cp09-14-2004 cAGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCIIINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAX, SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDER - 4:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION -Rev. Randy Freund, Faith Lutheran Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4, MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 2004 (b) SPECIAL MEETING OF AUGUST 26, 2004 (c) BID OPENING MINUTES OF SEPTEMEER 9, 2004 Action -Motion to approve as presented 5. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, $OARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLX REPORT FOR AUGUST 2004 2. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR AUGUST 2004 . 3. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 7ULY 2004 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 12519 -- RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE 2. RESOLUTION NO. 12522 - IOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE TOWNSHIP OF HASSAN VALLEY AS TO THE ORDERLY ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY ORDINANCE NO. 04-0386 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR A PROPERTY TO BE REZONED FROM R3 TO R2 AS REQUESTED SY ARNIE ESTERBROOI~S, ROLLING GREENS LLC (SECONb READING AND ADOPTION) 4 ORDINANCE N0.04-0387 - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING SALE OF CITY PROPERTY TO SOUTHWEST MINNESOTA FOUNDATION (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SHORT TERM GAMBLING LICENSE FOR VFW POST 906 AUXILIARY ON OCTOBER 23, 2004, AT VFW POST 906 (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SHORT TERM GAMELING LICENSE FOR CROW RIVER AREA CHAPTER OF THE MINNESOTA DEER HUNTERS ASSOCIATION ON APRIL 1 b, 2005, AT MCLEOb COUNTY FAIItGR0UND5 ~J CITY COUNCIL AGENDA -SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SHORT TERM GAMBLING LICENSE FOR THE MINNESOTA WATERFOWL ASSOCIATION ON FEBRUARY 18, 2005, AT THE VFW PDST 906 (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SHORT TERM GAMBLING LICENSE FOR THE HUTCH BAND BOOSTERS ON SEPTEMBER 17, 2004, AT THE HUTCHINSON HIGH SCHOOL (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER N0.2 (LETTING NO. 13, PROJECT NO.03-15) (h) LETTING NO. 13, PROJECT N0.04-15 (ROLLING MEADOWS EAST STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS) -ACCEPTING EID AND AWARDING CONTRACT (i) LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT N0.04-03 (JEFFERSON STREET 5E EXTENSION) -DECLARING ~ COST TO BE ASSE55ED & ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AND ADOPTING REVISER ASSESSMENT (j) LETTING N0.6, PROJECT N0.04-06 & 04-07 (ECHO DRIVE & ECHO CIRCLE SE) - PETITION FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT - AGREEMENT OF ASSESSMENT. WAVER OF HEARING AND WAVER OF IRREGULARITY AND APPEAL - DECLARING ADEQUACY OF PETITION - DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED & ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - ADOPT REVISED ASSESSMENT (k) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING CONSULTING CONTRACTS FOR WATER DISTRIBUTION STUDY AND WASTEWATER FACILITY OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS (1) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL FOR PERMISSION TO STORE LEAVES ON THE CREED SIDE COMPOST FACILITY (m)CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SUBDNISION AGREEMENT FOR GRADING ONLY - SUMMERSET 3~ ADDTI'ION (n) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SUBDNISION AGREEMENT FOR KOTTISE COURT Action -Motion to approve consent agenda 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 6:00 P.M. -NONE 7. COMMUNiCATiONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) UPDATE ON LIQUOR STORE PROJECT AND CONSIDERATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH PROPOSED PLAN CITY CpUNCIL AGENDA -SEPTEMBER 14, 2D04 Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve (b) REVIEW OF COMPREHENSIVE & GENERAL LLABII.ITY INSURANCE RENEWAL Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve (c) CONSIDERATION Ok' RESOLUTION NO. 12524 -SETTING TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING DATE FOR TAXES PAYABLE 2005 Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve (d) CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION NO. 12525 -SETTING 2005 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FOR CITX OF HUTCHINSON Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve (e) CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION NO. 12526 -SETTING 2005 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FOR SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HUTCHINSON REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS TO REVIEW INDIVIDUAL BUDGETS FOR 2005 Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS 1. CLAIMS APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS 12. ADJOURN ~ ~ LJ MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDER _ 5:30 P.M. ayor Mar m orgerson ca e e meeting to order. Members present were Kay Peterson, Jim Haugen, Casey Stotts and Bill Arndt. Others present were Gary Plotz, City Administrator, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and john Rodeberg, Director of Public Works. 2. INVOCATION--Rev, Scott Daniels, Vineyard United Methodist Church, delivered the invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE I 4. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 10, 2004 (b) BTD OPENING MINUTES OF AUGUST 13, 2004 Minutes were approved as presented. 5. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS I. HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINU'T'ES FROM ANNUAL MEETING OF AUGUST I9, 2003 2. HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MllVUTES FROM JULY 20, 2004 3. HUTCHTNSON AREA HEALTH CARE BOARD MINUTES FROM JULY 20, 2004 4. PLANNING COMMISSION MriVUTES FROM JULY 20, 2004, AND AUGUST 3, 2004 5. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 7ULY 2004 6. CITY OF HUTCHINSON GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL REPDRT FOR JULY 2004 7. CITY OF HUTCHINSON REFUSE, COMPOST, WATER, WASTEWATER FUNDS FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JULX 2004 S. CITY OF I3UTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR JULY 2004 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 12510 -RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY OF CITY FUNDS IN COMMERCIAL BANKS AND INSTITUTIONS (HOME STATE BANK) 2. RESOLUTION NO. 12511 -RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PLEDGED SECURITIES EROM HOME STATE BANK 3. RESOLUTION NO. 12512 -RESOLUTION SETTING INTEREST RATE FOR 2004 ADOPTED ~~~~~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -AUGUST 24, 20D4 ASSESSMENTS ROLLS 4. RESOLUTION NO. 12513 -RESOLUTION FOR LEASE 5. RESOLUTION NO. 12514 -RESOLUTION TEMPORARILY SUSPENDING PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON 7EFFERSON STREET DURING ARTS & CRAFTS FESTNAL 6. ORDINANCE N0.04-385 - AN ORDINANCE VACATING BLACKHAWK COURT AND UTILTTY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS IN LOTS 1-9 LOCATED IN WELCOME TO OUR HOME AI]AITION (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 7. ORDINANCE NO. 04-387 - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING SALE OF CITY PROPERTY TO SOUTHWEST MINNESOTA FOUNDATION (WANE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR SEPTEMBER 14, 2004) (c) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 1. CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS SUMMERSET THIILD ADDITION AND REZONING FROM R3 TO R2 SUBMITTED BY ARNIE ESTERBROOKS, ROLLING GREENS INC. WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 1250b AND WANE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NQ 04-386 FOR SEPTEMBER 14, 2004) 2. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY JIM HEIICES TO CHANGE USE IN THE GATEWAX DISTRICT WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12507) (d) ROLLING MEADOWS EAST STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS - LETTING NO. 13, PR07ECT NO.04-15 (ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT, RECENING REPORT AND WANING HEARING, ORAERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF FLANS, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS) (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMBULANCE PURCHASE FOR HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE (t7 CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL QF OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR BARRX GRIEVE TO ATTEND THE INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL CONFERENCE IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH FROM SEPTEMBER 26 - 29, 2004 Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to approve consent agenda. Motion carried unanimously. b. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 6:00 P.M. -NONE 7. COMMUNICATIONS. REQUESTS AND PETITIONS yC0.~ CITYC'01JNCILMINUTES-AUGUST 24, 2004 (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF YELLOW RIBBONS BEING PLACED THROUGHOUT CITY AS REQUESTED BY THE BOX'S CLUB Gary Plotz, City Administrator, stated that a concern of staff is a timeline as to when'the ribbons will be removed, C.J. Schochenmaier, The Boy's Club, presented before the Council. Ms. 5chochenntaier explained that the Boy's Club is a support group for the soldiers currently deployed to Iraq. Ms. Sc ochenrrtaier explained that the goal of The Boy's Club is to keep the yellow ribbons up until all soldiers have returned from Iraq, however The Boy's Club will comply wtth whatever date is established by the Council. They would at ]east like to have the ribbons up until the local troop returns home. Ms. Schochenmaier explained that the support group will take responsibility for maintarmng the ribbons. Ms. Schochenmaier stated that any citizen that would like to take part in hangtng the ribbons can contact her or any member of The Boy's Club. Mayor Torperson asked Ms. Schochenmaier if she would report again in October on the activities of th~ local battalion. Motion by Stotts, second by Arndt, to approve the tying of yellow ribbons until the 682"a Battalion returns, at which time drscussion will be held as to an extension of the yellow ribbons to remain hanging until all American soldiers are out of Iraq. Motion carried unanimously. 8. (a) CONSIDERATION OF VACATION OF PARK ELEMENTARY PROPERTY (TO $E DEFERRED) Mayor Marlin Torgerson noted that an ad hoc committee has been meeting to discuss this issue. The meetings have been very productive however a final decision has not been made. Motion by Peterson, second by Stotts, to defer the decision of the request to vacate Park Elementarypmperty to the first meeting in October or no later than October 20, 2004. Motion carried unanimously. ~. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSTERATION OF ACCEPTING 2003 COMFREHENSNE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Kyle Meyers, Abdo Abdo Eick & Meyers, presented before the Council. Mr. Meyers explained that a new reporting mechanism for cities has been put in place by the State ofMinnesota. Mr. Meyers gave a summary of the Ctty of Hutchinson's 2003 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Motion by Haugen, second by Peterson, to approve and accept the 2003 comprehensive annual financial report. Ivlotion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF 7 LOT FINAL PLAT TO EE KNOWN AS KOTTKE COURT SUBMITTED BY BRIAN BURGESS AND WESLEY FOSS WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12508) Julie Wischnack, Director of Planning/ZoningBuilding, presented before the Council. Ms. Wischnack explained that the Planning Commission has approved this item however a set of covenants needed io be revised. The covenants have been revised and submitted to the Council. Motion by Peterson, second by Stotts, to approve the final plat to be known as Kottke Court. Motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF PURCHASING ICE ARENA FROM HUTCHINSON HOCKEY ASSOCIATION Marc 5ebora, City Attorney, stated that the agenda item is incorrectly stated, as the City already owns the ice arena. The action item is a request to approve to pay off a loan to Hutchinson Hockey Assoctat~on and to y ~a~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES-AUGUST 24, 2Q04 also increase the rates tv the Hockey Association for ice time. Motion by Peterson, second by Stotts, to approve paying off the loan to Hutchinson Hockey Association for the west ice arena. Motion carved unanimously. (d) ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5070 -LETTING N0.3, PROJECT N0.04-03 (JEFFERSON STREET SE EXTENSION) -ADOPTING REVISED ASSESSMENT John Rodeberg, Director ofPublic Works, reminded the Council that at the last Council meeting an appeal had been filed by Tim and Becky Albrecht for the assessments on their property along Jefferson Street. Mr. Rodeberg stated that he has met with the Albrechts and have agreed that the assessments can be deferred until a portion of the property is sold or additional development occurs. The dollar amount of the assessments has not changed. In addition, another property owner on Jefferson Street, Wade and Tamra Rolf, have issues that they would like addressed by the City due to the improvement project on the street. The main issue ofthe Rolfs is the fact that they have lost a vast amount of their personal busrness due to two improvement projects on Jefferson Street. Mr. Rodeberg stated that he is committed to meeting with the Rolfs and working out issues that can be resolved. Marc Sebora, City Attorney, stated that the Rolfs are claiming same items of a financial nature. $ecause of that he has requested that they file a claim with the City's insurance trust, as standard procedure. Mr. Rodeberg made note of the issues with the Rolfs in the event another revised assessment roll is presented at a later Council meeting. Paul Betker requested the assessment information for this project, Mr. Rodeberg stated he will provide it to him. Motion by Haugen, second by Stotts, to approve amended Assessment Roll No. 5070. Kay Peterson noted that more d~scusswn could be held later due to the Rvlfs' claims. Motion carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ESTABLISHING LOCATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (PARK ELEMENTARY AREA SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS) John Rodeberg, Director of Public Works, presented before the Council. Mr. Rodeberg explained that city staff had met with the principal of Park Elementary in relation to safety issues around the school. One main safety issue is a concern on Glen Street. The group is recommending that Glen Street become aone-way southbound street. In addition, diagonal parkrng will be placed on the east side of Glen Street. Another unloading zone has been put in place on the south side of Second Avenue. In addition "No Parking" areas will be designated on Edmonton Avenue and Jefferson Street. Bill Arndt asked if anything could be incorporated at the corner of Lynn Road and Washington Avenue. Mr. Rodeberg suggested placing a "Caution" sign at the corner to warn drivers of buses leaving Grove Street during designated hours. Motion by Stotts, second by Arndt, to approve Resolution No.12515, establishing location for traffic control devices on Edmonton Avenue, Jefferson Street and for Park Elementary safety improvements. Motion carried unanimously. (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OP PURCHASE OF EASEMENT FOR STORMWATER PROTECTION (BETKER PROPERTY) Julie Wischnack, Director of Planning/Zoning/Building, presented before the Council. Ms. Wischnack reminded the Council that a decision needs to be made on the lot split request by Paul Betker. C~ ~ ~0.~ CITYCt'7UNCILMINUTES-AUGUST I4, 2004 John Rodeberg reminded the Council that this property is located on 5`s Avenue NW. This lot is currently a ponding area and could cause damage to other property owners if it was allowed to be developed. Mr. Rodeberg explained that a larger storm sewer has been installed and staff has been meeting with the developer for several months. Mr. Rodeber recommends not splitting the lot, but allotiying one structure to be built in the far southwest comer, and the City purchase an easement for $15,000 on another portion ofthe lot in order to improve drainage. By the City purchasing this area, the City can have the responsibility of maintaining it related to storm drainage and flooding. Approximately $25,OOD-3D,000 will be spent by the City to improve this area ofthe lot. Mr. Rodeberg stated that surrounding property owners will still need to address specific property issues related to drainage. Jim Haugen asked Mr. Rodeberg about a detached garage being built on the lot. Mr. Rodeberg stated that plans will need to be reviewed and staff will attempt to work with both Mr. Betker and surrounding prop owners. A detached garage will not be allowed to be built if it has an overall negative effect to the part . Marc Sebora, City Attorney, asked Mr. Rodeberg about liability issues related to the City purchasing easement on this lot. Mr. Rodeberg stated that there is additional liability to the City, but the goal is o preserve and improve the area. , Deb and Scott Howell, neighbors to the property, presented before the Council. The Howells have contains of excess water being placed on their property due to a structure being built on the currently vacant lot. Motion by Stotts, second by Arndt, to deny the lot split. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Stotts, second by Haugen, to approve purchase of an easement on 5th Avenue for stormwater protection at a proposed rate of $15,000. Motion carried unanimously. (g) bISCUSSJON OF SMOKING ISSUE Councilmember Casey Stotts requested that this item be placed on the agenda so that the entire City Council can request public feedback on what has been happening in other Minnesota cities regarding smoke free cities and epunties. benise Ertl, McLeod County Public Health, presented before the Council. Ms. Ertl distributed a packet of information put together by an organization of McLeod Gounty in support of asmoke-free county. Ms. Ertl shared statistics and information regarding second hand smoke. Ms. Ertl offered the organization's support to assist the Council on a smoke free protect. Mayor Torgerson shared information on other cities, states and countries that have adopted no smoking laws. Mayor Torgerson stated that this item should be addressed again in the very near future by the Council. Casey Stotts stated that when he first got on the Council he was cold by the bar and restaurant owners that they wanted to take a smoke free project upon themselves. Mr. Stotts stated he is aware of only one establishment that has attempted to go smoke free and no other establishments have made an effort, or very little effort, therefore Mr. Stotts feels that the City should take it upon themselves to address the issue. Mr. Stotts asked the public to contact the council members on how to proceed on this issue. Mr. Arndt asked benise Ert] if her organization has lobbied the private establishments about second hand smoke. Ms. Ertl stated that they have distributed information to private businesses regarding secondhand smoke. Kevin Johnson, citizen, encouraged the Council and other citizens to consider this as a serious health issue. Quinien Crambelt, citizen, presented before the Council. Mr. Crambelt voiced that he is encouraged that the Council is undertaking this issue again. Steve Cook, 728 Juul Road, presented before the Council. Mr. Cook asked that the Council consider a workplace ordinance as opposed just specifically to restaurants. yCa) CITY COUNCIL MINUT&S -AUGUST 24, 1004 (h) CONSIDERATION OF SETTING INFORMATIONAL MEETING TO REVIEW 2005 PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND TAX LEVY Ken Merrill, Finance Director, stated an informational meeting needs to be held to discuss the 2004 budget and tax levy prior to the next Counci] meeting. Motion by Peterson, second by Stotts, to set infornational meeting to review 2005 preliminary budget and tax levy for September 7, 2004, at 4:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS Kay Peterson - Ms. Peterson reminded the Council of the special meeting set for August 26, 2004, at 5:30 p.m. at the City Center with, the hospital board. 11. CLAIMS APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Motion by Peterson, second by Stotts, to approve claims, appropriations and contract payments. Motion carried unanunously. 12. ADaauRN With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. 6 y L0.) MINUTES HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING TIIURSAAY, AUGUST 26, 2004, 5:30 P.M. 1. CALL TO l)RDER - 5:30 P.M. ayor az to orgerson ca e t e meeting to Haugen, Bill Arndt and Casey Stotts. Others Marc Sebora, City Attorney. order. Members present were Kay Peterson, Tim present were Gary Plotz, City Administrator and 2. NEW BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION OF PRIVATIZATION OF HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Steve Snapp, Chair of the hospital board, presented before the Council. Mr. Snapp explained that during the last few years, the hospital board has discussed how to stay competitive in the medical field. One growing trend of city-owned hospitals is to be operated pnvately. The hospital board is just starting to explore this idea and feels it is appropriate to present this preliminary idea to the City Council. Phil Graves, CEO Allina, presented before the Council. Mr. Graves provided historical information which included the fact that the hospital was acquired by the crt in 1967. Mr. Graves explained that current challenges for the hospital and the medical field in eneral include changes in reimbursement structures, consolidation of industry, proliferation of niche providers, increased specialization of providers, difficulty recruiting specialty physicians and advances in technology/costs. Mr. Graves requested that at the end of the presentation, the Council guide rite hospital boazd with how to proceed. Tom Schroeder, Faegre & Benson, presented before the Council. Mr. Schroeder represents the hospital on this matter. Mr. Schroeder reviewed nationwide trends of public hospitals. These trends include an overall decrease of public hospitals in the United States since 1985. The main reasons for the motivations of such conversions were to avert financial difficulties, public sector constraints on competition, governments unwilling to subsidize failing hospitals and to create success stories in the local market. Mr. Schroeder reminded the Council that the mission of Hutchinson Area Health Care is to continue io serve charitably as a nvn-profit organization to the community. Mr. Schroeder further shared a list of pros and cons of the hospital becoming a private entity. The pros included eliminating competrtrve handicaps, increasing integration opportunities, streamlrninp, governance and reducing city's financial, legal and political liability exposure. The cons included reducing the City's control, less favorable bond financing rates, no government immunity, no state purchasing discounts and loss of access to certain city resources. Mr. Schroeder illustrated a model of what conversion would look like for the City of Hutchinson which would include incorporating it to a nonprofit co oration under Minnesota Statute 317A and obtain federal income tax exemption under 501(c~~3). If the hospital would become private, the City's role could range from big to small. The sty could be a contractor for management services, lessor of assets subject to use restrictions and/or adonor/transferor of assets. htformation was also presented on a model of an integration with physicians. Mr. Schroeder suggested that a task force be created consisting of representatives from the hospital, the city and the public to discuss this issue. Mayor Torgerson stated that he has received questions from citizens inquiring as to whether or not the cost of health care will change if the hospital becomes private. Mayor Torgerson also inquired as to what dissolution specifically means. Tom Schroeder explained that if the hospital would dissolve, the assets would need to be turned over to the City or to another charitable organization. Mayor Torgerson also inquired about the idea of a hospital moving assess to another community claiming there is not adequate business in the current ~~~~> community. Mr. Schroeder explained that the Minnesota Attorney GeneraPs office would oversee hospitals established under Minnesota Statute 317A and would not allow such type of activity. Kay Peterson asked for Mr. Schroeder to explain why the hospital would be more competitive if it was private as opposed to public. Mr. Schroeder explained that the main reaso#Y is due to strategic planning and marketing plans that are currently exposed publicly. These plans are presented to comppetitors because rt ~s public information, which ultimately gives competitors the upper hand. Mr. Graves gave the example of the hospital's plans For senior care, whtch have been upstaged by a private developer. Wayne Fortun, hospital board member, presented before the Council. Mr, Fortun reminded the Council that the hospital is currently run extremely well and is remaining competitive. Mr. Fortun expressed that in the future of the medical field, hospitals need to be regional providers. This also means that because the medical field is becoming so technologically advanced, competitors are aware of planned advances of a public hospital and then can implement the same type of advances before a public hospital is able to. Mr. Fottun expressed that the mom reason fqr the idea of privatization ~s due to remaining competitive in the market, which would not allow competitors to be made aware publicly of the hospital's long term strategic plans. ' Phil Graves slated that hospital employees have asked questions related to their retirement plan and insurance. These are all questions that will be addressed through future discussions. Phil Graves suggested that the proposed task force be a panel of nine members made up from the hospital board, City CouncnUstaff and the public. Jim Haugen asked if there is a timeline being considered by the hospital board. Phil Graves stated there is no set timeline, but sooner would be better than later. Casey Stotts stated that he feels the main question of the public is "what's in it for me" and that will have to be specifically detailed for them. Mr. Graves explained that a private model of the hospital would only enhance health care for the community. A task force will be appointed at the September 14, 2004, City Council meeting. Ken Jensen, citizen, presented before the Council. Mr. Jensen suggested that the local newspaper be used as a tool to inform the public of the benefits of this pravate model. Mr. Jensen voiced that a private hospital would be an overall benefit to the community. Mr. Jensen also stated that the destiny of the hospital, whether public or private, is really in the hands of the hospital administrator, Mr. Jensen has concerns about replacing the current administrator, Phil Graves, when he retires. A citizen inquired as to who would choose the next administrator if the hospital becomes private. Mr. Schroeder explained that the community-representative board of the hospital would select the next administrator. 3. A17d0[1RN With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. ATTEST: arm orgerson, ayor ary otz, qty mm~stiator y ~~~ MINUTES BID OPENING LETTING NQ. 13/PItOJECT N4.04-], 5 SEPTEMBE1210,2004 Present: Gary Plotz, City Administrator, and Melissa Starke, Recorder. Gary Plotz, City Administrator called the bid opening to order at 10:01 a.m. Mr. Plotz dispensed with the reading of Publication No. 7251, Advertisement for Bids, Letting No. 13, Project No. 04-15. Mr. Plotz noted that the City Council reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive any informalities and irregularities as signed by Gary D. Plotz. The following bids were opened and read: Quade Electric Plutchinson, Minnesota Bid Amount $29,20D.00 r~ The bids were referred to staff for review and a recommendation. The bid opening adjourned at 10:04 a.m. Marlin Torgerson, Mayor r1 ~J ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator ~c~ r-~ ~~ Memo ra Mayor and City Council Members Frorn: Brad Emans, Fire Chief ' oatec 1]gro1ro4 Re: Monthly Update on Activities of the Fire Department The fire department responded to 25 general alarms in the month of August. Example of a few of the calls: 1. We responded to an apartment building fire when the building manager sat a cardboard box vn electric stove and in the process fumed the stove on. Damage was Ilmfted to the kitchen area. 2. We responded to the Luthens farm when 2l) round bales caught fire. . 3. We responded to an apartment filled with smoke, food was left on the stove. The apartment suffered smoke damage only. 4. We responded to an explosion in a garage. The owner accidentally put small propane cylinders inside the refrigerator in the garage. One of the tanks leaked, filled the refrigerator with propane vapor and exploded when the refrigerator kicked In. 5. We responded to an apartment fire where the renter set a plastic cutting board on the electric range. Fire damage was contained to kitchen area. Qne woman was transported to the hospital for smoke inhalation. 6. We responded to a large propane tank was venting. The tank had been overfilled and when the aftemvon sun warmed the tank it vented. This is the breakdown of the calls for fhe month: City: Residential 3 Gommercial/Industrial 3Multi-family 4 School /Hazardous Material 2 Rescue 3 Mutual Aid t Rural: Rescue 3 Grass Type 1 Medical 3 Hazardous Materials 1 1 .~ Via) ~ Drills / Meetings I Other Information • We trained three training nights at the training site vn live bums, search and rescue procedures, and ladder operations on the tower. • One training night we worked with our new firefighters on engine operations. Fire Prevention Public Relatlans t , McLeod County Fair • Provided fire protection for the fireworks • Took an 8 hour shift of EMS duty • Provided fire and rescue for the two demolition derbys • Worked with the HPD on a public safety booth at the fair, fhe public safety booth received the 1°` place award. That is the second purple ribbon in fi years. 2. National Night Out: We attended 9 neighborhood gatherings with the PD. 3. We provided a fire extinguisher dass to the teachers, administration, and staff at Maplewood Academy. 4. Demonstrated Ladder 1 to the customers and staff of Runnings during their anniversary. ~~ LJ • Page 2 5~~-~ ~ L~~~raCaFr',~ d'~rrrZr"ts lr~r ~aa~r~ers~f~'~~e~br'n~ ~~~~17~ts ~~,~~°~h~ ~ar~t~ - ' t:=; ~ .FUi. / ~ D04 f SSE'TS k3TILITY F'LANT -~ AT CC1~iT _ _ __ _ LANFI it L.FhD FrIC;h{Tv ikF_F-'RL"CIAFLF. i1TTF.IT" F'L. A1-~' "YFl'i AL LITIi_I~iY Fi..ANT LEF,3 f::C1;i;U1. A7ED DEf-'h;_.GS,4TF 7N TOTRI_ ACC.l3iflll..A7ED DEF'RECIAT i1)t! CC3N5'FhJCT.T.pti IN F'F:f?GRE:SS ' T[3'FAI_ C:(]NSTF:ElCT TpFf IiV Pl:fiGF'~: Gib Ti77AL UTILITY PLP.N7 DE.F'k£C +'ALl{E K:F_S1RI+.:TEiD F'iIFJDFi IS ACCOUNTS -~ ~ ~~~- -~ ~ - 1=UTF7RE EXF'AHS}E7N ~t AF..'JE.I .'~F'1'ii,NT 2003 F:!=FtIUDI!dG 1=>_~1P ~ '20C7'3 - ~ ~ ~ LaC}f7p t I1vTEREST PAYHEhFT TOTAL RE5~1'RICTED FUhlDS F. ACt.©UNTS LUF'REK'i h ACCRUED A55FTS cASla IFS SANS[ ACC[3LP.JTS IYF_C:E IVA$LE _ _ . -. __..._ _ IFJVEN.TOh'IE8 F'REF'ATD INSLI94ANCE CLEARiF~G ACCOEk!'f SALES TAk RELEIVA$LE TOTAL. CFIRR6FJ7 & ACCRUED FSSF;TS ~llEF~W2ED CHARGE IIr7dslF] DI$CLRINT 2003 TOTAL DEFERRED CHFlF:GE TOTAL A55ET5 * x ~ .~ TOTAL. ~» ^ • ~ 1, 3276: 33 :' . 49 46. 759,'75.56 9R, 63E,, 09?.A:S (2:,4,8, :45.9[:1 {Li, 94B,~i45. 481 2, 343. 2R9,3i 73, 03C.44i~,iR 1,?~399, S7ti.4h 2, 79S: 4S5.F fT39, 644,57 s. 5139. 832,.8(1 2, i03.Od1,8o 2,672.809.35 L, .4S,6L4. 4T# ~~ ~- 32 , 85f, .5;1 10.00 4€f.3b4:n9 - 6.598,68i.66 G34, 47J. iU 639, 47{1. ]. FS E:5, 603, 929.44 ii::l.., ..lC~ ET ,3L'l { 3~OR r + w r TOTAL m ^~ ur # i~dJP.kICIPAL EQUITY S LIABILITIES tMJNICIFAL ~77LII7Y .__ ___ ._ _-_.___ MUNICIt AL EQUITY CONT'RILiifTF_D >=QUITY 5, 665.6A9. 3$ iJNAFPRCIO'ft IAYL-D RETAINED ~AFU3IN,8 480. ?SJ.:~c _ TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUI'il' ~ 4 ~~ LC)NG FERlS LIABILITIES-NEC Of- - -- -~ - ~ ~CURREN'i !Ki'R1RIT IES ' e0F11 H B[I.vDS 1, ~72J, U00. U!s 2003 FJ3NDS 30, 7p5. DFh7_190 - _ TOTAL LOTdG TERFS LIASILI7i6S _ ...... ~ ~ 0. C:0.'iST'R CX4VTRRCT5 6 ACCTS PAS' k%TAIN _ - - - _ ACCkLIEA EXPENSES - RETAI4AGf - ~ ---~- - - 1 L - . ~. - T~GTAL CONSTRLICI'IOi. S ACCTS f'AY i1E, 671.74 CURRENT 3 ~'-r'~sD LIABILITIES__-- _ _ .. ... ..... .. .__._ _......__..._ __ ACN.nlAJT5 FAYASLf 2, ~s28.444, i{> INTERE87 ACCRUED - ~ ~ 272.948.98 _ - - .. .. _ ACCTS PAYABLE ~TO CITY OF ~L. T-CHiN> _ _ - _ _..__ . -_.__ _ _ ._. ___._ ___._ _ -,~ ~~.~ --_ . ACCRUED VACATION PAYABLE 188,819.43 ACCRUED IYEDICAL FUND i24D, 936.39) -- --~--__..-----71~b~ RE~A'~F~N~~------- .. _ _ _ ._... _ .. AEF~a`UED SfvETeANCe - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z2.~va.a~ . ~ CFJSF~R. DEF'95IT8 - - - ~ = = = '7®.s-6.t~ -- - --- ---__._'--- oTt~c~R~33Y" s Ac~.t~i ~iATrY~r~`i~fi- - ----- -- -- ~3,a7cs~ 'i[1TAL CURRENT S ACd2l~D LIAR 2,729: 52.64 TOTAL MEq~lICIPAL EQIJi TY 3 LIAR _ __. _...... _ ..... . .... . .. . .___- . _- ._.. .. .._ . _ .. ....... ... _ .___..8~~3_?~. ~ . E. t S t R-A ~ EHEN7 :JF LN~A ::W'FllCE5 .ui. Y o04 P~VICWL± CIIRRF_NT BUAC:E'7ED BLOGET _ .- -. .._-._-.. ___. . -_ .. _ YF AP ~TCi DATE ... __ YEAR ~T'C7 LATE YEAR ~n ~Dp-YE b~V3d'I'IENJ-_ YCOME 3TATEMEfdf OPiFRATING REVENUE 5ALE8 - ELECTRiE E?ORGY ~ ~ ~ 30.9s:~,di,D,•F4 i , 13.',737,54 9,722,374.:,4 x.4i,"i,3f7.c+0 SALES 1-L7R RESALE L:e,7n r, ry0 13x,472.20 291,634_40 :15?, 247.84) SALES -GAS e.4~;', °1'71. ~4 :., 9L4, 961.79 4,661.8413.74 1,233, i13.L~0 TOTAL OPERATFHG REYEt~R)E 17 55;+, 347, L9 iE, iH?, io1 .49 14,6~,BE9.a4 ~3,+F~i, 232.2(1 17RTING L•%PEN8E5 CIPE _ _ _ _ PRODULTIO}! CIF'ERATI{1P! 3.:39:3, C•'76.~s0 _ _ 1; Fy~'ij, 546.!32 ~ _ 5, 543,C0Q9.38 _ ~ 4 2, 3.66 FRODL5C7I071 MAINTEFIWJCE 2f/~,'e C§1.80 LL-'~'~,:R4O. 76 LSS, 449.45 [27,4$1 .3L) F9AiCHAEED POWER 5.~?. C.td.456 ?.274•, ;_?_d0 - 4, 493, 16CY.Od .. _ .- - C3, 44;5, 437,C,p) - TRAN9MI~a5IC1N OPERAT IQN .. __-_ _.. _ - _---142.33 ~~ 146.37 ~~ 40 (146.37) TRANSi4ISSLLN NAIM'I'kNANCE 20-7, 62L.i3 34,2.1:88 4, 66b.40 .L 29,535.45) ELECTRIC HLSTRLHlJT-ION f]F~R4iTT:ON 271 , ?54.43 22~a.728. f}4~ - 253, 7x6.68 -28.998.68 ~ ELECTRIC DL8-fRI81IfION i7AI.NTEPK+NCE LS:S,4:7.59 SL,349,88 Ei9,Ot6.3b~ ~ ~ ~ 6,~52~.42 PURCH{~ED GAS EXPENSE 5, dr-3,144, h7 +~, 748, 0=14.:59 3,648.4:s2.SB Ei,099, 577.83) GA$ TRANSHLSSLDN OPERATION .UO 13, !58.49 23,766.94 30,2±4.21 GA5 TRFd+8HIS8ION 'MAINTENANCE _44 ___- 1,391.50 ~ ~ :44~ ~ •_ GA8 DI9TRSHiJTI[1N OPERATION 225',FJ39. 98 266.363.77 262,2L3. ~4 _ ~ ~L-4, 158.53) ~ -G~AS'SSI~FISF7TFON BiiCINTENAiNL~ _ . "-8?;36L.78" -. _ . ~ - ~--4Y~f; .,i5:53~ ~ ~~237.89 ~ -: 1.+1.>t58-: ib ~. • CIISTOFiER PCCOUN7ING & COLLECTIONS _ _ ~ ~ 2Fk r .59h. d9 189, 456.94 ... -. -- - i~b.686.'2'I .7.'Z'T.t7..33 . _. _ A1IMINISTRATIVE 6 SF3•IERAL EXF£N5E5 86S.4Jd.24! 943,514.58 1.882.152.92 138, 438.34 DEPRECIATION 1,43`x. 0.40.[75 5,846, LT0.40 4.864,560.00 [110.007 - .3"DTAL.OPERFYTING PStFFU~~ - - i{~~;22(i~71 i;5'~49i.343 .,cfi . ~ .L3.$65~. 049: E74r291..583 - 3,6 OPERATING INCOME ~ ~ . ', - ~- : f~,: i~4,'v^d: 48_ _ _ __.- - :237, 7.;'7.98 ~. ~ i .43@, 819.36- - -' _ 4f 93:95'x. T.+S) OTHER 1NCOHE OTHEie t4I5 C INCON E G'r.,i10.~75 7':.2x'7.'72 52, 497.Ly4 - - - 2A, 8ta0.72 _ __ _ _ _ __ _ SECLIkITY LIGHTS _..- -. _ _.. _-_-___ _ 6.5ifY.00- - - : ____6,A61.06J ._. ..... -7,583:90 ` ~' -t1:i~~~.~3 POLE Ff1.lTAL i.614~. 4p 1, 736.Sf} 2,333.24 (594.70) OTHER -NET 48,947:90 22,1.65.44 34,998.44 fax,1~2.4$S INTEREST 3NCCWE - _. -_._.--_.~~, 4E•7.c7~. 371567:90 ~ 49.831.04 f3, 233. 14) MIS[ INCXIHE 143,147.?i 432,2Yi _x6 364,418.31 ~ 67,353.45 GAIN ON DISFt)SAL - ELECTRIC 1,030., 4d5.F6 .40 .40 .00 [:AIN W.1 DISPti5Al_ - GlLS ..... ~. 130.5~':'i. a^8---. -.... -. .. - .OfY ~ - ~ ~ .04 HYBC INC~IE -GAS 6fELLS :~, ts48.50 :OEf~ - ~ .40 ~ _00 - TOTAL OTHER INCOME i, 59(),'7{x4, 8b. 577, `363.:9[1 ~ 563, 160.41 74, 374.57 DTFIER E)SPENSFS HIS[ EKPE NSES f+..7::16. i3.:, 23, 3?8.44 .O4 (28, 37$.46 7 _ INTEREST FXPETISE- - ~ - ~ 17[., dC~.27~ 764~.8'J2.24 695, 126.56 069, 475.44} TOTAf_ fff}iER FXPF_NSF_S 23E?, i62.f2 743,180,66 65':,,126.56 098, 4S4. 10} -- CfJNI'RLFaiTTOh lC2 CT~•Y ... .. 51.x. ce)O.,nO.~- -__. 5e i., i-`.~4.U4 Sd4.7x9.iD - . .. .-. (430.903 TOTAL CONTRIFtUTION TO CITY 51.7,E{)4.04 545, 350.(70 340,719.34 [4:10.907 NON-OPE.I2RTING I}lCC1F1E ~ ~ 837', TCi2.7d ~ - -- {7'Su.'7g1?.I+Si [732,485.357 ~- 124,131.43) ET INCOME 2, 4L5,~'.3.9.22 485),964.34 649, L34,it 5217,173.81) ANNUAL HIJIiLET 1E,667, 8?3.1'.4 Sf:;f , 00.674 8,426, 4Y.5. x5 25, 594, 3.`x8.4.!1 2.370, 9$8. a3 266,500. V4 7, 06f4,E44_C~O .si4 8,000.40 434,484.94 11,444.40 d, 254, 847.52 40,749.40 71,714.04 445,534.14 94,754.00 ~~~-337.193.73 1,85x,22.5.27 3,264, @Od.k?0 22.741,354.49 2,453,473:44 96, 6104. FY0 ~~ l3, 04®.40 4,044.40 64,000.00 74,440.44 625,618.00 _04 . Ci0 .34 E162 , fii 0. G0 . <)0 1,191,733.62 i. i91,7i3.fi2 42'7.440.44 927, E`?0.00 E L , 25la, 1. 63.02 i 1, 196,0h9_F.4 RESOLUTION NO. 12519 CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Poly Bags (3,975) $29,415 Compost bin Refuse Yes 7esco Company Remodel Campbell Lift Station $37,800 Upgrade Wastewater Yes Quality Flow Systems Televise Sanitary & Storm Sewer $15,070 Maintenance Wastewater Yes Infratech & Storm water ~e following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Various Bagged Product 23,488.80 Resale Compost Yes GreatNorhern Bark Co. Date Approved: September 14, 2004 otion Made By: econded By: Resolution submitted for Council action by: ~~~ i County of McLeod State of Minnesota City of Hutchinson Resolution No. izszz and Township of Hassan Valley JOINT RE50LUTION OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE TOWNSHIP OF HASSAN VALLEY A5 TO THE ORDERLY ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson ("City") and the Township of Hassan Valley ("Township") desire to enter into an agreement allowing for the orderly annexation of certain property, pursuant to Minnesota Statute 414.0325, Subdivision 1; and WHEREAS, the City and the Township are in agreement concerning the immediate annexation of the property identified in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the City's current plan proposes to provide municipal waste water treatment and municipal water service, within the next five years; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City, the township and their respective residents do agree to an orderly annexation in furtherance of orderly growth and the protection of the public health, safety and welfare; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to set forth the terms and conditions of such orderly annexation by means of this Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Hutchinson, McLeod County, Minnesota, that the following terms, conditions and agreements shall become binding upon the City and the Township: 1. Upon approval by the respective governing bodies of the City and the Township, this joint resolution shall confer jurisdiction upon Minnesota Planning -Municipal Boundary Adjustments (hereinafter "Minnesota Planning") to accomplish the orderly annexation of the lands described in the attached Exhibit A in accordance with the terms of this joint resolution. 2. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 414.0325, subdivision 1, the parties do hereby designate the area described in the attached Exhibit A as an Orderly Annexation Area in need of orderly annexation. The described Orderly Annexation Area consists of approximately 77.81 acres. 5 ~_h~~, Orderly Annexation Agreement Hassan Valley Township Resolution No. Page 2 3. The City may, at some point in the future, utilize this site for the purposes of composting operations. In an effort to reduce the concerns about the composting; the City will provide appropriate buffering, as identified in Exhibit B, if the site is utilized for such a purpose. The drawing, shall in no way bind other occupants of the land and shall be bound only by the City's Zoning Ordinance and amendments thereto. 4. For all property annexed pursuant to this Joint Resolution, the City shall remit to the Township, property taxes as follows: a. Property taxes payable on the annexed area for the year in which the annexation becomes effective shall be paid:to the Township. Thereafter, property taxes shall be paid to the city but shall be apportioned as listed below, and the City shall make a cash payment to the Township yearly in the following amounts: 1. In the first year following the year in which the land was annexed, 90% of the property taxes paid to the Township in the year the land was annexed; 2. In the second year following the year in which the land was annexed, 70% of the property taxes paid to the Township in the year the land was annexed; 3. In the third year following the year in which the land was annexed, 50% of the property taxes paid to the Township in the year the land was annexed; a, In the fourth year following the year in which the land was annexed, 30% of the property taxes paid to the Township in the year the land was annexed; 5. In the fifth year following the year in which the land was annexed, 10% of the property taxes paid to the Township in the year the land was annexed. b. Thereafter all property taxes from the described property shall be paid to the City. fi. The City and the Township mutually state that nv alteration by Minnesota Planning to the boundaries as described on Exhibit A ("the orderly annexation area") is appropriate or permitted. ~J ~~~ Qrderly Annexation Agreement Hassan Valley Township , Resolution Na. Page 3 7. Having designated the area described on Exhibit A as in need of orderly annexation, and having provided for all of the conditions of its annexation within this document, the parties to this agreement agree that no further consideration by Minnesota Planning is necessary. As such, Minnesota Planning may review and comment, but shall, within thirty (30) days of the date of receipt of this Joint Resolution for Orderly Annexation, order the immediate annexation of the properties and land described in the attached Exhibit A in accordance with the terms of this Joint Resolution. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'T'Y OF HUTCHINSON THIS DAY OF , 200A. Marlin Torgerson Mayor Gary D. Plotz Gity Administrator t~ C~ ~(5~~ Orderly Annexation Agreement Hassan Valley Township Resolution No. Page 4 ADOPTED f3Y THE HASSAN VALLEY TOWNSHIP BOARD THIS :~ DAY OF , 2004. ~ . Carl Runke Hassan Valley Chair Shirley Troska, Clerk Hassan Valley Township Exhibit A The East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 116 North, Range 29 West, also known as Lot 37 of Auditors Plat of the West Half of said Section 5, Except all that part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 116 North, Range 29 West of the 5th Principal Meridian lying South of the right of way of the Great Northern Railway Company and Easterly of a line parallel with and distant 30 feet Westerly from the center line of the Westerly leg of the wye and tail tract of the Great Northern Railway Company as now located and established, said center line being described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of the main tract of the Railway of the Great Northern Railway Company as now located and constructed distant 501.4 feet Westerly measured along said center line, from the North and South Quarter line of said Section 5; thence Southeasterly along a 7 degree 30 minute curve to the right through an angle of 7 degrees 30 minutes a distance of 100 feet to a point; thence southeasterly along a 12 degree 30 minute curve to the right through an angle of 78 degrees 45 minutes a distance of 630 feet to a point; thence Southeasterly along a 3 degree 45 minute curve to the . right through an angle of 3 degrees 45 minutes a distance of 100 feet to a point; ~~.h~. Orderly Annexation Agreement Hassan Valley Township Resolution No. Page 5 thence Southerly tangent to said 3 degree 45 minute curare a distance of 145 feet of the Southwest Quarter of Section 5, and excepting right of way of Great Northern Railway Company ~~ L more or less to the south line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter ~~~,~a Orderly Annexation Agreement Hassan Valley Township Resolution No. Page 8 L.J 6. J Exhibit B 6' HlghChain=Link Fence Witl'rTop & Botbm Rails FuUre T ~aee e Berm I a~~4 L J ~~ PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 04-386 AN ORDINANCE AMENbING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF I-IUTCHINSON FOR A PROPERTY TO BE REZONED FROM R3 TO R2 AS REQUESTED BY ARNIE ESTERBROOKS, ROLLING GREENS, L.L.C. THE CTI'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: WHEREAS, the following described real property is hereby rezoned from R3(Medium -High Density Residential) to R2 (Medium Density Residential) as requested by property owner: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Outlots B and C of Summerset Addition and Outlot A of Summerset Second Addition, McLeod County, MN. According to the record plats thereof. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission and City Council have considered the effects of rezoning this piece ofproperty; WHEREAS, there arc certain parameters that will make this rezoning appropriate for this area; THEREFORE; the City hereby officially rezones this property to R2 and it shall take effect upon publication of this ordinance; Adopted by the City Council this 14'" day of September, 2004 ATTEST: Gary D. Platz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor 5~3 C~ Hutchinson Ci Center 111 Hassan Street 5E Hutchinson, MN 55350.2522 320.587.5151/Fax 320.23gA240 IVI G M (7 S A N D tJ 1VI TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: john P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering/Public Works RE: Consideration of Sale of Property to SW Minnesota Foundation Ordinance attached DATE: August 17, 2004 We have been working with the $W Minnesota Foundation for about a year on the purchase of the railroad land adjacent to their parcel, and their need to acquire the land to complete their proposed redevelopment project. Now that we are completing our purchase of the land, we would like to be able to complete this sale of ]and to SW Minnesota Foundation as soon as we are able. We have had Jeff Rausch of Pellinen Land Surveying complete the legal description of the parcel to transfer. City Attorney Maze Sebora and Melissa Stazke will be preparing the appropriate Ordinance and documentation. The sale will be based on our discussion with SW Minnesota Foundation, as follows: • Although the City paid approximately $33,000 per acre for the entire purchase, much ofthe land was of little value (inaccessible, unbuildable, in the flood plain, etc.), and direction was given staff to determine values for each individual purchase azea based on its estimated value. The City Council has yet to set a price or value for selling portions of the parcels, however we recently purchased a small portion of industrial land in this area for $2.50/sf, and would estimate the purchase price of this property as somewhere near that level. ^ The area of the parcel in question is approximately 16,000 sf, putting the purchase price at $40,000. There have been several other inquiries into selling land that was part of this railroad right-of--way purchase. We propose to review our needs with Hutchinson Utilities, Parks and Recreation, Public Works, and other departments prior to more sales. grimed an ~e~~ckd paper - r ~1~\ , 1 Ordinance No. 04-387 Publication No. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF CITY OWNED LAND SITUATED IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, USED FORMERLY AS RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson currently owns former railroad right of way property located in the City which is encumbered by a mortgage in favor of the McLeod County Regional Rail Authority; and, WHEREAS, the Southwest Minnesota Foundation owns land at 14 4`" Avenue NW, which is adjacent to a portion of the former raihroad right of way; and, WHEREAS, the Southwest Minnesota Foundation desires to purchase a portion of the city-owned land to construct its new headquarters; and, WHEREAS, the net proceeds from said sale will be used to pay down the mortgage to the McLeod County Regional Rai] Authority, and therefore this sale would be in the public's interest; and, WHEREAS, Section 14.04 of the Hutchinson City Charter requires real property to be sold only by an enacting an ordinance, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED SY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH7: CITX OF HUTCHINSQN, THAT the sale of the following specifically-described real estate owned by the City of Hutchinson is hereby authorized: That part of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, all in Block 21, NORTH HALF OF HUTCHINSON, according to the recorded plat, and that part of the North 16.50 feet of Fourth Street (now known as Third Avenue NW) as vacated by resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of I•Iutchinson on the l4`s day of October, 1915, lying southerly of a line drawn parallel with and 8.50 feet northerly, measured at right angles, from the centerline of the main track of the former Burlington Northern Inc. as said track was located on Febmary 12, 1991, and lying westerly of the east line of said Lot 1 and its southerly prolongation and lying easterly of the east line of the West 20.00 feet of said Lot 8 and its southerly prolongation. and that the Mayor and City Administrator are authorized to execute all documents to effectuate this sale. Adopted by the City Council this 14's day of September, 2004. Attest: Gary b. Plotz, City Administrator Marlin Torgerson, Mayor ~] ~~~~ cttyof t 11 Hassan Street Southcaat Hutchinson, N1N 33330 (320)387-5151/Fax: (320)234-4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance No. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 Al] applications must be received at least Q da s before event ni order to be considered A lication T e C] Full Xear January 1 -December 31, Fee: $100.00 Year ~ Short Term Date(s) ~aJ~slo4 - lc~~~Ia~{ Fee: $25.00 Manth/Da /Year-Month/Da /Year ~' V w ~os~ q ~, u '~ l~~ Name ~~~ 15~ psue ~~ _ ~~1nSn ~fl ~S35d Address where regular meeting are held GYty ll State Zip Day and time of meetings? ~~ ~ S t.e5, p ~ ~(j._, h'1D!I ~h _. ~~ L~ Is this organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? ~ yes ^ no How long has the organization been in existence? How may members in the organization? ~Q What is the purpose of the organization? In whose custody will organization recol Name ~ ~ Phone Number oZ~7.'1F'(~we.SC Jk['~`,~Son Ir11/1 5S35b Address Ciry State Zip I Insurance Coverase Information (attach copy of insurance that meets or exceeds limits established in the ordinance) ~ _ i-hS t! (G.rtLw 'rtr7~Y iSo(S Insurance Company _ ) Sulu a~"- R.,.~, r~ '~ ~.~ ~~1, tMn. _ 5s~ Address Ciry State Zip Bond Phone Number Fax Number The following information is provided concerning a fidelity bond given by the gambling manager in favor of the ornganization':n 11 ~dl~~.c P~U~~ 1~IGf ~~k] - ~ F~(~ ~ GL~dn ~ (~gcSurp_r Name of banding company DLO w~ ~ ` _ Address ojbonding company Ciry State Zip Amount of bond: `~(Q _ V a Q Awation of ~ond:rf I p (I U Y_ ~ ~ I ~ D 5- is hereby made far waiver of the 31-a - SB7- l i a~ Phone Number Agent's Narne ^ yes Ono ~C~ Ciry vjHurchinsvn Applirntion fvr CnmBlrng Dcv(caa L(cpnap Page 1 of 3 r~ L Dul Authorized Offieer of the Or anization Information S~s~ ~• ~~e~~aar-~ '~aa -s81-99~9 True Name Phane Number It 1' 1 '1 ~`~`l ~eC f ~ n ~~ . (--1 ~~~~:, n.c ova Yin Sg`3~6 Residence Addr ess Ciry Sra[e Zip G Datc of Huth: ___ ~ I / ~ 1 / S3 Place of Birth: ~~ Ur2 ~0.(~'~- ~ n Month/day/year City State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? Dyes -- // YYho If yes, explain: Desi Hated Gamblin Mana er Attach co 0 o rcial resolution or ac[ion desi natin ou amblin mana er ___~~~ 5-~- fas _ 3 ~o - 587- 351 b True Name Phane Number ~ ~ ~t7 Fes'+f wc_,.r i~vti. ~a~ ~'. nt o-. ALr~ 55357 Reside ce Address Ciry State Zip Date of Birth: _ ~ / 3 / .a ~ Place oFBirth: S ~ (l Manth/daylyear City State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ^ yes B no If yes, explain: How long have you been a member of the organization? ~ 4f Game Information Name of location where game will be played Phane Number Address of location where game will be played City State Zip ~ D ~ 1 a } ~ p ~ bate(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: / through ~ AM AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: Prom S c7 p To `j _ ~ D_ _ ~N17 Maximum number of player: Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ^ money merchandise Will rcfrcshmcnts he served during the time the gambling devices will be used? l`7 yes ^ na If es, will a char a be made far such refreshments? l~s Ono Officers of the Oreanization (if necessary. list additional names on separate sheet) Name Title / Residence Address Ciry State Zip Name Title __~- 1~-~Ms S k ~-~~ >r-~L.; M do Residence Address _City State Zip t Z~ `~(c~S~f1 t ~tQC..S V (fir Name Title c:(r I~S-e. ~i~~=•~5~ SOU <<:~ (.Yty pf Hutthinapn Application for Gambling LkWtu License Page 3 of3 Persons Paid for Services LJ Name list additional names on se arare s Title esidence Address Ci~~ .~ Name Zip Tide --y--- City -------Suue__.___ ZiP Name Title Residence Address Ci State Zi The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order for the application to be processed: Cgpy of the official resolution or official action designating the gambling manager: ~s ^ nn Copy of insttrance that meets or exceeds limits established in the ordinance: el yes ^ no A list of all active members of the organization: ~ yes ~~^ no Application fee paid in full (check ar money order): feYyes ^ no Application cq~leted in full and si ned b both authorized officer and amblin mono er: C~ s ^ no Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officet) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws. ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349)? Gambling Manager ~es ^ no Authorized Officer ~ s ^ no Initial Initial 1 declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance Na. 655 relating to gambling and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. ~~ U~ lz~ I o ~ -- Signature of authorized officer of organization Date ~~~I~~y - Signature ofgambling manager of organization Date Building: ^ approved '"' Notes: ~J Fire ^ approved ^ denied Notes: Police ^ approved ^ denied Notes: City Council ^ approved Q denied Notes: ~~~~ ~.~ Cuyof ~~~~ 111 Hassan Strcct Southeast Hutrhinsan, MN 33350 (320)587-5151tFax: (320)234.4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING I)EVTCES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance No. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications must be received at least 30 davs before event in order to be considered A licativn T e ^ Full Year January 1-December 31, Fee: $ ] 00.00 year ~ ShartTermDate(s) ~ - Fee: $25.00 Month/ a /Peer-Month/Da /Year a w rv~ R rrw e N M DldFl 30.5 ~3-7_~~ N~ ~~ IQ fName Ll~~l~°~~.~"tb~ /-~ R:rsT /G /~ ~ rr/ 5 ~~ss Address where regular meeting are held City State ,Zip Day and time of meetings? A 7`H t~s O F MG. ~' ~~ P Yt'~• Is this organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? ~ yes ^ no How long has the organization been in existence? ~'"'` ~'" Ho~~w//may members in the organization? ~~ What is the purpose of the organization? // t} ~~'y/7 ~ I^+u Ni~t ~~ , ~~~ ~ /J7/61u , (~~,^ In whose custody will organization records be kept? Name phone Number ~o~~ W. 121~L~" L/ chFFI~L/~ h~A~ Address Ci State urance Covers a information attach co o insur ~' tas i~p EL j A-,g! E Insurance Company ~a 3 -v F y ~~~ S~, that meets or the Agent's Name G~P~wy ~~PiDS mN s~ ~ y City State Zip .- $0O- g7~- ) y7~ Phone Number r 1 ~J Fidcli Bond Information The following information is provided concerning a fidcl' hand given by the gambling manager in favor of the organization: Nam ' bonding company Address of banding com ny City State Zip Amountofbond: Dtua ofbond: Application is hereb made for giver of the bondin re uircments. ^ es ^ no '~ ~/4'17aI s~~~ !City ofHmchinrvn Applirn,ivn for Gnmbling -evlcee Liceme Page Z of 3 IQ /~~\ TYYte Name 3 ~ S ~ Q " >ti 'e I Phone Nup~ber ~ h/- -mss' 3 Residence ddres Ciry State Zip " Date of Birth: ~d l ~ p2 l_ J-~[ (e_ ('~ Place of Birth: Monih/day/year Ciry State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? Q yes ~ no If yes, explain: r~ Desi ated Gam6lin Mana er Attach co 0 0 ,cia! resolurian or actfon deli natin ou ambit mono er True Name Phone Number R idenc Address / City State Zip Date of Birth: U / / 9 ter Place ofBirth:.L ~ h ~ 1 ~J 'l~ Moneh/day/year City State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? Oyes ~-no If yes, explain: How long have you been a member of the organization? u Game Information C L~'~D a l41 (rlZocr rvPS 3~~•-S~i7- ~`r'7~dJ Name of location where game y~i1(6ep la ed Phone Number C ~7 r~ ~7 Y. t~ ~ 15P ~r y~ -O !a ~ 1r WTli^~/7V,G' .S~ !'T"~~`-IT1 ~$A~~ ~r~7~ Address of location where game will be played City State Zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: '/ !~ 4,5' through AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: Prom env To ; u G Maximum number of player: ydO Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ^ money ~ merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? ~ yes ^ no If es, will a char a be made for such refreshments? es ^ no I Officers of the Or¢anization (ifnecessary, list additional names on ,separate sheet) -_._--__ ~ ,'n den r Name(/ /~ y7}Y~tl~e ~ ~-~~•~ Reside+ ce Ad ress City tore Zip ~e r~ ~•~r'I~r Soh ---- U l~~e r~5, cfert ~-- ~ 1~//~~ Name `~~ Ua ~e S~. - -- / ti 'r,Sa Title n?~ .5S3SD Res idenceAddress City State Zip ]] ~f l?G.ro~ CA hC'_,~h -- _- 7Y<4 $u F''er Name a~> a n~ ~ Title ~ ..~~-~~ Residence Address Ci State Zi 5~~~ Ltity °fHumhtaaon Applic°tion for Gambling DeWcea Llcenae ~ Pnga 3 of 3 O ets or Other Persons Paid for Ser . Name _ u1~1 1 ~ ~ S L L ~ U ~ ~ _... Title aty srt ~ zip Name Title City State Zlp Tie1e Residence ~ The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order fpr the application to be processed: he official r -' ` - ^,l.t'no ma^aeer' ^ yes ^ no -~'(i~1y oft esaiutien-rnvmcTai u~u~u ..~.,,g.,o....~C, ~ ~°o- Copy of insurance that meets or exceeds limits established in the ordinance: ^ yes ^ nv A-lisWf, 1 ac :v_e.members oflhe.org~attom ^ yes ^ no Application ice paid in full (check or money order): ^ yes p na ~ ~• ~~ A lication co ]cted in full and si ned b both authorized officer and amblin mono er: ^ es ^ no Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations govemiug the operation and use of gambling devices (as.outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 655 and Minnesota Statutee Chapter 3k9)7 Gambling Manager ~ yes ^ nv ~ Authoriud Offictr ~ yes ^ no Initia/ Initial I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 655 relating to gambling and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. ~~/a ~~ Date ~'/ice/a ~ - '~'~~-Date ernal Use Onl Building: ^ approved ^ Notes: Fire ^ approved Q denied Notes: _ Police ^ approved ^ denied Notes: City Council p approved ^ denied Notes: 5~d~ C~~ 01 ~ ~~~~ 111 Hassan Street Soutlwast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320)587-5151/F'a%=(320)234-4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance No. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications must be received at least 30 daYS before event in order to be considered ^ Full Year Ianuary 1 - December 31, Fee: $100.00 Year 1~ Short Term Aate(s) 02 7voS Fee: $25.00 .. vJ~KFowL CeNneAL CH ) - N W L OC. Phone Number Name 5+- V~W f~ HiN.i11~J .~_ ~~- - ~ Address here regular meeting are held State ZiP iry Day and time of meetings? S+ ~ - ~ ~ is this organization organised under the laws of the State of Minnesota? ,$1 yes ^ no How long has the organization been in existence? How may members in the vrganization7 What is the purpose of the organization? In whose custody will organization records be kept? Name Phone Number Address G1 Stare Z: Insurance Covers a Information attach co v insurance that meets or exceede limits established in the ordinance Insurance Company Agent's Name Address CYty State Zip Phone Number Fax Number Fideli Bond 1nfolrnetion The following infotrnation is provid conccming a fideli and given by the gambling manager in favor of the organization: Name onding company Address of bonding company City State Zip Amount ofbond: Duration bond: Annlication is hereby made For waiver o e bvndi re uirements: ^ es ^ na `J City ofHutcAinyon Applirntion for Gam6ling I)evlces License Page 1 of3 J Duly Authorized Officer of the Oreanization information True Name Phone Number Residence Address Ciry Slate Date of Birth; / / Flace of Birth: Month/day/year City Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ^ yes ^ no if yes, explain: up arose Desi Hated Gamblin Mana er (Attach co 0 o tcia/ resolution or action desi narin~ ou arnblin mono er M.¢T7FFFhl___sArvtr__S_ Mu`T'CEN13u~G=_ l3Z.c~~SB~-~/S'/ True Name !~ Phone Number !9t$22. o~~ A-vC I'}NTCf~'!//sJ/1/ Yr~I SS 3S~ Residence Address Ciry State Zip Date of Birth: q~ / I9 / (~/~ Z Place of Birth: 13Ra~k/n/l5 S / Month/day/year City State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ^ yes ~ no If yes, explain: - How long have you been a member of the arganization7 3 YEi4R 5 J Game VFW ._pns7 906 Name of location where game will be played Phone Number ~4 _ _~ St~4~. 5~_ H N ~ _i Jn/ 5~35`fl Address of location where game will 6e played Ciry State ,Zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: F~8 ~ 2t7o5 through FE$ ~ 2WS AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From ~=p~ ~ To ! qO Maximum number of player: pip Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ^ money ,$[ merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? >~ yes ^ na C~ J If ^ no ~ Officers of the Oreanization (if necessary, list additional names on separate sheer) ~ ~iCk Sense Name Residence Address ire s i cue Title City State Zip Vice - Pries I d e,.t-~ ~~Title r(uN __~ou y~d._. _ _ ------ Name Residence Address r Na e Residence Address Stare City State Zip T~s w v~w-- Title ~t~~ LYry of Nutchinaon Applicn~ion for Gnmb77ng IJevtcea /-icenae Pnge 3 of 3 Ofhcers ar Other Persons Paid for Services Information (' necessa ,list additional names on se orate sheet ~J }~ N6K't ~ b ec r~e Nth / r Name tie IRSz7 npheJG~ H-µ kM un M~ 5~35~ Residence Address Ctry State Zip Name Title Residence Address aty State Zip Name Title Residence Stare The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order for the application to be processed: C ^ yes p no Copy of insurance that meets or exceeds limits established in the ordinance: Q yes Ono r $yesf ~I no Application fee paid in full (check or money order): f~ yes f] no er`- A lication com leted in full and si ned b both authorized officer and amblin mane er: C] s ^ no Have you (Gambling Manager and Authvriud Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 655 and Minntsota Statutes Chapter 349)7 ~~ Gambling Manager ~ycs ^ no _ /t'YS/~ Authorized Officer `yes ^ na li' Initial In:na( I declare that the information I have provided on this application is tmthful, and ]authorize the City of Rutchinson to investigate the infomtation submitted. Also, T have received from the Ciry of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance Nv. 655 relating tv gambling and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. Signature of au[horized a~cer of organtzation Date ' S- 6-2~0~- Sign re ofgam6ling m ager of organization Date Internal Use Building: D approvtd Notes: Fire p approved O denied Notes: Police fl approved O denied Notes: City Council C] approved ^ denitd Notes: 5 ~~ cuy of 1~~~ 111 Haeeen Street Southeast Hutchinsan,MN 33330 ' (320) 587-5151/Fa:: (320) 234-0240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICI+rNSE Tn provisions of the City of Iutchinson Ordinance No. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications must be received at least 30 days before event in order to be considered N ti~~~ ~~~~ ~'b `o ~~ ~? ~~~ ~~~~ x~~ a N~b a $ m ~~~ m m~ E~ ro ~~p~ ~~~ £ ~~ y ~~~ r A lication T e Full Year 7anuary 1 - December 31, Fee: $100.00 ear ~, Short Term Date(s) - - - • I ~ U Fee: C~1S.W ) Manth/Da /Year-Moneh/Da /Year • Name I ~. D ~ ~ W Address where regular meeting are held Day and time of meetings? / 'r /'''l Is this organization organized under the laws of the State of 3~.0 - ss~ ~• ~Jsl Phone Number City State Ztp ® yes U no How long has the organization been in existenccT `~ ~ X Hvw may members in the organization? a ljQ ~Y r~i7Jhat is the purpose of the organization? In whose custody will organization retards be kept? ,3at-D - Sfs'7~ 70~ Name Phone Number /_~_ GsA N- 9 _ ~ ~ ~~ Address Ci State Zi Insurance Coveraee information (attach copy o1 insurance that meets or exceeds limits established in the ordinance Insurance Company Agent's Address Phone City Staee Zip Fax Fideli Bond Information The following information is prove d concerning a fidelity bond 'vgn by the gambling manager in favor of the organization: Nam "anding company Address of bonding tom ny City State Zip Amount ofbond: Duran ofbond: Annlicatinn is hereby made fo giver of the bondin¢ requirements: ^yes Q_ no 5~f~ CityvfHatchinsan Application fvr Cnmbting OeWcu Llcenae Page 2 of 3 Authorized i True Name ciao-S~z- 7o.ro Phone Number Residence Address City ~ ~j State / Zip Date of Binh: / / Place of Bitch: L; 7~,t~,a, ; ~ ~~f Mnnth/day/year City State Have you ever hear convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ^ yes ~ no if yes, explain; Name cs~ 7 - 7 OSD ___. Phone Number Residence Address Ciry State Zip Date of Birth: ~ / ~~_ / ,S'_~ FlaceofBirth: L~~~~•s~~ .~dl~ Manth/day/year City State Have you ever bear convicted of any crime other than a traffic offensc? ^ yes .~[no If yes, explain: How long have you been a member of the organization? Game I7` te.^f-c-q, f n I f9 ,r~ /'7; : t, ~ ~P C~.~~ _ c3P~ ~" J o ~' 07/~l Name of lacati! wherer game wi17 a played Phone Number r d -ui~G S8~ /1M~ 33'6 Address oflocativn where game wi17 be played Ciry Stare Zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: 7 Q through S AM ~~ Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: Prom G) 6 Q __~~ To ~j ~Q ~N Maximum number of player: V ifv~ d t 5 Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? !ffi money L] merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? ^ yes ~ no will a charge be made for such refreshments? Oyes t7 1 Officers of the Oreanization (ifnecessarv. lisr additional names on separate sheetl 1 / J ! ~, ~ Y t r~~f- --- /7TA~ ~G Y~~1iS~lI /~L Residence Address /~ Ciry p State Zip 0.t~K V 6 Gp l /''GS~~p.t,~ Name Title /F~3G y CsAf~1~! u.~u.rn ~ cS~32~ Residence Address Ciry Smte Zip A~~. s R~bb~~.s - - Tr~~s u..~z~ Name Title ~o,~ ~1~.:~s~.~ 5t, ~S~ Residence Address ~ee~ F. ~wt~ 'ns$~1 Ci State Zt SQ.~.~e ar ~ F,~ /~ia '~e ~ to SA n /(/[A/ ~ J 3~ J~~~ ar action Crry vfNutchinson Apprlcrttlvn for Gvmbligg LkWcu Llcur:e Frtge 3 of 3 r~ LJ Officers or Other Persons Paid for Services Information (~ necessa ,list additional names on se orate sheet Name Title Residence Address City State Zip Name Title Residence Address City State Zip Name Tttle Residence Address GY State Zi Checklist The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order far the application to be processed: Copy of the official resolution or official action designating the gambling manager: 'yes ^ no Copy of insurance that mecis or exceeds limits established in the ordinance: ^ yes ^ no A list of all active members of the organization: f~es ^ no Application fee paid in full (check or money order): ~yrs Ono A lication co leted in fall and si ned b both authorized officer and amblin mono er: s ^ no Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter Q9)? ~ ~ Gambling Manager Dyes ^ no Authorized Officer ~ yes ^ no Initial nrd°l I declare that the information I have prvvidcd an this application is tmthful, and 1 authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 655 relating to gambling and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. q-~-a~f Signature of authorized officer organization pQte q -1- o pare Internal Usc Onl Building: Q approved ^ Notes: Fue ^ approved Q dcnied Notes: Police ^ approved ^ denied Notes: Ciry Council C] approved Q denied Notes: SC~~ CHANGE>~ ~.", ~' ., ; :.;.; ,~~.,, ~''-.,~,,, ',•,. ,. ON"~'ENGINEERING,DEPARTMIr~IX„',`; . " ,,, TCHINS ' CITY.OF HU "~ '"'"'',111 HASSAN S7 SE, HUTC.HINSON M.N 55350 (G12) 234-42U~. ' ' :`", si,ai;t of is . CONTRACTOR: Juul Contracting Compan Lettin N 13 Pro act Nv. 03-15 Adams St SE, P O Box 189, Rutchinson MN 55350 Pro act Location: Rolling Meadows Pond CRIPTION: Conflicting gas maln elevations. paled: D$ID9/2004 Item No. Spec. Ref. Item Neme UnR Quantity Unit Price Amount INGREASE'iTEMB+ e' REPAIR TILE DRAIN - 7TH AVE NE LIN Fl' 10 $16.40 $164.00 TOTAL INCREASE ITEMS. '. ' ^' ' :''~ - ". $16A.d0;. TOTAL. INCREASElDGCA- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' $164.00- In accordance with the Contract and Specifications, the contract amount shall be adjusted in the amount of $164.10 (add)!(deduct-)< An extension of -0- days shall be allowed for completion. The original completion date shall not be changed. ORIGINAL CONTRACT pREV10U5 A&&ixIANSlDEDUC710N3 AMOUNT THIS ADDITIONF06BUC7rON TOTAL ', $59,545.6D ~ (334$10) ~ $164.D0 359,361.70 ~'~ APPROVED: Contractor DATED: ~~ I r APPROVED: Mayor DATED: ` / r~ y APPROVED: Director o Engi eating DATED: AvF. Z3 uo APPROVED: City Administrator DATED: ~~ -4 ~~ RESOLUTION NO.12516 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT LETTING N0.13 PROJECT N0.04-15 ROLLING MEADOWS EAST STREET LIGHTING Whereas, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the furnishing of all labor and material for the improvement of Rolling Meadows East by street lighting and appurtenances and bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Bidder quade Electric of Hutchinson MN Amount Bid $29,OOD,D0 Whereas, it appears that quade Electric of Hutchinson MN is the lowest responsible bidder, and Whereas, a bid was also received from Vinco Incof Forest Lake MN at 10:35 am. As said bid did not arrive by the advertised bid opening time of 10:OD am, said bid shall be rejected and returned to the bidder. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED eY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The mayor and city administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with quade Electric of Hutchinson MN, in the amount of $29,000.00 in the name of the City of Hutchinson, for the improvement contained herein, according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the Director of Engineering. 2. Tha Bid of Vinco Inc, having been received after the advertised bid opening time, is hereby rejected. 3. The Directer of Engineering is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has bean signed, and the deposit of the successful bidder shall 6e retained until satisfactory completion of the contract. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Gouncil this 14th day of September 2004. Mayor City Administrator r''~ LJ .~ch~ RESOLUTION NO. 12517 REVISED RESOLUTION DECLARING COST Td BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT A5SESSMENT ROLL N0.5D70 LETTING N0.3/PROJECT N0.04-03 WHEREAS, cost has been determined for the improvement of Jefferson Street 5E from Jefferson Court SE to Toronto Avenue by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewerand services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk, trail, street lighting and appurtenances, and the bid price for such improvement is $386,182.01 and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $92,683.69 so that the total cost of the improvement will be $478,865.70. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 8Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $250,090.17 and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $228,775.53. 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending ever a period of 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable on ar before the first Monday in January, 2005 and shall bear interest at the rate of 4.68 percent per annum from November 1, 20D4. 3. The City Administrator, with the assistance of the pirector of Engineering, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 4. The City Administrator shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 1Ath day of September, 2004 Mayor City Administrator ~~ L J 5C~ RESOLUTION NO.12518 RESOLUTION ADOPTING REVISED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL N0.5070 LETTING N0.3IPROJECT N0. 04-03 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution and notice of hearing the Council has met and reviewed the proposed assessment for improvement of Jefferson Street SE from Jefferson Court 5E to Toronto Avenue by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surtacing, sidewalk, trail, street lighting and appurtenances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL DF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part heroof, is hereby accepted, and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed Improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against It. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period often (10~ years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2005, and shall bear interest at the rate of 4.fi8 percent per annum as set down by the adoption of .this assessment resolution, To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from November 1, 2D04 until the 31st day of December, 2D05. To each subsequent installment when due, shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such properly, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that ne interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by the 15th day of November, 2004; and ha may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to the 31st day of December, of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15, or interest will be charged through December 31, of the next succeeding year. 4. The Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of September, 2004. Mayor City Administrator ~.1 LJ ~c~~ C~,IPIlEO BY: P VEEi1 CONPUTE08Y: J f9iG REVISED ASSESSMENT ROLL N0. 6670 LETTING NO.6]1PROJEC7 NO.99-03 3661.79 50.00 3ANI7ARY SEIYER COSFA1Nfi • 30UTHW1N0 WAiERNA1N COETN117-SOVTNRAN6 CHECKED BY: P VRROER YEE3f SUPPLEMENTAL AGREENENT NO.1 TO LETTIRG N0. SJPROJECT N0. 93.12 50.00 STORN SEWER COSTAINR -SOUTHYAN0 . NUMBER os YEARS: 19 JEFFERSON 3TSE -JEFFERSON CT SE Tb TORONTO AVE SE BY CONSTRUCTIl7N OF STORM SEWER, 50.00 SIREE[ COHSTRUCTN)N COSTAINR-SOUTIANN9 54TFAEST RATE: aBa% SANITARY SEWER S SERVICES, WATEI4IWN S SERVICES, GRADINQ GRAVEL BASE, CIXICRETE CURB 1ST HEARING: 0171]!2601 2ND HEARING: p8H0l2004 b GUTTER, BIR1MIIgU3 BASE 3 SURFACING, 81OEWALK, TRAIL, STREET LN9HTING 6APPURTPJ1ANf:ES ADOPTED 9S72W2006 REVISION ADOPTED 0911012004 ACCT. CT'RO NO. NANEE ADORE9S LEGAL OESCWPTION SANITARY 86YIER YYATER1MSi SYORN SEWER- '- g>7~57 . --- '•RB~6RA3iQR: _ TOTAL _ '~ DEFERRED TOTAL- ACTISlE.' - N0. COUNTY PO NO. OF PROPERTY OWNER I1661BON AR 9UFIOIYISION UN FEET A58ESSL6NT A$9E88NEN7 AEBESSNERT ASSESSSIE3lf. - ASSE881ENY- ASSES4RFNT 1 07-116-2&09-9040 23.457.9126 HVMtinsan Land HOltlings 2455 72lh St E SI C1autl MH 56304 Properly Atltlress: 325 Ot1aua Ave SE Lot 3, Block 2, SaMwind 1 3561.79 56.06 56.00 10.00 56.06 5561.79 07-11629-09.0050 HulChlnson Lend HWdin Properly Adtlress: 935 OOava Ave SE 2 23.451-0430 2455121h St E St Cloud MN 56304 Lot ~. BbrJ~ 2, Sautkwind 1 '5501.79 50.00 50.00 sa-00 50.00 5501.79 077 7629-09-0066 Hulchiruon Land Holdlr~ Property Address: 345 OAlewa Ave SE 3 23-451.0140 245512th SI E St Cloutl MN 56304 Lot 5, Black 2, SauthevM 1 5591.79 $O.W 50.00 50-00 50.00 5507.79 07-11629-09-0070 Hutchinson Land Hakli P Address: 355 Ot1aAm Ave SE 2455 121h St E Lo16, Bhd 2. 4 23-457.0750 St Cbud MN 5&906 Soulhwintl 1 8501]9 5090 5a-00 59.9D 50.00 5507-79 07-116-29-09-9600 Hutchinson Lend Hdtlings Property Address: 365 Ottawa Ave SE 5 23.451.9160 2455 12th St E Sl Cbud MN 56364 Lot 7, Block 2, $wWnirld 1 5507.79 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 1501.79 07-17629-09-0090 Hutchinson Land Hotlin s Property Addren: 375 ORa'4ra Ave SE 6 23.457.0170 2455 729r S! E St Ckud MN 56304 i.at B, BIpnA 2, Sou6wdrW 7 5501.79 50.00 50.00 10.00 50.00 5501.79 07-176.29-09.0106 Hutchinson Land Haldi Property Address: 385 Ottaea Ave EE 7 23-651.0750 2455 126r 5! E St Cloud MN 56.904 Lc! 9, Block 2. Sau9raintl 1 5501.79 50.60 19.00 50.00 80.00 5561-79 B 07-118-29-09-0110 23.b519190 HuEtlunsen Land Hdd s 2455 12th E St Cloud MN 56364 Props Adtlresa: 395 Ottaws Aae SE Lol 10, Bbd 2, SddhvAntl 1 5501.79 SD-00 50.00 50.00 W-06 1507.79 07-11629.09-6720 Hutchinson Land Ho1R~ngs Props Addran: 405 Ottawa Ave SE 9 23.451-0200 245512th Sl E St Claud MN 56304 iat 11, Block 2, SauSrxirM 1 5501.79 50.00 50.00 f0-00 50.00 5501.79 W-11629-09-0130 Hutchiraan Land Hddirgs Properly Address: 415 Otlaxa Ave SE 10 23-451.0210 2455 129r St E S! Cloud MN 56304 Lot 12, Block 2, Soulhaind 1 5501.79 50.00 10.06 56.00 50.00 5501.79 i1 97.116-29-09-0140 23.451.0350 HuKMnsan Lend HoWiga 2455 12M 9t E SlCbud MN 56301 Property Adtlrcsa: 330 Ottawa Ave SE Lot 1 Bbd 4, SaMwind f 1501.79 1090 W-00 80.60 50-99 5501.79 07-11629-09~O t50 Hutchinson LaM HWi a Pm Ry Address: 340 Ottavra Ave SE 12 23.451.9360 2455 121h St E S4CbW MH 56364 Lot 2, Bbd 4, SwIMnM 7 5501.79 50.00 50.00 59.00 39.00 8501.78 07-11629-09-0760 Hutchinson Land Hddi Pro Address' 350 00awa Ave SE 13 23-45 L0379 2455 l2tli l E St Churl MN 56.'104 Lot 3, Block 4, Boultnsind 1 5501.79 50.00 50.00 10.06 50.00 5501.79 SAS0702004 LETTING N0.3N4-O.WAGE 1 OF 10 COMPR.£D SY: P VEEN REVISED ASSES$MEI7T ROLL N0. 6070 1591.79 SAMfARY SEWER COSTNNR •301lfHNR81 OOMWTEO BY:J ERG LETTING N0.03RR0JECT NO. 94-03 50.90 WATERNAIN COBTlUNIT•SOUTHMIPI0 CHECKED RY: P PANDER PEEN 3UPPLEMENTILL AGREEMENT NO. 5 TO LETTING N0.51PROJECT N0.03.12 50.90 STORK StVYFR COSTNNIT-$Dl/THYWID . NUMBER OF YEARS: 7D JEFFERSON ST SE • JEFFER80N CT 3E TO TORONTO AVE SE BY CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER, SOA9 STREET COHSTRIACTION C08TIUNR ~ EDUIHWIN0 INTEREST RATE: 469% SANITARY SEWER 6 SERVICES, WATERMNN 6 BERVN:ES, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURB 1ST HEARING: 04f53r2004 2ND HEARING: 08270800{ S GUTTER, BRLMIHOUS BASE S SURFACING, SIDEWALK, TRHL, $78557 LIGHTING 3 APPIIRTENANCF$ ADOPTED 081248004 REV15N]N ADOPTED 09HN2004 ACCT. CRY HD NQ NAMES ADDRESS LEGAL DE$CRIPTgN 9ANRARY SBYER INATERMAIN STORM SEWER STREET RESfORAIIOR TOTAL DEFERRED TOTAL ACTIVE NO. COUNIYPIDHO. OF PROPERTY OWN@t AODffION OR 811BOMSION UN FEET A83ESSM@Tf A88E88MBIT _--°-'ENf ~°OO1d"EMT RSSES3NENT A9SES3111ENT 07.71fi-29-09-0170 Hutchinson Land Ho~ngs 2455 1291 5[ E Property Address: 360 Ottawa Ave SE t.ot 4, Blac* 4, I4 23.451.0380 St Cbutl MN 56304 $OllnriYllld 1 5501.79 50.00 50.90 50.00 30.90 5501.79 D7-17&2309-0150 HutUinsan Land Hdd s Property Atltlrex: 370 Dtlaxa AVe SE 2455 12N St E Sal 5, Block 4, 15 23.451.6390 5t Clad MN 56304 SaMadntl 1 3507.78 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5501.79 07-11629-09-0190 Hutchinson Land Hddinps Props Adtlress: 390 Ottawa Ave SE 16 23.451.0406 2455 12th St E St Claud MN 16304 Lot 6, Bbdr 4, SdMwind 1 5501.79 50.00 50.60 50.00 50.00 5501.79 07-11629-10-0250 Hutchinem Land HWdin9s Property Rddreas: 205 DVawa Ave SE 245512M 51 E Lot 1, Bbtl~ 1, 17 23.451.9010 St Cbud MN 56304 5cu[hwind 1 550 1.79 59.00 50.00 50.00 30.00 5501.79 07-11629-1 D0260 H~tchimon tantl Hpltli Properly Adtlress: 215 Otffiwe Ave SE 18 23.451.0020 2455 72tl1 St E SE Coed MN 56304 Lol 2, Block 1, SorMMdnd t 5507.79 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 3501.78 07-11629-10-0270 Huttlrinwn Lend Hd7ings Property Address: 225 Oltawe Ave 3E f9 23.451,0030 2455 12th St E St Clad MN 56306 Lot 3, Bbck 1, Sou3wdnd ] 5501.78 59.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5501.79 07-11629-10-92H0 Hutchinsca Land HWdin Pro Rddress: 231 ONeRm Ave SE 20 23.451.0099 2455 12Br 5i E 5! Cloud MN 56304 Lot 4, Black 1, Soulhwind l 5501.79 50.00 50.00 50.99 50.90 5507.79 21 07-118-2310-0290 23.451.0050 D7-118-23740300 Nulchinaon Lard Hotlin9s 2455 12N St E St Cbud MN 56304 Hulchimw+l-and Holdings Property Adtlress: 245 OOase Ave SE Lot 5.81ack t, SouBNriM Pm Wdress: 255 Ottawa Ave SE 1 5501.78 50.00 5090 50,00 30.00 550 f.79 22 23.451.0060 2455 1218 St E 5t CkKd IAN 56304 Lat 6, Bkadc 1, Sou0wintl 1 5501.79 50.00 50.00 50.99 50.00 3501.79 97.116-2&10-9310 Huchinson Lald Hd3i Props Address: 265 Ottawa Ave SE 23 23.451.0070 2455 121h St E St Claud MH 56304 Lot 7, Bbck 1, SonBrNUd 1 ~ 5501.79 30.09 30.00 50.00 50.00 5501.79 07-1562310-0320 HutchinsaR Land Haltlln s Pro Addren: 275 Otlawm Ave SE 2455121M1 SI E Lot 8. BIOrA 7, 1 5501.79 10.00 5090 39.00 50.00 5501.79 24 23.451.0090 St Cbud MN 56309 SauONNrd SE A 97-576-29-19-0330 HutGisrson land Hddi va P Adders: 285 Otffiua 2455 120r St E Lot 9, Bock 1. 1 1501 79 50.00 50.00 59.00 5990 5501.79 25 29.451.0690 Sl Clad MN 56304 SouUM~ind . L A SE 97-1162&10.0390 HukRlnscn Land Hddi s ve Address: 305 Oltexr 2455 12N St E Lot 1, BHCk 2, 1 5591]9 59.00 _ 50.00 30.00 $561.79 26 23.451.0100 St Claud MN SB304 5ou0rrrlM SW W702064 LETTING N0.3A74~03iPAGE 211f f0 COMPR.EO BY: VEEN REVISED ASBESSN~NT ROLL N0. 6070 SSOl.78 SANRARY SLIVER COSTAINIT-SOUTH1eAND COMPUTED iTl: ERG LETTING NO.031PROJECT NO.00-00 SOAO WATEANAIN COSTNNR •80UTNPIIND CHECKED trv: P. VANOER VEEN SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 1 TO LETTIIICi NQ 6fPROJECT N0.03-72 SOJq STORM SEWER COSTAINIT• SOUTHWINO NVNBER OF YEARS: 1e JEFFERSON ST SE - JEFFERSON CT SE TO TORONTO AVE SE BY CONSTRUC710N OF STORM SEWER, SOJq 9TREET CONSTRUCTgN COSTNNR -$DIJTNNIINO INTEREST RAZE: L689L 8ANITARY SEWER d SERNCES, WATERMAIH S 9ERNCE5, GRAONIG, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURB 787 NEARING: OW372004 2ND HEARING: 08M072W0 8 GUTTER, BITIIMNIOUS BASE 3 SURFRCING, SIDEWALK, TRAIL, STREET LIGNTOiG 6 APPURTENANCES ROOPTED 0512N20D0 REVISN3N ADOPTED 0971412004 ACCT. C11Y PID NO. NAME •ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRPTgN SANRARY7R3ARIR WATERMAH 'STORM SEWER -' STILT ~ -liEBTORATg11 '-TOTAL 'OEFERIIED TOTAL ACTIVE . N0. COUNT' PD q0. OF PROPERTY OWIIER AODITIDN OR SUBDM6lON FEET ASS~SMENf AS9E8$NFJi7 ASSESSMENT ~ - ASSE86YENT ASSESSYEN7. ASSESSMENT _ 07-7162310-035-0 Hulchinsort Land Hdtlinga Property Address: 315 08aA•a Are SE 2455128 51 E Lot 2 Bbd 2, 27 23.451.0110 St Chutl MN 56304 SovBwdrld 1 5501.79 80.90 50,00 50-1b EO,OD 5501.79 07-116-29-10.0380 Hutchinson Lantl Haldings Pru Adlreas200 Ottawa Are $E 2455 12th Sl E l.ot 1, Bloce 3, 2H 23.451.0270 St Chud MN 56306 SauOreirW 1 i50t.79 50.00 50.00 50.00 80.00 5501.79 07.11623760370 HutUirlsal Land Hak1i Pro rtY Address 210 OtlaA~a Ave SE 2455 12tl1 Sl E Lot 2. BkrA 3, 29 23.451.0280 St Claud MN 56304 $OU9fwiM 1 1507.79 50.00 50,00 50.00 50.00 8501.79 07-116-2310-0380 Hutchinson Land Hohings Prc Address: 220 Otlaam Rve SE 2455 7281 St E Lot 3. Bkrdc 3, 30 23.451.0290 $t Cloud MN 563M Sautheind 1 5501.79 50.00 50.00 SO.OD 50.00 550 F.79 07-11623100390 H,RChneon Lantl Hakli Property Address: 230 OHawe Rve SE 2655 1201 St E Lot 4 Bock 3, 31 23.451.0300 St Chud IAN 58304 $aultmmtl 7 5507.79 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.06 5501.79 07-11629.10-0400 HutUinson Lantl Hdtl' S P Address: 240 Otlara Ave SE 32 23.451-0370 07.11629.10410 2455 12th St E SE Cloud NIN 56304 Hu[tllinsan Land Hddin9e Lal i, Black 3, $oulhxintl Property Adtlrese: 250 Ottawa Are $E t 8507.79 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5567.79 33 23.651.0320 2455 121h SI E SL Cloud MN 56304 Ld 6, Blocl[ 3, Soutliwind 1 5501,79 50.00 50.00 50,00 50.00 5501,79 07-116-2310-M20 Hulchinsm L>md Htldin s Property Atltlnxs: 280 ORawa Ave SE 34 23.451,0330 2455 12th SI E St Claud MN 56304 Lot 7, Bock 3, Soulhennd 7 550179 TA.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 8501.78 07-11629-t0-0430 Hutchirrean land Haldin Pro Addresti 270 OOSwa Ave SE 35 23.451.0340 2455127h SI E St Chud MN 56304 Lot S, 9Wak 3, SovOrxind 1 5501.79 f0.00 50.00 SO--0O 50.00 8501.79 07.1162310-0440 Hutchinson land lioldi Props Address: 1420 Sheraoad St SE 36 23.d51.0490 2451 721h St E St CkaM MN 56304 Oulbt A SauOasiM 0 Sa-00 50.00 50.00 50-00 50.00 50.00 37 07-1 (62375-0010 23.451.0500 Hutrhinsa0 Lantl Hdd'agn 2455 7201 St E St Ckwd MN 56304 Property Address: 280 OSavla Ave SE OuOOt B 5outhaid 45 529,082.78 50.00 50.00 50.00 (0.00 (23,082.79 OT-1162315-0010 Huchinson Land Hokl~ s Property Address: 425 Gmawe Ave SE 98 23.451.02211 2455 121h St E Sl Chud MN 58304 Lot 13 Bhd[ 2, SauNMid 1 (50179 10.00 50.00 W-00 50.00 5501.79 39 07-71Ta2316-0020 23.651.0230 NuOdlineon Land Hoefn9s 2455 12th S<E 5[Cloud MN 58904 Properly Rdtlress: 435 Ollerrs Ave SE La! 14, Block 2, Saulhwind f 8501.79 50.00 50.00 50.00 f6-00 5561.79 SASQ7A2'f0e LETTING 740.3A]A-037PAGE 3 OF FO OOMRLED 6Y: ER VEEN REVfSE6 ASSESSMENT ROLL 110. 5079 5591.78 SANRARY SEVIER COSTNNI7- 90UTHWIND CONFUTED BY; EBERG LETTING N0. 931PROJECT N0.0493 SU.OO WATERNAJN COSTNNR • SWTHWIND CHEGNEO 9Y: P. VANOER vEEN SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEYENf NO. 1 TO LETTING NO. &PROJECT N0. 03.12 59JI0 STORM SEWER GDBTNNR-SOUTHNMD HUMBER OF YEARS: 1e JEFFERSON 5T SE -JEFFERSON CT SE TO TORONTO AVE SE 8Y CONSTRUCTION OF S70RM SEWER, SOJNf STREET CONS7RUOTWICDSTNNIT ~ SOUTHNAND MEREST RATE 4.5L% SANITARY SEWER 5. SERVICES, WATERNAIN b SERVICES, GRADING, GRAVEL BABE, COPICRETE CERlB 1ST HEARING: 04M012004 2ND HEARING: 051102094 5 GUTTER, Bffl1MINOUB BASE R SURFACING, SIDEWALK, TRAIL, STREET LIGHTING S APPURTENANCES ADOPTED 08248004 REN51ON ADOPTED 09H 42004 iICCT. CM HD N0. h1ANEAADDRESS LEGAL DEffi;dtlPT10H SAlS7ARY SEWER YMTFJiNAN STDRN SEWER . ' STFISEf -: '; ,•RESfORiITKIN. '. -TOTAL 6EFEWREn TOTAL •-ACTNE NO. COUNTY PIO NO. OF PROPERTY OWNER AODRgN OR SUSD{VlSKIN FEET ASSESSYEHf A83E58NEHT A$SESSNENL ~~A89E84MENf ASSESSYENT A88ESSNlEf1T 07-116-29-16-0030 HulUliraon Land HokJinga Property Address: 4x5 OOama Ave SE 40 23.x51.0240 2455 12te St E St Cbud YN 56304 Let f5, Block 2, Saulhwind 1 5501.79 59.90 59.90 50,00 50.00 E50L79 07-118-2916-0040 HuMhinson Lend Hddirgs Property Address: x55 Olreum Ave BE 41 23.x51.0250 2x55 12Rr Bt E SI Cloud MN 58304 Lol l6, &Oak 2. Soulhaintl 1 5501.79 59.90 50.00 50,00 59.00 5501.79 07-11629-16-0050 Hulthirean Land Haldlnps Properly Address; 485 ORewa Ave SE 42 2345F.02E0 2455 12M BI E St Claud MN 56306 Lot 17, Sock 2, 5oulhrwW 1 5501.79 50.00 50,00 SD.00 50.00 5591.79 07-118-29-160060 Hvtchinsar Land Holdings PmpeAy Address: 410 Otlaxm Ave SE 265512tli 51 E Lot 7, B6d~ 4, 43 23.451.0410 St Clautl MN 56304 SouBNdnd 1 5501.79 50.00 SO,W 50.00 50.00 5501.79 07-116-29t6-007D Hulchinaan Land HoWinAe Property Rd3eas: 620 OBaas Ave BE 24551201 S[ E let 6, Block 4, ' 44 23.451.0420 St Ckwd MN 56304 Sou0rnirtl 1 5501.79 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5507.79 07.1 i8-29-tB-0050 Hu7rLinsan Larq HoNfings Property Address- 430 ~8arrd Ave SE 2455 121h S[ E Lot 9, 8bck 4, ai 23.451.0430 5[CWud MN 5630a Sadhwind S 5501.79 SO.W 50.00 50,00 30.00 5501.79 07.116.29-i6A090 Hultllinson Lend Hddirgs Property Address: 440 Otlaxe Ave SE a6 23.451.0440 2455 121h & E SI Ckwd MN 56304 Lot 10, Bklck d, SovBrxind 1 5501,79 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5501.79 07-1 F629t8-0109 Hutchinson Lend Hdi s Property Address: 450 ORawa Are SE a7 23.451.0450 2455 1281 9t E St Ckwd MN 58304 Lot 11, 81d'l~ a, $WSrNI(Id 1 5507.79 50.00 SQ.00 50.00 30.00 5501,79 07-118-29-16-0119 Hukhinsan larM Hd7inps Rn Address: 404 Taronm Shed SE 2455 12N St E Let 1, 8kxk 5, a8 23.451.0460 St Clad MN 56904 SeRdtrMntl 1 5501.79 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5501.79 O7-116-29-160t2l1 HuldUnson Land HoL~knpa Pm M Address: 412 Taronm RhM SE a9 29.451.0470 2455 121h S! E St Cked lAR 56304 Lot 2, 8bdr 5, Sou9Ndrtl 1 5501.79 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 3501,79 07-116-29-16-0130 Hukhimm~ Land HokE s Property Address: 420 Taronb Bhd BE 50 25.451.0480 2455 12M Sf E St Cbud YN 58394 Lot 3. BkYA 5 SauSw,nnd 1 5501.78 50.06 10.90 50.00 50.00 3601.79 8UB•TOTAL 84 p1775T-94 t0.G0 'f0A0 IO.UG . =_. .SD-6G... ~:-. -•y5'F78f94 {n L/ SASV076r`D04 LETTRM H6.3NC1T11PAGE d OF 10 COMPILED 8Y: P VEEH - REVISED ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 10'70 LETTING N0. 0.4RRQ1EGT NO. DI-OS 5461.16 S9A0 SANITARY BEWER COSTAINR-SOUTH PORK RIOG WATEANAIN COSTNHI7- SOUT71 FORK RIDGE , COLIPOTEO gY; J ~ 1 TO LETTB9G NO. IIPROJECT N0.03-12 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO 1DAO STORK SEWER COSTRFff-SOUTIi FORK RACE CHECKED BY; P. vANDETt VEEN . FFERSON ST SE - JEFFERSON CT 8E TO TORONTO AVE 8E BY CONSTRUCTION OF STOR/4 SEWER, SD.O6 STRffTCONSTRtICTION COBTRINR -SOUTH FORK RIDGE NUMBER OF YEARS: 1B JE WATERMAIN d SERVICES, GRADMG, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURS SANRAFIY SEWER d SERVBCES 1ST NEARING: 0411]12004 2ND NEARING: D8l1072004 INTEREST RATE: L68% , ACCT. CITY ND N0. NO. COUNTY PID NOS d GUTTER, BfNYIHOII$ BASE d SIAIFACNIG, SIDEWALK, TRAIL, STREET LIGHTING d APPUi1TENANCEB NANEd a LEGAI. DESCRIPTION ~ $NLTARY SEWER OF PROPERTY OWNER AODffIDN E9R 811BDMSKlN U FEET ASBESSNENf ADOPTEDOSR4J2004 YYATERIINK ~ $TORN SL-YYOt ASSES1N95f ASSEBSIEIIL REVISION ADOPTED 09114120D4 .STREET- - .TOTAL : ' RESiORATgN'~` DEFERRED - ASSESSMENT ' ASSESSMEI7'f.. AI. -AOTBIE AS$ESSYENT 23.455.0010 Darrel Farr Derdopmeirt Property Address: i1 67-115-2909-0240 172 Hamd Rd Hamd MN 55340 LAt 1 Block t, ScutMOrk R-Nge 1 5461.15 50.00 50.00 56.00 50.00 5961.15 23-455.00211 Darrel Farr De~elopmeM Prope Address: 52 07-116-29-09-0220 173 Hamd Rd Hamd MN 55341 Ld 2, Block 1, So~lh[ark Ridge t Nfit.15 50.00 50.06 50.00 50.00 1467.15 23.455.0030 Darrel Farr DeYdopmerd Props AddraE: 53 07-116-29-09-0730 173 Hamd Rd Hamd MN 55341 Lot 3, Bock t, SoWMdk RClpe 1 SI61.F5 50.00 50.00 10.00 SO.OD 5181-15 23.455.0040 Dartal Farr Oevelopmenl Pro Address: 54 07-116-23-036240 174 Hamel Rd Hamtl YN 55342 La! 4, BkirA 1, SoulMOrk Ridge 1 1461.15 50.00 SO"00 50.00 50.00 5461•t5 23.455.0050 Darrel Farr Oerdopnent P rty Address: 55 07-1 f 6-29-0A0230 174 Hamd Rtl Hamd MN 55342 !At 5, Block t, SoutlYOrk Ridge 1 5161.11 56.00 50.06 50.00 50.00 5481.15 23.455.0060 Darrel Fam Deuelopmenl Pmpe Address: 56 Ol-t1&29.030260 175 Hamel Rd Hemd MN 55343 Lot 6, BWrA 1 Saurhfork Ridge 1 5461.15 80.a0 50.00 50.00 Sa-00 5481.15 23.155.0070 Dartd Farr Deg errt P Address: 57 07-] 36r29-09-0270 175 Hamd Rd Hemd MN 55343 Lot 7, Block 1, SoNNuk R- 1 5161.15 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 1461.15 23.455.0060 Darrel Fsrr Develo meni Property Address: SB 07-116-29-036260 17s HamN Rd Hamd 1AH 55344 Let S, 6brA 1, Saulhfork Ridge 1 S4s1.15 SO.a6 10.00 50.00 10.00 54B 1.r5 23-A55.0090 Darrel Farr Derdopmdrt P rly Address: 59 07-] 1629-090290 176 Hemd Rd Hamel MN 55344 LW 9, Block 7, Sau10[ork Ridge 1 5161.15 50.00 50.06 50.00 SD.W &81.15 23.455.0100 Darrel Fart Devdopmenl Property Rddrcu: 177 Hamel Rd Let 10, Bock 1, 1 15 5461 10.00 10.00 50.00 1o.ao- S4B1.fi 80 07-116-29419-IX900 Hensel MN 55345 SouNfark RMge . 23.155.0110 Darrel Fart OeYdopment Property Address: 177 Hamd Rd Lot 11, Bk%k 1, 1 1461 15 10.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 1161.15 St 07-11849-09-0340 Hamel MN 55345 Soulhfark Ridge . 23.455.0120 Darrel Fan Davdopmenl Props Addre~: 176 Hamd Rd Let 12. Bbrir 1, 1 15 5481 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5464.15 82 07-116-28-09-0320 Hemd MN 56346 Saugdorlc Ritlge , l 23.455.0130 Oanal Farr Devehpmeld PraperlY Address: 63 07-11&23030330 1]S Hamd Rd Hamel MN 55346 Ld 13, Block 1, SoutMOrk Ridge 4 1461.15 10.00 W-00 50.00 50.00 1461.15 V SA.5WOg004 LETTe4G 170,3,p4-03PAGE 50F 10 COMPILED BY: P VFEN REVISED ASSESSMENT ROIL ND. 6070 546(.15 SANRA7iYSEWER 0OSTNNR-SOUTH FORK RDG CONPUTm BY: J ERG ~ LETTING N0. 03RR0.1ECT N0. 06-07 (0.00 WATEfB1AIN COBTNNIT ~ SOUTH FORK AIOGE CHECKm HY: P. VANDER VEEN SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. i 70 LETTING NO, bPR0.1ECT N0. 03-1Y SD.00 STORa SEWER COSTRRAT-SOUTH FORK RODE NUMBER OF YFJ4R5: 1D JEFFERSON ST SE • JEFFERSON CT SE TG TORONTO AVE SE BY CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER, SR00 STREET CONSTRUC'TIDH COSTA]NR -SOUTH FORK RIDGE NTEREST RATE: tS8% SANRARY SEWER b SERVN:ES, WATERNIAIN S SERNCES, GRADP7IG, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURT! 1ST HEARING: 04H 3!200/ 2NO HEARING 08(7012004 S GUTTER, BITUMINOUS BASE d SURFACING, SIDEWRLIC, TRAIL, STREET LIGHTING S APPURTENANCES ADOPTED OBI2U7!OW REVISION ADOPTED 09714 720 0 4 ACO'T, CITY PD NO. NAaIEa ADDRESS LEBAL DESCRPTgN &WRARY SEWER WATHd1AM STORY SEWER STIIEET RE8'TORATI6N 70714E DEFERRED TOTAL ROTIVE N0. COUNTY HO N0. OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDITION OR SUBCMSION FEET ASSESSMENT A93ESSNENT A89ESSMEN7 ,Ali9E95M@Tf A$SESSYENT A$SESSYEIR 23.455.0140 Darcel Farr Develapmerrt Properly Address: 64 07-71528-09-0340 77B Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55348 Lat 74, Block 1, Sau7hrark Ridge 1 5461.15 SD-00 10.00 50.00 50.00 5481.15 23.455A150 Darrel Fem Oavdopmen! Properly Address: 178 Hamel Rtl Lot 15. BbrJr 1, fi5 07-118-29-09-0350 Hams! MN 55346 SoVBKMC Ritlge 7 M61.15 50.00 50.00 SO.00 SO.W 5487.11 23.455.0180 Darre! Farr Derdopment Property Address 178 Hamel Rd Lot 16, 8bck 1, 88 W-116-2309-0360 Hamel MN 553dfi Soutltldk Ridgc 1 S46E.15 50.00 50.00 5090 50.00 E467.S5 23.4559170 Darrel Farr Deue6pmenl Praperry Address: 87 07.11629.030370 178 Hamel Rtl Hamel MN 55346 Eat 17, Bock 1, Sauthfork Ritlge 1 5461.15 SO.OD 50.00 50.00 50.00 1481.75 23.455.0180 Darrel fart DevdapmerH PrepeAy Address' 6B 07-t7629-030380 77B Hamel Rd Hamel YN 55346 Lot 7, Bock 2, SoulMark Ridge 1 5461.15 EO-00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5481.15 23.455.0190 Darrel Farr DeveWpmeM Properly Address: 69 07-11629-090390 778 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Ld 2, Block 2. Soedhlark Ri 1 5461.15 80.00 SO.OB 50.00 50.00 5481.15 23.455.0200 Darrel Fart D rd Pro erry Address= 70 OT-1162309-0400 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Lot 3, Bwdr 2, SoNh7ork R' s 7 5167.15 50.00 50.00 5090 50.00 8481.15 23.455.0210 Darrel Fart DeVeWpman! Property Press: 11 07-776-29-09-0470 178 HamN Rd Hamel MN 55346 lu[ 4, BWrA 2, SouUrfark Ritlge 1 5461.15 5090 50.00 (0.00 50.00 5481.15 23.455.0220 Darrel Farr Developmerd Property Atldress: 72 07-11629-09-0420 778 Hemel Rd Hamel TAN 55346 Ld 5, Black 2, Sau1h[ark Rime 1 3461.15 50.00 50.-00 50.00 30.00 5461-15 73 23-455.0230 D7-1 1 626 0 9-04 36 Darrel Fart pevdopmen! 178 Hamel Rd Hamel YN 55316 Pro dy Address: Lot B, Black 2, 5adHark Ritlge 7 3481.15 10.00 50.00 50.00 fD.00 !1487.15 23.455.0240 Darrel Fav Davelo men[ ProPeHY Address: - 74 07.1162°0~~-^.440 178 Harrel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Eat 7, Block 2, SouU+fork Ridge 1 1481.15 50.00 50.00 SO.UO 50.00 (481.75 29.455.0250 Darrel Farr Devda ant Pm Address: 75 07-116-29-030450 F78 Hemel Rd Herod YN 55946 La! 8, Bock 2, SaulhFOrk Ridge 1 5467.!5 50.00 50.00 56.00 50.00 5461.75 t 23A55.0260 Darrel Farr DayekpmeM Props Adtlress: 76 07-116-29A9~680 7B Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 t.ot 9, Block 2, SonBKark Ridge 4 3481.75 30.00 - 50.00 80.00 - 5481-15 6A-5070rn;04 LETTMG HO.3R1e-03?AGE 69F f0 CONPR.ED <IY: R VEEN REVISER ASSESSIAENf ROLL NO. SgTO 5681.16 SANRARY SEWER COSTIIHIT-SOUTH FORK COAIPUTEO 81Y; BERG LETTING N!0. D3RRDJECT NO. D403 SOAD WATERAIAIN COSTRINR- 90UTN FORK PoDGE CHECKED BY: P. VANDER VEEN SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 1 TO LETTING NO. SBsROJECT N0.03.12 SOAO STORM SEWER COSTARIIi-SOUTH FORK RWE Nua16ER OF YEARS: 1D JEFFF1iSON 87 SE -JEFFERSON CTSE TO TORONTO AVE SE 8Y CONSTRUCTNJN OF STORK SEWER, SOAO STREET CONSTRUCTDN CO57fUNR • 80VTN FORK WDGE MTEREST RATE: 0.6x% SANRARY SEWER i SERViCE3, WATERMAIH i SERVICES, GRADING, GRRVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURB 1ST HEARING: 04773!2001 ZND HEARING: OSM Of20d1 i GUTiER, BITUMINOl15 BASE i SURFACING, SR]EWALK, TRAIL, BEREFT LIGHTING i APPURTENANCES ADOPTED OBy21f200{ REVISION ADOPTED-09M U2001 ACCT. CITY AID NO. NAME iAODRE35 LEGAL DE6CRIPTKMi BANRARY 9EP/ER WATERM/UN .. 570RM 8EWBi ~ STREET .;- •RL3TA11At101C ~ TOTAL, ' .DEFERRED ~ ~70TAL ACTIVE , N0. COUNIY PD N0. OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDITION OR 871BOIVBIDN UN FEET ASSESSMENT eCS~~,EHT A55ESBMt81T ASS~SIIENT:~ ASSESSMENT ~ ASSESSMENT 23.455.0270 Darrel Fert Oevelopmen! Pre Rddress: 178 Hamel Rd let 70, Boork 2, T7 07-1 t629~030470 Hamel MN 55346 Saut}rfork Ridge 1 5461,15 50.00 50.00 $0.90 50.00 5487.15 23.455.0280 Darrel Farr Oevebpmenl Pro Address: 176 Hamel Rd Lof 11, Bock 2, 78 07-116-29-0&0480 Hamel YN 55346 Saulhfork Ridge 1 5461.15 50.00 5-0.00 50.00 9D.00 5461.15 23.455.0290 Darrel Fart Oevalopmenl Property Redress: 79 07-116-23MY0490 F7B Hamtl Rd Hamel MN 55348 Let 12, Bock 2, Sou6rfark Ritlge 1 5461.15 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5461.75 23.455.0300 Dartel Farr Devefo mart Property Address: 80 07-716-29.09-0500 776 Hamel Rtl Hamel MN 55346 La! 73, Black 2, Sau7Murk Ride 1 5461.15 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5461.15 23.455.0310 Darrel Farr Deveb eM Property Address: B1 -07-116-29-09-0510 178 Hamel Rd Hamel i1N 55396 Ld 14, frock 2. Saulhfark Ridge 1 5461.15 50.00 56.00 50.00 50.00 5461.15 23.955.0320 Darrel Farr Development Properly Address: B2 07-116-29-09-0526 176 Hamel Rd Hamel YH 55396 Lot 15, Bock 2. 6orMkrk Ridge 1 5461.15 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5461.15 23.455.0330 Darrel Farr Devdopmerd Pro Adtlresa: 63 07-17629-09-0530 178 Hamel Rd Hamel htN 55346 Lot 16, Bork 2, Soulhfork Ridge 1 5467.15 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5967.15 23.455-0340 Darrel Farr 0 men! Property Atldress 84 07-I1629-030540 176 Hamel Rtl Hand MH 55546 Lot 77, Bock 2, Saulhfork Ride 1 5461.75 50.00 x.00 50.00 50.00 5461.15 23.455.0350 Darrel Farr Development Props Address: 85 07-71629-09-0550 77B Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Lot 76, Block 2, SOU1Mark Ridge 1 5461.15 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5461.15 23.455.0360 Darrel Farr Deveopment Properly Address: B6 07-71fr29-09-0560 178 Ha Rd Hamel MN 55946 Lol 19, Bock 2, Soulhlork Ritlge 1 5481.15 50.00 SO.f/0 50.00 50.00 5461.15 23.955.0370 DarelE Farr paYdopmerrt ProPeMAddress: B7 -07-116-29-09-0570 178 Hemel Rd Hamel MN 55946 Lot 20, Bock 2, Souldfork Ridge 1 5481.15 50.00 50.00 i0.00 50.00 548 i.15 23.955.0380 Darrel Fart l)evelopmanl Prape Adtlreae: B8 0T-118-29-030580 178 Hamel Rd Hemel YN 553+16 lot 1, 8ixk 3, SauDAOrIt Ridge 7 f46t.15 f0-DO 50.00 50.00 50.00 5467.15 88 23.455.0390 07-f 1623F19-0.590 Darrel Fem Devtlo marl[ 176 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Pre Address: La! 2 Bork 3, 5au@dnrk Ridge 1 5463.15 50.00 50.00 50.-00 50.00 3461.15 J~ SA5WGY2D04 LETTING N0.3D403iPAGE 7 OF 10 COHPICEO BY: VEElI REVISED A$SESSNENT ROLL ND. 6070 {46].16 SANITARY SEWER COSTAJfaT-SOUTH FORK CONPIITEO BY: BERG LETTING NO. 031PROJECT NO. 04-01 SOAO WATERMAIH COSTltINT-SOUTH FORK RIDGE CHECKED BY: P. YANDER PEEN 5UPPLFJAENTAL AGREEMENT NO. S TO LETT]NG H0. SIPROJECT N0.0.7-72 90.00 STORK SEWER COSTA1NfT -5017tH FOf91(RIDGE NUMBER OF YEARS: 10 JEFFERSON 57 SE ~ JEFFERSON CT SE 70 7ORONTO RVE SE BY CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER, 50.00 STREET COHSTRIICTION COSTNHfT-SOUTH PORN RIDGE INTEREST RATE: 4.871% SANITARY SEWER a SERVICES, WATERMAIN a SERVCES, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE C11R6 7ST NEARING: 04ft3R004 2ND HEMRIG: 05110!2004 5 GUTTER, BITUMINOUS BASE a SURFAC0IG, SIDEWALK, TRAR, STREET LIGHTING a APPURTENANCES ADOPTED OS121FSW4 REVISION ADOPTED 097148004 ACCT. CITY PIO NO. NAME a ADDRESS - LEGAL O~CPoPIgN SANITARY SEW Hi WATH9IAIN 6708!1 lEV1ER STREET: ~IESTORAT1D11 7 TAL ' ~ DEFERRED " ~ TOTAL ~` ACTNE N0. DOUITFI' PD N0. OF PROPERTY OWNH4 RD0ff10K OR SUBOIVB70K UN FEET ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSB89NBR AS8E8SNE1iT' . A8SESSMENT '~ RSSES$MENT 27 455.0400 Da0d Fart DeveWpms6t Property Atltlress: 178 Hamel Rd Lot 3, Block 3, 90 07-116-29-09-0600 Hamel MN 55346 Soulhfork R" e 7 5461.t5 SG9D 10.00 50.00 90"710 (481.15 23.455.0410 Darrel Fart Derelopmerd Property Address: 178 Hamel Rd Lot 4, Block 3, 97 07-116-29-MYOfi tO Hamel MN 55346 SdM[ork Ridge 7 8467.F5 50.00 y0.00 S0"00 y0"DO 84$1.15 23"455.0420 Darrel Farr DevelapmerR Property Atltlress: 178 Hamel Rtl Ld 5, Block 3, 82 07-116-2&6?U820 Hamel MN 55946 SaMlork Rape 1 5467.t5 50.00 50.00 80.00 E0.00 5461"15 23.455.0430 Darrel Fart Darelopmem Property Atltlreas: 178 Hamel Rd Lo71, Block 4, 93 07-i1&25~-0630 Hamel MN 55346 $oerlhlork R~ 1 5461.15 80.00 80.00 30"00 EOAO 5461.15 23"455.0440 Dartel Farr DevehpmeM Props Atltlresa: 175 Hamel Rd Ld 2, Block 4, 94 07-718-2609-0840 Hamel MN 55946 SoulMark Ridge 7 5467.15 50.00 50.00 50.00 80.00 5481.]5 23.455.0450 Oaxel Farr Deveio erU Property Address: 95 07-11&29-09-0650 178 HamN Rd Hamtl NN 55346 LoI 3, Bock 4, Sou7hlark Rid 1 5467"15 50.00 50.00 5090 577.W 5451.75 23 e55.0450 Darrel Farr Devehpmerd Props Adtlressc; 96 07-715-23-69-0860 178 Hemel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Ld 4, Block 4, $drthlork Ridge 7 5461.15 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 8451.15 23"455.0470 Darrel Farr Deuelopmem Property Atltlrass: 47 07-118-29-OIF0670 178 Hemel Rd HarnN MN 55346 Lois Black 4, Sadhlork R" e 1 5461,15 50.00 E0.00 SO.G6 E0.00 5481.15 23.455.0466 Darrel Fert Dr:relopmerlt Property Address: 95 07-716-29-09-0680 178 Hemel Rd Harnel MN 55346 Lot 6, &ork 4, Saultllork Ridge 1 5467.15 80.00 50.00 SO"00 50.00 8451.15 23.455.0490 Darrel Farc DerNopnerd Property Address: 9B 6T-118-2&0&0696 178 Hamel Rd HarON MN 55316 Lot 1, Bock 5, SarWOrk Ridge 7 5161.t5 80.00 50.00 50"DO 90"60 5461.15 23.4559500 Darrtl Farc Developmem Pm rty Atldran: - 100 07.11&29-M.1-0700 178 Hemel Rd Harnel MN 55346 Lot 2, Blodf 5, SwNdork R" e 1 5461.15 50.00 50.06 SO"06 SO.00 5451.15 23.455.0510 Dartel Farr Oeralopaleat Addreu: 101 07-116-29-0lF07f0 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55316 Lot 3, Blot![ 5, SaMFOrk RLipe 1 1481.15 50.06 50.00 50"00 50.60 5481.15 23.455.0520 Derref Farr Oevehpmeal Property Address: 10Q O7-1 16 2 9-09-072 0 178 Hamel Rd Hamel MN SSS4fi Lot 4, Hbck 5, SaWKak Ride 7 8169.15 SO.00 - 80.00 50.00 5484"15 SAti0702004 LETTING HD.'.'.A9-03~PAGE 80F 7G COMPILED RY: A VEEN COMPUTED 8Y: BERG REVISED ASSESSNEt1T ROLL NO. 6670 LETTING N0.03fPRO.IECT NQ 9403 5461.16 SANTARY SEWER COSTlI1NR •SDUTN FOPoC RI 50.00 WATERMAIH C06TAHa7-SOUTH FORK RS)GE CHECNEO ar: P. VANDFJt YEEH SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT N0.1 TO LETTING NO. 6IPROJECT N0. 03.12 50.00 STORM SEWER CO9TlUNR -SOU[N FORK RIDGE NUMBER DF YEARS: 1o JEFFERSOPI 8F 8E -JEFFERSON CT SE TO TORONTO AVE SE BY CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEYYER, SOJMI STREET CO!lSIRUCTKIN COSTM4rT- 9OUTN FORR Ra]GE IIRERE5T RATE: 4.69% SANITARY SEWER 5 SERVICES, WATERaWN b SERVlCE3, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE WRB 1ST NEARING: 04!132004 2H0 HEARING: OSl10R004 S GUTTER, BRUNIINOUS EASE 5 SURFACING, 31DEWALN, TRAIL, STREET LIGHTING 5 APPURTENANCES AOOPTEO0 612420 0 4 REV1310N ADOPTED 09/142004 ACCT. LITV PIO NO. NAMES ADDRESS LEGAL DESa7tlPS10N SANTARY 6EYIER WATERNNN STORM SEINER ST1ffET IU36T43RATgN .TOTAL. ~ ~ ~ ~OEFERREG ~ ~ ~ ,T071LL ~.ACTNE . N0. OOUrlTY PEIN0. OF PROPETITY OWNER AOdT70N OR 8UBpVPS1ON UN PEEP ASSE89,IEHT A88ESSNENT A88E88NENT ABSE86NENT ASSESSf1ENT A$SES9MENT 23.455.0530 tlarreF Fan Deve eik Properly Adtlreu: 178 Hemd Rd Lot 5, SID[I[ 5, 103 07-116-29-040730 Hamel MN 55346 SoWhfo~k R~ 1 5461.15 50.00 50.00 50.00 30.OD 5161.15 23.455.0540 Darrel Farr Douala men[ Pmperty Address: 178 HamN Rtl Lot 6, BkrA 5, 104 07-116-29-09-0740 Hemd MN 55348 Saulhfork Ridge 1 5461.15 E0.00 50.00 50.00 (0.00 E461.15 23.455.0550 Oartel Farr Devdopmenl Property Rddress: f05 07-11&29-040750 179 Hamel Rd Hamel MN 55346 Lot 7, BIOrA 5, Sauthhdc Ritlge 1 f481.i5 50.00 (0.00 50.00 EOAO 5481.15 23.455.0560 Cartel Farr I;evebpment P Address: 176 Hamel Rd Ld S, Bock 5, 106 07-116-24040760 Hamel MN 55346 SoWMark Rime 1 (461.15 SO.OD 50.00 50.00 50.00 5461.15 23.455.0570 Carrel Farr Oarebpmealt Property Address: 178 Hemd Rd DutlolA 107 07-116-29-040770 Hamel MN 553/6 SwrOlod~ Ridge 0 50.00 50.00 50.00 80.x10 50.00 50.00 23.455.O5S0 Darrel Fan Oarebpmerrt rty Addreba: 108 07-116-29-09-0780 178 Hemd Rd Hamel MN 55346 Outlpl 6 SoITBilork 42 519,368.38 50.00 50.00 fO.W 50.00 519,968.39 23.455.0590 Oamel FaR Devebpmenl Pro Address: 109 07-116-29-08-0790 478 Hamel Rtl Hamel MN 56346 OuOot C SaulMark Ritl9e 0 50.00 E0.00 i0.00 50.00 (0.00 50.00 SUB-TOTAL >N 539,fi6fJIS 50.00 50.00 SOJIO 50.00 546,1!290 V ' f1 SASOILY2W4 LETTING N0.3~04-03~PAGE 9 OF 10 COMPILED BY: P VEEN REVISED ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. SOTO LY8.00 t1iILITY a BTREET COST7FF+f2500.00 COMPUTED 6Y: ERG ~ LETTING NQ ODIPROJECT NO. 04-03 56,968.06 SANITARY SEWER COSTAJNfT CHEC1fE0 BY: P. VANQER vEEN SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT N0.7 TO LETi1NG HO. SfPROJECT H0. 03.72 i4,a9Q.80 WATERMAIN COSTAINIT NUMBEROFYEARS: 7o JEFFERSON STSE -JEFFERSON CT SE 70 TORONTO AVE 8E.9Y CONBTRUCTIC7N OF STORaf SEWER, Sa7.63 E0a107TTON AVE COBTIFf INTEREST RATE. a,fsx SANRMY SEWER b SERVICES, WATERMRIN 6 SERVICES, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURB 78T HEARING: 0477312004 2ND HEARING: OBf50f200a 8 GUTTER BITUMINOUS BASE S BiAiFACIi1G, 31DEWALIC, 7RAll, STREET LIGHTING 3 APPUIiTENANCEB ADOPTED 0 8121720 0 4 REVISIO// AI]OPTED 0911412004 EQriloxroN . ~ TOTAL - .TOT11L.=. . AiCCT, CITY PIQ NO. NAME dADORE83 LEGAL DE9CRIPTgN STREET SAt6TARY SEWER WATERAIAN STREET DEFERRED- , - ~~ ACTIVE NQ CAN1fl' PID N0. OF PROPERTY OWI7ER ADDITION OR BUBDINStON Ili? FEET A85ES5MEIFT ASSESMENT AS5ESSNEN7 ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT - -A88E8811~N7 07-118-29-09-0020 Louis 8 DoroOry Zumech Property Adtlress: 5410 Jeffe2an SI SE 1410 Jeferson St SE 2 AC of Lo124, AudROre Plat LoI 15. - 110 23.224.02x0 Hu[tlnnsan MN 55350 Autlibrs Plat Sec6an 47-116-29 2.00 Rcea 1 550 56,700.00 $0.00 84,400.00 $Q.00 .' 50.00 ' i17, 100.06 67.116-29-09-OW3 Wade R 8'famra 3 RcI PropeAy Address; 7440 Jeferson St SE WTwrW ui9 7440 Jeiieraon St SE 1.7 AC TraG of Lot 29, Auditors Plat of Lot 75, anrresal. ' 117 06.052.0130 HuGdunsan MN 55350 Audiors PIa[Sectian 07116-29 1 250 59,500.00 E0.00 y6,400-017 $6-QO ~ 513,906.00 "~ EO-00 07-116-29-09-0004 TimoN R E Rebecca Albrecht Prape Atltlress: 1450 JeRersan SI SE flee De[armant 1x50 JeRersOn St SE Lot 21 Ex 3.50 Arle6, Autlitars Plal of Lot 15, 1(93.17 FF ala4ra baler.' 112 06-052.0150 Hutchinson MN 55350 Auiitors Plal Section 87-118-29 20.5Iw~ 1 523.72 58,610.00 S6,%O.OQ $4,40090 - SB5,235.63-. 50.00 07-116-29-09-0001 Glen D & Pamela ](Houk Property Rdtlress: 1399 Je6ersOn Rtl SE Defan+4 untll 1395 Jefferson Rtl SE Lot 1, Bbtll t, rals~oed. 111 06-064.0010 Hutetlinsan MN 55350 Houk's Addrtirn 1 752.57 56,771.% 50.00 80.00 80.00 18,771.% °~- SQ9Q -~ 07-718-29-09-17002 Stereo 8 Sheila Hendricks Property Addrw: 7425 JeOeraon Rd SE Dafwretl u ~ 1125 JelFeraon Rtl SE Lot 2. BbrA 7, - ~~ . ~ 111 06.064.0020 HuMl~insan MN 55350 Houk's Addi$on 1 86.71 54,927.88 E0.80 54,400.00 80.00 '.592 - - <c. -, 58-00 07-116-29-09-0005 Rantl Peterson Pra Rddress: 1507 Je6ersOn Rtl SE ~~ ~. ' 1507 JeReraan Rtl SE N270.69' of 5459.09' o} tnl 30, Audi>ors Plat of ~ aralssad. ~ 115 06.057.0210 Hu[Ubson MN 55350 Lot 10, AudBars PIM Secucn 07-71fr2B 2.BSAC 0 270.69 E10,079.32 50.00 80.00 80.00 510,079.62' - SO.OQ S~-TpTU 143,32 $6,980.98 it7,6G0.00 'F41A7: - $1 574Ei '. 511708:00 TOTAL • ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 6070 • LETTING N0. SlPROJEC7 H0.04.03 • `~ ~ SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT H0.1 TO LETTING N0. 61PRWEC7 N0.~08.72 147;970.94 58,880.00 57T;SOO.OD ~~5 711.87 57 180.64 ~7 74.68 TOTALOF ACTIVE ANO CEFERRED ASSESSMENTS ~ - ~ 5 ~~ DEFERRED V~ r~ \/ SA-507LY'O01 lETTN7G N0.3,W-031PAGE 10 OF 70 PETITION FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT 100°/. OF PROPERTY OWNERS LETTING NO. B PROJECT NOS. 04-06 8 0407 Hutchinson, Minnesota Dated: 09!0812004 TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTGHINSON, MINNESOTA: We, all owners of real property located at 897 Hwy 75 South abutting Echo Dr SW hereby petition for construction of an additional water service for Fire sprinkler protection purposes and that this construction be included in the following projects: 04-06 Echo Drive SE from TH 7 to Freemont Ave SE by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base,, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk, restoration and appurtenances; and 04-07 Echo Circle SE from Echv Drive to termini by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances; and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and that the City assess the entire cost of the Improvement against our property described below, and we hereby agreed to pay the entire cost as apportioned by the City. This petition shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and successors of the parties. OWNERS SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Lot 1 B EX that part N of TH #15 & E23.5' of 1) L ~ L~^ 5175' of Lot 8, Aud Plat of Lot 19, c ~ v Aud Plat 1/2 Seclio -116-29 Randy nderson Address Lot 18 EX that part N of TH #15 & E23.5' of `rn,~ ./ c^ 1e,, 5175' of Lot 8, Aud Plat of Lot 19, z~ r v~,CM.II ~_,.~ _ S{Q~ I-~ LU ~/ 1 ~ cxlc"f[!) Aud Plat S 1/7 Section_ OB-11S-29 _ ___ Mary An rson Address Examined, checked and found to be in proper form and to be signed by the required number of owners of property affected by the making of the improvement petitioned for. (~kJ• ~_ Gary D. PI ,City Ad 'n trafor .J ~( 1 L. AGREEMENT OF ASSESSMENT, WAfVER OF HEARING AND WAIVER OF IRREGULARITY AND APPEAL LETTING NO.6 PROJECT NO.04-0B & 04-07 This Agreement, is made this 14th day of September 2004, between the Gity of Hutchinson, State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the City and Randy Anderson & Mary Anderson fee owners of McLeod County, State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as Owner. In consideration of the action of the City Council, at the owners' request, to cause the improvement of 897 Hwy 15 South abutting Echo Dr SW by construction of an additional water service for fire sprinkler protection purposes and that this construction be included in the fallowing projects: 04-06 Echa Drive SE from TH 7 to Freemont Ave SE by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base,..bituminous surfacing, sidewalk, restoration and appurtenances; and 04-07 Echo Circle SE from Echo Drive to termini by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances; and to assess 1 DO°,6 of the cost of $1,D05.00 to the Owner. Owner agrees to pay said percentage, as maybe determined by the Gouncil of the City to be a fair apportionment of the casts of said improvement not to exceed $1,005.OD plus interest, over a period 10 years. Owner expressly waives hearing and objection to any irregularity with regard to the said improvement assessments and any claim that the amount thereof levied against owner's property is excessive, together with all rights to appeal in the courts. This agreement shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and successors of the parties. In testimony, whereof, said Owner has hereunto set his hand, the day and year first above written. ~J OWNERS SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROPER Lot 18 EX that part N of TH #15 & E23.5' of / pp y ~ rr~ 5175' of Lot 8, Aud Plat of Lot 18, i) (, , ~~~'~'~ G~ /Ivy /~ h~ _ Aud Plat S 1/2 Section 06-116-29 __ andy nderson Address SAS Hcua,l l Mary And son Address SIGNEp IN THE PRESENCE OF: Signature Printed Name Lot 18 EX that part N of TH #15 & E23.5 of 5175' of Lat ti, Aud Plat of Lot 19, Aud Plat 1/2 Section 0 -116-29 5 RESOLUTION NO. 12520 RESOLUTION DECLARING ADEQUACY OF PETITION LETTING NO. 6 PROJECT NO. tl4-OB & 04-07 BE IT RESOLVED 8Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A certain petition requesting the improvement of 897 Hwy 15 South abutting Echo t7r SW by construction of an additional water service for fire sprinkler protection purposes and that this constructlon be Included in the following projects: 04-06 Echo Drive SE from TH 7 to Freemont Ave SE by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk, restoration and appurtenances; and D4-07 Echo Gircle SE from Echo Drive to termini by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances; and was filed with the council on September 14, 2004, is hereby declared to be signed by the required percentage of owner; of property affected thereby. This declaration is made in wnformity to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.035. Adopted by the council this 14th day of September 2004. Mayor City Administrator ~~ RESOLUTION NO. 12521 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL N0.5066 LETTING NO. B/PROJECT N0.04-0fi 8 04-07 WHEREAS, cost has been determined for the improvement of: D4-06 Echo Drive SE from TH 7 to Freemont Ave SE by construction of storrn sewer, sanitary sewer and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, pituminous base, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk, restoration and appurtenances; and 04-07 Echo Circle 5E from Echo Drive to termini by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances; and the bid price for such improvement is $505,429.90 and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $121,303.18 so that the total cost of the improvement will be $626,733.D8. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEb BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY DF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: . 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $268,512.68 and the portion of the cast to be assessed against benefited properly owners is declared to be $359,225.40. 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2005 and shall bear interest at the rate of 4.68 percent per annum from November 1, 2D04. 3. The City Administrator, with the assistance of the Director of Engineering, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 4. The City Administrator shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of September 2004. Mayor Ciiy Administrator ~~ RESOLUTION Np. 12522 RESOLUTION ADOPTING REVISED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5066 LETTING NO.6IPROJECT NO. 04-06 & 04-07 ECHO DR SEIECHO CIR SE WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution and notice of hearing the Council has met and reviewed the proposed assessment for improvement of: 04-06 Echo Drive SE from TH 7 to Freemont Ave 5E by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk, restoration and appurtenances; and 04-07 Echo Circle SE from Echo Drive to termini by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances. NOW, THEREFORE, eE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted, and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period often (1 D) years, the Frst of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2D05, and shall bear interest at the rate of 4.fi8 percent per annum as set dawn by the adoption of this assessment resolution. Tc the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from November 1, 2004 until the 31st day of December, 2005. To each subsequent installment when due, shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by the 15th day of November, 2004; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to the 31 st day of December, of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15, or interest will be charged through December 31, of the next succeeding year. 4. The Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of September, 2004, ~.1 Mayor City Administrator ~~ V' f n COMPILE6 CER YEH! A53ESiAlENT ROLL NO.1016 5871!5 SEYlER SERVICE COSTILIIT PuTEO E LETTING NO. ElPROJECT N6.040B IECi00r SE11 SE] f1200,E0 WATER SERVICE OOSTA7NIT V RLSSa CHECEEB BY P 6lOi-ECXOOR AE FPOM TNa TO FPEEMp4T AYE iEi S15A0 S}11EEi Yaee C01TFF : . FlIlA1BER OF 4EAR8: 10 0I8T~ECMO pP BE FROM ECIq INt SE iO TERNMI BY C6NSTRYtgN OF 130.119 CIARBi 0VTT9MRA MAGE COSTIFF 4N1[IOEST PATE 414X Stt1PN SE11ER5NE7ARY eEMERi SERVICES, WATERNANiiERNCE5, A1RONp, 9RAVF1 B0.AE,LONCRETE 131 NEA1AIN6; 04H iRa01 aN9 NEARING: A4I!'L'AOl CIlPBi0VT6ER.®TIlNRg11 6 BASE, SIIONINWiS11RFACING.^~1ww+w REETOf4Al%IliS NANCES ADOPTER 98RL9901 PEYISION AOCPTEIX pM14R 0aa ACCT. CJTY PIO FlO. HAMEiADOPESS LElWLOESCRF1gN !EWER E W ATER SERVICE STREET SASE C1010gA04ROE TOTAL ACTM1'E 114L COINTY N0. OF PROP91tt G'RER AL4AT10N 011 SlIEDMagfl. 4RIF ASE85. Wf A55pE. R AfSCi0. FF A.SSE6i a.e.uBLr DS178-2419-0020 Ra dAla Rrdason AGdess: BST 155eu1A ffs.w+. aeewF . eF.re a~re Gti 52t 5[SW Cal 19 EX Thal PanNdTiW158 E23.5 M317S ai LatB 1 51.005.00 aa ~ow 1 23207.0150 Huhirilean pN 953.50 Rutl PISI LIX 19, Nd PY1517! Sedfrn 06-116-29 1 (871.55 1 51209.00 33 52,60500 39 5680.00 561.531 06-116-2413-0030 L 1G6ab AAdreaS: 945 ECho Dr SE Uo TNOrtua B L , PO fma 2t7 LOl1 &0ck 1. ~ nee. west d.al 2 23108.0010 H1fllir~n 14N 55350 dsmb Rd]Agn 1 1671.55 1 (1,20000 F21.5 310,327.50 80 ft 200.D0 (19,508.05 C8-1 t8-2&130010 Bemartl 8lla AICRaAA AEtlress: 955 Edp [N SE E00 r5t5W Lot 1, BLxk 1, M+ wwaa4e.r) ~ 3 2330900M Huklslmn MN 55350 damkAdGAOn i 5871.55 1 (1200.00 120 310,200.00 i5200.00 BO it3A75.55 C8-716-28-13LRA [ryereLKRa¢ ROtlresR 965 Ee1o Or SE 130356M 5[ Eo[3, Bxk 7, M+°`t+iY°'e °ir~ 4 23.M90030 SYN.ela i2N 55082 damkRdtli39n 1 567155 1 f7,N0.C0 720 310,200.00 80 L7,200.W (73075.55 06-1162473J9040 . Han BrcNas Adlre44: 6W 155aM 899 155o1e1 LIX1 E+bFJ12, der9r •5. 4.1a m~uw 5 23.2090040 H1MNrem MN 55350 dam's AdAEOn 1 587155 1 11,200.00 TB Sfi,630.00 0 SOW 38.704.53 08-11&2&130070 H e9rd0ers Pao Rd]reea: 950 Ed1R Or SE 899 L5 SON1 Lott Sbtl12, PeA +..~ I4°'""'1 000 A0 00 fA0 6 23.209 C050 H1ECNnaon MN 55350 dam's FdaEm 0 W.W 0 W.00 710 510200.D0 0 1 - , ' 0&41&2&13-0085 Ra SJCde Anderem P Adtlras 980 EMOa SE 981 Et110 aSE Lm 3, 919tl[2 D0.00 n+ 60 4~r e.e a.rt re 5120000 513471 55 7 23.209.OOW HIIRI'1llsm YN 55350 01son's AddAan 1 1671.55 7 LF200.00 120 f102 . pb116-2&130]87 Rrtla COnstruCfon Addass: 891 EMa LYSE P O Bex 771 Loll SlOrk b SOIMSile Terrace tAAAi F 2 S1 T43f0 2 32.400.D0 310 178,900.00 340 SB,BOO.CO 53~Bp.10 9 23212.DD30 Al9trhead NN 56560 rs Fn O6-11826-13-0100 J R d R PaMe~ip Property Adireea: 945 Hry 45 50101 ACrc BR .bens, RI 1, 13mt 19A Lo[ 1 E7C Nf00, Sled[ 1, S 5671 55 0 19 00 210 320400 00 240 yl,eW.00 126.074.55 9 23.F7200f0 MaraheA IIIJ 58256 Firs[RtltlNml to 5oNh $iM1A TarteOe . . . 06118-29-13Q1F0 Firs) Stab Fedaal RWrasa 90.5 155dAt 201 h1ein5t H1CQ OFLtlf Bbdl1, 1 387155 0 00 (0 700 (8 500.07 100 32.005.00 iF1,37156 f0 23.212.0020 Hu1CMAm MN 55350 Rrs1 Ad68cn to SaM 5itle Terace . , 0711&294144A366 vF HOIrAtireOn Pm AdRas 1005 155wC1 117 Hassan 515E Loll f 8 2, Blodt 1, 0 00 W 0 W.W 803 351255.D0 60,4 i52,080A0 f63,375LU 11 23.2540610 Hukh!1 m MN 55350 CedarRVa631L4NSU0 . cc HNdY~an Aral Heats Cara Rm'1: F91i1 s 1095 A5 HutdINM fW 56350 07-118-2&04-0070 R' AA'Lesa: 11125 Echod~ ~ ' 1 5• 15 Ld 1. BLx12 S } 1671.55 1 21](10.00 175 lra •1eT-la 514,675.00 zeai. 175 500.00 120,44656 72 23]16.0020 Hue~n fM 5.950 um Cedar AOree 07_11&39Ai 0080 iciwd ROtlreaa: 215 Edc Ci 5E 1584851 is ax,f3nalz btllri®9P A S l 1 587156 1 57,200.00 190 114,050.00 t30 12000.00 175,721.53 t3 HupYinean MN 55350 VeS ar r Ca 07-f1&2411411696 JOFnw e9el P FdA'a>r 125 Ed1o Ctr SE ia+.lw 1rGe H•1a u.m 220 SASE Ste 110 L01 S, 2. 1 SS71 3 1 (1 200.00 790 511060.00 130 12,60000 (55,721.55 14 252140610 1aro1.1ium 4N 56350 Ca6x FVes Slbdvision . , OT-116-2B-0d-0100 G&HCan ~ ~E~~~ ov++Fr ter .1o.ree F St lAl 1, Blxk2 SASrea3W IFTARIG NO N94FG WRlFAGEiCF2 E ER VEEa! 96®ER6 ASSE33MEL7 ROLL N0. b066 LETTING Np. i~PR6JECTN0.06LB~EBM Or 9E~i Ur 5'E{ 3671.56 f1 08.06 9ETER eERVICE COSTa1RTr 1YATER 3ERNLE COSTaINR LNEENEO EM .V1N6ER VEER O146~ECN0OR SE iRONTM TO FREEMONTAVE [ (66.00 9TIIHT F M1M000OF YF1nn. 1e 940}.ECMO9R 3EfR9M ECNO 9R 8E TO THlMplI 6Y W1J81RUrt)N OF 570.W CURB6 WIT16EORAI NA6 LC6TIR IYTEREST MIE: 1 151L 3a}6TMY3EYIERi59lNLE3, YatTERM1N6EERLXE3, 0RIOP16.GRAVEL 615E__..- SrORM SERER 15i IIE1fPIC.c 46MERtlW 2N61F.FAING: alG2ma . A9CT. LIfY N8. LOUNfY PQ NO. t5 23214.0050 , 4VR66G 0.61NNINOV NfIME ^AOORE68 OF PROOERTY NN/3t Ghnooe NIN 559.58 S H48E, Brtlll~lOlre EVRFAC51f EIOPN,Wt.i~STGFATlOr16 11dLL DEKWPf10M 8ESY973ERVICE N AOBIfgN 6R 6UBpYm10N I1NR 1,33!55. YIQT CaeerFnesSWd~ 1 6671.53 1 AOMTEb. aY5N9a61 IAIEIl BERYICE' 51 X00.00 n..r' ff t30 617,058.00 MCPTEB: 13r11R ^. FF 130 #,800.80 001 TT}AL ICTIVfl' AEfE33A1B1T 675.72155 O7-11$29-04-0F1^ 6arN Fans FaMNSN P[iBmt 302E Mbeae: 226 ECw 65E LW Bbtlt 2, Fc tse rp n• star 18 23.214.0080 F NO F.8108 CeWrROeS W6NSbn 1 6677.55 1 St200.00 197 (11,050.00 730 #.800.00 115,725.55 0711&2&O1-0120 Rmm F63'es5: 270 EOw Lir SE t7 23214.0070 P Bmt 3026 Fa N058108 L 6. 6bdr 2, CetlerFOeeS~eirn 7 6671.55 t 6100.00 f90 611050.00 130 #,800.00 615,721.35 OT-11&29-040(90 SrJ» fII55EW Dr SE ' 7B 2u.0060 5&185t t5 lM1arlirism MN 5950 Ld 7. Bbtlt 2, CabrRCtecSWQn»ion t (671.55 1 61200.00 tib .tents 116,790.00 mRO f71 .4 63.660.00 32094(.55 07178-2&04-0110 NOMnsm i[aI FYO Ftldre~: 211 FfetmoltFre SE 19 2821 b.OW0 211 Free86rrt An SE ieiMrieoR MN 55356 a6 2, CaCer RUeaSWO~wim 4 6677.53 0 i0A0 FBO 31537RC0 760 59,500.00 319,771.58 TOTAL-AESESSMBIT ROLL NG.6016•I ETiNG M0. SR0.GJECT N0.O40ii0i41T i5 i1 A0 1b 37 stia.5 63260 aib 00 • l\ ~/ .•.&~ 'if1TrG H0.6dd501-07iPM£]OFx -~ Hutchinson Citv Center c ]11 Hassan Street SE Hutchlnson,MN 55350-2522 320.567-5151lFax 320.234.4240 1VI E 1VI [] R A N Ll U M ~J TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Public Works RE: Consideration of Awarding Consulting Contracts For: Water System Distribution Analysis ' Wastewater Facility Operational Support and Analysis ` DATE: September 10, 2004 We have received the proposals from the consultants for the above two project RFP's (Request For Proposal). The Proposals were reviewed and ranked by myself, Director of Water/Wastewater Operations Randy DeVries, Public Works Superintendent John Qlson, and hlfrastructure Distribution Specialist Dick Ebert. The Water System proposals were also reviewed by Water Faciltiy Supervisor Dick Nagy. A point system was set up which included analysis and ranking based on the following areas: Project Approach Work Program Firm Experience Firm History/Track Record Project Understanding Project Personnel Firm References Firm Resources Cost to Value Four proposals were received for the Water System Distribution Analysis: Bolton & Menk, Bonestroo, Earth Tech and SEH. Two proposal were received for the Wastewater Facility Operational Support and Analysis: Donohue and SEpI All personnel ranked the firms in the same order for each proposal based on the criteria noted above. In both cases the 2"d lowest cost proposal was selected, based on the criteria noted. However, the selected firm did have the highest "cost to value" rating for each proposal. This relates to additional work proposed (CIP, on-site calibration and review with industries for the Water System, and more extensive laboratory review for the' Wastewater proposal). We recommend awarding the consulting contracts as follows: Water System Distribution Analysis: SEH in the amount of $28,000 Wastewater Facility Operational Support and Analysis: SEH in the amount of $153,800 The work proposed in the contract is noted on the following page. Primed on rayclcd paper - ,~~ Water S stem Distribution Anal sis Complete a water system distribution analysis for the city based on: ^ Software program that is calibrated through on-site pressure testing at hydrants ^ Proposed system sizing and location based on the City Comprehensive Plan and AUAR (Alternate Urban Area-wide Review) • Discussion with local industries on potential future water use • CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) for system development • Integration with city's GIS system to allow for utilization for planning and design purposes Wastewater Facilit O eational Su ort and Anal sis Task 1 -Facility Review • Review of past efforts and issues at the facility ^ Identification of current management, operations and maintenance staff and concerns • Identification/verification and prioritization of short-term maintenance issues, with costs ^ Identify other needed facility improvements, including a schematic of a potential layout plan. • Recommendations identifying appropriate staff levels and responsibilities • Review cuttent Work Order System, and update with integration of APWA Fublic Works Management Practices program • Develop Standard Operations Policies (SOF) for processes at the Facility to allow for consistent and appropriate practices. Task 2 - T aboratory Review • Evaluate the facility's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit ^ Identify and evaluate other relevant state and federal regulations ^ Determine staff issues and concerns • Review the physical and operational conditions of the lab and recommend the most effective level of in-house versus outsourced laboratory services ^ Identify necessary improvements to the equipment and facilities, with approximate costs, and a layout plan. ^ Review staffing level requirements and duties. Task 3 -Management and Support Services • Provide specialized staff in operations, management and laboratory services on an "on-call" basis to help support transitional management, operation, and training issues. C~ ~cx~ Cree Side MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Steve Madson, General Manage DATE: September 8, 2004 Illllll RE: Request for Permission to Stare Leaves This memorandum will serve as a request to store leaves on the Creek Side Compost facility during the processing period of October 15 to approximately January 15. This request is predicated upon the special provisions sections (Chapter 11, Section l0) of the Hutchinson Planing and Zoning ordinance. Creek Side will begin receiving leaves from Minneapolis over the next few weeks. Creek Side would like to receive and de-bag the leaves upon the Creek Side property and place the de-bagged leaves upon the composting pads for processing. By doing this we will not the unsightly situation, which developed last year at the HATS facility. Additionally, Creek Side is prepared to begin the de-bagging immediately upon arrival of the leaves. We would aniicipate all leaves would be processed before the January 15, 2005 date. I recommend approval of this request. SC~ • livaa SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT GRADING ONLY - SUMMERSET 3RD ADDITION CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THIS AGR)CI:MENT, made and entered into the day and year set forth hereinafterbyby and between David Dalbec, President, Rolling Green, Inc . , "Subdivider'; and Hutchinson, a Municipal Corporation in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the "City' ; WITNESSETH: WHERTAS, the Subdivider is the owner and developer of property situated in the County of McLeod. State of Minnesota, which has been surveyed and preliminary platted as "Summerset 3`d Addition" and furtherdescribed in the existing legal description as attached in Exhibit A. . WHEREAS, City Ordinance No. 464 and 466 requires the Subdivider to make certain improvements in the subdivision; NOW, THEREFORE, I'I' IS HEREBY AGREEb AS FOLLOWS: 1. SITE PREPARATION AND GRADING 1. This Subdivider's agreement only allows grading preparation to occur on the site. 2. The Subdividers will complete the grading on the site by 3. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall he responsible far all work associated with site preparation and grading. All areas within the final plat, but outside of the rights-of-way, shall be graded to within 0.5 feet of final grade to allow for proper drainage and the installation of utilities. The entire right-of-way and the ponding areas shall be graded to within 0.2 feet of final subgrade, as noted in the approved improvement plans for the project. Any and all unstable soil conditions or soils unsuitable for construction in the right-of-way shall be corrected and/or replaced. The Subdivider shall clear trees and/or debris from utility easements and rights-of-way, as per the request of the City or utility, prior to installation of the improvements. All soils shall be compacted to a minimum of 90°k~ Standard Proctor tensity. All work shall conform to the approved Site Grading Plan, and shall he completed prior Io the commencement of construction on the site. 4. Subdivider shall complete all work noted in Paragraph No. ],and provide a written verification from a Summeraet 5"Addiilen• Grad+ng Agreement •Page }-September 8.20040rafl ~~m) professional engineer or surveyor, prior to installation of utilities and/or issuance of building permits that all of these requirements were met and inspected by trained staff. This work must be approved by City staff and related utilities to allow for extension of utilities to serve the site. Any costs associated with these requirements shall be the sole responsibility of the Subdivider, except as noted in paragraph 1.3. below, and are not financed through the City. It is agreed and understood that natural gas or electric distribution mains and services will not be scheduled for installation until all provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this section have been met. Staging of this work has been discussed, and will be allowed pending written approval from Hutchinson Utilities and Hutchinson Telephone. 6. The Subdivider shall provide all turf establishment and erosion control necessary to protect the utilities and street improvements on the entire site. The Subdivider shall also provide all erosion control during site grading work, prior to infrastructure construction, necessary to meet local and state requirements. All disturbed areas shall be seeded, mulched, and disc anchored with MNDQT seed mix 2SOGR within 48 hours after final grading is completed or within one week after rough grading is completed. The subdivider hereby designates: as the person responsible for mowing, weed control or other site issues. The City will not be responsible for any maintenance of the development. if the subdivider fails to provide maintenance, the City will hire a contractor to provide the appropriate service and invoice the subdivider for the work. 8. It is understood and agreed that it shall be the Subdivider's responsibility to provide survey control points for all infrastructure and site constnction. II. GENERAL 1. It is understood and agreed that al] local, state and federal permits required to be obtained for the development shall be the responsibility of the Subdivider. 2. This agreement shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and successors of the panics. 3. ]t is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall record this agreement at the McLeod County Recorder's office or McLeod County Registrar of Titles Office. The Subdivider shall pay all costs associated with said recording. 4. ]t is also agreed and understood that the Subdivider, or the Subdivider's contractor, shall also provide a bond or letter of credit in favor of the City, in the amount of 100% of the private grading improvements ($ based on Otto engineering estimate dated X04). The bond or letter of credit is due prior to the commencement of grading operations. 5. An additional agreement shall be executed at the time utility construction begins. Additional escrows and securities will be required at that time. 1 J Sumrrieraet 3M AddiibrF Grading agreement -Page 2- September a, ?a74 Droll ~~~~ S,IGNATURE~S IN WITNESS THEREOF, has hereunto set its hand this day of ~ FF'E OWNER: Balling Green, Inc. Devld Dalbec, President STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF u 2004. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2004 by David 1)alhec, President of Rolling Green, lnc. Notary Public, My Commission Expires County, Minnesota $ummer5ef 3° Addufon• Grading Agreement • Page 3 - SeplemDer B, 2(q4 Oral1 ~~~~ APPROVED BX THE HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL THE AAY OF , 2004. CITY OF HUTCIiINSON: RL N TOR N, MAY R A D. PL TZ, DMI I A R STATE pF MINNTSOTA The foregoing instmment was acknowledged before me this day COUNTY OF of , 2004, by Marlin Torgerson, Mayor, and Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator of the City of Hutchinson. Notary Public, My Commission Expires THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: John P. Rodeberg, P.E., Director of Engineering/Public Works Julie Wischnack, A1CP, Director of Planning/Zoning/Building Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350-2522 (320-234209) ~~ LJ Courtly, Minnesota summerset3°Addiiton- Grading Agreement -Page4-5Bp~mber8.20040rap ~~~~~ MORTGAGEE:Wells Fargo Bank of Minnesota N.A. . Signature STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY pF Name (Printed) Title The foregoing instmment was acknowledPed before me this `day of . 2~3, DY Notary Public, ~ _ .County, Minnesota My Commission Expires r 1 U L Summer5ef 3" Addiitpn Grading Agreement • Page 5 - September 8, 20Q4 PraB ~m~ APPROVED BY THE IIUTCIIINSON CITY COUNCIL THE 12TH DAY OF AUG T, 2003. ~~ LJ ~~ CITY OF HUTCIIINSON: ARLIN T R , 5 N, MAX R ARY A. P , ITY A RAT STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2003, by Marlin Torgerson, Mayor and Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator of the City of Hutchinson..: Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires 1'H1S INSTRUMENT WAS DRAkTED BY: john P. Rodeberg, P.E., Director of );ngineering/Public Works ]ulie W ischnack, A1CP, Director of Planning/Zvnmg/Building City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson. MN 55350-2522 320.234209 Summerset 3o Addiilwr Grading Agreement -Page 6 -September 8, 2004 Drag ~~m~ ~r~~(x~ r SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT Kottke Court CITY OP HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THIS AGREEMI3NT, made and entered into the day and year set forth hereinafter, between 5.7.P. Properties, a Minnesota Limited Liability Company, hereinafter called the "Subdividers"; and the City of Hutchinson, a Municipal Corporation in the County of Mcleod, State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the "City"; WITNESSETFI: WHEREAS, the Subdivider is the owner and developer of property situated in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, which has been surveyed and platted as Kottke Court, McLeod County Minnesota, and; WIIEREAS, City Ordinance No. 464 and 466 requires the Subdivider to make certain improvements in the subdivision; NOW, THEREFORE, IT I5 I3EREIIY AGREEA AS FOLLOWS: I. SITE PREPARATION AND GRADIN 1. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall be responsible for all work associated with site preparation and grading. Al] areas within the final plat, but outside of the rights-of-way, shall be graded to within 0.5 feet of final grade to allow for proper drainage, and the installation of utilities. The rights-of-way, ditch and ponding area shall be constructed to within 0.2 feet of approved grades. All unsuitable soils shall be removed and the remaining soils shall be compacted to a minimum of 90% Standard Proctor Density. All work shall conform to the approved Site Grading Flan, and shall be completed prior to the commencement of building, utility or street construction on the site. The grading may be completed in stages, however all grading and erosion control/seeding of the ponding area shall be completed prior to any ennstmetion on the site. The City is not accepting the street within the development and it will be maintained by the homeowner's association. A Registered Land Surveyor shall be utilized to provide survey control and staking for all site preparation and grading work, and complete a KoltkeCauA • Page 1 - Oralf 9,R7A74 ~c~ "Certificate of Completion" noting compliance with the above referenced requirements after work is completed: . 2. The Subdivider shall provide all turf establishment and erosion control necessary to protect the utilities, pond and ditch areas and street improvements beyond the boulevard areas. The Subdivider shall complete all required permitting and provide all erosion control during site grading work, prior to infrastmcture construction, necessary to meet local and state requirements. The entire site shall be planted with perennial rye grass, or other erosion control plantings, following completion of site grading. It is understood and agreed that the City reserves the right to complete the work necessary to meet local, state and federal regulations and invoice the Subdivider if they are found to be in violation of these regulations. 3. It is agreed and understood that natural gas or electric distribution mains and services will not be scheduled for installation until all provisions of paragraphs 1 of this section have been met. Staging of this work must be approved, and will only be allowed with the written approval from Hutchinson Utilities and Hutchinson Telephone. 4- ]t is understood and agreed that it shall be the Subdivider's responsibility to provide survey control points for all infrastructure and site construction. 5. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall be responsible for maintaining the condition of the infrastructure during building constmction. The Subdivider shall be required to maintain and clean the roadways and storm sewers on a regular basis, and shall repair or replace any street, storm sewer, sanitary sewer or watermain infrastructure damaged by operations related to building construction on the site. The City reserves the right to complete this work and invoice the Subdivider after 10 days written notice of work to be completed. ll. ASS)f!.SSNTENTS/IMPROVEMENTS l . The Subdivider hereby agrees to construct lateral sanitary sewer mains and appurtenances, lateral watermain and appurtenances, sanitary sewer service leads, water service leads, lateral and trunk storm sewer and appurtenances, curb and gutter, site grading, ponding, street signs and lighting, restoration and appurtenances to serve the entire plat. The City shall approve all construction documents and shall have overview and final approval of all infrastructure proposed to be turned over to the City. The City reserves the right to reject work that is not in conformance with its standard specifications. It is understood and agreed that the cost of repairs, upgrades, maintenance or other improvements required to bring the infrastructure work up to City standards shall be the Subdivider's responsibility. 2. All work noted in paragraph 1 above must be designed and constructed under the direction of a registered professional engineer. The Subdivider shall have the private engineer inspect all work and complete a "Letter of Compliance"slating that, to the best of his knowledge and expertise, the work was completed in conformance with all applicable city, state and federal specifications and regnlations. The engineer shall also provide the City with as-built drawings in AutoCad format. After compliance review by the City Engineering Department, a "Letter of Acceptance" shall then be prepared and signed by [he City and the Subdivider. Karkeca~m- Pew r- Oran aaroa 5 Ln~ 3. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall pay an engineering and administrative fee to the City to cover expenses related to review, inspection and acceptance of privately installed infrastructure. This rate shall be as noted in the approved City policy at the time of construction. The current rate is 7°k of construction cost, which shall only apply to those infrastructure items to become the property of the City. The Subdivider, or the Subdivider's contractor, shall also provide a bond or letter of credit in favor of the City, in the amount of 1000 of the private project improvements. The bond or letter of credit and engineeringladministration fee are due prior to the commencement of construction. 4. There are current assessments against the property for sewer, water, storm sewer, and street construction. The assessments will be It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall pay Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Watermain connection fees. These fees will compensate the City for improvements required to provide Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Watermain access to the plat property boundary. This fee shall be collected at the.time of building permit issuance, and shall be at the rate in place at the time of permit issuance. One? SAC/WAC was paid at the time of assessment????? 6. Developer will provide dollars to the City for the planting of boulevard trees at a rate of $1 SO per tree. Two trees are require for each unit. Therefore the total payment would be $5,040. The developer will work with the City Forester to identify exact locations of the tree plantings. The City will keep these dollars in reserve until a majority of the development has buildings then plant the trees. III. CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE OUTSIDE OF RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND EASEMENTS 2. It is agreed and understood that the Subdivider shall be responsible for assuring that building construction is completed in conformance with the preliminary plat and grading plan. It is essential that the vertical and horizontal locations of the structure are verified to avoid conflict with infrastructure and potential flood yr drainage damage. Any costs associated with these conflicts and potential relocations of utilities and/or structures shall be the sole responsibility of the Subdivider. IV. OTHER FEES CHARGES AND DEDICATIONS ]t is understood and agreed, that a Parks and Playground Contribution will not be made to the City at the time of building permit issuance. in place of a monetary contribution, the development will deed property across the river to the City, This deed will equate to the dollars necessary for park dedication. KottkeCaM • Page 3- Drag 8rH2W ~~~n~ /~ 2. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall pay a fee of $800 per unit as a municipal electric service adcess charge, as noted by agreements with McLeod Cooperative Power Association (Coop). These fees shall be collected with the building permit for all~roperties, unless otherwise noted in the agreement with McLeod Cooperative Power Association. The checks shall be made out directly to the Mclood Cooperative Power Association. 3. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall, prior to installation of utilities, pay connection fees for Electric and Gas Service to Hutchinson Utilities for all units to be served in the final plat. These costs for single-family home units are $150 for 100-amp service or $200/unit For 200-amp Electric Service, and $150/unit for Gas Service or as in effect with Hutchinson Utilities at the time of development. These fees include the standard connection to each house, and include required meters. Services larger than the standard residential sites will be at an additional cost. 4. It is understood and agreed that all costs associated with installing street lights to serve the .Subdivision shall be paid by the Subdivider. Street lights serving private streets, outside of public street right-of-way, shall be installed, operated and maintained by the Subdivider, association or other assignee, The Subdivider may make provisions to purchase the materials through the Assistant Public Works Director if it is desired to utilize the same product within the private street areas. V. INFORMATION RE UIRED TO IlE PROVIDED TO ASSIGN AND SUCCESSORS ] . It is understood and agreed that one or more Homeowner's Association covering all properties within Kottke Curve and it shall be set up to provide maintenance of all open spaces within the development and other adjoining rights-of-way, easements and commonly held properties. Specifically, the Association shall address all maintenance aspects of the development, not limited, but including the following, street repairs, curb repair, storm sewer repair, pond seeding, pond erosion, snow removal, retaining walls, steps, or any other improvements within the development. The City of Hutchinson shall not be responsible for any maintenance within the plat or adjoining right-of-way except for future expected maintenance work within the detention pond area that maybe covered through storm water utility fees, which is expected to only include removal of silt build-up due to normal conditions and expectations. The Subdivider shall complete all necessary work to: develop and record Covenants regarding maintenance; and set up the Homeowner's Association. 2. ]t is agreed and understood that the property across the river is zoned for Industrial purposes. There are a number of current uses which are operated within that context (i.e. fire tower, armory, firing range, compost facility, bio-solids drying facility, public works, etc.). All of these uses are permitted 12 Zoning uses. It has been noted in many documents, that this is the existing land use in around the development properly and there is no anticipation that this would change. Therefore, the subdivider has been duly notified throughout the development process that these ll5es have and will continue to take place in the immediate vicinity of this development know as Southfork Ridge and that, in fact, these uses may expand. Subdivider will draft a document of covenants and file them in the Recorder's Office of McLeod County. The covenants will disclose to all potential purchasers the existence of all neighboring industrial KptlkeCaM-Page 4 - 02k a'~1 ~L) uses and the noise, odors, unsightliness and particulates that accompany these industrial uses. 3. I[ is understood that future assessments are expected for the work noted in Section II.4. VI. GENERAL It is understood and agreed that all local, state and federal permits required to be obtained for the development shall be the responsibility of the Subdivider. 2. It is understood that any future phases, if not in conformance with the preliminary plat review must be processed through an additional public hearing, per City Code. 3. The subdivider hereby designates: as the person responsible for mowing, weed control or other site issues. The City will not be responsible for any maintenance of the development. If the subdivider fails to provide maintenance, the City will hire a contractor to provide the appropriate service and invoice the subdivider for the work. This agreement shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and successors of the parries. 5. It is understood and agreed that the City shall record this agreement at the Mcleod County Recorder's Office or Mcleod County Registrar of Titles Office, and that no Building Permits will be issued until said Agreement is recorded and a certified copy of this agreement is provided to the City. The Subdivider shall pay all costs associated with said recording. KaMKeCourl -Page 5 - DiaK 9/&'09 ~~~ SIGNATURES SllBDIVIDER: S.d.P. Properties Signature STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF Name (Print) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of , 2004, S.7.P. Properties Notary Public, Canty,Mvnesora My Commission Expires KaRKCCoWt • P3g2 6 - Ora6 &2YP4 5~"~ MORTGAGEE: STATE OF MINNESOTA The foregoing inswment was acknowledged before me this _ day of , 2004, by COUNTY OF Notary Public, My Commission Expires CouKy,Mm~ Konxaco~rt. aa~ ~-aad enema 5~ AYYROVED BY THIS HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TFIE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: MARLIN TORGERSON, MAYOR STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAY OF ~~ 2004. GARY D. PLOTZ, CITY AAMINISTRATOR The foregoing inswment was acknowledged before me this lday of `, 2D04, by Marlin 7orgerson, Mayor and Gary D. Plotz, City Adminisvator of the City of Hutchinson. Notary Poblic, Caaty,Mrnrsom My Commission Expires THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering/Public Works ]ulie Wischnack, AICP, Director of PlanningfZgninglIIuilding City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan Sveet SE Hutchinson, MN 55350-2322 32D-234-4209 C~ KattkeCourt • Page 9 - Dull 9/8/OC ~~~) ~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON MEMO Finance Department September 10, 2004 TO: MAYOR 6 CITY COUNCIL FROM: KEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: LIABILITY PROPERTY COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE 11ENEWAL Jeff Borkenhagen, Insurance Planners Agent, will review the City of Hutchinson's insurance renewal for liability, property, and comprehensive coverage. As part of the analysis Bill Kloepper, Berkley Risk Services Consultant, and Jeff have reviewed the premiums for the city's current S25,Op0 deductible plan. They have compared lcwer deductible premium costs, Jeff will review why the current deductible makes the most economic sense. After review of the policies, and if the City Council finds the information acceptable it would be requested to give approval of the renewals. H:\DOC1City council memo 3.doc ~c~~ ~NSURANCE PLANNERS AN!lfate of First Federal Bank Box 68.735 Third Avenue Southeast Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 12ENEWAL PREMIUM SUMMARX EFFECTIVE 07/01/2004 Property Mobile Property Municipal Liability Automobile Liability iJM/lI1M 1,000,000 -Excluding unregistered vehicles Basic Economic Loss $enefits (PIP) -Excluding unregistered vehicles Automobile Physical Aamage Crime Bonds Equipment $reakdown Open Meeting Law l00% Fac. Reinsurance TOTAL 39,915 17,133 127,166 17,396 972 Included 7,524 Included 7,524 2,530 10,345 5254,252 TORT LIlVIiT 5300,000/$1,000,000 Deductible: $25,000!$125,000/$],000 Except Mobile Property, Auty Physical Aamage, and Equipment $reakdown which is at $500 deductible Telephone: 320.587-2299 1-800-535.1569 (~ Fax:320-587-0808 t1 ~~ City hlnson P asualty Dedu Analyst Deductible Analysis 7f 711996 7NN997 7NN996 7/7/7999 7/172000 7178007 7/7/2002 7N8003 Total Avaren Tote! Incurred Lass c 55,0 16,434 4,203 10,493 42,831 34.652 26,915 24,707 9,706 162.235 Total Inwrred Loss <519,000 21,434 4,203 15,493 71,401 45,636 44.665 31,997 9.708 234,829 Total Incurred Loss <515,900 26,434 4.203 20,493 91,401 51,29D 54,250 36,997 9,708 285,068 Total Incvrrefl Loss < $25,000 36,434 4,203 30,493 776,735 61,290 59,250 46,997 9,708 357,401 Trend (Inflation) 1.28 124 121 1.17 1.1d 1.10 1,07 1.04 Trebled Total Incurred Loss < $5,000 21,020 5,220 12,651 50,134 39,379 31,903 26.467 10,098 786,774 26.882 000 Trended Toh41 Incurred Loss < 570 27,415 5,220 18,679 8.3,577 51,882 49,281 34275 10,096 270,309 38,616 . 000 Trebled Trial Incurred loss < $15 33,811 5,220 24,707. 106,988 56,287 59,856 39.631 t0,D98 326,500 46.929 , Trebled Total Incurred Loss < $25,000 46,601 5,220 36,764 138,983 69,852 65,372 50.343 70,096 412,934 58.991 DetluGide Oetlud3le CredR (LMCITJ General Liabifdy [Reinsurance charge is removed] Deductible CrediE [LMC1T) Property ~educlible Credit [LMCIT] Aulpmobile Liability (Fxchdes Physical Damage) Total Premium Premium Savings incurred DeduUble Cps) 7 Year Average Projected -eduGfile Loss Net Savings er~rrmc4 7N8061-02 oli pd 7N 8002-03 is 7N 72009-04 II d 7N12.004-65 dic F l 25 000 10,000 Ful Insu 25,000 10.000 Fu Insured 25,000 10,000 Fid Insured 25,OOD 15.000 10,000 5,000 u Insured , 375 0 0245 0.375 0.245 0.375 0.245 0.375 0.310 0255 0.182 . 138,387 164,755 218,219 129,864 158,726 207,782 130,184 157,262 208,294 127,156 140,447 151,482 188,531 203.468 0 375 245 0 9.375 0.245 D.375 0.245 0.375 0.310 0.255 0.182 . 30,747 . 37,142 49,195 21,713 32.753 43,381 33,869 40,914 54,790 39,915 44,064 47,547 52,271 63,884 0 375 0245 0.375 0.245 0.375 0.245 0.375 0.370 0.255 0.182 . 39.139 47,260 62,822 21,382 25,829 34,217 15,147 18,298 24.235 78,368 20,286 21,880 24,054 29,389 206,273 249,178 330,037 178,359 215,308 285,374 179,200 216,474 288,720 785,449 204,818 220,910 242,&56 296.718 123,764 80,859 107,015 70,966 107,520 70,246 111,269 91,901 75.809 53,862 59,25[1 44,605 48.997 31,997 9,7D6 9.708 58,991 46,929 38,618 Zfi,682 64,514 38 194 60,018 38,070 97 872 80,538 5 279 44 972 37,793 27 160 By selecting the $25,000 in 2003, the City of Huttlrinson vdll save approxlmaley 375.100,000 when compared to a filly insured [no deducBble] option. By selectng the E25,000 in 2001, and 2002, Ehe City of Hutchinson vdli save approxlmaley 5120,000 when compared lc a Tuly insured [no deductible) option. Had the 510,000 deductlble been selected In 2001, and 2002. the Ciy of Hutchinson wand have saved approldrnatety 574,000 when canpared k a fully insured (no dedu~ble] optlpn. Had the 510,7100 deducible been selected k 2003, the City oTHuodlinson would here saved approximaley 550$0.000 vetlerl compared to a tiny insured [rw deduWble] oplfpn. The dedudAfle savings from 2001,2002. and 2003 should still be accrued as tFlere may be same development of lees in Ihose periods. ~aducBbla Reeanmendatlpn: The deductible Is applirabie to the Properly, General Liability, and Aulompbite Liability Insurance. s~~ 000 per oocurrence1S125 000 aporeoate Over a 7 year period the average el~ededlprijected paid loss al the 525.000 deductible level Is 159,000. TT38 PremiW:t savYgs in Ule 71112004-05 perlpd fs 5477,269 compared to the fully insured plan Tor a net sav4lgs of approximatey 552,900 The total savings in 2044 of 5111,269 should he accrued tb pay far loss under the dp"'nmle. H1oss for 20D4 exceeds the average lass, the gap is only 574;000 whkh can be made up tram prior An analyfafS ran!>e tlone in 16.24 mordhs to determine how much 6ad9ty sill eldsts, and an adjustment to the accnred 8ablity cook ocaral lhalime. r~ IieyarM Ly.' BerF43r 13sk AQRra~'hadns Car~anY. LiC 2004 pact Ars~ysis-+®s200h Oe6 Anal ~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON MEMO Finance Department September 9, 2004 TO: MAYOR fi GITY COUNCIL ' FROM: KEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TRUTH IN TAXATION SEARING DATE According to State law a Truth in Taxation Public Hearing must be held by the City of Hutchinson. A resolution is attached setting the hearing for Tuesday, December 7 at 5:30 p.m. Other times and dates are an option, if desired, by the City Council with some restrictions. The Hearing cannot be earlier then November 29 or later than December 18. Dates NOT available due to conflicts with the schpol district and McLeod County hearings and meetings are November 29, December 2, 6, and 13. H:\DDC \City CounCi2 memo L ^at r~ LJ ~~~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. ,12524 RESOLUTION SETTING TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING DATE FOR TAXES PAYABLE 2005 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COiJNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT a hearing a prescribed by State Law entitled Truth In Taxation is hereby established as follows: Tuesday, December 7, 2004; 5:30 p.m. Said meeting shall be convened at the Hutchinson City Center; 111 Hassan Street S.E; Hutchinson, Minnesota in the City Council Chambers Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of September 2004 L.J Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator ~~ LJ ~ ~~~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 7755 2005 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA eE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA "' THAT A PRELIMINARY NET tax levy far the City of Hutchinson for 2005 is hereby set in the amount of $5,327,957 The detail for this levy is as follows: 158,100 LEVY Amt. Total General Fund 3,9D8,357 Includes levy of 3158,100 (or Capital note6 General Obligation Bond H.A.T.S. Facility _158,600_ Total Gen. Obligation Bond f 158,600 Improvement Bonds 1996 116,400 1997 189,D00 1998 160,800 1 ggg 221,300 2DD0 93,500 2001 72,000 2002 45,600 2002 Refunding 342,400 2003 20,000 Total Improvement Bond 1,261,000_ TOTAL TAX LEVY 5,327,957 Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of September 2004 Marlin Torgersan Mayor ATTESTED: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator ~cd~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION ND. 12526 . CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SETTING 20D5 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FOR SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HUTCHINSON REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT the City of Hutchinson hereby establishes a special taxing district for the purpose of Hutchinson Housing Redevelopment Authority (Hutchinson HRA) and the Financing of such district as authorized under Minn. Stat. 469.033 Total Tax Levy Adopted by the City Council this 14h day of September 2D04 594,120 Marlin Torgersnn Mayor ATTESTED: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator qCe) ~ CITY ~F HUTCHINS~N MEMO Finance Department September 10, 2004 I TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL ' FROM: KEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT; 1NFORMATIONAL MEETINGS Review of the individual budgets for 2005 is our next step in the budget process and it would be requested to set information meetings for this purpose. If Council member's schedule would allow, it would be suggested to set information meetings prior to the next 2 regular meetings September 19 and October 12 beginning at 4:15 p.m. for the 2005 budget review. x:\~oc\city council memo l.doc r~ ~~ ~ (~) •~ H_utchnsan Area Health Care Hutchsnson Cvmmuntty Hos~ttal Bvnas Martor Nrrrsirrh Home Dcrceel Medical C:c•aalcr 10)7 I Iighway 15 South I Wtchinson, MN 55350 (320) 234-5000 September 9, 2D04 Dear Mayor Torgerson, Recently Board Members and staff of Hutchinson Area Health Care made a presentation to the City Council regarding the conversion of Hutchinson Area Health Care from a public to a private entity. The council considered a recommendation to appoint an ad hoc task farce to research the various issues that will surface as a result of this study process. Once this group has fulfilled it's role, a report will be made to the HAHC board. The HAHC Board will, in tum, make a recommendation to the City Council. The following committee members are recommended for appointment for membership to the ad hoc task force: Steven Snapp, Sun America Securities -Current Chairperson HAHC Board Wayne Fortun, CEO Hutchinson Technology -Current Vice Chair HAHC Board Kay Peterson, City Council Representative -Current Trustee HAHC Board Gary Plotz, City Administrator, City of Hutchinson Joel Kratt, Hutchinson Financial Services Ken Jensen, Retired Thank you for consideration to appoint these persons to the task force. Steven Snapp, Chairperson $oard of Directors Hutchinson Area Health Care ~a~) RE5OLCITION NO. 12527 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA , REGARDING PARTICIPATION IN THE SOUTHWEST METRO DRUG TASK FORCE WHEREAS, The City has participated in the Southwest Metro Drug Task Force since its inception; and WHEREAS, the Task Force has successfully brought about numerous drug convictions; and WHEREAS, each year the City enters into a cooperative agreement in order to continue to participate. NOW THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHIlVSON, MINNESOTA, AS FOLLOWS: . That the Mayor, City Administrator and City Clerk are hereby are authorized to enter into a cooperative agreement with the Office of Drug Policy in the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for the project entitled Southwest Metro Drug Task Force for the calendar year 2005. Passed in adjourned regular session of the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, held on this day of , 2004. Mayor of the City of Hutchinson Attest: City Clerk ~ oC.b~