llLfl~ ,SItiCC ~9~b'.. . .Mac(~i~u,~..~fu~cRtinean a Petters pP.acce ta @ure, uwacf~, and da Bruoirtea~l 5~d) "tablrcatt}n u. 72'x+6 T.,.4.l~I;P,.„ "t~hoarsday, .~uhy 29„ 24t7~ - 1~at~c~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~e~~n C?l~ ~1~.LE(~r~ "~""i": off' rr~ra~~or 11 Il E~assara street, t~tatchaaastaaa ~ ~6Stl ph~aaae (~~~ ~"~-S 1 ~, ext. 258 crr ~"a ~~~~ 2:~~-~2~tb Nc~taee is hereby giw^era the Hiutchtnstata Gtty ~oattac~l fii11 be hotdang ~ aa~eetita ~ the ~tautatvs~ harrt~aers„ at pity ~al- satx 7'"a:esday, ~uust" 1CJ; ,2~dU4, at .G.~O,~.an, `tar the put~caes t~f hel~aa~ a paab~ic he~riri re~ardin ~ appl:~eatara~a ~~rr ~. 'Vacation ta~`street an~i ut~l~ty easestaerats: Bran ~reaaake artd dale '1"rxaaer rr~ a nrw„aaer.~ rare re ete~tan ca vracraPe~n drrazaaa~e e~asa'~raent ara take Y~'eTcam~ t~ ~ .T~'`ve,~ddi~^a~n fir ~epa~r~roses ~f" rst'reef rr",~~t rrf'a,~ ~rnd artilar~r arnd epl~ta"iae ~~~ ttrroperay. "t'he t"a~tax~ ;,~,~ is, ~ amts t~,: t id~._t::~~es #kae la~:~i~~~~~ fthe err i~~~ -taes; ~ - - ~~~ ~ ~ ~ i i C f j r^ r y, ti_ _ ~ ~~~ Indicates property descried ~n tie, notice. ~..: .- .~. ~r t tf /'\ ,~y_ ~r , a~ t ~; f// ~ ~~ i , ~. - 1 ~) ~ ~r'a Z r i z~ r ~ aj~ i ~ , tt ~, Y{ '_ ` M1 ~ L 1 ~~ ~S _: ~ .~ ~W f ~ ~i:~ns ~~1 taerscra~ ~s1v-tag tta he heard rt ~~ar~3inr« this ~ lycati~~: s' ~ ~:d ;a~~,c ar ~t this arateet~ or ~ ~ ~r ire ti~~ritten ~ ~. ~ t~ ~ ,, 1atx than 4.~t~ cata "Tuesda`, ugaas~ 1 Ct , 2~4. ~'lat~s and t~,aterials art„ avaxlabl+e at t~ze t~dty ca~ices ~~ rep ~-- , hy' aiapeintrtaetat. , ctatxa~~ete ag,cn~a c~~"t~ae +~ty+taaa'tcil rtaeetira is als+~ a~railable at the tt»,ity o~t~es. Iyc~aa ha~°e questit~aas a asst the ~artataasal, y~au y ctrt~taet the F'"~araavxag t3epaaaetat at the n.tea rtavided. 'Gate .~'ta to ~'v i~',C~ir,aG:~~__.®.~_..._....._...... ~ireetr?~. ta~i'latanir~g„ :aaatirag attd T~aailditxg .,~' ~...c.~µlq a •.... ...... ...w .u.... ..... 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RESOLUTION NO. 12496 REVISED RESOLUTION pECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT RDLL N0.5070 LETTING N0.3/PROJECT N0.04-03 WHEREAS, cast has been determined for the improvement of Jefferson Street SE from Jefferson Court SE to Toronto Avenue by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewerand services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, ,bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk, trail, street lighting and appurtenances, and the bid price for such improvement is $386,182.01 and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $92,683.69 so that the total cost of the improvement will be $478,865.70. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement tc be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $255,623.99 and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $223,241.71. 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 1D years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2005 and shall bear interest at the rate of 4.68 percent per annum from November 1, 2004. 3. The City Administrator, with the assistance of the Director of Engineering, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 4. The City Administrator shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adapted by the Ccuncil this 10th day of August, 2004. Mayor City Administrator ~c~~ RESOLUTION NO. 12500 RESOLUTION ADOPTING REVISED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5070 LETTING Nq. 3lPROJ6CT N0.04-03 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution and notice of hearing the Council has met and reviewed the proposed assessment for improvement of Jefferson Street SE from Jefferson Court 5E to Toronto Avenue by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk, trail, street lighting and appurtenances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted, and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period often (10) years, the first of the installments tc ba payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2004, and shall bear interest at the rate of 4.68 percent per annum as set down by the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from November 1, 2004 until the 31st day of December, 2005. To each subsequent installment when due, shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such properly, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by the 15th day of November, 2004; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to the 31 st day of December, of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15, or interest will be charged through December 31, of the next succeeding year. 4. The Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County, and such assessment shall be ccllected and paid aver in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Council this 10th day of August, 2004. Mayor City Administrator r~ LJ ~~e~ COMPELED BY: P VEEN REVISED ASSESSMENT ROLi N0. 5670 5601.79 SANITARY SEWER COSTNNR ~ SO4FTHPlIND GOMPUlEO BY: J ERG LETTING NO. O3fPROJECT NO. 61-03 SOAO WATERMAIN GOSTNNIT - SOU7HNlND OHECI~OI;Y: P. PANDER VEEH SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT H0.7 TO LETTING HO. 61PROJECT N0. 03.12 50.06 STORM SEINER COSTNNR -SOUINWINO HUMBER OF YEARS: 40 JEFFERSON 573E ~ JEFFERSON CT SE TO TORONTO AVE $E BY CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER, SOJN STREET CONSTRUCTIDH CDSiNNR- 50UTHW WD iMTERE3T RATE; 4ba% SRNRARY SEWER 3 SERVCES, WATERMNH 3 SERVICES, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURB ADOPTED: 08710720D4 8 Gf71-fER, BfTUMINOUS BASE 3 SIIRFACIHG, 51DEWILLN, TRAY., 37REET LIGF[fIHG 8 APPURTENANCES 1ST HEARW G: 04H3@00{ 2ND HEARWG: 68770@006 ACCT. CT' PID H0. NAME S ADDRESS LEGAL OESCR1Pf30H SANITARY SEWER WATERNAIN STORM SEWER STREET RESTORATgN TOTAL DEFERRED TOTAL ACTIVE NO. QOUNTY AO N0. OF PROPERTY DVRfER ADAr1oN OR SUBDMSgN U FEET ASSE63MD17 JSSESSNFJIT ASSESSM@Ff RSSE88NEN7 ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT 07-1 t629-0&0040 Ntrtchinson Lend NoWings Pn~peM1y Atldress: 325 Ottaxm Ave SE 2455 12N SY E Ld 3, Block 2, 1 23.451-0120 SlCbud MN 56304 Soutllwind 1 5501.79 50.00 50.06 50.06 b0-00 3501.79 07-11&2409-0050 Hulchinsan I c,.i Hddirgs Pro Address: 335 Ottawa Ave SE 245512th St E l.ot 4, Block 2, 2 23-45 L0130 St Clautl MN 58304 SoWlwintl 7 $507.79 30.00 50.00 60.00 50-00 350179 07-11629-040080 HuEChinsan Land Hdtlings Property Address: 345 Ottawa Ave SE 2455 12M St E Lot 5, Block 2, 3 23.d54.0 t40 St Cloud MN 58364 SaWRwind 1 5501.79 50.00 50.00 60.00 SO-00 550179 07-118-2409-W 70 Hutchinson Land Hdtlings Property Address: 355 OOawa Ave SE 2455 1271 SL E Lot 6. Bbtl~ 2, d St Cloutl MN 56304 South+nnd 1 $591.79 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 E50t.7S 07-116-29-09-0080 HutUinson Lantl HW7ings Property Address: 365 OVar2 AVe SE 5 23.451.0180 2455 32M St E SE CIDW MN 56304 Lo! 7, Bock 2, Southnind 1 5501-79 30.00 SO-00 50.00 50.00 5501.79 07-116-25-09-0090 Hu[drinson Lantl HaWin9s Propeny Address: 375 Ollana Ave SE 6 23.451.0170 2455 121h St E St CICW MN 56304 Lot S, Black 2, Sou0lxvnd 1 b50t74 50.00 30-00 $0.00 $0.00 5501.79 07-1 16 2 9-09-0 1 00 Hutchinson Lend FfOltlings Property Adtlress: 385 OMaxa Ave SE 2455 12th S[ E Lot 9, Block 2, 7 23.451-0180 Sl Cloud MN 56304 Sauglwnntl 1 350F.79 $0-00 50.00 SO.W 50.00 5501.79 07-13&29-09-6110 Hutchinson Land Hdtli s Property Address: 395 Ottawa Ave SE 245512th St E E..ot 10. Bbck 2, 8 23.454.0190 St Claud MN 56304 Sou7lwind 5 $501.79 50.00 $0.00 b0.00 b0-00 550179 07-116-29-09-0126 Hutchinsar land Hddo4gs Prape A~ress: 405 Ottawa Ave SE 9 23.451.0200 2455 12V1 St E St Cloutl MN 56304 Lat 17, Bkrck 2, SautMnnd 1 $501.79 50.00 b0.00 SO-00 50.00 5501.79 07-116-29-09-0130 Hu[chinsm LantlHWings Properly ,4ddress: 4150Vawa Ave SE 10 23.451.0210 2455 1201 St E 5t Cloud MN 56304 Let 72, Block 2, SouOroiM 1 3501.79 SD.06 SO-00 50.00 30.00 5501.79 07-11629-030140 Hu[ddnson Land Holtlings Prope Adtlress: 330 ORewa Ave SE 51 23.451.0350 2455 1271 St E St Cloud NN 56304 Ld 7, Block 4. Sou[heiM 1 5501]9 511.00 50.00 SO.00 30.00 5501.79 07-116-29-09A150 Hutchinson Lantl Fbldin~ Properly Adtlress: 340 0tfexm Ave SE 32 23.451.03fi0 2455 72N St E Sl Cloud MN 56304 Ld 2, Black 4, Southwind 1 3504.79 50A6 50.00 50.00 30.00 8501.79 D7-41629-09-0180 Hutchinwn LaM Hdtli[gs Property Adtlresa: 350 0tlawa Ave SE 13 23-454.0370 2455 12th St E St Cbud MN 56304 Lot 3, Block 4, Sou7lwind t 3501.79 50.00 50.00 50.00 50-00 SSOLT9 SA-507(1"LMM1 IETTING N0.3N403~PAGE 7 OF 10 CDIAAILED BY: P VEEN REVISED ASSESSMENT ROIL NO. 6070 L601.T9 SANRARY SEWER COSTlUNIT- SOUSRWIND CONPDTED BY:J BERG LETTING N0. DSIPR0J ECT NO. 04-03 LD.00 WRTERNAIH CD5TMCf-SWTHWIND CHECKED BY: P-vANDER VEEN SHPPLEYENTRL AGREEMENT NQ 1 TO LETTING HO. SIPROJECT N0. W-12 50.00 STORK SEWER COSTAINIT - SOG7HWWD NUKSER OF YEARS: 7D JEFFERSON 5T SE - JEFFERSON CT SE TO TORONTO AVE SE BY CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER, 50.00 STREET CONSTRUCTION ODSTAJNtT ~ SWTHIMND WTEAEST RATE: 4,89% SANITARY SEWER 8 SERVN:ES, WATERAUIN & SEANCES, GRADING, GRANEL RACE, CONCRETE CURB ADOPTED: DBf10l2004 b GOTTER, BITIIMINW$ BASE 8 SURFACRiG, SIDEWALK, TRAIL, STREET LIGHTING 6APPURTEHANCFS 15T HEARIN G: 04!1372004 2ND HEARING: D6l50721g4 ACCT. CRV HD NO. NAME 4: AOORE53 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 8AI8TA1[Y SEWER WATERN/iBl STORK SEWER STREET RF$TORATION TOTAL DEFERRED TOTAL ACTRlE N0. COUNTY PID NO. OF PROPERTY OWNER ADORION OR BUB0tN860N U FEET ASS~SNENT ASSESSNFNi ASSESSIlEt4T ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ABSESSRffi/T 07-116-29-09-0170 Hutchinson LaM Hdtlings Pra Address: 360 OltawaAre SE 2455 12th St E Lot 4, Bbtlc 4, F4 23.451.0380 St Cloud MN 58304 Seuthxmd 1 5501-79 EO-00 $OAO SO.W $0.00 ~ 8501.79 O7-116-2309-0180 Hv[tlirelson Lantl Hodings Pm Address: 370 Ottawa Ave SE 2455 1251 St E Let 5, Bock 4, 15 23.457.0390 St Cloud MN 56304 Southadnd 1 5501-79 SO-00 50.00 50.00 50.00 3501.79 07-116-23030190 Hutchimon Land Hollings Property Address: 390 Ollawa Ave SE 58 23.451.0400 2455 7261 St E Sl Cbud MN 56304 Lot 6, Blatlc 4, SoutheiM 1 5501-79 EO-00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 5564.79 07-116-2310.0250 Hu[cFnnson Lantl Holdings Property Address: 205 OOawa Are SE 2455 12th St E La! 4, Bock 1, 77 23.451.0010 St GDS MN 56304 SouNwintl 1 5501.79 50.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 5507.79 07-176-2340.0260 HutAdnsan Lantl Hollings Property Address: 278 Ottawa Ave SE 2455 12N 5[ E Lot 2, BIOCk 1, 18 23.451-002F1 St Cbutl MN 56304 Souttwnntl 7 5501.79 50.00 50.00 50.00 50-00 5501.]9 07-f 76-29-10-0270 tiulchinson Land Hdtli s Property Adtlress: 225 Ottawa Ave SE 2455 12th S[ E Lot 3, Nod! 3, 19 23-451.0IX10 St Cbutl MN 58304 5oulMnnd 1 5501.79 50.00 50.00 50.00 SD.00 5501-79 07-716-2910-0260 Hutchinsm land Holdings Properly A~ress: 235 Otawa Ave SE 2455 12th Sl E Lal 4, Bock 1, 211 23.451.0040 St Cloud MN 58304 Sou[heiM 1 5501]8 ED.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5501-79 07-118-2&10-0290 Hutchinson Lantl Hollings Pm PAdress: 245 Otta+ra Ave SE 21 23.451.0050 2455 t2St St E St Cloud MN 56304 Let 5, Block 1, SouDlwind 1 5501-79 SO-00 SO.DO 50.00 50.00 L561.79 07-118-23140300 HutCunson Lantl Holdings P Address: 255 Ollae'A Ave SE 22 23.451.0080 2455 12dr S[ E 51 Clacd MH 58304 Lo[ 6, Block 1, Sautllwintl 1 5504.79 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 8501.79 07-118-29-140310 HuEtllinsan Land Haldinga Properly Adtlress: 285 Cmawa Ave SE 23 29.451.0070 2455 12N St E S Claud MN 56304 Lo[7, Block 7, SdMwind 1 5501.79 50.00 50.00 50.00 SO-00 5501.79 07-1762310-0320 Hutchinson Land Hdtlmtgs Pro rty AdMess~ ZT5 Ottawa Are SE 24 23-451.0080 245512M S! E St Cbutl MN 56304 Lot 8, Block 1, $onSwrind 1 5501.79 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5501.79 07-1162310-0330 Hulahinson laM Hdoings Pm Address: 285 Ottawa Ave SE 25 23.457.0090 245512UI St E 51 Cbutl MN 55304 Lot 9, Bbric 1, SouthuvW 1 5501]9 50.00 SO-00 SO.00 50.00 5501.79 -~ 07-116-23140340 HuEtliinsan land Hobings P Address: 305 Ollexv Ave SE ' 28 23.451.0100 2455 1281 St E Sl Cloud MN 58304 Lo7 1, Block 2, SeuNwintl 1 S50t.79 50.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 $501.79 J sA-so7m2Dx LETrmc No.aoamPACE z of 1a OOMPILED SY; P VEEN REVISED ASSESSMENT ROLL NIO. 1070 ,~nr].79 SANITARY SEWER COSTNNR-SOI7THWIND COMPiffED BY; J ERG LETTING NO. 931PROJECf HO. 04-03 59.00 WATERMAIN G05TNNIT ~ SOUTHWIND O}[ECNEO BY: P. VANDER VEEN SUPPLE7r~NTAL AGREEMENT NO. t TO IFTTING N0. 51PROJECT N0.0}12 59A0 STORM SEWER COSTNNR -SOUTHWIND N1FA18ER OF YEAR3: f a JEFFERSON ST SE • JEFFERSON CT SE TO TORONTO AVE SE BY COlfSTRUCTION OF STORM SEYYER, 59A0 STREET CONSTRUOTIOk COSTfUNIi ~ 50UTHWIND IHTERE3T RATE: 6.657: SANITARY SEWER b SERVICES, WATERIRAIN d SERVICES, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURB AWPTEp: 0811 D1200M1 5 GUTTER, BRUMINOkfS RASE E BURFACING, SIDEWALI(, TRAIL, STREET LIGHflNG ~ APPURTENANCES 15T HEAR€N G: 0417312004 2ND HEARING: D&10l20D4 AOCT. CITY PID NO. NANEE ADDRESS LEGAL UESCRIPITON SANTARY SEWER WATERMAIN STORM SEWER STREET R%TORATION TOTAL DEFERRED TOTAL ACTIVE N0. C011lfFY PID H0. OF PROPERTY DINNER ADDITgN OR SUBDNNION FEET A83ES8NEN7 ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT A33ESSMEH7 ASSESSMENT 07-116-2&10-0350 Hutchirsm Land Holdings Property Address: S1i OtlawaAre SE 2655 12th St E Lot 2. Bbdc 2, 27 23.451.0110 St Cloud MN 56304 Southevtd 1 5501.79 SO.DO $0.00 50.00 $0.00 3501.79 07-116-2310-0360 Hutchinsm Lantl Fbldings Property Atldress:200 G[bwa Ave SE 28 23.451.0270 2655 12T St E St Cloud MN 56304 Lot !, Black 3, Souttrxind 1 5501.79 50.00 50.00 30.01] 50.00 5501.79 07-116-2370-0370 Hinson Lantl Fiobings Properly Fddress: 270 Ottawa Ava SE 2455 1201 St E Lot 2, Bock 3, 29 23.451.0280 St Cloud NN 563576 Souttraind 1 5507.79 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 3507.79 Ol-11fi-231 P0380 Hu[dunsan Land Holdups Property Adtlress: 220 Ollexa Ave SE 2655 7261 St E Ld 3, Bock 3, 30 23.451.0290 S[Goud MN 56304 Soufhwintl t 5501.74 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5501.79 07-116-2310-0390 Hutchinson Land Holdings Property Address: 230 Ottawa Are SE 31 23.451.0300 2455 12th St E Si Cbud NN 56304 Lot 4, Block 3, SaMwintl 1 5501.79 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 3501.79 07-1162310.0400 Hutchinson Land Hddirgs Property Atltlress: 240 O[bwa Ave SE 2455 12N & E l.ot 5, Blccl[ 3, 32 23.451.0310 St Cbutl MN 56304 Soulhwintl ] 5507.79 30.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5591.79 07-118-Zcr10-9410 Hutchinson Land Hoffirigs Pm rly Address: 250 Ottawa Ave SE 245512th 5€ E Lat 6, Slodr 3, 33 23.153.0320 St Cbutl MN 56304 Sautlr+nnd 1 $501.79 50.90 50.00 30.00 30.00 3504.79 W-116-2910-0420 Hutchireca iantl Hodings Property Address: 280 Ottawa AYe SE 2455 12tlr St E Lot 7, Bbtl[ 0, 34 23.457.0.130 SI Cbutl NN 58304 Sauthwind 1 3501.79 30.00 50.90 30.00 50.00 5501.79 07-11 Cr2310-0430 Hutchimm Land Haklings Property Address: 270 Ottawa Are SE 35 23.451.0340 2455 F21h St E St Cloud MN 58304 Lot S. Bbdc 3, SouthairW 1 5501.79 50.00 SO.00 50.00 30.00 5507.79 W-116-2310-0440 Hv[Clinson Land Holdings P Address: 14211 SDen~nod S[ SE 2655 1201 St E OuOat A 3G 23.451.0490 3! Gaud MN 56304 Southedntl 0 30.00 50.00 50.00 30.00 50.00 50.00 07-11623150010 Hutchinson Land Hdtlings Property Atltlress: 280 Otbwa Ave SE 37 23.451.0500 245512th StE SlCbutl NH 56301 OWol6 SpMwind 46 523,082.76 50.00 30.00 SOA9 30.00 523.082.18 07-11623160010 HuGdtimm~ I aM Hdtlings Property Rtltlress: 425 OttaRe Ave SE 36 23.451 A220 2455 12N St E St Loud MN 56304 Lot 13, Block 2, Sou0lwintl 7 3503.79 50.00 59AD 50.00 50.00 5501.79 07-116-23760020 HulGhineon Land Hofdirg5 Pm rry Adtlresa: 435 Ottawa Ave SE 39 23.65 t.0230 245512U1 St E St Cbutl MN 56304 tat 14, BLxI 2, SoWwiind 1 5501.79 30.00 30.00 50.00 59.90 3501.79 J SA-507'a"LDO4 LETTING N03iD4-03PAGE 3OF t0 CONPLEO BY: P PEEN REULSED ASSESSMENT ROLL N0.6670 5509.79 SANITARY SEWER COSTNNIT • SWTHWINO COMPUTED BY: J ERG LETTING NO. 031PROJECT N0. 04-03 SOJN WATERMAIN COSTlUNR-SOUTHWIND CHECKED 6Y: P. VANDER PEEN SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 1 TO LET7IHG HO. 51PROJECT N0.63-72 50.00 STORM SEWER COSTA1NtT ~ SOIITHWIHO NURSER OF YEARS: 10 JEFFERSON ST SE -JEFFERSON CT SE TO 70RONT0 AVE SE BY COHSTRIICTION OFSTORM SEWER, SO.oD STREET CON5TRIlCTIDN OOSTIIINrt -SOIRHWIRO 9RFJiEST RATE: 4.68Y. SANITARY SEWER & SERVICES, WATERMAIN S SERVICES, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURB ADOPTED: OBHOl2004 a GUTTER, BITIIMINDUS BASE b SURFACING, SIDEWALK, TRAIL, STREET LIGHTING b APPURTENANCES 75T HEARING: 04!73!2004 PND HEARING: O6H0@D04 ACCT. CRY PID N0. MANE a •DnvE.~e LEGAL DESCRIPfIDN BANRARY SEMIER WATERNAIN STORN SEWER STREET RESTORATKIH TOTAL DEFERRED TOTAL ACTNE N0. COUNTY PID NO. OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDRBOH OR 9UBpN9[OH U FEET ASSESSMENT ASSESS#IEN7 ASSESSMENT A59E98NE[YT A88E88MENT A83ESSMEM D1-116-28-16-0030 Nulchinsan Land Hddinps Property Address 445 Ottawa Ave SE 2455 12th St E Lot 15, Bbc7c 2, 40 23.4510246 St Cbutl MN 56304 Sauttrdnd 1 5501.79 50.06 W-00 50.00 50.00 556179 07-11&2316-0040 Hutchinson Land Hodings Property Address: 455 Ottawa Ave SE 245512th S! E Lot 18, Bock 2, H 23.451-0250 S[Cbud MN 56304 SauthMntl 1 $56179 50.66 50.60 50.00 $0.00 5501.79 W-1 5 8 2 31 6-00.5 0 Hu4hinson Land Hdtlinga Property Address' 465 Ottawa Ave SE 42 23.451-0280 2455 1201 S[ f St Cbutl MN 56304 Lot 17, Bbr]c 2, Sauthxind 1 $501.79 50.00 50.00 50.06 99.00 5501.79 07-1182316-0060 Hutchinson Land Hddin s Property Address: 416 Ottawa Ave SE 2455121h S! E Lot 7, Bbdc 4, 43 23.451-0490 St Cloud MN 56304 Sauthvnnd 1 5501.79 50.00 56.66 50.60 $0.00 5501.79 07-t162&16-0070 Hutchinson [arW Hddin9s Pm Adtlress= 420 Ottawa Are SE 245512H SI E La! S, Block d, 44 23-451.0420 S[Cbutl MN 56304 SauUnnOd 1 5561.79 SO-00 SO-00 30-06 50.00 5501.79 07-1162316-0080 Hutchinson land Hotlin Properly Address: 436 Ottawa Ave SE 0.5 23451.0430 2455 12th S[ E St Cloud MN 58304 Lot 9, Blotlc 4, SouO,xsnd 1 5501.79 SO-00 Sa-00 SO-06 50.00 $561.79 07-116-23180090 Hvtchmsan Land Holdin Properly Adtlrns: 440 C171exa Ave SE 2455 120r St E Lot 16, Block 4, 46 23.451.0440 St Cloud MN 56304 SouOiwind 1 5501.79 50.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 5561.79 07-11829-18010(1 Hulddnsan Land FloWings Property Adtlress: 450 00ewa Ave SE 2455 12N St E Lot 11, Block 4, 47 23.451.0450 Sl Cloud MN 58504 Sadhwintl 1 5501.79 50.00 50.00 ~ 50.00 SO-00 5503.79 07-11829-5861 FO Hutt/Ainsan Land Holdings PropeM1y Atltlress: 404 Toronto BNd SE 2455 12N St E Lot 1, Block 5, 4B 23.451.0480 S[ Cloud NN 56304 SoWhwind 1 5501.79 SO.CO 50.06 50.06 SO-00 5507.79 07-116-29-i6-O 1211 Hutchinson Land HddiOps Property Address: 432 7arorda Bhrtl SE 2455 12N St E Lot 2, Sbck 5, 49 23.451.D470 St CWud SAN 53504 SouOwdnd 1 5507.79 50.00 50.00 90.00 50.00 5501.79 07-176-2316-0136 Hutchinson Land Hollings Property Address 620 Toronto Blvd SE 2455 121h 5< f Lot 3, frock 5 50 23.451-0480 St Claud MN 56304 Soutlrxind 1 5501.79 50.00 50.06 50.00 50.00 5501.79 SU&T6TAL 94 5l7,7fi7.94 50.00 50.00 50.00 SB.00 ;4T 787.91 r~ SA-5WMC01 LETTING HO.3RX{L7RAGE60F 10 COMPILED SY: P VEEN REVI$EO ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 6070 5487.15 SANI7ARV SEWER COSTRINI7- Sd1TH FORK Po COMPUTED BY: J BERG LETTING NO.03RROJECT NO.04-03 50.00 WATERMNH CDSTfVNIi-3011TH FIXiR R10GE CHECKED SY: P- YANDER VEEN SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 1 TO LETTING N0. 6fPROJECT N0.03-i2 $0.00 STORK SEWER COST![3NIT ~ SOUTH FORK PoDGE NUMBER OF YEARS: f0 JEFFERSON ST SE - JEFFERSON CT SE TO TORONTO AVE 6E BY CONSTRUCT70N OF STORM SEWER, $0.00 STREET CONSTRUCTgN COSTRINR-SOUTH FORK RIDGE IH7ERE3T RATE: 4.6a7i SANRRRY SEWER S SERVICES, WRTERMAIN 5 SERVICES, GRADWG, GRAVEL EIA.SE, CONCRETE WRB ADOPTED: 0811D12004 8 GUTTER, &TUNINOUS EN4SE d BURFRCING, SRIEWALIC, TRNL, STREET LIGHTING S APPURTENANCES 1ST HEARING: OU1312004 2N8 HEARJHG: 0 811 0720 0 4 ACCT. CffY P0. NO. - NAMES AIIORES$ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~ BANTFARY SEWER 1NATERNAN STORK SEY/FR STR!£7 RESTGRATION TOTAL DEFERRED TOTAL ACTIVE 7q. COUNTY AD N0. OF PROPERTY OWNH4 ADDRIpN OR BUBOM90N UN FEET ASSBSSYEN7 - EN7 ASSE38NENT A35ESBNENT ASSESSMENT R$$ESSMFJIT 23.455.0010 Darrel Farr DeveloPRleRt Property Adtlress: 172 Hamel Rd Lot 1, Block 1, 51 07-17629-09-0210 Hamel MN 55340 SoWh[ork Ride S 5467.15 $0.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 5461.15 23.455.0020 Darrel Farr Darel eert Pro Adtlress: 173 Hamd Rd l.ot 2, Block 1, 52 D7-116-29-030220 Ffamel MN 5534] SaM[ork Ritlge S 5431.15 50.00 $0.00 $O.OfI 80-00 5967.75 23.455.0030 Darrel Farr Devel elk Property Address: 173 Hemel Rd Lot 3, Block 1. 53 D'r-17b29-09-0230 Hamel MN 55341 So,M[ork Ritl l 8465.15 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 6485.15 23.455.0040 DarreF Farr Davelofurldrt Property Address: 174 Hamd Rd Lot b, Block 1, 54 07-118-29-030240 Hamel MN 55342 3wfltl[ork Ridge t 5467.15 $0.00 50.00 30.00 50.00 5481.75 23.455.0050 Darrel Farr Developnem Property Address: 174 Namd Rd Lot 5, 81ock 1, 55 07-176-29-0902SU Hemel MN 55342 SoWhlork Ridge 1 &61.15 $0.00 30.00 50.00 $0"00 5467.75 23.455.0060 Darrel Farr DcvekKmleDt Property Adtlress: 175 Hemel Rd Lot B, Bock 1 58 07-118-2&030280 Hamel MN 55943 Saulhlork Ridge 1 5465.15 50.00 30.Of1 30.00 $0-00 5461.15 23.455.0070 Darrel Farr Develo7vnmt Praparry Adtlress: 775 Hemel Rd Lot 7, Block 1. 57 07-11629-04Q270 Hamel MN 55343 SoulMork Ridge 7 5461.15 50.00 EO.W 50.00 50.00 5461.15 23.455-0080 Dead Farr DeYdopmenl Praperry Address: 176 Hamd Rd Lot e, Bictk 1, 56 07-11629-090230 Hamd MN 55344 SallGlrork Ribpe 1 5461.75 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5467.15 23.455-0090 Demd Fan Devdo menl Pmperry Address: 176 Hamd Rd Lot 9, Bock t, 55 07-116-29-09-0290 Hamd MN 55344 SouNiakR~e 1 5461.15 50.00 50.00 30.00 50.00 $467,55 23.455.0100 Oartel Fert Develo menl Pmperry Atltlress: 777 Hamd Rd Lot 10, BhdS 1, 60 07-1162309-0300 Hamel MN 55345 Sau[Mork ~ 1 5461.15 50.00 50-00 50.00 $0.00 5461.15 29.455.01 t0 Darrelfert Devdapmenl Property Address: 777 Hamtl Rd Lot 11, B3p~ 1, 61 07-11629-090510 Hamd MN 55345 SauNfak Rope 1 5461.15 30.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 5481.15 23.455-0120 Darrel Farr De rnent Properly Address: 178 Hamd Rd Lot 12. BNG[ 1, fit OT-71629-0&-0320 Hamd MN 55348 SuuUdak Ridge 1 5461.15 30.00 60-00 50.00 50.00 5461.15 23-455.0130 Darrel Fart Developmanl Properly Adtlress: 83 07-716-23030530 776 Hamd Rd Hamd MN 55346 Lol 53, BkxA 1, SpuNrork Ritlpe 1 5481-15 50-00 50.00 50-00 50.00 3461-15 SASWA2004 LETTING N0.3N4-03PAGE 5 OF 10 COMPILED 0Y: P VEEN REVISED ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 8670 5461.1$ SANRRRY SEYlER COSTIUNI7-SOUTH FORK RE1G COMPUTED BY: J RG LETTING N0. 031PROJECT NO. 6463 L0.00 WATERMAN GOSTNNR • SOUTH FORK RIDGE CHECKED BY: B PANDER VEER SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. i TO LETTING NO. 57PROJECT N0. 0]-12 L0.66 STORM SEWER COSTIUNI7-5017TH FORK RAGE NUMBER OF YEARS: 10 JEFFERSCHI ST $E -JEFFERSON CT SE TO TORONTO AVE SE BY CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER, 56.60 STREET CONSTRUCTK)N COSTIUNIT ~ Sg1TH FORK RIDGE INTEREST RATE f.6a% 5JWRARY SEWER 8 SEANCES, WATER6WN 8 SERVICES, GRAdNG, GRAVEL SASE, CONCRETE CURB ADOPTED: 06/1672609 8 GUTTER, Bl7UMINO113 BASE 5 SURFACING, SIDEWALK, TRAIL, STREET LKiHTING S APPURTENANCES 1ST HEARW G:OW3l2664 2ND HEARING: 08/108064 ACCT. CITY PID 7N3. NRME4: RDDRESB LEGAL DEBCPoPT1d7 SANITARY SEWFR WATERWOR STORM SEWER STREET RESTORATION TOTAL DEFERRED TOTAL ACTIVE N0. COUNTY PD N0. OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDITION OR SUBDM81ON UNI FEET °'sNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT A88ES8MEN7 A$$ESSNFJIT ASSESSMENT 23.455.0140 Dartel Farr Devebpment Pm Address: 178 Hamel Rtl Lot tb, Block 1, 64 07-716-2309-0340 Hamel MN 55346 SauthFOrk Ridge 1 $461.15 56.00 56.00 E0.00 50.00 SRe1.t5 23.455.0150 Darrel Farr Deveopmeni Property Address: 178 Hamel Rtl Lot 15, Bock 1, 85 67-E16-2309350 Hamel MN 55348 Southfwk Ridge 1 3461.15 SO 00 80-60 50.60 Efl.00 5461.15 23.455.0160 Darrel Farr Development Pra rly Address: 17S Hamel Rd Lot 16, Bkxh 1, fib 07-t7G29-09-0380 Hamel MN 55346 Sou6Hxk Rg9e 1 5781.15 50.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 3461.15 23.455.0570 Dartel Fart Deveopment Pra Address: 67 07-476-24090.370 776 Hamel Rtl Hamel MN 55346 La 17. Bk~ 1, SouNfork Ridge 1 5481.15 50.00 30.00 50.00 E6.00 3461.15 23.455.0780 Darrel Farr Deveopmenl Property Address- 178 Hamel Rd Lot 1, Bbtlr 2, 68 07-11&2309-OSBO Hamel MN 55348 Sauthfork Ridge 1 5481.15 30-00 50.00 50.00 30.00 5461.15 23 655.0190 Darrel Farr Development Property Address: 178 Hemel Rtl Lat 2. BL~rA 2, 69 07-116-2309-0390 Narnel MN 55346 Sauthfork Ritlge 1 5481.15 50-00 56.00 50.00 30.00 3461.15 23.455.0200 Darrel Farr DeveoPment Pm Address' 178 Hamel Rd Lot 3, Bkrk 2, 70 07-116-2369-0400 Hamel MN 55346 Sou6Hark Ritlge 1 5461.15 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 $481.15 23.455.0216 Darrel Farr Deoelopmerk Property Address: 71 07-116-2369-0410 178 HamN Rtl Hamel MN 55348 Lot 4, Bork 2, SoulMork Ritlge 1 3461.15 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.60 5461.15 23.455.0226 Darrel Farr DevebpmeM Property Address: 72 07-116-29-09-M20 178 Hemel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Lo[ 5, Block 2, Sau6rfork Ritlge 1 5461.15 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 3461.55 23.455.0230 Dame[ Farr Development P Address: 73 67-116-29-0&0430 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Lot 6, Block 2, SoulMark Ritlge 1 848F.15 50.00 50.00 E0.O0 50.00 $463.15 23.455.0240 Darrel Farr Develc ent Property Address: 7d 07-116-230&6440 178 Hamel Rtl F[amN MN 55346 Lof 7, Block 2, Sou6rkrk Ritlge 1 546 L15 50.00 50.00 E0.00 50.00 5487.15 23.455.0250 Darrel Farr Deveh e6t Property Adtlress: 178 Hamel Rd LoI B, Block 2. 75 07-116-29-040450 Hemel MN 55346 SoWh[ork Ridge 1 5461.15 50.00 E0.00 30.00 50.00 5481.15 23.455.0200 Darrel fart Development Pro Address: 76 07-11629-09-6460 f76 Hamel Rd Memel MN 55348 Lot 9, 1Vock 2, SouBeorlc Rldpa 1 $461.15 30.00 30.00 50.00 50.00 5461.15 r ~ ~ SAb07Q2004 LETTING ND 3414-03~PAGE fi OF t0 COMPILED BY: P VEEN RENSED ASSESSMENT ROIL NO. 5670 5467.55 SANRARY SEWER C067NRR-SOUTH FORK OOMPUTEO BY: J RG LETTING NO. 031PROUECT NO. 04-03 LB.00 WATERNAH COSTILNIT ~ 8011TH FORK Ra1GE CHECIU:D BY: P. VANOER VEER SUPPLEMENTRL AGREEMENT N0.1 TO LETT€NG NO. LIPRDJECT N0. 03.12 L0.00 STOR91 SHYER CDSTNMf-SOUTH FOW(RIDGE HUMBER OF YEARS: 10 JEFFERSON 3T 8E -JEFFERSON CT SE TO TORONTO AVE SE BY CONSTRUCTION GF STORM SEWER, 16.66 STREET CONSTRUOTIOdI C08T111NIT ~ SOUTH FORK RtlGE 1HTERE57 RATE: 6.88% SANRARY 6EMIER 5 SERNCES, WATERYAIN 6 SERVICES, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURB ADOPIEO: 08!1012804 5 GUTTER, BITUMINOUS BABE 5 SURFACING, SIDEWRLK, TRAIL, STREET LIGHTING 5 APPURTENANCES 15T HEARIN G: DN13I2804 2N0 HEARING: OS110fY009 ACCT. CRY PID ND. NAME S ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRPTIOH SANITARY SEWER WATERMAJN STORK SEWER gTREEi RESTORATgN TOTAL DEFERRED TOTILL ACTIVE NO. COUNTY PD N0. OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDI710N OR SUBDMSN)N UHI FEEF ASSBSSMEHf ASSE39MBNf lSBESSNEN7 ASSEJR4MEN7 ASSESSMEN7 RSSESSAIENT 23.955.0270 Oand Farr DevebPment Properly Address: 178 Hamel Rd Lot t0, Block 2, 77 07-116-2409-11470 Hamel MN 55346 Saulhfark Ridge 1 3481.15 50.00 SO.00 L0.00 SOAO 6481.15 23.955.0280 Darrel Farr Devebpment Property Address: 178 Hamd Rd Lot 11, Bock 2, 78 07-116-2&09-0980 HameIMN 55346 6auVA0rk Ritlge 7 $451.15 50.00 50.00 30.00 50.00 L46t.75 23-455.0290 Darrel Farr 17evebprnen[ Property Address 778 Hamel Rd Lot 12, Bock 2, 79 07-718-2909-0490 Hamel MH 55366 Southfork Ride 1 5481.75 50.00 50-00 50.00 50.00 54fi1-15 23.955.0300 Dare! Farr Devebpment Property Address: 77fi Hamel Rd Lot 13, Bock 2, 80 07-716-24040500 Hamd MH 5534fi Sou[hfork Ridge 1 $481.75 50.00 Sa-OD 50.00 50.00 5481-15 - 23-455.0310 Dartd Farr 17evelOPmeni Preperry Address 178 Hamd Rd Lot l4, Block 2, 81 07-118-29-0917510 Hamel MN 55946 SouOrfark ftitl e 1 3467-75 50.00 50.00 30.00 50.00 L481.15 23.955.0320 Darrel Farr Deveb mart Property Address: 178 Hamd Rd Lot 15, Block 2; 82 07-116-2409-0520 Hamel MN 55346 Sou[hfork Ritlge 1 5461.15 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.90 5465-75 23.455.0330 Darrel Farr Deveb ant PmPeny Address: 178 Hamd Rtl Loo 16, Block 2. 63 07-116-29-040530 Hamel MN 55348 SoulhFork Rid 1 $461-15 30.00 9.00 30.00 SO-00 S48t.t5 23.455.0340 Darrel Fart Development Propety Address: 178 Hamd Rd Ld 17, Block 2, 64 07-716-29-09-0540 Hemel MN 55346 6outldork Ridge t 5667.75 50.00 30.00 30.00 50-00 6487.15 23.455.0350 Darrel Fart Development Prope Address: 178 Hamd Rd Lo116, Block 2, B5 07-118-28-09-0550 Hamd MN 55348 SauVdork Ritlge t 546115 50.00 30.00 30.00 SO-00 5467.15 23.455.0360 l7arre7 Fan Oevdopmem Property Atltlress: 178 Hamd Rd Lot 19, SAxk 2, B6 D7-77fi-29-09-0560 Hamd MN 55348 SouSilork 7 5467.11 SOAO EO.OII 50.00 50.00 5961.75 23.455.0370 Darrel Farr DeveWpmenE Property Address: t7S Hamd Rtl Lot 20, BWCk 2, 87 07-1 tS29-09-0570 Hamd MN 55346 3or[Ih[ork Ri[ge 1 5461.15 50.00 30.W 50.00 LO"00 5467.15 23.455-0380 Danel Fart Oevekpment Property Address: 68 07-416-29-09-0b80 178 Ham Rd Hemel MN 55398 Lot 1, Rlcok 3, .SOIfRdIMk e 1 5481.11 30.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 3987.75 23.455.0390 -arrel Farr Oe+rNa men[ Properly Address 89 07-716-2909-0580 176 Harrel Rd Hamd MN 55348 La[ 2, frock 3, Sauthfork Ridge 1 5981.15 50-00 50 00 50.00 30.00 5461.15 r\ . ~/ SA50702[104 LETTING N0.3iD4A3iPAGE7 OF 10 COMPILED BY: P VFEM REVISED ASSESSMENT ROLL MO. 5076 5651.16 SANITARY SEW ER COSTIIINIT ~ SOIRH FORK RIDG CONPI7IED 8Y: J ERG LETTING HO. 031PROJECT HO. 0405 59.og WATERMAIN COSTlUNI7- SDIRH FORT( RIDGE CHECItED EY: P. VAMOER VEEai SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT H0.7 TO LETTING HO. SJPROJECT N0. 0Y72 59.x0 STORM SEWER COSTNHR ~ SOUTH FOIS( RIDGE HUMBER OF YEARS: 19 JEFFERSON ST SE -JEFFERSON CT SE TO TORONTO AVE SE BY CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER, 30.00 STREET CONSTRUCTION GOSTNNIT ~ SWTH FORK RnGE INTEREST RATE aeax SANITARY SEWER i SFIINCES, wATERMAIN i BERVICEB, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, COPICRETE CURB ADOPT®: 98/1012004 i GUTTER, BRUMINOUS BASE S SURFACING, SIDEWALK, TRAIL, STREET LIGHTING S APPURTENANCES 1ST HEARIN G: 04!7372094 2ND HEARING: 0811012004 ACCT. CITY PIO NO. NANEi AOORESS LEGAL DFSCpIPT1OH SAIi7ARY SEWER WATERNlUN STORM SEWErt STREET RESTORATgN TOTAL DEFERRED TOTAL ACTNE N0. OOIINtt PID M0. OF PFbPERTY ONRdER A9t7RgN OR SUBOMSgN FEET ASS~SNENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSE88MENT 23A55.0400 Darrel Fart Developmenl Poperly Adtlress= 178 Harrel Rtl Lo! 3, Bkatlc 3, 90 07-116-2&09-0600 Hamel MN 55346 SouVrtark Ritlge 1 ¢761.15 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $461.15 23.455.0410 Darrel Farr bevel rxH Property Address: 178 Hamel Rtl L~4, Block 3, 91 07-116-2&0&0610 Hamel iAH 55346 SouttiFork Ridge 1 5461.15 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5481.15 23.655.0420 Darrel Farr Development PrcpeM1y Address' 178 Hamel Rd Lol S, Bork 3, 92 07-116-28-09-0620 Hamel MN 55348 SoulMark Ridge 1 5461.15 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 8461 15 23.455.0430 Darrel Farr Development Pr~eRy Adtlress: 178 Hamel Rd Lol 1, Block b, 93 07-116-2&030630 Hamel IAN 55346 Soutldark Ridge 1 8481.15 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5461.15 23.455.0440 Darrel Farr DevdoPmdH Property Address: 178 Hamel Rtl Lot 2, Block /, 99 07-116-29-030%0 Hamel MN 55346 Sou7dwk Ritlge t 5967.15 50.00 SO.OO 80.00 50.00 5967.75 23.455 0450 Oemel Farr Deed mart Property Adtlress: 178 Hamel Rd Lot 3, 81ock 4, 95 07-15629-09-0G50 Hemel MN 5539& SauBsfark Ritlge 7 5461.15 80.00 50.00 50.00 SO.00 5467.15 23.455.0960 ~ Dare! PaR Devebpreenl Property Address: 776 Hamel Rtl Let L B1orh 4, 96 07-118-29-09-0660 Hamel MN 55346 Sauthfwk Ridge 1 5961.15 80.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5461.15 23.455.0470 Darrel Fan DeveWprnenl Properly Address: 97 07-116-2309-0670 176 Hamel Rtl Hamel MN 55346 Lot 5, Bkw9c 4, SouNfork Ritlge 1 5961.15 50.00 80.00 50.00 50.00 5481.15 23A51.0460 Darrel Fart Development Property Address: 98 07-118-29-09-0680 176 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55348 Lot 6, Bkwtlc 4, SoutlrFork Ritlge 1 5461.15 50.00 50.00 50.00 SO 00 8461.15 23.415.0490 Darrel Farr bevel ant Prcpeiry Atldress- 99 07-11623030690 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55316 Lad 1, Black 5, SaMfork Ritlge 1 8461.15 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5481.15 23.4559500 Darrel Farr Devdopnerrt Props Adtlreas: 178 Hamel Rd Lot 2, Block 5, t00 07-116-29-030700 Hamel MN 55346 Sou7lfork Ridge 7 548F.15 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 3487.15 23.455.0510 Darrel Farr Dev errt Property Adtlress: 178 Hamel Rd l.ot 9, Block 5, 901 07-11629-09-07117 Hamel MN 55348 SouBdork Ritlge 7 5461.t5 E0.00 50.00 50.00 x.00 5481.75 23A55.0520 Darrel Fart Development Properly Atltlreas: 102 07-718-29-09-0720 176 Hamel Rtl Hamel MN 55346 La[ 9, Bock 5, Sou[MaAt R- 1 5461.15 8090 80.00 50.00 50.00 5961.15 SAS0i02004 LETTING NO 391403PAGE 6 OF 10 CONPLED 8Y: P VEER REVISED ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5070 3461.16 SANITARY SEWER WSFIIINIT -SOUTH PoRN RI CONPIITEO 8Y: J ERG LETTING NO. 63JPROJECi NO. 04-03 $OAU WATERNAIN COSTlIINIT-SOViH FORR RIDGE C}EECKEO BY: P. VANOER PEEN 3UPPLEN¢iiTAL AGREFJAEHT ND. 3 TO LETTING NO. 61PRDJECT N0. 03-t2 $OAO 370RN SEWER COS1AlNIf ~ SOUTH FORK RIGGE #tURBER OF YEARS: 10 JffFERSON ST $E -JEFFERSON CT 3E TO TORONTO AVE 3E BY CONS7TlUCTH]N OF STORM SEWER, 50.00 STREET CONSTRUCTION COSTNNIF -SOUTH FORK RIDGE INTEREST RATE: A68% SANITARY SEWER b SERVICES, WAFERNIANi 5 3EftV1CE3, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURB ADOPTED: OBHO@064 b GUTTER, BITUMINOUS BASE 6 SURFACING, SIDEWALK, TRAIL, STREET LIGHTING b APPURTENANCES 1ST HEARING: 0411372004 2ND HEARING: 93110!2004 ACCT. CITY PID NQ NAME SA[IDRES$ LEGAL OESCRIPRON SANTARY SEINER NU4TERNAN STORK SEWER STREET RESTORATION TOTAL DEFERRED TOTAL ACTIVE N0. COUNTY PIO NO. OF PROPERTY OWNER ROOfODR OR 9V~INBION UN FEET ASSESSNBIT AS3ESSAENi A573ESSYENi ASSESSMENT AS$E$$MENT ASSESSNIEN7 23.455.9530 Dartel Fart Develapmerit Property Adtlress: 176 Hamd Rd Lot 5, Hhck 5, 703 07-11629-09-0730 Hamel MN 55346 SaMNrk Riga 1 5461.55 30.00 $0.00 50.90 30.00 5481.15 23.455-9540 Darrel Fart DevdopmerR Praperry Address: 178 Hamel Rd Lot S, Stock 5, 504 07-116-29-030740 Hamel MN 55346 SoutllfcAc R- 7 5467.t5 90.00 50.90 50.00 50.00 5461.!5 23.455.0550 Damel Farr C~evelepme0t Property Atltlress: 178 Hamd Rd Lo17, Blcck 5. 10.5 07-11 F29-09-0750 Hemel MN 55346 South[ark Ridge 1 $461.15 99.00 30.00 50.00 30.00 5467.15 25.455-0560 Oartel Fart Devehpmerit Property Address: 178 Hamd Rd Lot B, 81ock 5, 106 07-11629-090760 Hamd MN 55346 3outh[orlc Ri 7 S4Fi1.15 50.00 $O.F10 50.09 30.00 5461.15 23.455.0570 Oamd FaR CpvelepmeM Property Address: 178 Hamd Rd DutlolA 347 07-716-29030779 Hamd MN 55346 SoWhfak R- 0 30.00 50.00 50.00 50.-00 50.00 30.00 23.455-9530 Oerrel Fem DevalopmeaR Prope Adtlrelu: 178 Hamd Rtl Duda 6 SOB 07-11629-0&0780 Hamd MN 55348 Sou7h[ork Ritlge 42 579,366.39 SE7.W 30.00 50.00 50.00 519,386.39 23.455-0500 Darrel Fart Development Pro Address: l76 Hamd Rtl Outlol C 709 07-14629-090790 Hemel MN 55346 $OYNd01k Rage 0 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.90 50.90 50.00 SUB-TOTAL 08 i19,389A3 50.00 50.00 50.00 $OAO 308,358A5 r~ V 6A50702004 LETTING N0.3N4f,3~PAGE 9 OF 10 COHPBm BY: VEEN REVISED ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 6070 528.00 unLITY d3TAEET COSifFF ~ 52500m COHPUTED 6T: J BERG LETTING NO. 03JPROUECT N0.09-03 58,960.00 SANRARY SEWER CO5TNNIT CHECKm 6Y: P. VANDER VEEN SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 1 TO LETTING N0. 61PROJECT NO. OS~12 54,400.00 WATERIMYf COSTAJNR NUMBER OF YEARS: fu JEFFERSON ST SE - JEFFERSON CT SE TO TORONTO AVE 8E BY CONSTRUCTK)N OF STORM SEWER, (47.63 EDMONTON AVf COSTlFF INTEREST RATE: dde% SANITARY SEWER d SERVICES, WATERNWN 5 SERVICES, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURB ADOPTED: OM1N2004 8 GIPTTER, &TUMINOUS BASE 8 SURFACING, SIDEWALK, TRAIL, STREET LIGHTING d APPURTENANCES 1ST HEARIN G: 04113@004 2N0 HEARING: fl611072004 ACCT. CffY' PD NO. NAME d ADORE55 LEGAL DE3CF0PTION STREET SANRARY SEWER WATERNAIN EOAgNTON STREET TOTAL DEFERRED TOTAL ACTIVE NO. COUNTY PID N0. OF PROPERTY OYrNER ADDITKIN OR SUBDINSION UNI FEET ASSE5811EN7 ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSE85MENT ASSE39MENT ASSESSMENT 23.224.0240 Louis d DorottlY 2umach Props Address: 1410 Jefferson St SE 1410 JeRerson SI SE 2 AC of Lot 24, Audimrs Plat l.ot 15, 1 F0 07-116-29-09-0020 Huchinson SAN %350 Autlitus Plat Secion 07-71629 2.00 Mres 1 150 95,700.U0 50.00 54,400 A0 $0.00 so.oD 5'17,700.00 07-716-2&09-0003 WaOe A & Tams J RotF Property Address: 1440 JetFersan St SE Deferred utlil 1440 Jefferson 5<SE 1.7 AC Tractd Lot 24, Autlilora Plat of Lo175, annexed. 11 f 06.052.0130 Hutchinson MN 55550 Autlilars Plat Section 07-116-28 1 250 59,500.00 $0.00 54,400.00 50.00 513,900.00 50.00 Timotlry R d Rehecxe Alhreth[ Pre Address= 1450 Jefferson SI SE D eleRetl untll muee:tl 7450 Jefferson St SE Lo[ 24 EX 3.50 Aces, Autlitas Plal of Lot 15, 1193.17 FF ddewloped 772 06.652.Of 50 Hutchinson MN 55350 Autlitors Plat^ lion 07-11529 20.5 Aces 1 52a.T2 517,764.16 36,%0.00 ;4,400.00 556,717.37 585,235.55 50.00 W-116-2&09-0001 Glen D & Pamela K Hoek PrepMy Atltlress: 7399 Jefferson Rtl SE Deferred mtll 1395 Jefferson Rd SE Lot 1, 81ack 1, ennemd 113 08.064.0010 Hutchinson MN 55350 Houk's Rddihon 1 152.57 56,774.% 50.00 30.00 50.00 86,771.96 50.00 07-7762309-0002 Steven d Sheila Hendriris Preperly Addre9s: 1425 JeRersan Rd SE ~ Deteoed untll 1425 Jefferson Rd SE Lot 2, &ocl~ 1, ennamd. 714 06.064.0020 Hutchinson MN 55350 Hddc's Arbition 1 66.71 54,927.88 50.00 ¢1,400.00 $DDO 58,321.88 50.00 07-116-29 R PeMSOn Property Address: 1507 JeRarson Rtl SE 0ereered untll 715 06.051.0210 9507 JeHeraan Rd SE Hutchinson MN 55350 N270.69' of 5953.09' d Lot 10, Audilars Plst a Lot 10. Autlifors Rat Section 07-11629 2.65AC 0 270.69 510,079.32 50.00 50.00 SO-00 annexed 510,079.92 50.00 SUB-TOTAL 556.143.52 56,960.00 51 7,600.00 556,711.57 5125,574.69 514,10QD0 TOTAL - A$SESSMENT ROLL ND. 8070 - LETT1 NG N0. SlPROJECT ND. 04-03 - SUPPLEMENTALAGREEMENT NO.1 TO LETTING ND. 6IPR0.13)CT H0. 03.52 5747,870.5E 56,859.00 S47,BOD.00 556,711.57 5726,374.69 ~7,927A2 TOTAL OF ACTIVE AND DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS 3229,244.77 {~// v SAS0T04006 LETTING N0.3A79-03lPAGE 10 OF 70 RESOLUTION NO. 12497 RESOLUTION AbOPTING ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL N0.5D71 LETTING N0.11/PROJECT NO. D4-13 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution and notice of hearing the Council has met and reviewed the proposed assessment for improvement of 12th Avenue NW by construction of sanitary sewer and services, restoration and appurtenances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted, and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied agalnst it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period often (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2004, and shall bear interest at the rate of percent per annum as set down by the adoption of this assessment resolution. Tc the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from November 1, 2004 until the 31st day of December, 2005. To each subsequent installment when due, shall tie added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certlficatlon of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, tc the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by the 15th day of November, 2004; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to the 31st day of December, of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15, or interest will be charged through December 31, of the next succeeding year. 4. The Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment tv the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Council this 10th day of August, 2004. Mayor City Administrator ~c~~ RESOLUTIDN NO. 12498 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING 61D AND AWARDING CONTRACT LETTING NO. 11 PROJECT N0.04-13 12TH AVENUE NW Whereas, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the furnishing of all labor and material for the improvement of 12th Avenue NW by construction of sanitary sewer and services, restoration and appurtenances and bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Bidder Amount Bid Juul Contracting Company of Hutchinson MN $45,648.40 Rickert Excavating of Brownton MN $fi2,570.00 and whereas, it appears that Juul Contracting Company of Hutchinson MN is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The mayor and city administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Juul Contracting Company of Hutchinson MN, in the amount of $45,648.40 in the name of the Gity of Hutchinson, for the improvement contained herein, according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the Gity Council and on file in the office of the Director of Engineering. 2. The Director of Engineering is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed, and the deposit of the successful bidder shall 6e retained until satisfactory completion of the contract. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 10th day of August 2004. Mayor Gity Administrator ~~~~ Office of the Cit Attorne C 111 Hassan Street 5E Hutchinson, MIV 33350.2522 320.587515;/Fax 320.234-42d0 C~ ~~ f`J ~1 L J TO: Mayor and Hutchinson City Council FRAM: Marc A. Sebora, City Attorney ~ S DATE: August 5, 2004 SUBJECT: The White Feather -Massage License At the last City Council meeting, an item of consideration was to issue a massage license to the White Feather and to consider, at the applicants' request, an prdinance change to allow for non- Hutchinson residents to be listed as a manager or agent of massage facilities. The Council voted to table this item to the August 10`h City Council meeting in order for me to investigate the latter issue. 1 have spoken with Lt. David Erlandson of the Hutchinson Police Department and he has informed me that he would prefer that the manager or agent of a massage facility be a resident of Hutchinson. However, that person does not necessarily need to be associated directly with the business itself, but rasher a contact person in the event emergency personnel would need to gain access to the building or to discuss other matters related to the facility. After my own consideration of this matter, I concur with Lt. Erlandson and would feel the mast comfortable if the manager or agent of a massage facility is a resident of the City of Hutchinson. k'or now, the applicants have modified their application to list the building owner as the manager or agent of the facility. The owner, Doug Dobratz, is a resident of Hutchinson. If the Council desires to make an ordinance change to allow for non-residents to be managers or agents of massage facilities, I would be happy to draft a revised ordinance for the second City Council meeting in August. Prime) nn rccyded pu~xr - ~~~~ cry of MEMORANDUM POLICE /EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Lt. David Erlandson FROM: Officer Theresa Leiden, Investigations DATE: 07/26/04 RE: Kim Combs, The White Feather Inc. Massage License As of today's date, I have conducted a background investigation on Kim Combs for her massage licensing with the City of Hutchinson. Ms. Combs does not have any violations associated with her driver's license that would exclude her from receiving this license. She does not have a criminal history with the State of Minnesota. If there are questions about this investigation, please call me at 234285. $~~~ / ~~ 111 liassen Strcct Southeast Huuhinson, MN 55350 (320) 587.5151/I~ex: (320) 234-0240 License Fee: 50 Operating Xear: ~ 0 v City of Hutchinson Application for Massage Service License Business Name Phone Number _/~ ls~ nl~ _._ 1 ~ t ~ ~s.~sa ustness Address CiN State Zen Information Corporate Name hone Number s% ~ ~ _. X53 Cv orate Address Ce State Zip pfflcer(s) (list names and addresses of all persons have a beneficial Name: l e(.{ ' ~ /~ S ~ ~' Sr ~- ~ ~~ ~3~ Address Ciry , State Zip Name: ~ `~ p U[ I.]- ~ ~`I-h .SrIE. _ l e _ Ian) ~33~° Address Ciry State Zip 'I necessa ,list additional owner s /co orate o tcer s on a se orate sheet afpaper Lessee it Name: Address Ci State Zi O erators list al] individuals invo//lved in ivin massa a services Name: ~ p Q 1~j A Tess Ciry State Zip Name: Address Ckry State Zip 'I necessa ,List additional o erators an a se araee sheet o a er ~cQ~ City of Hutchinson Application for Massage Service Page 1 of 3 lnsurance Coverage Information (attach public liability insurance policy or certificate of insurance that meets ar exceeds limits established in Ci Ordinance 6.43; Subsection 7 S~a.~le ~z,eXr, Fwe. w- r~ts~.~~C'~ _ av- (~ers Insurance Company Agenr's rNa~m~e~ ~51h~ S~e. ~~m (.(~U-~ r .1~~ Address Ltity State Zip ~~-~~ ~r~~s~~ Phone Fax Number Bock round Statement Have you or any operators been convicted of any crime, misdemeanor, or violation of any municipal ordinance, other than traffic violations? ^ YES ~ Nd Ifyes, state nature of offense and punishment or penalty therefore: Manager Information (Ordinance 6.43 subsection 6 requires that the manager of the establishment be "a natural erson who is a resident of the Ci ". Please cam ]ete the followin confirmin com liance with this ordinance Manager Name Phone Number Manager Address City Stare Zip Le i~ 5 ~ 5350 Checklist all items must be checked " cs" in order for the a lication to be rocessed The following items need tv be completed and/or attached in order for the application to be processed: Copy of insurance that meets or exceeds limits established in the ordinance: ^ yes ^ no Application fee paid in full (check or money order): ^ yes ^ no A lication co leted in full and si ned: ^ es ^ no ~~~~ City ojHutchinson Application for Massage Service Page 3 of 3 I hereby certify that I have completely filled out the entire above application, together and that the application is true, caned, and accurate. I fully understand that any person who violates any provision of the Massage Services Ordinance No. 6.43 is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a Fme not exceeding $500 or by imprisonment far a p wd not ex ding 90 d s or both, plus, in either case, the costs of prosecution. MA- ~ Pt v2 ~ ~r( ignatureafApplicant D e Print Name TYtle NOTk': No application will be forwarded ra the Ciry Canner! unless received one week pilot to the regular Council meeting, filled out in completion, and fee payment is attacherL Use Building: ^approved lJ Notes: ,~,~, „ ~_~~ _ Fire ^approved C] denied Notes: y`'~ Police ©approved C] denied Notes: City Council ^approved ^ denied Notes: H:Licenwv/ApplicmioWhimeege.dac ~Cc.) R55APPYRV CITY OF HUTCHINSON e Check Number AP Pa ment Re ister with Voids Check Dat 07/29/2D04 - Ck Date T e Check # Vendor Name Amount 07/29/2004 PK 124231 1031fi5 CONCORD SINGERS 700.00 07/29/2D04 PK 120.232 102236 DUININCK EROS INC. 67,567.61 07/29/2004 PK 124233 120452 EXECUTIVE TALENTHUNT, INC 4,500.00 07/29/2004 PK 124234 1 p5193 RUNKE, JOLEEN 8.17 72,775.79 Account N ### 72,775.7$ IMMEDIATE PAYS Void Amou ~~ ~~ R55APPYRV CS_V_ 200DOV0 By Check Number T CITY OF NUTCHINSDN AP Pa ment Re isier with Voids Ck Oate GL pate 08/06/2004 08/06/2004 08/06/2004 08/06/2004 Type PK PK C_ heck # 124245 124246 Check Dates DB/OS/20D4 Vendor Name 101896 FENSKE'S STUMP REMOVAL 10234fi JOHNSON, LEONARD G. - Amount 997.51 g12,7g 1810.27 Account N umber 1810.27 IMMEDIATE PAYS u PAYROLL ACCOUNT -August 6, 2004 Period Ending: July 31, 2004 FOR COUNCIL LIST ONLY -ELECTRONIC TRANSFER TO STATE AND IRS DO NOT ISSUE CHECKS FOR THIS PAGE AMOUNT PEID ACCT# NAME DESCRIPTION $21,956.39 9995.2034 WITH. TAX Employee Contribution -Federal Tax ACCOUNT $12,618.99 9885.2240 Employee Contribution -Soc. Security $3,508.49 9995.2242 Employee Contribution -Medicare $38,081.87 Sub-Total -Employee Contributicn $12,618.99 8885.2240 $3,506.49 99952242 $16,125.48 Sub-Total -Employer Contribution 4,207.38 Grand Total ~ Wlthholdtng Tax Account Emplcyer Contribution -Social Security Employer Contribution -Medicare 58,830.86 9995.2035 MN DEPT OF REVENUE $11,29D.16 102815 9995.2241 PERA Employee Gontributicn -Pension Plan $13,381.25 102815 9995.2241 Emplcyer Cvntrlbutlon - Pensicn Plan 524,677.41 Sub-Total -PERA $15.86 $15.88 $31.72 $24,703.13 102615 9995.2243 102815 8885.2241 Sub -Total -DCP GRAND TOTAL -PERA PERA-DCP Employee Contribution -Pension Plan Employer Contribution - Penslor5 Plan Finance Director Approval ~~ 08/10/2004 P K 124295 101696 F ENSKE'S STUMP REMOVAL 997.51 08/10/2pD4 P K 124296 105711 FILZEN, MARY 11.29 08/10/2004 PK 124297 102094 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 207.29 08/10/2004 pK 124298 102808 FOGG JR., MICHAEL 82D.00 08/10/2004 PK 124298 102030 FORBES AUTO 11.39 08/10/2004 PK 124300 102526 G & K SERVICES 2,302.83 08/10/2004 PK 124301 101945 GALL'S INC 52.28 08/10/2004 PK 124302 120284 GAVIN, OLSON, SAVRE 8 WINTERS, 2,800.00 08/10/2004 PK 124303 105021 GENERAL TRADING CO 4.55 OB/10/20D4 PK 124304 103029 DLENCOE ENTERPRISE 130.00 06/10l20D4 PK 124305 110023 GLENCDE EOUIPMEN7INC 123.54 08/10/2004 PK 124306 101874 GRIGGS & COOPER & CO 5,803.90 08/70/2004 PK 124307 120467 HALTER,JOAN 114.DD 08!10/2004 PK 124308 102451 HANSEN DIST OF SLEEPY EVE 2,028.10 OB/10/2DD4 PK 124308 109799 HARRIS COMPANIES 1,110.00 D8/10/2004 PK 124310 102412 HAWKINS WATER TREATMENT GROUP 721.42 08/10/2004 PK 124311 103059 WEMMAH, LLpVD 780.00 08/10/2004 PK 124372 702531 HENRYS FOODS INC 1,289.39 08/10/2004 PK 124313 101915 HERMEL WHOLESALE 133.37 08110/2004 PK 120.314 102518 HILLYARD FLOOR CARE/HUTCHINSON 337.89 0 8/1 012 0 04 PK 124315 105080 HIRSHFIELD'S DECORATING CENTER 465.16 08/10!2004 PK 124318 109744 HOERNEMANN, WARREN 580.00 OB/10/2D04 PK 124317 102119 HOLT MOTORS INC 168.23 08/10/2004 PK 124318 102383 HUTCH SPORT SHOP 80.00 08/10/2004 PK 124319 102319 HUTCHINSDN AREA HEALTH CARE 1,093.20 08/10!2004 PK 124320 108389 HUTCHINSDN AUTO CENTER 940.77 08/10/2004 PK 124321 1D2530 HUTCHINSDN CP-OP 24,546.48 08/10/2004 PK 124322 102537 HUTCHINSDN LEADER 2,851.38 0 8/1 012 0 0 4 PK 124323 102538 HUTCHINSDN MEDICAL CENTER 1,244.00 DB11 D/2004 PK 124324 102540 HUTCHINSDN PLUMBING & HEATING 268.92 0 8/1 012 0 0 4 PK 124325 102541 HUTCHINSDN TELEPHONE CD 9,281.73 08/10!2004 PK 124328 105161 HUTCHINSDN UTILITIES 59,572.90 0 8/1 012 0 04 PK 124327 102543 HUTCHINSDN WHOLESALE 2,314.66 0 8/1 012 0 0 4 PK 124328 102833 HUTCHINSDN, CITY OF 55,028.07 08/10/2004 PK 124329 102835 HUTCHINSbN, CITY OF 4,922.29 08/10/2004 PK 124330 103099 HUTCHINSDN, CITY OF 120.00 0 8/1 012 0 04 PK 124337 703246 HUTCHINSDN, CITY OF 9,202.23 08/10/2004 PK 124332 105160 HUTCHINSDN, CITY OF 16,676.64 08/10/2004 PK 124333 117136 HUTCHINSDN, CITY OF 666.93 08/1012004 PK 124334 1D3608 INDEPENDENT EMERGENCY SERVICE 250.00 08/10/2004 PK 124335 103520 1NTERSTATE BATTERIES 79.57 08/10/2004 PK 124338 101851 INTDXIMETERS INC 101.18 0 811 0/2 0 0 4 PK 124337 iD2549 ISCO INC ~ 381.08 08!10/2004 PK 124338 120478 ISG THERMAL SYSTEMS USA, INC 1,205.00 08/10!2004 pK 124338 102082 JAGK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT 9.75 0 811 0/2 0 0 4 PK 124340 102206 JEFF'S ELECTRIC 835.50 0&101200 4 PK 124341 120458 JENSEN, KAYLEEN 30.00 OB/10/2D0 4 PK 12434 2 102554 JERA6EK MACHINE SERV 2772 08/10/200 4 PK 12434 3 10265 2 JERRYS TRANSMISSION 807.25 08/10/200 4 PK 12434 4 10193 8 JOHNSON BRpTHERS LIQUOR CO. 11,89871 0&10/200 4 PK 12434 5 10420 9 JOHNSON, LISA 33.00 08/10/200 4 PK 12434 8 11811 2 JORDAHL, MICHELLE 30.00 C~ J J J `~~ u r 1 ~J 08/10/2004 PK 124399 120459 OLSEN, JAN 39.00 08/10/2004 PK 124400 , 102592 OLSON'S LOCKSMITH 778.11 08!10/2004 PK 124401 110194 gLSON, BRAD 120.00 OBI10/2004 PK 124402 103596 OLSON, GRAM 280.00 08/10!2004 PK 124403 117535 P & K TRUCKING 12,188.84 08/10M2004 PK 124404 108859 PARTS ASSOCIATES INC 88.12 08/10/2004 PK 124405 107535 PATRICK, STACEV 42.00 08/10!2004 PK 124406 702187 PAUSTI5 & SONS W INE: CO 2,681.70 08/10/2004 PK 124407 120409 PETERS, JOHN 740.00 08/10/2004 PK 124408 120464 PETERSON, LEONA 38-00 OB/tp/2004 pK 124409 107853 PHILLIPS WINE d SPIRITS 6,363.89 08/10/2004 PK 124410 120471 PILLATZKI, JACALYN 22.60 08/10/2004 PK 724411 102373 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING 206.79 08/10/2004 PK 124412 102187 PITNEY BOW ES 126.00 08!10/2004 PK 124413 102593 PLOTZ, GAgY D. 14.47 08/10/2004 PK 124474 105520 PONATH CONSTRUCTION 1,800.00 08/10/2004 PK 124415 102445 POSTMASTER 670.00 08/10/2004 PK 124418 102445 POSTMASTER 570.00 08/10/2004 PK 124417 120474 PRIDE SOLUTIONS, INC 242.07 08/10/2004 PK 124418 102043 PRq AUTO CLEAN 200.00 08/10/2004 PK 124419 102598 QUADS ELECTRIC 904.82 08/10/2004 PK 124420 102052 QUALITY W INS & SPIRITS CO. 4,588.92 08/10/2004 PK 124421 101970 QUILL CGRP 1.05 08/10/2004 PK 724422 102384 RDO EOUIPMENT 390.23 08/10/2004 PK 124423 118021 REBUILD RESOD RCES INC 287.17 08/10/2004 PK 124424 102091 RECREONICS 26.51 08/10/2004 PK 724425 102432 REED BUSINESS INFORMATION 301.78 08/10/2004 PK 124428 102478 REINER CONTRACTING 7,200.05 08/10/2004 PK 124427 102395 REINER IRRIGATION 8 SEPTIC 134.62 08/10/2004 PK 124428 105266 RESERVE ACCOUNT 3,115.00 08/10/2004 PK 124429 118804 FIGKERT EXCAVATING 70,273.31 08/1012004 PK 124430 104458 RISC 780.00 08/10/2004 PK 124431 104149 RIVER VALLEY TRUCK CENTERS 288.68 08!10/2004 PK 124432 101888 ROD PORTELE ELEGTRIG 82.45 48/10/2004 PK 124433 102225 RUNNING'S SUPPLY 1,321.17 08/10/2004 pK 124434 102712 RYAN, SCOTT 2,041.00 0 8/1 012 0 0 4 PK 124435 113707 SAMPSDN SOD FARMS 4,660.00 08/10/2004 PK 124438 120475 SANKEN, MARK 237.60 08/10!2004 PK 124437 102436 SARA LEE COFFEE & TEA 289.90 08/10(2004 PK 124438 702606 SCHMELING OIL CO 185.34 p8/10/2004 PK 724439 178012 SCHOW, MATT 80.00 08/10/2004 PK 124440 118647 SCHRADER, DOUG 180.00 08/10/2004 PK 124441 704855 SCOTT EQUIPMENT Cq 1,600.04 08/10/2004 PK 124442 149801 SCOTTS WINDOWS 42.60 0&10/2004 PK 124443 115821 SEPPELT, MILHS 79.75 08/10/2004 PK 724444 102044 SERVOCAL INSTRUMENTS INC 1,120.00 08/10/2004 PK 124446 102837 SEVEN WEST WASH & bRY 357.84 08/10/2004 PK 124448 702719 SHAW, KAREN 80.00 08/10/2004 PK 124447 10260 8 SHOPKO 81.60 08!10/2004 PK 724448 10261 0 SIMONSON LUMBER CO 3,529.82 08/10/2004 PK 124448 102611 SDRENSEN'S SALES & RENTALS 72.98 08/10/2004 PK 124450 10351 5 SPECTRUM SCREENPRINTING 381.33 I 1 L ass,asz.n •