cp11-23-2004 cAGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAX, NOVEMBER 23, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDER - 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION -Rev. Max Meyers, Riverside Assembly of God Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 9, 2004 Action -Motion to appmve as presented 5. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. PLANNING COMML55ION MEETING MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 19, 2004 2. SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 8, 2004 3. ITUTCHIN50N AREA FIEALTH CARE BOARD MEETING MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 19, 2004 4. HUTCI~INSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORTTY BOARD MEETING MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 19, 2004 5. CITY OF HUTCHINSON GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2004 6. CTI'YOFHUTCHINSONREFUSE/COMPOST/WATER/WSTEWATERFINANCIALREPORT FOR OCTOBER 2004 7. HUTCI~IINSON AREA HEALTH CARE FINANCIAL REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2004 8. CTTX OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2004 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 12557 -RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION UNCLAIMED PROPERTY 2. RESOLUTION NO. 12558 -RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARII~IG ON THE GRANTING OF A BUSINESS SUBSIDY 3. RESOLUTION NO. 12559... RESOLUTION CERTIFYING ASSESSMENTS 4. RESOLUTION NO.12560-RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING$306,000FROMLIQUORFUNDTO GENERAL FUND 5. RESOLUTIONNO.125b1--RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING$69,000FROMWATER,SEWER& REFUSE FUND TO GENERAL FUND 6. RESOLUTION N0. 12562 -RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM THE GENERAL FUND, ECONOMIC LOAN, ENERGY LOAN, TO IIUTCHINSON CONIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (EDA) FUND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA -NOVEMBER 23, 2D04 7. RESOLUTION NO. 12563 - RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FROM WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT AND 2004 IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION FUND TO GENERAL FUND FOR ENGINEERING AND ADMINISTRATION FEES 8, RESOLUTION NO. 12564 -RESOLUTION FOIL PURCHASE 9. RESOLUTION NO. 12565 -RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY OF CITY FUNDS IN COMMERCL4L BANKS AND INSTITUTIONS 10. ORDINANCE NO. 04- 0388 -AN ORDNANCE GRANTING FRANCHISE TO RAYMOND AND LUCILLE KRUEGER AT 166 - 10 AVENUE TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN A FENCE LOCATED IN CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 11. ORDINANCE NO. 04-0391 - AN ORDINANCE GRANTING FRANCHISE TO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 423 FOR ACCESS TO A DRIVEWAY AT PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) ] 2. ORDINANCE N0.04-0392 - AN ORDINANCE REVISING SECTION 91.41 REGULATING THE SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY VALUED UNDER $1 DO (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION ) (c) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 1. RECONSIDERATION OF 27 LOT PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS BRIDGEWATER ESTATES THIRD ADDITION SUBMITTED BY GPS DICKINSEN PARTNERS, LLP WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12549) 2. CONSIDERATION OF VACATION OF EASEMENTS AND LOT SPLIT SUBMITTED BY MARTY BERG AND MIKE MCGRAW WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12550 AND WAIVE FIRST READING AND 5ET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE N0.04-395 FOR DECEMBER 14, 2004) 3. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY FROIVI C4 TO C2 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO OPERATE A USED CAR BUSINESS LOCATED AT 1130 HWY 7 EAST SUBMITTED BY RON HOLTZ AND BRENT CHRISTENSEN WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION ((ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 1255] AND WAIVE FIltST READING AND SET SECOND READ~IG AND ADOPTION FOR DECEMBER 14, 2004) 4. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY RICARDO MORENO, APPLICANT, TO CHANGE USE IN THE UC DISTRICT FROM RADIATOR REPAIR TO CABINET SHOA LOCATED AT 745 HWY 7 WEST WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12552) 5, CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLITS LOCATED AT 540 AND 550 HILLTOP DRIVE NE SUBMITTED EY JAY PETTIT WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NOS. 12553 & 12554) 6. CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLITS LOCATED AT 220 AND 255 OTTAWA AVENUE SE SUBMTITED BY PAUL BETKER WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NOS. 12555 & 12556) (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OP PLAZA 15 ROOF REPAIR AS REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CONSULTING AGREEMENTS WITH BRAUN INTERTEC CITY C(JUNCIL ACiF,NDA -NOVEMBER 23. 2009 AND SEH ENGINEERLNG (fl CONSIDERATTON FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 & 2 ON LETTING N0.6, PROJECT NO. 04-07 (ECHO DRNE SE & 8CH0 CIRCLE SE) (g) CONSIDERA~~ON FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDT;R NO. 1 ON LETTING NO. 11, PROJECT N0.04-13 (12 AVENUE NW) (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ACTNATION OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENT SA-5059C Action -Motion to approve consent agenda 6. PUBLiC IIEARINGS - 6:00 P.M. -NONE 7. COMMUNICATIONS RE VESTS AND PETITIONS (a) UPDATE ON WATER PLANT UPGRADE (SCOTT YOUNG -EARTH TECH) No action. (b) UPDATE ON CITY OF HUTCHJIVSON'S SESQUICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION (MARC VAILLANCOURT) No action. (c) DISCUSSION OF CORRESPONDENCE RECENED FROM JOT~N MILLERREGARDIIVGMILLER'S WOODS No action. ~8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CDOPNOSIDT RAT10N FOR APPROVAL OF PROPOSED POLICY 3.32 -MANDATORY DIRECT Action -Motion tq zeject -Motion to approve (b) REVIEW OF CTTY OF HUTCHISON FNE-YEAR CAPITAL PLAN No action. (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CITY CENTER SECURTTY SYSTEM UPGRADE Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve (d) CONSIDERATION OF RESETTING JOINT MEETING WITH HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMTSSION FROM DECEMBER 9, 2004, TO DECEMBER 2D, 2004 Action -Motion to zeject - Motion to approve (e) CONSIDERATION OF SETTING INFORMATIONAL MEETING FOR DECEMBER 14, 2004, AT 4:15 P.M. Action - Motion to reject -Motion to approve ~ITY CQLINCIL AGENDA -NOVEMBER 23, 2004 (f) CONSIDERATTpN OP SETTING 2005 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING FOlt .IANUAItY 3, 2005. Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve ~0. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS I I. CLAIMS APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS 12. ADrauRN 4 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - I~UTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDER - 5:30 P.M 2. INVOCATION -Rev. Eric Goodwin, Peace Lutheran Church, delivered the invocation. 3. PI,EbGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 2G, 2004 Minutes were approved as presented. 5. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. PARKS, RECREATION, COMMUNITY EDUCATION BOARD MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 5, 2UD4 2. FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTI•iLY REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2004 3. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2004 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1, RESOLUTION NO. 12544 -RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE 2. ORDINANCE NO. 04-390 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON FOR A PROPERTY TO BE REZONED FROM Rl TO C4 AND R4 AS REQUESTED BY FARR DEVELOPMENT (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 3. ORDINANCE N0.04-0392 - AN ORDINANCE REVISING ST;CTION 91.41 REGULATING THE SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY VALUED UNDER $100 (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF OI,JT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR DOLE MOON TO ATTEND T'HE NATIONAL GUARD BOSS LIFT PROGRAM IN JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA FROM NOVEMBER 17 •- ]9.2004 (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR HOLLY RYMER TO ATTEND OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRAINING IN RIO RANCHO, NEW MEXICO (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN HUTCHllVSON SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF HUTCI•IINSON FOR USE OF FACILITIES (f) CONSLDERAT'lON OF ACTNATION OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. SA-5059C (FORMERLY SA-5059A) (g) CONSIDERATION OF ACTNATION OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENT ROLL NO SA-058C, SA-059C, SA-073B, SA-080C, SA-092A, SA-239B, SA-259B (FORMERLY SA-058, SA-059, SA-073, SA-080, SA- 092, SA-239, 5A-259) (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CONSULTING AGREEMENTS WITH TKDA AND SEH ~ ~~~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -NOVEMBER 9, 2004 (t) REQUESTED BOY HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTHC ARE T IMPROVEMENTS AT PLAZA ] 5 AS Motion by Peterson, second by Amdt, to approve consent agenda. Motion carried unanimously, 6. PIJSLIC HEARINGS - 6:00 P.M. (a) CONSIDERATION OF REVISING ORDINANCE NO. 73.17 _ AN ORDINANCE REGULATING MOTORIZED SCOOTERS (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) Mayor Torgerson read a letter firm a Highway Patrolman stating the Minnesota State Law bans scooters on public property already so why does the City have to pass an ordinance banning them also. Atty. Sebora commented on the past history of motorized scooter use and the ordinance proposed. He stated the vehicles arc not illegal but are illegal to operate in public places. The present law considers violation of the law a misdemeanor and the ordinance would consider the violation a petty misdemeanor. He explained Chief Hatten would like to include an exemption for medical purposes permitted only by the Police Department. Tony Anderberg, High School student and stockperson at Cashwise Foods, stated scooters do get in the way of customers and staff. He reported it is a safety issue. Council Member Peterson stressed by State law it is illegal to operate these vehicles on public property. Motion by Amdt, second by Stotts, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Stotts, to approve option number 2, punishable as a petty misdemeanor, second by Peterson, to approve revising ordinance No. 73.17 regulating motorized scooters. Council Member Peterson stated the scooters can only be used on private property. Motion carried unanimously. . (h) CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 04-388 -,~N ORDINANCE GRANTING FRANCHISE TO RAYMOND AND LUCILLE KRUEGER AT 1 b6 -10 AVENUE NE TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN A FENCE LOCATED IN CTI'Y RIGHT-OF-WAY (WANE FIRST READING, AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR NOVEMBER 23, 2004) John Rodeberg explained the concerns by the Kruegers regarding various vehicles driving on park property next to their property. He commented on the City attempt to keep vehicles off private park property. He explained the Kruegers would like permission to place a split rail fence in the public right of way to keep vehicles offthcir yard. This would require a franchise agreement with the City to place the fence on public right of way. Mr. Rodeberg explained the ordinance would require them to maintain the fence and landscape. Proof of liability insurance is required and the fee could be waived ifthe Counci] would approve. Motion by Amdt, second by Haugen, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Haugen, second b~ Arndt, to approve Ordinance No. 04-388 granting a franchise to Raymond and Lucille Krueger at 166-10 Ave. N.E. to install and maintain a Fence located in City right-of--way. Motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE N0.04-391 - AN ORDINANCE GRANTING FRANCHISE TO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 423 FOR ACCESS TO A DRIVEWAY AT PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR NOVEMBER 23, 2004) Atty. 5cbora explained when the City granted the school district's vacation request the agreement was the pprovtston of graining a tanchise for a driveway serving Park Elementary School from the west. This request by the School District is to use access driveway across parkland to Park Elementary school. He stated the Franchise would be for a period of 20 years at a Fee of $50 per year. Dr. Windell stated they support the franchise and as a representative of the school district, would like to 2 ~-~ ~~~ CITY CCJUNCIL MINUTES -NOVEMBER 9, 1004 thank the City for coming to an agreement with the school district. Motion by Amdt, second by Peterson, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously, Motion by Arndt, second by Stotts, to approve Ordinance No. 04-391 granting franchise to Independent School District 423 for access to a driveway at Park Elementary School. Motion carried unanimously. 7. COMMUNICAT1ON5 RE UESTS AND PETITIONS (a) PRESENTATION ON $lOSQLIDS DRYING PROJECT Randy DeVries introduced Mr. Ed Nevers, project engineer. Mr. Nevers explained he has been with the project through preliminary, final and approval to accept. He commented on the project history from 1992 to the present stating this is a class A project. He explained the processes and progress. He stated the project was voted $est of State and will be going to the National competition. Council Member Amdt asked if the City uses all the product. Mr. Nevers stated the Class B product is used on the farm fields and the Gvlf Course uses the Class A product. Atty. Sebora sated acceptance of the project must be passed by resolution at the City Council meeting November 23~ and placed on the consent agenda. (b) UPDATE ON SANITARY SEWER REPAIIt NEAR CROW RNER DAM John Rodeberg updated the Council on the repair inside the pipe. He stated it has been repaired and no sewage is running mto the river presently. He reported this should not be a health issue. . (c) UPDATE ON VALLJE ENGINEERING (VE) TEAM MEETING FOR WATER TREATMENT PLANT John Rodeberg commented on the meeting and ideas to reduce costs and improve efficiency. He explained there will be more meetings to complete the process. 8, UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERTION OF APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF COMMUNITY BUILDING AT PLEASANT ACRES, 213 NORTH HIGH DRIVE NW WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12543) Julie Wischnack commented on the request and the special Planning Commission meeting held to discuss the issues with the projeci. She explained the proposal for a club house building and outdoor swimming pool. She reported the amenity will be the only one in Hutchinson. She commented on the location of the building and the need for a Conditional Use Permit in the R4 zoning district. John Rodeberg commented on the development and the issues which have been addressed for public safety. Council Member Haugen stated 56 additional parking spaces will help with the parking problems. Julie Wisclmack slated the property owner did recognize the need .for additional parking. Motion by Haugen, second by Stotts, to approve Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of community building at Pleasant Acres, 213 North High Arive N.W. and adopt Resolution No. 12543. Motion carried unanimously. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS `~ ~~~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -.NOVEMBER 9, 2404 . Sill Arndt •-Council Member Arndt congratulated the Hutchinson football team on their win. He also questioned why the Hutchinson citizens can not easily purchase compost. Gary Plotz stated we do sell to citizens. The traffic has increased drastically making it difficult for the public tp access the compost site. He stated the advisory committee will discuss providing service to the citizens. He reported anew drop off site would alleviate some traffic. Mayor Torgerson explained he researched the problem with Steve Madson. He stated some product is sold to the area landscaping comppanies for availability to the public in bag orhulk. Gary Plotz stated the colored wood chips have been popular and the landscapers would prefer the city go through them and not be in comppetition. That would take the activity off the site. Council Member Arndt asked if the City could have a dump site so people would not use the ditches in the area to dump debris. Gary Plotz stated this is a county wide problem and the County has a fund to promote the special ptck up in the Fall and Spring. It could be brought up to the County Solid Waste Committee. Kay Peterson -Council Member Peterson reminded the Council of the Open House at the McLeod County Solid Waste Building on November 15, 2004 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Gary Plotz - Mr. Plotz stated the V.F.W. 906 Auxiliary is requesting renewal of their gambling license for a drawing to be held on December 23, 2004. Motion by Stotts, second by Amdt to approve the gambling license. Motion caartied unanimously. Marlin Torgerson -Mayor Torgerson commented on the Local Government Aid to various cities of 21 cities researched, Futchinson was number 20 in the amount of aid granted. He stated the average is $4,473,000 and Hutchinson receives $1.9 million. Sill Arndt congratulated Ms. Peterson, Mr. Stotts and Mr. Cook on the recent election. Steve Cook, 728 Juul Road, questioned a consent agenda item pertaining to the parking lot at Plaza 15. John Itodeberg stated this was to request a petition to look at the protect and has to be a public hearing for a future meeting. ~l 1. CLAIMS APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Motion by Arndt, second by Peterson to approve claims, appropriations and contract payments. Motion carried unanimously. 12- AD70URPI With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 6:43 p.m. ~1 LJ a ~~~ MINUTES HUTCHIN50N PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 19, 2004 Hutchinson City Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Kirchoff at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Brandon Fraser, Jim Haugen, Lynn Otteson, Mike Flaata, Farid Currimbhoy, Robert Hantge and Chairman Kirchoff. Absent: None Also present: Julie Wischnack, AICP, Planning Directpr, Marc Sebora, City Attorney, Kent Exner, City Engineer and Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Consideration of Minutes of regular meeting dated September 21, 2004 and Special meeting dated September 27, 2004 Mr. Hantge moved to approve the minutes of September 21, 2004, The motion was seconded by Mr. Haugen. Mr. Hantge moved to amend the minutes of September 27, 2004, to show the hardship of the Schierman/Girard variance as driveway access safety to Golf Course Road, The hardship is to be stated on the findings of fact. Seconded by Mr. Flaata. The minutes were approved unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS HUTCHINSON SENIOR CAMPUS, REZONING FROM R1 TO R4 AND C4 AND A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT LOCATED ON HWY 15 SOUTH Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 5:36 p.m. with the reading of publication # 7259 as published in the Hutchinson Leader vn October 7, 2D04. Ms. Wischnack stated the applicants will present the plan in detail. She explained the recommendation to table the request since this is the largest plat reviewed by the Planning Commission and the largest plat the City has reviewed in a long time. Ben Schmidt, Farr Development, presented a power point presentation which gave the history of the company, gave the basis for the company to do the development in Hutchinson which included demographics, site selection and campus concept, introduced other Farr Development projects such as in Maple Grove, Austin and Robbinsdale. He explained 5 (~~ ~ Minutes Planning Commission - Dctober 19 , 2004 Page 2 the site in Hutchinson would also include a student housing component for the non-traditional college student. Mr. Schmidt commented on the entrance to the east as the focal point to the residential development and he explained the housing types within the project. He stated there will be a central town square with a possible 80 bed skilled nursing portion along with assisted and independent senior living. He explained there will be townhouses on the east side of the development. The stormwater pond will be a water focal point. He commented on the commercial portion of the development which could include a restaurant and convenience store. He stated they will not begin work until Spring but must have the financing piece in place prior to the start date. Ms. Wischnack commented on the planned development district approach to modify roadway widths, setbacks and lot size. She stated the open space requirement has been met there is a total of 34% open space. The commercial portion has 26°/° and the residential 43%. Ms. Wischnack explained the density of 21 units per acre and stated a planned development district allows 1D0% increase. She commented on the major components of the street configuration. Denver Avenue impacts Applebee's and Ridgewater College. Staff will meet with bath entities regarding the street. Montreal Street will be privately constructed. She commented on the review received from MnDpT regarding Hwy 15 which included recommendations to close existing field and farm entrances on Hwy 15; the request for controlled access of the 45'X250' section and require aright-turn lane be built on Hwy 15 northbound lane at Denver Avenue at the developer's expense; The main entrance to Applebee's should be relocated to the east and the applicant must obtain a permit application before any work is performed along the state highway. She also explained the city is requesting aright-in/right-out access from/ to the gas station off Denver Avenue. Ms. Wischnack stated parking is adequate. The storrnwater management has been addressed. Landscaping and number of trees are adequate. The city would escrow for the trees up front and refund the remainder tc the developer. She commented on the paridand dedication fees $4,515.00 for the commercial area and $135.00 per dwelling unit for the residential portion. This fee is collected with the building permit. Ms. Wischnack explained a planned development district allows the Planning Commission to review the architecture of the development buildings. She stated we have not received the draft homeowners documents. She commented on the general fees for all developments. She reviewed the staff recommendations as follows: 1. Development phasing. How is the development going to phased; in terms of construction, utilities, and roadways. 2. Identify the City's plan on how Denver Avenue will be constructed. C~ L~\ i Minutes Planning Commission - t7ctober 19 , 2004 Page 3 3. Obtain Applebee's perspective on the Denver Avenue design and reconfiguration of their entrance. 4. Have closure on tree planting responsibilities. 5. Dbtain draft copies or outlines of how the homeowners' associations will operate. fi. Gain any additional comments on the architectural components from the Planning Commission. Discussion followed on the architecture and the turret proposed. Ms. Wischnack stated the turret looks more Victorian than prairie. There was discussion of each building having its unique character. Ms. Wischnack stated the Denver Avenue issues need to be worked out. Mr. Schmidt commented on the recommendations explaining the phasing of the development beginning with the commercial portion. He stated the market will dictate the phasing somewhat but the plan is to begin construction of the residential portion from the center and build out in order to market the entire area. He addressed Denver Avenue and stated they agree to the right-in/right-out access to line up with Applebee's. He stated they are working with the City Forester and will continue to work with him. He stated he will give the city a draft homeowner's document used in other developments. Mr. Schmidt stated the turret is Victorian. He stated he is open to input on the architecture. Discussion followed on each issue and consideration. There was also discussion on the timelines for the college to deal with Denver Avenue which could be lengthy. Mr. Flaata questioned .5 parking space requirement being enough. Ms. Wischnack stated they have shown additional parking. Mr. Schmidt stated parking is important and they have calculated one per unit underground parking and outside guest parking. The assisted living would be 1/3 space per unit underground. He stated the townhouses would require the same number of spaces regardless of age. He explained the 455 spaces does not include the underground garages. Mr. Fraser asked if Denver Avenue construction would hold up the first retail phase. Ms. Wischnack explained one option is to complete Denver Ave. to Montreal St. the first year. Mr. Hantge asked who is notified in a development this size? Ms. Wischnack explained property owners in a 350' radius from the property would be notified. Discussion followed on the Montreal and Denver road extensions. The developers were given MnDot's response previously. Mr. Schmidt stated the company is continuing talks with the hospital. ._~7l ~'~ Minutes Planning Commission -October 19 , 2l]U4 Page a Discussion followed on the phasing of the project. Mr. Schmidt stated . they anticipate a 4-5 year completion. Chairman Kirchoff asked about requirements to gain occupancy. Ms. Wischnack explained the requirements of water and sewer testing, accessibility, etc. Mr. Schmidt stated they will work with the city on the Denver Avenue issues. Mr. Fraser stated he does opt see high-risk items to table the preliminary plat. Mr. Wantge made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Ms. Otteson the hearing closed at 6:40 p.m. Mr. Fraser made a motion to recommend approval of the request with the developer continuing to work out staff recommendations with the city and the items must be resolved before action of the final plat will be taken. Seconded lay Mr. Hantge. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Haugen made a motion to recommend approval of the rezoning and planned development district. Seconded by Ms. Otteson, The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be placed on the City Council regular agenda at their meeting held October 2fi, 2004 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m, b) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY LEE STRITESKY TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 3fi'X24' GARAGE IN THE FRONT YARD LOCATED AT 1005 LEW IS AVE. Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 6:43 p,m. with the reading of publication # 7260 as published in the Hutchinson Lead r on October 7, 2004, Ms. Baumetz explained the request noting detached garages are not allowed in the front yards and require a variance. She explained the topography of the side and rear yard as the hardship. She commented on the following staff recommendations: 1. Moving of utilities will be at owner's expense. 2. Any water ar sewer service line relocation, if necessary, will be at the owners expense. 3. City Forester will verify the tree is located as not to be damaged by the construction of the garage. 4, The drainage to the neighboring property may not be altered. 5. Garages must not be taller than 16 feet. 6. Detached garages may not be used entirely for home occupations. Sarah Stritesky, property owner's daughter, commented on the recommendations and stated they would replace the tree that must be removed by the construction. She stated the garage would look similar to the existing house. _.~ ~-~ 1 Minutes Planning l;ommisslon -October 19 , 2004 Page 5 Discussion followed on previous similar requests. George Dostal, iD14 Lewis Ave. S.W., voiced his concerns with the garage being placed in the front yard. Mr. Currimbhoy explained it would depend on the design. ^iscussion followed on the type of structure. Ms. Wischnack explained it will be constructed into the hill as it was explained by Mr. Stritesky. She stated the Commissioners could require plantings. Ms. Otteson stated there could be drainage issues and she would like to see plans and elevation drawings of the garage. Paul Betker, contractor, stated the ground slopes in the area for drainage. Mr. Hantge made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Currimbhoy the hearing closed at 7:00 p.m. Ms. Otteson made a motion to table the request until more drawings are provided. The motion failed for a lack of a second. Mr. Haugen moved to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations noting the tree to be removed will be replace on the lot and with the additional recommendation to pmvide elevation drawings and the property owner must explain the appearance and design of the garage prior to the City Council meeting and provide additional screening on the south side. Also, noting the hardship as the topography of the lot. Seconded by Mr. Hantge. The motion carried . unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be placed on the City Council regular agenda at their meeting held October 25 , 2004 in the Council Chambers at 5:3D p.m. c) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCES REQUESTED BY PAUL BETKER TO INCREASE TWIN HOME LOT GOVERAGE ON TWO LOTS IN THE SOUTHWIND PLAT LOGATED AT 230/234 AND 245/249 OTTAWA AVE 5E Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 7:D5 p.m. with the reading of publication # 7261 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on October 7, 20D4, Ms. Wischnack commented on the request and explained the lot coverage and calculations. She stated there was much staff discussion an this item. She commented on the hardship of the lot sizes and the staff recommendations as follows: 1. Drainage around the units shall not be problematic in that swales, defined drainage areas or grading shall be used to assist in promoting positive drainage. 2. Na additional structures shall be added to the property. 3. Tha site plans dated 9/16/04 and 9/22!04 shall be followed. Any alterations will need further review by the Planning Commission and City Council. S~~-~ Minutes Planning Commission -October 19 , 2004 Page 6 Discussion followed on the regulation for twinhomes only. Mr. Betker, applicant, stated the calculations now include the covered porches which was not the case in the past. He commented on the percent of coverage for the entire site which would be 30°/°. Me stated he would like to see the ordinance changed. Mr. Haugen made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Hantge the hearing closed at 7:15 p,m. Mr. Currimbhoy made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations noting the hardship of the lot sizes. Seconded by Mr. Fraser, The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held October 26, 2004 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. d) CQNSIDERATION QF A 27 LOT PRELIMINARY ANb FINAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS BRIDGEWATER ESTATES THIRD ADDITION SUBMITTED BY GPS DICKINSON PROPERTIE Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 7:16 p.m. with the reading of publication # 7262 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on October 7, 2004. Ms. Wischnack explained this was originally platted in 20D0. She stated the surveyor has been in contact with staff. This is development of a portion of phase II and because of previous recommendations to disban Honey Tree Road and the fact the county will not allow three accesses onto South Grade Rcad the staff would ask to table the request, She did comment on the following recommendations: 1. The access of Willow Drive SW onto South Grade Rd must include a tum lane (same design as Roberts Street), and also is dependant on closing the Honey Tree Road access (Access Management and safety issues). There are possibilities of make a temporary road along 9th Avenue SW to Honey Tree Rcad, or have a temporary tum around for the street. In no case can South Grade have Roberts, Willow, and Woney Tree open at one time. 2. A temporary turnaround is required on the north end of Willow Drive SW. Easements should be indicated to accommodate the turn around. 3. There are continuing safety issues for people walking in the area. The City should consider a trail along the north side of South Grade Road up to the end of the plat in the next phase of construction. 4. Revised plat indicating: 6 foot easements, which are required along interior lot lines. 5. Reconfirmation of that the original grading plan has been met. (The entire site was graded with the Bridgewater Estates 2 utility construction.) ~~_~ ` Minutes Planning Commission -October 79 , 2004 Page 7 ti. A subdivider's agreement must be executed and fees paid prior to construction. . 7. Revise phasing plan to reflect new development plan. 8. Provide revised pad elevation and house types signed by new engineer (previously submitted by RLK Kuusistc). Mr. Fraser made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the hearing closed at 7:2p p.m. Ms. Otteson made a motion to table the request until staff recommendations items 1-8 are clarified. Seconded by Mr. Flaata. The motion carried unanimously. 4. NEW BUSINESS a) DISCUSSION OF AMENDING ORDINANCE SECTION 8.04 REGARDING LOT COVERAGE DN TWO FAMILY LOTS Ms. Wischnack explained the history of the ordinance and the use of Floor Area Ratio in 1962. She stated up to 1987 there was regulation in all residential districts. She explained the residential districts were not all the same then as today. Ms. Wischnack commented on the aspects to consider when changing the ordinance such as including all impervious surface or not, drainage impacts, etc. She commented on research from other cities. Discussion followed on consideration for all types of lot coverage and alternatives for the developers. There was much discussion on drainage and density. Mr. Exner stated problems come into play during construction because of the density of the lots including plantings, fences and walls, accessory buildings, etc. Consensus of the Planning Commission is to leave the ordinance as it is and not change the lot coverage requirement. 5. OLD BUSINESS None 6. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF Ms. Wischnack explained we have applied fora 1000 Friends of MN Grant tv provide for long range planning of the city and surrounding the city. 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further the meeting adjourned at 8:1D p.m. .J ~~~-~ MINUTES -SPECIAL MEETING HUTCHINSpN PLANNING CQMMISSION Monday, November $ , 2004 Hutchinson City Maln Conference Room 1. CALL 70 ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Kirchoff at 5:30 p. m. with the following members present: Brandon Fraser, Jim Haugen, Lynn Otteson, and Chairman Kirchoff. Absent: Farid Currimbhoy, Mike Flaata, Robert Hantge Also present: Julie Wischnack, AICP, Planning Director, Kent Exner, City Engineer and Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CON5IDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED t3Y ROBERT 13O15CLAIR, APPLICANT, TO CONSTRUCT A 3600 50. FT. CDMMUNITY BUILDING FDR RESIDENTS AT PLEASANT ACRES, 213 NDRTH WIGH QRIVE Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 5:30 p.m. with the reading of publicaticn #7270 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on October 28, 2D04. Ms. Wischnack commented on the request and the history of the property. She explained the stormwater improvements were installed, She reported on the parking calculations made in 1996 and the existing parking- She explained the proposed parking would be 8 spaces short according to the requirements today. She stated there has been an increase of 56 spaces to the plan. Ms. Wischnack commented on the proposed plan stating the water line is close to the construction and the storm water line must not be closer than 10 feet from the construction. She stated the gas and electric are placed around the perimeter of the buildings and would nat be affected by the building construction. Ms. Wischnack explained the difficult accessibility which is a concern for emergency services and public safety. She commented on the proposed divided entrance which has been reviewed and as long as the turning radius is gentle, fire equipment can make the turn into the property. Ms. Wischnack commented on the following staff recommendations: 1. The pavement, re-curbing, and re-striping be completed nv later than June 30, 2005. 2. The revised plan for removal of parking spaces and curbing; must be submitted prior to building permit issuance. 3. The building may not be constructed over any utility lines. All utility relocation is at the property owner's expense. S~~J~ Minutes ~- Special Meeting Planning Commission -November 8, 2004 Page 2 4. The tot lot equipment is anticipated to be replaced. It is a requirement of the R4 Zoning District that tot lot equipment is available. 5. See any additional information in the minutes of the one-stop-shop meeting (November 1, 2D04) 6. Any entry work that enters the County Highway area would require a separate permit from McLeod County. Chairman Kirchoff asked if there would be any problems with the permit from McLeod County. Ms. Wischnack stated there are no problems the County just wants to know the plan. Discussion followed on turning lanes into the complex. Mr. Boisclair commented on the new concept for Hutchinson, He commented on the location of the complex and the need for the amenity. He explained the additional parking and the type of building to 6e constructed. He stated there will 6e surmountable curbs far emergency vehicle accessibility. He explained 56 additional parking spaces seem to be sufficient. Discussion followed on assigned parking, Mr. Boisclair stated assigned parking is difficult to manage. Ms. Cheryl Martin, apartment manager, stated with the choice to rent a garage it would be difficult to issue parking spaces also. Mr. Boisclair explained the floor plan of the building. Ms. Otteson asked who would use the parking spaces proposed at the entrance. Mr. Boisclair stated tenants in the two closest apartments and over flow. He commented on the proposed landscaping for the future. Discussion followed on present access into the buildings. Ms. Martin stated they are secured entry. Mr. Exner reported on his research regarding the stormwater ponding. He stated approximately Z3 to'/. acre of additional impervious surface is being added. He stated the past engineering firm confirmed the pond is adequate far the added impervious surtace. Mr. Haugen asked about the depth of the pool. Mr. Boisclair stated it would be 3 feet to 5 feet deep with signs stating no child under ifi would be permitted without parents, Mr. Boisclair stated they are in the process of renaming the complex. Discussion followed on the parking shortage of 8 spaces Mr. Haugen made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Ms. Otteson the hearing closed at 5:55 p.m. Ms. Otteson made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations 1 - 6. . Seconded py Mr. Faser, the motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack ~(a-)a- Minutes -Special Meeting Planning Commission -November 8, 2004 Page 3 stated this item will be placed on the City Council regular agenda at their meeting held November 9, 2004 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. 3. NEW BUSINESS 4. OLD BUSINESS 5. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF a) DISCUSSION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ENFORCEMENT ISSUES Ms. Wischnack brought enforcement issues to the Commission for their direction regarding the Stearnswood paved parking required at the time of the Conditional Use Permit. She stated the Hutchinson Manufacturing stormwater pond issue is being handled by John Rodeberg tq try to salve the requirement. Discussion followed on the possibility of requiring a bond to assure the parking lot paving was completed in developments. Ms. Wischnack stated typically the City does not require bonding on smaller projects. She explained usually friendly reminders are sufficient. Ms. Wischnack asked if the Planning Commission is comfortable with renoticing the Conditional Use Permit as was done in the past. She stated to be fair to the property owner the delay has been waiting until the ground settles before paving. It was the consensus of the Planning Commissicn to renotice to amend the Conditional Use Permit for time deadlines. 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further the meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m. ~a-~ -- BOARD f)F DIItEGTORS M-FETING -October 19, 2D04 Hospital -Conference Room A/B Members present were: Steve Snapp, Chairperson; Wayne Fortun, Vice Chairperson; Sherry Ristau, Secretary; Bernie Knutson, Trustee; Dr. Cate McGinnis, Chief of Staff; Kay Peterson, Trustee; and Mike Mue]ler, Trustee. Others present were: Philip Graves, President; Pam Larson, Finance, Information and Material Services Division Director; Robyn Erickson, Care and Program Support Services Division Director; Cary Linder, Foundation Director; Linda Krentz, Burns Manor Nursing I3ome Administrator; Jane Lien, Acute Care Division Director; Brian Weinreis, Executive Vice President Hospitals & Specialty Operations - Allina Hospitals and Clinics; Doug Hanneman, Hutchinson Leader; and Corrinne Schlueter, Recorder Chairperson Snapp called the meeting to order at 5:34 PM. Dr. Mulder introduced and welcomed Dr. Gordon Walker and Paul Coleman PA who have joined HAHC. They previously provided orthopedic services in Kearney, NE and have worked together for nine years. They provided an overview of the Total Joint program they helped develop in Kearney. The program is designed build a support group among patients having total joint procedures. It includes a dinner meeting for patients prior to their procedures to meet one another and the care provides that will be caring for them. Through this meeting and the entire care experiences patients began to build bonds that go beyond their hospital stay. In Kearney, patients were driving up to I50 miles to be part of this Total Joint program. Another goal of this program was to standardize implant products to reduce the cost of the procedure. Both Dr. Walker and Paul Coleman, PA expressed an interest in establishing a similar type program at HAHC. Consent Agenda Chairperson Snapp reviewed the following consent agenda items and asked if any items needed tv be transferred to the regular agenda for further discussion. The agenda was as follows: 1. Past Meetin Minutes S tember 21 2004 2. Statistical Re ort se orate attachment 3. Financial Re ort Se tember 2004 4. Accounts Pa able and Cash disbursements Se tember 2004 S. Auxili Meetin Minutes (Se tember 2004 Following discussion, it was noted that Kay Peterson and Mike Mueller were marked absent, so the past meeting minutes of September 21, 20D4, will be brought to the regular agenda. Knutson made a motion, seconded by Mueller. All were in favor. Motion carried. ~~ 5~a~3 Governing Board Page ~vo- October 19, 2004 Re afar A ends 1. New Business. A. Past Meetin Minutes. It was noted that Kay Peterson and Mike Mueller were marked absent in the past meeting minutes of September 21, 2004. • Following discussion, McGinnis made a motion, seconded by Peterson, to amend the past meeting minutes to state that Peterson and Mueller were present. All were in favor. Motion carried. B, Medical Executive Committee Meetin & Credentialin Dr. McGinnis provided a report on the recent Medical Bxecutive Committee Meeting. The following practitioners were recommended for membership to the Medical Staff. Credentialing recommendations were made for the following practitioners: Extension of provisional. Mitchell Gassman, MD Ophthalmology Courtesy Rea ointment. Nerraj Chepuri, MD Radiology Courtesy Glenn Lewis, MD Psychiatry Active William J..orenz, CRNA Anesthesia Allied 1-lealth Ind. Joseph Meland, MD Radiology Courtesy Donald Shaffer, CRNA Anesthesia Allied Health Ind. • Following discussion McGinnis made a motion, seconded by Peterson, to grant membership and privilege to the above listed practitioners as recommended by the Medical Executive committee. All were in favor. Motion carried. L. ~ B. Construction U date. Graves presented the Construction Project Status. • The ER Renovation is to be completed in two phases. • Recovery $xpansion (Area A) -Water damage repairs complete, contract work complete. Hospital pccupancy scheduled for 10-26-04. • Recovery Renovation (Area A) -Renovation in existing same day surgery area to start after 10-26-04 following hospital move into new recovery addition. • West Entry (Area B) - TV Prep, Pharmacy addition -complete, • Lobby. Gift Shop and Rest Rooms -complete. • Area BCanopy -Metal panels installed, installation of E1F5 and lighting to start the week of 10/25/04. • OB Birthing to be completed in two phases. c 1~~~ •'Governing Board - Page three October 19, 2004 • Medical Records -Complete • CCU Corridor -Complete • Coffee Shop Corridor/Remodel -Flooring and wall finishes to be completed. • Freight Elevator -Complete • Pharmacy Renovation -Move from existing Pharmacy to temporary Pharmacy complete, work is ongoing in Phases #I and #2. • Nutrition Services -Complete. • Main Lobby -Abatement to occur in two phases. Abatement scheduled to start 10/25/04 with renovation to follow immediately after. Completion scheduled for mid December 2004. • Site concrete and landscaping complete. • Courtyards complete except for minor plantings. C. Master Site Plannin Committee. The Master Site Planning Committee met to consider a recommendation to resurface the Plaza 15 parking lot and to replace the lighting. David Schwebel, Plaza 15 Property Manager, Colliers/1'owle, was present to provide input to the committee. Schwebel described the need to replace the parking lot, sidewalk, and lighting standards, He described the parking lot as one that is in such bad shape that it could no longer be repaired and kept safe without major work. The City Engineer agrees with Schwebel's assessment and concurs with the need to replace the parking lot. Graves reported the Engineer advises us to make a request of the City to plan for the replacement of the Plaza 1 S parking lot, sidewalk and lighting in the 2005 improvement budget of the City. It was also recommended by Schwebel that we consider changing the traffic flow through the Plaza 15 for this type of facility, • Following discussion, Fortun made a motion, seconded by Mueller, to make a request of the City to plan for the replacement of the Plaza 15 parking lot, sidewalk and lighting in the 2005 improvement budget of the City, Al] were in favor. Motion carried. D. Audit and Com liance Committee Re ort. The Chairperson reported that the attendees at the committee meeting were Knutson, Mueller, himself, Dan Vandenberghe (McGladrey & Pullen), Graves and Larson. They reviewed the engagement letter for the 2004 financial audit. The main focus was on understanding the audit and reporting processes in order to gain a comfort level with the services and reports that would 6e provided. They also discussed the Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) requirement to rotate the lead and reviewing partner every five years. Even though HAHC is not required to follow 50X, McGladrey will support the rotation decision if HAHC requests that. It was also noted that Vandenberghe will conduct a follow up phone call with Mueller. C~ J ~~,~ Govemin~Board Page four October 19, 2004 The annual compliance review focused on the periodic claims monitoring process that HAHC has developed, The Committee reviewed both the process and the outcomes. They felt the process was thprough. Vandenberghe also noted that he has not seen a process like this in place anywhere else and felt it provided good documentation. Larson also informed the group that the initial presentations of the disaster recovery proposals had been completed. The fee estimates of the proposals range from $60,000 - $200,000 and the vendors offered various levels of involvement in the process. Another meeting will be scheduled to discuss these proposals. The last item reviewed by the committee was the quarterly financials. The Chairperson asked Larson to provide the review the quarterly financial graphs at this lima. Larsen stated that days in accounts receivable (AR) have been impacted by the start up of our orthopedic business and also the loss of a coder. If AR days were at budget, our days cash on hand would also be on target. Other balance sheet ratios are on target. The operating and EBDITA margins have declined in the third quarter. If our full-time equivalents (FTE) per adjusted admission were at budget, our margins would be at or above budget. HAHC is working with Allina on productivity indicators. • Following discussion, Mueller made a motion, seconded by Knutson, to approve the minutes of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors. All were in favor. Motion carried. E. Graves reported our Allina Contract will expire on December 31, 2004. He will work with Fortun, Snapp, and Ristau to review the contract and bring a recommendation to either the November or December Governing Board meeting. II. RCpoRs• A. President. Graves reported he and Linder had met with Darrel Farr and Ben Schmidt regarding their campus development, which includes a senior care layout. Graves also reported on the "Flu Shot Crisis", adding that more employees have fumed out this year than before for flu shots. As of October 15, 2D04, we have ruff out of the flu vaccine and our chances of getting more are very slim. B. Acute Care. Lien reported that the Department of Health was here to sign off on the new Same Day Surgery area. We have plans to move into this new area and vacate the old area so remodeling can begin. The open CCU Supervisor position has been filled. ~~ -> 5 ~-~ •"• '° -Governing Board . Page five October 19, 2004 C. Care and Program Support. Erickson reported that we have a focus on women's health session coming up. Also scheduled is an annual ER Conference. Dr. Bonte has requested our assistance in planning a Coroner Conference. Al Johnson, from Allina, will be coming out to provide assistance with succession planning and leadership training. It was noted that the marketing effort for orthopaedic services in Hutchinson has started. • D. Commumty,Care. Nothing further to report. E. Finance Information and Material Services. Larson reported that accounting has been working on the 2005 budget. Accounting and Billing Offices will be moving to their new offices at the Plaza in about three weeks. F. Senior Care. Nothing further to report. G. Director of Medical Affairs. Mulder reported that Superior Consultants has been engaged to assist HAHC in evaluating the current use of the Meditech system and also to assist in determining if we fee] Meditech can meet our ongoing technology needs. Once this engagement is completed HAHC will have a better understanding of the process needed to move forward with our electronic medical record strategy. H. Foundation Director. Linder reported the Foundation Planning Retreat with Bob Bunger will be October 2D, 2004. The Hospital Governing Board members have been invited to attend all or part of that meeting. The Share and Care Dinner is November 13, 2004. Lights for the Remembrance Tree lights will be selling for $2.00/light this year. Patient Safe and Performance Im rovement Committee. Schermann reported we are about one year away from our next visit from The Joint Commission of Accreditation for Healthcare Organizations (JCAHQ). HAHC continues to use the 7CAH0 patient tracer methodology to prepare for their visit and we completed our fourth patient tracer today. A group from HAHC met with Hutchinson Technology, Int.'s internal audit contact to discuss approaches to auditing our processes surrounding the Minnesota 27 Never Events. Patient Safety Goals will be reviewed next month. Allina Report. Weinreis reported Alliua is in the process of completing their budgeting process for 2005. He also reported they have a focus on productivity, the automated medical records and becoming digital in Radiology, ~ 1 L J ~~~3 ~ Governing Board Page six October 19, 2004 Snapp requested if additional business needed to be discussed at the meeting. Hearing none, Fortun made a motion, seconded by McGinnis, to adjourn. All were in favor. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:24 PM. Respectfully submitted, --~-e~ Cvrrinne Schlueter Sherry Ristau Recorder Secretary ,~~~ ~ Hutchinson Housing & RedevelopmentAuthvrity Regular Board Meeting - October 19, 2004 Minutes CALL TO ORDER: Chairman lan McI]onald called the meeting to order. Members Present: Thor Skeie, Casey Stotts, Brig Knott and Becky Felling. Staff Present: Jean Ward, and Judy Flemming. MINUTES OF THE IIRA BOARD ME);TINO ON SEPTEMBER 21, 2D04 Thor Skeie moved to approve the Minutes as written. Casey Stotts seconded and the motion carried unanimously. FINANCIAL REPORTS Casey Stotts moved to approve the Financials. Thor Skeie seconded and the motion carried tmanimously. Becky Felling moved to approve Resolution #04-D6 to Officially Void Outstanding Checks. Casey Stptis seconded and the motion carried unanimously. PARK "POWERS a. Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the calculation of the 2004 & 20D5 Operating Subsidy. Casey Stotts moved to approve Resolution #04-07 adopting the Calculation of the 2005 Operating Subsidy. Thor Skeie seconded and the motion carried unanimously. b. Renovation Update: Jean Ward informed the F3oard the architect is working on the plans. Bids will hopefully be sent out to contractors it Aecember/January and the renovation will stazt in January/Februazy. c. Jean Ward provided the Board with a copy of the Public Housing Resident Service & Satisfaction Survey. d. Jean Ward reviewed wish the Board the current demographic statistics report. 5. SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM UPDATE The Board reviewed the pictures of what has been constructed. FRANKLIN-GADVE NEIGHBORHOOD FROJECT UPDATE Brig Knott moved to approve the Franklin-Grove Neighborhood SCDP Loan #8680-17. Becky Felling seconded and the motion carried unanimously. MAXFLELD STUDY UPDATE The Board decided to have a public presentation of the housing study. The presentation will be Tuesday, November 16`h at 8 AM immediately after the HRA Board meeting. ~JcQ'1 -1 8. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED CITY REVOLVING REI3AB LOAN PROGRAM GUIDELINES Jean Ward reviewed with Board a memorandum that outlined the guidelines of the City Revolving Rehab Loan Program and the proposed changcs. Becky Felling moved to approve the proposed changes to the guidelines of the City Revolving Rehab Loan Program. Brig Knott seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Becky Felling requested that IIeartland Community Action Agency be contacted to inform them of the HRA programs. 9. FYI a. $irchwood Fact Sheet b. NAI-IRO Monitor c. Pictures of Rolling Meadows Swale Planting 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business, Chairman Ian McDonald declared the meeting adjourned. Recorded by Jean Ward, HRA Executive Director r~ ~ ~/ Becky Felli~iQ, 5ecretarv/.~i`easurer ,~~a-~t~ u T HINSD NANCIALREPORT lCITYO 20D4• October ~ c` i REVENUEREpORT-GENERAL. ~ Dctobr O b EARTO ~ ADOPTED ~ BALANGE ERCENTAGE ~~ ......... i ...- ...... _. " . ""__ I " ~ ----- ATE ACTUAL I BUDGET _. .__--." .-- REMAINING( -"---= USED • 'TAXES L IC ENSES ~ • _ ! 11342 926 6 ~ - ""-" ~~~~8^795 00 , - - " 1,580,046.95 35 886. "" 3,371,280 43 700 ~~~~ --~~" ~ - ~--~----~~~""- -- 7 813 75 1 46.87% "~_~~~~ ~~ 12% 82 _ _ _ _" ._ ..--- ...-. ----- PERMITS AND FEES ---... .. ~~"~~" -_ , 361,344.50 ~ ~-----... ~ . . 54,296.35 ~ -"- , L 422,716.55 , 0 3 , . ) ( . ._..--....----- 192.14% INTERGOVERNMENTq ._L REVENUE .. _.. 1_,377,978.28 , ..... "-- 11A,819.74 - . .580' -- - 2345,3 7 76A,883.60' ~ ........... _ . 68.53% CHARGES _ CES ...-...-----~ ~ - 673,913,10 ~ ... _ ..-------- 83,594.92 1 1 946,643.40 ~ - 1_,381,888 -- ~ " _ 445254.80 .......~ 1 6 8. 0 1 °k , _ .. _ 51,128.18 . - ~ ~ ~ ~- 5,811.78 1 4 85.48 88,000 24.834.54 _ _ _ _ . _ . _ 63.33°k " - -- I ' --~552.4 . 1 ) -..._.-..`17.03 ~ 488.33 ~ ._ 0.00 I ..""".-.-.-_. 499.33 ° NTERES _ _ .._._._ ~- 8,511.91 _ ..... _ 127.80 I "- ( ) 5 240.14 ... _........__ 32,DD0 ~~~ 37,240.14 ~~ "--~~ -18.38% ~ ~"~~"" ~~~~- _~~ REIMeURS EMENTS ~ 265,972,09_ .. __-_. 321.63 139,782.34 ~ ~~~ 247,3.38_ ~ -107,545.66 --- 5fi.52% - _ _ 761,331.44 1,478,500 717,768.56 ~ 51.49% SURCHARGES - BLDG PERMITS ~ 1,621.4.1 )~ ~ 1 1 865.38: ~"~~" 0 ~~~-~~- (1,665.36)i -~-~_._...._....._ 0.00°A 7O7AL _. '~, .. it 5,039,5fi1.91 .-_.........._ . ----~._... ~ ~ 51522159 - 5,485,887. 8 . "._...-._-._..... ---- ,198,088.00 _ _ _ _ 3,71a,201.52i ._.. .. 59.64% .. ... .- ---- - - 2D04 --...~-- '.. .. --I HI N F CI ~RE ~ A J O ctobe ._. - 2003 ~ -~~--~ 2004 ~-~~ 2004 2004 - -- 2004 ' O EXPENSE REPORT GENERAL __...-__ "------ Oct b . ~ A ~ _ PERCENTAGE ~ _ ... ..... l ~ ....._- ._ MaNTH ----..-...-_._.-.._ ATE ACTUAL ._...- BUDGET i --- I REMAINNNG ..._._.... UBED -----..-_...... 001 ~. MAYOR 8 CITY COUNCIL ___ __ _ 47,D12.68 2,547.82- ( 48 287 7B 57,749.OD 11 • 002 CITYADMINISTRgTOR --'--_ _ 187,657.39 ~ -------_... ..- 1 17,180.48 201,106.08 252,341.00 -.. 51 003 ELEC71ON5 1 2,315.74 ~ 4,972.31 9,686,40 - --- - 15,134.00 - -- 5 ~ 004 FINANCE DEPARTMENT ~~~~~ 316 323 51 ~ Y4 1r;a na 312 sal a A7 ddR 7FR nn 1.'iF . 005 MOTOR VEHICLE 149,180.83 '' 006 ASSESSING ~ 38,4.71.00 ~_ 007 LEGAL _ _ 102,021.68 _ -• D08 PLANNING __ 123,884.27 (108 INFORMATION SERVICES 82,245.94 110 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1,918,878.80 115 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 3,715.77 120 FIRE DEPARTMENT - 208,631.38 130 PROTECTIVE INS P ECTIONS I 147,086.81 _ _ 1150 ENGINEERING ~~~~ ~{~~ - ... . ~ 380.845.75 152 STREETS 8 ALLEYS ~ ~ 692,788.05 160 GITY HALL 9UILDING 125,285 88 _ 201 PARK/RECREATION ADMINI57F~ _ -.. . _.. __. 139,377.08 202 RECREATION _ _~; __1_90,425.72 203 SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER ~ ~~~ ~ 70,908.53 I ~~ ~ I 204 504.48 ' . -I 205 pAR K DEPARTM ENT ~ - -' -'-- 634 454,67 206 RECREATION BUILDING & POO , 84,072.17 207 EVENTS CENTER _ ____... ~ ---~~-~---~-~ 133,381.72 --~ 208 EVERGREEN BUILDING .__ ... .. __._.-.._- _ -------.. _ .7,305.47 ~ - l 250 LIBRARY --- - 131,761,58 i 301 CEMETERY ' _.-. 10q,508.87 310 DEBT SERVICE I _ ~ ~ 8 ,553 . 7 5 320 AIRPORT j _ _ _ . _ ~~~ ~ ~~~ 88,700.71 350 UNALLOCATED GENERAL EXPE 517,889.00 , . (TOTAL I _. 1 8,83(1,648.30 _.._.. _ 18,275:04_. _ _. 138,589.17 9,348,71 99,280.31 180,277.58 _1,909,813.83 195.33 5.204.98 _.. 30.038.16 222,024.52 18,076.49 163 888.03 -I- --... - _ -----~ 38,880.58 ~~, 378,300_05 87,431_52 1 _ 825,804.42_ 8.499.03 ~ ~ 97,205.78 12,153.14 ~I 140,580.99 1, 543.00 161,509.00 ....... _...----~~---... _ 180,318.00 _51,495.01 --~-~--~~~~--~~ 24,919:83 - - --- 1fi0,108.00~~~ __ 80,817.89 2,489,349:00 559,535.37 12,000.00 6,785_D2 I 368,406.OD~ 146,381.48 I 192,650.00'_ _ 28.751.97 _488,191.001 109, 890.95 778,425.OOi 152,820.58 134,787.00 37,581.82 i 183.060.00' 42.499.01 . ----.. -. 83 813.29 ...._91.,823.39 r . 739,149.98 .... 798,113.00 58,883.02 7,20109 I 101,839.55 -----... 122,327.00 ; _ _20,487,45_ 11,703.13 ~, 136,786.86 1fi3,388.001 26,589.04 5.66 8,200.08 728,819.21 137, 023.35 I 148, 346.0( 97,478.32 , 121,2A8.0( 7,603.75 218,741.0( 67,825.77 120,814_0( 539,851.48_ 812,050.0( 6,958,745.64 ; 9,198,086.00 _ 23,789_68 _ _ 212,137.25 53 08823 ~~"272,398.51 80.15°k. .._....._..79.70°A 64.07% fi9.73°k 80.03°k' ~~- ~~98.24% ~~~- 72,94°~ __.__.__ 84.57% 62.01 ° ~° _ 77.34% 43.37%, ~. --~ -~ - 80.27% 85:08%' 77.48°h 80.37% _. 7a:dz% 76.79% 85.81% __--~~102.11°k 77.38% "...__ 92.81°h 83.25%' 83.73% __-- _ _87,17°k ____. 92.37% 60.40% 3,4fi% __ 88.48% 75.65% ~(~~~ ' 2004' ~~ 1 ~ ~~~~__ _ -C_I_T_Y OF HUTC1HINSON FINAN_CIA__L__RE_POR_T _~ _ _ ' October 2003 200a 20041~~ ~ 2003 r TAXESUEREPORT_-GENERAL 1.3790 iu BL -Octo04~' YEAR TO -_ ADOPTED BALANGEPERCENTAGE~ ' ~- ~---~ ~_ I --~~~ _____.__ . -~~ ~ ~ _ ___~~' .Year to Date ~ MUN7H ATE ACTUAL ._. BUDGET ~ ~REMAINING~ USED ._. ~ _ _ 1,580,048,95 3371,280,001 1,791,233.05 48.87k~ LICENSE51. _ _ _ _ ___.42A928.46~I~~_ _ ~ 6.795,00'~~~ ~ --~ ~~~~_-~ PERMITS AND FEES ___ ~ 361,344.50 ~ 54,296.3_5_ 422,716.55 220,Opp.Op 202,77fi.55 192.14°/u . .. ..._-....__- -__-._._i _...__.._-, -_..-_._ ~ 35,88625 -43,700,00.-__(_-7,813.75) 82.12% I_NTERGOVERNMENTALREVENUE 'CHARGES FOR SERVICES _ FINE58FORFEI7.5_ ~ ~ ~---~-~~ -. 1 873,913.10 - 163,594.92 1948,643.40 ~ 68,OOD.00 24,834.54 68.53°k, 51,126.18 5,911.78 43,065.4fi 63.33/°, ... -_~_ ..... ...-- ---_-. ---_ . ~ . (552.4. .... -17.03' (499,33).. 1,391 =890.00 -.. 445499,33 '------ B0.00%~ I NTEREST~ .... _.__.-~_....._.. 'i _ ~ .6,511.81. __.___._._ 127:x____-55,240.1 32,000.00 _ 37,240.14 __ _1fi.3B°h~ REIM6URSEMENTS ~ ____~_ 285,972.09 _ __ 321.83 139,792.34 247,338.00 107,545.86 _ _ 56,52%, .. ------ I .._...- ..- _. .... 'TRANSFERS ~~~ 679,698.88 273,352.53' 767,331.44 1,478,500 00 717,168.56 51.49%' SURCHARGES - BLPG PERMITS _ 1,621.44 ' __ (3 981 13~ 1 665.36 _______D.DO _ X1,685.36 _ D.DO°h~ TaTAL r..._... ~T_ .-.._.-.-.- . _~ 5,039,581.91 515,221.59, 5,485,887.48 9,198,069.00 3,712,201.52 59.84% ...._...... .. _- .2003 .. ~. ..2004 .....-- .. .I 2004 L._.. ... -.... -- , 20D4 2004 7004 ExPENSE REPORT -GENERAL _ October _ _October YEAR TO October pERGENTAQEI ~~~~-~~ ~~- ~ ~ ~~ ~- ~-~~~~~ _ ADOPTED _ BALANCE .Ge~ereAlGavtD--____-___.--._.__~~~~ ~ ~~ 7,174,478.73. 109,701N25~:DA23A06u79L~~~-1,658,117D9. OT_ 4E9,1A62!8G~- _--74.89°' Public Safetyy ._ .__.._. I -2,278,112.76__-2211_587 _54~, 2,300,941,1fi -3,042,4p5.OQ --741,4fi3.84 ~ 75.63°k Streets & Alle s 1 073,833 80 108 322 10 Parks & Recreation 1 690,234 30 177 373 48 ~~~ - - - __ Y _ - 1 801 802.81 2 080,66100 ._..278 378 59' - 88.82%~ ~, Miscellaneous i _ 616,389 71 106 818 84'~ fi15 081.01 1 152,705 00 537,823 99 53.38 k' ~ ~ 6,958,745.fi4 9,198,086.00 2,239,340.36 ~~ 75.85°h 6,830,849.30 728,819.21, __ I _ L .._.----- - - --....----- - --._.. -- . --------...-.... _ J ...-..-~ ----------{- ----------'--- -- - -:~ _ -- ------- -- ' --.. ...... . _- _. _. --- .... - . - - i _ - I----------I~ ------_...----- I -------- ..- L-n -------- L-~ .stay ~ i r~ ~~ Ci of Hutchinson Income re orts -Water Sewer Compost Rec clin Refuse 04 REFUSE -RECYC 10!37!04 Annual Budget LE Current Month Year Ta Date . Bu of ' Remainin Percent Used "r Prior Year Budget i Privr Year TV Date Percent Used 4001 REVENUES 4100 7DTAL INTERGOVERHMEHTAL REVEN UE 160,0OO.OD 12,303.00 127,449.34 287,449.34 4450 TOTAL SALES 4007 REVENUES 743,700.00 903,700.00- 76,101.30 86404.30 727,01fi.22 854,465.5fi ],470,716.22 1,758,165.56 . 0.00 0.00 0.00 _ 0.00 6001 L]CPENDiTURES 6105 TOTAL SALARIES & FRENGE SENEFI7 104,963.00 2,857.91 ~ 24,]34.21 80,848.79 22.99% 6200 TOTAL SUPPLIES, REPAfRS8 MAIN 8300 TOTAL CONSULTING 6306 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 505,000.001 18,500.00' 636,000.00 {1) 34,252.67 0.00 50,012.03 111,721.45 3,427.96 653,18fi26 $,721.45 . 15,072.04 -1T,18fi.26 108.40°kl 18.53°k 102,70% fi800 70TAL COS70F SALES 0.00 D.00, 5,313.75 -5,313.75 NOiVPo! 6900 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 6905 DEPRECATION TOTAL E7(PENDITURE _ 0.00 ]78,540A0~ 1,043023.00' 0.90 18,179.58 ]02302.19 712.00 -712.00 181795.64 -3,255.84 980,293.47 62,731.53 101.82%~ 0.94 NET INCOME LOSS} -13,897.89, -125,825.91 ] lndudes software consultant & Jul & A WasteMan ment pa ment Non income sta[emertt et 7000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS 30,000.00 0.00 24 785.00 5,815.00 80.62% 7 I/ ~ 11119f2004 i ~ C' of Hutchinson Income re orts -Water Sewer Compost Rec cling Refuse i 0I3i104 Prior : Prior Annual Current Year To Bud Percerd I. Year Year Ta' Percent Budget Month; Date Remainf Used Bud et Oate s Used 4005 COMPOST ~ 4001 REVENUES 4100 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVEN UE 32,000.00 : 0.00 OAD 32,000.00 0.00%' 4250 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 0.00 105,369.98 492,095.98 492,095.98 0.00°h 4450 TOTAL SALES 1,451,423.OD 34,894.04' 1,108,457.40 2,557,880.40 76.23% 4700 TOTAL REIMBURSEMENTS 100,000.00 6.001 7,532.80 901,532.80 1.53% 4001 REVENUES ~ 1,551,423.00 140,270.02 3,600,086.18; 2,659,413.20- 103.14% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 t i ~ 6001 EXPENDITURES t ~ ~ 1 6105 TOTAL SAUIRIES & FRINGE BENEFrf 488,928A0. 96,577.02 413,385.99 74,742A7 84.69% 0.00 5200 70TAL SUPPLIES, REPAIRS S MAIN 158,10D.00I 33,494.24 423,771.54 -265,fi71.54 288.04% I 6300 70TAL CONSULTING 273,300.00: 33,912.41 298,638.33 -25,538.33 1W.34% 6306 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 429,083.00 74,015.64 343,505.71 65,577.29 80.06% 6800 TOTAL C0570F SALES & INVENTORY AD.1 365,000.00 -987,633.62 354,285.03 10,714.97 6900 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 18,400.00 0.00 3,033.02 13,366.918 6905 DEPRECATION 106,622.D0 12,860.55 128605.53 -21983.53 120.62% TOTAL EXPENDfTURE 1,836 fi33.00 13,226.24 1,965,425.15 -126,792.15 1.07 _ NE7INCOME (LOSS i 127,043.78 -365,336.97 2,788,205.35 Non income statement hu el .`• wryalcat ;nr.nmry adjuslmant 7000 TOTAL CAPffAL OUTLAYS 116,000.00 13,185.22• 162,020.66 -46,020.66: 247.00% 93REF! 1,952,633.00 26,41 1.46 2,127,445.81 -174,812.81; I ' -,S 1 vl9nooa Ci of Hutchinson income re orts -Water Sewer Compost Rec ciin Refuse 10!31104 ~ Prior . Prior _ Annual Current Year To Bud Percent ~ Year ! Year 7o PerceM _ Budget Month Date Remaining Used Budget Date Used 406 WATER ! _ 4001 REVENUES _. 4250 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 4450 TOTAL SALES 4620 TOTAL INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 4700 TOTAL REIMBURSEMENTS D.00' 1,255,000.00 0.00 O.OD 1,650.{10 126,95248 0.00 68820 1S,50D.00 1,161,593.79 0.00 7,427.61 . 18,500.00 1 2,416,593.79 92.56% 0.00: 0.00 7,427.61 0.00 ]1,DOO.DO 4,227,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 12,956.49 1,134,463.83 0.00 3,060.31 117.79 92.4fi 0.00 0.00 4001 REVENUES 4,255,000.00 131,290.68' 1,185,52L40 ~i9,478.fi0 94.d6% ~ 1,278,000.00 ; 1,150,500.63 90.02 I 6001 EXPENDITt1RE5 6105 TOTAL SALARIES 8 FRINGE BENEFIT 62D0 TOTAL SUPPLIES, REPAIRS 8 MAIN 6300 TOTAL CONSULTING 1 348,375.00 94,160.00: 467,900.00' 22,846.09' 1,901.10 53,631.52 229,659.84 67,363.07 141,365.68 88,715.16 26,776.99 356,533.32 72.44%I 71.56% 23.60% 32D,521.00 92,250.00 2]9,500.00 244,009.74: 54,683.54 182,999.27 ' 75.13% 59.2895 83.3795 6306 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES 8 CHARGES' 5600 TOTAL DEB75ERVlCE 216,775.00 14,745.fl0 ! 15,098.81 966.46 160,D38.60 9,664.58- 56,736.40 -209.29. 73.63% 55.54% 203,600.00 16,705.00 452,968.86 10,581.26 75.06% 63.34% 6700 TOTAL TRANSFERS Olff 6900 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 57,000.00 9,900.00 0.00 522.75 D.00 2,235.481 57,000.00 7,fi64.821 O.DO% 2256% 55,OD0.00 27,950.00 0.00 1,303.00 O.OD% 4.66% 6905 DEPRECATIOk 235000.00 16,018.39 160,183.67 74,616.43; 68.16% 220,000.00' 158,747.70 72.]6% 6001 EXPEND]TURES NET INCOME [LOSS] 1,413,855.00 110,985.72 20,305.57 740,531.76 444,989.64 668,033.531 0.52 1,155,726.00: 805,293.37 345,207.26 Non income shatement b et 7000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS 2,266,000.00 0.00 400.D0 2,267,SD0.00: 0.00 i 332,250.00 3,738.04 I 11!1912004 C' of Ffutchinson Incomereports -Water Sewer Com ost Rec clip Refuse ~ 1 Dl311D4 ~ Prior Prior ! Annual Current Year To Hudget ~ Percent Year Yearro Percent t Bud Month Gate Remaining i Usad Budget Date Used 407 WASTEWATER ! _ 4000 REVENUE & EXPENSES ! 00' 0 O.OD 0-00 0.00:` 0.00%: 4001 REVENUES 4250 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES i . 0A0: 830.23 3,15523 3,15523 0.00%i ' 0-00 502 000 00 2 3,821.98 76728 026 2 01 % 81 4450 TOTAL SALES y 2,fi00,OD0.00 ~ 238,986.82 2,258,610-47 4,858,fi10A7, 86.87% , . , , , 0 00 . 4620 TOTAL INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 9A0 O.OD D.00 0.00; 0.00% 40,000.00 9 00 . 38325 7 4700 TOTAL REIMBURSEMENTS 0.00 00 600 000 2 20.56 239,837.61 1,379.56 2,263,14526 1,379-S6i 4,863,14526. 87.94% . 2,542,000.00 , 2,032,996.68 79.96% 4001 REVENUES , . , 6001 EXPENDRURES 5105 TOTAL SALARIES 8. FRINGE BENEFIT 459,902.00 35,844-63 ~ 374,697.59 85,210.41 81.47% f 493,348.00 500 00 173 307,118.881 6225% 76 20% 61 202 132 6200 TOTAL SUPPLIES, REPAIRS & MAIN 161,750.00 20,526.01 224,686.60: -42,936.8f1 123.62% 42% 9 88 . : , 362 700 90 . : . , 464.73 30-18°In 109 6300 TOTAL CONSULTING 349,000.00 00 D49 444 34,94Q72 565 13 38 238,76921 71 423 916 . 110,230.7 123.29 95.47%I 20 , . 425,220.00 , 360,109.11 84.69% 6306 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES 8 CHARGES • . , 772 00' 162 . , 224.58 12 , . 122,245.84 , 40,528.16E 75.1095 `s 209,243.00 142,914.00 68-30% 6600 TOTALOEBTSERVICE T . , 57 000 00 , 0.00 0.00 57,900.00'. 0.0095 55,000.00 0.00 0.00% 6700 TOTAL TRANSFERS OU ' , . 00 74 900 490.39 10,106.33 63,693.67', 13.6595 23,60D.00 6,884-59 37.65% 6900 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS , . 00 100 000 396.52 63 1 633,965.22 66,034.78 90.57% 700,000.00 615,900.99 87.99% 6905 DEPRECATION , . 00 464 2 428 , 057.90 206 2,028,36L70 400,082.30 2,442,615.00 1,675,595.]1 88.64% 6001 EXPENDRURES . , , , 779.71 33 234,763.56 356,401.57 NET INCOME OSS , I Nan income statement 6u et 7000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS 2,418 500-00 -30,089.94 342 450.98 2,076 049-02 14.18 ' 1,618,900.00 535,126.17 33.05 ~~ 11!19!2004 i ~ ~ HVTCHINSCEV AREA HEAR-H CARE Compa2FVe Balance Sheet As of Odc~her 31, 2004 fin} t61 [A1-IB} OCT SEP OC7 Change 2'104 , 2004 2003 CY vs PY ASSETS Cunenl Assets 1 Cashand investments-Opera@ons 58,392,142 59,122,942 ;10,498,620 [2 F06 478] 2 Cash and irrvestrnenl5-Self-Insured 1,555,851 5,838,085 f 286 422~ , , 269429 3 Subtotal rash E.Inveslmeids 39,947,993 310,659,027 , , ;i1,785,042 (1,&37,049} 4 PaBeMiReaideM receivables AllowancesTorbaddebts 22,165,703 21,406,941 18,382.717 ,3,782,986 8 Atl,rdnces and cantractual allowances (4,922,593} 7 [4,645,260) (4,881,411] ~ [41,168] 7 Net 9 ,~e,d931 f {76225487 [5072011} {2620.4821 pa eMlresidenf and Thirtl-party 8 9 pay^r rec+':vables ;9,546,617 58,939,133 38,429,295 ' 1,117,316 10 17 Otlter receivables-net Inventories 560,255 537,049 323,481 230,774 12 Pr¢pmd expenses 793,525 784,142 770,006 83,519 39F,800 330,514 290,491 105 309 F3 7a[al Cunenl Assets ;21,240,184 521,299865 521,544315 [3041315 fa Board Dr ~ natadlFunded Dee c'afion lrnres6nerAS ~3B,1f0, 164 EB 504,930 311 130736 150105727 75 In meet' Ja [Ventures Plant sef 16 Land 17 Buldings 18 Acwmulaled depredation 19 Buildings Tess depreciation ~ Equipment 21 Accumulated deprecia80n 22 Equipmen! less depredalim 23 Cashconspruoppn Sequipment 24 ConshucEion in progress 25 TWaI PIanI Resets Other ASSats 26 Deferred 5nanung coats 27 Total Funds L~ r` A J N93~ FINSTMryT J'am Larson ;982,645 3939,610 5345,777 636866 31.019,788 51.019,788 51A19,788 LU781lITIES AND FUND BALAN S Curren[ L'abil'Gev Curtent maturities W Long Perm deM Auaunts payable -trade Estimated wnlradual seltlemen[s.ne1 Amued expenses - Salaries PTO Interest Self-Insured programs Other Daferretl liabilities Deferred revenue Total Curren! Liabilities 3F,824,337 37,023,078 27,237,586 4,586,751 113,476 &51} I13 353 850] !12,342 7881 t1 133 7631 Lono-[erm D tN less nerd ;78,347,788 317,8&9,226 319,694,798 3,452,986 madldties] 18,056,271 17,941,387 15,660,247 2,396,024 (12,980,433) {12,886,715] (71,842,922} X1717511} 55,095,638 55,074,672 ;3,817,325 1,278,553 D D o o- 5,386,59fi 5,994,775 4879735 508867 329,852,008 329,758,467 3248t1646 5240,362 Fund balance 590,352 39F 462 5ED3 778 {73426] 356,275,353 558,744,326 357,738,252 539,101 Total FUnds N7 IBl tAl IB1 OC7 SEP OCT Change 2706 2004 2003 CY vs PV 51,165,119 51,206,669 ;1,095,992 65,127 1,866,012 51,811,252 2,010,247 (144,235] 1,474,887 1.400,21E 1,974,759 [499,867} 1, 144,Bfi5 906,125 883,048 261,817 1,549,576 1,475,976 1,365,097 184,529 226,292 270,833 235,550 {9,256} 417,502 477,502 542,56] (125,059] 171,674 175,636 92,123 79,551 24,505 24,505 155,777 (F31,272} _ 4488 2 917 17292 I6 804] SB,04092ri 37695628 38366391 (325477] _$21,067869 ate 084054 522253639 {1 ]BS 77O] 529,}6$,564 529,364,446 327 116 222 2,050 342 358,275,353 358,144,328 557736252 539105 Hl7CCHINSON AREA HERLTN CARE Sfa[eraen[ of Revenues a~ Expenses hAoMh and Period Ended Ckicber 31.2004 V r .~ Reven 1 In padeM revenue 2 Ou[ patient revenue 3 Resident Revenue 4 . 7aWl paSenUresidenl revenue Oismunts 5 GpvemmeMal d Policy Oiscormt e Free Care 7 Total deduction from revenue 8 Nel paRenfhside~l revenue 9 Other operating revenues 10 Net operatirg reverwie Expenses 11 5alades 12 Employee Bene5ls 13 ' Professional ant Medical Fees 14 11Ri8es, Mtrge Conlrnds & Repairs t5 Food, Drugs E Supplies 16 Other expense 17 Minnesg[a Care 16 Bad dew 19 In[eres[ 20 ~eprew8pn 21 Teal expenses Excess of net epereling revenue 22 over [uMer] aperaring e>penses Nonopera[ino Revenues 23 Investment income 24 Wier nonopera8ng revenue {nett 25 Plaza 151ncomel {Loss} 26 7olal npriopera8ng revenue 27 Net Income U GIJRRENT MONTH Crver Nnder] Budge[ F.c[ual Budget Odlars Percent 52,947,591 33,490,683 {5542,492) -15.5$5 4,329,850 4,583,533 {251,683] S.5% 663,880 603,541 80,319 16-0% 37,941,391 $8,875,157 [$733,658] $3% 3,844,571 4,233,279 (388,766) 5.2% 5,983 4,167 7,816 43.6% 53,850,494 34,237,446 {3388,9521 -9.1% 54,090,807 34,437,711 {3348,9@4] -7.8% 83,142 94,013 {70,871] -11 8% ' S4,173,9d9 54,531,724 [5357,775} .7-9% $2,887,404 51.932.156 5155,246 B.0% dd5,976 430,754 15,222 3.5% 530,096 552,47[1 (22,374) ~.0% 194,747 163,499 31,248 19.1% 592,902 576,060 14,842 ~ 2.8% 174,065 549,206 27,859 14.7% 47,219 53,943 {6,724] -12.5% 108,642 102,489 4,553 4.1% 54,671 68,803 (13,9321 -202% 183,006 184,247 [1,2411 -0.7% 54,413,928 54,215,627 $498.307 4.7% 239,975] 5316,097 15558,0761 -575.8% 319,728 314,000 35,726 40.9% 18,647 25,74F [7,094} -27.8% 3,723 63,327 (9,6041 -72.1% 542096 553,068 {5185721 -20.7% {5197,H83) 5369,565 (3587,0-08) -753.8% YEAR-TO-0ATE Over [Under} budg e[ Actual Budget Lbllars Percent 530,361,395 532,302,3r2 {51,940,911) $.0% 42,213,537 42,033,807 179,730 ~ 0-4% 6,2T2766 fi,029,464 243,302 49% 578,847,898 560,365,563 [51,517,885} ~1.9% 38,579,220 39,055,571 [472,291] -1.2% 14,013 ' 41,861 [27,5881 56.2% 538,593,299 E39,D93,178 [$499,6791 -1-3% 549,254,399 541,272,495 [51,018,908] ~25% 713,880 789,586 [15,106} -9.6% 340,968,279 542,087,991 [51,093,712] -2.8% YEAR-TO-0ATE VRRriW CE % Oc[pber 2003 CY vs PY 526,416,372 14.9% 34,937,91t 20.6% 5,BCS,995 B G% 567,781,278 774% 30,488,572 26.6% 1,227 7047 d% E30,d67,799 263% 538.893,479 9.7% 722,279 4.2% 537,415,698 9,5% 518,877,477 548,279,898 5537,579 2.9% 376,861,522 1F.6% 4,171,702 4,150,057 21,645 0.5% 3,652,368 14.2% 4,858,321 5,176,129 {317,808] -6.1% 4,70t,005 3-3% 7,755,995 1,779,834 35,661 2.1% 1,603,768 9.5% 5,776,802 5,304,394 474,408 8.9% 4,688,562 23.345 1 ,402,540 ],444,295 {41,7551 -2.9% 1,360.908 3.1% 505,930 539,433 {33,5031 $ 2% 361,845 39.8% 788,477 860,910 (72,493) ~ 9% 576,619 52 fi% 470,297 629,414 {759,1771 25.3% 391,839 20-0% 1,892479 1,774,217 [81,732] -0.6% 1,468,965 152% 390,241,960 339,676,573 $362,687 0.9% 535,607,397 33.0% $728,619 52,183,418 457,456,599} 416.7% 51,888-301 59.8% 5178,273 5140,000 336,273 21.3% 435,604 253,209 182,395 72.0% 66,626 98.868 (32238) 326% 5860,5615 5492,075 5188,930 36-3% 57,407,324 52675,493 [$1,268,169] X7.4% 5186,756 89,947 59,112 5317,809 32,726,170 5.6% 384.3% 127% 114.1% 33.8% ZS Patient days 897 1,085 {188} -77-3% 6,647 10;570 (1'483) -14.5% 8,598 9.6% 29 Resident days 3,611 3,584 27 0.8% 34,845 ~ 799 {9561 -2.7% 34,556 0.8% 30 Percentocou panty-budget beds-liospilaE 48.2% 56.3% -10.f% -F 7,3% 47.3% 55.2% -8.0% -14-5% 47.1% 0.2% 31 Percent ocwpancyfiudgel beds-i4ursing Flume 94.7% 94.0% ~ 0.7% 0.8% 92.9% 95 4% -2.5% ~27% 92.4% 0.5% 32 FTE's $63,7 479.3 -15.6 -3.3% 474.7 479,3 ~.8 -1.0% 450.1 5-5% 33 Admissions {adpfsted}-Flospiral ~~ty 572 663 {92] 13.8% ~ 5,598 6,286 (688} -11.0% 5,409 3-5°k 34 Expenses [neq per admissipn[adjusted]-Nospilal enty 8,489 ~5,3t0 1,779 22.2% 5,985 5,290 695 73.1% 5 4 r0 ' 10.8% 35 Revenue peradmissfon [adJusted}-Hospital only 12,651 12,076 574 4-8% 12,898 11,751 ~1,54T 9.8% , 11 289 74.3% •3G Net Revenue per admission [adjusted)- HpspitaE oNy 6,157 5,849 308 5-3% 6,207 5,695 572 9.0% , 5,798 7.1% 3T ~"vscourds as a percent aF revenues ~ 48.5% 48-6% -0.4% 47.7% 48,9% 48.8% 0.3% 0.6% 45 4% 7.9% 38 FTE's per 100 admissions [adJusled] - Hospital only 5-0 4.4 0.7 15.0% 5.1 4.5 0S 112°h 5A 3.1% 39 Days in Net ACCa7nIS Receivable 70.3 55.0 15.3 27-8% 58.1 21.0% FIN$TMNT Pam Larson 19-Nov-04 Institution escri lion nterest Rate CITY OF HUTCHINSON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT October 37, 2004 Date Date Of Of Purchase Maturit mount US BANK Money Market 1,43% 1D13t/2002 11/5/2002 388,446.76 Smith Barney FHLMC med 4.00% 7/30/2op4 7/2712012 298,500.00 step up Smith Barney FHLB C 4.05% 1/7!2004 7130/2009 300,000.00 Smith Barney FHLB C 4.375°k 8119!2001 411112005 750,000.00 Smith Harney FHLB C 4.180°k 9125/20p1 4/19/2005 270,000.00 Prudential pool 338814 7.2283'° 12 31 96 02 01 2028 7,325.78 Expected life 8.2 years Smith 9arney FHLM -C 4.850°k 11!21!2001 5!2172007 300,375.00 Prudentall pool 338389 7270°~ 12 31 96 02 01 2028 4,815.81 Expected life 4.1 yea rs Smith Harney Countrywide 10/28/2004 11/15/2004 1,999,189.09 Prudential Cpmmergal pap~~ FHLB 5.00% 5!22/2003 5M2l2013 300,ODO.Op Prudential FHLB 4.00% 8/1812003 611212013 300,000.00 Prudential FHLB 1.190°/° 6128/2003 06/28113 400,000.00 Wachovia FHLB 3.000% 7118!2003 7116!2013 20Q000.00 step up Wachovia FHLB 3.000°k 12/29/2003 12/29/2008 125,000.00 step up Wachovia FHMA 3.250% 5/11f2004 5/1H2009 3DO,W0.00 step up Wachovia FNMA 2.250°k 711912004 7!19/2007 200,000.00 step up Wachovia FHMA 3.000% 8l24/2p04 2/25/2008 100,000.00 step up Home State Bank 3.000% 871312004 611312005 200,000.00 Wells Fargo 1.570°h 08!02!04 11112!04 400,000.00 First Minnesota 2.380°,G 08117/04 08!18105 750,000.00 Wells Fargo 2.21p% 07118!04 07121/p5 750.000.00 Wells Fargo 2.390°k 09118104 09/18/04 750,000.00 Flrat Minnesota 1.560% 11!14!04 11115!04 750,000.00 $8,841,652.24 L_. J ~ ~~~~ RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION UNCLAIMED PROPERTY Resolution No. i2ss7 WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Police Services has accumulated various unclaimed items. AND WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Code provides pursuant to Section 2.70, Subdivision 2, Paragraph C for the appropriation and sale at auction of unclaimed property. AND WHEREAS, the unclaimed property has been in the possession of the police services far more than sixty (60) days; NOW THEREFORE, 6E IT RESOLVED 6Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. That the Hutchinson City Council hereby approves the sale at aucticn of unclaimed items identified on "Attachment A." C~ Adapted by the City Council this 23'd day of November, 2004. Mayor City Administrator L~ S~h~1 Attachxneut A Yage ] ~.J Case Number Bic cle Dcscri tion (l4-(1831 Magna 2fi" Mcn's Bicycle __ ~ __ __ _ 04-1 l2S _- __ huffy Swau~20" Men's 18 Spced Bicyclc _ 04-1 171 _ U4-1199 I~uf'fy Mojave G_idch Men's 2fl" Bicycle Murray Track Men's 24" Bi ~cle - - - -... . U4-] 221 --. .-... 04- - ---- 1232 Murray Explorer 2l" Men's ] 0 Spced Bicyclc -- -- - -- Roadmaster Ke stone 18" Bic~cle_ _ _.... _-.. _... 04-12_58 Ko ec Llnion 26" Men's Bic de U4-12G3 - Ncxt Cruiser's Bicycle U4-1272 Mcn's Bicycle hrame _ _ 04-1331 Pink Ctirl's'1'ric clc __ _ 04-1331 Roadmaster Hurricane 20" Girl's Bic cle _ 04-1331 Roadmaster Hurricane Women's Bicycle U4-1334_ _ Huffy Backwater 2G" Women's Bicycle _ _ 04-1341 Men's Roadrace 10 S ecd Bic clc 04-1385 5chwinn Vursii Men's 27" Bicyclc _ _ __ 04-1413 Ma na Electroshock Men's 26" Bicycle ...__,-..~_.- ~ 04-1440 Hu17 Men's Bic clc liramc __-__ - _ 04-2506 Murra Bo 's 20" Bic cl c _ _____ _ U4-2522 04-2546 _ _ __ Next Men's 2_G" Bi~cle Shinano Girls 20" Bic cle _ _ _ T 04-2572 Cavalier Vista Men's 26" Bicycle __ ~ U4-2714 Women's 20" Biotech Bicycle - --.. 04-2715 __ _ 1-luffy 1'op T'uel 18" Rnys Bicycle U4-2722 Roadmaster Tektron 26" Men's Bicyclc _04-2753_ _ __ _ U4-2771 _ __ IIuffy 2G".Men's Bic cle Mama Double Divided Men's Bicycle _ 04-2792 i~uffy Techn Tran Men's Bicyclc - _ _ 04-2797 MGX Mena Bicycle ,__. ..._ _ __ 04-2A64 _._- .-_. Ma na F.xcitere 26" Men's Bicyclc _ 04-2884 Mnn nose Switchback Bic cle _..... 04-2919 _ _ _ 04-2955 _ _ Keadmaster Sport Men's Bicycle Hemimx Boy's 20" Bicycle 04-2961 5chwinn S rinl 26" Men's Bicycle _ __ ~ 04-2955 _ Mun•a Ea le River 26" Men's Bic cle _ _ _ 04-2988 Roadmaster Climber 23" Wumcn's Bicyclc _ _ __ U4-2989 _..... _ GT Interce for 20" Bo 's Ric cle ~.P-._...__ U4-3019 U4-3U3S Aftershock 2G" Men's Bicycle liuffY Kockridge 20" Boy's Bicycle U4-3035 _ _ Sonic Dino Boy's 20" Bicycle _ 04-3086 Roadmaster Platinum 26" Men's Bicycle _ `~~~~~1 ~.~ RESOLUTION NO. 12558 A RE5OLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING QN THE GRANTING OF A BUSINESS SUBSID7' WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 1167.993 to 1167.995 (the "Act"), pzovides that the City, as a local govcrnrnent agency within the meaning of the Act, may not grant a business subsidy until it has held a public hearing; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCIDNSON, MINNESOTA, That a public hearing on the proposed granting of a business subsidy is hereby called and shall be held on December 14`", 2004, at 6:00 p.m., at the City Council Chambers located in the City Centex at 111 Hassan Stzeet SE, Hutchinson, Minnesota; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, Notice of said public hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Hutchinson not less than ten (10) days prior to Ute date set for the public hearing; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, Copies of the proposed business subsidy shall be on file and available for public inspection between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., on days when the city offices are open to the public. Adopted by the City Council this 23`~ day of November, 2004. r 1 ~J ATTEST: Gary D. 1'lotz Marlin Torgerson City Administrator Mayor ~~~~ ~ MEMORANDUM Date: November 22, 2004 To: Mayor & City Council From: Miles R. Seppelt EDA Director ItE: Public Hearing for Public Subsidies Gary asked me to write up a short memo explaining the need for the "Business Subsidy Public Hearing." • In actuality this is really j ust a housekeeping issue. • At their October meeting the LDA Board okayed a loan fxom the Downtown Revolving Loan T'und .fora $130,000 loan to facilitate the renovation of the former Hennen's Building. • • This loan is no different than any of the other 55 loans the EDA has made to downtown property owners, except that this is one of the larger ones. • When loans are over a certain $75,000, the State considers them to be a "business subsidy," even though the money will in fact be repaid with interest. • Because it is a "business subsidy" we are required by state statute to hold a public hearing, provide certain information, and gain City Council approval for the loan. • We did the same thing for the State Theater L~ Hutchinson Hotel projects. Please call me at 234-4223 if you have any questions or need additional information. Thanks. ~J 5~b~~ . BUSINESS SUBSIDY PUBLIC IIFARING Mark Schierman, Owncr Herman's Building 218 Main Street South Hutchinson, MN 55350 Description of Subsidy The subsidy consists of a loan from the Downtown Revolving Loan Fund in the amount of $130,000 at 2.75% for lU years. Public purpose of subsidy 1) Increasing the city's tax base 2) Enhancing l;conomic Diversity a) Enhances the downtown economic climate by providing additional high quality building space for businesses b) Tenants in the renovated building will improve the mix of businesses in the downtown Goals for the subsidy There arc no specific job creation & wage goals for this subsidy because the beneficiary is building owner only. It is anticipated that tenant businesses will hire a number of employees as a result of this subsidy. Financial obllgation if goals are not met Not applicable. Statement of why subsidy is needed Conventional bank financing was not adequate to fund the entire project, so economic development "gap" funding had to be provided. Commitment to continue operations for at least five years Name & Address of parent corporation, if any N/A List of all financial assistance by all grantors No others. ~~ C~ j~~ RESOLUTION 12559 CERTIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS OF THE CITY pF HUTCHINSON TO THE COUNTY OF MEGLE00 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA COUNTY qF MCLEOD, STATE OF MINNESOTA That the falldwing embraces unpaid assessments levied by the CIty Cquncil of Hutchinson. Mlnnesgta, under Statutes Sec. 429.011 l0 429.111 far fhe vadqus assessments of the CIty of Hutchinson, tp be levied end assessed upon the properties as listed for the fallowing purpwes for the current year, and 8ta[ a copy theroof be Sant tc the County Audllqr of said MClsgd County, Mlnnetwta: ELECTRIC & GAS 81LLs 3111729110580 xs.ml.gglo at 4fn A~raa 11w 5247.32 Adapted by tha CIty Council this 23rd day of November, 2004 Malin Torgerson, Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator daassessmetcertificati0n of assessments10:07 AM ~«~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 12560 TRANSFERRING $306,000 FROM LIQUOR FUND TO GENERAL FUND BE IT RESOLVEp BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY pF HUTCHINSON, MINNESpTA: THAT described in the 2D04 adopted General Fund Budget 5306, ODD is hereby transferred from the Liquor Fund to the General Fund. Adopted by the City Council. this 23rd day of November 2009 Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTEST: Gary ^. Plotz City Administrator L..J 5~ -~~u CITY OF HUTCHTNSON RESOLUTION NO. ~~s~l TRANSFERRING $69,000 FROM WATER SEiVER b REFUSE FUND TO GENERAL FUND HE 1T RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT $39,5D0 is hereby transferred from the Watex Department to the General Fund. THAT $39,500 is hereby transferred from the Wastewater Department to the General Fund. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of November 2004 Marlin Torgerson Mayor • ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator ~, (:~~, CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION N0. izstiz TRANSFERRING FUNpS FROM THE GENERAL FUND, ECONOMTC LOAN, ENERGY LOAN, TO HUTCHINSON COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT (EDA) FUND BE IT RE5OLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHIN5ON, MINNESOTA: THAT $100,000 is hereby transferred to Hutchinson Community Development fund (EDA) from the following: General Fund $90,000 Economic Loan Fund $5,000 Energy Loan Fund $5,DD0 THAT this fund transfer is authorized far the fiscal year 2D04. Adopted by the City Council this 23~d day of November 2004. Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator C~ J ,5 (~)i~ RESOLUTION 775H"~ TRANSFERRING FROM WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT ANA 2p04 IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION FUND TO GENERAL FUND FOR ENGINEERING AND ADMINISTRATION FEES BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MTNNESOTA: THAT, $481,593 is hereby transferred by to the General Fund for project administration and engineer fees as follows: $9,912 from Wastewater Department foz engineering fees $9,412 from Wastewater Department for administration fees $367,701 from 2004 Improvement Bonds - Engineering fees $ 95,068 from 2D04 Tmprovement Bonds - administration fees Adopted by the City Counci]. this 23rd day of November 2004 Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz Administrator ~~~~ RESOLUTION NO. 1256G CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE le Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR ag Film 138,000 $24,4b1.07 Manufacturing use Compost Yes Super Group tgs slice Squad 20,771 Replacement Central Yes 2005 Superior Ford Garage ~e following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM I COST I PURPOSE I DEPT. I BUDGET I VENDOR )ate Approved: Motion Made By: econded By: November 23, 2004 Resolution submitted for Council action Kenneth B. Merrill by: Finance Director ~(~~~g RESOLUTION N0. 175H~ DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITORY OF CITY FUNDS IN COMMERCIAL BANKS AND INSTITUTIONS SE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the following named bank, which are authorized to da a banking business and act as depositories in Minnesota, be and is hereby designated depository o£ the Public Funds of the City of Hutchinson in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, by the City Council of said City, for the term commencing October 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004: MIDCOUNTRY BANK upon terms and conditions following, to-wit: THAT this designation is subject to the right of said City of Hutchinson, Minnesota to modify, vacate, or revoke the same according to law, and also subject to any depository agreement executed pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 118.01 and Section 475.66, and THAT the use of these depositories other than those located in . the City of Hutchinson shall be for monies from the proceeds of bond sales or grant reimbursement monies only. The interest rate from these institutions must exceed the interest rate of City financial institutions by more than .5~. THAT the City Finance Director of the City of Hutchinson is hereby authorized and directed to deposit in said banks and institutions in special funds to be known as "City of Hutchinson" all monies that may come into his hands. THAT a copy of this resolution be Filed by the City Finance Director with each of the banks and institutions so designated. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of November 2004. Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator S(~)~1 Ordinance No. 04-388 ~. . Publication No. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HIJTCHiNSON, MINNESOTA, GRANTING RAYMOND AND LUCILLE 1CRUEGER THE RIGHT TO ERECT A FENCE ON PUELIC PROPERTY THE CITY OF 1-IUTCHINSON ORDAINS: Section 1. The City of Hutchinson, in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, hereafter referred to as Grantor, hereby grants Raymond and Lucille ICmcger, hereafter referred to as Grantee, a franchise to erect a fence on ecrtain property owned by the City of Hutchinson, specifically the right-of--way of non-existing Maple Street in the north-east comer of Northwoods Park. This location is directly adjacent to the Grantee's property (166 lOd' Avtnue NE). Section 2. The franchise is granted for a term of twenty (20) years commencing on the date of the acceptance of the franchise. The Grantee shall have the ability to erect and maintain fence. Grantee shall file a written acceptance of the franchise with the City Administrator of the City of Hutchinson within ten (10) days after the effective date of this ordinance. The franchise shall became effective only when the acceptance has been filed and evidence of" general comprehensive and liability insurance provided for in this grant of franchise has been filed and approved. Section 3. Grantor reserves the right to enforce reasonable regulations concerning constmctian, operation and maintenance of facilities located along, over and under the public premises before mentioned and the placement of such facilities. The Grantee has proposed to erect a cedar split-rail fence. The location of the fence, and any other type offence/material, must be approved by the Public Works Director. Section 4. Grantee shall indemnify and defend Grantor, its boards, commissions, off-icers, agents and . employees, in any and all other public agencies, and their members, officers, agents and employees, against any and all liabilities for injury to or death of any person ur any damage to any property caused by Grantee, its officers, agents or employees in the construction, operation or maintenance of its property, or arising out of the exercise of any right yr privilege under the franchise. Section 5. At all times during the term of the franchise, Gxantec will, at its own expense, maintain in farce general comprehensive liability insurance, with an insurance company approved by the City of Hutchinson, with limits approved by the policies being for the protection of Grantor and its officers, agents and employees, against liability for loss or damage for bodily injury, death or property damage occasioned by the activities of the Grantee under the franchise. Section 6. Grantee shall not have the right to assign the franchise otherwise transfer it in any manner whatsoever or sell, lease, license, mortgage, or permit others to use transfer in any manner whatsoever any interest in all or any part of its facilities that are installed or operated under this grant, except on prior written approval by ordinance of the City Council of the City of Hutchinson. Adopted by the City Council, this 23rd day of November, 2004. Attest: Mayor City Administrator Published in the Hutchinson Leader on October 28, 2004 . First Reading: November 9, 2004 Second Reading: November 23, 2004 ,~h~~~ ~iLDiNG PERMIT SURVEY FflR BE1KtK t3uiLUtK~ LOT 3, BLOCK 5, HANSEN'S NORTH HIGH ADDITION ~ N PROPOSED TDP OF FOUNDATION 1081.8 PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR 1081.5 PROPOSEb BASEMENT FLOOR - 1074.1 fiO TENTH STREET I5 30 cote In feat 7&i raa7 79A8 are e O BM yQ•ap 79.8 M'bmt NCHMARK ~ ,~rrk. ~ ~a ~ F- p not of Hydrant near the ~ N ~ riheast corner of Lvt 3. Block 5. a0 ~ ~ _ 79.3 ea s ~ ^ ~ 1.~3~~ ^-Z ' Teas ~ flan - 1081.85 ~ 26 80. ea4 m ~ Garape ~' a r H°~"r ~ ~ e.~.nny ~°°°° $ ~A _ ~ - -- - ~ ~ w c ~~ PR~~ D ~ ~ ~ ~ w - a 34 0 as . 77 Y81.3) ~ 7asx oS ~ x• rest N 78.3 Y 77.7 77 }' Y>~ • x _- -~ ~~ • 77A ~'~ ~ Denotes kon monument tound p benotes iron monument set x Denotes existing elevarion x~_g _ x x ( ) Denotes proposed ehrvatbn 77_3 772 I hereby cerilfy lhot this Survey, Pien yr ReporT was prepared by me or u nder my direct supervision and tha t 1 am u-duly licensed Land Surveyor under The Iowa of ih9 Stvte of Minnesota. Date:~ i N ~~~1 ~~~ - . f o. • L c. PELLIHEN LAND 5URVEYING HUTCHINSON MN .f08 N0. 02265 9K P-295 PG 28 ~j~1~'l~ c Hutchinson Ci Center lil a~^ sanl ss u^l~aoo, t`tta ss3sbisu 330-567ti5151/Fax 326234-42A0 M E M O- R A N D U N1 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: john P. Rodeberg, Director of Public Works RE: Consideration of Franchise Agreement for Fence near Northwoods Park Raymond and Lucille Krueger -1661 Dr" Avenue NE - ' RATE: October 7, 2004 We have been approached by ltaynnond and Lucille Krueger regazding a request to place a cedaz, split-rail type fence in theright-of--way adjacent to the above referenced property. Their property is located at the northeast comer of Northwoods Park, and the adjacent Maple Streetright-of--way is planted in Bass, and is currently not utilized by vehicles. The City has placed a barrier in a portion of the right-of--way to prevent vehicles from accessing through this area, but cars and snowmobiles intermittently drive over the curb, around the barrier and through the Krueger's yard. 7ulie Wischnack, Dolf Moon and I have reviewed the issue, and recommend approval based on the following conditions: • All costs to place and maintain the fence shall be the responsibility of the franchise holder. • All maintenance of the right-of--way azea landscaping shall be the responsibility of the property owner. ^ The City Attorney must review liability issues and requirements. ^ The City reserves the right to remove the fence due to safety, operational or other issues after notice. to the property owner. • W e recommend the franchise fee be waived or be very minimal ($1/year) due to the value of the franchise holder's right-of--way maintenance requirements. This Franchise Agreement will require that a Public hearing be held at the next.Council Meeting (`Itresday, October 26°i). ~: ~~n~ w;:ct~x Dalf Maan Marc Sebcea - Priqud vn recYt~ed papa . ,c~~>~ 45 75 66 76 ~ I~ I. 65 75 i 84 1040 'I I: 85 75 i (STN ~..... 64 74 65 75 IGH DR NE ' 106 116 126 138 148 156 ~N :W ~g 105 115 125 135 145 756 1104 106 116 126 136 146 156 188 105 115 125 135 14S 155 185 zo5 210 1105 240 200TH ST 930 ..-., .-.-..---.-._L. ._...-.. .. .. ,_ ... I ~ .. . 860 ~ 204 880 j 300 856 ~~ i , No ...-..-. -- 850 ~ 855 860 I ..+. S% I ~ 400 42E 405 415 425 435 445 455 5 BO5 515 525 545 ~~ NQSIbWDgRB..AVF~NE Gjl.h~1~] i Office of the Cit Attorne C Yll Hessen Street 5E Hutchinson, MIV 55350-2522 320-587.5151lFex 320.234.4240 TO: Mayor & City Council FRAM: Marc A. Sebora, City Attorney DATE: November 5, 2004 SUBJECT: Franchise Agreement with 13utchinson School District (1SD #423) Please find enclosed for your review the proposed franchise agreement between the City and the School District with regard to the driveway used in conjunction with Park Elementary School. As you may recall, when we granted the school district's vacation request, contained in that agreement was the provision of us granting a franchise for a driveway serving Park Elementary School from the west. For your review, I am also enclosing a rnap which shows the location of the franchise area. Should you have questions concerning this, I would be happy to discuss it at the public hearing on November 9, 2004, at 6:00 p.m. Should you have questions concerning this, I would be happy to address them at the Council meeting. Pnnicd nn recycled paper- Slh~l ~ of Grantor and its officers, agents and employees, against liability for loss or damage for bodily injury, death or property damage occasioned by the activities of the Grantee under the franchise. Section b. Grantee shall not have the right to assign the franchise otherwise transfer it in any manner whatsoever or sell, lease, license, mortgage, or permit others to use transfer in any manner whatsoever any interest in all or any part of its facilities that are installed or operated under this grant, except on prior written approval by ordinance of the City Council of the City of Hutchinson. Section 7. Tn the event that the Hutchinson Area United Way should cease to exist ar should fail to use the franchise for one calendar year, this franchise shall be deemed null and void and shall revert to the City of Hutchinson without any action on the part of the City of Hutchinson whatsoever. Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect from and after passage and publication, subject to the provision above requiring written acceptance by the Coffee Company. Section 9. The Grantee shall pay a yearly franchise fee of $50.00. Adopted by the City Council, this 23`a day of November 2004. Mayor Attest: City Administrator ~=5~ i ~ t o -53 0 t—� SOS-41 I E;" 31.20 SOV7 ZIM SW4 I'l 6% 31:5.50 NW41'16'W 577.50 SECOND AVENUE Kap" Lav Su� Existing School Building B PARK L-- .. j 0 ORTH WDI'45'W < < 4511 39m _tAKLXL Ed SOS-41 I E;" 31.20 SOV7 ZIM SW4 I'l 6% 31:5.50 NW41'16'W 577.50 SECOND AVENUE Kap" Lav Su� Existing School Building B PARK L-- .. j 0 VWE 2e (Is C SE I" Sw a U-1 A 7 ai M 'I 6'W 264M LLJ VWE 2e (Is C SE I" Sw a Ordinance No. 03-391 Publication No. AN ORDINANCE QF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, GRANTING HUTCI-IINSON SCHOOL DISTRICT (ISD #423) THE RIGHT TO MAINTAIN A DRIVEWAY ON PUBLIC PROPERTY THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDAINS: Section 1. The City of Hutchinson, in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, hereafter referred to as Grantor, hereby grants Hutchinson School District (ISD #423), hereafter referred to as Grantee, a franchise to maintain a driveway on certain property owned by the City of Hutchinson, specifically North Pazk. The azea of the franchise is specifically described as: Commencing at the northeast comer of said North Park; thence southerly, along the east line of said North Park 2G4.00 feet; thence westerly, parallel with the south ling of said North Park 264.00 feet; thence southerly, parallel with said cast line 180.00 feet tv the paint beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing southerly, parallel with said east line 41.80 feet; thence westerly, parallel with said south line 54,00 feet; thence southerly, parallel with said east line 28.20 feet; thence westerly, parallel with said south line 259.50 feet to the west line of said North Park; thence northerly, along said west line 70.D0 feet; thence easterly, parallel with said south line 313.50 feet to the paint of beginning. Section 2. The franchise is granted for a term of twenty (20) years commencing on the date of the acceptance of the franchise. Grantee shall file a written acceptance of the franchise with the City Administrator of the City of Hutchinson within ten (10) days after the effective date of this ordinance. The franchise shall become effective only when the acceptance has been filed and evidence of general comprehensive and liability insurance provided for in this grant of franchise has been filed and approved. Section 3. Grantor reserves the right to enforce reasonable regulations concerning construction, operation and maintenance oC facilities located along, over and under the public premises before mentioned and the placement of such facilities. Section 4. Grantee shall indemnify and defend Grantor, its boards, commrsstons, officers, agents and employees, in any and all other public agencies, and their members, officers, agents and employees, against any and all liabilities for injury to or death of any person or any damage tv any property caused by Grantee, its officers, agents or employees in the construction, operation or maintenance of its property, or arising out of the exercise of any right or privilege under the franchise. Section 5. At all times during the term of the franchise, Grantee will, at its own expense, maintain in force genera]. comprehensive liability insurance, with an insurance company approved by the City of Hutchinson, with limits approved by the policies being for the protection Qua ~ :aRC~ ~a (_!~~ ~ of Grantor and its officers, agents and employees, against liability for loss or damage for bodily injury, death or property damage occasioned by the activities of the Grantee under the franchise. Section 6. Granlee shall not have the right to assign the franchise otherwise transfer it in any manner whatsoever or sell, lease, license, mortgage, or permit others to use transfer in any manner whatsoever any interest in all or any part of its facilities that are installed or operated under this grant, except on prior written approval by ordinance of the City Council of the City of Hutchinson. Section 7. In the event that Hutchinson School District (ISD #423) should cease to exist or should fail to use the franchise for one calendar year, this franchise shall be deemed null and void and shall revert to the City of Hutchinson without any action on the part of the City of Hutchinson whatsoever. Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect from and after passage and publication, subject to the provision above requiring written acceptance by Hutchinson School District (iSD #423). Section 9. The Grantee shall pay a yearly franchise fee of $50.00. Adopted by the City Council, this 23rd day of November 2004. ~.~ Mayor Attest: City Administrator ~~ ~.~~ `,(h~- L 4.J TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Tom I{loss, Airector of information Technology~~ RE: City Ordinance 91.41 DATE: 11/2/04 In the past the City of 1-Iutchinson donated our surplus computers to the Hutchinson School District. The last three times the City needed to dispose of equipment we opted to send them to auction per City Ordinance 91.42. 'i7re CityAtirninistratar shall nfferfor public sale, to the highest bidder, surplus.propertytyith a total estimated value aver $rqp. Notice of the public sale shall be given stating time and place of sale and generally describing the propertyta be sold at least ten days prior to the date of sale by publication once in the official newspaper. The sale shall be to the person submitting the highest hid. (' 89 Coda, ' 2.7p) What has happened at the last two auctions is, after the labor to transfer the computers to the auction site we end up with a net of $4 to $5 per computer. We typically replace 20 to 30 computers per year. I see an overall benefit to the residents of Hutchinson if the City would have an open policy to donate its surplus computers directly to the Hutchinson Public School District. The money the City receives from auction does not equate to the benefits the School District receives from the donation. Staff is suggesting revising Ordinance 91.41 Original 91.41 Surplus Valued Under $100 The City administrator may sell surplus property with a total value of less than $100 through negotiated sale. Revised The City administrator may sell surplus property with a total value of less than $100 through negotiated sale. Surplus personal computers greater than three years odd may be donated directly to Public Schools in Hutchinson. Cc: Gary Plotx, City Administrator 5~.~~1~. wr~~'ov~c rauc-r Y cN c~itv-r~t~, x rye cl ement t~iTY• CF' NL'TCH:ySON 320-583•-457 ~ ~ -J4:7 Fa7TcNT1D~v::LEk= 111 ryiaSSEN SY ~•{UTCFI1NSpiV MC; ., s3~@ 5N vN Item 1?.escriptinn price qty 27 5`+~ --- f•ir comp~.;ter, keybnar~•d, ; mouse .7 4c^:9 •- HF~ computer, keyboard, 1 mnuse c7 69~~ .- Hp computer^, keybnard, 1 mouse `'7 645 - ~-IF~ Cnmp~ater^, keyboard, 1 ~ mnUSe 7 6kG hiG computer, keyhnard, 1 ma~ase Items: 5 pmnunt: Cammissian'dt 2@.~T@@y. 14+•_50 Less adjustments: . Net due to seller: -•-- :Y6U CGt1Siy;i pagE. Total 7. 5@ .. _ .-...- :;. Cr1? 15. @@ 1 @. 4~0 15. @@ 52.5@ -1&1.5@ 42. tG@ 2@404 W t•Iwy. lu, Hutci7inson, MN 553W0 C^c4~••5d37--„347 F:eh Site www_hutnvecauctians.cnm ?hanM ynu fur attending our^ auction,'. F'UTLJGE FE CCNSTGNMEN7: DECEMf-1EFi 1, cD@3 ur•d€cy, 5e pt 27 .. Lg antique•:pri:al°.v2 auCtinr~-10 faM-Nat'l Gtiiard Rrmnry--Fii,ctch u~^day, Cct 4 - estate auction wi77 t'.^actor-sf far^m primitive5i{dhi - 1@ f~M z~~ l ., ~ ~Ch~~a 1@- @1 •~~ra~ HOT©VEC iALJCTION CENTER. INC _: menf; ~s'~T-tea.: -~,:;7., ce~e_-_G@6 City of 11~1tchimssrc: -Rttr~: Lee :17. I.lassan St Hutchinson MN S~ :~@ A HN Item DeSCriptien F'ri~e Cty E 3M9 - ~ board R ma~.~se 1 iE k7@ ~;•_~mputer-, ::eyh.aard ~ ma_.st '6 E.4w - Computer, keyhnar^d & mcuse 1 3aa r•t.m~a.'c~;•, F;eyi,car d 3: rru~_vso ;. iE 6~.'. -- Computer, keybaar-d & mouse 1 Items: 5 Rmount: CUmmissiorr <yt cfb.@@@Y• 14.@.'~ ""y~~,- Le<as adjus'~menisc ~ V{ :itL ~.,,,...;y. F>aye. TUt.a:~ L. _]0 ~.__ ~~ 1 @. ,y@.ry@, 1 J . Y'Yl @. @@ ~N.. @~ ;=~~t;m4 .d F4wy. .:,, F-;u•4•~b:nsrrn, Mh °~3~@ wow Sb7 3~:': Wet aiS:e www,hatcvecauctions.ccr Thank ynu xar attending nur auction! ~`~ erday, Dct 4 - Estate aucticn w/JIi tr•actorsffarm pr~imitivealWW -- 1@ RM ~~~1 ~~ ~~c~)~a~ RESOLUTION NO. 12549 RESOLUTION APPROVING A PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT TO BE ICNOVI'N AS BRIDGEWATEIt ESTATES THIRD ADDITION SUBMITTED BY GPS DICKINSON PARTNERS $E IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCIIINSON, MN: FINDINGS 1. 1'he applicant has submitted a preliminary and final plat to be known as Bridgewater Estates Third Addition. This property was platted as Outlot A of IIridgewatex Estates Second Addition in 200D. The original plot does include the proposed future lots to be platted in Bridgewater Estates Third Addition. There will be 271ots in this phase of development, which matches the preliminaryplat layout as presented in 2000. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: parlor A Bridgewater Estates Secoud Addition according to the recorded plat there of, City of Hutchinson, McLeod Cowry, Minnesota. 2, The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Plamting Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounditg lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties m the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is in harmony with rho general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan,, if the conditions, as outlined below arc met. CONCLUSION The City Council hereby approves the preliminary and final plat with the following: 1. The access of Willow Drive SW onto South Grade Rd must include a rum lane (same design as Roberts Street), and also is dependant on closing the Honey Tree Road access (Access Management and safety issues). There are possibilities of make a temporary mad along 9th Avenue SW to Haney Tree Road, or have a temporary rum around for the street In no case can South Grade have Robcns, Willow, and Honey Tree open at one time. 2. A temporary turnaround is required on the north end of Willow Drive SW. Easements should be indicated to accommodate the rum around. Has been addressed on the design plans. 3. There are continuing safety issues for people walking in the area. There are open discussion with the developer regarding a trail along the north side of South Grade Road up to the end of the lot in the next phase of construction. This item will be finalized prior to the City Council entering a subdivision agreement. 4. The revised plat does show revised 6 foot easements along the interior lot lines and they show 12 foot casements along the front and rear lot lines. The City only requires ] 0 foot easements in the front and rear. 5. Reconthmation of that the original grading plan has been met. (The entire site was graded with the Bridgewater ,Estates 2 utility construction:) This will be completed prior to commencement of construction. 6. A subdivider's agreement must be executed and fees paid prior to construction. 7. A revised phasing plan was received by the City an November 4, 2004. 8. Provide revised pad elevation and house types signed by new engineer. Adopted by the City Cawcil this 23ed day of November, 2004. ATTEST: Gary D.Plotz City Adttaittishatvr Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor ~f..~ 1 Hutchinson City Center ... L..J DATE: Novcntber 17, 20l}M1 111 Hassan Street 5& Hutchinson, MN 55350.2522 320-587.5151/Fax 320.234-4240 MEMORANDUM TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBSECT: CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS BRIDGEWATER ESTATES TIIIRD ADDITION Pursuant to Sections 12.10 and 12.20 of the Subdivision Ordinance ,the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with aspect to the aforementioned request for a preliminary and fatal plat. HIT Y This property was platted as Outlot A of Bridgewater Estates Second Addition in 2000. The original plat does include the proposed future lots to be platted in Eridgewater Estates Third Addition. There will be 27 lots in this phase of development, which matches the preliminary plat layout as presented in 2000. EILII?INGS OF FACT 1. The required application and fee was submitted . 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Qcmhcr 7, 2004. 3. There were no neighboring property owners present objecting to the request. 4. There arc a number of fees that will be charged tv the development- The parkland contribution in the R2 district is 5175.00 per unit. SAC/WAC charges in 2004 are $2200.00 per unit (note this fee increases every year). This development is within the electric service territory area; therefore does have to pay a charge of $800.00 per unit. The above costs are collected with the building ptrmit fees. S. There is an additional escrow required for tree planting. The ordinance requires the equivalent of 2 trees per lot be escrowed with the Ciry; this would be 54 trees or $9,720 (if the rate is $180 per tree). 100°h of the project improvement costs must be secured by a band or letter of credit by the developer. Additionally a 7°k engineering fee will be required for the City to monitor the private development cvnswetion. These fees are all collected prior to the development cvnstmction commencing. RECDMMENDATION The Planning Comtission unanimously recommends approval of the preliminary and final plat. 1. The access of Willow Drive SW onto South Grade Rd must include a turn lane (same design as Roberts Street), and also is dependant on closing the Honey Tree Road access (Access Management and safety issues). There are possibilities of make a temporary road along 9th Avenue SW to Honey Tree Road, or have a temporary tam around for the street. In no case can South Grade have Roberts, Willow, and Honey Tree open ae one time. 2. A temporary turnaround is required on the north end of Willow Drive SW. Easements should be indicated m accommodate the turn around. Has been addressed on the design plans. 3. There are continuing safety issues for people walking in the area. There are open discussion with the developer regarding a trail along the north side of South Grade Road up to the end of the lot in the next phase of conshuction. This item will be finalized pror m the City Council entering a subdivision agreement. 4. The revised plat does show revised 6 fop,(°g~s&~g the interior lot lines and they show 12 foot' ~, r Finding of Fact -November 17, 2004 $ridgewater Estates Third Addition Preliminary and Final plat Page z easements along the front and rear lot lines. The City only requires 1D foot easements in the front and rear. 5. Reconfirmation of that the original grading plan has been met. (The entue site was graded with the Bridgewater Estates 2 utility construction.) This will be completed prior to commencement of construction. fi. A subdivider's agecment must be executed and fees paid prior to constmction. 7. A revised phasing plan wuo raooivod by dtc City on November 4, 2004. S. Provide revised pad elevation and house types signed by new engineer Respectfully submitted, Dean I{mrchoff, Chairman llutchinson Planning Conmtniesion Cc: Mike Wigley, GPS Dickinson Partners, One Carlson Parkway Ste 120, Plymouth MN 55447 Steve Squire, Bersheid Builders 1509 Division Street, Waite Pazk, Mbl 56387 Linda Brown, Surveying & Engineering Professionals, fi0 Tenth Ave S, Waite Pazk MN 56387 r ~ ~<<:~ ~ DIRECTORS REPORT To: Hutebiusvn Planning Commission (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) From: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Jatki Pillatzki, Jean Ward, Jahn Rodeberg, P.E., Kent Exner, John Webster, Michael Kumar, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Mark Schnobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz,lCeaa Merrill, Jim Popp, Dan Hatter, Dick Nagy, Jalie Wischuack, AICP, and Bonnie Baumetz Date: November 1, 2004 --Meeting Date: November 16, 2004 Applicant: GPS Dickinson Partners -Property Owner RECONFIRMATION OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT Brief Description This property was platted as Outlot A of Bridgewater Estates Second Addition in 2000. The original plat does include the proposed future lots to be platted in Bridgewater Estates Third Addition. There will be 27 lots in this phase of development, which matches the preliminary plat layout as presented in 2000. GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: R2 (Single and Two Family Residential) Property Location: North of South Grade Rd and East of Roberts Street SW Lot Size: A portion of Outlot A, Bridgewater Estates Second Addition (original site 47.48 acres) This area consist of 27 single family lots. Existing Land Use: Vacant AdJacent Land Use And Zoning: Rl (Single Family Residential) and R2 (Single and Two Family Residential) Comprehensive >.and Use Plan: Traditional Residential Neighborhood Zoning History: This is the third addition of several phases of Bridgewater Estates. Applicable Regulations: Section 12.1D and 12.2D of the Subdivision Ordinance. SPECIAL INFORMATION Transportation: Scuth Grade Rd and Roberts St. SW Parking: N/A 5(<~_~1 Preliminary and L~nal Plat Bridgewater Estates Third Additiop Planning Commission- November 16, 200A Page 2 Fees There are a number of fees that will be charged to the development. The parkland contribution in the R2 district is $175.00 per unit. SAC/WAC charges in 2004 are $2200.00 per unit (note this fee increases every yeaz). This development is within the eleotrio oorr7ec territory nrca; therefore does have to pay a charge of $800.00 per unit, The above costs are collected with the building permit fees. There is an additional escrow required for tree planting. The ordinance requires the equivalent of 2 trees per lot be escrowed with the City; this would be 54 trees or $9,720 (if the rate is ~ 180 per tree). 100% of the project improvement costs must be secured by a bond or letter of credit by the developer. Additionally a 7% engineering fee will be required for the City to monitor the private development construction. These fees aze all collected prior to the development construction commencing. Analysis and Recommendation: The following are the comments from the last staff report and in bold are the responses: 1. The access of Willow Drive SW onto South Grade Rd must include a turn lane (same design as Roberts Street), and also is dependant on closing the Honey Tree Road access (Access Management and safety issues). There are possibilities of make a temporary road along 9th Avenue SW to Honey Tree Road, or have a temporary turn around for the street. In no case can South Grade have Roberts, Willow, and Honey Tree open atone time. The developer will close the small portion of Honey Tree Road when Willow is constructed. This would be the area south of the east/west road. 2. A temporary turnaround is required on the north end of Willow Drive SW. Easements should be indicated to accommodate the turn around, Has been addressed on the design plans. 3. There aze continuing safety issues for people walking in the area. The City should consider a trail along the north side of South Grade Road up to the end of the plat in the next phase of construction. They are open to discussing this option. This item will be finalised prior to the City Council entering a subdivision agreement. 4. Revised plat indicating: 6 foot easements, which aze required along interior lot lines. The easements were changed to 6 and 12 feet. The requirement is 6 and 10 feet. 5. Reconfirmation of that the original grading plan has been met. (The entire site was graded with the Bridgewater Estates 2 utility construction.) This will be done, prior to commencement of construction. S C~~ 1 Preliminary and Final Plat Bridgewater Estates Third Addition Planning Commission- November X6, 2004 Page 3 6. A subdivider's agreement must be executed and fees paid prior to construction. This will be completed. 7. Revise phasing plan to reflect new development plan. , The revised phasing plan was received on November 4, 2004. 8. Provide revised pad elevation and house types signed by new engineer (previously submitted by RLK Kuusisto). The new engineer has agreed to this. Staff have had the opportunity to review the updated information and are satisFed with the information. Staff would recommend approval of the Etna] plat. Cc: Mike Wigley, GPS Aickinsan Partners, One Carlson Parkway Ste 120, Plymouth MN 55447 Steve Squire, Bersheid Builders 150917ivision Street, Waite Park, MN 56387 Linda Brown, Surveying & Engineering Professionals, 60 Tenth Ave 5, Waite Park MN 56387 _~ ~C-~ _s • .__. ~~~ _-__ w,.5~., . r.~..,., ~ ... i ~ + i ~ i'` ~ A~ ~ ~` ~ , . . ~- ,,-, ~~. + Ilr 1 +~+ i 1~+' r i anwEruirn lsrq[s sFCa+o rmma+ frw6r ~sE1 rua 16oc - `w~ r 6 u t -c -+ x 6'nccrxru muES 6HYm .uanw fuox+o r~ ~rw 2006 ~ -,+ r ~ i' ~ ~ + l ~ : ~. I ' o° ~ ~` `~ f 5 9~OR.WAIFA FSTNE6 Ipll¢rN ILORICN (xHIPO TNSE1 1FM 1006 .+. ~ ! Sp _I ~ } 4 e T _ r" -/e - ~ ~ s e5a~wxax ESGSES r~ JoIXron {souani siu~3 rEn 1606 I ~ y a ~ 1 s neocewn,fn ESrIIE6 some fmm~r+ [EVn+ w«sq run xcw ~- ~ i I r 2 ~, 1 ~ f; ` ~ r ~ , ~ 1 Otter Y ~ lr. (SY) xYYM sue! - SECOND Updated Phct,sing far BRIDGEWATER ESTATES Lake r, 1~ 1~ 1 ~~ 1 `~~ 1 .~' E~i7 s ~ ` ~ ,%. ~'i .; i -y Fr- r a !1 .'+ ~ I ~_ I~ I ~ -~ fjr 't~+----i.j~- ~ Q 11~ s- ~ J;f I I~f r7- - i~ i ~ -, \ v -~~.r rr ~r_ I, I y P ,: t, -,`II o 3 / s 1 ~'' _ ~ \ li; '~ 4~ i ~ S _~q~ 1 Syr ! j lo~ j !'1 r ~, ~ ~~ s. 1~,~,, - 1 ~ a ,' r 1 a`" - a ,fir .~ R ,, 1 ~ 2 Q Mur,S ~~ _.--- sours ------------------------------- U h ADDITION P L A 5 ~~` ~I' I r IE c ~I; III ;I -~----- I i I I I I I I i ~ a ~ l 75ti 'r y I =I ~I I { 3 I I I I I I I I I I I << 1 1 ] I I I ~---- r aa_o_ sourhwesr~ -----------------~ _-- ...~~..~,.~~..._f- - - p zoos BRIIIGEWATER ESTATES THIIZD ADDITIGN s~tiv"'x B~ w r>v ~n >r er s.r. r.r. a.. r..ww --- a.41ww•+i. w ~.~.....u+w ....r w.v w FIRST ADDIT I07f TO er • w..a a.w ~ ~r.rw. r GWTH CAKEYIOOO'SECONO AODITH)N TO +~a ~ r°°°° ~'°+"""r"""""'C 4' ""~ ~"~' 0~' W~ ESTATES' SCUTH LAY.Efl'000 .,. ~,,. •rrw. r+r~.mwnme vermvrwi++...r .. rrwww. l+rr~...rr `spy skr~ `STATES 1 iI1.PLRTTEO ~ . I w+w~r..+.ai vs esw w..vn..rrww.. r..+r w..rrww.. r+r.. w~ra~r.._ r~~' ]Yf ahb 5 W1f.Y E aE1~ +I ~ww.a=T- r . j -- ~ I rasrm ~ ' x _E 30 I r.w.. r.~..".X" ww.: r::..' uT:.rrr.w~ ~++-~.' . k % ~P{'Z~' V ~~ L -~'- ~p pF.. I ~~- w] ~ 5£GS7fl~7" 1 ' W..ti..i~-r...:r..+r...-r.~.......M.~wecam ous re.mv~.. r.. r.. i..r..~ ~_ X S~~Z ! r ....rr "L.`a :"„w.t'w:.::wrn:+.r wwi: ~ +r.rY a ~w.r~.:ir...`:.ti.rrrw.rse+e ' Q 1 j ~ . ~ DUTLOT A ~ ~~ „~ -~- ~' m . ~ y..r~M~.i~.M~Y...~.rM ~.~I fL~buC~w Rll..w w•I4~.c~~ 5 I a~nw! ' ~. _ In dm.~~~ s .cana• E CUTLCT A ~ ~ ~ a. v wna.a.. 8.~. r~r .~a~a.~ w. ~yyY yyy~~ r srrYCa.m R~ R~ffOiwla C~we sv.m.rww..ea.ry Y~awWa~wIJIW!w .ir yy~w`+t.Ma.~.~~iV Mn ~ qr-~aH_Z s -ii®T- Z ~i sir+~~h~ww ~..rr.w:.M~r.~rr___ -.~- wrw r. 8 9RIDGEWATER ESTATES 3£L ONO ADDITfON gg ~ ~ t ~ f ~~ ~~ "~ s ' - - - 8 ~ 13 51 4f G+ JJOOCt ~ ! mrsrme+. e..mn . ~2CtE'. "' ~ _ ~ ~ 8 Z 8 ~ ~' mrr r.rr e.aa ..... e..r. w..r 11340 -- B SI *nw rl.Yrr.ti ryr~p.-r.r.rr+rrw ~.a..•rr...w r.+..~. wM1 ra>I. 1 Iw - ~ ~'~} _._.~~-~ lifff]R 18® p P •T•LL ~. [ -~.J ~~ ' yy r ~~- g I 4 ti... 4.ry W^. fYr. I F 1 3 d r - yg ~ OUT LOT A / S 1iMEY1am z ~ _ i GUTLOT A ~ rye K,~, ~.. r i rs.. n....-.r. ~+.~ w..w.. .... rr. ^... ''o ' _4_ ~l ~o ~ ° r-umr- k ~ ~---- rn _ rR "O'~"`~O~~~1 ~ ~ 3p_ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~' BRIDGEM'ATER ESTATES ° X w s •[;' 6RIDGEN'ATEP ESTAF£S ¢ alf.Y.~ ~~¢ ~~~- 1p L SECOND 0.D01TIOH of . µ W ____• SECOND ADDITION r? ~ ~ f-oIDf' ~ °~"`"°01 r'~'h'rt'O~` ~,~ p-. f E ' 119~ s ~1 r.rtr~Y~w. r1.~a•r•.M f _ _ ~~ ~ Kf sr _ ___ IE 1 4 Yr 4w w..n r ~ ~ ~ + ~ 4 >r~Y Q i 1 ~+• 1 ~ SC I$3~ 9 ~~~ 5~ E~sR ~L~ a ~; 1 L E ~~ mar caia rr art. r..r m ~ iI 91 $i yI 61f V ~ II Fk zl ~~..-+~rrrr.. aawrr.wr.~r_~tiw ~_~-_.w- 0 3R X49 34 iL'+!'°_ L'S!'y 3~J Ll_^ ~'!°_~ v r E_1RR__J Of w..wwrw-rnr- w~. a r ~ .... art'_'_ a + w ~~HTM~ SOU7HWEST R IIHM A~E;SOIHHMES~ R -X110';~+ 3" ~ f ws .e raa 1raT rr,.~ i r ' ~ 31 _ 1'rx i3Fy iia. :3 Ea 7-~ a~71 i w I =! ~ ~, I' ~i ice" I ° .mi ...~i`a rwwra~r°us°.E>° ~ ~ y ~~ i ~ BB 38 a0 ~ 30 • ll6PiW.t 1~ ~. N MtTM' Y a{l,fi am/r a aLi n rV~><~ _ ~' "i'.L•___ SOtISH LRABE ROAL SWiHWEST x ~ t ~ V _ _ _ _ 1, y m°^O ~Omd°r° ~ ~~•°~ SYTL+ GRADE Rudn 39LSHnESI 7 _ _ _ _ - _ r{ _ _ _ _ ~"'••"~s °` °•an w.m .msi,^, '~~ / ~ r . -~.... ~ -' `w~vA ewa trR ~or~w~xa s tym~r~Sm i// 1 . Krnan.wvx ~ +x+nw +.a ~~~ o ~ >Q --- -- ~ R...~rl Ysi.'W~yrwi. ww u.s y~,i J ra µ r awry.. mns~ir v' ~a~vbn~rri m°'.ss+e.Ma n. Ivn ar..+s l~~s~+I r.~~.{..Y.Ywllm.i ~R.4M~Rrl~ .OiO mM4 r.~~ M1+/i 1N r.r l.ir.lww EFRtlw 1.f. V .r. ....... .. ... ............. ... ............ PREDEYELOP]VIENT NOTES BRIDGEWATER ESTATES TIIIRD ADDITION Wednesday, October 27, 2004 Present: Dave Hunstad, John Webster, Dan Hatten, Kent Bxner, Dolf Moon, John Olson, John Rodeberg, Steve Squire, Linda Brown, Tom Herkenhoff, 7ulie Wischnack and Bonnie Baumetz Bonnie Baumetz opened the meeting with introductions. Julie Wischnack commented on the request and the history of the plat. She stated the plan is for late Spring construction. She explained the 8 issues listed in the previous staff report. John Rodeberg explained South Grade Road is a County State Aid Hwy and Honey Tree Road is proposed to be abandoned in the future for access safety. He stated the County will not give a new access until Honey Tree Rd. is closed. He stated an option would be to build a temporary road to Honey Tree and close off the southern portion of Honey Tree. He stated a right turn lane oFf South Grade Road at the new access will be required. John commented on the prescriptive easement on Honey Tree Road. John Olson stated the city will not be maintaining Honey Tree Road this winter. Dan Hatten stated he has no problem with closing Honey Tree Road or the access. John R. commented on the roads accessing off South Grade Road. Dolf Moon explained the parkland dedication will be collected with the building permit. He explained there is a tree escrow required. Julie W. explained the developer escrows money for 2 trees per lot up front and the city purchases, plants and maintains the trees. Kent Exner commented on discrepancies in the grading plan and the actual grading of the property. He stated the developer must verify the grading and pond depth before the final plan is approved. Dan H. explained a temporary rum around is required on the north/south mad for emergency services. John Webster stated the natural gas is to the property and ready to go when the curb is in. Dave Hunstad stated electric is also in and he will need the reaz property lines to grade within 6 inches. He explained property comers must be marked and there must be easements around the pond. John W. stated they should re-verify in writing there is enough room around the pond for utility placement. S~~J 1 Predevelopment Notes Bridgewater Estates Third Addition October Z7, 20114 Page 2 John. R. commented on the need for a trail on the north side of South Grade Road. He explained the city will work with the developer to put in a 10 foot bituminous trail. He stated this would be a second trail and there could be a possibility of reducing parkland fees. This would be worked out in the subdivider's agreement. Bonnie B. stated the preliminary plat will be placed on the Planning Commission agenda for November 16`" and, if approved, to the City Council on November 23'~ . Julie W. explained the phasing plan must be revised to show approximate years the development phases will take place. Pad elevations must also be revised. She commented on the fees which will be stated in the subdivision agreement and possibly go to the City Council in January or February. Steve Squire stated they would like to be ready to go as soon as possible in the Spring. ~_J _~ ~c~ 1 i PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 04-395 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF IIL7TCffiNSON, MINNESOTA VACATING LITILI'TY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS BETWEEN LOTS 2tl AND 21, BLOCK 1, FAIRWAY ESTATES SECONU ADDITION, SUBMITTED BY MARTY BERG AND MIKE MCGRAW THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP IIUTCHINSON, M17VNESOTA ORDAINS Section 1 ~ _Nvtice of hearing was duly given and publication of said heating was duly made and was made m appear tv the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the best interests of the City to vacate utility and drainage easements located in Fairway Estates Second Addition, between Lvts 20 and 21, Block 1, for the purposes of a lot split. Section That the utility and drainage easements to be vacated are described as follows: Vacate that part of the 6.00 foot wide drainage and utility easement lying southerly of and adjoining the northerly line of Lot 20, Slock 1, Fairway Estates Second Addition, according tv the recorded plat thereof. The easterly lint of that part of said easement being vacated being the westerly line of the Easterly 10.00 feet of said Lot 20 and the westerly line of that part of said easement being vacated being the easterly line of the Westerly 10.00 feet of said Lot 20. Vacate that part of the fi.00 foot wide drainage and utility easement lying northerly of and adjoining the southerly line of Lot 21, Block 1, Fairway Estates Second Addition, according the recorded plat thereof 'The easterly line of that part of said easement being vacated being the westerly line of the Easterly 10.00 feet of said Lot 21 and the westerly line of that part of said easement being vacated being the easterly line of the Westerly 10.00 feet of said Lot 21. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after passage and publication subject to the following conditions. 1. Any relocation of utilities is required to be at the owner's expense. (None are identified at this time.) 2. Additional drainage and utility easements must be provided and signed by the property owners prior to issuance of a building pernut. New easement descriptions shall be provided by the applicants/owners. (This easement area would be along the new property lines 6 feet on either side). 3. All recording of the deeds are the applicant's/owner's responsibility. Adopted by the City Council this 141h day of December, 2004. Mazlin Torgerson Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plolz City Administrator ~jLc~a. RESOLU'T'ION NO. 12550 RESOLUTION APPROVING A LOT SPLIT SUBMITTED BY MARTY BERG AND . MTICk: MCGRAW, PROPERTY OWNERS, TO SPLIT A LOT LOCATED ON HERITAGE AVENUE N.W. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI3E CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS 1. Marty Berg and Mike McGraw, property owners, have applied For a lot split to relocate a lot line. Legal Description:NORTHERLY PARCEL That part of Lot 21, Block 1, Fairway Estates Second Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, lying northerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southeasterly corner of satd Lot 21; thence northerly, along the easterly line of sazd Lot 21 a distance of 15.07 feet to the beginning of the brie to be described; thence westerly, parallel with the southerly line of said Lot 21 a distance of l l b.70 feet to the westerly line of said Lot 21 and said ltne there terminating. SOUTHERLY PARCEL: Lot 20, Block 1, Fairway Estates Second Addition, according to the recorded lot thereof. Also, that part of Lot 21, flock 1 of said Fairway )states Second Addition, lying southerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southeasterly comer of satd Lot 21; thence northerly, along the easterly line of satd Lot 21 a distance of 15.07 feet to the beginning of the line to be described; thence westerly, parallel with the southerly line of said Lot 21 a distance of l 1 b.7D feet to the westerly line of said I,ot 21 and said line there terminating. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planuing Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anttctpated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. 'T'he Council has determined that the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, if the conditions, as outlined below arc met. CONCLi75ION The City Council hereby approves the lot split with the following conditions: 1. Any relocation of utilities is required to be at the owner's expense. (None are identified at this time) 2. Additional drainage and utility easements must be provided and signed by the property owners prior to issuance of a building permit. New easement descriptions shall be provided by the applicants/gwners. (This easement area would be along the new property lines 6 feet on either side). 3. All recording of the deeds are the applicant's/owner's responsibility. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of November, 2004 ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor `~C~ }~, Hutchinson Cit Center C ttt Haaean Sirnt SE Hutchlnsoq MN 55350.25x2 328-587•SY5Y/Fax 320.234-4210 M~MOx~.rvnum~ DATE: November 17, 2004 TOe Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Comtrtission STIB.IECT: Consideration of Vacation of Easements and Lot split located in Fairway Estates Second Addition submitted by Marty Berg anfl Mike McGraw. Pursuant to Subdivision Ordinance No. 466, the Hutchinspn Planning Conmtissivn is hereby submitting its Endings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request. HISTORY: The applicants are requesting to split a lot to relocate the lot line and vacate easements between Lots 20 and 21, Block 1, Fairway Estates Second Addition. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hut as Leader on Thursday, November 4, 2004. 2. There were no neighboring property owners present objecting tv the request. 3. The properties are located in the Rl PDD ans. The underlying zoning of Rl standards apply to this property. The proposal is to vacate a property line and essentially move the lot line, 14.5 feet, to the north. The lot sizes remaining after the Iot split; are 15,208 square feet (lot 20 after) and 15,923 square feet (lot 21 after). The minimum lot size requirement for the Rl district is 10,400 square feet. Lot 21 is impacted by right of way (front) setbacks of 30 feet on three sides. The building envelope remaining for this lot after the split would be approximately 60 x 75 feet. This would accommodate a home size, which is common in this area. RECOMMENDATION: Planning Commission unanimously reconunended approval of the request for the vacation of easements and lot split with ehc following conditions: 1. Any relocation of utilities is requved to be at the owner's expense. (None are identified at this time.) 2. Additional drainage and utility easements must be provided and signed by the property owners prior to issuance of a building permit. New easement descriptions shall be provided by the applicaats/owners- (This easement area would be along the new pmperty lines 6 feet on either side). 3. All recording of the deeds are the applicant's/owner's responsibility. Respectfully submitted, Dean ICireboff, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission ~J cc: Marry Berg, 1245 Golfview Court NW Michael McGraw, 34 Main St 5 - rrn«e ~ ,ay~ka ~, - DIRECTORS REPORT -PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) From: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Jacld Pillatzki, Lean Ward, John Rodeberg, P.E., John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kent Exner, Mark Schnobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Ken Merrill, Jim Popp, Dan Hatten, Dick Nagy, Julic Wischnack, AICP, and Bonnie Baumetz bate: November 1, 2004 -Meeting bate: November 16, 2004 Applicaut: Marty Berg and Michael McGraw, property owners VACATION OF EASEMENTS AND LOT SPLIT Brief Description 'The applicants are requesting to split a lot to relocate the lot line and vacate easements between Lots 20 and 21, Block 1, Fairway ]states Second Addition. GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: Rl (Single Family Residential) Planning Development District Property Location: 1440/1444 Heritage Ave. NW Lot Size: 144D - .3 acres and 1444 - .4 acres Existing Land Use: Vacant lots (westerly lot has a home being constructed) Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Rl PDD, Golf Course to the south and property to the west is outside city lirrtits. Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Traditional Residential Neighborhood Zoning Ilistory: None Applicable Regulations: Section 12, Chapter 12 ,Subdivision Ordinance SPECIAL INFORMATION Transportation: I~Ieritage Ave. N.W. Parking: NIA ~ c)~ Vacation and Lot Split Marty BerglMike McGraw Planning Commission-Navemberl6, 2004 Page 2 Analysis and Recommendation: The properties are located in the Rl PDD area. The underlying zoning of R 1 standards apply to this property. The proposal is to vacate a property 11ne and essentially move the lot ltne, 14.5 feet, to the north. The lot sizes remaining after the lot split; are 15,2D8 square feet (lvt 20 after) and 15,923 square feet (lot 21 after). The minimum lot size requirement For the Rl district is 1D,4DD square feet. Lot 21 is impacted by right of way (front) setbacks of 30 feet on three sides. The building envelope remaining for this lot after the split would be approximately 60 x 75 feet. This would accommodate a home size, which is common in this area. Staff would recommend approval of the application with the following conditions: ~~ 1. Any relocation of utilities is required to be at the owner's expense. (None are identified at this time) 2. Additional drainage and utility easements must be provided and sued by the property owners prior tv issuance of a building permit. New easement descriptions shall be provided by the applicants/owners. (T'his easement area would be along the new property lines 6 feet on either side). 3. All recording of the deeds are the applicant's/owner's responsibility. Cc: Many Berg, 1245 Golf view Court NW Michael McGraw, 34 Main St. S :~c-~~. r~S~GFtXXm F~Nt Y~kICYpf75EN~ ~,r77 SP'LdT 'V~C3PP75E[r !47EX3CViYp$F171p' ~'DR rdf~'fFfEFX.`r PAL 1tw9 pw~rt of Las 2Y, ~NaCXi. V. F"e46liWYRY1f' ~'5TAb'ES 5'EY;tS ppTW4H„ dceardlnq to kkrb rbnarelad pdas thaxaaf, lydrrq.... rtaar'sharXy aP k5 WVrra doa~a'IXab~aa ras haNkYwm: '~IKPrPrxerrcVcYp Yd9 ih~a mautVteaeserlp eYrrrYar a! m~ald Lad 2N; rhem~e rlarsNlbrY+,r'. aYSrNrq ihrd bamdbrtly NNna et maNd'~ lar 2V as dNmslsnc~ of P,~«C9~' frab'r to tifrb k1ek~YrYnk~lq " tYra Ilea da p~a~ d~bmCrdrbd: then~tb wasterVy, paraYXbf rwkth fhe~ saasYlarYk Ntllnb of slxl~f lsrd '~ X ~ ddy'YArrrna of p I~„Tp~ float to pV7a wasdwfx BVsia af~ dVStXd ~,at '~.6 ryd maGd YYha ttabrb YarnrYleaN'leagt.. °R6~"&t~ECa N1~SY;rR9b'A~Qi!Y ~iSNfi S~aJ~Y PFIftCYwB, ai' ~`fJ, ftle~k M,~ rAYtt"Wp7 IESTA4~X;,'~ S'E.Y:~ihlq ~ftMTFtMI. acsardtrYq to Tk7b reco4bd', plod tharaaf='. V4aa., thgt prier of V.ut ~ P~." I~'Nack¢ I apt saMd F,rdGirP,A"F ES"6A'T'ES SXC'GNp ,AC'fSY'fX4:W,X, k~Vn;k mroutherdy rvt d MWrma dbasz~l~m~d as fbVlr,"wa= ;arhNhetrclnq ur th-e sYaurtbbsfibrsy I:arrYer of sold &.at 2tl: tfab~cb herehNly, mNalraq the aasabrty YVna of srxVd LaN 21 a dXstarleNt Irf tl~.A7" feast to thb be"glNSntrrp f dXka IYfYa Su3 Fia dbacribbdi tkderlCa Ytbak er t, pwvdlXbt wXNftl fihb aa~ktdllarly r7Vnn of 'aald t~ak ~I 4 dl'ypdttCb of & I~rFCM fbat' to tlYea WamY'brly YYtYb VYf Mild X.at ~'N arwd. eaVd Ylna Ih7(4 keemlaacVrtly ~q,„R'S4 I MtiJ E....9V 4.1 ~'Y N ~~yy r,,,,r' ¢It ~ry ~ ~1. .yidyG',~,. 9 m _.. ~ ~Cr. .. , ~, ~,a tltl 1 ~ AFtEa4 ~~92~ ~Y~fkrara ibex '~ r~ ,. caftar Pr apamed V.a t sv~N~ ~ ~ ~ I ~~ I ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~a ~~ l ~'6bt~Nnq nt mad y* y, e~Mt A i lsca:,FTrow~ ~ pkcr~~ws~o E113e1r~M"t5 rp vac,~SE~ 4aeata that parr aY thin 6.C(3r Mlbe w~fa eMBWtlo(w nrr! uY1N}y aaae Wen, Wiry eaUlnarir of aid paklt n,l Iha nryr'tMrla lima c,1 ~,1}••1 c'"L7 Hao~l: I, WRXNAY E57A"fE$ SECC:ItlG PC'><JftMGH gc,;prdlnU 1w N'Ma Cb uad ~lal Yhww of_ Tab eo a, M1,~ XHlle ~l rihtlit peYm aM matd ea mear~anR heu>9 vo~o,ed celM1p the M'NataN'd/ 9Wta at roha ~abkbrYm' N 17.~LSG Ybsro of >>Id Lo7 20 and rha Memtartp XWna at }hbl YmaNt of std avemantaai ar Irq ..Hared baYery Ntaa rraatarYr Maa ad tkM Wamtarflyr X tea} a1 matd LEI za Itacalel Ntaat p t 7 the B.C4 raai widb dv7Ynaga ana a?IYMty eamemana Yylnq Wherry of and adJm'lnlnd YM eouNfibrtY nna at t..ak TY, Stack t, r'~a{EfxU'AY EST A7E5 sY C~GMtY AIi16PTU7Nr aemwr~dlnp, la Nhe racarryed pYai iharceof Tne seaeNardd la"WI aP tnat part 4t abYd aaeblr7bnk belnq~ va Y d baln~q tha AlaatarYy IWler aA eM Eaederly' I p. tsar ad eew Lof rN and thw rbatarYT YWoa of ehat print aA maid aamanlank aaNNq Ya aAad beiklp the eawm}artk kNna at tlhb MVb~1'arXy. I C1.fjd fast a1 5akd., Lal ~V„. et L#1 21. 5vr5k h. P ~ ~ ~~ q ~ ~~q~ 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ KJ p~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V ~ m ~r k'~ '~ ' tea,, » s^ "'~ e~...~.... Ctkfselr Prapaawd Lat SpXttS n f/"~ ~ ..'"' it r Ifl~ ~ ~~'~~ ,'11 111 ~~,''"~ ~ i Ind b' asaVa Xn fbak ..~" ~ ~6l+rre ~ a I `' "~ ~° r ~~ i r 6 ,~ ~ haebby abr t Yf y tlnruf tMk a Sur'Iray, f' V an a~r ~""°'~.....„, ~ a Xkap~art waa~ pr~aparrd fa7 riW ar a~~ndr'-r rtnkl dYraat ""^~.,,... PP + maparvtesan and that B arias d.iul,sl IYSrrm..•ad '`",„. ~~ ~ Land 8arrr,~ar andlax khW M1bwa of fhb 3trnr~ a~f N knn+e a~ra "r f ,r~r r ~ as^en «~~,~.~. ti n "`w ~a (~Jilta:..~_~la 7 L.NCa NY3. ~lSrr~~. 1 M1` 1 11 ^a._......k~>~.M ._...._~~....__.. ~Y~~~, r~ ~~~~~~~~ k ~I~~; ~ I III :,~ ~~ ~ ~. ~~~ ~°~~.. ~- ~. a RESOLUTION NO. 12551 RESOLUTiOPI APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMiT TD OPERATE A USER CAR BUSINESS . LOCATED AT 1130 HVi'Y 7 EAST ]3E IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS 1. The applicant is requesting a rezoning and Conditional Use Penttit to allow for the sale of used cars and auto repair shop located at 1130 Hwy 7 East. Used car sales are not allowed in the C4 District but are conditionally permitted in the C2 District. The applicant states he will have 10 to 15 vehicles (cars, light trucks SUVs and vans) on the lat. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 'that part of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty-two (32) Township One Hundred Seventeen (117) North of Range Twenty-nine (29) West described as follows to-wit: Commencing at the Northwest Comer of said South Half; thence Southerly along the West line of said South Half a distance of 209 feet to the center line of State Highway No. 7; thence South 89 degrees 24 minutes East, assumed bearing, along said center line, a distance of 520.00 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 89 degrees 24 minutes East a distance of 100.00 feet; thence Southerly, parallel with said West line, a distance of 273.08 feet; thence North 89 degrees 24 minutes W est a distance of 100.00 feet; thence Northerly, parallel with said West line, a distance of 273.08 feet to the point of beginning. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use an the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has detemuned that the proposed use is in hartnony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, tf the conditions, as outlined below are met. CON~L,USION T'he City Gouncil hereby approves the conditional use permit with the following conditions: 1. No parking or vehicle display would occur in the State Highway right of way. 1. Any signage would require a separate permit. 2. Any remodeling of the building would require additional permitting. 3. A driveway easement agreement must be received by the City and recorded before use could begin. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of November, 2004. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor ~~ PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 04-396 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TIIE OFFICIAL ZONING 14IAP OF THE CITY OF HIITCIiINSON FOR A PROPERTY TO BE RE7.ONED FROM C4 TO C2 LOCATED AT 1130 HVVI' 7 EAST THE CITY CQUNCII, OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, IvIINNESOTA ORDAINS: WHEREAS, the following described real property is hereby rezoned from C4 (Fringe Commercial) to C2 (Automotive Service Commercial) as requested by property owner; LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That part of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty-two (32) Township One Hundred Seventeen (117) North ofRange Twenty-nine (29) West described as follows to-wit: Commencing at the Northwest Corner of said South Half; thence Southerly along the West line of said South Half a distance of 209 feet to the center line of State Highway No. 7; thence South 89 degrees 24 minutes East, assumed bearing, along said center line, a distance of 520.00 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 89 degrees 24 minutes East a distance of 1 D0.00 feet; thence Southerly, parallel with said West line, a distance of 273.08 feet; thence North 89 degrees 24 minutes West a distance of 100.00 feet; thence Northerly, parallel wish said West line, a distance of 273.08 feet to the point of beginning. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission and City Council have considered the effects ofrezgning this piece of property; WHEREAS, there are certain parameters that will make this rezoning appropriate for this area; THEREFORE; the City hereby officially rezones this property to C2 and it shall take effect upon publication of this ordinance; Adopted by the City Council this 14s' day of December, 2004 ATTEST: ~ 1 U Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor SC~~3 Hutchinson Ctty Center DATE: November 17.2004 111 Hsasan Street 5E Hutchinson, h1N 55330-2522 320.587.5151/Fns 320.234-4240 MEMORANDUIVI '1'V: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planaurrg Cvnunission SUBSECT: CONSIDERATION pP REZONING OF PROPERTY FROM C4 TO C2 AND CbNDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO OPERATE A USED CAR BUSINESS LOCATED AT 1130 HWY 7 EAST REQUESTED BY RON HOLTZ AND 13RENT CHRISTENSEN Pursuant to Section 6.05 and 6.07 of Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 11, Hutchinson City Cade, the Hutchinson Planning Cotrnrilssion is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for rezoning and conditional use permit. HISTORY The applicant is requesting a rezoning and Conditional Use Permit to allow for the sale of used cars and auto repay shop located at 1130 Hwy 7 East. Used car sales are not allowed in the C4 District but are conditionally pemntted in the C2 District. The applicant states he will have 10 to 15 vehicles (cars, light tracks SUVs and vans) on the lat. . FINDIN ACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in fire Hutchinson Leader on November 4, 2004. 3. A public hearing was held at which time there were no neighboring property owners present objecting tv the request- The Planning Commission unanimously voted to approve the rezoning and conditional use permit with the following recommendations: 1. Nv parking yr vehicle display would occur in the State I-Iighway right of way. 2. Any signage would require a separau percent, 3. Any remodeling of the building would require additional pemritting. 4. A driveway easement agreement must be received by the City and recorded before use could begin. Respectfillly submitted, Dean Kirchoff, Chaimi Hutchinson Plazrtrutg Cornnlission • Cc: Erent Chrisunsen, property owner, 19456 Omega Ave, Hutchinson MN 55'50 Ran Holtz, applicant, 19073 7udson Court, Hutchinson, hiN 55350 -Primed Os RCYded pnper - 5\C ~~ C~ T7 ~I m SOUTH PROPERTY LINE 100.00' ,~ 12 i- 11 0 _ ,,, 9 O ' 'i 18' N I 0 ~p,- - - -, o.N. oooR~ - - J 6 O.N. DOUt~ ~W~ $ EXISTING a BUILDING ~.- ~~ d m Z M ~~ °~op° ~ 2 • E%• CONC. PAD 4I 1 C V 0 26 0' N 70 -0" O o PROPOSED FRONT LOT E D AY 3D' 0" 1 2 3 4 ~ b NORTH PROPERTY LINE t0O.00' u.s: HicHwAY ~ 7 REGE~'EP SI 1 E PI A\I NaV 1 a iuu-0 M~I~ c~ m iwan.~wn SCAIE: P' = 20' oep w v. z a a .narosco rnanr nor 9AFCLAYS n~ro / snits for ~~~'IiIP l ~~;~. ~, ~ j~;,1'-, lE~,j~ aun.N. ~lf~;"~~e~llt~~~~ _5(c~ DIRECTORS REPORT --- PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meetfng (in bold) From: Brad Emans, Rolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Jacki Pillatzki, Jean Ward, John Rodeberg, P.E., John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kent Exner, Mark Schnobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Ken Merrill, Jim Popp, Dan Hatten, Dick Nagy, Julie Wischnack, AICP, and Bonnie Baunnetz Date: November 1, 2004 -Meeting Date: November 16, 2004 Applicant: Brent Christensen, property owner and Ron Holtz, applicant REZONING FROM C4 TO C2 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Brief Description The applicant is requesting a rezoning and Conditional Use Pemrit to allow for the sale of used cars and auto repair shop located at 1130 Hwy 7 East. Used car sales are not allowed in the C4 District but are conditionally permitted in the C2 District. The applicant states he will have 10 to 15 vehicles (cars, light trucks SUVs and vans) on the lot. GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: C4 (Fringe Commercial) Property Location: 1130 Hwy 7 East Lot Size: .454 acres Existing Land Use: Commercial Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Commercial and borders city limits Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Urban Commercial Design Zone Zoning History: None Applicable Regulations: Sections 6.05 and 8.10, klutchinsan Zoning Ordinance SPECIAL INFORMATION Transportation: Hwy 7 East Parking: Auto Repair - 4 spaces per stall t7ther Commercial - S.5 per 1000 sq. ft. The calculations indicate there would be a requirement for 13 spaces on the property. ~C~j Rezoning and Conditional Use Permit Brent Christensen -113013vvy 7 E Planning Commission- November 16, 2004 Page 2 Analysis and Recommendation: Pazking/Access C~ Buffering Use/Rezoning C~ There were several points that the staff raised in reviewing: this application: There has been a request to receive a copy of the easement between the two property owners to identify what is agreed to in terms of access and parking. The access to the property seems to straddle the property line. Also some of the maneuvering occurs on the property to the east (Rutz Plumbing). To complicate matters, the easterly property boundary is also the City limits. The parking lot is not paved. The City Code, Section 10.01 identi$es that a change in property ownership or remodeling (requiring a pemrit) would invoke the pavement requirement. The property owner states he bought the property 3 years ago and was unaware of this requirement, This specific application would not require pavernent as the applicant is proposes to lease a portion of the building. The City Code requires landscaping. Staff understands that the proposed use is trying to display vehicles and the visual connection to people traveling vn the highway is important. Therefore; staff would recommend a low growth buffer which does not screen the cazs; but rather provides a visual separation from the highway to the display area. There are many used tires that are in the open in the rear of the building. Staff would request an opaque fence or other type of buffer be installed to be compliant with the outside storage requirements (Section 10.01) Staff did discuss whether this use was appropriate. In summary, if the items listed above were satisfied, staff would recommend approval of the zoning designation. ~~.~ Rezoning and Conditional Use Permit Brent Christensen -1130 Hwy 7 E Planning Commission- November 16, 2004 - Page 3 Staff would recommend approval of the conditional use permit with the following conditions: 1. A pavement plan and time frame be submitted by the property owner. 2. A planting plan be submitted by the applicant with a date for completion. 3. No more than 15 vehicles could be displayed at the property. 4. No parking or vehicle display would occur in the State Highway right of way. 5. Any signage would require a separate permit. 6. Any remodeling of the building would require additional permitting. Cc: Brent Christensen, property owner, 19456 Omega Ave, Hutchinson MN 55350 Ron Holtz, applicant, 19073 Judson Court, Hutchinson, MN 55350 J L .J ,5~c_)3 . n~ ' JL ~ ' i s a ,~ ~' I n ,; t .. ~ y 1 ' ~ { ''~ 1 ~ ~ i"~ ; . ~ ~ i ' ~ ' a Jr.7N..,. +C .S~F'~w`ti~'~d"..,".r ~ ~ . . k r' . ._ ~ ra i . ~ ~y 1f i ~ ~ ~ j ~nF ~ +~yit ,~ ~1 ~ i T' ,w;~ ' ~ ~. ~ ~ .. ' ,l ~`~ ~~ ,ki ~ ~ \r/ ~ ~ - ~ - .f ~ ~' '~. - ~'~~~ .}i*•y _ .~. ~ ~~ .. - ..~-~- 4 ~, k~- , ~ ~ .~, , ~ . ` ~. :... - ~~ _ ,~: r ax y ~ 3' ~ 7 a ~ J" ~ ti ..fCC. wr ~_~~ ! ~46r'^'!r, ~ ~.-,r~ .~.. ~ ~~~x[~I ~~!ti~s., ,A.Syiij~:,~:.~ x~ ^a.`-f _w ~ !J1-~~~•~~1J~~ a ~ A~~M~iPSRnKh _ I f «~ !.I 1 ry} ~r { ,4~::~/{4Y y. 1. ~ ~ i ,;, r ~s ~' ' ~ ?~ ~ y ~S - s ~.., / _ *1 ~.- tr ~ y ~.. k } r ~ tx =~ >:. . ~ fit,: i ~` ~Z ~; -.'`4~ E ~., 'S~+,w sir MFG ~ l `~ fe- ~ X. :~~'. F .~ 1 ~°~rrvk ~, t~h4y, `~ s.L r:. _.'~ .w w.U' i ~ K ` ..r7.I: 'A-...:.-~~r1 ~ 7~. `A ~~~ Cdr. _~: F, ~..Y '.. ~ i ~'3~ ~' ' ~ - spa ~ W~ by •N ~..- Y-sy ~~ i ~ r11 ~ ~7 [Yt-, .may ^.r.~ ~..-.w~w'-L ~.~.r.pr. r,..~~: _ __._... __ _..Y _ _ ._ _ _..-~,_ r ~ r ~~ Y - ` '' f ~~ " x ~L I ~1 ,H ~ , ~ ' ~. ~-.: w ~;. ~ a. '~ {r~..~ 'r., '~. ~y 1 ~~S~i r..11 Ey ,: ~ 4.. f TL ~ . ~. I y"F. - ~ 4. b~ ~ a1 i o, (S`~~ L ~ ~1 ~ ~t...A r -4 . ~ i fj ~ • li l ~.. '7F r ~:=, r x of .;~: ;~aA _. t ~ ~~ ~;: `R ' ~ ltt~ .~ ~': y 'k ~ 1 f... a r rat ~« [~, ~-~ ~~L rr• ~ * t 1 I.yt~ j~f III ~I .fir ~~`11 ~ ..1 ~ ~. ~~ t p ~V ~~ i ,G ~J~~ 1 ~~,,'1 r7~~~S. Z1, ,,1,.: r~F~.4r s , ` ~ 5, .~`, ~ . LK-yy~i ~r f [ ~ k A ` ~Y 7 .~ . ~ ~ ~ '~F. r. ably .`i. `~ - , Si N - ~ ;,, .I;r r~ ~ _ +~~a~ "~~' ~+ ~ ~ rye ~ M1~~. ~ _ f r z'0.. vf. ~~5' ~~ r[.~4f '~ '1" ~ ~ ,t., y . S ~ , ~'~ i r~-~. ~r :. kF~ 'iy~.1'. -~i ~kr~~ ~l .~~ It ~ ;!~.. ~ r r r A ~ ~~, 1 r ~W d.,~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ l'~ i ~~ ^~ '~ "~,. V~ ,~ 1 f ~, ~ ~, - -.a a ~r ,fin, ~ . .~ ' 'ate z' $" + ,- ~' ; ~ ''~, ~ ~ ~ M~ b n ' ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fix, f' > - . . ,~ 2 ~ i f ~~ iw~ ~ _ r 7 _ - ~ C } a $ ~ tf r ~ * ~ .f ; ~~ ~`- ,s ~~-. :, ~-r-.~ rpR ~° i ~ f ~ . M- *~~ ~, 7~ .rev ./ ~i ry_~"` . ~y~=.. ~ ~ ~n ~, 1ti ' ' - ~ ~z.. ~~~- , ~~, ' " ir.,, ~~ .. - .. i L r _ ` ~ ~t i ,e ., ~ , ,~ "~ r ~ ' ,' ~' .i ~ r 1 ; J r.~ -,~ F ~ ° ~l ., Ki c ` x ;'?r~, ~ t~ ~ r ~ f ~ r.. 11 ~ ° u~ '} Z ; ~ ~. }t.. - ~ a1aA is .~"~ ~„ '~~~ f 't ~ ~ ~ _ ~ i N h ^ - - '' p1 h r ~fi nV' ~~, r~~ 'A y ~ i r ~~ t~. ~ a '. ~ ' f"`i Y .~ R ~ ~ ~ a 1.r k ? ~ 'i' ~ L ~ j. + .~ ,rt ~ f^F~." .,, ~ i~ -~, 'fit?. t s ~: , , ~ - _-,,~ ., ~' r w ^~ k a `/ _ r s ~~,t ~ ~,~ j 4~. t .. t s +'4• ~. ~ ~.,a ~ ~^,$ L. ti ' ~ ~ ~i.Z~ v ~ _ t il' ,e. s~ y r'~a~ ~ ti3<' ~ `~' ~ ~? r ~ s G .~ r YII ;, ~ ~' ~~~ ~G t ~ ' < y4 t ~ l .S $ k E f i y 's ~~y} *. ~ X ~. ~ f. f ~ ti ~~. L* Sir ~ ~" ~' ,.'}'F f '3: ~~ TX+ 7 ~~ ~ ~`~~ ~(~y 3 P ~ ~ ~kLt x f~v + ~ ~r~ a ~~ ~ ,xu~ ~''~ 4 ~ r..' i ~ ~ ~j ~ ,^~y V ~ ~. C~ ! i~~ R ~, ~ r_~ _~. tL ,i ~ ~ ~ Y T +,~ ~~• by ~..r U ~,d ! ±. _~" „~„~ .. 0.i ~.k ~ ~ ~ ' ~S ~* ~ ~ !! r -' - ~ i 4.f. - i. ~ r.1GIM-~7 .r t iy [ i .I~~:N ! ~~. ..~~ N w. _h~~ .. RESOLUTION NO. 12552 RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY RICHARDO MORENO TO CHANGE USE IN THE 1/C D15'1'RCIT FROM RADIATOR REPAIR 1'O CABINET SHOP LOCATED AT 745 HWY 7 WEST BE IT RESOLVED BY TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHBdSON, MN: Fl~'VD1NG5 1. Richardo Moreno, }tas applied for a conditional use permit to change the use of a property from radiator repair shop to cabinet shop located at 745 Hwy 7 West itt the I/C District (IndustdaUCormnercial). LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That part of the NE '/, of the SE G of Section 36 m Township 117 North of Range 30 West described as follows, to-wit: Be inning at a point of the intersection ofthe Northerlyy right of way line of State Highway No. 7, and a line rutnnng parallel with the West line of said NE'/ of SE %. and a distance of 423.2 feet East of said West line, measured at nQht angles to said West line; thence North parallel with said West line, a distance of 40.78 feet thence Northeasterly, parallel with said Northerly nght of way line, a distance of 300.00 feet; thence South, parallel with said west line, a distance of 40.78 feet to said right of way line; thence Southwesterly, along said right of way line, a distance of 300.00 feet to the point of beginning; and That pan of the NE'/~ of SE'/. of Section 36 in Township 117 Nort}t of Range 30 West, described as follows: Beginningg at a point 40.78 feet Naxth of the point of mtexsection of the Northerly rip~tt of way line of State Hi hway Nv. 7 and a line running parallel wrt}r the West line of said NE '`• of SE'/, at a distance of 432.2 teat East of said West lint, measured at ne~trt angles to said West line• thence North parallel with said West line a distance of 200.00 feet; tfienee Northeasterly paralle~ with said Northerly right of way lint a distance of 300.00 fee[; thence South parallel wtth said W cst line a distance of 200.00 feet; thence Southwesterly a distance of 300.00 feet to the point of beginning. Except: That part shown as Parcel 3 City of Hutchinson Street Right-vf--Way Plat #5 according to die recorded plat thereof. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properltes in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensrve Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is irr harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, if the conditions, as outlined below arc met. CO L ISION The City Council hereby approves the conditional use permit with the following conditions: 1. The proposed use would be for the construction and sales of cabinetry. Any uses proposed beyond this, would require further review. 2. , As with all businesses on the Highway 7 corridor; a reminder that access during the reconstmction of the highway (2006/2007) will be challenging. 3. If ownership of the property changes or remodeling (which requires a building pertnit), pavement for the access drive must be completed. This should be done in conjunction with the plans for Golf Course Rvad/State Highway 7. 4. No remodeling, requiring a building permit was anticipated at this time. Further review by the building inspector would be required, if mare work is proposed. 5. The parking requirements would indicate 12 spaces were required or one space per employee on principal shift. 6. Change in signage, would require a separate permit. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of November, 2004. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgersott Mayor .cxC'C Hutchinson Ci Center )ATE: ro: ItOM: 3UBTECT: 111 Hassan Street 5& Hutchlnaon, MN 55350.2522 320.587-5151/Fnx 320.2344240 MEMORANDUM November l8, 2004 Hutchinson City Couuci] Ilutchinson Planning Commission CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY RICARDO MORENO TO CHANGE USE IN THE UC DISTRICT FROM RADIATOR REPAIR TO CAEINET SHOP LOCATED AT 745 HWY 7 W EST 'ursuant tq Section 6.07 gfZoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Carmnission is hereby submitting its Findings offact and ecommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditioual use permit. ISM TO]3Y the applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to change the use of a property from radiator repair shop to cabinet shop located at '45 Hwy 7 West in the LC District (Industrial /Commercial). BINDINGS OF FACT The required application was submitted and fee was submitted. !. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Ilutchinson Leader vu November 4 , 2004 .. There were no neighboring property owners present at the public hearing objecting to the request. ~4'QMMENnATION Che Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of the condltfonal use permit with the followittg conditlons: 1. The proposed use would be for the construction and sales of cabinetry. Any uses proposed beyond this, would require further review. 2. As with all businesses ap the Highway 7 corridor; a reminder that access during the reconshuction of the highway (2006/2007) will be challenging. 3. If ownership of the property changes or remodeling (which requires a building permit), pavement for the access drive moat be completed. This should be done in conjunction with the plans for Golf Course Road/State Highway 7. 4. No remodeling, requiring a building pemtit was anticipated at this time. Further review by the building inspector would be required, if more work is proposed. 5. The parking requirements would indicate 12 spaces were required or one space per employee on principal shit;. 6. Change in signage, would require a separate perntit. Reapectfuily submitted, Dean Kirchoff, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Comrttission i :c: Ricardo Moreno, 1300 McDonald Dr. S.W. Michael and Kathleen lhtclos, 32692 - 695'" St., Kimball MN 55353 - Printed on recycled piprr. .~C~ DIRECTOR'S REPORT -PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bald) Prepazed 13y: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Jacki Pillatzki, Jean Ward, John Rodeberg, P.E., Sohn Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kent Exner ,Mark Schnobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Ken Merrill, Jim Popp, Lean Hatten, Dick Nagy, Julie Wischnack, AICP, and Bonnio Baumetz Date: November 1, 2004 -Meeting date: November 16, 2004 Applicant: Ricardo Moreno, applicant Michael and Kathy Auclos, property owners CONDTITONAL USE PERMIT Brief Description The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to change the use of a property from radiator repair shop to cabinet shop located at 745 Hwy 7 West in the UC District (lndustrial /Commercial). GENERAL INFORMATIpN Existing Zoning: UC (Industrial/Comtnercial) Property Location: 745 Hwy 7 West Lot Size: 1.5 acres Existing Land Use: Commercial Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Industrial Commercial on the South, East and West and Medium to High Density Residential to the North Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Commercial Zoning History: NA Applicable Regulations: Section 8.13, Hutchinson Zoning Ordinance SPECIAL INFORMATION Transportation: Hwy 7 West S<<_~~l Conditional Use Permit 745 Hwy 7 West Planning Commission- November 16, 2004 Page 2 Parking: Manufacturing - ]space per employee on principal shift or 2 spaces per 1000 sq. ft. Analysis and Recommendation: The proposed use is not out of character with other uses in the area. This zoning district, UC, indicates there would be an allowance of hnth commercial and industrial uses. This business is not a heavy trip generator in that they are constructing cabinetry. The building inspector has discussed the proposal with the applicant and ensured that there would be a dust collection system and some of the hazdware on the doors would need to be changed to make the building accessible, neither of which would require a permit. Any remodeling proposed beyond the two items mentioned, would require further review by the building inspector. Additionally, the City Code, section 10.01 requires pavement to be installed for remodeling (requiring a permit) or a change in ownership. Neither standards are triggered at this point. Staff would recommend approval of the application, with the following conditions: 1, The proposed use would be for the construction and sales of cabinetry. Any uses proposed beyond this, would require further review. 2. As with all businesses on the Highway 7 corridor; a reminder that access during the reconstruction of the highway (2006/2007) will be challenging. 3. ]f ownership of the property changes or remodeling (which requires a building permit), pavement for the access drive must be completed. This should be done in conjunction with the plane For Golf Course ltoad/State Highway 7. 4. No remodeling, requiring a building permit was anticipated at this time- Further review by the building inspector would be required, if more work is proposed. 5. The parking requirements would indicate 12 spaces were required or _ based on the number of employees. 6. Change in signage, would require a separate pernit. Cc: Ricardo Moreno, 1300 McDonald Dr. S.W. Michael and Kathleen Duclos, 32692 - 695m St., Kimball MAT 55353 ~J _Sl~~y Y k~ { r f ~ f A j. "~ _.,' ' . A - s r= ' - .~.~ 1 ~ }'. >> . - a ~,~ r ' t~M r' ~ ~ 13 w ~~ 7~. .~ '$t,.~ ~ ~ ~. F ~~, 1 aiyr~. ~ } r ~ ' ~ +~ hN~,~jr~ 5 =~ ~ "1f h~~ 7. .__f 'f ~ ye -I F l 4~w - ~ ~z . V ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ /~ , ~ ~ ~ _ t~~~~ '~ ,a A' ~ `~~i~ J} 1 } T~ t `{( ~~ ~ ~ ~< ~:1 ~~ w ~ r.` ~r :i z~~ , ~ r ,. ,.._ ~ryry~ ~ fr~;r CT r r H. ~ ~' ~ -. F ^ r ~ ~ 1 ` i ! 1r! k ^~ ` ~ i < ~ " ~ # ec '~ `! '~.~ ~ y t t. s' i~~ r~rY t + '~ i Y =~ Y °~?.~;~ y d h .rte ~. *`~~1.. ~~~ s ~ y r. f ~ '~ r j ! ti's ~~ T~^' n t ,f '~ 1 F f ~ ~ '~.y Y ~. y01 ~ is ~t {~ 4 v SR. 1 h' tt t C i ~.; 'f~ ~ ,+ v ,~k ,~ Jy .F H ~._ r j t ~{ i ~ ~ ' ~< . ;~~.i '~,r:. y s k~ r k ~ r]i~;; r~y: C ~.,f q=~i~.5~~ f ~' `. ~a'~,~ ~~ ~ ~ e i ~ 5 t _ ~, i 4F r ~ 1"~ ~ ~<X ,r,,~ ~~~ '~C ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ;,M ~ ~ ..~ r ~ ~~~ ..:. Y~ riA~~ w ~ ~~~ AA _ FFnn~CJa LI] ~~ ~w k~~ .~~~ !]~ x ~ ~.. ~~ ..:~ «~ . 1 y.1, ~ 1 ~ ..._~ , , ~ .V .Zr ~ r~ _i•~t ~- .was «un._ ~'~ ~ ,a4.~ ~ lti. ~ M. ~ F a s.Ytiw~Y - 431 - ~ ~<' '~ ~ af~-r ~i ~y '~' ~ y ''~- ;F i 11 F ~~w A M1 __ J y A i 1 k 1 - , [ f h l t. ~1 , 1 4 ~ ?~t l .i iti~V- ~ ,~ ~ F 1. ~-.,,..Y N ~ ['*~7r a u~... _ .w.• ~i...~.-. ,A.ar,.rdsv„ -... r ~~ r r r:G~ (fix .lih r 1 ~ . ~~ T ~ ~ ~ - ~...~.." - ~ ' .~ ~ 4 ~ ~ FL f ~ ~ - \ > ~ ~+y rrya ~` _ If9k •--w'w`r'~^..*_-+~+Y~. ~-..... r t $ ,- tir y' ' ~ ~1. ~ 1 ~~\ ~ atw.,~c•.,.... ....:~; ,. ti ~ -x~t{~~.~.,, rev n Y,~, ', , i ,~ ~ 'fib ~ , _ ~. ~ ;~.,.~ ~ ;,` Y„ ,~ ;z ,y~~.' y , ,1 ~ ~ ~ ~ „~ fiP~ ~ r X z ~; r *l .~~~F'}"~F Y~~. .~ "fit '~ fw^~`~+fs•+ .r.« ,v.....+w~w.lea~W+~J~.w~W ~ • h ~ e{`_~ ,~r 4 i Si ~ i'f}I~.~ Qr 1 ~ iT? ~~,r..-..~+-+..r....~~ "-. ~ ~. . ~.~_ ~~. 1•" µ w Y.J ~t ~Y. ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ,~ ~ r y} ~~ 7 ~ ;+,V. (f l ~j t _ .. • ~• , ~r is ~~ fi U s ' ~. G ~', ,~ ~; .r '~ r i ;t . ~ ~~ --- }.. r { ~ ~,r _ F ~ ~~~~ )F ~.. ~ c '~ 4 t ~ a +'rww; ~~' 7 ~ ~ ~ ~.~, •' ~ ~ `; ~`y F 1 j S 'F ~_ '~4 ~ ~1~ ~ `~ ~~ v{~ ~ \ ~ •~i RESOLUTION NO. 12553 RESOLUTION APPROVING A LOT SPLIT SUBMITTED BY JAY PETTIT LOCATED AT 540 IiILLTOP DRIVE N.E. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: F1NpINGS 1. Jay Pettit, applicant, has applied for a lot split on Hilltop I]rive N.E. Twin homes have been previously constructed on the lots. The twin homes will be under separate ownership which necessitates a lot split. Legal Description: PARCEL A: (540 Hilltop Dr. N.E.) That part of Lot S, Block 1, Santelman's Third Addition, according to the recorded plot thereof, McLeod County, Minnesota, lying westerlyofthe following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 5; thence on an assumed bearing of East, along the south line of said Lot 5, a distance of 32.99 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00 degrees 09 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 169.39 feet to the north line of said Lot 5 and said line there terminating. PARCEL B: (544 Hilltop Dr. N.EJ r 1 L .J That part of Lot 5, Block 1, Santelman's Third Addition, according to the recorded plot thereof, McLeod County, Minnesota, lying easterly ofthe following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 5; thence on an assumed bearing of East, aloeg the south line of said Lot 5, a distance of 32.99 feet to the point ofbeginning of the line to be described; thence North 00 degrees 09 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 169.39 feet to the north line of said L,ot 5 and said line there terminating. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Plannurg Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existsng and anhc~pated traffic conditions, and the effect on values ofproperties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent ofthe Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, if the conditions, as outlined below are met. CONCLUSION The City Council hereby approves the lot split with the following conditions: 1. The applicant/owner is responsible for filing all appropriate deeds and recording of the lot splits. 2. Additional drainage and utility easements must be described and dedicated (east side of S40 and west side of SSO). . Adopted by the City Council this 23ro day of November, 2004 ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor ~~~,~ RESOLUTION NO. 12554 RESOLUTION APPROVING A LOT SPLIT SUBMITTED BY JAY PETTIT LOCATED AT 550 I~ILLTOP DRIVE N.E. BE IT RESOLVER BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS 1. Jay Pettit, applicant, has applied for a lot split on Hilltop Drive N.E. Twin homes have been previously constructed on the lots. The twin homes will be under separate ownership which necessitates a lot split. Legal Description: PARCEL A (550 H i 11 top pr . N . E . ) That part of Lot 6, Block 1, Santelman's Third Addition, according to the recorded plet thereof, McLeod County, Minnesota, lying westerlyofthefolbwing described line: Commcncing at the southwest corner of sand Lot 6; thence on an assumed bearing of East, along the south line of said Lot 6, a distance of 32.69 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North DO degrees 09 minutes ] 0 seconds West, a distance of 164.21 feet to the north line of said Lot 6 and said line there terminating. PARCEL B: (554 Hilltop Dr. N.E.) That part of Lot 6, Block 1, Santehnan's Third Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, McLeod County, Minnesota, lying easterly ofthe following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 6; thence on an assumed bearing of East, along the south line of said Lot 6, a distance o£ 32.69 feet to the paint of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00 degrees 09 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 164.21 feet to the north line of said Lot b and said line there terminating. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anncrpatcd traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has detennined that the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, if the conditions, as outlined below are met. CONCLUSION The City Council hereby approves the lot split with the following conditions: 1. The applicant/owner isresponsible for filing all appropriate deeds and recording of the lot splits. 2. Additional drainage and utility easements must be described and dedicated (east side of 540 and west side of 550). . Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of November, 2004 ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor ~~~ Hutchinson Cit Center 111 Ilasyan Stma FR Hulchirtsnn, hIIY 55350.2522 320.5R7.5151/Fxx 720.234-d2A0 MM'.M1lRANDCtM DA'rF.': ~ November 18, 2004 TO~ Hutchinson City Council PROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SIISJECT: CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLITS AS SI113MITTED IIY JAY PETTI'1' '1'O SPLIT LOTS LOCATED AT 540 AND SSU HJLLTOY DRiVF. N.E. Pursuant to Scctietl 12.20, of Subdivision Ordinance No. 466, the Hutchinson Planning Conrnnissivn is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the al'arcmentioned ruyuest for a lot split. IHS'roRY The applicant has submitted application fur two lot splits on Hilltop Drive N.E. `twin homes have been previously constructed on the lots. 'J he twin homes will be under separate ownership which necessitates a lot split. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Tlne rcyuired application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. The parcel is located u1 the R-3 zoning district. 3. 'I'hcse lot splits were anticipated during the PDD CUP approval process. The lo[ splits are configured as was proposed in that process. ItRCOMMENDATION, 1'hc Planning Cmm~nnission voted unanimously to rccotnrneud approval of the lot splits with the following recoimnendativnns: 1. The applieantlownner is responsible far filing all appropriate deeds and recording of the lot splits. 2. Additional drainage and utility casements must be described and dedicated (cast side of 540 and west side of 550). Respectfully submitted, Dean Kuchofl; Chaitnnan FIutchinson Planning Colnnnission cc: Jay Pettit, 1215 Shoreline Dr, Iloward Lake MN 55349 Carolyn and Melanie Schwartz, 540 Hilltop Drive N.E. rr;~~u~ ~m ~y~t~e ua~.. _~~~~~~ DIRECTORS REPORT -PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Tlutchinson Planning Commission (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) From: Brad Emans, Dolt Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Jacki Pillatzki, Jean Ward, John Rodeberg, P.E., John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kent Exner, Mark Schtrobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plul~, F.en Merrill, Jim Popp, Dan Hatten, Uick Nagy, Julie Wischnack, AICP, and Bonnie Baumetz Date: November 1, 2004 -Meeting Date: November 16, 2004 Applicant: Jay Pettit LOT SPLIT ON 540 HII.LTDP AR. N.E. AND 550 HILLTOP DIZ. N.E. Brief Description The applicant has submitted application for two lot splits on Hilltop Drive N.E. Twin homes have been previously constmcted on the lots. The twin homes will be under separate ownership which necessitates a lot split. GENERAL INFORMA'T'ION F,xisiing Zoning: TL3 (Medium-high Density) Planned Development District Property Location: Hilltop Drive N.E. Lot Size: Address Lot Sine T,ot Wfdth Lot De th 550 T~lilltop Drive NE 5472.96 32.69 167.42 West Side 550 Hilltop Drive NE 5311.61 33.31 159.46 East Side 540 Hilltop Drive NE 5507,97 32.99 169.99 West Side 540 Hilltop Drive NE 5524.55 33.01 167.42 East Side Because these properties were located within a PDI), there was a previous conditional use permit which allowed the lot configuration which is proposed. The lot split would be the formal requirement for requesting two separate lots be seated for each portion of the twin home. Existing Land Use: Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Two family dwelling R,3 PDD and Light Industrial Traditional Residential Neighborhood 5(~~ Lot Splits 540 and SSO Hilltop brive N.E. Plannigg Commission- November 16, 2004 Page 2 Zoning History: Santelman's Third Addition was approved in May of 1993 and the Planned Development D[strict was approved at the same time. Applicable Regulations: Section 12, Chapter 12, Subdivision Ordinance SPEC1A1,1NFO1tMATION Transportation: Hilltop Drive N.E. Parking: N/A Analysis and Recommendation: These lot splits were anticipated during the PDD CUP approval process. The lot splits are configured as was proposed in that process. Staff would recommend approval with the fallowing conditions: 1. The applicant/owner is responsible for filing all appropriate deeds and recording of the lot splits. 2. Additional drainage and utility easements must be described and dedicated (east side of 540 and west side of 550). Cc: lay Pettit, 121 S Shoreline Dr, llvward Lake MN 55349 Carolyn and Melanie Schwartz, 54011illtop Drive N.E. r~ ~~ .5 ~r.~ CERT/FICATE OF SURVEY I __ ~~.~ ~~_ ~I N __.. ~ B . ~ ~_,. .~ ~~ r ~ ~.~ ,~ w* o "~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~k '~IXI" ~ ~~~~Y e• u ~ M p n y i ~~I A.~N wy'.f ~~ +~'~ ,~.. U y I' ~ ~ . Y ~ ,. "-..~„ r4+artd~ lnn~a^ of l,P k 5'. ~w i IM I ~~.. , ' ~.,/!~ % +~ ._.. sanat~+ry cAcPr~nu~d . I ,, ~ "gin. ... a P I'. % „~ 1 . p I a E~kS rarrda WPt]k.r Sf ~ ~ N Y ,~H `'; "" ~ p~"~ ~4 ~P~ 6d ~~ ~ . ,~`~",~ ~. ~ rq ; • ~ V gg II 9 ~ ~ r rv r .~ ~ , x +~J Y P ,. ~ ~ ~ a ~ ,- d a ~' ~ aJ w ~ ~ tw r' ~ a"'e mntva ~ 4 . , . ~ , ,. ~ rvw a K7~'~4N'"5 , M adat ~r ~ .. 6 k w6fjlii[kf x 1 x` ~ ~sau~O:Jrwrosd Pa anva~er trrd ~ ~..._.~ ~....,»...® ~a r .,,,, '~ ~ ~ xaukdxpa~d c..a-acr of Cole ~ m II, , xs q..._ ... ....... ......... ..~.~,. . _..~ ...._. ,..._.. . _._. ......... "yak pard of k. ~5t .~. t3fA~Ck 1,..fidfd lC~CAdxa,N 7d~NR@M Ad7t'~J 7'7wYN~'. assGr~rXFf kri kit ras~arxp~5 pJad dPoerJra l,' ,k{c,~~a0 ~L`ae+vrt Afr"rrnt,sado, f}iry~ rrC,~tarty~ af' kar ftJkfaww~ryr ~serrbery k;,,t: CPrr*rr~~acinr~ ad kNae sauMls»~rsd' cwreer 1 safer Cak S kfrea cln a7n e~rr~.~ne J'' Aaarkrg of task, cNang r~ti:r th daoi••~ ~af ~sairf' Cak 5,. a d;s7w,cc of .51.99 feet lea khr frafrtk a b~n~q~xa,'ro,~ of tha fxitir d~a b~c ~deacr~ed kACraca krrcw^dka ~dogrw~es Q nroir~rud~r.,~ d7 xresan~ps Nkmsd, a ~~sdon c,a of 199:.59 fret da dfxa nar tA~ J' ~ of said Cad ~. ana' sGdr1 knar ddaere kerrraenakirvg. hat ,aarC of Cak ~~ 8karcrg 9', SAh!1°~"CJxkdfJ TANRd} ACdC7k71~Mw;, ae~awedrPrga da Jre~ r~p~earp'ppr plead dhrtrecad. ;W'aC laCI q"'.e~r,,,d n:ranneaaasr. ryirny~ ee,~sierf~r' PA' fa! fatfanMimq dYCSaraki arc/ knr7T,• C+Prrrrtipaxe'arr~j aE Pnd saudh.~ry'.d [arnfix- f said C.aak ,S; tlkencrr 6rv assvrnpd' bcareen~q ,pt ~'aa'f,. adany kh~rx s kde k+saa of svkf' C,ad 3 a dta~karuca of J.~.99 feed der tfaxr pl7vrzk a 6;nra~F Pf kh~c a!«,~ k~ ivr d ~ ~pfdtd9~J9~ffgd Ba~drhe~rVrM A e a! dsatddCakC3 araaet sax°d"~l~ar tkaera kerrrrGrnaklre~ +~~ ~~nerd'CS Iran rna~furxrenk r"aurrd ~5' d7r„roxadaa +ran marrurw~rrd het d5~a~-:ngy ti~cra-cv cwa vazcN+°rnro° e~adarrro. d .harsdry certrfy d+~av' Jars ;:aws~.y ww'as prtpa>.'°e~C by ramar cr under n7y „rcc t .supuw-r+dsviyry~ arnd kfvad s o a sfwfy tfce+as~a ~o~rv Sv rrywar r~rr,6ar dJMs daax's of Che ;rate ! Wtarli"e &a~a. f auJ ~" ~rrern'~ogrrr~ ~ak~ c~as~ era. ,~a6a~t saut,h~ fdfxe ry~/ d". ale LI~G'`A4t PTF'L9F11 R~"LG~RL?: Cat S 6d1'aak d, 5~/WJFECMr,NM~PS 17JJr'~Cd sl~7ddk. aaGY7~"[k+rrr] dtr ddtia ret^a~°cf~a pJad kAerm!a/, M'Cta~aa' k;.aund',y, tifirrrresmka. r~~''~,5 d2"C~ k3 Y.' Wrlrk~dwfacrd ~'rka~s,~arrd °r~r~ J°rr 7599 Ana rewxa L7rr'v~ ed„n f~ratrr~, ~dn .~s.5~ ~ k~~•u~x, ~~ ~A~t; ~~,. ~~~; ~~~ ~~~~~ u a ~ ~~ .. ..~ _... ,. ....W ~ ~ ~ . , y ~~. .... . ~ ~ jar L 1"~~" ~-~..... ~- ~.~.~ ~_~_ ~~ .~ I $ANIPAp;r CtlLd AbFGµR ..... ~. .,q, Jb e.s, ,. rv .w„""'.Y..^.... ~+~.~~ n Y yp W M AG}p l.$6 ha.dw k~ Cl yp y^ fG699.~ "~. A~~.~ d~, ~ I ~ ~~ fau7A. 7,p rv ~ d P'~ .~ PAN ^ 19 "~ ,- N ,~~~.m rm.aaa ~~ tlnnax.s:,R __ { ~u I N ~ ~ pp 1AwMaciga nn~m xre~r¢r, ~ ~ I ,,,,„~,....,..~ ..~~..... ~P ..._ ._ ~ ~ ' ..._.....,.... -~. ~ ,...~,. i ~ .. ~' '~".~T me, f~~,~.9~ !LC7$ f.~'kt5c'a U, SdwhNB~u*p~p~7hU'~ TF9PP~~u AU~p1RII~Y~„ ~occ~ardiPP~u~ d"P"'.~r ~ K~77P.~'.3 Rtl kPle r~cart~~c~ ~pVaC, khercPaP, hflCP~~cr~ ~.ounky. ~brrness~ha. GP~FS~'T ~P.~'7t~.~'S ~F~`l` :~ x~6'9.~5 r~ y"9PTCa.dbp,~ LP~paa~PxP~¢S ui+eariozed' aAewvkdan y. 9N9p,fh'~ ~PaMnCrPes ~~prpd~:~P+'rrq a~svvEr~ea ~ ~titrea~otas ~"rrface drarrr~aq~ xxxx Pa~eryp POS pr'rs/yoa,fa",~iwrtr un+~rP ~p~,Y ~r/ h~hrY7c+"a (Ib+, ii/2tTJ lt7i~. ~"~~ <~'U'R',~' A.F~C~' ~F3'~r~ .~'~NWf7 ~"TY~,ITP',~~" ~6a~E' ~"kP''.$~A'w+'« R~arcr~re, ~"daarar ®IP~,~.~.e"a,T~'q' crv~r'h~~aah c7tir~r~' $4'.~P~b; P `~. fMdP '~ ~pPrxr~~a:~ lr~n rFeramearaP Itrrraad' .....' 0.`l' band ns ~^ar.r vrnuaveraenP ~SIYd at,"~V~"5 d~"'G'' ~~:" £Pecardreg~~ Prcra~eeP ara ~r~,swrr~d ~Pu~rrr, i Y ~° i P hcr~Pa ~~rPlP P.haP PhAS s~arvey ~+ti'S .~'~trretP Pry r'~d ~r nm^Fd~r rrrya cPnr~c~P .F !~"arwrS+f.Y1~ ~nPP Ph~aP p am a dw/y L,rerryaaar 4wnd urx~spor wrasPrga^ PPP~e ~ 1~1N+J'lfM~pd aP"p~~S%P?IP { .~P""v7~~, ff~P Q~," Re7wa aA PPU® SPoi'a "al u.,,n~cst}Pea. ~~ asys+ ,a,nra~n-arrr P~'Wih+; f Pu"nr V Pwrur~,r+YYagwa, ~, M~..~.~..•,.~. aver caz~~rsa ~w~, ,P'~P+r A p~,~1~~ Psy ~~~ ~~r~: :~~'P~a'„~~,74 ~, P~d~ , ~"~~~~ ~,"q ~a .6ri„?;.~yS APP ~, r~~'~ir _.,1, ~ .,..... /' .~,~ "~-~„~' R, ,~~ RESOLUTION NO. 12555 RESOLUTION APPROVING A LOT SPLIT SUBMITT)Eb $Y PAUL BETKER LOCAT)Eb AT 220 OTTAWA AVENUE S.E. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCIIINSON, MN: FINDINGS I. Paul Betker, property owner, has submitted a lot split on Ottawa Avcnue S.E. Twin homes have been previously constructed on the lots and will be under separate ownership. Legal Description: WESTERLY PARCEL: (220 Ottawa Ave. S.E.) The westerly 42.00 feet of Lot 3, Block 3 Souihwind, according to the recorded plat thereof, as measured along the north and south lines of said Lot 3. EASTERLY PARCEL: (224 Ottawa Ave. S.E.) Lot 3, Block 3, Southwind, according tot eh recorded plat thereof, except the westerly 42.00 feet of said Lot 3, as measured along the north and south fines thereof. 2. The City Council has considered the recomnaendativn of the Plauning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, if the conditions, as outlined below are met. CONCLUSION The City Council hereby approves the lot split with the following conditions: Adopted by the City Council this 23`d day of November, 2004 ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor ._5(~~~P RESOLUTION N0. ] 255fi RESOLUTION APPROVING A LOT SPLIT SUBMITTED BY PAUL BETKEit . LOCATRD AT 255 OTTAWA AVENUE S.E. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CTIX COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS 1. Pau] Eetker, property owner, has submitted a lot split on Ottawa Avenue S.E. Twin homes have been previously constructed on the lots and will be under separate ownership. Legal Description: WESTERLY PARCEL (255 Ottawa Ave. S.E,) That part of Lot 6, Block 1, Southwind, according to the recorded plat thereof, lying west of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southwest comer of said Lot 6; thence easterly, along the south line of said Lot 6 a distance of 44.07 feet to the beginning ofthe line to be described; thence northerly, parallel with the west line of said Lot G a distance of 138.05 feet to the north line of said Lot 6 and said line there temunating. EASTERLY PARCEL: (259 Ottawa Ave. S.E.) That part of Lot 6, Block 1, Southwind, according to the recorded plat thereof, lying east of a line described as follows: Commencm~ at the southwest corner of said Lot 6; thencc easterly, along the south line of said Lot 6 a distance of 44.07 feet to the beginning of the line to be described; thence northerly, parallel with the west line of said Lot 6 a dtstance of ] 38.OS feet to the north line of satd Lot 6 and said line there terminating. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the sutrounding lands, existing and annctpated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties m the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, if the conditions, as outlined below are met. CONCLUSION The City Council hereby approves the lot split with the following conditions: 1. The applicant/owner is responsible for Kling all appropriate deeds and recording of the lot splits. 2. All assessments will be split according to the document provided November.5, 2004 (indicates a 50/50 split). Adopted by the City Council this 23'a day of November, 2004 ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayer 5(~ )c~ I-lutchinson Cit Center C~ 111 llassan Sheet SE Hutchinson, MN 55330.2522 320-587-313llFsx 32D-230.42411 U M DATE: November 18, 2004 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLITS AS SUBMITTED BY PAUL BETICER TO SPLIT LOTS LOCATED AT 220 AND 255 OTTAWA AVE. $.$, Pursuant tv Section 12.20, of Subdivision Ordinance No. 466, the HutchinsonPlanning Connttission is herebysubntitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect tv the aforementioned request for a lot split. HISTORY The applicant has submitted application for two lot splits on Ottawa Ave S.E. Twin homes have been previously constructed on the lots. The twin homes will be separate ownership which necessitates a lot split, FINDIN S OF F 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. The parcel is located in the R-2 zoning district. 3. There are no issues with this lot split in that it meets the minimum requiremeuts for lot width, depth and siu within the RZ zoning District. ~~Q~L'1?~,{~ ON The Planning Cortmtission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the lot splits with the following recomttlendations: 1. The applicant/vwner is responsible for filing all appropriate deeds and recording of the lot splits. 2. All assessments will be split according to the document provided November 5, 2004 (indicaus a 50/50 split). Respectfully subtrdtted, Dean ICirchaff, Chairman Hutchinson Plann~no Cottanission . ec: Paul Becker, 37 Moxuce St. S.E. _~~~~nr~r~~~~- ~~r)4~ DIRECTORS REPORT -PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission (Persons in attendance at Planning Statl Meeting (in hold) From: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Jacki Pillatzki, Jean Ward, John Rodeberg, P.E., John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kent Exner, Mark 5chnobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Ken Merrill, Tim Popp, Dan Ilatten, Dick Nagy, Julle Wlschttack, AICP, and Bonnie Baumetz Date: November 1, 2004 - Meeting Date: November 16, 2004 Applicant: Paul Betker, property owner LOT SPLIT ON 220 OTTAWA AVE. S.E. AND 255 OTTAWA AVE S.E. Brie£Description The applicant has submitted application for two lot splits on Ottawa Ave S.E. Twin homes have been previously constructed on the lots. The twin homes will be separate ownership which necessitates a lot split. G1rNERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: R2 (Medium Density Residential) Property Location: Ottawa Ave. S.E. Lat Size: 220 Ottawa Ave. S.E. - .25 acres 255 Ottawa Ave. S.E. - .28 acres Existing Land Use: Two Family dwelling Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: R2 (Medium Density Residential) and outside city limits to the Noah (o£ Edmonton Avenue) Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Traditional Residential Neighborhood Zoning History: The property was annexed in 2002. Applicable Regulations: Section 12, Chapter 12, Subdivision Ordinance SPECIAL INN;P"ORMATION Transportation: Ottawa Ave. S.E. Parking: N/A 5(~)~~ Lot Sp13ts 220 and 255 Ottawa Ave. S.E. Planning Commission- November 16, 2D04 Page 2 Analysis and 12eeotnmendatlon: 'There are no issues with this lnt split in that it meets the minimum requirements for lot width, depth and size within the 132 zoning District. Address Lot Width Lot De th Lot Size Re aired 40 120 SD00 220 West Side 42 130.01 5460.42 220 East Side 42 129.94 5457.48 255 West Side 44 135.48 5961.12 255 East Side 44 141 6204 The following should be requirement for approval of the lot splits: 1. The applicanUowner is responsible for filing all appropriate deeds and recording of the lot splits. 2. All assessments will be split according to the document provided November 5, 2D04 (indicates a 50/50 split). ~~ L ~ Cc: Paul Setker, 37 Monroe St. S.E. .SC~~~~ ~av BUILDING PERMIT SURVEY FOR BETKER .BUILDERS LOT 3, BLOCK 3, SOUTHWIND DESCRIPTION OF WESTERLY PARCEL The westerly 92.00 feet ci Lot 3. Blocx 3, SOIJTIiWIN0. d0cvrdlnq tv the recorded plat mere9t, qe medaur9tl along rM norm qnd avuth Iinea of Wltl Lor 3. DESCRIPTION DF EASTERLY PARCEL I of ;, RInnN R, 4p~ITHWIND. OCCOrdlgg )v the recorded plat therovf , oKOOpr my wesrorly 42.00 feet ~oi sgld Lar 3, as measured along rM north and south Ilnes thereof. oTTawa Av~NU~ N s°.~ BM OBAT ,wm cw° De.Be Oe.Ey ne.0e 0 16 30 8 scale In fast ~ Oenv)es 4vn monument found q Den9rea Iran monument sat x Denotes exlarlnp elevgilvn ( ) Danoros proposed elevdrlon BENCHMARK Paint spm on top of curh north of the center Ilne of Loi 3. Bbcx 3. ElevvNVn 1068.66 sv.e x--_ 388°48'34"E 58. E$ R•49T0.00 L-25 72 se.o ~v~42.00 ~• 18.28 m°K °~° v ~ ~ m 161.3) ~ I sae I eoz (61.3}0,1 e0'v 1 x I ~ ~ I Gorvde I Gugge S I Q I I ~ 2.1r ~ ` ' E.11 e6] ~ n I ° e0.1 ~ W ~ ~ ra s• ~ 3 r s I . I 3 N I ~ ~ q PROPOSED I ~° NOVSE !,? PROPOSED HWSE H I x ~° p0,d I x I eao °0A I ens o (81 3) (61.3) ~ I . ~ ` erWwpr . ~ w ~ mnn .ar..~.m _. x` - _ ~ 4E.00 ~-^ 42.00 ~'° s e.r N88°48'34 D "W 84.00 PROPOSED TOP OF FOUNDATION IOBLB eav x PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR 1061.5 lNv Bv.emen0 ear x 'be,e ~ aeo eo.r ~~ x N i0 N N °e.e x sea ---~ ea.s se.e ~v.6 I net shy oertlfy that this Survey. Plan ar Report was prepared 6y me or under my . direct supvvls ion and that I am a duly )Ioeneod Land Sur vey yr under the lows oT the St~a~t~e o} M®lnne/sJotd. w /J ~A. fS ,~ Lle, No.~~7, Dota: (d/t?jr~~d0~ PELLINEN LAND SURVEYING HUTCHINSON MN JOB NO. 04130 BK p-332 PG I \l(7 ass v~-Iu w BUILDING PERMIT SURVEY FOR BETKER BUILDERS LOT 6, BLOCK I, SOUTHWIND DESCRIPTION FOR WESTERL7 PARCEL Thar parr of Lvl 6, Block I, SOUTHWIND, pccordlnq tv the racardea pier thorao}, lylnq west of a Ilm daacrlbed as fplleara: C9mmenclnq or the aDUlnwear CprnN' ai aa10 Lat & thence eaateAy. aWnq the apuln Ilse p} aald Lar 8 a dlatance at 94.07 Teat 1o Me beglnnlnq of Me Ilse to be deecetpad: thence northerly, pprallN whp the wear Ilse Of aald Lat 8 e dlatpnca o} 138.05 tool to rho narlh Ilne o} aaht Lot 6 and apld Ilnv mere terminotlnq. DESCRIPTION FOR EASTERLY PRRCEL That part of Lor 6. Block I, SOIITHWIND, occordlnq ro me recorded plat tnenaf, lylnq east of a Ime deacrlbed oa rollowa: Commanelnq al me eouthweer corner of amn I nr 5; tMitcv valnrly, vlanq the uuth Ilna of aald Lol D u dlalmmn of 44.07 }eat tv Iha beglnnlnq v} the Ilne rv ba deacrlbed; 1Mncv northerly, parvlNl with the wut Ilne of aald lot 6 p dlalance of 13&Oy }eel to me north Ilne of aped Lot B and cold Ilna ffiere tarminahnq. EDMONTON AVENUE can ee.pa aurm. cure x.Ee N aa.er a1N` ~~ aeo x O I 30 60 iln aeale In fact • Donolaa Von monument }ound O Denotea Von monument act • DM01ee ulatmp elevarlon 1 Denotea prvpoaed elevailvn x BENCHMARK ~,a Palnr spot on top of curb 6vufh of thv cenHrllm of Lat 6. Black I. oav Elevalbn IO:58.9E '~-- ~e.a ~qo.t a7.9 x x 0iA . .. ....rww L+78.gg wwv T-'`yaN ai.la art"" R•4870.00. 00'a0 ra.m ruro L•t).3B ae.e: BL,I ae.le avae PROPOSED 70P OF FOUNDATION 1068.3 OTTAWA A1/~NUE PROPOSED BARAGE FLOOR 1059-0 fNO Baam•nU I hereby cerrlty that thla Survey, Plan or Report was pr spar ad by ma or under my diraor aupprvla lan and ihal 1 am a duly Ilcenaed Lond Surveyor under the lave of thv//~~State of Ml nneaoto. ,K~,~~,_„_ Llc. Na. ~rfn~/, Date' PELLINEN LAND/SURVEYING HUTCFIINSON MN JOB ND. 04128 BK P-332 PG 8 5 ~)~~ Hutchinson Area Health Care Hutchinson Community hospital Burn.v Manor Nvrsin~~~Hatte • Daasel Medical Ger:7er 1095 Hi);hway '15 South Hutchinson, MN 55370 (320) 234-50tH) November 18, 2004 The Hnnora6le Mayor Marlin Torgetson and Members of the City Council Hutchinson City Center 1 I I Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mayor Torgersnn and City Council Members: The Hoard of Directors of Hutchinson Area health Care (HAHC), as part of their regular meeting on November 16, 2004, considered a request for adding 5500 square Feet of new sloped roof on segrxtents of the Plaza I S Shopping Center. The following is an excerpt from the minutes of that meeting. Following discussion, Mucllcr made a motion, seconded 6y Ristau, to request authority from the City Council to authorize the project for adding styrofoam blocking to segments of the Plaza 15 roof and to accept the bid from Caraway Roofing in the amount of $106,850. All were in favor. Motion carried." Thank you, in advance, for consideration of this request. Ray Peterson will be able to address questions you may have regarding this item at your meeting on Tuesday. Sincerely, 1TCHINSON HEALTH CARE ,` I Philip G. Graves President /cs .1 "Roof Replacement. The board received information from Andey Rasmussen, McGough Constmction regarding the need to add styrofoam blocking to segments of the Plaza 15 roof in order to shed snow load that could accumulate. Two bids were received on the project (sec attached) for the roof work. Caraway Roofing of Hutchinson submitted the low bid of $106,850, and aRer review has met all the specifications. There are additional fees far electrical and mechanical work as well as for other sub contractors including project management which makes the estimated project cost, with contingency, approximately $220,000. The electrical and mechanical work will be done on a time and materials basis. 5~d) #323298-003 Health Plaza Roof Improvements Budget Estimate C~ McGuugtr Construction h5vc [icncralinnx Description Prawings Dared: 8nilding Contldence Run Dale: t tlt5m4 6:02 PM $I~C:71DN DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT/$ TDTAL. COMMENTS ' Health Plaza Roof Improvements McGough S'upervisicn U U ttUIV/U! $D _ - Project Manager 3 Wks $4,800 $14,400 Superintendent 3 Wks $3,600 $t0,6D0 _ Pickup and Maintenance 3 Wks $231 $693 Travel Mila~e 1 LS $350 $:350 Miser Lahnr, Derno, Clean-up, Poly -Carpenter 0 3 0 Wks ttDIV/UI $2,2'L2 $D $G,667 ny Hnnrng cnmraclor _ - Labarcr _ 3 Wks $1,953 $5,660 _ ___ _ - Small Tnnls A % Labor 1 LS $501 $501 .-....__ . .... .... .... ..-_-.- ( y - Materials Allowance Pnl , ProteGi -_ 1 - LS $1,000 ._._ $1,000 CPI PIIOnP- Charges _ 3 Wks $.50 $150 _ 0 o D #Dlv/n! $D D D n ttrnv/o! $n U U U #UIV/D! $D Sub Pricing _ Rnniing_Cnntrart 1_ LS $1UU,85U $10G,860 L:naway Hoofing __ hl5ulatinq AIIUwartoe Mechanical 7&M Work 1 1 LS LS $7,050 $11.161 $7,650 $11,161 It inS+,L,1inn ran'1 Da roused Allowance •rBM Onen Relocate Mechanical AHU's Allow 1 Ea $10,605 $10,605 Allowance ~ r8M oven ___ Electrical f &M Work 1 LS $5,000 $5,000 Allowance • rg nn Avon _ _ __ Snow Hem_oval Allowance 1 LS $2.500 $2.500 A1law. Ica 0 0 #Dlwol $o Dther o o #Dlwol $D Special Inspections D D #DIV/D! $2,.500 _ Allowance-By Harry ENing D D D D riulJio! u171Jiol $o - $o 0 0 #DIV/0! $0 0 0 7YDIV/01 $D D 0 #DIV/D! $0 Subtotal Gonstruction Cast $786,707 Overtime Labor Allowance Nnno Included Testing Allowance $1,500 _ .......--. Hazardous Mat'I Removal/Disposal Allowance Permil Allowance _ None Included $2,546 Based on $187,000 Construction Contingency 12 % $22,E390 General Contractor OH/Profit $5,601-20 Subtotal Construction Cost $219,245 ~ ~ Design Services Allowance Ndne'Included ~S °; ,_P,endlrig .EWltf•~~ k{bfty Owner's FF&E Allowance None Included Owner's Equipment Allowance Dwners Moving Allowance None Included None Included _ _ Phone Installation Allowance None Included . .......-.. MIS Gnm uter Gablin8 Allowance None Included Total'Pro~ect'Cos" '" "' t` $219,245 Mr.GUUgh Conslruotion, 2737 Fairview Avenue North, St- Paul, MN 55113-1377. t-~~~> Card No. Roo} Bids McGOUGH CONSTRUCTION ~~~~~~r IIIIII BI<1 RECAP HEALTH PLAZA -ROOF IMPROVEMENTS ~itect: Horty Elving te: 1 1 /1 212004 Highway 14 W est, PO Box 72 12440 Nonh Charles Street Spoc Roof Improvements New Ulm, MN 56D73-1)072 North St. Paul, MN 55109 COMMENTS 507.354-8538 651-777-7411 action Fax: 507-359-7183 Pax: 65b777.1371 have Welsh Steve Hegge ____ _ _ PublicalyAdvenised Base BId~ $114,500 5108,567 Reigstad Bros. declined to bic Post 81d Ad ustments -Wood Blackin at Transition Included ___ $1,240 31D LF x $4.00/LF Weather Tight -Low lamp Sprinkle Mopped _ 'Add Cost Req'd If Low TemF Under 40 deg OK '4o deg. min Adhesive Used Mat'I Cost Approx $10,000 over - Adhesive Std. Adhesive per Layaway -Temp Weather Protection Included Included All New Included 6,417 SF ®.75/SF = $4,813 -Insulation 4' Min See Below Reuso existin If cannot reuse existin _ ____ ~~~ ~~~ Will not know condition ai the existing insulation until roof woi - Re-use existing insulation ($7,65D As-bid Is staved. ~----..... ...---- - ..__._ Sales Tex ..T e u e: Start: 30 days from Award Finish: by 1/31/05 weather epee an - Start: 3D days from Awarrl Flnlsh: 2 wks from start - wee __ ...... er defendant .... .--- _ -_ - -- ...-..._ ...__. . Base Bid Alternates None __ Nona _ T _ _ _ ~~~~~~-- Vol Alternates None None 81d Bond _____ 5% . . ____ __ 5% - ---- _ T Addendum -~-~-- .'- .... . ._ 1 ~ 8Id ClarRlcatlons: - DemolDisposal of Existing Roof Materials Included Included - Blocking at EPDM Transition Included E xcluded - Insulaticn __ 4" Min to 3.6" _ _ Reuse existing to 3-6" _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ -Adhesive Weather Tight -Low Temp Adhesive Sprinkle Mopped -variation from specification _ __ - Mctal Flashing_ __ Reuse Existing (Patch as __ reguired Reuse Existing ($20/LF for replacement) J -Curbs Flashing only -curbs by M&E Flashin onl - curbs b M&E -Stacks Boot flashing included where shown Bvot flashing included where shown ~~ ~~ __ __ ~~ ~- __ -Trips for Temp W eather Protection at M&E work _ $5,ODD Allow Incl Assume done et same time as rooting+l Trip (Extra Trips -Travel time + $75/Hour ~ Approx $1,000 per added trip) __ Construction Permit .. By Owner B Owner _ , C Hutchlnsou Cit Center ill Heexan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350-2522 320-587-5151/Fax 320-2344240 ~.r 1. ~' .R ~ A `rl ~ RJ .1.'Y !t. Td: Honorable Mayor and City Council FRAM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Public Works RE: Consideration of Consulting Agreements Geotechnical Evaluations for 2005 Irnprovement Projects (Braun Intertec) Supplemental Agreement for Wastewater Trcatment Facility Operational Analysis and Support (SEH) DATE: November 17, 200A Attached are two agreements for consulting services: Ceotechoical Evaluations for 2005 Improvement Projects (Braun Intertec) Braun Intertec has our current testing contract, which will be reconsidered next year as part of our periodic consultant selection process. This agreement includes all preliminary testing for 2005 projects, including the Water Treatment Plant. The total contract amount of $19,500 is included in the budgets for each project included. We recommend approval. Supplemental Agreement for Wastewater Treatment Facility Operational Analysis & Support (SEH) This contract was previously approved by the Council. The supplemental agreement revises the scope of the contract, including less operational support services and more development of operational procedures and policies. There is no change in the contract amount. We recommend approval. Printed on raycled paper - (~ / J, RECEIVED ~~'` NOV 0 8 20p4 SEH City a Mutcnmson Eng. pap. September 16, 2004 RE: Hutchinson, Minnesota Wastewater Facility Operational Support and Analysis SEH No. P-HUTCH0502.D0 Mr. John Rodeberg, PE Director of Public Works City of Hutchinson 11 ] Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mr. Rodeberg: This letter proposal is a Supplemental Agreement for Professional Services between the City of Hutchinson and SEH t0 provide operational support and analysis of the Hutchinson Wastewater Treatment Facility. This Supplemental Agreement is an extension of the Agreement for Professional Services dated November 23, 1999 between the City of Hutchinson and SEH. Scope of Services SEH submitted a proposal dated August 20, 2D04 to the City of Hutchinson in response Co a Request for Proposal (RFP) dated July 20, 2(H14 for Wastewater Facility Operation Support and Analysis. The SEH Proposal forms the basis for the services to be provided under this Supplemental Agreement unless modified in this letter. ltt response to the RFP requirements, [he SEH proposal provided specific information relative to the proposed scope of the Project. The Work Program presented in the SEH proposal formulated the scope of services and was subdivided into the following primary tasks; Task 1 -Facility Review Task 2-Laboratory Review Task 3 -Management and Support Services On September 13, 2004 a pre~ontract meeting was held with City representatives [o discuss modifications to the scope of services. Tt was determined by [he City that SEH should proceed with the proposed Tasks 1 and 2. However, the scope of Task 3 is modified as follows for the three subtasks; Sub task 3A -Laboratory level support shall be provided. Sub task 3B -Operator level support is nn longer required and shall be excluded from the scope of services. Sub task 3C -Management level support shall not be required as stated in 5EH's proposal. This service shall be provided on an as needed/as requested basis by the City. ~~ short Elliott Hendrick3an Int., 3535 Vadnais Center Drive, St. Paul. MN 5511 D-5196 ~~ 5=H is an equal oppormmry employer ~ wwwsehlna.tom ~ 651.490.2000 ~ SD0.3R5.7055 ~ 651.490.2150 faz (J\ Mr. John Rodeberg, PE September 16, 2004 Page 2 An additional service, identified by the City during the pre~ontract meeting, will be for SEH to provide Standard Operational Procedures (SOP'S) to document and standardize the operation of the major treatment systems. The SOP for specific equipment or process systems will contain a statement of the process systems purpose; equipmenf number, location and type; remote control and local control; safety precautions; cross references to other plant documents (Operation and Maintenance manuals); step by step operating procedures; and operator checks. The SDP's will be developed primarily 6y SEH's senior operations specialist with assistance from City staff. Pictures of actual equipment and/or process systems will be used as part of the SDP's. After development and review of the SDP's 6y the City, SEH's senior operations specialist will provide training to the plant staff (if requested 6y the City) and revise the SOP's if necessary. SDP's will be provided both in hard copy and electronically to the City. Schedule The schedule for providing the proposed services shall be as presented in the SEH proposal except that project initiation has been delayed and the final completion dates shall be extended by one month. It is anticipated that a project kickoff meeting will be scheduled during the week of September 27 -October 1, 2004. Estimated Fee The section in the SEH proposal entitled "Consultant Fee" provides the billable hourly rates for [he proposed services and the estimated hours to complete each primary task as presented in the proposal. Reimbursable expenses including mileage, meals, overnight stays (hotel) will be invoiced a[ cost. Primary Task 3 has been modified in accordance with the changes identified under Scope of Services of this Supplemental Agreement. Agreement This agreement can be terminated by either party upon 10 days written notice should [he other party fail to perform in accordance with its terms through no fault of the party initiating the termination. In the event of termination, SEH shall be paid compensation for services performed to the termination date. including reimbursable expenses then due and all terminal expenses. This letter and the Agreement for Professional Services dated November 23, 1999 represent the entire understanding between both parties in respect of the Project and may only be modified in writing signed 6y both of us. If the City is in agreement with the terms of this letter proposal, please sign both copies in the space provided and return one copy to SEH. The signed copy will serve as the accepted Agreement and authorization to proceed. ~~~ Mr. John Rodeberg, PE September 16, 2004 Page 3 L.J We look forwazd to working with the City of Hutchinson on this project. If you have any questions or wish to discuss this Supplemental Agreement In detail, please feel free to call me at 651.490.2100. Sincerely, SHORT ELLIOTT HHEND CKSON INC. /'~' 7 n H. Stodola, PE Principal, Director Wastewater Mazket Cen[er sh x:vpn~~~~nwsowmi-~o~~~a~o~x.8ov ~cat.aa Accepted this _____ day of , 2004. CITY OF HIITCHINSON, MINN)r,SOTA BY John P. Rodeberg, PE Title: Director of public Works J `~ Beauty INTERTEC November 3, 2004 Mr. Kent Exner, PE City of Hutchinson 111 13assan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Deaz Kent: Braun Inlenee Cerperalian 157(7 ?4th Avenue N PO. Bnx 184 St Cloud, MN 56302 Phone: 3 20.2 5 3.9940 Fax: 320.253.3054 Wa6: 6ro uni nrerteccam Proposal SC-04-p7382 Re: Proposal far Geotechtucal Evaluations for the Proposed City of Iutchinson Construction Projects, Hutchinson, Nlinneso[a As requested in your October 15, 2Dp4 letter, Braun lntertec Corporation is pleased to present this proposal to perform soil borings and prepare geotechnical evaluation reports. These services will be provided for the proposed street and utility reconstruction and construction projects in Hutchinson, Minnesota. Project Aeacriptions You requested we provide drilling, laboratory testing and report services for the following projects. North Central Trunk Sanitary Sewer Golf Course Road/Washington Avenue Roundabout Second Avenue Southwest Industrial Pazk Access Road Plaza 15 Parking Lot We understand the projects will consist of new roadways, utilities and reconstructed roadways. Scapc of Services Prior to conducting the borings, the City of Hutchinson will stake the boring locations. We will coordinate the locating of utilities near the borings. You indicated the City of 1utchinson will tie in the drilled locations and determine ground surface elevations at the borings. The drilling scope of services for the projects includes the following: North Central'fnuik Sanitary Sewer; one to 35 feet, five to 30 feet, 8 to 25 feet, 2 to 2p feet and 2 to 15 feet. Golf Course Rcad/Washington Avenue Roundabout; four to 15 feet. Second Avenue Southwest; three to 15 feet. Industrial Park Access Road; three to 20 feet. Plaza 15 Parking Lot; three to 15 feet. RECEIVED Hov u a 2aaa ~~~-•°~ ~- Providing engineering mid environmental solutions since 1957 .5~e~ City of Hutchinson Proposal SC-04-07382 November 3, 2004 Page 2 We proposed to conduct the borings with hollow-stem auger. Penetration tests will be conducted at 2 1 /2-foot intervals to a depth of 25 feet, then at 5-foot intervals to the termination depths of the borings. if groundwater is encountered, its depth will be recorded on the boring logs. You indicalc:d most of the locations are accessible to struck-mounted drill rig, except three at the old fish hatchery site. We will use a hacked rig to access those three borings. The boring locations may need to be altered to facilitate access. Samples will be returned to our laboratory where they will be visually classified and lagged by a geotechnical engineer. Laboratory tests will be conducted on samples selected by SEH for the North Central Trunk Sanitary Sewer project. A geotechnical evaluation report will then be prepared for each project. The reports, except the North Central Trunk Sanitary Sewer, will each famish the following information: • Log of Boring sheets indicating the various soil strata encountered. • A sketch showing the approximate boring locations. • Water level observations. . Recommended grading procedures for subgrade preparation, Recommendations for dewatering and utility installation. • Structural fill and compaction criteria. • Estimated R value for pavement design. Two copies of our final reports will be submitted. The North Centre] Trunk Sanitary Sewer report will be a factual report presenting drilling procedures, boring logs and laboratory test results. Utility Clearances Braun lnlertec will contact Gopher State One Call and request that they make arrangements for the appropriate public utility companies to determine the locations of public underground utilities at each site. We request that ynu or your authorised representative notify the $raun lntertec project manager immediately of the presence and locations of any underground objects which arc not the responsibility of public utility companies, Braun lntcrtec will take reasonable precautions to avoid dattraging underground objects. Cost Estimate We will furnish these services on a lump sum cost basis in accordance with the previously discussed scope of services. T'he estimated costs for each project are summarized in the table below. 5~~ City of Hutchinson Proposal SC-04-07382 November 3, 2004 Page 3 Estima d Costs Pro'ect Estimated ost North Central Trunk Sanit Sewer 11 950* Golf Course Road/Washin ton Avenue 1 900 Second Avenue Southwest 1 750 hzduslrial Park Access Road 1 900 Plaza 15 Parkin Lot 1 750 "`Tltis cost includes $2,905 in laboratory testing as requested by SEH. We project that the cost to perform the described services will be $19,250. If the project cannot be completed within the proposed schedule due to circumstances beyond our control, or additional services aze needed, revising our cost may be required for completion of the remaining tasks. Braun Tntertec will not, however, exceed our proposed cost without specific authorization from you. General We will begin work on this project upon receipt of your written authorization. We can provide you with preliminary verbal recommendations after the samples have been logged. A written report representing the results of our geotechnical evaluation will follow. Terms on payment for services arc due upon receipt of invoice with interest added to unpaid balances, in accordance with the Gareral.Conditions which aze a part of this proposal. We appreciate the oppnrluxuty to presart this proposed contract to you. It is being submitted in duplicate so that, if it is acceptable to you, one copy may be signed and returned as a writtar authorization to proceed. If there are any questions on this proposed contract, please contact us at (320) 253-994D. Sincerely, Braun Intertec Corporation ~i<~o~ Steve A. Thayer, PE Senior Engineer Attachment: General Conditions ~J ~~~ City of Hutchinson Proposal SC-04-07382 November 3, 200A Page 4 Authorizatlon to Pracced: Please proceed according to She above stated tenors and General Conditions: bate Client Name Authorizer (Please Print) Authorized Signature Title wpdete\propvsa1~20o4~p7382 L.J ~~~ General Conditions 1 Our agrccmcnt with you consists of these General Conditions and the accompanying written proposal or authorization. r~ Sectlon 1: Our Responsibllitles 1.1 We will provide [he professional services specifically described in our written agreement with you. You agree that we are not responsible For professional services that are not fairly included in our specific undertaking. llnlc5a otherwise agreed in writing, ell of nur rcnnrd findings, npinimna, and recommendaticros will be provided In you in writing. Yuu agrcc nut ur rely un oral findings, opinions, or rcuvmmcndationa without our writun approval. 1.2 In performing nur services, we will use [het degree of cam end skill oMinarily exercised under similar circumstances 6y reputable members of onr profession practicing in the same locality. If you direct us tv deviate From our rccommcnded procedures, you agree m hold ua harmless from ell Maims, dumnges, unJ expenses arising nm of your direction. 1.3 We will reference our field observations and sampling to available reference points, but we will not sarvey, set, nr check the accuracy of those points unless we accept that duty in writing. It is undentnnd that luuatinns of field observations nr sampling described in our report or shown on our sketches ere hosed on information provided by others or estimates made 6y our personnel. Yeu agree that such dimensions, depths, or elevations are approximations unless specifically stated otherwise in the report. You accept the inherent risk that samples or observations may not 6e rcprcsentative of things not sampled or seen and, further, that siu cvnditioma may change Orer time. 1.4 (hrr duties dv not include supervising your contractors yr commenting on, overseeing, or providing the means and methods of their work, unless we accept such duties in writing. We will not be responsible for the failure of your contractors to perform in accordance with their undetakings, and the providing of our services will trot relieve others Of their respnnsihililies to you Or In others. 1.5 We will provide a health and safety program For our employccs, but we will not be responsible for contactor, job, or site health or safety unless we accept that duty in writing. l.b Our Catimale5 of unnstruCliun ni rcmediation costs will be based nn informa- tion available to us and on our experience and knowledge. Such estimates are an exercise of our profcaainnal judgment and are not guamntced or warranted. Actual costs may vary. You should allow a contingency in addition to estimated costs. Sectlon 2: Your Responsfbilitlea 2.1 You will provide access to the site. In the course of our work same site damage is normal even when due care is exercised. We will use reasonable care [o minimize damage tv the sire. We have not included [he cost of restnretivn of normal dnmage in the estimated charges. We will correct normal damage at your direction and expense. 2.2 You agrcc m provide us, in a timely manner, with information that you have regarding buried objects at the site. lJntil we have unmpleted our work, you agree to provide us with all of your plans, changes in plans, and stew irrfartnation as to siu conditions. We will not be responsible For locating buried objects at the site unless we accept that duty in writing. You agree to hold us harmless front all claims, damages, losses, and related expenses involving buried objects of which ycu had knowledge but did oat timely call u our atuntion or comeutly show on the plans you or others vn your behalf famished tv us. 2.3 Yon will be responsible for the cooperation of your employccs and your contractors in observing al] radiation safety standards after we notify you that ratiiogrnphic or gamma ray equipment or another nuclear testing ar measuring device will be used. 2.4 You will notify us of any knowledge or suspicion of the presence of hazardous or dangerous materials in a sample provided to us. You agree to provide us with information in your possession ar control relating t0 contamination at the work site. If we vbn'erve Or suspect the presence of contaminants not anticipated in our agreement, we may tcrminatc our work without li¢bility to you or to others, and we will be paid far the services we have provided. 2.5 Ncithcr this agrccmcnt onr the providing of services will operate to make us an owner, operator, generator, transporter, treater, starer, or a disposal i"acility within the meaning of [he Resource Conservation BRAUN INTERTEC kccovery pct, as amended, or within the meaning of any other low governing the handling, treatment, stnrnge, or disposal of hazardous materials. You agree tv hold us harmless and indemnify us From any such claim or Ions. 2.6 drilling, well installation, and rcmediation services may involve risk of cross-contamination of previously unconmminated air, soil, and water. if you arc requesting that we provide services that include this risk, you agme to bald us harmless and indemnify us from cross- contaminatinn claims and damages, unless the loss is caused by nur negligence. 2.7 You agree to make disclosures required by law. In the event you do not own the site, you acknowledge that it is your duty to inform [he owner of the discovery or release of contaminants at the siu. You agrcc to hold us harmless and indemnify us from all claims related u disclvsurce made by us that arc required by law and From all claims related to the informing or failure to inform the site owner Of the discovery of contaminants. Sectlon 3: Reports and Records 3.1 We will famish repots to you in duplicate. We will retain analytical data for seven years and financial data for three scars. 3.2 All samples remaining after tests are conducted and field and laboratory equipment that cannot be adequately cleansed of contaminants are and continue to be your property. They will be discarded or rammed to you, at nur discretion, unless within 15 days of the report date you give us writes direction w store or transfer the materials at your expense. 3.3 Our repots, Woos, calculations, and other documents and our computer software and data arc instmments of our service lu you, and they remain our property but are subject m a license tv you for your use in the related project far the purposes disclosed to us. You may not transfer our reports W others or use them for a purpose for which they were not prcpamd without our writun approval, which will not he unreasonably withheld. At your request, we will provide endorsements of our reports or Idten; of reliance, 6u[ only if [he recipients agme to be bound by the terms of our agreement with you and only if we arc paid [he administrative fee stead in our then current Schedule of Charges. Providing et>rairteering mid envimnmenwl solutions since 195) .s(~ CHANGE ORDER ND: 1 CITY OF HUTCHINSON =ENGINEERING DERARTMENT 111 HASSAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON MN 55350 (612) 234.4209 sKwtt oft . ~NTRACTOR: Wm Mueller & Sons Inc LetUn No. 6 Project No. 04417 I Park Ave, P O Box X47, Hamburg MN 55339 Project Location: Echo Circle SE SCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Provide 8 plant treas. Dated: 11!09/2004 tem Nc. Spec. Ref. Item Name Unit 4uantlty Unit Prfce Amount INCREASE ITEMS: DIVISION IV -STREET CONSTRUC710 8~ RESTORATION 38 TREES LUMP SUM 1 $2,400.00 $2,400.OD P & D PERCENT 70 $24.00 $240.00 TOTAL INCREASE ITEMS 52,640.00 ~T INCREASE ----------------------------_---_-.-.._..,....~...... $2,640.00 accordance wlth the Contract and Speclflcatlons, the contract amount shall be adjusted In the amount of S Y,840.00 dd)"aR~••°"~ An extension of -0- da s shell be allowed for completlon. The orl final completion date shall not be changed. JRIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PREVIOUS AOOITIONSIDEDUGTIONS THIS ADDITION/^c^u~-^ .o.~~nu TOTAL 5505,4 50.00 52,640.00 5508,069.90 ~PROVED• ~ ~c ~~~~~n~radgr ATED: APPROVED: Mayor DATED: PPROVED: Director of Engineering ATED: / APPROVED: City Administretar DATED: /-r~ r ~J 5~-~~ CHANGE ORDER NQ:, ~ ,, ; CITY OF HU7CHINSON = ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. „ „ . 119 HASSAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON MN 55350' (692) 234-4209". ' shast+ ot+ , VTRACTOR: Wm Mueller 8 Sons Inc Letting No. 6 Project No. 04-08 Park Ave, P D Box 247, Hamburg MN 55339 Project Location: Echo Drlva SE 3CRIPTIDN OF CHANGE: Replace curb at McLead Optical. Dated: 11f09l2004 am No. Spec. Ref. Item Name Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount I NCREASE ITEMS: DIVISION IV - STRE CO STRUCTION 8 RESTDRATIDN 3g LANDSCAPE CURBING LIN FT aD $5.00 $200.00 4q REMOVAL & PREP 1 $150.00 $150.00 41 ROCK 8 FABRIC 1 $120.00 $120.00 P & 0 PERCENT +0 $4.70 $47.00 TOTAL INCREASE ITEM$ $5+7.tl0 :T INCREASE -------»--~-------------______~~_~_~___~...,~-~~__ $5+7.00 accordance with the Contract and Specifications, the contract amount shall be adjusted In the amount of $ S+T.DD id)!(dedust)r An extension of -0-days shall be allowed for completion. Tha original completion date shell not tre changsd. )RIGINAL~CONTRACT AMOUNT ~ PREVIOU8 ADDLTIDNSlDEDUCTIONS THIS ADDITIONlDEa7UC~lAN TOTAL E505,42 ,840.0 $5+7.Otl ~ $508,566.90 'PROVED' ~lae ~ `~i>r,~lgctor TED: ~ I ~O APPROVEp: Mayer DATED: 'PROVED: Director of Engineering 4TED: __._ , ~~- ~S Dy APPROVED: Clty Administretor DATED .5~~~ CHANGE ORDER NO: 1 CITY OF HUTCHINSON -ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 111 HASSAN 5T 5E, HUTCHIN50N MN 55350 (612) 234-4209 Sheet i of 1 NTRACTOR: Juul Contractin Lettin No. 11 Pro act No. 04-13 6D Adams St SE, P O Box 189, Hutchinson MN 55950 Protect Locatlan: 12th Ave NW '_SCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Dated: 11123/2004 tam No. Spec. Ref. Item Name Unit Quantity Unit Prlc® Ampunt INCREASE ITEMS: DIVI ION I -SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION 6 EXTRA DEPTH IN MANHOLE LF 6 $121.00 $685.50 7 TELEVISING SANITARY SEWER LUMP SUM 1 $907.50 $907.5D DIVISION II - WATERMAIN CONSTRUCTION 5 CUT IN 12 x 8 TEE LUMP SUM 1 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 6 6" 45° BENDS EACH 2 $227.50 $455.00 TOTAL INCREASE ITEMS $9,828.00 ET INCREASE ---__..---°---•---`---------------------------------------------------------- $3.828.00 accordance with the Contract and Speclttcations, the contract amount shall be adjusted in the amount of $ 3.828.00 dd)I(dedust~ An extension of -D-days shall be allowed for completion. The original completion date shall not be than ed. ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PREVIOUS ADDITIONSlDEDUCTIONS THIS ADDITIONlD6GYCxION TOTAL $45,648.40 $D.DO $3,828.D0 $49,476.40 'PROVED: Contractor ATED: 11/23/2004 APPROVED: Mayor DATED: 11/23/2DD4 PROVED: Director of Englneering ATED: 11 /23/2004 APPROVED: City Administrator DATED: 11 /2312D04 5(~) RESOLUTION NO. 12548 REVISED RESOLUTION ACTIVATING DEFERRED ASSESSMENT SA•5059C (FORMERLY ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. SA-5D59A) WHEREAS, the fallowing properties have assessments in deferred status: Assessment Roll No. City Plb County PID _ ___ Interest Rate SA-5059 07-118-29-07-0870 23.224.D200 4.38°I° SA-5059 07-116-29-OS-0020 23.230.0175 4.38% SA-5059 07-118-29-08-0030 23.230.0180 4.38°k SA-5059 07-116-29-10-0010 23.219.0030 4.38°k AND WHEREAS, the Clty proposes to activate Bald assessments, with paym9nts over a 10-year period at the original interest rate. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 8Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITYOF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed activation of said assessments Is hereby approved, and shall Constitute a special assessment against the lands Hamad therein, and each tract of land therein Ihcluded is hereby found to be benefited bythe proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period often (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the firs[ Monday in January, 2005, and shall bear interest at the original rate of 4.38°k per annum as set down by the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added Interest on the entire assessment from December 31, 2004, until the 31st day of December 2005. To Bach subsequent installment when due, shall be added interest far one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certifiCatlon of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Administrator, except that no Interest shall be charged if the enure assessment is paid by the 30th day of November, 2004; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Administrator the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with Interest accrued to the 31st day of December, of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15, or interest will be charged through December 31, of the next succeeding year. 4. The Administrator shall forthwith transmit a Certified duplicate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Council this 23rd day of November, 2004 City Administrator ~..~ ,~ ~ s 336 25 Tern oRAR'AGa [y$I11fUNi ]VO] ACTNATEO ASSESSNQlF ROIL ND. SOi9D 1FONMERLY SA-5089A1 . NSr rrero6A 5eeN enure m 18 2 • 52,100.00 s]ePf[Saew+NACDLOSnL . wNw+]o m: rv<wr]e 9eeN - ROJECTN0. 0 IEiTNG N0.9R iRON141ATERAi 1YATERNAINd SERYICE3, YCONSTRIJLTIOND&SiCR188EWER f4,99T.30 irn'rs cosrnwrr ol5csmerv 1aw666na , JEFFERSON ST SE-cENTllRY AVE SETG 1O0'3OFJEFFERSON Lt,IHCLUOING JEFFERSON Li B BTI1iBN0[13 SIIRFACNG, BIKE (RAIL, SGSEEI LIGHTS f APPIIRTENAHLEB BNMNOUS FIASE RB S GIfTiER 50.025.00 w.SiL'f [GSIn.nR xufe6RKYEARa: » GRADNG, GRAVEL BASE. CONCRETE CU HEWIN , MI12T2110Y AD G , OPTEOO9512R002 ADTIV fiED 1113WY0P! ~ REVISION ADDPTEO 11! 2]2001 51800.0(1 sAO+'wC msi ss[s4.mlwn 'AC V]4 n]6R 6s~aAT6 1 ab tBT HE WING: OTl3912O02 ~ 1ND : •NT hM : . Nb[e ENryLI WIe Ly PVOe [vrfG Lq a'M+I l 1 E p n F]A YCYf enxen NlnN el FM Wfe MN TNUf erw. MYA ADT iwm iWl W4+M idtl idtl PAn+pl ~ enl n .PeasY Aee~emlM RsutlXNle A0~eb1 AeeeellNb! l T Sewr6 Y® Yef1 Wwey em y r 0. ' 4 Metl I~b9x I IISN Ir1!»[ IIMIw[ Yrf 111RG E 1111bNM Yb YA4 Am. :n19R N~1 -I pra l tl WAU .Re Y+ee9 5 N Idle 111IFIN YYISf WACq mm W II ba No. Ie11M NO ] p L T-IIbSW191]> R~ I ` W1mi+ltl ~Reem 45F. ATaltldeln Ymb Srw 16N'aM. S ee PsNff ]5®I+ero104lQSIDi Pf+4A]OSIaa50Xl4TA 1 EflOr S 10191 » P,gelno. elfmm S51: tYll Pln a!'1me+fA fd}w ra 45 ' ~'~ 2IC3 10 f.>3M f 10.0@m 1C f Sfi19 OFU i 0 f 1519 S 1 R.1f MA NR 4 . 9~W 35ii+fl]N a MM ]]591 WI kRa e,d py a~p,5in~IN~6TA ' I l 4M1nflflbf ~'N~5 feef6NMSbrom neYrw FO\ Thh m FVtlumEfYUYMi Se+ Pfn+iA:3PIWxE p,O9 n 1le+lne n . i e~Pfe1N;' hmk tlalNb xe# au~ ao 4dM M ~ R.~ 0 S~-i !H J4F _ A l1!.151awfOWPI~SR YtlRI L'STO bRNO WRB'1D1 P 1 LMg W ] Pl.l l6.if{!!® 11f~a A9luv P 116m I]SS 951 IDnCfeO NebmvWbllb $eew iWYf. e SN T IY 1 f %1'+! P~optl W ISff tllenm95f IS[+llp4 ' V3P"Np ]D 'Q +P 43SL 1 10 CRm 11 I 51519 0.m f a f !1^.19 f +i ~]-» iY~ 1 MR ivbU4li 14Nrv, M"SS SP IIW~R31W 1P hm Av1145®~61-1 . Ipyq W. ] ~4+4 ]]ll+® lir Ile FMS 4' nA1vc IYi ~»4 V ' IC1Tk0 JCb dlnbtl[II01 SwE4Y1tlI. 5M Ps nY1 RVIBWW pWVW]• Pbnll!]B:U I ff11N Cd1Ma] 9. NN f 10 1 .1f A4eG N¢ 13!! 45L n MYCm¢ L 41 W ' flt 10 R]aR f 1 VB2p i 515.16 6W f 0 f 1 555+9 f 6V.1! N4 1 plp] yZyp+N IiNiseN. NSLIN lllNrai+w .fisun AW I4. SewniA MlNal debmnlfiulb SewiNYW. Sn Pe rm N431lN1N W11 N nf®faelmllb gNSSIx WUnDMf l^luyllt-Y iNe wuunwt e d eM4RnW M]mlw Coen 0.RnM lltla R41eblIF NOt u w]6R ae ~- 40Y 0 i IM NF 5 BRW LkMIBIW LNIYq NO3 R-IIbRIOI:15 Pwdl Ahar I Atl1nv 1)] mOf AN1b 5 NebmTecNnb Ssw+61 1Mw. 3n MIIR /?%ibMC pA1lMS 1 [fiP 1 .» P~y51 W. elfmv, 68L la I Irl+mlC9 ]p] 16 %Y f 1 f 11 f 515 O.W I 0 IM ! 515.16 { 1 .» 6 GI-03 lafA1M 10¢Inen Ifi55Y0 IlnvlS:dA leuar l:.. . f ]N ii i ~ f Wife i ]fa.t6: iOiAL KrNfi®A88ES5MENi RIX1 .50.3p1C FORNEIILY fi15)A . ~~ T/ EarthTech A Tyco Irnernatianal Ltd. Company November 17, 2004 To: Randy DeVries Copy: John Rodeberg, Dick Nagy From: Scott Young Subject Council Update WTP Improvements Protect Earth Tach Protect No. 78361 MEMO This memo provides a brief informational update of the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Improvements project and also presents a schedule of upcoming events. I will be available at the Council meeting on November 23"° to address any questions about the project. Since the City authorized the Preliminary Design work, Earth Tech and City staff have coordinated efforts to implement the project. Major efforts completed to date include: 1. Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Review-Preliminary 2. Draft Preliminary Design Report 3. Value Engineering Review 4. Permit Applications for: i. NPDES Discharge Permit ii. WCA Wetland Permit iii. Local CUP's & Variances 5. Financing Alternatives Review The total project cast was confirmed at $14 - $15.1 million, based upon the current design. Value Engineering, neighborhood meetings and permitting resulted in a schedule delay of 2 months. Earth Tech will work with the City in future phases of the project to minimize the impacts of these delays. The fallowing meetings will move the project to final design: Neighborhood Meeting Nov. 30, 2004 Council Review Meeting Jan. 11, 2005 Public Hearing for CUP'sNariance Jan. 18, 2005 Council Authorixativn to Proceed Jan. 25, 2005 . City and Earth Tech staff are currently working tv incorporate the findings of Value Engineering, resulting in a draft final report far the January 11"' Council meeting. Neighborhood comments will also be incorporated in the report far Council review. f~~~) Rara D«wVris Vw~11`I Nrp~r~~rt~rar-b~ -- ~~ur~cil 1~~4~ f~'g~ 2 .'~h f~laa^ hc~t~graph ~~r the "'V"`~ sit with t prvpr~~d f~+cili:~s ~rir~pd. ~. lY ye}//Y~ d ~~ J , r ~ ~w. it t '~`~~C ' : .~, ~~ ' y*1A '/~ (~ ~ °r ~~r ~~~~ ($~ ,:~~~Y L i~ S.~Y' icy y ~ ~.:Y j( "'~ ~ ~<. '' f ~^ IZ C ~ -'~ r ~F}~ ~ J ~~`~ ~" ~ _ ~ ~1F ~ ~ ! ~ "' r ~ yy~ti ~~ 6~ + (r~M S nq W ~% , s+ ice: ~ "~`' z~~ ~ , ?~x~~ ~ •~ ~~ ~ fir. a~ :' ., ~ ~~R~,~' r 71-~ r~' '~::5' ~+ ~ nw ~f.. ~ -; ~~!~, r ~ ._ r : %. ~ ~!.r ~ .t . F ~ ~ ~ ~.~•~ ~ k Thy sits la~r~t rvvud a ~para~ arrd ~~r acs ~rr~rn ~'rsp~~ ~trt fc~r th~ n~eral public a~ a~a9 usitr,, ~ml~s and' ~~h dlivrie krill ~orati,r~~a to the sit fra ~"~ Ar~u, u~:~w~~~w~~~r~aa~~1 ~~,;~~,~r~~~~~„~s~ ~~a~e zr~aa~~a~.~~~ ~~ ~.c~M"~~~~ ~ pj~n IYaY~uY~~k6~~u~& L~. ~aawrY~a~r~ ~~.e. e ec ions Inc, ~. ;... - November 9,2004 Hutchinson City Government Officials and others who are involved. Re: Miller Woods Thirty years ago I came to Tom Mealey, the City Manager, with the idea of donating the entire Rolling Oaks 4`"-7`" additions to the city for parkland purposes because it contained twenty-three acres of Savannah Oak many of which were original trees. I suggested to Mr. Mealey that we ask the Nature Conservancy to manage this or to at least advise us on how to manage it. Mr. Mealey replied rather forcefully that we didn't need any outside organization managing our park system. That idea falling short, I insisted that the woods must be fenced and Mr. Mealey said that would be a good idea and that he would pass it along to Fred Roberts who was the Superintendent at that time. J was my error not to put that into the restrictive covenants that were incorporated into the warranty deed. It was never done. In the thirty years the woods has become infested with Buckthorn and other undesirable vegetation as well as all sorts of garbage and recreational equipment donated by the neighbors. To my knowledge, Miller Woods has never appeared as a budget item and consequently very little has been done to preserve the pristine nature of the majestic Oak Trees. We have been told that this is the last hardwood forest in Western Minnesota. Frorn here the land becomes prairie. Mark 5chnobrick, Dolf Moon, John Mliner, and Marlin Torgerson, and others have been helpful and sympathetic. Mark has personally worked out there with a chainsaw and other manual equipment to maintain the Woods, but without funds there was a losing battle against the unwanted elements. The Woods is a mess as you Can see by the pictures that I took November 6,2004. Following are the recommendations that I am making: 1. I know that funds are short, but considering the thirty years that no money was spent to maintain the Woods. I think it will take $25,000.00 per year for three years to bring the area back into shape. (divided by 30 years it is only $2500.00 per year) 555 3rd Avenue NW, Hutchinson MN 55350 Phone 320-234-7522 ,jonwayC hutchtel.net n(~~ . Reflections, inc. 2. The area must be fenced. That is the only way we can keep garbage out. Mark has tried friendly letters and the pride element and it has not worked. Some neighbors appreciate the Woods but many do not. 3. The area must be cleaned up and the violators fined. 4. Buildings that are in violation of ordinances must by removed. Items three and four must be completed by December 31, 2004, and item two should be completed by Tune 30, 2005. Our family kaas agonized over this and we are at the point that we insist that these items be addressed or we feel that if the City cannot meet these items in a reasonable time we will exercise the covenants in the deed and take the property back into our family and maintain it accordingly. Sincerely, 555 3rd Avenue NW, Hutchinson MN 55350 Phone 320-234-7522 .ionway@hutchtel.net ~1(r~ C~ C Parks, Recreation & Communit Education 900 Ilarrington Street SW 1{uhhinson, MN 35350-J097 November 17, 2004 320-587.2975/I'ax 320.239.4243 Deax Miller Woods Neighbors: As you know, this year Hutchinson was awarded a grant from the Dept. of Natural Resources to help us speed up the process of getting the prairie established and to help speed up the eradication of the European Buckthorne. I am sure you have seen us in the woods clearing out non-native tree species, cutting Buckthorne and replenishing the woodchip trail. This late spring we reseeded the center area with prairie grasses in hopes of getting more grasses established. We have a good population of fortis and flowers but do need mare grasses established. Maybe you even saw us using a unique little mulcher /mower that chopped up small trees and mulched down small stumps. This is all in an attempt to even out the wooded areas to allow the future planting of grasses and flowers- [ Be advised that the wood stacked up on the east and south sides of the park is available for you to take and use if you so desire. Feel free to take of it what you would like on a first come first served basis. If the wood is not taken by November 30`h the city crews will be removing the piles. ] Some of the steps we will be taking in the near future in regards to the oak savannah will be moxe removal ofnon-natives in the center area and on the east side of the park. That will leave us with nothing but large oaks in the center of the park and on the east side of Miller Woods. At this stage of the restoration we will assess what has been accomplished and fine tune the grasses and flowers to reveal a true savannah, as Chief Little Crow would have viewed as he walked through the savannah on his way to attack Hutchinson. Find attached to this letter a reminder of the limitations that the park has and please be advised that all the residents surrounding the park need to adhere to these regulations. if you have questions you may call me at 32D-234-4459 Yours truly; Mark Schnobrich City Forester Prinrcd on rrcycled paper - ~(~~ ~ Miller Woods Park Regulations 1.) Personnel property shall not be stored or stockpiled in the park, including buildings, sandboxes, lawn equipment, trailers, log piles etc. Z.)No nnotorized vehicles such as snowmobiles, golf carts, motorbikes etc. shall be used in the park (except city maintenance vehicles ] 3.)The depositing of leaves, Christmas trees, branches, and other organic material is not allowed. 4.)The cutting of trees is not allowed . The city has sent out numerous notices to Miller Woods neighbors in the past advising them of these regulations. Please try to adhere to these regulations. This park is a unique area providing a recreational experience that cannot be found in most parts of the state or country. This public park is to be made available to all the residents of this community. The Parks and Forestry Departments have been utilizing numerous volunteer groups, city crews, Sentence to Serve, school class groups and others over the many years to preserve this area and restore it to it's original state of an oak savannah. Your help in keeping this area free of personnel items will help us in this process. if yon have questions or concerns you may contact me at 234-4459. ~ C~~ wAAAANTx nseo THIS 1NOENTl1RE, !lade this 26th day at~ ~ October ~ 1973, between John E. Miller and Sedona E, Miller, husband and wife, of the County of 1liLead and State of Minnesota, parties of the first part, and City of Hutchinson, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, party of [he second part, WT'tNE55ETE: That the said parties of the first part, in consideration pf thn sum of One Pollar and other good and valuable consideration, to them in hand paid by tl~e said party of the second part, the receipt whereof ie hereby acknowledged, do hereby Crant, Bargain, Sell and Canvey unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigwe, Fox ev er, all [he tract or parcel of land lying and being in [he County of McLeod and State of Alf nneso[a, described ea Eollowa, to-wit: Outlo[ A of Rolling Oaka Third Addition, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Reg lS trar of Titles of McLeod County, Dfinnesata. The primary purpose of this transfer to the City o£ Hutchinson is to preserve it in its natural state so that it can be enjoyed by present and future generations ae a Nature Area. It is the express wish of the John E. Hiller family Chat Che land, the trees, the vegetation, tl~e birds and enimals~he protected and preserved forever. 1'HF:leEFORE, the following restrictions are hereby placed on the land and are to run with the land and they are set forth more fully as hereinafter described; (1) There s1~a 11 be no roads, utility lines, water towers, lift stations, or any other utilities built on, through, across or underneath the land hereinbefore deacr lhed, - 6uc a foot path s1~a 11 be allowed. .~ _1T I I _ _ ~ ~~~~ L..J .~ f And the above bargained and granted lands and premises, in the quiar and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part, Sta suet essora and assigns, age insC all person6 lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part [hereof, subl ect to incumbrances, if any, hereinheEora mentioned, [he said parties of the first part will Warrank and Defend. iN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The said parties of the Elrat part have hereunto ~~ set their hands the day and year first above written. In ~ Bence of: ~ M State of Minnesota; sa County of Mcleod: 7ohc(~.~~Miller ~~ ~: .cyL ~ C : ~ ~/6 ~~ Sedona E. Miller on ibis 26th day of ac 1973, before me, a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared .john E. Hiller and Sedona E. Miller, hu aband and wife, to me known to be the persons described in and who executed [he foregoing Sne umen[, and acknowledged that they executed a same'/q kh ire ack and deed. _ ,..., .. .. :~ .. 'r .... _. ... .1.. . ....r.... .Y .. n: 4' This Instrument was -raf zed by: ?IcGraw 6 Haas Law Office Citizens Bank Building Hutchinson. llinneaota 553$- -3- rf `C~ Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Brenda K. Ewin clot of Human Resources RE: Proposed Policy 3. --Mandatory Direct Deposit DATE: November 1$, 2004 Attached is Policy No. 3.32 proposed for inclusion in the City of Hutchinson Handbook - Policies, Procedures, Practices, and Administrative Orders. The policy relates to recent Minnesota legislation that allows a City to mandate direct deposit for all of its employees. With the recent payrolls that have been run, we already have approximately 64 - 72% of our employees enrolled in direct deposit. With the recent legislation, the City Administration is proposing that we mandate direct deposit for a number of reasons, including, but not limited to the following: l . Direct deposit is reliable. With the City payroll, direct deposit puts an employee's money in their account on time (by 9:00 a.m. on payday), every time. The Social Security Administration has used direct deposit for benefit payments since 1976 and reports that no payment has ever been lost. 2. If a check is lost or stolen, the process to replace a check is cumbersome and inconvenient For both the City and the employee. IF this happens, an employee must notify payroll of the situation, complete and sign a verification form that the check has been last or stolen. The City and employee then wait a sufficient period of time (2 - 3 weeks) to see if the check clears the City's bank. If a stop payment order is issued on the check, the $25 fee is passed pn to the employee. After all of these steps have been taken and after a significant delay, the employee maybe issued another check. Many times, employees will contact payroll to report a lost or stolen check. After much time and effort put in by both staff and the employee, the check will show up. If a payment advice employees receive is lost or destroyed, the City can easily print another on regular paper, like the original, without delay. 3. Direct Deposit is convenient. Employees don't need to make a special trip to the bank on their lunch hour or after work, or, on City time which is unacceptable. . This convenience can be especially important if an employee is on vacation or away from work for other reasons. With the use of ATM cards, employees can have access to their pay via direct deposit from virtually anywhere in the world. ~~~~~ City of I3utchinson employees also enjoy the option via direct deposit to have their pay deposited into multiple accounts in one bank, or in multiple accounts in different banks. 4. Direct Deposit is quick. The empleyee's pay is transferred electronically into their account instantly once the transfer is complete. When depositing a paycheck in person, some banks require a "check-hold" period of up to three days to ensure that the funds clear. 5. Direct Deposit is secure. With the electronic trail that direct deposit leaves, deposits are easier to track than a lost or stolen paper check. If direct deposit is mandated, check stock is unnecessary and eliminates any possibility of theft of blank checks. 6. Direct Deposit results in reduced costs and savings for the City. According to a 2003 study by NACI3A -The Electronic Payments Association, far a small employer issuing a total of 500 checks per month, the average cost per check issued is $0.855, and the average cost for a direct deposit payment is $0.513. This amounts to a savings of $0.352 per employee payment. On average, the City of Flutchinson issues more than 500 employee payments (checks and direct deposit payment advices) per month, so we would realize even more savings if direct deposit was mandated. In 2003, the City issued 2,925 checks. If these had been direct deposit, the City could have realized an additional savings of $1,500. It is requested that you review this information and at the regular meeting of November 23, 2004, consider for approval Policy No 3.32. If you have any questions, I will be attending the Council Ivleeting on the 23r'~. Encl. ~ (~~ Policy No. 3.32 CITY OF HUTCHINSON ~~'~~~~ - Personnel - L.J MANDATORY DIRECT DEPOSIT DATE No~em6er 200d SOURCE Administration PURPOSE: NO. 3"32 ^7 ,_Pages The City of Hutchinson, in light of the recent legislative action during the 2004 session, is taking action to reduce the costs and issues associated with the issuance of paychecks within the payroll function. The following policy is designed to reduce costs in relation to the casts of producing paychecks and to protect the City and its employees against the loss or theft of paychecks. POLICY: Minnesota Statutes 471.426 Direct Deposit reads as follows: Notwithstanding section 177.23, subdivision 4, and 181.02, the governing body of a municipality as defined in section 471.425, may require direct deposit for all its employees who are being paid by its payroll system. Pursuant to the above statue, all City of Hutchinson employees shall be required to participate in the direct deposit program effective December 1, 2004. °t (~~ ~ CITY DF HUTCHINSDN MEMO Finance Department November 19, 2004 TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: KEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUS.7E?CT: 5-YEAR CAPITAL PLAN At our last information meeting we distributed summary pages of the 5-year capital plan 2005- 2009. We will review the attached summary showing proposed capital items and proposed revenue sources far the City Council. We will have adoption of the plan on the December 14, 2004 agenda. H:\~OC1Clty Council memo 3.doC q(b~ Capital Improvement Plan City of Hutchinson, MN . PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT AND FUNDING SOURCE 2005 thru 2009 Department Prolect# Priority 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total airport irporl FuelinglCther lmprovemente AIR-02 1 220,000 220,000 General Fund x4,000 Yp,000 Gnn1a-Shte 190,009 190. alntenance Equipment building AIR-03 2 150,000 150,000 OanwlWnd 15,000 {;000 Gnnla-Fa1rN 195,000 (95,000 eve Fxlstlng TJia~lgare AIR-05 3 150,000 150,000 Gamnl Fund 73,000 15,000 Grano •FaderN {95,000 {95,000 On9tNC4 Replacement T•Hangar AIR-08 2 750.000 750,004 CaOaal PrC/eC1a WrM 15,000 13,000 Grants-Pedant 195,000 190.000 0n0tluct New T-Hanger AIR-10 3 150,000 150,000 Caplnl PrOjeCld Wnd 15,000 15,000 Gnnfa-FadNN {95,202 193,000 Airport Total zzo,ooo 150,000 1so,ooo 150,000 1sD,DOO ezo,o4o :antral Carafe NGR•720-TKS CG-02001 3 28,000 28,000 CanhNGeraga Fund x0,000 Y6,000 OLCSCO-CAR CG-02006 1 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 135,000 CanuN Gango Fund x7,000 x7,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 {95,000 OLC•3g0•CAR CG-02007 1 27,000 27,000 27.000 27,000 27,000 735,000 CMO'al Ganpo Fund 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 x7,000 190.000 TRT-080-HTK CG-02009 2 40,000 40,000 Central Gorge Wnd 40,000 40,000 EMT-233•TK7 CG-03001 3 35,000 35,000 Cana'd GKaga Wnd 95,000 3'000 TRT-029-UTL CG-03008 3 25,000 25,000 Cenpel Ganpa Wnd x5,000 23,000 TRT-934-TK3 CG•03017 3 26,000 26,000 Conual Garage Wnd 20,000 x0.000 EM7344•HEq CG-04001 2 80,000 60,000 Central Garapa FuM 02,000 52,000 NGR-780-SUV CG-04002 3 25,000 25,000 Cantrd Gangs WM 25,000 YS,000 OLC-311~.AR CG-04005 1 22.000 22,000 Cantral0anpa FuM YR000 xx,959 ~RT555+iTK CG-04007 2 25,000 25,000 Contra/ Gangs Fund 20.500 85,000 Pagc I aF 12 Friday, November 19, 2004 ~~~ Department Project# Priority 2005 2006 2007 2008 20119 Total ARK-268-TK4 CG-05001 3 20,000 20,000 Central Gwapa Fungi Y0.000 70,000 ARK-290•TKS CG-05002 2 22,000 22,000 Central Gerape Fund 7yppp 77,000 'JO(X-XX)(•TRL CG-05003 3 8,000 6,000 s,DDD 8,000 BA00 30,000 CMtrel Gerspa Fund d,ab9 gdb9 gb99 d,000 gbbb 9b,obb SARK-818-GN^ CG-05005 3 10,000 10,000 Central Gaspe Pond 10,000 10,000 'ARK~591-TK1 CG-0500fi 3 35,000 35,000 Control Gsrsps Fund 7'{000 94000 'ARK-830-TK3 CG-05007 3 24,000 24,000 Canlnl Gaspe Pond yd0ob y4,ppp :NTR-523•TK3 CG-05010 2 32,000 32,000 Central Gaspe Pond 9;000 9;000 :NGR-259-TK5 CG-06001 3 23,500 23,500 Centrd Garepa Fund 77,600 Y],d00 1RE-129-VAN CG-06002 1 25,000 25,000 CMtral Garap9 Pond Yg000 Yg9d0 JIXX-X%X-CAR CG-06004 3 3,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 9,000 CMbal Garage Fund $000 7,d00 1,d00 1,500 1,d00 9,000 ARP~85-GND CG-08005 3 7,000 ~ 7,000 GMtralGmpe Pond ~ 7,000 7,ddd ;TRT-373-TK1 CG-06006 2 50,000 50,000 CMtrel Garega Fund 50,000 30,000 ;TRT-058-NTK CG-06007 2 70,000 80,000 .150,000 CMtra Gerepe Fund 74000 dgp66 16gddd ARK-088-UTL CG-07007 2 25,000 25,000 CMtra Gerepe Fund Y5,000 Y5,000 iTRT-109-TK5 CG-07002 3 22,000 22,000 GnMI Gaspe Fund P;000 Y;000 ;TRT-0O9+1E0 CG-07003 2 125,000 125,000 Cenbal Gsrepa Fund 175,000 fY5,000 ~OLC-148LAR FSEM7 1 22,000 22,000 CMtrel Gerepe Fund 77,000 Yt,ppp 'OLG842-CAR FSEM2 1 22,000 22,000 GMtra Garage Fond 7~ppp p;000 'OLCA35Sl1V FSEM3 1 30,000 30,000 Control Garapo Po,N ~ 90,000 34000 IRE-766-TK5 FSEM4 1 26,000 28,000 Gntru Cewpe FUnd Y0.000 2&000 ~OLC-121-TK5 FSEMS 1 28,000 28,000 CMtrel Gaspe Fund Yg000 Yg000 :EMT-048-TK3 FSE51 2 25,000 25,000 GMtral Gaspe Fund 05,400 75,000 iTRT-156-TK1 FSE52 2 45,000 45,000 GontrN Gerapa Fund 46,000 /g0p0 >TRT-XXX•HTK FSE53 2 85,000 85,000 Centrd Garpe Pond 85,000 d;pW 3TRT•115-NTK FSES4 2 ~ 150,000 150,000 Central Cange Pond 190.000 730,000 41RP-742dRC FSE55 2 45,000 45,000 CMpal Garyo Fund 45,000 45,000 iTRT-2D7~~R FSESB 2 122,500 122,500 Page 2 of 12 F7idny , November /9, 2004 R(h~ aepartment Prvjeet# Priority 2005 2006 2009 2008 2009 Total CantyGarye Furl 174,800 it;300 'RT-238•TK5 FSOT1 3 22,000 22,000 Caned Gerepe Fund ~K•227-GND FSOT2 3 Y;000 8,000 Y;000 8,000 Csneel Gams. wrrd 8,000 1,000 1RK-228•GNO FSOT3 3 BA00 8,000 Central Genge FuM 8,000 8,000 tT5 Mechanics Bay Addition NATS-01 2 800,000 800,000 Gerwel088wtlon awda adgdda 800,000 Central Garage Total 1,107,000 381,000 339,500 335,500 367,000 2,800,000 'ity Center . ty Center Perking EYpanslon CITY CTR-03 2 280,000 280,000 CepH.l Pro/ecta Fund ta0,add u0,000 ry Center Monument Sgn CITY CTR-04 3 10,000 10,000 C8pHe1 Pra/ocfs Pund 10,000 70,000 City Center Total 10,000 280,000 290,000 ivic Arena Impressor Rehulld CA-05 1 30,000 30,000 Ceplfsl Pro/ecfe Fund 15,000 [5,000 70,000 >oling TawerlResurracer Maint CA-08 1 50,000 50,000 CsplydPro/xfa Fund Sd,00o 30. W0 vic Arena sta011iner CA-07 3 10,000 10,000 CapHalProJech wnd ~ f4odo fd,dOd vic Arena Reverse Osmosis upgrade CA-08 3 12,000 12,000 Ce1~Pro/ecra wnd . f;ddd t;o0d vk Arena Dasher b0afd8 CA-09 3 25,000 25.000 C.PHaI Prolecn Fund 75,000 48,000 est Arena low E ceMing CA-1 D 1 40,000 40,000 CapHel ProJede Fund 10,000 10,000 vic Arena flooring replacement CA-11 3 10,000 10,000 Cep Hal Prn/acfs Fund 10,000 10,000 est Arena door CA•12 1 24000 20,000 Csplfel Prp/acls Fund Y0,000 70,000 one bleachers CA•13 5 10,000 10,000 Ceplfd Pru/ecG Fuml 10,000 10,000 mkeroamrBelhmom ventAatlOn CA•14 2 12,000 72,000 Cep)td Pro/ecfa Wnd 1;000 14,000 C1V1C Aren9 Total 80,000 47AOD 50,000 42,000 218,000 :ompost Omp0816ins, 18 COMP-13 D 4p0,000 400,000 Canpoef wnd 10p,000 100,000 emFTreller COMP•14 0 100,000 100,000 Celnp0sl wnd T00,000 100,000 rontend Loader COMP•15 0 BD,OOD 80.000 Cwnposf wnd 80.000 80,000 ompOSlTumer COMP-16 D 350,000 350,000 CdnpOat Fund ]30,000 180,000 ~cudry+;amera COMP-17 0 10,000 10,000 Page 3 of 12 Fr/day, November 19, 2004 ~r.~) Department Yrojett# Priority 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total uompost rand Campf7st Total vent Center ~dnapy EC-04001 Cspdal Prolech Fund PWNc S1he Event Ceater Total -umper FD-04-01 Gp1hl EvaAvn»f Noha vodf6tJildns FD-04-02 Gplfsl Prolsers Fund Fire Total .nIr85trnCtnrC Im prOVement3 ipNCe COUd (5th Ave to N tennin~ IMP-0O6 C. O.OnproVamenl Bonds Weshwshr Fund .Inden Avenue SW (Dale Slreel to Lynn Road) IMP-020 AsspBmenh G. 0. Nnpro»msnf B9ntla Aaln 5l. SE (Oakland Ave dead end se0tldn) IMP-021 Aa»ssm9nM G. 0. Nnprovem»f Bantls ~chigan St NE (fH 7 to RR trecks) IMP-022 Atsosamanh Mun101ps19hh qM lands!! Road SE (BradldM Streel to Century AVO.) IMP-024 Atsoasmenh G. 0. enprovan9nf Horda nd Ave SE (Huron Stree! In BddgO) IMP-025 G. 0. fmprOrernsnf Bails MuMcIpNSrdNAW ;antdry Ave SE (BradMM SL la Jefferson SL) IMP-026 Ats»am»rs 0.0. AnprorwnenrBards MuMcIpN$hh Ald Wdsfswehr Fund lradfoM St SE (Century AvO. lc Sherwood St.) IMP-029 Asssstmsnfa G. O. dnpro9M19nf BorMa Washwehr Fund wshr Fdntl iolf Cour08 Rd NW (Oakwppd Ln. to new ellgnment) IMP-031 Attassmanp G. O.Improvxn»f Bondy Wahr FurM _Im St NE (McLeod Ave. to North High Ddva) IMP-032 Aseetamenh G. n, Onprevam»f Bonds G.O. WaMBdnds G.O Wea}ewefa Bonds 10000 10,000 580,000 380,000 940,000 1 125,000 725,000 x;000 x3,000 100,000 100,000 125,000 125,000 2 300,000 300,000 300,000 700.000 3 12.000 72,000 1$000 1$000 300,000 12,000 312,000 1 50,000 50,000 24,000 44,000 x5,000 x4odd 2 825,000 625,000 J04000 900,000 77'{000 Jx5,000 3 78,000 78,000 e,ddd e,odd 10,00!1 70,000 2 87,000 87,000 /R000 47.000 u',~ 45,000 3 99,000 99,000 A0,000 80,000 99,000 78,000 2 355,000 355,000 176,000 173,000 }80,000 }44000 1 400,000 400,000 149,000 f4g00o 770,000 ~ 120,000 }x5,000 9Y;000 7d,odd ]good 2 1aa,DDD tas,oso 74,000 7/,000 44000 44000 44404 Y0,000 19,000 19,000 3 250,000 250,000 85,000 85,000 69,400 85,000 174000 170,000 2 1,125,000 1,725,000 794000 990,000 J95,000 999,00!1 130,000 19({000 100,000 }yp~000 Pegc A of 12 Friday. NovemOer !9, 2004 ~(.e~ ~epartrnent Project# Priority 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 TGtal TOOT Coop 5: 5th Ave S/fH 15 Sgnal IMP-033 1 210,000 210,000 Grerrh - shn x0,000 60,000 Munklpel Shn AM 170,000 170,000 ~hel St SW (Graham SL tc Mawaukee St) IMP-034 1 50,000 50,000 afsefsmsnh zs,oo6 23,000 G. O, enpmvemenr Bands 23,000 47,000 iwaukee Ave SW (Grehem St. to Oale St.) IMP-035 1 120,000 120,000 Arssasmenh 60,000 60,000 0.0. ImpOVSnnntBmds 60,060 60,000 [Trunk Slvmt Sewer (Walnut Rldge to Elm St) IMP-037 1 1,380,000 1,380,000 Afsasmenla 190,000 190,000 G. O. snprovunsnt Gonda 710,000 7711,000 storm werer uuxy 1s4ad6 1s6,666 th Avenue NE (11th Ave. to Maple SL) IMP~040 2 312,500 312,500 Asseaamenh 170.000 174000 p. o, Onw6romsnt BorMa a;300 61300 Washwefx Fund 50,000 94000 Wafer Fund 54000 64000 i Ave. NEIMcLevd Ave. (TH 15 t0 Blufl St) IMP-041 1 7,080,000 1,Ofi0,000 Aeaeeemenn 7-4000 264000 G. G. enpmvament Bandf 480,000 Y90,000 F1uMeIANBHn Aid 200,000 Pa0,000 W6shwlhrPoM 10,000 10,060 WWxPond 150,000 164000 id Avenue SW (Lake 51. tv OBIe SL) IMP-044 1 800,000 800,000 Asaeaamenfa Y50,000 250,000 G. O.lmproromontBonda 1!0,000 130,000 Wsshwehr Wnd 150,000 150,000 W~tx Pots 54000 30,000 ~nlury Ave. SW (Schaal Rd, tv Dale SL) IMP-045 2 800,000 900,000 Asaoaamerrh 150,000 130,000 P- O. Improvsmsnt BwMa 460,000 260,000 Munlclpal shh Ald 930,000 750,000 Wishwahr Pond 70,000 70,000 Water FurM 70,000 70,000 Pishney Ln. SW (Alley tv 3rd Ave. SW) IMP-048 2 194,000 194,000 Asaessmann 7;000 7;000 G. D. Impmvemenl Bandf 7;000 71006 W~ahwshrFend 20,600 Y0,000 Want PonO 70,000 90,000 '. Pighney Ln. SW (Alley tv 3rd Ave. SW) IMP-047 2 194,000 194,000 Affsssmsnh 7;000 7$000 G. o. Onprnesrnrnf Banat 78600 7;d0v WiSNwNOr Ports 20,000 20.000 WanrWnd 90.000 90.000 ishney Lane SW (2nd tv 3rd Ave SW) IMP-048 1 206,000. 206,000 Aaagamenrs 21,000 41,000 G. O, Impro9an6nf Bondi 113,000 11;000 Wastewater FLlld 70,000 70,000 mden Area Trunk Stvm1 Improvements IMP-049 1 1,032,000 1,032,000 /usassmsnfs 160,000 160,000 c. a enprcvamenr Bondy 771000 J7;avv storm Wataufllrty 300,660 500.000 H 7 Centrall3rd Avenue NW Side Streets IMP-050 2 250,000 250,000 Affufmanh Sv,6ve 30.6av G. O. ImprovwnMf Bonds 200,000 400,000 ~ater Slreet NW (TH 7 tv 5th Ave NW) IMP-051 2 250,000 250,000 Assessments 90,000 90.060 Page S of 12 FYldpy , November t 9, 2001 ~(~~ Department Yroject# Priority 20D5 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total G. 0. hnprovamonf Benda. 840,000 Pxo,p00 ~Olf Couree Rd NW (7H 7l0 Ex. GOIf Course Rd) IMP-052 2 2,050,000 2,050,000 Aasasemann Tx0,000 x10,000 G. O. Bnprovunanr Bands /40,000 /40,000 MunlNpel Sroro Ald 1,000,000 1,000,000 WashwanrWnd 800,000 x00.000 WBrK Fund 180,000 160,000 'Ishney Alley SW (East of f)ala Slroel) IMP-053 3 38,000 38,D00 Aasaeamanh 8,000 8,000 C. 0. anp7pvemaM Bwda 4A00O 90,000 IoM Central Trunk SS (Tadao Perk to Blurt St) IMP-054 1 820,000 820,000 wderow.hr wnd ex0,000 84A000 H 7 Central l1lllltks (61u8 S1 la Maln St77H 15) IMP-055 1 1,180,000 1,180,000 Aseasammfe 140,000 1x0,000 G. O.ImpOVamenf Bondi 783,000 x68,000 uunluper shn Ald 188,000 is5,000 WaahwerorFund ~p0p /000 warorFmd f9b,d0b fa0.dvd H 7 Central Light Trelfic Improvements IMP-056 3 2,17Q000 2,170,000 G. O, Improvement Bondi 7x$000 748,000 Grano • faddnr 7x9,000 744000 MuniNpelshh Ald 740,000 7x0,000 raw R'Ner Dam IMP-057 3 1.500.000 1,500,000 Glenn-Fadawll 180,000 850,000 Gnmu • sfm 800,000 sdd,od0 srorm w.ir uBrlry 490,000 ssgabb Ilchlgan SL NE (RR tro0ks la 5th Ave. SE) IMP-058 1 740,000 740,000 Aaseaemantr ydp,p00 y~p00 0 O. ImprOVamenl Bonds 800,000 800.000 treeuSldewalYJTrail MalntenenCe or Expansion IMP-063 3 186,000 188,000 188,000 168,000 186,000 930,000 ~ G. O. lmprovamMf Bands 780.000 180000 774,000 188,000 186,000 1,116,000 allege Avenue NE (Main St. tv Hlllcrest) IMP-064 2 500,000 500,000 Asseaam.nn 4x0,000 xTA000 G. O. hnpmvamsnl Bomn 4x0,000 8x0,000 WurowvMFund 95,000 93,000 WelerFynd 28,000 48,000 eh Street NE (College Ave. t0 NOdhwroads Ave.) IMP-085 3 325,000 325,000 Aaseeemanro 185,000 168,000 G. O. Improvement Bonds 160,OOp 180,000 dmOnlOn Ave. SW (TH.15 M Market St.) IMP-068 2 530,000 530,000 Aaaeeamenn 185,000 108,000 G. O. bnprovemenf Bonds ~ 148,000 11A000 Nunlclpsl Sflro Ald 173,000 178,000 Goebel Circe IMP-070 2 75,000 75,000 Asaeaemelin 78,000 98,000 G.O. Improvement Bonds 97,000 47,000 ewl6 Avenue SW (Lake SL to Dale St.) IMP-071 2 d00,000 400,000 Asseaamenls yip 000 yp0 ~ G.O. Nnprovemenl BOndd 400,000 400000 ef(erson Sireel SE (Century Ave t0 Falr Ave) IMP-072 2 1,230,000 1,230,000 Aaaesemanla 400,00D ~,~ G. o.Implnwmanteonda 4f0,000 914,000 AWniclpe15nhAld 900000 100000 W88rowahr7ynd 1x0,000 140,000 W~targlnd 000,000 100,000 yashington Avenue E (Main St to Adams St) IMP-074 2 910,000 910,000 ~ Aaseaamente 160,000 150000 G. O. ImpravemMl Benda y000p0 ,$00000 Pa ge 6 of 12 h7rday, November !9, 1004 ~c.:~~ Department PrG]ect# Priority 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total Grmla•Shh X000 ~~ Wuhweterwnd 7a W0 ro,oo- Wsfwwnd -p 000 -p d-p 8erson Street SE (P81r AVB t0 2nd Ave SE) IMp-077 2 1,180,000 1,160,000 Assotamenh ~ 980.000 730,000 G. D, hnprovwnsnt Bonds 473,000 PY;-Od MunklpelShh AM 273,000 473,000 WithwatwWnd 95,000 -6,000 Water Pond is5,000 135,000 yodels Avenue SW (Lynn Rd t0 Merill St) IMP-078 2 75,000 75,000 Ataraartwnh 45,000 25,000 G. O. hnpmvemsnf Bonds Pr,000 45,000 Waetawafa wntl PAOOp ~ p~000 ;ouwe Street IMP-080 2 40,000 40,000 Astuamenh PD,000 40,000 G. O.OnprnWmenf Banda PO,0p0 0,00,0 lansvn Odve (Lyndale tv 5 termini) IMP-081 2 37,000 37,000 AaseJtmenft 7,000 7,000 G. 0. Nnpovemenf Bonds T5,000 16,000 wesbw-ro7 wnd r3,o3- 13,003 nark Street NE (5th Ave l0 6th Ave) IMp-082 2 122,000 122,000 Ataeaamenh 80,000 30.000 B. O. Mlpwamenf BOMB 83,000 Be,000 lapis Steet NE (College Ave m NOnhwDOd9 Ave) IMP-083 2 200,000 200,000 Atsetsmanh 100,000 fOQ000 C. 0. enpnvanenf BoOda 100.ad0 i W,000 pruce Street NE (College Ave ro Narthwmods Ave) IMP-084 2 300,OD0 30D,000 AaaeeemMft 115,000 113,000 G. O. Impovemenf Bands 115,000 113,000 Water wnd Avenue SW (Lynn Rd to west tannlnl) IMP-085 2 70.000 235,000 70.000 235,000 Aae-atmenh 116,000 if{000 G. O. Imprpvemenf Bonds 1PO,OOD 140,000 humh Street SW (S. Grade Rd to Linden Ave) IMP-088 2 520,OD0 520,OOD Aaaeeamenfs M0,000 480,000 O.O.Improvwnanr BOndt 3Q000 30,000 Waafewaterwnd 1P1t000 iZ0,000 Water wnd 80000 BO,Opp linton Avenue SW (Lynn Rd, tv Harrington Ave) IMP-088 2 70,000 74,000 Atseavnenfa 9$000 70.000 B. O. Mlproranenf eo+Ma 33,(100 93,000 ralB AvenUO SW (Sunset 5t to W termini) IMP-089 2 40,000 40,000 Atsutmeefa X000 Y0000 c. O. enproYemenf BorMa 00,000 PQ000 th Avenue NW (Main St tv Kvuwe St) IMP-091 2 ~ A00,000 900,000 Ataeaamsnh 900,000 900,000 0. 0. ImprovementBpnds 1W,000 100,000 MunkJptl3hh AM 480,000 480,000 WaehwefaFmd 70,000 70,000 Warr wnd 150,000 130,000 ~auger5treet(HghSttowest) IMP-092 2 75,000 75,000 AaeatlrMnh IA000 75,000 C. 0.lmprvvemMtBonda 4000 p~000 w~trw+M 1s,adB 1s,od- 'arringlon Street SW (5. Grade Rd to 4lnden Ave) IMP-093 2 350,000 350,000 Astetmronta 30,000 30,000 G. O.Onpmvemenf Bonds 150,000 150,000 WsehwMFund X000 X000 Page 7 of 12 Friday, Nvve+nber !9, 7009 ~(~~ fepartlnent ~'rOject# Triority 2005 2006 2007 2008 2pp4 Total wanr Funtl ao,aao ao,oa6 Icre6t Road NE (8th Ave NE In Maca BIUBJ IMP-094 2 84,000 94,000 Astetsmanta ~;000 /4,000 G. O. Imllrevenwnf Bands 41,080 1;000 ura Avenue SW (Sunset 9l to W tennlnl) IMP-088 3 30,000 30,000 ASaesamanfa 15,000 1'{000 Q 0. lmpravonrvnt Banda 13,000 1;000 VDD7 Coop 9; 5 Grade Road Signal IMP-099 2 322,000 322,000 Grann • Sf1n 7;ao6 77,008 AWMclpel shhAld 550,000 488,008 VDDT Coap 3' Maln Slreat Retaining Wall IMP•101 2 148,000 146,000 aaausminls 1s,a66 15,oda G. O. enprOVemsnrBOnde 85,000 86,000 w,nra•arln 1aao6 4x088 vDOT Coop 4: TH 15 South Traifc IMP•102 1 75,000 75,000 NunINp8lSnn Ald 6+',000 65,000 aza 15 Main Parking Lol Reconslruc8on IMP-905 2 900,000 900,000 Asaeaamsnfa 600,000 800,000 G. 0. ImpavwnantBOnde 100,000 100,000 ashington Avenue Roundabout ~ Adams SVeel IMP-108 2 3fi0,000 380,000 G. O.OnprnwaMmBondt 800,000 780,000 erkel Street (Denver Avenue ld Airyod Rcad) IMP-111 2 fi50,000 850,000 Aaausmanre 40'4008 400,000 G.O. Improvement BwMa 134000 4.'•0,000 Nling Meadows East (Phase 2) IMP•913 3 500,000 500,000 Asspsmenrs 130,000 180,000 Wafer Fund 30,000 30.008 dustdal Palk (Cenex area) IMP•799 3 240,000 240,000 G. O. anpNVwlpmBanda 710,000 418,808 ]wntDwn LighBng end Sklewalk IMP-120 2 1.495,000 1,415,000 Attafamanfa 489,800 789,008 G.O.ImprOVlmrrnl Banda 7,177,000 1, 194,000 ~ashington Ave W (Main t0 Franklin St) IMP•921 2 250,000 250,000 Aeaaaam,nn 55,000 58,000 G. 0.8npmvamanrBanda 140,000 174000 Weefewefar Wnd 30,080 58,000 WatxFurM PS,000 75,000 ~errill St SW (Linden Ave to 8 Grade Rd) IMP-122 2 520,000 520,000 AsawamanW 460,000 480,000 G1nerN ObllpeaOn Bonds 80,000 80,008 Weshwsfw Fund 140,(100 }44000 1Yetlr Funtl 80,000 80,000 Central Trunk Sanitary Sewer Llning IMP•923 9 435,000 435,000 Wunwafvr Wnd /7'{000 A5,000 duals pevelopmenl Financing IMP•124 3 310,000 390,000 310,000 310,000 310,000 1,550,000 Attosamenfa 7111,000 710,000 970,000 910000 910,000 1,650,000 iowntown parking LoUAlley Rehab (block 911Lot e) IMP•125 2 250,000 250,000 G. O. Imprawnam Ganda 450,000 750,000 ldwntown Parking LotMew Alley (Block 81Lo1 C) IMP-126 2 500.000 500,000 Aaaseemann 910,000 930,888 G. O. Imppvemmr Bonds 950,000 930,000 lonh High Drive Aree Drainage IMP•127 2 786,000 988,000 C. O. /mprowrrenrBwrdr 100,000 100,080 Storm Watw UdOty aQ80p 86,000 ~es Kouba Parkway and Trunk Sanitary Sewer IMP•128 2 1,980,000 1,180,000 G. O. ImprOremanf Barma 980,000 780,000 Page 8 of 12 6ridny, November l9, 2009 w (.b~ )epartment Wsafawafer Wnd dusldal Park (Sldtesky • Phaae 2) . MsetsmaMa G. 0. Imprownwnf aw,da Infrastructure Improvements Total ,ibrary e+oof Llbnry Capltel Fwrd 16tall water so0enar LNn6ry Gpk11 rYnld Library Total 'arks ddfellowa Shaper C6plh1 Pro/aeh Fpnd ~aeonC West RMer SheI1Br ohena Park prairie Gplhl Pra/ach Fund land View Heghts Playground Equipment PubOc Slfea MP PraidelRiver slahlllzation pplhl Pro/er:h Rmd lend View Helght6 Sheller Cap0e1 ProJKft Funtl ~nnis Ccurts Caplfs) prpJKrt Wnd uce Llne Trail Reaudece MF Llghtingl6ackstap GpaYPro/rcia Wnd IutddorAquetic Centerl6all Field Cwraral06009tbn Bonds ockeroom Shower Valves Ceply! pro/ocf9 Fund Parke Total 'olice agls Mohlle Field Reporting Gplhl ProHtf9 wrrd :VIDENCE BAR CODING SYSTEM CepB.I pro1K}r Wnd lookingllD Syetem Gplhl prolxh rand Ii9palch Radio Conaale Upgrade Cap061 PIO1Be16 FuM Project# Priority 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total aoa,a6o eao,aoo IMP-129 3 1,240,000 1,240,000 710,000 7/0,000 500,000 000,000 10,256,000 7,483,500 6,934,000 6,913,000 6,701,000 30,291,500 LIh-02-06 3 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 Lih-02.12 4 1,000 1,800 r,aoo 1,800 8,800 8,800 PARK-05 0 15,842 15,842 r7,raB naaP PARK-08 0 17,154 17,154 PARK-06020 3 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 PARK-07 0 18,500 18,500 ra,aoo re,aoo PARK-07021 3 40,000 40,000 10.wo lgaao PARK-11 0 0.4,7fi8 44,768 44769 µ76e PARK•14 0 15.000 15,000 15,000 18,000 PARK•15 D 20,000 20,000 PARK•16 1 25,000 25,000 25,000 x5,000 Park-17 3 3,400,000 3,400,000 d,laa,aoo 3,1BB,o9a Park•18 1 10,000 10,000 10,000 70,000 PD-0302 Pq-08 PD-09 PD-10 Police Total ~ool & Recreation Buildin8 adcing Lot Crack FBling PR-08001 7,465,000 78,500 15,642 44,768 17,154 3,621,266 1 54,700 9,700 9,700 74,100 8/,700 8,700 8,700 7/,100 1 5,000 5,000 0,000 3,000 1 20,000 20,000 x0.ooa xe,ooa 3 80,000 60,000 68,000 00,000 139,700 9,700 9,700 159,100 1 2s,ooD 2s,DDD Page 9 of 12 Fridtry, November !9, 2004 a (~~ )apartment Project# Priority 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total C6pltrl Pro/acts Fund Y;000 45,000 rplace Contrellers8ieatera PR-09 1 28,000 26A00 CapIW Pm/ecfr Fund Y0.000 Y0.000 surface Rec Center DOOrs PR•10 2 20,000 20,000 CSOfgI Pra/xts Pund Hr,OW Ta000 fcCenterlumacereplacement PR-77 7 20,000 20,000 x Centero0ka remodel PR•12 4 75,000 15,000 Gpttrl Pro/acfr Fund 15,000 15,000 ~olimpravemenit PR•13 1 BO,ODO 80,000 GpIM Proj/rn w,rd aaa9a ada99 Pocl & Recreation Buildi77g Total 28,000 00,000 40,000 eD,oaD 188,000 ublic Works dvanced GPS Virtual Reference 8tadon (VR8) PW-002 2 38,000 38,000 Gtmnl wntl ~ 7A000 98,900 Public Works Total 'echnolo>;•y omputerelMon4ore CrWhl Propetr Fund ofhvare GpItN Pr9/atn wnd dntere 8 Other hardware Gpital Pro/acfs wnd ~omputersMlonllara Crplfel PrOJ/rn wnd ohwaro GPON Pro/ottr wrM doter 8 other haniware Crplnl Proj9tfs fYrN ~ompvlerelMdnitars Capk/1 ProJ.cts wnd oftvrare Capital Pro/ecta wnd 'rioter 8 other hadware CapBal Pre/wq Fund :amputerslMonBars CeplfN Prp/SCta wnd ~aftwere Ceplhl Arpjrctr wnd 'doter 8 other hardware CNdad Pra(6cM FYnd :amputerMlonltore Gplt61 Pr9jeetr wnd 3o0ware Cepdel Pro//Cfr Fund adnteB 8 other hardware CapltNPro/4c7r wnd Technology Total 38,000 38,000 IT-0301 2 38,000 36,000 70.000 96,000 IT-0302 2 35,595 35,595 75,595 95,307 fT-0303 2 41,208 47,206 /},706 41,P06 IT•12 2 32,000 32,000 y;000 7;000 IT•13 2 51,495 51,495 s7,ws s7,/95 fT•14 2 134,723 134,723 17/,7Y9 73/,7Y9 IT-75 2 38,000 38,000 J0.000 00. IT•16 2 50,895 50,885 s9,e9s S9,e9s 17.17 2 79,955 79,955 79,055 7x935 IT•18 2 36.000 36,000 36,000 70000 IT•19 2 32,595 32,595 9;50.4 9;593 IT•20 2 44,955 44,955 /4,953 /6955 IT•21 2 38,000 35,000 75,099 75,009 IT-23 2 32,585 32,595 7;695 9;393 IT-25 2 55,523 55,523 50.7Yy 3;319 218,278 166,850 113,550 112,807 724,778 735,537 Page 10 of 12 F1~Iday, November 1 p, 2004 ~,(~) )epartment Project# Priority 2005 2006 2007 2tltl8 2009 Total Jastewater !place CladSer Orfves and Sweeps WW-18 1 230,000 230,000 WashwarsrFund 49Qa00 ?90. min Building and Garage Expanei0n WW-20 1 800,400 800,000 Waarewafr pnrd 800000 800,000 t Water Reu9e System WW-21 1 280,000 280,000 Wsthw.hrwnd Y40.400 2a9,odo IslnfeGlon Sy6lem RBplacemenWpgrade WW-22 2 425,000 425,000 Wutnru9rwde 42a,9ad 443,000 ehlGe Replacement WW-24 1 2Q,D00 20,000 waemvalar wnd Yad99 Yda99 CAOA System WW25 1 475,000 475,000 WBShwehrwnd A;000 473,000 eplace Raw WW Screens WW27 1 300,000 300,000 Waarrwafer Fwrtl 900,000 900,000 iesolids Haullrg Tractor WW~'1 2 10D,OOD 100,000 Waehxvhrprnd 100,000 100,000 awn Mower WW32 1 15,OOD 15,000 Wuhwahrwnd 13,000 19,000 it Handling Unlt (Bldg q90) WWJ7 1 75,000 75,000 W~ahwahr wnd 75,000 73,000 eplace Bar Screens WW-08 2 390,000 390,000 Wnhwerxwnd 390,000 990,000 ew Phosphoms RemOVal System WW-39 2 980,000 980,000 WahwetarFund 980,000 990.000 dd OxMatlon Dllch WW~O 0 1,800,000 1,800,000 WaahwaM Fund 1,a9Q000 1,090,000 Wastewater Total 1A20,000 1,200,OOD 490,000 980,000 1,600,000 3,890,000 Nter Voter Tower W-03 2 75Q,Wp 750,000 warn wnd 750,000 73d,aad VaterTreatment Plant W-05 7 12,750,000 12,750,000 G, o. Wereraonda 10, 79Q000 72,700,000 Veler Tower Palyding (Rldgewater) W-09 2 200,000 200,000 w.hrrWml 400,900 Ydg00d Yetl Replacement W-10 1 250,000 250,000 W.hr Wnd 2300'00 490,000 -ruck Replacement W11 1 20,000 20.000 Wary Fund 40,000 Yam ruck Replacement W-03 1 22,000 22,000 avatar Fund 28000 YY.000 imund Reservoir (ReplacelUpgrede) W-14 2 1,500,ODD 1,500,000 Water rynd 7,300,000 1,300,000 1ul0metlc Meter Reading System W78 2 500,000 500,000 Watarwnd 100,000 900.000 Vew Well W-77 2 350,OOD 350,000 Weta'wnd 700,000 900,000 Water Total 1a,5zD,DDD izz,DDa 1,1uu,uvu 1ns9z,uuu GRAND TOTAL 32,189,718 10,fi47,S50 8,439,592 8,84DA89 70,461,272 70,378,201 Page ] I of 12 Friday. Novemb~r79, 2004q J 1 l ~) Department Prvject# Priority 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total 1Zcpart criteria: ~ All Project Types All Departments All Categories All Priority Levels All data All data Pege 12 of 12 Friday, NovemBsr 19, 2004 ~~~ ~ CITY 4F HUTCHINSON MEMO Finance Department November 19, 204 TO: MAYOR 6 CITY COUNCIL FROM: KEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: SECURITY SYSTY+;M UPGRADE PURCHASE Our security system in the City Center is no longer supported by Simplex and needs to be replaced. As we have previously discussed the General fund will end with a budget surplus for 2004. With that in mind we would propose to use part of the surplus to purchase a system upgrade. Quotes have been prepared and the low proposal that will work is from VTI with a cost of $7,350. We would ask council approval to use part of the planned surplus and modify our budget to reflect purchase the security system. H:\oDC \City connci2 memo l.tloc ~~~~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON MEMO Finance Department November 19, 2004 TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: ICEN MERRILI., FINANCE pIRECTOR SUBJECT: INFORMATIONAL MEETING We will need one more informational meeting to complete the budget review for 2005. We would complete all unfinished budgets at that meeting 1t is planned to have an update of the water plant as part of this discussion. If Council member's schedule would allow, it would be suggested to set an information meeting prior to the next regular City Council meeting on December 1A beginning at 4:15 p.m. H:\~OC\CiCy Council memo l.dac q t?)