cp09-28-2004 cAGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTt:IiINSON CITY COUNCIL '1'Uk,SDAY, SEPTEMBER 2$, 20D4 1. CAI.i. TO ORDER - 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION - Rcv. Randy Freund, Faith Lutheran Church 3. PLFAGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. MINUTES (a) RF,GULAR MEETING OF SEPT);M13ER 14, 2004 Action -Motion to approve as presented 5. CONSENT AGF,NDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS ] . PARKS, RECREATION, COMMLINTTY EDUCATION BOARD MINUTES FROM AUGUST 2, 2004 2. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE FINANCIAL REPORT FOR AUGUST 2004 3. CTIY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR AUGUST 2004 4. CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR AUGUST 2004 5. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE EDARD MINUTES FROM AUGUST 17, 2004 6. H[JTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM AUGUST 17.2004 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 12531 -RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE (c) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS CDNSTDERATION OF FINAL PLAT TO BB KNOWN AS COMMUNITY OF LAICERIDGE SUBMITTED I3Y CHUCK AND ]3RET ANDERSON WITI3 STAFF RECDMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12529) (d) CONSll7ERATION FOR APPROVAL OF REAPPOINTING DOUG MCGRAW Tp AIRPORT COMIvIISSION TO 2009 (e) CONSIDF.RATiON FOR APPROVAI.OF REAPPOINTING DAVID WE'TTERLING TO UTILTIES COMMISSION TO 2009 (~ CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SHORT-TERM GAMBLING LICENSE FOR ST'. ANASTASIA CATIiOLIC PARISH SCHOOL POR DECEMBER 1G, 2004, AT' ST. ANASTASIA CITY C.pUNCTI, AGENDA - SEPTEMAF'R 28, 2DD4 CATHOLIC CHURCH . Action -Mntion to approve cunscnt agenda 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS -NONE 7. COMMUNICATlON5, REQUESTS ANA PE1'ITIDNS 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9. NF,W BUSINESS IIIII (a) CONSIDERATION OF V ARIANCE REQUI;S"I'ED BY MARK SCHIERMAN AND MARK GIRARD TQ REDUCE DRTVF:WAY SETBACK TO CONSZRUCT A SHARED DRIVEWAY LOCATED A 1020/1030 GOLF COURSE ROAD (RECOMMENDATION PENDING OUTCOME OF SPECIA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING IIELI] SEPTEMBER 27, 2004 Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve (~) RE LACEREXISOTIN~ NONCONFORMING GAILAGE WITH A 26' X 28YGARAGE THREE TE O FROM THE PROPERTY LLNE LOCATED AT 616 BROWN STREET SW (THE GARAGE WII,LALSO COVER 26'%a OF THE REAR YARD) WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12528) Action -Motion to reject - Motion to approve (c) REVIEW OF MN/170T DISTRICT 8 LONG RANGE PLANS . Action - (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAI, OF RESDI.iJT10N REGARDING CROW RIVER AAM RF,PLACEMENT Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve (e) CONSIDERATION FOR AAPROVAL OF CIVIL AIR PATROL BUTI.DING IMPROVEMENT EXPENSES Action -Mntion to rcjcct - Molion to approve 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS 11. Ci.AiMS APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS 12. ADJOURN MINUTES HI:GULAR MF,F.TING - IIII'I'CHINSON CITY COUNCIL . TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2004. - 1. CAI.,I. TO ORDER - 4:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION -Rev. Randy Freund, Faith Lutheran Church, delivered the invocation. 3. PLEI)GF OF ALLEGIANCE 4. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 2004 (b) SPECIAL MEETING OF AUGUST 2G, 2004 (c) BID OPENING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 9, 2004 Minutes were approved as presented. 5. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFIC};RS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS T. FIRE DEPAK'T"MENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR AUGUST 2004 2. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTTILY REPORT FOR AUGUST 2004 . 3. HU'ICHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR NLY 2004 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLU'T'ION NO. 12519 RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE 2. RESOLU'T'ION NO. 12522 - TO1NT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND TIIE TOWNSHIP OF HASSAN VALLEY AS'1'O THE ORDERLY ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY ORDINANCE NO. 04-0386 •- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL CONING MAP FOR A PROPERTY TO 13F. REZONED FROM R3 TO R2 AS REQUESTED I3Y ARNLE ESTEABROOI(S, ROLLING GREENS LLC (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) ORDINANCE NO. 04-0387 - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING SALE OF CITY PROPERTY TO SOUTHWEST MINNESOTA FOUNDATION (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) (c) CONSIDERAT]ON FUR APPROVAL UI~ SHORT TERM GAMBLING LICENSE FOR VFW POST 906 AUXILIARY ON OCT'0J3ER 23, 2004, AT VFW POST 906 (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SHORT TERM GAMBLING LICENSE FOR CROW RIVER AREA CHAPTER OF TfiE MINNESOTA DEER HLINTEA5 ASSOCIATION ON APRII. ]6, 2005, AT MCLEOD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS ~~~a~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SHORT TERM GAMBLING LICENSE FOR THE MINNESOTA WATERFOWI. ASSOCIATION ON FEBRUARY 18, 2005, AT THE VFW POST 906 (f) CONS177F..RA'1'lON FOR APPROVAL OF SHORT TERM GAMBLING LICENSE k:OR TIIE I4UTCH BAND BOOSTERS ON SEPTEMBER 17, OCTOBER 8, OCTOBER 15, NOVEMBER 1 AND DECEMBER 20, 2004, AT 1'l1E HUTCHINSON HIGH SCHOOL (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 (LETTING NO. 13, PROJECT NO. 03-15) (h) LETTING NO. 13, PROJF..C'1' NO. 04-15 (ROLLING MEADOWS EAST STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS) -ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT (i) LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 04-03 (JEFFF.,RSON STREET SE EXTENSION) -• DECLARING COST T'D BE ASSESSED & ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AND ADOPTING REVISED ASSESSMENT (j) LETTING NO. 6, PROJECT NO. 04-QG & 04-07 (EC1I0 DRIVE & ECHO CIRCLE SE) - P.F,Tl'I'IDN hOR LOCAL LMPROVEMENT - AGREEMENT OF ASSESSMENT, WAIVER Ole 11EARING AND WANER OF IRREGULARTIY AND APPEAL - D.F,CLARING ADEQiJACY OF PETITION - DECJ.ARING COST TO BE ASSESSED & ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT - ADOPT REVISED ASSESSMENT (k) CONSIDERATTON OF AWARDING CONSULTING CONTRACTS FOR WATER DISTRIBUTION STUDY AND WASTEWATER FACILITY OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS (1) COI~rSIC]ERA'1'lON OF APPROVAL FOR PERMISSION TO STORE LEAVES ON THE CREEK. SIDE COMPOST hACILITY (m)CONSIDERA'1'lON FOR APPROVAL OF SiJBDNiSION AGREEMENT FOR GRADING ONLY - SLTMMERSET 3r`L' ADDITION (n) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SiJBDNISION AGREEMENT FOR KOTTKE COURT item 5(I) was pulled for separate action. Motion by Peterson, second by Haugen, to approve consent agenda with. the exception of ltem 5(1). Motion carried unanimously. Item 5(1) was fiuther discussed. Gary Flot~. explained that temporary storage of ]eaves being delivered to the compost facility had been scored on property owned by the HATS facility on Adams Street. '1'hesc leaves have been processed and removed. Phis action item is to approve storing leaves on the ~~ 2 yca~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTF,S-SEPTEMBER I4. 20D4 compost facility site. This storage site will not he visual to travelers on Adatns Street. This action item . is to tnainly make the Council aware of where the leaves are intended to be stored. Mr. Plotz also informed the Council that the compost facility had applied to store supplemental leaves at a gravel site in Biscay, however the application was denied by the McLeod County Board of Commissioners. More backup storage facilities arc being investigated, one being at Waste Management's facility, which is already permitted for storing this type of maicrial. The leaves will not be stored where they were last year, which was along Adams Street. Mr. Plotz further explained that the City has ashort-term agreement with Wright County for storage, however thai will be expiring in the near future. Motion by Stotts, second by Peterson to approve storing leaves on the compost facility site. Motion carried unanimously. 6. PUBLIC BEARINGS - 6:DD P.M. - NONF, 7. COA'IMUNTCATTONS, R.F.OTTFSTS AND PE'T'ITIONS S. 11N1+'"INISI3ED BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) UPDATE ON LIQUOR 5T'ORL PROJECT AND CONSIDERATION FOR AUTHORI7.ATIQN TO PROCEED WITH PROPOSED PLAN Miles Seppelt, EDA Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Seppelt explained that the liquor store pproject team has met several limes over the last several months researching various locations for a new liquor store site in the downtown area. After much study, the liquor store team ~s recommending expanding the current store location on Washington Avenue. The expansion would include acquiring the portion ofthe building to the east. This area will he used as a warehouse/cooler area. The existing store will be exp:irtded tv the south and increased parking in front of the main eniranec. Itt addition, the Washington Avetme exit will be squared off. The request of the liquor store team is to seek approval from the Council to proceed with this plan. Tncluded with this approval would be to negotiate costs with Nash Finch (owner of building) and authorize the architects tv begin drawitags. The square footage will total approximately 14,000 sq. feet. Discussion was held in regard tv how long it would take to repay the debt. Mr. Seppelt explained ihat it would take approximately 15 years to repay the debt service, yet the liquor store would continue to contribute to the City's general fund- Ms. Woods explained that overall citizens should nvi see any difference fina~tcially. Profits will continue to be transferred to the City and extra profits will be taken to pay the debt service. Motion by Stotts, second by to Amdt io approve pprogressiaag with the proposed plan of the expansion ofthe can eat liquor store. Motion carried unanimously. (b) REVIEW OF COMPRL'lIENSIVE & GENIsRAL LIABILITY INSURANCE RF..NEWAL Jeff Borkenhagen, Insurance Planners, presented before the Council. Mr. Borketiltagen provided an overview of changes in the City's policy. Overall, insurance coverage for property, genera] liability and automuhile coverage is increasing approximately 5%_ The insurance program is administered by the Lea~ttc of Miiutesota Cities Insurance Trust. Ken Merrill, Fina~tce Director, noted that the City has waived terrorism coverage. Kay Peterson requested io see the federal hill passed which defines acts of terrorism. Mr. Merrill also noted that the City does not carry an umbrella of coverage and $1,000,000 is the maximum for a claim. Mr. Merrill also explained a deductible analysis that was completed by Berkley Risk Administrators Compruty. This analysis explains that by having a $25,000 deductible, a net savings of approximately `~ ~~~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES-SEPTEMBER 14, 2DD4 $52,000 is incurred. Motion by Stotts, second by Peterson, to approve renewal of comprehensive and general liability insurance . policy for the City, Motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSD]ERA1'lON OF RESOLUTION NO. 12524 -SETTING TRUTH IN TAXATION BEARING DATE FOR TAXES PAYAELE 2005 Ken Merrill, Finance Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Merrill requested that the Council set the Truth in Taxation hearing date for Tuesday, December 7, 2004, at 5:30 p.m. This hearing can be held between November 29 and December 20, howcvcr cannot be held when the County Board and School District are holding their Trrth in Taxation hearing dates. Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, io approve sctting the Truth in Taxation Hearing for December 7 2004, at 5:30 p.rrr. Motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION NO. ] 2525 -- 5E1'TING 2005 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FQ CITY OF HUTCHINSON Ken Merrill, Finance Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Merrill explained that this is the maximtun that the levy can be, howcvcr it may be decreased. The proposed ]coy is $5,327,957. Casey Stotts explained that he has received lots vfphone calls from citizens who arc concerned that there will be a 10% increase in taxes, as indicated in the newspaper. Mr. Stotts informed the public that this preliminary number is an overall picture of what city departments feel is necessary and that much discussion rs held prior tv the final budget being adopted. Mr. Merrill further noted that the tax base is growing by approximately 9% which fortunately somewhat offsets the pro~crty tax increase. Mr. Merrill fiirther noted that citizens can and should attend the Truth in 'Taxation llearmg on December 7, 2004, or speak tv city staff regarding the information. Motion by Stotts, second by Peterson, to approve sctting 2005 preliminary tax lery at $5,327,957. Mvtivn carried unanimously. (e) CONSTI7ERATION OF RESOLlJTTON NO. 12526 -SETTING 2005 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FOR SPECIAL TAXING D15TRICT 1lUTCHINSON REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Ken Merrill, hinance Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Merrill explained that this is similar action to setting the City's preliminary tax levy, however is specific to the I3uichinson Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Again, this levy cannot be increased, but can be decreased. The requested levy rs being set at $94,120. Motion by Stotts, second by Haugen, to ap}}grove setting 2005 preliminary tax levy for special taxing district Hutchinson Redevelopment Auihonty at $94,12D. Motion carried unammously. (~ CONSiDERATiON FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING INkORMATIUNAL MEETINGS TO REVIEW INDIVIDUAL 13UDGET5 FOR 2005 Ken Merrill, Finance Director, reyuested that the Council set infnrmaiiona] meetings on Se)~lemhcr 28 and Ocioher 26, 2004, tv discuss the individual department budgets- Motion by Arndt, second by Peterson, to approve sctting informational meetings for September 28, 2004, and October 2V, 2004, at 4:15 p.m. to discuss individual department budgets- Motion carred unanimously. 10.1yI1SCRLLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS L..J ~ <<~ CITY COUNCIL, MINUTES - SIYTEMBER 14, Z 004 1. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEE TO L)ISCUSS PRTVAT1ZATiON OF HU'TCHTNSON HOSPITAL The following individuals were a pointed to a committee to discuss privatizing Hutchinson Hospital: Steven Snapp, Wayne Fomm, Kay Peterson, Cary Plotz, Jocl Kraft and Ken Jensen Casey Stotts cxpressed that he would like more indivtduals to volunteer to serve on this committee. Interested persons may contact the City Center. Motion by Stotts, second by Amdt, to approve the members listed above, as well as recommending ai least two more individuals Jom. Motion tamed unanimously. 2. REQUEST TO APPROVE. HUTCHINSON POLICE SERVICF..S PARTICIPATION IN SOU'T'HWEST METRO DRUG TASK FORCE Motion by Anrdt, second by Haugen, to approve the HPS participation in Southwest Metro Drug Task Force. Motion carried unanimously. Bill Arndt - Mr. Arndt noted that many trailers and extra vehicles arc being parked on city streets. He requested that any unnecessvy vclilcles he moved as it is a safety issue. Kay Peterson -Ms. Peterson cnrtgratulated Marc Sebora,City Attorney, on being named one of the top lawyers in Minnesota. Casey Stotts - Mr. Stotts asked how long Steve Madson's contract is with the compost facility. Mr. Plotz cxpressed that it is two to three years. Mr. Straits also asked that if any citizens have issues with council members, they should contact the council members directly. Gary Plotz - Mr_ Ploir. informed the Council that the Park Elementary committee met again today regarding the vacation issue and action needs to be taken by the Council by October 20, 2004. Thus far, the conuntttee has not come to a consensus but hopes to at a future mechng. Mr. Plotz also mentioned that a county solid waste committee met eaulicr this month. The County has built a facility in the industrial park which receives rccyclahle material. A subcotmnittee of the County Solid Waste Committee recommended that the facility collect the materials county-wide and seek a Request for Proposals for collection. This recommendation will go to the County Board. This issue would effect the City's contract with Waste Management who currently collects refuse, organics and recyclable material. Waste Management has indicated that they are interested in extending their current collection contract with the City. Waste Management is recommending to keep the same rate sinicture, with the addition ofthe market Conswner Price Index. Mr. Plotz also covered further offers that Waste Management is extending in order to extend their current contract. Mr. Plotz will bring a draft of an extended contract to the September 28, 2004, City Council meeting. Also, Mr. Plotz reconnnended moving the October 12, 2004, City Council meeting due to the League of Mitmesnta Cities conference which is also on that date. Motion by Peterson, second by Arndt, to move the October 12, 2004, City Council meeting to October 13, 2004, ai 5:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Johu Rodeberg-Mr. Rodeberg explained that sewagchas leaked into the Crow River Dam. it appears that it came in from under Highway 7 and that a sewer line collapsed causing the damage. Televised review is happening and will hopefully he able to ]Dealt where the leakage occurred. Bill Amdt asked that when mad work is being done, staff contact the school bus company so that they can make appropriate accommodations. Steve Conk, 728 Juul Road, presented before the Council. Mr. Cook requested that the park elementary ~~~~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES- SEYTEMI3EX 14, 20D4 committee meet next week as opposed to two weeks from now as the deadline is looming for a decision to be made- Mayor Torgerson noted that he will have Mr. Plotz contact the committee members and see if they can meet nextweek. l 1. CLAIMS APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS ,~, Motion by Stotts, second by Peterson, to approve the claims, appropriations and contract payments. Motion carried unanimously. 12. ADJOiIRN With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m. L~ ~<<~) MINU'T'ES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board August 2, 2004 Members Present Mike Schiesl, Kirk Kosel, Lora Muilenburg, Deane Dietel, Mary lttglis, Ralph 7ohnson, Bernie Miner, and Mike Cannon. Also present were DolfMoon, and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 pm Introductions: Dnlf introduced die new PRCE Board members Deane Dietel and Lnra Muilenburg. Bcruie Miner, Jay Beytien and Mike Camton are retiring. A motion made by Mary Inglis and seconded by Kirk Koscl approved the minutes dated June 7, 2UOa. The motion passed unanimously. ULD B[JSJNRSS Summer Prnjeets: *Robcrts Park -- Dolf has received many positive comments with the addition of the canopies in the park. They provide spectators protection from the sun and foul balls. The lighting in the park will have to be addressed in the next five to seven years. The current lighting is 20 years old. Kirk suggested enlarging the concession area. Dolf told the board the vinyl counters will al] be removed and stainless steel counters will he installed next year. *Second Avenue Bridge -The first phase of the shoreline stabilization project is complete. Many trees and a prairie bed were planted. Deane invited the hoard to the city-wide river clean-up project in September probably the 18°'. The last time the river was picked up was in '93. Ralph Johnson suggested contacting the Middle School and High School science teachers to get some classes participating. *Millers Woods • The prairie has bccn planted; it rained right after the planting. A woad chip path winds through the park. Tltc Buckthorn is sail] present. *School Campus -Trees arc planted in front of the Middle Schnnl and near the I3igh School temris courts. A $15,000 software program will be purchased that 1-Tigh School and West )lementary students will tree to categorize trees and chart their growth. *Lihrary 5yuare -The fountain is complete and has been running for eight straight days. The sculptor has been hired to work on the bronze statues of the three Hutchinson brothers for the 150`h Celebration. "1'he statues are scheduled to be complete by September 11"" or Labor Day, 2005. There will be eight to lU additional light poles installed in dte park. *Hwy. 15 South -The trees arc planted from Super S to Airport Road. Land developers escrow tree platting money in their projects. *Rotary Park - The concrete slab for the shelter is poured. $10,000 of trees and stuvbs will hopefully be planted before winter. *llarrington/Nlerril] llouse -The property has bccn mowed and the main structure is primed. The fire-damaged area on the west side was not painted in hopes that donations will he received to repair the damage. The paver walkway was exposed. A cost analysis continues to be worked on. A grans application is in with 3M. Neighbors and people interested in history have been volunteering at the site. ~ ~ LJ 5(~~ 1 MINTJTES PRCE Advisory Board August 2, 2004 Page Two *Recreation Center -The gym is being painted and the new lighting is being installed. The flooring will be installed during the last two weeks of August. *Event Center -Far the past two months, the Event Center has generated $14,000 per month. Weeketads are busy making the change over from one event to another somewhat difficult at times. I .SD°i Celebration -Seven to eight people arc meeting to plan the activities. The kick off event will be held at the Event Center featuring elected people from the past and present. Three days of activities will he held in 7uly such as a teen dance at the Arena, family swim at the Rec Center and other activities at West River Park, Roberts Park and Library Square. The group is trying to get the trollies from Stillwater for the weekend. .. A gala banquet will be scheduled at the Event Center in pctober. 1~inancing will done by selling banners for $500 each with the City logo and "your name" printed orr them, Up to $62,000 could be bencratcd from the fiurdraiscr. Any additional funds would he donated to the Hutchinson Endowment Fund. NEW IitUSIN7~;SS Summer Wrap Up -The number of adult sports teams was up from last year along with athletic camp participants. Youth Baseball and softball numbers were good. There was a slight decrease in number ofparticipants in swim lessons and g~eaicr decrease m the number partrcipants at open swimming. The pool season maybe extended to August 21s` because of the number of cool days. It is intporiant to get going ott the ]calf-penny sales tax because of the pool situation. 20D5 Bucket - T'he full budget will be presented at the September meeting. Dolf plans to add an . additional full-time maintenance position in the parks that would allow the outdoor ice rinks to open again this winter. He also plans to increase a'/4 position at the Event Center to full-lime. The budget will look more like it did in 2002. The Arena buyout is proceeding. Beginning ibis season, the Hockey Association will pay their entire ice Bill to the city. Citizens Bank will retire the $100,000 debt on the ice rink for the naming rights to the building. There were six weeks of ice during the summer this year compared with 2003 in which there were four. S~ten~ber Meeting - T'he September meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 13°i rather than September, 6'h, Labor Day. Mary will be unable to attend as the School Board meets that evening. BQARD MEMBER 1'fEMS Ralph Johnson reported to the Board that next year the Class C & D State Amateur Baseball Tournament will he held in Dassc] and Hutchinson during the two weeks prior to Labor Day. There will be no games played on the field after July 30 in preparation for the tournament. _`_~(~~ l MINCTI•ES PRCE Advisory Board . August 2, 2004 Page Three Mary Inglis reported to the Board that there were 47 children enrolled in the Ridgewater Daycare progrun during the summer at Park Elementary and that they are interested in running a program before and after school. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 by a anoiion made by Kirk Kosel and seconded by Bernie Miner. The Board unanimously ag•ced. klm C~ 5(~~ 1:43 PM Final ASSETS Curren[ Ass ets 1 Cash and investments -Operations 2 Cash and investments-Self-Insured 3 Sublo[a1 cash 8 lnvesimen75 d Pa!ie n;'Reside n! receivables 5 Allowances far bad debts 6 Advances and canVactual allowances 7 Net patien'lresldent and !h+rd-party 8 payor receP+ab!es 9 10 Other receivables-net 11 !nvenlories :2 Prepaid ex9enses 13 Total Current Assets 14 Board Desi natedfFunded De recia!ion In•+esiments 15 investment in.?oim Ventures Plan[Assets 16 Land 17 Buildinr_s 78 Aecumu'a:ed deprecia[wn 19 Buildings less deF•ec+atim 20 Equlpmen7 21 Accumulated deprerJation 22 Eau~pment less depreciation 23 Cash~nslrud`an 8 egviprnent 24 Construction in progress 25 Total Plant Assets Other Assets 26 Dele rred •dnandng costs 27 7o!at Fursds L~ {rte V Hi1TCHWSON AREA H&4LTH CARE Comparative Balance Sheet As oFAugust 31, 2004 fAl {e} {A)~[B1 AUG JULY AUG Change 2004 2604 2063 CY vs PY $9,637,261 1,591,055 $15,478,326 19,530.496 {4,717,462) 16,767,656} $8,045,658 3ag,8a3 765,572 239,299 $20,926,738 86,365,772 $9Cfi,T65 56,908,602 $9.626,809 260,452 $1 751 869 1 134 775 455_1_90 $49,660,671 510,761.584 755.742 19,783,152 77,875,040 5,655,456 {4,636,125) (4,742,391} zs,z6s (fi 999 286} [4 80.5 327] {1,962,329] $8,147,745 58,327,322 [261,864} 282.555 247,079 152,Sild 771,023 709,671 55,901 780415 2`x9943 f29,6aa 520,022,405 $24305,599 623,139 $l 131 290 $l3 949 638 fi 583866 5859,479 $367,550 539,205 $1 0;9.786 31,019,7a6 $1,Ot9,768 LIA61L1TIES A.N^ FUN49.ALANCE$ Curren? Liabilities Curren! maludlies of Long term debt Accounts payable -Trade Esli~natad con[radual settlemen[s~ne[ Accrued expenses Salades PTO Interest Self-InsureC programs Other Deferred Iia0ilities Deferred revenue To;a1 Current Liabilities 31,9.12,325 30 °84,593 26,565697 4,8=6,826 '~Det[[less cuRert {13 236 6791 113 121 458} f 12 157 8981 {1,080 9811 $17,773,446 51 7,863,13, $16,007,599 3,765,847 ^ma'urilies7 471 t7 T03 17,450,351 15,621.251 2,il82,260 , , {12,7T3,630y (12,692,657y 111,169,832] {1,003,798) $d gpo g41 $4,757,524 E3,B54,379 4,078,462 0 0 0 0 5.641,257 4 32 5,742,525 ['68 383 $29 3,260,749 159,485 522 2,560530 7,404,647 Fund ~lanoe ,3 $29,56 , , . $92 573 E93 683 5106 OSB f 13,575 557,858,180 $57 469,835 886,x88,370 969,810 Totai Funds [a} 161 fA1 [B1 AUG JULY AUG Change pp04 2904 2p73 CY vs PY $1,214,446 2,005,353 1,449,844 756,a5a 1,480,247 179,515 356,649 168,929 24,505 2-739 $5,198,347 1,6 S 1,723 5,366,647 796,863 4,496,234 88,196 340,649 160,323 t 24,741 4,008 $1,169,940 104,566 1,616,850 188,503 2,206,918 1759,074] 789,702 (39.344] 1,332,313 147 934 186,582 I7.O6Ty 587,561 1228,912) 154,165 4764 SL-1,444 (122,939] 5 646 12 907 ] $7 634 585 57 69931 b6 349121 {T 14,536 $21(478890 $21 C97921 522270083 {1,191,193] 529144,705 329,901,963 $26,269,766 2,875,539 E57058160 557469635 $56,566,370 969,6 S0 7'-' F?NSTAt!3T.x1s Pam Larson Hl3TCHIN50N COMIA IJNI^' HOSPITAL 51a1emen! of Revenues and Expenses !.rpnth and Period Ended August 31, 2004 ~R >1 L i J" R=•: enw In patiert rew_nue Qul palient revenue Total pal:en7 revenue Oiscou.-.Is Governmental & Policy G'swunt Free Care To1ar deductic~ from re•renue Net patien! revenue Other operafng revenues Na[ o~xralfng •evenue Ezpen==s Salades Empbyee hene6ts Profess anal and Medico Fees V[ili!ies, f6!nce Contracts 8 Repair Feed, Drugs 8 Suppl>es Omer expense slinnesofa Care Satl deh[ Interest Dep-ecia[ion To!al expenses Excess c! ne7 cperating re•:enue ever{under}operalirg expenses Noncoe alhg Revenues I nvesl'nen[ income Q1her nonopera[ing revenue [net) P1axa 15'ncome 7 (LossY Tolar ronoperaEng re'.'enue Net I ncome 5 6 7 B 9 1o- 1i 12 13 14 15 16 1i 1e 19 20 21 22 23 26 25 26 27 28 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 36 39 r~ CVRREN7 MONTH Over [Cnderl Budget Actual Budgel Dollars Percent 53,053,205 53,234,574 (5151,359) -0.T% d,53T,666 4,243,5±1 297,355 7.0% $7,621,071 57,475,685 5145,986 2.0% 3,865 424 3,850 F98 15,326 O.d% 0 4156 fd,166k -103.0% 33,865,424 $3,854,28e 311,150 0.3°> 53,755,667 53,620,821 $734,826 3-T% Bg872 79,054 3,818 2-3'-/D 53 836 519 E3 699 875 3136644 3.7% 51,590,779 51,506,085 534,694 2.3% 317,583 33:,427 (513,846) -4.2% 602,307 521,469 80.638 15.5% 162.596 154489 {1,893] -t.2% 559,071 483,098 75,973 15.7% 126,270 132,840 (4,570} -3.4% 56,427 53 X43 d 484 8.3% 96,774 106,898 [2,127} -2.1°,: 42,223 68,817 (26,594] 36-63e 167 586 167 643 (63] O.G% 53677,651 53,530715 5146,696 4.2;5 3156308 8469,160 [$10252} b,1% $19,562 514,006 $5,562 397% ?6,852 25,733 {8,861] X4.5% 6 955 13 172 {5 257] 3L5% $43 329 852 905 {$9,576) -18.1!6 5202,237 5222,065 1859,8281 ~8.9% y,'1 H16Vu 4:43 P!.1 Fina' YEAR-TO~DATE YEAR~TO-DATE Over {Und=r] Budget VARIANCE % An[ual Budge[ Ori'ars Percent Auc us[, 20Cd CY vs aY 524,948,093 525,703,066 {57654,913) -0<% 520,322 ash 18.3% ?3 182 3d8 32,980,900 201 ?<8 0-6% 27,321,879 21 4% 557,230,441 588,683,906 [31,453,465) -2.5% 347,644,625 20.r% 29,675257 39,207,497 [532,240] ~1-8% 23,356665 27.1% e-'396 33333 [25237] -75.7°/° Si7 1303.?% $29 E83 353 53'3240,530 {5557477] -L8% 523,357 243 27.1% 527,547,098 $28,443,076 [58°5,956} -32Y° $24,287582 734°,6 529528 587,854 {56,266} -4.5% 531349 -0.4°,6 826076676 519,030,930 13954254k 3.3% 524,679'31 13.11 311,864636 311.622,341 5282,995 2535 314554 456 F24°,6 $510,972 2.575,964 1364,992] -2.5% 2.338,26E 7-4% 3,712,656 4,027,0<5 (314,377] -7.8% 3,642,688 7-9% 1,199,651 8,472,267 27,384 2.3% i,OB<31g 108% 4,024,524 3,728,528 195,995 7.9% 3,110,363 24.4%4 925,660 7,023,081 197 d8t] -9.5% 867,903 fi.fi% 3a6.fi 11 431,545 134,934) -8-1% 297,240 33.4% 523.939 645,745 (124,805] -38-9% 361957 447% 797 393 491749 1727,966) -26-0% 315,356 15.4% , 1197175 1276,953 179,777) ~6.2% 1p31,531 161% 526719358 326,995218 [527580'0} ~1.C% 523.601,134 132% 31 357316 520.35712 {3878,394] 33.3% 51,218,397 11 d% 5137,627 3112,000 525,627 22.9% 5135,636 ?.5% 276,929 202,984 74,845 3T-0°/, 15,367 261.4% 51,557 72,012 [20,455] -28-4% 52 <94 -t 6% 5466,1 t3 E386,0~ 380,Of7 20.7% 3263 499 76.9% 55623,431 52,421,808 {3596,3773 -24.71° 51481,896 23-0% 851 1 W3 4152] •15.2% 6,846 6,019 11.199] ~1d,9% 6,769 1.3% Patient days 45 8% , 9% 53 -6.2% -152% 46.7% 54.9% -8.2% -14.9% 46.3% G.9% Percen!occupancy-budget beds . d 355 . 348 8 6 6 1 9% 343.7 348.8 -5.1 -1S% 320.4 7.3% F7E's - 596 . 629 . (331 - -&2% 4,441 5.003 (5681 -11-3% 4,335 2.4% Admissions {adjusted] 036 6 491 5 547 16.01° 5,898 5,272 626 11-9% 5,322 49-8% Expenses {ne!} per admisslon (adJusfedJ , , 902 7 6% 12 688 17 715 1,172 50-0% 10.991 F7-3 Re~,enue per admission {adjusted] 12,793 51,692 544- . 9 4% , 6 203 , 5 678 525 9.2% - 5,603 507% Net Revenue per admission {adlusEed] 6,305 507% 5,760 51 6% -0.6% . ~t.6% , 51.9 , Sf$;5 9.3% 0-6% 4?j{°~ - ' S-B% t7iscovn[s as a percent of revenue . 0 4 9 6% 5 2 4.6 6.5 71.0% 4.9 4-3% FTE's per 100 admisslpn (adJusled} 5,1 4.6 . . . ~ 60.7 9.0 60-7 !lONf0! 68.3 -11.1 % Davs In Net Accounts Recelvatle FRSSTMNTxfs Pam Larson u CITY OF HOTCHINSON C ERTIFIGATES OF pEPOSIT 2D-Sep-D4 August 31, 2004 Dale pate Interest of of Institution pescri lion Rate Purchase Maturity Amount US BANK Money Market 1.43% f 10/31!2002 1115!2002 38fi,446.76 Smith Barney FHLMC mad 4.00°I° 7!3012004 7!2712012 300,000.00 step up Smith Barney FHLB C 4.05% 1/712004 7/30!2099 300,000.00 Smith Barney FHLB C 4.375% 9/19/2001 4!11/2005 750,000.00 Smith Barney FHLB C 4.180 % 9/25/2001 4/19!2005 270,000.00 Prudential pool 336914 7.226% 12 31 96 02 01 2028 7,325.78 Expected life 6.2 yea rs Smith Barney FHLM -C 4.650% 11/21/2001 5/21/2007 300.375.00 Prudentail pool 336399 7370% 12 31 96 02 01 2026 4,815.61 Expected Ilfe 4.1 yea rs Smith Barney Countrywide 8/24!2004 8130/2004 4,884,485.17 Prudential C°mmerdel °ap~ FHLB 54,890,o0o~mew~ 3.0% Step 7/16/2003 7!16/2013 ~ 200,Otl0.00 Prudential FHLB 5.00% 5122!2003 5/22/2013 300,000.00 Prudential FHLB 4.00°/ 6/12/2003 6!12/2013 300,000.00 Prudential FHLB 1.190°/n 6/26/2003 0612fi/13 400,000.00 Wachovia FHLB 3.000% 7/16/2003 711612003 200,000.00 step up Wachovia FHLB 3.OgD% 12/29/2003 12129/2008 125,000.00 step up Wachovia FHMA 3.250% 5!1112004 5!11/2009 390,000.00 step up Wachovia FNMA 2.250% 7/19/2004 7119!2007 200,OOtl.00 step up Wachovia FHMA 3,000% 8!24!2004 2/25!2008 100,900.00 step up Home State Ban k 3.000% 811312004 8113!2005 200,tl00.Oq Wells Fargc 1.570% 08/02/04 11/12104 400,000.00 First Minnesota 2.380% 08!17104 08/18/05 750,000.00 Wells Fargo 2.210% 07!16/04 ~ 07!21105 750,000.00 First Minnesota 1.610% 04/15104 09118!04 750,000.00 First Minnesota 1.560% 11114!04 11/15104 750,000.00 $12,928,448 32 ~~j~~3 ' ,gppgl' ~ ~ ~~ -~F HU7_CHINSDN FINANCIAL REPORT ~ _ 20041 ~ "---- " - ~ - 4~ 2004 2004 20041 AUGUST -- 20031 2004 AUGUST _ I _ I . _. ~~ - ~ -~ ~_._.. J- ~'REVENUEREPORT-GENERAL __~_ AUGUST AUGUST(I YEAR TO ~ ADOPTED BALANCE ERCENTAGE -~ 1 ~~ ~ ~~ pATE ACTUA~ BUDGET REMAINING US6p~ - MONTH .. ------.1. TAXES ~ ~~7.. 1~ 8 - .. - +~- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ 1_1,580,046.95 "3 371,280 1,781,233.05 4fi.67~ LICENSES'1 ~ ~ 33,802.46 1,073.25 _ 26,785.25 43,700 18,914.75 "_. 61.28% -- PERMITS AND FEE5 1 265,300.96 41,50 331,046.88 220,000 111,046.88 150_48°h INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE~,904.36 59,758.68, 1,429,258.36 2,345,373 _ 916,114.64 60.94% CHARGES FOR SERVICES _ 649,65221 114,975.8611,196.20 1,397 898 580,701.80 _58.28% (FINES & FORFEITSi~ ~ _ 43,845.85 _ 5,260.01 ~ 34,542.69 68,000 33,457.31 - 50.80°% 15ALE5 1 _ 354.30 454.38 D.DO I 454.38 0.00%I ~- - INTEREST I _ 6,245.48 _ 1Ab.49 5,497.88 ._. 32,000 37,497.68 -17.18% REIMBURSEMENTS ~ ~~47,104,$9 _ -20,338.87 __ 101,979.95 2.47,338 145,358.05 - 41.23°k 455605.141,23625 482720.28 1,478,500 995779.72 32.85% TRANSFERS ~ __" _ 'SURGHARGES -BLDG PERMITS 2,793.861 1,081.35' 4,550.38 __ 0, (4,550.38 0.00°Ie jTOTAL-"- ~ 4,210,922.11 "204 725.34 4,796,174.90 198,089.00 4,401,914.10 _ 52.14% ~T__ -_- _-- __j_ ~~ __-_-__~ I- ~ 20041 ~_ _ CITY OF__HUTGHIN5ON FINANCIAL_REPORT: 200bj AUGUST 1 2003 2004, 20041 2004 2004 AUGUST 1 I-- EXPENSEREPORT_GENERAL AUGU5Tf~UGU57 YEAR TO ADOPTED BALA~NC ERCENTAGE( .... _- - - I ~~ _ _ _~ YTp MONTH ATE ACTUAL BUDGEt EMAINING - --USED( ~ t_ _ - ~-_ :" - ~- _~ - -11 001 MAYOR 8, CITY GOUNCIL __ 31,477.21 ~ 5,fi30.31 31,197.23 57,7A9: 00 26,551.77 54.02°h y .".- 1 002 CITY ADMINISTRATOR 150_fi65.35 25.409.98 166,000.65 252,341.00; Bfi,340.35 65.78%~i 003 ELECTIONS ~_ ___ _ 361,99 276.08 1,32427 -. 15,134.00 13,809.73 6.75%; 0_04 FINANCE DEPARTMENT ~ 251,11721 40,627.94 26b,227.25' 448,758.00 188,530.75 _ 57.99%a ~~ 005 MOTOR V[HICLE__ ._~_116.6D4.3~16,425.03 127.07622 194,474.00 _ 67,39736 85.34%~ 006 ASSESS_ ING I_ __ ~ ~ .41,000.00 41,000.00 __ 0.00%~ ~ p~LEGAL - ~ - ~ ~ ~ _ 8B 647.50 13 600.07 1087,95.3.077'- 1610,50 0 " 53555 23~ 5fi.92°k; 1008 PLANNING i..___ 9 6684%1 j 009_INFORMATION SERVICES _ I 62,227.50 11,794.40 76,694.31 _ 160,108.00 83,413.89 47.90%~ 1 110 POLICB DEPARTMENT ~ 1,557,D08~28i 204,905.44 1,553,701..64 2,469.349.00, 915,647.38 6292% _ _. 115 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT i _ 1,782,30 11.63 4,996.09 12x000.00 7,001.91 ~ 41.65%' 120 FIRE DEPARTMENT _ 167,341.76 _ 16,721.88' 174,733.16 368,406.00 193,672.84 47.43% ~ 130 PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS _ 117,B60.A6 18,189.23 126,21348 192,650.00 fi6,A36,52 _65.61% 150 ENGINEERING ~ _ _312,695,52 47,253.37 2B8,044.33 488,191.00 200,146.67 59.00°k 1152 STREETS&ALLEYS __ ~ 564,581,43 77,218.fi7 516,284.20 778425.00 262,140.80 66.32% 1.160 CITY HALL BUILDING _ 105,744.11 16,624.83 79.594.60 134,787,00 _ 55,192.A0 __ 59.05% j 201 PARK/RECRF_P.71ON ADMINISTR 116,039,89 17,441.05 _116,782.73 103,080.00 66,297.27 63.79% 202 RECREATION I _ 174,508.17 22,286.41 148,843.02 197,758.00 46,914.98 75.27% 203 SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER _ 60,368.50 _ 5,988.48 _ 43,237.36 51,378,00 8,14.64 84.16°h~ :~ 204 CIVIC ARENA I 159,780,561 14,606,02 173,940.77 261,293.00 107,352.23 j 61.64%~ I ~~20 EVEN 6A CENT RINDING&POOI ""115,00.300 - 1,,017- 515D88.79i163,25000 245,92331 ~~~~~-~~5530%~I~ .1 02 8 EVERGREEN BUILDING _ '1 . _ 7 328.69 1 250 LIBRARY .__. ~ 100,973.90 _ 3 181.10 104,452,91 ~148,3A6.00 43,895.09 70.41°~ 3100 DEBT SERVIC~ ~ ~ ~-~- - 85 970.3 13,1183.2 76'~D3~75I [19,744 212,137 25~4.8D%'~ 320 AIRPORT 1 ____" _ 1 . .__ 54,166.88 120,914.00. 66.747.02 ~, 350 UNAILOCATEDGENERAL EXPE_ 366,107.931 71,687.911_ 402,734.411 _812,050,00 408,315.59 49.59%I 1TOTAL ____"._ I, 5,A60,966.99 759,553.55; 5,530,463.A2~.1~8,086,001 3,667622.58_', "....." 60.13%~ ~(~~~ ~l 2004----- _ CITY OF 200 INSON FZ ...- CIAL REP OR ------._.. ~ _ 004 AUGUS7 ~ ~ (REVENUE REPORT-GENERAL ACTUAL AUGUST YEAR TO a I ~ ADOPTED BALANCE ~ _ ~ MONTH ATE ACTUAL Year to Da BUDGET REMAINING E _ I __ I _ ... TAXES i 1,379,021.48 0.00 1,580,046.95 3 __ 3,371,280.00 1,791,233.05 - I 46.87%~ 33, i LICENSES _ 6 i _ __ 046,88 ~ ~~ ~ 300,96 ) 41,50 PERMITS AND FEES 265, 220 000 00 '! (11 ,046.88)1 _ _ 150 48~/° ___ .. _ ._ . iINTERGGVERNMEN7ALREVENUE 1,127,904.3fi ~ 59,756.68 1,429,258.36 ~ 2,345,373.00 916,114.84 ~ 60.84 k1 ,1962 GES FOR SERVICES 649,65221 114,975 GHAR ( 96.00 ~ 580,701.80 5828%~ _ 43 5 280 01 34 542 88 457 3 00 ~ 33 66 000 0°k; & , . , . . , . , (354.30) SALES ~ 6,245.481 INTEREST 0.00 144.49 (454.38) (5.497.66 0.00 _ 454.36 32,000.00 37,49766 ~ O.OD%~ -_17.18% _ MENTS I 20 7 ~~ 5 _ _._._-____ A55,605.14 ~ANSPERS 1,236.25 482, 20.28 ',,..1,478.500.00 9957 ~ 3265%, ~ SURCHARGES-BLDG ~7OTAL ~ ~ ~~ r 2004 _ ~ !AUGUST ! !EXPENSE REPORT-G 1SUMMARIZED ~ !General Gov~~ Parks 8 Recreation Miscellaneous __ - r__ __ ~_. ~I-. ~.. _. ~. . 2,793.88 _1,091 35 4,550.38 _ O.DO (4,550.3~ ~ _ 0.00°k ?10,922,11 - 2pA,725.34 4,796,174.90 ~~ 9,198,089.00 4,401,914_.10 52,14% -.. ~ ._ _ i !~ -- .... -- t .. _. _ 2003 _ 2004~~ ... 2004 R 2004 2004 AUGUST ~ AUGUST AUGUST'. YEA ADOPTED BALANCE ~ERCENTAGEI bA 0 N 1 3 u ~ T 8 ~, 143, 75 34 8 34 fl58,391 9 69 7 ,787 6 1,658 47 5 8 % 43 992.8 8 239 828.16 1,859, 1 I ~, _ 877,256.95 , 124,472.04 ~- 804,328.53 1,266,616.00 462 287.47 83.50 k' ~! 388,877.75 452,078.06 177,091,89 74,786.12 _1 _443,592.04 464,505.14 636 588.96 2,080 181.00 _ 1,152705.00 688,199.86 I 69.A0 I 40.30hj ,966.99! 759,553.551 5,530,463.42 _9,198,086.00 _3,667,622:56 _-60.13%! - _ .. ... _.._. ...1 .-_ I - _ _. _~ _ . ~ _ -_. - i._-__. _.._.. ~~j~,~~~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING -August ] 7, 2004 Hospital -Conference Room A/B Members present were: Chairperson, Steve Snapp; Vice Chairperson, Wayne Foriuii; Sheny Ristau, Secretary; Hemie Knutson, Trustee; Dr. Cate McGinnis, Chief of Staff. Others present were: Philip Graves, President; Pam Larson, Finance, lnfonnation and Material Services Division Director; Robyn Erickson, Care and Program Support Services Division Director; Cary Linder, Foundation Director; Rickic Ressler, Executive Vice President Hospitals & Specialty Operations -- Allina Hospitals and Clinics; Doug Hanncman,l3utchinson Leader; and Corrinne Schlueter, Recorder Chairperson Snapp called the meeting to order at 5:34 PM. Consent Aida Chairperson Snapp reviewed the following consent agenda items and asked if any items needed to be transferred to the regular agenda for further discussion. The agenda was as follows: 1. Past Meetin Minutes (Jul 20, 2004 2. Statistical Re ort (se crate attachment 3. Financial Re ort (Jul 2004) 4. Accounts Pa able and Cash disbursements (Jul 2004 _ 5. Auxilia Meetin Minutes (Jul 2004 • Following discussion, Knutson made a motion, seconded by Fortun, to approve the consent agenda. All were in favor. Motion carried. Chronic Disease Management. Dr. Mark Matthias provided a program to the board on Chronic Disease Management and described the plan that HAHC and HMC are pursuing in order to address the community need for treating chronic diseases. Matthias described the first focus is on the treatment of Diabetes. The hospital currently employees staff members who receive patients, on order of physicians and work with these patients to improve management of their disease. Other programs are being planned between the two organizations such as the use of clinical pharmacists within the clinic setting. Another program for Smoking Cessation is also being considered. Diabetes is estimated to double by 2030. Currently 68 percent of the population older than 60, have the disease, and the majority of the deaths of the diabetic patient arc caused by strokes or heart attacks. Matthias said we need to look at the way we treat patients because the Acute Care setting has changed considerably within the last 12 years. Matthias stated the hospital and clinic are working to develop plans to address the growing need of these various programs. 5L~)~ Governing Boazd Page two August 17, 2004 Regular Agenda I. New Business A. Medical Executive Committee Meetin & Credentialin . Dr. McGinnis provided a report on the recent Medica] Executive Committee Meeting. The following practitioners were recommended for membership to the Medical Staff. Initial. Chad Robbins, DO Surgery Courtesy Eric Nelson, M17 Psychiatry Active Paul Matson, MD Orthopedics Courtesy Transfer from Provisional. Ren Giesen, CRNA Anesthesia Michael Long, PA-C Smita Ojha, MD Reann~~intments. Robert Beeler, DC Frederick Gramith, MD Eul Kang, MD Gregory Kjos, CRNA Timothy Koelz, MA John Mowlem, MD Mark Oswond, MD Patricia Peyla, CRNA Scott Stevens, MD Jolm Strandell, CRNA Resi ation. David Larson, MD Paul Gannon, MD Physician Assistant Family Practice Chiropractor Radiology Radiology Anesthesia Radiology Emergency Medicine Radiology Anesthesia Orthopedics Anesthesia Allied Health Indep. Allied Health Dep. Active Allicd Health Indep. Courtesy Courtesy Allied Health Indep. Courtesy Active Courtesy Allied Health Indep. Active Allied Health Indcp. Following discussion, McGitmis made a motion, seconded by Ristau, to grant membership and privilege to the above listed practitioners and to acecpt the resignations as recommended by the Medical Executive Committee. All were in favor. Motion carried. B. Constriction Update. Andey Rasmussen, from McGough Construction, was present at the meeting to provide an update on the construction project. He reported the following areas are complete: F..mcrgency Room Waiting, Family Lounge and Meditation Roorns, Surgery Link, Critical Care Expansion, ~, Board of Directors Page three August 17, 2004 MRi/Urgent Care, Modica] Records, CCU Corridor, CoFfee Shop Corridor/ Remodel, and Freight Elcvaior. Additionally, the ER Renovation will be completed in two phases and the Recovery Expansion has been delayed approximately eleven weeks due to water damage. The West Entry is scheduled for completion in September 2004. (Pending delivery of millwork and metal panels). The site concrete and landscaping is mostly complete. C. Strategic Partnership Llpdate. John Mitchell, from Hcalth Care Futures, was in I attendance at the meeting to provide a report from the Strategic Partnership Task Force that was initialed in January (see attached). The task force consisted of the officers of the HAHC Board of Directors and >;xecuiive Council Members from the Hutchinson Medical Center. Meetings were held on a monthly basis from January to May. Since that time the Hutchinson Mcdical Center has met additional times to consider the findings of the task force and have since agreed on a partnership mode] they could support with HAHC. The HAHC board received the report and rccommcndation of the task force and has therefore concluded the Following: The Board endorses the conclusion of the Strategic Partnership Task Force regarding affiliation models in which HAHC develops a deeper organizational, strategic and financial parntership with Hutchinson Medical Center are preferred to strategies in which HAHC continues under its current organizational structure. The members of the Strategic Partnership Task Force will continue to meet with representatives of Hutchinson Medical Center to develop the details of a model itt which HAHC would operate a tnulti specialty clinic and contract with HMC to be the provider ofphysician and mid level provider services in 13.4HC's clinic. The Board endorses the recommendation of the Strategic Partnership Task Force that pursuing the partnership with Hutchinson Medical Censer should be undertaken with an understanding that HAI3C will pursue the privatization of HAHC into anon-profit, tax exempt organization. The Hutchinson Medical Center is interested in pursuing a deeper organizational, strategic and financial partnership with HAHC only if HAHC becomes a private, tax exempt, non profit community-based hospital. 5Ca~5 Board of Directors Page four August 17, 2004 hollowing discussion, McGitmis made a motion, seconded by Knutson, to adopt the recommendations and conclusions of the Task Force and to request authority from the lutchinson City Council to proceed with a process to study and make a recommendation to the City Council regarding the privatization of Hutchinson Area Health Care. All were in favor. Motion carried. D. Ambulance Purchase. The tabulation of the two bids received for the ambulance purchase was reviewed. After careful analysis it was determined that North Central Ambulance Sales was the only company who met the bid specifications, The specific vehicle that was offered, by North Central, was a Braun Ambulance. Wheeled Coach submitted a bid, in the amount of $109,257.00 in which they offered their stock ambulance with very few options. North Central Ambulance Sales have met all the specifications, and are located in Fester Prairie, MN, which makes service very accessible and timely. • Following discussion, Knutson made a motion, seconded by McGinnis, to recommend to the City Council that the low bid from Wheeled Coach be rejected for not meeting bid specifications and the bid from North Central Ambulance, in the amount of $122,853.00 be accepted. All were in favor. Motion carried. E. Lease Renewal. David Schwcibel, the Property Manager, for tlae Plaza 15 has successfully negotiated a lU year ]case renewal with Kings Wok. The Wok provides us with an important long term anchor tenant in the north building. Following discussion, Fortune made a motion, seconded by Ristau, to approve the lease renewal. All were in favor. Motion carried. 11. Reports. A. President. Graves reported on the need to fill the C)n Cue space in Plana IS with a medical tenant or to reserve the space for future hospital use. The task force has met to linalize the plans for the planning retreat to he held at the Qak Ridge Conference Center in Chaska on September 9 and 10. B. Acute Care. Craves reported we are remodeling the OB Arca and the plan is moving well. C. Care and Program Su ort. Erickson rcporied she wanted to clarify that HA1~C has a person who is a Certified Diabetic Educator that heads up the Diabetes Program. Additionally, the booth at the Fair will focus on Diabetes education. 5~~~s ~ !~ Board of Directors Page five . Augntst 17, 2004 " D. Community Care_ Graves reported we will be evaluating the McLeod County Contractual relationship. Negotiations for'OS will begin soon. E. Finance, ]nformation & Material Services. Larson reported that Material Services moved downstairs today. F. Kesident Cate Report. Krentr.. reportcd that on Thursday, representatives from Presbyterian Homes and the Board of Social Ministry, will be at the Event Center for a meeting on the Senior Carc Housing Strategy. G. Director oi'Medica] Affairs. Mulder reportcd he had great feedback on the' new Orthopaedic practitioners. Dr. Willson is working with the staff on consideration of the development of an Ethics Program. The Workplace Interactions Team members arc making presentations to all Staff. H. Foundation 1irector. Linder reportcd on a successful golf tournament. The Foundation will donate $6,000 for the hiring of a consultant to assist with the Work place Interactions "team. We are working with Hutchinson Medical Center fur a Vaccination Day at the Lvent Center. 'I'lre Foundation recently partnered with the Birchwood Committee to assistwith fimd raising. The Foundation from Glencoe had a cook Book Drive and ot'iered to donate to the Birchwood llouse $100 for every cook book that could be sold for $10.00. The Share and Care L]inner is November 13'°. Allina Report. Ressler reported Mark Harrison, the new Vice President of Finance for Allina, will be presenting at a fiihtre meeting to talk about charity care and the challenges around £nancing health care. The Electronic Medical Record installation is advancing according to schedule. A]]ina is pampering with Medtronic and the Vikings on the use of the Automated Lxtemal Defibrillator. A Defibrillator will he donated to a High School at every Vikings game. Chairperson Snapp asked if there was additional business to consider. There being none, Forlun made a motion, seconded by McGinnis to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 PM. Respectfully su~mitt~ed, 1 Corrinne Sclilueter Recorder Sherry Ristau Secretary ~~ ~ .J ~c•~ Ilufchinson Ha using & Redevelopment Authority Regular Board Meeting -August 17, 2004 Min ufes 1. CALL TD bRDER: Chairman lan Mcl]onald called the meeting to order. Members Present: Casey Stotts, Thor Skeie and Becky Felling. Staff Present: Jean Ward, and Judy Flemming. 2. MINUTES OF TIIE IIRA BOARD MEETING ON JULY 20, 2004 Thor Skeie moved to approve the Minutes as written. Casey Stotts seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 3. FINANCIAL REPORTS Casey Stotts moved to approve the Financials. Becky Felling seconded and the motion carried unanimously. ' 4. PARK TOWERS a. Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the draft 2005 Park 1"owers' budget. She will have the final budget for the September Board Meeting. . b. Thor Skeie moved to approve the Cooperative Agreement between the Hutchinson Police Department and the HAA. Becky Felling seconded and the motion carried unanimously. c- ]an McDotaald updated the Board on the Public Hearing for the Agency Plan that was at Noon on hily 30'a at Park Towers. 'I'hc Annual Plan will be submitted to HUD in Septetber. d. Jean Ward reviewed with tltc Board the PHAS Vacant Unit Turnaround. e. Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the results RFP for Architectural Services. She is still verifying a couple areas before she will have a selection recommendation. f. Jean Ward revicwcd with the Board the updated Park Towers' Brochure. 5C11O0L CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Judy Flemming reviewed with the Board the proposals received for the school constnrction program house. tY proposal For the electrical work was not received for this Board meeting but will be available for the next. The Board decided that they liked the idea of the High School Students installing the foam form foundation. Also the board liked Richard Buchholz's idea for a vaulted ceiling. Casey Stotts moved to have Juul Contracting do the excavation, the lIigh School Students do the foundation and flat work, UBC supply the building materials with the vaulted ceiling option included and B & C Plumbing and Beating to do the plumhing and heating. Becky Felling seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The closing dale for the lot purchase is still to be determined, because the title opinion is not done yet. G. REVIEW CITY CENTER HRA BUDGF,T -KEN MERRII.I, Ken Merril] revicwcd with the Board the tax levy process. Ken recommended keeping the satne percent of the taxable tnarkct value for the I-IRA levy as last year and keeping the dilTerence in a project fund for leverage for future projects. Casey Stotts moved to approve 5(~) ~ the revised City Center budget that keeps the same percent of the taxable market value for the HRA levy as last year. Becky Felling seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 7. FYI a. Approval of CASA for Rolling Meadows East b. Brig Knott Commissioner Appointment c. Farr Development-RoseArbor ., 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business, Chairman lan McDonald declared the meeting adjourned. Accorded by Jean Ward, HRA Executive Director I h ~~ ~ ~~ Becky Felling, ~cretary~Ir~asurer SLG~c~ RESOLUTION NO. 12531 CITY OF HUTCHINSON L~ RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the ptrrchase of the following: 1TEM COST Pl.1RPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR 24,000# Hook lift Replacement Central Yes Aspen Equipment system w/ cab & shield ~Seeanachcd mcmo) Garagc & various attaclunents $74,425.00 Statc Contract following items were authorized due io an emergency need: ITEM I COST PURPOSE DEP"1'. I FUDGE"1' VENDOR Date Approved: Scptembcr 24, 2004 Motion Madc By: ~econded By: Kcsolution submitted fvr Council action by: ~(~~ 1 r L. C September 20, 2004 1'0: Honorable Mayor cYc City Council C: ity of I Iutcltinson Public Works Department Maintenance Operations 1400 Adams St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone (320) 234-4219 Pax (320) 234-6971 From: .Tohn Olson, Public Works Superintendent CC: ]olm liodeberg, Director Of Public Works Ken Merrill, Finance Director Subject: TruckEquipmcntPurchase Earlier, the City Council authorized pwchase of a 2005 Ford F75U chassis from Holt Motors. 71te intent was to build a truck equipped with ahonk-lift system. A hook-lifr system will allow us to replace three similarly sized trucks with one truck. We can reduce the size of our fleet, ;reprove fleet versatility, and elinvnate some of our oldest equipment: FARK•517-HTK 1979 GMC 700D w/ flatbed dump body Est, rcplaccmcnt = 555,000 5'I'R'1'-555-H'17C 1974 International w/ ware[ tank & flusher lst. replacement = $75,OD0 STRT-650-IITK 1985 Fcml F75D w/dump box, plow Fc sander P,st. replacement = 8$ O.D00 Total= $210,OW We re.cnrrt[nend purchasing the following truck equipment in 2004: 24,DOON Hvok lift systcm w/ cab shield, ~ 517,468 Snowplow, wing plow, hitch and air hag 18,938 V-box Sander body 14,539 Hydraulic systcm controls Fc emergency lighting 23,380 Tote] Cast: $74,425 We also recommend adding the following truck equipment in 2005: Foliage wxtcring systcm, including }lusher nozxlcs Est. Cost: $17,540 Flatbed dump body Esr. Cosr. $ 8,40 Wastewater ~& Sturm Wxter debris dewarering box P.5[- Cost: $ 5,000 Cornplcte cost for the truck with all cyuipmcni will bu approximately $162,680, more than $47,000 less than if these units WITC purchased separately. Our intent was to choose a vendor t}[at Dfiered the safest, simplest and most durable equipment. We considered operator safety and speed, versatility and simplicity in attaching and detaching the truck equipment, along with the potential for future truck equipment applications. We reviewed two reputable eyuipment vendors' truck equipment. It is' my recommendation to award the contract to As'pcn Equiprnent, i3lnomington, MN (Contras[ No. 433309; Release 5-863(5)) for $74,425. 5~~~~ RLSOLI7TION NO. 12529 RF.SOLi7'1'I(1N APPROVING A YINAL PLAT 'I'(I SF. KNOWN AS CDMM(]NI7'Y DF LAKERIAGE 13E iT RL•SOLVID SY THE CITY COUNC:ii, OF THF, CITY UP HUT(:I-IINSON, MN: FINDINGS The applicant has submitted a Final plat to be known as Conununity of Iakeridge. LF..GAL DL• SCKIYTION: That part of the West Half of the Northeast Quaver of Section 12, Township 116 North, Range 30 West, McLeod County, Minuesota, lying south of the North 82D.G4 feet thereof, lying easterly of the centerline of Dale Strcct (formerly McLeod County Highway No, 7 J and lying northerly of the northerly line of the Ciry of Hutchhtson Street Right of Way Plat No. 6. according to ilte recorded plat thereof. 2, The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Plannvtg Corrunissiun and the effect of the Proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrotwduig lands, eststing find anticipated trxlYic cnndihnns, and the efTec[ on values of properties in the sun'ounding area and tlae effect of the use on the Cornprehensrve Ylan. 3. The Cotwcil hxs detemutled that the proposed use is in hamlony with the general purpose and intent of the Zorring Ordinance and the Cnmprehettsive Ylan, if the cnnditinrts, as outlined below are rnet. CONCLUSION The City Council hereby approves the final plat. Adopted by the City Council this 281h day of September, 2D04. ATTEST: Crary D. Ylutz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgcrsnn Mayor r~ ~~ ~(~~ i G DATE: September 23, 2004 I3utchinson City Center MEMORANDUM n7 HacSan Strcel SE Hutfhlnson, MN 55350.2522 320.587.5751/Fex 320.2'W-4240 TO: Hutchinson Ciry Council FROM: Ilutchinsan Planning (:ommission `;UBJECT: CONSIDERA7'IUN Ol~ A'INAL PLAT, TO TiF.. KNOWN AS COMMUNITY OF T AKFRIDGE Pursuant to Sections 12.20 of the City of Hutchinson Subdivision Ordutance, the Ilu[chinson Planning Cormtlission is hereby subnvtting its findu7gs of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for £mal plat. HL'1"5 ORY The applicant has submitted a final plat to be knowtl as Community of iakcridge to allow for the development of a 3G unit senior housing condonnl7ium complex located nn the comer of Dale St. S.W. and Century Ave. S.W. The parcel is approximately 4.5 acres. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. There were nn neighboring property owlrers present at the public hearing objceting to dte request. 2. 1'he separate plat is being filed to dedicated die easement areas and Dale Street area. RF.COMM};NDATION The Planning Conu7vssion unanimously recommends approval of the final plat. Respectfully submitted, Dean Kirchoff, (:7taint7an Hutchinson Ylaltning Cnrmnission CC: Chuck and B~ ct Mdcrsvn, 7 ZZ5 "I imherlane Dr. P.O. Box 191, Sauk Centre MN 56376 Lhmglas Cadsan, 29454.151" Ave., Cald Spring, MN 56320 Hrian Hnurassa, Metro Land Survcymg and Angincering, 12510 Fletcher lane N. Unit B, Aogcrs MN 55374 Pdnkd an recycled Paper - ~(~~ 1 DIRECTOR'S REPORT -PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: 1lutchinson Planning Commission From: Julie Wiscktnack, AICP and Bonnie 13aumekz Dale: September 10, 2004 -Meeting Aatc September 21, 2004 Re: final Plat -Community of Lakeridge Chuck and 13re1 Auders'ou, Property owner Brief Description Staff was previously of the understanding that this area did not have to be final platted until the building was constructed and the Gammon interest Conutntnity Plat was filed- The only challenge with that is there can be no dcdicatiems of casements to the City duough that platting process. There}brc; a separate plat is being filed, just to dedicate the eascmcnt areas and Dale Strcct area. Staff has reviewed the location of the eascmcnt areas and the areas are consistent with the proposed storm water pond areas. A portion of Dale Street is also indicated as an official dedication on this plat. Rccotmncndation Staff would reeuttuncnd approval of the final plat. C~ cc: Chuck Anderson and Bret Anderson, 1225 Timhrrlanc 17r. P.O. Hox 191, Sauk Ccntrc MN 56378 ^ouElaF Carlson, 29454-] 51" Avc., Cold Spring, MN 56320 Brian Bourassa, Mena Land Surveying and Engineering, 12510 Fletcher L.anc N. Unit B, Rogers MN 55374 ~.J 5 ~~~ ~ RECENEO n ~ :• SEP 1 3 20~: 1 r ~~~ ' OeW. a PWU naOn 2.E6 1 1 r ' HQRTH ..-_ ' ' I. /~yl / !~ I `` k ~F" J'} I JJJ ~i`' y~ ~. `, 4P , /,; i ~ f , ~ pr ] b rI / jii I r. r ~ ' . L~ .~ is I Nsg4 ~ ~~ ~ ' I ~. ~ E - ~ rv N T ~ . ~~twa. I __ I 9 ~ ~ 1l.. d I '-..-.. -._....._........t ..-... S ...NOS. , ~' . ~ ._ _. ~ - ~ . x i 9 b ! ~.:: r..f" . i~ ~ 1 : s~ 5 -~ H -.. . ._ . i r::..._..._ % .f-yt ... ~........1..._._.. ~...~ ~,"ra', -:>:: _....~ i , ~. ~ i 1. ~~....:: a ~d . . z;t~ ~ I s \:: ;' pC f ~.~ ~ ' ! Y t .Ef1 } !` ~, !1~ ~`1 ~~~ =~ 1 / \ \ 6 ~ 3 ,,r j H& i#~ Sv f~i - - - 1 I~~'ii ~ ~ ~ J` = i ~i i x.. 7 ,.b "-ti , p 2(10.]8 Y93O'J!'W ''~~~~ir~xrw r r • ~ n _~,. ::%-~: ~ .... . ~ ~. s...i,...a.. ~.: a :rata ~ ° .:. .~ ...........'`i'iX«:».. ~ ~......... ems.-'°°..~~ ~~ ~rC~ ~!~~~ r ~ K~ n~~~ av w w r.r~ r .~ ~ry u.r~w ~ ~~~ ~ru ~M /~sF~wxiW~~wZa wur~~~~ a_ ..~~._~ ~ ewc r ~umn s wee I~ _.L...~ ~ ..~Y_.._ _~r~r.r r ~~µ ~ ~~~ • ~~e V~ r~ V ,. cieyoj '~'. li ~~~~ 111 Hassan Street Soutlxast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320)587.5151lFax: (320)2344240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION I~OT2"'GA1v1I3L,I1V~"bEY1CES:.'i,I~E1V5~','.;, In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinant:e No. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications muss be received at ]east 30 days before event in order to be considered A lication T e ^ }ull Ycar 7anuary 1 -December 31, Fee: $100.00 Year ShUl'l TCrm Date(s) ~ lG/~!~ - l~ ~Ca~G'/ Fce: $25.00 RA t~~~-~ Mont Da /Y~r'h/Da /Year ~v fl s t ~4 s rA /~~ae I s ~ - ~e.,vs~i~ ~.~o~ sg"j- CasO7 Nnme Phone Number Addrerr where regular meeting are held City State Zip Day and time of meetings? ~/1T/ T ~~ ST- eAC,y fl7ri _ 15 [his organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? yc: 7/'m ^ no How long has the orgatilzation been in existence? f ~ Ci r/~sI-low may membersvt the organizatitm7 ~~p CrJ `, What is the propose pf the organization? f1 <Gt C~ /o US - ~DL!!'t3Y'!L ~!~~- ln whose custody will organization records be kept? Name 3~a- s~s7- Co,Sa7 Phone Number yLpO L4k'~ Sf. ~w %~+rCra INSoN, ./hN S.S35a Address City State Z~ J Insurance Covera c Information (attach co a insurance that meets or exceeds limits established in the ordinance __ o~/a ctAL Gizcu~ L~-,e.,~y F~~r~,~eti-w~ Insurance Company Agent's Name '(~ 3 G~l.~ /lam o. ~ trG ~ try ~F L~•is-5' Address City State lip Phone Number Fax Number Fideli Bond luformatian ~~ ~.-.~,.: The following infontz<~tion is provided concerctin a fidelity bond given by the gambling manager in favor of the organization: __ Nnme of bon ~ g mpany Address of bonding company Ciry Slate Zip Amount of bond: Dwation of bond: Application is hcrcb made for waiver of the bot din re uirements: ^ es Q no 5~~) Ciry~vf Ilwchinson Ayylicmivn fur CnmblinR Devices License Pngc Z of 3 C~ Dn] Authorized Officer of the Or anization Information True Name Phane Number /OL1r ti'oG1~-~F. s.L~. ~~Gfr~r~fNso~ /Mn/ s~ ~~~ Residence Address Ciry Slate Zip Date of Birth: (~ ~ / (1 Ca l S/ [P Place of Birth: •~ q0 1~•-CMia ~ ~ C~. Month/day/year Ciry S[a[e Have you ever been convicted of any crone other than a na>~ic offense? ^ yes 1~no If yes, explain: resolution or notion True Name 3~o-sS'7- foso~ Phane Number _ 21.5 G ,~ fl la- ,~ n~ ~~ • ,~ rc'ri l NSo ~,~ S`S a= ~ TResidence Address Ciry ~~ !! /nl State Zip Date of Birth: ~ ~ / / ~, / (~ ~- Place of Birth: ._~7"'• t",4G L Munch/day/year City Slate Have you ever been convicted of ally crime other than a traffic offense? Q yes I~no If yes, explain: flow long have you been-a mcm6cr of the organization? ~~ s. (tame Infitrmxtion jf . ~ ~Y ~ !A R-YZ I S /-/ 3.~'z'J- .5~-7- ~d •Sli ~ Nmne of locution where game will be played Phane Number Adrlress oflocarinn where gnrne will be played City Slate Zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: / (~~/ through ~- / G Q `~ AM AM Hours of the day gambling devices will he used: From ~ To Pty1_ Maximum number of player: Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ^ money merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? CI yes ~no if es, will a chat e be made for such refreshments? ^ es ^ no Officers of tthe Organization (i necessa +, list additiatal names an se Wrote sheet VvlL.GIAm /A ~P21~L.C~ _~'~P~ Name Title /C1/(.~ ~c~ % v~ SS C/ rc'NI~~SCN, ~ SS 35~J Residence Address City Scare Zip Name ~.. Title Residence Address City State Zip Name Rea~iclence Address Slate 5~f) Ciry of Hutchinson Application for Gambling Lkrvlces Literate t AaRe 3 of 3 ~. Officers or Other Persons paid for Services Information (ijnecessa ,list arldiriona! names on se orate sheet Nmne Title Residence Address City State Zip Name Tile Residence Address City State 'Lip Name Tile Residence Address Cf State Zi Checklist The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order for the application to be processed: Copy of the official resolution or official action designathtg the gambling manager: ^ yes ^ no Copy of insurance that meets or exceeds limits established in the ordinance: ^ yes ^ no A list of all active mcnnc~rs of the organization: ^ yes ^ no Application fee paid in full (check or nwney order): ^ yes ^ no Application completed in fill] and signed by both authorized officer and ^ yes ^ no Gambling Manager ~ycs ^ no ~c ~ Authorized Ollicer ^ yes ^ no ~~/ i /nitiaf htitial llavc you (Cianrhling Manager and Anthnrized Officer) read, and de you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutc}tinson Otditaance b55 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349)? 1 declare that the infornrativn i have provided nn this application is truthful, and 1 authorize The City of Hutchinson to ulvestigatc the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutc}titl5otl a copy of the City Ordinance No. 655 relating to gambling and 1 will familiarize mysel{with the contents thereof. Si};n O~Cer OfOrk anl7.a/lOn Dare _ ~c2~c ~u.e ~- /7- o Signature ofgambling manager of a~gnnizntion Date Intental Use IIuilding: ^ approved ^ Notes: ~~ L Fire ^ approved Police ^ approved ^ dettied Notes: ^ denied Notes: City ('nttnci] ^ approved ^ denied Notes: ~~~ CONSLDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTEb BY MARK SCIIIERMAN ANl] IvIARK GIR(LRD TO REAUCk: DRNEWAY SE"1'BACK TO CONSTRUCT A SHARED DRIVEWAY LOCATED AT 1020/1030 GOLF COURSE RD Recommendation pending outcome of Spccia] Planning Commission meeting held September 27, 2004 L .J L_J ~~~ RESOLUTION NO 12530 VARIANCE REQUESTED RY MARK SCIIIERMAN AND MARK (;IRA}iD TO REDUCE DRNE'WAY SE7'13ACK LOCA'1'Ell A'1' 1020/1030 GOLF COURSE RD NW IIE IT R.ESOI,VF.D SY TIIE CITY COLTNCIi. OF THE Cl'PY OF HUTCHTNSON, MN: FINDINGS 1. Mark 5chiermxn and Mark Girard ]rave applied fur a variance to reduce driveway setback for construction of a shared hardsurfaced driveway Lcga! Drsrnppli~n: Northerly parcel: An easemeul over, under and across thin par? of ~Ihe North IJalf a The Norlhwes Quarter of S'eclion 36, Township I77 Nurlh, Ilmege .?0 IVect, Mc•Leud Cunnry, Mixnesuta, descri ed as jullows Crrmmencing al the narlheast corner of said Nurlhwesl Quarter thenc•r westerly, alongg the north line of said Northwes Quarter 1319.22 feet; lhelece sn+etherly, drflec'lin~ In the left 88 degrees U7 minutes 139.F3 feet; (hence easterly, parallel with snid nonhline 428.OUfeel to the point ofbegtnuing afthe easem ant to br described; thence norl~+~erly, deflecting to the lcfi 911 ((agrees 00 minutes OD secnnrls~ I S.OU feet; lhetrce easierltr, parallel with said north line 348.99 feet to the centerline of Gnlf L'nurse Road (f~nner!)~ ['nrmfy Highway Na. J2); (hence snnrhrr/y, slang said nxrerline 15.18 feet to the intersection wtlh a line prrrulle! with said north line, measured from the paint of brgurning; thence westerly, along said parallel line 351.28 feet to the point of heginning. South parcel: An r'asemenl over, w+der and across that part of the North huff of the Northwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 119 A'or[h, Range 30 11~esY, McLeod County, Mim+cs~nta, described as~~all~ws: Cummencixg at the norf/reps! corner of said Northwest Quarrcr; fhen[•e westerly, along the north line of s'uid /vorrhwesY Quarter 1379.22 feet; thence soufherl)y deflecting to [he left 88 degrees D7 minutes 139.83 feet; thenc•r easterly, parallel with said xnrth line 428. UD feel to Uiep~in! of heginning nfthe cnsrm Bret to be desc•rihed; thence s~uufherly, deflecting to the le l90 degrees UO minutes UD src•orrds 1 D. UD fret; theme easterly, parallel with said north line 352.87 feel fu the rentcrline offColfCnurse Ruud !formerly County highway Nn. 12); thence northerly, along said crrntcrline 10.12 fret to the in[ersecYiurt with a lineparnlle! wife said north line, measured from the point of Geginnixg; thence westerly, along said parallel line 357.28 feat to the point of . beginning. 2. 't'he City Council has considered the rccorraneudatiou of the Planning Commission and the ettcet ofthe proposed use on the ]tealth, safely, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Contprehenstve Plan. 3. The Council has dclenrilned that [Ire proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Conrprehcnsivc Plan. CONCLUSION The City Cormci] hereby approves the variance with the followutg conditions: 1. The extension of a driveway will iatchtde provisions for a hydrant area, to serve fire protection needs. 2. ]f the driveway agreement changes, the City files should be kept up to date. 3. The driveway area that is "shared" must be located within the surveyed casement, as identified un the drawing dated September ] 0, 2004. 4. The sewer line and water lute consntitctien should be documented with a drawing, after construction and be submitted to the City. 5. Drainage along Golf Course Road can not he interrupted. Adapted by the City Council this 28ei day of September, 2004. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayer qc~~ DIRECTOR'S REPORT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission Prepared By Julie Wischnack, A1CP, and Bonnie Baumetz ~„ I]ate: September 22, 2004 -Meeting bate: September 27, 2004 Applicant: Mark 5chierman and ]Mark Girard VARIANCE Brief Description 17re property owners are rcyucsting a variance to reduce driveway setback to 0 feet for the construction of a shared driveway located at 1020/1030 Golf Course Rd. The requirement for hardsurfacing driveways is .5 feet from the property line. By allowing the shared driveway, there will only be one access onto Golf Course Rd. A driveway easement agreement has been recorded ad has been provided to the City. GENERAI. INFORMATION Existing 7~oning: R2 (Single and Two Family Residential) Property Location: 1020/1030 Golf Course Itd. i.ot Size: 1 UZO Golf Course Rd - 2.4 Acres 1030 Golf Course Rd - 2.3 Acres Rxisting Land Ilse: Vacant Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Single Family Residential Comprehensive Land Ilse Plan: Traditional Residential Neighborhood Zoning Ilistory: 77iis property was originally one lot and in January, 2004, the property was split to two lots. One of the staff development conditions was that the applicant must apply Tor a variance from the driveway setback requirement of 5 feet when the owners were ready to proceed. The application was also to include a driveway maintenance document and easement. It also stated that the driveway must allow for fire access turn around space. Applicable Regulations: Section 8A5 of the Zoning Ordinance SPECIAL INFORMATION Transportation: GolfCnurseRoad Parking: N/A q c~~ ~ Variance Schierman/Guard -- ]D20/ID30 Golf Course Rd. Planning Commission Special Meeting- September 27, 2004 Page 2 Analysis and Rewmmrndation: Staff' would recommend approval of the variance noting the benefit of one access onto Golf Cuurse TZoad with the following conditions: 1. The extension of a driveway will innlode provisions far a hydrant area, to scree Fire protection needs. 2. If the driveway agreement changes, the City files should be kept up to date. 3. The driveway area that is "shared" must be located within the surveyed easement, as identified on the drawing dated September 10, 2004. 4. The sewer line and water line construction should be documented with a drawing, after construction and be submitted to the City. S. Drainage along Golf Course Road can not be interrupted. 'Please note that no staff meeting was held regarding this specific application. The recommendation is presented as a sununa~y to the January meeting- Also the Fire Chief and T•.nginccr have been nut to the site, recently, to check the utility locations. The recommendation reflects the outcome of that meeting. L Cc: Mark Sc}ilerman, 540 Hidden Circle SW Mark Girard, }2D3 Oakwood Ln NW q c0.) ~'uhlic:~tinn Nn 77~"i5 F' l~ L7 SHE D 3 ']";FIB' 'H~J7'~ H I N't)T^~ LE,~~R, ~~axsda, a~gtc xs~taer 1 C„ w. I~vt~ce ~" ~'"~:b~'~c ~~e~r~~ ~~ ~ ~"~I~a~ai~ ~~~ ~ ~~.~ ~~-r ~ ~~ 11 ~ I-laan tx~~t, ~3tatchrt~,sarx~ Pw 535'q 1~"iC7~ C;3~~} SAS l- 1.51,H ext. 2 eax ~"a;~ ~~c4~~ 4~I4C~ TNat~e us Iaexebv ~ive~n ~e ~m$utt.t,u~s+aie I~xa~ far "ss~~ wild e 1~aald a sp~ci~1 rn~~t ~ntk ~ru~c~' C a~s, ~t ~i Hall can arndaryr, ~~~tern~a~r ~?, .2'f~p~', art Sa~q,p~.xn. I+ar fire P^u~aras~s crf la~alixag a public 1~~axin~ x+~,~xaixg a ~~plncat~can t'aax a V~rranc~: l~?"urk ~'~J~iermaara r"s r~gaa~st~,~g n v~raaara~e tar haara6;~`uafa,c,~ a sharr~at adrrroa~ra~ay up tar the~rr~~v~rtliia~^ bets~~~aa ~"4~1~ anat' .X ~~ °arlf Girrar"~s~ ,~a~. `l't~e fcal~rawzng is a snap C cl'er~tle~ tla~ l~e~taaas~ of tl~e gaxvpert~: ~ -- ~.~ ~ a r •. ~ ~ "G~ .. 'ti . rms.. t ~'~;~' o! ~f i 1r~ it 3Y~i". h ~ - ~ .~. . ~ S , ~ 4 x~ i ` il'~ 1 ~ ~ _ .. ' ~ ~ H i f• t j K .~. ~ ~~ a f '. ~ 3 t '~ ! .. ' - - - 'F/t irJ. C4+ l,':• \ t"~ _ _ f t.F I~ I _ . ``* - -. ;. / f ' ~ ~ ; • ,. y Y'' t ~' y ~ . ~ ~.. 1 ~ ~~ tir' x ~ c ~~, . ~ _ , _ ., r _ .. ill ~~xsaaxas ~ri~~laas~g tea b ~:, ax~l r - ~xaW ~i t~ ~ : ~ ~alic~ ~ y ~]i~iulc~ ~~~.ear ~s :~~s i„w`,t~.p~, cax ~~ M-~ vua~~~n ~~vrrun~rt~ ales later t~a~ry ~:3 f~ P"xn. eaza Ma~d~y, ~eptewzrabcr 7, 2C~d~4. l~l~xrs end xnatexaa~s ~.r~e ~v~a]~ble at the ~it~+ eaiiaea~~ I"ax xerrPar•,~ ~ y ~lapaaint~nexat. ~ ccrrx~p']ete ~~ends oi` °tlte I~laxan,~n,~ I~"caxxaalss~~arn xn~et~xa ~~ ~lsca ~v~ilabl~ ~t ~~ City aafees. III'ycau have qu+est7eax. ~b~aut ~e larapcas~l, can xnay caantact tl~e pl~r~xrira ~~ama~ at tlxe xauniher gaxavSa~ed. +~~ G to ae z~c ac .~ T"~~rec4gr eaf ~'taaxn,, Z~axa~ earat3 '~izaalaxu tet~t~b lam ~1 Irate SKETCH AND EASEMENT DESCRIPTIaNS I -F -- ~._ ~ ~ f p ~~ wan rnR el mR r!r 1n er _ ~dT 8+ ~ ~L. SXS~Nn J6. 1.1I I N.. R%1 Y. 0~ e~ vvala vnn InR wrrs mR m ~M Nw l is w S.f ]6. T.I I t N., v.RO w. 42e.00 9 Vg OAKWOGD ADDITION ,y -~-- - - ,~ R MARK SCHIERMAN 8 N1AR GIRARD ~ ,i l I i i ~i ', 'y _,` I '•~ ,~ 1 ~,I -- 4 -- ~~~ ~ ~ L---------- NUE NW - - - X319.22 - - - ~16RTHERLY PARCEL E+tiSENEM l+ef S30! 9eume PRRI 0.11 e+C. Lf lp}M ~mwwnw MM ~~~~~ lil ~~ Yi M 1.1Ir X.. XJp.'- 15.00 ~ - 348.99 t - _ ' ' ' 352.e1 taco -- ~,,.,.., .. 1,,, • .n pYfIR 4' ~ Lb .. 11. .~ n f.e N. ylli x 90W'UO' E11SE11E1R 4k' ]'MI !K RRr! 12TH AVE J~I 8l _ 565.92 ~~ .l ~' II _._ __ _-___ l ;~ l V .yl , l m ~ ly _ ~ C n - _ y ~P~i1'', P ~ Y ''I '~ N 3 i °x' > ~p 1 ~I Lo , N , J 'I } e £ I I ,e~. I SOUTHERLY PARCEL 8. PneMl .XI1 In. ,wm NV el IIIR ' ~,f yY Ira el Se[ Jfi. i,ai X.. R.'}f W. I 0 . ~ 'I {{ ~ / f, ~ ~ BETHKE'S ROLLING GREENS ~ 1 /,, 4 1 1~ iHIR~ T01'lNF+GI:SE A6DITION j'~ ~ } 3 ~ ~ - /~' ti' ' f ------- ~ 1~ l ' ~a n C~ Hutchinson Cit Center .~ 111' Hassan Stree l SE Hulchinauu,MN 55351M 2522 320•SR7.5151/Nsx 320-234-1240 MFMORANAUM [LATE: January 22, 2004 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Ilutchinson Planning Cornnnssion SUI3dECT: CONSIDERATION OF I,OT 5Pt.1T AS SUBMITTED BY MARK SCHIERMAN TO SPLIT A iiiT ivCATr.i) A t i0iu GOI.r~ I:UUKSN~ KAl)D NW Pursuant to Section 1220, vf5ubdivision Ordinance Na. 466, the Hutchinson Planning Conmtission is hereby submittitlg its Endings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementirnled reyilest For a Int split. HIS,T„~~ The applicant is requestiug a lot split to create two lots each approximately 141.38' 6y 780'. The lot split is uncomplicated, in that the Inls arc the nunimum reyuired widths, lot size, depth, etc. are met. The only approval the applicant is requesting is the lot split. However, the lots are so long and narrow that staff has a number of dcvclopmcnt considerations, the applicant should be aware of: 1. The apphcatlt tmisl apply for a variance from the driveway setback requirement of 5 feet, when the owners are ready to proceed. The application must also include a driveway maintenance document a nd easement. 'I'hc driveway must allow foF fire access turn around space. 2. The water and sewer cormections must be designed by an engineer. The lines will be ~equired to be 6 inches for water and 8 inches for sewer. The engineer will rev~ew [hc proper lncatiml and ensure elevations will service the new hotltes. The se er and water lines must also be located within an easement between the two hn es. The documents must address maintenance issues. 3. The for stet has reviewed the site and believes the driveway location, if placed in the c nter of the lot, will maintain substantial bees nn the site. 4. lire pro ection for the homes is a concern. Hydrants arc located too far from the new home locations. Sprinkling in the homes or an~additional Fife hydrant would h, possihle requirements. ~~ FINDINGS OF }:ACI ~'he required application was st: 1'he parcel is located in the R-2 and the appropriate fee paid. district. pr+n~l on rccyetw paper - ~~~~ Lot Spl+t M•rrk Schierman - 1020 Gplf Course Rd NW 7anuary 20,2004 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission vvred wtanimously to recrntunend approval of the lot spur with the following recortvnendations: t. The applicant would be required to pay sewer and water access fees and park dedication fees at the time of building. 2. Anew home must be built on the northern lot within one year of this approval, or the detached accessory building must be removed. 3. The applicant is required ro £le all appropriate deeds to reflect the lot division. spcetfully submitted, Dean Kirchvff, Chairman Htrtcl>inson Platmittg Cornmissian cc: Mark Schierntan, 540 Hidden Circle SW ~~ q cad Received this ~~,~ dayof_ 4h 'CA'j ~~~1 cL, ~ 20~ I3y ~~~ .`Cindy S~htltz u-L~d ~ 17eputy DANdKpPROCHNOW COUNSELLOR AT LAW LLC 72s FRANKLIN ST NW S7E 70D HU7CHINSON, MN 55350 ~ IIl illlllllllflllllll~~ P.~. OFFICE C)F COUNTY RECORDER ~#~ McLEOD COUNTY MINNESOTA ~"~R DOCUMENT NUMBEF~ Al~ 341319 CE:R71FIE0 FILED ANDIOR RECORDED ON March $g, 2pp4, A7 l 7:00 ~Op qM LYNN ET TE SCHRUPP, COUNTY pE~COpbER Fees: EQUIPMENT FUND SURCHARGE S9-DO SURCHARGE ERER a,50 GENERAL ABSTRACT -EO ~z.oo T^*al czo.oo fox Recordin fnforrnacion DRIVI~WAY~,S~MEN7• AGR)=1=MINT' ,± 7I3f5 bR1VEWAY c`AS~Mp~-ACRE ~^+~h 2004 by and between MARK b. SCHIERMAN and WpLMEN7 rs made on this ~" ~ ~ day of -`~+^- NbY S `~. (hcminafter ref • CHIER7vl,gN husband and wife axed to as "Sclueanans") and MARK ~' GlR.4R]~ and SARA L, GIRARI], husband and Fife (hereinafter referred to as "Gir•ards^) on the following terms and cbndirions~ WHEREAS, Schiermans own the real property legally described in Exhibit °%•~ attached hereto; and WFIER>;.g5. Grraxds own the real properLylegally described in Exhibit "$•' agached hereto; and WHERi;AS, the parties desire to egnstruct and maintain a common drivcr.~,a.. L_. their respective parcels ]e~ally `~eStxlbcd in rahi6its " ~ vnween A" and "B"attached Hereto. NDW, THEREppRp in consideration of the foregoing and tot other consideration, the receipt and sufficienc good and valuable folio y of v'h'f is hereby acknowledged, the parties make the ~nng Agreement: ,. That Schiermans shall grant unto Guards an Easement tot a c6rm-non over and across the Northerly fifteen (15) feet of the Easterly five hundred (5D0) feet of their property. ~veway ~• That Guards shall grant unto Schiermans an Easement far a corunon driveway ovex and across the Sbtttherly fifteen (15') fee[ of the Eastetl fee[ of their property. y five hundred (500) C~ W N ~A~ 1- ~ q~c~~ 3• That t}te Easements stated in paragraphs 1 and 2 above shall be collectively referred to as the "Easement Area". 4• That the patties agree that a common driveway will be constructed duet and across the Easement Area at such time as is mutually agreeable by the pages, or, upon commencement of construcrion of a single family dwelling by either party on their respecdvc property, whichever occurs first. 5• That the parties agree to share equally the cosC of Construrrypn of the cututrton driveway over and across the Easement Area. rurther, the parties shall share equally the costs of maintenance, repair, and snow removal over and across the common driveway. 6• That Schiermans do hetebygrant unto Girards with regard t6 their propeny and Girards do hereby grant unto Schicrnrans with regard to their propertX an Easement for access purposes over and across their property as may be necessary for the repair or tnainteraance of the common driveway. 1"hc parties shall share equally the costs of repairing any damage to the other's property as a result of. such access. This Easement is intended to be perpetual and run with the respective properties as identiiied herein, and shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the patties. $- This Easement shall not be modified, amended or altered except as in writing and executed by all parties in recordable form. ~. ~ .s.~ -Mark b. Schi an- ~- -Wendy Schi man- STATE ng r;n,r,:.FSOTA COLrNT Y pE McLEOb : ss. c ~~ -M k T. Girard- ""' i-f-Sara L. Girard- The foregoing was acknowledged before me on this 25th day of Max•ch 20D4 by Mark b. Schierman and Wendy Schierman, husband and wife. ~~ -Notary 1'ublic- ~ o CAriO~P,. P~ERSt]N~ ~~ rJO;,aFVPUauc-Niutesora ~•~. .'dy Cacrn. F~,'ms J:r1.5~, r".rC3 eveym . y~ x-341319 -2 - ~ ~~~ r~ 1._J ST"ATE OF MINN~OTA COUNTY OF McLEOD, ss. 2004 b T1re foxegomg was aclcnowledo y Mark T. Girard and Sara 1_ Girard, hus~~abd and wife this =~~ day of _ M~rn~~ GARp1,A. Pk-fERSGtJ~ ~lOi4gY PUBLIC'- N,~kk9aTA F c ~ f---~~ -Notary Pubhc- THIS INSTRUMgNT Wp.s pRAl~ I.ED BY DANK, pROCHNOW COUNSELLOR AT T.AW, LLC 1Z6 Fra~xldin St. NW Suire 100. Hutchinson, M]v 55350 Telephone:.(3Z0) 587-0305 A-34~3T9 '3- i ~~ ~xz~l$lrA SCHIERMAN PROBhR7Y That part of the North Half of the N°rthwesC Quarter °f Section 36, township 117 North, Rats `Nest, McLeod County, Minnesota, described as lollow,c; G°rrancncin ge 30 north 8 at the northeast coznex of said Northwest line of said N°rthwest Quarter ]319.22 feet; thenc outherlth d ce westerly, along the degrees D7 minutes 139.83 to the point of be innin continuing souther] , g g of the land to be described; Cj~t~Ce~t Bg said nc>rth line 8D5.19 fte~nto rhelcen d `line of Golf Course Road escribed course 139.82 feet; thence easterly, parallel with No. 12); thence northerly, along said centerline 141.37 feet m the intersecrlnn with a line paru11e1 with said north line, measured from the ~fomierly C°unry Hip~way parallel line 7g 2g feet to the point of beginningpolnt of be innin ; g g thence westerly, along said LJ A-347379 ~ ~ i i i 9~~i EXHIBIT $ ~1RARD PROPERTY That part of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 117 North, Rapge 30 West, McLeod County, Minnesota, described as follows; CWrwiienclrig at the northeast corner of said Northwesr Quarter; thence westerly, along the north line of said Northwest Quarter 1319,22 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence southerly, deIletdng to the left 88 degrees 07 minutes 139.83 feet; thence easterly, paralle] wi[h said north line 779,28 feet to the centerline of Golf Course Road (formerly County Highway No. 12); thence northerly along said centerline 141.38 feet to said north line; thence westerly, along said north lane a distance of 753.30 feet [o the point, of beginning. ~~ ~.~ ~~ RESOLUTION NO. 12528 RESOLUTION APPKOVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMl Y STF.VFN J3ROWN TO REPLACE AN EXlST1NG NON-CONFORMING GARAGE WITH A 26'X2R' GARAGE 3 FEET FROM T}IR PROPERTY LINE LOCATED AT 6I6 BROWN STKEE'1' S.W. TIIE GARAGE WILL ALSO COVER 2'6% OF THE RF,AR YARD BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS Steven frown, has applied for a conditional use pemrit to replace an existing non-conforming garage 3 feet from the{ property line and covering 26"/" of the rear yard located at 61 G frown Si. S.W. LEGAL DESCRJPTION: Lot 2 in Block 7, Bomriwell's Second Addition to IIutchinsvri according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for McLeod County, Minnesota 2. The City Cnunci] has considered the recomrrrendation of the Plamting Cotmnission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Coniprchcnsivc Plan. 3. The Council has dcteriuined that the proposed use is in harmony with the genera] purpose and intent of the Inning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, if the conditions, as outlined below are met. CONCLUSION The City Council herehy approves the conditional use perntit with the following conditions: 1. Slaff and property owner will develop and agree to a drainage plan agreement prior to City Council action. 2. The building must have gutters installed to direct drainage away from adjoining property lines or be connected into the file line. 3. No livable space is allowed in the garage. 4. Relocation or removal of utility lines will be at owner's expense. 5. Provide a detailed elevation plan of the garage. G. Pirewalls are required on sirucuires constructed 3' from the property line. Adopted by the City Council this 28`h day of September, 2004. A1'1'EST: ~~ Gary D. Plotz Marlin A. Tvrgerson City Adminisiraior Mayor ~ch~ C DATE: 'CO: FROM: SU$7ECT: Hutchinson City Council Hutchinson Cit Center MEMORANDUM 111 Hassan Stmt SE Hutchina°n, MN 55350.2522 320-587.5151/Fax 320.23A-02A0 Hutchinson Planning Commission CONSIDEKATION OF Cf1NDITIONAL USE PERMIT' REQUESTED BY STEVEN BROWN TO REPLACE EXISTING NON-CONPORMNG GARAGE Wri'H A 26'X28' GARAGE 3 FEET PROM TNti PROPERTY LINE LOCATF,D A'I' 616 BROWN S'f. SW THE GARAGF. WILL ALSO COVER 26% OF THE REAR XARD Pursuant to Section 6.07 of Zoning Ordinance Nv. 464, the Hulclruvson Planning Curtunnissinn is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recmm~rendatinn with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit. HIS'fORX The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to replace an existing 22'x22' nonconforming detached garage with a 26'x28' (728 sq. ft.) garage 3 feet &onl and rear and interior property line. The garage will cover 26% of the rear yard located at 616 frown Strcct. 'fhe Zoning Ordinance states nn accessory building shall occupy more than 25°/~ of a rear yard a Conditional Use Permit is required if the request exceeds the requirement. FINDINGS OF FAQ.',, The required application and fcc was submitted. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on September 9, 2W4 There were nu neighboring property owners present at the public hearing objecting to the request. RECOMMENDATION The Plaruung Commission unatimously voted [o recommend approval of the conditional use permit with the following conditions: 1. Staff and property owner will develop and agree to a drainage plan agreement prior to City Council action. 2. T'he building must }lave gutters irnstalled to direct drainage away from adjoining propcriy lines or be connected into the rile line. 3. Nn livable space is allowed in the garage. 4. Relocation or removal of utility lints will be at owner's expense. 5. Provide a detailed elevation plan of the garage. G. Fircwalls are rcyuired on smrcnues constructed 3' from the property line. Respectfully submitted, Dean Kirchuff, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission ~c: Steve Arown, 61fi Brown St. SW Ffimed na rcrydul p~ - ~ `~~ September 23, 2(104 I7XRECTOR'S REPORT -PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: llutchinson Planning Commission (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) Prepared By: Planning Staff: Brad Exuans, Dolf Muon, Don Nelson, Miles Seppelt, Jaclti Pillaizki, Jean Ward, John Rudeberg, P.E., Jnhn Wehster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Barry Greive, Mark Schnobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plult, hen Merrill, Jim Popp, Ddn Halton, Dick Nagy, Julie Wischnack, A1CP, and Bonnie Baumetz Date: September 1D, 2004 -Meeting Date: September 21, 2004 Applicant: Steven Brown, property owner (:ONll1T10NAL USE PERMIT Brief beseriptinn The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to replace an existing 22'x22' nonconforming detached garage with a 26'x28' (728 sq. ft.) garage 3 feet from rear and interior propc~t[y line. The garage will cover 26% of the rear yard located at 616 Brown Street. The Zoning Ordinance states nn accessory building shall occupy more than 25% of a rear yard a Conditional Use Permit is required if the request exceeds the requirement. The applicant has been asked to provide the height of the building. GENERAL INFOKMATION Existing Zoning: R2 (Single and Two family) Yruperty Location: 6l6 Brown St..S.W. i~ui Size: 06 x i2$.5 Existing Land Use: Single Family Residential Adjaeent Land Usc Aad Zoning: Single Family Residential Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Traditional Residential Neighborhood Inning Hisiory: There was an attached garage and house addition September, 1999. Applicable Regulations: Section 8.05 ,llutchinson Zoning Ordinance SPECL4L UVFOtZMATION Transpurlatiun: Brown S[reet S_W. ~- ~~~ Conditional Use Permit Steve Brown - 616 Brown St. S.W. Planning Commission- September 21, 2003 Page 2 Parking: N/A " Analysis and Recommendation: Planning staff has reviewed the rcyuest and have concerns with drainage issues in the area. Because of past experiences with garages and close proximity to prnprrty llnec, .Staff i,c rrRnPSring arjrlitinnal rlrainagP considerations be made. Staff has met on site with the property owner. The idea chat has been to provide a file inlet and connection [o the storm sewer in Milwaukee. This would take the extra drainage off of the stnlcture and direct it tv the street storm sewer system. Because this is a grave] alley, it is unlikely that the drainage would get to the street area without improvements. The City is trying to obtain information on what this would cost the homeowner and then the City would take the le9d and constn~ct the line from the alley to the street. The homeowner would pay for half of the cost, as the property at bOfi Brown would also have access to the storm line in the future. The property drainage and connection to the line would he the homeowners responsibility. 1~ ~ I' 593 580 • W Is I II I soy I I 606 I I I 248 Is •-=,1 613 615 ac ~' ?6 omi 625 626 y 625 ~~ ~ I 36 635 636 63? D5. I i 646 1 696 I MILLEkAVESW + l 705 706 j I 70~ ~, J Storm I,incs Catch Basin ~~ Conditional Use Permit Stcvc Brown - 616 Brown St, S.W. Planning Commission- September 21, 20D3 Page 3 1. Agreement to the drainage plan must be received, in writing. 2. The building must have gutters installed to direct drainage away from adjoining property lines or be connected info the file line. 3. Verify height of the garage. 4. No livable space is allowed in the garage. 5. Relocation or removal of utility lines will be at owner's expense. 6. Provide a detailed elevation plan nfthe, p~ragr. 7. Firewalls are required on s(rucritres constructed 3' from the property 1 ine. Cc: Steven Brown, 61613rown St. S.W. ~~~ 1~ ~ r~ ~ Q? I ll 5 NN,~~g~. ~~ np1f: Esl>Ilnp O~IdInO N c.e Nn wr• m ..r or tot 2 ane e.s Nit nerT or eYrT Ilnr of{e• 2. BtocK ~ g I RELif+kN [,[NO SUR4EYING CERTIFICATE OF S~IEY FOR STEVE BROWN ~~0,~,~~ {. nop wu.. I, ~a f EGA ' ~ Gmepf rencnv aide[. e S I 1---za-- ~ I I f C PROPOS D ~ w GARAGE I h f Ca.IM ~Y ~ r. >..~v,..n ~I -- i l 28f _~ [ ~------------- , ?lizsso CMn KrY Neu EII>Iliq Gxepf I `I I r M$FLR1Rl9[HI MN ,qg N0. (%I85 8X A-SP3 RG 79 --_~~+ •'I Exlr.r.0 N:s r. 2 o 'I ~~ Es1116q Xw1f 3 R~~Fti o~ FD 2~ DESCRIPTI{M °jyw 1~4 a/p Lat 2, Bfott 7, BONNIWELL'S SECS ADDITION 70 HUTCHiNSON. N ~.- w G IG 70 aD tcnls in fesY 0 m • D.cevs rM menament bona O p.naus von manomem ael 1 b1r.bY cer 111Y rhpr relfe YVnder myedrrl[r $. Perr eea p•1RPrfe by nw wP1rr l>be end rbet I pw o duly %I [Vn>Vd Lend $Ynf.Y en VTd.r r11. Ipef OT rb> 3101. e1 Yl nn.>P re. JJI~A rYVlsb qq~/,ry[~ Oarf:~. Ur. RO.O]Y, ~~ ~~ Plan HVUEPL105D4 ~r~Pas~ ~e(~~~,~ ~ HDME ~ House Plan Search ~ Affiliate Pron~ram ~ For the Builder ~ H~,~~,: ePlans.com House Plans Su Copyright 2D0: Republication ar reproduc~Gon of this site's canter ePlans.com blouse Plans Superstore is ~it'~ ~~~ Prgfes_Sionaf ~~ ~ home buildors pradw House - Front Perspective ,~ n ns ~ M_y._ePlans ~ llbout ePlans ~ View Cart ~ Contact Us ~ Register ~ Help Center ~ Privacy Statement ~ Site Mao ~~ arstore: House plans, homeplans, floorplans, blueprints Hanley-Wood, I.LC. All Rights Reserved is expressly prohibited without the written permission of Hanley-Wood, LLC art of the Hanley-Wood network pf construction-industry web sites: fi~ ub u"= Source fro ~buiki~ers Warr9ina and construction and remodelers ' iir~g,SjCl_~ttUl,titi ~---~-- `~ ~- i `, --, ~~I i~ C~ r ~i~~ ~ - .:=' ~ . ----- . ---- ~. ros q~~~ Julie Wischnack raKc i ui i From: John Olson Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2DOa 3:2D PM 70: Julie Wischnack Cc: John Rodeberg Subject: Quetation for installing tile: Brown Street Alley 8" dual-wall Prinsco pipe approx. 90' 8" x 8" Tee Grate Cut into catch basin Restoration of gravel Total = $2,500.00 Juul Contracting, PO Box 189, Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 587-2989; Fax (320) 587-0964 PLEASE NOTE; This quotation does not include work that would be done on private property at 616 Brown St SW. ~ 1 f` J ~._~ 9/14/2004 q L~) I y„~ 3. .. ,. ~. <~ t L~ a ~ #~ ~ , ~ y; =~ ~; ''I r..: c' 6, r ,~ ~'s;~ t. 1 ~'~'~` ~i~ ~ ~' ~' ~` f`~ ~ ~x3i 3 7~ ~ ': ~ ~ t.' t t'i~+ Z lr~ ~ ' 1 %~1 4~`• N ~ .l _ r<<' ~'-=~ tit~'~~j~4~'~~+w~ 9 ~ ~ 1~ `~Y ~µN ~~~ _ ~ ~ r , ±}4-y'am' t ,- ~ i r ~~~>,~.5~ _ ~ r, ~ I L_gfe4 y1 4 1 ~~k )~ I "'~ ~ 1 Mh 4 ~L~L ~ ~, A I r`riY ~3T~.~ '. ix.~~ ~:~ ,~ ,}, ~~ ~}~ ~} ii, r rt ,~, r ~': x., ;>.: ~r, i' ° ! 1 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~} ~ (. ~~~ I , -~-~ y'-. r._ i _ 'y7~yMI~~Yry ~ 1 i 1 ~'. ii r s ~~~~ .:~ y ~ i v - s A. . ~ ~ t~ ': 5. h i.w..... _. 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C Hntchinson Cit Center 111 Hassan Street SF Hulcliin~nn,MN 5535D-2522 320.587-5151/Fax :120-234.47AD M r Ian ~ ~ ~. ~ _U [J ~1 ~J TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council 1~'ROM: Jolui P. Rodcbcrg, Director ofPublic Works RR: Review of 1VIn/DO'I' District S Long-Range Plans DATE: Stptcmber 23, 2UU4 On September 9`h there was a meeting of MrilD~T staff, local ]egislaiures and area city and county enginoors held to review Mn/DO"1"s long-range plan for the Willmar District (District 8). Attached is a Powerl'oint presentation I prepared noting some of the projects and issued raised at the meeting. l will give tut brief update at the Council meeting. if you would like more detail about any items, please let me know. }tc7rts of note: T}tere is state board that helps set the criteria for prioritization. 77tenew, proposed Hiles include a "'l'arger Formula" that greatly decreases the potential for filnding of lower tra{I'ic, out-state projects. 'I'bis appears to be a result of several factors: o There is not enough fielding to meet al] needs. The parameters had io be raised in order to have a realistic pro~am. o Tho Metro alrca ltow has more representation at the legislature, and there is pressure to provide a larger portiat of the state's program there- o There is more ernpltasis in the fnmtula nn population growth. Sonte rural legislatures would like to sec rnorc emphasis on economic development or goods movement. The City of I lutchinson has several major projects that serve our area, mainly due to projected population and traffic trrowth in our area of the district. We don't appear to be helped or hurt by the new rules, however, the lack of new funding and greatly increasing construction and ]and acquisition costs threaten w reduce or delay the proposed program. There are a signi (leant number of proposals li-om a variety of groups (including the Chamber of Commerce and a group ofinetro CEO's) to increase the gas tax or other revenues. The League of Mimtesota Cities has indicated that ii would not have its own proposal, but supports these other efforts to increase transportation funding. Pnn~eJ nn rc[y[lal pepcr- c~ ~~~. I, ... ---- ... -. Transportation Planning .n d~ Hutchinson Area Mn/~DOT.PistricL8 Long-Range Plan Major City/County Projects tltherIssues ~~ ~ '~ '~ Funding Yssues _ , ., 1;r. '. Proposed 2005-2007 Project 6~US 212: Hennepin/Carver ($zzSM) . Design•Bulld Project .Contractor/engineer team ~'~ • Minlitmdm design/performanrs standards set ~'~ • ra5ter~ not necessarily cheaper . Eden Prairie to 6 miles east of Cologne . 4-Cant freeway . "Bond A¢elerated" program . Part of "Regional Corridor" Serving Hutchinson Proposed 2006 & 2007+ .6TH 7 Central through Hutchinson (irsM) ~I . lndudes 1 blodk easy of Bluff Street to new Golf Course Rdad or California Street in 2006 ~, . Calilurnia Street to 5hady'Ridye Road in 2007 . Includes Main Street Bridge reconstru[iion wiCh Luce Line Trail underpass In ]~~6 . 5 lanes of concrete with turn lanes . $17 - 75M State ponion, $1.3M City portion . May be 5iyniflcantly underfunded '•~ State Highway/District 8. Planning 162005-2007 US 212: HennepinJCarver 162006 T'~H 7: Silver Lake --TH 25 x,62006-2007 TH 7: Through town '/P•2008 N. High Drive/TH 15 . ®2015-2023 TH 15 Central '~ TH 7: CSAW 4 - TH 25 X2024.2030 tH 15: Hutchinson-Passel TH 22: ~G7encoe Bypass ` . Proposed 2006 Projects ~,__ ..._ 6TH 7: Silver Lake to TH 25 {$6.2M) . Resurfacing, regrading acrd shoulders .Pasting lanes . Rnundaboul5 ~-TH 7 Central in Hutchinson starts Proposed 2008 Coristrtaction '.6Highway 15/North High Drive csi.mr ~~ . ]ncludes adding [urn lanes and Traffic signals ~' .Some access [Jasures and/or frontage roads ' expected . Geometric and mst issues need, to be addressed ~~~ i __ _ _ . _ _ 2015 =' 2023 Potential Projects ', •Tti 15 Central ($~6MJ .. Wal-Mart area to.N. High Drive area ., .Rehabilitate surface. Scppe to be refined ... !-. .Includes downtown area. . NTH 7 from CSAH 4 to TH 25 (SesMI . Substantial popLilatlon'and traffic growth ,predicted ''~ ~^ ~ - .Project concept Currently includes 4-lanes Other Potential State Projects ti --..... in TH 15 Trpm Kimhall tp St. Cloud pms ~mn; . CUI'ren[ly proposed poly [0 have. shoulder wldening and SIDpC/53rCtY impmvement5 ~', Capadty and safety 155u[5 driving rewpw of Comple[C recnnstrucuon rm r„nra; i~TH SS Bypass pf Hutchinson (,xnrincdwed) .Need for rauie discussed with Mn/uO7 . Mn/DOT prppp5ing new Comp Flan reyleW City Projects: 2006-2007 ~Edmontpn Avenue/Market Street ... .Extend eXiSUng routes to AUpnrt Road iCrow River Dam . Working on several fronts for funding • DNR, state, Corps of Fng., federal, etc. Century Avenue SW . Dale Street to School Road • Dependant on funding and school ronstruchon 2024 -- 2030 F.rojects I -- ' ~-TH 15 frpm Hutchinson to Dassel r Substantial growth projected ..,. .Project concept currently includes A-lanes .1tTH 22 Glencoe Bypass (;zqM) '~ . Route.not yet Selected .. .. . Stars at u5 212, to CSAH 15 on north . Start of proposed regipnal [nrriddr td Huhhinspn ' City Projects: 2005 T'~ • N[W Golf Course Road . MoUern Magda [p north and Bottle rural Section . Roundabout IndutleQ anU bike Lrails . LinFS [n propo5m TH 7 deilgn . MAY Indude completion of frontage road t~ MichigTn Street overlay in Industrial Park RAecess Road tp NNy Tndusttial Park i Downtown Streetscape Improvements ~-washington Ave & Adam: Roundabout City Projects: 2008=2009 ~R Washington Avenue East', .Complete reconstruction in downtown ~6t" Avenue NE/McLeod Avenue r May be delayed If overlay placed 4 Edmonton Avenue SW . Extension from Target to School Rnad r Expected to be moved back due [o funding 2 q(~~ ' 1 ~. -J ~. ~ i 'Major McLeod County Projects '~ •SWBypass-Pha5e2(20U8) :.. . Cxtcndsfrom 2Up4 pro)ect(ending a[ South Grade' Road) around south side of Otter Cake to Airport Load (CSAH B) . Dependent on receiving federal aid ~~NE eypass(201U) .Extends nUr[h from TH 7 at TH 22 LO North High Drive,(C5AH 7) . May become part of future TH 15 bypass . .. Dependent an receiving federal aid . . Funding Issues Current Funding Insufficient . Current proposals Include "preservation of performance"and major metro projects only • "Target Formulas" revised. . tavDiS MetropolM1an areas, as Rural areas generally cannot meet new r[qulremenu . Fieral constraint;, and growing metro pop~latbn & polttical base, increase focus un metre area. ~ hruposals For increased funding . "II ASfA", AMC, State Senale~ Chamber of Cornrnerce~ Transportatlnn Alliance . "street Utllrty" leglslatiun .. Other Issues ~ i ~ Growth ii .Demographer nanny 9D% Increase In population 'ahd' SgWo tra~o increase by 2gd5 in.mMro:~ ' ~~ ~ Weight Restrictions . ~NCw research indicates positive cpsbbeneR[ for ~~ large haulen;.(lps5 of business more than damage to roads outing spring weight rCStrlQtbns) . llnfortunalcly, no funding for road reLOnSifU~On or upgrade .. . . 3 ~ (~~ C Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Slreel 5E Hnichincnn, MN 55350-2522 . 320-587-5151/Fax 320.234-4240 TO: F~onorahle Mayor and City Council FROM: john P. Rodcherg, Director of Public Works RE: Consideration of Resolution Regarding Crnw River Dam Replacement DATE: Sepiernher 23, 2004 Attached is a resolution supporting and requesting additional funding to complete the proposed replacement ofthe Crow River Datn in lutchinson. W e have been partnering with the local and state division of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to get funding for this project, which we hope to complete within the next 2 to 3 years. Based on the report by IIan-Engineering from 2002, with adjusted costs, we hope to work towards the following costs (2005 basis): Dam Carstnlction: $1,060,DD0 Contingency: $ 210,000 Design/Fngineering,/ete;„_ $ 1(0,000 Total Estimated Cost (2005) $1,430,000 City of Hutchinson $ 350,000 FromStormwaterUtilityFund IVlinncsota DNR $ 230,000 Cun•ently proposing $200,000 Grants/Carp afF.ng./etc- $ $50,000 Additional funding needed We worked closely with US Representative Collin Peterson's office last year, but had no luck in receiving finds. We were specil3cally applied for a US Cnrp of Engineers grant for aquatic ecosystem restoration. It was reconm~ended that we also work with the US Senators on this request. We arc also looking for other potential sources of funding. The attached resolution will he part of package utilized by city staff and the DNR io apply for finding fratn different sources. P,intcd on reryracd paper - ~1 /~~ /% RLSQI~UTION NO. _12532 RF,SOLUTION IiiQCJFSTiNG FUNl)iN(~ I~OR REPLACF.M),;N'1" OF CROW RiVEIiDAM W7fF.RF.AS, the' City of Hutchinson ("City") and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources ("I~NR") are working m pat•tnership to replace the current dam on the South Enrk of the Crow River in Hutchinson, Mimresnta due lo: The existing structure is a significant fish movement barrier, allowing virtually no fish passage The current structure has limited flood reduction potential and operational concerrs that create concerns for the City and for downstream communities Review of the structure has ideniificd several areas of concern chat need to be corrected, including slide gate rebuilding, retaining wall reconstruction, structural movement concerns and other needs. W1IF..R.F.AS, the City and the DNR have a proven record of working together to address environmental issues along the Crow River Corridor: ^ Dozens of homes and businesses have been purchased and removed from the flood plain • A low-head dam was removed and replaced with a system of Gcldstone riffles to improve safety, aesthetics and aquatic habitat • River restoration projects include several reaches of the river that have been restored utilizing Bendway wiers, rock rip-rip, random rock channel placement, landscaping and erosion control. More projects are in the planning stages. • A project to restore a river chamtel that had cut through an old, closed landfill was completed that redirected the river hack into the original chatmel, proiccted the landfill area, and provided new prairie and wetland areas. WHEREAS, the City and the i7NR would prefer to focus resources on replacing the dam with a structure that provides for improved aquatic habitat, aesthetics and safety: A report completed by Barr F..nginecring in ]wre of 2003 for the City and the 1]NR proposes replacing the dam with a series of low-head, stepped pools with rock weirs The City and the 17TVR propose to fitnd a portion of t}te project, but do not have adequate resources to complete the proposed project NOW, '1"HERF.FORE, be it resolved by the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota: The City requests consideration of providing matching funds Adopted this 28th day of 2004, by the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota. Mayor - Marlin'forgerson City Administrator -Gary A. Plotz Gc~) • September 18, 2D03 St. Paul District Corps of F..nginecrs 19D 5's Street East St. Paul, MN 5510] -1638 ATTN: Joe Yanta Dear Mr. Yanta, We are wt-iting to formally request the U.S. Army Cotps of Engineers tv conduct a study under Section 206 of the Watcr Resources Development Act of 1996 to determine the fcasihility of an ayuatic restoration project on the South Fork of the Crow River in Hutchinsom, Minnesota. The Minnesota Department of Natural Rcsources (MnDNR) and the City of Hutclinson have been reviewing the potential for the removaVreconstruction of the Hutchinson Dam. Reconstructiota of the structure with a fixed spillway and a "natural" rock riffle would alleviate envirotmtental, aesthetic, biological amd safety prvhlerns of the in-place stntcture. The City has completed the attached Feasibility Study in order to better deCne the project scope. 'T'he Study inclttdcs projected costs and drawings. We understand that, if it wcrc found feasible and advisable to develop an ayuatic ecosystem restoration projcet at the 1utchinson Dant on the South Fork of the Crow Rivcr that the City of Hutchinson and MnDNR would be required to provide the local cooperation and cost sharing prescribed by the Secretary of the Army. We have the following comments: The program rcyuires a 35%non-Federal Sponsor match, and a joint application between the City and MnDNR would be allowed (sec attached correspondence with the Corps). The City Council has approved making a joint application with the MnDNR_ As noted in the feasibility report, the estimated cost of the prnjeci is as follows (in 2002 $): Consiructivn: $962,000 Contingency: $192,DD0 Design/htspect/T'est,/etc.: $144,OD0 TOTAL E51'IMAT'ED COST: $],298,000 (2002) Q ~d~ i~ Assuming 5% inflation and work being done in 2004, this amount would be adjusted to $1,A30,000 Assuming GS°/u of the cost is eligible for finding tht•ough this program, the City pays $300,000 and the DNR pays $200,OOD, funding would be as follows: City of Hutchinson: $300,000 i75 Army Corps of Eng.: $930,000 DNR: $200,000 Thank you for your consideration in this project. Sincerely, John P. Rodeherg, PE Director of EngineeritigJYublic Works City of Hutchinson Hutchinson City Ccntcr ] 11 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 cc: Colin Peterson - U.5 Congress Gary Plotr -City Administrator Mayor and City Council Craig Regalia, Dave Lenthe - MrilaNR Robert Collett Area Hydrologist Miimesnta T)epariment of Natural Resources Department of Waters 2059E l lighway 7 W est Hutchinson, MN 55350 ~c~~ October 3, 2003 Congressman Collin C. Peterson 2159 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 RE: Crow River 1)am in Hutchiusan Dear Congressman Peterson: 1 believe that we have talked about the issues we have with the dam in lutchinson before. It was originally built in the late 1800'x, and had major reconstruction in the late 1960's and again in 1990. It still has issues that need to be addressed: • Tltc wing walls and gates have deterioration issues that will need tv he addressed. The dam, wlrich was originally classified as a high har.ard, was once recomtended to have additional work done to reduce its potential for failure. The City (in coordination with state and federal grants) has purchased virtually all flood susceptible land downstream, however there arc still some issues related to the safely of the structure. • We have had to operate the existing gates in order to handle flood flows in the river without hreaching the dam shuciure. We carefully control the rates (in coordination with the Mimtesota Department of Natural Aesourccs [DNR] and National Weather Service) to litnit rates through the gaits to the rate of Slow coming into the lake from upstrear. However, there is still a misconception that the City is flooding downstream areas by opening the gates. • The DNR has expressed concern that the dam is a major fish habitat harrier, essentially blocking any upstream migration. They have recommended in the past that the dam be removed, however the City would like to maintain the lake upstream for recreational purposes. Based otr these issues, the City of Hutchinson has been working with the DNA to find a suitable plan for replacing the existing structure. Attached is a copy of a plan prepared by Barr Engineering Company of Mitmeapolis that addresses all of these issues. We are making a co- application to the Army Corps of Engineers for an Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Grant (Section 206 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1996). We hope to do this work in coordination with the Main Street (State Highway 15) bridge replacement in 2006. W e thank you for any help or direction that you can give the City. Sincerely, john P. Rodeberg, P.E. Director of Engineering/Yublic Works cc: 13ob Ncss, 24966 729th Avenue, Aassel. MN 55325 Mayor and City Council, City Administrator ~~ (~ rage x oa r // John Rodeberg Frgm; Goule, Chandler [Chandler.Gcule@mail.house.gov] Sent; Wednesday, July p7, 2004 2:04 PM ~TO: John Rodeberg ~„ Cc: rob.collett@dnr.state.mn.us; Dolf Moon Subject: RE: Crow River Dam in Hutchinson I have read through the Energy and Water Appropriation bill that passed the House last month. I am sorry to report that did not find funding earmarked for the Crow Dam in Hutchinson, MN. Please be assured the project was submitted, but unfortunately do to President Bush's Budget cuts and the extreme number of submitted projects not everything can be funded. My best suggestion at this time would be to contact Senator Dayton and Coleman's office to see if it is in the Senate version. I will continue to Ippk and work toward the funding of this project. Thank you, Chandler Goule -----Driginal Message----- From: John Rodeberg [mailte:jrodebergCwci.hutchinsvn.mn.us] Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 9:42 AM To: Goule, Chandler Cc: rob.collett@dnrstate.mn.us; Dolf Moon Subject: Crow River Dam in Hutchinson Chandler, I was just checking to see what, if any, issues arose with the funding request for the damisafety improvements. The City of Hutchinson and the Minnesota pepartment of Natural Resources hope to continue working toward completing this project within the next 2 to 3 years. As noted in the report, the dam itself is showing signs of fairly significant maintenance and operational needs that we will need to address soon, and adjacent construction of the State Highway, bridge and regional trail will require significant work in the area starting in 2D06.What is the potential for getting funding? Is there something we can do to increase our chances? Thank you for your help and consideration! John P. Rnrleberg, P); Director of Public Works Ciry of Hutchinson 1 I Hassan Strect SF lIutchinson,Iv1N 55350-2522 jrgdeUer~, r~ci,lnltclfuson.mn,us 320.234.4209 Engineering 320.234.4208 Direct 320234.4240 Fax C~ ~~2s/zooa ~1(d~ C September 2, 2D04 City of Hutchinson Public Works Dcpariment Hutchinson Municipal Airport - Ken Butler Field 1400 Adams St Sli lutchinson, MN 55350 Phone (32D) 234-4473 Fax (320) 234-6971 To: Honorable Mayor & City Council John Rodeberg, llir. of Riblic Works From: John Ulson, Pub Wks Supt ~>~ CC: Airport Advisory Commission 1-lutchinson Civil Air Patrol ~~~ Sub ccl: Construction nt roof nn Civil Air Patrol CAP buildin 3 J ( ) g (09/ /04City Caunci! meerinp~ In August of 2000, the CAl' donated a building to the City of Hutchinson. At that time, a lease was drafted identifying that CAP would be responsible for utilities, routine maintenance and janitorial work. The ]ease provided that the City would be responsible for major structural improvements. Over the last few years, the flat-roof structure had significant leaks, so a pitched roof over the stnrcturc . was proposed. The City provided structural engineering far the project, and prepared plans necessary for construction. CAP volunteers provided much of the work and the squadron hired contract labor to perform some of the work. Costs for the project were as follows: Trusses and steel roofmg: $4,595.1G Storm doors and materials: $ 406.43 Contract labor to install: X1,200.00 Total Project $6,201.59 Because of the shortage of City staff time to devote to the project, CAP representatives approached the Airport Advisory Commission with a proposal to assist with construction. Their proposal included having the City forgive electricity charges in arrears and for the future up to the amount of the project. Advisory Commission members approved the proposal in July of 2004. The work was completed in August of 2004. Thank you to all the CAP voluntetrs that made ro-roofing the building both a possibility and a success. 1'roposcd motion,: To approve a credit of $6,201.59 an account with Civil Air Patrol for electricity charges- Attached: Lcncr of donation Cost of project, provided by CAP Lease prnvrsionn Currnnl utility account status: 9(~ ~~ l~ttt.clriuson Civil Air Patrol Squadron 21121 P O ]3ox 7253 lluichinson MN 55350 August 1, 2000 City of Hutchinson City Center Hutcliuison lviTl 55350 1'he members of the Civil Air Patrol Squadron 21121 do hereby donate their headquarters building„ located at the Hutchinson Airport, to the City of lutchinson. The building is donated with the understanding that the Civil Air Patroh can ]case back the facilities for their exclusive use as a squadron headquarters and tracing facility. The transfer will become effective wide the execution of a lease agreement between die City of Hutchinson and the I3utchinson Civil Air Patrol Squadron. FUR THE COMMANDER: Sever B Knutson, I,TC Operations Officer ~'1 L J ~~e~ Provisions of the lease shall include: Cost of the lease shall be $1 per year for 20 years with option to renew. T'he lease shall provide exclusive use of the building for Civil Air Patrol equipment. No other entity shall house equipment in the huilding without the written consent of the Civil Air Patrol. ]n the case of Community Emergencies or during }x:rinds following natural disasters, the facility can be shared with other agencies a<s needed to serve the best interest of the public. All other uses ofthe facility will be at the discretion of the Civil Air Patrol and scheduled through the Civil Air Patrol Squadron. Routine maintenance of the building and janitorial services shall be the responsibility of the Civil Air Patrol. Significant Structural repairs or other improvements are the responsibility of the City of Hutchinson. The Civil Air Patrol squadron may make significant improvements to the building after receiving written permission from the Ciry of Hutchinson. A pro-rata share of the utilities, such as electricity & gas shall be paid for by the Civil Air Petro] Squadron. The City may, at its option, provide the squadron with a set billing per month to cover their share of expenses, adjusting the set amount each year, as required ("hudgei" billing of utilities). Basic telephone expenses will be the responsibility of the Civil Air Patrol. Any additional telephone lines for emergency use will be the responsibility of the requesting agency. q le~ C1VIL AIR PATROL COST INCURRED 70 PUT A NEW ROOF ON BUII~bING AND ADD STORM DOORS DATE VENDOR Dec. 22, 2D03 UBC Apr. 17, 2004 Menard's Apr. 28, 2004 Menard's A-May-D4 UBC 15-Jun-04 U6C 22-Jun-04 John Lofdahl 21-Jul-04 UBC C~ DESCRIPTIQN 'Special order steel & trusses Misc 2X material far purlins & 2 more trusses 3 storm doors Purlin material Mat'I to steel clad door trim Contractor labor last 2 pcs of steel TOTALGOST CDST 3,804.02 ~~; ~J V 254.53 G~, `?d 312.76 511.61 '_~+,) (_ i 93.67 1,200.00 T b ~ai.~9 ~ C~ Yage t of > John Olson From: Connie Maki Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 1:10 PM To: John Olson Subject: RE: Airport Electricity CAP owes $1 BOO.DO thru B/3/04. This file will show you the actual monthly. I still hill them $100.OOlmonth. Connie From: John Olson Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 11:49 AM To: Connie Maki Subject: Airport Electricity Connie. Could you please let me know the charges that GAP are in arrears and how much their average monthly billing for electricity is7 9/22/2004 ~ ~~~ ~/ CIVIL AIR PATROL ELECTRICITY MONTH ACTUAL BILLED JAN 279.92 100.60 PEB 313.29 140.00 MAR 219.1 B 100.00 APR 11876 100.00 MAY 65.78 100.00 JUN 54.98 100.00 Jut a9s1 144.00 AUG 55.50 100.00 5EP 67.38 140.00 GCT 52.63 104.00 N6V 58.22 100.00 DEC 126.44 104.00 1,461.89 7,200.00 [100.00) PAID 8!31101 2002 ACTUAL SICCED Receipt# 223.47 100.00 1ss.zs 140.00 167.09 140.00 109.17 144.00 61.08 100.40 44.59 140.40 73.46 140.00 72.84 100.40 75.57 100.00 45.91 140.00 123.39 140.40 750.06 100.00 1,337.43 1,200.00 {300.00) Paid 4!25142 112009 {300.40) Paid 7112142 113155 {300.00) Paid 1019142 114541 2DD3 ACTUAL BILLED 27829 100.00 364.02 100.00 213.80 100.00 93.82 100.00 22.55 100.40 48.01 100.00 98.46 100.00 73.32 140.00 42.27 100.00 49.64 100.00 105.36 100.00 125.05 100.00 1514.59 1200.00 2DD4 ACTUAL BILLED 240.14 100 324.1 z 100 157.29 100 133.38 100 73.32 100 35.68 100 963.93 so4.44 ~~ R55APPYRV CITY OF HUTCHINSDN 8y Check Number AP Payment Register wRh VpIdS Check Dates 0 9/2 2120 0 4 Ck Dete Type Check # Vendor Name Amount 08!22/2004 PK 125082 ' 101876 AETNA VARIABLE LIFE ASS. CO. 880.00 09/22/2004 PK 125083 101819 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. 128.52 09/22/2004 PK 125084 107916 BERNICK COMPANIES, THE 1,380.75 09/2212004 PK 125085 719212 BLOCK FARMS & TRUCKING 5,387.08 0 9/2 212 0 0 4 pK 725086 101875 GREAT WEST LIFE INS. CO. 300.00 08/22/2004 PK 125087 101072 H. R.L.A.P.R. 285.89 D9/22/2004 PK 125088 102833 HUTCHINSDN, CITY OF 8,058.43 09/22/2004 PK 125088 102835 HUTCHINSDN, CITY OF 552.48 09/22/2004 PK 125090 103099 HUTCHINSDN, CITY OF 2,175.51 09/22I2DD4 PK 125091 1D1873 1CMARETIREMENTTRUST 3,483.84 08!22/2004 PK 125D92 102573 MCLEOD GOOP POWER 970.99 09/22/2004 09!22/2004 PK PK 125093 125094 102425 102449 MIDWEST WIRELESS COMM. MINNESOTA GHILD SUPPDRT PAYME 1,017.89 728.24 09/22/2004 PK 125095 101992 MINNESOTA pEPT OF HEALTH 10.00 09/22!2004 PK 725096 120541 MNAWWA 780.00 09/22/2004 PK 725097 10249D OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN 598.49 09/2212004 PK 125098 101877 PRUDENTIAL 7g,pp 09/22!2004 PK 125099 102096 PRUDENTIAL MUTUAL FUND$ 30,00 09/22/2004 PK 125100 102062 DUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CD. 4,412.86 09/22/2004 PK 125107 10338,9 3T. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUPPLY 52.85 09/22/2004 PK 125102 102820 TRI CO WATER 14.38 29,483.26 ACCOUM Nu ## 29,463.28 IMMEDIATE PAYS Void Amou Y ' PAYROLL ACCOUNT -September 17, 2004 Period Ending: September 11, 2004 FOR COUNCIL LIST ONLY -ELECTRONIC TRANSFER TO 5TATE AND IR5 DO NOT ISSUE CHECKS FOR THIS PAGE AMOUNT PEID ACGT# NAME DESCRIPTION $19,823.06 9995.2034 WITH. TAX Employee Contribution -Federal Tax ACCOUNT $10,959.02 9995.224D Employ®e Cdntribution -Soc. Security $3,1D9.63 9995.2242 Employee CanVibution -Medicare $33,891.71 Sub-Total -Employee Contribution $10,959.02 9995. 2240 Employer Contributicn' Social Security $3,109.63 9895. 2242 Employer Contributicn -Medicare $14,068.65 Sub-Total - Employer Contrlbutlon 7,980.38 Grand Total - Withhdiding Tax Acoount $8,638.89 9995.21135 MN DEPT OF REVENUE $11,085.25 102615 9995.2241 PERA Employee Contribution - Pansian Plan $13,150.07 102815 9995.2241 Employer Conlribution -Pension Plan $24,245.32 Sub-Total -PERA $15.86 102815 9885.2243 PERA-OCP Employee Contribution -Pension Pian $15.88 102615 9995.2241 Emplcyer Contribution -Pension Plan $31.72 Sub -Total - DCP $24,277.04 GRAND TOTAL -PERA Finance Director Approval ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS 9/28/04 WATER/SEWER MN DEPT OF REVENUE-USE TAX GENERAL MN DEPT OF REVENUE-SALES TAX H,A.T.S MN DEPT OF REVENUE-FUEL TAX LIQUOR MN DEPT OF REVENUE-AUG SALES TX 10,373.00 686.00 998.00 28,894.00 !.__J RS5APPVRV CITY OF HUTCHINSON 8 Check Number AP Paymant Register with Voids Check Dates 09/28/2004 Ck pate Type Check M Vendor Name Amount 09/28/2004 PK 125103 ' 105272 A & K REPAIR 78.02 09/28/2004 PK 125104 102271 ABM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 255.90 09/28/2004 PK 125105 102126 ACE HARDWARE 2,270.08 09/26/2004 PK 125706 701827 AG SYSTEMS 92.63 09/28/2004 PK 125107 120545 ALL SAFE FIRE 6 SECURITY 65.00 09/28/2004 PK 125108 120472 ALPINE SOFTWARE CORP 395.00 09/28/2004 PK 125109 701852 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSN 154.Op 09/28/2004 PK 125110 101943 ANALYTICAL PRODUCTS GROUP 239.00 09/28/2004 PK 725777 ~ 105204 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE 120.00 09/28/2004 PK 125112 111041 ARROW TERMINAL LLC 98,83 09/28/2004 pK 125113 720502 BANCROFT CAP COMPANY 45.54 09/28/2004 PK 125714 720552 eEAWALD, EILEEN ~ 82.40 09!28/2004 PK 725775 101925 BECKER ARENA PRQDUCTS 485.46 09/28/2004 PK 125118 102367 8ELL8OY CORP 347,27 09/2&2004 PK 125117 104089 BERNICK'S FDOp SERVICE 374.35 09/28/2004 PK 125118 102837 81OCYCLE 113.00 09/28/2004 pK 125119 119418 BJURLIN, MORRIS 82,40 09/28/2004 PK 126120 104687 BLACK, ELAINE 82.40 09/28/2004 PK 725121 105254 BLOCK, KATHY 228.00 09M28/2004 PK 125122 102729 BOLTON & MENK INC. 6,865.88 09/28/2004 PK 125123 120557 BRAbLEY & l3UZZETTq 300.00 09I28/2D04 PK 125124 107967 BRANDON TIRE CO 728.58 09/28/2004 PK 125125 102752 BRAUN INTERTEC CORD 22,465.83 09/28/2004 PK 125128 102880 BRUNNER, DOLORES 82.40 09/28/2004 PK 125127 102470 BUFFALO CREEK ENTERPRISES ~ 29.76 09/28/2004 PK 125128 120571 BOLLARD, TObD 15.00 09/28/2004 PK 125129 120576 BUNKOWSKE, pERgLp 15.00 09/28/2004 PK 125130 102888 BURICH, HARRIET 82.40 09/28/2004 PK 125137 102736 BUSINE58WARE SOLUTIONS 514.94 09!28/2004 PK 125132 102458 C & L DISTRIBUTING 37,098.85 09!28/2004 PK 125133 702777 CARgUE$T AUTO PARTS 93.84 09/28/2004 PK 126134 104391 CF:NTRgL HYDRAULICS 1,059.52 09/28/2004 PK 125135 102143 CENTRAL LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 3,628.30 09/28/2004 PK 125136 102253 CENTRAL MCGOWAN 183.73 09/28/2004 PK 126137 102747 COBQRN'S INCORPORATED 840.18 09/28/2004 PK 125138 117838 COFFEE CgMPANY, THE 52.88 09/28/2004 PK 125139 102273 COMMISSIDNEROFTRANSPORTA 423.62 09/28/2004 PK 125140 102484 CORPpRATE EXPRESS 847-24 09/28/2004 PK 725747 102177 CgpW RIVER AREA QUALITY COU 180.00 09/28/2004 PK 125142 102050 CROW RIVER AUTO 852.55 09M28l2004 PK 125143 102220 CROW RIVER PRESS INC 90.63 09/28/2004 PK 125144 105237 CROW ELL, JACQUELINE 55-00 09/28/2004 PK 725145 104489 CZECH, RANDY 60.00 09/28/2004 PK 125146 102878 DAGGETT, DORIS 82.40 09/28/2004 PK 125147 102890 DAVIS SUN TURF 877.41 08/28h2004 PK 125148 102488 DAY DISTRIBUTING 8,835.14 09/28/2004 PK 125149 1p2898 DEVRIES, RANDY 33.00 09/28/2004 PK 125150 103793 DLT SOLUTIONS 3,822.85 09/28/2004 PK 125151 104084 OONDHUE & ASSOC 139.24 09/28/2004 PK 125152 102275 DPC INDUSTRIES INC 298.71 09/28/2004 PK 125153 113181 bRtlP•N•Gp SHIPPING, INC 88.30 08/28/2004 PK 125154 120572 gWORSHAK, MIKE 15.00 0 912 8/2 0 0 4 PK 125155 102647 DYNA SYSTEMS 443.37 09128/2004 PK 125158 705487 EAGLE LEGAL SERVICE 90.50 09/28/2004 PK 125157 120558 EAKMAN, TERE5A 25.00 09/28/2004 PK 125158 102324 EARL P. ANDERSEN, INC 7,108.44 09/28/2004 PK 125159 104416 EARTH TECH 38,250.00 09!28/2004 PK 126180 102726 ECOLAB PEST ELIM 4586 09/28/2004 PK 126161 102364 BDtlNtl FOppS ~ 328.18 09/28/2004 PK 125182 102471 ELECTRIC PUMP 9,531.75 09/28/2004 PK 125183 102358 ELECTRO WATCHMAN 863.73 09/28/2004 PK 125184 701898 EMANS, BRAD 15.82 09!28/2004 PK 125165 117838 ENGWALL, MAXINE 82.40 09/28/2004 PK 125188 111010 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ASS 214.29 09!28/2004 PK 125187 120573 ERICKSON, BRENDA 15.00 09!28/2004 PK 125188 102223 FARM-RITE EQUIPMENT ~ 3,727.50 09/28/2004 PK 125168 104137 FASTENAL COMPANY 140.28 09/28M1004 PK 125170 101898 FENSKE'S STUMP REMOVAL 988.89 0 912 8/2 0 0 4 PK 125171 120570 FRAN3EN, GAIL 8000 09/28/2004 PK 125172 102526 G & K SERVICES 5,070.20 09/28/2004 PK 125173 101945 GALL'S INC 215.12 08/28/2004 PK 725174 120284 GAVIN, OLSON & WINTERS, LTD 2,800.00 09/28J2004 PK 125175 109374 GEHL'5 GUERNSEY FARMS INC 75.00 09/28/2004 PK 125176 102983 GENERAL REPAIR SERVICE 1,853.75 09/28/2004 pK 125177 105021 GENERAL TgAOING CO 138.54 O9/28/2004 pK 725178 105159 GOODPOINTTECHNDLOGY 720.00 09/28/2004 pK 725179 102525 GOPHER STATE DNE-CALL INC 284'.08 09/2872004 PK 725780 101883 GRAHAM, MARION ~ 1,787.80 09/28!2004 PK 125181 102087 GRAINGER PARTS pPERATIONS 747.87 09/28!2004 PK 125182 120553 GRAVEN, bOLORE$ 82.40 09/28/2004 PK 125183 107874 GRIGG3 & COOPER & CO 23,894.32 09/28/2004 PK 126184 120583 GRDENHAGEN, SHARON 812.50 OB/28/200A PK 125186 102707 GU3TAF3ON, NANCY 15.00 09/28/2004 PK 125186 115231 HAAS, ROMAN g3•gg 09/28/2004 PK 126187 120564 HAGEN, ANGI 35.00 09/28/2004 PK 125188 102528 HAGER JEWELRY INC. 88.18 p9M8/2004 PK 125189 120580 HAMANN, KAREN B 3,439.00 09M8/2004 PK 125190 102451 HANSEN bIST OF SLEEPY EYE 3,866.50 09/28/2004 PK 125181 102089 HAN3ErN GRAVEL 825,50 0 9/2 812 0 0 4 PK 125192 104257 HARPER BROOMS 51.88 09/28!2004 PK 125193 110045 HAWTHORN SUITES DULUTH 1,073.50 09/28/2004 PK 125194 102546 HCVN-TV 17,208.52 09/28/2004 PK 125195 103240 HEMMAW, KATHY 7.07 08/28/2004 PK 125196 102531 HENRYS FOODS INC 758.40 08/28/2004 PK 125197 101915 HERMEL WHOLESALE 292.81 09128/2004 PK 125198 116866 HEWLETT•PACKARD CO 3,444.21 09/28/2004 PK 125189 102518 HILLYARD FLOOR CARE/HUTCHIN 813.51 09/28/2004 PK 125200 105080 HIRSHPIELb'S DECpRATING CENT 770.32 08/28/2004 PK 125201 102118 HOLT MOTORS ING 1,475.25 0 9/2 812 0 0 4 PK 125202 117921 HOMETOWN $PpRTB 51.08 C7 09/28/2004 pK 125203 102961 HRA 1000.00 09/28/2004 PK 125204 120544 HUTCH SAND epOS7ERS 75,00 08/28/2004 PK 125205 102544 HUTCH CgFE 698.75 OB/28/200a pK 125208 105329 HUTCHINSON BUMPER 70 eUMpE 32.87 09/28/2004 PK 125207 102530 HUTCHINSON CO-OP 6,670.74 09/28/2004 pK 125208 105028 HUTCHINSON GIRLS SOFTBALL A 2,856.00 09/28/2004 PK 125209 102541 HUTCHINSON TELEPHDNE CO 1,138.85 09/28/2004 PK 125210 702543 HUTCHINSON WHDLESALE 7,842.40 09/28/2004 PK 125211 102038 HUTCHINSON, CITY DF 157~000_pp 09/28/2004 PK 125212 702072 HUTCHINSON, CITY pF 28,284.00 09/28/2004 pK 125213 103079 ICE 3KgTING INSTITUTE OF AMER 325.00 09/28/2004 PK 125214 102779 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIS7. k42 7,824.18 0 912 8/2 0 0 4 pK 125215 103051 INFRgTECH 94.89 09/28/2004 PK 125218 120587 INNOVgTIVEAUDlO, INC 37.17 08/28/2004 PK 125217 103520 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 321.38 08/28/2004 PK 125218 102062 JACK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT 800.30 09/28/2004 PK 125219 120383 JACDBS 1,416.48 09/28/2004 PK 125220 120568 JANSEN,JOYCE ~,Op 09/28/2004 PK 125221 102208 JEFF'S ELECTRIC 1,423,01 09M28/2004 PK 125222 102154 JENSEN, ROXgNNE 83,88 09/26/2004 PK 125223 102652 JERRYS TRANSMISSION 727,84 09/28/2004 PK 125224 104643 JDHN CHRISTppHER MADOLE AS 3,677.09 09/28/2004 PK 125225 101938 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 27,317.62 09/28/2004 PK 725226 105325 JOHNSON, DORIS 82.40 09/28/2004 pK 125227 120589 JOHNSON, pOROTHY 50.00 09/28/2004 pK 125228 .102348 JOHNSON, LEONARD G. 812.78 09/26/2004 PK 125228 120575 KgBES, CHAD 30.00 09/28/2004 PK 125230 120543 KAMFL4TH, KEITH 8 G & J AWNING 870.00 09/28/2004 PK 725231 103105 KAS7ENS,FLOYD 83.89 09/28/2004 PK 125232 120479 KENZOIL 1,01835 09/28/2004 pK 125233 720582 KIEFER SPECIALTY FLOORING, IN 721,035.70 09/26/2004 pK 125234 105521 KINNEY & LANCIE 159.11 09/28/2004 pK 125235 102879 KNIGGH, DARLEEN 80.13 0 9/2 8120 0 4 PK 125238 104416 KOHLS SWEEPING SERVICE 955.50 09/28/2004 pK 125237 109335 KOPESKY, MICHELLE 48.00 09/28/2004 pK 125238 120722 KOSEK, JEFF 375.00 09/26/2004 pK 125239 102123 KRISHNAMOOR7HI, CHITRA 10,00 09/28/2004 pK 125240 102581 L & P SUPPLY CO 2608,60 09/28/2004 pK 125241 101976 LAKESIDE EQUIPMENT CORP 11,983.38 09/28/2004 PK 125242 120577 LANE, TERE5A~ 15.00 09/28/2004 PK 125243 102583 LEAGUE pF MN CITIES 8,858.00 09/20/2004 PK 125244 102583 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES 10.00 09/28/2004 pK 125245 102580 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES-INS TRUST 47,159.76 08/28/2004 pK 125248 720548 LEMKE, DE9ORgH 82.40 09/26/2004 PK 125247 101874 LENNEMAN BEVERAGE DIET. INC 4,582.15 08/28/2004 PK 725248 720547 LEWANDOWSKI, MgRK 82.40 09/28/2004 PK 125249 101964 LOCHER BRDTHERS INC 24,026.56 09/28/2004 PK 125250 102564 LOGIS 14,784.33 09/28/2004 PK 125251 102568 LTP ENTERPRISES 450.00 09/28/2004 PK 125252 102145 M•R SIGN 204.36 09/28/2004 PK 125253 101942 M.p. R.A. 10.00 09/28/2004 PK 125254 120574 MgJERES, ANTHONY 15.00 ..~~....~~ aye C~ 09/28/2004 PK 125255 10233Q MAROUARDT, DIANNE 02.40 09/28/2004 PK 125256 105140 MARSHALL CONCRETE PRpDUCT 11.15 08/28/2004 PK 725257 120584 MARTINEX CORPORATION 66,500.D0 09/28/2004 PK 125258 102874 MCLAIN, DEE7TA 88.84 09/28/2004 PK 125258 102573 MCLEDD COOP POWER 7,200.00 09/28/2D04 PK 125260 102489 MCLEDD COUNTY GOURT ADMINI 200.00 D9/28/2004 PK 125287 102787 MCLEDD COUNTY TREASURER 754.00 09/28!2004 PK 125262 102787 MCLEDD COUNTY TREASURER 36.00 08!28/2004 PK 725283 102767 MCLEDD COUNTY TREASURER 338.00 09/28/2004 PK 125264 702787 MCLEOOCOUNTY7REASURER 1,384.00 09/28/2004 PK 125265 102787 MCLEDD COUNTY TREASURER 5,425.79 09/28/20D4 PK 125266 702787 MCLEpO COUNTY TREASURER 435.00 09/28/200'4 PK 126267 102787 MCLEDD CDUNTV TREASURER 055.00 D9/28/2DD4 pK 125268 102707 MCLEDD COUNTY TREASURER . 164.00 09/28/2004 PK 725289 102787 MCLEDD COUNTY TREASURER 1,095.OD 09/28/2004 PK 125270 178072 MCLEDD COUNTY TREASURER 820.00 D9/28/2D04 pK 125271 112400 MENARDS-HUTCHINSON 916.93 09/28/2004 PK 125272 102137 METRp ATHLETIC SUPPLY 1,277.52 09/28/2004 PK 125273 101889 MID-MINNESOTA HOTMIX INC 198.85 09/28/2004 PK 125274 1D4957 MIKE CRAVES TRUCKINQ 3,723.30 09/2B/20D4 PK 125275 102675 MILLER, SEDONA 82,40 09/28/2004 PK 125276 702332 MINNESOTA ASSOC OF DEMETERI 740.00 09/2B/20D4 PK 125277 774588 MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STA 20.00 09/28/2004 PK 125278 105157 MINNESOTA SHREDDING 109.90 09/28/2004 PK 125279 102670 MINNESOTA SPORTS FEDERATIO 78.00 D9/28l2004 PK 125280 102583 ^VOIp VOID VOID VOID VOID" 09/28/20D4 PK 125281 102583 MINNESOTA VALLEY TE3TING LAe 7,799.25 09/28/2004 PK 125282 104247 MINNESOTA WASTE WISE 200.00 09/28/2004 PK 125283 102649 MPCA 16.00 09/28/2004 PK 125284 102648 MPCA 76.00 09/28/2004 PK 125285 102648 MPCA 270.00 09!28/2004 PK 125288 176399 NATIONAL WATERWORKS 3,124.78 08!28/2004 PK 125287 720578 NILES, JIM 27.75 09/28/2000. PK 125288 120585 NOREN PRODUCTS, INC 212.03 09/28/2004 PK 125289 779388 OAK CREEK RESOURCES 793.76 09/28/2004 PK 125290 720548 ODEGAARD, EVELYN 83.89 09/28/2004 PK 125291 703074 OFFICE 1 ONLINE 48.31 09/28/2004 PK 125292 702592 pLSON'S LOCKSMITH 803.44 08/28/2004 PK 125293 1D3773 OLSON, JOHN 3.85 09/28/2004 PK 125294 102483 OTTO ASSOCIATES 24,478.25 09/28/2004 PK 125295 102748 PAULSEN, CURT 4D.00 09/28/2004 PK 125298 170770 PEARSON, RENA 30.00 0 9/2 812 0 0 4 PK 125297 701932 PELLINEN LAND SURVEYING 2,184.00 09/28!2004 PK 125298 119848 PETERSON FARMS 18,021.20 09/28/2004 pK 125299 120556 PETERSON, NICOLE 23.00 09M8/2004 PK 125300 101853 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 7,894.14 09/28/2004 PK 125301 702373 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING 128.92 09/28/2004 PK 125302 102858 PIONEER 447.30 D9/26/2004 PK 725303 102187 PI7N EY BOWES 126.00 09/28/2004 PK 125304 702445 POSTMASTER t45.OD 09/28/2004 PK 125305 120550 PRELLWI7Z, CATHY 83.88 D9/28/2004 PK 125306 102493 PREMIER TECH PACKAGING 86.07 09/28/2004 pK 125307 104378 PRIMROSE OIL CD 3,336.82 08/28/2004 PK 125308 101862 PRINTS CHARMING 1,791.90 08/28/2004 PK 125309 102887 PRO MAINTENANCE 4,70tl.00 09/28/2004 pK 125310 102598 OUADE ELECTRIC 7,543.74 09/28!2004 PK 125311 102052 QUALITY W INE & SPIRITS CO. 3,551.88 08/28/2004 pK 125312 101878 OUILL CORP 804.33 09/28/2004 PK 725313 102205 R.J.L. TRANSFER 808,80 09/28/2004 PK 125374 104941 RANGER TRUCK PARTS 57.00 08/28/2004 PK 125316 114718 R6SCO1`I'~EOUIPMENT 270.60 09/28/2004 PK 125318 102432 REED BUSINESS INFORMATION 152.80 06/28/2004 pK 126377 118483 RENTAL SERVICE CORP 1,259.14 09/28/2004 PK 125318 113720 RUFFRIDGE JOHNSON EQUIPMEN 168.08 09/28/2004 pK 125319 102225 RUNNING'$ SUPPLY 213.45 0912 6/2 0 0 4 PK 125320 120561 RYMER, HOLLY 28,24 09/28/2004 PK 125321 104411 SANKEN, BETTY 117.00 09/28/2004 PK 125322 120588 SCHLEICHER 6 SCHUELL MICROS 124.78 09/28/2004 PK 125323 102808 SCHMELINGOILCD 2,581.02 09/28/2004 PK 125324 102884 SCHMIDT, HARRIET 83,88 09/28/2004 PK 125325 103087 SCHRADER, JEFF 780,00 09/28/2004 PK 125328 120548 SCHROEDER, DENNIS 82.40 09/28/2004 PK 125327 120555 SCHUETTE, JUSTIN 180.00 09/28/2004 PK 125328 102858 SCHUMANN, CAROLYN A. 95.28 09/28/2004 PK 125329 109807 SCOTT'S WINDOWS 42.60 09/28/2004 PK 125330 102682 SEALE, PEARL 95.28 09/28/2004 PK 125331 101892 SEH 47,984.08 09/28/2004 PK 125332 103800 SENN, RUTH 38,00 09/26/2004 PK 125333 120561 SEPULVADO, TIMOTHY 82.40 09/28/2004 PK 125334 104215 SHELLENBARCiER, VIRGENE 320 09/28/2004 PK 125335 102817 SDREN5EN'S SALES & RENTALS 355.72 09/28/2004 PK 125338 120410 SPECIALTY WINES 44,00 09/28/2004 PK 125337 120614 SPRINT 308.85 08/28/2004 PK 125338 102749 SR. ADVISORY BOARD 938.00 09/28/2004 PK 125338 102242 $RF CONSULTING GROUP 72,185.54 09/28/2004 PK 125340 102747 ST. JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT INC 4,103.54 09/28/2004 PK 125341 120580 ST. MICHAEL, CITY OF 30,00 09/28/2004 PK 125342 102812 STANDARD PRINTING 008,88 09/28/2004 PK 125343 102584 STAR TRIBUNE 87,08 09/28/2004 PK 125344 104284 STARKE, EMIL 400,00 09/2&2004 PK 125345 105082 STEARNS, ROSELLA 82.40 09/28/2004 PK 125348 119799 STEVE'S OK $ERVICE3 2,528.50 08/28/2004 PK 125347 103978 STURGES, JASON 343.88 09/28Y2004 PK 125348 102659 TEK MECHANICAL 510.25 09/28/2004 PK 125348 179509 THIELSEN, BRAD 19.08 09/28/2004 PK 125350 704589 THOVSON, GAIL g2,gp 09/28!2004 PK 125351 120659 TRAXLER,SANDY 55.00 09/28/2004 PK 125352 102620 TRI CO WATER 111,41 09/28/2004 PK 126353 120579 TUFfO, TONY 23.25 09/28!2004 PK 125354 102619 'IWD WAY COMM INC 819,92 09/28/2004 PK 125355 102824 UNITED BUILDING CENTERS 487.82 09/28/2004 pK 126358 102825 UNITED LABORATORIES 278.85 09/28/2004 PK 125357 103210 USA BLUE BOOK 281.82 09/26/2004 PK 125358 119913 USFILTER DAVI3 PRODUCTS 7,481.39 L~ 09/28/2004 PK 125359 102419 VALLEY SALES OF HUTCHINSON 42.90 09/28/2004 PK 125380 101912 VICTORIAN INN 75.00 0 912 812 0 04 PK 125361 102132 VIKING COCq COLA 418.65 09/28/2004 PK 125362 101857 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 13.72 0 9/2 812 0 0 4 pK 725363 102831 VWR INTERNATIONAL INC 282.38 09/2&2004 PK 125384 120566 WACKER HANJANI, JULIE & VIKIN 1,479.43 08/2&2004 PK 125365 105122 WASTE MANAGEMENT 402.79 09/2&2004 pK 125386 115232 WEGNER, BILL 82.40 0 912 8 /2 0 04 PK 125367 102165 WELCOME NEIGHBOR 60.00 09/28/2004 PK 125358 120323 WENDOLEK TRUCKING 6,107-80 09/28/2004 PK 125389 102878 WESELOH, PHYLLIS 82.40 0 812 8/2 0 04 pK 125370 114902 WHITE, JULIE 30.00 09/28/2004 pK 125371 103145 W ICK, JUNE 62,40 09/28/2004 PK 125372 102452 WINE MERCHANTS INC 506,85 09/28/2004 PK 125373 102640 WM MUELLER & SONS 652.70 09/28/2004 pK 125374 103779 WOOD5 END RESEARCH LAB 3&1.50 08/25/2004 PK 125375 119211 WORK CONNECTION, THE 7,487.92 09/25/2004 PK 125376 103491 WRIC3HT, PATSY 63.69 09/28/2004 PK 125377 102076 X-ERGON 396.07 09/28/2004 PK 125378 102632 XEROX CORP 284.60 09/28/2004 PK 125378 103980 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS 1,689.07 09/28/2004 PK 125380 102934 ZILLMER, RICK 80,00 980,740.74 AcrgUnl Nu A 960,740.74