cp05-24-2005 cAGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2005 1. CALL TO ORDER - 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION -Father Bill Sprigler, St. Anastasia Catholic Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 10, 2005 (b) CONTINUED MEETING OF MAY 13, 2005 (c) BID OPENING MINUTES OF MAY 13, 16, & 20, 2005 Action -Motion to approve as presented 5. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM APRIL 19, 2005 2. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES FROM APRIL 19, 2005 3. PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM BOARD MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 17, 2005 4. CITY OF HUTCHINSON GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL REPORT FOR APRIL 2005 5. WATER, SEWER, COMPOST, RECYCLING, REFUSE FINANCIAL REPORT FOR APRIL 2005 6. CITY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR APRIL 2005 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 12729 -RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DONATION FROM HUTCHINSON JAYCEES FOR TRAFFIC CONES AND BARRICADES 2. RESOLUTION N0.12730 -RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE (GRIT PUMPS, BAGGING PALLETS, PEAT, PALLET SOCKS & WRAP, BITCON GRINDING, FUEL AND PRINTING PLATES) (c) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS CONSIDERATION OF AN EIGHT-LOT PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS FRASERS SUBDIVISION AND REZONING FROM Rl TO R2 SUBMITTED BY BRANDON FRASER LOCATED SOUTH OF MCDONALD DRIVE SW WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12715 AND WAIVING FIRST READING AND SETTING SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO.OS-0409 FOR JUNE 14, 2005) 2. CONSIDERATION OF A VARIANCE TO REDUCE REAR SETBACK TO THREE FEET AND CORNER SIDE SETBACK TO ZERO FEET LOCATED AT 345 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST CITY COUNCIL AGENDA -MAY 24, 2005 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 26' X 32' DETACHED GARAGE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. • 12716) 3. CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A 36' X 60' DETACHED GARAGE OVER 16' IN HEIGHT ON ONE END REQUESTED BY JEFFERY SMITH, 1020 DALE STREET SW WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12717) 4. CONSIDERATION OF ASIX-LOT PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THREE TWIN HOMES SUBMITTED BY JAY PETTIT LOCATED ON THE CORNER OF CLEVELAND AVENUE SW' AND SUNSET STREET SW WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12718) 5. CONSIDERATION OF AONE-LOT PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY DEAN SNYDER CONSTRUCTION TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A CULVERS RESTAURANT WITH A DRIVE THRU WINDOW LOCATED ON THE MENARDS PROPERTY ON HWY 15 SOUTH WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12719) 6. CONSIDERATION OF A 23-LOT PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SUMMERSET FOURTH ADDITION LOCATED IN THE SUMMERSET THIRD ADDITION PLAT WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12693 AND WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NOS. OS-0406 & OS- 0407FOR JUNE 14, 2005) (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY LIQUOR LICENSE FOR MCLEOD COUNTY VOITURE 414 ON JULY 2, 2005, AT MCLEOD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY LIQUOR LICENSE FOR AMERICAN LEGION POST 96 ON JUNE 9 - 11, 2005, AT MCLEOD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE FOR GERALD JOHNSON TO SELL PARADE NOVELTIES ON JUNE 19, 2005 (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OFSHORT-TERM GAMBLING LICENSE FOR ST. ANASTASIA CATHOLIC PARISH ON SEPTEMBER I1, 2005, AT ST. ANASTASIA CATHOLIC CHURCH (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SHORT-TERM GAMBLING LICENSE FOR FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES FOR SEPTEMBER 10, 2005, AT BEST WESTERN VICTORIAN INN (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF VFW POST 906/AMERICAN LEGION POST 96 PARADE PERMIT MAY 30, 2005 (j) CONSIDERATION OF FOR APPROVAL OF ADVERTISING FOR CHIEF (SENIOR) WASTEWATER OPERATOR POSITION (k) LETTING N0.7, PROJECT NO.OS-07 (MICHIGAN STREET) AND OS-09 (SECOND AVENUE S W) - DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED & ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AND SETTING HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT (1) LETTING NO.IS,PROJECTN0.05-17(ROLLINGMEADOWSEAST)-DECLARING ADEQUACY OF PETITION & ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT AND RECENING REPORT & WANING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT Action - Motion to approve consent agenda 2 CITY CO UNCIL AGENDA -MAY 24, 2005 ~. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 6:00 P.M. (a) LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT NO. OS-01 (NC TRUNK SANITARY SEWER/TARTAN PARK LIFT STATION ACCESS ROAD) -ORDERING IMPROVEMENT Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve 7. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF PUBLIC DANCE PERMIT FOR JAKE BANDEMER FOR THE POLKAFEST JUNE 9 - 11, 2005 Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) ROUNDABOUTS, APPROVING PLOANS & SPECOI ICATOIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISOEMENT FOR BIDS Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE 14, 2005, AT 6:00 P.M. TO DISCUSS THE ISSUANCE OF HOUSING BONDS BY THE CITY OF FALCON HEIGHTS Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ESTABLISHING LIST OF COMMUNITIES IDENTIFIED AS COMPARABLE MARKET FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON COMPENSATION PLAN Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve (c) CONSIDERATION OF SETTING SPECIAL MEETING FOR CONSIDERATION OF DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve (d) DISCUSSION OF MOSQUITO CONTROL SPRAYING OPERATIONS Action - (e) CONSIDERATION OF SETTING COUNCIL WORKSHOP FOR JUNE 28, 2005, FOR A COST BENEFIT PRESENTATION Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve (f) CLOSED SESSION UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTE 13D.05, SUBD. 3(C) TO DETERMINE WHETHER CITY-OWNED LAND SHOULD BE SOLD TO TODD MALENKE, MIDWEST TAE KWON DO, AND TO DETERMINE THE ASKING PRICE THEREIN. SAID LAND SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED AS: Lot 2, Block 1, Addition 57, Hutchinson Downtown Redevelopment (g) ORDINANCE NO.OS-0408- AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OFCITY-OWNED LAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA -MAY 24, 2005 • TO TODD MALENKE, MIDWEST TAE KWON DO Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS ll. CLAIMS APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS 12. ADJOURN 4 MINUTES • REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2005 1. CALL TO ORDER - 5:30 P.M. Mayor teve Coo ca e t e meeting to order. Members present were Bill Arndt, Kay Peterson, Jim Haugen and Casey Stotts. Others present were Ken Merrill, Finance Director, Marc Sebora, Crty Attorney and John Rodeberg, Director of Public Works. 2. INVOCATION - Due to the absence of Father Bill Sprigler, St. Anastasia Catholic Church, the invocation was d~spens~ 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 26, 2005 Motion by Arndt, second by Stotts, to approve minutes as presented. Motion carved unanimously. 5. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES OF MARCH 28, 2005 2. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR APRIL 2005 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR APRIL 2005 4. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MARCH 2005 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 12710 -RESOLUTION REQUESTING RESTRICTED PARKING ALONG FIRST AVENUE SE DURING THE FARMERS MARKET SEASON 2. RESOLUTION NO. 12711 -RESOLUTION REQUESTING USE OF CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR FARMERS MARKET 3. ORDINANCE NO. OS-0403 - CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO CONDITIONALLY ALLOW DRIVE-THRU SERVICE WINDOWS IN THE C3 DISTRICT REQUESTED BY CHRISTIAN OCHSENDORF (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 4. ORDINANCE NO.OS-0404 -CONSIDERATION OF A REZONING FROM R4 TO R3 LOCATED IN HUSKI ADDITION SUBMITTED BY SAND COMPANIES (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 5. ORDINANCE NO.OS-0405 - CONSIDERATION OF A VACATION OF EASEMENTS TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A TEAHOUSE/GARDEN SHED OVER THE EASEMENT LINE LOCATED AT 1125 WEST SHORE DRIVE SW SUBMITTED BY LAVONNE HANSEN (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) (c) CONSIDERATION FOR REAPPOINTMENT OF BARRY ANDERSON TO THE POLICE COMMISSION TO MAY 2008 (d) LETTING NO. 8, PROJECT NO. OS-10 (GOLF COURSE ROAD) -APPROVING PLANS & ~~~ ~0.~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES- MAY 10, 2005 SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS (e) LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT NO. OS-01 (NORTH CENTRAL TRUNK SANITARY SEWER) - RECEIVING REPORT AND ORDERING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT Items 5(b)1 and 5(d) were pulled for further discussion. Motion by Haugen, second by Arndt, to approve consent agenda with the exception of Items 5(b)1 and 5(d). Motion carried unanimously. Item 5(b)1 was discussed further. Council Member Stotts asked if the southbound turning lane on Main Street at First Avenue could be blocked off as well during the Farmers Market. He has noticed that drivers will go into the fuming lane, not realizing that First Avenue is closed. They then have to attemppt to veer back into traffic and this causes safety issues. Dan Hatten, Chief of Police, stated that this would be looked into. Crystal Faust, EDA Intern, stated that the Downtown Association has purchased a "No Parking" sign to be placed on First Avenue advertising the parking restrictions and parking restriction hours. Motion by Peterson, second by Stotts, to approve parking restrictions on First Avenue 5E during the Farmers Market, adopting Resolution No. 12710. Motion tamed unanimously. Item 5(d) was discussed further. Mayor Cook asked if a roundabout is part of this bid or if that would be a separate bid. John Rodeberg stated that at this time it is not part of the advertisement for bids, but a presentation could be made giving more information on roundabouts at a future Council meeting. Action on this item could be deferred until that presentation is heard. Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to table this item to the May 24, 2005, City Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 6:00 P.M. (a) LETTING NO. 10, PROJECTNO.OS-12 (PLAZA 15 PARKING LOT)- ORDERING IMPROVEMENT & PREPARATION OF PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS; APPROVING PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner reviewed the existing conditions which include a lack of landscaping/delineation features, low level of lighting, very high maintenance, a lack of designated bus loading/unloading area, severely deteriorated pavement surface, concrete curb & gutter cracked with settlement and very limited, undersized storm sewer system. The proposed improvements include the main parking area only and will be staged to allow 1/3 to''/: of the lot to be used at all times. The improvements to the parking lot include completely removing the existing pavement, aggregate base and concrete curbing/integral sidewalk; grade the parking to provide adequate drainage; construct a concrete bus entrance area; place aggregate base, drain file and bituminous surface with new concrete curb and gutter/sidewalk; provide appropnate landscaping features where possible; and additional handicapped parking and accesses will be included. Improvements to the utilities include upgrading the storm sewer system, connecting roof drains to storm sewer and repair related sidewalk, provide adequate lighting and install conduits for future security devices. The City and Hospital will split the costs of the entire project. The estimated project cost is $905,200, with 2/3 of it being assessed to the hospital. Construction ~s being proposed to begin m early July. John Rodeberg noted that the hospital has requested that the cost be reduced. Staff is looking into ways to reduce costs, but want to build it appropriately. y ~~_~ CITY CO UNCIL MINUTES -MAY 10, 2005 Motion by Arndt, second by Peterson, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Peterson, second by Arndt, to approve Letting No. 10, Project No. OS-12, prepare plans & specifications and advertise for bids. Motion carried unanimously. 7. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF MOTORIZED GOLF CART PERMIT FOR DONALD TONSBERG Mayor Cook reminded the Council that action on this item was tabled at the last meeting due to questions surrounding the safety of the golf cart permit crossing two major highways. Dan Hatten, Chief of Police, presented before the Council. Mr. Hatten stated that he has met with the applicant and reviewed the city ordinance with him. The applicant meets all requirements of the ordinance and has agreed to comply with them. The only condition outstanding is that a rearview mirror needs to be placed on the golf cart. Motion by Arndt, second by Peterson, to approve motorized golf cart permit for Donald Tonsberg. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN NASH FINCH AND THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON FOR EXPANSION OF LIQUOR STORE (TABLED FROM APRIL 26, 2005) Marc Sebora, City Attorney, presented before the Council. Mr. Sebora noted that he had just received the purchase agreement this afternoon and distributed it to Council Members immediately prior to the meeting. This agreement is to purchase the portion of the Econo Foods building where Midwest Tae Kwon Do ~s currently located. Mr. Sebora also noted that the purchase price is $230,450. Furthermore, title work was completed on the property and there are no impediments. Mr. Sebora outlined the purchase agreement, which, among other things, includes the right of the City to inspect the premises and allowing Nash Finch the right of first'refusal. The agreement also assigns the right to the City ofbeing a landlord to Midwest Tae Kwon Do. In addition, the purchase of this property is considered a lot split and Nash Finch will need to pay the outstanding property taxes, of which they are agreeable. The agreement will be modified to allow for recording of the plat and construction of the premises. Also, modification will be made to the agreement putting responsibility on the city for reconfiguration ofthe parking lot. Mayor Cook noted that he would like to have an opportunity to review the purchase agreement before taking action. Motion by Peterson, second by Arndt, to continue discussion of this item until following the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Peterson, second by Haugen, to continue discussion of Items 8(b), 8(c), 9(a), 9(b) and 9(c) until May 13, 2005, at 4:30 p.m. This will allow Council Members an opportunity to review the purchase agreement prior to taking any formal action. Motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RELOCATION AGREEMENT WITH MIDWEST TAE KWON DO FOR RELOCATION FROM THE LIQUOR STORE EXPANSION SITE (TABLED FROM APRIL 26, 2005) Miles Seppelt, EDA Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Seppelt explained that the city has been working with a relocation consultant on finding a new location for Midwest Tae Kwon Do. Midwest Tae Kwon Do has chosen the Fixed Payment Method of a maximum payment of $20;000. The EDA has offered an incentive to the business of $7000 for moving out of its current facility by May 1, 2005. In addition, a y~a~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -MAY 10, 2005 temporary location has been found for them in the civic arena. • Action will be considered on this item at the continued May 13, 2005, City Council meeting. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AUTHORIZING PAYMENT TO NASH FINCH RELATED TO THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE Miles Seppelt, EDA Director, noted that the purchase price of the facility is $230,450, which is a fair market price agreed upon by both the City and Nash Finch. Action will be considered on this item at the continued May 13, 2005, City Council meeting. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AWARDING BID AND APPROVING CONTRACT WITH SHINGOBEE BUILDERS FOR EXPANSION TO THE MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE The lowest bidder for construction of the expansion of the liquor store was submitted by Shingobee Builders at $1,131,208. The total cost of the project is estimated at $1.6 million. The city attorney has reviewed the contract and approved it. A preconstruction meeting is being held May 16, 2005, with construction proposed to begin on May 23, 2005. Action will be considered on this item at the continued May 13, 2005, City Council meeting.ve (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT TO FACILITATE THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE, LOCATED AT 245 WASHINGTON AVENUE EAST • Miles Seppelt, EDA Director, stated that a lot split needs to occur because ofthe condominium acquisition. Mr. Seppelt noted that Midwest Tae Kwon Do has offered topurchase apiece ofcity-owned property. Once the issues with the liquor store have been addressed, this item will be brought forward to the Council for consideration. Action will be considered on this item at the continued May 13, 2005, City Council meeting. (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ACCEPTING PROPOSAL OF LAUMEYER & ASSOCIATES TO CONDUCT JOB EVALUATION AND COMPENSATION SYSTEM STUDY Brenda Ewing, Director of Human Resources, presented before the Council. Ms. Ewing explained that three proposals had been received for providing services of conducting a job evaluation and compensation study. Laumeyer & Associates meets all of the requirements of the proposal and is less than half the cost of what the two other applicants were proposing. Motion by Peterson, second by Stotts, to approve accepting proposal of Laumeyer & Associates to conduct job evaluation and compensation system study. Motion carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ADOPTING RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING JOINT EXPLORATORY COMMITTEE ON THE REUSE OF PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Ken Merrill, Finance Director, noted that the School Board had approved this same resolution at its Board meeting last evening. Mayor Cook stated that school district staffhad contacted city officials and requested that a joint committee be established that will explore other options for Park Elementary should it no longer be used as a school. • Motion by Stotts, second by Haugen, to approve adopting Resolution No. 12709, establishing a joint u~~~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -MAY 10, 2005 exploratory committee on the reuse of Park Elementary School. Motion carried unanimously. ~0. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Arndt - Bill Arndt stated a citizen had asked him if a sign stating "Home of Lindsay Whalen" could be placed along a highway or city street. John Rodeberg stated it is a long process to put up such a sign, but he will look into it. Council Member Arndt also stated that a business person also asked him what the city is doing for the business owners along Highway 7 during and after the reconstruction project. John Rodeberg noted that directional signage will be installed during the improvement project. In addition, Miles Seppelt will be in contact with the businesses to determine what their future plans are. MNDOT is obligated to help with relocation of homeowners and businesses. Council Member Peterson -Kay Peterson reminded the Council that the Board of Review is scheduled for May 19, 2005, at 4:30 p.m. John Rodeberg - Mr. Rodeberg stated that a feasibility report came back favorably for the pedestrian underpass on Hwy 7 West. $1 million has been received in federal funding. Mayor Cook -Steve Cook noted that the May 16, 2005, Hospital Privatization Task Force meeting has been cancelled and the public forum for the May 23, 2005, has been changed to 6:30 p.m. Motion by Peterson, second by Arndt, to reset the May 23, 2005, public forum to 6:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Cook also noted that there is a groundbreaking ceremony for Crow River Habitat for Humanity on May 14, 2005. • Mayor Cook lastly stated that he feels the issue of mosquito spraying should be discussed further. He suggested placing it as a topic of discussion at the next Council meeting. John Rodeberg noted that a presentation and further discussion will be held. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Motion by Arndt, second by Peterson, to approve claims, appropriations and contract payments. Motion carried unanimously. 12. ADJOURN Motion by Arndt, second by Peterson, to continue the Council meeting to May 13, 2005, at 4:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ~~ ~~~ MINUTES CONTINUED MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2005 1. CALL TO ORDER - 4:30 P.M. Mayor Steve Coo ca e the meeting to order. Members present were Bill Amdt, Kay Peterson, Jim Haugen and Casey Stotts. Others present were Gary Plotz, City Administrator and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. 2. (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN NASH FINCH AND THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON FOR EXPANSION OF LIQUOR STORE (TABLED FROM APRIL 26, 2005) Marc Sebora, City Attorney, presented before the Council. Mr. Sebora reminded the Council that this item was continued from the May 10, 2005, City Council meeting in order to allow for the Council Members to allow more time to review the agreement. Miles Seppelt, EDA Director, noted that all inspections have been conducted and staff is comfortable with moving forth with the purchase. In addition, Marc Sebora noted that no maj or title defects have been found on the property other than an outstanding mortgage. No other concerns were found. It was also noted that for any future improvements the City would like to be made, approval would need to be sought from Nash Finch as part of the right-to-first refusal provision. As far as modifications to the agreement, the price needs to be revised to $230,450. After the construction of the facility, the plat will be recorded. And the City is responsible for the parking lot modification. Motion by Haugen, second by Peterson, to approve the purchase agreement with Nash Finch for expansion of the municipal liquor store. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RELOCATION AGREEMENT WITH MIDWEST TAE KWON DO FOR RELOCATION FROM THE LIQUOR STORE EXPANSION SITE (TABLED FROM APRIL 26, 2005) Miles Seppelt reviewed this item from Tuesday's meeting. Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to approve relocation agreement with Midwest Tae Kwon Do for relocation from the liquor store expansion site. Motion carried unanimously. 3. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AUTHORIZING PAYMENT TO NASH FINCH RELATED TO THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE Included with this authorization is the payment of earnest money, plus the balance of the sale price. Also taxes and assessments will need to be paid. Motion by Peterson, second by Haugen, to authorize payment to Nash Finch for acquisition of property for the expansion of the municipal liquor store. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AWARDING BID AND APPROVING CONTRACT WITH SHINGOBEE BUILDERS FOR EXPANSION TO THE MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE Miles Seppelt reviewed information from Tuesday's meeting. Motion by Amdt, second by Peterson to approve awarding bid and approving contract with Shingobee ~1 ~~~ CITY CO UNCIL MINUTES -MAY 1 Q 2005 Builders for expansion to the municipal liquor store. Motion carved unanimously. • (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT TO FACILITATE THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE, LOCATED AT 245 WASHINGTON AVENUE EAST Miles Seppelt reminded the Council that the acquisition of this property is in the "common area". Because of this, this area needs to be split off as a lot split as required by the County. Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to approve the lot split to facilitate the acquisition of property for the expansion of the municipal liquor store. Motion carried unanimously. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS Gary Plotz - Mr. Plotz noted to the Council that a meeting had recently been held with neighboring property owners of the compost facility. Part of this discussion was to provide screening along a boundary of the facility. He noted that Dolf Moon, PRCE Director, was able to acquire several evergreen trees at a very good cost and staff plans on moving forward quickly with the plantings. Bill Arndt -Council Member Arndt noted that there was very heavy traffic congestion today at the intersection of Hwy 15 and 5`h Avenue. He suggested having no left hand turns onto 5 Avenue from Hwy I5. He will speak with John Rodeberg, Public Works Director, about this issue. 12. ADJOURN With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Arndt, seconded by Peterson, to adjourn at 5:00 • p.m. Motion carried unanimously. y«~ • MINUTES BID OPENING LETTING N0.6A/PROJECT NO. OS-20 LETTING NO. 6B/PROJECT NO. OS-21 MAY 13, 2005 Present: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator, John Olson, Public Works Superintendent, and Melissa Starke, recorder. Gary Plotz, City Administrator, called the bid opening to order at 10:03 a.m. Mr. Plotz dispensed with the reading of Publication No. 7327, Advertisement for Bids, Letting No. 6A/6B, Project No. OS-20/05-21. Mr. Plotz noted that the City Council reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive any informalities and irregularities as signed by Gary D. Plotz. The following bids were opened and read: LETTING NO.6A/PROJECT NO.OS-20 • Hoffman Controls Inc. Park Rapids, MN Honda Electric Loretto, MN Mankato Electric Inc. Mankato, MN Quade Electric Inc. Hutchinson, MN Bid Amount $323,042.46 Bid Amount $263,56930 Bid Amount $207,334.40 Bid Amount $259,514.00 LETTING N0.6B/PROJECT NO.OS-21 n U Minnesota Petroleum Service Inc. Columbia Heights, MN Protophase Inc. Hutchinson, MN R&R Petroleum Fargo, ND B&H Petroleum Mankato, MN Bid Amount $240,990.00 Bid Amount $177,000.00 Bid Amount $254,156.00 Bid Amount $274,426.50 ~~ (e~ . BID OPENING LETTING NO. 7/PROJECT NO. 05-07, 05-08, 05-09 05116/2005 at 2:00 pm Present: Gary Plotz, City Administrator, Kent Exner, City Engineer Quentin Larson, Engineering Tech. The Bid Opening was called to order at 2:02 pm by Gary D. Plotz. The reading of the Advertisement for Bids was waived and the following bids were opened and read aloud: Bauerly Companies $232,420.66 Duininck Bros Inc. $343,620.68 Wm Mueller & Sons Inc. $277,961.00 Closed: 2:07 pm • • ~ <<~ MINUTES BID OPENING • LETTING N0.4/PROJECT NO.05-04, OS-OS MAY 20, 2005 Present: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator, John Rodeberg, Director of Public Works, and Melissa Starke, recorder. Gary Plotz, City Administrator, called the bid opening to order at 10:00 a.m. Mr. Plotz dispensed with the reading of the publication, Advertisement for Bids, Letting No. 4, Project No. OS-04 & OS-O5. Mr. Plotz noted that the City Council reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive any informalities and irregularities as signed by Gary D. Plotz. The following bids were opened and read: Duininck Bros Inc. Base Bid $983,646.33 Prinsburg, MN Alternate 45,200.00 Total Bid $1,028,846.33 EAI Environmental Associates Inc. Base Bid $868,788.00 Willmar, MN Alternate 40,484.00 Total Bid $909,272.00 Knish Corporation Base Bid $999,126.65 Lonsdale, MN Alternate 49,700.00 Total Bid $1,048,826.65 R&R Excavating Inc. Base Bid $1,055,230.37 Hutchinson, MN Alternate 60,850.00 Total Bid $1,116,080.37 Ti-Zack Concrete Inc. Base Bid $],331,359.00 LeCenter, MN Alternate 61,400.00 Total Bid $1,392,759.00 The bids were referred to staff for review and a recommendation. The bid opening adjourned at 10:10 a.m. Steven W. Cook, Mayor ATTEST: . Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator ~~~~ Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Regular Board Meeting - April 19, 2005 Minutes CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Ian McDonald called the meeting to order. Members Present: Becky Felling, and Thor Skeie. Staff Present: Jean Ward, and Judy Flemming. 2. MINUTES OF THE HRA BOARD MEETING ON MARCH 15, 2005 Becky Felling moved to approve the Minutes as written. Thor Skeie seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 3. FINANCIAL REPORTS Becky Felling moved to approve the Financials. Thor Skeie seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 4. PARK TOWERS a. Jean Ward updated the Board on the Renovation Project. Everything in the first phase has been demolished. Should be on target for completion in May of the first phase. b. Jeari Ward asked the Board to consider adding two units (#103 & #104) to the project. The vacant apartments would be easier to market if renovated and would save the costs for tenant relocation. The 151 floor apartments have drop ceilings, so there will be a slight increase in the renovation costs. Becky Felling moved to approve remodeling of two addition units: 103 & 104. Thor Skeie seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 5. ROLLING MEADOWS EAST UPDATE Diane Sorenson updated the Board on the status of homes sold at Rolling Meadows East. SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM UPDATE Diane Sorenson updated the Board on the status of interest for the School Construction Program home. A single female head of household is very interested in the home. 4. PARK TOWERS (Continued) Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the changes to the Board the Resident Handbook/Housekeeping Standards. Thor Skeie asked if automatic bill pay was available. Jean informed him that at this time it is not available, but will be considering it in the future, if residents request. Becky Felling moved to approve the effective date of May 151 for the revised Resident Handbook/Housekeeping Standards. Thor Skeie seconded and the motion carried unanimously. ROLLING MEADOWS EAST UPDATE (Continued) Becky Felling moved to approve HHPOP loans #8810 & #8811 on the recommendation of the Loan Review Committee. Thor Skeie seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The Board reviewed the status of the HHPOP Affordability Gap Loan Funds. • 6. CITY REVOLVING LOAN PROJECT UPDATE ~Q-~ a. Becky Felling moved to approve the City Revolving Rehab Loan amount waiver for an additional $1,566 for Loan #8680-21R. Thor Skeie seconded and the motion carried unanimously. • 7. HOME RENTAL REHAB PROGRAM UPDATE Jean Ward and Judy Flemming reviewed with the Board the application for the HOME Rental Rehab Program. Becky Felling moved to approve submitting an application to the HOME Rental Rehab Program for Evergreen Apartments. Thor Skeie seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 8. SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM UPDATE (Continued) Thor Skeie moved to give Jean Wazd the authorization to sign any submitted purchase agreement that is for $147,000 or more for the house built at 425 Maryland Street. Becky Felling seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The Board reviewed the budget. 9. CONSIDERATION OF LETTER SUPPORTING CONTINUED STATE INVESTMENT IN MHFA CHALLENGE PROGRAM Becky Felling moved to submit the letter supporting continued state investment in MHFA Challenge program. Thor Skeie seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 10. DISCUSSION ON HOMELESS STUDY Jean Ward gave the Board the proposal to conduct a special needs housing study. The Board tabled the discussion until the next Board Meeting. • 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business, Chairman Ian McDonald declared the meeting adjourned. Recorded by Jean Ward, HRA Executive Director 2 i .i Becky F • 5(~~1 MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, April 19, 2005 Hutchinson City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Kirchoff at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: John Lofdahl, Jim Haugen, Lynn Otteson, Mike Flaata, and Chairman Kirchoff. Absent: Farid Currimbhoy and Robert Hantge Also present: Julie Wischnack, AICP, Planning Director, Kent Exner,_ City Engineer, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator Atty. Sebora swore in the new Planning Commissioner Mr. John Lofdahl. 2. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Ms. Otteson moved to nominate Mr. Kirchoff as Chairman. Seconded by Mr. Haugen. Mr. Haugen moved nominations cease. Seconded by Mr. Flaata nominations ceased. Mr. Dean Kirchoff was unanimously elected Chairman for the coming year. • Mr. Lofdahl moved to nominate Ms. Otteson as Vice Chairman. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the nominations ceased. Ms. Otteson was unanimously elected Vice Chairman for the coming year. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Consideration of Minutes dated March 15, 2005 Ms. Otteson moved to approve the minutes of March 15, 2005 as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Flaata. The minutes were approved unanimously. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONSIDERATION OF A 20 LOT PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS PARK MEADOWS AND A REZONING FROM R4 TO R3 LOCATED IN HUSKI ADDITION SUBMITTED BY SAND COMPANIES Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 5:35 p.m. with the reading of publication #7317 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on April 7, 2005. Ms. Wischnack explained the request and the location of the property south of the Rolling Meadows development. She commented on the 20 lots on two cul-de-sacs and the downzoning to R3 from R4 to permit single family housing on the development. She stated the ponding ~~~~~ Minutes Planning Commission -April 19, 2005 Page 2 presently on the property was sized sufficiently for stromwater retention • of the entire lot. She explained that staff did have issues allowing cul-de- sacs and stated a through road would be difficult to incorporate into the plat. The consensus of the staff was to allow the cul-de-sac because of difficult street connectivity. She reminded the developer the roads are to be 36' with 47' cul-de-sacs. A 6 inch water main would be sufficient to keep the water moving which is a problem when water main is not looped in the development. She explained the fees required with each lot and commented on the following staff recommendations: 1. Street width must be at least 36 feet. 2. Cul-de-sac must be at least 47 feet. 3. There must be a 6-inch water main. 4. A subdividers agreement would be executed at the time of final plat. Ms. Wischnack stated some of the required trees will be planted as a buffer on the south side of Texas Ave. Mr. Haugen asked about islands in the cul-se-sacs. Ms. Wischnack stated staff discourages and does not allow islands on public cul-de-sacs. Mr. Exner explained snow removal costs the city more for maintenance and snow storage. Mr. Flaata asked who maintained the catch basins. Mr. Exner explained • the city maintains the catch basins. Mr. Lofdahl asked where the catch basins drained. Mr. Exner explained they drain to the holding pond and discharge to the city system. Ms. Otteson asked about the sump pump drainage. Mr. Exner stated the water goes into tiles and is directed to the sanitary sewer. Mr. Haugen questioned the width of the cul-de-sacs for emergency services. Mr. Exner explained this is large enough. There is more curb line for driveways. Ms. Otteson asked about on-street parking. Mr. Exner stated there is room on both sides with a 36 foot road. The issue is the number of driveways. Mr. Lofdahl asked about the placement of mailboxes. Mr. Thelen, President of Sand Properties, explained it would depend on the Postmaster. He stated they could be grouped or on individual posts. Ms. Wischnack explained the Kottke and The Greens plats were private cul-de-sacs. This plat is proposed with public streets. Ms. Katie Czeck, 982 7'" Ave. NW, stated her concerns with drainage affecting her property. She stated the catch basin does not address the issue for water drainage. She explained she is in favor of the single family development but has concerns with the additional construction her property will be flooded. ~~Q~~ Minutes Planning Commission -April 19, 2005 Page 3 Ms. Wischnack commented on the proposed grading. Marty Campion, • Otto Associates, explained the corrections. Mr. Exner commented on the grading plan to lower the grade along lot 6 with a swale. He stated the development should improve the drainage problems to the north. Ms. Wischnack commented the drainage looks good on the grading plan and possibly an additional condition could address drainage to the north. Mr. Campion, project engineer, stated they will work with the neighboring properties to address the problem. He stated they may not be able to resolve the entire problem but should improve the situation. He stated the survey is the most recent elevations and he explained the spot elevations. Mr. Flaata asked what happens if the holding pond fills. Mr. Campion .explained the pond is discharging at the same time as it would be filling. Mr. Lofdahl commented he suspects there is a plugged tile. Ms. Czeck stated the slope prevents the water to drain. Discussion followed on the flooding onto the property. Mr. Campion commented on the emergency overflow from the pond to the street. Ms. Wischnack stated she will provide the plans for the north property to Mr. Campion. Chairman Kirchoff stated they should add the item to adhere to the grading plan and document existing elevation to the north of the site and verify if the plan is proposed properly. Mr. Haugen made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Ms. Otteson the hearing closed at 6:00 p.m. Mr. Flaata made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations adding number 5, document existing grading issues to check for positive drainage specifically to the north. Seconded by Mr. Haugen. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held April 26, 2005 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. b) CONSIDERATION OF A VACATION OF EASEMENTS TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A TEAHOUSE /GARDEN SHED OVER THE EASEMENT LINE LOCATED AT 1125 WEST SHORE DRIVE SW SUBMITTED BY LAVONNE HANSEN, PROPERTY OWNER Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 6:02 p.m. with the reading of publication #7318 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on April 7, 2005. Ms. Wischnack explained this is a confinement of easement reducing the easement area on the property. She commented on the request and the 90 foot rear easement to the lake. She explained the drainage does not follow the easement but is, in fact, west of the easement. She 5t~~~ Minutes Planning Commission -April 19, 2005 Page 4 commented on the grading and stated there is no documentation on why • the 90 foot easement. She stated the building proposed is 16' x 16' and commented on the following staff recommendations: 1. Relocation of natural gas or electric lines or meters will be at the property owner's expense. 2. Verify the existing drainage and provide that the covered structure will not hinder the existing drainage system or promote siltation to the lake. (Additional fill to raise the elevation of the site is not allowed.) 3. Any shoreland alternation would require additional permitting. 4. If any changes in the dimensions of the proposed structure change or the proposed location, further consideration by the Planning Commission and the City Council is required. (Date received March 16, 2005) Mr. Flaata stated he likes the plans. Ms. Wischnack explained other properties will be revised separately if the need arises and this should not affect the neighboring properties. Ms. Hansen explained her proposal and additions to the neighboring properties. • Ms. Otteson made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the hearing closed at 6:07 p.m. Mr. Haugen made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Flaata. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held April 26, 2005 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. c) CONSIDERATION OF A 23 LOT PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS SUMMERSET FOURTH ADDITION, REZONING AND PDD TO R3-PDD AND VACATION OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS IN SUMMERSET THIRD ADDITION SUBMITTED BY DAVID BROLL, APPLICANT Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 6:08 p.m. with the reading of publication #7319 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on April 7, 2005. Ms. Wischnack explained the number of requests for one approval. She stated the Preliminary and Final plat are allowed together since this is a replat of an approved proposal last month. She explained the request to construct single family villas instead of twin homes.as previously requested. This is the same concept as the replat of Southfork Ridge Third Addition. She explained a planned development district requires 3 acres and the developer did add 2 lots on the south side of the • development. There is an open space requirement in a PDD and this is satisfied by the open space proposed on the back yards and on the west 510.J~ Minutes Planning Commission -April 19, 2005 Page 5 side of the development. The open space is an easement agreement and no structures will be allowed in the open space area. Ms. Wischnack stated drainage is an issue and there are several catch basins to alleviate the drainage. She commented on staff concerns with the side setbacks and the drainage. She commented on the following staff recommendations: 1. The maintenance agreements (homeowner's documents) be submitted prior to placing these applications on the City Council agenda. The documents must specifically address and describe the open space areas. The documents must also address maintenance. 2. An addendum to the Subdivision Agreement for Summerset Third Addition will reflect the additional lots proposed in the 4`" Addition. Specifically, the increase to tree escrow will be reflected in the document. 3. The setbacks for the units shall be as follows (the setbacks apply to all structural elements of the unit, i.e. decks, porches, additions, etc.): Front: 25 feet Side: 6 feet Rear: 25 feet 4. The drainage improvements must be verified with engineering staff prior to landscaping improvements. (Additionally, gutters would be installed on units to alleviate side yard problems.) 5. A 5 foot sidewalk is required as part of the density increase. 6. An irrigation plan drawing shall be provided to the City, after construction (if that will be included as part of the improvements to the development). 7. The appropriate fees will be applied to building permits within this plat area. (SAC/WAC; electric service territory, park dedication, etc.) Mr. Flaata asked about the addition of catch basins to the site. Ms. Wischnack stated more catch basins are required for density and soil types. She explained there are many drainage complaints in the city. Mr. Exner explained the existing grades are to be matched. He stated 6 foot setbacks are a drainage concern. Drainage will be directed to the street on the sides of the yards and to the catch basins in the rear yards. Discussion followed on the time it takes for catch basins to drain in large rain events. Discussion followed on the setback issues. Mr. Lofdahl asked what could be built in the common space. Ms. Wischnack stated the Homeowners Association would monitor the property. Mr. Lofdahl stated the Homeonwers Association documents would address maintenance of the common space areas. He questioned if there could be platted outlots. Ms. Wischnack stated the problem with outlots is in the event of tax forfeiture the City ends up with the outlots. • Chairman Kirchoff questioned 6 foot side setbacks. Mr. David Broll, applicant, explained he considered the drainage between the lots. He t0.J~-- Minutes Planning Commission -April 19, 2005 Page 6 explained the houses will all be front entry and the rain gutters will direct • the water. He stated there will be slab on grade homes and homes with basements. Ms. Wischnack reminded Mr. Broll egress windows are not allowed in easement areas. Chairman Kirchoff stated the association documents should be a requirement. Mr. Broll stated he is working on the documents. Mr. Haugen made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Flaata the hearing closed at 6:22 p.m. Mr. Flaata made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Ms. Otteson. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be. placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held May 10, 2005 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. Documents must be provided prior to being placed on the City Council agenda. d) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO CONDITIONALLY ALLOW DRIVE-THRU SERVICE WINDOWS IN THE C3 DISTRICT REQUESTED BY CHRISTIAN OCHSENDORF Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 6:25 p.m. with the reading of publication #7321 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on April 7, 2005. Ms. Wischnack explained the ordinance change to allow drive-thru service windows in the downtown by conditional use permit. She . explained Mr. Ochsendorf is developing a property downtown and would like to be allowed a drive thru window. She stated all the banks have the drive thru areas. She explained as a conditionally permitted use it would allow review of each request separately. Discussion followed on the Wells Fargo Bank and how did they get a drive thru. Ms. Wischnack stated it could have been part of the agreement. Mr. Ochsendorf explained he has purchased the Rix Gas Station corner from the antique shop to the corner. He commented on the uses in the new building. One use would be a coffee. shop and he would like a drive thru window in the alley. Ms. Otteson commented on the traffic pattern and the rerouting of traffic. Ms. Otteson made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the hearing closed a t 6:34 p. m. Mr.Flaata made a motion to recommend approval of the request. Seconded by Mr. Haugen. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held April 26, 2005 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. e) CONSIDERATION OF A LOT SPLIT AND VARIANCE SUBMITED BY • LOWELL WRIGHT LOCATED AT 1325 JEFFERSON ST S SC~~~. Minutes Planning Commission -April 19, 2005 Page 7 • Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 6:35 p.m. with the reading of publication #7324 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on April 7, 2005. Ms. Baumetz explained the request to split Mr. Wright's property into two lots. This request would create his frontage to be 33 feet which is not a conforming lot width.. A variance is required to allow a 33 foot lot. She commented on the staff recommendations as follows: 1. Relocation of utility service is at property owners expense. 2. Separate water and sewer service required. 3. Deeds documenting the change in property line need to be filed by the property owners. 4. Additional splitting of the lots would require a platting procedure. 5. Outstanding, deferred assessments, will be activated on the property will be recalculated and reassigned appropriately. Mr. Lofdahl asked about resplitting the new lot. Ms. Baumetz explained a plat would be required to split the new lot. Ms. Baumetz stated the new lot would access off Jefferson Street. The present driveway is already shared by two residents. Discussion followed on the shared driveway. Atty. Sebora stated there is a cross easement agreement. Ms. Otteson stated she has concerns with backing onto Jefferson Street. Mr. Lofdahl stated there could be as many as 5 other lot splits on Jefferson Street. Ms. Otteson made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the hearing closed at 6:46 p. m. Mr.Haugen made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Flaata. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Baumetz stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held April 26, 2005 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. f) CONSIDERATION OF RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 9 SUBMITTED BY THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON (EXTENDING DENVER AVENUE) Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 6:49 p. m. with the reading of publication #7322 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on April 7, 2005. Ms. Wischnack explained the Right of Way plat is an official mapping process. She commented on the extension of Denver Ave. to allow the development of the Farr property. She commented on the fact the Attorney General's Office is involved with the College property and it can be a slow process. • Mr. Haugen made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Ms. Otteson the hearing closed at 6:50 p.m. Mr.Haugen made a motion to 5~~~~- Minutes Planning Commission -April 19, 2005 Page 8 • recommend approval of the request. Seconded by Mr. Lofdahl. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held April 26, 2005 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. 5. NEW BUSINESS a) CONSIDERATION OF A 3 LOT FINAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS 15 SOUTH SUBMITTED BY FARR DEVELOPMENT Ms. Wischnack explained the staff recommends tabling the request and she has been in contact with Farr Development. She commented on the items needed before the plat will be placed on the agenda again. We are waiting for detailed plans. The wetland does not line up. The right of way acquisition is slow but not major. She explained they could get a grading agreement with the city to begin work. The city needs more final plans. Ms. Wischnack commented on the Denver Ave. project and concerns of the college. They are looking at assessment costs. Mr. Haugen made a motion to table the request to May. Seconded by Mr. Flaata. The motion carried unanimously. b) CONSIDERATION OF A LOT SPLIT SUBMITTED BY TOM WIPRUD LOCATED AT 257 GAUGER STREET NW Ms. Baumetz commented on the lot split request and explained both lots will be conforming in size to allow for development. She commented on the elevations of the newly created lot with a quite steep slope. She presented the following staff recommendations: 1. Any relocation of services will be at the owner's expense. 2. All lots require separate sewer and water services. 3. Appropriate sewer and water access fees will be collected at the time of building permit. 4. Deeds documenting the change in property line need to be filed by the property owners. 5. There are outstanding assessments on the property. The City will discuss with the property owner, how they would like to spread the assessment. Mr. Flaata made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Ms. Otteson. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Baumetz stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held April 26, 2005 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. ~~'`~ Minutes Planning Commission -April 19, 2005 Page 9 6. OLD BUSINESS • None 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF Ms. Wischnack commented on the new Hwy 7 plans and reconstruction of the dam is still possible. Ms. Wischnack reported on the downtown streetscape project and stated a set of plans are ready. This project could begin in July of 2005. Ms. Wischnack stated the liquor store bids were opened today and need City Council approval. She also commented on the Harrington Merrill house stating the new foundation will begin soon. She stated the new water plant will begin soon. Ms. Baumetz reminded the Commissioners of the Landuse workshop registrations. 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. n U • ~~~~~ The February 17, 2005 meeting of the Pioneerland Library System Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Garrison Hale. New members introduced were Joe Fagnano, Raye McKim, Todd Patzer and Jeff Olson. Guests were Sheila Bosch, New London) Spicer Head Librarian and Cindy Hendncbc, Appleton Head Librarian. A quorum was announced. Director Houlahan passed around a draft of the Mardag Foundation Report for members to see. Changes to the agenda by Hale were Vt A4 to Info, add V1 A7 Fumtture Purchase, change V1.B2 to Info, and add IX.4. Benson Library Meeting. Weiberg motioned to approve the agenda as amended. Second by Rergstad. Carried. Wilde motioned to approve fhe 7l20t2005 minutes. Second by Reigstad. Carried. Wilde motioned to • authorize Dir. Houlahan and Beth Lunn to begin negotiations witlr III to replace the PALS system. Second by Sandberg. Carried. Amy Wilde presented for the Finance Committee. Wilde motioned to accept the Jan.'05 Finance report Second by Antony. Carried. Wilde motioned to approve the Bills & Check Registers. Second by Reckdahl. Canned. We have some fund tranfers resulting from a refund of overpaid PERA monies. These dollars are being transferred back to the kxal Ibraries as well as interest earned on vacationlsidc leave and Mardag funds. Wilde motioned to do the fund transfers from PLS back to the local libraries. Second by SebxpfandL Mardag report info will be presented with the Director's report. There is a grant available for PLS to participate in wherein a library kiosk would be placed in a public location within Pioneenand. Wilde motioned to not participate in the grant and to suggest to the offerers that the dollars wnuki be better used to upgrade current technology. Second by Weiberg. Cartied. PLS can apply fora $15,000 grant to help offset cost of delivery. This Ls federal dollars. Approval of grant application will be requested at the March meeting. The PLS central office needs replacement of very old (13 -15 years) desk chairs. There was $2500 in the budget for this but new cest wi!! be around $3000. ~tda motioned to ai~urorize the purchase of new fumihrre for the central otrfce for up to 53000. Second by Reigstad. Cartied. Dan Reigstad presented for the Personnel Comm'rftee. There were no new employees in the past month. Boarti members should review the new policies in the packet for discussion and approval at next months meeting. Reigstad motioned to approve ffie Adminisbative Specialist position description with the addfion of ~. Other duties as assigned. Second by Hennemann. Canted. Garison Hale presented for the Executive Committee. Committee list is in the packet. There are a number of new policies that will be distributed to the appropriate committees to wont on. There is a new Ad Hoc committee to look into finances that will be two groups headed by Wilde and Weiberg. Let director know if interested in these committees. We need 7 board members. This is a short term ~mmittee that will dissolve when a plan is in place. Hale also presented a talk on the State of the Library and what it's going to look like m the 21~+ century. This talk will be presented around the state. The State Library board will also be looking at redoing MN Statute 134 to be more current. Oki Business. The awards banquet will be held on the April meeting date at Ridgewater College. There will be a 5:30 reception with dinner from 6 -7 and a board meeting at 7:00 followed by the awards. At 7:45 there will be a speaker. Please get nominations for Hail of Fame in by the March Board meeting. Cost is $t 1.00 for guests. Board members' dinners will be paid by PLS. New Trustees let Dir. Houlahan known it will work to have orientation prior to that meeting. There is no New Business. Director Houlahan presented his report. Legislative Day is coming soon and the House is working on a bonding bill that could mean $2 million for library capital improvements. There was a library meeting at Benson to discuss Head Librarian Pat Cina's retirement and how to proceed. She will retire in late May. Present were John Baker, Ganison Hale, Barb Nelson, Dir. Houlahan and members of the aiy council and Friends of the Library. Discussion included combining the Benson position with another head librarian position as others in PLS have already done. Dir. Houlahan also presented information on the Mardag Grant and what we are doing with it. We have spent about'/: of the dollars and would like an extension to use knowledge gained to develop use for remaining dollars. For the July Trustee training meeting, we will try and get so that we can meet together with SAMMIE and Plum Creek as well as PLS. The August meeting will be changed to anon-meeting date. Other. Dir. Houlahan requested that the board also send Chair Hale to the ALA conference in Chicago in June. Setzepfandt motioned to send Hale. Second by Hennemann. Carried. Reckdahl motioned to adjourn. Second by Reigstad. Meeting adjourned at 8:40. ~tacey Schuette Secretary (~~ 2005 I _- - - ,CITY OFHUTCHINSONFINANCIALREPORT - 2005' APRIL 2004; 2005 ~ 2005, 2005 _ 2005' APRIL REVENUE REPORT-GENERAL _._ __ APRIL; APRIL YEAR TO~ ADOPTED BALANCE~PERCENTAGE. _. ' YTD;. MONTH DATEACTUALi BUDGET'. REMAINING USED- 'TAXES 0.00 0 00 0.00 3 618,290 00 3 616 290.00 0.00%' LICENSES. 23,191.00 2,283.00 35,250.10 44,900.00 9649.90 ~, 78.51% PERMITS AND FEES '~ 84,17593 ~ 4672074 95,034.31) 292,50000 197465.69 32.49%' INTERGOVERNMENT_A_L REVENUE ', 41,433.41. 1,968.07 27,197.42 ', 2,369,536.00 2,342,338.58 1.15% _ _ C_ES. I VI 349,433.27 155641.18 373749.36 1,482,195.00 1,108445.64 25.22%' FINES 8 FORFEITS ~'' 14,651.11 5,401.99 14,884.91 68,000 00 53 115 09 '.. 21.89% SALES ''._ ~ - (367.75) 0.00 0.00%I INTERESTL _ __ _ (6,015.09) _ _ _ 13982 (14,441.11) 40,000.00 i 5444111 -3610% _ __ '.REIMBURSEMENTS _ 36,74375' (3328501): (3,549.67) 284,063.00 ~ 28761267 '. -1.25%- ?RANSFERS 240,716.11 24601173 250830.73 1,546,000.00 1,295169.27' 16.22% _ ARGES - BLDG_ PERMITS ) 0.00% .TOTAL , __ _ --- ~- ___, 7 66583854'; - _.. ~. _ , 425,656.07 _ 779,768.31 9,745,484 OOi 8,965,715.69. _ ~'. ~~. 8.00% I 2005'. '~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT' 2005 -APRIL - -- ~'~- -- - ', _ - 2004- -~ 2005',- - - 2005 -- 2005 2005- APRIL EXPENSE REPORT -GENERAL APRIL APRIL', YEAR TO'~~ ADOPTED) _ BALANCE PERCENTAGE YTDi - MONTH DATE ACTUAL BUDGET REMAINING, USED : 001 MAYOR R CITY COUNCIL i _- 15,817 55 1 --- 2,700 54 ' 15,926.26 56,440 00 40,513 74 ''~,- 28.22% 002 CITY ADMINISTR ATOR j 78,766.28 19 481 38 i 83 517.01 298,571 00 215 053.99 I; 27.97% _ ' 003 ELECTIONS '. 1 _ _ 531 38 ~''~, 511 86 ', _ 542.50 6,600.00 6 057.50 ~~ 8.22% 004 FINANCE DEPARTMENT ~ - - 124,080 40 - 25 015 16 ~~ 118 790.38 500,551 00 381 760 62 ~ 23.73% 005 MOTOR_VEHICLE ~ -__-- -- _-- 57,116.18. ---____-- -~ 14,471.48 ~ _- - - - 60,154.88 _-_-- 216,626.00 -- _156,471.12 !. - ~ 27.77% 006 ASSESSING ' ' 46,00000 46,000.00 ~ __ O.OD% 007 LEGAL _ 46,100 73 _ 14,736 08 j _ 64 508.06 164,446 00 99 937 94 ' 39.23% 008 PLANNING 50,934 28 13 518 55 53 481.91 172,156 00 118 674.09 31.07% • _ __ 009 INFORMATION SERVICES 33,737 29 - 10 416 36 I _ _. 42 936.73 176,299.00 _ 133 362 27' 24.35% ' 110 POLICE DEPARTMENT 734,555 031, 175,615 87l'~ 743,813.62 -- 2,595,114.00 1,851 300 38 28.66% 115 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 2,289 65 12 72 ''~, 979.56 12,000.00 11 020.42 ~,, 8.16% 116 SAFETY COMMITTEE _....- _ _ - ~.., . __ 343 95 '~ 1 177.87 18,947.00 17 769 13 6.22% . 120 FIRE DEPARTMENT _ .. 79,162.80 i _ _ P6,683.43 ~, _ 89510.62 405_631.00 316,120.38 ~,, _ 22.07% 130 PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS 56,727.93 13,553 33 56,069.85 226,960 00 170,890 15 24.70% 150 ENGINEERING 125,988.72 ~ - __ 41,274 15 '. _ 192 474.20 549,137 00 356,662 80 35.05% 152 STREETS & ALLEYS 226,628 34 ~, 48,387.15 '~ 227,624.04 873,666.00 646,043.96 I 26.05% 160 CITY HALL BUILDING 32,748.33 i 9,348 60 "' 45 824.00 141,475 00 95,651.00 '~ 32.39% '. 201 PARK/RECREATION ADMINISTR - 51,286 18 _ 12 077 64 ! _ 52 834.49 165,712 00 . 132,877.51 '~. 28.45% ' 202 RECREATION _ 43,687 151 6 835 00 '~.._ _ 44 231.33 190,838 00 146,606 67 23.18%. 203 SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER_ 18,629 04 '.. 3,356.75 21,007.74 66,828 00 45,820.26 '_ 31.44%. 204 CIVIC ARENA 106,634 47 i 14 162 99 ~ 110 554.42 288,549 DO '. 177,994 58 '~, 38.31 205 PARK DEPARTMENT 221,80082 60,379.80, 247,353.75 879,86600, 632,51225 28.11% . _. _ 206 RECREATION BUILDING 8 POOL' -- 37,377.81 ' _ 9,974.06 ' 36,694.73 -__ 119,417 OO _ 82,722.27 - 30.73% - 207 EVENTS CENTER 6.0,298 99 13,402 33 '. 66,610.86 208,930 00 _ 142 319 14 - 31.88% 208 EVERGREEN BUILDING ~ - 3,665.16 905.33 '. 4,252.63 ~ 14,250 00, 9,997.37 29.84% 250 LIBRARY `'i 66,025.97 60,387.61 ', 69,677.04 155,546 00 85,868.96 44.80% 301 CEMETERY ', _ _ 26,632.92 _ 8 076 76 '., _ 31,002.93 138,442.00 107,439.07 22.39% 310 DEBT SERVICE I. 162,441 00 162 441 00 0.00% 320 AIRPORT ~ _ 26,726 56 _ _ -0 649 14 '. 23,355.34 ' 107,494.00' . 84,138.66 21.73% 350 UNALLOCATED GENERAL EXPE 196,857.65 _ _ 96 063 91_ '_ _ 193,135.95 .766,550 00'. 573 414.05_ ', 25.20% '.TOTAL . 2,526,807 61 706,341.93 2,698,042.72 9,745,484.00 7,047 441 28 ' 27.69% • ~(G~~I - _ 2005. -preliminary - __ CITY OF HUTC HINSON FINANCIAL REPORT. .APRIL _- --- 2004 _ - - 2005 _-2005 20051 REVENUEREPORT-GENERAL ACTUAL _ APRIL YEAR TO ADOPTED BALANCEPERCENTAGE '~~, _ Year to Date __ MONTH DATE ACTUAL _. BUDGET _ REMAINING USED _ TAXES ! _ _ _ 0 00 0.00 - _ 0.00 3,618,290 00 3,6.18 290 00 0 00% -LICENSES ~~ I 23,191 00 2 283 00 35,250.10 44,900 00 9 649.90 78.51%' (PERMITS AND FEES i 84,175 93 46,720.74 95,034.31 292,500.00 ' 197,465.69 I 32.49% INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 41,433.41 1,968.07 27,197.42 2,369,536 00 ~, 2,342 338 58 ! 1.15% CHARGES FOR SERVICES 349,433 27 155,641.18' 373,749.36 i, 1,482,195 00 _ 1,108 445 64 ~ 25.22% FINES & FORFEITS ! 14,6_51.11 5 401 99 _ 14,884.91 68,000.00 i 53 115 09 ' 21.89% _SALES ._ -_ 367 75 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 '~.~ 0.00% '.INTEREST. ' _ (6,01509)1 __. 139.82 - _ (14441.11) 40,000 DO 54441.11,.. -36.10%: !REIMBURSEMENTS ! _ 36,743 75 -33 285 01 (3,549.67) 284,063 00 287 612.67 _ - -1.25% 'TRANSFERS - _2_4_0,716.11 ~, _2.46,011.73 - 250,830.73 1,546,00.0.00 ''.. 1,29_5,169.27 16.22% '$URCHARGES-BLDG PERMITS ,_ _-- - _ --- 2,62180 774.55 812.26 000 ~ (812.26) 0.00% I ~TOTAL _~ - 786,583 54 - --_ 425 656.07 . ___-_. 779 768.31 ---- 9,745,484 00 ----- -__ 8,965,715.69 -- 8.00%' ._ :. 20051 -- - _ --_ _- __ ~ 2004 2005 APRIL. -EXPENSE REPORT-GENERAL ~ APRIL APRIL. YEAR TO - ADOPTED -BALANCE{ PERCENTAGE. SUMMARIZED _ .,- -- _. ~ YTDi ,1---._ MONTH PATE ACTUAL; __- _,__ _..__ BUDGET. ___ REMAINING. --_--- _. USED ____.. GeneralGovt ' 439,832421 ', 110,200.01' -- _ ~ 485,68173 1779,1_64.00 1,293482.27 ~ _ 2730% PUblicSafety _ _ ._874,73541 21620930'1. _ 891,551.541 325$652.00, 2,367,100.46 27.36% Streets & Alleys _ I 352,617 06'. 89,661.30'. 420,098.24 ! 1,422,805.00 1,002,706.76 29.53% Parks & Recrea_tio__n_ _ 636,038 51 189,558.27, 684,219.92 2 248,378 00 ~ 1 564,158.08 30.43% ;Miscellaneous _ _ __ ~ 223,584 21 _ 100,713.05' _ 216,49t29 I 1,036,485.00 '. 619,993.71 20.89% TOTAL I. _ _ 2 526,807 61 _. _ 706,341 93 ~~ _ 2,698 042.72 9,745,484 00: 7,047 441.28 '. 27.69% 11_ _I _ !J \Q~~ • City of Hutchinson ---_ Statement of Revenues, Expen ditures -W at er Sewe r Com_ pos t. Recyclin g Refuse 04/30/05 Prior Prior Annual Current Year To Budget Percent Year Year TO Percent Budget Month Date Remaining Used Budget Date Used 406 WATER 4001 REVENUES - _ 4250 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES _ 20,000.00 1,650.00 6 600.00 26,600.00 0.00 6,600.00 _ 0.00 4450 TOTAL SALES .1,572,000.00 709,447.31 420,772.10 1,992,772.10 26.77% 1,255,000.00 395,015.13 31.48 ____ 4700 TOTAL REIMBURSEMENTS _ 0.00 0.00 - 7.40 7.40 0.00 0.00 280.00 0.00 - -- 4001 REVENUES 1,592,000.00 111,097.31 427,379.50 -1,164,620.50 26.85% , ___. 1,255,000.00 401,895.13 32.02 6001 EXPENDITURES _ 6105 TOTAL SALARIES & FRINGE BENEFIT 292,948.00 2 4,584.09 98,816.82 194,129.18 33.73% 318,375.00 82,785.56 26.00 % AIRS & MAIN 6200 TOTAL SUPPLIES, REP 101,735.00 . 7,616.69 _ 25,439.68 76,295.32 25.01 % 94,160.00 21,591.96 22.93% _ 6300 TOTAL CONSULTING 2,178,500.00 6,546.41 224,198.95 1,954,301.05 10.29% 467,900.00 3,364.33 0.72% 6306 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 228,775.00 11,966.76 69,909.10 158,865.90 30.56%a 216,775.00 66,625.81 30.74% 6600 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 14,745.00 1,035.93 4,143.73 _ _ 10,601.27 28.10% 16,705.00 3,032.80 16.16% -_ _ 6700 TOTAL TRANSFERS OUT 60,000.00 0.00 0.00 60,000.00 0.00% 57,000.00 0.00 0.00°k 6900 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 10,400.00 267.00 _ _ 2,098.12 8,301.68 _ 20.17% 24,900.00 1,166.48 4.68% 6905 DEPRECATION _ - 235,000.00 26,109.98 104,439.90 130,560.10 44.44% ___ 220,000.00 105,569.33 47.99% 6001 EXPENDITURES 3,122,103.00 78,126.66 529,048.30 2,593,054.70 0.17 1,415,815.00 284,136.28 NET INCOME (LOSS) 32,970.45 (101,668.80) 117,758.85 _. Non income statement budget 7000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS 14,864,000.00 0.00 19,006.00 14,844,992.00 0.00 2,268,000.00 400.00 I r ~ ('yn\' V City of Hutchinson Statement of Revenues, Expenditures -Water Sewer Compost Recycling Refuse _- 04/30/05 Prior Prior Annual Current Year TO Bud et Percent Year Vear To Percent Budget MonthJ ._ Date Remaining _ Used Budget Date Used 407 WASTEWATER 4000 REVENUE & EXPENSES _.-- -- 4001 REVENUES ~ 0.00 --- 000 000 0.00 0.00°~ -- _. 4450 TOTAL SALES 2,890,000.00 221,135.53 869,507.56 2,000,492.44 _._ 30.78% _ 2,502,000.00 823,562.61 32.92% 4700 TOTAL REIMBURSEMENTS 2,000.00 0 00 962.42 1,037.58 0.00 443.00 4001 REVENUES 2,892,000.00 221,135.53 890,469.98 2,001,530.02 30.79% 2,502,000.00 824,625.61 32.96% 6001 EXPENDITURES 6105 TOTAL SALARIES & FRINGE BENEFIT 540,078.00 38,25089 155,810.04 384,267.96 28.85% 459,902.00 138,403.69 30.09% 6200 TOTAL SUPPLIES, REPAIRS & MAIN 149,000.00 16,326.90 58,120.92 90,879.08 39.01% 181,750.00 80,662.82 44.38% 6300 TOTAL CONSULTING 325,000.00 - 10,971.40 53,796.22 271,203.78 16.55% 349,000.00 75,083.35 ---- 21.51% 6306 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 466,850.00 44,708.57 176,624.21 290,225.79 37.83% 444,040.00 21.0,657.37 47.44% 6600 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 162,772.00 12,598.24 50,392.95 112,379.05 30.96% 209,243.00 60,056.24 28.70% 6700 TOTAL TRANSFERS OUT _ _60,000.00 0.00 0.00 60,000.00 0.00% 57,000.00 0.00 0.00% 6900 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 98,000.00 6,127.95 7,748.71 90,251.29 7.91% 23,600.00 7,288.64 30.88% _-- 6905 DEPRECATION 700,000.00 82,444.94 329,779.77 370,220.23 47.11% 700,000.00 274,244.67 39.18% 6001 EXPENDITURES 2,501,700.00 211,428.89 832,272.82 - 1,669,427.18 -~- 2,424,535.00 846,396.78 34.91% NET INCOME (LOSS) 9,70664 58,197.16 --- ---(21,771.17) _______ Non income statement bud et - --- 7000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ! 3,144,283.00 313,580.95 668,120.40 2,476,162.60 21.25 2,418,500.00 49,236.35 2.04 r /Y~- .V' Ci of Hutchinson Statement of Revenues, Expenditures -Water Sewer Compost Rec cling Refuse _- ----- 04/30/05 Prior Prior Annual Current Year TO - __ Budget - Percent Year Y ar To e Percent _ __ Budget Month Date Remaining Used Bud et _ __ _ _ - Date Used 4005 COMPOST 4001 REVENUES 4100 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVEN UE 32,000.00 0.00 12,611.56 19,388.44 39.4% 19,388.44 4250 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 650,000.00 100,117.25 101,779.38 548,220.62 15.7% 548,220.62 4450 TOTAL SALES - 1,951,394.00 470,283.33 817,900.40 1,133,493.60 41.9% 1,133,493.60 4700 TOTAL REIMBURSEMENTS 25,000.00 0.00 56.40 24,943.60 0.2% 24 943.60 4001 REVENUES 2,658,394.00 570,400.58 932,347.74 1,726,046.26 35.1% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 _ _ _ __ _ _ 1,726,046.26 6001 EXPENDITURES _ 6105 TOTAL SALARIES 8 FRINGE BENEFIT 589,035.00 64,035.29 193,943.13 395,091.87 32.9°~ 6200 TOTAL SUPPLIES, REPAIRS & MAIN _ 152,800.00 7,418.77 56,272.53 96,527.47 36.8% 6300 TOTAL CONSULTING 190,000.00 10,347.55 38,468.18 157,531.82 20.2% 6306 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 387,250.00 38,335.27 119,229,11 266,020.89 30.8% 6800 TOTAL COST OF SALES 8 INVENTORY ADJ 769,000.00 179,014.69 437,278.20 331,721.80 56.9°h 6900 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 16,400.00 91.14 ~ 418.00 15,982.00 2.5% 6600 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 18,300.00 517 13 2,068.51 16,231.49 11.3°h 6905 DEPRECATION 210,000.00 16,157.02 64,628.08 145,371.92 30.8% TOTAL EXPENDITURE 2,332,785.00 __ 315,916.85 912,305.74 1,420,479.26 39.1 % __ NET INCOME (LOSS) ~ ____ 254,483.73 20,042.00 Non income statement bud et 7000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS 103,000.00 30,779.60 91,028.23 11,971.77 88.4% 6600 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE _ 78,300.00 0.00 63,170.53 15,129.47 80.7°h _ 187,300.00 346,696.45 154,198.76 27,101.24 85.1 ~~ P C~ City of Hutchinson I _ __ -- - _. Statement of Revenues, Expenditures -Water Sewer Compost Recycling Refuse 04/30/05 Prior Prior Annual Current Year To Budget Percent Year Year To Percent Bud et Month Date Remaining Used Bud et Date Used -RECYCLE 40 4 REFUSE __ __ _ _ 4001REVENUES -- - 4100 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 160,000.00 12,303.00 49,212.00 110,788.00 30.8% 4450 TOTAL SALES 914,950.00 77,341.88 305,791.82 609,158.18 33.4% 4001 REVENUES 1,074,950.00 89,644.88 355,003.82 719,946.18 33.0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 _.- 6001 EXPENDITURES ___ 6105 TOTAL SALARIES & FRINGE BENEFIT 106,539.00 3,492.67 9,024.53 97,514.47 8.5% 6200 TOTAL SUPPLIES, REPAIRS & MAIN 140,450.00 75.85 36,745.23 103,704.77 26.2% 6300 TOTAL CONSULTING - 18,500.00 53.25 1,308.10 17,191.90 7.1 6306 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 83 3,000.00 49,142.20 268,598.35 564,401.65 32.2% 6900 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS __ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% __ 6905 DEPRECATION - _ 178,540.00 14,79598 - 59,183.92 119,356.08 33.1% TOTAL EXPENDITURE 1,277,029.00 67,559.95 374,860.13 902,168.87 29.4% _ ___ NET INCOME (LOSS) _ __22,084.93 (19,856.31 Non income statement budget - _ _ _ 7000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00% V~ ~~\~/p\ • 19-May-05 Institution escription nterest Rate CITY OF HUTCHINSON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT April 30, 2005 Date Date Of Of Purchase Maturity mount US BANK Money Market 1.43% 11/3/2004 11/19/2008 375,000.00 Smith Barney FHLMC med 4.00% 7/30/2004 7/27/2012 298,500.00 step up Smith Barney FHLB C 4.05% 1/7/2004 7/30/2009 300,000.00 Smith Barney FHLB C 4.375% 9/19/2001 4/11/2005 750,000.00 Smith Barney FHLB C 4.180% 9/25/2001 4/19/2005 270,000.00 Wachovia pool 336914 7.226% 12 31 96 02 01 2026 5,643.15 Expected life 6.2 years Smith Barney FHLM -C 4.650% 11/21/2001 5/21/2007 300,375.00 Wachovia pool 336399 7.270% 12 31 96 02 01 2026 4,163.18 Expected life 4.1 years Wachovia FHLB 5.00% 5/22/2003 5/22/2013 300,000.00 Wachovia FHLB 4.00% 6/12/2003 6/12/2013 300,000.00 • Wachovia FHLB 1.190% 6/26/2003 06/26/13 400,000.00 Wachovia FHLB 3.000% 7/16/2003 7/16/2013 200,000.00 Wachovia FHLB step 3.000% 2!912005 2/9/2007 625,000.00 step up Wachovia FNMA 3.000% 8/24/2004 2/25/2008 100,000.00 step up Home State Bank 3.000% 8/13/2004 8/13/2005 200,000.00 First Minnesota 2.670% 11/16/04 12/15/05 400,000.00 First Minnesota 2.380% 08/17/04 08/18/05 750,000.00 Wells Fargo 2.210% 07!16104 07/21/05 750,000.00 Wells Fargo 2.390% 09/16/04 09!16105 750,000.00 First Minnesota 2.580% 11!15/04 11/17/05 750,000.00 -------------------------- $7,828,681.33 5f~.~~ Resolution No. 12729 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DONATION FROM HUTCHINSON JAYCEES TO THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON FOR THE PURCHASE OF TRAFFIC CONES AND BARRICADES FOR PARADE ROUTE WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Jaycees have requested that historical practices be reverted and the 2005 Grande Day Parade follow a route along Main Street in honor of the City of Hutchinson's 150`h Anniversary; and, WHEREAS, Main Street in Hutchinson is also State Highway 15 and lazge volumes of traffic will need to be detoured off of State Highway 15 during this parade; and, WHEREAS, the detour equipment necessary adds additional costs to the City of Hutchinson; and WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Jaycees wish to donate funds for detour equipment (i.e. cones, barricades, etc.) in order to allow for the Grande Day Parade to remain on Main Street for the 2005 Jaycee Water Carnival celebration and beyond, • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT; the City of Hutchinson hereby accepts a donation in the amount of $6000 from the Hutchinson Jaycees to purchase detour equipment (i.e. cones, barricades, etc.) in order for the Jaycee Water Carnival Grande Day Parade to be routed on Main Street (Hwy 15). Furthermore, the City Council of the City of Hutchinson hereby approves setting the parade route to remain on Main Street (Hwy ] 5) in future years, except in the event the route is impassable due to construction or other road conditions. Adopted by the City Council this 24`h day of May, 2005. Steven W. Cook, Mayor Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator r 1 LJ ~~~~, RESOLUTION NO. 12730 • CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Grit pumps - 2 $21,736 Repalce of building #30 WWTP YES Electric Pump pumps Bagging Pallets 40,000 $40,000 Shipping product Compost YES General Pallet Inc Sphagnum Peat 1,500 $31,500 Resale Compost YES Normiska Corp Pallet Socks & Wrap $16,652 Packaging Compost YES River City Packaging Bitcon grinding $36,600 Resale Compost YES Intex Corp 12,000 cu yd Unleaded & Diesel Fuel $26,580 Resale HATS YES Schmeling Oil Printing Plates $41,234 Bag Printing Compost YES SuperGroup .'he following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM. ICOSTI PURPOSE IDEPT.IBUDGETI VENDOR Date Approved: ~otion Made By: Seconded By: Resolution submitted for Council action by: ~C~~ a, RESOLUTION NO. 12715 RESOLUTION APPROVING AN 8 LOT PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS • FRASER'S SUBDIVISION BE Tf RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS 1. The property owner has submitted an application for an 8 lot preliminary plat to be known as Fraser's Subdivision with the following: Legal Description: QESCRtPT10N FOR PHASE I That port of the 5autheast 4uorter of 3ectian 2, Township I I& North, Range 30 West. McLeod County, Minnesoto, described as faflowa: +Gofimencinq of the southeast carnet of the Northeast Quarter of said Southeast Quarter; thence northerly, along the oast tine of said Southeast Quarter 566.16 feet to the southeast corner of CLOU$E A66IT10N, +octordng to the recorded plat thereof; thence westerly, along the south 1'iM of said CLAUSE AUpIT10N 825.00 feet to the southwest corner of said CLOt1SE ADOtTION and the point of Degtnntnq of the land to be described: thence southerly, aionq the southerly prolongation of the west line of said CLOUSf AL?DITION 2.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 25 minutes 32 seconds West, assuming the east Itne of said Southeast Ouorter has a Dearing of South 0 • degrwrs O6 minutes 65 seconds West, a distance of 283.01 feet; thence North 0 degrees 34 minutes 28 seconds West 125.80 feet ro the intersection with the southerly Tine of CITY OF Hl3TCiiINSON STREET RIGHT OF' WAY PLAT NO, l; thence easterly. many said southerly line to the intersection with the northerly pralangation at Baia west line of CLOUSE AOUITION: thence southerly, oknq sold northerly prolongation and slang said west hne to the paint of..beginning. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values ofproperties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is in harmony with the genera] purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, if the conditions, as outlined below are met. CONCLUSION The City Council hereby approves the Preliminary Plat with the following conditions: 1. Lot 7 cannot be final platted until the road is relocated. 2. Sewer and water services be separate for each unit. 3. Any existing utility lines be relocated at the owners expense. 4. Any fees be paid at the time of building permit (SAC/WAC; park fee, etc.) 5. If there are existing assessments on the property, the property owner should identify the acceptable split of the assessments. 6. Undeveloped right-of--way (Harvest Street extension) cannot be privately utilized by the property owners abutting the right-of--way. SC~~ 1 Resolution No. 12715 Preliminary plat - Fraser's Subdivision May 24, 3005 Page 2 • Adopted by the City Council this 24`h day of May, 2005 ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator • C~ Steven W. Cook Mayor S~C~ 1 • PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. OS-0409 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON FOR A PROPERTY TO BE REZONED FROM Rl TO R2 AS REQUESTED BY BRANDON ERASER THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: WHEREAS, the following described real property is hereby rezoned from Rl (Single Family Residential) to R2 (Medium Density Residential as requested by property owner: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION FOR PHASE 7t1llt ¢ll7ft Of the SBUtlteOat Quarter of Setfloh 2, Tbwnahip I IS Norttt, Range 3O West, . tdcLeod County, Minnesota, described as follows. • Cartunencing at the southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Southeast t3uorter; thence norther#y, along the east Iine of said SoutMast Ouartsr 560.16 feet fo the southeast corner of CLDt15E ADDITION, according to the retarded plat thereat: thence westerly, along the south line of said CLOUSE ADDffION 625,00 feet io the sauMwest caner of acid CLOtJSE ADDITION and the paint of beginning of the land to be described; thence sourtsary, along the southerly prolangatlon of the west Tine of said CLOUSE ADDITION 2.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 25 minutes ~2 seconds West, ossurning the east line of said Southeast Quarter has a bearing of South 0 deglt+es O6 minutes 45 seconds West. a distance of 283.01 feat: thence North 0 degrees 3d minutes 28 seconds West 125.60 feet to the interssctian with the southerly #Ine of CITY OF lil)TCHINSON STREET RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO, l: thence easterly, along said southerly line to the imersectian with the northerly prolongation of said west lira of CLOUSE ADfl17fpN; thence southerly, along said northerly prolongation and along said west Tine to the point of beginning. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission and City Council have considered the effects of rezoning this piece of property; WHEREAS, there are certain parameters that will make this rezoning appropriate for this area; THEREFORE; the City hereby officially rezones this property to R2 and it shall take effect upon publication of this ordinance; Adopted by the City Council this 14`h day of June, 2005 ATTEST: • Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor ~IC:J Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350.2522 320.587-5151/Fax 320.234-4240 MEMORANDUM DATE: May ] 8, 2005 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AN 8 LOT PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS FRASER'S SUBDIVISION AND REZONING FROM Rl TO R2 SUBMITTED BY BRANDON FRASER LOCATED SOUTH OF MCDONALD DRIVE SW Pursuant [o Sections 153.036 and 154.168 of the Hutchinson Municipal Code the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for preliminary plat and rezoning. HISTORY The applicant has submitted an 81ot preliminary plat for the construction of a twin home development. The applicant is also requesting to rezone the property from Rl (Single Family Residential) to R2 (Medium Density Residential). The property is located on the south side of McDonald Drive SW. There was a predevelopment meeting held with Mr. Fraser on April 11, 2005. There was lengthy discussion on providing two water and sewer services to each lot to service each unit separately. Six lots would be served from McDonald Drive and 2 from Harvest Street. It was noted that no shazed services or Y'd services would be allowed. The options would be to cut into the street or build a secondary system. A follow up meeting was held with the property owners on May 9, 2005 to fitrther discuss the layout of the development and full development surrounding the area being reviewed for preliminary plat consideration. ~INOS OF FACT 1. The required application and fees were submitted. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on May 5, 2005. 3. A predevelopment meeting was held on April 11, 2005. 4. There were neighboring property owners present at the public hearing with concerns about the request. 5. McDonald Drive Southwest is the main area along the frontage ofthese lots. There is also an area ofHarvest, which is anticipated to be extended, when needed for further development to the south. The right of way for Harvest would be platted during this platting process, which the constmction and payment for the road being conducted at a later time. The point being, that at some point in the futwe the road extension will require a 120/125 Foot connection, which will not be paid forby the lots abutting, unless provided for in some other manner by the property owner. 6. The lot configuration, as reflected on the preliminary plat meets the minimum dimensional requirements. An additional lot split application would be required if the twin home units were to be transferred to separate owners. The proposal would only include final platting 21ots on the east end of the plat and leave the remaining property until the developer would come back to the city for further final platting. 7. It should be noted that Lot 7 indicates there is an existing street located on the property. It has been inexistence since some time in the 1950's. This road connects to Honey Tree Road. 8. Staff has reviewed the wetland information and is confident that the area was delineated properly by Barr Engineering. The delineation was further documented by an easement description. None of this area is near the wetland portion of the property. The lots would not exceed the 1 acre of impervious surface run-off for designing a stormwater quality storage pond. However, the subdivider is required to apply and enswe an NPDES permit is issued for the construction. The drainage in the development will be diverted to existing storm catch basins in the existing streets. 9. There were previous sewer and water services constructed for access to these lots. One issue is that a single family neighborhood was contemplated, thus requiring additional services be constrncted • Printed on recycled paper- 5 ~~ ~ Finding of Fact- May 18, 2005 raser's Addition -preliminary plat and rezoning age 2 RECOMMENDATION The Planning Cormnission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the preliminary plat and rezoning with the following conditions: 1. Lot 7 cannot be final platted until the road is relocated. 2. Sewer and water services be separate for each unit. 3. Any existing utility lines be relocated at the owners expense. 4. Any fees be paid at the time of building-pemnt (SAC/WAC; pazk fee, etc.) 5. If there are existing assessments on the property, the property owner should identify the acceptable split of the assessments. 6. Undeveloped right-of--way (Harvest Street extension) cannot be privately utilized by the property owners abutting the right-of--way. Respectfully submitted, r~ L Dean Kirchoff, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission cc: Brandon Fraser, 510 Jackson St. SW Larry Fraser, 17475 Yacht Ave. • ~(~~ 1 DIRECTORS REPORT -PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission • (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) From: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Crystal Foust, Jean Ward, Judy Flemming, John Rodeberg, P.E., Kent Exner, John Webster, Michael Kumm, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kyle Dimler, Mark Schnobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Ken Merrill, Jim Popp, Dan Hatten, Dick Nagy, Julie Wischnack, AICP, and Bonnie Baumetz Date: May 2, 2005 -Meeting Date: May 17, 2005 Applicant: Brandon Fraser, applicant Larry Fraser, Property Owner PRELIMINARY PLAT AND REZONING -ERASERS SUBDIVISION Brief Description The applicant has submitted an 8 lot preliminary plat for the construction of a twin home development. The applicant is also requesting to rezone the property from Rl (Single Family Residential) to R2 (Medium Density Residential). The property is located on the south side of . McDonald Drive SW. There was a predevelopment meeting held with Mr. Fraser on April 11, 2005. There was lengthy discussion on providing two water and sewer services to each lot to service each unit separately. Six lots would be served from McDonald Drive and 2 from Harvest Street. It was noted that no shared services or Y'd services would be allowed. The options would be to cut into the street or build a secondary system. A follow up meeting was held with the property owners on May 9, 2005 to further discuss the layout of the development and full development surrounding the area being reviewed for preliminary plat consideration. GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: Rl (Single Family Residential) Property Location: South of McDonalds Drive SW Lot Size: 8 lots Existing Land Use: Vacant -Agriculture Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Rl (Single Family Residential) R2 (Medium Density Residential) R3 (Medium-High Density Residential) Public • Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Mixed Use Residential ~~ Preliminary Plat and Rezoning Fraser's Subdivision Planning Commission- May 17, 2005 Page 2 • Zoning History: The entire parcel was sketch planned in 1993. There is a large wetland area located on the large parcel directly south of this development. Applicable Regulations: Sections 153.36 and 154.168 of the Municipal Code 1; - _~ ~ _ - »~ - M e D 0 N A L D D R I V E -i~~~- ~_ ~ 1 j _-~- _ - _ _ _ . ~ I - -- E ~ : s ~ : x c ~ '" i 1I I ~ ' I ~ _ _ _ . ,' .oYf ~ I ~~ ti~_-~ 5 ~~ ,~`- - ,~ T~ , ~, ~~~ /~ ,~ Area of ~ F - -- -- -~ , ~ \ ~ { ~ \ \ ,. , preliminary p 1 I 6 Iso ; ~~~- \ , ---.--.-~--~ L___l~~ ~ a~ \ \ \ ARE ~~ _ \ \ \ ~' \ \ > i i ~ 1 ~ I ~ _-.-~ -~---- ---' ;€ i ------ i ~ Q 90 GL l0 ~ ~ y _ ~ t I _ _ _ _ 5, I' r ~ ~ I ' H (= i ~~ Honey Tree '-' x I I {j[ . ~ 4 ' ['~~ 4 - ~ ~ ~ E _ _ f t} - ' - --- --- - ~ ---I- - E ` ~ , ~ _. - - - - - -_ f r _. __ -. - - _ - _ . - . _ _ _ . .. _ I~ I : - -_ - _ __- _ - ~ r ~ - - . _ _ _ ~ ~ i - - ... _ - _ ._ - - - -, a .. e. z. __-__ _ -- -- --_--- - ~- --_6FiFd7Ff-GR4DE -R9AD - -- _--_ ~~~(j 1 Preliminary Plat and Rezoning Fraser's Subdivision Planning Commission- May 17, 2005 • Page 3 SPECIAL INFORMATION Transportation: McDonald Drive Southwest is the main area along the frontage of these lots. There is also an area of Harvest, which is anticipated to be extended, when needed for further development to the south. The right of way for Harvest would be platted during this platting process, which the construction and payment for the road being conducted at a later time. The point being, that at some point in the future the road extension will require a 120/125 foot connection, which will not be paid for by the lots abutting, unless provided for in some other manner by the property owner. There was a concern regarding the amount of driveways that would be accessing McDonald Drive. Discussions about consolidation of driveways for the twin homes seemed to be a viable option, but the developer has not expressed an interest in that possibility. There has also been a discussion about leaving some of the lots for single family construction, the interior portion of the plat. Parking: N/A • Analysis and Recommendation: Requirements R-1 Use Minimum Lot Area per Minimum Lot Width Minimum Lot Depth Dwelling Unit Single-family residence connected 8,400 square feet 70 feet; far comer lot, 90 feet at 120 feet to public sanitary sewer building line Two-family dwelling; maximum 5,000 square feet 80 feet 120 feet ground coverage 35% _ _ Setbacks Front Setback Inter. Side Corner Side Rear Yard Building Height Accessory stmctures, including 25 feet 6 fee[ 25 fee[ 6 feet 16 feet detached garages Single-family house or two-family 25 feet 8 feet; 6 feet 25 feet 25 feet; 15 feet 35 feet dwelling platted prior to for comer lot 1988 • ~~i Preliminary Plat and Rezoning Fraser's Subdivision Planning Commission- May 17, 2005 • Page 4 Proposed Lot configuration Lo[ number Pro osed size Pra osed width Pro osed De th Lot 1, block 1 14386 115 123 Lot 1, block 2 13610 108 125 Lot 2, block 2 11430 91 125 Lot 3, block 2 11430 9] 125 Lot 4, block 2 11429 91 125 Lots block 2 11680 92 128 Lot 6, block 2 11419 92 126 Lot 7, block 2 13715 105.8 143 The lot configuration, as reflected on the preliminary plat meets the minimum dimensional requirements. An additional lot split application would be required if the twin home units were to be transferred to separate owners. The proposal would only include.final platting 2 lots on the east end of the plat and leave the remaining property until the developer would come back to the city for further final platting. • It should be noted that Lot 7 indicates there is an existing street located on the property. It has been in existence since some time in the 1950's. This road connects to Honey Tree Road. Staff has met with the neighboring property owner about moving the road to an area that would in the right of way that was platted as "Fifth Addition to Lakewood Terrace". In this plat, the right of way extends straight north and south through the McDonald property. Staff is checking with the City Attorney regarding the City's rights to the roadway and the possible implications to the development of lot 7, in that if a 33 foot from center line road easement was prescribed, the lot would only have approximately 30 feet of width in which to build a home. Staff will also await the neighbor's response to the possibility of moving the road for future development on their parcels. The previous site layout indicated 8 lots in this area, with a little difference in configuration, see above sketch. The City Code also discusses the issues of preparation of a preliminary plat with al] contiguous property under ownership. At this date, the property is owned by Lany Fraser. This portion of the area identified would be owned by his son, Brandon Fraser. (See attached memo concerning future development of the property and considerations). Stormwater and Wetland Areas Staff has reviewed the wetland information and is confident that the area was delineated properly by Barr Engineering. The delineation was further documented by an easement description. None of this area is near the wetland por[ion of the property. • The lots would not exceed the 1 acre of impervious surface run-off for designing a Stormwater quality storage pond. However, the subdivider is required to apply and ensure an NPDES permit is issued for the ~~~ 1 Preliminary Plat and Rezoning Fraser's Subdivision Planning Commission- May 17, 2005 • Page 5 construction. The drainage in the development will be diverted to existing storm catch basins in the existing streets. Utilities There were previous sewer and water services constructed For access to these lots. One issue is that a single family neighborhood was contemplated, thus requiring additional services be constructed. There are two memos attached which explain the issues with services and the policy regarding their installation. Staff would recommend approval of the rezoning and preliminary plat with the following items being resolved prior to final plat submission: L Lot 7 issues of road encroachment or the city rights be identified and documented (legal opinion). 2. Sewer and water services be separate for each unit. 3. Any existing utility lines be relocated at the owners expense. 4. Any fees be paid at the time of building permit (SAC/WAC; park fee, etc.) 5. If there are existing assessments on the property, the property owner should identify the acceptable split of the assessments. 6. Driveways be consolidated on the twin homes or reduce units by constructing single family homes on the interior lots. • CC: Brandon Fraser, 510 Jackson St. SW Larry Fraser, 17475 Yacht Ave. Rob Collet, DNR C~ j1 SKETCH OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT FOR BRANDON ERASER o:~ o ~' oo~ ~ ~ ~I Q ~ = w ~, HY I l~Q ~ J I I1 0 O N O z ~ Q w __~ MCDONALD'S LAKE VIEW TERRACE ---~_ \ r----_ ~~___ __~--- !I ~_ __~ '~ 0 ~ ' w I w ~ ~i H r w Z O I 2 I MINIMUM LOT REQUIREMENTS UNPLATTED Minimum Lot WWttl - l0 feet Minimum Lot Dapt~ - 120 leer Minlmum Lot Area - 8400 Sp Ft MINIMUM BUMING SETBACKS Front - 25 feet i~ $Itlep - 8 leer ~ - - J Rem - 25 feet i i ~ i~ i~ //~i ~~ / RF~F/VFp /~~ ApR2 y ~i~ cpyprH ~Ops ep~=~' N °~`°IP~'aBe `~e/ s ~ i~ i i ~// WETLAND 0 SO 100 200 scale In feet V~ ~'- UNPLATTED (Booty 199 el Deeds. Pape 521) PRESENT ZONING - R-I DISTRICT I 3 ! MCDONALD'S I PARKSIDE; w'~ ! PARKSIDE ~ ~~„"' I z~ I ~w wW FIR S7 SIX7H, ~w, - - ~ ma ~~ ~ a~ ~ ADDN cYi~ADDN ~, ~~ la~l ADDN ~ _`~ ~ I ---~ ~------ ------~ 60 ~----- -------I ~ MCDONALD DRIVE $ $ CITY OF HUTCHINSON STREET RiW PLAT NO. I 91 81 81 91 - CL USE s "' a a z I I ~ ADD NI 108 60 IIS PROPOSED ZONING - R-2 DISTRICT Q C w g l .CIIYIIY wl<R1Yp f~! '~/ v UNPLATTEO ERASER'S SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT PARKSIDE I I - I PARKSIDE ~ II- SECONDI ~I ~~--- L _ FIRST I ~ I - ~ al I ADDITION I BLOCK I I I ~ I BLOCK 2 I BLOCK 1 ~ II MCDONAU'S SIXTi ADDITION I ADDITI nr, BIOGK 2 I BLOCK 2 RFC ~ SAY ~ G oF~ ~ ~ p uo/pul~hiusoOs ~ z$en .. ~ - ~ P ~~~ ..-o-=~ +.- ~~' ~ t` F ; 1 ~t ~ I _ ._ ~+ CLOUSEI . '~'^ ~ ~ --I- I I I mil" I 6~OCN I :.M - i. ~' B1~2. I.Im.--..~ •~~ I I "~,. T-L~~y-, I ~nDDITIIDN I ~`., s4 i fir' - rY. w. I UNPIATTED ~... .. ~ .~-~- J ~J ~.~ ._ _J I 1__w_ - w L_ ' ~ 1 _ 1 I r -~ au inwwnM Wn <' ( ~ I ~_ -- - q ;' ~.%" : -' ~ wrro~YV w.ly/;: .roan T • ; .m r Y I ~ ~•' , '-••` FUTURE FHASE'~ . "CHASE I- .. J , ,..N" -.. .~ r ~ ,;: IY i J' RE\2WFER: &endln fllwr !10 JRG•on llrwt KwlhN•on 1W YW.IV rM NYrnYw M•Yw RDCRVIkM fm wlyf 1 MI wrt o111Y feYlwx ewty x h<Han 1. Twminy 1In WXA Rdy 3t Ma r ~ ' WLrd Cbueh. Mvuulb b<WN N hAYY I Cem.•niV 01 RY wWNaN tw1M x IW NsYpx ryNY <I .dC IMAN<I OnIYI LAY.. wUMl. dYq M ••.1 W d •N HRIYm OwA1Y e141/1•n ro 'fO Iro I I M wxhsW <Ywr el Qeue°"4 MWIWXr w ro RW n<bb1 x•I M•r•xl "~" «.r~l.--... I ~ ~ ' ."~^l~r.',1'«.:d.°r".f+eaaii~°foo~roWw°a e.~H~x""e..n.°nmwn:lw.. •• b WM 1Mb wxMb. Wp p• rdAYN p•Ylp•IIN N II.F r•II M x i Wd aoux xflox em M IvN• awh w e.>w!e ~Nw.l rz .ww• I i / v.Y. vlww• h• an Y..r sf wwnwa YYIY N.. ewWw x Y•n o av...w YWW..m r..N!•wY.•wN..xeaa Mf..W•NYhe I ~ qqw x mnun, w <wax. vn ItSb bx a IIY Ino..<n.n Mln n< M.nenwnNr wY.v ywunw N. ~ wMYM<I CRY eF IMOp.gl lln[fi RGNf 6WJY MT M0. I: IWN• AMYL LIIiiL LL '~w wY ~<irv..'1 MV ianNFYN n<N•wy nr µN.m G'LV•~ N,dwy<W<waYN Y.wIb YalN.an rM1A lMhrlYm pa.~rMx •M <wNWN Vw~w a~ n<rNl.nn..Y•w.wwww. `11" a~J aWe'w'Itl<wn~w~~iu•r~i.fNW"Ml.m. <Wq Nlf lwuwh pdxganw "-'-'~J~' .. W.M wlN.wv h. PRF![M ZONntti - fl-I ORRRKT •.._-.~.- 'w' -----.. nw,~~~r w. •n.::i'11'~'.: ::1:i .',u° • / LOT RRF.V ~ w m:.~.s 'w""..w • ' n"!:R ~n~ i .< / PRMOIEC DCNWO ~ Pte! RbIRICi iiwi~w .M l.ln ili'rN. N I~YLm IMA1m11 Siw / t•1 I. Ywf I Nlll la II l•r !KK•EINIOIOq Mlrmu. to won-Alw Yinr'Yi.~x'A~w~nµ <Nlry•h.. ~ ~l lal'}. BIMQ•Iw]e!<FI NYn. •, /JFw<yyY Lx 'J. eMYi• 111N'IY FI Ihr"Y l.remn-IlO MI •. <i.. • Let ~. BIOeY 1 . I Ili9ly R Ilw^r.In M.<- •YO h f\ -MN. aa•~ 1'MI wnL M 'iY rN~ Nr.~y~ wOWMY 'I U11. LIIYp !<FI IppllRl lLlLenGl lflYL%! a \r ~Y•IdM LeI T.~T~II<I!!yh Fryv-N1N ~ rMx. nA W- yM W.IYr.Miw ~, ITI! 9! LI !W. -! MI hs-WM. Itld YmnYYrxlM.w.mr WR1YO YY ~I • V ' V ., :,. PRELIMINARY PLAT - FIFTH ADDITION TO LAKEWOOD TERRACE ., _ : I ... ,,... , e ........ . OWNER MRS. LORETTA MCDONALD, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA - ". mn.c.ox w u.xo =ccc xex, xx+ex xsox xxx[sorx. cmcxss xo. aaze. _. .... ~ °:n , e a r ' ,e .... . PROPOSED STREET GRADES. : " """"°`° °" AND STORM SEWER i .°~. ,.,,~ ~ \ h .. i- .~ ~. 5 i,v ~ I ~ ~ `. N ~ ~,,.~ I ~ 'BLOCK ~ ~ . ..., ~.,... .. '~ .~° ~? 1 \ I _ _~ ~ .. d3 \JI a °° -~ ~V~ - S 'SIBLEY x AVENUE ` r'q' ~ ~~~~ ,~,.Z~ / ',./~ /~~:.. ~ x _.--gip ~am ~s.nn 00 ..z. o ~~\ { e i`~ . _~~ "~:. ~~ M ~ P 1 P %" ry ~ /~ .tee IaJ J i w. ~, i . x ' a L ^ ' mr.c .xc. c z .cxcz ~'+o ~' .. i eV0 ... e .~ i z -i ~ i .. .... .' i .. 7 ,. ur M, ~ , ,. ,. ~.: r _ ., ,.°., ........,., cx. ~. Y . I m .~ t I n n /- .. r . i ~ _. .. u / i ., C er ' ~ .. i.l .~. ~. _. me v. une rty ,' G= , .° /-.~ x ,. _. _._.. ....._ __ numb. _ ... . r' r... ,:az._:. .:.. , e.,,..oa a a n r.. _' + ~ '' 1 ns x,. r , ~~ y~ ~ w,t ~ y ~ ,~ , r L + ~ _ ~ ~ ~. D ~ ~, ~ ~ kt ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~~~ ;.. ~ f ~. :' ~~ € * . ~ 1 i . ~ ~~~ ~ ~' - , - ~{~ _ #7 ~ •'~ _~~ ~ i. .. ~ "T" •. ,.. ~..aw.......,,,... ~....,. ... r ~+n._: v. ft-' .. ~~ Minnesota Statutes 2004, 160.04 Minnesota Statutes 2004, Table of Chapte_rs_ . Table of contents for Chapter 160 160.04~Width of roads. Except as otherwise provided, all roads hereafter established, except cartways, shall be at least four rods wide. Additional right-of-way and easements, including easements needed for drainage, may be acquired by purchase, gift, or eminent domain proceedings when necessary for construction, maintenance, safety, or convenient public travel. The necessity for such additional right-of-way and easements shall be determined by the road authority having jurisdiction over the particular road involved. HIST: 1959 c 500 art 1 s 9 Copyright 2004 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. C Page 1 of 1 _5 C~j 1 httn:/hvww.revisor.leestate.mn.us/data/revisor/statutes/2004/160/04.htm1 5/17/2005 Minnesota Statutes 2004, 160.05 Page 1 of 1 Minnesota Statutes.2004,, Table_of Chapters • Table of contents for Chapter 160 160.05 Dedication of roads. Subdivision 1. Six years. When any road or portion of a road has been used and kept in repair and worked for at least six years continuously as a public highway by a road authority, it shall be deemed dedicated to the public to the width of the actual use and be and remain, until lawfully vacated, a public highway whether it has ever been established as a public highway or not. Nothing contained in this subdivision shall impair the right, title, or interest of the water department of any city of the first class secured under Special Laws 1885, chapter 110. This subdivision shall apply to roads and streets except platted streets within cities. Subd.~2. Roads on and parallel to railroad right-of-way. The continued use of any road by the public upon and parallel to the right-of-way of any railway company shall not constitute such a road a legal highway or a charge upon the town in which the same is situated, and no right shall accrue to the public or any individual by such use. HIST: 1959 c 500 art 1 s 5; 1973 c 123 art 5 s 7; 1982 c 429 s 90; 1984 c 562 s 5 _ • Copyright 2009 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. • ~~~ ,.«...u..,.,,.,,.o,,:~„r ~e~ etatr mn „~/Rata/revisnr/statutes/2004/160/OS.html 5/17/2005 TO: Brandon Fraser FROM: Kent Exner, City Engineer John Rodeberg, Public Works Director RE: Sketch of Proposed Development for Brandon Fraser (McDonald Drive) DATE: May 6, 2005 As a clarification and amplification ofboth the previous memo and discussions held with City staff, please note the following: • The services on McDonald Drive were specifically designed and installed to serve single-family homes ofthe same general size and style as aze constructed directly to the north ofthis property. The City built these services based on the previous sketch plan and discussions with the property • owner. Significant modification of these services, or the installation of additional services, will be required if twin homes are constructed instead ofsingle-family homes. • The lots immediately adjacent to the extension of Harvest Street were proposed to be served, and utilities accessed, from this extension. This may require some reconfiguring of the lots currently being proposed or constructing new services from McDonald Drive. • The current layout was also based on extending a road south from Glenda Lane. Sanitary sewer and watermain laterals (8" diameter) have been extended south in this azea to accommodate this roadway and serve the adjacent lots. Adding services in this azea, and lots fronting on McDonald Drive, will require considerable disturbance of McDonald Drive. • City ordinance specifically states that the property owner is required to maintain both water and sanitary sewer. services from the mains into the building. State plumbing code requires independent connections to buildings. City staff has reviewed this policy, based on past experience and the issues that have arisen, and have confirmed that it is no longer feasible or desireable to vary from this policy. Attached please find our memo confirming the rules and regulations regarding services, and detailing the background of this issue. • As we have noted, varying from the original plan to serve single-family homes will require a potentially significant investment in order to install additional services: o The apparent locations of the existing services (water and sanitary sewer) relative to the lot configuration shown on the sketch, appears to allow for lots noted as 2 and 4 to be serviced as twinhomes by the existing services. Lot 3 would require an additional service to be connected to the main lines within McDonald Drive. Lots 5, 6 and 7 would require two sets of services to be installed for each twinhome. These services could be configured in groups • to minimize the disturbance to McDonald Drive. o We highly recommended that you review the cost, and the related cost benefit, for completing this work prior to going through the time and expense of the platting and .~~J I • approval process. It may be much more economical to construct single-family homes adjacent to McDonald Drive. Construction of twinhomes along Harvest Street at this time and possibly into the future as Harvest is extended south seems to be a more cost beneficial alternative. • The City Ordinance requires that both the Sketch Plan and Preliminary Plat include all contiguously owned property. As we have noted, we strongly recommend a comprehensive review of how the land will be developed in the future. The previous sketch plan, completed by the City, is considered acceptable (if not somewhat dated), however we aze very concerned that, unless a complete Preliminary Plat is prepazed of the property, there could be considerable conflicts and additional costs in the future. o The delineated wetland area to the south of McDonald Drive will dramatically affect how lots can be laid out in the area. The azea between the wetland and McDonald Drive needs to be reviewed to identify the most efficient and safe way to lay out the street and infrastructure. If Harvest Street isn't laid out appropriately (maybe with a curve) the lot azea between the street and the wetland, or the azea between the proposed twin homes and the extension of Harvest Street, may not allow for buildable lots. Large unbuildable areas are highly likely to be created unless this area is reviewed in some detail. o High water table as the property nears the wetland azea will limit what type of housing may be able to be constructed. For example, slab-on-grade townhomes were previously discussed as being the most suitable and likely type of building in the area adjacent to the wetland. As noted at our meeting, this appears to be a better location for twin homes in the area: o The location and depth of the sanitary sewer to serve the area south of McDonald Drive needs to be confirmed. Watermain looping, storm sewer and ponding, and street/access issues for future development also need to be identified and clarified. o Significant additional costs and/or development limitations could be incurred in the future if the area is not properly planned. • This proposal potentially increases the number of driveways accessing McDonald Drive from 7 to l6. Due to a considerable amount of pedestrian and bike traffic in this area, which provides access to the schools from a large residential and manufactured home area, this is a significant safety concern. • The increased density of homes (less than 60' per unit) does require that a sidewalk be installed. This has sometimes been waived if there is limited traffic in the azea and there also isn't an adjacent sidewalk system, however, the traffic in this area would warrant installation of the sidewalk. Although we understand your desire to move forward with what appears to be a simple development tied to construction of a twin home for your personal use, it is much more complicated and difficult than it first appeared. Developing the twin home lots on either side of Harvest Street and the 70' wide single-family lots proposed on McDonald Drive would still be a fairly simple solution, however, we strongly recommend that you review the issues noted above, and work through the various options and opportunities prior to proceeding. Thank you for your time and consideration. • cc: Julie Wischnack-Director of Planning/Building/Zoning NI: ~ lYi O I2 A N D iJ l!!I. n U FROM: John Rodeberg, Director of Public Works Julie Wischnack, Director of PlanningBuilding/7.~ning Kent l;xner, City Engineer Lenny Ruttledge, Building Official RE: Policy Regarding Public Sewer and Water System Services DATE: May 6, 2005 Due to recent and past issues and experiences with sewer and water services, and regulatory issues, the City of Hutchinson will be enforcing the following policy as of May 9a', 2005: Every building, or separate unit in a building, must be served with its own independent connection with a public sanitary sewer and water system. These services shall be constructed in the most direct manner from the closest municipal lateral. Variances to this policy will only be granted due to extreme hardship, based on staff review and recommendation, and may require Planning Commission and Council action. The City of Hutchinson has been open to various options in the past, however regulatory and service concerns continue to arise that require adherence to this policy: A new state law requires that the City must soon locate and identify all sewer and water service lines as part of the Gopher State One-Call system. Many installations of services in the past include long extensions across neighboring properties, with many bends and changes in directions, and in locations that aze not intuitive or easy to identify. The City will be held accountable for properly locating these services, so a standazd that requires a direct route is recommended in order to limit liability. Locating service problem areas has been very difficult when the location of the lines cannot be easily identified. The City and contractors must often spend considerable time and money to locate these lines. Past experience has included many examples of long, convoluted, hazd to identify sewer and water lines that go through multiple properties, serving multiple homes. When problems occur, identifying which property owner is responsible for the costs, and whose yazds and property aze going to be disturbed, is often extremely difficult, expensive and contentious. `, ~~ 1 3. The Minnesota Plumbing Code (Section 4715.0310) requires independent sewer • connections. Jim Peterson of the MN State Plumbing Code Division strongly recommends enforcement of sepazate service lines to each address. 4. The City Ordinance (Section 52.02) requires the property owner io maintain and- repair the water line from the main to the house. Splitting lines creates issues regarding locating, water pressure levels, maintenance and ownership liability, as well as the issues hotel above. AISn, sfiming nff service duc to nun-payment or maintenancc issues bccomes much more complicated. 5. The City Ordinance (Section 53.032) requires the property owner to maintain and repair the sanitary sewer service from the main to the home. Splitting lines creates issues regarding locating, maintenance and ownership liability, as well as the issues noted above. Sewer backups have occurred on shazed service lines that put all involved properties and the City at risk. Identifying what problem created the back-up and who is responsible can be very difficult. 6. The City has experienced many examples of low presswe on the water service when lines meant to serve one unit have been split to serve two or more. In some areas, both properties have not even been able to run sprinkler systems at the same time. 7. Splitting sewer and water lines requires extra joints and fittings that have a greater • tendency to fail or have problems. As noted above, this policy is based on a solid background of factors. City staff must identify cleaz and significant hazdship to consider a variance from this policy. In general, the additional cost to provide separate services will not, in itself, be considered a hazdship. Decisions on hazdship will be based on the lack of feasible alternatives. Larger buildings (4 or more units) may be allowed to shaze services if properly identified and recorded association agreements aze in place and approved. cc: Gary Plotz -City Administrator Randy Devries - Duector of Watedwastewater Marc Sebora -City Attorney • 5C~S1 Hutchinson City Center • 111 Haess• Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350.2522 320.587.5151tFax 320.234-41A0 M F M C~ I2. A N D ~:7 1VI 1'U: Brandon Fraser FROM: Kent Exner, City Engineer RE: Sketch of Proposed Development for Brandon Fraser (McDonald Drive) DATE: Apri128, 2005 We have reviewed the submitted `Sketch of Proposed Development for Brandon Fraser' as received on Apri127, 2005. Mazked on the sketch aze what appeazs to be the approximate locations of the existing utility stubs. City staff has located the existing water services and dimensioned. their locations relative to the most easterly service as shown on the enclosed drawing. Per our review of the sketch and existing service locations, we offer the following suggestions: • If twinhomes are to be constructed within the lots immediately adjacent to the extension of • Harvest Street (noted as I on the sketch), they should be oriented to front Harvest Street. Thus, utility service could be provided to these two twinhomes from main lines within Harvest St. This may require some reconfiguring of the lots currently being proposed. • City ordinance (see below) specifically states that the property owner is required to maintain both water and sanitary sewer services from the mains into the building. Due to twinhomes being split between independent owners immediately following construction or possibly sometime in the future, the City has made efforts to require sepazate services for all utilities to eliminate ownership- and maintenance issues between property owners. The apparent locations of the existing services (water and sanitary sewer) relative to the lot configuration shown on the sketch, appears to allow for lots noted as 2 and 4 to be serviced as twinhomes by the existing services. Lot 3 would require an additional. service to be connected to the main lines within McDonald Drive. Lots 5, 6 and 7 would require two sets of services to be installed for each twinhome. These services could be configured in groups to minimize the disturbance to McDonald Drive. o § 52.02 REPAIR OF LEAKS AND EQUIPMENT. It is the responsibility of the consumer or owner ro maintain the service pipefrom the main into the house or other building, including, bur not limited to, the stand pipe or curb stop and al! equipmentassociared with the service line, stand pipe or curb stop. In case offailure upon thepart of any consumer or owner to repair any leak or any service line, stand pipe or curb stop, within 24 hours after ors! or written notice has been given the owner or occupant of the premises, the water maybe .shut off and will not be turned on until a reconnection charge has been paid and the waterservice has • been repaired. When the waste of water is great or when damage is likely to result from the leak, the water will be turnedofJiftherepairisnotproceededwithimmediately. Followingnoticeasprovided by this chapter, at the sole option of the city, the city may repair the leak and the service pipe, stand - -Primed on ,ecycled paver- `~'"` -. pipe or curb stop and al! equipment associated with the service fine, stand pipe or curb stop and assess the cost for the repair against the property benef:tted. The cosu to be so assessed may include but are not limited to material, labor and professional fees and expenses incurred in the repair. ('89 Code, § 3.20J (Am. Ord 93-80, passed 5-11-93, Am. Ord. 93-82, passed 6-8-93) § 53.023 SEWER LINE; OWNER RESPONSIBILITY. The property owner shall be responsible for the sewer line from the building to the main sewer line. ('89 Code, § 3.30) (Ord. 781, passed 7-19-88) Existing water services consist of either'/<" or I" copper pipe. Due to the sizing of these service pipes, attempting to service two homes off of one service could result in inadequate water pressure and flow capacity. Per the construction as-builts, there is a water and sanitary sewer main extending south of McDonald Dr. across from Glenda Lane (see enclosed drawing). These facilities could possibly be utilized to extend a roadway south of McDonald Dr. or service your westerly lots if configured accordingly. As discussed. in the Pre-Development Meeting at City Center, it may be more economical to construct single-family homes adjacent to McDonald Drive. Construction of twinhomes along Harvest Street at this time and possibly into the future as Harvest is extended south seems to be a more cost beneficial alternative. If you would like to review the above suggestions, please contact me at 320.234.4212. We are • committed to an arrangement that benefits both you and the City. Thank you for your time and consideration. cc: John Rodeberg -Director of Public Works Julie Wischnack - Director of Planning/Building/Zoning r WC\' «rJJJ~~ «c...JJJ RESOLUTION NO 12716 VARIANCE REQUESTED BY TODD AND DOROTHY BRADLEY TO REDUCE CORNER SIDE SETBACK TO 0' LOCATED AT 345 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 26' X 32' DETACHED GARAGE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS 1. Todd and Dorothy Bradley, property owners, have applied for a variance to reduce corner side setback from 25' to 0' for the construction of a 26' x 32' detached gazage located at 345 Washington Avenue West Legal Description: Lot I, Harrington's Subdivision 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding azea and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. • CONCLUSION The City Council hereby approves the variance based on the lazge public right-of--way on Grove Street and approves the variance with the following conditions: 1. The garage should be constructed to compliment the character of the house. 2. Removal or relocation of natural gas or electric service will be at owner's expense. 3. Garage height must not be more than 16'. 4. Home occupations are not allowed exclusively in an accessory building. Adopted by the City Council this 24`h day of May , 2005. ATTEST: • Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor J~~~ Hutchinson City Center • MEMORANDUM lll Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350-2522 320-587-5151/Fax 320.2344240 DATE: May 19, 2005 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUB.TECT: CONSIDERATION OF A VARIANCE SUBMITED BY TODD AND DOROTHY BRADLY LOCATED AT 345 WASHINGTON AVE. W. Pursuant to Section 154. 057, Hutchinson Municipal Code, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation. with respect to the aforementioned request fora variance. HISTORY The applicant has submitted an application fora Variance to reduce the rear and comer side yard setbacks to 0' to replace the existing detached garage with a 26' x 32' detached garage. The public right of way off Grove Street which is the front of the garage, is 20' + and there is an alley on the rear of the property. The requirement for a comer lot would be 25 feet from the street right of way and 6' from the rear. The applicant states the hardship as the property line offof Grove St N is setback about 20' which seems excessive. The property lines in the backyard have no other options which maintain the appearance of the old home and preserve the mature trees. ~INDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application and fee was submitted. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on May 5, 2005. 3. There were no neighboring property owners present at the public hearing objecting to the request. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of the Variance with the hardship being the large right-of--way on Grave Street with the following conditions: I . The garage should be constructed to compliment the character of the house. 2. Removal or relocation of natural gas or electric service will be at owner's expense. 3. Garage height must not be more than ] 6'. 4 . Home occupations are not allowed exclusively in an accessory building . Respectfully submitted, Dean Kirchoff, Chairman • Hutchinson Planning Commission cc: Todd and Dorothy Bradley, 345 Washington Ave. W Primed on recycled paper - J C'~ DIRECTOR'S REPORT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) From: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Crystal Foust, Jean Ward, Judy Flemming, John Rodeberg, P.E., Kent Exner, John Webster, Michael Kumm, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kyle Dimler, Mark Schnobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Ken Merrill, Jim Popp, Dan Hatten, Dick Nagy, Julie Wischnack, AICP, and Bonnie Baumetz Date: May 2, 2005 -Meeting Date: May 17, 2005 Re: Todd and Dorothy Bradley, property owners VARIANCE Brief Description: The applicant has submitted an application for a vaziance to reduce the rear and comer side } azd setbacks to 0' to replace the existing detached garage with a 26' x 32' detached garage. The public right of ~~a~ for Grove Street, which is the fi-ont of the garage, is 20` + (bed and the curb) and there is an allec on the rear of the properly. The requirement for a corner lot would be 25 feet • from the street right of ~~a~ and 6` from the rear. The applicant states the hardship as the propem line off of Grove St N is setback about 20` which seems excessive. The properly lines in the baclq'ard have uo other options which maintain the appearance of the old home and preserve the mature trees. GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: R2 (Medium Density Residential) Property Location: 345 Waslungton Ave W. Lot Size: 25 acres Existing Land Use: Single Fami1> Residential Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: R2 «ith Rl (Single Family Residential) to the West Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Traditional Residential Neighborhood Zoning History: N/A Applicable Regulations: Section 154.057 F (2) of the Municipal Code • SPECIAL INFORMATION ~~G~ Variance Todd Bradley - 345 Washington Ave. W Planning Commission- May 17, 2005 Page 2 • Transportation: Washington Ave. W. and Grove Street NW Parking: N/A Analysis and Recommendation: The consensus of staff is to recommend approval of the request due to the hardship of the large right-of-wa}' on Grove Street with the following recommendations: 1. The gazage should be constructed to compliment dte character of the house. 2. Removal or relocation of natural gas or electric service will be at owners expense. 3. Identification of an} sewer or water service lines should be conducted prior to construction. 4. Garage height must not be more than 16'. 5. Home occupations are not allowed exclusivel}~ in an accessory building. Cc: Todd and Dorothy Bradlee, 34? Washington Ave. W J~C~- i • • Vnn~ l' ~ ~ CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR + g _-__-__~__ _-_____-_____-__-__J TODD ~ DOROTHY BRADLEY ------- ~ wren ~ as sewn f ALLEY ~ Cenenu a na ~G.wel aunece~ ~__-_____~0__-_~___ ?____-_. e2s ~ ~ Lot I, HARRINGTON'S SUBDIVISION ~ .D 20.33 I \ ~ ~ 6° t\\~ ,~ E.. adn. I ea^ Ga e ~ O r'~ E 1`ra Ire M amvwel c PGARAGE i ~~~ j ~ i --~--~ 0..Q' I ~~~ Propoaad Garepa ro na ~fest I J~ hom nerlfl Ilne of Let I and on I ~ w on weal Ilne of Lot 1. ILL i w I ~ L __ ~ RI ~ o I 4 2 ~~ 3 N M - rrl w EvHtlp Herne r O /O 20 40 Q ~ teo/e /n lsN c ~~.e • Danetn Pon monument found O Oenelea Iron monument eel r ~ i r I r I n~•eY eerr lfr inea Inla Sar v.Y. Plan ar xeport wee Pr apex ed of nr er undo tly direct ~ ~b1 ~ I aup•"vblPn ena tnel I am a du I> Ilcma•d f I i Lend Sur verer under tM Iowa of Inc Stot• of r Ml nrrtaote. Je 1 uaex Da t.:~,~ ua xe. J'4di9 ~uN end cone' WASHINGTON AVENUE ~• Id110 SvPYEnNe HUTOHIx50x MH JOB N0. OSOTD BN P-300 PG TO Grove St. N i ~~ ~ ~~ 'b ~H ~° -V 20'4" I I .4 1 ~ I Old garage ~9~ . I W: vil,~ _~J ~~~., l ~~ ~t :'A kT ~ /( / ~ r `3 ~, . Y .t V f/ i }~ ~ ~ {{.. 4t ~ i YS y ~ ~~ Y , tl 3 3 f ~+'Fµ'~~~ ~~ ~~~'~"'~• 1}. r _' a +~~ _ ~~~"~g ~. ~~ i e ~r~ l~. ~`{ M°~; .~ b' ~ ~ ~;~ ti" ~ a ~ r3~" ~. ~~ S ~ rr`~ i~ 4f ~ r, .. a ~ ~, ,. ~ ~ r, - r .£} a~, ~ c ni:x ern :; ~ . ~ ~ ~~! i a+' ' , x,,i~; 'a ~~ 4 ~,~„ a ,15rKp t+~ y} 'Fr r t ' "`SSS :, R ~ r ~>~ , , ~ r. ~~ ! ii ... .~ ~ ~ ~ dPV~r '*- ~ ~ x ~ 5 i ,sr r '-~1. ~ ~' ... 9 - d ~f }.. ~ ;' ) , a, t~w^ '^^otkr~'~` ~a~, ? h W 1 ;` 1 ~' ~~~~ ~ . "~ i 6 r, ,~~' b; „ t a ~ ~t w wti .+ [ ;± ~' 7 t ~~, ~ a r , .- ~,~. ~r ;;,t ~ r . ~ ~, X ~" '~~ E = ,r r ~~ [~~ ~ i. ~ •i ~.' ant ` r- F raa + ,. ~ r ., ~s +~ ~r,.,r { 1Cq ~ a '~+",w+ >a flyR,ti pt: " r t 's'ue ~ . t r ~. 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'~' `ti '~` µ4' , r "'} "Q ~j j ':cif v~3 ~ ~^ r '' .t~. „fin iV~.6~'3 r d ~~~~ ~ +'° ~~;~ ~~ g '~~ ~~~~ ~~ f ~~~~~`~ ~~`tY F {. ~, ~ ~ ;.~~ ~ ~~~ ~ +~, ~'~ I ~Q ';.r~n °~~ "4th tI_ .. a, k 1, R ~ ~ t ~,~ j?~;. y 5 i f ~' ~ rtt?, ~ry~} _ XN{11~.. M ` /" f ~ , ~ i ~aa 7 F ~, ,.*" 7dY ~',I %~F{ ~ hl•~+ ti ~t ~C.~ .'X ~s~'. r nf',~y~c r ~ t ~'~'t, nF~ .~.ya 1~' Sc /;±~ ~ R t f ~ ~ r,.~; r N ~. rvMI 's'^ , 45~ ~. 5' .~` ~ kit ~ h r~S '6 ,~ ~~.~~~~'.h~ ~ w ~d"~~ti .I X~' ~~, r~ ~ €"~hrIT~Y ~~ ^9' ~ I i' 4 `~ .OFF' ~ '~ ><ltE'r f. L~ Y11 ? tM Ve {` F '1 ~y 1 _ f i ~,.~ t . ] ~~r~ ( ~` t f,!'~• H .~,. 4 Yia ~ ~ j' .'!e~ I ~ ,1 v a f -.; 'i`!~~`(rM' f i ~k f~ ~+~ i~`~+ ~ ~~ jp, "~ .Mx .u.k:~.>., I~r Y a,x ~ "1 r }r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , 5, ~' ~ ~ ~yi o~°j a ~ `~ ~ ~' ,~ ~ 1 r7 rI ~ t J; ~~ ~ Y FCC ~ Y~~d7 ~r l~.r~''~t ~~.r` ~ '~ ~ ~:~~+~ { ur Yr f l° ~ r~ * t 7 ~ ~~ r I . ~~S ,~~ v ,;,, ,~ f ,:~ 1 ~ ,fir t~. f~ ytr ~r rub _~ ''~ t y b• ~ 3 rr. ~ ~~~'~ ~ r fi ~. ~ trr ~'' !~+ ~„L t ~` ir' ~ - f~,~ ~ .1 r ~ ~r , }.~ .l, ~q~- ,uu k . ~, J - ~ Y% ... .. ...~. _ 7.. _ RESOLUTION NO. 12717 RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY JEFFERY • SMITH, 1020 DALE STREET SW, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 2160 SQ. FT. DETACHED GARAGE OVER 16 FEET IN HEIGHT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS The applicant has submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit to consider the construction of a 2160 sq. ft. detached garage which will be over 16' in height on one end for storage of a motor home. The lot is odd shaped and approximately 2.25 acres. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 'nia foliawiag described r,L•.aeta of Tana 1y1ng in thr taCr.triaast uuarcer of the Nartheaat t}Da..rcaz INEi/4liNi/41, Dt Sectlan Twelvt C171, 'Township Ouse Maidrtd Sixteen (il6! North, Ralp,~! Thlrty {39} Meet, and arum particularly described as feiiowa: 1! 6agilmingat a paink an the canter line of 1k`1.e0d County S.A.R. i?, said paint lyitfg southwntarly Cram the SacereeCtlan of thq mrth l ills of Raid NEL(4NNlf4 and the CMter line of S,A.R, R7 a dleWnce of 595.59 fact; t'hw+ca Contiflnilg Bltmg Baid ceeear Tina in a sautkwaateriy direction a dlp~ta»ce of 39.5-0 Eeet; thence defiact right at an ansle of 151 degceas 44 sinutea a distance of 446,00 feet: eheaee Antlpct rigor at an Engle tL 14t distance 9f 199.5'0 #eet t4 tlse dagrsea 94 minutee. 6 polo[ Of beginning, A11G • Z} Otee~eneing at the Northgat corner of said N81/4NN1/4; ttseme 8as.t elts~g the north line of wid NE1/4NN1/4. hawing an aasumad baarfng of Eaat, a distance 4f 2D. DD fee;; thence South 01 dagtms Pa minutes 71asC a diataaae of 371.7$ feet to the point of bagfm~ingp thew tonClnuing SDtlfl! 91 dsgreep t1q minutes Neat a eiataace of ~ 189.75 tact; thence Swath a4 Angrteo i5 minutes Sept a diptaflL!2 4t 316.47 [slat: thence North tl7 degrees 49 einutea East 4 distance of 187.96 feet; thence Neatariy a diatanCe of 323.18 feat to the point of heginning, AND 3! That pert of the Northeast Ouartar oL the Northwest Quarter {NEl/41M3j91, pf Section 'twelve 112). 7hwehip Ono Hundred Sixteen (1.16} North. Range ihirty {30l tveat, NeLeod GUastY. Niaaesata lying west of rile west line and south of the wn-at..erly p,rglangatiDn Of t1Ae ndrthariy lice of the folidwirsg deecritRpd Parosl >t and iyirg east of tae east 31ns and aorta of the Saat•rly FrDlonge.t,im of the South line of the Lollawiag dasr;ribed parcel. a. PARCEL A Beginning at a paint nn. Clue canter line oS HeLead County S.A.R. p7, Bald point 3Yiig sauthwbaterly frpm the intersection of the north line of said NE1I4Nai/4 sad the centerline of S.A.R. a7 a. diatanee of 54g_fr4 feet; then'ca eadtinuing a1w,g said center line 3n a. soutllwea taYly direction a distance of Ig7.64 feet; thence deflect rig}rt at an eagle aE l57 dgreea 40 minutQS a dlstaacs oL 40G. 90 LCCt; thCKlOS dpflecL right ak as airgie of ID6 degraea o4 minutes a distance of iss. SD Kest to thepoint of heSinaiig_ PARCEL B Commencing at Che Northwest comer of acid NE114Na11/4; thadCe East alwsg the North line of acid NB1./4NN1J4, liaving an assueed bearing of • 9ast, a distance of ltl.. tl4 f4et; co the point of beginning of the parCS2 to be daacribad; thence South Ol degreee 44 einutes Neat a distanre 4f 659.43 feet; thence South ei degraea 45 minutes Eaat a ~~~~3 Resolution No.12717 Jaffery Smith garage May 24, 2005 Page 2 • diitanee of 312.75 feet; thence ]torah 08 degrne ie mSqutp HeaC a dieCa~xx:~a bf J78.77 feet W tt18 north line t3f Paid NSi/aHNi,/i; Lhel3Ce ifa9E, along said ~wzth lam 333.7 feet to ttos point of bogirming, 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anhclpated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, if the conditions, as outlined below aze met. CONCLUSION The City Council 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. • 6. hereby approves the conditional use permit with the following conditions City Enginner's access requirements must be followed. City Engineer's water and sewer requirements must be followed. Existing barn on the property must be removed. Removal of City services will be at owner's expense. Accessory buildings must not be used entirely for home occupations Curb stops must not be placed in driveway. Adopted by the City Council this 24"' day of May, 2005. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor 5~c~ C • DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT Hutchinson City Council Hutchinson City Center MEMORANDUM 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson,MN 55350.2522 320-587.5151/Fax 320.234.4240 Hutchinson Planning Commission CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY IEFFERY SMITH, 1020 DALE STREET SW TO CONSTRUCT A 2160 SQ. FT. GARAGE OVER 16 FEET Pursuant to Section 154.026 ofthe Hutchinson Municipal Code, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit. HISTORY The applicant has submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit to consider the construction of a 2160 sq. fr. detached gazage which will be over 16' in height on one end for storage of a motor home. The lot is odd shaped and approximately 2.25 acres. FINDINGS OF FACT I. The required application and fee were submitted: 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on May 5, 2005. 3. There were no neighboring property owners present a[ the public hearing objecting to the request. 4. 1t should be noted that there have been conversations in the past with previous and neighboring property owners regarding the potential development of the westerly portion of this parcel in junction with adjacent parcels. If the proposed building is constructed per the submitted drawing, the possibility of constmcting a roadway along the south property line is greatly limited. Constructing the building only 36' north of the property line would not allow for dedication of sufficient right-of--way while meeting setback requirements. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of the conditional use permit with the following conditions: 1. City Engineer's access requirements must be followed. 2. City Engineer's water and sewer requirements must be followed. 3. Existing bam on the property must be removed. 4. Removal of City services will be at owner's expense. 5. Accessory buildings must not be used entirely for home occupations 6. Curb stops must not be placed in driveway. Respectfully submitted, Dean Kirchoff, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission . cc: Ieff Smith, 1020 Dale St. SW Printed on rerycled paper- r /_ \ ~ May 19, 2005 DIRECTORSrREPORTp- PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission • (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) From: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Crystal Foust, Jean Wazd, Judy Flemming, John Rodeberg, P.E., Kent Exner, John Webster, Michael Kumm, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kyle Dimler, Mark Schnobrich, Mazc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Ken Merrill, Jim Popp, Dan Hatten, Dick Nagy, Julie Wischnack, AICP, and Bonnie Baumetz Date: May 2, 2005 -Meeting Date: May 17, 2005 Applicant: Jeffrey Smith, property owner CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Brief Description The applicant has submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit to consider the construction of a 2160 sq. ft. detached garage which will be over 16' in height on one end for . storage of a motor home. The lot is odd shaped and approximately 1.4 acres. The survey indicates two additional sheds on the property and staff is checking with the property owner regarding the status of the sheds. There may only be one detached garage and one utility shed per lot. GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: Rl (Single Family Residential) Property Location: 1020 Dale St. SW Lot Size: .x625 acres Existing Land Use: Single Family Residential Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Rl (Single Family Residential) Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Mixed Use Residential Zoning History: The lot was annexed to the city in 1998 along with a 441 acre azea. Property becomes Rl (Single Family Residential) as it is annexed to the City. The previous owner discussed possible platting of the lot with Planning Staff on November 1, 2001. The present owner spoke with • Planning Staff on July 19, 2004 regarding placement of additional buildings for storage and shop area. ~~~~ Conditional Use Permit Jeffrey Smith -1020 Dale St. SW Planning Commission -May 17, 2005 Page 2 Applicable Regulations: Section 154.026 Hutchinson Municipal Code SPECIAL INFORMATION Transportation: Dale Street SW Parking: N/A Analysis and Recommendation: The Staff discussed the previous request for subdividing the property. In a memo dated May 2, 2005, from City Engineer Kent Exner, "1t should be noted that there have been conversations in the past with previous and neighboring property owners regarding the potential development of the westerly portion of this parcel in conjunction with adjacent parcels. If the proposed building is constructed per the submitted drawing, the possibility of constructing a roadway along the south property line is greatly limited. Constructing the building only 36' north of the property line would not allow for dedication of sufficient right-of--way while meeting setback requirements." The City Engineer also addressed the access and water and sanitary service issues as follows: "There is the potential that the new building could be serviced by the water and sanitary sewer stubs that were installed into the property during the reconstruction of Dale Street. The existing location of these services should be considered prior to an additional driveway being installed. If these services were connected to service this building, any deferred assessments relative to the costs to install them would be assessed at the time of connection. It should be noted that there have been conversations in the past with previous and neighboring property owners regarding the potential development of the westerly portion of this parcel in junction with adjacent parcels. If the proposed building is constructed per the submitted drawing, the possibility of constructing a roadway along the south property line is greatly limited. Constructing the building only 36' north of the property line would not allow for dedication of sufficient right-of--way while meeting setback requirements. The City's Engineering Department must be notified prior to commencement of any access construction off of Dale Street " There is a 16' X 30' barn located on the property which would not be . considered a shed because of the size and must be removed when the detached garage is constructed. The ordinance states: `>~~_~ Conditional Use Permit Jeffrey Smith -1020 Dale St. SW Planning Commission -May 17, 2005 Page 3 • ' x5.t.as6 AGCE.SS{lRY'BL7IF.t)1NGS. {A} No aocessorybuildings shallbe eiectedorlocatedwithin anyregairedside}ardsetback, except. as prinnded in ' ' xsq.og6 and x54.oS7 of this code, for R-x and R-z districts. {B) Utilitybuildiagsin residential districts shall not exceed 32 feet by xfi feet and shoo 6e snc fcetor more: fmm all lot lines of adjoining lots, and shall notbe lopted within a utt'liiy easement. {~ No accessorybuilding orgarage per single-familyhomes shall oocugympne than a5%of a rearyard,norexoeedx,94psquarefeotoffloorarea. Garageswhiehexceedtheafowmeationed maximum maybe allowed with a conditional use permit. {D) Nb permit sball be issued for the construction of more than one accessory detached private gauge structure for each dwelling. {E} No acressorybuikliag or use shall be constructed ar developed on a lot prior to the time otconstructian of the principal building towbich it is accessory, excegtbymnditicual use peimiE• {F~ Accrssorybmldings mall districts shalibe located tothe rear ofthe princapal building. {G) No acc~ssorybuilding in a commercial or industry district shall exceed ih6 height of the principal building excepk by conditional use. permit {]i) Utility shedsin residential districts which base floor areas greater than [en fee[iry x2 feet shaII ham a floating concrete slab. Only one utilityshedper home is permitted {n Pole bwildings shall be permitted only if siding and roofmg in building materials are similar to the principal structure. Pole buildings are allowed only by conditional use permit. {,I) Unattatfiedgaragesrequiredirectacoessbypublicwayorinpsesafinteriorlpts,aside yard drive setback. dimension no less than ten feet between the property tine and the principal structure. [".~ Code, ' xx.7.xq) !(Ord q6q, passed x--g6) Penalty: see ' xo.99 The consensus of staff if this request would be approved recommendations as follows: 1. City Enginner's access requirements must be followed. 2. City Engineer's water and sewer requirements must be followed. 3. Existing bam on the property must be removed. 4. Removal of City services will be at owner's expense. 5. Accessory buildings must not be used entirely for home occupations 6. Curb stops must not be placed in driveway. Cc: Jeffrey Smith, 1020 Dale St. SW ~C_~ _' ~ 1 ~, ~~ ~I . W / / ~`~ ~ .~~ ' ....._..~. N 84.45' W `I . 10: - . _....__ .._. 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Jeff Smith . ~na_A~ ~1 ~_~ f Smith C ~~ i TO: Julie Wischnack, Director Planning/ZoningBuilding FROM: Kent Exner, City Engineer RE: 1020 Dale Street SW -Consideration of Conditional Use Permit DATE: May 2, 2005 During discussions regarding the potential detached garage at 1020 Dale Street SW at the Planning Staff Meeting, it was noted that the property owner will most likely install an additional access off of Dale Street to the proposed building. This access point should be configured and constructed similar to the current house access. Thus, the access would include a concrete apron/panel between the • concrete curb and trail (see attached drawing). Any damage to the roadway, concrete curb and trail during construction must be corrected per the City's approval after the building is completed. Also, there is the potential that the new building could be serviced by the water and sanitary sewer stubs that were installed into the property during the reconstruction of Dale Street. The existing location of these services should be considered prior to an additional driveway being installed. If these services were connected to service this building, any deferred assessments relative to the costs to install them would be assessed at the time of connection. It should be noted that there have been conversations in the past with previous and neighboring property owners regarding the potential development of the westerly portion ofthis parcel in junction with adjacent parcels. If the proposed building is constructed per the submitted drawing, the possibility of constructing a roadway along the south property line is greatly limited. Constructing the building only 36' north of the property line would not allow for dedication of sufficient right-of- way while meeting setback requirements. The City's Engineering Department must be notified prior to commencement of any access construction off of Dale Street. • G:~Engineering~Private Propert}~Underwood Access 5-2-OS.DOC `~ ., ~~ CONTRACTION JOINTS IN CURB & GUTTER AT 10'INTER VALS MAINTAIN ExlsnNc FLOW _INE SLOPE 3/~" PER F00T 77,~ N~ ~s ~~ ¢~ in `ao a° - TAPER 1/2" TO GUTTER MINIMUM 3 COMPACTED CLASS 5 IN. ,~, GRAVEL UNDER CURB & GUTTER 'r ~~ ~~ I ~g 1/2^ AND DRIVEWAY PANEL. ~ 26" -I NOTE: TYPICAL (OR MATCH EXISTING) ~- 2 ~ fem.-` ~ --~-f'%"1' 9" RESIDENTIAL . ., ..:.. . _ _ I I~~~: ~" ~~"~ ~=~ ' - - '~~ ~I.12" COMMERCIAL 5" RESIDENTIAL 8" COMMERCIAL CURB END OF DRI~£WAY PANEL ~ CONCRETE DRIVEWAY_PANEL AND CURB OPENING CITY OF HUTCHINSON MN. 1/oa STANDARD 2520.04 DRAWING NO. F&I 2-#4 REBARS IN GUTTER ^VER SERVICE TRENCHES REBAR/CURB & GUTTER DETAIL • ~ ~3 1/2' f--6 ~--6'--~ CENTER NEW SERVICE TRENCH BACK CURB #4 REBAR 30' 10' G & G REINFORCEMENT DETAILS CITY OF HUTCHINSON MN. 1/oa STANDARD 2520.05 DRAWING NO. ^ n f RESOLUTION NO. 12718 RESOLUTION APPROVING A 6 LOT PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS • CLEVELAND CORNERS SUBMITTED BY JAY PETTIT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS The property owner has submitted an application fora 6 lot preliminary plat to be known as Cleveland Corners with the following: Legal Description: Thaf part of Lot ~, 67ock 2, CENI't1RY COtIlfF, accardi»g to the plaf #herea/ o» file and of record with the Mcleod' County Recorder described as faltaws:° Beginning at the northeast earner of sa+d Lat 1, $fack 2; thence South $3 degrees 0$ mina#es 22 seconds West, Assumed bearing, along fhe north {7ne of sold tat t, a distance of 214,35 feet; thence Saufh CO degrees 02 minutes 25 seconds East 215.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees OS minutes 22 Seca»ds East along a it»e parallel wr`th the north l»e of said Lot 1, a distanee of 197,43 feet to a point an the east line of said Lot l; thence North DO degrees 02 minutes 2S seconds West, along said east line, 117.10 feet to the ,point of curvature of a crrcatar curve to the right: ftrence northerly along the east line of sard Cat T, along a 294.02 foot radius curve, central angle 13 degrees 30 minutes QO seconds, an arc distance of 700:0? feet fa the paint • 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding azea and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, if the conditions, as outlined below are met. CONCLUSION The City Council hereby approves the Preliminary Plat with the following conditions: 1. Amend the utility plans to reflect placement of a new hydrant and provide revised services line arrangement as described in memo and at meeting with property owner. This should be received prior to consideration of the final plat. 2. A developer's agreement be drafted and executed at final plat staged, if deemed necessary for the improvements. 3. Any repairs to the street, curbing or other public property be required to be completed prior to final occupancy of the homes. Adopted by the City Counci] this 24`h day of May, 2005 • ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz Steven W. Cook City Administrator Mayor ~~J`~ C DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Hutchinson City Council Hutchinson City Center MEMORANDUM Hutchinson Planning Commission 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, 117N 55350.2522 320.587-5151/Fax 320.234-4240 CONSIDERATION OF A 6 LOT PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 3 TWIN HOMES SUBMITTED BY JAY PETTIT LOCATED ON THE CORNER OF CLEVELAND AVE SW AND SUNSET STREET SW Pursuant to Sections 153.036 of the Hutchinson Municipal Code the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for preliminary plat . HISTORY The applicant has submitted an application fora 61ot preliminary plat to allow for constmction of 3 twin homes on the comer of Cleveland Ave. SW and Sunset Street SW. One unit would access off Sunset Street and 2 units off Cleveland. Each unit will require a separate water and sewer service, as required in previous developments. The property is presently zoned R3 which allows for 2 family residential units. The property was previously owned by Mr. Michael Demmer, Prairie Senior Cottages, for development of assisted living forresidents with dementia. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application and fees were submitted. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on May 5, 2005. Stormwater There would be no additional requirements for ponding on site, as the property development does not exceed the 1 acre of impervious surface requirement for quality control for Stormwater management. However, the applicant is required to provide and apply for an NPDES pemvt and ensure its followed throughout constmction. 4. Services There would need to be another review of revised utilities for the site. The Engineer has met with the applicant and has reviewed options that are more acceptable in terms of meeting the requirements of hydrant location, water and sewer services and limiting the amount of street intrusion. Staff is awaiting revised plans. Based on the plans, it may be necessary to have a developer's agreement which secures any improvements which would be considered "public". 5. Fees The City requires a number of fees to acquired at the perntit stage with respect to this development. The parkland contribution in the R3 district is $175.00 per unit. SAC/WAC charges in 2005 are $2400.00 per unit (note this fee increases every yeaz ). The above costs are collected with the building pemlit fees.The City also collects a 7% cash escrow from the developer prior to construction (if there are public improvements). There is also a tree escrow required, equal to 2 trees per lot ($2160 for 6 units). All of the above items aze due prior to commencement of construction. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the preliminary plat with the following conditions: 1. Amend the utility plans to reflect placement of a new hydrant and provide revised services line arrangement as described in memo and at meeting with property owner. This should be received prior to consideration of the fmal plat. 2. A developer's agreement be drafted and executed at final plat staged, if deemed necessary for the improvements. 3. Any repairs to the street, curbing or other public property be required to be completed prior to final occupancy of the homes. Respectfully submitted, • Dean Kirchoff, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission cc: Jay Pettit, 1215 Shoreline Dr., Howard Lake MAI;°,~~~A,4ryded pa°er - V ~G~ May liS, LUV~ DIRECTORS REPORT PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission (Persons in attendance at Planning Sta1'1'Meeting (in bold) From: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Crystal Foust, Jean Wazd, Judy Flemming, John Rodeberg, P.E., Kent Exner, John Webster, Michael Kumm, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kyle Dimler, Mark Schnobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Ken Merrill, Jim Popp, Dan Hatten, Dick Nagy, Julie Wischnack, AICP, and Bonnie Baumetz Date: May 2, 2005 -Meeting Date: May 17, 2005 Applicant: Jay Pettit, Property owner PRELIMINARY PLAT -Cleveland Corners Brief Description The applicant has submitted an application fora 61ot preliminary plat to allow for construction of 3 twin homes on the comer of Cleveland Ave. SW and Sunset Street SW. One unit would access off Sunset Street and 2 units off Cleveland. Each unit will require a sepazate water and sewer • service, as required in previous developments. The property is presently zoned R3 which allows for 2 family residential units. The property was previously owned by Mr. Michael Demmer, Prairie Senior Cottages, for development of assisted living for residents with dementia. GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: R3 (Medium -High Density Residential) Property Location: Cleveland Ave and Sunset Street Lot Size: .98 acres Existing Land Use: Vacant Adjacent Land Use R3 and R2 And Zoning: Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Mixed Use Residential Zoning History: This area was a lot split from the larger property on September 24, 1996. Nevac was granted a Conditional Use Permit to construct a 20 unit assisted living facility on September 24, 1996. On June 24 1997, a • request for an extension of the Conditional Use Permit was denied. On August 27, 2002, a Conditional Use Permit was granted to Prairie Senior Cottages for the construction of an assisted living facility for memory loss. (This project did not occur.) 5~~~ y "~°E~~~rtb1nary ~'W~X C~a~v~lnr~ C~arn~rs ~'e Apai~a~t~l~ ~~~t~lat~ans: ~~~#~~ra ~,~.~ ~~`t~ r~a~ical C:"~c~~ ~4.~7 Fd-.~ C~~~e ~ It~Zid~ucduttitir T.+a~ .hr~~ pia. Cw"ta1~~~~7at~ tat V'dtilh Mtu~air~~u~~~ 1~.,t~~ ~'r°~r~a~a~d D'vu°elltq~g Uru~ L~eg~tN~ j ~lli~.~~--.i~iii~yT~S;IC~~G°MC~~ ,~a~.a~1 SC~tilc~'i'~C ffG~t l~p'~~,~~~ta Cc7t"C1~:1"., ~'~N fC~t~ ~.C~ ~CCI I ~ ,-ii:'rn11v ",~,~,i~ tn~cr, ln.ir.,t;,ul;; ~ !ili) staiiaie t'cri ~" 1r_ct !: fp trr.: `>,~"1'3' t, f.SO1ifi,fN)t:G,=4-4.'i i i~'!.?~l ~'i~+wnl Cil~~ti.n~r ~.~^4 i.t+t ti~tCfd~.,r lr_,•; t l In .iii", :1r. ~,rc,aa~=,cc+, til~C k?~.ilt i~aU.: i~.ai '''.;,fly _._ - T~aa~~- ~~ ~~~1~'rt-~"~1,titiVy txuilt~r~u~ ~„~,(l(D sayla~o~c fe~t* l'~ar~e '~t~'arV~: ,. Tr~~a~}~,urt~tic~aG~: ~~t ~~s r~i~1 lie off ;1~~°~~rad ,rr~ grad ua~, et ~~~~t. ".l.,~aaw ~riv~~ays u~~l~ l~ in t:l~e ~e~ata°~~ yat~riiCara ref tl-ae r~~a"t~.. Ar~a~l~'~~~ aar~ ~C(tr„rlai,~[i~i]Y!~7~a Att~achc~ g ~ a~-~~a~c~a-a~¢a~tarc~ ~f° t~~~ ~n,aa~awea-~ra~ ~~a~a~r~vaea~at~ a~~ the ~la~~.. ;~ araa~aa~ay fln~ia;taws, true f~Ul~~~ia~r~ Faavc: ~a~~. rai~aua~ ~~ uiants c~~` r°cv~w~, atu t~~~ t~-a~t: ~rc!r-rrrw'ut~r~ "`C'"?~a',e r,ltYc~ l~~ a7~~ as~a~a~r~tal re°r~~~ra'r~`aa"rrt~ ~`nr ~+t~~ltiia'sv, Cl7) SIltk:,~ c"~~ t~ '~1"a~']J':"t l',' t~t'.Y~a~a~I~I"lt ~G'5 ~V(3t ~:;'»X{'~'tt~ ~ 7 ~i~; t'~ i l~' lzr.,~~~a'~~ya~Las saar~"~~~ a-~~~~aaarLn7~nt f~rr ~>a~tit~ ca7a~ r!~t fo"a° s~a~rµra~~t~r a°t~v+,s~~~~ent. l.~eae~a~~, tt~~: ~-~~lc~a~t i'~ r~r~a~-rr~:c~ tai a^~wv"~ aid g~~1y ~i~r aa~ ~~"~ ]F t~~a°a~~at ~xr~a~ ~a~sr~ ids.. 1~~lc~w~e t~~z~c~~zhta~at ~,a~a~ta"a~t~~t~. 5~yr-v~'r°r~a:~• Tlaaca°~ a~aal'c~ r~eea~ tc~ 1~e a~a~t~r a-awvv ~~ r~w~~sa~ util~tas Ira" t~~a .site" ~'~~aw ~iin~:c~ ~a,l~ ,-a-~~t ~t dl~e ~~ica~i a~a~ I'as a'e~~ier~rea~ a~~~tia~a~s ~h~t ~~re ara~rre ~~ ~.»e ~~~ia~~; ara tea-axas ~` rTZCi'i.ul~? t~~ rea~irea~a~t~ t~~` ~~r[ ~c~cadic~az, r~~~.at~t .ba~a~ s:w~vawr se:~wriarrs ay ~.cl liaaaiti~ tie ~,s~4'~~~t a~f ~tre~t ~ratr~~icarv. t~~'f is ~u.~sra~tita.~ r~wa~e ~ala~~a. k~r~ c~aa. ~i~~: ~ 1 ~~~-, it a~a~y ~~ ~~-~:c~ssa~~ tc~ ~Ca~rrc a~ c~~v~~+a}aea-'~ ~r'e~a~~a~t ~~l~aaw sa~.~E~ia:~. ;zaz;~ ia~~~rc~vera~aea~ts l~iei'a a~ul~' kae ec~a~siderea~ `"`aa~liav". .~"~~ws ~~'"~~e 'ity r~c~r.aire~ a~aar~~er a~f° ~`~~ tai ~e,an~~ir~e~ at t4~e t~erait stake it ~es~e;aWt t~ t~~is ~i~"we~urnerat. T"fie t.~~rCiaa~a~ ccarit~~tia~ra an Char ~:~ cii~~t~ ~c~ ~~ X175.@~ ~.~er aas-~it. ~'J'A e~uaa~s ia~ G ~~e ~R~b~.Ct acs unit ~~r~-ate th;r [~-~. lr~r.r-r~~, _ ~ ,-~~.•er°~ ~aear ~. "1"l~ a1-sc.~~re c,c~ts a~ c~~l~le~te~ vwit.k~ t}~e aaal~;i~.~~ ~~:~~zlig i~,~""~~. Preliminary Plat Cleveland Comers Planning Commission- May 17, 2005 Page 3 • The City also collects a 7% cash escrow from the developer prior to construction (if there are public improvements). There is also a tree escrow required, equal to 2 trees per lot ($2160 for 6 units). All of the above items are due prior to commencement of construction. Staff would recommend approval of the request with the following recommendations: Amend the utility plans to reflect placement of a new hydrant and provide revised services line arrangement as described in memo and at meeting with properly owner. This should be received prior to consideration of the final plat. A developer's agreement be drafred and executed at final plat staged, if deemed necessary for the improvements. Any repairs to the street, curbing or other public property be required to be completed prior to final occupancy of the homes. • Cc: lay Pettitt , 1215 Shoreline Dr., Howard lake MN 55349 C~ ~~~J~I ~~ ~`z~ U ~O<) ~titi ~m~ g~~ r'~l{n^ sr} CLEVELAND CORNERS KNOW I{( pEF5rW5 9Y M[Y pAC5CN l3' lAal pelln prwerlN; ! I^ v lin:h Pily I / les Mealy Meeryee wmwlY nlvelea b • [ Y Ndeq~$ble °r K e h Yinnem l .Il. a M°I pxl ° I, abrl 2 rEN NRY CpM}, w.xEA9 le Ife yel Illweel m he enJ tl Bew:.)+ u+ Ina utle°e Cevnly . t mr m emr 'q r.tx .iln Ine utlew [wnlY nnaeer eembq m Menx' ttwe.e , u Ise .ell ByTnwp er we nwln.v r wmw t/ eeb ml r, area 2 runt. swh ro .., oe m.wre Onele kcn 6Y It TrA nw nl i~ ~) en I. mfumq awF tlmq Ine mmll. Nt °/ roN (°I ° a ° )I(M ee I. e mp wl m ke! Ey [kww H°. }]Ip} $wln Po le wq"eee Ohm n PS +xonO f ^ Ewl }ISPo her; hmn NwIF a9 aepn M a )} Oanulef hone mmwnenl m Y e aemw [vel v A:re pwePalp Ine nwlF ITS tI,°b Ltl I, a d,lwce °/ 19}e a I ee Ip ~PoTI w Iw°n ° ,e fel I; IFmce NdU M Beef O7 mMUf a )S ; . xy^I. nb n,l IN .IO knael/ Ie e` a r " i' ° °ri K ' vtl ~ l l' ~ ` ~'i n) ~ l tyl. ew.., m mn.r. , n, we ; ,.. . c eah .. o o k.i ~ m. ownl e, eybnTy )0 0 M 6n e! IFe famr Ine of 0.EHLANO CPMEP; ma e°n F.wDY tl/^ele m ~ l ~} Seae F bel e Ie S puM< pubrz we bm le e ro.emn e w x om x nb pv M pan°w w y ~ w Y mnnm} !~e.` . ; V -weml.e vlpr,. etol: r-~ula.vl. , ., 11' ! SBB°3I'3 51 PN.J! - - - _ _ - k -N __ ..u ~ xm n. / n e _ ____ _____________ ~ __.._____1_~_ _________ .____ _ ~-_L ~ tt ._ _____ _~.[ __ ____________ , p I °rtnr YfMYrc rt q / T / I Q ~ I I e fi k !~ a o _ ; 8 i 3 4 ~ i 1 M - 1 ° I 2 1 h ' 1 $ I 1 I ~ I C ~ I F I a i A 1 ~ ~ I~ I ~ ~ I I \) 11 ' ~ I „ _..; r ~~ BLOCK 1 I -- i:> > I ~ C° I ~ I i S ~ IY~ d I m e I 1 ed " I ~ Nn I~o.r .o..• 8 e I I Y ~ e' n L. n.a °.,I, i e V y I I J f I ° °J 5 ~ CJ I I n° S __ ~ ~ I I E I ~ M W J ~ r etcuwp 2.ra wnwrtwar 0 ' I f~ p I 3 S 6 m ~ i . x ~ i ~ i II ~ C) I reT r+t I I p'W^ I ._________ J NBB°515aE ro)'A9 I ee ,..°w, .Lw yr ~ e q ej I fde pep(il Fpoln;, o ~Mne, H Idn:lq Metl:I~w.pwP F°e vnaea IFne Oreimla I° tt111f pRCV[N n[Sw C°/cn is Y° A,m psllil Rnbml sort aYINNESOu cuMrv a ____ IFe Iweq°T9 N,lunenl w. °cLn°MgOee eebe n.¢ Inp __ __ ant nl ___,_____,_, }n___, ey NerwY __ <m I rudK _ _ [w in u ien ° uY Lw+~mheiw EroWn ______ .____ __ / neWY IiH In°I / eex fumyte me pb 1eq l~l ~e IYwexrtw w IFit avl w 4MIM'0 <MNCMS /ear Nh Ibl 6 1 ryre'nlvlen wwnw us etm t Fslwwa wt ro y N°m w n~Mvl me h,.lw.m`n~ a htl: ntl a m i, n e r pwro . ~rn:npwa to .n . ww enw n eww w ,pn:a.e er M- w ~Nlt.`a oe..rxnmra Daw+eery Mn ws cvl ~clly w.hnplq w let plvl: wy reel It Ienh w et cnve T NS/~ 503 oa. wea , w walk Nan.ele re et w,rattr.e anw Mw a, .ne.t. s.en ~. ew•t-lwb i -____ uTn.nle lNmn N° imli S,AIC Cf YWNE50/P [wwl. a ___________ eny.5w.~t5~ w; cxl:nxel..e, ea°..ueY.e e.rxe m, mh ____ wr tl ________~ m___. w. uiivi.wlt lnm,e Ye )JW] [wnmm/~/m yF ~ _ =[wln -4 n_~. _ m, pbl el aMUNO rewN[xs A, ew ..e ey ue pwtTy rwnmi nn tl h. eNr tl xuhex,w. Yaew _ ul [eon wnnn a ti t meelF9 nr IFk ___ ___ ______ ___ _ JvY e: )n sa^ee cne:rod~d. __-__-- _ mlt pa/ el ttr~uro car/.rne.°. wpre.q w,e t=N rq er m, un ceµ.°> m /x,raT,w. YTn.tma ..IJalq+ e/ lee n.a'n~ -/ .-rw.v>r e>^ - . c~ r~'~wboY,~Em~~: ae i:~ n: Tny w m e .a wr O.Nq nw .rep,. ., m , I ae..e rerem.n et liwi a,wpnW n Slewls; Sr l:w SOS.OJ, 5vee. I. S~q ww S:w c unit [nH.ew x° weal Ivn, we hmtlw mlwq Inn ~_ q, p __ .____, ]o___ 5 eC_Ctun 1Y ~va:lw. IMew LwmIY. IM /i htl It a wlwl. T w___ we prrw vwf ntn en. pae h, m rn N Y tern .. . Ime nwdt :at.d______-- _-__-~ ew,tlY »nM.e%. rhea ewnln I nvMY eml:ry Ievl Ine MInT pbl e/ CI M!°q [MNEM .ne neJ R he enne e/ Ine [wnlY M[wMr Itr ncM In:f __ evY el ________ )0 _ tl _t'ao[t _ 4 is ~i Pa Orcumml Hu ______________ .. swee cwt7r vv,~ee;-une,+e cwl~ix wv '`ro".e___.__._ owlwr Westwood Fro/asional5ervices, mc. .~~. ~ K b _~ . ~.~----+ CLEVELAND AVENUEISW ~` % ~/ ~. ... ... ~~ _... 1 ' ~~ n41om ar rw¢ (nr)~ ,. 1~,` ,. ~1 \/~.J .. ~ t / ~''~ 107 .5 ~~ ~ ~ S G 1 S G 1 ,g ~ \ 10 J.0 N~ I 1 ~ 1 ` m j 1D"I4 ,_,. 1 1 ~ ._.~ F ~ '~ ~ I r s o ~,~ ~a U ~ lP f 6 \ ~, i 7 ........._.._ ._.-....__ ....J ms ne i r ~ I. fir.. ~.. i. GOPHER STALE (MIE CHl ~4r4.. m1~~emr ~. OAIDA i LtANAO dOe~ ua oa+aaa 41e ser dawmn uz 91dr m wam mmlwryrm d.an u4m oM9ne xorm LOG m M 8R ~y~~}[D'A Mr rd VYl dMaMr IOQdf4 9rr wlw9dlR /ILO U•dlr M miMCIG 9wL'.VSY M IOGIYM .'1d dLV111M11 d OYM •i6 YO IfpNYMrJL 14T9 YM M OWPf /.IY M--`.MY pyI 9 0a1RI1L'llw M dNiMCld dwP WIOY.RY MOM M drum d w mmuav G .4Gmn dw v+. 41 malxm• aau cmdml ro ua4 ua Ma9me ew1.z doM M m vm «..aMem .r 41 mm • id}tlL 9WL Br YS w •b5 41D P6 YLLY MGS mmucna~ (wll~mMmµ.rt'dK wt' • M OWIIp QWI]ICrw NI516.VML 4 Ml WSIIK /M nRPV.'~ YNMS • xµWO ~Glq 4RI K mN3G YM M On Rd m YOW W M %e~. d~Gl Q`flIII01.9Oei ~Rrz I0Y1 NO OMG 60341 WI 1 IGTPrf wW. Y M-RIQ flMll[ttM NO wMl K MNIPWm wn a+mwudi u n ~.ro ~ron~~xlo°mwru°"z ew~aodm M~ r~ m M oleos 44duG. r a d Gage ardvxa m s dlwr rm manwe rG rmem m Gmex 9wGw Y~T1 m~MtlG~ Dww 1M~ e1C~ awam n M Om w41 K ' a eia °wwam'warm b°0i1m1 we laddm'nwc arilun i "rlnvaMm°rt rmam m mnY ro Imx[ momma a ar a1m 19a1c eMna M arewer s nauan alM l m >am ae 410 rm 1 IMld1 w 4%amM4[ .Ix Mwer an 4Mm on4m4l; Inlm m~9lwmel erAln[f unr ruN Al 1wS xnwd uwM 1xd1 uy [mm xxe ror m Y w.CG rd rO.veQYr ade~ d ii un }oai a iurlm) a4u a: ~G 4.9 mdom. . M,rtw.em>,.~m.,aM~~d,.,dw4~~. mv4cllw duu mrm m 1Gx .•a n.rt xaaao me M:mul wlwrur dedlmz aMmudd svnw Maml rwr awadan iaRVdBiIGId RIf411A d14(i MWC41011W W14 PLdYlO Mdae 9141 Md dYIK dlwN dMedK1.•ll lA MMn Y 1pMV.•n P dflW Ob{ wn s ardvm arx . vonm< wmm3 • MMl ee mlar~orr wiu va"~un a 9ii' rlae d ed uro oaea mrer rmlw >ar~n 0 ~~~ X ovam ~, G9a r mam mama mown i e. mam rMOarn owrws - mom domle emml xMd1 t~~a eawm •rm1 m1G1 ~ ....r..-. m eamu 9a 4a o01 o male ydplYR 1P6 ~r OaV4 Wlf • •v • CwORe deN~ LVl M/.Mx Jay Pettit ®0..14... e4..e u.>e~. w =-~- I ~~ S® ~~ 1~M ly dyy/y w 1 a 9 Cleveland Corners k ,~ S C L M. £~ ~2 ~. N D U 1o~I TO: .Tnlie Wischuack, Director Planning/Zouing/Builtling FROM: Kent Exner, City Engineer RE: Cleveland Corners DATE: May 2, 2005 I have reviewed the preliminary construction plans for the Cleveland Comers development. These plans were prepared by Westwood Professional Services and received by the City on April 29, 2005. Listed below are comments developed during the plan review: • Drainage -Per the current building types (slab-on-grade) and locations shown within the plans, the site grading/drainage seems to be appropriate. • Construction Details -Show details per current City of Hutchinson Standazd Drawings. (This information can be attained through Brian Johnson of Westwood Professional Services' Eden Prairie office or contact me to request an electronic copy.) • • Rock Construction Entrance -State the need for a rock construction entrance within the Erosion Control Notes. • Turf Establishment -Utilize Mn/DOT seed mixture 250GR throughout the site. • Utility Services -City ordinance (see below) specifically states that the property owner is required to maintain both water and sanitary sewer services from the mains into the building. Due to twinhomes being split between independent owners immediately following construction or possibly sometime in the future, the City has made efforts to require separate services for all utilities to eliminate ownership and maintenance issues between property owners. The proposed locations and co~guration of the services (water and sanitary sewer) is not desirable from an ownership and maintenance standpoint. o § 52.02 REPAIR OF LEAKS AND EQUIPMENT. /t is the responsibility of the consumer or owner to maintain the service pipe from Jhe main into the house or oilier building, including, but not limited to, the stand pipe or curb stop and all equipment associated with the service line, stand pipe or curb stop. /n case ofjailure upon the part of any consumer or owner to repair any leak or any service line, stand pipe or curb stop, within 24 hours after oral or written notice has been given the owner or occupant ojthe premises, the water may be shut off and will not be turned on until a reconnection charge has been paid and the water service has been repaired. When thewaste ojwater is greator when damage is likely to result from the leak, the wager will be turned off if the repair is not proceeded with immediately. Following notice as provided by this chapter, at the sole op[ion ojthe city, the city may repairthe leak and the service pipe, standpipe or curb stop and al! equipment associated with the service line, standpipe or curb stop and assess the cost for the repair against the property benefitted. The costs to be so assessed may include but are not limited to material, labor and professional fees and expenses incurred firs the repair. ('89 Cade, § 3.20) (Am. Ord. 93-80, passed S-II-93; Am. Ord. 93-82, passed 6-8-93) § 53.023 SEWER LINE: OWNER RESPONSIBILITY. The property owner shall be responsible for the sewer line from the building to the main sewer line. ('89 Code, § 3.30J (Ord. 781, passed 7-19-88J With the proposed lot configuration, one alternative to maintaining sepazate services is to install independent • services (]"water and 4" sanitary sewer) off of the mains within Cleveland Avenue to the homes within Lots ] and 2. This would require the disturbance and appropriate restoration of Cleveland Avenue pavement. These service connections should be conf-ifigured to rr,;r,;r,,;~e the impacts to Cleveland Ave. Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 could be serviced by a 6" watermain and 8" sanitary sewer along the west side of Sunset Street. These mains could either utilize the stubs within the intersection of Cleveland and Sunset (see attached drawing) or be connected to the existing mains immediately west of this intersection. These facilities would be maintained by the City, thus appropriate utility easements would be necessary if installed on private property. ~L\ U • Fue Flow Protection -Due to the only nearby fire hydrant being across Cleveland Avenue, an additional hydrant should be provided neaz Lots 5 and 6 along Sunset Street at the termination of the 6" watermain. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding any of the comments discussed above. Thank you. • cc: John Rodeberg, Director of Public Works G:~Plan Review~Cleveland Corners 5-2-0S.DOC r LJ • 1 RESOLUTION NO. 12719 • RESOLUTION APPROVING ONE LOT PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY DEAN SNYDER CONSTRUCTION TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A CULVERS RESTAURANT WITH A DRIVE THRU WINDOW LOCATED ON THE MENARDS PROPERTY ON HWY 15 SOUTH BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS 1. The property owner has submitted an application for a one lot preliminary and final plat as the new site for a Culvers restaurant. They aze also requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive thru window. The building will access Montreal Street SE and is a 4538 sq. ft. building. A total of 78 parking stalls are indicated on the plans. The ordinance requires one stall per table and one per two stools. The stacking requirement for a drive thru is 80 feet.. The dumpsters aze screened and a landscape plan. has been submitted Legal Description: The North 200.00 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Menard Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and antrcrpated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. • 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, if the conditions, as outlined below aze met. CONCLUSION The City Council hereby approves the Preliminary and Final Plat and Conditional Use Pennit with the following conditions: 1 . Parking along the west side of the site seems tight due to the drive-thru service window. Staff would recommend the area remain paved to accommodate larger vehicles, however, not stripe the area as parking. 2. A sidewalk connection is required long Montreal with pedestrian access to the site. 3. Al] appropriate SAC/WAC fees, Pazk fees, etc, be paid at the time of building permit. 4. Institute changes in the landscaping plan as identified by the City Forester dated May 6, 2005. 5. Document that there is an easement for the monument sign on the northwestern portion of the property. 6. The stormwater management requirements have been reviewed and are satisfactory. 7. The property owner would be required to meet the NPDES standards (city has received a copy of the application). Adopted by the City Council this 24`" day of May, 2005 • ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor 5~~~ City of • DATE: f TO: FROM: Hutchinson City Center MEMORANDUM May 18, 2005 Hutchinson City Council Hutchinson Planning Commission 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350-2522 320-587-5151/Fax 320.234.4240 SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A ONE LOT PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY DEAN SNYDER CONSTRUCTION TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A CULVERS RESTAURANT WITH A DRIVE THRU WINDOW LOCATED ON THE MENARDS PROPERTY ON HWY 15 . SOUTH Pursuant to Sections 153.036, 153.50 and 154.1 ] 6 of the Hutchinson Municipal Code the Hutchinson Plamling Commission is hereby submitting its fmdings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for preliminary and final plat and conditional use permit . HISTORY The applicant has submitted an application for a one loi preliminary and fmal plat as the new site for a Culvers restaurant. They are also requesting a Conditional Use Perrnit to allow a drive thm window. The building will access Montreal Street SE and is a 4538 sq. fr. building. A total of 78 parking stalls are indicated on the plans. The ordinance requires one stall per table and one per two stools. The stacking requirement for a drive thru is 80 feet.. The dumpsters aze screened and a landscape plan has been submitted. A one stop shop meeting was held on May 9, 2005. FINDINGS OF FACT ~. The required application and fees were submitted. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on May 5, 2005. 3. There were no neighboring property owners present objecting to the request. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the preliminary and fma] plat and conditional use permit with the following conditions: 1. Parking along the west side of the site seems tight due to the drive-thru service window. Staff would recommend the area remain paved to accommodate larger vehicles, however, no[ stripe the area as parking. 2. A sidewalk connection is required long Montreal with pedestrian access to the site. 3. All appropriate SAC/WAC fees, Park fees, etc, be paid at the time of building permit. 4. Institute changes in the landscaping plan as identified by the City Forester dated May 6, 2005. 5. Document that there is an easement for the monument sign on the northwestern portion of the property. 6. The stormwater management requirements have been reviewed and are satisfactory. 7. The property owner would be required to meet the NPDES standards (city has received a copy of the application). Respectfully submitted, • Dean Kirchofl; Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission cc: Scott Frerichs, Dean Snyder Const., 913 N. 14`^ St. P.O. Box 181, Clear Lake IA 50428 Daren Sikkink, WHKS & Co., 2905 South Broadway, Rochester MN 55904 Printed on receded paper - ~ , J C\1Tc~J DIRECTORS REPORT -PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) From: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Crystal Foust, Jean Ward, Judy Flemming, John Rodeberg, P.E., Kent Exner, John Webster, Michael Kumm, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kyle Dimler, Mark Schnobrich, Mazc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Ken Merrill, Jim Popp, Dan Hatten, Dick Nagy, Julie Wischnack, AICP, and Bonnie Baumetz Date: May 2, 2005 -Meeting Date: May 17, 2005 Applicant: Culvers Restaurant, applicant Menards, property owner PRELIMINARY PLAT and CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - Culver's Addition Brief Description The applicant has submitted an application for a one lot preliminary and final plat as the new site for a Culvers restaurant. They are also requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive thru window. The building will access Montreal Street SE and is a 4538 sq. fr. building. A total of 78 • parking stalls are indicated on the plans. The ordinance requires one stall per table and one per two stools. The stacking requirement for a drive thru is 80 feet.. The dumpsters are screened and a landscape plan has been submitted. A one stop shop meeting was held on May 9, 2005. GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: C4 (Fringe Commercial) Property Location: Edmonton Ave, Montreal St and Hwy 15 S Lot Size: 1 acre Existing Land Use: Vacant Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Fringe Commercial Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Urban Commercial Design Zone Zoning History: Menards Addition was annexed to the City and platted in 2000. r1 5~~~ Preliminary P1at/Conditional Use Permit Culver's Addition Planning Commission- May 17, 2005 • Page 2 Applicable Regulations: Section 153.36 of the Municipal Code SPECIAL INFORMATION Transportation: Access will be off Montreal Street. No access is planned off of Edmonton Avenue, which will be helpful for future circulation issues on this street. Parking: One stall per table and one per two stools. ('The restaurant is proposing 30 tables.) The stacking requireme»t fora drive thru is 80 feet.. Analysis and Recommendation: Staff is favorable to the request and will have a one stop shop meeting with the developer on May 9'" to discuss the few items of concern and would recommend the following as conditions of the preliminary plat and conditional use permit: 1. Parking along the west side of the site seems tight due to the drive-thru service window. Staff would recommend the area • remain paved to accommodate lazger vehicles, however, not stripe the area as parking. 2. A sidewalk connection is required long Montreal with pedestrian access to the site. 3. Al] appropriate SAC/WAC fees, Park fees, etc, be paid at the time of building permit. 4. Institute changes in the landscaping plan as identified by the City Forester dated May 6, 2005. 5. Document that there is an easement for the monument sign on the northwestern portion of the property. 6. The stormwater management requirements have been reviewed and are satisfactory. 7. The property owner would be required to meet the NPDES standards (city has received a copy of the application). CC: Scott Frerichs, Dean Snyder Const., 913 N. 14`" St. P.O. Box 181, Clear Lake IA 50428 Daren Sikkink, WHKS & Co., 2905 South Broadway, Rochester MN 55904 Menards, 4777 Menard Dr. Eau Claire Wisconsin 54703-9625 ~~C~ ~~ ~ • i ---•--~ w (..) Q J F' Lu Y ca C CC Q LL z O U .RrM. W.,.Rn. m G~`~ ~0`~ ~ti ~ ~`' PQ~~oy ~Q,i,pa ~o osQ n v OO a a 3 a 3 ~_ 0 4 H 0 a N a H z w a a w 0 N 2 2 E ~~ BLOCK 2 T T--~---_-~ r--- I .• - ~~ ' QTI ~~ - - esm t.R.. r.l Igo ASw BLOCK 1 ~ . , ~_.~-_ __ ---____ 1 ; i I 11 1 IOYIZbati MA ~ ~ ~ I . ;wa.mr~s•_ ' W~ (i ~ fr fi'r I ''" '~~ ' ~ MENARD ' . ---_ r i I d BUCK 3 +' ~ IyyI~ ' I I ^-m. ! ^I ~ ~ / ~~ ~~ I LOT I j SE I ~i ~~ / / 6di', I.•, ~ . ~,' ~~~ ~f r ~ %. r~ / ~` ~ // // CULVERS ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT ~ BLOCK i °f"n°"g1 ~ n«..e~0°°0 Mr er VI I, wa I. YENRO .aonxw. x.aan n M r.ene.e ~IiGC oRMaw rExuo. ac hm Ewvm ow~c Ew a.YRe a a~oo - aE~tl(NEIa AlulWr MMTiWb i WAIFA1RRr1 WI --_--_ aRtaaRR zoxua - c-. Flora[ ( ^xallr Lor Rtaunaluna ':.r. w..-i s~ HRR - {tlr Mr N OyIR-18J IM MMYaY1 allmllb aEiBAga xa MI n.n .RS.I qnr .r... / ~ YO Mr hen h~'IY Yt In W MI Rw. Rplnoq baq Mwby b Vr 0~ /~ j' ADDITION o~u ~n'L O Esp. n.wr.w P.:Y;.r o... v.w ~.....~... ® o...... ~ 'err:~~-~:. 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R '10' /R_20 w © e] ]ec ] s w.ui ~ / sv.ai I ~~ '• ,;:;; FINISHED FLOOR EL 1063.5 ~ o >< ; / ..~, ../erc, u. e .~e =~~~ 4,538 SQUARE FEET ~ ' ° ~ a ~ '"'"A ~ m; PLAN MN120 `'~ =~aa , © c oq. ~(y/~1,~~1~~ wrx wux - ~ Bias V -•e.~e u.ii -. ~ ~~. a / fe.'Sb ° reC I I tout Cune ~~ss .wKY-. ~, / /// ps core N~ae ex 10 eµ // s.,e R-iG N R=20' 12' WIDE LANE zo' P / ' j ~o"~ DER WAITING R-20 R=15' ears TBC/ l N I cgxc ,06~ \ 58(8 q / G _- 2a' rrP AFFIC DIRECT QAAL ~• ~ e - I R=5' FLOW ARRO TYP.) g• rvP, ~AC MATCH u.•s rec E%ISTING b1A1 leC _ ° __ _ __106 -- -- -,06~ ~ ~ ~/ /~ ~Ey~~ !LU Rc: blsc r ... .... _._._.~ . .n rec __O __-___~__- eGrlE N fEEi ]e reci 6i ~ I I1 ~ ~ f x i (1r O Z a m0~ r k" o i Foai V]~0= moan ~ow> VZ~ Z °•1° an-w '~ w aa. 1Vi ~ NI: O R A N U U M. TO: Julie ~Vischuark, Dhectur YlauuiuglZuuing/Bullding FROM: Kent Exner, City Engineer RE: Culver's DATE: May 2, 2005 I have reviewed the preliminary construction plans for the Culver's development. These plans were prepazed by WHKS & Co. and received by the City on Apri128, 2005. Listed below are comments developed during the plan review: • Drainage -Per the current site configuration shown within the plans, the site grading/drainage accommodations seem to be appropriate. As previously discussed, the existing and ultimate drainage calculations should be provided to verify storm water.runoff rate control. • Construcfion Details -Show details per current CiTy of Hutchinson Standazd Drawings. (This • information will be e-mailed to Daren Sikkink of WHTS & Co.) • Site Circulation -Due to the possible congestion of the drive-thru and by-pass lanes, confirm that the parking along the west side ofthe site is necessary. Adjust the westerly curbline to encourage uniform traffic flow. Sidewalk -Installation of a 5' wide concrete sidewalk along the west side of Montreal Steet is required per the Menazds Subdivision Agreement. This sidewalk should be installed within the street right-of--way at least 10' behind the curb if possible. A connection to the intema] site sidewalk should be established by additional sidewalk and pazking lot striping. • Fire Flow Protection -With existing fire hydrants residing at the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Edmonton Ave. & TH 15, northwest quadrant of the intersection of Edmonton Ave. & Montreal St. and approximately 50 feet south of the southerly property line along the west side of Montreal St., there does not appear to be a need for additional hydrants. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding any of the comments discussed above. Thank you. ce: John Rodeberg, Duector of Public Works Daren Sikkink, WHKS & Co. G:~PI~ Revicw~Culverk 5-2-0S.DOC ~~~ Leaves Bonnie Baumetr Page 1 of 1 • From: Mark Schnobrich Sent: Friday, May O6, 2005 4:49 PM To: Bonnie Baumetz; Julie Wischnack Subject: Culvers Site Plan Landscape Recommendation I have reviewed the site plan for Culvers on Hwy 15 South and make the following recommendations. 1.) Replace all Green Ash with a mixture of Bur Oak and Hackberry 2.) There appears to be sufficient boulevard area on Montreal to handle shade trees such as Linden near their front entrance. as • CJ We recommend that in order to make Montreal a more shaded street that a larger variety of tree be such linden or locust be selected to replace the crabs being proposed. Depending upon visibility and underground utilities, linden/s or IocusUs could be located to the north of the main entrance also 3.) The boulevard area to the north of the proposed Culvers already has city provided trees and due to the intersection may be sufficient for that area All else looks good in their design. 5/9/2005 ~C~~ mo~;aNeso ty c ~° T g Zt OF APP?2 • Minnesota Department of Transportation District S - ti%illmadMarshall,'Hutchinson 250$ Transportation Road Willmar, MN86201 May 17, 2005 Bonnie Baumetz Planning Coordinator City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Culvers Addition Preliminary Plat State Highway 15 • Patrick Weidematm Director of Planning Mn/DOT District 8, Willmar Dear Bonnie: Office T'el: 320-231-5195 800-657-3792 Fax: 320-231.-51.68 www.dotstate.nm.us ~~yti ~~f' rr 1 ~ .. ~~ O'h~/c lG~/f A2h~~jso deo The Minnesota Department of Transportation reviewed the Culvers Addition preliminary plat. Upon our review, we have no comments regarding [he plat. Mn/DOT appreciates the opportunity to review and comment on any preliminary plats, zoning requests on properties adjacent to state highways. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at 320.214.3753. Thank you. Sincerely, V~ cc: Sandy East C J An equal opportunity employer J~c~ RESOLUTION NO. 12693 C~ RESOLUTION APPROVING A 23 LOT PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SUMMERSET FOURTH ADDITION LOCATED IN THE SUMMERSET THIRD ADDITION PLAT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS 1. The property owner has submitted an application for a Preliminary and Final Plat and Planned Development district to change lot lines to adjust from twin homes to patio homes. Legal Description: Lots 1,2,3, and 4, Block 6, Lots 1,2,3,4,S,and 6, Block 1, and Lots 9 and 10, block 2 Summerset Third Addition, McLeod County Minnesota, according to the recorded platthereof 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, if the conditions, as outlined below aze met. CONCLUSION • The City Council hereby approves the Preliminary and Final plat and Planned Development Distrcit with the following conditions: 1. The maintenance agreements (homeowner's documents) be submitted prior to placing these applications on the City Council agenda. The documents must specifically address and describe the open space areas. The documents must also address maintenance. 2. An addendum to the Subdivision Agreement for Summerset Third Addition will reflect the additional lots proposed in the 4`h Addition. Specifically, the increase to tree escrow will be reflected in the document. 3. The setbacks for the units shall be as follows (the setbacks apply to all structural elements of the unit, i.e. decks, porches, additions, etc.): Front: 25 feet ,Side: 6 feet, Rear: 25 feet 4. The drainage improvements must be verified with engineering staff prior to landscaping improvements. (Additionally, gutters would be installed on units to alleviate side yard problems.) 5. A 5 foot sidewalk is required as part of the density increase. 6. An irrigation plan drawing shall be provided to the City, after construction (if that will be included as part of the improvements to the development). 7. The appropriate fees will be applied to building permits within this plat area. (SAC/WAC; electric service territory, pazk dedication, etc.) C~ Adopted by the City Council this 24a' day of May, 2005 ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz ,City Administrator Steven W. Cook, Mayor \/ C~`~ C~ PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. OS-0406 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON FOR A PROPERTY TO BE REZONED FROM R2 TO R3 AS REQUESTED BY DAVID BROLL, FIRST CLASS BUILDERS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: WHEREAS, the following described real property is hereby rezoned from to R2 (Medium Density Residential) to R3(Medium -High Density Residential) as requested by property owner: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1,2,3, and 4, Block 6, Lots 1,2,3,4,S,and 6, Block 1, and Lots 9 and 10, Block 2 Summerset Third Addition, McLeod County Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof • WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission and City Council have considered the effects of rezoning this piece of property; WHEREAS, there are certain parameters that will make this rezoning appropriate for this area; THEREFORE; the City hereby officially rezones this property to R3 and it shall take effect upon publication of this ordinance; Adopted by the City Council this 14`h day of June, 2005. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator • Steven W. Cook Mayor ~~~~" PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. OS-0407 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA VACATING UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS IN SUMMERSET THIRD ADDITION FOR THE PURPOSE OF REPLATTING THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Notice of hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made and was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the best interests of the City to vacate utility and drainage easements located in Summerset Third Addition for the purpose of replatting. Section 2. That the utility and drainage easements to be vacated are described as follows: All drainage and utility easements on Lots 1-4, Block 6; Lots 1-6, Block 1 and Lots 9 and 10 ,Block 2, Summerset Third Addition, McLeod County, MN Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after passage and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 14"' day of June, 2005. Steven W. Cook Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator ~J _~C \`f' Hutchinson Citv Center r~ DATE: Apri127, 2005 111 Hassan Street SE M E M O R A N D U M Hutchinson, MN 55350.2522 3zass~-slsvFax 3zo-z3a-azao TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: IIutchinson Plamung Conulussiai SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A 23 LOT PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS SUMMERSET FOURTH ADDITION, REZONING AND PDD TO R3-PDD AND VACATION OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS IN SLJIviIviERSET THIRD ADDITION SUBMIT"fED BY DAVID BROLL, APPLICANT Pursuant to Sections 153.38, 153.51, 154.070, 154.168 of the Hutchinson Municipal Code and Chapter 12, Section 14.05, of the City Charter, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a prelirrrinazy and final plat, rezoning planned development district and vacation of drainage and utility easements. HISTORY The applicant has submitted applications fora 23 lot replat of Summerset 3`" Addition to be known as Summerset 4`s Addition, vacation of utility easements in a portion of Surmnerset 3`d Addition and a rezoning and PDD to R3 PDD for the construction of villas or patio homes. The lots were recently rezoned to R2 for twin homes and now will be single family villas. There was aone-stop-shop with the developer on Mazch 17, 2004.Open space requirements and drainage were the items of concern from staff at that meeting. Since that meeting, the developer has provided an easement exhibit • to explain the open space. FINDINGS OF FACT . The required application and fees were submitted. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on April 7.2005. 3. A predevelopment meeting was held on Mazch 17, 2005. 4. There were no neighboring property owners present at the public hearing objecting to the request 5. This replatting and Planned Development District would allow "patio" type homes onthe lots. Essentially, the proposal would be to have single family homes with common area maintenance agreements surrounding the homes. 6. The easement areas would be rededicated on the new plat. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Corrmtission unanimously recommends approval of the requests with the following conditions: 1. The maintenance agreements (homeowner's documents) be submitted prior to placing these applications on the City Council agenda. The documents must specifically address and describe the open space aeeas. The documents must also address maintenance. 2. An addendum to the Subdivision Agreement for Summerset Third Addition will reflect the additional lots proposed in the 4`" Addition. Specifically, the increase to tree escrow will be reflected in the document. 3. The setbacks for the units shall be as follows (the setbacks apply to all stmctural elements of the unit, i.e. decks, porches, additions, etc.): Front: 25 feet Side: 6 feet Rear: 25 feet 4. The drainage improvements must be verified with engineering staff prior to landscaping inrpppr~y~i(jtionally, gutters would be installed on units to ~C \ Finding of Fact - April 27, 2005 Summerset 41° Addition -Rezone, Vacation of Easements, Preliminary and Fioal plat and PDD Page 2 alleviate side yazd problems.) 5. A 5 foot sidewalk is required as part of the density increase. 6. An imgation plan drawing shall be provided to the City, after construction (if that will be included as part of the improvements to the development). 7. The appropriate fees will be applied to building pemnts within this plat area. (SAC/WAC; electric service teztritory. pazk dedication, etc.) pectfully submitted, an Kirchoff, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission cc: David Broll, 902 Hwy 15 South Ame Esterbrooks, Developers Resource co., 15525-32od Ave. N., Plymouth MN 55447 Otto Associates, 9 West Division St, Buffalo MN 55313 `~J r DIRECTORS REPORT -PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) From: Brad Emans, DoII Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Crystal Foust, Jean Ward, John Rodeberg, P.E., Kent Exner, John Webster, Michael Kumm, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kyle Dimler, Mark Schnobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Ken Merrill, Tim Popp, Dan Hatten, Dick Nagy, Julie Wischnack, AICP, and Bonnie Baumetz Date: April 4, 2005 -Meeting Date: April 19, 2005 Applicant: David Broll, Applicant Arne Esterbrooks, Property Owner PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT - SUMMERSET FOURTH ADDITION VACATION OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS, REZONING AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT .Brief Description The applicant has submitted applications fora 23 lot replat of Summerset 3rd Addition to be • known as Summerset 4'" Addition, vacation of utility easements in a portion of Summerset 3`d Addition and a rezoning and PDD to R3PDD for the construction of villas or patio homes. The lots were recently rezoned to R2 for twin homes and now will be single family villas. There was a one-stop-shop with the developer on March 17, 2004. Open space requirements and drainage were the items of concern from staff at that meeting. Since that meeting, the developer has provided an easement exhibit to explain the open space. GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: R2 (Medium Density Residential) Property Location: Summerset Third Addition Lots 1-6 Block 1; Lots 1-4 Block 6 and Lots 9 and 10 Block 2 Lot Size: 23 lots Existing Land Use: Vacant Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Rl (Single Family Residential) R2 (Medium Density Residential) R3 (Medium-High Density Residential) Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Mixed Use Residential Zoning History: Final plat of Summerset Third Addition was approved March 22, 2005. ~~~~ ~'"~°~1i~nayr~~r aid ~i~~al ~'~~t , ~'~~~aa,1~@,+e+~nir~ a~~ P n~ra~r~ne~set Fo~zrth Adc~it~~n ~'lx~~~~g ~arrn~~s~~ra- prx~ '.1.9, hl~l~l~~a~t~le lt~ulatirta~a~~. e~ti~an s 13.x, 15.E , ~.l~a ~tl ~.t~"~ ~r~`th. 1"~~ni~i~i ~;ac~e ~f~r~ 1~'.~,1'"~l:~tchi~tsa~~ its ~~~~ analysis auk ~~ec~tr~tn~r~dait~n;: "lml~i~ ~°~;}~l~~ttir~~, t~~l 1'1~1~ ~i~l~catia~n ~ac~,_.l~j r,ll~wv ``~vi11~~°" ~~"~'~ 1~L~rns ~r~, tl~c 1~t~. "11~~ ~s a very si~xilr ~°~al~~es~ tL~ ghat ~~ ~~s•~r~~d! 1st ~a~ti1~ 1'c~'r ~r~atl~ul'aarl 1';~:1~._`. '1~ss~r~~1a11y, ~l~c r~r~r~a;al ~a~lcll~e ~a harm ~1ra~~,1~ }}~flll~`~' 1'ltb~"t]+~a 'r'+'1I,~1 ~M1.)fT11'S"1()P1 mil! L'£1 I"7~1T1~~:~5i~Y~C~ [$~:-~i~71GY~$S ia~.lY"C'k?1.lTii,~7Tl $he 1~+,«'~~~,. 'T1~r s,~rrae ca~nct.°rns ~a>°~ c~~atlar~~ as r~re'~•~ E~~ tit alal~l~;aiit~n. '~ii~ f`~rll~,~ar'~r, ~~rve~ as' ~t7 c~l~rl.~r7~~i~n ca~"tl~~ i~~xres ~~c~l ~x~a~titi~r~.~ ~t~~ff ~vc~~alc1 i~~~:rr~rr~~~~r~1. ~~T.~ 1~~+~rri~~~art~ntsJ~~~nir'a s ,. c,::~Cty.l r~::~ ~-:,,. ~ '1 ti 1: r'[,," t~ rL j-~1-~ ti~7~It~+1'URS15i ~. ~. ~'fJi'N;i1iC1 fif''fIS, ~C"t1"f°t ~i ~]i ri 1dttL"d~T'W.IC:1.~ ~d14$C. '!'":~x°tr 1"JP~'i~,~ i~acr~~ f~~'~-~h~r~~~~rr~ ~lez?F it'prn,~r::.. f~+lit! !l:~? f, i!11l (!I'i'i: ZS Cllr('t' L!!:1'('S l~l' 1r[7'(Jt'r. 1~tf: "1"1~~ px~~;~~1 si~~ ~~ c,~. rs ~~~~~ 4 irs sic. "'1""1~:1~~ackya~f3s a1~ the ~c.~l~us~~' '~ ~z~i~s °~11 `~ ~~rasit~~'l~~~ ~1a ~'p~~~ s~~a~~ fair thy: u~a~lt.s. "i'l~t~ ~a'1~er~ sl~a~~ ~a17n.~:6~t~aa~~a7 ~~~ :lara~+.-;!{!~1, ~~<~:~~~~~ ~~qua~i (~~/~, ~1~k~ ~i~ . ~c~~ms~. c~k`pr~a~erty. "7"leis cr~cff~ s~a~C~ ~a: ~rlbGn~ a~~a rx~~asc 1~~ lw~1~1 !xa ~ernC~aa~~ s~~te ncl ~~~:ll~ir~'s f~~~:r.~ c~1'a~~ ~arc~1}t~ti~.~ ~c~ ~atil~~~ ~1~~ 1~a~:yaa~~1 aa~as. ~,l~f ~a ~~°~~ l~c~ e~ ~.~ ~ f~~,~ ~fi ~y ',~~rKx~~~a~°e~ are ~irr~~~~dirra# ~~ ~'a~ a~z~~d t~ 1~~ ~ s~~rrdar~r ~;~-~~~rse~, ~ar1~i~;1~r cl~cu~~~~rzt~ the r~l~f~~~sv'biYi ar~'d ara~r~~~ers ~"~~ ~la~ ra~we:~t~° ~ti~~a-f~~dr~g ~ ~xr~its~ as t1a~~ ~~bi~ 1~~ c~~x~~t~t-~ n~ain~e~;~y~cc ~1a~~:x~t. ,1.~~~ ~~a~se~ day~r~.~t ~gic~ ~~l:,~ ; tl~a, ~~~b~Y?~rM ~1` ~~~its trC~ ~ aa~~t~ l.r~ ,'~ ~.~~u~t,~. T1~ s~~1~~c~'~s 1`c~r tl~~ ~raap~+a~d layr~~:;t ~r,=r~~1~ e ~'et in R1~ f~-c~r~~; ~~ 1:~~& i~~ !'.1lr ~c:i'r ,ir~~l b !c'~~< <,Zi al~c; sir. 'T'~lrrc 1~~s la~~~~ ~w~~~xe ~1'is~s;;~crr~, ia~ tl-,~~ ~rau:t, aa~rls{,.i.~:t ~ ~.~~ ~`~+_~. ~zr~ tli+s ~1~rc~'g~r~a~c s~:iL~acl~,s t'a~r tl~~ ~.~ra:its. '~ 1~ stl~afsk ~aF f~ fit d~ro~,~ ti ~1tt t:h~ ~ucle ya~°~1, ~SUt tl~~ ~r~i:ts ~ic~ n~a~ av~ sa~1~; ~t~~ ~ dis~fl~~,~?uislae~' tr~xrw ~~r~~h~~-1, 1~~~1~ 1~a.c1 ~1~~ si~~: ,~a~•~1 ~~i~; ~~a~n~s. ~y W r Preliminary and Final Plat, Vacation, Rezoning and PDD Summerset Fourth Addition Planning Commission- April 19, 2005 • Page 3 Stormwater Review As with all proposals that have close proximity, the side yard and rear yard drainage is a major consideration. There have been catch basins added to the northern tier of lots to better address rear yard drainage. There is an additional catch basin in the three-lot area as well. The hydrology information regarding the ponding areas of this development has been reviewed for consideration of this many units. Architecture! Components (PDD requires) There are drafr plans of how the units would be constructed. The PDD discusses the review of architectural details, however discusses the fact that it may not be the sole basis for a decision. The code contemplates discussion about overall appearance and compatibility. Staff would recommend the following conditions with the approval of the preliminary and final plat; PDD, and Vacation of Drainage and Utility Easements: 1. The maintenance agreements (homeowner's documents) be submitted prior to placing these applications on the City Council • agenda. The documents must specifically address and describe the open space areas. The documents must also address maintenance. 2. An addendum to the Subdivision Agreement for Summerset Third Addition will reflect the additional lots proposed in the 4`s Addition. Specifically, the increase to tree escrow will be reflected in the document. 3. The setbacks for the units shall be as follows (the setbacks apply to all structural elements of the unit, i.e. decks, porches, additions, etc.): Front: 25 feet Side: 6 feet Rear: 25 feet 4. The drainage improvements must be verified with engineering staff prior to landscaping improvements. (Additionally, gutters would be installed on units to alleviate side yard problems.) 5. A 5 foot sidewalk is required as part of the density increase. 6. An irrigation plan drawing shall be provided to the City, after construction (if that will be included as part of the improvements to the development). 7. The appropriate fees will be applied to building permits within this plat area. (SAC/WAC; electric service territory, park dedication, etc.) S~~J~ Preliminary and Final Plat ,Vacation, Rezoning and PDD Summerset Fourth Addition Planning Commission- April 19, 2005 • Page 4 Cc: Ame Esterbrooks, Developers Resource Company, 15525-32"~ Ave. N., Plymouth MN 55447 Otto Associates, 9 West Division St., Buffalo MN 55313 David Broll, 902 Hwy 15 South `~ 5~~~ ~ • • V 9 L 3 n~ i 7 J l t J 7 t i t 1' ^ I 1 r~ .~/' 1~ I) . 1 F'F..7nlf." ~ ~ ~ Y 'C7 5 1 ~ ~ ~ ' St::~.fi ~ .:. o 1 N...r ....,.. . ~5 ~ 1 i ' ~~i:~ ~ ~ c 1 1 . ~v f" ~ _ i 1 ~: 2;~._ ~• •~J ~i i i :: i~ 1:/ C) (~ ~Y {f~~ ~~ `~• ~~ w f --1 ~~ ` r: e~JJ`, ~ r <~, ~ v ,,, ,~.rv 1 ~ j~s .\ w~i`E~.~~v ~aV ~\ w~ ~~ew ~ ~w~~. ~w-ae' ~~ N~WIYWr L ~ 11-tb'11 M11 I I~--~-~I~ ~J. ~''• - -i- - u:d.a «d.Y:v'~..v..... 4a.i~ __..__.~.-- ' ~ _ - -._.~___~_ V^' '^ 1 Q ~pq A t SUMMERSET FOURTH ADDITION RECENED 2 3 2005 M rHUlcnul;wn rez.ae I FA I I 1 a I '~.J I rl ~ ....~ „c.,vr./ I i"'h'v~...// r.~, Nih'D '~ r- ~- I CRv ~ R .(' I fY I n` p I w ~J ~'- I swxrt.ao 1 of IJ I U '%~ ~ „.e fX f"•ix-~ rver+ f-xee~ r r • uro ___ mYan urn .. 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Mqp, Vn r~,';, 8 I ------J ~ I I 6 ~ -5 -~ --f 4 I I 3 I 2 I I 1 I _ I ` . I \ . \ 3 I I I I Genates iron monument denotes 'ton pipe set and marked as shown: f- Gentiles soil boring O denotes percolation test hole ` i I I _ u~ TOTAL AREA = 195,761 SF n I I ~- ~--' 4.5 Ac. 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Nwlh 5> tlegrees JI mbrufet J) tecvntla f9aL v tltsfmve v/ rBP.eB IttF, fMnte NarM aB tle9rws Tf mtnufea r0 attmEf EetL a Cafence e/ TJJ/6 /eef; fherwe NwfM1 B6 Oryreea S, mnuM Tl axvnEe Evsl, v Tafance aI 1BB. A, /ttf: Mince SmfM1 JS h9reea 10 mbulw TB ee¢a'rtla Evsf, v N"afan¢e a/ 90.11 /ecf fv fnv sevfnerry fine or sore mf rT mtl sem LM. mwe wm;nenn9. 1 egeM cartiW IM1a[ lhif wwrv. Oate: drawn 6y: Srole: Ch¢Ye° By: Mateod coMnty, Mlnnaaoto 3/25/05 D.N.A. 1"=60' P.E.O. +TTo 9 We,f 4hi,fen 9t. 9vNaru, MN 5531] °oe Ne. 990G14TE3 Ph: 173318974727 Far.1783~82J512 1- 05- 0098 laM9urvevorx Ina. 1358) PUSHED I ~ °h':,114lc r-x ///1 m of :: C_r vlv F~.~G ~~^T n I ^ vV / I \JL_v v l { l nr S End E I l Blf Concrete /perking lot i 1 OvmOSfer /-_- Pod I Elect. ~o+~ I k \ / o-r 4B Im I ~` {ri=i a8 /~ I i_ \ e o-,BB.. I 1 u I~tl. vm a o-lBata \ g's \ ~.t~t3 I W n ~~ ~'~~ F _ „T ~ 0 -~ ` o ~ ~_~ _ _I~ i ~y n I (ExisR MH , ,,y'~ n(, ~ x'u r, ~ c l ~ v c ~ c Rima1061.54 G Rim~jO6JA1 ' NEO ¢¢(~ Inv~1069.J4 In F~L Rim=1065.96 EISf.M (:)m ron.~a-------~----------- - -- ...,. 23200 Rim-rbS3.39' Ex. MH I a I ~ / / y nl I In v=105219 Rim=l06J 41 I „_ I^ I ennrrln nn~-1056.96 ~; i ~ ~ ~0,°.,e; Cm'o/HUtcRins [7h vL. L. `. 6 r-r~nnln I (7h vi.i r~iiry'v Vulllvla Ic \ -J-1_ ofmmovns 6csouxrs40abASlcP Z.B . rss:e nro ALE xa 1 :`C_.JVlvv .._. r ~ nwourrl. uv ssw i °Q ( EN(6BNG BUILDING ( - _ I I (xs)-w4-a:a: ~V ~. P AnnlTl/l°I __ 1~_ I /~~e~~. I I I ~ Irlvrv %\ h l I I IAIIYJ A _ _ f ? II Ir/GV E/e'f. Box \ ~ iele. Ped 11 ~ II Te1F, Ped I' ~ ~\` ~hGO •~~~'u"°°'O'•`°A14 R•A°u. mmu.ae I _ _ ~ I ~ jp55.d6/G .~..I~m~.om..s Mw.~~ionTi.ma` . y ~ I INV.° i / uuw ~e. art.~.~lu vmuw. m~~ N ~~ .u pmwo uua $ 8y 8" 8~ '~ $88 gTT ' : ~ ~ ~ m om.~~: ..w. m wm...c ms.r. ®... w.wu / ~ ~. day' d~' k, iDfiz I 1 ~ ^L.nl a _ - -i ~~ " oed _ _ i" _~ - ~ 105 I I c.ICaJ. I I n:p6ws5° \ T- I _, I °es.o c-1 is v BsJ.e I LL.los°. c.loss~ II it-1~°e° Lro?s~JJ II i` 1o06ss°a IL~ w4° I n /s o-.ossa I o-losRn n.las•~ () I xJl I vlo°. 1I 11 ^105&5 g l a'i ~~j Il mlJfli1 L~'3 _. II re4 6xlos'..n~ xr Ill slurs- I ~- 1- z` ~~ ° - _r- I ~\.f ~ I ~p6'' I c.loB.xo rr.IruaJ ,r_wl.s ~ , I xl ~ ~ B'jG6)'B n.rlMlJ rasa I whsle xlaeZ i xlo a .InBS>~i c-IBa..s T.los° ° L]1 I B ~ I ~ mde _ a~IBBJO .IpS5.0 n.IC°I.B LL^1055. rB ,r-roe.xJ R-InssJ °miau.o I a=lose ca 1~~ I I I 15 Lo-rassJ L=lov.~ Ire 10 19 r • _ I 12~__ r_._ -_ ao 1 -i s ~ --T~ r c-rosJS I c-I 7 n I TA f i i .. .. ..1 ~I. 1q.10559I I LL. M III ven~f.~u p~v'~rt ~? n>+w m. ~'_- -_ .nKf lT w. mlcnL wMeLEwruL BASE1.ffNT1~) TYPICAL STREET SECTION flR SRR ENiRV (8E) _-Il,a.eu°~...._._._... "` - SUMMERSE7FOURTHADDITION u~.,m x~R~ ~u.n e.-.r s...° a. I ...I..rlr..~..r .melm w e w.. I..,........wee.°m°"...o-"°~"nn°IO :.M M u~ o W d:. u,.n+..o.. ex.~+.~ _ ...w.....b wa..l..m.~e .. awn q •fR .io.mxY..w s.u IXrvM r.u. ~ncm. m w.~`~n."mow: ~ .n.~~" "~M~..~c GRADING PLAN ~ 2-05-0088 ~/ \^ ~/V'~ D • r1 ^L_^~ILJJ I J ~ ~~ I '' I'' ^ ~~~~ ^ ® ~~ I J ~_ r ~ ~ I I I~ ~I~~~ ~ L~~ ~ ~ LJ ~~(_~~~~1 FRONT ]=L~VATION OPT. 2 ~ SCALE: i/8' 1'-0' DlSCLA1MER OF WARRANTIES M qw 4nnu a' a:n erre svR yw .µT e~ se la.n ww vL ne rpelvfE vQilab v PeMeivwi PVNPOSES ORL~v V' e~Defign loom myef HO W.WR/JIiIES WfimfVER EiMER ETPRESSED W IYRIEp of to mVNenlaLLly m grpa m Alvan m) user(s) an a IA 1 relien[e u faE pent lfeell C n(a). m.m wnaa .rie: a o~i~ece.ae .aaalw w'•evdf a . Pa« .~. n ~ro..:eall .e w . eaa.. m ~... > ma .e un. Pm. ' a ~~tt ~~~ ~~-~~ I~ ~ se I ~ m _ ~~:~://~ij~ m Ft m - p S w ~ _J ~ > > rt] a o Q N ~ J C _ ~ J V K ~ r N R' LL GLOOR PLAN OPT. I ,4-3 ~~~ ~ 3 I=RONY ~LEYATION OPT. I 9.2 Optional Maintenance by Association. In addition to the maintenance described . in Section 9.1, the Association may, with the approval of the Board and a majority of the total Owners' votes in the Association, undertake to provide additional exterior maintenance to the Units or Dwellings. 9.3 Maintenance by Owner. Except for the exterior maintenance required to be provided by the Association under Section 9.1 or 9.2, all maintenance of the Dwellings and Units shall be the sole responsibility and expense of the Owners thereof. Owner shall be responsible for all snow removal, except as otherwise provided in Section 9.1.2. Owner shall b~ponsible for maintenance, caze and replacement of all trees, shrubs and other vegetation located on a Unit except for lawn care maintenance on the yazd azeas of the Units and the maintenance, repair and, if necessary, replace of the sprinkler system, which aze the responsibility of the Association. Subject to Section 9.1 and Section 9.2, the Limited Common Elements allocated to a Unit shall be maintained by the Owner of that Unit. The Association may require that any exterior maintenance to be performed by the Owner be accomplished in accordance with standazds established by the Association. The Association requires that decks, which aze the responsibility of Owners to repair, maintain and replace, be re-stained with a stain approved by the Association so as to provide a uniform appeazance. The Owners and Occupants shall have a duty to promptly notify the Association of defects in or damage to those parts of the Property which the Association is obligated to maintain. 9.4 Damaee Caused by Owner. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this Declaration, if, in the judgment of the Association, the need for maintenance of any part of the Property is caused by the act or omission of an Owner or Occupant, or his or her guests, or by a condition in a Unit which the Owner or Occupant has caused or allowed to exist after notice from the Association, the Association may, upon reasonable notice, cause such damage or condition to be repaired or corrected (and enter the yazd azea of any Unit to do so), and the cost thereof may be chazged and assessed against the responsible Owner's Unit. Such cost shall be a personal obligation of the Owner and a lien against the Owner's Unit. In the case of party walls between Dwellings, the Owners of the affected Dwellings shall be liable as provided in Section 10. SECTION 10 OPEN SPACE EASEMENT AND SETBACK. REQUIREMENTS 10.1 Open Space Easement. In addition to the easements described in Section 13, the Units shall be subject to and benefited by an Open Space Easement, described in attached Exhibit D, and which is hereby granted and reserved for the benefit of all of the Owners, Occupants and the Association. That portion of each Unit which is subject to the Open Space Easement shall be left and maintained in substantially the same condition as originally established by the Declazant, subject only to natural changes and any changes permitted by the City of Hutchinson and the Declazant. That portion of each Unit subject to the Open Space Easement shall be free from any structures or permanent improvements. The real property subject to the Open Space Easement shall be used for passive recreational activity. Owners and .Occupants aze entitled to quiet possession of their Unit and there shall be no loud or offensive activities permitted within the Open Space Easement. There shall be no changing of any grade or contours of the Property within the Open Space Easement and no interference with the drainage plar~ established by Declarant within the Open Space Easement. The Association shall STPL-Word:56518.4 17 ~~~ r A have the right to establish reasonable Rules and Regulations regulating the use of the Property • subject to the Open Space Easement. 10.2 Setback Reguirements. No structures or other permanent improvements shall be constructed or permitted within twenty-five (25) feet of the front boundary line of any lot, within six (6) feet of any side boundary line of any lot and within twenty-five (25) feet of any reaz boundary line of any lot. SECTION 11 INSURANCE 11.1 Required Coverage. The Association shall obtain and maintain, at a minimum, a master policy or policies of insurance in accordance with the insurance requirements set forth in the Act and the additional requirements set forth herein, issued by a reputable insurance company or companies authorized to do business in the state of Minnesota, as follows: 11.1.1 Property insurance in broad form covering risks of physical loss in an amount equal to one hundred percent of the insurable "replacement cost" of the Property, less deductibles, exclusive of land, footings, excavation and other items normally excluded from coverage (but including all building service equipment and machinery). The Association may or may not insure the improvements and betterments referred to in Section S15B.3-113(b)(i) through (vii) of the Act as determined by the Boazd, but must • do so if required by the FNMA, FHLMC, FHA or VA, as referred to hereafter. The policy or policies shall cover personal property owned by the Association. The policy or policies shall also contain "Inflation Guazd" and "Agreed Amount" endorsements, if reasonably available. Such policy or policies shall include such additional endorsements, coverages and limits with respect to the foregoing and other hazazds as may be required from time to time by the regulations of the Federal Housing Administration ("FHA"), the U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs ("VA"), the Federal National Mortgage Association ("FNMA") or the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation ("FHLMC") as a precondition to their insuring, purchasing or financing a mortgage on a Unit. The Boazd may also, on behalf of the Association, enter into binding written agreements with a mortgagee, insurer or servicer, including without limitation the FHA, VA, FNMA or FHLMC, obligating the Association to keep certain specified coverages or endorsements in effect. 11.1.2 Commercial general liability insurance covering the use, operation and maintenance of the Common Elements, with minimum limits of one million dollazs per occurrence, against claims for death, bodily injury and property damage, and such other risks as aze customarily covered by such policies for projects similaz in construction, location and use to the Property. The policy shall contain a "severability of interest" endorsement which shall preclude the insurer from denying the claim of an Owner or Occupant because of negligent acts of the Association or other Owners or Occupants. The policy shall include such additional endorsements, coverages and limits with respect to such hazazds as may be required by the regulations of the FHA, VA, FNMA or FHLMC as a precondition to their insuring, purchasing or financing a mortgage on a Unit. STPL-WOrd:56518.4 18 5~c ~~~ ~OrM • ~ v • • Minnesota Department of Public SafeTy ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 444 Cedar Street Suite 133, St. Paul MN 55101-5133 (651) 215-6209 Fax (651) 297-5259 TTY (651) 282-6555 W W W.DPS.STATE.MN.US APPLICATION AND PERMIT FORA 1 TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON-SALE LIQUOR LICENSE TYPE OR PRINT INFORMATION t,.. ~~ }~ .?:w NAME OF ORG N RATION DATE ORGANIZED TAX EXEMPT NUMBER A ; STREET ADDRESS CITY. STATE ZIP CODE 35 3 r~ Azx.. ~.~. I,YIroY, rn~n . 55'.~Sb NAP OF PERSON KING APPLIC/ATION BUSINESS PHONE HOME PHONE (.~-e (~tLr./ ~ sB~- ice ~ s 3aa) ass- 5 5~>` DATES LIQUOR WILL BE SOLD ~ q ~G~ T OF ORGANIZATION F~ L B HARITABL ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME Joly ~f'LI/lCE4/GE DRESS boy CLo41u+. ~ycG•,~I(,fc,~f~adr~ ~(~/,, S53s~ ORGA/N~IZATION OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS `~ KflGE/G ~~sovl ~n. 55350 ~o. /~~(. 1 u~~vnsvn ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS Location license will be used. If an outdoor area, describe `~ /J 1 G ~ ~ ~l ' l ~ L7irl 4 /B~c-ri/, t',I~000 n (-~1 / Will the applicant contract for intoxicating liquor se ice? If so, give the name and address of [he liquor licensee providing the service. i~J Will the applicant carry liquor li~abli~,lity insurance? If soJ~]]plffease provtd/e [he carrier's name and amount of coverage. 1.41 ~,lt./~anU~ ri+d 2/ /.f tl'~ APROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROV ED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL & GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT CITY/COUNTY A/s-L~(1S0y\ DATE APPROVED ~ CITY FEE AMOUNT ` ~ ~ • ~~ LICENSE DATES ? DATE FEE PAID G~, I J"-~~ 0 SIGNATURE CITY CLERK OR COUNTY OFFICIAL APPROVED DIRECTOR ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT NOTE: Submit this form to the city or county 30 days prior to event. Forward application signed by city andfor county to the address above. If the application is approved the Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division will return this application to be used as the License for the event PS-09079 (0?/OS) Sr~~ ~~~ "t a,.m~~ • Minnesota Department of Public Safety ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 444 Cedar Street Suite 133, St. Paul MN 55101-5133 (651) 215-6209 Fax (651) 297-5259 TTY (651) 282-6555 W W W .DPS.STATE.MN.US APPLICATION AND PERMIT FORA 1 TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON-SALE LIQUOR LICENSE TYPE OR PRINT INFORMATION ;.. ~~ ~:~ N ME OF ORGANIZATION merl~>a~~ ~~.~arv bs7 i DATE ORGANIZED /gzU TAX EXEMPT NUMBER y.~i913~ STREET ADDRESS 35 .~~~ ~~{. ~.f. CITY f ~td.~r~tvns+n STATE `9~1t~rl• ZIP CODE '~~5~5© NA PERSON M G APGGt'~/K~•t// ION ~~~~~ ~y,,L BUSINESS PHONE k3d~)5a9-a1F45' HOME PHONE $dU) .~SSkI DATES LIQUOR WILL BE SOLD /~~i 1(/~1G l i d ° I~ ~ T F ORGANIZATION B H THER N PR FIT ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S",NAME ~' ~'L(.C~ ~~.QX,{'C~1?~K~ DRESS // ,,/I // 9, L' ~c,~v .S~'. °~1i~cfl~n./h~ ~~, .5535"r~: ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME ~s9rn ~ ~~,z, ADDRESS ~"l ~ ,~o . S /6 (,r.., ~G t~ u~ ~5~ sS ORGANIZAT]ON OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS v ' Location license will be used. If an outdoor area, describe -~f~,1 ,/ / /~'y ~Ri ~A tcm A-1 ~CLV(~/'Orc~~ Will the applicant convact for intoxicating liquor service If so, give the name and address of the liquor licensee providing the service. Will the applicant carry liquor liability insurance? If so,~4 please prove a the carrier's name and amount of coverage. 2nd~rts^~.~,~ro HG~V;,Ir~ APROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL & GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT CITY/COUNTY 1,~If`~i,t~SC; ~ DATE APPROVED CITY FEE AMOUNT b~~~j. L D LICENSE DATES DATE FEE PAID ~" ~ ~j'L7S SIGNATURE CITV CLERK OR COUNTY OFF1ClAL APPROVED DIRECTOR ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT NOTE: Submit this form to the city or county 30 days prior to event. Forward application signed by city and/or county to the address above. If the application is approved [he Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division will return This application [o be used as the License for the event PS-09079 (02/OS) ~~~ n arrn, its ~:' a :,.7• .511°aat:', -;k-.2~~ ~li. ~'ii u:~ lu -. ~ ~ _ j ~,~ '~ra<< Err- :;~,re..E'~w~~~~~'~'l' C ,~~.,~}~lrr.,~r~t l~a~~~n7~~~~ir~ii ._ ~.- __, ~__,_.~~~.... _......._. _-_..~_........m. r _ ,~ - .. ~.. ._ ~.. .M... ,, ~- ~~ " _. ~s~ESi~iVt~ E~~ ""~~" -~f ~/" r .~"'^~ ~......... ... _ m.. _ ~ y v --- __ _~.... f -- __.._ ,...m~_ _ ..e.._ "-~ ~.. 1 ~.... __...._ .. ~.~ ,~...~. ~~. ~.....m . ~ _~.~..... ~~' ~~. ~ d "~~ ":E~'~ ~~'. _ l ~~ i'~~;' 4~ "~~~"J~~i?t~$I~yY'lll-2]f', .ii_iiiiM~Ea,~x l~t,~~1 ",.k~'~~'1~"r{,~9c8.fi"& ~R'el~~ "J1C~l~iili~ilti,' U tcti ,",~'llc} ~~~~ w~~~,, st~~~~u~:. ~~~ ~~,~r,~~~_ ~,~. ~~~~e~~~ ~~r~ r~a.~ti~s~~~r~~~,a°~a ~~~°~a'~f~a~~llty ,~;s til _'r.~~,. ,~~:.~, ; t~° ~ ~° P ,. Ciry ofHumhinsan Appdcatlort for Peddlers, Solidtors, and Transient Merchants Page 2 of 4 • Location r. erf N stare Business Information Describe relationship between applicant and employer: Describe nature of business an d describe item(s) offered: // ~cr 5 f- lJ~.~~il~ - 5 J~ ~~~ ~ ~~~/ 1~7d.G~r lP /1 O~"S Describe meth of delivery: Desc/~be source of supply: /~ ~i ~/~' ~ ~5~~h~ ~dd~/f /-bon -5 ~ Ski y _ Suppliier Name l~l ~hi,~iAS-~%~iy~ ~-r~/7~ , 3~likt5~a/'I SuppierPhone Number ~ t~:z9f Supplier Address Ciry State Zip Supplier, ame `~~~ ,~/~1h i7~, pp T'k:~T~uc~Et SupplerPhane Number -r ~ 02,P~,iD Sss LerAddress Ciry State Zip Supplier Name Sssppler Phone Number Su plierRddress Ciry State Zi Provide two (2) property owners (preferably in McLeod County) for character references: ~ n t7~" i ~ ~ O- ~ .~~f ~- %f 75-5 Property Owner Name Property Owner Phone Number °Z" >'/~r^ Li r h Soli /~~ ~/35 v Property Owner Address City Stale Zip `9 rvame (rro ~~ t~~ 7' .Z~~~ Property Owner PhoneN bet ~~~~ City ofHutchinson Application for Peddlers, Solicitors, and TransieniMerchants Page i of 4 • Information List last (up to three (3)) previous city(ies) where you carried on same activity: ~~1~'/may rl~/ ~ -~6 os~ to ~-- ~6-0~ City State Date(s) of Activity 0"~i y ~~toh /ay h - ~-os~ to ~ ~- °r-os Ciry State Date(s) of Activity Ciry State Date(s) of Activity Checklist The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order for the application to be processed: Application/Investigation fee paid in full (check or money order): "yes ^ no A lication com leted in full and si ed: es ^ no I hereby certify I have completely filled out the entire above application and that the application is tore, correct, and accurate. I fully understand that any person who violates any provision of the Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Merchants Ordinance No. 673 is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000.00 or by irnprisonrnent foa a period aot exceeding 90 days or bo?h, plus, in either case, *he costs of prosecution. Applicant Date Use Police ^ approved ^ denied Notes: City Council ^ approved ^ denied Notes: H/Li sWApy4cationWPedd7a, SOticitm,Trenamt.dac 5C-~~ coy of ~~~q~~Wawv 111 Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320)587-5151/Fax: (320)234-4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance No. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications must be received at least 30 days before event in order to be considered • ^ Full Year January 1 -December 31, Fee: Year Short Term Date(s) (~f -//_ Q.S - Or ttnization Information _ST. N,4~r/;'SlA l',~7-rlaLt(~~ilf°Pf/ 3~l~S`~7-Co~O'?' Name Phone Number /aD i-/~KC S~~ Siti~ ~:a*" ~f?.cVSo/1/i /f~iL .5'.S.3S~ Address where regular meeting are held City State Zip Day and time of meetings? y7`ft Ty ~ ~, j G y ~~,UTfy - 'f~l~l Is [his organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? S1'yes ^ no How long has the organization been in existence? /T How may members in the organization? dicer t What is the purpose of the organization? Fla r-e~o~t S ~~fJ u(rf7TYo //sFt- In whose custody w/ill organization records be kept?~ [-CG2~ ~UV ~Ji~O'.5~~-CP5"J7 Name Phone Number ~/l~liG.4KG S~-SGV !{tirrc~iw~~/ ~~ti ss~a Address City ~ State Zi $100.00 Fee: $25.00 Ftdeltt' Hond Information The following information is provided concerning fidelity bond given by the gambling manager in favor of the organization: ~ bonding company • Address of bonding company Amount of bond: made for waiver of City of bond: s: ^ v State Zip 5l~ • Ciry of Huahirtson Applimtion for Bingo Gambfing Devices L~cense Page 3 of 3 Officers or Other Persons Paid for Services Inforrtiation (if necessary, lisfadditional names nn se crate sheet Name Title Residence Address City State Zip Name Title Residence Address City State Zip Name Title Residence Address City State Zip The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order for the application to be processed: Copy of the official resolution or official action designating the gambling manager: ^ yes ^ no Copy of insurance that meets or exceeds limits established in the ordinance: ^ yes ^ no A list of al] active members of the organization: ^ yes ^ no Application fee paid in full (check or money order): ^ yes ^ no A lication com ]eted in full and si ned by both authorized officer and amblin mangier: ^ yes ^ no • Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing [he operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 114.20 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349)? Gambling Manager yes ^ no LT Authorized Officer O~ges ^ no --~1t ~_ Initial Initial I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of [he City Ordinance No. 114.20 relating to gambling and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. ~: ~~-~~ ,CS Date Signature of of gambling manager - ~ ~ - G' Date I mternat Use unly City Council ^ approved ^ denied Notes: • ~~ 1r~ u CityJrofJy~y ~f If'M/`~ 111 Hassan S[ree[ Southeast Hutchinson, Mh 55350 (320)587-5151/Fax: (320) 234-4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance No. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications must be received at least 30 davs before event in order to be considered • ^ Full Yeaz January 1 -December 31, Short Term Date(s) - nr„~.tim,,.,iva,,. Fee: $100.00 Year Fee: $25.00 Name 3za - ~~~~ 7 s ~Z- Phone Number Address where regular meeting are held ,q City J ! ' State Zip Day and time of meetings? ~' 2S 1 ?9 rt (.C F D 1( '~ H ~l ~C! 1`l£xrR ~'`~ t' f ~ T~£ ~ ry on71f Is this organization organized under the laws of [he State of Minnesota? ^ yes ^ no How long has the organization been in existence? ~, How may members in the organization? ~~ What is the purpose of the organization? ~0 ~ ~ ~ P ~ ~ ~~-ice ~ u ~ ~ 0 Yh M u r~ ~3 In wrho`se custody will organization records be kept? z~ yy/,~ndi~sc>~~zD ~~C-.~~~-7s7Z Name Phone Number h'~~',-~c2r1~R ~-~~L~ST ~u~~l:,n'~tr.. f~'Ir1 S53SC the Amount of bond: is anon is provided r of bonding com made for waiver :erning/a fidelity bond given by the gambling manager in favor c 7a of bonding company City State Zip \ Duration of bond: ie bondine ?sstuirements: ^ ves ^ no 5~h~ City of Hutchirsson Application for Bingo Gambling Devices L~cense Page 2 of 3 n 0 Duly Authorized:Officerof the Or¢ariization Inf~imation i ~~~zt' Wlr'inr.~~~.~hl£~~ _sZG-J`8~-572 True Name Phone Number ~20 ('_t~LZ }~C2n', rg 5~~~~ 1 1~1~1Ck',tisan vJl7, ~S3SC% Residence Address n Ciry State Zip Date of Birth: ~ / a / / / ~ t' Place of Birth: ~~ t (J ,~ dj' fi ~t Month/day/year City State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ^ yes e7 no If yes, explain: True Name 3z~;_ s ~~- ~s ~z Phone Number ~Zd ~'tgC~?-CrLn^„9.5?, ~N~C1,~~SC~ ~ SS3sD Residence Address Ciry State Zip Date of Birth: ~ / ~ / J ~ (p ( Place of Birth: ~~~ , Ll ~, 1'} /~TIh~ Month/day/year Ciry State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ^ yes L~3'ho If yes, explain: i How long have you been a member of the organization? 3 ~F {q ~~5 Name of location where game will 6e played 32(. - S~ 7- Phone Number mss- ~ ~a ~9 ~~ L `~ ~ , N ~,~e~~~st-~ Y~%r~ s~'"~3 -~ Address of location where game will be played Ciry State Zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: Maximum number of player: through From ~ 2.~ ~'D ~ To Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ^ money .'merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? ^ yes ^ no If yes, will a charge be made for such refreshments? ^ yes ^ no f'k'~s~.d~n Tide .~--'~~ ~: ScOi ~`z `>~< S tic1 ~ v ~C~:-,,~ b'~r~, .SS3.SC ~ Residence Address City State r ~ Zip f~L~ Yt'I~n cl£~SCNf~ fJ SG~r2~ T19~'~ ; Name Title ~4Z~ ~ ~ L~ f-Ur~VIT J 1, ~`~Li~C1~~ nSGn 1, s3~S' Residence Address City State Zip T y rh elf va ~~'~ L ~t9 ~ i ~ '~~ s~ dg n 1 Name Title ~~~~~2 Zok~h ~i, 1';~eN%'t~)J //, ss-ass ~~~ City of Hutchinson Apphcakan far Bingo Gambling Devices G'cense Page3of3 • iC ~"- ~'~~~'S', Name Title X1.0 ~'~'~~l~~f' WAS'` ~ ~ Residence Address City Stale Zip Name Residence Address Zip Title City State Title Ciry State Name Residence Address The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order for the application to be processed: ger. yes ^ no nce a or mance: ^ yes ^ no " r "F ~~ i h ~f the orsaniza[ion.. ^ yes ^ no c Application fee paid in full (check or money order): ^ yes ^ no '~ a~j A ]ication com leted in full and si ned by both authorized officer and QamblinQ manager: ^ ves ^ no • Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 114.20 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349)? M Gambling Manager yes l~no~~ p'Lt , Authorized Officer ^ yes ^ no Initial Lnitial I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 114.20 relating to gambling and I will familiarize myself with the contents [hereof. ~~ ~. 'yYl<~-.~~~~J Signature of authorized o, fjicer of organization Signature of gambling manager of organization Intertial Use Only City Council ^ approved ^ denied Notes: 119 Y~~ G'~ G 00 Date Y~/~y-'z~ Z~~~ S Date ~ch~ • cuy ~ ~~ I11 Hassan Stree[ Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 587-5151/Fax: (320) 234-424D City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR PARADE PERMIT Permit Fee: $25 (short term) Date Received: All applications must be received at ]east 30 davs before event in order to be considered UFW Posr yon f ~+~...,. ~ Pe.,t rc ss~- f s: q ~nt Organization Name v Phone Number Or anization Address Ci State Zi and S^(-~~~ ~nown~ s'81-331~ -- ~~", pp O^~cer Name ,1 Phone Number tR~esidenceAddress City State Zip Par de Chairman Name Phone Number / S 7 / 4 t aA. _ ~v P~... ~,.l.y~ vt„`. SS 3 sv Parade Information Parade Date: yIn ~ ; 03 pTaf ryt~lD~ ~ Assembiny T-iFm-e: 9: o o R.,.._ Location and Description of Assembly Area: (-~ A)Sw. - /Seal ?.w~ ~ ~^•.~ f~/ S eT Starting Time of Parade: Ct ; ~ Estimated Time of Parade: t ~ t ~{~- Starting Point of Parade: ~-~dszn.~.t ~.,+w..._ •2...1 1 ~J .A.i Sts Route of Parade Travel: ~ a~„'~,~ tN. ~ - _ _ -.~~~SX- Iqy N it _ ~ ~,,,~ Ending Point of Parade: y_yy~ ~I ~~,,,,Z, ~.,,,,~,~ Pa..~ Approximate Number of Units, Animals, and Vehicles which will constitute Parade: 2.,. Type and Description of Animals and Vehicles: ~ (~„ ~ (V~.t.r-...,,1 ~~„~ _ Maximum Interval of Space to be Maintained Between Units z v ~T Maximum Length of Parade: ~ ~l-o<-1cS Minimum and Maximum Speed of Parade• ~ ~c~.~.. ~/i..,g Mpg Portion of Street Width Traversed: ~~¢ ~./ ,~ G.7 t ~ ~ ~ 5c,~ i • • Ciry of Hutchinson Application far Parade Permit Prtge 1 of 2 The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order for the application to be processed: Permit fee paid in full (check or money order): ^ yes ~rto Permit A lication completed in full and signed: fO ves ^ no I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. authorized officer of organization or parade Police ^ approved ^ denied Notes: City Council ^ approved 5- ~6- oS Date ^ denied Notes: ~~ Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350-2522 320-587-5151/Fax 320-234-47A0 CJ n TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Public Works Brenda Ewing, Human Resources Director RE: Consideration of Advertising for Senior Wastewater Plant Supervisor DATE: May 20, 2005 This position has been vacant for an extended period while we reviewed our operations and the needs of the Public Works Group and Wastewater Department. We have previously advertised for a higher-level position, prior to reorganizing the Wastewater Department into the Public Works Group. Over the last year or so we have worked with a Peer Review Team and with SEH Consulting to review comprehensive needs of the department, and develop specific descriptions of positions needed. Based on this review we have prepared the new description, and are proposing to advertise. Points to consider: 1. We can-ently have a fairly young and inexperienced work staff that has been supplemented by using consulting services for additional support and training. We need to provide more internal support and stabilization as soon as possible. 2. The proposed position would be at the same level of authority and pay as the Senior Water System Supervisor, Dick Nagy. 3. A review by the consultant has raised concerns that our salary structure may not allow us to draw qualified candidates. The top of the range in the Twin Cities is about $15,000 higher than ours, demand is high and the number of qualified candidates is low. This will need to be addressed during our compensation plan review (We are allowing candidates to apply that can meet all of the position qualifications and certifications over the next year or so. This may help increase the candidate pool.). 4. As part of the operational review that has been completed, we are working on a mentoring and apprenticeship program that would provide a system for training and developing staff, and provide a structure for advancement. Due to the demands noted above, we aze concerned that we could lose valuable staff as they gain experience and training. Our existing contract with SEH Consulting includes completing the coordination for the description development, job advertisement and recruitment, interviewing and testing services. The general work description and consulting contract have been previously approved, however, due to the length of time it has taken to get to this point, we are asking for your reaffirmation. Printed on recycled paper - 5~~~ TITLE Senior Wastewater Plant Supervisor Level 7 DEPARTMENT WATER, WASTEWATER ACCOUNTABLE TO Director of Water/Wastewater Operations SUMMARY THIS IS TECHNICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE WORK IN THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE WASTEWATER FACII.ITIES DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1 Supervises and coordinates the work performed by the employees of the wastewater treatment plant at the direction of the Director or Water/Wastewater Operations. Maintains familiarity with all procedures and has the ability to serve a backup for other staff when necessary. 2 Assumes responsibility for overall effective operation of the wastewater plant. Meets regularly with Director of Water/Wastewater Operations to ensure that wastewater plant operating requirements are met. 3 Ensures that employees receive required safety and related training required to efficiently and safely operate and maintain the wastewater facilities. 4 Ensures that machinery, equipment and structures utilized by the department are properly maintained and operated. Assists the Director of Water/Wastewater Operations relative to operation, maintenance and repair activities related to Collection System Operation and Maintenance including Inflow and • Infiltration activities. Ensures that appropriate safety practices are followed. 5 Responds to emergency situations on a 24-hour basis. Communicates with the Director of Water/Wastewater Operations as necessary to resolve prob]ems. 6 Sees that the rules and regulations of the Pollution Control Agency, State Department of Health and Department of Natural Resources relative to the wastewater treatment plant are followed. 7 Prepares monthly reports required by the State or other agencies. 8 Develops annual budget request for the wastewater plant and works with the Director of Water/Wastewater Operation to operate within their budgets. 9 Attends staff meetings and other meetings as required and communicates relevant to the activities of the Wastewater Treatment Plant. 10 Performs job evaluations and performance pay recommendations for employees under supervision as directed by the Director of Water/Wastewater Operations. 11 Prepares reports and records of department operations as requested by the Director of Water/Wastewater Operations. 12 Acts to maintain and improve public relations with landowners, townships and others. Uses available means to keep communication open and to enhance the relationship between the city and adjoining . areas. 13 Responds to questions and problems of the public in connection with wastewater service policies. 5Z~ 14 Coordinates the City of Hutchinson Biosolids program including land application and sludge • processing activities. 15 Is responsible for development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) foi- wastewater treatment plant, collection system and Biosolids activities. Will also review and revise SOP's annually as required to comply with current facility needs. 16 Performs related duties as required. DESII2ABLE QUALIFICATIONS Technical training in wastewater treatment operation and maintenance. In addition, this position requires a minimum of five years supervisory experience. Ability to communicate well with employees and the public. General knowledge of wastewater treatment plant functions and personnel management. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS State of MN Class A Wastewater Operator Certificate. (or ability to obtain within two years) Type N Waste Disposal Certificate Valid Minnesota Drivers License • WORKING CONDITIONS Inside and outside work. Temperature extremes and odors. Some hazard from chemicals and gases. Will be expected to respond to calls and emergency situations 24/7 when available. Equipment: All related wastewater facility equipment, PC and related software, printers,copier, cellular phone, 2-way radio and City vehicles. `~~~ RESOLUTION NO. 12722 • RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5073 LETTING NO. 7/PROJECT NOS. 05-07 & OS-09 WHEREAS, cost has been determined for the improvement of: 05-07: Michigan Avenue from TH 7 to 5th Avenue SE -street resurfacing by construction of milling, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances; and 05-09 2nd Avenue SW from Lake Street to Dale Street -street resurfacing by construction of reclaiming production, grading, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances; and the bid price for such improvement is $237,604.66 and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $57,025.12 so that the total cost of the improvement will be $294,629.78. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: . 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $202,659.49 and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $91,970.29. 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2006 and shall bear interest at the rate of _ percent per annum from November 1, 2005. 3. The City Administrator, with the assistance of the Director of Engineering, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 4. The City Administrator shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 24th day of May 2005. Mayor • City Administrator ~~~ - MAY•-18-2005 WED 10 26 AM BAUERLY EROS, ~~ J BA ERLY YNII DING B[fT! N' YO~MN YnI~,[[~ To: Kent Exner FRi{ N0. 320 229 3784 P, 01/02 From: Jav Emmerich Fax: 320-234-4240 Pages: 2 Phone: 320-234212 Date: 5-18-05 Re: Hutch letting #1 ~ Reply to: 320-229-3784 • Kent here is the letter that we talked about yesterday, any questions or comments please call me. 320-650-0153 or 320-249-6297. 4787 Shadow Wooa Or, NE Sauk Raploa, MN Sfi37B-6690 320.251-9472 Fax 320.251.0011 • An Equal Opporiunlry Employer ~~~ MAY;IB-2005 WED 10 26 AM BAUERLY BROS, FAX N0. 320 229 3784 P, 02/02 BA-UERLY Nuu e...a F R~TR 1, Co,.NYM,T.R• To: Kent Exner, City of Hutchinson, Form: Jay Emmerich, Bauerly Brothers, Regarding: Letter of clarification for the Hutch Letting #~ proposal, ~~ Dear Kent, • This letter is in regards to the bid on Monday, May 16~', 2005 I would like to clarify a mistake on our bid proposal. A wrong number was used for line item #140, Edge Mill Operalions. We wrote in $9.00 for the unit value, and it was calculated through to the unit total of $576,00. For Item #140 it was suppose to be $90.00 for the unit value, and unit total should have been $5760.00. From what I can figure out from the time it was printed out of the computer some quick calculation changes were made just prior to inking the proposal and the miskeyed number was placed onto the proposal, leaving us with a difference of $5193.09 for that bid item. Which is where the price should be in order to complete that item`s-- ~s/$y °O /~~~ I understand that Bauerly Brothers made the mistake and not the City of Hutchinson; but I am asking that the city would consider the working relationship we have had the past few years and allow the changes to the proposal to be made. Sincerely, ~~~ Jerome F. Emmerich 11 5~~ V`~ I\ ~~ V r~ COMPILED BY: K EXNER ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5073 $11.04 STREET COSTIFF . COMPUTED BY: K EXNER LETTING NO. 7IPROJECT N0. 05-07 CHECKED BY: P VANDER VEEN MICHIGAN ST FROM TH 7 TO 5TH AVE SE BY STREET RESURFACING 8 REPAIR OF EXISTING UTILITY 1ST HEARING: 4/1 212 0 0 5 NUMBER OF YEARS: 10 INFRASTRUCTURE BV CONSTRUCTION OF CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER, MILLING, CONCRETE 2ND HEARING: INTEREST RATE: CURB AND GUTTER, BITUMINOUS BASE, B ITUMINOUS SURFACING, RESTORATION AND APPURTENANCES ADOPTED: AOCT. CITY PID NO. NAME & ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~ STREET TOTAL DEFERRED TOTAL ACTNE NO. COUNT' PIO NO. OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDITION OR SUBDMSION FF ASSESSMENT.. ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT 1 OS-116-29-0.1-0010 DUANE M MAEFNER 1050 MICHIGAN ST SE 150 MICHIGAN ST SE OUTLOT 1 EX SIT & EX N'LV 3.83 ACRES, 23.254.0020 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUDITORS PLAT W 1/2 SECTION OS-118-29 (5.37 AC) 430A2 $4,748.52 54,746.62 2 OS116-29-04-0012 HILLVARD INC 26 MICHIGAN ST SE 320 N 4TH ST 3.83 AC OF OUTLOT 1, 23.254.0024 ST JOSEPH MO 64501 AUDITORS PLAT W 1/2 SECTION OS-116-29 325.9 $3,597.94 53,59].94 q OS1t629-04-0030 THE HIGHER EDUC BOARD 9002ND AVE SE ' 2 CENTURY AVE SE LOT 1, BLOCK 1, 23.256.0020 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 HUTCHINSON INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 275 $3,036.00 f3,03fi.00 5 OS-116-29-04-0040 THE HIGHER EDUC BOARD 980 2ND AVE SE 2 CENTURY AVE SE LOT 2 EX S'LV 1T, BLOCK 1, 23.256.0030 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 HUTCHINSON INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 275 $3,038.00 (3,038.00 g OS-116-29-04-0050 HANDS INC 325 MICHIGAN ST SE P O BOX 432 LOT 6, BLOCK 2 23256.0040 WINTHROP MN 55396 HUTCHINSON INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 300 $3,312.00 53,711.00 05-116-29-04-0060 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 225 MICHIGAN ST SE 111 HASSAN ST SE LOT ], BLOCK 2 23.256.0050 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 HUTCHINSON INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 200 $2,208.00 52.308.00 8 OS11S29-05-0060 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 175 MICHIGAN ST SE 111 HASSAN ST SE LOT 8, BLOCK 2 23.256.0060 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 HUTCHINSON INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 260 $2,670.40 $2.870.40 9 05-116-29-04-0080 CITIZENS BANKBTRUST COMPANY 125 MICHIGAN ST SE 102 MAIN ST S LOT 9, BLOCK 2 23.255.0070 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 HUTCHINSON INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 2g0 $2,87040 52,870.40 10 OS-116-29-04.0090 MN CONF 7TH DAV ADVENTISTS 25 MICHIGAN ST SE 7384 KIRKWOOD CT LOT 10, BLOCK 2 23.256.0080 MAPLE GROVE MN 55369 HUTCHINSON INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 260 $2,610.40 E2,870.40 i t OS-718-29-05-0070 LARRY SORENSON 1045 MICHIGAN ST SE 1104 LEWIS AVE SW LOT 1, BLOCK 1, SWANSON'S SUBONISION IN 23.2580010 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 HUTCHINSON INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 160 $1,766.40 51,7fi6.40 $A5073/2005 LETTING N0. 7/05-0] OS-09IPAGE 1 OF 6 `{(T~ ~/ lI COMPILED BY: K EXNER ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5073 $11.04 STREET COST/FF COMPUTED BY: K EXNER LETTING NO. 71PROJECT NO. OS-07 CHECKED BY: P VANDER VEEN MICHIGAN ST FROM TH 7 TO 5TH AVE SE BY STREET RESURFACING S REPAIR OF EXISTING UTILITY 1ST HEARING: 4/12/2005 NUMBER OF YEARS: 10 INFRASTRUCTURE BY CONSTRUCTION OF CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER, MILLING, CONCRETE 2ND HEARING: INTEREST RATE: CURB AND GUTTER, BITUMINOUS BASE, BITUMINOUS SURFACING, RESTORATION AND APPURTENANCES ADOPTED: ACCT. CITY PIO NO. NAME S ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET TOTAL DEFERRED TOTAL ACTNE NO. COUNTY PID NO. OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDRtON OR SUBDIVISION FF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT 12 OS-1 i6-29-OS-0021 ALLIED PROPERTIES OF HUTCHINSON 336 MICHIGAN ST SE 340 MICHIGAN ST SE LOT 2, BLOCK 1, SWANSON'S SUBDIVISION IN 23.258.0020 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 HUTCHINSON INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 160 $1,766.40 51,766.40 13 OS-i i&29-05-0031 ALLIED PROPERTIES OF HUTCHINSON 340 MICHIGAN ST SE - 340 MICHIGAN ST SE LOT 3, BLOCK 1, SWANSON'S SUBDIVISION IN 23.258.0030 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 HUTCHINSON INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 223.94 $2,472.30 52,672.30 iq 05-116-29-05-0060 ERIC J 6 LEAH J KNUTSON 335 MICHIGAN ST SE 770 LAKEW000 R SW LOT 1, BLOCK t, FIRST ADDITION TO 23259.0010 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 HUTCHINSON INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 250 $2,760.00 52.780.00 15 05-118-29-05-0070 HUTCHINSON TELEPHONE COMPANY 345 MICHIGAN ST SE 235 FRANKLIN ST SW LOT 2, BLOCK 1, FIRST ADDITION TO 232590020 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 HUTCHINSON INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 277.29 $3,061.28 53,081.28 ig 05-118-29-06-0060 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 329 MICHIGAN ST SE 225 MICHIGAN ST SE LOT 11, BLOCK 1, FIRST ADDITION TO 23.259.0110 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 HUTCHINSON INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 33 $364.32 f360.$2 17 32-117-29-13-0010 8 8 T PROPERTIES 10 MICHIGAN ST NE BRIAN KAPING 8 TERENCE HOLT2 10 MICHIGAN ST NE, P 0 BOX 575 LOT 14 WEST OF MICHIGAN ST, AUDITORS PLAT 23.248.0140 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 OF LOT 14, W 12 SECTION 32-177-29 411.71 $4,545.28 54,545.28 18 32-117-29-13-0030 JOE FARBER FAMILY LTD PARTNERSHIP 110 MICHIGAN ST NE 4810 RUSAN ST, P 0 BOX 806 2,61 ACRES OF LOT 12 23248.0130 ST CLOUD MN 55303 AUDITORS PLAT W 12 SECTION 32-117-29 296J $3,275.57 53,276.67 19 32-117-29-13-0031 HOWARD PROPERTIES 490 HWY7E 16 GROVE ST SW 2.39 ACRES OF LOT 12, 23.246.0135 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUDITORS PLAT W 1/2 SECTION 32-1 i7-29 296.7 $3,275.57 53,275.57 20 32-117-29-14-0010 CASEY'S RETAIL COMPANY 510 HWY 7 EAST ATTN: ACCOUNTING DEPT P O BOX 3001 N250' OF LOTS 1 8 2, AUDITORS PLAT OF LOT 14, 23.248.0010 ANKANV IA 50021 AUDITORS PLAT W 12 SECTION 32-117-29 250 $2,760.00 52.760.00 21 32-117-29-14-0020 GARY 8 ANGELA FORCIER 5 MICHIGAN ST NE 175 ARCH ST SE LOT 1 EX N250', AUDTORS PLAT OF LOT 14, 25268.0020 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUDITORS PLAT W 1/2 SECTION 32-117-29 (1.15 AC) 343 $3,786.72 f7,7B6.72 SA5073Y2005 LETTING NO. 7/05-07 OS09/PAGE 2 OF 6 COMPILED BV: K EXNER ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5073 $11.04 STREET COSTIFF COMPUTED BY: K EXNER LETTING NO. 7/PROJECT NO. OS-07 CHECKED BY: P VANDER VEEN MICHIGAN ST FROM TH 7 TO 5TH AVE SE BV STREET RESURFACING 8 REPAIR OF EXISTING UTILITY 1ST HEARING: 4/1 212 0 0 5 NUMBER OF YEARS: 10 INFRASTRUCTURE BY CONSTRUCTION OF CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER, MILLING, CONCRETE 2ND HEARING: INTEREST RATE: CURB AND GUTTER, BITUMINOUS BASE, BITUMINOUS SURFACING, RESTORATION AND APPURTENANCES ADOPTED: ACCT. CITY PID NO. NAME 6 ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET TOTAL DEFERRED TOTAL ACTOIE NO. COUNTY PID NO. OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDITION OR SDBOMSION FF A59E58MENT ASSESSMENT ASSE88MENT 22 32-117-29-14-0590 CROW RIVER HABITAT FOR HUMANITY 504 HILLTOP OR NE 305 MAIN ST S, STE 107 LOT 1, BLOCK 1 23.253.0010 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 SANTELMAN'S THIRD ADDITION 171.89 $1,897.67 51,897.67 23 32-117-29-14-0610 CROW RIVER HABITAT FOR HUMANITY 505 HILLTOP DR NE 305 MAIN ST S, STE 107 LOT 1, BLOCK 2 23.253.0120 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 SANTELMAN'S THIRD ADDITION 176.68 $7,950.55 57,960.66 TOTAL PROJECT N0.06-07 6935.9 562,231.N 562,237:71 V• r1 SA5073/2005 LETTING N0. 7105-0705-09IPAGE 3 OF 6 `V~ V • ~~ C COMPILED 8Y: K EXNER ASSESSMENT ROIL NO. 5D73 $17.18 STREET COSTIFF COMPUTED BY: K EXNER LETTING NO. 7/PROJECT NO. OS-09 ' CHECKED BY: P VANDER VEEN 1ST HEARING: 4N2/2005 NUMBER OF YEARS: 10 2ND AVENUE SW FROM LAKE STREET TO DALE STREET-STREET RESURFACING BY CONSTRUCTION OF RECLAIMING CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER BITUMINOUS BASE, BITUMINOUS SURFACING, RESTORATION AND PRODUCTION GRADING 2ND HEARING: INTEREST RATE: , , APPURTENANCES ADOPTED: ACCT. CITY PID NO. NAME 8 ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET TOTAL DEFERRED TOTAL ACTMi NO. COUNTY PID NO. OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDITION OR SUBDMSION FF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT 24 01-116-30-02-0120 ELSALVOUNG TO 965 2ND AVE SW BEG, 23.115.0010 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 1, AUD PLAT OF LOT 28, LYNN ADDITION 142 $2,439.56 - 52,439.56 25 01-116-30-02-0130 MAUREEN E HANTGE 9552ND AVE SW 955 2N0 AVE SW W94.7' OF LOT 2, 23.115.0030 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUD PLAT OF LOT 28, LYNN ADDITION 95 $1,632.10 51,632.10 26 01-116-30-02-0140 CARLOS A 8 MURIEL P HOEFT 9452ND AVE SW 945 2ND AVE SW E84.1' OF LOT 2, 23.115.0020 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUD PLAT OF LOT 28, LYNN ADDITION B4 $1,443.12 f1,d03.t2 27 01-11630-02-0150 DALE 8 NANCY REDETZKE 935 2ND AVE SW 9352ND AVE SW LOT 3, 23.115.0040 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUD PLAT OF LOT 28, LYNN ADDITION fib $1,133.88 f7,733.ee 28 07-116-30-02-0160 MATTHEW G MCMILLAN 9252ND AVE SW 925 2ND AVE SW LOT 4, 23.115.0050 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUD PLAT OF LOT 28, LYNN ADDITION 66 $1,13388 51,133.86 29 01-116-30-02-0170 CHRISTVIN H CHRISTENSEN 9152ND AVE SW 915 2ND AVE SW LOT 1, 23.114.0010 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUD PLAT OF LOT 27, LYNN ADDITION 64 $1,099.52 E1,099.b2 30 01-11630-02-0180 SANDRA ANN RAOLOFF BSANDRAZ WILLIAMSON 8492ND AVE SW 530 GRAHAM Si SW LOT 2• 23.114.0020 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUD PLAT OF LOT 27, LYNN ADDITION 84 $1,099.52 57,069.52 31 01-11fi-30-02-0190 TIMOTHYIBSALLYJ SMITH B412ND AVE SW 841 2ND AVE SW LOT 3 & W15' OF LOT 4, 23.1140030 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUD PLAT OF LOT 27, LYNN ADDITION 77 $1,322.86 57,322.66 32 Ot-116-30-02-0200 RONALD 8 NANCY METAG 831 2ND AVE SW 831 2ND AVE SW LOT 4 EX W15' & E20', 23.114 0040 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUD PLAT OF LOT 27, LYNN ADDITION 98 $1,fi83.64 51,883.80 33 01-11830-02-0210 DAVIDBJOVCE SCHRUPP 8252ND AVE SW 8252ND AVE SW LOTS6 E200F LOT4 23.114.0050 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUD PLAT OF LOT 27, LYNN ADDITION 90 $1,546.20 57,506.20 34 Ot-116-30-02-0220 ALVIN SANGMA 8172ND AVE SW Bi72ND AVE SW LOT 6, 23.114.0060 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUD PLAT OF LOT 27, LYNN ADDITION 70 $1,202.60 57.202.80 3HJU/JILWO LC I llrvb rvLL //w-U/ VJVB,rnVC-, ~r o V' /1 ~~i # r ~, COMPILED 8Y: K EXNER ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 6073 $17.1$ STREET COST/FF COMPUTED 8V: K EXNER LETTING NO. 7/PROJECT NO. 05-09 CHECKED 8V: P VANDER VEEN 1ST HEARING: 4/1212005 NUMBER OF YEARS: 10 2ND AVENUE SW FROM LAKE STREET TO DALE STREET-STREET RESURFACING BV CONSTRUCTION OF RECLAIMING PRODUCTION GRADING CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER BITUMINOUS BASE BITUMINOUS SURFACING RESTORATK)N AND 2ND HEARING: INTEREST RATE: , , , , , APPURTENANCES ADOPTED: ACCT. CITY PID NO. NAME SADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET .TOTAL DEFERRED TOTAL ACTNE NO. COUNTY PID NO. OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDITION OR SUBDNISION FF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT 35 01-11fi-30-02-0230 DELORESA RATH 8152ND AVE SW 815 2ND AVE SW W LV PART OF LOT 7 23.114.0080 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUD PLAT OF LOT 27, LYNN ADDITION 70 $1,202.60 51.202.80 36 01-116.30-02-0240 CRAIG DAPPER 801 2ND AVE SW 801 2ND AVE SW E'LV PART OF LOT 7, 23.114.0070 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUD PLAT OF LOT 2I, LVNN ADDITION $0.00 §0,00 37 01-11E-30-02-02fi0 LYNN J KRASEAN 205 LAKE ST SW 205 LAKE ST SW N165' OF LOT 29 EX E127.6' & E% ST 23.112.0540 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LYNN ADDITION 0 $0.00 50.00 38 01-116-30-02-0270 RONALDGBLACK-ETAL 9502ND AVE SW 950 2ND AVE SW E727.6' OF N165' OF LOT 29 23.112.0550 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LYNN ADDITION 127 $2,181.86 (2,181.88 39 01-01830-02-0280 FRED AIBERTS JRfi VIRGINIA ALBERTS 9342ND AVE SW 934 2ND AVE SW LOT 1 23.116.0010 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUD PLAT OF LOT 30, LVNN ADDITION 128 $2,199.04 52,199.04 40 01-01630-02-0290 SHELLY ATEUBERT 9282ND AVE SW 9282ND AVE SW Wfi6'OF LOT2 23.116.0030 HUTCMINSON MN 55350 AUD PLATOF LOT 30, LVNNADDITION 66 $1,133.88 $1,133.88 41 Ot-11630-02-0300 MARKA SCHRAMM 9082ND AVE SW 908 2ND AVE SW lOT 2 EX 266' 23.716.0020 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUO PLT OF LOT 30, LYNN ADDITION 83 $1,425.94 (1,425.84 42 01-116-30-02-0310 ROGER M & LINDA L PECK 650 2ND AVE SW 850 2ND AVE SW LOT 3 23.116.0040 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUD PLAT OF LOT 30, LVNN ADDITION 66 $1,133.68 (1,133.88 43 01-11630-02-0320 DELAINE ROLFE 8442ND AVE SW 849 2ND AVE SW W66' OF LOT 4 23.116.0060 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUD PLT OF LOT 30, LVNN ADDITION 66 $1,133.88 - 51,133.88 4M1 01-116-30-02-0330 ERIC RVONBERGE 8402ND AVE SW 890 2ND AVE SW LOT 4 E% EE6' 8 EX W66' 23.116.0050 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUD PLAT OF LOT 30, LYNN ADDITION 87 $1,151.06 §1,151.06 45 01-71830-02-0340 THOMAS R 8 JEAN A MAVER 8302ND AVE SW 830 2ND AVE SW E66' OF LOT 4 23.H6.0070 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUD PLAT OF LOT 30, LVNNAODITION 65 $1,116.70 51,116.70 COMPILED BY: K EXNER ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5073 517.18 STREET COST/FF COMPUTED BY: K EXNER LETTING NO. 71PROJECT NO. OS-09 CHECKED BY: P VANDER VEEN 1ST HEARING: 4/1 212 0 0 5 NUMBER OF YEARS: 10 2ND AVENUE SW FROM LAKE STREET TO DALE STREET-STREET RESURFACING BV CONSTRUCTION OF RECLAIMING GRADING, CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, BITUMINOUS BASE, BITUMINOUS SURFACING, RESTORATON AND PRODUCTION 2ND HEARING: INTEREST RATE: , APPURTENANCES ADOPTED: ACCT. CITY PID NO. NAMESADORESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET TOTAL DEFERRED TOTAL ACTNE N0. COUNTY PID NO. OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDITION OR SUBOMSION FF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT A39ESSMENT 46 01-11830-02-0350 GREGORY 8 LINDA VANDER HAGEN 9202ND AVE SW 820 2ND AVE SW LOT 5 23.116.0080 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUD PLAT OF LOT 30, LYNN ADDITION 66 $1,133.88 57,7]].88 47 Oi-11630-02-0360 HAUSS 8 MICHELLE HOLLRAH 204 DALE ST SW ' 204 DALE ST SW LOT 6, 23.118.0080 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 AUO PLAT OF LOT 30, LYNN ADDITION 11 $188.98 5188.98 48 01-116-30-03-0010 OOUGLASB CAROL DOBRATZ 1001 LEWIS AVE SW 1007 LEWIS AVE SW LOT 3 EX ST 8 EX 5738.5' AUD PLAT PART OF NW 1/4 23.198.0020 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 SECTION 01-116.30 S OF MILL POND 1.54 ACRES 0 $000 50.00 TOTAL PROJECT N0.06-09 1737 529,7Jd59 529,7SB.b8 TOTAL ASSESSMENTS • SA-607J -LETTING NO. 71PROJECf NO. 06-07 $836.8 583,231.71 582,2J1.71 TOTAL ASSESSMENTS • $A507J • LETTING N0.7/PROJECT N0.064)9 17N 529,7J9.68 529.73&69 TOTAL -ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 6073 - LETTING NO. 7IPROJECT NOS. 06-07 d 05-08 7987.83 591,870.28 591,970.29 ~~ ~~ V SA-50732005 LETTING NO. 7/05-0705-09/PAGE 60F 6 RESOLUTION NO. 12723 • RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5073 LETTING NO. 71PROJECT NOS. 05-07 8 05-09 WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on the 24th day of May, 2005, the Director of Engineering was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of improving: 05-07: Michigan Avenue from TH 7 to 5th Avenue SE -street resurfacing by construction of milling, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances; and 05-09 2nd Avenue SW from Lake Street to Dale Street -street resurfacing by construction of reclaiming production, grading, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances; WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 14th day of June 2005, in the Council Chambers at Hutchinson City Center at 6:00 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all • persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunityto be heard with reference to such assessment. 2. The City Administrator is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearing. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Administrator, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by November 15th, 2005. He may at any time thereafter, pay to the City Administrator, the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of May 2005. Mayor • City Administrator ~K~ PUBLICATION NO. 7341 • NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5073 LETTING N0.7/PROJECT NOS. 05-07 8 05-09 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council will meet at 6:00 P.M. on the 14th day of June 2005, in the Council Chambers at City Hall at Hutchinson, Minnesota, to consider and possibly adopt, the proposed assessment for the improvement of: 05-07: Michigan Avenue from TH 7 to 5th Avenue SE -street resurfacing by construction of milling, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances; and 05-09 2nd Avenue SW from Lake Street to Dale Street -street resurfacing by construction of reclaiming production, grading, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances; Adoption by the Council of the proposed assessment against abutting properly may occur at the hearing. You may at anytime prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the entire assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City • Administrator. No interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by November 15th, 2005. You may, at anytime thereafter, pay to the City Administrator the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31st of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15th or interest will be charged through December 31 st of the succeeding year. If you decide not to prepay the assessment before the date given above, the rate of interest that will apply is 10 percent (plus or minus) per year. The right to partially prepay the assessment shall be until November 15, 2005. The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection at the City Administrator's Office. The total amount of the proposed assessment is $91,970.29. Written or oral objections will be considered at the meeting. No appeal may be taken as to the amount of an assessment unless a signed, written objection is filed with the City Administrator prior to the hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. The Council may, upon such notice, consider any objection to the amount of a proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting upon such further notice to the affected property owners as it deems advisable. If an assessment is contested or there is an adjoumed hearing, the following procedure will be followed: 1. The City will present its case first by calling witnesses who may testify by narratives or by examination, and by the introduction of exhibits. After each witness has testified, the contesting party will be allowed to ask • questions. This procedure will be repeated with each witness until neither side has further questions. 5 ~~~ PUBLICATION NO. 7341 • ASSESSMENT ROLL NO.5073 LETTING NO. 7IPROJECT NOS. 05-07 & 05-09 PAGE 2 2. After the City has presented all its evidence, the objector may call witnesses or present such testimony as the objector desires. The same procedure for questioning of the City's witnesses will be followed with the objector's witnesses. 3. The objector may be represented by counsel. 4. Minnesota rules of evidence will not be strictly applied; however, they maybe considered and argued to the Council as to the weight of items of evidence or testimony presented to the Council. 5. The entire proceedings will be tape-recorded. 6. At the close of presentation of evidence, the objector may make a final presentation to the Council based on the evidence and the law. No new evidence may be presented at this point. An owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or CityAdministratorwithin 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days • after service upon the Mayor or City Administrator. Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 435.193 to 435.195, the Council may, in its discretion, defer the payment of this special assessment for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. When deferment of the special assessment has been granted and is terminated for any reason provided in that law, all amounts accumulated, plus applicable interest, become due. Any assessed property owner meeting the requirements of the law and the resolution adopted under it, may within 30 days of the confirmation of the assessment, apply to the City Clerk, for the prescribed form for such deferral of payment of this special assessment on his property. Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator City of Hutchinson, Minnesota PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON THURSDAY, MAY 26TH, 2005 AND THURSDAY, JUNE 2ND, 2005. n U `~~ PETITION FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT f100% OF PROPERTY OWNERS) LETTING NO. 75 PROJECT NO. 05-17 Hutchinson, Minnesota Dated: May 17, 2005 TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: W e, all owners of real property abutting in Rolling Meadows East First Addition development, hereby petition for improvement by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, lighting, signing and appurtenances, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and that the City assess the entire cost of the improvement against our property described below, and we hereby agreed to pay the entire cast as apportioned by the City. This petition shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and successors of the parties. OWNERS SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 1) Bruce Naustdal Address 2) Denise L. Naustdal Address 3) Kon R. Sorensen Address 4) Diane M. Sorensen Address Examined, checked and found to be in proper form and to be signed by the required number of owners of property affected by the making of the improvement petitioned for. Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator s~ ~~ I~ AGREEMENT OF ASSESSMENT, WAIVER OF HEARING AND WAIVER OF IRREGULARITY AND APPEAL LETTING NO. 15 PROJECT NO. 05-17 This Agreement, is made this 24th day of May 2005, between the City of Hutchinson, State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the City and Sorenson Naustdal Properties fee owners of McLeod County, State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as Owner. In consideration of the action of the City Council, at the owners' request, to cause the improvement of Rolling Meadows East First Addition development by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surtacing, lighting, signing and appurtenances and to assess 100% of the cost of $200,300.00 to the Owner. Owner agrees to pay said percentage, as may be determined by the Council of the City to be a fair apportionment of the costs of said improvement not to exceed $200,300.00, plus interest, over a period 10 years. Owner expressly waives hearing and objection to any irregularity with regard to the said improvement assessments and any claim that the amount thereof levied against owner's property is excessive, together with all rights to appeal in the courts. This agreement shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and successors of the parties. In testimony, whereof, said Owner has hereunto set his hand, the day and year first above written. • OWNERS SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: 1) Bruce Naustdal Address 2) 3) 4) Denise L. Naustdal Kon R. Sorensen Diane M. Sorensen SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF: Address Address Address DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Signature Printed 5~ ~~ • RESOLUTION NO. 12724 RESOLUTION DECLARING ADEQUACY OF PETITION AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT LETTING NO. 15 PROJECT NO. 05-17 • • BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A certain petition requesting the improvement of Rolling Meadows East First Addition development by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surtacing, lighting, signing and appurtenances was filed with the council on May 24th, 2005, is hereby declared to be signed by the required percentage of owners of property affected thereby. This declaraticn is made in conformity to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.035. 2. The petition is hereby referred to the Director of Engineering and that person is instructed to report to the council with all convenient speed advising the council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Adopted by the council this 24th day of May 2005. Mayor City Administrator 1~ HIITCHINSON ENGINEERING/Pi7BLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Hutclnson City Center / 1T1 Hassaa Street SE / Hutchinson MN 55350-2522 / 320-234-4209 / FnX 320-234-4240 ENGINEERING REPORT AND FEASIBILITY STUDY TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Kent Exner, City Engineer DATE: May 24, 2005 SUBJECT: Letting No. 15/Project No. 05-17 (Rolling Meadows East 151 Addition) OBJECTIVE To address the petition for the City of Hutchinson to construct street and utility improvements within the preliminarily platted Rolling Meadows East 13` Addition (see attached location map). PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surtacing, trail, lighting, signing and appurtenances, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and understanding that the Citywill assess the entire cost of the improvements against the adjacent petitioning property owners. ~ COST SUMMARY ~ The following cost and funding estimates are based on previous experience with similar projects, current funding alternatives, and estimated construction costs. Final assessed costs would be based on final plans and actual bid prices. Estimated costs are calculated to be conservative, so that final costs are not expected to exceed these estimates. However, these are not guaranteed amounts. ESTIMATED COST. TOTAL Construction:Cost $161,533.00 Land Acquisi£ion $0.00 EngneeringlAdministration/Fiscal $38,767.00 Consultant: $0.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL $200,300.00 ESTIMATEDiFUNDING 'TOTAL Assessable Cost $200,300.00 Deferred Assessable Cost $0.00 C ity; Bonded ' $0.00 City- Wastewater Fuhd $0.00 City,- Water Fund $0.00 City;- TIF $0.00 MSA $0.00 Mn/DOT $0.00 ESTIMATED TOTAt_ $200,300.00 ,~ ~ ~~ SCHEDULE The following proposed schedule is subject to change depending on the project approval process, • construction timing, and other factors: • May 24, 2005 -City Council receives Report and Waives Hearing on Improvement • June 28, 2005 -Resolution Approving Plans & Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids • July 22, 2005 - Receive.Bids • July 26, 2005 -City Council Awards Bid • August to October 2005 -Construction PROJECT FEASIBILITY I have studied the following project and find that the proposed improvements are feasible and recommend they be constructed: Letting No. 15/Project No. 05-17 Rolling Meadows East 1s' Addition -Complete street and utility improvements by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, lighting, signing and appurtenances. L~ • ~~ J '~o~ 1~ sTy\ ~ ~~F ti h,. W z a 0 m w 0 V }~ PROJECT ~- I LOCATION 0 0 w O a 0 a. THIRD RESOLUTION NO. 12725 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND WAIVING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT CITY OF HUTCHINSON LETTING NO. 15 PROJECT N0.05-17 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Council adopted May 24th, 2005, a report has been prepared by the Director of Engineering, with reference to the improvement of Rolling Meadows East First Addition development by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, lighting, signing and appurtenances; and said report was received by the Council on May 24th, 2005. WHEREAS, this improvement was petitioned for by 100% of the property owners and said property owners have waived hearing on said improvement, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvements of such streets in accordance with the reports and the assessment of benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $200,300.00. • 2. The public hearing on said improvement is hereby waived. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 24th day of May 2005. Mayor City Administrator \J 5 ~ ~~ I :iri:ln f'a~ ]~J!llextt~>ri:sl I iclci I.r:lr~tncc` 12r~:td ~"~ar "~~r~~c~ ~~»~,r~av~al~t ~1.~~°titt,]~I~. 1~1':~~~ect tip. ~QS-fi~1) '4~~Y~fN S 1, ~il 1{{y{ k ,~~~ ~' ~ ~ vt~~: 1..~•~'~ ~~istf: ~~~~~tza + 1°~9ti~~V~r7 erre~tn•am~~r~~ ttca~ f~~-t~r'I ~'~~°6t~~,~ci:-~r~~an:< h~earur~a-aaal ~°icrllrl:zttP~c ~rr~ rsf'4i1'' ~.~~ ~~~~~ ~, + ~.~~~;~ x~f ~~~~La ,~. i i~a~r~~'l~z~^y~.lc~ ~rc~ua~ ~~o~t`a~ .u~ gip. • f">.is;nn~ er:i-~,u~ce ~or~9 r~7a'~ I - rraad~ e;~~z'all; ;k a:G~ r~~~. ~iel'u~~~at~~w ~'rcxpct~~ ln'rprx~~r~~~x~ + Ili,~l~,ly+-a,;r~l~~ rtr:~ar_~k ,ti 1 ~~rr, ~ikw~~~Qacr~,a 1. !rl~ ~..1"'f ~ nlra; ~r 5 + r4p~,; ~,pca,;#c tiata•u L;uc; ~; ~ °,~,,~~ r~r~~~~a~r~ aailr~ r°nar~aa~u~ar~ ~r~rk ~+ "Y'r~iY is~Vr'r "Y'~rt~u~ C'~u~kl'tru~G~w'~~w~ a'w°letw~rarzr~q~ ~A~l~ 1~rr,;~~ ,:~~i~4k~ ~ 1 ~ a~~a~u ~ ,n caaa~~,~~>rr~m ~'~trr~z ~c3rul:~u ~wualt ~~I'".'k~, r~w~t,~y . .~. u; nc., cr.~i * a,;_~lull i wuW~stiar•s~ stcrm~a~rt ~~rnrr;rr ~f~aro~r~~ro~va:b°r'b~t'pRr~ +.,~. ~c~,at~a~:au r~a~ul~>raa~ai.V tu~c~ ua~r~ .~"rra ,4vr, ~.ufl~;9~ aadt;atr~:~a ~a:t~~t~c~tx,. ~~ 7~:;ar:c~ ("'<~rtistnrrr:c'tl~,Ga (;:"a'a~t :~ 1~P.5, ;~ ~ , . r.li I tiii~rater~ ~rar~ec't (:r~±+t '~ ~.~ I„I ~U u ~; I~: _ , ~ ;~~;«~ ~wewwa:o h~r~co7u3N "~ 47 . lii.inb:', "~ rrir~iip f i.~14t ~T,r ?,J ,~~. r~_~,rr~~,~~ ~,~ ~.~rra~~a ~~tinaatra ~~°pirjral I in~,,r;iau~t, ~~~1,9~~1 RESOLUTION NO. 12726 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REVISED ENGINEER'S REPORT AND ORDERING IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 1 PROJECT NO. OS-01 W HEREAS, a resolution of the City Council adopted the 25th day of January 2005, waived Council Hearing on the improvement and the City Engineer has prepared a revised report with reference to the improvement of: North Central Trunk Sanitary Sewer from Bluff Street to the Tartan Park lift station (4th Avenue SE) -complete replacement of an existing trunk sanitary sewer main and installation of a new roadway by construction of sariitary sewer, storm sewer, watermain, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, trail, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances, and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered in accordance with the report and as proposed in the resolution adopted the 25th day of January 2005. . Adopted by the Council this 24th day of May 2005. Mayor City Administrator • ~~~~ • HITTCHINSQN ENGINEERING~PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Hutchinson CxtyCenxet / lil Hassan Stteet SE / Hutdunson':iVIN 55350-2522 / 320-234.42D9 /'Fn7[ 320 2344240 ENGINEERI1~G'REPORT AND FEASIBILITY STUDY TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Kent Exner, City Engineer DATE: January 18, 2005 SUBJECT: Letting No. 1/Project No. 05-01 REVISED 05/24/2005 OBJECTIVE To determine the feasibility of replacing the trunk sanitary sewer main from Bluff Street to the Tartan Park lift station at 4'h Avenue SE. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Per the City's input and criteria, SEH Consulting studied and prepared a `Report of Feasibility' dated February 25, 2004, regarding the Northwest Sanitary Trunk Sewer Improvements. This report examined the need to convey future sewage flows from the Campbell Lake, Judson Lake and California Street areas in the • northwest quadrant of the City to the existing lift station at Tartan Park. Several infrastructure improvements were determined necessary to meet the anticipated service demands. Noted among the report's recommendations is the need to replace the existing 24-inch concrete/steel/vetrified clay pipe between Bluff Street and the Tartan Park lift station with a 30-inch PVC pipe to ensure adequate capacity. The existing pipe will not be capable of conveying the future combined sewage flows from the north and northwest areas of the City. The replacement of the trunk sewer east of Bluff Street at this time will allow for the trunk sewer to be extended west within Mn/DOT's TH 7 project corridor in 2006 and 2007. In addition, with the new Water Treatment Plant (WTP) being constructed in 2005 to 2007, adequate sanitary sewer service to the plant will be necessary to convey the discharged treatment system effluent. The WTP project will also include the construction of a treatment pond system within the existing "bass pond" area that lies over the proposed trunk sewer alignment. Tartan Park and the surrounding area will be disturbed during the installation of the proposed trunk main. This construction will provide an opportunity to address the desire to provide a more visible and manageable access to the park. The proposed park entrance road (Ontario Street SE) would be off of 5'" Avenue SE immediately north of 3M's entrance. This new roadway would allow for the closure of 4'h Avenue SE immediately west of the park and old railroad crossing. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS The proposed alignment of the trunk sanitary sewer main will cross an existing wetland area just east of Bluff Street ("bass pond") and the South Fork of the Crow River. Appropriate provisions including erosion control measures, construction requirements and restoration details have been outlined within the project • plans and specifications to minimize impacts to the wetland and river areas. All necessary permits and approvals from local, state and federal agencies have been applied for. (~~~~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS • The location and alignment of the following proposed improvements are shown within the project location map and general layout plan (see appendix): Replace the existing 24-inch trunk main with 30-inch and 36-inch PVC/ductile iron pipe from Bluff Street to the Tartan Park lift station. Construct new roadway (Ontario Street SE) between 4t"and 5~h Avenue SE. Reconstruct/replace existing utility infrastructure, roadways, trails and park features that are impacted by the proposed improvements. COST SUMMARY The following cost and funding estimates are based on previous experience with similar projects, current funding alternatives, and estimated construction costs (see appendix). Final project costs will be based on final plans and actual bid prices. The estimated costs are expected to be conservative, so that final costs are not expected to exceed these amounts. However, these estimates are not guaranteed amounts. ESTIMATED COST TOTAL Construction Cost $1,450,000.00 Land Acquisition $0.00 En9ineermg/AdministrationlFiscal $130,500.00 Consultant ', $217,500.00 ESTIMATED-TOTAL $1,798,000.00 r~ U ESTIMATED FUNDING .TOTAL Assessable Cost $0.00 Deferred Assessable Cost $0.00 City Bonded: $0.00 City-Wastewater Fund $1,666,820.00 City - Waterfund $131,180.00 City - TIF $0.00 MSA $0.00 MnIDOT $0.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL $1,798,000.00 SCHEDULE • The following proposed schedule is subject to change depending on the project approval process, construction timing, and other outside factors: • January 25, 2005 -City Council considers Resolution Receiving Report and Improvement, Resolution Ordering Plans & Specifications, Resolution Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids • January 27 to February 4, 2005 -Advertisement for Bids published • February 8, 2005 -Informational Meeting (if necessary) • February 18, 2005 -Open Bids • February 22, 2005 -City Council considers Bids • March to September 2005 -Construction Waiving Hearing on Approving Plans & This proposed schedule achieves the completion of this project prior to the start of MnlDOT's TH 7 project in ~,(~ the spring of 2006 and coordinates the proposed improvements with the impending Water Treatment Plant project. • PROJECT FEASIBILITY 1 have studied the following project and find that the proposed improvements are feasible and recommend they be constructed: Project No. 05-01 North Central Trunk Sanitary Sewer from Bluff Street to the Tartan Park lift station (4th Avenue SE) -complete replacement of an existing trunk sanitary sewer main and installation of a new roadway by construction of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, watermain, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, trail, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances. APPENDIX Estimate of Construction Costs Project Location Map • General Layout Plan r1 LJ • c~~~~ ~'. APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC DANCE PERMIT FEE $50.00 •,~ /h v- P ignature of Applicant . -. 4. Recommendation.of Police Services - Approve Deny Reason fo,~Dema~ 9',, .:. . goon of City, Council ': Security fees at an hourly rate for police officers to be paid In advance at the olice de artment when a contract is si ned. ~~_`~,t-~-c,, • Do,S~' _ 1:1FORMSIDANCEPERMIT QF"~~~ balk-~ ~r`II cav(,~~k~/r 5~..b~apa ~' (ry~p ~( ~/I'L ULS'I' 'W Ii'?4 NL~P . ~AS l9cGi~ G~~f° b~ Gduc.~l~ l~ /Kl'a~ ~~ }oL~1 ,T r^a ~ .~ch ~, y 0!Yi L:-5 osl9s ' r~i, 0 (4{~o,./s~u s n;9A~-. G>aystiP~!-LSO draw, ili aDOO d~4o // a'J c`1P 1C1 Q.N~~ ~hrrY.~C~/~ILV L.Cb i'f D T'hr`S f~P Ph ~ S SGw.e. 0 5 Io f'~ ~4r . \l ~v r~ ~ C~~ ~~ $th Annuan June gth - P Highway 15 South, Hutchinson, Mini Thursdav, June 9 Brian & Mississippi Valley Dutchmen (Wisc.) .........................6.7:30 p.m. and 9.10:30 p.m. Top Notchmen (Wisc.) ....................................................................7:30.9 p.m. and 10:30•Midnight Friday, June 10 Top Notchmen (Wisc.) ............................... ..........................................4.6 p.m. and 5.10 p.m. Musical Brass (Wisc.) ...........:.................... ..........................................6.8 p.m. and 10•Midnight Saturday June 11 Jam Session ..........................................................................starting at noon Musical Brass (Wisc.) ................................ ............................Noon •1:30 p.m. and 3.4:30 p.m. . Leon Olson (MN) ................................................................... .....1:30-3 p.m. and 4:30.6 p.m. Top Notchmen (Wisc.) ............................... .....................................0.7:30 p.m. and 9-10:30 p.m. Country Polkateers (MN) .............................................................7:30.9 p.m. and 10:30-Midnight Music schedule subject to change 2005 • o a es lv at McLeod County Fairgrounds S00 Century Ave. SW Fairgrounds are at the south entl of Hurohinson, wort of Hwy 15, behlntl Wal-Mart. X Thursday-$8 Friday-$10 Saturday-s12 ~~~ for All 3 Days (non-refundable) • 36'x88' Wooden Dance Floor • Plenty of Parking, Camping, Food, & Refresh- ments • Full Service Bar by American Legion Post #96 RV Parking with Electricity -Limited $14 per night No carry-in beverages or food allowed -, c4~ C • Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350.2522 320-SS7-5151/Fax 320-234-4240 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Public Works RE: ROUNDABOUTS! General Information and Golf Course Road Proposal DATE: May 19, 2005 "This (the Modern Roundabout] may be the single most important device ever created to help control traffic safety and smoothly" Discover, June 2001 This may be little bit of hype, however there are thousands ofroundabouts that have been built in the last few years, and hundreds are being constructed yearly all over the world. Roundabouts are not a new fad, they are a proven technology that works. The data is substantial and clear. We will have representatives from SRF Consulting at the Council meeting to talk about roundabouts . in general, and our proposal on Golf Course Road specifically. The following Memorandum is a compilation of information regarding roundabouts. Golf Course Road • The original design called for two 3-way intersections. The roads were at unusual angles to each other, and took a significant amount of land. The redesign to a roundabout reduced the right-of--way needs by about half and acre (land which was returned to the developer). • Traffic models indicated that afour-way stop would not be practical due to the direction of primary movements (the west and south legs were the busiest, creating substantial turning movements). See other notes below regarding the safety and costs of 4-way stops. • Regarding cost, the Golf Course Road roundabout is estimated to cost about $4,600 more than afour-way stop would. We have discussed using a special color-treatment that would add several thousand dollars to that cost, but are proposing to eliminate that from the project. There is also added landscaping proposed, similar to that utilized at Roberts Road, 2nd Avenue SE, and Dale Street. Some of this area could be minimally landscaped or covered with concrete. General Roundabout Information • There is a substantial amount of information and research available. I will e-mail you links of sites with FAQ's, research, videos, pictures and other in-depth information regarding roundabouts. The information below are brief excerpts on some topics. Panted un recycled paper - ~ / ~\ • An Insurance Institute for Highway Safety study showed 50 to 89% reduction in serious crashes at 24 sites where 2 and 4-way stops had been replaced by roundabouts. Many other studies have been completed that show similar or more significant reductions. This is due to the reduction in conflict points and the lack of 90 degree movements (t-bone crashes). • A study completed in 1993 through the Southern District ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) found that installing unwarranted or additional stop signs increases operating costs for the traveling public. The study calculated the costs for increased delay and travel time, increased operating cost, cost to enforce signs, and insurance premiums. The added cost for operating, delay and travel alone were calculated at about 7.3 cents per stop (1990 basis), which totaled $198,000/year for an intersection with 8,000 vehicles per day (fairly similaz to the 20-yeaz projection on Golf Course Road). Additional costs were noted for the other items noted above, as well as the environmental cost. Another study found that the average annual road use cost increased. by over $2,400 (1988 basis) per intersection when converting from a 2-way to a 4-way stop. Kansas State University studies show that roundabouts aze more efficient in tenns of average delay, queue length and percent stopped than any other form of intersection traffic control, particularly 4-way stop control and traffic signals. This issue comes into play on both this intersection, and the intersection of North High Drive and State Highway 15. • Many studies of "before and after" acceptance have been completed, and all have similaz results. A typical survey may have 30 to 40% against the concept prior to construction and 3 to 15% after, while high acceptance may increase from 10% to 60%. • Roundabouts constructed in Minnesota and Colorado have shown the ability of roundabouts to work extremely well in medium to high levels of traffic in all climates. VaiUAvon, Colorado has dramatically reduced extreme levels of congestion by replacing numerous traffic signals and four-way stop intersections (and freeway off-ramps) with roundabouts. Maplewood, MN has several roundabouts that work very well. There are two neaz the Medford Mall off I-35 near Owatonna and also in Rochester. Please check out the links Ihave e-mailed to you. A good place to start is www.roundaboutsusa.com. n `~Cc~ 1 ~ ~ . i;,~ {_ 2 5 11' ~ I n k iwY y~ r '}~ ~ . .,~:, ~ t up - M a .. { _ m. ti ., i ~ .I ...... ~ ... '. ___ - _ ~.~ -..-- ::~ 1 T.. tt J W ~~ ~ ~ ~ Er 1 I 1 ~ ~ F I~} ..p-~ ~ ~ _'¢~M 16 ,. , ...~,.1 ~„~'~' „ , . M.. _. ~. ,.~ F ,. ..~ i_i,u~er.l xuui~uic l'ml ,e J .... ..~., +i, L.i~~F•p ~-... .:.7clwrigMS Co: _..xh ~:; F~-.~,1 9F RKw~ua[:IYpYti In rx a .d~..,a~n .. @ [:vm#Pib.s ~. ~~~ , ~, _ ._._ Y~~~w_ ~. Y,Y~, :.,r, a~~~ ~. , , ,. -~ ,,,,, i u: c1 &f64A. N~9 ~ ..._ ~':. A 1 ~M1 p L ~ -r' J... ... ~~ i r_ T8 ~,~r' ~~ o~ xr a. o J x ObV ~O~ „ ,?:: ~ R.~ ~4 ,o ~, 3 M n p tl3 ~Yb ~~ ~~ ,~' ~ 5' 6 w'R';' „,,, ~ , N U N b.. j Q [ IR.)91 Z i 6 O ; ¢ N m EN wd z ~ h ~ [ [ x o z W ° w~.. ] is ° In o ~ ¢ N g ~.`[ z _ U o ~ 3 .~ 3) i Z ~~S a F - W m d, R N _ ~ ~ N o m ~ ~ a o m U ~ 3~ T•a O m n >< a +~, } et W [ ~ J O ~ o\a ~ ~ U ¢ U (n a°x ` i4i :1 ff R ~ ~9 ~~ P I~ O\ Nn M1 Wd II.0 1.. ]0.] PARK ~' r ~~R 3 ~ 1 9 ~~~[ d ,.=4 !,%,, ~5 t ~ ~~ `\~1 J 1 ~ •^~ ~P~.6 C.~~ , ~8 ~.~ q . Orm.» B Ps~Eecm ~ CF' LEGEND Q RI4WT pf IAY ACOUISITICN 1.993 Sp. FT. _ RIERT CF RAY TUIWEO 2T.St1 Sp. fi. BI.CR TO pEVELOIER P .~' ~~ / QTR:'.`, r Y p ply >. ~ _ --~ ~ ~~~~„ ~ ski / ° oyv q p { ~a ~4 4'~i J~ ~ 7 3 ~ ~~'~Y 2`'~ ~ • • • • RESOLUTION NO. 12705 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING N0.8 PROJECT NO. 05-10 WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of: Golf Course RoadNW/5th Avenue NW from School Road NW to Kouwe Street NW & Golf Course Road NW Extension to TH 7 -complete street reconstruction, new roadway construction and utility infrastructure installations by construction of lateral storm sewer and treatment improvements, trunk and lateral sanitary sewer and services, trunk and lateral watermain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, trails, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, acopy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. • 2. The Director of Engineering shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be received by the City Administrator until 10:00 am on Friday, June 17th, 2005, at which time they will be publicly opened in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center by the City Administrator and/or Director of Engineering, will then. be tabulated, and will be considered by the Council at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, July 12th, 2005 in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center, Hutchinson, Minnesota. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Director of Engineering and accompanied by cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Hutchinson for 5 percent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 24th day of May 2005. Mayor: Steven W Cook • City Administrator: Gary D Plotz $c4~ PUBLICATION N0.7337 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING NO. B PROJECT NO. 05-10 Hutchinson, Minnesota TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Dated: May 24, 2005 The City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will receive bids atthe Office of the City Administrator, 111 Hassan St SE, Hutchinson MN, until 10:00 am on Friday, June 17th, 2005, for the making of the following described local improvement: Golf Course RoadNW/5th Avenue NW from School Road NW to Kouwe Street NW & Golf Course Road NW Extension to TH 7 -complete street reconstruction, new roadway construction and utility infrastructure installations by construction of lateral storm sewer and treatment improvements, trunk and lateral sanitary sewer and services, trunk and lateral watermain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, trails, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances. all in accordance with the Plans and Specifications on file in the Office of the City Engineer. Immediately following expiration of the time forreceiving bids, the CityAdministratorand City • Engineer will publicly open bids, in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center. The Council, will consider said bids at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, July 12th, 2005 in the Council-Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center. The approximate major quantities of work involved are: ITEM UNIT QUANTITY Common Excavation (EV) (P) CY 36,299 Aggregate Base (CV) Class 5, 25% Crushed CY 9,335 Type MV4 WearCourse Mixture -Ton 1,560 Type MV3 Non-Wearing Course Mixture Ton 4,680 12" - 33" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 LF 3,735 18" PVC Pipe Sewer (0' - 26') LF 1,275 12" Watermain PVC L900 LF 3,207 All bids shall be made on the Proposal Forms of the City and shall be accompanied by a cashier's check, bid bond or certified check, payable to the order of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, for not less than five percent (5%) of the amount bid. All bids shall also be accompanied by the required Insurance Certificates as noted in the specifications, and Certificate of Compliance with the Minnesota Worker's Compensation Law. Bids shall be directed to the City Engineer, securely sealed and endorsed upon the outside • wrapper "LETTING NO. 81PROJECT NO. 05-10". g~~ PUBLICATION NO. 7337 • LETTING NO.B PROJECT NO.05-10 PAGE 2 The City Council reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive any informalities and irregularities. Copies of the Plans, Specifications and Proposal Forms are on file and are available from the Office of the City Engineer, 111 Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, MN 55350, and will be furnished on request to any prospective bidder oon oavment of $53.25 oer set (NON- REFUNDABLEI. The successful bidder will be furnished free of charge; additional adequate number of specifications. Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON THURSDAY, MAY 26TH, 2005 AND THURSDAY, JUNE 2ND, 2005 AND IN THE CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN ON FRIDAY, MAY 27TH, 2005 AND FRIDAY. JUNE 3RD. 2005. • • ~C~-~ ~ CITY OF HUTCHINSON MEMO Finance Department May 19, 2005 TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: KEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR CITY OF FALCON HEIGHTS TO ISSUE HOUSING BONDS A request for housing bonds to purchase a housing complex in Hutchinson had been discussed during our recent debt and bonding workshop. During the workshop Financial Consultants Steve Apfelbacher and Jessica Cook, Ehlers & Associates, discussed possible fee structures and problems the City of Hutchinson has • this year with the $10 million bank qualification limit (which provides a lower rate of interest). A formal request has now been received not for the City of Hutchinson to issue the bonds but rather the City of Falcon Heights. As we understand the process there area certain legal rquirment for this to take place. We would have our financial consultant and bond counsel, Dorsey, review all documents. The City is required to hold a public hearing prior to the authorization for the City of Falcon Heights to issue the housing bonds. We will be reimbursed for all out of pocket expenses and a $10,000. fee. A letter received from their legal counsel is included which provides an over view and purpose of the bond and needed action. Representatives from the firm will be in attendance and Jessica Cook will also be attending our meeting. REQUEST If the City Council agrees, the request would be to set a public hearing for the June 14 meeting. H:\o0C \City council memo l.doc nc~~ • McGrann Shea Anderson Carnival Straughn & Lamb, Chartered ATTORNEYS AT LAW U.S. BANCORP CENTER WILLIAM R. MCGRANN GREGORY P. GATTI ANDREW J. SHEA 800 NICOLLET MALL JENNIFER A. JAMESON DAVID S. ANDERSON SUITE 2600 TIMOTHY J. FOSTER DOUGLAS M. CARNIVAL AMY L. COURT ROBERT O. STRAUGHN PETER L. COOPER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA ROGER J. STELLJES AMANDA R. CEFALU KATHLEEN M. LAMB 55402-7035 SEAN O. SKRYPEK JOHN R. SCHULZ ALBERT E. LI COREY J. AYLING TELEPHONE 612 338-2525 ( ) DOUGLAS M. JAKWAY HE NRY M. HELGEN III RANDOLPH W. MORRIS FACSIMILE (612) 339-2386 SCOTT B. CROSSMAN CARLA J. PEDERSEN PAMELA HODGES NISSEN KATHLEEN MICHAELA BRENNAN JOSEPH T. BAGNOLI May 19, 2005 VIA E-MAIL Kenneth Merrill Finance Director City of Hutchinson City Hall 111 Hassan Street SE • Hutchinson, MN 55350 Re: Pines of Hutch inson Our File No.: 61401-0054 Dear Mr. Merrill: I am writing regazding the Pines of Hutchinson (the "Pines"), a 50-unit catered living senior housing facility being constructed at 1015 Century Avenue SW in Hutchinson, to be owned and operated by Pines of Hutchinson, LLC, an affiliate of our client, Ecumen, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation. The Pines is located directly adjacent to the existing 42-unit assisted living facility known as the Oaks of Hutchinson, which is owned and managed by another Ecumen subsidiary. The Pines will be operated for rental primarily to elderly or handicapped persons. The project consists of a two-story slab-on-grade wood frame building of approximately 51,550 square feet. The apartments range in size from one-bedroom units of about 510 square feet to two-bedroom units of about 900 square feet and one-bedroom with den units of about 980 squaze feet. The units have fully-equipped kitchens, telephone and computer hook-ups and an urgency response system connecting to on-site health care professionals. The facility also includes an 8- space garage, a congregate dining room, commercial kitchen, laundry facilities, common areas including a sun room, a media room and library, and other amenities. More details about the • project are set out in the housing program document which you will be receiving presently as described below. qc4~ Kenneth Merrill May 19, 2005 Page 2 Ecumen is Minnesota's lazgest nonprofit provider of senior care services. Ecumen believes the Pines project will provide a beneficial resource to the elderly and their families in the Hutchinson area. We hope that your community is already familiar with the high standard of care and service that characterizes Ecumen facilities through Ecumen's Oaks of Hutchinson assisted living project. We have anticipated that financing for the project will be provided through tax-exempt multifamily housing revenue bonds. Because we understand that Hutchinson desires to preserve its full capacity to issue bank-qualified bonds in 2005, we have requested that bonds for the Pines be issued by the City of Falcon Heights. However, under federal tax rules, "host approval" for the project is still required. Accordingly, we are respectfully requesting host approval by the Hutchinson City Council on behalf of this project. Financing the project in this manner will not use any of the City of Hutchinson's tax-exempt bank-qualification capacity. Construction of the Pines is nearing completion and we will need to close on our financing in mid-June. The host approval process being requested of Hutchinson would include the following steps: (a) Adoption of a resolution by the City Council at the meeting scheduled for • Tuesday, May 24. This resolution would authorize publication of a public hearing notice in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, May 26, for a public hearing to be held at the City Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 14. The resolution would also authorize submission by the City of the housing program for the project to Mid-Minnesota Regional Development Commission for comment, as required by statute. (b) Publication of the public hearing notice (we would respectfully request that if necessary the notice be provided to the publisher in advance of the Council meeting to permit publication on May 26`h). (c) Conducting the public hearing and adoption of a resolution by the City Council at the meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 14. This resolution would give host approval to the project, approve the housing program and authorize a joint powers agreement with the City of Falcon Heights, which will act as issuer of the bonds. The bond counsel for Falcon Heights, Briggs and Morgan, would act in that capacity here. Briggs and Morgan will be providing you with the City Council resolutions, public hearing notice, housing program, joint powers agreement and other necessazy documents. We understand that the documents involving the City of Hutchinson will need to be reviewed by your bond counsel, Dorsey & Whitney. The reasonable fees of your bond counsel as well as any other necessary and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses of the City of Hutchinson will be reimbursed by Pines of Hutchinson, LLC. In addition, in consideration of its approval of the project and the financing, the City of Hutchinson will receive at bond closing a one-time lump sum administrative fee of $10,000. ~c~~ Kenneth Merrill May 19, 2005 Page 3 We are appreciative of the City's willingness to consider assisting Ecumen in arranging financing for the Pines. We believe the project will be a beneficial resource for Hutchinson and its senior citizens and their families. Please do not hesitate to contact me, our investment banker, Bryan Nelson at Oppenheimer & Co., or Stephen A. Ordahl, Vice President -Business Development, at Ecumen, if there are any questions or if additional information is needed. Again, on behalf of Ecumen, thank you for your cooperation. Yours truly, Peter L. Cooper zasois.ooc • r1 ~J Q C~~ RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSAL FOR FINANCING ELDERLY HOUSING FACILITIES AND AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF A NOTICE OF THE HEARING (a) WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 462C, as amended (the "Act"), authorizes municipalities to finance the acquisition and construction of multifamily housing developments under the circumstances and within the limitations set forth in the Act. Section 46X.07 of the Act provides that such programs for multifamily housing developments may be financed through the issuance. of revenue obligations payable exclusively from the revenues of the program or developments; and (b) WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (the "City"), has received from Pines of Hutchinson, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (the "Borrower"), a proposal that the City assist in financing a project hereinafter described, through the issuance of revenue bonds (the "Bonds") by the City of Falcon Heights, Minnesota ("Falcon Heights") pursuant to a Joint Powers Agreement between the two Cities; and (c) The Borrower or a related entity proposes to acquire a 50-unit independent senior housing facility located at 1015 Century Avenue SW in Hutchinson; and (d) Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59, as amended, the City and Falcon Heights enter into a joint powers agreement authorizing Falcon Heights to issue . revenue bonds to finance acquisition of the facilities; and (e) WHEREAS, before proceeding with consideration of the request of the Borrower, it is necessary for the City to hold a public hearing on the proposal. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, as follows: 1. A public heazing on the proposal of the Borrower will be held at the time and place set forth in the Notice of Public Hearing hereto attached. 2. The general nature of the proposal and an estimate of the principal amount of Bonds to be issued to finance the proposal are described in the attached form of Notice of Public Hearing. 3. Drafts of documents related to the Bonds aze on file in the office of the City Administrator. 4. The City staff is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the hearing to be given one publication in the official newspaper of the City, not less than 15 days prior to the date fixed for the hearing, substantially in the form of the attached Notice of Public Hearing. • 1771957v1 ~~~~ Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, this 24th day of May, 2005. Mayor ATTEST: City Administrator C~ • i~n9sw~ 2 ~(~~ STATE OF MINNESOTA • COUNTY OF MCLEOD CITY OF HUTCHINSON I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting City Administrator of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes with the original thereof on file in my office, and that the same is a full, true and complete transcript of the minutes of a meeting of the City Council of said City duly called and held on the date therein indicated, insofar as such minutes relate to calling for a public hearing on the Pines of Hutchinson, LLC Project. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said City this day of May, 2005. City Administrator (SEAL) CJ • »n9s~~i 3 ~~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A HOUSING PROGRAM AND THE ISSUANCE OF MULTIFAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BONDS TO FINANCE A HOUSING PROGRAM UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 462C NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (the "City"), will hold a public hearing at p.m. on June 14, 2005, at the City Hall at 111 Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, Minnesota, to consider a housing program for the issuance of revenue bonds under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C, as amended, to finance a multifamily housing development in the City (the "Program") pursuant to a Joint Powers Agreement between the City and the City of Falcon Heights, Minnesota. At the public hearing, the City will consider adoption of a resolution approving the Program. The aggregate face amount of revenue bonds proposed to be issued to finance the Program is presently estimated not to exceed $5,500,000. The project proposed to be financed under the Program consists of the design, construction, and equipping of a 50-unit independent senior housing facility located at 1015 Century Avenue SW, in the City known as The Pines of Hutchinson Project (the "Project"). The Project will be owned by the Pines of Hutchinson, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, of which Maplewood Senior Housing, Inc. is the sole member, and operated by Ecumen Services Inc., awholly-owned management company of Ecumen, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation or an affiliated entity, as a multifamily housing development for rental primarily to elderly or handicapped persons, or as a combination of a multifamily housing development and a health care facility. • The Bonds if and when issued will not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance upon any property of the City except the Project and such obligations will not be a charge against the general credit or taxing powers of the City but will be payable from sums to be paid by the Borrower pursuant to a revenue agreement. A draft copy of the proposed housing program is available for public inspection beginning during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, in the office of the City Finance Director, in the City Hall. At the time and place fixed for the Public Hearing, the City Council will give all persons who appear at the hearing an opportunity to express their views with respect to the proposal. Written comments will be considered if submitted at the above City office on or before the date of the hearing. Dated: May 24, 2005 • 1771984v1 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL By: Garv Plotz City Administrator ~~~~ . JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SENIOR HOUSING REVENUE BONDS (PINES OF HUTCHINSON, LLC PROJECT) THIS AGREEMENT is entered into as of the 1st day of June, 2005, between the City of Falcon Heights, Minnesota ("Falcon Heights") and the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota ("Hutchinson") (collectively, the "Municipalities," or individually, a "Municipality"). The Municipalities are each a municipal corporation, duly organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota. RECITALS A. Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59, as amended (the "Joint Powers Act") provides that two or more governmental units, by agreement entered into through action of their governing bodies, may jointly or cooperatively exercise any power common to the contracting parties, and may provide for the exercise of such power by one of the participating governmental units. B. Pines of Hutchinson, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (the "Borrower") proposes to acquire a 50-unit independent senior housing facility located at 1015 Century Avenue SW in Hutchinson, known as the Pines of Hutchinson (the "Project"). • C. The Borrower has proposed that the Municipalities enter into this agreement pursuant to the Joint Powers Act, pursuant to which Falcon Heights, on behalf of itself and Hutchinson, will issue revenue bonds, in one or more series or issues (the "Bonds") under Minnesota Statutes, Section 462C (the "Act") in an aggregate amount not to exceed $5,500,000 and loan the proceeds thereof to the Borrower to finance acquisition of the Project. D. In order to assist in the marketing of the Bonds to investors at the lowest possible yield thereby enhancing the financial feasibility of the Project, the Borrower wishes Falcon Heights to facilitate the designation of the Bonds as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" within the meaning of Section 265(b)(3)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"). E. Falcon Heights has not issued during calendar year 2005 nor expects to issue during calendar year 2005 any governmental bonds or qualified 501(c)(3) bonds within the meaning of Section 265(b) of the Code or any other obligations that need to be taken into account in determining whether Falcon Heights is a "qualified small issuer" within the meaning of 265(b) of the Code in excess of $10,000,000. • 1771926vI /~-~{ \ ~ J\ NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings and covenants set forth • below and other good and valuable consideration, the Municipalities hereby represent and agree as follows: 1. The Municipalities hereby agree to jointly finance acquisition the Project. Falcon Heights is hereby designated as the issuer of any Bonds to be issued pursuant to this Agreement. 2. Each Municipality represents to the other parties hereto that it has (i) held a public hearing with respect to the Project and (ii) has adopted a resolution authorizing execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement. 3. Falcon Heights shall exercise the powers of the Act by adopting, approving and executing such resolutions, documents, and agreements as shall be necessary or convenient to authorize, issue, and sell the Bonds and such other resolutions, documents, and agreements as shall be necessary or required in connection with the issuance of the Bonds and giving effect to or carrying out the provisions of this Agreement and documents under which the Bonds are issued and/or secured. 4. Any Bonds to be issued pursuant to this Agreement shall be special, limited obligations of Falcon Heights, payable solely from proceeds, revenues and other amounts specifically pledged thereto. In no event shall the Bonds ever be payable from or charged upon the general credit, taxing powers or any funds of any of the Municipalities; the Municipalities are not subject to any liability thereon; no owners of the Bonds shall ever have the right to compel • the exercise of the taxing power of any of the Municipalities to pay any of the Bonds or the interest thereon, nor to enforce payment thereof against any property of any of the Municipalities; the Bonds shall not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of any of the Municipalities; and the Bonds do not constitute an indebtedness of any of the Municipalities within the meaning of any constitutional, statutory, or charter limitation. 5. This Agreement shall terminate upon the retirement or defeasance of the last outstanding Bonds and this Agreement may not be terminated in advance of such retirement or defeasance. 6. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same instrument. [Remainder of page intentionally left blank; signature pages follow] • 1771926v1 2 qca~ • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Municipalities has caused this Agreement to be executed on its behalf by its duly authorized officers, all as of the day and yeaz first above written. n U CITY OF FALCON HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA By Its Mayor Its Administrator SIGNATi JRE PAGE TO JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT • 1771926v1 S-3 ~~~~ • • CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA By Its Mayor By Its Administrator SIGNATURE PAGE TO JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT r~ LJ i~~ivze~i S-4 ~,(~~ ~ Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Brenda K. Ewing, Director of Human Resources RE: Proposed Market DATE: May 19, 2005 Attached is the list of communities that were originally identified as the market for the current City of Hutchinson Compensation Plan that was adopted in 2000. With the current study underway to update the Plan, it is proposed that the list of communities be included in the market study that will be completed by the consultants, Laumeyer and Associates. When the list was identified in 2000, it was noted that the market may have longevity, in that the list would be used in future studies for consistency. It is recommended that this list be approved as identification of the market for the City of • Hutchinson Compensation Plan. U ~ch~ Proposed Market • The following is the defined marketplace for different levels of the organization that has been in place for the City of Hutchinson compensation plan. The purpose of this list was and is to identify those jurisdictions which should play a role in further discussions: Jurisdiction Based on... Classifications... McLeod County Geography All Meeker County Geography All Carver County Geography All Sibley County Geography All Renville County Geography All Wright County Geography All Glencoe Geography Non-exempt Litchfield Geography Non-exempt Norwood/Young Geography Non-exempt America Cokato Geography Non-exempt Olivia Geography Non-exempt Chaska Population All Chanhassen Population A11 Shakopee Population Prof/Managerial Prior Lake Population Prof/Managerial Farmington Population Prof/Managerial East Bethel Population Prof/Managerial Champlin Population Prof/Managerial Owatonna Population Prof/Managerial Albert Lea Population Prof/Managerial St. Cloud Population Prof/Managerial Mankato Population Prof/Managerial Hastings Population Prof/Managerial Savage Population Prof/Managerial Northfield Population Prof/Managerial With the adoption of the current compensation plan , it was noted that this list of jurisdictions to comprise the City's chosen market place may have longevity; that is, the City would use this list again in the future. ~c~~ C • Hutchinson City Center Ill Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 553542522 320-587-5151/Fax 320.234-4240 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John Rodeberg, Director of Public Works Miles Seppelt, EDA Director RE: Consideration of Special Meeting for Consideration of Downtown Streetscape Letting No. 4/Project No. OS-04 and OS-OS DATE: May 20, 2005 We opened bids for the Downtown Streetscape project today (Friday, May 20). We had some very good bids, however there were some issues that need to be addressed prior to completing the resolutions for the project. We are still proposing to hold the Assessment Hearing on June 14, 2005, but recommend that we hold a special Council Meeting to approve the required resolutions on May 31st (4:30 p.m.?). Issues: 1. We had 5 bidders, and the total amount was less than our estimates, however there were irregularities on three bids that need to be reviewed. We have preliminarily reviewed the bids and believe we have identified the inregularities, which appear minor. 2. We were going to pre-order the light poles separately from this contract in order to expedite shipment dates (it will take between 8 and 10 weeks to get the light products). We found out, however, that the manufacturer will not allow a "pre-order" unless the City guarantees that they will be purchasing the materials. Since this cannot be done, we are proposing to include the street light products as a change order to the low bid in order to improve coordination and, hopefully, pricing. We aze therefore working with the apparent low bidder to verify the costs. 3. We have proposed to reduce SEH's original contract proposal by completing more inspection in- house. SEH is reviewing their contract, and we will submit a modified proposal. We will work with SEH and the apparent low bidder over the next week to complete the above work and will send out a packet of information to the Council by the end of next week. We will give an update at the meeting on Tuesday. cc: Gary Plotz -City Administrator Kent Exner -City Engineer Julie Wischnack-Director of PlanningBuilding/Zoning Dolf Moon - Director of PRCE Printed on recycled paper- /y t~c_. C Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350-2522 320-587.5151/Fax 320-234-4240 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Public Works RE: Discussion of Mosquito Control Spraying Operations DATE: May 2Q 2005 Attached is a PowerPoint presentation that is proposed for the Council meeting. Points of information: 1. Spraying for mosquitoes was originally included in the 2005 budget, but was removed due to budgetary constraints and priorities. We have no funding available for 2005. 2. Mosquito larvae control was added this year as part of the Stormwater Management budget. This program included placing briquettes in public ponding areas that would be prime • hatching areas for mosquitoes. We have also been helping coordinate larvae control for private ponding areas and responding to numerous inquiries. 3. The most recent estimates of cost for spraying were $52,000 for the first yeaz (which includes equipment acquisition) and about $22,000/year for the next four years. This would relate to an average 5-year cost of about $28,000 (or $2/capita). 4. If we move forward, we could consider leaving the larvae control in the Stormwater budget for the first yeaz to help offset the added equipment costs, and then rolling the larvae control into the Mosquito Abatement budget for 2007. 5. A Mosquito Abatement program can either be set up by resolution of the Council, or by a petition/hearing election process initiated by the public If the second process is utilized, it must also be used to discontinue the program. 6. City Attorney Marc Sebora is reviewing the statutes to verify the procedures (see attachment), and John Olson has contacted the League of Minnesota Cities for background and support information. r 1 LJ Printed on recycled paper - 1 , (. i~t~~q~~t~ .~a'~t~1~+~~1t. a' ~~;5[t' ~.lI-1S ~tC'~::tI~7.11'~,,~ t,_'Ef~;~l"II' mill;:] ~ ~ :? ll~ ~_~ ~ ,'tYt 1 _'~?; :~: ' ^ "" ~W71 ~tii ir. i 1.1. 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[DECLARATION OF POLICY.] The abatement or suppression of mosquitoes is advisable and necessary for the maintenance and improvement of the health, welfare, and prosperity of the people. Areas where mosquitoes incubate or hatch are declared to be public nuisances and may be abated under this section. Mosquito abatement may be undertaken under sections 18.041 to 18.161 anywhere in the state by any governmental unit. Subd. 2. [ESTABLISHING LOCAL BOARD.] A governmental unit may engage in mosquito abatement and establish a mosquito abatement board upon adoption of a resolution to that effect by its governing body or upon adoption of a proposal to that effect by the voters of the governmental unit in the manner provided in subdivision 3. Subd. 3. [PETITION; HEARING; ELECTION.] If a petition • signed by five percent of the property owners or 250 owners, whichever is less, is presented to a governing body requesting the governmental unit to engage in mosquito abatement, a public hearing must be held on the petition by the governing body within 15 days of presentation of the petition. If the governing body does not, within 15 days after the hearing, adopt a resolution to undertake mosquito abatement, the governing body must order a vote to betaken at the next regular election or town meeting on the proposal to undertake mosquito abatement. The governing body must provide ballots to be used at the election or meeting. The ballot must bear the-words "Shall the (governmental unit) of ....... engage in mosquito abatement?" If the majority of the votes are affirmative, the governing body must take appropriate action as soon as possible to carry on mosquito abatement. A proposal to undertake mosquito abatement that is rejected by the voters must not be resubmitted to the voters for two years. . Subd. 4. [DISCONTINUING PROGRAM.] If a governmental unit by action of its governing body or voters has chosen to engage ~,c~~ • except that board members may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in fulflling board duties. Subd. 7. [OFFICERS; MEETINGS.] Immediately after appointment of the board and atthe first meeting in each succeeding calendar year, the board shall elect a chair, a secretary, a treasurer, and other necessary officers. The board shall provide for the time and place of holding regular meetings and_may establish rules for proceedings. All meetings of the board are open to the public. Two members of the board constitute a quorum, but one member may adjourn from day to day. The board shall keep a written record of its proceedings and an itemized account of all expenditures and disbursements and that record and account must be open at all reasonable times for public inspection Subd. 8. [POWERS OF BOARD.] A mosquito abatement board and a joint board established under section 18.131 may, either by board action or through its members, officers, agents, or employees, as may be appropriate: • (1) enter any property within the governmental unit at reasonable times to determine whether mosquito breeding exists; (2) take necessary and proper steps for the abatement of mosquitoes and other insects and arachnids, such as ticks, mites, and spiders, as the commissioner may designate; (3) subject to the paramount control of county and state authorities, lagoon and clean up any stagnant pool of water and clean up shores of lakes and streams and other mosquito breeding laP ces; (4) spray with insecticides, approved by the commissioner, areas in the governmental unit found to be breeding places for mosquitoes or other insects or arachnids designated under clause (5) purchase supplies and equipment and employ persons necessary and proper for mosquito abatement; (6) accept gifts of money or equipment to be used for mosquito abatement; and • (7) enter into contracts necessary to accomplish mosquito abatement. 9~d) certificates were issued. or. if thev are not sufficient for . that purpose, from the levy for the mosquito abatement fund in the next succeeding year. The money derived from the sale of the certificates must be credited to the mosquitc abatement fund for the calendar year immediately succeeding the levy and may not be used or spent until the succeeding year. No certificates for any year may be issued until all certificates for prior years have been paid. No certificates may be extended. Subd. 12. [DEPOSIT AND USE OF FUNDS.] All money received for mosquito abatement purposes, either by way of tax collection or the sale of certificates of indebtedness, must be deposited in the treasury of the governmental uhit to the credit of a special fund to be designated as the mosquito abatement fund, must not be used for any other purpose, and must be drawn upon by the proper officials upon the properly authenticated voucher of the mosquito abatement board. No money may be paid from the fund except on orders drawn upon the officer of the governmental unit having charge of the custody of the mosquito abatement fund and signed by the chair and the secretary of the mosquito • b t t b d E h it t t b d h ll ll b a a emen oar . ac mosqu o a a emen oar s a annua y file an itemized statement of all receipts and disbursements with its governing body. Subd. 13. [DUTIES OF COMMISSIONER.] The commissioner: (1) may establish rules for the conduct of mosquito abatement operations of governmental units and boards engaged in mosquito abatement; and (2) is an ex officio member of a mosquito abatement board. The commissioner may appoint representatives to act for the commissioner as ex officio members of boards. Subd. 14. [NATURAL RESOURCES.] The commissioner of natural resources must approve mosquito abatement plans or order modifications the commissioner of natural resources considers necessary for the protection of public water, wild animals, and natural resources before control operations are started on state lands administered by the commissioner of natural resources or in public waters listed on the department of natural resources • public waters inventory. The commissioner of natural resources a(d~ %cCg . Sec. 13. Minnesota Statutes 2003 Supplement, section 18G.14, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [DECLARATION OF POLICY.] The abatement or suppression of mosquitoes is advisable and necessary for the maintenance and improvement of the health, welfare, and prosperity of the people. Areas where mosquitoes incubate or hatch are declared to be public nuisances and may be abated under this section. Mosquito abatement may be undertaken under this section anywhere in the state by any governmental unit. Sec. 14. Minnesota Statutes 2003 Supplement, section 18G.14, subdivision 8, is amended to read: Subd. 8. [POWERS OF BOARD.] A mosquito abatement board and a joint board established under this section ~~ may, either by board action or through its members, officers, agents, or employees, as may be appropriate: (1) enter any property within the governmental unit at reasonable times to determine whether mosquito breeding exists; • (2) take necessary and proper steps for the abatement of mosquitoes and other insects and arachnids, such as ticks, mites, and spiders, as the commissioner may designate; (3) subject to the paramount control of county and state authorities, lagoon and clean up any stagnant pool of water and clean up shores of lakes and streams and other mosquito breeding places; (4) spray with insecticides, approved by the commissioner, areas in the governmental unit found to be breeding places for mosquitoes or other insects or arachnids designated under clause (2). (5) purchase supplies and equipment and employ persons necessary and proper for mosquito abatement; (8) accept gifts of money or equipment to be used for mosquito abatement; and (7) enter into contracts necessary to accomplish mosquito abatement. J q~d) MEMORANDUM • Date: April 12, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor & City Council Marc Sebora, City Attorney From: Miles R. Seppelt, EDA Director RE: Letter of Intent from Midwest Tae Kwon Do to purchase City-Owned Land We have received an offer from Midwest Tae Kwon Do to purchase a portion of the lot the city owns on the south edge of Shopko. (Please refer to attached documents) Mr. Malenke, the owner of Midwest Tae Kwon Do, would like to build a new facility approximately 6,536 square feet in size. This would be the new home of Midwest Tae Kwon Do and, possibly a dance studio. Mr. Malenke is offering $37,000 to purchase the western 8,800 squaze feet of the lot (the entire property is 15,806 square feet in size). This works out to about $4.20 per square foot. The 2004 assessed value of the entire property, per the county assessors office, is $44,700. This works • out to $2.82 per square foot. It should be noted that the assessed value of the property is probably somewhat on the low side. For purposes of comparison, Nash Finch is asking $7 per square foot for the lot directly across the street from the city lot. Also, the city is paying Nash Finch $5 per squaze foot for space on the south side of the Liquor Hutch. Per an earlier ageement with Shopko, they have a right of first refusal on that particular property. Once the city receives a bona fide offer, and the City Council accepts it, we must for~azd the terms of that offer to Shopko for their consideration - at which time they would decide whether or not to exercise their right of first refusal. To consider 1) The lot may be difficult to develop because structures aze limited to a 43' width due to a utility easement. 2) Is a Tae Kwon Do school /Dance studio the "highest and best use" for this property? 3) By selling only half of the lot, rather than the whole thing, the remaining half may be rendered undevelopable. 4) What is the true value of the lot? • ~ rf) Date: 4/8/5 • To: The City of Hutchinson City Council From: Todd Malenke Midwest TaeKwonDo 295 Washington Avenue E Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Intent to Purchase land Dear Council Members, ~`~ic1~~)c~ ~~: T~~c~Kwvn'L7c As you are aware, the expansion of the city owned municipal liquor store has placed my business in an interesting situation. My first and number one goal, simply put; is to stay in business. I have spent an exhaustive amount of time looking for an adequate pre-existing facility to relocate to... unfortunately without much success. In working with Miles Sepplt (Hutch EDA); we have found a piece of land that has the possibilities of being developed. Hence this letter. • I would like to this purchase of a piece of land from the City of Hutchinson. The proposed land is next to Shopko, I would use it for the development and construction of a New Building that would house my Martial Arts Business with the addition of a Dance Studio. Officially, I would like to purchase 8,800 Sq Ft of property, starting from the front of Shopko and extending east approximately 205 feet. My offer for this property is $37,000.00. The location of this building requires that it meet the Downtown Master Plan. My conservative estimates suggest that we will be bringing 300-400 people a day into this area. Great for everyone downtown ! Due to deadlines, belonging to the City and myself, I have made temporary arrangements with the Hutchinson Parks and Recreation Center to locate my Martial Arts Studio through the summer. But in September we will need to be in this new facility. Approvals and construction will need to start ASAP in order to allow occupancy by September. Attached are several graphics to help you get an idea of what I am proposing. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me. Best Regards, , • Todd Malenk ~J, t(''~/ q~f) Pr~ap+~sed ~I'~~r ~ac~Mi~y I~aca~kican 'S~aw~a below. ~ ~il y # '~ ,r1 " ~" 1. • . ~ ~ : "'~ .~ '~` ~ "~~ ~ ~, . ~ ~ .. ' w'{. a L" ~ ~~~ y ti i; a, .a_ I 15t Avenue ~lE ''~ ~~~ I d~ LLLLiiii ••• f ~~ ~ ~ . ... .. w _ q+ I ~~t„~.c„ Para ~- a~ti~?t3~)'?f I __ i i ,~~~~„ , .' l,i ~ i ~1'~un~pGi,atie~ai 1., Jk~.~ ~~~i~~~: 9~~~ ,.:~~u~ riai~~ ~ ~~~.~ ~:a:a~~~~°aa1 ~ G,~~a~a~~~rc~~titG ~d''9'~5'#66C'G p^( ft h • These graphics show proposed Elevation and Floor plans SHOPKO ~~ NidWest TaeKwonDo 152' ~_ I ga g ~. I I Dance S6udio 43' ® ORDINANCE NO. OS-0408 PUBLICATION NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED REAL PROPERTY THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDAINS: Section 1. That the municipally owned real property legally described as follows: Lot 2, Block 1, Addition 57, Hutchinson Downtown Redevelopment for good and valuable consideration thereto, is hereby sold and conveyed to Todd Malenke, Midwest Tae Kwon Do, together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect. upon its adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 14`h day of June, 2005. Steven W. Cook Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator q (~ ~u~-: ~~ i ae~met Organization requirements: 1. An annual organization license fee of $350 is required. prganization license 5267 ~i a,ed:m~mxa ~- ~ Wrestlin Hutchinson Hutch Club eryantratlon qualries far the g ~ ~~~uns~a~ l 15652 200th St, Hutchinson, MN 55350 I ~.te wba s I (320)587-7175 LI CEO: Curtis 7 Wendland I ~~~ ( 15652 200th St, Hutchinson, MN 55350 j `S~e ~ ~" j {320)587-5854 I T'~"rcr I Last 4 di Its Of $S# *** - ** - 6433 I hemmpleMd I Treasurer: Michael J Smith I mid'", ~ I 23506 215th St, Hutchinson, MN 55350 I rc ws aaeady I (320)587-7111 ~, I submitcad. I ----~ Last 4 digits Of SS# *** - ** - 9178 Current license term 6/1/2003 to 5/31/2005 McLeod County Date of Birth 10-17-1960 Date of Birth 07-21-1964 Premises permit regtsiremenffi: y3242$ ' i, A'n'annual premises permit ffee of $150, ~~ ?s2 2. A separate resolution of approval including the site addr `Isom the~Cal u government, (The local unit of government does not sign this renewal applicetion) and sia RR~~//++~~11t1~~rne~ ~' 3. A 1.G215 lease agreement for each site your organizatl does'ii6tr6NnN~gW J Site number 001 ~ Oiedc this box if this Main Street Sports Bar 18 Main St N, Hutchinson, MN 55350 city judsdiction, ar _ Site owned by organization N ,p Is bi o conducted by your organization? Y .... _._... eo:d ar renewed... of rsJ% McLeod County If yes, the attadted Ilst of the days and beginning and ending N " " hours of your blrgo occasions must be updated and caromed. Ing account: 071191 Citizens Bank & Trust 102 Main St S, Hutchinson, MN 55350 Site number 002 lJ ~~ ttils box If this site has been Gismntinued or will rqt be renewed. Flyers 1150 Hwy 7 W Hutchinson, MN 55350 McLeod County _ aty judsdi~an, or _ rnunty judsdlctlOn b N eoero ~ Site owned y organization Is bin o conducted b our or anization? y a ff yes, the attached list of the days and beginning and ending g y y g hours of your bingo ocrosions must be updated and returned. Gambling account: 071191 /. Citize 102 Minnesota Lawful Gambling ~ ~vY (LG200R) Lawful Gambling License Renewal Application . ~o Corrections shouid he made directly on this application ~ I Submit one Check far aN renewal fees made payable tq State aF Minne50ta ns Bank & Trust (~ Main St S, Hutchinson, MN 55350 ~ ~(46~tC`r J'+.t.c~-,...~, .~-r.ew~. /°'I-"t' rri o ~ .. „~.b 'r ..+/'~ . Y'ra .e''" / ` License Number 5267 .Current Expirations/31/2005 /~ Chief Executive OfFirxr's Acknowledgement and Oath I declare tltat: I have read this application and all information submitted to the Board. All information is true, accurate and complete. All other required information has been fulty dlsdosed. I am the chief executive officer of the organization. I assume full responslbllity for the fair and lawful operation of all gambling activities to be conducted. I will familiarize myself with the laws of Minnesota governing lawful gambling and rules of the Board and agree, If licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, including amendmerrts m them. I certify that the gambling manager is bantled and licensed as required per Minnesota Statutes. I understand that failure m provide requlreii Information or providing false or misleading information may resuk in denial or revocation of the lice A rmina plan will be submitted to the Board within 30 days of rmina ' n of our gambling operation. SCOTT A. DECKER A Notary pubBaMintlesafF My CanvNeclon >;>Iplra~ JYr 91,1010 Mail complete renewal applicatign (all pages) with one check made payable to the State of Minnesota by; • Licensing Contact: 7udi Tanberg Email: judi.tanberg@gcb.state. mn.us Phone: (651)639-4077 Fax #: (651)639-4073 I have d this appll[atbn and tledare that all in 'on submitted is true, accurate, and ~~~~ Signature, in ink, of dlief executive officer Pate: ~J-~1 ~ 4 1 2 t0: Gambling Control Board 1711 W Co Rd 8 #300 5 Roseville, MN 55113 .. ~ ~~~, c RECEIV® FEAR 2006 The information requested on this form (and arty attachments) will be used by the Gambling C~ntrvl Board (Board) t il~nni ~' gUalifipdons tq be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota, and to assist the Board in cnndutting a backgro ~ investigateyou..--; You have the right to refuse to soppy the infortnadon requested; however, fi you refuse to soppy ws (nformatlon, the may not be abvle~ltto ~ determine your qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to Issue you a Ila'llse. Tf you supply the iMormation the Board y~ be able to pmccss your application. C It 1 g L. Your name and address will be public information when received by the Board. All the other information Drat you provide will be about you until d,e Board issues your license. When the Board issues your license, all of the infornatlon that you have provided m the Board in the proms of applying for your license will become public except for your Sodal SecLriry number, which resins private. v'the Board does not issue you a license, all information you have provided in the process of applying for a license remains private, tvith the exception of your name and address which will remain Dubllc. Private data aborrt you are available only to the fallowing: Board members, BoarU sia11 whose work assignment requires dtdt they nave aa-ess to the Infolmatlon; the Minnesota Department of Public Safety; the Minnesota Attorney General; the Minnesota C0111mi59dters of Administration, Fnance, and Revenue; die Mlnn~ Leglslatlve AudiWr, national and intemadonal gambling regrdatory agendas; anyone pursuant W court order; other indivitluals and agendas that are speofirally authorized W state or federal law to have access to the inlalmatlon; IndNlduals and agendas for whidr law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of Informatlan after this Notice was given; and anyone wlih your written [OnsenL 1 C CITY OF HUTCHINSON AP Payment Register with Voids Check Dat 05/13/2005 - GL Date ' Check # Vendor Name Amount 05/13/2005 129340 ' 121454 G-M ROAD MARKING, LLC 7,134.36 05/13/2005 129341 109369 GOLDEN WEST INDUSTRIAL SU 199.00 05/13/2005 129342 121456 GSS STORE.COM 49.78 05/13/2005, 129343 102062 JACK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMEN 359.94 05/13/2005 129344 121453 MAGNATROL VALVE CORP 569.84 05/13/2005 129345 102653 MINNESOTA DEPT OF MOTOR V 23.50 05/13/2005 129346 103384 MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOC 235.00 05/13/2005 129347 121457 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE 177.83 05/13/2005 129348 113326 RAININ INSTRUMENT, LLC 284.76 05/13/2005 129349 121455 REFLECTIVE TRAFFIC STICKS 80.72 05/13/2005 129350 102606 SCHMELING OIL CO 875.16 05/13/2005 129351 120157 TOMARK INC 2,137.40 12,127.29 12,127.29 = ~, w .f ~.i J-! ,i ~ ~ ~ ti,.. r- ; ,,~ <_ {_ - ~` ~ ~~ • AMOUNT $21, 598.40 $11,776.37 $3,296.07 PAYROLL DATE -May 13, 2005 Period Ending: May 7, 2005 FOR COUNCIL LIST ONLY -ELECTRONIC TRANSFER TO STATE AND IRS DO NOT ISSUE CHECKS FOR THIS PAGE PEID ACCT# NAME 9995.2034 WITH. TAX ACCOUNT 9995.2240 9995.2242 $36,670.84 Sub-Total -Employee Contribution $11,776.37 9995.2240 $3,296.07 9995.2242 $15,072,44 Sub-Total -Employer Contribution •$51,743.28 Grand Total -Withholding Tax Account DESCRIPTION Employee Contribution -Federal Tax Employee Contribution -Soc. Security Employee Contribution -Medicare Employer Contribution -Social Security Employer Contribution -Medicare $9,712.60 9995.2035 MN DEPT OF REVENUE $11,584.86 102615 9995.2241 PERA Employee Contribution -Pension Plan $13,679.62 102615 9995.2241 -Employer Contribution -Pension Plan $25,264.48 Sub-Total -PERA $15.86 102615 9995.2243 PERA-DCP Employee Contribution -Pension Plan $15.86 102615 9995.2241 Employer Contribution -Pension Plan $31.72 Sub -Total -DCP $25,296.20 GRAND TOTAL -PERA • Finance Director Approval 'i»~R55APPYRV By Check Number Ck Date Type Check # 05118!2005 PK 129352 ' 05/18/2005 PK 129353 05/18/2005 PK 129354 05/18/2005 PK 129355 05/18/2005 PK 129356 05/18/2005 PK 129357 05/18/2005 PK 129358 05/18/2005 PK 129359 05/18/2005 PK 129360 05/18/2005 PK 129361 05/18/2005 PK 129362 05/18!2005 PK 129363 05/18/2005 PK 129364 05/18/2005 PK 129365 05/18/2005 PK 129366 05/18/2005 PK 129367 05/16/2005 PK 129368 05/18/2005 PK 129369 05/18/2005 PK 129370 05/18/2005 PK 129371 05!18/2005 PK 129372 05/18/2005 PK 129373 05/18/2005 PK 129374 05/18/2005 PK 129375 05/18/2005 PK 129376 05/18!2005 PK 129377 05/18/2005 PK 129378 05/18/2005 PK 129379 CITY OF HUTCHINSON AP Payment Register with Voids Check Date: 05/18/2005 - Vendor Name Am ount Void Amou 101919 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. 97.91 114793 BRIEST, JERRY 250.00 105423 CINDY'S HOUSE OF FLORAL DESIGN 53.23 105532 CLARKLIFT OF MINNESOTA INC 346.98 121037 CROW RIVER TITLE GUARANTY INC. 10,000.00 121101 DS PERFORMANCE GROUP 1,375.00 104022 EVEN-TEMP CONSTRUCTION 7,623.67 104022 EVEN-TEMP CONSTRUCTION 5,200.00 101875 GREAT WEST LIFE INS. CO. 300.00 101872 H.R.L.A.P.R. 290.07 105161 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES 300.00 102633 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 7,344.86 102635 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 580.44 101873 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 3,897.20 101876 ING LIFE & ANN CO. 880.00 115855 JEFF MEEHAN SALES INC. 2,259.76 121343 KOHNIAN, AARON 60.00 121466 MADDEN'S ON GULL LAKE 313.00 121468 MIDWEST TAE KWON DO 27,000.00 102449 MINNESOTA CHILD SUPPORT PAYMEN 537.77 104262 MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL BEVERAGE A 204.00 101914 NCPERS LIFE INS. 508.00 102096 PRUDENTIAL MUTUAL FUNDS 30.00 102052 QUALITY W INE & SPIRITS CO. 4,060.61 121344 RIGELMAN, AMY 60.00 121345 SCHLUETER, SKY 60.00 121346 SCHLUETER, SUMMER 60.00 102606 SCHMELING OIL CO 26,580.03 100,272.53 Account Nui # u -- h~~ i ir~ ~, _~.~ V - ~ " ,'~ 100,272.53 C~ r~ LJ MEMO • 05/19/05 TO: CITY STAFF 8~ BANK OFFICIALS FROM: KEN MERRILL ,FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: JUNE WIRE TRANSFER 2005 The following funds need to be wired -interest payments .15.155.00 Chase NYC ABA # 021-000-021 to credit the account of Cede & Co. clo THE DEPOSITORY TRUST COMPANY for Dividend Deposit Account # 066-026776 OBI FIELD - PA 50317950 DDA # 00503179 1992 Tax Increment Bonds 9,913.75 2001C Capital Note 5,241.25 15,155.00 The following funds need to be wired -PRINCIPAL payments Chase NYC ABA # 021-000-021 to credit the account of Cede & • Co. clo THE DEPOSITORY TRUST COMPANY for Redemption Deposit Account # 066-027-306 OBI FIELD - PA 50317950 1992 Tax Increment Bonds 25,000.00 25,000.00 (FAX of bond document must be made at same time for principal payment) r1 U • ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS 05-24-2005 WATER/SEWER MN DEPT OF REVENUE-USE TAX GENERAL MN DEPT OF REVENUE-SALES TAX H.A.T.S MN DEPT OF REVENUE-FUEL TAX LIQUOR MN DEPT OF REVENUE-MAR. SALES TX $9570.00 $452.00 $945.20 $27,271.00 • 'i>~~R55APPYRV CITY OF HUTCHINSON . By Check Number AP Payment Register with Voids Check Date: 05/24/2005 - Ck Date Type Check # Vendor Name Amo unt 05/24/2005 PK 129380 * 110847 1ST LINE/LEEWES VENTURES 750.00 05/24/2005 PK 129381 121152 3D SPECIALTIES 1,971.39 05/24/2005 PK 129382 121153 AALDERKS, LINDA 33.00 05/24/2005 PK 129383 102202 ABDO, EICK & MEYERS 10,725.00 05/24/2005 PK 129384 102126 ACE HARDWARE 144.82 05/24/2005 PK 129385 101827 AG SYSTEMS 551.59 05/24/2005 PK 129386 102804 ANDERSON, SCOTT 100.00 05/24/2005 PK 129387 108778 AOAC INTERNATIONAL 100.00 05/24/2005 PK 129388 111041 ARROW TERMINAL LLC 30.47 05/24/2005 PK 129389 120299 BARGAIN-X, INC 189.19 05/24/2005 PK 129390 101848 BEACON ATHLETICS 820.24 05/24/2005 PK 129391 112572 BECKER UNDERWOOD INC 7,218.75 05/24/2005 PK 129392 102367 BELLBOY CORP 640.58 05/24/2005 PK 129393 102255 BERKLEY RISK ADMINISTRATORS 800.00 05/24/2005 PK 129394 101916 BERNICK COMPANIES, THE 460.80 05/24/2005 PK 129395 120738 BERTELSON'S 288.75 05/24/2005 PK 129396 116900 BETKER,JANET 15.00 05/24/2005 PK 129397 121488 BETKER, TOM 18.00 05/24/2005 PK 129398 121489 BJERKELUND, BRUCE 25.00 05/24/2005 PK 129399 119212 BLOCK FARMS & TRUCKING 2,190.00 05/24!2005 PK 129400 101987 BRANDON TIRE CO 88.96 05/24/2005 PK 129401 104728 BRY-AIR 118.82 • 05/24/2005 PK 129402 102049 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS 1,636.70 . 05/24/2005 PK 129403 102136 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS 56.39 05/24/2005 PK 129404 102456 C & L DISTRIBUTING 25,360.15 05!24/2005 PK 129405 102086 CADD/ENGINEERING SUPPLY 96.15 05/24/2005 PK 129406 104512 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS SUPPLIE 79.90 05/24/2005 PK 129407 102092 CARR FLOWERS 37.28 05/24/2005 PK 129408 118667 CARRIGAN, CORY 20.00 05/24/2005 PK 129409 121490 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 862.29 05/24/2005 PK 129410 104391 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS 74.43 05/24/2005 PK 129411 102253 CENTRAL MCGOWAN 32.59 05/24/2005 PK 129412 121469 CENTRAL MINNESOTA GARAGE DOOR, 744.37 05/24/2005 PK 129413 104163 CHIEF SUPPLY CORP 56.43 05/24/2005 PK 129414 111636 COFFEE COMPANY, THE 38.34 05/24/2005 PK 129415 102484 CORPORATE EXPRESS 344.20 05/24/2005 PK 129416 121470 CREATIVE DETAILS UPHOLSTERY 101.95 0 512 4/2 0 05 PK 129417 102289 CROW RIVER GLASS 60.00 05/24/2005 PK 129418 - 102121 CROW RIVER VET CLINIC 258.93 05/24/2005 PK 129419 103815 CRYSTEELTRUCK EQUIP 259.86 05/24/2005 PK 129420 104884 CULLIGAN 30.00 05/24/2005 PK 129421 119458 DAVE'S PALLET SERVICE 5,411.50 05/24/2005 PK 129422 102488 DAY DISTRIBUTING 6,815.72 05/24/2005 PK 129423 102698 DEVRIES, RANDY 15.00 05/24/2005 PK 129424 102275 DPC INDUSTRIES INC 1,886.82 05/24/2005 PK 129425 113181 DROP-N-GO SHIPPING, INC 40.04 • 05/24/2005 PK 129426 129427 102647 DYNA SYSTEMS DANIEL 102176 EDWARDS 625.71 50 00 05/24/2005 PK , . 05/24/2005 PK 129428 108597 ENGINEERED COMPOST SYSTEMS 450.00 05/24/2005 PK 05!24/2005 PK 129429 129430 121312 ENGINEERING REPRO SYSTEMS 110034 EXTREME BEVERAGE 53.25 96.00 05/24/2005 PK 129431 102515 FAMILY REXALL DRUG 30.19 05/24/2005 PK 129432 121155 FARENBAUGH, VIVIAN 24.00 05/24/2005 PK 129433 104137 FASTENAL COMPANY 305.83 05/24/2005 PK 129434 121092 FIRE INSTRUCTION & RESCUE EDUC 300.00 05!24/2005 PK 129435 121297 GOSAIN, MUNTA 50.00 05/24/2005 PK 129436 102823 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS AS 550.00 05/24/2005 PK 129437 102087 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATIONS 88.79 05/24/2005 PK 129438 105562 GRANIT BRONZ 928.20 05/24/2005 PK 129439 113200 GREAT NORTHERN BARK COMPANY, I 9,569.40 05/24/2005 PK 129440 ~ 101874 GRIGGS & COOPER & CO 8,189.08 05/24/2005 PK 129441 102959 GROEHLER, FLOYD 106.49 05/24/2005 PK 129442 102529 HACH COMPANY 612.90 05!24/2005 PK 129443 121471 HAMRE, ELVI 50.00 05/24/2005 PK 129444 102451 HANSEN DIST OF SLEEPY EYE 2,782.20 05/24/2005 PK 129445 101957 HANSEN TRUCK SERVICE 75.88 05/24/2005 PK 129446 109799 HARRIS COMPANIES 875.00 05/24/2005 PK 129447 120394 HASTY AWARDS 130.70 05!24/2005 PK 129448 120237 HATTEN, DANIEL 15.95 05/24/2005 PK 129449 121491 HEDEE, BRENDA 90.00 05/24/2005 PK 129450 102701 HENRY'S WATERWORKS INC 779.68 05/24/2005 PK 129451 102531 HENRYS FOODS INC 727.51 05/24/2005 PK 129452 121492 HEPNER, MARLYCE 15.00 05/24/2005 PK 129453 116866 HEWLETT-PACKARD CO 1,206.65 • 05/24/2005 PK 129454 102518 HILLYARD FLOOR CARE/HUTCHINSON 1,287.86 05/24/2005 PK 129455 105080 HIRSHFIELD'S DECORATING CENTER 132.00 05!24/2005 PK 129456 121472 HRG TECHNOLOGY GROUP 1,650.00 05/24/2005 PK 129457 108389 HUTCHINSON AUTO CENTER 25.90 05/24/2005 PK 129458 121375 HUTCHINSON CITY DEPTS 15.00 05/24/2005 PK 129459 102545 HUTCHINSON FIRE & SAFETY 263.40 05/24/2005 PK 129460 103430 HUTCHINSON JUNIOR LEAGUE BASEB 6,042.00 05/24/2005 PK 129461 102537 HUTCHINSON LEADER 5,532.20 05/24/2005 PK 129462 121184 HUTCHINSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS 328.13 05!24!2005 PK 129463 102541 HUTCHINSON TELEPHONE CO 1,997.09 05/24/2005 PK 129464 103099 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 2,648.96 05/24/2005 PK 129465 103246 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 11,757.64 05/24/2005 PK 129466 105160 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 13,982.54 05/24/2005 PK 129467 103520 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 406.56 05/24/2005 PK 129468 112176 INTEX CORP 47,104.20 05/24/2005 PK 129469 121493 ISLAND VIEW HGTS. TOWNHOUSE AS 180.00 05/24/2005 PK 129470 121494 JACOBSEN, KYLIE 120.00 05/24/2005 PK 129471 102208 JEFF'S ELECTRIC 655.56 05/24/2005 PK 129472 102554 JERABEK MACHINE SERV' 568.89 05/24/2005 PK 129473 101938 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 20,377.87 05/24!2005 PK 129474 102045 JOHNSON, DOUGLAS 318.95 05/24/2005 PK 129475 102555 JUUL CONTRACTING CO 1,339.86 05!24/2005 PK 129476 102555 JUUL CONTRACTING CO 147.00 05/24/2005 PK 129477 102555 JUUL CONTRACTING CO 5,321.00 05/24/2005 PK 129478 110497 KALIHER, MICHELLE 32.00 • 05/24/2005 PK 129479 121495 KELLY, DON 50.00 • 05/24/2005 PK 129480 119140 KIESS CHEVROLET 713.38 05/24/2005 PK 129481 105521 KINNEY & LANGE 750.00 05/24/2005 PK 129482 116436 KOPF, ANN 22,670.00 05/24/2005 PK 129483 118063 KOSEK, JENESSA 54.99 05/24/2005 PK 129484 121323 KOSEK, JEREMY-KOSEK TRUCKING 171.00 05/24/2005 PK 129485 121386 KRISTICO, INC 1,659.00 05!24/2005 PK 129486 121496 KUSSATZ, RONDA 70.00 05/24/2005 PK 129487 102561 L & P SUPPLY CO 395.95 05/24/2005 PK 129488 101946 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC 522.52 05/24/2005 PK 129489 101996 LAMB, MICHAEL 50.00 05/24/2005 PK 129490 110852 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES-INS TRUST 1,493.45 05/24/2005 PK 129491 120903 LEXISNEXIS 110.00 05124!2005 PK 129492 121473 LIQUIVISION TECHNOLOGY 7,950.00 05/24/2005 PK 129493 101984 LOCHER BROTHERS INC 19,573.40 05/24/2005 PK 129494 111829 LOKKEN, GABRA 108.00 05!24/2005 PK 129495 121463 LYNDE & MCLEOD INC 2,721.60 05/24/2005 PK 129496 103453 LYONS, SHANNON 30.00 05/24/2005 PK 129497 102093 MANKATO MACK SALES 75.66 05/24/2005 PK 129498 102572 MANKATO MOBILE RADIO 53.25 05/24/2005 PK 129499 109209 MED COMPAS 1,940.00 05/24/2005 PK 129500 112400 MENARDS - HUTCHINSON 183.36 05/24/2005 PK 129501 102131 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY 355.64 05/24/2005 PK 129502 103231 METRO SALES 286.12 05/24/2005 PK 129503 101840 MEYER LABORATORY, INC 1,312.49 05!24/2005 PK 129504 115404 MIDWEST PERLITE INC 4,138.00 05/24/2005PK 129505 102425 MIDWEST WIRELESS COMM. 1,261.56 05/24/2005 PK 129506 120123 MILLER TRUCKING 172.40 05/24/2005 PK 129507 119858 MINNEAPOLIS, CITY OF 566.62 05/24/2005 PK 129508 114439 MINNESOTA COUNTY ATTORNEY ASSN 310.00 05/24/2005 PK 129509 102579 MINNESOTA DEPT OF REVENUE 646.95 05/24!2005 PK 129510 120419 MINNESOTA LYNX 187.00 05/24/2005 PK 129511 105157 MINNESOTA SHREDDING 54.95 05/24/2005 PK 129512 102570 MINNESOTA SPORTS FEDERATION 2,241.36 OS/24/2005PK 129513 1D2583MINNESOTAVALLEYTESTINGLA6 1,886.50 05/24/2005 PK 129514 114445 MOTION INDUSTRIES INC 180.42 05/24/2005 PK 129515 104988 NAGEL, JOSEPH 45.00 05/24/2005 PK 129516 102590 NALCO CHEMICAL CO. 10,930.10 05/24/2005 PK 129517 116854 NEMITZ, MARY 6.00 05/24/2005 PK 129518 120252 NEW CENTURY CHARTER SCHOOL 31.60 05/24!2005 PK 129519 114460 NORMISKA CORP 2,374.80 05/24/2005 PK 129520 102180 NORTHERN SAFETY TECHNOLOGY 372.36 05!24/2005 PK 129521 102591 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC 559.32 05/24/2005 PK 129522 119452 NORTHLAND CHEMICAL CORP 523.37 05/24/2005 PK 129523 119366 OAK CREEK RESOURCES 231.47 05/24/2005 PK 129524 102592 OLSON'S LOCKSMITH 61.48 05/24/2005 PK 129525 120790 ONE CALL CONCEPTS, INC 337.50 05/24/2005 PK 129526 121498 OTTE,RAY 15.00 05/24/2005 PK 129527 103935 OTTO, CAROL 13.00 05/24/2005 PK 129528 110710 PEARSON, RENA 18.00 05/24/2005 PK 129529 119646 PETERSON FARMS 6,433.50 05/24/2005 PK 129530 121474 PETERSON, LOW ELL 35.00 • 05/24/2005 PK 129531 101853 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 23,375.23 • 05/24/2005 PK 05/24/2005 PK 129532 129533 121475 PRELLWITZ,BEA 102493 PREMIER TECH PACKAGING 36.00 2,349.66 05/24!2005 PK 129534 101862 PRINTS CHARMING 655.25 05/24/2005 PK 129535 102598 QUADE ELECTRIC 42.49 05/24/2005 PK 129536 102052 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. 10,316.05 05/24/2005 PK 129537 104357 QUINLAN PUBLISHING 156.81 05/24/2005 PK 129538 121518 OWEST 115.03 05/24/2005 PK 129539 117434 R & J TOURS 322.85 05/24/2005 PK 129540 102205 R.J.L. TRANSFER 965.20 05/24/2005 PK 129541 113326 RAININ INSTRUMENT, LLC 128.66 05/24/2005 PK 129542 104941 RANGER TRUCK PARTS 763.95 05/24/2005 PK 129543 118021 REBUILD RESOURCES INC 222.16 05/24/2005 PK 129544 121176 REINER ENTERPRISES, INC 5,886.40 05/24/2005 PK 129545 103760 RENNER, BRIAN 30.00 05/24/2005 PK 129546 121499 RITSEMA, ARA 30.00 05/24/2005 PK 129547 104149 RIVER VALLEY TRUCK CENTERS 97.95 05/24/2005 PK 129548 121476 ROADTECH 3,911.21 05/24/2005 PK 129549 119208 RUNKE, DOREEN 200.00 05/24/2005 PK 129550 121500 RUZICKA, MARJORIE 30.00 05/24/2005 PK 129551 102436 SARA LEE COFFEE 8 TEA 261.30 05/24/2005 PK 129552 119346 SCAT ENGINEERING 1,152.56 05/24/2005 PK 129553 102606 SCHMELING OIL CO 115.13 05/24/2005 PK 129554 118642 SECURITAS SECURITY SYSTEMS 516.20 05/24/2005 PK 129555 101892 SEH 14,678.02 05/24/2005 PK 129556 121487 SGT. VICK MEMORIAL FUND 200.00 05/24/2005 PK 129557 102609 SHOPKO 78.78 05/24/2005 PK 129558 102106 SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP 464.87 05/24/2005 PK 129559 121501 SIPPEL,TAMMI 40.00. 05/24/2005 PK 129560 102611 SORENSEN'S SALES & RENTALS 70.50 05/24/2005 PK 129561 102584 STAR TRIBUNE 111.80 05/24/2005 PK 129562 120499 STERLING CONTROLS, INC 475.00 05/24/2005 PK 129563 119799 STEVE'S OK SERVICES 2,542.00 05/24/2005 PK 129564 102617 STRETCHERS 306.61 05/24/2005 PK 129565 103094 SUBWAY 362.70 05/24/2005 PK 129566 105075 T.I.P. INC 560.93 05/24/2005 PK 129567 121502 TAUER, AMANDA 10.00 05/24/2005 PK 129568 102659 TEK MECHANICAL 49.57 05/24/2005 PK 129569 121503 TELECKY, KENDA 50.00 08/24/2005 PK 129570 102620 TRI CO WATER 269.46 05/24/2005 PK 129571 102447 TRICOUNTY ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVI 975.52 05/24/2005 PK 129572 119214 TUSHIE MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS I 19,831.58 05/24/2005 PK 129573 102619 TWO WAY COMM INC 2,763.43 05/24/2005 PK 129574 .102201 UHL CO. 131.93 05/24/2005 PK 129575 102624 UNITED BUILDING CENTERS 161.37 05/24/2005 PK 129576 105003 US COMPOSTING COUNCIL 250.00 05/24/2005 PK 129577 121477 VANBUSKIRK, BERMAN 90.00 05/24/2005 PK 129578 102165 WELCOME NEIGHBOR 60.00 05/24/2005 PK 129579 102638 WESTCENTRALIND. 5,334.06 05/24/2005 PK 129580 103452 WINE COMPANY, THE 4,211.99 05/24/2005 PK 129581 102640 W M MUELLER & SONS 1,218.00 05/24/2005 PK 129582 119211 WORK CONNECTION, THE 9,512.72 05/24/2005 PK 129583 103980 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS 317.26 • • ~~ 05/24/2005 PK 129584 105571 ZEP MANUFACTURING CO 05/24/2005 PK 129585 102634 ZIEGLER INC Account Nui # 273.74 17.95 436,645.37 436,645.37 s i •