01-23-2023 SAM
Senior Advisory Board Minutes
January 23, 2023
Present: Connie Dahl, Rhonda Schwarze, Julie Jensen, Randy Kandt, Dave Husfeldt,
Percy Rauch
City Staff: Jenny Behrendt, John McRaith
Absent: Al Barkheim, Mike Becker
I. The meeting was called to order at 10:03am by chairperson Rhonda Schwarze.
II. Secretary’s Report: The minutes from the November meeting were reviewed.
Connie made a motion to approve the minutes with a second from Dave. The motion
III. Monthly Sales Review: Yearly totals were presented for 2022. Card sales amounted
to $861 while the dishcloths, potholders, and scrubbers brought in $145. The tours
recorded a net profit of $1796 for the year. Total fundraising for the year in these
areas was $2810.
IV. Business
A. Senior Center Tours- Julie reported that the January 25 visit to Cold Spring,
to enjoy some music involving performers from Branson, sold out on the first
day tickets were offered. Valentine’s Day will bring a trip to the Ives
Auditorium in Bloomington for a Beatles review. This tour still has several
openings. March 20 will bring a flower tour to Bachman’s and a couple other
locations. April 15 we will be back at the Paramount theater in St. Cloud for a
presentation of “Legally Blonde” and lunch at the Coyote Grill. May 13 will
involve a return trip to CHS Park in St. Paul for a Saints baseball game and a
picnic lunch on the grounds. “The Jersey Boys” will be performing at the
Chanhassen Dinner Theater on June 28. July will involve a cruise with the
date yet to be determined.
B. Update on Programs- The movie for this month was “Where the Crawdads
Sing”. The show was well received with a large number in attendance. The
February movie will be “Gigi & Nate”. It was shown in December but had very
low numbers due to bad weather. A movie is presented on the third Wednesday
of the month at 10:00a and 1:00p. Bean bag/corn hole has been drawing four to
six people each session. Card playing and the SAIL exercise program continue
to bring people into the Senior Center on a regular basis.
C. Other- The board welcomed Percy Rauch who will be replacing Jeannette
Meyer. Jeannette had completed her two terms.
V. Adjournment: Randy made a motion to adjourn at 10:20am with a second from
Connie. The motion passed. The next scheduled meeting of the Senior Advisory
Board will be Monday, February 27 at 10:00am.
John McRaith, Secretary