cp08-13-85 c. I TCH i NSON CITY CALENDAR WEEK OF August 11 'To August 17 1985' VrtuNtSUAY -14- 10:00 - 11:00 A.M. - Director Meeting at City Hall SUNDAY -11- COME *M THURSDAY -15- // " MONDAY -12- , o �nb I2 :00 P.M. - Bid Opening at City' Hall for Roberts Par] Surfacing FRIDAY -16- MCLEOD COUNTY FAIR August 16 -20 VACATION: DEAN O'BORSKY - August 12 - 16 TUE *AY -13- 7:30 P.M. - City Council Meeting at City Hall SATURDAY -17- AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1985 1. Call to Order - 7:30 P.M. 2. Invocation - Reverend Gary Galchutt 3. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Meeting of July 23, 1985; Bid Opening of ugust_f_,7T3$5; and Special Meeting of August 6, 1985 Action - Approve as distributed - Approve as amended 4. Routine Items (a) Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions 1. Building Official's Report - July 1985 2. Library Board Minutes dated July 30, 1985 3. Nursing Home Board Minutes dated June 27, 1985 Action - Order minutes to be filed (b) Consideration of Application for Cigarette License: J 1. Miriam Chapter #27 - Eastern Star At McLeod County Fair 2. Erickson's Oil Products Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue licenses (c) Consideration of Application for Retail "Off Sale" Non - Intoxicating Malt Liquors License for Erickson's Oil Products Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue license (d) Consideration of Application for "On Sale" Non - Intoxicating Malt Liquors License for McLeod County Agricultural Association Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue license (e) Consideration of Appointment: 1. HRA - Don Krasen (5 -year term) 2. Parks & Recreation Board - Betsy Connelly (unexpired 1 -year term) - G. Barry Anderson (3 -year term) - Roy Johnson (3 -year term) Action - Motion to ratify appointments 1 COUNCIL AGENDA - AUGUST 13, 1985 5. Public Hearing - 8:00 P.M. • (a) "On Sale" Intoxicating Liquor License for Durwood L. Airhart At D.J. Mac's, Inc. Action - Motion to close hearing - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue liquor license 6. Communications, Requests and Petitions (a) Consideration of 'Status Reports By City Attorney: 1. Klockmann Property 2. Gutormson Property Action - (b) Consideration of Request for Sergeants Kirchoff and Gregor to Attend Criminal Justice Seminar August 26 -28, 1985 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve request (c) Consideration of Request to Restore Drain Service to Maplewood Academy Action - (d) Consideration of Request for Finance Director to Attend Cash Management Course September 4 -5, 1985 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve request (e) Communication from Alderman Pat Mikulecky Concerning City Charter Action - 7. Resolutions and Ordinances (a) Ordinance No. 12/85 - Ordinance Amending Section 10:10 of the Ordinances of the City of Hutchinson Entitled "Animals And Birds, Running At Large" Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive second reading and adopt (b) Resolution No. 8087 - Resolution for Purchase Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt E 2 COUNCIL AGENDA - AUGUST 13, 1985 (c) Resolution No. 8088 - Resolution Accepting Pledged Security from First State Federal Savings b Loan Association of Hutchinson, Minnesota Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (d) Resolution No. 8098 - Resolution Of The McLeod County Board And The Hutchinson City Council Concerning County Ditch 18 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt 8. Unfinished Business (a) Report By Korngiebel Architects On Fire Station Heating System (DEFERRED JULY 23, 1985) Action - (b) Consideration Of Awarding Bid for GVW Truck (DEFERRED AUGUST 2, 1985) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and award bid • (c) Consideration of Sidewalk Replacement On East And West Pishney Lane Action - 0 (d) Consideration of Accepting Bid And Awarding Contract For Letting No. 8, Project No. 85 -01 -33 And No. 85 -01 -35 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve awarding contract - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8091 (e) Consideration Of Awarding Bid For Surfacing Of Roberts Park (DEFERRED AUGUST 12, 1985) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve awarding contract 9. New Business (a) Consideration Of Splitting Employee Benefits For September Davidson As Requested By HRA Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (b) Consideration Of Surfacing Balance Of Bretzke Parking Lot To Rear Of 45 Library Square Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve 3 COUNCIL AGENDA - AUGUST 13, 1985 (c) Discussion Of Swimming Pool /Gymnasium /Civic Arena Parking Lot Surfacing As Part Of 1986 Improvement Projects Action - (d) Consideration Of Five Year State Aid Program Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve program and waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8089 (e) Consideration Of Ordering Preparation Of Engineer's Report On Improvement for Additional 1986 Projects Action - Motion to reject — Motion to approve ordering report and waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8090 (f) Consideration Of Deferred Assessment Hearing for Project No. 83- 01 -04, Letting No. 1 (Waller's Second Addition) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve assessment roll No. 206 and set public hearing September 10, 1985 at 8:00 P.M. - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolutions No. 8096 and No. 8097 (g) Consideration Of Deferred Assessment Hearing for Project No. 14 -2 (Orchard Park First Addition - 1964) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve assessment roll No. 24A and set public hearing September 10, 1985 at 8:00 P.M. - Motion to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 8094 and No. 8095 (h) Consideration Of Assessment Hearing for 1984 Project - Carlisle Street Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve assessment roll No. 207 and set public hearing September 10, 1985 at 8:00 P.M. - Motion to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 8092 and No. 8093 (i) Consideration Of Change Order No. 2 for Recreational Facility from Korngiebel Architects Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve change order (j) Discussion of City Charter And Appointment Of Charter Commission Action - (k) Discussion of Codification of City Ordinance Book Action - 4 0 COUNCIL AGENDA - AUGUST 13, 1985 0 10. Miscellaneous (a) Communications from City Administrator 11. Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments (a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds 12. Adjournment 40 • 5 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 239 1985 1. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Stearns at 7:30 P.M. The follow- ing were present: Alderman Mike Carl s, Alderman John Mlinar, Alderman Mar- lin Torgerson, Alderman Pat Mikulecky, and Mayor Robert H. Stearns. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Director of Engineering Marlow V. Priebe, and City Attorney James Schaefer. 2. INVOCATION In the absence of a pastor, there was a time of silent prayer. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of July 9, 1985 were approved as dis- tributed. 4. ROUTINE ITEMS (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. FINANCIAL REPORT - JUNE 1985 1 2. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT - JUNE 1985 3. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATED JUNE 189 1985 4. TREE BOARD MINUTES DATED MAY 1, 1985 5. PARKS 8 RECREATION BOARD MINUTES DATED JUNE 129 1985 6. HOSPITAL BOARD MINUTES DATED JUNE 18, 1985 Mayor Stearns ordered the minutes to be filed. 5. PUBLIC HEARING - 8:00 P.M. (a) ARTHUR J. BENJAMIN PARKING ASSESSMENT (NEMITZ PAINT STORE) The public hearing was called to order by Mayor Stearns. Arthur Benjamin, Jr. and Attorney Ronald McGraw presented a petition opposing the corrected parking assessment for the Nemitz building. It was pointed out by legal counsel that the Benjamins had paid an assess - ment to the City two years ago, and there was a misunderstanding be- tween the two parties regarding the use of the property. The Benja- mins would take whatever steps were necessary if the City pursued the parking assessment. The property owner had no objection to the area being blacktoped and used by the City, but he wanted to be able to re- claim ownership when a different use arose in the future. 1 o<, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 23, 1985 City Attorney Schaefer stated it would require total assessment of • property value if the City did not obtain an easement from the Benja- mins. The proposed agreement was reviewed. Attorney McGraw offered an acceptable agreement of one -half the assess- ment and use of the Benjamin property, with no guarantee to the City. It was moved by Alderman Mlinar to close the hearing at 8:15 P.M. Mo- tion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson to approve the parking assessment and to order preparation of a Resolution to correct the Benjamin parking assessment. The motion carried four to one, with Alderman Mikulecky voting nay. 6. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION OF STATUS REPORTS BY CITY ATTORNEY: 1. KLOCKMANN PROPERTY The City Attorney reported there had been some progress in cleaning up the property, but he planned to ask for a court date to be set up. Alderman Torgerson moved to set a court hearing for August 6, 1985 for the Klockmann property. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. 2. GUTORMSON PROPERTY It was reported the building in question would be removed in the near future. 3. CAMEO CLEANERS SIGN Attorney Schaefer stated the letters had been removed from the sign, and it is no longer in violation of the City's sign ordinance. 4. STORM SHELTER RULES AND REGULATIONS A solution was reached on this issue. 5. 616 HARMONY LANE - MARTIN PRIEYE The property was reviewed today, and most of the material had been re- moved from the property owner's yard. It will not be pursued further. 7. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) RESOLUTION NO. 8074 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE Alderman Carls moved to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8074 to purchase a motor and water meters. The motion was seconded by 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 23, 1985 46 Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously. (b) RESOLUTION NO. 8080 - RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO CONTRACT WITH MN /DOT TO CONTINUE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IN HUTCHINSON FOR 1986 The motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Mikulecky, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8080. Motion unanimously carried. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF COMPLAINT CONCERNING STRAY CATS (DEFERRED JUNE 25, 1985) It was moved by Alderman Torgerson to waive the first reading of Ordi- nance No. 12/85 and set second reading for August 13, 1985. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF HEATING SYSTEM PROBLEM IN FIRE STATION (DEFERRED FEBRUARY 26, 1985) City Administrator Plotz reported that RCM had given a verbal. report by telephone, but nothing had been received from Korngiebel Architecture. Alderman Torgerson moved to table the item until the next Council meet- . ing. Alderman Mlinar seconded the motion, and it unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE AS SUBMITTED BY ERICKSON OIL COMPANY WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION (DEFERRED NOVEMBER 27, 1984) It was reported that the problem with the driveway right -of -way had been resolved, and the variance could be acted upon at this time. The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Carls, to approve the variance to Erickson Oil Company and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8075. Motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF HASSAN STREET BETWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH AVENUES (PROJECT 86 -01) Following a report by the Director of Engineering, Alderman Mlinar moved to approve project 86 -01 for Hassan Street between Fourth and Fifth Avenues, to order preparation of the plans and specifications, and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8086. The motion was seconded by Alderman Carls and unanimously carried. (e) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID FOR PROJECT NO. 85- 01 -39, LETTING NO. 12 It was moved by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Mikulecky, to • approve awarding the contract to the lowest bidder, Bethke Construc- tion, in the amount of $92,170.70 and to waive reading and adopt Reso- lution No. 8082. Motion carried unanimously. 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 23, 1985 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson to authorize discontinua- tion of service on July 29 at noon unless other arrangements had been made. Alderman Carls seconded the motion, and it unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF BASEBALL FIELD RENOVATION AT TARTAN PARK Lyle Block, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board, presented a recommendation to renovate the Tartan Park baseball field. Following discussion of the additional $2,500 funding needed to complete the project, the motion was made by Alderman Carls to approve the project contingent upon the necessary funds being taken from the existing 1985 Parks and Recreation budget. Alderman Torgerson seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS TO SURFACE ROBERTS PARK PARKING LOT Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Torgerson, to approve advertising for bids to surface the parking lot at Roberts Park. Motion unanimously carried. (d) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST SUBMITTED BY GLEN & ROXANN SLADEK WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the conditional use permit and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8076. Motion seconded by Ald- erman Carls and carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUEST SUBMITTED BY GLEN & ROXANN SLADEK WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION It was moved by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Carls, to ap- prove the variance and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8077. Motion unanimously carried. (f) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUEST SUBMITTED BY ERICKSON OIL PRODUCTS, INC. WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH CONTINGENCY The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson to approve the variance and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8078. Alderman Carls sec- onded the motion, and it carried unanimously. (g) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST SUBMITTED BY HUTCH AGRI -TECH WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH CONTINGENCY 4 i • • CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 23, 1985 Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the conditional use permit and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8079, contingent upon DNR ap- proval. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimous- ly carried. (h) CONSIDERATION OF ANNEXATION OF BOLDT, KADELBACH, SATTERLEE AND SCHIMMEL PROPERTIES WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson to approve the annexations and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8085. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar. Mr. and Mrs. Schimmel presented a petition opposing annexation of their property and requested it remain agricultural. Alderman Torgerson amended his motion to eliminate the Schimmel prop- erty from the annexation. Alderman Mlinar seconded the amended motion and it carried unanimously. The main motion unanimously carried. Mr. Schimmel requested a written agreement from the City that he would have access to his property across City -owned property. (i) CONSIDERATION OF ERROR ON "PENDING ASSESSMENT" FOR OVER -LAY STREET PROJECT City Administrator Plotz explained that two assessment searches were done on Lot 16, Hanson's Addition. The first search was correct, but the second search deleted a pending assessment. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Carls to drop the assessment for the 1985 street overlay project from the property in question. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (j) CONSIDERATION OF CONTINUANCE OF CITY'S GENERAL PLAN TO CONSTRUCT AND /OR UPGRADE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD LINE WITHIN CITY LIMITS AND RETAIN RIGHT -OF -WAY OWNERSHIP City Administrator Plotz reported on the status of the railroad. It was his recommendation to postpone adopting the Resolution until the dollar amount had been obtained. Alderman Carls moved to defer action until the proper information is available. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously. RECESS: The City Council adjourned at 9:00 P.M. for a recess and reconvened at 9:15 P.M. (k) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE FOR MCLEOD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 23, 1985 16 It was moved by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Mikulecky, to approve the application and issue the gambling license. Motion car- ried unanimously. (1) CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT WITH MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REGARDING STATE AID FOR AIRPORT MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mikulecky to approve entering into a contract with MN /DOT and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8081. Alderman Torgerson seconded the motion, and it unanimously carried. (m) CONSIDERATION OF SALE OF 1962 FORD RESCUE PERSONAL CARRIER Alderman Carls moved to approve the sale of the 1962 Ford carrier and to award the bid to the Hector Fire Department for $2,500. The mo- tion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously. (n) CONSIDERATION OF ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 86 -02 After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alder- man Torgerson, to approve the engineer's report and set a public hear- ing for August 27, 1985 at 8:00 P.M. and to waive reading and adopt • Resolution No. 8083. Motion unanimously carried. (o) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION BY HUTCHINSON JAYCEES FOR RETAIL "ON SALE" NON - INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSE FOR SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT JULY 27- 28, 1985 The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson to approve the application and issue the malt liquor license. Alderman Mikulecky seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. (p) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE FOR ST. ANASTASIA PARISH It was moved by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Carls, to approve the application and to issue the gambling license. Motion unanimously carried. (q) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FOR BINGO LICENSE FOR ST. ANASTASIA PARISH Alderman Mlinar moved to approve the application and to issue the bingo license. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously. (r) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FOR RETAIL "ON SALE" NON- INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSE FOR ST. ANASTASIA PARISH'S FALL FESTIVAL The motion was made by Alderman Carls to approve the application and issue the malt liquor license. Alderman Mlinar seconded the motion, and it unanimously carried. 11 6 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 23, 1985 (s) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FOR INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE BY DURWOOD AIRHART FOR D. J. MAC'S, INC. (FORMERLY LEBISTRO) Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Torgerson to set the public hearing for August 13, 1985 at 8:00 P.M. Alderman Mlinar seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR City Administrator Plotz commented on the painting of a car previously used by the police department. Attention was directed to the memorandum regarding calcium chloride on Hassan Street. Also, an estimated price was given for putting oil on Hassan Street. Alderman Mikulecky moved to seal coat one -half of the area affecting Hassan Street (First Avenue S.E. to Fourth Avenue S.E.) with the money to come out of the bonding fund where available. Mo- tion seconded by Alderman Torgerson. After discussion, Alderman Tor- gerson amended the motion to do one block between Washington Avenue East and First Avenue S.E. The amended motion was seconded by Alder- man Carls and carried unanimously. The main motion unanimously car- ried. Mention was made that the auditing firm would be coming out soon to re- view the City's 1984 audit. It was the consensus of the Council to meet at 5:00 P.M. on August 6, 1985 in the Fire Station conference room. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN PAT MIKULECKY Alderman Mikulecky commented on the pending lawsuit between Robert Schwanke and Junker Sanitation. He suggested the Council consider adopting a Resolution that would require refuse to be placed outside the garage to prevent this situation from happening again. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR ROBERT H. STEARNS Mayor Stearns reported that Jim Junker would be meeting with the City Council sometime in September. The suggestion was made that all City boards and commissions have a limited term to enable a turn -over of members on the boards / conmissions. This change would require an amendment to the ordinance. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ATTORNEY JAMES SCHAEFER City Attorney Schaefer reported he had talked to several codifiers, and it was his suggestion that they meet with the Council on August 6. 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 23, 1985 s It was reported that Mr. Schaefer would be prepared to discuss the Char- ter Commission issue at the August 6 meeting. (e) COMMUNICATIONS FROM DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING MARLOW V. PRIEBE Engineer Priebe stated he had received a complaint concerning weeds. It was his recommendation to spray the weeds and disc the property at the proposed wastewater plant site. The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Carls, to authorize the Director of Engineering to take care of the weed prob- lem on the recently purchased property. Motion unanimously carried. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS The motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Torgerson, to approve the claims and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. Motion carried unanimously. 12. ADJOURNMENT • There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. 0 MINUTES BID OPENING FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1985 The bid opening was called to order at 2:00 P.M. Present were: Assistant City Clerk Ken Merrill, Maintenance Director Ralph Neumann, Acting Secretary Hazel Sitz. The reading of Publication No. 3438, Invitation for Bids, City of Hutchinson, Purchase of a New 33,000 Min. GVW Truck Complete with Box, Plow, Sander and Accessories, was dispensed with, and the following bids were opened and read: TOTAL BASE BID Myron Wigen Chevrolet Co., Hutchinson 1. $39,500 (MacQueen) Plowmans Inc., Hutchinson . Lakeland Ford Truck Sales, So. St. Paul GMC Minneapolis Truck Center, Minneapolis 2. $37,500 (Crysteel) 1. $39,724.80 (MacQueen) 2. $37,392.80 (Crysteel) 3. $43,768.30 (automatic trans) 1. $37,144 (Crysteel) 2. $39,473 (MacQueen) 1. $38,831.74 The bids were referred to the Maintenance Director for review and a recommendation to the council. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:10 P.M. Attest: Kenneth D. Merrill, Asst. City Clerk • Mayor 6 U MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1985 The special meeting came to order at 5:00 P.M. in the Fire Station Conference Room. The following were present: Alderman Mike Carls, Alderman John Mlinar, Alderman Marlin Torgerson, Alderman Pat Mikulecky, and Mayor Robert H. Stearns. Also present were: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Finance Director Kenneth B. Merrill, Fire Marshall George Field, and City Attorney James Schaefer; Arch- itect John Korngiebel; Community Development Corporation Representatives John Bernhagen, Ronald McGraw, Don Glas, Tom Daggett, and Chad Piehl; Charles Ro- lando and Vern Grabow from Charles Bailly & Company. 1. CITY CHARTER - APPOINTMENT OF CHARTER COMMISSION City Attorney James Schaefer presented a report on the City Charter and the procedure for appointment of members to a Charter Commission. This topic will be discussed further at the next regular Council meeting. 2. CODIFICATION OF CITY ORDINANCE BOOK City Attorney Schaefer reported that four companies had submitted the fol- lowing proposals to codify the City's ordinance book. Sterling Codifier Inc. Municipal Ordinance Codifiers Hoff & Allen Municipal Code Corp. $5,200 plus $12.50 per page over 500 Provide 30 books $10,750 Provide one book $8,900 Provide one book $9,500 plus $28 per page over 300 Provide 50 books; 25 bound It was the City Attorney's suggestion to commence the process of codifica- tion in 1986. 3. PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER FOR RECREATIONAL FACILITY Architect John Korngiebel reported on a proposed change order for the rec- reational facility. He was authorized to present the change order for ap- proval at the August 13 Council meeting. 4. REPORT BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ON PROPOSED REVOLVING LOAN FUND Executive Director John Bernhagen reviewed the proposed revolving loan fund with the City Council. A suggested use of the fund was to provide money for the downtown sprinkling program. The CDC proposal will be presented at the August 27 Council meeting. 1 v CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - AUGUST 6, 1985 5. REVIEW OF CITY AUDIT BY CHARLES BAILLY b COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES Charles Rolando and Vern Grabow reviewed the City's year -end financial statements and accountants' report with the City Council. Several sug- gestions were made for changes or improvements in the City's controls and procedures. It was reported that the City of Hutchinson had received an "A" bond rating from Moody's Investors Service for 1985. 6. BUDGET TIMETABLE Finance Director Ken Merrill discussed the timetable for preparing the 1986 City budget. It was the consensus of the Council to hold two budget meet- ings at 5:30 P.M. on August 26 and 5:30 P.M. on August 27. 7. REPORT ON FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL Alderman Torgerson reported the Fire Department had decided to reduce its personnel from 45 firemen to 40. 8. DISCUSSION OF CITY COUNCIL PRIORITIES City Administrator Plotz commented on the priorities established by the City Council and their status. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8 :37 P.M. i N 0 • 0 .o Paled In which ' ^`sue" permits issued PLEASE MAIL ON OR BEFORE THE 4TH DAY OF THE MONTH U.S. DneAM or a eoaaus wauu w tats eesrws (Phase ooh W qty areas In nano a aeons) REPORT OF BUILDING OR ZONING PERMITS ISSUED AND LOCAL PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION 0103300 Al 9 9999 Gas E 11 26 0 2730 CENSUS USE ONLY NOBIER IITTRAN OLD$ OFF CITY NAIL 37 WASNINiTON AVE WEST NOTCNINSON NN SS3S0 met seven" t p«� � [3 No 0 Yes - EVilaln in coasasnts H the ponsits Wwo Issad AseiaB ifs MEN L THIS B"a"s of Mho Cows lease red thelnstructloes before Period, 0x (X) la box awi artless fans ❑ COPY TO 1201 Beat Tench Street :1"1c.1 letin','(30i) For further help, J 111 Iad 0131 lec763 -72N, SosNaa I - NEW R12DINTIAL HOUSE- PRIVATELY OMM PUBLICLY OOZED Rmtlr ValrtNo ar Nodo VaMNYrh of KEEPWG SIHLOIIIGI AND � MOBILE HOMES Idlap K p lOaunrMe� f(dt Bu1N NralaE rig' � construction awta) at to (o) 11 One-family houses, detached 101 OnrNYnily houses attached, each snit 1palki separated from adjoining o"s) by a Wei I that oxtands has to too( 102 2 112,338 Two - family buildings 103 Three- and four-farally buildings 104 Five-or-more family buildings 105 Perd TOTAL (Swa of 101 -105) 109 8 8 563.305 Mobile homes 12 10 10 1 - - - - - - -- Socfitm 11 - NEM RESIDENTIAL MON. PRIVATELY OWNED PUBUCLY OWNED Numbs Volsstlan of Nunber Valuation or HOUSEKEEPING N BUILDINGS atuNoCtim foaYt esna) rnmbsction (O,ryl soon) . I Raoau Bultilimp Roams (al tl Ic1 Idl (e) u) ( ) Hotels, motels, and tourist cabins 1 intended for transient acc owamdations 2131 Other nonhousekeepin shelter 214 Soctioo III - NEW NONRESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED VValuutrsican of Na Va "llm of BUILDINGS i� ildinp s oa Bailn sus tag toils lor.(I tsl (pant nails) U1 Ib) le)a 1 Id ID 1E) Amusement and recreational buildings 318 Churches and other religious buildings 319 Industrial buildings 32D Parkin garages (open to general public) 321 Service stations and repair 1wales 322 s and other Institutional buildin s fice, bank, and rofessional buildin s 324 iitai blic works and utilities buildin s 325 hools and other educational buildin s 326 Scores and other mercantile buildin s 327 Other nonresidential buildings 326 - SUuctures other than buildings Sactioa IV - ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS Sc An increase in the number of housing a _ units (in the housing units column. c . enter only the number of additional eunits) 'v 433 7S �' No change in the rxasbar of a housing units 434 24 57 AD A decrease In the member of housing t7�- a units (in the housing units column. enter only the number of decreased units) 435 Res,denn al garages and carports +attached and detached) 436 3 134(10 All other buildings and structures 437 1 1 1 500 2 -SIGN PLKASE CONYIMUE ON AEY&RU SIDE ---a- 1-MOVING 55 Pemits- 5742,317.00 Total Valuation Section V - CONVERSIONS PRIVATELY OBNEO PUBLICLY CONED Number Valuation of Number Valuatlan of Item Idings XRWlrrg Mite Ikini s XWSIng zit", No. construction (Omit Dental coitstreCtion flaw? anb) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (D (g) Nonresidential and nonhousekeepmg buildings to housekeeping buildings 540 Housekeeping buildings to nonresidential and nonhousekeeping buildings 541 Section VI - DEMOLITIONS AND RAZING OF BUILDINGS One- family buildings attached and detached 645 1 Two-family buildings 646 ii Threo- and four- family buildings 647 Five -or -more family buildings 646 All other buildings and structures 649 ytna,• yr'r -- i .: - S«Hon VII - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR INDIVIDUAL PERMITS OF $500,000 OR MORE Please Drovfde in the space below, additional information for each individual permit valued at S500,0D0 or more entered in Sections 1 through V. Item lk. from Name, address of Dwnerahip Val all of Number of Nlanbar Description a stark (x) construction horsing al I -V one (lmlf cents) units Yaltlin{s law Ib) Icl (d) (e) 11) (E) Kiad of bui dlag -__ _ - - - - -- C) Private f- Cc address - ------ '-- ---- --- - --" -- El Public S Kind of building ________ _____ ___ __ __ ___ Private __ - __________ Slte address E] Public Kind of building Private Site address _______________________ CD Public Kira of building ------------------------ _ Private _________ ______ SIfl adtlrel3 _______________________ PYDIIC Kind of building ______________ __ __ _ _ _ __ Private Si le address __ __ __ ___ _____ ___ ___ ___ Public Kiw of building Private _________ __________ Site aodress _ Li Public Kind of W ildmg ____________ ______ _____ QPrivate Site atloress Public Kira of W.iding nPrivate Site address __._- _ -_ - -_ 71 Public Kind of budding _______________________ E] Private ___ ______ _____ Site address ____ ___________________ Public Conaunta 329 -Radio Tower 329e- Grandstand $ Bleachers at Jr, /Sr, High School Homer Pittman aye' -'J1 N - I rule Building Official 61 2 I S87-5151 210 is • W 0 July 309 1985 The library board met on July 30, with the following members present: Paul Ackland, Ralph Bergstrom, Elaine Clay, Terri Eilertson, John Horrocks, Albert Linde, Kathy McGraw, Sue O'Brien, Linda Willmasen, Mary Henke and Norita Levy. President Ralph Bergstrom introduced Linda Willmsen, new board member who replaces Gena Iverson. Ralph updated Board members on a number of matters: - $1,200 was received from McLeod County because of action taken by the county commissioners. 8800 was used to restore 134 hours /week to library hours and $400 may be used to purchase i -V equipment. - Pioneerland Library System will provide 5700 to purchase Princeton files to store magazines on shelves. - An application for AAL funds of up to 82,500 has be made for landscaping around the library. - Library furnishings no longer needed will be sold on Aug. 14, at 5:00 p.m. in the HAVTI parking lot as part of a city -wide auction. The next item of business was Board reactions following the building in- spection on Friday, July 26. A number of concerns were brought up. . - Columns Paul Ackland recommended the Board talk to the architects about a finishing treatment for the columns. - Metal rail on upper level (by elevator) Recommendation was made that rail be replaced by the original wood door for the sake of safety. - Upper level lighting John Horrocks wanted to check adequacy of the lighting. - Mantel niece Options are to use old one or replace it with a newly con- structed niece. Cleaninc of shelves one by :30 or by janitor, needs to be checked on. - Hole in leaded glass window F =ul will contact Kerry Krueger about fixing window. - Mat for entry way Ralph will check if the mat has been ordered with the rest of the furnishings. Mary Henke presented a list of neec?custodial eovirment and prices pre- pared by the janitor. These items are necessary because of the increased area to be cleaned and the new windows. John Horrocks moved the Board approve the purchase of the equipment as listed. Elaine Clay seconded the motion. Motion passed. U] John Horrocks moved the meeting be adjourned. Elaine Clay seconded the motion. Notion passed. y � r-cir�,ee. Secretary Pro -Tem �Urljinsmt Ilublit Xlilrraq Hutd%inson, Minnesota 55350 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES, 1 Advance vacuum cleaner, self propelled 22" 1 Royal 501 vacuum, hand cleaner model(Hutch Sewing Center) list $9+.00 1 Extension pole, 13' (for window washing) 1 Rub -face strip washer, 14" wide " It of 1 Window squeegee complete, 18" wide " to it 1 Big Red Bucket " It to 1001+ Water hose " it It 1050.00 76.00 23.00 7.80 8.50 19.50 35.00 S 1219.80 L J CJ 0 0 • U BURNS MANOR MUNICIPAL NURSING HOME Minutes - June - 1985 The Board of Directors for Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home met Thursday, June 27, 1985 at Burns Manor, 12:00 noon, President Leslie Linder presiding. All members present: Les Linder Larry Graf Gloria Dansereau Rev. Keith Duehn Eldred Miller Mike Carls Esther Kuehl David Jensen Mavis Geier Guests: Dwight Tange, Insurance Consultant. The meeting was called to order by President Leslie Linder.. MINUTES OF PAST MEETING: A motion was made by Eldred Miller and seconded by Mike Carls to approve the minutes. All were in favor. Motion carried. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: A motion was made•by Eldred Miller and seconded by Esther Kuehl to approve for payment the attached listing of accounts payable and cash disbursements in the amount of $41,405.13. All were in favor. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: A. United Fund. Mrs. Geier reported that $2,000.00 had been received from the United Fund of the Hutchinson Area. B. Dwight Tange. Insurance Consultant discussed present Insurance coverage and, recommended the Accounts Receivable coverage be added. The current insurance program costs, St. Paul quote and Colonial Penn quote were presented and discussed. President Linder relinquished the chair to Gloria Dansereau, vice President who conducted the remainder of the meeting. President Linder did not attend the remainder of the meeting. After a question and answer period Larry Graf made a motion, Keith Duehn seconded, that Burns Manor be insured by Colonial Penn. All were in favor. Motion carried. C. Employee Health Insurance. Employee Health Insurance was again discussed. D, Insurance. Workman's Comp, Boiler Insurance and Employee bond will remain under the City Policy. E. Consultant Fees. Increase in monthly fee for Dwight Tange will be $375.00 plus expenses (06- 01 -85), present fee is $200.00 plus expenses. This will be divided by the entities. June Minutes Page 2 F. Case Mix. Material has been given to the media, residents, and families. G. Patient Bill of Rights. Patient Bill of Rights were distributed at the May meeting. The Bill was to be read and acted on at the June meeting. A motion was made by Esther Kuehl and seconded by Larry Graf to accept the bill of rights as written. Discussion followed. All were in favor. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: A. Per diem Rate. A temporary rate was received from the State of Minnesota effective 07 -01 -1985. Skilled $45.87; +.0.890 I.C.F. $40.80;= 0.98. When final rate is received it will be retro- active to July 1, 1985. B. Equal Rate Law. Equal Rate Law was again discussed. The possibility of heirs donating this refund to Burns Manor was dis- cussed at length. The consensus of the group was that no request will be made. A motion was made by Eldred Miller and seconded by Mike Carls that we do not request the heirs to donate the money to Burns Manor. All were in favor. Motion carried. C. Home Health Care. The information about Home Health Care given by Robin Erickson at the joint board meeting was discussed. A motion was made by Keith Duehn and seconded by Esther Kuehl, not to enter into the Home Health Care venture with Hutchinson Community Hospital and Glencoe Area Health Center. All were in favor. Motion carried. D. Ancher Nelsen. The Board of Directors requested the secretary to write a letter to Ancher Nelsen thanking him for his continuing interest in Burns Manor. E. Improvement. Improvement of Burns Manor physical plant and the different methods by which it could be accomplished was again discussed. Mrs. Geier is to invite Bill Fahey, Bond Consultant to attend one of our meetings. F. Pay Equity. A motion was made by Mike Carls and seconded by Keith Duehn to enter into an agreement with Health Inquiry to complete the Pay Equity Study that is required by the State of , Minnesota. The consulting fee for the services will be $1,700.00. The fee includes expenses. Discussion followed. All were in favor. Motion carried. 0 • F June Minutes Page 3 G. Bingo. The law that will allow bingo in Nursing Homes was discussed. H. Patient Satisfaction forms were available for comment. There being no further business, a motion was made by Keith Duehn and seconded by Eldred Miller to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor. Motion carried. The Burns Manor Board of Directors will meet Thursday July 25, 1985 at 12:00 noon, in the Annex Sun Porch at Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home. ATTEST: Leslie B. Linder, Presi ent Respectfully submitted: Mav s J. Secretary 6 0 Hutchinson btate ot Ownegotal city .. i .. , . "Y ..... ...... McLeod dwicaaaft No. Application for License to Sell Cigarettes at Retail The undervijImed resident...... of the_........._._._Cih ..of ..Hutchinson... , .. .... in the O&mnfy of McLeod BY JUICE ..4PPLIr.1- . . ..... Ejage of jfianeeola, MERF TI(4%' FOR LICENSE to be issued to............................... Mirian Chapter #27 Eastern Star to " cigarattes and djaraM payee and wrappers at ?a" av_ ................... ...... ...,,..-.. McLeod . County.. Fair.....­­ ..... . . .... City _.._.__.._..___........_....o Hutchinson _......... -in maid county and dam for the form of f _.. Hu r ............ Fair b6jt,,js,( w" a . .... :.Jay of . ......... 1985 goicet to the laws of the State of Vinadmia, and the ordinances and reff"latione of soul city . ...... ...... ... . ..... Hutchinson ..... . . . . ................. thereto, and hereavith depavit ..- I ;q.-1, - in Payment Of Me too th"for. IT... . .... P A I E) . ..... .... .... ...... 4�1 I'M 1401011 WS , z ", � I- Aptatt of Anne"a, S#y ... ... .......... of . .. . .... ...... County of...­ .. . ... McLeod ............. .. ....... I ...... Application for License to Sell Cigarettes at Retail The undersigned resident..... of the 'City of ...Hutchinson.. in the county of. McLeod of Xinnesota, RERFBFJfAKB .4PPL1rJ- TIOX FOR LICFYSE to be issued to . .... ... . .. .......... to 01 rigarettes and cidaietta papers and wrappem at retail at. 1100 141WW.A%V Sw B.2 in the City . .. . _....._..of Hutchins.on .... .. in said county and stat, for the term of 5 months with the ..., 14th I day of.. ... August 1.9 85 , subject to the lwvs of the State of Alinneaga and the ordinances and redulations of saint ...... ... sit Hutchinson _..,._......_......... ..X­ . ....... of - ............ ............. ­ I ... I - ..... ­ pertainin.d thereto, and herewith deposit 5.00 . ... ... in payment of W fee therefor. .9_§_5 a 77 Aatk,4. -A 4. k. C QW, ' njljt M35 6-m 1231 Industrial Road Hudson, WI 54016 L E RETAIL "Off SALEM "U of Ahnnegotav Coujam of --- . ...... City...___._.._._..._..Or.___.Hutchlnson To the ....... q.UY.Sm4i .............................of tba ............ qM .................... of ....... Aq.01A8.0.9 ............. ..................................... ................................. ..................... State of Mhumota: CR&=bI -Cmt. LQDAQ:M I W'. hereby appt-Lea.—for a Uomm for ow swm of.__.__ CI motmis /mm -Wtt - -------- ___.dGj 10-8.1, to Sal In Original Packages Only, Non-InWxicatinr Matt Lkwrsl as the sam an deflmd by two, for ammm*tim "OFF" thou oork" probes in Cjtx Hutchinson.__..... damoriba as follow, . ...... Address 11M WOW 15 StOATH at whi" pia" said OMI1.,n busimm and to that and ropreamil—Amd dab -t.as follow: That Said ....... Of OW UnUod States; of joad moral oharadur and rspute; and A&B---attatmod M# ajo of *I Moore; of tae establiAntoM for which the Uomm will be Lmtod if We apptloati4m is irantod. That sald applicant—make.-A.-this application pursuant and o"J"t to all the Wo of the State of Minazoota and LU ordinamew and rojuWioma of said....._.. City ...... .... . thereto, w7ach cwv Iwoby made a part horwt, and ho v4 afres.A-to oborvo and obey the o"w: Mn skft otbw rowdr-ow" H w. of beg wwmkd=O Each appUoant furAdr skiUm that he In Aal bw holder of, nor hat he made application for, nor does he inland to make applioatim for & Federal RdaU DeaZer's Spacial tax damp for the &aU of int"ioatini liquor. y DaW AUL- -Za- S6,u % WIpx4'r�v'O&'J'j a !Z�k ccv-'L JppUoant- OVP. O. Iddrw.._._.. L. t;co---- Ck CET064rd iqm� *,,I tk&i kc at Sook 04"QA So tam jyr 5-574-2 n4lv'A� '6 -t C�P—ed,'n . 104 K'Wmel. Q3 &4" CLTk C J • HhUALL "ON SALE' L/ €state of ;fflillnuWas COUNTY of McLeod City _ pj_ Hutchinson __ To the............ SAtXARumU ........ ...of tile..... . �!r q .......................... of_...Hut�jhinson ... .. . . .............. _ .... _ ................ _...._ _.._......_......_......... State of Minnesota: HcLeod County Agricultural Association hereby app; -�or a tioanas for am NrsW of 5 (five) days from the 16th z y of August la B5 to OU At Retail Only, Non- Intoxicating Malt Liquors, as the carne are defined by law, for ameusnptiaus "0Jf" those wrW.% premtsa to 0 P City Of HurrhinAnn mow. T V described as fellows, to -wit. McLeod County Fairgrounds - Beer Tent .1�r at which place acid applteant—opsrotatLthe business of County Fair and to that end representaa." states..ae follows: That said opplioant_ ie a Lsen__ of the United State; of good moral aharadar and repute; a" ha es"_rna tAw age of el yea"; that_.. he I p oprietor_of flu establishment for which the lieenss will.be 1-sued if this applioation is granted,. That no manufacturer of such som4dwdeating malt liquors has any ownership, in whole or in part, in said business of said applicant—or any interest therein; . I That said appiiaamt.__malu $tAL applioatioa pursuant and subject to all ties lasers of the State of Minnesota and the ordinances and ngulatiwu of said City applwable thereto, which are hereby made a part hereof, and hereby agree —io obssrve and obey the same; ren "w , wahomm . a r . se L.1 ned,ae.$) QSDo mFND A;V1 DY,4L — S�fE.4XW .4MD X Wi"- .471FAW A,, f,e SOAeo I ,,=pr7 Ae7 70 rpeO441A/ gm9ao A k"e -ESA, A"'N Each applicant further state that he is not now the holder of, nor has As As 64lwtion for, nor does he intend to make application for a Fader" Retail Dealer's Special tax clamp for the sale of Ln�f liquor. . Dated July 30 . ly BS dppliean!_ P. 0. d dd e" /00- r1/3y?� / 3— ✓hr `i.Ti57J HUTCHINSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 133 Third Avenue S.W. • Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Telephone: (812) 587 -2188 EaUAL HOUSING OPPO RTUNITY August ?1 1985 OPPORTUNITY Mr. Gary Plotz City Hall 37 Washington Ave. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mr. Plotz: The Hutchinson Housing and Redevelopment Authority would like to inform you and the Hutchinson City Council that at a recent board meeting a unanimous vote was cast by members recommending Don Brasen be reappointed to another 5 -year term as an HRA commissioner. We hope.this recommendation will receive the City Council's strongest consideration. • Sincerely, Caroi Ha os Executive Director 0 (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Bruce Ericson DATE: August 8, 1985 SUBJECT: Park & Recreation Board Recommendations The Parks and Recreation Board made the following recommendations for appointments. Betsy Connelly (1 year, for the completion of Don Falconer's term) G. Barry Anderson (3 year term) Roy Johnson, Re- appointment (3 year term) • • ./r/ -,OE - (0?) PUBLICATION NO. 3442 PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER: THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1985 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARnx TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on August 13, 1985 at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chamber of City Hall for the purpose of : considering the issuance of an "on Sale" Intoxicating Liquor License to Durwood L. Airhart, owner of D. J. Mac's, Inc. This hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson. At such hearing, all persons interested may be heard. July 24, 1985 Dated • M, N POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO Gary Plotz FROM Dean M. O'Borsky, Chief of Police SUBJECT License Application DATE August 2, 1985 0 Attached is a report from Investigator Waage regarding the license application of Durwood Airhart. Please treat this information confidentially. Based on Waage's background check I see no reason to deny the license. DMO:neb r� U AITLICATIUN kDR (V -Silly II?MXICA'l'ING L(OHM.''I' LICENSE This form was prepared by the rity of Hutchinson and the Minnesota Bureau of criminal Apprehension, Department of Public Safety, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 1976, Section 340.13, for purposes of Lack - ground im,estignticau. Tt dews nat otgwsreod„ any laww, rules or regulations of the Ufvfnlon of f.igrw,r Control r•.Inuding the ismuance of liquor liccuses. Failure to provide information Iequested may result in denial of Um :Yy.ilcatfon. 1. D.J. Mac's, Inc. JUIV 1. 1985 Trade Nam D:-to of Application 2. April 1. 1985 - March 31, 1986 Licensing Period - 3. Type of Application- L J New Renewal U Transfer Durwood L. Airhart personally (612)693 -2891 (business) 4• ..(A.,J. Mac's, Inc.) - -- Name of Applicant Phone Route 2, Box 11 5. Litchfield, Minnesota 55355 Ilome Address 6. Citizenships United States 7. Whittemore, Iowa November 13, 1936 Place of Birth Date of Birth B. 101 Park Place, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Address of Business Location 9, (to be provided) Legal Description 10. List owners of building or premise to be licensed: Hutchinson 5 i L Rehab Limited Partnership, a Minnesota Limited Partnership 11. List all partners, officers or directors, if corporation: Name Address Date of Dirth nturwood T.. Airhart._-_-- _gpUtgL_Z, BOX _1] November 13, 1936 (sole shareholder of Litchfield, Minnesota n_.7_ Mac's Tnr.) 55355 12. Prior experience in this type of businessu Mr_Airhart was an equal one -third shareholder of LeBistro Cafe On The Park, Inc., the Corporation which operated the LeBistro franchise since 1982. 13. Present ownership in any other liquor establishment. _ None 14. Present ownership in any other restaurant or food business: None 15. Three Business References: James M. McClure and Richard L. McClure e e 5350 Norwest Bank Litchfield, Minnesota Dave Dages • 16. aidnn D_.T Man'g Tnn_ a Minnesota Cprurwlration Corporate or Partnership Title j/—'et, 1 ?. 101 Park Place, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Corporate or Partnership Address 10, if this is a transfer application give nave, address, of i,erstmn, partnership or corporation hnlditn+i license for the pant year. LeBistro Cafe On The Park, Inc., a Minnesota Corporation Jaws M. McClure, Miller, Miller i Mac, Hwy.7 West, Hutchinson, MMN 5 350 Millar. Miller 4 Mppl_ Hwy 1. Weat r Hutchinsonf MN 55350 Durwood L. Airhart, Route 2, Box 11, Litchfield, NN 55355 19. Who owns the bar /tavorn fixtures? D.J. Mac's, Inc. 20. Are you a Minnesota resident? Ex Yes EI lla ^_ - present Fran To If not, where resident? Daten of Pe-�iRcncy 21. Residential Address during Past Five (5) Years: Route 2, Box 11, Litchfield, Minnesota 55355 22. Three Personal References: 23. Employment for the Past Five Years: Litchfield Precision Components, Inc. 24. Any Convictions Other Than Minor Traffic. No 25. This application must be accomuanicd by detailed stateum]r,t of net worts and 1ae:t y+•-r tax return and statement of method of payment for business, fixtures and inventory. To be provided :'.6. Applicant, and his associates in this application, will strictly comply with all the Laws of the State of Minnesota governing the taxation and tine sale of intoxicating liquor; rules and regulations promulgated by the Liquor Control Commissioner; and all ordinances of the municipality; and I hereby certify that 1 have read the fore- going questions and that the answers to said questions are true of my own knowlnlge. I further understand that an investigation fee not to exceed $500.00 shall be charged an applicant by the city or county if the investigation is conducted within the state, or the cost not to exceed $10,000.00 if the investigation is required outside the state. I further understand the ordinances of the City of t1utchinson regarding the operation of on -sale liquor licenses and agree to abide by them.D Signature of Applicant Durwood L. Airhart subscribed and sworn to before me this � tJ day � o� 19 7 Fl.S. DANI:L J. uiFa! :l (Notar Public) nut'+. au�- -Mn�.. "A MCIFOD CIH;N;Y t MV �ewn,y'on eePiio Abch 9, 17T � ++y .-.omission Expires- 10 �J E • 0 "ON SALE" . State of Annegota, l t'OPNTP OF McLeod......._.. . .I /C.1y1'1ItiL1TY OF Hutchinson_ TO THP 1101'FRRING RODY OF THE .4801'6 /'nrsnnnt to Chigdrr 46 of the hsws of ,Ilinnesd.t, Special Session of - -- Durwood L. Airhart hereby appl..i*V1ar a license, for the term of ....one year.. from the .......__ ........__._.. day of....... ... .__.. . _ .......... :..____.19..__...., to sell intoxicating liquors res definnl by law of mail only fm* mnsnmption "O,1' TAF. 1'HP.411SF..S" drsrribed as follows: _. _... _... _ ................in said municipality, on which premises _:...... -he. .canb»l_s.. and operattsa ....... restaurant ._ and .... lounge. ...... ............. ... ; and to that end hereby represents. and state s....._.; That said mnnfoipawy is a. _.city ..... ...... ........._ _... _ . ..........__.. .__......_ _......._._.._ _ ...._......... _.... . ....... ......_._--- ........ _._ ._._._......... ......- .._..........._.._ °----_ _.. ..... ........_....... .._.................. _......... which has a population of approximately 10,400 off sale .. .. __. .. .._ ............ .. .. _... _......_.. _ ... -and which doesAlWmaintain an r.eelusler(�lgnor store; That sold............ restaurant.. and ._ loun9. e_.. ... ._. ..... ..._ ..............is an establishment hating a xeideat (D. J. Mac's, Inc.) propriedor and manager and the following equipment and facilities. Facilities - approximately 6,500 square feet restaurant, lounge and banquet rooms in 101 Park Place Building, Hutchinson, Minnesota. . ... ..... Equipment - See attached EXHIBIT "A ". _. _..__... ....... ..... ..... _ I.. " .......... _ _ ... - ... _ .. ........... ............ ..... _ ................ _ ...... _.......... _ - ... .. ...... ...... ...... _....... .... . That said applicant...._..18__. __..... _citizen.. .. of the United States_. .... .....he ycrr rs of mgr. .- and _- of good itfwnt character and repute,.__. and .has _. ... not, since the enaetriter,t of the act above specified, been convicted of any wit fal violation of any law of the United States, or of the .State of ,Ilinnesota, or of any beat ordinance, with regard to the manufacture, sale, distribution, or poxeemiou for distribution or sale, of intoxicating . liquors, and that no licimm issued to.:..... him_._.:_. _..,........ under said act half ever, been retoked: That ruo manufacturer or wholesaler trill own or control, or has any financial interest In, the basins of selling intoxicating liquors at retail on said promisee, nor power to exact or require, by con - h anderstanding or otherwise, said applicant..._.. to handle or sell only the products of such manu- f%tetorer or wholesaler: Thot an other retailer's license has been issued, directly or indirectly, to said applicant_..._. or for solid r, •mi.ws; that no licen.v of a class other than hereby applied for has been issued to any person at .,id prenri*•.e: (fad that said premises air neither owned ar rnntmilyd by any person to whons no license could be issued: That said premises are lint n•ithin any area within which the mile of intoxicating liquors is pro- hibited by the hies of the State of ,Ilinuesola, the provisions of any charter, ordinance or special law, or through zoning ordinances, proceedings or legal process regularly held for that purpose: That *fill applicant ._... ...hereby agree s.. that any licrnse fronted pursuant hereto shalt be non- transferable uitkmit ronsrnt of the authority issuing the same; that said lianas shall not be effective until a permit shall be issued under the law* of the United States in case such permit is required under wrid Iares; and that ......he _ .. will keep said license posted. in a ronepieuaw place in said premises: That this application is prude pursuant and subject to all the lawn of Minnesota, the laws of the 1 nitoil States, file ordinaneeft and regulations of said municipality, and the regulations of the Liquor Control t'o,nraiasinner of .Vinnemta, erlating to the sole and places of sale of intoxicating liquors, all of lrhich oar hereby made a part hereof, and rchich he _.. hereby agrees _. to observe and obeli i 0 LIZ (llew..Rfille other PrJulmnle"IN of larell regulation, if any) Dated . . ........ . .... ... .... .. ........... . ...... .... ..... .. ... ........ 6tatt of Oinnegotao }p C0l'.VTYOF, McLeod Durwood L. Airhart being duly sworn, on oath myS. thot___ the within upphiant that he ha .6. fult and first hand knoteledge of the facts stated in the ivrfhin application and of the business of mid applicant. .. . , the location thereof, and the contents of the irithin application; and that the statements m4i" mid application. are tnie of hio en•u Subwriterd gnat Ruwru hl Befo•e .Ile, lhit 111 Notary Public Mill —j— A . f 444 L C Y MM T MCommission Expims I u� 0 In Cl C5 0 4J 0 r ;1 4.3 $4 CS gm .Cr 10 V 0 41 i y Q 4) A 7 4) rA 0 C2 V 44 Al m Cr 0 M $4 ­4 044 0 P4 >, 0 W 4J in r_4 0 .0 ZQ "0 0 • POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO Mayor and City Council FROM Dean M. O'Borsky, Chief of Police SUBJECT Criminal Justice Seminar DATE August 2, 1985 I request authorization for Sergeants Kirchoff and Gregor to attend the annual Criminal Justice Seminar in Minneapolis, August 26 -28, 1985. This course has proved to be valuable to us in the past and we use the course materials throughout the year. My registration fee is complimentary because I am on the faculty and will take part in the program. The registration fee for each sergeant is $160.00. This item has been budgeted for. The agenda is attached. DMO:neb August 26, 27 and 28, 1985 Radisson South _ 7800 Normandale Boulevard Bloomington, Minnesota Sponsored by Minnesota Continuing Legal Education A Division of the Minnesota State Bar Association and Minnesota County Attorneys Association Office of the Minnesota Public Defender Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Office of Continuing Education for State Court Personnel — Supreme Court of Minnesota Office of the Attorney General Last year nearly 800 registrants attended Minnesota CLE's Annual Criminal Justice Institute. This two and one -half day seminar is designed to bring together those people who are responsible for administering Minnesota's criminal justice system and is designed to meet the educational needs of judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys and law enforcement officers. This year's faculty is composed of over 25 judges and experienced practitioners in the criminal justice area. in addition to the always popular Review of Recent Minnesota and United States Supreme Court Cases, the program will include: • Major changes in search and seizure and confessions • Professor Cbarles H. "itebread on U.S. Supreme Court Decisions • Handling Criminal Juries • Omnibus Crime Bill of 1984 • Gambling issues in Minnesota • Major DWI changes • Criminal Trial Tactics • Removal of children from parental custody The Annual Criminal Justice Institute is a genuinely co- operative program composed of law enforcement officials, prosecutors, judges and defense attorneys, each working to ensure the fair administration of justice. The continuing popularity of this Institute is a tribute to the spirit of professional pride each of these groups possesses. This seminar is a must for anyone who comes into contact with Minnesota's criminal justice system. It provides not only a review of the many important substantive areas of law, but also an update of the recent and important cases and issues in the criminal law area. REGISTRATION Sunday, August 25, 1985 — 5:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. Monday, August 26, 1985 — 7t30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. MONDAY August 26, 1985 JOINT SESSION FOR JUDGES, LAWYERS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL 9:00 a.m. - 9:20 a.m. CONFERENCE ADDRESS — Honorable Hubert "Skip" Humphrey, Ili, Attor- ney General of the State of Minnesota 9:20 a.m. - 10:20 a.m. DWI 1985 — An analysis of the latest changes resulting from legislation, appd- late and trial court decisions and a report on the DWI Task Force developments. — Samuel A. McCloud 10:20 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. RECENT CASES - SEARCH AND SEIZURE —Mark S. Wern ick 11:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. BREAK 11:15 a.m. - 12:00 Noon CONFESSIONS — Phillip Bush 12:00 Noon - 1:30 p.m. LUNCH including an address by Minnesota Supreme Court Justice George M. Scott 1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. TEMPORARY STOPS AND INVESTIGATIVE DETENTIONS — Robert A. Slanicb 2 :15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. STATUTORY AND CASE LAW WRAP -UP — An analysis of recent legislative and case law activity in a variety of subject areas which impact Minnesota's criminal justice system. — Robert Goodell —Ann E. Peek 3:15 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. BREAK LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL 3:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. THE CONSTITUTION (BILL OF RIGHTS): A review of those Amendments which affect police conduct. — Sheriff Donald Omodt 4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. A REVIEW OF THE LAW ENFORCEMENT BASICS — Legal update; respon- sibilities of the officer. Janet Newberg LAWYERS AND JUDGES 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. AS THE JURY RETIRES: Common problems which occur just prior to and after the criminal jury has retired for deliberations. — Honorable josepb P. Summers OMNIBUS CRIME BILL OF 1984 — Signed into law October 12, 1984, the comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 is considered to be the most far reaching and controversial crime bill in many years. It provides for greatly ex- • panded federal jurisdiction, including violent crime and juvenile prosecutions. — Thomas Heffelfinger 5:00 P.M. RECEPTION t August 27,1985 JOINT SESSION FOR JUDGES, LAWYERS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL 9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. STATE GAMBLING ISSUES AND GAMING LAW DEVELOPMENTS — Includ- ing race track, private club and bar gambling. —Roger Frank —Paul J. Tscbida 9:45 a.m. - 10:25 a.m. 1985 CHILD ABUSE LEGISLATION d: DEVELOPMENTS — Child abuse reporting legislation; child witness protection legislation. — Norman Coleman —Tom Jobnson 10:25 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. BREAK 10:45 a.m. - 12:00 Noon REMOVAL OF CHILDREN FROM PARENTAL CUSTODY — Emerging Issues and liabilities.. A discussion of procedures; use of the team concept and removal with and without court orders; proposals included in the proposed Min- nesota Juvenile Code; federal involvement and federal issues. —A panel discussion moderated by the Honorable Allen Oleisky; presented by Fern Seppler -King, Mike McCarthy, Len Fox, and Ann Carrot 12:00 Noon - 1:00 p.m. LUNCH (included in registration) 1:00 P.M. - 1:45 P.M. EMERGING ISSUES IN "PROTEST" CASES Sanctuary; foreclosures; powerline issues. —C. Peter Erlinder 1:45 P.M. - 2:15 p.m. 1985 MINNESOTA SENTENCING CASE LAW REVIEW —Kay A. Knapp — Stephen C. Ratbke 2:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. THE KEYS TO EFFECTIVE CROSS EXAMINATION IN CRIMINAL CASES Joseph S. Friedberg 3:15 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. BREAK LAWYERS 3:30 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. SMALL GROUP WORKSHOPS — Utilizing a series of problems to demonstrate cross- examination techniques. JUDGES AND LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL 3:30 P.M. - 5:00 p.m. LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL AND JUDGES IN THE MINNESOTA CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM — a panel discussion by judges and law enforce - ment officers for judges and law enforcement officers. A discussion including the law enforcement officer as a witness, testimonv at trial. admissibility of evidence, the judge's role, etc. —a panel including the Honorable Cara Lee T. Neville. the Honorable George L Harrelson, Tom Reding, Jack Hendrickson, Dean O'Borsky, Paul J. Tscbida (moderator). 5:00 p.m. RECEPTION WEDNESDAY, August 28, 1985 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. (10:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. 11:30 a.m. KEYNOTE ADDRESS: THE U.S. SUPREME COURT -- A YEAR IN REVIEW — An analysis of recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions. — Professor Charles H. "itebread, 11, George T. Pfleger Professor of law, University of Southern California Law Center BREAK) ADJOURNMENT Phillip Bush Assistant Hennepin County Public Defender Minneapolis A n Carrot Douglas County Attorney Alexandria Norman Coleman Assistant Attorney General St. Paul C. Peter Erlinder Professor of Law William Mitchell College of Law St. Paul Len Fox Deputy Sheriff Dakota County Hastings Roger Frank Chairman, Charitable Gambling Control Board St. Paul Joseph S. Friedberg Attorney at Law Minneapolis Robert Goodell Assistant Washington County Attorney Stillwater Honorable George 1. Harrelson Lyon County Judge Marshall Thomas Heffelfinger Assistant U.S. Attorney St. Paul Jack Hendrickson Carver County Sheriff Chaska Honorable Hubert "Skip" Humphrey. III Attorney General State of Minnesota St. Paul Tom Johnson Hennepin County Attorney Minneapolis Kay A. Knapp Director, Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission St. Paul Mike McCarthy Lieutenant Moorhead Police Department Moorhead Samuel A. McCloud Attorney at Law Minneapolis Honorable Cara Lee T. Neville Hennepin County Municipal Judge Minneapolis Janet Newberg Special Assistant Attorney General St. Paul Dean O'Borksy Chief of Police Hutchinson Police Department Hutchinson Honorable Allen Oleisky Fourth Judicial District Minneapolis Donald Omodt Hennepin County Sheriff Minneapolis Ann E. Peek Assistant Hennepin County Attorney Minneapolis Stephen C. Rathke Crow Wing County Attorney Brainerd Tom Reding Lieutenant St. Paull Police Department St. Paull Honorable George M. Scott Associate Justice Minnesota Supreme Court St. Patti Fern Seppler -King Department of Human Services Minnesota Department of Public Welfare St. Paul Robert A. Stankh Special Assistant Attorney General St. Paul Honorable Joseph P. Sunrnmers Second Judicial District St. Paul Paul J. Tschida Commissioner of Public Safety St. Paul Mark S. Wernick Attorney at Law Minneapolis Charles H. Whitebread, II George T. Plleger Professor of Law University of Southern California Law Center Los Angeles WHO SLAY ENROLL: Enrollment in this course is open to all members of the Bar, the Judiciary. Law Enforcement Officers, and all persons currently emploved as Legal Assistants. Enrollment is limited. Advance registration is recommended as it guarantees admittance. Door registrations on the day of the program are accepted only on a space - available basis. TUITION: Tuition for the Course is $160.00. This entitles each registrant to attend all lectures and small group discussion during the program, coffee breaks, Monday and Tuesday luncheons and to receive written materials. TAX DEDUCTIBLE: Tuition, travel, hotel, and living expenses incurred in attending Continuing Legal Education courses are tax deductible. Treas. Reg. Section 1.162.5• REFUND POLICY: Full refund will be made if cancellation is received at least 72 hours before the program; if less than 72 hours, a S 10 administrative fee will be deducted. Registrants failing to attend will receive credit for tuition paid (less a E 10 administrative fee) toward any Minnesota CLE seminar presented within the next year. . HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS: For the reduced rate• be sure to use the form in this brochure or when calling, INDICATE YOU ARE ATTE`DLNG THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE INSTITUTE. COURSE CREDIT This course has been approved for 15.75 hours credit by the Minnesota Board of Continuing Legal Education. Credit has been applied for from the Minnesota Peace Officer Standards and Training Board for 15• -5 credit hours. LLIFU NOW F' Maplewood Academ 700 North Main Stmt • Hutchinwm Minne,oto 5&350.612.587 -2830 PftdPd's OMa July 25, 1985 Hutchinson City Council 37 Washington Ave. W Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Council Members; This letter concerns the drainage problem the academy has had for some time in the field bordered by North. Main and County Road 76. For many years the water from this field drained into Ditch 18 by way of lateral 1. . This drainage is no longer ;- takigg;?place. _I:_balieae��is interruption of drain service was caused by a break or an,�obstruction to lateral 1 when'theI -land east of North Main was developed. I am requesting that this drain service be restored to Maplewood Academy. I would appreciate consideration of this at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, yndon G. Furst, Ed.D. Principal ml /LF / (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 R A M D U M DATE: August 7, 1985 TO Mayor and City—Council ----------------------- - - - - -- FROM: Kenneth B. Merrill, Finance Director SUBJECT: Cash Management Course ------------------------ - - - - -- The Minnesota Government Finance Officers Association will be offering a cash management course on September 4 -5 in Minneapolis. I would request authorization to attend this course. There is sufficient money in my budget for this course. I will be traveling back each evening and not incurring lodging expenses. From all the information I have received, the course should be very inform- ative and useful at this time. /ms Attachment • MINNESOTA GFOA CASH MANAGEMENT COURSE September 4-5,1985 This presentation of the Minnesota GFOA is a two -day workshop specializing in Public Cash . Management techniques. The workshop is part of the GFOA shared program courses and is being presented in conjunction with the GFOA and Deloitte Haskins & Sells. The seminar leaders are: John F. Kiley of Deloitte Haskins & Sells is a leading consultant on public cash management. Previously, he was the assistant state treasurer of the State of Washington. Prior to that, he was a budget analyst on the Washington bi- partisan Legislative Budget Committee. He is a prior chairman of the Government Finance Officers Association (previously Municipal Finance Officers Association) Committee on Cash Management, a former board member of the Washington Finance Officers Association and a member of the Northwest Cash Managers Association. He has spoken extensively on cash management and investment practices at numerous meetings of municipal and county treasury officials. Girard Miller is the director of the Government (formerly Municipal) Finance Officers Association Technical Services Center In Chicago, Illinois. He was previously employed as the director of fiscal services in Southfield, Michigan, where he served as president of the Michigan Municipal Finance Officers Association. His government career in- cludes employment in Farmington Hills, Michigan, and West Windsor and Prince- ton, New Jersey. A master of public administration graduate of the Maxwell School of Public Affairs, Syracuse Uni- versity, Miller also holds a degree in economics from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. A native of the State of Washington, he has authored numerous Technical articles and books including A Public Investor's Guide to Money Market Instruments and The Cutting Edge. He has also spoken extensively to groups of governmental finance officers. During the course of the two -day session, the following subjects will be addressed: Legal & political considerations Short-term financing techniques General investment economics Contracts for banking services Detach and mail to: Cash flow forecasting Investment alternatives The banking system Cash activating techniques + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ REGISTRATION FORM Metropolitan Council 300 Metro Square Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Attn: Linda Sheimo Please enroll the following in the GFOA Cash Management Course for Public Cash Managers to be held at the Minneapolis Marriott, September 4-5,1985: Kenneth B. Merrill Total Course cost is $135 /per person Enclosed is a check payable to: Minnesota GFOA ❑ $ 50 (Mininum non - refundable deposit required to register) Balance due by August 15, 1985 g $135 Payment in Full Name Finance Director Title City of Hutchinson Employer 37 Washington Avenue West Ad � chins on MN 55350 Town State Zip Telanhone 9 0. 0 D r GL w 0 j. 0 The $135 registration fee covers the course costs, student text manual, coffee breaks, lunches and a reception. In order to provide a productive atmosphere for learning, registration will be limited to 125 participants. Registrations will be taken on a first come -first serve basis. Rooms for those wishing to stay overnight can be arranged by contact - Ing the Minneapolis Marriott directly at (612) 854 -7441. A special rate has been negotiated and registrants should notify the Marriott of their participation at this seminar. o � .00;D w �o c m -0 o ° SEMINAR ON PUBLIC �cnw CD 0 o CASH MANAGEMENT o m c w w W 0 FOR IMPROVED CASH FLOW 1 ° 0. AND INVESTMENT YIELDS co \ J MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSN CASH MANAGEMENT COURSE FOR PUBLIC CASH MANAGERS September 4-5,1985 Minneapolis Marriott 1919 East 78th Street Bloomington, MN A two -day seminar for public finance practitioners who want to improve their cash management knowledge and techniques. Presented by the Minnesota Government Finance Officers Association and its Associate Member sponsor program. (612) 587 -5151 F CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 8, 1985 TO: _Mayor and City Council ------------- - - - - -- PROM: Alderman Pat Mikulecky — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SUBJECT: Amending City Charter ------------------------ - - - - -- At the special meeting of Hutchinson City Council on August 6, 1985 City Attorney James Schaefer stated that the City Charter could be amended by ordinance. This statement is incorrect. According to the Charter, any changes to the Hutchinson City Charter must be voted on by the people /ms � — AE7' 0 PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 12/85 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 10.10 OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ENTITLED "ANIMALS AND BIRDS, RUNNING AT LARGE" THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. Section 10.10 of the Ordinances of the City of Hutchinson entitled "Anisals and Birds Running at Large" is hereby amended to read as follows:. Section 10.10:46. Identification and control of cats. Every person residing in the city and owning or having in his possession any cat shall have said cat bear identification, either by tag, tattoo or other suitable means of identification. Section 10.10:47. Disease control. All persons • residing in the city and owning or having in their possession any cat shall be required to have said cat inoculated for rabies, distemper or other dangerous disease. Section 10.10:48. Cats running at large prohibited. No person shall permit his cat to run at large within the limits of the city at any time. A cat shall be deemed running at large when off the premises of its owner or keeper without being under adequate control of its owner or keeper. Sectin 10.10:49. Parent's liability. The parent or guardian of any minor claiming ownership of any cat shall be deemed to be the owner of such animal and shall be charged for all penalties and pound fees imposed by this ordinance. Section 10.10:50. License re uired. Every owner or keeper of a cat or animal of the feline species within the city shall on or before the _ 1st day of January of each succeeding year cause the same to be registered, numbered, described and licensed for one year from said date in the office of the Clerk and shall pay therefore to the Clerk the required license fee as duly set by the Council from time to time. At the time of purchase of a license the owner shall produce a copy of the animal's current vaccination to include rabies, distemper or other dangerous disease. Proof of vaccination must be made before the owner will be allowed to purchase the license for his cat. Section 10.10:51. Noise. All persons owning, possessing or harbor = ng —a cat shall prevent such cat from whining or making other sounds common to its species in excessive, continuous or untimely fashion. Section 10.10:52. Belling. All persona owning, possessing, or'harboa cat shall have said cat bear a bell or similar noise - making device. Section 10.10:53. Penalty. Any person, firm or corporation violat n y provision of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON THIS DAY OF , 1985. ATTEST: - CITY OF HUTCHINSON By/ Gary D. Plotz, City Clerk I Robert H. Stearns, Mayor 6 F1 G RESOLUTION N0. 8087 CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT.I BUDGET VENDOR Tires (2) $ 293.96 Wastewater Truck Sewer Yes l Brandon Tires Pump 6 Accessories 1261.00 Emergency Pump Water Yes Water Products Gas Monitor 420.00 Monitor Oxygen In Manhole Sewer Yes Process Systems I Table /Chair /Caddy 276.55 Replacements Civic Yes Am. Hotel Reg. Co. Arena The following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Date Approved: August 13, 1985 • Motion made by: Seconded by: Resolution submitted for Council action by: RESOLUTION NO. 8088 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PLEDGED SECURITY FROM FIRST STATE FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, First State Federal Savings & Loan Association of Hutchinson, Minnesota, a duly designated depository of the City, has pledged the follow- ing security: FHLMC - Pool #25089 8.25% $1,7529308.60 FHLMC - Pool #187104 8.50% 1,2289569.37 FHLMC - Pool #86686 9.50% 19100,250.42 $490812128.39 . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to accept said pledged security being held at First State Federal Savings & Loan Association. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of August, 1985. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk • Robert H. Stearns Mayor 7 -2, RESOLUTION NO. 8098 RESOLUTION OF THE MCLEOD COUNTY BOARD AND THE HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL CONCERNING COUNTY DITCH 18 WHEREAS, County Ditch 18 is a County Ditch which flows from lands situated within the County of McLeod into the City of Hutchinson and; WHEREAS, said County Ditch 18 is currently unable to meet the drainage needs of the area it drains and; WHEREAS, prior to any repair being done, it would be advisable for the County Board of McLeod County and the City of Hutchinson to coordinate their efforts to provide for appropriate drainage for the County Ditch 18 watershed; and pursuant to the petition of the County of McLeod and; WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 106.471, Subd. 4 provides that prior to making the necessary repairs that the County Board may appoint an engineer to investigate the feasiblity of repair of County Ditch 18 and expend up to $20,000. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County of McLeod and the City of Hutchinson agree to contract with an engineer to provide a study for the needs of County Ditch 18; that the expenses of the study up to $40,000 shall be shared equally by the City of Hutchinson and by the County of McLeod; that the engineer shall be appointed by the County of McLeod in consultation with the City of Hutchinson and the County's share of costs for the study shall be the cost of repair pursuant to Minnesota Statute 106.471, Subd. 8. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of August, 1985. Date: Date: Robert Stearns, Mayor City of Hutchinson • Lawrence Wendorff, Chairman McLeod County Board 7- --1- 1 / (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 6,1985 TO: —Mayor d City Council------------ - - - - - -- FROM: — RalphSeumann_---------------- - - - - -- SUBJECT: Motor Pool Vehicle Replacement Our original bid specifications that was rejected for a 33,000 GVW truck with dump box, plow and sander requested an 'alternate trade -in bid on a used 1975 Chev 2 ton dump truck with snow plow and sander. When the bids were received, the city was offered $3500 it from one dealer and $3000 from another. It is felt that this truck has a greater value as a backup to the sludge truck at the Waste Water Treatment Plant and a backup in case of an emergency for winter. snow plowing and sanding. We would like to propose the following: 1. Keep the above mentioned 1975 truck for emergency use only. 2. Sell by advertising locally, the current back up dump truck at the Waste Water Treatment Plant, a 1968 Chev 1� ton dump truck which is a real junker worth $300 -$500 as a wood hauler. 3. Award the bid for one new truck to Plowmans Incorporated for $39724.80. Lakeland Ford of St. Paul and Plowmans where the only two bidders able to meet our specifications. I realize Lakeland Ford was the low bidder by $251.80, however, for good public relations and the ability of having a local dealer honor and service any warranty work far exceeds this dollar amount. (See accompaning letter from Doug Meier.) • I'M, f I BID TABUTATION CITY OF HUTCHINSON PROJECT GVW Truck DATE August 2, 1985 - 2:00 P.M. BIDDER SURETY AMOUNT DELIVERY Myron Wigen Chevrolet Co. 10% bond 1)$39,500 MacQueen 2) 37,500 Cryst 1 11 -85 'Plowman's Inc. 10% bond 1)$39,724.80 Ma 7) 37.3 2.80 C Fewd # �00 te01150 days Lakeland Ford Truck Sales 740 So Concord, So St Paul 5 10% bond 075 1)$37,144 Crysteal 2) 39,473 MacQu Ford F 800 n 12 -85 GMC Minneapolis Truck Center 3001 Broadway NE, Mpls 55413 10% bond $38,831.74 GMC VD042 90-120 days Plowman's 3)$43,768.30 w. 4T 643 automat • Cj c trans. • (612) 587 -5151 J-ffJH3UTCHINSON, ITY OF HUTCHINSON WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 6, 1985 TO: Mayor and City Council ------------------------------ FROM: Doug Meier — ------------------ - - - - -- SUBJECT: Motor Pool Vehicle Replacement ------------------------------ I recommend to the city council that they elect to purchase a new 33,000 GVW Ford truck with snow plow and sanding attachment from Plowman's of Hutchinson for the following reasons: A.RADIATOR: it GMC and Chevrolet core the radiator from the factory and this allows the PTO shaft to pass through the radiator.This does result in some coolant loss and there is some history when radiators are cored in some applications the trucks will over heat. Ford constructs the radiator in such a fashion to allow for the PTO shaft to pass beneath the radiator there -by eleminating coolant loss and also should the radiator need repair the maintenance procedure would be less time consuming and less costly, because the mainten- ance personnel would not have to dismantle the PTO to remove radiator. B. CLUTCH, DUAL PLATE GMC and Chevrolet offer this option with a truck equiped with Diesel Engine. Ford offers this clutch as standard Equipment with this size truck and engine. It is felt that because of the nature of the duties required to be performed by this particular vehicle i.e. stop sign and street sanding, numerous stops and starts will be required. This type clutch will allow for smoother starts and in general out per- 0 form a single plate clutch. (612) 587 -5151 T CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 C. HEATER, DEFROSTER SYSTEM It has been noted by myself and various street personnel involved with snow removal that the defroster system in a Ford truck is far superior to that which is offered by GMC or Chevrolet. It is essential for safety and visibility that the windows be snow and fog free as much of the time as is possible. D.BOX, HOIST, SNOW PLOW, AND SANDER The only bidder to meet our specfications was MacQueen Equipment. It is felt that the quality of the equipment we will receive is in most respects superior to what is being offered by other manufactures there- fore we hope the councilwill stay with MacQueen Equipment of St Paul, also that Plowman Ford of Hutchinson will be considered the sucessful truck bidder Mo or Pool E t 0 1 (612) 587.5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTOWAISCK MINN. 55350 MEMO DAM Juste 28th, 1985 SOs Mgor and City C+ounoil FMs Director of Zaginewing us But sod Vast Pisbzwy Lane Sidewalk replacement on East and best Pishney Lane has been proposed for 1985. Before doing same, Ralph and I felt it was necessary to bring forth the following facts: 1. it least 50% of the home owners do not clean the sidewalk in the winter. 2. The sidewalk is on private property, due to the narrow street right- of -way 3. The Street Department spends about 3 hours- per snow removal with loader and two trucks to remove the snow from the street. If it would be plowed to the sides, it would be on the sidewalks, which, are_ adjacent to the curb. 4. There are no records as to when the sidewalk was installed or who installed it, be it property owners or a City improvement project. It appears to me, we have four alternatives: 1. Notify Property Owners: a. Sidewalk is on private property. b. City assumes no liability if someone is hurt. c. City proposes to repair walks under our program with no assessment. d. City will require owners to clean same in winter or be ilrled by City for oleaning. 2. Notify Property Owners: a. Sidewalk is on private property. • b. City proposes to remove sidewalk and landscape. Property Owners to seed or sod. c. Street could be plowed without hauling snow away. y — �iu . East 8 Nest P13hney Lane June 28, 1985 Pap 2 3. Notify Property Owners: a. Sidewalk is on private property. b�. City assumes no liability if someone is hurt. o. Property owners shall notify City if he or she wants to repair sidewalk at his or her expense or have City contractor make repair and City bill them. 4. Notify Property Owners a. Sidewalk is on private property. b. City assumes no liability if someone is hurt. o. City does not propose to do anything. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv co: Ralph Neumann • �J 6 It E1 J RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT LETTING M0, 8 PROJECT NO. 85 -01_33 8 85 -01_35 Resolution No. 8091 WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for Ontario Street, Third Avenue S.E., Huron Street and Oak construction of Watermain and Appurtenances, bids were tabulated a000rdina to law, and the following bids were with the advertisements Juul Contracting $259428. 45 Gaub, Inc. $279238.00 Scheeler Excavating $279980.00 Rickert Ezcavating, Inc. $299386.00 Latour Construction $29,424.80 S. J. Louis Construction, Ina. $30,962.00 Bursohville Construction, Ina. $39,675.15 the Improvement of Street by the received, opened and received complying AND WHEREAS, it appears that Juul Contracting of Hutchinson, Minnesota is the lowest responsible bidder, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHNSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into the attached contract with Juul Contracting of Hutchinson, Minnesota, in the name of the City of Hutchinson, for the improvement of Ontario Street, Third Avenue S.E., Huron Street and Oak Street by the construction of Watermain and Appurtenances, according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the city council and on file in the office of the city clerk. 2. The city clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Adopted by the city council this 13th day of August, 1985. City Clerk Mayor / (612) 587 -515T CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Bruce Ericson, Parks & Recreation Director DATE: August 13, 1985 SUBJECT: Surfacing of Roberts Park • The bid opening for the surfacing of Roberts Park was held Monday, August 12. Two bids were received for the following amounts: Atkinson Blacktop, Inc. - $23,680 Litchfield, Minnesota Wm. Mueller & Sons, Inc. - $34,320 Hamburg, Minnesota There are adequate funds remaining in the LAWCON Grant to complete this project. I would recommend the low bid from Atkinson Blacktop, Inc. klm CC: Parks & Recreation Board 16 u 9 BID TABULATION CITY OF HUTCHINSON PROJECT Surfacing - Roberts Park Parking Lot DATE August 12, 1985 -'2:00 P.M. BIDDER SURETY AMOUNT DELIVERY Atkinson Blacktop, Inc. Litchfield, MN 10% $23,680.00 Wm. Mueller & Sons, Inc. Hamburg, MN 10% $34,320.00 HUTCHINSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 133 Turd Avon" S.W. • Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 "f2? Telephone: (612) 587 -2168 EQUAL HOUSING -� OPPORTUNITY `j _ \ August 7, 1985 TO: Mayor and City Council FROId: Hutchinson HRA, Paul Ackland, Chairman The Hutchinson BRA plans to hire September Davidson, parttime senior center activities supervisor on a 20 hour per week basis to work directly for the HRA. This would result in September working 20 hours per week as a City employee at the Senior Center and 20 hours per week as an BRA employee, thus her total hours would be 40 per week. By increasing her hours she would be entitled to medical, dental, life and long term disability insurance benefits which would total approximately $80.00 per month for single coverages. It is the request of the HRA that these additional insurance benefits be shared on a 50 - 50 basis with the City which would result in an additional cost of approximately $40.00 per month. We would appreciate your prompt response to this request, and thank you for your consideration. GARY - ADDITIONAL INFORlATION 1. September will be married in September, 1985. As a married person whose spouse is not working for the city, our present health insurance contract stipulates that the city will provide family coverage, not simply single coverage. Family coverage is presently $195 /mo. 2. An employee working 20 hours per week for the city does not earn vacation benefit. (Pro-rated sick leave and holiday pay are earned by half time employees.) Vacation benefit for a full time employee is 80 hours per year. This would be an additional obligation of the HRA and the City; each entity would pay for one week vacation per yea - SLZt4ARY: Insurance cost /yr (family coverage) $2340 80 hours vacation . per year @ $6/hr 480 72820 p Cost per month $235 or $$117.50 each HRA/City n""'cI rdinator it v, �J HUTCHINSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 133 TfiVd Avenue S.W. • Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Telephone: (812) 587 -2188 EQUAL HOUSING S OPPORTUNITY August 7, 1985 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Hutchinson BRA, Paul Ackland, Chairman The Hutchinson HRA plans to hire September Davidson, parttime senior center activities supervisor on a 20 hour per week basis to work directly for the HRA. This would result in September working 20 hours per week as a City employee at the Senior Center and 20 hours per week as an HRA employee, thus her total hours would be 40 per week. By increasing her hours she would be entitled to medical, dental, life and long term disability insurance benefits which would total approximately $80.00 per month for single coverages. It is the request of the BRA that these additional insurance benefits be shared on a 50 - 50 basis with the City which would result in an additional cost of approximately $40.00 per month. We would appreciate your prompt response to this request, and thank you for your consideration. 9 -Q- / (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: August 1st, 1985 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: State Aid Program Every three years we are required to submit a new Five (5) Year State Aid Program. Attached is the necessary resolution and proposed program for your approval. Approval of this program does not limit construction to the streets listed. We may delete some of the projects and add new projects as local conditions . may require. MVP /pv attachments El Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering RESOLUTION NO. 8089 RESOLUTION APPROVING FIVE YEAR STATE AID PROGRAM WHEREAS, the State Aid Division of the Minnesota Department of Transportation requires a Five Year State Aid Program, and WHEREAS, the City Council has received from the City Engineer, a Five Year State Aid Program for the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That the Five Year State Aid Program of the City of Hutchinson is hereby approved. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of August, 1985. Robert H. Stearns Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz Dity Clerk E • CJ 41 MUNICIPAL STATE -AID STREET //SYSTEM 5-Year Construction Program For #4yze,F41 N3od (State Aid Expenditures Only) W i Present State Aid Construction Balance June 30, 19$S 5 417 Y 2stinated Annual Construction Allotment $ 2.110 SIX X 4 $ of Estimated Total State Aid Allotment for Programing Purposes $ 13Z.1. ESTIMATED LXPENDITURES Sheet 1 of 2 Year Estimated of State Aid xnenditure Termini Project Description Expenditure On 123 -010 From School kMag� To 1900' South $ 660000 Length 0.36 Miles Base Preparation and 1986 (California Street) Bituminous Surfacing, On 117 -020 From Carolina Avenue Subgrade Preparation, To CSAH No. 12 Base Construction, $ 69,000 Length 0.35 Miles Bituminous Surfacing 1986 (School Road No.) and Curb and Gutter. On 124 -010 Subgrade Preparation, From First Ave. N.E. Base Construction, To Fifth Ave. S.E. Bituminous Surfacing, $ 200,000 Length 0.47 Miles Curb and Gutter and 1986 Hassan Street7 Sidewalk. On 111 -010 Subgrade Prenaration, From Main Street Base Construction, To Hassan Street Bituminous Surfacing, 30.000 Length 0.05 Miles Curb and Gutter and 1986 (First Ave. N.E.) Sidewalk. State Project with City On T.H. 22 $ 7 West Participation. From S.P. 4308 Subgrade Preparation, To Base Construction, $ 100 000 Length Concrete Surfacing (see attache letter) 1987 and Curb and Gutter. State Project with City On T.H. 7 East Participation. From S. P. 4302 -36 Subgrade Preparation, To . Base Construction, $ 100,000 Length and (see attached letter) 1988 C Surfacing Curb . MUNICIPAL STATE -AID STREET SYSTEM S -Yur Construction Program For N UTL N I MOW (State Aid Expenditures Only) REVENUE Present State Aid Construction Balance June 30, 19M = 9 dF stimated Annual Construction Allotment 3 2,11, 370% X 4 = : Estimated Total State Aid Allotment for ProgramlaIng Purposes 3 Z • ChPPt of Year Estimated of State Aid Expenditure Termini Project Description Expenditure On 117 -020 From Seventh XW= To California Street S 66.000 Length 0.35 Miles Base Prenaration and 1988 (School Road No.) Bituminous Surfacing. On 109 -040 From Huron Street Subgrade Prenaration, To Arch Street Base Construction, 1200000 Length 0.23 Miles Bituminous Surfacing, 1989 (Fifth Ave. N.E.) On 121 -010 Fron Hain St. No. (T11 15) Subgrade Prenaration, To T.H. 7 East (Park Ave.) Base Construction, $ 240,000 Length 0.48 Miles Bituminous Surfacing 1990 (Fifth Ave. N.E. and Curb and Gutter. On 120 -010 From Main St. No. (TH 15) Subgrade Prenaration, To T.H. 7 (4th Ave. N.W.) Base Construction, $ 320.000 1991 Length 0.62 Miles Bituminous Surfacing (Third Ave. N.W.) and Curb and Gutter On From To i $ Length On From To $ Length KJ r 12) 587.5151 TY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 May 24, 1985 Mr. John Hoeke District State Aid Engineer P. O. Box 768 2505 Transportation Road Willmar, MN 56201 RE: S.P. 4304 -30 (15 -151) S.P. 4308- (22 & 7) S.P. 4302 -36 (7 -119) Dear John% As per our telephone conversation relative to City Funding on the above - referenced projects, the following is being considered: T.H. 15 South - S.P. 4304 -30 - Approximately $200,000 FAU Funds T.H. 22 & 7 Nest - S.P. 4308 - Approximately $100,000 MSA Funds • T.H. 7 East - S.P. 4302 -36 - Approximately $150,000 FAO Funds, and Approximately $100,000 MSA Funds. Sincerely, CCIITTfY OF HUTCHINSON Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv • • (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: August 1st, 1985 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Additional 1986 Projects Attached is a Resolution Order }ng Preparation of Report on Improvement for additional 1986 projects, in accordance with time schedule submitted in my memo dated May 6th, 1985. MVP /pv attachment Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering 9-E-1 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT 1986 PROJECTS Resolution No. 090 WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve: T.H. 7 West Service Road from Lee Kouba Parkway to 10401 But by Surfacing and Appurtenances; Eighth Avenue N.W. from Colorado Street to 6001 East and Colorado Street from Eighth Avenue N.W. to Country Club by construction of Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, Storm Sewer, Grading, Gravel Bass and Appurtenances; Carolina Avenue from School Road to 150+ East by construction of Gravel Base, Curb and Gutter and Appurtenances; Civic Arena Parking Lot by Grading, Gravel Base, Curb and Outter, Surfacing and Appurtenances; Jorgenson Street from Hassan Street to Sherwood Street, Southview Drive and Southview Court from Linden Avenue to Sunset Street and Sunset Street to Linden Avenue, Selehow Avenue from Jorgenson Street to Jefferson Street, Bradford Street from Century Avenue to 7001 North, Randall Road from Bradford Street to Century Avenue, Sunset Street from Linden Avenue to Southview Drive, Sherwood Street from Jorgenson Street to Century Avenue, • Century Avenue from Sherwood Street to T.H. 159 Third Avenue S.W. from Lynn Road to East Pishney Lane, Larson Street from Roberts Road to Lewis Avenue and Hassan Street from Oakland Avenue to Selchow Avenue, by construction of Wearing Course Overlay and Appurtenances; City Parking Lot (Bretzke) by construction of Gravel Base, Curb and Gutter, Surfacing and Appurtenances; and to assess the benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That the proposed improvements be referred to Marlow V. Priebe for study and that he is instructed to report to the council with all convenient speed advising the council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvements are feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvements as recommended. Clerk Adopted by the council this 13th day of August, 1985. Mayor 0 • F(672)587-5151 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: July 29, 1985 T0: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Waller's 2nd Addition The assessment roll has been completed for activating the deferred assessments as per the Subdivision Agreement. Subdivider has waived rights to hearing and appeal. I recommend we hold a hearing on September 10, 1985, at 8:00 P.M. MVP /nv attachments cc: Ken Roberta Jo Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering q- F RESOLUTION NO. 8096 RESOLUTION DECLARM COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF ACTIVATED DEFERRED ASSESSMENT WREREAS, cost has been determined for activating the deferred assessment for the improvement of Waller's 2nd Addition by the construction of Sanitary Serer, Watermain 8 Appurtenances, and the total cost of the improvement will be i.,} 1.068.26 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $-0-, and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $ 11.068.26 . 2. The City Clerk, with the assistance of the City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. • 3. The Cleric shall, upon the completion of such deferred assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 13th day of August, 1985. Mayor City Clerk i �- r RESOLUTION NO. 8097 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON ACTIV ►TED DEFERRED A83ES.9N1NT • L48E33=T ROLL 110. 206 WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on the 13th day of August, 19859 the City Clark was directed to prepare an assessment of the deferred cost of improvement of Waller's 2nd Addition by the construction of Sanitary Sewer, Watermain & Appurtenances; AND SEAS, the Clark, has notified the Council that such deferred assessment has been completed and filed in his offioe for public inspection, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED Er THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 10th day of September, 1985, in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 8100 P.M. to pass upon such deferred assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such assessment. 2. The City Clark is hereby directed to cause a notice of this hearing on the deferred assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the • total cost of the improvement. He shall also oause sailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. Adopted by the Council this 13th day of August, 1985. City Clerk 0 Mayor 9 -F PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 20TH9 1985. NOTICE OF HEARING ON ACTIVATED DEFERRED ASSESSMENT i PUBLICATION NO. 3451 ASSESSMENT ROLL N0. 206 Letting No. 19 Project No. 83 -01 -04 Hutchinson, Minnesota August 14th, 1985 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNs NOTICE is hereby given, that the Council will meet at 8300 P.M. on the loth gn of September, 19859 in the Council Chambers of City Hall at Hutchinson, Minnesota, to pass upon the activated deferred assessment for the improvement of Waller's 2nd Addition by the construction of Sanitary Sewer, Watermain & Appurtenances. The activated assessment is on file for public inspection at my office. Written or oral objections will be considered at the meeting, but the Council may consider any objection to the amount of the proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting upon further notice to the affected property owners as it deems advisable. An owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota • Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or -- Clerk of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk; however, no appeal may be taken as to the amount of any individual assessment unless a written objection, signed by the affected property owner, is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 435.193 to 435.195, the Council may, in its discretion, defer the payment of this special assessment for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it Would be a hardship to make the payments. When deferment of the special assessment has been granted and is terminated for any reason provided in that law, all amounts accumulated, plus applicable interest, become due. Any assessed property owner meeting the requirements of this law and the resolution adopted under it, may, within 30 days of the confirmation of the assessment, apply to the City Clerk for the prescribed form for such deferral of payment of this special assessment on his property. The total cost of the improvement is $11,068.26 . Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator • Hutchinson, Minnesota 9 -F Computed Byf M. V. Priebe ACTIVATED DEFERRED ASSESSMENT SERVICE LEAD 1 Checked By1 Cal Rios SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN 6 APPURTENANCES 140. TRS. SPREAD LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT N0. 83 -01 -04 UNIT USED ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 206 f10 -1 -19831 ACCT. PARCEL NAME d ADDRESS ADDITION OR INTEREST ACCRUED TOTAL NO. NO. OF OWNER SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK TTPE BASE COST RATE INTEREST ASSESSMENT Rockite Silo, Ina. Hwy. 7 East 1 Hutchinson MN 55350 Waller's 2nd Addition 1 1 Watermain $1,242.09 9.1 339.09 1,S81.18 Rockite Silo, Inc. Hwy. 7 East 2 Hutchinson MN 55350 Waller's 2nd Addition 2 1 Watermain 9.11 339.09 1 581.18 Rockite Silo, Inc. _L11242..22 Hwy. 7 East Hutchinson MN 55350 Waller's 2nd Addition 3 1 Waterssin 1 242.09 9.1% 339,09 3 I.S81.18 Rockite Silo, Inc. Hwy. 7 East San.Sewer $1,242.09 S 339.09 4 Hutchinson MN 55350 Waller's 2nd Addition 4 1 Watermain $1,242.09 9.1% $ 339.09 $ 3,1i,:.36 Rockite Silo, Inc. Hwy. 7 East San.Sewer $1,242.09 $ 339.09 5 Hutchinson MN 55350 Waller's 2nd Addition 5 1 Waterslaln 1 242.09 9.15 $ 339.09 S 3,162.36 Total Principal... , K94 . r3 Total Interest.... 2,373.63 1983 BOND ISSUE Grand Totals...... $ 11,068.26 (612) 587.5151 %1UllH' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST � - HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: July 29, 1985 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Orchard Park 1st Addition The assessment roll for the deferred trunk storm sewer for Orchard Park 1st Addition has been completed. I recommend a hearing'be held on September 10, 1985, at 8:00 P.M. • MVP /pv attachments cc: Ken Roberta Jo • Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering Q - G, RESOLUTION NO. 8094 RESOLUTION DECLARINO COST TO BE A AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF ACTIVATED DEFERRED ASSESS!l8NT A'P ROLL 110. 2 4A PROJECT NO. 14-2 WHEREAS, cost has been determined for activating the deferred assessment for the improvement of Orchard Park let Addition by the construction of Trunk Storm Sewer and Appurtenanoes, and the total coat of the improvement will be 1 11.517.95 . NOii, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BI THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON9 MINNESOTAt 1. The portion of the cost of such inproveautt to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $-0-, and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $ 11,517.95 . 2. The City Clerk, with the assistance of the City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be speoially assessed for such improvement against every asaessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 3. The Clerk shall, upon the completion of such deferred assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 13th day of August, 1985. Mayor City Clerk i 9 -G RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON ACTIVATED DEFERRED ASSESSMENT RESOLUTI011 N0. 8095 ASSESSNUT ROLL 90. 24A PROJiCT 90. 14.2 WHSABAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on the 13th day of August, 19859 the City Clerk was directed to prepare an assessment of the deferred cost of improvement of Orchard Park lot Addition by the construction of Trunk Storm Sewer and Appurtenances AND WHEREAS, the Clerk, has notified the Council that such deferred assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection, NOW9 THSREFORS, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITT COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, 1. A hearing shall be held on the 10th day of September, 19859 in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 8 :00 P.M.. to pass upon such deferred assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such assessment. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the deferred assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. Adopted by the Council this 13th day of August, 1985. Mayor City Clerk • q -G, PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 20TH, 1985. NOTICE OF HEARING ON ACTIVATED DEFERRED ASSESSMENT 1 6 PUBLICATION N0. 3450 ASSE8.W= ROLL No. 24A Project No. 14.2 Hutchinson, Minnesota August 14th, 1985 TO VOW IT MA? CONCERN: NOTICE is hereby given, that the Council Will most at 8800 P.M. on the 10th day of September, 1985, in the Council Chambers of City Ball at Butohinsoa. Rnnesota, to pass upon the activated deferred assessment for the Improvement of Orchard Park lot Addition by the construction of Trunk Stars Sewer and Appurtenances.. The activated assessment is on file for public inspection at my office. Written or oral objections Will be considered at the meeting, but the Council may consider any objection to the amount of the proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting upon further notice to the affected property owners as It deems advisable. An owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice With the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk; however, no appeal any be taken as to the amount of any individual assessment unless a Written objection, signed by the affected property owner, is filed With the City Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 435.193 to 435.195, the Council may, in its discretion, defer the payment of this special assessment for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it Would be a hardship to make the payments. When deferment of the special assessment has been granted and is terminated for any reason provided in that lax, all amounts accumulated, plus applicable interest, become due. Any assessed property owner meeting the requirements of this lax and the resolution adopted under it, may, within 30 days of the confirmation of the assessment, apply to the City Clerk for the prescribed form for such deferral of payment of this special assessment on his property. The total cost of the improvement is $ 11,517.95. Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Hutchinson, Minnesota q - C'. Compiled Byt M. V. Priebe ORCHARD PARK 1ST ADDITION COST PER UNIT = Computed Byt M. V. Priebe ACTIVATED DEFERRED ASSESSMENT SERVICE LEAD t Checked Byt Cal Rice TRUNK STORM SEWER A APPURTENANCES NO. SRS. SPREAD i SUBDIVISION (Dec,) PROJECT NO. 14 -2 UNIT USED t �SCM-RWNT RnLt. un. 24A (1964) RATE INTEREST ACCT. PARCEL NAME 6 ADDRESS ADDITION OR INTEREST ACCRUED TOTAL NO. HO. OF OWNER SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK FRONTAGE BASE COST RATE INTEREST ASSESSMENT Richard Schmidtbauer 120 Century Ave. 1 Hutchinson MN 55350 Orchard Park 1st Addition 1 1 4 951.99 6% John Korngiebel Sioux Hills 2 Hutchinson MN 55350 Orchard Park 1st Addition 2 1 $1,982.83 bf Richard Schmidtbauer 120 Century Avenue 3 Hutchinson MN 55350 Orchard Park let Addition 1 2 134-53 6 Richard Schmidtbauer 4 120 Century Avenue Hutchinson MN 55350 Orchard Park let Addition 2 2 $1,082.43 6% $1,347.71 $ 2,430.14 Riohard Schmidtbauer 5 120 Century Avenue Hutchinson MN 55350 Orchard Park let Addition 3 2 978-70 6 $1,218.44 $ 2,197.14 local rriuvLpal... i Total Interest.... 6,387.47 Grand Totala...... 11 517.95 r1 U 0 r16�215087-5'5TY F HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: July 29, 1985 T0: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Sanitary Sewer $ Watermain Extension - Carlisle Street The assessment roll has been completed for the above- referenced improvements. I recommend a hearing be held on September 10, 1985, at 8:00 P.M. MVP/PV attachment cc: Ken Roberta Jo Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering 9- � RESOLUTION N0. 8092 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERM PREPARATION OF PROPOSED AS3E3St1W ROLL NO. 207 1981 PROJECT WHEREAS, cost has been determined for the improvement of Carlisle Street by construction of Sanitary Sewer and Natersain Extension, and the total cost of the improvement will be # 5.824.37 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCiIINSON, HINNNESOTI: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be 4-0-, and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners .Is declared to be 0 5,824.37 . 2. The City Clerk, with the assistance of the City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 3. The Clerk shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessmment, 10 notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 13th day of August, 1985, Mayor City Clerk Q- 4 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION Mo. 8093 ASSES== B= MD. 207 VHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on the 13th day of august, 1985, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost for improvement of Carlisle Street by the construction of Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Extension; AND NHEREAS, the Clerk, has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CM COUNCIL OF HOTCHINSON, MINNBSOTAs 1. A hearing shall be held on the 10th day of September, 1985, in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 8s00 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such asaeasment. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. Adopted by the Council this 13th day of August, 1985. Mayor City Clerk 9 -lq, PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 20TH9 1985. NOTICE OF BEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT 6 PUBLICATION NO. 3449 ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 207 Hutchinson, Minnesota August 14th, 1985 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE is hereby given, that the Council will meet at 8100 P.M. on the 10th day September, 19851 in the Council Chambers of City Ball at Hutohsn, Minnesota, to pass upon the proposed asasaament for the Improvement of Carlisle Street by the construction of Sanitary Sewer and Vatermain Extension. The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection at my office. Written or oral objections will be considered at the meeting, but the Council may consider any objection to the amount of the proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting upon further notice to the affected property owners as It deems advisable. An owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk; however, no appeal say be taken as to the amount of any individual assessment unless a written objection, signed by the affected property owner, is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 435.193 to 435.195, the Council may, in its discretion, defer the payment of this special assessment for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. When deferment of the special assessment has been granted and is terminated for any reason provided in that law, all amounts accumulated, plus applicable interest, become due. Any assessed property owner meeting the requirements of this law and the resolution adopted under it, may, within 30 days of the confirmation of the assessment, apply to the City Clerk for the prescribed form for such deferral of payment of this special assessment on his property. The total cost of the improvement is $ 5,824.37 . Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Hutchinson, Minnesota 0 q- Compiled By: Marlow V. Priebe SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN EXTENSION COST PER UNIT 1 1 27 a Computed By% Marlow V. Priebe CARLISTLE STREET SERVICE LEAD f 713.25 Checked Byf Cal Rice NO. SRS. SPABAD f 10 BLOCK FRONTA06 UNIT USED t Per Lot eaawa.wna ACCT. PARCEL NAME A ADDRESS ADDITION OR SERVICE TOTAL NO. NO. OF OWNER SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK FRONTA06 LINE LEAD COST CMWITS ASSESSMENT John Keefe, Jr. 544 Carlisle St. 1(75' of Lot 8 EX Street R/W 1 0564 -000 Hutchinson MN 55350 N 1/2 City 4 $19277.78 713-25 1,991.03 John Keefe, Jr. 544 Carlisle St. S75' of U1501 of Lot 8 EX 2 0564 -000 Hutchinson MN 55350 Street RJW, N 1/2 City 4 1.277-78 1 277.78 Defer Until Sold Deane Distel -Etal 845 -2nd Ave. S.E. N75' of Lot 9 EX Street R/W 3 0568 -000 Hutchinson MN 55350 N 1/2 City 4 1,277-78 1,277.78 Darwin A Vicki Hoeft 541 Carlisle St. S75' of M1506 of Lot 9 EX 4 0568 -010 Hutchinson MN 55350 Street R/W N 1/2 City 4 1.277.78 1 277. 8 Total Principal... Total Interest.... 1984 BOND ISSUE PROJECT PAID FROM SEWER i WATER FUND Grand Total$...... (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST - HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Bruce Ericson SUBJECT: Recreation Facility Change Order #2 DATE: August 13, 1985 The members of the Recreation Facility committee met with John Korngiebel concerning Change Order 12. The committee conzurs with all listed change orders with the exception of 111 (4- 4'x4' hollow metal windows), which they feel should be left out at this time. The committee feels that the sky- lights would be a valuable addition to the lobby area by adding natural light and thus allowing for a savings in utilities in the future years. This would deduct 1760 and bring the increase of the contract sum for this Change Order to $3430. • • I -•'" "IELD U AIA DOCUMENT G707 OTHER PROJECT: Recreation Facility CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: #2 (name, address) Hutchinson, Mn. *(Contractor) ARCHITECT'S PROJECT FE.J. NO: 8420 Pinske Builders CONTRACT FOR: General, Mechanical Route 1, Box 107C and Electrical construction Gaylord, MN. 55334 L CONTRACT DATE: April 18,1985 You are directed to make the following changes in this Contract: 1) Adding exit lights as per State Building Department Plan Review. Add: $2,021••.00 2) Deduct telephone conduit. Deduct: $ 309.00 3) Transformer pad and grounding. Add: $ 407.00 4) Fixture change at room 03 (hall). Add: 81.00 5) Add magnetic holder at concession room dutch doors. Add: $ 169.00 6) Fill verticle core in field house walls. Add: $1,590.00 7) Add screen wall foundation. Add: $' 431.00 8) Add steel plates to lintle beams. Add: $ 250.00 9) Wading pool change order correction. Add: $ 500.00 0 , (4) 5 X 5 skylites. Add: $3,390.00 1) (4) 4 X 4 hollow metal windows. Add: $ 760.00 2) Credit to deduct all trees. Deduct: $1,350.00 3) Raise footings in lobby. Deduct:, $ '.850.00 4) Change concession windows to hinged type. Deduct: $2,900.00 The original Contract Sum was . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S 1, 007, 850.00 Net change by previous Change Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 17, 707.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,025,557.00 The Contract Sum will be (increased) by this Change Order . . . S 4,190.00 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1, 029, 747.00 The Contract Time will be (unchanged) by ( ) Days. The Date of Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is November 18, 1985 Korngiebel Architecture If J. PiiRnske Builders City of of Hutchinson 41CWAR ington Avenue East RouteTifl, Box 107C 37 Washington Ave. W. Address Address Address Hutchinson, MN. 55350 Gaylord, MN. 55334 Hutchinson, MN. 55350 BY BY BY *ATE DATE DATE AIA DOCUMENT G:Ot . CIIANGI ORDER. . APRIL iwo rDI110N . AIAB ' m 1970 . TI /E AMI.KICAN INSTIIUII Of ACCIIIIICTS, 1735 Nl\V YORK AVE„ N % %P, %VASIONCION, O.C. 200% r T, 9- -1 O n H r CO$ti 9, 500.004 $,g00.o0 10,-7 50.00 5200.00 t IZ, So f1'r 25'00 per pqt;a fx -A P Over 500 o.er 30d C.oPieS : SO Cop�os I cnp�l i cove! 30 coPkes 2s b; ,,cNe -s �o►nc-t+ -�E� :. 1 2 dad io�� — 9- -1 (612) 587 -5151 C/TY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 12, 1985 T0: _Gara Plotz„Qty .Adwiuisuator _ _ _ _ — _ — FROM: _Kaye Link _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SUBJECT: Intoxicating _gggr I,,jc Twe-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mr. Kevin Lamson was in to pick up application forms for an intoxicating liquor license for T.L. Scalawags and Hutch Bowl. He is the prospective owner of the complex and would like to have the public hearing date set as soon as possible. /D 1 �z , r� u M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 13, 1985 TO: - IutchinsonCity -Council — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: �4�11II$ ?I��AS TP,�nhptop�A,swcia-tion_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUBJECT: Street Light Request --------------- - - - - -- On behalf of the townhouse association, whose members are in agreement, we request that city street lights be installed at the driveways entering the townhouse property from County Road 12 (Golf Course Road). Inasmuch as we are located inside the City limits, and the current conditions result in a most dangerous situation, we are requesting that said lights should be installed at the earliest possible convenience. James F. Mills, Treasurer Rolling Greens Townhouse Association JFM /kl i /0 -2, e l _ (612) 587.5151 H�rcy'` CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST -� HUTCHINSON, MINN, 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 13, 1985 TO: Mayor and City Council - - - - - -- --------------- - -- FROM: Marilyn Swanson, Administrative Secretaly — — — — — — — — -------------------- SUBJECT: Transient Merchants License — ----------------------- - — — — — — • Today we received a request from Dwayne Knigge, owner of Village Home Entertainment Center in Hopkins, to conduct a sale of used TV sets on September 6-7, 1985 at the AmericInn in Hutchinson. Mr. Knigge has held similar sales for the past two years, as shown on the attached application. Also, Police Chief O'Borsky has approved his appli- cation in the past. We are requesting authorization to issue Mr. Knigge a two -day transient merchants license. Attachment • /o - Q, PPLICATION FOR PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS, AND TRANSIENT MERCHANTS 2" x 2" Picture NAME and DRIVER'S LICENSE INFORMATION required NAME: Dwayne W. Knigge (owner) --3 _ PERMANENT ADDRESS: 5732 Creek, Park Ln., Mtka. Pin 55345 PERMANENT TELEPHONE: 1- 935 -7787 TEMPORARY LOCAL ADDRESS: Americ Inn, Hutchinson TEMPORARY TELEPHONE ACiESS: 587 -9299 DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER ( STATE )K520 - 157 - 866( #Y159 Minnesota HEIGHT 5'10" WEIGHT 180 EYE COLOR Blue FEES & LENGTH OF PERMIT REQUESTED How many days? 2 Months? Or year? LICENSE FEES ARE AS FOLLOWS: Application Fee of $25 applied towards the following permit fee(s) ,, olicitors, per day ......... ............................... $ 25.00 Solicitors, per year ....... 200.00 — Transient Merchants, per day .............................. $ 25. LTransient Merchants, per year ...... ........................ $200.00 Peddlers, per day ........... ............................... $ 25.00 Peddlers, per year .......... ............................... $200.00 BACKGROUND STATEMENT HAVE YOU BEEN CONVICTED OF ANY CRIME, MISDEMEANOR, OR VIOLATION OF ANY MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE, OTHER THAN TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS? YES NO X IF YES, STATE NATURE OF OFFENSE AND PUNISHMENT OR PENALTY ASSESSED THEREFORE: V ` :'y y. r. Y _ • DESCRIBE NATURE OF BUSINESS AND DESCRIBE ITEM OFFERED: Sale of 19" Motel color television that have been reconditioned The televisions provide an exceptional value to consumers. We have 150 satisfied customers in the Hutch area. DESCRIBE METHOD OF DELIVERY: Picked up on spot. DESCRIBE YOUR SOURCE OF SUPPLY - NAME & ADDRESS OF SUPPLIER: Village Home Entertainment CenterfDwayne Knigge owner) 11301 Highway #2, Hopkins, Mn 55343 PROVIDE TWO (2) MCLEOD COUNTY PROPERTY OWNERS FOR CHARACTER REFERENCES: NAME & ADDRESS: Mark A. Christensen NAME & ADDRESS: Bob Mlvnar 615 Franklin St. Box 364, Hutchinson Mn.,587 -5853 Hutchinson 587 -9299 PHONE NUMBER: 587 -5833 PHONE NUMBER: 587 -9299 STATE LAST CITY YOU CARRIED ON SAME ACTIVITY: CITY /STATE NAME: Hutchinson,_Mn DATE OF ACTIVITY: FROM: Mar83 19 -20th. TO: 0 -2- POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO Mayor and City Council /%j FROM Dean M. O'Borsky, Chief of Police u' SUBJECT Background Investigation DATE September 10, 1984 We have done a records check on the two individuals who made application for licenses and find nothing in their background to indicate that they should not be issued a license. / - g - ir-s' la,w m `� DMO:nb 0 n • ♦- Y \(11Y V1\ VAYY 5+tate of ;fflilluv ota. COUXTr or._L4� �- } - -- city _ or &ftchineon _ To the........ t.y. Council ...............of tIM ........ City :� ..._. of_Sutcbina� ..State of Minnesota: Butchlawn Jaye*" baby mat - dr a Ud w fir as fvw of 3 daw -- frA ao 16c1 e..1, of e . b ma At Retail 0*, Nom-Intoxicating Bait Liquors. ao as came a» deA" by hw. for mmumptba " - now urlda prsatw b ttb city dssouibed r fealomr, loawttr ' Softball l'ournaaue IIaberts Put* d whiaA yaoee sand .yptteawt_.avaas.. -17u iwtwe�e of ass M aN wd rgraw+ —wd dal. M foUmu: no odi appUamw .. _.of as i s&" Awfw of load magi Aw"dw and repast; and ha - --" SAW ape of u yeah: f ttot P —.of 0" SWOMAa.od fw UM A AU aiasara own la Lad it aL apyaiaotia. L lrambil .... _ That >a ma"fach~ of such nmu.intasLatiaj malt Uguere Aso arty oumwv-W, 6a whdo w in part. - to said bushes of said appUaant_nr &�y iaterua asnin, . ?hat said appaiaa+ut__maks._:f ] uie applicatLn pursuant and subject to &U As taros of as StaL of f minnesda and the wgh"Mon and mpaaame of said applwable thaeto, which ars harsby mods a part Asnof, and Aeraby aditc ! 4mrw ass ebW W name; fa...car Mlr wN,.e.w Y W. �r 1.4 W.W1. l a gvtvcl a4��tc,Sb . ?"LAC .15,0 ?4!`21c -Pict..+ Oifwukf4J t3�¢tt. Zaah appUeant further states that IN is not am JU AOkU7 of, nor Ass AS made app2ieatLn for, nor dou he intend to make application for a Fcdcrnt RctaU Dcaler's Spdal tax stamp fw the sa2e of L- r..':....ir liquor. - 1pp21cant- P. O, lddsra /1 -a REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING August 13, 1985 $ SEWER FUND •EATER *U.S. Postmaster postage for water bills $ 151.55 *State Treasurer social security 407.88 *State Treasurer PERA 245.89 *U.S. Postmaster meter postage 200.00 Braun Eng. Testing prof. services 9635.50 lst Bank of bin. (Schramm) supplies 6.42 Mn. Pollution Control Agency registration fees 20.00 Sioux Pipe & Equipment supplies 29.36 Paula Thompson double payment refund 67.00 Orvis Wahl breackets for tanks 766.00 Henry Heinecke operators school 188.56 Braun Eng. Testing prof. fees 182.50 Ehlers & Associates bond consulting fees 7471.13 Acton Construction Co. payment #3 11,676.11 Big Bear supplies 8.34 Coast to Coast supplies 27.62 Commissioner of Revenue sales taxes 754.86 Curtin Scientific chemicals 57.11 Electric Motor Co. rewind motors 1244.50 Electro Watchman Inc. alarm system 198.00 Forbes Auto Store supplies 3.77 Farm $ Home supolies 86.86 Feed Rite Controls Inc. supplies 975.52 Fitzloff Hardware supplies 31.99 G $ K Services uniform rental 172.50 Floor Care Supply supplies 38.00 HAVTI work study student 160.63 Hutch Cennex gasoline 849.52 Hutch Iron $ Metal iron 15.28 Hutch Plbg $ Htg. repairs 3.45 Hutch Utilities electricity 11,006.70 Hutch Wholesale Supply supplies 30.79 Ink Spots Inc. meter cards 104.00 Jerabek Machine Shop repairs 103.04 Johnson Super Valu distilled water 26.28 Junker Sanitation refuse charges 21,593.25 Juul Contracting contracting services 10,251.00 Logis computer charges 588.53 Logis computer charges 628.17 McLeod Co.Sanitary Landfill july dumping charges 15.50 Mn. Valley Testing Lab. testing 68.00 Plaza Hardware supplies 15.72 Power Process Equipment repairs 404.05 Quades repairs 104.70 Quality Control Equipment repairs 96.34 RCM prof. services 1988.97 Shopko supplies 8.00 Sorenson Farm Supply equipm,ent rental etc. 456.66 State Treasurer PERA 237.38 State Treasurer Soc. Security 393.72 • $83,796.65 /1 -a -2- CENTRAL GARAGE FUND *State Treasurer PERA $ 42.55 *State Treasurer Social Security 70.58 American Stores supplies 44.99 AMI supplies 310.00 Land Care Equipment supplies 94.50 Small Engine City supplies 850.00 Ken Wicheterman safety glasses 13.00 Electric Motor 1 hp motor 124.00 Forbes Auto Store repairs 111.02 GTC Auto Parts supplies 761.58 Hutch Wholesale Supply supplies 351.38 Ink Spots Inc. supplies 22.00 Jerabek Machine Shop supplies 40.96 MITI Dist. Co. supplies 217.48 Plaza Hardware supplies 2.13 Plowmans Inc. repairs 205.25 Rockmount Research supplies 69.76 Schmeling Oil Co. oil /grease 337.26 State Treasurer pera 42.55 State Treasurer social Security 70.58 Swanke Motors repairs 9.70 Town $ Country Tire supplies 266.60 Wigen Chev. repairs 318.37 Wigen Chev. repairs 1211.98 $ 5588.22 GENERAL FUND *State Treasurer Social Security $3357.53 *State Treasurer PERA 3983.02 *U.S. Postmaster postage for meter 1400.00 *MN. State Treasurer boat registration fees 145.00 Don Anderson umpire 9.00 Chris Brandt umpire 4.00 Paul Dietel umpire 6.00 Jim Duehn umpire 4.00 Cammie Ellis umpire 29.08 David Graf umpire 35.00 Jay Haffley umpire 16.00 Jeffy Matheny umpire 16.00 Lane Tewes umpire 15.00 Cory Thode umpire 12.00 Aaron Wagner umpire 6.00 Dan Waldron umpire 9.00 David Keith umpire behind plate 9.00 • Burton Rumrill chief umpire 816.00 Shalom Baptist Church shelter permit refund 5.00 Ralph Prehn swimming refund 10.00 Charles Rathemeier swimming refund 10.00 Ericka Conklin swimming refund 108.00 Dale Dose safety boots 30.00 -3- •Jane Duehn Lee Johnson safety boots safety boots $ 21.97 18.97 Tony Parson safety boots 21.97 Collin Zackrison safety boots 30.00 Brad Emans mileage 26.04 James Popp mileage 26.04 Ray Streseman trip refund 8.00 Charles Jones refresher course 34.64 Busse Gardens supplies 33.00 Christensen Piano Service repairs 39.50 Clarke Outdoor Spraying chemicals 115.70, Dodd Technical power strip 50.00 DJ's Tree Service stump chipping 15.60 Educational Aids supplies 49.36 Emergency Med. Products equipment 112.19 Ess Brothers $ Sons supplies 55.00 Express Photo Lab film develop 8.68 GP Technologies Inc. repairs 14.98 Home Safety Equipment supplies 60.80 Hutch Milk House concession stand supplies 82.50 Linder Bus Co. bus rental 1174.35 McDonalds of Hutchinson concession supplies 4.25 MN CLE 2 registration fees 320.00 Mid Centrl Fire INc. supplies 131.40 James Weckman pumping gas 31.04 MN GFOA registration fees 135.00 Mn. STudent Sec. of ASNT inspection ladder truck 100.00 National Auto Dealers used car guide 29.00 National Supply Center copier supplies 230.07 Ordway Music Theatre 46 tickets 966.00 Plymouth Ind.Supply supplies 98.55 Thorbeck & Lambert architect fees 1573.92 Thompson Pub. Group handbook fair labor 147.00 Willard Pellinen surveys & certificates 5781.00 Intl Conf. Bldg. Officials annual dues 60.00 Maplewood Academy gym rental 1085.00 Witte Sod sod 4.50 Allen Office supplies 8.37 Allen Office repairs 28.58 Allen Precision Equipm ent supplies 40.53 John Bernhagen Aug. comp & expenses 1613.30 Big Bear supplies 21.47 Brinkman Studio supplies 24.05 Central Mn. Com. Ind. repairs & supplies 74.93 Crow River Vet Clinic boarding fees 81.00 Coast to Coast supplies 305.16 Chamber of Commerce office rental 125.00 Carneys craft classes 50.15 Culligan Water salt and service 23.30 Central Garage Fund used police car 1000.00 Co. Treasurer dl fees for county 163.50 . Communication Auditors repairs 100.64 Co. Recorder recording fees 26.00 Don Streicher Guns equipment & supplies 370.50 D. A. TAnge Co. july retainer 375.00 Erickson Foods supplies concession 6.54 -4- •Family RExall Drug supplies 187.62 Farm $ Home supplies 350.60 Farmers Elevator chemicals 173.90 Floor Care Supply supplies 248.80 Fitzaloff Hardware supplies 196.17 Great Plains supplies 870.84 GTC Auto Parts supplies 22.87 G & K Services uniform rental 756.10 HAVTI work study students 288.15 Hager Jewelry name plate 6.98 Hager Jewelry plate for flag pole 29.95 Hutch Cennex gasoline 5943.12 Henrys Candy Co. concession supplies 298.00 Home Bakery supplies 26.46 Hutch Drug supplies 6.29 Hutch Drug supplies 2.19 Hutch Iron $ Metal supplies 9.45 Hutch Plbg. $ Htg. supplies 26.15 Hutch Telephone Co. flex o line sheets 312.00 Hutch Utilities electricity 7617.03 Hutch Wholesale Supply supplies 96.26 Hutch Fire $ Safety repairs 33.60 Hutch Fire f Safety repairs 91.00 Hutch Warehouse Grocery supplies 52.56 Ink Spots supplies 43.50 Interstate Diesel repairs 310.44 Joes Sport Shop supplies 377.44 Jahnkes REd Owl supplies 166.39 Johnson Super Value concession supplies 28.41 Juul Contracting contracting work 745.00 KDUZ announcements 232.50 Krasen Plbg. $ Htg. repairs 125.04 Kohesh recreationsupplies 619.65 Lamberts STandard oil 4 car washings 6.05 Logis computer charges 18,633.09 Logis computer charges 4865.44 L.N. Sickles Co. supplies 284.90 L. $ P Supply Co. repairs $ supplies 34.10 Midcontinent Theatre office rental 325.00 Mankato Bus Products supplies 76.35 McLeod Coop Power electricity 243.00 Midland Products Co. concession supplies 207.05 McGarvey Coffee coffee 26.80 Northland Beverages Inc. concession supplies 140.00 Motorola equipment 9507.00 Northwestern Bell telephone direct line 325.59 Northern State Supply supplies 105.99 No.Am. Cable System basic cable 6.45 Orlin Henke intown mileage 4 registration fees 46.00 Plaza Hardware supplies 1007.70 Pamida supplies 137.13 Pamida supplies 342.70 Plowmans Inc. keys 6.00 Popps Electrical repairs 43.08 Quades supplies $ repairs 102.72 0 0 -5- Rannow Electric Rockite Silo Inc. Standard Printing Schmeling Oil Co. Shopko Simonson Lbr. Co. Sorensen Farm Supply State Treasurer State Treasurer James Schaefer Town $ Country Tire Co. Tri Co. Water Cond. Xerox Wm. Mueller $ Sons Wigen Chev. BOND FUNDS Federal Rev. Sharing Pool & Recreation Fund FIRE HALL CONSTRUCTION Marlin Torgerson 1985 Tax Increment Const. Bonds Ehlers $ Associates Library Construction Bonds E_J. Pinske Bldrs Pool $ Recreation Const. Fund Am. National Bank E.J. Pinske Bldrs. 1984 Bonld Fund Juul Contracting J.W. Hanson Co. Buffalo Bituminous electrical repairs 49.28 supplies 77.54 posters 101.23 oil 13.20 supplies 59.35 supplies 75.49 supplies 3.80 pera 3816.25 social Security 2945.75 compensation $ add. services 2579.00 repairs 13.00 salt $ rental 57.00 contract payment $ serv.agreement 1801.18 street materials 4587.50 parts 5.00 $ 100,119.84 permanent transfer 100,000.00 book shelves 359.09 bond consulting fees 1867.79 construction costs 51,528.00 interest 33,581.25 construction costs 192,775.00 construction costs 21,640.61 construction costs 3145.64 construction costs 36,047.05 1985 Bond Fund Atkinson Blacktop Inc. Hutch Landscaping JUUL Contracting Wn. Mueller $ Sons Ehlers &Associates Juncewski Masonry Gaub Inc. Bethke Construction MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE Triple G Dist. United Bldg. Center UBC Twin City Wine Co. Griggs Cooper &Co. Ed Phillips & Sons Ed Phillips F, Sons Griggs Cooper $ Co. Quality Wine Co. Twin CityWine Co. construction costs 48.483.03 grading & fill 3,000.00 construction costs 116,528.43 construction costs 52,217.99 bond consulting fees 17,343.70 construction costs 16,138.71 construction costs 40.649.07 construction costs 13,455.80 $ 307,816.73 beer 12,891.75 construction supplies 60.26 caulking tub etc. 60.25 liquor $ wine 2008.67 liquor $ wine 2334.42 liquor $ wine 1703.32 liquor & wine 2714.61 liquor $ wine 3387.83 liquor $ wine 1584.66 liquor $ Wine 2018.25 28,764.02 Ll 0 T all EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL NAME Paula 4hanpsm FOR YOUR INFORMATION DATE 7 -25 -85 ADDRESS 236 Erie St., Hutchinscn JOB TITLE Part Time Liquor Store Clerk SUPERVISED BY Chuck Nelson EMPLOYMENT STATUS -2L-NEW EMPLOYEE OTHER: FULL TIME XPART TIME OR SEASONAL PAY RATE Grade i COMMENTS tela another Part time clerk who has resignedPart time clerk who has resigned. THE ABOVE PERSONNEL ACTION CONFORMS TO ADOPTED PERSONNEL POLICY AND TO THE COUNCIL APPROVED ELECTION PROCESS, 2L EPARTMENT HEAD PERSONatL COORDINATOR :; 2. . • LA I U!1 HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY *DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION�9 Y Board of Directors Meeting July 22, 1985 %i) MINUTES /V J Directors Present: Others Present: Ronald McGraw, Chairman John Bernhagen, Exec. Director Art Cooper Gary Plotz, City Administrator Glenn Matejka Mark Myers, Chas+ber Exec. Vice Pres. Chad Piehl The meeting was called to order by Chairman McGraw at 8:00 p.m. Bernbagen reported on a variety of activities and projects on which work is being done. A form has been developed to assist HCDC and prospective developers in determining the kind of assistance needed. These projects will then be reviewed by a committee to determine feassbility. During June S July over 14 inquiries have been made regarding starting a business in our community. Most of these leads have developed from our state -wide advertising program. Work was continued on the Revolving Loan Fund proposal- requested by the - - - city. Consideration of the proposal will be on the August 1 agenda. The next meeting of the Board will be on August 1, 1985, at 7: a.m. at the HCDC office. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. i • t HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT - REGULAR MEETING OR Yp�R INFpR MINUTES A� Monday, July 1, 1985 MAT1pN The meeting was called to order at 8:07 p.m. Minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. Larry Thompson reported on the State Convention and spoke about lump sum benefits and Fire Fighter Certification. The following bills and runs were allowed paid from their proper accounts: GENERAL ACCOUNT FIRE RUNS Rick's Service 38.50 6/3 Meeting Jon Burks 7.27 6/6 Mutual Aid - Dassel Harvey Kemper 65.84 6/7 Johnson Carr Flowers 35.00 619 Flom Oak Grove Dairy 19.90 6/10 Drill Red Owl 40.95 6/14 Sky Warn 6/16 Evergreen RURAL ACCOUNT 6/16 Hartsuiker 6/17 Drill GTC 43.62 6/21 3M 6/26 Erickson /Templin CITY BUDGET 6/26 Gauger 6/26 Elementary School Craig Almquist 15.00 Jim Brodd 93.55 Jon Burks 45.00 Mark Christensen 45..00 Brad Emans 45.00' Dave Franzen 45.00 Gary Henke 45.00 Orlin Henke John Madson 45.00 Mike Monge 45.00 Randy Redman 699.00 Communication Auditors 57.24 it " 119.86 Coast to Coast 4.28 FIAM 482.00 Hager Jewelry 25.60 if it 2.16 Simonson Lumber 91.63 GTC 43.62 Hutch Fire 6 Safety 50.50 Erickson Foods 6.69 FISCO 80.00 Mid- Central Fire 43.50 Harvey Kemper 7.50 • John Madson 269.94 Hutch Snyder Drug 2.19 Fitzloff Hdwe 12.86 Coast to Coast 11.02 Fire Department Minutes - Page 2 A letter of resignation was submitted by Kim Meyer. It was accepted with �1 regrets. j New applicant Mike Schmidt, was voted on and accepted to the Regular Fire Department. Two members were voted on for full -time membership to the department after their probationary year. Craig Almquist and Craig Johnson. Almquist was accepted. Johnson was not. The department will be allocating money from the General Fund to purchase items for special projects to be used for Fire Prevention. There will be a potluck for members and families. Fire prevention committee will be in charge of training and Butch will handle the food. During the hot season, be sure to wear all your gear and use one air tank per fire. The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 p.m. Respectfully, Mark Christensen Secretary • FOR YOUR INFORMATION MINUTES Hutchinson Fire Department - Officers Meeting Monday, July 8, 1985 The meeting was called to order at 9:19 p.m. Mike Monge stated there is room for many more people at the pumper school in August. The meeting was adjourned at 9:26 p.m. Respectfully, Mark Christensen Secretary MINUTES FOR YOUR I NFORMATI ON Hutchinson Fire Department - Relief Association Meeting Monday, July 15, 1985 President Eric Smith preceded the regular meeting with a presentation from Gordon Tapper S Barb Bonniwell from I.D.S. Talk centered around a new investment tool available through I.D.S. called a variable term certificate of deposit. Gary Henke will get together with Barb near the end of August to discuss $90,000 that we will have to reinvest the end of August. President Smith brought the regular meeting to order at 9:37 p.m. Members present were Eric Smith, Marlin Torgerson, Steve Schramm, Gary Henke, Randy Redman, and Butch Henke. The minutes of the April 15th meeting were read and approved. The following bills were ordered paid: First National Bank $40000 Hutchinson Insurance Agency $ 20.00 Gary Henke $ 250.00 Gruys, Johnson & Assoc. $205.00 Accepted to membership were Gary Forcier and Mike Schmidt. Loren Rannow was given vested rights. Craig Johnson was dropped from membership. Kim Meyer and John Marvan both resigned and have no further claim against the association. Gary Henke gave the treasurer's report showing year end balance of $331,316 as of December 31, 1984. Marlin Torgerson motioned and Randy Redman seconded to accept the treasurer's report. The motion carried. Gary then gave the quarterly report for the relief association showing a total assests balance of $333,000. Gary then presented a synopsis of the workshop with Gus Welter.` Talks turned to other ways of increasing our pension benefits. Discussion will continue in August if whether dropping the $2000 death benefit would help and also on the survivor's benefits. The next meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. August 12. The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 p.m. Randy Redman Secretary PIONEERLAND LIBRART SYSTEM EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING July s, 1985 Present: LeRoy Sanders, Willmar Jeanette Buchanan, Willmar Curtis Johnson, Appleton Judy Oestreich, Litchfield Lilah Buhr, Stewart James Phalen, Graoeville Shirley Schutt, Karkhoven Burton Sundberg, Director Robert Bosse, Associate Director Absents Wayne Hebrink, Renville Kathy Matson, Associate Director Representing: w N M w n F��yO //.. Willmar V� Willmar Appleton Litchfield McLeod County Big Stone County Kerkhoven Representing: Kandiyohi County Also present: C. Alvin Johnson, Litchfield, Meeker County Commissioner Al Lewis, Assistant Director, LDS The Pioneerland Library System Executive Committee meeting was called to order at 7 :45 p.m. by Chairman Sanders. Buchanan/Buhr moved and seconded approval of June 10 Board minutes. Carried. ,#, P% *41/0 Oestreich /Schutt moved and seconded approval of treasurer's report pending verifica- tion by Curtis Johnson, Treasurer. Carried. It was noted that 49.2E of the total budget was spent through June 30, 1985. A question was raised on the amounts spent on legal notices. This is for notices of bid ads for health insurance, ads for open positions, etc. Mr. Boese reported on the ALA meeting in Chicago. K. Matson also attended. The sta- tistical report was distributed and reviewed. Mr. Sundberg reported that McLeod County has now approved their total share of this year's operational budget minus $160. However, automation funds have not been approved by them. Curtis Johnson /Buchanan moved payment of bills. Carried. Committee Reports: 1. Systems Directors will be meeting August 1 -2 in Duluth. Mr. Sundberg will be at- tending. 2. A staff workshop will be held October 24 -25 for A days at the Green Lake Bible Camp. A check to the camp for $100 was included with the bills as an advance deposit for this workshop. Communications: 1. Al Lewis reported on legislative action indicating a modification of the formula for distribution of state aid in which there will be an increase in the population factor and a decrease in the valuation factor. Unfinished business: 1. Establishment Grant -- the question was raised as to whether or not the Establish- ment Grant should be part of the operational budget or considered separate. The grants are to help the system provide service to a new area and to help offset additional costs when beginning to offer these services. Discussion ensued regard- ing the Establishment Grant being part of the operational budget or as separate from it, and possible effect on the governing units' budgets in 1986 -87. Oestreich/ Buhr moved and seconded that the Director prepare the necessary budget charts (with the Establishment Grant being part of the total operational budget and as a separate entity) indicating amounts and percentage from each governing unit in both cases. This will then be presented to the full Board in August. Carried. Review was made of the proposed 1986 budget with percentage of increases. Discussion followed regarding new city /county units in system. Oestreich /Buhr moved and seconded that the Executive Committee recommend to the full Board that the new city /county units assessment for 1986 be the average per capita amounts of other governing units and to consider the difference subsidised by the Establishment Grant. This is to be a one -time exception. Carried. 1. Automation Fund -- McLeod, looker, and swift counties and bird Island have not paid their shares. McLeod and looker commissioners indicated previously that they would not pay the 6.15 per capita requested. The ftecutive Committee recc®ended the Director write a letter to units that have not paid and strongly urge payment. Buhr/Buchanan moved and seconded. Mr. Bosse is to prepare a presentation for the August meting on the Automation Fund and amounts to be requested for future. Carried. 3. General Research Contract for CON catalog -- Our current contract expires August 31. We need to approve and sign a two -year contract. Funds for this art within budget request. Oestreich/Buhr moved and seconded approval of the contract with General Research for the next two years. Carried. 4. Enforcement of payment schedule with quarterly payments due January 15, April 15, July 15, and October 15 -- Tabled until August meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9 :30. Jeanette Buchanan Secretary July 1985 PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM Treasurer's Report Curtis Johnson, Treasurer AUTOMATION INCOME BUDGET INCOME MTD YTD MTD BUDGET YTD BUDGET Be nce S 49,578.97 S 85,962.84 Receipts State /Federal Aid 67,837.00 206,100.00 Big Stone County 329.00 658.00 5,484.25 16,452.75 21,937.00 *Chippewa County 2,123.00 17,372.50 53,617.50 *71,490.00 Eandiyohi County 3,130.00 23,443.50 70,33D.50 93,774.00 McLeod County 14,415.25 42,134.96 60,824.00 Meeker County 13,673.50 41,020.50 59,072.00 Swift'County 499.58 499.58 17,374.00 Appleton 276.00 2,146.00 6,438.00 8,584.00 Beason 548.00 4,259.25 12,777.75 17,037.00 Glencoe 659.00 11,124.50 22,249.00 Graceville 117.00 962.25 2,886.77 3,849.00 Hutchinson 693.50 1,387.00 12,145.00 36,435.00 48j580.00 Karkhoven 114.00 886.50 2,659.50 3,546.00 Litchfield 886.00 18,103.00 36,206.00 Ortonville 382.00 3,175.00 9,525.00 12,700.00 Willmar 2,384.00 19,181.25 57,543.75 76,725.00 Bird Island 206.00 206.OD 1,612.00 4,809.00. 6,394.00 *Dawson 285.00 2,214.75 6,644.25 * 8,859.00 Hector 188.00 1,458.67 2,917.34 4,376.00 *Madison 332.00 2,577.00 7,731.00 *10,308.00 Renville 224.00 1,754.25 5,332.75 6,957.00 Cash Receipts 3,142.75 26,643.13 44,975.00 Gifts 50.00 623.00 Interest 876.07 4,504.64 9,000.00 Reimbursements (local govt) *Chippewa County 7,811.75 23,435.25 *31,247.00 *Madison 827.50 2,482.50 * 3,310.00 *Dawson 1,293.25 3,881.75 * 5,177.00 Other Reimbursements 700.61 6,762.87 6,000.00 Other (RCWL) 1,000.00 Total Receipts 1,728.08 14,398.58 141,462.85 545,553.96 896,650.00 Glencoe Fund 4,635.00 Implementation Grant (1984) 6,000,00 RCWL 671.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS s BALANCE: $191,041.82 $631,516.80 $907,956.00 Automation Totals 14,398.58 18,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS, BALANCE 6 AUTOMATION MTD i YTD $192,769.90 $645,915.38 $925,956.00 0 Page 1 (OVER) July 1985 EXPENDITURESr PICINEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM Treesuror's Report (Continued) MTO VTO 2 OF EXP CURRENT 1!XPf* 01 UtfS- rtKPYNCaTURfj TO- -r" -- BUOCF? ACCT GROUP... .00 6 000 .00% 000 -liBRaRT PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES AND WAGES 4T9520048 335.151.46 57.38% S649L35.00 - 1M0Aty" 1"sU VICE tsira:t6---- Mret7. Oeff:oo- RETIREMENT INSURANCE 4x224.45 29.634.38 52.61% 56.325.00 ACCT GROUP... 539451.10 390.613.34 57.11% 6669460.00 -"A POOKS - ADULT 49916.52 339169.55 60.011 559274.00 BOOKS - CHILOREN 19852.19 6.452.38 38.50% 169760.00 - -t"S OtAt REFERclIC! .60 3,375.00 vj.f7% 396000co PERIODICALS I19942.75 139351.84 68.85% 199400.00 PAMPHLETS 00 16.00 5.33% 3CO.00 - �""-t -tOMM rrttKs- OL, 3 :Zaa. 4t--- 3TCO.00- VIDEO DISCS L TAPES 213.45 79859.71 135.51% 59800.00 AUDIO DISCS AND TAPES 15.80 128.63 128.63% 100.00 - "SLIMS X':t -FIL4 Sl"r . SD.00 -- MICROFORMS .00 255.00 .00% .00 BINDING 271.99 476.08 79.35% 600.00� •.• . J• • . 10599e4-.00 CATALOGING CH�ARG�E}S. .00 79840.00 40.90% 199171.00 --OCLC ACCT GROUP... 110.00 139009.02 45.37% 289671.00 VEHICLES - 0 PiRATION AwD'�tAtmT INSURANCE .00 .00 .00% 293C0.00 ACCT GROUP... 19953.51 89864.35 49.90% 17.763.00 . TELEPHONE AND LINE 729.65 5.676.32 70.95% 89000.00 TERMINAL MAINTENANCE .00 .00 .00% 1.400.00 NtP? -*41.33 4,713.21 58.92% RV000.00 - ACCT GROUP... 19173.y8 109389.59 59.71% 179400.00 EQUIPMENT -- cQU,FMtNi .00 3tf)01.54 AIV EQUIPMENT 10.00 80.00 2.86% 29800.00 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND CONTRACTS 317.61 3,416.69 34.17% 109000.00 - tijUi P'mEril -t . • - ACCT GROUP... 468.39 9,230.78 45.92X 209100.00 OTHER -- CLSTDIIC7Ci SOPPCTzs -AND- cOG 91- 3 1- S'_�g:'f3J3:: T • - -- SUPPLIES AND PRINTING 29149.96 159088.16 79.IC% 199075.00 PROHOTIOPJAL AND PROGP.AMMING 26.47 311.89 62.39% 500.00 - 'wTtE-uS1E--AN10 rt'r L ., - .02- '- 44.5-ax 00- MILEAGE Ai,D MEETINGS - TRUSTEES 310.17 19823.97 59.41% 3.070.00 PROF. MEN3ERSHIPS (TRUSTEES) .00 510.00 100.00% 510.00 ---f1TS4R-A fCF- ADS AND LEGAL NOTICES . UL, .00 09089.22 122.60 113.14t 136.22% 90.30 AUDITING 19400.00 1,400.00 116.67% 1,200.J0 BOCKKEEPING 225.00 19575.00 52.50% 39000.00 - C04f ACCT GROUP... 4,923.63 319048.71 77.10% . 409272.00 SPECIAL OtE lic e! F R I F PC) iq6 °. -0 .t KCML .00 385.00 57.37% 671.00 GRANT .00 .00 .00% .00 --A Uy"It! 1911. FUND y� ACCT &*OUP...- Foe .00 tZ9551.00 12,954.86 60.9s% 55.59% levoeezce 239306.00 TOTAL... J3I,301.61 5349447.09 58.09% 9199956.00 ENDING CASH BALANCE $111,468.29 $111,468.29 Page 2 P THE HUIVN1N5UN MANLIT UUUNUIL The Hutchinson Safety Council met June 24th at 12 :00 Noon at the Fire Hall. There were 14 members and 1 guest present. President Gale Boelter opened the meeting with a moment of silent prayer. The May minutes and the treasurer's report were approved by motion. Dick Higgins, safety officer from Hutchinson Technology was introduced as a new m3mber. AND BUSINWS: ph Neumann reported that the ENR had- placed two large signs warning of the undertow at the Crow River dam base. John Reynolds reported that the water rescue drill at the dam site had recently been completed sucessfully. He also suggested that the film the "Drowning Machine" could be shown at an upcoming safety council meeting. President Boelter asked to have it shown at the July meeting. Les Smith reported that he had received a letter from Sgt. Nelson from the State Patrol office regarding the defensive driver course. The secretary said that she had been contacted by Joe Schueller regarding the course, and that he planned to set up a course schedule for Hutchinson as soon as the format was established. Guy Field reported that after July let we will be notified of the location of the fair booth, and can proceed with plans regarding it at the July meeting. President Boelter asked for comments on the Jaycee Water Carnival. Ralph Neumann pointed out the problems created by the two fire calls and the two ambulance calls that occurred during the parade. George Field suggested that the staging area be moved from the Catholic school to the Civic Arena. It was concluded that the Jaycees should change the staging area to the Civic Arena and then reroute the parade using a safer and more convenient route. NEW BUSINESS: President Boelter informed council members that he had been contacted by the Chamber regarding having the safety council provide trafficcontrol at the Fair Grounds on •July 9th when the Minnesota Orchestra would be putting on a free concert. Myron Johnson suggested that due to the liability it should be someone in uniform. It was concluded that the sheriff's possee be recommended to the Chamber as a more appropriate group than the Safety Council. President Boelter also informed council members that he had been asked by the Chamber if the lWfety Council would like to have a booth at an Ethnic Fair that is being organized. It was ncluded that this type of activity does not fit with Safety Council objectives. Myron Johnson reported on the Minnesota Safety Council convention he attended. He said that Bob Anderson who is the president of the Minnesota Safety Council had given him information regarding a class curriculum for the "Right to Know, Hazardous Waste Compliance" program. It was suggested that the Safety Council could work with the Chamber in sponsoring the program for area industries. Orville Kuiken pointed out the problem that still exists with Goebel Fixture employees crossing Dale Street and not using the crosswalk area. A letter had been sent in August 1984 to them regarding the problem, but apparently had not accomplished the desired result. It was decided that another letter should be sent and that Dick Goebel should be asked to join the Safety Council Eileen Torry brought up the subject of bike safety. Jim Haasl reported that there was no organized patrol or training at this time. Larry Ladd said that the key to effective control is enforcement after training. Gale Boelter volunteered to contact the Chamber regarding the possibility of finding a sponsor for the program. The July meeting of the Safety Council was scheduled for Monday, July 29, 1985 at 12 :00 Noon at the Fire Hall. Meeting adjourned by motion. Submitted by: Gale Boelter, President Carol Haukos, Secretary /Treasurer TREASURER'S REPORT: Balance on Hand as of 6/1/85: $ 184.37 Deposits: none 0.00 Disbursements: J. Rix, postage 6.16 Balance on Hand as of 6/30/85: $ 178.21 Savings Account Balance as of 6/30/85: 4 149.90 NEWSLETTER OF: Hutchinson Community 4velopment Corp. 0 John Bernhagen, Exec. Director 45 Weednoon Ave. F.at July, 1985 / Volume 7 lNMOhNron, Mler�oq 6d1E0 Following are years 2 -5 is the long - ONE -YEAR WORK PLAN range plan. Each year HCDC sets forth a One- 1986: Year Work Plan and updates its Five- Update Star Cities Plan. year Plan and strategy. . Develop or help develop one to Under each goal a defined process two new development projects. or steps is set forth with specific Continue the "Call Retention points under each of the steps. These Program." steps are: Objective, purpose, com- . Implement Phase I of a new pletion date, assigned to, strategy, industrial park expansion. projected results. . Aggressively market a new Listed here are the ten objectives industrial park. selected for 1985. Review housing needs. Revolving Loan Fund. 1. To develop three new development Targeted marketing. projects. Analysis of demographics. 2. To promote and coordinate im- provements to commercial/ - 1987: - - -- area. . Update Star Cities plan. •retail 3. To maintain advertising plan. .'Develop or help develop one to 4. To maintain railroad service two development projects. to Hutchinson. . Continue Phase I of a new 5. To further develop existing in- industrial park. dustrial park and initiate ex- . Aggressively solicit new bus - pansion of industrial sites, iness. within Hutchinson area. . Continue commercial revita- 6. To provide continuity with lization. various commissions, Boards, . Review and revise Community City, and Chamber of Commerce. Fact Booklet. 7. To Maintain "Star City" desig- . Continue the Call retention nation. Program. 8. To develop method to self fund 1988: projects. . Update Star Cities Plan. 9. To maintain public awareness . Develop or help develop one to of the purpose and the activities two development projects. of Hutchinson Community Develop- Continue commercial revita- ment Corporation lization. 10. To enhance image of a develop- Review housing needs. ment advisor to City. Labor survey. 1989: FIVE -YEAR PLAN AND STRATEGY . Update Star Cities Plan. The current year's work plan is • Develop or help develop one to incorporated with the next 4 years in two development projects. .determining a long -range Economic . Phase II of new industrial Development Plan. park expansion. * Continue commercial revita- (Cont. next column) lization. . Local Industry Call program. T1- A1*Lf;:%IA --T4q The annual meeting of Hutchinson Community Development Corporation will be held the evening of September 9, 1985. Arrangements are being finalized and will include reports of past year activities, coomittee reports, guest speaker and perhaps a dinner. Mark this date on your calendar. There will be more details later. OTHERS USING TAX INCREMENT FINANCING TOOLS Recently Renville County, through a combined request of the eight cities of that county, have passed a resolution approving the use of Tax Increment Financing (TIP) as an industrial tool. - Atwater is promoting TIF and wants to have the ground work ready should a developer be secured to do a project in their community. r . y e e * • e • • * * * * e * * * + t * + t BE LIKE A DUCK - KEEP CALM AND UNRUFFLED ON THE SURFACE BUT PADDLE LIKE THE DEVIL UNDERNEATH. ,t * * * t * * a * • * * * e t • n { "That's NOT what the HCDC 3 meant, Bernhagen, when we said go out and bring big business back to our city!" CJ • NuRu VERJERN ERBLE GVGUEM.B Cn y b O �1�'ZOZ,+ 3242S�a. V �� JUL1985 `; V FOR YOUR INFORMATinn► Box 777 Hector, MN 55342 July 18, 1985 Gary Plot2 City Clerk 37 Washington Avenue W. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mr. Plots: Attached please find an example of the notice that was included in all our customers' July billings. Please take time to read this through and should you have questions, please feel free to contact our service department or myself. The number you can reach me at is 612 - 848 -6231. Thank you. Sincerely, r� Richard W. Penkert Region Manager RWP /kmr Enclosure North. s Cable Communications Systems. lne R#Ads Cable TV, Inc. However, in reviewing our reCUF US uvCl LI M IGIJL JV VQI QI ycai have come to the startling conclusion that over 53% of all requested service calls are not cable - related, i.e., fine- tuning television sets, unplugged sets and /or converters, VCR's, etc. We also discovered in our review that 82% of these requests are made -by less th6n =25% of our customers. =''A "service" trip costs. }:on theme average $'!_5'­t S18:' In sour ,continuing effort to hold down costs, which ultimately :affect monthly subscriber rates, we have, put a new policy into place' t Effective July 1, 1985, there will be a $15 charge for all requested service calls that are not cable - related. we will not charge our customers for service calls that are related to their cable service. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated. North American Cable Systems FOR YOUR INFORMATION 3456J q &0 league of minnesota cities July 29. 1985 To: City Clerks and !tanagers From: League Research staff Re: New law on collecting utility bills • Chapter 135 of the 1985 laws provides that a property owner slay not be charged for utility bills incurred by a tenant. There appears to be some confusion as to which kinds of utilities are covered by this law. The new 0 law affects 044 gas and electric service. It does not affect water, sewer, refuse collection, or any other utilities which the tic y may provide. Thus, there is nothing to prevent a city from continuing to certify unpaid water, sewer, or refuse collection bills to the county for collection with property taxes. R2 university avenue east, st. paul, minnesota 55101 (612)227-5600 I , I league of minnesota cities & N S August 5, 1985 ��19 TO: Mag Managers, and Clerks FROM: Do Slater and Diane Loeffler ed RE: Seminar and Strategy Planning Session regarding Tax Increment Financing and other Development Tools TAR INCREMENT FINANCING AND OTHER DEVELOPMENT TOOLS THREATENED WE NEED YOUR HELP! • The League 1s hosting a meeting to discuss a lobbying strategy regarding tax increment financing and development tools on Friday, August 16, at 2:00 pm, at the Center City Inn, Downtown St. Paul. (See page 2 for further details.) In the past few years, city officials have increasingly appreciated the importance of job preservation and tax base improvement as they have weathered the storms of state and federal cutbacks in aid and dramatic changes in the economy. Many of you have effectively used development tools (tax increment financing, revenue bonds, CDBG, etc.) to rehabilitate blighted areas and assist in new economic growth. These development tools are under attack. There is serious discussion of significantly limiting or eliminating the use of tax increment financing. Much of the opposition to city involvement in development is due to erroneous impressions. To help legislative committees make an informed decision on tax increment financing and other development program, we must make certain they get the REAL FACTS. We must combat the horror stories they have heard with documented success. As Mayor June Demos, Roseville, says, "We must understand that some of the horror stories told to legislators have led some of them to believe that as city officials we often go helter skelter into neighborhoods, condemning property to make land write —downs to our 'friends'. You and I )snow that this is perfectly ridiculous, but the job set before us today is to convince others that this, indeed, is false." In a Senate hearing this sumvoer, there was significant discussion of whether or not city officials are accountable enough and whether • they can effectively negotiate development projects. Unfortunately, many legislators believe that city officials are only too happy to "give away the store." 1 63 university avenue east, st. paul, minnesota 55101 (6121227-5600 Mayors, Managers, and Clerks Page 2 The League of Minnesota Cities is holding a seminar and strategy planning session as the first step toward developing a coordinated and effective approach to influencing legislation on this topic. Speakers will cover the Citizen's League recommendation to eliminate tax increment financing, legislative concerns, the Legislative Auditor's study, and the impact of federal cutbacks in development programs. After this briefing, participants will have an opportunity to help develop an action plan to address these challenges. If your city has ever been involved in or plans to be involved in development projects, your participation is critical. Please make every effort to attend. It is expected that one necessary component of an effective lobbying effort will be an extensive research project. Very little good data is currently available on who uses development tools and the results of those efforts. That information is critical to our being able to correct erroneous impreasions about city involvement in fostering development. A special lobbying effort say require the hiring of additional personnel. Please be prepared to discuss how a special effort might be financed and how much individual cities may be willing to contribute. This meeting presents a unique opportunity for you to gain valuable knowledge about anticipated changes and to be involved in building an effective effort to ensure that cities have an appropriate role in influencing the development of their communities. Please make every effort to attend. It is important that all types of cities be involved. The Development Tools Strategy meeting will be held at: WHERE: The Center City Inn 77 East Ninth St. (Corner of Minnesota & Ninth) Downtown St. Paul In the Ballroom WHEN: Friday, August 16 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Lunch will be provided at the cost of $5.75, please make your reservations for the the meeting and /or lunch by August 13, to Lynda Woulfe, at (612) 227 -5600, ext. 28. Parking is available in the City Walk Ramp directly across the street from the Center City Inn on Ninth Street. Cost of parking will be approximately $2.50; cost depends on the length of time your car is parked in the ramp. DAS:DL:lw • August 6, 1985 FOR YOUR INFORMATION league of minnesota cities TO: Mayors, Managers, and Clerks r5691>\ c AUG 1985 r PJECF ip vEu v FROM: Donald A. Slater, Executive Director and Ann Higgins, Staff Associate RE: Key Issues for Cities Result from Federal Budget Pact Mandatory Social Security and Medicare Coverage for State and Local Employees Congressional action late Thursday night, enacting a FFY '86 - '88 Budget agreement, adds some new costs and requirements that will affect all cities. Key among them is the requirement that all state and local employees be covered by Social Security, beginning January 1, 1986. While other direct spending for programs benefitting cities increased over reductions proposed earlier this summer, mandatory coverage for current public employees and new hires provides $1.7 billion in additional revenue to the U.S. Treasury and results in increased employer costs to cities (and other state and local The actual budget resolution requires only that $1.7 billion be raised, leaving to the tax - writing committees the actual decision regarding increased mandatory social security and medicare coverage for state and local employees. It is evident, however, that House - Senate budget conferees assumed that mandatory social security and medicare coverage would be approved by standing committees following the adoption of the budget resolution by both bodies. Further examination of mandatory coverage will be necessary to determine the full extent of costs to local government. State and local employees belonging to the Basic Public Employees Retirement Association do not currently have such coverage. Their costs and those of employers will have to be determined as will the outcome of labor negotiations in order to determine costs. Full Funding of General Revenue Sharing in FFY "86 Just two weeks ago, the House voted to support a budget resolution that would have reduced General Revenue Sharing (GRS) by 25 percent, beginning October '_, 1986. In final Congressional action on the House- Senate budget conference committees resolution, GRS came out a winner! The final agreement restored GRS to full funding for FFY '86 with termination scheduled for October 1, 1986 (the date at which GRS is schedule for reauthorization if the program is to be continued at all). The budget agreement provides $4.6 million to GRS instead of the $3.45 supported earlier by the House and assists many Minnesota cities working to adopt '86 budgets this fall. -over- ". 80 university avenue east, st. paul, minnesota 55101 C6121227-5600 Mayors, Managers, and Clerks Page 2 CDBG Cut 15 Percent - No Termination Senate Appropriation Only Cuts 10 Percent Mors confusion for cities stasis from the contradictions also present in action taken last Friday by the Senate Appropriations Committee which approved CDBG funding with only a ten percent reduction under current funding levels ($3.125 billion) as compared with the budget resolution just passed by Congress calling for a 15 percent cut to $2.94 billion. The House had earlier called for a 10 percent reduction in FFY 1863, and a freeze at that level for '87 and '88. The difference of $185 million could be affected by a decision by the Senate Appropriations Committee to accept the budget target enacted by Congress. The Senate committee maintained current levels of funding for the HUD's Secretary's Discretionary Fund ($60.5 million) to be available to deal with unusual circumstances that will likely result from proposed program cuts. In addition, funding was also retained for the Section 108 loan program used for economic development•by CDBG entitlement cities. Also retained was the Section 312 rehabilitation loan program. Funding retained.by the Senate committee action would provide technical assistance and revenues for special projects if the committee's current actions are sustained. - UDAG.Reduced 20 Percent r UDAGs, threatened with elimination and steep cuts throughout budget negotiations, actually retains a bit more funding than had been approved earlier by the House. Final budget resolution provides $352 million for the program in FFY '86, as compared with $440 million in FFY '85, a 20 percent reduction. The House had previously proposed cuts of 25 percent. • Other Budget Resolution Action Other programs affecting cities also faired better in the final budget resolution than in earlier proposals. Mass transit funding was reduced by 15 percent, whereas the Senate had proposed a 20 percent cut. The Economic Development Association, slated for terminated by the Senate, was cut by 20 percent, and no elimination of the program was approved. In addition, conferees rejected the Administration's efforts to drastically reduce and eliminate housing assistance programs. What Did not Happen No action was taken to limit or cap any non -needs entitlements, despite early NLC support and indications of some movement during negotiations. No freeze on tax expenditures or defense spending resulted from the resolution. There, too, NLC policy did not prevail. But, NLC's top priority, General Revenue Sharing, actually emerged far better than it might have been foreseen just weeks ago. Budget deficit reduction, however, is still a very large question left unanswered. With Congress in recess now until September 4, it will communicate their views on the saving of needed progr need for Congress to more carefully and systematically expenditures while avoiding the addition of difficult government. be important for cities to -- ams for cities and the continued examine the rapid growth of tax and costly mandates for local • • AGENDA SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, August 6, 1985 CALL TO ORDER 5:00 p.m. Fire Hall 1. Report by Community Development Corporation on Proposed Revolving Loan Fund, as Requested by Representatives of HCDC 2. City Charter - Appointment of Charter Commission Report by City Attorney 3. Codification of City Ordinance Book Report by City Attorney 4. Review of City Audit by Charles Bailey Co. Representatives * *PLEASE BRING YOUR YEAR -END FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ** 5. Budget Timetable Report by Keen Merrill 4L4 CYi L1VLL August 1, 1985 CITY OF'HUTCHINSON REVOLVING LOAN FUND PREAMBLE The City of Hutchinson has determined the need to establish a fund for specific purposes to further improving the economic vitability of the entire community. At a time when many Federal and State directed programs are diminishing and because locally administered program has the ability to meet locally determined objectives in a more timely and prudent manner, the city hereby establishes a Revolving Loan Fund from the 1980 Tax Increment Debt Service Account of the City. Before any funds are dedicated to the Revolving Loan Fund an amount equal to the principal and interest payment on the tax increment bonds for • the next two years would be maintained in the Debt Service Account. After this amount has been determined, the Revolving Loan Fund would have an initial accumulation of up to $500,000.00. Thereafter, 15% of the difference between the total tax increment collected and the amount required to maintain the debt service account would be accrued to the Revolving Loan Fund. All tax increment amounts beyond these established guidelines (859) shall be returned to the taxing district on a pro rata basis. • C 1, I. PURPOSE A. Provide, initially, funding for projects within the tax increment district of which one project would be to provide assistance to business establishments in areas I b II of the tax increment district to bring their establishment in conformity with the life and safety code. B. Fund community public works projects not normally under an assess- ment procedure. C. Consideration would be given to community development and non- profit projects. II. A. Initially, the fund shall be allowed growth to $500,000.00. B. When the $500.000.00 fund from tax increment has been reached. 1. 15% of the difference between the total tax increment collected and the amount required to maintain the debt service account would be accrued to the Revolving Loan Fund. 2. Repayment of principal and interest of the loans from the fund would be credited back to the fund as stipulated in the loan agreements. 3. Interest on the fund balance would be regularily accrued to the fund. III. ADMINISTRATION OF FUND A. Loan funds may be serviced by local financial institutions. B. A 1% origination fee on loans from the revolving fund would be identified and credited for Hutchinson Community Development Cor- poration (HCDC). C. Financial institutions originating loan would receive up to two points of loan amount. D. Three- fourths of 1% interest on the loan balance would be charged for a loan guarantee reserve for HCDC and for the purpose of furthering the economic development of Hutchinson and the vicinity. IV. POTENTIAL USES A. Required fire protection in Tax Increment Areas I b II 1. All commercial real estate in areas I 6 II would be eligible. 2. To receive favorable construction bid, entire project may be bid as one project. 3. Up to 85% of the pro rata cost per commercial real estate may come from the revolving fund and 15% from other sources. 4. The total interest rate may be as low as 3 -3/4 percent per annum. • 5. Fees may total 3% of the original principal. 6. Bond sale costs, if any; interest rate write down, if any; and other approved costs, if any, shall come from the fund. B. Remodeling of store fronts and rears (store connector designs). 1. All businesses in areas I b II would be eligible. 2. Up to 85% of approved project cost would be eligible for Revolving Loan Fund including approved loan costs. 3. The total interest rate shall be 3/4 percent over Twin Cities' base rate, 15 year maximum loan, interest rate calculated annually. • r _ C. Non- profit business. i 1. Identify need. 2. Determined on a case -by -case basis. 3. Fund could be used for grant purposes in connection with a project and /or low- interest loans. Amounts to be determined based on need. D. Other projects. 1. Develop an annual work plan. 2. Determined on a case -by -case basis. V. PROCEDURE A. All projects are to be reviewed by HCDC. B. Recommendation by HCDC Board on a project -by- project basis to City • Council for projects under section IV, items C 5 D of this document for their approval. C. An amendment of this Revolving Loan Fund document should be first reviewed and acted upon by HCDC before submittal to City Council for action. D. Annual review of fund activity by HCDC with a report to City Council. • r Hutchinson Community Development Corp. qw 45 Washington Ave. East Y Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Revolving Loan Fund Projection JWm J. Bern*cn Eacwrve Dnearur 16121597-5252 Gary D. Plum. City Adminwrnur 16121 SV -5171 OARD OF DIRECTORS Pre... Rmuld J. %kGra. Anomy w Lave ee Pro. Anhur L. CaTcr Prc.ulem Fvr .Vrtiorul BJn4 See. Trem. Chr1 B. Pwhl CmilleJ Pub1u A.ca. PJnmr. Du W ,m Pcl�m & Cu. T A. IBut[I Burich Ea. V.P Cuimn. BJn4 Jm Tfn4 co T,mr [h Epeu V P. ncral S1wger utehi . & Solo+. Irw', mad A. Glm Pr Y. F1r] c Fcd. SJ.i2 & L,wn A.+ n Glenn %UqU Sup. ,d Seh.d. Diann 4223 • Beginning Balance Year 1: Disbursements Loans on Sprinkling (3%) Receipts Interest Balance Sprinkling Principal - Sprinkling Balance Loan Receivable Year 2: Disbursements Non - Profit Project Land Building Grant Loan (0%) Receipts Increment Interest Balance Sprinkling Principal - Sprinkling Balance Loan Receivable Non - Profit Land and Building Year 3: Disbursements Central Corridor (Prime) Receipts Increment Interest Balance Sprinkling Corridor Principal - Sprinkling Non - Profit Rent Balance Note Receivable Non - Profit Corridor Land and Building $ 302,500. 225,000. 527,500. 124,250. 200,000. 40,000. 165,000. 529,250. 25,250. 175,000. 36,000. 200,000. 165.000. 601,250. $ 500,000. $ (250,000.) 20,000. 7,500. 251000. (197,500.) 302,500. 40,000. 125,000. 40,000. 40,000. (245,000.) 30,000. 5,000. 6,750. 25,000. (178,250.) 124,250. (200,000.) 30,000. 10,000. 6,000. 20,000. 25,000. 4,000. 6,000. (99,000.) 25,250. Charles Bailly & Company Certified Public Accountants July 26, 1985 The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Hutchinson, Minnesota As part of our examination of the financial statements of the City of Hutchinson for the year ended December 31, 1984, we studied and evaluated the Company's system of internal accounting controls. Because the study and evaluation was only part of an overall audit plan regarding the financial statements, it was not intended to be a complete review of all your accounting procedures and, therefore, would not necessarily disclose all weaknesses in the system. However, we did observe the following conditions, which are not considered material weaknesses, and offer these comments and suggestions for changes or improvements in your'controls and procedures. General Accounting The Liquor Store Fund checking account includes some old outstanding checks which should be written off after council approval. in addition, some inventory of the Liquor Store totaling approximately $9,000 was purchased prior to 1982. These items should be analyzed to determine whether they should be written off as obsolete or written down to market value. A great deal of audit time is spent in the cash and investment areas. With the availability of microcomputers, the detail of these accounts could easily be maintained in "spreadsheet" format during the year. This would eliminate the time consuming process of reconstructing the activity at year -end. Other areas where this could result in audit efficiencies are special assessments, capital outlay and bonds payable. Property and Equipment We strongly recommend that a general fixed asset ledger be maintained. Our records could provide a starting point for 1985 activity. As time permits, City personnel could analyze and reconstruct the opening balances. The City council should determine a dollar "cut - off" point for items to be included in the fixed asset ledger. This record will result in improving control over the property of the City. • We appreciate the opportunity to present these comments and suggestions which are solely for the use of City administration. This letter does not express an opinion on the City's overall internal control system. It does, however, include items which we believe merit your consideration. we can discuss these matters further at your convenience and provide any implementation assistance for changes or improvements you may require. Certified Public Accountants • iYe: f�.Yi6 . #s•�Jr� ly'»�i��3�'�J�Yl�iNY.S' t Y y. L .v i t iL ro,