cp10-25-22HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2022 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS (The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: Citypolicy and practices, inputfrom constituents, and other questions or information that has not yet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections 2. INVOCATION — Hope Family Church (The invocation is a voluntary expression of theprivate citizen, to and for the City Council, and is not intended to affiliate the City Council with, or express the City Council's preference for, any religious/spiritual organization. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previous y reviewed or approved by the Council or staff) 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY PUBLIC COMMENTS (This is an opportunity or members o 'the public to address the City Council. If'the topic you would like to discuss is on the agenda, please ask the Mayor if he will be acceptingpublic comments during the agenda item if not a public hearing. Ifyou have a question, concern or comment, please ask to be recognized by the mayor —state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speakfor more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, butplease refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Regular Meeting of October 11, 2022 CONSENT AGENDA (The items listedfor consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (a) Consideration for Approval of Items for Roberts Rd SW (Letting No. 1/Project No. 23-01) 1. Resolution No. 15499 - Resolution Ordering Preparation of Report on Improvement 2. Resolution No. 15500 - Resolution Receiving Report and Calling Hearing on Improvement (b) Consideration for Approval of Items for Jefferson St SE (Letting No. 4/Project No. 23-05) 1. Resolution No. 15501 - Resolution Ordering Preparation of Report on Improvement 2. Resolution No. 15502 - Resolution Receiving Report and Calling Hearing on Improvement (c) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 15503 — Resolution Adopting Findings of Fact and Reasons for Approval of a Final Plat for Ravenwood South (d) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 15504 — Resolution for Certification of Special Assessments From the City of Hutchinson to McLeod County Auditor CITY COUNCIL AGENDA —October 25, 2022 (e) Consideration for Approval of Engineering Supplemental Agreement Letters With SEH, Inc. for 2023 Improvement Projects (f) Consideration for Approval of Premises Permit Application for Brownton Baseball Association at River House Kitchen + Drinks (g) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Temporary Liquor License to Bobbing Bobber Brewing Company on November 25, 2022 (h) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. - NONE COMMUNICATIONS RE UESTS AND PETITIONS (The purpose o this portion oJ the agenda is to provide the ounci with information necessary to craft wise policy. Includes items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities) UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 8. APPROVE/DENY FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 22-835 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 95 9. APPROVE/DENY SETTING BUDGET WORKSHOP (ENTERPRISE FUNDS) FOR NOVEMBER 22, 2022, AT 4:00 P.M. GOVERNANCE e purpose o t is portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items) 10. MINUTES/REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS (a) Hutchinson Utilities Commission Minutes from August 31, 2022 (b) City of Hutchinson Financial Report and Investment Report for September 2022 (c) Public Arts Commission Minutes from September 14, 2022 (d) Planning Commission Minutes from September 20, 2022 (e) Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Board Minutes from September 20, 2022 MISCELLANEOUS 11. STAFF UPDATES 12. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE ADJOURNMENT 2 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2022 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS (The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: City policy and practices, inputfrom constituents, and other questions or information that has not yet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Gary Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were Pat May, Mary Christensen, Chad Czmowski and Dave Sebesta. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 2. INVOCATION — River of Hope Church (The invocation is a voluntary expression of theprivate citizen, to and for the City Council, and is not intended to affiliate the City Council with, or express the City Council's preference or, any religious/spiritual organization. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previous y reviewed or approved by the Council or staff) 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY (a) Resolution No. 15497 — Accepting Cash Donations for Fireman's Park Project Motion by May, second by Christensen, to approve Resolution No. 15497. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENTS (T is is an opportunity or members of the public to address the City Council. If the topic you would like to discuss is on the agenda, please ask the Mayor if he will be acceptingpublic comments during the agenda item if not a public hearing. Ifyou have a question, concern or comment, please ask to be recognized by the mayor —state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speakfor more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, butplease refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL Tony Rancour, 1042 8 h Avenue SW, presented before the Council. Mr. Rancour addressed the Council regarding a water line issue he had last winter. The issue was from the curb to his home, therefore he is responsible for the costs of the repair according to City Code, which is a little over $1000.00. Mr. Rancour requested that the Council consider updating/revising the code as it was adopted 13 years ago and inflation should now be considered. 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Regular Meeting of September 27, 2022 Motion by Czmowski, second by May, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — October 11, 2022 (The items listed for consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (a) Affirmation of Board Appointments/Reappointments 1. Reappointment of Andy Nissen and Steve Hahn to Airport Commission to September 2025 2. Reappointment of Deb Card and Mark Hanneman to Bicycle -Pedestrian Committee to August 2025 3. Appointment of Tracy Marquardt to Bicycle -Pedestrian Committee to August 2024 4. Reappointment of Patrick Hiltner to Public Arts Commission to August 2025 5. Reappointment of Mark Lansink to PRCE Board to August 2025 (b) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 15496 - Resolution Appointing Election Judges for General Election (c) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 15498 — Resolution Setting Interest Rate for the 2022 Adopted Assessment Rolls (d) Consideration for Approval of Change Order No. 7 — Letting No. 1, Project No. 22-01 (2022 Pavement Management Program) (e) Consideration for Approval of Spooky Spring Event on October 29, 2022 (f) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments Motion by Christensen, second by May, to approve consent agenda. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. APPROVE/DENY ORDINANCE NO. 22-831 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 54 (STORM WATER MANAGEMENT) OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE ADDING LANGUAGE IN SECTION 54.03 (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) John Paulson, Project/Environmental/Regulatory Manager, presented before the Council. Mr. Paulson reviewed the proposed revisions to the ordinance which are required to continue to meet the requirements of the City's MS4 permit. The changes are related to chloride management to reduce discharges of chlorides to public waters in accordance with state permit requirements. Mr. Paulson also provided a presentation on chlorides - the benefits, the concerns and how they can be reduced. Motion by Christensen, second by Sebesta, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Czmowski, second by Sebesta, to approve second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 22-831. Motion carried unanimously. purpose o this portion o the agenda is to provi e t e ounci with information necessary to craft wise policy. ides items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities.) 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — October 11, 2022 9. UPDATE ON CURBSIDE ORGANICS (SSOM) COLLECTION PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OUTREACH CAMPAIGN PROJECT Andy Kosek, Creekside Manager, presented before the Council. Mr. Kosek introduced staff from Amplify for Change, a consultant group that focuses on behavioral changes, to design and implement the educational outreach campaign for the curbside organics collection program. Creekside's main goal is to minimize contamination and create awareness to the curbside organics collection program. This project is funded by an MPCA awarded grant. Betsy Lipson, Amplify for Change, presented before the Council. Ms. Lipson reviewed the goals of the project which are to increase the number of households that set out their organics cart and reduce contamination. The community engagement part of the project has included a survey (of which over 600 residents responded to), four one -hour resident interviews and two focus groups meeting this week. Ms. Lipson shared some survey results and survey comments. Mimi Shah, Amplify for Change, shared highlights and feedback received from the interviews held. Ms. Shah noted that following the interviews and focus group meetings, a findings report will be completed, an outreach/education strategy and plan will be developed, an evaluation/monitoring plan will be developed and a campaign guide will be developed for other Minnesota municipalities that models Creekside's program. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10. APPROVE/DENY ORDINANCE NO. 22-832 -AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 154.142 (E) AND (F) OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE REGARDING SIGNS PERMITTED IN THE MAIN STREET AREA DISTRICT AND DOWNTOWN DESIGN REVIEW (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) Dan Jochum, Planning Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Jochum explained that currently murals require a conditional use permit from the City to be put on a building. Community members have expressed that they feel the requirements for a CUP are excessive and the cost and the time it takes to go through the process is hindering more creative projects in the downtown area. Staff has discovered that murals are regulated in many different ways throughout the state. Some communities regulate murals through their sign ordinance and require some type of permit to put up a mural. Generally, sign ordinances regulate commercial signage. Some communities, like Hutchinson, regulate murals which is art and not advertising. Staff does have concerns that it may not be legal to regulate artwork if there are not "design standards" for the Downtown Zoning District that would regulate the appearance of everything in downtown. Also, the current sign ordinance references a Downtown Design Review Committee. The Committee has not been active for more than 10-20 years and was developed from the Downtown Plan of 2002 but never became active. Staff is recommending striking any reference to the Downtown Design Review Committee and utilizing the standards set forth in the zoning ordinance to regulate signs. Motion by May, second by Sebesta, to approve second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 22- 832. Motion carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — October 11, 2022 11. APPROVE/DENY ORDINANCE NO. 22-833 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 154.064 (E)(2) AND 154.067 (E)(2) OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE REGARDING MINIMUM LOT SIZES (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) Dan Jochum, Planning Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Jochum explained that staff has updated the lot dimensions in the I-1 and C-4 districts as discussed at the Planning Commission meeting in August. Lot sizes are required to be one acre in size however staff is recommending more flexibility in lot depth and width due to rising land and infrastructure costs. In the I-1 district the width was reduced from 200 feet to 150 feet and the depth was reduced from 250 feet to 200 feet. In the C-4 district the width was reduced from 200 feet to 125 feet. The lot depth remains unchanged at 180 feet. Motion by Christensen, second by Sebesta, to approve second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 22-833. Motion carried unanimously. 12. APPROVE/DENY ORDINANCE NO. 22-834 - AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 490 HWY 7 EAST TO I-1 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) AS REQUESTED BY WILDFLOWER PROPERTIES, LLC, PROPERTY OWNER WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) Dan Jochum, Planning Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Jochum explained that Wildflower Properties has applied for a rezoning of the south lot at 490 Hwy 7 East that was approved for a lot split in August. The applicant has applied to rezone the property to I-1, light industrial, from C-4, fringe commercial. The lot was approved to be split and the southern parcel is proposed to be zoned I-1, light industrial, hence the rezoning request. The adjacent property to the south is currently zoned I-1, light industrial. Motion by May, second by Sebesta, to approve second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 22- 834. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS 13. APPROVE/DENY AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 15403 - 2022 PART TIME/SEASONAL/TEMPORARY PAY SCHEDULE Kellie Wendland, Human Resources Director, presented before the Council. Ms. Wendland explained that the request is to make some adjustments on the part time/seasonal/temporary pay schedule. These adjustments include adding the title "Seasonal Ice Arena Worker" to the pay schedule/grid and place it in Level C. In addition, the title of "Ice Arena Worker" will be added to the pay schedule for those employees that serve in a capacity where they are required to be 18 and are also required to operate ice resurfacing equipment. Employees that serve as "Arena Attendant" are under the age of 18. In addition, the title "Seasonal Arena Lead Worker" will be retitled to "Seasonal Lead Ice Arena Worker" and will be placed in Level C, however will be * to allow for additional compensation for additional responsibilities. "Seasonal Arena Lead Worker" will have the title adjusted to better match the newly titled "Ice Arena Worker". This position would also fall in Level C and be * to allow for additional compensation for additional lead responsibilities. Motion by Czmowski, second by Sebesta, to approve amendment to Resolution No. 15403. Motion carried unanimously. F1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — October 11, 2022 GOVERNANCE (T e purpose o t is portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) 14. MINUTES/REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS (a) Economic Development Authority Board Minutes from August 24, 2022 (b) Liquor Hutch Quarterly Report (c) Tall Grass/Noxious Weed Report for August & September 2022 (d) October Project Summary MISCELLANEOUS 15. STAFF UPDATES Tom Gifferson — Chief Gifferson spoke about the process for the police department to obtain a permit from the DNR to harvest turkeys that are in the city. John Olson — Mr. Olson spoke about the leaf vacuum program that began today. John Paulson — Mr. Paulson spoke about brush removal and clean up that has been done by some local fishermen at the South Grade Road bridge area. Mr. Paulson also addressed a question from a student in the audience about pollution in the Crow River. Mr. Paulson spoke about actions and projects the City is undertaking to improve water quality of the Crow River. Marc Sebora — Mr. Sebora explained that earlier this month the Hutchinson Police Department designated an animal as dangerous and ordered it to be destroyed due to a specific incident that occurred. Under city code, the animal owner has the option to request a hearing appealing the designation and has done so. This hearing must be held in front of the City Council. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to set dangerous animal designation hearing for October 25, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Matt Jaunich — Mr. Jaunich noted that a candidate forum is being held tomorrow beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. These candidates are running for city and county local offices. Mr. Jaunich also addressed the fees put on utility bills for sewer repairs as was discussed earlier tonight and staff is considering increasing those fees. 16. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE ADJOURNMENT Motion by May, second by Czmowski, to adjourn at 6:40 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. KA HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Items for Roberts Rd SW (L1/P23-01) Agenda Item: Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 10/25/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: John Olson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: John Olson Reviewed by Staff Fvl Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: City staff requests that the City Council approve the appropriate Resolutions to set a Public Hearing for the above referenced project letting during their November 22nd meeting. Please note that City staff will be communicating project related information (including estimated assessment amounts) to adjacent property owners and hopefully address any questions/concerns prior to the forthcoming Public Hearing. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolutions Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: HUTCHINSON PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING City of Hutchinson Public Works Department Engineering 111 Hassan St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone (320) 234-4212 Fax (320) 234-4240 FEASIBILITY STUDY & ENGINEERING REPORT DATE: October 25, 2022 TO: Honorable Mayor & City Council members FROM: John Olson, interim Public Works Director PROJECT: Roberts Rd SW (Alan St SW to Dale St SW) partial reconstruction Having studied the following proposed improvement, Public Works staff finds that the proposed project is feasible and recommend that it be constructed: L1/P23-01 Roberts Rd SW (Alan St SW to Roberts Rd SW) partial reconstruction by construction of water main, trail, roadway and appurtenances. ESTIMATED COSTS TOTAL Construction Cost $ 1,733,110 Engineering 259,967 Administration 103,987 TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS $ 2,097,064 ESTIMATED FUNDING TOTAL Assessments $ 105,644 City - GO Improvement Bond 808,120 City - Water Funds 198,500 City - Wastewater Funds 10,300 City - Stormwater Funds 74,500 Municipal State Aid 900,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDING $ 2,097,064 , fk 'k IL t F . . . . r'w y ISO. a - 1 �.7 . . . . . . t ES 1. r4z j If I I 1 $:13:132 PM '4 t. III '--:OS6'OOD-;-AVE 7 —TH &10 L ,_QMASA �kj .lo. I'!;. , �bf* -I IF, A [ F-1 JUL,RDS )BERTS'RD'SW 4" %CN7—A �A S K16 hbi 1. LZ 17 MIT 4 KIM P1 A 'MILWAUKEE AVESW��—';, � 71-F-1 co 0, 40, all, id INAW 7f GOEBEL ST SW Co OF IS -r- �,s k1l LL, cc ILLJ z S Al" 0 D 0-J W RESOLUTION NO. 15499 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 1/PROJECT NO. 23-01 WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve: Roberts Rd SW: (Alan St SW to Dale St SW) Roadway partial reconstruction and water utility infrastructure installation by construction of water main, storm sewer, drain tile, surface reclamation/removal, grading, aggregate base, select granular borrow, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances; and to assess the benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the proposed improvement, called Letting No. 1/Project No. 23-01, be referred to the Engineer for study and that that person is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible; whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement; the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended; and a description of the methodology used to calculate individual assessments for affected parcels. Adopted by the Council this 25th day of October 2022. Mayor: Gary Forcier City Administrator: Matthew Jaunich PUBLICATION NO. 8476 NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 1/PROJECT NO. 23-01 (L1/P23-01) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers at the Hutchinson City Center, 111 Hassan St SE, Hutchinson, MN, at 6:00 pm on the 22nd day of November 2022, to consider the making of an improvement of Letting No. 1/Project No. 23-01, an improvement of: Roberts Rd SW: (Alan St SW to Dale St SW) Roadway partial reconstruction and water utility infrastructure installation by construction of water main, storm sewer, drain tile, surface reclamation/removal, grading, aggregate base, select granular borrow, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 429.011 to 429.111. The estimated City cost of said improvement is $1,991,420.00 and an estimated Assessable cost of $105,644.00 for the total estimated cost of $2,097,064.00. A reasonable estimate of the impact of the assessment will be available at the hearing. Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated: 10/25/2022 Matthew Jaunich, City Administrator PLEASE NOTE: IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THIS HEARING, WHETHER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROJECT, IN ORDER THAT YOUR COUNCIL CAN BE BETTER INFORMED OF A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF OPINION. PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2022 AND ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2022. KA HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Items for Jefferson St SE (1-4/P23-05) Agenda Item: Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 10/25/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: John Olson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: John Olson Reviewed by Staff Fvl Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: City staff requests that the City Council approve the appropriate Resolutions to set a Public Hearing for the above referenced project letting during their November 22nd meeting. Please note that City staff will be communicating project related information (including estimated assessment amounts) to adjacent property owners and hopefully address any questions/concerns prior to the forthcoming Public Hearing. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolutions Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: HUTCHINSON PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING City of Hutchinson Public Works Department Engineering 111 Hassan St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone (320) 234-4212 Fax (320) 234-4240 FEASIBILITY STUDY & ENGINEERING REPORT DATE: October 25, 2022 TO: Honorable Mayor & City Council members FROM: John Olson, interim Public Works Director PROJECT: Jefferson St SE - County Road 25 Having studied the following proposed improvement, Public Works staff finds that the proposed project is feasible and recommend that it be constructed: 1-4/1323-05 Jefferson St SE (Construction from Airport Rd SW to Edmonton Ave SE) Cooperative project with McLeod County by construction of roadway and trail. ESTIMATED COSTS TOTAL Construction Cost $ 605,250 Engineering 90,788 Administration 36,315 TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS $ 732,353 ESTIMATED FUNDING TOTAL Assessments $ 37,011 City - GO Improvement Bond 648,142 City - Water Funds - City - Wastewater Funds - City - Stormwater Funds 47,200 TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDING $ 732,353 -s GRANT AVE SE 0 ff 6M CoNt6 q AVE t w 0 OTTAWA AVE SE OUTHFORK CIRCLE -I'-' 71 - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - 7.. aei IS TORONTO -BLVD -:5 Ilk -------------- McLeod County --AIRPORT ROAD RESOLUTION NO. 15501 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 4/PROJECT NO. 23-05 WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve: Jefferson St SE (Airport Rd — Edmonton Ave SE) Roadway partial reconstruction by construction of storm sewer, drain tile, surface reclamation/removal, grading, aggregate base, select granular borrow, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances, and and to assess the benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the proposed improvement, called Letting No. 4/Project No. 23-05, be referred to the Engineer for study and that that person is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible; whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement; the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended; and a description of the methodology used to calculate individual assessments for affected parcels. Adopted by the Council this 25th day of October 2022. Mayor: Gary Forcier City Administrator: Matthew Jaunich RESOLUTION NO. 15502 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 4/PROJECT NO. 23-05 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Council adopted October 25, 2022, a report has been prepared by John Olson, Interim Public Works Director with reference to the following proposed improvements: Jefferson St SE (Airport Rd — Edmonton Ave SE) Roadway partial reconstruction by construction of storm sewer, drain tile, surface reclamation/removal, grading, aggregate base, select granular borrow, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances, and said report was received by the Council on October 25, 2022, and WHEREAS, the report provides information regarding whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible; whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement; the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended; and a description of the methodology used to calculate individual assessments for affected parcels. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such street(s) in accordance with the report and the assessment of abutting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429 at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $732,353.00. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 22nd day of November 2022, at the Hutchinson City Center at 6:00 PM and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 25th day of October 2022. Mayor: Gary Forcier City Administrator: Matthew Jaunich PUBLICATION NO. 8477 NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 4/PROJECT NO. 23-05 (L4/P23-05) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers at the Hutchinson City Center, 111 Hassan St SE, Hutchinson, MN, at 6:00 pm on the 22nd day of November 2022, to consider the making of an improvement of Letting No. 4/Project No. 23-05, an improvement of: Jefferson St SE (Airport Rd — Edmonton Ave SE) Roadway partial reconstruction by construction of storm sewer, drain tile, surface reclamation/removal, grading, aggregate base, select granular borrow, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 429.011 to 429.111. The estimated City cost of said improvement is $37,011.00 for the total estimated cost of $732,353.00. will be available at the hearing. Such persons as improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated: 10/25/2022 $695,342.00 and an estimated Assessable cost of A reasonable estimate of the impact of the assessment desire to be heard with reference to the proposed Matthew Jaunich, City Administrator PLEASE NOTE: IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THIS HEARING, WHETHER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROJECT, IN ORDER THAT YOUR COUNCIL CAN BE BETTER INFORMED OF A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF OPINION. PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2022 AND ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2022. HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT FOR RAVENWOOD SOUTH Agenda Item: Department: Planning LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 10/25/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Dan Jochum Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Dan Jochum Reviewed by Staff ❑� Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: The applicant has submitted a four -lot final plat application for a portion of the undeveloped land located on Block 2 Lot 3 of the original Ravenwood Plat. The remainder of the property will be platted into an Outlot. The preliminary plat the City approved for this area was for the entire area of Block 2 Lots 2 and 3, however, the developer is only moving forward with the final plat for four lots at this time. The four lots proposed for final platting have utility services available off Bluejay Drive SW. Nobody from the public spoke regarding this request. The Planning Commission had general questions about utility connections and open space requirements. Also discussion regarding Airport Zone A and ensuring homes or portions of homes are not built within Airport Zone A. After brief discussion the Planning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the Final Plat for Ravenwood South. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of final plat. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A CITY OF HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 15503 RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT AND REASONS FOR APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR RAVENWOOD SOUTH. FACTS 1. Bonneville Land & Cattle LLC is the owner of 1220 Blackhawk Dr SW; and, 2. The subject property is legally described as: Lot 3, Block 2, Ravenwood 3. Bonneville Land & Cattle LLC has applied for a four -lot final plat, located at 1220 Blackhawk Dr SW, Hutchinson, MN, to be known as Ravenwood South. 4. The Planning Commission met on October 18, 2022 and held a public hearing on the request and considered the effects of the proposal on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and hereby recommends approval of the request subject to the following findings and conditions: a. The applicants shall record the final plat with McLeod County prior to any building permits being issued. b. Each lot will require a separate utility service. c. Moving or relocating utility services will be at the property owner's expense. d. Applicant must coordinate with Hutchinson Utilities to ensure each lot can be properly serviced with gas and electric. If necessary, easement will need to be developed to accommodate these utilities. e_ SAC/WAC charges will be due at the time building permits are issued_ f. Any assessments will need to be paid prior to the issuance of building permits. g. Not buildings are allowed in Airport Zone A, including roof overhangs. h. Airport Zone A shall be identified with stakes or lath during home building to ensure homes are not encroaching Airport Zone A. 5. The City Council of the City of Hutchinson reviewed the request at its meeting on October 25, 2022 and has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and hereby does recommend approval of the final plat of Southfork Ridge Fourth Addition subject to the following findings and conditions: a. The applicants shall record the final plat with McLeod County prior to any building permits being issued. b. Each lot will require a separate utility service. c. Moving or relocating utility services will be at the property owner's expense. d. Applicant must coordinate with Hutchinson Utilities to ensure each lot can be properly serviced with gas and electric. If necessary, easement will need to be developed to accommodate these utilities. e. SAC/WAC charges will be due at the time building permits are issued. f. Any assessments will need to be paid prior to the issuance of building permits. g. Not buildings are allowed in Airport Zone A, including roof overhangs. h. Airport Zone A shall be identified with stakes or lath during home building to ensure homes are not encroaching Airport Zone A. Findings of Fact — Resolution # 15503 Ravenwood South Final Plat Page 2 APPLICABLE LAW 6. The final plat request meets the following standards as required in Sections 153.050—153.051 of the City of Hutchinson Municipal Code. CONCLUSIONS OF THE LAW 7. The requested plat is consistent with the comprehensive plan and applicable ordinances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the final plat for Ravenwood South is approved. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of October, 2022. ATTEST: Matthew Jaunich Gary T. Forcier City Administrator Mayor DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Dan Jochum, AICP Date: October 14, for October 18, 2022, Planning Commission Meeting Application: CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT FOR RAVENWOOD SOUTH Applicant: BONNEVILLE LAND AND CATTLE CO LLC, APPLICANT FINAL PLAT OF RAVENWOOD SOUTH Brief Description The applicant has submitted a four -lot final plat application for a portion of the undeveloped land located on Block 2 Lot 3 of the original Ravenwood Plat. The remainder of the property will be platted into an Outlot. The preliminary plat the City approved for this area was for the entire area of Block 2 Lots 2 and 3, however, the developer is only moving forward with the final plat for four lots at this time. The four lots proposed for final platting have utility services available off Bluejay Drive SW. 1 CENTURY N = ' - _ * Indicates property described in this notice �- BLUEJAY DR SW ANN:. 1220 1201 A Final Plat — Ravenwood South Planning Commission—10-18-22 Page 2 Existing Zoning: Property Location: Lot Size: Existing Land Use: Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Zoning History: Applicable Regulations: Transportation: Physical Characteristics: Analysis: GENERAL INFORMATION R-3 PD (Medium -High Density Residential District) Block 2 Lot 3 Ravenwood —12 Acres Vacant R-2 (Medium Density Residential District), R-3 (Medium -High Density Residential District), R-3 PD (Medium -High Density Planned Development Residential District) Medium Density Residential Neighborhood Originally platted as Ravenwood 11/16/1999 in the R-3 Zoning District. City Code of Ordinances Sections 153.50 — 153.51 The lots will be accessed off Bluejay Dr. SW. This area of the development is adjacent to Bluejay Dr. SW and was pre -graded with the original development to accommodate housing. The final plat as presented appear to meet the requirements of the subdivision and zoning ordinances. The minimum lot area for this district (R-3) is 5,000 square feet, of which these lots will meet. For twin homes, of which these will be, the minimum lot width is 40 feet per side or 80 feet total per twin home building. All of the lot sizes appear to be appropriate and consistent with the zoning ordinance. It should be noted that this Final Plat consists of four lots and an Outlot (Outlot A). As Outlot A is further developed it will need to conform to the Preliminary Plat the City approved in June of 2022. The developer is starting with the four lots that already have sewer and water connection and street access available. Utilities will be located in the front yard of the proposed lots within the street. Storm sewer lines are in place and the drainage flows to the existing stormwater pond to the southwest. The attached construction plans show all of the details related to utilities (please only refer to construction plans for the proposed 4 lots). Driveways and access will be off Bluejay Dr. SW. Lastly, it is important to note that Zone A of the Airport Zoning District touches lot 1. No portion of any building may be within Airport Zone A, including roof overhangs. The line of Airport Zone A should be staked during construction to ensure nothing is built within this area. Final Plat Review Criteria After the submittal of the final plat, the Planning Commission shall recommend approval or disapproval of the plat. Failure of the Planning Commission to act upon the final plat shall be deemed a recommendation of approval Final Plat — Ravenwood South Planning Commission—10-18-22 Page 3 of the plat. If plat disapproval is recommended, the grounds for disapproval shall be stated in the records of the Planning Commission. A plat shall not be recommended for approval unless it: (a) Conforms to the preliminary plat; (b) Conforms to the design standards set forth in this chapter; (c) Conforms to the adopted Comprehensive Plan; and (d) Is in accordance with all requirements and laws of this state. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the final plat subject to the following conditions. 1. The applicants shall record the final plat with McLeod County prior to any building permits being issued. 2. Each lot will require a separate utility service. 3. Moving or relocating utility services will be at the property owner's expense. 4. Applicant must coordinate with Hutchinson Utilities to ensure each lot can be properly served with gas and electric. If necessary, easement will need to be development to accommodate these utilities. 5. SAC/WAC charges will be due at the time building permits are issued. 6. Any assessments will need to be paid prior to the issuance of building permits. 7. No buildings are allowed in Airport Zone A, including roof overhangs. 8. Airport Zone A shall be identified with stakes or lath during home building to ensure homes are not encroaching Airport Zone A. RAVENWOOD SOUTH - T- ra sz �IVF7'1­11� 'R (Y_' C) rx —0,T4 m— - ------------------------------- 11 'IT m ® 1 .`tee �, E�.mM, m. Poe an uEwwxam comer}- 20' Vicinity Map SCC. 12.. T I M R. JO o nZT 9 �P Preliminary Plat of RAVENWOOD SOUTH BF, 14 RAVENWOOD SOUTH PRELIMINARY PLAT BONNEVILLE LAND & CATTLE, LLC HUTCHINSON, MN SHEETNO. 1 OF 3 SHEETS °° 21-0568 q D —7— Ell---- I 2 i i T. Z.. rM I I Z Ell 1.111 1 1 L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JI T----7 - - - - - - 14 E"=' It- -77� ---- ---------- ----------- ---------- 8 ---------- ----- ---- 5 12 �—TALL "�'EJCA"OF� OEF'A_U�DE-0- 9 [� IRIM TO 1-- 11 CO-CIR SlILL L - - - - - - - - - - - Pond - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TST_0' 7 T.LL I.-i c� M -T- -E-... -L- P Pond X\ '10 1, 8 S�O A�4LL� C� '"IH 1pERA 2 o� OLITLOTA FZ, �E- .-CL��t E D -E- �H�ENIS�`IAE.PTLUEMBZ� 18 T� x. �l - IIP THLE. --l. Bl -1. IL MV.'Z- IL �l A\1 12 15 17 =o=-Ma .1 R � ­S=NIAl .1 1 14 1 �T= -PIR Pl- .1 1- I E I. -LE. TH M1.1- I L L - - - Lll� M-11v RAVENWOOD SOUTH PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN BONNEVILLE LAND & CATTLE, LLC 21-0568 HUTCHINSON, MN SHEET NO. 2 OF 3 SHEETSn"E�3-24-22 \ a_r x I I, I oc✓ r / n/r rr-rr r rn nrli .r/ / n n��J ti(j SCAL[ i' S0" I� em• `• / rmv° w .m 9I r°ro- ® een°tea c:memq .sa.M ywwe 5 6 �. 24' I 51— 15 "e� r«• °ter - _ ``� mnr en�nxaooty ea,•ra: man• ae urr, E r � � v.�nee oem°ye a,° guar E°,errd,< 'tea, I o Ia I �- ram• o ❑ x I � w 22 xi a a� q 12 i°0Y B, -' �. eM .ee� rnree v,.enear Po nd a �I n f 1 s -msa.o� fir° ❑ 7 �8�10�a T -- Ir«�.r �x°xo / xr«.,, s° `I�\r \ a °� n gx } sx,xE«w°,nx.•r. EOE«.,«. ° al I r _r is �Ix jI OUTLOTA� / A �\ �, � °= ( +I r«era I 13 n f /aye «mac - - '%i: �.. k xvEe +s _ ray. ��� -- \ w = �•i — - — — _ _ _ _ � i xr«z« aaxorr aow 7 /rP\ ��// w•ss rs w°m.ex xroue� � / � xr«aa•-owores sir /weE RAVENWOOD SOUTH « PRELIMINARY GRADING & BONNEVILLE LAND &CATTLE, LLC EROSION CONTROL PLAN 21-0566 `� '•'�"•� HUTCHINSON, MN SHEET NO. 3 OF 3 SHEETS `"" 3-24-22 KA HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Resolution 15504 - Special Assessment Certification to McLeod County Agenda Item: Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 10/25/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Justin Juergensen Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff Fvl Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 1 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Attached is the annual certification of special assessments to be sent to McLeod County for collection in 2023. The list includes the current year of each assessment roll along with delinquent Water & Sewer utility bills and/or weed removal bills. The special assessment dollars collected in 2023 will be recorded in the appropriate debt fund and used to pay the 2023 debt service on the City's bonded debt. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution 15504 for special assessments to be certified to McLeod County for collection in 2023. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A RESOLUTION NO. 15504 RESOLUTION FOR CERTIFICATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FROM THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON TO MCLEOD COUNTY AUDITOR BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MN; This is to certify that the following embraces all unpaid assessments levied by the City Council of Hutchinson, MN under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, various assessments of the City of Hutchinson, to be levied and assessed upon the properties as listed on the "Exhibit A" for the following purposes for the current year and as required under Minn. Stat. § 429.061, a copy of this Resolution along with the attached "Exhibit A" shall be provided to the McLeod County Auditor Activation of 2006 deferred assessment for TH 7/15/22 - 7 10 5079G 2006 $ 8,617.30 111306-01 SM/SS/W/ST Activation of deferred assessments & unpaid water bills 5 5 5096C/D 2018 $ 4,769.33 Multiple (2011-2017) at 455 & 465 Water St NW 2013 Pavement Mgmt - Grove St SW, Brown St SW, Glen St SW, Franklin St SW, Division Ave SW - ST 10 10 5104 2013 $ 7,158.55 1-31313-03 OVERLAY/REHAB 10 10 5105 2013 $ 16,512.94 L1P13-01 Jefferson St SE - Washington to Oakland - SS/W/ST 2013 Pavement Mgmt - CO#2 - Milwaukee & Miller - ST 10 10 5107 2013 $ 201.60 1-31313-03 OVERLAY/REHAB Lynn Rd SW - Washington to Clinton - ST 9 10 5108 2014 $ 10,518.75 L2P14-02 OVERLAY/REHAB 9 10 5109 2014 $ 34,459.64 111314-01 Jefferson St SE - Oakland to Century - SM/SS/W/St 2014 Pavement Mgmt - Dale, TH 15 Service Rd, Freemont, Lynn, Michael Ct NW, HHC Parking Lot -ST 9 10 5110 2014 $ 11,408.77 L3P14-03 MILL/OVERLAY/RECLAIM 2015 Pavement Mgmt - Shady Ridge Rd N W & Golf 8 10 5111 2015 $ 5,148.00 1-31315-03 Course Rd NW - SM/SS/W/ST 8 10 5112 2015 $ 23,511.96 L1P15-01 2nd Ave SE - Main to Bridge - SM/ST 2016 Pavement Mgmt — Linden, Madson, Milwaukee, 7 10 5113 2016 $ 89,733.22 111316-01 Church, West Shore — W/SS/SM School Rd SW & Roberts Rd SW Reconstruction - ST 6 10 5115 2017 $ 17,502.78 L2P17-02 RECONST/RECLAIM Century Ave SE Reconstruction - 5 10 5118 2018 $ 25,519.66 111318-01 G/GB/CG/SM/SS/WM/ST Alley #17 - Alley from Milwaukee Ave SW to Miller Ave 5 10 5119 2018 $ 14,139.86 171318-07 SW (Between Glen St & Franklin St) 2018 Pavement Mgmt - Northwoods Ave NE, 11th Ave 5 10 5120 2018 $ 82,126.35 141318-04 NE, Spruce St NE 4 10 5121 2019 $ 31,241-43 L1P19-01 5th Ave S Reconstruction - Lynn Rd to Bridge 4 10 5123 2019 $ 51,951.57 121319-02 South Grade Rd Reconstruction - Dale St to TH15 Main St Reconstruction & T.H. ADA & Overlay - Airport 2 10 5124 2021 $ 212,514.05 L1P20-01 Rd S (CSAH 115) to 2nd Ave N - M/G/CG/DI/ST/W/SS 2021 Pavement Mgmt - Harrington, Clinton, Merrill, 2 10 5125 2021 $ 161,902.87 111321-01 Churh, Lyndale - G/CG/BS/S/SL/L 2 10 5126 2021 $ 19,896.99 L10P21-10 Jefferson St Extension & 1st Ave N Improvements 2022 Pavement Mgmt - Recon/Rehab streets to east of 10 5127 2022 $ 106,758.60 L1P22-01 Rec Center BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the following unpaid water, sewer, weed cutting, snow removal and tree removal bills to be certified to the McLeod County Auditor for collection with 2023 taxes. 12-116-30-06-0330 1182 BLACKBIRD DR SW $119.53 23.444.0210 07-116-29-11-1670 1360 BRADFORD ST SE $148.79 23.466.0770 06-116-29-12-0210 540 BROWN ST SW $94.00 23.143.0310 06-116-29-12-0170 571 BROWN ST SW $83.12 23.143.0270 07-116-29-06-0081 14 CENTURY AVE SE $122.23 23.229.0100 07-116-29-06-0010 56 CENTURY AVE SE $28.03 23.229.0020 07-116-29-12-0230 24 DENVER AVE SE $90.31 23.511.0010 07-116-29-12-0200 48 DENVER AVE SE $70.25 23.504.0030 07-116-29-12-0190 72 DENVER AVE SE $78.86 23.504.0020 07-116-29-11-1900 96 DENVER AVE SE $76.66 23.504.0010 06-116-29-13-0090 987 ECHO DR SE $22.30 23.212.0030 06-116-29-13-0090 991 ECHO DR SE $40.77 23.212.0030 06-116-29-11-0090 585 FRANKLIN ST SW $65.78 23.143.0080 06-116-29-11-0930 805 FRANKLIN ST SW $76.76 23.151.0040 06-116-29-12-0090 565 GLEN ST SW $86.81 23.143.0190 06-116-29-12-0940 736 GLEN ST SW $116.11 23.145.0540 07-116-29-09-0770 425 GRANT AVE SE $237.93 23.455.0570 06-116-29-04-0140 6 GROVE ST SW $96.35 23.050.0830 06-116-29-12-0340 564 GROVE ST SW $121.38 23.143.0460 06-116-29-12-0590 613 GROVE ST SW $89.44 23.145.0090 06-116-29-12-1090 717 GROVE ST SW $102.87 23.145.0690 06-116-29-13-0360 820 GROVE ST SW $170.38 23.155.0020 06-116-29-13-0400 860 GROVE ST SW $115.15 23.155.0060 06-116-29-03-1030 209 HASSAN UNIT #2 UPSTAIRS ST SE $92.40 23.050.2130 06-116-29-06-0750 546 HASSAN ST SE $80.11 23.050.4690 12-116-30-01-0060 1094 HWY 15 S 102 $21.44 23.400.0040 12-116-30-01-0030 1100 HWY 15 S $30.49 23.400.0010 12-116-30-09-0070 1340 HWY 15 S $12.75 23.325.0070 06-116-29-13-0100 945 HWY 15 S $16.17 23.499.0010 06-116-29-11-0770 723IVY LN SE $93.51 23.149.0160 06-116-29-03-0130 18JEFFERSON ST SE $208.41 23.050.0440 07-116-29-02-0040 1115 JEFFERSON ST SE $90.48 23.230.0040 07-116-29-08-0090 1393 JEFFERSON ST SE $247.30 23.230.0220 31-117-29-14-0580 8 MAIN - BAKERY ST N $89.37 23.056.3670 06-116-29-11-0370 557 MAIN ST S $160.69 23.147.0270 06-116-29-11-0050 578 MAIN ST S $76.88 23.143.0040 06-116-29-11-0620 655 MAIN ST S $102.57 23.149.0010 06-116-29-11-0910 817 MAIN ST S $115.58 23.149.0370 07-116-29-03-0200 1037 SHERWOOD ST SE $130.09 23.160.0030 07-116-29-10-0180 1339 SHERWOOD ST SE $141.76 23.445.0290 07-116-29-09-0450 1340 SOUTHFORK DR SE $92.74 23.455.0250 08-116-29-12-0030 1365 SOUTHFORK DR SE $133.55 23.455.0110 07-116-29-07-0740 1273 SUNBURST WAY SE $145.45 23.441.0130 31-117-29-15-0780 45 WASHINGTON AVE E $135.26 23.054.0010 O1-116-30-01-0610 633 2ND AVE SW $79.28 23.112.0420 O1-116-30-08-0310 505 4TH AVE SW $77.93 23.112.0860 O1-116-30-08-0440 6214TH AVE SW $177.39 23.112.1170 O1-116-30-08-0720 644 4TH AVE SW $41.17 23.174.0050 O1-116-30-07-0110 725 4TH AVE SW $30.51 23.112.1110 O1-116-30-08-0871 686 5TH AVE SW $106.00 23.124.0210 O1-116-30-08-0730 687 5TH AVE SW $74.94 23.174.0060 O1-116-30-14-0490 1022 8TH AVE SW $148.49 23.195.0850 O1-116-30-06-0510 415 ALAN ST SW $125.71 23.157.0190 12-116-30-08-0020 705 ATLANTA AVE SW $1,093.98 23.316.0020 02-116-30-09-0750 525 BARLEY ST SW $66.63 23.150.0140 02-116-30-09-0680 550 BARLEY ST SW $117.15 23.150.0070 O1-116-30-16-0600 905 CHURCH ST SW $97.42 23.133.0240 12-116-30-02-0250 905 CLEVELAND AVE SW $10.22 23.389.0180 O1-116-30-15-0220 754 CRAIG AVE SW $89.23 23.392.0180 12-116-30-03-0030 1010 DALE ST SW $92.68 23.012.1200 O1-116-30-07-0430 308 DALE ST SW $13.24 23.120.0040 O1-116-30-07-0040 315 DALE ST SW $70.76 23.112.1040 O1-116-30-10-1020 600 DALE ST SW $86.11 23.196.0110 O1-116-30-10-0900 715 DALE ST SW $65.59 23.176.0450 O1-116-30-14-0050 840 DALE ST SW $116.91 23.001.1000 O1-116-30-01-0411 646 HARMONY LN SW $147.00 23.112.0270 O1-116-30-16-0710 935 HARRINGTON ST SW $101.85 23.133.0350 O1-116-30-16-0290 934 HWY 15 S $82.99 23.164.0030 02-116-30-09-0290 530 JACKSON ST SW $88.18 23.362.0120 O1-116-30-08-1200 549 JUUL RD SW $62.96 23.169.0250 O1-116-30-08-0910 631 JUUL RD SW $59.79 23.126.0030 O1-116-30-06-0400 425 KAY ST SW $109.86 23.157.0080 O1-116-30-15-0480 944 KEITH ST SW $142.11 23.394.0080 02-116-30-08-0130 1265 LAKEVIEW LN SW $399.89 23.364.0020 02-116-30-09-0120 502 LAKEVIEW LN SW $166.02 23.358.0010 O1-116-30-07-0560 966 LEWIS AVE SW $90.65 23.172.0070 06-116-29-12-1160 437 LINDEN AVE SW $600.00 23.145.0750 O1-116-30-16-0020 550 LINDEN AVE SW $133.78 23.162.0020 O1-116-30-16-0100 525 LYNDALE AVE SW $85.54 23.162.0100 01-116-30-16-0280 900 LYNN RD SW $58.65 23.164.0020 O1-116-30-01-0290 116 LYNN RD SW $94.40 23.112.0150 O1-116-30-08-0560 420 LYNN RD SW $80.31 23.112.1290 O1-116-30-08-0570 430 LYNN RD SW $84.67 23.169.0010 O1-116-30-09-0020 564 LYNN RD SW $91.85 23.112.1630 O1-116-30-09-0310 612 LYNN RD SW $152.23 23.112.1710 06-116-29-12-0470 643 LYNN RD SW $48.50 23.144.0060 O1-116-30-09-0220 554 MADSON AVE SW $176.53 23.167.0330 O1-116-30-09-0410 676 MADSON AVE SW $110.79 23.167.0230 O1-116-30-10-0060 735 MADSON AVE SW $96.79 23.112.1550 O1-116-30-09-0730 514 MILLER AVE SW $102.16 23.130.0010 O1-116-30-09-0300 547 MILWAUKEE AVE SW $200.25 23.112.1720 O1-116-30-09-0520 572 MILWAUKEE AVE SW $59.85 23.167.0450 City Property ID Address Payoff Balance County PID # 07-116-29-12-0110 10 DENVER AVE SE B $181.95 23.488.0010 07-116-29-12-0110 10 DENVER AVE SE C $27.13 23.488.0010 07-116-29-12-0240 1375 MONTREAL ST SE $89.23 23.511.0020 O1-116-30-14-0160 1004 NEAL AVE SW $295.72 23.390.0050 O1-116-30-15-0510 914 NEAL AVE SW $50.78 23.394.0110 O1-116-30-07-0860 976 OSGOOD AVE SW $52.51 23.180.0180 02-116-30-10-0310 710 PARK ISLAND DR SW $46.24 23.447.0015 10-116-30-08-0200 1185 PRAIRIE VIEW DR SW $79.54 23.427.0080 10-116-30-08-0620 1332 PRAIRIE VIEW DR SW $90.74 23.437.0110 10-116-30-01-1090 1840 SCENIC HEIGHTS CT SW $51.77 23.435.0150 O1-116-30-14-0150 1035 S GRADE RD SW $206.84 23.390.0040 O1-116-30-15-0290 924 SUNSET ST SW $110.79 23.392.0250 02-116-30-15-0100 830 WILLOW DR SW $175.82 23.472.0210 31-117-29-11-0500 45 4TH AVE NW $177.14 23.056.1290 31-117-29-11-0241 109 4TH AVE NW $157.34 23.056.1115 31-117-29-11-0740 134 4TH AVE NW $527.07 23.056.2180 31-117-29-10-0140 1415TH AVE NE $91.85 23.056.0520 05-116-29-05-0100 1045 5TH AVE SE $16.95 23.259.0050 36-117-30-07-1200 890 7TH AVE NW $108.58 23.442.0280 31-117-29-02-0520 3410TH AVE NE $97.34 23.104.0050 31-117-29-02-0510 4410TH AVE NE $122.16 23.104.0040 25-117-30-14-0540 111013TH AVE NW $70.61 23.458.0020 25-117-30-14-0200 1140 13TH AVE NW $122.32 23.289.0040 06-116-29-07-0610 415 ADAMS ST SE $209.23 23.050.3730 06-116-29-07-0870 511 ADAMS ST SE $209.78 23.050.5130 06-116-29-10-0020 570 ADAMS ST SE $361.68 23.139.0020 36-117-30-06-1060 722 ARIZONA ST NW $177.78 23.306.0030 31-117-29-09-0770 504 BLUFF ST NE $142.05 23.084.0040 31-117-29-09-0770 514 BLUFF ST NE $80.61 23.084.0040 31-117-29-09-0570 575 BLUFF ST NE $99.48 23.056.0210 36-117-30-11-0070 445 CALIFORNIA ST NW $221.54 23.273.0010 36-117-30-11-0010 444 CALIFORNIA ST NW $360.25 23.036.5300 36-117-30-11-0350 487 CALIFORNIA ST NW $219.91 23.312.0010 36-117-30-11-0190 488 CALIFORNIA ST NW $145.96 23.310.0100 36-117-30-11-0390 495 CALIFORNIA ST NW $124.46 23.312.0050 31-117-29-09-0990 575 CARLISLE ST NE $71.19 23.086.0130 36-117-30-06-0440 1160 CAROLINA AVE NW $170.35 23.300.0380 36-117-30-07-1040 950 CAROLINA PKWY NW $99.48 23.442.0120 31-117-29-09-0940 574 CLARK ST NE $38.60 23.086.0080 31-117-29-09-0890 575 CLARK ST NE $125.37 23.086.0030 36-117-30-05-0170 860 COLORADO CIR NW $128.82 23.302.0020 02-116-30-02-0011 1330 DELAWARE ST NW $172.57 23.002.0150 06-116-29-02-0460 206 ERIE ST SE $456.28 23.050.1770 06-116-29-07-1100 525 ERIE ST SE $182.11 23.050.5360 32-117-29-14-0430 108 GARDEN RD NE $194.99 23.252.0270 31-117-29-07-0920 200 GRIFFIN AVE NE $133.60 23.088.0370 32-117-29-12-0240 311 HWY 7 E $59.64 23.056.0160 32-117-29-14-0060 524 HWY 7 E $248.62 23.248.0070 32-117-29-14-0120 700 HWY 7 E $455.08 23.248.0110 36-117-30-14-0084 1185 HWY 7 W $413.13 23.281.0030 31-117-29-12-0250 225 HWY 7 W $71.73 23.056.0830 36-117-30-16-0070 720 HWY 7 W $43.89 23.107.0020 36-117-30-09-0030 745 HWY 7 W $34.80 23.036.4500 30-117-29-15-0060 20132 HWY 15 N $11.10 23.238.0170 31-117-29-09-0240 625 HILLCREST RD NE $86.36 23.090.0120 32-117-29-14-0531 534 HILLTOP DR NE $183.28 23.253.0040 32-117-29-14-0565 564 HILLTOP DR NE $100.00 23.253.0075 06-116-29-08-0150 415 HURON ST SE $23.51 23.050.3430 06-116-29-08-0230 515 HURON ST SE $135.75 23.050.5460 31-117-29-12-0070 482 KOUWE ST NW $86.00 23.066.0010 31-117-29-10-0340 545 MAIN ST N $91.51 23.063.0060 31-117-29-07-0410 805 MAIN ST N $127.68 23.232.0010 36-117-30-09-0180 400 MARYLAND ST NW $136.92 23.453.0140 31-117-29-07-0670 29 MCLEOD AVE NE $210.17 23.088.0120 31-117-29-07-0680 31 MCLEOD AVE NE $98.56 23.088.0130 31-117-29-07-1160 99 MCLEOD AVE NE $158.34 23.088.0610 36-117-30-09-0350 445 MINNESOTA ST NW $104.04 23.453.0340 06-116-29-02-0160 106 MONROE ST SE $113.72 23.050.1420 06-116-29-02-0510 245 MONROE ST SE $168.97 23.050.1830 32-117-29-14-0720 141 MORNINGSIDE DR NE $210.00 23.253.0230 31-117-29-02-0170 126 N HIGH DR NE $116.74 23.106.0170 36-117-30-02-0270 900 N HIGH DR NW $396.57 23.309.0030 31-117-29-08-0500 405 NORTHWOODS AVE NE $107.48 23.090.0560 31-117-29-07-0830 735 OAK ST NE $165.97 23.088.0280 31-117-29-07-0510 840 OAK ST N E $65.38 23.232.0090 31-117-29-10-0740 450 ROSE LN NE $150.00 23.073.0040 36-117-30-12-0351 431 SCHOOL RD NW $10.86 23.274.0310 31-117-29-08-0410 755 SPRUCE ST NE $142.75 23.090.0470 31-117-29-08-0380 815 SPRUCE ST NE $105.15 23.090.0440 36-117-30-09-0460 710 TEXAS AVE NW $35.78 23.453.0450 31-117-29-08-0590 703 WALNUT ST NE $78.15 23.094.0050 City Property ID Address Payoff Balance County PID # 31-117-29-08-0710 805 WALNUT ST NE $112.04 23.244.0070 31-117-29-12-0270 430 WATER ST NW $623.73 23.056.0840 31-117-29-01-0070 1005 MAPLE ST NE *TR $275.00 23.238.0014 $23,714.66 Total Utility Billing to Assess Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 25th day of October 2022. Gary Forcier, Mayor Matt Jaunich, City Administrator KA HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Consideration of Engineering Supplemental Agreement Letters for 2023 projects. Agenda Item: Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 10/25/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: John Olson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: John Olson Reviewed by Staff Fvl Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Public Works is preparing for the 2023 construction season by focusing on three primary City projects: Roberts Rd SW. $89,000 L1/P23-01. Roberts Rd SW (Alan St SW - Dale St SW) partial reconstruct w/ water main 2023 Pavement Improvement Project: $38,000 L2/P22-02. Century Ave SW (Dale St SW - Boston St SW) mill -overlay L2/P23-02. School Rd NW (Golf Course Rd NW - North High Dr NW) mill -overlay L2/P22-03. Hwy 15 S (Grove St SW - Linden Ave SW) trail improvements Alley Improvements: $33,000 L3/P23-03. Alley #12 (Taco John's) construction of storm sewer, alley way L3/P23-04. Alley #55 (Fire Dept.) construction of storm sewer, alley way The City recently named Justin Black, Short -Elliot -Hendrickson, as the City Engineer. These supplemental letter agreements outline services and relative costs for engineering services specific to these projects. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Supplemental Letter Agreements with SEH for a total of $160,000. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 160,000.00 Total City Cost: $ 160,000.00 Funding Source: Identified project budgets Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Supplemental Letter Agreement In accordance with the Master Agreement for Professional Services between City of Hutchinson, Minnesota ("Client"), and Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. ("Consultant"), effective January 22, 2019, this Supplemental Letter Agreement dated October 7, 2022, authorizes and describes the scope, schedule, and payment conditions for Consultant's work on the Project described as: Roberts Road Improvements. Client's Authorized Representative: Matt Jaunich, City Administrator Address: 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson. MN 55350 Telephone: 320.234.5650 email: mjaunich@hutchinsommn.gov Project Manager: Justin Black, PE (Lic. MN) Address: 1390 Hwy 15 S, Suite 200, PO Box 308 Hutchinson. MN 55350 Telephone 952.913.0702 email: jblack@sehinc.com Scope: The Basic Services to be provided by Consultant: Project consists of partial reconstruction of street and storm sewer, replacement of water main, and trail construction on Roberts Road from Allan to Dale Street. Scope of services includes: • Project Management / Project Schedule Management • City Staff Review Meetings • Prepare / Review Topographic Base Drawing • Review Details and Construction Notes • Coordinate with Utilities • Review Street and Trail Profile Design 60% • Review water main design 60% • Review storm sewer design 60% • SEQ Review 60% • Review Street and Trail Profile Design 90% • Review water main design 90% • Review storm sewer design 90% • SEQ Review 90% • Submit for State Aid Review • Attend Neighborhood Meeting (1) • Final Plan Review • Attend Public Hearing / Assessment Hearing • Review of Special Assessments • QAQC of construction plans, specifications and quantities • Coordination with State Aid • Contractor Questions, Addendum, Bid Opening Schedule: Fall 2022-winter 2023: design and plan preparation Spring 2023: Bid Opening Services under this agreement will be complete upon opening of bids on the project. Work during the construction phase of the project will be hourly under a separate agreement. Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Supplemental Letter Agreement - 1 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer (Rev. 04.04.14aa) The lump sum fee is $89,000 including expenses and equipment. The payment method, basis, frequency and other special conditions are set forth in attached Exhibit A-1 Other Terms and Conditions: Other or additional terms contrary to the Master Agreement for Professional Services that apply solely to this project as specifically agreed to by signature of the Parties and set forth herein: Section IV(C)(1) is revised to only include the following: "The Client hereby agrees that to the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant's total liability to the Client for all injuries, claims, losses, expenses, or damages whatsoever arising out of or in any way related to the Project or this Agreement from any cause or causes including, but not limited to, Consultant's negligence, errors, omissions, strict liability, breach of contract or breach of warranty shall not exceed the amount of fees paid by Client to Consultant under this Agreement." The following provisions are added to the General Conditions: Section II(A)(8) is added as follows: "Consultant shall be entitled to use all information, plans, work -product, designs, drawings, and instruments of service furnished by the Client or others employed by the Client and shall not be liable for damages arising from use of such materials. Client shall also defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Consultant from all claims, damages, losses, and expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting from Consultant's use thereof." Section V(C)(2) is added as follows: "Client recognized that Consultant does not assume any risk or liability for previous consultant's work or services. All designs, drawings, plans, work -product, and instruments of services provided by Client or third parties on which Consultant's Instruments of Service are based are not guaranteed by Consultant; and the Client shall release Consultant from all claims arising from Consultant's use thereof. Client shall also defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Consultant from all claims, damages, losses, and expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting from Consultant's use of designs, drawings, plans, work - product, and instruments of services provided by Client or third parties." x:\fj\h\hutch\169350\1-genl\10-setup-coat\03-proposal\roberts rd recon\sla_roberts road. docx Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. By: John od berg Title: Principal/ lient Sece re Manager City of Hutchinson, Minnesota By: Title: Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Supplemental Letter Agreement - 2 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (Rev. 04.04.14aa) Exhibit A-1 to Supplemental Letter Agreement Between City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (Client) and Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (Consultant) Dated October 7, 2022 Payments to Consultant for Services and Expenses Using the Hourly Basis Option The Agreement for Professional Services is amended and supplemented to include the following agreement of the parties: A. Hourly Basis Option The Client and Consultant select the hourly basis for payment for services provided by Consultant. Consultant shall be compensated monthly. Monthly charges for services shall be based on Consultant's current billing rates for applicable employees plus charges for expenses and equipment. Consultant will provide an estimate of the costs for services in this Agreement. It is agreed that after 90% of the estimated compensation has been earned and if it appears that completion of the services cannot be accomplished within the remaining 10% of the estimated compensation, Consultant will notify the Client and confer with representatives of the Client to determine the basis for completing the work. Compensation to Consultant based on the rates is conditioned on completion of the work within the effective period of the rates. Should the time required to complete the work be extended beyond this period, the rates shall be appropriately adjusted. B. Expenses The following items involve expenditures made by Consultant employees or professional consultants on behalf of the Client. Their costs are not included in the hourly charges made for services and shall be paid for as described in this Agreement but instead are reimbursable expenses required in addition to hourly charges for services: Transportation and travel expenses. 2. Long distance services, dedicated data and communication services, teleconferences, Project Web sites, and extranets. 3. Lodging and meal expense connected with the Project. 4. Fees paid, in the name of the Client, for securing approval of authorities having jurisdiction over the Project. 5. Plots, Reports, plan and specification reproduction expenses. 6. Postage, handling and delivery. 7. Expense of overtime work requiring higher than regular rates, if authorized in advance by the Client. 8. Renderings, models, mock-ups, professional photography, and presentation materials requested by the Client. 9. All taxes levied on professional services and on reimbursable expenses. 10. Other special expenses required in connection with the Project. 11. The cost of special consultants or technical services as required. The cost of subconsultant services shall include actual expenditure plus 10% markup for the cost of administration and insurance. The Client shall pay Consultant monthly for expenses. Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Exhibit A-1 - 1 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (Rev. 02.06.14) C. Equipment Utilization The utilization of specialized equipment, including automation equipment, is recognized as benefiting the Client. The Client, therefore, agrees to pay the cost for the use of such specialized equipment on the project. Consultant invoices to the Client will contain detailed information regarding the use of specialized equipment on the project and charges will be based on the standard rates for the equipment published by Consultant. The Client shall pay Consultant monthly for equipment utilization. x:\fj\h\hutch\169350\1-genl\10-setup-cont\03-proposal\roberts rd recon\exhibit al.docx Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Exhibit A-1 - 2 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (Rev. 02.06.14) Supplemental Letter Agreement In accordance with the Master Agreement for Professional Services between City of Hutchinson, Minnesota ("Client"), and Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. ("Consultant"), effective January 22, 2019, this Supplemental Letter Agreement dated October 7, 2022, authorizes and describes the scope, schedule, and payment conditions for Consultant's work on the Project described as: Century Avenue Mill and Overlay. Client's Authorized Representative: Matt Jaunich, City Administrator Address: 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson. MN 55350 Telephone: 320.234.5650 email: mjaunich@hutchinsommn.gov Project Manager: Justin Black, PE (Lic. MN) Address: 1390 Hwy 15 S, Suite 200, PO Box 308 Hutchinson. MN 55350 Telephone 952.913.0702 email: jblack@sehinc.com Scope: The Basic Services to be provided by Consultant: Project consists of a mill and overlay on Century Avenue from Dale Street to Boston Street, and on School Road from Golf Course Road to North High Drive. In addition, construction of a trail along TH 15 from Grove Street to Linden Avenue. Scope of services includes: • Project Management / Project Schedule Management • City Staff Review Meetings • Prepare / Review Topographic Base Drawing • Review Details and Construction Notes • Coordinate with Utilities • Review Street Mill and Overlay Design 60% • Review storm sewer design 60% • SEQ Review 60% • Review Street Mill and Overlay Design 90% • Review storm sewer design 90% • SEQ Review 90% • Submit for State Aid Review • Attend Neighborhood Meeting • Final Plan Review • Attend Public Hearing / Assessment Hearing • Review of Special Assessments • QAQC of construction plans, specifications and quantities • Coordination with State Aid • Contractor Questions, Addendum, Bid Opening Schedule: Fall 2022-winter 2023: design and plan preparation Spring 2023: Bid Opening Services under this agreement will be complete upon opening of bids on the project. Work during the construction phase of the project will be hourly under a separate agreement. Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Supplemental Letter Agreement - 1 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer (Rev. 04.04.14aa) The lump sum fee is $38,000 including expenses and equipment. The payment method, basis, frequency and other special conditions are set forth in attached Exhibit A-1. Other Terms and Conditions: Other or additional terms contrary to the Master Agreement for Professional Services that apply solely to this project as specifically agreed to by signature of the Parties and set forth herein: Section IV(C)(1) is revised to only include the following: "The Client hereby agrees that to the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant's total liability to the Client for all injuries, claims, losses, expenses, or damages whatsoever arising out of or in any way related to the Project or this Agreement from any cause or causes including, but not limited to, Consultant's negligence, errors, omissions, strict liability, breach of contract or breach of warranty shall not exceed the amount of fees paid by Client to Consultant under this Agreement." The following provisions are added to the General Conditions: Section II(A)(8) is added as follows: "Consultant shall be entitled to use all information, plans, work -product, designs, drawings, and instruments of service furnished by the Client or others employed by the Client and shall not be liable for damages arising from use of such materials. Client shall also defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Consultant from all claims, damages, losses, and expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting from Consultant's use thereof." Section V(C)(2) is added as follows: "Client recognized that Consultant does not assume any risk or liability for previous consultant's work or services. All designs, drawings, plans, work -product, and instruments of services provided by Client or third parties on which Consultant's Instruments of Service are based are not guaranteed by Consultant; and the Client shall release Consultant from all claims arising from Consultant's use thereof. Client shall also defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Consultant from all claims, damages, losses, and expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting from Consultant's use of designs, drawings, plans, work - product, and instruments of services provided by Client or third parties." x:\fj\h\hutch\169350\1-genl\10-setup-cont\03-proposal\century ave m&o\sla_century ave.docx Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. By , T . ztl J n odeberg Title: Princi I/Client S rvice Manager City of Hutchinson, Minnesota By: Title: Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Supplemental Letter Agreement - 2 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (Rev. 04.04.14aa) Exhibit A-1 to Supplemental Letter Agreement Between City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (Client) and Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (Consultant) Dated October 7, 2022 Payments to Consultant for Services and Expenses Using the Hourly Basis Option The Agreement for Professional Services is amended and supplemented to include the following agreement of the parties: A. Hourly Basis Option The Client and Consultant select the hourly basis for payment for services provided by Consultant. Consultant shall be compensated monthly. Monthly charges for services shall be based on Consultant's current billing rates for applicable employees plus charges for expenses and equipment. Consultant will provide an estimate of the costs for services in this Agreement. It is agreed that after 90% of the estimated compensation has been earned and if it appears that completion of the services cannot be accomplished within the remaining 10% of the estimated compensation, Consultant will notify the Client and confer with representatives of the Client to determine the basis for completing the work. Compensation to Consultant based on the rates is conditioned on completion of the work within the effective period of the rates. Should the time required to complete the work be extended beyond this period, the rates shall be appropriately adjusted. B. Expenses The following items involve expenditures made by Consultant employees or professional consultants on behalf of the Client. Their costs are not included in the hourly charges made for services and shall be paid for as described in this Agreement but instead are reimbursable expenses required in addition to hourly charges for services: Transportation and travel expenses. 2. Long distance services, dedicated data and communication services, teleconferences, Project Web sites, and extranets. 3. Lodging and meal expense connected with the Project. 4. Fees paid, in the name of the Client, for securing approval of authorities having jurisdiction over the Project. 5. Plots, Reports, plan and specification reproduction expenses. 6. Postage, handling and delivery. 7. Expense of overtime work requiring higher than regular rates, if authorized in advance by the Client. 8. Renderings, models, mock-ups, professional photography, and presentation materials requested by the Client. 9. All taxes levied on professional services and on reimbursable expenses. 10. Other special expenses required in connection with the Project. 11. The cost of special consultants or technical services as required. The cost of subconsultant services shall include actual expenditure plus 10% markup for the cost of administration and insurance. The Client shall pay Consultant monthly for expenses. Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Exhibit A-1 - 1 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (Rev. 02.06.14) C. Equipment Utilization The utilization of specialized equipment, including automation equipment, is recognized as benefiting the Client. The Client, therefore, agrees to pay the cost for the use of such specialized equipment on the project. Consultant invoices to the Client will contain detailed information regarding the use of specialized equipment on the project and charges will be based on the standard rates for the equipment published by Consultant. The Client shall pay Consultant monthly for equipment utilization. x:\fj\h\hutch\169350\1-genl\10-setup-cont\03-proposal\century ave m&o\exhibit al.docx Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Exhibit A-1 - 2 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (Rev. 02.06.14) Supplemental Letter Agreement In accordance with the Master Agreement for Professional Services between City of Hutchinson, Minnesota ("Client"), and Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. ("Consultant"), effective January 22, 2019, this Supplemental Letter Agreement dated October 7, 2022, authorizes and describes the scope, schedule, and payment conditions for Consultant's work on the Project described as: Alley Pavement and Storm Sewer Improvements. Client's Authorized Representative: Matt Jaunich, City Administrator Address: 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson. MN 55350 Telephone: 320.234.5650 email: mjaunich@hutchinsommn.gov Project Manager: Justin Black, PE (Lic. MN) Address: 1390 Hwy 15 S, Suite 200, PO Box 308 Hutchinson. MN 55350 Telephone 952.913.0702 email: jblack@sehinc.com Scope: The Basic Services to be provided by Consultant: Project consists of a pavement and storm sewer improvements to Alley #12, Alley #55, and City Parking Lot adjacent to fire department. Scope of services includes: • Project Management / Project Schedule Management • City Staff Review Meetings • Prepare / Review Topographic Base Drawing • Review Details and Construction Notes • Coordinate with Utility - Utility Meeting • Review Alley and Parking Lot Design 60% • Review storm sewer design 60% • SEQ Review 60% • Review Alley and Parking Lot Design 90% • Review storm sewer design 90% • SEQ Review 90% • Attend Neighborhood Meeting • Final Plan Review • Attend City Council Meeting / Public Hearing • QAQC of construction plans, specifications and quantities • Contractor Questions, Addendum, Bid Opening Schedule: Fall 2022-winter 2023: design and plan preparation Spring 2023: Bid Opening Services under this agreement will be complete upon opening of bids on the project. Work during the construction phase of the project will be hourly under a separate agreement. The lump sum fee is $33,000 including expenses and equipment. The payment method, basis, frequency and other special conditions are set forth in attached Exhibit A-1. Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Supplemental Letter Agreement - 1 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer (Rev. 04.04.14aa) Other Terms and Conditions: Other or additional terms contrary to the Master Agreement for Professional Services that apply solely to this project as specifically agreed to by signature of the Parties and set forth herein: Section IV(C)(1) is revised to only include the following: "The Client hereby agrees that to the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant's total liability to the Client for all injuries, claims, losses, expenses, or damages whatsoever arising out of or in any way related to the Project or this Agreement from any cause or causes including, but not limited to, Consultant's negligence, errors, omissions, strict liability, breach of contract or breach of warranty shall not exceed the amount of fees paid by Client to Consultant under this Agreement." The following provisions are added to the General Conditions: Section II(A)(8) is added as follows: "Consultant shall be entitled to use all information, plans, work -product, designs, drawings, and instruments of service furnished by the Client or others employed by the Client and shall not be liable for damages arising from use of such materials. Client shall also defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Consultant from all claims, damages, losses, and expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting from Consultant's use thereof." Section V(C)(2) is added as follows: "Client recognized that Consultant does not assume any risk or liability for previous consultant's work or services. All designs, drawings, plans, work -product, and instruments of services provided by Client or third parties on which Consultant's Instruments of Service are based are not guaranteed by Consultant; and the Client shall release Consultant from all claims arising from Consultant's use thereof. Client shall also defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Consultant from all claims, damages, losses, and expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting from Consultant's use of designs, drawings, plans, work - product, and instruments of services provided by Client or third parties." x:\fj\h\hutch\169350\1-genl\10-setup-cont\03-proposal\alley pvmt & storm\sla_alley pvmt.docx Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. By:7�p t Jon deberg Title: Princi I/Client S rvice Manager If City of Hutchinson, Minnesota By: Title: Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Supplemental Letter Agreement - 2 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (Rev. 04.04.14aa) Exhibit A-1 to Supplemental Letter Agreement Between City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (Client) and Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (Consultant) Dated October 7, 2022 Payments to Consultant for Services and Expenses Using the Hourly Basis Option The Agreement for Professional Services is amended and supplemented to include the following agreement of the parties: A. Hourly Basis Option The Client and Consultant select the hourly basis for payment for services provided by Consultant. Consultant shall be compensated monthly. Monthly charges for services shall be based on Consultant's current billing rates for applicable employees plus charges for expenses and equipment. Consultant will provide an estimate of the costs for services in this Agreement. It is agreed that after 90% of the estimated compensation has been earned and if it appears that completion of the services cannot be accomplished within the remaining 10% of the estimated compensation, Consultant will notify the Client and confer with representatives of the Client to determine the basis for completing the work. Compensation to Consultant based on the rates is conditioned on completion of the work within the effective period of the rates. Should the time required to complete the work be extended beyond this period, the rates shall be appropriately adjusted. B. Expenses The following items involve expenditures made by Consultant employees or professional consultants on behalf of the Client. Their costs are not included in the hourly charges made for services and shall be paid for as described in this Agreement but instead are reimbursable expenses required in addition to hourly charges for services: Transportation and travel expenses. 2. Long distance services, dedicated data and communication services, teleconferences, Project Web sites, and extranets. 3. Lodging and meal expense connected with the Project. 4. Fees paid, in the name of the Client, for securing approval of authorities having jurisdiction over the Project. 5. Plots, Reports, plan and specification reproduction expenses. 6. Postage, handling and delivery. 7. Expense of overtime work requiring higher than regular rates, if authorized in advance by the Client. 8. Renderings, models, mock-ups, professional photography, and presentation materials requested by the Client. 9. All taxes levied on professional services and on reimbursable expenses. 10. Other special expenses required in connection with the Project. 11. The cost of special consultants or technical services as required. The cost of subconsultant services shall include actual expenditure plus 10% markup for the cost of administration and insurance. The Client shall pay Consultant monthly for expenses. Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Exhibit A-1 - 1 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (Rev. 02.06.14) C. Equipment Utilization The utilization of specialized equipment, including automation equipment, is recognized as benefiting the Client. The Client, therefore, agrees to pay the cost for the use of such specialized equipment on the project. Consultant invoices to the Client will contain detailed information regarding the use of specialized equipment on the project and charges will be based on the standard rates for the equipment published by Consultant. The Client shall pay Consultant monthly for equipment utilization. x:\fj\h\hutch\169350\1-genl\10-setup-cont\03-proposal\alley pvmt & storm\exhibit al.docx Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Exhibit A-1 - 2 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (Rev. 02.06.14) HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL C`ty'fl Request for Board Action 7AL Zwl,7 Agenda Item: Gambling Premises Permit Application - Brownton Baseball Association Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 10/25/2022 Application Complete Yes Contact: Melissa Starke Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Brownton Baseball Association has submitted an application to provide gambling devices at River House Kitchen + Drinks located at 122 Main Street South in Hutchinson, Minnesota. State law requires that cities grant approval of the premises permit application. The applicant will then submit the final application to the State Gambling Control Board for their authorization. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve premises permit application to Brownton Baseball Association to operate gambling devices at 122 Main Street South. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING LG214 Premises Permit Application REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO LG214 1. If the premises is leased, attach a copy of your lease. Use LG215 Lease for Lawful Gambling Activity. 2. $150 annual premises permit fee, for each permit (non-refundable). Make check payable to "State of Minnesota." ORGANIZATION INFORMATION 6/15 Page 1 of 2 Annual Fee $150 (NON-REFUNDABLE) Mail the application and required attachments to: Minnesota Gambling Control Board 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 South Roseville, MN 55113 Questions? Call 651-539-1900 and ask for Licensing. Organization Name: Br'a4n+o{. &,,aw t Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Gambling Manager: 4&j_ GAMBLING PREMISES INFORMATION License Number: Daytime Phone: VaW 5� J3-0 1 S1 Daytime Phone: q4 ' 9�1 Current name of site where gambling will be conducted: kvu— fla'mr`4yl * List any previous names for this location: Street address where premises is located: o_ (Do not use a P.O. box number or mailing address.) City: OR Township: County: Does your organization own the building where the gambling will be conducted? Yes X No If no, attach LG215 Lease for Lawful Gambling Activity. A lease is not required if only a raffle will be conducted. Zip Code: Is any other organization conducting gambling at this site? /_ Yes _ No _ Don't know Note: Bar bingo can only be conducted at a site where another form of lawful gambling is being conducted by the applying organi- zation or another permitted organization. Electronic games can only be conducted at a site where paper pull -tabs are played. Has your organization previously conducted gambling at this site? _ Yes X No _ Don't know GAMBLING BANK ACCOUNT INFORMATION; MUST BE IN MINNESOTA Bank Name: Bank Street Address: Bank Account Number: City: State: MN Zip Code: ALL TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT OFF -SITE STORAGE SPACES Address (Do not use a P.O. box number): City: -7* F —_ — s6 t State: Zip Code: MN DSO MN M350 M N 55 - L'G214 Premises Permit Application ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT: APPROVAL BY RESOLUTION 6/15 Page 2 of 2 CITY APPROVAL for a gambling premises located within city limits City Name: Date Approved by City Council: Resolution Number: (If none, attach meeting minutes.) Signature of City Personnel: Title Date Signed Local unit of government must sign. ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND OATH 1. I hereby consent that local law enforcement officers, the Board or its agents, and the commissioners of revenue or public safety and their agents may enter and inspect the premises. 2. The Board and its agents, and the commissioners of revenue and public safety and their agents, are authorized to inspect the bank records of the gambling account whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of current gambling rules and law. 3. I have read this application and all information submitted to the Board is true, accurate, and complete. 4. All required information has been fully disclosed. 5. I am the chief executive officer of the organization. COUNTY APPROVAL for a gambling premises located in a township County Name: Date Approved by County Board: Resolution Number: (if none, attach meeting minutes.) Signature of County Personnel: Title: TOWNSHIP NAME: Date Signed: Complete below only if required by the county. On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying to conduct gambling activity within the township limits. (A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application, per Minnesota Statutes 349.213, Subd. 2.) Print Township Name: Signature of Township Officer: Title: Date Signed: 6. I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful operation of all activities to be conducted. 7. I will familiarize myself with the laws of Minnesota governing lawful gambling and rules of the Board and agree, if licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, including amendments to them. S. Any changes in application information will be submitted to the Board no later than ten days after the change has taken effect. 9. I understand that failure to provide required information or providing false or misleading information may result in the denial or revocation of the license. 10. I understand the fee is non-refundable regardless of license approval/denial. Signature of Chief Executive Officer (designee may not sign) Data privacy notice: The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your organization's qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. Your organization has the right to refuse to supply the information; however, if your organization refuses to supply this Information, the Board may not be able to determine your organization's qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue a permit. If your organization supplies the information requested, the Board will be able to process your organization's application. Your organization's name and address will be public information when received by the Board. All other information provided will be private data about your organization until the Board issues the permit. When the Board issues the permit, all information provided will become public. If the Board does not issue a permit, all information provided remains private, with the exception of your organization's name and address which will remain public. Private data about your organization are available to: Board members, Board staff whose work requires access to the information; Date Minnesota's Department of Public Safety, Attorney General, Commissioners of Administration, Minnesota Management & Budget, and Revenue; Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this notice was given; and anyone with your written consent. This form will be made available in alternative format, i.e. large print, braille, upon request. An equal opportunity employer HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL C`ty�fl Request for Board Action 7AL Owl,7 Agenda Item: Temporary Liquor License - Bobbing Bobber Brewing Company Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 10/25/2022 Application Complete Yes Contact: Melissa Starke Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Bobbing Bobber Brewing Company has submitted a temporary liquor license to dispense liquor at a special event being held at the brewery on November 25, 2022 Bobbing Bobber Brewing Company is a small brewer and meets the requirements for a temporary liquor license under Minnesota law. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve issuing temporary liquor license to Bobbing Bobber Brewing Company on November 25, 2022. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 10/12/22-10/25/12 Check Date ---------------- 10/07/2022 Check -------------------- EFT Vendor Name ----------------------------------------------------------- EFTPS Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Payroll Report 9/18/22 - 10/1/22 Amount --------------------- 74,952.64 10/07/2022 EFT Child Support Payroll Report 9/18/22 - 10/1/22 659.43 10/07/2022 EFT MN Dept of Revenue Payroll Report 9/18/22 - 10/1/22 13,849.06 10/07/2022 EFT Provident Life -Vol Ins Payroll Report 9/18/22 - 10/1/22 873.00 10/07/2022 EFT PERA Payroll Report 9/18/22 - 10/1/22 57,886.10 10/07/2022 EFT Further HSA Payroll Report 9/18/22 - 10/1/22 13,255.99 10/07/2022 EFT Mission Square Payroll Report 9/18/22 - 10/1/22 2,947.36 10/07/2022 EFT VOYA Payroll Report 9/18/22 - 10/1/22 460.00 10/07/2022 EFT MNDCP Payroll Report 9/18/22 - 10/1/22 350.00 10/07/2022 105427 Life Ins - NCPERS Payroll Report 9/18/22 - 10/1/22 240.00 10/07/2022 105428 HART Payroll Report 9/18/22 - 10/1/22 222.56 10/07/2022 105429 MANUAL EMPLOYEE CHECK REISSUANCE OF MANUAL PR CHECK 9.70 10/25/2022 105430 AARP OCT AARP INSTRUCTION - SR CTR 235.00 10/25/2022 105431 ACE HARDWARE- 1315 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES- MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,667.05 10/25/2022 105432 ACE HARDWARE- 1790 REPAIR & MAINTSUPPLIES- FIRE 74.53 10/25/2022 105433 ACE HARDWARE - 1825 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES - POLICE 8.64 10/25/2022 105434 ACE HARDWARE - 6762 MARKINGPAINT-COMPOST 21.35 10/25/2022 105435 ADVANCED ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTA SCADA PROJECT THRU 9/30/22 - WWTP & WATER 5,145.00 10/25/2022 105436 AEM MECHANICAL SERVICES INC RADIANT TUBE HEATERS FOR CAR WASH - HATS 7,820.56 10/25/2022 105437 ALPHA TRAINING & TACTICS LLC ARMOR, CARRIER - POLICE 1,170.08 10/25/2022 105438 ALPHA WIRELESS 2022-2023 MAINT ON RADIO EQUIP- POLICE 840.00 10/25/2022 105439 AMERICAN BOTTLING CO COST OF GOOD SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 233.60 10/25/2022 105440 ANIMAL MEDICAL CENTER ON CROW RIVER SEPT PROCESSING/BOARDING - POLICE 1,617.00 10/25/2022 105441 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 1,039.30 10/25/2022 105442 ASHWILL INDUSTRIES INC PARK BENCH MOUNT PLATES - PARKS 1,822.00 10/25/2022 105443 AUTO VALUE - GLENCOE WINDSHIELD WIPER FLUID, PIPE, JIC- HATS 52.92 10/25/2022 105444 AUTO-CHLOR SYSTEM 10/3 DISHWASHER SERVICE - SR DIN 220.00 10/25/2022 105445 BALDWIN SUPPLY COMPANY FASTENERS, IDLERS, BRACKETS -COMPOST 717.60 10/25/2022 105446 BARGEN INC 2022 REPLAY APPLICATION - STREETS 124,288.11 10/25/2022 105447 BAUER BUILT INC TIRES -CEMETERY 612.66 10/25/2022 105448 BEACON ATHLETICS JOX BASEBALL WEDGES- PARKS 1,993.00 10/25/2022 105449 BELLBOY CORP COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 2,176.65 10/25/2022 105450 BENEFIT EXTRAS INC SEPTCOBRA/RETIREE BILLING 40.00 10/25/2022 105451 BERGE, RACHEL REFUND: COACHING FOOTBALL - REC 35.00 10/25/2022 105452 BERNICK'S COST OF GOOD SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 1,086.77 10/25/2022 105453 BRADLEY SECURITY LLC REKEY LOCKS - REC BLDG 251.25 10/25/2022 105454 BRANDON TIRE CO JD TRACTOR: TIRE REPAIR - PARKS 58.88 10/25/2022 105455 BRASS FOUNDRY BREWING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 767.46 10/25/2022 105456 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 11,529.68 10/25/2022 105457 BRETH-ZENZEN FIRE PROTECTION 2022 SPRINKLER SYSTEM INSP - MULTIPLE LOCATIONS 3,725.00 10/25/2022 105458 BRETH-ZENZEN FIRE PROTECTION NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 10/1/22 PAY#3 28,745.10 10/25/2022 105459 BROWN, SARA REFUND: COACHING FOOTBALL, SOCCER - REC 130.00 10/25/2022 105460 BUREAU OF CRIM. APPREHENSION CJDN FEES - POLICE 1,560.00 10/25/2022 105461 BURICH, CHARLES J UB refund for account: 3-285-5830-5-00 56.58 10/25/2022 105462 C & L DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 39,732.82 10/25/2022 105463 CARLSON, MEGAN REFUND: COACHING FOOTBALL - REC 115.00 10/25/2022 105464 CARS ON PATROL SHOP LLC VARIOUS VEHICLE REPAIRS - POLICE 2,029.58 10/25/2022 105465 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS CRIMP SHELL, HOSE FITTINGS - MULTIPLE DEPTS 183.06 10/25/2022 105466 CENTRAL MCGOWAN ACETYLENE, HIGH PRESSURE - MULTIPLE DEPTS 162.00 10/25/2022 105467 CERVANTES, KAELEI REFUND: COACHING SOCCER - REC 50.00 10/25/2022 105468 CINTAS CORPORATION OCT SUPPLIES & SERVICE - MULTIPLE DEPTS 308.56 10/25/2022 105469 COLDSPRING ROSE NICHE FRONT- CEMETERY 318.00 10/25/2022 105470 CONTEGRITY GROUP ARENA REROOF & NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 10/1 33,261.65 10/25/2022 105471 CORE & MAIN LP METERS - 16 3/4 S IPERLS - WATER 5,660.79 10/25/2022 105472 CRANE ENGINEERING REHAB OX DITCH ROTOR GEARBOX - WWTP 13,548.34 10/25/2022 105473 CREEKSIDE SOILS NATURAL MULCH -PARKS 92.76 10/25/2022 105474 CROW RIVER GOLF CLUB BANQUET- LIQUOR HUTCH 638.25 10/25/2022 105475 CULLIGAN WATER NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 10/1/22 4.85 10/25/2022 105476 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 41,382.70 10/25/2022 105477 DANIELSON, LIZ REFUND: COACHING FOOTBALL - REC 35.00 10/25/2022 105478 DATA PRACTICES OFFICE LAW ENFORCEMENT DATA WORKSHOP 750.00 10/25/2022 105479 DOG -ON -IT -PARKS BAGS - PARKS 372.00 10/25/2022 1105480 1 DOSTAL, JOSH UB refund for account: 3-435-9200-6-02 37.60 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 10/12/22-10/25/12 Check Date ---------------- 10/25/2022 Check -------------------- 105481 Vendor Name ----------------------------------------------------------- DUININCK CONCRETE Description EXTERIOR--------RETE MIX: TRAINING SITE--------------------------- EXTERIOR CONCRETE MIX: TRAINING SITE -FIRE Amount -----------,000.30 4,000.30 10/25/2022 105482 E2 ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC HOOKUPS- MULTIPLE DEPTS 3,273.84 10/25/2022 105483 EBERT CONSTRUCTION NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 10/1/22 105.00 10/25/2022 105484 EBERT CONSTRUCTION NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 10/1/22 PAY#2 78,727.64 10/25/2022 105485 EBERT CONSTRUCTION NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 10/1/22 PAY#6 201,672.11 10/25/2022 105486 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION 10/3 PEST CONTROL- POLICE 64.93 10/25/2022 105487 ELBERT, SAM REFUND: COACHING FOOTBALL - REC 35.00 10/25/2022 105488 ERLANDSON, ANDREW REIMB: TRAINING - POLICE 78.82 10/25/2022 105489 ERLANDSON, MELISSA REFUND: COACHING FOOTBALL - REC 80.00 10/25/2022 105490 FALCON MECHANICAL NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 10/1/22 PAY#12 254,287.07 10/25/2022 105491 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT BOBCAT SWEEPER BUCKET, MISC EQUIPMENT PARTS 6,678.88 10/25/2022 105492 FASTENAL COMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES - PARKS 591.08 10/25/2022 105493 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2518 CB LID & PLUGS, CURB - WATER 1,279.30 10/25/2022 105494 FIRE SAFETY USA INC BRACKETS, FIST CLAMPS, BULLARD -FIRE 686.30 10/25/2022 105495 FIRST ADVANTAGE LNS OCC HEALTH SOLU DRUG TESTING 381.53 10/25/2022 105496 FLY, DIXIE REFUND: COACHING FOOTBALL - REC 35.00 10/25/2022 105497 FOBBE ELECTRIC NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 10/1/22 PAY#12 34,437.50 10/25/2022 105498 FORD METRO INC NEW POLICE FACILITYTHRU 10/1/22 PAY#4 95,488.21 10/25/2022 105499 FOSTER MECHANICAL VARIOUS REPAIRS- MULTIPLE DEPTS 2,083.32 10/25/2022 105500 FR SECURE LLC 20-'22 BASE VCISCO SERVICES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 10,972.50 10/25/2022 105501 FRANSEN DECORATING INC NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 10/1/22 PAY#2 12,983.27 10/25/2022 105502 FRF PRODUCTIONS ONSITE PHOTOGRAPHY, EDITING - FIRE 531.25 10/25/2022 105503 FURTHER October 2022 HSA/FSA Adm. Fees 321.60 10/25/2022 105504 GALLS LLC NAMETAGS, TROUSERS, POUCH - POLICE 172.33 10/25/2022 105505 GARAGE DOOR STORE NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 10/1/22 PAY#2 44,650.00 10/25/2022 105506 GAVIN, JANSSEN & STABENOW, LTD AUG PROSECUTIONS - LEGAL 3,500.00 10/25/2022 105507 GEIKEN'S GUIDE & GUARD, LLC DARE TEACHING - POLICE 6,832.22 10/25/2022 105508 GRAINGER REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 283.08 10/25/2022 105509 GREAT NORTHERN ENVIORNMENTAL LLC BLDG. 80 SCADA PROGRAMMING SERVICES 15,247.77 10/25/2022 105510 GREEN EARTH LAWN CARE INC SEPT WEEKLY LAWN SERVICE - EDA 273.00 10/25/2022 105511 GRUND, JESSICA REFUND: COACHING FOOTBALL - REC 35.00 10/25/2022 105512 HANSEN GRAVEL INC. SAND, DIRT- PARKS 429.00 10/25/2022 105513 HANSEN TRUCK SERVICE DOTS - CREEKSIDE 902.35 10/25/2022 105514 HAWKINS INC CHLORINE, SODIUM HYDROXIDE - MULTIPLE DEPTS 10,377.48 10/25/2022 105515 HENNEN EQUIPMENT, INC. SCREWS, NUTS -COMPOST 258.86 10/25/2022 105516 HILLYARD/ HUTCHINSON OPERATING SUPPLIES- MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,501.75 10/25/2022 105517 HOFF, RANDY ARRANGEMENT- POLICE 44.00 10/25/2022 105518 HOLT MOTORS INC STWT-879: BLOWER SWITCH - STORMWATER 289.00 10/25/2022 105519 HOLT-PETERSON BUS 11/3 OLD LOG THEATRE - SR TRIP 695.00 10/25/2022 105520 HULTENGREN, CHRIS REVIEW/ADVISE ON UPDATING CITY EOP - POLICE 600.00 10/25/2022 105521 HUTCHINSON CO-OP SEPT FUEL & SERVICES - FIRE 19,374.89 10/25/2022 105522 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES UTILITIES 9/1- 10/1-22 103,470.41 10/25/2022 105523 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES 3RD QTR BILLING: BRANDON FITZPATRICK - IT 15,573.88 10/25/2022 105524 HUTCHINSON VOLLEYBALL ASSN REIMB OF FEES COLLETED - REC 1,395.00 10/25/2022 105525 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #1550 EQUIPMENT PARTS - HATS 78.85 10/25/2022 105526 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #1552 MUD FLAPS - PARKS 50.66 10/25/2022 105527 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #2520 REGULATOR:STATION AIR COMP - FIRE 57.97 10/25/2022 105528 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF SEPT WATER & SEWER - MULTIPLE DEPTS 6,897.80 10/25/2022 105529 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF REPLENISH ATM 5,000.00 10/25/2022 105530 I & S GROUP, INC. BURICH ARENA IMPRVS & RENO 3,545.00 10/25/2022 105531 IDEAL SERVICE INC VFD'S PM, DRIVE/CONTROLS REPAIR- WWTP 2,547.50 10/25/2022 105532 INDUSTRIAL PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS AIR COMPRESSOR SUPPLIES - WATER 918.98 10/25/2022 105533 INTEGRATED POWER SERVICES LLC LEESON MOTOR - WWTP 322.88 10/25/2022 105534 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM MINNEAPOL BATTERIES - HATS 616.75 10/25/2022 105535 ISD #423 SEPT CLASSES - COMM ED & ECFE 5,981.16 10/25/2022 105536 JAY MALONE MOTORS CAP -STREETS 15.84 10/25/2022 105537 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 24,866.75 10/25/2022 105538 JONES, BRIAN REFUND: COACHING FOOTBALL - REC 80.00 10/25/2022 105539 JRK STEEL NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 10/1/22 PAY#8 615.47 10/25/2022 105540 JUERGENSEN, JUSTIN REIMB: GFOA CONFS - FINANCE 225.01 10/25/2022 105541 JUUL CONTRACTING CO DEMO HOUSE AT 145 2ND AVE & JEFFERSON 17,561.00 10/25/2022 105542 K&A SHEETMETAL FABRICATION LLC BENCH, POWDER COAT FINISH - NEW PD 790.00 10/25/2022 1105543 1 KAHNKE BROTHERS NURSERY TREES -STREETS 1,355.98 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 10/12/22-10/25/12 Check Date ---------------- 10/25/2022 Check -------------------- 105544 Vendor Name ----------------------------------------------------------- KERI'S CLEANING &HANDYMAN SERVICES Description 9/12--10/7-----------G -FI----------------------------------------------- 9/12 -10/7 CLEANING -FIRE Amount -----------,490.00 1,490.00 10/25/2022 105545 KEVITT EXCAVATING LLC NEW POLICE FACILITYTHRU 10/1/22 PAY #11 31,084.16 10/25/2022 105546 KOHLS SWEEPING SERVICE PILING CONCRETE & ASPHALT-CREEKSIDE 225.00 10/25/2022 105547 KRANZ LAWN & POWER CHAINS- PARKS 79.89 10/25/2022 105548 KRUMRIE, DAN UB refund for account: 3-855-4230-9-05 146.25 10/25/2022 105549 KUHL, STACEY REFUND: COACHING SOCCER - REC 50.00 10/25/2022 105550 L & P SUPPLY CO EQUIPMENT PARTS- MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,871.44 10/25/2022 105551 LAKETOWN ELECTRIC CORPORATION BURICH ARENA HVAC THRU 10/1/22 PAY #1 9,025.00 10/25/2022 105552 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC HOSE CLAMPS, WASHERS, SCREWS- WWTP 113.28 10/25/2022 105553 LEENHOUTS INC SCULPTURE STROLL 2022 AWARD WINNER 500.00 10/25/2022 105554 LIEN, MIKE REIMB: SAFETY GLASSES - WATER 71.25 10/25/2022 105555 LITCHFIELD BUILDING CENTER BARE J-TRIM - PARKS 40.70 10/25/2022 105556 LUBE-TECH & PARTNERS, LLC KIT- HATS 2,656.00 10/25/2022 105557 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC 9/4 - 10/3'22 CONTRACT- ENTERPRISE CTR 21.64 10/25/2022 105558 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC 9/25-10/25-22 CONTRACT - STREETS & WWTP 252.16 10/25/2022 105559 MATT RAUSCH MASONRY BURICH ARENA REROOF & FACADE IMPV THRU 1 52,266.15 10/25/2022 105560 MAVERICK WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 591.92 10/25/2022 105561 MEDICA NOVEMBER MEDICAL INSURANCE 141,346.10 10/25/2022 105562 MEEKER WASHED SAND & GRAVEL 3/4" & SAND - MULTIPLE DEPTS 13,231.44 10/25/2022 105563 MEI TOTAL ELEVATOR SOLUTIONS OCT/NOV SERVICE - LIBRARY 216.50 10/25/2022 105564 MENARDS HUTCHINSON REPAIR & MAINTSUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 5,429.71 10/25/2022 105565 MID CENTRAL DOOR NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 10/1/22 PAY#7 10,980.12 10/25/2022 105566 MILLNER HERITAGE VINEYARD & WINERY COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 1,128.00 10/25/2022 105567 MINI BIFF RENTALS- MULTIPLE DEPTS 717.98 10/25/2022 105568 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB LAB SAMPLE TESTING - WWTP 762.00 10/25/2022 105569 MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY 3RD QTR STATE SURCHARGE 2022 - BLDG INSPEC 3,490.79 10/25/2022 105570 MOLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 10/1/22 PAY#2 22,765.17 10/25/2022 105571 MSA SAFETY SALES LLC ADAPTER, REMOTE SENSOR - WWTP 235.34 10/25/2022 105572 NEUMANN, ASHLEY REFUND: COACHING FOOTBALL - REC 80.00 10/25/2022 105573 NEWCOMB, MADISON REIMB: NAME BADGES - EDA 7.38 10/25/2022 105574 NORTH AMERICAN SAFETY INC GLOVES - PARKS 122.97 10/25/2022 105575 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC MICRO -GEAR HOSE CLAMPS - HATS 16.75 10/25/2022 105576 NUVERA OCT PHONE SERVICES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 5,736.56 10/25/2022 105577 O'REILLYAUTO PARTS BASECOAT, CLEAR, ACTIVATOR, BUMPER- PARKS 1,225.38 10/25/2022 105578 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC COMB BINDING PULSAR MANUAL- HATS 297.19 10/25/2022 105579 ON -TARGET SOLUTIONS GROUP INC MGMT & SPV OF INV UNITS SEMINAR - POLICE 295.00 10/25/2022 105580 ORIGIN WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 89.80 10/25/2022 105581 OVERHEAD HOIST & CRANE SPECIALISTS CRANE, BOOM TRUCK INSPEC- MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,475.00 10/25/2022 105582 PAAPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 10/1/22 PAY #4 23,427.95 10/25/2022 105583 PAEHLKE, CHAD UB refund for account: 2-725-6750-4-02 101.43 10/25/2022 105584 PAL-SERV PALLETS - COMPOST 13,832.00 10/25/2022 105585 PATROL PC REPL BATTERY FOR RHINO TAB - POLICE 152.24 10/25/2022 105586 PAULSON, JOHN REIMB: LICENSE RENEWAL - WATER 23.00 10/25/2022 105587 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 7,444.34 10/25/2022 105588 PAVEMENT RESOURCES PAVEMENT REPAIR - STREETS 4,100.00 10/25/2022 105589 PEAT INC. BLACK PEAT- COMPOST 4,485.00 10/25/2022 105590 PECE RECYCLING LLC PALLETS - COMPOST 2,990.00 10/25/2022 105591 PELLINEN LAND SURVEYING EASEMENT EXHIBIT PREP - ENG 195.00 10/25/2022 105592 PEOPLEREADY INC CREEKSIDE TEMP STAFFING 2,051.60 10/25/2022 105593 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 24,505.05 10/25/2022 105594 PIETSCH CONSTRUCTION INC NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 10/1/22 PAY#9 26,699.75 10/25/2022 105595 PIONEER ATHLETICS/ PIONEER MFG MARKING PAINT- PARKS 1,177.20 10/25/2022 105596 PIONEER RESCUE & OUTFITTERS LLC WHITEWATER VESTS - FIRE 551.97 10/25/2022 105597 PLUNKETTS PEST CONTROL PEST CONTROL - ARENA 153.57 10/25/2022 105598 POSTMASTER NOV SR NEWSLETTERS - SR CTR 120.00 10/25/2022 105599 POSTMASTER POSTAGE - UB BILLING 1,635.00 10/25/2022 105600 PREMIUM WATERS OCT SERVICE - PARKS 10.00 10/25/2022 105601 PRO AUTO MN INC FIRE RESCUE 8 2021 SILVERADO: OIL CHANGE/INSPECTION 87.88 10/25/2022 105602 QUILLCORP TRASH BAGS, WIPES- REC 360.67 10/25/2022 105603 RADWELL INTERNATIONAL PROXIMITY SENSORS - COMPOST 319.30 10/25/2022 105604 REINDERS PARTS FOR NEW PD CONSTRUCTION 1,790.99 10/25/2022 105605 REINER ENTERPRISES INC CREEKSIDE FREIGHTTO MULTIPLE LOCATIONS 2,947.50 10/25/2022 1105606 IREVIERWELDING LOADER BUCKET REPAIR - COMPOST 4,413.44 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 10/12/22-10/25/12 Check Date ---------------- 10/25/2022 Check -------------------- 105607 Vendor Name ----------------------------------------------------------- RIGHTER, MALARY Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REFUND: COACHING FOOTBALL - REC Amount --------------------- 35.00 10/25/2022 105608 ROSE TRUCKING INC TRUCK & SEMI REPAIRS -CREEKSIDE 1,818.40 10/25/2022 105609 RUNNING'SSUPPLY REPAIR&MAINTSUPPLIES- MULTIPLEDEPTS 489.41 10/25/2022 105610 SAM'S TIRE SERVICE SQUAD TIRES - POLICE 1,252.12 10/25/2022 105611 SCHLUETER, TIMOTHY REFUND: COACHING SOCCER - REC 50.00 10/25/2022 105612 SCHULTE, JOE UB refund for account: 3-855-4210-1-01 54.77 10/25/2022 105613 SJM CONSTRUCTION LLC SHIM &ADJUSTVESTIBULE DOORS -AIRPORT 150.00 10/25/2022 105614 SMITH, SARAH REFUND: COACHING SOCCER - REC 50.00 10/25/2022 105615 SMSC ENTERPRISES COMPOST ORGANICS RECYCLING 7,817.40 10/25/2022 105616 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MN COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 21,767.62 10/25/2022 105617 ST. CLOUD REFRIGERATION INC BURICH ARENA HVACTHRU 10/1/22 PAY #1 72,390.00 10/25/2022 105618 STANDARD PRINTING-N-MAILING POSTAGE & SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 890.82 10/25/2022 105619 STAPLES ADVANTAGE OFFICE SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 534.53 10/25/2022 105620 TALL SALES COMPANY SEPT 2022 CREEKSIDE COMMISSIONS 910.08 10/25/2022 105621 THELEN HEATING & ROOFING NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 10/1/22 PAY#7 34,200.00 10/25/2022 105622 THODE, SARA REFUND: COACHING FOOTBALL - REC 115.00 10/25/2022 105623 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST SEPTONLINE/SOFTWARE SUBS- MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,403.96 10/25/2022 105624 TRUE BRANDS COST OF GOOD SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 300.30 10/25/2022 105625 TUBE PRO INC TUBES- WATERPARK 2,747.75 10/25/2022 105626 TWO-WAY COMMUNICATIONS INC PAGER: SPEAKER & GRILL REPAIR- FIRE 47.50 10/25/2022 105627 ULRICH, JOANN UB refund for account: 2-803-0860-0-00 60.00 10/25/2022 105628 UNUM LIFE INSURANCE CO OF AMERICA NOVEMBER LIFE INSURANCE 2,594.31 10/25/2022 105629 USA BLUE BOOK EQUIPMENT PARTS - MULTIPLE DEPTS 4,243.05 10/25/2022 105630 VERHEY, A REIMB: NEW ULM PARKS TOUR -CC BLDG 15.90 10/25/2022 105631 VERIZON WIRELESS AUG 24 - SEP 23 PHONE SERVICES 3,810.72 10/25/2022 105632 VESSCO INC LOADSURE ELEMENT - WATER 233.75 10/25/2022 105633 VIKING BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 13,089.93 10/25/2022 105634 VI KING COCA COLA COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 812.05 10/25/2022 105635 VILLARREAL, JOSE REIMB: SAFETY FOOTWEAR - POLICE 165.99 10/25/2022 105636 VINOCOPIA INC COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 3,044.62 10/25/2022 105637 VIVID IMAGE DOWNTOWN GRANT APP ADJ - EDA 116.25 10/25/2022 105638 VORBECK, IRENE M UB refund for account: 1-570-3600-0-00 98.12 10/25/2022 105639 VOS CONSTRUCTION INC BURICH ARENA REROOF & FACADE IMPV THRU 10/1 202,979.76 10/25/2022 105640 WANOUS, AMY REFUND: COACHING FOOTBALL - REC 80.00 10/25/2022 105641 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN REFUSE TAKEN TO LANDFILL 12,652.04 10/25/2022 105642 WATERVILLE FOOD & ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 494.15 10/25/2022 105643 WELCOME NEIGHBOR NEW RESIDENT VISITS- LIQUOR HUTCH 60.00 10/25/2022 105644 WENDLING, ROSS REFUND: COACHING FOOTBALL - REC 80.00 10/25/2022 105645 WEST CENTRAL SANITATION INC. SEPT REFUSE - MULTIPLE DEPTS 53,641.36 10/25/2022 105646 WILSON'S NURSERY INC TREES -STREETS 1,706.00 10/25/2022 105647 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 663.70 10/25/2022 105648 WINE MERCHANTS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 1,189.76 10/25/2022 105649 WITI-E, SARA JURY DUTY MILEAGE - PARKS 24.30 10/25/2022 105650 WOOD & RUE, PLLP COURT FILE REVIEW - LEGAL 272.00 10/25/2022 105651 YAM RY CONSTRUCTION NEW POLICE FACILITYTHRU 10/1/22 954.61 10/25/2022 105652 YAM RY CONSTRUCTION NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 10/1/22 PAY#4 3,355.87 10/25/2022 105653 ZELLER STUDIO SCULPTURE STROLL 2022 AWARD WINNER 500.00 10/25/2022 105654 ZEP SALES AND SERVICE ZEP CLEANER - HATS 829.77 10/25/2022 105655 ZIRBES, KATIE UB refund for account: 3-735-5020-9-03 158.06 10/25/2022 105656 RIDGEWATER COLLEGE FACILITY USE FEE - ELECTIONS 250.00 Total - Check Register A: 1 2,399,266.27 Department Purchasing Card Activity - September 2022 Date Department Vendor Name Description Amount 9/22/2022 ADMIN SOCIETYFORHUMANRESOURCE Professional Membership for Kellie 229.00 9/22/2022 ADMIN CGMC CGMC Fall Meeting - Kellie 170.00 9/18/2022 ADMIN APWA Public Works Director Position Advertisement 375.00 9/15/2022 ADMIN RIVER HOUSE Lunch with Bolton & Menk on Lakes/River Basin - Matt 21.07 9/11/2022 ADMIN SUPREME CT LAWYER REGISTR Minnesota Lawyer Registration 267.00 9/26/2022 CREEKSIDE AMAZON Office supplies 36.12 9/16/2022 CREEKSIDE SPS COMMERCE Aug 2022 SPSfees; UH & Bomgaars 232.56 9/13/2022 CREEKSIDE MCDONALD'S Prince Dist show; Dan B 9/12/22 lunch 13.48 9/12/2022 CREEKSIDE KALAHARI RESORT Prince Dist show; Dan B hotel stay 418.70 9/12/2022 CREEKSIDE KALAHARI RESORT Prince Dist show; Dan B 9/10/22 dinner 30.00 9/12/2022 CREEKSIDE HYATT HOTELS Foster Dist show; B Kobow hotel stay 146.12 9/11/2022 CREEKSIDE FAMOUS DAVES Prince Dist show; Dan B 9/9/22 dinner 33.07 9/11/2022 CREEKSIDE CULVERS Prince Dist show; Dan B 9/10/22 lunch 12.59 9/11/2022 CREEKSIDE KWIKTRIP Prince Dist Show; vehicle fuel 68.75 9/9/2022 CREEKSIDE MN COMPOSTING COUNCIL MN Composting Council Webinar Sponsorship 500.00 9/30/2022 EDA MUDDY COW HUTCHINSON Lunches for EDA Board meeting 194.49 9/22/2022 EDA SUBWAY Lunches for EDA Finance Team meeting 97.57 9/30/2022 FINANCE EZBUSINESS FEE Credit Card Service Fee 15.00 9/30/2022 FINANCE ARROWWOOD RESORT Finance- MNGFOA conference lodging A.Reid 272.42 9/29/2022 FINANCE AMAZON Fire - 4-pack tactical tourniquet 31.49 9/29/2022 FINANCE AMAZON Rural Fire - 4-pack tactical tourniquet 31.49 9/29/2022 FINANCE AMAZON Elections - envelope sealer 8.79 9/26/2022 FINANCE AMAZON Fire - Oxygen trauma bag (2) 128.69 9/26/2022 FINANCE AMAZON Rural Fire - Oxygen trauma bag (2) 128.69 9/25/2022 FINANCE AMAZON Fire - Unit suction V-vac 139.00 9/14/2022 FINANCE WM SUPERCENTER City Center - soda for vending machine 66.24 9/27/2022 FIRE CENEX fuel for Engine-2 100.00 9/19/2022 FIRE MINN FIRE SVC CERT BOARD Bulk Firefighter recertification, MFSCB 400.00 9/8/2022 FIRE CASH WISE FOODS 8 cases water, kitchen supplies, flowers for FF-Olson baby girl 160.88 9/7/2022 FIRE CASH WISE FOODS 12 cases water 53.88 9/2/2022 FIRE PARMAN ENERGY CORP Ladder-1 hydraulic oil 191.31 9/20/2022 IT AMAZON Dale Carnegie DVD 23.24 9/18/2022 IT PDQCOM Desktop management software 3,150.00 9/16/2022 IT INTUIT QBOOKS/PROLINE Quickbooks for HRA 457.50 9/13/2022 IT AMAZON Battery pack for surveillance camera's 59.49 9/11/2022 IT LEEANN CHIN LOGIS IT meeting 11.05 9/28/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH EIG CONSTANTCONTACT.COM Email blast advertising 70.00 9/25/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH ACE HARDWARE - 1315 Toilet repair 7.99 9/21/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH CASH WISE FOODS Staff training - food and wine pairing 32.14 9/18/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH ENTERTAINING ESSENTIALS Misc items for resale 230.99 9/16/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH RITE INC Monthly POS fees 272.53 9/9/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH FACEBOOK FB advertising 25.00 9/9/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH THREE SPIRIT Misc items for resale 828.00 9/9/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH VINE LAB WINE Wine training WSET certification Alrick 325.00 9/9/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH VINE LAB WINE Wine training WSET certification Mowlem 325.00 9/9/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH VINE LAB WINE Wine training WSET certification Rueter 325.00 9/30/2022 PARK & REC JOSEPH'S GRILL Senior Trips - 47 participants -Joesph's Grill 1,075.25 9/28/2022 PARK & REC OUTDOOR MOTION Bike Repairs for Bike Fleet Project 67.47 9/27/2022 PARK & REC FACEBOOK Civic Arena - FB Job Advertisment for Ice Arena Workers 15.00 9/25/2022 PARK & REC A-Z RESTAURANT EQUIP CO Stainless Steel Tables (4), Sink, Drain Basket, Faucet 1,302.98 9/25/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Soccer Goal Net Fasteners 79.00 9/23/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Volleyballs (2) 79.98 9/23/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Pocketfile Folders, Hanging File Folders 46.88 9/23/2022 PARK & REC FACEBOOK Civic Arena - FB Job Advertisment for Ice Arena Workers 15.00 9/22/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Key Caps Cover Tags 5.99 9/21/2022 PARK & REC ROLL UP DOORS DIRECT Roll Up Door for Rink Concession Stand 1,096.00 9/19/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Soccer Goal Net 83.73 9/18/2022 PARK & REC FACEBOOK Civic Arena - FB Job Advertisment for Ice Arena Workers 10.00 9/16/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Soccer Goal Net Clips 58.08 9/16/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Soccer Ball (2) 50.00 9/16/2022 PARK & REC FACEBOOK Civic Arena - FB Job Advertisment for Ice Arena Workers 10.00 9/16/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Soccer Ball 25.00 9/15/20221 PARK & REC JAMAZON Plastic Clipboards 11.73 Department Purchasing Card Activity - September 2022 Date Department Vendor Name Description Amount 9/15/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Soccer Balls (3) 75.00 9/15/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Volleyballs (4) 159.96 9/15/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Soccer Ball 25.00 9/14/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Soccer Balls (4) 100.00 9/14/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Soccer Balls (4) 107.56 9/14/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Soccer Ball 25.00 9/13/2022 PARK & REC FACEBOOK Civic Arena - FB Job Advertisment for Ice Arena Workers 10.00 9/11/2022 PARK & REC WHENIWORK.COM Employee Scheduling Software 84.00 9/9/2022 PARK & REC SUGAR LAKE LODGE MIAMA Conference - Mary Haugen 404.06 9/8/2022 PARK & REC THE HISTORY THEATRE Senior Trips - 47 participants - History Theatre 1,125.00 9/2/2022 PARK & REC U OF M-EVENTS Senior Trips - U of M Arboretum 1,221.00 9/29/2022 PLANNING BAVIS SALES AND SERVICE Security transaction window 6,074.76 9/22/2022 PLANNING AMAZON Security hardware 49.63 9/18/2022 PLANNING KNOX COMPANY Knox box for fire department access 592.24 9/18/2022 PLANNING PARTS TOWN Heating element 383.02 9/14/2022 PLANNING AMAZON Shoe covers 7.69 9/9/2022 PLANNING AMAZON Keys 19.55 9/8/2022 PLANNING AMAZON Sink stopper/strainer 13.98 9/27/2022 POLICE AMAZON Camera equipment 62.85 9/27/2022 POLICE AMAZON Camera equipment 52.95 9/20/2022 POLICE AMAZON Binder clips and shadow box 22.77 9/15/2022 POLICE AMAZON Flash drives 53.10 9/7/2022 POLICE BCA TRAINING EDUCATION Training 275.00 9/2/2022 POLICE BCA TRAINING EDUCATION Training 275.00 9/2/2022 POLICE BCA TRAINING EDUCATION Training 275.00 9/2/2022 POLICE BCA TRAINING EDUCATION Training 275.00 9/28/2022 PUBLIC WORKS ST. JAMES HOTEL MESERB Fall Conference stay in Red Wing-TG 146.35 9/23/2022 PUBLIC WORKS BEST WESTERN Water license exam prep-2 nights stay-TG 216.24 9/22/2022 PUBLIC WORKS U OF M CONTLEARNING CM Construction Site Manager Course 215.00 9/20/2022 PUBLIC WORKS SHERRILLTREE Helmet Mount & Hygiene Kit 663.50 Total -P-Cards: 1 $27,758.63 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. First Reading of Ordinance 22-835 - Amending Chapter 95 - Public Parks Agenda Item: Department: PRCE LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 10/26/2021 Application Complete N/A Contact: Lynn Neumann Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Lynn Neumann Reviewed by Staff ❑� New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: City of Hutchinson Parks Department has seen an increase in patrons utilizing sports complexes as "off -leash" dog parks. Patrons will enter into the sports complexes and allow their dogs to run "off -leash" because there is a fence to contain them. While using the space, there has been an increase in patrons not cleaning up after their pets resulting in an increase in staff time to clean the facilities. The City of Hutchinson does have an off -leash dog park for patrons to allow their dogs to run and play off -leash. City parks staff spend time to prepare the designated athletic fields to be utilized for sports competitions. There has been an increase in damage to the prepared fields prior to the competition because pets were allowed to run over the prepped field, resulting in parks staff having to return to the field or turf to re -prep the athletic field/turf to be adequate to start the sporting activity. This results in utilizing more staff time and resources. In addition to the athletic fields, there has been an increase in patrons utilizing the Masonic West River Campground shower facilities as a pet wash station. The campground shower/restroom facility should be utilized for the recreational camping patrons and park users that need to use the restroom facilities. It would be recommended by city staff that pets are not allowed inside the park public restrooms and shower facilities to help maintain the standard cleanliness of our park facilities. 95.09 DOGS AND ANIMALS IN PARKS. All dogs and other domestic animals must be leashed in public parks, except for a designated off leash dog park. An animal owner or person having custody or control of an animal shall immediately clean up and sanitarily dispose of any feces of the animal. Parks Staff are recommending the addition of the following language to the current ordinance: All dogs and other domestic animals are NOT allowed on any designated athletic fields or in sports complexes at any time. Domestic animals are not allowed in park shelters/facilities and public restrooms/shower facilities. Sports Complexes are defined as a group of sports fields and/or facilities (For example, Roberts Park, Veteran's Memorial Field, Park Elementary Tennis Courts). Designated Athletic Fields are defined as piece of turf/field prepared and used for playing a game or sporting activity and regularly hosting sporting practices and events. (For example, sand volleyball courts, baseball/softball field, soccer field, lacrosse field, etc.) If there is any questions or need additional information, Lynn Neumann will be at the City Council meeting. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of first reading of Ordinance 22-835 - Amending Chapter 95 - Public Parks Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No 0 Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A Publication No. ORDINANCE 22-835 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 95 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE — PUBLIC PARKS The City Council hereby ordains that Chapter 95 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: § 95.01 DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. DESIGNATED ATHLETIC FIELDS. Turf or field prepared and used for playing a game or sporting activity and regularly hosting sporting= practices and events (e.g. sand volleyball court, baseball/softball field, soccer field, lacrosse field, etc). DIRECTOR. Shall mean and refer to the authorized and acting director of the Hutchinson Parks, Recreation, and Community Education (PRCE) Department. OFF LEASH DOG PARK. A public, city -designated area where a dog owner is permitted to allow a dog or dogs to socialize and exercise off leash, subject to the rules and regulations for such an area. PARK or PARKS. A park, parkway, greenway, playground, open area, athletic field, outdoor ice skating rink, dog park, skateboarding park, and the materials and equipment therein owned, leased or in use by the City of Hutchinson for recreational purposes and for such uses that are normally associated with parks. RECREATIONAL FACILITIES. This includes the Aquatic Center, Recreation Center, Event Center, and Civic Arena. SHELTERS. Open or enclosed structures located within city parks, including bandstands, the Depot, the Historical Church, and music stages. SPORTS COMPLEX. Group of sports fields and/or facilities (e.g. Roberts Park, Veterans' Memorial Field, Park Elementary tennis courts, etc.). § 95.09 DOGS AND ANIMALS IN PARKS. All dogs and other domestic animals must be leashed in public parks, except for a designated off -leash dog park. All dogs and other domestic animals are NOT allowed on any designated athletic fields or in sports complexes at any time. Dogs and other domestic animals are not allowed in enclosed park shelters/facilities and public restrooms/shower facilities. An animal owner or person having custody or control of an animal shall immediately clean up and sanitarily dispose of any feces of the animal. ADOPTED BY THE HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL THIS 81h DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2022. Attest: Matthew Jaunich, City Administrator Gary T. Forcier, Mayor ca HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PIFAPOSE. Calling Budget Workshop Meetings for 4 p.m. on November 22 Agenda Item: Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 10/25/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff � New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 1 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Staff is looking to call our next budget workshop meeting of the year in preparation for the 2023 budget. The next workshop (4th overall) will be at 4 p.m. on November 22 and will focus on our Enterprise Funds. Staff is asking the council to call this budget workshop meeting. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of calling a budget workshop meeting for 4:00 p.m. on November 22 Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No 0 Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A MINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, August 31, 2022 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Matt Cheney called the meeting to order. Members present: President Matt Cheney; Vice President Anthony Hanson; Secretary Don Martinez; Commissioner Robert Wendorff; Commissioner Kathy Silvernale; GM Jeremy Carter; Attorney Marc Sebora 1. Conflict of Interest 2. Approve Consent Agenda a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills Motion by Commissioner Martinez, second by Commissioner Hanson to Approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approve Financial Statements Mr. Martig presented the Financial Statements. There was an updated version of the financial statements that were emailed out. Electric Division July 2021 had a double payment from BP that should have been reversed, this updated version shows this correction. Mr. Martig noted the Operating Expenses increase consist of elevator maintenance, software purchase and transformer expenses. Purchase power increased by $151 K. Natural Gas Division is similar to 2021. GM Carter noted the Dynasty Power agreement that was just entered into the past couple months has already been called on. Staff will continue to watch the MISO market. Anticipating to see higher increased costs on purchase power along with higher power cost adjustments. When Cost of Service Study discussions start this Fall, Board and Staff will need to be cognizant of the natural gas margins and rates. Motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Silvernale to Approve the Financial Statements. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Open Forum Alycia Gruenhagen and Ruby Pollmann from Greener Pastures, presented before the Commission meeting. Gruenhagen discussed their customer account situation and asked for HUC to continue to work with them to avoid disconnection of the property. 5. Communication a. City Administrator — Matthew Jaunich — 1. Provided an update on projects: Street project around aquatic center is on schedule, PD is back on schedule and continuing to work on Arena b. Divisions Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager — 1. Nothing to report Dave Hunstad, Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager — 1. Provided an update on lead times and cost of materials. Currently HUC has Transformers in inventory, however lead times are 6 months-1 1/2years out with 40-60% cost increase. Conductors have good inventory on hand. Fleet is 1-1 '/2 years out. GM Carter provided an update on conversations from Border States that some vendors are providing 4 years out on lead times. The Energy Industry is being hit the hardest with lead times and costs. Conversations were held on what is causing the long lead times and increased cost along with maintenance of items that are in service now to lengthen the life of the equipment. iii. Mike Gabrielson, Production Manager — 1. Sterling Energy was onsite last week to take a look at units 3, 4 and 8 and will provide a scope of work and a start date of the removal of units. iv. John Webster, Natural Gas Division Director — Absent v. Jared Martig, Financial Manager — 1. Retrofit lighting project in the building has started c. Human Resources — Angie Radke — i. Starting to work on 2023 health and dental insurance d. Legal — Marc Sebora — Nothing to report e. General Manager — Jeremy Carter i. Working on General Liability Insurance with Jared ii. Involved with MMUA and MMGA on strategic planning moving forward iii. Provided an update on a NAESB (North American Energy Standards Board) meeting call. FERC and NERC have asked NAESB to come up with recommendations to change some of the standards that both agencies have in relation to harmonizing the gas and electric industries and the intentions of the consideration. iv. Meeting with MRES tomorrow v. Working on budgets and capital next month 6. Policies a. Review Policies i. Establishing a New Electric/Natural Gas Account ii. Terminating Electric/Natural Gas Service by Customer iii. Definition of Your Bill iv. Errors in Billing v. Automatic Bill Payment Plan vi. Budget Payment Plan vii. Explanation of Billing Procedure No changes recommended at this time. b. Approve Changes 2 i. Hutchinson Utilities Commission ii. Deposit Requirement — Residential iii. Deposit Requirement — Commercial/Industrial iv. Payment of Your Bill v. Minnesota Cold Weather Rule Ms. Radke spoke of the changes that are needed to the various policies. i.) adding the Facebook reference; ii. and iii.) adding verbiage to address remaining credit balance after paying a final bill; iv.) adding payment method by text along with updating email address; v.) updating date to match the statute along with making a grammatical change. Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Wendorff to approve the Policy Changes. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Unfinished Business 8. New Business a. Approve Req#009284 — Plant 1 Ladder Access Mr. Gabrielson presented Approval of Req#0099284 — Plant 1 Ladder Access. The ladder access to the different parts of Plant 1 need to be redone along with adding platform access around the intake fans. Motion by Commissioner Silvernale; second by Commissioner Wendorff to Approve Req#009284 — Plant 1 Ladder Access. Motion carried unanimously. b. Approve Req#009285 - Plant 1 Cooling Tower Repair. Mr. Gabrielson presented Approval of Req#009285 — Plant 1 Cooling Tower Repair, Cooling Tower needs repairs, currently fan deck is plywood this would be replaced with fiberglass decking and fiber glass joists and supports. Handrail replacement and ladders will also be completed along with nozzle replacement. Gearbox line and vent line along with gearbox and fan assembly replacement will be completed as well. Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Martinez to Approve Req#009285 — Plant 1 Cooling Tower Repair. Motion carried unanimously. c. 6 Month Solar Array Update Mr. Hunstad provided a 6- month Solar Array update. The array was anticipated to operate at a 15% capacity factor, however for the first 6 months the array is operating better than expected at 19.05%. The array generated 522,788.87 Kwh 9 with a cost savings of $22,234.16. Will provide annual report in 6 months. President Cheney noted item 8d. Discussion of Unit 1 Generator is a new item to be added. d. Discussion of Unit 1 Generator Mr. Gabrielson started the discussion of the Unit 1 Generator. During routine inspections Staff noticed oil coming out of the external drain on Unit 1. Staff contacted IEM Energy Consultants who specialize in troubleshooting and diagnosing problems on LM6000's. It was recommended at the time to replace the L/S pump, starter clutch, and the oil/air separator filters. However, this did not solve the problem. There is a concern of the amount of oil that is leaking which is currently averaging .66/Gal/Hr and could overrun the drain lines ability to keep the auxiliary gear box evacuated. If it gets beyond this, oil will start to back up into the gearbox eventually washing over the bearings which will cause additional errors. Once oil leak reaches 1/Gal/Hr the unit needs to be shut down. GM Carter recapped the additional background on the unit which has not been taken out of service since 1999. The problems with the unit cannot be done on site. Along with the fixes that are needed, Staff would then also have needed Bulletins completed at the same time. Estimated repair costs could be around the S2M range so this is something that would need to go through the bid process. This unit is the biggest unit in HUC's fleet. Best time to take the unit out of service would be in the Fall; this creates less concern of MISO market prices. Once the unit is out. HUC will have to supply the tolling agreement with market purchases, some of the units downtown or a combination of both. GM Carter supplied 3 different scenarios and what is the most cost effective along with the contractional obligations. This unit does need to stay in service until 2030 but beyond that it will be based on future technology advancement with wind, solar, battery storage, regulatory requirements, and market demand. Discussion was held on the different scenarios along with how to pay for the fix. Financial reserve policies are in place, once reserves are below a certain threshold the Board needs to look at how to build the reserves back up to a designated amount. It was decided to move forward with the fix. Using cash makes the most sense. A Special meeting will be held in September to look for approval of IEM Energy Consultants Professional Service for LM6000. Once that is approved specs will be drawn up. Additional meetings will then be held to Approve Advertisement for 4 Bids. Awarding the Bid and Awarding the Contract. Unit could be out 3 months. 9. Adjourn There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Silvernale to adjourn the meeting at 4:15p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Weney, Preside t 5 on Martinez, Secretary c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. September 2022 Financial and Investment Reports Agenda Item: Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 10/25/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑� Governance Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: For Council review, attached are the Financial and Investment reports for September. You may notice a substantial decrease in our Investment account balance for September. This is due to our local Citizens Bank account providing a much higher return than our Oppenheimer money market account. I transferred $15,000,000 to Citizens Bank to take advantage of the higher yield of approximately 0.5% annually. On $15M, that equates to an additional $75,000 of annual earnings. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: Govern; Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 2022 2021 2022 ACTUALS 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT SEPTEMBER YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED General Fund Taxes - 2,961,833 5,617,556 2,655,723 52.7 2,909,687 5,442,779 53.5 Other Taxes 10,147 187,442 320,000 132,558 58.6 186,056 305,000 61.0 Licenses & Permits 30,907 418,687 443,600 24,913 94.4 426,589 380,300 112.2 Intergovernmental Revenue 380,570 1,780,869 1,744,821 (36,048) 102.1 1,376,100 1,716,788 80.2 Charges for Services 110,534 1,855,312 2,816,325 961,013 65.9 1,752,063 2,786,834 62.9 Miscellaneous Revenues 20,974 216,930 256,500 39,570 84.6 151,995 246,250 61.7 Transfers -In - 1,400,394 2,710,191 1,309,797 51.7 933,596 2,723,191 34.3 Fines & Forfeitures 6,394 36,712 55,000 18,288 66.7 31,897 55,000 58.0 Capital Contributions - - - - - - 40,000 - TOTAL REVENUES 559,526 8,858,180 13,963,993 5,105,813 63.4 7,767,984 13,696,142 56.7 Wages & Benefits 730,487 6,771,821 9,443,650 2,671,829 71.7 6,496,633 9,240,778 70.3 Supplies 70,898 672,691 934,515 261,824 72.0 649,585 882,622 73.6 Services & Charges 130,264 1,978,236 2,756,429 778,193 71.8 1,901,101 2,760,282 68.9 Miscellaneous Expenses 25,503 242,839 714,086 471,247 34.0 243,664 684,310 35.6 Transfers -Out - 55,157 110,313 55,157 50.0 54,075 108,150 50.0 Capital Outlay - 9,604 5,000 (4,604) 192.1 36,750 20,000 183.7 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 957,153 9,730,348 13,963,993 4,233,645 69.7 9,381,808 13,696,142 68.5 NET REVENUE (397,627) (872,168) - 872,168 (1,613,824) - REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 2022 ACTUALS SEPTEMBER YTD General Fund Expense by Department 2022 2021 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Mayor & City Council 2,909 27,798 50,077 22,279 55.5 27,039 50,099 54.0 City Administrator 57,629 393,272 482,617 89,345 81.5 340,647 491,611 69.3 Elections 861 13,668 18,700 5,032 73.1 62 - - Finance Department 26,127 294,031 404,170 110,139 72.7 278,582 382,169 72.9 Motor Vehicle 24,226 213,529 296,160 82,631 72.1 200,881 251,241 80.0 Assessing - - 61,205 61,205 - - 61,152 - Legal 19,783 217,396 328,734 111,338 66.1 217,183 321,917 67.5 Planning 12,894 116,781 170,514 53,733 68.5 114,926 164,302 69.9 Information Services 52,704 410,159 598,135 187,976 68.6 412,940 587,903 70.2 City Hall Building 15,811 131,948 193,849 61,901 68.1 145,589 190,079 76.6 Police Department 282,378 2,569,342 3,497,529 928,187 73.5 2,580,208 3,607,758 71.5 Hospital Security 27,459 242,077 361,679 119,602 66.9 230,866 328,598 70.3 Emergency Management 157 10,535 16,980 6,445 62.0 13,656 17,280 79.0 Safety Committee 13 9,840 11,370 1,530 86.5 11,099 11,210 99.0 Fire Department 23,437 255,817 411,094 155,277 62.2 279,564 369,510 75.7 Protective Inspections 25,158 234,246 334,179 99,933 70.1 214,234 326,560 65.6 Engineering (843) 324,763 441,310 116,547 73.6 315,634 465,890 67.7 Streets & Alleys 92,444 1,136,370 1,630,466 494,096 69.7 1,154,567 1,588,741 72.7 Park/Recreation Administration 19,041 189,759 249,716 59,957 76.0 198,582 316,616 62.7 Recreation 15,853 162,027 278,533 116,506 58.2 192,075 260,435 73.8 Senior Citizen Center 6,790 62,127 96,796 34,669 64.2 39,742 93,715 42.4 Civic Arena 30,954 237,226 411,332 174,106 57.7 188,500 373,185 50.5 Park Department 82,807 802,413 1,072,754 270,341 74.8 725,177 994,819 72.9 Recreation Building 16,070 172,344 265,600 93,256 64.9 138,706 248,129 55.9 Events Center 12,103 202,100 261,357 59,257 77.3 178,014 275,259 64.7 Evergreen Building 2,836 24,778 31,375 6,597 79.0 20,687 30,725 67.3 Library 2,987 167,541 230,492 62,951 72.7 158,273 222,820 71.0 Waterpark 17,548 455,965 396,659 (59,306) 115.0 349,665 355,833 98.3 Cemetery 13,692 111,622 145,838 34,216 76.5 102,272 138,320 73.9 Airport 4,442 97,696 145,123 47,427 67.3 108,318 131,541 82.3 Unallocated General Expense 68,881 443,178 1,069,650 626,472 41.4 444,117 1,038,725 42.8 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 957,153 9,730,348 13,963,993 4,233,645 69.7 9,381,808 13,696,142 68.5 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 2022 2021 2022 ACTUALS 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT SEPTEMBER YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Liquor Fund Sales 602,544 5,279,061 7,424,000 2,144,939 71.1 5,396,124 6,809,000 79.2 Miscellaneous Revenues 2,589 4,188 3,000 (1,188) 139.6 1,989 2,500 79.6 TOTAL REVENUES 605,133 5,283,249 7,427,000 2,143,751 71.1 5,398,114 6,811,500 79.2 Cost of Sales 449,689 3,994,790 5,666,000 1,671,210 70.5 4,162,400 5,159,602 80.7 Wages & Benefits 64,577 590,481 812,108 221,627 72.7 526,657 757,179 69.6 Supplies 2,125 16,505 21,100 4,595 78.2 11,503 22,600 50.9 Services & Charges 21,744 228,379 285,550 57,171 80.0 214,641 259,365 82.8 Miscellaneous Expenses - 5,905 6,700 795 88.1 5,738 6,700 85.6 Transfers -Out - 550,000 550,000 - - 550,000 - CapitalOutlay 42,429 15,000 (27,429) 282.9 6,153 15,000 41.0 Depreciation Expense - - 70,700 70,700 - - 77,000 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 538,135 4,878,489 7,427,158 2,548,669 65.7 4,927,092 6,847,446 72.0 NET REVENUE 66,999 404,760 (158) (404,918) 471,021 (35,946) Year to Date Sales September Sales Comments 2022 2021 Change 2022 2021 Change Liquor Sales Revenue: Liquor 1,899,779 1,882,965 0.9% 215,711 195,021 10.6% Beer 2,587,897 2,660,808 -2.7% 302,238 279,833 8.0% Wine 655,532 715,627 -8.4% 69,722 69,076 0.9% Other 135,853 136,724 -0.6% 14,873 14,527 2.4% Total Sales 5,279,061 5,396,124 -2.2% 602,544 558,458 7.9% Gross Profit $1,284,271 $1,233,724 $152,856 $115,509 Gross Margin on Sales 24.3% 22.9% 25.4% 20.7% Customer Count 177,621 183,651 -3.3% 20,527 19,735 4.0% Average Sale per Customer $29.72 $29.38 1.2% $29.35 $28.30 3.7% Labor to Sales Ratio 11.2% 9.8% 10.7% 9.9% Year-to-date sales and customer count are both trending down from last year, likely due to the removal of COVID-19 restrictions. The economy may also be playing a role. Despite the downturn, adjustments made by the store staff have raised the Gross Margin above 24%. The margin had been slipping in the past few years with the introduction of the rewards program in addition to the ad -match Monday promotion. Eliminating the ad -match, along with other adjustments to address the rising cost of credit card sales has resulted in a gross profit higher than last year despite the 2.2% reduction in sales. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 2022 2021 2022 ACTUALS 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT SEPTEMBER YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Water Fund Sales 204,847 1,429,391 1,715,000 285,609 83.3 1,496,181 1,715,000 87.2 Sales - Other 54,660 441,920 549,950 108,031 80.4 455,243 549,950 82.8 Local Sales Tax 71,967 608,665 812,000 203,335 75.0 580,503 737,000 78.8 Charges for Services 3,373 64,641 71,685 7,044 90.2 60,067 65,700 91.4 Miscellaneous Revenues 9,471 35,243 42,000 6,757 83.9 38,441 47,000 81.8 Capital Contributions - - - - - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 344,317 2,579,860 3,190,635 610,775 80.9 2,630,435 3,114,650 84.5 Wages & Benefits 49,399 413,454 579,241 165,787 71.4 384,267 546,882 70.3 Supplies 14,653 153,407 168,150 14,743 91.2 108,405 140,150 77.3 Services & Charges 39,430 320,305 507,750 187,445 63.1 377,181 500,950 75.3 Miscellaneous Expenses - 693 13,500 12,808 5.1 1,539 15,000 10.3 Transfers -Out - - 70,000 70,000 - - 70,000 - CapitalOutlay 14,646 253,974 998,450 744,476 25.4 865,219 Depreciation Expense - - 1,132,000 1,132,000 - - 1,160,000 - Debt Service - 1,401,027 1,465,433 64,406 95.6 1,388,056 1,465,215 94.7 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 118,129 2,542,858 4,934,524 2,391,666 51.5 2,259,448 4,763,416 47.4 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 226,189 37,001 (1,743,889) (1,780,890) 370,987 (1,648,766) Year to Date Water Sales Comments 2022 2021 Change Water Sales Revenue: Residential 955,883 1,025,877 -6.877 Commercial 280,534 290,384 -3.4% Industrial 192,975 179,919 7.3% Water Sales 1,429,391 1,496,181 -4.5% Base Charge 333,383 329,095 1.3% Water Connection Charge 44,765 77,403 -42.2% Other 63,772 48,746 30.8% Other Sales 441,920 455,243 -2.90. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 2022 2021 2022 ACTUALS 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT SEPTEMBER YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Wastewater Fund Sales 261,456 2,202,892 2,755,000 552,108 80.0 2,022,737 2,782,000 72.7 Sales - Other 40,849 353,631 559,300 205,669 63.2 388,858 568,150 68.4 Local Sales Tax 71,967 608,665 812,000 203,335 75.0 580,503 737,000 78.8 Licenses & Permits - 6,000 6,500 500 92.3 6,000 6,500 92.3 Charges for Services 545 8,985 7,500 (1,485) 119.8 2,900 7,500 38.7 Miscellaneous Revenues 17,137 59,985 90,000 30,015 66.6 58,646 97,500 60.1 Capital Contributions - - - - - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 391,954 3,240,158 4,230,300 990,142 76.6 3,059,644 4,198,650 72.9 Wages & Benefits 66,272 562,097 776,934 214,837 72.3 539,659 752,715 71.7 Supplies 30,169 196,236 246,500 50,264 79.6 150,320 225,000 66.8 Services & Charges 26,754 443,957 769,000 325,043 57.7 765,779 762,200 100.5 Miscellaneous Expenses 23 24,455 40,000 15,545 61.1 19,909 40,000 49.8 Transfers -Out - - 80,000 80,000 - - 80,000 - CapitalOutlay 95,070 2,541,729 984,400 (1,557,329) 258.2 1,174,712 2,358,219 49.8 Depreciation Expense - - 1,182,000 1,182,000 - - 1,125,000 - Debt Service - 1,427,776 1,526,311 98,535 93.5 1,379,575 1,389,965 99.3 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 218,287 5,196,251 5,605,145 408,894 92.7 4,029,954 6,733,099 59.9 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 173,667 (1,956,093) (1,374,845) 581,248 (970,310) (2,534,449) Year to Date Sewer Sales Comments 2022 2021 Change Wastewater Sales Revenue: Residential 1,203,385 1,208,683 -0.477 Commercial 309,775 323,864 -4.4% Industrial - Flow 356,344 281,028 26.8% Industrial - Violation Surcharges 333,389 209,163 59.4% Sewer Sales 2,202,892 2,022,737 8.9% Base Charge 287,769 284,339 1.2% Sewer Connection Charge 51,310 101,729 -49.6% Other 14,552 2,790 421.6% Other Sales 353,631 388,858 -9.1% Capital Outlay The large expenditure for 2022 includes the headworks and SCADA projects. The majority of the headworks costs are being funded by the $4M in bonds that we issued in 2021. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 2022 2021 2022 ACTUALS 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT SEPTEMBER YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Refuse Fund Sales 107,974 960,079 1,267,000 306,921 75.8 941,394 1,220,000 77.2 Sales - Other 3,819 33,479 44,800 11,321 74.7 27,735 49,600 55.9 Intergovernmental Revenue 6,400 16,681 12,500 (4,181) 133.5 6,131 12,500 49.1 Miscellaneous Revenues 4,433 13,630 15,000 1,370 90.9 11,315 20,000 56.6 TOTAL REVENUES 122,626 1,023,870 1,339,300 315,430 76.4 986,576 1,302,100 75.8 Wages & Benefits 20,543 152,442 259,732 107,290 58.7 142,618 225,933 63.1 Supplies 2,133 39,477 59,900 20,423 65.9 25,169 64,400 39.1 Services & Charges 85,720 599,813 848,350 248,537 70.7 569,953 817,220 69.7 Miscellaneous Expenses - 253 1,000 747 25.3 215 1,000 21.5 Transfers -Out - 55,000 55,000 - - 55,000 - CapitalOutlay 95,565 1,207,500 1,111,935 7.9 29,567 865,500 3.4 Depreciation Expense - - 169,000 169,000 - - 162,000 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 108,396 887,549 2,600,482 1,712,933 34.1 767,522 2,191,053 35.0 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 14,230 136,320 (1,261,182) (1,397,502) 219,054 (888,953) REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 2022 2021 2022 ACTUALS 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT SEPTEMBER YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Compost Fund Sales 96,283 2,727,352 2,706,000 (21,352) 100.8 2,528,477 2,289,000 110.5 Charges for Services 1,315 5,379 87,000 81,621 6.2 12,138 70,000 17.3 Miscellaneous Revenues 6,014 24,368 32,000 7,632 76.1 17,128 32,000 53.5 TOTAL REVENUES 103,612 2,757,099 2,825,000 67,901 97.6 2,557,744 2,391,000 107.0 Cost of Sales 69,240 1,890,790 1,837,000 (53,790) 102.9 1,556,952 1,582,500 98.4 Inventory Cost Adjustment (69,934) (531,177) (712,500) (181,323) 74.6 (478,361) (674,000) 71.0 Wages & Benefits 59,565 545,716 808,198 262,482 67.5 535,698 798,104 67.1 Supplies 5,077 104,250 129,000 24,750 80.8 92,786 123,500 75.1 Services & Charges 33,344 157,197 304,850 147,653 51.6 180,229 259,000 69.6 Miscellaneous Expenses 1,378 10,876 11,000 124 98.9 20,371 11,000 185.2 Transfers -Out - - 120,000 120,000 - - 110,000 - CapitalOutlay 14,596 52,801 221,000 168,199 23.9 224,411 376,500 59.6 Depreciation Expense - - 278,000 278,000 - - 282,500 - Debt Service - 68,338 73,808 5,470 92.6 153,922 161,642 95.2 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 113,265 2,298,792 3,070,356 771,564 74.9 2,286,007 3,030,746 75.4 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (9,654) 458,307 (245,356) (703,663) 271,736 (639,746) Year to Date Sales Comments 2022 2021 Change Compost Sales Bagged 2,077,777 2,126,234 -2.3% Bulk 334,129 158,681 110.6% Other (Freight) 315,446 243,562 29.5% Total Sales 2,727,352 2,528,477 7.9% Gross Profit 836,562 971,525 Gross Margin 30.7% 38.4% Bagged Sales Our gross margin is slipping from last year due to higher input costs and the inability to raise sales prices due to the competitive market. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 2022 2021 2022 ACTUALS 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT SEPTEMBER YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Storm Water Utility Sales 86,274 774,060 1,033,000 258,940 74.9 751,758 1,000,000 75.2 Sales - Other 545 4,278 3,500 (778) 122.2 344 3,500 9.8 Licenses & Permits 650 6,815 4,800 (2,015) 142.0 3,870 4,800 80.6 Miscellaneous Revenues 3,618 14,490 14,350 (140) 101.0 18,203 15,350 118.6 TOTAL REVENUES 91,087 799,643 1,055,650 256,007 75.7 774,176 1,023,650 75.6 Wages & Benefits 26,204 223,731 290,084 66,353 77.1 196,635 276,724 71.1 Supplies 621 23,810 51,325 27,515 46.4 12,998 35,425 36.7 Services & Charges 25,509 85,162 212,150 126,988 40.1 74,243 196,350 37.8 Miscellaneous Expenses - 2,021 18,000 15,979 11.2 17,142 18,000 95.2 Transfers -Out - - - - - - - CapitalOutlay 746,600 746,600 99,889 739,000 13.5 Depreciation Expense - 254,000 254,000 - - 240,000 - Debt Service - 164,701 221,589 56,888 93.5 167,151 225,789 70.2 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 52,334 499,426 1,793,748 1,294,322 27.8 568,058 1,731,288 32.8 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 38,753 300,218 (738,098) (1,038,316) 206,118 (707,638) Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. 85 Broad Street STATEMENT OF PPENHE T� /(� ��/� New York, N10004 (zlz) 668-80 00 ACCOUNT �'.. '" Transacts Business on All Principal Exchanges Assets maturing during the next 60 days appear at the end of this statement. Special Message This statement has been provided to you through electronic delivery. Thank you for helping us 'Go Green'! Oppenheimer is acting in a Brokerage capacity for this account. Portfolio Summary This Previous Estimated Period Period Annual Income 09/30/22 08/31/22 Advantage Bank Deposits* $374.55 $686.68 $0.18 Mutual Funds 1,266,218.81 17,272,678.18 27,544.05 Government Agency Bonds 936,320.00 951,240.00 22,150.00 Municipal Bonds 8,371,552.15 7,919,989.20 171,721.65 Corporate Bonds 998,075.00 996,331.00 0.00 Certificates of Deposit 5,721,627.10 5,308,564.45 148,715.00 Cash Account Balance 1,089.41 416.16 Total Asset Value $17,295,257.02 $32,449,905.67 $370,130.88 Net Value of Accrued Interest $56,893.80 $47,441.92 Total Asset Value does not include Direct Investments, Accrued Interest or unpriced securities. * Eligible for FDIC insurance up to standard maximum insurance amounts, Not SIPC insured. Account Number: D25-5019707 Tax ID Number: ON FILE For the Period: 09/01/22 - 09/30/22 Last Statement: 08/31/22 Page 1 of 13 CITY OF HUTCHINSON MINNESOTA I I I HASSAN ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350-2522 Financial Professional SULLIVAN,C/FAY,J 511X (800)258-3387 Internet Address: www.opco.com Income Summary Office Serving Your Account 100 SOUTH 5TH ST SUITE 2200 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Reportable This Period Year to Date Advantage Bank Dep Interest $0.00 $0.01 Corporate Interest 6,322.66 102,467.80 Municipal Interest 13,558.50 170,615.95 Government Interest 0.00 2,950.00 Dividends 37,721.63 92,157.21 Total Reportable $57,602.79 $368,190.97 Non -Reportable Municipal Accrued Int Paid $-3,701.04 $-14,448.18 Corporate Accrued Int Paid 0.00 -20.14 Total Non -Reportable $-3,701.04 $-14,468.32 PPENHEIMEk Executive Summary CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 1010112022 XXXXXX9707 Summary Totals Original Face $15,740,000 Current Face (Par) $15,740,000 Market Principal $15,060,165 Accrued Interest $58,952 Cash & Cash Alternatives $0 Fixed Income Funds $0 Equity Balance $0 Total Portfolio Value $15,109,118 Next 12mo Cpn Cash Flow $325,336 Generic Annual Cpn Cash Flow $342,587 Weighted Averages Coupon* 2.177 % Maturity** 1.99 yrs Duration 1.88 Yield to Worst 4.275 % Yield to Maturity 4.304 % Market Price* 95.617 Tax Lots Holdings Included 49 of 49 'Par-Wid, all else Mkt-Wid. "Avg life used for principal Paydowns, and perpetual securities are assigned a 40 year maturity. Moody's S&P UST/AGY/CD - PR/ETM Aaa 6AAA As AA A ■ A See BBB •- 101 40% Muni- 55.7% CD - 38.1 % A9y- 6.2% 20% 0% ' .try,y^j,�bryh,16ry'�ry0,y0,b0,�'Y,�'bb'3.�b,�h.b�o,�'1,�0,b�i bO b'Yb'Lb'�bb b`2 b6 b'�b0 b0y0yh. x a� y0, t0,10, y0, �0,10, y0, t0, y0, y0, t0, y0, y0, t0,10, y0, p0, LO, y0, �O, LO, y0, p0, LO, y0, �O, LO, y0, t0, yODyQ ¢J Qe Fed Tax -Exempt 0 Fed Taxable 0 Subj to Cap Gains 0 Subj to AMT $54,000 60% $45,000 1 1 $36,000 40% $27,000 Be $18,000 Be 20% <Ba NR NR None `L ti ti 3 3 3 None OoiO' �o'O' 0�,0' )ef` 0e �aLO' �L0' �a�0' s. �0�0' PJJry 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% d' O'Yp'1.0'�Obpg0xo0'1 p00oi y0,'Y,yry y",�b yh y6,',y0,yci,LO,y'1,�'y,y'3,vb,�5,y6,y'�,�0,y0,500x p0'ati0'1%p'3aP0<ip�oQ'�'09pc'.yO,y'Y,�'I,.y"�yby5.y0y'�,�0,�0,1O,y1,1'L,l3,tb,yh,l,0,y'1,y0,y9 'r Includes coupon cash flows for the next 12 months, from 10/01/2022 to 0913012023. Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP, quantity, market price and full analytical calculations on reporting date. Includes coupon cash flows for the next 12 months, from 10/01/2022 to 09/30/2023. Projected Principal Paydowns for CMOs are produced by applying current pool speeds which are updated weekly. Assuming similar market conditions going forward, Projected Principal Paydowns for Pass-Thru securities are produced by calculating and applying concurrent historical speeds to future paydown schedules. Page 3 of 25 PPENHEIMEI� Totals & Averages @ Current Market CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 1010112022 XXXXXX9707 Original Face Value Current Face Value Valid Tax Lot Holdings Unrecognized Tax Lot Holdings Total Tax Lot Holdings $15,740,000 $15,740,000 49 1 50 'Valid Tax Lot Holdings' includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP and quantity. Priced Original Face Value $15,740,000 Priced Current Face Value $15,740,000 Tax Lot Holdings Included 49 of 49 Priced Market Principal $15,050,165 Average Coupon 2.177% Average Market Price 95.617 Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP, quantity and market price on reporting date. Average coupon and market price weighted by market principal. Portfolio Totals Original Face Value Current Face Value Market Principal Value Accrued Interest Total Market Value Cash & Cash Alternatives Fixed Income Funds Equity Balance Total Portfolio Value Next 12mo Cpn Cash Flow Generic Annual Cpn Cash Flow Tax Lot Holdings Included Portfolio Averages $15,740,000 Coupon $15,740,000 Maturity $15,050,165 Duration $58,952 Convexity $15,109,118 Current Yield $0 Yield to Worst $0 Yield to Maturity $0 After Tax YTW $15,109,118 Taxable Equivalent YTW $325,336 After Tax YTM $342,587 Taxable Equivalent YTM 49 of 50 Market Price 2.177% 1.99 yrs 1.88 0.054 2.276% 4.275% 4.304% 4.275% 4.275% 4.304% 4.304% 95.617 Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP, quantity, market price and full analytical calculations on reporting date. Portfolio average values are market -weighted, unless otherwise noted. Coupon and market price are par -weighted. All prices have been normalized to par. Average life used for principal paydowns, and perpetual securities are assigned a 40 year maturity. Includes coupon cash flows for the next 12 months, from 1010112022 to 09/30/2023. ATY/TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.00%, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Generic Annual Cpn Cash Flow is simply coupon rate times current face value, and does not consider acquisition date, redemption dates, long/short first coupons, ex -dividend dates, payment delays, etc. Duration and convexity figures represent modified duration to worst. Page 4 of 25 PPENHEIMEI� Totals & Averages @ Acquisition CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 1010112022 XXXXXX9707 Original Face Value Current Face Value Valid Tax Lot Holdings Unrecognized Tax Lot Holdings Total Tax Lot Holdings $15,740,000 Portfolio Totals Portfolio Averages $15,740,000 Original Face Value $15,740,000 Yield to Worst (cost) 2.312% 49 Face Value at Acquisition $15,740,000 Yield to Worst (mkt) 4.275% 1 Original Principal Cost $15,706,441 Yield to Maturity (cost) 2.357% 50 Adjusted Principal Cost $15,664,724 Yield to Maturity (mkt) 4.304% Current Market Principal $15,050,165 Original Acquisition Price 99.787 Estimated Gainl(Loss) -$614,558 Adjusted Cost Price 99.522 Tax Lot Holdings Included 49 of 50 Current Market Price 95.617 Valid Tax Lot Holdings' includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP and quantity. Original Face Value $15,740,000 Face Value at Acquisition $15,740,000 Tax Lot Holdings Included 49 of 49 Original Principal Cost $15,706,441 Average Acquisition Price 99.787 Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP, quantity, acquisition date/price, full analytical calculations at acquisition, market price, and full analytical calculations on reporting date. Average values @ cost are weighted by respective original total acquisition costs. Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP, quantity, and acquisition date/price. All prices have been normalized to par. Average acquisition price is weighted by original principal cost. Average life used for principal paydowns, and perpetual securities are assigned a 40 year maturity. Page 5 of 25 PENHEIMER, Position Details CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 1010112022 XXXXXX9707 Position Details CUSIP Curr Face Account # Mdy / S&P Coupon Mitt Px Acq Date Tot Adj Cost Mkt Principal Unreal GIL Asset % Port Held (Underlying) Issue Description Maturity Duration Px To Date Yield ATY TEY Acq PxI Yid Adj Cost Px Accr Int %Adj Cost 01748DAY2 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- ALLEGIANCE BK TEX HOUSTON 2.200% 99.930 Maturity 11/03/2022 3.054%(w) 3.054% 3.054% 11/03/2017 $245,000 $244,828 ($171) CD 1.56% Held FDIC Cert #., 58629 11/032022 0.08 Cuff Yield - 2.202 % 100.000 / 2.200 % 100.000 $15 (0.1 %) Death Put I I ABTX I Monthly Pay I Restricted States: TX 254672WU8 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- DISCOVER BK 2.450% 99.916 Maturity 11/18/2022 3.105% (w) 3.105% 3.105% 06/09/2017 $245,000 $244,794 ($206) CD 1.56% Held FDIC Cent A, 5649 11/18/2022 0.12 Curr Yield - 2.452 % 100.000 / 2.450% 100.000 $2,286 (0.1%) Death Put I I DFS I Semi -Annual Pay 214201GK5 150 xxxxxx9707 At/- COOK CNTY ILL SCH DIST NO 0.000% 99.319 Maturity 12/01/2022 4.331 % (w) 4.331% 4.331% 10/27/2020 $149,798 $148,978 ($819) Muni 0.95% Held (-y 089MAYWOOD 12/01/2022 0.16 Curr Yield - 0.000% 98.341 /0.800% 99.865 $0 (0.591) Material Events I Federally Taxable I State Taxable I General Obligation I Education I AGMC Insured 949495AQ8 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- WELLS FARGO NATL BK WEST LAS 1.900% 99.535 Maturity 01/17/2023 3.526% (w) 3.526% 3.526% 01/17/2020 $245,000 $243,861 ($1,139) CD 1.56% Held V 0111712023 0.28 Cuff Yield - 1.909% 100.000 / 1.900% 100.000 $217 (0.5%) FDIC Cert A, 27389 Death Put I I WFC I Monthly Pay 58404DDMO 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- MEDALLION BK UTAH 2.850% 99.621 Maturity 03/06/2023 3.763% (w) 3.763% 3.763% 03/05/2019 $245,000 $244,071 ($929) CD 1.56% Held FDIC Cert A, 57449 0310612023 0.42 Cuff Yield - 2.861 % 100.000 / 2.850 % 100.000 $555 (0.4%) Death Put I I MEDBNK I Monthly Pay I Restricted States: AL,OH,TX 149159MQ5 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- CATHAY BK LOS ANGEL CALIF 3.150% 99.467 Maturity 06/08/2023 3.944% (w) 3.944% 3.944% 06/08/2018 $245,000 $243,694 ($1,306) CD 1.56% Held FDIC Cert A, 18503 06/08/2023 0.66 Cuff Yield - 3.167% 100.000 / 3.150 % 100.000 $2,495 (0,5%) Death Put I I CATY I Semi -Annual Pay I Restricted States: CA, NY 856425AR4 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- STATE BANK OF LISMORE 3.100% 99.376 Maturity 06/27/2023 3.970% (w) 3.970% 3.970% 06/27/2018 $245,000 $243,471 ($1,529) CD 1.56% Held LISMOREMN 06/27/2023 0.72 Cuff Yield - 3.119% 100.00013.100% 100.000 $146 (0.6%) FDIC Cert A, 8190 Death Put 11 SBKLIS I Monthly Pay 45581 EAX9 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- INDUSTRIAL & COML BK CHINA 3.300% 99.514 Maturity 06/30/2023 3.970% (w) 3.970% 3.970% 08/30/2018 $245,000 $243,809 ($1,191) CD 1.56% Held USA 06/30/2023 0.73 Cuff Yield - 3.316 % 100.000 / 3.300 % 100.000 $89 (0.591) FDIC Cert A, 24387 Death Put I I INDCMB I Monthly Pay I Restricted States: NON-USACCOUNTS 75472RAW1 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- RAYMOND JAMES BK NATL ASSN 1.700% 97.998 Maturity 08/14/2023 4.085% (w) 4.085% 4.085% 02/14/2020 $245,000 $240,095 ($4,905) CD 1.56% Held FDIC Cert A, 33893 0811412023 0.84 Cuff Yield - 1.735% 100.000 / 1.700 % 100.000 $582 (2,0%) Death Put I I RJF I Semi -Annual Pay Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP. For preferred securities, # of shares is displayed instead of current face value, which is represented in thousands (000). The (w) in the Yield column indicates which yield value is the Yield to Worst (YTW). Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. ATY/TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.009/, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Page 6 of 25 PPENHEIMEI, Position Details (continued...) CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 101012022 XXXXXX9707 Position Details CUSIP Curr Face Account # Mdy / S&P Coupon Mkt Px Acq Date Tot Adj Cost Mkt Principal Unreal GIL Asset % Port Held (Underlying) Issue Description Maturity Duration Px To Date Yield ATY TEY Acq Px I Yid Adj Cost Px Accr Int %Adj Cost 59833LAF9 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- MIDWEST INDPT BK MO 3.150% 99.115 Maturity 09/18/2023 4.095%(w) 4.095% 4.095% 09/17/2018 $245,000 $242,832 ($2,168) CD 1.56% Held FDIC Cert #., 25849 09/18/2023 0.94 Cuff Yield - 3.178 % 100.000 / 3.150 % 100.000 $359 (0.991) Death Put I I MIDINB I Monthly Pay 59447TKJI 300 xxxxxx9707 Aa2/AA- MICHIGAN FIN AUTH REV 2.744% 98.372 Maturity 11/01/2023 4.308% (w) 4.308% 4.308% 07/26/2022 $298,308 $295,116 ($3,192) Muni 1.91 % Held (WRy 1110112023 1.03 Cuff Yield - 2.789 % 99.436 / 3.201 % 99.436 $3,499 (1.19') Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Make Whole Call I Extraordinary Calls I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 61760ARSO 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- MORGAN STANLEY PRIVATE BK 3.550% 99.340 Maturity 11/08/2023 4.166%(w) 4.166% 4.166% 11/08/2018 $245,000 $243,383 ($1,617) CD 1.56% Held NATL 1110812023 1.05 Cuff Yield - 3.574 % 100.000 / 3.550 % 100.000 $3,550 (0.75/) FDIC Cent A, 34221 Death Put I I MS I Semi -Annual Pay 54627CAX1 250 xxxxxx9707 Aaa/- LOUISIANA HSG CORP 0.550% 96.224 Next Call 10/21/2022 83.456% 83.456% 83.456% 05/11/2022 $240,758 $240,560 ($197) Muni 1.59% Held MULTIFAMILY HSG REV - 121012023 1.13 Maturity 12/01/2023 3.916% (w) 3.916 % 3.916 % 96.303 / 3.000% 96.303 $470 (0.1%) HOLLYWOOD ACRES LLC- Cuff Yield - 0.572% HOLLYWOOD HEIGHTS PROJS Material Events I Revenue I Housing I Semi -Annual Pay 538036CZ5 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- LIVE OAK BANKING COMPANY 2.500% 98.141 Maturity 12/13/2023 4.101% (w) 4.101% 4.101% 12/13/2017 $245,000 $240,445 ($4,555) CD 1.56% Held WILMINGTON NC 12/13/2023 1.17 Cuff Yield - 2.547% 100.00012.500% 100.000 $50 (1.g%) FDIC Cert A, 58665 Death Put I I LIVOAK I Monthly Pay 03784JSL9 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- APPLE BANK FOR SAVINGS 0.600% 95.580 Maturity 01/22/2024 4.119% (w) 4.119% 4.119% 01/26/2022 $243,456 $234,171 ($9,286) CD 1.56% Held FDIC Cert A, 16068 0122/2024 1.27 Cuff Yield - 0.628% 99.370 / 0.920 % 99.370 $302 (3.8%) Death Put I I APPBNK I Semi -Annual Pay I Restricted States: TX 06251AV80 245 xxxxxx9707 -I- BANK HAPOALIM B M NEW YORK 3.200% 98.882 Maturity 01/23/2024 4.082% (w) 4.082% 4.082% 01/23/2019 $245,000 $242,261 ($2,739) CD 1.56% Held FDIC Cert A, 33686 01232024 1.26 Cuff Yield - 3.236 % 100.000 / 3.200 % 100.000 $1,568 (1.1%) Death Put I I Foreign I Emerging I HAPOAL I Semi -Annual Pay I Restricted States: MTTX 20033AP91 245 xxxxxx9707 -I- COMENITY CAP BK UTAH 3.100% 98.705 Maturity 02/15/2024 4.075%(w) 4.075% 4.075% 02/15/2019 $245,000 $241,827 ($3,173) CD 1.56% Held FDIC Cert A, 57570 0211512024 1.33 Cuff Yield - 3.141 % 100.000 / 3.100% 100.000 $395 (1.3%) Death Put I I ADS I Monthly Pay I Restricted States: OH,TX 057864AZ3 485 xxxxxx9707 Aa2/AA BALDWIN CNTY ALA PUB BLDG 3.000% 99.396 Maturity 03/01/2024 3.442% (w) 3.442% 3.442% 03/20/2020 $488,327 $482,071 ($6,257) Muni 3.08% Held (Aav--) AUTH BLDG REV - JAIL PROJ 031012024 1.36 Cuff Yield - 3.018% 101.867 / 2.500% 100.686 $1,334 (1.391) Material Events I S&P Outlook Stable I Extraordinary Calls I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP. For prefer ed securities, # of shares is displayed instead of current face value, which is represented in thousands (000). The (w) in the Yield column indicates which yield value is the Yield to Worst (YTW). Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. ATY/TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.00%, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Page 7 of 25 PENHEIMER, Position Details (continued...) CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 1010112022 XXXXXX9707 CUSIP Curr Face Account # Mdy / S&P Coupon Mkt Px Asset % Port Held (Underlying) Issue Description Maturity Duration Px To Date Yield 65621XAN9 580 xxxxxx9707 -/AA+ NORMANDYSCHS 0.550% 94.785 Maturity 03/01/2024 4.409%(w) M-i 3.68% Held (-/a) COLLABORATIVE MO JT 0310112024 1.37 Cuff Yield - 0.580% EXECUTIVE GOVERNING BRD ST LOUIS CNTY Federally Taxable I State Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I General Obligation I Education I Semi -Annual Pay 90348JJQ4 245 xxxxxx9707 4- UBS BK USA SALT LAKE CITY UT 2.900% 98.306 Maturity 04/03/2024 4.067% (w) CD 1.56% Held FDIC Cart A, 57565 041032024 1.46 Cuff Yield - 2.950 % Death Put I I UBS I Monthly Pay 438701Y73 675 xxxxxx9707 Aa2/- HONOLULU HAWAII CITY & CNN 0.545% 93.690 Maturity 07/01/2024 4.346% (w) Muni 4.29% Held (Aa2/-) WASTEWTR SYS REV 0710112024 1.70 Cuff Yield - 0.582% Material Events I Federally Taxable I Make Whole Can I Pro -Rats I Revenue I Utilities I Semi -Annual Pay 14042RSR3 245 xxxxxx9707 4- CAPITAL ONE NATL ASSN VA 3.300% 98.744 Maturity 07/08/2024 4.040% (w) CD 1.56% Held FDIC Cart A, 4297 0710612024 1.68 Cuff Yield - 3.342 % Death Put I I COF I Semi -Annual Pay 20056UAV6 500 xxxxxx9707 -/AA COMMERCE CALIF CMNTY DEV 3.000% 97.110 Maturity 08/01/2024 4.668% (w) Muni 3.18% Held (-IA) COMMN SUCCESSOR AGY TAX 08/01/2024 1.74 Cuff Yield - 3.089% ALLOCATION Acq Date Tot Adj Cost Mkt Principal Unreal GIL ATY TEY Acq Px / Yid Adj Cost Px Accr Int % Adj Cost 4.409 % 4.409 % 12/07/2021 $577,048 $549,753 ($27,295) 99.491 / 0.780% 99.491 $292 (4.751) 4.067% 4.067% 04/03/2019 $245,000 $240,850 ($4,150) 100.000 / 2.900 % 100.000 $19 (1.7%) 4.346% 4.346% 03/07/2022 $658,112 $632,408 ($25,704) 97.498 / 1.650% 97.498 $950 (3.9%) 4.040% 4.040% 07/07/2022 $245,000 $241,923 ($3,077) 100.000 / 3.300% 100.000 $1,971 (1.3%) 4.668% 4.668% 05/09/2017 $507,110 $485,550 ($21,560) 105.319 / 2.200% 101.422 $2,625 (4.391) Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I DID I Revenue I Government I AGMC Insured I Semi -Annual Pay 438687KT1 1,000 xxxxxx9707 Aal/- HONOLULUHAWAIICITY &CNN 1.832% 95.649 Maturity 08/01/2024 4.336%(w) 4.336% 4.336% 10/30/2019 $996,000 $966,490 ($39,510) Muni 6.35% Held (Aai/--) 0810112024 1.76 Cuff Yield - 1.915 % 99.600 / 1.920 % 99.600 $3,206 (4.0%) Material Events I Federally Taxable I Make Whole Call I General Obligation I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 02589ADM1 245 xxxxxx9707 -I- AMERICAN EXPR NATL BK 3.350% 98.782 Maturity 08/12/2024 4.033% (w) 4.033% 4.033% 08/10/2022 $245,000 $242,016 ($2,984) CD 1.56% Held FDIC Cart A, 27471 08/12/2024 1.77 Cuff Yield - 3.391 % 100.000 / 3.350 % 100.000 $1,237 (1.2%) Death Put I I AXP I Semi -Annual Pay 20772,13,19 570 xxxxxx9707 Aa3/A+ CONNECTICUT ST 2.400% 95.853 Maturity 08/15/2024 4.750%(w) 4.750% 4.750% 07/11/2019 $568,906 $546,362 ($22,544) Muni 3.62% Held (Aa3l-) 0811512024 1.78 Cuff Yield - 2.504% 99.808 / 2.440% 99.808 $1,862 (4.0%) Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Positive I General Obligation I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 3134GXR22 500 xxxxxx9707 Aaa/AA+ FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 3.250% 99.419 Next Call 11/28/2022 7.073% 7.073% 7.073% 08/30/2022 $500,000 $497,095 ($2,905) Agy 3.18% Held 0828/2024 0.88 Mid Call 08/28/2023 4.182% (w) 4.182% 4.182% 100.000 / 3.250 % 100.000 $1,490 (0.651) Maturity 08/28/2024 5.044% 5.044% 5.044% Cuff Yield - 3.269 % S&P Outlook Stable I Callable I Short First Coupon I FHLMC I Multi -Step Coupon 3.25% until 02/28/2023, 3.5% until 05/2812023, 4.0%until 0812812023, 4.5% until 11128/2023, 5.0% until 02128/2024, 6.0% until 05/28/2024, then 8.0% I Quarterly Pay Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP. For preferred securities, # of shares is displayed instead of current face value, which is represented in thousands (000). The (w) in the Yield column indicates which yield value is the Yield to Worst (YTW). Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. ATY/TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.009/, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Page 8 of 25 PPENHEIMEI, Position Details (continued...) CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 1010112022 XXXXXX9707 Position Details CUSIP Curr Face Account # Mdy / S&P Coupon Mkt Px Acq Date Tot Adj Cost Mkt Principal Unreal GIL Asset % Port Held (Underlying) Issue Description Maturity Duration Px To Date Yield ATY TEY Acq Px I Yid Adj Cost Px Accr Int %Adj Cost 64971QJ38 500 xxxxxx9707 Aal/AAA NEW YORKN YCITY 2.600% 96.209 Next Call 11/01/2022 54.614% 64.614% 64.614% 06/09/2017 $486,750 $481,046 ($5,705) M-i 3.18% Held (Aav-) TRANSITIONAL FIN AUTH REV 1110112024 1.96 Maturity 11/01/2024 4.534%(w) 4.534% 4.534% 97.350 / 2.998% 97.350 $5,525 (1.291) Cuff Yield - 2.702% Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Callable I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 795461BAO 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- SALLIE MAE BK MURRAY UTAH 1.000% 93.518 Maturity 12/16/2024 4.105% (w) 4.105% 4.106 12/15/2021 $245,000 $229,119 ($15,881) CD 1.56% Held FDIC Cent A, 58177 12/16/2024 2.13 Cuff Yield - 1.069 % 100.000 / 1.000% 100.000 $745 (6.591) Death Put I I SALLMA I Semi -Annual Pay I Restricted States: OH,TX 287299MR9 150 xxxxxx9707 -/AA+ ELK GROVE VILLAGE ILL 1.000% 92.768 Maturity 01/01/2025 4.424% (w) 4.424% 4.424% 11/01/2021 $150,000 $139,152 ($10,848) Muni 0.95% Held (-i) 0110112025 2.17 Cuff Yield - 1.078 % 100.000 / 1.000 % 100.000 $388 (7.291) Federally Taxable I State Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I General Obligation I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 696583GV9 460 xxxxxx9707 Aal/AAA PALM BEACH FLA REV 2.500% 96.066 Maturity 01/01/2025 4.360% (w) 4.360% 4.360% 01/08/2020 $464,503 $441,904 ($22,600) Muni 2.92% Held (Aa1/-) 0110112025 2.13 Cuff Yield - 2.602% 102.12012.050% 100.979 $2,971 (4.9%) Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 59013KFJO 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- MERRICK BK SOUTH JORDAN 1.800% 94.820 Maturity 01/31/2025 4.137% (w) 4.137% 4.137% 01/31/2020 $245,000 $232,309 ($12,691) CD 1.56% Held UTAH 01/31/2025 2.27 Cuff Yield - 1.898% 100.000/1.800% 100.000 $48 (5.2%) FDIC Cert A, 34519 Death Put I I MERICK I Monthly Pay I Restricted States: OH,TX 16166NCL7 300 xxxxxx9707 -/AA- CHASKA MINN ECONOMIC DEV 3.430% 97.058 Maturity 02/01/2025 4.780% (w) 4.780% 4.780% 02/03/2020 $311,079 $291,174 ($19,905) Muni 1.91% Held (-y AUTHLEASE REV 02/01/2025 2.19 Cuff Yield - 3.534% 107.752 / 1.800% 103.693 $1,801 (6.4%) Material Events I Federally Taxable I State Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Revenue I Industrial I Semi -Annual Pay 927781UZ5 570 xxxxxx9707 Aal/AA+ VIRGINIA COLLEGE BLDG AUTH 4.250% 99.434 Maturity 02/01/2025 4.507% (w) 4.507% 4.507% 09/26/2022 $570,000 $566,774 ($3,226) Muni 3.62% Held (Aa1/-) VAEDL FACS REV - 21 ST CENTURY 02/01/2025 2.17 Cuff Yield - 4.274% 100.000 / 4.248% 100.000 $4,239 (0.691) COLL PROG Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I OID I Make Whole Call I Extraordinary Calls I Revenue I Education I Semi -Annual Pay 05465DAE8 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- AXOS BK SAN DIEGO CALIF 1.650% 94.025 Maturity 03/26/2025 4.194 % (w) 4.194% 4.194 % 03/26/2020 $245,000 $230,361 ($14,639) CD 1.56% Held FDIC Cert A, 35546 03/26/2025 2.42 Cuff Yield - 1.755 % 100.000 / 1.650% 100.000 $89 (8.091) Death Put I I BOFI I Monthly Pay 59334PJA6 375 xxxxxx9707 -/AA MIAMI-DADE CNTY FLA TRAN SYS 0.900% 90.237 Maturity 07/01/2025 4.739% (w) 4.739% 4.739% 11/23/2021 $373,012 $338,389 ($34,624) Muni 2.38% Held SALES SURTAX REV 0710112025 2.64 Cuff Yield - 0.997 % 99.470 / 1.050% 99.470 $872 (9.391) Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP. For preferred securities, # of shares is displayed instead of current face value, which is represented in thousands (000). The (w) in the Yield column indicates which yield value is the Yield to Worst (YTW). Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. ATY/TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.009/, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Page 9 of 25 PPENHEIMEI, Position Details (continued...) CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 101012022 XXXXXX9707 CUSIP Curr Face Account # Mdy I S&P Coupon Mkt Px Acq Date Tot Adj Cost Mkt Principal Unreal GIL Asset % Port Held (Underlying) Issue Description Maturity Duration Px To Date Yield ATY TEY Acq Px I Yid Adj Cost Px Accr Int % Adj Cost 052405FP7 245 xxxxxx9707 Aa3/AA AUSTIN TEX CMNTY COLLEGE 0.992 % 90.476 Maturity 08/01/2025 4.627 % (w) 4.627 % 4.627 % 04/29/2022 $229,482 $221,656 ($7,815) Muni 1.56% Held (Aa3y DISTPUB FAC CORP LEASE REV 081012025 2.72 Cuff Yield - 1.096% 93.666 / 3.050% 93.666 $425 (3.491) Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Extraordinary Calls I Revenue I Education I Semi -Annual Pay 34520LAD5 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- FORBRIGHT BK POTOMAC MD 3.500 % 97.673 Maturity 09/16/2025 4.341 % (w) 4.341 % 4.341 % 09/16/2022 $245,000 $239,299 ($5,701) CD 1.56% Held FDIC Cart A, 57614 09/16/2025 2.79 Cum Yield - 3.583 % 100.000 / 3.500 % 100.000 $423 (2.391) Death Put I I FORBBK I Monthly Pay 29278TMJ6 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- REGIONS BK BIRMINGHAM ALA 2.000% 93.254 Maturity 10/31/2025 4.346% (w) 4.346 % 4.346% 10/31/2019 $245,000 $228,472 ($16,528) CD 1.56% Held FDIC Cert A, 57293 1013112025 2.97 Cuff Yield - 2.145 % 100.000 / 2.000 % 100.000 $54 (6.7%) Death Put I I RF I Monthly Pay I Restricted States: OH,TX 47770VBF6 310 xxxxxx9707 Aa3/AA+ JOBSOHIO BEVERAGE SYS OHIO 2.034% 91.741 Maturity 01/01/2026 4.815% (w) 4.815% 4.815% 04/29/2022 $298,815 $284,397 ($14,418) Muni 1.97% Held (Aa3y STATEWIDE LIQUOR PROFITS REV 01/01/2026 3.06 Cuff Yield - 2.217% 96.39213.080% 96.392 $1,629 (4.851) Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Make Whole Call I Pro -Rats I Revenue I Industrial I Semi -Annual Pay 678553BUl 300 xxxxxx9707 Aa2/AA+ OKLAHOMA CITY OKLA ECONOMIC 1.118% 88.793 Maturity 03/01/2026 4.716% (w) 4.716% 4.716% 02/10/2022 $292,833 $266,379 ($26,454) Muni 1.91% Held (Aa2i) DEV TR TAX APPORTIONMENT - 03/012026 3.27 Cuff Yield - 1.259% 97.611 / 1.730% 97.611 $307 (9.0%) INCREMENT DIST NO 8 PROJ Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Make Whole Call I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 6500354W5 190 xxxxxx9707 Aat/AA+ NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV CORP 3.170% 95.683 Maturity 03/15/2026 4.569%(w) 4.569% 4.569% 08/30/2022 $187,925 $181,608 ($6,318) Muni 1.21% Held (Aav-) REV 0311512026 3.21 Cuff Yield - 3.316% 98.908 / 3.500% 98.908 $318 (3.4%) Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Escrow to Mat I Make Whole Call I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 032879UV8 500 xxxxxx9707 -/AA ANCHOR BAY MICH SCH DIST 1.250% 88.447 Maturity 05/01/2026 4.805 % (w) 4.805 % 4.805 % 07/16/2020 $502,265 $442,235 ($60,030) Muni 3.18% Held (49 05/012026 3.40 Cuff Yield - 1.413 % 100.726 / 1.120 % 100.453 $2,656 (12.0%) Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I General Obligation I Education I Semi -Annual Pay 71884AH28 135 xxxxxx9707 Aa2/AAA PHOENIX ARIZ CIVIC IMPT CORP 1.157% 87.137 Maturity 07/01/2026 4.966% (w) 4.966% 4.966% 12/14/2021 $134,150 $117,635 ($16,515) Muni 0.86% Held (Aa2r--) EXCISE TAX REV 07/01/2026 3.57 Cuff Yield - 1.328 % 99.370 / 1.300 % 99.370 $404 (12.3%) Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Make Whole Call I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 89235MLD1 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- TOYOTA FINL SVGS BK HEND NV 0.950% 88.468 Maturity 07/22/2026 4.268 % (w) 4.268 % 4.268 % 07/22/2021 $245,000 $216,747 ($28,253) CD 1.56% Held FDIC Cart A, 57542 0722/2026 3.65 Cuff Yield - 1.074 % 100.000 / 0.950 % 100.000 $472 (11.5%) Death Put I I TOYFBN I Semi -Annual Pay I Restricted States: OH,TX Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP. For preferred securities, # of shares is displayed instead of current face value, which is represented in thousands (000). The (w) in the Yield column indicates which yield value is the Yield to Worst (YTW). Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. ATY/TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.009/, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Page 10 of 25 PENHEIMER, Position Details (continued...) CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 101012022 XXXXXX9707 Position Details CUSIP Curr Face Account # Mdy / S&P Coupon Mkt Px Acq Date Tot Adj Cost Mkt Principal Unreal GIL Asset % Port Held (Underlying) Issue Description Maturity Duration Px To Date Yield ATY TEY Acq Px 1 Yid Adj Cost Px Accr Int %Adj Cost 798306WQ5 140 xxxxxx9707 Aa2/- SAN JUAN CALIF UNI SCH DIST 1.201 % 88.408 Maturity 08/01/2026 4.536% (w) 4.536% 4.536% 11/12/2021 $140,000 $123,771 ($16,229) Muni 0.89% Held (Aa21--) 08/01/2026 3.65 Cuff Yield - 1.358 % 100.000 / 1.201 % 100.000 $294 (11.6%) Federally Taxable I Make Whole Call I General Obligation I Education I Semi -Annual Pay 3130APC45 500 xxxxxx9707 Aaa/AA+ FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 1.180% 87.987 Next Call 10/26/2022 213.792% 213.792% 213.792% 10/26/2021 $500,000 $439,935 ($60,065) Agy 3.18% Held 102&2026 3.86 Maturity 10/26/2026 4.443 % (w) 4.443 % 4.443 % 100.000 / 1.180 % 100.000 $2,573 (12.0%) Cuff Yield - 1.341% Moody's Outlook Stable I S&P Outlook Stable I FHLB I Semi -Annual Pay 71884AH36 175 xxxxxx9707 Aa2/AAA PHOENIX ARIZ CIVIC IMPT CORP 1.257% 84.527 Maturity 07/01/2027 4.958% (w) 4.958% 4.958% 04/01/2022 $161,088 $147,922 ($13,165) Muni 1.11% Held (Aa2i--) EXCISE TAX REV 071012027 4.48 Cuff Yield - 1.487% 92.050 / 2.900% 92.050 $568 (8.2%) Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Make Whole Call I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 87165GV25 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- SYNCHRONYBANK 3.500% 96.799 Maturity 09/09/2027 4.224% (w) 4.224% 4.224% 09/09/2022 $245,000 $237,158 ($7,842) CD 1.56% Held FDIC Cert A, 27314 09/09/2027 4.46 Cuff Yield - 3.616 % 100.000 / 3.500% 100.000 $587 (3.2%) Death Put I I SYF I Semi -Annual Pay Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP. For preferred securities, # of shares is displayed instead of current face value, which is represented in thousands (000). The (w) in the Yield column indicates which yield value is the Yield to Worst (YT M. Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. ATY/TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.009/, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Page 11 of 25 PPENHEIMEk Coupon Cash Flow - Year 1 CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 1010112022 XXXXXX9707 Oct'22 Nov'22 Dec'22 Jan'23 Feb'23 Mar'23 Apr'23 May'23 Jun'23 Jul'23 Aug'23 Sep'23 Agency $2,950 $4,062 $4,062 $2,950 $4,375 $5,000 Agency Pass-Thru - - - - - - Asset -Backed - - - - - - - CD $6,359 $14,449 $11,517 $16,549 $12,328 $10,002 $5,593 $9,776 $10,663 $13,954 $10,422 $8,605 CMO - - - - - - - - - - - - Corporate - - - - - - - - Muni: Fed Tax - $13,741 - $15,060 $42,813 $6,284 - $13,741 - $15,060 $42,813 $6,284 Muni: Tax -Exempt - - $688 - - $7,275 - - $688 - - $7,275 Muni: Subj AMT - - - - Pfd: Fed Tax Pfd: Tax -Exempt Pfd: Cap Gains Treasury - - - - - - - - - - Total $9,309 $32,253 $12,204 $31,609 $59,203 $23,561 $8,543 $27,892 $11,350 $29,014 $58,235 $22,163 Fed Tax -Exempt - $688 - - $7,275 - - $688 - - $7,275 Fed Taxable $9,309 $32,253 $11,517 $31,609 $59,203 $16,286 $8,543 $27,892 $10,663 $29,014 $58,235 $14,888 Subj to Cap Gains - - - - - - - - - - - - Subj to AMT Fed Tax -Exempt 0 Fed Taxable 0 Subj to Cap Gains 0 Subj to AMT Oct'23 Total %Tot $23,400 7.2 $130,215 40.0% $155,797 47.9% $15,925 4.9% $325,336 100.0 $15,925 4.9 $309,411 95.1 $54,000 $45,000 $36,000 $27,000 $18,000 $9,000 $0 Oct'22 Nov'22 Dec'22 Jan'23 Feb'23 Mar'23 Apr23 May'23 Jun'23 Jul'23 Aug'23 Sep'23 Oct'23 Includes all tax holdings with recognized CUSIP, quantity, market price and full analytical calculations on reporting date. Includes coupon cash flows for the next 12 months, from 1010112022 to 0913012023. Totals are the sum of rounded displayed values. The cash flows displayed are only estimates. Your actual interest and principal payments may be higher or lower than these estimates. Projected Principal Paydowns for CMOs are produced by applying current pool speeds which are updated weekly. Assuming similar market conditions going forward, Projected Principal Paydowns for Pass-Thru securities are produced by calculating and applying concurrent historical speeds to future paydown schedules. Page 12 of 25 PPENHEIMEk so% m a 40 Maturity & Duration - All report as of 1010112022 o v 20% °D m n e a u+ 0% , otryo,130,1'ao,1h0�6o��O,tOotAo'�OOn�~O'�ry0'�"�o'�QO'�h0'�6o'��O�Oo'�AO�OOa~Obryop906PO�hOa6ob1 o600aA0y0oy~� c`�a� ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry,�O tQ¢ Q¢ 4D % ems' m n 20% rri 0% O�' Ory O� Ob Oh 06 01 00 09 .y0 .y'Y try 'Y'h ,yb ,yh 'fro 11 ,Y0 19 .10 ry'1' ryry rya ryQ .y<o ryro �'t ry0 .tA .50 Ox 00 Oti 01' 09' Oa Oh Ord O'�' O$ 00' .�0' .�'ti tiry tip' ,yP tih' yH .�'t' y9 .y0' ,y0' .1'ti ,1'1%,l"i ryp ryh' ,t/d ry1' ry0 ry0' '� Displays represent % ofmarket principal for all tax lot holdings with a recognized CUSIP, quantity, current market price and full analytical calculations. Average life used for principal paydowns, and perpetual securities are assigned a 40 year maturity. Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. CITY OF HUTCHINSON XXXXXX9707 Year Curr Face % Mkt Principal % Range Curr Face % Mkt Principal 2022 $640,000 4.07% $638,601 4.24% 00-01 $2,855,000 18.14% $2,837,530 18.85% 2023 $2,755,000 17.50% $2,721,338 18.08% 01-02 $6,820,000 43.33% $6,596,230 43.83% 2024 $6,525,000 41A5% $6,302,940 41.88% 02-03 $3,325,000 21.12% $3,158,619 20.99% 2025 $3,080,000 19.57% $2,929,500 19.46% 03-04 $2,320,000 14.74% $2,072,707 13.77% 2026 $2,320,000 14.74% $2,072,707 13.77% 04-05 $420,000 2.67% $385,080 2.56% 2027 $420,000 2.67% $385,080 2.56% 05-06 2028 06-07 2029 07-08 2030 08-09 2031 09-10 2032 10-11 2033 11-12 2034 12-13 2035 13-14 2036 14-15 2037 15-16 2038 16-17 2039 17-18 2040 18-19 2041 19-20 2042 20-21 2043 21-22 2044 22-23 2045 23-24 2046 24-25 2047 25-26 2048 26-27 2049 27-28 2050 28-29 2051 29-30 2052+ 30+ Perpetual Page 13 of 25 MINUTES Public Arts Commission Regular Meeting Sep 14 2022, 5:30 PM Hutchinson Center for the Arts 15 Franklin St SW, Hutchinson MN 55350 In attendance: Morgan Baum, Justin Beck, Patrick Hiltner, Kay Johnson, Pat May, Jeri Jo Redman Not Present: Jackie Fuchs, Dan Jochum (ex officio), Lynn Neumann (ex officio) • Call To Order, 5:35pm • Approve Minutes (Pat moved to approve, Morgan seconded) • Update from Lynn • Darwin was paid • Everyone to review the recommendations for next year • PAC paid $2,925 for Phase I; $1,500 paid by AFS maintenance fund • Sculpture Stroll Updates • Judges Award ■ Will be handled by a rubric and once completed will be emailed to the selected judges. ■ Judges suggested ■ Ranking discussion for rubric • People's Choice almost complete • We have enough brochures, don't place in the winter, pull any that might be ruined by weather, restock in the spring for final viewers before May turnover. • Mega Guppy sign not fully attached • Website discussion • Outdated • Do we need a stand alone website? • What is the main purpose of the website? • Morgan to create a google doc for everyone to use to brainstorm what we want out of the website • Pat will help shepard the project with Matt and Dan • Jeri Jo's sponsorship idea • What are other ways to generate funds for the PAC? • Donation questions, all gifts must go through the city and be formally accepted • Morgan to approach MITGI about sponsoring their pad similarly to Citizen's and Ridgewate • Victor Yepez was emailed regarding his sculpture. It was made clear that the City is not liable to reimburse him for the theft. • Mural Project Discussion • Discussion about PAC's role in the project. • PAC voted months ago to play a supporting role but no more. • PAC will support the proposed changes to the Conditional Use Permitting process for downtown murals; including reducing or removing the fees (there is a Planning Commission meeting on 9/20/22, Pat will try to attend) o PAC believes that our role is to be the first stop for murals and then to refer them on to the Planning Commission to ensure they meet city requirements. o Justin will communicate with the mural community working group that the PAC will not be the organization that applies for SMAC (or other) grants. • Open Discussion/New Business o Find out who officially owns the Cupola o Morgan brought forth the invitation from Mary Henke to present at a community group about the Sculpture Stroll, Mary will share dates. Once we have dates, Morgan and someone else will go and talk about the Sculpture Stroll process. • Adjourn, 7:05pm MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, September 20, 2022 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The September 20th, 2022 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Lofdahl at 5:30 p.m. Members in bold were present Chairman Lofdahl, Vice Chairman Hacker, Commissioner Garberg, Commissioner Wirt, Commissioner Sebesta, and Commissioner Janssen. Also present were Dan Jochum, City Planner, City Engineer, John Olson, City Public Works, John Paulson, City Environmental Specialist, Marc Sebora, City Attorney, Andrea Schwartz, City of Hutchinson Permit Technician and Madison Newcomb, City of Hutchinson Planning and Building Assistant. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED August 16, 2022. Motion by Commissioner Sebesta to approve September, 2022 meeting minutes. Second by Commissioner Hacker. Motion approved. 4. PUBLIC HEARING A. CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN REVIEW AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A CAR WAS FACILIT LOCATED AT 1490 MONTREAL ST SE. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the project. Mr. Jochum then covered the staff report. Chairman Lofdahl noted that Ordinance section 154.112 (12) states that vacuuming facilities shall not be located along public street and be screened. Dan noted the vacuum area will be on the side of the building and the central vac area will be at one end away from the highway and setback from Montreal. Cory Kampschroer, 682 55the St Buffalo, applicant, noted that this will be his second car wash. Other wash is in Monticello. They plan to bring the best of what they have learned to the new facility. Vice Chairman Hacker asked if this is a member program. Mr. Kampschroer noted it will be both member and individual passes. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission September 20, 2022 Page 2 Commissioner Jansen asked if this is only one car at a time. Mr. Kampschroer noted that multiple cars can fit in the "tunnel" at one time. Commissioner Sebesta asked about the operation hours. Mr. Kampschroer noted hours would most likely be Summer 7am-9pm, Winter 8am-8pm. They will see how those times go. Commissioner Garberg asked about the intersection traffic if there would be any issues with increased traffic. Mr. Jochum noted that the intersection was built to handle the traffic but the City will be applying for a grant for a roundabout at this intersection. Motion by Commissioner Garberg, Second by Commissioner Lofdahl to close the public hearing at 5:54 pm. Motion by Commissioner Sebesta to approve with 7 staff recommendations. Second by Commissioner Hacker. Item will be on City Council consent agenda on 09/27/2022. B. CONSIDERATION TO REZONE A PROPERTY FROM C-4 TO I-1 LOCATED AT 490 HWY 7 E. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the project. Mr. Jochum then covered the staff report. Chairman Lofdahl commented on the setbacks and that the building would fit the parcel. There was discussion regarding setbacks from residential property. Roland Ebent, 472 Hwy 7 E, concerned that some of the soil borings that were taken were not on the actual parcel in question, so does the City have different plans for the easement area? Wondering what the setbacks are for the zoning, He noticed that there are large overhead doors on the building and he is not sure what the access in needed for those doors? Concerned about water shed as there are currently some issues and wondering if any storm sewer would be added. Mr. Jochum noted that 1 acre of development would need to be added in order to add stormwater. The City may be looking at some ponding in the area in the future. City Staff does not feel that what is planned for the future use of the area will create an added issue to the area. Mr. Jochum also noted that the soil borings are taken from the "area" to see what is out in the general area. The applicant will need to bring in fill for the building and needs to see what is currently on site. Mr. Jochum noted that the setbacks are all met and that cross easements are also available for access if needed. Motion by Commissioner Hacker, Second by Commissioner Jansen to close the public hearing at 6:13 pm. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission September 20, 2022 Page 3 Motion by Commissioner Garberg to approve with 4 staff recommendations. Second by Commissioner Lofdahl. Item will be on City Council new business on 09/27/2022 (this will require 2 readings). C. CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 154.142 (E) AND (F) REGARDING DOWNTOWN SIGNAGE REVIEW COMMITTEE AND MURALS. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the amendment. Chairman Lofdahl asked if we need the definition of Mural. There was discussion. Motion by Commissioner Hacker, Second by Commissioner Sebesta to close the public hearing at 6:24 pm. Motion by Commissioner Hacker to approve with staff recommendation. Second by Commissioner Jansen. Item will be on City Council new business on 09/27/2022 (this will require 2 reading). D. CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE SECTIONS 154.064 AND 154.067 REGARDING MINIMUM LOT DIMENSION REQUIREMENTS. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the amendment. Vice Chairman Hacker questioned why we don't change the one -acre size requirement? Mr. Jochum noted the expense right now is the width of the project for Engineering fees. By having a shorter lot width, the parcel is financially easier to develop. If a lot is smaller than one acre than a variance can be granted if conditions are met. If needed in the future we could always change the ordinance to less than one acre. Motion by Commissioner Garberg, Second by Commissioner Jansen to close the public hearing at 6:31 pm. Motion by Commissioner Jansen to approve with staff recommendation. Second by Commissioner Garberg. Item will be on City Council new business on 09/27/2022 (this item will require 2 readings). 5. NEW BUSINESS A. NONE 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. None. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission September 20, 2022 Page 4 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A. UPCOMING MEETINGS — possible 4 lot Plat for the October meeting. 8. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Commissioner Sebesta to adjourn the meeting, second by Commissioner Hacker. Meeting was adjourned at 6:33 p.m. 111 Hassan Street SE HRA Hutchinson, MN 55350 Website: www.hutchinsonhra.com HUICHINSC)N H^.;—�. AV-1 REDEVELOPMEN- A,17�F (320) 234-4251 (320) 234-4240 Fax Hutchinson HRA Regular Board Meeting September 20, 2022 Minutes 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Renee Lynn Johnson Kotlarz called the meeting to order. Members Present: Renee Lynn Johnson Kotlarz, Gary Forcier, Robin Kashuba, Kim Merwin and Steve Jensen. Staff Present: Judy Flemming and JJ Morgan. a. Steve Jensen moved to approve the Hutchinson HRA Regular Board Meeting agenda and the agenda additions and/or corrections. Robin Kashuba seconded. The motion carried unanimously. b. The Board extended congratulations to Robin Kashuba for being appointed to the HRA Board for a second term. 2. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING ON AUGUST 16, 2022. Steve Jensen moved to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting and Robin Kashuba seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 3. FINANCIAL REPORTS Steve Jensen moved to approve the following: a. City Center General Fund payments of $24,952.83 for checks 9281 to 9289 b. City Center August 31, 2022 Financial Statements c. Park Towers Operating Account payments of $34,206.63 for checks 15809 to 15833. d. Resolution #2022-3 to Void Park Towers Operating Account Check 15719 e. Park Towers July 31, 2022 & August 31, 2022 Financial Statements Gary Forcier seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 4. PARK TOWERS a. Park Towers September Newsletter presented. b. Park Towers Vacancy Report reflected 8 vacancies. Of those vacancies, 3 units have applicants moving into them within the coming months. The waiting list currently has 4 applicants in final stages of processing and an additional 4 new applications were recently submitted and are in the preliminary processing stage. c. Operation Update I ) The Notification of Award for Loss Prevention Grant Application to Housing Insurance Agency for replacement of Federal Pacific Electrical Panels in remaining 20 units has been received for the amount of $28,300. 2) A 2022 OCAF Rent Adjustment Request to HUD has been submitted. It includes: • 1 BR from $656 to $677, 2 BR from $862 to $890 • The monthly Replacement Reserve Deposit will increase from $2,999 to $3,068 3) Preparations continue for the HUD REAC Inspection September 22, 2022. 4) Progress continues with the Tenant Annual Recertification process. 5) Draft Budget for next month Board Meeting will include salary/benefits adjustments (same as the city), 2023 rents, increased replacement reserves deposit, increased sewer costs, and more training/consulting costs. September 20, 2022 Minutes Page 1 of 2 ill Hassan Street SE HRA HUTCHINSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Hutchinson, MN 55350 Website: www.hutchinsonhra.com (320)234-4251 (320)234-4240 Fax 5. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF CITY HOME REPAIRS PROGRAM GRANTS a. Steve Jensen moved to approve the 659 2ND Ave SW City Rehab Grant and City Live and Work Grant request. Gary Forcier seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 6. COMMUNICATIONS a. Rent Control Discussion. Judy Flemming talked to Matt Mullins of Maxfield Research & Consulting, regarding this topic. According to Mr. Mullins, rent control really only works in East and Wes coast states where there is extreme high cost -of -living areas. He has heard that lenders won't lend to developers in St. Paul even with this new construction exemption that the St.. Paul City Council is considering. Economists on both sides of the issue say that rent control is not the answer. b. FYI: "A Place to Call Home, MN" c. The Maxfield Housing Study is anticipated to be completed near the end of October 2022. d. The Housing Technician has been really ramping up our program marketing. 7. ADJOURNMENT Steve Jensen moved to adjourn and Robin Kashuba seconded. The motion carried unanimously. There being no other business, Chair Renee Lynn Johnson Kotlarz declared the meeting adjourned. Recorded by Judy Flemming. HRA Executive Director Gary For(ier, Secretary/Treasurer Q September 20, 2022 Minutes Page 2 of 2